A guide OF BEST PRACTICES IN TRAINING HELPFUL TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE TRAINING Tourisme Laval TABLE OF CONTENTS Who we are and what services we offer About Tourisme Laval...........................................................................................2 Tourisme Laval represents about 200 Laval businesses evolving in the tourism industry. As the leader of a growing industry, and in a sustainable perspective, Tourisme Laval contributes to the development of Laval as a tourism destination, provides leadership with regard to the welcoming of visitors and the promotion of the attractions, and acts as a unifying agent towards its members and partners in order to position Laval on the international, national and regional scene, with a view to sustainable development. Planners can call upon our expertise, free of charge, and we will assist them in the organization of training sessions in Laval. We invite you to call upon the Simplifier team that offers a wide range of free accompaniment and field work services to facilitate the organization of your business events. Our specialists will help you choose a venue, obtain bids, coordinate visits, etc. Why this Guide of Best Practices in Training?........................................3 TRAINING IS ESSENTIAL TO GROW YOUR ORGANIZATION......................................................................4 Carefully define your needs...............................................................................5 Choose the right training instructor.............................................................6 Choose the most effective training duration and format................8 Carefully choose the venue for your training session........................8 Before the training session - Engage participants.......................................................................................9 - Carefully prepare a training session: was everything taken into consideration? ..................................................................... 10 After the training session - Leverage your investment......................................................................11 Should participants be formally evaluated?.............................................11 The Act to Promote Workforce Skills Development and Recognition.......................................................................................................11 First-rate partners offering training programmes............................................................12 Directory of venues where to hold a training session....................................................................... 14 ENHANCE YOUR EXPERIENCE...............................................16 You can also consult www.TheSimplifier.ca where you’ll find a very useful toolbox for the planning and organization of a training session, including hotel factsheets, a directory of various suppliers, and much more. Don’t hesitate to contact Tourisme Laval at 450 682-5522 or toll free at 1 877 632-2453. Tourisme Laval would like to thank its partners that participated in the consultation phase which objective was to better understand the specific needs of businesses and organizations in terms of training, and allowed the production of the present guide: • Emploi-Québec • UQAM (Campus de Laval) • Université de Montréal (Campus de Laval) • Collège Montmorency • Centre local de développement de Laval • Laval Technopole • Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Laval Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |2 WHY THIS GUIDE OF BEST PRACTICES IN TRAINING? All business managers and entrepreneurs can appreciate the importance of training to maintain productive and effective work teams. However, this may be quite challenging when it comes to evaluate the needs, make the right selection of training among a wealth of offers, and plan and organize the training session itself. It’s in this context that Tourisme Laval in collaboration with its partners that offer services related to training developed the present Guide of Best Practices in Training. • This guide contains helpful tips and suggestions plus links to business support services to help you plan and organize productive training sessions. • The guide includes information on various Laval’s organizations and educational institutions that offer training services and tailor-made training programmes or can put you in touch with training specialists. • You’ll also find in the present guide a directory of venues – from traditional places to unique sites – where to hold training sessions as well as suggestions to enhance your experience. Our proposal is quite simple. Instead of doing everything yourself, let us help you through the process to ensure the success of your training sessions and generate conclusive results for your investment. Need help to organize a training session in Laval? Tourisme Laval’s can help you and give you useful tips and suggestions. Call us at 450 682-5522 or toll free at 1 877 632-2453. You can also contact our partners directly, whether to make a reservation or get information on the training programmes that are offered. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |3 TRAINING IS ESSENTIAL TO GROW YOUR ORGANIZATION Training is an essential component of the growth and development of an organization in terms of skills and expertise but also to maintain and increase its awareness and image. Nowadays investing in human capital must be at the heart of any business development strategy, and training constitutes a key competitive asset. There are many reasons to invest in training. • You want to increase your employees’ performance in order to take your company to a higher level of performance? • You want to ensure the transfer of knowledge and skills in order to bridge to the retirement of members of your staff? • You have observed some problems with regard to client services? Therefore, you want your employees to increase their knowledge about your products in order to increase the quality of service and your clients’ level of satisfaction? • Your company has recently acquired a new software requiring specific training or you want your employees to learn more advanced skills with respect to new technologies? If you’ve answered yes to one or several of these questions, your business is most likely evolving at a fast pace and consequently this growth has brought many changes. If you don’t know where to start, this Guide of Best Practices in Training will help you determine what’s required to hold successful training sessions. Training on information technologies is at the heart of any company’s growth Rapid developments in the information technology sector have fundamentally changed our working habits, as well as consumers’ expectations. From the sky-rocketing adoption rate of social media and mobile applications to the rise in popularity of cloud computing and the issues related to the process of a high volume of data (Big Data), employees must adapt to new technologies and moreover acquire the knowledge and skills to master the new realities of the 2.0 and even 3.0. This is why many companies and organizations prioritize IT training to better meet their clients’ requirements in terms of connectivity, social media presence, content marketing and e-marketing. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |4 CAREFULLY DEFINE YOUR NEEDS First it’s important to precisely define your needs. In fact this is what you constantly remind your clients! Indeed it’s crucial to do so when you plan your training sessions. Organizations that take the time to determine how training can help them have more success and keep their employees highly motivated. In the present economic context and taking into account the constant evolution of technology, training will allow increasing your company’s performance, meeting the ever-changing expectations of your clients and ensuring employee retention. Yet too many training sessions are organized at the last minute and in such case, companies draw very little benefits from them. If you ask your employees to attend a training session without knowing exactly what goal you’re pursuing or without having consulted them beforehand, they may be less receptive. Consequently they won’t be very motivated, which will play negatively on their level of attention and participation. Remember that nobody likes having one’s views impose on them without understanding the reason why. Take the time to identify what are your specific needs and set priorities. If you don’t know how to proceed, here are a few very simple questions to guide you. A great idea will be to consult your employees. This will allow you to seek their views as for which training would be useful. Listen to their comments on what can be improved within your organization. During the upcoming year, what will be the main challenge facing your organization? Select one aspect of your organization you would like to improve? Which element of customer relations would you like to improve? What are the two main skills required to succeed in your field of expertise? Which aspects of your employees’ performance seem unsatisfactory? Are some of your employees not as familiar as they should be with new technologies, a situation which impacts on the creativity and productivity of your business and may put you at a competitive disadvantage? Did you notice that your organization does not take full advantage of the Web, more specifically from social media, mobile applications, content marketing, transactional marketing, etc.? Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |5 CHOOSE THE RIGHT TRAINING INSTRUCTOR Since there are a high number of training instructors on the market, chances are you’ll find that many of these professionals are offering similar training curriculum. How can you ensure that you choose the training instructor that is right for your business? Here are a few points to take into consideration when hiring a training instructor. • Ask the training instructor to summarize in one sentence what is the main benefit of his/her training offer. Then ask yourself if this meets your expectations. • Choose a training instructor whose style and personality suit you. Take the time to call the person to discuss and even meet with him/her. It’s important to establish a good relationship with the training instructor. Among other things, since this will put the instructor at ease, it will facilitate sharing ideas and express your specific needs. • Ideally the training instructor will have experience in your field of expertise or at least in an area of activity relevant to your reality. Ask him/her to provide the name of an organization or a company for which he/she has conducted training sessions. Do not hesitate to contact this organization to get references, more specifically to verify if the training instructor can adapt his/her training curriculum content to meet specific requirements and if putting theory into practice has been an easy process. About the Training Curriculum • Beyond what the training instructor will tell you, ask him/her to provide you with a summary of the training curriculum. This will give you a good idea of his/her approach. If necessary, ask that the content be simplified. • When reading this summary, pay attention to the terms used. Are they clear and simple, adapted to your employees? Keep one thing in mind: if you find it difficult to grasp even if you are truly interested in the matter, put yourself in the place of your employees. • Select a training approach that combines theory and practice. It’s proven that new notions are easier to remember when they are put into practice during the training session. Plus this ensures it will also be easier to integrate them in the day-to-day work activities. • It will also be a good idea to provide the training instructor with some concrete examples of your organization’s daily activities. This way the training instructor will get participants attention more easily since the examples used will be directly related to their reality. • Take the time to examine the curriculum before the training session to ensure it will get participants’ attention and encourage interaction. Be cautious! A training content with a large number of slides usually means that the training instructor talks a lot and does not often interact with participants during the session, which can bring many of them to switch off very quickly. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |6 The Training Workbook, an Important Tool Most training instructors use PowerPoint as support software during their sessions. In fact this tool is not very useful to participants since it often only contains reference points without details or explanations. Ask the training instructor to prepare a training workbook that can be distributed to participants and that will contain: • Detailed training curriculum (make sure the content corresponds to the concise version of the document that was presented to you) • Practical exercises to be done during the workshop (if any) • Enough space to write notes You can also host the training workbook on a Web site to allow participants to consult it on their laptop or their tablet, which means that a Wi-Fi connection must be planned. You can also send it by email; if it’s too heavy, use a file transfer services such as Webcargo, We Transfer, Hightail, Adobe Send Now or Dropbox. This way each participant can keep the training workbook and consult it later. A training workbook is much more useful than a copy of a PowerPoint document that may be difficult to follow (as mentioned above). Get a workbook even if you do not attend the training session; you’ll find it very useful as a follow-up tool. For a training session to be successful, the role of the instructor must extend beyond the workshop. In order to increase the efficiency of the training and retention of the lessons learned: • Plan in your contract with the training instructor a few hours for him/her to meet with the participants four to six weeks after the workshop in order to evaluate the accomplishments or difficulties they had when putting into practice the notions they’ve learned. • Ask the training instructor to conclude the workshop by asking participants what they have learned, and to provide you with a short report. Since the training instructor is a professional that is used to observe people, he/she will be able to assess which parts of the content need follow-up, what was clearly understood or not, etc. The instructor’s notes will then serve you as a basis to ensure further follow-ups. Did you know? Even if PowerPoint presentations are quite convenient they are other supports one can use during training sessions. Those who prefer Apple products use Keynote for their presentations. Keynote gives spectacular results but is hard to transfer into the Windows environment. Another tool that is gaining in popularity is Prezi that allows adding movement to presentations. Even if it’s easy to add or modify texts, images and videos in a Prezi presentation printing is difficult due to its dynamic design and the need to connect to the Internet. For all these reasons, the training workbook remains the most convenient and appropriate tool. In summary, it’s important to choose carefully the support tool that will be used during a training session and afterwards. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |7 CHOOSE THE MOST EFFECTIVE TRAINING DURATION AND FORMAT You will have to choose between various options. Here are a few points to help you decide: • Half-Day Session: does not jeopardize the whole day but makes it hard to integrate practical exercises into the session. • Full-Day Session: a full training day may seem too long for many. As we all know there’s a limit to the amount of information one can assimilate, particularly when people have other things in mind. However the full-day format is the best option when the training session includes several practical exercises. • Virtual Mode: Webinar-type training sessions are popular since participants don’t have to leave their place of business. Plus Webinars are interactive, and the only thing participants need to attend them is an Internet connection and a hand-free telephone or webcam. If you select the webinar mode, make sure to communicate technical requirements to all participants a few days in advance. Make sure the person you hire can effectively deliver a virtual training session since not all training instructors possess the necessary skills to do so. CAREFULLY CHOOSE THE VENUE FOR YOUR TRAINING SESSION Often those in charge of organizing training sessions don’t pay enough attention to the choice of venue, which is quite important since it will have a direct impact on the training outcome. You can choose to hold training sessions in your offices to limit expenses but before doing so, you should take the time to evaluate the following: • Is there a room located away from activities and ambient noise? • If it’s the case, does the layout of this room appropriate (with sufficient space to accommodate all participants, is it comfortable, well-lit, etc.)? Also, is the room equipped to allow using audio-visual equipment? • When the training session is held at the office, temptation will be high from others to disturb participants by calling them to ask them to leave the room and come solve a problem. Such interruptions are unproductive distractions that may bother the participants as well as the training instructor, and create an environment not very conducive to learning. In summary, it’s best to choose a venue that meets your specific needs, not only based on cost. There are many venues where you can hold a training session. Apart from the services offered, holding a training session at an outside venue may motivate your groups and improve team spirit. You will find in the “Directory” Section of the present guide suggestions of venues that can accommodate groups for a training session. Venues are listed according to the services offered and room capacity. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |8 BEFORE THE TRAINING SESSION Engage Participants A lot of efforts are put into the planning of the training session per se. However it is crucial to pay close attention to participants before the activity if you want to bring about the desired outcomes. To do so, you must engage them by ensuring they are well prepared to attend the session. It is important to properly “sell” the training, whether you’re the boss or a Human Resources representative. In fact in numerous organizations, the training programmes are the responsibility of the HR Department. It is therefore important that the HR employees be convinced of the training value. Engaging them at the start of the process will ensure they are great ambassadors that will convince and motivate those who have to attend the training session. Here a few suggestions to properly prepare your employees: • Designate an employee among those who will attend the session. Assign this person the task to visit the venue selected and meet with the training instructor to ensure he/she has a good understanding of your organization’s realities and will adapt the workshop content accordingly. This is a win-win approach. First, it makes it easier to engage the rest of the team. Second, employees will appreciate your willingness to involve them in the process instead of only forcing them to attend yet another training session. • Once you’ve selected the training instructor and finalized the content of the session, communicate this information to all participants. This way the training may well become an eagerly-awaited event. Do not hesitate to share and discuss the training objectives with participants. • Think of those small gestures that will facilitate participants’ lives: - Inform participants of the training session at least three weeks in advance to allow them organize their schedule accordingly. - Provide them with the training workbook several days in advance. - Keep travelling to a minimum. For example, it would be a good idea to hold the training session during a business event, a sales meeting or your company’s annual conference for instance. - Freeing participants from some day-to-day tasks will elicit a positive response. Too often after attending a training session, participants are loaded with work, which is counterproductive and certainly demotivating. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca |9 Carefully Prepare a Training Session – Was Everything Taken Into Consideration? It is crucial to carefully plan the logistic and technical aspects of the training session to ensure everything will run smoothly and that participants will come out of the workshop very motivated and inspired. • Plan breaks at regular intervals to keep participants focused: - Hire a catering company or make arrangements with the restaurant or the hotel if you hold your training session in one of those locations. Many companies offer original health break options such as tea tasting, chair massages, etc. • On the technical front, you must ensure that everything is in place and runs smoothly. Among other things, here are some elements that must be checked in advance: - Wi-Fi connection with sufficient bandwidth and an easy-to-remember access code - Sufficient electrical outlets to allow connecting laptops as well as additional connection wired for the audio-visual equipment - Presence of a technician on site in case of technical problems Hold an Eco-Friendly Training Session Join the collective effort of reducing man’s footprint on the environment by organizing an eco-friendly training session. To do so, ensure that you comply with the four basic rules for a successful eco-responsible event: ECO -RES A St EP-B y-St E PON SIBL EvEN P gu t gu IdE t O Ev ENt E PLAN IdE NIN g… • Reduce waste and greenhouse emissions at the source by assessing the use of material, the needs to travel, etc. • Reuse goods by ensuring that nothing that can have a second life is thrown into the trash. • Recycle all residual matters and if possible recover them by making compost for example. For more information on the organization of a “green” training session, download the Guide to the Organization of an Eco-Friendly Event at www.tourismelaval.com/en/meeting-planners/toolkit/eco-convention/green-guidecom/vert. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 10 AFTER THE TRAINING SESSION Leverage Your Investment A common mistake is to think that training concludes with the end of the workshop day. On the contrary, training is an investment and you should take advantage of participants’ interest. Give them the means and ensure they have enough time to put the new notions learned into practice. How to ensure that your investment is profitable? • A few days after the training session, meet with your employees to talk about their experience. Ask them what they’ve learned. -A re the notions taught consistent with the notes the training instructor forwarded? • Put the emphasis on what they’ve learned and liked rather than on what they didn’t like. If you want to instigate change, keep in mind that it’s easier to build on what one has learned and assimilated. • Ask the employee you’ve assigned to the project or one of the participants to evaluate the training instructor and content. Talk about the training session with this person; he/she will be happy to share his/her opinion. • Organize a workshop after the initial training session to review the training curriculum, including the practical exercises. • Ask your employees how they will incorporate what they’ve learned into their dayto-day work. After a training session, in order to gather accurate and useful feedback, you may want to distribute a brief but relevant survey of appreciation to your employees. Here’s an example of such a survey: yes Do the topics covered during training reflect your reality? Were the documents and support tools useful and do they facilitate a clear understanding of the subject of the training? In your opinion, will you be able to put into practice in your daily tasks what you’ve learned during the training session ? Did you find the training location suitable? Overall, were you satisfied with the training? no SHOULD PARTICIPANTS BE FORMALLY EVALUATED? All depends on the training session objectives. Was this session part of a prescriptive learning programme? If it’s not the case, it may not be very useful to formally evaluate participants. In addition the process may be tedious and costly, and even create uneasiness among participants. It would be more relevant to monitor participants’ progress, using the training workbook and the training instructor’s report. Are there some aspects that should be improved in future training sessions? THE ACT TO PROMOTE WORKFORCE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION Employers whose total payroll in Quebec equals $1 million or more are subject to the Act to Promote Workforce Skills Development and Recognition. Under this Act, every calendar year, they must invest 1% of their total payroll expenditures in training activities aimed at developing the skills of their personnel. The team responsible for business services at Emploi-Québec Laval offers a half-day training session free of charge to help you take full advantage of this programme. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 11 FIRST-RATE PARTNERS OFFERING TRAINING PROGRAMMES Many organizations and educational institutions offer training programmes, can develop customized training courses or put you in contact with experienced training instructors. We invite you to communicate with these people of experience and organizations that can help you in your training projects. Here is a brief presentation of what each of these organizations offers. Emploi-Québec Our Services to Businesses, a Personalized Approach Emploi-Québec Laval is a partner of choice for all employers that wish to invest in the development of their workforce’s skills. Emploi-Québec Laval financially support all training projects which objective is to ensure continued employment of workers, including the development of human resources management skills in Laval small or medium-size enterprises. In addition, Emploi-Québec Laval offers its Workplace Learning Programme to companies located in Laval. In this programme, more experienced employees are involved in the process of developing the skills of less experienced workers. In addition this programme which is based on tutorship allows companies to benefit from an advantageous tax credit. Training is at the centre of Emploi-Québec’s mission and its Laval’s team of business advisers can offer Laval companies personalized services tailored to their specific needs. www.emploiquebec.gouv.qc.ca Service de la formation universitaire en région Université du Québec à Montréal UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MONTRÉAL Continuing Education For more than 40 years and true to its mission of accessibility and openness, UQAM has been providing graduate and undergraduate teaching as well as continuing education activities to those seeking professional development or interested in making a career shift. UQAM Continuing Education programme has for objective to make university resources accessible through practical training that are tailor-made to meet the needs of the business world, public and parapublic organizations as well organizations from other areas of activity. All training offered can be customized for a group, a business or a professional association. UQAM’s professors and lecturers come from different educational backgrounds. They put their high level of expertise, their advanced research findings and recent professional experiences to the service of the community. www.formation.uqam.ca UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL CAMPUS IN LAVAL Continuing Development, Your Source of Professional Enrichment For more than 25 years the Faculté de l’éducation permanente de l’Université de Montréal (Continuing Study Faculty of Montreal University) has been offering continuing training solutions to businesses and organizations. The continuing development programmes have for objective to provide students with new and practical tools that they can put into practice in their work. Université de Montréal’s approach is practical and addresses current issues: criminality, economy, philanthropic management, customs compliance and management, lean Six sigma, professional writing communication, effective supervision and management, etc. University’s training instructors are from different fields of expertise and are selected based on their experience, skills and enthusiasm. Two types of training are offered: a public session formula in a mixed environment and tailor-made training sessions that can be customized to meet the specific needs of companies or organizations. www.fep.umontreal.ca/formationcontinue Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 12 DE LAVAL CLD – CENTRE LOCAL DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LAVAL A Selection of Training Programmes and a Specialized Approach The CLD of Laval (Laval Local Development Centre) holds various information sessions and offers business people customized training programmes which goal is to reinforce CENTRE LOCAL DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LAVAL the entrepreneurial chain leading to success. Every two weeks, the CLD of Laval holds a free group information session that people wishing to start their own business can attend. The purpose of this session is to present CLD services and provide an overview of the various steps required to start a business. The CLD of Laval offers workshops which goal is to clarify, define and validate all the important steps of a project’s structuring process. The CLD in partnership with the Commission scolaire de Laval offers future business leaders an opportunity to acquire basic knowledge and develop essential skills to become accomplished entrepreneurs. The “Lancement d’une entreprise” programme is given by the Centre de formation professionnelle Paul-Émile-Dufresne. The CLD also offers on a regular basis training sessions on how to ensure efficient knowledge transfer of basic management skills. These sessions are given by training instructors that are specialized in various fields of expertise and address topics of particular interest to entrepreneurs, including Web Strategies, Hire or Subcontract, Connecting Laval’s SMEs, How to Create the WOW Factor, and How to Grow Your Business. The College’s continuing development programme also includes fifteen day or evening courses towards attestations of college studies (AEC) as well as a selection of courses and workshops of different durations and formats. www.fcontinue.qc.ca Laval Technopole Support to Exporting Companies The Centre des affaires internationales (International Business Centre) of Laval Technopole supports organizations located in Laval that want to grow their business by way of expanding their development to international markets. These workshops address various topics such as commercial missions and how to welcome buyers, and are aimed at helping companies to seize new business opportunities in the exporting and supply chain sectors. Every year the Centre des affaires internationales offers exporting entrepreneurs from Laval an opportunity to attend about fifteen training sessions and lectures. They are developed according to the needs of businesses and may address strategic issues or technical topics such as how to calculate the cost exporting. A good example is Export Development Canada’s annual “Let’s Talk Exports” tours. www.lavaltechnopole.com/cailt www.cldlaval.com Chambre de Commerce et d’industrie de Laval Continuing Development Services and Meetings with Experts Collège Montmorency Customized Training Collège Montmorency offers business services that include a training programme designed to help companies and parapublic organizations improve their employees’ skills and knowledge. These training sessions are customized to meet the specific needs of businesses and can take place at the college or in the workplace. They are given by training instructors that are experts in their respective field of expertise and possess extensive experience in teaching and knowledge transfer. The Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Laval brings together stakeholders of the region’s socioeconomic community. It offers business people training workshops aimed at helping them grow their business. In collaboration with its network of par tners, the Chambre offers business people a comprehensive range of continuing development services designed to help them improve their skills, and also give them the oppor tunity to meet with exper ts from various fields of exper tise. Members can use the Chambre’s meeting rooms. www.ccilaval.qc.ca Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 13 Directory of Venues Where to Hold a Training Session The following directory of venues was developed to help you organize your next training session. It will help you determine which type of venues is most suitable to your needs. Number of Rooms Capacity of the largest room in banquet setup (table of 10) Audio-visual Equipment Wi-Fi Restaurant Health Break Parking Hotels, Convention Centres, Exhibition Places and Reception Halls Hôtel Sheraton Laval 18 www.sheraton-laval.com 1 250 P 450 687-2440 $ P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service $ P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F Hilton Montréal/Laval www.hilton.com 450 682-2225 21 100 Holiday Inn Laval Montréal www.hilaval.com 450 682-9000 7 (tables of 8) F P P Exclusive Supplier Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F P F P P F P 192 P F Le St-Martin Hôtel et Suites www.lestmartin.com 450 902-3000 Best Western Plus Laval Montréal www.bestwesternlavalhotel.com 450 681-9000 Quality Suites Laval www.choicehotels.ca/cn332 450 686-6777 5 110 10 150 F P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F 1 15 F P P F Comfort Inn Laval www.choicehotels.ca/cn331 450 686-0600 1 15 Hampton Inn & Suites www.hamptoninn.com 450 687-0010 3 64 F F F P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F Château Royal www.lechateauroyal.com 514 333-1000 Salles de réception et de congrès Le Palace www.palacereception.com 450 688-1060 Embassy Plaza www.embassyplaza.com 450 781-0606 9 1 200 P 10 2 000 P P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F 5 700 P P P F Le Mont Blanc www.lemontblancbanquets.ca 450 901-0156 3 1 200 P P P F Salles de réception Paradis www.receptionparadis.com 450 681-8189 3 500 P P P F F Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca F | 14 Number of Rooms Capacity of the largest room in banquet setup (table of 10) Audio-visual Equipment Wi-Fi Restaurant Health Break Parking Hotels, Convention Centres, Exhibition Places and Reception Halls Place Forzani www.placeforzani.ca 11 3 000 P 450 687-5200 Educational Institutions Université de Montréal – 150 Campus de Laval (Amphi23 P www.umontreal.ca/campus theatre) 450 686-2300 200 Collège Montmorency Several (Stadium seating) classrooms and www.cmontmorency.qc.ca P 120 computer labs (Classroom 450 975-6160 $ P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F F P P $ $ seating) Carrefour d’excellence du Collège Laval www.excellencecollegelaval.ca 450 661-7714 Other Venues Château Taillefer Lafon www.chateautailleferlafon.ca 450 689-0030 12 (Classrooms, theatre foyer and stage) 1 000 Exclusive Supplier F P 3 100 P F P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F P F P P F 300 P F P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service 64 P F P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service F 150 P F P P $ 50 P F P P Exclusive Catering Service Exclusive Catering Service 32 (Square Shape) P F SkyVenture www.skyventuremontreal.com 514 524-4000 2 Cosmodôme www.cosmodome.org 450 978-3600 8 Maeva Surf www.maevasurf.com 450 934-6238 2 (Boutique set-up and mezzanine) Salle André-Mathieu 3 www.salleandremathieu.com (Concert hall, foyer and stage) 450 667-2327 Les Menus-Plaisirs Restaurant-Auberge 5 www.lesmenusplaisirs.ca 450 625-0976 Centre d’interprétation de l’eau www.cieau.qc.ca 1 450 963-6463 40 (U Shape) P P F and $ F F F Did you know? Several Laval restaurants have private rooms where to hold a group event. Plus many of these rooms have audio-visual equipment and often a Wi-Fi connection. Contact Tourisme Laval at 450 682-5522 or toll free at 1 877 632 2453. You can also consult the list of restaurants at www.theSimplifier.ca. For more information or to obtain bids, contact our team of experts that will provide you with useful tips to simplify your life. You can contact them by calling Tourisme Laval at 450 682-5522 or toll free at 1 877 632 2453. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 15 ENHANCE YOUR EXPERIENCE ACCOMMODATION You may want to make a hotel reservation to accommodate your employees coming from out of town, gather your group the night before the training session to break the ice. Maybe people would want to take a shower or change clothes before dinner or avoid driving after consuming alcohol. You can also choose to hold your training session at the hotel. After breakfast, you can just move the group into one of the meeting rooms put at your disposal. Depending on your needs and the number of participants, you can use the hotel’s restaurant or a catering service In Laval, you’re sure to find a hotel as per your requirements and budget. You can consult detailed factsheets of Laval’s hotels at www.theSimplifier.ca. Hôtel Sheraton Laval www.sheraton.com/laval 450 687-2440 Hampton Inn & Suites www.hamptoninn.com 450 687-0010 Hilton Montréal/Laval www.hilton.com 450 682-2225 Best Western Plus Laval-Montréal www.bestwesternlavalhotel.com 450 681-9000 Holiday Inn Laval Montréal www.hilaval.com 450 682-9000 Le St-Martin Hôtel & Suites www.lestmartin.com 450 902-3000 Quality Suites Laval www.choicehotels.ca/cn332 450 686-6777 Comfort Inn Laval www.choicehotels.ca/cn331 450 686-0600 Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 16 RESTAURANTS END THE DAY BY SPENDING A MEMORABLE EVENING TOGETHER To round off the day in a great way, what’s best than sharing a meal together and talk about the training experience in a cordial and friendly atmosphere! There are multiple possibilities. You’ll find in Laval a vast selection of restaurants ready to welcome you and your group, from very relaxed to gastronomic ones. In addition, more than twenty restaurants have private rooms to accommodate groups. A dinner at a restaurant provides the perfect occasion to gather everyone and reflect on the training activity. Several private rooms are equipped with high-tech audio-visual systems that allow making a presentation or watching a video. Laval offers many gourmet experiences that will undeniably create memorable moments. Here are a few examples: RALLYE GOURMAND (PROGRESSIVE MEAL) IN OLD SAINTE-ROSE Three Old Sainte-Rose restaurants – Les Menus-Plaisirs Restaurant-Auberge, Restaurant Amato and La Vieille Banque – are partnering to offer a three-course progressive meal with accompanying wines. The chefs surpass themselves in originality and creativity to prepare authentic and delicious gourmet dishes. Restaurants alternate in serving each of the courses. Here’s a great way to gather your group after a training activity while discovering a variety of flavours and aromas. Centropolis, Laval’s Lifestyle Centre Easily accessible and located near most of the hotels, Centropolis is a destination of choice where business tourists will find many restaurants offering a great variety of gourmet experiences, great shopping, and entertainment and leisure. From boutiques of all kinds to a movie theatre, indoor surfing, an indoor freefall simulator, outdoor yoga sessions during the summer months and a skating rink in winter, there’s definitely something to entertain your group after a productive training session. RALLYE GOURMAND (PROGRESSIVE MEAL) AT CENTROPOLIS Discover the delicious restaurants of Centropolis, the trendy lifestyle centre of Laval. Organize a progressive meal in some of Centropolis restaurants. You’ll find something for all tastes: steak houses, French, Mediterranean or Lebanese restaurants among others. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 17 OTHER SUGGESTIONS OF ACTIVITIES AN EVENING AT THE CASTLE Invite your team to a cocktail dinner buffet at Château Taillefer Lafon, the only vineyard authorized to use the “Château” appellation in Quebec. You can tour the vineyards and the cellar to see how wine is made. Many of the wines produced at the Château won multiple awards. A WINE TASTING EVENING Some restaurants including Les Menus-Plaisirs Restaurant-Auberge (which, by the way, has one of the best wine cellars in Quebec) offer an opportunity to gather for a wine tasting activity in the company of a sommelier. A MUSICAL EVENING Some restaurants offer performances by singers, songwriters and bands of various musical styles, from classical to jazz to various rock retrospectives. That’s a great way to end a training day in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. AN EVENING OF ENTERTAINMENT ©levesquephoto.com Salle André-Mathieu’s programme is quite diversified, from musical shows by local and international artists to theatre plays and comedy shows as well as concerts by Laval’s Symphonic Orchestra. It is possible to reserve the hall for a group event. Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 18 Using public transit to come to Laval for a training session? It’s very convenient! Many venues mentioned in our directory are accessible by public transit. For instance, Collège Montmorency as well the campuses of Université de Montréal and l’UQÀM are located near Montmorency Metro Station. This metro station is also a STL bus terminal and has a taxi stand. MORE WAYS WE CAN SIMPLIFY THINGS FOR YOU… Tourisme Laval offers turnkey solutions designed to assist you in the planning and promotion of your activities, meetings, events or conventions. The www.theSimplifier.ca microsite includes a toolbox containing more than a dozen key elements to help you organize your event. These tools include technical factsheets of convention venues, hotels, maps and itineraries, a list of suppliers as well as an Eco-friendly Event where you’ll find a guide for the organization of an eco-responsible event. The Simplifier: a wide range of services In addition to the virtual tools found on The Simplifier site, a team of specialists can do some field work for you: • Find venues and meeting rooms • Check venue and meeting room availability • Get quotes • Coordinate visits and accompany planners on site • Prepare bid books • Make presentations of the destination to decision makers • Suggest thematic activities • Make event planners benefit from our expertise in the organization of an eco-friendly event • Take care of press relations Your conventions, events and business meetings made easier Tourisme Laval 1 877 632-2453 www.theSimplifier.ca | 19 Now you know it will be easy to organize your next training session in Laval! Do not hesitate to call upon Tourisme Laval and its partners to ensure the success of your training session. Call us at 450 682-5522 or toll free at 1 877 632-2453. CONVENTION EXPERIENCE GUIDE 45 ideas to make your convention invaluable, profitable and memorable ! E SItBgLuIdE N O P vEN E S -RE ECO MEET ING GUID g… NIN uIdE EP g y-St EP-B A St LAN Nt P E v tO E E TO M A XIM USE IZE EF FUL TIP S FICIE NC Y NEW EDITION 2013 TEAM BUILDING GUIDE TEAM MOBILIZE YOUR SUGGESTIONS TO HELPFUL TIPS AND Tourism e Lava l 1 www.th877 632 eSimplifi-2453 er.ca |1 DOWNLOAD OUR FREE PRACTICAL GUIDES In addition to our Guide of Best Practices in Training, you can download our other guidebooks that contain helpful information and tips on various topics of interest such as the planning and organization of a meeting or a convention, a team building activity or a green event. 480 Promenade du Centropolis, Laval, Québec H7T 3C2 Tel.: 450 682-5522 1 877 632-2453 www.tourismelaval.com Think about the environment! Print this document only if necessary, and only on recycled paper.