Letter for shareholders
Letter for shareholders
rc .An.|A, [tAcAU CIF: RO ?*16442: - c.]d pogaal: 8OOi64 ('t,rle.Cc6.: 'l%rc':m!#aree Aman 94G J{l4/?{.:{}/q?...r n 8.R O .G.S G., gucurettr; ilr.tnrg.Aa{gpttCip _ :}a*, -_- . ,gsForlt T.f.to:::0?34'57.87.40: '7{4-77.57.73; A744-TT.S? 73;O322 0372 - 73.28.05: zg.iB.OS; O33{ Ogi{ --40.1O,t7: 40.1O, Fa:: E.rull: sif*@silq..o; L$!b *alr; w.3ifm.rc soclal: 51.9O8.958,8 March, S'n,2OI2 Dear shoreholder, Due to our consistentopenesstowardsour shareholders, we remindyou some of the detailsof the share capital increase,item found on the agendaof the ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Sharehotdersof Aprit 5th75tt', zoLz. Increasingthe portfolio performanceth rough: o a diversified portfoliothat will allowgoodyieldsand increased dividend o a professional, portfolio active management o maintaininga low riskprofileand a balancedcashapproach Coherentinvestmentstrategiesand policies,defined on medium and long term o multiannualstrategies 2011-2013(www.sifm.rolshareholders/OGMS april 2011) o investmentpolicy statements,annuallyreviewed in relation to macro-economic context, marketdevelopments and how objectivesare met, amid a continuousprocessof restructuring the holdingsof SIFMoldova o creatingthe conditionsthat will allow us to benefitof the investmentopportunitiesthat will appearon the capitalmarketduring2OL2:Romgaz,Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica o maintainingthe principlesin our future activity:continuity/ predictability, dynamic/ active management, adaptabil ity,thoughtfulness, financialequilibrium Dividenddistributionpolicy o the Boardof Directorsrevealeda dividendpolicy,which is a predictabledividendpolicy,which presentsthe factorsaffectingthe distributionof dividends o the dividendpolicyensuresthe shareholders the possibility of fallingSlF2sharein the short / medium/ longterm holdings . constantlyincreasing evolutionof the dividend,reachingthis year to representabout 90%of cash the adoption of Corporate GovernanceRegulationby SIF Moldova in 2OLL representsthe insurancefor proper assimilationand implementationof mechanismsand principlesof good governancein the activityof the company (www.sif m.ro/a bout_us/corporategoverna nce_regulation) o establishing transparentcriteriaand procedures for electionof Boardmembersand executive management o it was provideda boost in managementperformance,includinguse of expertiseof new membersfrom the Boardof Directors; the directorsand managersof the companyhavesigned contractsfor administration/ managementfor the current mandate,documentswhich are madepublic (www.sifm. ro; www.bvb.ro; www.cnvm.ro) o increased transparency throughadvertising o improvedprotectionof shareholders' rights Developingthe investors'relationship SIFMoldovahad a constantpositionon the capitalmarketto supportthe growth of the activerole of institutionalinvestors, residentsand nonresidents, by: ' constantconcernfor harmonization of the Articlesof Incorporation with Europeanlegislation; since2008we havetried to calla EGMSin orderto changeit; o publicsupportof any initiativeon increasing the holdingof sharecapital; o provide ways of voting that allows easy exercise of options (electronic voting, a recommendation bythe EuropeanDirective, was introducedsince2008,keepingit so far) ' continuousimprovementof communicationwith shareholders, trying to provide increased responsecapacityand portfoliotranspare ncy: - meetingall reportingobligations, that are presentedin Englishand Romanian - postingon our websitesomeadditionalinformationbesides the mandatoryones - openingand maintaining forumsdedicatedto specificevents - in orderto increasevisibilityto a broaderbaseof institutional investors, both domestic and international, we have organizednumerousevents,have participatedin regional conferencesregardingemerging markets so that we could continue to provide investorswith the latestinformationaboutthe company SlF2shareperformance o in 2012,in its industry,SlF2sharerecordedthe highestprice,the lowestdecreasein net asset valueper unit and hasthe secondpositionin terms of yearlyresult;lately,the performanceof SlF2sharepriceis abovethe sectorialindexBET-FI; o SlF2shareprice hasappreciatedsignificantly,reducingthe discountfrom net assetvalue per unit (the lowest gap Fa%l was registeredin January 2OL2lwhile increasingthe liquidity on the market, context in which we adoptedthe decisionto conveneEGMS. The propositionof increasinsthe sharecapital After a detailedanalysisand after discussions with intermediaries and someof the major investors operatingon the Romaniancapitalmarket,the managementof the companyhasannouncedsince the beginningof Januaryits intentionto increase the sharecapital. The registrationon the agendaof April 5th75tt.2012 EGMSwas drivenby favorabledevelopment of the sharecapitallevelof representation in GMS(in November2011OGMS,when the ownership fimit was L%,thiswas360/o) and the maintenance of investmentopportunities that will ensurethe use of SIFMoldovaexpertiseboth in the managedarea and new sectors,that will lead to the implementation of the investmentpolicystatementin conjunctionwith a balancedcash. thus: increasingthe share capital from reserves(by increasingthe share nominalvalue or the n u m b e ro f s h a r e s )t h , u sm a i n t a i n i ntgh e w e i g h th e l db y e a c hs h a r e h o l d e r ; 2. capitalizationof dividends- becausethere is the uncertaintyof meetingthe quorumfor the EGMS,this propositionis not in shareholders' benefiU 3 . increasingthe sharecapital by cashcontribution,by increasingthe nominal value of sharesthis method can be determinedonly by the vote of all shareholders (Law3t/tgg1, art.zL1, alin.4);therefore,cannotbe done becauseit is not possibleto achievea quorum of IOO%of the sharecapital. Sincethesealternatives couldleadto litigationor would requiresomeadministrative costsrelated to operationsthat are not justifiedby the benefitof the operation,theseopportunitieshavebeen temporarilyabandoned, for not compromising the primaryobjectiveof the sharecapitalincrease, whichis attractingcash. The characteristics of the sharecapitalincrease 1. The sharecapitalincreasewill be accomplishedin two stages: o the first stage,addressedonly to existingsharehotderson recorddate; o stage two, addressedto the investingpublic with the shares unsubscribedin the first stage. 2. The advantagesof the first stage- addressedonly to existingshareholderson record date are: o the strengthening of the shareholders holdingat an attractiveissueprice,very closeto thenominalvalue; o the possibilityof increasingthe ownershipshare of the capital,through trading the preferencerightson BSE; o tradingthe preferencerightsandthe possibility of tradingthe allotmentrights Giventhat the proposedgrossdividend isO.22RON/ share,the subscriptionin stage l, at a 2:1 allocation ratio and at a subscriptionprice of 0.11 RON/share,majorly reduces the financialburden for shareholders. 3. In the second stage addressedto the investing public (accordingto art.i-3o from CNVM Regulation no.t / 2006l. Giventhe shareprice developmentand correctionand the signalsreceivedfrom the capital market (regardingthe constraintsimposed on institutionalinvestorsin terms of funds' corporateSovernanceprinciplesand voting policies),the Board of Directors,together with the advisory and brokerage consortium, will estabtishthe subscription price taking into consideration: an oDtimalmix betweenobiectives, with emphasison preservinq the positionwon bv (consistencv shareholders in the first staeeof subscription offeredto the shareholders reeistered on reference date- March14th20121; of the offer. fn the event that the subscriptionsin secondstageare below !O0o/o, the shareholderswho have subscribedat this stagewill benefit from an increasein the percentageof ownership. Establishingdifferent size of installmentsto be allocated to institutional investorsand retail investors,in caseof oversubscriptionwill also be taken into consideration. In casethe offer is fully subscribedin secondstage,SIFMoldova will attract a significantamount of financial resources,thus increasing its performance potential, to the benefit of the shareholders. The Boardof Directorswill initiatethe selectionof the consortiumthat wilt mediatethe increasing and expectsto advancein the project,so it can be put in placeimmediatelyafter the decisionof the EGMSof April 5tn/6tn 20L2. Through this proposed share capital increasewith cash contribution, as well as through our dividend policy, are met both shareholdersneedswho want to cash consistentdividends,and those who want to maintain/strengthentheir stakein SIFMoldova. The communicotion between investors and StFMoldovo remains one of the key instruments to inform investors about the latest developments and to get a feedback needed for d revision, if necessary,of the presented strotegy. We invite you to exerciseyour vote in person or by correspondence,,by mail or electronic tro nsmission(occessingwww.sifm.ro) u ntilApril td, 2072. We would be honored rI you choosethe direct porticipation in the GeneralMeetings of April Sth /* zotz. President& CEO CostelCEOCEA, Phd