November 2010 - Allegheny West Magazine
&HOHEUDWLQJRXU W K LQ<JWHKH D U Y RIGHT: Pitt occupational therapy student Emily McCalmont dancing with client James Williamson at Valley Care. 6HU XQLWLHV P P R & D UH $ UW R $LUS TO REACH US :DOQXW6WUHHW6XLWH,PSHULDO3$ “GOOD NEWS ALWAYS, MAILED & DELIVERED FREE, EVERY TIME” $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH0RRQ(GLWLRQLVDQDOOSRVLWLYHJRRGQHZVSXEOLFDWLRQPDLOHGIUHHLQWRWKHKRPHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVRIWKH0RRQ $UHD6FKRRO'LVWULFWFRPPXQLWLHVRI0RRQDQG&UHVFHQWWRFRQQHFWFRPPXQLWLHVSURPRWHSHRSOHKHLJKWHQDZDUHQHVVDERXWWKHULFKQHVVRI WKHDLUSRUWUHJLRQDQGEXLOGSULGHLQWKHZHVWHUQVXEXUEVRI$OOHJKHQ\&RXQW\ 3KRQH)D[ (0DLODOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP Moon Edition 92/ ,668( 129(0%(5 FEATURES COLUMNS 9DOOH\&DUH6KDUHV3URJUDPVYLD79 7KH3URMHFW3UHVHUYHV6PDOO%XVLQHVV $&RPPXQLW\7UHDVXUH5RELQ+LOO3DUN ´*RRG6SRUWVµ6SRUWVPHQ&OXEV 0HHW&UHVFHQW7RZQVKLS 3XEOLVKHU·V1RWH 0RRQ7RZQVKLS1HZV 2QWKH+RUL]RQ $&7$7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ $URXQG<RXU7RZQ <RXU+RXVH6HQDWH 0XQLFLSDO5RXQGXS SPECIAL SECTIONS ,VVXHVRI/LIH 6HQLRU/LYLQJ $QQXDO´6KRSWKH1HLJKERUKRRGµ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eb Hoffman, lead program assistant at Valley Care Adult Day Services in Moon Township, dances with Pete Kraynyk, one of the clients at Valley Care. The center offers live music weekly where the clients enjoy dancing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inner BBB Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics Registered with Dun & Bradstreet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’S 1RWH %(,1*7+$1.)8/)257+( *22'1(66,12851(,*+%256 Despite a world full of depressing news, with the economy down and unemployment up, putting together yet another issue of this magazine for you, the reader, reaffirms for me the sincere goodness in people. Do you know about Moon Township residents Christine and Ray Pronto? The Moon Township Board of Supervisors recognized them for the continued support of the community and its programs. And, Moon Middle School student Tyler Casasanta raised about $3,000 for the American Heart Association. There is a buzz going on at the Hyatt Pittsburgh International Airport, where Moon resident and executive hotel chef, Chris Koegel and his team are assembling one of the largest gingerbread houses ever as part of the hotel’s month-long effort to bring awareness to autism. The hotel has teamed up with the Autism Center of Pittsburgh, whose director is also in Moon, for this important cause. We enjoyed being part of the Botanic Garden’s Botanic Bash at Roselea Farm in October, where funds were raised for this most important community gem that is starting to take shape here in our region. Enjoy the photo spread we’ve put together of some of those who were in attendance! We share even more news of student achievers and of members of the community doing so many good deeds for their neighbors in need as this holiday season approaches. I don’t know about you, but when I finish putting together all of this good news, I am comforted by knowing that we have a great community full of wonderful and generous people. Keep the good news coming! Thank you for everything! And, being the good news people that we are, we are happy to announce that our new Web site went up in September: Take a peek and tell us what you think! We will continue to add to it over time with news and information for you. feedback Pat Jennette, Publisher & Editor $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU , ZZRXOG RXOG OLN H WR WKDQN \\RX RX IIRU RU WKH JJUU HD W DU WLF OHV \\RX RX GR RQ OLNH HDW WLFOHV RXWK OH RQ WKH +LJK RXWK 7 KH VSULQJ DU WLF WLFOH WKH 0RQWRXU DU HD \\RXWK 6FKRRO 0XVLFDO·V WULSOH WKUHDW NLGV ZDV JUHDW ,W ZDV VR U HIU HVKLQJ WR KD KDYY H HPSKDVLV SODFHG RQ WKH DU WV LQ RXU DUHD 'RORUHV 5RELQVRQ <RX KD W PD W LV YYHU HU \ XVHIXO WR ERWK KDYY H D JJUU HD HDW PDJJ D]LQH WKD WKDW QHZ DQG H[LVWLQJ UHVLGHQWV 7KDQN \RX $P\ 0F&ORVNH\ ) DQWDVWLF UUHVSRQVH HVSRQVH WR WKH DU WLF OH HLJKW WLFOH OH , SXW D ORW RI ZZHLJKW RQ \RXU PDJD]LQH DQG LW OLYHG XS WR LWV UHSXWDWLRQ 0DU J H %DXHU RPD %DXHU 0\ /DXQGU /DXQGURPD RPDWW $GYHUWLVHUV OUR As with every issue, your community businesses are the reason for the publication of Allegheny West Magazine. Please support these businesses. Their support allows us to mail this magazine, free, into the households of Crescent and Moon as a community service. $ 'RRU WR 0HPRULHV S ZZZDGRRUWRPHPRULHVFRP $OO 6WDWH ,QVXUDQFH-HII 0\HUV S $QLNR·V S ZZZDQLNRVVSDQHW $XQW 3HQQ\·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·V S ZZZKR]DNIDUPVFRP +\DWW 3JK ,QWO$LUSRUW FRY EDQQHU ZZZSLWWVEXUJKK\DWWFRP ,GHQWLW\+DLU7DQQLQJS ,PSHULDO7D[$FFRXQWLQJS -DQRVNL·V S ZZZMDQRVNLVFRP .HQQHG\ 6FK RI 'ULYLQJ S ZZZNHQQHG\VFKRRORIGULYLQJFRP /D]DURZLF].HQ&3$ S 0DOO DW 5RELQVRQ S ZZZVKRSURELQVRQPDOOFRP 0DQSDVDQG 6SLFH &RUQHU S ZZZPDQSDVDQGVFRP 0HGLFDO*URXS5RELQVRQ'U9LQDUVNLS 0RRQ 7RZQVKLS S ZZZPRRQWZSFRP 072 &OHDQ S 0$,'6 ZZZDOOHJKHQ\PWRFOHDQFRP 0\ /DXQGURPDW S 1DXJKWRQ·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·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¶V :HE VLWH KHUH WRR ZKHUH DYDLODEOH WR SURYLGH DFFHVV WR DGGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW HDFK EXVLQHVV 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH RQWKHKRUL]RQ 9DOOH\&DUH$VVRFLDWLRQ%DE\%RRPHUV%H\RQG 5HDOW\WKH$O]KHLPHU·V$VVRFLDWLRQ, and %HWKDQ\ +RVSLFH will host an educational workshop for people caring for an aging parent or ill spouse on Wednesday, December 8, 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Valley Care Adult Day Services – Moon Township, 650 Cherrington Parkway. Tricia Barker from Bethany Hospice will present, “Enjoying the Holidays When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s.” Light refreshments will be served. Free on-site respite care for older adults with advance reservations. To attend, call (412) 7495257 by December 6. helping others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unday, December 12 at 3 p.m. For information, (412) 771-3052, ´'LVFLSOLQH'RHVQ·W+DYHWR+XUWµ presented by Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh/UPMC and The Early Learning Institute (TELI), will be held on Thursday, November 18, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ohio Valley Learning Center, 90 Grant Street, Coraopolis. This free class for parents of children ages 2-12 years includes topics such as: practical ideas to build healthy, happy relationships with your children; learning the difference between discipline and punishment; how to set age-appropriate expectations, effective consequences, and options for when children test the limits; and more. RSVP to Erica Frischmann at [email protected] or call (412) 331-3560. 3LWWVEXUJK7HFKQLFDO,QVWLWXWH)DOO:LQWHU 0DVVDJH&OLQLFV are Saturday, November 20; Saturdays, December 4 and 18. Clinic format has changed. Massages are one hour long and cost $30. Offered are Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Reflexology, Pregnancy, Pediatric, Geriatric, and a limited number of Hot Stone, (412) 370-6719. :HVW+LOOV6\PSKRQLF%DQG concert season’s upcoming series at West Allegheny High School this year: Sunday, December 12, 3 p.m., Gala Holiday Concert featuring local choirs and festive favorites; Sunday, March 27, 3 p.m., Spring Concert with Music of the Masters and Broadway Gems; Sunday, May 15, 3 p.m., Swing into Summer with the Best of the Great American Songbook. The WHSB will once again perform outreach concerts for many other local events. Organizations interested in hosting an outreach concert, contact Principal Conductor/Music Director Clem Rolin, (412) 788-4713. &RPPXQLW\ *URXSV &KXU KHV 6FRXW 7U RRSV &KXUFF KHV 0RU HQWV LQ RXU 0RUHH /LVW <RXU (Y (YHQWV ´2Q WKH +RUL]RQµ SDJHV +HUH )UHH RI &KDUJH DOVR FRPLQJ XS DURXQG WKH DUHD The Penn State Beaver Office of Continuing Education is offering a 6XVWDLQDEOH/DQGVFDSH 7HFKQRORJ\ &HUWLILFDWH, a six-course program that begins in January. The program will also be available at Penn State Fayette and the Penn State Center-Pittsburgh. The first two courses will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., January 11 through March 31. A class in Horticultural Science will be held on Tuesdays and a course in Herbaceous Perennial and Annual Identification will be held on Thursdays. The four remaining courses will be offered October through December 2011 and January through March 2012. The curriculum will emphasize sustainable techniques, including integrated pest management and environmental weed management, with a focus on native plants. This certificate program is designed for beginning landscapers, established landscape contractors, and those who work or wish to work in the green industry. For information, call 724-773-3816. Want a new challenge?? Climb up 37 floors of Pittsburgh’s Gulf Tower to promote lung health and fund lung disease research! The American Lung Association is hosting its annual )LJKWIRU$LU &OLPE on Saturday, March 19, 2011. Event details, registration, and sponsorship opportunities are available at or contact Tiffany at (724) 933-6180 ext. 227. WK$QQLYHUVDU\RI6FRXWLQJ%R\6FRXW7URRS$OXPQL&HOHEUDWLRQ Calling all Alumni members of Boy Scout Troop 248 to join in an alumni celebration at Oakdale Community Center, Saturday, February 12, 2011, between 2 and 4 p.m., (724) 693-0549 or 5DFFRRQ&UHHN6WDWH3DUN will offer the program, “Lost Proofing” on Sunday, November 21 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Worried about getting lost in the woods? This program will cover a variety of skills to keep one aware and comfortable in the outdoors. Learn basic map reading, using a compass, why humans walk in circles, lost person behavior, natural indicators of direction, and other methods of “keeping you strait.” Meet at the park’s Wildflower Reserve Nature Center on Route 30. For information, call (724) 899-2200. )LUVW3ODFH+HDOWK, a 12-week Christ-centered weight-loss and healthy living program, begins at Crossroads Church in North Fayette again on Tuesdays, January 11, 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. (childcare provided) or Wednesdays, January 12, 5 to 6:15 p.m. or Thursdays, January 13, 5:45 to 7 p.m. Initial session fee is $110 for materials. Call (412) 494-9999. 6WDJH will present 7KH0\VWHU\RI(GZLQ'URRG Friday and Saturday, November 19-20 at 8 p.m. at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall in Carnegie. Call (412) 429-6262 or e-mail: [email protected]. WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED! 6LQFHZHKDYHVHUYHGWKHDLUSRUWDUHD:HSXEOLVKWKUHHGLVWLQFW FRPPXQLW\PDJD]LQHVDOOPDLOHGIUHHLQWRWKHKRPHVDFURVVDUHDFRPPXQLWLHV7ROHDUQPRUHDERXWRXUSXEOLFDWLRQVFDOO RUYLVLWRXU:HEVLWHDWZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU The 0RRQ7RZQVKLS3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW·V fall composting program for residents continues this month. Leaf curbside pick-up will be done on Saturdays, November 20 and December 4. Leaf/brush drop-off site is the Downes Fire Station, located at the intersection of Beaver Grade and Ewing roads. The site will be open on Saturdays and Sundays through December 5, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the newest episode of the 0&$79·V award-winning program ´7KH 'RFWRU,V,Qµ host Dr. Marc Schneiderman tackles two hot health topics juvenile diabetes and breast cancer screening guidelines - with other Pittsburgh-area health professionals. The new episode premiered on November 10, on MCA-TV, Comcast channel 14 and Verizon channel 35. A +ROLGD\3DUW\ will be held for 0RRQ7RZQVKLS6HQLRUV on Wednesday, December 15 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Moon Township Municipal Building. Tickets are $4. For tickets, call (412) 262-1703. :LQJV2YHU3LWWVEXUJK has announced its dates for the 2011 Air Show. Next year’s show will be held September 10 and 11, 2011. The show’s featured performers will be announced after the International Council of Air Shows Convention in December. 7KH$QQXDO3LWWVEXUJK&RDFKHV&RUQHU)RXU/XQFKHRQV will conclude with the final luncheon of the year on Tuesday, December 14 at noon at the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center Ballroom in North Hills. This program is sponsored by local residents Tony Savatt and Lou Coccoli. Tickets are $24. The featured speaker at each luncheon is a Pittsburgh Steeler, and Bob Pompeani of KDKA-TV is master of ceremonies. For information and tickets, contact Dan McCann at (412) 761-7696. 3RUW$XWKRULW\5RXWH&KDQJHV2XWOLQHG LQD+HOSIXO%URFKXUHE\$&7$ ´&RPPXWLQJLQWKH$LUSRUW&RUULGRUµDFRORUIXO HDV\WRXQGHUVWDQGEURFKXUHRXWOLQHVLQERWKWH[WDQG GLDJUDPIRUPDWWKHFKDQJHVWREXVVHUYLFHWKDWZHUH PDGHLQWKHDLUSRUWFRUULGRULQHDUO\6HSWHPEHU $GGLWLRQDOO\$&7$KDVSURGXFHGDVHFRQGEURFKXUHRI WKHVDPH´-XVWLQ7LPH5LGH$&7$µ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ecember 19, 7 p.m., Christmas Cantata, “Touched by a Child, Touched by a King” by John Purifoy, with refreshments following program; December 24, 4 p.m., Special Youth Music Service; December 24, 10 p.m., Candlelight Service with Holy Communion; December 26, 10:30 a.m., Service of Lessons and Carols, (412) 859-3711. &RUDRSROLV8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFK - Christmas Eve, December 24, 7:30 p.m., Candlelight Family Worship Service, 11 p.m. Candlelight & Holy Communion Worship Service, (412) 264-3727 )RUHVW*URYH&RPPXQLW\&KXUFK - December 24, 7 p.m., Candle light Service with Communion, (412) 7881081 *UDFH/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK - December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion, 7 p.m., (724) 4577470 *UDFH2UWKRGR[3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK - December 24, 7 p.m., a celebration of the incarnation of Christ with devotional, hymn and carol singing, (724) 251-9092 +LOOVLGH&KULVWLDQ&RPPXQLW\ - Christmas Eve Service, Friday, December 24, 6 p.m., (412) 279-2996 +RO\7ULQLW\5RPDQ&DWKROLF3DULVK - Christmas Eve Mass, December 24, 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 10 p.m., preceded by choral carols at 9:30 p.m., Christmas Day Mass Schedule December 25, 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; New Year’s Day Mass, January 1, 10 a.m., (412) 787-2140 ,PSDFW&KULVWLDQ&KXUFK - Christmas Eve, December 24, 4 and 5:30 p.m., nursery & pre-school care provided, (412) 264-9392 .HQ0DZU8QLWHG3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK - Thanksgiving Day Service, 10 a.m.; Christmas Eve Candlelight services, 4, 7, and 10 p.m. (No service on Christmas Day), (412) 331-2863 6KDURQ&RPPXQLW\3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK December 24, 4 p.m. Family Service focused on the children; 9 p.m. Candlelight Service with Holy Communion and The Ringing in of Christmas, (412) 264-7400 6W&DWKHULQHRI6LHQQD - November 25, Thanksgiving Mass, 10:30 a.m.; December 11, Christmas Pageant at 5:30 p.m. after 4 p.m. Mass; December 24, Christmas Eve Masses, 4 and 9:30 p.m.; Christmas Day Mass, 10:30 a.m., (724) 457-7026 6W0DODFK\&KXUFK - December 24, Mass for Children, 4 p.m. and Children’s Choir will sing; 6 p.m. Mass and contemporary choir will sing; 10 p.m. Mass and adult choir will sing; Christmas Day, December 25, Mass at 8 a.m., and at 11 a.m. with adult choir singing. There is no Saturday 4 p.m. Mass on Christmas Day, (412) 771-5483 Additional contact information about the churches listed can be found on the Community Connections page in the back of this issue or on the Web site at $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 6DLQW-DPHV&DWKROLF&KXUFK - December 24, Christmas Eve, Children’s Choir singing, 4 p.m.; service, 7 p.m.; Midnight (adult and bell choir singing/performing a prelude at 11:30 p.m.; Christmas Day, December 25, services at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and noon, (412) 741-6650 7KH)LUVW83&KXUFKRI&UDIWRQ+HLJKWV - December 24, 7 p.m., Christmas Eve Candlelight Service featuring traditional carols, a Christmas story; child care provided, (412) 921-9024 8QLWHG3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFKLQ,QJUDP - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, December 24, 7 p.m., Sacred Concert before worship at 6:30 p.m., (412) 921-2323 :HVW+LOOV%DSWLVW&KXUFK - November 21, Thanksgiving Service, 10:15 a.m. with meal following December 5, “Grandma’s Special Gift” Christmas Service, 10:15 a.m.; December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 7 p.m.; December 31, New Year’s Eve, 6 p.m. service, (412) 264-4061 :HVW5LGJH&KULVWLDQ&RPPXQLW\&KXUFK - Christmas Celebration Service, December 19, 10 a.m.; Christmas Eve Celebration & Candlelight Service, December 24, 6 p.m.; West Ridge will present the Christmas production, “Love Has Come” at both the Sunday and Christmas Eve Service, as well as the traditional candlelight portion of the service on Christmas Eve, (724) 695-7500 9DOOH\&KXUFK,PSHULDODecember 12, Christmas Drama presentation, 10:30 a.m.; December 24, Christmas Eve, 7 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service; No Service Christmas Day; December 26, 10:30 a.m., (724) 695-0300 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH DU RXQG\ RXUWR ZQ DURXQG\ RXQG\RXUWR RXUWRZQ &KDPEHU3UHVLGHQW+RQRUHG 7KH3HQQV\OYDQLD$VVRFLDWLRQRI&KDPEHU 3URIHVVLRQDOV3$&3DQQRXQFHG6DOO\ +DDVSUHVLGHQWRIWKH3LWWVEXUJK$LUSRUW $UHD&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFHDVWKH UHFLSLHQWRIWKH´.H\VWRQH$ZDUGµ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´,·PKRQRUHGWRKDYHEHHQVHOHFWHGIRUWKLVDZDUGµVKHVDLG´7KURXJKRXW WKH\HDUV,·YHEHHQSULYLOHJHGWRKHOSDGYDQFHRXUUHJLRQDQGFUHDWH RSSRUWXQLW\DORQJVLGHVRPHJUHDWOHDGHUVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVZKLFKKDVEHHQYHU\ JUDWLI\LQJ+DDVZHQWRQWRDGG´7KLVDZDUGFRPHVDWDWLPHWKDWLVFKDOOHQJLQJ IRUDOORIXVLQWKH&KDPEHULQGXVWU\PDNLQJWKLVUHFRJQLWLRQYHU\PHDQLQJIXO DQGLQVSLULQJWRPHµ 7KH3HQQV\OYDQLD$VVRFLDWLRQRI&KDPEHU3URIHVVLRQDOV3$&3LVFRPSULVHG RI3HQQV\OYDQLDORFDOFKDPEHURIFRPPHUFHH[HFXWLYHVPDQDJHUVDQGRWKHUV HPSOR\HGLQSRVLWLRQVFRPSOHPHQWDU\WRFKDPEHURIFRPPHUFHZRUN $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 3HRSOH<RX.QRZ Impact Church, Moon Township, wishes to thank all who donated to this year’s Mile of Cans benefit for the West Hills Food Pantry. A total of 26,125 cans were donated. Thank you! &KDPEHU5HFRJQL]HV3XEOLVKHUIRU$ZDUG ABOVE: Members of the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors presented a certificate of recognition to Pat Jennette, front, center, for winning the national Award for Publication Excellence (APEX) this year. Pat is the owner and publisher of Allegheny West Magazine, and a long-time member of the chamber’s all-volunteer Ambassadors group. *6.(PSOR\HHV9ROXQWHHURQ0RQWRXU7UDLO PHOTO SUBMITTED -RVHSK&XULJOLDQRRI0RRQ7RZQVKLSKDVEHHQ QDPHGDVVLVWDQWRIILFHPDQDJHUIRUWKH5RELQVRQ 7RZQVKLSRIILFHRI)LUVW&RPPRQZHDOWK%DQN 3UHYLRXVO\KHZDVDVVLJQHGWRWKH6TXLUUHO+LOO RIILFHDVDVVLVWDQWRIILFHPDQDJHU-RHKDVEHHQ ZLWK)LUVW&RPPRQZHDOWKIRUWKHSDVWWZRDQGDKDOI \HDUV $IWHUGHFDGHVRIKLNLQJVRPHRIWKHZRUOG·V JUHDWWUDLOVDGYHQWXUHUDQG/RZHOO7KRPDVDZDUG ZLQQLQJDXWKRU%UDQGRQ:LOVRQDIRUPHU0RRQ 7RZQVKLSUHVLGHQWZDVH[FLWHGWRKHDUDERXWWKH9LD $OSLQDQHZSDWKVUXQQLQJWKURXJKHLJKWFRXQWULHV DORQJWKHEDFNERQHRIWKH$OSV%HVLGHVSURPLVLQJ WRWDOLPPHUVLRQLQWR$OSLQH OLIHDQGZLOGHUQHVVKH NQHZLW·GEHWKHXOWLPDWH DGYHQWXUH,WPHDQW FOLPELQJIHHWIURP YDOOH\WRUXJJHGPRXQWDLQ KXWHYHU\GD\³DOPRVW PLOHV³IRUPRQWKV ,W·GDOVRSURYLGHSHUIHFWIRGGHUIRU:LOVRQ·VIRXUWK HU WKH 7RS H[FLWLQJ WUDYHO DGYHQWXUH ERRN 2Y 2YHU %DF N $J DLQ %DFN $JDLQ DLQ +LNLQJ ; WKH $OSV $OSV 7KLV LV WKH ILUVW 9LD$OSLQDWUDYHOQDUUDWLYHERRNSXEOLVKHGLQ (QJOLVKZLWKSKRWRVPDSVDQGFXVWRP LOOXVWUDWLRQVE\.HQ3OXPE,WSURYLGHVDKXPRURXV ILUVWKDQGSUHYLHZIRUWKRVHZKRGUHDPRIPDNLQJ DVLPLODUMRXUQH\WKHPVHOYHV³RQIRRWRUPD\EH MXVWLQWKHLUPLQG 7KLVLVKLVIRXUWKWUDYHODGYHQWXUHERRN)RU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW%UDQGRQDW LQIR#SLOJULPVWDOHVFRP127($OOHJKHQ\:HVW 0DJD]LQHIHDWXUHG%UDQGRQDQGWKLVVWRU\LQWKH 1RYHPEHULVVXHRIWKLVPDJD]LQH ABOVE: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare associates left the office to roll up their sleeves and serve the Pittsburgh community by painting, cleaning, landscaping, and providing other services at nine local nonprofit organizations during Orange Days. Orange Days of Caring are regular business days that are set aside by GSK for associates to take time away from the office to volunteer at nonprofit organizations. Locally, associates volunteered their time on the Montour Trail where they painted bridges, trimmed shrubs, and cleared brush along the trail. Send a bit of “home” to someone you know! We Do Gift Certificates! Send a Holiday Gift Subscription of Allegheny West Magazine for that out-of-town relative, college student, or someone who has moved away. Subscriptions are just $12 per year for six issues! CALL: (724) 695-3968 or e-mail: DOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH DU RXQG\ RXUWR ZQ DURXQG\ RXQG\RXUWR RXUWRZQ 0RRQ6XSHUYLVRUV7KDQNWKH 37,¶V3URIHVVLRQDO'UHVV6DOH 3URQWRVIRU0DQ\&RQWULEXWLRQV 5HDGLHV<RXQJ$GXOWVIRU:RUN [OHUR `V\ $WWKH1RYHPEHUPHHWLQJWKH0RRQ7RZQVKLS %RDUGRI6XSHUYLVRUVSUHVHQWHGDSURFODPDWLRQ WRORQJWLPH0RRQUHVLGHQWV&KULVWLQHDQG5D\ 3URQWRIRUWKHLUFRQWULEXWLRQVWRFRPPXQLW\ VSRUWVDQGUHFUHDWLRQ7KH3URQWRVUHFHQWO\ VSHDUKHDGHGWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDQHZ\RXWK VRFFHUILHOGRQ%RJJV5XQ5RDG7KH3URQWRV DOVRDUHDQQXDOVXSSRUWHUVRI0RRQ7RZQVKLS·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·V3URIHVVLRQDO 'UHVV6DOH7KHQH[WVDOHZLOOEHKHOGRQ'HFHPEHUIURPDPWRSP DQGDJDLQIURPWRSPLQWKHVFKRRO·V*DOOHU\,QWKHQH[WVXFK HYHQWZLOOEHKHOGLQ-XQH 7KH1HZWR<RX3URIHVVLRQDO'UHVV6DOHJLYHVEXVLQHVVVWXGHQWVWKH RSSRUWXQLW\WRWDNHZKDWWKH\OHDUQLQWKHFODVVURRPDQGDSSO\LWLQDFWLRQ WKURXJKKDQGVRQOHDUQLQJ 7KHVFKRROLVDFFHSWLQJDOOJHQWO\ZRUQSURIHVVLRQDOFORWKLQJIRUPHQRU ZRPHQVXLWVSDQWVVKLUWVVNLUWVEORXVHVEHOWVWLHVFRDWVDFFHVVRULHV 0RVWQHHGHGDUHPHQ·VVL]HGUHVVFORWKLQJHVSHFLDOO\ODUJHUVL]HV 7KHVWXGHQWVUXQWKHHYHQWIURPEHJLQQLQJWRHQG7KH\KDYHEHHQRSHUDWLQJ WKLVSURJUDPIRUWKHSDVWWKUHH\HDUV %HFDXVH\RXQJVWXGHQWVVWDUWLQJRXWGRQ·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oncept Car Competition, concept-car.html, Registration deadline: January 14, 2011, Competition date: April 30, 2011, 6 p.m. .:??:?8$2E49 Not all wins happen on the baseball field. Although the Pittsburgh Pirates have not had a winning season in quite a long time, Enos and Renee Abel of Moon Township have a story to tell that is a winner through and through. Renee shared this story, below, about how she met her husband, Enos, got married, and recently celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary at the unveiling of the Bill Mazeroski statue on September 5. 0$=·6 +20(5 812&7 2%(5 +20(5812&7 812&72%(5 ´:DV D *UHDW 'D\ IRU $OO RI 8Vµ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´ERVVµVDLGVR,WROGKHU´<RXQHHGWRJHWVRPHIULHQGVDQGZHQHHGWRFHOHEUDWHZLWKWKH3LUDWHVµ0DU\ (LOHHQZDVH[FLWHG6KHVDLG´,·OOJHWVRPHJX\VIURPZRUNDQGZHZLOOSLFN\RXXSDW\RXUKRXVHµ ,JRWRQWKHVWUHHWFDUZHQWWRP\KRPHLQ(DVW/LEHUW\DQGVRRQWKH´JDQJµSLFNHGPHXS7ZRJX\VWKUHHJLUOV$VWKHVWRU\JRHVWKH´ERVVµZDVWKH JX\GULYLQJDQGKHGLGQRWZDQWWRSLFNPHXSDVKHVDLG´ZHKDYHWRRPDQ\SHRSOHDOUHDG\µ%HIRUHKDQGWKHJX\VZHQWWRWKHFUHGLWXQLRQDQG%LOO ZLWKGUHZIURPKLVVDYLQJVDFFRXQWIRUWKHIXQHYHQLQJDKHDG1RZZH KDGIRXUJLUOVDQGWZRJX\VLQWKHUHGDQGZKLWH)RUG 2FWREHUZDVP\PRWKHU·VELUWKGD\0\PRPDQGGDGERWKFDPHIURP 3RODQGDQGZKDWDWKULOOLWZDVWKDW0D]HURVNLD3ROLVKER\KLWWKHZLQQLQJ KRPHUXQRQKHUELUWKGD\ 2QWKHUDGLREURDGFDVWLWZDVDQQRXQFHG´'RQRWFRPHGRZQWRZQDOOWKH URDGVDUHFORVHG7KHUHDUHWRRPDQ\SHRSOHLQWKHGRZQWRZQDUHDµ6RRXU SDUW\GURYHWR2DNODQG:HZHQWWR)UDQNLH*XVWLQHVDQGWKHQWRDSULYDWH FOXEQHDU)RUEHV)LHOG:HVDWDWWKHEDUZLWKWKHUHOLHISLWFKHUIURPWKH :RUOG6HULHV7RP&KHQH\7RPRIIHUHGWRVKRZXVKRZWRWKURZDFXUYHEDOO +HWKHQJDYHXVD´ZDGRIPRQH\WRZDWFKIRUKLPµ:HGLGWKDWJODGO\ 1RZZHZDQWHGWRJRGRZQWRZQWRVHHWKHSHRSOHFHOHEUDWLQJ2XUIULHQG ZKRZDVWKHGULYHUVDLGKHNQHZKRZWRJHWGRZQWRZQWKURXJKWKH+LOO 'LVWULFWVWUDLJKWGRZQ)LIWK$YHQXH:HPDGHLWDQGSURFHHGHGWRWKH&RUN DQG%RWWOH5HVWDXUDQWRQ*UDQW6WUHHWHQMR\LQJWKHFURZGZKRZHUHQRZ NLVVLQJDQGKXJJLQJDVZHOODVGDQFLQJRQWKHVWUHHW :HDUULYHGKRPHDURXQGWKUHHR·FORFNLQWKHPRUQLQJ,KDYHWRVD\,ZDV KDSS\WKDWP\IULHQG0DU\(LOHHQDUUDQJHGIRUWKH´SDUW\JDQJµWRLQFOXGH PHLQWKHIXQ2QDGRZQVLGHZHDOOKHDGHGIRUZRUNWKHQH[WPRUQLQJ 7KH´GULYHUµRIWKHSDUW\FDU(QRV$EHOZKRZDV0DU\(LOHHQ·VERVVFDOOHG PHWKHQH[WGD\WRDVNPHIRUDGDWH:HZHUHHQJDJHGRQH\HDUODWHURQ :$6 2FWREHU6R2FWREHUWK:$6 :$6DJUHDWGD\IRUDOORIXV:HKDYH EHHQPDUULHGIRU\HDUV2QRXUWKDQQLYHUVDU\RXUFKLOGUHQKHOGD VXUSULVHSDUW\IRUXVDWWKH$OOHJKHQ\&OXEDW7KUHH5LYHUV6WDGLXP1RZH GLGQRWQDPHRXUFKLOGUHQ%LOODQG0D]EXWZHQDPHGWKHP/\QQHDQG0DWW PICTURED: Left to Right, Renee Abel; Dick Groat, 1960 baseball player; Enos Abel; and their granddaughter, Heidi VanDenBosche. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH 6(1,25/,9,1* +HOSZLWK%DODQFH7KHUDS\ Are you able to answer yes to the following questions: 'R\RXH[SHULHQFHDVSLQQLQJRUZKLUOLQJVHQVDWLRQ" 'R\RXKDYHDIHHOLQJRIOLJKWKHDGHGIORDWLQJRUURFNLQJVHQVDWLRQ" 'R\RXKDYHDVHQVDWLRQRIEHLQJKHDYLO\ZHLJKWHGRUSXOOHGLQRQH GLUHFWLRQ" 'R\RXIHHORIIEDODQFHRUKDYHGLIILFXOW\ZDONLQJ" 'R\RXIHHOGLIILFXOW\PDLQWDLQLQJDQXSULJKWSRVWXUH" 'R\RXKDYHDWHQGHQF\WRWRXFKRUKROGRQWRREMHFWV" 'R\RXKDYHWURXEOHIRFXVLQJRUWUDFNLQJREMHFWVZLWK\RXUH\HV" If you answer yes to a majority of these questions, you may be experiencing difficulty with your vestibular system. The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear and the brain that help control balance and eye movements. You may be a candidate for vestibular rehabilitation, which is an exercise-based program for reducing the symptoms of movement-related dizziness and imbalance. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is an alternative treatment involving specific exercises that can eliminate or significantly reduce symptoms by promoting central nervous system compensation for inner-ear deficits. The program is designed to: 1) Decrease dizziness and visual symptoms; 2) Increase balance and walking functions; 3) Increase general activity. The program may include exercises for: ā&RRUGLQDWLQJH\HDQGKHDGPRYHPHQWV ā6WLPXODWLQJWKHV\PSWRPVRIGL]]LQHVVLQRUGHUWRGHVHQVLWL]HWKHYHVWLEXODU V\VWHP ā,PSURYLQJEDODQFHDQGZDONLQJDELOLW\ ā,PSURYLQJILWQHVVDQGHQGXUDQFH Exercises vary depending on the type of inner-ear disorder and the associated symptoms. Remember to follow-up with your primary care physician for a general healthcare check-up. If appropriate, you may be referred to an otolaryngologist or neurologist to diagnose your vestibular problem. From there, you will be referred to a physical therapist that performs vestibular rehabilitation. At THE pt GROUP Physical Therapy, the physical therapist will work closely with you to design a comprehensive home exercise program that will start you on your road to recovery. Presented by pT Group Physical Therapy, 980 Beaver Grade Road, Moon Township, (412) 262-3354; Reference: Vestibular Disorders Association Publication No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·VHDV\RXU,QWHJUDFDUH'LVWLQFWLYHV²WKDWLVWR VD\RXUGLVWLQJXLVKLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFV)LUVWRIZKLFKLV RXUWKUHHGLPHQVLRQDOIRFXVZKLFKLVUHIOHFWHGLQRXU PLVVLRQVWDWHPHQW$W7KH:LOORZVZHZDQWWR ´LPSURYHWKHTXDOLW\RIOLIHIRURXUHPSOR\HHVRXU 5HVLGHQWVDQGRXUIDPLOLHVµ:K\SXWHPSOR\HHVILUVW" %HFDXVHZKHQDQHPSOR\HHIHHOVYDOXHGDQG UHVSHFWHGWKH\KDYHJUHDWHUMREVDWLVIDFWLRQZKHQ WKHUHLVJUHDWHUMREVDWLVIDFWLRQWKHUHLVJUHDWHU UHWHQWLRQ6WDWLVWLFVKDYHVKRZQWKDWMREUHWHQWLRQDQG *DOODJKHU+RPH&DUHLVWKHSULYDWHGXW\GLYLVLRQRI*DOODJKHU+RPH+HDOWK 6HUYLFHVOHGE\.DWLH5LHGLQJHU'LUHFWRURI+RPH&DUH'HYHORSPHQW 'LDQH.DUF]513UHVLGHQWRI*DOODJKHU+RPH+HDOWK6HUYLFHVVWDWHV´6LQFH ZHKDYHNHSWRXUYLVLRQDQGPLVVLRQFORVHWRRXUKHDUWVDQGWKHYDOXHVWKDWRXU PRWKHU,YD*DOODJKHULQVWLOOHGLQXV5HFRJQL]HGE\2&6IRUIRXUFRQVHFXWLYH\HDUV DVRQHRI+RPH+HDOWK·V(OLWHRXU+RPH&DUHGLYLVLRQFRQWLQXHVWRPRGHOWKH LQWHJULW\KRQHVW\DQGSURIHVVLRQDOLVPIRUZKLFKRXU+RPH+HDOWK'LYLVLRQLV UHFRJQL]HGµ &RYHUHGVHUYLFHVZLWKLQWKH+RPH&DUH'LYLVLRQLQFOXGHSHUVRQDOFDUHEDWKLQJ GUHVVLQJJURRPLQJOLJKWKRXVHNHHSLQJPHDOSODQQLQJDQGSUHSDUDWLRQPHGLFDO DVVLVWDQFHFRPSDQLRQVKLSDQGRWKHUWDVNVDVQHHGHG )RUSHUVRQDOFDUHLQ\RXUKRPHRUHPSOR\PHQWRSSRUWXQLWLHV&DOO.DWLH5LHGLQJHU DW RU MREVDWLVIDFWLRQWUDQVODWHWRDKLJKHUTXDOLW\RIFDUH IRURXU5HVLGHQWV6RRXUHPSOR\HHVDUHKDSS\RXU 5HVLGHQWVDUHKDSS\DQGLQWXUQWKHLUIDPLOLHVDUH KDSS\,W·VDZLQZLQZLQVLWXDWLRQ 7KHVHFRQGGLVWLQFWLYHLVRXU)DPLO\DQG)ULHQGV &RQFHSW)DPLOLHVDQGIULHQGVDUHDYHU\LPSRUWDQW FRPSRQHQWWRWKHKDSSLQHVVDQGZHOOEHLQJRIRXU 5HVLGHQWV:HZDQWWRPDNHVXUHWKDWZKHQIDPLOLHV DQGIULHQGVYLVLWWKH\KDYHDSODFHWRVRFLDOL]HZLWK WKHLUORYHGRQHV7KDWLVZK\\RXZLOOILQGVRPDQ\ FRPPRQDUHDVZKHUHIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\FDQJDWKHU :HZDQWWRPDNHYLVLWLQJ7KH:LOORZVDZDUPDQG LQYLWLQJH[SHULHQFH²IURPRXUFRXUW\DUGWRRXUSDWLR RXU3XERUWRWKHVSDFLRXVDQGFRPIRUWDEOHOLYLQJ URRPV²LW·VDOODERXWWKHMR\VRIFRPPXQLW\DQGWKDW LQFOXGHVDVHQVHRIIDPLO\EHWZHHQVWDIIDQG 5HVLGHQWVWRR 9DOOH\&DUH$VVRFLDWLRQ·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enior living has taken on a whole new meaning with the burgeoning growth of those Americans who are reaching retirement age from the baby boomer generation. In the Allegheny County area, resources abound to find the right type of living arrangement for one’s needs. From high-rise, independent apartment living to attended nursing home care, the options are numerous. New state regulations and a plan for government funding officially incorporate assisted living as a new category of retirement living that starts in Pennsylvania in 2011. Assisted living has “unofficially” existed in the state for a long time. However, this new designation, which was approved in June by the Department of Public Welfare regulations that cover assisted living, will allow personal care homes to apply for assisted-living status once the regulations take effect in January 2011. Besides the Yellow Pages, there are numerous resources for older adults to research options in living arrangements. “Pittsburgh Senior News,” published since 1993 by $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU Lynn Hogan Webster, is a nugget of valuable information published monthly. She also publishes “Beaver County Senior News,” “Butler County Senior News,” and both the Allegheny County and Beaver County “Senior Resource Guides.” Lynn’s publications offer resources from adult living resources and tips and suggestions to nutrition, medical resources, and entertainment. She can be reached at (412) 367-2522. “New Lifestyles: The Source for Seniors,” ( is published out of Texas, and offers a guide to the levels of care, where to find that care, and information about senior programs and services. It is available on local newsstands and area churches. Allegheny County Department of Human Services offers its Area Agency on Aging program. Seniors can reach them at (412) 350-5460. The agency provides social services and senior center services. Among those many services is LifeSpan, a program that provides mid-day lunches, activities, and trips for older adults. To reach LifeSpan, call (412) 464-1300. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH DU RXQG\ RXUWR ZQ DURXQG\ RXQG\RXUWR RXUWRZQ 1(: ,172:1 7LSSHUDU\)DUP 9RODQW0LOO:LQHU\DW-DQRVNL·V -R/\QQDQQRXQFHVWKHRSHQLQJRIKHUQHZULGLQJDFDGHP\DW7LSSHUDU\)DUPORFDWHG DW6WHZDUW5RDGLQ0F'RQDOG ³,KDYHKDGKRUVHVIRURYHU\HDUVDQG,VWLOOKDYHWKHILUVWKRUVH,HYHUERXJKWLQ ´-RH[SODLQV³,VWDUWHGEUHHGLQJ,ULVK'UDXJKWKRUVHVDQG*OHQRI,PDDOWHUULHUVLQ DQG,ZHOFRPHGP\ILUVW.HUU\%RJSRQ\IRDO7LSSHUDU\0DULDKMXVWWKLV\HDU´ -RQRZKDVILYHRIWKLVUDUHEUHHGRIVPDOO,ULVKSRQ\ZKRZHUHXVHGWREULQJWKHGULHG SHDWLQIURPWKHERJVRIFRXQW\.HUU\LQVRXWKZHVW,UHODQG 7LSSHUDU\)DUPLVQRZRIIHULQJ(QJOLVKULGLQJOHVVRQVIRUFKLOGUHQRQLWVWKUHHOHVVRQ SRQLHV0LQL&RRSHU0DHYHDQG:L]DUG 7LSSHUDU\)DUPZLOORIIHUKDOIKRXURURQHKRXUSULYDWHOHVVRQVXQGHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQRI .ULVWHQ.ROHQGDDJUDGXDWHRI/DNH(ULH&ROOHJH¶VHTXHVWULDQSURJUDP:KHQQRW WHDFKLQJ.ULVWHQHQMR\VVKRZMXPSLQJKHUKRUVH0DYHULFNDQGWHDFKLQJ\RJD 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2XW´HYHQWVDQGVPDOOJHWWRJHWKHUV7KHIDFLOLW\KROGVSHRSOHDQGFDQEHXVHG 0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\WRSPDQG6DWXUGD\VDQG6XQGD\V7RUHVHUYHFDOO )XQGUDLVHUHYHQWVKDYHDOUHDG\EHHQVFKHGXOHGDWWKHVWRUH$GGLWLRQDOO\$YRQ IXQGUDLVHUVDUHDJUHDWZD\WRUDLVHPRQH\IRUDQ\VFKRROFKXUFKRUFDXVHZLWK SURGXFWVWKDWSHRSOHXVHHYHU\GD\VXFKDVVKDPSRRGHRGRUDQWDQGVKRZHUJHOV :KDWHYHUWKHUHDVRQRUWKHVHDVRQ$YRQSURGXFWVWKURXJK3UHPLHUHRIIHUWKHORZHVW SULFHDYDLODEOHRQTXDOLW\$YRQSURGXFWV DETAILS: 1144 Silver Lane, McKees Rocks, PA 15136; (412) 489-6440; [email protected]; Online Store: Customers can purchase Avon products from Joyce several ways; shop in the store M-F 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., order or reorder products by phone at (412) 489-6440, e-mail orders to [email protected], or text orders or questions to (412) 498-4902. Customer purchase records are kept for easy reordering of your favorite products. Major credit cards, debit cards, and cash are accepted and all products have a 100% money back guarantee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·V/RZ,QFRPH +RPH(QHUJ\$VVLVWDQFH3URJUDP/,+($3LVQRZDFFHSWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVIRU FDVKJUDQWV&ULVLVJUDQWVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHRQ-DQXDU\/,+($3KHOSV ORZLQFRPHSHRSOHSD\WKHLUKHDWLQJELOOVWKURXJKKRPHHQHUJ\DVVLVWDQFH JUDQWVDQGFULVLVJUDQWV&DVKJUDQWVDUHDZDUGHGEDVHGRQKRXVHKROG LQFRPHIDPLO\VL]HW\SHRIKHDWLQJIXHODQGUHJLRQ&ULVLVJUDQWVDUHSURYLGHG 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Community Access Television that helps senior citizens tune in to local health and education resources from their homes. “Active Aging,” presented by the nonprofit Valley Care Association, will address quality of life topics for seniors as well as the challenges and decisions faced by their caregivers. The series premiered in October on MCA-TV, Comcast channel 14 and Verizon FiOS channel 35. In the first episode of this quarterly program, hosts John Seitz of Valley Care’s Home Safe Home program and Leigh Neidergall of Concordia Visiting Nurses discuss simple home safety modifications, such as shower grip bars and stair railings, which can help seniors stay in their own homes longer. “Our mission at Valley Care is to help older adults live safely at home as long as possible while also providing support to their caregivers,” said Heather Sedlacko, executive director of Valley Care Association. “This television series is an exciting new way for us to share information with the community that can empower today’s busy seniors and their families to make informed choices.” The “Active Aging” series joins other long-running MCA-TV programs geared toward the senior audience. In “Senior Workout,” Moon Township resident Linda Francis, a 25-year MCA-TV volunteer, leads a low-impact aerobic workout that helps older adults stay fit from home. For the past five years, the Sewickley Senior Men’s Club also has broadcast its weekly guest speakers, such as a recent visit from a U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds pilot. “MCA-TV provides an alternative way to offer senior programming to the community by bringing it directly into the home,” said James Koepfinger, executive director of MCA-TV. “We are pleased that Valley Care Association is adding to our programs for this age group by bringing its health and education resources to our viewers.” Valley Care Association has been serving seniors since 1978. Valley Care Association offers adult day services at its centers in Moon Township and Ambridge. Its Home Safe Home program provides home safety modifications for older adults. For more information, call 412-749 5257 or visit TOP: Coraopolis resident, Doc Braden, received an access ramp at his home. BOTTOM: Pitt occupational therapy student Emily McCalmont dancing with client James Williamson at Valley Care. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH PHOTOS BY JJ /HJLVODWRUV· 6HQLRU([SRD+LW Each year State Senator John Pippy and State Representative Mark Mustio host a Senior Expo in their district so that residents either nearing retirement age or older can visit dozens of local representatives. These representatives provide valuable information on such topics as healthcare, senior housing, taxes, safety, and more. This year’s Senior Expo was held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Moon Township. Top: Senator Pippy, left, and Representative Mustio, right, with a local resident; Center, left to right: Gary and Mary Lou Buell; members of the Moon Senior Citizens Association; Senator Pippy greets a senior resident; Bottom, left: Moon Township Police Department members William Lonkert and Cornelius Munger, Jr. offered tips and information; right, an emergency medical technician answers questions. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU BY PAT JENNETTE +D G $ERXW 7KH 3U RMHFW" +DYYH <RX +HDU +HDUG 3URMHFW" Chris Dilla, owner of Bocktown Beer and Grill in North Fayette, does it. So does Michelle Mason, owner of LaStone Therapy, also in North Fayette. So, too, does Donna Dobos, owner of Willow Creek Crossing in the heart of downtown Oakdale. Add to that list RWG Archery and The Painted Giraffe, both in Imperial. Oh, and don’t forget The Flowersmith in Kennedy and the Village Shoppe in Moon. Even local stores The Happy Baby Company, West Hills Pet Center and Northern Light Company, also all local businesses, are doing it. What do they do? They are all locally owned, independent, small business owners who support and promote The 3/50 Project, a growing national movement to encourage local residents to make educated decisions about their dollars when they go out to spend. In a nutshell, it is about frequenting three local businesses each month and spreading one’s $50 in discretionary spending among them. Do it each month, and small business will stay alive and well here in the airport suburbs. Donna Dobos passes out the flyer provided on The 3/50 Project Web site to her customers. Chris Dilla shares the flyer and also has a blog online about the importance of spending local and doing business with local people. In an age when online shopping is becoming more and more popular and as more people short on time find it easier to order from the computer, it is important to point out that by doing one’s shopping in this way, none of the money stays in the local neighborhood. Yet, by stopping at the local gift shop or hardware store to buy that special item, local people can keep local business alive. Everyone has $50 a month to spend. We spend it on everything from food and drinks to health and wellness products. With the national economy at a near standstill, it is more important than ever to support the hundreds of small businesses that work so hard to keep their storefronts alive. Cinda Baxter, creator of The 3/50 Project, is a veteran consultant and one-time retailer who has launched a national effort to promote regional economies. She provides the collateral materials online for a nominal cost or even no-cost, so that small businesses can get the message out among their neighborhoods that it is important to buy local. Says Chris Dilla, owner of Bocktown, “I learned of The 3/ 50 Project from Kim of McGinnis Sisters, who insisted that I ‘google’ it. I did the very next day, because the message already made sense to me. Bocktown needed to be involved.” “I was already saying the same thing as Cinda Baxter in my own way. Bocktown has Pittsburgh Pride Partners whom we do business with to bring the best quality ingredients to our menu,” she added. “I want the area’s shoppers to find us, and other locally owned businesses in the area. We need them. We want them, and we can offer a better and unique experience. I firmly believe you will get more quality and satisfaction when doing business within your community with your neighbors,” Chris stressed. And thus, the reason for The 3/50 Project. More details are outlined on the materials below. As you begin your holiday shopping this season, be sure to take a look at the promotions being offered by our local businesses that are shared on the following pages. Stop in. Buy something. Thank them for being part of your community. Help them stay there. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU /RFDO +ROLGD\ +DSSHQLQJV $U RXQG 7RZQ 7 KLV 6HDVRQ $URXQG 7$.($:$/. 7+528*+ 7+(/,*+783 The annual Christmas Light Up Drive Through Display at Clinton Park in Findlay Township on Route 30 West opens to the public on November 19. On November 17 and 18, bring the family out for a stroll through the park from 5:30 to 10 p.m. The first “walk through” last year was such a success that a second night has been added this year. For details, call (724) 899-3602. -$$OODUG(OHPHQWDU\6FKRRO3723DQFDNH %UHDNIDVW is Saturday, December 4, 8 a.m. to noon, at its gym, 170 Shafer Road, Moon Township. Tickets, $5 in advance, $6 at the door, also auction baskets, raffles, entertainment. Call (412) 269-6844. 0RRQ7RZQVKLS*DUGHQ&OXE&KULVWPDV6DOH is Saturday, December 4, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Robin Hill Park, 949 Thorn Run Road, Moon Township. Fresh and artificial items will be for sale including wreaths, mailboxes, lightposts, and table decorations, plus home baked treats from the Sweet Shoppe. *ULHI6KDUH 6XUYLYLQJ WKH +ROLGD\V - Attend an encouraging seminar to help survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them again, Saturday, November 20, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Crossroads Church in North Fayette. Contact (412) 494-9999 or e-mail: [email protected]. 0RRQ+LJK6FKRRO%DQGDQG2UFKHVWUD is having a “Cookie Walk” on Saturday, November 20 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Moon High School Cafeteria, 904 Beaver Grade Road. Purchase a container for $8 and fill it with as many HOMEMADE cookies that will fit within it, (412) 2627965. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH BY PAT JENNETTE PHOTOS BY JJ *LQJ HUEU HDG ´+RWHO$LU SRU W &DPSXVµ *LQJHUEU HUEUHDG ´+RWHO$LUSRU &DPSXVµ :LOO $QF KRU 0RQWK/RQJ &HOH EU W WKH +\ +\DD WW $QFKRU &HOHEU EUDD WLRQ DDW So just what does it take to create a gigantic gingerbread house from scratch? Moon Township resident Chris Koegel, executive chef at the Hyatt-Pittsburgh International Airport, got involved in this project early in the fall when the hotel staff wanted to create a buzz around the hotel for the holidays and decided to make a larger-than-life gingerbread “hotel.” As Chris describes it, “Soon we decided, let’s do the whole airport property.” “Paul Shriner, our hotel engineer, got on board to help us with the base construction when we all started thinking about a charity we could support for the holidays,” he continued. Paul, who lives in Hopewell, mentioned that his nephew, John, had autism, and described to the staff how prevalent it is, with one of 100 children in Pittsburgh being diagnosed. The Hyatt staff contacted the Autism Center of Pittsburgh, where they learned that all of the money raised for the organization stays right here in the area. Tina Mahat, director of sales and marketing for the Hyatt - Pittsburgh International Airport, contacted Cindy Waeltermann, founder and director of the Autism Center of Pittsburgh, which operates a branch in Moon Township. (NOTE: Allegheny West Magazine ran a story on the Autism Center in the November 2009 issue.) On November 17, the gingerbread house will be unveiled to the public. Chris said he and his staff started working on the project just after Labor Day. He estimates the completed project will have used about 100 pounds of gingerbread, which his kitchen staff baked, 750 eggs, 50 pounds of powdered sugar, and about 50 pounds each of gumdrops, peppermint, and chocolate. “We have a great team here in our kitchen that collaborated on this project, baking everything that could be baked for this project,” Chris noted. Paul cut out the wood base and shell for all of the components, which was then used as the basic frame for the gingerbread production. The gingerbread structure will reside in the hotel lobby through the holidays, as the anchor for the series of events that will occur between now and December 30 to benefit the Autism Center of Pittsburgh (note: see page 19 for details). They include, on Saturday, December 11, dining for autism, and Breakfast with Santa starting at 9 a.m., followed by a walk-a-thon. Also part of the benefit activities will be an auction of paintings by local autistic students, a bakery competition among some of the top bakeries in the PIttsburgh area, and more. “Paul’s nephew, John, is truly the catalyst that started this whole project going,” Chris said. In between Chris and his staff working on the gingerbread project over the past two months, he oversees 16 cooks and all culinary operations of the hotel. He attended the Culinary Institute of Hyde Park in New York, and joined the Hyatt in 1993. Chris resides in Moon Township with his wife, Carol, and two sons, Cassidy and Coulter, who are a senior and sophomore, respectively, at Moon Area High School. PICTURED, TOP: Michelle Tomas, Paul Shriner, Jessica Kevech, and Chris Koegel as they were getting underway with the gingerbread hotel project; BOTTOM: An overview of the partially completed display. PHOTOS BY JJ $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU +DSS\ +ROLGD\V 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU $OODUG(OHPHQWDU\6FKRROLVFRRUGLQDWLQJD%DFNSDFN3URJUDPto provide backpacks and school supplies for a projected 200 Moon area students who will enter school next fall without the means available to purchase such items. Backpacks and school supplies for any grade, K-12, are welcome. While out shopping for the holidays, consider purchasing backpacks and crayons, markers, highlighters, pencils, erasers, scissors, notebook paper, spiral notebooks, 3-ring binders, folders and subject dividers. While “character” backpacks are fine especially for the younger grades, plain larger and sturdier ones are needed for the higher grades. Donations can be dropped off at the school office. &UHVFHQW7RZQVKLS will hold a holiday Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, December 11 at 9 a.m. in the township building’s multi-purpose room. On December 18, the recreation board will host a Christmas party starting at 1 p.m. for residents and their families. Champagne & Shopping! +ROLGD\P$57 3UHYLHZ 3DUW\ is an exclusive kickoff party of this 16-year tradition, to be held on Saturday, November 27, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Sweetwater Center for the Arts, Sewickley. Buy finely crafted, one-of-a-kind handmade gifts, enjoy live music; and taste hors d’oeuvres and flowing champagne. Reserve tickets, $30 in advance or $35 the day of the event. Holiday mART regular shopping hours are November 28 - December 5, (Monday – Thursday), 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Friday) 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Saturday – Sunday) 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Light Up Night, sale hours are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Call (412) 741-4405, or visit 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH 2OG(FRQRP\9LOODJH in Baden will host ´&KULVWPDV$URXQGWKH:RUOGµ on Saturday, December 11 from 2 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 3-11. Children under age 3 are free. Tour the decorated Village, enjoy musical performances, and shop for unique gifts made by traditional craftsmen at the Weihnachtsmarkt. Children and their parents will enjoy many hands-on activities, carriage rides, and das Kinderhaus. Enjoy delicious homemade German food prepared by members of St. John’s Lutheran Church, in the original house of worship of the Harmony Society. Parking shuttle service is available. Visit or call (724) 266-4500, ext. 101. 6HZLFNOH\·V&KULVW\+RXVH will host a Christmas Victorian Luncheon on December 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Christy House is an historical landmark and former rector’s home. Fridays, September through June, lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Volunteers serve as waitresses, kitchen, and shop staff. Shop in the Needles Eye for unique new gifts and in Earthly Treasures for used items. Proceeds from the $9 lunch benefit women’s and children’s missions, (412) 741-5960 after 9 a.m. on Fridays for groups over four. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU STORY BY ANALIJA ZAMPOGNA 5RELQ+LOO $Q,QFUHGLEOH*LIW If it weren’t for Mrs. Mary Spencer Nimick, 52 acres of land could be just another neighborhood or shopping center in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Thanks to Mary and her love of nature, Robin Hill Park, located at 949 Thorn Run Road, has been preserved and utilized for recreational purposes for residents. According to Dr. Robert Jockers, founder of the Moon Township Historical Society and author of Forgotten Past, “Mrs. Nimick wanted to give a gift to Moon Township, and although it may seem unusual to want to do something like that, it was a very wonderful gift.” The estate consists of a “24 room Georgian mansion, a large carriage house, two oil wells, and nature woodlands” (1). In her will in 1971, Mary “requested that the property be preserved ‘for perpetual use as a park or wildlife refuge and for the enjoyment of the residents of Moon Township and their friends. Said property to be known hereafter as Robin Hill Park.’”(1). There’s no denying that Mary understood the consequences of rapid growth and development; she has, in a sense, saved the future of a small part of Moon Township. Her legacy lives on as Robin Hill Park, now comprised of about 191 acres, continues to represent an appreciation of nature and the coming together of a community. “The Nimick family home was built in 1924. It was here that they raised their family of five boys and one girl” (1). When the estate was bequeathed to Moon Township, there was a question as to whether or not to keep the mansion. Robert states that “at the time, Robin Hill mansion itself needed some work, and because of that the Robin Hill Associate group was formed. The group worked so hard and so long to try to preserve the mansion and restore it.” Fundraisers and donations were necessary in order to maintain the property. Unfortunately still true to this day, “it takes a lot of money to try to preserve the past,” explains Robert. Inspired by Moon Park, nature trails, originally planned by Mort and Marge Steele, were established throughout the woodlands beginning in 1973. After two years, the trails were completed. President of the Moon Township Historical Society Ronald Potter describes the volunteer effort: “Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts,” along with other volunteers, cleared and “put wood-chips on the trails themselves.” There are different color marks on the trees that follow each trail. These woodlands contain various plants and wildlife that ABOVE: The Nimicks (photo submitted); BELOW: the gazebo at the rear of the 24-room mansion on the lawn. PHOTO BY PAT JENNETTE 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH PHOTO BY ANALIJA ZAMPOGNA PHOTO BY ANALIJA ZAMPOGNA PHOTO SUBMITTED make it enjoyable to take advantage of the benches that are scattered throughout the trails. Also located at Robin Hill Park is an historic log house that dates back to the early 1820’s. The Historical Society purchased the house in 1976 for their Bi-Centennial Service Project. Originally located in Washington County, the log house was dismantled and transported via the U.S. Air Force. Ronald reveals that members of the Historical Society, as well as “their families and friends of all ages... gutted the interior of the house, then tagged and numbered each individual log with metal tags.” The house was moved “log by log to Robin Hill, where it was rebuilt. We rebuilt it ourselves, which took about seven to eight years.” This was all done without government funding as well. According to Dr. Robert Jockers, the stone from the fireplace inside of the log home was originally from the Old Stoops Ferry Railroad Station. Although the log house was once rented out for special activities, it is now used as a home for the Historical Society. Even so, the house represents what life was like as an early settler. Furthermore, this project has added a significant amount of history and character to Robin Hill Park that everyone can appreciate. Additions to the Park do not stop at the log cabin. There is also an herb garden located on the right side of the building. Initially, the Herb Society maintained the garden, but then the group dismantled, leaving the garden unkempt. Last fall, the Moon Township Garden Club decided to adopt the garden and nourish it back to health. Mary Skinner, a member of the Garden Club, explains that they didn’t have a plan or a way to even identify the overgrown plants. “ We now have it in pretty good shape. We have cleaned it up and we have weeded and we have cut things back. We also have planted new plants...We’ve been making plant markers so that people can see the names of the plants.” The garden is divided into many different sections: medicinal, tranquility, culinary, mint, mythology, fragrance, tea, and more! Mary includes: “the township is putting new fence in different places in moon township’s park and they want the fence around the garden to match the other fence, so they will be putting new fencing around the garden. It is a lot of work and I hope we can keep it up...” A Picture cannot capture the beauty of the garden or the hard work that has been put into it. The Garden Club has really done a wonderful job in giving life back to this small treasure at Robin Hill Park. Robin Hill is a park for all ages and many activities. The house is used for classes like dance, art, and more. It can also be rented out (certain fees apply) for weddings and receptions. Any programs or activities are organized by Moon Township Parks and Recreation. The backyard is very picturesque with a beautiful stone wall and white gazebo. To the left of the backyard sits an amphitheater that has been used for $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU concerts, plays, etc. Peace and bliss can be found along with the plants in the herb garden. An interesting history lesson lies within the logs and fireplace of the log home. The carriage house is used as the Moon Area Senior Citizen’s center, where meetings and card games can take place. Adventure seekers and anyone who appreciates nature will fall in love with the preserved woodlands. The trails that are overflowing with green gifts and wild creatures create a sense of mystery and awe. The modern treasure hunt called Geocaching has found it’s way into the trails as well; a few geocaches can be found by looking up Robin Hill Park on So much love and selfless work has been put into Robin Hill Park, and all for the enjoyment of the community. There are many passionate people who are devoted to maintaining and preserving the park without asking for a paycheck. Although the future is everchanging and unpredictable, Robin Hill Park will forever be preserved as the heartfelt contribution from Mrs. Mary Spencer Nimick. When Mary willed her property to Moon Township, she began a cycle of contributing and volunteering for the greater good of the community. 4XHVWIRUWKH (DJOH5DQN 7LP*HOGPDNHUDVRSKRPRUHDW0RRQ$UHD+LJK6FKRRODQG%R\6FRXWLV WDNLQJFKDUJHRIWKH,QWHUSUHWLYH*XLGH3URMHFWLQRUGHUWRIXOILOOWKHUHTXLUHPHQWV IRUDQ(DJOHUDQN7LPH[SODLQVWKDW´WKH(DJOHLVWKHKLJKHVWUDQNWKHUHLV,W·VDQ KRQRU/HVVWKDQRIER\VWKDWMRLQWKH%R\6FRXWVPDNHLWWR(DJOHµ 7LPLVDPHPEHURI7URRSZKLFKLVORFDWHGLQ0RRQ7RZQVKLS 3HQQV\OYDQLD7URRSPHHWVRQ0RQGD\HYHQLQJVDWWKH6KDURQ&RPPXQLW\ 3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK 7KH,QWHUSUHWLYH*XLGH3URMHFWLVIRFXVHGRQPRGHUQL]LQJWKHH[LVWLQJWUDLO JXLGHZKLFKKDVQ·WEHHQXSGDWHGLQGHFDGHVDW5RELQ+LOO3DUN:KHQVXPPHU VWDUWHG7LPZDVUHDG\WRJHWWRZRUN´7KHUHZHUHWUHHPDUNHUVWKDWZHUHQRW FOHDURUPLVVLQJDQG,DPUHGRLQJWKHWUHHPDUNHUVDQGWKHJXLGH,KDYHD SKRWRJUDSKHUZKRLVWDNLQJSLFWXUHVRIWKHWUHHV,W·VDELJSURMHFW,·PKRSLQJWR PDNHLWDVL[PRQWKSURMHFWZKLFKLVZKDW,QHHGWRJHWP\HDJOH$QGWKHQLI, FDQJREDFNWRLW,·PJRLQJWRILQLVKLWDQGPDNHLWD\HDUSURMHFWDIWHU,JHWP\ 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Nationally, nearly 1.8 million high school students took the AP Exams in May 2010 and only 18 percent of students performed at a level to merit various AP Scholar recognitions. Moon Area Class of 2010 graduates Joseph Andros, Nathaniel Hendrick, David Korotky, Christopher Marince, Kayla Miller, Daniel Murray, and Christopher Tramposch earned the designation of AP Scholar with Distinction signifying each had scored an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken and grades of 3 or higher on five or more exams. Graduates Kathleen Donahoe, Sarah Krisher, and MAHS senior April Peng earned the designation of AP Scholar with Honor after receiving an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on four or more AP exams. A total of 13 students were named AP Scholars after receiving grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. These students were 2010 graduates Sierra Anderson, Dylan Corwin, Nicholas Grace, Rachel Hays, Nicole Kunkle, Zachary Liskay, Ellen Martin, and Maddison Paule; and seniors Neil Frick, Caitlin Irion, Aaron Johnson, Erin Kaminski, and Priyeta Panigrahi. Most of the nation’s colleges and universities award credit, advanced placement, or both based on successful performance on the AP Exams. More than 3,200 institutions award a full year’s credit (sophomore standing) to students presenting a sufficient number of qualifying grades in the more than 30 AP exams available. $OODUG6WXGHQW5HTXHVWV )RRG'RQDWLRQVLQOLHXRI%LUWKGD\*LIWV Aaron Trondle, a fifth grader at Allard Elementary, requested that family and friends not buy him gifts for his recently celebrated birthday, but instead contribute food donations to the West Hills Food Pantry Drive, which both Allard and McCormick Elementary students recently participated in. Allard Elementary students contributed over 1,000 food items to the drive, with kindergarten students donating the most food items and winning a pizza party. McCormick students contributed a total of 1,500 items to the food drive, with fourth grade students donating the most food items and winning a pizza party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´:KHQ\RXORRNDWDGROHVFHQWVWKHUHDUHWZR JURXSV²\HDUROG\RXQJDGROHVFHQWV DQG\HDUROGDGROHVFHQWVµKHVDLG ´PLGGOHVFKRROVDUHDOODERXWWHDFKLQJ\RXQJ DGROHVFHQWVZKLFKILIWKJUDGHUVDUHWKH DSSURSULDWHDJHIRUGHYHORSPHQWDOO\DQG DFDGHPLFDOO\µ -DFNVHUYHGDV$VVLVWDQW([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUIRU WKH1DWLRQDO0LGGOH6FKRRO$VVRFLDWLRQIRU \HDUVLVDXWKRUWR´0DQDJLQJWKH0DGQHVV²$ SUDFWLFDOJXLGHWR0LGGOH*UDGHV&ODVVURRPVµ DQGFXUUHQWO\VHUYHVDV'LUHFWRURI3URIHVVLRQDO 'HYHORSPHQWIRU,QFHQWLYH3XEOLFDWLRQV BELOW: Allard Elementary students with food donations for the West Hills Food Pantry. Aaron Trondle, (first row, center) requested donations for the food drive instead of birthday gifts this year. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH STORY AND PHOTOS SUBMITTED BY MEGAN GALLAGHER MOON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT The Moon Area School District (MASD) adopted a new English and Language Arts curriculum program for all seven of its schools for the 2010-11 school year. “The new district English and language arts curricula replace materials that our students have been using for the last nine years. Forty plus teachers and administrators worked an entire year examining and preparing materials for this adoption. The end result is a cutting-edge program that will prepare our students with 21st century skills,” remarked Dr. Donna K. Milanovich, MASD Superintendent of Schools. Further commenting on the work of the committee, Kim Jones Prevost, MASD Assistant Director of Curriculum, added, “The committee engaged in a rigorous process of research review, data analysis of student achievement results, and site-based visits to other districts in order to make an informed decision that will challenge all students K-12.” With the new adoption, the high school implemented several changes, primarily to the 12th grade English program. Although seniors must take a full credit of English to fulfill their graduation requirement, students now have the option of taking two of eight half-credit English courses. These courses include Contemporary Fiction, Poetry, Survey of British $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU PHOTOS: Top: Allard Elementary second grade students use technology to cast their vote; Bottom: Moon Area Middle School seventh grade students watch the PhotoStory reading of a book; Opposite page: An Allard Elementary student participates in the new English and Language Arts curriculum. Literature, Survey of World Literature, Overall, teachers were very pleased with ´6WXGHQWVLPSURYHWKHLUUHDGLQJZULWLQJ the community response to the new Shakespearean and Contemporary Drama, Playwriting and Performance, initiative. RUDQ\RWKHUIRUPRIGLVFRXUVHLIZKDW Contemporary Nonfiction, and “I value that parents made this a Creative Nonfiction Writing. WKH\ DUH HQJDJHG LQ LV FKDOOHQJLQJ SXU priority, put trust in the new program, In addition, the new high school and encouraged their children to read,” SRVHIXO DQG PHDQLQJIXO WR WKHPµ program incorporated contemporary said Autumn Cairns, Middle School young adult fiction and nonfiction -HIIUH\=ROODUV'LUHFWRURI&XUULFXOXP Language Arts teacher. into the English curriculum. Another new component of the “Although we have kept many of the curriculum is a comprehensive K-12 important classics, the contemporary pieces will help to actively engage writing composition program with the adoption of the 6 Traits of students in the study of literature and enrich their understanding of the Writing program and resources from Write Source to support an close relationships between classic and modern pieces,” said Joanne aligned K-12 program. Other new developments include Canan, High School English teacher and department chair. intervention materials for special education, Title I, Life Skills, and The middle level language arts program was enhanced by English Language Learners; and two online reading software incorporating a novel’s approach in addition to a new textbook series by programs that will be used for intense reading remediation, progress McDougal Littell. This hybrid combination provides meaningful monitoring, and reading fluency. reading options for students while retaining classic literature The total expense of the new MASD Language Arts and English throughout the year. In addition, the new textbook series is equipped curriculum adoption is approximately $845,000, which Nick with an online version featuring interactive tools to help students Pollack, Board Education Committee chair, considers an essential improve their literacy skills. A new course, Reading and Writing investment into the education of our students. Reinforcement, aimed at grade 7 and 8 students who are struggling “The following formula sounds simple, but it seems to ring true: readers is a strong program enhancement. Students improve their reading, writing or any other form of According to teacher Lisa Tolliver, “We have a brand new curriculum discourse if what they are engaged in is challenging, purposeful and that is completely novel and project based. I feel like I am reaching meaningful to them,” said Jeffrey Zollars, MASD Director of the students because the environment is a comforting one that embraces Curriculum. “The resources the teachers on the English and all of the students, no matter what their learning skill level is. I love Language Arts Committee recommended to the Board both support knowing that I am getting the students the preparation they need for a standards-aligned curriculum and increase student engagement in testing, teaching them how to organize themselves, and being learning.” able to reinforce their reading and writing skills.” For more information about MASD curriculum, courses, or At the elementary level, several new resources have been added to technology, visit maximize reading and language arts achievement. “I am pleased to see the integration of authentic literature at each level 2-5,” said Lynette Conti Dinello, J.H. Brooks Elementary principal, of the new Treasures® program by Macmillan McGraw-Hill. “In addition, ‘leveled readers’ that are tailored to the ability level of students within the same lesson are a distinct advantage in differentiating learning.” The new series, as well, provides teachers with materials for learning centers, interactive whiteboard flipcharts to use with Promethean boards, and online resources. “The program allows easy access to all its components through online resources,” said Allard Elementary fourth grade teacher Christine Dushack. As part of the new curriculum, students entering grades 6-12 participated in the new Summer Reading program, which requires students to read a novel and complete an accompanying assignment. According to Moon Township Public Library Director Maria Joseph, public use of the library increased during the summer months. A total of 277 items were borrowed that directly related to the program. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH +20(,03529(0(17),;83 3+272 &2857(6< 3$5$*21 +20(6 $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH6HSWHPEHU $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 10 Auspicious Autumn Home Design & Décor Trends 7KHVHDVRQHYRNHVWKRXJKWVRIKRPHDQGKHDUWKDVIDPLOLHVDQGIULHQGV HDJHUO\DQWLFLSDWHUHFRQQHFWLQJZLWKRQHDQRWKHUDPLGEXV\OLYHV :LWKWKLVLQPLQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\UHJDUGHGLQWHULRUVH[SHUW(ODLQH:LOOLDPVRQRI 'DOODVEDVHG(ODLQH:LOOLDPVRQ'HVLJQVDQDZDUGZLQQLQJOX[XU\LQWHULRUV JURXSRIIHUVWKHVHIDOOGHVLJQDQGGpFRUWUHQGVDQGWLSV 9LQWDJHDFFHQWV:KDW·VROGLVQHZDJDLQ)UHQFKEXUODSLVQRORQJHUMXVW IRUVDFNUDFLQJ7KLV(DUWKIULHQGO\ILEHULVEHLQJXWLOL]HGIRUFKLFSLOORZV LPSULQWHGZLWKDYLQWDJHVWDPSHGGHVLJQRUHYHQDIDPLO\LQLWLDO$FFHQWFKDLUV FDQDOVREHVHHQFRYHUHGLQJUH\OLQHQLPSULQWHGZLWKYLQWDJH´GRFXPHQWµVFULSW ZULWLQJ9LQWDJHFRXWXUHODPSVDQGWKHLUUHSOLFDVDUHXWWHUSHUIHFWLRQWKLV\HDU HVSHFLDOO\WKRVHZLWKPLONJODVVDQGQDWXUDOPDWHULDOEDVHVGUXPVKDGHVDQG DQWLTXHEUDVVILQLDOV$JHGFRORUZDVKHGZRRGDFFHVVRULHVVXFKDVFDQGOH VWLFNVXUQVDQGERZOVDUHSRSXODUDVRYHUVL]HGDFFHVVRULHVWRDFFHQWDQG XSGDWHDWLPHZRUQORRN :DOOSDSHU:LWKDGHFUHDVLQJGHPDQGIRUIDX[ILQLVKHVDQGZDOOVSDLQWHG LQVROLGSULPDU\FRORUVZDOOSDSHULVPDNLQJDFRPHEDFNLQDELJDQGGHFLGHGO\ IDVKLRQDEOHZD\)URPEULJKWDQGEROGWRVXEGXHGDQGHOHJDQWWRGD\·V ZDOOSDSHUVDUHHDV\WRDSSO\DQGHYHQHDVLHUWRUHPRYHPDNLQJXSGDWLQJWKH VHDVRQDOORRNRIDURRPHDVLHUWKDQHYHUEHIRUH7KHUHDUHDVHHPLQJO\ HQGOHVVQXPEHURIFKRLFHVIURPVROLGVWRSDWWHUQVDQGHYHU\WKLQJLQEHWZHHQ 7LPHOHVVDUW:KHQVKRSSLQJIRULWHPVWRRFFXS\ZDOOVSDFHGLWFKWKH TXLFNIL[´PDWFK\PDWFK\µSLFWXUH$UWGRHVQ·WKDYHWREHH[SHQVLYHEXWLW VKRXOGFHUWDLQO\KDYHPHDQLQJ%X\ZKDW\RXORYH0L[PHGLXPVDQGVW\OHV7R DGGGHSWKDQGFKDUDFWHUWR\RXUSLHFHVIRUHJRWKHJODVVFRYHUWKDWFDQEH GLVWUDFWLQJDQGFDVWVDJODUHWKDWDFWXDOO\GHWUDFWVIURP\RXULQWHULRUGHVLJQ 5HPHPEHU«LI\RXORYHLWLWZRUNV (OHPHQWDOFRORU:KLOHQHXWUDOVKDYHPDGHDVWURQJVKRZLQJLQGHVLJQWKLV \HDUIRUSULPDU\GHVLJQHOHPHQWVOLNHZDOOVDQGEDVHOLQHIXUQLVKLQJVEROGO\ FRORUHGDFFHQWSLHFHVJLYHDVSDFHYLVXDOLQWHUHVWDQGDSSHDO%ULJKWO\FRORUHG DQGRUSDWWHUQHGSLOORZVUXJVDQGRWKHUDFFHVVRULHVZLOOEULQJDQRWKHUZLVH EODQGVSDFHWROLIH2IFRXUVHWKHVHDFFHVVRULHVFDQEHUHDGLO\WUDQVLWLRQHGWR H[XGHWKHVSLULWRIDJLYHQVHDVRQ 6SDFHVLPSOLILFDWLRQ:LWKDVWURQJGHVLUHWRHDVHDQGUHSULRULWL]HRXU KRPHVDQGOLIHVW\OHVGHFOXWWHULQJ²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·VFRORUSDOHWWHDQGSDWWHUQFDQ HDVLO\HVWDEOLVKWKHGHVLUHGVW\OHDQGWRQHRIDVHDVRQ %HGEDVLFV%HGGLQJKDVDOVRFKDQJHGWKLV\HDU7KHSRPSDQGFLUFXP VWDQFHVRIRYHUVWXIIHGSLOORZVWKDWVHHPWRPXOWLSO\LQWKHQLJKWDUHRXW:D\ RXW([TXLVLWHQHXWUDOFRORUHGOLQHQVDUHLQHVSHFLDOO\ZKHQSDLUHGZLWKD OX[XULRXVWRSEODQNHWDQGDFOHDQOLQHGGXYHW)RUWKRVHZKRGHVLUHPRUHFRORU WKDW·VUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRIIDOORUDQ\RWKHUVHDVRQLQGXOJHLQWZRPHGLXPVL]HG SLOORZVSODFHGLQIURQWRIHDFKVKDP 3LOORZWDON7RGD\·VSLOORZGHVLJQVRIIHUDQDUUD\RIWH[WXUHVFRORUV VKDSHVVL]HVDQGDFFHQWVDQGFDQFRPSOHWHO\WUDQVIRUPDURRP·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pFRUILJXULQHV 7KHOLJKWUHIOHFWLQJVXUIDFHRIEUDVVDGGVZDUPWKJORZDQGPRYHPHQWWRD VSDFHDQGWKXVLVSHUIHFWLQDURRPZLWKDILUHSODFH 7HOO8V 6RPHWKLQJ*RRG &DOO RU HPDLO DOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH +20(,03529(0(17),;83 To Fix or Not to Fix? +RPH,PSURYHPHQW )L[8S6HFWLRQ6SRQVRUV &RRO+RPH,PSURYHPHQWV is locally owned by Bob Cool of Clinton. Bob has dedicated 34 years of his life to home improvements and the satisfaction of his clients. The majority of our clientele is received from referrals of past clients. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our work. Our team of professionals can assist the home owner with design concepts to best suit the needs of the home owner. If you depend on consistent quality, and professional design options, you will feel confident knowing that your job is being handled by our experienced staff of carpenters, electricians, and fabricators. We will ensure that your job is handled with the highest regard. Every job is important to Cool Home Improvements, big or small we can handle you home improvement needs. Our company specializes in bathrooms, kitchens, game-rooms, siding, soffit & fascia, roofing, or that special customized project. 072&OHDQRI$OOHJKHQ\&RXQW\is locally owned and operated by John and Marilyn Walters. We provide residential, office, commercial, construction, move-in, and move out cleans. Additionally, power washing services are available. MTO personalizes all services to meet your cleaning needs whether you are looking for a regularly scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or one time clean, or, you need a spring or fall clean. We send one maid to one home. MTO is fully insured and bonded and we provide all the cleaning supplies. Gift Certificates are always available. You can receive a complimentary estimate at (412) 809-9300 or [email protected]. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 0DQ\PLQRURUFRVPHWLFUHSDLUVDUHLQHYLWDEOHZKHQSUHSDULQJWRVHOO\RXU KRPHKHUHLQWKH3LWWVEXUJKDUHD6XFKSURMHFWVDUHXVXDOO\LQH[SHQVLYHDQG GRQ·WUHTXLUHPXFKWLPHRUHIIRUW%XWZKDWDERXWWKHELJJHUUHSDLUVJRLQJ EH\RQGWKHDHVWKHWLFEXWQRWDSSURDFKLQJWKHOHYHORIKHDOWKRUVDIHW\KD]DUGV" :KHWKHURUQRW\RX´WDNHFDUHRIEXVLQHVVµEHIRUHOLVWLQJ\RXUKRPHGHSHQGV RQWKHPDUNHWVLWXDWLRQDQGDIXOOWLPHSURIHVVLRQDOUHDOHVWDWHDJHQWFDQDGYLVH \RXRQZKHWKHURUQRWWKHUHSDLUVZLOOEHQHILW\RXUVDOHWLPHDQGSULFH ,QD´KRWµPDUNHWOLNHWKHPLG·V\RXPD\QRWQHHGWRWDNHPXFKDFWLRQ EXWLQWRGD\·VEX\HU·VPDUNHWV\RXPXVWPDNHWKHUHSDLUVMXVWWRFRPSHWH )LUVWWLPHEX\HUVDQGWKRVHZLWKEXV\VFKHGXOHVZRQ·WHYHQFRQVLGHUDKRPHLQ QHHGRIUHSDLUVWKH\VLPSO\GRQ·WKDYHWKHWLPHRULQFOLQDWLRQ&RQGLWLRQLV HYHU\WKLQJLQWRGD\·VPDUNHWDQGH[SHULHQFHSURYHVWKDWWKHKRPHVLQWKHEHVW FRQGLWLRQVHOOIDVWHUDQGIRUDKLJKHUSULFH $QWLFLSDWHWKHLQVSHFWLRQUHSRUW²PRVWKRPHVDOHVLQFOXGHDFODXVHWKDWDOORZV WKHEX\HUVWRZLWKGUDZWKHLURIIHULIWKHLQVSHFWLRQUHSRUWLVXQVDWLVIDFWRU\RU QHHGHGUHSDLUVDUHOHIWXQILQLVKHG,IWKH\GRQ·WEDFNRXWWKHEX\HUVZLOORIIHU VLJQLILFDQWO\OHVVPRQH\LQDQWLFLSDWLRQRIWKHLUUHSDLUWLPHFRVWVDQGLQFRQYH QLHQFH ,I\RX·UHLQDORZHUHQGPDUNHWRYHULPSURYHPHQWFDQEHDQLVVXH\RXZDQW WRDYRLGEXWPRVWVHOOHUVUHDOL]HWKDW´QHZµRU´QHZO\UHSODFHGµZLOOEHPXVLFWR PRVWEX\HU·VHDUVVRSOD\RQ SUHVHQWHGE\ %RE 0LOOHU+RZDUG +DQQD 5HDO (VWDWH Home Equity Loans: Putting Your Home to Work for You ,I\RX·UHDKRPHRZQHU\RXZRUNKDUGWRSD\IRU\RXUKRPH0D\EHLW·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·YHEXLOWVHUYHV DVFROODWHUDO(TXLW\LVWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHPDUNHWYDOXHRI \RXUKRPHDQGWKHDPRXQWRXWVWDQGLQJRQ\RXUPRUWJDJH<RXFDQ XVHD+RPH(TXLW\/RDQRU+(/2&WRERUURZIRUKRPH LPSURYHPHQWVFROOHJHWXLWLRQFRQVROLGDWLQJGHEWRUDQ\QXPEHU RIRWKHUPDMRUH[SHQGLWXUHV &RQVLGHUWKHIROORZLQJZKHQVHDUFKLQJIRUD+RPH(TXLW\/RDQRU +(/2&/RZUDWHV1RVHWXSRUDQQXDOIHHV1RFORVLQJFRVWV7D[ GHGXFWLEOHLQWHUHVW&RQVXOW\RXUWD[DGYLVHUWRILQGRXWZKDW GHGXFWLRQV\RXFDQWDNH )RUKHOSGHFLGLQJZKLFKORDQLVULJKWIRU\RXFRQWDFWRQHRIWKH KHOSIXOUHDOHVWDWHUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVDW&OHDUYLHZ)HGHUDO&UHGLW 8QLRQ$Q\RQHOLYLQJLQ6RXWKZHVWHUQ3HQQV\OYDQLDFDQRSHQDQ DFFRXQWDW&OHDUYLHZDQGWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIRXUPDQ\ILQDQFLDO SURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHV&DOORUYLVLW FOHDUYLHZIFXRUJWRGD\)HGHUDOO\,QVXUHGE\1&8$(TXDO+RXVLQJ /HQGHU 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH 0HOORQ)RXQGDWLRQ *LYHV 5REHUW0RUULV8QLYHUVLW\ +LVWRULF0LOOLRQ*LIW 7KHODUJHVWGRQDWLRQLQWKH8QLYHUVLW\·VKLVWRU\ ZLOOVXSSRUWWKH5086FKRRORI%XVLQHVVDQGWKH %D\HU &HQWHU IRU 1RQSURILW 0DQDJHPHQW The Richard King Mellon Foundation has awarded Robert Morris University a $5 million grant, the largest in the university’s history, to support the RMU School of Business and the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management. The School of Business will receive $3 million toward its new building, which is under construction at RMU’s Moon Township campus. The 18,000-square-foot facility is set to open in the fall of 2011, and will include classroom space, the PNC Trading Center, the U.S. Steel Videoconferencing and Technology Resource Center, and the Allegheny Technologies Global Library. “We are grateful for this generous gift from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, which is an affirmation of the numerous contributions the RMU School of Business has made to the civic and economic life of the Pittsburgh region,” said RMU President Gregory G. Dell’Omo. The RMU School of Business is the largest of the university’s five academic schools, and in 2009 it earned accreditation by AACSB International – The Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business. Only 4 percent of business schools worldwide have received this prestigious designation. Other gifts for the business school building include $520,000 from the PNC Foundation for the trading center; $500,000 from the United States Steel Foundation for the videoconferencing center; and $250,000 from ATI for the library. “These gifts demonstrate the faith that business and community leaders have in our ability to prepare the next generation students to succeed in an ever-changing global economy and to make meaningful contributions to their community,” said Dell’Omo. The Richard King Mellon Foundation also gave $2 million to provide an endowment for RMU’s Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management. The Bayer Center was launched in 1999 and offers management support services to nonprofit organizations, including consulting in board development, business planning, collaboration and alliances, financial management, fund development, organizational effectiveness, and technology planning. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU The Bayer Center is among the very few capacity-building organizations nationwide to receive an endowment. “This gift is such an endorsement of 11 years of work. We’re here because of the Richard King Mellon Foundation, and they have now secured our future in perpetuity,” said Peggy Outon, the executive director of the Bayer Center. The Bayer Center, which was founded with a gift from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, has worked with 3,000 nonprofits in the 10-county Pittsburgh metropolitan region. That means that one out of every two nonprofit organizations in western Pennsylvania has benefited from the Bayer Center’s services. The Bayer Center also provides vital research to the nonprofit community and the Pittsburgh region, such as its wage and benefit survey, which tackles the persistent wage gap between male and female nonprofit workers. “The Bayer Center does such great work for this region and provides such a service to nonprofits. Especially during these turbulent economic times the work that they do and the collaborations they seek are even more important,” said Rebecca Lucore, chair of the Bayer Center advisory board and executive director of the Bayer USA Foundation, the other major supporter of the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management. “This gift is a testament to the center and the staff and their great work, and the expectations of great work to come,” said Lucore. RMU is in the midst of a period of unprecedented growth. In addition to the business school building, an apartment-style residence hall is under construction and is set to open in the fall of 2011. It will house 190 students. RMU welcomed 900 freshman students this fall, the largest incoming class in its history. Approximately 1,500 students are living on campus, also a record. “The Richard King Mellon Foundation’s support is a vote of confidence for RMU’s track record and vision for the future. We are pleased and sincerely appreciate their generous gift, and feel confident that their investment will pay dividends for the region,” said David J. Malone, Vice Chairman of the RMU Board of Trustees and President and CEO of Gateway Financial. )DOO6SRUWV:LQQHUV +HULWDJH9DOOH\1HZV +HULWDJH9DOOH\6LJQDWXUH%XVLQHVV&DUHZDVUHFHQWO\UHFHUWLILHGDVD1DWLRQDOO\$FFUHGLWHG IRU$GPLQLVWUDWLRQRI'UXJDQG$OFRKRO7HVWLQJ3URJUDPV1$$'$73E\WKH'UXJ$OFRKRO 7HVWLQJ,QGXVWU\$VVRFLDWLRQ'$7,$$FKLHYLQJ1$$'$73VWDWXVLQGLFDWHVWKDW+HULWDJH9DOOH\ 6LJQDWXUH%XVLQHVV&DUH·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·VZLQQHUVIURP+HULWDJH9DOOH\DUH 5HQHD(VROGR512SHQ+HDUW&ULWLFDO&DUH8QLW&&8DW+HULWDJH9DOOH\%HDYHUDQG %RE0HVVLFN512UWKRSHGLF8QLW6RXWKDW+HULWDJH9DOOH\6HZLFNOH\ ABOVE: The Moon 10U softball team had an undefeated season in 2010. They played in the Greater Pittsburgh Girls Softball League and WON the championship, beating 24 other teams in the Pittsburgh area. The team then went on to host a tournament in Moon over the Labor Day weekend. Again, they won the championship, which was played at the Robert Morris Softball field. The girls were led by a great group of coaches: Lou Vojtash, Kelly Lindsay, Gregg Protch, and Scott Lindsay. The Moon Township 10U girls are: Kari Vojtash, Marissa McGinness, Lauren Protch, Carly Weiss, Stephanie Hytla, Cassie Kotvas, Morgan Toal, Rochelle Selzer, Tenique Chaffin, Carmina Sibeto, and Grace Willet. 1HZ'HJUHH 3URJUDP2IIHUHG 0RXQWDLQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\DQG$LUOLQH7UDQVSRUW3URIHVVLRQDOV $73KDYHVLJQHGDQDFDGHPLFVHUYLFHVDJUHHPHQWWRUHIOHFWD QHZEDFKHORU·VGHJUHHIRUDYLDWLRQVWXGHQWVWKH%DFKHORURI 6FLHQFHLQ$LUOLQH7UDQVSRUW3URIHVVLRQDO3LORW2SHUDWLRQVZLWK IOLJKWWUDLQLQJEHLQJFRPSOHWHGWKURXJK$73 7KHSURJUDPDOORZVVWXGHQWVWRFRPSOHWHIOLJKWWUDLQLQJ WKURXJKRQHRI$73·VORFDWLRQVDFURVVWKHFRXQWU\ZKLOH DWWHQGLQJFROOHJHFODVVHVWKURXJK068$SSUR[LPDWHO\ PRQWKVLQWRWKHGHJUHHSURJUDPVWXGHQWVZLOOEHTXDOLILHGWR ZRUNDVDIOLJKWLQVWUXFWRUDQGEHJLQZRUNLQJWRZDUGVWKHLUWRWDO IOLJKWH[SHULHQFHWLPHZKLOHDOVRSXUVXLQJDQDLUOLQHUHVSHFWHG EDFKHORU·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·VJDUDJHRII%URDG6WUHHWZLOODOVREHDYDLODEOHWKDWHYHQLQJ $OOSURFHHGVUDLVHGWKLV\HDUZLOOJRWRVXSSRUWWKHKHDOWKV\VWHP·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or over fifty years now, this area has had the privilege of club also has a course on handgun care and use, as well as Hunter’s having two great sportsmen’s organizations in its own backyard. Safety classes during the spring and fall. Instructors include members The members who make them up consist of people of many of both the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the NRA. ages, and are Even with so from many much going on at walks of life. the club, Keith Furthermore, admitted that the clubs certain times of the themselves offer year are still busier a lot more than than others. a simple lodge “Things slow for hunters to down after gather in. They hunting season,” are places of Keith said. recreation and Outdoor ranges are education. Both primarily closed as provide a wide winter weather sets range of in, but even so, activities for there remains individuals and opportunities for families, and people to shoot. also do their The main part to help out clubhouse has an the community. indoor range that The is available for use ABOVE: The adults, left to right are Darin Shaffer - Asst. NRA Instructor, Coraopolis; Joe Mitch Coraopolis 24 hours a day CDSA Jr. Rifle President, Moon Township; Howard McEachrin - Lead NRA Instructor, Neville Island; and Dale Pinto - Parent Asst. Coach, Pittsburgh. The two young shooters are 13-year-old Nathan District according to Keith. Quince, Imperial and 14-year-old Ryan Pinto. Sportsmen’s The ranges are Association open to all opened in 1929 in Neville Island before it moved to its current members who are each allowed to bring a guest. location, and has grown from around only 100 members in Among the association’s most respected members are those from 1966 to about 820 members today. Marksmanship events are local surrounding police departments. Law enforcement officers held weekly at the club, and involve a variety of shooting styles. often use the club’s ranges for practice and qualification with their There are archery shoots on Tuesdays, combat pistol matches on weapons, and in acknowledgement of their service skip the $75 Wednesdays, and bull’s-eye pistol matches on Thursdays, each initiation fee. The only other members who get this privilege are starting at around 6:30 in the evening. Fridays through Sundays children under 18. are for members only, but the regular matches remain open to “We want to attract younger members,” Keith said. He went on to everyone. Also open to the public, the club holds rifle shooting explain that people of any age can join, but are not allowed to competitions at distances of 40-100 meters on the third operate a firearm by themselves until they are 18. Saturday of every month from April until September. Junior members also pay a flat rate of $10 a year, as opposed to the In addition to these activities, the organization offers $50 annual fee that all others are expected to pay each January. educational opportunities as well. According to Keith, a typical year at the club runs from January “National Rifle Association instructors teach kids archery through December. This association appears to be well worth the shooting on Sunday nights from 4:30 to 7 p.m., and position money, though, as it has been used by some of the highest-ranking rifle shooting from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Monday nights.” said shooters around. Club President, Keith McElrath. Keith commented that the During past decades, the Coraopolis District Sportsmen’s $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU Association has been used for NRA State, Regional, and National competitions. “There were at least 250 shooters from places all over the world,” Keith said. Equally as impressive a place, the Forest Grove Sportsmen’s Association exists today as a valuable aspect of the local community. The club, founded by brothers Albert and Elwood Baker, began in McKees Rocks in the early 50s. It was moved to its current location in 1956 and became an official organization a year later. “We started with about 20 acres of property, and now own around 220,” said Club Director, Mike Karkalla. Forest Grove is a rod and gun club, meaning that it also holds fishing events. A prime example is the annual trout contest held the second week of April on a two-mile stretch of Montour Creek that and the muzzleloader range is available on the third Sunday of every month. Should the weather turn nasty, Forest Grove has an indoor archery range that is open on Thursdays. According to Mike, there are 450 members of Forest Grove Sportsmen’s Association currently. Membership is comprised of law enforcement, who use the ranges to train and qualify with their weapons, adults, and youth. Students and military personnel share the low rate of $5 a year, while the average adult pays $50. Senior members may qualify for a $10 rate, but must be at least 65 years of age and have been a club member for at least 15 years. “Membership is capped at 450 right now, but we do have a waiting list,” Mike said. Mike also commented that the club’s ranges can be rented and used, but only by official organizations. Though membership is limited, one thing is for sure, the members ABOVE: The muzzler range at the 18th century shoot for the American Cancer Society. The event is held on the grounds of the Forest Grove Sportsmen’s Association. RIGHT: Standing: Mike Karkalla, Sewickley; Bill Yost; Bill Scott, Georgetown; Eric Barnhart, and Ray Barbarrow, Imperial; kneeling: Mike Barbarrow, Imperial, take a minute during the annual cancer shoot for members of the Forest Grove Sportsmen’s Association to remember and honor the late Bob Haushalter of Kennedy Township, for which the annual event is held in his memory. flows through club property. Other events include a gun bash held the first Saturday in March to raise money for the club, and a cancer shoot held in August. Participants of the cancer shoot raise money for the American Cancer Society while taking part in an 18th-century style campout with muzzleloaders. The campout, according to Mike, is done in honor of a respected past club member. Educational opportunities are also provided by the organization. Courses in handgun and rifle instruction, safe firearm handling, home defense, and hunter’s safety are available to members throughout the year. Children are also selected yearly to attend Penn State Conservation School to learn about the science involved with protecting the environment. Aside from scheduled events, members have the ability to make use of the club’s many facilities from dawn until dusk. There is an outdoor archery range open from June-September, a 100-yard rifle range, and a pistol range. The trap range is open on Monday nights, of Forest Grove are a dedicated bunch. For 15 years, Montour Creek was privately stocked by members of Forest Grove in an attempt to persuade the State Stocking Program that the water was capable of sustaining trout life. Succeeding in its goal, Forest Grove did not stop there. It currently oversees adjacent property owned by Hollow Oak Land Trust in order to keep track of its local deer population. A common element shared by both Forest Grove Sportsmen’s Association and Coraopolis District Sportsmen’s Association is the fact that, while its members use the resources of the environment, they care about it as well. Each organization also provides opportunities in education and socialization that are found virtually nowhere else within the community. Once a closer look is taken, the value of these clubs becomes quite clear. These are important places of impact for both man and deer. 72/($51025( &RUDRSROLV'LVWULFW6SRUWVPHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQ 3KRQH )RUHVW*URYH6SRUWVPHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQ 3KRQH 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH C6D46?E+@H?D9:A *>2==+@H?@>>F?:EJH:E92:8+ THIS IS THE FIRST IN A SERIES ABOUT CRESCENT TOWNSHIP. 1 RWDEOH )$&76 Some scenes from the movie “Silence of the Lambs” were filmed in the Glenwillard section of Crescent Township. Famous singer/songwriter Lou Christie grew up in the Glenwillard section of Crescent and attended Moon High School. NCAA men’s basketball coach John Calipari lived in Crescent when he was an assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh under Paul Evans. From $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU Gateway to Allegheny County, bordering the Ohio River and Beaver County, the small community of Crescent Township is only 2.3-square-miles large, but big in heart. It is home to approximately 2,314 residents and a smattering of businesses that enjoy the ambiance that such a small town provides. Crescent Township was founded in 1855 because the townspeople at that time were not able to travel the muddy route that is now Stoops Ferry Road so that they could vote. Undoubtedly, Crescent folks have always been a take-charge bunch. In fact, before it incorporated in 1855, it was inhabited by some of its early residents who were Revolutionary War veterans. Keeping its patriotic spirit alive, Crescent’s small population includes about 300 military veterans. The township has its own historical society headed up by Marjorie Johnson (the second installment story about Crescent will explore the community’s history). It has a civic club too, overseen by Harriet Lewis. Its parks and recreation board is an active group of residents who plan a schedule of seasonal activities for the residents to enjoy. In fact, the next such event is a holiday Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, December 11 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the township building’s multi-purpose room. On December 18, the recreation board will host a Christmas party starting at 1 p.m. for residents and their families. Crescent Township is managed by Patience Eckhardt, herself a township resident, who took on her duties in April. At 25 years old, she is looking forward to helping make the community an even better place to live and work. The upcoming demolition of the Phillips Power Station owned by Duquesne Light Company will further improve the landscape of the community. Although the plant was the township’s largest employer at one time, it has become an eyesore over the years. The landscape of Crescent is dotted with memorials as well, which take residents back to days gone by. With a rich past, and a promising future, Crescent is on the cusp of an exciting decade ahead. STORIES BY PAT JENNETTE 0HHW&UHVFHQW7RZQVKLS·V +:>662CE 32/,&( '(3$570(17 PICTURED: Above, bleachers line the edge of Shouse Park, which overlooks the Dashields Lock and Dam on the Ohio River. Below left, Crescent Township’s Board of Commissioners - Bill Cook, president; Karen Hamilton-Patton, vice-president; James Withee; Jerry Keller; and Diane Cvengros; with manager Patience Eckhardt. Below right, the Crescent Township Municipal Building is the heart of the township, where the police department and municipal services handle the needs of the residents. Also, a multi-purpose room is located within the municipal building, available to the community’s non-profit organizations at no charge. ,QWHULPSROLFHFKLHI0DUWLQ=LPPHOZDVDSSRLQWHGLQ6HSWHPEHUWRRYHUVHH&UHVFHQW7RZQVKLS·VSROLFHGHSDUW PHQW3ULRUWRFRPLQJRQERDUGKHZDVDSDUWWLPHSDWUROPDQIRU6HZLFNOH\ZKLFKKHH[SODLQVZDVKLV´VHPL UHWLUHPHQWµMREDIWHUVHUYLQJIRU\HDUVDVDQDUFRWLFVGHWHFWLYHIRUWKH$OOHJKHQ\&RXQW\3ROLFH ´,KDQGOHGPDQ\FDVHVLQWKHQRUWKDQGZHVWVHFWLRQVRI$OOHJKHQ\&RXQW\VR,DPIDPLOLDUZLWKWKLVDUHDµKH VDLG &KLHI=LPPHORYHUVHHVWKHZRUNORDGIRUWKUHHIXOOWLPHDQGWHQSDUWWLPHRIILFHUV+HSRLQWHGRXWWKDWPDQ\RI WKHRIILFHUVKDYHWLHVWRWKH&UHVFHQWDUHD7ZROLYHKHUHRQHLVPDUULHGWRDUHVLGHQWDQGVHYHUDORWKHUVZRUNDW 5REHUW0RUULV8QLYHUVLW\ &UHVFHQW·VSROLFHGHSDUWPHQWLVYHU\DFWLYHZLWKLWVWUDLQLQJHIIRUWVZKLFKRIIHUDQDGGHGOHYHORIVHUYLFHIRUWKH WRZQVKLS·VUHVLGHQWV6RPHRILWVPHPEHUVUHFHQWO\DWWHQGHGDQLQFLGHQWFRPPDQGFODVVWROHDUQKRZWREH SUHSDUHGLQWKHVLWXDWLRQRIDQLPPHGLDWHLQFLGHQW7KUHHRIWKHRIILFHUVUHFHLYHGWUDLQLQJZLWKWKH/D]HUHTXLSPHQW GXULQJWKHVHVVLRQ 7KLVPRQWKRIILFHUVDWWHQGHGDWKUHHGD\FODVVWROHDUQKRZWRFRQGXFWILHOGVREULHW\WHVWVFRRUGLQDWHGE\WKH :HVW+LOOV'8,7DVN)RUFH&UHVFHQWLVDPHPEHURIWKHWDVNIRUFHDQGKRVWHGWKLVSDUWLFXODUHYHQW 7KHGHSDUWPHQWEHORQJVWR'D\1HWWKHGLVWULFWDWWRUQH\·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·VGD\WRGD\DIIDLUVDUHDORQJ0F*RYHUQLQFOXGLQJLWVSRVW RIILFHVRVDIHW\LVNH\WRNHHSLQJUHVLGHQWVDVZHOODVRWKHUYLVLWRUVDQGGULYHUVVDIH 5HJDUGLQJVDIHW\WKHGHSDUWPHQWRIIHUVDYDFDWLRQFKHFNSURJUDP5HVLGHQWVFDQSLFNXSDIRUPIURPWKH SROLFHGHSDUWPHQWEHIRUHJRLQJRQDWULSILOOLWRXWDQGOHDYHLWZLWKWKHGHSDUWPHQW7KHSROLFHZLOOPDNHUHJXODU FKHFNVWRDUHVLGHQW·VKRPHZKHQWKH\DUHDZD\WRFKHFNIRUVDIHW\DQGZDWFKWKDWQRYDQGDOLVPRFFXUV 7RNHHSUHVLGHQWVLQIRUPHGLQD VLWXDWLRQZKHUHLPPHGLDWHQRWLILFDWLRQLV UHTXLUHGWKHWRZQVKLSEHORQJVWR1L[OH 7KLVLVDQDXWRPDWHGV\VWHPWKDWFDQ QRWLI\UHVLGHQWVE\SKRQHRUHPDLORI HPHUJHQFLHVRUFULWLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQWKH\ QHHGWRNQRZULJKWDZD\ &UHVFHQW·VUHVLGHQWVUHFHLYHKRXU DURXQGWKHFORFNSURWHFWLRQDQGVHUYLFH IURPLWVVPDOO\HWDFWLYHO\WUDLQHGSROLFH IRUFH ABOVE: Crescent’s interim police chief Martin Zimmel, Officer Brian Tice, and Officer Dustin Koch, by the new sign at the police department’s entrance. RIGHT: On November 14, Officer Leo Luffey was recognized for serving on the Crescent Township Police Department for 20 years. He has the most tenure of any active officer in the department. 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU &RPLQJ8S '(&(0%(5 Experience China Informational Meeting Chamber Office 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5LEERQ&XWWLQJV0DQ\7KLV)DOO '(&(0%(5 Jinglefest Montour Heights Country Club 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. 7R5HDFK8V %HDYHU*UDGH5G0RRQ7ZS3$ 3KRQH )D[ 6DWHOOLWH2IILFH 2QH9HWHUDQ·V:D\&DUQHJLH3$ 3KRQH[ ZZZSDDFFFRP(0DLOLQIR#SDDFFFRP 6HUYLQJ7KHVH$UHDV $OLTXLSSD$PEULGJH&DUQHJLH&OLQWRQ&ROOLHU &RUDRSROLV&UDIWRQ&UHVFHQW(GJHZRUWK )LQGOD\*OHQILHOG*UHHQWUHH+D\VYLOOH +HLGHOEHUJ+RSHZHOO,QJUDP.HQQHG\ /HHWVGDOH0F'RQDOG0F.HHV5RFNV0RRQ 7RZQVKLS1HYLOOH,VODQG1RUWK)D\HWWH 2DNGDOH2VERUQH3HQQVEXU\9LOODJH 5RELQVRQ5RVVO\Q)DUPV6HZLFNOH\6WRZH DQG7KRUQEXUJ ABOVE: Ambassadors presented a gift bag to employees of Eat n’ Park in Moon Township for reaching a milestone year with the chamber. They have been members for the past 30 years. Also recognized for reaching milestones this past month were: Edwin Nelson, Greater Pittsburgh Business Connection for 20 years; the pT Group Physical Therapy for 15 years; Ventana Hills Apartments for 10 years; and ABC Imaging and Victorian Finance for five years. ABOVE RIGHT AND RIGHT: Ambassadors were on hand for two ribbon cuttings of new local businesses, Premiere, the Avon Store, and Edible Arrangements both in Robinson Township. :HOFRPH 1HZ 0HPEHUV &KDPEHU2IILFHUV 6($1+(1'(5621&KDLUPDQ */(11/<7/(VW9LFH&KDLU %(51$'(77(38==82/(QG9LFH&KDLU -2+1'$/(<9LFH&KDLU 521$/'3$6,&7UHDVXUHU '51($/)$1(//,,PPHG3DVW&KDLUPDQ &KDPEHU6WDII %XIIDOR:LOG:LQJV (QWHUWDLQPHQW8QOLPLWHG (TXLWDEOH*DV 6HOPD·V7H[DV%DUEHFXH 6HQVDWLRQDO6XUURXQGLQJV :HVWDU,QWHUQDWLRQDO)RUZDUGHUV/3 6DOO\+DDV3UHVLGHQW 0LFKHOOH.UHXW]HU93%XVLQHVV'HY 0NWJ 7DPP\/\QQ%RRNNHHSLQJ &DVH\0DKDYHQ6SHFLDO(YHQWV5HS &RQQLH5XKO6SHFLDO3URMHFWV&RRUGLQDWRU $PEHU%HH]HO&RPPXQLFDWLRQV&RRUG $QGUHD'H/RUHQ]R0HPEHUVKLS6HUYLFHV -LOO.LSSHU6SHFLDO3URMHFWV$VVLVWDQW 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH ADULT ACTIVITIES Adult Craft Nite: Lighted Potpourri Holiday Jars - November 18 at 6:30 p.m. Here is a trendy holiday decorating idea that combines the soft glow of mini lights with the gentle scent of warm potpourri. It’s an easy way to infuse a room with holiday ambience or light up the dark corner of a hallway. You will need to bring a large, clear glass food jar or canning jar. All other supplies will be provided. PALS Intergenerational Book Club - November 28, Noon. What is it? The Intergenerational book club is a group of teens (Grades 8-12) and adults who share discussions about the same book. Who should join? Teens and Adults interested in reading and sharing their opinions. Why should you join? To share your love of reading with others and tell other people what you think. Teens can also earn community service hours for school. When does the book club happen? The book discussions will take place on the fourth Sunday of each month at noon. Refreshments will be provided. Yum! Our first book will be To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee on November 28th. How do I join? Just drop by the library and ask for a copy of the intergenerational book club book. Then come to the book club and share your thoughts. Want more information? Call 412-269-0334 or email Suzy at [email protected]. There’s the Fiction Book Club, PALS Book Club for Seniors, book clubs in the evenings, one for 20 and 30-yearolds, and more. Visit the Web site to learn all about how you can be part of a book club. Holiday Beading - December 16, 6 p.m. Come to our holiday beading program with Kathy Shomo and make a beading project. You could make earrings, a necklace, a watch, or anything else that you can imagine. The cost of the program is the materials that you use. You only pay for what you use. The instruction is free! This program is for ages 12 and up. Lunch Discussion Series: Men of Mystery: Private Investigation Over Three Decades, 12 to 1 p.m. Friday, December 3 STORYTIMES /,77/(/,67(1(56$JHVZDFDUHJLYHU0RQGD\V DQGDP 3$-$0$6725<7,0($JHV.LQGHUJDUWHQSDUHQWDQG FKLOGPD\DWWHQGWRJHWKHU7XHVGD\VSP <($52/'6725<7,0(&KLOGUHQDWWHQGZLWKRXWDGXOWV :HGQHVGD\VDPDQGSP VVDQG.,1'(5*$571(56&KLOGUHQDWWHQGZLWKRXW DGXOWV7KXUVGD\VDPDQGSP $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU %HDYHU *UDGH 5G 0RRQ 7ZS 3$ ZZZPRRQOLEUDU\RUJ +RXUV0RQ7KXUVDPSP)UL6DWDPSP 6XQSP ^ 9LVLWWKH:HEVLWHDW ZZZPRRQOLEUDU\RUJ IRU7216RIRWKHU DFWLYLWLHVDQGLQIR ^ BOOK CLUBS Geneaology Club - December 9, 6:30 p.m. Do you want to know more about your roots? Want to find out what country your dad’s family came from? What did your mom’s parents and grandparents do for a living? Do you have any real “characters” in your family tree? Are there other things you want to know about your ancestors? Join us at the Moon Library for a NEW Genealogy Club!! Everyone is welcome and attendance is free! There is no registration. If you are just curious, if you have started your research but have not gotten far, or if you have been exploring your family tree for a long time, come and talk with other people who share this interest. Share your exciting finds with others who know how tough it can be (sometimes) to find the old records and how exciting it is to finally see them! Get ideas of where to look from others in the group. Future meetings will be monthly on Thursdays at 6:30 PM as well. +ROLGD\'DQJHUV IRU3HWV 4'U'RXJFRXOG\RXSOHDVHUHPLQGXVZKDW SHWRZQHUVVKRXOGEHFDUHIXORIWKLVWLPHRI \HDU" $0DQ\KROLGD\SODQWVDUHWR[LFWRSHWVLQFOXGLQJ KROO\&KULVWPDVURVHPLVWOHWRHSKLORGHQGURQDQG GLHIIHQEDFKLD0RVWRIWKHVHSODQWVGDPDJHWKH VWRPDFKOLQLQJFDXVLQJYRPLWLQJDQGRUGLDUUKHD6RPHDIIHFWWKHEUDLQDQG RWKHUYLWDORUJDQV%RWKFKRFRODWHDQGWKHDUWLILFLDOVZHHWHQHU[\OLWROIRXQGLQ PDQ\VXJDUIUHHFDQGLHVDUHDOVRWR[LFWRSHWV%HVXUHWRNHHSWKHVHRXWRI WKHUHDFKRI\RXUIRXUOHJJHGIULHQGV %HFDXWLRXVZLWK&KULVWPDVGHFRUDWLRQV5HDGZDUQLQJVRQSURGXFWVOLNH VSUD\RQVQRZ1HYHUSXWULEERQVDURXQG\RXUSHW·VQHFNRUDOORZLWWRSOD\ ZLWKSODVWLFRUIRLOZUDSSLQJV,FLFOHW\SHWLQVHODQGULEERQVDUHGDQJHURXVIRU FDWVEHFDXVHLQWKHFRXUVHRISOD\LQJZLWKWKHPWKHIHOLQHZLOORIWHQVZDOORZWKH GHFRUDWLRQZKLFKFDQORGJHLQWKHLQWHVWLQHFDXVLQJDEORFNDJH (OHFWULFDOFRUGVDUHYHU\KD]DUGRXVHVSHFLDOO\WRSXSSLHVDQGNLWWHQVZKR OLNHWRFKHZRQWKLQJV7KHLUVKDUSWHHWKFDQHDVLO\SXQFWXUHWKHLQVXODWLRQ FDXVLQJHOHFWURFXWLRQ 'RQRWIHHG\RXUGRJIDWW\WDEOHVFUDSVRUFRRNHGERQHV7KLVSUDFWLFH RIWHQOHDGVWRVHYHUHYRPLWLQJDQGGLDUUKHDDQGLVWKHPRVWFRPPRQUHDVRQ IRUHPHUJHQF\YHWHULQDU\YLVLWVDURXQGWKHKROLGD\V %HDZDUHRIYLVLWRUVHVSHFLDOO\FKLOGUHQZKRPD\QRWXQGHUVWDQGKRZWR WUHDW\RXUSHW$OVREHUHVSRQVLYHWRWKHSRVVLELOLW\WKDW\RXUSHWPD\QRW DSSUHFLDWHDQ\VWUDQJHUVLQWKHKRXVH,I\RXPL[WKHVHWZRLQJUHGLHQWV WRJHWKHUDQGDGDGDVKRIDGXOWGLVWUDFWLRQ\RXKDYHDSHUIHFWUHFLSHIRU KROLGD\GLVDVWHU,QVRPHFDVHVLWLVEHVWWRNHHSWKHSHWLQDQRWKHUURRP DZD\IURPJXHVWV 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ\RXUSHWDQGWDNLQJDIHZSUHFDXWLRQVZLOOOHDGWRDVDIHDQG MR\IXOKROLGD\VHDVRQIRUHYHU\RQHLQWKHIDPLO\ Dr. Doug Knueven is a veterinarian who practices both holistic and conventional medicine at Beaver Animal Clinic. Address your questions to “Ask the Vet” at [email protected] or send them to 357 State Street, Beaver, PA 15009. Select questions will be answered in this column. EXPIRES 12/31/10 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH 1HLJKERUKRRG&RXSRQV $QHIIHFWLYH\HWDIIRUGDEOHZD\WRUHDFK KRPHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVE\IUHHGLUHFWPDLOSOXV FRSLHVGLVWULEXWHGDURXQGWKHQHLJKERUKRRG" -XVWIRUWKHVHVSDFHVFRVWV/(667+$121( 3(11<($&+,W·VWKHPRVWDIIRUGDEOHZD\WR UHDFKRXWZLWK\RXUSURGXFWRUVHUYLFH7KHVH FRXSRQSDJHVDUHDYDLODEOHLQDOOWKUHHHGLWLRQV :HVW$OOHJKHQ\0RRQDQG0RQWRXU7R LQTXLUHFDOORUVHQGDQHPDLO WRDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW ^ Seeking STUDENT INTERNS Allegheny West Magazine Spring/Summer Semesters - Students studying Journalism, English or a related area are welcome to apply. Must have completed a minimum of two years of study beyond high school and have successfully completed some writing courses. Interns will complete actual portfolio pieces for their files. Call (724) 695-3968 or e-mail: [email protected]. As 35-Year Residents of Our Community, no one knows our neighborhoods better to tell their stories than . . . NON-PROFIT GROUPS! We offer a significant discount off of advertising rates (call for details). It’s one way we help you get your message out to the entire community affordably! CALL: 724.695.3968 or e-mail: DOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 1(('720$.($63(&,$/ $11281&(0(17"6(//$1,7(0" :$7&+,1*<285%8'*(7"75< 7+(&20081,7<0$5.(73/$&( 63$&(6$5(-867 ($&+ 0$,/(')5((72$//+286(6+2/'6 ,10221&5(6&(17&$// ^ &RPPXQLW\ 0DUNHWSODFH 7\SHLQ´$OOHJKHQ\ :HVW 0DJD]LQHµLQ WKH ´VHDUFKµ ER[ DW WKH WRS RI WKH )DFHERRN SDJH DQG \RX ZLOO ILQG XV %HFRPHDIDQVR\RXFDQUHFHLYHXSGDWHVRILQIRUPDWLRQDURXQGWKHFRPPXQLW\ :H SRVW HYHQWV DQG QHZV WKDW ZH UHFHLYH LQ EHWZHHQ PDJD]LQH LVVXHV VR \RX GRQ·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ust $115 for a black and white business card, and $125 for a business card in color. No contract required. Run on an “as-needed” basis. Reach all homes and and businesses in your community each time. For more information, call (724) 695-3968. *LIWDJLIWWKDWFRVWV QRWKLQJEXWPHDQV WKHZRUOGWR VRPHRQH 6LJQXSWREHDQ RUJDQGRQRU Center for Organ Recovery & Education 800-DONORS-7 ~ 1RYHPEHU$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH &RPPXQLW\&RQQHFWLRQV 081,&,3$/,7,(6 &UHVFHQW7RZQVKLS 6SULQJ5XQ5RDG &UHVFHQW3$ ZZZFUHVFHQWWRZQVKLSFRP 38%/,&35,9$7( 6&+22/6. 0RQWHVVRUL6FKRRO %URGKHDG5RDG 0RRQ7RZQVKLS3$ 0RRQ7RZQVKLS %HDYHU*UDGH5RDG 0RRQ7RZQVKLS3$ ZZZPRRQWZSFRP 0RRQ$UHD6FKRRO'LVWULFW 8QLYHUVLW\%RXOHYDUG 0RRQ7RZQVKLS3$ ZZZPDVGNSDXV &KDU:HVW&RXQFLORI*RYWV 9HWHUDQV:D\6WH &DUQHJLH3$ 2XU/DG\RIWKH 6DFUHG+HDUW+LJK6FKRRO :RRGFUHVW$YHQXH &RUDRSROLV3$ ZZZROVKRUJ 67$7(6(1-2+13,33< %HDYHU*UDGH5RDG 0RRQ7RZQVKLS3$ ZZZVHQDWRUSLSS\FRP 67$7(6(1(/'(592*(/ $GDPV6WUHHW 5RFKHVWHU3$ KWWSVHQDWRUHOGHUYRJHOFRP 67$7(5(30$5.0867,2 %HDYHU*UDGH5RDG 0RRQ7RZQVKLS3$ ZZZUHSPXVWLRFRP 67$7(5(352%0$7=,( 0HUFKDQW6WUHHW $PEULGJH3$ ZZZSDKRXVHFRP0DW]LH 3DUNZD\:HVW&DUHHU 7HFKQRORJ\&HQWHU 6WHXEHQYLOOH3LNH 2DNGDOH3$ ZZZSDUNZD\ZHVWRUJ 5KHPD&KULVWLDQ6FKRRO &RUDRSROLV+HLJKWV5RDG 0RRQ7RZQVKLS3$ ZZZUKHPDFKULVWLDQVFKRRORUJ 7KLVOLVWLQFOXGHVRQO\WKRVHSXEOLFDQGSULYDWHVFKRROV ORFDWHGZLWKLQWKHPXQLFLSDOLWLHVVHUYHGE\WKH0RRQ (GLWLRQRI$OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH &+85&+(6 &KXUFKRI&KULVW&RUDRSROLV 6WDWH$YHQXH&RUDRSROLV3$ KWWSZZZFRUDRSROLVFKXUFKRIFKULVWFRP &RUDRSROLV&KXUFKRIWKH1D]DUHQH 6KDIHU5RDG0RRQ7RZQVKLS3$ &RUDRSROLV80&KXUFK 5LGJH$YHQXH&RUDRSROLV3$ ZZZFRUDRSROLVXPFRUJ &RYHQDQW)DPLO\&KXUFK 0HHWVDW6SULQJKLOO6XLWHV ZZZFRYIDPFKXUFKRUJ )LUVW$VVHPEO\RI*RG 6WDWH$YHQXH&RUDRSROLV3$ ZZZFRPHDQGVHHDJFRP )LUVW%DSWLVW&KXUFKRI&RUDRSROLV &RUDRSROLV+WV5RDG 0RRQ7ZS3$ ZZZILUVWEDSWLVWPRRQRUJ *UDFH/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK %URGKHDG5RDG&UHVFHQW3$ ,PSDFW&KULVWLDQ&KXUFKIRUPHUO\ :HVW+LOOV&KULVWLDQ&KXUFK 7KRUQ5XQ5RDG0RRQ7ZS3$ ZZZZHVWKLOOVFFRUJ -HKRYDK·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·V$VVRFLDWLRQ &RUDRSROLV0RRQ/LRQV&OXE &UHVFHQW&LYLF&OXE &UHVFHQW6HQLRU&LWL]HQV (ONV%32 *LUO6FRXWV:3$ +ROORZ2DN/DQG7UXVW .LZDQLV&OXERI&RUDRSROLV 0&$79&RPPXQLW\$FFHVV7HOHYLVLRQ $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH1RYHPEHU 0RQWRXU5XQ:DWHUVKHG$VVRFLDWLRQ 0RQWRXU 7UDLO &RXQFLO 0RRQ $TXD &OXE ZZZPRRQDTXDFOXERUJ 0RRQ $UHD 6XSSRUW 2UJDQL]DWLRQ 0RRQ*DUGHQ&OXE 0RRQ *\PQDVWLFV 0RRQ5RWDU\ 0RRQ6HQLRU&LWL]HQV 0RRQ6RIWEDOO 0RRQ7ZS/LWWOH/HDJXH%DVHEDOO 0RRQFUHVW1HLJKERUKRRG$VVQ 0RRVH&OXE/RGJH 1HYLOOH·V$UF)RRG3DQWU\ 2XU/DG\·V)RRG3DQWU\2/6+ 3DUNZD\:HVW5RWDU\ 3JK$LUSRUW$UHD&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH 5XIIHG*URXVH6RFLHW\,QF 9):&RUDRSROLV3RVW :HVW+LOOV$UHD:RPHQ·V&OXE :HVW+LOOV)RRG3DQWU\ :HVW+LOOV0HDOVRQ:KHHOV :RPHQLQ&KULVWLDQ0LQLVWULHV Jennette Communications Group 15 Walnut Street, Suite 101 Imperial, PA 15126-1226 1RZLQ2XUWK<HDU 3XEOLVKLQJLQWKH$LUSRUW$UHD PRSRT STD U.S. Postage 3$ , ' IMPERIAL, PA 15126 PERMIT NO. 83
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