11 pm PDT - Molly (the Owl)


11 pm PDT - Molly (the Owl)
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Live Owl Nest Box Cam
18279 v otes
Live Barn Owl Nest Box Cam - San Marcos, CA
This is a live feed of a wild female barn owl named Molly. The owl box is loc ated 15 feet off the ground. The male(McGee) has
a white chest and face. He usually shows up after dark but has spent an entire day with the female. For more Information
about the owls and this cam. C lick Here
Click Here to "Like" us on Facebook .
2/13/10 12:15 PM Egg Brok e
Laid 02/16/10 07:23 AM Hatched 03/21/10 11:45 AM Name: Max
Laid 02/18/10 09:13 AM Hatched 03/23/10 6:47 PM Name: Pattison
Laid 02/20/10 11:07 AM Hatched 03/25/10 3:11 PM Name: A ustin
Laid 02/22/10 02:00 PM Hatched 03/28/10 12:01 PM Name: Wesley
02/25/10 09:35 AM Est. Hatch 3/28/10 Note: didn't hatch/won't hatch
retw eet
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wally russell
No need to "like" or post "reply" for I leave you now with a soft "good-bye"
Such a happy glimpse to see 2 owls together. kathleen
Today, 23: 00:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
If you count the shadow, there's thr ee!
Today, 22: 59:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lynda C
Back just for a minute to peek in on the owl box. WAY past bedtime again, so will check back later in the morning. MERRITT, saw your br ight tiger head.
Welcome back to Mollyland. Hope you know you have been missed and spoken of oft en (all nice t hings, of cour se !!) Good night all.
Today, 22: 59:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Mer rit t
Tyto alba
They remind me of this video right now!
Today, 22: 59:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
Did Wesley come out ?
Today, 22: 57:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
ok. ..1....... ...... .2. ....... ....... ...... ...great. ....now let's have a chor us of rockabye owlets... ...i'll NEVER get to bed at this rate!
Today, 22: 57:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Merrit t
Darlene Salisbury
well well well. There are our two youngest..
Today, 22: 56:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Deanna Cambron
Tyt o alba
Kathry n R
All I did was go, you know, there. did they play the entire song? I heard nothing????
Today, 22: 56:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
Today, 22:58:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris said it was the new Molly song. I don't know what I was list ening t o!
Today, 22:58:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
The song again! NO !!!
Today, 22: 55:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Tyto alba
Ty to alba alias(Julie Milne)
I can hear it as a round...t wice!!
Today, 22: 53:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
Tim Fulcher
I am stuck on Band-aids, 'cause Band-aid's stuck on me...
Today, 22: 53:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Darlene Salisbury
Darlene Salisbury
The song is playing. I wonder if that means Carlos is going to be on in a minute.
Today, 22: 53:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
well i am going t o go to bed! oh NOO OOO not THE song.. ..now i have to st ay t o sing! lol
Today, 22: 53:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Chris in Olympia, WA
Chris in Oly mpia, WA
Merritt! Can you Hear? The Molly Song!!
Today, 22: 53:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Mer rit t
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Well, Y'owl, I'm going to say Good night ...hope Wes is in the box again tomorrow morning
Today, 22: 50:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Christ ina Sigver tsen Podvin
Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
Kathryn R
do we finally know t he sex of t he owlets?
Today, 22: 48:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
A rat in the box,
Soon a gopher on the way!
Wes will never move!
Today, 22: 48:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Christ ina Sigver tsen Podvin
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
wally russell
Ruth..... Please stand on one leg while you are delivered t onight's honor.
You are hereby named "Your Most Brilliant Highness" for having FIRST REPORTED the spott ing of "Where's WOWLDO" in Avataria.
May you r eign in peace and harmony and know that we shall all honor and adore thee.
Here your Royal Highness is your Crown. (Crown Royale?. ...I don't think so.)
Your humble servant, Kathleen
Today, 22: 47:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Eve Schuyler
Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
Chris in Olympia, WA
Darlene Salisbur y
Rhonda Hargrove
rm s
Kathryn R Collapse list
That is priceless, five stars! And congrats to Ruth and her puffy owl!
Today, 22:50:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Christina Sigvert sen Podvin
Karen from Mississippi
Chris in Olympia, WA
Darlene Salisbury
Kathryn R
Darlene Salisbury
It sounds like she might be "talking" to someone in the palm trees maybe. You can hear a far away squawk.
Today, 22: 47:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
Gone for a bit...what happened.. .when I left Wesley was throwing a fit ...now all quiet.. ...???
Today, 22: 46:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Memphis Debbie
I have walked away 3 times to go get ready for bed, only t o hear screeching and come r unning back! ! Ok, going for my 4th try now.....
Today, 22: 46:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Good luck and sweet dreams
Today, 22:49:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
What a noise bucket.. .
Today, 22: 46:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
hubby is sleeping.. .er ....watching his way thru inglorious bast erds... .i even got him to get up and come wat ch the baby pouncing!
Today, 22: 46:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
A few more photos: (sorry James)
Did Wesley kill Kyle t he
Pouncy Pounce!
Today, 22: 46:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
Karen from Mississippi
Linda Hendrickson
Darlene Salisbury
She finally quiet ed down for goodness sakes. .
Today, 22: 45:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sounds like my computer is spitting when it's that loud!!!
Today, 22: 45:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
ly nn
just when I was going to bed, Austin had to st art doing all that cute hopping around!
Today, 22: 44:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
Okay - seriously now ...
Today, 22: 43:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Merr itt
Ruth, look up. You will find your rewar d.
Today, 22:52:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Darlene Salisbury
Are we waiting for Molly or Mcgee to bring something by maybe??
Today, 22: 43:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Is she finally going to quiet down and eat now??
Today, 22: 42:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Is there anyone inside of the box?
Today, 22: 42:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annett e, my dear, it has come to my attention t hat perhaps you are not yet in the Avatar Collage. Although it's very cr owded, I shall make every effort
to squeeze you in. Kathleen Russell, Seat tle
Today, 22:51:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
I think Austin want s her to come out of t here.
Today, 22: 42:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Does it get any better then this??
Today, 22: 41:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Today, 22:41:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
well - I kinda enjoyed that cute litt le fuzzy baby stage! :D
Today, 22:44:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
*laugh* doing a 2 step on the top of box. .. that'll drive the girl in side MADdddd! *love it*
Today, 22: 40:23 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Do we know who is where?? Pr obably Wesley in the box and Austin on t op of the box maybe.?
Today, 22: 39:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Yes, Wes took a rat into the box for dinner!
Today, 22:43:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
What a beautiful creature. .
Today, 22: 37:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Had to tell you that I love your picture!
Today, 22:40:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bentley J.
Maybe Wesley will be t he next owl to use the box for a family. She seems very attached to it!
Today, 22: 37:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Is she upset because somebody is on her roof???????
Today, 22: 37:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Deanna Cambron
Just tuned in... Wesley's in t he box? and who is on to of the box?
Today, 22: 36:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Kathry n R
Wesley says: GET OFFA MY BOX!
Today, 22: 36:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Eve Schuyler
Patty G.
it 's dueling scr eeches!
Today, 22: 36:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
it 's MAGIC! i said merrit t's name and she appeared! hmm, now if i can use that magic for some housecleaning around my house i'll be in great shape! yes i know i
said i was going but i have to see what happens next now!
Today, 22: 35:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Rhonda Hargrove
Kathryn R
Chris in Olympia, WA
Merr itt
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Wesley says...
Today, 22: 34:06 – Like – Reply – Delet e
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Kathryn R
Chris in O lympia, WA
Janeen in TN
Posted this earlier. I heard Wesley singing to Austin earlier.
http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=ZBR2G-iI3-I
Today, 22: 33:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Love watching pounce practice!
Today, 22: 33:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
This is mesmerizing! I feel so privileged to have the opportunit y to witness this - an owl pr acticing it's hunting techniques - it's just amazing to see!
Today, 22: 33:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Christina Sigvert sen Podvin
Ev e Schuyler
let me guess....you're really, REALLY gone this time.
Today, 22:34:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Chr istina Sigvertsen Podvin
Here's a story
Of a lovely Molly.
Who would soon have owlies of her own,
All of them had wings of gold, like their mother ,
The youngest ones in furls.
Here's a story,
Of an great owl named McGee
Who wanted a nice mate of his own,
He was one owl, living in a palm tree,
And very much alone.
Till the one day when our Molly met this fellow,
And they knew that it was much mor e than a hunch,
That t his pair would somehow form a family,
That's the way they all became t he owlie bunch.
The owlie bunch, the owlie bunch!
That's the way they became the owlie bunch!
Today, 22: 32:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Patty G.
Chris in Olympia, WA
Janeen in TN
G. C.
Kathryn R Collapse list
Fiveoskid Smith
Yes, if she leaves the food in the box she will return to it in the morning. She did t he same t hing last night.
Today, 22: 32:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Kathr yn R
Hello Ever ybody! Tonight is my last night in GA and I am finally where I have inter net access. It 's st ill rust ic in sout hwest GA where I've been. Even my cell phone
did not work down t here! AT&T is does NOT have more bar s in more places. Anyhoo, just checking in f or a moment as it is after midnight here. Good to hear that
ol' familiar screeching. I did see Wesley in the box alone earlier today but had no time at all to post then. Good to see so many of you here tonight . I have
missed you all!
Today, 22: 31:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Rhonda Hargrove
Karen Ter rell Ballard
Chris in Olympia, WA
Karen from Mississippi
Christina Sigvertsen Podvin
Ruth ~ from MN
Kathryn R
Missed you too Merrit t! What a welcome face.
Today, 22:32:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
Thanks, Kathryn. Yes, I "like" your photos! I logged on just as you posted those. Great timing f or me.
Today, 22:33:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
So many peeps got adept at photos, I didn't feel I had t o post any more. But t onight was light on the photo side and I loved the colors! Thanks!
Today, 22:35:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
When you get back you'll have to spend some time catching up on the wiki. There is a new Molly song, and a hard cover book, and a DVD, and a bumper
st icker, and bookmarks, and, well, you'll have to read.
Today, 22:34:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Hi Merritt. Everyone has been asking about you..How's the vacation..
Today, 22:35:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Karen from Mississippi
Howdy ther e Tiger Lady! I've AT&T as well, and my phone doesn't work at my mother's place in Columbus, GA. (Grrr rrrr!) I was gone for a week,
unexpectedly, and just returned yesterday myself. So good to see you here!
Today, 22:38:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hi Kar en. I'm in Atlanta now so internet and phone coverage both are not a problem anymore!! !
Today, 22:41:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
gosh merritt... .you could have made a detour to savannah to see me!
Today, 22:51:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mer ritt
Chris in Olympia, WA
Austin is gettin' some smooth moves!
Today, 22: 30:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Eve Schuyler
Ev e Schuyler
I just ADORE t he pouncing game!! He's getting some good hang-time on those jumps, too! Priceless stuff t o watch.
Today, 22:33:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
It's almost as if he knows we are watching. This performance get s a A++
Today, 22: 30:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Patty G.
I think the way she takes her f ood back into the box that she will be back in the box in the morning.
Today, 22: 30:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
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wallyr ussell
diane from montana
Wat ching him hop is sooooooooo cut e. Love it.
Today, 22: 30:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Linda Hendrickson
Someone's playing hopscotch!
Today, 22: 30:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Linda Hendrickson
Kathryn R
Memphis Debbie
Anyone have a jump rope??
Today, 22: 30:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
Kat hryn R
Kathryn R
Today, 22:31:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
wally russell
Yumpin' Yiminy I do like to yump up in t he wind and flap my wings! There's something down there.. ..Here Taunt, Here Taunt!
Today, 22: 29:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Linda Hendrickson
Darlene Salisbury
We got some ser ious dancing going on.
Today, 22: 29:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
rm s
Wow what's going on? What is she so hopping mad about?
Today, 22: 29:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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wallyr ussell
Chris in Olympia, WA
Practicing Pouncing on prey!
Today, 22:29:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Ruth ~ from MN
thinking it's austin. .. if molly she'd have caught her foot on that perch and be hanging upside down!!! lol!
Today, 22:30:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Looks rather joyful to me, not mad in the least. Games young ones play, t o pr actice catching prey.
Today, 22:31:12 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Rhonda Hargrove
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Chr is in Olympia, WA
Linda Hendrickson
Chery l Melancon Hurstell
Today, 22: 28:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
diane from montana
So much in this big wor ld for little owlets to explore and learn. Getting his technique just right.
Today, 22: 28:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
Kathryn R
Darlene Salisbury
that 's gotto be Austin..
Today, 22: 28:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
well, i've got a busy day TODAY yikes! i've got to get up at the crack of dawn and f inish the yardwork so we can r eturn our fr iend's tr ailer to him. ...then of f to
the chiropract or so she can repair my body fr om all the yardwork i've done this week. it's almost 1:30am here so miss wesley will have to scr eech without me for
somebody to come feed her! hope you all have a great fr iday and weekend!
haha...glad i waited a moment! wesley is SUCH a pig! oh whooooo can leave NOW~
Today, 22: 28:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mary Carroll
Ruth ~ from MN
OHhh - i love it - I was in the basement and decided yup, that's it ... I'm out ta here - came back just in time to see someone's lovely litt le feather ed buttocks step
inside t he box... but WHAT what is t his I see? 'spose it's Aust in playing Night Games?!!!! whooo hooooHe must be siting something down on that ground!
Today, 22: 27:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Austin has been in the happy juice. O r, the wind is giving him a chance to practice his hovering technique. Owlet you decide.
Today, 22:29:37 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Ruth ~ f rom MN
Kat hryn R
Linda Hendrickson
Her sibling does not approve. Is that some kind of owl temper tantr um?
Today, 22: 27:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
diane from montana
Get that hop down!!!
Today, 22: 26:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
LOL, t he other ones ar e coming back for the pickins. ...
Today, 22: 26:49 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Okay -se took it in the box - I predict she will be back in the box for another day...
Today, 22: 26:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Tyto alba
Janeen in TN
I'll eat mine inside, t hank you!
Today, 22: 25:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
She is going to be one high maintenance lady!!
Today, 22: 25:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
She loves her lit tle box.
Today, 22: 25:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bentley J.
That looked like Wesley with a rat . Did she catch it herself?
Today, 22: 25:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
No. It was delivered to her.
Today, 22:26:34 – Like – Reply – Delete
Fiveoskid Smith
Who made the drop off?
Today, 22: 25:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
rm s
Oh no, did she drop her treat?
Today, 22: 25:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
About time!!! Bless her litt le owly heart!
Today, 22: 24:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
She's one lucky little girl!
Today, 22: 24:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
ly nn
Today, 22: 24:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
Today, 22: 23:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Merrit t
Chris in Olympia, WA
Where! Where!
Today, 22:24:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Merr itt
Kathryn R
Lookit my phot o post. She's lurking!
Today, 22:26:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Merr itt
Hi! I'm here, just checking in for a minute. I'll post something up above to say hello to everyone.
Today, 22:26:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Rhonda Hargrov e
You're home you're home!! We missed you
Today, 22:29:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mer ritt
Merrit t? Where's Merritt.. ...did you see Merritt..... wag, wag, wag, wag!
Today, 22:26:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mer ritt
Chris in Olympia, WA
Gotta sing t he Molly Song for Merr itt !!!
Today, 22:28:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mer ritt
diane from montana
Music to my ears. I was busy doing stuff around t he house and I hadn't even realized she was squaking non-stop. I have become so used to t his sound. It's
act ually lonely at night without it . I hadn't realized how much I missed it until earlier t his evening when it was so quiet .
Today, 22: 22:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Memphis Debbie
Hey guess what?? I have to attend a workshop tomorrow and they have student workshops for the kids and there is one called "Owls Eat Whoo?" "St udent s
take a closer look at owls and owl pellet s as we discover whooo they hunt" Gonna send my 10 yr old to this but HEY, I want to go too!
Today, 22: 22:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Ruth ~ from MN
I have often wished I could "like" something mor e than once. Just ain't fair!
Today, 22:23:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hang down you head, poor Wesley!
Hang down your head and cry.
Hang down your head, poor Wesley.
No r at for you to try...
checked in once last time - happy that I did, and couldn't r esist after seeing and hearing that little one! Now really, I'm gone...
Today, 22: 21:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Rhonda Hargr ove
Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Today, 22:22:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
wally russell
Food.....dry r oom.. ...food.. ....dry room... ....food. ....dry room.... ...hmmmmmmmmmm
Today, 22: 18:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Janeen in TN
Hello ever yone, Had a f amily gathering t onignt. Just getting home. So I see Wes is begging for food. What's the prediction? Will she be in the box tomor row?
Today, 22: 16:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Your name (required)
According to the Magic 8-ball - All Signs Point t o Yes
Today, 22:22:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Janeen in TN
Meta Davidson
South Louisiana checking out here. Wanted to see delivery but yawns catching up with me. Will peek in box in morning... nite all.
Today, 22: 15:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Chery l Melancon Hurstell
Not far behind you, Meta! Will check in on Wes in the a.m., time permitt ing......
Today, 22:19:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Sleep well, I just took 4 benedryl and when they hit me I'll be leaving too
Today, 22:20:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
My cats use to get scared of the noise... now it doesn't even phase them!
Today, 22: 12:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Tigermo. ....you coming to the Zoo on the 26th?
Today, 22:19:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
yup I'll be there! what time?! !!
Today, 22:20:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth...... ah you pullin my talon? We're t alkin' Rain City.... Seattle.. ...June 26th.
We ah havin' a picnic goin' to the Rapt ors Demonstration at 12:30. Come at 11:00 AM near the South Parking Lot, Cheryl will have a sign or "somethin'"
Today, 22:25:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
Here's my photos f or tonight . I haven't posted any of mine in a long time, but thought I would t onight because I loved the colors!
Today, 22: 12:40 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Christina Sigvertsen Podvin
Chris in Olympia, WA
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Karen from Mississippi
Guest Collapse list
Chris in Olympia, WA
I love the in flight ones. I didn't use to, but now I have come to see the beauty of that mot ion that the blur represent s.
Today, 22:16:11 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kathryn R
I so agree. I used to scrap those thinking they wer e "blurry" and bad, but now I really like them! How f unny how our thinking changes...
Today, 22:18:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Ruth ~ from MN
OH ... wouldn't it be incredible .. .if Wesley came back with a .... a boyfriend?!!!!! lol!!! We'd all be floored!
Today, 22: 11:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lori Fisher
Your name (required)
Ruth ~ from MN
Guess I was thinking in the terms of someone TO TAKE CARE OF HER!!!!! !!!!! high maintenance is she not?! !!! hahah
Today, 22:19:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
..... ..and just so merritt will know she's not been f orgotten....I MISS MERRITT! haha (i know she'll be reading this when she gets back!)
Today, 22: 11:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Merrit t
purdy farmsBecky , WA
OK...I am really off t o bed now. I want this to be the last thing I hear tonight! Besides the rain of course!
Today, 22: 10:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Lori Fisher
Ahhh - there's my baby girl. I was heading to bed and had to bring the site up one last t ime just to see if I could get one last look and hear her screeching. And
yep, she didn't let me down. Now I can go to bed.
Today, 22: 09:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Meta Davidson
Today, 22:12:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
The last lonely owl,
Shadowboxing and flapping,
Scr eeching for a rat .
Things are back to normal at the owl box haiku!
Today, 22: 08:12 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
Rhonda Hargrove
Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Merritt Collapse list
Do you think t he parent s will bring Wes f ood tonight?
Today, 22: 07:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
molly and mcgee will t ake care of t he owlets until they are self suf ficient. they have done a great job, no r eason to think t hey'll stop now.
Today, 22:08:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Met a Davidson
Kathryn R
Dar lene Salisbury
Patty G.
Yes, I think they will eventually bring her somet hing. She is after all their baby!
Today, 22:10:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Yep, just like each night before. That's why Wes is sitt ing and calling. With the wet weather, t he deliver ies are likely to come later t han usual. At least
that has been the "normal" r outine whenever it's rained on this group.
Today, 22:12:46 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Kathryn R
Chr is in Olympia, WA
Darlene Salisbur y
I can't believe it 's good for Wes to be all alone...she's not lear ning to hunt, poor t hing. And she's probably lonely.
Today, 22: 05:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
Don't know. Wonder if she goes out in the wee hours of night and hunts when we not here? Surely her instincts t ake over .
Today, 22:07:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
She will be alone until she mates.
Today, 22:08:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Met a Davidson
Today, 22:10:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
And then they pair of ten for life, r ight?
Today, 22:11:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
meant oft en pair . It is late!
Today, 22:11:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
doggonit alessandra! you didn't have t o remind us of THAT fact. sniff sniff .....mutt er. ..
Today, 22:20:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Is she sit ting in the rain?
Today, 22: 04:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Judi Anderson Seal
She's sit-t ing in the rain.
Just sit-t ing in the rain.
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Just sit-t ing in the rain.
What a beautiful feeling . ..
She's ... hungry again
Today, 22:06:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lat rippi
Rhonda Hargrove
Kathryn R
Kathryn R
I love that movie.. ..well, you know, the singing one...
Today, 22:07:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Judi Anderson Seal
Karen from Mississippi
great minds alike....i was singing that same tune! haha
Today, 22:09:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Judi Anderson Seal
Kathr yn R
ly nn
heard the screeching as I came back up the stairs... so happy to hear it again.
Today, 22: 04:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
maybe she WILL go back in...
Today, 22:06:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
I was t rying to reply, and "liked" inst ead!
Today, 22:07:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
so long, farewell, auf weider sehn, adieu...to you and you and you-u....good bye....goodbye.. ....... ....... goooooood byyyyyye! (now .... we sing..goooood
Today, 22: 04:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Met a Davidson
Chris in Olympia, WA
Rhonda Hargrov e
I can hear t he Von Trapp kids now...
Today, 22:09:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Chris in Olympia, WA
Good night! !
Today, 22:17:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
doo doot ooo t oo dooot oooo..... {that's a tough lyric!)
other version - different show: (hint: he hails fr om Nort h Dakot a! ) ... and Moosejaw, Saskatchewan!
so long, farewell, auf weidersehn to you ...
here's a wish and a prayer that every dream comes tr ue . ..
and now 'til we meet again!!!!
Adios, au'evoire, auf weidersehn! . .. good night! !!!
ahhhhhh .. . loved that show!
Today, 22:18:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
How do you solve a problem like the Alskat
How do you cat ch a wave upon the sand?
Today, 22:21:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Ruth ~ from MN
Today, 22:24:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
LaVon Deav er
He's back.
Today, 22: 04:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
I'm going to miss this sound so much...
The first time I checked in at night... before I star ted chatting, I thought something was wrong with the feed... all that "noise".
Now, it 's like a lovely song to me
I know I'm a bit sappy. .but, it 's after midnight here....
Today, 22: 03:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Met a Davidson
Kelly Warren
Today, 22: 03:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
miss thang is thinking.. ..if i can just get some of t he gag shag on one of the palm limbs i can make it liveable! dudley might like the new digs too. now.. ..if i can
JUST figure out how to keep the pricklies out of my back when i lie down in t he t ree it will be perfect.
Today, 22: 02:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
HA !
Don't underestimate the t enacity of our girl Wesley.
Today, 22: 02:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
I just got home from my Turkish - English Ladies Conversation Group. They threw a sur pr ise bir thday par ty for me... . Owl-themed! So funny!
I am glad to see Wes again. I was afraid I might have missed her altogether.
Today, 22: 02:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
You know, it's great to go on vacation and hang in the Palms. And all that. But personally, I like a bit of Box and Perch beneath my feet!
Today, 22: 01:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
rm s
She's baaaaack and hungry too
Today, 22: 01:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Just when we were all getting weepy-eyed . . .
Today, 22: 01:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
Luuucccccyyyyyy "I'm home!! !"
Today, 22: 01:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Cheryl Melancon Hur st ell
diane from montana
I was in anot her room, but I heard that all too familiar sound of someone's claws on the roof and came runing!! !! It 's probably Wesley! !! The pr incess. Is she
going in????
Today, 22: 01:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patty G.
Looks like a hungry Wesley is back!!!!! !
Today, 22: 01:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Nothing in there to eat baby..
Today, 22: 00:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ms B
Hooo's that!!!
Today, 22: 00:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chery l Melancon Hurstell
Today, 22: 00:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Beth Vanzo
At least these owlets keep hanging around and we can see what's happening t o them. Our tawney owl just 'was gone.'
I keep checking just to see people's not es so I know how the M&M crew is doing. I'm so please that all four are doing so well!
Now I'm off t o check the new barn owls (3 I think) in Cornwall!
Today, 22: 00:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ty to alba alias(Julie Milne)
Good morning from the UK
Yesterday they all turned up for breakfast with me!
Today, 22: 00:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ty to alba alias(Julie Milne)
There you go on cue. ..lol
Today, 22:01:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ty to alba alias(Julie Milne)
Must be my avat ar they like.. .an old relative maybe
Today, 22:02:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
yes! yes! yes!
Today, 22: 00:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky , WA
I am of f to bed. I hope we will have one more day with Wes, but I say t hat everynight! I hope to see her in t he morning. Night my friends!! Sleep well, and
dream of owls. Love to all... =^..^=
Today, 21: 59:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
purdy farmsBecky, WA
OK...a few more minutes!
Today, 22:00:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
tiger mo
Karen from Mississippi
Today, 22:03:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
If your still on. .. I will go look at my emails. I had to go through almost a thousand pictures that I took at my son's schoo today l... Seniors Breakfast and
rehersal for graduation tomorrow. .. : ((
Today, 22:11:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chery l Melancon Hurstell
"I've Been Lonely Too Long".. ....
Today, 21: 59:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Good night from Louisiana
Today, 21: 59:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
Meta Davidson
I am hanging around a bit longer just in case ...
Today, 21: 58:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Im realy haveing trouble leaveing tonight....t his might be "IT"...
Today, 21: 56:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Kat hryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Ruth ~ from MN
diane from montana
Me,too!! !! I'll probably stay up extra late and when I wake up in t he night, get up and check!! !
Today, 22:02:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
too f unny!!!! Welcome Back!!!! Would it help if we serve you warm milk, r ead a bedt ime st ory (I know where to f ind a good one!), and then tuck you int o
Today, 22:05:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
rut h.. ..is it a story about a momma and daddy owl and their 4 little babies?? i wanna hear that story please! oh... and don't forget the owlfairy, carlos
Today, 22:07:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Met a Davidson
Ruth ~ f rom MN
Rie Frisa
Owl fr iends ar e dwindling each night. I am going to try signing on in the morning to check in and hope to cat ch another sight of our last owlet.
Take care owl friends.
Today, 21: 56:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mary Carroll
Kelly Warren
Karen from Mississippi
Met a Davidson
Kathryn R
Ruth ~ from MN
Good Night from Alameda, California. It has been fun watching!
Today, 21: 55:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
Karen from Mississippi
Meta Davidson
Alameda?! We should have had a Bay Area picnic. Oh well! G'night!
Today, 21:59:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
Wally: every excerpt and dialogue clip ... i HEAR with an accent!!! No doubt and wondering HOW you do it?! {TALENT}
Today, 21: 54:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Ruth, I just read your question on camera equipment below.
Carlos uses this camera, and this lens, for his wonderful photos.
Today, 22:02:41 – Like – Reply – Delete
Ah shucks, ma'am. Thems not talons. Guess Ah jes talk funny sometimes. Doan right ly know wheah it comes from.
Today, 22:15:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ f rom MN
Ruth ~ from MN
ohhhhhhhhhh i miss the theater!
Today, 22:25:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Fiveoskid Smith
Remember when they were all lit tle and when Max first vent ured out how they all try to peek out the door at her? I know..I know..I'll quit making everyone sad.
Today, 21: 53:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Meta Davidson
Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
Stop that, Fiveoskid! Just stop it now.
Today, 21:58:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
I want to go to bed but I want to see Wes just one more time. Empty nests are difficult!
Today, 21: 53:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
wally russell
9:50 PM June 10 PST
Today, 21: 52:33 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Kar en fr om Mississippi
Chris in Olympia, WA
nit eowl (*\/*) Missouri
Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
Latr ippi
Eve Schuyler
Guest Collapse list
Kathryn R
Hey, how was your anniversary dinner???
Today, 21:54:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
I FOUND WOWLDO !!!!! Straight out . ... I did!!!! ! pr ize!!! I wanna a prize!!!! Blow pop?! treats?!
Today, 21:56:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Ruth ~ from MN
*laughing* Not sure if there's two or not ... but I found the second. AND YES -I Dooooo see the resemblance! !!!
Good one Wally. JOB WELL DONE!
Today, 21:57:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Katheleen, give Ruth a prize, will you? Maybe a copy of the collage! (Haha, joke!)
Today, 22:00:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
What a GREAT collage!
Today, 21:56:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
It's wonderful, Kat hleen. Thank you!
Today, 21:56:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Kathleen, that is absolut ely amazing, wow, you caught everything and most important, the spirit of owl cam. Bravo! Hope Carlos and Donna realize the
amazing talent on this site! Five st ar s!
Today, 22:00:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
rm s
The collage you made is AWESO ME! I want to turn it into a post er and put it up at my desk at work. So, when I get cranky or f eeling a litt le down, these
pictures will bring a smile to my face. Thanks again!!
Today, 22:00:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
How you did this is beyond me but love it ... !
Today, 22:02:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
G. C.
Oh my gosh ! you added my "wish I had this" avatar. Thank you , thank you
you ar e so sweet.
Today, 22:03:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ev e Schuyler
It really is quite fabulous! ! Thanks for all of t he hard work!
Today, 22:11:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ah assure all of you, the pleasure was owl mine.
Dinner was lovely....Hubby asked me what I thought was the best par t of our marr iage. I jes kept talkin' and talkin'. Funny, I used to be the quiet one.
Ruth, you found Wowldo! Why ah do believe you have jes won first prize. You ah heah by proclaimed to be the mos brilliant MOD heah! Ah'll be workin'
on yo crown.
Love you owl, Kathleen
Today, 22:13:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Fiveoskid Smith
Gee...looking at the box...it looks so lonely and empt y.. .do you think it's sad because it's family has abandon it ? I know... it's not a living t hing.. it did use to be a
tree at one time though and a tree is a living thing, right ? :: sigh: :
Today, 21: 51:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Kathr yn R
ly nn
I left for a minute and she's gone! My cat was calling me. He goes "ma, ma, ma" when he's looking for me!
Today, 21: 50:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Meta Davidson
Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
Kelly Warren
I totaly believe you, while others wouldent. My sister had this cat who would wake them up calling both her and her husbands names. I didnt believe it
untill I heard it myself . Spooky
Today, 21:54:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Tyto alba alias(Julie Milne)
Terri Holmes
mine lays on my wrist so I can't type
Today, 22:00:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
Today, 21: 49:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Ruth ~ from MN
Darlene Salisbury
Good night Kelly..
Today, 21:52:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Meta Davidson
Night Montr eal!
Today, 21:53:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Who just coughed? Are you telling me these have been PUPPPETS the whole time?!!
Today, 21: 49:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Chris in Olympia, WA
Kelly Warren
Its Dudly and bolty enjoying their time alone
Today, 21:51:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Fiveoskid Smith
Chris in Olympia, WA
Darlene Salisbury
Wow. I've been sit ting here at my computer since I got home at 4:30 pm (except a br eak for dinner for 30 minutes). Went out t o the front part of the house t o
let my dogs out t o potty... . everything dark.. for got to turn any lights on. I'm west coast time so it's just before ten here.
Today, 21: 49:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
Kathryn R
diane from montana
In the morning when I check in I will hold my breath--waiting to see if Wesley is in t he box or it's empt y!!
Today, 21: 48:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Karen Terrell Ballard
Meta Davidson
Meta Davidson
Assuming that is not thunder so what exactly makes that thunder-like noise at times?
Today, 21: 47:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
wind blowing over micr ophone
Today, 21:48:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
silly me but figured had to be something like t hat. Pr omise sounds like t hunder on my end.
Today, 21:54:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
This chick must go to bed. Take care my MOD fr iends, and I will see you tomor ow
Today, 21: 47:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Pamela Wray DeStef ano
Kat hryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Meta Davidson
Chris in Olympia, WA
Night, Kelly
Today, 21:49:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Darlene Salisbury
Good night Kelly..
Today, 21:49:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kathryn R
Good Night Kelly.
Today, 21:51:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Karen from Mississippi
G'nite Kelly.
Today, 21:53:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
NO W i know what that new sound is.... .that's why we saw the wing flapping too....it's somebody doing armpit music!
Today, 21: 46:52 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
As much as she loves t hat box, it's just her "Temporary home"
Today, 21: 46:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Rhonda Hargrove
Rhonda Hargrov e
Beaut iful...but , had to break out t he t issues
Today, 21:49:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
And she shall make the face of heaven so bright
that all the world will be in love with night
and pay no at tention to the garish stars.
Goodnight, lovelies! I adore you all!
Today, 21: 46:04 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Eve Schuyler
Kat hryn R
Karen fr om Mississippi
Chery l
That's really beaut iful.
Today, 21:50:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
Good night Cheryl! You are so much fun and a bright star around here.
Today, 21:50:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Good night .... Sweet owlish dreams..
Today, 21:51:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Nite Cheryl.. .you'r e pr obably gone already...things have been locked up a bit here. Sleep well and know that you are blessing to all of us!
Today, 21:54:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
LO VE this!
Today, 21:57:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Dang I gotta go pot ty my puppies..
Today, 21: 45:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hi all... Did Wes take-off??
Today, 21: 44:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Fiveoskid Smith
Today, 21:45:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
It's soooo quiet..... ......
Today, 21:45:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Wow.. that was fast.. I blinked and she's gone.
Today, 21: 44:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Someone didn't stay long. I think that's how it's going to go from now on.
Today, 21: 44:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Eve Schuy ler
Fort unately for us, they need to wean themselves from the box, too.
Today, 21: 44:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Fiveoskid Smith
Oh goody...I knew if I left she would r et urn!!
Today, 21: 43:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
the owl on the box goes screech screech screech! all the way home!
Today, 21: 43:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kar en f rom Mississippi
diane from montana
I wonder who this is!
Today, 21: 43:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chery l
Looks like the rain stopped and our baby's back!
Today, 21: 43:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Joan Schultz
hey lill' buddy
Today, 21: 43:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Terri Holmes
it s our baby
Today, 21: 43:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Looks like the rain has stopped
Today, 21: 42:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
I wonder what sound t he mic is picking up.
Today, 21: 42:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
I see someone's wings
Today, 21: 42:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 21: 42:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
I see wings flapping..
Today, 21: 41:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
owl just below cam view
Today, 21: 41:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Good night sweet owls,
May flights of angels lead thee to thy mice.
From "Owlet"
Today, 21: 40:46 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Met a Davidson
Karen from Mississippi
Ruth ~ f rom MN
Good night, Annemarie!!!
Today, 21:42:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ga night, owl! I know you're still lurking
Today, 21:44:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
While it is a bit quiet, I'll explain as short as possible why I was on the phone so much, as it's off t opic. My f riend with cancer, who had her spinal tumor
successfully removed, suddenly developed a cerebral spinal fluid leak in a nerve they snipped, and had to go into a second surgery. The surger y was
unsuccessf ul and now she's looking at several months in the hospital. I got to go see her tonight for t he f irst time in 10 days, and I had t o spr ead the word to
OK, that's all! Back to the owlz!!!
Today, 21: 39:44 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Karen f rom Mississippi
Susan Blum
Lat rippi
Meta Davidson
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Meta Davidson
Oh my!
Today, 21:42:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Pamela Wray DeStefano
I hope your friend gets better soon
Today, 21:42:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Hey ther e, that is a serious issue, and it seems you have a lot on your plate f or now. I know you are a kind and loving f riend, your friend is lucky to have
you at her side on on the phone, God Bless and speedy recovery for your friend.
Today, 21:43:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Chris in Olympia, WA
Oh, Kathr yn, You are such a good friend. Both or you are in my prayers.
Today, 21:43:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Glad you had a chance to see her, I'm sure that cheered her up. Fingers cr ossed for a better t han expected recovery. Good things can sometimes
happen at t he most unlikely of times.
Today, 21:45:05 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Kathryn R
Rhonda Hargrov e
Promise to pray for your friend and you... .this is so hard...I worked as a home health nurse for sev eral years (mostly cancer patients) and support and
love of family and friends is more important (at least as important) t han anything the docs can do. Will pass on the pr ayer need t oo if you don't mind. I
have a lot of friends that pray
Today, 21:45:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Susan Blum
Kat hryn R
Kathryn R
Thank you ever yone.
That means a lot to me...
Today, 21:48:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
Heavy duty stuff t o deal with. I also ask God be mindful of your dear friend.
Today, 21:46:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kat in IL
Kathryn R
I also had a tumor r emoved from my spinal cord and thought I was going to have a second surgery also. But it wasn't spinal fluid. I was leaking from my
incision and my son called my doctor and tricked me into going back to the hospital as I did not want to go thru anything remotely similar to what I had
just been thru. Good luck and God's blessings to you and your friend.
Today, 21:47:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Laura (TN)
Kathryn, I just signed on to check in and read about your f riend. So sor ry she is having to go through so much. It's never easy to see someone so
dear be in such pain. She will be in my t houghts and prayers. Take care of yourself.
Today, 21:47:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Keeping your f riend in my thoughts and pr ayers, Kathryn. She's fortunat e to have you as her friend. Bless her, hope her prognosis impr oves. We spent
part of the day visiting a little girl (younger sibling of a boy my daughter's age) who just went through spinal surgery for a congenital defect. This litt le
girl is also blind. She is such an inspiration to us, as I'm sure your dear friend is t o you...
Today, 21:51:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Debra East Tarpley
I've laughed and I've cried. I was happy to be a part of this.
I don't think they read t his board but (((Thank you Royals for the wonderful time. )))
I have enjoyed it from t he beggining.
It's been a slice.
Thank you from my heart.
Today, 21: 39:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Chris in O lympia, WA
Ruth ~ f rom MN
Karen from Mississippi
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
They may read it when I send t hem a DVD with a 13,746 page PDF file of all the chat from right here at the SPO!
Today, 21:42:26 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Chris in O lympia, WA
Karen from Mississippi
Kathr yn R
Debra East Tarpley
LO L That's a LO T of reading
How f un!!!
Today, 21:44:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Chris in Olympia, WA
Mihgt t ake them a few years to get through it though.
Today, 21:44:30 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
naw.. ..carlos will be t widdling his t humbs when this is all over. ..he'll have withdrawals too and will be happy for the reading mater ial! haha
Today, 21:49:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Kathryn R
Today, 21:45:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
wow .. is that truly in your plans James or are you just being facetious? .. . and I'm asking honestly! ????
Today, 21:47:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
I was being facetious only with t he page count. I have no idea how many pages it would be because we all used different page setups. But it cert ainly is
a lot of text. It will end up being around 175 separate PDF files. I may try to consolidat ed them but that would take considerable eff ort and I may not be
able to manage it as well as I would like. Regardless, I do plan to send them a DVD with ever yt hing we've capt ured here. I'll include a note to begin from
the bottom.
Today, 21:59:26 – Like – Reply – Delete
I swear I keep hearing an owl calling for food. Am I hearing things?
Today, 21: 38:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
I hear it too!
Today, 21:40:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
I don't think they're coming back.
Today, 21: 37:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
I don't think they are coming back either. . bit ter sweet..
Today, 21:38:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
They always do ... so I always hope for one more f ly by or lighting or delivery or . .. or ...
Today, 21:41:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Thousands are watching
A lonely box in the rain
The sound of silence
Today, 21: 36:36 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Susan Blum
Karen from Mississippi
Darlene Salisbury
Anyone got the song "sounds of silence".
Today, 21:38:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Karen from Mississippi
htt p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hUy9ePyo6Q
Great minds.
Today, 21:40:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Oh that's just great ! Now even Boxee is lonely in t his ongoing melodrama/owlet saga. Phuleassse, people.
Today, 21:40:08 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Rut h ~ fr om MN
Ruth ~ from MN
GO WITH IT JAMES!!!!!! ! It's for the people!! !! ... It's in the bett er interest of t he owls!!!! :D hahahah *light en up guitar man! *
Today, 21:44:16 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
BO XEEE! !! I knew s/he had name.
Today, 21:44:18 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Hey ther e Dreamcoat , ya know you secretly liked 'sound of silence" t his is (only) my second poem refer ring to t he 'lonely box in the r ain' theme for
Today, 21:51:35 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Am I t he only one going through owelet withdrawal? I'm going to miss them!
Today, 21: 36:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Mmm, I don't think so. Just a guess, mind you.
Today, 21:45:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
rm s
WallyRussell (Kathleen) - where is the collage? Can I see it on another web link?
Today, 21: 35:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Keep looking up, Baby, I'll repost soon....... ....Kathleen
Today, 21:48:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
G. C.
If I had an avat ar it would be this and my nic would be
It's owlgourdtome
Today, 21: 35:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
Ruth ~ from MN
Meta Davidson
G.C. He's now in the Avat ar collage.
Today, 21:47:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
Judy in Florida
I love r eading Shakespeare; and speaking of sleep.. .I need to get some. Good night all!
Today, 21: 32:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Latr ippi
Kelly War ren
Perchance to dream...
Goodnight, and happy dreams!
Today, 21:33:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kat hryn R
Kelly Warren
ly nn
I wonder if they'll come to the playground tonight.
Today, 21: 32:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Holly from Bothell
Chris, I responded to you but I'm in the 'basement '. Yes I am on Facebook, contact me there.
Today, 21: 30:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
Darlene Salisbury
Gee whiz.. Talk about an empty feeling..
Today, 21: 29:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
I figure Carlos will tell us he sees them flying around her e and there and if they come back to the box at times via t he facebook or blog ...
Today, 21:31:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
I just remembered WHY I am here - and WHY I opened up the blog!! !! Soooo easily distracted by all you fun feather ed fr iends!! ! ...
HALF an hour plus ago I came to retrieve Car los and Donna's address to put on the snail mail card I picked out ... plans are to STUFF their box FULL of Thank
Yous for their return upon vacation's end.!!! *welcome home* Royals!! !! love, US!
Today, 21: 29:16 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Lori Fisher
Meta Davidson
Did they say how long they would be gone? I will send one too ...
Today, 21:30:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Here is the address....
"Molly" Royal
PO BOX 2697
San Marcos, CA 92079
Today, 21:33:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ f rom MN
Ruth ~ from MN
{chuckling}!! !! thanks Rhonda!!!! Honest ... I opened up the blog JUST for that ... st art ed meandering, gawking, and then WONDERED why I was there
in the first place!
Now I don't have to open blog again and meander some more! !!!
Today, 21:39:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ f rom MN
Ruth....listen suggah...don't get distracted by all that other stuf f. We've got some serious blanks happening and if we don't get a lit tle f un f eathered, we
might give in to sadness.
Wesly, Private Owl here, now listen up youz guys, I just had dinner (fresh rat) with a gorgeous dame and she's in a serious situation, ya see. Seems like
she's had it r eal easy all her life (bein' that she's part of the Royal Family and all). Now she's escaped to an undisclosed location but at least she doesn't
have the damn papar azzi on her tail feather s no longer. BUT, she's never got ten wet befor e and she's considering moving back int o the media's glare.
Also there's some serious Mob members (or did she say Mod members), some t ellin' her to Get Back to Where She Once Belonged.
Today, 21:45:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
Cheryl in BR? You here?
Today, 21: 28:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chery l Melancon Hurstell
YEP, I'm here, Met a! Kinda boring, huh?? Never t hought I'd say I miss that screeching, but I do!!
Today, 21:33:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ms B
I don't under stand really why Wes is still squeeching if she is with the rest of the family. Hmm I feel like t he f amily has deserted Wes.. . hope I'm wr ong. But
then again they might all be hunting and Wesley hasn't joined t hem.. . and is squeeching f or someone to bring her f ood.
Today, 21: 27:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
I wouldn't be sur prised if we'r e hearing Wesley in the palm tree. Remember how sensitive the microphone is? We hear d the details of the party last week!
I don't think Wes has been left. He makes that sound - it's natural for him until he gets just a bit older and really hunts for himself.
Today, 21:32:33 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Susan Blum
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Wes is making the sounds that all young owlet s make. Some do it more than others. It does not indicate any t ype of distress.
Today, 21:35:17 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Susan Blum
No wonder I love t his chat stream! You guys are so observant and so careful in what you claim. . .
Today, 21:41:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Ms B
Thanks CAR and JH... ya'll have soothed my concerns!
Today, 21:51:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hey, James - we were f ilming a blues special in Chicago, and at the very last minute, I had to go get Koko Taylor 3 orders of McRibs before she would go on...
wanted t o hit her wit h a Wang Dang Doodle, let me tell you!
Today, 21: 26:52 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Liked by
Karen fr om Mississippi
Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
Rhonda Hargrove
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
How cool is that? And I haven't heard Wang Dang Doodle in ages! Thanks for the reminder.
I hope the McRibs were satisfactory. Wait, is that even possible?!
Today, 21:37:41 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Joan Schultz
Don't cry because they're gone; smile because you knew them.
Today, 21: 26:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
wallyr ussell
Kat hryn R
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Rhonda Hargr ove
Susan Blum
Karen from Mississippi
Patty G.
Darlene Salisbury
Kelly Warren
Meta Davidson Collapse list
Goodnight everyone, it's been fun!
Today, 21: 25:40 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Darlene Salisbur y
Joan Schultz
Karen from Mississippi
Kelly Warren
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Pamela Wr ay DeSt efano
Meta Davidson
Rhonda Hargrove
Kathryn R
Susan Blum
CAR Collapse list
Good night, Colleen!
Today, 21:27:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Good Night Colleen.. Sweet dreams. .
Today, 21:27:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Rhonda Hargrov e
Nite-nite thanks for all the songs to bop t o!
Today, 21:31:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Night, Colleen!
Today, 21:31:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Goodnight, friend! Come back soon - it's not the same without you! Sweet dreams!
Today, 21:35:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Mad Owl Disease Syndrome! Got ta love those little guys! Glad they survived t his long!
Today, 21: 25:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Meta Davidson
Susan Blum
Kelly Warren
" "
Today, 21: 24:38 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Patty G.
Karen from Mississippi
Meta Davidson
Susan Blum
Ter ri Holmes
You do look, my MO Ds, in a moved sor t,
As if you were dismay'd. Be cheerful, fr iends.
Our revels now are ending. These our owlets,
As Carlos told, were all spirits and
Are melted int o air, into thin air;
And, like t he str eaming fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd hills, the gorgeous garden,
The solemn Owl Box, the great Playground itself ,
Yea, all which scrolls past, shall dissolve,
And, like t his insubstant ial chat stream faded,
Leave not an avatar behind. We are such stuf f
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep....
- Shakespeare, The Tempest Act 4, scene 1, with minor modifications (!)
That's how it ends, this speech, "rounded with a sleep." I swear! Ther e's something touching about how sleep has ent ered into our dr ama here.
Today, 21: 24:11 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Susan Blum
zest y
Kelly Warren
Joan Schultz
Kathryn R
Mar y Pat Hyland
Karen from Mississippi
Meta Davidson
Rhonda Har grove
CAR Collapse list
We watch the owls & owlets sleep and, then, we are deprived of it, in watching them! Well, I've always been a night owl. Thanks for sharing t he t ime and
the awe of them with me, and for br aving the experience of this chat -- and f or the camar aderie. That was more than fun, wasn't it? And we were part of
Today, 21:24:22 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Joan Schult z
wallyr ussell
Judy in Flor ida
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Yes, Latrippi, MOD ifications...Nice work, thank you.
Today, 21:30:14 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Met a Davidson
Rhonda Hargrove
LO VE LOVE LOVE this! Thank you for doing it - it's really quite wonderf ul - it's the stuff that dreams are made on.
Today, 21:40:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
The blue box ... especially in the morning .. . holds the key ... sort a like that black box that goes down with the plane.
.. ....... .
Today, 21: 23:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Latr ippi
Kathryn R
Fiveoskid Smith
I think Wesley will be back, I still hear her screeching in the near by Palm tr ee.
Today, 21: 19:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Kelly Warr en
rm s
Yup I can hear someone screeching.
Today, 21:22:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
rm s.. ......a late snag for the avatar collage. You're to the lef t of Mr. Smurf.. ....... kathleen
Today, 21:24:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
rm s
Thanks, where may I see the collage?
Today, 21:27:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
wally russell
James this one's for you. It took me a long time to get it post ed up here. Lot's of character hassles. (Idea f or your novel/screen play). See Below.
Today, 21: 19:05 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kathryn R
wally russell
It was Fr iday, see. Nothin' on the news except a bungled rat snat ch.
In walks this incredible lookin' dame, see.
"Hello, my name's Kasey" she r asps.
I stand up slowly on one leg to show off my balance,
"Nice to meetcha, sweetheart. ...the name's Wesly, Privat e Owl at your service. Can I get you anything to drink?'
"I'm not really thirsty" she rasps. "But I AM hungr y; haven't eaten since last night. Tell ya what" she says to me. "I'm actually part of the Royal Family. You
know. ...well to do, but keep on the QT. How 'bout I take You to a nice lit tle place where t hey serve fresh rat and we can talk?"
By now I'm drooling f igurat ively and physically. She had me at "Hello".
Today, 21: 17:25 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Patt y G.
Rhonda Hargrove
Darlene Salisbury
Holly f rom Bothell
Susan Blum
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
G. C.
Kelly Warren
Judy in Flor ida
Curt Rawn
Meta Davidson Collapse list
Ruth ~ from MN
ROFL!!!! ! what a hoot!!! Double Feature!!! They can play toget her wit h the Broadway Pr oduction I pr oposed last night!
Today, 21:25:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth....so THAT'S where it all got star ted. I didn't know...... ...... ..Kathleen
Today, 21:27:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
Elliot threw it ar ound a bit with me - thespian action. Only request was NOT t o make it like Lion King? {dunno why!} I added char acters of owlbominable
snowmen and cats with citrus hats, mice with red helmuts, etc. etc. ... Of course, Molly and McGee would take t he leads. We already have a SLUG of
songs to weave in, and so many poems to put into t unes. ... I could settle with Off-Broadway, I'm not particular!
Today, 21:33:36 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
But drama is good!! !!
Different genres f or different folks. ... let's see - any ideas on a comedy?
Romance?! !!
Hor ror
FLICK!???? (TOTA LLY Wesley!) I am starstruck!
Today, 21:37:10 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Ruth....O h.. ...I don't think my talents are ver y thespian. I'm heterosexual, actually. (Not t hat it matters) I just might not have enough proclivity for
being a t hespian...... ....... .kat hleen am I bad when my brain isn't mushed out making the collage?
Today, 21:57:08 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Rhonda Hargrov e
I see you have many t alents. ...not just a great collage ar tist! This is great!
Today, 21:36:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
I'm just admiring Carlos photos on the blog. Breath-taking. James .. . you must know ??? What kind of equipment is he using at night ? Lense (Yes I've seen
that huge enviable white telescopic thing he's got) ... questions quest ions ... it's all got t o be incredible for the perfection these photos are...
Today, 21: 17:17 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Rhonda Hargrove
Annie (in Illinois)
Good night everyone
Today, 21: 16:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Karen from Mississippi
Good night, Annie!
Today, 21:17:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Good night Annie..
Today, 21:18:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
I finally got all my pictur es that were on the task bar saved.. Now maybe I can turn my computer off for the night.
Today, 21: 16:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Mary Pat Hyland
Catch y'owl in the A.M. Hear d the roosters this morning. It sounded as if they were telling Wes that she was chicken f or staying in OB.
Keep it real, MOD Squad. Ciao, bon soir, oíche mhaith and all that jazz.. .
Today, 21: 16:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Ruth ~ from MN
Pamela Wr ay DeSt efano
Karen from Mississippi
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Kelly Warren
Rhonda Hargrove
Latr ippi Collapse list
Kathryn R
Good night Mary Pat! Sorry was on the phone...
Today, 21:17:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mary Pat Hy land
'Nite Kathryn. I was gone for awhile on the phone, too. Lot of that goin' around ...
Today, 21:18:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Meta Davidson
Night Mary Pat. going to check out your books when t he nest is empty.
Today, 21:18:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Mary Pat Hy land
I'd be honored to know they're in Louisiana
Today, 21:19:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Meta Davidson
Consider it done! I cannot wait f or a new read! What I love about the art of writing is when t he author put s it out there it takes on a life of its own with
each reader. Love that it recreates itself -Today, 21:26:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Goodnight, friend and neighbor ! Sweet dreams, and we'll keep it r eal for you while you're gone!
Today, 21:19:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Mary Pat Hy land
Still can't believe our hometown connection!!! Must add Keeper of the Real to your of ficial duties
Today, 21:22:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Rhonda Hargrov e
Sweet Owly Dreams... ..
Today, 21:21:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar y Pat Hyland
Kathryn R
Dianne Z in Rome
Good-bye all. Off to work in It aly.
Today, 21: 15:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Kar en fr om Mississippi
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Kathr yn R
Ruth ~ fr om MN
Kelly Warren
Rhonda Hargrove
Colleen Collapse list
Have a super day Dianne.
Today, 21:16:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Good night Dianne..
Today, 21:16:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
Always fun to see those fr om lands far far away. I saw a post from - was it Peru? Paraguay? Hungary? Neptune?! I f rankly can't remember - but was
VERY impressed!
Today, 21:18:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Meta Davidson
Same here. the outreach of this is awesome!
Today, 21:23:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Have a gr eat Work Day. ...
Today, 21:22:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
how fitting that t onight tears from Heaven ar e falling.
Today, 21: 15:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
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wesley is saying... i left home for THIS?~?~?!?!?!
Today, 21:16:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Susan Blum
Susan Blum
Too funny! I t hink that myself sometimes and I'm 50!
Today, 21:23:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Have to take hubby to the air port early in the AM. Good night. Hope t o see y'owl tomor row! Will be holding my breathe while the blue box of info is loading in the
morning. Sweet owl dreams everyone!
Today, 21: 14:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Pamela Wray DeStef ano
Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
Karen from Mississippi
Latrippi Collapse list
Darlene Salisbury
Good night Melissa..
Today, 21:17:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
Night Melissa!
Today, 21:17:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Rest well. ..
Today, 21:22:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Darlene Salisbury
you know I kinda hope Wesley has graduated. That way we'd have a couple nights before Carlos and Donna leave.
Today, 21: 14:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Rhonda Hargrove
Darlene Salisbury
Today, 21:14:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Looks like it's Thursday night videos!
This one hails from on the wrong coast but, I 'm willing to bet this is the best rendition of Rainy Night in Georgia that you're likely to hear tonight, or perhaps
ever. Ser ious guitar fans may recognize the highly acclaimed but ever aloof (and left handed) Cool John Ferguson tickling the strings of a right-handed guitar,
upside down. Amazing duo, t hese two, and I've been privileged to meet and photogr aph both on several occasions over the last f ew years. They don't make
'em like this any more.
Today, 21: 14:23 – Like – Reply – Delet e
Liked by
Kathryn R
G. C.
Rhonda Hargrove
Kelly War ren
Kathy O'Connor
Susan Blum
Karen from Mississippi
Darlene Salisbur y Collapse list
DWD in A tlanta
Not raining here tonight. LOL
Today, 21:17:02 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Rhonda Hargrove
Kathryn R
That is really nice, t hank you.
Today, 21:18:00 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Rhonda Hargrov e
I think you may be right James.. .this is awsome and I've heard lots of renditions of t his song.. ..amazing
Today, 21:19:41 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Judy in Florida
Awesome video. Thanks for sharing!
Today, 21:20:49 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Meta Davidson
Absolutely amaZing! THANK YO U!!
Today, 21:22:17 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
Wow - for just a second - a fleeting moment - thought I hear d Willie in the background!
Today, 21:22:40 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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James, that is REALLY good. I'm sharing that with my music loving friends - I'm going to see how many of them are familiar with it. I wasn't, but I'm glad I
am now. Although I will sheepishly admit that I kinda like the Brook Bent on version...
Thumbs and big toes up on t his one, snowman!
Today, 21:23:47 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Mary Pat Hy land
What a perfect, mellow sendoff to Zzzzland. Love these guys. Thanks f or sharing it, James!
Today, 21:24:33 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Karen from Mississippi
Amazing voice! (Love the song, too) Just got my daughter a new guitar for her birthday, and I can't wait to play it with her.
Today, 21:25:45 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Ms B
things surely are quiet... I have a feeling things are winding down... with t he owls and the chat!
Today, 21: 14:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
Aaaiiiieee. Been on the phone with my mom for an hour. She can TOWLK!!!
Today, 21: 14:15 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Ruth ~ from MN
Chris in Olympia, WA
Karen from Mississippi
Hey, just wondering, do any of y'owl live in the Palm Springs, CA area? It would be interesting to have a get-together sometime soon ^^
Today, 21: 13:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
How do you rate this????
Today, 21: 12:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
st ars right under LIVE OWL BOX CAM
Today, 21:13:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ruth ~ from MN
Well, I was thinkin' .. . Since we've 'owl become f riends I would think Car los and Donna . .. really wouldn't mind if we come along?!!! Like all 2,500 viewers
plus??!!!! nahhh - wouldn't mind at all!
Today, 21: 12:05 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
ly nn
somet imes I can't "like", or if I do, they disappear !
Today, 21: 12:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
I've noticed that happening lately too
Today, 21:13:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
It's a bug with t he chat software. Refr esh your screen and they all reappear . Promise.
Today, 21:15:57 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Karen from Mississippi
Boid: Did you want to hear Anticipation?
Today, 21: 11:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Rhonda Hargrove
love Carly!
Today, 21:13:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Yeah, thanks Colleen - I'll listen as soon as the Beach Boys are done! What 's t he one someone post ed yesterday with James Tayler and Carly Simon?
That one was great, t oo. Got to keep those spirits high - cheers!
Today, 21:16:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Mocking Bird might be the one you heard!
Today, 21:20:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Rhonda Hargrove
Rhonda Hargrov e
Still bobbing along.. .love the videos! I HAVE t o learn how to get these! !!!
Today, 21:27:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathy O'Connor
Good night all.
Today, 21: 11:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Marla Woody Dillsaver
Kelly Warren
Rhonda Hargrove
I've been hearing hissing sounds for awhile - Wesley in t he palm tree? see y'owl in the morning - stay dr y Wes
Today, 21: 11:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Nope. Pr ofessor in the par lor with a maid.
Today, 21:13:44 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Kathr yn R
Ruth ~ from MN
Now you're t alking like Elliot!!!!! lol!
Today, 21:19:45 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Goodnight, friend! You stay dry, too!
Today, 21:15:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Come back soon! Sweet dreams.
Kathryn R
Well, goodnight from Concor d, NC..... sad t hat t his could be it, but I wouldn't have missed any of it--the owls, Car los, & especially my fellow MODs--I will miss
you the most. Sigh.... ....
Today, 21: 10:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Holly from Bothell
Kelly Warren
We will miss you too!
Today, 21:12:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Holly from Bothell
Like George would say: 'Goodnight Gracie' I'm sure you've hear that one before!
Today, 21:12:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Once or twice
G'nite y'owl!
Today, 21:15:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Here's a five-star r at ing for all of you MODS out t here whoooo have kept me company for these last few months! Love ya owl!
Today, 21: 10:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Holly from Bothell
Karen from Mississippi
Likewise!! ! Though I keep forgetting my starz.
Today, 21:12:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Dianne Z in Rome
My love and thanks t o Carlos and Donna for all t he joy and friendship they have provided us MODs.
Today, 21: 09:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mary Pat Hyland
My niece's dog can talk. ..
Today, 21: 09:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Fiveoskid Smith
Kar en f rom Mississippi
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Awe, too cute!
Today, 21:10:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
I think she s had enough! !
Today, 21:17:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Fiveoskid Smith
A song for Wesley, Pattison, Max and Molly.
Today, 21: 07:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Ruth ~ from MN
Lori Fisher
Darlene Salisbury
Karen fr om Mississippi
Annie (in Illinois)
Today, 21: 07:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Kelly Warren
Holly from Bothell
Maybe what we are seeing, is not rain but tears fr om all of us MOD'S....
Today, 21: 06:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Kelly Warren
Chris in Olympia, WA
Holly! Wher e have you been? Are you interested in a Seattle ar ea get-together? I'll post some inf o in the reply in a minute.
Today, 21:09:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
We'd love you t o come!! June 26th - Woodland park Zoo
Today, 21:13:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Holly from Bothell
Chris, I would love to do this. We have been busy ever y Saturday going down to my dad's house and cleaning it out so I would really like a Saturday of
Today, 21:18:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Holly from Bothell
Oh yes! Been very busy wit h 'caretaking dut ies' for my dad and his wife and just regrouping. Worn out basically. So yes, please post!
Today, 21:13:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Chris in Olympia, WA
Are you on facebook or the wiki? Is there a way you can send me a message and get me your email address? Then I if t here is more info later, I won't
have to do it her e. If not on face book or wiki, go t o the wiki and request access and tell me it is you. Then wiki will send me an email with your address.
Today, 21:23:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Holly from Bothell
I am on Facebook. Contact me there, I will be more than pleased to accept your invite. If it doesn't work for some reason I will wiki you (don't know how
but I'll figure it out!)
Today, 21:26:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sarah B Minton
Don't I hear the 'raspy' br eathing of one of the owls?
Today, 21: 05:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Dianne Z in Rome
I just peeked at the ot her group chat. Carlos said Wes was hissing in the palm tr ee.
Today, 21:07:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
hissing??? That means she does not like it ther e?
Today, 21:10:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sarah.....I didn't reconize your avat ar. ...so I copied it t o put in the Avatar Collage... ....... Kathleen
Today, 21:13:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Holly from Bothell
Ewwww I don't like this. ...too quiet. It r eminds me of t he f irst night our last human fledgling lef t home. We had four sons and always a house full of f riends. It
was the quietest night we'd had in 35 years.. ....
I still miss my baby boys!
Today, 21: 05:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Robin Green-Christenson
Kelly Warren
Susan Blum
My sist er is going t hru empyt nest syndrome and her boy is only 13 - puberty...never be seen w/ a par ent.
Today, 21:07:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
It's bad enough when they leave for a sleepover for t he night. Both of mine are at friends tonight. Well one isn't a baby, almost 19. I told my fiance it
was entirely to silent here tonight. I said we should go get Megan (the baby) and he said umm no!
Today, 21:09:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lynda C
We're still 1745 star s from hitting the 20,000 mark on the ratings !!!
Today, 21: 04:55 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kar en f rom Mississippi
diane from montana
How do you rate it ??? thanks
Today, 21:11:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
mark from NC
What's on your mind...
Today, 21: 04:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
mark from NC
This might be a silly question at t his point but what does MODS stand for?
Today, 21: 04:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Molly Obsessive Disor der
Today, 21:06:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chery l
Molly Obsessive Disor der
Today, 21:06:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mad Owl Disease Syndrome? Can't get enough of these lit tle guys
Today, 21:07:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Ruth ~ from MN
2morr ow - t he mor ning af ter tonight!!! ... MORNING OWL DRAMA!! !!
Today, 21:10:06 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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cj in fl
Annemar ie
diane from montana
Whoever thought watching an owl famil could be so entertaining. And that we would all become so involved wit h their lives??????? Wonderful!!
Today, 21: 03:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Whoo knew,
That our precious lit tle baby Wesley,
Spoiled, fussed over, a fuzzy late bloomer,
Would be left alone,
A lonely squawking owlie.
And then, just like that, just like that,
Silently fly of f int o the night
Leaving her safe and warm home,
Standing empty in the rain.
Today, 21: 03:18 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kar en fr om Mississippi
Lynda C
Dar lene Salisbury
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Pat ty G. Collapse list
Nancy W.
Goodnight all. I'll be back on early to see if Wes is back in the box.
Today, 21: 03:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
sam ny
the dutch owlets are at the teradact yl fuzz-ball stage.
http://www.beleef delente.nl/kerkuil
We ar e so spoiled here in Carlos-land with t he cameras in color.
Today, 21: 02:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Annemar ie
Kar en f rom Mississippi
They are adorable! We need to give them names so we can migrate there and have a good time all over again!
Today, 21:04:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lynda C
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Ruth ~ from MN
Hello there! Is it safe to come in?!
Today, 21: 01:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Darlene Salisbur y
Ruth ~ from MN
Kar en fr om Mississippi Collapse list
Hello Ruth!
Today, 21:02:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Ruth ~ fr om MN
Ruth ~ from MN
I just came from Jame's PDF files. This is incr edible work. I've never looked. Impressive - ?I t hink?! One needs mucho t ime!
Today, 21:04:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
wesley - "it 's r aining - I don't need no stinking palm tree"
Today, 21: 00:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Betty Coffey -Davis
Folks as much as I (we) have enjoyed this, its probably over. If Wesann came out and went to the palm tree, that is where she will probably stay. I can't begin
to imagine what a bit ter sweet this is for Carlos and Donna. They have been generous with their time (and money). What a gif t this has truly been. Love
these babies and I just want them to live a happy, long, full OWL life.
Today, 21: 00:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Darlene Salisbury
Very well said and agree one thousand percent.
Today, 21:03:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
Agree but she did come back last night. Morning I will peek...
Today, 21:03:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
I will peek too with a little bit of hesitation. Can't imagine how I will f eel is she has't returned.
Today, 21:06:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
This advent ure has been a gift.
Today, 21:05:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
I couldn't have said it any better than t hat. It's hard t o believe that it is coming to an end so soon. When you become so involved like we all have, it's
hard to let go. I have a special place in my heart for the owls and Carlos and Donna. It'll be har d on t he 14th--it'll end with a flip of a switch.
Today, 21:06:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Too quiet on t he home front t onight!
Darn that r ain--that doesn't help matters.
Today, 21: 00:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Night, owls! xx
Today, 21: 00:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Latr ippi
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Karen from Mississippi
Kelly Warren
Listen for me on the 211, Im going to sour ces on the 26th
Today, 21:01:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ohhh...sounds like secret spy code
Today, 21:08:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Chery l
I hear someone, but can't see anyone.....
Today, 20: 59:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Kelly War ren
There are thousands of people watching two cameras waiting f or an owl to come back. Does anyone see anything odd about this?
Today, 20: 59:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annemar ie
Today, 20:59:53 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Norma Trumble
Kelly Warr en
Today, 21:00:39 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Kelly Warren
nope, not me, nothing strange going on here..
Today, 21:00:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Sue Shea Pruett
Now, if you would have asked me that back in Feb, I probably would have said yes, but I've grown up a lot since then!
Today, 21:01:04 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Latr ippi
Patty G.
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly Warren
Terri Holmes
nope. Seems sane to me
Today, 21:01:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
diane from montana
When you put it that way--YES. O h well, it's been great--like nothing I have experienced before.
Today, 21:01:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Today, 21:03:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Not me!
Today, 21:03:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly War ren
Not near ly as odd as the millions of people who watch some of t hose stupid reality shows. (No off ense intended t o anyone!)
Today, 21:03:52 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Lynda C
Meta Davidson
Kelly Warren
Kelly Warren
Do you know I havent wat ched night time tv except lost since bef or the eggs hatched!!
Today, 21:05:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Meta Davidson
Nope! Seems perfectly normal!
Today, 21:04:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly War ren
I don't see the cameras. I don't see anything odd either .
Today, 21:04:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
MODS understand
Today, 21:05:28 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Imagine us to be stalkers waiting f or our next victim.
Except less creepy and more heartwarming.
...This isnt proving my point.
Ok. No. Theres nothing wr ong with watching our lit tle owls.
Today, 21:06:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Ly nda C
Today, 21:06:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Nothing odd about it! it's been an awesome experience! AND i'm glad to be apart of it !
Today, 21:09:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Patty G.
Where did she go? I can hear her!
Today, 20: 58:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Night owl, will be back in t he a.m.
No expectations for what will be will be.
Look f orward to the updates.
Today, 20: 58:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Lynda C
Good night all, gotta grind the coffee beans f or tomorrow coffee chat.Fresh brew for all!.
Today, 20: 57:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kar en f rom Mississippi
Annie (in Illinois)
Kelly Warr en
Lisa U
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Lynda C Collapse list
Annie (in Illinois)
See you in the morning Lucky
Today, 21:01:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Today, 21:02:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
"Anticipation" by Carly Simon
Today, 20: 57:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Today, 20: 57:15 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Cheryl Melancon Hurstell
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Karen from Mississippi
Darlene Salisbury
Norma Trumble
G. C.
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Meta Davidson
Rhonda Hargrove
Annemarie Collapse list
Eddie "Rabbit"
Today, 20:58:53 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Kar en f rom Mississippi
Karen from Mississippi
I bet the other "rabbits" love those rainy nights, too.
Today, 21:02:44 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Oh My Gosh Colleen . That was awesome! !! Thanks for posting that. . Rhonda..t hanks for asking f or it. .
Can I say.....like like like like....
Today, 21:00:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Rhonda Hargrov e
Love ya Colleen
Today, 21:01:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 21:05:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Sitting her bobbing my head like an owl list ening and smiling. BTW...Jade says I've always bobbed my head like t hat.. .guess I've always had a little Owl in
Today, 21:08:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
Colleen! LOVED it!! ! Thank you so much!
Today, 21:05:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Holly from Bothell
="="= Hello everyone. I haven't been here f or about a week. It's sooooo quiet! Does anyone spend the night anymore? Last I had seen was Pattison &
Wesley hung out at night in the box.
Today, 20: 57:15 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly Warren
cj in fl
We are all spending the night
Today, 20:58:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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CatnapCr aft s (jo)
Kelly War ren
Holly...... .Love your owl emoticon. Did you know Chr is, Becky, Boid, Tigermo, LaTrippi, and I are planning a get t ogether at Woodland Park Zoo on June
26th in Seattle? kathleenand larry AT comcast Dot net smoosh and dechipher
Today, 21:10:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
How do you keep 1300+ MO DS with no lives ent er tained? Sit them in front of an empty owlbox cam!!
Today, 20: 57:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Janet Van Cleef
Susan Blum
Kelly Warr en
...and give them music and videos and happy juice? and nost algic photos from t he past 3 months and haikus and horkus and poems and jokes and stories
(particularly ones about hubbies talking in their sleep)? and lit tle stars and smiley faces to play wit h and fun people to jabber with? so, who needs the
owls? Yeah, I know, WE DO !
Today, 21:04:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lynda C
Norma Trumble
NOW NOW - we have lives - we just prefer this one!!
Today, 21:07:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Fiveoskid Smith
The pickings must be slim in t his rain.
Today, 20: 56:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
Request.. ... I don't know how to post songs. ...but I'd love to hear
"I Love the Rainy Nights" by Eddie Rabbit!
If you tell me how. ..I'll try. I'm lear ning so many new things on the puter lately why not one more?
Today, 20: 54:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Norma Trumble
One of my favourite songs!! !
Today, 20:57:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
But I have no idea how to post.
Today, 20:58:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
And I believe it's I Love a Rainy Night!
Today, 20:59:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
We danced t o that at our wedding reception.. ....and it was raining that night !!!
Today, 21:00:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
I keep hearing "squirts" - I wonder if the owls are just out of camera range and relieving t hemselves? There - another one (8:50 p.m.) - and another and
another - is somebody fooling around with a whoopee cushion? Maybe Donna is putt ing one under the driver's seat pad in the RV...
The owls back yet? I need to refocus!
Today, 20: 54:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Susan Blum
Eve Schuyler
frank n texas
The water did seem to be going sideways...
Today, 20: 53:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Susan Blum
a bit windy too here
Today, 20:55:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Susan just put your avatar in the Avatar Collage.... ....... Kathleen
Today, 21:06:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Wonder if owls eat snakes. See hawks flying with them sometimes.
At least they don't have bones should be easier t o swallow.
Don't want to see it though.
Today, 20: 53:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
They do eat snakes. MEAT: It's what owls eat!
Today, 20:54:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
They do, but it's not their first choice.
Today, 20:55:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cy nthia Richards
Somtimes, I think I'll miss Carlos the most.
Today, 20: 53:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Patty G.
Susan Blum
Rhonda Hargrove
Kelly Warr en
diane from montana
Yes, Carlos was an incredible host for all of this. We couldn't have asked for a better person. You could tell he was thoroughly enjoying all of t his and all
of the interest that ever ybody showed. It was exciting and thrilling all the time.
Today, 20:57:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Lynda C
Rhonda Hargrov e
Kind of like "Scarecr ow:?
Today, 20:59:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Susan Blum
Kathy O'Connor
Cy nthia Richards
Good night all, I love my my MOD family. Funny how we got so close, but we are.
Today, 20: 52:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Susan Blum
Patty G.
Kelly War ren
Lynda C Collapse list
Chris in Olympia, WA
Good night!
Today, 20:53:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Cy nthia Richards
You too Chris.
Today, 20:54:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
purdy farmsBecky, WA
Good night, God Bless... hope to see you here tomorrow Cynthia.
Today, 20:54:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly Warren
Nancy W.
I love this and everyone in this chat room! You are so much fun and so clever and cr eative too.
Today, 20:55:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly War ren
Good night!
Today, 20:59:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
I know I'm pr obably going to get skewered for this - but Carlos said today that there's a sprinkler t hat goes off over that area. (it was on when he got up this
morning) Do you think that it 's possible that we'r e seeing wind blow stuff around, and it's the sprinkler, not rain?
Today, 20: 52:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Terri Holmes
no, it's raining here
Today, 20:53:36 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Well, ther e goes the image of, "It was a dar k and st ormy night . . ."
Today, 20:53:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
Possible, but he's never had the "sprankler" go on at this hour before. Don't know why he would do it now.
Today, 20:54:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
sprankler! :]
Today, 20:54:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Susan Blum
I'm a few miles sout h and it is in fact sprinkling (raining).
Today, 20:54:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
No, even the ostentatious rhinestone studded sprinklers in Las Vegas don't sprinkle 15 feet int o the air.
Today, 20:54:41 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Susan Blum
Lynda C
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
..and we can always hear the sprinkler when it is on. Very distinct sound.
Today, 20:55:24 – Like – Reply – Delete
Depends on how many beers they've had.
Today, 20:57:07 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Susan Blum
Janet Van Cleef
I think it's a sprinkler. Came in at a weird angle and only f or a second or two. You are right on!
Today, 20:55:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Well, considering I live in a desert 50 miles south of San Marcos and its raining here, I'm gonna guess its raining there too.
Today, 20:56:37 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Lat rippi
okay - I'm going to go with rain, then. Alt hough Pollyanna is NOT happy about this!
Today, 20:58:46 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Janet Van Cleef
This is par t of my 12 Step MO D pr ogram... watch an empty owl box while I go through withdr awals.
Today, 20: 50:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Susan Blum
Karen from Mississippi
Rhonda Hargrove
Admit you ar e powerless over t he owls.
Today, 20:53:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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toni - r ct ees
Cynthia Richards
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Susan Blum
Norma Trumble
It doesn't count when you can still hear her!
Today, 20:53:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Susan Blum
I'm afraid that's true...
Today, 21:04:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
we're all right here with you!
Today, 20:54:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Susan Blum
Terri Holmes
you are not going to get a sponsor f rom any of us. We are all co-dependents!
Today, 21:06:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky , WA
I wonder if they ar e all hiding f rom her ?!!
Today, 20: 50:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Susan Blum
Typical siblings...
Today, 20:51:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
purdyfar msBecky, WA
Rhonda Hargr ove
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
What, like hide-n-go-screech?
Today, 20:52:15 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Chris in O lympia, WA
Rhonda Har grove
cj in f l
Karen f rom Mississippi
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Susan Blum Collapse list
purdy farmsBecky, WA
Exactly!!! LOL!
Today, 20:57:03 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Lois H. - Crawfordville, FL
Was that light ning a couple of minutes ago. ?
Today, 20: 49:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Tim Fulcher
Yes, we have no Br'er Rabbit.. .
We have no Br'er r abbit to-day-ay-ayyy...
Today, 20: 49:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Nancy W.
I can't get ob1 right now. You think it might be the weather there?
Today, 20: 49:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Susan Blum
I have O B1
Today, 20:50:07 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Forecast calls for light and int ermitt ent hesit at ion on the internet tonight.
Today, 20:51:37 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Karen from Mississippi
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Lynda C
And technicolor winds blowing across the area.
Today, 20:54:09 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Sarah in L'Ile-Perr ot
Lynda C
Shadow of an owl
Scr eeching in the steady rain
Soon, silent flying
Today, 20: 49:03 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Meta Davidson
Karen fr om Mississippi
Rhonda Hargr ove
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Lynda C
Dianne Z in Rome
This rain remindedme of a funny sign I saw while on a roadtrip with my f amily. It read "Caut ion: There is wat er on the road when it rains." It just cracked me up
Today, 20: 49:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Guest Collapse list
Meta Davidson
Karen from Mississippi
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Kelly Warren
Lynda C
We saw one that said "DANGER" . That's it. Just "DANGER".
I thought it was a bit too existential to be helpful...
Today, 21:02:32 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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britt in southern cal
She's not too far off because you can still hear her squawking.
Today, 20: 48:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Norma Trumble
Wesley is nearby - I can hear her!
Today, 20: 48:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
I did it , I now have a new "r ing" tone and it is amazing. At least I think so...
Today, 20: 48:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Good for you! All that matters is that you like it!
Today, 20:49:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Good for you, now Wesley will be calling you!
Today, 20:49:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Norma Trumble
Kelly Warr en
Norma Trumble
Good for you - some people will be really surprised!
Today, 20:50:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Ly nda C
Beware of some serious star es if it rings while you are in a restaurant, grocery store, etc.
. They will surely think you ae hiding a strange cr eature in
your purse.
Today, 20:54:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Kelly War ren
Fiveoskid Smith
I left for a minute...I hear scr eeching, did Wesley come back?
Today, 20: 47:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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I thought she was coming in from the rain and ordering room service. lol
Today, 20: 47:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in southern cal
Dianne Z in Rome
If you want to send a snail mail or invite Carlos and Donna to stay in your guest room if they're in your ar ea:
Carlos and Donna Royal
P.O. Box2697
San Marcos, CA 92079
Today, 20: 47:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
Rain Is a good Thing
Today, 20: 47:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Rhonda Hargrove
Rhonda Hargrov e
I agr ee... st ill don't want to sit and wait for dinner in it
Today, 20:50:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Love ths song bt w!!!
Today, 20:52:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Yeah, I love it too
Today, 20:58:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
well - hello sweety
Today, 20: 46:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Someone else is also squawking!
Today, 20: 46:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Norma Trumble
Do we hear a real helicopter?
Today, 20: 46:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
Kelly Warren
Terri Holmes
Today, 20:47:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Their back. Maybe this will be their guest house and or a owlet B & B.
Today, 20: 45:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Judy Steer
Is that a helicopt er?
Today, 20: 45:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Meta Davidson
Wes has hir ed an escort.
Today, 20:46:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Karen from Mississippi
Nor ma Trumble
Bet te
Good--go in where it is dry!
Today, 20: 45:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
I'm wet and I want food NOW! !!!
Today, 20: 45:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Meta Davidson
I gat her it is raining a bit . Sometimes I think I hear thunder but then it does not rain ther e oft en t ill Oct am told.
Today, 20:46:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Home deliver y please!
Today, 20: 44:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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ly nn
ther e it is.. my favorite sound!
Today, 20: 44:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Marla Woody Dillsav er
did he fall off the roof???
Today, 20: 44:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Needs some shoes for that! Slippery when wet.
Today, 20:45:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar y Pat Hyland
Norma Trumble
Mar la Woody Dillsaver
needs velcro for the talons...
Today, 20:47:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Oppsy daisy
Today, 20:47:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar la Woody Dillsaver
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Today, 20:46:20 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Kelly Warren
Well, James. ..if you don't think he needs velcro, you don't need to be so blunt ...
And why don't you ever "like" anyone?
Today, 20:48:55 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Marla Woody Dillsaver
Lynda C
....... ..and another LOL! We do have a Comedy Club in our town, if you are ever appearing in Southern Michigan, please let me know
Today, 20:52:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Marla Woody Dillsaver
I was just ready to like everyone but his !!!!!
Today, 20:52:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Guest in Gig Harbor, Wa
not so keen on the rain????
Today, 20: 44:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
I'd recognize that voice anywhere.
Today, 20: 44:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Marla Woody Dillsaver
Patty G.
Lynda C
Kelly War ren
Met a Davidson
Karen from Mississippi
Guest Collapse list
Patty G.
I bought a lit tle barn owl plush off of Amazon that makes this sound. I can pr ess a button and get a Wesley fix any time of day!
Today, 20:47:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
t reehouse
Rhonda Hargrove
Kelly War ren
Meta Davidson
Karen from Mississippi
Oh how fun Pat ty!
Today, 20:51:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
Got to be Wesley. Loves that box! Food on the way?!
Today, 20: 44:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
britt in southern cal
Good grief... look who just fell from the sky in a tizzy.
Today, 20: 43:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
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sean in sd
Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Sar ah in L'Ile-Perrot
Patty G.
It sounds like somewhere off camer a Wesley is r equest ing food. Oh, now he is on camera!
Today, 20: 43:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
Someone had requested Car los & Donna's address.. ..
I got it yesterday, If this is a double post sorry.... better t oo much t han not enough
"Molly" Royal
PO Box 2697
San Marcos, CA 92079
Today, 20: 43:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
A nice refreshing sprinkle.
Today, 20: 42:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Or is that sprankle?
Today, 20:44:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
I hear it too.
sean in sd
Did somebody sneak back in the box?
Today, 20: 42:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cy nthia Richards
I've been in some tr ying times. Molly, McGee and the babes have keep my depression at bay. My new little grandson is Downs and needs his heart repair ed. All
of you and Carlos, Donna, Austin, and the owls and really been a wonderful insiration.
Today, 20: 41:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in southern cal
Annemar ie
Pat ty G.
Rhonda Hargrove
Lynda C
Karen from Mississippi
Chris in Olympia, WA
How old is your grandson? I'll be praying for him. Glad this helps you along.
Today, 20:43:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Norma Trumble
Bless your heart and baby grandson too. ..have faith and believe everything will turn out for the best...
Today, 20:44:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
I am sorry and will ask God to be mindful of your gr andson.
Today, 20:45:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patty G.
My family will remember you grandson and family in our pr ayers.
Today, 20:45:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Linda Hendrickson
God be with you and your family, Cynthia. One of my ex husband's gr andson is Down Syndrome, and was a source of trial and joy both.
Today, 20:45:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cynt hia, This has been a marvelous exper ience, hasn't it?
Best wishes for you and your little grandson.
Today, 20:46:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cy nthia Richards
My grandson is only a week old. It's hard to think of such a small and pleased creature t o have a his heart operat ed on. At least I'm in education and
have wonderful resourses.
Today, 20:46:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Aw Cynthia, my heart goes out to you.
Today, 20:47:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
You and your family ar e in my thought s and prayer s. I am glad you found this place of peace!
Today, 20:47:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cy nthia Richards
I was an outlet that I didn't expect. Please all of you out there, stay on FB and stay connected. We were joined by a wonderf ul couple that understand
more than any of us.
Today, 20:48:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Rhonda Hargrove
Patty G.
Rhonda Hargrov e
I have a cousin with Downs...they told her mom she'd live to about 5 or less... she is now 57 years old! And Debbie is loved and enjoyed by our whole
We will be pr aying f or you and your that all will go well for your little gr andson.
Today, 20:48:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Patty G.
You need to visit kelle hampton's website - her name - kellehampton dot com (so t his won't be deleted?) - it's an amazing site about her jour ney with her
daughter wit h downs, and will cheer you up anytime you need a boost. We'll say a prayer for your grandson.
Today, 20:49:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Dianne Z in Rome
This may not make sense now, but children with special needs enables t hose around them t o shine with kindness and other noble human principles. As f or
Downs kids and surger ies, miracles happen on the hour. You and your family are in my prayer s.
Today, 20:50:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
Thoughts, prayers and hugs are with you and your family, Cynthia. And they will stay wit h you whether here or on FB.
Today, 20:51:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathy O'Connor
Cynt hia, my cousin has Down's Syndrome and had to have heart surgery when he was very young. He is now a happy, active twent y five year old. He
is such a loving wonderful guy. I will keep you and your grandson in my pr ayers.
Today, 20:53:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
I hear some screeching, must be near by... .
Today, 20: 39:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Linda Greubel
Kelly Warren
Perhaps they'r e all having a 'hunting lesson'.
Today, 20:41:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
britt in southern cal
If nyou turn up the speaker, is that an owlet squawking?
Today, 20: 39:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Linda Greubel
Kelly Warren
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Oh no you don't! I ain't falling for t hat trick again. The last time I did that....
Today, 20:41:00 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Kelly Warren
Eve Schuyler
Meta Davidson
Guest Collapse list
Today, 20:41:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
toni - rctees
Now I can hear them squalking....I missed that sound!!
Today, 20: 39:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Linda Greubel
Kelly Warren
Cy nthia Richards
Leslee, come see me on FB, Cindy Richards. Of course I'm on Mollys f acebook. You know, I usually say Geezo Pezoo. thanks girlfriend!
Today, 20: 38:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Cynt hia just adder your sleeping kitty to the Avat ar Collage. ....... ..Kathleen
Today, 20:59:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sue from Syracuse
G'night, all. I'm getting downright depressed wat ching that empt y house and imagining what morning will bring (or not !!) I know I'm not supposed to hope she'll
be back, but.... . gonna go to bed with my book.
Today, 20: 38:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in southern cal
toni - rctees
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly Warren
Lynda C
I think a lot of what we are seeing in OB2 is insects and ot her particles blowing around. That camera is very sensitive. Nothing appearing as heavy rain in OB1
The owl box doesn't look wet and there is no sign of drops coming off the r oof. There may be a light shower, but curr ent weather in San Marcos is "overcast"
Today, 20: 37:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly War ren
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Looks just like the light misty-rain they had not t oo long ago. It's definitely pr ecipitation, just very small drops.
Today, 20:40:03 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Lynda C
Meta Davidson
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
And it 's intermittant . Here in New Joisey, we call it 'spitting.'
Today, 20:43:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
New one of me. Love it!
Today, 20:53:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
Thanks, JH. I stand corrected. But it doesn't look like any heavy rain anyway. Like Jan says, we call it "spitting" - whether rain or snow
Today, 20:46:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Good night! My heart has had enough today. One last thought: 2 of my worst little stinkers came to see me and gave me big hugs. Both have been big br at s
in t heir respective classes. Who knew??? It's always those kids who get to me. Enjoy the view.
Today, 20: 37:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Mary Pat Hyland
Chris in Olympia, WA
Meta Davidson
Kathy O'Connor
Oh, I can see the rain. Well it's 11:30 here in FL. Guess I will check in the AM to see if litt le Wes returned. NIght ever yone.
Today, 20: 37:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Marla Woody Dillsaver
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Judy in Flor ida
Cameras definitely off on June 14 they are saying on other chat. Did Carlos talk tonight and ment ion that? And it's time. I know t hey'd like to have their life
Today, 20: 36:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Linda Greubel
Sar ah in L'Ile-Perrot
Rhonda Hargrove
cj in fl
he did this afternoon
Today, 20:37:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Yep...it's of f on the 14th!
Today, 20:37:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
toni - rctees
Today, 20:38:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
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JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Yes, he mentioned it several times today. Expect a big sign-off party, time to be announced later.
Today, 20:38:40 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Meta Davidson
Did not see t his. Thanks!
Today, 20:58:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
I tell you,they will both miss this...you'll see...
Today, 20:38:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
He said t hat on t he 14th him and Donna will come on and show all the gifts and stuf f they have received and say their goodbyes.
Today, 20:40:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
Do you remember what time PST. I am in CST so will wr ite it down...
Today, 20:57:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
He and Donna are both gonna come on and say good byes but forgot when they said they wer e ... am sur e will announce again!
Today, 20:55:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
britt in southern cal
Wonder if we could talk Carlos into aiming OB2 at the palm tree?
Today, 20: 36:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Linda Gr eubel
toni - rctees
Linda Greubel
Maybe we are just more suit ed f or you. We are fun, happy, smart, witty, major owl lover s obviously et c. etc. etc.!! !!!!!
Today, 20:39:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Why is the other chat room Carlos's favorite?? I didn't like it when I tried it.
Today, 20: 36:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
His chat is hosted on the site which broadcasts his video feeds. It has nothing to do with being favorites, it's just where he has an account !
Today, 20:37:31 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Lynda C
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Ok...My cat just came up f rom the basement with a live mouse in his mouth!!! !!
Today, 20: 36:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
britt in southern cal
Kelly Warren
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Luckily I made him go outside with it... .
Today, 20:36:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Norma Trumble
Mine has brought me a mouse, rat , bir d and a lizard - thank she is now too old to hunt!
Today, 20:40:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Today, 20:36:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Linda Hendrickson
Today, 20:38:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Inspired by t he owls maybe???? That is so great ....live action right in your home
Today, 20:37:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chery l Melancon Hurstell
Today, 20:37:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
toni - rctees
It's Wesley's going away present hehe
Today, 20:38:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Pamela Wray DeStefano
britt in southern cal
Aw, see kitty misses Wesley too. Kitty brought a snack to lure Wesley back.
Today, 20:38:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Pamela Wray DeStefano
EEEEKKKK is right...poor mouse
Today, 20:39:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Well, it was concerned that you would miss the owls, so he's bringing the action right into your home!
Today, 20:38:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Rhonda Hargrov e
Today, 20:38:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Haha, my cat Muggzy used to do that all the time. I think she thought it was funny to see how shocked I was by her present .
Today, 20:40:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Sorry about that !
I thought I smacked that sucker good while I was down there.
Today, 20:43:22 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Karen from Mississippi
Lynda C
Spit. SPIT!!!!!
Today, 21:09:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Dianne Z in Rome
Connie posted t his earlier: "I think it would be gr eat if when this is over we all send Carlos and Donna snail mail to thank t hem. When they get back from their
long awaited vacation their mail box will be stuffed!" I sent a snail mail inviting them to stay in our guest room. I'd love to welcome them as they have
welcomed us. Can you imagine if they got invitat ions from all over t he wor ld?
Today, 20: 35:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Rhonda Hargrove
diane from montana
Do you know Carlos and Donna' s address?
Today, 20:37:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Dianne Z in Rome
Carlos and Donna Royal
P.O . Box2697
San Marcos, CA 92079
Today, 20:42:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
toni - rctees
Is anyone else in the palm tree?? or close by??
Today, 20: 35:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chery l Melancon Hurstell
Meta in BR - are you here?? Wonder if Bunky "tuned in"???
Missed the flyof f; tuned in too late. ...
Today, 20: 35:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
yep here! Rummaging in basement for what I missed. Yes they saw the fly-off! ! go figure!
Today, 20:53:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
She went to the palm t ree because she's lonely
Today, 20: 35:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
She went to the palm tree to get out of the rain. I don't think she was lonely...but I'm sure she feels secure being near the sibs.
Today, 20:37:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Live Owl Nest Box Cam
The house looks so lonely
Today, 20: 34:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
toni - rctees
The ledge too.
Today, 20:36:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sure does
Today, 20:40:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Thanks to Molly and McGee Four new lives are taking their place in the universe. Four healthy and beautiful new owls that we
were honored to watch grow and love.
It could not of happened with out Carlos, Donna and Aust in and for that we ar e gr ateful beyond words.
Today, 20: 34:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Rhonda Hargrove
britt in southern cal
toni - rctees
Lynda C
Kathry n R
I saw a fly-by and there's the dogs barking. All is good.
Today, 20: 33:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kristi Smith
britt in southern cal
Kelly Warren
Jeri Lynn Downs
Lynda C Collapse list
Kelly Warren
I NEED to hear the screech!!
Today, 20:35:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Breathe Kelly.
Today, 20:37:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kelly Warren
Today, 20:40:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
I just heard one...
Today, 20:37:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Today, 20:41:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
phone's for you... : ]
Today, 20:42:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
i feel so lucky to have witnessed the owlet s attaining their developmental mOWLstones... downing f irst whole rodent, spr outing wing feather s, standing up,
fledging and now flying wit h confidence and grace
Today, 20: 33:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
toni - rctees
britt in southern cal
Lat rippi
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly Warr en
Rhonda Hargrove
Karen fr om Mississippi
Lynda C Collapse list
cj in fl
blue box says she went to the palm tree
Today, 20: 32:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
br itt in souther n cal
How do they know? Carlos is on?
Today, 20:35:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
I think maybe Donna act aully saw Wes fly to the Palms. I logged in a minut e or two late to catch that, but that's what it seems in the chat stream.
Today, 20:41:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
they are saying Wes is in the palm tr ee on the other chat
Today, 20: 32:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
britt in sout hern cal
Rhonda Hargrove
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
With the candlestick?
Today, 20:34:00 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
Mary Pat Hyland
Kathryn R
ROTFL! I loved Clue growing up!
Today, 20:35:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
I guess Carlos is talking to them... they are his favorites....
Today, 20:34:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
Where is the other chat?
Today, 20:34:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Just click on the large picture and it will take you to the other chats.. .stream and chat
Today, 20:36:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
If it's raining like this all night ...I wouldn't be surprised to see them all retur n to the box at daybreak.
Today, 20: 32:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Rhonda Hargrove
OH...missed her "take off "...That rain doesn't look like fun. ..hope she finds someplace to stay dry.
Today, 20: 31:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Cy nthia Richards
I hope the FB stays going for a while. We need each other af ter this. Geezo, I think I'm crying.
Today, 20: 30:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Rhonda Hargrove
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kathryn R
br itt in souther n cal
Kelly Warren
toni - rctees
I haven't heard Geezo for a long time. ..love it...
Today, 20:32:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Christina Sigvertsen Podv in
Back just in time for her exit! Caught you! I have to leave again. C U later.
Don't Want to Wreck
Little Rain Won't Kill Me
Hmm...Not too Bad
I'm Off
My Hair
Today, 20: 30:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Darlene Salisbur y
Lynda C
britt in southern cal
Rhonda Hargrove
Kr isti Smith
Tim Fulcher
CatnapCrafts (jo)
but ter fly
Kelly War ren
Karen from Mississippi
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Norma Trumble
Guest Collapse list
Kathryn R
Excellent Christina!
Today, 20:31:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kar en fr om Mississippi
Christina Sigvertsen Podvin
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
C U L8ter
Today, 20:33:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Christina Sigvert sen Podvin
Rhonda Hargrov e
Thanks, I missed "take off"! These let me 'see" what happened
Today, 20:34:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
If you look at the picture under the first shot and make it bigger you can see that it is raining.
Today, 20: 29:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Judy in Florida
I see the rain now. It was quite breezy there earlier this afternoon while my granddaughter and I watched Wes eat that snack.
Today, 20: 29:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Today, 20: 28:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Latr ippi
Kathry n R
Is tonight t he night I wax poet ic.... ...... ....... ....... ..?
Today, 20: 28:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kristi Smith
britt in southern cal
Rhonda Hargrove
Bet te
Kelly Warren
Karen from Mississippi
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Guest Collapse list
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Who is this Poetic fella, and does he know about the surprise waxing?
Today, 20:30:17 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Kathryn R
britt in southern cal
Jer i Lynn Downs
Eve Schuyler
Karen f rom Mississippi
purdyf armsBecky, WA
Rhonda Hargrove
Kelly Warr en
Guest Collapse list
CatnapCrafts (jo)
Today, 20:43:16 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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maurmcc (Maureen)
Today, 20: 28:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
cj in fl
I only got t his one heading to the wild black yonder sor ry it s not too good
Today, 20: 28:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
Kat hryn R
Kelly War ren
Kathryn R
UFO shot!
Today, 20:32:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
cj in fl
Karen from Mississippi
I thought I read t hat Wes f lew to the left. And also that she f lew over the roof. Now this looks like she's flying off to the right. ..! Well, that's Wes ALL
Today, 20:35:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Judi A nderson Seal
Do you think t his was a Prince and Pauper t hing the last few nights ... Wesley is tir ed of everybody watching her, switches with Max ... Max get s "hand fed" and
the comfort of t he box, Wesley get s relief from all eyes ... ?
Today, 20: 28:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Still. ..it looks like a little bird standing in t he door way of the smaller video. Doesn't it?
Today, 20: 28:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Dianne Z in Rome
The two cameras aren't syncronized as well this t ime
Today, 20:29:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
Yes, I've not iced it , too, for the past f ew nights.
Today, 20:29:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
I believe that's Bolty.
Today, 20:33:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kristi Smith
Well at least Bolty, Dudley and rodent ghosts aren't getting wet!
Today, 20: 27:49 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Sier ra
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Karen f rom Mississippi
Kelly Warren Collapse list
Haha! Kr isti, that's true! I'm glad to know someone's looking out for Bolt y and Dudley!
Today, 20:32:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kristi Smit h
Kelly Warren
Carlos and Donna are gonna miss this too. ..even if they are tired, et c. When it's over, they'll miss it.
Today, 20: 27:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
I thought she flew over the box
Today, 20: 27:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
What are the st reaks I'm seeing on O B2??
Today, 20: 27:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Eve Schuy ler
Jeez, I'd be calling a rain delay right now and going back inside if I were her. Doesn't look too pleasant out there. Certainly Mom would understand and bring lil
Today, 20: 27:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
It's just a lit tle sprinkling, she'll be owlr ight!
Today, 20:29:01 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Kathryn R
britt in sout hern cal
Kristi Smith
Karen from Mississippi
Latr ippi
Mary Skelton Gototweski
Good night MO D's.. I will check early in the morning to see if our Princess returns or NOT...
Today, 20: 26:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
br itt in souther n cal
pur dyfarmsBecky, WA
Kathryn R
Good night, Mary.
Today, 20:28:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
go get that mousie waiting for you Wesley
Today, 20: 26:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
diane from montana
It's been a wonder ful and exciting exper ience--I'm just not r eady to let it go.
Today, 20: 26:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Patty G.
Sierr a
britt in southern cal
Cindy Johnson
Nora in Houston
niteowl (*\/*) Missour i
Collapse list
Nancy W.
I know exactly how you feel. Me too!
Today, 20:27:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in sout hern cal
Cy nthia Richards
It's so hard t o think of my futur e without t his
Today, 20:28:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in sout hern cal
Nancy W.
I think that is rain and windy too. Do you t hink Wesley is still in the box? I saw her peek her head out but go bsck in.
Today, 20: 26:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
No, Nancy, she flew out.
Today, 20:28:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Nancy W.
Well, I hope she's not gett ing too wet. Maybe she's with her siblings in that big palm.
Today, 20:31:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Saundra Fowler
Saundra Fowler
she flew over the box
Today, 20:28:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Saundra.... ....just added you to t he Avat ar Collage.. ...... ....Kathleen
Today, 20:53:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Missed her flight off into t he night, darnit....
Today, 20: 26:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Karen from Mississippi
Kathryn R
britt in southern cal
Darlene Salisbury
Good scr een captur e
Today, 20:28:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ohhh. SHe always lands on the far left of the Fledge Ledge so we get this half -view! Nice.
Today, 20:30:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Dianne Z in Rome
Do you remember that video of the barn owl in Europe wher e the guy said owls don't fly in rain? Wes must have missed that posting.
Today, 20: 25:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Cy nthia Richards
Carlos and Donna did it. They made a family. The owls and all of us.
Today, 20: 25:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in southern cal
Kelly Warren
Nora in Houston
Linda Greubel
It's not raining as f ar as I know. We get a marine layer here in Calif or nia in June and it only gets damp out.
Today, 20: 25:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Californians have said that to me ever y single time I've been rained on out there! It can be pouring down rain, with hail and lighting, and they'll say it 's
the "marine layer". And if it's the morning, and you point out t he f act that the clouds ar e bursting with thunderbolts, t hey say "It'll burn off by noon"
Today, 20:45:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Jeri Ly nn Downs
I know it's bad weather there; but if you're ever in my neck of the woods: our skeet ers are HUGE! (mosquitos) In fact , the mockingbird just made state bird by
the skin of her... beak!
Today, 20: 25:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Where is Wes? Just got on.....it's wind!
Today, 20: 25:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
gone a flyin'... .
Today, 20:26:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ms B
She flew out more t han 15 mins ago... landed brief ly in the play area.. . then flew off over the box.
Today, 20:35:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky , WA
I think what we are seeing, is not rain, but the tears shed all over the world by all who will miss this adventure when it is over.
Today, 20: 25:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Lori Fisher
Judi Anderson Seal
Kar en fr om Mississippi
Krist i Smith
Jeri Lynn Downs
cj in fl
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Kat harine
Norma Trumble
Darlene Salisbury
Kelly Warren
Lynda C Collapse list
Wow! I have been so happy to witness all this, but Becky made me tear up.
Today, 20:27:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
Purdy neat. The rain is symbolic of our tears of sorrow and joy.
Today, 20:28:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
love, kathleen
Car ol D
A hop, a skip, and a beautiful flight.
We should all be so happy - our sweet owlets are strong and healthy and t aking their place in nat ur e, as the universe intended. What a wonderful sight and what a tribute to such good parent s. Molly and McGee, Carlos and Donna, and a world of on-lookers.
What a joy!
Today, 20: 25:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Lynda C
Kat hryn R
Kristi Smit h
Bett e
Mary Pat Hyland
purdyf armsBecky, WA
Eve Schuyler
Judi Anderson Seal
Kelly Warren
cj in fl
Kar en f rom Mississippi
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Saundra Fowler
Jeri Lynn Downs
britt in sout hern cal
Karen Ter rell Ballard
Guest Collapse list
Frances Gaffney
It is so rainy.. the box would look good to me but guess it is not their nature to mind
Today, 20: 25:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
We live about 30 miles south of San Marcos and we're getting heavy drizzle, so it could be r aining in north county.
Today, 20: 25:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sue - San Diego
Looks like rain. It was more less rain/heavy mist at times today in the city. Had to use wipers in car.
wonder if that will inf luence her coming back to box by morning?
Today, 20: 24:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
I doubt Donna and Carlos are sit ting on the patio tonight...
Today, 20: 24:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
maurmcc (Maureen)
Today, 20: 24:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Darlene Salisbury
Quit e a storm I would say..Wonder how it will af fect the behavior of the owls..
Today, 20: 24:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Wow, sounds like a stor m is a brewing... I bet Wes will be back soon
Today, 20: 24:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Linda B
Is that rain or that fr eaky spider web on camera 2?
Today, 20: 24:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
or maybe LO TS of bugs?
Today, 20:25:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Fiveoskid Smith
Love that little upside down head peeking out.
Today, 20: 23:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in southern cal
Norma Tr umble
Maybe they will all retreat to the box t onight in the rain for "Old Home Week" out of the rain!... . That would be one crowded box.
Today, 20: 23:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
john galt
There once was an owlet named Wesly
Who hung in t he nest last especially
Strategically shy
She won't have t o fly
Siblings and parents, bye bye
Whoo knows? Is this the last night?
Today, 20: 23:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Darlene Salisbury
Chris in Olympia, WA
Karen fr om Mississippi
Kelly Warren
Wow, she was willing to go out in the rain. Maybe this is the night...be safe Wesley.
Today, 20: 23:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patty (Pa)
well at least we can think of her wit h her siblings for awhile yet, that's a comfort
Today, 20:24:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
I'm thinking we really do have an empt y box.. It's been a great ride I must say..
Today, 20: 23:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Melissa, thanks for the update.
Today, 20: 23:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
looks and sounds like a thunder storm. .Wes is probably in the palm tr ee with t he f amily
Today, 20: 23:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Linda Greubel
No thunderstorm here. We have Camp Pendelton Marine Base close by and you may here them practicing.
Today, 20:29:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
Peeking and wait ing
Wesley is early tinight
Wat ching and listening
till the time is just r ight
There she is, no fooling around
off she goes, wit hout makeing a sound
Will this be her last time out of the box?
I sure hope not, Ill keep my fingers crossed.
Today, 20: 22:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kristi Smith
Chris in Olympia, WA
Sar ah in L'Ile-Perrot
purdyf armsBecky, WA
Karen fr om Mississippi
Norma Trumble
Lynda C
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Guest Collapse list
Lynda C
Nothing on the current weather for San Marcos indicating any rain - just says "overcast "
Today, 20: 22:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Linda Greubel
Annie (in Illinois)
and after waiting all day... my screen froze and I missed it.. ....... ......I am so mad r ight now, I could spit !!! Patooey
Today, 20: 21:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Lynda C
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly Warren
That happened t o me too....it'shappened over and over... but I still come back...Oh well....
Today, 20:22:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kelly Warren
Annie (in Illinois)
Today, 20:23:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
That used to happen to me ever y night and t hen I would stay froze up for 15 or 20 minutes. Now I use Google Chr ome and it never happens.
Today, 20:26:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
That's wrong - it's just so wrong. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Today, 20:26:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Oh... I am so sorry, Annie. That has happened to me before. It stinks!
Today, 20:23:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Karen from Mississippi
Happened t o me as well, dang it!!! So I guess she f lew out? Why did I think owls couldn't fly in the rain???
Today, 20:26:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
I got up to let the cat in and missed the take-off. ..shoot
Today, 20:31:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Monica Szabo
I have a feeling this was her last day in the box
I'm gonna miss all of this!
Today, 20: 21:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty G.
Meta Davidson
Tomorrow will tell t he t ale. I always want ONE mor e day but also know things winding down and Wesley needs to do what she needs to do ...
Today, 20:23:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Angela Amsden-Hartoon
Looks like it is raining steady now
Today, 20: 21:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ms B
No f lies on Wesley... he heads out earlier now... and flies off in the wild blue yonder.
Today, 20: 21:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky , WA
The two snips I got of maybe t he last peek-a-boo!
Today, 20: 21:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kristi Smith
Lynda C
Nora in Houston
brit t in southern cal
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kar en fr om Mississippi Collapse list
Oh, becky -- very sweet ! Thanks.
Today, 20:27:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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OB2 and popcorn..
Today, 20: 21:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kristi Smith
Eve Schuyler
Lynda C
Nora in Houst on
Are there t hat many bugs or was that r ain or hail?
Today, 20: 20:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Charis LeBuis Cummings
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Today, 20:23:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
It looks like rain to me
Today, 20:26:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Pamela Wray DeStefano
So adorable
Today, 20: 20:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kar en fr om Mississippi
Dianne Z in Rome
The big camer a is 2 minutes behind the small one.
Today, 20: 20:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mary Pat Hyland
It was a dark and stormy night , when suddenly an owl shot out.. .
Today, 20: 20:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Pat ty G.
Jeri Lynn Downs
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kathr yn R
Krist i Smith
Lynda C
Karen from Mississippi
Nora in Houst on
Norma Trumble Collapse list
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
which is bet ter than a shot ringing out
Today, 20:21:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Lynda C
Karen from Mississippi
Mary Pat Hyland
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Sounds like the beginnings of a new book!
Today, 20:23:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar y Pat Hyland
Norma Trumble
DWD in Atlanta
The rain may make her stay another night.
Today, 20: 20:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
CatnapCrafts (jo)
For the Seinf eld fans: t he palm tree finally has "t he kavor ka"
Today, 20: 20:09 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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britt in southern cal
Naaa. .. my bet is she isn't coming back in the box in t he mor ning. She could hardly wait t o get out of the box tonight.
Today, 20: 19:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
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br itt in souther n cal
She may come back if the rain keeps up.
Today, 20:22:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Today, 20: 19:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Must be my imagination, but she kinda sounded like a helicopter t aking of f! hehehe!
Today, 20: 19:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Fiveoskid Smith
Looked like one, too. Up and over t he box.
Today, 20:22:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sy lv ia Hix
And, she's off !
Today, 20: 19:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
I've been out of town for a week,,, is Wesley hunting on her own? Have the others been around the box ? Please fill me in. I have f ollowed ever yday since the
eggs were laid. We went up to the Berkshires and I couldn't follow for a week.
Today, 20: 19:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
All 4 have been seen around the box in the middle of the night.
Today, 20:21:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
well there she went.
Today, 20: 19:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Up and over the box. Beautiful!
Today, 20:20:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
britt in southern cal
Well that was quick.. .hardly a blink of an eye when she hopped out and poof.. ..gone.
Today, 20: 19:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
Well that was an early out!
Today, 20: 19:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Amazing how well she flies....
Today, 20: 19:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Chris in Olympia, WA
Order ed my owl finger puppet yesterday.
They are running out!
I wonder why?
Today, 20:24:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
Such a big girl now!
Today, 20:27:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Charis LeBuis Cummings
Not afr aid of the rain.. ......t hat's a good t hing!
Today, 20: 19:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Linda Greubel
I live about 15 miles from San Marcos and it isn't raining here. We have a marine cloud cover and it may be a little damp out but not raining. In the 60's.
Typical for California in June. June gloom they call it during t he day.
Today, 20:23:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
kate whitaker
Yay, Wesley!!
Today, 20: 19:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
and then there were...none!
Today, 20: 19:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Tim Fulcher
That's one small step for an owl, one giant leap for Cowlifornia...
Today, 20: 19:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in sout hern cal
Patty G.
Norma Trumble
Patty G.
You are so right. I just told my daughter that it r eminded me of the first moon landing!
Today, 20:20:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
*big sigh*
Today, 20: 19:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Sarah in L'Ile-Perr ot
just added you to the Final Avatar Collage.... ...... ...Kat hleen
Today, 20:39:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
I bet that's the direction of the palm tr ee.
Today, 20: 19:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Easy on the camera Wes Anne, we got a f ull night of viewing ahead of us!!
Today, 20: 19:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bill in SD
I hope it is rain. We need it. But, dry as a bone here. It's not in the forecast but st ranger things have happened.
Today, 20: 19:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lynda C
Most night she has waited until the count under OB2 gets to 1500. She waited tonight until it got up to 1625 !! Looks like it's snowing in OB2 tonight
Today, 20: 18:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
CatnapCrafts (jo)
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Karen from Mississippi
My OB1 says 3932
Today, 20:19:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Barb Polo
We have been keeping t rack on OB2, as OB1 didn't have a count recently, just said "On Air :,
Today, 20:24:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda B
It does look like snow. I've never seen rain fall upward! hehe
Today, 20:20:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Barb Polo
Actually, it was Austin who left at 1500, Wes always waited for a lit tle bigger audience.
Today, 20:20:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
chekcing out and showing off t hose wings! AmaZing!
Today, 20: 18:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Karen from Mississippi
diane from montana
looks like it's raining quit e a bit right now.
Today, 20: 18:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
yea we have lift of f
Today, 20: 18:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
kate whitaker
Go, Baby, Go!
Today, 20: 17:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ian House
Early bird tonight!
Today, 20: 17:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ian House
Hmmm, I wonder if she r egrets t he day in the box today . .. ?
Today, 20:19:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda B
She couldn't wait any longer!!! LOL
Today, 20: 17:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
She's out of the chut e!
Today, 20: 17:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
I hear d the coyotes!
Today, 20: 17:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mary Skelton Gototweski
I think that is Molly calling to her now.
Today, 20: 17:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ian House
Lot s of pre-fly-out pondering tonight. Yesterday, she skipped t he peek-a-boo and ponder entirely and went straight for an immediate fly-out ...
Today, 20: 17:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
What's on your mind.... Dinner!
Today, 20: 17:29 – Like – Reply – Delet e
Liked by
Lynda C
Kat hryn R
purdyf armsBecky, WA
Kr isti Smith
Karen from Mississippi
Eve Schuyler
Chris in Olympia, WA
CatnapCraf ts (jo)
Jan (Bayonne, NJ) Collapse list
Kristi Smith
Today, 20:19:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Wes headed towards the fields of mousies
Today, 20:22:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kristi Smit h
Norma Trumble
Checking out the palm tree
Today, 20: 17:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Looks a little wet..... .......
Today, 20: 17:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
hope bad weather won't discourage pretty face.
Today, 20: 17:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
she looks like the Last Owl on Earth, after some nuclear disast er! (sorry, the lighting is gettng to me!)
Today, 20: 16:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patty G.
Is it raining? Will he want to come out if it is?
Today, 20: 16:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
It is raining ther e?
Today, 20: 15:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Olympia, WA
cj in fl
thats what i was thinking ob2 full screen looks like it
Today, 20:16:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Yes she is cute. I never get tired of watching them.
Today, 20: 15:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Is the sky crying tears with us!
Today, 20: 15:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Wes ... if it going t o rain...stay inside. ..Carlos will keep a light on for you
Today, 20: 15:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
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CatnapCrafts (jo)
Karen from Mississippi
Bill in SD
I wonder if he's looking at the palm tree next door.
Today, 20: 15:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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CatnapCr aft s (jo)
DWD in A tlanta
Neighbors yard is behind the box. 300 ft away
Today, 20:17:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
A little last minute preenin before she heads out !!
Today, 20: 14:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
I got here just t he r ight time.! She is so cute!
Today, 20: 13:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Patty (Pa)
diane from montana
She's ready to leave early I think.
Today, 20: 13:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
wonder how near others are?
Today, 20:14:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Meta Davidson
like anyone could know, duh?!
Today, 20:15:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda B
Next door in the palm tree.
Today, 20:15:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Are those flashes I see lightening or is it fr om a camera flash?
Today, 20: 13:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 20: 13:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Dar lene Salisbury
Karen from Mississippi
Tim Fulcher
Wes ponders: "have those airplanes changed the dir ection they are landing in yet"...?
Today, 20: 13:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in southern cal
diane from montana
I don't want to miss her leaving the box tonight--it might be the last time she stays ther e.
Today, 20: 13:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
When she decides to take that flying leap. we're gonna blink our eyes and she's gone..
Today, 20: 13:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Smile. You're on candid camera
Today, 20: 13:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Patty G.
Up until t he dogs started barking, it seemed sooo quiet
Now it is quiet again!
Today, 20: 13:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
i know i do
Today, 20: 12:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Oh no! Wesley won't know how t o handle the rain.. .maybe she needs to st ay home tonight! Another worry! Sigh!
Today, 20: 12:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Looks like she is coming out early tonight !
Today, 20: 12:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
CatnapCrafts (jo)
Yup, I think Wes has "the fever" tonight.
Today, 20: 12:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
diane from montana
I'm going to miss this!!!! I can har dly wait to turn it on ever y night . And t o think it is coming t o an end so soon!!! !
Today, 20: 11:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Darlene Salisbury
brit t in southern cal
Darlene Salisbury
gott a stretch. . got ta stretch..
Today, 20: 11:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda B
Perched right in the door and r eady to take that flying leap out
Today, 20: 11:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Judi A nderson Seal
Wesley, Wesley, Bo-Besley
Banana-fana Fo-Fesley
Fe-Fi Mo Mesley
Today, 20: 11:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
Kat hy
Pr otiemama
Kar en fr om Mississippi
Judi Anderson Seal
I have no idea why I just did that.
Today, 20:11:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Sometimes you just have t o let it out, or your head will blow up!
Today, 20:16:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Judi Anderson Seal
toni - rctees
Why is she being so quiet??
Today, 20: 10:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
That is just the coolest thing ever ..
Today, 20: 10:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
How many people have a f inger glued to the print scr een key?
Today, 20: 10:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Karen from Mississippi
Linda B
I use UO Screenshot Utility. I press ESC and it saves a . jpg file right to my hard drive. I can edit them later in my graphic progr am.
Today, 20:12:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kat hryn R
Wes is so beaut iful. i think he needs to leave because he is just getting spoiled and he wont know how to survive on his own
Today, 20: 10:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda B
She sure is eager t o go!
Today, 20: 10:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
DARKNesS falls swif tly . ..
We ar e BACK iN OZ!
Today, 20: 10:28 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kristi Smith
Kat hryn R
br itt in souther n cal
Kar en f rom Mississippi
Kristi Smith
Yay...We are back in O z, again
Today, 20:12:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jeri Ly nn Downs
Remember the Jolly Green Giant commer cials?
The Pink Giant! Sometimes she looks like she's outgr own the owl house!
Today, 20: 09:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
Wonder if she will stay in. Hope she is okay if she doesn't.
Today, 20: 09:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Oh it looks like its raining.
Today, 20: 08:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
looks like it is raining
Today, 20: 08:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
can't be. ..it never r ains ther e
Today, 20:10:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Nope. I'm not coming out yet and you can't make me..
Today, 20: 08:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 20: 07:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
I think Wes is really looking forward to going out tonight...she's often still sleeping at this time.
Today, 20: 07:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathry n R
These colors are just UNREAL!
Today, 20: 07:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathry n in Mo
She seems a little anxious tonight.
Today, 20: 07:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
It loos like she is watching Carlos watch her !!!!
Today, 20: 06:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
britt in southern cal
wait which one is in the box is it Molly or Weasly?
Today, 20:08:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Today, 20:10:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
She looks like she can't wait to be outside and flying!
Today, 20: 06:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Think Maybe she is trying t o Locate M&M to place her delivery order s for tonigh?? LOL
Today, 20: 05:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in southern cal
Judi A nderson Seal
Wesley looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie right now! That head t ur ning ...
Today, 20: 05:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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diane from montana
I wonder if she's getting lonely??? Maybe she'll sleep in t he palm tree inst ead of the box in t he mor ning
Today, 20: 05:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
put all the owlets names t ogether and what do youhave.....
Today, 20: 05:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Judi Anderson Seal
Meta Davidson
Linda B
Pret ty in pink!
Today, 20: 05:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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What's that thumping noise I hear. Sounds like drum pr actice.
Today, 20: 05:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
toni - rctees
Hey....she's not squalking!!!
Today, 20: 05:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Oh yeah, that's right and usually she is by this time of night. Maybe she can't hear any of the others nearyby?
Today, 20:08:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Carol D
turn the volume all the way up, is that her hearbeat I hear
Today, 20: 05:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ms B
Looks like I got her e in t he nick of time... let t he show begin.
Today, 20: 05:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Sue from Syracuse
Can't keep up with the chat!!! But I figured out t he stars - yay!
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Today, 20: 05:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Chris in Oly mpia, WA
Western Washington Seeattle area folks check t his out if You have't already seen this:
Today, 20: 04:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ah that sounds like fun ! !!
Today, 20:05:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
Are you in t he area?
Today, 20:06:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Toni Koontz
Did Auston or Carlos give a price for the dvd? I had to leave to help a neighbor and didn't get t o hear the whole br oadcast.
Today, 20: 04:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
britt in southern cal
I missed the broadcast. What DVD?
Today, 20:06:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
Molly DVD - Produced by Austin Royal
If int er ested send an email to [email protected]
30 miniute DVD to be produced by Aust in Royal It will be some time before t he DVD is available, since Austin needs to finish school and also produce t he
DVD. All the money from the sales of the DVD will go directly to Austin. No pre-order s at this time - you will be notified when the DVDis available for preorder or sale.
Today, 20:08:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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britt in sout hern cal
diane from montana
Carlos said ther e will pictures and other stuf f that has never been seen befor e on t he DVD is grandson is making
Today, 20:10:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Good evening everyone. Such pretty colors on t he cams
Today, 20: 04:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
Karen in Sebring, FL
Quit e the peep show!
Today, 20: 04:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
She's teasing us. .
Today, 20: 04:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
diane from montana
Where do you or der the Molly t-shirt s??? thanks.
Today, 20: 04:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
htt p://www.transf erit.com/t heowlbox/
Today, 20:05:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
htt p://www.transf erit.com/t heowlbox/
Today, 20:05:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cinda Browne
It's showtime for Wesleigh and bedtime for this Cinderella! Happy watching, take lot s of screenshots, and thank you Carlos, Donna, Austin, Molly, McGee and all
of you for sharing the experience!
Today, 20: 03:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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dave the buzzard man
Hi fr om cincinnati, ready t o see another exit, get f ood, store food, and then wait f or more food! I think she plans on staying here awhile!!
Today, 20: 03:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen from Mississippi
Hi JT. I lived in Cinci for a few years, and I sure miss t hose coney dogs!
Today, 20:08:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Carol D
Did you see how far she t urned her head? If i could do that with my neck, i would be able to finally get this kink out (lost my avatar)
Today, 20: 03:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mary Pat Hyland
Metronome owl
Today, 20: 03:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jeri Lynn Downs
Karen from Mississippi
britt in southern cal
I'm surprised with her tenativeness t hat she's not sticking a talon toe out ther e to make sure the wind direction is just right...ha.
Today, 20: 02:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Toni Koontz
I love t hat purple shade in the small box...and i know I'll miss the peeking at the door,,,
Today, 20: 02:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
Look at those gorgeous eyes!
Today, 20: 02:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
toni - rctees
Karen from Mississippi
ly nn
I just love that peeking and head-bobbing.
Today, 20: 02:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
Sue from Syracuse
How to get the stars? Are they here?
Today, 20: 02:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Whew! Got her e just in the nick of time! Good evening, everyone!
Today, 20: 02:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
toni - rctees
Lynda C
Karen from Mississippi
dave the buzzard man
Collapse list
Kristi Smith
Good evening, Jan!
Today, 20:03:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Just noticed that the dowel porch is entirely unattached on the right. When did that happen?
Today, 20: 02:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Judi Anderson Seal
It's always been like t hat.
Today, 20:03:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
toni - rctees
It's been that way.....
Today, 20:03:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda B
It's always been like t hat. Carlos did it int entionally. Only attached it on one end. It 's supposed to move and sway to mimic a tree branch.
Today, 20:04:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Oh, that's right. Well, it's way down, now!
Today, 20:05:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
It's made that way and installed that way - sort of like a springy branch efect
Today, 20:04:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Noticed that too. I think it was ducked tape at one point, before t he owlets branched.
Today, 20:10:30 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Chris in Oly mpia, WA
PDFs of the chat through 7 pm PDT have been shr unk and posted to t he wiki.
Today, 20: 02:17 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Kathryn R
llurking time
Today, 20: 02:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda B
haha! Did you see this one?!
Today, 20: 01:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Karen from Mississippi
Kristi Smith
Kathryn R
Jan (Bayonne, NJ)
Oh, that is SO cute!
Today, 20:03:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 20:03:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Karen from Mississippi
Ha, that's a keeper!
Today, 20:03:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patsy Larsen
Peeking already, going to come out early t onight!!
Today, 20: 01:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Wow we're peeking a little early maybe?
Today, 20: 01:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Judi Anderson Seal
My thoughts exactly! Anxious to get going, per haps? Or, just hungry!
Today, 20:02:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Will we ever see this sight again.
Today, 20: 01:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Looks like I am just in time. Is she going out early tonight?
Today, 20: 01:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Hazel Vinnay Michalski
I can see her now and here is my stars.
Today, 20: 01:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Chris in Oly mpia, WA
Peeking and wait ing
Today, 20: 01:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kr isti Smith
Darlene Salisbury
What's with the music..
Today, 20: 01:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
The natives are restless??
Today, 20:01:44 – Like – Reply – Delete
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Darlene Salisbury
Kristi Smith
toni - rctees
There's BO B
Today, 20: 01:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Peek-a-boo, I see you!
Today, 20: 00:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lynda C
Another vote
Today, 20: 00:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
toni - rctees
What was soooo cool was wait ing on the eggs to hatch back in March and there being 20,000 people wat ching at the same time....from all over the world.
Today, 20: 00:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kristi Smith
toni - rctees
Hi Krist i!!
Today, 20:04:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kristi Smith
Hey, Toni!
Today, 20:07:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsav er
whoa back just in t ime!!
Today, 20: 00:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Here she is, Ms. Owl America!! !
Today, 20: 00:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
Kristi Smith
Bet te
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Kar en f rom Mississippi
I tried to do that - can't find where my picture went. Not computer smart like you all are.
Today, 20:03:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
It's so nice to see new f aces
Today, 20: 00:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
going to lurking stat us - the time is near!
Today, 20: 00:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly War ren
britt in sout hern cal
Kr isti Smith
Karen from Mississippi Collapse list
time to refresh in prep for the action
Today, 20:01:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
Wow everyone has stars.. .I hope James doesn't jump off a clif f or anyt hing.. ...
Today, 19: 59:41 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Krist i Smith
brit t in southern cal
purdyf armsBecky, WA
Karen from Mississippi
Angela Amsden-Hartoon
Hello ever yone. ...another day blessed to have lil Wesleigh and the gang tonight
Today, 19: 59:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
br itt in souther n cal
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
I think that wes is as excited as we are t o star t the night!
Today, 19: 59:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
britt in southern cal
Today, 19: 59:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Linda Greubel
There's that sweet face!
Today, 19: 59:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Peeking a little earlier t onight
Today, 19: 58:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Darlene Salisbury
hello baby girl.. so so cute
Today, 19: 58:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
toni - rctees
Star s fell on Alabama. I hate that song, but I am in Alabama
Today, 19: 58:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kristi Smith
Me too, Toni
Today, 19:59:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Linda B
Today, 19: 58:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Peek a boo. We see you.
Today, 19: 58:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kelly Warren
Today, 19: 57:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Angela Amsden-Hartoon
Hello ever yone. ...another day blessed to have lil Wesleigh and the gang tonight
Today, 19: 56:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
My sister 's neighbour is a ret ired farmer, sweet old guy who just tur ned 90... and his favourite expression is 'Oh, my stars!'
This has been a 5-star event, for sure
Today, 19: 55:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Karen in Sebring, FL
Karen from Mississippi
Kathry n R
I better grab a quick bite to eat whilst I can!
Today, 19: 55:33 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Karen fr om Mississippi
Mary Skelton Gototweski
I see our Star starting to move about on this beautiful starry night... Good evening MOD's... everyone ready to
say good bye again..!
Today, 19: 55:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Judy in Florida
Hi, I'm in Flor ida. I've been watching f or a while, but this is the first I've logged in. I'll sur e miss coming her e, too.
Today, 19: 55:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Pamela Wray DeStef ano
Lisa in Okla
Mrs Whiggins
Kristi Smith
Karen from Mississippi Collapse list
Annie (in Illinois)
Welcome Judy
Today, 19:56:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kristi Smith
Welcome to our HO ME!
Today, 19:58:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Judy in Florida
Thanks!! !
Today, 20:04:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
Forgot to mention I just ordered a Molly T-shirt. I feel bett er now.
Today, 19: 55:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
how much ar e they?
Today, 19:58:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
Almost $30 aft er ship & handling.
Today, 20:00:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ok,once more I gota banjo on my knee...molly,molly, ect,ect!,oh don't you cr y for me!
Today, 19: 54:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Lynda C
Karen from Mississippi
Kristi Smith
Jeri Lynn Downs
ly nn
Good evening, ever yone! Almost time for t he night show!
Today, 19: 54:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Pamela Wray DeStef ano
Annie (in Illinois)
Linda Greubel
Karen from Mississippi
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Look at that one-eye Peek-a-Boo
Today, 19: 54:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Lisa in Okla
Norma Trumble
Karen from Mississippi
Darlene Salisbury
looks like she's getting dressed for the show.
Today, 19: 54:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cinda Browne
Here comes Wesleigh t o the door!
Today, 19: 53:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
What an amazing journey we have all been on. This has been the experience of a lifetime! Thank you Carlos, Donna, Molly and McGee for sharing your lives
and babies with us!
Today, 19: 53:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Karen f rom Mississippi
Linda Greubel
Linda in San Marcos area
Today, 19: 53:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Good evening everyone! I ordered my bumper sticker earlier today!!!! and here are my 5 st ars
Today, 19: 52:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
Karen from Mississippi
I finally br oke down and or dered the e book. Hope I don't have trouble actually getting it . Not too comput er smart.
Today, 19: 52:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
Lisa in Okla
Today, 19: 52:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Darlene Salisbury
Wow.. I just checked my owl picture folder... I have 800, yes I said 800 pictures. . And I'm still saving from last night. I haven't turned my 'puter off in days
cause I've got them saved to my task bar. . I know you'll all say.. no. get'em saved. I'm wor king on it.
Today, 19: 51:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Bill in SD
Kelly Warr en
Kathr yn R
Kathryn R
You are certifiably NUTS!!!!
Today, 19:54:04 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
And saving photos to a task bar is one sur e-f ire way t o slow down your PC! Put those things in a pr oper folder, please.
Today, 20:23:59 – Like – Reply – Delete
Hazel Vinnay Michalski
Is Wesley still in the box? I was talking on the phone to my brother in New Mexico and
wasn't paying attention here.
Today, 19: 51:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
yup. still in the box..
Today, 19:51:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hazel Vinnay Michalski
Thanks for the reply Dar lene. I have to turn up my
volume too.
Today, 19:54:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lisa in Okla
yes.... .still in t he box
Today, 19:52:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
G. C.
Star y Stary night.. ..
Today, 19: 51:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
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ginger from tn
"I could have t old you Wesley... the world was never meant for one as beautiful as you."
One of my most favorite songs of all times - it really touched my soul.
Today, 19:57:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
G. C.
Krist i Smith
Patty (Pa)
Count me in!
Today, 19: 50:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Fiveoskid Smith
How do you get the stars?
Today, 19: 50:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patty (Pa)
Upper lefthand corner of where you post your comment s you will see t he st ars
Today, 19:52:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Norma Trumble
Fiveoskid Smith
Thanks, Patt y.
Today, 20:04:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Cinda Browne
It would be gr eat t o have just one picture of all six of them! Maybe Carlos is saving that for the goodbye?
Today, 19: 50:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Today, 19: 50:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Thank you so much Carlos and Donna for this wonderful experience.
Today, 19: 50:19 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Linda Greubel
Nancy W.
I had them and did'nt know it HA Ha
Today, 19: 50:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Is rain pr edicted for San Mar cos tonight?
Today, 19: 50:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bill in SD
No. Just the usual annual June Gloom for this area.
Today, 19:51:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
starry-eyed owl watcher her e
Today, 19: 50:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Karen from Mississippi
Fiveoskid Smith
I missed Wesley leaving the box last night, but t onight I'm glued to the screen.
Today, 19: 49:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Nancy W.
How do I get those star s in mine?
Today, 19: 49:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Chris in Olympia, WA
Just like that .
Today, 19:49:56 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Just did a quick check on the Dutch owls. O ne of them is laying flat on the floor like Wesley used to do.
Mom is in with them now and the tiny little squirt is doing fine t oo.
Today, 19: 49:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kathryn R
Annie (in Illinois)
Okie Dokie Smokie !!!
Today, 19: 49:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
who is PABirdlover t hat surgery went well. ......info above picture???
Today, 19: 49:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
Pamela Wray DeStefano
A Moderator from the ot her chat r oom. ..
Today, 19:49:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
thanks...... ......
Today, 19:51:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
niteowl (*\/*) Missouri
Good evening all!
Today, 19: 49:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
These 5 are for you all!
Today, 19: 48:37 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Bet te
Darlene Salisbury
Can we vote more t hen once??
Today, 19: 48:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Each day, I believe.
Today, 19:49:54 – Like – Reply – Delete
Joy Windle
Mine, too!
Today, 19: 48:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Karen in Sebring, FL
Happy to help get that number up!
Today, 19: 48:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Me too!!!
Today, 19: 48:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Wish Car los could, somehow get a phot o of all six. ..that would be a tr easure.
Today, 19: 47:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Mary Pat Hyland
When you wish upon a star...
Today, 19: 47:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Lynda C
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Makes no difference who you are. ... ♪ ♫♫
Today, 19:50:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Mar y Pat Hyland
I'm in
Today, 19: 47:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
here's my stars
Today, 19: 47:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Wonderful! Wonder ful! Thanks for t he Memor ies!
Today, 19: 47:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Darlene Salisbury
Awesome~!! !
Today, 19: 47:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Good night Wessie....safe tr avels!!
Today, 19: 46:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Denise Holland Poarch
Not long before show time!
Today, 19: 46:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Once again while Wes has a date with her kin I have a date wit h my pillow. I'll check in the a.m; more out of habit then expecting she'll be here, I assure you. If
they come back for an encor e please t ake lots of pics & notes! To quote the fabulous Carol Burnet .. ....
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ "I'm so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh or sing a song, seems we just get st ar ted & before you know it comes t he t ime we have
to say. .so long. Good Night Everyone! ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
Today, 19: 46:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kat hryn R
Sarah in L'Ile-Per rot
Bett e
Kelly Warren
purdyf armsBecky, WA
Darlene Salisbury
Nor ma Trumble
Chris in Olympia, WA
Annie (in Illinois)
Lynda C Collapse list
Stev e Clev eland
Good night Carol
Today, 19:47:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
I'm pulling at my ear, Charlene! Good night!
Today, 19:48:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Annie (in Illinois)
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Nor ma Trumble
don't forget to tug your ear as you sing!
Today, 19:48:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Good thing I took those hoop earrings out first. :0 Good night all; enjoy the show!
Today, 19:50:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Love tho Carol Bur net. Now how about a little Bob Hope: Thanks for the memories, the rodent snacks at night, t hat first moon lit f light, thanks soooo
muuuuch. ...
Sandy and DD Kather ine
Today, 19:51:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Norma Trumble
cj in fl
heres mine
Today, 19: 46:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathry n R
Darn, t he f irst star s didn't take. Here they are!
Today, 19: 45:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Chris in Olympia, WA
i'm going t o be an empty nester and i don't have any kids
Today, 19: 44:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Paula Cutcomb
toni - rctees
I'm an empt y nester f or real and I don't want to go through THAT again!!
Today, 19:47:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Just because - 20,000 Votes would be a positively cool thing.
No need to fill the room with only Vote posts but , everyone could click the Stars in the upper left of the page and see if we can get t hat number over
20,000 by the 14th. Just a silly Star ry-eyed thought.
(one pauses to ponder the peer-pressure implications of a page cover ed in star-studded posts)
Today, 19: 44:29 – Like – Reply – Delet e
Liked by
Jeri Lynn Downs
Chris in Olympia, WA
Kathryn R
You mean these st ars!
Today, 19:45:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Ha! Punked again.
They only show on top level posts, not replies.
Today, 19:46:28 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Kathr yn R
And don't try t o click on the red stars at the top of t he page, because they don't work...... ....... not that I just tried t o do t hat
Today, 19:49:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly War ren
Kelly Warren
Votes for what, what do the stars mean
Today, 19:50:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
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G. C.
Hi Everybody, I think I am number 18160, I never knew I could click those little stars before.
Today, 19:48:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
cj in fl
HI G.C. Did you put the eagles to bed?
Today, 19:51:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
G. C.
Hi cj, this is his wife, he watches the eagles and I watch the owls, , yes he put them to bed
I don't post much and don't know how to get my own
avatar , so I just use his because it is ther e.
Today, 19:56:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
cj in fl
He knows his eagles f or sure He was a wealt h of info t oday while they were being banded
Today, 19:59:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
We all appreciated his knowledge
and YOU, guv'ner, get to put t hem in t he PDF!
Today, 19:50:31 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kathryn R
Nancy W.
I guess I'll transfer over to that mother hawk that has eggs fixing to hatch any day now. That sctreen is very clear too.
Today, 19: 43:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bill in SD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5gGzuNt 4hw
Today, 19: 42:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
cj in fl
Made me think of f ood for sure
Today, 19:44:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 19:45:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mary Pat Hyland
lavender earl gr ey t ea here
Today, 19: 42:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Pr otiemama
sounds sublime
Today, 19:45:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
chrysant hemum for me!
Today, 19:52:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
May be Wes is going to make the box her home and not fly away.
Today, 19: 41:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
Do they ever do that?
Today, 19:45:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
Hope so. I want to see her happy somewhere.
Today, 19:51:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kit in Aiken
Hi ever yone,
We have had swallows in our chimney here in Aiken SC every single summer since 1990. They always come back, and I love hear ing them
twitter and thunder with their wings. Our Boxer thinks we're having a st orm when he hears it.
Then in the morning and at dusk I find t hem down by our lake when Patton (the Boxer) and I take a walk. They are welcome for ever, t hey keep our bug
population down
I do so love all t hese critters.
Today, 19: 41:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Norma Trumble
Nancy W.
At least we know they can all t ake care of t hemselves and we know about wher e they will be sleeping. So I guess I'll get over not being able to see them
Today, 19: 40:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Linda Greubel
toni - rctees
I'm not ready to be an empty nester!!!
Today, 19: 40:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Norma Trumble
Mrs Whiggins
Paula Cutcomb
I hate commercials - I've already comtribited
Today, 19: 39:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Lisa in Okla
Today, 19:46:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
OMG..sleepy time..No I need my cof fee,Wesley!
Today, 19: 39:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Is this commercial time and then we have the main movie?
Today, 19: 39:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Bill in SD
Last chance to head for the lobby f or popcorn.
Today, 19:40:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Mary Pat Hyland
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Sounds good. Going for some right now!
Today, 19:41:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Nancy W.
Are Carlos and Donna going away t omor row? Will we still be able t o see t he box?
Today, 19: 37:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bill in SD
Today Carlos said the shut down may be t he 14th
Today, 19:38:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
toni - rctees
Today, 19:43:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Okay, so last night was a "treat" theme for sleep-talking hubby! He was really on a roll! As I said last night, it started ear ly, with him falling asleep right aft er
I mentioned that treats had been brought. Here's the second out burst:
Rolls over, smacks me acr oss he chest and says: "Tell Max to brush his teeth or he'll get cavities".
Today, 19: 37:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Chris in Olympia, WA
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Lisa U
Kelly Warren
Mary Skelton Gototweski
Darlene Salisbur y
Jeri Lynn Downs
Mary Pat Hyland
purdyfar msBecky, WA Collapse list
Kathryn R
Did you give a "hint" for your title??????
Today, 19:38:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Is he really asleep?
Today, 19:38:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 19:38:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
No hints - haven't decided yet - am thinking of naming it "No. I'm not really God... " , but that might be confusing to anyone new.
And yes. Really asleep. Like a brick. O r a log. Or a sleep talking hubby.
Did I ever tell you all that we met on a blind date? I or dered three desserts, because I figured he would never call me again...
Today, 19:47:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mary Pat Hyland
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Sue from Syracuse
So how on earh do you get any sleep???
Today, 19:45:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
I thought you were going to say "Tell Max to brush his teeth or I'll throw him into the Tiber !"
Today, 19:46:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Sorr y, I meant 11:30 P. M. EST, it was 8:30 P.M. PST
Today, 19: 35:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lynda C
Text from the eBay Molly Bumper Sticker site:
They were gracious enough to allow me to sell these as they wer e or dered bef ore the
copyright information was posted! Thank you so much Carlos and Donna Royal!
10% of all sales from this bumper sticker will be donated to help the animals affected by the nasty BP oil spill fiasco in the Gulf Of Mexico!
Today, 19: 35:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jeri Lynn Downs
Lori Fisher
pur dyfarmsBecky, WA
Kathryn R
Chr is in Olympia, WA
Kelly Warr en
Michelle Collapse list
Chris in Olympia, WA
Inf ormat ion is posted on the wiki on More About Molly" page
Today, 19:40:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Ly nda C
Sorry, Chris. I posted it because there had been some discussion below and seemed to be some confusion as to how much of the profit was going th the
bird rscue effort.
Today, 19:47:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
toni - rctees
Is there a link?
Today, 19:41:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
htt p://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&it em=190403953954&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX: IT
Today, 19:46:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Chris in Olympia, WA
This is what it looks like
Today, 19:47:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
I've never had bats in the belfry ( because I don't have a belfry) but I did have
a bird in my wood stove today. Good t hing it is too hot to need the wood stove on.
Bird is fine by the way.
Today, 19: 34:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Paula Cutcomb
Lynda C
Jeri Lynn Downs
Kelly War ren
Melissa Collapse list
Ly nda C
I've had them in our chimneys, too. It's so hard t figure out where the noise is coming f rom sometimes.
Today, 19:37:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
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I know it was pretty cr eepy until I f igured it out.
Today, 19:38:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
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I had a squirrel in my dryer vent. Scared the peanuts out of me!
Today, 19:38:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jeri Lynn Downs
That would scare t he heck out of me too. They BITE!
Today, 19:42:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
"Peanuts" - Really !!!
Today, 19:48:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
We've been having starlings in our range hood. They are coming in thru the exhaust vent. We thought it was mice between the walls at f irst. Weird how
the sound echos.
Today, 19:41:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
When I was a kid, the birds would f all down my grandmothers chiminy and I had to catch them. She thought it was very bad luck, I liked to stare into
their deep black eye, and let them go
Today, 19:47:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
I had a mouse in my washing machine!! ! I have no idea how he got there. You should have seen me trying t o get him out. Angie was on t he dryer
laughing at me too!!! Finally with garden gloves, and some grocer y sacks, I got him out and WAY down in t he back yard! !
Today, 19:46:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lynda C
Ly nda C
I have a long st ory about the honey bees nest that was in the fireplace chimney when we bought this house and before we moved in (it had been vacant
for several months) and t here was a HUGE hive f ull of honey. Short version: We didn't want t o destroy them, so we tried to smoke them out - successful
the f irst time. A week later they were back - smoked them again. They left, but the honey & honey comb was still there. The fire got hott er, the comb
and the honey melted and a smelly, blackened mess oozed down into the fireplace. The chimney cleaner guy had never heard of such a thing and it took
him hours to clean t he chimney - $750 later the chimney was clean and no more bees.
Today, 19:54:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
I remember t hat particular Andy Griffit h show
Today, 19: 33:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kat in IL
me too
Today, 19:37:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kat in IL
Me too, now it has new meaning.
Today, 19:41:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Good Evening everyone
Today, 19: 32:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Bill in SD
Kathryn R
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Mar y Pat Hyland
Hi, Pamela!
Today, 19:39:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Yeah! Pamela is her e!
Today, 19:42:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Paula Cutcomb
I, personally, think that tonight is the night for
Weslie -- I think her owl-hormones tell her to FLY FLY FLY and she won't ret urn to the box. I say, good for her! It's time. As much as we'vew loved her and her
siblings growning up, it 's t imel
Today, 19: 31:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Paula I agree. Although Carlos said ear lier this evening he thinks it's going to be tomorrow. I just hope it's before Sunday..
Today, 19:44:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Paula Cut comb
i already lear ned some dutch owl terms...
a pellet is a br aakbal, which is totally cool
and for those keeping scor e, the runt ate a whole mouse today.
i know because "ukkie eet een hele muis," which t otally means "ukkie eats a whole mouse" if you just pretend you are the swedish chef when you say it.
this cam has truly opened my eyes to a whole world of joy on the internet.
Today, 19: 31:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Bill in SD
Norma Trumble
Kathr yn R
Lynda C
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Norma Trumble
I saw t he Mom come in and look aft er the little one t hen keep it warm!
Today, 19:34:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
and mom and dad just came in to the box together!!
... is having different two different owl cams open simultaneously like double-fisting drinks? because if so i am definitely a complete owlcoholic.
Today, 19:37:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Ly nda C
I can't imagine that lit tle guy eat ing a whole mouse. The mouse hd to have been bigger than he is
Some discussion here the other night on how t o
do a "Translate" setting for those sit es in a foreign language. Can anyone tell us again ?????
Today, 19:40:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
i've been putting things through google translator, just copy and paste
htt p://translate.google.com/#nl|en|
you can do the whole sit e too but it misses some things. all t he videos are archived on the right... just look for ukkie eet een hele muis and you can
watch him do it yourself!
Today, 19:42:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
HAhaha. .. pretend you are the muppet's swedish chef...very funny!
Today, 19:44:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Could t his be Wesley's last evening in the box?
Today, 19: 30:03 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Kat hryn R
butt erf ly
Sar ah in L'Ile-Perrot
Jeri Lynn Downs
Kathryn R
Did you accidentally delet e this f rom earlier post ? Either that or I have precognition.
Today, 19:32:59 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Something made it disappear... ...could have hit delete by mistake
....... a bit confused!
Today, 19:34:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Ly nda C
Oh no, Colleen, you would never do that would you ??
I do it a LOT ! ! Guess we need to speak to SP about rear ranging the "Reply" and "Delete"
buttons or having a pop-up "do you really want to delete this"
Today, 19:42:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
I totally agr ee! I do need the "Are you a blonde and do you know what you are doing?" key!
Today, 19:45:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kat in IL
I was asked to post this again. Sorry if this is a repeat f or anyone and for t hose that have not seen it , enjoy!
Today, 19: 29:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jeri Lynn Downs
Pamela Wray DeStefano
Kathr yn R
toni - rctees
Linda Greubel
Chris in Olympia, WA
Mary Skelton Got otweski
Lynda C
Kar en in Sebring, FL
Lori Fisher
Darlene Salisbury Collapse list
Love it. Thanks for post ing.
Today, 19:33:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Darlene Salisbury
I totally remember that episode. It tot ally fits this whole sit uation. We're glad they are maturing but sad for us 'cause we'll miss them.
Today, 19:41:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Nancy W.
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Nancy W.
I love that video!! Did get teary eyed though.
Nancy in Dallas
Today, 19:33:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
sweet Opie!
Today, 19:34:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
I remember it too!
Today, 19:35:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lori Fisher
That last sentence made me cry - it 's exactly what we will all be able to say once Wes leaves the box for good.
Today, 19:36:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kat in IL
Drat! My kids are wat ching a movie in the same room as the comput er. ..so I can't watch right now.
Today, 19:47:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
toni - rctees
Gosh don't you just love Andy Grif fit h.. .and O pie
Today, 19:37:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kat in IL
Tim Fulcher
Wesley's last words to Dudley: "Last one to hork up a pellet is a r ott en egg...!!! "
Today, 19: 29:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Norma Trumble
Judi Anderson Seal
Kelly Warren
Kathryn R
Darlene Salisbury
Sar ah in L'Ile-Perrot Collapse list
Today, 19:37:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kat in IL
Hi Annie how you doing?
Today, 19: 28:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
I am great !! ! But I'm losing hope on Merritts ret urn and I'm getting sleepy...( I get up at 5... )
Today, 19:38:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kat in IL
I stayed up way too late last night, so I doubt that I last very long tonite. Five comes fast doesn't it?
Today, 19:42:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
It SURE does ! !! I did good f or the first few mont hs, but woah... I'm getting t oo old for this !!! LOL
Today, 19:43:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Welcome to my parlor said the O WL to the RAT...... ..
I'm repeating it because I like it.
Today, 19: 27:41 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Sarah in L'Ile-Per rot
Norma Trumble
pur dyfarmsBecky, WA
LI, NY girl
Nancy W.
Bet ty Coffey-Davis Collapse list
Repeat away.
Today, 19:37:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Aly ce in Ohio
Hi MOD FRIENDS, I haven't been on in 2 days, I thought that Wesleigh would be in Palm beach by now. Any new activity with t he other kids? What does Carlos
think will happen tonight?
Today, 19: 27:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mary Carroll
Hello Adam,
In the basement, you said the library did not have book 1 of the Guardians of Gahoole series. You can buy it on Amazon for $0.01 and $3.99 shipping.
Today, 19: 27:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
Thrift Books! !! My fave for out of print or used books. Or Green Eart h Books. Same company really, one in WA, the other in Oregon.
Today, 19:31:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Just star ted that book. I was yelling at the author after the 2nd page because the owlets wer e hatching 2 weeks apart. Sooo unrealistic.
gets better. I saw t he movie trailor in the theater a couple of days ago and got goosebumps.
Hoping it
Today, 19:36:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar y Carroll
Mary Carroll
There is a LOT of artistic license taken by the writer. (Owls DO NOT have muffins and tea). But the stories are good reading. I will send them t o my
grandchildren for t he holidays
Today, 19:44:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in Oly mpia, WA
Hi! Just when I was about to get back on aft er finishing a project for work (about 5 pm PDT), our power went out and it has been out for about 2 hour s. Don't
know why it was out. We went out to dinner hoping it would come back on because my daughter had a homework project on her comput er and it is due
tomorrow. Power (obviously) is back on now, so we are back in our home and all wor king har d. Glad I didn't miss the owlet s entirely tonight!
Today, 19: 27:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Kat hryn R
Kathryn R
Welcome back, glad your power is back on. You're not having storms, are you?
Today, 19:30:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Chris in O lympia, WA
Chris in Olympia, WA
NO. It was a little bit windy, but otherwise we don't know why t he power went out. Caught me totally by surpr ise.
Today, 19:38:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Night all I have a young one ask me to take her upstairs to do math wor kbooks. I was just asked to get rolling. hopef ully, I'll get a chance to see Wesley come
out but if not I hope to see pictures in t he AM
Today, 19: 26:29 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Jeri Lynn Downs
Kelly Warren
work bef ore play, every single day
Today, 19:33:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
What do you think gang.. . do you t hink this is the last night for Wesley to come back to the box?
Today, 19: 24:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
Today, 19:27:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
I call 50-50 chance. Heh, heh!
Today, 19:27:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
cause the fence is t he safest spot to be... :]
Today, 19:29:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
I think if she brings the f irst food drop int o the box - she's back for another day. If she eats it on the playground, it's Palm Tree Resort for her !
Today, 19:30:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Cinda Browne
Jeri Lynn Downs
Bett e
I think this will be Wes's last time in t he box, too.
Today, 19:31:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kat in IL
Hi Lynn
Don't be sad about your t -shirt. If it does'nt come thru you can have one of mine. I got the Molly t-shirt and the one where they are eggs with their legs
sticking out. Love the egg one.
Today, 19: 23:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
Hiya Kat ! !!
Today, 19:26:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsav er
well, guess i have time to do some on the wii fit!!! that cart oon trainer's gonna give me a talkin to...cause i've missed a few days!!
Today, 19: 22:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kathryn R
My daughter got Wii Fit Plus f or her birthday, thanks to my parent's help. I have YET to step one foot on it. That should change soon, I hope! I'm very
unfit right now.
Today, 19:25:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kelly Warren
It wants you to weigh your self ...... ...shudder
Today, 19:30:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Yeah, I made my gr anddaughter stand on it for me....
Today, 19:41:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
what does PABirdlover - surgery went well mean???? on the blue banner
Today, 19: 21:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Someone on the main chat had surgery earlier today.
Today, 19:22:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
some talk earlier it is some one in t he other chat room t hat had surgery today
Today, 19:22:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
I think I just saw tow ducks fly by!!
Today, 19: 19:43 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kathryn R
Were t hey going to pick up a disabled goose by the side of the pond?
Today, 19:21:10 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Annie (in Illinois)
Today, 19:22:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Hi CAR! I look forward t o your posts ever y night ! This has been a very st ressful and emot ional day for me. So happy to see you!
Today, 19:22:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
And I you, friend! What's get ting you down - anything we can do? Do you need a sleep-talking hubby story???
Today, 19:27:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sue from Syracuse
Ooh, out side camera on now - must be getting close! It looks so f oggy ther e - hope t he owlets don't get lost playing outside...
Today, 19: 15:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Kathryn R
They do not rely on their vision to get around, they rely on sound, so I think they'd be fine. I really don't see fog, only clouds.
Today, 19:19:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sue from Syracuse
Thanks, Kathryn - I'm just being silly....
Today, 19:21:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
Punked again, LO L!
I am too serious today.
Today, 19:23:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
reminds me of the video about [Gr eat Grey] O wls hunting f or mice under the snowcover...
Today, 19:22:40 – Flag – Like – Reply
maybe earlier tonight, someone said it is overcast and may get darker earlier
Today, 19: 15:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kelly Warren
Darlene Salisbury
What happens if Wesley is still on the box Sunday.. Carlos and Donna are leaving.. that would be a bummer deal. Not to say that they don't have the right to
leave but.. ...
Today, 19: 14:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
I think they are leaving whether Wes leaves or not !!
Today, 19:18:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Around 8: 30 or so, she did last night anyway
Today, 19: 14:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lynda C
Ingrid, Jeri, Becky, et all - Re: t he eBay Molly the Owl Bumper Stickers - only 10% of the profits will go to helping the birds af fect ed by the oil spill. Still,
that 's nice of the Seller to do that and it 's going to a good cause. Good deal on the postage of 75 cents for any number of stickers.
Today, 19: 14:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Oh I didn't know that it was 10% but I guess any bit helps.
Carlos did approve of this ....right ????
Today, 19:15:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lynda C
Ly nda C
Yes, she states that specifically on the eBay site. If I'm not mistaken, Carlos may have mentioned that he had approved of it, too.
Today, 19:26:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
Yes, t he seller st ated that on e-bay. Carlos also talked about it this mor ning, I think.
Today, 19:27:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
I heard 7% but again anything will help. We need HELP in FLORIDA!!.OUR GULF COAST IS IN TROUBLE. I WILL BE WORKING WITH
Today, 19:24:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
Jeri Lynn Downs
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Thanks Linda. It 's a bit non-specif ic, but if any wildlife gets help I'm all f or it .
Lucky, thank you for what you'll be doing. They are making it difficult t o let people volunt eer up here. But if you go in groups, you can help. Power in
Today, 19:28:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
My sympathy goes out to all of you Lucky. I wish t here was something I could personally do, but will be making a contribution. The news video is awful
for us to watch, but it is so much worse for you folks who are going to have to deal with it - loss of wildlife, wildlif e habit at, livelihood of fishermen, income
for those dependeing on vacationers, etc.
Do you know of any local organizations t hat are accept ing donations ? I'd much rathr donate to one of them
than to a National organization because all of the donations usually go dir ectly to help t he cause.
Today, 19:31:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jeri Lynn Downs
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
The founder of our wild bir d sanctuary in Hudson Qc is getting ready to go down to the area. .. she's done much research on the effects of oil, and best
ways to deal with the poor birds. Interesting lady... I used to work at a framing stor e, where she'd bring amazing photographs to do.
Today, 19:36:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jeri Lynn Downs
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Sy lv ia Hix
Hi there, I just now saw that the two eagle web cams are no longer available on the Sportsmansparadise site. Will we ever know any mor e about these eagles?
Today, 19: 14:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lynda C
Marla Woody Dillsaver
WHat??? which ones??
Today, 19:17:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
I just went ther e and both sit es are st ill up. Picture isn't very good but could still see the baby eagles.
Today, 19:18:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Still t here.
Today, 19:20:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Marla Woody Dillsaver
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Kelly Warren
Last night somebody mentioned tapeing Wes calling for food and useing
it as a ring tone. Well I thought that was an amazing idea and I spent the next 32
min. trying to record something on my cell. Could not figger it out. Asked the Kid this am and she goes click click there you go mom... ..dar n Kid. Any ways I am
so ready to t ape Miss Wes tonight.
Today, 19: 13:56 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Kathr yn R
Norma Trumble
purdyfarmsBecky, WA Collapse list
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
You will get f unny looks on the 211 when your phone rings! Unless I'm on t he bus, I'll know it's you! :]
Today, 19:18:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Kelly Warren
we will know each other in the croud, and smile
Today, 19:21:32 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
it'd be a hoot (sorr y, overused! Oh well)
Today, 19:31:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Tape if from a youtube video.
Today, 19:20:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Kelly Warren
If I dont catch it tonight, I will do that, thanks
Today, 19:22:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
Those kids are useful every once in a while.
Today, 19:24:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
js from ny
What time (EST) might t he lit tle angel vent ure out?
Today, 19: 13:25 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
Usually ar ound 8:30ish, but maybe earlier since it's over cast.
Today, 19:15:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
8:30 owl time means 11: 30 EST.
Today, 19:25:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bonnie Kirkland Steele
Does anyone know the link to the squirrel cam where they use different props? My autistic son loves squirr els..... .lol!!
Today, 19: 11:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Bonnie I think it's the Live Gr ay Squirrel....I check on often and just laugh and laugh!!!
Today, 19:12:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bill in SD
The only squirrel cam I've used is the one that 's been empt y for over a week now. I'd like t o see another one.
Today, 19:13:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Bill, t his is not a natur e sight. Some family sets out food for a squirrel and ever y day there are diff erent "props" they use. Sometimes it's hysterical,
sometimes silly. So it's kindof the hollywood version. But it is cut e and you can't help but laugh!!!
Today, 19:16:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
This is one of Sportsman's Paradise web cams of squirrels htt p://www.sport smansparadiseonline. com/Live_Gray_Squirrel_Nest .ht ml It isn't a squirrel
nest - it is more a place where the squirrels come to "play". Bonnie, if you haven't checked them out go to "Mor e Live Wildlife Cams" under the video
above. There ae a lot of wonderful webcams sites there of birds and animals. Lots of things your son might enjoy.
Today, 19:18:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
Here you go Bonnie!! I hope your son enjoys it!! ht tp: //www.sport smansparadiseonline.com/Live_Gray_Squirrel_Nest.html
Today, 19:19:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Marla Woody Dillsaver
my son and i love it!!
Today, 19:24:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
Sportsman's Paradise has two eagle web cam sites - One of the in Santa Catalina in CA has two web cams of two different nests. That sit e is still up
right now. The other site is in Hillsborogh, NJ and the site is still active, but no web cam right now because it is dark. To check these sites go to "Mor e
Live Wildlife Cams" under t he video above
Today, 19:23:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bill in SD
With t his ovecast we're having it will be darker sooner so maybe Wes will venture out sooner.
Today, 19: 10:55 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
think you're right
Today, 19:13:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Hi ever yone! Seems like it 's about that time again!... looks less windy than yesterday.
Today, 19: 08:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
purdy farmsBecky , WA
Before it gets crazy...The eagles at West End wer e banded and fitted with transmitt ers. Here are some pix. Some by me, some by others. How exciting it was to
watch them bring t hem back!!
Another view
First one in nest,
Both home again!
Taking them away
First one back
second in man's arms
Into the bag
Today, 19: 07:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jeri Lynn Downs
Kathr yn R
Norma Trumble
Kelly Warren
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Becky, did t he parent s come back long af ter they were put back??? Amazing stuff!! !
Today, 19:08:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Yes, t hey came swooping in as soon as the human were gone!
Today, 19:11:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdy farmsBecky, WA
I have been checking, and I haven't seen them. But someone in the chat said the father had come back with a fish for t hem. When they were putting the
first one back, both parents dive bombed the people! I wasn't fast enough to get a snip. Nothing against the chat room there, but if that was us, we
would have tons of captures! !
Today, 19:12:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Kathryn R
Jeri Lynn Downs
Marla Woody Dillsaver
I know...I was on my best behavior over there!!! I saw the swooping as well!!
Today, 19:14:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
LO L!!!!
Today, 19:15:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Oh dar n, I meant to wat ch that today and forgot all about it. Thanks for the great photos.
Today, 19:10:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyf armsBecky, WA
purdy farmsBecky, WA
There were a few MODs in the chat! ! I think we over whelmed t hem! ! Isn't that right Marla!!
Today, 19:13:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
I did get t hat f eeeling! ! Who is GC over there?
Today, 19:19:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
He is like our James here! He knows a LOT about the eagles, and wher e to go for inf o, or videos, etc!
Today, 19:22:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
cool! !!
Today, 19:25:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
ly nn
Hi ever yone! My husband e-mailed about the t-shirt which should have been here by now, or we should have at least received a confirmation. We got an e-mail
back saying we ordered a mug! We didn't order a mug. I hope we get this straightened out, and that I can get a shir t soon. Anyway, I'm here for the night
show, and I see that it still looks cloudy and windy. I've been f eeling sad, and also very t ired! I hope I can stay awake for awhile.
Today, 19: 03:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Jeri Lynn Downs
britt in southern cal
Emily Fr om Gulfport
Kelly Warren
Kat in IL
purdyf armsBecky, WA
Bill in SD
Kathryn R
Bill in SD
Kelly War ren
Guest Collapse list
I can relate Lynn !! I was up till 3:30 am last night. Can't do it tonight, but will hang on as long as posible
Today, 19:08:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
wally russell
Just on my way out the door for dinner with Hubby of 32 years tonight. ....... ..Kathleen
Today, 19: 03:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Jeri Lynn Downs
Kathryn R
britt in sout hern cal
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Norma Tr umble
Marla Woody Dillsaver
2 Guests Collapse list
Kathryn R
Have a GREAT anniversary dinner! Woo Hoooo! And thanks for your incredible poster, I will cherish it!
Today, 19:04:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Mar la Woody Dillsaver
Bet te
Annie (in Illinois)
Ly nda C
Wonderf ul job. Happy Anniversar y. Enjoy !!
Today, 19:04:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Today, 19:04:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
Congratulations Kathleen.. Love love love those avatar collages..
Today, 19:05:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Darlene Salisbury
sorry I meant to post the pict ure separat ely. My sister made those. . it's a sugar and creamer set.. Hey how about a cyber gift .
Today, 19:06:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
britt in southern cal
Kathleen.....happy anniversary... have a wonderful dinner and love the collage...blessings to you.
Today, 19:05:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Oh Congrat s !! Love t he avatar collage !! Saw my two lit tle f urr babies on there !! Thank you !!!
Today, 19:06:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdy farmsBecky, WA
Have a gr eat dinnere, and a ver y Happy Anniver sary!!! Are you going to the broiler?!
Today, 19:09:03 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Beaut ifully done! That took patience, to keep track.
Happy Anniversary, have a lovely evening.
Today, 19:11:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Have a gr eat t ime, and congr ats!
Today, 19:17:57 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
I can't fat hom how much time and effort you put into the avatar poster. It is wonder ful. Will bring memories every time I look at it. Thanks for such a
wonderful gift to all of us. A real Labor of Love! Happy Anniversary.
Today, 19:20:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
going to miss all this relaxing stuf f...... In Redding Cs we have a pair of successful bald eagles.... .3 eggs.... 3just about ready to fledge. Natur e is truly
Today, 19: 00:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
britt in southern cal
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Norma Trumble
Mother Nature RULES.
Today, 19:03:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lynda C
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Linda Greubel
Is it to late to get a Molly t-shirt? I'm t hinking I should get something. Having a picture would r eally be great .
Today, 18: 58:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Hendrickson
They are still for sale, or were as of last night.
Today, 19:01:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
What is the web site. I''m not very computer savy.
Today, 19:03:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
htt p://www.transf erit.com/t heowlbox/ to purchase Molly the Owl items
Today, 19:06:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Liked by
Jeri Lynn Downs
Kelly Warren
GO OD EVENING FRO M MO NTREAL, I see t he darling is still asleep, hope my extended vir tual family is doing well too
Today, 18: 56:14 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Emily From Gulfport
Norma Tr umble
Linda Gr eubel
Jeri Lynn Downs
Sar ah in L'Ile-Perrot
Kathryn R
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
britt in sout hern cal
Guest Collapse list
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Hey Kelly!!!
Today, 18:57:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
Darlene Salisbury
Hi Kelly..
Today, 18:59:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
Kathryn R
Hello! Ohh, a wake up call!
Today, 19:00:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Annie (in Illinois)
Hi Kelly !!!
Today, 19:00:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
what part of Illinois are u f rom? Im in a small town called Pecatonica. 15 miles west of Freeport
Today, 19:05:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hiya Kelly!
Today, 19:00:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
What is t he website to get the bumper sticker
Today, 18: 53:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Lisa in Okla
eBay ---search ---Molly The Bar n Owl Bumper Sticker
Today, 19:00:15 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
Thanks - I appreciate it
Today, 19:04:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
As far as I know, it is only available on eBay. Here is the site htt p://cgi.ebay.com/Molly-Barn-Owl-Bumper-Sticker-/190403953954?
cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_Def aultDomain_0&hash=item2c54f5c522
If that doesn't work, go to eBay.com and type a search for "Molly the Barn Owl Bumper St icker"
Today, 19:03:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Greubel
Thank you so much!
Today, 19:04:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
While Wes naps I t hink I'll go change my name of f acebook and take a break... should be back before she takes off! Thanks again f or all the help!
Today, 18: 52:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Kathr yn R
Emily From Gulfport
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Has the Molly bumper sticker been mentioned again since this morning?
I ordered one as soon as I saw it. The best part is Carlos has approved
it because all the profits ar e going t o help the birds in the oil crisis.
I don't have the site but hope someone else does for those of you who
might also love one.
Today, 18: 51:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Emily From Gulfport
Lynda C
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
Jeri Ly nn Downs
That's nice that the profit s will help t he birds. I was part of conversation this a.m. regar ding the birds... the sec. flew all over me (no pun intended). Her
son and DIL just lost their jobs. I apologized. It's tough here where people depend on the Gulf f or their livelihoods and they're losing their jobs. But I
st ill car e about the birds, etc. They don't know not to get in the oil.
Today, 18:58:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
jeri, it 's a shame that humans are affected, i tot ally am compassionate to t hat. we have friends who have lost everything due to the downward economy
and my heart aches over it. BUT.... .we are the stewards and caretakers of all t he other creatures and when they are injured at OUR hands, it is our
responsibilit y to help them. i'd go to the gulf and wash creatures if i could.
Today, 19:10:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Jeri Lynn Downs
purdy farmsBecky, WA
The sticker is on e-bay. I just typed in Molly t he O wl bumper sticker, and it came up. Hint. ..no matter how many you or der, the shipping is $0.75. I
ordered three!
Today, 18:59:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
thanks for t he heads up on shipping and, dinner was great, but I used too much cider, so t he potatoes wouldn't cr isp up - I just guessed on proportions - my son scarfed it down with plenty
of leftovers
Today, 19:10:38 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
Only 10% of the prof its will be donated to help the birds in the oil spill. It doesn't say which organization it will go to.
Today, 19:09:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
Thank you Carlos, Donna, Austin, chat roomers and everyone connected with this beautiful experience. In a world where we t ur n on t err ible news and see so
many things that are difficult, you have pr ovided a sanctuary not only f or these extraordinary birds, but for all of us to see real magic and beauty. A remarkable
experience for so many of us. Thank you so much.
Today, 18: 51:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Linda Greubel
Kelly Warren
Emily From Gulfport
Kat hryn R
Norma Tr umble
Jeri Lynn Downs
Cinda Browne
Annie (in Illinois)
Sarah in L'Ile-Per rot
Bonnie Kirkland Steele
Bette Collapse list
Linda Greubel
It's another cool, br eezy overcast evening here in Calif ornia. Not as cold as it looks. Maybe in the 60's. I think Wes may make t he box her home. Just a
guess. Who wouldn't want t o live with the Carlos family! Good people.
Today, 18: 51:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Norma Trumble
Sarah in L'Ile-Perrot
I think tonight will be the night when litt le Wes stays out all night. Oh, I hate to give this all up.
Today, 18: 48:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Nope.. .she' ll be back!!
Today, 18:58:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hello! I've been out of t ouch for a f ew days - when did Aust in not come back?! ? How long has poor Wes been all alone? Do the others come and visit at night?
Today, 18: 48:20 – Flag – Like – Reply
Norma Trumble
Apparently Carlos saw all six flying around last night! So they ar e still ther e.
Today, 19:09:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Jeri Ly nn Downs
Good evening. We had our last day with t he kiddies today, a carnival out in the FL sun! Only in the low 90's & not a cloud in the sky! An all-day af fair for those
of manning the booths. Mine was bite the apple on the fishing wir e. We had a couple of fainting spells, but no "horking". School ending, and last owlet. That's
a lot of "ending" at one time.
Today, 18: 44:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Emily From Gulfport
Marla Woody Dillsaver
Kelly War ren
i want ed my haiku set under my own name!
wesley tells her f olks
i'll move out just as soon as
i finish med school
oh, and by the way
can i borrow the car keys
and 200k?
Today, 18: 44:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jeri Lynn Downs
Kathryn R
Peggy in Alabama
Kelly Warren
Norma Tr umble
Collapse list
dratted multiple-br owsers
Today, 18:44:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Linda Greubel
The dog barking doesn't have any affect on Wes. No response.
Today, 18: 43:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Emily From Gulfport
Kelly Warren
Marla Woody Dillsav er
so did she end up horking??? i left , so imagine she did!!!
Today, 18: 42:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
James, I hope you'r e getting some good pics on t his golden hour - it may the last.
Today, 18: 40:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Sue from Syracuse
You guys talking about gar dens further down must all live on t he west coast. Our strawber ries have just ripened, but not much else. My mouth is waterng for a
real fr esh t omato and ear of corn - yum, yum!
Today, 18: 39:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kathryn R
I live in the West but not on t he Coast. I'm in the High Desert. We've had a carppy Spring t his year. Nuthin' planted yet , except snow peas, LOL! Those
should be ready soon. It's been too friggin' cold!!!
(OK, I'll add something positive here. Starting Saturday it will be in t he 70s, then into the 80s by midweek. It's ABOUT TIME! (As I sit her e shiver ing with
the heat on and it's alr eady in t he 40s).
Today, 18:43:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
Emily From Gulfport
come visit us, in the 90's pool weather !
Today, 18:46:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Sue from Syracuse
Where is Gulfpor t???? Be there shortly!
Today, 18:47:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Emily From Gulfport
I'll be the one in front of the computer , looking at yowl babies! come on in! I'll leave the light on lol
Today, 18:49:32 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Emily From Gulfport
sorry, Mississippi gulf coast, home to t he largest oil spill. ....... Katrina.. ...
Today, 18:51:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Jeri Lynn Downs
Emily From Gulfport
Had my first tomat o tonight from my garden (big tin washtub) litt le, but delicious! fr esh bread, may o and lit tle t omato, Life Is Good! wish I could share
wit h you
Today, 18:45:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Jeri Lynn Downs
Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
Mary Pat Hyland
Sue from Syracuse
Me, too! Drool, drool.. ..
Today, 18:46:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Jeri Ly nn Downs
We've already picked and eaten our strawberries! Yum!
Today, 18:47:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Kathryn R
Hi Sue, I'm on the west coast of Flor ida....
Today, 18:49:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Can you say "Owlet withdr awl".
Today, 18: 38:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kelly Warren
Sue from Syracuse
owlet withdrowl, owlet withdr owl, owlet withdrowl.....
Today, 18:41:43 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
Norma Trumble
Rhonda Hargrove
I didn't expect so much response to my problem! Thanks for all the tips, I will apply them. Thanks f or the invit es... I will respond soon...promise.
This weekend I'll try to put up pictures and make a place for Jade to display her phot ography... she's really very talented and LOVES t o take pics! Some of you
saw her pic of me pour ing brownie batter the day of our virt ual picnic
Thanks again. ..I'm so glad I discovered this chat room (my first ) and I have you all to help me learn and use f acebook! I'm very blessed
Today, 18: 37:53 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kristi Smith
Kat hryn R
Annie (in Illinois)
Emily From Gulfport
Lisa in Okla
purdyfar msBecky, WA
Collapse list
Norma Trumble
My first chatroom too - I also am learning a lot !! Poems, haiku and many other things!
Today, 19:14:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
My pre-dinner post. I'll ret urn aft er but before time t o eat outside t he box.
Many of you already have these most of these, I'm sur e. Get over it.
Molly and O wlet
Austin - Contemplat ing
Molly & Newly Hatched
Molly Standing Over
the Future
Her Eggs
Wesley Closeup
Today, 18: 34:56 – Like – Reply – Delet e
Liked by
Mrs Whiggins
Lisa in Okla
Kathryn R
Rhonda Har grove
Jer i Lynn Downs Collapse list
simply beautiful James
Today, 18:37:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kristi Smit h
I love these, James! (this is Deb - diff erent pc)
Today, 18:38:09 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Enjoy the chicken bog
Today, 18:39:51 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
So very talented, an artist indeed.
Today, 18:42:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Norma Trumble
Molly is such a good Mom!
Today, 19:15:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Stretching his wee pin feat hers
Today, 18: 32:19 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kristi Smith
Kat hryn R
Mrs Whiggins
Bill in SD
Linda Hendrickson
Jer i Lynn Downs
Guest Collapse list
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Kristi Smith
Awww...so precious!
Today, 18:34:59 – Flag – Like – Reply
never saw this one before
Today, 18:36:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
That was during the good ol' mullet era!
Today, 18:39:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kristi Smit h
Did human Austin ever show up for an inter view? Car los was off searching f or him when I lef t this afternoon.
Today, 18: 30:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Yes Leslee Aust in was on..
Today, 18:33:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
Thanks Lucky...I am sorry I missed it...
Today, 18:35:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Hearing that Monday is the last day for the camera, I was wondering if it goes out Monday morning or evering? Did Carlos say? Thanks
Today, 18: 29:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
If you hear a Harley roaring off into the dist ance, you'll know it will be on for longer ...
Today, 18:32:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
I think that was Donna, needed some alone t ime
Today, 18:36:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
I wish he could set up a camera like the ones t hat don't need any maintenance...like the one watching the eaglets out on Santa Catalina...I am sure that
one isn't monitored... is it? He could just show the owl box and we could watch at night. ...or something....I'm grasping f or straws....
Today, 18:33:06 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Mrs Whiggins
Emily From Gulfport
Hi ever ybody! I am here. Woohoo! Baby owls in bed + t een owls watching a movie = computer is all mine! (unless hubby needs a t urn)
Time t o check the basement a bit.
Today, 18: 27:03 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
Liked by
Emily From Gulfport
Kathr yn R
Krist i Smith
purdyfarmsBecky, WA Collapse list
wesley tells her f olks
"i'll move out just as soon as
i finish med school! "
Today, 18: 26:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Emily From Gulfport
Kat hryn R
whoops, wr ong browser -- this is emily
Today, 18:26:50 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
"oh, and by the way
can i borrow the car keys
and 200k?"
Today, 18:34:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
Timers going off, is that dinner ???
Today, 18: 24:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Liked by
Kathryn R
Mary Pat Hy land
Popcor n!
Today, 18:28:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Can someone clarify for me, Austin is selling a DVD of the whole Molly exper ience and the profit s will be used towar ds his college fund? Is that correct? Also, we
should e-mail him if we would be interested? Thanks.
Today, 18: 22:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lisa in Okla
Yes. Yes. email him at [email protected]
and put molly dvd in t he subject line
Today, 18:24:35 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Yes, on all points.
Today, 18:24:47 – Like – Reply – Delete
Thanks and Thanks.
Today, 18:26:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
This is gr eat! I love the idea of the $ helping him with college! What a cleaver come up with this idea
We'll get a great DVD and help him t oo.... win
Today, 18:41:24 – Flag – Like – Reply
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My theor y as to why Wes has not left the box ... . She looked at the Palm tree and did not see any place for her prone nap time! Location, location,
location.... !
Today, 18: 21:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Emily From Gulfport
Kelly Warr en
Kristi Smith
britt in southern cal
Roxanne Collapse list
Hello fr om Pitt sburgh. Pa. I'm guessing that this will be our last
nite togethe
Carlos, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! !! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Today, 18: 20:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Kathryn R
Patty G.
Nancy in Oklahoma
Wesleyanne knows where she feels comfortable dur ing the day, for now!
Today, 18: 19:05 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Kathryn R
Lisa in Okla
Good evening! By the time I hit t he basement and SPO Facebook, it takes a litt le longer to get here! Lots of interesting stuff all over!
Today, 18: 18:45 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Kat hryn R
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Kelly War ren
Kristi Smit h
Hi Colleen!
Today, 18:28:01 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hi Melissa!
Today, 18:29:16 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrove
On allergies...Patricia if you're still here...tr y gettin local honey (honey produced close to where you live). I'm gett ing some this weekend...allergy season has
been really bad t his year. I'm told by many friends that it r eally helps. Just eat a spoon or so a day...in tea, on toast what ever you like
Today, 18: 18:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Kathr yn R
Kelly War ren
Fiveoskid Smith
maurmcc (Maureen)
on the FB thing - i found several rhonda hargroves! which one are you?
on the allergies/honey thing - i've heard the same thing - local honey each day!
Today, 18:20:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
Annie (in Illinois)
Maureen her facebook username is rhondabrad and she is using the same avatar, I hope that helps
Today, 18:27:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
My user name is rhondabrad....I'm going t o post my actual name as Rhonda Speake Hargr ove (Speake is my maiden name and pretty rare...so, it'll make
it easier to find me) Also, told me to do this... .so, I will go in a bit to change it
Today, 18:31:54 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
I have hear d this t oo... I'm so glad I don't have t hem
Today, 18:20:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
I use local honey and it does wonders. Has t o be local and unpasturized.
Today, 18:22:11 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Annie (in Illinois)
Kelly Warren
Linda Hendrickson
Does anyone know if the bookmarks are still available? I found everything else, but not them. Thanks.
Today, 18: 17:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Emily From Gulfport
I think they should be, if not let me know, I got 10 (don;t ask why) I can always spare a few for a fellow MOD!
Today, 18:21:56 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Kathryn R
Linda Hendrickson
Linda Hendrickson
Awww, t hanks Emily
remember wher e!
I looked for them late last night , saw books, t-shir ts, mug, mouse pad, jewelry, etc. I know I saw them in the past, but can't
Today, 18:27:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kathryn R
Linda, have you tried looking at www.ericblehm.com?
Today, 18:28:39 – Flag – Like – Reply
They are on eric blehms site. I order ed one with my book earlier.
Today, 18:29:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Emily From Gulfport
They were with the hardback book. I really did get 10. t hey will not be available until I think OCT. I am on SPO MOD FB under Emily Williams
Today, 18:32:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
shari cekalov ich
Linda, They are on Er ics site and I don't have his link. I think you can get it on u-stream!
Today, 18:36:00 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
well...if you're willing to spare a BM for a MOD.... I...um. .. I know someone who order ed a book and didn't even see the bookmar ks until after checkout.
I can ask him if he really does still want one. I don't t hink he was crazy about the idea of making a pur chase of 10, and sur ely wasn't crazy about making
another purchase for $1.
Today, 18:28:07 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Kathryn R
Kathryn R
JH, I resemble that post too!
Today, 18:29:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Emily From Gulfport
see there was a reason I ordered 10, they were for all my new friends LOL consider one reser ved! Hey maybe I could be "Keeper of the feather"
Today, 18:35:35 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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I nominate Emily... Kepper of the feather bookmark!
Today, 18:39:49 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Thank-you! I think I like it !
Today, 18:41:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Linda Hendrickson
Wow, thanks f or all the responses, everyone! I'll go there and check
Today, 18:42:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Grilled chops mar inated in fresh orange/lemon juice and cummin powder...and the last of my cukes, for a salad for Merritt!.
Oh, yeah, cof fee cake too!.
We were talking about dinner right?.
Today, 18: 15:30 – Flag – Like – Reply
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purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Kat hryn R
Kristi Smith
Kelly Warren
Annie (in Illinois)
Today, 18:17:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Mary Pat Hy land
Made t he first salad from my garden tonight !
Today, 18:17:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Kathryn R
Kelly War ren
britt in sout hern cal
Kathryn R
My gar den's not even planted yet!
The nights are still too cold, it's supposed to freeze tonight.
Will t his be the first year in 15 years I don't have one???? It's been a terribly cold spring for C. O.
Today, 18:19:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
It is supposed to snow this weekend!!! But today it was nearly 90. Still I love Colorado.
Today, 18:24:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
britt in southern cal
Kathryn. ...we did the easy garden t his year. ..ha.. .topsy t urvy tomatoes...so far not t oo bad either.
Today, 18:24:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kathryn R
I've heard about those, but have not tried t hat technique yet ! I should look into it, t hanks!
Today, 18:27:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
I'm in SW Florida..cukes, tomatoes,r ed bell pepper.pineapples,ect.. .heat index today was 105!!
I love my home state
either way.
Today, 18:24:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kristi Smit h
Mary Pat Hy land
Today, 18:25:21 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Sounds incredible. I don't have a garden...but, have a very generous neighbor. She brought us zuccini and yellow squash today
Today, 18:20:52 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Annie (in Illinois)
Kathryn R
MMMM... we have been eating salad f rom the garden too: lettuces, peas, aspar agus. Too early in Maryland for cukes though.
Today, 18:41:34 – Flag – Like – Reply
I wonder which chat had the most people in it. ...the stream...t he chat or t his one? Is there a way to f ind out ? Just for kicks?
Today, 18: 15:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
I would bet everyt hing that Adam owns, that it's this one!! No doubt!
Today, 18:22:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Get plenty of rest
Tonight may well be the night
Our dear sweet Wesley
Today, 18: 14:46 – Flag – Like – Reply
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pur dyfarmsBecky, WA
Kathryn R
Krist i Smith
Cinda Br owne
Kelly War ren
Melissa Collapse list
vicki knutsen
Who had the surgery? Happy to hear it went well!!
Today, 18: 14:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kelly Warren
Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Kristi from VA
I'm going to my own owl box to sleep. Long day .... By my recollection, I have contributed two t hings to tonight's chat - my knowledge of horking and Wesley
using the loo. Glad I could be of service.
Today, 18: 13:27 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Lynda C
Kathryn R
purdyfar msBecky, WA
Emily From Gulfport Collapse list
Ly nda C
Both owl related and very important things to know. Thanks.
Today, 18:15:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily Fr om Gulfport
did Wes ever hork t onight?
Today, 18:27:07 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kristi~ Have you joined the facebook group? With these important skills we may have to nominate you for an office.
Today, 18:35:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patricia Cummings
Good night and thanks for your get better wishes!
Today, 18: 12:02 – Flag – Like – Reply
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wallyr ussell
purdyfarmsBecky, WA
Emily From Gulfport
Could someone tell me what the notation in the bluebox "PABirdlove - Surgery went well" refer s to? Thanks.
Today, 18: 10:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
Bill in SD
Someone who uses the other chat room.
Today, 18:11:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
One of the regular s in the U Stream chat must have had surgery. Just a guess...
Today, 18:12:03 – Like – Reply – Delete
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Annie (in Illinois)
Kelly Warren
Darlene Salisbury
I'm gonna go get some dinner..I'll be back in a while..I t hink I hear a homemade hamburger calling my name..
Today, 18: 08:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Kat hryn R
JH (in Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Not Owls - I was wondering what to have for dinner when I saw this little chick pop up in my editing software and thought I'd share...
(Bonus prize for anyone else who knows what Chicken Bog is and wher e it or iginated. )
Little Chick
Chicken Bog
Today, 18: 08:22 – Like – Reply – Delet e
Don't know about Chicken Bog....but that sure looks like a baby Piping Plover.... .
Today, 18:11:23 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kathryn R
Kathryn R
I could cheat and search the interwebz, but I won't. I have no idea what Chicken Bog is...
Today, 18:11:35 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Yum.. ..just checked it out on Google.. .really sounds delicious and "CAR" should know where it's from.... ...Kat hleen
Today, 18:11:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Kathryn R
Kristi from VA
I guess it is a good thing what showed up in your software was a cute little chick rather than A CHICK. Family friendly site .. . use your imagination.
Today, 18:12:08 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
James digs those chicks!
Today, 18:12:29 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Kathr yn R
I think it's chicken, rice maybe some sausage and spices. Would it be a Southern recipe?? If you make it James, you'll have to give us girls your recipe
Today, 18:14:49 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
It looks very much like Chicken Gumbo (fr om Louisiana)....never heard of Chicken Bog... but, if anyone has a recipe I'd love t o try it. Looks yummy!
Today, 18:15:08 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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cj in fl
17th centur y ? or SC
Today, 18:17:35 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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My research has now shown me the way t o Myrtle Beach
Today, 18:36:13 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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I still think that picture has kielbasa on it.
Today, 18:41:02 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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I thought it looked like a snowy plover..got one on my fridg calendar..
Today, 18:19:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Yes...could be....
Today, 18:21:18 – Flag – Like – Reply
It's the chicken who always mis-spells on his web site....
Today, 18:40:09 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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Yes you caught me that's where I found it
Today, 19:16:36 – Flag – Unlike – Reply
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He didn't say we had to know just what was the answer .
Patricia Cummings
Well Owl f riends - I need to say good night - I hope that I see Wes in the a. m. Very t ired tonight - allergies still have me down.
Today, 18: 04:55 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Kathryn R
Emily From Gulfport
Lynda C
pur dyfarmsBecky, WA
Kristi from VA Collapse list
Kathryn R
Hope you start feeling better...
Today, 18:06:04 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patricia Cummings
I hope so also - it has been rainy and cool here!
Today, 18:10:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Darlene Salisbury
Goodnight Patricia..sweet dreams.. hope those allergies get better quickly..
Today, 18:06:33 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Rhonda Hargrov e
Night Patricia... btw...I Love your avatar! It makes me smile everyt ime I see it
Today, 18:06:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patricia Cummings
Thank you - that is my litt le grandson!
Today, 18:11:29 – Flag – Like – Reply
Hope sleep helps.
Today, 18:08:13 – Flag – Like – Reply
Mary Carroll
May you feel better in the morning. Sorry to hear that you f eel bad.
Today, 18:08:48 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Rhonda Hargrove
I need help.. ..I am such a facebook rookie. ...I can't find any of you to add as my friends...don't know how
My facebook username is r hondabrad (facebook.com/rhondabr ad) I also changed my name there to Rhonda Kay Har gr ove (someone was looking for me recently
and there were a LO T of Rhonda Hargroves!
Please tell me how t o do t his...I've joined the spo-mod fb. ...but, I would like to visit with some of you personally
Today, 18: 04:09 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
I'm afraid if I don't figure this out before Monday it'll be too late!
Today, 18:04:44 – Flag – Like – Reply
Lisa in Okla
Rhonda - Join the MOD FB page at
SPO-MOD Support Group & Cof fee House
Today, 18:06:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
I have joined t here...I was hoping to invite some (actually any of you are welcome) to my facebook page (Still very much under construction... .no pics
Today, 18:11:42 – Flag – Like – Reply
Ly nda C
I'm too much of a "newbie" to FB to answer your question, but you can always get help if you post your question right t here.
Today, 18:07:47 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patricia Cummings
I am on facebook - under this name. I would be interested in chatting wit h you!
Today, 18:05:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Today, 18:07:23 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patricia Cummings
there are sever al of you!
Today, 18:08:10 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
I will send an invite to you and put annieinillinois in your search engine on f acebook. there should be an invit e option
Today, 18:06:53 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
Im sorry, thats Annie Farris
Today, 18:08:12 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Thanks too!
Today, 18:10:28 – Flag – Like – Reply
Anne Loehr Goss
Rhonda: Is Hargrove a married or maiden name? If you'r e married, make sure make your name 'First Maiden Married'. Mor e old friends will find you.
Also, make sur e you list your schools, and do a sear ch on your school name. You will find old classmates. Start searching on old friends and family
member names. You'll find friends in no time at all. (There's a Molly group in Facebook too. ) Good luck!
Today, 18:08:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
Rhonda Hargrov e
Ok...so, I'll change my name to Rhonda Speake Hargr ove (been married 23 years!) Thanks f or the tips.. .I'm excited about getting t his going
Today, 18:25:58 – Flag – Like – Reply
If you go to the spo-mod page you'll see posts t here fr om us. If you click on any of our names it will t ake you to our page. There is a tab on the right that
says Add as Friend. Also a link there that says the same thing. That will send a friend request to that per son.
Today, 18:09:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Annie (in Illinois)
Lynda C
Rhonda Hargrov e
Thanks.. .I didn't know that! Told you I'm a r eal rookie....I know VERY LITTLE
Today, 18:27:26 – Flag – Like – Reply
Annie (in Illinois)
I sent you an invite Rhonda !!!
Today, 18:10:31 – Flag – Like – Reply
Patricia Cummings
I sent you a message Rhonda!
Today, 18:10:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Kristi Smith
I sent you one, too!
Today, 18:12:22 – Flag – Like – Reply
purdy farmsBecky, WA
I just sent you a friend invite!
Today, 18:10:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Emily From Gulfport
I sent friend request too
Today, 18:17:37 – Flag – Like – Reply
Paige in Denv er
I wish I could find the cartoon that had Austin telling Wes not to worry, t hat she wasn't alone, she still had Dudley, Poley and Bolty.
Today, 18: 02:41 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Emily From Gulfport
Kat hryn R
Emily From Gulfport
don't forget buster!
Today, 18:03:36 – Flag – Like – Reply
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wally russell
FAvor ite Netflix movies
AS IT IS IN HEAVEN Swedish with English Subtitles
JAPANESE with English Subtitles
ALL are about our humanity and how we treat each other. Kathleen Sorry for the non-Molly; but MollysWorld is about how we tr eat each other too.
Today, 18: 00:17 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Pat ricia Cummings
Kathryn R
Patricia Cummings
Her majesty is sitting on her throne
Too bad she is st ill all alone
Family has fledged I know it is true
Still this makes me very blue
I hope we all can share her last night
I am sure it will be a beautiful sight
Wes, Austin, Pat tison and Max too
This is such a wonderful crew!
We wish you luck wher ever you are
Remember that Carlos and Donna ar e not far !
Today, 17: 58:51 – Flag – Like – Reply
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Anne Loehr Goss
Carrie McAtee
Lynda C
Kat hryn R
Kristi Smith
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