NSB Group - NSB
NSB Group - NSB
NSB-Group Presentation of interim report as of 30th of April 2012 Contents • Development NSB-Group • Business segments • Financial development • Future challenges NSB-Group 2012 (Restated figures for 2011) NSBGroup NSB AS Nettbuss AS CargoNet AS Rom Eiendom AS Trainmaintenance Supportfunctions Passenger train operations in Norway and Sweden Bus operations in Norway, Sweden and Denmark Freight operations on rail in Norway and Sweden Development and management of real estate Train maintenance in Norway and Sweden Cleaning service on trains, IT-service and insurance Revenue 5 380 MNOK Man years 3 247 Revenue 4 864 MNOK Man years 5 227 Revenue 1 452 MNOK Man years 799 Revenue 808 MNOK Man years 84 Revenue 1 525 Man years 882 Revenue 299 Man years 249 Inclusive: •NSB Passenger Train •NSB Gjøvikbanen AS •Svenska Tågkompaniet AB Support functions: •NSB Trafikkservice AS •Arrive AS •Finse forsikring AS Development NSB-Group in 2012 MNOK Operating revenue 1st interim 1st interim period 2012 period 2011 4 250 4 068 EBIT 201 129 EBT 148 125 Net cash flow from operations 286 460 0,8 % 5,2 % Equity ratio (%) 26 % 31 % Net interest bearing debt 5 610 4 764 ROE % (12 mnth average) • Improved profit in the passenger train operations • Improved profit in the bus operations • Reduced losses in the freight operations • Change in accounting principles for retirement benefit obligations and investment property – 2011 figures are restated for comparison Contents • Development NSB-Group • Business segments • Financial development • Future challenges Passenger train operations MNOK Operating revenue EBIT Assets Investments 1st interim 1st interim period 2012 period 2011 1908 1803 137 43 8742 9238 167 199 • Increased revenue • Operating costs at about the same level as previous year • Improved punctuality NSB punctuality index Operating revenue in MNOK and EBIT as a percentage of operating revenue 6 The passenger train operations consists of NSB AS and the subsidiaries NSB Gjøvikbanen AS and Svenska Tågkompaniet AB Bus operations MNOK 1st interim 1st interim period 2012 period 2011 Number of passengers (mill.) Operating revenue EBIT Assets Investments 44 45 1815 1645 23 5 4263 3851 400 185 Operating revenue in MNOK and EBIT as a percentage of operating revenue 7 The bus operations consists of the Netbuss-Group • No. of passengers reduced due to loss of contract on parts of the city traffic in Trondheim •Increased revenue and activity •Increased margin Freight operations MNOK 1st interim 1st interim period 2012 period 2011 Number of transported TEUs (1 000) 155 198 Operating revenue 360 464 EBIT -35 -78 Assets 705 823 2 11 Investments • Closure of the Dovre line from 13th of March has negative effects on volume and revenue • Improved EBIT due to cost reductions in Norway and closure of the traffic in Sweden • Improved punctuality Utlevering CargoNet AS Punctual delivery 100 % 95 % 90 % 85 % 80 % Target 75 % 70 % 65 % Operating revenue in MNOK and EBIT as a percentage of operating revenue 60 % 55 % Utlevering Target MÅL Utlevering 2011 2011 Utlevering 2012 2012 50 % Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Des 8 The freight operations consists of the CargoNet-Group Real estate operations MNOK Rental revenue 1st interim 1st interim period 2012 period 2011 198 183 Gain on sale of assets 9 8 Sum operating revenue 207 191 82 143 7487 6943 161 201 EBIT Assets Investments Operating revenue in MNOK and EBIT as a percentage of operating revenue 9 The real estate operations consists of the Rom Eiendom-Group •Increased rental revenue • Reduced EBIT due to increase in value for investment property in 2011, and not in 2012 Train maintenance MNOK 1st interim 1st interim period 2012 period 2011 Operating revenue EBIT Assets Investments • The Mantena-Group supplies maintenance of freight- and passenger trains • The main customers are companies within the NSB-Group • The Mantena-Group maintains trains for external customers both in Norway and Sweden 485 496 8 7 840 765 8 13 Support functions 1st interim 1st interim MNOK period 2012 period 2011 Operating revenue 102 100 EBIT -14 8 Assets 543 573 4 2 Investments The support functions include: • NSB Trafikkservice AS • Finse Forsikring AS • Arrive AS 11 Contents • Development NSB-Group • Business segments • Financial development • Future challenges NSB-Group: Operating revenue, EBIT og EBT • Increase in revenue for the passenger train and bus segments • Improved EBIT due to increased EBIT in the passenger train and bus segments, as well as reduced losses in the freight segment • Change in accounting principles regarding retirement benefit obligations and investment property • Figures for 2011 are restated for comparison NSB-Group balance sheet (MNOK) Assets Equity and liabilities • Major increase in development properties for sale. These properties are booked as current assets. • Equity reduced due to a change in accounting principle for retirement benefit obligations and investment property • Short–term liabilities reduced as there are no short term loans payable in 2012 and 2013 • Long-term liability includes retirement benefit obligation of 3 557 MNOK and borrowings at fair value of 9 680 MNOK Reduced return on equity and equity ratio Low ROE last 12 months Increased borrowings to fund investments and reduced equity due to change in accounting principles 15 NSB-Group Cash flow 1st interim period 2012 in MNOK 2 500 Net cash flow from op. act. 286 1 250 Cash 01.01.2012 1 209 0 *including currency gain of 17 MNOK From investm. activities -439 From financing activities Cash 30.04.2012 1 663* 2 719 Contents • Development NSB-Group • Business segments • Financial development • Future challenges Development in 2012 NSB-Group • Improved train offer in Norway, increased bus activity, especially in western Norway, and high activity in the real estate operations. • Issued new bonds in NOK for the total of 1 500 MNOK in January 2012 with a duration of up to 15 years with good conditions. • Signed a new 2 000 MNOK Multicurrency Revolving Loan Facility with 7 banks. The facility replaces a similar loan of MNOK 1 500 signed in 2008. Passenger train • 50 new trains will be introduced in 2012 and 2013. • 1st Flirt train started operations on 2nd of May • Agreement with the state for public purchase of passenger train services for the period 20122017. Total value of the agreement is 15 400 MNOK. • New route model will be introduced 2012 and 2014. Freight • Major restructuring in 2012. • Closure of inland operations in Sweden. Bus • Won new and existing traffic in Gjøvik, SørTrøndelag, Hamar and Bergen Vest. • 51 % of the shares in the Fjord1 bus activity is bought with effect from January 1st 2012. Real estate • Part owned Oslo S Utvikling has in January 2012 signed an agreement to sell the three DNB-buildings in Bjørvika in Oslo, 80 000 square meters, for a total price of 4 800 MNOK. Financial calendar 2012 Board meeting: Result: 07.06.2012 Interim report as of april 2012 10.10.2012 Interim report as of august 2012 February 2013 Annual report 2012 Attachments • Income statement and balance sheet for the NSB-Group • Link to the interim report http://www.nsb.no/ NSB-Group: Income statement NSB Group MNOK Operating revenue Payroll and related expenses Other operating expenses Depreciation and impairment Total operating expenses Operating profit Share of (loss)/profit in associates Unreal. value changes investm. property EBIT Net financial items Profit before income tax expense Income tax expense Profit for the period Jan-April 2012 Jan-April 2011 4 250 2 162 1 486 406 4 055 201 6 0 201 -53 148 -45 103 4 068 2 098 1 530 387 4 015 129 -4 80 129 -4 125 -46 79 Figures for 2011 are restated according to change in accounting principles 21 NSB-Group NSB-Group: Balance sheet NSB Group MNOK 30. Apr. 12 30. Apr. 11 Tangible/intangible fixed assets Other non-current assets Total non-current assets Cash and other financial assets Other currrent assets Total current assets Total assets 11 687 3 329 15 016 3 068 5 540 8 608 23 624 11 897 3 275 15 172 3 840 3 822 7 662 22 834 Shares and retained earnings Non-controlling interest Total equity Borrowings Pension liablilities Other long term liabilities Total long term liabilities Short term liabilities Total equity and liabilities 6 079 29 6 108 9 680 3 557 594 13 831 3 685 23 624 7 108 23 7 131 7 094 2 416 934 10 444 5 259 22 834 Figures for 2011 are restated according to change in accounting principles 22 NSB-Group Changes in accounting principles 2012 Retirement benefits • The Group has changed its accounting principle for retirement benefit obligations • At he implementation date of 1st January 2012 deviation estimates of 2 624 MNOK , so far not included in the balance sheet, were charged as an increase to retirement benefit obligations. Offsets were charged to equity and deferred taxes Investment property • Starting in 2012, the Group has changed its accounting principle from historic cost to the fair value method • At he implementation date of 1st January 2012, by measuring investment property at fair value, the additional value of 1 936 MNOK increased book value to investment property, offsets are equity and deferred tax •In total the changes in accounting principles reduced equity by 496 MNOK 23 NSB-Group
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