July 23, 2014
July 23, 2014
(406) 433-3306 or 1-800-749-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 e-mail address: [email protected] www.roundupweb.com :HGQHVGD\-XO\ %XVLQHVV2IÀFH /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ 6LGQH\07 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV P.O. Box 1207 6LGQH\07 9ROXPH1XPEHU )DLUYLHZ )HVWLYDO Held /DVW :HHNHQG )HVWLYDOEXWWRQ KRQRUHH \HDUROG6HYHUW 6SRQKHLPDQG PHPEHUVRIKLV family, enjoy WKH)DLUYLHZ 2OG7LPHU·V )HVWLYDOSDUDGH ODVW6DWXUGD\ 6LQFH6SRQKHLP FUHGLWHGSDUWRI KLVORQJHYLW\ WRHDWLQJ RDWPHDOHYHU\ PRUQLQJWKH IDPLO\WRVVHG RXWLQGLYLGXDO SDFNHWVRI RDWPHDO UDWKHUWKDQ FDQG\3KRWR E\'LDQQH 6ZDQVRQ Area 4Hers Get Ready for the Fair at Showmanship Clinic Last Weekend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2nd St. Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 For all your Farm/Ranch, Recreational, Residential, and Commercial needs. Alan Seigfreid Amanda Seigfreid Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. • Sidney Mt. 59270 (O) 406-433-3010 • (C) 406-489-3010 Broker/Owners email: [email protected] Website: www.missouririverrealty.com The Fairview Festival Centennial Celebration Would like to give a big Thank You to all who volunteered, donated & attended our festival. Our 68th year was another successful weekend of events, class reunions & family reunions. Plan to join us at our 69th on Saturday, July 18, 2015. Fairview is the place to be! See you there! Do you have news or photos from McKenzie County you would like in The Roundup? CONTACT: Kathy Taylor in Watford City 701-842-6188 AREA RECOVERY GROUPS MONDAYS: Noon — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 1 - 3 p.m. – Grief Recovery Support Group in First Lutheran Church, Fellowship Room, Watford City. 6 p.m. – Al-Anon,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 7 p.m. – Fairview Alive and Kicking at Fairview Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. TUESDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. WEDNESDAYS: 5:00 p.m. – 6REHU/LIH<RXQJ3HRSOH·V1$$$VWHS recovery group, 25 yr. old & younger, Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 8 p.m.— Al-Anon, Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, Watford City. THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. – 1$PHHWLQJ0RQ'DN7UXFNLQJRIÀFH%OGJ W. Holly, Sidney. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. FRIDAYS: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.- 5 Stones faith based recovery PHHWLQJ6LGQH\1D]DUHQHWK6W6:%DFNGRRU is open. 7 p.m. – Watford City area Celebrate Recovery, Assembly of God, 2117 S. Main. For help call Robert 417-296-2809 or Stephanie 417-296-2810. 8 p.m. – $$PHHWLQJV7ULQLW\/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK(G%OGJ Sidney. SATURDAYS: 7P.M. – AA 24 hour group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Education bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. SUNDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney LAKE WATER LEVEL REPORT Sakakawea Fort Peck Current Elevation .......................... 1846.4 ....................2230.2 /DVW:HHN·V(OHY ......................... 1846.3 ....................2230.2 One Year Ago ............................... 1836.6 .......................2239 Release For Day (C.F.S.) ............. 28,000 ......................7,200 SIDNEY WEATHER DATA Source: MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Date High Low Precip. July 14 ....................... 71 ........................47 .....................0.00 July 15 ....................... 77 ........................43 .....................0.00 July 16 ....................... 84 ........................44 .....................0.00 July 17 ...................... 90 ........................52 .....................0.00 July 18 ....................... 79 ........................54 .....................0.00 July 19 ....................... 90 ........................49 .....................0.00 July 20 ....................... 94 ........................58 .....................0.00 Average YTD Precipitation ...............................................2.26 Memorial services for David “Dave” Bower were at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 17, 2014 at Fulkerson Memorial Chapel. Cremation has taken place under the direction of Fulkerson Funeral Home of Sidney and interment of cremains will be in Sidney Cemetery, Sidney, MT. Remembrances, condolences and pictures may be shared with the family at www.fulkersons.com. David died on Monday, June 23, 2014, at the Billings Clinic, Billings, MT. Stuart Swanson, 68, Fairview, MT Memorial service for Stuart Swanson, 68 of Fairview, MT was at 3:00 p.m., Monday, July 21, 2014 at the Fulkerson Memorial Chapel in Sidney, MT. Cremation has taken place and interment of cremains will be held at a later date. Remembrances, pictures and condolences can be shared with the family at www.fulkersons.com. Stuart died at his home in Fairview, MT on Sunday, July 13. Your Brain Needs a Blueprint – Part II By Lynn Sloan How much control do you have over your own survival in a disaster? The surprising fact is that our actions matter more than most of us think. Replacing a fatalistic “if it happens, it happens” attitude ZLWKFRQÀGHQWDFWLYHSDUWLFLSDWLRQFDQPHDQDOOWKHGLIIHUHQFH The secret? Practice. Research reveals that our brains follow established neurological pathways; when faced with a situation, they search for DIDPLOLDUSDWWHUQRIUHVSRQVH,QDFULVLVWKH\RIWHQFDQ·WÀQGD suitable response and choose the wrong one. The most common is freezing like a deer in headlights. While we may expect panic to reign in a disaster, entire groups of people can actually become immobilized by an event they have never experienced before and simply shut down, leading to tragic results. The good news is that our brains can easily be trained to establish new pathways by planning and rehearsing basic safety procedures beforehand. A blueprint for the brain to follow reduces the danger of lethargy and replaces fear with a steady FRQÀGHQFHLQDQHPHUJHQF\ 6W-RKQ·V+RVSLWDOLQ-RSOLQ02KDGVXFKDEOXHSULQW7KHLU emergency management plan was practiced twice a year, conveniently just four days before the 2011 tornado hit. It included instructions to move all patient beds into the hallways, away from windows, which is believed to have saved lives. Although the building was ravaged, with all power and every single window blown out, only 5 patients and 1 visitor died in the disaster. It had been two years since Boston, MA conducted a citywide bomb drill, but the effects of that rehearsal were clear the GD\RIODVW\HDU·VPDUDWKRQ7KHFORFNZRUNHIÀFLHQF\DQGVSHHG of response teams was invaluable. Several victims arrived in near-death condition at area hospitals and likely would not have lived more than a few minutes longer. In our nation, the overwhelming majority of “heroes” are not professional emergency responders, but regular people taking action to save themselves and others. Each of us will be the ´ÀUVWUHVSRQGHUµLQWKHZRUVWPRPHQWVRIDQ\GLVDVWHUDQGZLWK preparation will be capable of taking care of our loved ones. Richland County Disaster and Emergency Services urges you to Practice Life-saving Action Now (PLAN) as part of the “Dare to Prepare at the Fair” challenge. Pick up a PLAN form at our fair booth in the Agriculture Building, or prior to the fair DW 6LGQH\·V 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ &RPSOHWH WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU \RXU family or business, and show us your completed PLAN at the Fair for a chance to win some great prizes. See you at the fair! Sidney VFW and Elks Lodge to Host Honor Ride and Service Appreciation Submitted by Tina Stauser It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you-Author Unknown. The VFW and Elks Lodge of Sidney, Montana invite community, military personnel, veterans and their families to attend the second annual Honor Ride and Service Appreciation Day on July 26th. ´:HZDQWWRVD\WKDQN\RXIRUZKDW\RX·YHGRQHRQEHKDOI of our country,” said Jodie Leland, committee chair. Proceeds from the Honor Ride will support the local Needy Veterans Fund which supports Veterans in need in Eastern Montana. This year the event is sponsored by the Sidney VFW and Elks, Ranger Lounge, Monty and Jolene Erickson,J & L Pit Liners, Richland County Health Department, Senior Corps RSVP, and Richland County Transportation. At 9:00 attendees will be served breakfast at the VFW in Sidney to kick off a 150 mile Honor Ride. The Classic Car and Motorcycle ride is open to the public; non-veterans will pay a $20 fee for their poker hand. The Flag Ceremony and Taps will be held at 10:00 AM. The run begins at 11:00 with stops at: Sidney, Lambert, Richey, Glendive, and back to Sidney. Snacks are arranged at some of the stops. The Ranger Lounge will serve a free-will donation dinner with at 6:00 at the VFW. There will be no charge to our honored servicemen and women. DJ and prize drawings will begin at 7:00pm. Any question about the Honor Ride and Service Appreciation Day call Jodie at 406-480-1999. SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: 32%R[ :HVW0DLQ6LGQH\07 )D[(PDLOFODVVDGV#HVLGQH\FRP Richland County Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Thurs., July 24 8:30 a.m. - MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center 34th Annual Field day, one mile N of Sidney on highway 200. 5 p.m. — TOPS, Crestwood NW entrance, Weigh-ins 5-5:30 p.m. Meeting 5:30-6 p.m. Fri., July 25 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.– 0HQ·V%UHDNIDVW)HOORZVKLS 6LGQH\/XWKHUDQ%UHWKUHQ&KXUFK 9 a.m - 12 p.m. - Senior Commodities will be distributed RQ-XO\WKDWWKHEDFNGRRURIWKH1XWWHU%XLOGLQJ W., Main. Message phone is 406-433-4353. 11:30 a.m. — Sidney Senior Citizen Center will be hosting a meal. For more info call 406-433-8077. 6:30 p.m. – 5 stone drug and alcohol recovery meeting, 6LGQH\&KXUFKRI1D]DUHQHWK676:EDFNGRRULV open. 7p.m. - Midnight - Relay for Life, Richland County Fairgrounds. Sun., July 27 1 p.m. — 6DYDJH6HQLRU&HQWHUFDUGVSRWOXFNSavage Senior Center (across from Fire Hall on Main St.) 6:45 p.m. — 6LGQH\0RRVH/RGJH%LQJR0DLQ6HVVLRQ Mon., July 28 11:30 a.m. — Sidney Senior Citizen Center will be hosting a meal. For more info call 406-433-8077. 6:30 p.m.— Sidney Moose Lodge Pinochle games. MCKENZIE COUNTY Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Thurs., July 24 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. – McKenzie Co. Food Pantry, lower level RIWKH)LUVW/XWKHUDQ&KXUFKQG$YH1::DWIRUG City, Cash Wise food giveaway, for more info or to set up DQDSSWFDOORUZZZPFIRRGSDQWU\FRP 7 p.m.– Pinochle, Watford City Senior Center, 205 5th St. NW, for more info call 842-3760. Fri. 25 & Sat. 26, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Quilting at the Confuence. Mon., July 28 1 - 3 p.m. – Grief Recovery Support Group First Lutheran Church, Fellowship room, Watford City. Tues., July 29 5 - 7 p.m – McKenzie Co. Food Pantry open, First /XWKHUDQ&KXUFKQG$YH1::DWIRUG&LW\)RU PRUHLQIRFDOO OTHER SURROUNDINGCOUNTIES (YHQWVDWWKH&RQÁXHQFHXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHOLVWHGDUH&7=RQH Notice :HZHOFRPHDOOHYHQWVIURPVFKRROVQRQSURÀW organizations, churches, clubs, community, public meetings, and all other events. Call 406-433-3306, email: [email protected], or just stop by The Roundup Newspaper. The Roundup provides free Fax service at Meuchel Computer Services, Watford City, ND, for all news, photos & advertising copy. You may drop your Roundup payments at Meuchels. View all monthly events on our calendar at: www.roundupweb.com We Welcome Your Engagement and Wedding Announcements We Will Publish Your Announcement, including a photo, FREE of Charge and in color whenever possible Invitations will be charged for Send your announcements to Box 1207, Sidney, MT email to [email protected] or stop by our office at 111 W. Main, Sidney ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 3A Now Open! Wed-Fri: 9am - 7pm Sat & Sun: 11am - 7pm Please, Walk-ins Only Klipper Kuts Barber Shop “Haircuts for the Family” Located at 102 N. Central | Yellowstone Marketplace | 701-770-1904 Appliances imagination at work® ,W·V)LUH6HDVRQ 'HVSLWHWKHIDFWWKDWWKHKLOOVVWLOOORRNJUHHQWKHUHKDYHEHHQVHYHUDOÀUHVLQUHFHQWGD\V7KHSKRWRDERYH Fridges • Stoves • Washers & Dryers • And More! LVRIWKHROG'HDQ:KLWHPDQIDUPVWHDGDERXWVL[PLOHVQRUWKRI5LFKH\EXUQLQJRQ-XO\$OLJKWLQJFDXVHG ÀUHKDGEXUQHGVRPHRIWKHDUHDRQ7KXUVGD\-XO\ZLWKDQHDVWZLQGIDQQLQJWKHÁDPHV6XQGD\WKH DUHDUHLJQLWHGZLWKDQRUWKZHVWZLQGFDUU\LQJWKHÀUH (YHU\RQHLVUHPLQGHGWREHFDUHIXODVWHPSHUDWXUHVKHDWXSDQGYHJHWDWLRQULSHQV3KRWRE\%RE&DQGHH Ribfest 2014 Set For Aug. 8 in Watford City Featuring a concert by Travis Tritt as part of the Bash on the Grass Concert Series Get Your New Drop-Off Havre Laundry & Dry Cleaning! Appliances Sales Center Mon-Fri: 10am - 6pm | 406-433-1823 | 214 S. Central Ave • Sidney, MT Sports Physical Bring your... • Release form • Completed history • Immunization record CLINIC $ Please Note: Reduced • No insurance will be submitted. Rate! • Payment due at time of service. 25 214 14th Ave SW • Sidney, Montana The Ribfest 2014 Planning Committee has set Friday, $XJXVWWKIRUWKLV\HDU·VHYHQWRQ0DLQ6WUHHW:DWIRUG&LW\ 7KLV\HDU·V5LEIHVWLVZRUNLQJWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHst Annual %DVKRQWKH*UDVV&RQFHUW6HULHVIHDWXULQJDFRQFHUWE\7UDYLV 7ULWW &RQFHVVLRQVDQGWKH6WUHHW)DLUZLOOVWDUWDWDPDQG WKHULEFRQWHVWZLOOWDNHSODFHDWSP0DLQ6WUHHWZLOOEHRSHQ IRUWKHSXEOLFWRHQMR\OXQFKPXVLFNLGVJDPHVDQGLQÁDWDEOHV DQGULEVXQWLOSP 7UDYLV 7ULWW ZLOO SHUIRUP DW DW WKH 0F.HQ]LH &RXQW\ )DLUJURXQGV*DWHVRSHQDW ´:RUNLQJZLWK%DVKRQWKH*UDVVLVDQH[FLWLQJDGGLWLRQWR DQDOUHDG\SRSXODUHYHQWµVDLGFRPPLWWHHFKDLU-HVVLH6FRÀHOG ´7KLVLVWKHÀUVWWLPH:DWIRUG&LW\KDVKRVWHGVXFKDELJQDPH SHUIRUPHUDQGWKHWZRHYHQWVZLOOZRUNJUHDWWRJHWKHUµ $ SUL]H VSRQVRUHG E\ %DUUHWW 3KDUPDF\ ZLOO EH DZDUGHGIRUWKHWHDPZLWKWKHEHVWULEV6HFRQGSODFHVSRQVRUHGE\0%,ZLOOUHFHLYHDQGWKHUHZLOOEHDSUL]H 6SRQVRUHGE\:KLSSLQ·6WLWFKIRUERRWKVKRZPDQVKLS 7KHGD\ZLOOEHÀOOHGZLWKOLYHPXVLFIURPORFDOWDOHQW-HVVLH 9HHGHU/RQHVRPH:LOO\*HWWLQJ·2XWWD'RGJHDQGRWKHUV2WKHU HYHQWVLQFOXGHLQÁDWDEOHNLGV·JDPHVDGXQNWDQNDFKLOGUHQ·V ´'LDSHU 'HUE\µ DQG D FKLOGUHQ·V ´6KRZGRZQµ DW QRRQ ZKHUH SUL]HVZLOOEHDZDUGHGIRUWKHEHVWZHVWHUQZHDU 7KHSXEOLFZLOODOVRHQMR\WKH&ODVVLF&DU6KRZDQGDIHZ IULHQGO\ URXQGV RI %LQJR GXULQJ WKH GD\ 7KHUH ZLOO EH VWUHHW YHQGRUVDQGVHYHUDOSLQJSRQJGURSVWKDWZLOORIIHUVSHFLDOGHDOV IURP0DLQ6WUHHWEXVLQHVVHV ´5LEIHVWMXVWJHWVELJJHUDQGEHWWHUHYHU\\HDUµVDLG-DQHO /HHFRPPLWWHHPHPEHU´,W·VDJUHDWZD\WREULQJWKHFRPPXQLW\WRJHWKHUDQGFHOHEUDWHWKHEHVWSDUWVRIVXPPHUPXVLF IULHQGVDQGIRRGµ 7KH%HVWRIWKH:HVW5LEIHVWLVOLPLWHGWRWHDPV,I\RX·UH LQWHUHVWHGLQUHJLVWHULQJDWHDPVLJQXSWRGD\DVVSDFHLVOLPLWHG 7HDPV IRRG DQG FUDIW YHQGRUV DQG &ODVVLF &DU 6KRZ SDUWLFLSDQWVPD\UHJLVWHURQOLQHDWZZZZDWIRUGFLW\ULEIHVWQHW 7LFNHWVIRUWKH7UDYLV7ULWW%DVKRQWKH*UDVV&RQFHUWDUH DYDLODEOHWRSXUFKDVHRQOLQHDWZZZEDVKRQWKHJUDVVFRP or at %DGODQGV+DUGZDUH&DVK:LVH)RRGV0F.HQ]LH&RXQW\%DQN 'DNRWD:HVW&UHGLW8QLRQDQG)LUVW,QWHUQDWLRQDO%DQN7UXVW 5LEIHVWLVDOVRORRNLQJIRUVSRQVRUV,I\RXDUHLQWHUHVWHGRU KDYHTXHVWLRQVFRQWDFWWKH:DWIRUG&LW\&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH DW RU ZFFKDPEHU#UXJJHGZHVWFRP RU ZZZ IDFHERRNFRP%HVW2I7KH:HVW5LEIHVWIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ Phone: 406-488-2510 By Appointment Only - Check with Your Provider for Availability Comfortable Living...Comfortable Price! On The Lot Now Hurry In! Only 1 Available At This Price! $ 74,995 only 28' x 40', 3 bed, 2 bath, 989 Sq. Ft. Includes full sheetrock, real wood Includes: trim, w washer/dryer, central air, 32" flat screen TV, 4' x 13' deck, skirting. Delivered & set up within 150 mile radius of Williston. Mon-Wed-Thurs: 9am-7pm TTues & Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 4pm 22308 3 West Front St. Williston, ND | 701-572-2590 4A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 WHEATLAND ISEMAN HOMES INTRODUCES S U B D I V I S I O N ILLS NOW OPEN 5 Homes Move-In Ready SINGLE & DOUBLEWIDE MODULARS AVAILABLE! LOTS AVAILABLE FOR SALE OR RENT! 316 arrowleaf st • culbertson, montana (406) 551-5187 www.isemanhomes.com find us on facebook Women’s Foundation Summer Roundup Aims to Raise Funds to Support Montana Women and Girls 7KH :RPHQ·V )RXQGDWLRQ RI 0RQWDQD D SURMHFW RI WKH 0RQWDQD &RPPXQLW\ )RXQGDWLRQLVKRVWLQJDSDUW\ LQFHOHEUDWLRQRIVWURQJ0RQWDQDZRPHQDQG\HDUVRI 0RQWDQD ZRPHQ YRWLQJ 7KH FHOHEUDWLRQ LQFOXGHV GLQQHU DQGDEDUQGDQFHDQGZLOOEH KHOG DW SP RQ 6DWXUGD\ $XJXVWDWWKH0DUFKL$QJXV 5DQFKQHDU3ROVRQ ´:H UHFRJQL]H WKDW RQH RI WKH JUHDWHVW SRROV RI XQWDSSHG SRWHQWLDO LQ 0RQWDQD LVRXUZRPHQµVDLG-HQ(XHOO :RPHQ·V )RXQGDWLRQ 3URJUDP 'LUHFWRU ´7KH 6XPPHU 5RXQGXSLVDJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\ IRUHYHU\RQHWRFRPHWRJHWKHU DQG KDYH VRPH IXQ ZKLOH KHOSLQJEXLOGRXUUHVRXUFHVLQ VXSSRUWRIDGYDQFLQJZRPHQ·V HFRQRPLFRSSRUWXQLWLHVµ 7KH HYHQW ZLOO QRW RQO\ LQFOXGHZRPHQHQWUHSUHQHXUV EXWDOVRSROLF\PDNHUVSKLODQWKURSLVWV EXVLQHVV OHDGHUV DQG 0RQWDQDQV RI DOO DJHV ZKRVKDUHDSDVVLRQIRUFUHDWLQJDEULJKWHUIXWXUHIRUZRPHQ DQGJLUOV 7KH IXQGV UDLVHG ZLOO JR WRZDUGV WKH JURZWK RI WKH :RPHQ·V)RXQGDWLRQ·VPLOOLRQ GROODUHQGRZPHQWIXQGLQJWKH QH[W\HDUVRISURJUHVVIRU 0RQWDQDZRPHQ7KLVHIIRUWLV DSDUWRIWKH:RPHQ·V)RXQGDWLRQ·VIRU:RPHQ ,QLWLDWLYH ZRUNLQJ WR LQYHVW LQWKHDGYDQFHPHQW RI 0RQWDQD ZRPHQ DQG JLUOV WKLV\HDULQFHOHEUDWLRQRIWKH \HDUDQQLYHUVDU\RIZRPHQ·VVXIIUDJHLQWKHVWDWH 7KH :RPHQ·V )RXQGDWLRQZRUNVWRFUHDWHV\VWHPLF FKDQJHVXSSRUWLQJLQLWLDWLYHV WKDWJLYHJLUOV WKH WRROV WREH ILQDQFLDOO\ VXFFHVVIXO DQG SURJUDPV WKDW LPSURYH ZRPHQ·V HFRQRPLF VHFXULW\ DQG HTXDOL]HWKHSD\JDS /HDUQ PRUH DERXW WKH 6XPPHU 5RXQGXS DQG JHW \RXU WLFNHWV DW KWWSWLQ\FF OV]ZK[ Going Out Of Business Sale! Our Lot Has Been Sold & We Need To Clear Out Every Vehicle! g n i h t y r e Ev ! o G t s u M Bottom Dollar Prices! Excellent Selection on the Lot Now! Hurry in for the Best Deals! HUGE Discou nts! MAGRUM MOTORS, INC. 1820 2nd St. W. • Williston, ND | 701-572-0114 | Greg Magrum - Owner/Sales • Brenda Daniels - Office Manager ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 5A Turn In Your Favorite Fishing Story And Get A Fairview celebrated its Centennial during the 68th DQQXDO 2OG 7LPHU·V )HVWLYDO ODVW 6DWXUGD\ 7KH experienced 1964 Fairview graduates had their XPEUHOODVUHDG\WRVWRSZDWHUEDOORRQVWUDGLWLRQDOO\ WKURZQ GXULQJ WKH SDUDGH 3KRWRV E\ 'LDQQH Swanson) Darrell Finsaas helps raise WKHQHZÁDJ prior to the afternoon program. FREE Rod/Reel Combo Submit your favorite fishing story and photos to The Roundup...and if we publish them, you will receive a free rod/reel combo! 6XSHU6DYLQJ6DOH Modulars starting at $60 per sq. ft. Cutting Edge Dance Studio members perform during the afternoon program. 6$9( LOCK IN SALE PRICE, TAKE DELIVERY LATER! ·V • WOW!! Triplewide 2790 sq. ft. with all the bells & whistles. • 1600 sq. ft. modular, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 6” walls, glamour bath, low-e windows, upgraded cabinets. 21/< Kids swarm around the Fairview Fire Department WUXFNKRSLQJIRUDÀUHKDW 1(:+20(6 RIWKH www.newhomesofthefuture.com )8785( Showmanship Clinic 7239 South Frontage Rd., Billings, Montana 59101 Area 4Hers participated in a Showmanship clinic at the Richland &RXQW\ )DLUJURXQGV Right: 4Hers learn how to show their goats. %RWWRPOHIW%DLOH\9LWWLV the next in line to show her steer. Bottom right: Becca Deming washes her steer to prepare for showmanship. (Photos V X E P L W W H G E \ . H O O \ Deming) All-Clad Skillets 10" Stainless Steel w/lid ................................................. $9999 12" Stainless Steel w/lid ................................................ $11999 Lifetime warranty | Made in the USA Open Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pm 224 Main Street • Williston, ND 701-572-COOK (2665) • (F) 701-572-2666 CUSTOM HOMES ON YOUR LAND MODULAR HOMES FROM EXCAVATION TO COMPLETION Licensed General Contractor Rus Inc. – We travel to ND, MT, SD & WY OPEN HOUSE JULY 26 & 27 OPEN HOUSE JULY 26 & 27 SPECIAL PRICE $ 183,900 1,387 Sq. Ft. – 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath • Includes Unit • Includes Concrete Basement • Includes Excavation, Digout & Back Fill • Includes Set & Finish • Includes Delivery • Includes Basement Stairs • Includes Kitchen Appliances Per Plan • Includes Inside Plumbing Excavation to Completion Home Plans – SAVE – Let us do all the work from Excavation to Completion. We will bid your favorite plan with no cost to you! MODEL HOME OPEN HOUSE SAT, JULY 26TH & SUN, JULY 27TH 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Add Garage or Basement to any Home SPECIAL PRICE $ 193,900 1,856 856 Sq. S Ft. Ft – 4 Bedroom, B d 2 Bath B th • Includes Unit • Includes Concrete Basement • Includes Excavation, Digout & Back Fill • Includes Set & Finish • Includes Delivery • Includes Basement Stairs • Includes Kitchen Appliances Per Plan • Includes Outside Electrical Disconnect Excavation to Completion Home Plans 701-572-9354 | [email protected] 6A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 Farm Credit Marks 98 Years of Service to U.S. Agriculture & Rural America Submitted by Teresa Kjellberg Nearly 100 years after the U.S. Congress established Farm Credit www.farmcredit.com to serve as a reliable source of credit IRUWKHQDWLRQ·VIDUPHUVDQGUDQFKHUV)DUP&UHGLW6HUYLFHVRI North Dakota and the entire Farm Credit System remain a sound DQGYLWDOÀQDQFLDOUHVRXUFHIRUUXUDO$PHULFD7RGD\PDUNVWKH FRRSHUDWLYHVQHWZRUNV·WKDQQLYHUVDU\ ´)RU \HDUV WKH )DUP &UHGLW 6\VWHP KDV VHUYHG DJULFXOWXUHDQGUXUDO$PHULFDDVDGHGLFDWHGUHOLDEOHFRPSHWLWLYH FXVWRPHURZQHG VRXUFH RI FUHGLWµ VDLG &ODXGH 6HP &(2 ´$PHULFD·VDJULFXOWXUDOSURGXFHUVDQGUXUDOFRPPXQLWLHVKDYH EHQHÀWHG JUHDWO\ IURP WKH YLVLRQ DQG IRUHVLJKW WKDW ZHQW LQWR HVWDEOLVKLQJWKH)DUP&UHGLW6\VWHPµ 7RGD\DERXWSHUFHQWRIWKHGROODUYROXPHRIRXWVWDQGLQJ loans to U.S. farmers and ranchers comes from Farm Credit. 7KH IHGHUDOO\ FKDUWHUHG QHWZRUN LV FRPSULVHG RI SULYDWHO\ RZQHGLQVWLWXWLRQVLQFOXGLQJIRXUZKROHVDOHEDQNVDQGGLUHFW lending associations that operate in every county in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Farm Credit Services of North Dakota specializes in providing credit and related services to farmers and ranchers in QRUWKZHVW1RUWK'DNRWD,QDGGLWLRQWKH)DUP&UHGLW6\VWHP SURYLGHVÀQDQFLQJIRUWKHSURFHVVLQJDQGPDUNHWLQJDFWLYLWLHVRI WKHVHERUURZHUVDVZHOODVWRUXUDOKRPHRZQHUVFHUWDLQIDUPUHODWHGEXVLQHVVHVDQGDJULFXOWXUDODQGSXEOLFXWLOLW\FRRSHUDWLYHV ,Q VXSSRUW RI LWV PLVVLRQ RI VHUYLFH )DUP &UHGLW 6\VWHP LQVWLWXWLRQVDOVRKDYHSURJUDPVVSHFLÀFDOO\IRFXVHGRQPHHWLQJ WKHQHHGVRI\RXQJEHJLQQLQJDQGVPDOOIDUPDQGUDQFKRSHUDWRUV,QPRUHWKDQSHUFHQWRIQHZORDQVPDGHE\ )DUP&UHGLWZHUHWRVPDOOSURGXFHUVWKRVHZLWKDQQXDOJURVV DJULFXOWXUDOVDOHVRIRUOHVV µ7RGD\)DUP&UHGLWFHOHEUDWHVLWVKHULWDJHDVLWFRQWLQXHV WRIXOÀOOLWVPLVVLRQWRVHUYH86DJULFXOWXUHDQGUXUDO$PHULFDµ says Sem. “Farm Credit was established as a permanent system RIFUHGLWWKDWLVWREHUHVSRQVLYHWRWKHQHHGVRIRXUQDWLRQ·V DJULFXOWXUDOVHFWRUDQGZHORRNIRUZDUGWRFRQWLQXHGVXFFHVV DQGDEULJKWIXWXUHµKHDGGV About the Farm Credit System )RU QHDUO\ D FHQWXU\ )DUP &UHGLW KDV EHHQ D QDWLRQDO SURYLGHURIFUHGLWDQGUHODWHGVHUYLFHVWRUXUDO$PHULFDWKURXJK its cooperative network of customer-owned lending institutions. )DUP&UHGLWSURYLGHVPRUHWKDQELOOLRQLQORDQVDQGOHDVHV WR IDUPHUV UDQFKHUV UXUDO KRPHRZQHUV DTXDWLF SURGXFHUV WLPEHU KDUYHVWHUV DJULEXVLQHVVHV DQG DJULFXOWXUDO DQG UXUDO utility cooperatives. 2XUPLVVLRQLVWRSURYLGHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVWKDWH[FHHG FXVWRPHUH[SHFWDWLRQV)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH)DUP &UHGLW6\VWHPSOHDVHYLVLWZZZIDUPFUHGLWFRP About Farm Credit Services of North Dakota Farm Credit Services of North Dakota is a member-owned agricultural credit association providing loans to farmers and UDQFKHUV IRU UHDO HVWDWH PDFKLQHU\ OLYHVWRFN DQG RSHUDWLQJ needs. FCS of ND also offers life and disability and crop insurDQFHVWRWKHUXUDOFRPPXQLW\)&6RI1'VHUYHVFRXQWLHVLQ QRUWKZHVW1RUWK'DNRWDWKURXJKEUDQFKRIÀFHVORFDWHGLQ0LQRW %RWWLQHDX&DUULQJWRQ&URVE\5XJE\DQG:LOOLVWRQLQFOXGLQJ %RZEHOOV&URS,QVXUDQFH%RZEHOOV6FKDDQ&URS,QVXUDQFH 5XJE\DQG:DUG&RXQW\&URS,QVXUDQFH0LQRW)RUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWZZZ)DUP&UHGLW1'FRP Good Luck At Divisionals & State, Sidney Tigersharks! Divisionals: Saturday & Sunday, July 26th & 27th • 10 am | Chinook State: Saturday & Sunday, August 2nd & 3rd • 10 am | Conrad New & Used Golf Cars • Golf Car Repair Trailers • Semi Trucks Gordy Rambur 1055 Red River Drive • Sidney, MT 433-5400 • Cell: 480-2450 •Fax: 488-4785 [email protected] It’s All About Saying Goodbye 2014 Swim Team Picture Back Row (L-R): Coach Amanda Holliday, Shanyn Reidle, Shelby Reidle, Shea Roberts, Hadley Garsjo, Sarah Turek, Hollye Blekestad, Shaylyne Roth, Emily Swenson, Tayler Lange, Tessa Dahl, Torey Dahl, Autumn Larson, Benjamin Brodhead, Cole Roberts, Luke Turek, Alec Lovegren, Michael McGinnis, Coach Marissa Eberling. Middle Row (L-R): Zariah Gonsalez, Railyn Herbst, Brooklyn Wunder, Lilly Herbst, Parker Wunder, Kale Witt, Hunter Sanders, Izaak Yockim, Avery Unruh, Alexa Iversen, Gwyneth Arthur, Ryan McGinnis, Casey Rehbein, Cooper McNalley, Aren Larson, Corben Holler, Seth Dodds, Ryanne Evenson, Nick Edwards. Front Row (L-R): Beckett Norby, Jaxson Sanders, Greta Klemple, Amara Iversen, Maddie Schieber, Jori Horsburgh, Zoey Garsjo, Ave’ Norby, Paul Gonsalez, Blake Johnson, Lauren Youngquist, Grace Klempel, Ella Norby, Jazmine Sletvold, Brin Norby, Josie Yockim, Marett Schieber, Avery Iversen, Ryan Unruh, Garrett Youngquist, Ella Sivertson, Madycen Sanders, Tyra Witt, Elizabeth Langwald, Ryleigh Kleinke, Cianna Murphy. Not Pictured: Mariyah Bauer, Payton Bauer, Johren Carpenter, Alex Clarambeau, Connor Fink, Sydney Garza, Gracie Hentges, Hitch Horsburgh, Ashlynn Kessel, Aubrey Kessel, Colin Moran, Kassadee Olson, Emma Severson, Eva Srygley, Taylor Stewart, Trev Stewart, Sarah Goff, Stefie Trevino, Miguel Trevino, Nicolas Trevino, Jared Troudt, Hannah Yockim, Shanan Zueger East-Mont Enterprises Inc. Fulkerson Funeral Home Candy • Paper Goods Cleaning Supplies & More! 315 Second St. NW Sidney, MT 59270 406-488-2805 608 E. Main • Sidney Wholesale Distributors email: [email protected] www.fulkersons.com 406-433-2910 Specializing in FR Clothing Office: 406-433-6757 Cell: 406-697-7153 Fax: 406-433-6755 2221 S. Central Ave • Sidney www.sondassolutions.com Richard L. Fink, D.M.D HURLEY’S OILFIELD SERVICES • Potable Water • Sewer System •Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses • Porta Potties Sales • Service • Installation 406-742-5312 Fairview, MT 122 2nd Avenue S.E. Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-4422 B&J Heating, Inc. Heating - A/C - Refrigeration “Relax, It’s Rheem.” Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 1pm 215 East Main St • Sidney 1(800)482-1810 • 433-1810 Olson Plumbing & Heating Sidney, MT 406-433-1983 406-482-4744 607 2nd St SE Sidney, MT 24 Hour Service 406-433-6754 203 2nd St. NW • Sidney 406-482-3737 BLUE ROCK PRODUCTS CO. 501 9th Ave NE, Sidney 406-433-3403 WOOD GROUP PSN PIZZA & FINE FOODS PO Box 375 • Sidney, MT • WE DELIVER • 482-4027 Hwy. 16 S, Sidney, MT • 406-433-4650 SK & S OIL F IEL D c. S In ICE V SER Mitchell’s is a great place to work! • www.mitchellsoilfield.com Fax: 406-433-6755 2265 S. Central Ave • Sidney [email protected] www.slserviceinc.com A• ZZ PI 2429 W. Holly St. 406-488-4400 SUBS • SA LA DS 616 S. Central Sidney, MT 406-433-7827 Open 10am Daily ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 7 Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at roundupweb.com (Paypal required for online purchases) Now Taking Credit Cards! Add a photo to your classy online! (additional charge) (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $9 • Deadline: Monday HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Full-Time position for a Paralegal with loan documentation experience or a Loan Processor with experience in documenting and processing loans to work in our Watford City office. Duties include preparing loan documents, lien perfection, loan file organization, and insurance tracking. Must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, be able to handle a variety of situations and work in a professional office environment. Salary is commensurate on experience and we offer a competitive benefit package for full-time employees. Send application or resume to Dakota West Credit Union, Attn: Sue Keller, PO Box 1496, Watford City, ND 58854, email: [email protected] or call 1-800-411-7590. EOE (23-2tc) HELP WANTED Immediate opening for executive director at Sunrise Women’s Clinic, Sidney. Successful applicant will provide leadership & overall management of life - affirming medical clinic. Interpersonal skills, problem solving, supervisory experience needed, bachelor’s degree preferred. Job description, application available at friendsofsunrise.org. (23-2tp) CUSTODIAN Rau School has a full time custodial position open. This position is for 12 months a year. Must be able to operate small machinery, and will need to complete tasks without supervision. Send resume to Rau School 12138 County Is Looking For: • Truck drivers with current CDL • Equipment operators • Mechanics • Welders • An office assistant Benefits Available Wages DOE Apply in person or Employment Office 1700 S. Central • Sidney, MT Road 350, Sidney, MT 59270. If questions call Cindy 406482-1088. (23-tfn) TEACHER AIDE Teacher’s Aide position available at Brorson Elementary School. It is a full time position, 5 days a week, hours are 7:15 to 3:00, and pay is dependent on experience. Please send resume to Cindy Hecker, Clerk at P.O. Box 145 Sidney, MT 59270 or call Cindy 406-4804069. (23-tfn) HELP WANTED A uniquie opportunity as a Special Education Paraprofessional awaits you at Rau Elementary, a progressive school just outside of Sidney. M-F, 30-40 hours per week, pay dependent upon education and experience. Please send your resume to Cindy Hecker, Clerk, 12138 CR 350 Sidney, MT 59270 or call 406482-1088 or 406-480-4069. (23-tfn) SEEKING POLICE OFFICER The City of Arnegard, located in McKenzie County in Western North Dakota, in the heart of the Williston Basin and the ongoing Bakken Shale play, seeks a Police Officer. Duties include; performs police patrol, investigation, traffic regulation, municipal code enforcement, administrative duties, and related law enforcement activities. Carries out duties in conformance with Federal, State, County & City laws and ordinances. Participate in investigating criminal law violations occuring within the Pro-life Opportunity: Sunrise Women’s Clinic, Sidney, seeks Patient Services Manager to train and lead Patient Advocates, provide early pregnancy diagnosis. Part time, pay DOE. Full job description and application available online at: friendsofsunrise.org or call Executive Director at: 406 433-7772. City limits, obtain evidences and compiling information regarding those crimes, preparing cases for filing of charges, testifying in court and related activities. Minimum qualifications: high school diploma with two years of law enforcement experience, preferred. Must possess good verbal and written communication skills; and personal interactive skills. Must be able to obtain a ND Peace Officer Certification and possess a valid ND driver’s license. This is a full-time position, (40) hours per week, with a competitive benefits package, including a housing supplement. Starting wage is DOQ. Contact Mayor Jeffrey Kindel, Arnegard City Hall at 701-586-3453 to request a city job application package. Complete City job application, along with optional cover letter and resume, should be mailed to Police Officer Search, City of Arnegard, P.O. Box 488, Arnegard, ND., 58835. Position will remain open until filled. (22-4tc) LIBRARY ASST. Sidney-Richland Library is seeking energetic person for Library Assistant I/Adult Programming; full-time varied work schedule including some evenings and Saturdays (9-5 or 11-7), helps patrons in locating needed resources in all formats, processes library materials, adult programing, assist with staffing front desk, and other daily job duties. Working knowledge of library principles and operations is desirable. Must have; Strong customer service, experience working with groups of people, excellent communication skills, both oral and written; Strong computer skills, experience with office equipment and knowledge of software such as Microsoft Office and desktop publishing, experience with social networking and mobile devices, e-readers, tablets, etc; Ability to multitask & organize. Knowledge of books/media and literature is a plus. College preferred, will consider combination of education and experience. Salary: $14.81 an hour; health benefits, sick leave, vacation and retirement. E-Mail [email protected] for more information and to submit a cover letter and resume. Open until filled. (22-3tc) HELP WANTED Part time bartender. Apply with Randy at Sidney Elks Club between 1 - 4 pm, 123 3rd St. SW, Sidney. 406-433-2406. {52-tfn} HELP WANTED The Roundup Newspaper is looking for a freelance writer to cover the Sidney, Watford City & Williston areas. Apply at Sidney Job Service (15-tfn) AIRCRAFT FOR SALE: 1968 Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140: 3800 TTAF, 525 SMOH, KR85, AT150, 2 place intercom. Nice paint and interior w/fresh annual. $29,000 1981 Hughes 269C TTAF 3132: TSMOH 845, 3 new M/R blades, Component times on request, big fuel and much more. $157,000 $147,000 Call Barry at Sidney Air Service: 406-480-2024 HELP WANTED Now hiring Class A CDL/Equipment Operator. 100% Employee owned. Competitive wages & benefits. Agronomist Position Available Immediately Hefty Seed Company has as agronomy position open now at the Sidney location. Work for an outstanding company and a leader in the field! 35023 County Road 123-Powerplant Rd. Sidney, MT 800-548-6364 • 406-433-1301 Fax: 406-433-1308 [email protected] Sa For more information, call Hefty Seed Company, Sidney at : 406-488-4338 (HEFT) les Manager • Admissions Receptionist &HUWLÀHG1XUVHV$VVLVWDQWV • Clinic Receptionist Due to retirement, an opportunity has opened at Eagle Country Ford for the position of Sales Manager. Experience in Sales in the Auto Industry is preferred, but not required. This individual would manage the Sales Staff, perform Sales duties, communicate & work well with the entire dealership to provide outstanding customer service. • Food Services Cook 0HGLFDO7HFKQRORJLVW0HGLFDO/DE 7HFKQLFLDQ3KOHERWRPLVW/DE&OHUN 5HJLVWHUHG1XUVHV 7KH/RGJH Resident Assistant Compensation Package includes Health Insurance, 401K, HSA, Vacation/Sick Leave, Wage (DOE). For an interview, call Gary at 406-489-2312 or Keith at 406-489-5498. EOE JOHN & ANNA MANKOPF AUCTION SAT., AUG. 2, 2014 • 10:00 A.M. Real Estate • House • Household Real Estate/House Will Sell At Noon Location of house: 404 Ave C, Highland Park, Glendive, MT. John & Anna Mankopf will offer their property to the public at auction. The final bid will be subject to their approval. The Owners reserve the right to accept or reject any & all bids. • Guns • Household • Lawn • Shop • Misc Classifieds (Please Print) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 $ 9.00 9.50 36 $ 9.60 (etc.) 31 “John & Anna have decided to sell their home, some of their belongings & move to Billings. This house is a ‘must-see!’ It is in very good condition & is ‘move-in’ ready! We will have an OPEN HOUSE on July 13th, but you may contact me if you miss it & want an appointment. There are some nice house items, shop items & great guns! Hope to see you on August 2nd!” –Rick Reaching over 10,659 Households in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana Every Week $ 9.10 32 $ 9.20 33 $ 9.30 34 $ 9.40 35 $ $ 9.00 for 30 words or less; 10¢ per additional word Payment Must Accompany Ad Number of words Name x Number of Times = Cost $ Mail To: The Roundup PO Box 1207, Sidney, MT 59270 8 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 HELP WANTED A local, highly-reputable, aggressively-growing Oilfield Services Company is now offering opportunities for experienced roustabouts in the Sidney/Alexander area. We are targeting individuals with prior, positive, work history with, specifically; WHITING OIL and GAS. Depending on the level of experience, individuals can qualify for signing bonuses as well as management opportunities. Serious inquirers, feel free to learn more by applying at [email protected] We are filling positions as this is being read! Speak with you soon. WANTED SERVERS & KITCHEN STAFF Wage DOE. Apply in person at Cattle-Ac, 119 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT. (8-tfn) REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL 6 BEDROOM HOME IN ALEXANDER Raised ranch home has 2305 sq. ft. on the main and 1,792 in finished basement. Large kitchen, with cherry cabinets & stainless appliances & tons of storage, 3 bathrooms, 2 laundry rooms. Call Kim Burkle with Bekk’s Realty, Inc., for more information 701-7704917. (22-3tp) (22-3tp) 5 ACRE COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE Conveniently located between Williston & Watford City, right off Hwy 85. Graded recently. Perfect for a new shop, or business! Lots have rural water, power, RTC, & electric right at the road.Hwy 85, S. on 140th Ave NW, 1/4 mile on right. 406-471-4049. {14-tfn} FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT IN SAVAGE 2 to 3 bdrm, 1 bath, partially furnished, washer/dryer, very clean, newly remodeled, plenty of parking, no pets, no smoking. $1700 + utilities & deposit. Available Aug. 1. Call 406-776-2209 or 406480-1626. {23-tfn} Only $17 A Week! If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for 2 more weeks................... FREE! FOR RENT IN SAVAGE Finished 24x36 garage sitting on a 40x120 lot. Perfect for a mobile home or camper. $1,000 per month plus MDU. 406-776-2209 or 406-4801626. {23-tfn} CAMPER SPOTS Camper spots available in Savage, MT. Water, sewer, electricity. $575/month. No pets. 406-776-2209 or 406480-1626 leave message. (23-tfn) RETAIL SPACE FOR RENT Located in downtown Sidney, carpeted throughout, security cameras, cell phone booster, wireless internet, in-house restaurant, $750/mo. Call Linda 406-489-1945 or Melissa 360-708-8170. (22-tfn) SERVICES PAINTING Will paint houses, barns, quonsets, silos, grain bins, etc. References available. R&L Painting, 406-488-8244. {7-tfn} WELDING Welding & repair work. No job is too small. Portable welder, reasonable rates. 701-4442936. (30-tfn) FARM & RANCH FOR SALE 1 - 510 Round Baler, 1-1014 Swing Tongue conditioner, 1 - 1160 Swing Tongue condi- 2008 GMC Yukon XL {23-1tc)} MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406-480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. (2-tfn) VERMEER HAYING EQUIPMENT See us today for all your haying & feeding equipment, sweeps & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer Sales & Service. Open Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 701-828-3358 or 701828-3482 (after hrs.). Alexander, ND. FOR SALE 2002 F250, 7.3 diesel. 406489-1514. {16-tfn} Call for Details Join The Roundup Carrier Team! 100 $ Signing Bonus!* Call 406-433-2226 Call for Details {34-tfn} SEEKING SEALED BIDS NOTICE The Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project Board of Control (LYIPBOC) is soliciting sealed bids for the purchase of a new: DIESEL POWERED HYDRAULIC LONG REACH EXCAVATOR until 3:00pm, Wednesday the 23rd of July, 2014. At that time the LYIPBOC will open sealed bids in their office at 2327 Lincoln Ave SE.; Sidney, MT 59270. A detailed list of specifications may be obtained by contacting the Project Manager James Brower (406) 433-1306 or (406) 478-4502 with any questions. (22-2tc) RECREATIONAL VEHICLES DENIM JEANS Two boxes of old denim jeans. 406-433-1659 during the day. Kids, Earn $$$ Canadian Arctic pack, loaded. (22-3tc) AIRCRAFT Buying or selling. Call Barry at Sidney Air Service Inc. 406480-2024. (23-2tp) (21-4tp) 2014 Cyclone 3800 Toy Hauler (23-3tp) PLANT PARADISE Perennials, Planters, Baskets and more. Please call ahead. 406-798-3378. 5TH WHEEL FOR SALE 2003 Jayco 5th Wheel, Qwest TSL, 32’, very good condition $12,000 OBO 406-478-3305. MOTORCYCLES 2009 CRF 450R., 2007 CR125, 406-480-7065. Ultralite Grand Touring Edition, loaded, only used twice. Used Retail Price is $19,900 DOG KENNEL Dog kennel 10x10x10, a few months old, too big for little dog. Paid $300 at Tractor Supply, will take $200. 406-4789332. Located in Sidney, MT. JEEP LIBERTY 2008 Jeep Liberty Limited Edition, 167,000 miles, has been well maintained & is in good shape, asking $7,000 OBO. 406-480-2343. MISCELLANEOUS 2013 Keystone Passport $16,500 FOR SALE 1975 GMC ton truck, 13 ft. stake box, steel floor, has 350 target engine, tuned up & ready to go, would make a good truck for hauling water & supplies for sprayers. Model 200 John Deere Hay loafer. 8 ft. full treat post. Used steel post & wire, also 10” & 12” gated pipe. Call 406-489-5626. (42-tfn) Call 406-480-1359 Priced to Sell Only Asking (22-2tc) FOR SALE VEHICLE Silver Birch, V8, Loaded, always garaged, brand new tires, leather int., sunroof, chrome rocker panels & more. 45,000 miles Call 406-489-0483 tioner. 701-842-6962. (23-1tp) GIVE AWAY (23-2tnc) FREE KITCHEN RANGE Full size Hotpoint electric kitchen range. All burners and features work except the oven broiler. 701-842-2696. (23-1tnc) Bakken Mobile Veterinary Service Dr. Vince Stenson Complete small animal care 8 am - 4 pm Sidney: Th, Jul 24, Tu, Aug 5 & Th, Aug 14 Tractor Supply Co. Culbertson: Plus Cold Weather Bonus During the Winter Months & Periodic Raises! 2015 Rushmore Lincoln Wed, Jul 23, 30, Aug 6, 13 & 20 County Ext. Bldg on Main Street Bainville: Wed, Jul 23 & Aug 20 Fairview: Wed, Aug 6 The Welcome Stop The Powder Keg Call for Appointment (701) - 609 - 3705 Front living room, loaded. Call 406-433-2226 Call for Details Routes Available In Many Sidney Neighborhoods! Call Erin at (406)433-3306 for details. Want to place an ad in the Auto trader? [email protected] • (406) 433-3306 for details *Distributed over a 5 month period. STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE 20X20 • 10X20 10X16 • 8X9 Sidney, MT 482-3799 or 482-2666 WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM UI4U48t4JEOFZ.5 t'BY].'QNt4BUQN Customer Service is Our #1 Priority Farm & Ranch Products & Construction Materials. New Steel, Auminum & Stainless. Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Sidney Glendive 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-855-810-2995 TRADING POST 111 E. MAIN STREET • SIDNEY, MT. 59270 CONSIGNMENT • ANTIQUES • GUNS DRY CLEANER AGENT • TOOLS • PAWN 1-406-433-7676 ASK FOR JERRY OR JOANNA Williston 13896 W. Front St. 1-800-820-5493 Plentywood Hwy 16 East 406-765-2624 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 9A 6th Annual Walking to Wellness – A Family Event Submitted by Staci Miller Foundation for Community Care We are approaching the Foundation for Community Care’s 6th annual Walking to Wellness. The event will be held on Saturday, September 20, 2014. Walking to Wellness is a low key event designed to encourage the entire family to train for a challenging but attainable fitness goal—walking or running a half marathon (13.1 miles) or an alternate shorter distance such as a 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles). Participation is $25 – all proceeds will benefit Richland County’s Boys & Girls Club and the Foundation for Com- munity Care. Entrants 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult, and parental consent is necessary for walkers under age 18. Advance registration forms can be found at www.foundationforcommunitycare.org or by visiting the Foundation at 221 2nd Street NW, Sidney, MT. Final registration will be held at the Ranger Arena, 601 7th Ave SW, Sidney, MT at 7:30am on the morning of the event. To get started, it is advised to build a baseline activity level of walking 7 to 8 miles weekly. Many people find it easier to stick with a training program if they invite someone else to join them. Training walks will be held every Saturday, starting Saturday, July 12th at 7:00am. The meeting place is the main foyer at Sidney Health Center. For more information on participating in training walks contact the Foundation for Community Care at 406488-2273. Below features Hal Higdon’s suggested training program. While walking or running the half marathon is the end goal, the real health benefit will come from the time (and miles!) you put into training. Get your shoes on and “Walk to Wellness”!! FOR S A NFO: DICK LE IN JO (701) HNSON (7 985-2 2673 Lunch will be Served. Sale Location: a.m. (CDST) Rural Westb y MT --From Westby, MT go south 5 miles on County Rd 3, then 2 miles east, then 2 miles south. Just follow the signs! Tractors JD 4640 w/rock shaft JD 4010 w/158 loader (good tires) Versatile 835 (new clutch, engine needs work) WD9 McCormick (not running) Versatile 875 tractor, 1982, SN:056959 (Duals/inside duels nearly new) Vehicles & Trailers 1959 Chevy 1.5 ton, box & hoist 1983 Chevy tandem twin screw, 427 engine, roll tarp 1989 Chevy 1/2 ton, 4x4, long box 1981 Keifer bumper stock trailer 1970 IH 1600 steel box & newer hoist, w/roll tarp 1971 Ford F100 6 cycle, auto 1958 Ford F100 6 cycle, 4-speed 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix 1996 Chevy Lumina 1973 Ford 2.5 ton, 18 ft. steel box & hoist (37,338 miles) 1975 Ford 250 3/4 ton, (11,113 miles) 1958 Chevy Viking 60, 2 ton, (60,701 miles) 1972 Mercury Marquis 1964 Buick Electra (455 engine) Antiques, Furniture Theo A. Kochs Barber Chair Sewing machine Desk Duncan Phiffe table/ 6 leaves Gas cloths iron Cream can Old windows Cast waffle maker Crocks 14ft. 1946 Sports craft aluminum boat w/trailer Evenrude Twin 35 boat motor 1920’s car body (Star) Hand press drill Household Round wood table Couch & love seat Tan rugs (8x10/12x16) 3 burgandy rugs (8x10) Assorted rugs Glass top table w2 glass tops & 4 chairs Dishes Kitchen aid mixer & attachments Ironing board Chairs Dresser & mirror Small Kitchen appliances Bunn Coffee pot Dehydrator Kenmore sewing machines WEB.COM Everything Roundup on the web. Misc. Household Exercise toys Chi vibrator Fabric Sewing supplies Shampoo bowl Dryer & chair Shampoo chair Roll about Round, Boat inner-tube Wet suit, fins, size 7 boots Misc. Machinery Equip. JD Disk press drill, 14 ft JD pick up header JD 920 Flexhead JD 510 Round baler JD 1600, 42ft chisel plow Summers 50’ Harrow Noble air drill-9000 cart (model 292) SN:670201/95133 MacDon 972-30’ header/JD frame SN: 148480 JD 6620 Hydro Combine w/224 header JD750, 15ft double fertilizer, no till drill Summers 48’ skid field sprayer Sakundiak grain auger w/bin sweep Sakundiak HD7-1600 grain auger w/Honda gas engine RemGrain Vac, 6” SN:93-552-2335 (used very little) IH Hoe drills 28’ factory transport Hesston Hydro 1014 Swing mower conditioner Farm King 60”-3pt finish mower Grain bin dryers Rolin hydraulic post hole digger 9” & 12” (like new) Used steel fence posts & wire Sears radial arm saw Lawn mowers Polaris 90 ATV 4 Goodyear Wrangler tires(P275/65r18) Calf pullers/head gates Outback S-lite GPS guidance system Old air compressor (came out of John Raaum Garage in Fortuna) Portable air compressor Elect. pressure washer Bicycles Old motorcycles/snowmobiles(not running) Several boxes of new nails Scrap metal Mayrath 35’ Auger 7hp JD 5 bottom plow + pony drill JD 335 skid sprayer (500 gal) JD Surfles 20 ft tiller w/square frame more ... HAUGLAND’S ACTION AUCTION 12520 104th St. NW -- Ambrose, ND 58833 Phone 701-965-6234 -- FAX: 701-965-5234 ■ Butch Haugland, #211 Auctioneer Haugland, #730 Auctioneer ■Amber Haugland, #693 Auctioneer ■ Diane Haugland, #236 Clerk ■ Drew No sale is too big, too small, too near, or too far! Not responsible for accidents. Those attending sale do so at their own risk. www.hauglandauctions.com 10A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 Stockman Bank Donates to Relay for Life Garth Kallevig, President of Stockman Bank of Montana presents Marsha Buckley, representing the 2014 MonDak Relay for Life Event with a $1000.00 donation to continue the search for a cure for cancer. STOP McKenzie Co. Area Food Pantry Free food assistance for you and your family. All income eligible residents in McKenzie County welcome. Open dates and times are as follows: Thursdays from noon to 2 pm, Cashwise donates food giveaway to the Food Pantry, 1st Tuesday of each month from 5 pm to 7 pm and the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 2 pm to 4 pm. The Food Pantry is located in the lower level of First Lutheran Church, 212 2nd Ave. NW, Watford City. For more information or to set up an appointment to visit the pantry call 701-444-3451 or http://www.mcfoodpantry.com. Pantry includes a wide variety of frozen meats, canned goods, personal care items. Donations can be sent to: McKenzie Co. Food Pantry, Box 2716, Watford City, ND 58854. Sidney Tiger Sharks Compete in Lewistown Into Murphy Motors & See Our Great Deals! 2013 CADILLAC ATS 2.5L 4CYL, 6SPEED AUTO, RADIANT SILVER METALLIC, K5249 33,990 $ SALE PRICE: 27,995 MSRP: SAVE THOUSANDS $ AFTER MURPHY DISCOUNTS AND REBATES O.A.C NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 2014 BUICK ENCORE AWD 1.4L 4CYL, 6SPEED AUTO, CARBON BLACK METALLIC, B6343 35,095 $ SALE PRICE: 32,595 MSRP: $ AFTER MURPHY DISCOUNTS AND REBATES O.A.C POCKET SIZED LUXURY! NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 2014 CHEVROLET 5.2V 1500 LTZ CREW, 5.3L V8, 6SPEED AUTO, 4WD, RAINFOREST GREEN METALLIC. C6326 CHECK OUT THIS LOADED NEW RAINFOREST GREEN LTZ ONLY! NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 47,605 $ SALE PRICE: 43,495 MSRP: $ AFTER MURPHY DISCOUNTS AND REBATES O.A.C 2015 GMC 3500 4WD CREW CAB DENALI, 6.6L DIESEL, 6-SPEED AUTO, QUICKSILVER METALLIC, G6350 64,415 $ SALE PRICE: 57,595 MSRP: $ WORKFORCE LUXURY! SAVE MORE THAN $6,000! AFTER MURPHY DISCOUNTS AND REBATES O.A.C NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 2015 GMC 3500 SLT DUALLY CREW 4WD, ONLY BLACK, 6.6L DSL, 6-SPEED AUTO, G6185 64,125 $ SALE PRICE: 58,595 MSRP: HEAVY DUTY STRONG! $ AFTER MURPHY DISCOUNTS AND REBATES O.A.C NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! Mark Waggoner is “The Credit Doctor” Credit Concerns? Apply online at www.NDcreditDR.com Pat Murphy Dealer Mark Waggoner Credit Doctor Dusty Falcon Fleet Sales Larry Stewart Sales Rick Moe Ben Brewer Kelly Blomberg Sales Manager New Cars Manager Fleet Manager Patti Arp Sales Tom Tooley Sales Bob Stokes Sales Se Habla Espanol Anthony Thompson Business Manager Jimmy Ramirez Sales w w w. m u r p h y m o t o r s . c o m XNLV166822 XNLV160132 OE"WF88JMMJTUPO/%$BMMPSt)PVST.POBNQN5VFT'SJBNQN4BUBNQN Sidney Tiger Sharks Results from July 19 & 20 in Lewistown, MT Sidney Tiger Sharks took 6th place at the meet with a score of 363. Boys 8 & under 100 meter free-style relay: A team 3rd. Girls 8 & under 100 meter free-style relay: A team 7th. Boys 8 & under 100 IM: 1st Cooper McNally, DQ Aren Larson. Girls 8 & under 100 IM: 3rd Marett Schieber. Boys 13-14 200 IM:, 2nd Connor Fink. Girls 13-14 200 IM: 1 st Torey Dahl. Boys 8 & under 25 meter free-style: 11th Miguel Trevino, 18th Ryan Unruh, 25th Garrett Youngquist. Girls 8 & under 25 meter free-style: 37 th Maddie Schieber. Girls 9-10 50 meter freestyle – 7th6WHÀH7UHYLQR Boys 11-12 50 meter freestyle – 3rd Nicolas Trevino. Girls 11-12 50 meter freestyle – 1st Hadley Garsjo, 8th Shea Roberts. Boys 13-14 50 meter freestyle – 8th Cole Roberts. Girls 15-19 50 meter freestyle – 2nd Sarah Goff. Boys 8 & under 25 breast stroke – 1 st Aren Larson, 6 th Ryan Unruh, 7 th Garrett Youngquist. Girls 8 & under 25 breast stroke – 8th Grace Klempel, dq Zoey Garjo. Girls 9-10 25 breast stroke – 11th6WHÀH7UHYLQR Boys 11-12 50 breast – 4th Nicolas Trevino. Girls 11-12 50 breast – 2nd Hadley Garsjo, 5th Shea Roberts. Boys 13-14 100 breast – 4 th Connor Fink, 9 th Cole Roberts. Girls 15-19 100 breast – 1st Sarah Goff. Boys 8 & up 50 meter free-style – 5th Cooper McNally, 11th Miguel Trevino. Girls 8 & up 50 meter freestyle – 14th Grace Klempel, 20th Zoey Garsjo. Girls 9-10 100 meter freestyle – 6th6WHÀH7UHYLQR Boys 11-12 100 free-style – 3rd Nicolas Trevino. Girls 11-12 100 free-style – 12th Shea Roberts. Boys 13-14 100 free-style – 3 rd Connor Fink, 6th Cole Roberts. Girls 13-14 100 free-style – 1st Torey Dahl. Boys 8 & under backstroke – 1st Aren Larson, 11th Ryan Unruh, 18 th Garrett Youngquist, dq Cooper McNally. Girls 8 & under 25 backstroke – 5th Marett Schieber, 9th Grace Klempel, 33rd Zoey Garjso, dq Maddie Schieber. Girls 11-12 50 backstroke – 4th Hadley Garsjo. Girls 13-14 100 backstroke – 1st Torey Dahl. Girls 15-19 100 backstroke – 1st Tessa Dahl, 4th Sarah Goff. Boys 8 & under – 3rd Cooper McNally, 5th Aren Larson, dq Garrett Youndquist. Girls 8 & under 25 butterÁ\ ² th Marett Schieber, dq Zoey Garsjo & Grace Klempel. Girls 15-19 400 free-style – 4th Tessa Dahl. Boys 8 & up 100 medley – 2nd Team A. Girls 8 & up 100 medley – DQ Team A. *LUOV EXWWHUÁ\ – 3rd Tessa Dahl. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 11A Record Number of Lakes Anglers May Not Bring Aquatic Bait into North Dakota Stocked with Walleye North Dakota Game and Fish Department fisheries personnel recently wrapped up stocking walleye in a record 133 lakes across the state. Jerry Weigel, fisheries production and development supervisor, said thanks to the excellent walleye fingerling production from the Garrison Dam and Valley City national ÀVK KDWFKHULHV WKHVH ZDWHUV received nearly 10 million ÀQJHUOLQJV “With a record number of ÀVKLQJZDWHUVDFURVVWKHVWDWH the demand to stock these QHZZDWHUVZLWKKDWFKHU\ÀVK has greatly increased,” Weigel VDLG´:H·YHLQFUHDVHGRXUHIforts to make sure we meet the record production demands.” Game and Fish works with both federal hatcheries, providing operational funding and temporary staff, as well as collecting all the eggs and transporting fish to all the ÀVKLQJZDWHUVDFURVVWKHVWDWH Most recently, the department partnered with the Fish and Wildlife Service to make improvements to the 50-yearold Valley City hatchery, which resulted in a hatchery record PLOOLRQZDOOH\HÀQJHUOLQJV produced this year. Stocking conditions were optimal this year, Weigel said, with cooler weather and increasing water levels at many lakes. The stocked 30-day-old fingerings averaged about 1.25 inches in length. “They should find lots of food and good survival conditions which bodes well IRUIXWXUHÀVKLQJRSSRUWXQLW\µ Weigel added. “Later this fall ÀVKHULHVSHUVRQDOZLOOVDPSOH walleye lakes to assess the VXFFHVVRIWKLV\HDU·VZDOOH\H stocking, as well as what Mother Nature provides.” One common observation ÀVKKDXOHUVQRWHGZKLOHWUDYeling across the state, Weigel VDLGZDVWKHDPRXQWRIÀVKLQJ taking place, both from shore and from a boat. “There has never been a better time to ÀVK IRU ZDOOH\Hµ KH DGGHG “Statewide, there are a lot of great opportunities, and a very good chance of success.” Anglers are reminded that it is illegal to import all forms of live aquatic bait into North Dakota. This includes minnows, suckers, leeches, waterdogs (salamanders) and frogs. Anglers should buy bait from a licensed North Dakota retail bait vendor. Bait vendors can properly identify species and have taken steps to ensure all bait is clean of any aquatic nuisance species. Game and Fish at State Fair The North Dakota Game and Fish Department will host thousands of visitors to its Conservation and Outdoors Skills Park July 18-26 at the State Fair in Minot. Visitors will be treated to an array of activities, exhibits and useful information, as the park will be staffed from 1-7 p.m. daily. Pathways to Hunting, Fishing and Trapping are PDMRU DWWUDFWLRQV ZKHUH ÀVKing, shooting, archery and fur taking are taught to interested kids and adults. Of course, WKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRFDWFKDÀVK brings excitement to the littlest angler. “The Conservation and Outdoors Skills Park is a really good stop for the entire family to learn about the outdoors, and to participate in handson activities that might just turn a youngster and others RQ WR KXQWLQJ DQG ÀVKLQJ LQ North Dakota,” said outreach biologist Greg Gullickson. “We have some great opportunities in North Dakota, and I certainly encourage people to come out and give it a try.” In addition, Gullickson said guests should visit the OLYHÀVKGLVSOD\RUVWRSE\WKH furbearer exhibit and discuss trapping with the experts, or relax and enjoy native prairie plantings. “The best thing about the whole Game and Fish area LV WKH SULFH LW·V DOO IUHHµ KH added. The Conservation and Outdoors Skills Park is located on the north end of the grounds near the All Seasons Arena. Bakken: Cooking Up Opportunity For Families Near And Far Submitted by Jessica Sena Since the recent boom in the Bakken, eastern Montana towns have seen increases in far more than oil production. People from all walks of life have begun the trek west to ÀQGSURVSHULW\DQGRSSRUWXQLW\ DIIRUGHG E\ WKH HFRQRPLF development now occurring in the oil and agriculture rich DUHDVRI5LFKODQG&RXQW\ Juan Carlos Torres is one of those people. Juan Carlos is a father of six. He moved to the United States from Mexico &LW\LQDIWHUDWHUULI\LQJ earthquake, he said. He’d been driving a cab at the time the earthquake hit, and recalls the streets being uplifted like waves and people falling from buildings. That was enough for him. He moved to California where he met his wife. 3ULRUWRPRYLQJWR6LGQH\ -XDQ &DUORV DQG KLV IDPLO\ had been living in Las Vegas. He and two of his three sons YHQWXUHG XS WR 6LGQH\ WKUHH \HDUVDJRWRVHHLIZKDWWKH\ҋG been hearing from friends was WUXO\DFFXUDWH 7KHWKUHHOLYHGLQDQRIÀFH RZQHGE\RQHRIWKHORFDOPHQ WKH\ ZHUH ZRUNLQJ IRU DW WKH time pressure washing large oilfield trucks. After a few Juan Carlos Torres PRQWKV WKH IDPLO\ ZDV DEOH WRÀQGDKRPHWRPRYHLQWR$W that time, Torres beckoned the UHVWRIKLVIDPLO\WR0RQWDQD all but one daughter made the move from Las Vegas to 6LGQH\ -XDQ &DUORV DQG KLV wife, along with four of the six children, live in the same house. Antonio, the oldest son, along with his wife and three children, lives just a stone’s throw from the rest of WKHIDPLO\ 2 Q F H W K H I D P L O \ J R W situated, Torres was able to open a food truck on Central, where he and two of his children have been serving up authentic Mexican food ever since. ´ 7 K L V Z D V P \ G D G ҋ V GUHDPµ VDLG \RXQJHVW VRQ 7HR Te o a n d h i s s i s t e r Vanessa, 22, both work alongside their dad. 7RUUHVҋ RWKHU ER\V 8ULHO and Antonio, work in the RLOÀHOG DORQJ ZLWK 9DQHVVDҋV ER\IULHQG ZKR UHORFDWHG WR 6LGQH\IURP/RXLVLDQD Though Teo and Vanessa DUHWKHRQO\WZRWKDWRIÀFLDOO\ work in the taco bus, Tacos Zapotlan, there is never a VKRUWDJH RI IDPLO\ VWRSSLQJ E\ZKHWKHUWRKHOSRUVLPSO\ to eat. The taco bus is small, but the drive up access, quick IULHQGO\ VHUYLFH DIIRUGDEOH prices, and outdoor seating make it a one of kind hot spot RQ6LGQH\ҋVPDLQGUDJ ´3HRSOH DOZD\V WHOO XV there’s nothing else like this DQ\ZKHUH DURXQG QRW HYHQ in Williston,” said Torres’ middle son, Uriel, who works DVDVKRSKDQGIRUDQHQHUJ\ VHUYLFHVFRPSDQ\ That would explain the QHDUO\QRQVWRSÁRZRIWUDIÀF at Tacos Zapotlan, which is RSHQ0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ DPSP DQG IURP DP WR SPRQ6DWXUGD\V ´6XQGD\VDUHIRUIDPLO\µ explained Juan Carlos. “You’ve got to take a break, and that’s WKHGD\ZHJRRXWDVDIDPLO\ PD\EHGLQQHULQ:LOOLVWRQWKHQ right back home to get things UHDG\IRU0RQGD\µ Torres said that he sees an average of one hundred FXVWRPHUVHDFKGD\HDUQLQJ EHWZHHQ DQG WKH PRVW RI DQ\ RI WKH IRRG trucks he’d tried to make successful in the past. When asked what the most popular item on the menu was, Torres and Teo both responded without hesitation, “Steak burritos.” Other items on the menu include classics like carnitas (pork) tacos, as well as more exotic offerings like lengua (tongue). Mexican Jarritos sodas are also available to WRS RII D SHUIHFWO\ 0H[LFDQ PHDO$OOPHDWLVSURYLGHGE\ DORFDOEXWFKHUZKR7HRVD\V “Hooks it up!” )URPWKHVRXQGVRILWWKH 7RUUHVIDPLO\ZLOOEHLQ6LGQH\ IRU\HDUVWRFRPH “This is great place to UDLVHDIDPLO\µVDLG7HR “Las Vegas has gotten horrible,” added Teo’s father, Juan Carlos. He said that gang YLROHQFHKDGPDGHWKHFLW\D less desirable place to live and UDLVHDIDPLO\ $IWHU RQO\ D IHZ \HDUV RI GLYHUVLI\LQJ 6LGQH\ҋV IRRG offerings at Tacos Zapotlan, -XDQ&DUORVVD\VKHҋVUHDG\WR JREDFNWRZRUNIRUWKHRLOÀHOG but this time, as a hot shot. Teo plans to pursue welding, but is an experienced MMA ÀJKWHU DV ZHOO DQG KRSHV WR find opportunities where he might hone his athleticism in the sport. 7DFR=DSRWODQLVFXUUHQWO\ XSIRUVDOH-XDQ&DUORVVD\V he plans to train whoever the next owner is, so that their regulars will be able to come back for the same great, authentic fare! Though the Torres patriarch plans to PRYHRQLQKLVFDUHHUKHVD\V KH FHUWDLQO\ KDV QR SODQV RI OHDYLQJ6LGQH\ *Interested in owning your own Sidney Taco Bus? Contact Vanessa Torres at (406) 478-9196, or by email at [email protected] MBI Energy Services Currently seeking Class A CDL Drivers in ŽƵƌEůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ Become a part of MBI’s team today! 701.575.8242 Apply online www.mbienergyservices.com :H$UH<RXU2LOÀHOG6XSSO\ +HDGTXDUWHUV $OWN(OLE3UCKER2OD0UMPS 4UBING!NCHORSs'ATES -«iV>â}ÊÊ,Ê Ì } /&&)#%s#%,, 3#%.42!,!6%.5%s3)$.%9-4 &!8s7%"3)4%7773/.$!33/,54)/.3#/- Recruiting? We Can Help! (YDRAULIC(OSES"ELTS "ALON"ALL6ALVESs,INE0IPEs4UBING &ITTINGSs.ORRIS3UCKER2ODS 3TANLEY.$ 3IDNEY-4 sRPANDS MIDRIVERSCOM HURLEY'S 2,/),(/'6(59,&(6 406-433-3306 | [email protected] • Porta potties• Potable Water • Sewer System • Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses 406-742-5312 • Fairview, MT 12A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2014 J&J Homes Offers Affordable Housing in Williston PLEASE THANK OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS OF THE SIDNEY CHAMBER AG APPRECIATION GOLF TOUNAMENT Hole Sponsors Cart Sponsors Holly Hybrids Best Western/RMI Miller/Coors Brewing BSF Seed Stockman Bank Hurley Enterprises Ag Roundup NW Farm Credit Services Farm Bureau Financial Richland Federal Credit Union Gavilon Grain American State Bank Bayer Crop Science Thrivent Financial/Cart Sonda’s Solutions Tractor Supply Company Holiday Inn 1st Choice Collision Team Sponsors Lower Yellowstone REA Nick Jones Real Estate Smith, Lange, Halley LYIP MDU CQ Bar Sidney Sugars Crop Production Services CHS Farmers Elevator NW Farm Credit Services Edward Jones Johnson Hardware Upper Missouri G & T Farm Equipment Sales ElectricLand Hackley Land/Livestock Barkan Wells Fargo Betaseed, Inc Helena Chemical Horizon Resources High Plains Vet Clinic Pacific Steel & Recycling Best Western Golden Prairie Inn/Richland Motor Inn & Suites Holly Hybrids Farmers Insurance Northern Plains Radio Prairie Electric 1st Bank XTO Energy Richland Co Commissioners Sidney Eyecare Clinic Lee’s Tire Service Gem City Motors Yellowstone Chiropractic Action Auto Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project M & C Beverages Syngenta Knapp Oil Corp Big Sky Siding & Windows Tri-County Implement Reynolds Market Richland Economic Development Sidney Liquor Crystal Seed Eagle Country Ford Hurley Enterprises Sidney Body Shop Door Bustin Portables Action Auto Farm & Home Lunch Sponsor The Depot Prize Sponsors Yellowstone Chiropractic ProBuild Richland County Fair & Rodeo Sidney Livestock Mitchell’s Oil Field South 40 The Fringe The Cattle-Ac Sidney Country Club IAP Meadowlark Brewing Chamber Ag Committee Extra Hole Sponsor Seitz Insurance As one of the Northwest UHJLRQ·V SUHPLHU GHDOHUV RI 0RGXODU DQG 0DQXIDFWXUHG KRXVLQJ--+RPHVKDVKDG DVDOHVRIÀFHORFDWHGDW 6th$YH:HVWLQ:LOOLVWRQQH[W WR WKH :DOPDUW 7LUH /XEH &HQWHUIRUDOPRVW\HDUV :H DUH SURXG WR RIIHU TXDOLW\+DUW+RXVLQJ0RGXODU KRPHVLQRXUQHZ6XEGLYLVLRQ 0LVVRXUL0HDGRZVLVORFDWHG PLOHV HDVW RI :DOPDUW LQ :LOOLVWRQ0LVVRXUL0HDGRZV IHDWXUHVQHZPRGXODUKRPHV RQO\ RQ RQHDFUH ORWV ZLWK FRQFUHWHIRXQGDWLRQVWZRVWDOO DWWDFKHG JDUDJHV FHQWUDO DLU By Tie Shank 7KH1RUWK$PHULFDQ ,QGLJHQRXV*DPHVDUHWDNLQJ SODFH LQ 5HJLQD 6DVN WKLV ZHHN-XO\7KHWKHPH IRUWKLV\HDU·VHYHQWLV´5DLV LQJ WKH %DUµ 7KH HYHQW ZLOO VKRZFDVHXQLW\VSRUWFXOWXUH \RXWKYROXQWHHULVPDQGWHDP ZRUN EHWZHHQ )LUVW 1DWLRQV 0HWLV DQG 1RQ,QGLJHQRXV FRPPXQLWLHV E\ UHFRJQL]LQJ WKH KHDOWK\ OLIHVW\OH FKRLFHV Open House July 27 | Missouri Meadows Williston, ND Free BBQ 11am – 2pm! Special Offers Give-Aways! Modulars On 1-Acre Lots! Attached Double Garage! COMPLETE TURNKEY | NO CONSTRUCTION LOAN NEEDED! County Rd. 9 Missouri Meadows Just 4 miles east of Walmart Williston, ND Easy Financing 3820 6th Ave W • Williston | Behind Walmart 701-572-6238 • 701-774-5310 | www.HomesJJ.com 3OHDVH VWRS LQ IRU RXU 2SHQ+RXVHRQ6XQGD\-XO\ :HZLOOEHKDYLQJDIUHH %%4IURPWRVSH FLDO RIIHUV DQG JLYHDZD\V )URP :LOOLVWRQ \RX FDQ WXUQ ULJKW RII+Z\ RQ UG street WRWKH)DLUJURXQGVDQGIROORZ &5WRWKHOHIWRYHUWKH/LWWOH 0XGG\7KHQWXUQOHIWRQ&5 RUth$YH1:DQGJRRQH PLOH7XUQULJKWRQth6W1: DQG0LVVRXUL0HDGRZVLVDô GRZQRQWKHULJKW)RUPRUH LQIR FDOO -- +RPHV DW RU TransCanada Sponsors the North American Indigenous Games 2014 Everyone Is Invited To Our 55th Street NW FRQGLWLRQLQJDFRPSOHWHWXUQ NH\ SDFNDJH UHDG\ WR PRYH LQWR,WLVDQLFHTXLWHEHDXWLIXO FRXQWU\ VHWWLQJ DQG D JUHDW SODFHWROLYHDQGUDLVHDIDPLO\ +RPHV UDQJH LQ SULFH VWDUWLQJ DW DQG DY HUDJH DERXW -- +RPHV FDQ VHW \RX XS ZLWK HDV\ÀQDQFLQJDQGWKHUHLVQR FRQVWUXFWLRQORDQQHHGHG7KH DYHUDJH PRQWKO\ SD\PHQW LV DURXQG7KLVFRPSDUHV YDU\ IDYRUDEO\ ZLWK WKH KLJK FRVWRIUHQWLQ:LOOLVWRQ7KLV LV \RXU FKDQFH WR JHW RXW RI WKH ´UHQW WUDSµ DQG HVWDEOLVK VRPHHTXLW\ \RXQJ,QGLJHQRXVSHRSOHDQG IXWXUH OHDGHUV IURP DOO RYHU 1RUWK$PHULFDKDYHPDGH $WKOHWHVDQGWHDPVIURP UHJLRQV LQ 1RUWK $PHUL FD·V ,QGLJHQRXV FRPPXQLWLHV ZLOO FRPSHWH LQ WKH 1RUWK $PHULFDQ,QGLJHQRXV*DPHV 1$,* 7KH SDUWLFLSDWLQJ WHDPV LQFOXGH &DQDGLDQ SURYLQFHVDQGWHUULWRULHVDQG UHJLRQVWKURXJKRXWWKH86$ (DFKUHJLRQLVFRPSULVHGRI WRVWDWHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH WKRX VDQGV RI SDUWLFLSDQW·V IDPLO\ DQGIULHQGVDQGWKHKXQGUHGV RI VSHFWDWRUV WKH HYHQW LV H[SHFWHGWRDWWUDFWRYHU DWKOHWHV DJHV WHDP PDQDJHPHQW DQG PLV VLRQ VWDII SHUVRQQHO FRDFKLQJ VWDII KRVW FRPPXQLW\ YROXQWHHUV DQG FXOWXUDODQGHQWHUWDLQPHQW SHUIRUPHUV ´7UDQV&DQDGD LV WKULOOHG WR VSRQVRU WKH 5HJLQD 1$,*µ VD\V$QGUHD -DOEHUW 7UDQV&DQDGD9LFH3UHVLGHQW &RPPXQLW\DQG6XVWDLQDELOLW\ ´7KURXJK RXU &RPPXQLW\ ,Q YHVWPHQWSURJUDPZHVXSSRUW RUJDQL]DWLRQV DQG LQLWLDWLYHV WKDWEULQJFRPPXQLWLHVWRJHWK HU7KH1$,*ZLOOGRMXVWWKDW³ ZHOFRPHDWKOHWHVWHDPVDQG IDPLOLHVIURP1RUWK$PHULFDQ ,QGLJHQRXV FRPPXQLWLHV DV WKH\ FHOHEUDWH H[FHOOHQFH LQ VSRUWVDQGFXOWXUHµ $VSDUWRIWKLVSDUWQHUVKLS 7UDQV&DQDGDLV 'RQDWLQJWLFNHWV WR UHVLGHQWV RI QRUWKFHQWUDO 5HJLQDWRDWWHQGWKH2SHQLQJ &HUHPRQ\SURPRWLQJDFFHVV WRTXDOLW\FXOWXUDODFWLYLWLHV 3URYLGLQJSLQV WRFRPSHWLQJDWKOHWHV *LYLQJ DZD\ DQ DG GLWLRQDOSLQVGXULQJWKH JDPHV 6SRQVRULQJ WKH &XO WXUDO9LOODJH0DLQ6WDJHIHD WXULQJDQLPSUHVVLYHOLQHXSRI SHUIRUPDQFHV 7KH1$,*6SRUWVVFKHG XOHRIHYHQWVLQFOXGHV'DU FKHU\²$WKOHWLFV²%DGPLQWRQ ²%DVHEDOO²&DQRHLQJ&URVV &RXQWU\ UDFLQJ ² *ROILQJ ² .D\DNLQJ /DFURVVH 5LÁH 6KRRWLQJ ² 6RFFHU ² 6RIWEDOO ²9ROOH\EDOO:UHVWOLQJ ,I \RX·G OLNH PRUH LQIRU PDWLRQ FDOO 1$,* RU JR WR ZZZUHJL QDQDLJFRP Hail Insurance Deadline Approaching - Purchase Hail Insurance by Aug. 15 Submitted by Jana Mertens :LWKVRPHPXFKQHHGHGUDLQIDOOLQJDFURVVPRVWRI0RQ WDQDQRZLVWKHWLPHWRHYDOXDWH\RXUFURSLQVXUDQFHQHHGV 0RQWDQD IDUPHUV DQG UDQFKHUV FDQ VWLOO SXUFKDVH VWDWH KDLO LQVXUDQFHWKURXJK$XJXVWE\FRQWDFWLQJWKHWROOIUHHQXPEHU DWRUYLVLWLQJWKHZHEVLWHDWKWWSDJUPWJRYDJU 3URJUDPV&RPPRGLWLHV+DLO,QVXUDQFHWRREWDLQIRUPV :LWKODVW\HDU·VUHFRUGKDLOLQVXUDQFHFODLPVWKH+DLO%RDUG SXUFKDVHGUHLQVXUDQFHWRHQVXUHWKDWDQ\DQGDOOFODLPVPDGH E\ 0RQWDQD SURGXFHUV FRYHUHG E\ WKH VWDWH KDLO LQVXUDQFH SURJUDPZLOOEHSDLG &RXQW\'HSDUWPHQWRI5HYHQXHRIÀFHVZLOOQRORQJHUEH SURFHVVLQJQHZSROLFLHVLQVWHDGWKH\ZLOOEHSURYLGLQJLQIRUPD WLRQWRLQWHUHVWHGSDUWLHVRQKRZWREHJLQWKHSURFHVV)RUPV DUHDOVRDYDLODEOHDW0RQWDQD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\([WHQVLRQ2IÀFHV DQG&RQVHUYDWLRQ'LVWULFW2IÀFHV $WWKHUHTXHVWRISURGXFHUVDQGDXWKRUL]HGE\WKH6WDWH /HJLVODWXUHWKHGU\ODQGKDLOLQVXUDQFHUDWHLQFUHDVHGWR SHUDFUHDQGSHUDFUHIRULUULJDWHGODQG7KH+DLO%RDUG DOVR DSSURYHG D ÀYH SHUFHQW SUHPLXP LQFUHDVH 3URGXFHUV VKRXOGFRQWDFWWKH0RQWDQD'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUHWRGLVFXVV FRYHUDJHDQGUDWHV &RQWDFW,QIRUPDWLRQ0RQWDQD6WDWH+DLO,QVXUDQFH3UR JUDP32%R[+HOHQD077ROO)UHH 3KRQH)D[ 7KH0RQWDQD6WDWH+DLO,QVXUDQFH3URJUDPZDVFUHDWHG LQWRSURYLGHEDVLFKDLOLQVXUDQFHFRYHUDJHRQDQ\FURS JURZQLQ0RQWDQD 7KHSURJUDPLVGLUHFWHGE\DÀYHPHPEHUERDUGFRQVLVWLQJ RIWKHGHSDUWPHQWGLUHFWRULQVXUDQFHFRPPLVVLRQHUDQGWKUHH RWKHUPHPEHUVDSSRLQWHGE\WKH*RYHUQRU 7KH 0RQWDQD 'HSDUWPHQW RI$JULFXOWXUH·V PLVVLRQ LV WR SURWHFWSURGXFHUVDQGFRQVXPHUVDQGWRHQKDQFHDQGGHYHORS DJULFXOWXUHDQGDOOLHGLQGXVWULHV)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH GHSDUWPHQWYLVLWZZZDJUPWJRY ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 1B “Life’s a Ride at the Richland County Fair & Rodeo” July 30 - Aug. 2 We Are Overstocked! Great Selection of New ‘14s, ‘15s & Pre-owned! Take up to $11,000 off NEW GMC & Chevy Trucks* Come in during the fair & cool off with a HOT DEAL! Many Cars, Trucks & SUVs to Choose From! 0% Interest on Select Models! Huge Inventory of 2015s Already In Stock! 2B ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 Your Ability To Communicate Starts Here! Come See Us at the Office and then Enjoy the Fair! We can keep your communications CLEAR starting with: • Great Line of Kenwood 2-Way Radios • Long Range Communications To Cover Your Area • SPOT For Your 911 Protection • Pages To Keep In Touch Call Larry Today at: 406-433-1659 • Toll Free: 1-800-433-1659 | Just North of McDonald’s • Sidney, MT EST. 1972 Enjoy The Richland Welcome To The Richland County Fair! County Fair & Rodeo! We Will Be Closed July 28 - August 6 KEG So our employees can enjoy the fair Fairview, MT | 406-742-5180 Enjoy the Richland County Fair & Rodeo... then stop by for the best buys on all your grocery needs! BAKERY | DELI | FLORAL Red Box Video • Movie & Game Rentals Propane Exchange The Shops At Fox Run 404 N. Central Ave • Sidney 6am - 10pm Daily | www.reynoldsmarket.com | 406-433-2305 Crestwood Inn Come Join the Good Life The Showcase Window of Agriculture Achievement in Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota Please plan to join us at the 2014 Richland County Fair & Rodeo, July 30~August 2. This is the 94th anniversary of the Richland County Fair & we hope you plan to attend & enjoy the funfilled days & nights! Entertainment throughout the day includes the many commercial, agriculture, school, and 4-H exhibits, food booths & carnival by North Star Amusements. You won’t want to miss all the daily free act entertainment. Remember to purchase your tickets for the PRCA Rodeos held Thursday, July 31 and Friday, August 1 at 7:30 pm presented by Brookman Rodeo, LLC. Thursday night’s rodeo performance is “Military Appreciation Night” and Friday night’s rodeo performance is “Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night.” $4 will be donated by our sponsors for every person wearing pink, and all proceeds will benefit the Richland County Health Department Cancer Coalition. This year’s concert line-up includes country music performers, Josh Turner with special guest David Nail, and promises an excellent show Saturday, August 2 at 7:30 pm. We would also like to thank all of the Mon-Dak area residents, businesses, and the sponsors for your continued support. There is so much to see & do, make sure to join us July 30~August 2 at the 2014 Richland County Fair & Rodeo! “Life’s A Ride At the Richland County Fair & Rodeo” Sincerely, Jamie Larson Manager, RCF&R MY CHART Stop by our Fair Booth in the Ag Building to Sign-Up for MY CHART Crestwood Inn is a HUD subsidized housing complex for those 62 & older or disabled. We provide a welcoming environment that helps you feel at home in your spacious one-bedroom apartment. Being close to downtown, you are never far from your loved ones, shopping, or town events. Don’t drive? Not a problem! Richland County Transportation comes right to the front door. My Chart is your connection to your personal medical information when you want it, where you want it, when it’s convenient for you. $100 in Chamber Bucks will be given away each day of the Richland County Fair* *Individuals must sign-up with MyChart at the fair for a chance to win. Our Service Coordinator is available to Crestwood Inn residents (& the public) to help with connecting them to programs that help keep them independent. Call 406-433-4681 for assistance. TTY 711 Please feel free to contact our Onsite Manager with any questions or concerns: 406-433-3721 or [email protected] Office: Mon-Thurs: 7am - 5pm 410 3rd Ave. SW • Sidney, MT 59270 - Fair Booth Hours 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Located in the Ag Building ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 3B Dine In Air Conditioned Comfort... Then Enjoy The Fair! FAIR SPECIALS Breakfast– Quiche & Fresh Fruit Lunch & Dinner – BBQ Brisket & Pork sandwiches with homemade coleslaw, potato salad or baked beans. Family Restaurant 102 E. Main • Sidney, MT • 406-433-1839 Mon & Tues: 5am - 3pm • Wed - Sat: 5am - 9pm • Fri & Sat: Midnight - 5am • Sun: 5am - 2pm Breakfast Only Josh Turner Josh Turner – Roughstock and Rambler Tour Coming to Richland County Fair on Saturday, August 2nd By Tie Shank Born in November, 1977, Josh Turner was raised by his parents near Lake City, South Carolina. He grew up as a devout Christian and sang bass in a gospel quartet called Thankful Hearts. Turner made his debut on Grand Ole Opry in December 2001 with “Long Black Train,” where he received a standing ovation for an encore. His debut album was released in 2003, followed by his second album in 2006, his third in 2007, fourth in 2010 and the fifth album was released in 2012. 7XUQHUV· ZLIH -HQQLIHU WUDYHOVZLWKKLPZKHQKH·VRQ tour, playing keyboards and singing background vocals. The two have three sons together. Turner recently released his first book “Man Stuff” – Thoughts of Faith, Family and Fatherhood. Josh says the book discusses topics every man can relate to and draw from to grow in his spiritual and personal journey. #1 selling country music artist, David Nail, joins Turner The 2012 number one selling single “Let it Rain” country music artist David Nail will be joining Josh Turner for an unforgettable night of country music. Nail was born and raised in Kennett, Missouri. In 2009 he married his longtime girlfriend, Catherine. Nail debuted his single “Memphis” in 2002 and signed five years later with MCA, which is now Universal MuVLF *URXS 1DVKYLOOH +LV ÀUVW DOEXP ´,·P $ERXW WR &RPH Alive” was released in 2009, the second, “The Sound of a Million Dreams” in November 2011 and he recently released KLVWKLUGDOEXP´,·PRQ)LUHµ Nails singles, “Kiss You 7RQLJKWµDQG´:KDWHYHU6KH·V Got” continue to climb the charts and wow audiences of all ages. The combination of these two award-winning country music artists will keep you on your feet! A limited number of general admission tickets available at the Richland County )DLUER[RIÀFH 45 JULY 31 - AUGUST 2 XNLV100244 Tools...Tools...Tools! TAKE A LOOK AT OUR NEW DEWALT AISLE! David Nail FEATURING: NEW TECHNOLOGY ALONG WITH 20V BRUSHLESS TOOLS 18V Cordless XRP 1-1/4” - 2-1/2” 16 Gauge 20° Angled Finish Nailer Kit Fair Blowout Sale On Now! All Fall & Winter % Fashions off 50 Swimwear 12V MAX 17mm Inspection Camera with Wireless Screen Kit % 20 off Purchase a coffee and get 15%off your total purchase! * Reg. priced items only Picture by ((s)) tina’s photo 18V Cordless XRP 1-1/4” - 2-1/2” 16 Gauge Straight Finish Nailer Kit FREE pair of Earrings with purchase of any pink clothing item! *Valued at $13 or less 113 E. Main ST – Sidney, MT – 406-433-5050 Mon-Fri: 6:30am - 5:30pm Sat: 8am - 5pm Enjoy the Richland County Fair & Rodeo! National Reach. Local Expertise. ProBuild offers you the best of both. 100 14th Street SE • Sidney, MT • 406-433-2012 Hours: M-F: 7am - 5pm • Sat: 8am - 1pm • www.probuild.com 4B ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 Come & See The Ford Display At The Fair! Featuring the Ford Street Team! “Experience the Eagle Country Difference!” 215 East Main • Sidney, MT | 433-1810 or 1-800-482-1810 | eaglecountryfordsales.com Enjoy the Sights & Sounds of the Fair! 2013 Richland County Fair Highlights 2265 S. Central Ave. Sidney, MT 59270 | 406-433-6754 • Fax: 406-433-6755 • [email protected] Enjoy The Richland County Fair & Rodeo! Garret Leland shows his steer during the 4H Livestock Sale. 410 N. Central, Shops at Fox Run • Sidney, MT | 406-433-4370 | Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm | Sat: 9am - 5pm Drop in before THESE DEALS RUN OUT. Get a great deal on a great device from ElectricLand Inc. Reigan (above) and Trael Smith do some serious truckin’ on the carnival rides. Samsung Galaxy S® 5 Redefine the way you capture life $ 19999 $249.99 2-yr price - $50.00 mail-in rebate debit card with new 2-yr activation. Gail Thomas received a Special Award for her Elk painting she entered in last year’s fair. America's Largest 4G LTE Network. 410 N Central Ave Sidney, MT 59270 • 406-433-4370 101 S Merrill Ave Glendive, MT 59331 • 406-377-3645 Activation/upgrade fee/line: Up to $35. IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: Subject to Cust. Agmt, Calling Plan, rebate form & credit approval. Up to $350 early termination fee/line. Restocking fee may apply. Offers & coverage, varying by svc, not available everywhere; see vzw.com. While supplies last. Limited-time offer. Rebate debit card takes up to 6 weeks & expires in 12 months. © 2014 Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC. Samsung, Galaxy S and The Next Big Thing Is Here are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co. , Ltd. Other company names and or product names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners and may be trademarks or registered trademarks © 2014 Verizon Wireless. 1013-G7607 Kari Kummer (left) and Erin Wells pick out their favorite old tractor at the Antique Tractor Show during the 2013 Richland Co. Fair. ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 5B Richland County Fair & Rodeo Wednesday, July 30th to Saturday, August 2nd By Tie Shank ,I WKHUH·V RQH WKLQJ \RX FDQFRXQWRQLW·VWKHIDFWWKH 5LFKODQG&RXQW\)DLUDQG5RGHRZLOOEHDQDFWLRQSDFNHG H[FLWLQJHYHQWIRUDOODJHV 7KLV DQQXDO HYHQW LV NQRZQ DV WKH VKRZ ZLQGRZ RIDJULFXOWXUDODFKLHYHPHQWLQ HDVWHUQ0RQWDQDDQGZHVWHUQ 1RUWK 'DNRWD ,W RIÀFLDOO\ EHJDQDVDIDLULQHYROYLQJ IURPDFRPPXQLW\VWUHHWIDLUWR DIDLUDQGURGHRWKDWHQWHUWDLQV RYHUSHRSOHHDFK\HDU 7KH HYHQW NLFNV RII RQ :HGQHVGD\-XO\thZLWKWKH $JULFXOWXUDO %XLOGLQJ RSHQLQJ WRDFFHSW)ORULFXOWXUHH[KLELWV DW DP 9DULRXV MXGJLQJ ZLOO WDNH SODFH WKURXJKRXW WKHGD\$JULFXOWXUH+RUWLFXOWXUH )ORULFXOWXUH + +RUVH &ODVVHV DQG 6KRZPDQVKLS +/LYHVWRFNH[KLELWV1RUWK 6WDU $PXVHPHQWV &DUQLYDO EHJLQV DW SP DQG WKH <DPSD 9DOOH\ %R\V ZLOO EH SHUIRUPLQJWKUHH)UHHSHUIRUPDQFHVWKURXJKRXWWKHGD\RQ :HGQHVGD\ 7KXUVGD\ LV &R2S 'D\ /LYHVWRFN MXGJLQJ ZLOO EHJLQ DW DP WKH FDUQLYDO ZLOO RSHQDWSP<DPSD9DOOH\%R\VSHUIRUPDQFHVDFWLRQ HQWHUWDLQPHQWIURP² SP .DUHQ 4XLVW SHUIRUPLQJ &RZJLUO WULFNV LQVLGH WKH 2OG &RPPHUFLDO%XLOGLQJVWUROOLQJ 6WLOW &KDUDFWHUV )5(( 5RRW %HHU )ORDWV LQ WKH 6SRQVRU 7HQW DW SP DQG WKH GD\ ZLOO ZUDS XS ZLWK 0LOLWDU\$SSUHFLDWLRQ 1LJKW DW DQ DFWLRQ SDFNHG 35&$ 5RGHR EHJLQQLQJDWSP )ULGD\ ² + 6KRZPDQVKLS EHJLQV DW DP ZLWK WKH UHVW RI WKH GD\ DOPRVW D UHSHDW RI WKH GD\ EHIRUH 6RUU\ QR 5RRW %HHU )ORDWV WRGD\7KH7URSK\DQG$ZDUGV 3UHVHQWDWLRQZLOOEHJLQDW SPDQGWKH+/LYHVWRFN6DOH ZLOO IROORZ DW SP :LQG- LQJ GRZQ WKH GD\ ZLOO EH WKH ´7RXJK(QRXJKWR:HDU3LQN 1LJKWµ DW WKH 35&$ 5RGHR EHJLQQLQJDWSP 6DWXUGD\²7KHÀQDOGD\ ZLOOEHJLQDWDPZLWKD +0HPEHU$OXPQL2EVWDFOH &RXUVH FDUQLYDO RSHQLQJ DW 1RRQ )UHH HQWHUWDLQPHQW E\ WKH <DPSD 9DOOH\ %R\V $FWLRQ HQWHUWDLQPHQW /DVHU WDJ 6SHHG 3LWFK )RRWEDOO 7RVV %DVNHWEDOO 6KRRW 1DVFDU 5DFLQJ 6WUROOLQJ 6WLOW &KDUDFWHUV DQG ODVWO\ ² DQ XQIRUJHWWDEOH FRXQWU\ PXVLF FRQFHUWZLWK-RVK7XUQHUDQG VSHFLDO JXHVW 'DYLG 1DLO EHJLQQLQJDWSP *HW\RXUWLFNHWVDWWKHIDLU ER[RIÀFH ,I \RX·G OLNH PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQRUWRZRXOGOLNHWRYLHZ D GHWDLOHG IDLU VFKHGXOH ORJ RQ WR ZZZULFKODQGFRXQW\IDLUDQGURGHRRUJDQGFOLFNRQ 6FKHGXOH Sewing Machines Come See Us At Our Booth & Try One Out! We Will Have “Fair” Prices! Four Winds Quilting • Billings Sunshine Studio • Sidney F o r i n f o , c a l l D e b B r a d l e y a t 4 0 6 - 4 8 9 - 5 111 We Have All Your Fair, Reunion & Picnic Supplies! Wholesale Prices! East-Mont Enterprises Inc. Nutt-N Better Ice Cream Shop Pop • Chips • Water • Nacho Cheese Coffee • Salsa • Candy • Plates Napkins • Cups • Cutlery Closed Wed-Sat for the Fair Popcorn Popper & Cotton Candy Machine for Rent Sno-Kone Machine 608 E. Main|Sidney, MT|406-433-2910 Locally Owned|Special Orders Welcome Carnival riders prepare for their spin on the Kamikaze at the 2013 Fair. Novelties • Indoor &Outdoor Seating Blue Bunny Hard Ice Cream 212 2nd St SE|Sidney, MT| 406-433-4232 Come See Us Sunday, August 3rd BUILDING A STRONGER COMMUNITY—TOGETHER (SFBUUIJOHTIBQQFOXIFOXFXPSLUPHFUIFSGPSUIFHPPEPGUIF.PO%BL3FHJPO That’s why Thrivent Financial is proud to join with the Richland County Fair and Rodeo UPTVQQPSUUIF.PO%BL"HSJDVMUVSBM4IPXDBTFUIF3JDIMBOE$PVOUZ'BJSBOE3PEFP Harvey Senn CLTC®, LUTCF, FIC Financial Associate 406-433-6143 3POBME(FCIBSEU CLTC®, FIC Financial Associate 4$FOUSBM"WFr4JEOFZ.5 5PMM'SFF For additional important information, visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. $WODVW\HDU·V5LFKODQG&RXQW\)DLUWKHUHZDVDGLVSOD\RIKLVWRULFDOIDLUSKRWRV LQWKH$JULFXOWXUHEXLOGLQJ Enjoy The Richland County Fair & Rodeo "QQMFUPO8JTDPOTJOr.JOOFBQPMJT.JOOFTPUBr5ISJWFOUDPNr It’s 24653 R3-14 Days During The Fair The Western Original® Boys’ & Men’s Jeans Western Shirts $ Stop By & Shop In Cool Comfort! “Proudly Serving Our 99th Year!” 00 % 5 off 25off Sale Starts July 30 & Ends August 2 Mon - Fri: 8am - 5:30pm • Saturday: 8am - 5pm 809 East Main • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3400 6B ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 Enjoy All The Fair Has To Offer! Check out the community seed pictures in the Agricultural Building... Enjoy the Fair & Rodeo! Fairview 2013 They’re awesome! Richland County Fair & Rodeo “Life’s a Ride at the Richland County Fair & Rodeo” July 30-August 2 PRCA RODEO Sponsored by WRANGLER® Thursday & Friday 7:30 pm (both nights) Wednesday, July 30 6:00 a.m....................................................................Agriculture Building open 8:00 a.m.................... Judging: Agriculture, Horticulture & Floriculture exhibits 8:30 a.m........................................... Judging: 4-H Horse Class Showmanship 11:00 a.m. ....................................................)DLU2IÀFH(YHQW&HQWHURSHQV ALL DAY ........................................ 7KH0DUNHW3ODFH([KLELWV'LVSOD\VHWF 1:00 p.m....................................................)ODJ5DLVLQJ&HUHPRQ\LQWKH2YDO 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ....................................... <DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ....................................... <DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 4:00 p.m............................................................ North Star Amusements open .........................................................................................-XGJLQJ+3RXOWU\ 6:00 p.m...................................................... Judging: 4-H Dogs, Cats, Rabbits 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. ....................................... <DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 7:00 p.m.................................................................Small Animal Round Robin 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. .................................... Weighing: 4-H Hogs, Sheep, & Goats 10:00 p.m..................................... $JULFXOWXUH%XLOGLQJ(YHQW&HQWHUFORVHV 11:00 p.m. .............................................................................)DLU2IÀFHFORVHV Thursday, July 31 (Co-op Day) 8:30 a.m..........................-XGJLQJ+/LYHVWRFN6ZLQH6KHHS'DLU\*RDW 11:00 a.m. ................................)DLU2IÀFH(YHQW&HQWHU$J%XLOGLQJRSHQV THE CUTTER EVERYONE TRIES TO IMITATE. No matter how hard they try, no one can match the Batwing® rotary cutter. And with these features, the 3180 Series 3 puts even more distance between Woods cutters and the rest of the pack: • Clean deck to shed water and material, helping prevent corrosion and rust • Either two- or three-section flexible wing rotary cutter • Patented Intra-Drive® gearbox • Cuts through brush up to 4-inch diameter • Extra capacity 13-inch side frame depth • For use on tractors 50 to 200 horsepower with either 540 or 1000 rpm PTOs • Exclusive quick change blade system with durable 1/2-inch thick alloy steel blades • Blade speeds exceed 16,000 feet per minute delivering a near finish cut quality All this and more from the original Woods Batwing. Stop in today to take a closer look at the cutter everyone else is imitating! ALL DAY ......................................... 7KH0DUNHW3ODFH([KLELWV'LVSOD\VHWF 1:00 p.m....................................................... 1RUWK6WDU$PXVHPHQWV&DUQLYDO 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ....................................... <DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 1:00 - 9:00 p.m. ...... $FWLRQ(QWHUWDLQPHQW1DVFDU5DFLQJ/DVHU7DJ6SHHG 3LWFK)RRWEDOO7RVV%DVNHWEDOO+RRS6KRRW 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. ......DUHQ4XHVW&RZJLUO7ULFNV)UHH6WDJH$FW2OG&RPP %XLOGLQJ 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ....................................... <DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. .................. 2YHU7KH7RS™6WLOW&KDUDFWHUVE\.DUHQ4XHVW 4:00 - Gone.................................. )5((5RRWEHHU)ORDWVLQWKH6SRQVRU7HQW 5:00 p.m...................................................................Judging: 4-H Market Beef 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. .................. 2YHU7KH7RS™6WLOW&KDUDFWHUVE\.DUHQ4XHVW 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. ....................................... <DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 7:30 p.m...........................35&$5RGHRSUHVHQWHGE\%URRNPDQ5RGHR//& ............................................. 0DLQ(YHQW5RGHR6SRQVRU.UDNHQ2LO*DV ............................................................................ 0LOLWDU\$SSUHFLDWLRQ1LJKW 8:00 - 8:45 p.m. ......DUHQ4XHVW&RZJLUO7ULFNV)UHH6WDJH$FW2OG&RPP %XLOGLQJ 10:00 p.m................................................. (YHQW&HQWHUDQG$J%XLOGLQJFORVH 11:00 p.m. ............................................................................)DLU2IÀFHFORVHV Stop By & Visit Us At The Richland County Fair! Don’t stop now. See the latest Equipment From.. • John Deere • Brandt • Woods • Leon • Summers • Bourgault and More Trust Brandt – for industry-leading augers that just won’t stop. COMPANY NAME ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 ADDRESS LINE 3 PHONE & FAX NUMBERS HOURS OF OPERATION Factory Reps on Hand! Batwing and Intra-Drive are registered trademarks of Woods Equipment Company. Keep your harvest moving with a Brandt premium quality auger. It’s easy with a capacity of over 5,100 bu/hr for the 10" auger and 9,500 bu/ hr for the 13" auger.* Look for even more capacity with our improved hopper design. Brandt augers also offer a heavier scissor lift to better manage high grain volumes, a wider stance for more stability, and a heavier gear-box for easy access. SUNRISE EQUIPMENT SUNRISE EQUIPMENT SUNRISE EQUIPMENT Hwy. 16 NW, Sidney • 406-488-3112 Hwy. 16 NW, Sidney • 406-488-3112 Hwy. 16 NW, Sidney • 406-488-3112 After Hours Parts 406-489-3112 • 1-800-967-3597 After Hours Parts 406-489-3112 • 1-800-967-3597 After Hours Parts 406-489-3112 • 1-800-967-3597 Enjoy The Richland County Fair & Rodeo! HURLEY’S OILFIELD SERVICES • Porta Potties • Potable Water • Sewer Systems • Loaders • Communications • Backhoe • Trucking • Skid Houses 406-742-5312 | Fairview, MT ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 7B The area's 1st Choice for CERTIFIED COLLISION REPAIR CENTER • • • • • • • Ecofriendly Waterborne Paint Complete Auto/Truck Repair & Refinishing Paintless Dent Repair Frame Straightening Customizing Fiberglass Repairs Head Lamp Restoration Community pride is a way of life for some of us… Fair time reminds of us of our community. At The Lodge, residents live independently, like they always have, yet have opportunities to stay involved in the community. 406-433-2277 615 Cambrian Lane • Sidney, MT Senior Living at its Best t Come to The Lodge! ŗŖŗśȱŝȱȱȱȊȱ¢ǰȱȱ DZȱȱŚŖŜȬŚŞŞȬŚŜŞŘȱȊȱ ǯǯ In Concert Sat., Aug. 2 • 7:30 pm: With Special Guest David Nail presents: Roughstock and Rambler Tour Friday, August 1 8:00 a.m.................................................................. 4-H Showmanship (Jr./Sr.) 11:00 a.m. ............................... )DLU2IÀFH$J%XLOGLQJ(YHQW&HQWHURSHQV .............................2YHUDOO+*UDQG&KDPS6KRZPDQVKLS&RQWHVW-U6U $//'$< ......................................... 7KH0DUNHW3ODFH([KLELWV'LVSOD\VHWF 1:00 p.m........................................................1RUWK6WDU$PXVHPHQWV&DUQLYDO 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ........................................<DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 1:00 - 9:00 p.m. ....... $FWLRQ(QWHUWDLQPHQW1DVFDU5DFLQJ/DVHU7DJ6SHHG 3LWFK)RRWEDOO7RVV%DVNHWEDOO+RRS6KRRW 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. ..... .DUHQ4XHVW&RZJLUO7ULFNV)UHH6WDJH$FW2OG&RPP %XLOGLQJ 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ........................................<DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. ................... 2YHU7KH7RS™6WLOW&KDUDFWHUVE\.DUHQ4XHVW 4:00 p.m........................................ 7URSK\$ZDUGV3UHVHQWDWLRQ+$UHQD 5:00 p.m...........................................................+/LYHVWRFN6DOH+$UHQD 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. ................... 2YHU7KH7RS™6WLOW&KDUDFWHUVE\.DUHQ4XHVW 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. ........................................<DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 7:30 p.m........................... 35&$5RGHRSUHVHQWHGE\%URRNPDQ5RGHR//& .........................................................0DLQ(YHQW6SRQVRU:HOOV)DUJR%DQN . ................................................................. 7RXJK(QRXJKWR:HDU3LQN1LJKW 8:00 - 8:45 p.m. ..... .DUHQ4XHVW&RZJLUO7ULFNV)UHH6WDJH$FW2OG&RPP %XLOGLQJ 10:00 p.m.................................................. $J%XLOGLQJ(YHQW&HQWHUFORVHV 11:00 p.m. ............................................................................ )DLU2IÀFHFORVHV Saturday, August 2 (Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites, Richland Inn & Suites & Lone Tree Inn Day) 10:00 a.m........................................... +0HPEHU$OXPQL2EVWDFOH&RXUVH 11:00 a.m. ............................... )DLU2IÀFH$J%XLOGLQJ(YHQW&HQWHURSHQV $//'$< ......................................... 7KH0DUNHW3ODFH([KLELWV'LVSOD\VHWF Noon. ............................................................1RUWK6WDU$PXVHPHQWV&DUQLYDO 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ........................................<DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 1:00 - 9:00 p.m. ....... $FWLRQ(QWHUWDLQPHQW1DVFDU5DFLQJ/DVHU7DJ6SHHG 3LWFK)RRWEDOO7RVV%DVNHWEDOO+RRS6KRRW 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. ..... .DUHQ4XHVW&RZJLUO7ULFNV)UHH6WDJH$FW2OG&RPP %XLOGLQJ 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. ........................................<DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. ................... 2YHU7KH7RS™6WLOW&KDUDFWHUVE\.DUHQ4XHVW 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. ................... 2YHU7KH7RS™6WLOW&KDUDFWHUVE\.DUHQ4XHVW 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. ........................................<DPSD9DOOH\%R\V)UHH6WDJH$FW 7:30 p.m.........................-RVK7XUQHU,Q&RQFHUWZLWKVSHFLDOJXHVW'DYLG1DLO 8:00 - 8:45 p.m. ..... .DUHQ4XHVW&RZJLUO7ULFNV)UHH6WDJH$FW2OG&RPP %XLOGLQJ 9:30 p.m.................................................... $J%XLOGLQJ(YHQW&HQWHUFORVHV 0LGQLJKW ............................................................................... )DLU2IÀFHFORVHV Life’s a Ride at the Richland County Fair & Rodeo! July 30th – August 2nd Richland County Commissioners Loren Young | Shane Gorder | Duane Mitchell 8B ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 Co-Op Day Expresses Appreciation To Community Welcome to the Richland County Fair & Rodeo Stop by for a free root beer float during Co-op Day at the fair starting at 4 p.m. Thursday, July 31st Member owned cooperative serving Richland County since 1937 For many people, ThursGD\·V &R2S 'D\ DW WKH )DLU HQWDLOV D PRPHQWDU\ VWRS DW WKHVSRQVRUWHQWIRUDFRPSOLPHQWDU\URRWEHHUÁRDW³DQG DQHTXDOO\KDVW\UHWXUQWRRWKHU )DLUDIWHUQRRQ KDSSHQLQJV +RZHYHU WKLV GD\ KDV PRUH EHKLQG LW WKDQ VLPSO\ D IUHH FRROGRZQIRUIDLUJRHUV 7KHHYHQWZDVVHWLQPRWLRQLQE\.HOO\.QDIIRI WKH /RZHU <HOORZVWRQH 5XUDO (OHFWULF $VVRFLDWLRQ RQH RI WKH VHYHQ RULJLQDO FRRSV ZKLFK FRQWULEXWHG WR WKH GD\ 5LFKODQG )DUP 0XWXDO MRLQHG LQWKHIXQLQDQG+RUL]RQ 5HVRXUFHVZLOOSDUWLFLSDWHWKLV \HDU2WKHUPHPEHUVLQFOXGH 5LFKODQG)HGHUDO&UHGLW8QLRQ )DUP&UHGLW6HUYLFHV0LG5LYHUV&RPPXQLFDWLRQV1RUWDQD *UDLQ DQG &+6 )DUPHU·V (OHYDWRU :KLOH WKHVH EXVLQHVVHV RIIHUGLIIHUHQWVHUYLFHVWKH\DOO VKDUHDFRPPRQFRQQHFWLRQWR WKH FRPPXQLW\ WKURXJK WKHLU FRRSHUDWLYH VWUXFWXUH 7KH VWDQGDUG IUDPHZRUN RI D FR RSLQFOXGHVRSHQPHPEHUVKLS IRU DOO ZKR XVH LWV VHUYLFHV GHPRFUDWLFPHPEHUSDUWLFLSDWLRQ WKURXJK HOHFWHG PHPEHU UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVDQGFRUSRUDWH HFRQRPLFGHFLVLRQVVHOIJRYHUQLQJ RUJDQL]DWLRQ VWDWXV PHPEHUHPSOR\HHHGXFDWLRQ DQG FRPPXQLW\³QRW MXVW FR RS PHPEHU³GHYHORSPHQW HPSKDVLV (DFKRIRXUORFDOFRRSV LVKLJKO\LQYROYHGLQFRPPXQLW\ VXSSRUWWKURXJKDUHDVVXFKDV KHDOWKSURJUDPVHGXFDWLRQDO VFKRODUVKLSV DQG YDOXDEOH QHLJKERUKRRG RUJDQL]DWLRQV 7KHUHIRUH &RRS 'D\ PD\ VHHP OLNH MXVW DQRWKHU SXEOLF VHUYLFHWKHVHEXVLQHVVHVDUH ZLOOLQJWRVSRQVRU7KHUHLVD OLYH UDGLR EURDGFDVW IURP WKH VSRQVRUWHQWDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ SDPSKOHWVFRQFHUQLQJFRRSV DUH DYDLODEOH ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR EHLQJLQIRUPDWLYHWKLVXQLTXH DQQXDO DVVHPEODJH RI FRRSHUDWLYH DVVRFLDWLRQV ZDV GHVLJQHGVSHFLÀFDOO\WRVKRZ DSSUHFLDWLRQWRFRQVWLWXHQWVRI WKHFRPPXQLW\FRRSHUDWLYHV %RWK WKH VSRQVRUVKLS FRQWULEXWLRQ WR D ODUJH SXEOLF JDWKHULQJ OLNH WKH )DLU DQG WKHSURYLVLRQRIDIXQWUHDWIRU YLVLWRUVDUHDSDUWRIVKRZLQJ WKHLUJUDWLWXGHWRWKHFRPPXQLW\3D\DQDSSUHFLDWLYHYLVLW WR\RXUORFDOFRRSUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVXQGHUWKHVSRQVRUWHQW DFURVV IURP WKH )DLU 2IILFH DQ\WLPHRQ7KXUVGD\DQGHQMR\DURRWEHHUÁRDWEHJLQQLQJ DWSP Joe Bradley (middle) picks XSKLVIUHHURRWEHHUÁRDW prepared by Becky Reidle (left) and LaDean Edam (right) from Richland Farm Mutual at the 2013 Richland County Fair Co-op Day. Enjoy Co-op Day Rob Breuer Relationship Manager Penny Brown Financial Specialist at the Fair! Since 1916 Northwest R R FARM CREDIT SERVICES 406-433-3920 • 800-769-1040 | www.northwestfcs.com ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 9B Nortana Grain Company Nortana Grain Co. in Lambert and Sidney, Montana, is a locally owned and operated business which is governed by a board of farmers. Agribusinesses in eastern Montana and western North Dakota have trusted Nortana Grain Co. for agricultural services for more than 70 years. They handle it all whether it is spring wheat, winter wheat, barley, oats, corn, peas or lentils. Over the last 50 years, Nortana Grain Co. has handled more than 23,500,000 bushels of grain. They can take care of your agricultural needs such as high-quality grain handling, seed cleaning, crop protection, and other supplies and services. &RQWLQXLQJ WR KHOS WKH DUHD·V HFRQRP\ 1RUWDQD *UDLQ &R DOVR RII ORDGV DQG UHORDGVIUDFVDQGIRUWKH%DNNHQRLOÀHOG Co-op Day at the Fair Don’t Miss Richland County’s Fair & Free Floats Thursday By Richland County’s Cooperatives! Fixed Rate Secured Loans Starting APR At 1.75% On Approved Credit. No origination fees. 1RUWDQD*UDLQ·VQHZHVW6LGQH\ORFDWLRQRIIHUVSURSDQHDQGIXHOGHOLYHU\ Serving our members for 75 years and counting. Nortana Grain Co. offers gasoline and diesel fuel deliveries to farms, construction companies, trucking companies, and railroads within 100-mile radius. 415 9th Ave NE • Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-3014 • Fax: 406-433-3018 PO Box 177 • Lambert, MT 59243 406-774-3331 • Fax: 406-774-3332 Sweley Location: 1123 10th Ave SE • Sidney, MT | 406-433-2508 Local Farmer-Owned Cooperative Since 1938 Lambert 406-774-3331 | 101 1st Ave. SW • Grain Elevator • Service Station • Custom Applications • 24 hr Fuel • Propane Truck • Trailer Repairs • Fertilizer • Chemical • Full Drive-thru Truck Bay • Truck Lounge & Shower www.richlandfcu.com 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. • Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 We hope to see you at Co-op Days & 4-H Livestock Auction at the: Richland County Fair & Rodeo “Life’s a Ride at the Richland County Fair & Rodeo!” Homeowners • Farmowners • Property Coverage Personal & Farm Liability • ID Theft Recovery LaDean Edam • Savage Carol Fatzinger • Poplar Becky Reidle • Sidney Sidney 406-433-3014 | 425 9th Ave. NE • Grain Terminal • Specialty Crops • Custom Hauling • Livestock Feed • Bulk Fuel & Propane Delivery • Roller Mix 406-488-4898 4 06 488 4898 1405 4th St. SW, Suite 1 • Sidney, MT 10B ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 Sidney Health Center will Feature the Benefits of MyChart at the Richland County Fair Fairview, MT. • 406-742-8800 • 406-489-3429 Enjoy The Richland County Fair & Rodeo! Come & See Us For All Your Agricultural, Commercial or Personal Banking Needs! Welcome To The County Fair & Rodeo! See Us For All Your Car, Truck & Farm Tires On the farm service! By Rita Steinbeisser On June 1, 2014, Sidney Health Center converted to a new electronic health record (EHR), offering a new opportunity for patients to access their personal medical information via a secure website that is managed by Sanford Health. MyChart is a patient portal that allows patients to participate in their care by accessing a summary of medical information. Patients can request prescription refills, send non-emergent questions to their provider, and have 24hour access to important health information when traveling. The service is free and available to patients who are served by an employed Sidney Health Center primary care provider. A smart phone app is also available for Android and iPhone products. During the Richland County Fair and Rodeo, Sidney Health Center will be assisting individuals who are interested in signing up for MyChart. Sidney Health CenWHU·V ERRWK LV ORFDWHG LQ WKH Ag Building and those who sign-up at the booth will be entered into a drawing for $100 in Chamber Bucks each day of the fair. Why should patients sign up for this service? First, patients benefit from the convenient access MyChart provides. In addition, adults can sign-up their children or spouses, and have quick access to vital information regarding recent labs, upcoming appointments, or overdue health maintenance. Patti Iversen, FNP points out that secure electronic communication is a common part of everyday life for many and MyChart is ideal for routine, non-emergent communication in regards to health management. She went on to say, “I am pleased to be able to offer my patients more convenient communication and increased access to health care informa- tion through the simple registration for MyChart. I believe in using every tool at my disposal to partner with my patients in achieving their best possible quality of life.” The recent conversion to the new EHR system allows Sidney Health Center to meet federal guidelines for the secure use and sharing of health information. A major focus of the federally mandated medical record system is to improve communication between patients and providers and one of the requirements is to provide a patient portal that is actively being used by Sidney Health &HQWHU·VFOLHQWHOH “Implementing a software system of this magnitude is quite an undertaking,” stated Rick Haraldson, Sidney Health Center CEO. “Overall, I am very pleased with the progress that our staff and medical providers have made in just a few short weeks. They have stepped up to learn a new system that offers a safe and efficient way of exchanging health information.” With the Epic software system in use, Sidney Health Center will be reimbursed through government funds for services provided, based on its ability to offer services like MyChart. When patients personally sign up for MyChart, they not only gain access to valuable personal health information, but help Sidney Health Center meet these federally mandated goals. For additional information about MyChart, go to www. sidneyhealth.org/Patients/ My-Chart. Enjoy the Richland Co. Fair We Are Your Oil-Field Supply Headquarters • Balon Ball Valves • Line Pipe • Gates, Hydraulic Hoses & Belts • Fittings • Tubing Anchors • Tubing • Down Hole Sucker Rod Pumps Get Mail-in Rebates Up To $ 160 with the purchase of a set of 4 eligible Goodyear or Dunlop Tires on the Goodyear Credit Card. Ends July 31, 2014 3 22nd Ave NW • Sidney, MT 349 4406-488-6636 • 1-800-967-3795 1511 South Central Ave • Sidney, MT 406-488-8706 • Fax: 406-488-8708 [email protected] 8221 62nd St. NW • Stanley, ND (Old Hwy 2) 701-628-8706 ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 11B Free Entertainment at the Richland County Fair Yampa Valley Boys, Steve Jones and John Fisher will perform Wed.-Sat. from 1pm to 2pm, 3:30pm to 4:40pm and 6pm to 7pm. Yampa Valley Boys Steve Jones and John Fisher are now in their fourteenth year of performing as the YAMPA VALLEY BOYS. They have performed over 1,800 shows together. They KDYHEHHQÀQDOLVWVIRUVHYHUDO awards by the Western Music Association, including “best duo” in 2010. Great songs and stories—from the classics to contemporary—plus a good dose of humor comprise the formula that makes them a success with audiences of all ages. John plays banjo, mandolin, and resophonic guitar. Steve plays guitar, sings many of the lead parts, and is the JURXS·VPDLQVRQJZULWHU7+( BOYS have eight CD albums containing original and classic western material and Steve has a solo CD of all Irish songs. (Source http://www. yampavalleyboys.com) Karen Quest $XQLTXHIXQÀOOHG9DXGHville-style Western Comedy Act complete with Trick Roping, Whip Cracking, Music and Lots of Surprises! The Perfect Choice for your Fair, Festival, Theme Park, Rodeo, Corporate, Private or Special Event...or whatever else you can cook up! Karen also performs on stilts as “Lucky Starr” - an eight-foot tall cowgirl - as she engages audiences with her special brand of Western humor. At The Wild West Arts Convention in Las Vegas, Karen won the Comedy Award for “The All Cowbell Orchestra” routine portion of her show. (Thanks, judges!). Karen is raring to perform anywhere in the world a cowgirl is welcome! To stay in the loop, please click on the Schedule button to find out where Cowgirl Tricks will be performing next! (Source www.cowgirltricks. com) Over the Top™ Stilt Characters by Karen Quest will also be strolling the midway BIG TRACTOR PERFORMANCE. MID-SIZE VERSATILITY. Case IH Maxxum Series tractors combine efficient power with operator convenience to make loader and hay work more productive with 90 to 120 PTO horsepower. Case IH Puma Series tractors offer big tractor performance with mid-size versatility. Ranging from 105 to 195 PTO hp with CVT transmissions, they have the horsepower to handle both livestock and row crop tasks in mixed farm operations. Plus the new Case IH SCR engine technology brings a new level of fuel efficiency to your operation. SEE US TODAY! TRI-COUNTY IMPLEMENT, INC. 2429 W HOLLY STREET SIDNEY, MT 592709213 406-488-4400 CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com Action Entertainment Action Entertainment will return this year featuring Nascar Racing, Laser Tag, Speed Pitch, Football Toss and Basketball Hoop Shoot. Blue Ribbon Specials Throughout The Store WED - SAT • JULY 30 - AUG 2 Firearms • Fishing • Archery • Paintball • Clothing Last minute sign-ups this week for the Techno Hunt Virtual Archery Range League Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm 440 N Central Ave • Sidney, MT Shops at Fox Run • 406-433-1800 12B ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 We're ready to serve you! Fair Food WESTERN TIRE CO. 1601 SOUTH CENTRAL • SIDNEY, MONTANA 433-3858 • Open 7-5:30 M-F & 7-Noon Sat. The Richland Rangers Fair Food Booth is a fundraiser to support the general KRFNH\ IXQG IRU 5LFKODQG &RXQW\·V KRFNH\ SURJUDP 7KH PRQH\ UDLVHG ZLOO JRWRZDUGVWKLQJVVXFKDVFRVWVDFFUXHGLQUXQQLQJWKHKRFNH\EXLOGLQJ7KH ERRWK·VWZREHVWVHOOLQJLWHPVDUHWKHLUKRPHPDGHLFHFUHDPEDUZKLFKFRPHVLQ PXOWLSOHÁDYRUVDQGÁHLVFKNXHFKOH*HUPDQGHHSIULHGGXPSOLQJZLWKVHDVRQHG JURXQGEHHI WOOD GROUP “This is a Great PSN Place to Work!” Safety Social Financial & Assurance Relationships Responsibility People Inovation Responsibility Integrity Take A Ride ty n u o C d n la h ic R e h T At Fair & Rodeo! The Wood Group PSN Family just got bigger in the Bakken. Introducing our newest family members: Proud Sponsor of Wood Group PSN is a global provider of pre-operations, hook up & commissioning, operations & maintenance, engineering, construction, project management, training and decommissioning services to the energy industry. Employing over 29,000 people in more than 40 countries, Wood Group PSN offers high integrity, brownfield services that support customers to optimise performance, maintain production, reduce operating costs and provide integrity assurance. To learn more, please visit www.woodgroup.com WOOD GROUP PSN ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 13 Community Values Reflected in Charitable Giving Come & See Us At The Fair! CARGO FLATBED UTILITY TRAILERS DUMP • ATV Jim Bell, Manager 406-480-7249 TRAEGER GRILLS TOOL BOXES FULLY STOCKED PARTS & ACCESSORIES & Grain Bins FULL SERVICE REPAIRS Structures To Suit Every Need! EXCAVATION TO COMPLETION, OR MATERIALS ONLY DESIGN SERVICES AVAILABLE Submitted by Staci Miller Americans continually set new records for charitable support. Our neighborhoods and rural communities in northeastern Montana thrive in part because of this generous spirit, which is alive and well within each of us and has been for the last 100 years. Without a doubt, the work of many charitable organizations depends on private gifts that arrive in countless forms. Each year hundreds respond to the needs of local charities, like the Foundation for Community Care, with bighearted gifts of time and energy through volunteerism. 2IFRXUVHPDQ\ÀQGPDWHULDO ways to express their support through gifts to annual fund efforts and capital campaigns, DV ZHOO DV RWKHU VSHFLÀF RSportunities to offer financial partnerships. In fact, there are many ways that you can make a gift to a charity in whose mission you believe. The most common is by simply writing a check or giving cash. Many individuals and families also plan today for a gift that comes in the form of a bequest ex- pressed in their last will and testament. These two ways of giving represent either end of a FKDULWDEOHVSHFWUXP²WKHÀUVW providing immediate support and the latter representing a final communication of a philanthropic heart. Between these two points on the giving spectrum there exist a number of other ways in which community-minded people provide critical support to charities. Almost every gift to a TXDOLÀHG FKDULWDEOH RUJDQL]Dtion comes with certain tax EHQHÀWV +RZHYHU LQ PDQ\ situations it is possible to receive more than just a charitable income tax deduction. Indeed, certain ways of giving make it possible to bypass capital gains taxes on appreciated assets, significantly reduce estate taxes, and even establish a whole new source of income for yourself and your family. Often the way that a gift is made can have dramatic impact on helping to meet the long and short-term objectives of a donor. And here in Montana, donors who set up a planned JLIWZLWKDTXDOLÀHGFKDULW\PD\ be eligible for a credit on their Montana income taxes. At the Foundation for Community Care, we can help answer any questions you might have, help you identify options that will best IXOÀOO\RXUREMHFWLYHVDQGHYHQ provide you with information to assist your own professional advisors. Of course, there is never any cost or obligation for the information and service we provide and it is in no way designed to replace the counsel of your personal advisors. If we can help, please call us at 406-488-2273, email at smiller@foundationforcommunityFDUHRUJRUVWRSE\RXURIÀFH at 221 2nd St. NW in Sidney. For more information on how you can save money on your taxes and leave a legacy in our community, stop by our office at 221 2nd St. NW in Sidney, send us an email at [email protected] or call 488-CARE. We will be happy to visit with you and provide a confidential, personalized illustration with no obligation. You should always consult \RXURZQÀQDQFLDOSURIHVVLRQals and advisors. Mark Brodhead, Manager 406-480-7332 Mobile Fabric Buildings Open M-F: 8am - 5:30pm • Sat: 9am - 1pm 34940 Hwy 23, Sidney | Office: 406-433-1888 South of Sidney at the flashing light 2014 2014 JEEP PATRIOT LATITUDE 4X4 Automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks & windows, Uconnect Radio & remote start. #4440 Fair Savings From MSRP ..................... $26,370 Action Auto Disc ........ -$947 Chrysler Rebate...... -$1,500 $ 23,923 * 2014 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT 4X4 3.6 V6, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks & windows, Uconnect Radio & Willy Wheeler pkg. #4559 $ 31,259 * MSRP ..................... $32,275 Action Auto Disc ..... -$1,016 2014 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 5.7 V8 hemi, 8-speed automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks & windows, receiver hitch, Uconnect Radio & aluminum chrome wheels. % 15off All Clothing In Stock! July 30 - Aug 2 M-F: 6am - 6pm • Sat: 8am - 5pm 2221 S. Central, Sidney • 406-433-6757 www.sondassolutions.com MSRP ..................... 39,130 Action Auto Disc ..... -$2,406 Chrysler Rebate...... -$3,500 $ #4540 33,224 $ * *Doesn’t include doc fees. Must qualify for all rebates. 14 ROUNDUP, FAIR EDITION, JULY 23, 2014 ENJOY THE RICHLAND COUNTY FAIR & RODEO Good luck to all the exhibitors and 4-Hers PINK STANDS FOR TOUGH COWBOYS Friday Night’s PRCA Rodeo is Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night The Wrangler® Tough Enough to Wear Pink™ Western Campaign to raise money and awareness for breast cancer tops the $17 million mark in money raised Wrangler® Tough Enough to Wear Pink™ Founder Terry Wheatley announced Monday night of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo (Wrangler NFR) in Las Vegas, the grassroots cowboy campaign to fight breast cancer has reached the $17 million fundraising mark through the hard work of regional rodeos and western events across the country. The monies raised stay locally WR EHQHÀW FRPPXQLW\ EUHDVW cancer charities – which is WKHVWUHQJWKRIWKHFDPSDLJQ·V success according to Wheatley. “This is the ninth anniversary of Wrangler Tough Enough to Wear Pink at the Wrangler NFR and the campaign continues to gain momentum. Nobody could have Check Out Our Fair Specials We will be closing at 5pm, Thurs - Sat, July 31 - August 2 to enjoy the fair TILE • FURNITURE • PAINT LIGHTING • CUSTOM CABINETS ACCESSORES • AND MORE! SEARS HOMETOWN STORE TO OPEN SOON! Open Mon-Sat: 10am - 6:30pm • Sun: 1pm - 5pm 1051 S. Central Ave • Sidney, MT • 406-433-9898 • Fax: 406-433-9896 [email protected] imagined that together we would raise millions of dollars for the cause,” said Terry Wheatley. A breast cancer survivor herself, Wheatley is an entrepreneur, wife and mother to professional rodeo competitors. She founded Wrangler Tough Enough to Wear Pink in 2004 with Karl Stressman, former director of special events for Wrangler and now commissioner of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PCRA). Wrangler has been involved since the beginning and continues to be the title sponsor of Wrangler Tough Enough to Wear Pink. Lacey :KHDWOH\ 7HUU\ :KHDWOH\·V daughter-in-law, is the director of Wrangler Tough Enough to Wear Pink and coordinates with rodeos and other non-rodeo organizations to create the pink-themed fundraisers. Her daughter Katie supports the social media outreach for the campaign. Hats Off to the Top Five Wrangler TETWP Rodeo Fundraisers in 2013 *XQQLVRQ&DWWOHPHQ·V Days Rodeo, Gunnison, Colo. 2) Missoula Stampede, Missoula, Mont. 0LQRW <·V 0HQ·V 5Rdeo/Badlands Circuit Finals, Minot, N.D. 4) Black Hills Stock Show & Rodeo, Rapid City, S.D. 5) Crosby Fair & Rodeo, Crosby, Texas About Wrangler® Tough Enough To Wear Pink?™ (TETWP™) Wrang l e r ® TETWP™ was created by entrepreneur and breast cancer survivor Terry Wheatley to bring the sport of professional rodeo and the western community together to rally against breast cancer. Since its inception in 2004, Wrangler TETWP has empowered rodeos in the U.S. and Canada to focus attention on the need for a cure. To date, the campaign has raised $17 million for breast cancer charities, most of which stays right in the local communities. The grassroots movement has inspired other sports communities to mount their own Wrangler TETWP campaigns, spreading a message of hope and support that reaches beyond the rodeo arena to competitors, families and fans across America. For more information on how to help, visit www.toughenoughtowearpink.com. About Wrangler® Wrangler® is proud to be the title sponsor of Wrangler® Tough Enough to Wear Pink™ and is available nationwide in specialty stores, including work apparel chains, farm & ÁHHW DQG ZHVWHUQ VWRUHV DV well as through online and catalog retailers, and www. ZUDQJOHUFRP7RÀQGDUHWDLOHU or for more information on the Wrangler® family of products, visit www.wrangler.com or call 888-784-8571. About VF VF Corporation is a global leader in branded lifestyle apparel with more than 30 EUDQGV7KHFRPSDQ\·VWRSVL[ brands are The North Face®, Wrangler®, Timberland®, Vans®, Lee® and Nautica®; other brands include 7 For All Mankind®, Bulwark®, Eagle Creek®, Eastpak®, Ella Moss®, JanSport®, Kipling®, lucy®, Majestic®, Napapijri®, Red Kap®, Reef®, Riders® , Splendid® and Smartwool®. Stop In & Visit About Your Irrigation Plans While In Sidney For The Richland County Fair & Rodeo! One of the most critical factors for irrigators is ensuring their center pivots & linears are ready to run this season with no down time. Valley dealers are experts in helping you preerve the quality of your irrigation equipment, no matter the brand. Along with our parts, sales & service departments, we’ll keep your equipment moving & doing its job this growing season. So call today! Together, we’ll determine your path for a worry-free season. “WE CAN DO IT ALL! NO SUBS NEEDED.” ” www.agriindustries.com | Licensed in MT & ND Your Full Turnkey Valley® Dealer Also Offering These Services: • Valley Pivot Sales • Installation Services and Parts • Floating Irrigation Pumps • Installation and Repair • Water Well Drilling & Well Maintainence • Plumbing • Trenching • Electrical • Pipelines • Boring • Directional Drilling • Drip Irrigation Systems • Irrigation Systems Insurance • Heating & Cooling Sidney, MT Williston, ND Miles City, MT 1775 S. Central Ave. 3105 - 2nd St. W 2106 S. Haynes Ave. 406-488-8066 701-572-0767 406-234-2309