Prema Shanti
Prema Shanti
ORIG O ld and Knowing the Ne w jour ney to the wing the ~ Revie d ĂĚ dƌ dƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůĂƌůĞLJDŝƐŽ ĂĚŝƟ ĚŝƟ ŝƟŽŶ ƟŽŶ ŽŶĂů Ăů ĂƌƌůĞ ůĞLJLJ Dŝ DŝƐŽ DŝƐŽ Ž IN Prema Shanti KƌŐĂĂŶŝ KƌŐĂ Kƌ ŶŝĐ ŝĐ~ ~KƌŐĂŶŝĐ dƌĂĚ dƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůZŝĐĞDŝƐŽ ĂĚŝƟ ĚŝƟ ŝƟŽŶ ƟŽŶĂůů ZŝĐ ŝĐĞ Dŝ ŝĐĞ DŝƐŽ ŝƐŽ Ž EŽƚŽ EŽƚŽ EŽ EŽƚŽEĂƚƵƌĂů^ĞĂƐĂůƚ ƚŽ EĂƚ ĂƚƵƌ ƚƵƌ ƵƌĂů Ăů ^ĞĂ ƐĂů Ăůƚ ůƚ KƌŐĂĂŶŝ KƌŐĂ Kƌ ŶŝĐ ŝĐ~ ~KƌŐĂŶŝĐ Prema Shanti is o ur or ig inal word, combined two Sanskrit words, means "heaven-sent love and inner peace". プレマシャンティ Ⓡ dŚĞĂƵƚŚĞŶƟĐ:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůĨŽŽĚƐĨŽƌĨƵƚƵƌĞŐĞŶĞƌĂƟŽŶ DƵĐŚůŝŬĞƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞĐƵŝƐŝŶĞ͕:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞƵƐĞĚƚŽůŝǀĞŽŶĞĐŽůŽŐŝĐĂůŽƌĚĞƌĂŶĚƐĞĂƐŽŶĂůŝƚLJ͘dŚĂŶŬƐĨŽƌ ĨĂƌŵĞƌƐ ĂŶĚ ĂƌƟƐĂŶƐ͕ WƌĞŵĂ ƐŚĂŶƟ ŝŶƚƌŽĚƵĐĞƐ ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůůLJ ĂŶĚ ĂƵƚŚĞŶƟĐĂůůLJ ŵĂĚĞ ŝŶŐƌĞĚŝĞŶƚƐ ƚŽ ĐĂƌƌLJ ŽŶ ΗďĞĂƵƚLJŽĨƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞĨŽŽĚƐΗĂŶĚΗŐƌĂĐĞĨƵůŶĞƐƐŽĨ:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞĨŽƵƌƐĞĂƐŽŶƐΗ͘ Criteria for Prema Shanti Selection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Made from natural ingredients Made from ingredients grown with respect for nature and people (natural farming,organic farming,fertilizer free) Made using traditional processes Honestly made Unique products Products that show the philosophy of the producers Products that you are proud to share with your family and loved ones Filling our company standards of artificial radioactivity measurement that third-party was involved. Nuclear Radiation Food Safety and Related Concerns: Honesty and conscience are the core value for Prema Shanti products. Our approach has set, and remains, the lowest tolerance level confirmation of radionuclides less than 5Bq, whereas 100Bq is Japanese government Standard limits for Radionuclides in General Foods(50Bq Infant Foods)*. We have committed to provide necessary information based on the facts: with the enduring alliances with a consumer-driven radionuclides screening team, KƌŐĂŶŝĐĞƌĞĂůDŝdž KƌŐĂ KƌŐ Kƌ K ƌƌŐĂŶŝĐĞƌĞĂůDŝdž ŐŐĂŶŝ ŶŝĐ ŝĐ Ğ ĞƌĞ ƌĞĂů Ăů Dŝdž ŝdž Millet mix͕ biodynamically grown in <umamoto. lend of 1Ϭ diīerent millets͗ ϯ colors of ancient rice;black͕ red͕ and greenͿ͕ Ɖressed barley͕ Ɖearl barley͕ common millet;egg milletͿ͕ Foxtail millet͕ sorghum;meat milletͿ͕ :aƉanese millet ;Echinochloa esculenta in inomial nameͿ͕ ,ato Mugi;:obΖs dearsͿ͕ Ɖolished barley͕ and sweet rice. 'ood source of minerals and dietary Įber. dd delicious Ňaǀor when cooked in souƉ͕ grain Ɖaƫes͕ and salad. 200g - 30/case item:00100068 we actively ensure radionuclides level in our products before an official launch. The facts can be translated as "knowledge", which is essential for our thought and judgment. We provide information as accurate as possible to support consumers judgment to ensure their own safety. * Issued on April 1, 2012 by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. KƌŐĂŶŝĐϯͲLJĞĂƌĂŶĐŚĂƚĞĂ KƌŐĂ Kƌ K ƌŐŐĂĂŶŝ ŶŝĐ ŝĐ Đϯ ϯͲLJĞ ϯͲ ͲLJĞ LJ Ăƌƌ ĂŶĐŚ ĐŚĂ ŚĂ ƚĞ ĞĂ dĞ ĞĂď ĂďĂŐ ďĂŐ ĂŐƐ Ɛ ͬ Ɛ ͬ >Ž >ŽŽƐ ŽƐĞ Ğ ƚĞ Ğ ĞĂ ~ ~dĞĂďĂŐƐͬ>ŽŽƐĞƚĞĂ KƌŐŐĂŶŝ KƌŐĂ Kƌ KƌŐĂŶŝĐĂŝŬŽŶZĂĚŝƐŚ ŶŝĐ ŝĐ Ă ĂŝŬ ĂŝŬ ŝŬŽŶ ŬŽŶ Ŷ ZĂĚ ĂĚŝƐ ĚŝƐ ŝƐŚ ŝƐŚ ^ŚƌĞ ^Ś ŚƌĞ ƌĞĚ ĚĚĞĚ ĚĚ ĞĚ ĂŶĚ Ě ^ƵŶ Ƶ ͲĚ Ěƌŝ ƌŝĞĚ Ě~ ~^ŚƌĞĚĚĞĚĂŶĚ^ƵŶͲĚƌŝĞĚ <nown as Ηafein freeΗ tea in :aƉan. :^ Organic cerƟĮed͕ ƉlantͲderiǀed ferƟlinjers͕ g r o w n i n <y o t o a n d M i y a nj a k i ͕ <y u s y u . omforƟng and naturally sweet Ňaǀor. ,ighly selected tea twigs and leaǀes matured 2Ͳϯ years͕ roasted and blended͕ right before Ɖacking.^imilar to <ukicha͕ which Ɖromoted as the eǀeryday tea by 'eorge Osaka͕ the founder of the MacrobioƟc diet and ƉhilosoƉhy. Follow tradiƟonal rural methods. :^ Organic cerƟĮed. Made of organic daikon radish͕ a giant white radish͕ Įnely sliced͕ sunͲdried on the ste e Ɖ s l o Ɖ e o f ta kaya m a m o u nta i n . oncentrate natural sweetness͕ thick and matured natural Ňaǀor. hseful in any kind of ǀegetable dishes͗ not only :aƉanese tradiƟonal but also ethnic Θ uroƉean. olorings and addiƟǀes free. 15 tea bags/pouch - 30/case item:00100118 500g - 10/case item:00100117 50g - 50/case item:00100164 For more product information, search Macrobiotic Asia Freshly Ɖacked͕ nonͲboiled. erƟĮed :^ Organic. >ighter Ňaǀor miso made of organically grown whole soybeans and barley with Η<oũiΗ Miso starter͕barley malt͕ house deǀeloƉed with naturalͲhabitat yeasts͕ aged in cedar kegs more than a year in the tradiƟonal methods carried by Marukawa family* 1 for 1ϬϬyers. n allͲƉurƉose miso͕ great for eǀery day use. Freshly Ɖacked͕ nonͲboiled. erƟĮed :^ Organic. FullͲbodied and matured deeƉ Ňaǀor m i s o m a d e o f o rga n i ca l l y g ro w n w h o l e soybeans and rice with Η<oũiΗ Miso starter͕ rice malt͕ house deǀeloƉed with naturalͲhabitat yeasts͕ aged in cedar kegs more than a year in the tradiƟonal methods carried by Marukawa family*1 for 1ϬϬyers. n allͲƉurƉose miso͕ great for winter Ɵme. 345g(pouch) - 6/case item:00100008 750g - 6/case item:00100007 345g(pouch) - 6/case item:00100005 750g - 6/case item:00100004 hƐƵŬƵĐŚŝ^ŚƃLJƵ hƐƵŬ hƐ ƵŬƵĐ ŬƵĐ ƵĐŚŝ Śŝ ^Śƃ Śŝ ŚƃLJƵ ŚƃLJƵ LJ dƌĂĚ ĂĚŝƟ ĚŝƟ ŝƟŽŶ ƟŽŶĂů ĂůůLJ ůůLJLJͲď ďƌĞ ƌĞǁĞ ǁĞĚ ǁĞ Ě~ ~dƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůůLJͲďƌĞǁĞĚ <ŽŝŬ <ŽŝŬ <Ž <ŽŝŬƵĐŚŝƐŚƃLJƵ ŝŬƵĐ ŬƵĐ ƵĐŚŝ Śŝ ƐŚƃ Śŝ ŚƃLJƵ ŚƃLJƵ LJ dƌĂĚ ĂĚŝƟ ĚŝƟ ŝƟŽŶ ƟŽŶĂů ĂůůLJ ůůLJLJͲď ďƌĞ ƌĞǁĞ ǁĞĚ ǁĞ Ě~ ~dƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůůLJͲďƌĞǁĞĚ Extraordinarily elegant shoyu made of whole soybeans and wheat grown in the Nature Farming method established by Mokichi Okada in 1ϵϯϲ. dradiƟonally rewed with soy beans͕ wheat and Įne sea salts with Ɖure groundwater in datsuno͕ wellͲknown tradiƟonal shoyu making region since 1666. Mellow sweetness from wheat͕ amino acids comƉlex form soy bean. >ighter in color to bring out both ǀegetableΖs color and Ňaǀor. 'lass boƩled. NonͲ'MO. DŽƌĞƚŚĂŶĂLJĞĂƌŵĂƚƵƌĞĚ͘džƚƌĂŽƌĚŝŶĂƌŝůLJĮŶĞ dark colored shoyu made of whole soybeans and wheat grown in the Nature Farming method established by Mokichi Okada. dradiƟonally rewed with soy beans͕ wheat and Įne sea salts with Ɖure groundwater in datsuno͕ wellͲknown tradiƟonal shoyu making region since ϭϲϲϲ. omƉledž but well harmoninjed Ňaǀor͕ naturally matured͕ brings out deƉth of character in any food. 'lass boƩled. NonͲ'MO. 100ml - 30/case item:00100134 500ml - 12/case item:00100136 100ml - 30/case item:00100133 500ml - 12/case item:00100135 W ƌĞ WƵ WƵƌĞ:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞ Ğ :ĂƉ ƉĂŶ ĂŶĞƐ ĞƐĞ ĞƐ Ğ ƌƌŽ ƌ ƌƌŽ ƌŽǁƌƌŽŽ Ž ƚ WŽǁĚ ǁĚĞƌ ĚĞƌƌ ƌƌŽǁƌŽŽƚWŽǁĚĞƌ From Noto Weninsula ƋuasiͲnaƟonal Wark. hnreĮned͕ MineralͲrich͕ contains more than ϵϬ tyƉes of minerals in sea water mineral balance. No chemicals added͕ naturally moist. Made of beauƟful emerald green NotoͲsea water͕ ƉuriĮed͕ reduced͕ and concentrated. Follow and reƉlicate tradiƟonal salt making with indirectly boiled with low temƉerature with the doubleͲboil Θ low temƉerate crystallinjaƟon method methods;Ɖatent ƉrotectedͿ. Ňaǀorful and gentle͕ smooth͕ mellow Ňaǀor. Enhance natural Ňaǀor of any kind of dishes. 100g - 100/case item:00100015 200g - 50/case item:00100016 KƌŐŐĂŶŝ KƌŐĂ Kƌ KƌŐĂŶŝĐƌŽǁŶZŝĐĞsŝŶĞŐĂƌ ŶŝĐ ŝĐĐƌ ƌŽǁ ƌŽǁ Ž Ŷ ŶZŝ ZŝĐĞ ĐĞ Ğ sŝŶ ŝŶĞŐ ĞŐĂƌƌ ĞŐĂƌ ĞŐ <ƵƌŽ <Ƶ ƌŽnjƵ ƌŽ njƵ Ƶ~ ~<ƵƌŽnjƵ dradiƟonal and uthenƟc. Naturally aged͕ rich͕ matured͕ mellow͕ malty͕ smoky Ňaǀor. Made of organically grown rice͕ excellent clean and soŌ underŇow water͕ and ͞<uro koũi Ͳ Aspergillus awamori͕͟ brewed and aged in crocks more than a year by the standing fermentaƟon method. Zich in essenƟal amino acid͕ has been distributed as a healthful drink for years on :aƉan. >ocally tradiƟonal in <yusyu area. 200ml - 12/case item:00100190 ƌŝĞĚ^ŚŝŝƚĂŬĞDƵƐŚƌŽŽŵƐ ƌŝĞ ƌŝ ƌ ŝĞĚ ^Ś ŝĞĚ ^Śŝ ŚŝŝŝŝƚĂ ŝŝƚĂ ƚĂŬĞ ƚĂŬ ŬĞ DƵƐ ƵƐŚƌ ŚƌŽŽ ŚƌŽŽ Śƌ ŽŽŵƐ ŵƐƐ hŵĞď hŵ hŵĞďŽƐŚŝ ĞďŽƐ ďŽƐ ŽƐŚŝ Śŝ Śŝ ^Ăůƚ ^Ăůƚ ^Ă ůƚͲW ƚͲW ͲWŝĐ ŝĐŬŬĞ ŝĐ ŬĞůĚ ŬĞůĚ Ě WůƵ ůƵŵƐ ŵƐ~ ~^ĂůƚͲWŝĐŬĞůĚWůƵŵƐ uthenƟc <unju root Ɖowder͕ kunju starch͕ from zoshino͕ based on ϰϱϬ years heritage of Morino family*2. <unju Ɖowder is so called Ηwhite diamondΗ for a long Ɵme.tild mountain kunju root͕ handͲcut͕ crushed and edžtracted͕ ƉuriĮed in edžtremely cold mountain sƉring water͕ and naturally dried for more than ϵϬ days. ecember to February is dradiƟonal <unju ƉroducƟon season.<unju is considered as similar to a herbal Medicine͕ which aƉƉears in hinese dradiƟonal MedicaƟon. 'rown in Oita͕ <yusyu. ,igh Ƌuality͕ good in sinje͕ thick caƉs and sƉectacular Ňaǀor. toodͲgrown͕ hand Ɖicked͕ sun dried͕ edžclusiǀely traded and selected͕ following by the ancient method. 'ood source of Ηguanylic acidΗ comƉoses ΗhmamiΗ. Zich in ǀitamin and Įber͕ and a good source of niacin ϯ. Mushrooms are the only ǀegetable source of ǀitamin . ried ^hiitake Mushrooms is one of :aƉanese tradiƟonal foods with oǀer ϭϬϬϬyears of history. uthenƟc and dradiƟonal. onsidered Ηdhe king of alkaline foodsΗin :aƉan. ,and Ɖickled͕ cleaned͕ Ɖickled͕ sunͲdried͕ and aged for more than three years. Made of hme Ɖlums grown in the ranch managed in the Nature Farming method͕ established by Mokichi Okada in 1ϵϯϲ͕ method more than ϯϬ years. dhe natural farming method Wowerful and natural Ňaǀor͕ tradiƟonally used in ,ome remedy for a long Ɵme. 100g - 80/case item:00100158 200g - 50/case item:00100060 50g - 20/case item:00100027 100g - 50/case item:00100026 150g - 24/case item:00100155 *1 Marukawa family is only one ΗinheritedΗ Miso <oũi making knowledge and enǀironment from ancestors. *2 Morino Family has been managing the herb garden͕ ΗzakuͲso enΗ͕ since 1ϳϬϬΖs. t el:+81-50-5846-6680 fax:+81-75-223-1917 mail:[email protected] Prema Inc. ƵƚŚĞŶƟĐĂŶĚdƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů~ƚŚĞWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĨŽƌƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚĂŶĚƚŚĞŶĞdžƚŐĞŶĞƌĂƟŽŶƐ͘ ΗhDD/ΗŝƐĚĞůŝĐŝŽƵƐϱƚŚƚĂƐƚĞĚŝƐĐŽǀĞƌĞĚŝŶ:ĂƉĂŶĂŶĚĂƩƌĂĐƟŶŐƚŚĞĂƩĞŶƟŽŶŽĨƚŚĞĐŚĞĨƐĂŶĚƚŚĞŵĞĚŝĂĂůůŽǀĞƌƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚ͘dŚŝƐ ƉůĞĂƐĂŶƚƐĂǀŽƌLJƚĂƐƚĞĚĞĮŶĞĚƐĐŝĞŶƟĮĐĂůůLJŝŶϭϵϬϴĂŶĚƌĞĐŽŐŶŝnjĞĚĂƐƚŚĞŽŶĞŽĨĮǀĞďĂƐŝĐŇĂǀŽƌŝŶůĂƚĞϭϵϬϬ͛Ɛ͘,ŽǁĞǀĞƌ͕:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞĨŽŽĚƐ ŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶďƵŝůƚĂƌŽƵŶĚ͞hŵĂŵŝ͟ĨŽƌĐĞŶƚƵƌŝĞƐ͘ĂƐĞĚŽŶ͞ĚĂƐŚŝ͕͟ƚLJƉĞŽĨƐŽƵƉƐƚŽĐŬ͕ŵĂĚĞĨƌŽŵƐƵĐŚĂƐŬŽŵďƵ͕ĚƌŝĞĚƐŚŝŝƚĂŬĞŵƵƐŚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĚƌŝĞĚďŽŶŝƚŽĮƐŚ͕ĚƌŝĞĚƐĂƌĚŝŶĞĂŶĚƐŽŽŶ͕:ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞŚĂƐĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞĚǀĂƌŝŽƵƐƐĞĂƐŽŶŝŶŐƐƚŽŵĞƌŐĞĂŶĚƚŽĞŶŚĂŶĐĞ͞hŵĂŵŝ͘͟dŚĞ ŐŽůĚůŝŶĞůĂďĞůŝŶƚƌŽĚƵĐĞƐƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůůLJĂŶĚĂƵƚŚĞŶƟĐĂůůLJŵĂĚĞĂƌƟƐĂŶƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐǁŝƚŚŝŶ:ĂƉĂŶĂŶĚƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚ͘ ůůůůů--ƉƵ ů ůů-ƉƵƌƉŽƐĞhDD/ƌŽƚŚ ƉƵƌƉ Ɖ ƌƉ ƉŽƐ ŽƐĞ ĞhD Ğ hDD hDD D/ ƌŽƚ D/ ŽƚŚ ƚŚ ^^ĞĂƐŽŶĞĚͬĂƌŬ ^ĞĂƐ ĞĂƐ ĂƐŽŶ ŽŶĞĚ ĞĚͬ Ěͬ ĂƌƌŬ~ ~^Ğ tŚĞĂ tŚ ŚĞĂ ĞĂƚƚ ƚŶŽŽĚ ŽĚůĞ ĚůĞ ůĞƐ~ ůĞƐ ,ŝLJĂ , ,ŝ ,ŝLJĂŵƵŐŝ LJĂŵ LJLJĂ ĂŵƵ ŵƵŐŝ ŵ ƵŐŐŝ Őŝ~tŚĞĂƚŶŽŽĚůĞƐ dradiƟonal and authenƟc. Made of 1ϬϬй :aƉan grown wheat in the Nature Farming method. Follow tradiƟonal noodle making methods͕ ƉaƟently hand craŌed. Made of hard winter and sƉring wheat and sea salt͕ knead͕ stretched out͕ and naturally dried. tell matured Ňaǀor͕ wheat sweetness͕ smooth. dhinner than hdon͕ less cooking Ɵme. ^emiͲdried͕ ϱϬй buckwheat. Zeady to eat within ϵϬ seconds. Follow tradiƟonal noodle making methods͕ made of locally grown buckwheat͕ wheat͕ and sea salt͕ wellͲmixed͕ Įnely cut. 'reat taste and delighƞul texture Ɖroǀide healthy Įber͕ comƉlex carbs͕ Ɖrotein͕ iron͕ thiamin 1͕ niacin ϯ͕ and njinc. >ow sodium. 'ood for salad͕ cold noodles͕ hot noodles. 400ml - 12/case item:00100204 250g - 20/case item:00100123 160g - 36/case item:10000380 Earthy and strong Ňaǀored͕ beauƟful dark ƉurƉle͕ black color. Zare black beans named Η<uroͲsengokuΗ͕ handy sinjed ǀarietal only found in ,okkaido. 'rown in the nature Farming method established by Mokichi Okada in 1ϵϯ6. Zicher in soyͲ/soŇaǀones and WolyƉhenol. ^uƉerb cooked with whole grain͕ in souƉs͕ stews͕ salads. ommon in ΗOsechiͲryƃriΗ͕ dr a d i Ɵ o n a l : a Ɖ a n e s e N e w ze a r f o o d s ͕ symbolinjing a wish for health. ĚnjƵ Ě ĚnjƵŬŝĞĂŶƐ njƵ ƵŬŝ Ŭŝ ĞĂ ĞĂŶƐ ŶƐ Extraordinarily elegant Ňaǀored dnjuki eans from ,okkaido͕ grown in the Nature Farming method established by Mokichi Okada in 1ϵϯ6. hsed ǀegetable comƉost as ferƟlinjer. Mild͕ sweet͕ and nourishing Ňaǀor created by mineral rich and ǀital soil. hsed in many ethnic dishes͖ for souƉs͕ stews͕ salads͕ diƉs͕ desserts. dradiƟonally͕ dnjuki eans is used in :aƉanese tradiƟonal sweets such as dnjuki Ɖaste. 200g - 30/case item:00100105 200g - 30/case item:00100106 ƵƚŚ Ƶ ƵƚŚĞŶƟĐŵĂnjĂŬĞ͕^ŵŽŽƚŚ ƚŚĞŶ ŚĞŶ ĞŶƟ ƟĐ ŵĂ ƟĐ ŵĂnjĂ njĂŬĞ njĂ ŬĞ͕͕^ŵ ŬĞ͕ ŬĞ ^ŵŽŽƚŚ ^ŵŽŽ Ś ƌƟƐ ƌ ƌƟƐĂŶ<ŽŵĞ-ĂŵĞ ƟƐĂŶ ƟƐĂŶ Ŷ <Žŵ ŽŵĞĞ-Ăŵ ĞĂŵĞ ĂŵĞ ƌŽǁ ŽǁŶ Ŷƌŝ Ŷ ƌŝĐĐĞ ĐĞͬW ͬW WŽů ŽůŝƐ ŽůŝƐ ŝƐŚĞ ŝƐŚĞ ŚĞĚ ƌŝŝĐĞ~ ŚĞĚ ƌŽǁŶƌŝĐĞͬWŽůŝƐŚĞĚƌŝĐĞ ~ƌ dradiƟonal :aƉanese sweeteners͕ naƟonally ƉoƉular since Edo era. Made from organically grown rice͕ naturally sweetened with Η<oϬũiΗ ͕ brown rice malt͕ house deǀeloƉed with naturalͲhabitat yeasts by Marukawa family*1͕ through fermentaƟon Ɖrocess. 'entle Ňaǀor͕ naturally sweet͕ nonͲalcohol͕ ǀery nutriƟous. hsed as a dessert͕ snack͕ natural sweetening agent͕ baby food͕ salad dressing or smoothie. 250g - 25/case Brown rice item:00100012 Polished rice item:00100016 ZŝĐĞ Zŝ ŝĐĞ Ğ ƐLJƌ LJ ƵƉ Ɖ~ ~ZŝĐĞƐLJƌƵƉ dradiƟonal and authenƟc. Made of locally grown sweet rice and barley͕ Ɖroduced by steeƉing boiled sweet rice with a barley ennjyme follow tradiƟonal rice syruƉ making method dhe method has been only handed down from the father to only one of his sons for more than 1ϵϬ years. eauƟful amber color͕ ΗameͲiroΗ in :aƉanese͕gently sweet and smooth texture. dhe best segan and glutenͲfree liƋuid sugar subsƟtute. For more product information, search 200g - 30/case item:00100210 500g - 10/case item:00100211 Macrobiotic Asia ,ŝnjŝŬŝ ,ŝnjŝŝŬŝ ,ŝ Ŭŝ ^ƉƌŽƵƚĞĚtŚŽůĞƐŽŵĞ ^ƉƌŽ ^Ɖ ƌŽƵƚƚĞĚ Ě tŚŽ ŚŽůĞ ŚŽů ůĞƐŽ ůĞƐŽ ŽŵĞ ^ĞƐĂŵĞƉĂƐƚĞ ^ĞƐĂ ^ĞƐĂ ^Ğ ƐĂŵĞ ŵĞ Ğ ƉĂĂƐƐƚĞ Ğ 'ŽůĚ 'ŽůĚ 'Ž ůĚĞŶ ĚĞŶŶ ^ĞĞƐ ĞƐĂŵ ĂŵĞͬ Ğͬů ͬů ůĂĐ ĂĐŬ ĂĐ Ŭ^Ğ Ŭ ^ĞƐĂ ^ĞƐĂ ƐĂŵ ŵĞ~ ŵĞ ~'ŽůĚĞŶ^ĞƐĂŵĞͬůĂĐŬ^ĞƐĂŵĞ & ĞƐ &ƌ ĞƐŚ Ś~ ƵĐŬŬǁŚ Ƶ ƵĐŬǁŚĞĂƚŶŽŽĚůĞ ǁŚĞĂ ŚĞĂ ĞĂƚƚ ƚŶŽŽĚ ŽĚůĞ ĚůĞ ůĞ Ğ~&ƌĞƐŚ Η h m a m i Η c o n c e n t ra t e d . u t h e n Ɵ c a n d tradiƟonal ingredients used͕ followed ͞/tamae͕͟ ,ighly skilled :aƉanese cuisine hef͕ methods. ,andy and ready to use seasoned broth͕ mulƟƉurƉose from noodle broth to seasoning for cooking. Made of clear and Įne Įsh broth and <ombu broth͕ tradiƟonally made two year shoyu͕ thite tamari shyoyu͕ and Mirin. WE^EdZ/N aǀailable. ůĂĐ ů ůĂĐŬ^ŽLJĞĂŶƐ ůĂĐ ĂĐŬ Ŭ^Ž Ŭ ^ŽLJ ^ŽLJ LJĞ ĞĂŶ ĂŶƐƐ ĂŶ tĂŬ tĂ t tĂŬĂŵĞ ĂŬĂ ŬĂŵĞ ŬĂŵĞ ŵĞ Ğ~^ŚŽƌƚƉŝĞĐĞƐ ^^ŚŽƌ ^Ś ŚŽƌ Žƌƚ ƌƚ ƚƉŝ ƉŝĞĐ Ɖ ŝĞĐ Ğ ĞƐƐ~ ĞĐĞƐ dradiƟonal. omƉletely clean͕ ready to use right out of the bag. dender dark green fronds͕ Ɖleasing mild Ňaǀor. ,ighly selected Ňeshy wakame leaǀes only͕ grown in beauƟful makusa coastal area of <umamoto. ,and harǀested͕ washed Θ desalted͕ dried͕ and cut. 'ood source of minerals and dietaly Įber. Ɖart of a balanced diet for centuries. takame has known and been eaten since Nara Ɖeriod͕ ϳϬϬΖs͕ in :aƉan. dradiƟonal͕ a Ɖart of a balanced diet in :aƉan for centuries. Only soŌ and long strings Ɖicked. tildly grown on rocky coastlines͕ hand harǀested͕ sunͲdried͕ steamed͕ and dried again in tradiƟonal manner. Zich ocean Ňaǀor͕ light and delicate texture. Zich in beneĮcial Įber. >ow fat͕ low sodium͕ and a good source of minerals. Enũoy concentrated sea ǀegetable nourishment. ^oaked in water͕ drained͕ rinsed. ^immered͕ sauteed͕ good with both ǀegetates and animal Ɖroducts. 40g - 30/case item:00100121 30g - 30/case item:00100119 ^^ŽLJDŽĐŬDĞĂƚ ^ŽLJ ^Ž ŽLJ LJDŽ DŽĐŬŬ DĞĂ ĞĂƚƚ ƚ~^ůŝĐĞĚ ^ůŝĐ ^ůŝĐ ^ů ŝĐĞĚ Ě~ Mellow natural sweetness and silky smooth texture. ^ƉrouƟng adds richer and sweeter Ňaǀor than usual sesame͕ and also ^Ɖrouted sesames contain higher raƟo of Η^esaminolΗ. arefully selected͕ arƟsan roasted͕ stoneͲground.'ood for bread sƉreads͕ salad dressings͕ ǀarious sauces. MulƟƉurƉose͕ add richness in both sweets͕ confecƟonery͕ and cooking. ^imilar to dahini͕ but has richer and sweeter Ňaǀor. 80g - 40/case Golden sesame item:00100303 Black sesame item:00100302 ^ŽLJDŽĐŬDĞĂƚ ^ŽLJ ^ŽLJ ^Ž LJDŽ DŽĐŬŬ DĞĂ ĞĂƚƚ ƚ~ŚƵŶŬ Ś ŚƵŶ ƵŶŬŬ~ KƌŐĂŶŝĐDŽĐŚŝ KƌŐĂ KƌŐĂ Kƌ Ő Ŷŝ ŶŝĐ ŝĐĐDŽ DŽĐŚ ĐŚŝ Śŝ ^ƉƌŽƵƚ ^Ɖ ƵƚĞĚ Ě ƌŽ ƌŽǁŶ ǁŶ ZŝĐ ŝĐĞ Ğ~ ~^ƉƌŽƵƚĞĚƌŽǁŶZŝĐĞ tŚĞĂ tŚ ŚĞĂ ĞĂƚƚ ŶŽŽĚ ŽĚůĞ ĚůĞ ůĞƐ~ ůĞƐ ^^ƃ ^ƃŵĞŶ ƃŵĞ ŵĞŶ ŵ ĞŶ ~tŚĞĂƚŶŽŽĚůĞƐ dradiƟonal and authenƟc. sery thin͕ aƉellini like wheat noodles from ansyu͕ one of the most ƉoƉular ^omen ƉroducƟon region. Made of 1ϬϬй :aƉan grown wheat in the Nature Farming method established by Mokichi Okada. Follow tradiƟonal noodle making methods͕ ƉaƟently hand craŌed. Made of hard winter and sƉring wheat and sea salt͕ knead͕ stretched out͕ and naturally dried. tell matured Ňaǀor͕ wheat sweetness͕ smooth texture. 250g - 20/case item:00100124 hŵĞ hŵ h hŵĞWůƵŵ^ĞĂƐŽŶŝŶŐ ŵĞ Wů W Ƶŵ ŵ ^ĞĂ ĞĂƐŽ ƐŽŶŝ ŶŝŶŐ ŝŶŐ ZĞĚ ^Ś ZĞĚ ZĞ ^Śŝ ŚŝƐ ŝƐŽ~ ŝƐŽ ~ZĞĚ^ŚŝƐŽ dhe dradiƟonal Ɖickling brine from making umeboshi Ɖlums with sea salt and red shiso. Natural sourness of hme extract add fantasƟc Ňaǀor to dishes͕ such as blanched or steamed ǀegetables and salad dressings. No arƟĮcial dyes͕ ƉreserǀaƟǀes͕ or chemicals.^omeƟmes͕ hme Wlum ^easoning is categorinjed as sinegar͕ but has no brewing and fermentaƟon Ɖrocess related. 200ml - 24/case item:00100165 500ml - 12/case item:00100071 Flat and sliced mock meat made of soybeans only. ddiƟǀes and ƉreserǀaƟǀes free. Made of locally grown soybean 1ϬϬй͕ NonͲ'MO. Wressed and defaƩed without any chemical agents͕ Ɖressure cooked͕ formed͕ heatͲdried in high temƉerature. Zich source of soy Ɖrotein͕ dietary Įber and soy /soŇaǀones. 'ood for Y or ,awaiian rib͕ hinese fried ǀegetables. 90g - 20/case item:00100023 DĂůƚƚ EŽƵ DĂůƚ DĂ DĂůƚEŽƵŐĂƚ ŽƵŐĂ Ő ƚ ŐĂ 'ŝŶ 'ŝ ' ŝŶ ŶŐĞƌ ŶŐ Ğƌƌ Θ DƵƐ ƵƐĐŽ ĐŽǀĂ ĐŽ ǀĂĚ ǀĂ ĚŽ~ ĚŽ ~'ŝŶŐĞƌΘDƵƐĐŽǀĂĚŽ ' ĞĞ 'ƌ ĞĞŶ Ŷ ƚĞ ĞĂ ~ ~'ƌĞĞŶƚĞĂ ^ugar free. rƟsan and dradiƟonal. hewy͕ soŌ͕ and gentle texture similar to nougat. 'entle grainͲderiǀed sweetness. Made of sweet rice syruƉ or molt syruƉ͕ knead and beaten without heaƟng. ,igh skilled arƟsan techniƋue to form syruƉ into candy shaƉe͕ carried for more than ϯϱϬyears. dhese candies are tradiƟonally giǀen to new mothers to Ɖroduce breast milk and conǀalescents. 30g - 30/case Ginger & Muscovado item:00100325 Green tea item:00100326 lock tyƉe mock meat made of soybeans only. ddiƟǀes and ƉreserǀaƟǀes free. Made of locally grown soybean 1ϬϬй͕ NonͲ'MO. Wressed and defaƩed without any chemical agents͕ Ɖressure cooked͕ formed͕ heatͲdried in high temƉerature. Zich source of soy Ɖrotein͕ dietary Įber and soy /soŇaǀones. holesterol free͕ lower saturated fat and calories comƉared with meats. ^imilar chewy and ũuicy texture to chicken. :^ organic cerƟĮed. Follow the tradiƟonal mochi making method͕ Ɖounding methods͕ and freshly Ɖacked. :aƉanese tradiƟonal Ɖower and stamina food for centuries. hse organically grown sweet brown rice͕ sƉrouted͕ steamed͕ Ɖound͕ and ǀacuum Ɖacked. No refrigeraƟon needed unƟl itΖs oƉened. ^weet and rich grain Ňaǀor. ^oŌ and sƟcky texture when it͛s boiled or steamed. risƉy and chewy when it͛s baked. 90g - 20/case item:00100022 6pcs/pack - 20/case item:10000381 <LJŽƚ <LJŽƚŽ^ƚLJůĞZŝĐĞƌĂĐŬĞƌ ŽƚŽ ƚŽ Ž^ƚ ^ƚLJů ^ƚLJů LJůĞ ĞZŝ Ğ ZŝĐĞ ĐĞ Ğ ƌĂĂĐŬ ĐŬĞƌ ŬĞƌƌ <LJŽƚ <LJ <LJŽƚŽ^ƚLJůĞZŝĐĞƌĂĐŬĞƌ ŽƚŽ Žƚ Ž^ƚ Ž ^ƚLJů ^ƚLJů LJůĞ ĞZŝ Ğ ZŝĐĞ ĐĞ Ğ ƌĂĂĐŬ ĐŬĞƌ ŬĞƌƌ ^Śŝƌ ^^Ś Śŝƌ ŝƌŽŽ-ƚĂ Ž-ƚĂ ƚĂŵĂ ƚĂŵĂ ŵĂƌŝ ƌŝ &ůĂ ƌŝ ůĂǀŽ ǀŽƌƌ~ ǀŽ ~^ŚŝƌŽ-ƚĂŵĂƌŝ&ůĂǀŽƌ d ŵĂ dĂ ŵĂƌŝ ƌ &ůĂ ƌŝ ůĂǀŽ ǀŽƌƌ~ ǀŽ ~dĂŵĂƌŝ&ůĂǀŽƌ risƉy and Ňaǀorful ΗZZEΗ crackers follow tradiƟonal <yoto style. Made of locally grown and high Ƌuality sweet rice͕ soaked͕ steamed͕ Ɖounded͕ cut͕ naturally dried͕ baked͕ and seasoned͕ which takes more than a week to comƉlete all steƉs. ΗrareΗ is made from Mochi͕ whereas rice cracker from short grain rice. ^oƉhisƟcated and matured Ňaǀor added with Ηwhite syoyuΗ͕ authenƟcallyͲbrewed mellow Ňaǀored seasoning made of locally grown wheat and Ɖure sƉring water. risƉy and Ňaǀorful ΗZZEΗ crackers follow tradiƟonal <yoto style. Made of locally grown and high Ƌuality sweet rice͕ soaked͕ steamed͕ Ɖounded͕ cut͕ naturally dried͕ baked͕ and seasoned͕ which takes more than a week to comƉlete all steƉs. ΗrareΗ is made from Mochi͕ whereas rice cracker from short grain rice. ^aƟsfying and fullͲbodied Ňaǀor added with Ηdamari syoyuΗ͕ tradiƟonallyͲbrewed rich Ňaǀored seasoning made of locally grown whole soy beans. 65g - 10/case item:10000385 65g - 10/case item:10000386 t el:+81-50-5846-6680 fax:+81-75-223-1917 mail:[email protected] Prema Inc.