Montana USBC Association
Montana USBC Association
Montana Averages 2009-2010 8/28/2010 Page 1 of 81 From the Office of Association Manager Roz Gallup 2605 Aspen Way Billings, MT 59106 406 652-5141 Montana Montana State Official State Average List Alphabetical List – 2010 Final Averages Included in this listing are the adult averages with 21 games or more. The averages are listed for members of good standing in their local USBC association. The state listing is alphabetical from all the associations that have submitted averages. If an association is not listed it is due to the fact that league secretaries have not submitted the final averages to the local association manager, or the association manager did not submit final averages to the state for listing. This Official State Average Listing may be used as such for tournaments held by an association or other organization. HOWEVER THE MONTANA USBC ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE AVERAGES LISTED HEREIN; IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL BOWLER TO USE THEIR CORRECT AVERAGE AT ALL TIMES. Please refer to the USBC sanctioned tournament Playing Rules. We welcome any comments you may have regarding this listing along with any suggestions that might be incorporated in the future. A special thanks to all the local associations who submitted averages for inclusion. Roz Gallup E-mail: [email protected] Montana Averages 2009-2010 Name Aalgaard, Nancy K Aasand, Grant V Aasand, Kimberly R Aasheim, Kristy Abbott, Dorothy J Abbott, Larry J Abbott, Rebecca Abele, Jeffery M Abell, Denna Abell, Jesse W Abney, Larry R Abney, Marie A Abraham, William D Abrahamson, Katie J Abrams, Jennifer L Ackerman, Chris Ackerman, Rodney D Ackerman, Vilma A Ackley, Bill Acord, Teri L Adair, Shelly Adams (Gress), Tina S Adams Kathleen Adams, Amy J Adams, Amy S Adams, Anthony P Adams, Bear Adams, Charles G Adams, David L Adams, David M Adams, Jeff Adam D Adams, Joshua D Adams, Judith A Adams, Julie A Adams, Kathryn Adams, Lisa M Adams, Nick A Adams, Rose M Adams, Shirley A Adams, Walt T Addink, Larry D Adkins, Brent Adkins, Lila K Adkins, Martha Adler, Steve Adolph, Terry L Adolph, W.S. Bill Adsem, Steve After Buffalo, Wilson Afterbuffalo, Wilson J Agee, Elsie M Agee, Harry A Agnew, Thomas W Aguirre, Kay Aguirre, Phil Ahern, Jack B Aho, Wes A Ahrendt, Barbara Ahrendt, Douglas Ailport, Billy Lee Ailport, Bobbi Lee Ailport, Joanne Ailport, Tammy J Aisenbrey, Jeff L Aisenbrey, Melanie M Aklestad, Jim A Alarcon, Barbara Albaugh, Brandon S Albaugh, Gina A Albaugh, Jason D Albaugh, Vickie K Alberda, Paula L Albert, Daryle Jay E, Jr Avg 139 144 130 103 132 153 103 174 143 148 138 125 200 114 141 139 209 110 167 108 138 132 101 148 124 150 166 183 176 167 185 127 138 119 153 127 141 119 114 189 178 151 122 141 152 227 154 139 132 158 121 133 166 146 142 183 131 141 185 143 171 139 120 127 135 202 144 189 119 191 123 120 186 Gms 78 96 96 48 75 33 69 75 63 93 93 93 51 81 87 24 128 33 63 39 39 51 61 48 54 87 45 21 127 81 30 81 81 81 72 84 21 96 93 104 84 93 24 96 69 24 33 57 63 21 78 75 30 33 33 99 86 90 93 87 42 87 96 84 46 90 87 90 75 84 87 78 60 Card . 4028-4480 9246-1214 1402-39 1390-103 9211-2487 9211-2488 1395-352 4068-2240 1395-1274 8974-406 1428-7 1436-93 8115-920 1406-302 1426-315 1426-329 5011-5757 8798-4142 4056-3004 8115-908 8941-5113 4029-239 1413-3091 1428-54 1432-239 1390-73 8798-3976 8172-663 8096-444 4037-33 1397-19 12-65959 4034-470 1395-1 1406-7 4024-77 1387-107 8941-4662 4068-2166 4068-1893 8941-4220 4051-128 1390-6840 8991-8538 1390-7016 4028-5098 4029-956 Assn GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Plentywood Glendive Glendive Libby-Troy Rocky Mtn Frt Whitefish GYV Gallatin Gallatin Butte Gt Falls Missoula Butte Whitefish Gt Falls Glendive Ft Benton Toole Cnty Anaconda Harlem Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Mission Vly Livingston Dillon Livingston Gt Falls Livingston Mission Vly Helena Helena Livingston Missoula Gallatin Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Nashua Gt Falls Nashua Missoula Glendive GYV Helena Glacier Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Butte Butte Dillon Gt Falls Bigfork Bigfork Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Bitterroot GYV GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 2 of 81 Albert, Keith W Alberts, Marion Albertson, Joyce Albright, Judy C Albright, Len E Aldrich, Donna R Alexander, Cheryl M Alexander, Dale A Alexander, Damon R Alexander, Gerald L Alexander, Noel T Alfson, Lance Algard, Susan Allard, Joseph R Allee, Lloyd E Allen, Alice M Allen, Amanda G Allen, Angela S Allen, Barbara E Allen, Bill J Allen, Cheryl M Allen, Cindy M Allen, Cj J Allen, Eve M Allen, Gary Allen, Gordon Allen, Jennifer M Allen, John A Allen, Mark K Allen, Sally J Allen, Stephen J Allen, Steve R, Jr Allen, Thomas R Alles, Jack J Allison, Cheryl K Allran, Dick L Allred, Chris S Allred, Jennifer L Alonso Mora, Ricardo Alt, Frans Alvarez, Art I Aman, Betty R Aman, Melvin Amann, Jo Ann Amann, Joe E Amann, Joy M Amann, Loree A Amato, Alex J Amato, Dominic M Amato, Tony J Amato-Caffyn, Collette R Ambayi, Rudo Amdahl, Beth M Amdahl, David W Ameline, Diane G Ameline, Jason Ameline, Rudy O Amell, Bobbie Amos, Joyce Amoss, Jared S Amundson, John C Amundson, Kyle J Amundson, Vickie R Anderberg, Jessica Anders, George E Andersen, Doug W Andersen, Eileen C Andersen, Tom Anderson Beth Anderson Wanda Anderson, Alysia N Anderson, Amanda Y Anderson, Amber J Anderson, Andrea D 203 122 128 145 165 120 126 184 156 157 130 136 127 162 138 148 130 139 111 162 131 148 124 109 141 169 112 161 165 136 200 117 206 150 115 176 112 99 109 145 179 119 127 113 146 104 124 125 142 162 159 84 118 160 155 163 156 138 138 153 138 201 130 90 166 155 134 173 147 154 125 143 124 117 96 30 66 72 73 57 84 90 87 78 72 104 30 72 87 99 87 70 99 90 21 81 75 30 81 30 63 78 81 84 90 87 93 96 30 87 75 72 36 87 99 75 45 81 66 81 33 81 32 66 75 54 30 72 72 45 60 96 66 30 94 75 71 27 81 67 93 102 69 51 48 89 45 45 1432-674 4083-63 4029-217 1392-119 8798-3866 1390-4806 8096-385 4056-3477 9057-481 4028-1360 4028-6125 4028-4123 8991-8157 1406-22 4028-7005 4028-4458 4028-5845 1425-461 1443-61 9211-2609 1419-1120 8991-8743 1395-3 8991-9622 1395-735 1390-39 8991-7956 8172-942 8172-943 9368-967 1414-18 1390-4072 4028-3659 1390-38 4028-168 8991-7880 8991-9791 4028-5133 1418-517 4037-65 8285-1467 1397-76 4061-206 8991-7951 1432-617 8991-8462 8941-4996 4068-2407 8320-255 1432-191 1390-7109 4056-1923 1419-393 8991-9782 6152-232 4040-304 8172-797 Missoula Whitehall Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Helena Mission Vly Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Dillon GYV GYV Lewistown GYV Libby-Troy GYV Gallatin Helena GYV Whitefish Butte GYV Butte GYV Gt Falls GYV Glacier Glacier Bigfork Bitterroot GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Miles City Rocky Mtn Frt Libby-Troy GYV Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula Daniels Missoula GYV Helena Helena Plentywood Plentywood GYV Helena Glacier Glacier Montana Averages 2009-2010 Anderson, Andrew Anderson, Angie N Anderson, Barry Anderson, Bill Anderson, Bo R Anderson, Brian H Anderson, Butch Anderson, Carleen M Anderson, Chad D Anderson, Clarice L Anderson, Darrell G Anderson, Dave R Anderson, Eric Anderson, Ernest R, Jr Anderson, Grant Anderson, Harold J, Sr Anderson, Ian C Anderson, Jack L Anderson, Jacob A Anderson, Jana Anderson, Janet Anderson, Jerry Anderson, June A Anderson, Kasey J Anderson, Kate P Anderson, Keli Anderson, Kelli D Anderson, Kimdele C Anderson, Kippie A Anderson, Krag R Anderson, Kristina K Anderson, Larry S Anderson, Lorraine Anderson, Lou Anderson, Maddy M Anderson, Michelle Anderson, Michelle Anderson, Nicole Anderson, Olivia M Anderson, Pam K Anderson, Pamela K Anderson, Pat Anderson, Pat Anderson, Patricia Anderson, Peg Anderson, Randy Anderson, Reed E, Sr Anderson, Reenie K Anderson, Riley Anderson, Rob Anderson, Robert Anderson, Robert E Anderson, Robert W Anderson, Roberta R Anderson, Ryan M Anderson, Ryan R Anderson, Sam J Anderson, Sandy E Anderson, Scott Anderson, Sid L Anderson, Sue Anderson, Sue C Anderson, Susan L Anderson, Ted Anderson, Teri Anderson, Theresa L Anderson, Tink L Anderson, Vaughna Anderson, Vicky L Anderson, Violet L Anderson, Wavrin Andy E Anderson, Wayne Andy F, Jr Andesson, Ryan A Andrade, Michelle Andrade, Ron Andrade, Virginia F Andre, Pete D 127 144 125 144 195 173 179 162 174 128 183 166 174 196 132 142 150 164 165 156 149 179 129 119 150 172 152 137 165 168 126 185 152 153 149 185 104 106 86 124 120 174 161 125 144 114 181 140 119 176 143 157 105 122 141 151 174 144 159 177 158 154 131 165 139 162 140 140 129 132 129 172 133 160 158 134 165 90 90 93 75 81 128 57 60 124 39 66 63 72 51 84 69 78 24 108 48 90 84 66 51 69 93 84 87 93 84 48 93 87 93 93 42 60 33 69 75 93 66 75 90 102 81 81 81 48 63 78 87 21 81 66 36 102 42 60 84 76 42 99 63 27 99 45 77 66 84 93 96 72 72 69 102 90 1432-53 4029-58 8285-1600 1430-344 1432-512 8064-14276 1390-2 4028-4022 1418-37 9057-502 1432-575 9057-503 1418-36 1418-562 4066-78 4056-14 1430-25 8991-9750 4034-22 4066-398 4029-297 4056-2380 4068-247 8941-4265 8991-9077 1432-716 4028-1283 4068-1978 4056-1967 8285-1757 8991-9623 4028-1711 4062-201 1404-9 1403-50 4061-264 4076-138 8285-1705 1431-24 1435-222 8378-3784 1425-412 1419-116 8991-9901 4068-954 8274-801 1392-703 4028-2102 1386-174 4024-15 4059-959 1425-105 4056-2928 4068-1548 4040-35 8285-859 9211-3041 4034-76 8941-3924 Missoula Gallatin Miles City Miles City Missoula Havre GYV GYV Havre Mission Vly Missoula Gt Falls Glendive Mission Vly Col Falls Havre Whitefish Gt Falls Havre Miles City Helena Miles City GYV Glendive Butte Miles City Gallatin Helena Missoula Missoula GYV Helena GYV Missoula Gt Falls Helena Miles City GYV Whitefish GYV Livingston Daniels Glacier Libby-Troy Dillon Miles City Mission Vly Anaconda Plentywood Butte Libby-Troy Helena GYV Missoula Dillon Glendive Gallatin GYV Miles City Whitefish Bigfork Whitefish Laurel Libby-Troy Helena Helena Glacier Miles City Gt Falls Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Big Sandy Big Sandy Butte Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 3 of 81 Andreasen, Terri Andreoff, Brenda Andreoli, Joan M Andreoli, Robert J Andrews, Dave Andrews, Melissa L Andrews, Sandy J Angel, Christine L Angell, Gary W Angle, John E Ankney, William E Anno-Murk, Mary C Anson, Christine M Anthony, Timothy J Antonich, Mary Antonich, Sara M Antonson, Allen L Apple, Dawn R Apple, Winifred M Applegate, Jean Applegate, Marian Aquirre, Sandy K Archer, Coy W Archer, Mike D Archer, Peggy A Archer, Warren P Archibald, Joe Archibald, Mary D Arensmeyer, Darren Arey, Dawn R Arkinson, Tom J Armbruster, Judy R Armitage, Darryl R Armitage, Nell H Armstrong, Barbara E Armstrong, Jay L Armstrong, Marsha Arnaud, Heather S Arndt, Jeff D Arndt, Kimberly L Arndt, Tracy R Arnell, Tammy Arneson, Doug R Arneson, Mike Arneson, Oscar, Jr Arneson, Steve M Arnett, Janice M Arnett, Ken Arnold, Joyce N Arnold, Katie J Arnold, Lynne J Arnoldt, Alvin Arnot, Stephanie L Arnoux, Carl M Arnoux, Carl M Arnsmyer, Jay P Arntzen, Derik L Arntzen, Doug A Arntzen, Gayle A Arntzen, Kevin L Arpon, Dia Arps, Cory J Arps, Karen C Arps, Mike D Arps, Roxie M Art, Norm Arthun, Nancy R Arthur, James D Arvidson, Hallie L Arvidson, Jody Arvidson, Lynda M Arvidson, Mark Arvila, Lorraine Arvin, William A Asay, Donna M Asbury, Joseph Bud T Asbury, Maria A 130 108 149 180 175 165 127 149 211 193 197 150 127 164 107 108 173 131 150 149 164 118 186 174 145 161 122 106 157 146 116 110 161 154 123 172 137 103 146 116 197 141 211 133 170 183 136 152 120 107 148 138 134 166 197 136 132 151 131 140 73 178 172 205 179 153 97 93 116 197 120 183 118 148 145 159 96 66 60 81 84 75 51 80 83 87 33 96 90 69 30 48 63 57 60 54 94 78 84 86 99 77 69 72 66 81 72 27 105 90 81 81 90 72 105 72 75 30 51 45 60 87 96 84 57 90 28 78 93 99 84 84 105 57 84 84 54 45 78 57 81 75 87 63 30 62 84 70 60 69 24 81 69 50 4047-105 4066-347 1395-5 3575-5937 8798-4104 1390-6834 1426-268 1392-1 4068-558 8798-4120 4047-15 4056-19 4061-70 8378-3317 1390-6207 6145-110 4037-16 1397-44 1391-10 8941-4678 1403-49 8941-4679 8172-894 1426-328 11-6979 1419-117 4061-159 8941-4089 4025-69 1390-4 1390-23 300-52923 8991-7844 8941-5105 4028-6057 1430-240 8798-4073 1394-110 1394-110 1387-57 8115-1181 8991-9953 4038-26 4038-313 8378-3683 1418-425 4028-171 1432-688 8941-5051 Ft Benton Miles City Anaconda Anaconda Butte GYV Helena Lewistown GYV Livingston Gallatin Missoula Thompson Fls Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Ft Benton Helena Libby-Troy Butte GYV Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Helena Missoula Glacier Missoula Glacier Anaconda Livingston Livingston Gt Falls Helena Libby-Troy Anaconda Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Miles City GYV Circle GYV GYV Whitefish Whitefish GYV Missoula GYV Miles City Helena Glacier Rocky Mtn Frt Anaconda Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Livingston GYV Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Butte Havre GYV Missoula Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Asby, Becky L Ash, Jenna Ashley, Jovanne L Ashley, Kyle R Ashley, Renee A Ashlock, Brian R Ashton, John R Ash-Weiss, Mickey T Ask, Carl Ask, Judy Ask, Karen A Atchison, Dolores Athas, Linda L Atkinsen, Willie R Atkinson, Andrew Andy C Atkinson, Chris A Atkinson, Chrissy R Atkinson, Dee J Atkinson, Dee J Atkinson, Jade M Atkinson, Jeanette Atkinson, Jessica L Atkinson, Wally Atwood, Scott A Audet, Teresa Augare, Paul Aune, Brett P Aune, Marvin Marv E Aune, Nick D Austin, Dave Austin, Julie D Austin, Kim Austin, Mike Austin, Susan R Austin, Terry R Avery, Mark L Awbery, Colin P Axelsen, Norma Axelson-Rodriguez, Iden B Axline, Lindy, A Axtell, Joan E Axtell, Randi L Axtman, Deanna L Axtman, Roger J Axtman, Seth Ayers, A. Arlene Ayers, Ed Azure Sandra Azure Wayne Azure, Dave L Azure, Linda Baas, Launa Baasch, Mary L Baasch, Stuart E Babb, Sandy L Babbitt, Dawn R Babcock, Nikki Baber, Robert B, Iii Baber, Tammy A Babineaux, Marcella Bache, Ken Bache, Russ Bacheller, Joann C Backa, Curt R Backen, Kathy Bacon, Alene Bacon, Darrell R Bacon, James M Bacon, Michael J Bacon, Pam R Bacon, Penny M Bacon, Sara L Bader, Steven E Baertsch, Jerry E Baeten, Richard G Bagaoisan, Alisa E Bagaoisan, Tory R 106 125 109 145 148 144 112 133 159 136 153 141 132 166 187 199 138 135 139 145 125 71 162 166 143 153 188 143 155 148 128 143 164 159 155 182 116 138 134 98 120 137 121 135 123 124 146 99 162 176 114 161 169 152 141 109 100 130 103 150 164 131 116 170 138 120 157 158 127 135 127 112 115 162 151 151 186 27 51 24 42 72 60 84 60 60 84 70 71 81 87 93 84 102 84 93 84 90 55 90 84 63 87 93 96 69 92 99 51 45 51 87 63 92 63 72 72 81 81 72 69 36 75 69 63 51 81 54 48 90 90 87 84 63 90 69 30 90 51 30 87 87 72 60 72 90 21 72 90 78 96 75 93 93 4068-1856 9368-1036 8115-1106 8378-3733 4073-42 8114-835 8114-727 8991-9880 1432-1332 10-114278 10-1812088 9057-1 8274-776 4068-491 4068-491 4067-269 4042-49 9211-3012 10-1764496 1390-6519 4041-103 9333-456 1392-280 8991-9581 1405-70 8378-2654 1426-12 1432-782 8991-9113 1432-1300 4028-6621 4051-30 4051-31 4047-134 1410-191 8320-245 8974-173 1405-123 1390-102 9246-922 4028-1525 1390-193 8991-8704 8184-167 9211-2764 1425-106 9246-1229 8991-9459 4061-114 9246-1060 8378-2800 8378-2790 8941-4979 8798-3892 8941-5193 8941-5194 Missoula Bigfork Livingston Butte Mission Vly Bitterroot Bitterroot GYV Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Glendive Butte Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Mission Vly Dillon Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Deer Lodge Gallatin Deer Lodge GYV Daniels Glacier Gallatin Gt Falls GYV Deer Lodge Butte Havre Anaconda Whitefish Livingston Missoula GYV Gt Falls Missoula GYV Bitterroot Bitterroot Ft Benton Ft Benton Daniels Ft Benton Deer Lodge Harlem Harlem GYV Chinook Libby-Troy GYV GYV Glendive GYV Whitehall Anaconda Gt Falls Gallatin Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Whitefish Butte Glendive Whitefish Butte Glendive Missoula Helena Whitefish Missoula Missoula 8/28/2010 Bagley, Phyllis A Bahe, Alana A Bahe, Alana A Bahnmiller, Carol Bahnmiller, Dennis Bahr, Caleb Bahr, Gary W Bahr, Nikki A Bailey, Amber R Bailey, Delbert L Bailey, Drew Bailey, Dustin Bailey, Frank J Bailey, Jim Bailey, Judy A Bailey, Julie R Bailey, Kenneth L Bailey, Mona Bailey, Rebecca Bailey, Sandra Bailey, Sandra Bailey, Sylvia Bailey, Travis L Bailey, Travis R Baillie, Deeann Baillie, Jim Bain, Brian Bain, Jo Bain, Kelleysue C Bain, Lynn A Bain, Nick L Baird, William Baisch, Brad Baisch, Cory A Baisch, Keziah S Baisch, Monica M Baisch, Timothy A Bak, Cheryl A Bak, Dennis L Baker John Baker, Betty L Baker, Bradley K Baker, Brenda L Baker, Bryce A Baker, C. Ted Baker, Chris T Baker, Courtney L Baker, David W Baker, Don B Baker, Erin M Baker, Gary E Baker, Jamie L Baker, Jason T Baker, Joel Baker, Joel (J.J.) M, Ii Baker, John A Baker, Karen L Baker, Kerry L Baker, Laura J Baker, Lois Baker, Mark C Baker, Michael B Baker, Monte E Baker, Thomas E Baker, Travis Baker, Wes D Bakke, Marie A Bakken, Kevin M Bakken, Marla K Bakken, Michelle A Balcerzak, Casey Balcerzak, Joe Balcerzak, Linda Balcerzak, Valerie Baldry, Steph Baldwin, Brad J Baldwin, Ellen J Page 4 of 81 131 152 160 149 180 192 143 147 113 176 166 149 175 138 151 122 138 135 124 156 164 128 126 185 136 168 158 132 102 123 167 151 180 147 112 117 157 117 182 119 177 208 151 160 171 181 96 188 146 91 157 134 117 202 212 163 175 180 150 123 167 158 227 194 117 177 145 127 115 113 161 182 125 156 106 124 141 48 48 87 66 66 87 86 87 84 81 51 57 54 81 66 45 87 57 30 27 66 93 87 45 32 78 30 87 78 66 81 90 63 48 48 87 78 84 48 54 87 72 72 57 60 96 51 60 96 66 51 42 60 99 81 81 81 63 42 33 54 69 33 96 18 84 78 18 54 87 65 30 46 33 30 24 90 4068-402 9057-673 8941-5195 4047-169 1410-221 1390-20 8991-9616 1435-89 1414-939 4028-180 8991-8206 8991-8840 4059-189 1435-17 8798-3676 1423-217 4061-42 1425-154 8114-926 4038-400 8114-883 1414-837 8991-8652 1390-3146 4029-102 1390-7 4029-220 8941-4881 1432-363 1432-362 8991-9731 8991-9278 4028-4812 1390-5127 1390-2569 1390-4087 1390-184 4028-4624 4061-243 1390-3538 1430-369 1392-268 9246-1228 4028-176 4028-6853 300-9245 1419-594 4056-30 4056-3058 8320-219 1418-331 Missoula Mission Vly Missoula Ft Benton Ft Benton Col Falls Glendive Glendive Anaconda GYV GYV Toole Cnty Plentywood Bitterroot GYV Laurel GYV Laurel Glendive Plentywood Plentywood Helena Anaconda Laurel Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Bitterroot Glendive Col Falls Glendive Bitterroot Bitterroot Glendive Glendive Glendive Glendive Glendive GYV GYV Harlem Gallatin GYV Gallatin Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Whitefish Lewistown GYV Glendive GYV GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Whitefish GYV GYV Libby-Troy GYV Whitefish Gallatin Gallatin Libby-Troy Gt Falls GYV Glendive GYV Glendive Helena Helena Helena Helena Daniels Havre Lewistown Montana Averages 2009-2010 Baldwin, Kathryn A Baldwin, Luther W Baldwin, Michael J Baldwin, William S Balgeman, Jane E Balke, Lois J Ball, Jefferson M Balsdon, Matthew J Balsley, Deborah Balsley, Phillard E Balthazor, Melissa J Balthazor, Shane D Balzarini, Coleen R Balzarini, John F Balzarini, Thomas L Bandel, George H Baney, Ramona Baney, Terri Baney, Tim Bangert, George M Bangert, George M Bangs, Elliot B Bankhead, Bernadette F Bankhead, Steven V Banks, Stephen L Bann, Robert D Bannon, Rebecca S Banta, James P Barba, Don R Barbe, Robert L Barber, Scott W Barber, Sharon M Barber, Shawn D Barbour, Marlene A Barcus, Ace Barcus, Bobbi J Barcus, Danny J Barcus, Jimmy J Barcus, Laura J Barcus, Solotair D Bares, Elizabeth A Barger, Robert W Barker, Barry R Barker, Brett E Barker, Georgechuckc Barker, Jason T Barker, Jean Barker, Linda M Barker, Shelle L Barker, Travis B Barlow, Aaron J Barnard, Darlene D Barnard, Lonna Barnes, Carol A Barnes, Carolyn A Barnes, Clarice Barnes, Clarice Barnes, Jack E Barnes, Jerry V Barnes, Jim Barnes, Joanna Barnes, Libby L Barnes, Mark A Barnes, Marlene S Barnes, Ryan Barnes, Tracy Barnett, Dave W Barnett, David W, Iii Barnett, Rita Barnhill, Courtney D Barntish, Dorothy Barone, Bruce A Barrett, Dan C Barrett, Dawn M Barrett, Mark D Barrett, Mike Barrett, Rick L 112 173 136 143 116 129 144 113 148 161 134 170 179 194 167 115 111 156 163 155 162 124 135 163 138 170 129 120 194 160 194 141 218 127 200 156 191 199 98 123 134 135 181 184 180 209 119 148 154 172 96 130 113 117 132 144 139 155 166 167 135 145 131 139 122 155 171 130 150 108 133 141 139 145 131 161 158 81 93 81 78 63 84 75 45 72 78 90 93 60 90 27 93 36 87 90 36 33 80 54 69 57 87 63 57 93 48 84 84 75 33 96 87 90 93 36 48 81 63 42 63 87 57 48 96 78 60 33 58 24 84 63 69 75 69 84 24 81 72 42 60 78 93 90 74 9 96 78 78 81 84 84 66 63 9211-2611 4029-574 8991-9704 4056-3299 1419-988 1413-1165 9246-814 1390-4651 1390-4651 8115-1152 8710-924 1432-189 8941-4179 1431-200 4067-81 1431-47 8798-3463 1390-55 4028-111 1390-2770 1390-2771 8991-9320 4028-5837 1395-10 1443-170 10-399461 1432-1123 1432-28 4056-2548 4068-2094 8710-1013 8710-1105 9057-451 11-979 4051-602 4040-139 9132-1236 1395-1157 1430-340 4040-92 8285-1711 1430-339 8991-9082 8991-9083 4061-115 8941-4603 4068-2287 8991-8799 8172-816 8172-876 8974-343 Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls GYV Helena Helena Lewistown Lewistown Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Toole Cnty Toole Cnty GYV Laurel Livingston Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Gt Falls Anaconda Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Helena GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Glendive Butte Laurel Laurel Missoula Missoula Helena Missoula Laurel Laurel Anaconda Mission Vly Deer Lodge Bitterroot Glacier Whitefish Bigfork Butte Whitefish Miles City Whitefish Glacier Gt Falls Whitefish Miles City Miles City GYV GYV Libby-Troy Missoula Missoula GYV Gt Falls Glacier Glacier Whitefish Ft Benton 8/28/2010 Page 5 of 81 Barrett, Robert R Barrick, Rosetta Barrow, Denise T Barrow, Timothy G Barrows, Kim Barry, Bill Barry, Charlotte Barry, Christa Barry, Kathy Barsanti, Gino M Barsi, Joanne C Barsi, Mike A Barsness, Chris Barta, Toni J Bartel, Linda B Bartel, Valorie L Bartels, Alvin B Bartels, Charles Chuck W Bartels, Jeannette M Bartels, Jeri M Bartelson, Tara L Barten, Dohasan Barth, Allen Barth, Patricia Bartholomew, Caitlin Bartholomew, Joshua Bartholomew, Ragna Barthuly, Harry W Bartlett, Dale Bartlett, Eric C Bartole, Royal Bartosh, Karen F Bartow, Eric J Bartsch, Paul J Basacker, Trina R Basham, Cindy Basolo, Carol A Basolo, Henry D Basolo, Michelle L Basolo, Shawn D Basolo, Thomas J Bass, Jerry L Bass, Jolene L Bass, Jonathan M Bassett, Cindy C Bassett, Marian K Bassett, R Reese Bassett, Scott A Basta, James Basta, Johnny P Basta, Martin Doc Bastas, Gayla Bastas, Jody Bastas, Thomas G Baszczuk, Rebecca I Bateman, Nadine Batson, Doug R Batson, Fredrick M Batson, Kathy M Batt, John C Batt, Marshal D Batt, Michael Batt, Sharon K Batt, Stefan J Battin, Belinda Bauch, Evelyn Bauck, Jason Bauer, Ann R Bauer, Ben Bauer, Chad M Bauer, Charlene C Bauer, Connie L Bauer, Eric M Bauer, Kent B Bauer, Max G, Jr Bauer, Phill Bauers, Kelson H 161 127 138 179 115 188 151 177 123 143 137 168 133 116 125 144 123 190 155 165 128 138 152 113 119 142 142 155 120 171 157 95 181 195 134 123 133 180 118 155 209 129 126 172 157 137 146 152 161 180 175 105 208 163 149 120 157 157 154 194 133 167 165 126 136 104 156 125 161 197 131 113 205 185 187 110 154 84 90 84 86 69 39 69 93 54 81 84 75 21 78 81 81 72 87 57 66 45 39 81 60 27 47 78 81 90 30 3 54 69 93 84 81 93 99 72 15 39 30 57 48 93 75 84 96 87 90 90 90 87 45 87 39 45 90 96 75 62 48 78 66 54 50 51 90 93 57 75 78 69 77 57 24 33 1390-7005 4029-104 4068-572 1432-613 8378-3659 4040-60 8378-3797 8378-3798 1395-598 4068-1974 1432-963 1403-543 9057-616 4067-91 8285-1717 1386-133 4025-219 8285-1706 8285-1712 4066-338 1390-87 1432-55 1404-72 8172-927 883-95 1419-39 4038-362 4029-348 9211-2558 1392-35 9211-3073 1432-816 9211-3071 1392-297 4047-41 1392-196 1392-195 4029-151 1432-422 8991-9768 4068-177 4066-440 8285-1756 4028-7102 8285-1477 1432-574 4068-42 8114-875 1432-576 1390-85 1432-577 8991-8714 8991-8398 GYV Gallatin Missoula Missoula Toole Cnty Butte Glacier Butte Butte Butte Missoula Missoula Glacier Mission Vly Nashua Mission Vly Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Glendive Miles City Miles City Miles City Miles City Miles City Miles City GYV Missoula Gt Falls Daniels Glacier Havre Helena Col Falls Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Lewistown Whitefish Gallatin Lewistown Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Lewistown Ft Benton Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Missoula GYV Col Falls Missoula Glendive Miles City Gt Falls Miles City GYV Miles City Missoula Missoula Bitterroot Missoula GYV Missoula GYV GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Bauers, Margaret R Bauers, Maxine Bauers, Mike L Baugarn, Rachel Baugus, Corey D Baum, Arlene Baum, Jim G Bauman, Dick Bauman, Elizabeth Bauman, Kristi L Baumann, Janet K Baumann, Jean Baumgarn, Colby Baumgartner, Barbara M Baumgartner, Bill Baumgartner, Laverne M Baumgartner, Michael G Baumgartner, Susan L Baumgartner, Vickie L Baune, Shirley M Baxter, Arthur Baxter, Marge M Baxter, Marge M Baxter, Michael R Baxter, Robert T Bay, Danielle M Bay, Gary B Bayee, Tawnya L Bayers, Hazel J Baylor, Catherine S Bayne, Linda S Baze, Ken A Beach, Carson Beach, Conner Beach, John Beal, Gary Beal, Millie Beam, Jason Beamon, Josh D Beard, Alicia Beardo, Candyce M Beasley, Jamie M Beason, Kathy Beattie, Gail Beattie, Jeff A Beattie, Jonna W Beatty, Brad E Beatty, Carrie M Beatty, Jennifer L Beatty, Pete P Beaty, Kelly Beaty, Ron E Beauchamp, Lacey M Beaudette, Jesse B Beaudette, Sandi M Beaulieu, Georgia E Beaver, Leonard D Bebo, Sherri A Bechard, Adam J Bechtold, Maryruth M Bechtold, Thomas Beck, Cindy L Beck, Cory M Beck, Gerald Beck, Jeffrey R Beck, Julie Beck, Kenneth L Beck, Kenny L Beck, Larry M Beck, Mary Ann Beck, Michael Beck, Michale Beck, Rich Beck, Robert D Beck, Roger E Becker, Arlene A Becker, Chad L 178 114 193 93 101 145 169 129 123 135 127 144 174 181 105 128 183 135 132 116 144 130 132 173 173 114 171 119 143 83 137 162 158 173 168 134 108 132 137 131 97 162 160 142 147 108 162 88 104 179 150 198 92 216 177 141 164 159 145 135 148 155 118 132 203 120 163 152 112 145 157 151 150 177 171 133 195 90 84 99 66 57 96 96 80 72 78 90 77 63 75 63 84 87 90 72 36 60 90 90 60 66 78 63 84 78 24 66 78 84 84 63 72 75 60 57 60 57 60 51 87 21 30 72 69 27 27 78 75 63 21 84 54 30 90 39 96 39 78 23 30 96 45 87 42 42 87 33 53 21 96 51 78 33 8991-8410 4028-7230 8991-8409 8114-878 4028-4523 1390-4141 1405-13 4042-41 4056-2800 8991-7851 4068-208 4028-142 4028-57 9246-798 4038-39 8378-3484 1419-492 4038-436 4028-534 9057-690 4028-302 1395-1222 8285-1498 8285-1738 1386-13 9246-1180 9246-1179 8941-4706 4029-183 4066-252 4029-219 8941-5157 8941-5158 8991-9638 8991-9639 9057-614 1395-706 8378-3126 4023-115 8114-922 1386-14 8378-3076 8378-3809 9368-1035 1419-494 1405-320 1418-40 8378-3921 1405-303 9246-932 1397-46 4028-159 8115-748 GYV GYV GYV Big Sandy Bitterroot GYV GYV Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Missoula GYV Missoula Big Sandy Gt Falls Lewistown GYV Gt Falls GYV Lewistown Gt Falls Libby-Troy Col Falls Whitefish Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Butte Helena Col Falls GYV Mission Vly GYV Butte Miles City Miles City Miles City Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gt Falls Missoula Chinook Lewistown Gallatin Miles City Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Mission Vly Missoula Anaconda Gt Falls Butte Butte Bitterroot Nashua Miles City Butte Butte Bigfork Helena Deer Lodge Gt Falls Havre Butte Gt Falls Deer Lodge Havre Libby-Troy Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls GYV Livingston 8/28/2010 Page 6 of 81 Becker, Harley Becker, Joe A Becker, Judy K Becker, Kyle R Becker, Larry Becker, Maree K Becker, Marianne Becker, Randy J Becker, Suzanne R Becker, Thomas L Beckman, Chad M Beckman, Michael L Beckus, Ginger L Beckus, Ginger L Bedford, Wanda R Bee, Doug Beebe, Brian K Beebe, Martha M Beebe, Nathan R Beehler, Jessie Beekman, Gail A Beggs, Mike J Behl, Nathan S Behm, Alex D Behm, Troy Behrent, Michael T Beise, Carroll E Beise, Charles A Beise, Doris C Beitel, Donna Bekemans, Cecil E Beland, June M Beland, Walt Belanger, Evelyn I Belcher, Daneil S Belcher, Phyllis Belcourt, Diane J Belcourt, Joel R Belcourt, Mandy R Belgarde, Marlene G Belgarde-Ruybal, Debi Belger, Ron Bell, Arthur Bell, Cammie L Bell, David P Bell, Jack R Bell, Robert A Bell, Shawn A Bellaver, Robert G Bellon, Tim Belnap, Jeff Bemis, Andrew J Bence, Jeremy C Bender, Alisha K Bender, Gerald Bender, Marion E Bender, Michael J Bender, Ronald L Bendewald, Sally Benefield, Chris Benefield, Dave Benefield, Sean Benes, Debra Benes, Ryan Benge, Doug Benge, Janice F Bengochea, Mark A Benjamin, Kathie Benn, Jim Benner, Susan Bennett, Chris Bennett, Mark A Bennett, Mark A Bennett, Mona L Bennett, Renee M Bennett, Shirley J Bennett, Virginia L 155 126 149 178 150 140 152 204 137 125 202 135 157 149 76 161 143 158 198 128 141 186 130 157 167 154 142 195 172 143 133 168 145 136 136 124 132 172 136 110 138 172 158 135 149 148 147 142 159 169 147 181 187 112 178 113 166 200 132 151 170 159 128 183 193 132 176 128 120 112 189 212 203 132 143 88 113 54 43 72 81 60 93 57 75 51 87 78 93 96 87 36 57 81 90 75 63 81 60 78 63 75 87 59 99 99 60 81 84 69 84 81 69 45 75 75 64 102 66 80 42 78 54 72 63 54 48 54 90 54 69 60 84 54 90 87 38 90 69 96 30 84 72 87 69 27 30 93 81 78 126 63 87 84 9211-2919 4062-125 4029-483 8115-1174 1423-368 1392-707 4068-1894 4068-1894 4038-463 1425-541 8941-4390 4066-446 1423-108 8096-318 8941-4813 1390-132 1390-133 4028-919 8991-7950 4062-34 4034-119 4028-119 4029-241 1432-104 4068-699 10-1963399 4056-46 1390-143 4028-32 8114-798 12-71709 8991-9893 8991-8471 8941-4187 2557-4577 1405-73 1390-2892 4068-890 9246-1029 1425-3 9246-1079 4042-35 1430-37 3006-21984 4066-55 9057-661 1432-263 1432-263 4068-499 8115-1156 4068-1920 Circle Gallatin Whitefish Whitefish Lewistown Livingston Plentywood Whitefish Gallatin Livingston GYV Gallatin Missoula Missoula Col Falls Libby-Troy Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Miles City Thompson Fls Gt Falls Lewistown Laurel Rocky Mtn Frt Missoula GYV GYV GYV GYV Livingston Whitefish Whitefish Butte Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Missoula Missoula Helena Helena Thompson Fls GYV GYV Bitterroot GYV Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Nashua GYV Missoula Missoula Glendive Deer Lodge Gt Falls Glendive GYV Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Deer Lodge Lewistown Miles City GYV Nashua Miles City Mission Vly Havre Glendive Missoula Missoula Missoula Glendive Livingston Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Bennyhoff, Sharon L Benson, Debra Benson, Donella G Benson, Dorothy Benson, Justin D Benson, Ken Benson, Rolene M Bentley, Branson J Bentley, Jame I Bentley, Nathan O Bentley, Pamela R Bentley, Robert D Benton, Debra M Bentson, Mark S Bentz, Bob R Bentzel, Nancy N Benzel, Mickie L Benzel, Mike G Benzien, Jerry Berard, Robert J Berard, Tina Berg, Barbara A Berg, Beth A Berg, Cindy Berger, Kevin L Bergerson, Daryl G Bergerson, Daryl G Bergerson, Judy L Bergerson, Justin C Bergeson, Debi J Bergeson, Jack Bergeson, Kelly J Bergeson, SueAnn M Berglind, Bonnie K Berglund, Donna M Bergmann, Richard Bergsing, Robert L Bergstad, Jerry W Bergstrom, Brandon L Bergstrom, Cassie E Bergstrom, Larry Bergthold, Ryan P Bergum, Deanna J Bergum, Derek E Beringer, Ronald Berkopec, Robert C Berkram, Leslie D Berkram, Treasure L Berkshire, Brent A Berlinger, Angela D Berlinger, Jeanette M Berlinger, Ken J Bermingham, Clarey J Berna, Elaine A Bernard, Paul T Bernard, Willie Bernazzani, Michael S Bernhard, Allen Berns, Gary J Berns, Karen Berreth, Brandon L Berreth, Brian J Berreth, Jamie Berrum, Eileen T Berry, Allison S Berry, Amanda R Berry, Brandon J Berry, Cheryl M Berry, Fred Berry, Fred G Berry, Krista L Berry, Lamona L Berry, Lance P Berry, Shawn Berry, Violet J Berryman, Charlene Berryman, Roben K 112 136 166 128 133 138 138 141 140 167 147 152 172 161 169 124 134 177 136 177 150 133 126 109 197 182 186 116 170 139 135 98 67 137 120 141 148 131 165 112 164 118 128 197 161 160 93 129 166 142 133 143 102 142 114 139 147 128 186 149 145 144 114 134 118 131 156 136 180 187 152 163 141 212 131 150 130 80 12 81 78 57 77 53 60 30 48 72 75 90 48 78 57 39 81 75 72 78 75 51 84 69 54 54 84 48 81 54 45 45 36 78 30 96 60 90 96 96 39 24 60 84 90 27 69 93 75 27 84 27 90 63 51 33 81 84 32 93 84 21 21 45 87 75 57 84 60 87 66 90 90 96 90 60 9246-918 1405-120 8941-4884 4056-1098 1395-11 8710-1139 1390-53 4028-5727 1390-187 1426-153 4028-1915 8941-4581 1423-211 2374-1360 2374-1360 8114-908 8991-9946 8274-804 4043-44 8274-803 4032-9 9368-824 8378-3163 8991-9665 4028-4669 1390-4158 8378-3785 4040-210 4040-143 8991-8679 4038-144 4028-7271 8798-4177 4029-264 1404-11 8798-4246 1425-234 1390-2323 4028-2519 1418-569 1418-498 4062-173 9211-2792 4028-1779 9211-2793 1390-188 4028-46 4034-120 8378-2993 Gt Falls Libby-Troy Whitefish Deer Lodge Missoula Col Falls Helena Gt Falls Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Thompson Fls Laurel GYV GYV GYV Livingston Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Missoula Gt Falls Laurel GYV Laurel Bitterroot Laurel Whitefish Dillon Dillon Dillon Helena Whitefish Bigfork Butte Gt Falls Lewistown Lewistown Nashua GYV GYV GYV Toole Cnty Butte Glacier Glacier GYV Col Falls GYV Lewistown Helena Gallatin Gt Falls Daniels Helena Libby-Troy GYV GYV Havre Havre Havre Livingston Anaconda Gallatin Glendive Gt Falls Glendive Gt Falls Glendive GYV Gallatin GYV GYV Butte Butte 8/28/2010 Page 7 of 81 Berryman, Robert L, Sr Bersuch, Keith W Bersuch, Linda D Bersuch, Tom C Bertelsen, Keevin Berthelote, Kenny Berthelote, Sharon Bertram, Michael Bertrand, Brandon M Bertrand, Steve S Berumen, Laurie Beskoon, Rebeca L Bessette, Barbara A Bessette, Leah R Bessler, Barbara J Best, Craig M Best, Howard Best, Jennifer Bestwina, Gary A Betts, Donald R Bey, Mandi Beyer, Christopher A Beyer, Joshua S Beyer, Pamela Beyl, Terri Bibb, Lois J Bickler, Vicki L Bidleman, Stanley P Biegel, Debbie Biersdorf, Jeff Bigby, Alfred J Bigby, Marie W Bigelow, Frederick D Bigelow, Kelly Bigelow, Pamela Pam J Biggs, David J Biggs, Will D Bigner, Pauline L Bigner, Sidney E Bilbrey, Kristin M Bilger, Jim L Billadeau, Kim C Billadeau, Rick J Billingsley, Mike Billingsley, Sue Billington, April M Billington, Jacquelyn Billman, Gladys E Billmayer Jessie Billstein, Andrew T Bingeman, Douglas P Bingley, James D Bingley, Norma Binkley, Bruce R Binney, Andrew G Binney, Jon R Binstock, Duane Bircher, Judy A Bird, Darin L Bird, Jackie Bird, Joyce Bird, Larry D Bird, Rae Ellen Birk, Edda I Birkeland, Chet Birkenbuel, Kia R Birkenbuel, Scott L Birnel, Grace I Birtcher, Cathy R Bishoff, Steve J Bishop, Andrea D Bishop, Carolyn I Bishop, Dana Bishop, Jarrett Bishop, Kendal Bishop, Nichole L Bishop, Pat 181 142 129 120 147 142 152 156 176 176 119 93 102 144 143 130 138 170 194 156 93 129 116 110 124 162 141 173 146 175 167 114 181 166 157 198 145 125 155 112 158 141 157 183 108 152 156 119 113 153 143 163 144 151 157 189 175 124 211 115 159 189 107 146 138 103 91 141 127 176 140 155 184 188 197 122 171 45 45 75 75 84 45 36 48 78 28 90 81 36 68 90 42 27 45 87 24 48 39 45 36 94 75 72 54 78 69 78 84 60 84 90 128 72 72 87 87 59 78 78 86 80 69 96 57 75 66 78 93 78 87 60 81 63 90 87 72 36 90 30 90 75 87 63 78 87 78 87 91 48 96 96 60 75 1395-549 9246-933 1390-4693 1390-6482 1390-3615 4059-112 8941-5043 4068-649 1432-1419 1430-300 8285-1488 1413-1378 1419-119 9368-986 1426-129 8115-613 9368-1039 8285-1702 1390-110 4056-1957 1390-4821 9057-679 9057-606 8941-4707 8991-8735 8115-899 8115-897 1425-287 4061-50 8378-2832 4068-318 4040-93 8991-9116 1390-2816 6161-419 1432-846 1390-4070 8114-751 1390-2085 8172-929 4028-1278 1390-218 8285-946 4746-210 8991-9265 9211-2985 9211-3086 4068-111 4056-3759 1426-56 9211-2441 4028-183 1390-7315 8285-1561 8285-1574 8991-7232 8285-1560 Butte Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown Libby-Troy Toole Cnty Toole Cnty GYV GYV GYV Laurel Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Miles City Miles City Missoula Helena Bigfork Livingston Livingston Bigfork Miles City Whitefish Gt Falls GYV Helena GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Whitefish GYV Livingston Livingston Glendive Gt Falls Lewistown Lewistown Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Butte Missoula Glacier Harlem GYV Lewistown Glendive Glendive GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Bitterroot GYV Glacier GYV GYV Miles City Gallatin GYV Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Helena Livingston Gallatin GYV GYV Miles City Miles City GYV Miles City Montana Averages 2009-2010 Bisson, Katrina M Bistodeau, Wendy Bittner, Ross H Bittner, Ruth A Bitz, Deanna Bitz, Galen Bitz, Wade Bixler, Jeanette H Bjerga, Lorna Bjorgen, Lori Bjorgen, Megan Bjornstad, Robert (Bear) R Black, Amanda L Black, Challice L Black, Dona M Black, Jerry L Black, Kerri L Blackbird, Elmer Blackford, Lynn A Blackford, Paul M Blackwell, Gary Blackwolf, James E Blackwood, Connie C Blades, John R Blahnik, Bruce A Blain, Kathy A Blair, Marleen Blake, Becky Blake, Mariea E Blakeley, Barbara J Blakeley, James S Blakeley, Michelle M Blanchard, Debra J Blanchard, Melvin S Blancher, Troy E Blaney, Frank M Blankenship, Becky E Blaquiere, Ron J Blase, Naida A Blaskovich, Sara M Blaskovich, Susan L Blatherwick, Keenan E Blatherwick, Walter E Blatter, Chaise Blatter, Vance S Blattler, Chuck A Blaz, Amanda K Blaz, David A Blaz, Judy A Blazer, Robert P Blazicevich, Jason R Bledsoe, Cory T Blee, Brian J Blewett, Marjorie Blimling, Justin P Bloch, Kim M Blodnick, Mandy M Bloedel, Jeanne M Blohm, Dale R Blohm, Sheila S Blom, Ruth M Blomgren, Jeff Blomgren, Shari L Blomquist, Audrey J Blomquist, Becky L Blomquist, Michelle L Blomquist, Stephanie L Blomquist, Tyler B Blomquist, Wayne K Bloomquist, Darrell D Bloomquist, John Blotsky, Marnie Blotsky, Mike L Blount, Lincoln Bluck, Kathleen Blunt, Ryan Blythe, Josh A 98 140 199 166 143 132 133 117 151 164 126 160 160 102 94 181 113 174 141 170 156 66 104 207 142 121 129 134 109 174 224 128 140 163 131 175 129 185 160 150 138 144 172 190 145 204 146 176 182 159 127 170 158 116 136 101 117 113 192 155 128 141 122 130 112 156 92 114 212 149 154 110 136 143 115 152 126 81 90 78 72 54 63 54 87 33 60 72 69 69 87 21 36 81 75 63 81 84 66 69 81 21 93 78 90 60 99 42 60 66 99 36 93 60 80 87 84 54 93 96 57 66 96 81 87 87 90 27 36 90 54 65 27 45 57 84 72 90 78 45 50 57 63 66 66 81 65 75 54 90 24 74 75 21 9057-635 1432-192 4068-496 1432-367 4028-5190 8710-1123 8378-3799 1390-3641 4028-2622 1390-4652 11-2163 1419-281 9246-923 1431-17 9211-3062 1390-3992 8941-5099 8710-1130 9057-615 4028-3445 1390-3237 4034-639 4068-2296 10-1199856 8991-7868 4029-141 4059-956 1419-1704 1419-1193 8115-815 1418-283 1419-244 9211-3015 1418-14 8941-5249 1390-7166 4056-1858 8798-4115 8991-9588 1390-191 4059-915 4056-60 8172-737 4028-6028 8172-882 8172-738 1390-4694 1390-2097 1405-61 8285-1624 8798-4169 8320-269 4056-1530 1430-438 8378-3842 Mission Vly Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Havre Big Sandy Big Sandy Gt Falls Havre Plentywood Plentywood Missoula GYV Laurel Butte GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Helena Libby-Troy Mission Vly Gallatin GYV Missoula Laurel Toole Cnty Havre Mission Vly GYV GYV Butte Missoula Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Gallatin Anaconda GYV Helena Helena Livingston Havre Helena Gallatin Anaconda Anaconda Havre Lewistown Missoula GYV Helena Helena Gt Falls Anaconda GYV GYV Laurel Anaconda Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Glacier GYV Glacier Glacier GYV GYV Deer Lodge Miles City Helena Daniels Helena Miles City Butte 8/28/2010 Page 8 of 81 Boast, John H Boast, Rofresenia R Bobbitt, Hal D Bobbitt, Mildred L Bockemuehl, Karen Bockness, Ty O Bodenberger, Erik M Bodvig, Arvadel Boe, Carol A Boe, Wayne F Boeckel, Kelly T Boehm, Grant R Boehm, Shelene C Boehmler, Sandy Boehning, Karma Boelke, Vicky L Boelter, Tim Boerschig, Joe A Boettcher, Jill A Bofto, David A Bogart, Nancy G Boggs, Leland J Boggs, Patricia A Boggs, Zella Bogunovich, Sue Bohannon, Robert K Bohrer, Dorothy R Bohrer, Scott A Boisseau, Thomas S Bolan, Danielle Boland, John M Boland, Joseph P Boland, Michelle M Bolender, Duane L Bolenske, Sharon L Bolin, Lynn Bolliger, Gary N Bollinger, Marleigh Bolt, Ed L Bolte, Howard E Bolte, Tara K Bolton, Mark P Bolton, Renee M Boltz, Karl L Bond, Sharon L Bonderenko, Jennifer R Bonderenko, Wayne A Bonogofsky, John R Bonvicino, Gabriel D Bonvicino, Jamie D Booth, Christopher M Booth, Lenae D Booth, Nicole R Booth, Rosezena L Boots, Neil Borah, Carey L Borah, Sharon Borah, Terry S Borchard, Art Borchard, Sue Borden, Michelle M Borg, Anton L Borg, Benjamin Borg, Joel P Borg, Milo Borg, Paul Borgen, Verlin A Boring, Ronnie Borkowski, John J Borland, Phillip Borlaug, Maryjane Bornong, Travis J Borntrager, Crystal Borsum, Minnie M Bortnem, Becky Borton, Jamie L Bosch, Ryley O 167 139 116 104 201 175 184 171 128 166 206 154 145 94 143 152 148 132 94 157 144 181 141 124 127 142 137 201 119 153 173 174 122 146 135 123 182 146 132 148 138 156 130 190 106 126 141 180 151 134 149 103 110 136 136 118 143 184 163 119 131 189 166 198 163 161 191 159 193 144 142 139 134 130 139 130 208 96 99 93 96 84 63 83 75 93 99 99 90 84 24 81 78 21 72 75 84 69 105 75 60 66 69 81 66 30 87 54 57 60 36 90 24 78 84 42 66 67 84 81 42 56 54 54 42 75 39 42 36 33 78 63 75 57 45 72 72 78 84 18 90 99 96 75 87 84 72 48 66 48 36 72 99 87 1392-38 4029-185 1432-479 4068-69 2751-51 1392-791 1395-14 8991-8805 8991-8806 1390-5011 1390-2267 4028-2920 8941-5215 8991-9119 8115-1168 8798-4191 1390-4716 1395-376 4040-280 4061-349 8991-8631 4067-6 1390-98 9211-2617 4056-3223 8941-4542 1432-1439 4068-2341 4059-872 4056-1968 1390-1964 4028-7245 4034-247 1390-2557 8378-3753 8991-9021 9211-2608 9211-2606 1406-325 8991-9864 8274-628 8991-7848 1435-27 1435-82 1432-1490 8941-4087 1390-3561 4061-134 1392-315 8710-1235 4028-6414 9211-2794 6136-199 Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Butte Lewistown GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Missoula Glendive Whitefish GYV Livingston Helena GYV Whitefish Butte Glacier Libby-Troy GYV Gt Falls Mission Vly GYV Gallatin Helena Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Laurel Helena Whitefish Toole Cnty Whitefish GYV GYV Whitefish Butte GYV Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Gallatin Dillon GYV Dillon GYV Gt Falls Plentywood Plentywood Plentywood Missoula Missoula Thompson Fls Glendive Glendive GYV Glendive Glendive Nashua Libby-Troy Gallatin Col Falls Havre Laurel Plentywood GYV Gt Falls Gallatin Butte Montana Averages 2009-2010 Boser, Mark E Boser, Paula J Boshaw, Brian E Bosic, Julia Bosley, Ivan P Bossard, Donna L Boston, Alysia E Bostrom, Gary W Bostrom, Margaret R Bosworth, Sonja . D Boteler, Daniel J Boucher, Edward L Boucher, Pam Boucher, Russell A Bough, Ronald M Boullion, John D Bouma, Angela R Bouma, Chad Bouma, Dale A Bouma, Jim Bouma, Kami J Bouma, Mary K Bourassa, Kenneth W Bourne, Joe Boutelle, Laurie Bowd, Mary Bowden, Kelli S Bowen, Danny A Bowen, Donald L Bowen, Eli Bowen, Eric S Bowen, Ron E Bowen, Tyler D Bowers, Beverly Bowers, Craig L Bowers, Larry L Bowler, Bert W Bowler, Roz Bowles, Erin A Bowles, Michael L Bowles, Michael S Bowman, Alese R Bowman, Betty C Bowman, Bobbi Bowman, Ernestine C Bowman, Mary B Bowman, Mike J Bowman, Mike R Bowman, Robert L Box, Leoma M Boyce, Donny L Boyce, Marla Boyd, Bob W Boyd, Cynthia A Boyd, Darin Boyd, Dawn T Boyd, Jenny Boyd, Michael Boyd, Stephanie Boyer, Sarah R Boylan, Justin Boyle, Justin G Boyle, Sarah Ann Boyles, Randy Braach, David D Braaten, Stacy J Brabender, Joe E Bracha, Kelly M Bracha, Steven A Bracy, Sawyer C Bradberry, Aaron W Braden, Susan Bradford, Joyce L Bradley, Anna M Bradley, Maryann Bradley, Michael C Bradley, Robin 191 113 176 145 158 103 112 188 151 119 142 174 115 171 145 176 106 147 194 172 153 157 193 185 204 132 166 98 161 149 156 180 190 136 136 193 149 162 129 198 192 123 146 143 142 100 169 196 186 143 141 152 166 173 177 118 119 141 154 83 190 123 139 208 138 159 144 177 154 168 133 139 122 139 100 177 113 54 24 33 91 87 87 96 128 87 81 69 100 66 69 90 81 51 24 72 84 36 27 124 69 84 87 81 102 63 27 39 45 42 75 75 54 81 51 99 96 93 90 90 90 74 69 72 78 75 66 78 72 81 90 87 63 99 84 93 84 78 54 51 60 54 93 51 93 84 31 27 51 90 48 54 93 48 8941-5093 4024-60 1426-104 8941-5038 1390-6 4028-1828 4051-432 8115-924 1418-3 1418-24 1390-130 2405-621 8096-485 4096-474 1397-146 1397-130 8096-365 4037-104 1430-45 4024-79 8941-4571 4056-3507 1419-1546 1390-137 8710-1132 4041-102 8991-8350 8991-8349 4028-121 4061-61 9057-607 8114-871 1423-123 1395-520 1395-541 9211-2612 1418-538 1432-515 8991-9023 1405-298 8115-1008 4056-3158 1403-503 1405-296 8172-930 8115-785 8115-786 1390-3221 8941-4384 8991-9452 9368-1008 4068-680 4059-234 1392-60 8172-801 Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Bigfork Livingston Gt Falls Missoula GYV GYV Bitterroot Livingston Havre Havre Havre GYV Livingston Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Whitefish Gt Falls Miles City Bigfork Whitefish Anaconda Anaconda Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown Missoula Helena Helena GYV Laurel Daniels GYV Gt Falls GYV Whitefish GYV Libby-Troy Mission Vly Bitterroot Laurel Butte Butte Gallatin Havre Havre Missoula GYV Deer Lodge Livingston Helena Glacier Deer Lodge Glacier Col Falls Livingston Livingston GYV Missoula Nashua Anaconda Lewistown Lewistown Missoula Gt Falls Bigfork Missoula Gt Falls Laurel Gallatin Glacier 8/28/2010 Page 9 of 81 Bradley, Shawn D Bradshaw, Bill J Bradstreet, Jolene Brady, Amanda A Brady, Nathan L Brady, Shelia I Bragg, Nicholas Bragg, Shezell D Bragg, Travis T Brainard, Craig A Brakke, Cindy Bramhall, Amanda Brancamp, Joseph B Brancamp, Tawnya L Branch, Christy M Branden, Jim L Brandt, Amber C Brandt, Susan C Branstetter, Ada Branstetter, Anna L Branstetter, Jess (Buck) E Brant, David W Brant, Greg A Brant, Keith D Brant, Mike W Branum, Nancy Branum, Shawn E Branum, Wendy Brasier, Jean R Brasmer, Christine A Brasmer, Clay A Brass, Dan J Brastrup, David L Brathole, Joyce V Brathole, Robert L Bratteain, David V Braughton, Curtis R Braun, Beth J Braun, Eric J Braun, Ken J Braun, Mitchell J Braut, Jodie Brayton, James (Jay) W Breckenridge, Keith Bredeson, Barbara L Breeding, Wanda Breen, Perry M Breining, John Breitling, Gary E Brekke, Cris A Brence, Mike I Brendal, Matt E Brendal, Theresa L Brendgord, Pam J Brendgord, Thomas L Brenna, Erik N Brennan, Leona M Brensdal, Joni Brensdal, Mark Brensdal, Ryan Brensdal, Stacy K Brent, Laura A Brent, Tyler P Brenteson, Dale Brenteson,Leroy Brese, Deeann Breshears, Cole M Bressler, Mitch B Brester, Bette A Brester, Bonnie Brester, Dusty H Brester, Justin G Brester, Robert J Breuer, Kathleen Breum, Mike B Brewer, Amanda J Brewer, David H 198 157 142 110 128 165 177 119 184 143 78 150 147 143 119 131 154 140 129 164 170 140 159 184 208 147 184 141 156 136 136 205 152 129 186 122 113 117 142 157 138 100 204 205 145 117 183 170 143 161 156 162 150 178 195 141 147 186 160 158 141 114 128 148 149 116 142 157 158 152 195 203 162 143 171 109 143 72 60 96 83 84 72 90 54 90 75 87 84 93 75 68 53 81 66 90 93 72 84 90 90 93 69 93 66 93 87 87 78 63 87 96 90 51 33 78 66 90 12 90 69 72 87 72 33 84 39 78 76 30 51 63 81 99 87 75 63 60 78 81 21 42 66 84 87 60 42 48 24 74 75 87 66 45 6161-456 1390-4482 4024-425 8114-792 8114-897 1395-850 8378-3095 1395-1078 1392-1032 4028-6593 8285-934 8798-3662 8798-3661 4040-154 1418-437 4028-682 4034-238 1395-405 8941-4885 8941-5089 8941-4708 8941-4709 4066-102 8378-3681 4066-103 4034-432 4068-729 1432-317 6161-502 4059-905 1423-56 8991-9666 9211-2613 8991-9603 1390-52 8991-9604 8320-184 1390-6861 1415-44 9246-1199 1397-125 1395-1430 1392-151 8941-3987 4068-2115 1413-2697 8991-9656 8115-718 4034-393 1435-26 1435-207 4028-4733 8991-8239 8991-9858 1435-62 1435-60 8991-9175 4059-930 4028-33 6134-186 1432-1106 1423-57 4068-217 1418-160 1418-41 Missoula GYV Bigfork Bitterroot Bitterroot Gt Falls Butte Butte Butte Gallatin GYV Miles City Helena Helena Glacier Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Butte Butte Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Miles City Butte Miles City Butte Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Laurel Laurel Glendive GYV Gallatin GYV GYV GYV Daniels GYV GYV Gt Falls Libby-Troy Rocky Mtn Frt Butte Glendive Gt Falls Gallatin Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Livingston Butte Plentywood Plentywood Plentywood GYV Livingston GYV Plentywood Plentywood Havre GYV Gt Falls Laurel GYV GYV Missoula Laurel Missoula Havre Gt Falls Havre Montana Averages 2009-2010 Brewer, James Brewer, Julie A Brewer, Kent D Brewer, Leona M Brewer, Patrick T Brewer, Rick A Brewer, Ronald L Brewington, Deborah G Brey, Cindy C Breznik, Frank Briceland, Aron M Briceno, Gail Brickman, Helen P Brickzin, Sandy M Bridges, Gar W Bridges, Sally G Bridgwater, Abbe J Briere Ben Briere, Bridgette Briere, David Briere, Renessa Brierly, Shane Briese, Breyon L Briggeman, Bernie J Briggeman, Frances Briggeman, Ron Briggeman, Trevor J Briggs, Casey F Briggs, Jennifer S Bright, Jason D Brimmer, Clifford B, Jr Brink, Doug E Brink, Tiffany L Brinkman, Jim M Brist, Jeanne I Brist, Troy A Bristow, Doug R Bristow, Jerry Bristow, Sharon G Brittsan, Ben W Brittsan, Zach T Broadbrooks Dennis Brock, Jerry D Brockel, Lee Brockes, John T Brockman, Cathie H Brockway, Daniel R Brockway, Michael J Broden, Bobbie Broderson, Jon A Brodock, Marvin J Brodock, Susan D Brodsho, Randy Broksle, Kayla D Bronec, Niki A Brook, Danielle L Brooks, Brett R Brooks, Charles Brooks, Lance D Brooks, Richard W Brooks, Roberta K Brooks, Roberta K Brophy, Michael J Brost, Carolina I Brost, Cheryl Brost, David G Brothers, Babe N Brothers, Floyd Brotzman, Caroline I Broughton, Donald L Brower, Kate E Brower, Laurie K Brown Ruth Brown, Angi L Brown, Ann Brown, Beau Brown, Beth A 152 129 146 120 155 198 151 161 162 116 169 122 122 72 167 144 109 145 139 174 122 164 118 194 133 188 198 177 140 194 176 166 110 186 88 109 167 162 133 151 160 157 176 179 127 145 158 213 150 205 146 140 172 104 136 120 135 153 137 147 162 157 203 92 144 129 151 174 137 161 132 139 145 117 144 189 147 93 21 60 51 39 72 69 99 54 30 87 57 84 75 66 23 72 51 48 57 27 54 48 150 54 90 90 93 93 99 87 66 57 45 24 57 84 75 78 87 66 45 78 84 48 51 78 75 84 44 69 75 63 24 90 99 96 81 78 90 72 92 72 21 81 24 78 78 93 72 27 72 75 64 99 78 84 1387-175 1390-4827 4028-95 1419-1220 1390-3448 4028-135 4028-4607 8798-3712 8941-4391 4028-5182 4028-82 4067-206 1395-454 4034-507 9057-649 1418-42 8991-8483 1419-362 4056-74 1419-699 1419-927 8378-2751 8798-3272 8941-4886 1392-586 1432-318 1395-18 4034-307 1432-319 1432-193 4061-303 1419-549 1410-19 4047-12 8991-9706 4068-1796 8991-9624 8710-1112 1425-297 8991-7883 4972-1139 8710-907 1390-28 4067-47 1431-1 4068-32 4028-43 10-1294743 4028-6869 Bigfork Gt Falls GYV GYV Helena GYV Gt Falls GYV GYV Helena Missoula GYV GYV Mission Vly Butte Butte Mission Vly Harlem Chinook Havre Havre Toole Cnty GYV Helena Helena Helena Helena Butte Helena Glendive Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Whitefish Whitefish Missoula Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Harlem Butte Whitefish Gt Falls Butte Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Butte Ft Benton Ft Benton Toole Cnty GYV Missoula GYV Laurel Libby-Troy Anaconda Laurel GYV Laurel GYV Gt Falls Plentywood Gt Falls Mission Vly Mission Vly Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Glendive Harlem Gt Falls GYV Deer Lodge GYV 8/28/2010 Page 10 of 81 Brown, Bette J Brown, Bette M Brown, Betty M Brown, Bill K Brown, Bill K. W Brown, Bobi Brown, Branden M Brown, Brandon K Brown, Brian K Brown, Bronson M Brown, Christopher K Brown, Cindy M Brown, Clara C Brown, Curt Brown, Dan J Brown, Daphne R Brown, Dave M Brown, David S Brown, Dean Brown, Deborah M Brown, Elaine T Brown, Gayle A Brown, Helen T Brown, Jackie B Brown, James I Brown, Jerry K Brown, John Brown, John Brown, John M Brown, Kathleen A Brown, Kathy Brown, Larry G Brown, Larry J Brown, Larry L Brown, Mardi Brown, Mercedes Brown, Merlin L Brown, Merlin L Brown, Merna A Brown, Michael A Brown, Millie Brown, Nick Brown, Nick M Brown, Quincie S Brown, Randy Brown, Reese Brown, Richard E Brown, Richard L Brown, Robert D Brown, Rodney L Brown, Sachi Brown, Shane Brown, Shane M Brown, Shauna M Brown, Shaylene D Brown, Shirley A Brown, Steve R Brown, Suzanne M Brown, Tana E Brown, Teresa Brown, Theodore Mick M Brown, William M Brown, Zoe T Browne, Richard W Browning, Lisa M Brownlee, Debbie J Brownlee, Nathan W Brownlee, William H Brua, Dan N Brua, Sonja C Brubaker, Loren J Brubaker, Mark J Brubaker, Ray Bruce, Bill Bruce, Dewey A Bruce, Glenn Bruce, Nancy L 135 169 141 184 164 154 128 192 193 188 181 134 159 204 170 126 179 167 164 144 129 159 149 127 123 181 174 180 108 124 158 170 148 175 159 122 190 187 113 206 115 137 134 139 186 184 177 183 132 177 152 195 162 126 188 128 167 147 123 135 184 175 143 188 101 136 140 191 156 126 156 128 151 199 142 158 137 81 30 84 81 81 39 75 96 90 93 30 75 93 96 84 72 87 81 63 63 90 90 48 75 87 54 51 78 21 87 87 90 81 66 84 87 93 84 72 93 93 24 78 90 72 30 84 93 42 44 39 33 90 72 39 36 75 78 78 63 87 128 66 69 78 87 96 98 75 75 84 63 21 75 39 66 66 8172-746 4028-200 1390-2864 8941-5068 1390-5765 1419-1345 4068-40 4068-346 8941-4338 1390-2023 1390-29 8378-3296 4028-2688 4068-1414 4028-1407 8114-687 9246-876 1386-16 8991-9708 4028-1420 4024-17 1390-6108 8172-944 4025-244 1432-230 1432-230 4043-48 8285-1552 8710-1218 1405-8 8096-369 1390-54 1432-1342 1432-926 4068-1761 8115-816 8798-3875 8528-24245 4028-5524 1418-43 4062-132 8114-870 1390-30 4029-1011 9211-3033 8991-9625 8991-9626 8991-9627 1432-859 1397-124 1390-4429 1419-805 1391-14 4056-482 Glacier Whitefish GYV Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Missoula GYV Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Glendive Whitefish GYV GYV GYV Butte GYV Missoula Whitefish GYV Bitterroot Whitefish Gt Falls Libby-Troy Miles City GYV GYV Bigfork GYV Glacier Whitefish Miles City Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Glendive Gt Falls Dillon Miles City Laurel Gt Falls Deer Lodge Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Missoula Toole Cnty Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Livingston Helena Butte GYV Havre Livingston Bitterroot Havre Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Thompson Fls Gallatin GYV GYV GYV Whitefish Whitefish Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Whitefish Helena Helena Helena Montana Averages 2009-2010 Bruce, Rose M Bruce, Tina Bruch, Brandy M Bruch, Don D Bruch, Kathryn F Bruck, Joy Brug, Austin R Brug, Austin R Brug, Florence Brug, Gordon P Brug, Jane Brug, Keith M Brug, Kenneth P Brug, Ron A Brug, Warren D Brugman, Duane C Brumfield, Joyce Brumfield, Phil Brumfield, Susan K Brundage, Charlene L Bruner, Eleanor Ellie Bruner, Floyd Boomer D Bruner, Kelli M Bruner, Norma Brunner, Nora B Brunner, Rod C Brus, Nancy A Brus, Terry E Brusati, Joe J Brusati, Nancy A Brush, Greg Brush, Ray W Brush, Roxy Brushia, Joe Bruski, Rhonda Brutosky, Brian Bruyer, Sharon Bruyer, Sharon M Bryan, Talbert Bryant, Lanann Bryant, Nadine K Bryson, Gary Bryson, Kelly N Bryson, Pamela L Bubis, Francis M Bublish, Jane Buchanan, Cory Buchanan, Lisa M Buchmann, Mike Buck Medrick Buck, Aj Buck, Bob M Buck, Jesse W Buck, Michael D, Jr Buck, William M Buckentin, Greg S Buckingham, Luke L Buckingham, Tracy G Buckley, Carlee Bucklin, Helen Buckman, Jeramy D Buckman, Nevada C Buckner, Carole Y Buckner, Scott M Budd, Breanne Budd, Pauline Budesa, Karl Budeski, Leann A Buehler, Brenda M Buehner, Charley Buehring, Sabrina A Bueling, Susan K Buford-Cox, Alta M Bugni, Barbara Buhr, Jamie T Bukovski, Trapper Buller, Ben C 157 106 180 188 119 117 178 198 119 151 129 148 160 152 138 212 112 181 175 129 146 176 149 115 143 158 142 174 131 136 156 170 130 168 140 165 152 162 187 123 135 140 98 143 191 145 118 148 151 142 133 186 147 155 109 147 156 127 115 148 146 198 166 186 133 129 161 131 118 171 111 73 115 132 153 112 162 79 51 52 78 66 30 42 42 87 96 84 75 30 75 84 87 69 84 90 81 84 87 85 42 87 96 75 84 75 60 93 78 96 39 87 75 93 78 66 110 87 39 30 72 42 76 39 36 59 63 45 42 75 78 48 87 27 57 21 54 104 28 80 27 57 80 27 90 54 93 48 74 75 22 33 75 60 4056-3786 1432-676 1432-510 4068-309 4056-3760 8798-3693 8798-3693 4032-26 1419-597 8798-3930 1393-40 8798-3291 8798-3703 1393-39 8991-7947 1392-193 4029-154 4028-5729 4029-394 1392-366 8378-3760 4034-105 1430-176 1395-21 4066-467 8941-5248 4028-44 8096-329 4058-149 4068-1797 4028-602 8991-9751 1390-1915 8285-1719 1395-22 8710-1190 9211-2546 8710-1192 4056-1709 8096-362 8096-370 3098-596 4126-316 8378-3283 8378-3564 4028-6893 4034-34 9057-662 8991-8318 Whitefish Helena Missoula Missoula Missoula Helena Helena Butte Helena Helena Helena Helena Helena Helena Helena Anaconda GYV Gallatin Gallatin Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Plentywood Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Butte Miles City Butte Miles City Missoula GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Bigfork Whitefish Gt Falls Missoula GYV Nashua GYV Nashua GYV Plentywood Toole Cnty Thompson Fls Nashua Harlem Miles City Butte Whitefish Laurel Whitefish Lewistown Gallatin Laurel Helena Chinook Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Livingston Livingston Plentywood Butte Whitefish Gt Falls Butte Glendive GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Mission Vly Whitefish GYV 8/28/2010 Buls, Dan F Buls, Josh M Buls, Justin M Buls, Leonard D Buls, Nicholas D Buls, Rick C Buls, Ryan D Buls, Tina S Bulyar, Gary Bundy, Cheri L Bundy, Kevin R Bunker, Marci K Bunker, Rob C Bunney, Thomas E Bunning, Austin S Burch, Adam H Burch, Paul Burd, Barb Burd, Patsy L Burd, Penny H Burden, Kaycee D Buresh, Eddie W Burger, Maryanne Burgman, Anna M Burk, Brenda Burk, Jeannine L Burkart, Laura B Burke, Janice L Burke, Judith L Burke, Lance D Burke, Larry Burkhardt, Robert J Burkhart, Thomas L Burkhart, Tom Burlison, Joshua J Burner, Morris R Burnett, Douglas Burnett, Patty Burney, Stephen Burnham, Brian S Burnham, Marinell Burnham, Mark Burns, Cody Burns, Dee J Burns, Donald Burns, Jean S Burns, Jim P Burns, Joe J Burns, Lavern Burns, Leona M Burns, Nancy P Burns, Tonita L Burren, Beth Burress, David A Burrington, Britt L Burrington, Helen M Burrington, James A Burrington, Jay R Burrington, Mitch E Burris, Jean L Burris, Timothy J Burrows, James A Bursley, Katherine C Burslie, Carri L Burt, Jerry M Burton, Ivah Nell Burton, Rick T Burwash, Seth J Busby, David E Busby, Fran Busch, Darlene R Bush, Barb J Bush, Donna L Bush, Robyn M Bush, Stephen F Bushard, David M Bushman, Cindy M Page 11 of 81 173 189 142 173 201 176 194 150 154 107 129 129 142 163 137 157 195 128 99 111 148 150 125 139 99 125 109 149 152 170 169 198 177 187 192 191 118 98 146 199 102 105 210 126 140 138 150 149 127 121 122 137 161 160 105 159 174 179 203 103 131 147 134 119 191 140 151 193 177 112 131 96 110 153 165 150 128 78 36 48 93 24 84 124 87 93 84 66 66 39 60 36 36 72 92 30 36 72 36 75 84 93 78 51 84 84 87 81 87 90 75 24 60 87 84 57 81 45 45 87 78 63 102 92 54 39 96 57 93 30 45 21 87 51 90 84 98 75 87 21 60 81 81 87 60 66 78 54 84 81 72 72 90 72 1432-511 9246-880 8172-753 8172-754 4028-7143 8991-9118 8798-3492 1390-1883 4028-5950 4028-6576 4028-147 6145-224 4034-151 4061-56 4037-14 4028-192 4059-197 4059-202 1390-195 1405-69 1390-2988 8941-4700 1395-24 1419-220 9368-968 9368-969 1403-51 8941-4202 9368-965 9368-966 6136-229 8115-1165 4034-234 8991-9287 1395-434 4038-260 8991-9288 4024-81 8991-9760 4028-4040 1418-257 1418-44 4059-11 8172-920 1423-31 4028-7171 4028-7126 4068-348 9211-2759 1426-237 4038-285 4028-152 4038-464 Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Whitefish Missoula Whitefish Gt Falls Libby-Troy Glacier Glacier GYV Whitefish Anaconda GYV Helena GYV GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Butte Anaconda Libby-Troy Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Laurel Laurel GYV Deer Lodge GYV Missoula Butte Glendive Helena Bigfork Bigfork Glacier Missoula Bigfork Bigfork Butte Livingston Col Falls Butte GYV Butte Col Falls Gt Falls Col Falls GYV Bigfork Gt Falls GYV GYV Havre Havre Whitefish Laurel Glacier Laurel GYV GYV Nashua Missoula Gt Falls Gallatin Livingston Col Falls GYV Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Bushman, Keith Bushman, Kyle Bussey, Donald W Bussey, Shannon Busta, Charles F Busta, Linda J Butler, Cole J Butler, Daryl W Butler, Raelynn K Butler-Carlberg, Amy Butori, Barry C Butori, Frank J, Sr Buttman, Clayton A Butts, Judith A Buys, David D Buys, Dawn M Buys, Duane E Buzzell, Leanne Byerly, Clyde G Byers, Helen Byers, Nathalie J Byford, Marge R Byford, Virgil F Bykonen, Todd F Byman, Mark L Byman, Mark L Byrd, Carol L Byrn, Mike J Byrn, Patti L Byrne, Juanita Byrne, Shirley Cabarett, Rachel L Cade, Michael E Cade, Pete Cady, Darcy Cady, Jennifer J Cady, Tammy S Caerbert, Janice Caerbert, Roxy Caffrey, Cynthia L Caffyn, Reeves A Cagle, Bob T Cahill, Michelle M Cahill, Patrick M Cahill, Ruth Cahoon, Kevin W Cahoon, Nancy J Cain, Charles D Calaway, Sherrie Calder, Rachel Caley, Marilyn Callantine, Sylvia J Callender, Dorothy L Callery, Sally Calley, Don W Calley, Franklin R Calley, Michelle K Calvin, Harry D, Jr Camarillo, Jerry E Cameron, Audree C Cameron, Jenny L Cameron, Ronnie A Cameron, Shirley A Campbell, Alvina Campbell, Amanda E Campbell, Connie M Campbell, Dana Campbell, Kelly D Campbell, Kerrylynn M Campbell, Lynzee M Campbell, Mark R Campbell, Maryann Campbell, Shawn Campbell, Shawn M Campbell, Ted H Campbell, Tina Campbell, Trevor M 167 144 161 98 188 147 155 125 114 123 214 158 196 136 196 135 154 134 151 136 111 113 167 182 184 188 145 162 118 136 149 74 159 142 118 99 167 146 130 144 165 172 154 154 142 137 86 101 145 132 74 138 133 182 177 169 133 175 156 127 159 166 166 102 129 133 152 164 80 108 174 109 130 142 159 96 152 75 72 93 57 72 78 69 81 93 78 66 64 90 90 42 60 84 78 57 75 39 89 48 57 48 84 90 78 63 78 63 33 86 75 45 75 66 39 93 69 27 51 27 63 84 48 74 30 93 69 27 78 75 75 116 128 30 78 96 66 78 54 93 81 45 78 87 81 42 75 112 69 66 90 90 24 90 1392-246 4029-89 9246-1215 6136-246 1395-953 1390-202 4029-61 1390-4460 4028-7091 1390-4461 4056-1389 4038-488 4056-2503 1419-636 1390-3848 4028-7251 4025-93 4066-80 9211-2852 8114-886 8320-256 4024-18 1387-176 4059-822 1423-259 4056-90 8941-4287 8114-911 8991-9954 4024-62 9057-551 4037-15 8991-7884 8991-8949 8991-9200 1390-6246 9211-2796 4029-395 4038-286 4038-42 4038-34 4081-118 8115-1010 4028-6464 6161-99 8941-5044 4038-394 1390-5236 4028-7042 1403-163 8941-5172 6145-62 Col Falls Col Falls Lewistown Lewistown Gallatin Gallatin Whitefish Lewistown Lewistown Libby-Troy Butte Butte GYV Gallatin GYV GYV GYV Whitefish Gt Falls Helena Col Falls Helena Helena GYV Whitefish Whitefish GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Miles City Miles City Gt Falls Gallatin Bitterroot Daniels Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Bigfork Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Laurel Laurel Helena Missoula Bitterroot GYV Bigfork Anaconda Thompson Fls Mission Vly Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Gallatin Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Whitefish Laurel Livingston GYV Missoula Missoula Col Falls GYV GYV Col Falls Glacier Lewistown Missoula Gallatin 8/28/2010 Page 12 of 81 Campeau, Barbara J Canino, Joe M Cannon, Debbie Cantin, Inetia Cantin, Lydia A Cantrell, Leon Cantu, Lisa R Cape, Sharon K Capps, David J Capps, David L Capps, Patricia A Caprara, Linda L Cardwell, Matthew R Cardwell, Robert D Carey, Betty J Carey, Norman Carlin, Amanda Carlin, Dena Carlin, Pat Carlson, Ainslie K Carlson, Bill O Carlson, Brett R Carlson, Cari Ann Carlson, Daisy M Carlson, Deb L Carlson, Jane Carlson, Josh M Carlson, Ken Carlson, Krissy M Carlson, Margaret Carlson, Scott E Carlson, Scott M Carlson, Susan Carlson, Tami Carlson, Tami Carlyle, Alaina (Sue) S Carlyle, Janie R Carlyle, Kelly S Carlyle, Ryan (Gerald) R Carney, James R Carney, Laura A Caron, Lani D Caron, Zackery A Carothers, Bryan K Carpenter, Brenda K Carpenter, Carrie L Carpenter, Doug Carpenter, Kyra L Carpenter, Penny J Carpenter, William Bill G Carr Darrin Carr, Del Carr, Garrett O Carr, Jeremy F Carr, Travis G Carrasco, Sean Carrels, Gretchen F Carrethers, Michael M Carrette, Alan L Carrette, Michael C Carrillo, Amanda M Carroll, Jeff A Carroll, Kim E Carroll, Mark D Carroll, Ruth Gail G Carsner, Grace M Carsner, Jim C Carson Jay Carson, Matt E Carter, Betty L Carter, Erika L Carter, Keith M Carter, Leann V Carter, Nat G Carver, Arlene J Carver, Kenneth A Case, Cleo M 134 201 149 123 127 165 186 142 145 149 125 155 158 136 165 172 99 130 170 134 173 121 116 155 122 126 164 128 115 133 144 164 101 135 110 156 154 144 180 182 114 150 133 160 146 118 128 101 148 164 142 183 133 142 147 125 144 207 191 193 121 165 150 190 159 134 171 107 142 131 129 170 160 130 129 182 134 45 57 78 81 96 57 63 36 84 69 24 90 60 92 96 69 75 93 93 66 75 24 90 78 57 30 48 78 63 81 34 39 61 33 84 76 94 75 87 87 51 21 102 66 81 51 36 81 63 87 69 90 39 63 27 54 36 89 42 100 54 120 92 87 57 84 90 50 33 46 36 88 60 75 90 81 66 4029-432 361-1364 9368-934 8274-709 1404-13 4034-278 1390-6657 1390-562 4068-696 1432-42 6141-30 4043-13 8941-4882 4051-527 1390-4795 8798-4313 4028-2236 4028-69 8710-982 4028-5414 8991-9257 8798-4153 8798-3488 4066-15 8710-1106 8991-9093 8798-4154 4029-300 9139-309 4085-23 4029-221 1419-497 8941-5125 8798-4182 1425-511 1425-197 9211-3072 9211-2995 4029-350 1419-46 8991-8428 8941-4508 8941-4509 8941-4510 8991-9258 858-864 8991-9849 9057-657 1438-80 4034-562 8798-4121 4034-468 1395-32 4068-61 Helena GYV Bigfork Havre Dillon Daniels Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Dillon Dillon Missoula Bitterroot GYV Helena GYV GYV Laurel GYV GYV Helena Helena Miles City Whitefish Laurel GYV Havre Helena Anaconda Gallatin Anaconda Anaconda GYV Helena Gallatin Anaconda Helena Gt Falls Missoula Helena Glendive Whitefish Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Lewistown Lewistown Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls GYV Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls GYV GYV Harlem GYV Mission Vly Thompson Fls GYV Butte Helena Butte Butte Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Case, Cyndi Case, Ken M Case, Maryann Casebolt, Shawn G Casey, Bobbie R Casey, Cullen T Casey, Gayle Cashman, David F Cashman, M. Darlene Casillas, Joseph R Casity, Doug Cassidy, Becky R Cassidy, Lori A Cassity, Melony Cassity, Steve L Casteel, Roger L Castle, Robin R Castonguay, Dan Castonguay, Marcia A Cates, Bette E Cathey, Brent D Catt, Doug Caufield, Cathy A Caulfield, Shawn D Cavanaugh, Larry Cavanaugh, Mary Kay Cavanaugh, Mary S Caverly, Cherie A Cayko, Andy Cayko, Terry N Cayko, Tim L Cazier, Joy A Cedar, Carl C Celli, Bruno J Cerise, Clarice Cerise, Ted J, Jr Cerise, Ted J, Sr Cernaro, Mike T Cerovski, Candi L Cerovski, Kyle T Certain, Peggy Cetto, Nick E Chadwick, Jay W Chadwick, Terry Chaffin, Sheila P Chaikin, Steven Chambard, Denise L Chambers, Jenna L Chambers, Jenny Chambers, Matthew L Chambers, Wally P Champa, David J Champine, Corey M Champion, Jeanette R Chandler, June C Chandler, Lucille Chaney, Bruce Chaney, Kathy P Chaney, Kristi Chapel, Jeri Ann Chapman, Enereida Chapman, Letha D Chappell, Holly A Charette, Tommy F Charlson, Rich L Charlton, Jeffrey P Charlton, Robert T Chase, Phillip E Chaska, Rodney Chatriand, Kari P Chavez, Cheri L Chavez, Jodi L Chavez, Nancy Chavez, Nicolas S Chavez, Scott D Chavis, Aaron A Cheetham, Allin 120 138 130 163 115 130 152 163 141 145 168 107 140 190 194 117 110 198 147 116 157 200 124 155 108 150 125 110 159 170 176 159 179 182 127 182 158 165 121 125 130 155 136 125 126 144 147 180 158 171 160 181 153 151 150 123 172 138 110 151 109 140 125 166 173 141 171 139 163 119 106 136 104 159 174 171 164 78 63 66 93 105 72 99 66 69 54 81 54 90 51 72 63 32 87 66 81 66 33 57 54 30 27 27 69 99 51 75 84 124 84 66 44 81 30 51 72 90 71 90 69 33 42 131 93 90 96 87 78 21 99 96 30 57 66 21 45 69 87 90 54 72 36 45 96 72 57 54 99 54 96 72 99 72 8710-894 9211-3039 9211-3040 4034-263 4056-565 8941-4764 8991-9657 4028-5544 11-14731 1390-482 8974-401 1432-106 4068-1573 9211-2972 8991-7772 8710-1221 8710-1108 8991-9746 4042-61 8991-9745 8991-8914 4068-658 1438-38 1395-33 4028-6359 1390-7124 1390-6414 1390-6209 8710-1209 9211-2929 4066-92 9211-3016 4083-34 4051-154 9211-2891 4068-3 8115-753 3527-295 883-243 4126-171 1419-286 1419-1365 4028-4912 2854-3329 9211-2933 4061-20 9368-1001 4029-778 8115-1042 11-20683 8991-9703 1419-1235 8378-3769 1386-18 8274-819 8378-3802 4028-7256 8378-3757 8991-9174 1390-7338 8378-3747 1410-22 Laurel Gallatin Gallatin Lewistown Butte Glendive Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Ft Benton Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Gallatin GYV Col Falls Laurel Laurel GYV Deer Lodge GYV GYV Glendive Glendive Glendive Missoula GYV Butte GYV GYV GYV GYV Laurel Gallatin Miles City Gt Falls Gallatin Whitehall Bitterroot Gallatin Missoula Livingston Helena Helena Livingston Helena Helena GYV Butte Plentywood Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Libby-Troy Bigfork Gallatin Livingston GYV Gt Falls GYV Helena Butte Miles City Dillon Butte GYV Butte GYV GYV Butte Ft Benton 8/28/2010 Page 13 of 81 Chema, Frank Cheney, Fred P Cheney, Raeni L Chenoweth, Kyle P Chenoweth, Shawna R Cherrington, Kelly Cherrington, Lynn A Chesko, Janine M Chesko, Robert Bob E Chewning, Bud Chewning, Virgina Childers, Steven E Chin, Rick Chongway, Justin T Chopp, Nancy R Chor, John M Choriki, Miranda R Chouinard, Brenda K Chouinard, Mike E Chrisinger, Kenneth L Christensen, Allen D Christensen, Andrea Christensen, Angela B Christensen, Anjie E Christensen, Bob D Christensen, Curt Christensen, Debra L Christensen, Jennifer M Christensen, Judy M Christensen, Mike H Christensen, Neil R Christensen, Robert Christensen, Veronica R Christenson, Dar J Christian, Marjorie E Christianson, Bill R Christianson, Brian R Christianson, David O Christianson, Mearl H Christianson, Shirley A Christman, Joshua A Christman, Sarah L Christofferson, Colin Christopher, Shannon L Church, Debbie L Churchwell, Judy L Churchwell, Martin J Ciervo, Edwin L Cihak, Aimee T Cislo, Jean M Cisney, Donald E Claassen, Twila M Claassen, William Bill F Clairmont, Genean B Clapham, Gladys I Clapham, Gladys I Clarendon, Jennifer Clark, Becky A Clark, Brenda K Clark, Cameron Clark, Dallas M Clark, Dawn R Clark, Debb Clark, Ed J Clark, Gena D Clark, Helen L Clark, James R Clark, Jean C Clark, Joe A Clark, John L Clark, Kelly R Clark, Lynette Clark, Michael E Clark, Pamela Clark, Paul A Clark, Richard L Clark, Shelly L 177 138 122 132 141 198 142 124 184 135 132 195 176 174 163 159 72 141 166 139 149 83 121 99 176 148 120 166 126 210 150 154 123 135 144 174 213 193 153 159 152 133 155 182 159 121 172 187 126 120 179 105 177 117 154 150 120 138 153 188 172 101 174 141 137 136 129 125 161 143 165 137 154 139 185 148 112 75 72 46 87 57 88 80 60 30 87 90 99 90 60 66 33 68 60 57 36 74 30 75 42 93 57 72 81 83 64 21 75 78 81 87 45 78 63 81 96 81 60 72 48 75 90 72 48 42 78 81 41 81 27 93 90 30 81 51 136 84 90 132 84 66 78 39 84 77 84 99 42 87 72 42 30 72 1392-701 8274-834 9211-3042 1425-271 4061-230 1390-670 1392-436 8048-42500 8378-3679 8991-9319 4081-44 1432-1420 8285-1691 8710-1208 8941-4710 8991-9724 8941-5098 4059-756 4028-5796 1390-3847 8274-626 4043-426 8974-342 1428-33 4034-282 4062-311 8115-1169 1390-364 8991-9866 4034-36 9057-474 4067-51 4068-172 4068-172 4028-6874 4028-5462 1406-345 8991-8740 4056-116 8798-4 8172-873 8798-3424 1426-168 8941-4701 9211-3106 1410-23 Thompson Fls Gallatin Dillon Gallatin Thompson Fls Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV Gallatin Gallatin Butte Anaconda GYV Dillon Gt Falls Whitefish Missoula Miles City Glendive Laurel Missoula Glendive GYV Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Laurel GYV Thompson Fls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Dillon Dillon Ft Benton Gallatin Butte Livingston Livingston GYV GYV Butte Mission Vly Gt Falls Gt Falls Mission Vly Missoula Missoula Plentywood GYV GYV Dillon Anaconda GYV Missoula Anaconda Gt Falls Whitefish Helena Glacier Helena Livingston Missoula Toole Cnty Whitefish Gallatin Ft Benton Anaconda Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Clark, Trisha M Clark, Willa H Clarkson, Elizabeth A Clary, Misty J Claus, Craig D Claus, Josh Clausen, Brian L Clausen, Gina (Geise) M Clausen, Jarrid A Clausen, Peter T Clausen, Sandie Clawson, Linda Clawson, Terri L Clayton, Bev A Clayton, Don R Cleavenger, Ed Cleek, Anna Clem, Harold B Clement, David W Clements, Darrow S Clements, Natasha R Clemmons, Roger B Clemmons, Toni Cleveland, G.W. (John) Cleveland, Josh Cleveland, Terry L Clevenger, Loren W Clifford, Pat S Clifford, Patricia Cline, David T Cline, Judy Cline, Margaret Cline, Randy Cline, Susan D Cline, Twila Clinton, James S Cloninger, Gary L Cloninger, Lola Cloninger, Meghan K Cloninger, Peggy Close, Jim Close, Karen Close, Kylie Close, Lenore L Cloud, Sarah L Clouse, Ty Clure, Amy S Coate, Kathy Coate, Nick R Coats, Fran L Coats, Merl E Coble, Allan C Coble, Joe Coble, John I Coburn, Kathy Cochran, John D Coe, Karen Coe, Wesley Coen, Michael Coen, Teresa J Cogdill, Daralyn Cogdill, Devon Coghill, Gaylen W Coghill, Mary A Cohenour, Gene Colbrese, Sue M Coldiron, Brian L Coldiron, Joy M Cole, Bea M Cole, Bruce Cole, Debbie Cole, Josh Cole, Josh J Cole, Josh L Cole, Kyle Cole, Lorrie Cole, Peggy J 85 121 122 172 159 116 209 102 182 156 128 124 128 120 151 184 137 166 173 114 106 168 140 181 144 215 162 120 176 118 127 126 138 135 155 173 174 149 97 164 154 118 109 115 136 131 161 107 193 164 179 159 156 158 113 145 122 127 169 121 128 109 194 157 155 146 197 154 145 183 157 157 165 150 174 128 142 27 69 78 75 72 57 72 61 84 30 93 66 42 48 36 99 63 72 27 75 33 65 78 21 54 90 87 87 44 60 87 69 60 69 66 60 69 78 69 24 66 42 72 69 56 30 87 54 54 95 99 84 69 51 72 87 33 58 21 57 72 72 75 77 87 68 87 81 63 87 63 42 78 54 58 42 54 4038-476 8798-3317 4067-235 9211-3099 9211-3074 1392-1168 11-72727 9211-2543 1419-248 4056-3300 8991-8114 4034-474 1390-3377 1395-691 8115-906 1419-288 1432-927 8115-910 8378-3763 1390-6475 4028-6470 1390-691 1395-1259 1414-144 8941-4030 1432-89 4068-2091 9211-3097 4025-89 1392-1083 4047-14 1419-614 4056-120 8798-4179 4056-177 10-1984638 4028-5795 1405-311 8115-759 8710-897 9368-975 8941-5046 8115-856 8941-5141 8096-327 1390-827 8114-821 4056-124 1403-202 8172-765 8184-149 8184-168 1425-38 8378-3333 4034-167 4028-1302 9246-785 9246-1028 9246-1148 1426-317 8991-9048 8941-4201 4056-2606 Col Falls Anaconda Helena Mission Vly Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Helena Helena GYV Anaconda Butte GYV Butte Livingston Helena Missoula Livingston Butte GYV GYV GYV Butte Missoula Bitterroot Missoula Missoula Gallatin Miles City Big Sandy Gallatin Ft Benton Big Sandy Lewistown Helena Helena Helena Helena Deer Lodge Laurel Deer Lodge Livingston Laurel Bigfork Gt Falls Missoula Livingston Lewistown Lewistown Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Bitterroot Gt Falls Helena Big Sandy Glacier Glacier Whitehall Whitehall Whitefish Whitefish Libby-Troy Glendive Butte Butte GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Livingston GYV Missoula Helena Nashua 8/28/2010 Page 14 of 81 Cole, Ronald D Coleman Nancy Coleman, Brian M Coleman, Rex Coleman, Shawna Colleary, James Colleary, James F Collick, Nancy Collins, Alyssa J Collins, Bradley L Collins, Brock Collins, Brook Collins, Delmer Collins, Joe P Collins, Joy Collins, Lb B Collins, Steve D Collogan, Joe Colman, Eileen T Colonna, Mark P Colson, Myron Colton, Elsie A Colton, Mary Combo, Dorothy I Combo, Jerry D Combs, Jason P Comeau, Scott C Comer, Les Comfort, Barbara A Compton, Charlie Compton, Lilla M Compton, Michella M Compton, Tammy L Conard, Phyllis J Conard, Robert W Conatser, Pam Condon, Patrick L Conger, Jonathan J Conger, Theron M Conley, Barbara J Conley, Bob R Conley, Doug A Conley, Janette A Conley, Zac W Connell, Michael J Conner, Thomas Conners, Brendan J Connolly, Jack T Connolly, Jack T Connor, Delphine A Connors, Joy K Conrad, Berkley Conrad, Gloria Conrad, Jennifer Conrad, Paul Conradsen, Conrad G Conradsen, Harlan D Conradsen, Shawn D Contreras, Marc Contway, Karyle A Contway, Toke Contway, Wayne H Conway, Adam C Conway, Mike Coody, Derek L Cook, Andrew Cook, Brian L Cook, Eugene C Cook, John Cook, Kaylie L Cook, Kim K Cook, Lana D Cook, Natasha J Cook, Russell E Cook, Sally D Cook, Shandy K Cook, Stewart F 191 107 168 219 150 165 173 164 126 194 145 134 181 125 136 82 129 158 112 205 107 125 177 140 148 171 137 184 142 196 148 111 133 99 158 138 176 223 199 113 166 123 91 154 113 166 165 127 161 126 154 117 134 119 154 146 174 133 152 157 171 175 120 135 108 146 182 127 117 113 128 118 131 185 140 99 207 72 54 78 87 51 112 60 83 76 41 63 51 90 87 66 69 102 81 66 112 81 75 69 84 96 87 51 24 81 69 72 75 72 81 96 57 90 96 21 69 66 72 63 120 87 51 57 69 96 90 90 69 92 48 93 84 72 60 57 90 136 93 81 24 21 24 51 33 30 57 90 45 39 60 84 96 48 1432-237 1419-903 4066-157 1401-21 4056-2895 8941-4741 1432-194 8285-1680 4025-187 1390-2717 9211-3017 1425-107 9211-3007 9246-1184 4043-15 4034-122 1395-1410 1390-5022 1392-4 4068-753 4028-4088 1426-244 1432-955 6161-52 8941-4718 8941-5064 1387-164 1432-1147 1403-53 1403-53 4028-4564 8798-4145 4024-223 1387-111 8991-9709 4043-84 1406-26 1406-27 8115-1170 1405-289 1393-43 1430-434 8991-9892 8991-7989 8974-407 1432-672 4067-66 1392-81 GYV Harlem Helena Lewistown Miles City Bigfork Whitefish Helena Missoula Missoula Miles City Miles City GYV Gallatin Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Libby-Troy Gallatin Whitefish Libby-Troy Whitefish Dillon Butte Butte GYV Glendive Dillon Missoula Gt Falls Whitefish Gt Falls GYV Lewistown Lewistown Havre Livingston Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Bigfork Missoula Glacier Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Anaconda Helena Bigfork Chinook Bigfork Glendive Glendive Glendive GYV Dillon Dillon Dillon Gt Falls Whitefish Livingston Deer Lodge Gt Falls Helena Miles City GYV Nashua GYV Ft Benton Missoula Mission Vly Nashua Gallatin Montana Averages 2009-2010 Cook, Tina Cook, Tyler A Cooke, Shane Coolidge, Billiette Coolidge, Jacque Coolidge, Michael Cooney, Shannon M Cooney, Will J Cooper, Carol Cooper, Carol Cooper, Chris W Cooper, Dale Cooper, Dayle H Cooper, Dianne E Cooper, Gerald D Cooper, Herb Cooper, Janet H Cooper, Justin D Cooper, Mary L Cooper, Meg K Cooper, Michael R Cooper, Michael W Cooper, Noel Cooper, William Cooper, William D Cooper-Marks, Sandra D Copley, Idetle J Coppedge, Ernie Coppedge, Sandra L Copple, Shannon E Copple, William M Corbally, John T Corban, Ron Corban, Shan Corbett, Donna A Corbett, James Corbett, Tim J Corcoran, Glen W Corda, Al Cordell, Glenda D Corder, Melissa Corder, Staci L Corder, Trampus A Cordier, Victor Cords, Matt W Cork, Courtney B Corkin, Ronald H Corneil, David A Cornelius, Bradely R Corneliusen, Kelly R Corneliusen, Lynne M Cornett, Ralph Cornett, Teresa Cornthwaite, Debbie E Corrigan, Charlotte A Corry, Doug Corsner, Robert Cortesio, Twila G Cortez, Haloye W Cortez, Jaysen K Cosand, Geoff Cosand, Jenni Costilla, Megan A Costle, Debbie L Costle, Steven M Cote, Phyllis J Cotter, Lori A Cotter, Megan A Cotter, Sheila Cotter, Troy Cottom, Brad Cotton, George W Cotton, Phillip (Phil) D Cotton, Tammie Couch, Jeremy W Coughren, Sara J Coulson, Kim J 143 121 173 147 134 159 131 177 124 144 182 128 186 155 161 133 148 184 120 129 155 204 108 155 169 148 124 145 137 122 167 196 160 141 121 159 191 140 147 156 106 130 183 155 136 135 214 178 171 161 132 171 165 116 166 170 180 120 109 109 146 134 72 140 138 118 121 134 130 194 186 193 168 166 121 108 122 58 63 69 87 30 48 81 90 69 87 90 87 83 69 76 30 66 131 90 36 29 21 90 66 90 78 72 60 72 42 90 51 90 96 78 96 30 60 81 66 87 66 63 90 75 84 81 114 62 78 66 44 52 37 81 40 78 129 21 36 96 87 57 60 60 69 54 54 69 93 28 87 88 39 51 84 81 8991-9816 1432-1128 8941-4632 1432-1282 5029-7475 4061-32 4028-36 1394-77 1425-572 4068-1733 4029-896 1392-688 8798-3981 1387-278 8798-3980 4068-1311 8798-3713 1419-984 1419-291 1387-61 4024-82 4028-604 8285-1601 1431-21 1425-248 4028-7103 9368-797 8974-302 1410-28 8114-885 1432-675 2374-13689 1390-546 4028-4212 1387-158 4024-131 8115-828 4038-18 8096-466 4068-2144 9368-799 9368-800 8941-4657 9211-2947 9211-2948 4056-3762 8710-900 4056-3067 1406-170 1419-750 6152-221 4056-140 1418-539 9057-589 8941-4766 Big Sandy GYV Missoula Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Lewistown Missoula Missoula Bigfork Libby-Troy Whitefish Gt Falls Whitefish GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Libby-Troy Whitefish Whitefish Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Whitefish Helena Bigfork Helena Missoula Whitefish Lewistown Lewistown Helena Helena Helena Bigfork Bigfork GYV Miles City Mission Vly Gt Falls Libby-Troy GYV Bigfork Ft Benton Ft Benton Col Falls Bitterroot Thompson Fls Gt Falls Missoula Havre GYV GYV Bigfork Bigfork Livingston Col Falls Lewistown Rocky Mtn Frt Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Bigfork Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Helena Laurel Gt Falls Helena Glendive Dillon Helena Helena Helena Havre Mission Vly Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 15 of 81 Coulson, Rusty J Coulston, Scott A Coulter, Elaine A Coulter, Jason Coulter, John Counter, Robert G Countryman, Elaine P Counts, Amanda C Court, Craig M Courtnage, Raymond Courville, Dennis L Courville, Julie A Couture, Charles Couture, Edward J Couture, Rose M Couture, Sheila R Covert, Adam C Covert, Jeremy P Covert, John P Covert, John P Covey, Caleb Covey, Jerod Cox, Brian M Cox, Kent Chief D Cox, Leslee Cox, Lisa M Cox, Ray W Cox, Sam N Cox, Shari M Cox, Tiffany R Cox, Travers D Coxwell, Mark E Coyle, Kevin Crable, Cory G Crable, Randy G Crabtree, Del E Cracraft, George A Craft, Dolores R Craft, Scott E Craig, Rory Craig, Trevor J Craigle, Tana C Crail, Don Crail, Doug Cramer, Dick A Cramm, Marge M Crantz Frank Craun, Candace E Crawford, Eric A Crawford, Garry L Crawford, James L Crawford, Linda D Crawford, Richard G Crawford, Shawna L Crawford, William S Crazy Boy, Ernest J Crazy Kristie Crichton, Doug Crick, Cade L Crick, Kaehl D Criddle, Linda Criscuolo, Gordon Criscuolo, Skyler J Crisman, Terence 'Ron' R Crisp, Matthew R Crisp, Pamela J Crist, Fran Cristaldi, Teri J Criswell, Tawny Critelli, Colette M Crocker, Lindy R Croff, Clay Croff, Iva M Croff, Jim K Croff, Whitney M Croft, William B Croghan, Bertha C 108 137 113 170 136 152 143 106 191 133 145 120 149 175 157 98 149 194 179 183 141 142 132 187 108 116 164 109 123 144 207 127 136 172 180 171 174 99 137 191 156 131 142 127 152 125 127 134 205 153 126 126 222 117 164 137 105 133 98 128 136 184 145 143 194 134 117 163 109 134 170 164 114 160 120 173 144 60 27 33 48 45 90 81 48 92 36 81 81 89 81 87 54 78 84 52 84 60 84 69 33 79 96 78 69 69 87 96 24 84 81 24 93 74 93 41 75 66 27 90 90 93 76 51 63 71 51 118 59 30 63 71 30 69 71 39 75 90 93 84 56 48 54 90 69 15 57 68 84 45 75 54 72 99 8941-4165 1442-59 1390-2071 1395-443 4038-82 1432-639 9057-463 9057-464 8941-3892 8941-3912 1419-460 1419-460 9246-934 9246-1231 8378-3832 8991-7778 1414-84 8798-3663 8798-3664 8710-1143 1390-4330 1390-790 1392-55 1390-4441 4068-816 8798-4252 1405-78 8991-9843 8798-3810 1403-55 1403-534 1432-296 4068-567 8114-701 1390-361 1419-189 8798-4103 4051-565 8991-9922 1405-313 8114-914 8114-840 4056-152 1395-604 8378-3660 1390-2163 4028-6658 8320-257 8378-3782 1390-616 4040-80 1403-56 6140-8 1431-236 4068-106 Missoula Gt Falls Lewistown Miles City GYV Butte Col Falls Gt Falls Missoula Big Sandy Mission Vly Mission Vly Glendive Glendive Glendive Glendive Missoula Missoula Butte Helena Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Butte Gt Falls Lewistown GYV Bitterroot Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Helena Helena Laurel Col Falls GYV GYV Gallatin GYV Missoula Helena Deer Lodge GYV Helena Glacier Glacier Missoula Missoula Harlem Bitterroot Gt Falls GYV Helena Helena Gt Falls Bitterroot Gt Falls GYV Harlem Deer Lodge Bitterroot Bitterroot Helena Butte Butte Gt Falls GYV GYV Anaconda Thompson Fls Daniels Butte Gt Falls GYV Glacier Glacier Glacier Mission Vly Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Crohn, Merlin 119 Cromrich, Lynn 127 Cromwell, Courtney 108 Cromwell, Kyla 106 Cromwell, Wendy 108 Crosby, Glen T 166 Crosier, Michaeleen D 138 Croskrey, Connie 149 Croskrey, Thomas W 172 Cross, Carla 111 Cross, Chad 123 Cross, Del L 174 Cross, H. J 178 Cross, Jean C 130 Cross, Kathy J 136 Cross, Mark A 138 Cross, Marlin W 202 Cross, Michelle C 131 Cross, Terry D 168 Crotty, Daniel J 151 Crouch, Eric G 96 Crouch, Evaun 134 Crouch, Jim 118 Crouch, Nate D 158 Crow, Lisa 145 Crow, Robert 151 Crowder, Dennis 150 Crowder, Jane M 193 Crowl, Douglas M 153 Crowley, John W, Jr 176 Crowther, Charles J 147 Crowther, Terry D 178 Croy, Becky 143 Crunkleton, Tisha J 93 Cuchine, Deann R 128 Cuchine, Kortni L 126 Cuchine, Kyle M 108 Cuchine, Sabrina D 97 Cuellar, Eugene 178 Cuellar, Sarah M 128 Cuffe, Jacquie J 153 Cuffe, James D 216 Cuffe, Michelle C 140 Culbertson, Joshua J 138 Cullen, Dave J 139 Culliton, Connie R 152 Culliton, David J 183 Culpepper, Charlie U 181 Culver, Duane A 146 Culver, Holly K 178 Culver, Nate J 122 Cumming, Jennifer 140 Cummings, Chris G 132 Cummings, Christy A 120 Cummings, Judy L 137 Cummings, Lawrence Larry M188 Cummings, Richard Rick D 197 Cummings, Trevor R 200 Cummins, Justin O 116 Cummins, Linda L 168 Cummins, Sandy L 115 Cummins, William B 188 Cunningham, Chris L 125 Cunningham, Douglas M 177 Cunningham, Janae L 126 Cunningham, Krista J 99 Cunningham, Lonnie M 114 Cunningham, Pamela J 129 Cunningham, Seth M 103 Cunningham, Sharon A 140 Cunnington, Nile 142 Cunnington, Pat 134 Cupp, Mike T 182 Cupp, Mollie E 129 Cupp, Tina M 150 Curdy, Eileen M 144 Curley, Clayton 136 69 25 51 33 18 90 60 54 66 93 72 48 63 63 63 63 81 54 48 93 27 84 30 30 85 21 92 93 60 43 90 87 72 33 60 45 27 24 75 30 84 54 51 51 87 24 84 30 41 117 51 96 36 75 36 53 60 63 39 81 84 54 90 84 24 30 69 24 33 60 39 45 66 84 66 63 36 1435-220 4056-2914 8320-230 8320-231 8320-232 1426-58 4068-1838 4056-153 8184-159 1390-478 4028-6647 8798-3894 9211-2994 4068-93 1432-1296 4025-2 1386-22 1390-6124 4028-1247 8941-4288 1395-1092 8941-3974 1438-81 4025-83 8378-3408 8378-3559 6134-66 8274-815 4029-269 1431-212 4068-1056 4024-478 8941-4931 8941-5256 4068-416 4068-1693 1390-845 4034-442 1419-56 8941-4988 8991-9667 4034-314 8991-9668 4034-431 1425-255 4061-65 1395-401 8378-3581 4034-298 9057-663 Plentywood Helena Daniels Daniels Daniels Livingston Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Whitehall GYV Whitefish Whitefish GYV Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Nashua Gallatin Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Miles City Miles City GYV GYV Bitterroot Butte Missoula GYV Miles City Gt Falls Butte Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish GYV Dillon Gallatin Gt Falls Mission Vly Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Bigfork Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Butte Helena Missoula GYV Whitefish Butte GYV Butte Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Butte Butte Butte Gt Falls Mission Vly 8/28/2010 Page 16 of 81 Curnow, George Curran, Mike J Curry, Acacia D Curry, Brandy Curry, David L Curry, Kenneth Ken D Curry, Mallory L Curry, Margie B Curry, Patti Curry, Robert B Curry, Shannon R Curry, Tammy M Curtin, Colleen T Curtin, Stephen M Curtis, Betty Curtis, Cyndee A Curtis, Dustin R Curtis, Helen J Curtis, Klinton Kyp Curtis, Linda M Curtis, Roy L, Sr Curtiss, Brandon Curtiss, Jerry Curtiss, Ron Curtiss, Sharon Curtiss, Tami Cutbirth, Frank L Cuthill, Karen D Cybulski, Barb Cybulski, Steve Cyr, Lucas C Czerwinski, Doug J Daellenbach, Elberta J Daenzer, Sandra M Dagen, Ken E Dahinden, Kenneth J Dahl, Chris E Dahl, Donald E, Jr Dahl, Duane A Dahl, Kathy J Dahl, Mandi L Dahl, Patrick M Dahle, Blaine E Dahle, Blaine E Dahlman, Barbara A Dahlman, Jack Dahlman, Vonnie Dahlquist, Chuck H Dahood, Jeff W Dailey, Charles Chuck R Dailey, Cory A Dailey, John G Dailey, Judy A Dailey, Katherine Sue Dailey, Rosemary Dale, Mickey Daley, Debbie J Daley, Robert J Daley, Shawn C Dalke, Elsie L Dalke, Mj Dalla-Mura, Cheryl G Dally, Gene L Dally, Tricia F Dalton, Jan D'ambrosia, Sharon Damm, Myron Damon, Thomas J Damuth, Ethel (Fuss) T Danforth, Warren (Bud) Dangerfield, Kam L Daniel, Phyllis R Daniels, Bob (Robert) V Daniels, Dennis C Daniels, Janie M Daniels, Laurel A Daniels, Paul L 134 183 102 157 184 225 137 136 178 201 130 149 137 161 123 126 169 126 197 136 157 152 161 161 138 139 116 152 119 138 208 151 134 139 208 166 197 155 151 80 125 180 206 215 121 176 160 153 176 168 147 174 137 130 144 150 115 127 162 129 133 150 164 145 115 149 191 133 102 145 126 168 187 173 103 142 190 57 81 84 90 90 21 26 84 66 84 63 78 84 45 39 42 56 72 57 85 93 57 57 75 87 42 24 96 57 69 90 69 81 30 87 36 21 87 63 90 36 51 60 90 90 81 78 21 72 75 54 63 63 93 66 72 45 70 81 81 81 87 47 78 75 87 99 87 42 90 57 90 84 76 63 69 81 1395-796 1395-49 4062-239 8014-66134 1432-361 4062-36 1426-146 8710-1033 4062-327 4056-2550 4056-3652 8941-4556 1425-108 9246-778 8991-9944 4034-123 1435-165 8991-7842 8274-728 1395-461 1432-370 1392-20 1419-682 1423-314 1423-314 1395-797 4034-107 8941-3864 1390-3398 4028-4001 8941-4669 10-1874420 8378-3818 8378-3814 1395-1314 4028-1324 4028-6515 9057-642 11-46777 8114-899 4028-1242 1419-1625 4029-63 1432-75 8991-9888 4029-304 1432-1561 8378-3587 4068-446 1432-265 Butte Butte Livingston Livingston Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Livingston Gt Falls Livingston Laurel Livingston Whitefish Whitefish Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Circle Circle Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Plentywood GYV Butte Plentywood Plentywood Gt Falls Thompson Fls GYV Dillon Butte Missoula Gallatin Helena Nashua Lewistown Whitefish Whitefish GYV Laurel Gt Falls Butte Butte Missoula Anaconda Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Missoula Gt Falls Helena Butte Butte Butte GYV GYV Gt Falls Mission Vly Mission Vly Bitterroot GYV Glendive Helena Gallatin Missoula GYV Gallatin Anaconda Missoula Butte Missoula Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Danielson, Linda L Danielson, Sherry V Danielson, Tammy L Danishefsky, Sharon A Danreuther, Dan E Danreuther, Janet M Danreuther, Josh Danreuther, Keith Danreuther, Russ D'antuono, Louis J Danzer, Holly M Danzer, Stacy A Darby, Jim A Darby, Lance A Dargan, Landon Dark, Jack A Dark, Loree E Darling, Claira D Darling, Robert C Darlington, Kenneth Darlow, John C Darne, John F Darrah, Pam Darrow, Jason A Darsow, Richard Darvis, Ryne A Dasilva, Jim Dassinger, Josh M Dassinger, Kevin Dassinger, Laurel D Dassonville, Kathi Datta, Frank Daubert, Lester D Dauphin, Christopher S Davalos, Edmund P Davey, Charlotte V Davey, Tyler David, Charles R David, Joseph E Davidson, Jason N Davidson, Kris Davidson, Lance E Davidson, Leslie A Davidson, Linda Davidson, Melinda K Davidson, Noel Davidson, Peter Davie, David D Davies-Page, Shirley E Davis, Ashley D Davis, Bill Davis, Bill Davis, Bob C Davis, Bob G Davis, Brandi L Davis, Brian Davis, Bryan N Davis, China Davis, Christine T Davis, Claudia L Davis, Colter Davis, Faith A Davis, Heather M Davis, James Davis, Jeff O Davis, Jennifer D Davis, Jerry Davis, John D Jr Davis, John L Davis, Kathy E Davis, Larry Davis, Leslie L Davis, Mike D Davis, Nicole Davis, Raye A Davis, Scot Davis, Sharon 132 113 148 106 179 119 161 171 169 180 130 144 167 177 154 174 166 110 150 176 171 140 137 161 167 116 157 162 128 138 144 149 187 129 121 153 156 148 159 171 110 157 141 156 130 166 119 187 132 110 119 125 161 158 98 180 184 136 151 137 124 162 154 172 134 164 97 178 179 177 163 100 178 103 104 186 140 51 63 78 75 75 72 48 60 69 84 78 84 93 30 42 87 126 36 30 72 78 78 54 99 75 36 27 81 84 81 33 42 81 90 96 30 27 75 84 96 72 42 33 75 96 81 81 93 66 70 78 78 93 36 60 87 72 63 81 92 60 100 51 69 87 78 27 63 24 33 93 84 78 54 21 57 87 4028-5428 4028-1166 1410-141 4047-146 8115-723 1419-1215 8798-3786 1432-718 4068-1839 8974-288 8974-287 1419-221 8941-5188 9211-2839 1425-22 1435-205 9211-2996 1390-7069 8172-949 9211-3008 1390-315 8941-3979 4068-1267 1390-7197 1390-6120 4047-33 4042-64 4028-4833 1405-16 9246-924 8991-8024 4028-7100 4038-451 1405-302 8991-7795 1395-525 1392-536 1386-173 2402-632 8320-261 4067-119 2763-12242 8274-822 6161-265 8991-7850 1426-59 4067-92 1419-125 4034-283 1395-54 4058-628 1419-500 8378-3743 8115-985 1419-501 9246-1183 Lewistown GYV GYV Gt Falls Ft Benton Ft Benton Big Sandy Big Sandy Big Sandy Gt Falls Livingston Lewistown Helena Gt Falls Helena Missoula Missoula Ft Benton Ft Benton Big Sandy Helena Missoula Chinook Gallatin Libby-Troy Plentywood Gallatin GYV Glacier Glendive Gallatin Glendive GYV Anaconda Missoula Missoula Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Big Sandy GYV Ft Benton Deer Lodge GYV Deer Lodge Libby-Troy GYV GYV Col Falls Deer Lodge GYV Butte Gallatin Gt Falls Miles City GYV Daniels Mission Vly Helena Dillon Missoula GYV Big Sandy Livingston Mission Vly Gt Falls Col Falls Helena Butte Butte Col Falls Helena Butte Livingston Helena Libby-Troy 8/28/2010 Page 17 of 81 Davis, Teresa A Davis, Tina M Davis, Todd A Davis, Tyrell Davis, Walter R Davison, Alex D Davisson, James M Davisson, Jamie L Davisson, Jon I Davy, Marie Dawes, Richard E Dawkins, Rosalyn J Day, Abbigail C Day, Bob J Day, Nancy J Day, Sean R Dean, Amy Dean, Lisa M Dean, Marie Dean, Mike E Dean, Trevor E Deane, Leona K Dearing, Brandi Dearing, Dale Deaton, Lucy C Deaton, Margaret Maggie A Deberry, Ronald Ronnie L Deberti, Lil M Debolt, Danny J Debolt, Larry E Debolt, Larry R Debolt, Mike E Debortoli, Albert Al E Debus, Doug W Decarlo, Rick Decker, Adam Decker, Allen Al E Decker, Amy C Decker, Darryl Decker, Debbie Decker, Lorraine Decker, Mark Dector, Mike L Deda, Eileen J Deda, Ron L Dedmore, Lyle G Dedmore, Rosalie F Dedmore, Tom D Dee, Dawn E Deering, John Deering, Peggy Defelice, Phillip J Defrance, Tammy J Degele, Dale J Degele, Linda L Degele, Shirley M Degele, Tony Degner, Donna J Degrand, Amanda Degrand, Andrea Degrand, Angela Degrand, Kathy Dehaan, Arnold Dehaan-Lovaas, Angela K Dehn, Kristen M Dehn, Paul J Dehoyos, J. Eric Dehoyos, Shellie L Deines, Gary Deines, Linda R Deitz, Roger L Deitz, Vicky L Dekay, Richard E Delaney, Colleen C Delaney, Tim J Delange, Darrell Delano, Barbara A 109 177 156 165 178 125 162 117 186 167 120 139 130 172 142 161 119 118 153 170 164 154 145 177 143 132 161 104 155 169 169 138 183 159 145 155 167 122 164 128 135 171 190 124 174 184 148 180 146 143 108 120 95 152 134 145 190 176 121 115 130 148 172 148 213 219 171 123 189 139 187 149 141 133 162 186 134 81 65 36 55 84 24 78 75 48 78 21 96 51 81 78 78 42 24 84 57 56 60 33 51 81 87 60 21 48 75 93 69 81 96 42 87 96 93 81 75 24 24 124 78 90 96 99 84 75 42 32 51 82 81 86 96 71 57 84 78 85 72 85 84 87 93 99 75 90 90 87 81 84 123 84 72 90 8941-4382 4068-320 1414-124 1426-334 4042-19 8710-1059 4068-1635 4062-213 8798-3442 4029-45 8798-3441 4068-1415 4024-44 1392-528 8096-503 4029-354 4056-3450 4068-54 4034-394 1390-3855 9246-1238 8991-9475 8378-2785 1432-91 9246-1206 9246-1073 9246-1205 8941-4721 1432-1251 1390-721 4028-1252 1390-720 9246-1182 9246-1181 1418-400 8798-3 1423-15 4059-132 4028-231 4025-120 4025-130 8285-1599 4025-118 1392-136 4029-46 1390-5287 8991-9230 1403-58 4068-285 1390-711 4043-136 Missoula Missoula Lewistown Gt Falls Bitterroot Gt Falls Livingston Whitefish Whitefish Deer Lodge Laurel Missoula Livingston Helena Gallatin Helena Missoula Gt Falls Bigfork Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Helena Helena Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Libby-Troy GYV Gt Falls Butte Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Whitefish Missoula Missoula GYV GYV GYV Anaconda Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Havre Helena Laurel Laurel Lewistown Gt Falls GYV Miles City Miles City Miles City Miles City Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Glacier Missoula GYV Glendive Dillon Montana Averages 2009-2010 Dell, Devon Dell, Trenton Dellwo, Nick F Dellwo, Pat D Delude, Judith Delzer, John M Delzer, Toni Mg Demachki, Ramzi K Demaree, Amanda L Demaree, Angel C Demaree, Larry F Demaree, Larry F, Jr Demars, Kacey M Denby, Bill Denby, Ely Denby, Rachael Denison, Vera C Denning, Curtis D Denning, Dereck C Denning, Melissa A Denning, Rita G Denning, Stacy J Dennis, Curby Denny, Doug Denny, Michele Denson, Wendy S Denton, Dj A Denton, George D Denton, Laurie L Derbyshire, Mike D Derbyshire, Richard A Derbyshire, Stephanie L Derke, Craig R Derks, Roger L Dern, Jesse E Deroche, Robert Derosa, Barb Derue, Chris Derue, Edward Derue, Scott Des Jardins, Zacharie C Desaveur, Arlene Deschamps, Dorothy J Deschamps, Shirley G Deschamps, Ted H Descharme, Michael J, Sr Deseth, Margie A Deshazer, Doug Desmidt, Pat M Desonia, Mary V Desso, Leo C Deupree, Mandy M Deupree, Stacy A Deutscher, Janice M Devaney Beverly Devanlt, Curtis Devinney, Donna M Devlin, Brian J Devlin, Kayla M Devries, Adele K Devries, Corinne Devries, Kathryn A Dewaters, Lisa D Dewell, Diana M Dewey, David T Dewey, Gordon H Dewing, Connie J Dewitt, Deborah L Dewitt, Scott E Dexter, Jeanne A Dey, Wayne Deyoung, John D Deyoung, Ken Deyoung, Melissa Deyoung, Patricia M Dezell, Mick Dezell, Mick L 167 138 209 178 102 162 141 139 139 152 115 149 129 168 175 139 138 182 180 137 142 159 172 144 141 111 112 176 87 177 180 115 112 152 140 162 152 192 161 177 105 121 129 156 197 139 137 145 138 132 135 108 97 151 100 143 146 198 125 142 150 135 108 116 140 198 165 92 133 126 161 186 162 148 135 166 181 60 72 79 87 93 72 72 24 63 66 28 33 54 92 95 90 87 66 24 93 69 84 91 66 66 30 60 87 75 99 99 78 90 72 51 96 89 81 87 84 99 99 96 99 96 15 63 73 96 78 81 30 33 90 42 63 45 60 49 87 54 96 63 21 53 90 78 93 99 69 63 30 72 63 69 77 90 9368-781 9368-974 9057-9 8941-5114 4056-180 1392-282 4029-396 9211-3128 9211-2909 9211-2910 9211-2781 9211-2908 8285-1625 8285-1653 8285-1626 4032-46 1418-503 8798-4122 1426-124 8114-817 1390-6511 1390-281 8941-5178 8710-1140 8798-4123 300-2056 6141-282 4059-248 4068-468 4068-467 1432-283 1432-1187 1425-485 4068-1308 8378-3572 4028-1365 8285-1693 4068-1014 1432-320 8941-5160 4059-250 8710-1005 9132-1013 4059-145 8941-4803 1390-230 4068-197 8991-9527 8991-9528 4037-122 8941-5090 6161-4 8941-4278 4068-637 1414-809 1414-809 Bigfork Bigfork Mission Vly Missoula Helena Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Lewistown Miles City Miles City Miles City Helena Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Havre Havre Glendive Helena Livingston Bitterroot GYV GYV Missoula GYV Lewistown Helena Bigfork Havre Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Dillon Laurel Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Glendive Libby-Troy Missoula Whitefish Butte Lewistown Lewistown GYV Harlem Miles City Missoula Missoula Missoula Laurel Havre Laurel Col Falls Laurel Missoula GYV Missoula GYV GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Glendive Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Bitterroot Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 18 of 81 Dias, Eden Diaz, Audrey P Dibble, Levi E Dick, Art J Dick, Artie, Jr Dick, Jimmy Dick, Marlene Dick, Wendy D Dickenson, Robert 'Bob J Dickey, Josephine E Dickey, Ron Dickinson, Andy Dickinson, Lacey Dickinson, Patrick Dickinson, Tanna Dickman, Bernard Bernie K Dickman, Bernard E Dickman, Connie M Dickman, Deborah A Dickson, John R Dickson, Lois J Dickson, Matthew C Dicus, Winnie G Diegel, Connie R Diegel, Jeff S Diekhans, Bart J Diekhans, Bernard J Diekhans, Chris J Diekhans, John A Diekhans, Natalie A Diekhans, Shana Diekhans, Wanda S Diekhaus, John W Diepstraten, Josh R Dietz, Anna M Dietz, Brenda Dietz, Deanna R Dietz, Gary Dietz, Leslie J Difonzo, Chris S Difonzo, Frank Difonzo, Sara G Difrancesco, Ron J Dighans, Bernie Dighans, Christy Dighans, Todd D Dilbeck, Michael T Dimitroff, Ashley A Dimon, Trevor P Dinardi, Aaron L Dinardi, Brent D Dinardi, Daniel A Dinardi, Dennis L Dinardi, Josh J Dinardi, Lynda L Dinardi, Misty A Dinardi, Patty Dinges, John C Dinning, Barbara Dinstel, Alisan F Dippold, Claudia Dirkes, Bill L Dirkes, Claudia C Dirkes, Robert J Dirks, Monica Dirkson, Marcy M Dishon, Jeremy C Distad, Nicole D Ditto, Morgan L Divelbiss, John W, Sr Divelbiss, Lois J Dixon, Crystal G Dixon, James A Dixon, John O Dixon, Kathy D Dixon, Larry Dixon, Leroy Bill W 100 92 165 165 152 166 130 151 159 149 150 149 116 160 112 211 190 187 130 169 122 155 107 155 131 179 154 157 156 135 126 105 160 180 132 149 163 178 130 153 143 139 137 180 97 171 146 116 181 169 174 150 173 135 123 134 113 159 139 121 120 167 154 168 128 147 126 109 101 171 165 89 207 185 122 199 138 48 64 93 45 54 75 72 48 66 96 87 66 18 42 84 93 45 93 96 78 36 28 99 48 66 54 66 60 57 72 51 72 39 66 69 66 99 96 63 78 29 75 42 21 81 69 24 30 93 63 90 81 48 87 39 83 54 74 90 87 84 78 75 69 87 40 39 66 33 93 39 81 93 95 69 63 96 9211-2922 8941-5092 1395-1221 8378-3067 4034-684 4043-4 9246-916 8320-252 11-981 1405-255 1390-501 8991-8568 8991-9100 4068-1629 1410-106 1410-139 8974-300 1410-33 4028-630 8974-303 4047-97 1423-43 8941-4289 4025-117 4034-168 1395-55 8991-9025 8378-3835 1430-67 4056-3235 1419-57 8378-3773 1390-6824 1423-292 1423-312 8991-9779 1423-262 8710-1202 8710-1203 931-16676 4061-80 8991-9684 10-1984639 4037-70 1397-12 9246-809 8991-9949 1423-23 1423-243 1395-56 Whitefish Gallatin Missoula Butte Butte Gt Falls Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Dillon Libby-Troy Col Falls Daniels Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Missoula Glendive Glendive Ft Benton Ft Benton Ft Benton Ft Benton GYV Ft Benton Ft Benton Laurel Missoula Gt Falls Miles City Butte Butte GYV Glendive Glendive Glendive Butte Miles City Helena Helena Butte Gt Falls GYV Laurel Laurel GYV Laurel Glendive Laurel Glendive Laurel GYV Libby-Troy GYV Deer Lodge Anaconda Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Libby-Troy Lewistown Glendive Lewistown GYV Laurel Laurel Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Dixon, Michael W Dixon, Mike Dixon, Tara A Dixon, Tarl J Doane, Darrell Dobb, Bill M, Jr Dobb, Charlene Dobbe, Robin N Dobie, Dan Dobie, Lewis L Dobie, Michele Dobie, William R Dobitz, Chris L Dobson, Douglas C Dobson, Jesse Dobson, Shelley Dockstader, Wanda Dockter, Brad S Dockter, Pat A Dodd, Brett Dodd, Joanne Dodge, Jack Dodge, John J Dodge, Judy L Dodge, Tom A Doely, D S Doely, Greg K Doerr, Geoff W Doherty, Rachel Dolan, Dan Dolan, Michele M Doll, Jason M Doll, Lon M Doll, Ramona M Dolph, Wendy L Domer, Jennifer L Domion, Chester P Domire, Randy J Domitrovich, Amber Domonoske, Patti Donahue, Stephanie L Donegan, Jim M Doney Ed Doney Jake Doney Tonya Doney Tracy Doney, Richard A Donnelly, Sherri H Donnelly, Susanna J Donofiro, Jennifer E Donohue, Janie Donohue, Valerie A Donovan, Donna R Donovan, Lora Lee Doolittle, Frank Doornek, Jerry M Dore, Bonnie Dorendorf, Terri A Dornberger, Kyle K Dorris, April L Dorris, Diane M Dorris, Shawna L Dorseth, John Dorsey, Casey R Dorsey, Constance Y Dorsey, Rebecca A Dorsey, Robert G Dorsey, Rodger G Dorvall, Karen Dosch, Joan M Dosch, Kerry L Dostert, Linda L Dostert, Van T Dotseth, Jen Dotseth, Kevin Doty, Doug Doubek, Glen 169 208 114 182 172 147 149 155 192 211 162 185 163 149 143 130 122 150 159 154 131 178 138 151 145 156 167 162 164 209 120 131 165 104 98 125 189 145 120 152 111 170 142 115 113 125 118 132 187 126 99 145 158 134 128 177 112 126 195 126 137 138 187 182 134 123 138 159 149 135 129 139 187 92 121 124 164 27 39 63 96 87 66 69 63 81 81 42 77 77 87 51 51 96 63 54 24 69 30 69 102 96 66 96 96 87 51 84 78 30 30 45 105 93 87 57 81 54 63 72 60 36 51 66 87 27 45 75 66 81 47 75 71 33 72 75 93 81 81 69 93 84 93 102 76 36 72 82 99 24 72 69 78 60 6136-180 1395-57 1395-440 4034-286 1432-1377 1430-5 9-7890 4066-74 1392-247 4028-2137 8320-268 8274-807 4024-123 8285-1457 8991-7787 1395-359 1390-7159 4034-261 1392-1015 8991-9762 2615-487 1392-1014 4034-674 1390-500 8991-9445 8991-9628 1390-520 4028-579 11-37582 9211-2797 1418-145 4038-477 8798-3878 8991-9732 4043-5 4038-428 8378-3830 4029-452 4028-1248 8991-9642 8115-806 4028-2752 1392-371 8991-9091 4068-860 4068-2128 1404-17 1445-249 4029-534 4029-761 1392-53 1392-54 4083-35 8991-7961 8172-897 8974-415 8974-416 8941-5100 1425-41 Butte Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Toole Cnty Butte Butte Missoula Miles City Gallatin Miles City Gallatin GYV Gt Falls Daniels Dillon Bigfork Gt Falls Gt Falls Miles City GYV Butte GYV Butte Gallatin GYV GYV Gallatin Butte GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Whitefish Butte Gallatin Havre Anaconda Plentywood Col Falls Helena Harlem Harlem Harlem Harlem GYV Gt Falls Dillon Col Falls Butte Gallatin GYV Gt Falls GYV Nashua Livingston GYV Gallatin GYV Missoula Missoula Daniels Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Whitehall GYV Glacier Nashua Nashua Ft Benton Ft Benton Missoula Libby-Troy 8/28/2010 Page 19 of 81 Dougherty, William Doughty, Dave E Doughty, Pam K Douglas, Dawn Dow, Cindy J Dowell, Bert L Dowell, Rebecca L Dower, Barbara R Dower, Roy E Dowling, Tom Downey, Robert M Downey, T. Maureen Downs, Barbara J Downs, Dan C Downs, Karen K Downs, Mike Doyle, Christopher M Draft, Judith L Drain, Marva L Drake, Doug Drake, Glenda Drake, Gloria A Drake, Kathy Dratz, Betty L Dresch, Lee A Drew, Chris Drew, Marcus D Drew, Philip M Driessen, Karen C Driessen, Melissa B Drinville, Calvin R Driscoll, Brian T Driscoll, Inez Drivdahl, Ross J Droge, Ella K Drollinger, Cecile M Drollinger, Ernest J Dross, Patricia Drugge Judy Dubeau, Kent A Dubois, Kelsey D Dubois, Tammy G Dudley, Diane Duff, Dian Duff, Gary N Duffey, Pamela Duffner, Dave R Duffner, Melissa K Duffy, Chad A Duffy, Donna M Duffy, Emily A Duffy, James W Duffy, Jan Duffy, Jeff J Duffy, Robert W Dufner, Ann M Dugan, Bill P Dugan, Holly A Dugan, John Dugas, Brenda M Dugas, Frank Duggan, Edward F Duggan, Jessica D Duke, Christal M Dull, Debbie A Dullinger, Chelsea R Dullinger, Julian T Dullinger, Julian T Dullinger, Sherry A Duman, Tammy Dumas, Kevin M Dumke, Rob N Dumke, Wendy J Dumontier, Ron Dunahee, Ed Dunbar, Christopher J Dunbar, Matthew S 116 145 121 137 162 142 130 106 98 149 117 119 141 167 126 182 187 160 127 188 126 143 155 88 171 155 189 198 142 123 196 149 155 194 129 139 158 115 102 136 158 140 163 140 145 113 142 116 164 176 111 155 130 75 187 128 203 123 187 142 136 120 99 138 121 146 218 224 104 156 98 101 99 132 135 220 186 69 45 45 66 87 41 75 30 21 57 60 33 45 39 66 84 93 90 24 72 32 41 87 86 42 30 112 84 99 75 64 69 78 21 63 63 60 87 27 87 18 69 27 87 87 27 42 69 75 84 24 96 90 51 69 90 92 99 30 66 66 78 21 51 84 36 66 81 78 54 24 57 45 87 84 81 24 1418-570 4028-5431 4068-1101 4028-760 1390-416 4038-332 1390-240 6136-425 4051-570 4028-1104 1425-120 8941-5040 4068-478 4061-74 4068-1017 6141-10 8941-4585 4068-2181 1432-344 4028-1032 4029-107 4068-2124 1432-1105 8710-930 6161-105 4068-1462 4061-14 8941-4897 8798-4125 4023-223 1397-111 8096-438 1390-7150 4068-709 8115-1197 10-1854485 4066-81 1419-1481 1395-62 1390-3765 4028-5308 9211-2978 4028-6462 8991-9251 8941-5142 8991-9535 4028-5578 4038-445 4067-211 1431-177 1431-177 4067-20 4056-3015 1418-602 8274-809 8274-810 1403-63 9-11282 6134-198 Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Col Falls GYV Butte Bitterroot GYV Libby-Troy Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Missoula Gt Falls Havre Dillon Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Whitefish GYV Glendive Gallatin Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Harlem Laurel Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Helena Helena Deer Lodge Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Missoula Livingston Helena Miles City Helena Butte Glendive GYV GYV Gallatin GYV GYV Missoula GYV Laurel Col Falls Mission Vly Mission Vly Missoula Mission Vly Helena Havre Dillon Dillon Glacier Col Falls GYV GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Dunbar, Shelly L Dunbar, Thomas (Tom) R Dunbar, Thomas Chris C Duncan, Fred A Duncan, Gail Duncan, James K Duncan, Jimmy R Duncan, Larry K Duncan, Lawrence M Duncan, Mary R Duneman, Brian K Duneman, Kevin S Dunham, Darla L Dunham, William E Dunlap, Jorja J Dunlap, May Dunlap, Shellee Dunn, Ann Dunn, Lisa M Dunn, Matt I Dunn, Nathan Dupont, Greg Dupuis, Bryan G Duram, Ruby K Durbin, Cecil Durbin, Cindy G Durbin, Tim M Durham, Candice M Durham, Debra A Durham, Jeffrey J Durham, Sam P Durnford, Patricia A Durocher, Julie Durran, Shirley J Durward, Marcia Durward, Petie Duryee, Mary J Duryee, William K Dusenberry, Gerry L Dutton, Sybil M Duty, Brenda L Duvall, Jodi L Dvorak, Michelle A Dvorak, Rod Dyk, Craig Dyk, Gwen M Dyk, Marilyn Dykstra, Lois C Dyon, James W Earle, Stephen G Easley, Angela L East, Michael E Eastlick, Shirley Eastman, Marilyn J Eastman, Michelle Eastman, Shawn P Eastman, Susan J Eastwood, Donna Eastwood, Kathy L Eastwood, Med Eaton, J.W., Jr Eaton, Kevin J Eaton, Larry D Eaton, Lynn B Eaton, Valerie A Ebel, Janice M Ebel, Joyce Eckels, Steven Eckert, Hilda J Eckert, Ron Eckhardt, Larry D Eckhardt, Leo Eddie, Heather L Eddie, Jackie Eddie, William D Eddy, Ashley C Eddy, Diane B 164 137 195 172 146 156 188 177 143 156 185 191 172 185 101 137 152 124 167 207 138 165 198 122 163 140 164 136 147 184 190 132 94 136 124 97 121 129 151 130 142 144 132 144 125 133 149 143 158 178 152 162 130 118 96 137 150 108 119 143 169 164 154 137 115 129 62 154 156 185 126 141 134 118 122 137 134 87 100 100 84 75 72 63 72 39 93 27 63 93 81 78 72 93 93 75 104 102 99 75 51 104 75 78 78 87 42 84 96 24 21 81 54 63 51 84 66 78 27 48 39 48 21 78 84 78 39 78 81 93 63 51 87 60 87 69 87 84 75 93 57 75 96 99 36 75 81 96 84 102 36 36 39 99 4028-537 1390-760 1432-159 8941-4203 4042-83 1390-3506 1432-482 1392-284 1392-283 4028-661 1390-499 8378-3584 4062-298 8115-1113 4056-3263 6145-130 9211-2840 8941-4290 4040-204 1418-54 4029-351 4034-269 8096-344 1392-373 8974-408 4028-6433 8991-9698 4043-421 4029-108 1432-372 4059-868 1432-519 4059-271 4059-268 4038-480 8991-9121 4043-242 4028-1017 1403-3 1403-207 1390-6116 4040-11 4040-237 1405-306 1390-2075 8274-817 4043-51 1406-68 4062-312 4028-670 GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Deer Lodge GYV Lewistown Missoula Gt Falls Lewistown Gallatin Gallatin GYV GYV Butte Livingston Livingston Helena Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Glacier Havre Lewistown Lewistown Glendive Gallatin Glendive Glendive Butte Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Havre Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Gt Falls Whitefish Ft Benton GYV GYV Circle Dillon Gallatin Thompson Fls Whitefish Missoula Laurel Missoula Laurel GYV Col Falls GYV Dillon Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Glacier Glacier GYV Glacier Glacier Anaconda Anaconda Deer Lodge Glendive Glendive Lewistown GYV Dillon Dillon Dillon Livingston GYV 8/28/2010 Page 20 of 81 Eddy, Keith A Eddy, Liz M Eddy, Terri L Edelen, Todd P Edens, Janet Edge, Scott Edmisten, Evelyn Edmonds, Vickie Edsel, Deborah A Edwards, Bill Edwards, Britni K Edwards, Danny S Edwards, David L Edwards, Elizabeth A Edwards, Fairy Edwards, Gary Edwards, George Edwards, Heather J Edwards, Josh Edwards, Marlin Edwards, Nancy J Edwards, Nancy J Edwards, Robert F Edwards, Stephanie J Edwards, Steve R Edwards, Tony D Effertz, Tom W Egar, Nancy J Egar, William C Egbert, Diana K Egbert, Jon V Egeland Jan Egeland Sandi Egeland, Georgana L Egged, Sheila R Egger, Lee Eggleston, Eric G Ehaust, Darlene C Ehlenburg, Cherryl L Ehlenburg, Robert A Ehlert, Andy J Ehlert, Harry Ehlert, Pam Ehmann, Cheryl Ehresman, Angie M Eichele, Brenda L Eickhoff, Kenneth A Eide, Andrea D Eide, Lawrence M Eide, Pat J Eike, Bert Eike, Bobbye Eileraas, Errol J Eisenbarth, Tracy M Ekola, Mark Ekstedt, Sheila K Eldeen, Bret M Elfstom, Amber R Elfstrom, Catherine J Elkins, Bart A Elkins, Clint W Elkins, Ginny Elkins, Scott C Elletson, Theresa L Ellig, Becky S Ellingson, Amy (Kottwitz) Ellingson, Eric Ellingson, Eric J Ellingson, Gary L Ellingson, Quinn V Ellingwood, Ned Elliott, Alice C Elliott, Charleen E Elliott, Kevin R Elliott, Linda L Elliott, Shellie H Ellis, Brina B 179 101 142 234 150 137 139 154 146 224 99 209 141 134 152 180 150 170 120 157 128 103 152 77 184 171 131 107 134 154 170 113 158 143 155 126 165 110 125 163 142 142 136 142 111 124 171 109 152 145 177 170 159 163 140 123 170 119 123 150 180 143 188 130 167 141 173 141 123 172 180 157 154 164 168 146 150 96 60 57 69 74 63 68 72 52 124 47 69 81 40 30 90 75 78 87 27 84 66 57 38 33 33 75 21 48 69 41 63 75 90 87 29 48 75 81 84 81 66 78 84 60 81 90 69 87 99 116 108 87 57 45 84 21 27 81 60 87 90 75 45 65 30 84 33 60 24 75 90 39 75 81 70 81 1390-734 8991-9812 4062-140 1395-977 4051-186 8941-5069 4083-80 4041-98 4037-177 8710-1211 8710-903 4068-1420 8991-9605 8991-8827 1432-58 4051-596 8710-1212 8115-1126 1423-104 8798-4126 8115-1166 8115-1189 4029-90 1392-355 4068-810 4040-9 8991-9896 8991-9897 1418-590 1403-65 9246-1216 8991-8822 4028-6500 1438-114 4028-992 1387-4 4024-64 8798-4146 1390-6806 1419-1255 1432-92 4068-35 1432-793 4028-6078 4029-421 4029-368 8941-4711 9211-3067 8378-3345 4056-3344 4047-149 8115-1131 GYV GYV Livingston Butte Bitterroot Missoula Whitehall Daniels Rocky Mtn Frt Anaconda Laurel Anaconda Whitefish Laurel Missoula Glendive GYV Anaconda GYV Missoula Bitterroot Laurel Glendive Livingston Gt Falls GYV Helena Livingston Livingston Gallatin Gallatin Harlem Harlem Missoula Gt Falls Glacier Gt Falls Anaconda GYV GYV Havre Glacier Havre Libby-Troy Laurel GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Bigfork Bigfork Anaconda Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls GYV Anaconda Anaconda Helena Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Gallatin Gallatin Anaconda Missoula Anaconda Gallatin Butte Helena Ft Benton Whitefish Whitefish Livingston Whitefish Montana Averages 2009-2010 Ellis, Evie 105 Ellis, Gail M 143 Ellis, Kenneth E 120 Ellis, Matt C 206 Ellis, Matt C 163s Ellis, Michael 170 Ellis, Michael H 152s Ellis, Sharon 117 Ellis, Shelly L 138 Elm, Marilyn 120 Embler, Glenda 153 Emborg, Kirsten 104 Emendorfer-Wade, Jennifer R117 Emerson, Craig G 161 Emerson, Jerry L, Sr 144 Emery, Steven E 134 Emineth, Kevin D 144 Emineth, Kristy L 122 Emineth, Krystal L 119 Emineth, Linda M 136 Emineth, Robert J 150 Emmert, Trish 165 Emslie, Amanda 132 Enderson, Jeff S 155 Endy, Julie A 142 Endy, Todd H 169 Eneas, Rick L 139 Engberg, Marlon H 171 Engberg, Renae J 139 Engbers, Todd D 119 Engbrecht, Lois 120 Engebretson, Ann E 144 Engebretson, Lisa L 105 Engebretson, Steve 118 Engel, Dwight D 154 Engel, Sandy L 113 Engelhardt, Chris E 188 Engelhardt, Ronald A 213 Engelhardt, Roy A 185 Engellant, Blanche J 126 Engellant, Mavis J 145 Engen, Sherry L 88 Enghusen, Glenn 145 England, Robyn L 120 England, Virginia L 130 Engle, Gary 161 Engle, Tammy 135 English, Debbie L 106 English, Hudson M 168 English, Karis M 141 Engraf, Myrna L 158 Engstrom, Ashley 118 Engum, Sean L 191 Enochs, Marsha D 144 Enott, Bruce 142 Enseleit, H. Lavonne 129 Ensrud, Chuck F 140 Enstrom, Gary G 169 Entzel, Carmen L 127 Eoff, Janine H 123 Epler Marcy 125 Epler, Jessica L 105 Erekson, Allana M 137 Erhart, Shirley R 140 Erich, Joan L 100 Erich, Steve E 124 Erickson, Angela 110 Erickson, Dave J 159 Erickson, Erick Del D 190 Erickson, Jean A 129 Erickson, Ken A 178 Erickson, Kimberly K 120 Erickson, Michael J 165 Erickson, Paula J 139 Erickson, Rita K 121 Erickson, Shari 131 Erickson, Shawna D 116 33 81 45 66 16 81 21 54 53 72 36 24 39 51 75 48 69 54 56 78 69 12 87 93 42 36 27 36 30 81 75 45 90 90 69 54 30 72 90 66 63 51 78 90 84 90 90 42 72 81 78 54 36 78 21 81 51 72 90 63 42 72 84 78 90 84 27 69 81 69 100 85 57 84 111 84 60 4083-24 1432-22 1432-22 1432-1386 10-919805 4068-1515 9211-3084 4068-2175 1392-962 8274-802 1390-3688 8710-1213 4059-815 4059-63 1390-3695 8109-5249 5140-459 8941-4788 8378-2680 8378-2663 8941-5115 1390-498 4028-1757 8115-1175 8941-5176 1390-451 1390-476 1390-450 4047-5 4407-6 8710-1036 4068-306 6136-439 4068-46 1435-203 1390-718 8941-4748 8991-9753 4038-393 8991-9738 8991-9739 9368-649 1432-735 4068-390 1418-23 4059-848 8991-8716 4068-275 8941-5047 4025-115 4054-16 Whitehall Whitefish Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Whitefish Missoula Plentywood Plentywood Gallatin Missoula Gallatin Gt Falls Dillon GYV Laurel Laurel Laurel GYV Libby-Troy Bigfork Missoula Butte Butte Missoula GYV GYV Livingston Gt Falls Thompson Fls Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Missoula GYV GYV GYV Ft Benton Ft Benton Laurel Toole Cnty Gt Falls Missoula Glendive Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Plentywood Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Plentywood GYV Missoula GYV Harlem Col Falls Whitefish Glendive GYV GYV Bigfork Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Havre Laurel GYV Missoula Missoula Miles City Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 21 of 81 Erickson, Stephanie S Erickson, Taffy Erickson, Taffy J Erickson, Tarrie A Ernest, Kelly C Ernst, Darwin R Ernster, Travis D Errecart, Cherie R Errecart, John A, Sr Errecart, Tim B Erskine, Marti L Ersland, Levi Erwin, Char A Erwin, Debra Debbie K Erwin, Manny A Eschenbacher, Darin L Esplin, Austin L Esquibel, Steve R Esser, Ed J Essex, Darlene J Essex, Leslie D Essmann, Sherry B Estell, Erling R Esterby, Edna R Estes, Tara L Estes, Thomas C Esteves, Alicia Etchison, Kathye Etienne, Tim Evangeline, Dimitri (Dan) D Evangeline, Jason P Evangeline, Lorraine Evangeline, Mark P Evangeline, Ryan P Evangeline, Valerie L Evans, Alicia I Evans, Angie M Evans, Dave Evans, Debbie K Evans, Helen M Evans, Joann Evans, John P Evans, Lynda K Evans, Maureen K Evans, Terry Evenson, Cathy Evenson, Connie J Evenson, Karen L Evered-Kammerer, Kami A Everly, Lon Evers, Mike Evers, Terri T Evey, Scott Evitts, Sarah Evjen, Gloria A Evjen, Michael W Evjen, Sheila M Evola, Thomas A Ewan, John C Ewert-Moen, Margeret A Faas-Creel, Barbara B Fabatz, Jim R Fagerhaug, Rosemarie Fahland, Justy Fairchild, Eugene F Fairchild, Sue K Faldalen, Connie Falkenstern, Linda M Falkenstern, Ryen L Falling, Don Fancher, Tony W Fandry, Ann M Fangsrud, Jenni Fanning, Michael D Fanning, Ronald W Fanyak, Duke (Don) T Fanyak, Julie R 80 145 144 126 194 176 205 178 173 151 144 137 136 155 94 130 161 174 200 109 181 153 111 120 164 166 124 147 146 201 164 148 180 155 167 117 138 185 177 140 133 149 149 114 170 149 147 117 121 131 144 146 175 140 152 206 140 185 178 147 150 133 124 131 153 143 138 150 188 130 173 141 116 161 167 174 137 66 60 90 96 54 87 90 63 90 42 48 83 30 33 75 39 27 87 87 54 90 63 78 81 54 93 72 48 68 87 24 63 69 84 81 33 36 120 120 93 78 60 81 30 93 93 93 96 30 93 78 75 83 93 57 72 93 24 87 63 66 72 39 60 42 54 54 96 93 169 21 99 24 69 33 75 75 9211-3107 4056-2345 4056-2345 4068-2167 2601-606 1414-13 1390-3367 4028-1030 8378-2933 8378-3509 1406-28 1390-5009 4029-48 1428-12 4028-7065 8172-945 4067-7 9211-3018 8285-1697 9246-1197 8378-3556 8991-8742 4028-1968 1390-2037 8991-9594 4068-1171 1432-3 5250-1364 4068-259 4028-6867 8172-809 4034-152 8378-3565 1405-3 4024-56 4029-192 8991-9040 8941-4057 1392-976 1425-436 8798-3888 4068-615 1432-108 4068-188 9211-2953 1426-60 4056-1717 8378-2667 8941-5227 9246-1075 1432-621 4056-3700 8798-3859 8114-857 4068-596 9057-688 1426-151 1418-327 Gallatin Helena Butte Missoula Gallatin Bitterroot GYV Lewistown Glendive Lewistown GYV Nashua Butte Gt Falls Butte Glendive Glendive Dillon GYV Gallatin Gallatin GYV Glacier Mission Vly Gt Falls Gallatin Miles City Havre Libby-Troy Butte GYV GYV GYV GYV Butte Anaconda Anaconda Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Glacier Butte Butte Deer Lodge Bigfork Gallatin GYV Missoula Gallatin Whitefish Whitefish Libby-Troy Helena Missoula Missoula Missoula Gallatin Livingston Whitefish Helena Butte Missoula Libby-Troy Missoula Helena Chinook Nashua Nashua Helena Bitterroot Missoula Mission Vly Livingston Havre Anaconda Anaconda Montana Averages 2009-2010 Farmer, Lacy Farnes, Ruth Ann Farnes, Tim L Farnham, Howard Farnsworth, Mary M Farnsworth, Shane L Farrell, Pat T Farrell, Seth James C Farren, Mary L Farwick, Cindy S Fassbeinder, Raegan A Fassett, Kelly R Fasso, Bernadine E Fast, Anthony Fast, Stephanie S Faulconer, Aline(Sis) Faulhaber, Cacy R Faulhaber, Diana Fauque, Ric Fauske, Donna L Fauske, Loretta Faust, Virginia Faw, Keith O Fawcett, Doug W Fawcett, Lisa Fayden, Jean M Fayram, Suzanne E Fayram, Tony T Fee, Jody E Feeken, Nettie L Feeler, Sharon A Feezell, Paul Fegan, Julie Fegan, Robert M Fehlmann, Kathy A Fehr, Jessica T Felda, Kristy Felde, Diane E Feliciano, Ben F Feliciano, Carrie D Feliciano, Clay A Feliciano, Don E Feliciano, Shayna S Feller, Jodi L Feller, Mike B Feller, Travis M Fellon, Rhonda Fellows, Jamey T Fellows, Lyman Fellows, Theresa A Felter, Chuck A Felter, John T Felter, Rose Felter, Steve Felter, Will M Fenner, Allan L Fenner, Arlita Fenner, Joanne Fenner, Kenneth Fenner, Sueann Fenton, Jason M Fenton, Joshua D Fenwick, Charles M Ferda, Esther F Ferda, John R Ferda, Joseph L Ferda, Laureen Ferda, Phillip A Ferda, Vicki A Ferderer, Jerry L Ferderer, Richard J Ferdinand, Leann G Fergen, Todd J Fergerson, Arthur L Ferguson, Bertha J Ferguson, Derik Ferguson, Kenneth B 146 140 186 138 146 187 135 143 112 161 93 113 172 168 122 126 151 136 149 172 130 148 133 172 162 130 149 165 149 126 124 188 141 157 138 100 116 111 157 112 194 167 137 137 174 170 126 193 167 165 169 182 154 144 169 196 149 148 179 167 116 150 112 122 165 144 132 129 119 187 163 122 193 210 129 155 188 81 75 57 87 81 69 57 39 48 33 45 66 75 73 42 48 30 87 87 72 63 78 78 41 48 48 93 93 39 75 87 66 69 111 66 30 77 99 83 81 96 72 75 51 84 72 60 60 39 36 72 69 72 24 72 87 87 48 75 30 90 81 22 72 93 72 69 72 36 27 72 75 90 129 93 27 93 4028-934 8941-4396 9246-1070 4028-588 1390-6434 8991-9595 8941-5101 8378-3756 4047-51 9211-3029 8172-818 8941-4249 4038-111 4068-226 4056-222 1403-38 4056-223 8115-1000 1435-47 4827-440 6136-722 1411-108 1418-522 4062-75 8991-9483 8798-4180 8941-4538 9211-2967 9211-2954 9211-2816 9211-2747 9211-3034 1395-488 1392-275 2-11808 1419-297 1419-917 4056-3540 8798-3983 1419-298 4042-20 4068-1284 1405-75 8115-1176 1390-4767 8378-3793 1390-631 1435-87 Havre GYV Missoula Libby-Troy GYV GYV GYV Missoula Butte Ft Benton Gallatin Glacier Whitefish Nashua Missoula Col Falls Missoula Helena Glacier Whitefish Whitefish Helena Livingston Plentywood Plentywood Gt Falls Butte Butte Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Miles City Havre Havre Livingston GYV Helena Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Plentywood Butte Gallatin Gallatin Helena Helena Helena Helena Helena Gt Falls Deer Lodge Missoula Deer Lodge Gt Falls Livingston GYV Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Anaconda Gt Falls Plentywood Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 22 of 81 Ferkin, Priscilla (Pat) A Ferko, William T Ferkovich, Marie J Ferkovich, Steve Ferkovitch, Dave T Fernandes, Steve Ferris, Chad Ferris, Myra M Ferris, Tom A Fetsch, Donna Fettig, Renee D Fettig, William S Ficek, David L Fiedler, Linda R Field, Dick N Field, Dick N Field, Doris A Field, Larry Fields, Barry N Fields, Elaine Fields, Holly M Fields, Jana D Fields, Nancy J Fifer, Gary Fifer, Paul D Figarelle, John Figgins, Dan L Figgins, Gale D Figgins, Sandra L Fiksdal, Byrna Fiksdal, Marvin Filcher, Betty Finholm, Edna M Finigan, Chris R Fink, Alma L Fink, Chuckie H Fink, Jamie R Fink, Mike A Finkbeiner, Bryan R Finkbeiner, Ronald A Finkbeiner, Roy R Finlayson, Ellarene M Finlayson, Mary L Finlayson, Tracy R Finley, Betty Finley, Bryce S Finley, Cheryl R Finley, Joel M Finley, Julie Finley, Lynne Finley, Ray Finley, Victor Finneman, Tom Finstad, Natalie Finstad, Robert Firman, Mikell C Fischer, Angie L Fischer, Dannie Fischer, John D Fischer, Terri M Fiscus, Brady Fish, Matthew D Fishburn, James R Fishell, Chad Fishell, Scott Fisher, Brandon R Fisher, Dick Fisher, Eugene A Fisher, Gary Fisher, Glen M Fisher, Janis Fisher, Joe L Fisher, John C Fisher, Jovon J Fisher, Kate Fisher, Linda Fisher, Martin 113 130 174 201 137 119 167 157 187 132 128 166 184 113 162 159 145 177 157 121 86 163 148 169 175 135 120 117 162 132 147 129 142 148 116 144 132 188 163 159 156 116 107 135 142 200 169 204 132 129 139 144 171 161 173 131 114 149 177 120 131 112 163 144 143 179 169 163 170 124 118 127 152 145 138 127 132 35 75 99 87 48 78 54 87 84 63 93 84 30 93 66 42 57 120 90 74 90 87 38 90 81 39 30 66 33 72 81 96 37 39 84 78 27 90 42 60 39 90 93 69 84 45 54 78 35 87 81 87 61 38 47 30 78 78 40 21 12 48 78 60 21 70 24 69 69 63 87 24 96 48 81 81 84 9211-2997 8378-3590 4068-672 8798-4127 1390-5054 4056-227 1419-936 1390-7355 8710-981 1422-17 8114-893 4058-881 9211-3119 4029-360 4029-110 5028-68 2372-83 4042-47 4068-419 4068-1977 4028-1003 8115-1132 1392-454 1392-249 1392-255 4047-127 9368-660 1431-251 4054-42 1432-1304 9246-804 9246-805 9368-661 1430-35 8798-3688 8798-3689 8991-9613 1387-81 1390-6786 4028-6844 1425-513 1390-2138 8320-243 1404-92 1390-6801 1410-188 1394-50 1390-447 1394-135 1432-453 1394-51 4029-309 1390-351 Gallatin Butte Missoula Col Falls Whitefish Helena GYV Helena Helena Big Sandy Nashua Nashua GYV Laurel Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Bigfork Gt Falls Glendive Bitterroot Col Falls Thompson Fls Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Bigfork Bigfork Deer Lodge Missoula Anaconda Missoula GYV Livingston Anaconda Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Ft Benton Bigfork Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Chinook Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Bigfork Miles City Helena Helena Gt Falls GYV Bigfork GYV GYV Libby-Troy Glendive GYV Daniels Daniels GYV Ft Benton GYV Nashua GYV Nashua Glacier Missoula Glacier Gallatin Lewistown GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Fisk, Leann M Fitterer, Fid Fitterer, Lillian Fitzgerald, Cristie S Fitzgerald, Mary Ellen Fitzgerald, Sarah P Fitzpatrick, Lainie Fitzpatrick, Malisa Fitzpatrick, Mary F Fix, Anne Fix, Dan G Fix, Misti J Fix, Shane D Fix, Terry L Flack, Josh Fladager, Carol Flagg, Preston R Flaig, Tyler J Flammond, Bryce D Flammond, Carol M Flammond, Jared Flammond, Randolph Flanagan, Benjamin M Flanagan, Galen L Flanders, Janet A Flanders, Judith Flansaas, Lance C Flasche, Anne Flasche, Dale Flasche, Jack Flasche, Jack Flasche, Lois Flasche, Lois Flasche, Lois Flasnick, Carol Fleming, Jeff S Fleming, Ron S Fleming, Sherry R Fleming, Wade A Flemmer, Rhonda Flesch, Joe L Flesch, Mary A Fletcher, Brigitte B Fletcher-Boggs, Tiann M Fletcher-Hayes, Audrey M Fleury, Ed J Flies, Michael E Flinders, Derek Flint, Brenda Floen, Peggy E Flom, Brenda K Flom, Mieck T Flom, Paul R Flores, Carrie M Flotkoetter, Vicki Floyd, Sharon Fluet, Ihian Flynn, Benjamin C Flynn, Bret L Flynn, Bridger C Flynn, Cathy L Flynn, Marjorie K Flynn, Patty Fogel, Cheryl A Fogelsong, Mac L Fogelsong, Shannon M Fogle, Scott Foley, Bruce L Foley, Jay Foley, Vivian R Folk, Terry Folkerts, Dan W Folkerts, Debby A Fonger, Cindy Fontain, Roger P Fontaine, Alicia M Foos, Linda S 147 171 104 120 153 143 159 113 128 143 199 111 221 173 156 118 93 195 134 125 129 139 144 180 137 138 191 144 155 90 69 72 51 47 24 33 84 96 66 99 63 90 93 69 30 21 51 63 69 75 84 24 90 34 39 78 75 87 137 137 182 126 191 131 141 126 121 113 83 140 181 146 129 144 116 133 163 117 121 57 39 75 70 87 54 83 66 84 69 60 96 57 60 42 74 60 21 87 45 39 139 142 198 141 114 100 106 105 148 169 144 156 188 136 178 150 150 164 99 155 132 57 75 66 81 87 84 45 66 27 90 96 78 57 87 81 96 87 24 39 87 72 8798-3841 4029-166 8991-9643 4025-87 1432-1406 8991-9685 1432-1407 8941-4004 9246-1136 8320-193 8941-4207 8172-810 4040-96 6140-15 1403-409 4068-528 4056-2617 1432-1526 4045-81 1425-549 1425-451 1425-451 4061-259 4061-259 4061-259 4056-3544 8172-885 4040-172 1390-6469 9211-2578 4038-481 1419-11 1419-1142 4025-218 8710-895 8991-9766 1390-4744 4028-6109 4059-95 9246-925 8991-9894 1390-739 1423-235 1390-7167 8710-1146 4028-4344 1405-116 8941-5094 1390-6115 4028-6039 8285-1709 8115-817 1390-470 8114-762 8941-4291 1390-3494 4028-4139 4056-241 8378-3368 4028-3186 Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Gallatin Whitefish Havre Havre GYV Miles City Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Daniels Gt Falls Missoula Glacier Glacier Glacier Glacier Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Helena Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Helena Glacier Gt Falls Glacier GYV Thompson Fls Toole Cnty Gt Falls Gallatin Gt Falls Col Falls Helena Helena Circle Miles City Gt Falls Laurel GYV GYV GYV Laurel Libby-Troy GYV GYV Laurel GYV Laurel GYV Deer Lodge Missoula GYV GYV Miles City Livingston GYV Bitterroot Missoula GYV GYV Helena Anaconda Butte GYV 8/28/2010 Foran, Jill L Foran, Richard C Force, Robert C Forcina, Dan Forcinia, Lacey R Ford, Adam Ford, Kari B Ford, Ruby Foreman, Don D Foreman, Larry Forkan, Joseph Forsch, Carrol L Forsman, Steve D Forster, Karla R Forster, Tony Forsythe, Scott C Fortune, Chris A Fortune, Chris P Fortune, Kim K Fortune, R C Forwood, Walter W Fossedal, Deborah C Fossen, Andrea Fossen, Ellen Fossen, Mike Fossum, Janet S Foster, Alice E Foster, Brett K Foster, Chris Foster, Cyrilla K Foster, Grace Foster, James P Foster, Jeremy D Foster, Jody W Foster, Kevin Foster, Nancy C Fountain, Roy A Fouts, Debbie L Fowler, Dean A Fowler, Donny Fox, Angie M Fox, Ben M Fox, Carey A Fox, Charlie Fox, Delores R Fox, Derrick J Fox, Eileen Fox, Jackie J Fox, James D Fox, Jason M Fox, Jasyn W Fox, Jasyn W Fox, Jeremia J Fox, Jessie L Fox, John L Fox, Kristin J Fox, Larry W Fox, Meagan K Fox, Miranda R Fox, Neil E Fox, Rebecca B Fox, Ronna R Fox, Shannon R Fox, Sharon R Fox, Stacy L Fox, Terry L Fox, Trudy A Fox, Vickie B Fracchiolla, Clay J Fradette, David J Fradette, Diann C Fradette, Lucas J Fragnito, Minnie Frahm, Jacqueline Frahm, Robert L Frame, Ralph A Frampton, Mary E Page 23 of 81 163 199 122 155 87 102 111 159 148 182 163 124 186 119 186 128 147 210 172 185 187 147 135 147 153 185 120 162 188 129 156 173 134 152 160 161 155 143 199 138 76 181 127 168 160 157 142 117 196 166 214 189 168 138 176 141 160 130 95 144 79 149 135 150 189 188 114 127 178 168 124 165 106 149 187 163 140 63 63 36 60 27 63 51 77 36 90 102 75 48 60 72 26 75 36 69 96 51 40 36 60 82 93 69 51 90 33 93 33 75 57 60 24 39 81 21 69 30 69 96 120 96 87 93 81 39 75 69 48 90 90 33 62 63 21 15 48 69 89 57 72 93 90 81 87 99 54 63 56 15 60 48 72 21 4028-4673 1390-3290 1419-299 8798-4240 9368-942 8114-760 4029-194 8974-286 4068-260 8378-3858 4059-363 8114-918 8114-890 1432-848 4034-412 1387-62 2069-5338 8798-4219 4061-66 4041-20 1425-171 4028-401 4051-116 8991-9084 1405-153 4028-1783 4042-87 1390-630 8991-8753 8974-325 1392-539 4029-167 4034-237 1392-318 8991-9867 8991-9931 8115-725 4059-343 1387-134 4059-13 1423-66 4059-10 4062-147 2240-564 1390-2559 1390-3868 1390-3868 8115-761 1423-299 1426-112 4059-777 1423-176 4056-3703 8941-5222 1423-11 8991-9800 4059-788 4028-7044 4068-424 1423-124 1423-21 8115-1030 4059-832 1392-316 1419-1389 8798-3869 6152-622 8941-4726 1432-454 GYV GYV Gt Falls Helena Helena Bigfork Bitterroot Gallatin Ft Benton Glendive Anaconda Missoula Butte Laurel Gt Falls Bitterroot Bitterroot Gallatin Butte Bigfork Gallatin Helena Libby-Troy Daniels Libby-Troy GYV Bitterroot GYV Deer Lodge GYV Deer Lodge GYV GYV Ft Benton Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Butte Gallatin GYV GYV Livingston Laurel Bigfork Laurel Laurel Laurel Livingston Laurel GYV GYV Laurel Livingston Laurel Livingston Laurel Laurel Helena Missoula Laurel GYV Laurel GYV Missoula Laurel Laurel Livingston Laurel Gallatin Helena Helena Helena Missoula Whitefish Whitefish Missoula Whitefish Montana Averages 2009-2010 France, Amanda Franchois, Joseph S Francis, Richard T Francis, Robin S Franck, Brenda J Franck, Steven J Franck, Thomas A Franco, Richard V, Jr Francom, Sandra L Frandsen, James E Frandsen, Michael W Frank, Alice M Frank, Alice M Frank, Amanda Frank, Angela M Frank, Darell W Frank, Dorothy L Frank, Gary Frank, James Frank, John I Frank, Kim M Frank, Max M Frank, Rita L Frank, Ronald D Frank, Sandi K Frank, Shelly L Frank, Vi M Franke, Jody A Franke, Terrie Franke, Trina Frankforter, Ernis D Frankino, Aggie Franklin, Betty M Franklin, Carrie E Franklin, Jim A Franklin, Patti Franklin, Ted Fransen, Diana Franz, Gloria C Frasch, Jimmie E Fraser, Cindy Frazer, Shirley A Frazier, Jessie C Fredrickson, Shanna L Freebourn, Jim Freebourn, Margie E Freebury, Gary Freeck, Greg C Freeck, Iris E Freed, Jamie Freed, Tim Freeman, Alice L Freeman, Corey Freeman, Dusty L Freeman, Jessica A Freeman, Karl G Freeman, Lynn H Freer, Jenice D Freese, Michael L Freetly, John Freier, Clayton M Freier, Harold C Freitag, Chad D Freitag, Gerald Freitag, Marilyn R Frelich, Bonnie L French, Carilla French, Jordan French, Mary Jon French, Suzanna L Frerich, Dick Frerich, Gwen M Fretheim, Mel Fretheim, Mike Fretwell, Andrew Frey, Clifford (Butch) F Frey, Cody A 136 125 184 153 166 154 130 179 161 149 150 141 136 109 154 186 168 158 193 165 144 155 162 190 151 180 120 157 155 135 166 122 158 137 128 191 151 145 131 160 124 133 120 174 156 145 178 163 131 139 144 141 134 146 158 205 152 142 182 144 137 116 148 184 134 123 114 143 128 171 168 144 163 168 168 128 103 15 93 96 75 60 63 87 45 60 93 54 84 90 45 75 36 69 93 90 51 51 96 84 132 96 81 60 99 66 99 75 72 54 78 60 78 87 39 60 66 51 63 87 99 60 96 69 90 84 57 54 57 134 56 57 63 60 72 24 60 84 81 72 72 87 87 90 45 90 63 78 72 75 90 44 96 84 9246-1124 8991-7779 9211-2973 8115-804 8798-3629 1432-964 1419-902 4059-101 4059-101 1392-24 1390-254 4028-634 1390-7329 4059-78 4029-272 8991-9584 8378-3804 4061-15 10-1966716 8114-842 4056-3354 4068-1066 8378-3822 1432-375 8991-8936 4066-106 4068-464 8798-4128 4028-4392 1395-73 4034-171 1390-6253 4028-6525 4040-19 1403-67 1405-305 8096-481 4028-7262 1390-4111 1392-11 1390-6917 8991-9692 8991-9691 1390-5010 1390-648 4028-436 4038-408 1435-219 4062-178 4028-97 1390-3248 4028-3893 9368-952 1432-376 8274-812 Libby-Troy Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Livingston Helena Gt Falls Missoula Helena GYV Laurel Chinook Thompson Fls Gallatin Glendive Glendive Glendive GYV GYV Gt Falls Glendive GYV Laurel Gallatin GYV Butte Libby-Troy Butte Bitterroot Helena Missoula Whitefish Butte Whitefish Missoula Toole Cnty Gt Falls GYV Miles City Missoula Helena GYV Butte Butte Glendive GYV GYV Glacier Glacier Gt Falls Deer Lodge Rocky Mtn Frt Helena GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Col Falls Havre Plentywood Livingston GYV GYV GYV Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Bigfork Missoula Dillon 8/28/2010 Page 24 of 81 Frey, Tammy L Frickel, Linda K Friede, Lynn Friede, Shelbee Friede, Susie Friedrich, Daniel E Friedt, Lee Friedt, Rodney L Frieling, Daryl J Frieling, Shanna L Fries, Heidi Friez, Ben Frieze, Joe S Friman, Michael R Frisbie, Britton K Frischmann, David R Frisk, Loanne C Fristo, Robert M Fritz, Robert L Frizzell, Amanda Frizzell, Steve A Frodsham, Dave G Frohlich, Mary W Frohlich, Vicki R Fromdahl, Gregory T Fromdahl, Michele L Frost, Laurie Frydenlund, Karie Frydenlund, Merlin Frydenlund, Randi Frydenlund, Tennile Fryer, Tim Fryett, Matt A Fryslie, Alan R Fuchs, Albert (Skip) C Fuchs, Sandy D Fuehrer, Esther Fugate, Jim B Fugere, Jennifer Fugere, Susan Fugget, Dona M Fugle, Beth A Fugle, Leonard R Fuhrer, Rodney L Fulbright, Matt J Fuller, James Fulp, Douglas R Fulton, Mary L Fulton, Ross Fura, Becky R Furlong, Terri C Furr, Catherine Furr, Mallory Furrer, Chuck J Furrer, Jody L Gab, Nancy Gab, Tom Gabel, Frank W Gabel, Frank W Gabel, Greg D Gabel, Heidi M Gabel, Thomas A Gabel-Chalupa, Cynthia R Gable, Isaak N Gabrian, Lyle L Gabriel, Jerel K Gabriel, Launi C Gager, Alice E Gagnon, Donna L Galbraith, James W Galbraith, Tamara E Galetti, Catherine Galetti, Marce J Galgerud, Shannon N Gall, Ronald D Gallager, Kristi Gallager, Thomas 100 141 128 126 151 166 121 143 185 156 137 182 182 170 99 136 130 170 129 92 163 151 116 110 121 136 135 164 169 128 141 157 186 145 188 118 103 181 132 141 147 144 131 144 146 116 212 153 165 100 131 122 121 193 143 103 107 209 195 160 121 148 114 137 176 166 154 96 113 206 131 137 116 119 163 115 145 33 54 48 87 90 48 57 54 36 72 45 105 81 93 42 42 87 99 21 21 87 66 90 27 57 36 63 78 84 63 33 51 78 66 87 87 51 99 57 105 78 81 75 84 63 142 60 87 86 54 81 90 30 87 84 81 78 75 59 39 90 71 72 42 51 24 90 76 90 30 72 72 72 93 75 72 42 4059-195 1390-2799 4059-934 1423-353 1397-48 4029-65 8798-3682 1390-495 8991-9869 8991-9669 8115-1016 1432-414 8991-9879 1405-324 1392-455 1390-253 8991-8963 8991-8856 4056-3458 4038-319 8285-1721 8991-8607 1431-171 1432-495 4068-423 4056-253 8320-262 4068-580 4040-97 1403-9 1390-7118 9211-3059 10-1058978 4029-168 4038-222 9368-943 1432-721 4068-1323 9246-1207 9246-1208 2130-222 2130-222 1390-4318 4028-6902 1390-6867 8991-8332 8798-4165 1390-607 4029-169 4068-2263 4034-569 4034-362 1395-550 8798-3715 1432-111 9246-948 9246-949 Gt Falls Laurel Chinook Havre Havre GYV Laurel Laurel Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Helena Anaconda GYV Gt Falls GYV GYV Livingston Missoula GYV Deer Lodge Gallatin GYV GYV GYV Nashua Nashua Helena Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Bigfork Toole Cnty Miles City GYV Mission Vly Missoula Missoula Helena Glendive Daniels Missoula Whitefish Glacier Glacier GYV Gallatin Lewistown Gallatin Gallatin Glendive Gt Falls Col Falls Bigfork Toole Cnty Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Laurel GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Helena GYV Gt Falls Gallatin Missoula Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Butte Helena Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Montana Averages 2009-2010 Gallagher, George F Gallagher, Michael J Gallagher, Thomas Galland, Dennis R Gallant, Doc G Gallaway, Frank N Gallaway, Laurie A Galle, Helen B Gallinger, Nancy M Gallis, Leo D Gallo, Vicki L Gallup, Melody R Gallup, Roz Galvan, Holly A Galvan, Joshua L Galvan, Margarita Gambrel, Juanita K Gamell, Carol L Gander, Wes Ganiere, Donna Ganiere, John Gantenbein, Michell K Gantenbein, Ted E Ganz, Alice Ganz, Scott Ganz,Shane Garber, George E Garber, Karen M Garber, Mark E Garber, Mike J Garcia, Steve C Gard, Becky Garding, Becky J Gardner, Bridgett M Gardner, Charles W Gardner, Glen Gardner, Janis M Gardner, Troy Gariepy, Fred B Garland, Teresa L Garretson, James A Garretson, Kathleen A Garrigues, Adam J Garrin, Ray L Garrin, Ray L Garrison, Alisha Garrison, Amber D Garrison, Linda Garsjo, Matt H Garvin, Christopher D Garvin, Debra K Garvin, Lori M Garwood, Greg H Garwood, Stacy D Garza, Christina J Gaskins, Floyd Toby R Gaskins, Nancy Gaskins, Rich Moose Gasser, Scott E Gassett, Garrett Gasvoda, James M Gasvoda, Joan Gasvoda, Linda S Gates, David S Gaub, Curtis Gaughan, Jay D Gauhier, Kevin Gaul, Bruce A Gaunt, Mark A Gaustad, Laurie Gauthier, Kevin D Gauthier, Pam C Gauthier, Somer L Gavin, Lori A Gaw, John Gay, Bonny L Geary, Jack 160 131 124 178 139 170 132 126 98 138 133 139 147 123 181 110 147 134 173 149 157 118 136 148 192 189 168 132 150 138 181 158 137 121 159 115 139 125 139 117 145 128 186 182 171 118 133 150 193 172 141 88 127 127 108 161 129 137 218 137 131 130 116 167 162 215 172 139 169 137 187 98 117 138 140 124 162 84 76 63 78 80 90 87 90 45 78 69 60 51 75 75 54 36 57 78 90 90 99 102 96 78 112 81 89 84 72 84 69 60 54 75 53 81 90 84 33 51 75 75 81 75 75 69 54 99 96 78 93 45 33 30 75 42 72 81 84 81 55 75 99 66 33 87 81 39 69 112 42 60 78 24 84 30 1392-299 8991-8172 1395-75 1432-567 9057-664 8114-778 8114-777 4028-1900 4028-6780 4028-4413 4028-28 1432-284 4024-83 1387-63 4056-3610 1419-1689 4024-107 1387-33 1387-38 8378-3306 4028-4278 1430-381 1431-112 8378-2992 1390-6758 4028-1085 1390-881 8941-5035 8941-5035 1405-322 8941-4694 4061-265 8991-9079 4028-313 8991-9261 8378-3405 8991-8487 1390-3 9246-1128 1430-78 1390-4053 9368-981 1414-916 8941-4787 8320-189 8941-5048 8798-3295 4068-614 8941-4941 1405-328 Gallatin GYV Butte Missoula Mission Vly Bitterroot Bitterroot GYV GYV Whitefish Whitefish GYV GYV Whitefish Whitefish Glendive Thompson Fls Gt Falls Missoula Bigfork Bigfork Helena Helena Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Butte Toole Cnty GYV Gt Falls Thompson Fls Gt Falls Thompson Fls Miles City Mission Vly Butte GYV GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Deer Lodge Missoula Libby-Troy Nashua GYV GYV GYV Butte Nashua GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Libby-Troy Gt Falls Big Sandy Gt Falls Lewistown Miles City GYV Bigfork Bitterroot Missoula Daniels Whitefish Missoula Helena Missoula Missoula Nashua Deer Lodge 8/28/2010 Page 25 of 81 Gebhardt, Kenneth W Gebhardt, Larry Gebhardt, Monte Gee, Terry M Geer, Michele C Geesey, Al Geffre, Dan M Geiger, Debora S Geiger, Gary L Geiger, Sherry L Geiss, Raymond C Gelling, Kira D Gelling, Nathan R Gemar, Melissa B Gembala, Betty Gembala, Clarence Gembala, Rick Gembala, Rod Gembala, Tracey Gendreau, Amy(Nicki) N Generux, Devin Gensemer, Melva Gensemer, Nancy J Gensemer, Tate Gentilini, Mike Gentry, Janelle George, Leroy E Gerber, George G Gerdts, Jack L Gerdts, Linda R Geren, Christina P Geren, Joseph W Gerhardt, Nancy C Gerhardt, Randy L Gerhart, Roy N Gerke, Dennis Gerky, Karia Gerl, Mark Gernaat, William C Gersack, Marliyn Gervais, James T Gerving, Leanne M Geving, John Geyer, Crystal Geyer,Larry Giacomino, Fred J Gibbons, Christopher R Gibbs, Mike Gibson, Jacob A Gibson, Julie A Gibson, Justin Gibson, Mark A Giddeon, Dianna L Giem, Cindy Giem, Tina A Gies, Gordon J Gies, Mary L Gies, Mary Louise Giese, Bud J Giesick, Morris A Gifford, Darleena F Gifford, David R Gifford, Lauretta L Gigoux, David R Gilbert, Blaine D Gilbert, Cheryl S Gilbert, Cynthia Gilbert, David M Gilbert, Kathleen J Gilbert, Matt S Gilbert, Ronald Gilbert, Sharon Gilbert, Sheila Gilbert, Wendy S Gilbertson, Cyndy L Gildea, Jason J Giles, Ethan A 122 135 182 147 118 174 207 166 175 116 145 183 228 103 162 156 177 167 160 150 167 105 164 173 154 135 146 151 166 146 113 161 156 210 144 151 143 185 140 121 198 108 124 123 148 191 133 169 121 130 202 179 145 131 136 156 141 153 146 145 135 191 176 204 132 161 126 178 139 132 156 129 156 156 121 170 155 77 96 89 126 42 87 30 60 71 49 42 78 57 57 93 90 72 90 45 73 72 24 51 63 45 87 45 87 75 78 36 36 71 99 21 24 57 60 66 78 86 81 21 68 66 83 27 56 78 93 87 87 72 96 99 89 93 48 88 69 63 60 75 75 93 60 93 81 42 45 90 57 75 84 84 84 36 1405-20 1438-82 4068-145 4028-4286 1432-465 1390-7093 8710-1204 8991-9617 6136-213 1395-1250 8974-423 4024-84 1387-94 1387-181 1387-64 4024-76 9211-2775 4029-361 9211-2628 2624-201 4024-86 1418-163 1390-493 1431-108 4067-69 8115-1001 8115-1007 4028-2010 1390-492 1418-391 1419-398 8941-4048 8114-656 1386-137 1395-621 8798-4172 9368-1042 8941-5109 4028-2235 1430-389 4043-27 4043-249 4068-152 1419-1116 1423-153 1390-4189 4056-3141 8798-4250 1432-568 9211-3068 8798-3901 1425-6 4034-413 4061-86 4068-384 9211-3027 1419-399 Gt Falls Deer Lodge GYV Missoula GYV Missoula GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel GYV Butte Butte Ft Benton Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Whitefish Big Sandy Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Miles City Bigfork Havre GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Livingston Livingston GYV GYV Havre Gt Falls Havre Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Bitterroot Miles City Big Sandy Big Sandy Butte Helena Bigfork Missoula GYV Miles City Whitefish Whitefish Dillon Dillon Gt Falls Missoula Lewistown Helena Laurel Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Helena Gt Falls Helena Missoula Gallatin Helena Libby-Troy Butte Libby-Troy Missoula Gallatin Helena Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Gillespie, Mike C Gillis, Aja V Gillison, June Gillison, Marjie H Gills, Leeanne Gilman, Donna Gilman, Marlin Gilman, Rod E Gilmore, Brian Gilmore, James C, Jr Gilmore,Tom Gilson, Justin R Giltrap, Terre T Giovanini, Marscella L Gipe, George Dick R Gipe, Jerry C Gipe, Leona Girardin, Carl W Gish, Terry Given, Taylor J Gjerde, Kelly R Gjerde, Shannon M Glanton, Shawn M Glass, Curt Glass, Gina L Glass, Karen M Glass, Peggy J Glatt, Mark L Gleason, Dagni K Gleason, Jim Gleason, Joanna M Gleason, Laura L Gleason, Nikki Gleed, Kory J Glockner, Jo Glockner, Robert T Glover, Shirley A Glueckert, Patti Gobert, Diana K Gobert, Duane R Gobert, Glenda R Godfrey, Craig R Godfrey, Jana Godijohn, Marie Goe, Carrie C Goertz, Angela Goertz, Kris Goettle, Jerry Goettle, Susan Goewert, Ashley N Goff, Ernie Goff, Mick R Goff, Rick E Goff, Steve Goforth, Donald D Goforth, Travis L Goins, Cam Gold, Lillian M Goldner, Donna B Goldsby, Jean B Goldy, John W Goldy, Wade J Golightly, Dottie J Golightly, Randolph R Gollaher, Myrle A Gollihugh, Mark A Gondeiro, Don A Gondeiro, Vicki J Gonser, Ashley J Gonser, Karen J Gonser, Steve J Gonzales, Amy S Gonzales, Edward C Gonzales, Lisa D Gonzales, Lou A Gonzalez, Antonio S Gonzalez, Dede D 176 119 134 128 135 142 145 172 127 151 118 144 117 138 155 175 143 162 175 149 132 169 177 179 140 154 147 151 114 174 110 129 154 145 125 175 116 147 128 131 102 160 150 112 106 121 118 149 120 120 121 163 110 135 168 180 159 106 117 139 182 184 118 144 153 167 168 129 110 121 123 133 150 106 158 167 133 78 21 87 93 48 68 78 66 82 69 51 30 63 75 51 71 84 78 48 93 75 93 39 45 96 65 78 96 78 69 84 96 87 75 23 30 39 84 72 81 87 84 81 78 21 48 47 96 27 30 81 42 39 57 84 81 69 75 81 69 75 60 42 69 84 42 48 45 30 60 21 84 84 27 51 66 78 1390-4828 4028-7070 10-1821819 4028-1072 4042-25 1405-44 9246-1227 9246-1226 1418-605 4034-565 1390-3788 4028-4370 1390-444 8710-1217 4028-4642 1390-4192 1432-696 9211-2535 4062-9 8991-7877 4056-268 8114-874 4029-113 1419-1654 8941-5161 1432-166 4067-264 4056-3180 8172-931 8172-946 8172-932 8798-4156 4056-3189 9211-3101 8285-1389 8285-1758 1419-435 4056-2059 8274-796 8285-1685 8710-919 8991-9670 1430-357 1432-1226 1432-1227 1425-375 8115-1002 4062-254 4068-420 1390-4889 1423-199 8941-4804 9211-2531 1418-599 9211-2533 8798-3444 8798-3445 GYV GYV Miles City GYV Gt Falls Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Whitefish Libby-Troy Whitefish Libby-Troy Havre Gt Falls Butte Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Toole Cnty Laurel GYV GYV Missoula Whitefish Gallatin Thompson Fls Livingston GYV Gt Falls Helena Bitterroot Gallatin Helena Missoula Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Helena Glacier Glacier Glacier Helena Helena Plentywood Gallatin Miles City Miles City Helena Helena Dillon Miles City Laurel GYV Miles City Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Livingston Livingston Missoula GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Havre Gt Falls Gallatin Helena Helena 8/28/2010 Page 26 of 81 Gonzalez, Sandi M Good, Douglas S Good, Keith A Goodbred, William E Goodbred, William E Goodburn, Deb S Goodin, David R Goodman, Betty Goodman, Robyn F Goodwin, Christopher W Goodwin, Joe F Goodwin, Meghan C Gookin, Jim Gordon, Gregory S Gordon, Kate Gordon, Pat J Gordon, Tammy M Gordon, Tom Gorecki, Matt M Gorman, Glen Gorsich, Maryann Goselin, Justin P Gossack, Thomas V Gossett, Anthony Gotschall, Janine Gottlob, Gail B Gould, Colleen R Gould, Lorraine F Gover, Audrey L Gowen, Laurie Gradwohl, Dennis R Gradwohl, Dick Gradwohl, Drake A Gradwohl, Eleanor Gradwohl, Eleanor M Gradwohl, Michael P Gradwohl, Rhonda L Gradwohl, Robert H Graf, Nancy L Graham, Dirk Graham, Elaine Graham, Jackie E Graham, James L Graham, Johnna Graham, Juel R Graham, Justice W Graham, Kimberly D Graham, Martin Marty E Graham, Niki M Graham, Norma J Graham, Trisha Graham, Ynonne Gramley, Paulette J Grammens, Alberta R Grammond, Tosha Gramza, Ray Granada, Carol E Grandberg, Jean Granholm, Linda D Gransbery, Wayne D Grant, Kevin J Grant, Lynn I Grant, Lynn M Grant, Mary Grant, Mary R Grant, Tammy R Grant, Terry J Grant, Twila R Grasser, Scott Grasseschi, Dennis K Gratwohl, Ryan S Graus, Naomi M Gravely, Nick Gray Will Gray, Cathy J Gray, Jami L Gray, Jana D 138 152 159 198 195 115 157 128 153 159 175 110 157 188 80 149 142 140 203 147 130 140 162 163 142 113 117 144 135 130 166 161 175 140 147 176 130 162 144 184 99 181 144 125 95 128 121 162 166 104 122 133 124 147 69 168 164 126 138 158 173 135 205 147 142 117 165 126 190 165 173 100 143 150 105 134 96 51 78 36 77 63 69 21 72 81 21 78 21 96 62 54 66 66 50 45 63 81 88 45 66 66 45 81 132 93 45 45 60 24 48 87 81 42 72 48 60 84 75 120 48 39 39 21 93 64 24 57 84 93 81 75 90 99 78 66 45 30 75 63 47 66 48 63 75 81 107 81 48 84 75 81 74 39 4028-1271 8115-1133 931-10695 2328-589 2328-589 8991-8738 1432-1161 4028-297 1432-483 8991-9823 8991-9824 1430-62 8172-923 1395-887 4034-291 8172-959 1419-1133 1403-407 8798-3940 8991-9852 8285-1739 4081-122 4028-7104 8798-3717 8941-4671 4029-50 4059-86 8991-9570 1423-143 1423-268 4059-280 4059-280 1423-181 8991-9569 1423-121 5272-103 8274-786 4025-133 8991-9942 8991-9939 5250-2107 4067-136 4025-70 4028-2858 4028-461 8285-1740 1414-279 4028-5358 1443-40 4028-1367 1390-6530 4058-204 4028-6555 8991-9872 8982-218 4078-96 1432-167 4028-5271 10-1971108 8941-4680 GYV Livingston GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Missoula GYV Missoula GYV Lewistown GYV Miles City Gt Falls Glacier Butte Butte Glacier Helena Glacier Helena GYV Gt Falls Miles City Laurel GYV Helena Missoula Gallatin Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel Laurel GYV Laurel Laurel Laurel GYV Col Falls Dillon Gt Falls Anaconda Miles City GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Mission Vly Gt Falls Miles City Toole Cnty GYV GYV Miles City Bitterroot Nashua Havre GYV Laurel Thompson Fls GYV GYV Bigfork GYV GYV GYV GYV Col Falls Missoula Glendive GYV Deer Lodge Harlem Gt Falls Missoula Glendive Montana Averages 2009-2010 Gray, Mary Ann Gray, Michele Gray, Mike J Gray, Neely W Gray, Patricia E Gray, Roger M, Jr Gray, Roger W Gray, Scott Gray, Stephanie L Graybeal, Charlene Graybeal, Gregory F Grayboy Pearl Greathouse, Kathy S Greb, Eileen A Green, Esther W Green, Fredrick Fred R Green, Jack D Green, Janet M Green, Jason C Green, Myrna Green, Norman Norm R Green, Pat Green, Phyllis M Green, William H Green, Willy Greene, Davin E Greene, Jonathan M Greene, Tiffany M Greene, Troy Greene, Troy Greenfield, Aimee K Greenfield, Chris B Greenfield, Craig A Greenfield, Darlene M Greenlea, Brent Z Greenlee, Erna Greenlee, Jeff Greenley, David H Greenlief, Roberta Greenwood, Edward G Greenwood, Hazel Greenwood, Oliver G Greer, Robert R, Jr Gregier, Nathan D Gregoire, Mildred Gregoire, Rhonda Gregori, Grace E Gregory, Dennis R Gregory, Leslie Greil, Chris S Greil, Jennifer M Greil, Nick J Greiner, Andy D Gresham, Michael P Gresham, Roberta K Gress, Darrin Gress, Shelly A Gressang, Nancy S Greteman, Liz Gribben, Michael F Gribble, Anthony M Griffin, Daniel L Griffin, Rod M Griffin, Shad D Griffin, Tiffany M Griffing, Betsy Griffith, Robert J Griggs, Bonita Grigsby, Ashley B Grigsby, James L Grigsby, Jon L Grilley, Barbara B Grilley, Ken Grilley, Richard Grilley, Tammy M Grimes, Valerie Grimes,Doug 144 133 143 117 104 142 157 155 97 94 145 117 166 122 123 134 147 121 193 111 141 132 106 179 171 112 127 145 175 191 125 164 123 113 113 110 167 161 130 170 123 137 122 151 113 141 107 172 123 145 102 161 156 126 121 165 100 148 110 166 173 157 146 169 98 105 148 138 146 192 195 155 156 147 151 130 132 72 78 81 72 72 45 78 33 48 93 51 60 82 72 48 54 78 54 90 51 78 39 96 60 54 90 36 39 90 78 68 39 60 81 87 90 75 72 72 89 71 42 48 93 78 87 93 69 69 33 81 84 69 63 69 46 46 90 54 57 62 84 78 21 54 21 45 81 21 69 69 69 42 84 81 96 96 4068-20 4025-208 8114-837 1394-54 1394-79 4068-589 1432-347 4068-1615 4034-611 4028-1273 8991-9290 1639-1228 9211-2519 4028-4129 8114-895 4038-465 9057-530 8798-4200 4028-7134 1390-6219 4025-114 1386-29 1390-5113 4083-25 1419-641 4056-2744 9211-3090 4028-1325 1432-197 8941-5132 4068-2417 1432-1543 8576-8430 4038-466 8991-7952 1395-87 8991-8883 8941-5223 8941-5217 1419-617 1419-552 4038-204 4058-607 9368-815 9368-820 Missoula Miles City Bitterroot Gt Falls Gt Falls Glacier Glacier Lewistown Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Harlem Missoula Butte GYV Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Missoula Anaconda Gt Falls Gallatin GYV Glendive Circle Bitterroot Gt Falls Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Mission Vly Gt Falls Helena GYV GYV Miles City Miles City GYV Whitehall Helena Helena Gt Falls Gallatin Gt Falls GYV Havre Gt Falls Missoula Big Sandy Missoula Missoula Missoula Ft Benton Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls Col Falls Thompson Fls GYV Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Helena Havre Anaconda Helena Anaconda Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Bigfork Bigfork 8/28/2010 Page 27 of 81 Grimmett, Angela D 172 Grinde, Rory 142 Griner, Joanne M 121 Grist, Gene 179 Grob, Mary 117 Groh, Karen S 144 Groh, Kyle 112 Grondine, Philippe J 149 Grooms, Joe 148 Groshong, Bernie E 177 Gross, Chris J 136 Gross, Garth G 205 Gross, Joe G 182 Gross, Tim J 180 Grossman, Kyle R 182 Grossman, Lyla L 81 Grossman, Nancy M 126 Grossman, Stephen 163 Grotberg, Avery S 132 Groth, Cari 108 Groth, Eric J 132 Grotjohn, Chris E 152 Grout, Dana L 136 Grove, Chris L 155 Grove, Kelly D 163 Grove, Phil 125 Grover, Jack 174 Grubb, Douglas 189 Grubb, George O 123 Grubb, Joel 171 Grubb, Kevin M 169 Grubb, Nora 141 Grubbs, Sharon J 163 Gruber, Tyson R 136 Grubidge, Steve L 129 Grundhauser, Dan J 203 Grundhauser, Ray S 191 Grundhauser, Richard (Dick) F190 Grundmeier, Frank L 177 Grundmeier, Julie 135 Grundmeier, Sandra 134 Grunhuvd, Terry 162 Grunt, Aaron 148 Gruss, Tami K 131 Gruwell, Carol E 146 Guardipee, Ray 106 Gubler, Tracy L 137 Guccione, Robert R 160 Guckeen, Robert L 123 Gudatis, Lois E 131 Gudmunsen, Susan C 96 Gudmunson, Gary 89 Guelff, Sandi 166 Guenthner, Theodore A 139 Guerrant, Ann 134 Guest, Carol Y 146 Guidry, Chris A 221 Guidry, Jennifer L 133 Guill, Foley A 134 Guill, James Randy R 196 Gulbranson, Tim 167 Gulick, Seraphim Cory W 180 Gumenberg, Jamie L 117 Gunderson, Katherine E 172 Gunderson, Mervin G 162 Gunderson, Patricia J 138 Gunderson, Robert W 150 Gundlach, Stephanie G 129 Gundloch, Carrie 105 Gunsch, Patricia A 163 Gunsch, Roy P 150 Gunsch, Tara 142 Gunsch, William O 187 Guptill, Arlene 142 Guse, Sheila M 131 Gustafson, Erik R 177 Gustafson, Gus M 178 87 45 69 84 84 30 45 96 96 60 51 75 66 87 90 33 64 63 21 75 72 78 24 81 39 48 93 33 78 41 87 33 63 24 38 56 69 87 87 56 87 48 66 72 69 36 72 48 56 93 72 78 87 78 48 63 52 93 45 90 96 36 44 78 54 87 66 57 30 96 24 36 90 93 111 27 75 4028-247 8991-9028 1430-9 4028-5505 9211-2841 1390-3545 1390-1971 1395-89 1395-1292 4047-21 1410-12 9211-2998 8798-4192 8798-4193 8991-8466 2944-1783 1435-221 1435-206 1432-1196 1419-1682 1392-378 4028-685 10-796580 1395-310 1395-708 1395-703 1419-1128 4056-2747 8115-610 4066-369 8172-739 4062-221 1390-468 1390-6195 4038-467 1390-3466 4024-203 5033-8439 4028-5931 1390-738 4029-234 1392-95 4029-725 1392-553 8991-9883 8285-1755 4028-4832 8991-9655 4029-8 1392-253 4029-39 4068-1645 GYV GYV Gt Falls Miles City GYV Thompson Fls Circle Gallatin GYV Thompson Fls GYV Whitefish Butte Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Ft Benton Ft Benton Gallatin Helena Helena GYV Dillon Plentywood Plentywood Whitefish Missoula Big Sandy Helena Big Sandy Helena Big Sandy GYV Havre Gt Falls Butte Butte Butte Helena Helena Livingston Miles City Anaconda Anaconda Gt Falls Glacier Livingston GYV GYV Gt Falls Col Falls Col Falls Glendive GYV Bigfork Whitefish GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin GYV Miles City GYV GYV Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Gt Falls Whitefish Montana Averages 2009-2010 Gustafson, Sharon A Gustavsen, Judy K Gustavsen, Vivienne M Gustin, Dan J Gustin, Linda Gustin, Richelle Guthmiller, John D Guthmiller, Mary J Guthrie, Bonnie D Guthrie, Lillian L Guttormson, Angela K Guzman, Sharon R Gwin, Naomi Gyles, Roselyn M Haack, Gary W Haagenson, Bruce E Haagenson, Jim A Haagenson, Patricia Trish L Haas, Mitchell Haas, Teresa Haase, Brad A Habeger, Richard Habel, Michele M Haber, Paul Hackett, Rod C Hackman, Charles Chuck Hackman, Miles S Hackmann, Truman M Hadd, Richard D Haden, Braidy Hadfield, Linda Hadland, Bryan Hadland, Leah Hadler, George Hadler, Joann Hadley, Patrick W Haeffner, Colton W Haefs, Nathaniel F Haemker, Clifford Haensel, Dorothy L Haferman, Bunnie J Hafliger, Beverly A Hafner, Gayle L Hagan, Katie J Hagedorn, Randy L Hagedorn, Ricky L Hagemeister, Donny Hagemeister, Valerie Hagen, Clifford D Hagen, Dustin M Hagen, Lori M Hagen, Mike Bud T Hagen, Mike T Hagen, Rebecca S Hagen, Reid L Hagen, Tim J Hageness, Jeremy Hagerman, Beverly J Hagerman, Curt J Hagerman, Monica L Hagerman-Benton, Sherry L Hagestad, Cheryl R Hagestad, Dan Haggard, Faryl J Haggray, Maurice Hagler, Dean M Hagstrom, Chuck P Hagstrom, Daniel J Hagstrom, Rich J Hahn, Elaine M Hahn, Sharon A Haider, Daryl G Haider, George Haider, Stephanie G Haight, Michele Hain, Alice L Haines, Mary 126 157 131 173 133 140 193 162 114 118 122 150 121 119 150 170 162 130 84 60 45 75 87 99 78 93 33 105 45 75 90 96 96 72 66 57 168 153 162 146 192 191 132 184 183 201 81 131 166 120 169 139 133 190 166 136 144 109 148 122 100 177 136 142 133 134 138 135 153 148 161 134 156 125 135 149 121 148 116 190 179 189 205 156 153 172 124 120 152 149 135 164 150 144 30 84 84 33 75 87 96 30 66 78 30 87 28 30 48 87 78 85 68 21 54 30 72 63 57 24 69 63 69 75 63 84 93 75 48 81 93 18 75 78 81 84 54 120 78 57 81 96 99 75 30 78 54 78 66 78 78 88 4034-324 4034-215 8378-3128 8941-4511 4061-258 8378-3271 1392-101 4029-274 4034-125 4034-490 4068-1098 1390-3335 1390-755 9246-1240 1432-520 1431-127 1435-99 1390-4968 8941-5204 4085-9 1387-80 9368-908 1425-438 4061-210 9057-665 6136-724 1211-49932 1432-286 9057-515 8941-4328 8798-4216 1430-463 4066-465 8172-734 4028-3533 1390-645 9246-1225 4062-10 1499-7576 8991-9771 1432-2 1431-56 1432-278 9211-2959 1392-943 1392-960 4047-174 4068-112 1390-3016 1390-404 4028-3494 4056-957 9368-925 Butte Butte Butte Missoula Libby-Troy Butte Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Butte Butte Missoula GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Glendive Glendive Col Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Mission Vly Plentywood GYV Missoula Helena Bigfork Bigfork Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Mission Vly Butte GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Mission Vly Missoula Helena Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Miles City Miles City Glacier Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Gt Falls Libby-Troy Livingston GYV GYV Thompson Fls Gt Falls Missoula Mission Vly Anaconda Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Ft Benton Missoula GYV GYV GYV Helena Anaconda Bigfork 8/28/2010 Page 28 of 81 Hakes, Natasha A Halama, Joyce A Halbieib, Michael L Haldaman, Diana S Haldaman, William C, Iii Halder, Bonnie J Hale, Carina Hale, Jeremiah J Hale, Josh R Hale, M. Kay Hale, Maxine E Hales, Tami Hall, Diann C Hall, Donna Hall, H P, Jr Hall, Helen V Hall, Jason B Hall, John Hall, Julia Hall, Marie Hall, Mark H Hall, Michael D Hall, Norman L Hall, Phyllis K Hall, Richard A Hall, Rita J Hall, Robert J Hall, Rusty D Hall, Srilo Hall, Stephanie Hall, Terri J Hall, Troy K Hallen, April S Hallen, Dean E Hallen, Susan M Hallenberg, Brandon S Halley, Dan Hallgren, Lloyd E Hallin, Betty L Hallman, Dolores A Hallman, Rick D Halman, Tracey Halmans, Joe Halsey, Keven Halsey, Neal E Halsey, Ray N Haluszka, Carly D Halverson, Brandi Halverson, Chip Halverson, Hans A Halvorsen, Mary I Halvorson, Ivy L Halvorson, Jennifer K Halvorson, Marcy L Hamby, John Hamby, Shirley M Hamilton, Dave M Hamilton, Deb Hamilton, Diane Hamilton, Donna G Hamilton, Jody Hamilton, Mike D Hamilton, Mike D Hamilton, Peg L Hamilton, Robin J Hamilton, Roy M Hamilton, Sharnai Hamilton, Vicki Hamm, Christopher D Hamma, Billie I Hamman, Ryan M Hammar, Linda J Hammel, Don E Hammel, Karen Hammer, Evan S Hammer, Shana Hammond Zach 92 120 138 132 132 124 106 167 244 152 103 126 181 125 164 110 101 208 93 128 199 165 145 131 176 143 138 156 99 111 123 138 184 215 157 113 134 162 112 107 185 190 142 95 159 120 107 92 161 171 108 100 135 102 182 139 168 124 141 151 127 186 119 171 109 186 149 126 102 127 193 124 178 133 126 135 135 82 81 57 93 66 82 99 99 48 63 54 84 84 48 63 99 66 99 36 57 90 81 54 90 75 81 102 69 27 60 56 21 60 69 69 78 30 75 93 93 63 57 87 93 87 63 39 21 81 30 72 29 69 90 69 78 124 69 30 75 27 87 36 84 77 96 42 68 42 78 81 99 69 54 90 45 57 9057-453 4038-133 8798-3880 8798-3879 4068-413 8991-9240 8991-9241 1390-3364 8941-4548 4040-22 9246-958 4034-415 4061-121 1392-183 4034-501 8941-5070 1395-92 4068-2156 1395-93 1432-697 9211-2580 8378-3382 8285-1759 8184-150 1392-463 1423-247 1423-59 1423-249 8172-792 1432-521 4062-31 4068-412 2012-3176 1386-121 8991-7824 8991-9733 8991-9694 8320-270 1435-166 1432-922 8378-3360 8991-9938 4034-262 8941-4672 1390-441 4028-6037 1418-10 8941-4604 1418-9 4068-47 4068-2381 1426-54 4066-457 8991-9941 4068-587 1390-558 8378-3166 1390-251 4025-232 8798-3902 9368-972 Mission Vly Col Falls Gt Falls Helena Helena Missoula GYV GYV GYV Missoula Glacier Libby-Troy Butte Libby-Troy Gallatin Butte Missoula Butte Toole Cnty Missoula Butte Lewistown Missoula Lewistown Gallatin Whitefish Butte Lewistown Miles City Whitehall Lewistown Gallatin Laurel Laurel Laurel Glacier Glendive Missoula Livingston Missoula Butte Gt Falls Miles City Lewistown GYV GYV GYV Daniels Plentywood Missoula Butte GYV Butte Missoula GYV GYV Havre Havre Havre Missoula Lewistown Havre Whitefish Missoula Missoula Havre Havre Miles City GYV Missoula GYV Butte GYV Miles City Helena Bigfork Harlem Montana Averages 2009-2010 Hampa, Nancy Hampa, Ronald V Hampton, Jon L Hampton, Roger W Hamry, Larry H Hanawalt, Patti L Hance, Cheryl D Hance, Kevin W Hancock, Carol J Hancock, Chuck J Hancock, Helen M Hancock, William R Hand, Sherie L Handford, Betty J Handley, Red Handran, Jerry Handran, Richard Handy, Shelly Haney, Guy L, Jr Haney, Marianne Haney, Mary K Haney, Mike G Haney, Nick R Haney, Ralph R Hanify, Kenneth P Hankel, Brent J Hankel, Rod L Hankel, Roger Hankins, Marie E Hankinson, Jolen E Hanley, Kerry D Hanley, Mary Anne Hanley, William P Hanna, Billie J Hannah, Kirk A Hannesson, Jason L Hanni, Dan J Hanni, David V Hanni, Loren A Hanni, Robert S Hanni, Tim Hanninen, Alissa Hanninen, Cory L Hanninen, Dawn L Hanninen, Shane Hanning, Dallas L Hanning, Melani Lani K Hannon, Violet Hansen, Brent A Hansen, Cheryl L Hansen, Corinna Hansen, Diane L Hansen, Georgina Hansen, Gregory R Hansen, Levi B Hansen, Megan Hansen, Richard H Hanson, Amanda K Hanson, Amy Y Hanson, Bertie L Hanson, Bob M Hanson, Brad Hanson, Brenda G Hanson, Brent E Hanson, Clifford H Hanson, David Hanson, Deg Hanson, Dustin Hanson, Edward Hanson, Gregory E Hanson, Hardy (Hans) O Hanson, Jane Hanson, Janie G Hanson, Larry M Hanson, Linda Hanson, Linda L Hanson, Lisa T 151 143 166 180 161 153 136 173 87 172 126 131 139 146 132 173 114 98 184 126 159 220 235 105 154 192 203 189 134 156 136 76 162 142 146 126 167 171 150 139 148 130 198 178 172 104 154 138 160 116 118 143 126 195 186 115 200 151 144 128 212 164 143 186 156 182 179 193 153 200 167 102 96 137 139 139 159 90 93 72 69 81 66 87 96 90 75 69 82 70 75 84 90 15 54 78 45 81 78 27 30 84 69 96 87 84 72 60 66 78 48 90 30 75 81 39 84 57 85 116 56 90 93 36 81 87 71 48 63 36 84 87 45 66 27 90 66 81 96 73 24 66 93 72 96 87 84 81 72 90 72 84 72 63 4056-301 1419-478 1423-320 1390-341 1395-464 4028-5914 1390-4732 4062-13 8115-858 4034-39 8991-9260 4068-706 1432-45 8320-242 11-3258 1390-377 4034-126 8991-7240 150-12694 6134-10 8378-3856 1423-9 6161-289 1390-118 1432-10 4032-129 8378-3755 4028-5839 1418-453 8096-492 8378-3665 1395-96 8378-3666 8378-3663 8378-3808 8798-3461 1432-677 4068-360 8798-3460 9246-812 1390-5784 6145-117 4028-6158 4028-3021 1390-339 9246-1155 4051-500 8991-8565 1390-403 1387-66 1390-2636 1390-6470 1432-1600 1390-250 4083-72 4038-426 1390-321 4028-374 4029-275 Helena Helena Laurel GYV Butte Whitefish GYV GYV Livingston Livingston Butte GYV Missoula Thompson Fls Missoula Glendive Daniels Daniels GYV Butte GYV GYV GYV Butte Laurel Missoula GYV Missoula Helena Whitefish Thompson Fls Butte Gt Falls GYV Havre Rocky Mtn Frt Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Helena Missoula Missoula Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Toole Cnty Glendive Glendive Libby-Troy Gt Falls Glendive Glendive Glendive Plentywood GYV Gallatin GYV GYV GYV Libby-Troy Bitterroot GYV GYV Bigfork GYV GYV Anaconda Missoula GYV Whitehall Col Falls GYV Toole Cnty GYV Gallatin 8/28/2010 Page 29 of 81 Hanson, Lynn D 152 Hanson, Marlin S 156 Hanson, Robert J 165 Hanson, Sheila R 126 Hanson, Steven R 201 Hanson, Susan 133 Hanson, Todd R 172 Hanson, Tomi A 159 Hanusa, Dave 176 Harada, Ashley A 100 Harada, Gene 171 Harada, Lynette 146 Harada, Tim F 166 Haralson, Dustin G 150 Haran, Susan K 130 Harant, Charles T 129 Harbaugh, Megan M 123 Harberts, Janette E 159 Harberts, Roger C 164 Harbig, Jon 179 Harbig, Laurlee A 121 Harbour, Andrew I 164 Hard, Wayne L 136 Hardacre, Kerry L 145 Hardesty, Frances Fran 103 Hardesty, Sharon L 111 Hardesty, Tralee M 90 Hardin, Mark W 142 Hardin, Sheila M 123 Harding, Tonya R 143 Harding, Ty R 118 Hardman, Laura 90 Hardwick, Carole J 99 Hardy, Carol J 113 Hardy, Dorma R 106 Hardy, Gloria J 139 Hardy, Michael 104 Hardy, Pam 148 Hardy, William J 184 Hareland, Greg J 171 Hark, Lane 123 Harlan, Karen V 116 Harlan, Laura L 102 Harlan, Mike B 128 Harmala, Jacqui L 126 Harmon, Brian R 210 Harmon, Lonnie R 153 Harmon, Marilyn T 138 Harmon, Mark T 183 Harms, Jeremey 151 Harms, Rudolph Rudy H 117 Harms, Walt 156 Harner, Darcy L 119 Harnett, Jonathan O 188 Haroldson, Kelly R 135 Harp, Oliver J 149 Harp, Rachelle A 117 Harper, Benjamin 95 Harper, Bryan G 158 Harper, Gary 172 Harper, Jolene 129 Harper, Louie W 161 Harper, Michael B 145 Harper, Rita M 111 Harper, Sharon 127 Harper, Tanya M 123 Harpole, Jonathan I 184 Harriman, Megan L 150 Harriman, Molly L 159 Harrington, Darcy L 122 Harrington, Joe P 140 Harrington, John M 127 Harrington, Sandra L 129 Harrington, Susan 133 Harrington, Van 87 Harrington, Vivian M 136 Harrington-Baker, Maryann M 129 78 78 99 81 87 96 42 66 80 21 51 81 36 69 39 63 39 81 81 96 90 96 42 75 69 33 33 84 116 39 60 21 87 45 18 87 84 90 87 78 57 63 24 24 54 75 39 81 90 93 87 72 81 69 66 21 72 70 84 63 87 90 81 27 96 36 48 83 47 40 39 87 63 87 96 32 51 4028-686 4028-6451 1390-270 4024-161 1432-324 4068-168 1397-112 8991-9016 1418-373 8991-9438 8798-3473 8941-4579 4068-153 1432-1230 9211-2842 8115-1190 4028-5928 8115-1194 8115-1198 1390-6811 4043-184 4068-612 8710-1219 8991-9744 8991-9886 4068-76 4028-1472 8285-1687 4051-476 1390-808 1395-1426 1435-24 1432-36 1390-4856 4028-3718 1390-269 8285-1432 8285-855 8798-4108 4068-1959 1419-196 1405-312 1426-114 4062-272 1390-3708 1390-4829 4042-30 4040-246 9057-476 4067-164 8378-3365 8798-3881 8378-2657 4042-29 1405-25 4034-326 GYV Glendive Lewistown GYV GYV Bigfork Missoula Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Havre Havre GYV Glendive Helena Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Glendive Glendive Gallatin Livingston GYV Gt Falls Livingston Livingston GYV Dillon Missoula Laurel GYV Gt Falls GYV Missoula GYV Miles City Bitterroot GYV Butte Plentywood Thompson Fls Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Missoula GYV GYV GYV Miles City Gt Falls Miles City Helena Thompson Fls Missoula Helena Gt Falls Deer Lodge Livingston Glendive Livingston GYV GYV Thompson Fls Deer Lodge Glacier Gt Falls Mission Vly Mission Vly Butte Helena Gt Falls Butte Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Gt Falls Butte Montana Averages 2009-2010 Harris, Ashley N Harris, Autsin T Harris, Brock T Harris, Chad W Harris, Crystal L Harris, David A Harris, Delores M Harris, Helen L Harris, Jacob K Harris, Jill A Harris, Jon Harris, Kathy J Harris, Kent C Harris, Lois M Harris, Lorrie A Harris, Roland K Harris, Ronald M Harris, Ruth Harris, Ryan M Harris, Terry R Harris, Tyler Harris, Violet R Harris, Willo M Harrison, Chanda L Harrison, Clarice S Harrison, Jeff Harrison, Pat Harrison, Sharon Harrison, Trish A Harrison, Wilma J Harshbarger, Marilyn Hart, Debbie C Hart, Larry J Hart, Leslie K Hart, Mary K Hart, Mitzi L Hart, Paul R Hart, Peggie Hart, Sheila Hart, Thomas A Harthun, Bradly S Harthun, Matthew R Harthun, Rhea R Hartle, Pat M Hartle, Roy M Hartley, Donna M Hartley, Jared A Hartley, Marilyn N Hartley, Michael J Hartley, Stephen R Hartley, Will R Hartman, Sheila M Hartung, Ashlee B Hartung, Wayne L Hartwell, Julie R Hartwell, Peggy Hartwick, Velvet Hartwig, Kathy Hartwig, Terry W Harvey, Bill C Harvey, Chuck H Harvey, Frances M Harvey, Philip Harvey, Sharon L Harvey, Tom Harvie, Allison Hasenkrug, Deborah K Hasenkrug, Rick M Hasenkrug, Tyler J Hasler, Kris A Hass, Fred Hass, Helen Hassa, David A Hassler, Debbi A Hassler, Larry G Hastig, Maranda Hastings, Deanna D 102 141 129 144 173 172 127 147 136 98 184 115 131 132 116 126 161 138 205 171 183 141 122 145 120 174 178 160 145 128 119 123 139 122 143 138 159 117 140 195 165 192 155 168 160 107 113 148 152 137 144 158 131 165 99 132 109 145 159 155 143 149 174 141 179 146 157 148 157 149 171 146 168 125 153 111 167 54 81 33 39 84 54 27 75 96 69 63 41 67 66 81 93 69 90 81 81 57 93 66 81 45 72 81 21 27 93 90 45 51 48 42 63 24 99 78 96 51 60 90 90 87 93 84 90 102 51 45 68 58 84 96 30 54 84 45 99 27 96 96 84 75 54 87 84 81 93 87 90 90 81 84 21 42 8798-4109 8991-9815 8798-4245 8115-975 4028-7078 4028-1109 8798-4110 11-6983 1430-29 8798-4111 4068-857 8798-4112 4059-100 1430-401 1419-129 8285-1768 4029-198 4029-93 8941-4879 1386-30 4025-195 8114-913 4029-115 8991-7998 8991-7997 8991-9644 4028-467 1390-4577 8378-3062 1395-97 4448-87 1390-6344 4056-3601 8115-765 4062-164 1419-1603 1426-295 9211-2877 4068-554 8941-3943 8941-3944 8378-3285 8378-3386 8288-461 4034-172 1395-98 4029-19 9211-2627 4040-99 8991-9629 1418-438 8710-1205 1423-349 8285-1763 Helena GYV Helena Livingston GYV Gt Falls GYV Whitefish Helena Livingston Miles City Lewistown Helena Missoula Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Gallatin Helena Miles City Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Miles City Miles City Bitterroot Gallatin Toole Cnty GYV GYV GYV GYV Thompson Fls GYV Butte Plentywood Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Helena Livingston Livingston Helena Livingston Gallatin Missoula Missoula Missoula Anaconda Toole Cnty Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Mission Vly Butte Butte Gallatin Gallatin Glacier Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Havre Laurel Laurel Miles City Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 30 of 81 Haston, Susan L Hatch, Jessica M Hatch, Sheldon Hatcher, Loretta C Hatfield, Rick L Hatfield, Sandy Hathaway, Diane Hathaway, Stefanie A Hatleberg, Arlyne M Hatlestad, Jack E Hatten, Bud Hatten, Judy E Hatten, Julie R Hatten, Ruth Hatter, Larry D Hatveldt, Brandon J Hauber, Chuck H Hauber, Georgette Hauber, Georgette D Hauber, Joni M Hauber, Michael E Hauge, Tamara K Haugen, Alisha Haugen, Alvin N Haugenoe, Bonnie L Haugenoe, Bryce D Haumschild, Eric D Haumschild, Mandy F Haun, David, Jr Haupt, Angela M Haus, Mary Hauser, Albert A Hauser, Lorna L Hauser, Marla N Hawk, Jay Hawk, Jeff Hawk, Pamela S Hawkins, Bette L Hawkins, Terry D Hawkinson, Ellen L Hawksley, Lisa C Hawley, Jack A Hawley, Joyce M Hawley, Raymond A Haworth, Regina R Hay Betty Hay, Jeanne Hayashi, Mark W Hayden, Brad D Hayden, Deanna Hayden, Jenny R Hayek, Peggy Hayes, Connie M Hayes, Doug W Hayes, Fred J Hayes, Katelynne Hayes, Keith W Hayes, Mitchell L Hayhurst, Stephon J Hays, Karla Hays, Kenneth Hayward, Bev Hayworth, Jeffery D Hayworth, Joy M Hayworth, Rita Hayworth, Roy Hazen, Anna L Hazen, Garth L Hazen, Tania Head, Marlene E Headley, Heath C Healy Iii, Robert D Healy John Healy, Robert D Healy, Stanley J Heaps, Caroline Heath, Chad A 108 93 120 152 145 112 146 108 136 179 95 107 144 125 108 157 114 160 166 98 173 125 101 157 179 192 163 121 131 119 121 154 117 91 137 136 140 136 179 90 108 176 144 167 110 121 110 190 161 105 142 142 144 216 156 151 178 186 118 121 129 131 156 126 117 153 130 114 113 136 153 135 148 143 156 118 177 78 47 38 75 96 81 95 48 81 99 72 72 66 96 21 78 42 39 57 93 87 78 72 42 78 81 66 78 90 81 84 69 42 27 84 93 84 27 66 99 84 100 87 88 45 66 69 42 90 48 51 63 78 84 93 93 75 57 42 21 90 78 87 60 93 81 66 69 73 93 54 39 33 39 66 84 72 8115-979 8172-938 4068-17 1419-1185 4056-3378 4066-91 8941-4683 4029-430 4059-40 4059-368 8710-1206 8991-9839 4028-824 4028-824 8991-8831 1390-4355 4028-4314 1395-567 1390-2073 4028-5779 8941-4781 9246-1176 4068-1963 4067-54 1419-618 8991-9847 4068-1315 8941-4428 8274-806 4028-6868 1390-3465 8285-1676 4034-345 4058-91 4059-236 8991-9543 9368-973 1423-161 4061-352 1425-98 4028-843 1423-177 4059-755 4068-109 1432-84 4047-57 8974-403 8115-876 4034-717 8991-8925 6134-578 9057-524 4025-103 1395-99 Livingston Glacier Toole Cnty Missoula Helena Helena Miles City Missoula Gallatin Anaconda Whitefish Whitefish Laurel Laurel Glendive Laurel GYV Laurel GYV GYV GYV GYV Big Sandy Butte Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Anaconda Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Missoula Libby-Troy Missoula Mission Vly Helena GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Dillon Harlem GYV GYV Gt Falls Miles City Butte Bigfork Laurel GYV Anaconda Bigfork Gt Falls Laurel Whitefish Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV Laurel Laurel Missoula Missoula Ft Benton Ft Benton Livingston Butte Nashua GYV Harlem GYV Mission Vly Miles City Butte Montana Averages 2009-2010 Heath, Dennis Heath, William H Hebel, Lee Heber, Al C Heber, Jennifer J Heberle, Martha A Heckman, Patty Hedahl, Fawn M Hedahl, Fawn M Hedahl, Wesley A Hedgaard, Tom A Hedge, Clarence Hedge, Donna J Hedges, Penny R Hedman, Rick Hedrick, Marilyn M Hedval, Dale R Hegel, Michael C Hegenbarth, Carrie A Hegney, Megan L Heide, Jeff Heidt, Kent D Heil, Austin G Heil, Derrick L Heil, John R Heil, Logan Z Heil, Shirley L Heimbichner, Daryl (Skip) L Heimbichner, Rueben Hein, Maureen Hein, Raymond Heine, John Heinen, Grace L Heinert, Cindy R Heinert, Diana L Heinert, Sam M Heinert, Terry L Heinz, Rebecca L Heisdorf, J C Heisel, Greg L Heiser, Bryon S Heiser, Robert W Heiser, Robert W Heiser, Sharon L Heiser, Sharon L Helderop, Sherrill K Heleva, Judy Helland, Cynthia L Heller, Gail Heller, Gail A Heller, Levi W Heller, Rebecca L Hellinger, Mariko L Hellmann, Bernard L Hellwig, Dannette Helm, Scott M Helmbrecht, Heather M Helmbrecht, Patrick Helmey, Veda J Helmrick, David Helmrick, Karen Helms, Kelly G Helvey, Casey L Helvey, Jason R Helzer, Alvina M Helzer, Scott W Hemphill, D. Jean Hempstead, Blake R Hempstead, Ryan J Henan, Joseph M Henderson, Cody L Henderson, Dennis M Henderson, Diane A Henderson, Gary F Henderson, Gary F Henderson, John Henderson, Kelly 166 163 145 190 167 138 163 174 171 140 140 178 142 127 196 139 187 140 163 125 134 173 185 164 187 124 140 185 150 165 189 147 134 127 97 128 187 130 176 214 119 185 177 146 154 129 101 107 152 152 135 108 93 173 119 142 179 119 108 126 141 156 126 153 126 153 135 214 176 183 178 186 156 197 165 172 175 75 99 51 78 95 78 51 75 69 69 24 90 83 75 75 93 90 78 99 39 24 69 84 90 21 54 84 63 84 112 116 78 93 90 42 51 81 92 48 87 21 33 52 39 90 66 75 57 36 33 30 42 27 78 63 81 72 30 66 24 33 21 57 24 93 84 90 39 84 72 84 62 96 96 27 78 90 1395-100 1392-983 4029-951 9211-2504 4038-33 4028-3238 4028-342 1395-1120 1390-4769 4068-799 1390-885 1390-2893 1390-6679 1390-6223 8941-5179 1390-752 1390-3912 4024-88 1387-68 1390-1873 8115-638 4056-3724 1419-1394 4029-592 8941-5224 1432-647 8710-1240 1423-265 1423-265 4059-939 4059-939 4028-2878 9368-1002 8941-5162 9368-999 8991-9711 8710-1171 4028-6907 4083-15 8798-3436 8991-9089 9246-1113 4061-232 4059-119 8710-909 4068-395 1390-699 1394-170 1395-101 4034-250 1394-82 1394-82 1405-43 8285-1539 Butte Lewistown Circle Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Gallatin Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Glendive Col Falls Col Falls GYV Whitefish GYV Butte GYV Missoula Gt Falls Circle GYV GYV GYV GYV Missoula Whitefish GYV GYV Bigfork Bigfork GYV Livingston Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Gallatin Missoula Missoula Laurel Laurel GYV GYV Laurel GYV Bigfork Missoula Bigfork Whitefish GYV Laurel GYV Whitefish Whitehall Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gt Falls Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Laurel Laurel Missoula Anaconda Anaconda GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Butte Butte Rocky Mtn Frt Glacier Deer Lodge Miles City 8/28/2010 Page 31 of 81 Henderson, Mary Alice Henderson, Ralph W Hendricks, Hazel Hendrickson, Lynne C Hendrickson, Patricia Hendrickson, Walt Henke, Russ Henman, Dean Hennelly, Ronald W Hennelly, Vicki L Hennes, Randy D Henrichs, Dick Henrichs, Roger A Henry, Bev J Henry, Bill J Henry, Jackie L Henry, Jason M Henry, Jonna Henry, Lee J Henry, Mariann Henry, Russell L Henry, Valerie L Hensel, Beverley E Hensel, Clint H Hensley, Angela A Hensley, Bart M Hensley, Charles E Hensley, Clara Hensley, Michele R Hensley, Nicholas V Hensley, Roy J Henson, Dash (Deborah) Henson, Richard L Henthorne, Jed D Hentschel, Rick G Hepfner, Jennifer M Herauf, Dwight K Herbert, Greg E Herbert, Richard W Herbert, Tyler J Hereim, Jeanne P Hergenraeder, Brent H Hergett, Loretta M Hering, Lois M Herman, Amanda L Herman, Carl Herman, Cindy Herman, David E Herman, Kristin A Herman, Rick R, Ii Herman, Ronald A Herman, Ronald A Herman-Delaney, Jill M Hermanson, Chanda Hermanson, Gene A Hermanson, June Hernandez, Daniel J Hernandez, Pedro Herodes, Helen L Herreid, Koko Herren, Belva J Herren, Roy F Herring, Etta R Herring, Kirra J Herring, Melissa M Herring, Robert W Herron, Carole L Herron, Florence C Herron, Seaghan P Herschel Vivian Hertweck, Beverly M Hertweck, Michael S Hertweck, Patricia I Herzog, Tyrel R Hess, Billy Joe Hess, Matt E Hess, Michael R 134 200 112 137 154 161 156 178 172 132 156 183 168 121 171 164 171 94 148 107 163 151 131 187 120 174 175 130 142 146 144 132 162 131 132 125 130 166 168 150 132 169 152 138 119 140 136 154 117 176 184 177 114 90 149 113 139 191 119 155 145 102 L 128 125 136 190 169 119 141 109 130 136 115 166 189 181 172 87 51 36 45 72 81 84 90 90 78 84 93 75 51 75 74 21 93 84 63 51 93 66 96 93 72 56 90 78 33 90 79 93 72 27 39 80 60 60 66 72 27 75 30 86 84 87 84 66 45 51 87 78 64 72 81 21 54 96 87 48 54 75 99 66 90 69 87 87 66 66 60 66 65 74 33 84 4024-42 1432-348 8285-1746 4029-597 4061-246 1395-103 1430-299 1390-399 4028-687 1432-1244 1430-16 1390-591 8378-3570 1418-77 8941-5184 9368-941 8710-1024 1419-1695 4028-3246 4029-199 1390-465 1390-4175 1390-643 4028-4030 4028-5390 9211-3134 4056-3337 1419-1467 1418-533 9211-2491 1423-131 1390-551 8991-9055 8991-8082 1390-677 4028-882 8378-3837 1405-261 4059-88 1418-78 4028-7222 1390-2120 1423-110 1423-110 8114-869 8798-4201 8798-3418 10-1963400 1390-243 4028-548 1390-661 8991-9148 8991-7799 4056-3297 4038-367 8941-5133 1419-1648 1419-1494 8798-3440 1419-1169 1428-29 1392-162 8798-3277 Bigfork Missoula Miles City Gallatin Libby-Troy Butte Glendive Miles City GYV GYV Missoula Miles City GYV Butte Havre Gt Falls Missoula Bigfork Whitefish Laurel Helena GYV Gallatin GYV Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Helena Helena Gt Falls Havre Gt Falls Gallatin Laurel GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Butte Deer Lodge Laurel Havre GYV GYV GYV Laurel Bitterroot Helena Helena Helena Whitefish GYV Gt Falls Thompson Fls GYV GYV Glendive GYV Glendive GYV Helena Col Falls Missoula Harlem Helena Helena Helena Helena Gallatin Gallatin Helena Montana Averages 2009-2010 Hess, Ted L Hessler, John P Hessler, Phil Hetler, Josh Hettinger, Jesse L Heuer, April S Heuer, Richard G Heupel, Willis Willy R Heuscher, Jessica Hewitt, John M Hewitt, Mark L Heyden, Diane Heyden, Donald E Heyen, John Heyn, Judy A Heyne, Kurtis Hibl, Terin K Hick, Norma C Hickman, Dave R Hicks, Amy C Hicks, Carol Hicks, Christy L Hicks, James A, Jr Hicks, Jossie A Hicks, Laura Hicks, Leslie M Hicks, Logan M Hicks, Nanette Hicks, Ronald C, Jr Hicks, Roseanne M Hicks, Sue L Hieb, Kevin R Higgins, Alan J Higgins, Arlene B Higgins, Debbie L Higgins, Felicia L Higgins, Heather M Higgins, Helen Higgins, Kevin T Higgins, Matthew L Higgins, Melissa K Higgins, Royce Higgs, Roger H Highlander, Eric J Hight, Jim Hightower, Linda L Hihnala, David Hilbig, Allie L Hildenstab, Jason D Hilditch, Alayne Hildreth, Darlene Hildreth, Raymond F Hileman, Cindy M Hilgendorf, Patricia L Hill, Aaron L Hill, Ben Hill, Billie Jean Hill, Corey J Hill, Damian Hill, David W, Jr Hill, Dennis Hill, Devlin Hill, Eugene A Hill, Gary L Hill, George E Hill, Heidi E Hill, James J Hill, James R Hill, Jeff Hill, Jodi L Hill, Joe N Hill, John Hill, Kathy M Hill, Keith A Hill, Kevin (Cooter) M Hill, Kylie Hill, Lew A 197 204 179 195 138 133 136 156 93 149 195 126 163 145 143 126 110 112 155 165 134 191 194 138 149 176 202 135 144 125 131 170 152 141 145 153 102 109 132 164 104 150 156 172 120 181 152 127 198 107 140 159 147 164 153 199 105 172 116 208 176 183 150 164 170 145 209 160 207 139 159 175 135 151 157 133 144 84 44 28 87 66 72 63 45 93 84 63 75 66 81 93 72 69 90 63 63 90 48 87 21 78 45 71 81 87 57 54 92 81 75 84 81 30 33 45 35 21 57 63 93 33 81 69 84 60 81 132 128 66 75 76 75 69 74 27 72 78 104 60 63 87 74 99 48 63 75 56 21 93 60 21 81 84 1432-114 8285-894 1423-388 8991-9802 8991-9801 9368-990 1432-724 4029-117 1392-309 8285-1733 4062-302 9246-1025 8798-4140 10-1858781 1432-614 4062-223 4059-153 4062-86 1390-6278 8115-896 4061-153 1426-45 8115-715 4056-1360 1419-369 1419-1598 4040-101 8941-5053 8798-3743 8798-4316 1419-1543 1426-238 8798-4194 1430-41 9246-1246 4068-57 1245-504 1432-379 4068-2460 4043-88 1406-31 4058-155 1430-295 4056-3693 1419-695 8184-160 1390-2058 1432-170 1387-5 1432-1271 4056-3064 1390-3058 8991-9943 1430-6 8710-1118 1432-171 1390-4136 8991-9582 8285-1632 1392-630 Missoula Anaconda Anaconda Miles City Laurel GYV GYV Gt Falls Bigfork Missoula Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Miles City Livingston Libby-Troy Helena Laurel Missoula Livingston Laurel Livingston GYV Livingston Libby-Troy Livingston Livingston Helena Helena Lewistown Lewistown Gt Falls Helena Whitefish Glacier Missoula Helena Helena Helena Livingston Helena Miles City Whitefish Gt Falls Libby-Troy Missoula Butte Gt Falls Butte Missoula Dillon Dillon Col Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Miles City Helena Helena Whitehall GYV Missoula Bigfork Whitefish Whitefish Missoula Helena GYV GYV Miles City Laurel Whitefish Missoula Gt Falls Laurel GYV Miles City Gallatin 8/28/2010 Page 32 of 81 Hill, Lisa M Hill, Mabel A Hill, Matthew B Hill, Rick Hill, Rusty R Hill, Stacey Hill, William D Hillberg, Shirley Hille, Sue E Hiller, Susan K Hilliard, Josh S Hilling, Todd F Hillyard, Marjorie J Hilton, Cindy L Hiltz, Tim Hinckley, Laura A Hinckley, Lavera M Hindersman, Helen S Hinerman, Sam Hines, Lynn M Hiniker, Shelley H Hinkley, Wendy E Hinman, Tj Hinson, Caleb D Hinther, Janet S Hintz, Becky M Hintz, Lori A Hintz, Matt Hipp, Lorrie M Hirahara, Debbie A Hirsch, Jason Hirschi, Carol J Hirschi, Scott G Hirst, Debra M Hiser, Angie Hjelvik, Dan L Hjort, Lindsay Hlavnicka, Pearl A Hoadley, Jerry R Hoagland, Brian E Hoagland, Chris A Hoagland, Glenn L Hoagland, Matt L Hoaglen, Justin Hoaglen, Shawna M Hoar, Sharon K Hobbs, Brandon M Hobbs, Mary Ann Hobbs, Randy Hobbs, Rhonda Hocevar, Craig S Hochhalter, Patty L Hochhalter, Steven L Hocking, Michael E Hodge, Rachel E Hodges, Amy L Hodges, Barry E Hodges, Ed F Hodges, Ed F Hodges, Lori A Hodges, Lorraine Hodges, Mark Hodges, Mike D Hodges, Mike L Hodges, Randy L Hodges, Sherry L Hodges, Stephanie A Hodges, Teri L Hodges, William J Hodgskiss, Jack B Hodgson, Verna D Hodson, Jami V Hoefs, Kari Hoehn, Cory A Hoelstad, Knut H Hoenke, Beth B Hoerner, Brice 167 128 170 180 121 144 159 122 95 169 123 180 138 118 152 87 128 143 145 136 125 170 162 180 156 134 145 209 119 149 162 168 207 116 120 135 89 111 205 96 144 166 201 135 125 133 126 117 175 98 160 105 163 161 106 107 202 214 189s 135 157 225 139 177 198 134 147 169 128 139 139 120 160 201 160 131 166 87 36 81 84 84 66 72 81 68 93 30 96 84 41 75 84 78 72 81 87 51 42 42 81 69 78 48 36 51 75 42 75 99 63 79 87 81 69 72 54 63 57 28 24 33 69 39 21 51 33 81 33 72 81 63 63 84 33 48 57 81 87 84 42 66 78 80 86 78 30 51 82 39 45 81 87 60 8941-4595 1430-4 4066-63 4068-1760 8114-891 4028-432 1390-6471 4028-1716 1405-58 8941-5107 4028-1941 4029-170 4068-1953 1392-442 1432-1608 4068-147 8991-9568 4068-1922 8991-9567 8378-3314 1430-144 4028-257 4068-1071 8115-805 9246-939 8096-486 8378-3826 4034-205 1395-406 6136-248 8798-4113 8798-4065 8378-3390 8941-5117 8941-5071 8184-131 1392-430 1395-108 1432-1371 1432-25 1432-25 4059-237 2-5197 1385-261 1423-227 6161-269 6161-455 4068-473 1397-78 4068-1976 8172-933 4066-168 6161-290 8114-836 8941-4665 8941-5022 Whitefish Lewistown Missoula Miles City Whitefish Miles City Whitefish Missoula Bitterroot GYV Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Laurel Deer Lodge Missoula GYV Whitefish Nashua Gallatin Missoula Whitefish Gallatin Missoula Missoula GYV Missoula GYV Butte Gt Falls Miles City GYV Gt Falls Missoula Livingston Gt Falls Libby-Troy Rocky Mtn Frt Whitefish Butte Butte Butte Butte Helena Helena Butte Missoula Missoula Col Falls Whitehall Gallatin Glendive Glendive Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Laurel Bigfork Butte Gt Falls Laurel Missoula Lewistown Missoula Missoula Lewistown Rocky Mtn Frt Missoula Glacier Miles City Missoula Bitterroot Missoula Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Hoerning, Taylor 92 Hofeldt, Betty 116 Hofeldt, Mike W 137 Hofer, Andy D 106 Hoff, Barbara 142 Hoff, Christopher G 202 Hoff, Elizabeth R 132 Hoff, Howard E 174 Hoff, Howard K 176 Hoff, Jane P 135 Hoff, Mitchell J 196 Hoffert, David A 184 Hoffman, Carol L 141 Hoffman, Darrel E 107 Hoffman, David W 180 Hoffman, Gina 157 Hoffman, Larry A 162 Hoffman, Michael 134 Hoffman, Mike S 180 Hoffman, Rich W 188 Hoffman, Richard H 145 Hoffman, Sylvia M 125 Hofland, Jen L 94 Hofman, Robert A 162 Hogan, Susan R 111 Hogard, Kurt 130 Hogg, James R 165 Hohler, Steve 146 Hohn, James 159 Hohnecker, Noelle M 98 Hoke, Laura A 104 Holbeck, Fred C 190 Holbeck, Mary M M 144 Holbrook, Clara B 132 Holden, Christy 178 Holden, Michael J 134 Holden, Shawn R 178 Holden, Sheri L 144 Holden, Shirley 130 Holding, Chris 148 Holdorf, Cheryl S 126 Holefelder, Ardith Ardi L 126 Holen, Arlene 150 Holland, Brad S 158 Holland, Brenda J 132 Holland, Jeff 179 Holland, Mindy L 98 Holland, Steve 171 Hollowell, Chris 134 Holm, Abby B 115 Holm, Gary 168 Holm, Laura J 169 Holm, Nancy H 131 Holm, Peter F 136 Holm, Randall W 223 Holm, Tim 96 Holman, Jeffrey J 148 Holmes, Carol E 145 Holmes, Leigh A 157 Holmes, Robert S 111 Holmquist, Ronald R 159 Holmsted, Jeremy 163 Holmstrom, Ashley E 101 Holmstrom, Richard L 166 Holst, Carrie J 142 Holt, Bob L 168 Holt, Joe A 135 Holtkamp, Julie A 164 Holtkamp, Tim D 172 Holtmeyer, Brian 170 Holtmeyer, Stephanie 146 Holtz, Monte K 157 Holzer, Jack D 174 Holzer, Judy 134 Holzer, Sommer 113 Holzheimer, M. Colleen 129 Honadel, Christina (Christy) E136 87 60 39 24 87 90 84 78 69 60 72 93 72 60 72 33 60 80 39 68 84 81 27 21 30 84 58 87 81 21 38 45 75 90 30 81 75 87 87 72 48 78 93 48 99 21 39 81 27 24 84 96 84 78 93 48 51 21 69 66 90 52 85 90 69 27 63 59 71 90 93 87 48 81 30 46 84 6141-296 1419-1292 8172-667 4061-170 1390-6105 4028-567 1390-780 1390-779 4028-6943 1390-778 1390-2094 4028-6460 8798-4129 1390-6441 1390-773 1432-31 4028-1262 1428-37 8941-5187 1392-608 8378-3838 1393-2 1432-775 8114-780 4028-518 1418-147 4062-142 4068-357 4028-420 1418-79 4068-935 1430-170 8710-1210 1405-113 1430-80 8798-3723 1430-423 4125-2723 4068-671 1419-1110 1486-4264 8974-399 9211-2741 8991-9723 8798-4237 8798-4236 1414-62 9368-1045 8941-5199 8941-5000 4028-4761 1414-21 1418-582 4068-965 1432-1033 1387-214 4024-229 1390-2066 4061-111 9246-1064 10-1201995 Dillon Havre Helena Glacier Libby-Troy GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Helena Gt Falls Havre GYV GYV Gt Falls Missoula Whitefish GYV Gt Falls Gallatin Missoula Col Falls Gallatin Butte Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Bitterroot Bitterroot GYV Havre Lewistown Havre Livingston Missoula Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Havre Missoula Miles City Laurel Deer Lodge Miles City Helena Miles City GYV Missoula Helena GYV Ft Benton Gallatin GYV Helena Helena Bitterroot Bigfork Missoula Missoula GYV Bitterroot Havre Missoula Missoula Bigfork Bigfork Gt Falls GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gt Falls Helena 8/28/2010 Page 33 of 81 Honer, Steven P Honkanen, Shirley M Honrud, Leann E Hons, Duane F Hons, Duane F Hook, Donna M Hooks, Gail L Hooper, Kimberly A Hooper, Paul Hoops Julie Hoover, Nathan R Hoover, Roger Hopkins, Deb L Hopkins, Patti J Hopkins, Penny J Hopkins, Tom W Hopkins, Travis Hopp, Lori L Hopper, Danny L Hopper, Jeff S Hopper, Jeff S Horan, Marilyn Horn Walter Horner, Paul W Horsford, Lavonne L Horsley, Tammie Hoshaw, Terry L Hospodor, Linda R Hossfeld, Darla L Hosteter, Heather M Hostetler, Jaci M Hostetler, Jay A Hostetler, Shayne L Hotalen, Becky Hotomanic, Michelle L Hotz, Abby A Houge, Clinton C Houghton, Colleen S Houghton, Emily Houghton, Joe Houghton, Josh N Houghton, Nels K Housel, Jan A Houser, Donald R Houser, Mary Lou Houser, Patricia A Houston, John A Houston, Myron Houston, Regina Houston, Sherri M Houtonen, Cid Houtonen, Michael Houtonen, William Hoven, James Hoverson, Beth M Hovland, Sigurd E Howard, Doris Howard, Freda Howard, Jack T Howard, Jeff D Howard, Michelle A Howard, Rachel Howard, Sean Howard, Vernon Howd, Rob C Howe, Cheryl L Howe, Deborah S Howe, Eric Howe, Janet Howe, Loramae W Howe, Pearl Howell, Anthony L Howell, Chris T Howell, Christine Howell, Dennis R Howell, George E Howell, Ryan 180 98 136 L102 R172 121 128 97 180 111 149 112 140 130 119 179 181 165 154 158 153 143 150 127 120 101 154 107 150 115 160 135 146 94 128 130 154 128 131 168 139 170 104 148 122 126 108 125 151 115 169 194 180 154 89 152 139 104 162 169 123 129 189 124 148 115 135 129 113 133 88 170 123 141 120 124 168 36 78 69 39 27 56 81 48 49 69 27 48 84 81 84 90 60 87 96 81 79 60 60 93 84 81 72 24 69 24 81 66 90 21 39 21 87 48 57 95 96 96 81 81 27 33 75 96 90 58 60 32 112 81 27 63 87 24 27 51 87 42 99 78 102 90 84 30 21 69 69 84 84 84 75 78 39 1395-847 9211-2751 4047-157 860-998 8710-998 4067-162 8798-3708 1425-124 8941-4591 4034-570 1390-7070 1387-401 1423-44 1432-725 1432-725 4028-983 4029-118 9246-1217 4034-248 4029-606 8378-3817 8991-9890 4068-453 8991-9803 8991-9221 8991-8491 8991-9645 8991-8407 8991-9095 8991-8900 4029-17 8115-1154 1387-83 4024-25 4062-157 4024-1 1387-49 1387-383 1435-48 9246-1203 8941-5208 9211-2992 4068-425 4028-582 9236-1245 4056-1928 4059-373 8184-169 1392-1158 4040-105 8172-735 9211-2979 8285-1713 Butte Gallatin Ft Benton Laurel Laurel Mission Vly Gt Falls Helena Libby-Troy Harlem Whitefish Missoula Butte Thompson Fls Thompson Fls GYV Bigfork Gt Falls Laurel Missoula Missoula GYV Harlem Gt Falls Gallatin Libby-Troy Butte Gallatin Butte GYV Missoula GYV Glendive Anaconda GYV Lewistown Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Anaconda Lewistown Gallatin Lewistown Livingston Bigfork Bigfork Livingston Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Plentywood Lewistown Gt Falls Havre Libby-Troy Gt Falls Missoula Lewistown Plentywood Gt Falls Lewistown Gallatin Missoula GYV Libby-Troy Helena Laurel Whitehall Whitefish Gallatin Glacier Glacier Gallatin Miles City Montana Averages 2009-2010 Howell, Stacie Y Howery, Jackie Howes, Larry J Howes, Rosalita Lita E Howey, Douglas A Howey, Marsha K Howey, Michael S Howieson, Desiree A Howke, Michelle A Howke, Mike D Howse, Steve A Hoy, Patrick J Hoye, Cheryl A Hoye, Jennifer N Hoye, Lawrence A Hoyem, Darla S Hoyer, Bruce A Hoyer, Celeste C Hoyer, Matt T Hoyrup, Dan L Hoyrup, Mary V Hoyt, Dean C Hoyt, Jack A Hoyt, Kathryn R Hoyt, Leanne K Hozian, Nicholas Hren, Cheryl C Hrouda, Dawn Hrouda, William J Hruska, Bruce M Hubbard, Barbara J Hubbard, Dave L Hubbell, Brian Hubbell, Will Hubble, Patricia J Huber, Beatrice K Hubert, Christina(Nikki) N Huberty, Frieda Huberty, James Huck, Lyndsi Hudiburgh, Melanie L Hudson, James Hudson, Kelly G Hudson, Steven Hudson, Wade C Hudson, Wade C Huestis, Patty Huether, Deedee M Huff, C. David Huff, Clifford D Huff, Dustin M Huff, Jacquelin E Huff, Michelle Huff, Tiny H Huffsmith, Richard (Dick) C Huft, Bill F Huft, Greg A Huft, Scott W Hugelen, Berlin (Bud) Hugelen, Gloria E Hughes, Ardis L Hughes, Brady W Hughes, Connie D Hughes, Patricia K Hughs, Christopher G Hughs, Tanna L Hulford, Wayne Hull, Burke E Hull, Jolee M Hull, Lance F Hull, Victoria E Hulla, Gregory G Hullett, Harriett Hultgren, Millard (Duck) E Hultin, Ryan A Hulverson, Margie T Humble, Gary A 112 149 159 124 190 165 155 117 163 208 198 200 135 145 200 125 162 131 110 122 140 204 177 163 138 142 134 151 196 208 134 179 173 155 130 134 113 142 147 112 142 139 143 201 169 177 112 113 183 156 131 174 92 117 145 162 149 166 168 134 93 127 149 146 194 114 154 173 122 165 165 173 115 193 138 149 138 78 75 45 72 51 84 24 57 72 24 93 90 93 30 99 78 60 66 42 48 48 81 60 27 81 96 105 81 87 90 87 51 78 33 39 93 72 99 96 24 39 38 78 132 39 30 63 83 57 45 36 87 51 39 36 96 66 99 78 96 74 78 25 45 66 69 84 84 75 72 72 75 87 90 63 93 30 9211-2977 4043-376 1432-325 4068-362 1390-2135 8115-1047 8991-9606 5022-2788 8991-9932 2398-4569 4056-3638 1419-418 4056-355 1390-7316 1390-6250 8941-4377 4028-7260 4043-351 4056-356 1419-199 4028-7056 1432-1184 1430-249 1430-172 4062-42 4056-3107 1419-1460 8114-877 1390-4993 1390-4993 4038-425 8798-3340 1419-371 8941-5163 4056-359 8798-3984 1390-2829 4028-3668 8115-1134 4034-40 8941-3873 4068-2434 1390-4065 4028-6175 8710-1185 1515-1209 4024-137 1390-816 1419-1231 4034-606 Gallatin Dillon Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula GYV Livingston Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Helena GYV GYV Missoula GYV Anaconda Dillon Helena Helena Gt Falls GYV Missoula Miles City Miles City Lewistown Livingston Anaconda Helena Helena Lewistown Gt Falls Col Falls Bitterroot Whitefish GYV Laurel Havre Col Falls Helena Helena Missoula Helena Helena Lewistown Anaconda Glendive Glendive Glendive GYV GYV Gt Falls Livingston Butte Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Col Falls Laurel Laurel Laurel Gt Falls Missoula Bigfork GYV Helena Butte Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 34 of 81 Humphrey, Derek S Humphrey, Harold N Humphrey, Kevin J Humphrey, Marge A Humphreys Charley Hungerford, Brandon B Hungerford, Coleen L Hungerford, Jeanette Hungerford, Michelle Hunnes, Jackie Hunsaker, Orlina E Hunsaker, Sabrina L Hunt, Dustin J Hunt, Forrest L Hunt, John M Hunt, Melissa Hunt, Monica L Hunt, Robert Hunt, Tammy Hunter, Cindy J Hunter, Dan Hunter, Danny J Hunter, Glen W Hunter, John I Hunter, Lee R Hunter, Matthew H Hunter, Nick Hunter, Nola Hunter, Tara Hunter, Valerie C Hurless, Craig J Hurley, Terry J Huseby, Kirk J Huseby, Roberta A Huston, Cindy L Huston, George L Huston, Janet D Huston, Kenneth L Huston, Rose M Hutchens, Joe M Hutchens, Linda K Hutchings, Diana L Hutchings, Marie A Hutchison, Carl Hutchison, Terry Hutter, Rich Huvaere, Bill H Huvaere, Lorene L Ibarra, Carlos Ibison, Tony G Ibsen, Kristin R Idland, Cole Idland, John V Idland, Penelope H Idstrom, Terry A Ifft, Gayle Illum, Chase H Illum, Clinton J Illum, Hal F Inama, Lura Indreland, Colleen Infanger, Michele Ingersoll, Bradley S Ingersoll, Maril T Ingle, Brandon P Ingle, Christie M Ingman, Cindy J Ingold, Matt D Ingram, Carol A Ingram, Doris Ingram, Raymond Ingram, Robert E Irion, Mary Irven, Lance J Irwin, William Ross R Isaacson, Jerry E Isakson, Buckly 202 149 176 148 156 136 128 133 94 100 137 131 130 157 197 118 153 175 136 141 176 175 176 119 152 166 167 122 127 148 181 167 138 111 108 149 147 169 108 204 144 126 110 147 131 179 172 146 154 188 96 114 160 141 182 50 184 181 199 120 143 128 138 152 141 91 119 217 153 154 128 188 125 142 185 125 181 96 84 84 24 57 84 24 84 42 24 75 84 84 99 90 75 46 90 90 36 69 75 63 27 66 96 63 78 88 84 66 36 78 66 63 93 87 81 45 54 51 87 42 84 84 87 81 90 54 51 11 54 36 90 90 43 73 48 57 84 93 59 99 45 56 21 21 69 45 93 57 100 72 78 75 60 96 2619-1038 1390-242 1390-4632 4028-2208 9057-600 8991-9614 9057-579 8991-9940 8285-1643 8115-1032 8798-3654 8941-5118 1390-6158 1390-855 4025-153 4028-437 1386-5 4025-150 4047-98 8941-3945 1431-178 1432-1611 8941-5164 1432-287 8941-4514 1405-63 8941-3946 1405-5 8991-9448 8114-812 8114-811 8115-1155 4028-5354 8798-3985 8798-3986 1425-46 1390-435 4028-2209 1390-3793 8941-5189 1392-1155 4029-585 1390-5046 4068-2288 1392-875 1392-874 1392-94 4061-132 4028-2498 4056-3132 1390-5037 8378-3801 9211-2930 9211-2955 1390-331 8274-655 4024-66 1387-93 1418-5 4066-469 8941-5119 8941-4271 1422-31 GYV GYV GYV GYV Harlem Mission Vly GYV Mission Vly GYV Miles City Livingston Helena Missoula GYV GYV Miles City Bitterroot Miles City Miles City Ft Benton Missoula Mission Vly Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Deer Lodge Missoula Deer Lodge Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Bitterroot Bitterroot Gt Falls Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Lewistown Whitefish Whitefish Livingston GYV Helena Helena Libby-Troy GYV GYV GYV Whitefish Missoula Circle Gallatin Gallatin GYV Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Libby-Troy GYV Helena GYV Butte Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls GYV Dillon Bigfork Bigfork Havre Miles City Missoula Missoula Anaconda Bigfork Montana Averages 2009-2010 Isakson, Buckly B Isakson, Elliot J Isbell-Yaggy, Carol M Ishler-Petersen, Amber E Islas, Joan D Isley, Chad A Isono, Renee M Isotalo, John E Issak, Sandy Iszler, David A Iszler, Donald A Iszler, Tom J Ivers, Alice M Iversen, Carolyn Iversen, Marlow Iversen, Marty Iversen, Shane L Iverson, Darla R Iverson, Dennis Iverson, Devin Iverson, Gary Iverson, Mike L Iverson, Teri Iverson, Thomas Ives, Jason M Ives, Nicole M Iwen, Jamie Iwen, Robert E Jackson Ival Jackson, Barbara A Jackson, Billie M Jackson, Brian W Jackson, Coleen L Jackson, Dan W Jackson, Erica L Jackson, Gordon Jackson, Jeremy D Jackson, Jim A Jackson, Joan, A Jackson, Lloyd J Jackson, Ray C Jackson, Rebecca S Jackson, Richard D Jackson, Roderick C Jackson, Roger E Jackson, Sandy J Jackson, Sherrie Jacky, Tina Jacobs, Andy S Jacobs, David Jake W Jacobs, Destry A Jacobs, Hallie M Jacobs, Joe M Jacobs, Mary R Jacobsen, Arthur A Jacobsen, David W Jacobsen, Deborah L Jacobsen, Henry Jacobsen, Mary Jacobsen, Mike G Jacobsen, Peggy Jacobsen, Wade H Jacobson, Cathie A Jacobson, Curtis P Jacobson, Deloris A Jacobson, Jackie Jacobson, Janice M Jacobson, Jerry J Jacobson, Lynn M Jacobson, Susan H Jacoby, Adam M Jacoby, Frances R Jacoby, Melissa A Jaconetty, Frank A Jaconetty, Paula J Jaeb, Wanda M Jaeger, Shirley A 182 181 138 97 136 161 159 159 102 185 166 164 148 153 157 158 176 119 134 176 141 118 151 184 151 93 133 157 157 149 139 126 145 188 177 132 195 159 134 145 202 152 187 197 182 140 140 118 191 178 178 150 155 121 145 171 118 125 140 116 112 142 126 154 124 121 132 162 144 141 104 107 127 171 151 144 146 24 52 42 72 69 72 74 72 57 87 99 96 90 60 90 84 99 84 84 85 36 93 54 72 39 45 33 93 60 72 81 96 93 33 84 57 87 21 72 66 90 42 54 45 87 27 81 54 22 78 72 83 72 45 87 86 78 75 47 48 90 21 80 35 39 66 39 32 36 84 36 87 39 75 69 75 84 4029-775 8941-5134 8096-465 4068-451 1390-6698 4056-3085 1390-642 1390-264 1390-2202 4056-3345 4038-411 8991-9547 1390-433 1390-2748 8991-9895 4067-93 4029-505 8991-9589 8941-5021 8941-4614 4028-6198 1431-261 1390-305 1431-179 1432-35 1432-115 9246-813 1419-1132 1392-382 1419-1663 1390-371 272-3235 8172-947 1403-28 2900-10413 8941-5170 4056-2782 8172-864 4068-1906 4028-847 4028-3970 4028-533 1390-4230 9211-2999 4040-106 9211-3000 1397-52 4037-110 4056-372 8114-659 Whitefish Whitefish Gallatin Missoula Whitefish Rocky Mtn Frt Missoula GYV Helena GYV GYV GYV Helena Glendive Glendive Glendive Glendive Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Toole Cnty GYV Toole Cnty GYV GYV GYV Glendive Glendive Harlem Gt Falls Mission Vly Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Mission Vly GYV Lewistown Mission Vly Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Whitefish Libby-Troy Helena Gt Falls Gallatin Gt Falls Helena Lewistown GYV Helena Glacier Glacier Helena Missoula Helena Glacier Missoula Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Thompson Fls Gallatin Glacier Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Helena Bitterroot 8/28/2010 Page 35 of 81 Jaeger, Walt James, Arthur H James, Artie James, Beverly A James, Bruce R James, Jay James, Mary Lee James, Michael W James, Richard E James, Robert U James, Rodney A James, Rodney A James, Stephen G Janes, Pat M Janeway, Jenna M Janikula, Heather M Jans, Bonita T Jansen, Gloria J Jansen, Michael Jansen, Zoe H Jansma, Frankie N Janz, Lacee Janzor, Richard Rich R Jappe, Regina Jara, Mateo G Jaramillo, Eileen M Jaramillo, Mark A Jardee, Norma Jaynes, Gary Scott Jaynes, Travis Jaynes, Travis L Jefferson, Michelle M Jeffery, Steven Jeffrey, Glenn R, Iii Jellea, Larry G Jellison, Jeff L Jenkins, Barb J Jenkins, Cindy A Jenkins, Ivan D Jenkins, Mike H Jenkins, Pamela F Jenness, Paul M Jenni, Floyd Jenni, Peg Jennings, Bonnie Jennings, Carol D Jennings, Clark L Jennings, Lory A Jennison, Jody D Jennison, Judy A Jennison, Lenard C Jennison, Lenard S Jennison, Lisa M Jennison, Tim Jennison, Tim Jennison, Tim R Jensen, Amanda B Jensen, Barbara Jensen, Bette J Jensen, Brittany A Jensen, Dottie S Jensen, Gary D Jensen, Gary R Jensen, Gerry Jensen, Heidi C Jensen, Jeannette C Jensen, Jonathan P Jensen, Karen Jensen, Kathy Jensen, Kurt J Jensen, Lynne S Jensen, Mike W Jensen, Monty Jensen, Norman J Jensen, Paul W Jensen, Ronald Jensen, Ronald R 143 144 106 138 197 167 129 180 162 127 151 156 173 134 140 141 130 102 166 118 153 117 164 128 167 107 143 120 167 162 159 122 107 204 144 187 119 140 151 185 90 135 120 115 166 146 145 158 185 151 195 207 185 219 217 198 181 134 139 83 130 148 180 110 106 136 212 157 139 136 141 147 116 116 170 170 181 48 99 48 48 75 84 93 27 87 69 93 99 33 36 84 81 33 69 84 71 60 42 42 66 24 93 96 84 75 88 87 23 63 93 86 69 69 33 84 28 54 27 87 96 93 75 75 96 21 82 69 75 84 60 18 22 66 75 69 21 75 96 24 48 39 81 33 78 45 75 93 48 33 87 90 78 27 1430-130 1395-118 8378-2711 1406-261 4056-2532 1419-133 1419-134 1419-134 4068-1665 4029-364 8172-934 1390-393 4028-573 4059-9 4025-58 8798-3914 8798-3915 4025-193 8991-9734 8991-9179 8798-4184 1426-190 1423-355 8798-3499 8798-3501 8991-9158 8710-1180 4024-10 4028-1546 1431-272 4067-251 1436-116 9057-7 4067-24 1431-180 1431-180 1431-180 8974-347 4029-564 4068-248 8991-9825 4051-211 1414-210 4041-22 9211-2768 4029-251 6145-54 4056-3305 8941-4749 4068-1660 1435-192 9368-989 1770-2833 1428-34 8974-348 Miles City Butte Butte Gt Falls Thompson Fls Miles City Helena Helena Toole Cnty Gt Falls Helena Gallatin Glendive Missoula Glendive Gt Falls Gallatin Glacier GYV GYV Laurel Miles City Gt Falls Big Sandy Gt Falls Helena Helena Miles City Gt Falls Lewistown GYV GYV Helena Gt Falls Livingston Laurel Helena Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls GYV Laurel Lewistown Lewistown Bigfork Lewistown Lewistown GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Ft Benton Gallatin Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Daniels Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Toole Cnty Helena Missoula Missoula Plentywood Bigfork GYV Gallatin Toole Cnty Ft Benton Montana Averages 2009-2010 Jensen, Shad E Jensen, Sharon Jensen, Terry N Jermunson, Paula B Jerome, Florence Jessen, Jason Jessop, Gladys I Jessop, Mark R Jester, Bob C Jester, Ruth Jeszenka, Bryan M Jette, Debbie Jette, Jeremy A Jette, Kelly D Jette, Richard S Jette, Travis J Jewell, Jody L Jewell, John P Jewell, Lisa M Jewell, Mercy Jiracek, Kevin J Job, Tracy R Jodlowski, Julius Johannessen, Deborah Johannessen, Troy W Johnerson, Wylie S Johnke, Steven P Johns, Dale Johnsen, Forrest L Johnsen, Hazel M Johnson Kathy Johnson, Aaron C Johnson, Abby E Johnson, Alyssa K Johnson, Amanda Johnson, Arlene E Johnson, Ashley A Johnson, Bets Johnson, Bob J Johnson, Bobbie A Johnson, Brad D Johnson, Bradley E Johnson, Brett A Johnson, Cheri A Johnson, Christopher Johnson, Cindy C Johnson, Clayton R Johnson, Cliff R Johnson, Cole R Johnson, Constance L Johnson, Danette Johnson, Dannette S Johnson, Darrel D Johnson, Dawn D Johnson, Deann Johnson, Debbie M Johnson, Debra D Johnson, Della M Johnson, Delynn Johnson, Donald W Johnson, Donna Johnson, Dustan B Johnson, Elizabeth J Johnson, Eva M Johnson, Gloria M Johnson, Gregory P Johnson, Helen M Johnson, Jackie A Johnson, Janell Johnson, Jean M Johnson, Jenifer E Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Jerry Johnson, Jerry D Johnson, Jerry M Johnson, Jessica K Johnson, Jim A 158 122 169 114 139 120 148 150 145 116 192 184 207 201 190 140 117 119 137 160 207 173 141 149 197 148 129 169 202 144 108 138 99 124 117 156 155 144 174 143 160 189 143 120 120 145 153 186 170 150 135 107 154 134 151 140 152 166 111 145 141 183 114 128 112 147 176 130 112 143 158 147 190 189 147 142 144 90 84 27 48 90 42 86 78 57 84 78 87 42 116 88 40 54 21 90 126 72 69 96 93 96 33 80 69 75 69 75 45 33 51 57 66 87 87 72 75 48 96 57 75 57 96 44 112 87 84 66 21 96 81 63 89 66 84 24 51 90 63 93 39 72 84 93 87 57 66 66 87 60 63 47 42 57 1392-420 9368-988 1392-269 4029-94 4056-1433 4085-11 8114-770 1419-1224 4024-476 1432-526 8941-4005 1432-797 1432-798 8941-5129 8378-3849 8941-4673 2610-18 1418-385 8991-9517 1390-2110 9211-2641 9211-2644 1395-121 1431-79 4067-70 8941-4750 8991-9210 8285-1723 4062-273 4034-128 4068-146 8991-7912 1432-380 8974-372 8285-1724 8710-1085 1419-17 4028-600 8941-4092 1432-1330 8378-3582 4068-458 8991-9772 4034-630 1419-802 4024-67 9211-3046 8798-4106 8378-2653 4028-638 4068-64 4068-1784 4068-1069 9246-1043 1405-66 1395-122 8991-7226 8974-328 Gallatin Bigfork Gallatin Gallatin Helena Circle Helena Bitterroot Helena Bigfork Missoula Anaconda Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula GYV Havre Gt Falls GYV GYV Gallatin Gallatin Butte Mission Vly Mission Vly Harlem Missoula GYV Gt Falls Miles City Anaconda Livingston Butte Glendive Missoula GYV Missoula Glendive Ft Benton Miles City Laurel Helena Anaconda Glendive GYV Anaconda Missoula Missoula Lewistown Butte Missoula GYV Gt Falls Butte Helena Bigfork Gallatin Helena Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Missoula Missoula Anaconda Missoula Libby-Troy Deer Lodge Butte Lewistown GYV Ft Benton 8/28/2010 Page 36 of 81 Johnson, Jim W Johnson, Joan G Johnson, Joan V Johnson, Joe E Johnson, John E Johnson, John S, Sr Johnson, Josh Johnson, Josh S Johnson, Joy M Johnson, Julie L Johnson, Justin Johnson, Kate A Johnson, Keith Johnson, Kelly S Johnson, Kristy C Johnson, Lavonne F Johnson, Linda Johnson, Lora M Johnson, Luke Johnson, Makenzie Johnson, Margie C Johnson, Marie R Johnson, Melody E Johnson, Mitch P Johnson, Mitchel Johnson, Mysti D Johnson, Nancy Johnson, Pam K Johnson, Paul F Johnson, Paula M Johnson, Peg M Johnson, Peggy L Johnson, Phyllis J Johnson, Raymond A Johnson, Rod Johnson, Rodney D Johnson, Roger A Johnson, Rosemary C Johnson, Shannon L Johnson, Sharon K Johnson, Shauna R Johnson, Shilo A Johnson, Stephanie A Johnson, Terri Johnson, Terri Johnson, Terri E Johnson, Terry L Johnson, Theresa L Johnson, Tony Johnson, Tressa L Johnson, Wade J Johnson, Whitney L Johnsrud, Mark R Johnston, Barry Johnston, Cassie L Johnston, Gayle L Johnston, Jimmy H Johnston, Joe Johnston, Jon D Johnston, Kermit Johnston, Linda Johnston, Mark J Johnston, Mark J Johnston, Roger Johnston, Shawn G Johnston, Steven E Johnston, Teresa Johnston, Tyler R Jonas, Lynda M Jonckowski, Larry A Jones, Agnes (Smokie) M Jones, Anita Jones, April D Jones, Ben Jones, Bobbie Jones, Bobby Jones, Bridget A 157 154 142 165 194 127 105 129 116 140 173 138 153 149 132 122 131 143 150 125 135 171 130 136 173 121 125 150 170 148 136 103 141 188 152 162 141 156 97 113 145 140 127 160 158 193 127 139 154 117 162 131 151 120 101 101 103 113 174 194 120 188 147 202 172 195 123 166 140 149 135 135 107 125 105 118 136 75 78 96 75 78 96 87 75 66 90 90 30 96 87 60 72 84 72 90 24 84 84 78 84 72 93 93 90 84 39 72 78 84 84 42 90 72 81 27 87 60 84 54 36 54 93 66 30 27 57 21 61 33 75 54 24 87 36 39 48 51 81 24 75 60 81 69 90 87 84 21 87 72 60 45 66 69 8991-9898 4029-121 4029-95 1418-26 1390-330 1418-583 8115-984 4028-3181 1401-270 1401-283 8378-3011 4056-1396 1405-41 8285-1766 8941-4329 1390-4452 1401-269 4038-442 4062-133 1395-1012 4029-366 4067-26 4028-1304 1425-354 1395-1440 4068-1063 8991-9712 4028-1111 8798-3658 8991-8489 4061-215 4061-215 8225-23056 8991-9773 9368-951 8378-3540 1392-211 6136-435 1410-47 8991-9805 8991-9686 8941-5254 9246-1189 1392-148 1390-7126 8378-3567 9057-667 1425-225 1392-149 1392-61 9246-807 8991-9618 4068-1994 1390-656 4056-3698 4034-333 8096-488 9368-971 GYV Gallatin Gallatin Havre GYV Lewistown Havre Livingston Nashua GYV Bigfork Lewistown Bigfork Glendive Butte Glendive Havre Helena Deer Lodge Miles City Gt Falls Anaconda Missoula GYV Bigfork Col Falls Havre Livingston Butte Gallatin Mission Vly Gt Falls GYV Anaconda Libby-Troy Butte Glendive Missoula GYV GYV Glendive Helena GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Helena GYV Thompson Fls Bigfork Butte Gallatin Butte Ft Benton GYV GYV Missoula Anaconda Libby-Troy Gallatin GYV Butte Mission Vly Thompson Fls Libby-Troy Gallatin Gallatin Libby-Troy GYV Missoula GYV Helena Butte Rocky Mtn Frt Lewistown Anaconda Bigfork Thompson Fls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Jones, Buddy Jones, Buddy Jones, Cayce D Jones, Cheryl L Jones, Chris M Jones, Cindy Jones, David Jones, Don H Jones, Doug Jones, Eddie M Jones, Frank L Jones, Franklin K Jones, Fred A Jones, Gary Jones, James M Jones, Janice Jiggs L Jones, Jay W Jones, Jennie L Jones, Justin P Jones, Kendall J Jones, Kyle E Jones, Les P Jones, Linda Jones, Linda M Jones, Lois Jones, Lubert L Jones, Marlette Jones, Mary Jones, Mary Jo M Jones, Melanie K Jones, Nick M Jones, Norma L Jones, Norman H Jones, Richard M Jones, Roxyanne R Jones, Sandra K Jones, Sheldon M Jones, Shirley J Jones, Sody Jones, Steve C Jones, Warren Jones, William Jones, William B Jons, Kiley J Jordan, Albert J Jordan, Betty Jordan, Cindy L Jordan, Donald R Jordan, Frank Jordan, Howard Jordan, Howard Jordan, James A Jordan, Lisa Jordan, Melissa M Jordan, Robert H Jordan, Sue P Joreta, Irene Joreta, Richard Jorgensen, Arlene D Jorgensen, David H Jorgensen, James Jd D Jorgensen, Joey A Jorgensen, Tom Jorgenson, Chase Jorgenson, Dale Jorgenson, Laramie Jorgenson, Mary J Jorgenson, Mike L Jorgenson, Renae Josserand, Ryan L Jovick, Frank W Joyce, Andrea Joyce, Casey J Joyce, Kevin L.G. Juarez, Angelo M Juarez, Fred J Judd, Arnold L 132 135 154 119 157 142 178 184 206 183 195 131 193 150 95 107 142 138 194 162 97 170 129 126 108 176 145 129 127 124 190 154 166 192 143 144 212 134 111 171 125 131 159 186 164 147 144 178 148 180 180 148 112 123 126 154 95 120 117 190 195 175 160 191 114 196 156 144 167 135 168 127 149 127 142 148 160 87 87 42 48 71 93 75 78 81 42 72 87 87 27 42 75 90 42 81 39 96 36 87 33 90 75 81 193 87 87 75 75 90 78 81 75 36 84 21 56 51 45 21 72 84 87 66 82 63 93 96 36 54 45 81 81 63 27 84 87 81 87 78 32 78 112 39 48 116 87 66 27 33 54 87 90 42 1405-316 1390-4445 1432-1100 4028-6214 4056-2564 1418-15 1432-116 1390-853 8941-5007 9246-1241 1390-878 8710-1117 6161-209 11-99120 8798-3916 8798-4105 4042-104 10-448962 4056-385 4038-429 4028-2655 1432-1372 4067-56 1432-117 4047-112 1432-381 4028-5653 4028-5500 1397-139 8320-263 1432-118 9211-2728 1403-136 4024-5 4062-137 139-463 1432-300 1432-300 8172-888 8991-8492 8974-373 1392-381 4068-945 8941-5030 1432-119 1432-120 1419-995 1435-49 1387-7 9368-937 1387-69 4028-6633 8991-9909 4024-7 8115-1048 1395-124 1390-487 9211-2803 8378-3592 1395-1421 Deer Lodge GYV Missoula GYV Whitefish Helena Col Falls Havre Whitefish Missoula GYV Missoula Whitefish Libby-Troy Anaconda Gt Falls GYV Laurel Missoula Mission Vly Anaconda Helena Helena Lewistown Deer Lodge Mission Vly Whitefish Helena Col Falls GYV Missoula Mission Vly Glendive Missoula Thompson Fls Ft Benton Missoula GYV GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Daniels Lewistown Missoula Gallatin Glacier Bigfork Livingston Gt Falls Glacier Missoula Missoula Glacier GYV Ft Benton Gallatin Missoula Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Missoula Missoula Missoula Helena Plentywood Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork GYV GYV Bigfork Livingston Butte Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Butte Butte Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 37 of 81 Judie King Judy, Brian K Jungblut, Kay L Junkert, Ronald G Juntunen, Cindy K Just, Douglas W Juvan, Heather M Juvan-George, Laura Kaasa, Greg A Kada, Carolyn K Kadrmas, Derik C Kadrmas, Izzy Kagarise, Daniel Kagarise, Melinda L Kahl, Sherry E Kahler, Clara E Kahler, Darnell D Kahn, Larry Kainu, Mary A Kakalecik, Barbara J Kalb, Denise Kalb, Stephanie Kalbas, Jody Kale, Bill Kale, Caroline L Kale, Judi M Kale, Marianne Kale, Troy D Kalenak, Christine Kaleva, Kelly K Kalin, Gary D Kall, Marie Kallam, Mike R Kallio, Lisa A Kaluza, Kathleen Kamps, Louis A Kamps, Shanon M Kane, Scott B Kangas, Carl E Kangas, Carol J Kangas, Korey D Kanning, Adam R Kanning, Erik Kanning, Leo Kant, Crystal M Kanuit, Tyson S Kanuit, Tyson S Kao, Noel E Kapp, James P Kapp, John D Kapphahn-Brough, Mary Jo Kapptie, Janette A Kaptur, Mike J Karaffa, Jay Scott Karagiosis, Cliff J Karagiosis, Patricia R Kardell, Martin Kardell, Robert L Karlin, Angela L Karn, Lorna M Karn, Orville J Karr, Thomas W Karsky, Mark A Karterud, Greg S Kartheiser, Nick Kasala, Fay V Kaschube, Barry T Kaske, Kimberlee K Kassmier, Colton G Kassner, Brian Kassner, Lyle Kaste, Pat S Kaudy, Catherine A Kauffman, Mark L Kaufman, Brandon J Kaufman, Gordon L Kaufman, Kay 114 183 182 201 163 148 149 115 204 140 189 185 177 135 123 160 170 190 125 142 133 101 159 136 119 117 190 197 142 181 145 132 159 147 87 204 131 201 168 130 151 156 169 168 129 199 197 127 109 151 144 122 123 166 199 167 164 175 148 143 137 181 131 185 170 106 199 106 125 128 141 136 129 144 156 164 134 69 78 54 69 84 51 42 57 78 87 96 30 87 89 48 72 81 33 24 72 93 27 48 78 81 50 60 60 54 78 96 75 80 75 63 90 66 84 66 81 83 63 21 84 90 21 96 69 21 84 81 39 39 72 99 75 88 84 75 87 75 87 80 75 63 66 21 69 66 45 48 39 69 21 30 45 75 4028-743 1390-674 1423-137 4062-111 4056-2957 1432-37 6161-88 1426-66 8991-8946 4028-6519 4068-481 1432-327 9211-3019 8991-8800 4061-57 9246-1093 1402-61 8991-9583 4028-6610 4028-6896 4028-2741 1390-2056 9368-1003 1432-244 4056-390 8710-1189 8798-3467 1392-199 4043-243 1432-1403 8115-1012 1390-3223 1390-3223 8378-3765 8798-4293 8172-669 4051-569 8991-8836 8941-4939 1392-111 4029-277 1418-165 8115-893 8941-4215 4029-235 1392-28 10-355152 9211-2941 1390-462 1445-466 1392-628 8941-5197 8974-404 4068-1543 8991-9630 Harlem Whitefish GYV GYV Whitefish Laurel Livingston Helena Missoula Whitefish Missoula Livingston GYV GYV Glendive Missoula Missoula Gallatin GYV Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Plentywood GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Bigfork Missoula Lewistown Helena Laurel Helena Gt Falls Gallatin Dillon Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Livingston GYV Laurel Butte Helena Glacier Bitterroot GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Havre Livingston Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin GYV Bigfork Lewistown Gallatin Missoula Ft Benton Circle Circle Lewistown Missoula Whitefish GYV Lewistown Lewistown Montana Averages 2009-2010 Kaul, Matt J Kaupang, Josh D Kaurin, Jean L Kautz, Kevin D Kautz, Stanley R Kautzmann, Lavonne V Kavert, James Kavran, Ed P Kawane, Irene L Kaye, Brian L Kearney, Louetta A Kearns, Dave L Keatts, Raymond A, Iii Keatts, William R Keck, Sydnee Keech, Bobby Keech, Lacey Keegan, Phyllis J Keehr, Josh Keehr, Katie Keele, Amy L Keele, Gipsy Keeler, James Keene, Doug A Kees, Colin M Keever, Douglas E Keffer, Aaron R Keibler, Carmen R Keifer, Amanda L Keil, David S Keiser, Max R Keiser, Richard G Kellegher, Patrick Kellegher, Rob J Keller, Bill J Keller, Fred J Keller, Herbert J Keller, Holly Keller, Juliann Keller, Kay M Keller, Lance M Keller, Louise A Keller, Melissa D Keller, Tom L Kelley, Angela Kim (Moore) Kelley, Deanna K Kelley, Debi Kellmer, Bruce A Kellmer, Georgia M Kelly, Dawn M Kelly, James W Kelly, Mike Kelly, Mike G Kelly, Ranie L Kelly, Ryan Kelly, Tammy J Kelly, Wayne A Kelly-Real, Nicole L Kelm, Patty R Keltz, Lynn M Kemp, Mark A Kempa, William J Kendall, Nathan A Keneady, Ida M Kenelty, Harold Kenelty, Keith Kenik, Jerry D Kenmir, Delma A Kennaugh, Jennifer A Kennaugh, Kory J Kennaugh, Ron Kennedy, Chris W Kennedy, Danny S Kennedy, Donna M Kennedy, Elsie Kennedy, Floy H Kennedy, Judy A 158 140 134 167 161 105 160 162 147 103 116 192 168 120 133 150 173 118 143 122 94 88 163 157 131 167 165 117 129 197 150 151 157 163 216 176 117 91 129 125 184 134 145 186 165 136 122 160 177 114 199 136 151 178 139 159 153 181 142 87 206 113 138 128 165 159 168 135 121 128 151 186 188 125 126 139 150 30 75 48 81 90 72 87 36 51 24 15 83 84 66 69 51 51 87 60 78 79 21 81 60 63 72 42 31 30 69 24 36 57 93 87 75 84 57 33 75 54 33 60 27 54 83 51 61 92 45 105 78 33 108 48 90 60 57 54 27 84 78 87 78 15 75 63 42 45 45 77 90 45 60 96 96 84 1418-595 1423-84 1423-345 1406-113 4028-6461 4068-293 10-1807642 4024-68 8798-3686 4056-2989 4062-15 9211-2976 9211-2991 8798-4185 8798-4186 1418-282 1423-107 300-60040 1390-3896 1395-820 1390-6126 1390-600 4040-183 8974-405 4028-808 1390-2312 4034-100 1390-6910 4029-371 4042-15 1432-726 4068-531 8096-456 9246-794 4023-120 1395-127 4068-544 4056-3162 1426-67 1397-13 8378-3770 4029-522 1425-326 1425-326 4073-23 4056-3709 1419-1713 1419-404 9211-2942 1390-860 4040-217 4029-122 4028-1859 Gt Falls Havre Lewistown Laurel Laurel Glendive Col Falls Dillon GYV Anaconda Missoula Bitterroot Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Helena Helena Livingston Gallatin Gallatin Helena Helena Havre Laurel Gt Falls Glendive GYV Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Lewistown GYV Toole Cnty Anaconda Butte GYV GYV Glacier Ft Benton GYV GYV Whitefish Butte GYV Gallatin Whitefish Deer Lodge Missoula Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt Anaconda Col Falls Whitefish Anaconda Libby-Troy GYV GYV Missoula Nashua Helena Livingston Rocky Mtn Frt Butte Gallatin Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gt Falls Mission Vly Helena Helena Helena Gallatin GYV Glacier Gallatin GYV Whitefish 8/28/2010 Page 38 of 81 Kennedy, Judy K Kennedy, June M Kennedy, Ryan Kennerly, Mandi B Kenney, Jamie C Kenney, Patricia M Kensa, Jim J Kensa, Shanelle L Kent, Barb Kent, Kristie Kent, Shirley B Kent, Trina Kepler, Joan L Kerbs, Randy M Kerbs, Sharla L Kerbs, Zachary R Kercher, Bryan Kercher, Jason K Kern, Robert H Kernaghan, James R Kernaghan, Karen R Kero, Anne F Kerr, Jean M Kerr, Karmen K Kerr, Kim S Kesler, Cory R Kessel, D'ann M Kessel, Edward Kessel, James E Kessel, Joe Kessel, Maggie Kessler, Ed Kessler, Lynn M Ketchum, Mary Ketterling, Jovonne C Ketterling, Millard G Ketterling, Steve A Ketterling, Steve G Key, Homer L Key, Trina K Keyes, Donald L Keyser, Casey T Kibbe, Marion P Kibler, Ryan J Kichnet, Chris S Kidder, Delnetta J Kidrick, Layla Kiefer, Cec A Kiehl, Patti J Kiel, Travis Kienas, Joanne Kieser, Brandon L Kikendall, Diana Kikendall, Diana L Kikendall, Joe G Sr Kikendall, Joe, Jr Kilgore, Williams Killeen, Rory M Killen, Kacie Killen, Linda Killen, Pat Kilpatrick, Dot Kimball, Barbara Kimball, Mike T Kimball, Ronald R Kimberling, Billy W Kimmerle, Bill J Kimmerle, Carolyn A Kimmerle, Doris A Kimzey, Gerry L Kindsfater, Sally A King Martha King, Ashley King, Bert A King, Colette King, Coley W King, Derry 143 89 148 119 141 127 148 132 126 174 114 121 131 185 98 176 109 122 186 191 149 111 108 132 95 133 175 166 182 204 133 174 131 111 115 172 182 178 179 116 134 187 134 165 141 135 97 132 115 114 117 180 144 154 117 119 162 155 111 125 161 128 122 145 146 161 202 126 210 174 104 122 116 153 130 178 183 81 86 93 47 60 42 99 99 90 51 60 78 78 36 21 69 33 42 42 71 72 79 54 72 81 35 27 84 93 84 81 48 87 87 39 93 72 51 93 93 87 116 39 48 66 90 81 36 27 33 60 80 66 69 81 78 90 72 96 87 45 66 24 48 66 27 33 78 81 66 42 59 66 63 18 90 81 8941-5198 8172-935 8798-4075 4040-242 9211-3009 8798-3649 8798-3651 9211-2688 4051-65 1405-323 4028-449 1410-50 8798-4295 1410-219 8114-907 1426-108 4028-6234 4028-6619 4081-81 8710-1183 8798-3420 6146-80 1430-334 4038-17 8285-1398 1390-2244 1419-807 8798-3919 1406-338 8378-3812 4028-4689 4029-96 8285-1710 4058-621 8816-1094 4058-135 4058-135 1425-100 8798-4173 8285-1517 4066-137 1430-108 4028-4049 1405-36 1418-571 1390-655 8991-9092 9368-970 10-1863467 4068-2241 10-1972858 Missoula Glacier Helena Glacier Gallatin Gt Falls Helena Helena Gallatin Plentywood Bitterroot Deer Lodge GYV Ft Benton Helena Ft Benton Bitterroot Gt Falls Livingston Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Laurel Helena Glendive Glendive GYV Glendive Glendive Miles City Col Falls Miles City Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Helena Helena Gt Falls Whitefish Whitefish Butte Butte GYV Gt Falls Gallatin Lewistown Miles City Bigfork Missoula Bigfork Col Falls Col Falls Whitefish Libby-Troy Helena Miles City Miles City Miles City GYV Deer Lodge Gt Falls Gt Falls Havre GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish GYV Harlem Bigfork Havre Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 King, Don W King, Elizabeth M King, Evelyn L King, Florence D King, Jennifer L King, Melvin D King, Robert, Jr King, Ronnie J King, Shawn P King, Stephen King, Susan G King, Thomas King, Tim Kinghorn, Heather D Kingsbury, Erik E Kingston, Bill J Kingston, Dan M Kingston, Vern P Kinkel, Richard P Kinman, Teri L Kinney, Paul J Kinniburgh, Eldon Kinniburgh, Pauline Kinsella, Dustin R Kinsella, Pamela L Kinsella, Robert Kinsey, Jase Kinsey, Velma B Kinyon Nancy Kinzinger, Kay E Kinzle, Samuel J Kinzy, Erskine Leroy L Kipp, Dan Kipp, Paul R Kirby, Jen E Kirby, Krissa Kirby, Ollie Kirby, Robert T Kirby, Steven D Kirk, Jay Kirk, Patricia P Kirkaldie Lisa Kirkeby, Betsy M Kirkeby, Bob L Kirkeby, Brady L Kirkemo, Zach S Kirkham, Clifford Kirkland, Cookie Kirkpatrick, Gary Kirkpatrick, Karen L Kirkpatrick, Larry D Kirkpatrick, Tim A Kirkwood, Derek A Kirschenmann, Claudette Kirschenmann, Rene Kischenmann, Taryn N Kiser, Alfred Kiser, Carrie M Kiser, Lois I Kiser, Noel Kiser, Tyler R Kiss, June V Kitchin, Nancy C Kitchin, Zachary D Kittelmann, Susan Kittelmann, Vernalea Kittelson, Ronald Kurt Kittleson, Patty R Kitts, Andrew J Kitttleson, Elroy Kivinen, Kale Kivinen, Letha L Klakken, Renee D Klapan, Ken Klapan, Kurt A Klapwyk, Ed Klapwyk, Jan 175 177 95 120 120 152 168 160 178 159 150 150 134 99 144 195 180 178 163 147 148 192 142 176 144 140 205 132 94 165 180 146 174 162 121 112 91 150 181 211 146 144 168 196 211 138 141 92 188 127 172 124 147 126 147 110 164 139 147 160 175 123 113 142 174 133 160 109 219 155 153 144 133 198 216 164 132 49 39 69 69 90 66 45 21 24 99 75 84 85 72 87 51 54 63 60 90 45 72 22 68 54 92 85 81 48 90 75 49 63 88 89 63 75 42 99 78 84 57 90 51 90 90 57 75 63 69 57 87 93 95 72 78 81 30 75 24 84 57 21 75 96 78 78 27 81 96 51 42 105 66 75 21 102 9211-3069 4028-4057 4068-235 4047-8 1419-1070 1390-2558 8378-3060 4068-802 8285-1708 4028-7201 1414-558 1395-411 1395-130 1395-131 4034-42 1413-2146 1418-21 1430-439 1432-528 8941-4768 1395-133 1390-694 8798-3419 9211-3010 6134-43 1390-304 4028-2539 4056-3119 1419-405 8798-3456 9211-3060 8991-9904 8798-3989 4034-602 1392-141 8991-9804 8991-9608 4061-290 4059-264 8710-1170 1390-428 8991-9167 4028-1162 1445-261 4034-108 8941-5111 4066-108 4025-101 1419-797 1426-68 1406-76 4043-58 8274-656 1395-878 1395-513 1432-1482 8941-4747 Gallatin GYV Missoula Ft Benton Gt Falls Helena Glendive Gt Falls GYV Butte Missoula Col Falls Miles City GYV Bitterroot Butte Butte Butte Whitefish Butte Gt Falls Whitefish Whitefish Havre Gt Falls Havre Miles City Glendive Harlem Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Butte GYV Helena Havre Gallatin Glendive GYV GYV GYV Harlem Helena Helena Helena Gallatin GYV Helena Glendive Butte Gallatin GYV GYV Libby-Troy Laurel Laurel GYV GYV GYV Bigfork Whitefish Butte Anaconda Missoula Miles City Miles City Helena Glendive Livingston Glendive Dillon Dillon Dillon Butte Butte Missoula Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 39 of 81 Klatt, Lowell R Klein, Becky L Klein, Dennis (Butch) D Klein, Dennis D Klein, Gavin B Klein, Jolene M Klein, Kris Klein, Nathan A Klein, Norman L Klein, Richard A Klein, Tony D Kleindl, Kevin R Kleindl, Robert J Kleindl, Sarah L Klemann, Lois J Kleppelid, Todd Kleppen, Justin Kleppen, Roxy Kleppen, Ryan Klier, June A Klimas, Stan H Klimek, Richard C Klindworth, Carol Kline, Bill G Kline, Carol A Kline, Kristi Kline, Marylou Kline, Russell D Klingaman, Bertha M Klinger, Renee L Klingler, Lindsay Klingler, Roberta Klinker, Marv J Klitzka, Heather A Kloetzke, Christa Kloker, Tom D Kloock, Joyce Klose, Kim L Klosterman, Debbie Kluesner, Heidi J Kluesner, Lisa D Klunder, Elizabeth J Klundt, Jean E Klundt, Kelsey K Knab, Chester Chet P Knapp, Bradford W Knapp, James A Knaup, Lucille Knecht, Amy J Knecht, Caro L Knecht, Mack M Knerr, Anne L Knerr, Jill Knerr, Ted A Knick, Rob Knieper, Allen R Knieper, Angela L Knieper, Brian J Knieper, Carol J Knieper, Desiree L Knieper, Kenneth L Kniepkamp, Randy Knight, Carol Knight, Eric Knight, Gretchen Knight, Gwendolyn A Knight, Kyla Knight, Marci Knight, Marlene Knight, Neal H Knight, Ron J Knight, Susan Knight, Toril Knight, Tracy L Knight, Wm. Dean Knipp, Patrick Knipp, Shawna 152 145 163 165 132 138 179 179 154 153 166 182 184 142 127 126 142 106 132 141 183 176 133 158 139 146 88 212 87 143 184 156 154 129 138 181 94 177 136 111 134 117 128 163 145 161 155 139 114 136 176 145 135 168 148 162 113 163 128 118 174 157 126 167 146 136 158 137 149 124 197 156 136 138 128 150 120 33 81 57 66 27 78 45 39 87 87 51 30 54 57 81 24 51 69 45 90 66 66 66 24 63 57 84 21 78 87 72 48 60 63 84 36 84 84 57 59 32 69 75 63 78 87 120 81 78 99 78 84 39 84 84 42 39 78 72 36 72 54 93 81 78 57 51 93 102 81 102 72 53 69 87 57 30 1392-135 4028-1561 1423-196 1423-196 1390-2946 8991-9080 8991-8558 1423-203 1423-67 1390-570 8991-9597 1390-485 1390-4470 4028-6535 1435-35 1435-226 4028-2999 1410-52 1426-69 1410-53 4047-114 10-1999368 1390-459 8991-9659 1397-53 8991-8684 4038-37 4024-100 4034-638 8274-816 4068-1270 4028-3645 1390-3034 1390-776 8798-3315 8798-3889 1397-148 1435-201 8941-5072 8941-5073 8941-5074 8941-5075 8941-5076 8941-5077 4028-4591 10-1984641 4028-2554 4056-2226 7331-1587 2763-11484 4034-174 8941-4751 1395-1299 4028-4653 4068-2452 1390-598 1386-109 8285-1381 Gallatin GYV GYV Laurel GYV GYV GYV Laurel Laurel GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Anaconda Circle Plentywood Plentywood Plentywood GYV Ft Benton Livingston Havre Ft Benton Ft Benton Havre GYV GYV GYV Thompson Fls Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Col Falls Anaconda Bigfork Glendive Butte Dillon Missoula GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Toole Cnty Helena Helena Rocky Mtn Frt Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown Plentywood Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Circle GYV Deer Lodge GYV Helena Butte Butte Helena Missoula Butte Big Sandy GYV Missoula GYV Miles City Miles City Montana Averages 2009-2010 Knippel, Dave G Knispel, Berta I Knoche, Trina A Knoepfel, Nicholas A Knop, Debbie A Knopfle, Lowell M Knorr, Gordon E Knote, Christina M Knote, Richard A Knott, Teri A Knuchel, Thomas C Knudsen, Anna V Knudsen, Chris D Knudson, Bea Knudson, Brian Knudtson, Karen Knutsen, Cindy Knutson, Crystal M Knutson, Eric P Knutson, Luann M Knutzen, Dwayne L Kober, Beverly Kober, Gust Kober, Jamie Kober, Jamie L Kober, Rosanne S Koch, Frank T Koch, Jo A Koch, Larry J Koch, Michael D Koch, Rosemary A Kochel, Michelle K Kocher, Bruce F Kocher, Scot T Kocian, Mike Kocian, Terri Koehler, Walt Koester, Marilyn M Koffler, Ken Kohles, James W Kohles, Linda L Kohlman, Heather C Kohlman, Lennie 'Zane Kohrt, Alexa J Kolman, Anita L Kolman, Karen A Kolstad, Monika A Kolve, Ashley Kolve, Dan Kolwyck, Tamara K Komar, Mary Ann Kombol, Bo E Komis, Leann M Kommers, Charlene Konecny, Dennis J Konen, Marlene R Konen, Nick D Konesky, Chad D Konesky, Joe C Konesky, Linda L Konesky, Suann M Koons, Dwain E Koontz, Karl F Kopitzke, Marlys Kopp, Carrie L Korang, Carrie Korba, Amanda J Kordonowy, Paul W Kordonowy, Ray W Korell, Chasity Korell, Matt Korst, Sunny R Korte, Robbie E Kortes, Joyce A Korth, Stuart A Koscak, Sandi J Koscak, Thomas M 124 152 160 117 156 154 149 152 191 116 176 149 207 146 154 76 131 158 166 96 130 148 187 192 198 131 158 107 111 195 102 149 148 102 134 134 161 124 126 121 115 139 178 124 94 135 148 123 137 121 120 141 141 137 191 114 167 174 143 132 128 184 177 127 123 134 88 170 125 97 156 114 140 137 140 141 162 45 51 45 42 96 81 45 72 69 87 84 81 128 84 42 73 75 90 87 27 66 48 116 96 40 96 21 132 87 81 60 48 63 99 45 78 45 57 30 27 51 81 69 42 39 92 66 50 78 55 90 54 57 63 87 54 51 60 90 84 69 81 81 79 54 21 87 66 42 94 93 53 57 21 45 57 57 8991-9598 4028-3564 8114-927 4028-2079 1406-33 4028-1967 1390-713 1432-530 4066-104 1390-7127 1405-293 4083-48 1390-6435 8378-3813 4058-65 1422-167 4058-278 4028-3693 8941-4334 4047-26 4028-1019 1395-136 8378-3750 1390-6597 4028-6624 1430-22 4067-28 8991-9889 8991-8659 1390-3551 4029-23 4029-124 8096-471 4068-2188 1395-361 1432-1255 4038-87 8798-4187 1405-326 9211-3001 1397-75 8285-1695 8285-1694 8798-4116 1423-94 8798-3669 8798-3670 GYV GYV Gt Falls Bitterroot GYV Whitefish Dillon GYV GYV Gt Falls Missoula Whitefish Whitefish Miles City GYV Deer Lodge Lewistown Butte GYV Lewistown Butte Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Whitefish GYV Whitefish Missoula Gt Falls Whitefish Ft Benton GYV Butte Butte GYV GYV Miles City Mission Vly Glendive GYV Gt Falls GYV GYV Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Lewistown Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Lewistown Missoula Gt Falls Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Col Falls Helena Deer Lodge Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Glendive Miles City Miles City Helena Gt Falls Glendive Laurel Helena Helena 8/28/2010 Page 40 of 81 Koski, Carl M Koski, Jackie R Koski, Mary Ann Koski, Thomas R Kost, Andrew D Kost, Donald E Kostelecky, Duane C Kostelecky, Ken G Kostelecky, Marjean Kostelecky, Tara Kosterman, Mark S Kothrade, Nacole L Kottwitz, Ashley R Kottwitz, Lori J Kottwitz, Mark H Kountz, Lacee Kountz, Roxcee Kovacich, Andrea J Kovacich, Tracie J Kovarik, Kelly J Kowalski, Chris J Kradolfer, Cathy A Kraft, Alicia C Kraft, Glen O Kraft, J Charles Kraft, Peg Kraft, Rick M Kraiter, Daryl L Kraiter, Michael J Kramarich, Dianne L Kramarich, John S Kramarich, Stephen P Kramarich, Steve B Kramarich, Steve B Kramer, Brandon Kramer, Cindy L Kramer, Diann M Kramer, Donald Kramer, Mona Kramer, Stacie Kramlick, H. Keith Kramlick, Kevin S Krank, Kelee Krankowski, Mike Krantz, Melvina M Kranzler, Alice Krasnov, Tracy A Kratochvil, June Krattiger, Kim Krattiger, Megan J Krattiger, Steve M Krause, E. Bradley Krause, James D Krause, Josh M Krause, Kristopher M Krause, Suze Kreider, Sarah A Kreiger, Carole A Kreiger, Larry F Krell, Desene D Krell, Kenneth (Randy) R Krell, Steven S Kremer, Clarinda D Kremer, Kurt M Kremer, Trista Krenelka, Kit K Krengel, Paul G Krengel, Paul G, Jr Kresge, Kristi Kretchmer, Matt D Kriewald, Rochelle Kristenson, Arlo Kroll, Dan M Kroll, John T Kroll, Robert L Kron, Mick Kronen, Palmer M 138 144 101 173 220 149 184 155 155 128 133 147 168 165 182 124 135 122 132 167 194 156 94 159 139 119 142 139 177 144 173 186 200 186 140 141 117 132 149 118 182 168 98 183 129 135 109 133 115 122 188 180 152 180 196 136 121 125 176 138 194 216 140 197 165 159 183 172 144 168 158 148 179 137 164 140 140 90 87 69 77 45 87 93 54 99 57 78 57 21 30 84 68 71 90 126 72 24 81 42 72 87 42 84 57 87 60 69 72 59 66 48 69 51 27 81 54 81 87 33 128 21 87 48 84 54 54 90 63 57 72 63 105 81 81 84 33 54 84 87 36 60 84 84 78 81 45 102 84 45 36 48 87 90 1390-4124 4028-583 4028-4479 1432-1256 1432-531 1390-619 1390-7097 4028-779 8991-9646 8114-841 6145-115 4029-2 1392-237 8184-175 4083-36 4068-133 9211-2750 4029-321 8710-1030 1392-389 1392-388 4028-2849 1403-181 1423-270 1423-200 4029-400 1392-293 1390-2739 1390-2739 1404-35 8991-9301 8991-9254 4028-4917 4041-30 1419-71 1419-620 8991-9918 6136-211 4067-283 8114-818 4028-5399 1423-101 6134-152 4034-418 8991-9742 4028-937 1390-729 9057-684 8991-9743 1390-3278 4028-7179 1395-139 4034-667 1390-4277 1390-3566 8991-9836 4056-3346 1418-85 1395-1042 8285-885 1419-72 8991-8436 1432-602 1432-486 GYV GYV GYV Lewistown Missoula Missoula GYV GYV GYV GYV Bitterroot Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Whitehall Whitehall Anaconda Missoula Thompson Fls Gallatin Gallatin Laurel Gallatin Gallatin GYV Glacier Laurel Laurel Gallatin Gt Falls Gallatin GYV Laurel Daniels GYV GYV Toole Cnty GYV Daniels Helena Helena GYV Butte Mission Vly Plentywood Bitterroot GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Gt Falls Anaconda GYV Butte GYV GYV GYV Mission Vly GYV GYV GYV Butte Butte GYV GYV GYV Helena Havre Butte Miles City Helena Anaconda GYV Missoula Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Kropp, Jim W Krueger, David F Krueger, Heather R Krug, Charlene L Krug, Pat L Kruger, Tanaia D Krum, Aimee R Krum, Jocelyn M Krum, Joshua A Kruse, Brian V Kruse, Kristarae C Kruse, Malcolm W Kruse, Mary J Kruse, Robert C Kruse, Wesley J Kruzich, Katrina Kruzich, Paula A Kubacky, Marty J Kubesh, Terry Kucera, Mark D Kuchenreuther, Bobbi Kudrna, Leroy V Kueber, Jeff Kuehn, Trena C Kuhl, Deborah A Kuhlman, Vada L Kuhn, Carol L Kuhn, Don G Kuhns, Bernie A, Jr Kuhns, Bernie A, Sr Kulbeck, Marshall Kulbeck, Neil Kulbeck, Ruth Kulstad, Michelle M Kump, Gary E Kump, Joe A Kump, Joseph, Jr Kunda, Margaret Kunkel, Chris Kuntz, Anthony M Kuntz, Don J Kuntz, Donald,Ii J Kuntz, Wayne S Kurtz, Cindy S Kurtz, John M, Jr Kussman, William A Kutzler, Sharon C Kuusisto, Ruth E Kuykendall, Myra Kuykendall, Sharla Kuykendall, Shirlene Kuykendall, Shirley M Kuykendall, Shirlie Kvernes, Rian L Kvia, Debbie R Kvilhaug, Chad D Kvilhaug, Ron J Kynett, Michael R Kyriss, Joann Kyro, Linda C L = Left,R = Right Lab, Katie Lab, Robert Laber, Jed Labere, Richard S Lablanc, Fred E Labostrie, Terry L Labree, Aaron R Labrie, Todd F Labuda, Christopher Labuda, James Labuda, Jerry Labuda, Jerry Labuda, Laci Labuda, Lauretta Labuda, Ryne Labuda, Timothy 188 187 107 132 154 108 119 149 146 149 109 152 172 205 154 130 124 156 169 171 148 155 163 133 116 139 161 124 219 185 159 176 128 138 159 195 185 102 152 123 166 148 210 128 216 166 158 90 143 135 135 120 138 122 130 175 162 172 124 135 87 21 78 96 41 78 87 33 87 78 72 39 128 124 69 32 59 72 75 73 72 36 69 86 54 72 69 69 69 69 60 66 39 27 63 66 78 87 78 57 96 36 51 123 54 60 74 75 21 87 74 81 24 66 45 81 24 90 72 57 132 158 121 189 152 127 122 151 187 196 199 178 141 158 158 177 24 42 60 124 66 30 72 84 72 66 21 72 72 54 66 21 1419-1333 1389-43 9211-3035 4059-77 4059-128 8991-8193 8710-1174 8710-911 8710-1114 8115-974 8096-493 1405-251 8941-5128 8991-9927 1419-1626 8941-4351 4028-1149 1432-956 1432-496 4068-1508 8378-3574 1395-388 1395-496 4029-69 4061-266 8991-7762 1432-269 8941-4017 1419-74 4056-434 4056-2278 4056-435 4028-213 4056-436 8115-790 8991-8705 8991-7936 1390-316 9246-941 8991-7963 8320-267 1395-141 4028-6438 9057-587 1410-57 Helena Laurel Gallatin Laurel Laurel GYV Laurel Laurel Laurel Livingston Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Deer Lodge Anaconda Whitefish Glendive Lewistown Missoula GYV Helena Glendive Missoula GYV Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Missoula Missoula Big Sandy Big Sandy Big Sandy Missoula Butte Butte Butte Gallatin Libby-Troy Glendive Gt Falls GYV Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Helena Glendive Gt Falls Helena Helena Helena GYV Helena Livingston GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Libby-Troy GYV Anaconda Glendive Glendive Daniels Whitefish Butte GYV Mission Vly Glendive Big Sandy Big Sandy Ft Benton Big Sandy Big Sandy Big Sandy Big Sandy Big Sandy 8/28/2010 Page 41 of 81 Lacey, Cody C Lacey, Pat Lachenbruch, Mary Lackman, Cori N Lackman, Marty L Lacombe, Kylie R Lacroix, Elaine Ladenburg, Carol L Ladinsky, Rose Mary Lafave, Owen M Laffoon, Brandon Lafond, Brian M Lafond, Dana D Lafountain, Tyron Lafountaine, Curtiss Lagermeier, Mitte Lagerquist, Victor Lagerquist-Logue, April L Lahren, Hank A Laird, Jeannette A Laird, Jeff J Laisnez, Tiffany Lakey, Jayne C Lakkala, Bob Lalich, Will Lalim, Jentry Lamb, Daniel D Lamb, Peg L Lambers, Kristin J Lambert, Johnella Lambert, Larry E Lambert, Tana M Lambrecht, Tom Lammi, Brandi M Lamotte, Shirley L Lampel, Raven F Lamphier, Teresa M Lampi, Judy A Lampi, Leslie B Lamping, Richard J Lamping, Sandra Sandy M Lampshire, Chris J Lampshire, Faydra A Landais, Philippe M Lander, James A Lander, Pat A Landreth, Ginger L Lane, Linda J Lane, Samuel T Lane, Sophia P Lane, Tom Lane, Walt D Lang, Barbara Lang, James Lang, Jason A Lang, Robert J Lang, Robert M Lang, Teresa A Langan, Colter G Langendoerfer, David K Langkil, Michael A Langley, James W Langlois, Alexis Langlois, Jeremy Langlois, Tana C Lanier, Mark K Lankford, Barbara A Lannaghan, M.J. Lannen, Daniel J Lanning, Kendall D Lanning, Ladonna G Lanoue, Barbara A Lanoue, Jennifer L Lanphear, Bertha A Lanter, Jerry W Lantz, Mariya Lapalm, Heidi A 202 159 129 135 162 110 126 121 132 138 133 168 138 129 154 123 208 173 129 181 204 115 124 119 150 154 179 102 155 136 145 151 168 137 144 74 144 129 98 180 132 150 132 154 169 154 130 146 184 107 161 172 113 173 156 174 170 147 151 158 185 167 114 131 120 177 203 151 165 152 111 156 143 105 145 95 130 51 42 96 63 72 63 78 84 72 78 60 84 96 21 81 51 63 24 90 87 57 57 63 36 63 78 99 57 21 72 75 81 54 48 81 30 39 69 54 27 75 22 46 81 90 90 87 30 33 72 80 48 48 96 96 99 99 84 29 87 90 72 63 81 84 66 90 69 96 69 51 132 78 84 87 26 93 8378-2820 4034-435 4056-1842 4028-4860 8991-7986 8378-3358 4056-1342 4038-421 1419-230 9246-797 8378-3526 8378-3525 1395-1032 1414-826 4051-85 1426-203 4028-6670 8378-3071 8115-792 9211-2825 1390-932 8798-4141 6145-106 4025-194 8941-5054 4068-726 1390-1766 4034-350 4028-716 8991-7953 8991-9822 1390-3838 1419-1627 4056-3629 8941-4889 4028-364 2763-716 129-64 9211-2983 1403-82 1395-1282 4028-4082 1390-6338 1390-1031 1390-7072 4028-6432 1392-811 1432-532 1432-384 4024-479 4038-483 8096-435 8114-683 4068-1068 8941-5201 8320-264 8991-9826 Butte Butte Helena GYV GYV Butte Helena Col Falls Gt Falls Helena Libby-Troy Butte Butte Lewistown Butte Whitefish Missoula Missoula Livingston Gt Falls Gt Falls Havre GYV Butte Livingston Gallatin GYV Helena Gallatin Miles City Missoula Missoula GYV Butte GYV Anaconda Lewistown GYV GYV Helena Gt Falls Helena Helena Missoula Glendive Glendive GYV Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Glacier Butte GYV Glendive GYV GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Missoula Missoula Whitefish Bigfork Col Falls Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Lewistown Missoula Daniels GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Lapalm, Neil C Lapier, Regina M Lapierre, Doug E Lapinski, David C Laplante, Allen Laplaunt, Daphne M Laplaunt, Jeremy L Lapp, Garrett J Lapp, Kenny Laque, Todd L Larcom, Chris D Larkin, Annona D Larkin, Floyd Larkin, Leila Laroque, Josh Larsen, Dorothy B Larsen, Ginger M Larsen, Jon A Larsen, Joyce C Larsen, Stacey L Larsen, Toni Larson, Ben A Larson, Carol I Larson, Dale A Larson, Donna Larson, Duane A Larson, Emily J Larson, Gary L Larson, Gwen H Larson, Heather Larson, Jake O Larson, Jay L Larson, Jon Larson, Karen M Larson, Katherine M Larson, Leann R Larson, Nichole Larson, Nicole L Larson, Nicolette S Larson, Rich E Larson, Rick Larson, Sandy R Larson, Steve E Larson, Todd M Larson, Vi Larson, Zack Lartch, Harlan H Larue, Connie Larue, Jannett R Lasell, Villa Laskey, Martin A Latka, Carmen M Latoush, Elizabeth Latoush, Harry R Latray, Carla L Lau, Cheryl A Laughlin (Kunesh), Tera Laughlin, Hank Laughlin, Jay A Laughlin, Jo M Laumeyer, Sandy K Launderville, Teresa Lauterbach, Molly Lauwers, Amanda N Lauwers, Daniel L Lauwers, Jason A Lauwers, Trish A Laux, Robert C Lavigne, Erik A Law, Jackie Law, Rory B Lawrence, Gary L, Jr Lawrence, Leanna L Lawson, Bridgett D Lawson, Kelly L Lawson, Matt J Lawson, Matt J 146 92 159 172 137 114 145 163 129 125 176 160 134 121 136 152 115 209 149 118 136 145 136 194 148 195 107 193 147 133 143 146 154 100 168 133 103 152 127 194 171 109 165 143 97 146 157 111 142 139 119 124 126 148 117 146 148 144 129 149 110 106 127 128 127 179 94 175 179 99 125 166 151 112 132 192 199 96 21 75 42 63 51 39 93 51 69 78 30 79 90 81 72 72 27 87 36 57 51 93 92 72 66 62 72 21 90 42 63 75 99 87 69 30 75 69 75 24 84 99 32 36 84 93 78 69 30 48 87 78 84 71 87 87 99 84 90 53 69 90 90 90 90 90 87 36 66 72 48 45 63 84 87 87 8991-9827 8378-3841 1392-467 1403-538 8285-1426 8114-904 8941-4807 1405-32 4042-43 2400-1821 4043-94 4056-3264 8991-7932 4051-306 1406-171 8114-696 1432-125 8941-4675 8612-14739 4043-89 8798-4117 4068-530 8991-9456 4028-1405 1390-6247 8710-1040 1395-145 8285-1683 4028-1048 6152-855 4068-2300 8378-3735 8096-497 9211-2593 9211-2594 4040-104 4056-1591 1419-1114 1405-310 9368-984 4028-6656 8991-9500 1390-6640 8991-9501 9211-2971 4038-468 1390-4483 4028-5006 8710-1071 1423-263 1423-263 GYV Butte Gt Falls Gallatin Glacier Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Col Falls Bitterroot Missoula Gt Falls Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Gt Falls Glendive Glendive Missoula Butte Glendive Helena GYV Missoula Dillon Bitterroot Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Dillon Gt Falls Gt Falls Lewistown Helena Missoula Gt Falls Chinook GYV GYV GYV Laurel Gt Falls Butte GYV GYV Helena Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Butte Rocky Mtn Frt Glendive Gallatin Gallatin Glacier Gt Falls Helena Lewistown Helena Lewistown Nashua Deer Lodge Bigfork GYV GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Col Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Laurel Gt Falls Laurel GYV 8/28/2010 Page 42 of 81 Lawson, Mitch W Lawton, Susan K Le Prowse, Cody Leal, Jonathon L Lean, Coby J Lean, Colleen O Lean, Cory Leapoldt, Astra L Learn, Kimberly K Learn, Linda L Leary, Chris R Leary, Pat F Lease, Colter D Lease, Paul Leatherberry, Dixie Lechner, Charles A Lechner, Norma N Leckner, Brenda D Leckner, Richard T Leckner, Sonya L Lecoure, Larry E Lecoure, Lori L Ledeau, Steve F Lederer, Eric Lederer, Kathryn Ledger, Sue M Lee, Ardis Lee, Brian D Lee, Bruce W Lee, Chelsie Lee, Christopher C Lee, Chuck Lee, Dawn Lee, Don Lee, Donald B Lee, Elaine, H Lee, Gary A Lee, Justin A Lee, Krista M Lee, Laura Lee, Leroy Lee, Mike J Lee, Myron Bud Lee, Phyllis A Lee, Rod J Lee, Sunny Lee, Terry A Leeds, Lois Leeper, Rhiannon C Lees, Leeann Lefler, Bruce Lefler, Rhonda Lefor, Gary R Legault, Toni L Leger, Thomas Tom R Lehfeldt, Karlene J Lehfeldt, Peggy Lehm, Robert C Lehman, Dustin M Lehnen, Darrell J Lehner, Mike E Lehnert, Shirley Lehti, Stephanie M Leibel, Edwin L Leininger, Dana Leinwand, Jeannie Leischner, Tommy J Leister, John Leiva, Bob V Lekse, Marlene E Lekvold, Jo Ann Leland, Darlene Lemay, Michael D Lembo, Richard L Lemieux, Bob Lemieux, Bob D Lemieux, Kandie L 204 148 108 120 179 87 168 86 131 137 210 120 123 170 98 115 169 138 133 97 152 112 179 137 96 145 155 217 180 117 194 188 126 146 160 134 179 125 122 98 178 137 150 124 213 146 180 140 128 136 155 145 184 159 191 163 126 157 126 194 151 123 119 137 111 118 159 140 167 157 143 101 155 169 178 192 148 78 78 57 72 81 39 81 69 81 84 42 33 69 60 93 78 42 72 69 75 69 69 24 90 90 99 51 54 96 63 48 81 78 90 78 90 69 54 72 84 90 21 63 93 81 36 96 60 72 81 60 60 72 72 81 93 78 54 39 81 84 87 57 87 21 27 81 78 81 87 54 60 69 81 112 36 69 1423-148 4043-10 8274-805 1395-148 8378-3569 1395-327 8991-9793 9057-455 4067-29 1432-597 8378-3758 9211-2925 1405-273 4066-350 1390-917 285-2405 4062-139 1426-116 8798-4011 8378-3043 8378-3375 1390-4665 8285-1689 8285-1688 4068-585 4028-863 1390-2703 8991-9647 8941-4956 1386-175 4025-149 1390-4680 8991-9183 4028-5243 8991-9599 8991-9195 1395-150 1390-4809 1426-71 4051-502 1390-7330 1432-1443 4028-6588 1423-163 4059-225 1390-1229 2226-367 4028-825 8991-7957 1390-2964 8974-414 1390-7184 4061-165 8378-3318 1432-459 4041-110 8991-9648 1390-7201 9211-2783 4028-695 4041-40 8378-3834 1422-191 4040-23 Laurel Dillon Dillon Whitefish Butte Butte Butte GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Missoula Butte Gallatin Deer Lodge Miles City GYV GYV Livingston Livingston Helena Butte Butte GYV Miles City Miles City Missoula GYV Gt Falls GYV GYV Missoula Miles City Miles City GYV GYV GYV Glendive GYV Gt Falls GYV Butte GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Livingston Bitterroot GYV Havre Missoula GYV Laurel Laurel GYV Thompson Fls Helena GYV GYV GYV Ft Benton GYV Whitefish Libby-Troy Butte Bitterroot Daniels GYV GYV Gallatin Whitefish GYV Daniels Chinook Butte Gt Falls Bigfork Whitefish Glacier Montana Averages 2009-2010 Lemm, Shirley E Lemon, Tootie T Lennick, Cristina G Lennick, Farron F Lennick, Floyd P Lennick, Kathy K Lenning, John M Lenoir, Dennis E Lenoir, Donna L Lenoir, Jack Lentz, Adam R Leonard, Dorothy Leonard, Marc H Leonard, Melvin J Leonard, Ronald Leonard, William R Leprowse, Bob E Leprowse, Fred Ler, Brandon E Lerback, Francine Lerback, Gregory D Lerback, Tony D Lesoine, Niki M Lesser, Brian L Lessley, Susan I Lessor, David R Lessor, Elaine E Lester, Brian J Lester, Jennifer R Lester, Joe K Lester, Mark Lesueur, Renee S Letendre, Kathy (Evans) J Leufkens, Judy A Levandoski, George W Levandowski, Christine D Levandowski, Doris Levandowski, Mark L Levandowski, Ron L Levandowski, Timothy A Levang, Jack Leveaux, Ron L Levengood, Leo J Levengood, Miranda L Leveque, Dale K Leveque, Douglas N Leveque, Lee E Leveque, Lillian G Leveque, Renee Levesey, Joseph L, Jr Levesque, Mae Levick, Carmen L Levick, John Levitt, Mike B Lewis, Betty Lewis, Bonnie K Lewis, Carol M Lewis, Denise J Lewis, Heather A Lewis, Jeff Lewis, John D Lewis, Kacy L Lewis, Kathleen Y Lewis, Linda D Lewis, Linda J Lewis, Neil R Lewis, Rex Lewis, Roxann Lewis, Stephanie Lich, Henry W Licht, Jodie L Licking, Mike A Liedle, David M Liedle, Gregory T Liedle, Jane Lien, Jack R Lien, Sherri R 134 123 154 191 148 131 140 137 128 140 167 139 125 185 154 171 143 179 109 129 170 176 155 176 171 149 121 193 162 170 191 105 147 129 179 125 145 137 131 172 136 130 208 140 156 158 187 142 147 203 153 138 132 195 123 145 143 136 104 193 144 85 120 144 152 168 129 127 114 137 139 152 167 194 124 187 187 91 66 27 60 66 57 36 78 54 81 78 96 81 67 81 73 99 66 66 78 90 90 81 78 90 72 72 128 87 78 95 45 36 69 87 90 72 69 57 87 72 66 96 94 51 51 30 54 84 85 90 93 33 92 75 75 81 69 54 75 87 75 42 83 75 75 87 80 51 87 33 90 96 45 87 45 59 4068-65 4067-30 4028-6545 1390-1728 1390-1093 4028-2408 1419-1729 1403-175 4040-65 1403-10 8941-4738 4024-47 8941-5121 1387-87 1390-5051 1432-503 1446-2 4068-804 1432-686 1432-701 4068-882 1390-1736 4029-172 4028-7079 1390-7169 1430-19 8991-9881 11-34585 4056-1017 1404-39 1395-864 4034-73 4068-1935 8798-3468 8798-3450 4042-42 4028-3636 4068-540 8710-1120 1390-7186 4059-246 1390-5138 4051-38 8991-9548 8710-1003 1419-21 1419-232 4056-459 4068-441 Missoula Mission Vly GYV GYV GYV GYV Helena Glacier Glacier Glacier Missoula Bigfork Gt Falls Missoula Bigfork GYV Missoula Whitehall Glendive Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Gallatin Whitefish Whitefish Anaconda GYV GYV Miles City GYV Gallatin Thompson Fls Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Daniels Gt Falls Butte Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Helena Helena Whitefish Deer Lodge GYV Whitefish Missoula Laurel GYV Gt Falls Whitefish Whitefish Laurel Gt Falls Whitefish GYV Bitterroot GYV Laurel Lewistown Glendive Helena Helena Helena Gt Falls Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 43 of 81 Lightner, Amy R Likens, Peggy Lilletvedt, Brian Lilletvedt, Terry Linabary, Jeffrey H Lindahl, Judy L Lindahl, Peter A Lindeman, Charles M Linder, Kelly R Linder, Marni A Linder, Steve E Linder, Tim Lindgren, Kevin T Lindgren, Nicole Lindner, Dora Lindner, Joey J Lindner, Rick Lindquist, Marci P Lindquist, Myrna M Lingel, Sharon Lingel, William Linguista, Brenda L Linguista, Carlo L Linguista, Shane J Link, Jason A Link, Joshua A Link, Kendall Linnell, Becky Linnellnancy Linse, Gregory R Linsted, Cookie M Linthicum, Clint A Linthicum, Robert Linville, Tacy M Lipscomb, Alicia M Lipscomb, Carol M Lipscomb, Dan J Lisowski, Geoffrey P Lisowski, Laura J Lissa, Mavis L Lissa, Mike E Listoe, Pam M Liston, Lori A Litle, Mary Ellen Little, Amber L Little, Curt W Little, June Little, Paula M Little, Sheree A Littlefield, Aric W Littlefield, Leslie Littrell, Keegan Livingston, Edward Livingston, James E Livingston, Janet Llewellyn, Shawn P Lloyd, Brett Loberg, Bill Locke, Christine Lockey, Richard J Lockie, Anna Lockie, Seth Lockwood, Brandon L Lockwood, Cj Lodge, Ryan E Loehding, Corey Loehding, Frank N Loendorf, Hoss Loessberg, Don L Loessberg, Reid Loftis, Dennis F Loftsgaard, Adam Loftsgaard, Kay Loftsgaard, Tom Logan, Jerry L Logsdon, John Logsdon, Ruth 131 102 172 145 113 141 155 157 142 104 195 184 189 167 133 130 144 112 126 124 146 138 143 136 226 217 165 111 132 161 154 169 134 125 137 142 186 163 136 151 198 179 81 133 137 182 139 130 97 169 118 204 163 188 131 121 119 130 93 170 140 204 177 156 114 104 153 182 185 139 155 120 127 170 173 152 113 72 60 60 54 57 75 71 66 21 66 66 90 96 96 73 45 21 81 78 57 93 99 99 99 78 90 51 87 48 69 72 45 72 69 24 69 23 81 78 64 81 69 60 24 51 39 69 63 47 39 72 96 93 36 87 12 42 51 63 21 69 93 78 81 21 63 78 116 102 85 75 42 48 63 30 87 80 8096-439 8798-4026 1418-90 9211-2878 1419-1657 4056-2710 4056-1398 9211-3048 1392-552 8114-764 8114-763 9246-781 9246-780 8798-4130 8798-4131 6152-436 1415-193 9368-648 4041-91 1431-120 4062-30 8941-5180 9057-691 4067-31 1436-75 4028-272 1390-1264 4028-6361 9211-3085 4029-173 1419-520 8115-891 8798-4208 440-1886 3079-1835 1387-389 1405-74 8285-1508 8941-5210 8798-3842 4066-315 1430-32 1432-126 8798-3927 8798-4260 8285-1674 1418-32 9211-2845 9211-2846 1414-926 1404-69 4041-92 1404-41 1432-127 1386-36 4056-1245 Rocky Mtn Frt Helena Havre Havre Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Gt Falls Glendive Glendive Glendive Glendive Helena Helena Helena Gallatin Gallatin Bitterroot Bitterroot Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Helena Helena Helena GYV Glendive Circle Bigfork Daniels Mission Vly Livingston Glendive Glendive Missoula Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Whitefish Whitefish GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Helena Livingston Whitefish Helena Missoula Missoula Bigfork Deer Lodge Gt Falls Miles City Missoula Col Falls Circle Big Sandy Helena Miles City Miles City Missoula Helena Helena Miles City Glendive Havre Gallatin Gallatin Bitterroot Daniels Daniels Daniels Missoula Miles City Helena Montana Averages 2009-2010 Lohman, Justin R Lohman, Karen G Lohman, Rick H Lohman, Tracy L Lohman, Will R Lohmiller, Liz D Lohmiller, Robert G Lohrenz, Elaine Lohse, Dee E Lohse, Fern Lohse, Ron F Loken, Melody Lomahukluh, Daniella L Lombardozzi, Heidi J London, Eric J Long, Irvin E Long, Jack W Long, Max E Long, Nancy C Long, Theresa R Longfield, Lee Longgood, Dean A Longgood, Shelley K Longman, Jeanette Longmire, Gil L, Jr Longpre, Rosella F Longshore, Karin Longtin, Scott C Lonski, Darin Loomans, Susan M Loomis, Heather Loomis, Rose M Loomis, Ryan D Loper, Leland L Lopez, Chris J Lopez, Michael C Lopez, Nate R Lopez, Rebecca L Loran, Andrea L Loran, Darlene F Loran, G. Keith Loran, Kerry M Loran, Lucinda E Lorash, Joyce A Lord, Carson S Lorello, Peter J Lorello, Samantha J Lorenz, Amber D Loring, Jackie Loring, Mimi Losett, Kent Loshesky, Amy M Losing, Marilyn Losleben, Cici C Lossing, D E Lotan, Ruth E Lott, Cindy Louden, Dominic Q Loudermilk, Monty Lough, Rick A Lovaas, Paul P Love, Brandy L Love, Dana J Love, Darryl G Love, Kenneth E Love, Larry Lovec, Jan Lovec, Michael Lovelady, Verneddral Loving, Tanya Lovshin, Carole S Lovshin, Gary H Low, Howie F Low, Lydia B Low, Mary M Lowe, Angela K Lowe, Donna L 116 108 168 125 181 150 154 151 116 144 127 122 116 98 126 158 136 149 119 105 132 172 138 121 152 146 173 178 136 128 137 118 130 151 154 181 151 101 109 157 218 196 160 159 141 128 115 168 140 118 189 145 115 97 173 105 125 148 202 194 202 139 119 202 126 128 132 136 153 159 136 172 142 115 139 148 126 28 60 63 44 36 69 78 99 66 45 71 21 54 51 57 72 154 87 72 51 90 34 60 57 120 75 96 54 63 93 42 72 21 69 81 82 81 39 27 90 90 87 54 85 96 61 84 108 63 51 62 72 85 24 81 57 78 57 120 99 90 90 33 63 78 89 78 72 36 30 90 81 63 66 60 84 81 8096-483 8096-371 1397-133 8096-462 1397-143 4029-97 1392-139 4028-747 8974-417 8974-418 4025-229 6152-181 8991-9714 8941-4383 1431-260 1419-77 1423-41 8991-8647 9211-2464 9211-2502 4028-1169 1390-1677 8991-9671 4028-4128 8285-1696 4028-6025 8941-4953 8710-1151 1390-4951 10-752726 6134-276 8991-8163 8941-4668 4028-663 1390-1717 1390-1716 4028-334 4059-256 8941-4704 4068-1209 8172-654 4040-186 1430-17 4025-107 9057-683 8941-4782 4051-356 8798-3937 1387-24 1414-621 1392-45 9211-2819 4028-7087 1390-1346 1387-262 4025-8 1386-87 4068-2310 4034-44 8991-8620 4067-168 Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Gallatin GYV Ft Benton Havre Ft Benton Miles City Helena GYV Bitterroot Mission Vly Helena Laurel Thompson Fls GYV Whitefish Gallatin Gallatin GYV GYV Thompson Fls Lewistown Whitefish GYV GYV Miles City GYV Missoula Laurel GYV GYV GYV GYV Missoula GYV GYV GYV GYV Laurel Missoula Anaconda Anaconda Missoula Glacier Glacier Miles City Anaconda Miles City Mission Vly Missoula Bitterroot Nashua Helena Bigfork Missoula Gallatin Gallatin GYV GYV Gt Falls Bigfork Miles City Miles City Missoula Toole Cnty Butte GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Thompson Fls Mission Vly 8/28/2010 Page 44 of 81 Lowe, Lindsay F Lowe, Nicole K Lowman, Chris C Lowther, Cleo Lowthian, Blake P Loy, James R Lozier, Donna R Lozing, Pete A Lubick, Cheryl L Lubick, Mark A Lubke, Tony Luce, Gary Luce, Loretta M Lucero, Sam C Luchi, Ray L Lucia, Brenda L Luck, Connie Lueck, James S Luedtke, Marcia R Luedtke, Ron Luedtke, Tim A Luger, Joe A Luinstra, Rodney S Luke, Chris Lukens, Lesley Lulf, John L Lull, Charles Chuck M Lulow, Jeffrey T Lunceford, Becky Lunceford, Steven Lunceford, Steven Jr Lund, Chad Lund, Garrett Lund, Jesse Lund, Joanne L Lund, Rayeanne Lund, Rob Lundborg, Bonnie L Lundgren, Dustin D Lundgren, Leeann M Lundin, Jerry R Lundin, Lenny D Lundstrom, Chad Lundstrom, Dick Lundvall, Carrel Lundy, Susan E Luoma, Russell J Lustig, Cory J Lustig, Dave J Lustig, Deborah L Lutey, Shane L Luwe, Patrick M Luwe, Patty A Lybeck, Heidi C Lybecker, Mary A Lyczewski, Stephen D Lyle, Josh S Lyle, Rachel L Lyman, Joy Lyman, William R Lynaugh, Patrick H Lynch, Melani C Lynch, Ramona C Lynch, Ross M Lynnes, Jeff E Lyon, D. Martin Lyons, Becky L Lyons, Dugan J Lyons, Jim L Lytle, James D Lytle, Nikki A Lytton, Jesse L Maack, Darbra L Maack, Toby E Maberry, Sharon K Macdonald, Charlotte R Macdonald, John W 116 189 124 160 159 198 171 134 156 174 216 167 121 144 176 131 127 181 119 144 138 149 161 137 106 150 184 153 146 169 150 117 95 184 142 97 177 141 131 82 146 160 183 171 119 147 152 214 207 181 183 148 153 130 162 199 175 122 151 119 142 111 141 124 172 192 100 115 200 206 125 185 146 158 136 83 139 30 92 57 45 72 33 72 66 84 81 84 81 66 75 24 27 36 48 60 72 84 54 68 87 42 69 90 63 93 90 72 93 36 81 57 27 66 75 90 84 72 57 60 84 87 78 63 57 90 87 48 45 42 42 90 54 90 54 24 24 64 24 81 72 120 81 45 24 78 69 39 33 90 83 27 33 48 8941-4335 4068-1876 8991-9152 4028-749 8974-371 1392-32 4028-2731 8172-662 4034-129 1395-628 1414-526 5029-1235 1414-437 9211-2431 8991-9590 4040-114 1403-84 1403-85 10-1874962 8285-1628 1410-62 9057-610 1405-133 1405-54 1405-51 1430-84 8320-271 8941-4353 4028-2745 1430-94 4034-130 8941-4006 8378-3087 8798-3447 1419-523 4061-133 4047-10 1390-2803 1438-25 4028-268 1392-774 4059-705 4056-2842 1419-769 8991-9905 9057-456 4067-90 8710-1188 1418-491 1419-648 8991-9795 1419-1239 1390-1606 1392-343 4029-489 9057-611 8991-7871 8991-7873 8378-3751 1392-881 Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Ft Benton Gallatin GYV Glacier Butte Butte Missoula Col Falls Col Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gallatin GYV Anaconda Glacier Glacier Glacier Whitefish Rocky Mtn Frt Miles City Toole Cnty Ft Benton Gt Falls Mission Vly Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Miles City Daniels Missoula GYV Lewistown Miles City Butte Missoula Butte Helena Helena Col Falls Col Falls Libby-Troy Ft Benton Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Helena GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Laurel Havre Helena GYV Helena GYV Gallatin Gallatin Mission Vly GYV GYV Gt Falls Butte Gallatin Montana Averages 2009-2010 Macdonald, Nancy M Macdonald, Ryan W Mace, Delvin R Mace, Terry W, Jr Macgregor, Jeremy Machado, Julia Macht, Anthony M Mack, Connie S Mack, Jesse Mack, Mickey Mack, Spiro A Mackay, Laurie Mackenzee, Trina Mackenzie, C. Scott Mackenzie, Gabriele M Mackenzie, Jack A Mackenzie, Robert J Mackenzie, Sarah G Mackey, Eric S Mackey, Lyle J Macki, Peggy D Mackin, June Macklin, Gail R Mackubbin, Sedge Maclean, Dan H Macnonus, Shawn Macomber, Daniel W Macomber, Joann E Maddaus, Karen A Maddaus, Mike R Madden, Kenneth R Madden, Mariah K Madden, Tiffany A Maddux, Brandi L Maddux, Donna R Madill, Valerie Madison, Gary Madler, Josey Madler, Mona Madler, Rick Madler, Rodney J Madler, Tina M Madsen, Jennifer A Madsen, Linda M Madsen, Vickie L Madsen, William C Mafua, Sandy Mafua, Sili Magnuson, Lloyd, Jr Magoon, Lena D Magri, Michael A Mahan, Milissa A Mahan, Sheila K Maher, Melissa Maher, Sheila M Maheux, Brenda L Maheux, Danny P Mahler, Heidi Mahns, Nancy Mahoney, Tony M Mahurin, Scott W Mai, Randy E Maier, Larry W Maines, Diane Maki, Catherine D Maki, Dale C Maki, Erich J Maki, Johnathon C Malatare, Clayton, Sr Malatare, Jim Malcott, Eileen G Maldonado, Patrick S Malek, Nathan A Malensek, Alison Mallas, Kalcy B Mallas, Stan C Mallette, L.K.(Casey) 132 187 174 180 160 102 170 149 154 84 190 144 97 161 116 155 109 152 124 135 137 124 96 87 159 118 215 137 159 158 142 105 126 140 117 97 204 108 93 130 139 108 129 147 145 185 123 151 178 134 134 130 107 91 144 166 146 119 108 139 132 208 173 129 132 159 143 157 207 193 118 143 157 114 113 154 176 63 51 39 84 93 24 90 81 78 42 30 60 69 63 45 76 59 63 29 81 69 72 83 60 54 27 96 48 63 51 45 45 42 84 87 87 76 84 75 84 93 96 69 93 48 30 60 51 66 69 78 42 78 24 36 90 66 69 57 54 90 84 60 72 78 87 75 28 66 69 93 36 63 75 24 84 36 4029-640 1390-7034 1390-3724 1390-4619 8798-3685 9211-3031 6134-383 4029-6 8991-9887 1392-3 4025-53 8941-4625 1390-4182 4028-4559 1390-1910 1390-1808 4028-3592 8378-3794 8941-5131 4056-2616 8798-4118 8115-1180 8710-1197 1390-1764 4059-64 1423-152 8115-1159 8115-1160 4028-3815 8941-4938 8378-3800 8285-1727 8285-1728 8285-1729 8991-8835 8991-9474 9211-2460 4028-6795 4073-103 1410-63 9246-800 9246-1022 1395-173 8114-694 8115-1135 8320-258 8115-1019 4041-81 8378-3568 9211-2820 1390-1226 1414-281 11-164709 1432-702 1421-23 8115-1119 8991-8310 8798-4209 8991-8500 8991-8494 1390-4239 Gallatin GYV GYV GYV Helena Gallatin GYV Gallatin Thompson Fls GYV Gallatin Miles City Missoula GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Butte Lewistown Missoula Helena Helena Livingston Laurel Col Falls GYV Lewistown Laurel Laurel Livingston Livingston GYV Whitefish Missoula Butte Whitefish Miles City Miles City Miles City GYV GYV Gallatin GYV Mission Vly Ft Benton Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Butte Bitterroot Livingston Gt Falls Lewistown Daniels Livingston Gt Falls Gt Falls Daniels Havre Butte Gallatin GYV Lewistown Glendive Gt Falls Bitterroot Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Livingston Gt Falls GYV Helena GYV GYV GYV 8/28/2010 Page 45 of 81 Mallette, Monty M Mallory, John Jack D Mallory, Pamela S Mallory, William R Malmstrom, Frankie K Malmstrom, Larry J Malo, Melissa K Malone, Delonna Malone, Kara Malone, Mark A Maloney, Cammie L Maloney, Jim Maloney, Sheila Maloughney, James J Maloughney, John W Maloughney, Pat F Managhan, Lana Managhan, Ray L, Jr Manahan, Mark Mance, Eleanor J Mandelko, Irene H Mandeville, Joshua Mane, Gary T Mane, Jan B Maney, William J Mangold, Roxana Mangold, Wayne Manion, Julie L Manley, Sandi L Mann, Allison J Mann, Cle L Mann, Donald L Mann, Howard Mann, Lynn Mann, Patricia H Mann, Tabatha Manning, Cindy A Manning, James (Milo) M Manning, James J Manning, James J Manning, Phyllis J Mannix, Kristie L Manraksa, Thaison J Mansfield, Paula M Manuel, Stefani J Manzer, Justin R Mapes, Ryan G Marcano, Danielle S Marcano, Rick March, Lynelle Marchie, Wayne A Marchwick, Gene D Marchwick, Jory D Marek, Bill Marek, Walter Mariani, Julie Mariani, Michael G Mariani, Michael J, Sr Mariani, Norma Mariani, Shawn M Mariani, Stephanie Mariani, Steven J Marin, Gary R Marin, Jane M Marino, Roseann Maris, Susanne K Maris, Suzette M Markegard, Artie L Marken, Bobbie Marken, Brady Marker, Chris T Marko, Amanda J Markovich, Peggy D Markovich, Ronald Markuson, Gene Markuson, Ryan L Marlar, Doug B 166 153 117 177 144 183 119 144 121 163 138 115 164 161 200 170 137 158 123 116 145 89 177 153 148 116 162 149 106 172 139 139 131 138 128 111 158 175 159 165 136 134 144 152 105 148 192 133 144 135 170 157 161 144 182 154 176 157 160 197 117 158 165 119 137 147 128 139 149 191 158 101 156 139 142 175 185 42 84 39 93 99 99 80 45 75 36 87 81 87 30 84 48 48 84 36 66 93 33 93 93 45 81 75 81 68 72 33 87 66 63 96 54 87 24 75 33 69 60 57 51 24 75 51 69 87 51 57 42 72 92 75 71 81 69 87 84 90 39 78 75 75 44 87 84 84 90 46 78 93 81 24 116 84 4028-4671 1392-517 4028-1459 1390-1715 1395-373 1395-882 1395-959 9246-1033 9246-936 4059-186 4068-437 8320-265 1386-38 4034-716 8172-799 9368-960 8798-4253 4068-264 9368-961 4028-3607 8378-3110 4034-730 8798-4138 8941-5135 4056-484 1432-206 1418-13 4056-3554 1419-1597 4066-271 1395-631 1432-497 1405-64 1418-18 1418-93 1418-1 1418-94 4051-153 4028-6815 4028-7273 4028-696 4061-202 1425-140 8710-1187 4034-404 1423-37 1432-1206 8798-3276 GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin GYV GYV Glendive Havre Havre Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Toole Cnty Butte Butte Butte Libby-Troy Whitefish Libby-Troy Laurel Missoula Daniels Lewistown Lewistown Gt Falls Havre Miles City Butte Glacier Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Helena Missoula Bigfork GYV Anaconda Anaconda Butte Butte Helena Missoula Helena Lewistown Missoula Havre Helena Helena Miles City Butte Glendive Glendive Missoula Deer Lodge Havre Havre Havre Havre Havre Havre Havre Whitefish Bitterroot Havre GYV GYV GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Laurel Gt Falls Butte Laurel Circle Missoula Helena Montana Averages 2009-2010 Marmon, Justin J 175 Maroney, Brittany N 181 Maroney, Karin E 158 Maroney, Michael P 166 Marozzo, Jim 147 Marquart, Justin 202 Marquart, Roxie 114 Marquez, Diana 119 Marquis, Steven R 167 Marr, Stephanie L 140 Marriage, Sherri 103 Marron, Judy 152 Marsh, Kathleen E 131 Marsh, Orin E 109 Marsh, Sammi D 112 Marshall, Beverly M 146 Marshall, Beverly M 133 Marshall, Charlene M 96 Marshall, Craig S 189 Marshall, Fauna J 110 Marshall, Janice L 150 Marshall, Julie K 160 Marshall, Lois 154 Marshall, Raymond J 158 Marshall, Richard D 111 Marshall, Rusty W 193 Marsich, Dan N 153 Marsich, Markay 129 Marsich, Tamie K 150 Marston, Nathan R 208 Martell, Brandon G 136 Marten, Richard Rich F 156 Marthaller, Don 207 Martian, Bernie M 154 Martin, Alice M 133 Martin, Andrea F 123 Martin, Annie 146 Martin, Barbara R 176 Martin, Brent E 139 Martin, Carol N 131 Martin, Charles Chuck T 183 Martin, Chris C 182 Martin, Christy L 108 Martin, Chubby A 168 Martin, Crista L 115 Martin, Dennis W 180 Martin, Dick J 194 Martin, Dj 177 Martin, Duane R 171 Martin, Gerald F 180 Martin, Jason A 186 Martin, Katrina M 169 Martin, Kinerette (Rainy) A 102 Martin, Kody A 190 Martin, Kody A 163s Martin, Krissy A 143 Martin, Lavonne R 128 Martin, Lee D 144 Martin, Llewellyn K 149 Martin, Margaret 122 Martin, Matthew S 194 Martin, Mike T 197 Martin, Miranda M 111 Martin, Nathel 116 Martin, Peggy 147 Martin, Peter E 173 Martin, Samuel L 141 Martin, Scott A 147 Martin, Skye 101 Martin, Stacey L 144 Martin, Stephen A 102 Martin, Steve D 233 Martin, Thomas E 165 Martin, Tim A 151 Martin, Wendy M 137 Martin, Wes 152 Martinez, Beverly 167 72 90 36 24 78 78 90 69 93 90 33 96 41 69 68 36 84 48 93 72 90 78 69 78 84 30 90 90 81 75 48 72 96 83 81 67 57 66 33 88 81 69 86 96 60 54 63 54 51 54 69 75 39 84 16 78 84 72 36 69 84 93 56 48 78 36 51 30 81 42 81 71 75 42 90 90 51 1431-209 6145-17 4029-484 1392-230 1425-515 1423-65 4038-409 9246-824 1419-1282 4028-6090 4056-494 4028-6141 1391-25 8798-4157 4081-108 4081-108 1390-1294 4028-5814 4062-104 1395-670 1426-93 8991-8623 4028-818 8991-9227 1390-6111 8991-9747 1432-66 300-32801 4061-9 4028-1481 8991-9247 4028-6662 1390-5153 4038-454 1390-2420 8991-8685 1390-3797 1390-6201 1390-1293 1390-7207 6161-213 4062-264 6161-214 6161-214 8991-8495 8991-9774 1426-13 4041-13 1390-6491 1432-207 8114-896 4056-3535 4068-1594 8114-905 10-1050437 8941-5095 4056-501 1419-1545 1390-5769 8941-5066 4058-11 Mission Vly Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Libby-Troy Laurel Col Falls Libby-Troy Helena GYV Plentywood Helena GYV Helena Helena GYV Laurel Gt Falls GYV Glendive GYV Livingston Whitefish Butte Glendive Livingston GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Missoula Helena Gt Falls Lewistown Libby-Troy GYV Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Col Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Missoula Livingston Bitterroot Missoula GYV GYV Thompson Fls Livingston Daniels GYV Missoula Bitterroot Helena Missoula Bitterroot Gt Falls GYV Missoula Helena Glendive Gt Falls Helena GYV Missoula Gt Falls Bigfork 8/28/2010 Martinez, Brandi L Martinez, Cyd M Martinez, Cyndi L Martinez, Michael A Martinez, Rick Martinez, Shane A Martinez, Tillie M Martinich, Crystal A Martinich, Dave W Martinich, Debbie Martinich, Denton J Martinich, Joe M Martz, Denny L Martz, Robert G Martz, Veann L Mascarena, Lisa R Maslanka, Joe J Maslanka, Pamela S Masolo, John E Mason, Alischa Mason, Christy L Mason, Jule Mason, Paulette M Mason, Rodney E Massaro, Julie A Massey, Bill E Massey, Ethel M Massey, Richard E Massie, Thomas F Mast, Donna M Mast, Frank Masters, Corey Masters, George Masters, R.J. Masters, Ron Masters, Suzanne L Masterson, Robert F Mastne, Ricky L Mastvelten, Austin R Matheny, Kerry A Mather, Alice M Mather, Bonnie E Mathew, Jean A Mathews, Arlene Mathews, Michelle C Mathews, Sharon K Matney, Sharon L Matoon, Colleen Matoon, David Matosich, Dustin M Matosich, Shawna R Matson, Jennifer L Matson, Mel Matt, Donata F Matt, Ronald L Matt, Steven A Matt, Steven A Matteson, Lola A Matteson, Stacey L Matthaes, Dale E Mattheis, Laura Matthews, Lenny R Matthews, Pamela K Matthews, William V Matthies, Charles E Matthys, Bruce Mattice, William Mattix, Ed Matulich, Nicholas J Matuska, Ralph Matuska, Ralph Matuska, Ralph Maul, Chuck D Maul, Randy W Maul, Susan M Maul, Tammy Maull, Liz Page 46 of 81 102 133 140 218 166 147 152 136 196 164 189 223 165 151 110 117 165 140 124 119 121 83 145 154 134 131 139 140 145 132 133 170 142 149 161 152 144 166 162 110 135 96 147 88 125 176 148 143 165 138 136 151 180 148 171 171 169 150 113 190 138 184 136 177 177 139 143 155 166 174 168 167 215 120 115 173 112 42 87 77 72 78 81 88 24 136 72 32 96 75 87 68 60 99 85 87 90 39 54 48 60 54 57 87 87 84 90 90 84 39 90 81 54 39 56 21 82 81 27 75 24 54 87 93 33 30 95 93 42 75 82 87 50 66 33 42 47 60 84 54 60 81 69 90 87 90 21 78 57 69 27 30 69 69 8991-8673 1390-1849 9368-890 8991-8674 4028-2329 1395-180 6136-5 6136-396 6136-210 8941-4890 11-1465 8941-5137 8710-1186 1842-17698 4056-3658 8798-4170 8798-3434 9246-1242 4028-2119 8991-8099 4056-3217 8941-5120 4038-36 1425-360 1425-420 9246-1081 1425-112 4034-154 1423-336 9132-1170 8798-3928 4028-3366 4028-4485 4056-504 8378-2768 4051-7 4029-174 9211-2986 9211-2987 4028-5204 8798-3991 9057-509 1432-176 1432-704 1432-704 4034-403 1390-1225 4028-3213 1390-4848 8798-4074 8184-156 1405-45 9211-2436 1432-1500 1432-1500 1432-1500 1432-763 8991-9715 8991-9716 4068-215 Gt Falls GYV Whitefish GYV Bigfork GYV GYV Gt Falls Butte Butte Butte Butte Missoula Missoula Missoula Laurel Helena Helena Helena Helena Gt Falls Libby-Troy GYV GYV Helena Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Missoula Col Falls Col Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Butte Laurel Helena Glendive Helena GYV Gt Falls GYV Helena Butte Bitterroot Gallatin Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Gallatin Gallatin GYV Helena Mission Vly Missoula Mission Vly Missoula Butte Anaconda GYV GYV GYV Whitefish Whitefish Helena Whitehall Deer Lodge Gt Falls Gallatin Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Missoula Whitefish Montana Averages 2009-2010 Mauney, Sarah F Maurer, Scott R Maurer, Thomas E Maurer, Tom M Maurer, Wayne B Maurer, Wayne B Maus, Diana K Mavencamp, Dick M Mavencamp, Jennifer J Mavencamp, Jessica A Mavis, Tim Mavis, Wesley M Mavrinac, Matt Mavrinac, Tamara M Maxey, Elly S Maxwell, Corey J Maxwell, Sandra L May (Lorello), Christine E May, Donald M May, Justin J May, Linda K May, Mark P May, Rebecca L May, Roger D May, Shannon L Mayer, Bette Mayer, Bonnie Mayer, Gail L Mayer, Jackie Mayer, Jennifer K Mayfield, Edward M Mayfield, Judy L Maynard, Jeremiah Mayo, Pam Mays, Gordon Maze, Kari L Mcadam, Steven N Mcallister, Tim M Mcalmond, Allee J Mcanarney, Jason Mcarter, Anthony Mcarter, Sandra K Mcarthur, Andrew J McBee, James L Mcbride, Bill Mcbride, Ed W Mcbride, Edward D Mcbride, Ty P Mcburney, John Mccabe, Rebecca Mccabe, Ronnette Mccabe, Sherril Mccafferty, Laurie L Mccann, Glenn A Mccann, Helen Mccann, Patrick S Mccann, Sandra Mccannel, Gregory J Mccannel, Sue M Mccarthy, C W Mccarthy, David E McCarthy, Donna Mccarver, Joyce K Mccarver, Melvin W Mccauley, Jim Mccausland, Matt L Mccleery, William G Mccleskey, Marlene J Mcclung-Hacket, Jeannine D Mccluskie, Brian D Mccollum, Audray Mccomas, Wendy G Mccorkindale, Doris C Mccormick, Connie H Mccourt, B. Aspen F Mccoy, Buckie Mccoy, George Bo M, Jr 111 188 170 162 186 202 150 143 116 119 174 158 149 113 132 184 113 138 156 192 140 169 132 151 161 137 150 141 157 125 106 110 108 124 162 160 119 134 153 165 136 124 178 198 161 117 121 122 160 132 140 142 123 169 152 178 140 210 128 173 183 115 130 196 142 127 171 140 121 119 83 102 122 149 115 123 146 51 57 66 30 69 63 69 57 57 45 87 84 101 81 78 78 69 78 87 33 78 48 87 66 30 84 87 39 84 81 78 78 39 51 57 78 93 78 69 42 24 81 87 92 90 96 87 33 96 75 84 117 57 60 93 84 63 96 29 84 51 30 72 84 90 87 99 36 75 51 3 45 78 96 87 66 78 1423-136 1423-237 1423-242 1413-3441 1395-539 4029-688 1432-1531 8974-409 1432-788 4056-507 4056-2664 8941-5079 8941-5080 4061-269 4058-121 8941-5102 4056-509 8285-1760 4038-351 1432-386 1406-36 1395-161 8710-1104 1390-1261 8991-9717 4025-97 4025-77 4068-590 4028-6661 1423-116 4068-1344 1419-985 1419-1112 1390-4139 4028-4495 1390-6429 1390-1405 10-1971110 4029-53 1392-77 1387-258 8941-5202 1406-148 4038-205 4051-424 8378-3827 9246-1237 8991-9735 4029-296 4038-418 Gt Falls Laurel Laurel Laurel Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls Butte Anaconda Anaconda Gallatin Missoula Ft Benton Anaconda Anaconda Missoula Gt Falls Anaconda Anaconda Gt Falls Glendive Helena Helena Glendive Havre Glendive Missoula Missoula Col Falls Libby-Troy Col Falls Col Falls Missoula Gt Falls Helena Miles City Col Falls Col Falls Missoula Dillon Butte Laurel GYV GYV Lewistown Miles City Miles City Missoula GYV Laurel Missoula Helena Helena GYV GYV GYV GYV Deer Lodge Gallatin Gallatin Bigfork Missoula Butte Col Falls Bitterroot Butte Libby-Troy GYV Lewistown Gallatin Col Falls Plentywood Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 47 of 81 Mccoy, Terry W Mccrory, Sherri Mccullar, Joseph S Mccullar, Phyllis E Mcculloch, Kelly J Mccullough, Ken W Mccullough, Michael M Mccullum, Steve Mccune, Roberta L Mccune, Timothy Sandy J Mccurdy, Chad L Mccurdy, Jack C Mcdaid, Vicki Mcdainel, Danny R McDaniel, Neil A Mcdaniel, Rick A Mcdanold, Trisha J Mcdonald, Amy C Mcdonald, Donald R, Jr Mcdonald, Jason D Mcdonald, Jaspen A Mcdonald, Mabel M Mcdonald, Megann M Mcdonald, Nate Mcdonald, Nate J Mcdonald, Nichole A McDougal, Scott Mcdougall, Carrie M Mcdougall, Mark A Mcdowell, Annette M Mcdowell, Arina Mcdowell, Bryan J Mcdowell, Carol S Mcdowell, Casey A Mcdowell, Chad M Mcdowell, Constance Mcdowell, David Mcdowell, Drew R Mcduffie, Robert J Mcduffie, Robert J Mcelderry, Judy A Mcelmurry, Joe Mcelrone, Jenna Mcelroy, Daniel L Mcelroy, Jon A Mcenaney, Cory A Mcenaney, Cory A Mcevoy, John F Mcewen, Larry H Mcfadden, Chad L Mcfadden, John Mcfadden, Terri K Mcfarland, Mary L Mcferran, John L Mcferrin, Carmen L Mcferris, Susan Mcgarrah, Billie M Mcgarry, Eileen G Mcgee, Troy P Mcgee, Willie Mcgiboney, Hanley E Mcgillen, Darrell L Mcgillen, Kimber L Mcgillis, David W McGillis, Mike Mcgillis, Noelle N McGinnis, Analee J Mcginnis, Dave J Mcginnis, Debbie K Mcginnis, Denny C Mcginnis, Ruth E Mcgivern, Carole A Mcgivern, Mike M Mcgrath, Raelynn Mcgraw, Connie R Mcgregor, Eddie A Mcgrorty, Ron L 194 134 157 130 106 143 206 149 144 166 142 124 124 122 152 106 122 121 163 182 123 112 113 145 169 117 176 168 200 119 129 124 146 162 171 131 145 133 157 156 153 158 120 190 157 192 209 153 156 153 185 167 134 125 136 144 155 150 102 209 141 195 175 177 138 128 116 191 144 162 113 162 158 136 120 109 188 99 66 24 24 39 81 67 69 70 93 33 36 96 69 84 69 48 81 93 100 81 51 33 96 48 90 96 108 84 33 93 36 63 45 48 81 81 24 63 60 84 81 78 90 87 112 15 24 72 87 60 87 84 24 63 69 54 66 57 33 96 88 60 36 82 69 93 87 27 66 93 93 33 66 84 33 28 1390-1605 8798-4119 8798-3890 8991-8712 1432-581 9057-487 8710-1179 4056-515 8114-834 8274-813 8941-4254 8991-9566 1418-589 9057-632 4029-835 9246-1177 8378-3772 8941-4660 1406-116 4068-853 1432-209 4029-204 8285-1652 4056-3103 8798-4132 4056-3104 6145-83 1432-1496 1432-1496 8941-4667 1425-516 8285-1678 1395-164 1395-1146 1432-680 1432-680 1395-1225 1419-1283 4085-2 8941-3980 8991-9936 4056-2753 4028-4926 8378-3786 1423-4 4059-50 1405-56 8274-778 1395-387 4034-131 1390-1604 4034-132 8378-3120 8378-2779 4034-293 4028-226 8991-9764 8798-3725 GYV Plentywood Helena Helena Gt Falls GYV Missoula Mission Vly Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Helena Bitterroot Dillon Thompson Fls Glendive Missoula GYV Havre Mission Vly Gallatin Gt Falls Libby-Troy Butte Missoula Dillon Missoula Missoula Gallatin Miles City Glendive Helena Gt Falls Helena Helena Toole Cnty Gallatin Missoula Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Miles City Butte Butte Missoula Missoula Butte Gt Falls Helena Col Falls Helena Missoula GYV Helena Toole Cnty GYV Whitefish Butte Gt Falls Lewistown Laurel Laurel Gt Falls Deer Lodge Gt Falls Dillon Butte Butte GYV Butte Butte Butte Butte GYV GYV Helena Montana Averages 2009-2010 Mcguire, Betty Mcguire, Jay M Mcguire, Michelle Mcguire, Patrick W Mcguirl, Terry G Mcgurk, Pat Mchatton, Bonnie J Mchatton, Dan D Mchatton, David L Mchatton, Marie E Mchenry, Charles C Mchenry, Virgil R Mcilvaney, Dan R Mcintosh, Chester A Mcintosh, Chris C Mcintosh, Daniel L Mcintosh, Sandra R Mckay, Gloria J Mckay, Joan Mckay, Tim T Mckay, Wayne Mac H Mckee, Gavin M Mckeen, Echo L Mckeen, Nancy Mckeever, Steven W Mckenney, Kayla E Mckenzie, Craig M Mckenzie, David L Mckenzie, Jim A Mckinney, Karen G Mckinzie, Karren Mckinzie, Patrick Mcknight, Ann Mcknight, Lisa(Hill) Mcknight, Ray Mclaa, Chad R Mclain, Brian L Mclaughlin, Ann F. (Fran) Mclaughlin, Carl L Mclaughlin, Carla L Mclaughlin, Douglas J Mclaughlin, Judie M Mclaughlin, Julie D Mclaughlin, Patrick A Mclaughlin, Richard F Mclaughlin, Thomas L Mclaughlin, Tom H Mclean, Darla Mclean, David M Mclean, Heather M Mclean, Jennifer Mclean, Kurt O Mclean, Luke D Mclean, Michael D Mclean, Ron J Mclean, Scott Mclennaghan, Skye N Mcleod, April J Mcleod, Daniel K Mcleod, Donalene Mcleod, June Mcleod, Katie L Mcleod, Megan R Mcmaster, Bruce L Mcmeekin, June Mcmillan, Brent W Mcmillan, Ken C Mcmillan, Lee Mcmullen, Robert L Mcnaight, Emily A Mcnary, Annette M Mcnary, Robert Mcnea, Jami M Mcneal, Shane Mcneal, Thomas W Mcnearney, Crystal Mcnee, Leonard R 138 131 131 188 150 106 113 145 130 142 153 156 159 155 136 113 111 147 103 163 145 129 125 115 182 95 174 161 193 125 134 174 138 149 115 135 124 158 168 118 213 139 159 190 154 178 211 144 170 124 142 136 137 148 178 164 121 98 145 126 147 132 133 187 131 151 202 184 127 83 157 128 164 191 162 111 166 80 78 39 93 57 73 81 87 84 93 75 80 87 75 82 51 42 84 79 84 84 57 84 45 30 66 45 72 128 36 39 81 84 72 72 57 21 90 30 73 87 69 63 52 24 87 51 90 84 66 42 39 90 75 120 87 47 81 78 96 87 51 81 81 75 87 66 87 72 36 87 90 60 87 66 45 66 4056-2681 1419-420 1432-1575 1405-26 8941-4634 8991-8071 8941-4633 4028-7058 1390-1705 1438-27 1390-991 1418-608 4028-561 4028-6567 8172-819 1390-3114 8991-9916 4028-5051 1390-1260 1390-2065 1395-170 4028-3118 4058-335 1422-137 8184-128 8184-152 8798-4159 4029-145 1392-323 4029-279 1392-10 8378-2754 4029-143 1392-512 1392-638 1392-325 1432-41 4066-105 8991-8427 1390-1404 9211-2653 1432-1276 1419-1558 8991-9835 9057-528 1419-840 4066-17 4056-2891 8991-8577 8991-9289 1419-624 4034-135 8378-2678 1390-1259 1432-840 8710-1150 4028-697 1432-841 1432-130 Glendive Lewistown Daniels Helena Missoula Deer Lodge Missoula GYV Missoula GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Havre GYV GYV Glacier GYV Gt Falls GYV GYV Lewistown GYV Anaconda GYV Thompson Fls Butte GYV Bigfork Bigfork Havre Whitehall Whitehall Whitefish Helena Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Butte Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Miles City Anaconda GYV Havre GYV Gallatin Anaconda Missoula Helena GYV Mission Vly Helena Miles City Helena GYV GYV Helena Butte Butte GYV Missoula Laurel Gt Falls Lewistown Lewistown GYV Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 48 of 81 Mcnee, Linda L Mcneill, Valerie A Mcnew, Nicole M Mcnulty, Carole L Mcnulty, David J.R. W Mcnulty, Jon D Mcnulty, Maureen V Mcnulty, Maureen V Mcpherson, Amber H Mcpherson, Raellee A Mcpherson, Scott Mcquary, Andy J Mcquary, Becca S Mcqueary, Ray Mcqueary, Ray Mcqueary, Rikki Mcquiston, Keli S Mcrae, Bill D Mcsloy, Aaron Mcvicker, Bob E Meacham, Donald F Meacham, Wilma M Mead, Kathy Mead, Kristina Meade, Steven D Meador, Ernie Meagor, Bill Meagor, Bill E Meagor, Keith W Meccage, Jo C Meccage, Todd Mech, Jim Meche, Keith Medhus, Chris Medhus, Michelle L Medina, Chris T Medina, Kayla M Medina, Shaun M Medina, Terri L Medlinger, Ryan Medulla, Virginia L Mee, Betty J Mee, Scott E Meehan, Kathy L Meehan, Timothy M Meeks, Joseph S Meeks, Monty Meggers, Anna Mehan, Trisca A Mehl, Ruth A Meier, Carl (Bud) W Meier, Londa T Meier, Margaret M Meirhofer, Sharon A Melech, Montez B Melichar, Leslie J Melichar, Marge R Mellgren, Deeanne Mellinger, Dorothy H Melnikoff, George Melnikoff, Karen L Meloni, Marcia L Meloni, Michael P Meloy, Debbie D Menard, Jill B Mendenhall, Barbara J Mendenhall, Maxine M Menge, Anne K Menger, Richard Menicucci, Ginny Menke, Joelle M Menke, Matt C Mentzer, Darren L Mentzer, Michelle R Mercer, Derwood C Mercer, Lorli E Meredith, Roger J 114 111 113 157 207 135 107 122 146 141 182 137 140 147 145 105 122 137 167 153 150 129 118 113 176 137 187 189 208 139 153 132 113 135 110 186 165 184 183 140 126 127 154 124 116 191 185 120 92 127 156 112 108 143 139 97 119 127 108 129 133 149 151 189 128 142 104 108 168 154 101 198 174 137 133 122 153 31 77 75 90 69 24 69 27 51 84 57 84 84 69 64 39 30 90 51 75 96 96 87 30 21 81 99 63 57 96 69 33 60 63 66 90 90 90 99 53 81 90 24 78 78 78 27 63 89 87 78 75 90 78 45 78 78 69 21 45 75 51 42 68 81 30 31 93 81 78 60 87 84 90 21 54 38 8991-8928 4028-885 1390-1843 8991-9017 4068-1741 4068-1741 4062-307 8941-4599 8941-4599 1405-309 4068-1739 8991-8559 1432-256 4068-801 8941-3958 1432-208 8115-1022 1385-272 1385-269 4059-38 1386-41 8798-4160 1395-1121 6136-399 6136-217 4034-420 9246-1221 4038-437 1390-7107 1410-65 4025-188 1406-50 4029-127 4056-2194 4028-6526 4040-46 1414-495 4051-97 4028-6838 1390-6814 4032-21 4068-242 9211-3020 1386-42 4042-79 8941-5143 1432-1215 1432-657 4068-832 1390-5106 4028-5641 1392-359 Gt Falls GYV Nashua GYV GYV GYV Bitterroot Missoula Glendive Livingston Glendive Whitefish Whitefish Missoula Missoula Deer Lodge Missoula GYV Col Falls Whitefish Missoula Missoula Missoula Big Sandy Missoula Livingston Anaconda Butte Butte Laurel Miles City Helena Nashua Whitefish Whitefish Butte Butte Butte Butte Libby-Troy Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Anaconda Anaconda GYV Ft Benton Miles City Gt Falls Nashua Dillon Whitefish Gt Falls Gallatin Helena Lewistown Lewistown GYV Glacier Bitterroot Bitterroot GYV GYV Anaconda Helena Thompson Fls Missoula Gallatin Miles City Deer Lodge Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Gallatin Montana Averages 2009-2010 Merfeld, Eli Q Merfeld, Michelle L Mergenthaler, Ken C Merlau, Nancy Merrell, Annette M Merrell, William G Merrell, Zane D Merrick, Gerri L Merrick, Joan L Merriman, William R Merritt, Bill Merritt, Mike Merritt, Theresa Mertz, Elmer Merzlak, Don W Mesenbrink, Harold Meskimen, Melissa Meskimen, Monte Messer, Sharon L Messerly Jessica Messmer, Elaine A Messmer, James A Messmer, Keith A Messmer, Ron E Mesteth, Ashley N Mesteth, Sean E Mesteth, William J Metcalf, Fern A Metcalf, Raelene Metcalfe, George L Mettler, Barry D Metzenberg, Mike Metzger, Kimberly K Metzger, Larry Metzger, Larry O Metzger, Nancy E Metzger, Susan Meuchel, Bill Meuchel, Kathy A Meyer, Beverly A Meyer, Dave J Meyer, Mary Meyer, Mildred A Meyer, Paula L Meyer, Skip B Meyer, Sylvia M Meyers, Marla J Meyers, Penny Meyers, Robert C Meyers, Ronald L Meyn, Elizabeth A Michael, Ed Michael, Teri Michael, Vicki L Michaels, Diana L Michaels, Melissa J Michaels, Tyson L Michalski, Adrian C Michel, George A Michel, Linda J Michel, Reid W Micheletti, Jerry Micheletti, John Mickelson, Leonard L Mickens, Verlis J Midtlyng, Neil T Mielke, Lloyd N Mihelich, Robert R Mikalatos, Dusty R Mikalatos, Loretta I Mikalatos, Nick J Mikelson, Royce G Mikesell, Pat Mikkelson, James Mikkola, Harriet J Mikkola, Martin C Milburn, Jason J 129 164 165 101 141 196 174 105 161 149 162 115 144 155 197 188 106 145 143 110 135 203 169 161 136 173 183 124 117 175 173 164 137 176 174 145 133 123 149 123 182 148 149 111 170 134 113 120 169 179 153 171 147 150 133 125 115 187 164 173 194 59 94 140 127 178 175 151 134 163 205 160 166 187 131 149 192 42 82 93 90 81 93 24 60 93 30 90 34 78 69 75 84 87 90 77 48 102 99 102 42 63 75 54 84 69 90 90 48 24 60 60 66 52 80 84 75 99 51 81 87 72 84 51 90 81 75 93 69 87 99 72 39 51 36 96 45 84 30 87 53 72 63 87 90 87 87 87 66 87 54 66 84 84 8991-9450 4028-5328 1419-768 4056-529 4028-5313 1390-1657 8991-8014 4034-438 1432-416 1425-500 4061-312 1395-193 1390-1762 8941-4818 8941-4819 4028-2025 8798-3431 1390-1781 1419-263 4068-2058 8941-5020 1432-1084 8285-1703 1392-908 1390-1490 8798-4202 1387-102 8798-4093 8710-1177 4024-50 1414-895 4051-135 4038-217 8991-8968 4038-450 4038-401 4061-55 4029-402 8710-1175 4059-917 4028-1372 4040-25 4040-269 1403-499 1395-1224 8941-4388 1395-903 4068-41 1395-1283 1392-310 1390-990 1426-118 4028-3669 1390-3072 1390-1813 GYV GYV Helena Helena GYV GYV GYV Thompson Fls Butte Missoula Libby-Troy Col Falls Libby-Troy Big Sandy Butte GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Harlem Helena GYV Helena Glendive Missoula Missoula Missoula Whitefish Miles City Gallatin GYV Circle Helena Bigfork Helena Laurel Bigfork Bitterroot Bitterroot Col Falls GYV Toole Cnty Anaconda Col Falls Anaconda Col Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Laurel Laurel GYV Glacier Glacier Glacier Butte Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Anaconda Anaconda Butte Missoula Butte Gallatin GYV Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Whitefish Livingston Col Falls GYV GYV GYV 8/28/2010 Milburn, Mike Milburn, Toni A Miles, Jill Miles, Patricia M Miles, Zeta L Millard, Bessie L Miller Bonnie Miller, Alan C Miller, Alice E Miller, Alice Kjar Miller, Alissa Miller, Amber D Miller, Andrew J Miller, Angela K Miller, Bill H Miller, Brian Miller, Brian Miller, Brian G Miller, Carisa L Miller, Charles A Miller, Chris P Miller, Christopher M Miller, Craig Miller, Dan Miller, Daniel P, Jr Miller, Dave L Miller, Dee Miller, Donald D Miller, Doris L Miller, Duane Miller, Fred A Miller, Gary B Miller, Heather Miller, Irene Miller, Irene E Miller, Jake Miller, James A Miller, Jason T Miller, Jay L Miller, Jay R Miller, Jean Miller, Joan B Miller, Jody L Miller, Jody L Miller, John S Miller, Josephine T Miller, Joyce Miller, Joyce A Miller, Judy L Miller, Kathy Miller, Kathy A Miller, Kola J Miller, Lance J Miller, Larry E, Jr Miller, Leah Miller, Leo D Miller, Lori L Miller, Louise B Miller, Melva Miller, Melvin Miller, Mike K Miller, Mykel A Miller, Natasha A Miller, Norma J Miller, Norman V Miller, Richard R Miller, Ricky Miller, Rikki J Miller, Robert Miller, Robert A Miller, Robert L Miller, Robert L Miller, Roger Miller, Ron L Miller, Ronald W Miller, Sally M Miller, Sandra J Page 49 of 81 172 139 145 156 134 143 127 172 142 101 112 103 193 116 191 154 104 135 120 181 168 128 164 117 141 154 132 159 99 120 189 227 128 124 119 177 160 143 177 141 160 154 116 118 178 100 117 106 159 123 94 129 166 177 113 152 156 112 115 178 162 193 126 150 178 148 124 134 154 133 162 149 154 141 194 116 155 84 81 102 75 87 66 68 96 36 84 33 30 21 37 66 90 59 51 75 33 33 81 51 39 78 93 90 83 87 36 56 30 78 78 26 75 87 90 30 48 81 81 51 60 57 51 84 78 87 42 59 72 27 108 93 27 21 72 69 87 81 27 48 63 87 29 62 63 87 69 110 28 36 69 78 45 36 1390-6267 4028-5100 4043-154 4062-154 4028-617 1390-3905 4029-26 4029-128 4025-179 8991-9785 1432-912 1397-57 1425-553 8285-1725 8941-5031 8710-1239 1395-610 8991-8641 1430-324 1418-566 1423-35 2321-12323 8115-793 4043-61 8991-8425 4061-355 4059-906 1432-582 4067-33 4028-3792 4028-4550 4038-473 1390-5323 8285-1608 1418-100 4051-504 4056-546 8710-925 8941-4760 1425-537 8274-773 8274-773 8991-9820 GYV GYV Dillon Col Falls Livingston GYV Harlem GYV Gallatin Gallatin Miles City GYV Missoula Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Libby-Troy Miles City Gt Falls Missoula Laurel Butte GYV Miles City Gt Falls Gt Falls Havre Havre Laurel Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Livingston Gt Falls Dillon Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Glendive GYV Libby-Troy Laurel Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Missoula Mission Vly Glendive GYV GYV Gt Falls Col Falls Glendive Glendive GYV Miles City Havre Bitterroot Gt Falls Helena Glendive Laurel Missoula Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Anaconda Dillon Helena GYV Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Glendive Montana Averages 2009-2010 Miller, Sevin Miller, Shawna Miller, Shirley A Miller, Shirley A Miller, Stephen (Steve) W Miller, Tara L Miller, Terri S Miller, Valerie L Milleson, Jim V Milligan, Dale R Millman, Becky J Mills, Ace F Mills, Chelsea C Mills, Kristi M Mills, Ray Mills, Sherman D Mills, Steven Milmine, Mike Milne, Cheri L Milner, Theresa L Milohov, Nicole D Milovich, Tony H Milsten, Sandra Milton, Morgan M Mims, Mike J Mindt, Shelly Minster, Kathleen A Mintyala, Myrna J Miotke, Bob Miotke, Darren Miotke, James L Miotke, Linda Miotke, Nicholas R Mischenko, Allison Mischenko, Matt Mischkot, Anna Mischkot, Frank W Miskovich, Donna L Miskovich, Kaye F Mitcham, Linda L Mitchell, Betty J Mitchell, Bruce D Mitchell, Dennis D Mitchell, Donna M Mitchell, Douglas Mitchell, Gary L Mitchell, Gloria Mitchell, Irene R Mitchell, Joanne E Mitchell, Lois E Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, Ralph W Mitchell, Shelby Mitchell, Tami L Mitchell, William A Mize, Donna R Mizner, Gayle MIzner, Ted Moberly, Franklin R Mocabee, Bonnee J Mocabee, Mike A Mock, Bonnie Mock, Naomi L Mock, Robert W Mock, Rocky L Mocko, Barbara R Mocko, Dan Mocko, Ken Moderie, Belinda A Moderie, Kody A Moderie, Kyle W Moderie, Robert W Moderie, Saphire R Moderie, Scott W Moderie, Shane Moe, Marjory Moen, Steve 104 145 125 109 120 131 135 175 147 163 202 122 114 148 166 149 136 159 124 141 114 172 143 151 205 158 155 139 143 152 167 130 202 130 181 140 158 132 131 141 134 174 166 172 197 146 124 130 112 155 99 195 164 132 200 105 148 173 156 154 192 138 137 182 110 143 158 163 121 187 172 149 97 207 155 150 188 75 51 72 78 39 63 84 86 90 90 24 48 63 51 42 78 60 94 21 75 51 87 35 57 84 90 66 45 69 57 60 72 54 93 96 78 66 21 93 55 90 78 69 81 75 42 30 42 66 75 66 30 27 60 78 27 87 81 78 69 84 63 33 81 75 87 90 87 72 81 42 30 42 81 72 87 69 4029-129 4051-317 8991-9819 4059-60 8710-1173 4028-136 8941-4007 8710-1152 4028-923 8274-824 8115-1182 4028-1241 1419-84 8114-924 8285-1609 4028-253 8991-8707 4056-2655 8115-997 1390-4737 4068-517 1446-27 1446-40 1432-535 4083-45 1432-1207 4061-311 1425-501 4034-340 1395-198 8798-3887 4068-2045 1390-6848 4059-37 1390-1194 1414-935 4028-1506 8115-978 1423-20 9246-1250 4068-1191 1390-1451 8710-1207 4042-91 1405-162 1390-4161 4067-222 6161-393 4068-694 4067-227 1432-435 9057-637 4067-129 10-1078488 1431-224 1419-752 9057-672 1431-38 8114-828 4061-76 Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Bitterroot GYV Laurel Laurel GYV Missoula Laurel GYV Dillon Livingston GYV Helena Gt Falls Bitterroot Miles City GYV Thompson Fls GYV Gt Falls Helena Livingston GYV Glendive Missoula Lewistown Whitehall Whitehall Missoula Whitehall Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Butte Butte Helena Missoula Gt Falls Glendive Whitefish Laurel Laurel GYV Bitterroot Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Whitefish Livingston Laurel Libby-Troy Missoula GYV Laurel Deer Lodge Deer Lodge GYV Mission Vly Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Missoula Mission Vly Glendive Glendive Glendive Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Helena Mission Vly Mission Vly Bitterroot Libby-Troy Whitefish 8/28/2010 Page 50 of 81 Moen, Steve Moholy, Susan D Mohs, Curtis L Mohs, Kathy Mole-Brown, Susanne Molen, Mitch Molenda, Andy C Molenda, Chuck Moles, Denis S Mollet, Corey A Mollett, Geri L Mollman, Margie L Mollock, Annie Molyneaux, Ali Molyneaux, Keith A Molzhon, Theresa M Momberg, Amelia Momsen, Brandon Momsen, Wayne Monaco, Kelvin D Monaco, Regina R Monfils, Mike J Monfils, Norma K Monheiser, Matt Monogue, Steve B Monroe, Richard A Monser, Tamra L Monson, Chester Monsos, Darci Monsos, Mike T Montalban, Patrick Montano, Mark J Montgomery, Beth A Montgomery, Bob Montgomery, Brandy R Montgomery, Robert S Montgomery, Steve A Montoya, Robert J Montross, Jennifer L Moody, Courtney L Moody, James S Moody, Julie Moody, Ryan J Moog, Bruce Moog, Eric J Moog, Sandra Moon, Herbert E Moon, Mae Moon, Robert Mooney, Angela D Mooney, Betty L Mooney, Patrick C Moore, Bary C Moore, Ben Moore, Bev Moore, Bob E Moore, Brian D Moore, Carol A Moore, Connie L Moore, Corby A Moore, Corby A Moore, Craig A Moore, Darren Moore, Dennis E Moore, Elmer K Moore, Janae S Moore, Jeffrey R Moore, Jennifer N Moore, Jim Moore, Jimmy A Moore, Kathleen M Moore, Kyndra Moore, Lacy D Moore, Lillian I Moore, Lois Moore, Marilyn A Moore, Marilyn A 187 112 151 127 157 89 194 194 184 106 137 124 123 123 151 149 107 173 205 167 158 137 108 172 152 140 120 165 150 197 149 158 149 164 155 191 195 135 116 137 170 131 197 168 120 138 178 114 135 134 146 170 170 120 146 180 167 157 123 205 196 208 134 203 162 127 186 141 197 201 154 132 106 97 123 181 175 81 63 54 51 63 48 116 124 81 72 96 60 30 54 42 27 81 54 33 78 93 93 99 87 93 57 87 63 75 75 66 135 87 78 99 66 57 81 69 57 42 36 78 87 63 81 75 79 93 99 93 96 63 87 32 60 87 90 77 81 93 96 84 81 69 59 69 72 42 81 63 90 27 87 93 48 93 8115-939 1419-605 4056-558 4068-27 8274-616 1406-1 1432-350 8798-4176 4028-2371 9057-605 4029-607 1390-6584 4067-138 8941-4914 1432-1483 1432-133 4068-59 1425-254 8941-4533 8172-812 8941-4915 1405-137 4972-10518 2321-8232 1403-89 4028-1126 8285-1414 4028-6383 300-20338 1390-3410 4068-2044 1390-1545 4028-7122 1426-546 9211-3049 4061-324 4024-51 1387-98 8378-2683 4043-151 8378-2677 8285-1499 4056-563 1419-409 1418-102 4029-330 1390-936 1390-936 1390-1222 8285-1369 226-9198 1432-948 1432-538 4028-4718 4068-2122 4042-57 1390-5000 1390-5000 Whitefish Livingston Helena Helena Missoula Gt Falls Dillon Dillon Missoula Helena GYV Mission Vly Gallatin Chinook GYV Mission Vly Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Lewistown Lewistown Libby-Troy Missoula Glacier Missoula Deer Lodge Missoula Missoula Glacier Gt Falls GYV Miles City GYV GYV GYV Anaconda Missoula Gt Falls GYV GYV Gt Falls Libby-Troy Gallatin Libby-Troy Whitefish Bigfork Bigfork Butte Dillon Butte Thompson Fls Miles City Helena Helena Havre Gallatin Gt Falls GYV Laurel GYV Miles City Gallatin Missoula Glendive Missoula Glendive Whitefish Whitefish GYV Havre Gt Falls Missoula Deer Lodge GYV Laurel Montana Averages 2009-2010 Moore, Michelle A Moore, Mike Moore, Nathan A Moore, Penny Moore, Richard T Moore, Tonia R Moorehead, Paula J Moraca, Sheri L Morales, Tiffany D Moran, Cindy L Moran, Erin C Moran, Ernie T Moran, Justin M Moran, Lynette Moran, Mary A Moran, Mike J Moran, Stephanie Moran, Travis Moranville, Sarah L Morast, Rose Moreau, Arthur G, Jr Moreland, Michael Moreland, Nanci Morello, Ed Morello, Joan Moreno, Roy Moreth, Edward L Morgan, Amy M Morgan, Chuck Morgan, Cory S Morgan, Gary L Morgen, Christopher J Morgenson, Muriel L Moriarty, Robert Morigeau, Cristen M Morley, Gail L Morley, Kevin C Morman, Merril Morrell, Lisa Morris, Brenda A Morris, Cameron K Morris, Chris A Morris, Chris L Morris, Darrell Morris, Gregory C Morris, Jessica K Morris, John B Morris, Ken G Morris, Kevin W Morris, Lew Morris, Nesta F Morris, Raea D Morris, Randy Morris, Rebecca Morris, Tim A Morrison, Brad D Morrison, Jonathon A Morrison, Sandy Morrison, Terry D Morse, Byron G Morse, Dennis Mortensen, Patrick R Mosbacher, Callie L Mosbaugh, Joanne E Mosbaugh, Keith R Moseman, Karen F Moseman, Kyle C Moseng, Matt Moser, Johanne L Moses, Allyn K Moses, Daniel A Moses, James D Moses, James D, Sr Moses, Jeanne A Mosher, Dick E Mosher, John W Mosier, Kelly 107 134 191 108 130 134 134 111 135 133 182 202 191 150 140 142 125 131 115 135 166 175 128 179 147 162 166 130 120 218 196 136 128 175 112 127 137 126 163 153 146 129 143 177 178 157 211 160 199 133 172 127 180 153 208 184 173 133 164 143 168 196 108 140 155 153 144 159 117 182 170 185 162 158 120 154 159 69 48 90 30 84 54 57 60 81 36 54 75 57 42 93 75 72 24 72 24 84 75 67 102 102 102 76 77 39 75 42 93 84 108 56 36 33 87 90 42 80 21 54 27 75 90 99 72 27 75 90 21 75 37 90 78 95 78 33 69 66 102 78 69 96 42 87 69 84 54 90 92 75 71 72 69 39 8941-5165 1415-20 1432-460 1390-7137 4047-8 8114-900 8941-3872 8991-8783 1431-169 6136-239 9057-652 8115-636 8172-740 4040-68 8991-9787 9211-2965 8285-1754 1390-6816 8941-4771 8941-4772 1419-410 4056-566 1419-86 8941-4962 9057-638 8991-9236 1390-3361 1390-949 8991-9631 8115-1150 1387-2 9057-592 1405-315 4029-331 8096-367 8991-7785 8941-5213 1430-192 1390-7155 1397-39 1406-382 1390-1086 8115-1120 1386-43 4024-140 1432-1467 1419-1211 8941-4456 1419-525 1418-238 6136-181 8991-8374 4028-725 1390-3389 4028-1023 1385-239 4028-939 4056-3412 Missoula Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Missoula GYV Ft Benton Bitterroot Missoula GYV Gt Falls Mission Vly Butte Mission Vly Livingston Glacier Glacier GYV Gallatin Miles City GYV Missoula Missoula Helena Helena Helena Missoula Mission Vly GYV GYV GYV GYV Livingston Bigfork Mission Vly Gt Falls Anaconda Deer Lodge Havre Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Missoula Miles City Whitefish Whitefish GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Dillon GYV Whitefish Livingston Miles City Bigfork Whitefish Missoula Helena Missoula Helena Gt Falls Havre Butte GYV GYV GYV Lewistown Lewistown Lewistown GYV Anaconda Anaconda Helena Anaconda GYV Gt Falls Thompson Fls Helena 8/28/2010 Page 51 of 81 Mosier, N. Shane Mosier, Nelma Mosley, Leeann Mosley, Mark Mosness, Ronald I, Sr Moss, Kenneth E Moss, Steve M Moulden, Mike L Moulton, Becky K Moulton, Jennifer R Moulton, Kenneth E Moulton, Marcia K Moulton, Mark E Moulton, Mona Lou Moulton, Ted Mount Jordan Moyer, Jessica M Mrkich, Lois Mucci, Deborah W Mueller, David Mueller, T. J Muhs, Sarah Muhs, Shirley A Muir, Jean Muir, Stacy J Mular, Bill S Mulcahy, Jim M Mulcahy, Richard M Mulcahy, Scott M Mulholland, Mickey Mulkey, Alan L Mulkey, Babe Mulkey, Gloria Mulkey, Patrick Mullee, Mark P Mullen, Harold Mullette, Michelle L Mullikin, Joyce G Mullins, Teresa Mullins, Timothy L Mulonet, Colleen Mummy Annie Munich, Bill J Munroe, Doug Munsel, Donald Munsel, Rosemarie Munsell, Carolyn A Munsell, Neil D Munsinger Sharon Munson, Greg W Munson, Ilia L Munson, Maxine Munson, Stefanie A Murashige, Jean C Murch, Deby M Murch, Peggy L Murch, Steve R Murdock, Shirley I Murer, Tony Muretta, Matthew P Muretta, Robert Bob J Muri, Craig Muri, Dax Muri, William (Brad) B Murillo, Manuel U Murk, Louise E Murnion,Brian Murphy, Bonnie D Murphy, Calvin L Murphy, Cole M Murphy, Dan Murphy, Edwin J Murphy, Jeanette L Murphy, Joan G Murphy, Joseph W Murphy, Kathy Murphy, Kelly J 180 141 133 182 174 146 150 170 128 130 156 152 184 150 157 122 109 86 149 163 165 112 134 132 123 166 194 149 167 160 169 146 124 174 120 173 115 149 134 136 105 101 144 167 113 133 133 187 144 167 140 154 130 149 162 150 208 130 166 154 159 209 174 228 186 119 120 139 125 155 150 202 163 153 202 144 127 61 69 81 93 111 69 75 80 63 27 84 96 32 96 39 24 90 93 70 33 78 60 84 66 66 124 99 63 70 92 78 68 51 72 81 90 75 81 96 93 57 57 93 45 75 84 24 42 75 69 51 63 81 87 78 21 93 78 24 36 72 93 81 78 120 93 57 96 96 30 81 75 84 63 63 78 66 1419-26 4056-577 4066-344 1430-278 10-1964595 9211-2823 1390-5351 4037-86 4038-365 8991-9672 4038-115 8941-3880 4068-257 1432-158 4038-420 8378-3843 4068-856 1395-1152 1390-915 8710-988 4059-374 8991-9283 1406-52 1395-200 1395-907 8378-3399 8941-3881 1432-583 4028-676 9368-803 9368-802 1414-860 8991-8296 4028-821 4028-6114 8991-9718 8285-957 9246-1202 9246-1201 4028-1308 1390-1050 1418-236 4056-3617 9211-3002 4068-908 8991-9041 4028-3672 1390-1221 8991-8537 1425-480 1430-30 8285-1610 1430-33 1390-4384 4068-401 4029-100 1432-487 8115-1034 1386-45 1395-202 4081-170 4034-46 1390-1672 Helena Helena Miles City Miles City Helena Gt Falls Gallatin GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Col Falls GYV Col Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Harlem Col Falls Butte Missoula Butte GYV Laurel Laurel Gt Falls GYV Dillon Butte Butte Butte Missoula Missoula GYV Bigfork Bigfork Whitefish Bitterroot GYV GYV GYV GYV Chinook Harlem Lewistown Miles City Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV GYV Harlem Havre Helena Havre Gallatin Missoula GYV Laurel GYV GYV Libby-Troy Gt Falls Gt Falls Miles City Miles City GYV GYV Missoula Circle Gallatin Missoula Livingston Miles City Butte Laurel Butte GYV Gt Falls Whitefish Montana Averages 2009-2010 Murphy, Kris C Murphy, Marie J Murphy, Meg A Murphy, Michael Murphy, Michael E Murphy, Pam Murphy, Shane A Murphy, Tessa K Murphy, Truman Les L Murphy, Vicki J Murray, Henry P Murray, Jacquie Murray, Josh Murray, Kay Murray, Michael D Murray, Stella Murray, William C Murray, Zane Murrish, Aaron J Murrish, Tracey B Murry, Deborah Music, Michael G Mutch, Martin E Myers, Colton K Myers, Derek J Myers, Jeanne S Myers, Jeramy R Myers, Kathy Myers, Larry Myers, Matthew Myers, Melene R Myers, Pat E Myers, Pattie W Myers, Robert G Myers, Verna Myers-Jewell, Janet L Myers-Jewell, Janet L Myhra, Marge R Myhre, Kyle E Myles, Alfred L Myles, Molly S Myrdal, Norma J Myre, Veronica M Myrstol, Denise L Myrstol, Roberta L Myrstol, William C Mytty, Melvin R Naasz, Denise L Naber, Ron H Naccarato, Rickey G Nacey, Donna Nacey, Justin Nadeau, Jarrod R Nadeau, Robert T Nafts, Arleen E Nafts, Cale T Nafts, Elliott S Nafts, Mel L Nafts, Sterling L Nagel, Cheryl L Nagel, Christine Nagel, George Nagel, Henry G Nagel, Lavae Nagel, Richard D Nagel, Scott Nagle, Jeffrey W Nagy, Bonnie M Nalder, Annette Nall, Terri Nalty, Diane M Nance, Gigi S Nance, William D Nansel, Gayle R Nansel, Jay E Napthine, Margaret L Napthine, Peter 131 144 150 161 198 101 143 99 149 161 166 118 125 123 130 139 187 160 183 96 108 166 158 115 139 110 165 146 131 129 130 136 121 166 170 140 144 139 160 133 98 156 133 153 134 161 174 149 129 187 112 153 212 176 133 126 152 152 150 164 109 155 118 127 166 130 138 110 94 167 130 163 192 127 127 120 126 45 63 75 45 104 30 87 81 81 87 66 51 50 45 48 72 36 24 96 23 21 30 66 36 29 27 39 39 66 54 57 93 36 89 51 72 21 24 54 81 63 87 87 48 51 81 87 78 24 39 87 87 95 69 81 36 90 87 69 72 48 54 51 87 87 60 39 81 53 75 69 93 81 36 27 33 33 8991-9736 4056-3017 8378-3583 1403-91 8115-1142 4028-2505 8798-3306 8798-4241 8798-3299 1419-526 1432-867 8991-9674 1390-6185 1390-1383 8941-5205 4047-172 4028-307 8941-4257 4059-836 1390-1628 4061-18 8974-294 4050-1190 8991-9050 8798-3702 4032-67 4068-198 4062-188 8991-8633 1426-89 1432-637 8710-1196 8285-1551 1386-128 1395-1358 8378-3922 8991-9102 8991-9171 8991-8906 1390-6886 8991-7890 4028-317 8991-9649 1432-81 8991-9650 1390-1220 9057-580 8798-3623 8991-7861 1432-830 8991-8424 1390-3005 8115-1196 8115-1195 GYV Helena Butte Glacier Anaconda Chinook Lewistown Livingston Gt Falls GYV Helena Helena Lewistown Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls GYV GYV Plentywood GYV GYV Missoula Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Ft Benton Big Sandy Big Sandy GYV Missoula Laurel GYV Libby-Troy Ft Benton Gt Falls GYV GYV Helena Helena Missoula Gt Falls Livingston GYV Livingston Missoula Glendive Laurel Gt Falls Miles City Miles City Butte Butte GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Missoula GYV Gt Falls GYV Whitefish Glendive Mission Vly Big Sandy Gt Falls Helena GYV Missoula GYV GYV Livingston Livingston 8/28/2010 Page 52 of 81 Nardinger, Tami J Nash, Christopher Nash, David N Nash, Julie L Nash, Kay L Nash, Mark L Nash, Neal E Nash, Paul E Nash, Shirley A Nashton, Tamie M Nate, Joanne Natvig, Laura J Nau, Ken L Nau, Terrence M Nauman, Hope E Navarro, Joseph J Nay, Corey R Nay, Tena E Nead, Claud Nead, Ryan G Nead, Tyson Neal, Luke M Neary, Ardyce Nebel, Dennis C Needham, Mandy Needham, Matt Needles, Mike R Neely, Bobby R Neely, Charleen D Neeman, Duane F Neeman, Patricia J Nefzger, Darrell Nefzger, Patti Neidigh, Kevin Neiffer, Clifford D Neiffer, Joe A Neiffer, Jonathon V Neiffer, Melissa J Neill, Brian J Neill, Sandie K Nelsen, Jeffery C Nelsen, Julie A Nelson, Amy C Nelson, Angela M Nelson, Barbara Nelson, Bradley Nelson, Charlie A Nelson, Christine Nelson, Cody W Nelson, Conrad Nelson, Corky Nelson, Dana D Nelson, Daniel Nelson, Dean Nelson, Dean Nelson, Denise N Nelson, Dennis W Nelson, Eileen Nelson, Eunice M Nelson, Hsiu (Josie) L Nelson, Jancie J Nelson, Janette L Nelson, Jeremy D Nelson, Jim R Nelson, Jodi D Nelson, John D Nelson, Keith Nelson, Kris L Nelson, Larry Nelson, Lee Nelson, Lewis O Nelson, Michael D Nelson, Pamela J Nelson, Pat Nelson, Phil G Nelson, Ronald W Nelson, Scott 133 130 124 119 102 154 153 182 150 113 151 122 151 164 137 139 171 139 190 159 161 119 134 173 115 130 149 136 132 152 121 163 133 149 122 167 160 98 144 147 160 94 150 92 149 168 146 116 134 163 135 128 139 174 173 101 136 177 128 111 136 93 125 184 117 182 165 150 128 159 110 152 149 141 139 178 174 81 54 75 75 66 54 81 81 75 48 90 84 104 104 84 60 87 87 84 90 69 51 72 72 54 81 84 81 78 66 90 90 84 87 81 75 54 26 69 69 96 99 66 50 72 57 96 54 69 81 76 69 69 84 84 36 48 84 93 84 76 45 63 60 55 66 60 69 84 81 96 66 84 27 36 57 84 8991-9806 8710-1135 8710-1136 1390-7162 1390-2975 4028-995 4038-498 4028-1799 6161-67 6161-68 8991-9687 10-1811644 1426-8 1426-301 8115-859 8274-825 8991-7954 8798-3978 8798-3993 8114-829 1432-1316 8172-755 1425-421 8798-4204 8378-3353 8798-4231 9211-2719 1418-521 8378-3686 4028-6382 8941-5033 9368-776 1435-208 4061-93 8114-806 1425-86 1425-86 4068-1787 1395-425 4068-130 4068-232 4038-284 8941-5009 1423-212 10-1863208 8991-9131 9246-1010 1432-468 8941-5001 5029-31 8991-9675 1430-407 Gt Falls GYV Laurel Laurel Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Col Falls Toole Cnty GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Butte Glendive Glendive Livingston Livingston Livingston Dillon GYV Gt Falls Helena Helena Bitterroot Missoula Glacier Lewistown Lewistown Glendive Glendive Libby-Troy Helena Butte Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Gallatin Butte Butte GYV Missoula Gt Falls Bigfork Glendive Plentywood Plentywood Col Falls Libby-Troy Bitterroot Col Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Missoula Butte Missoula Missoula Col Falls Anaconda Whitefish Missoula Laurel Laurel Glendive Glendive GYV Libby-Troy Col Falls Missoula Missoula Bitterroot Whitefish GYV Gt Falls Miles City Montana Averages 2009-2010 Nelson, Selena Nelson, Sharon S Nelson, Steve T Nelson, Susan C Nelson, Theresa L Nelson, William Nemsgern, Nick W Nentwig, Amber Nesbit, Connie J Ness, Blane Ness, Dawn Ness, Emily R Ness, Monica J Ness, Sue L Nettles, Brittney R Nettleton, Jim Nettleton, Misti M Nettleton, Tyler B Neuleib, Leticia R Neumann, Ardis M Neumiller, Diana O Neuroth, Timothy L Neva, Jorhoda Neve, Richard A Neveras, Kendra Neveras, Thomas W Nevins, Audrey A Nevins, Audrey A Nevins, Cody B Nevins, Gary Nevins, Gary Nevins, Judy Newell, Brookie E Newell, Kyle Newell, Sharee Newey, Lee Newhouse, Warren G Newman, Aaron Newman, Arden J Newman, Don V Newman, Lavonne Newman, Sharon Newman, Tanner Newman, Zack Newsom, Ben E Newstrom, Kathy A Newton Pete Newton, Bobetta M Newton, Dan W Newton, Michael A Newton, Neil Newton, Richard J Newton, Robyn Newton, Tim M Nicholas, Barb Nicholas, Derek L Nicholas, Jacqueline L Nicholls, Fred D Nicholls, Julia A Nicholls, Karen A Nicholls, Maria Nicholls, Paul Nichols, Rita F Nicholson, Charles H Nicholson, Janice M Nicholson, Kara M Nicholson, Kathy R Nicholson, Lee J Nicholson, Michael J Nicholson, Thomas Nickel, Cindy L Nickel, Craig W Nickel, Gus Nickoloff, Alice M Nickoloff, Kurt E Nicol, Bonnie S Nicols, Ben L 146 130 196 133 116 106 138 124 160 139 140 123 128 160 84 167 164 158 150 146 114 195 155 191 149 168 126 123 127 182 150 156 94 146 122 147 135 165 187 165 108 124 150 169 163 140 160 155 195 163 30 24 93 84 66 27 63 48 69 84 78 36 44 42 72 63 44 84 63 60 27 81 90 87 77 21 90 87 69 72 72 90 36 92 75 72 54 42 69 90 42 42 78 45 87 96 36 21 85 96 189 113 147 157 155 129 125 103 124 110 176 122 99 128 136 147 148 150 172 164 218 134 108 180 111 211 124 78 87 66 54 59 57 63 96 78 90 63 66 69 33 30 73 66 78 90 84 93 57 99 84 93 4025-50 1390-1127 4062-176 4038-487 1390-3489 4037-2 8285-1737 4028-672 8378-3762 4056-3630 8710-1154 1419-608 4056-1564 9211-2727 4028-1024 4068-460 1390-7199 4056-1391 1419-264 4068-1154 4068-1154 1394-186 1394-39 1394-39 8114-851 8991-9101 8285-1744 1392-474 8115-917 1419-317 1390-4777 1419-948 4056-600 1425-373 4029-207 1395-840 9246-1173 1406-38 9246-1094 4066-362 1390-4052 8941-3942 8378-2755 9246-1175 1425-126 4028-1042 1426-36 4028-7068 1419-181 8115-1136 8115-646 4028-3611 1390-4377 1432-67 4028-6901 1390-2677 1432-210 Miles City Lewistown GYV Livingston Col Falls Lewistown GYV Glendive Rocky Mtn Frt Miles City GYV Butte Helena Laurel Anaconda Helena Helena Gallatin Nashua GYV Missoula Gt Falls Toole Cnty GYV Helena Helena Missoula Missoula Glacier Rocky Mtn Frt Glacier Toole Cnty Bitterroot GYV Miles City Gallatin Livingston Helena GYV Helena Anaconda Helena Glendive Libby-Troy Whitefish Gallatin Harlem Lewistown Butte Lewistown Libby-Troy Dillon Libby-Troy Nashua Miles City GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV Livingston Anaconda GYV Glendive Helena Livingston Livingston GYV GYV Missoula GYV GYV Thompson Fls Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 53 of 81 Niebel, George S Nieder, Karen K Niederegger Aaron Niederegger Paul Niedge, Joanie Nielsen, Katie M Nielsen, Kenny L Nielsen, Lavonne C Nielsen, Mark B Nielsen, Travis Nielson, Daniel S Niemerg, Cheryl Niemi, Walter L Niess, Dan R Niess, Dennis R Nightwalker, Alberta L Nikolaisen, Alan Niles, Mike A Nilsen, John F Nilson, Jean L Ninneman, Francine Nitschke, Dave Nitschke, Dorothy Nitschke, Joyce V Nitschke, Tina Nixon, Brenda J Noble, Brenda Noble, Clara W Noble, Jeffrey S Noble, Lee Noble, Randy B Noble, Timothy Noe, Jeff J Noel, Cindy L Noel, Dennis L Noel, Heather E Noel, Rose J Noem, Keith N Nofsker, Ralynn Nokleby, Brent A Nolan, Shelley M Noland, Randy L Noland, Steve L Noland, Thomas S Nollkamper, Roy E Norberg, Pat A Norbury, Zach D Norby, Amanda J Norby, Maleah M Norby, Matt J Norby, Tiffany A Norine, Robert Norling, Jamie L Norling, Tim E Norman, Jessica Norman, Sandra M Norman, Winnie M Norred, Steve Norred, Tracy Norrell, Barbara A Norris, Lana Norris, Mike J North, Dawn Norton, Ann M Norwood, Danny Nose, Ray Notbohm, Chad Nott, Wesley Novak, Joel R Novich, Betty L Nowlin, Seth S Noyd, Chip S Noyes, Christy Noyes, June M Noyes, Justin Noyes, Kathryn (Kate) A Noyes, William D 157 153 144 148 146 97 168 159 184 207 140 94 184 174 159 87 162 197 147 120 125 173 111 138 149 142 146 123 195 182 161 151 127 154 138 136 152 173 114 208 107 146 150 177 134 141 107 109 78 106 88 136 140 132 111 108 125 154 130 121 120 157 102 106 181 147 126 166 138 144 180 192 112 121 136 154 150 80 69 57 54 36 81 78 78 96 93 75 36 78 87 51 34 78 66 93 66 90 45 75 78 78 90 87 81 69 75 60 87 39 90 65 93 78 87 81 69 60 69 63 69 84 81 63 84 30 75 42 81 87 54 36 84 57 87 71 57 27 51 45 27 99 51 57 93 36 84 66 93 87 78 87 87 75 1392-395 1390-7089 4066-70 8991-9632 1435-51 4029-71 1423-85 4025-240 1390-3471 1390-4314 1390-4071 8991-9814 1435-36 1390-3056 4028-1259 9246-927 1425-47 9246-1065 4028-3833 4061-72 4068-1230 4061-187 8991-9109 1390-1519 8991-9110 1425-31 9211-3117 4056-2991 1419-27 8285-1448 1432-179 8798-3909 1419-627 1419-1058 1419-628 1403-410 4068-321 8378-3807 8941-5181 8378-3723 4068-2222 1387-226 4024-237 4038-305 1419-629 4056-1630 1390-2913 1432-96 8285-1707 1432-302 4043-36 1392-494 8941-5144 4028-448 8941-5145 4029-229 1392-643 Gallatin GYV Harlem Harlem Miles City GYV Plentywood Gallatin Nashua Nashua Laurel Miles City GYV GYV GYV GYV Plentywood GYV Lewistown GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV Libby-Troy Missoula Libby-Troy Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Libby-Troy Gallatin Lewistown Lewistown Helena Whitefish Helena Miles City Missoula Helena Helena Helena Helena Glacier Missoula Butte Glendive Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Lewistown Lewistown Toole Cnty Missoula Lewistown Bigfork Bigfork Col Falls Gt Falls Helena Helena Gt Falls GYV Missoula Miles City Missoula Nashua Dillon Gallatin Anaconda Missoula GYV Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Montana Averages 2009-2010 Noyes-Weber, Claudette R 130 Nuckolls, Brandon J 154 Nuckolls, Christopher J 173 Nuckolls, Jerry 173 Nugee, Donna J 136 Nugent, Jodi R 147 Nulliner, Butch 187 Nuss, Richard Lee 200 Nyberg, Darlene M 132 Nyberg, Tamara M 152 Nybo, Susan L 121 Nyby, Doreen L 188 Nyby, Edwin A 164 Nye, Alma F 134 Nye, Tadd 186 Nygaard, Deirdre 139 Nygaard, Julaine 122 Nygaard, Pauline A 133 Nygard, Emil C 148 Nyland, Cary 130 Nyquest, Tom E 158 Oak, Duffy E 128 Oak, Michele M 191 Oakland, Brent 179 Oakland, Neil 187 Oakley, Virginia L 109 Oaks, Don 146 Obenauer, Chris P 189 Obenauer, Patricia 159 Obenauer, Randy 175 Oberquell, Anne M 128 Oblander, 'Otis' R 137 O'brien, Nancy J 126 O'brien, Tim A 191 Ochs, Darcy L 106 Ochs, Simon E 113 O'connell, Brandon D 192 O'connell, Daniel M 188 O'connell, Debra 123 O'connell, Kristi A 117 O'connell, Zac J 124 O'connor, Laura E 134 O'connor, Margaret (Peggy) S123 Odden, Bret 140 Oddy, Larry W 182 O'dell, Cathy A 157 O'dell, Robin A 193 O'dell, Tyler A 140 Odenbach, Andy J 198 Odenbach, Debbie J 132 Odenbach, Joanne M 120 Odlin, Ruth A 130 Odom, Casey R 131 O'donnell, Casey 132 O'donnell, Chris D 139 O'donnell, I Dan 160 O'donnell, Jared P 134 O'donnell, Jodie 105 O'donnell, Kim 142 O'donnell, Nicholas C 126 O'donnell, Rebecca L 111 O'dore, George T 171 O'dore, Mike E 197 Oedewaldt, Lisa 127 Oestreich, Mike D 152 Offt, Arlen M 140 Ogan, Heidi M 122 Ogden, Becky L 148 Okes, Kelly A 143 Olbricht, Aaron L 170 Old Ceyote, Cricki A 140 Olden, Brittany 178 Olden, Douglas A 181 Oldham, Alan C 132 O'leary, Lisa 152 O'leary, Peggy R 133 O'leary, Thomas B 151 42 78 69 60 90 27 66 75 51 72 42 81 96 81 116 81 84 51 93 78 96 27 72 93 90 87 63 132 44 72 87 81 44 69 87 90 78 87 90 42 33 88 63 63 45 54 69 48 90 84 78 27 66 84 30 69 45 54 36 90 39 50 51 72 49 42 78 75 81 87 78 90 90 67 31 24 81 4029-538 8941-5186 11-7031 1432-289 4056-2035 1432-353 1392-396 8941-5041 4028-7120 4029-1 1392-444 4043-66 6141-36 4025-111 8285-1450 4040-119 4056-2984 1432-1022 1423-194 1423-60 4062-175 1404-45 1406-102 4043-25 8115-888 1390-4884 4028-4942 1390-2383 10-897153 1395-605 4056-2599 8798-3268 1392-1131 4068-2269 4062-243 1392-531 4037-152 1397-101 8096-451 9211-2876 4028-6929 4049-56 4068-144 8285-1731 8991-9818 1390-4943 8991-9591 8285-1750 4025-131 8991-9019 4068-2319 1390-1217 9246-1066 1432-232 4028-1206 8378-3080 8114-791 9057-590 6145-185 1392-254 1390-3412 8991-8164 1392-203 Gallatin Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Helena Missoula Gallatin Gt Falls Missoula GYV Gallatin Gallatin Dillon Dillon Miles City Miles City Glacier Gt Falls Helena Missoula Laurel Laurel Glendive Glendive Livingston Daniels Dillon Dillon Anaconda Livingston GYV GYV GYV Glendive Glendive Butte Butte Helena Helena Gallatin Missoula Livingston Toole Cnty Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin GYV GYV Missoula Nashua Miles City GYV GYV GYV Miles City Miles City GYV Missoula Gt Falls GYV Libby-Troy Missoula GYV Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Bitterroot Mission Vly Gallatin Gallatin GYV Havre GYV Gallatin 8/28/2010 Page 54 of 81 Olinger, Bill E Oliver, Barbara K Oliver, Chris J Oliver, Daniel C Oliver, Joshua E Oliver, Mark A Oliverson, Scott Ollinger, Shaelyn R O'loughlin, Linda L Olsen, Ashley D Olsen, Greg A Olsen, Justin Olsen, Keith A Olsen, Rozla Olsen, Sharon L Olsen, Tawni L Olson, Alida M Olson, Audrey Olson, Betty A Olson, Bob Olson, Bob Olson, Bob N Olson, Brenda L Olson, Brent Olson, Brian S Olson, Carol J Olson, Catherine G Olson, Clarence Jim W Olson, Craig Olson, David J Olson, Dianna L Olson, Donald R Olson, Glen Olson, Harlyn Olson, Heidi Olson, James R Olson, Janet M Olson, Janice E Olson, Joel O Olson, Judy E Olson, Kelley Olson, Kelly J Olson, Lorraine E Olson, Lorri M Olson, Mark D Olson, Marta L Olson, Melissa J Olson, Michael R Olson, Patti Olson, Rob J Olson, Robert J Olson, Sabrina J Olson, Sam J Olson, Stacy D Olson, Susan K Olson, Theresa Olson, Timothy G Olson, Vicki J Olson, W. Doug Olson, Wayne A Olszewski, Patricia Oltman, Diane O'mara, Inge Omlie, Tammy Omsberg, Clifford O'neil, Carol W O'neil, Daniel H O'neil, Jay D O'neill, Cathy M O'neill, Shay K Onstad, Patricia Onstott, Pat Onstott, Tom Ontiveros, Rick T Ontiveros, Tina Opheim, Kyle P Ophus, Lisa 143 115 167 134 138 178 142 97 137 106 122 138 148 103 155 141 169 135 140 152 147 180 158 140 163 110 142 155 173 180 99 176 147 141 113 123 124 133 168 133 106 190 145 143 153 148 150 178 122 180 195 148 133 180 145 131 160 140 190 146 114 141 146 153 159 159 139 137 119 120 92 121 135 132 112 128 139 75 84 57 63 81 75 66 90 69 90 39 72 54 45 84 87 90 84 66 51 84 105 51 84 66 78 93 48 93 60 87 42 84 21 78 66 87 51 81 84 48 24 57 30 81 81 69 96 57 87 30 69 66 21 21 48 84 84 72 72 84 33 84 69 84 72 93 60 96 60 57 60 72 96 99 81 87 4028-3717 1395-430 8378-2687 8941-4258 1390-3526 8991-9633 4037-73 9211-3003 8798-3997 9246-817 8798-4144 4028-1556 4062-181 4056-621 9368-948 4028-1401 1403-93 8941-4182 1392-1178 4029-1068 9368-949 4038-237 4068-430 9368-947 1392-1000 1392-1130 9368-950 8096-489 4062-65 1418-565 4029-372 4068-298 1392-82 8941-4687 1432-33 1410-103 9211-2604 8991-9920 4056-2896 8941-4272 8941-4773 1419-531 8285-1393 4034-49 1403-206 4029-72 8991-9850 1392-231 4034-162 8115-731 8798-3852 8798-3853 1390-5020 8991-8661 8941-5171 Gt Falls GYV Butte Butte Missoula GYV Whitefish GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Helena Libby-Troy Gt Falls Helena GYV Livingston Helena Bigfork GYV Glacier Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Bigfork Lewistown Col Falls Missoula Gt Falls Bigfork Gallatin Gt Falls Gallatin Glendive Circle Bigfork Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Gt Falls Glendive Livingston Plentywood Havre Glendive Gallatin Glendive Missoula Gt Falls Gallatin Missoula Missoula Ft Benton Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin GYV Helena Missoula Missoula Helena Gt Falls Miles City Plentywood Butte Havre Glacier Gallatin GYV Gallatin Butte Livingston Gt Falls Helena Helena GYV GYV Missoula Havre Montana Averages 2009-2010 Ophus, Mason Opie, Mysti L Opp, Joe S Ordahl, Jeffrey Ordahl, Kraig Oren, Jeff A Oren, Roger P Orham, James R Orham, Marlene J Orham, Mary Orham, Robert C Orizotti, Denise Orlando, Gladys C O'roake, Kailah M O'rourke, Pat M, Sr O'rourke, Patrick J, Jr O'rourke, Tammy S Orr, Bill Orr, Brent Orr, Connie Orr, Judy Orr, Matthew C Orr, Ruth A Orrantia, Matthew D Orth, Tom W Ortloff, Tom A Ortner, Linda Osborn, Eric A Osborn, Jerry K Osborn, Karin M Osborn, Thomas N Osborne, Bill P Osborne, Paul M Oscar, Albert Osgood, James W O'shea, Dawn M Osler, Sharon A Ostendorf, Mark Oster, Heather M Oster, Kellie J Osterberg, Teri Osterhout, Patricia Osterman, Craig S Osterman, Darin A Osterman, Duwayne L Osterman, Patricia L Osterman, Shannon L Ostheller, Wes Ostle, Cassie L Ostle, Renae K Ostlie, Jean C Ostrem-Johnston, Cindy Ostrom, Mary Ostrom, Ole Ostwald, Elizabeth L Ostwald, Judy L Ostwalt, Conrad L Ostwalt, Dianna R Ostwalt, Gene Ostwalt, Miriam Oswald, Chad Oswald, Fran Oswald, William Bill Otis, Betty J Otten, Kelli Otten, Rodger Ottenbacher, Christy M Ottenbacher, Jon M Otterstrom, Craig K Otto, Devin Ouellette, James L Ouren, Connie D Ouren, James O Ouren, Jill P Ouren, Robert E Ouzts, Brandon O Ouzts, Eric R 147 76 149 156 174 179 147 214 100 139 202 178 141 98 207 217 175 156 190 129 129 172 141 147 168 195 131 126 179 205 143 172 127 130 140 96 148 167 94 136 168 122 137 173 121 126 165 142 111 152 159 141 138 186 117 118 152 115 156 106 167 107 138 137 147 196 146 203 129 162 229 156 197 126 183 150 172 63 78 36 45 78 72 57 99 87 87 99 72 78 33 33 84 87 45 69 81 45 93 78 51 30 50 37 48 81 69 78 99 87 57 66 84 24 81 72 60 24 57 27 45 63 42 33 33 27 75 54 66 75 116 53 36 75 72 78 72 63 94 69 48 36 72 62 72 48 78 21 63 75 63 66 36 45 8991-9796 8991-9925 1435-127 1435-74 1395-213 1395-468 1392-89 4056-3705 4034-176 4028-1391 9057-639 1395-214 6136-423 4034-492 1425-142 1425-127 4085-31 4061-23 1419-1308 4055-131 9211-2848 1390-3082 8991-9749 8378-3836 8941-5147 1394-94 1418-586 4051-616 8285-1611 8114-910 4028-288 4061-11 8798-3938 1425-272 8096-501 4037-100 4061-191 4028-852 1432-1 1390-1689 4028-5721 1390-5128 4028-933 8320-213 4028-718 1432-878 8991-8422 2006-15834 1418-381 8285-1366 1432-211 4028-415 1390-1483 4059-240 4059-885 8991-9912 8991-8540 Big Sandy GYV GYV Plentywood Plentywood Butte Butte Gallatin Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte GYV Mission Vly Butte Butte Butte Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Helena Libby-Troy Helena Laurel Gallatin GYV Glendive Chinook GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Missoula Glacier Havre Bitterroot Whitefish Miles City Bitterroot GYV Libby-Troy Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Libby-Troy GYV Missoula Thompson Fls Thompson Fls GYV GYV GYV GYV Daniels Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Lewistown Missoula GYV GYV Havre Miles City Missoula GYV GYV Laurel Laurel GYV GYV 8/28/2010 Page 55 of 81 Ouzts, Samuel T Ovalle, Jose V Ovalle, Tristan Overturf, Terry F Owen, Elise R Owen, Ernest Owen, Gregg Owen, Laura R Owen, Lee Ida H Owens, Andy A Owens, Christopher L Owens, Dave Owens, Josh Owens, Pam Owens, Scott Owens, Tom Ozark, Cecil Pablo, Regina M Pace, Dawna M Pacheco, Connie Pacheco, Joanie Pacheco, Paul R Pacot, Donald E Paddock, JoAnn Padgett, Adele M Padgett, M D Padilla, Lenore M Paffhausen, Patty R Page, John W Page, Joy Page, Shannon Page, Timothy W Pahl, Laura E Pahut, Amyjo Paine, William Painter, Jeannie L Painter, Philip E Palacio, John P Paladichuk, Sam F Palagi, Floyd A Palagi, Jerry D Palagi, Terri M Palazzolo, David Palin, Jana L Pallister, Steve Palmer, Agnes M Palmer, Brian M Palmer, Debbie J Palmer, Gail L Palmer, Kellie L Palmer, Robert M Palmer, Sue M Palmerton, Russell J, F Pamala Schuhmacher Panion, John J Panique, Daniel R Panique, Michael D Panique, Suzanne Panique, Tereece N Pankratz, Jeffrey W Pankratz, Laurie Pankratz, Ray Pappas, Chris F Paquin, Jerry (Pepe) A Paquin, Kris M Para, Adam Paranteau, Joseph Joe S Pare, James Pargeter, Denny Pargeter, Fredi Parini, William J Paris, Christi K Paris, Robby Pariseau, Barbara Pariseau, Willie Parish, Colin W Parish, Jill 158 195 155 126 124 168 134 153 157 165 173 162 121 151 113 147 145 160 114 149 126 194 127 142 122 141 124 156 159 133 97 145 154 123 156 172 165 153 144 131 159 146 157 160 176 127 164 149 132 143 146 124 177 108 139 169 173 69 113 117 149 84 178 157 124 176 205 158 166 113 165 109 111 142 163 169 107 84 87 27 54 66 94 45 90 62 78 87 48 21 36 63 84 84 21 96 48 21 36 96 66 57 90 81 90 81 48 24 84 69 39 60 21 57 75 81 39 39 84 84 96 57 27 81 63 90 81 48 80 74 69 66 63 66 13 54 27 81 36 69 48 51 81 96 90 81 66 90 48 36 87 90 78 42 8991-9249 4028-6642 1432-488 8991-9913 4029-520 4068-773 1418-173 1419-413 4025-154 1390-1009 9057-689 4056-3768 4028-6408 4061-201 1390-6266 1390-1044 4043-67 4067-35 4034-160 8941-4596 4024-426 8991-9088 4068-36 8378-3774 1387-106 4068-297 8991-9702 8114-898 1413-813 1392-832 4029-871 9368-698 4059-19 1419-91 4056-3568 1431-210 4062-21 4068-1767 1390-3330 4067-218 8378-3054 8941-5057 8941-5058 8941-5232 8941-5059 8285-1373 1439-19 1390-6726 4028-6797 6136-896 1419-155 6136-405 4028-7156 8991-9676 4061-112 1425-48 8991-8086 9368-982 GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Missoula GYV Gallatin Missoula Havre Helena Col Falls Col Falls Miles City Col Falls GYV Nashua Mission Vly Helena GYV Libby-Troy GYV GYV Dillon Lewistown Gt Falls Mission Vly Butte Missoula Bigfork Chinook GYV Missoula Butte Bigfork Missoula GYV Bitterroot Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Bigfork Laurel Helena Helena Mission Vly Livingston Missoula Glendive GYV Mission Vly Gt Falls Harlem Butte Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Miles City Gt Falls Havre GYV GYV Butte Gt Falls Helena Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Butte GYV GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV Bigfork Montana Averages 2009-2010 Parke, Barb Parke, Eva L Parker, Christopher D Parker, Esther Parker, Jami Parker, Johnie M Parker, Linda L Parker, Raymond C Parker, Todd K Parker, Tom O Parker, Wayne D Parks, Carla M Parks, Daniel L Parks, Kevin Parman, James (Duane) D Parmer, Sharron Parnell, Penny J Parock, Michael M Paronto, Dorothy Paronto, Linda Dixie K Paronto, Roderick A Parpart, Mamie G Parr, Deborah E Parr, Stanley B Parrent, Edward L Parrent, Laurie Parrett, Walter T Parrish, Andrea N Parrow, Audrey A Parrow, Carolyn Parrow, Eve M Parrow, Frank E Parrow, Vern T Parsons, Casey R Parsons, Jeremy C Parsons, Lindsey A Parsons, Patti L Parvinen, Bg Passon, Dave J Patera, Ashley D Patrick, Kimberli F Patrick, Raneid Roni M Patrick, Terry Pattee, Christine A Patterson, Doug Patterson, Mary D Patterson, Myron A Patterson, Peg J Patterson, Pete L Patterson, Stephen D Pattison, Mary K Patton, Guy W Patton, Jack D Patton, Jay Patton, Seamus B Paugh, Thea R Paul, Aaron A Paul, Gina M Paul, Robert Paulas, Mona I Pauley, Lenny Paull, Allan R Paull, Savannah L Paulsen, Patty J Paulson, Gary M Paulson, Robert A Paulson, Rodney A Paulson, Sue Paumer, Morella P Pavlik, Linde S Pavlik, Natasha C Pawluk, Jerry J Paxton, Charles L Payette, Monte W Payne, Kenneth J Peak, Elias L Peak, Eric W 143 114 139 153 116 155 142 134 193 146 165 120 148 139 130 127 151 158 116 110 150 131 150 151 165 112 174 93 144 168 165 199 209 128 170 125 134 139 171 111 139 118 72 33 81 90 75 68 84 75 81 39 90 63 63 84 51 69 72 81 84 36 30 81 35 87 48 75 24 33 72 90 72 99 75 72 33 72 52 96 30 27 84 48 118 152 149 154 122 197 128 125 132 155 149 160 125 163 82 161 140 125 170 120 152 180 165 142 142 102 162 121 163 194 140 127 178 187 39 90 78 66 26 83 27 90 72 72 90 90 21 66 78 99 21 42 81 69 72 93 69 57 75 36 75 75 78 83 24 51 66 83 4034-672 9211-3124 8941-5103 4061-69 9246-1218 9057-569 1390-1250 1426-77 8941-5250 1390-6804 9368-927 1432-584 4055-21 4038-89 8114-873 1414-234 8115-627 8115-880 1395-220 1395-1083 4029-462 1395-675 1392-31 4040-71 9211-3036 8991-9660 4034-50 1418-609 9211-3037 8941-5190 8941-4095 9246-1092 4028-2473 1390-4833 1426-37 8710-1194 4028-6807 1390-1216 1406-343 4059-716 1432-303 4029-712 9246-1244 1426-287 8115-1153 4047-39 10-957409 8991-7879 4076-561 8991-9885 1390-7172 8941-4695 8115-632 8798-4188 4054-32 8941-4167 Butte Gallatin Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Mission Vly Thompson Fls GYV Livingston Missoula Gt Falls Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Col Falls GYV Bigfork Whitefish Missoula GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls Bitterroot Bitterroot Livingston Livingston Butte Whitefish Anaconda Butte Gallatin Butte Gallatin Glacier Gt Falls Gallatin GYV Butte Havre Gallatin Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Gt Falls Glendive GYV GYV Anaconda Livingston Laurel GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Dillon Laurel Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gallatin Libby-Troy Livingston Livingston Ft Benton Glendive Mission Vly GYV Bigfork GYV Thompson Fls Thompson Fls GYV Missoula Livingston Helena Missoula Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 56 of 81 Peak, Jean L Peak, Randy S Pearce, Jesse Pearcy, Joetta J Pearsall, Albert Al R Pearsall, Ronie R Pearsall, Terry A Pearson, Chris J Pearson, James W Pearson, Karolee G Pearson, Kate M Pearson, Margaret Pearson, Ray H Pearson, Ron G Pearson, Sandy M Pearson, Tom B Peck, Susan J Peck, Wendell W Pedersen, Amber R Pedersen, Angela R Pedersen, Dylan M Pedersen, Jerry C Pedersen, Les J Pedersen, Lisa A Pederson, Alicia M Pederson, Byron Pete Pederson, Edward J Pederson, Joanie G Pederson, Odessa L Pederson, Stella Pederson, Steven E Pedigo, Tammie M Peele, Jaki L Peers, Brad J Peers, Darren D Peers, Kenneth R Peers, Maureen A Peers, Norma O Pegar, Michelle Pekovich, Luanne Pellegrini, Debbie Pellegrini, Jim R Peltier, Dick L Pelzel, Bruce K Pelzel, Darren B Pelzel, Yvette M Pemberton, Larry L Pemble, Fay L Pendleton, Sabrina M Pengilly, Emma M Penkal, Mary Jo Penkal, Russell F Pennington, Bruce Pennington, Marilynn Pennock, Sherry Pentecost, Christie L Pentecost, Dolly Pentecost, Maggie M Pentland, David J Peoples, Bill M Pepin, Sherry L Pepos, Charlie D Pepos, Christine Peres, Laurie L Peressini, Nate T Periman, Rose Marie Periman, Tana R Perino, Barb I Perkins, Aliesha C Perkins, Aya C Perkins, Brandy Perkins, Lily Perkins, Nathan A Perkins, Pete A Perlinski, Arianne J Perlstein, Eric Perry, Philip F 160 204 114 143 208 125 207 192 163 154 91 139 167 156 135 162 155 137 150 138 119 148 156 142 139 150 148 136 134 131 143 105 141 159 189 166 137 143 58 111 151 183 125 222 171 156 156 133 115 127 127 209 166 134 149 154 125 109 179 113 106 196 159 110 147 108 114 140 106 115 128 85 199 108 155 137 133 69 39 54 90 21 39 72 90 90 63 36 21 75 66 58 60 48 93 84 27 30 33 81 54 93 66 90 90 60 78 75 90 78 36 120 69 69 96 35 81 81 69 33 75 30 87 93 78 84 85 63 66 69 84 84 90 93 95 81 54 84 87 81 69 75 81 54 87 21 81 99 45 84 72 60 57 90 4068-529 1421-33 9246-1222 6161-148 8115-794 1390-1427 1390-6437 8991-9160 8115-795 4056-650 8991-9907 1423-332 4034-433 8274-707 1395-221 1414-919 4043-226 4051-637 1406-286 8991-8254 8941-4001 1432-681 1432-742 4068-389 4028-515 4028-6087 4056-139 1419-532 1390-4717 1390-1670 6134-243 4028-6546 8172-697 9211-3100 1392-87 4056-654 4061-54 4056-3625 4056-3664 8798-3684 1405-94 8378-3778 4038-350 9211-2939 4042-50 4056-3642 8115-1143 4062-317 8991-9434 1390-6187 8115-1144 4029-476 8991-8205 Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Anaconda Gt Falls Livingston Plentywood GYV GYV GYV Livingston Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Butte Dillon Butte Bitterroot Dillon Bitterroot Glendive Dillon GYV Thompson Fls Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Big Sandy GYV Helena Helena GYV GYV GYV GYV Lewistown Whitefish Glacier Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Col Falls Helena Libby-Troy Helena Helena Helena Deer Lodge Butte Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Deer Lodge Gt Falls Helena Livingston Livingston GYV Glendive GYV Livingston Gallatin Whitefish GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Perry, Rick Perry, Roy D Perry, Sharrell Persoma, Sandy D Person, Dean R Person, Vern Person, Vern Person, Wanda J Persons, Brittany J Pesanti, Anthony C Petek, Debbie Petek, Robert Peternel, Erik G Peters, Kathy Peters, Macie Peters, Robert R Peters, Ruth E Peters, Travis R Petersen, Bonnie Petersen, Dennis Petersen, Dennis J Petersen, Lee A Petersen, Patricia L Petersen, Richard A Peterson Jerico Peterson, Angela K Peterson, Betty B Peterson, Bob Peterson, Casey R Peterson, Chad Peterson, Charles A Peterson, Cherye L Peterson, Christopher Peterson, Corey A Peterson, Dale G Peterson, Dana C Peterson, Danny F Peterson, Dave H Peterson, Dawn J Peterson, Elizabeth A Peterson, Erin M Peterson, Fayellen Peterson, Frank Peterson, Gary D Peterson, James H Peterson, Joani Peterson, Jon W Peterson, Karen Peterson, Kelsey K Peterson, Kevin Peterson, Leonard J Peterson, Margaret J Peterson, Mary P Peterson, Maureen Peterson, Robert L Peterson, Sarah Peterson, Sherron A Peterson, Steven M Peterson, Vernon L Petrick, Becky L Petrick, Ryan M Petrillo, Jason T Petrini, Debbie K Petritz, Larry D Petroff, Lisa S Petroff, Tom Petrosky, Trish A Pettersen, James W Pettibone, Angela M Pettibone, Chris M Pettis, Mark E Pettis, Maureen H Pettit, Mitchell A Petty, Noah G Pew, Jerry Pewitt, Charles A Pewonka, Parris M 228 172 151 152 190 187 185 147 148 165 140 153 186 120 100 149 122 193 120 181 172 111 151 163 113 144 156 165 159 126 122 120 141 206 125 98 143 171 126 116 97 146 172 155 164 106 155 158 135 177 194 155 141 118 156 100 155 166 101 129 149 223 136 147 98 166 164 190 100 139 180 107 175 176 129 132 196 72 54 69 93 84 99 99 39 27 45 57 66 21 84 93 87 93 84 63 76 54 75 54 27 48 39 87 48 86 90 33 72 66 81 30 60 81 60 78 60 42 58 69 78 57 72 84 87 66 42 93 84 57 51 39 57 90 75 57 27 54 100 63 72 66 54 84 60 36 36 93 90 30 75 90 72 72 1414-548 4028-531 1432-500 1432-500 4056-657 8378-3598 9368-871 9368-817 8991-9294 4061-33 4028-822 1432-960 4034-398 1432-212 8941-5136 4068-1338 1395-358 4043-265 1425-395 8941-5067 8285-1612 8941-5206 4028-3847 1406-404 8172-875 1390-3130 9211-2993 4068-2134 4038-19 8798-4196 4067-60 1418-109 1418-110 1431-18 4061-270 1432-573 4051-113 8115-779 8378-3850 4034-449 4028-1239 1390-912 8172-925 9211-3038 8991-9831 8096-386 8378-3825 4068-818 1432-213 4028-6085 1390-972 1392-699 1432-1090 8378-3022 Whitefish Bitterroot Whitefish GYV Lewistown Missoula Missoula Helena Glendive Butte Bigfork Bigfork GYV Libby-Troy Gt Falls Nashua GYV Missoula Butte Whitefish Missoula Missoula Missoula Butte Harlem Dillon Gt Falls Libby-Troy Missoula Miles City Missoula GYV Lewistown Anaconda Dillon Glacier GYV Gallatin Missoula Col Falls Helena Mission Vly Havre Havre Mission Vly Libby-Troy Missoula Bitterroot Livingston Butte Gt Falls Butte GYV Toole Cnty GYV Glacier Thompson Fls Lewistown Gt Falls Gallatin GYV Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Butte Missoula Missoula GYV Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Helena Missoula Butte Glendive 8/28/2010 Page 57 of 81 Pezdark, Charles M Pfau, Michael P Pfau, Patricia H Pfeifle, David L Pfister, Marietta Pfister, Robert D Pfrimmer, Emily J Phares, Lena Pheffer, Keaton K Philipps, Jim F Philipps, Justin M Philipps, Pauline E Phillips, April S Phillips, Bernice M Phillips, Bruce H Phillips, Chris Phillips, Jenny L Phillips, Judy S Phillips, Karen K Phillips, Loreen K Phillips, Michael J Phillips, Rebecca A Philp, Casey M Phinney, Lance Phipps, Brittany L Phyfield, Rose M Piapot, Terri L Piazzola, Frank H Piazzola, Jon L Piazzola, Joseph B Piazzola, Katie M Piazzola, Kristie K Piazzola, Marlene H Piazzola, Michael J Picchioni, David A Picchioni, Dominick A Picchioni, Jeano A Picchioni, Ralph F Picchioni, Ronald J Picchioni, William F Piccono, Cara M Piccono, Phil R Pickavance, David Pickavance, Elizabeth Pickavance, Louwania Pickens, Susan Pickering, James J Pickering, Katherine Pickett, Ladeen M Pickett, Mike J Picking, Matthew R Picking, Micheal A Piedalue, Mike H Pielaet, Sharon L Pienaar, Johan B Pienaar, Rachael Pierce, Brett R Pierce, Carol J Pierce, Debbie K Pierce, George R Pierce, Gladys J Pierce, Heather E Pierce, John H Pierce, Juli M Pierce, Paul Pierre, Kevin E Pierson, Andrea M Pierson, Douglas D Pierson, Gloria Pierson, Rob Piesce, Derik Pileski, Chris Pillar, Dave M Pillians, Billy Piluso, Charlie R Pimperton, Gary O Pimperton, Polly A 160 172 103 163 117 171 133 139 153 155 107 124 153 116 178 121 154 147 158 136 142 105 146 188 97 167 148 187 164 159 155 169 121 171 193 173 174 135 165 173 86 159 211 171 166 123 194 104 128 171 184 183 179 159 174 128 158 124 141 112 127 116 175 110 180 173 118 168 127 193 115 179 182 157 184 167 137 87 99 81 33 59 90 72 81 51 75 30 76 69 81 87 72 75 78 81 51 33 78 69 93 30 60 66 99 48 75 66 99 78 66 57 124 99 88 120 32 39 66 112 120 54 57 96 57 78 93 66 84 81 30 51 66 30 84 95 69 81 66 87 30 32 24 78 69 84 57 21 78 81 39 87 63 60 1432-493 8941-4758 4068-2254 1432-1350 8115-894 9211-3114 1397-70 9211-3127 8991-9208 8991-9209 1435-224 9211-2817 4034-53 4028-5167 9057-609 4034-193 4068-1832 1395-223 6141-20 1406-149 4034-295 4043-93 4034-138 8378-3121 1438-198 1438-185 8991-8859 1438-52 1438-140 1438-91 1387-8 4024-244 4024-35 8991-9884 8991-9187 4028-274 1390-987 9004-6724 9057-644 4029-373 9211-2657 4029-998 1392-812 4043-114 4028-1199 4028-5372 1432-136 8798-4143 8285-1507 10-1805831 8285-1684 1430-26 1425-416 1426-78 Anaconda Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Whitefish Livingston Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Gt Falls Thompson Fls GYV GYV Plentywood Gallatin Whitefish Butte Gallatin Thompson Fls Mission Vly Lewistown Glendive Lewistown Butte Missoula Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte Butte GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork GYV Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Helena Gt Falls Mission Vly Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Glendive Dillon Whitefish GYV Whitefish Glendive GYV Whitefish Missoula Helena Gt Falls Miles City Miles City Miles City Miles City Lewistown Libby-Troy Livingston Gt Falls Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Pinczes, John P Pinkerton, Lila M Pinkston, Craig A Pinkston, Pat M Pinno, Patti A Pinnow, Daniel L Pinson, Sara A Pintok, Laurie Pipal, Randy E Piper, Greg Pirami, Joe R Pirker, David A Pirker, Gwenetta D Pirker, Lois I Piseno, Becky A Pitt, Mary Ellen Pitt, Patricia C Pittard, Danay A Pittard, Skip L Pittard, Wayne M Pitts-Longtree, Jan J Pizzini, Marlene Placek, Michelle L Plagmann, Rick Plank, Mary B Plaster, Karrie L Platts, Cindy K Platts, Larry W Pleasant, Josie L Plenert, Kellen T Plick, Robert J Plouffe, Barbara J Plouffe, Gary E Ployhar, Tom Pluhar, Buster Pluhar, Chris Pluhar, Randy Plum, Jason Plum, Lyndsy M Plumage, Dolly Plumage, Joseph P Plumage, Keefer Plumb, Fran Plummer, Kim Plummer, Susan M Plute, Ed J Plymale, Randy G Pochervina, Mike L Pohlman, Zachary M Poirier, Jason A Polk, Jim D Polkow, Lucas Pollack, Betty Pollard, Linda L Pollock, Bev J Pollock, Diana M Pollock, Elsie M Polzin, Patricia L Pomeroy, Jack Pond, Dean L Pond, Sandra L Poole, Jeff D Popelka, Pam J Popnoe, Helen M Popp, Diane F Popp, Edward J Popp, Edward J Popp, Linda D Popp, Robert A Poppleton, E Fran Poppleton, Robert Porter, Andy G Porter, Carol A Porter, Clint W Porter, Cody C Porter, Mary B Porter, Mary E 205 148 139 174 133 137 128 145 160 160 194 192 136 155 136 138 168 132 171 153 105 142 143 194 122 115 155 152 148 149 130 127 143 200 151 172 141 158 160 149 165 186 120 89 121 178 176 175 144 158 160 159 130 111 122 129 127 134 171 155 127 161 109 128 133 193 185 145 161 114 140 195 123 124 167s 139 199 87 90 96 96 69 99 78 78 99 66 75 72 39 81 69 81 81 93 99 39 72 93 57 81 78 75 90 48 87 87 90 60 69 87 72 96 24 99 78 60 72 96 36 24 87 75 93 84 81 87 75 72 84 73 90 69 75 93 27 69 93 84 78 42 81 87 90 90 81 30 30 66 57 39 48 72 99 1392-287 4029-546 1392-838 4656-6965 4038-106 8991-9848 8115-941 4061-212 1390-6241 8991-9728 1390-1425 4059-389 4029-130 4052-102 4056-2779 1419-482 8115-1172 4028-1562 1390-1191 4056-2491 8941-4227 4056-672 1419-1459 4028-3512 1406-334 1432-304 4067-36 1431-137 1432-569 1430-86 1430-90 1430-87 8378-3387 8378-2835 4028-753 1390-6150 1390-3985 4051-20 4038-460 4076-639 8941-4056 8798-3483 1395-821 8941-4645 8941-4273 8991-8532 4056-675 4051-236 8378-3761 4028-280 4028-488 1405-285 1432-542 8941-3875 1432-1290 8991-9786 4059-135 1390-935 1390-935 1390-5161 1423-14 1423-112 5059-5802 9-12446 8991-8894 4068-344 Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Col Falls GYV Livingston Libby-Troy GYV GYV GYV Whitefish Thompson Fls Whitefish Laurel Gallatin GYV Helena Helena Livingston Thompson Fls Havre GYV GYV Helena Missoula Helena Helena GYV Dillon Missoula Mission Vly Mission Vly Missoula Miles City Miles City Miles City Butte Butte GYV GYV GYV Bitterroot Col Falls Col Falls Missoula Helena Butte Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Miles City Helena Bitterroot Butte GYV GYV Gt Falls Deer Lodge Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Lewistown Laurel GYV Laurel Laurel Laurel Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Bitterroot Gt Falls Missoula GYV Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 58 of 81 Porter, Paul C Porter, Roy J Porter, William A Portnell, Clint Poser, Elaine J Poser, Ken D Poser, William M Pospisil, Jennifer L Potter, Carson A Potter, David L Pottruff, Mel C Pottruff, Robert W Potts, Tyler J Potts, William A Potvin, Craig Potvin, James A, Jr Poulin, Stephanie L Pouliot, Linda L Pouliot, Shirley Poulson, Justin J Pound, Christopher A Powell, Harold C Powell, Jim M Powell, Justin D Powell, Linda Powell, Thomas Power, Pete Powers, Brian Powers, Diane L Powers, Richard J Pozega, Tammy Prater, Rick Pratt, Claudia J Pratt, Frank W Pratt, Greg M Pratt, Shawna L Preble, Ben M Preble, Buck Q Preble, Fred J Preble, Marge A Preble, Trinity L Preciado, Mike W Preeshl, Bret Presnell, Jason Presnell, Michele Pressler, Todd D Pressler, Tracy L Preston, Cory D Preuss, Gloria Prewett, Doug Pribyl, Bob Price, Bonnie Price, Brenda K Price, Cary L Price, Clayton Price, Henry Price, Ken Price, Samantha L Price, Sandy J Price, Sharon M Priddy, Carrie E Prillwitz, Ray Prillwitz, Ray Prinkki, Dewayne W Prinkki, Renee J Printz, Angela M Printz, Grace L Printz, Margaret M Pritchett, Donald W Privett, Skip F Prochet, Dixie J Profitt, Cal Profitt, Deanna Promisco, Matt D Pruett, Joann Pruys, Connie L Pryor, Cole C 133 131 204 185 135 148 157 118 172 135 154 164 121 139 146 217 109 126 150 195 179 161 140 127 72 175 172 124 128 167 153 178 130 172 158 117 177 184 136 126 199 120 188 130 89 192 156 173 107 201 201 133 148 145 159 143 161 93 120 129 156 153 151 149 120 147 141 151 161 177 134 145 147 160 146 114 137 60 87 87 86 30 39 75 60 24 30 105 87 33 24 96 93 39 90 45 84 72 57 90 87 39 96 112 24 69 75 48 51 89 96 96 96 59 90 72 81 99 30 84 45 45 21 33 66 66 96 90 39 93 60 39 87 70 88 75 81 75 69 68 81 72 84 63 69 87 69 78 87 75 87 90 90 75 1432-437 1392-273 8941-4676 1390-5101 8941-4413 1393-89 1390-2129 8941-4975 8096-506 1419-867 4029-374 4056-2210 4056-2291 1390-4144 1418-113 1387-99 9368-827 8184-170 4062-200 1395-226 4068-1605 1390-1479 8798-3646 8798-3648 1390-1613 1390-4934 1390-5123 1418-114 9246-1185 9246-1186 1432-746 4068-796 8285-1748 1419-269 1390-1027 4061-22 4056-681 4040-29 1425-143 1405-18 4028-6191 4028-886 4067-37 1432-469 1432-469 8991-8861 8991-8862 4062-322 4062-130 4062-45 1419-662 1432-1210 4068-192 9246-1209 9246-1210 9211-2871 8991-9609 Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gallatin Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Missoula Helena GYV Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt Helena Anaconda Gallatin Helena Helena GYV Gt Falls Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls Toole Cnty Bigfork Bigfork Whitehall Livingston Butte Havre Gt Falls Missoula GYV Helena Helena GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Havre Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Miles City Helena GYV Libby-Troy Helena Glacier Libby-Troy Deer Lodge Gt Falls Glendive GYV GYV Mission Vly Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Livingston Livingston Livingston Helena Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gallatin Thompson Fls Gt Falls GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Puccinelli, Bill Puccinelli, Molina D Puchalski, Douglas E Puchalski, Lonnie E Pueschel, Gloria M Pueschel, Pete Puknat, Jean Puknat, William Pullishy, Sue M Pullo, Jane E Purbaugh, Grace L Purbaugh, James I Purcell, Donna J Purcell, Mary L Purcell, Pam Purkett, Mike W Purpuro, Teresa Pursley, Raymond E Purvis, Brad Purvis, Vern Pust, Jan M Pust, Ryan Pust, Seth D Putnam, Alicia A Putnam, Michelle K Pyette, Larry L Pyfer, Jeanne Pynn, Judy K Quale, William C Quay, Jodee R Quenzer, Jay Quenzer, Lori Quesenberry, Kelly M Quick, Kenneth E Quickenden, Betty M Quickenden, Bud Quigley, Don R Quigley, Sandy D Quilan, Kodi Quilici, Georgia A Quinby, H Wayne W Quinby, John A Quinby, Steven P Quincy, Jason F Quinn, Christina L Quinones, Leslie M Quinones, Leslie M Quirk, Barbara L Quirk, Tony D Quist, Marie L Quist, Michael J Raatz, Mel O Rabbitt, Scott Rabe, Melvin Rabel, Clark Rabel, Levi Racine, Robbie H Racki, Janette G Racki, Scott Radabah, Darline K Radke, Luke E Radoman, Roberta Raffensperger, Melanie K Raisland, Chad A Rambo, Ann M Rambo, Ross W Rames, Tyler Ramos, Amanda R Ramsey David Ramsey, Jenny J Ramsey, Scott Ramsted, Ethel Ramsted, Matthew A Ramsted, Robert Bob E Ramus, Loretta A Randall, Bruce D Randall, Floyd 149 168 187 159 142 144 95 146 110 136 114 173 108 169 141 171 139 179 164 200 96 174 172 136 110 122 149 91 159 135 131 107 100 138 94 101 181 153 120 128 183 172 186 124 125 153 149 109 120 141 185 178 121 125 138 105 119 123 129 115 151 150 100 150 129 195 197 96 181 186 195 129 170 165 140 200 165 87 60 78 24 63 84 27 93 63 75 87 90 33 24 93 27 63 63 48 84 63 87 84 90 81 81 69 39 39 30 54 48 63 57 78 96 99 99 63 87 140 84 21 87 71 90 87 54 75 81 81 75 57 87 92 90 81 54 53 48 96 87 27 63 75 24 90 21 21 27 87 81 69 75 66 78 75 4023-75 1390-3927 1390-1121 8798-4133 4028-6485 8378-3694 2899-23360 1414-686 8798-3311 4028-218 4024-133 1418-337 4056-2074 1390-4878 6146-98 4029-961 9211-2474 1432-1086 4056-687 8115-1162 1386-123 4025-200 8096-335 1432-1272 1390-1636 4028-2390 8378-2655 8941-5191 8941-5148 4056-3673 4056-3673 4068-1217 1432-976 1390-1478 8285-1669 1386-89 9211-2989 9211-2988 1403-412 4040-255 1403-211 4034-451 8991-9677 9057-645 4038-270 4028-550 1432-214 1390-1189 Anaconda Butte GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Helena GYV Butte Bitterroot Bitterroot Helena GYV Bigfork Havre Helena GYV Glendive Glendive Glendive GYV Glendive Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Helena Livingston Glendive Whitefish Miles City Miles City Rocky Mtn Frt Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Plentywood Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula GYV Miles City Miles City Gallatin Gallatin Glacier Glacier Glacier Whitefish Glendive Butte Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Mission Vly Col Falls Col Falls Col Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Missoula GYV 8/28/2010 Page 59 of 81 Randall, Joe E Randall, Maryann Randall, Mike R Randall, Shawn C Randolph, Randy H Randolph, Richard Ranf, Caitlin A Ranf, Donna P Rangitsch, Jerry M Rannings, David L, Iv Ransier, Robbie Ransom, Nikki D Rasmussen Kellie Rasmussen, Bobby B Rasmussen, Chris R Rasmussen, James E Rasmussen, Jason R Rasmussen, Jeremiah R Rasmussen, Jessica D Rasmussen, Julie A Rasmussen, Kami D Rath, Theresa R Rath, Thomas Toby Rathbun, Brenda E Rathbun, Dori L Rathbun, Leroy Rathbun, Marlys A Rathe, Zach P Rathie, Chelsea Ratliff, Tim Rattray, Larry D Raty, Kevin J Ratz, Dave M Rauh, Collette M Raunig, Arthur L Rausch, Dale R Rausch, Martin H Rausch, Tanner S Ravan, Gil Ravndal, Christine L Rawden, Brian D Rawden, David D Rawlings, John R Rawson, Eva Ray, Cathy K Ray, Lori L Rayl, Daniel L Rayl, Rachel I Rayl, Rock L Rayl, Shelly G Raymond, Alice F Raymond, Jon Raymond, Robert G Raynor, Teresa Rayome, Kenneth Reagle, Robin C Real, Jeffery W Reap, Margie R Reardon, Joseph Joe E Reber, Velma Rebich, Dorothy H Rebich, Kathleen S Rebo, Jennifer Rebo, Jr Rebsom, Jami C Recanati, Daryl D Recanati, Joye A Rector, Diane M Rector, Drew M Rector, Terri Red Elk, Vince Redd, Josh A Reddick, Chad M Redfern, Jay C Redfern, Julie A Redfern, Randy J Redfield, Nora J 162 127 128 164 173 137 133 143 180 136 108 87 111 163 182 208 163 156 135 153 127 98 137 207 182 159 151 183 99 114 188 136 155 174 126 183 199 197 183 165 191 208 152 166 127 127 164 114 203 154 133 162 165 130 120 118 138 134 134 122 133 148 99 36 69 51 45 27 80 102 90 54 96 33 68 33 51 48 112 29 84 78 21 75 76 90 84 45 90 21 54 42 66 99 39 45 96 63 84 75 42 87 63 81 63 36 27 81 78 84 72 84 54 75 54 24 32 90 72 60 60 60 96 78 149 115 215 111 131 191 169 213 122 167 180 215 199 108 39 84 60 69 56 60 81 120 54 69 81 90 72 76 8798-4135 4068-252 8172-760 1432-988 1418-115 1418-116 8941-5008 4068-310 8114-859 8798-3435 1432-1246 1443-29 1438-156 1432-1423 8941-4371 4068-154 8941-5081 8941-5082 3638-325 4067-160 1432-728 8285-1752 1419-1464 4191-296 1432-862 1432-217 1432-218 4032-41 1-520 1390-1026 8115-1145 4034-423 8991-8912 4029-282 4068-278 1390-1539 4056-3165 9246-1235 8798-3726 1432-1122 4034-348 4056-694 4043-68 5254-215 9246-1219 1425-552 8115-977 1390-3037 4028-6036 1390-5023 4028-5624 1419-233 4028-744 1390-1589 8798-4136 Helena Missoula Glacier Missoula Havre Havre Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Bitterroot Helena Lewistown Harlem Missoula Laurel Lewistown GYV Missoula Missoula Missoula Lewistown Missoula Missoula Butte Mission Vly Glendive Glendive Helena Plentywood Miles City Thompson Fls Lewistown Helena Butte Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Missoula Whitefish Helena GYV GYV Livingston Butte GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Col Falls GYV Helena Libby-Troy Helena Missoula Butte Gt Falls Helena Dillon Bitterroot Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Livingston GYV GYV Lewistown GYV GYV Whitefish Gt Falls Nashua Helena GYV GYV Helena Montana Averages 2009-2010 Redlegs, Jana F Redlin, Bethany R Reed, Albert T Reed, Chantelle M Reed, Cindy D Reed, Curtis Reed, David D Reed, Edgar A Reed, Howard A Reed, Jeff J Reed, Joann Reed, Joseph A Reed, Katey Reed, Kevin Reed, Lori Reed, Michael R Reed, Mike Reed, Tammy L Reedy, David Reedy, James L Reedy, Ronald W Rees, Julie A Reese, Jessica Reese, Kim D Reese, Mellani D Reese, Mike P Reese, Sara L Reetz, James Reetz, Tammy Reeve, Darwin L Reeve, Richard A Reeve, Sharon B Reeve, Sheila M Reeve, Vernon Reeves, Billy C Reeves, David R Regan, Ted Regnier, Brian S Rehbein, Roger D Rehmer, Gerald W Rehmer, Sam M Rehor, Chris A Reichelt, Corinne Reichelt, John K Reichelt, Mark Reichelt, Patricia Reichelt, Shauna J Reichelt, Verlin Reichelt, Vickie Reichenbach, Karen Reichenberg, Shawn D Reichert, Albert Reichert, Julie P Reid, George A Reid, Judith I Reiding, Ronda L Reif, Jennelle L Reighard, Judith Reighard, Ron Reihman, Mike W Reihus, Diane Reihus, John W Reikofski, Kerry G Reilly, Geraldine R Reimer, Jake T Reiner, April L Reiner, Walter H Reinhard, Anne M Reinhardt, Darrell D Reinhardt, Jeff R Reinhardt, Jerry K Reinhardt, Ken R Reinig, Stephanie M Reisbeck, Desiree Reisenauer, Ena M Reisenauer, Sue Reiser, Bette J 140 156 134 136 158 162 149 133 184 126 140 164 157 193 155 190 181 117 166 188 165 150 113 106 143 170 117 139 120 188 184 138 123 163 143 181 172 131 136 141 182 172 109 182 166 130 120 131 115 154 135 170 132 146 154 148 104 155 172 159 108 138 156 129 156 122 153 135 183 204 169 143 163 109 135 145 137 66 87 60 72 90 90 78 33 56 21 48 57 91 69 96 24 84 81 21 100 60 24 45 33 24 80 57 24 48 81 90 90 84 21 57 27 45 30 75 69 81 78 30 69 72 66 63 45 42 93 72 87 87 93 36 59 66 60 72 69 78 81 84 81 66 74 93 72 87 67 66 59 27 99 33 63 81 4028-6967 4028-4569 8285-1699 8378-3749 1390-1379 1419-1248 9211-3094 9368-987 1395-231 6161-259 1395-232 4068-600 8798-4242 1395-233 4023-131 9368-1004 4028-6072 8991-9264 8991-9263 1386-146 10-1859827 9368-888 8941-4713 1419-1258 8941-5229 1403-42 8115-918 1419-1518 1390-1188 8991-8075 4047-153 4028-917 8991-9842 1390-1611 4028-1972 8378-3688 4028-222 4037-125 8991-9678 1392-478 4038-344 1410-77 10-1996904 1432-180 8115-1164 1390-1477 1390-6472 1390-1476 1390-1475 8798-3776 8798-3885 4029-375 4028-5043 GYV Glendive Whitefish Whitefish GYV Miles City Butte GYV Helena Gallatin Bigfork Butte Miles City Butte Miles City Helena Butte Glendive Thompson Fls Whitefish Thompson Fls Butte Bigfork Lewistown GYV GYV GYV Miles City Miles City Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Missoula Gt Falls Helena Missoula Glendive Glacier Livingston Helena Big Sandy GYV Big Sandy Big Sandy GYV Big Sandy Ft Benton GYV GYV GYV GYV Butte GYV Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Gallatin Lewistown Lewistown Col Falls Whitefish Ft Benton Missoula Missoula Livingston GYV GYV GYV GYV Helena Helena Gallatin Anaconda GYV 8/28/2010 Page 60 of 81 Reiter, Brian Reiter, Don E Reiter, Jean Ann Reiter, Rebecca L Reiter, Steve T Reitz, Cindy Reller, Peggy E Reller, Peggy E Remery, Mike L Remery, Trish J Remmick, Tracey L Remp, Iris Remsh, Jim D Renfro, Kelly H Renman, Larry R Renner, Dave J Renner, Melissa D Renner, Sue M Rennerfeldt, Natalie Rentz, Joan W Repola, Mary Resler, Michael W Resler, Michelle A Resner, Leonard, Jr Restad, Pat A Rettig, Gary K Rettig, Joanie F Rettig, Lynn A Rettiig, Linda Reuter, Mary A Revier, Erin K Reynaud, Bea Reynolds, Ben F Reynolds, Darla A Reynolds, Donald A Reynolds, Duane Reynolds, Helen M Reynolds, Jack Reynolds, Jenna V Reynolds, John Reynolds, John R Reynolds, Kenneth P Reynolds, Mary Reynolds, Robert T Reynolds, Shirley J Reznicsek, Walt J Rhine, Maryann Rhine, William E Rhoades, Rebekah Rhodes, Bob Rhodes, Cathy L Ricci, Jay J Rice, Burton J Rice, Diane Rice, Lynda Rice, Maxine H Rich, Galen Richard, Charles J Richard, Cindy J Richard, Deborah J Richard, Don Richard, Joanne Richard, Karissa A Richard, Kathryn E Richards, Daniel P Richards, Diane Stretch A Richards, Donald G Richards, Ed B Richards, Elmer B Richards, Gayle Richards, Glen A Richards, Jay J Richards, Jeanette L Richards, Jeffrey Richards, Jessica A Richards, Joan B Richards, Joel Bucky G 158 162 142 130 170 169 141 136 136 92 133 142 182 139 188 141 122 110 134 144 123 155 132 136 107 146 155 178 149 155 116 124 136 143 179 153 139 175 119 191 134 175 130 141 141 156 112 189 118 140 100 145 183 141 173 117 162 134 152 131 157 145 162 121 173 138 158 151 144 137 177 165 136 155 128 119 173 81 99 87 43 96 87 72 78 69 69 90 42 87 81 81 96 92 39 21 72 78 60 72 81 69 75 84 87 54 96 66 48 60 45 69 87 45 78 57 72 87 81 81 42 102 84 39 81 27 81 30 60 84 84 60 93 63 51 78 97 93 42 54 99 69 93 90 87 96 78 78 45 63 90 59 63 84 12-341183 1390-1819 4028-3161 1390-6555 4028-439 8991-9635 4061-75 4068-1897 1413-585 4056-1095 4028-899 4028-6152 4028-5810 1410-78 4077-38 1438-55 8974-374 4028-2058 1395-1409 4067-111 1432-747 4034-179 1432-471 8798-4259 1395-236 8378-3680 9211-2874 4056-3011 4043-70 1436-69 1390-1421 4068-274 1395-860 8991-9868 8710-1200 4059-851 1430-160 4066-189 4029-962 4059-875 6136-201 1432-706 4061-120 1432-393 8941-4011 4056-3593 4034-54 4034-509 GYV GYV GYV Thompson Fls GYV GYV Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Libby-Troy Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Nashua Nashua Nashua Helena GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Thompson Fls GYV Ft Benton GYV GYV Big Sandy Gt Falls Ft Benton GYV Butte Mission Vly Missoula Glendive Butte Missoula Helena Butte Butte Gallatin Helena Gt Falls Dillon Mission Vly Whitefish Whitefish Lewistown GYV Lewistown Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Plentywood Missoula Butte GYV Laurel Laurel Miles City Miles City Gallatin Laurel Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Libby-Troy Missoula Missoula Helena Gt Falls Butte Butte Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Richards, Laurie T Richards, Mary Richards, Mitzi Richards, Parker J Richards, Phil J Richards, Trista J Richards, Vi Richards, Vonnie L Richardson, Joann Richardson, Joann Richardson, Kelli Richardson, Lee Richardson, Rich Richardson, Roy Richburg, Terry R Richem, John T Richie, Rick E Richman Jacquie Richman Jami Richman Wendy Richmire, Donna J Richter, Ann L Richter, Dana Richter, Judy Richter, Katie Richter, Lynne Richter, Rudy Rick, Nathan M Rickard, Larry W Rickert, Jeannie M Rickett, Ezara Ricketts, Christopher R Ricketts, Sara L Rickman, Harold L Ridder, Al E, Jr Riddle, Judith A Ridenour, William R Ridgeway, Carol Ridley, Bob Riebe, Donna K Riedel, Cheryl K Riegel, David C Riegel, Sandra J Rieger, Debra Rieger, Sarah A Rieker, Al R Rieker, Dale F Rieker, Eva Rieley, Lena Ries, John Riesinger, Ellen D Riesinger, Jay E Riff, Sandra Riggin, Thelma J Riggs, Arlene C Riggs, Chris R Riggs, Cortney R Riggs, Larry E Rigler, Kay E Rigney, Richard Rigor, Rex A Rigor, Tracy A Riley, Barb Riley, Donna K Riley, Gerry D Riley, Kelly J Riley, Mary Riley, Mary Jo Rimkus, Henry Hank Tuna J Rinabarger, Brian L Rinabarger, Dotti Rinehart, Charles H Rinehart, Chris H Rinke, Dorothy E Rioux, Robert J Rippetoe, Lisa A Ris, David G 141 142 114 113 174 121 129 99 145 146 133 143 151 166 120 135 163 124 134 113 126 129 108 130 111 134 156 155 159 133 129 111 85 176 191 135 199 135 171 136 144 168 148 139 120 173 144 145 166 163 112 141 119 149 144 121 136 186 125 181 154 175 120 128 135 192 136 110 196 132 154 136 120 156 181 118 125 93 76 81 27 84 21 78 45 48 78 66 36 48 84 78 69 75 69 75 72 90 78 57 108 54 78 87 87 87 87 84 93 45 96 48 81 87 51 87 75 24 21 30 81 81 99 78 102 96 21 42 45 54 93 69 45 72 69 27 72 60 69 21 63 75 75 75 78 84 57 96 87 60 84 81 59 39 4068-372 4037-141 4029-1001 8114-917 1414-491 8991-9653 4034-114 8991-9828 4061-13 4061-13 4028-6185 1430-189 1425-221 1425-217 8798-3744 8378-3082 4034-471 9368-979 4024-36 9211-2855 1395-239 8285-1616 1390-3934 4032-24 4056-3528 1432-138 4068-1350 1390-1362 4028-668 4025-112 4029-940 1419-1125 1432-394 4056-3167 4061-73 8378-3302 4028-4475 1390-4127 4056-3438 8991-8903 9211-3061 4062-118 1390-1474 8115-1056 4028-6722 8991-9719 8941-4821 8941-4229 8378-3389 1419-1448 4056-3190 8941-4753 8941-4754 4067-18 9211-2907 Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt Livingston Bitterroot Bitterroot GYV Butte GYV Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV Miles City Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Whitefish Helena Whitefish Harlem Harlem Harlem Butte Butte Bigfork Bigfork Anaconda Gallatin Butte Whitefish Gt Falls Lewistown Miles City Anaconda Anaconda GYV Gt Falls Helena Whitefish Helena Missoula Missoula Glendive GYV GYV Miles City Gallatin Helena Missoula Helena Libby-Troy Butte GYV GYV Helena Nashua Glendive GYV Gallatin Glendive Livingston GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Livingston GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Butte Gt Falls Helena Helena Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin 8/28/2010 Page 61 of 81 Risa, Ashley (Brooke) B Risa, Dean L Risinger, Carrol D Riska, Kenneth A Riska, Michael J Rispens, Grace Rittenhouse, John F Rittenhouse, Lisa L Ritter, Gary T Ritter, Pamela J Ritter, Sheila M Ritzman, Thomas A Ritzschke, Leonard C Rivera, Dorothy M Rivers, Dona R Rivers, John J Rivinius, Jerry D Roach, Chuck F Roach, Damon E Roach, Eric N Roady, Marcia L Robb, Heather L Robbins, Bernice Robbins, Brian Robbins, Chris Robbins, Edward J Robbins, Jesse W Robbins, Juanita M Roberson,, Aimee Roberts, Alycia M Roberts, Ann Roberts, Corylene Roberts, Dennis Roberts, Dennis H Roberts, Ebonie J Roberts, Ervin E Roberts, Glenn Roberts, Helen M Roberts, Justin R Roberts, Kalin J Roberts, Kevin R Roberts, Kym K Roberts, Mark Roberts, Paul W Roberts, Rachael L Roberts, Ralph P Roberts, Randal L Roberts, Ron Roberts, Roxanne M Robertson, Aquilla M Robertson, Mark Robertson, Nadine M Robertson, Rachel L Robertson, Theresa A Robino, Michael L Robins, Sandra Robinson, Beckie L Robinson, Bill F Robinson, Chrisi E Robinson, Delores Robinson, Dustin E Robinson, Eric Robinson, James R Robinson, Jean Robinson, John Robinson, Josh F Robinson, Joshua E Robinson, Julie Robinson, Lisa K Robinson, Nina M Robinson, Norma C Robinson, Phyllis F Robinson, Rob W Robinson, Tim L Robisen, Sean R Robison, Brenda K Robison, Maryann G 144 156 170 197 197 153 204 171 179 124 103 124 107 154 135 169 170 134 160 169 144 133 135 193 123 219 185 165 85 157 139 122 200 176 140 166 153 136 119 192 177 160 161 144 157 171 149 180 129 165 176 127 137 114 142 139 140 175 147 127 189 189 167 133 178 116 177 120 89 143 125 142 132 122 186 124 191 27 39 90 112 104 63 72 93 62 78 81 63 22 71 48 101 90 81 27 87 90 57 27 40 30 81 93 51 84 84 60 75 51 54 39 66 99 81 24 36 96 84 81 81 21 39 87 60 48 83 90 27 30 84 56 90 72 78 36 81 63 75 87 33 42 60 93 66 81 45 48 102 48 90 33 45 132 4028-5275 1390-4771 1418-394 1432-619 4056-2981 1390-6446 4028-4837 1432-250 4068-1351 4038-138 8941-5122 4051-98 4028-414 6136-82 1390-6112 8991-8270 8991-8476 8941-4019 1385-222 6140-54 1432-1615 4068-2379 8991-8589 4041-16 9368-980 1423-135 8941-4162 8941-4010 9057-612 4051-81 8941-4792 2364-4967 8991-7913 4062-190 1425-367 1426-3 4028-6796 1426-35 8991-8755 1404-46 10-1863207 4068-492 4028-5494 8172-872 1392-354 4061-262 1395-1010 9246-1053 1426-122 8285-1715 1432-70 8941-4743 8378-3779 4068-1375 8114-872 4043-42 9211-3065 4028-3112 4068-258 GYV GYV Glendive Havre Missoula Helena GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Col Falls Missoula Gt Falls Bitterroot GYV Butte GYV Whitefish GYV GYV Gt Falls Missoula Thompson Fls Butte Glacier Anaconda Missoula Missoula Anaconda GYV Daniels Bigfork Laurel Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Lewistown Bitterroot Missoula GYV GYV Livingston Libby-Troy Livingston GYV Livingston GYV Daniels Laurel Missoula Toole Cnty Lewistown GYV Glacier Gallatin Libby-Troy Whitefish Butte Thompson Fls Libby-Troy Thompson Fls Livingston Gt Falls Miles City Missoula Missoula Butte Missoula Bitterroot Thompson Fls Gt Falls Dillon Gallatin Anaconda Glendive GYV Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Robson, Charles E Robson, Kara S Robson, Zola K Rocek, Richard E Rodabaugh, Mark A Rodda, Mary J Roddy, Margaret Roderick, Wayne R Rodger, John Jock R Rodger, Scott A Rodgers, Matt J Rodgers, Ron Rodich, Summer Rodrigues, Cindy L Rodrigues, Dave A Rodrigues, Vince V Rodriguez, Delores Rodriguez, Vicky L Roe, Adam D Roe, Jim T Roe, Nancy J Roe, Rex J Roehl, Hunter C Roeslein, Polly Roesler, Sheyenne Rogers, Ben W Rogers, Brian Rogers, Brianne Rogers, Charles Chuck E Rogers, Chris E Rogers, Clinton E Rogers, Debbie Rogers, Diane E Rogers, Donald J Rogers, Gene Rogers, Jeff S Rogers, Jenn A Rogers, Jodi L Rogers, Judy E Rogers, Linda L Rogers, Margaret W Rogers, Milo Rogers, Robert M Rogers, Ruth L Rogers, Timothy A Rogers, Will R Rogge, Pam Roggenkamp, Dan Rohan-Smith, Katie E Rohlf, Charles Rohlfs, Debbie J Rohrer, Brandann M Rohrer, Dann Rolandson, Dallas J Rolandson, Kermit Rolison, Guy Rolison, Star Roll, Colleen Roll, Kristin Rolleri, Debbie L Rollheiser, Daniel J Rollins, Monica J Rollins, Robert E, Jr Rollins, Terry L Romanchuk, Alice J Romanchuk, Connie J Romanchuk, Gregory J Romandelli, Linda Rome, Ellie Rome, Erin Rome, Heidi Romero, James J Romero, Ruth A Romine, Tom Romsa, Rob Romsos, Lynette M Romstad, Melissa 182 116 127 169 93 130 133 149 187 196 132 129 104 138 165 184 127 136 171 147 153 186 128 136 129 174 145 113 151 161 189 141 126 164 162 164 122 82 111 122 155 155 154 155 165 216 142 167 113 166 120 160 159 191 145 184 154 124 109 159 171 103 117 151 123 125 171 92 145 151 124 162 122 155 142 149 113 87 87 84 51 48 72 90 77 45 78 75 93 93 27 27 36 60 21 93 30 69 87 18 90 51 84 21 78 63 78 102 59 72 36 81 72 75 21 60 93 93 84 60 93 30 75 60 57 87 84 90 24 21 33 75 84 43 87 69 33 78 93 96 54 84 84 78 87 84 66 84 45 99 33 42 21 60 1390-1626 6134-68 4028-673 1432-1124 4067-198 4056-1290 1395-919 1430-264 9246-1178 8378-2735 1395-1441 1395-1163 4028-2105 8991-7803 4028-1151 1390-1186 8941-5203 1392-288 8941-4168 9211-2982 1392-277 4061-48 4029-404 11-68340 1425-148 1414-790 8096-502 8378-3061 4068-583 1425-381 1432-1584 1395-244 1431-149 4066-82 1395-493 8941-5149 8114-630 1425-53 6141-103 9368-778 1423-169 4059-129 8991-9615 1390-5014 4028-172 9246-1188 4042-31 10-605144 1405-307 1390-4505 4028-6855 8991-8166 8991-7874 4028-4849 GYV GYV GYV Missoula Gt Falls Mission Vly Helena Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Lewistown Miles City Libby-Troy Butte Butte Butte Gt Falls GYV GYV Glendive GYV GYV Missoula Glendive Glendive Gallatin Missoula Gallatin Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Libby-Troy Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Libby-Troy Bitterroot Whitefish Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Butte Missoula Libby-Troy Missoula Gt Falls Butte Mission Vly Miles City Butte Missoula Toole Cnty Bitterroot Whitefish Libby-Troy Dillon Bigfork Laurel Laurel Havre Havre Thompson Fls Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Deer Lodge GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Plentywood 8/28/2010 Page 62 of 81 Ronan, Dean R Ronan, Jim L Ronan, Lisa M Ronnemose, Chris Ronning, Brenda K Ronning, Donna Rooney, Amelia R Rooney, Bernice Rooney, Brenda Rooney, Delores J Rooney, Don Rooney, Frank W Rooney, Karla R Rooney, Kelly Rooney, Tim Roos, Marshall Root, William Roper, Donna L Roper-Finkbeiner, Tamii Rorvig, Glenn Rorvik, Janice M Roscoe, Amy A Roscoe, Stacy L Rose, Eileen Rose, Kendra A Rose, Mary A Rose, Ron E Rosebluff, Deeann Rosendale, Jean F Rosenquist, Ingrid A Rosling, Cheryl Rosman, Dewayne A Rosman, Elaine Ross, Heidi J Ross, Joe D Ross, Leslie A Ross, Riki Ross, Robert J Ross, Sig L Ross, Vicki L Rossberg, Richard T Rosse, Francis Rosse, Francis V Rossland, Arniel H Rotering, Virginia L Rotert, Marsha A Roth, Casper V Roth, Florence Roth, Jeannie M Roth, Logan E Roth, Micky Roth, Tieara M Rothschiller, Margery A Rothweiler, James N Rouane, Jeremiah L Rouane, Laurie Roufley, Nick F Roullier, Scott Roullier, Theresa M Rounds, Cheryl A Roundy, Stacey Rouse, Donna J Rouse, Lindsay D Roush, Neal Roush, Stacey L Routzahn, Cherelyn Routzahn, Josh R Routzahn, William D Rowe, Brandi R Rowe, Darren S Rowe, Don D Rowe, Phyllis A Rowe, Robert Bob D Rowland, Dorothy Rowland, Edward Rowland, Judy Rowles, Patricia A 175 171 156 123 155 152 96 145 84 90 81 96 27 84 48 36 141 146 169 112 183 205 162 174 86 172 144 134 122 116 134 114 141 166 132 141 114 125 193 125 183 115 132 119 207 178 128 169 167 168 136 84 149 167 96 132 141 127 110 139 167 126 161 180 188 161 135 96 90 128 150 157 126 184 165 102 199 181 170 143 138 160 111 127 51 93 96 81 81 84 36 64 21 96 66 60 69 86 87 89 81 81 33 72 21 69 87 87 84 57 78 53 24 76 81 84 60 72 96 81 30 60 33 59 36 45 75 48 60 42 78 75 72 27 63 99 81 102 78 78 27 45 36 42 99 90 21 69 90 84 73 63 1390-5278 1390-7054 4028-1381 1405-155 8941-5150 4066-18 8172-926 4066-305 4061-317 4040-59 1430-83 1390-1038 4040-162 1425-363 1425-13 8096-412 9368-1043 4034-142 4029-5 4028-6811 4029-963 4056-729 2901-884 8798-4292 4028-6598 4042-81 1418-543 8991-9636 6145-14 1390-1244 4051-568 4056-3696 8114-781 9211-2725 8115-1137 9246-1239 8991-9841 8991-9132 4056-3181 1390-4451 1432-97 4068-1057 8274-818 8274-681 4043-251 1403-402 4040-122 4056-3391 1419-1300 1419-380 8378-3788 1390-1929 4061-222 1425-247 9368-954 4051-204 GYV GYV GYV Deer Lodge Missoula Miles City Glacier Miles City Libby-Troy Glacier Miles City GYV Glacier Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Rocky Mtn Frt Bigfork Butte Gallatin Nashua Nashua GYV Gallatin Helena Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Glendive GYV Deer Lodge Lewistown Havre Whitefish Havre GYV Havre Gallatin GYV Bitterroot Gt Falls Col Falls Whitefish Helena Bitterroot Gallatin Livingston Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Libby-Troy GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Helena GYV Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Dillon Dillon Dillon Glacier Glacier Helena Helena Helena Butte Gt Falls GYV Whitefish Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Bigfork Bitterroot Montana Averages 2009-2010 Rowley, Samuel J Rowsey, Charity Royce, Carol J Royer, Gayle G Royland, Tiffany D Rubink, Kelly Ruble, Clifford N Ruble, Joyce A Ruckdaschel, Tammy M Rucker, Adam Rucker, Arron Rucker, Bobbie Rude, Mathew C Rufenach, Chris P Rufenach, Ken W Ruff, Dan Ruffatto, Shelia M Ruggirello, Michael S Ruggles, Del R Ruhl, Julia J Rumble, Jesse S Rummel, Tom L Rumsey, Elizabeth A Rumsey, Sherrae S Runkle, Beverly E Running, Bill Runyan, Daniel L Rupe, Zachary Rupp, Margaret M Rush, Leatha Rush, William Rushford, Richard M Ruskauff, Don M Rusley, Lori Russell, Craig Russell, Larella Russell, Rose M Russell, Ted Russell, Tracy A Russette, Tricia C Rustad, Lynn K Ruth, Kris (L) Ruth, Kris (R) Rutherford, Kerri L Rutherford, Natalie Rutherford, Thomas Rutledge, Linda Ruttenbur, Erna M Rux, Kathy Ruybal, Don Ruzick, James A Ryan, Jody E Ryan, Joe Ryan, Judy L Ryan, Kelly L Ryan, Kim Ryan, Maria J Ryan, Pat Ryder, James Rye, Gay A Rye, Sandy Rye, Thomas J Saarela, Shane A Sabo, James L Sabo, Sandra K Sackett, Karen M Sadler, Fred Sado, Ron J Sager, Christine J Sager, Edward Eddie J Sainsbury, Bob Saisbury, Leslie A Salanky, Kaitrin J Salapich, Nancy Salfer, Wayne C Salle, Jason L Salminen, Bettylynn K 158 149 138 143 142 118 199 140 93 126 143 155 190 184 195 159 121 146 159 119 126 138 96 138 150 138 148 128 121 142 126 167 175 127 168 140 146 171 131 118 160 123 156 74 122 165 137 124 145 140 168 137 152 148 125 152 161 163 158 108 130 156 135 163 97 124 193 132 123 151 156 111 118 134 147 98 101 81 81 90 60 84 66 96 93 69 84 90 87 84 120 48 96 84 84 90 48 39 39 69 66 87 33 87 78 81 84 66 60 90 24 72 69 63 72 83 72 87 27 48 69 21 54 54 93 72 102 52 51 57 39 84 30 105 36 84 63 84 63 96 42 72 51 84 96 30 87 66 48 72 69 90 81 42 8941-4714 4056-3120 4028-6043 1405-325 1432-305 4068-339 8378-3377 1405-304 516-86 4061-78 1419-558 9211-2433 10-1962312 1432-543 4029-75 9211-3053 5278-152 4028-6138 4028-775 1426-85 9368-801 4028-3141 1390-2535 1419-100 1414-730 8285-1374 1385-347 8991-7955 4028-596 1425-503 8991-9446 1395-1142 8798-4167 8172-965 4034-612 10-1808791 1419-414 1390-1623 8378-3595 516-90 4028-7039 4056-487 4034-239 1390-1757 4028-7205 9246-1220 8798-4162 4029-439 9211-3004 1390-1472 4038-496 Missoula Helena Lewistown GYV Gt Falls Deer Lodge Missoula Missoula Butte Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Libby-Troy Helena Whitefish Whitefish Gt Falls Gallatin Missoula Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Toole Cnty Livingston Bigfork Whitefish GYV GYV Helena Bitterroot Miles City Deer Lodge GYV GYV Libby-Troy GYV Gt Falls Butte Col Falls Col Falls Anaconda Helena Glacier Big Sandy Butte Helena Helena GYV Butte Deer Lodge Gt Falls GYV Helena Butte GYV Whitefish GYV Libby-Troy Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Gt Falls Havre GYV Anaconda Col Falls 8/28/2010 Page 63 of 81 Salmond, James R 108 Salmond, Ross J 145 Salmonsen, Jason R 198 Salo, Laurie L 134 Salois, Anna M 112 Salois, Lance V 112 Salois, Nicole T 91 Salois, Teri L 121 Salomon, Bethel J 119 Salomon, Gene B 191 Salomon, Helen E 127 Salomon, James E 180 Salsbury, Andrea G 158 Salsbury, Cory D 160 Salsbury, Kirby D 181 Salsbury, Scott D 147 Salsbury, Sue 125 Salter, Charles 124 Saltz, Louise M 133 Salveson, Gregory S 173 Salvo, Joseph R 129 Salyers, Rev G 112 Sample, Ralph D 142 Samples, Ashley R 132 Samples, Helen 119 Sampson, Charles (Al) A 167 Sampson, Joan L 106 Sampson, Joe W 141 Sampson, Mike P 205 Sampson, Robert E 135 Sampson, Rose 152 Sampson, Tom 100 Sampson, Wayne L 164 Samsel, Michele 141 Samson, Jack F 164 Samson, Kathy 140 Samson, Sally M 135 Samuels, Christine L 126 Samuels, Marlene M 131 Samuels, Mike F 191 Samuelson, Reuben 172 Samuelson, Trisha 126 Samuelson, Vicki 117 Sanborn, Duane E 166 Sanborn, Roscoe T, Jr 167 Sanchelli, Janiel A 129 Sanchez, Connie S 159 R Sanchez, Janet L 140 Sanchez, Pamela M 111 Sanchez, Raul 149 Sanchez, Raul A 182 Sandau, Jeff D 167 Sanders, Ken 194 Sanders, Raeann M 134 Sanders, Richard A 136 Sanders, Rick C 180 Sanders, Robert Bo L 170 Sandine, Bryan R 163 Sandine, Darrin A 177 Sandine, Rena D 130 Sandman, Paula A 117 Sandman, Robert L 167 Sandmeyer, Kathleen (Katie) G133 Sandoval(Johnson), Mary T 121 Sangrey, Scott A 192 Sannes, Cindy L 151 Sannes, Scott A 124 Sapp, Larry J 135 Sargent, Deb R 106 Sargent, Rich T 180 Sarisky, Travis J 188 Sarnow, Earlene 117 Sarrazin, Joyce 116 Sartain, Connie 127 Sartain, Larry 142 Sartori, Arpelio 150 Sarvis, Janice 106 100 96 132 93 66 51 32 75 75 75 51 42 42 84 30 54 56 87 54 78 99 42 69 63 72 81 81 30 66 66 48 30 72 87 48 39 75 58 75 87 78 72 78 93 96 111 57 54 90 90 90 96 102 102 60 57 84 81 87 24 24 24 72 68 54 51 45 81 63 84 90 84 48 72 78 112 81 10-1874971 8096-421 4028-6931 8172-794 4040-310 4068-509 1432-233 4067-10 1432-630 4029-376 1392-689 9211-2630 4038-470 1432-1274 1406-303 8991-9133 1432-439 4067-104 4067-112 8378-3596 1390-2047 1432-82 4025-18 1386-76 1390-7157 4051-72 1390-910 4056-1676 4028-707 8941-4097 4028-4361 4028-2953 4028-675 1390-1622 1390-1621 1390-7241 1395-350 4034-265 1395-511 8378-2709 8991-8816 8991-8614 8991-8613 4029-55 1432-396 8991-8056 8991-8057 1418-120 8941-4651 8941-4217 1426-169 4061-118 4062-172 9368-962 9368-963 9368-929 4056-755 Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Whitefish GYV Gt Falls Glacier Whitefish Glacier Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Missoula Gallatin Glendive Gallatin Gallatin Col Falls Missoula Gt Falls Glendive Dillon GYV Missoula Whitefish Whitefish Mission Vly Mission Vly Butte GYV Missoula Miles City Miles City GYV Bitterroot GYV Helena GYV Whitefish Gt Falls Whitefish Glendive Plentywood Plentywood Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Butte Butte Thompson Fls Butte Butte GYV GYV GYV Whitefish Whitefish Gallatin Anaconda Missoula GYV GYV Havre Missoula Missoula Livingston Libby-Troy Livingston Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Helena Montana Averages 2009-2010 Satchell, John D Satchell, Lesli Sattoriva, Peggy Sauber, Curt Saucier, James M Sauer, Ed J, Jr Sauer, Lance Saurer, Robert R Sausedo, Edith Sauvageau, Evelyn M Savage, Nicci Savage, Scott Sawtell, Cindy M Sawyer, Cindy B Sayler, Bryan R Sayler, Ethel E Sayler, Willie L Sayre, Anna K Sbragia, Mike Scally, Crystal L Schaaf, Daniel W Schaaf, Jennifer A Schaar, Ronald F, Jr Schaar, Shawna E Schade, Peter A Schaefer, Jason F Schaefer, Jennifer M Schaefer, Joel E Schaeffer, Clayton Schafer, Andrea Schafer, Donna J Schafer, Laura (Lolly) M Schaff, Bernard E Schaff, Billie J Schaff, Cynthia M Schaff, Donald Schaff, Eileen L Schaff, Glenn F Schaff, Jason R Schaff, Michael L Schaff, Rick L Schaff, Warren L Schaffel, Louise F Schaffer, Helen Schagunn, Maxine A Schaible, Ken O Schaible, R. Dianne Schalk, Jarred S Schalk, John F Schamp, Dean R Scharler, Michael T Schatz, Jay W Schaub, Jere Schaub, Lon Schaubel, Nikki K Schaufelberger, Amy M Scheck, Carol L Scheck, David A Schedel, Justin E Scheeler, Callie K Scheeler, Steve Scheer, Kim Scheer, Mitchell Scheer, O.D. Scheet, Breck A Scheet, Nikki M Scheetz, Cindy Scheetz, Cindy L Scheetz, Ernie Scheffer, Eileen C Scheffer, John D Scheid Iii, Fred Scheid Iii, Fred Scheid, Marty Scheidt, Irvin L Scheidt, Sharon Scheitlin, Amy S 155 127 98 170 150 210 157 145 115 140 136 157 124 114 180 132 111 116 174 118 217 125 184 118 145 173 103 121 129 141 132 111 176 172s 137 135 159 168 149 159 152 175 127 104 124 167 170 163 162 143 114 185 132 135 130 130 134 166 144 163 164 124 104 113 167 141 128 146 183 162 200 170 163 168 154 121 153 42 36 30 74 42 93 90 57 87 87 93 72 99 57 96 78 96 84 96 69 87 39 90 69 51 87 39 51 30 42 78 78 81 40 48 87 85 96 69 51 30 27 72 89 57 89 42 87 39 54 36 72 93 93 39 53 42 54 87 73 84 84 39 23 57 63 66 87 78 90 48 42 60 75 30 33 84 1390-6795 4028-5504 8991-8710 1390-1620 8991-9952 1390-1337 8798-3994 1432-140 4061-221 4029-131 9246-874 9246-928 4034-583 4028-7269 1392-155 4068-414 8991-8502 1392-124 4029-232 8798-3903 8798-4211 8798-4149 8710-1193 4038-47 8991-8501 1392-311 8941-5214 8991-9688 1432-290 4068-301 1432-604 1390-5326 1390-2690 1390-945 1554-779 4042-75 8991-9679 1406-55 4043-119 8378-3789 1432-546 9368-977 9368-976 4028-6859 8941-4223 4029-377 1392-236 1419-1599 4061-117 10-935426 1425-505 8798-3732 8798-3642 4025-31 1386-3 5029-509 2374-361 1430-349 1430-349 8285-1352 1390-7163 4028-7093 GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Helena Missoula Libby-Troy Gallatin Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Butte GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Missoula Whitefish Anaconda Lewistown Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Gallatin Helena Anaconda Helena Helena Laurel Glendive Col Falls GYV Gallatin Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Deer Lodge GYV Dillon Dillon Anaconda Anaconda Gt Falls Butte Missoula Bigfork Bigfork GYV Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Helena Whitefish Col Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Helena Helena Miles City Glendive Miles City Gallatin Gallatin Miles City Miles City Miles City GYV GYV Glendive 8/28/2010 Page 64 of 81 Scheitlin, Steve Schell, Kenneth L Schell, Marsha M Schell, Mary Ann Schell, Victor A Schelle, Becky B Schelle, Jeff S Schellinger, Ann T Schenck, Donald W Schend, Terry Scheppele, Michael A Scheuring, Eunice B Scheuring, Nick Schied, Lorie Schieffer, Devin M Schikora, Linda Schiller, Tyler J Schillreff, Denton A Schilz, Noel R Schindele, Andrew Andy W Schindler, Jerry L Schindler, Lisa L Schlabs, Darryl Schlagel, Arnold M Schlagel, Christie D Schlaht, Myrt Schlapkohl, Daniel R Schleining, Jamie A Schlicht, Bob Schliep, Joyce M Schlink, Gabrielle Schlosser, Bill J Schlosser, Stacey E Schlothauer, Harold Schmechel, Roger K Schmid, Susan J Schmidt, Becky J Schmidt, Brian S Schmidt, Carolyn M Schmidt, Ellen J Schmidt, Iona A Schmidt, Jay B Schmidt, Joanie M Schmidt, John D Schmidt, Kenneth J Schmidt, Larry J Schmidt, Marcia A Schmidt, Michael P Schmidt, Paul R Schmidt, Raymond D Schmidt, Richard Schmidt, Robert J Schmidt, Roy C Schmidt, Russ A Schmidt, Scott H Schmidt, Stephanie J Schmidt, Todd H Schmidt, Tonia M Schmidt, Tony L Schmidt-Herren, Sharon L Schmierer, Dennis Schmit, Donald R Schmmidr, Kris Schmoeckel Vincent Schneibel, Tim J Schneider, Allen P Schneider, Carol J Schneider, Carrie C Schneider, Charles J Schneider, Devon Schneider, Greg Schneider, Jeff A Schneider, Michal Schneider, Ron Schneider, Travis Schnoor, Mike D Schodt, Donald D 181 114 121 129 207 112 184 113 120 141 207 121 100 120 172 150 153 180 182 200 145 144 172 150 92 116 162 124 165 136 90 183 141 145 199 144 150 183 144 154 124 188 114 162 177 166 155 156 217 185 125 172 151 121 161 101 165 147 155 137 170 140 144 143 138 144 124 133 166 170 190 168 135 163 179 158 118 84 45 39 57 81 63 99 12 102 78 60 33 27 36 72 81 40 99 93 81 78 80 99 60 81 30 87 24 78 21 21 42 39 81 33 60 73 99 99 83 33 54 74 35 93 78 72 51 81 21 33 100 27 51 68 45 72 87 90 24 81 48 30 39 48 75 67 27 84 24 84 78 69 84 93 45 96 8991-9081 8991-8853 4056-757 1390-1336 8991-9689 1390-3568 8941-5083 1419-101 1390-944 4028-3868 8991-9592 4028-1108 4061-140 1419-1746 1390-6155 8941-5037 8941-4411 8941-3908 1392-815 1423-384 4067-39 8172-936 8991-9111 4028-6497 1390-2819 4028-4097 4068-1878 4049-12 1392-72 1418-121 4029-525 8991-9317 1390-2914 1423-167 1397-64 1390-1618 8991-9754 1418-531 8941-5042 1390-2326 4028-4542 1419-910 1423-350 4059-863 1432-931 4038-60 1430-177 1430-288 1430-174 1390-1212 1390-6642 Glendive GYV GYV Helena GYV GYV GYV Missoula Helena Col Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Glendive Libby-Troy Helena GYV Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Nashua Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Laurel Glendive Mission Vly Glacier Gt Falls Gt Falls Glendive GYV Whitefish GYV GYV GYV Missoula GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Havre Gallatin GYV GYV Gt Falls Laurel Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Glendive Glendive GYV Havre Missoula GYV GYV Glendive Helena Plentywood Harlem Gt Falls Laurel Laurel Whitefish Missoula Bigfork Miles City Whitefish Whitefish Miles City Miles City GYV GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Schoenen, Brett R Schoenen, James F Schoepke, Donnette Schoer, Cathie H Scholler, Axel G Scholler, Cory D Scholler, Dan J Scholler, David M Scholler, Kimberly Scholler, Marshall O Scholler, Shawn M Scholler, Tina (Christina) S Scholz, Keith A Schomer, Dina L Schoolcraft, Michele M Schott, Anthony B Schott, Susan K Schottlaender, Peg Schow, Shelley A Schrade, George Schrade, Karla Schrade, Marge Schrade, Marge D Schrade, Richard Schrader, Georgette Schram, Robert F Schramm, Michael L Schrapps, Jori M Schrapps, Mike E Schreiber, Alexander J Schreiber, Chris Schreiber, Melody Schreier, Joshua C Schreiner, Alice E Schreiner, Bruce R Schreiner, Don P Schreiner, Preston Schrenk, Arlene K Schriver, Jamie Schriver, Nick Schrock, Ej Schroeder, Donna L Schroeder, Jason N Schrunk, Donna L Schuck, Mark T Schuldheisz, Lynda Schuldheisz, Skeez D Schuler, Lee F Schulte, Cathy Schulte, Jenni L Schulte, Kathy A Schulte, Kathy M Schulte, Mike R Schulte, Pat M Schulte, Robert W Schulte, Roger W Schulte, Sean Schultz, Ann L Schultz, Butch Schultz, C J Schultz, Craig Schultz, Donna Schultz, Eric Schultz, Hans Schultz, Harry Schultz, Katie M Schultz, Robin L Schulz, Dustin W Schulz, Eric J Schulz, Teresa Schulz, William E Schulze, Kacey J Schumacher, Lynn O Schumaker Dusty Schuster, Teri L Schuster, Tracy Schutterle, Cheryl R 146 158 115 126 149 98 161 168 104 146 194 154 193 104 164 172 102 143 90 164 175 151 159 167 141 178 154 131 153 141 184 149 136 120 134 157 119 141 187 151 187 143 175 117 186 150 197 118 139 115 159 109 184 199 159 106 184 133 150 133 149 140 160 144 166 149 150 156 176 143 125 117 126 128 116 152 110 63 84 78 90 84 102 48 60 86 105 96 94 51 33 84 33 51 24 48 96 90 76 78 87 84 99 75 60 30 75 66 60 81 78 84 84 75 90 45 39 87 87 57 84 51 57 54 27 72 42 80 51 90 51 69 45 51 63 45 87 63 36 78 78 66 93 60 81 78 69 87 54 72 54 51 63 81 9057-602 8114-654 4028-6691 1395-1187 1395-829 6136-411 4029-333 4028-4707 4028-984 1422-140 4061-92 2-8681 1425-14 1390-968 8941-4744 8378-3791 8378-3792 8991-9610 4028-4500 8991-9188 1414-173 9246-1193 4068-1041 1390-2030 2376-3416 1432-749 4028-803 1390-3576 4068-659 1432-333 4056-3133 4028-5355 8941-4059 1395-592 1385-532 8941-4058 4029-336 1392-6 8991-8503 9246-1232 1425-304 4028-7083 4059-87 4056-669 1419-385 8941-5032 8991-9444 Gt Falls Mission Vly Bitterroot GYV Butte Anaconda Butte Anaconda Butte Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Whitefish Thompson Fls Gallatin Gt Falls GYV GYV Glendive Bigfork Libby-Troy Bigfork Whitefish Libby-Troy Gt Falls GYV Missoula Butte Butte Glendive Glendive Glendive GYV GYV GYV Bitterroot Libby-Troy Missoula GYV Circle Miles City Gt Falls Missoula GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Helena GYV Anaconda Missoula Butte Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Anaconda Gallatin Gallatin GYV Libby-Troy Gt Falls Glendive Libby-Troy Gt Falls GYV Laurel Glendive Glendive Helena Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Harlem Missoula Big Sandy GYV 8/28/2010 Page 65 of 81 Schwantes, Kristy M Schwantes, Mark D Schwantes, Rodney D Schwark, Randy M Schwartz, Debbie K Schwartz, Delores M Schwartz, Stew L Schwarz, Jamethon W Schwarz, Kerry A Schweigert, Darrold B Schweigert, John K Schweighauser, Thelma Schweikert, Greg J Schwenk, Greg D Schwenk, Richard A Schwetfeger, David P Scollick, Freda M Scott, Connie T Scott, Delphine Scott, Ed Scott, George L Scott, Jenny M Scott, Jim W Scott, Joe C Scott, John Scott, John E Scott, Lynette Scott, Mary C Scott, Merlyn B Scott, Mike L Scott, Rebecca L Scott, Ronda S Scott, Stacey L Scott, Stella M Scribben, Tammy S Seager, Cynthia L Seager, Kenneth R Seaman, Don Seaman, Don E Seaman, Joe Searles, Maxine H Sears Cheryl Sears Jolene Sears, Carol S Sears, Dave M Sears, Donald M Sears, Matthew D Sears, Twyla M Seavey, Gordon L Seavey, Lloyd G Seavey, Lynette J Seavy-Roberts, Robin A Sebastain, Dawn Sebastain, Kim Secora, Lee R Secord, Mary K Sedaris, Sandy J Sedminik, Nancy Sedwick, Lorelei M Seibert, Blondina C Seidel, Dana Seidel, Karen Seidlitz, Paul R Seifert, Stephen Seilstad, Susan M Seines, Hilbert Seines, Inez I Selensky, Benjamin J Self, Chris A Self, Kristie M Sellars, Roderick D Selph, Danny C Selstad, Spencer D Seltman, Christina M Seltzer, Sean G Semenik, Molly Semenik, Rich 139 152 174 188 141 138 148 173 157 203 187 129 191 111 142 154 163 125 115 177 153 195 196 176 136 192 145 129 162 176 122 161 121 135 140 101 144 199 201 220 139 132 125 134 205 184 193 140 134 165 123 129 116 126 146 122 146 117 104 119 170 130 143 143 105 78 144 145 147 127 134 100 138 120 162 139 189 75 72 75 57 69 60 57 54 81 96 75 36 69 54 63 90 87 60 57 84 96 84 90 84 84 80 36 84 75 33 93 96 48 21 84 90 90 93 78 84 99 62 62 90 76 75 108 66 39 78 90 81 90 93 54 57 60 45 84 90 88 84 96 81 66 66 66 24 51 42 87 89 96 51 93 81 81 4028-4035 8115-919 1390-2373 1390-986 4066-335 1390-1178 8991-9756 8991-9863 4029-338 4025-76 1432-551 1432-79 4068-1486 1432-23 1390-1468 8096-366 1390-1442 4028-599 4051-438 1410-82 1390-2236 8378-2927 4056-863 9211-2615 4047-101 4458-4366 8798-3922 8798-3923 9368-935 5271-991 4068-2334 1432-552 6161-94 9211-2990 1392-166 4029-941 8941-4161 4034-56 4042-63 4028-7191 9246-779 9246-917 8991-8823 8941-5034 4068-846 1403-521 1432-1424 8115-1039 8115-958 Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Thompson Fls GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Livingston Thompson Fls GYV GYV Miles City GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls Gallatin Thompson Fls Miles City Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula GYV Rocky Mtn Frt GYV GYV Bitterroot Ft Benton GYV Butte Helena Gallatin Ft Benton Glacier Helena Helena Bigfork Whitefish Gallatin Missoula Harlem Harlem Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Plentywood Plentywood Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Deer Lodge Whitefish GYV Havre Libby-Troy Gt Falls Libby-Troy GYV Missoula Missoula Glendive Whitefish Whitefish Glacier Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Livingston Livingston Montana Averages 2009-2010 Semenza, Kyle Senn, Tom K Senner, Betty Senner, Martin Senner, Vernice Serido, Donald Service, Dony K Service, Karen P Service, William Bill J Sestrich, Jolene M Sestrich, Martha M Seter, Betty I Seter, Gordon W Setinc, Gwendolyn Setinc, Marty Seydel, Kip A Seyffarth, Kristofer D Shackelford, Jennifer L Shackelford, Mary Shadel, Sarah M Shadrick, David L Shafer, Andy Shafer, Donna Shafer, Joyce M Shafer, Mark A Shafer, Sharon Shaff, Jane Shaffer, Chloe L Shaffer, Harry R Shaffer, Linda R Shaffer, Noah K Shaffer, Raylene R Shammel, Billie J Shampo, Mary E Shampo, Robert Doc J Shanahan, Jan K Shanahan, Scott A Shandley, Donna L Shandy, Chuck W Shane, David E Shane, Shirley A Shannon, Bob R Sharbono, Anna E Sharbono, Ben D Sharbono, Tanya M Sharkey, Lou Ann Sharp, Bonnie M Sharp, Byron Sharp, Michael D Sharp, Ronald G Sharpe, Judy A Shartzer, Kay Shatto, Monica K Shaughnessy, Emma Shaughnessy, Kyle Shaulis, Sue Shaver, Doris M Shaw, Cindy Shaw, Diane R Shaw, Eric Shaw, Garland R Shaw, Janet P Shaw, Linda D Shaw, M Douglas Shaw, Raye Shaw, Raye Shaw, Robert V Shaw, Robert V Shaw, Tracy G Shaw, Trina D Shaylor, Matt Shea, Michael A Shea, Shirley M Shea, Thomas M Shearman, Tami N Sheble, Lisa J Sheehan, Dennis M 144 188 123 153 154 159 153 129 126 151 151 69 151 128 160 165 140 148 117 91 186 161 124 135 164 151 131 95 218 173 138 197 129 165 194 129 176 127 157 132 116 152 114 146 113 133 137 115 186 175 154 119 149 89 106 112 125 132 133 140 180 110 119 152 162 133 202 198 146 126 148 193 157 212 143 123 132 84 60 48 48 75 57 90 78 54 60 72 39 69 81 84 93 93 54 42 63 48 96 93 92 27 24 90 81 81 51 57 77 48 51 57 63 87 87 78 30 39 39 84 36 36 60 81 60 75 84 81 99 96 42 24 75 66 60 78 51 57 66 87 57 90 72 81 32 68 90 24 87 78 78 93 66 21 4056-2863 1390-1567 4028-952 1390-1537 4025-72 1386-52 8991-8295 4029-971 8991-9726 1430-111 8941-4725 4056-775 8941-5084 1395-420 4034-424 8378-2688 1426-32 8941-5166 8941-5167 4068-18 8184-171 4028-417 4068-163 4047-137 4038-258 4037-74 9211-3095 4047-100 4043-74 1397-118 4083-32 4083-32 1395-370 4067-4 8941-4689 1390-943 4034-426 1515-6053 4029-190 4040-126 1390-1664 Helena GYV Glendive Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Anaconda Anaconda GYV GYV Miles City Miles City Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Plentywood GYV Gt Falls Miles City Lewistown Missoula Whitefish Whitefish Helena Missoula Butte Butte Whitefish Butte Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Livingston Gt Falls Gt Falls Anaconda Glendive Missoula Missoula Missoula Thompson Fls Whitehall Gt Falls Thompson Fls Whitefish GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Ft Benton Col Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Anaconda Ft Benton Dillon Rocky Mtn Frt Butte Whitehall Anaconda Butte Mission Vly Gt Falls Missoula GYV Butte GYV Gallatin Glacier GYV 8/28/2010 Page 66 of 81 Sheehan, Kevin D Sheehan, Nicole D Sheets, Ernest S Sheets, Everett G Sheldon, Jainie L Sheldon, Joyce R Shellenberger, Shelley Shelton, Lori A Shenk, Lisa Shenk, Michael L Shepherd, Jason P Shepherd, Karen A Shepherd, Michelle R Shepherd, Shane W Sheppard, Kevin Sherman, Roger H Sherrill, Mike Shields, Amber M Shiever, Wayne Shifley, Breanna N Shigo, Jack A Shigo, Kathleen C Shinler, Debbie A Shinler, Kirk Shipley, Irene Shipley, Janet R Shipley, Tim Shipman, Matt Shipp, Tina M Shirey, James Shirey, Pat Shock, Palma L Shockey, Emily Shoemaker, Dorothy A Shoquist, Shirley R Shors, Dave G Short, Anita Short, Brock M Short, Diane L Short, James Short, Jess H Short, Melissa A Shourds, Lisa J Showers, Danne Showers, Lorraine Shriner, Roy S Shryne, Esther M Shuck, Devon R Shulund, Arnie J Shulund, Cary L Shulund, Jay Shulund, Kevin T Shulund, Lynn Shulund, Richard W Shulund, Suzan Shutey, Tammy S Sibary, Ryan P Sibley, Cole Sibley, Kirk Sibley, Shawn Sichting, Dixie Sickel, Vickie L Sickler, Angie J Sickler, Becky M Sickler, Laurie A Sickler, Marlon G Sickler, Marty R Sickler, Ray Sickles, Colleen Q Sidor, Pat Sidor, Tyler F Siebenaler, Kenneth M Siebenaler, Michael J Siebenaler, Pauline A Siegfried, Paul L Sielaff, Angie L Siemens, Stephen T 155 101 171 165 102 155 92 151 105 154 170 120 112 118 159 162 187 130 118 146 170 143 135 171 117 137 142 181 127 150 178 141 129 154 113 184 127 195 152 159 148 117 159 170 130 158 132 167 178 210 177 211 220 156 139 118 207 135 153 170 140 130 145 119 202 194 204 161 179 124 177 161 147 120 155 136 147 69 84 42 72 42 63 54 68 51 69 96 96 24 99 69 93 116 21 33 48 51 57 66 66 87 57 90 96 75 45 75 84 87 75 90 30 21 87 48 78 54 87 78 60 39 31 69 93 92 51 84 51 78 66 96 81 36 90 83 99 66 66 54 62 93 90 84 54 93 90 69 69 84 81 72 33 60 1390-3519 8115-901 1390-4975 8941-4691 8941-5050 4028-2487 4028-1923 8798-4218 8798-3886 8378-3840 8941-4933 9211-2853 1418-250 8115-1062 8114-880 4028-2744 1390-2133 9368-816 8798-4234 9368-818 1392-980 4028-4386 4024-57 4040-1 4056-2348 4049-121 1419-862 4061-194 4029-620 1425-61 9211-2742 4067-86 8320-239 8320-266 8941-4661 8378-3682 1418-16 1414-14 1418-560 1406-43 1414-45 8974-338 4068-2219 8378-3742 9211-2586 4061-91 8991-9727 4029-56 4029-668 4029-144 1392-294 1392-326 1392-300 4068-982 4056-1042 1390-3825 8710-1165 GYV Livingston GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Havre GYV Helena Glendive Helena Butte Missoula Butte Col Falls Gt Falls Havre Livingston Bitterroot Glendive Whitefish Whitefish GYV GYV Bigfork Helena Bigfork Gallatin GYV Lewistown Bigfork Glacier Helena GYV Gt Falls Helena Libby-Troy Whitefish Gallatin Libby-Troy Gallatin Whitefish Mission Vly Daniels Daniels Missoula Gt Falls Butte Havre Missoula Havre Missoula Missoula Ft Benton Missoula Butte Gallatin Nashua Nashua Nashua Libby-Troy GYV Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Helena Gt Falls Glendive Lewistown Lewistown GYV Laurel Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Sierra, Ray W Siewert, Debbie L Sifert, Charles H Sifert, Lois M Sigler, Ginny M Sikes, Ann M Sikes, Cindy A Sikiveland, Mike S Silbernagel, Bill A Sillerud, Jason Silveria, Curtis D Silvis, Glenn W Simard, Martha B Simcheck, Stephan M Simkins, Russell W Simkins, Thomas C, Jr Simmes, John Simmes, Nancy Simmons, Donald B Simmons, Gary Simmons, Julia Simmons, Karen Simmons, Karen Simmons, Mike T Simmons, Theresa C Simmons, Tom M Simon, Dean I Simon, Mary R Simons, Marty J Simonsen, Brandon M Simonsen, David D Simonsen, Raymond D Simonsen, Ron W Simonsen, Russ A Simpson, Cassie Simpson, Misty L Simpson, Ray Simpson, Ted L Simpson, Tracy R Sinclair, Natasha R Sinclair, Traver L Sindelar, Avery M Singleton, David Sipe, Brent E Siring, Michael D Siroky, Lyn D Siron, Shelly T Siron, Troy G Sirucek, Dale W Sittner, Jeanette L Sivak, Steve R Six, Karen M Six, Russell L Six, William Sizemore, Franklin Sizemore, William Skagen, Ralph Skates, Bob Skelton, Jean Skelton, Sanna L Skillman, Lynn M Skinner, Barb J Skinner, Debbie L Skinner, Josh A Skinner, Leslie J Skinner, Stuart A Skinner, Suzan Skocilich, Valerie L Skogen, Mardene E Skoglund, Alex D Skorupa, Michelle L Skovgaard, Dawn L Skovron, James J Skoyen, Rebecca Skunkcap, Raymond A Slagter, Jon Slagter, Nikki 197 143 154 140 113 128 148 149 167 201 156 155 112 153 178 176 126 153 160 188 109 136 161 131 159 203 177 144 147 166 180 172 181 177 113 135 172 166 109 160 154 180 130 152 125 144 124 146 180 131 143 143 177 160 134 177 177 173 131 131 132 79 170 127 134 137 95 125 149 148 122 105 147 133 147 158 111 53 81 81 93 93 84 83 48 87 84 69 84 90 93 63 76 33 42 88 28 51 92 72 81 96 96 87 61 69 53 51 78 75 96 63 66 63 78 72 39 75 75 86 51 69 75 55 72 84 48 72 93 26 42 30 90 96 39 81 54 64 90 66 30 78 78 93 59 84 75 36 63 87 48 87 63 60 1579-1638 4028-1395 4062-35 4040-228 1390-1506 1432-1103 1390-2332 9211-2944 8816-1068 8941-4727 1387-341 8991-8311 4024-411 9246-919 8941-5123 4028-2375 1390-1107 1432-144 4028-1119 8378-3402 1392-961 8378-3824 4068-834 1419-538 8991-9720 4067-256 9057-472 9211-2912 9368-926 8710-933 4028-4467 4028-1358 9057-601 4028-1237 6134-232 8115-1006 1438-35 1390-7141 4068-358 8274-730 8378-3573 4067-98 8991-9797 8991-9430 8172-689 1386-122 4025-199 GYV Helena Lewistown Lewistown Livingston Glacier Gt Falls Glendive GYV Nashua Missoula GYV Glendive Gallatin Missoula Anaconda Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Missoula Bigfork GYV Bigfork Libby-Troy Missoula GYV GYV Missoula GYV Butte Gallatin Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Plentywood Missoula Whitefish Helena GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Gallatin Bigfork Lewistown Laurel GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Mission Vly GYV GYV Livingston Col Falls Col Falls GYV GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Lewistown Lewistown Dillon Butte Mission Vly Anaconda GYV GYV Gt Falls Chinook Glacier Miles City Miles City 8/28/2010 Page 67 of 81 Slate, Desi M Slate, Suzanne M Slater, Maxine Slattery, Pamela J Slaven, Rosa L Sletten, Daryl W Sletten, Louella M Sletten, Ralph Sletvold, Dustin R Sletvold, Shannon L Slevira, James A, Iii Slicker, Mary J Sloan, Jarin Sloane, Herb H Slocum, Joan M Slunaker, Veril A Small, Wally Smart, Carl R Smart, Jackie Smedsrud, Tyler J Smeins, Kemela M Smelich, Phyl J Smelser, Mike Smelson, Kathleen A Smereck, Vera M Smigaj, Andrew J Smigaj, Steven J Smith, Angie R Smith, Anna Smith, Arnold Aj J Smith, Austin L Smith, Bill Smith, Billy Smith, Bonnie A Smith, Brandel Smith, Brent Smith, Brett P Smith, Cassie G Smith, Charles A Smith, Charles T Smith, Cindy Smith, Clifford(Duane) D Smith, Cynthia M Smith, Dee Dee Smith, Dixie L Smith, Don L Smith, Donald L Smith, Dorothy B Smith, Eric R Smith, Ernest Smith, Frances Smith, Gerald P Smith, Gregory R Smith, Heather D Smith, Henry W Smith, Jake R Smith, James I Smith, James L Smith, James V Smith, Jeanne F Smith, Jeff A Smith, Jeff B Smith, Jeff B Smith, Jennefer E Smith, Jeremy A Smith, Jimmy Smith, Josh P Smith, Julianna K Smith, Justin R Smith, Kaleb M Smith, Kramer R Smith, Laverne D Smith, Leslie G Smith, Liz Smith, Lois M Smith, Lois Y Smith, Marcy L 118 103 118 155 104 146 121 187 174 117 154 89 171 143 124 166 143 131 133 167 113 161 116 185 153 157 173 142 91 117 154 157 156 127 137 153 167 130 152 156 147 177 135 95 129 146 148 139 169 134 115 132 177 169 140 177 156 166 178 144 179 201l 200r 108 112 162 112 144 188 195 132 126 126 110 122 95 137 75 71 84 87 84 69 63 80 75 81 84 66 81 90 93 27 66 72 63 42 75 90 63 87 75 24 78 57 87 75 87 66 78 78 90 54 60 44 27 45 9 99 69 36 48 78 76 87 84 36 75 78 66 81 33 93 87 36 78 72 96 48 30 75 33 87 81 87 40 84 33 60 84 58 42 78 81 8114-799 4051-543 9246-900 4068-263 4068-2411 8172-805 8172-806 1422-592 8991-9546 8285-1591 8991-9189 1390-6461 1432-1166 8991-8932 4067-182 9211-3115 4034-652 8941-3910 6161-95 8941-4239 4028-6145 8115-1013 1405-300 1430-82 1425-160 8710-1215 8991-8068 8798-4171 4061-138 8991-9651 4029-692 1431-185 1419-1117 8184-177 4040-129 9057-629 1390-6914 8941-3962 1397-6 8941-4715 1406-322 1390-3254 4062-32 1432-644 1432-1278 1432-1278 8114-822 8991-9492 1425-457 8991-9757 8991-9680 1432-645 8115-737 4028-1559 1405-299 Bitterroot Bitterroot Libby-Troy Missoula Missoula Glacier Glacier Bigfork Glendive Glendive GYV Toole Cnty Miles City GYV Gt Falls GYV Missoula GYV Mission Vly Gallatin Gt Falls Butte Lewistown Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Missoula GYV Livingston Gt Falls Whitefish Deer Lodge Col Falls Anaconda Miles City Libby-Troy Laurel Lewistown GYV Helena Libby-Troy Anaconda Whitefish GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Mission Vly Anaconda Helena Whitehall Glacier Mission Vly GYV Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt Missoula Dillon Gt Falls GYV Livingston Missoula Missoula Missoula Bitterroot GYV Libby-Troy GYV GYV Missoula Livingston Anaconda GYV Lewistown Deer Lodge Lewistown Gt Falls Glendive Montana Averages 2009-2010 Smith, Marie A Smith, Mary Smith, Mary U Smith, Michael D, Sr Smith, Nancy B Smith, Pam J Smith, Peggy Smith, Penni Smith, Phyllis M Smith, Richard D Smith, Robert A Smith, Robert L Smith, Robert W Smith, Rocky L Smith, Ron W Smith, Ross Smith, Sharon Smith, Sindi Smith, Stace R Smith, Susan M Smith, Tammy K Smith, Tasha I Smith, Terez E Smith, Timothy M Smith, Tina M Smith, Tony Smith, Zachary A Smoke, Tiauna L Smolinski, Victor Smollack, Ed Smrdel, Dennis W Smutt, Levi Snapp, Brenda M Snell, Dale R Snell, Michelle Snellman, Jason J Snethen, Rhonda J Snider, Cristy J Snider, Linda J Snider, Loren D Snider, Yvonne B Snoeck, Laura Snoeck, Marie Snow Dale Snow, Suzie B Snowozzie Snyder, Iris H Snyder, Jami R Snyder, Lindsey E Snyder, Vickie L Sobin, Cory M Sobrepena, Corie Soennichsen, Jen Softich, Wanda M Sol, Olive J Solari, Kurt R Solberg, Bruce Solberg, Chad W Solberg, Dan Solberg, Misty Solem, Joann M Solem, Rita K Solheim, Lisa A Soll, Naomi J Sollars, Don A Solomon, Amanda L Solomon, Teresa A Somerfeld, Tracy R Sommer, Dion E Sommers, Susan J Sommers, Teri L Sommers, Tim R Sonnek, Kenneth L Sonnichsen, Jennifer Sonnichsen, Matthew S Sonsteng, Donald R Soper, Kim A 96 116 114 138 130 112 121 127 106 143 124 148 174 192 156 153 151 128 149 131 138 78 131 162 142 136 127 172 187 199 183 127 108 197 79 138 116 169 111 156 117 98 66 142 126 153 98 123 115 145 139 137 81 188 165 195 123 166 143 113 148 107 113 128 150 158 173 131 197 148 117 172 157 106 132 159 117 30 42 96 63 72 75 87 84 66 78 75 78 87 57 81 66 66 30 84 102 51 33 75 128 93 84 90 28 69 66 90 84 38 33 57 60 78 93 42 54 77 39 21 48 87 75 63 24 83 69 66 66 54 118 21 54 72 63 72 39 90 39 78 81 72 27 33 48 21 99 18 99 64 72 78 72 96 8115-1146 8274-683 4062-20 4067-148 4032-135 4066-431 4061-154 4047-40 8991-8702 1403-104 1390-1505 1426-187 9246-1047 4066-476 8991-8545 4034-502 4028-3832 9057-686 8991-7853 1390-1106 4034-72 1390-5187 1432-145 1430-286 1392-480 8378-3404 4028-7133 8991-7815 4029-133 9057-658 8172-919 8941-4755 4056-3106 8184-172 4068-205 8941-3940 9368-978 1435-46 9368-651 8991-7809 4062-24 1403-43 1395-254 9211-2532 4068-2328 9211-2530 1426-267 8941-4947 8941-4776 8798-4235 4029-177 Livingston Dillon Livingston Gt Falls Mission Vly Helena Miles City Libby-Troy Ft Benton GYV Glacier Col Falls Gt Falls GYV Livingston Libby-Troy Miles City GYV Glendive Butte GYV Mission Vly GYV GYV Butte Anaconda GYV Anaconda Missoula Col Falls Gt Falls Miles City Lewistown Gallatin Chinook Butte Whitefish Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls GYV Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Harlem Lewistown Harlem Gallatin Mission Vly Glacier Gt Falls Missoula Helena Whitehall Anaconda Missoula Missoula Bigfork Plentywood Bigfork Plentywood Nashua GYV Gt Falls Livingston Glacier Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Gallatin Missoula Gallatin Livingston Missoula Missoula Helena Gallatin 8/28/2010 Page 68 of 81 Sorensen, Axel Sorensen, Gigi Sorensen, Harry Sorensen, Martha L Sorensen, Mike Sorenson, Brandon J Sorenson, Colleen Sorenson, Kathleen B Sorenson, Larry F Sorenson, Scott A Sorenson, Steve Soria, Stephen L Sorlie, Sharon E Sorrell, Arnold P Sorrell, Dawnelle C Sorrell, Katy K Sorum, Delores Soucy, Karina Souders, Nita Souhrada, Gerry M Soulsby, Bonnie K South, Mike Southland, Philip Southworth, David M Sowder, Dave Spain, Becky Spang, Lonnie Spangelo, Hutch Spannring, Inace B Spannring, Ronald W Spano, Leonard A Sparks, Angie K Sparks, Dave Sparks, Julie Sparks, Kevin L Sparks, Thomas Sparr, Shelly R Spaulding, Doris M Spaulding, Duke W Spaulding, Louise M Speakman, Wayne R Spears, George Specht, Dale A Specht, Lynn Speck, Marvin Speelman, Kristin D Spence, Sinnaman M Spencer, David C Spencer, Kristen Spethman, Mary Spethman, Raney Spieker, Joseph H Spinder, Mark D Spoklie, Diane Spoonemore, Betty N Spooner, Darrin L Spooner, Jack L Spooner, Jackie Spooner, Jeff N Spragg, Tassie A Sprague Sr, Steve Sprankel, Marlene C Sprankel, Ruth A Springer, Lindsey K Sprout, Cammy A Sprout, Craig A Sroczyk, Thomas G St John, Dan K St Pierre, Connie St Pierre, Rick St. Clair, Stacie E St. Clair, Tad M Staber, Lonnie J Staber, Lynne M Stacy, Willie L Stadler, Don L Stafford, Jason L 122 114 173 125 132 183 149 83 185 213 153 167 151 181 143 141 112 147 124 132 119 189 153 172 172 130 182 154 146 185 152 173 138 134 154 158 100 117 187 132 211 144 166 125 141 118 64 132 91 115 149 155 185 145 110 165 215 120 183 134 166 145 166 84 139 141 203 197 107 134 129 179 139 123 187 195 138 84 48 81 84 93 93 54 57 96 39 36 84 57 66 69 72 33 90 54 81 39 87 60 96 92 75 90 96 96 21 66 60 42 57 66 75 86 93 56 96 99 60 75 21 75 72 51 54 42 49 30 48 78 30 33 48 81 90 51 48 60 75 51 57 90 90 72 127 21 93 48 45 69 69 81 87 51 129-7453 4028-1512 1395-255 1432-397 4038-294 1432-398 1392-13 12-39488 1431-23 4073-159 9057-591 4040-47 8285-925 4038-86 1430-202 1404-48 1390-7339 9368-939 9368-985 1390-3639 4068-244 8941-3981 8378-3833 4056-2679 4028-3657 4059-254 1397-43 4028-2301 1428-44 8991-9695 9246-1251 1425-218 8114-619 8991-9601 8285-1690 4025-161 1386-77 1419-630 8096-453 4028-6910 8991-9185 1432-100 8710-978 8991-9223 1404-49 4028-623 4028-399 8798-3891 8798-3905 8798-3906 8378-3263 8378-3264 8798-3785 6152-343 8378-3588 1414-692 1390-6643 Missoula GYV Glendive Gt Falls Butte Missoula Plentywood Col Falls Missoula Gallatin Libby-Troy Gt Falls Thompson Fls Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Glacier Miles City Whitefish Col Falls Lewistown Miles City Daniels GYV Bigfork Bigfork GYV Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Butte Helena Whitefish Havre Thompson Fls Toole Cnty GYV Laurel Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Gallatin GYV Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Bitterroot Anaconda GYV Miles City Miles City Miles City Helena Rocky Mtn Frt Plentywood GYV GYV Missoula Laurel GYV Gt Falls Daniels GYV GYV Gt Falls Helena Helena Helena Whitefish Butte Butte Helena Helena Butte Gt Falls Whitefish Missoula GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Stafford, Ruby L Stagliano, David M Stahl, Dawn M Stahl, Lee E Stahl, Tammy L Staiger, Linda Staker, Melissa Staley, Craig W Staley, Robyn J Stallard, Jessica K Stambaugh, Deanna J Stamp, Susan M Stanaway, Tracy J Stanco, Cathy J Standford, Donnel Standing Rock, Trevor L Standley, Dolores Dee Standley, Loretta M Standley, Robert C Stanek, Keenan M Stanek, Nicki Stanek, Robert D Stanfill, Jason Stanhope, Libby W Stankewitz, Sarah Stanley, Lacie Stanley, Michael L Stansberry, Terra K Stanton, Caleb J Stanton, James M Stanyer, Jay Stanyer, Whitney A Stapley, Rick Stark, Paul Stark, Wanda Starkel, Jake R Starkel, Joshua A Starkel, Joyce F Starkel, Nicole R Starkel, Robert J Starkel, Tyanna D Starr, Brian Starr, Chris M Starr, Donald C Starr, Jacob R Stas, Nicholas J States, Donald C Staub, Paul, J Stauffer, Robin A Steadman, Dave W Steadman, Tim Stearns Steve Stearns, Kathy L Stearns, Sam A Stearns, Samuel F Steckler, Greg M Steele, Belinda A Steele, Beth M Steele, Bryan K Steele, Eric D Steele, Jewell J Steen, Julie L Steeples, John T Stefani, Chase N Stefani, Dick Steffani, Bruce E Steffans, Edward O Steffes, Tiffianny R Steig, Betty Jane Stein, Charles J Stein, Luke A Stein, Marcy Stein, Ted Steinberg, Michael J Steiner, Jason R Steiner, Jill C Steinke, Duane 147 159 125 147 80 129 87 152 97 93 123 150 121 137 110 155 124 113 173 211 131 148 142 136 129 141 178 120 213 127 122 92 153 164 149 195 197 162 160 180 100 140 170 156 185 161 163 167 153 137 169 160 151 154 181 126 118 124 208 132 106 145 201 165 189 224 158 123 123 144 157 128 105 136 202 122 134 84 87 87 93 27 84 21 90 72 57 78 99 46 81 48 24 81 57 78 48 99 99 27 60 48 87 90 54 128 87 45 42 55 24 27 78 30 69 72 66 78 45 21 54 36 30 41 78 84 96 87 57 75 33 72 90 96 42 84 87 78 57 76 26 87 74 75 33 72 75 108 66 39 87 69 72 93 4028-6663 8798-3907 8941-4705 8285-1751 1423-356 8991-9807 8115-1129 4034-118 4028-2059 8941-3898 8991-7771 6134-47 8991-8690 8991-8691 4029-79 8285-1692 8941-4974 8941-5151 1425-392 9246-784 9246-799 1431-255 1390-7142 4067-99 4067-272 1431-93 9057-646 8991-9837 1395-258 8941-4971 1390-4001 1390-4900 4028-7146 8710-932 8285-1617 4043-87 1419-1755 8991-9135 9211-3005 8991-8013 4038-419 1390-1358 8274-814 4051-27 4028-6071 1392-169 6145-16 1392-341 1423-109 8991-9956 10-1075432 8285-1764 8798-4205 1392-91 1432-605 GYV Helena Whitefish Missoula Lewistown Glendive Miles City GYV GYV Livingston Glendive Butte GYV Missoula Chinook GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Glendive Gallatin Miles City Anaconda Anaconda Missoula Whitefish Missoula Lewistown Lewistown Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Mission Vly GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly GYV Gt Falls Butte Missoula GYV Thompson Fls GYV GYV Laurel Miles City Harlem GYV Helena GYV Gallatin GYV Col Falls GYV Dillon Bitterroot GYV Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Gt Falls Laurel GYV Whitefish Gt Falls GYV Whitefish Miles City Helena Gallatin Whitefish Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 69 of 81 Steinke, Joel Steinke, Johni Steinke, Theodora R Steinman, Meg Steinmetz, Dorothy Steinmetz, Gail L Steinmetz, Gail L Steinmetz, Paul M Steinweden, Kelly L Steir, Angee Stelzer, Tanya R Stempke, Melinda S Stender, Valerie S Stene, Alice C Stene, Andrew, Jr Stene, Jennifer T Stene, Karen R Stene, Margie J Stene, Riina K Stenglein, Douglas Stensland, James Stensrud, Andy Stentoft, David Steorts, Matt B Steorts, Suzette T Stephens, Jesse E Stephens, Teri M Stephenson, Dena Stephenson, Kerri J Stephenson, Steven W Stephenson, Theresa Stepper, Duran K Stepper, Leo A Stepper, Lori E Stepper, Richard E Stepper, Rita M Sterkenburg, Dot M Stermitz, Earl J Stermitz, Evelyn Stern, Ron Sternhagen, Mandy J Sternhagen, Nicole M Sterns, Janice A Sterns, Sandra Sterrett, Dale M Stevens, Barbara L Stevens, Brad E Stevens, Casey Stevens, Craig A Stevens, Dave Stevens, Gail G Stevens, Jerianna S Stevens, Matt Stevens, Nancy A Stevens, Richard Stevens, Ronda Stevens, Ryan Stevens, Tom Stevens, Tracy Stevens, Tracy Stevens, Wendy J Stevenson, Cody M Stevenson, Gina L Stevenson, Joe M Stevenson, Jon Stevenson, Julia K Stevenson, Kevin Steveson, Mark Steward, Alex N Stewart, Beverly L Stewart, Colette S Stewart, Gayle J Stewart, Ginger Stewart, Joan Stewart, John D Stewart, Lisa C Stewart, Phillip E 124 123 147 134 109 160 164 156 104 92 122 140 137 147 140 112 130 125 117 115 176 162 133 161 119 162 150 100 157 194 137 160 117 134 186 148 144 139 153 144 141 142 134 143 169 143 208 133 155 171 155 120 61 148 158 149 138 163 204 112 124 173 122 181 149 141 185 142 110 114 120 141 150 139 174 161 163 87 90 30 33 90 87 90 90 48 75 27 87 21 78 82 78 27 81 54 33 51 85 48 96 39 75 48 30 75 84 78 94 33 36 78 94 81 69 72 24 99 93 84 84 63 93 43 81 57 69 69 81 21 90 63 84 39 57 40 45 78 90 90 90 81 75 33 81 103 57 87 59 30 57 105 45 84 8115-774 4068-744 8941-4658 4051-404 4028-5161 4059-235 4059-235 1423-164 8798-4064 4028-921 1390-1754 8941-3888 4028-1193 4068-1730 8941-3889 8991-9929 1390-1853 1392-972 8320-217 1390-3619 4028-6219 4028-771 4041-47 4028-1587 1390-6465 1443-80 1423-144 8991-8666 1432-974 4081-60 4059-922 1392-499 4029-237 9246-1077 9211-2660 9211-2661 8285-1505 1431-247 9368-641 1390-3860 1386-54 4059-108 4038-307 4028-4307 1432-310 9368-642 8285-1471 1386-55 4068-38 6136-414 4051-547 1395-1048 1405-53 1387-161 8285-888 4059-790 8115-781 4028-2803 4056-826 4056-1062 1395-1033 4028-2035 1390-1734 Livingston Missoula Missoula Bitterroot GYV GYV Laurel Laurel Thompson Fls Havre Helena Gt Falls Thompson Fls GYV GYV Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Gallatin Daniels GYV GYV Whitefish GYV Daniels GYV GYV Whitefish Laurel Laurel GYV Missoula Laurel Laurel Gallatin Gallatin Libby-Troy Gallatin Gallatin Thompson Fls Miles City Gt Falls Gt Falls Mission Vly Bigfork GYV Miles City Laurel Col Falls Toole Cnty GYV Missoula Bigfork Miles City Miles City Col Falls Toole Cnty Missoula Butte Bitterroot Butte Deer Lodge Gt Falls Bigfork Miles City Anaconda Laurel Livingston GYV Helena Helena Butte GYV GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Stewart, Scott T Stewart, Shirley M Steyh, Richard Steyh, Ron Steyh, Tony Sticka, Joe C Stickney, Janet Stickney, Steve Stieg, Magen Stietz, Kimberly I Stietz, Sawn T Stiffarm Gerald Stiles, Albert O Stiles, Carson B Stiles, Jeania Stiles, Jim Stiles, Kathy A Stiles, Kevin W Stiller, Bobby Stillwell, Tod R Stimpson, Stacy J Stinar, Melva A Stine Kieth Stine, Debra L Stine, Linda Stine, William Stiner, Zane Stines, Leighton A Stingley, Mike L Stinnett, Jackie R Stock, Bernadette Berni A Stockdale, James E Stocker, Garry W, Sr Stocker, Tim R, Sr Stockman, Gerald T Stockman, Lora R Stockton, Sam A Stockwell, Barbara J Stockwell, Howard A Stoddard, Greg P Stoddard, Susan R Stoddard, Teddy Stodden, Ralph W Stokes, Cathy A Stokes, Chris J Stokes, Chris W Stokes, Donna V Stokes, James R Stokes, Jason D Stokes, Pamela Stokes, Robert N Stokes, Steve A Stokke, Fred C Stokken, John Stoll, Margaret Stoll, Margaret A Stolle, Perry J Stolle, Ronald L Stoller, Patty Stolte, Caleb T Stolte, Donald L Stolte, Traci L Stolzenburg, Bryan K Stone, Becky M Stone, Dale A Stone, Evan S Stone, Janet Stone, Kelly O Stone, Michael H Stone, Myrna Stoner, Brian D Stoner, James Stoner, Maxine J Stoner, Scott W Stookey, Tyler M Stops, Ardie Stordeur, Michael J 159 135 168 142 127 176 137 171 156 91 180 147 201 201 142 161 171 161 104 171 119 124 128 109 158 156 158 165 140 141 113 180 166 207 129 103 161 144 161 125 124 107 128 96 146 164 101 177 181 150 151 178 142 191 158 143 159 157 110 136 165 123 101 94 174 135 119 153 167 151 206 166 125 190 147 174 152 87 78 112 75 39 42 75 81 48 24 45 42 42 84 84 57 72 90 75 51 69 51 33 93 90 87 69 102 84 78 66 90 93 63 75 69 78 75 42 24 34 78 69 63 24 39 87 16 39 104 90 78 42 72 96 69 84 90 87 81 81 81 78 60 69 21 66 78 93 69 60 96 81 84 69 60 48 1390-4764 4028-540 1387-138 1405-287 6132-37 1390-1824 4025-126 1386-56 4066-361 8991-9933 8991-9900 1390-1132 1390-5131 4028-223 1390-4803 4068-409 4024-117 1387-30 1403-108 1419-453 8114-646 1419-881 1397-66 8172-684 8172-680 8941-4525 5061-2408 8115-1173 8274-684 4025-190 1395-259 4028-6216 1390-2480 8941-5251 8991-9776 1432-1003 8941-5252 4024-74 8991-9777 1390-1661 1406-83 4059-185 4059-185 9246-1165 8991-7983 8974-321 8974-301 9211-2730 4029-431 1588-1726 4066-22 1392-143 1419-559 8378-3781 1415-72 GYV GYV Bigfork Deer Lodge Bigfork GYV Miles City Miles City Miles City GYV GYV Harlem GYV GYV Havre Circle GYV GYV Gt Falls Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Harlem Missoula Bigfork Bigfork Glacier Helena Nashua Glendive Gt Falls Bitterroot Helena Rocky Mtn Frt Glacier Glacier Missoula Gallatin Whitefish Livingston Dillon Miles City Butte GYV GYV Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula Bigfork GYV GYV Dillon Lewistown GYV Laurel Gt Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish GYV Ft Benton Ft Benton Gallatin Gt Falls Gallatin Butte Miles City Gallatin Glendive Glendive Helena Butte GYV Gt Falls 8/28/2010 Page 70 of 81 Storle, Chip J Storle, Kristen E. Storle, Lynda G Stormwind, Elaine M Storrusten, Brandon J Storrusten, Wendy J Stosich, Kathy R Stosich, Kevin Stouffer, Paul J Stout Dan Stout, Brittany T Stout, Donna J Stout, Jackie N Stradley, Roger Straight, Ev M Strand, Rich C Strand, Tami Strand, Thomas A Strander, Carol E Strang, Daryn W Strang, Larry R Strasheim, Bryan Stratton, Cheryl K Stratton, Nola Stratton, Susie Strausburg, Jeanette K Stredwick, Bob P Streeter, Lance Streeter, Linda J Streeter, Nikki L Streit, Guyla A Streit, Guyla A Streit, Steven Streit, Tom P Stricker, Matt W Stricker, W. Daryl Strickland, Benjamin W Stright, Bob Stringer, Cory Strobel, Chine M Strobel, Kelly R Strobel, Sheila D Strohmayer, Duane Strommen, Anita Strommen, Edwin A Strouf, James Stroup, Joseph E Stroyan, Peggy Anne Strozzi, Patty Strozzi, Shawn Strub, Neil Strum, David R Strum, Kathy Strum, Lois M Stuart, Michael Stuart, Ray E Stubb, Gary M Stubb, Jacob M Stubbs, Judy A Stubbs, Kelli Stubbs, Robert D Stulc, Kauri M Stulc, Laura L Stump, Kathy R Stump, William D Stumpf, Amanda M Sturdevant, Tim Sturm, Chad C Sturm, Christine D Sturm, Michelle L Sturm, Tammy Styck, Lois A Styer, Brook N Styger, Maurice E Suden, Karen Suk, Greg M Suk, Jonathan D 185 129 132 109 182 123 153 149 141 124 133 124 97 128 121 161 138 160 149 108 154 114 146 124 114 157 148 183 147 152 193 202 184 179 206 204 165 156 123 124 165 161 169 114 206 97 143 152 131 186 88 202 170 98 109 156 168 168 121 115 109 128 109 116 160 128 156 145 110 131 102 144 99 104 105 149 97 75 30 66 78 69 66 93 90 60 72 84 87 21 27 69 27 39 18 42 30 93 84 81 27 65 57 54 69 78 78 54 39 24 60 84 78 72 75 42 50 33 30 33 60 124 96 78 96 72 81 63 69 90 24 63 90 60 45 90 39 72 33 30 60 18 81 96 72 21 87 54 66 30 66 36 80 24 4034-452 4043-186 8274-749 9211-3070 8941-5085 9211-2682 4028-217 9368-814 1432-1533 1419-1621 8285-1730 4028-2682 4028-651 1392-537 8798-3864 4050-247 1410-10 1390-4592 1390-1772 8115-1027 1425-389 4056-3465 1390-6683 4028-6698 1430-3 4029-409 4083-6 1395-573 9246-1198 1390-1357 4028-1719 8991-9136 8991-9758 8114-648 1432-589 8941-3935 8941-4527 1432-779 8172-937 1430-188 8991-8978 8798-3873 1390-1687 4056-3192 8941-3882 Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Dillon Dillon Gallatin Harlem Lewistown Lewistown Missoula Gallatin GYV Whitefish Bigfork Missoula Lewistown Anaconda Helena Miles City GYV Plentywood Toole Cnty GYV Gallatin Whitefish Helena Whitefish Ft Benton Gt Falls Big Sandy Ft Benton GYV GYV Livingston Libby-Troy Circle Helena GYV GYV Miles City Chinook Anaconda Lewistown Gt Falls Gallatin Whitehall Butte Libby-Troy GYV GYV GYV GYV Bitterroot Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Lewistown Lewistown Missoula Missoula Glacier Miles City Anaconda GYV Helena Anaconda Whitefish Lewistown GYV Helena Missoula Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Suko, Ervin J Suko, Richard L Sukut, Travis L Sullivan, Bernard J Sullivan, Dawn J Sullivan, Dennis D Sullivan, Dolores F Sullivan, Jerry G Sullivan, K C Sullivan, Kelly Sullivan, Michael P Sullivan, Patrick F Sullivan, Richard M Sullivan, Robin L Sullivan, Sheila G Sullivan, Sherry L Sullivan, Steve J Summers, Diane M Summers, Jean E Summers, Joe R Summers, Linda J Summers, Stacy D Summers, Stuart K Sumner, Dale E Sumner, Jonathan R Sumner, Rose M Sundberg, Debbie L Sunden, Twila F Sundquist, Jordon J Sundsted, Rod L Sundstrom, Aloa-Jo L Sundstrom, Guy Sunwall, Darrell S Supola, Sherm Suran, Charles A Suran, Rebecca G Surber, Kyle A Surber, Roman R Surber, Thomas E Suriano, Michelangelo Surmi, Ryan R Surrell, Julie L Susag, Karen E Suta, Dawn Miki Suta, Mark Suta, Mark Sutter, Sandy L Sutton, Molly G Sutton, Sharon R Svenby, Karen L Svendsen, Neal R Sverdrup, Zach Sverdsten, Stefanie Svir, Jim W Swaim, Adele E Swaim, George (Tup) T Swain, Joshu J Swaney, Jennifer Swaney, William R Swanson, Angela M Swanson, Bobbi E Swanson, Donny F Swanson, Gale A Swanson, James E Swanson, Kathy A Swanson, Nancy K Swarts, Shawn Swartz, Heather S Sweatman, Susan L Sweeney, Neil L Sweeney, Patti N Sweet, Donna(Marie) M Swendseid, Elsie M Swenson, Eric Swenson, Linda Swenson, Lowell Swenson, Mamie 131 152 124 196 148 152 140 147 192 187 129 158 106 164 121 180 178 139 160 160 140 152 233 174 168 161 99 155 179 178 159 180 140 145 124 115 188 181 143 132 160 153 121 147 158 176 147 115 159 143 178 143 124 194 163 178 165 162 181 94 148 103 185 149 141 159 138 135 138 159 152 124 123 141 146 156 137 99 99 51 105 21 96 81 78 87 66 90 105 90 90 93 87 78 35 85 60 69 42 87 96 24 87 42 66 75 27 45 100 87 42 60 66 87 78 60 63 75 45 27 87 24 75 87 24 81 36 78 27 81 48 81 90 69 66 84 45 72 39 87 78 69 57 84 66 99 57 60 83 57 81 30 75 36 1390-7321 1390-4406 8991-9034 1395-482 8096-328 1419-1286 4051-441 1390-984 1432-399 1395-261 8114-894 4029-3 8798-3314 4034-297 8941-4716 4028-715 4051-507 4028-1083 1390-1206 1428-19 9211-3006 4029-260 8991-9593 4028-472 10-1858430 4028-3690 1390-3092 8991-8112 6151-93 1418-607 1578-3024 1432-591 4055-249 4029-342 4040-131 1403-1 4055-115 8941-5259 4028-6237 1432-631 9246-1076 4076-568 4056-3585 1432-879 8991-8446 9057-654 9057-572 8991-9602 4238-79 8285-1735 8941-4529 4068-2408 4034-400 4059-27 1418-129 4042-54 GYV GYV GYV Butte Rocky Mtn Frt Helena Bitterroot GYV Missoula Butte Gt Falls Anaconda Bitterroot Gallatin Helena Butte Missoula GYV Bitterroot Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin GYV GYV Gt Falls Helena GYV GYV Gt Falls GYV Anaconda Anaconda Havre Havre Lewistown Gallatin Missoula GYV Helena Glacier Glacier Toole Cnty Gallatin Missoula GYV Gt Falls Missoula Libby-Troy Bigfork Gt Falls Helena Helena GYV Mission Vly Mission Vly Lewistown Whitefish GYV Gt Falls Whitefish Bitterroot Gt Falls Miles City Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Anaconda Butte Lewistown Laurel Havre Deer Lodge 8/28/2010 Page 71 of 81 Swift, Kent T Swift, Kristen A Swigert, Jerry L Swimley, Robin Swinford, Steven P Swing, Bev Swingle, Liz Swisse, Jessica L Sybrant, Bill J Sykes, Angela Sykes, Jo Sylvester, Carol A Symes, Robert A Symington, Kathy A Symons, Nadine Taber, Bill E Tacke, Greg W Tafelmeyer, Jonna M Tafoya, Chelse R Tail, Earl V Tait, Chase Taklock, Ordie J Talbott, Colleen L Talkington, Lindsay F Talkington, Patricia S Tallmadge, Pam Tallmadge, Piete Tallman, Larry E Tallman, Matthew C Tallman, Thomas A Tallon, Lisa Talmark, Lindsey K Talmark, Nic J Talsma, Sharla M Tamietti, Diana J Tamietti, Jarett F Tamietti, Jason C Tanberg, Rex W, Jr Tange, Jay Tangedal, Kendal Tangen, Sheryl Tarantino, Michelle L Tarkalson, Gary D Tarkalson, Linda L Tarum, Brent C Tash, Kyle M Taskila, Lynn E Tate, Bret Tate, John A Tate, Lil R Tate, Rita I Tatlor, Ketra B Tatsey, Neil E Taylor, Blaine M Taylor, Burdette Taylor, Christopher A Taylor, Clint Taylor, Daniel R Taylor, David J Taylor, Deborah A Taylor, Earl L Taylor, Jamie M Taylor, Jane E Taylor, Jeff C Taylor, Jeff T Taylor, Jim M Taylor, Josh Taylor, Josh Taylor, Julie M Taylor, Kade C Taylor, Kaleb R Taylor, Ken Taylor, Kyle R Taylor, Larry A Taylor, Lester F Taylor, Lori A Taylor, Marilynn 157 138 132 187 178 161 116 145 193 116 104 117 141 88 133 182 155 127 82 153 146 154 133 180 149 116 170 133 125 121 122 145 141 116 131 187 131 176 152 131 143 140 172 143 163 151 181 179 154 165 176 139 143 148 117 136 170 124 136 122 162 148 121 159 173 159 130 131 126 110 146 186 145 181 158 112 152 87 82 45 51 84 72 81 77 57 57 21 93 78 80 45 51 87 81 63 24 42 90 84 75 54 21 57 87 96 99 75 54 48 81 37 78 84 70 54 57 81 77 105 51 21 99 66 72 54 81 75 42 78 78 84 89 84 87 75 84 78 72 69 24 60 66 27 52 81 90 75 42 25 87 87 90 85 1390-1373 4028-5825 8710-1222 1425-16 1392-770 4061-244 4029-24 9246-1068 4062-38 8941-5108 9057-567 1432-182 4040-278 8941-5096 8172-672 8285-1714 2398-1054 4034-454 1397-5 10-1874960 4061-44 1425-161 9211-2811 9211-2812 9211-2813 8378-3305 4028-7149 1390-7230 4067-100 4068-1751 1432-557 8941-4696 1435-225 4056-3343 8941-4099 1395-838 4034-242 1432-1143 8274-788 1432-262 1405-60 4034-102 4068-122 8274-821 8115-1138 1425-164 8991-9654 1425-163 8991-8094 4028-5514 8974-306 8172-877 8798-4207 1395-268 1395-269 9211-3055 8096-499 4028-6110 8798-4114 1430-34 9211-3116 GYV GYV Laurel Libby-Troy Gallatin Libby-Troy Gallatin Glendive Gt Falls Libby-Troy Livingston Missoula Gt Falls Mission Vly Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Glacier Missoula Glacier Miles City GYV Butte Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin Butte GYV GYV Mission Vly Missoula Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Plentywood Plentywood Helena Missoula Butte Butte Missoula Dillon Gt Falls Missoula Deer Lodge Butte Missoula Whitefish Dillon Livingston Libby-Troy GYV Libby-Troy GYV Whitefish GYV Ft Benton Glacier Thompson Fls Helena Butte Butte Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Helena Whitefish Miles City Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Taylor, Michael J Taylor, Mike Taylor, Nanci L Taylor, Nick R Taylor, Patty A Taylor, Peggy Taylor, Rachel J Taylor, Star R Taylor, Steve Taylor, Tasha Taylor, Trudy L Taylor, Wesley A Teeple, Jeanie M Teesdale, Richard C, Jr Teeters, Karen Teigen, Betty A Tekampe, Derek M Teller, Ruth A Tellock, Jody Tempel, Cody T Temple, Lyndsey Temple, Vicki S Templin, Jason E Ten Ham, Shaun R Ten Ham, Stacy Tennant, Clifford T Tennant, Jaylene Terrio, Lean E Terry, Jason Terry, Marissa Terry, Pat A Teska, David Teske, Lorin R Tester, Mike Tetrault, Angelique A Tetrault, Brian M Tetschner, Brenda L Tetschner, Jessica R Tew, Clint J Tew, Debbie A Tew, Robert F Tew, Sharon K Tew, Stacy L Tew, Travis Tewalt, Linda Texidor, Alyssa Thacker, Marilyn Tharp, Becky A Thatcher, Mark E Thayer, Durwood D Thayer, Mitch D The, Dwight J Thede, Daniel Thede, Jean Theis, Kim M Thelen, Jason D Thibault, Kelly Thiel, Jeremy C Thienes, John A Thiesen, Max S Thiessen, Michele L Thievin, Jacki Thill, Deana Thill, Sunshine Thilmony, Mike J Thiry, Ann E Tholt, Nicole M Thom, Ben Thom, Leroy Thom, Mark Thom, Mike L Thom, Richard Thomae, Paul E, Sr Thomas, Andrew J Thomas, Andy D Thomas, Austin T Thomas, Brad J 139 113 135 192 115 128 129 133 139 108 153 122 125 193 131 132 163 128 75 194 121 100 129 194 109 135 152 129 168 134 196 129 174 154 130 181 118 107 136 152 177 136 109 164 126 97 135 99 155 154 194 98 147 115 138 166 142 188 142 148 146 129 88 114 187 144 118 164 191 170 145 128 193 130 155 115 169 81 87 81 99 63 84 72 24 48 89 29 92 30 72 21 75 48 93 39 63 57 24 60 87 66 66 24 93 45 69 93 72 45 21 63 60 99 96 63 78 99 93 33 57 57 23 45 81 69 90 78 54 87 78 87 53 93 24 21 45 75 21 69 42 30 81 33 72 30 81 69 63 76 66 84 75 75 1425-165 6136-301 8172-878 9246-1072 8974-335 4047-82 8285-1682 4067-11 4059-99 4028-1152 4032-61 8184-173 1432-1216 8798-4229 8941-4990 8941-5097 8285-1761 8798-4139 9246-937 1418-25 1425-487 4056-3051 429-5065 8991-9043 8991-9044 8798-3705 4032-68 1390-3935 4028-4029 1386-165 1405-260 8172-940 8114-863 8798-4150 1390-2096 8378-3806 9246-827 4061-137 4028-323 10-1196977 8285-943 8115-812 9211-3080 8378-2770 4041-29 9246-1191 9246-1192 4062-340 9246-1078 1425-167 1425-280 1425-536 1390-6473 1423-448 Glendive Libby-Troy Anaconda Butte Glacier Libby-Troy Ft Benton Ft Benton Circle Miles City Glendive Anaconda Mission Vly Gt Falls Laurel GYV Gt Falls Helena Whitehall Missoula Havre Glendive Helena Missoula Missoula Glendive Miles City Helena Big Sandy Big Sandy Gt Falls Libby-Troy Havre Libby-Troy Helena Helena GYV GYV Helena Helena GYV GYV Glendive Miles City Deer Lodge Glacier Toole Cnty Bitterroot Helena GYV Whitefish Butte Libby-Troy Libby-Troy GYV GYV Miles City Livingston Whitefish Gallatin Butte Daniels Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Thompson Fls Livingston Lewistown Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Lewistown Libby-Troy GYV Glendive Gt Falls Anaconda Laurel 8/28/2010 Page 72 of 81 Thomas, Brian L Thomas, Chuck L Thomas, Debbie L Thomas, Eric R Thomas, Fred G Thomas, Greg S Thomas, John T Thomas, Larry G Thomas, Laura J Thomas, Linda J Thomas, Linda L Thomas, Linda L Thomas, Mary L Thomas, Michelle L Thomas, Nancy Thomas, Norma J Thomas, Perry M Thomas, Roger H Thomas, Sheila R Thomas, Suzie G Thomas, Tim E Thomas, Timothy Thomas, Todd C Thomas, Twana Thomas, Tyler Thomas, William J Thomason, Anthony L Thomason, Jared Thomason, Kevin Thompson, Amanda Thompson, Betty L Thompson, Cody L Thompson, Connie J Thompson, Danielle K Thompson, Dean Thompson, Dirk J Thompson, Don W Thompson, Eric M Thompson, Farron K Thompson, Frank Thompson, Joan G Thompson, Jolyn E Thompson, Julie Thompson, Justin R Thompson, Karol J Thompson, Kayala Thompson, Linda Thompson, Loraine Thompson, Lorene E Thompson, Nick B Thompson, Paul A Thompson, Richard Thompson, Richard E Thompson, Robert L Thompson, Ronda J Thompson, Russell Thompson, Virgil W Thomson, Lona L Thomson, Trent Thomson,Connie Thoring, Elaine P Thorn, Brian A Thornburg, Gale Thornburg, Jerry Thorne, Lenore Thoroughman, Adam J Thoroughman, Debbie K Thoroughman, Michelle A Thoroughman, Taylor Thorpe, Terry G Thorson, April L Thrall, Marcy Thrasher, Terra Threlkeld, Connie M Threlkeld, Paul R Thronson, Mary E Thrower, Chris R 224 187 137 176 185 156 145 171 193 85 97 140 157 147 114 141 178 168 189 113 173 137 164 160 182 179 156 191 160 46 125 167 131 118 172 216 178 176 126 121 159 136 154 180 121 94 134 158 128 155 173 148 153 129 129 161 167 139 118 161 118 154 161 187 113 176 155 119 124 167 124 84 103 130 163 112 151 96 63 75 84 87 90 96 87 84 35 60 42 84 84 75 96 45 69 84 69 30 87 87 78 90 87 90 39 72 93 27 75 81 54 66 96 57 36 36 54 75 82 66 72 81 33 59 57 36 71 116 66 84 84 86 45 84 39 81 87 81 87 120 112 45 77 63 51 45 84 39 3 78 60 57 90 88 1392-98 1432-1164 8941-4262 1395-273 8991-8019 8991-8470 2262-26533 4029-148 8274-832 8378-3752 4904-18313 8941-4263 1432-183 4050-5691 8991-8634 8285-1377 1419-1525 4025-235 1392-1040 1430-398 8285-958 4028-4006 1418-407 8096-468 1425-56 1422-166 1390-3776 8991-9860 4067-41 10-1981569 4042-88 1413-3920 4083-47 2876-16 8378-3310 1438-96 1404-85 1393-42 9211-2789 9246-1200 1431-40 8115-1130 9246-1233 4061-95 8991-9721 2786-1296 157-2619 4025-73 8941-5218 9246-1243 9246-1190 8991-9851 Gallatin Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Butte GYV GYV GYV Gallatin Dillon Butte GYV Thompson Fls Missoula Gt Falls Lewistown Missoula Lewistown Gallatin GYV Lewistown Miles City Helena Miles City Lewistown Gt Falls Gallatin Miles City Miles City Lewistown GYV Havre Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Libby-Troy Gallatin GYV Gt Falls GYV Col Falls Mission Vly Gallatin Deer Lodge Rocky Mtn Frt Lewistown Lewistown Whitehall Col Falls Butte Lewistown GYV Daniels Helena Lewistown Gallatin Libby-Troy Mission Vly Livingston Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Whitefish GYV Bigfork Bigfork Miles City Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Missoula Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Thrush, Don E Thrush, Gay E Thueson, Emily J Thurman, Julie Ann Thurman, Richard C Thurnau, Ann V Thurnau, Ann V Thurnau, Norman Tibbetis, Judy Tibbits, Jeffrey K Tichenor, Carol Tiedje, Matthew Tielking-Medina, Dusty Tierney, Joan E Tietz, Elaine A Tigart, Carol J Tigart, Gwen A Tigart, Terry T Tihista, Rick Tilley, Richard L Tillo, Debra A Tillo, Mariah Tilson, Bob T Tilson, Donna L Tilton, Carla J Tilton, Daniel F Tilton, Mearle C Tilton, Sarah C Tilton, Tanner J Timmerman, Joseph Timmons, Chris L Timmons, Marilyn K Tinker, Chris A Tintinger, Dusty J Tipton, Virginia M Tish, Amanda L Tish, Maritza D Tix, Justin D Tjaden, Tami Toavs, Jana L Toavs, Jolene L Tobiness, Terry A Todd, Andrie A Todd, Brian Todd, Marissa J Todd, Vicki Todorov, Todor Toenyes, Jarret W Toenyes, John B Toepke, Lindsay J Tolliver, Christine J Tolliver, Pete C Tolzien, Kandi Tomaryn, Peter M Tomaryn, Victoria L Tomayer, Fay Tomayer,Kenneth Tomich, Matt J Tomich, Roy F Tomich, Rudy J Tomlinson, Trent B Tommerup, Brian Tommerup, Douglas Tommerup, Jill Tommerup, Riley Tomsich, Pauline Toney, Cathy E Tonkovich, Joshua M Tonkovich, Sasha L Tonn, Herb L Tonn, Kenneth E Tonnsen, Joseph F Toole, Terry M Toombs, Derek F Torgerson, Buzz J Torgerson, Irene Torgeson, Joseph M 160 119 117 124 168 172 171 164 123 176 112 176 126 141 124 134 105 147 184 182 133 113 140 113 118 159 202 114 173 155 151 114 147 169 155 166 152 149 148 125 122 170 183 177 107 127 135 146 163 136 111 118 87 166 114 157 172 160 155 151 166 168 176 111 161 119 161 144 117 153 151 163 107 131 164 131 104 48 90 87 96 90 78 81 78 78 45 57 87 21 80 87 84 21 84 54 75 30 69 54 39 69 69 49 57 81 81 84 72 70 96 33 69 93 93 24 90 69 72 21 18 42 78 96 57 63 69 99 96 87 81 53 54 57 87 60 97 78 81 75 33 44 36 94 57 57 27 42 63 84 81 78 81 87 4038-342 4068-953 1432-475 8285-1493 8184-125 10-1867836 4068-1880 1390-6719 8798-3677 8798-4215 4028-4557 1390-3891 8798-4107 8941-5124 4038-474 1390-1101 4068-1855 4068-2109 9211-2745 4056-3498 4028-6802 4028-6514 8991-9875 1425-183 8114-902 4061-21 4028-6851 1390-6891 8285-1741 8274-673 8274-672 1419-1528 1391-29 1419-273 1390-5845 1435-64 1435-44 1435-56 4068-1468 4056-3562 8991-9198 8991-9194 1392-401 1392-358 1390-7143 8378-2808 8798-4197 Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls Missoula Missoula Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Miles City Glendive Whitehall Glendive Helena Gt Falls Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Nashua GYV Helena Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Toole Cnty Missoula Col Falls Gt Falls GYV Glendive Missoula Missoula Gallatin Helena GYV GYV Gt Falls GYV Libby-Troy Bitterroot Libby-Troy Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Glendive GYV GYV Miles City Dillon Dillon Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Helena Helena Helena GYV Plentywood Plentywood Plentywood Plentywood Missoula Helena GYV GYV Gallatin Gallatin GYV Gt Falls Butte Whitefish Whitefish Helena 8/28/2010 Page 73 of 81 Torgeson, Roger M Torgison, Diana Torkelson, David P Torkelson, Rosemary J Tormaschy, David L Torney, Mark A Toshoff, Robert Touchette, Betty Tovson, Jon O Towner, Stacey C Townes, Charlene R Townsend, James R Townsley, Nina Townsley, William Tracy, Jess E Tracy, Tim M Travis, Zoe A Treat, Alice Tredik, Nancy E Treftz, Eugene E Tregidga, Bernadette T Tregidga, Everett L Treis, Martin P Treptow, Donna J Tresch, Earl E Tri, Kenneth K Tri, Thomas Tj J Trinastich, Robert C Triplett, Aline G Tripp, Angie C Tripp, Angie C Tripp, Brandon J Tripp, Jessica L Tripp, Laurie L Tripp, Leonard A Tritz, Ronald D Tritz, Sandy J Troglia, John J, Sr Trollope, Sharon F Tromp, Kayla L Tronson, Jacob S Tropila, Erin C Trower, Lee Ann Truchot, Alex J Trudell, Dennis Trudell, Robin True, Brad True, Sandra J Trueax, Clyde E Trueax, James A Trueblood, Darrell D. Trujillo, Ed J Trujillo, Judie D Trundle, Sylvia M Trussel, Dan L Trytten, Heidi M Tschetter, Burt L Tubb, Stan Tubb, Stan Tubbs, Brian R Tucker, Ann Tucker, Robin F Tuhy, Shane R Tuhy, Steve Tulles, Josh Tunison, Kerry Sr Tuomi, Jay A Turk, Eileen R Turman, John R Turnbull, Dorothy M Turner, Cindy K Turner, Danelle M Turner, Donna J Turner, Linda E Turner, Liz Turner, Nick A Turner, Richard R 122 137 184 109 159 214 144 123 156 118 118 199 114 137 201 124 144 100 126 135 153 151 136 143 138 143 143 111 148 143 137 141 126 169 182 162 135 170 125 133 167 110 116 183 184 174 117 136 142 137 182 154 133 125 149 122 180 177 177 155 121 168 143 118 137 173 139 125 185 128 145 172 133 83 138 176 185 69 59 69 45 96 84 39 99 78 51 30 87 24 75 96 66 69 74 81 99 102 105 39 87 84 36 33 96 84 81 75 47 45 63 84 45 90 84 69 18 21 21 24 52 81 90 33 21 81 42 78 69 72 69 66 66 75 84 81 39 78 81 54 33 81 87 37 66 18 54 69 72 60 78 90 75 116 8798-4164 4061-342 1390-2972 1395-276 4068-794 8114-931 4056-3663 1432-148 1405-319 1405-318 1395-1034 8991-9621 4029-909 4028-497 4068-2042 8991-9829 4034-376 1395-318 4028-2768 4068-352 4068-352 8941-4025 8941-5168 4034-425 8941-4636 1390-1529 4068-190 1395-279 8991-8628 6161-230 4041-108 1397-34 9246-1247 8114-879 1419-1496 9057-588 1425-93 1425-93 9211-3120 9368-822 1425-155 1432-235 4028-3426 4068-486 4028-373 8991-9899 1418-450 Helena Libby-Troy Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Anaconda Butte Missoula Gt Falls Bitterroot Helena Missoula Deer Lodge Deer Lodge Butte GYV Butte GYV Missoula GYV Butte Butte Gt Falls GYV Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Anaconda Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Butte Missoula GYV Missoula Butte GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Daniels Rocky Mtn Frt Glendive Glendive Libby-Troy Thompson Fls Bitterroot Gt Falls Whitefish Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Helena Mission Vly Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Gallatin Bigfork Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Libby-Troy Gt Falls Thompson Fls Missoula GYV Havre Bitterroot GYV GYV Glendive Havre Whitefish Montana Averages 2009-2010 Turner, Rick K Turner, Ron G Turner, Shane A Turner, Shari L Turner, Sherrie Turner, Tanya L Turner, Tanya L Turner, Terry D Turnquist, Terry Turnsplenty, Corinne K Turpin, Anthony C Turpin, Dolores P Turpin, Mike G Turpin, Robert J Turrin, John F Turton, Elizabeth Betsy I Turville, Steve A Tuss, Cameron L Tuss, Jay J Tuss, Steve D Tuss, Sylvia M Tutty, Tim J Tveit Jr, Larry J Tveit, Nolan Twedt, Dennis Twedt, Judy L Twedt, William Bill Twite, Cathy Twite, Lloyd A Tyler, Chad Uecker, Sharon L Ueland, Cheryl Ueland, Kirk Ueland, Laurie J Uhl, Carla Ulery, Rose A Ulishney, Jacki L Ulmer, Cheryl Ulrich, Ron Ulrickson, James Umbarger, Jeff B Umber, Jim W Undem, Connie M Undem, Jacqueline I Underwood, Eric S Underwood, Janell D Underwood, Justin M Underwood, Ronald L Underwood, Zachary J Updike, Anna M Urban, Leann S Urdahl, Larry Urick, Lisa R Urlacher, Drew M Vaage, Bruce K Vaala, Katelyn R Vaden, Cheryl L Vaile, Jim Vaile, Lanaya J Valach, James J Valdez, Kristie Valdez, Monty A Valencia, Cheyanne Mandi Valline, Doug W Valline, Tina Vamer, Alvina Van Dam, Travis L Van Horne, Candi L Van Maanen, Anthony A Van Vleet, Edgar F Van Wichen, Ray J Van Zonneveld, Lynne D Vanblaricom, Angela E Vanblaricom, Debbie A Vanck, Mike J Vancleave, Roger L Vandegenachte, Bob A 161 188 129 129 91 173 182 126 163 97 179 119 197 174 187 125 131 189 171 186 111 177 163 182 141 143 101 139 181 140 150 137 159 168 103 129 116 133 171 161 152 195 128 168 149 101 192 180 177 171 136 166 168 125 176 130 118 141 133 199 113 141 122 146 107 111 132 133 177 171 160 142 124 118 153 158 175 39 93 33 90 72 84 28 60 93 81 81 55 78 72 54 83 100 66 90 64 78 60 54 72 48 48 21 87 60 30 45 69 87 93 30 87 69 24 33 26 42 84 78 87 72 38 72 87 66 96 63 78 78 48 84 42 60 45 42 120 78 78 99 57 66 69 44 57 81 90 63 102 69 78 51 65 81 1418-19 8941-5207 4051-189 8184-174 1418-536 1430-205 4059-881 1431-62 4067-12 10-448957 1431-63 10-1874972 1410-91 1395-321 1386-58 4068-407 1432-226 8285-1765 4028-757 8285-879 8285-884 8991-9128 1432-6 1390-981 8941-5086 1432-150 9057-659 9057-578 9057-573 1425-133 8378-3777 1403-498 4040-209 1406-84 4028-6894 1418-544 9211-2945 4037-102 8096-495 2-6647 9211-3093 8274-808 1432-1036 1397-95 8274-748 4062-244 4062-345 1390-3087 Gt Falls Havre Missoula Bitterroot Whitehall Whitefish Whitefish Havre Miles City Laurel Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Glendive Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Ft Benton Gt Falls Anaconda Gt Falls Butte Glendive Glendive Miles City Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Missoula Miles City GYV Miles City Miles City Gt Falls Chinook Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Mission Vly Mission Vly Gt Falls Mission Vly Gt Falls Anaconda Libby-Troy Gt Falls Glendive Glendive Butte Gt Falls Glacier Glacier Dillon GYV Havre Gallatin Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Miles City Gallatin Dillon Missoula Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Dillon Livingston Livingston Lewistown Anaconda GYV 8/28/2010 Page 74 of 81 Vandehey, Jim Vandenberg, Aaron K Vandenberg, Dennis L Vandenburgh, Amy R Vandercook, Patti L Vandercook, Terry D Vanderloos, Joe R Vandersloot, Alyssa M Vandevanter, Ron Vandusen, Deniece M Vandwaye, Douglas S Vandyken, L. Adele Vandyken, Vince D Vanengen, Miva Vaneps, Alanna M Vaneps, Roger A Vanhaur, William A Vanheel, Max J Vanhoozen, Maryellen Vanhoy, Jason M Vanhoy, Rhonda R Vanluchene, Casie Vanmaanen, Rekka I Vanmeel, Brittany M Vanmeel, Marvin F Vanmeel, Paula K Vanmil, Lois L Vannatta, Tandi Vanscoik, Rich Vansetten, Keith L Vareberg, Sharon L Varmer, Debbi Varner, Louise Varner, Rosanne Vaskey, Kim M Vaughan, Brenda M Vaughn, Amanda Vaughn, Jack Vaughn, Sherryl Vaught, Marilyn W Veach, Debby A Veach, Jimmy L Veatch, Larry V Vee, Douglas T Veis, Rick G Velk, Pete A Velk, Victor Veltkamp, Katherine A Veltkamp, Stanley N Veltkamp, Steve M Venable, Jill Venable, Ryan T Vennes, Lindsay M Verbeck, Jon P, Jr Verhaar, Theresa R Verlanic, Loren E Vermillion, Jackie L Vermillion, Jay B Vernon, Dawn R Vernon, Kevin W Vernon, Steven E Vernoy, Merle Lee L Verrall, Brody J Verworn, Terry P Vester, Tige Vetch, David Vetch, Kay F Vetos, Linette Vetos, Paul Vetos, Ryan P Vetsch, Lanae Vetter, Greg R Vetter, Shawn Vetter, Tyler L Vetter, Yvonne L Vezey, Gaye Viall, Josh J 145 144 174 147 161 187 178 77 217 147 134 150 209 97 109 147 116 143 107 142 138 119 170 102 179 159 145 129 203 221 147 121 144 157 119 107 131 137 157 136 123 135 170 173 177 131 158 140 184 171 115 146 133 131 125 129 131 150 175 154 198 148 149 152 154 175 131 123 191 207 152 132 197 100 119 119 190 54 72 66 77 93 93 63 72 88 51 27 48 78 63 75 78 39 81 96 69 84 80 72 80 87 69 87 57 84 72 99 60 84 78 45 78 54 48 54 72 69 75 69 96 90 54 24 87 96 99 45 45 75 48 51 72 93 84 63 84 69 72 99 57 72 96 78 87 84 36 63 90 78 39 81 72 99 8941-3977 1394-139 9211-2981 4028-5378 1423-288 1390-3993 8710-1169 4032-3 8798-4287 4060-414 1392-80 8941-5173 8941-5060 8941-5061 4029-997 8941-4012 4068-2118 1397-100 4068-815 8285-1747 4025-41 4025-40 4029-842 8115-909 1419-167 4056-892 1390-1752 1390-7067 1418-554 1418-196 4029-814 1392-405 1392-750 8991-9789 8991-9790 8798-4212 8991-8504 4028-7248 8991-8662 8378-3674 4051-131 1390-1550 4028-305 4068-510 1432-98 1432-946 4056-1104 1392-603 4028-3791 Missoula Glacier Gt Falls Gallatin GYV GYV GYV Laurel Whitefish Helena Helena Gallatin Gallatin Missoula Missoula Missoula Lewistown Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gallatin Missoula Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Missoula Plentywood Glendive Rocky Mtn Frt Missoula Miles City Miles City Miles City Gallatin Livingston Havre Helena Helena Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Gt Falls GYV GYV Havre Havre Gallatin Gallatin Gallatin GYV GYV Helena GYV Gt Falls Anaconda GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Bitterroot Glendive GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Missoula Helena Gt Falls Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Glendive Montana Averages 2009-2010 Vickhammer, Henriette Vickrey, Brian L Victory, Ulrike Vielleux, Jared R Vigurs, Kathy A Villett, Lloyd L Vimpany, Lavonne A Vimpany, Richard L Vincent, Jim Vincent, Judy M Vincent, Kathleen Kat M Vincent, Sandy L Vinion, Richelle Vinner, Holly L Vinner, Mark K Vinson, Patricia B Virnig, Jackie D Visser, Karla J Visser, Melvin J Visser, Norma J Visser, Terry L Viste, Bill Viste, Rick Voeller, Chris M Voeller, Fern J Voeller, Raymond G Vogel, Dennis G Vogel, Donna Vogel, John J Vogel, Judith A Vogel, Lorraine E Vogel, Marlene Vogl, Ed Vogl, Lynn A Vojacek, Chris Vojacek, Jenny L Volk, Kenny A Volk, Steve M Volkenand, Donald Volkenand, Julie Voll, Sonya A Vollin, Daniel Vollmers, Eileen J Volmer, Robert O Vook, Cindy A Voorhies, Cory Vosberg, Gerald H Voss, Jesse D Voss, Joanne G Voss, Lisa M Vought, Steven H Vowell, Lewis E Vucovich, Mark Vukasin, Al J Vukasin, Cindy M Vukasin, Dorothy V Vukasin, Hillary J Vukasin, Holly Vukasin, Jim R Vukasin, Ruth Vukasin, Steve J Vukonich, Benjamin J Vukonich, James P Vukonich, Merrylee J Vukonich, Robin L Waarvik, Lincoln O Wabeke, Jeff D Wacholtz, Dorothy F Wacholtz, Jeff G Wacholtz, Jesse A Wachtman, Ron G Waddell, Mark Wade, Chad Wade, Sarah A Wade, Sarah A Wadman, Roxanne Wadsworth, Dan L 117 163 106 175 162 118 128 156 167 121 133 141 115 159 203 122 146 165 173 145 166 173 165 131 117 153 141 151 118 143 120 132 149 133 114 133 196 211 189 104 98 133 130 136 154 152 140 148 145 169 125 154 150 154 165 137 176 168 169 150 185 166 177 110 126 153 209 122 167 162 135 199 161 158 157 130 190 36 72 84 63 81 51 83 87 84 90 87 84 70 48 57 75 36 96 102 66 84 78 69 54 93 84 93 93 78 79 93 60 49 90 21 27 87 81 27 60 27 75 87 45 60 27 72 75 87 84 81 24 33 36 42 81 60 21 81 45 60 93 60 81 69 78 84 72 75 75 54 83 81 99 90 33 65 8941-4789 8114-813 1405-314 8974-341 4034-2 8941-5226 4056-3169 1419-1126 8798-3774 4029-1002 8798-3773 9246-811 4028-2748 1390-1580 4029-837 1428-66 4059-198 4028-1249 4056-2323 1390-6359 4059-259 1425-62 4061-274 8115-1193 9368-994 8941-3938 1423-313 4034-434 9246-1224 4034-59 8115-1147 8991-8563 4078-64 1419-657 1390-1655 8710-908 1390-2711 1392-328 4068-182 1432-253 6161-301 8941-5220 1430-2 8941-4790 8941-4790 1431-41 Missoula Bitterroot Deer Lodge Ft Benton Butte Missoula Helena Helena Helena Livingston Gt Falls Helena Libby-Troy GYV GYV Thompson Fls Whitefish Gallatin Gallatin Whitefish Laurel Nashua Nashua GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena GYV Gt Falls Laurel Plentywood Lewistown Lewistown Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Livingston Bigfork Missoula Laurel Butte Libby-Troy Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte Gt Falls Livingston GYV Anaconda Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Havre Gt Falls Helena GYV Laurel Whitefish GYV Gallatin Missoula Missoula Missoula Missoula Miles City Col Falls Missoula Missoula Whitefish Mission Vly 8/28/2010 Page 75 of 81 Wadsworth, Danella R Wadsworth, Trevor A Wagenman, Tammy M Wages, Fay L Wages, Leissa K Wagner, Andrew A Wagner, Corey R Wagner, Corey R Wagner, Dawn M Wagner, Donarae Wagner, Gregg J Wagner, Irene Wagner, Jerry W Wagner, Linda Wagner, Marylynn Wagner, Steve D Wagner, Tricia M Wahl, Cal Wahl, Craig E Wahl, Marisa F Wahl, Terry R Waites, Jennifer Wald, Matt J Walden, David G Waldo, John D Waldusky, Barry Walker, Anna K Walker, Bruce A Walker, Bryan Walker, Cathie R Walker, Cliff Walker, Don Walker, Eileen M Walker, Jeremiah Walker, Justin G Walker, Lavelle M Walker, Michael Walker, Michael L Walker, Nicole Walker, Pamela J Walker, Shanna Walker, Shannon R Walker, Tawnia Walker, Tracie L Walks Over Ice, Calvin B Walks Over Ice, Mary Walks, Laura L Wall, Carole C Wall, Desiree Wall, Edward C Wall, Jim Wallace, Dana Wallace, Don Wallace, Roxana Waller Anita Waller, Danielle Waller, Terri R Wallette Kaci Wallewein, David Wallewein, Luanne Wallewein, Shelly Wallila, Sarah A Walsh, Chester Walsh, Chris T Walsh, Debbie L Walsh, Gina M Walsh, John P Walsh, Julie A Walsh, Marie O Walsh, Nick J Waltari (White), Terri R Waltari, George Butch L Waltari, Isaac M Walter, Beth M Walter, Joey R Walter, Lorinda M Walters, Clarene K 138 182 125 118 114 194 219 218 113 114 187 138 191 115 125 133 141 136 126 134 198 118 170 187 112 169 120 164 195 118 198 181 118 156 158 116 203 172 91 125 149 128 124 147 170 127 88 145 119 165 160 134 171 140 105 121 104 110 173 150 120 144 145 168 119 117 172 115 149 133 174 158 192 118 107 120 123 70 21 81 30 108 78 21 132 81 66 74 60 60 66 84 69 24 74 30 48 81 27 42 33 48 48 87 68 84 42 33 78 45 51 64 84 90 48 30 78 91 69 46 66 57 42 24 76 33 75 81 105 74 84 30 24 24 71 81 51 21 48 36 27 57 74 75 84 78 51 84 27 39 96 39 54 72 9057-559 9057-560 8991-9215 4068-16 4068-1928 1390-7200 10-1199054 8184-135 8941-4756 8184-119 4059-370 1395-1249 4059-859 1390-4272 8991-9930 1432-227 8798-4283 8941-3936 1392-515 8991-9908 1410-164 1425-58 8941-5087 1432-648 1425-59 8378-3113 9211-2946 8114-741 4051-519 160-12678 4059-923 4066-57 10-1294085 8798-3995 4068-1682 1390-4656 4028-5226 8991-9662 2-11884 4041-109 1395-284 4061-53 1425-291 1405-117 9368-1037 8378-3848 4059-823 1390-7101 8991-9809 1395-1189 8378-3829 8991-9808 8172-751 4038-424 8991-7958 Mission Vly Mission Vly GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Whitefish Whitefish Gallatin Whitehall Missoula Havre Gt Falls Whitehall Laurel Butte Laurel GYV GYV Glendive Missoula Helena Missoula Gallatin GYV Col Falls Anaconda Ft Benton Libby-Troy Missoula Missoula Libby-Troy Butte Gallatin Bitterroot Bitterroot Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Miles City Ft Benton Helena Butte GYV GYV GYV Missoula Daniels Thompson Fls Butte Libby-Troy Libby-Troy Deer Lodge Plentywood Bigfork Butte Harlem Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Laurel Plentywood GYV Gt Falls GYV Butte Butte Gt Falls GYV Lewistown Gt Falls Lewistown Gt Falls Glacier Col Falls GYV Montana Averages 2009-2010 Walters, Connie Walters, Randy L Walters, Richard A Walton, Karen L Walton, Susan Waltz, Chad A Wandke, Betty R Wang, John B Wang, Tressa Wanner, Arlene S Wanner, Drew Wanner, Drew R Wanner, Garn J Wanner, Kathryn L Waples, Joshua J Waranauskas, Brian R Warburton, Rick R Ward, Alexis N Ward, Anita R Ward, Ben Ward, Chris C Ward, Christopher P Ward, Cody S Ward, Cyndi M Ward, Douglas W Ward, Ginger L Ward, Jeanni E Ward, Jeremy Ward, Karen C Ward, Nikkole T Ward, Ralph Ward, Robert D Ward, Steve Ward, Theresa M Wardell, Dustin C Wardell, Melvin Mel L Warden, Timothy S Wareham, Albert J Warehime, Anne M Warehime, Betty Rae C Warehime, Billy J Warehime, Elaine M Warehime, Gene R Warehime, Levi G Warehime, Lorraine J Warehime, Robert L Warehime, Robert L Warneke, Linda Warnell, Yuki Warner, Don Warner, Jesse Warner, Kristina S Warren, Julia Warren, Linda K Warren, Wendy Warthen, Eva J Wartnow, Robert J Wartnow, Ronnda M Washman, Flo Washman, Ken C Wasikski, Greg M Wasinger, Ed Wasinger, Shirley Wasser, Janice Wassmann, Kimberly Watkins, Betsy Watkins, Darren M Watkins, James A Watmough, Ryan D Watmough, Vicki L Watson, Amber L Watson, Cletius K Watson, Danielle L Watson, Deborah S Watson, Delbert J Watson, Dianne Watson, Doc A 136 192 152 132 112 168 116 146 135 132 160 183 158 152 181 185 181 100 76 136 123 160 139 107 159 163 154 134 119 161 140 146 178 124 205 167 201 145 113 138 187 138 149 203 165 159 177 129 112 174 199 118 112 149 148 111 196 180 134 145 184 147 146 127 105 112 144 184 173 151 186 114 141 144 178 149 147 60 96 84 87 33 84 78 48 60 57 72 87 69 86 75 21 45 57 38 51 90 75 42 22 95 48 72 36 45 96 54 41 57 96 84 79 63 70 54 57 24 72 78 28 78 54 63 84 45 72 93 75 57 42 90 95 57 21 87 90 78 96 93 36 87 45 30 81 105 92 21 42 74 81 78 78 90 4028-3758 1810-118 8991-9612 8991-8243 1432-464 1419-1194 9211-3096 4029-238 9211-3024 9211-3077 1392-565 8184-176 8172-900 4029-704 1432-312 1392-498 1425-18 1392-330 1390-1731 1397-17 4037-77 1413-2914 4037-56 1397-36 9246-1253 1430-10 1430-106 8941-4331 4041-95 4028-5323 4068-521 286-818 8941-5174 1432-74 4068-1528 8320-199 8114-655 9211-3133 1406-3 1395-1270 4034-530 8941-4745 4062-238 4028-6147 1390-5202 8115-1139 GYV Laurel Gt Falls GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Plentywood Glendive Glendive Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Gallatin Lewistown Gallatin Whitefish Thompson Fls Gallatin Gallatin Thompson Fls Whitefish Whitehall Glacier Gallatin Missoula Gallatin Libby-Troy Lewistown Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Gt Falls Rocky Mtn Frt Havre Libby-Troy Miles City Miles City Missoula Daniels Gt Falls GYV Missoula Whitefish Whitefish Havre Havre Missoula Missoula Missoula Daniels Havre Bitterroot Gallatin Dillon Butte Butte Whitefish Missoula Livingston GYV GYV Havre Livingston 8/28/2010 Page 76 of 81 Watson, Donna Watson, Doug H Watson, Jerry W Watson, K.C., Iii Watson, Kimberly A Watson, Latimer B Watson, Laverne Watson, Lisa Watson, Martha Watson, Shawn R Watson, William R Watt, Randy E Watters, David E Wattles, Danelle S Wattles, Jeremy S Wattles, Josh M Watts, Blayne Watts, Dotty L Watts, Herbert G Watts, Julie K Watts, Ron Watts, Ryan Watts-Gaydos, Debbie Weagel, Dottie A Weasel Bernadette Weathers, Sara L Weatherston, Sheila A Weaver, Brian R Weaver, Don Weaver, Donna L Weaver, Gloria J Weaver, Hank Weaver, Lynn R Weaver, Marci L Webb, Donna R Webb, Kay T Webb, Kelly S Webber, Bill L Webber, Chip C Weber, Carolyn G Weber, John O Weber, Joseph Weber, Lynne M Weber, Martin B Weber, Matthew R Weber, Matthew R Weber, Michael W Weber, Norbert J Weber, Pamela K Weber, Robert F Weber, Robin A Weber, Ronald C, Jr Weber, Ronald G, Sr Weber, Tim L Webster, B. J Webster, Dorothy L Webster, Jamie L Webster, Renee Weckworth, Vance R Wedel, Jim E, Jr Wedemeyer, Aisha Wedemeyer, Brian Wedemeyer, Carla Wedemeyer, Dan Wedemeyer, Lance Wedlake, Joseph E Weed, Cindy M Weed, Kenneth (Skip) J Weed, Ron A Weeks, Lynne C Weeks, Paul W Weeks, Stacy J Wegner, Duwayne K Wegner, Rodney W Weiand, Heather A Weidenkeller, Bob Weidenkeller, Dustin L 122 161 196 R 174 134 164 153 108 154 172 164 175 192 133 179 135 174 135 155 142 172 187 148 122 143 207 166 177 142 116 103 147 150 93 112 124 115 171 161 123 149 202 126 152 187 168s 188 214 152 185 147 178 138 192 163 130 177 137 185 149 124 158 147 163 163 123 137 177 177 137 158 130 156 166 116 191 172 24 75 33 81 66 84 81 24 78 24 84 27 96 78 81 81 72 75 36 48 87 75 48 69 58 93 87 18 78 87 36 90 73 36 63 75 45 30 60 84 60 102 63 99 108 68 93 128 65 84 78 75 33 72 75 36 47 69 21 99 81 78 45 72 84 57 93 75 33 69 90 69 51 72 21 87 83 4061-85 1418-184 1390-3347 4028-5612 9211-2849 1403-4 8285-1404 4056-2069 1426-230 1390-1751 1390-1616 3190-3719 8991-9862 1390-3757 1432-1345 1390-7116 8115-649 1392-1122 1430-23 1430-208 4028-1102 8941-4992 4068-719 1432-1473 1403-114 4028-1009 4040-135 8172-891 8172-892 9211-3011 8710-1121 8941-5267 1390-1065 8991-8455 8991-8456 8991-9652 6161-76 6161-76 1390-4791 4068-315 1432-276 8941-5112 1419-338 1419-354 1432-151 4067-16 4067-43 4029-31 4083-7 9211-2778 4025-212 1386-130 4025-30 1386-180 1386-129 1395-287 4028-1428 1390-3853 1390-3851 8991-9740 9211-3025 1390-4478 1432-228 8991-8737 8114-801 8114-826 Libby-Troy Havre GYV Gt Falls GYV Gallatin Glacier Miles City Helena Livingston GYV GYV GYV GYV GYV Missoula Miles City Gallatin Gallatin Thompson Fls Miles City Miles City Thompson Fls GYV Harlem Missoula Missoula Missoula Glacier GYV Glacier Glacier Glacier Gallatin Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Missoula GYV Gt Falls GYV Anaconda GYV GYV Missoula Missoula GYV Anaconda Missoula Missoula Missoula Helena Helena Missoula Mission Vly Mission Vly Gallatin Whitehall Gt Falls Gallatin Miles City Miles City Miles City Miles City Miles City Butte GYV GYV GYV Gt Falls GYV Gallatin GYV Missoula GYV Bitterroot Bitterroot Montana Averages 2009-2010 Weidinger, Mary Ann Weidler, Mike G Weidler, Renita R Weidner, Albert Weidner, Eugene Weidner, Gerald Weigum, Barbara L Weigum, Mel W Weikel, Susan E Weimer, Angela M Weimer, Candice L Weimer, Chad F Weimer, Pete L Weinand, Debbie J Weingart, Ty R Weis, Aaron H Weis, Aaron H, Jr Weis, Bryan S Weisgerber, Justin Weisgerber, Peggy A Weist, Ginger Weisweaver, Jeff D Weivoda, Carolyn L Welborn, Eva Welborn, Teri L Welch, David G Welch, Gina M Welch, Ken C Welch, Linda L Welch, Mary A Welchlin, Stacy Welker, Jake A Welker, Justine M Welker, Wade Wellnitz, Marian Wells, Alison K Wells, Chad E Wells, Shawn A Welsh, Jordan Welter, Alli M Welter, Byron T Welter, Kevin R Welter, Scott C Wendt, Wayne R Wendt, Wendy Wenger, Gary L Wenger, Janet Wenger, Rob A Weninger, Beth E Weninger, Gordon N Wentzlaff, Toby Wenzel, Chet P Werk Monty Wermers, Denise R Wermers, Zach W Werner, Tara Wertheimer, Wendy Wesler, Sue K Wesley, David L Wessel, Jeffrey A Wesselmann, Rodney J West, Adam J West, Beverly A West, Dave West, Jesse T West, Melissa S West, Nate E West, Randy J West, Robert R West, Shad L West, Tina Westberg, Steve A Wester, Irma E Wester, Milt E Westmoreland, Ellie Weston, Delores A Weston, Rick M 132 156 139 170 158 176 105 157 145 166 152 198 190 110 163 155 187 187 148 118 134 161 168 128 152 168 86 152 127 134 111 182 136 152 145 148 190 193 178 135 174 134 158 146 111 156 126 215 125 164 177 180 138 185 190 134 81 115 159 124 164 180 111 142 202 168 172 188 182 131 117 206 157 157 161 149 175 56 75 63 63 90 84 72 72 84 72 81 64 84 75 33 87 84 75 90 81 72 87 62 93 96 87 30 93 52 84 42 33 66 47 90 24 56 112 93 93 51 90 87 90 84 99 66 42 39 51 48 69 75 93 21 74 54 84 78 39 72 54 84 63 90 90 33 45 81 72 75 116 96 51 21 87 78 4083-41 1423-120 4059-736 4029-57 1428-15 4028-6960 4067-154 4067-76 1431-144 1422-411 4028-5552 9057-685 1390-4137 1390-3631 8710-922 8115-630 8115-1014 4037-198 8114-823 4067-131 8274-750 4028-1399 1390-4584 1390-7254 4028-1148 4032-27 8320-236 1431-111 4067-187 4066-101 8991-8715 1432-683 1432-684 6136-419 8941-3917 1418-399 8941-3918 1390-7242 1395-291 1131-3589 8114-743 4029-7 6145-189 8798-4178 4062-306 8378-3828 9211-2815 4028-2433 4038-399 1390-5064 1390-4427 8378-3775 8798-4222 1405-292 1390-1815 4068-368 1423-105 4056-543 4068-44 11-1380 Whitehall Laurel GYV Glendive Glendive Glendive Gallatin Gallatin Helena Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly Mission Vly GYV Mission Vly GYV GYV Laurel Livingston Livingston Rocky Mtn Frt Bitterroot Mission Vly Dillon GYV GYV Lewistown GYV GYV Helena Daniels Mission Vly Mission Vly Toole Cnty Miles City GYV Missoula Missoula Butte GYV Havre GYV GYV Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Gt Falls Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Bigfork Missoula Harlem Gallatin Gallatin Helena Havre Livingston Whitefish Butte Lewistown Gallatin GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Col Falls GYV GYV Butte Helena Deer Lodge GYV Missoula Laurel Helena Missoula Helena 8/28/2010 Page 77 of 81 Weston, Tiffany Weston, William D Wethem, Lindsey L Wetsch, Arno P Wetsch, Susan J Wetz, Annette Wetzel, Kimi A Wetzel, Nicholas E Wetzsteon, Lonnie E Weyrauch, Arlene K Whale, Laura Whalen, Gladys Whalen, Karen Whalen, Patrick J Wham, Dennis L Wham, Diana C Wham, Howard Tony A Wheat, David R Wheat, Joyce Wheat, Wane Wheatley, James C Wheatley, Kyle A Wheatley, Lee A Wheatley, Lisa M Wheatley, Lisa M Wheatley, Thomas L Wheeler, Gaye Wheeler, Jacob Wheeler, Marcell A Wheeler, Peggy S Wheeler, Sheila A Whelan, John W Whetham, Jim Whetham, Karla Whetham, Krystal A Whetham, Roberta Whinnery, Marvin Whisenhunt, Cindy L Whitaker, Alissa Whitaker, Ashley R Whitaker, Brianna Whitaker, Donnie Whitaker, Henry W Whitaker, John D Whitaker, Judy D Whitaker, Nancy Whitaker, Ty Whitcomb, Russ L Whitcraft, Jeff White, Ben Sr. White, Carol A White, Cheryl (Charli) L White, Corey D White, Dale White, Don S White, Donald R White, Ed White, Jamie White, Jeremy L White, Jodean White, Kevin G White, Levi T White, Mary Ann White, Norma White, Perrie White, Sharon White, Sherrell Whiteford, Mike Whiteman, Shane H Whitfield, Florence L Whitfield, Jeremy R Whitford, Ryan L Whitlow, Matthew H Whitmer, Gary L Whitney, Jason W Whitney, Jeff Whitson, Jace 133 172 99 165 149 134 122 133 200 160 178 124 148 149 172 133 154 188 160 151 204 194 134 139 134 164 120 149 137 107 108 166 164 116 140 107 140 152 138 142 130 142 154 196 156 132 167 162 144 164 110 187 117 167 209 176 160 184 131 113 166 134 114 135 120 115 150 162 136 126 157 136 153 155 136 174 183 27 75 36 69 51 90 27 48 84 66 27 57 93 60 81 84 84 87 93 87 83 30 81 75 60 48 61 81 72 72 87 39 63 63 51 63 96 57 87 35 21 51 48 112 45 84 84 57 78 84 69 30 81 69 21 51 96 90 84 90 86 57 88 75 30 45 90 90 33 69 63 84 78 78 42 81 87 4056-2493 1432-558 1390-1730 4028-680 8991-9798 9211-3113 1414-15 4056-1930 4034-475 4024-412 1390-7182 8710-1067 4059-133 1423-17 1419-187 4056-316 1419-340 1432-152 4028-5483 4068-1030 4068-1030 8941-4559 4067-45 8285-1622 9057-640 4067-275 8941-4013 1395-293 4028-5790 1390-6510 4028-2785 10-1971112 1419-1445 8798-4152 4056-2070 1419-188 1438-99 4077-4 4024-75 1405-4 1419-470 1425-94 4068-2456 9057-631 1430-98 9211-2457 8285-1486 1392-519 1390-7232 4068-403 4034-364 4056-122 4042-11 4061-174 8115-1148 8991-9211 8991-9696 8285-1346 1432-337 Helena Missoula Gt Falls GYV GYV Glendive GYV Gallatin Missoula Whitefish Helena Butte Bigfork GYV Laurel Laurel Laurel Helena Helena Helena Missoula Gt Falls GYV Missoula Missoula Missoula Mission Vly Miles City Mission Vly Mission Vly Missoula Butte Gt Falls Big Sandy GYV Big Sandy GYV GYV Deer Lodge Helena Helena Helena Helena GYV GYV Bigfork Deer Lodge Helena Lewistown Libby-Troy Missoula Gt Falls Mission Vly Toole Cnty Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Miles City Gallatin Miles City Gallatin GYV Missoula Butte Helena Deer Lodge Libby-Troy Gt Falls Lewistown Lewistown Gt Falls Livingston GYV Glendive GYV Miles City Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Whitson, Jace Whitson, Walter Bruce B Whitt, Dave Whittenburg, Dan Whittington, C. Lynn Whitworth, Charmain T Wichman, Philip A Wickens, James L Wickham, Keith W Widdicombe, Donald D Widdicombe, Jeanne Widenhofer, Raymond A Widmar, Dawna Wiedenmeyer, Roy Wieder, Randy L Wiederrick Ken Wiedrick, Donna Wiegand, Casey Wiegand, William, Jr Wiegele, Dagmar R Wielgosh, Eldon H Wiench, Nancy L Wierda, Ali I Wierda, Jamee D Wiese, Angela M Wiesner, Simon D Wiest, Scott B Wigen, Mark Wiggins, Luke W Wilber, Diana L Wilcox, Debbie L Wilcox, Evon Wild, Randy R Wildes, Alex Wildman, Clint E Wildman, Leslie Wiles, Joann R Wiley, Bette Wiley, Todd P Wilhelm, Gayle P Wilken, Erin Wilken, Gary Wilkerson, Daniel L Wilkerson, Ed Wilkerson, Jackson E Wilkerson, Lois-Elaine Wilkerson, Thomas L, Jr Wilkes, Michael C Wilkins, Brian J Wilkins, Kitrina Wilkins, Rick G Wilkinson, Dave R Wilkinson, Elaine Wilkinson, Elaine M Wilkinson, Timothy L Willems, Carol I Willems, Doug J Willems, Thelma Y Willett, Dawn M Willett, James M Willey, Mel R Willey, Ruby L Williams, Bev J Williams, Brain Williams, Carla G Williams, Chris A Williams, Clifton C Williams, Constance D Williams, Crystal N Williams, Eric Williams, Fred J Williams, Fred N Williams, Jan Williams, Jean Williams, Jeffrey A Williams, Joleen Williams, Jonathan 182 176 147 172 144 144 126 148 172 163 136 128 123 130 207 160 154 116 137 125 136 133 149 158 113 136 182 174 123 144 169 147 151 97 135 108 122 100 132 126 164 176 192 154 158 106 116 157 171 132 188 201 162 171 196 120 184 152 158 151 187 169 140 167 144 181 151 107 158 163 206 181 127 139 213 135 112 87 96 42 72 48 81 93 63 90 27 57 51 87 81 78 24 60 60 66 75 87 72 84 71 51 66 81 78 63 36 21 96 81 27 27 36 78 63 45 21 96 60 96 45 96 96 57 83 78 66 74 69 66 96 69 57 78 93 21 27 30 24 78 87 81 63 84 69 93 93 36 66 84 78 87 66 27 1432-337 459-31 4028-275 1424-30 1390-1630 4028-861 1390-1064 8941-5062 1432-154 4028-1485 1419-1636 4029-964 4029-965 8710-1142 1432-1177 8274-823 8941-4148 4066-88 1392-485 1390-1502 8991-9681 4059-270 8798-4009 9057-621 4024-40 1387-137 8991-9697 1390-6272 8115-1177 1392-696 8378-3175 8378-3116 1392-335 1390-962 4083-3 4083-3 1432-412 4028-3397 1390-2784 4056-929 4028-4257 1390-3632 4068-1144 1425-423 8115-867 1419-1129 8991-8692 8991-9031 1390-2050 2319-302 4061-122 4028-891 1392-93 8285-1726 Missoula Missoula Toole Cnty Thompson Fls GYV Whitefish Lewistown Gt Falls Missoula GYV GYV GYV Toole Cnty Missoula Missoula Harlem GYV Chinook Helena Thompson Fls Glendive Gt Falls Gallatin Gallatin Lewistown Laurel Missoula Toole Cnty Dillon Lewistown Missoula Miles City Gallatin Col Falls GYV GYV Glendive Laurel Helena Mission Vly Bigfork Bigfork Gt Falls GYV GYV Gt Falls Livingston Gallatin Butte Butte Gallatin GYV Whitehall Butte Missoula GYV GYV Helena GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Libby-Troy Livingston Helena Whitefish Gt Falls GYV GYV GYV Missoula Libby-Troy GYV Gallatin Big Sandy Miles City 8/28/2010 Page 78 of 81 Williams, Kendra K Williams, Kim A Williams, Kyle R Williams, Loy R Williams, Mark P Williams, Mary A Williams, Michael S Williams, Mira D Williams, Nichole, L Williams, Pat Williams, Patty Williams, Rebecca S Williams, Richard W Williams, Robert L Williams, Ryan J Williams, Siobhan C Williams, Spencer Williams, Steve E Williams, Steven R Williams, Travis K Williams, Trevor J Williamson, David A, Jr Williamson, Linda K Williamson, Mariana Williamson, Marilyn Williamson, Staci B Williamson, Terry L Willis, Chris G Willis, Clifford E Willis, Donna M Willis, Jessica Willits, Gary A Willits, Sharon A Willkom, Dick G Willoughby, Deanne M Willoughby-Scott, Tamara L Wills, Brandon Wills, Brandon E Wills, Sherry Wills, Sherry K Willson, Andy N Willson, Jack Willson, Linda R Willson, Tom D Willyerd, James E Wilondek, Micheal Wilson, Aaron J Wilson, Aaron R Wilson, Arla G Wilson, Becky Wilson, Brandon Wilson, Brandy J Wilson, Candice M Wilson, Christy Wilson, Diane L Wilson, Helen A Wilson, James D Wilson, Jeanne B Wilson, Jeffrey M Wilson, Judy E Wilson, Julius A Wilson, Kay Wilson, Keith H Wilson, Kristi Wilson, Laura H Wilson, Leigh Ann Wilson, Myron L Wilson, Ray R Wilson, Tim S Wilson, Todd Wilson, Tyler Wilson, Tyrel G Wimmer, Becky Wimmer, Chuck A Winans Bert Winchell, Betty S Winchell, Cyndie L 116 140 173 149 129 136 145 189 103 141 107 131 189 160 192 98 164 160 172 178 185 133 143 123 109 193 150 162 165 140 132 182 137 159 139 116 185 200 147 151 164 192 152 208 164 187 192 135 161 149 154 100 117 90 157 128 164 103 158 120 168 132 181 110 130 131 168 188 146 155 113 116 120 164 124 145 103 66 87 71 78 93 102 33 87 78 42 60 42 57 72 99 72 63 60 96 75 84 87 99 87 27 119 72 63 96 87 90 27 81 90 27 87 36 72 84 54 64 72 72 72 69 72 27 24 60 33 66 102 36 36 66 93 24 75 78 51 72 78 81 35 78 51 81 81 54 120 36 54 51 72 33 81 63 8114-909 4068-592 9211-3056 8798-3438 4068-2093 8941-4218 4029-150 8991-8711 8941-5169 1392-486 8991-7768 8941-5153 8941-5154 1390-1437 1432-1329 6161-222 4034-161 8991-9854 8710-1144 1432-1125 4028-594 4034-712 1390-3020 4028-7226 8378-3594 1414-669 1414-669 4051-329 4051-329 1390-6215 1410-93 4047-36 1410-202 1426-88 1414-802 8991-7828 4038-291 9211-2724 9211-3092 8285-1753 4028-3259 4062-58 8710-1238 1423-83 4051-302 1419-1025 4028-985 8184-122 4028-2093 1390-1562 1432-446 1397-68 1390-3904 8798-3925 1418-330 4068-255 8941-5155 Bitterroot Missoula Gallatin Thompson Fls Helena Missoula Missoula Gallatin Gt Falls GYV Gt Falls Missoula Gallatin Gt Falls GYV Missoula Gt Falls Missoula GYV Missoula Missoula Gt Falls Butte GYV Havre Whitefish Gt Falls Laurel Missoula GYV Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV GYV Butte Bitterroot Missoula Bitterroot Missoula GYV Ft Benton Ft Benton Ft Benton Livingston Glendive Missoula GYV Col Falls Anaconda Gallatin Anaconda Gallatin Miles City GYV Livingston Laurel Gt Falls Laurel Bitterroot Helena GYV Anaconda Whitehall GYV Plentywood GYV Missoula Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Lewistown Helena Havre Havre Harlem Missoula Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Winchell, Dale R Winchell, Gary V Winckler, John L Wind, Dennis L Windbigler, Jim Windecker, Neill J Windhorst, Bruce Windmueller, John C Winfrey, Aaron K Wingard, Cayle Wingard, Donna J Wingard, Mike L Wingerter, Ron M Wingerter, Vern Wingo, Joey D Winn, Charles Chuck E Winn, Marsha L Winnick, Linda M Winslow, David B Winslow, Jeff W Winslow, Steven A Winsor, Corey E Winsor, Sandra I Winston, John Winter, Craig Winterrowd, Roger G Winters, Joan E Winters, Joe Winters, Staci J Wintrode, Jason J Wintrow, Angela S Wippert, Deb Wippert, Shannon M Wirrell, Gary J Wirrell, Vicki A Wirt, Sheila Wirth, Lisa Wirtz, Denise Wirtzberger, Dora Wise, Barbara J Wise, Diane M Wise, John R Wiseman, Marcella M Wisner, Shirley M Witchen, Mike Witschen, Bonnie K Witt, David Witt, Jeri L Wittmier, Janet M Witzel, Betty E Witzel, Deanna K Wixsten, Marvin O Wixsten, Sue E Wojciechowski, Larry Wold, Allen D Wold, James W Wold, Marilee Wold, Ron Woldstad, Derek Woldtvedt, Nathan Wolery, Heather Wolf, Bobby M Wolf, David M Wolf, Terrance R Wolfe, Denize M Wolfe, Eric Wolfe, Jackie R Wolfe, Scott R Wolford, Linda Wollaston, Tillie M Wollenburg, Mark D Wollenburg, Suzanne R Wollman, Scott C Woloshin, Karen A Wolstein, Greg Wolverton, Boyd L Wolvington, Gail I 195 154 154 156 156 118 189 176 136 131 145 168 211 164 161 183 148 121 228 133 140 130 153 155 165 169 135 174 130 147 134 142 159 193 132 135 123 156 114 126 143 136 95 144 141 112 138 77 137 115 124 131 122 180 196 140 139 160 154 127 100 154 190 148 133 174 104 145 151 140 146 137 186 148 162 160 150 51 90 84 93 94 66 90 93 51 39 27 75 69 78 84 63 93 51 85 84 84 60 90 66 81 30 51 78 89 42 51 72 72 93 51 78 72 66 78 87 72 35 84 66 72 48 99 99 96 75 66 72 72 96 39 63 81 90 45 84 45 87 87 48 81 96 24 33 66 84 75 81 72 42 84 63 90 8941-5156 8378-3787 1432-236 1432-1594 9211-2850 8115-1141 4056-1450 1419-544 1390-1063 8798-3865 8941-5175 8378-3566 1390-1231 9211-3058 9211-2975 1418-610 4068-417 8378-3482 1405-37 4028-879 1390-1721 1390-5772 4032-50 4028-388 4028-1375 1390-919 1390-4285 1405-308 8115-1104 8991-8786 1419-1213 4029-84 8710-901 4028-1400 8991-8870 4028-4589 8378-2799 8378-2789 1392-982 1432-623 1418-306 4059-207 9368-663 9368-1000 1418-281 1418-12 1418-135 4051-405 9368-873 4041-100 1390-1729 4028-1450 8710-918 4028-7167 1395-297 4068-48 Whitefish Missoula Gt Falls Butte Missoula Gt Falls Missoula Gallatin Livingston Helena Gt Falls Helena GYV Helena Missoula Gt Falls Gt Falls Butte GYV Gallatin Gallatin Havre Missoula Butte Deer Lodge Gt Falls GYV GYV Glendive GYV Helena GYV GYV GYV GYV Havre Deer Lodge Plentywood Havre Livingston GYV Helena Glendive Gallatin Big Sandy Laurel Lewistown Lewistown GYV GYV GYV Butte Butte Gallatin Missoula Havre Laurel Glendive Bigfork Bigfork Big Sandy Havre Havre Havre Bitterroot Bigfork Anaconda Whitefish Daniels Thompson Fls GYV GYV GYV GYV Butte Gt Falls Missoula 8/28/2010 Page 79 of 81 Womack, Brenda 142 Wondrow, Carolyn 145 Wondrow, Carolyn 143 Wong, Michael A 173 Wonsick, Jayme L 110 Wood, Anna M 115 Wood, Bill W 156 Wood, Brent 156 Wood, Caren G 131 Wood, Charity J 127 Wood, David K 140 Wood, Fred J, Jr 187 Wood, Jeff 152 Wood, Jeff A 200 Wood, Jennifer N 150 Wood, John T 183 Wood, Kathleen R 130 Wood, Leland D 136 Wood, Lisa R 136 Wood, Michael P 149 Wood, Nick 135 Wood, Owen H 174 Wood, Patricia A 158 Wood, Patty 139 Wood, Randy L 208 Wood, Richard O 158 Wood, Tracy 204 Wood, Will J 191 Woodard, Kathy J 159 Woodard, Nathan E 201 Woodcock, Dan L 182 Wooden, Barbara 128 Wooden, Kirt L 154 Woodhall, Shirley A 144 Woodhull, Marilyn J 124 Woodland, Debbie 147 Woodring, Alice K 144 Woodruff, Anthony D 127 Woodruff, Monajean 158 Woods, Dennis J 141 Woods, Donna M 113 Woods, John J 112 Woods, Keith J 175 Woods, Michele L 159 Woods, Woody 176 Woodward, Brent E 172 Woodward, Shannon A 153 Woodward, Terry J 112 Woodward, Tony 190 Woodward, Tony M 204 Woodwick, Keri 123 Woody, Rachel A 146 Woody, Travis B 173 Woog, Teri 128 Woolley, Lindsay 147 Woolsey, David E 168 Woolsey, Sandra J 141 Wooten, Joseph R 192 Wooten, Wanda R 197 Wooten, Zac J 217 Worden, Joyce 139 Works, Juanita E 110 Works, Marvin L 122 Worsley, Cecil A 156 Worstell, Ruby 128 Worster, John M 187 Worth, Charles F 169 Worthington, Phyllis M 154 Wortman, Lori A 171 Wray, Robert O 141 Wright, Cathy R 157 Wright, Christopher(Alex) A 118 Wright, Damon J 127 Wright, Darcy E 108 Wright, David J 147 Wright, Dwain C 141 Wright, Falyn D 164 87 54 60 30 75 84 87 78 48 93 87 81 78 45 81 39 72 99 87 51 72 90 96 30 39 78 99 63 48 45 90 63 54 30 96 69 48 90 90 72 78 51 80 81 60 87 69 87 48 39 72 90 78 45 36 47 69 54 75 120 72 75 72 72 51 88 81 87 71 63 65 45 42 51 69 77 51 4043-260 9132-1552 1390-4978 9246-1129 4028-4603 1425-517 10-1989271 4068-651 9211-2770 1390-2215 4028-5693 1419-546 8991-8752 1432-408 2-11866 8798-3417 1419-547 1426-150 1432-1571 1432-99 5249-429 2595-750 1432-827 4062-145 4056-2954 4034-355 1419-113 8941-5026 1390-6815 1395-299 1390-1169 1419-1569 4056-3407 4056-3605 1419-1393 1419-1393 10-1978963 8285-1635 4061-2 4047-42 1410-99 1410-94 1419-114 1406-2 4028-1301 4029-181 4029-25 8991-9114 1390-6141 1432-1480 1432-335 Dillon Whitefish Bigfork GYV Gt Falls Thompson Fls Gt Falls Libby-Troy Gt Falls GYV Lewistown Lewistown Libby-Troy GYV Missoula Gt Falls Gallatin GYV GYV Helena GYV Missoula Missoula Helena Helena Livingston Missoula Missoula GYV GYV Gt Falls Thompson Fls Missoula Lewistown Livingston Helena Butte Whitefish Whitefish Helena Missoula GYV Butte Gt Falls GYV Helena Helena Helena Butte Helena Havre Gt Falls Gt Falls GYV Miles City Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Whitefish Whitefish Libby-Troy Ft Benton Ft Benton Ft Benton Havre Helena Dillon GYV Gallatin Gt Falls Gallatin Anaconda Gt Falls GYV GYV Missoula Missoula Montana Averages 2009-2010 Wright, Jacqueline C Wright, Lawrence A Wright, Nancy Wright, Pam A Wright, Terry Wright, Walter A Wrightson, Kayla J Wrightson, Lisa Wrightson, Shelly M Wrigley, Rachel Wriston, Nita M Wuertz, Josh L Wulf, June Y Wunder, Duane Wyant, Clint R Wyant, Richard O, Jr Wyant, Richard O, Sr Wyatt, Jaime L Wyatt, Nathan Wyckoff, Dave Wyckoff, Kyle D Wyckoff, Linda S Wyckoff, Steven P Wynn, Laurie A Wyrick, Kristi Wyrick, Linda Yaeger, Betty J Yaeger, Sharon A Yager, Chuck H Yager, Susie Yakos, Michael J Yakos, Veronica M Yanzick, Tim H Yarbrough, Cliff C Yarbrough, Clifford C Yarbrough, Shelly L Yashan, Dean Yates, Corey J Yates, Doug D Yates, Kenneth Yates, Sherry A Yeager, Colette A Yeager, Jill M Yeager, Liz A Yeager, Samantha L Yeley, Jeanne L Yeoman, Alexis M Yeoman, Dan P Yeoman, John G Yeoman, Karen C Yetter, Joe A Yetter, Peggy F Yetter, William H York, Calee L York, Lori T Yorke, Shirley A Yost, Elaine I Yost, Terron J Yost, Terry L Young, Adam L Young, Bonnie L Young, Chris R Young, Cody R Young, Jeff L Young, Jim Young, Karen A Young, Kaye Young, Philip A Young, Samuel L Youngquist, David E Youngquist, Don R Yow, Tammy A Yuhas, Matt Yuill, Clifford D Yuill, Ellan R Zabel, Ann E Zachariasen, Jessica G 113 132 114 149 160 145 125 97 152 121 119 150 108 147 159 178 184 114 109 180 217 118 166 133 117 165 142 147 169 162 139 147 165 162 163 164 146 159 182 153 153 152 123 133 121 152 93 158 141 148 140 158 169 128 142 111 147 137 113 183 122 164 134 161 159 112 118 146 159 177 199 177 143 159 141 132 107 81 21 84 48 93 51 69 24 45 66 69 39 60 39 75 78 119 36 36 69 99 84 99 80 75 87 72 66 36 39 84 81 60 21 96 90 21 72 75 99 63 69 30 27 60 87 39 81 81 63 60 81 75 29 57 75 78 39 42 33 42 54 75 21 93 57 24 75 66 86 84 90 78 75 72 39 84 8115-1149 8974-340 9246-788 4068-356 8991-9137 4972-18667 4034-303 8274-774 1405-100 4038-471 1390-3994 1390-7059 4028-6787 1390-6802 8172-678 8285-1496 4056-2807 241-5129 8974-1 1419-1491 1390-2159 10-1860221 4028-5510 11-14294 8941-5091 1395-300 4034-185 4037-6 8096-441 8096-487 8096-442 4029-451 8378-3852 4068-959 4059-338 4081-172 4028-6862 4059-936 8941-5255 8115-1038 1418-136 8941-5182 8798-3734 8115-1049 8941-4952 1390-6955 1392-488 1432-565 4028-3941 8285-1485 1390-1032 4028-440 4054-28 8991-9690 Livingston Ft Benton Libby-Troy Missoula Havre GYV Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Thompson Fls Livingston Butte Gt Falls Dillon Deer Lodge Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Col Falls Col Falls GYV GYV GYV GYV Glacier Miles City Helena Lewistown Gt Falls Ft Benton Ft Benton Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena GYV Laurel GYV Helena Missoula Gt Falls Butte Butte Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Rocky Mtn Frt Gallatin Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda Butte Gt Falls Gt Falls Missoula Laurel Laurel GYV Gt Falls Laurel Missoula Livingston Havre Missoula Helena Glendive Livingston Havre Missoula GYV Gallatin Missoula GYV Miles City GYV GYV Mission Vly GYV 8/28/2010 Page 80 of 81 Zachary, Tana Zacher, Max D Zacher, Nilda J Zackus, Dave Zackus, Tyler R Zahler, Eric N Zahn, Dan Zaiko, Chet Zaiko, Karen L Zambrano, J R Zambrano, Joe Zambrano, Lynn Zanto Charles T Zanto, Barry Zanto, Ginger Zanto, James Zanto, Lewis F Zappaterreno, Debbie Zarek, Philip H Zarn, Theresa Zartman, Peggy P Zartman, Pete Zeeb, Peggy R Zeeb, Rolf Zeeck, Dave Zeier, Duane E Zeier, Keith R Zeleski, Gloria A Zeleski, Joe Zelinsky, Andrea N Zell, Gay Zell, John Zell, Leigh Zella, Gail Zella, Jerry Zeluff, Marla J Zeluff, Robert I Zemke, Denise D Zenahlik, Victor A Zendron, Connie R Zent, Greg F Ziebarth, Bruce Ziegler, Levi D Ziegler, Mark Zier, Dick Zier, Donald J Zieske, Linda M Zieske, Scott F Zigan, Abe A Zigan, Janice A Zignego, Nick J Zimbric, Greg J Zimbric, Jill R Zimmer, Andrew K Zimmerman, Aletta J Zimmerman, Gary W Zimmerman, Jennifer M Zimmerman, Jennifer S Zimmerman, Jim Zimmerman, Scott B Zimmerman, Tami Zimmerman, Tom K Zimmerman, Wendi M Zimpel, Debbie A Zimple, Ed, Iii Zion, Annie Zirpoli, Lynda L Zito, Darwin J Zito, Joe A Zito, Joe D Zook, Jerry Zorn, Ann Zorn, Tim P Zoutte, Sheri Zuern, Lorraine I Zuhoski, Donnie M Zuhoski, Sharon L 143 201 201 140 154 174 163 156 153 156 158 110 166 176 134 161 174 156 174 120 137 173 115 125 184 221 213 94 170 168 138 165 150 149 137 109 145 123 204 141 158 139 173 158 186 186 156 161 189 159 119 182 172 128 92 145 117 125 198 157 174 159 100 171 192 127 113 115 167 202 136 136 181 87 138 202 131 66 104 100 87 87 69 57 93 96 96 96 87 48 78 65 21 60 69 45 37 23 99 63 72 60 80 33 87 96 72 76 84 54 87 86 99 84 75 66 84 86 81 81 64 84 96 84 93 90 72 48 66 87 75 69 84 54 54 30 81 45 33 45 60 63 72 90 30 90 85 66 45 75 15 69 81 76 4042-70 8378-3675 1395-1188 1392-112 4029-261 1422-425 1387-171 4024-471 1418-137 1410-95 4061-26 1419-356 4028-238 1390-959 8710-1056 8941-4423 4029-532 1392-58 4051-478 8941-5126 9057-582 4085-10 1390-3633 1430-20 9211-2980 1432-336 12-71090 1432-411 4028-6729 1390-3192 1392-443 4029-263 9057-648 8710-1201 8114-667 1430-47 1419-1143 4043-40 9211-3132 8991-9683 4034-74 1395-304 8096-443 8991-9190 8114-925 8941-5104 1432-1093 8114-839 4028-7131 1390-938 9246-1213 Deer Lodge Anaconda Anaconda Lewistown Lewistown Butte Butte Gallatin Gallatin Bigfork Bigfork Bigfork Harlem Havre Havre Ft Benton Gt Falls Libby-Troy Helena Chinook GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Laurel Gt Falls Missoula Gallatin Gallatin Glendive Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Toole Cnty Missoula Missoula Nashua Nashua Mission Vly Anaconda Helena GYV Miles City Gallatin Missoula GYV Missoula GYV GYV Gt Falls Gt Falls Whitefish Gallatin Gallatin Mission Vly Laurel Gt Falls Lewistown Bitterroot Miles City Helena Dillon Gallatin GYV Butte Butte Rocky Mtn Frt GYV Bitterroot Missoula Missoula Bitterroot GYV Laurel Libby-Troy Gt Falls Gt Falls Gt Falls Montana Averages 2009-2010 Zuidema, Barb M Zuidema, Joshua C Zuidema, Karri Zuidema, Tammy J Zupanik, Kim Zurmuehlen, Annie R Zwick, Marion A 145 126 120 123 120 127 140 60 78 24 60 42 99 96 4056-3271 8798-3797 4068-438 4028-427 Gt Falls Gt Falls Helena Gt Falls Helena Missoula GYV 8/28/2010 Page 81 of 81
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