Liangyou Radio Fans Financial Distress 1. Wi


Liangyou Radio Fans Financial Distress 1. Wi
Liangyou Radio Fans
It was twenty one years ago when we first listened to Mr. Lin’s voice from the
program titled “Farmer’s Time”. Our family promptly gathered around the big radio
box at front yard to listen to your program quietly every day. The old “Red Lamp”
label radio was big and we only had AM frequency then. In the old days, we didn’t
have any contact with other place, neither did we have any spiritual nourishment.
However, Liangyou and Yiyou stations (both are FEBC stations) became our best
friends. Both radio stations helped us in our spiritual growth. When we were facing
problems from church or in our personal lives, your programs provided appropriate
guidelines and teachings. It seems that you are just right beside me all the time. All
the believers from our place can testify to what I said.
Though the radio signals are not clear lately, God provides us with the
internet. We can listen to your programs on the internet and the signal is very clear.
As a result, I bought a computer. It is indeed the miraculous work of our amazing
At this sixtieth anniversary of Lingyou station, I give you my blessings in the
next sixty years. For we know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
(Hebrews 13:8). Please send my blessings to all the staff in FEBC. “The Lord will
reward you for your labour in Him, Amen.”
(19 Nov 2008 from website of Liangyou Station)
land of China. This is clearly and
a macroscopic view, we see that
profoundly reflected in this simple
God has guided the history of
theme of “To China with Love”, an
Chinese churches through different
unchanging message that we want to
missionaries and Christians. The
stress to our audience by radio this
California studio is going to produce
a special program called “Christianity
We w i l l b r i n g a b o u t t h i s
in China.” Meanwhile, the Singapore
broadcasting theme from two
studio has finished producing a radio
drama called “Early Churches,”
written by a partner organization
1. With Love
We will tell our audience how
Acts. This will allow our audience
God has sent His loving message to
to view how God cares and guards
people in our country in these sixty
His churches from the perspective of
years through our radio. To this
biblical history.
end, we have invited the Singapore
Through sixty years of radio ministry, we thank the Lord for the fruits we
studio to produce a radio drama
have received. Please pray that more souls will be saved by our radio and internet
which tells the story of Dr. Robert
ministry in the coming year. May God be glorified!
in the U.S., based on the Book of
Bowman, a Co-Founder of Far East
and Liangyou Station. Our audience
Financial Distress
"The financial crisis has little bearing on our family because my wife and
I are serving the church full-time. We have no bond or shares to worry about for
their ever-changing values; no savings to worry about for the fluctuations of interest
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is thus invited to search for God’s
footprints of love in history.
On the other hand, from
FEBC Co-Founder Robert Bowman.
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rates. On the contrary, the fall in commodity prices has eased up pressure of our
finance. However, our Brothers and Sisters in the church are adversely affected by
the financial crisis which drags down share prices and businesses. Their hearts are
dampened. We worry about them for their situations and steadfastness in faith."
(Brother Chen from Hunan)
May our Father bestow wisdom and faith on Brother Chen and the pastoral
team so that they can bring messages of encouragement to the congregation
and lead them to turn their eyes to God in hard times. May Jehovah-Jireh
provide for those who are in need according to His abundant grace.
Juvenile Offenders
Our broadcasting theme for
mentioning what happened sixty
2009 is “To China with Love”, set
years ago. In July 29, 1949, the
by program directors of different
Station of FEBC located in Manila
studios from as early as 2007 when
started broadcasting to China using
they gathered in Beijing. Time flies
shortwave. For nearly sixty years
and we are now already in 2009.
since then, the station has never
Sharing the theme: “To China with
stopped transmitting God’s words to
Love” with our andience seems
simple but actually has a deeper
people in our country and building up
God’s church with love and care.
meaning underneath. It is impossible
Sixty years later in 2009, God’s
to talk about this theme without
love continues to spread over the
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"During the period between 2003 and 2007, the law courts in Guangdong
have convicted a total of about 40,000 juvenile offenders, amounting to some 10%
of all the offenders convicted of criminal charges. The number of juvenile offenders
has nearly doubled in five years from 5,134 in 2003 to about 10,000 in 2007. The
juvenile offenders are mostly involved in robbery, theft and plunder. Moreover, the
newly amended Guangdong Province Regulation on the Protection of Under-aged
Persons has taken effect in Guangdong starting from 1 January, 2009, whereby
parents will be deemed in breach of the law if they allow an under-aged child to stay
overnight away from home or live independently without custody."
(Summary report)
Apart from committing criminal offences, addiction to the internet,
smoking, habitual drinking and staying away from home are also major problems
affecting the healthy growth of youngsters. May God give parents wisdom, love
and patience so that they can provide their children with guidance and help to
achieve a healthy growth.
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A Steadfast Witness
"In my freshman year, there was a fellow who told everyone around that he
was a Christian on the first day in class. He kept on preaching the gospel, giving rise
to disapproval from some students who even thought of petition to the Dean to kick
him out. I started from feeling negative about Christianity to gradually loathing him,
often making things difficult for him, harassing and despising him and his God. It
was of his own accord that he bore all these persecution for Jesus. As time went on,
I was increasingly impressed by his nice personality and extremely good relationship
with the classmates. With his counsel and help, I have accepted Jesus as my Lord."
(Brother Ying from Jiangsi)
with the audience. Moreover, we have built a video recording studio to engage
in multi-media broadcasting. In the past fourteen months, we thank God has
given us more than HK$20,400,000 through 1,700 churches and members to
pay the price (our target amount: HK$ 20,000,000).
Praise the Lord for this witness of his faith, braving persecution and
insistently preaching the gospel to his fellow students. May the Lord raise up
similar believers in greater numbers to use their wisdom and kind hearts to bring
more people to Jesus Christ.
Taking No Advantage
"Once, some church-mates and I visited an elderly sister. She was living with
her son aged over 40. The son had just divorced and returned to live with her at her
expense. The elderly sister looked gloomy because she was living on a very limited
pension. In the son of this elderly sister, God made me see myself in the like fashion
of laziness and greed, receiving financial subsidies from my parents every single
month. I prayed to God to help me become independent, take responsibilities for my
living and manage my own working and daily lives. From that moment on, I have
not asked for a penny from my parents."
(Sister Zhang from Shanghai)
Praise the Lord for Sister Zhang! Pray that all those who live on the
subsidies from parents will experience the same vision and enlightenment so that
they can become independent from their parents and take responsibilities for
their own living, in return providing for the needs of their parents.
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God’s Love to China: The theme of the 60th anniversary of Liangyou
Station is “To China with Love”. We will commemorate this special moment
with special programs, promotion activities and publications. Please keep
our work in your prayers and we hope that more people in our country will
experience God’s great love through gospel broadcasting in 2009.
We hereby express our deep gratitude to you for your support and prayers.
May God bless you in the days ahead!
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