The Ohio Cichlid Association
The Ohio Cichlid Association
The Ohio Cichlid Association Buckeye Bulletin February 2010 In This Issue: OCA Winter Auction Saturday,Feb. 13th – Details inside. A “down and dirty” look at Ancistrus sp. “Snowflake”. How to find, remove, and prevent MOLD! Next Meeting: Friday February 5th at 8pm OCA Mission The OCA is an organization dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of information relating to all aspects of the biology of cichlids and related aquatic life. Our purpose is to promote the interest, keeping, study, breeding, and the educational exhibition of Cichlids. Additionally, the exchange of ideas, meeting new people, and distribution of information concerning Cichlids is of primary interest. On The Cover This month’s cover reminds us that the Winter Auction is just days away. Make sure to mark Saturday, Feb. 13th on your calendar. The Winter auction is a great mid-winter warm up! Details are inside. Photo by Frank Mueller 2009 OHIO CICHLID ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Emperor Emeritus Mike Neelon President Don Danko [email protected] 440-526-0755 Brecksville Vice-President [email protected] 440-885-2033 Parma Treasurer Rhonda Sorensen [email protected] 216-398-8966 Cleveland OCA Historian 419-681-1628 Norwalk Dan Woodland Lew Carbone [email protected] Membership Kyle May [email protected] 216-548-5165 Andrew Subotnik [email protected] Strongsville Barberton B.A.P. Mark Chaloupka [email protected] 330-468-1966 Northfield Catfish B.A.P. Dave Ayres [email protected] 330-758-2421 Boardman Bowl Show Andrew Subotnik [email protected] Barberton Raffle Dawn Dewerth [email protected] 440-212-0896 Columbia Station Librarian Hilary Lacerda [email protected] 216-752-7329 Shaker Heights Photographer Frank Mueller [email protected] 330-673-0446 Kent Videographer Jonathan Strazinsky [email protected] 440-437-7033 Orwell Secretary Steve Heinbaugh [email protected] 330-730-4418 Massillon Refreshments Gayle and Joe Ring [email protected] 330-483-0419 Valley City Buckeye Bulletin STAFF Editor Kyle May 216-548-5165 Strongsville [email protected] Exchange Editor [email protected] Eric Sorensen Web Editor [email protected] Frank Mueller Production Consultant Martha Niehaus 216-398-8966 330-673-0446 Cleveland Kent Cleveland The Ohio Cichlid Associations Buckeye Bulletin is produced monthly by the Ohio Cichlid Association. All articles and photographs contained within this publication are being used with consent of the authors. If you have an article, photograph, or ad to submit for publication, please send it to [email protected]. When submitting articles for publication in this bulletin, please remember to include any photographs or art for inclusion in the article. The Ohio Cichlid Association is not responsible for any fact checking or spelling correction in submitted material. Articles will be edited for space and content. Ohio Cichlid Association members in good standing may place a for sale ad in our Cichlid Exchange section at no charge. Please remember to spell check your ad and include your contact information. Ad’s will be printed in the bulletin as they are received, so make sure you’ve proof read your ad and checked species spelling prior to submission. All information contained in this bulletin is for the use of The Ohio Cichlid Association members. If you would like to become a member of The Ohio Cichlid Association, please contact Andrew Subotnik or Kyle May using the contact information contained in the Membership section located on the previous page. Thanks to Blue Zoo for being a supporter of The Ohio Cichlid Association Hear Frank Reece of Blue Zoo Radio speak at the February 5th OCA Social Meeting Listen to Blue Zoo Radio live Monday nights at 8pm Thanks Blue Zoo for all you do for the OCA! Presidents Message By Don Danko Despite the bad weather, we had a good turnout at the January Membership Meeting. Due to the speaker cancellation, we showed a video of Utah’s Bob Allen, a prominent Tanganyikan cichlid breeder. Bob has given several talks at the OCA and always does a great job. Also at the Membership Meeting, on behalf of the Board, Dan Woodland presented Treasurer, Rhonda Sorenson, the Blue Zoo award for exceptional service to the club. Thanks, Rhonda, for all you do! As discussed at the meeting, we will be rewriting the Constitution of the OCA over the next couple of months. Once done, we will publish it in the bulletin and then vote to accept it. We’ll keep you posted. As all Membership Meetings do, we had a membership door prize, BAP and buck-a-bag auctions, a raffle and BAP awards to keep everyone engaged. Following the meeting, we held a very casual and short Board meeting since delaying the meeting from Jan 1 to Jan 8 put us off of our normal routine. We primarily discussed the details of the upcoming February auction. The Board is actively looking to fill the open position of Program Chairman. If you are interested in filling this position, or want to participate on a committee that recruits excellent speakers for our meetings and events, please contact me or another Board member. If you haven’t done so already, please take a quick moment to fill out the Swap Meet Survey and return to Kyle May [email protected]. We’d sure like to get your input on how to improve the event. As always, keep current on OCA activities by visiting our website, at, and by checking out our forum. There is a link to the forum from the website. Don Right are two juvenile Uaru amphiacanthoides. The Uaru is a favorite of Don & Marilyn Danko. -Photo Courtesy of Don Danko Why Not Donate To the Jim Smith Fund? Your donations to the Jim Smith Fund are used to fund a variety of projects that have a major impact on the hobby we all enjoy. For example, we just donated $1,000 to the Stuart Grant Cichlid Conservation Fund, an organization that is actively protecting endangered fish in a national park in Malawi. Many species of cichlids have already disappeared from this area and your donations to the Jim Smith Fund have helped to save a significant number of fish. As an OCA member, this is your fund. We use this money to fund your causes - causes that affect the hobby today! Why don’t you make a plan to donate? Here’s how to donate Donating is painless. You can give the OCA cash at any meeting or event. You can donate fish, tanks, filters, etc, at any meeting or event. Even a few bucks add up over time. If we all give just a few bucks, the fund will grow significantly, allowing us to fund projects that affect us all! For more information or to suggest a project that might be right for a Jim Smith Fund donation, talk to any Ohio Cichlid Association board member. Swap Meet Survey Reminder In the last issue of the Buckeye Bulletin was asked for your feedback so that we could improve the attendance of our swap meets. It’s important that we get your feedback because the event has had marginal success and we are on the brink of discontinuing this event. In an effort to increase support and keep the swap meet tradition alive within the aquaristic community, we need your feedback. On the next page is a 7 question survey that will help us determine the best time, date, and other parameters that effect the attendance of this event. It will only take you about a minute to answer these questions and email your answers back to: [email protected] Please take the time to return this immediately. Your opinion can make a difference. Ohio Cichlid Association Tropical Fish Swap Meet Questionnaire 1) Have you ever attended any of the past OCA table swap meets? A. Yes B. No 2) If No which of the following are your reason(s). Mark all that apply. a. Did not know about the event b. Too far away to attend c. Conflict with a prior commitment d. Day did not work for me e. Time did not work for me f. Did not understand how this type of sale worked g. Seller entrance fee too high h. Buyer entrance fee too high 3) What day of the week is ideal for you? a. Saturday b. Sunday c. Either day would be fine with me 4) What starting time is ideal for you? a. 10 am b. 11 am c. 12 pm d. 1 pm e. 2 pm f. Any time of the day would be fine with me 5) What activities would encourage your attendance? (Select all that apply) a. Door prizes b. 50/50 Raffle c. Silent Auction 6) Where would you like to see fish events advertised? Mark all that apply. a. Plain Dealer/Akron Beacon Journal b. Flyers at club auctions c. Craigslist d. Ohio Cichlid Association Website e. Tradin’ Times f. Email sent out to club members g. Other _____________________________ 7) How often would you like to see the Tropical Fish Swap Meet held: a. Annually b. Quarterly c. Monthly d. Bi monthly kkkkk The View From Here… By Kyle May - Bulletin Editor I’m sure that by now you’ve settled into winter and hope that the cold isn’t getting the best of you. Although I’m one of those lucky few who get to spend some time in Florida and California during the winter months, it’s the impending Ohio Cichlid Association Winter Auction that really has the ability to heat things up during the coldest month of the year. If you have never been to the Winter Auction, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the amount of fish and hard good deals you will find there. Mark Saturday, February 13th on your calendar and plan to show up at the Holiday Inn Strongsville, (I71 & 82 Royalton Rd.). The auction starts at 10 am. There’s a show flyer in this issue that has all the details. Very few of us have not found a Pleco that we absolutely love. In this issue Don Danko takes a quick look at the very cool Ancistrus sp. “Snowflake”. He gives some interesting details about how he and his wife Marilyn raised and eventually spawned this very interesting pleco. Included are some photos fro Stephan Tanner of Swiss Tropicals who will speak to the OCA this year. If you have one aquarium or fifty, it’s likely that you will eventually have to battle mold. Not only is mold unsightly, but it can present some serious health risks. In “Dissecting the Hobby”, Dan Woodland offers some tips on how to find, eradicate, and prevent mold issues. It’s a good read for those with existing issues and for the burgeoning fish room aficionado who is planning a multiple tank set up. Lastly, kudos to all of those hardy individuals who attended the January meeting. Local Cleveland media made it sound like a blizzard was approaching and many of you decided to be cautious and stay home. Those who attended enjoyed an intimate meeting and we had a riot making fun of all the snow bunnies who stayed home. (just kidding folks!) Also welcome to the new members who joined this year. It’s great to have you as a member of the planet’s finest Cichlid and Catfish Club! Talk to you next month, Fearless Cichlid Fans brave the storm to attend the January 2010 meeting. B y Andrew Subotnik Aulonocara Sp. Andrew Subotnik Mother Nature sure did keep the January Bowl Show to a minimum, not a single entry! This means that the point’s race is yet to start so if you missed the January Bowl Show, not to worry, the points are all even at zero. February will include classes for Victorian Basin Cichlids, Angelfish, and Synodontis and other Mochokids. If you’re not sure that your fish qualifies for a particular class you can contact me with questions. Phone 330-730-3177 or email [email protected] Don’t trust your luck late in the game; enter fish early in the year and often throughout the year to secure your spot in the race for the 2010 Grand Prize! Andrew Prizes: Best of Show: Quarter Champ: 2010 Champ: $20 Cash $35 Pet Shop certificate TBA Standings Jan 2010 1st Qtr. January Results: A. Tanganyikan Shell Dwellers No Entries B. Central Americans Under 6” No Entries C. Loricariids (Pleco Types) Over 6” No Entries February Classes: A. B. C. Tanganyikan Shell Dwellers Central Americans Under 6” Loricariids (Pleco Types) Over 6” March Classes: A. B. C. Pseudotropheus, Cynotilapia & Melanochromis South Americans under 6" (Excluding Angels, Discus & Apistos) Catfish (Excluding Callichthids, Loracariids & Mochokids) Point System 1st place…..………………………..10 2nd place….…………………………7 3rd place…………………………….5 Non-placing entries………………...1 Best of Show*…………………… 5 *Only awarded if 2 or more entries. Ohio Cichlid Association 2009 Winter Auction 13 February 2010 WHAT: Giant Auction of: Cichlids, Catfish, Plants & Dry Goods. AUCTION BEGINS:10 am REGISTRATION: 9 am - 11 am WHERE: Holiday Inn Select Strongsville Phone: 440-238-8800 15471 Royalton Road Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Located at I-71 and Route 82 just 10 minutes south of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. INFO: Dan Woodland: 440-885-2033 [email protected] Rhonda Sorensen: 216-398-8966 [email protected] Don Danko: 440-526-0755 [email protected] or Please have your sellers form filled out ahead of time! We always need Runners! Amphilophus rhytisma WINTER AUCTION RULES: 1. This is a Cichlid, Catfish, Aquatic Plant, and Dry Goods auction only!!! 2. Registration ends at 11 am sharp. Late comers can be accepted at the discretion of the OCA, but their goods will be placed on a black selling table, and will be auctioned after all red, blue, green and yellow bags have been sold. No exceptions! 3. 5 bags per species/color morph maximum. Please be aware that the check-in procedure will validate all limits. 4. 60 bags per family maximum. Please be aware that the check-in procedure will validate all limits. 5. Bags can be labeled with labels or permanent marker. You will also be required to submit a Seller Sheet listing your information and each of your bags of fish. 6. Bags should be labeled with your three initials (ABC) then a number 1 to 60. 7. All bags will be distributed among the colored selling tables (red, blue, green, and yellow). Bags of one color will be auctioned first, then the next, and so on. The color for the first bags to be auctioned will be randomly drawn right before the auction begins (ie. red may not be first), and nobody knows what color will be first until right before the start of the auction. 8. All fish to be auctioned will be in suitable quality bags. No zip-loc bags or similar low quality bags will be accepted. 9. No sick or deformed fish will be accepted. If such fish are found, they will not be auctioned. 10. All sales are final. Buyer beware! 11. No item may be removed from the auction once it has been registered. 12. The split is: the first $1 to the club, and of the remainder 70% to the seller, 30% to the club. 13. Any unclaimed items at the end of the auction will become the property of the Ohio Cichlid Association. 14. Cash is encouraged. A number system will be used for anyone wishing to run a tab. Buyers must register with the registration committee at the beginning of the auction. Personal checks will be accepted with proper identification. 15. All similar items may be sold at the last bid according to the discretion of the auctioneer, with the highest bidder having first choice, and other bidders having subsequent choices. BREEDERS AWARD PROGRAM By Mark Chaloupka January 8, 2010 George Anagnostopoulos Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Bob Blazek 15 Astatotilapia latisfasciata “zebra obliquidens” 10 Neolamprologus leleupi “Karilani” 15 Bryan Davis Haplochromis burtoni “yellow morph” Dave Esner Aulonocara rubescens “red” Gary Mendez 10 10 Cynotilapia afra “Jalo Reef” 10 Melanochromis auratus 10 Xystichromis phytophagus “christmas fulu” 10 Fred Roberts Labidochromis caeruleus Eric & Rhonda Sorensen Hypsophrys nicaraguense John Tesar 10 15 Aulonocara “strawberry peacock” 10 Aulonocara stuartgranti “Hai Reef–blue neon” 10 Aulonocara stuartgranti “Kande Island” 10 Pundamilia sp. “crimson tide albino” 10 Mike Trader Pseudotropheus acei Ethan Wiley Pseudotropheus acei 10 10 CURRENT B.A.P. STANDINGS (1/8/10) 2010 BREEDER TOTAL BREEDER MASTER BREEDER 1000 POINT LEVEL 100 POINT LEVEL Don Danko Lew Carbone Dan Woodland Linda Wallrath Rich & Maggie Schoeffel ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2255 2235 2010 1130 1065 900 POINT LEVEL Dennis Tomazin Mark Chaloupka ‐ 905 ‐ 905 800 POINT LEVEL Tom Swiderski ‐ 895 700 POINT LEVEL Gary & Ramona Omerzo Dustin Brummitt ‐ ‐ 2010 TOTAL Marc & Dawn DeWerth Ozeal Hunter Gary Mendez Chuck Carroll Eric & Rhonda Sorensen Ken & Karen Grimmett George Anagnostopoulos Phil Hypes Andrew Subotnik Greg Seith Bob Blazek Joe Ring David Ayers Bill & Janice Bilski Ken Rawlinson Jonathan Strazinsky 740 725 ‐ ‐ 30 ‐ 15 ‐ 15 ‐ ‐ ‐ 25 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 195 190 190 185 185 160 155 155 155 145 125 105 100 100 100 100 BREEDER LEVEL 600 POINT LEVEL Jeff Natterer John Tesar ‐ 40 690 690 500 POINT LEVEL Bill Schwartz Hilary & Antonio Lacerda Charlie & Cathy Suk Ron Georgeone ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 595 570 560 510 400 POINT LEVEL Bryan Davis 10 465 300 POINT LEVEL Richard & Crystal Pittenger Ken Galaska Christopher Blondin Bob Bina Gary Zalewski ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 395 375 355 345 310 200 POINT LEVEL David Hale Tyler Toncler Rick Hallis Dave Skok Jerry Freeman Kyle May ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 275 265 255 240 220 220 Mark Huntington Michael Danko Marco Lentini Josh Johnson Frank Mueller Bob Tillman Dan Ogrizek Daniel Scheeff Dennis Hitch Christopher Sooy Steve Heinbaugh Tom & Carolyn Evers Fred Roberts Dave Enser Alex Gorges Andy Lacerda Bill Sensor John Kaminski Ron Drungil Mike Trader Ethan Wiley ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10 10 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10 10 70 65 65 60 60 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 25 20 20 20 20 15 10 10 10 The points list for the Breeders Award Program has been updated to include only current members. If you are a current member and your name has been omitted, please see the B.A.P. Chairman at the social meeting so we can correct any errors. Please remember: You may only turn in a species or strain of fish for B.A.P. points one time. If you need a list of what you have been credited with, see the BAP chairman at the social meeting. OCA Calling Call For Content For 2010 The Ohio Cichlid Association has upgraded the Newsletter to be more of an Electronic Cichlid Magazine than a Newsletter. This means that we can include more information, features, and fish pics that ever before. Since I don’t have a staff, (and this is YOUR publication as an OCA Member), I’m asking each of you to contribute to this publication this year. I know you’ve got some great pics of your fish or you’ve got enough experience with a species to write a short article. It’s simple and quick. Take some time one day to consider what you have to offer. There are a lot of members out here that will benefit from your experience and would love to hear what you have to say. This is your club, this is your publication. Support it. Editors Contact information for all submissions: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] OHIO CICHLID ASSOCIATION CATFISH BREEDERS REPORT JANUARY 8, 2010 Breeder Bryan Davis Species Ancistrus sp. “albino bushynose” Ancistrus sp. “brown bushynose” Synodontis petricola Points 10 10 20 TOTALS (thru 1/8/10) NAME Don & Marilyn Danko Dan Ogrizek Dan Woodland Linda Wallrath Charlie Suk Bob Bina Eric & Rhonda Sorensen Jeff Natterer Tyler Toncler Bryan Davis Hilary Lacerda Dave Ayres Dustin Brummitt Rick Hallis Phil Hypes John Kaminski Marco Lentini Dennis Tomazin Bob Blazek Kyle May Gary & Ramona Omerzo Phil Ayres Lew Carbone Chuck Caroll Mark Chaloupka Karen Grimmett David Hale Rosemary Hitch Richard Pittenger Kris Sooy John Tesar Bob Tillman 2010 TOTAL 40 - 135 135 100 75 65 60 55 50 45 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 You share everything else with your friends… Why not share the Ohio Cichlid Association? One of the most often heard comments we get from new members is that they wish someone had told them about The Ohio Cichlid Association sooner. The OCA has some great new things in the works for 2010 making this the best time ever to become a member of The Ohio Cichlid Association! We’ve all got a friend with whom we discuss our fish and all the cool things about the hobby. Why not invite them to join the OCA and help them to further enhance their fish keeping experience? They’ll thank you for sharing the best kept secret in the aquarium hobby. Our yearly membership contribution is still only $15. It’s worth the $15 just to get the Buckeye Bulletin magazine delivered to your email box each month. Add on our exclusive “members only” sales area on Cichlid Room Companion, (the finest Cichlid web site on the net), plus the opportunity to be a part of the Extravaganza, (the hottest cichlid & catfish convention there is), and you have a membership that’s worth way more than Fifteen bucks. With all of the members perks for so little cash, it really is true that The Ohio Cichlid Association is the finest Cichlid and Catfish Club on the planet! Share your passion with a friend. Invite them to join the OCA today. How to Join The Ohio Cichlid Association Step One: Fill Out form Step Two: Forward Membership Contribution Step Three: Enjoy the Club Here’s the information we need: Your Your Your Your Name: address: email: Telephone: Cost: Membership Contribution is $15 per year. $25/2 yrs. Memberships are all due in November. Membership is only $10 if you are in School. (includes college students) Payment: By mail-send a check to: Ohio Cichlid Association 15730 Whitney Rd. Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Pay online: [email protected] Questions? Contact the Membership Team Andrew – 330-730-3177 [email protected] Kyle May – 216-548-5165 [email protected] Once your membership contribution has been received, you’ll get an introductory letter that’ll get you up and running with all things OCA. Dissecting the Hobby By Dan Woodland MOLD! Photo courtesy of John Martyny, Ph.D. “Mold is a type of fungus that grows on plants and fibers and is most often associated with damp, musty locations such as bathrooms, basements and attics. Mold travels through the air as tiny spores which like to make their home in wet areas, where they will breed. In addition to its unsightly appearance, mold can present a hazard to one's health. It's an allergen and an irritant.” Mold should be a concern for all fish keepers from the guy with a few tanks to the guy with hundreds. To people with health issues and small children it can be a serious hazard……so be wary. Why does it appear in my fish room or house? One word, moisture: Moisture from any source will allow mold to grow but mold loves nice warm aquarium water best! A friend had moisture so bad the insulation in the attic was completely soaked like a sponge!! He had to gut his house of all drywall and insulation and replace all of it! Imagine the thousands of dollars! Another friend had minor mold damage from a couple of pond filling misshapes in his basement, and, the last I knew, the damage was estimated at 10K! Make sure you keep your fish room clear of water spills and airborne moisture! Photo, Stephen Vesper, Ph.D. Photo, Stephen Vesper, Ph.D. Don’t think you have Mold? Chances are you do so you’d better check. Winter is the worst time for mold problems because the entire house is closed up tight and the furnace is heating up the air while blowing the mold spores all over the house. Uncovered aquariums can really help this problem get out of hand. Here are some things to look for: 1. Do you have condensation on your windows? Look at the bottom of your windows near the sills for mold. 2. Do you smell something you can’t identify? Check the underside of your fish tanks stands for green mold. Check all your fish room windows. 3. Look on the inside and under your fish tank cabinets and stands. If you see light green or black spots, you have mold. 4. Look in the back corners of all your closets. If you determine you have mold and you fear it might be prolific throughout the house you can look inside your walls using a scope or use a moisture probe to make sure there is not enough moisture in the drywall to support the mold. If it’s really bad you should consult a professional cleaning company. Here are some examples of mold growing in a basement. Reducing the amount of mold is possible using the tips in this article. Close inspection of areas in your home that can host mold is important. Photos by Dan Woodland Even the most fastidious aquarist may find mold growing in her fish room. The key is to inspect your home frequently and be aware of key areas that harbor mold. Even a home with tightly covered aquariums may occasionally have mold problems, but this is usually not the case. Ventilation is a major weapon for mold control as adequate ventilation will help inhibit mold growth. Using commercial cleaners that kill mold or using a bleach solution will kill existing mold and inhibit future growth. Don’t let mold issues ruin your enjoyment of the hobby. You can have the sweetest, mold-free fish room ever with a little attention to detail, some ventilation, and by using proper cleaning techniques. I look forward to hearing from you, Dan Woodland Have a question or an idea for Dissecting the Hobby? Contact Dan: [email protected] February Meeting: Frank Reece from Blue Zoo Radio Next Social Meeting – February 5th, 2010 Old Oak Church, 7575 Old Oak Blvd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio Meeting Starts at: 8pm Directions: From the North take I-71 South Take exit 235 (Bagley Rd.). Turn Right onto Bagley. Turn left onto Old Oak Blvd. Church is about ½ mile on left. From the South take I-71 North Take exit 234. Turn Right onto Pearl Rd. (42) Turn Left onto Fowles Rd. Turn Right onto Old Oak Blvd. Church is on the right 1/10 mile. Old Oak Church 7575 Old Oak Blvd. Middleburg Heights, Ohio I-71 Old Oak Blvd. Bagley Rd. Southwest General Hospital Old Oak Church Fowles Rd. Our Encounter with Ancistrus sp.“Snowflake” By Don & Marilyn Danko Photo By Don Danko About a year and a half ago, on our way home from a long weekend in Nashville, Marilyn and I stopped by to see Stephan Tanner in Columbus to see what uncommon fish he might have available. It turned out that Stephan had an Ancistrus species with very attractive markings that he called the Snowflake Ancistrus. This beautiful bushynose pleco was jet black with white markings. Stephan indicated that he had gotten his breeders from Germany and, after growing them out, has been producing them in small quantities. He was not sure of the collecting locality for the fish and stated that there was no L number associated with them when he purchased them. While Stephan had other Ancistrus types available in his clean and orderly fish room, I kept coming back to wanting the attractive and pricey Snowflakes. We decided to spring for all that Stephan could part with and then returned to the Cleveland area with our newly prized progeny. We set them up in a 10 gallon tank to grow them out and, hopefully, to spawn them one day. We kept them in Cleveland city water at a temperature of about 78 degrees. Because these are slow growers, it seemed to take forever for them to get to a size where they would sprout tentacles. However, grow they did and eventually they began to mature. Once we had plecos that were closer to adults we noticed that we ended up with Photo by Don Danko more males than females. We provided them with a diet that is predominantly based on algae flake as the base food with periodic feedings of salt free French cut green beans. To the best of my recollection, they were about 9 to 12 months old when they first spawned. The spawn was small and we found only 4 fry. They did not spawn again for quite some time. We tried triggering them with RO water and with alder cones and we then began to get spawning action once again. We have had a handful of spawns now, with our largest spawn numbering about 25. So far we have found that the fry are not difficult to raise. The fry are given a diet of the same foods that we provide the adults. “If you like Ancistrus, we highly recommend that you try this cool newcomer.” From an appearance standpoint, the Snowflake Ancistrus is black with white flecks. They generate quite a head growth on the males, sprouting many thick bristles as they mature. On his website, Stephan Tanner mentions that this fish was imported to Germany via Manaus in Brazil. Stephan brought back two tank raised pairs from Germany a few years back. Due to the fact that they show the darker pattern in soft, acidic water, Stephan feels they are probably from the Rio Negro area. He reports spawns with large eggs and relatively few eggs. He reports a maximum size of 3.5 inches. If you like Ancistrus, we highly recommend that you try this cool newcomer. They’re Marilyn’s favorite fish in our room, so ask her about them sometime! Far left: Juvenile “Snowflake” exhibiting the spectacular markings that attracted the authors to this fish. Center: Male guarding eggs. Males typically handle the parental duties of guarding and fanning the eggs. Far Right: Adult male showing off the trademark appendages for which the Bushy Nose Pleco is named. Photos courtesy of Stephan Tanner Congratulations Rhonda! OCA’s 1st Recipient of the Blue Zoo Award! No member has ever worked harder to make the Ohio Cichlid Association the best Cichlid & Catfish Club ever! Rhonda has worked tirelessly to keep the OCA on track. We’ve chosen to recognize her efforts on behalf of all OCA members. Thanks Rhonda for a job well done. Rhonda Sorenson, OCA Treasurer, receives 2009’s Blue Zoo Award from OCA Vice-President Dan Woodland. Photo by Frank Mueller The Blue Zoo Award will be given to an Ohio Cichlid Association member whose efforts have furthered the interests of the club for the benefit of all members. All active members of the Ohio Cichlid Association are eligible to receive this award which is presented annually at the January social meeting. Thanks To: blue zoo Radio Proud Sponsor of The Ohio Cichlid Association New Gear & Gadgets by Kyle May Fluvals New G Force May be their best yet…… It takes something really unusual to wow the rank and file aquarist these days and I think that Fluval has done it with its G Series filters. The G3 and G6, are not your “run of the mill” Fluvals. These guys Fluval’s G3 circulates 340 gph while the actually tell you when it’s time for the filters to be cleaned. How many G6 circulates 650 gph. The G series filters push water through the filters as their of us have no idea how long it’s been since we rinsed out the filter pumps are on the intake side of the unit. media? The new G series filters have you covered with an 8,000 pixel Fluval recommends the G3 for 40-80 gal. tanks and the G6 for 80-160 gal. tanks. led display that shows water temperature and electrical conductivity (salinity), plus it tracks water flow through the unit and sounds an alarm if the water flow goes below your preset parameters. It has easily removed pre-filter and chemical cartridges, plus other wiz bang features like a quick shut off when you want to clean the unit, a telescoping intake, and a highly adjustable water return. Fluval’s G series also solves the cumbersome filter basket routine as the mechanical, chemical, and bio filters can be accessed independently for cleaning. The G series microprocessor controls the direction and speed of the impeller motor to reduce the amount of power consumed. Other features include a fiberglass reinforced poly canister in gloss black and chrome, a low friction silicone gasket, a primer button, a very high tech impeller with an aluminum oxide impeller shaft, and chrome plated cast canister seal levers. The multi-tank aquarist may find the Fluval G series filters a little pricey, (G3 runs a little over $400 and the G6 a little under $500), but the one tank aquarist or Hi Tech geek are sure to be enamored with Fluvals latest offering. The salt water crowd will find the temp and salinity capabilities a real help because you can get some great feedback concerning your water parameters in real time. All in all, this filter is one you won’t hide under or behind your tank because the stylish chrome and black G series filter is one you’ll want to show off. Left: mechanical and chemical filter canisters and the LCD panel on front. Right: Aqua Stop valves used when the filter is cleaned. Far right: push button primer that makes priming the G Series filters a snap. See the Fluval G Series at RMS Aquaculture, 6629 Engle Rd, Cleveland, OH P:(216) 433-1340 RMS Aquaculture is a proud supporter of The Ohio Cichlid Association. All photo’s of the G Series are courtesy of Hagen USA. Above are three views from the G3’s 8,000 pixel LCD panel: Top –Filter status Middle –Temp. Graph Bottom – Flow Alert 20 Happy Birthday Kingfish! Manufacturer Spokesperson Ray Lucas Speaker • Judge • Auctioneer E-6715 Pinehurst Drive Boston, New York 14025 Phone: 716-941-3701 Fax: 716-941-5172 Email: [email protected] Representing: MARS FISCHCARE North America Aquarian Flake Foods Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Rena, Pond Care Aquarium Technology Inc. - ATI Sponge Filters Finley Aquatic Books Lee Finley The Fish Factory Mike & Robin Schadle Cichlid News subscriptions available Diskus Brief - past issues available Discus Hans USA Swiss Tropicals - Poret Filter Foam Eastern Aquatic Blackworms - Craig Shaubach Blue Zoo Radio Pleco Caves Ken’s Fish Python Kingfish Services 20 years of getting you hooked on tropical fish! Good for the hobby, organizations & industry! Aquarium Technology, g! n i t i Exc Aquarium Technology, Inc. was founded in 1991 by Joseph C. Gargiulo. Mr. Gargiulo, an avid hobbyist, developed and patented the HydroSponge Filter. The Turbo-Flow has also been granted a patent and is the final stage of that process. As one can see, ATI is a company with ingenuity and creativity. Contact your local pet store for the best sponge filter products on the market! Visit our website at: Filter-maxtm hydro-spongetm PO BOX 33623, DECATUR GEORGIA, 30033 404-294-4726 Everyday Low Prices A show dedicated to each and every aquarist making a difference in the hobby. Blue Zoo Radio is live every Monday evening at 8pm EST. Dave's Tropical Fish Fish • Reptiles • Ferrets • Aquariums • Puppies (419) 478-DAVE davestropicalfish@aol. Poret® Brand Aquarium Filter Foam For freshwater, saltwater, and pond filters! Exclusively imported and distributed in North America by SwissTropicals, LLC! Over 25 years of experience in both freshwater and saltwater aquarium sales, and a 16,000 sq. ft. store, make RMS Aquaculture Cleveland’s Aquarium Super Store! 6629 Engle Road, Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 Phone: 216-433-1340 Email: [email protected] North East Ohio Discus Nate & Bonnie Larson 620 West Nimisila Rd. Akron, OH 44319 Phone: 330 882 5158 Email: [email protected] Hours by Appointment only Dave’s Rare Aquarium Fish Specializing in the rare cichlids and catfishes of Africa (210) 599-9444 Finley Aquatic Books PO Box 164 Pascoag, RI 02859, USA Fax: 401-568-1561 [email protected] w w w. m a r s f i s h c a re. c o m Anubias Design When Quality counts, count on “where rare species are common” [email protected] Made with PRIDE in the USA Captain Bob’s Fishtales ● South American Cichilds ● Corys ● Fish Food ● Breeding Caves ● Plants By Juan Miguel Artigas Asaz the internet cichlidae information center! Captain Bob’s Fishtales 807 Hickory Road Twin Lakes, WI 53181 Phone: 262-877-2123 [email protected] “Caves made so you will enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them!” - Will not leach chemicals. - Will no break down over time. - Will not have sharp edges. #1 Reptile Products worldwide Monster Fish Rescue MFR will attempt to re-home any size fish, big or small, regardless of your situation. Discus Hans USA Stendtker Discus USA Do the research. Buy the tank, then the fish! Promoting high quality German bred Discus in the USA. Order back issues of the discontinued international version of this magazine as a unique resource about discus. DISKUS DESIGN 28180 Verdin Street NW Isanti, MN 55040-6030 Phone: 763-444-6029 Fax: 763-444-5032 E-Mail: [email protected] CICHLID NEWS MAGAZINE THE LATEST UPDATE IN THE WORLD OF CICHLIDS Aquarium Societies sponsoring the OCA Extravaganza 2009 CAFE Oyer Cichlids 810-229-2122 [email protected] East Coast Cichlids Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society Youngstown Area Tropical Fish Society Many thanks from the OCA! - Quality Cichlids - Unbeatable Prices - Pleco Caves - Breeding Caves - SERA Fish Food - Driftwood - Fish KENS FISH Home of quality tropical fish food and supplies [email protected] 508-823-4043 “Quality and freshness is I will meet oR beat anyone’s price or deal!!! most important to us here at Kensfish.” Eastern Aquatics ~ Black Worms ~ The largest and most visited cichlid site on the web! 9 out of 10 fish approve! Fax: 717-898-7224 [email protected] The Ohio Cichlid Association Exchange Buy – Sell - Trade Have an ad you’d like to place? OCA members place ads for free. Contact: [email protected] Don’t forget to check out the trade section in the OCA area on For Sale: Neoplamprologus Caudopunctatus: 8 Available $5ea/$25 all Archocentrus Nanoluteus: $3 ea/10 for $20 Mellow Central 5” max. Hypsophyrs Nicarguensis: $3ea/ 10 for $20 Parents had amazing color. Cichlid Max Food: Sinking Pellet 6oz/$2 12oz/$3 16oz/$5 5lb/$20 Large Floating Pellet: 1/2lb $3 1lb/$5 Contact: Kyle May - 216-548-5165 - [email protected] John Tesar Wants to Buy: Aulonocara Turkis Haplochromis Redback Scraper Protomelas Ornatus Pseudotropheus Noumbi Red Top Chilotrilapia Euchilus Haplochromis Leptura (yellow) Otopharynx Chrysogater Lethrinops Oculatus Buccochromis Rhoadisia Contact: [email protected] Over 150 members will read this bulletin. Why don’t you have an ad here? Dan Woodland 440-885-2033 [email protected] F0 Crenicichla sp "citrus" pairs $100 pr. Rio San Martin Bolivia (3 pair left) Cyphotilapia sp North breeding group 10" Ms 5-6" Fs $250 (6 fish +) or $50 each Pseudotropheus demsoni 1" $2.00 (beautiful blue with perfect stripes - you won't find a nicer strain) Anscitrus dilocopterus" $2.50 ea Anscitrus dilocopterus" Breeders $35 Hydro Sponge filters standard #1 $4.00 ea Pro Reticulated filters sponge - #2, #3 $6.00ea Cichlid Condo - three 12" long 4" diameter tubes glued together. Great for Frontosa or colonies of fish that like tunnels $4.00 ea (5 available) 40 gallon breeder $50 ea does not leak DeEncapsulated Brine Shrimp $16 per lb (never hatch Brine Shrimp again!!!!) NEW! Floating Cichlid MAX 1lb $5.00ea and .5 lb $3.00 ea (bulk orders available) NEW! Sinking Cichlid MAX 6oz $2 12 oz $3 1lb $5.00ea (bulk orders available) Dan Woodland Don Danko 440-885-2033 [email protected] 440-526-0755 [email protected] For Sale Amphilophus altifrons trio (have layed eggs before) - Call (May be sold) Red Festae Male 7"- $20 Red Festae Male - potential show quality (~7") - Call Pr. Jack Dempseys (6-7") - $20/pair Caquetaia spectabile Nanochromis teugelsi pair - $30/pr. Corydoras green aneus - $1 ea Cory. paleatus - $ $1 ea Albino Bushynose plecos reg & longfin, $2.50 ea. Don Danko 440-526-0755 Lew Carbone [email protected] 419-681-1628 [email protected] SELL Will deliver to meeting or OCA Auction Protomelas kirki 1” $2 ea Neolamp. brevis “Mtoto” breeding group 5 total 1.5-2” Lepidiolamprologus nkambae 1.5” $4 ea Austaloheros “Red Ceibal” 1+” $3 ea $30 gp Looking for: Melanochromis labrosus adult male(s) or group Lew Carbone 419-681-1628 [email protected] Jonathan Strazinsky [email protected] (440) 437-7033 For Sale Ameca splendens, small fry to adults. each These new books were trades$1.00 and donations from Mike and Robin Schadle. Vibrant color popping Archocentrus Nigrofasciatum of the grey & pink varieties 1” $1.00 each Large (6”) female Turquoise Severum $10.00 Theraps Fenestratus 1” fry $3.00 each six for $15.00 Wanted Adult female Salvanii, will gladly purchase or trade. Gagle of 3" tropheus bemba flame backs about 10 or so??? to much rock work to count accurately $60 for all. Also looking for the member who gave me mpimbwe fronts at the december meeting! I want more!! Will gladly pay for them!! Jonathan Strazinsky [email protected] (440) 437-7033 Discover the Ohio Cichlid Association Library If you are a new member of the Ohio Cichlid Association and haven’t checked out the OCA Library, you should carve out some time at the next meeting to discover the wonderful selection of information. Hilary Lacerda is our Librarian and she can help you select the perfect book, cd, or dvd to help you learn about the various species and ecosystems that we love so much. You’ll find books on fish, books on breeding, as well as recorded talks from the Extravaganza and club meetings. Imagine watching Eric Bodrock’s talk at Extravaganza 2009 or maybe you didn’ t catch Charlie Grimes cracking the audience up. These talks are legendary. More of a book nut? You’ll find some of the best Cichlid and Catfish books that you can use as reference material or maybe as a perfect way to construct your very own Cichlid wish list. Hilary is very nice and she is always willing to help you find what you need to keep you entertained and informed. It’s super easy to take a book out – just sign for the book you plan to take and remember to bring it back to the next meeting. It’s just another perk of membership from the finest Cichlid and Catfish Club on the planet! These new books were donations from Mike and Robin Schadle. Thanks Mike and Robin for always helping out during the Extravaganza and for supporting the OCA’s library! Andrew Subotnik [email protected] 330-730-3177 FISH: Neolamprologus Mustax - 2"+ - $6.50ea Neolamprologus Savoryi - Breeding Group of 5 fish - $65 Nelamprologus Leleupi - Breeding Group of 5 fish - $50 Synodontis Petricola - Young Breeding Group of 10-13 fish - $175 DRY GOODS: 10gal tanks - $6/ea 25gal tanks - $15/ea Eheim Ecco Canister Filter - $50 Andrew Subotnik [email protected] 330-730-3177 Ron Thompson [email protected] 419-882-3359 Cryptoheros nanolute, wild breeding pair............................................$30.00 Cryptoheros nanolute F-1, 1"-1 1/2"+, Over 200 available...sold in 100 lots only,....$100.00 per lot Red shouldered Severums F-1, 1".....14 for $75.00 Green common Severum adults....................................................4 for $35.00 I am retired and not equipped to ship anymore but you can pick- up almost any day. Ron Thompson [email protected] 419-882-3359 Sylvania, Oh Mark your Calendar now for Extravaganza 2010 November 19 -21 Strongsville, Ohio (Cleveland Area) .::CONTACTING THE OCA::. Send submissions to: Ohio Cichlid Association c/o Dan Woodland 7330 Ames Road • Parma, OH 44129 • E-mail: [email protected] No ads will be taken over the phone. Ads: All ads are due by the second Saturday of the month for the following month’s bulletin. Please limit ads to 35 lines. Want and sell ads are free to current members and dignitaries ($.50 per line for non-members - payment must accompany ad.) You may submit ads and articles on floppy disk or via e-mail. Create a standard text file and mail it to address above. The editor will format your submission to suit the amount of space available. Be assured that your submission will not be intentionally altered and will be printed in its entirety. Additionally, if arrangements are not made with the editor, floppy disks will not be returned. If space is limited, hobby related items will be printed first. Please, no personal items. Articles: Original BCLB articles, unless noted otherwise, may be reprinted if credited to the original author. Other submissions: Articles, photos, artwork, club news, events or input of any kind is always welcome! .::MEMBERSHIP::. Join the Ohio Cichlid Association and receive the Buckeye Cichlid Lovers Bulletin monthly as well as free want and sell ads. Complete the registration form below and mail to: Ohio Cichlid Association c/o Kyle May 15730 Whitney Rd. Strongsville, OH 44136 One year (12 issues) - $25.00, two years (24 issues) - $45.00 in U.S; Canadian memberships - add $3.00 per year. E-Mail Subscriptions: One year (12 issues) - $15.00, two years (24 issues) - $25.00 Make checks payable to: Ohio Cichlid Association .::MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION::. Name: Address: City: State: Phone: E-mail: Special Interests: Zip: Don’t forget that your Membership was due in November. The Ohio Cichlid Association is the coolest Cichlid and Catfish Club on the planet and it’s also a great deal. Our membership contribution is only $15 - you just can’t beat it! Make sure that you stay current and send in your membership contribution today. Thanks to the generosity of our members, the OCA gets better every year! To renew your membership please contact: Andrew – 330-730-3177 [email protected] OR Kyle May – 216-548-5165 [email protected] OR by mail: Ohio Cichlid Association 15730 Whitney Rd. Strongsville, Ohio 44136 OR Pay online: [email protected] …One Last thing, Fish Keepers Fib #128: This is my last tank. Honest. by Susan Aufieri From "The Daphnian" Boston Aquarium Society, June 2000 Content courtesy of : It was bound to happen. My friends told me that I couldn't reduce the number of tanks that I was keeping down to a measly three. And keep it there. You see, in 1999 my husband and I decided the time was right for us to move to a larger home. In the Spring I began to reduce the quantity of tanks and fish in my fish room. At its peak, volumes of water numbered around 30-35 tanks and assorted plastic containers. Fish numbers? Who knows? Let's just say there were enough fish residing in the 3rd floor of the townhouse that they could have applied for, and received, their own municipality. All had gone as planned. I'd managed to make some tough decisions. It's really hard to decide when they're all your favorites. Why else would you be keeping them! There were but three tanks left. The planted 75G community with a couple species of coreys, some otos and a pair of Siamensis. Hoover the Blue Eye Pleco and his roomies, 4 clown loaches and a Gold Nugget Pleco, were hanging out in the 55. Then there was the 39G tank with the two Goldfish. Moving time had arrived. Fellow club member Bryan Nelson graciously offered to put my fish up for a couple of weeks. It was an ideal situation as Bryan's house was just 3/8 of a mile and on the same water system as we would be. I was very glad that I wasn't trying to move the former number of fish. Even at this reduced number, the challenge was formidable and I was glad to only be moving just a few dear favorites. All went according to 3-tank-plan until the middle of February when another fish friend called to say that she had to give up her Tropheus duboisi. For some odd reason, I caved in. This friend, by the way, was the very same friend who about five years ago at an NEC auction grabbed my bidder card and "forced" me into getting Hoover. How does this woman get my co-operation every time? Predictably my husband began complaining, "Another tank? I thought you were staying at three?!?" I countered with, "Oh it's just one more tank. Really-- I'm stopping here. Honest." Over the past few months I've grown really attached to the Tropheus. And the Splash Tetras I brought home from a monthly BAS meeting auction. And the Cardinal Tetras that I acquired as well. Eight months after moving, I was only one tank over my self imposed limit of three with that addition of the Tropheus. But the Tropheus needed a good home, right? (Fishkeeper Fib #78) The other fishes that had come to reside here were to fluff out the top half of two tanks since all the residents were bottom critters (Fishkeeper Fib #128 pt. 2; That tank looks empty). Then this month I caved in again. I've always loved Bettas. In fact that was the very first fish I got as a child of 12 or 13. After about 45 minutes of studying the nearly 60 containers of Bettas at a local fish store I decided on a lovely electric blue with accents of red, male Betta. He's living large in a 5G tank, well planted with lots of crypts and a species of Rotalla and an Aqua Clear Mini. This fish cannot believe his good fortune. Naturally at the sight of another tank my husband rolled his eyes and muttered something about the increasing tank numbers around here. I looked him square in the eyes and earnestly said "This is my last tank. Honest."
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