medlite laser toning
medlite laser toning
MEDLITELASERTONING Safe,Fastand Effectivefor All SkinTypes ^fu MedLite" For the life of your practice. Bornand raisedin Manhaitan, PaulJarrodFrank, Founder and Director of The FifthAvenueDermatology for hisexpertise in minimally invasive Surgeryand LaserCenter.Dr.Frankhasbecomerenowned cosmeticsurgery. He is authorof TURNINGBACKTHECLOCKWITHOUTLOSINGTIME:A CompleteGuideto Quickand Easv CosmeticRejuvenation, a comprehensive bookfor the consumer. Throughouthis career,Dr. Frankhas lecturedextensively and authoredseveralarticlespertainingto cosmetic surgeryin boththe professional and consumerliterature. Additionally, he has beenfeaturedin severalbeauty Dr.Frankcontinues hisongoingresearchin dermatologic and fashionmagazines as a skinexpert.Academically, in FDAtrialsfor newproducts. surgery, and hasparticipated Dr. Frankis a Diplomate of the AmericanBoardof Dermatology, and a fellowof boththe AmericanSocietyfor He trainedin internalmedicineat NewYork's Dermatologic Surgeryand the AmericanAcademyof Dermatology. ColumbiaPresbyterian MedicalCenterand completedhis dermatology residencyat NYU MedicalCenter,wherehe is currently on theteachingstaffand directorof a cosmeticsurgicalclinicfor trainingdermatologists. Theuseof the Medlitein LaserToning PAULJ. FRANK,M.D. New Tork. New York Indication Non-ablative lasertoningwiththe MedLiteQ-switched Nd:YAG laserimproves the qualityand textureof the skin whichstimulates throughthe subtleheatingof deepdermallayers, collagen regeneration. The resultis gradual, naturalimprovements whichshrinkporesize;improvefine lines,wrinklesand acne; througha seriesof ireatments and decrease the appearance of mildto moderate acnescars. quick Lasertoninghasmanyadvantages overablative rejuvenation techniques, including no downtime, treatment times,minimalpatientdiscomfort, the abilityto treatall skintypes,minimalto no adversereactions relatively inexpensive or contraindications, cost,and the abilityto combineit withothercosmetictreatments. Method The patientis askedto washhisor herfaceand removeall makeup.Beforebeginninglasertoning,it is advisedto The Medlite laseris usedat a wavelength conductany othercosmeticprocedures. of 1064 nm-6mm spotsize -3.8J/cm2 overthe entirefacewith an endpointof moderateerythema.For moreintenseor selectedareas,the lasercan be setat 1064nm-4mm-5.0-5.7Jlcm2.Precautions to lookfor includehivesand oetechiae. Afterthe procedure, for 48 hours.The procedure is doneat 3-5 the patientis advisedto avoidsunand cosmeceuticals weekintervals for 4-6 treatments. Conclusion With no patientdowntime,and gradualresults,this is a perfectprocedurefor today'sbusylifestyles. Patients willseeimprovement in fine lines,poresize,and skintoneandtexture.The MedliteLaserToningprocedure wayto effectively minimizethe appearance offerspatientsthe safestand leastinvasive of wrinklesand scars in anyskintype. @ 2004 HOYAConBioPN 992-9064 Rev.:A