For precision
For precision
@ Ei, S. WHITE Technologies Inc. ; ':!i: .: For precision Wesettfiestanfarfs.. BuildingYourAirbrosive'JelSystem I ) Choose The RighlModel Model 6500 Features > Poweredby compressedair r Compact,lightweight and durable ) Quickpowderchanges > Powderflow rate up to 40 grams/minute r 2 lb. chambercapacity > Interchangeable chambers ) weight:18 lbs. ) Height:13" Applications > Cleaningceramicsin arts and crafls > Surfacepreparationfor bonding ) BlastingCBN wheels > Cleaningmetalparts Model K Features r Electro-magnetic vibratory feedsystem Model H Features r Tungstencarbidereinforcedpowderflow lines > Electro-magnetic vibratoryfeed system r Auxiliarypowderchamber > Powderflow rate up to 40 grams/minute >4 lb. chambercapacity r Orificeplate:8 holesx 26 mm diameter, carbidelined >Weight 60 lbs. , Heighti22%" Applications r Cleaningleadsand contactfingers ) Etchingglassand silica ) Removingcopperflashfrom EDM components Model HME Features > Separatepressureand powderflow controls > More aggressivepowderflow than 6500 ) Instantaccessibility to inner compartment > Powderflow rate up to 40 grams/minute ) 1.5 lb. chambercapacity ) weight: 33 lbs. ) Height:13" > Long life fittingsat criticalwear points r Capableof non-stopheavy-dutyoperation > Pinchvalveweardetector >Auxiliarypowderchamber ) Compatibilitywith the widest rangeof nozzles > Powderflow rate up to 55 grams/minute ) 20 lb. chambercapacity ) weight: 80 lbs. ) Height:35 %" Applications ) Removingcoatingsfrom minerals ) Paleontology research:removing matrixfrom fossils ) High toleranceprecisionmetalwork ) Rustremovalfrom moldsand dies > Metalabrasionand cleaning > Deburringaluminumand plastics Applications r Cleaningsuper-abrasive grindingwheels ) DeburringSwissscrewmachineparts > Cuttingthin siliconwafers r Adjustingand drillingcircuitboards ) Cleaningand texturingmaterials ) Cutting/drilling hardplastics r Deoxidizingcontactsurfaces 2) PulYourWorkIn Here Work Chamber >Assists in hand-heldwork > Compatiblewith all Airbrasive@ modelsand dust collectors r Temperedglass,hingedsafetylid ) Internalillumination > Screenedflooring >Access throughtwo front port-holes ) Length:19" ) Width:12" ) Height:9" 3) KeepYourShopCleon DustGollector ) Self containedfabric filter ensuresa highlyefficient,sealedsystem > Capableof removingpowder,cuttings and debrisfrom work chambers > Equippedwith a soundsilencer >Weight:190lbs. > Height:33' > SinglePhase New Product COMPACTDUSTCOLLECTOR > Weight73lbs. 4) Be PowderPorliculor Feature Powder Specification Part # Strong Abrading AccuBRADE50 4 P 1 0 5 -4 rb . Material:AluminumOxideblend Particlesize: 50 Micron AP 123 - 15 tb. AP 106 - 50 tb. Abrading Surfaces AccUBRADE10 A P 107-3rb. AP 108- 45 tb. Fine Abrading AccUBRADE27 SuperFine Abrading AccuBRADE17 Gleaning Surfaces AccuGLEAN50 Strong Gutting AccuGUT50 Peening Surfaces AccuPEEN44 Matte Finishing 75 AcCUMATTE AluminumOxideblend Material: Particlesize:10 Micron Matedal:AluminumOxideblend Particlesize:17.5 Micron AluminumOxideblend Material: Particlesize: 10 Micron media Material:SodiumBicarbonate Particlesize:50 Micron Material:SiliconCarbidemixture Particlesize: 50 Micron Material:Glass Bead media Particlesize: 44 Micron Material:CrushedGlassmedia Particlesize: 75 Micron A P 101 -4rb. A P 121- 15 tb. AP 102 - 50 tb. A P 109-3tb. A P 110- 45 tb. A P 111- 2.5 l b. AP 112- 35 tb. 4P 114-3tb. A P 115- 45 tb. r Double Screened >Sieve Tested ) Vacuum Packed > Purity Tested > ResealableLids ) Wide Selection I overnightshipping A P 116-3rb. AP 129- 10 tb. AP 117 - 40 tb. A P 118- 2.5 tb, A P 119- 35 tb. 5) ShopeTheFlowWifhNozzles Iart Number Style InsideDiameter Eart Nmber Style InsideDiameter ANlI3 Carbide Rectangular- Rt. Angle I 9x.51mm .0075"x.020"/. AN109 Carbide Roud - Rt. Angle (malethread) .032"/.8Omm Carbide Roud - Rt. Angle .018"/.46mm ANI27 Carbide Rectangular- Rt, Angle 15xl.5mm .006"x,060"/. A N l I8 AN135 Carbide Rermgulr .006"x.060"/.'l 5x1.5mm A N I2I Carbide Round - Rt. Angle (malethmd) .026"/.65mm ANIOI Carbide Rectangular - Straight I 5x2.5Omm .006"x.100"/. ANI06 Cabide Round - Straight .032"/.8Omm ANl02 Carbide Rectmgultr - Straight .007"x. I 50"/.I 8x3.75mm A N I19 Carbide Round - Straight .018"/.46mm ANI03 Carbide Rectmgultr - Straight 8x3.13mm .007"x.125"/.1 ANI26 Carbide Round - Straight .011"i .28mm ANI05 Cabide Rectangular - Straight .006"x.075"/.l5xl.88mm ANI32 Crbide Romd - Straight .018"/.46mm ANIlO Crbide Rectangular - Straight I 5x.5Omm .006"x.020"/. Ctrbide Romd - Stnight .007"/.18mm ANlI1 Carbide Rectangular - Straight .010"x.030"/.25x.75mm AN146 Cubide Romd - Straight .014"/.36mm ANI24 Carbide Rectangular - Straight I 5x1.5mm .006"x.060"/. A N II5 Carbide Romd - Straight* (malethrcad) .026"/.65mm AN125 Carbide Rectangula - Straight .003"x.060"/.08x1.5Omm ANI 16 Carbide Round - Straightr .032"/.8Omm AN13O Carbide Rectangular - Straight I 5xl.00mm .006"x.040"/. A N l 17 Carbide Romd - Straight+ (malethrod) .018"/.46mm AN120 Crbide Round - Obtuse .018"/.46mm ANI45 Crbide Round - Staight* .050"/1.3mm AN109 Carbide Round - Rt. Angle (malethread) .032"/.80mm ANIOT Sapphire Romd - Stmight .026"t.65mm AN118 Crbide Romd - Rt. Angle .018"/.46mm ANI43 Sapphire Romd - Straight .018"/.46mm - Rt. Angle ANI39 30 dqy free lriol ol Applicqlions Ingenuity Out Of Necessity >Abrading S.S.WHITE'sengineersinventedAirbrasive@ technologyin the 1950's as a precisionmaterialremovaldevice. ) GleaningDies The Airbrasive@ Jet Machineprovedso effectivein savingtime and money,we builtan entirebusinessaroundit. ) Deburring Metal From deburring Metal, to Aerospace surface preparation,the Airbrasive@ Jet Machinegivesmanufacturers the finishedresults they need, by precisely removing unwanted materials and imperfections. ) DeflashingPlastic Distinguish Yourself ) DrillingHoles In Glass > Texturing Surfaces For Paint Be the one who exploresnew ideas,worksproblemsto solutions,and uncovershidden costs. Airbrasive@ Jet Machiningwas born out of theseprincipals,andjust may be as productivefor you, as it has been for the thousands of businesses currently using it today. Free Test Drive > Etching/MarkingGomponents > DissectingElectronicGomponents Call for a free 30 day trial of our Airbrasive@ Jet Machine. Testit for yourself,without any risks. Remember,you've got nothingto lose, except the excess materialsyou never wanted in the first place. ) GertificationMarking > DrillingTantalumSheet _@ S. Ei. WHITE Technologies Inc. hle set the stan[ar[s.. ) GleaningSurfaces ) DeoxidizingGontactSurfaces ) Cutting Circuit Board Gonductors ) Frosting Glassware ) Refinishing l5l Old New BrunswickRood Piscqlowoy,NJ 08854-3761 lel.732 752 8300 tox.732 752 8315
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