Our Paraliturgy on Sunday was a great night. Thank you to all our
Our Paraliturgy on Sunday was a great night. Thank you to all our
www.sjchelsea.catholic.edu.au Thursday 5th December Term 4 Week 9 Our Paraliturgy on Sunday was a great night. Thank you to all our families who came along and celebrated with us. Dear Families, The swimming program has commenced and all is going well. Thank you to the parents for their support. If parents have any questions regarding swimming please direct them to St Joseph’s staff and then they will be able to talk to the Swimming school. Today I have included our staffing structure for 2014. Reports and class lists will come with reports next Wednesday. In an attempt to find out where “finances” rated with prospective marriage partners as they eyed one another, a Financial Institute in England conducted a comprehensive survey of its clients. A sample of the findings turned out these results as to its clients’ preferences: Large Bank Balance 24% Good Job, Financial Security 58% Attractive, Good Looks 65% Sense of Humour 89% I suppose this means that the Institute’s next round of advertising will feature a host of attractive, smiling faces. The survey’s results have a message for all of us, particularly, if we are parents. There is no doubt that young children have an almost innate sense of humour and produce smiles and giggles with very little prompting. But like most of what they learn, they rely greatly on their parents for the manners in which they will develop emotionally especially in the area of personal happiness. Parents don’t have to be comedians or always try to be funny. We do need to have a “sense” of humour, to enjoy humour and to cultivate it. It supports the trust that children have in their parents, for children instinctively like happy people; it enhances their feeling of wellbeing. Someone once put forward this piece of cautionary advice, “Be nice to your children. They’ll choose your nursing home.” No doubt some parent, when making out the below sale notice, did so with a smile on their face: “Dog for sale. Eats anything and is fond of children.” A sense of humour is one of the healthiest and most powerful methods to help provide perspective on life’s difficult experiences. A positive and relaxed spirit can assist us to get through challenging problems and conflicts. Eleanor Porter’s book, Pollyanna, tells the story of a little girl who grew up in material poverty bust was very spiritually rich. She played “The Glad Game”. No matter what was happening, she was determined to find something to be happy about. Keeping a sense of humour about our often too chaotic life, is a little like breathing: if you don’t do it, you’re going to be in trouble. Sharing an occasional silly moment reminds us that for all the difficulty that life brings us, there is always an opportunity for joy. Josemaria Eseriva, the founder of the “Opus Dei” movement, has this gentle piece of advice: “Parents should endeavour to stay young at heart so as to find it easier to react sympathetically towards the positive aspirations and perhaps the extravagant fantasies of their children. On more than one occasion conflicts may arise because importance is attached to petty differences, which could be overcome with a little common sense and good humour.” Sometimes we parents can be too anxious to appear mature and sensible to our children and not share our “silly side” with them. When things happen in the world that are unkind, unfair and unjust, it’s difficult to make sense of them. One way of coping is to look at the situation with a sense of humour rather than logic. Likewise, when unkind, unfair and unjust things happen on a personal basis, a sense of humour helps you to take what’s happening seriously but to take yourself lightly. “A sense of humour costs nothing, yet creates much. It enriches those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it can last forever.” Staffing 2014 Below is a list of staffing for 2014. Some parts are still to be finalised but most is in place. Prep FG Prep L Tori Finck 4 Days Eileen Leighton 4 Days 1/2B 1/2DO 1/2M 1/2R 1/2S Angela Barrow Louise Drummond 3 Days Rochelle Morey Jeanette Ryan 4 Days Michael Sullivan 3/4A 3/4CL 3/4DA 3/4HC Maurice Azzolini Kate Cronin 4 Days Michelle Darling 3 Days Adele Hogan 4 Days 5/6B 5/6BS 5/6D 5/6LC Sinead Byrne 9 Days per F/T Paul Bayliss 3 days Bridie Donohue (new) Donna Connolly 3 Days Italian PE Maria Morina 2 Days Marina Coletti 3 Days Collette Grella 1 Day Jodie Lucas 1 Day Karen O’Sullivan 2 Days Luisa Campitelli 1 Day Melissa Lynch 1 Day Kerry Allan 2 Days Luisa Campitelli 1 Day Paul Bayliss 1 Day per F/T Clyde Siebel 2 Days Anne Lazzaro 2 Days PA Music Liz Bolch 2 Days Jeanette Ryan 1 Day Reading Recovery Special Learning Needs Coordinator Library P-2 Administration Education Support Ros Hart Jill Young Donna Connolly Angela Banik 4 Days Robyn Shankie 9 Days per F/T Mandy Leach Sue McCutcheon Franca Kilmartin Jaclyn Heald Ann Hancock Leadership Principal Gavan O’Donnell Deputy Principal Admin/Curric Clyde Siebel Deputy Principal L&T/Curric Anne Lazzaro REL Tori Finck 1 Day Literacy Prep-2 Louise Drummond 2 Days LiteracyYrs 3-6 Anne Lazzaro 2 Days Maths P-6 Clyde Siebel 1 Day Student Wellbeing Paul Bayliss ICT Sinead Byrne Funding Update Many of you may have seen the news over the last week and been concerned about the future of funding for our school. The Australian Government announced on Monday 2 December that it would reverse its earlier position and fully fund its commitment to all schools over the next four years. With the federal debate on funding now resolved, all Catholic schools are looking forward to the government and opposition working together to engage in real policy reform to improve school performance in the interests of all students. As always, it is your interest in this matter that helps inform government on the need for fair funding for Catholic schools. Helper’s Morning Tea We would like to invite you to our helper’s morning tea on Thursday 12th Dec 10.30-11.30 after end of year Mass. As always we really appreciate the support we have from our families and we would like to say thank you. Christmas Hampers This year, as in previous years, we have been supporting the St Vincent de Paul Society. Each class has been given a family to look after and provide a Christmas hamper for. We are asking if each child could provide a small gift which will then be placed in the hamper and delivered to the needy members of our community. It is especially important at this time of the year when we need to reach out to those around us. Kingston for Human Rights Our Yrs 5/6 students have entered an Art Competition sponsored by the Kingston for Human Rights on the very important topic of BULLYING. All their art work will be on public display and prizes will be awarded. The children have come up with some inspiring ideas and a forum on “STOP BULLYING” (with school art on display) will be held on Tues 10th Dec at 7.30pm at the Kingston Art Centre, Cnr South Rd and Nepean Highway, Moorabbin. Prominent Speakers and an opportunity for input from the audience. Support our children by being present at this function. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. Peace and Best Wishes Gavan O’Donnell Principal. Dolphin Research Last Friday we had our beach day where all the students, lead by the 5/6s, enjoyed activities at the beach. The students brought a gold coin and wore blue as we supported the Dolphin Research Institute. We raised $300. Thank you to all our families. “God our Father, when I look Around me at some of Your creation, I know You must have had a sense of Humour. Help me to be quick to smile At life’s events in the knowledge that I might be ‘some of your creation’ for other people. Amen.” Prep Excursion The students went to the Victorian Arts Centre and watched “We’re going on a bear hunt”. It was a wonderful experience for them and we thank our parent helpers. Earlier this year as part of her Government Project Natasha interviewed Donna Bauer. Donna invited Natasha to visit Parliament and we finally attended on Wednesday night. Natasha and I had a personal tour of Parliament House, had afternoon tea in the MPs dining room, met The Speaker Ken Smith and viewed Parliament in session. It was a wonderful experience. Breakfast Club – last morning for 2013 on Friday 13th December Our breakfast club has been up and running for the last 4 years. We have had some wonderful volunteers over this time who have offered their help in making sure our children have some toast and juice in the mornings. Two of our ladies who have given a wonderful amount of time and effort, Tracey and Karen, will be leaving at the end of the year. Whilst we will continue to have helpers we are looking for new parents, care givers or parishioners to lend a hand. If you are available any morning from 8.15-845am and have a working with children card we would love to hear from you. It is a really important initiative in our school. CDF Student Banking Please note the last day of banking is next Tuesday 10th December and it will resume the second week back on the 11th Feb 2014. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Margaret and Toni for their wonderful help as always. Canteen There will be NO hot food available for any year level from today. The canteen is available for cold lunches only and snacks as normal. Uniform Shop We are looking for volunteers for the school uniform shop on a Wednesday morning to assist with serving, ordering and the general running of the shop. If you are interested please let the office know. Lost Property The lost property basket is overflowing with items. We encourage all children to take responsibility for their clothing and items. Please remind them that if they have lost items it is their responsibility to come in and check if it is in the lost property basket. Most of the clothing is not named! Items will be returned to the shop to be resold. Stocktake in the Library LIBRARY STOCKTAKE HELPERS NEEDED The library would love some help with stocktaking on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th of December. If you have an hour or two to spare on these days please let Mandy or the office know. We have to scan all the books and a few extra hands will help us get the job done quickly. Please help your children to return all library books and borrowed bags. Books can be returned to the library or the office any day before or after school. If we send home an overdue notice for a book you cannot find, please do not worry. Some books that are out in your child’s name are stored in the classroom. Others may have been returned, but not scanned in properly. We do not issue fines, we just ask that you return any books you can find. If lost books turn up in holiday clean-ups, just bring them back in 2014. Thank you, Anne and Mandy Swimming Program PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR CHILD WITH EXTRA SNACKS AS THEY USE MORE ENERGY AT THIS TIME. Please also provide your child with an extra pair of underwear and socks. Please note there will be NO HOT LUNCHES available on canteen days during the swimming program. The canteen will be open for snacks and can supply sandwiches or wraps (no chicken fingers as a filling) as lunch orders. Please do not send your child to school with a lunch order for any hot food during the swimming program. Prepaid Child Levies Child levies are now overdue. This is a reminder if you have not paid your child’s 2014 levy, please do so as soon as possible. School Fees Thank you to the families who have recently finalised their fee account. School Fees are an integral part in the successful management of our school. These funds are used to pay for excursions, classroom resources and utilities etc. If you are experiencing any difficulties in managing your account, you must contact the office or email [email protected] to discuss alternative arrangements. All contact is strictly confidential. Kilbreda College The closing date for enrolment applications for Year 7/2015 is Friday 28th February 2014. For further information, to book a tour or to obtain a college prospectus please contact the school on 9584 7766. Stable on the Strand Chelsea Uniting Church Parish invites you to come along to The Strand, Chelsea (Chelsea Shopping Strip) to share our stable and costumes for your FREE Christmas Nativity Photos. Saturday 7th December 10am – 1pm BYO Camera and Smiles. Details 9580 3049 Tennis Academy Free tennis trial Junior trial- 4-17 years. Tues. 10 December from 5pm. Thursday 12th of December from 5.45pm Adult trial- men and women. Tues. 10 December from 5.45pm.Thursday 12th of December from 6.30 pm Cardio tennis- Thursday the 12th of December from 7.15 pm Please email or call to book in. Rackets provided 2014 coaching and club programs *Hot shots 4-12 yrs. Incl. a free racket 4-7 yrs. Free shirt 4-12 yrs *Junior group lessons upto 17 yrs. Rackets provided *Adult classes. Cardio tennis. Rackets provided *Mens social tennis Monday from 7.30pm *Ladies social comp. Wednesday from 7.30pm * Memberships available. Saturday morning in house junior comp. from 10.45am Venue- Chelsea Heights tennis club. Thames Promenade For coaching enquiries and bookings please call Leigh at 0439616748. E- [email protected] web. www.chelseahadfieldtennis.com.au Memberships visit www.chelseaheightstennis.com.au Chelsea YCW Netball Club We are looking for children in the under 9 age group next year (born 2006). If you are interested in playing netball in 2014 pleae call Sue Gailes (president) on 0408 058 031 or Danielle Ak (vice president) on 0403 533 746. Summer Reading Club Sponsored by the City Of Kingston – Dive into a great read. The club begins 2nd December. Join for your chance to win an ipad mini and other great prizes. Telephone: 1300 135 668. House cleaner Mature and reliable lady looking for housekeeper work between 9.30am until 2.30pm. Please contact Angela on 9772 9957. For more Information on upcoming events please visit our News page on the website. Fri 6th Dec Mon 9th-11th Wed 11th Dec Thurs 12th Dec Mon 16th Dec Tues 17th Dec Wed 18th Dec Swimming program continues Yr 5/6 Lifesaving Program Reports and class lists go home End of year Mass followed by Parent helpers morning tea 9-10am Meet your teacher 2014, 11.20am Graduation Assembly Yr 6 Yr 6 Graduation excursion, 9-11am Yr 3 /4 excursion, 6pm Graduation Mass and supper. End of School Year P-5 1pm finish. Wed 29th Jan Thurs 30th Jan Fri 31st Jan Uniform Shop open 9-10am Prep – Yr 6 commence (Prep 8.45am-1.00pm) Prep 8.45am – 1pm 2014 Term Dates for 2014 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Thurs Tues Mon Mon 30th Jan 2014 – Fri 22nd Apr 2014 – Fri 14th Jul 2014 – Fri 6th Oct 2014 – Wed 4th April 2014 27th June 2014 19th Sep 2014 17th Dec 2014