Leadership Lancaster Directory
Leadership Lancaster Directory
Message to the Graduates Gerald G Huesken President Leadership Lancaster Board of Directors Our Vision Transforming the Lancaster County community with educated, connected, and inspired leadership Our Mission Developing outstanding community leadership to support the needs of Lancaster County Leadership Lancaster Staff Deborah L. Rohrer Executive Director Susanne Hershey-Babec Program Director Troy L. Groff Administrative Assistant 2007-’08 Board of Directors Thomas T Baldrige The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry Beverly H Breniser Conestoga Valley Education Foundation Richard W Conley Primary Staffing Services Tracy L Cutler Bloom Creative, LLC Amy Eidemiller RGS Associates, Inc. Lisa Fairman CoreSource, Inc. Keith G Falco Studio 5 Architects LLC John L Flemming Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. Andrew S Gehman Gerald G Huesken Conestoga Valley School District Timothy C Lapp Lapp Electrical Services, Inc. Kristina McVey RodaNast, P.C. Joseph R Morales Lancaster Community Safety Coalition William C Musante Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP Roger S North North Group Consultants Jennifer Powell Clare House, Inc. Cher Rineer The key to Leadership Lancaster’s success will always be about the relationships. Thus, we all have a shared responsibility to bring new people from varied backgrounds aboard who have the vision to maintain this quality organization and our quest to transform the Lancaster County community with educated, connected, and inspired leadership. As I mentioned at the opening orientation session, in the words of former President Dwight Eisenhower, “We, the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve.” Graduates have been selected to participate in this program not for personal gain or recognition, but with the commitment to give back to and to serve our community. Our example is the true sense of leadership embodied in Leadership Lancaster. As we complete our 25th year of existence, do not waiver in continuing to make your contributions back to this outstanding community and to the proud tradition of Leadership Lancaster. Best, Wenger’s Feed Mill, Inc. Fran Rodriguez MGS, Inc. 96th Legislative District, P. Michael Sturla Leo P Gilmore Peter J Sahd Lancaster General Congratulations are due to our CORE graduates of 2008 on finishing their Leadership Lancaster year with great success and accomplishment. Leadership Lancaster was only in its third year of existence when I finished my experience in the CORE Class of 1986. Twenty-two years later, my enthusiasm and passion for Leadership Lancaster are still going strong. Leadership Lancaster has given me an incredible opportunity, especially as someone involved in the world of education, to network with leaders outside of my field and to make unique connections for the benefit of my school district and my students. Although many things have changed over the course of the years, the central mission of this significant organization has never wavered in developing outstanding community leadership to meet the needs of Lancaster County. Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. Lonnie R Green R.R. Donnelley The greatest care was taken to assure the accuracy of this directory based on the information provided. Should an error or omission have occurred, Leadership Lancaster extends our apologies and requests that all corrections be brought to our attention. This list is current as of May 5, 2008. — page 1 — Leadership Lancaster Program Year Dear Leaders Susanne Hershey-Babec Deb Rohrer Program Director Executive Director It is a great time to become an alumnus of Leadership Lancaster as it celebrates 25 years of developing leaders. You join over 1600 alumni who are making a difference in the community, changing lives everyday. Congratulations on your accomplishment and the commitment you have made. Leadership Lancaster continues the legacy of training leaders who are willing to contribute their time and talents toward goals for the common good. The community is ready to welcome new and inspired leadership and you stand trained and ready to serve. Time certainly does fly when you’re having fun! It’s hard to believe another year has come to a close. I have greatly enjoyed getting to know all of you and sincerely hope that you will continue to stay in contact. Congratulations on your accomplishments this year. You are truly a remarkable group of people. Thank you for your dedication, not only to Leadership Lancaster, but to the Lancaster community. I can’t wait to see what exciting things you accomplish for our community after graduation. My very best wishes to you all. Again, congratulations. It has been a year of transformation and much enthusiasm. We are confident that the skills you developed and the confidence you gained will serve you well as you go into the community to help others. Most importantly, we hope that the relationships you have built are lasting ones. It has been a pleasure learning with you. I am inspired by all of you and am honored to have experienced these past nine months with you. Thank you for your leadership. Our History Leadership Lancaster celebrates training men and women from diverse backgrounds to be stewards of our community. Every day, graduates of Leadership Lancaster are making a difference in Lancaster County, spending an average of 10-15 hours per month in volunteer service. How did this legacy of service begin? The path to Leadership Lancaster’s inaugural class began in May of 1982 when the Junior League of Lancaster voted to begin a 2-year project on volunteerism that would grow into Leadership Lancaster. The League looked to the Lancaster Chamber as its logical partner in Leadership Lancaster because the business community was key to developing new leaders and had experience across the country in developing leadership programs. After 20+ years, the success of Leadership Lancaster is evident in the 1,500+ graduates who have been privileged to participate. Over 100 companies in Lancaster County sponsor Leadership Lancaster programs, and over 125 men and women volunteer each year as faculty and facilitators for the class sessions. This has resulted in well-trained, dedicated alumni who are serving their community in countless ways. Over 87% of graduates have maintained or increased their volunteer hours since graduation. — page 2 — Leadership Lancaster Class of 2008 The Core Class is a challenging and life-enriching nine-month course, designed to train, develop and enhance community leaders. James D. Chadwick Elizabeth A. Ackerman 104 Willow Street Reinholds, PA 17569 (717) 484-0888 Email: [email protected] Residence: Adamstown Borough Activities: 4-H, Leader; Lancaster Dairy Promotion Committee, Member; Ephrata ACT,Volunteer Skills: Mentoring Agencies: Children & Youth, Environmental, Agriculture Donna Andrews-Mower Corporate Executive Assistant Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. 26 N. Cedar Street PO Box 1000 Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 625-6250 Email: donna.andrewsmower@ susquehanna.net Residence: Mount Joy Township Skills: Financial, Special Events Agencies: Domestic Violence 115 Cornerstone Way Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 656-8240 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Earl Activities: Conestoga Valley Boys Lacrosse, Middle School Coordinator/Coach; LCBC, Life Group Leader - 3 Year Old Class; United Way of Lancaster, Annual Campaign - Executive Board Skills: Marketing/Research, Computer Assistance, Special Events Agencies: Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth Tricia N. Cleaves James G. Cassel Audit Senior Manager Beard Miller Company, LLP 1869 Charter Lane Suite 301 Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 393-5696 Email: [email protected] Activities: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Finance Committee; Boy Scouts, Planned Giving/ Endowment Committee Skills: Financial Agencies: Economic Development, Children & Youth, Environmental Counselor New Choices / New Options 110 N. Lime Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 393-1735 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Activities: Lancaster County Osteopathic Foundation, Board Member, Member of Child Health & Wellness Committee Skills: Advocacy, Mentoring, Personnel Agencies: Education/Illiteracy, Civil Rights/Diversity, HIV/AIDS Education Robert Cronin Attorney Nikolaus & Hohenadel, LLP 212 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-3726 Email: [email protected] Residence: Mount Joy Twp. Activities: Junior Achievement, Mentor/Teacher Skills: Legal, Mentoring Agencies: Mental Health, Government/Public Affairs, Children & Youth, Environmental — page 3 — Leadership Lancaster Class of 2008 Robert D. Dodds Kathleen B. Foltz Vice President, Legal & Compliance Lititz Mutual Insurance Company 2 North Broad Street Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 626-4751 Email: [email protected] Residence: Warwick Activities: Learning for Life/Explorers, Advisor; Warwick School District, Legal and Finance Committee Member; St. Luke’s UCC, Finance Committee Member Skills: Legal, Personnel Agencies: Healthcare, Government/Public Affairs, Art/ Cultural, Economic Development Judicial Law Clerk for the Honorable Henry S. Kenderdine, Jr. County of Lancaster - Judicial Operations - Chambers 7 50 North Duke Street PO Box 83480 Lancaster, PA 17608 (717) 293-7289 Email: [email protected] Residence: Activities: Pennsylvania Bar Association, Member; Lancaster Bar Association,Young Lawyer’s Division Skills: Legal Agencies: Criminal/Juvenile Justice Marcia J. Donmoyer Administrative Manager MGS Incorporated 178 Muddy Creek Church Road Denver, PA 17517 (717) 336-7528 Email: [email protected] Residence: Ephrata Borough Activities: St. John’s UCC, Chairperson, Mission & Stewardship, Chairperson, Capital Campaign, Cocalico Care Center Support Team Skills: Planning/Research Agencies: Economic Development, Children & Youth P. Ryan Garber Logistics Manager Garber Farms, Inc. 860 Milton Grove Road Mount Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-0432 Email: [email protected] Residence: Rapho Skills: Mentoring Agencies: Children and Youth David Greineder Maria DiStravolo Elliot Attorney Barley Snyder LLC 126 E King St. Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 399-1517 Email: [email protected] Residence: Warwick Activities: Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership, Board and Executive Committee Member; Warwick School District, Legal and Finance Committee Member Skills: Legal Advocacy Director The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry 100 South Queen Street Lancaster, PA 17608-1558 (717) 397-3531 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Advocacy Agencies: Government/Public Affairs — page 4 — Leadership Lancaster Class Janice E. Jackson of 2008 Daniel T. LaFauci Coordinator/Guest Services Dept. Lancaster General Hospital 555 North Duke Street PO Box 3555 Lancaster, PA 17604-3555 (717) 544-5222 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Activities: Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster County, Advocate; Faith Tabernacle COGIC, Hospitality Committee/Food Prep Agencies: Drug & Alcohol, Cvil Rights/Diversity Robert L. Kurtz Vice President of Human Resources Four Seasons Produce, Inc. 400 Wabash Road P.O. Box 788 Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 721-2810 Email: [email protected] Residence: Penn Activities: Newport Dove Church, Building Committee Skills: Public Relations, Marketing/Research, Advocacy, Legal, Personnel, Planning/Research Agencies: Healthcare, Government/Public Affairs, Art/ Cultural, Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy, Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Children & Youth Majorie M. Kwah Senior Resource Development Associate United Way of Lancaster County 630 Janet Avenue Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 394-0731 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Activities: United Way of America, Inclusion Council; Chair, Asian-Pacific Islander Business Resource Group; Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority’s Community Development Block Grant, Panel Member; Franklin & Marshall College Central PA Regional Chapter, Co-Chair Skills: Fund Raising, Mentoring Agencies: Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth, Housing/Neighborhoods Operations & HR Manager PA Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau 501 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 391-6004 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Activities: Lancaster County Council of Churches, Overflow Homeless Shelter,Volunteer Skills: Personnel, Planning/Research Agencies: Government/Public Affairs, Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy James H. LaGraffe Executive Director Keystone Human Services of Lancaster 1891 Santa Barbara Drive Suite 104 Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 581-8229 Email: jlagraffe@ keystonehumansevices.org Residence: East Hempfield Sally J. Landis Provisioning Manager D&E Communications 124 East Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-8835 Email: slandis@decommunications. com Residence: West Cocalico Activities: United Way, Cabinet Member; Junior Achievement,Volunteer; Ephrata Recreation Center, Board Member; Cocalico Community Center, Grassroots Committee Skills: Special Events — page 5 — Leadership Lancaster Class of 2008 Patricia I. Lawrence Edward T. Martel Advantage CFO Solutions 1073 Chapel Forge Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 917-0342 Email: plawrence@ advantageCFOsolutions.com Residence: East Hempfield Activities: Hempfield Soccer Club, Board Member and VP of Recreational Programs; Hempfield UM Church,Volunteer Skills: Financial, Advocacy, Grant Writing/Business Plans, Planning/Research, Special Events Agencies: Art/Cultural, Economic Development, Children & Youth Vice President/Community Market Manager Bank of Lancaster County 119 S. Centerville Road Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 755-5559 Email: [email protected] Residence: Warwick Activities: Junior Achievement of Central PA, Board of Directors, Co-Chair of Putt for Education, Education Committee Member Skills: Mentoring, Planning/Research Agencies: Education/Illiteracy, Environmental Brian W. McCowan Angela L. Lightfoot-Roth Finance Director YWCA of Lancaster 110 N Lime St. Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 393-1735 Email: alightfootroth@ywcalancaster. org Residence: Manheim Township Activities: SouthEast Lancaster Health Services, Board of Directors; Arch Street Center, Fundraising Committee Skills: Fund Raising, Financial, Grant Writing, Data Collection & Outcome Measurement Agencies: Healthcare, Children & Youth, Environmental, Civil Rights/Diversity Andrew M. Long Listrak, LLC 701 South Broad Street Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 627-4528 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Activities: Ad Club of Central PA, President; Crossway Church of Lancaster,Volunteer/ Member Skills: Public Relations, Marketing/Research, Special Events Agencies: Art/Cultural, Economic Development 1144 Old Eagle Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 898-8514 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Activities: YMCA,Volunteer; Hourglass Foundation,Volunteer Skills: Financial Agencies: Children & Youth, Environmental Kiyana S. McGill-Jefferson Administrative Assistant City of Lancaster Bureau of Police Patrol Division 39 West Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 735-3336 Email: [email protected]. pa.us Residence: Lancaster City Activities: Youth Aid, Panel Member; LAVORP, Mediator Skills: Mentoring, Special Events Agencies: Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Children & Youth — page 6 — Leadership Lancaster Class of 2008 Erin K. McKenna Patricia M. Neiles Nursing Informatics Analyst Lancaster General Hospital 555 North Duke Street P.O. Box 3555 Lancaster, PA 17604-3555 (717) 544-4240 Email: ekmckenn@lancastergeneral. org Residence: Manheim Township Activities: Lancaster County Office of the Aging, Biweekly Grocery Shopper for homebound client; Marine Corp Toys for Tots,Volunteer Skills: Marketing/Research, Computer Assistance, Planning/Research, Special Events Agencies: Art/Cultural, Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy, Housing/Neighborhoods, Environmental, Aging/Senior Citizens Early Childhood, Reading, Federal Programs & ESL Coordinator Conestoga Valley School District 2110 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 397-5246 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Activities: Lancaster General Hospital,Volunteer; St. James Church, Extraordinary Layminister Skills: Public Relations, Advocacy Agencies: Healthcare, Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth Jeffrey P. Ouellet Dale L. McMichael Vice President Executive Coach, Inc. 525 Beaver Valley Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 464-2767 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Activities: Willow Street Elementary School, Parent Participant; Lampeter Strasburg Youth Soccer, Coach Skills: Planning/Research Agencies: Economic Development, Environmental, Transportation Attorney Hartman, Underhill & Brubaker LLP 221 East Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 299-7254 Email: [email protected] Residence: Mountville Activities: Red Rose Transit Authority, Board of Directors; AA6 Basketball – MidPenn Motion (17 and under team), Coach; Relay for Life (Mechanicsburg Chapter), Fundraiser/Participant Skills: Legal, Mentoring Agencies: Government/Public Affairs, Children & Youth Robert F. McMurtrie Account Executive EHD 115 East King Street Lancaster, PA 17608 (717) 394-5681 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Activities: Hempfield United Methodist Church,Volunteer; Hempfield Soccer Club, Coach; ABC Keystone Chapter, Safety Committee Skills: Public Relations, Advocacy Agencies: Children & Youth — page 7 — Leadership Lancaster Class Director, Government Affairs Building Industry Association of Lancaster 204 Butler Ave. Suite 200 Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 569-2674 Email: [email protected] Residence: Mount Joy Twp. Activities: Habitat for Humanity, Committee Member; Lancaster County Planning Commission,Various Committees Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Marketing/ Research, Advocacy, Legal, Mentoring, Planning/ Research Agencies: Healthcare, Government/Public Affiars, Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy, Housing/ Neighborhoods, Transportation, Civil Rights/Diversity 1323 Shreiner Road A101 Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 394-0280 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Activities: Hempfield School District, SPAC Committee Member; Millersville University Faculty Senate, Graduate Senator; IU 13 Task Force, Committee Member Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Advocacy, Mentoring, Planning/Research, Special Events Agencies: Education/Illiteracy Carol E. Roland Account Administrator Trout Ebersole & Groff, LLP 1705 Oregon Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 358-9154 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Financial, Grant Writing, Planning/Research Agencies: Mental Health, Children & Youth 2008 Theresa A. Russell-Loretz John E. Phillips Donna L. Randolph of Assistant Professor, Dept. of Comunication & Theatre Millersville University Hash #151 PO Box 1002 Millersville, PA 17551 (717) 871-2276 Email: Theresa.Russell-Loretz@ millersville.edu Residence: Manheim Township Activities: Catholic Worker House of Lancaster, Publicity Committee; Millersville University Women’s Commission, Member/Childcare Subcommittee; Lancaster County Community Foundation, Professional Development Review Task Force Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Marketing/ Research, Advocacy, Grant Writing, Special Events, Communications – Public Speaking/Debate Agencies: Government/Public Affairs, Education/ Illiteracy, Children & Youth, Housing/Neighborhoods, Civil Rights/Diversity Laurie Salimbeni Director, Customer Service & Logistics Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate 20 North Broad Street Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 626-3262 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Activities: American Cancer Society, Relay for Life Team Member Skills: Planning/Research Agencies: Healthcare, Art/Cultural, Education/Illiteracy, Environmental Douglas D. Seitz 616 West Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-1794 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Activities: YWCA Race Against Racism,Volunteer Recruitment Chairperson; Arch Street Center, Fundraising Committee Member Skills: Planning/Research Agencies: Art/Cultural, Environmental — page 8 — Leadership Lancaster Class of 2008 Ellen M. Svrcek Sheila L. Snyder Marketing Director Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP 1800 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 394-5666 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Skills: Marketing/Research, Senior Project Manager Warfel Construction 1110 Enterprise Road East Petersburg, PA 17520 (717) 299-4500 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Advocacy, Mentoring Agencies: Education/Illiteracy, Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Children & Youth, Environmental Special Events Agencies: Children & Youth, Aging/Senior Citizen Bonnie L. Swinehart Katie S. Stafford Owner (Proforma) Econo Advertising PO Box 312 Willow Street, PA 17584 (717) 284-2682 Email: bonnie.swinehart@proforma. com Residence: Martic Activities: Lancaster Art Association, Hospitality Committee Skills: Public Relations, Marketing/Research, Personnel, Special Events Agencies: Mental Health, Art/Cultural, Aging/ Senior Citizens, Domestic Violence Associate Public Relations Account Manager Godfrey 40 N. Christian Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 393-3831 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Public Relations, Mentoring Agencies: Government/Public Affairs, Art/Cultural, Economic Development, Environmental Michael Stevens Relationship Manager M&T Bank 1703 Oregon Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 817-1545 Email: [email protected] Residence: Activities: YMCA/Twin Valley, Board of Directors;YMCA/Lancaster, Committee Member; Morgantown Athletic Association, Tee Ball Coach Skills: Financial Agencies: Economic Development Andrea T.Turasky Assistant Vice President, Sales Susquehanna Bank/Susquehanna Commercial Finance 1566 Medical Drive Suite 201 Pottstown, PA 19464 (800) 786-0004 Email: Andrea.Turasky@ susquehanna.net Residence: Manheim Township Activities: Millersville University Civic Engagement, Capital Campaign Member Skills: Marketing/Research, Financial, Planning/ Research, Special Events Agencies: Art/Cultural, Children & Youth, Housing/Neighborhoods, Environmental — page 9 — Leadership Lancaster Class Chris Venarchick of 2008 Melissa Wissler Associate RGS Associates 15 S State Street PO Box 388 Brownstown, PA 17508-0388 (717) 656-4077 Email: [email protected] Residence: Ephrata Activities: American Cancer Society, Fundraising Participant; Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Assisted with Recruitment/Awareness Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Advocacy, Mentoring Agencies: Economic Development, Children & Youth, Housing/Neighborhoods Vice President/Relationship Manager Security National Trust Company 100 E King Street, 2nd Floor PO Box 1267 Lancaster, PA 17602-1267 (717) 207-0668 Email: [email protected] Residence: Upper Leacock Activities: Neffsville Mennonite Church, Music/ Children’s Education Skills: Financial, Mentoring Agencies: Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth Moved from the area: Louis J. Lombardi John Vozzella Assistant Treasurer High Corporate Services LLC 1853 William Penn Way PO Box 10008 Lancaster, PA 17605-0008 (717) 293-4419 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Activities: Penn Manor Soccer Club, Coach, 2nd Grade Boys Team; Elizabethtown College, Accounting Advisory Committee Skills: Financial, Planning/Research Agencies: Economic Development, Children & Youth, Environmental — page 10 — Executive Orientation Series Class of 2008 Executive Orientation Series is a four-month program designed for top-tier management new to Lancaster County, or new to their executive position. The program introduces participants and their spouses to community-related issues in an intimate, interactive setting. Kevin A. Erb Roger V. and Patricia Bruszewski Management Committee Chairman Conrad Seigel Actuaries PO Box 5900 501 Corporate Circle Harrisburg, PA 17110-0900 (717) 652-5633 Email: [email protected] Millersville University P.O. Box 1002 Millersville, PA 17551(717) 872-3043 Email: [email protected] Scott and Kay Burky Vice President, Sales & Customer Service D&E Communications 124 East Main Street Ephrata, PA 17522(717) 738-8834 Email: sburky@ decommunications.com Martin J. and Nancy Hudacs Superintendent - Solanco School District Solanco School District 121 S. Hess Street Quarryville, PA 17566(717) 786-8401 Email: [email protected]. pa.edu Pete Catalano Marcus S. Lingenfelter President Gallagher Construction 202 West James Street Lancaster, PA 17603(717) 299-0508 Email: [email protected] Vice President for University Advancement Harrisburg University of Science and Technology 304 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101(717) 901-5154 Email: [email protected] Michael R. DePaul, Jr. Partner - Tax Services Simon Lever LLP 444 Murry Hill Circle Lancaster, PA 17601(717) 569-7081 Email: [email protected] James and Donna McCollum James McCollum Executive Assistant to the President Millersville University PO Box 1002 Millersville, PA 17551-0302 Email: James.McCollum@ millersville.edu — page 11 — Executive Orientation Series Class of 2008 David Moore Jeffrey D. and Christine Smith VP of Business Development & Marketing D&E Communications 4139 Oregon Pike P.O. Box 458 Ephrata, PA 17522-0458 (717) 738-8174 Email: dmoore@decommunications. com Senior Vice President of Operations High Industries Inc. 1853 William Penn Way PO Box 10008 Lancaster, PA 17605-0008 (717) 293-4473 Email: [email protected] Justin Warren Mark A. O’Neill General Manager Frontier Communications 37-43 Diller Ave. New Holland, PA 17557(717) 355-7448 Email: justin.warren@frontiercorp. com Executive Director Lancaster Gastroenterology, Inc. 2112 Harrisburg Pike Suite 202 Lancaster, PA 17604(717) 544-3500 Email: [email protected] Jill Welch William C. and Jeanmarie Rogers VP, Supply Chain Management Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 2500 Columbia Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603(717) 396-3395 Email: [email protected] Attorney Barley Snyder LLC 126 East King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602(717) 399-1521 Email: [email protected] — page 12 — Leadership Lancaster Program Year Executive Orientation Series Curriculum Lancaster Insights – Introduction to Lancaster and Exclusive Site Visits Saturday, March 29, 2008 8:30am-2:30pm Southern Market Center/Bus Tour Objective: To be introduced to some of the major systems of Lancaster County and what makes the county unique. To facilitate and encourage interactions with new people in the community. Raising the Bar – Lancaster Politics and Government Tuesday, April 8, 2008 5:30-9:00pm The Avenue at Armstrong Objective: To develop an appreciation for the interaction between government, profit and nonprofit entities in a growing Lancaster County. Building Partnerships – Lancaster Initiatives Thursday, April 17, 2008 5:30-9:00pm Millersville University Objective: To understand the power created by Community Partnerships for the ongoing success of Lancaster County. Health of the Lancaster Community Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:30-9:00pm Lancaster General Objective: To gain an understanding of the health and human services provided in our community as well as how the power of civic engagement can affect positive change in meeting community needs. For Art’s Sake – Arts and Culture in Downtown Lancaster Friday, May 2, 2008 5:30-9:00pm Lancaster Quilt & Textile Museum/Hamilton Club Objective: To gain a perspective of the arts and cultural organizations which enhance the vitality of Lancaster. Core Curriculum Orientation Thursday, September 6, 2007 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Southern Market Building Objective: To preview program features and expectations; to be introduced to new class participants. Fall Retreat Friday, September 14, 2007 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Saturday, September 15, 2007 8:00 am – 4:00 pm San Juan Bautista Church & Lancaster County Park Objective: To recognize personal leadership styles and to gain a better understanding of group dynamics. Skills: Collaboration: to work with others to complete tasks/ goals and make decisions with shared responsibilities, resources and accountability. Team Building: to create a sense of connectiveness and make group decisions. Inclusion: to have an understanding and openness to similarities and differences. Dialogue: to have authentic two-way communication that confirms personal competence. — page 13 — County Tour Friday, October 5, 2007 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Bus Tour of Lancaster County Objective: To experience an overview of Lancaster County’s uniqueness and diversity. Skills: Trusteeship: to see the big picture and be able to act upon the common good. Team Building: to create a sense of connectiveness and make group decisions. Health & Human Services Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8: 00 am – 5:00 pm U.G.I. Utilities, Inc. Objective: To identify and recognize the needs of the delivery systems, which respond to health care and human needs. To analyze public/private sector responsibility to meet those needs. Skills: Consensus Building: to create win-win situations that ensure all have been listened to and honored for their expertise and feelings. Law & Justice Wednesday, November 14, 2007 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Prison, Southern Market Center, Courthouse Objective: To gain knowledge of the justice system in Lancaster County and of the agencies providing public safety for our citizens and to comprehend the racial disparities in the justice system. Skills: Team Building: to create a sense of connectiveness and make group decisions. Consensus Building: to create win-win situations that ensure all have been listened to and honored for their expertise and feelings. Leadership Lancaster Program Year Arts and Culture Friday, December 7, 2007 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Objective: To examine the arts and art organizations in our community and their contributions to the quality of life. Skills: Collaboration: to work with others to complete shared tasks/goals and make decisions with shared responsibility, resources and accountability. Public Policy and Economic Development Wednesday, January 9, 2008 8:00 am – 5:00 pm R.R. Donnelley Objective: To examine local government and gain insight into how the political process works. To explore ways to become more involved in local government issues. To focus on the current economic climate of Lancaster County and future issues. Skills: Negotiation: to participate in problem solving and meet some key interest of all involved. Coalition Building: to create a sense of connectiveness among groups who come together for a common purpose. Public Education Wednesday, March 5, 2008 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 Objective: To increase the understanding of the current state of public education, adult educational reform. To look at the impact of change and diversity in education and to learn about the citizen’s role in the process. Skills: Problem Solving: to be able to handle challenging situations and come to decisions. Understanding Differences Wednesday, April 9, 2008 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Lancaster County Association of Realtors Objective: To begin to understand and embrace the diversity in our County. Skills: Problem Solving: To get along and work more effectively with others and be better able to resolve interpersonal conflict that derives from individual differences. Consensus Building: to create “win-win” situations that ensure all have been listened to and honored for their expertise and feelings. Leadership Advantage Saturday, February 9, 2008 Harrisburg Area Community College – Lancaster Campus Objective: To develop responsibility toward civic involvement in the community. To enhance personal (individual) volunteer community leadership skills. — page 14 — Closing Retreat Friday, May 9, 2008 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Kellogg’s Objective: To reflect on what was experienced and learned during the class year. To channel the participants’ awareness, skills and knowledge into action. Skills:Visioning: to be able to see the possibilities for the future, to use creative thinking and to inspire confidence of others. Personal commitment: to be able to articulate one’s commitment to the community and to personal growth and life long learning. Trusteeship: to see the big picture and be able to act upon the common good. Evaluation/Reflections: to assess and learn from experience in a personal, group and community level. 25th Anniversary/ Graduation Celebration Wednesday, May 21, 2008 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Hamilton Ballroom at Wheatland Place Leadership Lancaster Directory Gregory S. Adams (Core 2003) Richard J. Ashby Jr. (Core 1984) Gene & Betty Addison (SVS 1998) Eric N. Athey (EOS 1998) Mark & Donna Aho (EOS 1996) Deborah J. Ault (Core 1997) David Aichele (Core 2007) Theresa E. Bachman (Core 1985) Kelly Albert Dantinne (Core 2004) President Dantinne Design Communications 226 North Arch Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 615-1305……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Skills: Marketing/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural Scott Badger (Core 2002) 1542 Hiemenz Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 207-0491……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Financial Agency Areas: Economic Development, Housing/Neighborhoods, Environmental Arthur & Constance Algeo (SVS 2000) Matthew W. Anater (Core 1998) Kristi P. Baker (Core 1995) Regional Director, Corporate Relations American Cancer Society 314 Good Drive Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 397-3745……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Marketing/Research Agency Areas: Art/Culture, Healthcare Angela D. Anderson (Core 1984) Shawn P. Baldner (Core 1999) Robert D. Anderson (Core 1998) Roy E. Baldwin (Core 1986) Raymond J. Antonelli (Core 1984) Lisa Bamford (Core 1992) Joseph P. Arentz (Core 1992) Jeffrey S. Bankert (Core 1999) Stephen & Sally Armbruster (EOS 1999) Peter R. Barber (Core 1997) President Two Dudes Painting Co. 750 Poplar Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 396-1207……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Public Relations, Special Events Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Environmental, Housing/Neighborhoods, Art/Cultural Sharon Allen-Hamilton (Core 2002) Ann M. Altimare (Core 1995) Valdijah Q. Ambrose (Core 2001) Richard C. Armstrong Jr. (Core 1995) James R. Arnold (Core 1999) Jordan Arnold (Core 2006) Nancy A. Arnold (Core 1986) Legend EOS - Executive Orientation Series SVS - Senior Volunteer Series 3 - Available for single event/short term/long term volunteer commitments 2 - Available for single event/short term volunteer commitments 1 - Available for single event volunteer commitments Jacqueline A. Bareuther (Core 1999) Stephen P. Bareuther (Core 1996) Major Account Representative UGI Utilities, Inc. 262 Conestoga Street Lancaster, PA 17603-5304 (717) 291-2947……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township — page 15 — Skills: Public Relations, Special Events, Fund Raising, Marketing/Research Timothy E. Barley Sr. (Core 1986) Diane Barr (EOS 2002) George R. Barr Jr. (EOS 2002) Executive Vice President and General Counsel Fulton Financial Corporation One Penn Square Po Box 4887 Lancaster, PA 17604-4887 (717) 291-2411……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Skills: Legal, Advocacy, Mentoring Agency Areas: Aging/Senior Citizens, Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Economic Development Carolyn Bauer (Core 2004) Catherine Z. Baumgardner (Core 1991) Linda G. Baylor Dwight (Core 2005) Elementary Principle Pequea Valley School District Salisbury Elementary School 422 School Lane Road Gap, PA 17527 (717) 422-8268……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Legal, Advocacy, Mentoring Michael T. Beamer (Core 1986) Clark Bearinger (Core 2007) Stella Beat (SVS 1999) 2717 Brookfield Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 569-2294……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Mentoring Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Healthcare Andrea E. Beattie (Core 2000) Joseph M. & Melinda S. Beatty (Core 2004 & Core 2003) Daniel Becker (Core 2007) William & M. Catherine Belden (EOS 1996) Leadership Lancaster Directory Joan M. Bele (SVS 1996) Brenda Bell (Core 2006) 50 N. Donnerville Road Mountville, PA 17554 (717) 285-4390……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Mental Healthy, Housing/Neighborhoods, Aging/ Senior Citizens (717) 290-1640……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Strategic Planning, Policy Making Agency Areas: Economic Development, Aging/Senior Citizens Mark R. Bennett (Core 1996) Charles F. Blumenstock, Jr. (Core 2000) President Blumenstock & Blumenstock, PC 255 Butler Avenue, Suite 103 Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 290-1640……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Strategic Planning, Policy Making Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Economic Development, Housing/ Neighborhoods Eric J. Bergstrom (Core 1992) Paul J. Bodell (EOS 1998) Linda Bell (EOS 2004) John O. Bello-Ogunu (EOS 2003) Gail H. Benjamin (Core 1991) Marlin E. Bert (Core 1998) Harold J. Beshaw (Core 2001) Daniel Betancourt (Core 1997) Enelly Betancourt (Core 1998) Timothy J. Bianchi (Core 2002) Mark F. Boff (Core 2003) Fred C. Bogner (Core 1990) Guy Bohman (EOS 2004) Karl J. Boltz (Core 2005) Danelle Bledsoe-Reaver (Core 2003) Vicki Bomgardner Nagel (Core 1985) Susan Bleecher (Core 1996) Dorothy M. Booth (Core 1989) Gregory L. Blessing (Core 2004) Monique Boots-Gonzalez (Core 2005) Anita H. Blumenstock (Core 2001) Business Attorney Blumenstock & Blumenstock, PC 255 Butler Avenue, Suite 103 Lancaster, PA 17601 Denise M. Boyer (Core 2005) John C. Boyer Jr. (Core 1984) David Bradbury (EOS 1993) Nancy Q. Bradley (Core 1994) Carol Branch (Core 1989) Barry & Marci Brandt (EOS 2001) Deborah A. Brandt (Core 2002) Trudy J. Brandt (Core 1997) Jane Bray (EOS 2002) Barbara O. Breneman (Core 2001) Bryan & Kelly Bess (EOS 2007) Steven & Christine Blair (EOS 1992) Rob & Elaine Box (EOS 2006) Mark & Debra Brazitis (EOS 1996) Wendy S. Bertoli (Core 1986) Andrew Bishop (EOS 2002) Beth Y. Bowers (Core 1995) Alan L. Brayman (Core 1986) Deborah T. Berta (Core 1995) Richard Bidgood (EOS 1991) William A. Bower (Core 1989) David A. Breniser (Core 2004) Senior Vice President Bank of Lancaster County 101 North Pointe Blvd. Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 735-5617……2 Residence: Providence Skills: Financial, Planning/Research Agency Areas: Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Environmental Janelle L. Brewer (Core 2004) Director of Training and Development Goodwill Keystone Area 1048 N. Plum Street Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 394-0647……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Ephrata Borough Skills: Advocacy, Mentoring Agency Areas: Mental Health, Education/Illiteracy, Criminal Justice/ Juvenile Justice, Children & Youth David A. Brieck Sr. (Core 2001) Doris J. Bossler (SVS 1998) Eleanor S. Brim (Core 1994) Richard T. Bowen (Core 2003) LaRue Britt McManus (Core 1993) — page 16 — Leadership Lancaster Directory Walter L. Brokenborough (Core 1993) Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy Debra Brooks (EOS 2002) Shirley W. Burris (Core 2000) Bruce & Barbara Cannon (EOS 2006) Douglas S. Brossman (EOS 1994) Katie Butcher (Core 1996) Amy M. Brown (Core 2001) Thomas S. Buter (Core 1990) Funeral Director/Director of Public Relations Fred F. Groff, Inc. 234 W. Orange Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 397-8459……1 Residence: East Hempfield Caryl R. Brown (EOS 2003) Kevin L. Brown (Core 1991) Rebecca A. Brown (Core 1996) Sandra U. Brown (Core 1984) Timothy P. Brown (Core 1992) Charmayne Brubaker (Core 1999) Kay A. Brubaker (Core 2007) Susan E. Bruggeman (Core 2003) 2544 Speckled Drive East Petersburg, PA 17520 (717) 560-9853……2 Residence: East Petersburg Borough Skills: Special Events, Planning/Research Agency Areas: Healthcare Valerie R. Buller (Core 2001) Communications Manager Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority 1299 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 397-9968……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Borough Skills: Special Events, Public Relations Agency Areas: Environmental, Government/Public Affairs Derrick A. Burch (Core 1999) Janette Burger (SVS 2000) Russ J. Burke (Core 1986) Karna M. Burkeen (Core 1995) George E. Burkholder (Core 2003) Richard C. Burley (Core 1987) Carolyn A. Burns (SVS 2001) 2966 Kings Lane Lancaster, PA 17601-1617 (717) 898-7584……1 Grace S. Byler (Core 1984) Frank J. Byorick III (Core 1989) Lydia Cabassa (Core 2002) Alfred D. Calabria (EOS 2001) President ITT Industries Engineered Process Solutions Group 33 Centerville Road Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 509-2275……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy Paul Cameron (EOS 1998) Dale Cameron Forry (Core 1988) David R. Campbell (EOS 1997) Lisa H. Campbell (Core 2001) Client Manager Scheffey Integrated Marketing 350 New Holland Ave. Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 569-8274……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Skills: Marketing/Research, Public Relations Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Healthcare Phyllis L. Campbell (Core 1998) President/CEO Urban League of Lancaster County 502 S. Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 394-1966……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Public Relations, Marketing/ Research — page 17 — Justine Bonnie Capcara (Core 2003) Jennifer Cardina (Core 2003) Carolyn J. Carlson (Core 2007) Chief Operating Officer Barge-Ganse Venacare 2106 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 544-3594……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Skills: Financial, Advocacy, Legal Agency Areas: Healthcare, Government/ Public Affairs, Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice Donna M. Carr (Core 1993) Jill M. Carson (Core 1994) Tomoko Carson (Core 2000) Financial Manager Nichia America Corporation 3775 Hempland Rd. Mountville, PA 17554 (717) 285-2323……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Financial, Personnel Agency Areas: Housing/ Neighborhoods, Environmental, Aging/ Senior Citizens, Farmland Preservation Judy A. Carter (Core 1993) Sean Carter (Core 2006) Kelly Cartwright (Core 2006) Principal Brownstown Elementary School School Lane PO Box 250 Brownstown, PA 17508-0250 (717) 656-6021……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Public Relations, Mentoring, Personnel, Special Events Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Art/Cultural Carla Castagna O’Neill (Core 1996) Leadership Lancaster Directory Aida A. Ceara (Core 1990) Thomas Clements (Core 1994) Joan E. Dautrich (EOS 1999) Keith M. Cenekofsky (Core 1992) James H. Clontz (Core 2001) Thomas P. Dautrich (EOS 1999) Al Chadwick (SVS 2000) 447 N. Duke Street Millersville, PA 17551 (717) 872-9735……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Agency Areas: Aging/Senior Citizens, Transportation Odessa E. Coder (Core 1992) Amy L. Davis (Core 1991) Joshua D. Cohen (EOS 1991) Heather P. Davis (Core 2005) Marion A. Coleman (Core 1994) Karen M. Davis (Core 1997) Darlene A. Colon (Core 2004) Raymond A. Davis (Core 2003) Rosa Colon Graupera (Core 1985) Susan E. Davis (Core 2002) Richard W. Conley (Core 1993) Thomas E. Davis (Core 1991) Michael J. Connor Sr. (Core 1994) Daniel & Jill Day (EOS 2002) Steven G. Cook (Core 1999) Carole J. Deck (Core 2006) Carol Jean Cooper (Core 1997) Michele A. Criste (Core 1996) Susan A. Deck (Core 2007) BS, RN, Education Coordinator, Electrophysiology (EP) Lab Lancaster General Hospital 555 North Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 544-1060……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Conestoga Skills: Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural Cynthia Croft (EOS 2004) Lucy W. Decker (Core 1992) Doris E. Cross (Core 1987) Mary Ellen Decker (Core 1995) Patricia M. Crouse (Core 2007) Carol A. Deckert (Core 2001) Allen & Laurie Israel Cubell (EOS 2000) Brian & Jan DeCew (EOS 2007) Jeffrey D. Chambers (Core 1991) Chambers & Associates, Inc. 35 South Penn Street Manheim, PA 17545-1729 (717) 665-0515……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lititz Borough Skills: Special Events Patti A. Chambers D.O. (Core 1996) Sara Correa (Core 2006) Robert K. Chambers (Core 1996) Lois A. Cox (SVS 1997) Jesse G. Charles (Core 1989) Thomas C. Coxey (Core 1997) Catherine Chilcoat (Core 2002) Manager of the Dementia Unit Conestoga View 900 E. King Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 299-7905……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lititz Borough Skills: Advocacy Agency Areas: Aging/Senior Citizens, Healthcare Jennifer L. Craighead (Core 1996) Frank A. Christoffel IV (Core 1997) Rita T. Cisneros (Core 1997) Georgia Clack (Core 2002) E. Bradley Clark (Core 1995) Legend EOS - Executive Orientation Series SVS - Senior Volunteer Series 3 - Available for single event/short term/long term volunteer commitments 2 - Available for single event/short term volunteer commitments 1 - Available for single event volunteer commitments Michael K. Curley (Core 1989) Tracy L. Cutler (Core 2004) Partner Bloom Creative 2108 Mallard Drive Lancaster, PA 17601……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Skills: Public Relations, Mentoring, Grant Writing Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Economic Development Raymond D’Agostino Jr. (Core 1999) Ashley J. Dalessandri (Core 2005) W. Douglas Darmstaetter Jr. (Core 1991) — page 18 — Carol D. Deem (EOS 2000) Deem, Farney & López Law Offices 590 Centerville Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 892-3900……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Warwick Skills: Personnel, Legal, Advocacy, Mentoring Donna S. Deeter (Core 1995) Paul DeFranco (SVS 2001) Gloria E. Degler (Core 1987) Co-Founder, Wealth Coach Personal Wealth Advisory, LLC 630 Delp Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 735-1170……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Leadership Lancaster Directory Skills: Planning/Research Agency Areas: Children & Youth Jane W. Deibler (Core 1989) 432 Friendship Avenue Lancaster, PA 17601-4414 (717) 394-6562……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural James F. Devine (Core 2001) Nicola Di Pace (Core 2002) Jennifer L. Diaz (Core 2000) Marsha M. DiBonaventuro (Core 1995) Theodore L. Dickerson Jr. (Core 1987) Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Mentoring, Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Economic Development, Environmental, Transportation Hanna-Aurelia Dunlap (Core 1997) William & Wendy Dunn (EOS 2001) Judith P. Durand (Core 1984) Georgie M. Delemos (Core 1992) Andrew DiCostanzo (Core 2005) Yvette Delemos Robinson (Core 1986) Mark R. DiGiamberdini (Core 2005) Eileen Dello-Martin (Core 2002) Lee & Amy Dmitzak (EOS 1991) Jim & Mary Beth Eberle (EOS 2007) Oneida D. DeLuca (Core 1994) 3960 Birchwood Lane Columbia, PA 17512 (717) 681-9311……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Economic Development John S. Dombach (Core 1988) Sheryl & Don Eberly (EOS 2006) Judith A. Donnelly (Core 1999) Beth Eby (Core 2006) Natasha D’Orazio (Core 2004) Geoffrey Eddowes (EOS 1997) Robyn M. Dougherty (Core 2005) Gerard Denhof (EOS 1992) Nancy H. Draude Wisehaupt (Core 1986) Jill D. Edwards (Core 1987) Executive Director Venture Investment Forum 777 West Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 948-6625……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Personnel, Grant Writing, Public Relations Agency Areas: Economic Development, Government/Public Affairs Shaunte DePaso (Core 2002) John Derr (EOS 2003) Advertising Director Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. 8 W. King Street PO Box 1328 Lancaster, PA 17608 (717) 291-8821……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Economic Development Mike DeStefano (Core 2007) Beth A. Detz (Core 2005) Housing Administrator Lancaster City Housing Authority 325 Church St. Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 397-2835……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Computer Assistance, Special Events Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Aging/Senior Citizens Alfred M. Drakeford Sr. (Core 2002) Marcy Dubroff (EOS 1994) Associate Director Center for Liberal Arts & Society Franklin & Marshall College PO Box 3003 Lancaster, PA 17604-3003 (717) 291-3837……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Public Relations, Special Events Agency Areas: Environmental, Art/ Cultural, Government/Public Affairs Willard A. Durham (Core 1996) Heidi F. Eakin (Core 1996) Shelly Duff (EOS 1995) Amy Eidemiller (Core 2005) Managing Principal RGS Associates, Inc. 15 South State St. PO Box 388 Brownstown, PA 17508 (717) 656-4077……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Earl Skills: Mentoring Agency Areas: Healthcare, Children & Youth Rebecca E. Duffy (Core 1997) Michele Eller (Core 2006) Eugene H. Duncan Jr. (Core 1997) Paul Elliott (EOS 2003) James A. Dunkelberger (Core 2007) Project Engineer Lake Roeder Hillard & Associates 313 W Liberty Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 397-9037……1 Email: [email protected] John & Kathryn Emmert (EOS 1997) Diane Duell (Core 2004) D. Holbrook Duer (Core 1992) — page 19 — Susan L. Engle (Core 1995) Julie A. Englert (Core 2006) Leadership Lancaster Directory Steve Erb (Core 1999) PDC Manager International Truck & Engine 105 Steamboat Blvd. Manchester, PA 17345 (717) 767-3810……2 Email: stephen.erb@nav-international. com Residence: West Earl Skills: Mentoring, Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth Loida Esbri (Core 1985) Joanne C. Eshelman (Core 1991) Harriet L. Eshleman (Core 1984) Kenneth L. Eshleman (Core 2003) Timothy W. Essig (Core 2004) Manager of Interpretation & Visitor Services Landis Valley Museum 2451 Kissel Hill Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 569-5783……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lititz Borough Skills: Public Relations, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Education/ Illiteracy Barbara L. Eyman (SVS 2001) 2707 Kimberly Road Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 397-2597……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Skills: Artistic Needs Agency Areas: Art/Cultural Dorothy S. Ezard (SVS 1998) Patricia A. Fackler (Core 2002) Business Administrator/Production Coordinator Administrator/Production Coordinator Atomic Design, Inc. 10 Wynfield Drive Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 626-8301……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Hempfield Skills: Special Events, Public Relations, Fund Raising, Marketing/Research Agency Areas: Art/Cultural Elissa Lohin Fairman (Core 2001) Regional HR Manager CoreSource, Inc. 26 - 28 West King Street Lancaster, PA 17608-3301 (717) 399-7850……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Personnel, Mentoring, Public Relations Agency Areas: Environmental, Education/Illiteracy, Art/Cultural John L. Flemming Jr. (Core 2000) Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. 26 N. Cedar Street PO Box 1000 Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 625-6570……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Keith G. Falco (Core 1990) Pat Flowers (SVS 2001) Robert C. Farber (EOS 1993) Richard K. Fogie (Core 1997) Wesley S. Farmer (Core 2005) Noelle B. Fortna (Core 2004) Donald Feldman (EOS 1992) Robert M. Frankhouser Jr. (Core 1984) Patricia K. Fellenbaum (Core 1999) Angela A. Fenicle (Core 2003) Dorothy R. Finger (Core 1992) Ronald C. Fink Jr. (Core 2001) Maggie M. Finkelstein (Core 2005) Attorney Stevens & Lee, PC 25 N. Queen Street Suite 602 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 399-6636……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Legal, Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Art/Cultural, Economic Development George & Lesley Finney (EOS 2000) Kenneth H. Firestone (Core 1987) Adam A. Fisher (Core 2000) Sarah Young Fisher (Core 1990) Vernon L. Fisher (Core 1990) Melinda Fisher Nowak (Core 1991) Mark C. Fitzgerald (Core 1993) Timothy & Stacey Fitzpatrick (EOS 2003) Stephen Flaherty (EOS 2003) Diane C. Fleishman (Core 1990) — page 20 — Tracy F. Fletcher (Core 1989) Carl J. Frederick (Core 1984) Florence Freedman (SVS 1999) Amir & Adrienne M. Friedman (Core 1998 & Core 1991) Glenn J. Frill (Core 2001) President Professional Design & Construction, Inc. 61 Church St. Landisville, PA 17538 (717) 898-8084……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Rapho Skills: Facility Development, Marketing/ Research, Public Relations Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Government/Public Affairs Joan Fritsch (SVS 2000) Donna Fryer (SVS 2001) Jean A. Fullerton (Core 1994) Melissa P. Fulmer (Core 2007) Dianne M. Fussaro (Core 2004) Wendell S. Gainer Jr. (Core 2000) Michele L. Gallagher (Core 2004) Portfolio Manager Susquehanna Bank Blue Ball Operations Center 114 Ranck Church Road Blue Ball, PA 17506 (717) 354-3608……3 Email: michele.gallagher@susquehanna. net Leadership Lancaster Directory Skills: Financial Agency Areas: Mental Health, Domestic Violence Skills: Grant Writing, Advocacy Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Education/Illiteracy, Art/Cultural Brian T. Ginter (Core 2004) Rachel Gallagher (EOS 2002) Betty J. Gerhart (Core 1985) Scott & Beth Glassford (EOS 2002) Barbara E. Gallen (Core 1988) Kathryn A. Gerhart (Core 1995) Judith A. Glessner (Core 1990) Robert & Maureen Gallo (EOS 2000) Dennis & Heather Gerlach (EOS 1999) Renee T. Glover (Core 1988) D. Elaine Gantz (Core 1994) Gloria Gershenow (SVS 1997) Wm. “Smokey” Glover (Core 1995) Jay Garber (Core 2005) President/Owner Garber Scale & Calibration PO Box 10665 Lancaster, PA 17605-0665 (717) 393-1708……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Skills: Fund Raising, Planning/ Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth Mino Ghoreishi (Core 1997) Marlene J. Gmerek (Core 1997) Mark Giannavola (EOS 2003) Roger A. Godin (Core 1992) Henry R. Gibbel (Core 1990) Thomas J. Goldbach (Core 1998) Michel Gibeault (Core 1996) Pete Gomez III (Core 1999) Mariano Gonzalez (EOS 1993) Luke W. Good (Core 2001) R. Edward Gordon (Core 1987) Roxanne C. Garner (Core 2007) Cindia J. Gottshall (Core 1991) Kathleen A. Garvey (Core 1998) Marion G. Gotwalt (SVS 1999) Patricia F. Gould Lucht (Core 1997) Samuel H. Gatchell III (Core 2002) James D. Gawn (Core 1991) Andrew S. Gehman (Core 2000) CEO/President MGS, Inc. 178 Muddy Creek Church Road Denver, PA 17517 (717) 336-7528……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Cocalico Skills: Planning/Research Agency Areas: Transportation, Government/Public Affairs Rosalind P. Geisenberger (SVS 1998) Steven J. Geisenberger (Core 1984) John R. Gerdy (EOS/1999, Core 2000) 409 Sickmans Mill Rd Conestoga, PA 17516 (717) 871-1710……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Conestoga Louis J. Giustini (Core 2004) Christopher M. Gibson (Core 1998) Michael & Bree Gillespie (EOS 2001) Leo P. Gilmore (EOS 2004) Senior Vice President Information Services Lancaster General 555 North Duke St. PO Box 3555 Lancaster, PA 17604-3555 (717) 544-7239……1 Email: [email protected] Skills: Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Art/Cultural Robert A. & Barbara Gingerich (EOS 1993) Johanna S. Gingher (SVS 2000) — page 21 — Meg Graham (EOS 2007) Vice President - Corporate Communication Armstrong 2500 Columbia Ave. PO Box 3001 Lancaster, PA 17604 (717) 396-5696……1 Email: [email protected] Skills: Public Relations Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Economic Development, Education/Illiteracy Legend EOS - Executive Orientation Series SVS - Senior Volunteer Series 3 - Available for single event/short term/long term volunteer commitments 2 - Available for single event/short term volunteer commitments 1 - Available for single event volunteer commitments Leadership Lancaster Directory Timothy J. Graham (Core 2002) Lorraine Gutierrez (Core 1998) Mary Colleen Heil (EOS 1994) F. Nicholas & Michele Grasberger (EOS 2006) Chris Gysbers (SVS 1996) Wayne F. Heim (Core 1989) Beth Ann Haas (Core 2005) Paul G. Heimer Jr. (Core 1991) Robert W. Hallinger (Core 1984) Andrew & Leesa Heise (EOS 1998) Stephen Hampton (EOS 2004) K. Charles Heisey (Core 2006) David L. Hanna (EOS 1997) Sandra Hohenwarter Heisey (Core 1992) Robert Grasser (Core 2003) Commodity Engineer High Concrete Structures 125 Denver Road Denver, PA 17517 (717) 336-9306……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Cocalico Skills: Planning/Research, Mentoring Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Economic Development, Government/ Public Affairs Robert W. Hannum (SVS 1998) Gavin & Shiobhain Harding (EOS 2004) Charles & Beth Graves (EOS 2003) Christopher P. Harewood (SVS 1998) Robert C. Gray (Core 1989) Barbara Harkleroad (SVS 2001) Mary Ann Gray-Schlegel (Core 1990) Rosa L. Harris (Core 2000) Guidance Counselor Lancaster County Career & Technology Center/Brownstown Campus Snyder & Metzler Roads PO Box 519 Brownstown, PA 17508-0519 (717) 859-5100……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Special Events, Mentoring, Fund Raising Agency Areas: Civil Rights/Diversity, Children & Youth, Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Education/Illiteracy, Art/Cultural, Healthcare Willis L. Greaser (Core 2006) Katherine Green (Core 1988) Lonnie R. Green (Core 2001) Jill P. Greiner (Core 2000) Assistant Director of Informational Technology Manheim Township School District School Road Lancaster, PA 17606 (717) 569-7242……2 Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Computer Assistance Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Aging/ Senior Citizens Elizabeth J. Grimm (Core 1998) Mark Grimm Jr. (Core 1999) William E. Griscom (EOS 1997) Stuart Helgeson (EOS 2007) Alexander Henderson III (Core 1986) George & Rebecca Hennessy (EOS 1995) Betty Henny (SVS 2001) Lydia Henry (Core 2004) Lois K. Herr (EOS 1999) Yolunda Harris-Fredericks (Core 2002) Michael D. Herr (Core 1996) Pressman R. R. Donnelley 216 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 293-2207……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Columbia Borough Skills: Special Events, Computer Assistance, Planning/Research, Mentoring, Fund Raising Agency Areas: Mental Health, Education/Illiteracy, Criminal Justice/ Juvenile Justice, Children& Youth Holly A. Hartman (Core 1999) Sharron M. Herr (Core 1989) Kendra L. Hartman (Core 2006) Heather L. Hershey (Core 2007) Financial Analyst Berk-Tek, A Nexans Company 132 White Oak Road New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 355-7644……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Skills: Financial, Computer Assistance Agency Areas: Mental Health, Economic Development, Education/ Illiteracy, Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice J.Val & Audrey Hastings Sr. (SVS 2001) Idette B. Groff (Core 2005) President Conestoga Valley School Board 1673 Lincoln Highway East Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 299-4485……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Skills: Advocacy, Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Education/Illiteracy Kimberly S. Hatch (Core 1995) Rebecca S. Grube (Core 1989) Marilyn Hedge (Core 1998) Susan Hauer (EOS 2004) Laura A. Haupt (Core 2003) Susan C. Havey (Core 1994) Gerald B. Hawn (Core 1997) Sonja M. Haywood (Core 2000) — page 22 — Christine M. Hertneky (EOS 2002) Carol D. Hess (Core 1984) Leadership Lancaster Directory M. Louise Hess (Core 1998) Philip D. Hess (Core 1995) Patricia Hopson-Shelton (Core 1989) Industry 100 S. Queen Street PO Box 1558 Lancaster, PA 17608-1558 (717) 397-3531……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Planning/Research, Marketing/ Research, Public Relations Agency Areas: Housing/ Neighborhoods, Art/Cultural, Civil Rights/ Diversity Richard L. High (Core 1995) Peter D. Horn (Core 2003) Orientation & Mobility Specialist Susquehanna Association for the Blind and Vision Impaired 244 N. Queen Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 291-5951……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Mount Joy Borough Skills: Special Events, Mentoring, Advocacy Agency Areas: Transportation, Education/Illiteracy, Government/Public Affairs Craig H. Hill (Core 1987) Rose Mary Horn (SVS 1998) Jon Hill (Core 2002) Kenneth A. Hornbeck (Core 2007) Daniel B. Hince (Core 2007) David T. Hornberger (Core 2001) Paul & Kim Gleason Hink (EOS 2003) Dwight G. Horsey (Core 1997) Eleanor Isaacson (Core 2007) President Image Dynamics 614 Willow Valley Lakes Drive Willow Street, PA 17584 (717) 464-5640……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Education/ Illiteracy Karen C. Horsey (Core 1995) Nick Jabbour (Core 2007) Nancy R. Horton (EOS 1992) Gerald G. Huesken (Core 1986) Brett D. Jackson (Core 2004) Attorney Hartman Underhill & Brubaker LLP 221 East Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 299-7254……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Fund Raising, Advocacy, Legal Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Art/Cultural, Economic Development Laura C. Huff (Core 2007) Alan R. Jacobs (Core 1995) Aaron J. Hughes (Core 2004) Kenneth & Elizabeth Jacobs (EOS 2002) Jennifer C. Hessinger (Core 1996) Tim & Lisa Heuston (EOS 2000) Janette M. Hewitt (Core 1991) Judith H. Hickes (Core 1990) Tina D. Hiestand (Core 1994) Lisa R. High (Core 2000) Caroline M. Hoffer (Core 1985) Roy D. Hoffer (Core 1992) Mark W. Hoffman (Core 1988) Drew & Susan Hostetter (EOS 2002) John C. Hohenadel (Core 2004) Deborah Houck (Core 1994) Kitty Holcombe (SVS 1997) Jack L. & Marta Howell (EOS 2000) Cheryl D. Holland-Jones (Core 1989) Laura K. Howell (Core 1993) Donald J. Holler (Core 1999) 29 London Vale Road PO Box 182 Paradise, PA 17562 (717) 768-8707……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Paradise Skills: Financial, Special Events Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Government/Public Affairs Barbara L. Hughes (Core 1996) Barbara B. Hunsberger (Core 1989) Doris R. James (Core 1993) Betty D. Hurdle (Core 1995) David & Mary Ann Johnson (EOS 1999) John A. Holmes (EOS 2003) Phyllis M. Hutcheon (SVS 2000) Don & Duffy Johnson (EOS 1997) Philip E. Holt (Core 1994) LaVerne B. Hyman (Core 1996) Owen Johnson (Core 1989) Joan Holzbauer (SVS 2000) Leslie L. Hyson (Core 1985) Ralph H. Johnson Jr. (SVS 2000) Sheryl Holzbauer (Core 2005) Mark C. Inge (Core 2004) Sonya Johnson (Core 2004) Susan Hoover (Core 2005) Cheryl L. Irwin (Core 2002) Vice President The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Gloria G. Jones (SVS 1999) — page 23 — Patricia D. Jones (Core 1988) Leadership Lancaster Directory Richard L. Jones (Core 2006) Trailer Products Division Manager MGS, Inc. 178 Muddy Creek Church Rd. Denver, PA 17517 (717) 336-7528……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: New Holland Borough Agency Areas: Children & Youth Melissa Kelly (Core 2006) Nancy Klugh (Core 2003) Daneen Kemple (SVS 2000) Michael B. Klunk (EOS 1991) Jeffrey S. Kenderdine (Core 2000) Susan H. Komsky (EOS 1999) William T. Kepler (Core 1997) Karen L. Koncle (Core 2000) Daniel P. Kerr (Core 2001) Lisa L. Koogle (EOS 2001) Thomas J. Jordan IV (Core 1999) Judy Kile (EOS 2003) Linda L. Kopf (SVS 2000) Michael B. Julian (Core 2007) Marie Killian (Core 1996) Denise Kopicz (Core 2005) Patricia A. Justice-Levin (Core 1997) E. Charles Kimmich II (Core 1998) Carol & Richard Kramer (SVS 1997) Susan Kadel (Core 1992) Patricia Kadel Maurer (Core 1995) Diana L. King (Core 1985) Thomas & Kathy Kingston (EOS Francine T. Kane (Core 1997) 140 Skymeadow Lane Leola, PA 17540 (717) 656-7605……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Special Events, Mentoring Katherine B. Kravitz (Core 1994) Elizabeth A. Kauffman (Core 1987) Sharon Kay (Core 2006) Lawrence J. Keating (Core 1987) Betsy Keefer (EOS 2002) Frances Keen (EOS 2002) David R. Keller (Core 1987) John M. Kelley (Core 1984) Legend EOS - Executive Orientation Series SVS - Senior Volunteer Series 3 - Available for single event/short term/long term volunteer commitments 2 - Available for single event/short term volunteer commitments 1 - Available for single event volunteer commitments Ronald A. Kratofil (Core 1993) CEO Goodwill Industries Keystone Area 1048 North Plum Street Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 394-0647……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lititz Borough Skills: Nonprofit Board Governance 1996) Jerome A. Kiralfy III (Core 1992) Keith S. Kirchner (Core 1988) M. Edward Krow (Core 2003) Senior Human Resources Consultant bmc 1869 Charter Lane Suite 301 Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 393-5696……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Conestoga Skills: Personnel, Planning/Research Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Children & Youth, Civil Rights/ Diversity Carole Kirchner (Core 2000) Homesale Service Group Coldwell Banker 2845 Willow Street Pike Willow Street, PA 17584 (717) 464-4700……2 Email: [email protected] Skills: Public Relations, Marketing/ Research, Fund Raising Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Housing, Neighborhoods Mary Jane D. Kruger (Core 1992) Peggy Klecha (EOS 1995) Holly M. Kutz (Core 1993) S. Scott Kline (Core 2003) R. Scott Labrecque (Core 2006) Dennis E. Kluck (Core 2004) William J. Lafferty (EOS 1999) — page 24 — Agnes Kuentzel (SVS 2001) Christopher W. Kull (Core 1985) Joan H. Kulp (SVS 2001) Edward Kurek (SVS 1998) Gary R. Kutay (Core 1998) Leadership Lancaster Directory Barbara J. Laird & Robert E. Haas Jr. (EOS 2004) Margie Lamberson (Core 2006) Director of Development Lancaster Museum of Art 135 N. Lime Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 394-3497……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Marketing/Research, Advocacy, Grant Writing, Planning/Research, Special Events Michael W. & Elizabeth Todd Lambert (EOS 2006) Darla B. Lamoureux (Core 1987) Bon Ton Park City Mall Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 393-9494……2 Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Personnel Agency Areas: Art/Cultural Lawrence Lanciotti (Core 1989) Herbert & Barbara Landau (EOS 1994) Susan E. Landes (Core 1990) Michael L. Landis (Core 1986) Scott F. Landis (Core 2000) Thomas C. Lausch (Core 1986) Kimberly Lavin Fegely (Core 2006) Kathleen C. Law (Core 1996) Robyn Berg Lazarus (Core 1999) Stephen R. Lazun (Core 1993) Timothy & Barbara Leahy (EOS 2004) David J. Leaman (Core 2002) Gerald L. Leaman (Core 1994) John D. Leaman (Core 2005) Cynthia Lee (Core 1989) Deborah M. Lee (Core 1994) Myrna G. Lee (Core 1997) Suzanne Leed (Core 2004) Cynthia M. Leed-Cameron (Core 1992) Joseph W. Legenstein (Core 1998) Eunice C. Lehman (Core 1985) Karen M. Leque (Core 1993) John & Kathleen Levitski (EOS 2004) Gregory A. Lapp (Core 2003) President Lapp Electrical Service, Inc. 2420 Gehman Lane Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 392-0804……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Skills: Financial Agency Areas: Economic Development, Government/Public Affairs David Lewis (Core 2001) Timothy C. Lapp (Core 2004) John & Kathryn Lockard (SVS 1996) Christopher Larsen (Core 2006) Betty A. Loht (Core 1998) Eastern Sales Manager Cargill Corn Milling 2173 Embassy Drive Suite 372 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 431-3119……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Martic Skills: Public Relations Josephine R. Larsen (Core 1999) Jay M. Laser (Core 2002) Christopher Laseter (EOS 1998) Miriam A. Latshaw (SVS 2001) Gily A. Lichty (Core 1994) Marianne K. Lichty (SVS 2001) John P. Lines (Core 1999) Jennifer L. Litwiller (Core 2002) John & Helen Lockard (SVS 1996) — page 25 — Agency Areas: Housing/Neighborhoods, Children & Youth Michael A. Lombardo (Core 1992) Mark E. LoMonaco (Core 1994) Dwain S. & C. Ivy London (Core 2000) Kim M. Long (Core 1999) Director of Operations High Associates, Ltd. 1853 William Penn Way PO Box 10008 Lancaster, PA 17605-0008 (717) 209-4015……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Special Events, Computer Assistance, Mentoring, Legal, Financial Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Healthcare Shawn M. Long (Core 2004) Stephanie L. Longenberger (Core 1999) Lucile Longo (Core 1995) Raymond U. Lopez (Core 1998) Kevin & Diane Lorah (EOS 2003) Michael J. Lorelli (Core 1995) Patricia J. Lovell (SVS 1996) Mark E. Lovett (Core 1991) Rosanna Lower (SVS 2001) Vickie Lucas (EOS 2001) Betty J. Ludwig (SVS 1999) Kevin Lupton (Core 1998) Sherry L. Lupton (Core 2003) Vera Lustig (SVS 1997) Nancy Jo Lutz (Core 2005) 30 N 13th St. Columbia, PA 17512 (717) 684-6841……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Columbia Borough Agency Areas: Art/Cultural Timothy P. Lyon (Core 2001) Leadership Lancaster Directory Carlie B. Lyons (Core 1993) Douglas Lyons (Core 1986) Tina L. Maag (Core 2005) Partner/Director Business Services Studio 5 Architects, LLC 32C East Roseville Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 735-2280……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Donegal Skills: Marketing/Research, Computer Assistance, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Children & Youth Scott R. MacNair (Core 2005) Thomas W. MacVaugh (Core 1985) President Health Care Strategic Resource Solutions 91 Main Street Silver Spring, PA 17575……2 Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Personnel, Public Relations Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Healthcare Government/Public Affairs, Environmental, Civil Rights/Diversity Christopher M. Markley (Core 2002) Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 626-3249……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Marketing/Research, Computer Assistance, Planning/Research Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Environmental, Transportation John R. Markley (Core 2000) Wayne L. Martin (Core 1994) Melanie Marolf-Fetchik (Core 1989) 19 E. Second Street Quarryville, PA 17566 (410) 786-7261……1 Residence: Quarryville Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Healthcare Deborah S. Masinos (Core 2003) Greg & Lily Marco (EOS 2006) Rose Marie Mariani (Core 1996) Anna Grace Martin (Core 1984) Gail D. Maina (Core 2004) Christopher Martin (Core 2005) Supply Chain Manager Auntie Anne’s, Inc. 160-A Route 41 Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-4766……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lititz Borough Skills: Public Relations, Mentoring, Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Economic Development, Housing/ Neighborhoods Edward A. Maksel (Core 1984) Clarence W. Martin (SVS 1999) Michael Maletteri (EOS 2001) Elizabeth H. Martin (Core 2001) President/Owner Martin Insurance Agency 459C N. George Street Millersville, PA 17551 (717) 872-7756……1 Email: [email protected] Skills: Insurance, Financial, Marketing/ Research Agency Areas: Housing/ Neighborhoods, Education/Illiteracy, Healthcare Ed & Michelle Macys (EOS 2004) Renny K. Magill (Core 2002) Charity A. Mahosky (Core 2004) Gladys Malone (Core 1996) Selina Man (EOS 2004) Peter S. Mandell (EOS 2004) 132 C Welsh Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 295-4979……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Financial, Mentoring Jennifer G. Mann (Core 1988) 501 Penn Grant Road Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 464-5552……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Skills: Fund Raising, Financial, Computer Assistance Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, James H. Martin (Core 1996) James R. Martin (Core 1986) Kent Martin (Core 2002) Randy S. Martin (Core 2004) Project Manager Wilbur Chocolate 48 North Broad Street — page 26 — Teresa Mastrobuono (Core 1992) Adjunct Professor Elizabethtown College One Alpha Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (717) 361-1441……2 Residence: Lititz Borough Skills: Public Relations, Special Events Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Art/ Cultural, Civil Rights/Diversity John A. Mateyak (Core 2001) Johncey Mathew (Core 1997) James S. Mathiot (Core 1996) Paul & Pam Mattaini (EOS 1995) Bilita S. Mattes (EOS 2001) Grace S. Maurer (Core 1985) Irene D. Mavrides (Core 1984) Receptionist Lancaster News 8 W. King St. Lancaster, PA 17603……1 Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Art/ Cultural, Civil Rights/Diversity C. Robert May (Core 2002) John H. May (Core 2005) Loumarie Mayhew (SVS 1999) Bridget Mazzocchi (Core 2006) Principal/Assitant Director Lancaster County Career & Technology Center 432 Old Market Street PO Box 537 Mount Joy, PA 17552-0537 (717) 653-3000……1 Email: [email protected] Leadership Lancaster Directory Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Advocacy, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Education/ Illiteracy Jacqueline L. McCain (Core 2001) Randall E. McCarty (Core 2007) William C. McCarty (Core 1985) Pamela E. McChalicher (Core 2004) Six Sigma Black Belt Standard Register 121 Mt. Zion Rd. York, PA 17402 (717) 751-4129……1 Email: pamela.mcchalicher@ standardregister.com Skills: Marketing/Research, Mentoring Rebecca S. McClure (Core 1988) Toni L. McCuistion (Core 2000) James L. McCurdy (Core 1996) Venia M. McFadden (Core 2000) Marion A. McGowan (EOS 2002) Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Lancaster General 555 N. Duke St. PO Box 3555 Lancaster, PA 17604-3555 (717) 544-5848……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Skills: Mentoring, Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Art/Cultural, Economic Development, Education/ Illiteracy, Children & Youth, Housing/ Neighborhoods, Aging/Senior Citizens Mary Jo McKeever (Core 1996) Peter J. Miklos (Core 2001) Christine M. McLain (Core 2003) Program Manager Lancaster Community Safety Coalition 262 Conestoga Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 341-3138……3 Email: christine.mclain@lancastercsc. org Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Computer Assistance, Marketing/ Research Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Housing/ Neighborhoods, Environmental Keisha M. Milburn (Core 2002) Dale McMichael & Hypatia Rojas (EOS 2007) Francine G. McNairy (EOS 1995) Lisa S. McNelis (Core 1997) Cory S. McQuate (Core 2003) Mary Ann McSparren (Core 1995) Kristina J. McVey (Core 2006) Paralegal RodaNast, P.C. 801 Estelle Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 892-3000……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Public Relations, Marking/ Research, Computer Assistance, Grant Writing, Planning/Research Agency Areas: Art/Cultural Lynette Y. Meck (Core 1998) A.R. Miller (Core 1993) Carmen Novoa Miller (Core 2000) Jay H. Miller Jr. (Core 2000) Jennifer M. Miller (Core 2006) Michele C. Miller (Core 2005) Phyllis N. Miller (Core 1987) Colleen Milligan (Core 2005) 247 Slackwater Road Millersville, PA 17551 (717) 872-1194……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Conestoga Skills: Public Relations, Advocacy, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Economic Development, Environmental, Civil Rights/Diversity, Women’s Issues Cassandra D. Mimidis (Core 2002) Mary B. Miskey (Core 1996) Vice President/Human ResourcesOperations Lancaster General PO Box 3555 Lancaster, PA 17604-3555 (717) 290-4915……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Personnel, Special Events Agency Areas: Housing/ Neighborhoods, Art/Cultural, Children & Youth Ronald D. & Ilse Medlock (EOS 2007) Judith Mitchell (Core 1988) Michael McGowan (EOS 2002) Mary Jo Medura (Core 2003) Dennis Mitterer (Core 2007) Manager John McGrann (Core 2000) Raymond E. Menges (Core 1990) Carolyn H. McGuigan (SVS 2001) 831 Tanglegate Place Millersville, PA 17551-2123 (717) 871-0854……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Millersville Borough Skills: Special Events Michael & Karen Mersky (EOS 2000) Teri R. McHale (Core 2004) Michael McHugh (Core 2003) Legend EOS - Executive Orientation Series Peter C. Messimer (Core 1994) SVS - Senior Volunteer Series Susan S. Messimer (Core 1995) 3 - Available for single event/short term/long term volunteer commitments 2 - Available for single event/short term volunteer commitments 1 - Available for single event volunteer commitments Paul & Gail Metzger (EOS 1997) Rebecca H. Meyer (Core 2003) Ilyasha Z. Michael (Core 2005) — page 27 — Leadership Lancaster Directory Lancaster General Hospital 555 North Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 544-5511……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Mountville Agency Areas: Healthcare, Economic Development Deborah Murray Martin (Core 1995) Lucia Murphy (EOS 2007) Joseph & Anna Moore (Core 1988 & Core 1995) William C. Musante (EOS 2002/ Core 2004) Manager Audit Services Group Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP PO Box 8408 Lancaster, PA 17604 (717) 291-0675……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Economic Development Michael A. Moore (Core 1990) David J. Musser (EOS 1996) Joseph R. Morales (Core 1996) Christina M. Myers (Core 2001) Pearson Assessments 3975 Continental Drive Columbia, PA 17512 (717) 684-1408……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Mount Joy Borough Skills: Public Relations, Personnel, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Education/ Illiteracy, Children & Youth Ana E. Montanez (Core 2001) Laura Montgomery Rutt (Core 1997) Robert L. Morgan (EOS 2000) James Morozzi (EOS 2006) Lynne M. Morrison (Core 1993) Executive Director Hands-On House Children’s Museum of Lancaster 721 Landis Valley Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 569-5437……3 Email: [email protected] Skills: Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Education/ Illiteracy, Children & Youth Maria Morrison (Core 2003) Sue Morrison (Core 1988) Todd A. Newpher (EOS 2006) Susie E. Newswanger (SVS 1999) George & Jackie Nickel, Jr. (SVS 2000) Michael D. Nicodemus (Core 2004) Lois Nohrenhold (Core 1990) Marianne S. Nolt (SVS 2000) 4193 Siegrist Road Mount Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-4670……1 Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Public Relations, Grant Writing, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Education/ Illiteracy Joseph P. Nolt, III (Core 1995) Roger S. North (Core 1991) Charles J. Nugent (EOS 1993) Chris & Lisa Null (EOS 2001) Robert & Wendy Nagle (EOS 2003) Brent Oberholtzer (Core 2005) Lieutenant Lancaster City Bureau of Police 39 W. Chestnut St. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 735-3300……1 Email: [email protected]. pa.us Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Mentoring Frances S. Myers (Core 1994) Sarah E. Myers (Core 2006) Amanda E. Myers-Campbell (EOS 1997) Timothy L. Nancarvis (Core 2004) Rollin & Berenice Morse (SVS 2001) Paul L. Ogurcak (EOS 2000) John C. Neil (Core 1988) Trudie Olkowski (EOS 2002) Sue E. Mowery (Core 1987) Sharron V. Nelson (EOS 1991) Cindy O’Neil (Core 2003) Jeanne Mowrer (SVS 2000) David B. Neslund (Core 1998) Richard T. Moxley Jr. (Core 1986) Peter Murdock (EOS 1994) W. Ryan Neumyer (Core 2005) Director of Human Resources/In-House Counsel SouthEast Health Services 625 South Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 299-6372……3 Email: [email protected] Skills: Legal, Personnel Agency Areas: Healthcare, Economic Development, Housing/Neighborhoods Scott & Sandra Orndorff (EOS 1994) Andi Murphy (Core 1987) Mark B. Newkirk (Core 2005) Bryan M. Moyer (Core 2007) Joyce A. Moyer (Core 1984) Marie R. Moyer (EOS 2000) Michele Mummau (Core 2002) — page 28 — Becky Ortega-Lyda (Core 1985) Anne V. Osborn (Core 1991) John J. O’Shea (Core 1984) Sheryl D. Oswald (Core 2005) Randall A. Oyer, MD (EOS 2007) Phil Pace (EOS 2002) Leadership Lancaster Directory Lourdes T. Padilla (Core 1988) H. Diane Penchansky (Core 1988) Brenda B. Pittman (Core 1993) Don P. Palmer (Core 1998) Carmen D. Penzort (Core 1995) Robert W. Pontz (Core 1997) Donald G. Palmer Jr. (Core 1995) Captain/Administrative Services Lancaster City Bureau of Police 39 West Chestnut Street Lancaster, PA 17603-3510 (717) 735-3406……2 Email: [email protected]. pa.us Residence: Lancaster City Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice, Children & Youth Robert J. Peregrin (Core 2001) Assistant Housing Administrator Lancaster City Housing Authority 325 Church Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 397-2408……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Mentoring, Public Relations, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Education/ Illiteracy H. Scott Poole (Core 2001) Miriam M. Paolilli (Core 2001) Debra L. Patterson (Core 2002) Accounting Assistant Wenger’s Feed Mill Inc. 101 West Harrisburg Avenue PO Box 26 Rheems, PA 17570 (717) 361-4218……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Skills: Special Events, Planning/Research Agency Areas: Environmental Earl & Noreda Potts (SVS 2000) 481 Mt. Sidney Road Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 393-9485……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Lampeter Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Jennifer J. Powell (Core 2002) Tamara W. Powell (Core 1994) Kimberley A. Patrick (Core 2005) David W. Patterson (Core 1999) Operations Manager Wiley’s Pharmacy 507 Leaman Avenue Millersville, PA 17551 (717) 871-1100……2 Email: wileysrxmville@hotmail. com Residence: West Lampeter Skills: Marketing/Research, Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Art/Cultural, Economic Development William K. Poole (Core 1991) Robert E. Pozesky (Core 2002) Vilas A. Prabhu (EOS 2006) Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Millersville University PO Box 1002 Millersville, PA 17551 (717) 872-3596……1 Email: vilas.prabhu@millersville. edu Residence: Lancaster Skills: Advocacy Agency Areas: Education/ Illiteracy, Civil Rights/Diversity Mary E. Peters (Core 2003) Sneha Prabhu (EOS 2006) Wendy S. Phillips (Core 1987) Kathleen A. Prime (Core 2002) Sr.Vice President/Human Resources Sterling Financial Corporation 1097 Commercial Avenue PO Box 38 East Petersburg, PA 17520-0038 (717) 735-5676……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Mentoring, Personnel Agency Areas: Healthcare, Children & Youth Lori A. Pickell (Core 2002) Gregory W. & Lynn Pierce (EOS 2003) Shirley I. Paul (SVS 2000) 2029 Aspen Lane Columbia, PA 17512-9780 (717) 684-7821……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Computer Assistance, Special Events Jeffrey I. Pierce (Core 2005) Safety & Industrial Hygiene Specialist BAE Systems Po Box 15512 York, PA 17405-1512 (717) 872-3596……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Lampeter Skills: Mentoring, Personnel Agency Areas: Healthcare, Education/ Illiteracy, Environmental, Civil Rights/ Diversity Nancy J. Payne (Core 1985) Jane E. Pinkerton (Core 1993) Richard Peifer (SVS 2001) Bruce & Beverly Pipes (EOS 1998) — page 29 — Maria L. Querry (Core 1999) Richard D. Ragan (Core 1984) Al Rangnow (SVS 1996) Jon C. & Kendra Rankin (EOS 2003) Benetta M. Rapier (Core 2001) Leadership Lancaster Directory Edward & Linda Rasmuson (EOS 1999) Jeffrey & Barbara Renninger (EOS 2002) Stephen & Anita Ratcliffe (EOS 2003) James & Sarah Reed (SVS 2000) Robert Resch Sr. (Core 2000) 755 Westover Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 285-9034……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield John T. Reed (Core 1999) Joanne Ressler (Core 2003) Harry & Rosa Robinson (SVS 2000) Stacie Reidenbaugh (Core 2005) Executive Director Lancaster Area Habitat for Humanity 443 Fairview Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 392-8836……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Fund Raising, Public Relations, Marketing/Research, Advocacy, Mentoring, Grant Writing, Special Events Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Art/Cultural, Economic Development, Housing/Neighborhoods, Environmental William & Selina Reuter (EOS 2001) Craig A. Roda (Core 1989) Melinda A. Reighard (Core 1991) Terri L. Ridley (Core 2007) Administrative Director - Outpatient Family Health Services Lancaster General Hospital 555 N. Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17604 (717) 544-4139……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Bart Skills: Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Healthcare, Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice, Children & Youth Linda Redding Gurtler (Core 1990) Dennis E. Reinaker (Core 1995) Shirley A. Reindollar (Core 1990) 1701 Ridgeview Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 393-8210……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Special Events, Advocacy Agency Areas: Healthcare, Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice, Aging/Senior Citizens Carole Revell (EOS 1998) Dennis & Linda O. Rhen (EOS 1999) Mark A. Richards (Core 2001) Floretta Richardson (Core 1998) Allen R. Rider (EOS 1990) Lucinda L. Ridley (Core 2000) John W. Riegel (Core 1999) Nancy Reinfried (SVS 2000) Lisa D. Riggs (Core 2004) Randall L. Reitenbach (Core 2000) Randolph T. Riggs (EOS 1997) André W. Renna (Core 1987) Stephen V. Riley (Core 1992) Legend EOS - Executive Orientation Series SVS - Senior Volunteer Series 3 - Available for single event/short term/long term volunteer commitments 2 - Available for single event/short term volunteer commitments 1 - Available for single event volunteer commitments Amy L. Rineer (Core 2005) Accounting Services Supervisor Irex Corporation 120 N. Lime Street PO Box 1568 Lancaster, PA 17608 (717) 399-5276……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Drumore Skills: Special Events Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth — page 30 — Cher Rineer (Core 2005) Harriet Polier Robbins (Core 1989) Carole Roberts (Core 1993) Craig Robinson (Core 2002) Amanda J. Rock (Core 2007) Rick L. Rodgers (Core 1987) Certified Retirement Counselor Rodgers & Associates, P.C. 647 E. Roseville Road Lancaster, PA 17601-4205 (717) 560-3800……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lampeter/Strasburg Skills: Financial, Marketing/Research, Planning/Research Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Art/Cultural, Aging/Senior Citizens Frances M. Rodriguez (Core 2004) Chief of Staff State House Represenative P. Michael Sturla 8 North Queen Street The Griest Building, Suite 1100 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 295-3157……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Advocacy, Mentoring, Planning/ Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Education/ Illiteracy, Children & Youth, Civil Rights/ Diversity Zoraida Rodriguez (Core 2002) Nora Rosa-Cleary (Core 1994) Marisol Rosario (Core 1997) Rosa Rosario-Amaro (Core 2000) Juana Rosario-Rivera (Core 1999) Antonia Rose (Core 1991) John H. & Betty Rose (EOS 1994) Harry R. Rosman (SVS 1999) Nancy Ross (SVS 1999) Debra Rosser-Hogben (EOS 2006) Leadership Lancaster Directory William S. Rothermel (Core 1986) Deborah Bauer Ryan (Core 1997) Denise Seeman-Risner (EOS 1999) Linda A. Roush (Core 1999) John H. & Joyce Saeger (EOS 1992) Gus & Helen Seiss (SVS 2000) E.J. Rovella (EOS 2006) Peter J. Sahd (Core 1991) G. William Ruhl (EOS 1993) Retired,Vice Chairman of Board D&E Communications, Inc. 124 East Main Street PO Box 458 Ephrata, PA 17522-0458 (717) 738-8430……3 Email: [email protected] Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Economic Development Timothy L. Sandoe (EOS 1998) Leonard R. & Hillane H. Sempier (EOS 2000) Rhonda E. Rumbaugh (Core 2004) Dorothy Rund (Core 1986) Bonnie Runkle (Core 2003) Edward & Bridget Runkle (EOS 1997) Harrison Scott Russell (Core 2003) Regional Manager Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. 1846 Charter Lane PO Box 10337 Lancaster, PA 17605 (717) 291-1783……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Advocacy, Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Economic Development, Environmental, Transportation Edward William Rutter (SVS 2000) 860 Fairview Avenue Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-7006……3 Residence: Ephrata Skills: Special Events Agency Areas: Transportation, Healthcare, Aging/Senior Citizens, Environmental M. Elaine Rutter (Core 1998) CCCC Counselor Tabor Community Services, Inc. 439 E. King Street PO Box 1676 Lancaster, PA 17608-1676 (717) 397-5182……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Ephrata Skills: Financial, Mentoring Agency Areas: Healthcare, Housing/ Neighborhoods, Aging/Senior Citizens Angel M. Santana Jr. (Core 1998) Joyce Santiago (Core 2001) Brian D. Sasselli (Core 2007) Director of Lancaster County Operations C.S. Davidson, Inc. - Consulting Engineers 315 West James Street Suite 102 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 481-2991……3 Email: [email protected] Skills: Planning/Research Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Economic Development, Housing/ Neighborhoods Stan & Doris V. Saunders (EOS 2001) Marianne Sena (SVS 2001) Randolph S. Sensenig (Core 1994) George P. Sernyak (Core 1996) Paula S. Severino (Core 1985) Keith R. Shadle (Core 1987) Lynn A. Shafer (Core 1992) Planning Projects Leader Johnson and Johnson 400 West Lincoln Avenue Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 627-9149……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Edward & Carol Shane (EOS 2000) Stuart J. & Wera Savin (EOS 2007) Ethel B. Shank (Core 1997) James W. Saxton (Core 1986) Nina B. Shapiro (Core 1994) Robert C. Schellhamer (Core 1988) Jessica Shaub Meyer (Core 1997) President Shaub Enterprises, Inc. 9 Brooks Ave. PO Box 208 Willow Street, PA 17584 (717) 464-3541……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Pequea Skills: Public Relations, Fund Raising Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Healthcare Stephen F. Schlissel (Core 1993) Alex Schneebacher (EOS 1990) Robert A. Schoch (Core 1987) Director of Business Administration Council Rock School Dist. 30 N. Chancellor St. Newtown, PA 18940 (215) 944-1040……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Planning/Research Agency Areas: Environmental Monte & Mimi Schutter (EOS 2003) James Scott (EOS 2006) Nathan X. Scott (Core 2002) Susan P. Scott (Core 2003) Wayne Scott (Core 2005) J. Bradley & Joanne Scovill (EOS 2003) — page 31 — Lise M. Shehan (Core 2003) Jeffrey L. Shelly (Core 2007) Controller Friendly Transportation 625 E. Orange Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 396-0000……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Warwick Skills: Public Relations, Financial, Personnel Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Children & Youth, Housing/Neighborhoods, Transportation James W. Shenk (Core 2000) Leadership Lancaster Directory Timothy Shenk (Core 2004) Sharon M. Sherban (Core 1990) Samuel C. Sherk (Core 1985) Ralph E. Sherriff (Core 1992) Susan K. Shiner (Core 1992) 944 Baffy Ave. Landisville, PA 17538 (717) 892-3002……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Kimberly H. Shirker (Core 2007) Stephanie A. Shirker (Core 2004) Jennifer B. Shivery (Core 2004) Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Township Skills: Special Events, Advocacy, Fund Raising Agency Areas: Aging/Senior Citizen, Mental Health, Healthcare, Education/ Illiteracy Jennifer M. Slonaker (Core 2006) Attorney Barley Snyder LLC 126 East King St. Lancaster, PA 17602-2893 (717) 399-1535……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Legal Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Aging/Senior Citizens Rita R. Smith Wade-El (Core 1986) Professor of Psychology Millersville University 108 Byerly Hall P.O. Box 1002 Millersville, PA 17551-0302 (717) 872-3090……3 Email: Rita.SmithWade-El@millersville. edu Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Public Relations, Mentoring Agency Areas: Mental Health, Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth Lloyd K. Smucker (Core 1997) Lynne B. Snelbecker (SVS 2000) Kathryn E. Snyder (SVS 2000) Susan Soderberg (Core 2001) Philip B. Shober (EOS 2006) Miriam Soto (Core 2000) Barbara T. Shoemaker (Core 1993) C. Reid Spangler (Core 2006) Gina L. Spangler (Core 2007) Robert C. Shoemaker (Core 1989) Randy R. Spann Sr. (Core 2003) Robert K. Shope (Core 1985) Patti S. Spencer (EOS 1992) Christa N. Shoreman (Core 2004) John & Caryn Cleveland Short (EOS 2004) Thomas M. Showers (Core 2000) Vickie Shuman (Core 2006) Deborah Siegrist Harrison (Core 2001) Robert A. Sills (Core 1991) Marchel Simmons (Core 2001) Charles H. Simms Jr. (Core 1998) Janet Simms (Core 1995) Rhonda Slinghoff (Core 2001) Director of Adult Mental Health Case Management Lancaster County MH/MR 1120 Frances Ave. Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 399-7411……2 C. Andrew Smith (Core 1993) Douglas L. Smith (Core 1985) Partner Trout Ebersole & Groff, LLP 1705 Oregon Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 569-2900……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Personnel, Legal, Financial Agency Areas: Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Education/Illiteracy, Government/ Public Affairs E. Follin Smith (EOS 1999) Gary B. Smith (Core 1994) Kim Ronald Smith (Core 1998) Mark B. Smith (Core 2005) — page 32 — Thomas B. Sponaugle (Core 2007) Partner - Attorney Griffith, Strickler, Lerman, Solymos & Calkins 110 S. Northern Way York, PA 17402 (717) 757-7602……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Public Relations, Advocacy Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice, Environmental Rheta E.C. Stacy (SVS 1997) 3111 Lititz Pike Apt. 112 Lititz, PA 17543-8427 (717) 569-5298……1 Residence: Manheim Township Skills: Fund Raising, Special Events Agency Areas: Aging/Senior Citizens, Art/Cultural, Healthcare Heidi S. Stadel (Core 2001) Mark Stanley (Core 1988) Robin D. Stauffer (Core 2000) Leadership Lancaster Directory Craig W. Stedman (Core 2004) Agency Areas: Housing/Neighborhoods Dennis L. Steiner (Core 1995) Robert T. Swartwood (Core 1996) Deborah Stelly (Core 2006) Family Service Director Lancaster Area Habitat for Humanity 443 Fairview Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 392-8836……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Township Janis M. Swartz (Core 1988) Michael Stern (Core 2006) Rose L. Stetler (Core 1985) Fred Stier (SVS 2001) Jeffrey E. Swinehart (Core 2006) Dorothy Swope (SVS 2000) 2 Holly Lane Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 397-4680……1 Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Mentoring Agency Areas: Healthcare, Art/Cultural, Education/Illiteracy David K. Stoudt (Core 1993) Penny L.Talbert (Core 2007) Community Relations Coordinator Ephrata Public Library 550 S Reading Rd Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-9291……1 Email: [email protected] Skills: Public Relations, Marketing/ Research, Computer Assistance Agency Areas: Art/Cultural, Children & Youth Thomas L. Stoudt, Jr. (Core 2003) Diane Lique Tannehill (Core 1998) Jennifer M. Strobel (Core 2006) Superior Wash 91 Newport Pike Ste 303 Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-8202……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Darlene M.Taylor (Core 2006) Elizabeth A. Stinger (Core 2001) Clark A. Stoltzfus (Core 2007) Samuel D. Stoltzfus (Core 1985) Michelle Storey (SVS 2000) Gerald C. Stroud (Core 1988) Steven D. Sturgis (Core 2000) 393 S. Market Avenue Mount Joy, PA 17552 (717) 492-9778……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Mount Joy Borough Skills: Mentoring, Computer Assistance Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy Osman Suliman (Core 1995) Thomas A. Swalwell (Core 1997) Executive Director Ephrata Area Social Services 227 N. State Street Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-0345……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Ephrata Borough Skills: Planning/Research Scott C.Taylor (Core 2007) Stan Telson (EOS 2002) David J.Templeton (Core 1992) Aristoteles J.Theros (SVS 1999) 22 S. Pearl Street Lancaster, PA 17603-5413 (717) 394-3088……3 Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Special Events, Financial Agency Areas: Aging/Senior Citizens, Education/Illiteracy Gary S.Thomas (Core 1990) Jack Thomas (Core 2003) Kristen J.Thomas (Core 1999) Elizabeth J.Thompson (Core 1995) 6 EastTelemetry Unit Lancaster General 555 N. Duke Street PO Box 3555 Lancaster, PA 17604-3555 (717) 544-5632……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Grant Writing, Planning/Research, Special Events Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Children & Youth Jennifer L.Thompson (EOS 1997) Robert M.Tineri (Core 2006) Miguel E.Tirado (Core 1996) Luz D.Tiru (Core 1993) Barbara J.Tolbert (Core 1987) Jeffrey D.Tompkins (Core 1984) Betty K.Tompos (Core 1998) Donald R.Totaro (Core 1989) Terri L.Trimble (Core 1990) Deborah L.Trinkley (Core 2007) Carroll Truran (EOS 1995) Diane F.Tyson (Core 1998) S. Marlene Ulrich (Core 2007) Steven F. Ulrich (EOS 1994) William L. Updike (Core 1998) Entrepreneurial Businesses 404 S. School Ln. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 392-1469……2 Legend EOS - Executive Orientation Series SVS - Senior Volunteer Series Robert O.Thomas (EOS 1997) Sue Thomas (Core 2006) David K.Thompson (Core 1987) — page 33 — 3 - Available for single event/short term/long term volunteer commitments 2 - Available for single event/short term volunteer commitments 1 - Available for single event volunteer commitments Leadership Lancaster Directory Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Special Events, Fund Raising Agency Areas: Economic Development, Government/Public Affairs Karen M. Weibel (Core 1998) Jose E. Urdaneta (Core 2000) Autohaus Lancaster Inc. 1373 Manheim Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 299-2801……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Agency Areas: Children & Youth M. Waldron Vail II (Core 1986) Terri L. Ward (Core 2005) Thomas E. Welk (Core 1992) John M.Valan (EOS 2004) Kathy Jo Wenger (Core 1989) Gregory W. Wagner (Core 2003) Jamie Wardrop Brown (Core 2003) Manager Family Services of Central PA - Teen Parenting Program 1051 Lehigh Ave. Lancaster, PA 17602 (171) 291-6102……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lititz Borough Skills: Public Relations, Advocacy, Special Events Agency Areas: Housing/ Neighborhoods, Drug & Alcohol Abuse James J. Wagner (Core 2001) David H. Warfel (Core 1989) Laura J. Wakeley (Core 1997) Jerissa Warfel (Core 2006) Christopher J. Walker (Core 1997) Michelle Warnke (EOS 2004) Courtney L. Walker (Core 2002) David A. Warren (Core 2003) Kenneth Walker (Core 1997) Fiscal Director Crispus Attucks Community Center 404 S. Duke Street P.O. Box 894 Lancaster, PA 17608-0894 (717) 394-6604……2 Residence: Mount Joy Borough Skills: Mentoring, Financial Agency Areas: Children & Youth Robert S. Wash (Core 1987) Stefanie B.Valar (Core 1988) José A.Vazquez (Core 1999) Enid Vazquez-Pereira (Core 1987) Michael A.Vigunas (Core 1995) Phuong-Tan H.Vo (Core 1997) Barbara T. Washburn (SVS 1996) Kathleen M. Wasong (Core 2000) Elizabeth B. Weida (Core 1987) Dennis J. Weidman (Core 2003) Scott & Bev Weit (EOS 2004) Tanya H. West (Core 2007) Vivian Westman (SVS 1999) Christine F. Whalen (Core 1984) Heidi F. Wheaton (Core 2004) Carolyn R. Whitt (Core 1995) Laura B. Whitted (Core 2006) 613 S. Lime Street Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 672-0707……1 Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Advocacy, Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Criminal Justice/ Juvenile Justice, Civil Rights/Diversity, Neigborhood Block Association Wilbert E. Whitten (Core 2002) Scott Wickel (EOS 2004) Brian Wiczkowski (Core 2006) Mark F. Walmer (Core 1992) Mary Anne Wassel (Core 1988) President A-Z Advertising Specialties, Inc. 961 Stony Battery Road Landisville, PA 17538 (717) 898-8801……2 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Michael H. Walmer (Core 1993) Judith A. Watkins (Core 2003) James G. Walsh (Core 1991) Chief of Police West Lampeter Township Police Department 852 Village Road Lampeter, PA 17537 (717) 872-9632……1 Residence: West Lampeter Barbara J. Weaver (Core 1995) Vicki L. Widmer (Core 1996) Teaching Assistant IU 13 Community School Southeast 1050 New Holland Ave. Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 606-1391……3 Residence: East Hempfield Skills: Advocacy, Special Events Agency Areas: Aging/Senior Citizens, Healthcare, Education/Illiteracy Linda H. Weaver (Core 2007) Robert C. William (Core 2004) M. Steven Weaver (Core 1990) Edward & June Williams (SVS 1999) Janet Wall (EOS 2004) William E. Walsh (Core 1988) Thomas M. Wanner (Core 1991) General Manager Naomi R. Weaver (Core 2002) Heidi Weber Enck (Core 1990) Kathleen Wallace Wee (Core 2003) Shelby Weeks (Core 1993) — page 34 — Robert D. Williams (Core 1996) Teresa D. Williams (Core 2002) Tonya M. Williams (Core 2003) Human Resources Representative Leadership Lancaster Directory Bosch Security Systems 850 Greenfield Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 735-6360……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Personnel, Mentoring Agency Areas: Civil Rights/Diversity, Children & Youth Skills: Public Relations, Marketing/ Research, Special Events Beth A. Winter-McGarry (Core 1997) (717) 872-9510……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manor Skills: Mentoring, Public Relations, Special Events Agency Areas: Education/Illiteracy, Art/Cultural Randy M. Wirth (Core 2001) Kathleen Zaepfel (EOS 2006) Towanda F. Williams (Core 2003) 717 Scarsdale Circle Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 393-0652……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: West Hempfield Skills: Mentoring, Special Events Agency Areas: Children & Youth, Civil Rights/Diversity Chris A. Wise (Core 2007) Becky Wilson (Core 1994) Performance Improvement Coodinator Lancaster General Hospital 555 N. Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 544-5703……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster Twp. Skills: Financial Agency Areas: Healthcare Janice Wolfe (EOS 2002) Patrick Zaepfel (EOS 2006) Attorney Kegal Kelin Almy & Grimm 24 North Lime Street Lancaster, PA 17602-2913 (717) 392-5046……3 Email: [email protected] Residence: Martic Skills: Legal Agency Areas: Government/Public Affairs, Art/Cultural, Environmental, Transportation Gerald E. Wilson (Core 1992) Heather A. Wilson (Core 2004) Director, Major Gifts and Planned Giving Lancaster General 609 N. Cherry Street P.O. Box 3555 Lancaster, PA 17604-3555 (717) 544-7126……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Lancaster City Skills: Advocacy, Grant Writing Agency Areas: Healthcare, Education/ Illiteracy, Children & Youth, Civil Rights/ Diversity Steven R. & Paula Wilson (Core 2007 & Core 2006) Thomas Wilton (EOS 1998) Brenda J. Winebarger (Core 1986) Lori L. Winger (Core 2000) Melinda S. Winger (Core 1985) 2905 Brookfield Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 560-9786……1 Email: [email protected] Residence: Manheim Township Michael & Nancy Winn (EOS 1998) Randall L. Witmer (Core 1995) Roxanne Witmer (Core 1984) Warren J. Wolf (Core 1993) Ira S. Wolfe (Core 1988) Larry F. Wolpert (Core 1993) Bruce Wolstoncroft (EOS 2001) Beth Wood Bergman (EOS 2002) Donna L. Woodard (Core 2005) James R. Zahm (Core 1999) Douglas Zander (EOS 2003) Joseph A. Zanghi (Core 1992) Bethany C. Woodcock (Core 2007) Timothy M. & Lisa Roth Zechman (EOS 2001) Tom & Peg Woodcock (SVS 2001) Terry A. Zerphey (Core 1989) Kenneth C. Work (Core 1994) John W. Zeswitz (Core 1995) William T. Wright (Core 2000) Karen J. Zielinski (Core 1986) Lori Wyand & Wayne Baer (EOS 2004) Karen Zimmerman (Core 1998) John Wylie (SVS 1999) R. Dale Zimmerman (Core 2002) Naomi Yocum (SVS 2001) Timothy M. Zimmerman (Core 2006) Alice M.Yoder (Core 1997) Larry J. Zook (Core 1990) Gary L.Yoder (Core 1995) Jeffrey E. Zufelt (Core 1992) John V. Yost (Core 1996) D. Edward Young (Core 1986) Mark J.Young (Core 1998) Sarah Young Fisher (Core 1990) Cheryl J.Youtz (Core 1988) Teacher Penn Manor School District 2950 Charlestown Road Lancaster, PA 17603 — page 35 — Moved from area: Matt Bryant (Core 2006) CFO Northwest Cosmetic Laboratories 200 Technology Drive Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Work (208) 522-6723 Personal (208) 300-0394 Cindi Morrison (EOS 1998) Leadership Lancaster Program Year Faculty Thomas T. Baldrige President The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry Benjamin Bamford Senior Development Manager High Real Estate Group Richard Barbour Interim Supervisor for Early Intervention Lancaster Lebanon IU 13 Brian Barnhart Assistant Executive Director Lancaster Lebanon IU 13 Christi Beazley Produce Consultant Kegel’s Produce David Bender Executive Director Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse Karl J. Boltz Auctioneer Boltz Auction Company Richard T. Bowen Director of Development Fulton Opera House Luke Brubaker Director of HR Advanced Food Production Cynthia Burkhart Executive Director Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 Barry Clippinger Superintendent Columbia Borough School District James Cowhey Executive Director Lancaster County Planning Commission Dave Dagle Public Defender Lancaster County Office of the Public Defender Geoff L. Davis Business Strategies & Leadership Consultant Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP Susan A. Deck BS, RN, Education Coordinator, Electrophysiology (EP) Lab Lancaster General Hospital Saundra Hoover Superintendent Eastern Lancaster Country School District Diana Diehl Executive Coach Reinsel Kuntz Lesher Peter D. Horn Orientation & Mobility Specialist Susquehanna Association for the Blind & Vision Impaired Jan Duffy Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation Sam Encarnacion Assistant Public Defender Spahn & Encarnacion John L. Flemming Jr. Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. Honorable Michael A. Georgelis President Judge Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Leo P. Gilmore Senior Vice President Information Services Lancaster General Gerald G. Huesken Superintendent of Schools Conestoga Valley School District Laura C. Huff Public Defender Lancaster County Office of the Public Defender Thomas Hyson Karen Jenkins Deputy Director Demuth Foundation and Museum Carl Jones Staff Development Coordinator Lancaster County Prison Rick Gray Mayor City of Lancaster Brenda Kauffman Supervisor, School to Work Program Lancaster Lebanon IU 13 Vincent Guarini Warden Lancaster County Prison Cabell Kladky Maestro Stephen Gunzenhauser Conductor and Music Director Lancaster Symphony Orchestra Thomas D. Haley Principal Phoenix Academy Joyce Heberlein Owner Lancaster Galleries Mary Colleen Heil President Pennsylvania College of Art & Design Cheryl Heister Executive Director The Literacy Council of Lancaster Lebanon Lois K. Herr Executive Director Lancaster County Democratic Committee — page 36 — Barry Kornhauser Playwright-In-Residence/TYA Director Fulton Opera House Elizabeth Todd Lambert Chief Executive Officer Lancaster ARTS Anne M. Lampe Executive Director Demuth Foundation and Museum Carl B. Martin Director of Stewardship and Education Lancaster County Conservancy Karen Martynick Executive Director Lancaster Farmland Trust John S. May Partner May, Metzger & Zimmerman John H. May Associate May, Metzger & Zimmerman, LLP Leadership Lancaster Program Year Pam McCartney Program Director, Curriculum & Instruction Lancaster Lebanon IU13 Toni L. McCuistion Director/United Way LINC United Way of Lancaster County Joseph Moore Donald F. Stewart Superintendent Penn Manor School District Paula Wilson Principal Hamilton Elementary Sandra J. Strunk Program Director for Community Education Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 Alice M.Yoder Director of Community Health Lancaster General Joseph R. Morales Chief Operations Officer Lancaster Community Safety Coalition Chris Tallarico Public Defender Lancaster County Office of the Public Defender Cindi E. Morrison Paul R.Thibault Matt Neff Sight & Sound Theater Al Unrath Lancaster County Environmental David Nikoloff Executive Director Economic Development Company Philip R. Wenger President Isaac’s Deli, Inc. Karen Puracan Environmental Educator/Naturalist Lancaster County Environmental Center Danny F. Whittle Lancaster County Planning Commission Kate Quinn Director/Volunteer Center United Way of Lancaster County Gary Willier The Lancaster Chamber Terri L. Ridley Administrative Director - Outpatient Family Health Services Lancaster General Hospital Peter Seibert Executive Director Lancaster Cultural History Museum Deidre Simmons Thomas D. Smithgall Senior Vice President/Development High Real Estate Group Marshall W. Snively Deputy Director James Street Improvement District Andy Spade Public Defender Lancaster County Office of the Public Defender Craig W. Stedman District Attorney Lancaster County District Attorney’s Office — page 37 — J. Dwight Yoder Attorney Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP Karin Young Victim Advocate Victim Witness Services Aaron Zeamer Chambers 2 Lancaster County Courthouse Leadership Lancaster Program Year Leadership Advantage Faculty Frances M. Rodriguez Chief of Staff PA State Representative P. Michael Sturla Reyna Britton Director Accreditation & Quality Standards Lancaster General Kim Ronald Smith Attorney/Partner Hartman Underhill & Brubaker LLP Carol D. Deem Deem, Farney & López Law Offices Victor DeSantis Dean of Graduate Studies Millersville University Leo P. Gilmore Senior Vice President Information Services Lancaster General Anne Gingerich Nonprofit Resource Network Manager Millersville University Ronald A. Kratofil CEO Goodwill Industries Keystone Area R. Scott Labrecque Vice President, Client Solutions Stoudt Advisors David Lewis Vice President United Way of Lancaster County John P. Lines Community Relations Director Lancaster General Melissa Marschka Director of Leadership Giving United Way of Lancaster County Lucia Murphy CEO/Principal Doctor Murph Harvey Owen Berger, Owen & Powell, LP Jennifer J. Powell Executive Director Clare House, Inc. Tracey L. Rash CPA Partner Maher Duessel, CPAs Community Action Team (CAT) Team Mentors Participating CAT Group Organizations Community Action Teams (CAT) offer opportunities to practice team building, team processing and leadership skills through the exploration of community topics. Each class member is required to participate in a team of 6-7 participants which will be established based on self-selected interest areas concerning Lancaster County. The groups are then paired with an Lancaster based organization that reflects the interest of the group members. The process is the learning emphasis for this experience. Assets Organization Contact: Glenda Machia Jim Cassel Rob Dodds Marcy Donmoyer Patty Lawrence Ed Martel Erin McKenna Sheila Snyder Big Brothers/Big Sisters Organization Contact: Deb Harrison Rob Cronin Ryan Garber Marj Kwah Brian McCowan Jeff Ouellet Andrea Turasky Chris Venarchick Crispus Attucks Organization Contact: Cheryl Holland-Jones Jim Chadwick Maria DiStravolo Elliott — page 38 — Jan Jackson Dan LaFauci Andy Long Kiyana McGill-Jefferson Laurie Salimbeni Domestic Violence Services Donna Andrews-Mower Kathy Foltz Rob Kurtz Jack Phillips Donna Randolph Katie Stafford Bonnie Swinehart S. June Smith Center Organization Contact: Ken Harrison Liz Ackerman Tricia Cleaves Sally Landis Angie Lightfoot-Roth Dale McMichael Ellen Svrcek John Vozzella Melissa Wissler SouthEast Lancaster Health Services Organization Contact: Jim Kelly David Greineder Jim LaGraffe Rob McMurtrie Patty Neiles Carol Roland Theresa Russell-Loretz Doug Seitz Mike Stevens Committee Listing Alumni Committee: Kelly Albert Dantinne Joseph M. Beatty Kelly K. Cartwright Patricia M. Crouse Susan A. Deck Mark R. DiGiamberdini James A. Dunkelberger Amy Eidemiller Steve Erb Keith G. Falco John L. Flemming Dianne M. Fussaro Leo P. Gilmore Idette B. Groff Laura C. Huff Eleanor Isaacson Richard L. Jones Leadership Lancaster Program Year Margie Lamberson Timothy C. Lapp * Bridget Mazzocchi Venia M. McFadden William C. Musante Terri L. Ridley Rhonda E. Rumbaugh Peter J. Sahd Vickie Shuman Jerissa Warfel Board Leadership Academy Committee: Bev H. Breniser Richard W. Conley * Susan C. Eckert Andrew S. Gehman Anne Gingerich Ron Kratofil Jennifer J. Powell Laura Sadler Olin Bev Wise-Hill Mark Zettlemoyer Development Committee: James Clontz Andrew S. Gehman Brett D. Jackson Peter J. Sahd * Executive Committee Thomas T. Baldrige Richard W. Conley Tracy L. Cutler Amy Eidemiller Andrew S. Gehman Gerald G. Huesken * Roger S. North Governance Committee: Thomas T. Baldrige Richard W. Conley Leo P. Gilmore * Roger S. North Frances M. Rodriguez Leadership Advantage Committee: Bev H. Breniser * Andrew S. Gehman Anne Gingerich Michael B. Julian Randall E. McCarty Shanon Solava-Reid Bethany C. Woodcock Marketing Committee: Tracy L. Cutler Oneida D. DeLuca Elissa Lohin Fairman Patricia F. Gould Lucht Kristina J. McVey William C. Musante Cher Rineer * Program Committee: Susan A. Deck Amy Eidemiller Elissa Lohin Fairman Leo P. Gilmore Lonnie R. Green * Peter D. Horn Laura C. Huff John H. May Kristina J. McVey Executive Orientation Series Committee: Thomas T. Baldrige Bev Breniser Tracy L. Cutler * Brian DeCew Gerald Eckert Keith Falco Andrew S. Gehman Dale McMichael Lucia Murphy Stuart Savin — page 39 — Dennis Mitterer Joseph R. Morales Timothy C. Lapp Jennifer J. Powell Kate Quinn Frances M. Rodriguez Jennifer M. Strobel Paula Wilson Selection Committee: Lonnie R. Green John L. Flemming * Timothy C. Lapp Joseph R. Morales Jennifer J. Powell Cher Rineer Frances M. Rodriguez * Chair Acknowledgements The Board of Directors of Leadership Lancaster expresses its appreciation to moderators, faculty, and other volunteers who gave their time and expertise on behalf of the program. Publication of the 2007-08 Directory of Community Volunteers was made possible through the cooperation and generosity of the following Lancaster County businesses and individuals: Class and Directory Photography��������������������Bob Ingraham, LL Office, Urdaneta Photography Printing�������������������������������������������������������������������Brenneman Printing, Inc. Editors��������������������������������������������������������������������Deborah Rohrer; Susanne Hershey-Babec; Cher Rineer Directory Sponsor����������������������������������������������Susquehanna Bancshares 2007-2008 Session Sponsors Acuity Advisors & CPAs AT Systems Bank of Lancaster County Basics, Inc. Berk-Tek Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate D&E Communications Elizabethtown College Fulton Bank Harrisburg Area Community College – Lancaster Campus Hartman Underhill & Brubaker, LLP High Companies Kellogg’s Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry Lancaster County Association of Realtors Lancaster County Community Foundation Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 Lapp Electric Lititz Mutual Insurance M&T Bank MGS, Inc. Millersville University North Group Consultants PPL Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP RGS Associates Right Management RR Donnelley Simon Lever LLP Sterling Financial Corporation Studio 5 Architects Trout, Ebersole & Groff UGI Wachovia Foundation Leadership Lancaster is a Division of The Foundation of The Lancaster Chamber Leadership Lancaster is a member of the Community Leadership Association P.O. Box 1558 • Lancaster, PA 17608-1558 • 717-394-9393 • Fax 717-394-1010 [email protected] • leadershiplancaster.org