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Lenildo da Silva
New Zealand Radio DX League
Dino Bloise
Radio Habana Cuba
Yimber Gaviria
Cicero Julio
Glenn Hauser
Hugo López C.
Horacio Nigro
Claudio Galaz
Fernando Luiz de Souza
Glenn Hauser
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
Glenn Hauser
Glenn Hauser
Anatoly Klepov
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Glenn Hauser
Associao DX do Brasil
Associao DX do Brasil
Yimber Gaviria
Polaka Claudyane Paulinho
Glenn Hauser
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
Associao DX do Brasil
Glenn Hauser
Rafael Rodriguez
Alfredo Cañote
Glenn Hauser
New Zealand Radio DX League
Michael Bethge
Glenn Hauser
Piloto Da Faixinha
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Glenn Hauser
Associao DX do Brasil
Anker Petersen
Manuel Méndez
Claudio Galaz
Rafael Rodriguez
Gilvan Souza Costa
Francesco Cecconi
Jose Ronaldo Xavier
Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Babul Gupta
Hironori Takeuchi
Allan Stern
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
Migdiel Cruz
Marcos C0X
Evandro Rocha
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Fran Jr
Rodolfo Tizzi
Desejam fugir do horário político?
Greenland Returns to MW
Frecuencia al Día Nº 392
Aniversario 92 de la Radio Cubana
NHK and Keio University
Depois De 20 Anos
Logs August 21-22, 2014
REE - Encuesta de RTVE Int.
Short wave radio listening from Chile
Lista actualizada de frecuencias
Música de abertura do programa 'Encontro DX"
Logs August 22-23, 2014
Pan American Broadcasting, Placing Radio Ministries on Internationa...
Logs August 23, 2014
Logs August 23-24, 2014
“RUS-DX” # 782
Conexión Digital Nº 785
Logs August 24, 2014
Lista de Transmissões em Português - Período A-14
Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 16-03-2014
Radio Nord Revival
Logs August 25, 2014
TWR News – Good News in Return: A Story of Hope (34/60)
Morre em João Pessoa o ex-diretor da Rádio Tabajara, Deodato Borges
Logs August 26, 2014
Nuevo aniversario de la radiodifusión argentina
Logs August 27, 2014
Mark Nicholls – A Tribute
Logs August 27-28, 2014
Conheçam o radio farol da Faixinha
2º Encontro de Dxistas e Radioamadores de Pernambuco
Logs August 29, 2014
Acompanhe o ranking diário da promoção "Mais Navega" do mês de Agosto/2014
Lenildo da Silva
Desejam fugir do horário político?
Na última terça-feira, 19 de agosto, teve início a propaganda eleitoral gratuita no rádio e na televisão. O horário político, tido como um vilão que
derruba a audiência dos programas, principalmente de TV, é levado ao ar em horários estratégicos, para alcançar o maior número de eleitores
possível. No rádio, o horário político é exibido entre 07:00 e 07:50 e entre 12:00 e 12:50 (horário de Brasília, -3 UTC), horários estes em que os
programas costumam atingir picos de audiência. Certamente, ninguém consegue passar 50 minutos ouvindo o bla bla blá dos candidatos. Não há
outra alternatina, senão desligar o aparelho, correto? Não para quem tem um receptor de ondas curtas. As emissoras brasileiras, que transmitem
em ondas curtas veiculam a propaganda eleitoral referente ao Estado no qual está localizado o transmissor. Por exemplo, a Rádio Transmundial
irradia a propaganda política dos candidatos gaúchos, a Rádio Nacional da Amazônia dos candidatos de Brasília, etc. Mas, graças a Deus, as ondas
ionosféricas não limitam-se ao território nacional. Nos mesmos horários em que é veiculada a chatice da propaganda eleitoral, algumas emissoras
internacionais transmitem em espanhol. A partir das 07:00 da manhã podemos ouvir a Radio Martí em 9805 kHz, Rádio Praga entre 07:00 e 07:30
e Rádio Eslováquia, entre 07:30 e 08:00 em 9955 kHz e Rádio Católica Mundial em 12050 kHz. Já a partir do meio-dia temos ainda mais opções,
para fugir do horário político. Tome nota: Radio Martí em 13605 kHz, RAE Argentina em 15345 kHz, Rádio Exterior da Espanha em 17715, 17755,
21515 e 21610 kHz e Voz de Esperanza (KVOH) em 17775 kHz. Agora que você já sabe, só irá desligar o rádio, no horário eleitoral, se quiser
New Zealand Radio DX League
Greenland Returns to MW
Good news from Greenland. It has been revealed a few hours ago, that KNR is to return to three Medium Wave frequencies following a lot of criticism
about the lack of reception of KNR on the sea and outside towns and villages in Greenland.
Three MW frequencies are expected to return:
Qeqertarsuaq – anytime between October 1st and December 1st 2014
Nuuk – anytime between January and March 2015
Simiutaq, Qaqortoq – approx. June 1st 2015
No frequencies nor powers were quoted, but previously they were:
Qeqertarsuaq – 650 kHz (5 kW)
Nuuk – 570 kHz (5 kW)
Simiutaq, Qaqortoq – 720 kHz (10 kW)
And 650 kHz is of course the most commonly reported KNR frequency reported in Europe.
Dino Bloise
Frecuencia al Día Nº 392
FRECUENCIA AL DÍA-- [No. 392, Agosto 22, 2014] - En esta emisión: Uruguay | La Abeja FM. Emisora comunitaria de Montevideo.
El Informe sobre el Mundo de las Telecomunicaciones, a cargo de Rubén Walter Suárez***
Además los siguientes temas: Frecuencia Análisis: Las noticias más importantes sobre telecomunicaciones y tecnología*** Francisco Páez
EA7BQU: Boletín DX del Mundo de la Radioafición*** Gustavo Luna: Puerto Rico invertirá 17 mdd en red de ultra alta velocidad*** Miguel Ángel
Reyes: Sony piensa revivir al cassette*** Daniel Silva: Radio Australia y la Cruz Roja tienen protocolo para enfrentar catástrofes*** Pedro Sedano:
La (AER) Asociación Española de Radioescucha, presenta el Informe de agosto/2014 para los escuchas de Onda Corta.
Síguenos en Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1kpXeRP Frecuencia Al Día / Programas DX: www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm
Twitter: @FrecuenciaAlDia Nuestro correo electrónico: [email protected]
Horarios y Frecuencias: www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia_horarios.htm
Dino Bloise / Frecuencia Al Día 2014 © Todos los derechos reservados. Actualizado agosto 21, 2014 - 18:30 UTC.
Este mensaje es enviado por DINO BLOISE. Con respeto a las leyes nacionales e internacionales las cuales nos rigen y siendo respetuosos con la
privacidad de su persona, este correo puede ser removido enviando un mensaje “Cancelar Suscripción” al correo frecuencia[a]hotmail.com. Este
envío no es considerado Spam, mientras se incluya la forma de ser removido. Tu espacio de los viernes
-Frecuencia al Día, El más internacional
RadioVybe.com es la nueva aplicación de medios de comunicación social para los aficionados a escuchar e interactuar con las emisoras de radio a
través de Internet y el móvil, registrarse y unirse a la comunidad de las radios y compartir el vybe
Radio Habana Cuba
Aniversario 92 de la Radio Cubana
Este 22 de agosto se cumplen 92 años de la primera transmisión radial en Cuba.
La Radio Cubana, aun en la era digital, mantiene la atención de su audiencia y se propone una programación veraz, actualizada, y creativa, de
acuerdo con los principios éticos y las aspiraciones culturales de nuestra sociedad.
Es un placer compartir esa alegría con los oyentes de Radio Habana Cuba.
Fraternalmente, Rosario Lafita Fernández - J’Dpto. de Correspondencia Internacional - Radio Habana Cuba
Yimber Gaviria
NHK and Keio University
NHK and Keio University will host the RIPE@2014 conference from 27-29 August on the theme “Public Service Media Across Boundaries.”
apan’s public broadcaster NHK will gather media scholars and researchers in Tokyo to present findings and discuss current issues affecting public
broadcasting. NHK and Keio University will host the RIPE@2014 conference from 27-29 August on the theme “Public Service Media Across
Boundaries.” The biennial Re-Visionary Interpretations of Public Enterprise (RIPE) series is an international project dedicated to reinventing,
redefining and recreating the meanings and practices of public service in media in the 21st century and promoting discussion, debate, critique and
conceptualization of what is needed. Organisers say that economic growth and the development of technology have created cross-boundary
societies in which people face increasing movement globally, as well as the convergence of broadcasting and communication.
“The key words ‘Across Boundaries’ represent the revolutionary change in use of media by broadcaster and audience,” the organisers say.
SOURCE *Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union www.abu.org.my/Latest_News-@-NHK_hosts_research_into_future_of_broadcasting.aspx
*RIPEAT http://ripeat.org - See more at: http://yimber-gaviria.blogspot.com/2014/08/japan-nhk-hosts-research-into-futureof.html#sthash.LgxHKkqh.dpuf
Cicero Julio
Depois De 20 Anos
Hoje Estou Muito Feliz Depois De 20 Anos Sem Mandar Informes De Recepçao Voltei A Ouvir Ondas Curtas E Voltei A Enviar Informes Finalmente
Recebi O Primeiro Cartao Qsl Ebc - Radio Nacional Da Amazonia Fiquei Super Feliz.
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 21-22, 2014
** AUSTRALIA. 9580 & 12065, et al., Aug 22 before 1400 we continue to enjoy the variety of world-music on RA now carrying `The Daily Planet`
show during this hour, but after the news at 1405, I think the ID was for ``Triple J``, ABC`s youth-music net, rapcrap again, begone. Maybe 13-15
UT programming will differ on weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 6134.8, Aug 22 at 0058, R. Santa Cruz with F-G signal, talk about Morales, song ``Amor``. No het from Aparecida, maybe off; lately
others have been reporting it on the lower side of RSC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5800-USB, just as I tune in poor signal at 0100 Aug 22 some YL Spanish numbers stop, presumably spy station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** EGYPT [and non]. 12070, Aug 22 at 0055, R. Cairo Spanish is off.
11710, Aug 22 at 0055, poor signal hetting RAE, presumably Cairo. By 0205 it`s off leaving RAE alone closer to 11711
9965, Aug 22 at 0055, R. Cairo Arabic music, VG signal and modulation much improved if not perfect, some whine still
9315, Aug 22 at 0055, very poor signal on third R. Cairo Spanish channel, talk in unidentifiable language; 0117 improved to poor, with suppressed
modulation, music. VERY strangely, this frequency much weaker and fadier than 9965. Both are listed as Abis, 250 kW with azimuths only 6 degrees
apart, 331 on 9315 and 325 on 9965 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE [non]. 9420 & 9935, Aug 22 at 0117, it`s another off-night for ERTOpen, allowing in weak Iran Arabic on 9420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** OKLAHOMA. 780, Aug 22 at 0546 UT, KSPI daytimer carrier from Stillwater is still running all-night, obvious with WBBM almost nulled, and
making a fast SAH with it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [non]. 1530, Aug 22 at 0137, daytimer KXTD Wagoner, ``La Qué Buena`` has finally turned off its 24-hour operation since at least
Aug 16, re-audiblizing WCKY now with ESPN baseball scores. I would have preferred the Mexican music if it were legal. Also see other 1530 log under
** OKLAHOMA. 89.1, Aug 22 at 0500 UT, surprise, the Enid translator of the Oasis Network (KYND 90.5 Broken Arrow), is back on its original
frequency, after a few months shifted to 88.9; good quality stereo signal. Yes, FCC FM Query now shows K205FW on 88.9 but with a CP for 89.1,
already obviously reactivated. What it does not explain is why the back-and-forth? So I guess: maybe had to move to 88.9 in order to protect new
89.3 KIEL in Loyal OK, but which is now off, altho still licensed (we discuss that case in DXLD 14-34). KMUW public radio in Wichita is again blocked
here on 89.1.
Will this translator be able to regain its former callsign K206CA? Who cares? We first noted that 89.1 was off April 19 this year, moved to 88.9. As of
June 23, the callsign officially changed from K206CA to K205FW, as translator calls must contain the proper channel number, and then the suffix
letters are assigned sequentially (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 15355, Aug 22 at 0112, Qur`an from RSO, poor signal, instead of 9500, and hardly anything else on band besides 15720 NZ, 15230
Cuba. Propagation above 12 MHz has been generally pitiful lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, Aug 22 at 0057 past 0107, no signal from R. Chaski, presumed off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Aug 22 at 0114:46, SLBC starts musical prélude on carrier which popped on earlier in this minute; and 2+1 timesignal ends
at 0115:18.5 as usual, then sign-on. Fair signal tonight = better than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, Aug 21 at 1946, WTWW-3 is off (while neighbor 12160 WWCR is blasting in); while the other WTWWs on 9930 and 9475 are also
blasting in. 12105 still AWOL at next check 0054 Aug 22, unimpeding the CODAR swishes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 3185 & 5050, Aug 22 at 0102, both WWRB transmitters are off (and not prolonged on 9370 either), so this bodes ill for WORLD OF RADIO
later. Yes, by 0300, only 5050 is on with BS, so evidently a single transmitter is currently operational instead of two. The other three 100 kW have
been unusable for a long time. By 0540 check, the BS has switched to 3185 as usual after 0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1735 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB from 0332 UT Friday Aug 22, the previous preacher having been cut off several
seconds earlier, but only heard on webcast since 3185 is off. As usual, blasts on overmodulated at first, then turned down almost enough. Since it
started 2 minutes late, last minute probably cut off webcast at 0500 for KJV, but I am not monitoring then. Next:
Friday 2130 on WRMI 7570 to the NW and 15770 to the NE (maybe 1734)
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB, low power
UT Sunday 0100 on WRMI 5950 to the south
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH 9975 to the ESE (we hope; missed last week)
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5109v-CUSB to the WSW
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955 to the SSE with Taiwan CCI
Wednesday 0620 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB, low power
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI 9955 to the SSE without QRM
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ 7490v to the WSW
** U S A. 1530, Aug 22 at 0545 UT, KXTD OK remains compliant with daytime-only license for now, after at least six nights of 24-houring,
reaudiblizing a perennial cheater, KCMN Colorado Springs supposed to be 15 watts at night instead of 15,000 day power; a break in music for CS
and Pueblo weather forecast on ``I-25 Radio``; now it`s the dominant signal, better than BS on WCKY or KLBW in TX if it`s still cheatin` too (Glenn
** U S A. 1630, Aug 22 at 0122 UT, uptempo banda music loops NW/SE, 0123 UT DJ in Spanish, 0130 UT ID mentions 1630 but can`t make out
the slogan, presumably still La Jota instead of Gran-D, the only SS around here, KRND in Fox Farm WY [Cheyenne]. Somewhat separable from KKGM
The Metroplex, not exactly in opposite direxion, with praise music in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Hugo López C.
REE - Encuesta de RTVE Int.
Amigos, esta encuesta se realizó hace un tiempo e incluía a REE. Los resultados están publicados. Al final de menciona lo referente a REE.
ce3BBC - Hugo López C. - Santiago de Chile
Horacio Nigro
Short wave radio listening from Chile
La Tropical Radio Telegraph Co., bananas, “repúblicas bananeras” y radiocomunicaciones.
La United Fruit Company (1899-1970) fue una importante corporación estadounidense que negoció la fruta tropical (principalmente bananas y
piñas), cultivados en plantaciones del Tercer Mundo y vendidos en los Estados Unidos y Europa.
Los críticos a menudo acusaron a la empresa deneocolonialismo explotador y lo describieron como elejemplo arquetípico de la influencia de una
empresa multinacional en la política interna de las llamadas “Repúblicas Bananeras”.
Mas información en: http://lagalenadelsur.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/la-tropical-radio-telegraph-co-bananas-republicas-bananeras-yradiocomunicaciones/
Claudio Galaz
Lista actualizada de frecuencias
Lista actualizada de frecuencias, realizada por Dan Ferguson. Archivo en .ZIP que contiene la lista en excell y en .txt.
Fernando Luiz de Souza
Música de abertura do programa 'Encontro DX"
Música de abertura do programa 'Encontro DX" da Rádio Aparecida.
Banda: Kraftwerk Música: Antenna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1rezswXJ2c
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 22-23, 2014
** BURMA [non]. 12115, Aug 23 at 0106, poor signal in apparent Burmese, since Radio Free Asia is scheduled here via KUWAIT at 0030-0130
** CUBA. 13740, Aug 23 at 0123, RHC Spanish missing frequency, supposed to be on until 0400. At least we can barely hear the 12140 harmonic
of 6070, and it`s certainly not due to propagation as jamming pulses against nothing on 13605 are audible, and RHC fundamental 15230 is quite
stronger than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 12070, Aug 23 at 0107, R. Cairo back to abnormal, VG signal level but very distorted Spanish with rumble and crackle, spreading only out
to 12060-12080
11710, Aug 23 at 0109, R. Cairo is off, leaving 11711- to Argentina
9965, Aug 23 at 0110, R. Cairo Arabic good signal but just barely modulated, less than or equal to the whine level
9315, Aug 23 at 0113, R. Cairo good signal level in presumed Spanish but just barely modulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE [non]. 9935 & 9420, Aug 23 at 0112, ERTOpen is not tonight, so Iran`s ME music in Arabic service makes it poorly on open 9420 (Glenn
** OKLAHOMA. 89.3, Aug 22 at 2053 UT on caradio I find that KIEL, Loyal OK is back on the air after missing for a week or more: playing `Ode to
Joy` on piano as part of a medley; 2100 UT ID. At sweet spots in Enid, KIEL makes it OK past our translator back on 89.1 instead of 88.9, so never
mind my theory that these stations were avoiding each other (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 9500, Aug 23 at 0112, RSO is missing from scheduled bihour frequency, so figure I will find them when I get around to bandscanning
19m: at 0119, very poor ME music on 15140, nothing on 15355 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 7445, Aug 23 at 0125, S Asian music, poor with flutter; also storm noise on lower bands. Aoki shows it`s BBC Pashto via OMAN (Glenn
** PERU. 5980, Aug 23 at 0103, no signal from R. Chaski, presumed off again, or possibly reset to earlier cutoff (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Aug 23 at 0114:50, SLBC music starts, and 2+1 mistimesignal ends at 0115:18; fair signal with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1734 monitoring: confirmed on WRMI, 7570 & 15770, Friday Aug 22 at 2130:30, like last week playing the previous
show and also repeating the double WRMI IDs, first at 2129:30 by Rudy Espinal and then at 2130:00 by Ian McFarland. Even tho 7570 is beamed
toward us and 15770 is off the side, much better signal here on 15770 as the higher band is propagating much better and less absorbed over a fulldaylight path. Stephen Cooper in England says 15770 was also well-heard there.
(I have no trouble hearing 15770 on the portable I`m checking, as I`m not home yet after witnessing new movie ``The Giver`` at Enid`s only
cinema (recommended). Must have been their smallest auditorium, #1, with only 4 or 5 rows of seats, so back row center was plenty close. On this
Friday matinée première, we were the only customers, best time to see movies without distraxion from any other audience.)
WORLD OF RADIO 1735: Sat 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB; UT Sun 0100 on WRMI 5950 (last week was new show but could repeat previous);
UT Sun 0131 on KVOH 9975; UT Mon 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15420-CUSB, UT Sat Aug 23 at 0113, TimTron is wrapping up `Allan Weiner Worldwide,` so substituted this week? Figuring out how to get
back to Brother Stair. So the #4 transmitter is again in service, much later than usual 2100* for the flagship live show of WBCQ. May have been
sufficient from 0000, but by now it`s only poor, and found to be // VG 9330, poor 7490, and very poor 5110, all synchronized for a change. 15420
goes to dead air for a while but I can still detect the reduced carrier, 0116 back with WBCQ ID and jingle, a bit of music, and then really off. By now
9330 is back to regular programming, 7490 to BS (confirmed by // 7570 WRMI only an echo apart with non-BS psychophant), and 5110 some other
music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, Aug 23 at 0106, WTWW is still off. Looks like #3 transmitter is totally down (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 3185, Aug 23 at 0126, WWRB is off for a second night, while still on 5050 with BS, so only one transmitter can be used (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U S A. 1010-, Aug 23 at 0139 UT, big het on low side loops east-west; keyboard not handy, but estimated pitch a little below Middle C. Something
new, and already IDed a sesquihour earlier tnx to tip from Brandon Jordan near Memphis:
``1009.772, WHIN, Gallatin, TN, 23 Aug 0010 - WHIN with a significant offset with Beech Buccaneers vs Station Camp Bison's high school football,
local spots. Fair in LSB but causing a major het on 1010 kHz. 73, Brandon Jordan, Fayette County, TN``
That makes 228 Hz off any 1010.000 stations, or between A and B-flat below Cm. I really can`t isolate its modulation among the QRM, but
something sounds like a baseball game, and also a preacher, probably KXEN. Then I am also hearing:
1010, Aug 23 at 0143 UT, mention of Colorado and area code 719 --- presumably KSIR in Brush (Fort Morgan) (former WORLD OF RADIO affiliate),
still on 25 kW day power until 0200 UT in Aug (0100 UT in Sept), pattern a tight figure-8 slightly CCW from east-west, so some but not much signal
hereward. It`s in AC 970, but close to 719 which encompasses more than the SE quadrant of spherical rectangle CO (except for a bit of jog along the
Utah border, bad surveying?) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1590, Aug 23 at 0129 UT, lucky catch just as I tune across, ``right here on KELP``, and then singing ID. 5 kW day pattern from El Paso TX
is very favorable for us with broad lobe centered northeast. Its day ends at 0145 UT in Aug (0115 UT in Sept). Last year`s NRC AM Log shows religious
format, partly in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1510-, Aug 23 at 0132 UT, Mexican music vs WLAC, making low rumble SAH, very slightly on the lo side. 0133 UT, SHVA (super-hype
voice actor) in what sounds like a full ID with slogans, but too much QRM and fade to make anything out. Rough DF for it maybe NE/SW, and best with
WLAC nulled, which means aiming N/S.
So what is it not? KNNS in Larned KS which flipped off Spanish in March. Last year`s NRC AM Log shows three of the 1510 Texans in Spanish, but as
daytimers should be off by 0100 or 0115 UT in August per FCC AM Query (admittedly an often unwarranted assumption).
IRCA Mexican Log shows a good possibility, a new radio station I was unaware of, XEQI, La Nueva Radio in Monterrey NL, listed as 50 kW day power,
cutting to 250 watts at night. Need to keep after this one! BTW, no higher het, lower below 1510 at this time from KCTE, Independence MO (Glenn
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
Pan American Broadcasting, Placing Radio Ministries on Internationa...
Did you hear us on 7190 kHz and/or 15190 kHz?
Did you hear us on 15190 kHz? You can now fill out a reception report online and receive your QSL card via email or standard mail.
Program Director - Radio Africa Network
What exactly is a reception report?
A reception report is a written confirmation from a listener verifying that they heard a radio station's signal or a ministry's broadcast on a certain date
for a specific period of time.
Example of a reception report
To: Pan American Broadcasting -Rev. Thomas Gray -Let The Gospel Be Heard
From: Mark Smith - PO Box 5846 - City, State Zip Code - USA
Date: 06/08/05 - Time: 2200 - 2230 UTC - Frequency: 15190 kHz - Reception Quality: Very Good
Hello, my name is Mark and I just happened to come across the program Let the Gospel Be Heard on Radio Africa #2. The program material was very
interesting and I plan on tuning into this broadcast again. The reception I heard was very clear, so good that I thought you were broadcasting this
signal near my home.
Program Details
2200 UTC - Program Let The Gospel Be Heard began
2210 UTC - Gospel music playing
2223 UTC - Group bible study
2230 UTC - Closing announcements with address send listener letters to....
Best Regards, Mark Smith
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 23, 2014
** AUSTRALIA. 9580, 12065 et al., Saturday August 23 at 1359, `Saturday Night Country` closing first hour to resume after news and so it does at
1405. Mentions Local [sic] Radio, its originating network? So RA has preserved at least one of its allegedly most popular shows (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** CHINA [and non]. 13635, Aug 23 at 1423, CNR1 jamming, poor signal and target also audible. Per Aoki, a lucky catch as RFA Cantonese via
TINIAN at 14-15 is on this frequency only on Saturdays. Per Aoki the others are: 13585 M/W/F; 13595 Tue/Thu. Obviously the SARFT jamming
command is on top of them, so why bother to jumparound in this and many other cases, merely confusing casual listeners who don`t have the full
schedules? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6000, Aug 23 at 0543, this RHC English frequency is off again, while the others are nominal.
13740, Aug 23 at 1401, open carrier/dead air when relay of CRI English should have started; it`s going at next check 1423 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** EAST TURKISTAN. 17630, Aug 23 at 1403, CRI English with good signal, modulating unlike via Cuba 13740; as the Urumqi relay has resumed
after a (maintenance?) break. During which there was no and still is no sign of the alleged co-channel CRI French ex-English relay via Mali during this
hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 13850, Aug 23 at 0537, R. Cairo with Arab music, fair signal and modulation not too bad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, Aug 23 at 0539, fair signal with Greek music. ERTOpen had not been on at previous check circa 0100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** MOROCCO. 9575, Aug 23 at 0539, Médi-1 with good signal better than usual, making it more obvious that it`s undermodulated with French talk.
Stronger than 9700 Romania and weaker than 9535 Spain/Algeria/France, which would be hard to beat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SINGAPORE. 11890, Aug 23 at 1425, excited commentary in English, sports show? Poor signal, shown in Aoki as BBCWS via Kranji: 14-15 100
kW 320 degrees, morphing at 15-17 to 250 kW, 315 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 15795, Aug 23 at 1401, preacher in English and nothing on 15825, so WWCR has failed to change frequency at 1200 --- or a
deliberate extension? Still there at 1421, 1533, 1709. Sked at http://www.wwcr.com/transmitter-sched.html still shows *1200* change
effective till Aug 31 (and modified sked after that not yet up). It really doesn`t matter as nothing else is scheduled on either frequency 24h except:
15795, 1145-1315 AIR in Chinese: HFCC says analog, Aoki & EiBi say DRM. Really? How is that faring against ChiCom CNR1/Firedrake jamming,
as in EiBi but not Aoki? Anyhow, WWCR would already be conflicting with that.
WWCR is really registered for 15795 until 1300, but no more. Moving 30 kHz down permanently would slightly increase their potential audience via
multi-band but not general coverage receivers which don`t go all the way up to 15825. Original decision to go to the far right of the 15 MHz band did
avoid interference problems as a trade-off, but no longer really necessary. And does anyone recall where the 15 MHz broadcast band officially ends
per ITU allocations? I don`t (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 17790, Aug 23 at 1402, open carrier/dead air from WRMI with R. Africa Network, like CRI via Cuba 13740, slow starts on a Saturday
morning. 17790 is modulating by next check 1421, probably much earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 930, Aug 23 at 0549 UT, Coast to Coast AM affiliate // countless others, audible with WKY OKC nulled. Searching 930 at
http://www.coasttocoastam.com/stations goes to NY, SD, MD, KY, IL and WY. Of those, most likely would be WTAD in Quincy IL as logged a number
of times here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 23-24, 2014
** BRAZIL. 9819v, Aug 24 at 0110, no sign of R. Nove de Julho for some weeks now, at least not in this time period (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** EGYPT. 9315, Aug 24 at 0106, R. Cairo fair signal with suppressed Spanish modulation
9965, Aug 24 at 0106, R. Cairo, VG level, whine, Arabic undermodulated
11710, Aug 24 at 0107, this R. Cairo Spanish frequency still off, but a JBA carrier from something
12070, Aug 24 at 0107, R. Cairo Spanish, VG signal, but extremely distorted with humroar, unreadable but // 9315, splashing 12060-12080
** GREECE. 9935 // slightly stronger 9420, Aug 24 at 0109, and JBA on 15630, Greek Music from ERTOpen on tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** OMAN. 9500, Aug 24 at 0113, RSO with Qur`an, fair signal with moderate fading, so no need to check 19m for it erroneously (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** PERU. 5980, Aug 24 at 0058, no signal from R. Chaski, presumed still off; is anyone hearing them before 2400 or in the mornings? (Glenn
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Aug 24 at *0114:13 carrier on from SLBC, fair with flutter, 0114:48 music starts, 0115:18 mistimesignal ends, sign-on
announcement; song in S Asian language at 0117 has Christian hymn sound to it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SWEDEN. 9295-USB, Aug 24 at 0102, very poor signal with music, USB only, no LSB and can`t detect a reduced carrier either. 0102:45
announcement. The DX-398 magically displays ``SCHWEDEN`` in the RDS window, but that`s only because I had just tried 6065, an ancient
Swedish frequency, and the DX-398 storehouse switched to German years ago when I dropped the receiver, suffering no other damage. Still there at
0134, very poor with talk, maybe English, 0135 vocal music, sad C&W song by M; occasional running-water ute QRM; 0138 another song and brief
announcement talkover. I posted this on their blog http://www.radionordrevival.blogspot.com
``9295 USB only, no carrier detectable, barely audible here in Oklahoma at 0102-0138+ UT Aug 24. Music and announcements, some sound
English intonation, some Swedish, but too weak to copy, SINPO 15221. 6065 would be no good here also due to Cuba on both sides. Anyone hearing
further west?`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAIWAN [and non]. As you may have heard, I am now doing a propagation report for `Media Network Plus`. The first edition for me is August 23.
This and many preceding episodes may be accessed here: http://www.pcjmedia.com/medianetworkplus Aug 23 features an interview with Dan
Robinson about how inept the VOA is in covering major news, like Ferguson; and about how ept ISIS is in its media output; with my minute+ item at
the end. I assume this will also appear sometime during the one-hour PCJ block on WRMI, Tuesdays at 21-22 on 7570, 15770. Also on WRN (Glenn
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1734 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday August 24 at 0100 on WRMI, 5950, following ID in Spanish; very poor signal this
time, but can tell it`s last week`s show, and presumably booming into target Cuba.
WORLD OF RADIO 1735 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday August 24 at 0131 (or a few seconds earlier) on KVOH, 9975, and still going past 0145.
VG signal level, with some hum and undermodulation but readable. Earlier at *0120:44, KVOH carrier overcame the JBA one from Uzbekistan, with
tone test; 0125 noticed soft music playing; 0130 ID, sign on, program summary and introducing WOR. Next:
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5109v-CUSB
Tuesday 1100 & Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB (Brock Whaley says it`s well heard in Ireland at 1430)
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v
** U S A. 12105, Aug 23 at 1817 check, and after 0100 UT Aug 24, WTWW-3 is still off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7505+, Aug 23 at 0132, WRNO gospel-huxter marring himself with big humbuzz, even worse on the sidebands when stepping to 7500,
7510 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 630, Aug 23 at 1837 UT on caradio, weak almost readable talk signal, in the absence of IBOC from 640 KWPN Moore, but in the presence
of some AM splatter. Surely KHOW Denver at the edge of its 5 kW groundwave while in a quiet spot, 5 minutes after local mean noon. Could not hear
it an hour later driving elsewhere in Enid. Per sked at http://www.khow.com/onair/saturday/ it`s `America`s Wealth Management Show` during
this hour only on Saturdays.
Comparable signal to 50 kW KLTT, 670, which is more commonly heard here in daytime, noise level permitting. On 630, day lobe favors SSW from
Denver, but not a complete null toward us, while at nite we have a lobe right at us; on 670, daytime lobe is mostly to the WSW, also unfavorable; per
the NRC AM Pattern Book (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS-DX” # 782
“RUS-DX” # 782 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya, - and QSL world. - Sunday / 24, August 2014
Information bulletin of Russian DX League - Electronic versión - Time : UTC - Editor : Anatoly Klepov - QTH : Moscow, Russia
E-mail : [email protected] Web site : http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) Groups : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rusdx (Russian / English)
“RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and “RUS-DX” as source.
Regional broadcasting.
"Popular Radio" launched an Internet broadcast. The first regional radio station "Radio Popular" launched an online broadcast on its website
www.popularka.ru "Calls" popular radio "can be heard in every corner of the Baikal region and the world where there is Internet access.
"Populyarka" will continue its active development and take into account, first and foremost, the interests and needs of the Trans-Baikal listeners ", told the radio station staff. In addition, the online radio program hosted ether, information on current promotions and services.
Recall "Popular Radio" is the first regional FM-radio Transbaikalia. Works since 1995. Broadcasting is not only in the format of FM, but FM, and now
the Internet. Musical content - both domestic and foreign music, hits 70-80-90's. According to studies, more than 50% chitintsev at least once a
week listening to "popular radio." zabinfo.ru (OnAir.ru)
New schedule of MW transmissions from Sitkunai, Lithuania, received directly from Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International project
Kaunas / Sitkunai, 1386 kHz, 75 kW. Effective as of Aug 19, 2014.
0200-0330 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
0330-0400 NHK World, Russian
0400-0500 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
1730-1800 NHK World, Russian
1800-1900 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
1900-2000 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
2000-2100 Polish Radio, Belarusian
2100-2200 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
612 kHz isn't used any longer; this transmitter has been switched off 17 Aug at 2100 UTC. Note the shortened relay of RL Belarussian (now only 2
hours per day) and the new relay of RL Russian (3.5 hours per day). Reception reports are welcome and will be confirmed. Email: [email protected]
Postal address: Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International, Algirdo Str. 13-9, Vilnius, LT-03219 Lithuania.
Почтовый адрес: Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International, Algirdo Str. 13-9, Vilnius, LT-03219 Литва.
(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, Russia)
On 19 August. 21.05 UTC, accept Radio Liberty in Russian on 1386.O = 4. Repeated transmission unit that goes on the air at 19.00
Rx: Tecsun 660 (Yuri Troickiy, Tuljskaya oblast, Russsia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Accepted August 20 RL Belarusian after 1900UTC. 25222, deep fades. Sangean ATS-909X, has taken on a magnetic antenna, especially out on the
street, because home a lot of interference. (Dmitry Puzanov, Kostanai, Kazakhstan / "open_dx")
Finnish Radio Rapu plans to start broadcasting in Russian. Finnish commercial radio Radio Rapu submitted an application to the Ministry of
Communications of Finland on access to radio frequencies intended for broadcasting to Russia, reports Helsingin Sanomat. Radio Rapu justifies his
decision to go to the Russian-language broadcasting limited freedom of speech in Russia. According to preliminary estimates Radio Rapu, the launch
of the Russian-language news portal will cost 500 thousand dollars. Money for the project was collected on kraudfandingovom American site
Kickstarter.com. Finnish scheduled news broadcast medium wave (MW) and possibly via the Internet. Transfer to medium waves can be heard at
least in St. Petersburg. News of the website will be transmitted to the satellite. Satellite transmission could broadcast to the entire western Russia.
Radio Rapu say their goal - to start broadcasting no later than early 2015. fontanka.fi (OnAir.ru)
BC-DX 1173 , 20 Aug 2014 - edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany
ARMENIA 9590 Radio Sadaye Zindagi of IBRA Radio via Gavar Armenia site, Babcock brokered outlet. 1500 Dari, 1530-1600 UT Pashto service.
S=7 signal in Germany. 12055 TWR India via Gavar Armenia site scheduled 1245-1600 UT, Urdu broadcast heard at 1530-1600 UT. Audio carried
also some 50 Hertz buzz sound. S=9 or -70dBm strength. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18)
BELARUS 11730 nominal from 14-16 UT in Russian language, terrible signal performance from Minsk-Kalodzicy in Belarussia noted with distorted
audio on two accompanied noise scratching signals, symmetrically on 11750-11761 and 11698-11712 kHz, around 1450 UT on Aug 15. (wb,
wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 15)
LITHUANIA Sitkunai tx center: new MW sked. New schedule of MW transmissions from Sitkunai, Lithuania, received directly from Rimantas Pleikys,
Radio Baltic Waves International Project co-ordinator:
Kaunas / Sitkunai, 1386 kHz, 75 kW
0200-0330 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
0330-0400 NHK World, Russian
0400-0500 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
1730-1800 NHK World, Russian
1800-1900 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
1900-2000 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
2000-2100 Polish Radio, Belarusian
2100-2200 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
612 kHz isn't used any longer; this transmitter has been switched off on
17 Aug at 2100 UT. Note the shortened relay of RL Belarussian (now only
2 hours per day) and the new relay of RL Russian (3.5 hours per day). Reception reports are welcome and will be confirmed.
E-mail: [email protected] Postal address: Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International Algirdo Str. 13-9, Vilnius, LT-03219 Lithuania.
(Dmitry Mezin-RUS, hcdx Aug 19)
MOLDOVA 11510 nothing heard of Radyoya Denge Kurdistane via Grigoriopol at 0520 UT, but program came back on air at 0523 UT.
UZBEKISTAN 9390 IBRA Radio in Bengali at 1506 UT on Aug 18. Male prayer. S=9+15dB at -55dBm strength in southern Germany.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18)
Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 140, Issue 21
Sitkunai tx center: new MW sked
New schedule of MW transmissions from Sitkunai, Lithuania, received directly from Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International project
Kaunas / Sitkunai, 1386 kHz, 75 kW
0200-0330 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
0330-0400 NHK World, Russian
0400-0500 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
1730-1800 NHK World, Russian
1800-1900 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
1900-2000 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
2000-2100 Polish Radio, Belarusian
2100-2200 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
612 kHz isn't used any longer; this transmitter has been switched off 17
Aug at 2100 UTC. Note the shortened relay of RL Belarussian (now only 2 hours per day) and the new relay of RL Russian (3.5 hours per day).
Reception reports are welcome and will be confirmed. Email: [email protected] Postal address: Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International,
Algirdo Str. 13-9, Vilnius, LT-03219 Lithuania.
73, - Dmitry Mezin - Kazan, Russia
DX-Window No. 512 from the Danish Shortwave Club International Denmark - Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen - August 20, 2014
9677v, Ictimai R, Stepanakert, 1729-1752, Aug 13, Azeri again on traditional frequency, ex 11760v. (Ivanov)
CLANDESTINES and other Target Broadcasts
7480, R Payem e-Doost, via Kichinev, Moldova (500 kW / 116 degrees), 1800-1845 Farsi to Western Asia. (Ivanov, Aug 05)
7530, Voice of Martyrs, via Toshkent (100 kW / 065 degrees), 1600-1730, Aug 06, Korean to North Korea, ex 7510. Alternative frequencies:
7505/7510/7520/7525. (Ivanov)
9300, North Korea Reform R, via Toshkent (100 kW / 070 degrees), 1430-1530, Aug 04 and 12, Korean to North Korea. (Ivanov)
11510, Radyoya Denge Kurdistana, via Grigoriopol, 2014, Aug 06, Kurdish talk. (Ivanov)
11550, R Free North Korea, via Dushanbe (100 kW / 071 degrees), 1530-1630, Aug 04, Korean to North Korea. (Ivanov)
11560, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Dushanbe (100 kW / 125 degrees), 1430-1530, Aug 12, Burmese to South East Asia. (Ivanov)
Russian state radio station "Voice of Russia" launched on Fr Aug 01 that it is broadcasting on the Crimean federal district - the inhabitants of the
peninsula will be available most operative and qualitative information about the events in the Crimea and Russia as a whole. "Crimea today the most
important region of Russia, and our radio station will contribute to all the changes for the better on the peninsula," - said the launch of the "Voice of
Russia" Dmitry Kiselev, CEO of MIA "Russia Today", which includes a radio station. "Voice of Russia" has the largest coverage in the Crimea on the
FM waves: 102.3 FM - Simferopol, Alushta, Feodosia and Bakhchisarai, 104.1 FM - in Sevastopol, Yalta, Evpatoria, Jankoi and Krasnoperekopsk,
105.3 FM - Kerch and Sudak, 107.1 FM - in Belogorskiy and Nizhnegorskiy areas, 100.2 FM - in the Chernomorskiy area. "Its main purpose - not only
to inform about the events of the Crimean people in social and political life of the Russian Federation, but also to a whole new level for the peninsula
illuminate the processes taking place in the republic - better, deeper, more promptly," - said the head of the regional office, "Voice of Russia "Vadim
Volchenko. According to him, even during the first hour of the broadcast station to the editors received calls from dozens of listeners, "thanking us
for the fact that now and in the Crimea can be heard news radio." "After all, this kind of media like no other, is able to quickly and fully to cover the
most urgent and pressing issues of living in such an important historical time for it," - said Volchenko. In addition to broadcast programs "Russian
service" every hour will sound operational news of the peninsula, in the morning (8:00 to 10:00) and evening (from 16:00 to 18:00) ethers observers
Crimean edition will disclose information picture of the day, poll experts on the hottest topics to discuss topical issues with the audience. Also in the
plans of the Crimean of Radio - the author of the program leading journalists in the region, and special projects aimed at promoting the Russian
culture, literature and history. President of the Russian Federation December 9, 2013 signed a decree on the establishment of an international news
agency "Russia Today" on the basis of RIA Novosti, he became general director Dmitry Kiselev. Key areas of the agency, in accordance with the
decree, are informational support Russian interests abroad and the formation of a positive image of the Russian Federation. Editor in chief of the
agency became the head of the Russian news channel RT (Russia Today) Margarita Simonyan. In a new agency came as Russian State Broadcasting
Company "Voice of Russia". (ria.ru in OnAir.ru, via RUS-DX No. 780, Aug 10). Russia’s President Vladimir Putin visited Crimea on Aug 14. (Ed)
4765, Tajik R, Dushanbe, 1900-1017, Aug 13, Tajik music, songs and comments, 24322. (Méndez)
4765, Tajik R, Yangiyul, 1845, Jan 02, Tajik anns and music, 35443. (Beryozkin)
Shortwave DX-ing from Bulgaria Bulgarian DX blog
Voice of Russia to return to shortwave from October 1, 2014 RUSSIA(non) Voice of Russia to return to shortwave from October 1, 2014. Registered
frequencies in HFCC Database:
0000-0100 on 17770 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
0000-0200 on 6120 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs English
0000-0200 on 12060 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to CeAm Spanish
0000-0300 on 11965 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English
0000-0400 on 6100 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to N/ME English
0000-0500 on 6195 S.P 800 kW / 268 deg to SoAm Russian <<<<< 800 kW ???
0000-0600 on 7240 MSK 500 kW / 267 deg to SoAm Portuguese
0100-0300 on 17530 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Russian
0100-0300 on 17855 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Russian
0200-0400 on 11990 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CeAs Russian
0200-0600 on 11935 IRK 100 kW / 263 deg to CeAs Russian
0200-0600 on 12010 P.K 200 kW / 061 deg to NoAm English
0200-0600 on 12070 P.K 250 kW / 067 deg to NoAm English
0300-0500 on 17530 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
0300-0600 on 11900 P.K 250 kW / 064 deg to NoAm English
0300-0600 on 17855 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
0300-0700 on 11985 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to CeAs Russian
0600-0900 on 7350 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
0600-1000 on 15725 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu English DRM
0600-1400 on 7280 IRK 100 kW / 044 deg to FERu Russian
0700-0900 on 9625 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu German DRM
0700-1500 on 11975 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to CeAs Russian
0800-1200 on 9870 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CeAs Russian
0900-1400 on 9625 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu Russian DRM
1000-1200 on 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1000-1200 on 7300 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
1000-1200 on 12035 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English DRM
1000-1200 on 15270 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to WeAs English
1000-1400 on 5900 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 6075 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 6045 IRK 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 9450 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 9695 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 9865 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 11925 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
1100-1400 on 6195 S.P 200 kW / 217 deg to WeEu Russian
1100-1400 on 17830 MSK 250 kW / 100 deg to SEAs Russian
1200-1400 on 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Japanese
1200-1400 on 7300 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Russian
1200-1400 on 7340 P.K 250 kW / 241 deg to EaAs Japanese
1200-1400 on 15270 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to WeAs Russian
1200-1600 on 15495 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CeAs Russian
1300-1400 on 7320 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Hindi DRM
1300-1400 on 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Russian
1300-1600 on 6175 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to N/ME Turkish
1400-1500 on 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
1400-1500 on 7320 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Urdu DRM
1400-1500 on 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to N/ME Turkish
1400-1500 on 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Urdu
1400-1600 on 6145 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CeAs Russian
1400-1700 on 6035 IRK 100 kW / 263 deg to CeAs Russian
1400-1800 on 6010 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to NoAf English
1400-1900 on 6015 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CeAs Russian
1400-2200 on 9450 MSK 250 kW / 275 deg to WeEu English
1500-1700 on 5975 S.P 200 kW / 147 deg to WeAs Farsi
1500-1700 on 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1500-1700 on 11635 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to WeEu German
1500-1800 on 9560 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
1500-1800 on 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Russian
1500-1900 on 6045 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to WeEu Russian
1500-1900 on 6140 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu German DRM
1500-2000 on 6070 ARM 100 kW / 157 deg to N/ME Russian
1500-2200 on 12070 MSK 250 kW / 285 deg to WeEu English
1600-1700 on 6175 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1600-1800 on 5960 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu Russian DRM
1600-1900 on 6110 IRK 250 kW / 240 deg to CeAs Russian
1600-1900 on 12035 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu German DRM
1600-2100 on 6120 IRK 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Arabic
1600-2100 on 6195 S.P 200 kW / 217 deg to NoAf Arabic
1700-1900 on 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to N/ME Turkish
1700-1900 on 9800 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CeAs Russian
1700-1900 on 9820 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to WeEu English
1700-2000 on 11635 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
1700-2000 on 5975 S.P 200 kW / 147 deg to N/ME Arabic
1800-2000 on 5960 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu French DRM
1800-2100 on 6010 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to NoAf French
1800-2100 on 9900 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English DRM
1900-2100 on 9820 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to WeEu Russian
2000-2130 on 6045 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to WeEu Russian
2000-2200 on 9780 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu Russian DRM
2100-2400 on 11655 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
2200-2400 on 7240 MSK 500 kW / 267 deg to SoAm Spanish
2200-2400 on 12060 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to CeAm Portuguese
2200-2400 on 17770 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
2300-2400 on 11965 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English
Radio Rossii
0000-1500 on 7230 IAK 100 kW / 000 deg to FERu Russian
0700-1500 on 13820 MSK 250 kW / 267 deg to WeEu Russian
1900-2400 on 7230 IAK 100 kW / 000 deg to FERu Russian
BELARUS/THAILAND Radio Belarus in Russian vs BBC in Bengali on Aug.19
1400-1600 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu Russian
1400-1500 on 11730 NAK 250 kW / 305 deg to SoAs Bengali Tue/Sun. Video:
JAPAN(non) Radio Japan NHK World via MW transmitter in Sitkunai:
1730-1800 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian. Video:
LITHUANIA New schedule of MW transmissions from Sitkunai:
0200-0330 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Liberty
0330-0400 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Japan NHK World
0400-0500 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Belarusian Radio Liberty
1730-1800 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Japan NHK World
1800-1900 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Liberty
1900-2000 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Belarusian Radio Liberty
2000-2100 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Belarusian Polish Radio
2100-2200 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Liberty
Video from August 21 - Radio Liberty in Russian // shortwave frequencies:
1800-1900 on 5995 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian
1800-1900 on 9840 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Russian
1800-1900 on 11760 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian
Ivo Ivanov - QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria - Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
Moscow Information DX Bulletin Weekly electronic publication # 907 - August 19, 2014 - Editor of the current issue: Konstantin Gusev. Moscow,
Ictimai Radio FM mode back to the traditional frequency:
00.00-24.00 9677v UNIDentified tx site to CeAs Azeri, instead of 11760. (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
New schedule of MW transmissions from Sitkunai, Lithuania, received directly from Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International project
Kaunas / Sitkunai, 1386 kHz, 75 kW
0200-0330 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
0330-0400 NHK World, Russian
0400-0500 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
1730-1800 NHK World, Russian
1800-1900 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
1900-2000 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
2000-2100 Polish Radio, Belarusian
2100-2200 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
612 kHz isn't used any longer; this transmitter has been switched off 17 Aug at 2100 UTC. Note the shortened relay of RL Belarussian (now only 2
hours per day) and the new relay of RL Russian (3.5 hours per day). Reception reports are welcome and will be confirmed. Email: riplei [at] takas.lt
Postal address: Rimantas Pleikys, Radio Baltic Waves International, Algirdo Str. 13-9, Vilnius, LT-03219 Lithuania. (Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, open_dx)
HFCC registered frequency and the Voice of Russia Radio Russia from October 1. Does this mean that the station returned to the SW?
00.00-01.00 17770 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
00.00-02.00 6120 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs English
00.00-02.00 12060 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to CeAm Spanish
00.00-03.00 11965 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English
00.00-04.00 6100 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to N/ME English
00.00-05.00 6195 S.P 800 kW / 268 deg to SoAm Russian <<<<< 800 kW ???
00.00-06.00 7240 MSK 500 kW / 267 deg to SoAm Portuguese
01.00-03.00 17530 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Russian
01.00-03.00 17855 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Russian
02.00-04.00 11990 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CeAs Russian
02.00-06.00 11935 IRK 100 kW / 263 deg to CeAs Russian
02.00-06.00 12010 P.K 200 kW / 061 deg to NoAm English
02.00-06.00 12070 P.K 250 kW / 067 deg to NoAm English
03.00-05.00 17530 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
03.00-06.00 11900 P.K 250 kW / 064 deg to NoAm English
03.00-06.00 17855 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
03.00-07.00 11985 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to CeAs Russian
06.00-09.00 7350 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
06.00-10.00 15725 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu English DRM
06.00-14.00 7280 IRK 100 kW / 044 deg to FERu Russian
07.00-09.00 9625 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu German DRM
07.00-15.00 11975 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to CeAs Russian
08.00-12.00 9870 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CeAs Russian
09.00-14.00 9625 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu Russian DRM
10.00-12.00 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
10.00-12.00 7300 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
10.00-12.00 12035 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English DRM
10.00-12.00 15270 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to WeAs English
10.00-14.00 5900 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
10.00-14.00 6075 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
10.00-14.00 6045 IRK 100 kW / 125 deg to EaAs Chinese
10.00-14.00 9450 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Chinese
10.00-14.00 9695 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
10.00-14.00 9865 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
10.00-14.00 11925 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EaAs Chinese
11.00-14.00 6195 S.P 200 kW / 217 deg to WeEu Russian
11.00-14.00 17830 MSK 250 kW / 100 deg to SEAs Russian
12.00-14.00 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs Japanese
12.00-14.00 7300 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs Russian
12.00-14.00 7340 P.K 250 kW / 241 deg to EaAs Japanese
12.00-14.00 15270 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to WeAs Russian
12.00-16.00 15495 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CeAs Russian
13.00-14.00 7320 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Hindi DRM
13.00-14.00 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Russian
13.00-16.00 6175 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to N/ME Turkish
14.00-15.00 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EaAs English
14.00-15.00 7320 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Urdu DRM
14.00-15.00 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to N/ME Turkish
14.00-15.00 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Urdu
14.00-16.00 6145 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CeAs Russian
14.00-17.00 6035 IRK 100 kW / 263 deg to CeAs Russian
14.00-18.00 6010 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to NoAf English
14.00-19.00 6015 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CeAs Russian
14.00-22.00 9450 MSK 250 kW / 275 deg to WeEu English
15.00-17.00 5975 S.P 200 kW / 147 deg to WeAs Farsi
15.00-17.00 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to WeAs Kurdish
15.00-17.00 11635 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to WeEu German
15.00-18.00 9560 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
15.00-18.00 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Russian
15.00-19.00 6045 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to WeEu Russian
15.00-19.00 6140 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu German DRM
15.00-20.00 6070 ARM 100 kW / 157 deg to N/ME Russian
15.00-22.00 12070 MSK 250 kW / 285 deg to WeEu English
16.00-17.00 6175 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to WeAs Kurdish
16.00-18.00 5960 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu Russian DRM
16.00-19.00 6110 IRK 250 kW / 240 deg to CeAs Russian
16.00-19.00 12035 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu German DRM
16.00-21.00 6120 IRK 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Arabic
16.00-21.00 6195 S.P 200 kW / 217 deg to NoAf Arabic
17.00-19.00 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to N/ME Turkish
17.00-19.00 9800 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CeAs Russian
17.00-19.00 9820 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to WeEu English
17.00-20.00 11635 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to WeEu French
17.00-20.00 5975 S.P 200 kW / 147 deg to N/ME Arabic
18.00-20.00 5960 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WeEu French DRM
18.00-21.00 6010 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to NoAf French
18.00-21.00 9900 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English DRM
19.00-21.00 9820 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to WeEu Russian
20.00-21.30 6045 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to WeEu Russian
20.00-22.00 9780 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WeEu Russian DRM
21.00-24.00 11655 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EaAs English
22.00-24.00 7240 MSK 500 kW / 267 deg to SoAm Spanish
22.00-24.00 12060 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to CeAm Portuguese
22.00-24.00 17770 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
23.00-24.00 11965 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SoAs English
Radio Rossii :
0000-1500 7230 IAK 100 kW / 000 deg to FERu Russian
0700-1500 13820 MSK 250 kW / 267 deg to WeEu Russian
1900-2400 7230 IAK 100 kW / 000 deg to FERu Russian
(Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
DX RE MIX NEWS # 867 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov Date August 22, 2014 Sofia, Bulgaria
AZERBAIJAN Ictimai Radio in FM mode was back to its traditional frequency
0000-2400 on 9677v UNIDentified tx site to CeAs Azeri, ex 11760. Videos:
BELARUS/THAILAND Radio Belarus in Russian vs BBC in Bengali on Aug.19
1400-1600 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu Russian
1400-1500 on 11730 NAK 250 kW / 305 deg to SoAs Bengali Tue/Sun. Video:
LITHUANIA New schedule of MW transmissions from Sitkunai:
0200-0330 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Liberty
0330-0400 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Japan NHK World
0400-0500 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Belarusian Radio Liberty
1730-1800 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Japan NHK World
1800-1900 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Liberty
1900-2000 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Belarusian Radio Liberty
2000-2100 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Belarusian Polish Radio
2100-2200 on 1386 SIT 075 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian Radio Liberty
Video from August 21 - Radio Liberty in Russian // shortwave frequencies:
1800-1900 on 5995 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian
1800-1900 on 9840 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg to CeAs Russian
1800-1900 on 11760 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EaEu Russian
RUSSIA Probably Voice of Russia to return to shortwave from Oct.1.
Registered frequencies in HFCC Database Oct.1-26 may be found here:
“QSL World”
Austria / Germany
Received two eQSL TWR.
2014-07-20, 1400-1427 UTC, 9800 kHz, Moosbrunn, Austria
2014-07-20, 1400-1427 UTC. 7320 kHz, Nauen, Germany
Dear Mr. Klepov,
Thank you for your e-mail with two reception reports. On behalf of Trans World Radio, I'm verifying them with the attached eQSL cards. We do not
print broadcast schedule any more so I suggest for you to look up our schedule at this link: http://www.twr.org/schedule I wish you God's very best
through Jesus Christ our Savior. Kind regards, Kalman - Kalman Dobos - Broadcast Monitoring | TWR - [email protected] (Editor)
Received a QSL from Radio Bangladesh Betar for the reception at a frequency of 13580 15/03/2014 kHz. On the card - the river. The report sent by
electronic mail to the address: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL came from Bangladesh Betar, reception April 6, at a frequency of 15505 kHz. Sent a report on the two e-mail addresses rrc [at] dhaka.net and
betar.external [at] yahoo.com, 135 days waiting for an answer. On the card - Photo fisherman casts his net. Chief Engineer Abu Tabib Md. Zia
Hasan writes that waiting for new reports from listeners, it is very important for maintain the quality of translations.
(Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, Russia / "open-dx")
QSL letter from the First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio. 20/08/2014, 16.20 to 17.55 (UTC) at a frequency of 6080 kHz.
Response during the day. E-mail: [email protected] (Vasily Gulyaev, Astrakhan, Russia) WEB: http://radio1.tvr.by/ (Editor)
The Vatican
Received QSL-cards from the Belarusian version of Vatican Radio for reception 24.07.2014, 17.00-17.19 UTC on 11715 kHz frequency. On the card
- the Pope Francis. The report sent by electronic mail: [email protected] the stamp Belarusian service. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "denebradio-dx")
Received QSL-cards from the English edition of "Voice of Vietnam" for the reception 07/03/2014 at the frequency 9730 kHz. The card - terraced
fields. report sent by electronic mail: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
VOV for 19.07.14 with 19.00-19.27 UTC, 9890 kHz (Fabulous coastline of Vietnam) - [email protected] (Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "denebradio-dx ')
Germany / Russia
Came QSL Voice of the Andes for 07/05/14, 1530-1600 UTC, 13800 kHz, Russian (Flower. Ps. 54:23) - reported to on mks @ intercon;
(Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Received a confirmation by e-mail from the station
RADIO BALTIC WAVES INTERNATIONAL a few minutes after sending the report to the reception! August 19, 2014, 17: 30-18: 00 UTC, Kaunas Sitkūnai, Lithuania, 1386 kHz, Program source: NHK World, Tokyo, 75 kW, Transmitter type: Storm-C Transmitting antenna type: 153 m bottom-fed
insulated guyed mast. Signature: Rimantas Pleikys Chief Operations Officer Radio Baltic Waves International (Editor)
Received QSL-cards from the Russian service of Polish Radio for reception 25.07.2014,
23.30-23.59 UTC at a frequency of 738 kHz. The card five mini photo of Warsaw. The report sent by electronic mail: ru @ radio.com.pl
(Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL received the July edition of the Ukrainian EMI. The card - The Citadel of Sighisoara. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL received from The Overcomer Ministry. When they were sent instead QSL simple letter and envelope. So I sent them, and in this envelope RR.
Confirmed the frequency of 9400 kHz. (Pavel, Belgorod, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" & "open_dx")
Today came 2 QSL by AWR for 07.31.14 with 20.00 UTC, 9760 kHz (compass); for 08.04.14 with 11.00 UTC, 9460 kHz (blue design) - have both
been such. Reported to on wavescan@(Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx ')
Got 2 QSL-cards from the Spanish edition of the International Radio Taiwan for April and May report. 7730 and confirmed by the frequency of 3965
kHz. cards numbered 2014-2 and 2014-3. Reports sent to the address: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
France / Germany
Received eQSL Radio Atlantic 2000 August 10, 2014, 08.00-09.00, 6005 and 9485 kHz, 1 kW Sites: Kall-Krekel & Gohren (Germany).
http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr (Editor)
South Korea
Got 3 QSL-cards from the Russian service KBS World Radio for reception in June and July at the frequencies 9645, 15360 and 738 kHz. On the cards
- folk dances and the song "Kangansulle." Reports sent by electronic mail: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL KBS for 27.07.14, 18-19 UTC, 15360 kHz, Russian (Nar. Songs and dances 'Kangansulle') (Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
mail of the day
Today I received:
Taiwan: 5 confirmations from the International Radio Taiwan - confirmed 1,9,12,20,31 July 2014 All cards are the same - The Beauty of Bitan.
Vietnam: 3 QSL- cards from Voice of Vietnam - for the reception from 16 to 31 July 2014. The boys on the buffalo. Terraced fields in the North of
Vietnam. fabulous sea coast of Vietnam. South Korea: 4 QSL- cards from the International Radio Korea - for the reception from 1 to 25 July 2014 3
cards - folk dances and songs "Kangansulle" and one Card - spinning fiber fabrics hansanskogo ramie. Germany: 3 QSL- cards from Voices of the
Andes for the reception - 5,12,26 July 2014 - types Voronezh and flowers with the words of the Bible. Turkey: 1 QSL- card from Voice of Turkey for
hosting in May 2014 on the card Teep Erdogan-friendly + Stand for tea with bugs. I have until 17 stands, a lot of stolen letters in 2013-2014.
(Vladimir Pivivariv, Boyarka, Ukraine / "deneb-radio-dx")
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Conexión Digital Nº 785
SIN FRONTERAS - por Marcelo A. Cornachioni - [email protected]
NOTA: Salvo indicación en contrario, los esquemas seguidamente publicados corresponden al período A-14 vigente desde el 30/03/2014 al
ANTARTIDA: LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel:
1830-2130 15476 123456
QTH: LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 9411 Territorio
Antártico Argentino, Argentina.
E-mail: [email protected]
ANTILLAS HOLANDESAS: TWR, Trans Worl Radio (Bonaire):
0030-0700 800 América [C] 1234567
0900-1100 800 América [C] 1234567
1100-1230 800 América [S] 1234567
2130-2300 800 América [S] 1234567
QTH: Trans Worl Radio, P.O.Box 388, Kralendijk, Bonaire, Antillas Holandesas. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.twrbonaire.com
ARGENTINA: RAE, Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior:
Lunes a Viernes:
0900-1000 6060, 15345
1300-1500 6060, 15345
2200-2400 6060, 11710, 15345
QTH: RAE, Casilla de Correo 555, Correo Central, (C1000WAF) Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.radionacional.gov.ar
ARGENTINA: LRA-1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires:
2000-0230 6060, 15345 6
1800-0300 6060, 15345 7
QTH: Radio Nacional, Maipú 555, (C1006ACE) CA Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.radionacional.gov.ar
BELARUS: Radio Station Belarus (Radio Minsk):
2000-2020 7255, 11730 167
QTH: Radio Minsk / R. Station Belarus, Foreign Service, 4 Krasnaja St., 220807 Minsk, Belarus. E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.radiobelarus.tvr.by
CHECA, REP. Radio Praga (vía WRMI Radio Miami Internacional, USA):
0200-0230 9955 23456
0400-0430 9955 1234567
1000-1030 9955 12345
QTH: Radio Praga, Vinohradská 12, 120 99 Praga 2, Rep. Checa. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.radio.cz
CHINA, REP. POPULAR: Radio Internacional de China:
2100-2300 España 7335, 9640
2200-2300 América [S] 9490
2200-2400 Europa A-7210, 7250
2300-2400 Europa A-6175
2300-0100 América [S] 9590
2300-0100 Europa 9800
0000-0100 América [C] C-5990
0000-0100 América [S] C-15120
0100-0300 América [S] 9595, 9710
0600-0800 España 17680
Centros retransmisores:
(A) Cerrik, Albania
(C) Bauta, Cuba
QTH: Departamento de Español, R. Intl. de China, 16A Shijingshan Lu, Beijing 100040, Rep. Popular China.
E-mail: [email protected] Web: //espanol.cri.cn/
COREA, REP.: KBS World Radio:
0100-0200 F-9605, 11810 América [S]
0200-0300 15575 América [N]
1100-1200 11795 América [S]
1800-1900 9740 Europa
Centros retransmisores: (F) WHRI, Furman (USA)
QTH: KBS World R., 18 Yoido dong, Youngdungpo ku, Seoul 150 790, Corea. E-mail: [email protected] Web: world.kbs.co.kr/spanish
0300-0400* América [C/S] 11735, 13760, 15180
0500-0600* América [C/S] 11735, 13760, 15180
1900-2000* Europa [O] 13760, 15245
2200-2300* Europa [O] 13760, 15245
Nota: (*) Frecuencia adicional: 3560 KHz en modo DRM.
QTH: La Voz de Corea, Comité de Radio y Televisión, Pyongyang, Rep. Popular Democrática de Corea.
CUBA: Radio Habana Cuba:
0000-0500 6060 Nueva York
0100-0500 5040 Centroamérica y México
1100-1300 9550 Buenos Aires
1100-1300 9850 Chicago
1100-1300 11760 América
1100-1500 6000 América
1100-1500 9830 Centroamérica
1100-1500 11860 Nueva York
1100-1500 12010 Antillas
1100-1500 15230 Buenos Aires
1100-1500 17580 Buenos Aires
1100-1500 17730 Río de Janeiro
1300-1500 9550 Centroamérica
1300-1500 15340 Chicago
1300-1500 15370 San Francisco
2100-2300 5040 Caribe
2100-2300 9710 Antillas
2100-2300 11670 Europa
2100-0400 13740 Buenos Aires
2100-0500 9550 Centroamérica
2100-0500 9810 Centroamérica
2100-0500 11840 Chile
2300-0400 6070 Antillas
2300-0400 11670 Río de Janeiro
2300-0400 15230 Buenos Aires
Nota: Px “Mesa Redonda” (Lunes a Viernes, de 2300 a 2400 UTC por 6000 y 6165 KHz).
QTH: Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana 6, Cuba. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail para reportes: [email protected]
Web: www.radiohc.cu
CUBA: Radio Rebelde:
0600-2100 5025 América [C]
QTH: Radio Rebelde, Departamento de Relaciones Públicas, Apartado 6277, 10600 La Habana 6, Cuba.
E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.radiorebelde.com.cu
ECUADOR: HCJB Global (La Voz de Los Andes):
0130-0500 6050 12345
0300-0500 6050 67
1100-1500 6050 12345
1130-1500 6050 67
1900-2130 6050 1234567
2130-2400 6050 67
2200-2330 6050 12345
QTH: HCJB, Apartado 17-17-691, Quito, Ecuador. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.vozandes.org
EGIPTO: Radio El Cairo:
0045-0200 9315 América [N]
0045-0200 11710 América [S]
0045-0200 12070 América [C]
QTH: Radio El Cairo, Apartado Postal 566, El Cairo, Egipto. E-mail: [email protected]
ESLOVAQUIA: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional (vía WRMI Radio Miami Internacional, USA):
0230-0300 9955 1234567
0430-0500 9955 1234567
1030-1100 9955 123456
QTH: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, P.O.Box 55, 810 05 Bratislava, Eslovaquia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rsi.rtvs.sk
ESPAÑA: REE, Radio Exterior de España:
Transmisiones para Europa:
0500-0900 9780 1234567 (DRM)
0900-1100 15585 1234567 (DRM)
1100-1300 13720 1234567 (DRM)
1400-1600 15585 7
1400-1700 15585 6
1600-2200 7275 7
1700-2200 7275 6
Transmisiones para Africa:
1100-1500 21515* 12345
1100-1400 21515* 6
1100-1700 21515* 7
1400-2200 17755 6
1500-1700 15385 12345
1700-2200 17755 7
1700-1900 17755 12345
2200-2300 9570 1234567
Transmisiones para Oriente Medio:
1100-1700 21610 1234567
Transmisiones para Filipinas:
1200-1400 X-11910 1234567
Transmisiones para América Central:
1300-1600 21640 12345
1300-1700 21640 67
1700-2300 17850 67
1800-2200 17850 12345
2300-0600 9535 1234567
Transmisiones para América del Sur:
0200-0600 6125 1234567
1200-1800 17715 12345
1400-2200 17715 67
2300-0200 15160 1234567
2300-0500 9620 1234567
Nota: (*) Frecuencia alternativa: 21540 KHz. (X) vía Xian, China.
QTH: Radio Exterior de España, Apartado 156.202, 28080 Madrid, España. E-mail para reportes: [email protected]
Web: www.ree.rne.es
0000-0300 6030, 7365
0300-0700* 6030, 7405
0700-0900* 5980, 6030
0900-1000 5980, 6030
1000-1200 6030, 9805
1200-1300 7405, 9805
1300-1400 7405, 13605
1400-2000 11930, 13605
2000-2400 9565, 11930
Nota: (*) De Mar a Sab
QTH: Radio Martí, 4201 NW 77th Ave., Miami, FL 33166, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.martinoticias.com
ESTADOS UNIDOS: KVOH, La Voz de Restauración:
1300-1900 17775 12345
QTH: KVOH, La Voz de Restauración, P.O.Box 56320, Los Angeles, CA 90056, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kvoh.net
ESTADOS INIDOS: WEWN, Radio Católica Mundial:
0000-0500 5810, 11870
0500-1000 7555, 11870
1000-1300 7555, 12050
1300-1700 11550, 12050
1700-1800 11550, 13830
1800-2400 12050, 13830
QTH: EWTN Shortwave Radio, 5817 Old Leeds Road, Irondale, AL 35210-2164, USA.
E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ewtn.com/espanol
ESTADOS UNIDOS WTWW (We Transmit World Wide):
0000-0300 12105 34567
QTH: WTWW, 1784 West Northfield Blvd. #305, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, USA.
E-mail: [email protected] (George McClintock, Station Manager) Web: www.wtww.us
ESTADOS UNIDOS: WWCR, World Wide Christian Radio:
2100-2200 15825 1234567
QTH: WWCR, 1300 WWCR Avenue, Nashville, TN 37218, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.wwcr.com
HOLANDA: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep:
0000-0030 F-9895 23456
Nota: (F) Vía WHRI, Furman (USA)
QTH: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, Apartado 222, 1200 JG Hilversum, Holanda. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rnw.nl/espanol
INDONESIA: La Voz de Indonesia:
1700-1800 9525 Europa –[irr]QTH: La Voz de Indonesia, P.O.Box, 1157, Jakarta 10001, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.voi.co.id
IRAN: La Voz de la República Islámica de Irán:
0020-0120 9860, 11760 América [C/S]
0120-0220 9860, 11760 América [C/S]
0220-0320 9860 América [S]
0520-0620 15430, 17530 Europa
2020-2120 7425, 9480 Europa
QTH: I.R.I.B., P.O.Box 19395/6767, Teherán, Irán. E-mail: [email protected] Web: //spanish.irib.ir
JAPON: NHK World, Radio Japón:
0400-0430 O-5985, F-12015
0930-1000 F-6195
Centros emisores:
(F) WHRI, Furman (USA) (O) WRMI, Okeechobee (USA)
QTH: NHK-World, Radio Japón, 2-2-1. Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8001, Japón. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld
RUMANIA: Radio Rumania Internacional:
1900-2000 9540, 11625 España
2100-2200 15300, 17745 Sudamérica
2300-2400 9740, 11955 Sudamérica
2300-2400 9765, 11795 Centroamérica
0200-0300 9520, 11945 Sudamérica
0200-0300 9645, 11955 Centroamérica
QTH: R. Rumania Internacional, Apartado 111, Bucarest, Rumania. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rri.ro
SERBIA: Radio Internacional de Serbia:
1900-1930 6100 1234567
QTH: Radio Internacional de Serbia, P.O.Box 200, 11000 Belgrado, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.glassrbije.org
TAIWAN: Radio Taiwán Internacional:
0200-0300 I-11995 América [S]
0300-0400 O-7730 México
2000-2100 I-3965 Europa
Centros emisores: (I) Issoudun, Francia (O) WRMI, Okeechobee (USA)
QTH: Radio Taiwán Internacional, Sección Española, P.O.Box 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwán, Rep. de China.
E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rti.org.tw
TURQUIA: TRT, La Voz de Turquía:
0100-0200 9770, 9870 América
1630-1730 11930 Europa
QTH: La Voz de Turquía, TRT, External Services, P.O.Box 333, 06.443 Yenisehir, Ankara, Turquía. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.trtspanish.com
VATICANO: Radio Vaticana:
0200-0245 Cuba G-7305
1130-1200 Cuba G-7305
1900-1930 Africa 13765, 15570 (Sab)
Nota: (G) Vía Greenville, USA.
QTH: R. Vaticana, Servicio Hispanoamericano, 00120 Ciudaddel Vaticano. E-mail: [email protected] y [email protected]
Web: www.radiovaticano.org
VIETNAM: La Voz de Vietnam:
0300-0330 F-6175 Caribe
0400-0430 F-6175 Caribe
1800-1830 7280, 9730 Europa
Nota: (F) Vía WHRI, Furman (USA)
QTH: La Voz de Vietnam, 58 Quan Su Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.vov.org.vn
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 24, 2014
** AUSTRALIA. 9580 & 12065, et al., Aug 24 at 1254, during 1300 hour and after news at 1405, R. Australia is still running wide-ranging but
religiously-orientated call-in talk show `Sunday Night` from ABC Local Radio, so spans 12-16 UT. 1405 promo about program sked changes in
generalities. No ref to where we can find it, but now, at http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/international/radio/programschedule?tz=0&stream=asia
``New Radio Australia schedule --- Our new schedule is now online. We have some great new shows and even more fantastic Australian music. Some
familiar programs have moved into new time slots but our much loved weekend coverage of the AFL and NRL remains. We hope you enjoy our new
lineup - your feedback is always welcome.``
From that, we find the two shows which peripherally qualify for inclusion in our DX/SWL/Media Shows roster are now sked only at:
`Future Tense`, Sun 0130 & Thu 0430
`Download This Show`, Sun 1100 & Tue 0430
`Late Night Live` is now really late night --- if you`re in North America: Tue-Fri 0600-0700, its only airing. Assuming there have been no changes in
SW frequency usage, per the BDXC-UK BIE booklet for A-14, the ones during this hour are: 11945, 13630, 15240, 15415, 17750, 21725 from
Shep, and 9660, 12080 from Brandon.
`Daily Planet`, world music show we have been hearing, is M-F 13-14.
`Unearthed` is dispensable JJJ show now gulping 4 hours at 14-18 M-F
Ignoring news on the hour, so presumably all start at :05 or :06
** EGYPT. 13850, Aug 24 at 0528, R. Cairo Arabic toward North America is just barely modulated, occasional peak spikes audible, fair with flutter
** GREECE. 9935, Aug 24 at 0533, Greek songs, fair, better than // 9420; don`t usually find 9935 on this late; Alan Roe found a nominal schedule
from ERTOpen dated July 15 showing 1200-0350 on 9935 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. 9690, Aug 24 at 1322, AIR open carrier already on, with flutter; 1327 music starts but not the AIR IS, // better 13710; 1330 sign-on GOS
to E & SE Asia on 9690, 11620, 13710. On 11620 we have no more than a JBA carrier, maybe this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11580, Aug 24 at 0527, this WRMI BS frequency is stronger than // 11825, reverse of usual situation, with 11825 aimed toward us and
11580 off the side. What could explain? Maybe very skewed propagation routes, assuming both transmitters and antennas are operating nominally
** U S A. 15825, Aug 24 at 1315, WWCR is back on its proper frequency today after multi-hour excursion to 15795 yesterday; gospel huxter in
Re: ``And does anyone recall where the 15 MHz broadcast band officially ends per ITU allocations? I don`t``
My DX-398 thinx it`s 15800 where it warns with a beep; confirmed by FCC, per Jim, K5JG, 19m band runs 15100-15800, as on page 14 of:
Per http://transition.fcc.gov/oet/spectrum/table/fcctable.pdf (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Associao DX do Brasil
Lista de Transmissões em Português - Período A-14
Lista de Transmissões em Português - Período A-14 - Válido de 30 de Março a 26 de Outubro de 2014
Já está disponível a "Lista de Transmissões em Português" - Período A-14 - Válido de 30 de Março a 26 de Outubro de 2014 em PDF.
Os sócios da ADXB poderão conferir esta lista em www.adxb.com.br/exclusivo/pdf/listaa14.pdf
Associao DX do Brasil
Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 16-03-2014
Comunicamos que já se encontra a disposição o mais recente áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" referente ao terceiro domingo de
março/2014. Neste programa dominical você encontra o espaço "Correio dos Ouvintes" da Rádio França Internacional, "Clube de Amigos" da Voz
da Rússia e "Correspondência da Semana" da Rádio Vaticano.
Ainda temos as notícias do Informativo Semanal da ADXB com Jailton Amaral. Confira www.adxb.com.br/ea-16032014.mp3
Yimber Gaviria
Radio Nord Revival
"It seems like this time the conditions have been in our favour. Reception reports are coming in from all over the world. Some examples: USA, Japan,
New Zealand, Malaysia, Egypt, Australia and most of Europe. Really impressing! As our QSL manager is off to the USA today, all reports will be
verified in mid-September when he gets back. Reception reports can be sent to: Ronny Forslund Radio Nord Revival Vita Huset SE-17995 Svartsjo
Sweden Return postage ($ or IRC's) is much appreciated."
Polaka Claudyane Paulinho
Vende-se hf tf450 original super conservado 100w com acoplador altomatico atu 3 taico $ 2.599,00 ou troco somente por ic746 ou ts 2.000
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 25, 2014
** AUSTRALIA. 9580 & 12065, et al., Aug 25 during 12 UT hour hearing talk show, so recheck R. Australia online schedule. Here`s the new lineup
for prime morning listening hours in NAm:
11-12 UT: Mon Into the Music; Tue AWAYE; Wed Radiotonic; Thu Speaking Out/Pacific Break; Fri By Design/First Bite; Sat Grandstand continues;
Sun Download This Show/Rare Collexions
12-13 UT: Mon Science Show; Tue-Fri The World = TV news soundtrack still exists; Sat Grandstand concludes; Sun Sunday Night till 16
13-14 UT: Mon-Thu Daily Planet; Fri Keys to Music (classical); Sat Sat Night Country till 16; Sun Sunday Night till 16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CHINA. 16100, Aug 25 at 1241, CNR1 jammer, fair signal; no others audible 16-19+ MHz. This is often the first frequency I check, most reliable.
I`m wondering if the RFA Tibetan service via Kuwait is still on the 18-19 MHz band, as jammers unheard for a while, but it`s just poor propagation:
18930, Aug 25 at 1322, very poor talk but I can match it to CNR1 jammer on 11785; 18930 is in fact the Monday-only RFA frequency during this
hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 13740, Aug 25 at 0127, RHC remains off this frequency evenings, still propagating on 15230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9315, Aug 25 at 0112, R. Cairo Spanish modulation suppressed and distorted tho the signal level is good
9965, Aug 25 at 0112, R. Cairo Arabic, very good signal, adequate modulation but always with whine
11710, Aug 25 at 0112, R. Cairo Spanish still off but a JBA carrier from algo, possibly this on QRP?? Nothing else listed at this hour in Aoki. Since
it`s only UT Monday, Argentina is off 1171112070, Aug 25 at 0113, R. Cairo Spanish is humroar only here, except for bits of scratching, presumably modulation trying to break thru, and
splatting a bit plus/minus 10 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9935 // 9420, Aug 25 at 0113, ERTOpen is on with Greek music, VG signals here and VP on 15630. At 0518, 9420 // 9935 still
audible with music, but declined to fair and poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 21470, Aug 25 at 1244, Chinese talk, not CNR1, poor signal but the SSOB, a bit better than 21505 Saudi or 21540 Kuwait; soon find the
same on 21650, but not synchronized. At 1250 IRIB IS is playing on both, and 21470 goes off at 1250:42* while 21650 lasts a bit past 1253. VIRI
is indeed sked in 500 kW Chinese on both at 1150-1250: 21470, 76 degrees from Sirjan, and 21650, 65 degrees from Kamalabad.
15520, Aug 25 at 1327, Qur`anish music, very poor with flutter; 1330 announcement and unfamiliar fanfare, talk, news? Must be only thing
scheduled, also per Aoki, VIRI in Urdu at 1250-1420, 500 kW, 109 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 960, Aug 25 at 0503 UT during local KGWA Fox-hole of open carrier/dead air, after Mexican NA, XEK Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas calls
itself ``La Estación Grande``. It`s interesting how during this pentaminute, sometimes XEK dominates, sometimes ABC News reverbing between
San Angelo and Shenandoah, but no sign of them tonight or lately. Is it just propagation, or are the US stations sometimes out of whack, audiblizing
themselves? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 780, Aug 25 at 0531 UT check, 250-watt daytimer KSPI Stillwater is *still* running open carrier all night, obvious via groundwave
here with WBBM nulled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Aug 25 at 0546 UT, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC is in open carrier/dead air, except always with hum. AGAIN/Still? so at next
check 1203 UT. Finally at 1206 UT a solo YL rendition of the national anthem, as if it were a deliberate sign-on?, hard rock theme and into ``The
Ride with Reid`` Mullins, local talkshow. He bids farewell to ex-OK congresscritter Ernest Istook, who had been doing a show here at 11 am until last
Friday, but stand by for ``the biggest announcement in 25 years in OKC``. A new show which has never *officially* been on the air in OK, to replace
Istook from 11 am [16+ UT] today. Reid keeps teasing about this to be revealed at the end of his own show.
So stemming my revulsion at his anti-Democratic, far-right Republican diatribes, including denigrating Michael Brown on the day of his funeral, I
keep listening with one ear off and on. This allows me to perceive what a sorry excuse for a radio station KZLS is, not only from the programming but
from the technical standpoint. Modulation is interrupted unpredictably for varying periods of time; STL problem? This has been going on for ages. At
1257-1300+ UT just OCDA and hum; 1318 UT he`s back talking politix (what else?). Blaze `news` is interrupted at 1403 UT for 3 minutes of DA, till
1406 UT Reid resumes; at 1407 he mentions that the new show was formerly heard only on pirate stations in OK.
Now I`m quite sure he`s referring to Alex Jones, whose live broadcast is at 11 am -2 pm CT (hmmm, what a coincidence, same time as Rush),
because I myself had heard Jones on OKC and Enid FM pirates. 1427 UT during weather, mod cuts off again, on and off during car dealer ad (his only
sponsor? Heard same several times), still off past 1431 UT; 1449 UT DA again; at 1455 he`s now promised the Big Announcement will be next, but
guess what?? DEAD AIR AGAIN past 1501 UT so I turn off in disgust. 1526 UT check: DA; 1557 UT check still DA. 1600 UT comes alive with part of an
ad, Blaze news. 1608 UT confirmed: Alex Jones - Infowars finally starts (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 9500, Aug 25 at 0117, RSO good with Qur`an rather than on equally probable 15355, 15140 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260 & 3385, Aug 25 at wakeup 1157, carriers with some audio from NBC stations only on these frequencies; too much
storm noise from Kansas. At 1201, 3260 is in talk, 3385 in music; at 1213, 3385 still audible, 3260 not and presumed off. Today`s sunrise: 1157
** PERU. 5980, Aug 25 at 0106, R. Chaski still AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020-, Aug 25 at I catch the SIBC carrier cutoff at 1158:36*. Assumed still on 5020.0, and did not pin down the frequency,
but at 1123, Wolfgang Büschel had put it on 5019.878, so back to the old transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Aug 25 at 0114, SLBC carrier, 0114:46 music starts, mistimesignal ends `early` at 0115:17.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** SWEDEN. 9295-USB, Aug 25 at 0109, R. Nord Revival with better signal than 24 hours earlier, but still weak; music, running-water ute QRM
intermittently; W&M dialog in Swedish; 0121 announcement and jingle; made out countdown to song in English, 5-4-3-2-1, rating SINPO now
generously as 2-4-3-4-2; 0122 laser SFX; 0129 Swedish talk mixed with music; 0131 maybe mentions Radio Nord, first time `ID` heard; more H2O;
0139 more Swedish dialog. Is this the last day on air, or to continue?? Recheck at 0522, can`t hear it. Last night, Mick Delmage says it went off at
0507* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5085 & 12105, Aug 25 at 0126, both WTWW-2 and WTWW-3 are off, but 9475, WTWW-1 remains on. 3 has been off for several days
already, now joined by 2. 5085 & 9930 are off at 1217 Aug 25, while 5830 is on. They are obviously suffering critical technical/operational
problems (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 11550 // much weaker 12050, Aug 25 at 1225-1228, great organ music by Handel (I think), interlude in daily mass from WEWN, back to
banal Latin/English, with voiceovers in banal Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
TWR News – Good News in Return: A Story of Hope (34/60)
Listeners are at the heart of everything we do, and we simply can’t get enough of their
feedback – who they are, what kind of impact TWR programming is having on them, how God
is working in their lives. For 2014 we have assembled 60 compelling, representative
responses into a special booklet and will feature one response online each week in
celebration of our 60th anniversary.
Language: Kirundi
Country: Burundi
A TWR staff member visited a woman after receiving a text message (or SMS) from her saying
that she had been threatened by her husband. The staff member prayed with the woman, who
told her story: I had an unpleasant past. My father died when I was very young. By grace I was
able to complete my primary school. In my first year of secondary school, I became pregnant and had to stop school for a whole year.
Later after resuming school, I fell in love with a man and spent much of my time in that relationship, causing me to fail. Later, I lived with another man
(though we were not married) and still later was found to be infected with HIV/AIDS. This man caused me a lot of pain, but I was not able to separate
myself from him. I became pregnant, and my man never took care of me. Instead, he threatened that he might kill me. He even wished that I would die
as I delivered the baby. After listening to your program, I realized there is a gracious God who would take care of me as I gave birth.
It was the day that I sent the SMS to the presenter of the program. When your member of staff came to visit me, he prayed for me and invited me to
join a prayer group at his church. Things started to change, and my husband was changed. He no longer threatened me and started to be tender
toward me.
Seven days later, I delivered the baby without any problem. And that proved to me that God’s hand was upon me. My husband came to visit me in the
clinic and was so happy to see the baby. Today I can testify that there is an improvement in my relationship with my husband.
You can read all the stories we've posted so far.
You can also order these stories as a free gift booklet delivered to your home. To request your copy, sign up here. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee
delivery outside of the continental U.S. at this time, but stay tuned for a free digital download as well.
Associao DX do Brasil
Morre em João Pessoa o ex-diretor da Rádio Tabajara, Deodato Borges
quadrinista paraibano Deodato Taumaturgo Borges, morto aos 80 anos no Hospital da Unimed, em João Pessoa, na tarde desta segunda-feira (25),
será sepultado nesta terça-feira (26), às 16h, no cemitério Jardim Mangabeira, no bairro de mesmo nome, na Zona Sul da Capital, nas proximidades
da Praça do Coqueiral. O velório acontece na Central São João Batista, no bairro da Torre. Ele era pai do desenhista da Marvel, Mike Deodato. O
anúncio da morte do quadrinista foi feito pelo filho, nas redes sociais. "O Flama morreu", postou Mike. Leia mais Notícias no Portal Correio
Na quinta-feira (21), Deodato havia passado por uma cirurgia para retirada de um tumor em um dos rins. Nesta segunda, ele começaria as sessões
de hemodiálise, mas sofreu duas paradas cardíacas e não resistiu.
Deodato, um dos primeiros artistas a ilustrar os quadrinhos, foi o criador do super-herói Flama, na revista 'As aventuras do Flama', que foi sucesso
no rádio em 1960 e ganhou espaço através das artes impressas em 1963. Além disso, ele também era jornalista, radialista e roteirista; foi
secretário de Comunicação do Estado, diretor da rádio Tabajara e das rádios do Sistema Correio de Comunicação.
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 26, 2014
Note: we have been having protracted but intermittent internet service outages, on Sunday and now Tuesday. If this keep up before repair, there could
be delays in further postings, and even in World of Radio 1736 distribution, which would normally be ready early UT Thursday.
** AUSTRALIA. 5940, Aug 26 at 1323, R. Australia music poor // 5995, 9580, much weaker than 6150. Had not heard 5940 in a long time
because it does not start from Shep until 1300, now propagating better. This one is 334 degrees toward Asia per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** BRAZIL. 6180, Aug 26 at 0109, RNA is off, leaving a JBA carrier, presumably CRI English via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, also scheduled 00-02
southward, normally totally blotted by Brasil. Not audible on 5990 either, presumed also off, but inbooming as usual on 11780 (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** CHINA. CNR1 jammers, Aug 26:
10960, Aug 26 at 1334, CNR1 jammer, fair
13970, Aug 26 at 1338, CNR1 jammer, very good with flutter
None in the 12s, 14s, 17s; in the 15s only usual 15115, 15195, 15265
16100, Aug 26 at 1340, CNR1 jammer transmitter obviously, but only open carrier/dead air now, fair with flutter
18980, Aug 26 at 1340, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter; the Tue & Fri RFA Tibetan via Kuwait frequency during this hour and also 1100-1200
** COLOMBIA. 6010+, fair signal Aug 26 at 0534, romantic-sounding song, axually of adoration, off-frequency compared to 1010, but nothing to
het it with XEOI long gone, and furthermore Cuba is off 6000 for even less interference. Must be The Voice of Thy Conscience, and its other Alcaraván
outlet on 5910v is absent. Cuba is back by 0555, but at 0556 I can make out an automated timecheck for ``cero horas, 57 minutos`` and ID as La
Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 12140, Aug 26 at 0107, RHC harmonic, 2 x 6070 is much better than usual, almost could be taken for a fundamental, fair-good, but very
poor on 3 x = 18210.
13740, Aug 26 at 0123, RHC Spanish still AWOL, permanently? Maybe at least one transmitter is out of service, not unusual.
6000, Aug 26 at 0533, RHC English is off again, like it was on Aug 21 and 23 during this hour; but back on at 0555 check splattering upon 6010
COLOMBIA, q.v., which was clear before then (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 12070, Aug 26 at 0109, R. Cairo Spanish very distorted with humroar
11710, Aug 26 at 0109, R. Cairo Spanish is still off, but Argentina 11711- is too weak to benefit
9965, Aug 26 at 0110, R. Cairo Arabic, distorted with whine
9315, Aug 26 at 0110, R. Cairo Spanish is just barely modulated, and much weaker again than 9965 Arabic, despite similar parameters.
13850, Aug 26 at 0549, R. Cairo Arabic to North America has good signal, but open carrier/dead air, clear with no trace of modulation or other noise
** GREECE. 9935 // stronger 9420, Aug 26 at 0117, ERTOpen is on with Greek music. Nothing audible on 15630; but at 0124 I find it on 15650
instead, and with good signal, second strongest on band after 15770 WRMI, and ahead of 15720 NZ.
11645, Aug 26 at 0541, now ERTOpen on this one, poor with ACI from 11650 Dabanga via Vatican, and // 9420 is good, but 9935 is off, not on
7450 nor 7475 either. Third frequency is JBA 15630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, Aug 26 at 0106, R. Chaski is still absent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Aug 26 at 0114:47 SLBC music starts, 0115:17.5 timesignal ends, poor-fair with flutter. If they ever set their clock, we`ll be
the first to know! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 11695, Aug 26 at 0120, Chinesish dialog, but reception sounds uneastasian; only scheduled is RFA in Tibetan via UAE, plus ChiCom
jamming, but I think this was really RFA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13564 approx., Aug 26 at 1402, Hifer CW beacon barely audible sending G N K slowly; some QRM from an irregular beeper. Per previous
logs this is in Madison WI. I often tune across this part-15 band, usually hearing no such beacons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5085, Aug 26 at 0112, WTWW-2 is still AWOL, and so is WTWW-3 from 12105, leaving only WTWW-1 on 9475.
At 0536 Aug 26, however, all three are back on: 5085 with BS, 5830 with music from SFAW, and even 12105 with talk, the latter only fair signal not
sufficient to overcome CODAR. At 1335, 12105 is off as usual at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 3185 // much stronger 5050, Aug 26 at 0113, WWRB is back on both transmitters and both with Brother Scare (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 850, Aug 26 at 0131 UT, piano hymn into organ music, good with KOA nulled, and DFing for The Metroplex, so no doubt KJON Carrollton TX,
Guadalupe Radio Network (Catholic) on the facility hijacked from Anadarko OK without even changing the call letters. Is this after LSS in August? I`ll
have to check FCC AM Query when Internet comes back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 13547-USB, Aug 26 at 0122, 2-way in colloquial Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 18000-USB, Aug 26 at 0108, checking for possible third harmonic of RHC 6000, instead hear 2-way in Spanish with crackles (Glenn
Rafael Rodriguez
ransmisión en DRM desde Alemania, siendo las 0200 UTC sintonice a través de los 9730 KHz una fuerte señal en DRM correspondiente a la estación
Radio Andernach del Ministerio de Defensa Alemán; lo curioso y primera vez que me pasa es que a través de una misma señal digital recibo 3
servicios diferentes, a saber NTV, Radio Andernach y NTV BWS; por ser emisiones para miembros del ejercito alemán su audio esta encriptado; pero
se alcanza a decodificar algunos servicios informativos, siendo ya las 0236 aun continua al aire
Alfredo Cañote
Nuevo aniversario de la radiodifusión argentina
Estimados Amigos: (27 de Agosto)
Reciban un saludo lleno de emoción en este día memorable. Y lo hago con un pequeño log, realizado en un parque por San Isidro (Lima)
9690 AIR 13:30 44444 Englisch
11780 R.Nacional Amazonia 24412 Portugués
12019 Voice of Vietnam 13:37 34423 Vernacular
13880 IRIB 13:45 24412 Música
17670 AWR 13:52 44444 vernacular
NO hay emisión de Bethel en los 1570 Khz desde hace un mes,aproximadamente... lo que permite captar Radio Carraviz quienes han alquilado su
señal a una "Iglesia" Pentecostal.
Cordiales 73! - ALF – Lima – Perú TELF: 51-1-99958-6329 (13:00 - 01:00 UTC)
"Somewhere... something incredible is waiting to be known." Carl Sagan.
On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 3:45 AM, "[email protected] [condiglist]" <[email protected]> wrote:
Se celebra hoy un nuevo aniversario de la histórica transmisión del 27 de agosto de 1920, cuando cuatro jóvenes radioaficionados argentinos
llevaron por el éter la ópera Parsifal..........lea la nota completa en https://gruporadioescuchaargentino.wordpress.com/
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 27, 2014
** ALBANIA. 9845, Aug 27 at 0148, R. Tirana English has modulation problems, with roaring sound, and also squeals going upward in pitch every
few seconds. Carrier is OK. Only one transmitter and antenna in Shijak remain in service, fortunately aimed 310 degrees USward and UKward (Glenn
** BRAZIL. 6180, Aug 27 at 0140, RNA is still missing uncovering a JBA carrier presumably EAST TURKISTAN. 6180 still off at 0504 check but
11780 still on and spurless (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 10000, Aug 27 at 1257, WWVH time pips with overlay from another station about half a second out of synch! So that`s no real
time standard outlet. 1259 CW ID for BPM over and over this minute without pips, so the ChiCom are out of step with the rest of the world? Or was it a
third station? WWV was JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 12140, Aug 27 at 0152, RHC Spanish second harmonic of 6070 is readable here despite CODAR; while 18210 third harmonic is very
12140 sorta substitutes for 13740 fundamental still AWOL at 0154 check Aug 27
15370, Aug 27 at 0155, good signal with open carrier/dead air; suspect RHC transmitter as used earlier, maybe explaining why 13740 or some
other frequency is missing. Only thing HFCC knows about here is CNR
11840, Aug 27 at 0502, RHC is still on overtime, restarting an hour of Spanish programming, but cut to 2 or 3 words of English before cut off the air
at 0502.6*; typical slopperation. Why is it so hard to at least turn down the modulation at the end of a transmission for a smooth departure?
6100, Aug 27 at 0505, another SNAFU, dead air instead of RHC English, which is OK on other members of The Cuban Five (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** EGYPT. 9965, Aug 27 at 0144, R. Cairo Arabic good with flutter, but undermodulated and always whiny
9315, Aug 27 at 0145, R. Cairo Spanish, open carrier/dead air, strangely much weaker than 9965
11710, Aug 27 at 0145, poor signal but at least a carrier back on to het Argentina on a weeknite, i.e. R. Cairo Spanish
12070, Aug 27 at 0146, R. Cairo, VG signal but extremely distorted Spanish with humroar
13850, Aug 27 at 0458, R. Cairo, distorted Arabic and hum, fair signal and the SSOB as 13630 Australia is not on quite yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** GREECE [non]. 9420, Aug 27 at 0151, no ERTOpen so we can hear IRAN Arabic poorly, and 9935 is also off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** IRAN. 13800, Aug 27 at 0154, Qur`an, fair with flutter, i.e. VIRI Hindi service startup, via Sirjan. Isn`t it odd for mostly Hindus to get Qur`aned?
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See GREECE [non]
** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Aug 27 at 1305, Voice of Kurdistan via PRIDNESTROVYE with talk presumed news, but from about 1310 it`s all-music
with vocal ululations, 1341 switch to another protracted piece with more conventional vocalizations. Fair-good signal. I was enjoying this so much
that I forgot to check for the 1315 WORLD OF RADIO on 9955 WRMI, until too late, 1344 Rudy Espinal ID; but confident it aired (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Aug 27 at 0137, dialog about sunglasses, noisy background; 0138 hard rock song but lyrix parlato. High storm
noise level impairs. 0144 song about underwear. Still good at 0156. Numerous logs here say it`s XLR8 at *0046-0213*:
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 3185 // much stronger 5050, Aug 27 at 0143, Brother Scare on both WWRB frequencies; presumably 3185 will resume
breaking away for separate programming when available (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 9870, Aug 27 at 0147, TRT Spanish during music with modulation horribly pulsing on and off roughly 10 times per second, while
stronger // 9770 is OK; both of course from Emirler site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13563+, Aug 27 at 0133, G N K hifer beacon from Madison WI audible again and a little stronger than before; maybe its favorite daypart
** U S A. 12105, Aug 27 at 0152, WTWW-3 is on with separate SFAW preaching not // 9475; unlike 9475, 12105 does not have a constant big
hum; and 5085 with BS is also on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Regarding my logs of KHOW 630 & KLTT 670 Denver around local noon on Aug 23, ``Glenn, take a look at Radio Locator. It seems to me
that while there are prominent lobes as aforementioned, It seems both of them seem to go more your way. Sincerely, (Todd Skaine, Woodbury, MN,
ABDX via DXLD)``
Yes, those are quite a bit at variance with the Pattern Book maps. On 670, I mixed up the day and night lobes, so it`s the night one to the WSW and
with only 1400 watts, I can`t say I`ve ever heard KLTT at night vs WSCR, KHGZ, and CMBAs (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Tnx to Bruce Conti who did further research on my Radio Fórmula unID on 840 which could have been American or Mexican. Seems at both
0544 and 1057 UT Aug 21, it was my suspected KVJY Pharr TX with another format change which had gone unnoticed elsewhere:
``Looks like KVJY carries R. Fórmula programming per their website http://informativorg.com/programacion/ which also displays the "noticias,
deportes, entretenimiento" slogan.
Here's an old report from when KVJY changed format in 2011
(Bruce Conti, NH, mwdx yg via DXLD)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
New Zealand Radio DX League
Mark Nicholls – A Tribute
The following tributes appear in the September 2014 edition of the DX Times, which is dedicated to the life of Mark Nicholls.
From fellow Life Member, Paul Ormandy, comes this: I first met Mark at the 1976 Tatum Park convention, we hit it off straight away and with
Paul Edwards, spent every night at the dials getting very little sleep. We had joined the NZRDXL within months of each other, we were the same age
and more importantly, we both preferred MW to SW! Mark was a regular attendee of League events in both islands and in 1983, spent the first or his
many annual weekly DX pilgrimages with me at Waianakarua. It became the DX-highlight of the year for each of us and we both got on very well
together.Mark’s first serious DX-receiver was a Sony ICF-6800W and later a Drake R8B.
Mark and I traveled to Te Araroa for a week of DX in April 1988 and had a wonderful time, staying with his parents in Taupo on the return journey.
Linda and I often visited him when he lived at Queenstown and he was always very welcome when he stayed with us in Oamaru. Such was our respect
and admiration for him, we named our first son after him. Our boys loved his visits as they knew “Uncle Mark:” would have a treat for them!
He was an extremely tidy and well-organized person and loved the company of friends. Mark had a great collection of books, mostly on radio and also
aircraft, especially of a historical nature and was a keen gardener.
Mark had a great sense of humour and showed remarkable courage through his long-term health issues. Few people would have the devotion he
showed to the editorship of the magazine. I shall miss my mate very much and treasure the
many great times we shared.
From Stu Forsyth: My earliest memory of Mark is when I was at university in Auckland. I can’t remember how it all came about, but we went up to
Whangaparoa, along with Barry Williams, to try out the Peter Snell Youth Village site as a possible convention location. It was a flop – lots of
noise and not a lot of signals. We did both manage to log XEMO on 860 though. When I lived in Wellington, after returning from the UK I had a lot
more to do with Mark and
we regularly got together. Our trip to Tony King’s, referred to in last month’s magazine as a footnote to Tony’s X Band list, was but one occasion.After I
moved south Mark came down and we went with Frank Glen and sundry others to Tiwai for a last hurrah. Mark loved it. I don’t know that we heard a lot
but he filled the void – he did love to chat. I have lost a good friend, and so have many others. The hole he leaves in our DXing lives is as large as the
man himself. RIP my friend.
From David Ricquish: I’ve known Mark for about 40 years. I have many good memories of his company. In the 1980’s he worked as an air traffic
controller (or similar) at Queenstown airport. I used to visit there as part of my job with the then NZ Tourist & Publicity. One flight I was escorting a
media crew from Singapore. The pilot came on the intercom and asked if I would please come to the flight deck [it was a Mt Cook turbo]. There Mark
was on the radio. He was concerned that Queenstown was about to close because of bad weather. We were due to have dinner in town. The pilot said
he would see what he could do. I returned to my seat.
The plane suddenly went into a deep dive and came out really low to the ground. The pilot then came on and said that I was a VIP and just had to land
today. The Singapore TV crew was suitably impressed. When we taxied up to the airport, Mark was waving from the control tower. He told me
afterwards that he had seen a gap in the low clouds and told the pilot to go for it. He did, we had dinner.
He was a gentle, methodical, and patient fellow with a good sense of humour. He had QSL’s from some stations on MW I had never heard of, and he
insisted on waving around Wallis et Futuna 1188 whenever I visited because he knew even a phone call to the station had failed to get me a
Thanks Mark for letting us be friends, and part of your life. We had some good times. Travel well our friend. We’ll always remember you. David
Ricquish, former Chief Editor, NZ DX Times (edited for length)
From Andy Gardner: Very sad news indeed. I’m lost for words. – Andy Gardner, former chief Editor
From Edward Hopgood: Mark you did us proud. RIP my friend!
From League Patron Frank Glen: My thoughts are will you all as we move through this time of real sadness, but also thanksgiving for a ‘good keen
man.’ (Amen to that – Ed.)
Another Life Member, Paul Aronsen from Wallacetown, Invercargill has this to say: Have just heard about Mark from Arthur De Maine. I am sad to hear
the news. Mark was always a nice person to know and we in the south had a lot of great times at Tiwai, and also when he stayed at our house.
He will be missed by us all as friend and as an excellent editor of the DX Times.
From Peter Grenfell: My memories of Mark go back to the years of trips to Invercargill, Tiwai and Annual General Meetings. Mark was a regular
attender to all the A.G.M.’s and conventions held in and around Oamaru. Many times he visited Waianakarua and was always a willing helper with
Paul Ormandy in erecting aerials and many other tasks relating to our visits there. His memory of Radio stations, D.X.ing and D.X.ers was
phenomenal. He was of a quiet disposition and set a very high standard as Chief Editor/Publisher of the N.Z. Radio D.X. Times. The magazine is
recognised as one of the best of its type throughout the Radio D.X. world. There is no doubt he will be sadly missed by his family, friends and all those
who knew him.Peter J. Grenfell, Life Member
Steven Greenyer in Timaru writes: I think I first met Mark when he started attending Southland Branch Meetings probably in the mid to late 80’s. He
usually came down the day of the meeting and stayed at our house the night of the meeting and we often then went on to Tiwai for a night or two. Mark
did quite a bit of work at Tiwai while he stayed there often helping me with aerials and fire wood and he set about repainting the inside of the house.
He was a keen DXer and one of the highlights was him alerting me to hearing a Florida station sign on one night at booming strength.In return we
stayed with Mark a few times in Frankton where he arranged a free helicopter ride for the family and Christchurch on one of these stays we all went on
the train toGreymouth.
He was a good friend and I regret that our friendship faded over time and distance.
From Bryan Clark: I wish to acknowledge Mark as a personal friend for 38 years and, on behalf of members of the DX League, his contribution to our
organisation over the last 40 years. Mark joined our club in 1974. DX League members listen to distant radio stations as a hobby, usually a solo
activity but in sharing our interest with like-minded people, life-long friendships are formed. That is what happened when I first met Mark in 1976 at a
listener convention. We subsequently met up regularly at listener gatherings around the country and remained in regular contact by email, telephone
and Skype until early this month before we left for a holiday in Asia.
In 2012 Mark was unanimously awarded Life Membership of our organisation in
recognition of his valuable contribution over those 40 years including the last 14 years as chief editor and publisher of our monthly magazine. I
admired the way that Mark didn’t let his growing health issues divert him from the creative
effort of producing the magazine every month. He never complained about, or sought pity for, his situation. He once proudly explained how, to
overcome his eyesight issues with the computer he was using white text on a black background. His computer skills were certainly far superior to
Mark was an optimist to the end. In early August he was talking about getting dialysis in Auckland on his way to visit Sandra and me in Mangawhai, as
soon as his latest hospitalisation was over. Sadly that was not to happen.
I know Mark valued the friendship and support of his church community in Trentham. On behalf of his friends scattered through the country, thank
you. Farewell Mark – you are now at peace with your God – no more pain or suffering, from Bryan, Sandra, Matthew & Daniel Clark From the National
President and Life Member, Bryan Clark
From Dave Onley: RIP Mark. To be so ill and to work so hard at putting the clubs magazine together each month is just unbelievable. Huge respect. To
all his family, friends and dx colleagues, my condolences. You are a huge loss to the dx community and in particular the NZDXL. Be at peace. Dave
Onley, The Hague, Netherlands
From Richard Jary: I am very sorry to hear of Mark’s passing. As the editor for the Australian Radio DX Club (which has an exchange agreement with
NZDXRL) I used to regularly receive the magazines from him, and a friendly follow up if I hadn’t reposted it to our mailing list within a day or so which
occasionally happened if I was travelling. He was a great person to deal with as a fellow unpaid professional on that basis. We have posted the
announcement on our mailling list as well and will include a tribute in next month’s magazine which I will be putting together this weekend.
From Costa Constantinides: My condolences from himself always had good memories of radio from the pacific and the true spirit of dxing from this
area of the world. RIP Mark Nichols. Signed Costa Constantinides, South Africa and Cyprus.
From Arthur de Maine: I first met Mark at the 1982 Tiwai convention and then later at several AGM’s and conventions at Oamaru. Most times He
would have that Mark grin that went with beard. In later years I would catch up with Mark when visiting Wellington and we would talk about the
magazine, Mac computers, software and of course the radio hobby. His devotion to publishing the magazine each month even thou his health was not
good was over and above the call.
Mark was certainly worthy of the League’s Life Membership Award and has certainly set the standard for the magazine, a standard that will certainly
be hard to better. You will be missed by all DX League members.
Rest in peace Mark, the battle is over. Arthur De Maine, Utility Section Editor
From Ken Baird: Just a short comment about Mark. We worked together on the DX Times for over 20 years and I formed a good relationship with him.
He knew his stuff and spent many hours sorting out the info for the magazine. He will be greatly missed.
Michael Bethge
Dear OM, Below please find our DX MAGAZINE News for the months of August/September.
Best wishes and good DX until October,
Michael Bethge
WORLDWIDE DX CLUB - Postfach 1214 - D-61282 Bad Homburg - GERMANY
Fax: +49 6172 123117 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de
NEWS ABOUT BROADCASTING (+other) STATIONS - Walter Eibl - Postfach 15 45 - D-91005 Erlangen - GERMANY
U.S.A. / UZBEKISTAN -Summer A-14 shortwave schedule of BABCOCK Relays:
Radio Australia
0000-0030 12005 SNG 100 kW 340 deg to SEAs Burmese
0100-0130 11780 SNG 100 kW 340 deg to SEAs Burmese
0400-0500 17800 HBN 100 kW 270 deg to SEAs English
1100-1300 6140 SNG 100 kW 013 deg to SEAs English
1300-1430 9965 HBN 100 kW 318 deg to EAs English
1600-1630 9540 SNG 100 kW 340 deg to SEAs English
2200-2330 9900 UAE 250 kW 105 deg to SEAs English
2200-2400 9855 UAE 250 kW 090 deg to SEAs English
2300-2330 5955 UAE 250 kW 085 deg to SEAs Burmese
IBRA Radio
0000-0030 9390 UZB 100 kW 131 deg to SAs Bengali
1700-1730 11610 RSA 100 kW 015 deg to EAf Tigrinya
1700-1730 12045 Wof 250 kW 114 deg to NE/ME Arabic
1730-1800 11610 RSA 100 kW 030 deg to EAf Somali
1730-1800 11785 UAE 250 kW 220 deg to CAf Swahili
1730-1800 15510 Wof 250 kW 140 deg to CAf Beja
1800-1830 15510 Wof 250 kW 140 deg to CAf Fur
1830-1900 15510 Wof 250 kW 140 deg to CAf Arabic
1800-1930 9550 RRW 250 kW 030 deg to NE/ME Arabic
1900-1930 7425 Wof 300 kW 140 deg to CAf Arabic
1900-1930 11875 Wof 250 kW 170 deg to WAf Fulfulde
1930-1945 11875 Wof 250 kW 170 deg to WAf Moore Sun-Wed
1930-1945 11875 Wof 250 kW 170 deg to WAf Tamajeq Thu-Sat
1930-1945 12070 Wof 300 kW 140 deg to CAf Sara Ngambai Sun/Mon
1930-1945 12070 Wof 300 kW 140 deg to CAf Zaghawa Tue/Wed
1930-1945 12070 Wof 300 kW 140 deg to CAf Shuwa Thu-Sat
1945-2000 11875 Wof 250 kW 170 deg to WAf Malinke Wed/Thu
1945-2000 11875 Wof 250 kW 170 deg to WAf Jula Fri-Tue
FEBA Radio
0200-0230 9750 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Urdu Sun
0200-0215 9750 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Urdu Mon-Sat
0215-0230 9750 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Balichi Mon-Wed
0215-0230 9750 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Sindhi Thu-Sat
0230-0300 6125 UAE 250 kW 045 deg to WAs Dari Radio Sadaye Zindagi
0300-0315 6125 UAE 250 kW 045 deg to WAs Hazaragi Radio Sadaye Zindagi
0800-0830 15260 OE 100 kW 115 deg to NE/ME Arabic Voice of Forgiveness
1200-1230 15215 UAE 250 kW 085 deg to CAs Tibetan
1330-1345 9720 CLN-TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs English Mon
1330-1345 9720 CLN-TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Telugu Tue/Thu/Fri
1330-1345 9720 CLN-TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Tamil Wed
1330-1345 9720 CLN-TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Kuvi Sat
1330-1345 9720 CLN-TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Kannada Sun
1345-1400 9720 CLN-TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Tamil Mon/Wed/Sat
1345-1400 9720 CLN-TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Malayalam Tue/Thu/Fri/Sat
1400-1430 11880 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Urdu
1430-1445 11880 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Balti Sun/Mon/Thu/Fri
1430-1445 11880 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Urdu Tue/Wed/Sat
1430-1500 9500 UZB 100 kW 131 deg to SAs Hindi
1500-1530 9390 UZB 100 kW 131 deg to SAs Bangla
1500-1530 9590 ERV 300 kW 100 deg to WAs Dari Radio Sadaye Zindagi
1530-1600 9590 ERV 300 kW 100 deg to WAs Pashto Radio Sadaye Zindagi
1600-1630 11655 RRW 250 kW 030 deg to EAf Afar
1600-1630 12125 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EAf Amharic Thu-Sun
1600-1630 12125 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EAf Guragena Mon-Wed
1630-1700 12125 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EAf Amharic
1630-1700 9820 UAE 250 kW 230 deg to EAf Tigrinya Sun-Wed
1630-1700 9820 UAE 250 kW 230 deg to EAf Amharic Thu-Sat
1700-1730 6180 UAE 250 kW 215 deg to EAf Somali
1700-1730 9630 RRW 250 kW 030 deg to EAf Orominya
1730-1800 7510 ERV 300 kW 192 deg to EAf Silte
1730-1800 9630 RRW 250 kW 030 deg to EAf Tigrinya
1830-1845 15250 ASC 250 kW 070 deg to CWAF French
Voice of Vietnam
0100-0128 12005 Wof 250 kW 282 deg to NAm English
0130-0228 12005 Wof 250 kW 282 deg to NAm Vietnamese
0230-0258 12005 Wof 250 kW 282 deg to NAm English
0300-0328 6175 HRI 250 kW 173 deg to SAm Spanish
0330-0358 6175 HRI 250 kW 173 deg to SAm English
0400-0428 6175 HRI 250 kW 173 deg to SAm Spanish
0430-0528 6175 HRI 100 kW 260 deg to CAm Vietnamese
1700-1728 9625 OE 100 kW 300 deg to WEu English
1730-1828 9625 OE 100 kW 300 deg to WEu Vietnamese
1830-1858 9625 OE 100 kW 300 deg to WEu French
1900-1928 9890 Wof 250 kW 075 deg to EEu Russian
1930-2028 9430 UAE 250 kW 315 deg to WEu German
2030-2128 5930 Wof 250 kW 114 deg to SEEu Vietnamese
Radio Japan NHK World
0100-0130 11590 UZB 100 kW 163 deg to SAs Hindi
0400-0430 5985 YFR 100 kW 222 deg to MEXI Spanish
0400-0430 12015 HRI 250 kW 167 deg to SAm Spanish
0400-0430 15140 UZB 100 kW 236 deg to WAs Farsi
0500-0530 5975 Wof 300 kW 140 deg to WEu English
0800-1000 12015 ASC 250 kW 245 deg to SAm Japanese
0900-0930 6195 HRI 250 kW 152 deg to SAm Portuguese
0930-1000 6195 HRI 250 kW 152 deg to SAm Spanish
1030-1100 11740 SNG 250 kW 340 deg to SEAs Burmese
1100-1130 11740 SNG 250 kW 000 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
1100-1200 9760 Wof 060 kW 105 deg to WEu English/Russian Fri DRM
1115-1200 9625 HBN 100 kW 270 deg to SEAs Indonesian
1130-1200 11740 SNG 250 kW 000 deg to SEAs Thai
1200-1230 11740 SNG 250 kW 000 deg to SEAs English
1230-1300 11740 SNG 250 kW 000 deg to SEAs Thai
1300-1330 11740 SNG 100 kW 000 deg to SEAs Vietnamese
1300-1345 11685 SNG 250 kW 315 deg to SAs Bengali
1315-1400 11705 HBN 100 kW 270 deg to SEAs Indonesian
1400-1430 11705 HBN 100 kW 270 deg to SEAs English
1400-1430 15735 UZB 100 kW 163 deg to SAs English
1430-1500 11740 SNG 250 kW 330 deg to SEAs Burmese
1515-1600 13870 UAE 250 kW 060 deg to SAs Urdu
1800-1830 9755 RSA 250 kW 328 deg to CAf English
2130-2200 17540 HRI 250 kW 152 deg to SAm Portuguese
Adventist World Radio
0100-0200 15445 TWN-TSH 100 kW 250 deg to Asia Vietnamese Sa
Radio Payem e-Doost
0230-0315 7460 KCH 500 kW 116 deg to WAs Farsi
1800-1845 7480 KCH 500 kW 116 deg to WAs Farsi
Trans World Radio Africa
0330-0345 11710 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Amharic Su/Mo/Fr
0330-0345 11710 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Oromo Tue
0330-0345 11710 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Sidamo Wed/Thu
1300-1315 13660 RRW 250 kW 030 deg to EAf Afar Thu-Su
1630-1645 11635 UAE 250 kW 215 deg to EAf Somali Su
1630-1700 11635 UAE 250 kW 215 deg to EAf Somali Mo-Sa
1800-1815 6120 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Tigrinya Mo-Thu
1800-1830 6120 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Tigre Sa
1800-1830 6120 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Kunama Sun
1815-1845 6120 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Tigrinya Mo-Fri
1830-1845 6120 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Amharic Su
KBS World Radio
0700-0800 9860 Wof 250 kW 102 deg to WEu Korean
1100-1130 9760 Wof 060 kW 105 deg to WEu English Sa DRM
1800-1900 15360 Wof 250 kW 074 deg to EEu Russian
1900-2000 6145 Wof 300 kW 172 deg to WEu French
2000-2100 13585 UAE 250 kW 290 deg to NEAF Arabic
2000-2100 3955 Wof 250 kW 114 deg to WEu German
Radio ERGO
0830-0930 13685 UAE 250 kW 225 deg to EAf Somali
Eternal Good News
1130-1145 15525 UAE 250 kW 100 deg to SAs English Fr
Nippon no Kaze
1300-1330 9950 TSH 100 kW 002 deg to NEAS Korean
1500-1530 9975 HBN 100 kW 345 deg to NEAS Korean
1530-1600 9965 HBN 100 kW 345 deg to NEAS Korean
Furusato no Kaze
1330-1400 9950 TWN-TSH 100 kW 002 deg to NEAS Japanese
1430-1500 9960 HBN 100 kW 345 deg to NEAS Japanese
1600-1630 9960 HBN 100 kW 345 deg to NEAS Japanese
Radio Taiwan International
1900-2000 6185 Wof 250 kW 078 deg to WEu German
1900-2000 7325 Wof 250 kW 140 deg to WEu French
RTE Radio One
1930-2000 5820 RSA 100 kW 000 deg to SoAF English Mo-Fr
HCJB Akhbar Mufriha
2100-2145 7300 Wof 250 kW 170 deg to NoAF Arabic
2145-2215 11985 ASC 250 kw 027 deg to WAf Pulaar Thu-Tue
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)
AUSTRALIA - Here you can read an internal mail send yesterday to Radio Australia staff
"Shortwave transmission of RA remains unchanged for the time being",
"Asia Pacific and Asia Review will cease production as will the Mornings program",
"Language services in Tok Pisin, Khmer and Burmese will be delivered through a mix of reduced original content coupled with translated ABC content
and content from SBS". (via Kai Ludwig-D, dxld July 15)
re: Radio Australia.
Here's what I've been able to assemble from various sources that I consider reliable about what can only be described as a truly catastrophic
situation for Radio Australia. Keep in mind that RA management is left with few options, none of them good, in its efforts to preserve and maintain
anything resembling a viable service for its regional and international audiences.
- The English Language Programming department (ELP) is effectively gutted. The only remaining RA productions in English appear to be some hourly
news bulletins and the Pacific Beat program. All else, including the excellent Asia Pacific program, ceases.
- At least for the time being, RA intends to maintain a 24/7hrs-d English language service by pulling all of its content from ABC Radio domestic
sources (except for the morsels described above). A revised ELP schedule is in preparation and will be announced and implemented shortly.
- Language services in Tok Pisin, Vietnamese, Khmer, Chinese, French and Burmese appear to remain but only in some skeletal form since about 3/4
to 4/5 of those staffs are to be axed. Again, it appears the plan is to pull some content from domestic sources, this time from SBS whose
administration is likely to be housed with what's left of RA at Southbank in Melbourne as indicated in a previous press report.
- As unbelievable as this may sound, the situation is so dire and so immediate that there will be a culling of half of the journalists on staff via a
random process no evaluations, experience, records of achievement or years of service considered.
- No reduction in shortwave schedules has yet been indicated, but it's hard to see how that continues unaffected and unabated beyond anything but
the very short term.
Personally, I will reserve comment on all this at this time and let the facts speak for themselves. However, some of you will be aware of my admiration
and appreciation for Radio Australia over the decades so you are free to draw your own conclusions in that regard. (John Figliozzi-NY-USA, DXplorer
July 15)
Anyone hearing RA tonight? RNZI is booming in here at 0230 UT, but none of the regular RA frequencies are making it here. (John Figliozzi, Halfmoon,
NY, UT Aug 1, dxldyg via DXLD)
13630, 15240, 15300, July 31 at 0521, R. Australia is missing from all three, certainly off the air, and causing apprehension since RA itself is
threatened; as John Figliozzi in NY noted earlier all frequencies missing at 0230 and 0500. However, they were back on by 0550, says Steve Luce in
TX, about a dekaminute after I quit monitoring; and also heard here on usual 9475, 9580, 12065 before 1300 (gh, DXLD)
RA seems to take maintenance breaks on Thursdays (Wednesday evenings in NA). This is the final Thursday of the month, perhaps we can discern a
pattern. JL (Jerry Lenamon, Waco TX)
Scheduled maintenance (Keith Perron, Taiwan, Aug 1)
4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, Territ.º do Norte,
2215-2229, 14/7, inglês, notícias; 34332, QRM de PRU.
4910, VL8T, Tennant Creek, Territ.º do Norte, 2217-2226, 13/7, inglês,
texto; 24321, QRM adj. do B 4915 e da CHN 4905.
5025, VL8K, Katherine, Territ.º do Norte, 2222-2230, 13/7, inglês,
texto; 24331, QRM de PRU 5024.9 e, pontualmente, de sinal em BLS. 73
(Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
15489.965, HCA - renamed not very impressive to new name not easy to remember - from Kununurra transmitting site is on air with IDs and fiddle
music - very early warm-up - around 0726 UT already. July 27(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 27)
HCA "Reach Beyond Australia" seemingly now on 11590 kHz throughout 1225-1500 UT, to South Asia / India.
kHz from to CIRAF kW az. Ant DAYS, language
15400 0000 0030 40,41,49 100 310 358 1 mly Bahasa
15400 0000 0030 40,41,49 100 310 358 234567 ind Bahasa
15400 0030 0100 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 raw Rawang
17760 0030 0115 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 raw Burmese
15400 0100 0115 40,41,49 100 310 358 12357 eng English
15400 0100 0115 40,41,49 100 310 358 46 cnh Chin Ha
17760 0115 0230 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 hin Hindi
15490 0730 0830 51,55,56 50 80 113 1234567 eng English
15400 0955 1030 43,44,45 100 340 358 23456 mcn Fujian
15400 0955 1100 43,44,45 100 340 358 17 cmn Mandari
15400 1030 1100 43,44,45 100 340 358 23456 cmn Mandari
15400 1100 1115 43,44,45 100 340 358 245 eng English
15400 1100 1115 43,44,45 100 340 358 36 vie Vietnam
15400 1100 1130 43,44,45 100 340 358 17 jpn Japanes
11700 1100 1145 40,41,49 100 321 358 127 eng English
11700 1100 1145 40,41,49 100 321 358 35 mya Burmese
11700 1100 1145 40,41,49 100 321 358 46 cnh Duhdim
11700 1145 1215 40,41,49 100 321 358 1234567 raw Rawang
15400 1210 1245 40,41,49 100 345 358 1234567 ind Bahasa
15340 1225 1245 40,41,49 100 310 358 123456 eng English
15340 1225 1300 40,41,49 100 310 358 7 nep Nepalis
11595 1225 1430 40,41,49 100 321 358 1234567 eng En now 11590
15340 1245 1300 40,41,49 100 310 358 156 hin Hindi
15340 1245 1300 40,41,49 100 310 358 2 ban Bangla
15340 1245 1300 40,41,49 100 310 358 3 mwr Marwari
15340 1245 1300 40,41,49 100 310 358 4 kru Kuruk
15400 1245 1300 40,41,49 100 345 358 1 mly Bahasa
15400 1245 1300 40,41,49 100 345 358 234567 ind Bahasa
15340 1300 1315 40,41,49 100 310 358 1 pan Punjabi
15340 1300 1315 40,41,49 100 310 358 2345 nep Nepali
15340 1300 1315 40,41,49 100 310 358 6 dzo Dzongkha
15340 1300 1315 40,41,49 100 310 358 7 ori Oriya
15340 1315 1330 40,41,49 100 310 358 1 bho Bhojpur
15340 1315 1330 40,41,49 100 310 358 23 tam Tamil
15340 1315 1330 40,41,49 100 310 358 4 mar Marathi
15340 1315 1330 40,41,49 100 310 358 5 mal Malayal
15340 1315 1330 40,41,49 100 310 358 6 hmr Hmar
15340 1315 1330 40,41,49 100 310 358 7 urd Urdu
15180 1330 1400 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 eng English
15340 1330 1400 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 hin Hindi
15340 1400 1430 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 urd Urdu
15450 1400 1530 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 eng English
15340 1430 1445 40,41,49 100 310 358 17 hne Chattis
15340 1430 1445 40,41,49 100 310 358 2 ban Bangla
15340 1430 1445 40,41,49 100 310 358 3 mwr Marwari
15340 1430 1445 40,41,49 100 310 358 4 kru Kuruk
15340 1430 1445 40,41,49 100 310 358 5 tel Telegu
15340 1430 1445 40,41,49 100 310 358 6 gui Gujarat
11590 1430 1500 40,41,49 100 321 358 1234567 eng English <<<
15340 1445 1500 40,41,49 100 310 358 1 pan Punjabi
15340 1445 1500 40,41,49 100 310 358 23456 hin Hindi
15340 1445 1500 40,41,49 100 310 358 7 urd Urdu
15340 1500 1530 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 eng English
15525 2225 2300 44,45,50 100 340 358 17 jpn Japanese
15525 2225 2300 44,45,50 100 340 358 23456 cmn Mandari
15525 2300 2330 44,45,50 100 340 358 17 cmn Mandari
15525 2300 2330 44,45,50 100 340 358 23456 mcn Fujian
15400 2340 0001 40,41,49 100 310 358 1234567 ind Bahasa
(HFCC list via DXLD)
now 11590 kHz:
11595 1230-1300 Sa AUS HCJB NE SAs
11595 1245-1300 Mo AUS HCJB BE SAs
11595 1245-1300 457 AUS HCJB HI SAs
11595 1245-1300 We AUS HCJB KUR SAs
11595 1245-1300 Tu AUS HCJB MW SAs
11595 1300-1315 Fr AUS HCJB DZ SAs
11595 1300-1315 Mo-Th AUS HCJB NE SAs
11595 1300-1315 Sa AUS HCJB OR SAs
11595 1300-1315 Su AUS HCJB PJ SAs
11595 1315-1330 Su AUS HCJB BJ SAs
11595 1315-1330 Th AUS HCJB MAL SAs
11595 1315-1330 Fr AUS HCJB MAR SAs
11595 1315-1330 We AUS HCJB HMA SAs
11595 1315-1330 Mo-Tu AUS HCJB TAM SAs
11595 1315-1330 Sa AUS HCJB UR SAs
11595 1330-1400 AUS HCJB HI SAs
11595 1400-1430 AUS HCJB UR SAs
(Eibi list via DXLD) (wb)
BANGLADESH - 15105, Bangladesh Betar, OC from at least 1222, then tone, and IS at 1229. 1230 usual opening routine. Very very weak.
Something must have happened to the transmitter since 19mb conditions were fairly decent. Wasn't on during a check last week. (28 July) (Dave
Valko, Dunlo PA, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)
9455, Bangladesh Betar, Jul 31 *1313-1323 35433 Nepali, 1313 sign on with IS, ID, Opening music, Opening announce, News.
15105, Bangladesh Betar, Jul 31 1252-1259*, 34443, English, Magazine panorama program, ID at 1257, Closing announce at 1258, 1259 sign
15505, Bangladesh Betar, Aug 02 1410-1420, 35333 Urdu, News and Bangladesh music, ID at 1416.
(Kouji Hashimoto, JAPAN, RX, IC-R75, NRD-525+RD-9830, NRD-515, NRD-345, Satellit 750, DE-1121; ANT, 130m Sloper Wire, DXLD)
BELARUS - 11730 nominal from 14-16 UT in Russian language, terrible signal performance from Minsk-Kalodzicy in Belarussia noted with distorted
audio on two accompanied noise scratching signals, symmetrically on 11750-11761 and 11698-11712 kHz, around 1450 UT on Aug 15. (wb,
wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 15)
BOLIVIA - 4451.12- Unid- ?- Bolivia, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma 2330 to 2350 with weak audio on 2 August (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano
Beach, South Florida, Icom 746Pro Lankford modified; Drake R8; NRD 525 Lankford Modified; Sony 2010 XA Lankford created; Scotka antennas,
4699.9, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0000 to 0030 weak signal 27 July, 1020-1040 fade out with om en español, 29 July 0000 to 0025 on 1
August, 2330 noted on 2 August (XM, FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, via Wilkner; and Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach, South Florida, Icom 746Pro
Lankford modified; Drake R8; NRD 525 Lankford Modified; Sony 2010 XA Lankford created; Scotka antennas, DXLD)
4716.6, Radio Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura, 0010 to 0030 stronger than Radio San Miguel, mix of YL and OM and music 1 August (Robert Wilkner,
Pómpano Beach, South Florida, Icom 746Pro Lankford modified; Drake R8; NRD 525 Lankford modified; Sony 2010 XA Lankford created; Scotka
antennas; and XM, FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, via Wilkner, DXLD)
4717 approx., Jul 20 0054, Yatun Ayllu Radio Yura, Yura was heard frequently during winter but never gave any ID, so despite a signal better than
ever I thought to pass over but after a while I could not help but go back. Luckily enough immediately came several IDs as "Radio Yura."
(Björn Olsson, Gran, Sweden, SW Bulletin Aug 3, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD)
5580.3, Jul 27 2256, R San José, San José de Chiquitos, with nice music and fair signal.
(Thomas Nilsson, Ängelholm, Sweden, SW Bulletin Aug 3 via DXLD)
5952, Jul 20 -0227*, R Pio XII, Siglo XX with the year's best signal and Quechua with many Spanish loan words. Closed at this time with the "River
Kwai march", just as R Santa Cruz do.
(Björn Olsson, Gran, Sweden, SW Bulletin Aug 3, translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DXLD)
6024.97, Aug 2, 0056, Red Patria Nueva, La Paz alone on the frequency at this time. Good signal (Thomas Nilsson, Ängelholm, Sweden, SW Bulletin
Aug 3 via DXLD)
6105.37 tentative, Radio Panamericana, La Paz, *1037 en español but weak to 0012 fade out 29 July (Robert Wilkner, Pómpano Beach, South
Florida, Icom 746Pro Lankford modified; Drake R8; NRD 525 Lankford Modified; Sony 2010 XA Lankford created; Scotka antennas, DXLD)
6134.83, Radio Santa Cruz --- Coming in nicely tonight with local music and announcements mentioning Bolivia. 0000 UT. QRM from Brasil. (Harald
Kuhl, Germany, Aug 3, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD)
6155.14, Aug 2, 0100, R Fides with very low modulation despite a S6 signal. Weak music (Thomas Nilsson, Ängelholm, Sweden, SW Bulletin Aug 3
via DXLD)
BOTSWANA - 6080 Voice of America, Moepeng Hill, at 0320-0347 UT on July 18, English language discussion with several people followed by Day
break Africa mention by a man announcer. Several promo announcements and IDs plus website mention at 0328 UT. VOA International Edition
commenced at 0330 UT. Poor to fair.
(Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer July 21)
15579.99 VOA, Selebi-Phikwe IBB relay, 27-July-14 at 0440 UT - English service news, fair, \\ 6080 kHz Sao Tome good. (Brandon Jordan-TNUSA, hcdx July 27)
BRAZIL - 3364.9, R. Cultura (presumed), Araraquara SP, 2215-2225, 16/7, A Voz do Brasil; 15341.
4775, R. Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2145-2154, 11/7, progr. de propag. relig., música; 25331.
4805, R. Dif.ª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2249-2256, 12/7, propag. relig.; 45433.
4845, R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 2225-2242, 13/7, discussão em torno dos resultados da Taça da FIFA, até às 2229, a que se seguiu
ID e anúncio da freq., canções; 44332, QRM de CODAR.
4875.06, R. Dif.ª de Roraima, Boa Vista RR, 2146-2155, 11/7, noticiário local; 34342, em ascensão, apesar da QRM de CODAR.
4905, Nova R. Relógio, Rio de Jan.º RJ, 2203-2216, 11/7, A Voz do Brasil; 33341, QRM da CHN e de sinal de ponto a ponto.
4915, R. Daqui, Goiânia GO, 2205-2218, 11/7, A Voz do Brasil; 44433, QRM da R. Dif.ª de Macapá, B.
4925.2, R. Educação Rural, Tefé AM, 2208-2225, 11/7, A Voz do Brasil; 2.ª parte às 2225; 35332.
4965, R. Alvorada, Parrintins AM, 2240-2248, 12/7, canções; 44342, QRM adj. de sinal de ponto a ponto.
4985, R. Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2210-2227, 11/7, A Voz do Brasil; // 11815; 45333, heterodinagem, contornável, com o PRU 4985,5.
5035, R. Educação Rural, Coari AM, 2216-2231, 11/7, A Voz do Brasil; 23331, QRM da R.Aparecida, B, igualmente com a Voz do Brasil.
Retransmissões assíncronas.
5970, R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2203-2214, 13/7, progr. sobre futebol; 25331.
5990, R. Nacional da Amazónia, Parque do Rodeador DF, 2233-2245, 11/7, 2.ª parte de A Voz do Brasil; 35332; // 6180, 11780.
6000, R. Guaíba, Pt.º Alegre RS, 2211-2218, 14/7, 1.ª parte de A Voz do Brasil; 24331, QRM adjacente.
6010.03, R. Inconfidência, Belo Horizone MG, 2235-2244, 11/7, 2.ª parte de A Voz do Brasil; 34331, QRM da CHN 6010. Melhor sinal em 15/7,
6080. R. Marumby, Curitiba PR, 2205-2213, 13/7, propag. relig., canções; 23331, QRM da CHN.
6120, SRDA, São Paulo SP, 2238-2252, 11/7, 2.ª parte de A Voz do Brasil; 35332.
6180, R. Nacional da Amazónia, Parque do Rodeador DF, 0900-desvan. total 1005, 12/7, canções populares, texto; 15331.
9515, R. Marumby, Curitiba PR, 2133-2145, 13/7, progr. de propag. relig.; 34433; // 6080 com sinal pobre.
9565.05, SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2203-2211, 15/7, A Voz do Brasil; 22442, modulação muito fraca, QRM de freqs. adj. e do sinal de empastelamento
cubano (contra a R. Martí, EUA).
9586.4, SRDA, São Paulo SP, 2240-2254, 11/7, A Voz do Brasil, 2.ª parte; 35433.
9629.85, R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2136-2147, 13/7, missa; 45433, modulação de fraca qualidade. // 11864,8, 6135 aprox. (a "confusã o"
na freq. inviabilizou a medição), 5035. Em 12/7, no período da noite, o tx esteve desligado durante algum tempo.
9645.4, R. Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2139-2150, 14/7, texto; 32441, QRM adjacente.
9818.7, R. 9 de de Julho, São Paulo SP, 2138-2155, 13/7, canções, rubrica em castelhano (!) sobre imigração (e talvez também sobre emigração),
33442, QRM adj. da CHN 9820 + não identif. em 9815, com progr. em mandarim (p).
11764.7, SRDA, Curitiba PR, 1235-1255, 14/7, D. Miranda no seu estilo habitual; 14431, QRM adjacente.
11815, R. Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2151-2207, 14/7, rubrica desportiva Desportos em Cima da Hora, ID cantada, anúncio das freqs.; 42441,
QRM adj. da ARS 11820. Notou-se ausência de áudio durante breves minutos, logo após as 2200, e a emissão retomou a normalidade, com difusão
de A Voz do Brasil.
15190.2, R. Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 1238-1250, 14/7, texto; 15431.
(Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, dxldyg via DXLG)
CHINA - Temporarily suspended frequencies of China R International from Aug 1:
1730-1827 on 7385 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to NWAf Chinese
1730-1827 on 9685 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu Chinese
1800-1857 on 7205 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian
1800-1957 on 11650 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu German
1830-1857 on 7265 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Bulgarian
1830-2027 on 7350 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to WAf French
1900-1927 on 7415 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to CEu Czech
1930-1957 on 6090 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Romanian
2000-2057 on 7305 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to CEu Polish
2030-2127 on 7265 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Italian
2030-2227 on 9430 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu French(DX MIX NEWS #866 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 12, 2014)
... some refurbishing ... nice to hear other stations on those QRGs or next channel ... (we)
Additional suspended frequencies of China Radio Inter from Aug.15:
0500-0557 on 17820 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu German
0600-0657 on 17820 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu German
0800-0957 on 15665 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu Russian
0900-0957 on 17570 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu English, heard R.Riyadh HQ
1200-1257 on 13575 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian
1300-1357 on 17630 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu English, 1200-1257 is on air!
1400-1457 on 11665 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to N/ME English
1400-1457 on 17630 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu English, heard CRI Fr via BKO
1500-1527 on 9570 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to WAs Persian
1500-1557 on 9720 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to N/ME English
1500-1557 on 11790 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian
1530-1557 on 9570 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to WAs Pashto
1600-1657 on 6165 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to N/ME Turkish
1600-1657 on 11875 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian
1600-1657 on 13580 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian
1700-1757 on 7265 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to N/ME English
1700-1757 on 11875 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian
1700-1757 on 13640 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian, heard AIR Farsi
1730-1827 on 7385 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to NWAf Chinese from Aug.1
1730-1827 on 9685 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu Chinese from Aug.1
1800-1857 on 7205 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to EEu Russian from Aug.1
1800-1857 on 11650 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu German from Aug.1
1830-1857 on 7265 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Bulgarian from Aug.1
1830-1927 on 7350 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to WAf French from Aug.1
1930-1957 on 6090 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Romanian, heard RN Kaduna
1900-1927 on 7415 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to CEu Czech from Aug.1
1900-1927 on 9560 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to CEu Hungarian
1900-1957 on 11650 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu German from Aug.1
1930-2027 on 7350 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to WAf French from Aug.1
2000-2027 on 7325 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Serbian
2000-2057 on 7305 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to CEu Polish from Aug.1
2030-2057 on 9720 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Bulgarian
2030-2127 on 7265 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEEu Italian from Aug.1
2030-2227 on 9430 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to WEu French from Aug.1
2200-2257 on 7250 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEu Spanish
2200-2257 on 7260 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEu Portuguese
2300-2357 on 7250 URU 500 kW / 308 deg to SEu Spanish
2200-2257 on 7395 URU 500 kW / 270 deg to N/ME Chinese.>>> Effective from 1500 UTC on Aug.20 all listed frequencies are again on the air.
(DX MIX 867)
6200 (x5860) SW antenna Voice of Jin Ling to Taiwan min 850 kilometers distance, location Nanjing 32 02 15.11 N 118 43 20.48 E in Google
Earth housing area visible til 2007 year, TX built up in 2008.
Still registered on 5860 kHz
1400-1800UT 44S NJG 100kW 161degr 0 201 Zho=Chinese CHN CNR RTC
(wb, bclnews.it / wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 20)
COLOMBIA - 5910.06 kHz at 00.30 UT Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras Colombia. Nice Colombia songs, and Alcaravan ID strong and clear
audio. (Maurits van Driessche-BEL, hcdx July 16)
CUBA - RHC changes from July 25th:
Rio de Janeiro 15370 kHz 2330-2400 UT
Buenos Aires 15230 kHz 2200-2300 UT
11880 kHz 2230-2300 UT
11840 [13680] kHz 2000-2030 UT
11760 kHz 1830-1900 UT from July 25th
11840 [13680] kHz 2030-2100 UT
11760 kHz 1800-1830 UT from July 25th
6000 kHz 1100-1300 UT
N,C,SAm 11760 kHz 1100-1500* y 2130-0500 UT
* new expanded time 1100-1800 UT, 1800 Ar, 1830-1900 Port
New York 6060 kHz 2300-0500 UT
New York 9550 kHz 1100-1300 UT (QRM CRI Vietnamese) ceased July 25th.
New York 11860 kHz 1100-1500 UT
San Francisco 13780 kHz 1300-1500 UT
9850 kHz 1100-1300 UT (QRM Vo Korea)
Chicago 15340 kHz 1300-1500 UT ceased July 25th.
(Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich, RHC, via wb)
DIEGO GARCIA - DIEGO GARCIA. 12759, AFN Diego Garcia, USB, 10 AUG 2014 from 1200 UT in English, S5, noisy. Plenty of US rock music. Then
progressively stronger and fine copy as of 1248. Last heard at 1305 UT.
(Nick VK2DX Hacko, Sydney / Australia via WOR 1734, DXLD) Perhaps when they switch to night frequency 4319 (gh)
ECUADOR - 3380 kHz => A pelo menos 4 dias a emissora do Equador que se indentifica no ar como CENTRO RADIOFONICO DE IMBABURA
INTERNACIONAL que transmite de forma irregular ligou seu transmissor de ondas tropicais; aqui chega por volta das 0800 e 1030 UT nos destaques
e claramente por comentarios. Talves Gospel e sem tocar músicas nas horas de minhas recepçoes.(Daniel Wyllyans, Nova Xavantina MT, Aug 12,
<http://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com/> HCDX via WOR 1734, DXLD(
6050, HCJB, 0300 UT Aug 10. Identificación como HCJB La Voz de los Andes 690 AM, 6050 Onda Corta; luego noticias de Ecuador y el mundo. Hay
que destacar que sigue identificándose como HCJB. ID de Programa "Conexión Noticias" con Contagio de Ébola en Estados Unidos y más noticias
cristianas de Ecuador y el Mundo, SINPO: 35343. All the logs were made using a Degen DE1103 radio in Vicuña, Chile. (Marcos Cox, DXLD)
Should work in late autumn in Europe too (we)
FRANCE - Frequency changes or Radio Taiwan International via Issoudun:
2000-2100 NF5915 ISS 250 kW 210 deg to SEu Spanish, ex3965
2100-2200 NF5915 ISS 250 kW 050 deg to WEu German, ex3965
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 22)
Quick check of Radio France Internationale 0600-1700 UT Aug 6
1200-1300 17620 ISS 500 kW 200 deg to NoWeAF French
1200-1300 17620 ISS 500 kW 185 deg to WeCeAF French
1200-1300 17660 RSA 250 kW 342 deg to CeAF French
1200-1300 21580 ISS 500 kW 155 deg to CeAF French
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 1)
GERMANY - Transmissions of HCJB, which have been cancelled from August 1:
2300-2330 9835 NAU 100 kW 240 deg to SAm German
2300-0045 11920 NAU 100 kW 240 deg to SAm Portuguese
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)
Wertachtal sightseeing images and videos. Fotos und Videos vom Kurzwellensender Wertachtal, kurz vor dem Abriss, von W.D. Roth:
<http://neuerdings.com/2014/07/28/kurzwellensender-wertachtal/> (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, <http://ratzer.at> A-DX July 28)
A-14 period (30/03/2014 - 25/10/2014) A-14 operational MBR schedule of July 16th, 2014. Times are in UTC.
frq startstop ciraf
loc pow azi day from to broad
5975 0400-0430 28SE
ISS 100 95 1234567 200414 200414 AWR
5975 0400-0430 28SE
NAU 100 130 1234567 210414 251014 AWR
9530 0300-0330 48
NAU 250 142 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
9610 1930-2000 37,38W
NAU 100 210 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
9610 2000-2030 37,38W
NAU 100 210 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
9790 0900-1000 28W
NAU 100 180 1 300314 251014 AWR
9830 1600-1630 28SE
NAU 100 133 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
11605 1900-2000 38E,39
NAU 250 130 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
11755 2030-2100 46SE,47W
ISS 250 165 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
11830 2000-2030 46E,47W
ISS 250 180 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
11840 1900-2000 37,38W
NAU 100 215 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
11945 1900-1930 46W
NAU 250 212 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15140 0800-0830 37,38W
ISS 100 170 1234567 200414 200414 AWR
15140 0800-0830 37,38W
NAU 100 205 1234567 210414 251014 AWR
15155 1730-1800 48
NAU 250 140 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15170 1730-1800 37,38W
NAU 100 210 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15205 1930-2000 46SE,47W
NAU 250 180 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15225 0500-0600 38E,39
NAU 250 130 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15225 0700-0800 37,38W
NAU 100 210 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15225 0800-0830 37,38W
NAU 250 210 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15225 0830-0900 37,38W
NAU 100 205 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15265 1500-1530 41N
NAU 250 90 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15265 1530-1600 41N
NAU 250 90 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
15670 1530-1600 41N
ISS 250 75 56 300314 251014 AWR
15670 1530-1600 41N
ISS 250 75 12347 300314 251014 AWR
17575 1630-1700 48
NAU 250 145 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
17810 1300-1330 42,43W
NAU 250 70 17 300314 251014 AWR
17810 1300-1330 42,43W
NAU 250 70 23456 300314 251014 AWR
17810 1330-1500 42,43W
NAU 250 70 1234567 300314 251014 AWR
5930 2000-2015 39N
NAU 250 120 1234567 300314 251014 BVB
5945 0700-0730 27,28N
NAU 100 270 1 300314 251014 BVB
5945 0730-0800 27,28N
NAU 100 270 1 060414 060414 BVB
5945 0700-0745 27,28N
NAU 100 270 7 300314 251014 BVB
6130 1800-1815 28,29
NAU 100 90 56 300314 251014 BVB
6130 1830-1845 28,29
NAU 100 90 7 300314 251014 BVB
6130 1800-1830 28,29
NAU 100 90 3 300314 251014 BVB
6130 1800-1900 28,29
NAU 100 90 1 300314 251014 BVB
7310 0300-0315 39S
ISS 250 100 1234567 300314 251014 BVB
9430 1815-1830 39,4
OE 300 ND
1 300314 251014 BVB
9515 2030-2045 46N,47NW,38W,37S NAU 250 180 1234567 300314 251014 BVB
9550 0400-0430 39NE,40
ISS 100 92 127 200414 200414 BVB
9550 0400-0430 39NE,40
NAU 100 110 127 210414 251014 BVB
9550 0430-0445 39N
ISS 125 98 17 200414 200414 BVB
9550 0430-0445 39N
NAU 125 120 17 210414 251014 BVB
9550 0430-0450 39N
NAU 125 120 23456 300314 251014 BVB
9635 1830-1915 39
SOF 100 126 1 300314 251014 BVB
9735 0500-0515 39,4
NAU 250 120 6 300314 251014 BVB
11655 0600-0615 46N,47NW,38W,37S NAU 125 180 1234567 300314 251014 BVB
11855 1815-1900 39,4
ISS 150 90 1 250514 250514 BVB
11855 1815-1900 39,4
NAU 100 105 1 260514 251014 BVB
11855 1800-1830 39,4
NAU 100 105 6 300314 251014 BVB
11855 1830-1900 39,4
NAU 100 105 3 300314 251014 BVB
11855 1800-1900 39,4
NAU 100 105 5 300314 251014 BVB
13580 1700-1715 39,4
NAU 250 130 2356 300314 251014 BVB
13580 1700-1730 39,4
NAU 250 130 4 300314 251014 BVB
13580 1715-1730 39,4
NAU 250 130 7 300314 251014 BVB
13810 1700-1715 38E,39,40W
ISS 150 120 23456 220514 251014 BVB
13810 1715-1800 38E,39,40W
ISS 100 120 246 220514 251014 BVB
13810 1715-1745 38E,39,40W
ISS 100 120 3 220514 251014 BVB
13810 1700-1715 38E,39,40W
NAU 125 125 17 170514 251014 BVB
15160 1630-1730 47,48
NAU 100 150 1234567 300314 251014 BVB
15215 1700-1900 39
OE 100 115 17 300314 251014 BVB
15215 1700-1715 39
OE 100 115 6 300314 251014 BVB
15215 1700-1730 39
OE 100 115 5 300314 251014 BVB
15640 1515-1545 40,41
SOF 100 90 7 300314 251014 BVB
15640 1500-1515 40,41
SOF 100 90 7 300314 251014 BVB #
15640 1515-1600 40,41
SOF 100 90 6 300314 251014 BVB
17495 1400-1430 41
ISS 250 83 7 300314 251014 BVB +
17495 1430-1500 41
ISS 250 83 7 300314 251014 BVB
17515 1600-1630 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 1 300314 251014 BVB
17515 1630-1700 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 250 135 1 300314 251014 BVB
17515 1700-1800 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 1 300314 251014 BVB
17515 1530-1800 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 6 020514 251014 BVB
17515 1700-1730 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 7 300314 251014 BVB
17515 1730-1830 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 250 135 7 300314 251014 BVB
17515 1600-1830 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 3 010714 251014 BVB
17515 1630-1800 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 4 010714 251014 BVB
17515 1600-1800 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 2 010714 251014 BVB
17515 1630-1830 38S,39S,47,48
ISS 100 135 5 300314 251014 BVB
17535 0830-1000 38,39
NAU 125 145 6 300314 251014 BVB
17535 0900-0915 38,39
NAU 125 145 7 300314 251014 BVB
21480 1115-1145 43S,44S
MDC 125 45 1 300314 251014 BVB
21480 1100-1130 43S,44S
MDC 125 45 7 060614 251014 BVB
9585 1800-1900 28E,29
NAU 100 90 7 300314 251014 CHW
6055 1030-1100 27,28
NAU 125 222 17 300314 251014 EMG
7315 1830-1845 27,28W,37N
NAU 125 230 36 200514 251014 EOE
7315 1830-1845 27,28W,37N
NAU 100 260 1 250514 250514 EOE
9435 1830-1845 27,28W,37N
NAU 125 230 1 250514 250514 EOE
9520 0030-0130 40E,41NW
NAU 250 100 1234567 300314 251014 GFA
9520 2330-0030 41NE,43S,49N
NAU 250 85 1234567 300314 251014 GFA
15350 1230-1500 41
NAU 250 89 1234567 300314 251014 GFA
15390 1330-1530 41NE,43S,49N
NAU 250 85 1234567 300314 251014 GFA
15395 1530-1630 40E,41NW
NAU 250 99 1234567 250514 251014 GFA
13800 1530-1630 29S
OE 100 95 7 300314 251014 HCJ
9645 1800-1830 47,48
ISS 250 160 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
9780 1700-1800 40E,41NW
NAU 250 95 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
11875 0500-0530 46,47
NAU 250 185 1234567 180614 251014 IBB
11995 1630-1700 47,48
NAU 250 150 23456 240414 251014 IBB
12005 1730-1800 48
ISS 250 130 23456 300314 251014 IBB
12005 1800-1900 48
ISS 250 130 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
12040 2030-2100 46,47
NAU 250 190 23456 300314 251014 IBB
12080 1800-1900 48
ISS 250 130 1234567 130614 251014 IBB
12080 1900-1930 48
ISS 250 130 23456 130614 251014 IBB
13870 1630-1700 47,48
ISS 250 140 23456 300314 251014 IBB
13870 1800-1900 48
NAU 250 140 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
13870 1900-1930 48
NAU 250 140 23456 300314 251014 IBB
15255 1400-1500 30S
ISS 250 90 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
15360 0400-0900 40E,41NW
NAU 250 90 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
15460 1500-1600 30S
NAU 250 85 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
15620 1500-1600 29SE
NAU 250 90 1234567 300314 251014 IBB
7330 1000-1100 27,28
OE 100 283 1 300314 251014 JOY *
7330 1000-1100 27,28
OE 100 283 1 200414 200414 JOY
6025 0400-0500 27E,28
NAU 125 270 1 200414 200414 KBC (per RA)
6045 0800-0900 27E,28
NAU 125 275 1 200414 200414 KBC (per RA)
6095 0800-1500 18SW,27,28W,37N
NAU 100 240 17 300314 251014 KBC
7375 0000-0200 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 NAU 125 300 1 010914 251014 KBC
9925 0000-0200 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 NAU 125 300 1 010514 300814 KBC
9925 0400-0500 4,8,9
NAU 125 300 1 200414 200414 KBC (per RA)
15315 1830-1900 46S,47SE
ISS 500 180 1234567 300314 251014 LWF
6045 0900-1000 27E,28
NAU 100 270 1 300314 251014 MSM (per RA)
5945 1100-1115 27,28
NAU 250 222 1 300314 251014 MWA
11695 1500-1530 29,3
ISS 250 60 7 300314 251014 MWF
13710 1100-1130 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 NAU 250 45 7 300314 251014 MWF
5985 0400-0430 11,12
YFR 100 222 1234567 300314 251014 NHK
11680 0300-0500 38,39,40
NAU 250 140 1234567 300314 251014 NHK
15445 1700-1900 38,39,40
NAU 250 140 1234567 300314 251014 NHK
17630 1600-1630 47E,48
ISS 500 130 37 300314 251014 OGM
9515 1930-2000 37,38
NAU 250 155 1 300314 251014 PAB
15205 1400-1430 41
ISS 100 90 1 300314 251014 PAB
15205 1415-1430 41
ISS 100 90 234567 300314 251014 PAB
15205 1430-1445 41
ISS 250 90 1 300314 251014 PAB
17500 1600-1700 48SW,58NW
ISS 100 144 7 210614 251014 RIY new
13830 1700-1800 38E,39S,48
ISS 100 125 14 300314 251014 SBO
13810 1400-1600 28,29W,38E,39
NAU 100 130 23456 300314 251014 TOM
13810 1400-1600 28,29W,38E,39
ISS 100 120 17 300314 251014 TOM
6095 0800-1000 18SW,27,28W,37N
NAU 100 230 246 300314 251014 TRS
6105 0700-0720 27
NAU 100 285 1234567 300314 251014 TWR
7215 0830-0900 28
NAU 100 135 1234567 300314 251014 TWR
7320 1400-1428 28,29,30
NAU 100 65 1234567 300314 251014 TWR
9835 2300-2330 12,13,14,15,16
NAU 100 240 1234567 300314 251014 VZM
11920 2300-0045 12,13,14,15,16
NAU 100 240 1234567 300314 251014 VZM
15670 1630-1700 40
ISS 500 91 26 090514 251014 WRN
* = 1st Sunday of the month
+ = 1st Saturday of the month
# = 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday
per RA = on request booking.
List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical equipment:
AWR Adventist World Radio
BVB High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting
CHW Christliche Wissenschaft
EMG Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland
EOE Echo of Europe <http://www.echoofeurope.eu>
GFA Gospel for Asia
HCJ Voice of the Andes, Sats only, 1530 UT Russian, 1600 UT Chechen
IBB International Broadcasting Bureau, USA
JOY MBR internal customer name, - Joystick, * 1st Sun
KBC& Mighty KBC Radio
LWF Lutheran World Federation
MSM% ShortWave Rock 1st Sun, XVRB Radio 3rd Sun and Radio Iceman 4th Sun
/ EMR 3rd and 4th Sun (wb.)
MWA Missionswerk Arche
MWF Missionswerk Friedensstimme, Gummersbach - Germany
NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
OGM NGO [RHU Radio Huriyo Xoriyo Ogaden]
PAB Pan Am Broadcasting
RIY Radio Inyabutatu, in Kinyarwanda, ex17870 kHz.
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo, Voice of Oromo Liberation.
TOM The Overcomer Ministry
TRS Transport Radio Mon-Fri; KBC Mighty KBC Radio, Sat/Sun.
TWR Trans World Radio
VZM [HCJB transmissions, Spanish, German, Kulina, Portuguese]
WRN World Radio Network, Radio Mehr Iranian, Mon/Fri only.
&) For reception reports please mail to: <[email protected]>
or write to: The Mighty KBC, Argonstraat 6, 6718 WT Ede, The Netherlands, Europe Website: <http://www.kbcradio.eu>
%) XVRB Radio - It's The Music Museum Website: <http://www.xvrb.org> E-mail: <[email protected]>
(MBR - 16 July 2014, transformed by Michael Bethge, WWDXC, Germany, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 22)
INDIA - New updated schedule of AIR Vividh Bharati and AIR National Channel:
AIR Vividh Bharati from July 21
0100-0435 9380 ALG 250 kW 188 deg to SAs Hindi, additional frequency
0100-0435 9870 BGL 500 kW 035 deg to SAs Hindi
0900-1200 6100 DEL 250 kW 134 deg to SAs Hindi DRM
0900-1200 9380 ALG 250 kW 188 deg to SAs Hindi, additional frequency
0900-1200 9870 BGL 500 kW 035 deg to SAs Hindi
1320-1740 9870 BGL 500 kW 035 deg to SAs Hindi
AIR National Channel from July 21
1320-0040NF9380 ALG 250 kW 188 deg to SAs Hindi/English news*, ex9470
1320-0040 9425 DEL 250 kW 334 deg to SAs Hindi/English news*
*5 minutes bulletin at 1430, 1530, 1630, 1730, 1830, 1935, 2030, 2135,2230 UT. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)
JAPAN - Frequency changes of Shiokaze-Sea Breeze eff. from July 15:
1330-1430 NF 5985 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6020 Japanese Mon/Wed
1330-1430 NF 5985 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6020 Chinese/Korean Tue
1330-1430 NF 5985 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6020 English Thu
1330-1430 NF 5985 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6020 Korean Fri
1330-1430 NF 5985 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6020 Korean/Japanese Sat
1330-1430 NF 5985 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6020 Japanese/Korean Sun
1600-1700 NF 6090 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6165 Japanese Mon/Wed
1600-1700 NF 6090 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6165 Chinese/Korean Tue
1600-1700 NF 6090 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6165 English Thu
1600-1700 NF 6090 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6165 Korean Fri
1600-1700 NF 6090 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6165 Korean/Japanese Sat
1600-1700 NF 6090 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex6165 Japanese/Korean Sun
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)
KUWAIT - Radio Kuwait General Service in Arabic additional frequency 0000-2400 15475, weak signal in Sofia.
Current summer A-14 shortwave schedule of Radio Kuwait:
0000-2400 15475 additional frequency effective July 23 or 24 Arabic
0200-0900 5960 KBD 250 kW / non-dir N/ME Arabic, off from July 24
0500-0900 15515 KBD 300 kW / 059 deg EAs Arabic
0800-1000 7250 KBD 500 kW / non-dir WAs Persian
0930-1600 11630 KBD 500 kW / 230 deg CAf Arabic Holy Qur`an
1000-1200 21580 KBD 500 kW / 084 deg SEAs Tagalog
1100-1600 9750 KBD 300 kW / 286 deg NEAf Arabic
1200-1600 21540 KBD 500 kW / 310 deg WEu Arabic
1600-1800 15540 KBD 300 kW / 100 deg SAs Urdu
1600-2100 6050 KBD 250 kW / non-dir N/ME Arabic
1700-2000 13650 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg NAm Arabic, off from July 24
1800-2100 15540 KBD 500 kW / 310 deg WEu English
2000-2400 17550 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg NAm Arabic, off from July 24
Unscheduled broadcast of Radio Kuwait in Arabic, after English program
2100-2120 on 15540 KBD 500 kW / 310 deg to WEu
(DX MIX NEWS #864 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, July 31, 2014)
Changes of Radio Kuwait, General Service effective from August 13:
0000-2400 on 15475 addit from July 24 to Aug.12 Arabic, cancelled
0200-0900 on 5960 KBD 500 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic, back on air
1700-2000 on 13650 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Arabic, back on air2000-2400 on 17550 KBD 500 kW / 350 deg to NoAm Arabic, back on
air (DX MIX NEWS #867 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 22, 2014)
LAOS - 6130 Lao National Radio, on 1359 UT Aug 5. Usual theme music before segment in English; heard bits & pieces of their normal ID; "This is
the Lao National Radio, broadcasting from Vientiane capital, the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Our news in English program broadcasts at
2100 to 2130 hours local time daily, which is transmitted on AM 567 kHz. on medium wave and on AM 6130 kHz. on shortwave"; poor, but pleased
to find they still have English at 1400 UT. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 6)
6129.978 As often noted in past months, one of two transmitters available at Vientiane tx site is always some 20 Hertz down lower side, the other
unit is rather on even frequency, scheduled 0855-1600 UT acc Aoki Nagoya list. Noted tiny signal this European afternoon around 1520 UT S=7 82dBm, poor modulation, but could easily identify Vietnamese sce and typical SoEaAsian Buddhist chimes music. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug
CR: Nachricht von Freitag, 8. August 2014 20:54 Uhr Weltzeit (UT):
Auch gestern abend war der Sender aus Vientiane alleine auf der Frequenz, also dürfte Lhasa tatsächlich wieder die alljährliche Wartungspause
haben. Bester Empfang von ca. 2245 UT bis gegen 2330 UT.
6129.95, Lao National Radio, Vientiane, 08 August, 2207, suspected the one in the clear here with carrier and hints of talk. Co-channel Xizang PBS
was off, as were 6025, 6050, 6110. Remember at least some of these were out of service too in 2nd half of August last year. Worth monitoring in the
next few days.
(Martien Groot, Schoorl, Netherlands, dxldyg via WOR 1734, DXLD)
Ich kann den Empfang ebenfalls bestätigen. Gegen 2300 UT eindeutiges Pausenzeichen mit anschließender Identifikation in Lao. Unregelmäßig
kommen zu dieser Zeit auch 6 Turmuhrschläge, die sich fast wie die von Big Ben anhören. Bei mir zeitweise bis O=3 im genannten Zeitfenster. (a-dx,
Uwe Volk, RX: Perseus, ANT: 30m Langdraht Nord/Süd + RF Balun ; AOR AR 7030 plus, 30m Langdraht West/Ost + RF Balun; QTH: Lehrte bei
MADAGASCAR / GERMANY - Some changes of Media Broadcast:
Bible Voice Broadcasting 21480 kHz
1100-1130 21480 MDG 125 kW 045 deg to EAs English Sat
1115-1130 21480 MDG 125 kW 045 deg to EAs English Sun Eternal Good News
1130-1145 21480 MDG 125 kW 045 deg to EAs Japanese Sun
Cancelled broadcasts
1100-1115 21480 MDG 125 kW 045 deg to EAs Cantonese Tue-Thu
1115-1130 21480 MDG 125 kW 045 deg to EAs Chinese Mon
1100-1130 21480 MDG 125 kW 045 deg to EAs English Fri
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)
MEXICO - 6184.98 kHz at 2355 UT Radio Educacion, Mexico City Mexico. Very soft spoken Spanish.
(Maurits van Driessche-BEL, hcdx July 16)
6184.981 Surprisingly Radio Educacion tonight few Hertz 'mas' on lower side, 0345 UT on July 19, but propper S=9+20dB -51dBm signal logged
on Florida-US remote SDR net post. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 19)
MOROCCO - 9575 Radio Medi Un - Nador site, at 0021-0047 UT on July 10, man announcer talking in French followed by French pop music vocal.
More talk at 0028 UT followed by ID and announcements into news at 0030 UT. Discussion program began 0035 UT with a man and woman. Fair but
periodic splatter from CRI-Albania on 9570 kHz. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer July 13)
NEW ZEALAND - A-14 schedule of Radio New Zealand International from July 12:
0000-0400 15720 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to All Pacific AM
0250-0400 17675 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to All Pacific DRM irregular air
0400-0458 15720 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to All Pacific AM
0459-0650 11725 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to All Pacific AM
0651-0758 11725 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to Tonga AM
0651-0758NF7330 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to Tonga DRM, ex9890
0759-1058 9700 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to All Pacific AM
1059-1258 9700 RAN 100 kW 325 deg to NW Pacific/PNG/Timor AM
1259-1550 6170 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to All Pacific AM
1551-1745NF5975 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga AM, ex9700
1551-1745 7330 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga DRM
1746-1835 9700 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga AM
1746-1835NF7330 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga DRM,ex9630
1836-1850 9700 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga AM
1836-1850 9630 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga DRM
1851-1950 11725 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga AM
1851-1950 11690 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to Cooks/Samoa/Niue/Tonga DRM
1951-2050 11725 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to Solomon Islands/Niue/Tonga AM
1951-2050 15720 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to Solomon Islands/Niue/Tonga DRM
2051-2150 11725 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to Solomon Islands/Niue/Tonga AM
2051-2150 15720 RAN 025 kW 035 deg to Solomon Islands/Niue/Tonga AM
2151-2400 15720 RAN 050 kW 035 deg to All Pacific AM
Expect schedule changes from time to time to take account of propagation to our target audience. NB: Every month the first and third Wednesday
2230-0600 UTC it is Maintenance day at our transmitter site Rangitaiki.
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 23)
NIGERIA - Morning programming on Voice of Nigeria (0500-1000 UT on 15120 kHz) continues to be a lottery.
15120-AM, VON, *0445-0450*, August 1. VON transmitter on at 0433 with strong test tone which covered CRI that was already broadcasting in
English; *0445 test tone off and start of their African instrumental music IS with IDs in English - "This is the Voice of Nigeria, Lagos"; off at 0450*
leaving CRI in the clear; VON mostly fair; checking till 0505 found that VON did not broadcast again. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, E1 &
CR-1, dxldy via DXLD)
Radio Nigeria Kaduna was back shortwave after month of absence
1800-1900 6089.9 KDN 100 kW ND to WAf Hausa.
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Der Tropenbandspezialist Anker Petersen hat folgende Stationen abgeschrieben, da sie schon laenger nicht mehr gemeldet
3315 NBC Radio Manus, Lorengau
3915 Radio Fly, Kiunga
Von den nach seinen Angaben sieben Tropenbandsendern wurden im Juli folgende Sender in Nordamerika noch beobachtet:
3205 NBC Radio Sandaun
3235 NBC R. West New Britain ungemeldet
3260 NBC R. Madang
3325 NBC R. Bougainville ungemeldet
3365 NBC R. Milne Bay nur einmal gemeldet
3385 NBC R. East New Britain
3905 NBC R. New Ireland ungemeldet
7325 Wantok R. Light
(Guy Atkins, Dave Valko, Robert Wilkner, Glenn Hauser, Ron Howard, Harold Sellers, Kouji Hashimoto, Anker Petersen, July 2014 dxld, via Prof. Dr.
Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 31)
PERU - 4985.510 kHz at 00.40 UT Radio Voz Cristiana, Huancayo, Peru. Spanish talks about Peru, Voz Cristiana ID better audio than the past days.
5920.02 kHz at 00.13 UT Radio Chaski, Urubamba Cusco Peru. Conversation by male and female, good signal and audio not bad. (Maurits van
Driessche-BEL, hcdx July 16)
4774.9, R. Tarma, Tarma, 2251-2259, 12/7, castelhano, música pop' índia; 45433.
4835, R. Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2216-2230, 14/7, castelhano, canções, anúncios comerciais; 23331, QRM AUS.
4955, R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2238-2245, 12/7, castelhano, propag. relig.; 35342.
5024.9, R. Quillabamba, Cuzco, 2242-2250, 12/7, canções índias; 34342, QRM da AUS.
5980, R. Chaski, Cuzco, 2232-2243, 11/7, castelhano, propag. relig.; 35332.(Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, dxldyg via DXLD)
Als die DSWCI 1973 den Tropical Bands Survey begannen gab es in Peru 78 Sender im Tropenband, 2014 gut vier Jahrzehnte spaeter ist die Zahl auf
14 gefallen. Dabei betruebt Anker Petersen zusaetzlich die Tatsache, dass im Unterschied zu frueher nicht mehr viel einheimische Musik gespielt
wird, sondern die meisten Stationen am (religioesen) Wort orientiert sind.
Entsprechend den DSWCI-Regeln hat der Tropenbandspezialist Pacifico Radio, Lima, abgeschrieben, da die nominelle Frequenz 4975 kHz schon
laenger nicht mehr gemeldet wurde.
Folgende Kurzwellenstationen konnten im Juli international (# nur) in Amerika bzw. in den Stunden um Mitternacht auch in Europa (*) gehoert
werden. In der Regel liegen hier sogar mehrere Empfangsmeldungen pro Sender vor:
*4775 "Radio Tarma (la internacional)", Tarma, Junin
#4790 "Radio Vision desde Chiclayo", Lambayeque
#4810 "Radio Logos, en los 4810 kHz Onda Tropical, transmitiendo desde Chazuta, Peru"; "4810 kHz Onda Tropical, Radio Logos, la mejor senal
del Peru"; "Radio Logos, transmitiendo para ti un mensaje de piedad, amor, fe y esperanza, desde las altas montanas de la selva peruana"
Chazuta, San Martin
*4835 "Radio Ondas del Sur Oriente", Quillabamba
*4955 "Radio Cultural Amauta", Ayacucho
*4985 "Radio Voz Cristiana (1470 AM)" "En todo el valle del Mantaro se escucha Radio Voz Cristiana" "Voz Cristiana desde Huancayo, Peru"
*5025 "Radio Quillabamba (pionera en educacion y cultura)", Cuzco, Problem: Co-Channel Radio Rebelde aus Kuba
*5980 "Desde Cusco, Peru, transmite Radio Chaski en los 5980 kHz onda corta, con la palabra de Dios", Urubamba - Cuzco.
(Thomas Nilsson, Carlos Goncalves, Maurits Van Driessche, Anker Petersen 14 July via dxld)
Die Behoerden haben am 17. Juni 2014 einem Victor Ancelmo Morillo de la Cruz ein auf zehn Jahre laufendes Senderecht samt Baugenehmigung
fuer eine Tropenbandstation erteilt. OAW-2H soll mit 1 kW auf 4910 kHz aus La Libertad im gleichnamigen Departamento senden.
(Thomas Nilsson-SWE 20 July, dxld; via Prof. Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, ntt)
QATAR (Bulgaria) - Test transmissions on shortwave of the Al Jazeera Arabic TV news channel via Spaceline, Kostinbrod transmitter site on August
According to HFCC database:
0700-1555 on 15760 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
1600-0655 on 7305 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
According to my personal and other DXers observations:
1100-1300 on 15760 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
1300-1555 on 15760 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
1600-1755 on 7305 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
1800-1955 on 7310 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
2000-2155 on 7305 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
2200-0355 on 7300 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg to WEu
(DX MIX NEWS #867 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 22, 2014)
RUSSIA - Probably Voice of Russia to return to shortwave from Oct.1.
Registered frequencies in HFCC Database Oct.1-26:
0000-0100 on 17770 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
0000-0200 on 6120 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SAs English
0000-0200 on 12060 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to CAm Spanish
0000-0300 on 11965 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SAs English
0000-0400 on 6100 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to N/ME English
0000-0500 on 6195 S.P 800 kW / 268 deg to SAm Russian <<<<< 800 kW ???
0000-0600 on 7240 MSK 500 kW / 267 deg to SAm Portuguese
0100-0300 on 17530 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs Russian
0100-0300 on 17855 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs Russian
0200-0400 on 11990 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CAs Russian
0200-0600 on 11935 IRK 100 kW / 263 deg to CAs Russian
0200-0600 on 12010 P.K 200 kW / 061 deg to NAm English
0200-0600 on 12070 P.K 250 kW / 067 deg to NAm English
0300-0500 on 17530 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs English
0300-0600 on 11900 P.K 250 kW / 064 deg to NAm English
0300-0600 on 17855 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs English
0300-0700 on 11985 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to CAs Russian
0600-0900 on 7350 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs English
0600-1000 on 15725 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WEu English DRM
0600-1400 on 7280 IRK 100 kW / 044 deg to FERu Russian
0700-0900 on 9625 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WEu German DRM
0700-1500 on 11975 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to CAs Russian
0800-1200 on 9870 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CAs Russian
0900-1400 on 9625 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WEu Russian DRM
1000-1200 on 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EAs English
1000-1200 on 7300 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs Chinese
1000-1200 on 12035 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SAs English DRM
1000-1200 on 15270 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to WAs English
1000-1400 on 5900 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 6075 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 6045 IRK 100 kW / 125 deg to EAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 9450 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 9695 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 9865 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EAs Chinese
1000-1400 on 11925 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg to EAs Chinese
1100-1400 on 6195 S.P 200 kW / 217 deg to WEu Russian
1100-1400 on 17830 MSK 250 kW / 100 deg to SEAs Russian
1200-1400 on 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EAs Japanese
1200-1400 on 7300 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs Russian
1200-1400 on 7340 P.K 250 kW / 241 deg to EAs Japanese
1200-1400 on 15270 ARM 100 kW / 104 deg to WAs Russian
1200-1600 on 15495 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CAs Russian
1300-1400 on 7320 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SoAs Hindi DRM
1300-1400 on 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SoAs Russian
1300-1600 on 6175 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to N/ME Turkish
1400-1500 on 5935 IRK 100 kW / 110 deg to EAs English
1400-1500 on 7320 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SAs Urdu DRM
1400-1500 on 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to N/ME Turkish
1400-1500 on 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SAs Urdu
1400-1600 on 6145 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CAs Russian
1400-1700 on 6035 IRK 100 kW / 263 deg to CAs Russian
1400-1800 on 6010 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to NAf English
1400-1900 on 6015 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to CAs Russian
1400-2200 on 9450 MSK 250 kW / 275 deg to WEu English
1500-1700 on 5975 S.P 200 kW / 147 deg to WAs Farsi
1500-1700 on 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to WAs Kurdish
1500-1700 on 11635 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to WEu German
1500-1800 on 9560 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
1500-1800 on 15660 ARM 500 kW / 110 deg to SAs Russian
1500-1900 on 6045 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to WEu Russian
1500-1900 on 6140 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WEu German DRM
1500-2000 on 6070 ARM 100 kW / 157 deg to N/ME Russian
1500-2200 on 12070 MSK 250 kW / 285 deg to WEu English
1600-1700 on 6175 ARM 100 kW / 188 deg to WAs Kurdish
1600-1800 on 5960 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WEu Russian DRM
1600-1900 on 6110 IRK 250 kW / 240 deg to CAs Russian
1600-1900 on 12035 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WEu German DRM
1600-2100 on 6120 IRK 250 kW / 290 deg to N/ME Arabic
1600-2100 on 6195 S.P 200 kW / 217 deg to NAf Arabic
1700-1900 on 7435 MSK 200 kW / 190 deg to N/ME Turkish
1700-1900 on 9800 MSK 250 kW / 117 deg to CAs Russian
1700-1900 on 9820 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to WEu English
1700-2000 on 11635 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to WEu French
1700-2000 on 5975 S.P 200 kW / 147 deg to N/ME Arabic
1800-2000 on 5960 KLG 015 kW / 220 deg to WEu French DRM
1800-2100 on 6010 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to NAf French
1800-2100 on 9900 IRK 015 kW / 224 deg to SAs English DRM
1900-2100 on 9820 MSK 200 kW / 270 deg to WEu Russian
2000-2130 on 6045 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg to WEu Russian
2000-2200 on 9780 MSK 040 kW / 261 deg to WEu Russian DRM
2100-2400 on 11655 KHB 100 kW / 218 deg to EAs English
2200-2400 on 7240 MSK 500 kW / 267 deg to SAm Spanish
2200-2400 on 12060 ARM 500 kW / 290 deg to CAm Portuguese
2200-2400 on 17770 P.K 250 kW / 247 deg to SEAs English
2300-2400 on 11965 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg to SAs English
Radio Rossii
0000-1500 on 7230 IAK 100 kW / 000 deg to FERu Russian
0700-1500 on 13820 MSK 250 kW / 267 deg to WEu Russian
1900-2400 on 7230 IAK 100 kW / 000 deg to FERu Russian
(DX MIX NEWS #867 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 22, 2014)
Abbreviations of transmitter location as given. Info not yet verified otherwise! (we)
SAUDI ARABIA - BSKSA Holy Quran Service on new frequency on Aug. 4:
0900-1200 NF 21600 RIY 500 kW / 310 deg to N/ME Arabic, ex 11935
// frequency 17570 RIY 500 kW / 070 deg to SEAs Arabic
// frequency 17615 RIY 500 kW / 100 deg to SEAs Arabic
(DX MIX NEWS #865 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 5, 2014)
SOLOMON ISLANDS - SIBC via Paul Walker (via IRCA Liste, 25.7)
5020 kHz 6-9 hours Solomon Islands time, is 19 UT - 22 UT
9545 kHz 9-17 hours Solomon Islands time, is 22 - 6 UT
5020 kHz 17-23 hours Solomon Islands time, is 6 - 12 UT
Power of transmission stated in July 7,5 kW. (via adx)
SOUTH AFRICA {to Zimbabwe target} - Semi-clandestine SWRA - SW Radio Africa shortwave broadcasts to end after 13 years in service on shortwave
It is with regret that SW Radio Africa announces that after 13 years, our shortwave broadcasts are to end on Friday 18th July.
You have welcomed us into your homes since our first shortwave broadcast on 19th December 2001. Our broadcasts will continue on our website, via
Channel Zim through TV decoders, and by various other forms of new media.
We know how much these shortwave broadcasts have meant to our listeners in more remote areas who have so little access to news and information,
and we sincerely regret that we will no longer be able to provide this service.
We would like to thank our listeners who have been such loyal supporters for so many years and also for their willingness to share the stories of their
lives with us on our Callback program. This has allowed people all over the world to have a better understanding of the many crises that Zimbabweans
continue to face. We can only hope that one day, sooner rather than later, there is real media freedom that allows Zimbabweans, wherever they are in
the country, easy access to what is a basic human right - freedom of information and expression.
<http://www.swradioafrica.com/2014/07/17/swra-shortwave-broadcasts-to-end/> (SW Radio Africa July 17, via BrDXC-UK ng)
4880 kHz SW Radio Africa lately on 60mb SW band only.
Mo-Fr only 1700-1800 UT English 100kW at 5degr target via Sentec Meyerton-AFS site in A-14 season. (wb.)
SPAIN - Radio Exterior de Espana in English on 17850 kHz. REE was noted July 11 in English, instead of Spanish
1900-2000 17850 NOB 250 kW 272 deg to CeAm. Parallel freqs
1900-2000 9665 NOB 250 kW 050 deg to WEu
1900-2000 11615 NOB 250 kW 168 deg to NoWAf.
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 12)
SRI LANKA - 9720, SLBC, 1114 signal sudden on, then brief drum IS, time ticks, opening announcement by W in presumed Tamil, and into music.
Weak but there (1 August). (Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA USA, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD)
TAIWAN [FRANCE] - Frequency change of Radio Taiwan International from August 1:
2000-2100 NF 3965 ISS 250 kW / 210 deg to SEu Spanish, ex 5915/3965, and
2100-2200 NF 3965 ISS 250 kW / 050 deg to WEu German, ex 5915/3965.
(Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, dxldyg via DXLD)
U.S.A. - These planned changes of VoA were cancelled on 9 August:
Voice of America, Aug. 11:
0500-0600 11995 VAT 250 kW / 114 deg WAs English, instead of Kurdish
0500-0600 15560 CLN-IRA 250 kW / 310 deg WAs Kurdish, as scheduled
0500-0600 17870 Biblis 100 kW / 085 deg WAs English, instead of Kurdish
(Ivo Ivanov)
Frequency changes of Radio Free Asia from July 11:
0100-0200 NF 9780 TIN 250 kW 313 deg to CAs, ex17540
1000-1100 NF21465 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Mo, ex21525
1000-1100 NF21455 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Tue, ex21505
1000-1100 NF21525 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Wed, ex21495
1000-1100 NF21505 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Thu, ex21485
1000-1100 NF21495 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Fr, ex21475
1000-1100 NF21485 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Sa, ex21465
1000-1100 NF21475 TIN 250 kW 295 deg to CAs Su, ex21455
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)
Unscheduled transmissions of Brother Stair TOM via WTWW-3 on July 25 till 0710 on 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg to ENAm English, poor
reception. (Ivo Ivanov, dxldyg via DXLD)
Unscheduled transmissions of WTWW-3 The Bible World Wide after 0200 UT, July 31:
1700-1900 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm English, no signal here
1900-2000 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm Spanish, no signal here
2000-2100 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm Portuguese, no signal here
2100-2200 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm French, no signal here
2200-2300 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm Arabic, 2300-2400 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm Yoruba, 0000-0100 12105 TWW 100
kW / 040 deg ENAm Russian, 0100-0200 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm English, from 0200 12105 TWW 100 kW / 040 deg ENAm English,
(Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, July 31)
Updated summer A-14 schedule via Okeechobee effective 0000 UT Aug. 12:
0000-0100 5015 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#03
0000-0100 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0000-0100 5950 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg CARR English WRMI programs tx#14
0000-0100 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0000-0100 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0000-0100 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX English Brother Stair tx#01
0000-0100 9495 YFR 100 kW / 151 deg NSAm Various WRMI programs tx#09
0000-0100 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CeAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
0000-0100 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0000-0100 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0000-0100 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
0100-0200 5015 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#03
0100-0200 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0100-0200 5950 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg CARR English WRMI programs tx#14
0100-0200 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0100-0200 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0100-0200 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX English Brother Stair tx#01
0100-0200 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CeAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
0100-0200 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0100-0200 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0100-0200 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
0200-0300 5015 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#03
0200-0300 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0200-0300 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0200-0300 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0200-0300 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX English Brother Stair tx#01
0200-0300 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
0200-0300 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0200-0300 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0200-0300 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
0300-0400 5015 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#03
0300-0400 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0300-0400 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0300-0400 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0300-0400 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEXI Spanish R.Taiwan Int. tx#01
0300-0400 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
0300-0400 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0300-0400 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0300-0400 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
0400-0430 5985 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX Spanish R.Japan (NHK) tx#02
0430-0500 5985 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX Various WRMI programs tx#02
0400-0500 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0400-0500 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0400-0500 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0400-0500 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX English Brother Stair tx#01
0400-0500 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
0400-0500 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0400-0500 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0400-0500 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg NCAf English Brother Stair tx#07
0400-0500 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
0500-0600 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0500-0600 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0500-0600 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0500-0600 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX English Brother Stair tx#01
0500-0600 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm English Brother Stair tx#10
0500-0600 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0500-0600 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0500-0600 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg NCAf English Brother Stair tx#07
0500-0600 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
0600-0800 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0600-0800 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0600-0800 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0600-0800 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm English Brother Stair tx#10
0600-0800 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0600-0800 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0600-0800 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg NCAf English Brother Stair tx#07
0600-0800 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
0800-1000 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
0800-1000 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
0800-1000 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
0800-1000 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm English Brother Stair tx#10
0800-1000 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
0800-1000 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
0800-1000 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
1000-1030 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm Various WRMI programs tx#08
1000-1100 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
1000-1100 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
1000-1100 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
1000-1100 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
1000-1100 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
1100-1400 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
1100-1400 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
1100-1400 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
1100-1400 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
1100-1400 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
1400-2000 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
1400-2000 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm English Brother Stair tx#10
1400-2000 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
1400-2000 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
1400-2000 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
1400-2000 17790 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg NCAf English Radio Africa tx#07
2000-2100 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
2000-2100 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm English Brother Stair tx#10
2000-2100 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
2000-2100 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
2000-2100 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg NCAf English Radio Africa tx#07
2000-2100 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
2100-2200 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
2100-2200 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm English Brother Stair tx#10 Mon-Fri
2100-2200 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10 Sa/Su
2100-2200 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu Various WRMI programs tx#04
2100-2200 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
2100-2200 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg NCAf English Radio Africa tx#07
2100-2200 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu Various WRMI programs tx#09
2200-2300 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
2200-2300 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
2200-2300 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
2200-2300 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX English Brother Stair tx#01
2200-2300 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm English Brother Stair tx#10 Mo-Fr
2200-2300 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10 Sa/Su
2200-2300 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#04
2200-2300 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
2200-2300 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg NCAf English Radio Africa tx#07
2200-2300 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
2300-2400 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg ENAm English TruNews+Music tx#08
2300-2400 5950 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg CARR Spanish Family Radio tx#14
2300-2400 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg WNAm English TruNews+Music tx#13
2300-2400 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#11
2300-2400 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg MEX English Brother Stair tx#01
2300-2400 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg CAm Various WRMI programs tx#10
2300-2400 11730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu Spanish Family Radio tx#04
2300-2400 11825 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg WNAm English Brother Stair tx#12
2300-2400 15770 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg WEu English Brother Stair tx#09
Brother Stair /TOM/ is increased to 122 hours Mon-Fri and 120 hours Sa/Su(DX MIX NEWS #866 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 12,
Frequency change of WRMI Okeechobee from 0000 UTC on August 16:
0000-2300 NF 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair, ex 11730
2300-2400 NF 11580 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu Spanish Family Radio, ex 11730
(DX MIX NEWS #867 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 22, 2014)
Cancelled tranmissions of Brother Stair via World Harvest Radio:
1600-1800 on 9840 HRI 250 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English WHRI Angel 2
1600-1900 on 17610 HRI 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English WHRI Angel 6
2000-2100 on 9840 HRI 250 kW / 025 deg to ENAm English WHRI Angel 2 Mo-Fr
(DX MIX NEWS #867 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 22, 2014)
25000 kHz, July 31 at 1945, JBA second tix, and top-of-minute tone, but no voice announcement audible, so finally heard WWV on reactivated
frequency --- normally too close at under 500 miles to Ft Collins, but had just noted VG signal on 20000 which is also too close, except when
obviously sporadic-E is in play. Yet, *no* activity heard on 12m hamband just below 25 MHz, and very little on ``15m``. (gh, DXLD)
U.S.A. [BOTSWANA / GERMANY / SRI LANKA / VATICAN STATE] Changes in A-14 schedule of Voice of America in Kurdish:
0500-0600 11995 VAT 250 kW 114 deg to WAs till Aug.10
0500-0600 15560 IRA 250 kW 310 deg to WAs till Aug.10
0500-0600 17870 BIB 100 kW 085 deg to WAs till Aug.10
1400-1500 15470 BOT 100 kW 010 deg to WAs, unchanged
1400-1500 17870 IRA 250 kW 299 deg to WAs, unchanged
1700-1800 7365 BIB 100 kW 105 deg to WAs, unchanged
1700-1800 9850 BIB 100 kW 105 deg to WAs, unchanged
1700-1800 11995 IRA 250 kW 315 deg to WAs, unchanged
1900-2000 6170 BIB 100 kW 105 deg to WAs from Aug.11
1900-2000 7220 LAM 100 kW 108 deg to WAs from Aug.11
1900-2000 9470 LAM 100 kW 105 deg to WAs from Aug.11
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 9)
VATICAN - Vatican Radio, Angelus on Sun, Aug. 10
1000-1030 on 7250 VAT 100 kW / 330 deg to CEu
1000-1030 on 15595 VAT 250 kW / 319 deg to WEu
1000-1030 on 11740 VAT 100 kW / 310 deg to WEu
1000-1030 on 11740 VAT 250 kW / 019 deg to EEu
1000-1030 on 21560 VAT 250 kW / 113 deg to N/ME
1000-1030 on 21560 VAT 250 kW / 223 deg to WAf
1000-1030 on 21560 VAT 250 kW / 185 deg to CAf
(DX MIX NEWS #866 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 12,2014)
YEMEN - Radio Sana'a back on shortwave again after Ramazan break:
1800-1900 6135 ALH 050 kW / non-dir N/ME English.
Extended transmission of Radio Sana'a on August 7: 1505-1635 6135 ALH 050 kW / non-dir N/ME Arabic. Weak signal till 1555. This evening no
broadcast in English 1800-1900 UT.
Surprisingly transmission of Radio Sana'a in English 1803-1820 UT on Aug. 8 on 6135 ALH 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME, off around 1820. (DX MIX
NEWS #866 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, August 12, 2014)
Editor's info desk was closed for this edition on August 24th, 2014, at 09:00 UTC.
Please visit also our website for lists of broadcasts in German and English, updated regularly.
Sources & Contributors:
A-DX - e-mail exchange - Austria.
Alokesh Gupta - New Delhi - India.
BCDX - News Bulletin by Wolfgang W. Bueschel (wb) - Stuttgart - Germany.
CONEXION - CONEXION Digital - Buenos Aires - Argentina.
Dr. Hans-Jörg Biener (hjb) - Nuremberg, Germany.
DX MIX NEWS = DX RE MIX NEWS - from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria.
Others as stated in contribution.
Any items from Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all
stages, from the original source through DXLD, and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange.
Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages.
with name of station:
BC / bc = Broadcaster, Int. = International, R = Radio, tx = Transmitter, Vo = Voice of, QRG = frequency
Location of transmitters with frequency:
Al = Aligarh/India, ALB = Albany, Arm = Armavir/RUS, Ban = Bangalore, Be = Beijing /China, Bib = Biblis /DL, BIH = Bosnia-Herzegowina, BLR =
Byelorus, BOT = Botswana, Br = Brandon /Aus, CHN = China, CLN-IRA = Sri Lanka Iranawila, CLN-TRM = Sri Lanka Trincomalee, Du = Dushanbe /TJK,
ERV = Erivan/Armenia, F = Issoudun/France, Fl =Florida/USA, HAB = Habana /Cuba, Ho = Hohhot /CHN, HRI= WHRI Cypress Creek /USA, IK = (IRK)
Irkutsk /Siberia, Jin = Jinhua, Kash = Kashgar/CHN, Ka = Kingsway (Delhi), Kh = Khampur (Delhi), KOR = (South) Korea, Ku = Kununurra /Aus, Kun =
Kunming /CHN, KWT = Kuwait, Lam = Lampertheim/DL, M =Moscow (Taldom), MCO = Monaco, MDA = Moldavia, MDG = Madagascar, MNG =
Mongolia, MRA = Northern Marianas, N = Nauen/DL, Nn = Nanning/CHN, Pan = Panaji /India, RRW = Ruanda, RSA = Meyerton /South Africa, RUS =
Russia incl. Sibiria, SAI = Saipan (MRA), Sh = Shepparton/Aus, SNG = Singapur, STP = Sao Tomé, SWZ = Swaziland, TH = (NAK) Nakhon
Sawan/Thailand, TIN = Tinian (MRA), TJK = Tajikistan, TWN = Taiwan, UAE = Al Dubbaya /United Arab Emirates, Ur = Urumchi/CHN, Wof = Woofferton
/GB, Xi = Xian/CHN, Ya = Yamata/Japan.
Mostly within round brackets target areas as known:
Af = Africa, Am -= America, As = Asien, Aus = Australien; Eu = Europe, ME = Middle East, Pac =
Pacific Region; C = Central, E = East, N = North, S = South, W = West
Ar Arabic - Ch Chinese - Du Dutch - E, En English - F French - G, Ge German - Gr Greek - I Italian
- J Japanese - K Korean - P Portuguese - R Russian - Sp Spanish - Turk Turkish
Technical hint with frequency (QRG):
(*) = Digital Radio broadcast (DRM)
v = variable
irr = irregular
/USB = upper sideband, /LSB = lower sideband, alt.: (QRG) = alternative frequency
Walter Eibl (we), P.O. Box 1545, 91005 Erlangen, Germany. EMail: <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>
Used equipment:
Receiver: Communications receiver ICOM IC-R70 (no modification)
Antenna: Hamtronic HT504 selective active antenna, in roof window ca. 15 m above ground
Location: Herzogenaurach / Germany; 49.567/10.917; 310 m NN
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 27-28, 2014
** ALBANIA. 9845, Aug 28 at 0130, R. Tirana poor with flutter in degraded propagation, but apparently without the modulation problems of last
night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 6180, Aug 28 at 0125, RNA is back here after missing for two nights, very excited announcer, maybe ballgame (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CUBA. 14295, Aug 28 at 0128, R. Progreso, poor signal // 4765 of which this is the third harmonic. Tnx to tip from John Carson who was also
hearing this in OK. Quite a bit weaker later. Only on circa 0030-0400 UT
12140, Aug 28 at 0130, JBA carrier from RHC 2 x 6070, vs CODAR. Propagation is generally degraded tonight
6000, Aug 28 at 0525 check, RHC English is AWOL again from this frequency only, but audiblizing 6005 BBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** EGYPT. 9965, August 28 at 0131, R. Cairo, Arabic music, fair with flutter, and constant whine
9315, August 28 at 0131, R. Cairo Spanish service, but open carrier, no modulation audible, poor signal level with flutter
11710, August 28 at 0132, R. Cairo Spanish is on making het with but much weaker than 11711- Argentina
12070, August 28 at 0133, R. Cairo Spanish, very poor signal for a change, with flutter, only humroar audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** GUATEMALA. 4055, Aug 28 at 1025, R. Verdad fair signal going from Swedish to Japanese IDs; a little station which really appreciates the reach
of shortwave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9680, Aug 28 at 1033, Indonesian songs, VG with no QRM. Nice to hear RRI before the China radio war ruins the frequency after
1100. Much better than the so-called external service VOI on 9525.9, much weaker signal and very undermodulated during its supposed English
hour. At 1107, RRI is still atop the CCCCCCI making only a SAH, but that`s built up to the usual horrible collision by 1300. Which domestic program
is it on 9680? WRTH says Pro 4 (Proempat), educational and cultural (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 970, Aug 28 at 1103 UT, Mexican NA to full ID by XEJ, Juárez, ``La Jota Mexicana``, so they are antheming at 5 am local instead of 6
** NICARAGUA [and non]. 720, Aug 28 at 1042 UT, more than one Spanish station with WGN nulled as much as possible. One requests, ``oremos,
oremos`` (let us pray x 2), so I suspect it`s R. Católica in Managua; 1046 a mention of ``fútbol mexicano``, so is that an XE or non? Then a Radio
Católica ID in passing. Listed as 25 kW, YNA3RC. It`s rare here to hear any LA on MW beyond Mexico and Cuba.
Meanwhile the inimitable Órion Samuelson is on WGN talking with morning YL host, about going to some farm event in Decatur. She calls him twice
``Big O`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENNG DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1270, Aug 28 at 0509 UT, Mexican music dominating and SHVA ID at 0510 UT as ``La Zeta 12-70 AM``, loops E/W
while another with Spanish talk is in its null N/S. Same canned ID heard when I was awake at 1054 UT Aug 28. Zeta is of course KRVT Claremore OK
(Tulsa market), not to be confused with ``La Que Buena`` format which moved to 1530 KXTD Wagoner, a daytimer cheating for a week all-night.
1270 is 5/1 kW U4, so legally on air at night, lobe to the WSW, but not a null toward Enid and Liberal like in the daytime. The other SS is KFLC Fort
Worth, 50/5 kW U4. Zeta has rather negative connotations in the drug and gang world, but station must consider it positive? Googling on Zeta 1270
finds two others, WMIZ in Vineland NJ, and XEAZ in Tijuana (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 15140, August 28 at 0147, very poor signal with music but presumed RSO`s frequency tonight, as not audible on 9500 or 15355 (Glenn
** TURKEY. 9870, Aug 28 at 0131, VOT Spanish // stronger 9770, and 9870 without the rapid cutouts of yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 12788-USB, Aug 28 at 1015, tropical weather info including Hurricane Cristóbal [note accent!]; 1019 lists a bunch of frequencies but I`m
not ready to copy; concerning some operational change? Then ID as NMN, Chesapeake, phone for comments 1-800-742-8519, out at 1021.
However, this frequency is listed for NMG New Orleans, apparently simulcasting NMN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7457-USB, Aug 28 at 1318, AFF4NC is calling stations in Florida, vs VOA Korean 7460-AM. AFF4NC is: Howard Estes, State MARS Director
North Carolina (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13565 approx., Aug 28 at 0135-0141, JBA CW beacon K6FRC vs CODAR, DX-398 tuned to 13564-USB or 13566-LSB. So weak that I had
to listen for 6 minutes to be fairly sure of all the characters, and fortunately find the K6FRC beacon was reported by someone in Arizona in April and
May this year http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,16742.0.html
If this call correlate with a licensed ham, he is per ARRL lookup:
Shinn, Paul, K6FRC, Valley Springs, CA 95252 --- he does acknowledge it at qrz.com offering QSLs by p-mail only. And refers to
http://www.k6frc.com for info about and views of his beacons:
``K6FRC HiFer: Patterson, CA, Power (E.R.P.)- 0.001 watts, Frequency- 13.565 MHz.``
That`s ONE MILLIWATT --- may well be the lowest-power station I have knowingly logged.
http://www.k6frc.com/images/HiFerbcn.jpg Thumbnail shows the antenna, but click on it and you see the transmitter box instead (Glenn Hauser,
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1735 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday August 27 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490 webcast.
WORLD OF RADIO 1736 monitoring: confirmed first airing UT Thursday August 28 at 0331 on WRMI webcast, and presumably 9955; also confirmed
next airing at 1230 UT Thu Aug 28 on 9955 --- almost without CCI from France in Chinese via Taiwan, but that`s only because propagation is
degraded; can still hear the SAH from it during brief WRMI fades from otherwise good level. However, from *1254.5 Taiwan carrier squeezes from
9950; and at 1255 an unknown strong carrier comes on 9954, also with some intermittent noise bursts, utility?
Awake earlier at 1109 Aug 28, I check 9955 and find it`s very poor, barely able to discern it`s `Frecuencia al Día` as scheduled on Thursdays. Same
could happen to WOR on Tuesdays during same semihour when I usually sleep. Next WORs:
UT Friday 0326v on WWRB 3185 (we hope; off air last week but webcast)
Friday 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770 (so far repeating previous edition)
Sat 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
UT Sun 0100 on WRMI 5950 (maybe repeating previous 1735)
UT Sun 0131 on KVOH 9975
UT Mon 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Tue 1100 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1315 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2100 on WBCQ 7490v
** U S A. 5850, Aug 28 at 1026, WRMI extra transmission tacked on to TruNews multi-hour broadcast, now with `European News Net`, good signal.
Sked now shows for 5850 at 1015-1030: `EuNews Net` on Tue & Thu (Tue being a repeat of last week?); `Viva Miami` (or Okeechobee) M/W/F.
Also Sat 1000-1030 `Wavescan` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, Aug 28 at 0133, can barely tell that WTWW-3 is on with very poor English signal in propagation disturbance (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 1060, Aug 28 at 0507 UT, open carrier/dead air from KIJN Farwell TX on the NM border, making usual fast SAH with on-frequency stations.
Same at 1052 UT recheck. So KIJN thinx it`s more compliant with its daytime-only license, no longer modulating all-night? Not good enough (Glenn
** U S A. 1310, Aug 28 at 0525 UT, promo/ad for a local event in Madisonville, Hopkins County, area code 270- --- Therefore it is WTTL in western
Kentucky, 1500/500 watts U2, dominating frequency at the moment. Night pattern major lobe is SSW, with a null toward us, so may have been on
ND day pattern (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Piloto Da Faixinha
Conheçam o radio farol da Faixinha
Atualização!!! O equipamento esta operando na frequência de 7610Khz com 50W
Caso o escute faça uma gravação ou nos envie uma reportagem do sinal para o e-mail [email protected]
Ficaremos felizes com isso.
Antônio Avelino da Silva
2º Encontro de Dxistas e Radioamadores de Pernambuco
Onildo Almeida - Diretor da Rádio Cultura do Nordeste AM (Caruaru-PE)
Cleo Nicéas - Presidente da Associação das Empresas de Rádio e Televisão de Pernambuco (ASSERPE) (Recife-PE)
Ivan Feitosa - Diretor das Rádios Liberdade AM/FM e Rádio Caruaru FM (Caruaru-PE)
Nascimento (PY7JN) - Presidente da Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão de Pernambuco (LABRE-PE) (Recife-PE)
Elias Lemos (PY7EEL) - Radioamador (Caruaru-PE)
Antonio Avelino (PU7RAZ) - Diretor do DX Clube Sem Fronteiras (Caruaru-PE)
Jota Moura - Apresentador do Programa Encontro DX da Rádio Aparecida (São Paulo-SP)
Danilo Nonato - Locutor e Apresentador da Rádio da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Ouro Preto-MG)
Tel.: 55 (81) 9741-3846/ 55 (81) 9257-1734
E-mail: [email protected]
Site: www.dxclubesemfronteiras.com
Blog: www.antonioadx.blogspot.com.br
Glenn Hauser
Logs August 29, 2014
** AUSTRALIA. 6150, Friday Aug 29 at 1251, R. Australia TV news soundtrack with Suzy on phone from Rabaul describing the volcanic eruption
there, lots of ash and sonic booms reminiscent of WW II bombing. 1258 wrapping up until a ``new World`` on Monday --- then why does RA wait
until Tuesday to resume this program?? News doesn`t matter on Mondays, let alone weekends, when as everyone knows, nothing ever happens?
Anyhow, this calls for monitoring of the SW station in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, Radio East New Britain on 3385! Now we know why its moniker is
``Maus Bilong Tavuvur`` per WRTH – but name of volcano should be Tavurvur per news stories such as this:
It seems the city of Rabaul is in the caldera, not a good site plan.
At 1305 I`m retuned to 9580 & 12065 for best signals from RA, expecting to hear the Friday-only hour `Keys to Music`, classical appreciation
which I found on the online schedule checked Aug 25, and still on it today --- but instead hear `Sound Quality` from RN, which is interesting listening
but not classical, rather ambient, ``soundscapes``, exploring boundary between noise and music. Starts with ``Sun Dust`` from Norway, 1314
something on ``treated flute``.
Nor is `Sound Quality` on the current A-Z roster of RA programs. So we go to the RN roster:
http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/soundquality/ It so happens 11 pm Friday = 13 UT is its original RN airtime, so RA is just plugged
into that.
The missing program, `Keys to Music`, originates with another network, ABC Classic FM, but we may listen to it via:
http://www.abc.net.au/classic/program/keystomusic/ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ECUADOR [non]. 6050, Aug 29 at 0026, JBA carrier in the huge splash from 6055 Spain which lasts until about 0055. HCJB back? Did not get
around to checking later. Only other thing in HFCC is Malaysia, very unlikely to propagate at this hour. EiBi says Malaysia isn`t really on until 0200,
full daytime. EiBi and Aoki also have Tibet, 100 kW at 290 degrees; possibly over gray or dark path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9965, Aug 29 at 0031, R. Cairo Arabic, poor with flutter, whine, music
9315, Aug 29 at 0031, no signal from R. Cairo, Spanish
11710, Aug 29 at 0032, JBA carrier presumably Cairo hetting LRA 1171112070, Aug 29 at 0032, R. Cairo Spanish, horrible distortion, fair sig
** INDONESIA [and non]. 4870-, Aug 29 at 1152, very poor carrier maybe with traces of modulation, slightly on the lo side compared to 9870 India;
in the clear, no doubt RRI Wamena, the only Indonesian remaining on 60m; almost sunrise here, and surprised to find it still audible at 1247 (when
4835 NT Australia is in quite well). Atsunori Ishida shows Wamena reliably active every day in August from before 1000 to closedown varying around
1500; and also in mornings from opening varying widely after 2000.
What is the real power of this? Aoki says only 300 watts; WRTH 2014 is noncommittal in the Indonesia listings, but 10 kW in the frequency roster. I`d
have to lean toward the latter. Exact frequency last reported by Ron Howard as 4869.90; by Kouji Hashimoto as 4869.92 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** OMAN. 15140, Aug 29 at 0036, JBA carrier, while none on proper 9500 or 15355, so presumed R. Sultanate of Oman again on wrong frequency
** PERU. 5980, Aug 29 at 0025, no signal from R. Chaski. I am monitoring earlier than usual tonight just in case it`s still active but closing earlier. I
haven`t seen any other reports of it lately, but few closer DXers are willing to check and explicitly say if it is *not* on anywhen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** SPAIN [and non]. 21640 & 21610, Aug 29 at 1354, REE is poorly audible, while not audible on 17 MHz band, with QRM from my still unknown
neighbor`s FM receiver radiating second harmonic of its IF, tuned to The Twister, 101.9 from OKC, with which I can barely match the extremely
distorted and weak wideband FModulation heard on the SW radio. Covers roughly 21.55 to 21.65 MHz. Why isn`t this on 21.4 = 2 x 10.7 MHz, the
common IF of FM receivers? Guess it`s something to do with the frequency deviation of the FM mode (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1736 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB, 3185, UT Friday August 29 at 0340 check; also from 0329 on webcast, with
usual blasting start before modulation level adjusted downward. Sounds OK on 3185, but with lots of storm noise from Kansas. Next:
Friday 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770, but may be previous #1735 instead
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0100 on WRMI 5950 (may be #1735)
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH 9975
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5109v-CUSB; etc.
On demand and podcasts also available:
Associao DX do Brasil
Acompanhe o ranking diário da promoção "Mais Navega" do mês de Agosto/2014
Acesse o site aqui
Anker Petersen
Dear DX-friends, This is what I heard, after having sent out the DX-Window no. 512, on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
2235-2245 INS 19.8 RRI Palangkaraya Bahasa Indonesia talk, fading out 25322 AP-DNK
1140-1150 and 1645 S 24.8 R Nord Revival, Ringvalla, Sala (5 kW) Reactivated station Swedish ann with occasional English ann, Swedish
and English oldies, frequent R Nord ID's and advs 45333 // 5770 and 6065 AP-DNK
3960 0350-0410 and 1755-2205 FIN 25.8 R Gramox, Hämeenkyrö (50 Watt) New station Finnish talks and laughter, traditional and romantic
Finnish songs when best 35343, but only audible in LSB, because of DRM noise from 3965 AP-DNK
4885 0410-0420 B 25.8 R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese talk and mention of Pará 45344 AP-DNK
4960 0420-0430 STP 25.8 VOA, via Pinheira English ID, interview about refugee situation in South Sudam 45333 AP-DNK
5770 0955 S 23.8 R Nord Revival, The Castle, Vaxholm, Stockholm (0,5 kW) Swedish programmes of R Nord, incl. talk of first Swedish
radioamateur transmission 100 years ago at Vaxholm 45343 fading to 35232 // 6065 AP-DNK
5964 2300-2310 MLA 19.8 R Klasik, Kajang Time signal, news read by two voices in Bahasa Malay 35233 AP-DNK
5970 2305-2315 CHN 19.8 Gannan PBS, Tianshui Tibetan news 35233 AP-DNK
5985 2310-2320 MYA 19.8 Myanma R, Yegu, Yangon Bamar ann, nice Burmese music and song 45333 AP-DNK
5995 2320-2330 MLI 19.8 R Mali, Kati, Bamako French ann, African pop songs 45343 AP-DNK
6065 0758-0955 S 23.8 R Nord Revival, Ringvalla, Sala (10 kW) Reactivated station Swedish ann with occasional English ann, Swedish and
English oldies, frequent R Nord ID's and advs 55555. Also heard on 24.8 and on 25.8 at 0430-0435, but not later, // 3950 and 5770
15476 2025-2045 ATA 21.8 R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza Reactivated Mostly Spanish talk, music, best in USB because of
weak CWQRM in LSB 14221 AP-DNK
Manuel Méndez
Manuel Méndez - Lugo, Spain - Log in Lugo - Sony ICF SW 7600 G, Tecsun PL-880 and Grundig Satellit 500, cable antenna, 8 meters
15476 LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, 1953-2012, Spanish comments by female with Argentine accent, music and songs in
Spanish. Best on LSB. 14321, and very best with the Sony than with the Tecsun and Grundig. (Méndez)
15476 LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1933-1950, 26-08, very weak signal today, only audible on LSB, Spanish
comments and music. 14321. Also 1915-1940, 27-08, best signal than 26-08, comments, songs, Spanish. 14321. (Méndez)
4835 2133-2138, VL8A, Alice Springs, 2133-2138, 22-08, English, news. // 5025. 14221. (Méndez)
4835 VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, 1835-1910, 27-08, comments, English, songs. 24322. (Méndez)
5025 VL8K, Katherine, *2130-2140, 22-08, English, news. 14321. (Méndez)
6080 Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 0602-0613, 23-08, Portuguese, comments. 13221. (Méndez)
6185 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 0505-0520, 23-08, Brazilian songs. 24322. (Méndez)
9645.4, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0527-0536, 23-08, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. 14321. (Méndez)
9818.8, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0540-0554, 23-08, religious program, Portuguese, "Com a Mae Aparecida", "Emissora Católica de Radio".
24322. (Méndez)
4780 Radio Djibouti, Arta, 1923-1945, 27-08, Vernacular, comments. 24322. (Méndez)
7265 Hambuerger Lokal Radio, 0524-0540, 23-08, Spanish, comments. 24322. (Méndez)
7265 Radio Gloria International, *0600-0615, 24-08, identification in English, comments in German, pop music. 24322. (Méndez)
4055.0, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0555-0607*, 24-08, religious, English, identification, anthem and close down. Best on LSB. 14321. (Méndez)
5995 Radio Mali, Bamako, *0559-0612, 23-08, tuning music, French, identification: "Radiodifusion Malienne emetant du Bamako", news.
24322. (Méndez)
4976 Radio Uganda, Kampala, 1840-1920, 27-08,Vernacular, English, commens, songs. 24322. (Méndez)
Claudio Galaz
15345 RAE 21/8 1650 UT. Gong de la RAE tocado durante 10 minutos seguidos, pitidos horarios a las 17 y comienzo del servicio en alemán.
SINPO: 45344
Observaciones de emisoras y propagación desde Bolivia, el 21/8 entre las 1050 a 1115 UT, con los siguientes resultados:
1050 UT. 5952 R.PIO XII con noticias y SINPO: 45444
1055 UT. 5995 R. LOYOLA no hay portadora, ni modulación. Sólo ruido. ¿La escucha reportada por Fernando Viloria fue por un día
1102 UT. 6025 R.PATRIA NUEVA con noticias nacionales. SINPO: 45343
1105 UT. 6134.8 R.SANTA CRUZ con programas de noticias y leve QRM de otra emisora. SINPO: 53443
1108 UT. 6155 R.FIDES sin portadora, ni modulación.
1112 UT. 9825 R.FIDES sin portadora, ni modulación.
6135 R.SANTA CRUZ 25/8 0645 UT. Avisos de la emisora, de la utilidad comercial de la radio, id: “Radio Santa Cruz, la primera”. Canciones pop
y pop rock: i.e: “Panda- Y de la gasolina renació el amor”. También id: “Radio Santa Cruz con sabor a pueblo” SINPO: 55444
5965 RTM 25/8 0601 UT. Música cristiana en portugués con avisos de la emisora. SINPO: 45444
9630 R.APARECIDA 22/8 2337 UT. Canciones católicas, reflexiones acerca de María y el santuario de Aparecida. SINPO: 53443 con QRM de
CNR-1 desde China // 6135 sólo audible como pequeño pitido tras R.Santa Cruz de Bolivia.
9630 R.APARECIDA 23/8 2225 UT. Programa “Encontro DX” con lectura de frecuencias de onda corta que aún transmiten en idioma portugués
para América Latina y África. SINPO: 43543 con QRM de CNR como jammer contra SOH u otra emisora en 9635 más siseos de CRI en
español en 9640.
9630 R.APARECIDA 24/8 2048 UT. Id de la emisora como parte de la “Rede católica de rádio”, para luego pasar a un locutor dando saludos a
auditores del sector central de Brasil y emisión de música sertaneja. SINPO: 55343
9820 R.9 DE JULHO 23/8 2355 UT. Avisos de la emisora, horarios de las iglesias y misas para el día domingo. A las 00 del 24/8 UT, se da la hora
e ID sin conexión con R. Aparecida. SINPO: 45444.
11735 RTM 22/8 1520 UT. Avisos de propaganda electoral del Partido de los Trabajadores, representantes para Porto Alegre, diputados
“gauchos” otras agrupaciones como el PSDB y PSB hasta las 1550 aprox. Es decir, media hora. SINPO: 45444
11735 RTM 23/8 1846 UT. Mujer y hombre hace una reflexión acerca de la salvación en Jesucristo, y luego dan datos de contacto con la emisora.
SINPO: 45343
6925 -AM 22/8 2140 UT. Música chilena, avisos de la emisora y comienzo de las noticias de Radio Francia Internacional desde las 22 hasta
cerca de las 2210 aprox. cuando comienza el programa “Frecuencia al día”. Señal con SINPO variable de 35422 a las 2140. Mejor a las
2203 con SINPO: 35333 y a las 2231 con SINPO: 25422, para posteriormente perderse.
7050 LSB Red Nacional de Emergencia. 23/8 2236 UT. Informe sobre el temblor 6.2° Mercalli con epicentro en Quillota, V región, Chile. SINPO:
45333 como promedio. Luego llamada general a otros radioaficionados.
7550 AM RCW 23/8 2255 UT. Conexión con Radio Biobío de Santiago de Chile con informaciones de cortes de luz y teléfono. Además de
contactos con móviles y auditores debido al sismo de 6.2° de Quillota según sismología Chile y 6.6° según USGS. SINPO: 35443. Luego de
las 2305 existe un corte en la transmisión, para volver dos minutos después con SINPO: 25342 como se ve en el video:
7315 CRI 24/8 2220 UT. Mujer habla, en esperanto, sobre unos espectáculos teatrales en Pekín y las diferencias entre sí, como parte de la
sección “La Ĉinia en la mondo, la mondo en la Ĉinia”. SINPO: 53443 con QRM de CNR-2 en la misma frecuencia // 9860 SINPO: 55454
7315 CRI 29/8 2230 UT. Transmisión de un congreso esperantista, en donde saludan distintos representantes de Australia, Portugal, Chile y
otras asociaciones de Esperanto. SINPO: 54454 // 9860 con SINPO: 55444
7445 CRI 24/8 2105 UT. Presentación, en idioma serbio, de música pop china. SINPO: 45434 // 7325 SINPO: 35322
7445 CRI 29/8 2149 UT. Mujer es entrevistada en idioma húngaro. SINPO: 44554. Señal con leve QRM desde 7435 con presencia del Firedrake
Jammer contra R. Free Asia.
9430 CRI 23/8 2204 UT. Vía Urumqui. Mujer, habla en francés, sobre su experiencia de vivir en Shanghái. SINPO: 55444 // Vía Kashi-Saibagh
2022 en 11660 con SINPO: 45344
9430 CRI 29/8 2117 UT. Especial de música del grupo “Queen” i.e. We are the champions, Innuendo, Somebody to love, et al. como parte del
servicio en idioma francés de todos los días viernes desde las 21 hasta las 2130 UT. SINPO: 45444 // 11660 con SINPO: 44444.
9645 CRI 23/8 1945 UT. Hombre habla, en francés, acerca de la economía china. SINPO: 53343 con QRM de R. Bandeirantes de Brasil.
15370 RHC 24/8 2231 UT. Inicio del servicio en esperanto con ID: “Radio Habano Kubo”, luego presentación y lectura de los horarios y
frecuencias del servicio. Así como de la página web de la emisora y de la “Kuba Esperanto Asocio”: ameriko.org. SINPO: 45343
15370 RHC 24/8 2316 UT. Mujer habla en idioma creole acerca de la cultura cubana, después presenta música de salsa en español. SINPO:
9965 R. CAIRO 23/8 0407 UT. Mujer habla en inglés y luego música instrumental. SINPO: 43343 con QRM de un RTTY proveniente de 9963 o
12040 KSDA-AWR 24/8 2115 UT. Canto del himno “En el monte calvario (The Old Rugged Cross)” en idioma chino hasta las 2117, dando paso a
una serie de reflexiones. SINPO: 45444
7550 º AIR 29/8 2223 UT. Noticias, en inglés, sobre Siria y rebeldes islámicos. SINPO: 45434
9860 IRIB 24/8 0201 UT. Noticias acerca de los guardias de seguridad peruanos contratados en Jordania. SINPO: 45444 con modulación
** JAPAN [non]
17540 NHK 24/8 2130 UT. Comienzo del programa en idioma portugués con aviso de la emisora. A las 2131, hay un noticiero a cargo de Geraldo
Ribeiro., acerca de Japón y Corea del Sur. SINPO: 55444
11725 RNZI 25/8 0610 UT. Transmisión de comentarios, en inglés, de noticias vespertinas, en conexión con la red nacional entre una locutora y un
corresponsal desde Sídney, Australia. SINPO: 45444
7350 R. ROMANIA INTL. 23/8 0425 UT. Canciones en inglés y comentarios en rumano. SINPO: 44333
15300 R.ROMANIA INTL. 24/8 2141 UT. Informaciones, en idioma español, sobre la seguridad y la tecnología vinculada a ella. SINPO: 45444 //
17745 SINPO: 55434
9870 BSKSA 29/8 2137 UT. Música árabe no religiosa. SINPO: 44544. Señal con leve QRM de Vo. Korea en 9875.
7730 RTI 23/8 0340 UT. Vía WRMI, USA para centro américa. Estudio de chino en idioma español, llamado: “Chinolandia” con respecto al
baloncesto. SINPO: 45343
9745 GUANGHUA ZHI SHENG 24/8 2205 UT. Música pop en idioma chino, para luego pasar a diálogos entre mujer y hombre, de forma
intercalada. SINPO: 45444
** USA
9955 WRMI 24/8 0136 UT. Programa “Maravillosas palabras de vida” acerca de la ciudadanía espiritual del cristiano y avisos del “Ejército de
salvación”. A las 0145 comienza el programa “Viva Miami” como “Viva Okeechobee” con lectura de cartas de un estudiante de español en
China y otros informes de recepción. SINPO: 55454
11580 WRMI 22/8 2350 UT. Emisión del programa de Family Radio con lecturas y estudios bíblicos. SINPO: 35433
11580 FAMILY RADIO-WRMI 24/8 2336 UT. Estudio bíblico sobre el libro de Ruth. SINPO: 45433
15770 WRMI 25/8 0626 UT. Predicación de Brother Stair en inglés. SINPO: 35322
15570 R.VATICAN 24/8 2031 UT. Inicio del servicio en idioma francés con resumen de noticias papales. SINPO: 45333
AVISO. Desde hace unos días se está oyendo una emisión en idioma chino, muy estable en 9745 kHz con programación distinta a otra ¿Será Han
Sheng V.o.Kuanghua, desde Taiwan, como dice la lista EiBi?
Claudio Galaz - Rx: TECSUN PL-660 - ANT: Hilo de 30 metros. QTH: Ovalle, IV Región, Chile
Rafael Rodriguez
Recibida Tarjeta QSL de la emisión especial de STF Radio realizada el pasado mes de abril, aunque ya habían enviado e-QSL, ahora esta enviando la
QSL física a todos los que les reportaron transmisión, según su pagina web con fecha 30 de julio, y lo prueban con esta foto. Dos curiosidades de
esta tarjeta QSL; la primera es que trae un mensaje grabado en la cubierta, y luego en sobre donde han puesto una sello muy particular
Gilvan Souza Costa
21/08/14/.r voz missionaria tx mx coral cantado.simpo44444/2:16utc
24/08/14/R.Romania tx programa de domingo mx local espanhol.simpo44444.2:30utc.rxtecsun
25\08/14.radio CRI.tx jornal local dx local .2:07utc
21-08-14-.radio exeterio de espanha.tx mx sobre artista do teatro de espanha.simpo43444-1:45utc rx motoglobe dx em aracuai mg
24/08/14/ .radio band sp.tx falando sobre direito da mulher amençada..simpo44444/2:40utc rx tecsun
Misteriosa estação de números, nomes e cores captada em 12.140 KHZ em 24/08/2014.
Francesco Cecconi
VISITING RADIO RIJEKA reports and photographs of a visit to Radio Rijeka, Croatian broadcaster that broadcasts also in Italian. In the article there
are photographs, stickers and recording of the last transmission on shortwave Radio Rijeka. The article is available here: UNA VISITA A RADIO RIJEKA
su radioascolto image UNA VISITA A RADIO RIJEKA su radioascolto La sala di regia di Radio Rijeka Avevo deciso di passare una vacanza senza pc, fin
troppo usato per lavoro e per diletto e dal radioascolto
AUDIOCLIP: RADIO FANA 6110 KHz 24/8 6110 04.00 Radio Fana, oromo, music, id "Fana Broadcasting Corporate", news, good sign. The audioclip
is available here: RADIO FANA ETHIOPIA 6110 KHz su radioascolto image RADIO FANA ETHIOPIA 6110 KHz su radioascolto Da Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, l'ottimo segnale di Radio Fana in lingua oromo sui 6110 KHz che si identifica come "Fana Broadcasting Corporate" con comment
Visualizar em blog.libero.it Visualização pelo Yahoo 73's de Francesco QTH: CENTRAL ITALY RX: ICOM R71 ANT: 100 mt lw
AUDIOCLIP RADIO 700 3985 KHz 28/8 04.45 05.15 3985 Radio 700, german l. oldies, id. news good signal with fading The audioclip is available
here RADIO 700 3985 KHz su radioascolto image RADIO 700 3985 KHz su radioascolto Con una programmazione musicale fatta soprattutto di
oldies e notiziari in lingua tedesca, Radio 700 è ascoltabile in notturna sui 3985 KHz anc Visualizar em blog.libero.it Visualização pelo Yahoo 73's
de Francesco QTH: CENTRAL ITALY RX: ICOM R71 ANT: 100mt LW
AUDIOCLIP RADIO BANDEIRANTES 9645 KHz 28/8 05.00 9645 Radio Bandeirantes, SP, Brasil, nx sport, id, good signal. The audioclip is available
periodo, di prima mattina, si ascoltano con buon segnale le emittenti brasiliane sulla banda dei 31 metri. Sulla frequenza dei 9645 KHz oper
Visualizar em blog.libero.it Visualização pelo Yahoo 73's de Francesco QTH: CENTRAL ITALY RX: ICOM R71 ANT: 100mt LW
Jose Ronaldo Xavier
08/21 0000 AFS R.Sonder Grense,rly.Meyerton,in Afrikaans lang.;female announcer presents a prgr.of Classical Music;excellent
prg.;rarely,but today w/ good signal and slight to good propagation;45443.
08/21 2300 CHN China Nat.R.,rly.Lhasa,TIB,in Tibetan;NA,fv./mv.:talks,35443. // 7385kHz,in Tibetan,45433.
08/19 RRW R.Rwanda,rly.Kigali,in Kiniarwanda lang.;african musics,The Qur´an at 0302utc,35432.
08/28 0256 ETH R.Fana,Addis Ababa,in Amharic lang;IS,start prgr.at 0258utc;mv.:talks,ID,poor or barely audible
08/26 0300 E REE,Noblejas,in Spanish,ID.:R.Nac.de España; News,ID.at 0305:REE,prgr."Españoles a la Mar",55444.
08/26 0240 CUB RHC,Habana,in English;fv./mv. presents a Newsletter,ID.,45433.
08/21 0200 CVA Vatican R.,rly.Greenville-USA,in Spanish;IS,ID.,prgr.start between 0202 and 0204utc,frequently;News highlights of
Church and Pope,45443.
08/20 1008 USA EWTN-R.Catolica Mundial,rly.Vandiver-AL,in Spanish;female announcer presents a rlg.program,ID.,35433.
08/23 1812 INS VoIndonesia,rly.Jakarta,in Germany lang.;fv.presents News and cms.,ID.,Log.1812-1845utc,35432.
08/26 0000 E RNE/REE,Noblejas,in Spanish,ID.:R.Nacional de España,News(Servício Informativo);at 0005utc,ID.:R.Exterior de
España,prgr."Hora América",55444.
08/19 0230 CHN CRI,rly.Kashgar,SS,in Spanish;prgr."De la A a la China",ID.,55444.
08/21 0100 TUR VoTurkey,rly.Emirler,in Spanish;IS,ID.,schedule in spanish;prgr. La prensa turca; prgr."El Buzón" at 0130utc,45544.
Note: // 9870kHz,QRM by All India R. on 9870kHz,Hindi lang.,43433.
08/22 0030 IRN VOIRI,rly.Kamalabad,in Spanish;The Qur´an, ID.,schedule in spanish,News,45444.
Note: // 11760kHz,active freq.,but barely audible (good signal and propagation by R.Habana Cuba in Spanish,54444); // 12025
kHz,s/off;irregular freq..
08/24 0013 GRC ERT,Avlis,GR,in Greek;mv.:conversation,45433. // 15630 kHz,45444.
08/20 1000 CZE R.Praga,rly.WRMI,in Spanish;IS,ID.,R.Praga news,35432.
08/21 SVK R.Slovakia Intl.,rly.WRMI-USA,in Spanish;ID.,cms.abt."Primavera de Praga",the russian invasion august 21,1968;45433.
08/28 0308 USA WRMI,Okeechobee,in Italian lang.;a DX prgr."Studio DX"; reading many logs,45443.
08/28 0330 USA WRMI,Okeechobee,in English;Glenn Hauser presents a excellent DX prgr."World of Radio";many,many logs,45443.
08/28 0152 B Nat.Observatory,Rio de Janeiro,TS Station in Portuguese;fv.announce right hour each 10 seconds;.45433.
08/21 2352 USA Family R.,rly.Okeechobee-FL,in Spanish;rlg.program,ID.,35432.
08/26 0048 ARG RAE,B.Aires,in Portuguese;brazilian song,ID.,ends of prgr.,IS in many languages,45433.
08/28 0125 ARG RAE,B.Aires,in Japanese lang.;music Por un Amor...;ID.in spanish:Conexión en Japonés;good signal and
propagation,45443. Note:This transmission is better than in Portuguese at 0000-0100utc.
08/28 0138 B R.Nac.da Amazonia,Brasilia-DF,in Portuguese;Brazil Cup,football game transmission :Botafogo 0x2 Ceara, 1st.time;good
signal and propagation,55444. Paralel log on 6180kHz,45433.
08/20 1013 GUM KTWR,rly.Agana,in English; fv./mv.:preaching Bible,ID.many times,Addrs.,end prgr.at 1019utc,45443.
08/22 0012 PHL R.Veritas Asia,rly.Palauig,in Kannada lang.;fv.:talks,35443.
08/25 2300 ROU RRI,Tiganesti,in Spanish,ID.,freqs.,News,55444.
08/28 0222 VTN VoVietnam,Son Tay,in Vietnamese,fv.:talks;vietnamese songs;slight interference by R.Taiwan Intl. on 11995kHz,34432.
08/28 0227 USA Deewa R.,rly.Kuwait,in Pasto lang.;fv./mv.:talks;ID.:VOA Deewa R.,35432.
08/24 0052 EGY R.Cairo,Abu Zaabal,SS,in Spanish???;strong carrier but talks barely audible or unlistenable. A many times R.Cairo
presents problems in your transmission in Portuguese (a long time s/off on all freqs.) and Spanish.
08/28 0232 IRN VoIRI,Kamalabad,in Arabic;fv.:talks;very good transmission,55544.
08/20 1045 IND All India R.,rly.Bangalore,in English;Indian musics,ID.,News,35443. Note: //15410kHz,goog signal and
08/21 2325 CHN CRI,rly.Habana-CUB,in Portuguese;Interview,ID.,45433.
08/24 0003 CHN CRI,rly.Beijing,HK,in Hakka lang.;fv.:talks;musical prgr.,45433.
08/23 0015 CHN CRI,rly.Quivican-CUB,in Spanish;ID.,Addrs.,News:"Enfoque latinoamericano"; "China a Cotidiano",55444.
08/26 0038 CHN China Nat.R.,Beijing,in Chinese lang.;fv./mv.:talks;45433.
08/20 1100 CUB RHC,rly.Habana,in Spanish;ID.,freqs.Addrs.,News,,f/out,f/in,35432. Note: R.Pakistan no signal on 17730kHz (11001105).
17730 08/28 0203 CHN China Nat.R.,in Mandarin;fv./mv.:continuous talks w/musical background-Firedrake,35443.
Note: R.Free Asia in Tibetan,this time,nothing.
17780 08/28 0215 USA VOA,Tinang-PHL,in Burmese;fv./mv.:conversation;poor transmission,25432.
17820 08/20 1053 IRN VOIRI,rly.Kamalabad,in English;News and cms.,ID.,35442.
José Ronaldo Xavier - Cabedelo-Paraíba-Brazil
Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Recebi hoje mais um cartão QSL. Dessa vez do Serviço em Inglês da Rádio Internacional da China.
A imagem está em meu blog: www.dxreunion-br.blogspot.com.br . 73! - Rubens Ferraz Pedroso (PY5-007SWL). Bandeirantes - PR,
7.295 China Radio International - Kashi-Saibagh - Recebido cartão QSL, 1 adesivo e 1papel recortado. 37 dias. V/S: Sem assinatura. Informe
enviado por e-mail: [email protected] . QTH: China Radio International, English Service, CRI-39 – P.O. Box 4216, Beijing – P.R. China – 100040 HAM
28 MHz CX2TQ - Rocha - URG - Recebido eQSL
Fábio Sousa
Finalmente após dezenas e dezenas de tentativas consegui ouvir a UVB-76, a sinistra rádio de números russa. Como suspeitava só consigo agora
porque coloquei um rotor na minha antena loop, agora posso virá-la para a Rússia e ouvir o sinal. O é fraquíssimo: 4625 Khz, Sinpo 11111
Babul Gupta
Bible Voice Broadcasting - Talata Volonond, Madagascar: 21480 kHz in English at 1102 hrs to 1129 hrs UTC log this station on 19th July, 2014 and
f/d QSL card arrived on 23rd August, 2014 for my email report to: [email protected] ( BABUL GUPTA,
China Radio International - Cerrik, Albania: 6020 kHz in English at 0135 hrs to 0201 hrs UTC log this station on 16th
July, 2014 and f/d QSL card with Stickers arrived on 26th August, 2014 for my email report to: [email protected] (
Hironori Takeuchi
QSL: All India Radio, 21-jun-2014, 0958 UTC, 13605 kHz, programa en inglés. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Estatua de madera de San
Francisco Javier, Goa Vieja (Goa Velha)", con el sitio como "Bangalore", firmado por Sunil Bhatia, que he recibido en 57 días para un informe de
recepción por correo electrónico.
QSL: Radio Mundial Adventista - KSDA, 19-jul-2014, 1200 UTC, 9880 kHz, programa en coreano. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Rededicación
de la estación Guam KSDA 3 de septiembre de 2013", con el sitio como "AGAT GUAM", firmado por Adrian M. Peterson, que he recibido en 27 días,
junto con un aviso de Annual DX Contest 2014 , un pedazo de calendario de taco, y un folleto religioso (Pocket Signs), para un informe de recepción
por correo aéreo.
QSL: Radio Veritas Asia, 19-jul-2014, 0059 UTC, 15530 kHz, programa en telugú. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Revolución EDSA de febrero
1986", firmado por la Sra Arlene A. Donarber, que he recibido en 27 días, junto con pegatinas, un calendario de bolsillo, y un llavero, para un
informe de recepción por correo aéreo.
QSL: KBS World Radio, 11-jul-2014, 09:00 UTC, 9805 kHz, programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Ganggangsullae", que he
recibido en 36 días, junto con un mensaje personal, una correa de teléfono celular, y formularios de informe de recepción, para un informe de
recepción desde formulario web.
QSL: Radio Vaticano a través de Tinang, 26-jun-2014, 1228 UTC, 15440 kHz, programa en ruso. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Su Santidad
Francisco visita la cabina durante el vuelo a Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 22 de julio de 2013", que he recibido en 60 días, junto con una pegatina, para un
informe de recepción por correo aéreo.
Allan Stern
USB 0520z: WPE (Crowley Marine, Jacksonville FL) wkg Tugboats for position reports, weather conditions, etc. (25/Aug/2014)
USB 0042z: Shanwick Radio working airliners. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0026z: RAF Volmet. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0036z: Shanwick Radio working airliners. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0023z: Gander Radio callng "N518QS" by Selcal and voice; no joy. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0048z: Gander Radio working "Air Canada 870" for Selcal check. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0035z: New York Oceanic working airliners; backup freq is 5550 kHz. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0039z: New York Volmet with weather reports for Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia etc. (28/Aug/2014)
USB 0019z: Gander Radio working "Air France 489" for Selcal check. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0025z: Santa Maria Radio working airliners. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
USB 0436z: New York LDOC working "Delta 104" for message to Atlanta Radio that flight has lost Satcom capability and TACOM; then
Selcal check on AKPS. (26/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
6640 USB 1130z: New York LDOC working "JetBlue 310" for phone patch to JetBlue Dispatch; Reports passenger being very hostile to Flight
Attendant; refused to give up his alcohol drink; wants Port Authority to handle it on arrival. (29/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
8843 USB 0045z: San Francisco Radio working airliners; handing off to 5574 kHz. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
8891 USB 0052z: Gander Radio working airliners. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
8918 USB 0031z: New York Oceanic working airliners; handing them off to 6586. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
8933 USB 1501z: New York LDOC working "JetBlue 1057" for Selcal check on BRFS. (23/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
8933 USB 0020z: New York LDOC working flight "902"; they switch to 6640 kHz. (28/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
8933 USB 1210z: New York LDOC working "JetBlue 3," an Airbus A320 flight from JFK Intl Airport to San Juan PR, for Selcal check on PRBH;
informed of active oceanic freqs 6577 primary and 5550 backup. (29/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
11232 USB 1612z: Canforce Trenton Military, test count. (25/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
11232 USB 1614z: Canforce Trenton Military, comms with unk aircraft re weather at Cold Lake CFB. (25/Aug/2014) (Al Stern, Florida).
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL - [email protected]
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
KTWR-Guam A14 ScheduleEnglish-0850-0930UTC-15200khz-mon to Friday.
Santhali-daily-1300-1315UTC-15240khz. Assamese-1315-1345UTC-15225khz.-sun to Friday.
Radio Thailand English service is going on SW -17640. SIO-444.
Radio Bangladesh is now available on SW-4750khz & AIR External service/Hindi- is now on SW-13605khz
Radio Japan Bengali service July 2014 Quiz winner are- From Bangladesh-1. Bilkish Ara. 2. Mansur Ahamed. from India- Tapan Deb Lahiri.
Congratulation all of them.
Migdiel Cruz
Hoy recibí estas QSLs de 2 beacons (balizas), una de USA y otra de Venezuela...¡¡¡¡ aun hay opciones de practicar Diexismo con estaciones Hams...
73. (Atención, no tenemos oportunidad de enviar ni recibir correspondencia de y para Venezuela, pero gracias a los QSL mánager si se puede)
Marcos C0X
Log Onda Corta 23 Agosto 2014
5950 WRMI r. Blues Radio International, 01:50 UTC. Buena Musica de Blues y Guitarra con Piano, ID de Programa en Ingles Radio "Blues Radio
International" para terminar con ID de WRMI Okechobee Florida a las 02 UTC y apagan TX. Se escucha mejor en los 5949 Khz debido a
choque de Transmision con Radio Pio XII de Bolivia que se escucha mejor en los 5953 Khz, SINPO: 44444
5952 Radio Pio XII, 02:01 UTC. ID por Mujer Radio Pio XII, Anuncios de Basura Estacional, ID "Sigan por la Red Pio XII" luego un poco de
Anuncios y siguen con Locutor hablando de la Radio Pio XII y sus oyentes, SINPO: 45444
6050 HCJB Ecuador OFF no se escucha señal ni detectando señal con SSB, a las 02:42 UTC
6135 Radio Santa Cruz Bolivia, 00:55 UTC. Musica en Español luego varias noticias de Bolivia y del mundo como la propagacion del Ebola en
Africa y continua Musica en Español luego Anuncios Publicitarios e ID "Radio Santa Cruz, Siempre en tu Compañia" y continuan con
Musica en Español, se escucha con leve QRM de Radio Aparecida de Brasil, SINPO: 44444
7730 WRMI r. Overcomer Ministry, 01:43 UTC. Analisid de Señales del Brother Stair a esta Hora con Mensajes y sermon de Brother Stair con
bastante Ruido, SINPO: 34233
5015 Con peor señal SINPO: 24232
7570 Baja Señal, SINPO: 25332,
11580 c/ leve mejor señal, SINPO: 35223
11825 Mucho ruido y baja señal, SINPO:35232
15770 No se Escucha
Log Onda Media 23 Agosto 2014
1360 OCU4L Radio Nueva Q (Lima, Peru), 02:27 UTC, ID de Nueva Q FM "Donde Manda Nuestra Cumbia", Anuncios Publicitarios y siguen con
programa de Cumbias y Anuncio "Nueva Q", con leve QRM de Radio UBB de Concepcion, Chile que tocan Musica Selecta Instrumental,
SINPO: 54444
Marcos C0X - Vicuña,CL - Radio: Degen DE1103 + Antena Cable 3 Metros
Evandro Rocha
25/08/14 2350 PBS Xizang, Tibetan, Lhasa-Baiding 602 44343 ER TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
25/08/14 2352 R.Anhanguera, Portuguese, Goiania 34443 ER TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
28/08/14 0018 WWCR University Network, English, Nashville 22211 ER TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
28/08/14 2026 VOICE OF TURKEY, English, Emirler 34333 ER TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
28/08/14 2030 VOICE OF VIETNAM, English, Hanoi-Sontay 33433 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
28/08/14 2032 PBS Xizang, Chinese, Lhasa 32332 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
24/08/14 2141 INDIA RADIO, English, Delhi (Khampur) 45444 EFR TR-450 com antena telescópica 9425 28/08/14 2048 AIR National
Channel, Hindi, Bengaluru 22222 TR-450 com ant. telescópica em Viçosa-MG
Antônio Avelino da Silva
11765 19:34 24/08/2014 F Radio Algerienne (Holy Quran), man talks in Arabic language, 45444
11930 19:48 24/08/2014 BLR Radio Belarus, song (mx) in language Germany, 23222
11945 19:27 24/08/2014 F Adventist World Radio, man talks in language Wolof, 34333. Name: Antonio Avelino da Silva (AAS), (PY7048SWL) –
Receptor: DEGEN DE 1103, Place of Listening.: Caruaru, Pernambuco - Brasil. Antenna: Telescopic.
Fran Jr
Amigos, postei alguns videos de escutas que foram possiveis devido a radios piratas de São Paulo estar fora do ar no domingo.
Antena 1 FM - 89.3 Mhz - São José dos Campos SP
Ótima FM - 94.5 Mhz - Pindamonhangaba SP
Vale Verde FM - 96.7 Mhz - Cesario Lange SP
99 FM - 99.9 Mhz - Pindamonhangaba SP
Nova Brasil FM - 103.7 Mhz - Campinas SP - RDS
73´s Fran - São Paulo SP - Sony XDR-F1HD – Antena interna Yagi 7 elementos
Rodolfo Tizzi
La verdad sea dicha, no salgo de mi asombro al ver lo que escucha este equipo con la antena telescópica. Convengamos que la transmisión de TWR
en alemán (toda una curiosidad supérstite, de por si!) está dirigida a Namibia y aquí estamos casi que en línea con esa orientación de sus antenas,
pero no deja de ser la banda de 60 metros con la telescópica y en un entorno como el mio, de un piso de ruido muy alto (vivo al lado de una avenida,
tengo comercios abiertos las 24 horas al lado, mas dos hospitales enfrente y tránsito casi que de continuo).
Reception of Trans World Radio (Manzini, Swaziland) on 4775 kHz by CX2ABP in Montevideo, Uruguay (GF15wc). August 29, 2014 at 0426 UTC.
Con Abigael Najera, Pilar Cruz, Ivan Alejandro Istlahuaca Carlos, Alex Dx,
Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez,Antonio Rubio Rodríguez, Jese David Gutierrez,
Rafael Grajeda, Claudia Ortíz García, Cesar Hunter Sosa yMartín Herrera J.
MCruz Dxer No es todo el grupo de asistentes, algunos sólo estuvieron el primer día y segundo