2016 Cornerstone Solutions Provider Directory
2 0 1 6 J A N U A R Y E F F E C T I V E Provider Directory & Pharmacy Directory This directory provides a list of Cornerstone Solution’s network providers and network pharmacies. This directory is for Hennepin County. This directory is current as of January 2016. Some network providers or pharmacies may have been added or removed from our network after this directory was printed. We do not guarantee that each provider is still accepting new patients. To get the most up-to-date information about Cornerstone Solution’s network providers in your area, you can visit www.cornerstone-solutions.org or call Member Services at 612-596-1507 or 1-888-562-8000 (toll-free) from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. TTY users should call 1-800-627-3529. SNBC: Hennepin County DHS approved 12/21/2015 612-596-1507 This information is available in other forms to people with disabilities by calling 1-888-562-8000 (toll free), or 1-800-627-3529 (TTY), or 711, or through the Minnesota Relay direct access numbers at 1-800-627-3529 (TTY, Voice, ASCII, hearing carry over) or 1-877-627-3848 (speech-to-speech). American Indians can continue or begin to use tribal and Indian Health Services (IHS) clinics. We will not require prior approval or impose any conditions for you to get services at these clinics. For enrollees age 65 years and older this includes Elderly Waiver (EW) services accessed through the tribe. If a doctor or other provider in a tribal or IHS clinic refers you to a provider in our network, we will not require you to see your primary care provider prior to the referral. Cornerstone Solutions will accept all eligible Recipients who select or are assigned to Cornerstone Solutions without regard to physical or mental condition, health status, need for or receipt of health care services, claims experience, medical history, genetic information, disability, marital status, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, race, color, religion, creed, political beliefs, familial status, membership or activity in a local commission, or public assistance status. Cornerstone Solutions will not use any policy or practice that has the effect of such discrimination. Enrolling in this plan does not guarantee you can see a particular provider on this list. If you want to make sure, you should call that provider to ask whether he or she is still part of this health plan. You should also ask if he or she is accepting new patients. This health plan may not cover all of your health care costs. Refer to your Evidence of Coverage to find out what is covered. Cornerstone Solutions Minneapolis Grain Exchange Building 400 South Fourth Street, Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Member Services 612-596-1507 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday–Friday (TTY) 1-800-627-3529 Fraud Hotline 1-800-500-8732 Service Center Hours 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday www.cornerstone-solutions.org TABLE OF CON T E N T S Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Important Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Urgent Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Walk-In Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Eye Care Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Mental & Chemical Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Specialty Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Pharmacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 INTROD UC T I ON The information printed in this directory was correct as of December 2015. To see the most current information, you can visit www.cornerstone-solutions.org. If you are looking for or have questions about a specific provider, contact Cornerstone Solutions Member Services at 612596-1507 or 1-888-562-8000 (TTY: 1-800-627-3529). The directory is updated at least once a year. You can request a copy of this Provider Directory at least once a year. You do not need a referral or service authorization to see a Cornerstone Solutions contracted provider or specialist within the network. The Cornerstone Solutions provider network has a variety of specialists available. If your health care provider refers you outside of the Cornerstone Solutions network, authorization is required. The out-of-network specialist must be enrolled as a Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) provider, accept MHCP rates from Cornerstone Solutions and be willing to see Cornerstone Solutions members. This Provider Directory lists the current primary care providers and specialists that are available to Cornerstone Solutions members. Members have access to primary care services, as well as to specialty services. For an emergency that needs treatment right away, either call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If you need health-related advice for a non-emergency medical situation, you can also call HealthConnection, Cornerstone Solutions’ 24/7 nurse line at 1-888-859-0202. You must get all of your primary care from Cornerstone Solutions network providers. There are some exceptions. Example of exceptions are: emergency or urgent care, open access services, and other previously authorized services. If you have questions about the providers you should use, please contact Member Services. The following providers are not listed in this directory; Home Health Care, Personal Care Agencies (PCA), Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Orthotics and Prosthetics, Skilled Nursing Facilities, but you can request a listing by going to www.Cornerstone-Solutions.org, or by calling Member Services at 612-596-1507. Cornerstone Solutions — January 2016 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S I I m pOR TA NT I N FOR mAT I ON Care Coordination Cornerstone Solutions has care coordinators called care guides who are available to work with members to develop a care plan tailored to meet their needs. To learn more about Cornerstone Solutions’ care coordination services, call Member Services at 612-596-1507. interpretation can be given to you in your language. You may be able to get written information in your language. To get assistance with using Cornerstone Solutions’ interpreter services, call Member Services at 612-596-1507. Member Identification (ID) Cards Members get a health plan Member Identification (ID) Card. This card must be shown whenever you get health care. Clinics When you joined Cornerstone Solutions, you were able to choose a primary care clinic. Your primary care clinic can provide most of the health care services you need, and will help coordinate your care. To choose a primary care clinic or change your clinic, call Member Services at 612-596-1507. Service Accessibility If you require special access to obtain services from a provider, you can obtain information by calling Member Services at 612-596-1507 (TTY: 1-800-6273529). This could include, but is not limited to, access for services such as availability of flexible hours, wheelchair access, or parking lot access. Cost Sharing As a Cornerstone Solutions member, you do not have to pay an amount (cost sharing) toward any of your health care services covered by Cornerstone Solutions. Members receive an Evidence of Coverage with more information about cost sharing. Evidence of Coverage To get detailed information about covered health services, see your Evidence of Coverage. It also tells what you must do to get covered services. It also explains your rights and responsibilities as a member of Cornerstone Solutions. Interpreter Services Spoken language and sign language interpreter services are available to help you get services. Oral II N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Service Authorization Our approval is needed for some services to be covered. The approval must be obtained before you get certain services or before we pay for them. You do not need a referral or service authorization to see a Cornerstone Solutions contracted provider or specialist within the network. The Cornerstone Solutions provider network has a variety of specialists available. If your health care provider refers you outside of the Cornerstone Solutions network, authorization is required. The out-ofnetwork specialist must be enrolled as a Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) provider, accept MHCP rates from Cornerstone Solutions and be willing to see Cornerstone Solutions members. Members will receive an Evidence of Coverage with more information about which services require authorization. Cornerstone Solutions has a bilingual Member Services staff. For Cornerstone Solutions’ recorded translated plan information, please call: C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S p RIm A RY C A R E C LINICS You can get updated information about listed providers by calling Member Services at 612-596-1507 (TTY: 1-800627-3529). You can also get information on specialists that are not listed in this booklet by calling Member Services at 612-596-1507 (TTY: 1-800627-3529). Anoka County Andover Fairview Clinics, Andover Clinic Code: 1287 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Lakes Medical Center Family Practice Bachman, David R Bates, Jonathan J Berge, John L Binsfeld, Elise M Bosacker, Richard C Branch-Fleming, Shantel S Bugbee, Samuel A Darling, Nancy K Deal, Lawrence D DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Dexter, Crystal M Eliason, Sandra H Frankwick, Sara S Gebre, Yohannes Speaks Amharic Speaks Tigrigna Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hassumani, Janice P 2 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Ho, Nam M Hockett, Stacy M Hovda, Robert N Kumar, Sonia Lee, Donald John Lehman, David B Leo, Bensen Y Mann, Morgan E McLeod, Laurie A Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Nwachuku-Winful, Chienyenwa N O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Pusalavidyasagar, Snigdhasmrithi S Rehmann, Ronald E Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Robinson, Jill M Robinson Jr, Stephen W Schwartz, Carla A Schwinghamer, Thomas G Scott, Alan L Sypura, William D Tran, Dang D Wagenknecht, Alison R Welsh, Jennifer L Xiaaj, Kang Zownirowycz, Roman J Internal Medicine Beckwith, Heather Christine Bejanyan, Nelli Bowers, Barbara Jean Cervenka, Tereza M Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Gray, Teresa K Iskos, Demosthenes N Joo, Gabor R Speaks Hungarian Larrabee, James E Latif, Pernia Livshits, Alina G Madlon-Kay, Richard C Martin, Cindy Maliea Meyer, Jeffrey D Raza, Ahmad Schoonover, Carol H Swartwood, Lester D Tomic, Rade Physician Assistant Ahlquist, Kari Lee Akkerman, Natalie Ann Allgood, Rachel Marjorie Arnold, Gail M Brogan, Matthew Scott Carrier, Claire S Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gilles, Steven K Gonnion, Shannon L Gronning, Marita C Grossman, Jennifer Leigh Hall, Melissa F Humphrey, Elizabeth Jimenez, Kristen Rae Jones, Christopher Michael Kasbohm, Jeffrey O Kehr, Kristen M Kramer, Angela P Locken, Lindsey K Lunde, Laura E Marchewka, Amy Grovender Nick, Mary Lee Oppel, Andrew D Parkey, Jamen Poveda, Sarah N Reinhardt, Lucia G Rick, Tara Jean Riggen, Aundria C Riggen, James Theodore Sava, Shaun David Schmidt, Elizabeth A Schumacher, Michelle Marie Semling, Danielle Monique Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Sindt, Jessica D Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Taylor, Sara Marie Thornton, Colleen Marie Tutt, Shana Michelle Whitcomb, Deborah Louise Whitmore, Megan Nichole Blaine Allina Health Blaine Clinic Clinic Code: 4088 10705 Town Square Drive NE Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55449 763-236-5400 Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Mercy Hospital Family Practice Auge, Jennifer Stoehr Kigonya, Lilian Leitch, Sally Simons Speaks Spanish Mccabe, Aaron James Mclain, Erin Marie Scheible, Mark Andrew Woo Rippe, Kathleen Wai Geriatrics Woo Rippe, Kathleen Wai Internal Medicine Hoffman Holstine, Elaine M Speaks French Physician Assistant McDonald, Rusty J Fairview Clinics, Blaine Clinic Code: 1288 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Lakes Medical Center Family Practice Ahrenholz, Scott W Bachman, David R Bates, Jonathan J Berge, John L Bershow, Barry A Binsfeld, Elise M Bosacker, Richard C Branch-Fleming, Shantel S Brancio, Corinna Wahl Bugbee, Samuel A Darling, Nancy K Deal, Lawrence D DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Dexter, Crystal M Frankwick, Sara S Gibson, Joshua John Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hassumani, Janice P Ho, Nam M Hockett, Stacy M Hovda, Robert N Kumar, Sonia Lee, Donald John Lehman, David B Mann, Morgan E McLeod, Laurie A Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Nwachuku-Winful, Chienyenwa N Pike, Emily J Pusalavidyasagar, Snigdhasmrithi S Rehmann, Ronald E Robinson, Jill M Robinson Jr, Stephen W Ronneberg, Kevin R Schwartz, Carla A Scott, Alan L Sypura, William D Tran, Dang D Wagenknecht, Alison R Welsh, Jennifer L Zownirowycz, Roman J Internal Medicine Beckwith, Heather Christine Berger, Alan K Bowers, Barbara Jean Cervenka, Tereza M Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese Gray, Teresa K Iskos, Demosthenes N Joo, Gabor R Speaks Hungarian Larrabee, James E Madlon-Kay, Richard C Martin, Cindy Maliea Meyer, Jeffrey D Raza, Ahmad Schoonover, Carol H Swartwood, Lester D Tomic, Rade Physician Assistant Akkerman, Natalie Ann Allgood, Rachel Marjorie Arnold, Gail M Brogan, Matthew Scott Carrier, Claire S Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gilles, Steven K Gonnion, Shannon L Gronning, Marita C Grossman, Jennifer Leigh Hall, Melissa F Humphrey, Elizabeth Jimenez, Kristen Rae C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 3 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Kasbohm, Jeffrey O Kehr, Kristen M Kramer, Angela P Link, Andrew Allan Locken, Lindsey K Lunde, Laura E Nick, Mary Lee Olson, Kyle Leigh Oppel, Andrew D Poveda, Sarah N Reinhardt, Lucia G Rick, Tara Jean Sava, Shaun David Schmidt, Elizabeth A Schumacher, Michelle Marie Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Sindt, Jessica D Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Taylor, Sara Marie Thornton, Colleen Marie Tutt, Shana Michelle Whitcomb, Deborah Louise Whitmore, Megan Nichole North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Blaine) Clinic Code: 2021 1420 109th Ave NE, Suite 110 Blaine, MN 55449 763-581-5550 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Health Care 4 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barrett, Todd Andrew Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Dumke, Pamela G Dunsworth, Daniel R Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Goodwin, Courtney J Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Jensen, Gerald D. Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Monson, Paul S. Mujir, Ibrahim A Norton, Leslie G Olund, Katherine Marie Pauly, Suzanne E Pitzl, Gerald A Rodstein, Sheila Rae Scheller, Amy Louise Struyk, Marie Angelique Wolf, Norman Tracy Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Physician Assistant Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Leonard, Michael Gregory Loew, Patrick D Ludwig, Dawn Marie Pham, To Uyen T Richter, Adrienne Jeanette Columbia Heights Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights Clinic Code: 1290 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Lakes Medical Center Family Practice Bachman, David R Bates, Jonathan J Berge, John L Bershow, Barry A Binsfeld, Elise M Bosacker, Richard C Branch-Fleming, Shantel S Brancio, Corinna Wahl Bugbee, Samuel A Darling, Nancy K Deal, Lawrence D DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Dexter, Crystal M Frankwick, Sara S Gibson, Joshua John Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hanson, Peter A Hassumani, Janice P Ho, Nam M Hockett, Stacy M Hovda, Robert N Kumar, Sonia Lee, Donald John Lehman, David B Mann, Morgan E McLeod, Laurie A Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Northwood, John T Nwachuku-Winful, Chienyenwa N Pike, Emily J Pusalavidyasagar, Snigdhasmrithi S Rehmann, Ronald E Robinson, Jill M Robinson Jr, Stephen W Schwartz, Carla A Scott, Alan L Sypura, William D Tran, Dang D Udejiofor, Nkiruka J Vaidya, Anjali Sudhakar Wagenknecht, Alison R Welsh, Jennifer L Zownirowycz, Roman J Internal Medicine Beckwith, Heather Christine Berger, Alan K Cervenka, Tereza M Gray, Teresa K Iskos, Demosthenes N Joo, Gabor R Speaks Hungarian Larrabee, James E Madlon-Kay, Richard C Martin, Cindy Maliea Raza, Ahmad Schoonover, Carol H Swartwood, Lester D Tomic, Rade Physician Assistant Akkerman, Natalie Ann Allgood, Rachel Marjorie Arnold, Gail M Brogan, Matthew Scott Carrier, Claire S Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gerlach, Amy L Gilles, Steven K Gonnion, Shannon L Gronning, Marita C Hall, Melissa F Humphrey, Elizabeth Jimenez, Kristen Rae Kasbohm, Jeffrey O Kehr, Kristen M Kramer, Angela P Locken, Lindsey K Lunde, Laura E Nick, Mary Lee Oppel, Andrew D Poska, Christine N Poveda, Sarah N Reinhardt, Lucia G Rick, Tara Jean Sava, Shaun David Schmidt, Elizabeth A Schumacher, Michelle Marie Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Sindt, Jessica D Thornton, Colleen Marie C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 5 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Whitcomb, Deborah Louise Whitmore, Megan Nichole Coon Rapids Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic Clinic Code: 1012 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Mercy Hospital Family Practice Abdullah, Bangean K Speaks Arabic Speaks Kurdish Ailabouni, Nabeel Bishara Ailabouni, Nader B Alsamman, MHD Mounaf Aslam, Shazia Auge, Jennifer Stoehr Broeker, Michael L. Byers, Jason Daniel Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Carlson, Cynthia A Carpenter, Jennifer Ann Casey, Robyn M Ceno-England, Julie L Drevlow, Kris W Dunham, Charles K Dunn, Gregory T Ekong, Stella U Speaks French Speaks Russian Elfarra, Gehad A Speaks Arabic 6 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Engel, Linnea Katharine Erickson, Paul D Esmaeelzadeh, Ali R Ezzo, Mary Lou Figari, Carlos E Ford-Nathan, Laura Elizabeth Frank, Harvey Jay Gerst, Thomas S Golden, Justin D Goldsmith, Elizabeth J Goyal, Richa Speaks Hindi Hameed, Ayesha Hamernick, Heather Rebekah Hasan, Rabia Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Haycraft-Williams, Kimberly Hemmati, Masha A Hendricks, Jennifer Leigh Her, Ron Kham Sou Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Hildebrandt, Michael A Hutchison, Margo H Jo, Venancio Tiu Johnson, Steven L. Kaplan, Craig A Karimi, Sonia Lynne Khan, Mohammed Shaezor Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Klager, Martha J. Speaks French Krueger, Heather Rose Lawson, Gene Edward Layeux, Susan Jean Lee, Mina K Lubega, Sawuya N Magnuson, Penny J. Mcallister, Sumner Todd McCabe, Aaron James Mccutcheon, Rodney John Meade-Gladen, Megan Elizabeth Meyer, Dain Thomas Mitrione, Stephen M Monteiro, Kavita S. Moua, Mai S Mouachepao, Steven Sao Speaks Hmong Murtha, Yvonne M. Nelson, Jeffrey Brian Nerothin, Paul W Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Niebeling, Thomas A Nwogu, Esther Nnenna O’Brien, Michelle Lynn Olczak, Jacqueline Sherry Olson, Keith J. Oman, Victoria L. Ott, Christopher E. Pastorius, John C. Patten, Robert M Phillips, Daniela M Price, Janet Lynn Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Sandager, Paul N Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Shearer, Teresa Marie Slings, Laura L Smith, Daniel Clarke Spilseth, Paul M Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Syverson, Adam Thomas Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Tranmer, Robert Troup, Traci E Turbes, Sandra Jeanne Turcotte, Paul Andrew Urberg, Martin M Uslinov, Stephen Valgemae, Mark S Varner, Matthew Wayne Vladykina, Viktoriya Vladimirovna Speaks Russian West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Westling, Paul Wilson, Richard Alan Winandy, Marlys R Wright, Donald L. Yacoub, Hany N Speaks Arabic Young, Bruce W Zenti, Jodi A Geriatrics Mudkannan, Mrinalini Maladeo Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Ahmed, Hani Armstrong, Christopher A Baker, Seth B Denny, Kara Nicole Gottfried, Andrew William Mahajan, Videh Speaks Hindi Manoj, Madhu Speaks Hindi Speaks Kannada Meyer, Jeffrey D Mickelson, Jayme Leigh Murdych, Tomas M. Nathani, Abdulhussain M. Speaks Gujarati Speaks Swahili Speaks Urdu O’Day, Kathryn Helena Putlur, Pradeep Ross-Sturz, Susan Renee Roy, Bula Speaks Bengali Speaks Hindi Shahid, Amjad A Speaks Spanish Shukla, Manan S Speaks Hindi Sierra-Ascencio, Manuel Enrique Speaks Spanish Yazigi, Natalia Speaks Russian Physician Assistant Anderson, Sandra K Dehler, Jessica Johanna Ludwig, Dawn Marie Maynard-Moris, Jennifer Ann Moore, Cathy Shabaz Mueller, Nicholas P Riebe, Sandra Jo Schuneman, David H. Allina Health Mercy Women’s Health Clinic Clinic Code: 1013 11850 Blackfoot St NW Suite 300 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-9236 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Mercy Hospital Fridley Allina Health Fridley Clinic Clinic Code: 1021 Unity Professional Building 500 Osborne Rd NE, Suite 255 Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-6011 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Mercy Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Ailabouni, Nader B Dexter, Crystal M Guiral, Anne Margaret Hasan, Rabia Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Lubega, Sawuya N Price, Janet Lynn Woo Rippe, Kathleen Wai Allina Health Unity Hospitalist Service Clinic Code: 4088 Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-5400 Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Mercy Hospital Family Practice Auge, Jennifer Stoehr C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 7 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Internal Medicine Ahmad, Zeeshan Speaks Urdu Baker, Seth B Beddow, David N Crowley, John E Dailey, Ryan William Easley, Judith Ann Elkaramany, Hany Lofty Gensmer, Charles Owen Haung, Jimmy Janjua, Tariq M Johnson, Jan D Keller, Bowen Eliot Kettler, Paul A Khan, Raza Ali Khokhar, Anwar Saeed Speaks Urdu Leung, Andrew Yeng Longinow, Theodore Anatole Mclaughlin, Terrance D Min, Michael X Momen, Farah Naz Onyeka, Ikechukwu Chinedu Rahmatullah, Zeeraq Speaks Urdu Roberts, Kara Suzanne Rowe, James Thomas Rudolph, Michael Scuderi, Joseph Dominic Shaik, Arif M Shankar, Nisha Singh, Saul Samaroo Stiehm, Andrew James Vidu, Mokkala Bala Vujkovic, Sinisa N Yazigi, Joudat I Speaks Arabic Speaks Russian 8 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Physician Assistant Miles, Kyah Sue Fairview Clinics, Fridley Clinic Code: 1291 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Bachman, David R Bates, Jonathan J Berge, John L Bershow, Barry A Binsfeld, Elise M Bosacker, Richard C Branch-Fleming, Shantel S Brancio, Corinna Wahl Bugbee, Samuel A Chweyah, Peter Kemoni Speaks Swahili Darling, Nancy K Deal, Lawrence D DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Dexter, Crystal M Frankwick, Sara S Gibson, Joshua John Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hassumani, Janice P Ho, Nam M Hockett, Stacy M Hovda, Robert N Kumar, Sonia Lee, Donald John Lehman, David B Leo, Bensen Y Mann, Morgan E McLeod, Laurie A Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Northwood, John T Nwachuku-Winful, Chienyenwa N O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Pusalavidyasagar, Snigdhasmrithi S Rehmann, Ronald E Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Robinson, Jill M Robinson Jr, Stephen W Schwartz, Carla A Scott, Alan L Sypura, William D Tran, Dang D Wagenknecht, Alison R Welsh, Jennifer L Zownirowycz, Roman J Internal Medicine Beckwith, Heather Christine Bejanyan, Nelli Berger, Alan K Bowers, Barbara Jean Cervenka, Tereza M Gray, Teresa K Gupta, Shilpa Iskos, Demosthenes N Joo, Gabor R Speaks Hungarian Larrabee, James E Latif, Pernia Lubka, Rueben N Madlon-Kay, Richard C Martin, Cindy Maliea Martinson, Terry L Meyer, Jeffrey D Pham, Viet Quoc Ray, Manoj Kumar Raza, Ahmad Schoonover, Carol H Swartwood, Lester D Thirunavu, Meenakshi Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay Physician Assistant Akkerman, Natalie Ann Allgood, Rachel Marjorie Arnold, Gail M Brogan, Matthew Scott Carrier, Claire S Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gilles, Steven K Gonnion, Shannon L Gronning, Marita C Hall, Melissa F Hembre, Kristin M Humphrey, Elizabeth Jimenez, Kristen Rae Kasbohm, Jeffrey O Kehr, Kristen M Kramer, Angela P Link, Andrew Allan Locken, Lindsey K Lunde, Laura E Nick, Mary Lee Oppel, Andrew D Parkey, Jamen Poveda, Sarah N Reinhardt, Lucia G Rick, Tara Jean Sava, Shaun David Schmidt, Elizabeth A Schmidt, Jeffrey David Schumacher, Michelle Marie Semling, Danielle Monique Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Sindt, Jessica D Stecher, Chelsey R Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Thornton, Colleen Marie Whitcomb, Deborah Louise Whitmore, Megan Nichole Fridley Children’s & Teenagers Medical Center Clinic Code: 1087 500 NE Osborne Rd, Suite 215 Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-2700 Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Mercy Hospital Leo, Bensen Y Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Moses, Scott J Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Ronneberg, Kevin R Wilkes, Loren M Internal Medicine Martinson, Terry L Physician Assistant Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gronning, Marita C Parkey, Jamen Pennington, Karen R Peterson, Leah M Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Ramsey Lino Lakes Fairview Clinics, Lino Lakes Clinic Code: 4029 7455 Village Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Lakes Medical Center, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Bosacker, Richard C Bugbee, Samuel A Cole, Tara M Darling, Nancy K Dummer, Michael M Hanson, Peter A Kampfe, Kevin L Allina Health Ramsey Clinic Clinic Code: 1035 7231 Sunwood Drive NW Ramsey, MN 55303 763-236-0000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Mercy Hospital, Unity Hospital Family Practice Carls, Eric P Edwards, Roberta J Fayyaz, Faiza I Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Fox, William Dean Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Kaplan, Craig A Karimi, Sonia Lynne C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 9 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Long, James Brian Look-Torgerson, Susan A Malcolm, Perry R. Marier, Raymond G. Speaks French Movahedi, Behnaz Speaks Farsi Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Simon, Eric M Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W Zenti, Alberto G Physician Assistant Reiss, Mary Jane St. Francis Fairview Clinics, Saint Francis Clinic Code: 4096 23671 Saint Francis Blvd Saint Francis, MN 55070 763-502-3900 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Lakes Medical Center, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Anderson, David Scott Balgobin, Christopher L Chambers, Ross P Christiaansen, Tori F Dexter, Crystal M Edman, Amy J Falaki, Folake V Fischer, Robin K Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish 10 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Jones, Daniel William Li, Charles C Mayerchak, Richard E Mazhari, Anoshirvan Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Nwachuku-Winful, Chienyenwa N O’Neil, Jane K Peterson, Jeremy J Physician Assistant Eichstadt, Christina A Lundgren, Cindy A Parkey, Jamen Torkilsen, Lauren E Tutt, Shana Michelle Carver County Chanhassen Ridgeview Chanhassen Clinic Clinic Code: 2015 7907 Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-934-0570 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Family Practice Hansberry, Kristen O Henjum, Brian A Jacob, Anne U Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay Lano, Michael D. Petersen, Jerry R Ready, Stephen A Schulenberg, Michael T. Seats, Sheila N Svetaz, Maria V Swanson, David Charles Sweeney, William B. Internal Medicine Dvorak, Henry M Meyer, Timothy C White, Kevin M Physician Assistant Bot, Sarah Teresa Pfeifle, James A Timm-Rodriguez, Erika L. Zamjahn, David B Chaska Allina Health Chaska Clinic Clinic Code: 1281 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd Chaska, MN 55338 952-448-2020 Hospital Affiliation: St. Francis Regional Medical Center Family Practice Allen, Kerrie V Gladen, Megan EM Groskreutz, Theodore A Houts, Barbara Gayle Kandiko, Joseph H Lewis, Jennifer Lynn Morris, Sandra K Urberg, Martin M Wischnack, Lori Lynn Physician Assistant Dehler, Jessica Johanna Murphy, Jodee Ann Perez, Tamara Kristin Ridgeview Chaska Clinic Clinic Code: 5018 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd Suite 115N Chaska, MN 55338 952-361-2450 Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Family Practice Henke-Le, Tanya K. Ready, Stephen A Internal Medicine Culbert, Timothy P Meyer, Timothy C South Lake Pediatrics, Chaska Clinic Code: 4093 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd, Suite 210 Chaska, MN 55338 952-401-8300 Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center, Maple Grove Hospital, Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Valley Family Practice Clinic Code: 2025 822 Yellow Brick Road Chaska, MN 55318 952-448-3303 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Saint Francis Regional Medical Center Family Practice Larson, Lisa C Speaks Spanish Willey, David Allen Speaks Spanish Williams, Brent S Wayzata Children’s Clinic, Chaska Clinic Code: 2026 3000 Hundertmark Rd, Suite 13 Chaska, MN 55318 952-448-3847 Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center, Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Patients under age 20 Family Practice Woroncow, Halina Wray-Raabolle, Jason T Waconia Premier OB/GYN of Minnesota Clinic Code: 4099 560 S Maple St, Suite 130 Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2137 Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Watertown Catalyst Medical Clinic, Watertown Clinic Code: 2008 204 Lewis Ave, Suite 201 Watertown, MN 55388 952-955-1963 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Family Practice Jensen, Scott M. Whisler, William C Physician Assistant Garcia, Michele M Chisago County Chisago City Fairview Clinics, Chisago City Clinic Code: 4017 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 651-257-8499 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Lakes Medical Center Family Practice Anderson, Amy C Eikens, John P Gustafson, Thomas P C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 11 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hoiland, Christa K Kopp, Terry W Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Nielsen, Sue A Northwood, John T Peterson, Kurt R Post, Robert P Thompson, Steven J Whitehouse, Sara Frances Internal Medicine Bejanyan, Nelli Martinson, Terry L Svee, Kent W Physician Assistant Babcock, Jessica Ria Basha, Abass Ahmed Dieterle, Natalie Anne Goltz, Bennett E Nesser, Tricia Kathryn Pennington, Karen R Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Stanek, Jennifer A North Branch Allina Health North Branch Clinic Clinic Code: 1029 38986 14th Ave N North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-0055 Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Cambridge Medical Center This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* 12 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Family Practice Berglund, Gregory G Berry, Dale A Callen, Robert P Carlone, Cassandra E. Clark, Steven Allen Cox, Jeffrey S Grandgenett, Gretchen Haupert, Amy L Herrmann, Jane M Hintermeister, Lucas Henry Joyce, Michael James Speaks Spanish Kampa, Carolyn Ann Kaplan, Craig A Kinnan, Michael R Lessard, Jennifer A Mark, Melissa Caroline Olson, Anne Michele Ott, Christopher E. Phillips, Charles J Schreifels, Dawn A Winselman, Stephen M Internal Medicine Goblirsch, Samuel R Khokhar, Anwar Saeed Speaks Urdu Physician Assistant Anderson, Kirsten A Bendickson, Alex R Berg, Sarah C Johnson, Jessica Lyn McDonald, Rusty J McGee, Angela L Schult, Andrea Marie Timm, Michael R Fairview Clinics, North Branch Clinic Code: 4025 5366 386 St North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-8353 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Lakes Medical Center, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Family Practice Barrett, Linda L Chang, Fawn M Chweyah, Peter Kemoni Speaks Swahili Dessie, Hellina T Speaks Arabic Dummer, Michael M Leaf, Thomas A Lee, Donald John Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Nielsen, Sue A Piotrowski, William C Rehder, Paula J Schwinghamer, Thomas G Thompson, Steven J Internal Medicine Bowers, Barbara Jean Martinson, Terry L Physician Assistant Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gerlach, Amy L Gutierrez, Marcella E Jones, Christopher Michael Karo, Steven L Mollner, Karen L O’Connor, Holly G Pennington, Karen R Riggen, James Theodore Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Tutt, Shana Michelle Underwood-Wright, Georgia Rae Rush City Fairview Clinics, Rush City Clinic Code: 4027 760 W 4th St Rush City, MN 55069 320-358-4784 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Lakes Medical Center This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Family Practice Berg, Christine G Berg, Peter C Dummer, Michael M Durkin, Therese M Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Rehder, Paula J Thompson, Steven J Van Eck, Julie A Internal Medicine Bowers, Barbara Jean Carlton, Gregory T Martinson, Terry L Physician Assistant Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gutierrez, Marcella E Karo, Steven L Pennington, Karen R Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center Clinic Code: 4026 Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Reinhardt, Lucia G Rick, Tara Jean Riggen, James Theodore Schafer, Elizabeth Ann Sheehan, Lauren Jane Steber, Kari Lee Turnquist, Emma Caroline Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Lakes Medical Center Dakota County Family Practice Barry, Ann M Chatwin, Kevin R Durkin, Therese M Eikens, John P Erickson, Deborah J Hoff, Michelle M Hulstrand, Karen Louise Nielsen, Sue A Olowoyo, Oluwakemi Tinuke Olson, Arthur R Rehder, Paula J Spatz, Lisa A Speaks Spanish Strand, Deborah K Tosteson, David J Wilkes, Loren M Apple Valley Internal Medicine Bowers, Barbara Jean Kumar, Birendra Sah Raza, Ahmad Svee, Kent W Physician Assistant Akkerman, Natalie Ann Allgood, Rachel Marjorie Hackenmueller, Amanda Lynn Montminy, Kara Sue Pennington, Karen R Apple Valley Medical Clinic Clinic Code: 2003 Apple Valley Medical Center 14655 Galaxie Ave Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-6161 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital Family Practice Decker, John P. Diede, Amy L English, Edward John Frederixon, Peter C Hett, Holly A LaBounty, Abby R Lang, David A Lang, David G Loken, Mary J. Maas, David V Orandi, Yasmin Anne Pallas, Kenneth G Steichen, Stuart W Stolpman, Todd J Widdifield, David R C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 13 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Physician Assistant Vandeventer, Lauren Elizabeth Willson, Laura Elizabeth Speaks Spanish Fairview Clinics, Apple Valley Clinic Code: 4015 15650 Cedar Ave S Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-997-4100 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Azar, Amer Balgobin, Christopher L Bender, Scott P Bershow, Barry A Chang, Fawn M Dhruvan, Angela I Dotson, Shelley E Fasnacht, Angela Frances Homan, Mary C Kaefer, Maria Lee, Shao Chyi Li, Charles C Michell, Jeffrey R Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Salazar, Albert A Scott, Troy A Vanderscoff, Jessica A 14 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Weitz, Brian Curtis Young, James T Internal Medicine Newell, Debra C Pallegar, Krishnakumari G Wahl, Mary E Physician Assistant Eichstadt, Christina A Hutchens-Wojahn, Andrea Rachelle James, Courtney N Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Burnsville Allina Health Burnsville Clinic Clinic Code: 4083 14000 Nicollet Ave S Burnsville, MN 55337 952-428-0200 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Ailabouni, Nader B Albert, Priya Speaks Hindi Anderson, Steven Duane Aslam, Shazia Axelrod, Alexander A Speaks Russian Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Carlson, Cynthia A Frank, Harvey Jay Gordon, Christopher James G Hentges, Kristine Siegle Mcallister, Sumner Todd Meyer, Dain Thomas Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Ott, Christopher E. Patten, Robert M Sheely, John Richard Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Syverson, Adam Thomas Uslinov, Stephen Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Denny, Kara Nicole Physician Assistant Anderson, Stacy Marie Dehler, Jessica Johanna Moore, Cathy Shabaz Walkowski, Robert J Burnsville Family Physicians Clinic Code: 4007 Oak Ridge Professional Building 625 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 100 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-0303 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Clark, James C Johnson, Jill B. Magnuson, Michael C. Scherf, Laura Ellen Sterner, Barbara Jean Fairview Clinics, Burnsville Clinic Code: 4037 303 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-460-4000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Southdale Hospital Family Practice Bershow, Barry A Chang, Fawn M Homan, Mary C Li, Charles C Manders, Christina J Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Salazar, Albert A Schoen, Gregory G Scott, Alan L Wesely, Christine L Wesley, Christine L Internal Medicine Cole, Gretchen Crintea-Stoian, Diana G Cross, Dennis Duncanson, Emma L Erickson, John L Ferron, Susan M Ganzer, Jr., Peter J Gensinger Jr, Raymond A Koch, Lynn J Nazarian, Shaban Newell, Debra C Nikolov, Nikolay G Speaks Russian Nowak, Jason E Pallegar, Krishnakumari G Shah, Rajiv R Short, Sonja S Varadachari, Chitra J Speaks Hindi Wahl, Mary E Physician Assistant Jones, Christopher Michael Reinhardt, Lucia G Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle Whaylen, Michele Marie Southdale Ob/Gyn Consultants, Burnsville Clinic Code: 4076 Fairview Ridges Hospital 305 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 393 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-9505 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital Southdale Pediatric Associates, Burnsville Clinic Code: 4078 501 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-898-5900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Trinity Integrative Medicine Clinic Code: 4283 2434 E 117th St, Suite 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-465-3883 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital Family Practice Zenker, Bernarda M Eagan Allina Health Eagan Clinic Clinic Code: 1015 1110 Yankee Doodle Road Eagan, MN 55121 651-454-3970 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, United Hospital Family Practice Avenido, Leo Francis Broeker, Michael L. Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Carlone, Cassandra E. Carlson-Buckley, Sarah Speaks Spanish Dondlinger, Paul J Ford-Nathan, Laura Elizabeth Johnson, Steven L. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 15 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Jones, Teresa Wiesa Kalmi, Brittany A Karimi, Sonia Lynne Mccabe, Aaron James Monteiro, Kavita S. Peterson, Ramsey Evan Phillips, Daniela M Urberg, Martin M Wright, Donald L. Young, Bruce W Zoberi, Samira Khalid Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Internal Medicine Konda, Satyasree S Mears, Thomas V Physician Assistant Ezell, Elizabeth M Allina Health Eagan Women’s Health Clinic Clinic Code: 1032 2805 Dodd Road, Suite 100 Eagan, MN 55121 651-241-7733 Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Fairview Clinics, Eagan Clinic Code: 4019 Fairview Eagan Medical 1440 Duckwood Drive Eagan, MN 55123 651-406-8860 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* 16 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Azar, Amer Balgobin, Christopher L Bershow, Barry A Chang, Fawn M Emerson Egginton, Erin Phaedra Hanson, Peter A Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Hong, Edwin S Johnson, David S Kragh, Rebecca R Lee, Shao Chyi Li, Charles C Mark, Merle S. Mayerchak, Richard E Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Noll, Pamela J Nolting-Brown, Jane M Northwood, John T O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Scott, Alan L Wolf, Rita A Internal Medicine Crintea-Stoian, Diana G Ferguson, Ann Marie Hachiya, Harumi L Nazarian, Shaban Newell, Debra C Pallegar, Krishnakumari G Pingel, Janine T Riethof, Matthew A Short, Sonja S Toensing, Peter N Veum, Erik J Wahl, Mary E Physician Assistant Carlson-Amirayan, Julie R Goberdhan, Vikisha Archana Maass, Molly A Salzmann, Rachel Marie Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Farmington Allina Health Farmington Clinic Clinic Code: 1019 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Regina Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Avenido, Leo Francis Doyle-Bizily, Tara Katherine Everhart, Amanda Marie Kammueller, Karla F Kaplan, Craig A Karimi, Sonia Lynne Mcbroom, Saul Aarron Oetken, Sherrie Sue Olson, Keith J. Urberg, Martin M Viera, Roxana Patricia Speaks Spanish Fairview Clinics, Farmington Clinic Code: 4081 19685 Pilot Knob Road Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-5100 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Azar, Amer Balgobin, Christopher L Bender, Scott P Bershow, Barry A Bershow, Spencer Andrew Dotson, Shelley E Homan, Mary C Li, Charles C Michell, Jeffrey R Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean O’Neil, Jane K Quade, Justin R Salazar, Albert A Weitz, Brian Curtis Physician Assistant Aaseby-Aguilera, Ramona Ann Hedlund, Elizabeth J Hutchens-Wojahn, Andrea Rachelle James, Courtney N Peterson, Alexis J Hastings Allina Health First Street Clinic Clinic Code: 1022 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Regina Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Atwood, Lesley A Speaks Spanish Benson, Scott J Bernard, Jose T Best, Kevin Charles Broadmoore, Andrew D. Butler, Charles R Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Carlone, Cassandra E. Ceno-England, Julie L Chlebeck, Paul T Dewitt, Marla Annette Engblom, Bethany Jo Florey, Daniel F Gonzalez, Kristi Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Johnson, Steven L. Joyce, Michael James Speaks Spanish Karimi, Sonia Lynne Kerestes, George Paul Langseth-Ronning, Lizbeth Dori Lessard, Jennifer A Lum, Donald Lee Mantzaris, James Patrick Markert, Sarah Anne Martin, Julia Lo McKenzie, Melody L Mcquistan, Ian Mark Mollner, Susan E. Monteiro, Kavita S. Noreen, James P Orr, Jennie M Speaks Bengali Speaks Spanish Rose, Janine Elaine Rotty, Mark V Sandager, Paul N Schill, Peter D. Schock, Aubrey T. Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Spinelli, William M Stadtherr, Christopher J Tetzlaff, Naomi P Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Turcotte, Paul Andrew Walsh, Anthony J. Wright, Donald L. Internal Medicine Bryce, Alan H Funk, Linda Marie Narayana, Kirana Peterson, Kirsten L Priebe, Tiffany J Samarawardana, Panduka NKH Physician Assistant Bjerknes-Rodgers, Ingrid Elizabeth Bussey, Diana M Fox, Jaime L Hansen, Jennifer Ruth Hoffman, Sara Marie Hrdlichka, Krysta M Larsen, Peter Jon C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 17 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS McCullough, Ellen J. Moore, Cathy Shabaz Nicoloff, Marc Demetre Reece, Christopher J Riebe, Sandra Jo Allina Health Nininger Clinic Clinic Code: 1164 1285 Nininger Road Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4200 Hospital Affiliation: Regina Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Andrews, Richard J Atwood, Lesley A Speaks Spanish Best, Kevin Charles Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Johnson, Carol JoAnn Kaplan, Craig A Lessard, Jennifer A Lockwood, Travis W. Markert, Sarah Anne Martin, Julia Lo McKenzie, Melody L Mcquistan, Ian Mark Monteiro, Kavita S. Noreen, James P Olsen, Garrick B. Orr, Jennie M Speaks Bengali Speaks Spanish Peterson, Lon Bradley Roach, Mona S. Rose, Janine Elaine Rotty, Mark V 18 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Schill, Peter D. Spinelli, William M Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Turcotte, Paul Andrew West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Internal Medicine Bowen, Robert M Stephany, Mark D Stiehm, Andrew James Syed, Imran S Tongen, Scott W Physician Assistant Hrdlichka, Krysta M Reece, Christopher J Rogers, Christine L. Inver Grove Heights Allina Health Inver Grove Heights Clinic Clinic Code: 3010 5565 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-241-9400 Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, United Hospital Family Practice Ailabouni, Nader B Alsamman, MHD Mounaf Anderson, Steven Duane Aslam, Shazia Balasubrahmanyan, Ravi Broeker, Michael L. Carlson, Cynthia A Casey, Robyn M Ceno-England, Julie L Drevlow, Kris W Dunn, Gregory T Ekong, Stella U Speaks French Speaks Russian Erickson, Paul D Ezzo, Mary Lou Figari, Carlos E Ford-Nathan, Laura Elizabeth Frank, Harvey Jay Golden, Justin D Goldsmith, Elizabeth J Hamernick, Heather Rebekah Hasan, Rabia Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Haycraft-Williams, Kimberly Her, Ron Kham Sou Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Hildebrandt, Michael A Hunt, Luann Q Jo, Venancio Tiu Johnson, Steven L. Karimi, Sonia Lynne Klager, Martha J. Speaks French Krueger, Heather Rose Layeux, Susan Jean Lee, Mina K Lubega, Sawuya N Magnuson, Penny J. Mcallister, Sumner Todd Mccabe, Aaron James Mccutcheon, Rodney John Meyer, Dain Thomas Mitrione, Stephen M Monteiro, Kavita S. Moua, Mai S Nelson, Jeffrey Brian Nerothin, Paul W Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Niebeling, Thomas A Noreen, James P O’Brien, Michelle Lynn Olson, Keith J. Oman, Victoria L. Ott, Christopher E. Pastorius, John C. Patten, Robert M Phillips, Daniela M Price, Janet Lynn Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Shearer, Teresa Marie Slings, Laura L Smith, Daniel Clarke Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Syverson, Adam Thomas Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Troup, Traci E Turcotte, Paul Andrew Umeh, Martin Chizoba Urberg, Martin M Uslinov, Stephen Vanden Berg, Gretchen M Varner, Matthew Wayne West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Wilson, Richard Alan Winandy, Marlys R Wright, Donald L. Young, Bruce W Geriatrics Mageli, John D. Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Gottfried, Andrew William Mickelson, Jayme Leigh Richardson, Janilyn M Richie, Anthony J. Ross-Sturz, Susan Renee Shahid, Amjad A Speaks Spanish Yauch, David C Physician Assistant Dehler, Jessica Johanna Jarvis, Laura Anne Ludwig, Dawn Marie Moore, Cathy Shabaz Riebe, Sandra Jo Lakeville Fairview Clinics, Lakeville Clinic Code: 4028 18580 Joplin Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 952-892-9555 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Azar, Amer Balgobin, Christopher L Bershow, Barry A Bershow, Spencer Andrew Dahl, Maria Hey Green, John Andrew Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Homan, Mary C Lee, Donald John Li, Charles C Manders, Christina J Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Noll, Pamela J O’Neil, Jane K Quade, Justin R Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Scott, Troy A Vanderscoff, Jessica A Weitz, Brian Curtis Wolf, Rita A Internal Medicine Ganzer, Jr., Peter J Gupta, Nidhi Okulaja, Adepero O Physician Assistant Aaseby-Aguilera, Ramona Ann Eichstadt, Christina A Hutchens-Wojahn, Andrea Rachelle Salzmann, Rachel Marie Whaylen, Michele Marie C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 19 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Rosemount Fairview Clinics, Rosemont Clinic Code: 4097 15075 Cimarron Ave Rosemount, MN 55068 651-322-8800 Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, Fairview Ridges Hospital Family Practice Balgobin, Christopher L Falaki, Folake V Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Homan, Mary C Kaijage, Ingrid Bwahama Lee, Donald John Li, Charles C Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Internal Medicine Crintea-Stoian, Diana G Fitch, Angela K Ganzer, Jr., Peter J McCarville, Erin E Newell, Debra C Schmitz, Christine M Short, Sonja S Toensing, Peter N 20 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Physician Assistant Eichstadt, Christina A Hutchens-Wojahn, Andrea Rachelle Salzmann, Rachel Marie West Saint Paul Allina Health West Saint Paul Clinic Clinic Code: 1043 150 E Emerson Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-241-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, United Hospital Family Practice Avenido, Leo Francis Benson, Scott J Bernard, Jose T Borow, Carolyn J Broadmoore, Andrew D. Broeker, Michael L. Cady, Mary F Carlone, Cassandra E. Ceno-England, Julie L Clay, Laura A Dailey, Jessica E Fenton, Simon Nicholas Speaks Spanish Fischer, Vivian Gail Florey, Daniel F Haik, Nedira E Hearn, Sean Timothy Speaks German Jerney, Carola Andrea Speaks Spanish Johnson, Steven L. Joyce, Michael James Speaks Spanish Karimi, Sonia Lynne Lessard, Jennifer A Mccabe, Aaron James McConnell, William D. Noreen, James P Patten, Robert M Raje, Poonam Richardson, Bruce W. Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Sandager, Paul N Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Stadtherr, Christopher J Tetzlaff, Naomi P Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Urberg, Martin M Viera, Roxana Patricia Speaks Spanish West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Wolf, Rita A Wright, Donald L. Yasin, Asima Internal Medicine Anderson, Lisa L Physician Assistant Bjerknes-Rodgers, Ingrid Elizabeth Ezell, Elizabeth M Fox, Jaime L Moore, Cathy Shabaz Riebe, Sandra Jo Mendakota Pediatrics Clinic Code: 4287 1880 Livingston Ave, Suite 102 West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-552-7999 Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Hennepin County Bloomington Allina Health Bloomington Clinic Clinic Code: 3002 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards. Mitrione, Stephen M Syverson, Adam Thomas Turbes, Sandra Jeanne Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W Geriatrics Maach, Linda Moran, Eileen S. Internal Medicine Bratten, Kent Knute Canas, Shannon M. Durst, Meghan Gracce Hardy, Olga V Speaks Russian Kimpell, Randy L. Kokoszka, Joanna C. Shaffer, William T. Physician Assistant Jarvis, Laura Anne Loftsgaarden, Shayna Marie Moe, Amy L Rivard, Gabrielle V Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, Abbott Northwestern Hospital This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Fairview Clinics, Bloomington Lake Xerxes Clinic Code: 4286 7901 Xerxes Ave S, Suite 116 Bloomington, MN 55431 952-888-2024 Family Practice Bunkers, Brian E Bunkers, Kari S Burrell, James E Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Lang, David A Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Bates, Jonathan J Bjorklund, John R Figueroa, Mary M Flad, Jane E Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Haycraft Jr, Kenneth C Haycraft, Laurel A Hinck, Walter A Li, Charles C O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Rehm, Natalie A Riley, Daniel N Struve, James K Winnett, Mary M Zuckman, Michael R Internal Medicine Ostlund, Mark L Fairview Clinics, Bloomington, Oxboro Clinic Code: 4035 600 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-2651 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Bershow, Barry A Bershow, Spencer Andrew Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 21 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hayes, Natalie A Speaks Spanish Juhani, Alhasan Speaks Arabic Speaks Polish Kaefer, Maria King, Michael J Kragh, Rebecca R Lenarz, Lois A Li, Charles C Liang, Jun H Michell, Jeffrey R Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Scott, Alan L Simo, Kathleen K Spatz, Lisa A Speaks Spanish Vanderscoff, Jessica A Weiler, Karen Marie Wesely, Christine L Wesley, Christine L Wilkes, Loren M Wolf, Rita A Internal Medicine Din, Mairaj Ud Elert, Brent A Foley, Christopher A Gupta, Nidhi Katz, Jonathan D McCarville, Erin E Nielsen, Mark R Nowak, Jason E Okulaja, Adepero O Pallegar, Krishnakumari G 22 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Riethof, Matthew A Smith, Christofer Adams Toensing, Peter N Varadachari, Chitra J Speaks Hindi Veum, Erik J Wycoff, Kevin T Physician Assistant Aaseby-Aguilera, Ramona Ann Carlson-Amirayan, Julie R Foley, Amy M Kimmel, Heidi R Kimmel, Jason B Parkey, Jamen Russell, Phyllis H Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Svihel, Michelle M Tutt, Shana Michelle Brooklyn Center HCMC Brooklyn Center Clinic Clinic Code: 4267 6601 Shingle Creek Parkway Suite 400 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 612-873-8800 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Hansen, Gail Marie Stoltzfus, Lowell I Internal Medicine Barrera-Anderson, Teresa Irene Speaks Spanish Gorr, Haeshik S Speaks Korean Kazaglis, Louis Molony, Ronald R Quadling, Bernadette Kim Rosebrock Rapacz, Ida Rachael Simegn, Mengistu Alemayehu Speaks Amharic Physician Assistant Dauphinais, Sara B North Memorial Clinic Brooklyn Center Clinic Code: 1298 5615 Xerxes Ave N, Suite D Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-581-5630 Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Dumke, Pamela G Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Hammer, Luke William Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Kinnan, Michael R Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Lor, Tria Speaks Hmong Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Mohler, Jeanne M Olund, Katherine Marie Rahberg, Elizabeth A Schulenberg, Michael T. Sicora, Joseph J Stenzel-Taynton, Holly Mary Thao, Mai See Speaks Hmong Torralba, Rosalynn Aromin Walsh, Cora M Wolf, Norman Tracy Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Physician Assistant Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Bohlman, Julie Ann Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Clements, Nicole M Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Le, Phong Truong Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie Niles, Robert J Pham, To Uyen T Rackliffe, John David Brooklyn Park Allina Health Brooklyn Park Clinic Clinic Code: 4089 9300 Noble Parkway E Brooklyn Park, MN 55447 763-236-5300 Hospital Affiliation: Mercy Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Alsamman, MHD Mounaf Dejong, Julie Ann Mccabe, Aaron James Scheible, Mark Andrew Yiu, Shih Shen Speaks Chinese Young, Bruce W Crown Medical Center, Brooklyn Park Clinic Code: 1285 7001 78th Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-566-4535 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Nguyen, Nha Peter Internal Medicine Onyekaba, Joyce I Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park Clinic Code: 1289 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Bachman, David R Bates, Jonathan J Berge, John L Bershow, Barry A C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 23 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Binsfeld, Elise M Bosacker, Richard C Branch-Fleming, Shantel S Brancio, Corinna Wahl Bugbee, Samuel A Darling, Nancy K Deal, Lawrence D DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Dexter, Crystal M Eliason, Sandra H Frankwick, Sara S Gibson, Joshua John Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hassumani, Janice P Ho, Nam M Hockett, Stacy M Hovda, Robert N Kolacz, Pamela S Kumar, Sonia Kuppa, Sarulath M Lee, Donald John Lehman, David B Leo, Bensen Y Malik, Shaista Mann, Morgan E McLeod, Laurie A Mielke, Deborah K. Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Moua, Mai S Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Nwachuku-Winful, Chienyenwa N O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Pusalavidyasagar, Snigdhasmrithi S 24 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Rehmann, Ronald E Robinson, Jill M Robinson Jr, Stephen W Schwartz, Carla A Scott, Alan L Sypura, William D Tran, Dang D Wagenknecht, Alison R Welsh, Jennifer L Wermerskirchen, Angela Sue Xiaaj, Kang Zownirowycz, Roman J Internal Medicine Adatya, Sirtaz Beckwith, Heather Christine Berger, Alan K Bowers, Barbara Jean Cervenka, Tereza M Gray, Teresa K Iskos, Demosthenes N Joo, Gabor R Speaks Hungarian Larrabee, James E Madlon-Kay, Richard C Martin, Cindy Maliea Meyer, Jeffrey D Raza, Ahmad Schoonover, Carol H Swartwood, Lester D Tomic, Rade Vocal, Arvin M Physician Assistant Allgood, Rachel Marjorie Arnold, Gail M Babcock, Jessica Ria Boumann, Christine Elizabeth Brogan, Matthew Scott Carrier, Claire S Dieterle, Natalie Anne Gilles, Steven K Gonnion, Shannon L Gronning, Marita C Grossman, Jennifer Leigh Hall, Melissa F Humphrey, Elizabeth Jones, Christopher Michael Kasbohm, Jeffrey O Kehr, Kristen M Kramer, Angela P Link, Andrew Allan Locken, Lindsey K Lunde, Laura E Marchewka, Amy Grovender Nesser, Tricia Kathryn Nick, Mary Lee O’Connor, Holly G Oppel, Andrew D Pearson, Rachel M Poveda, Sarah N Rackliffe, John David Reinhardt, Lucia G Rick, Tara Jean Riggen, Aundria C Riggen, James Theodore Sava, Shaun David Schmidt, Elizabeth A Schumacher, Michelle Marie Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Sindt, Jessica D Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Taylor, Sara Marie Thornton, Colleen Marie Tutt, Shana Michelle Whitcomb, Deborah Louise Whitmore, Megan Nichole HCMC Brooklyn Park Clinic Clinic Code: 4266 7650 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 612-873-8900 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Bhardwaj, Kartika Burhan, Suhair Hamid Stoltzfus, Lowell I Internal Medicine Rosebrock Rapacz, Ida Rachael Physician Assistant Dauphinais, Sara B North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Park Family Physicians Clinic Code: 1166 8559 Edinbrook Parkway Suite 100 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-581-5660 Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Health Care Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Dumke, Pamela G Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, Daniel S. Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Kinnan, Michael R Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Loew, Patrick D Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Mohler, Jeanne M Mujir, Ibrahim A Olund, Katherine Marie Rahberg, Elizabeth A Schulenberg, Michael T. Sicora, Joseph J Thao, Mai See Speaks Hmong Torralba, Rosalynn Aromin Walsh, Cora M Wolf, Norman Tracy Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Physician Assistant Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Clements, Nicole M Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Le, Phong Truong Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 25 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Niles, Robert J Pham, To Uyen T Richter, Adrienne Jeanette Champlin Allina Health Champlin Clinic Clinic Code: 1010 11269 Jefferson Highway N Champlin, MN 55316 763-236-0060 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Mercy Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Ailabouni, Nabeel Bishara Ailabouni, Nader B Alsamman, MHD Mounaf Anderson, Steven Duane Aslam, Shazia Balasubrahmanyan, Ravi Broeker, Michael L. Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Carlson, Cynthia A Casey, Robyn M Ceno-England, Julie L Drevlow, Kris W Dunham, Charles K Dunn, Gregory T Ekong, Stella U Speaks French Speaks Russian Engel, Linnea Katharine Erickson, Paul D Ezzo, Mary Lou Figari, Carlos E Ford-Nathan, Laura Elizabeth 26 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Frank, Harvey Jay Golden, Justin D Goldsmith, Elizabeth J Gordon, Christopher James G Grenz, Karla R Hameed, Ayesha Hamernick, Heather Rebekah Hasan, Rabia Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Haycraft-Williams, Kimberly Hemmati, Masha A Her, Ron Kham Sou Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Hildebrandt, Michael A Holth, Byron C Speaks German Jo, Venancio Tiu Johnson, Steven L. Kaplan, Craig A Karimi, Sonia Lynne Klager, Martha J. Speaks French Kline, Patricia A Krueger, Heather Rose Lawson, Gene Edward Layeux, Susan Jean Lee, Mina K Lubega, Sawuya N Magnuson, Penny J. Mcallister, Sumner Todd Mccabe, Aaron James Mccutcheon, Rodney John Meade-Gladen, Megan Elizabeth Meyer, Dain Thomas Mitrione, Stephen M Moua, Mai S Nelson, Jeffrey Brian Nerothin, Paul W Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Niebeling, Thomas A O’Brien, Michelle Lynn Olson, Keith J. Oman, Victoria L. Ott, Christopher E. Pastorius, John C. Patten, Robert M Phillips, Daniela M Price, Janet Lynn Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Rotzoll, Mildred Ann Shearer, Teresa Marie Slings, Laura L Smith, Daniel Clarke Spilseth, Paul M Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Troup, Traci E Trude, Timothy E Turbes, Sandra Jeanne Turcotte, Paul Andrew Urberg, Martin M Uslinov, Stephen Varner, Matthew Wayne West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Westling, Paul Wilson, Richard Alan Winandy, Marlys R Wright, Donald L. Young, Bruce W Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Gottfried, Andrew William Mickelson, Jayme Leigh Ross-Sturz, Susan Renee Shahid, Amjad A Speaks Spanish Uzochukwu-Ekochin, Lea Hilda Physician Assistant Dehler, Jessica Johanna Ludwig, Dawn Marie Moore, Cathy Shabaz Riebe, Sandra Jo Eden Prairie Fairview Clinics, Eden Prairie Clinic Code: 4020 Fairview Eden Center 830 Prairie Center Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-826-6500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* For Mental Health appointments call 612-672-6999 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Benjamin, Barbara Anne Bershow, Barry A Chang, Fawn M Choi, Won S Dar, Bushra S Speaks Urdu Dragotis, David D Dunn, Daniel J Fareed, Mohammad T Johnson, David S Juola, John P Kundu, Mousumi Liang, Jun H Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Nazir, Asad Nolting-Brown, Jane M Robinson Jr, Stephen W Russell, Peter L Scherman, Debra Ann Scott, Troy A Simo, Kathleen K Stevenson, Mark E Weiler, Karen Marie Internal Medicine Gupta, Nidhi Newell, Debra C Toensing, Peter N Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Southdale Pediatric Associates, Eden Prairie Clinic Code: 4079 18315 Cascade Dr, Suite 170 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-949-0399 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Edina Physician Assistant Bagniefski, Kathryn Lynn Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle Ob/Gyn West, Eden Prairie Clinic Code: 4057 800 Prairie Center Dr, Suite130 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-249-2000 Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center South Lake Pediatrics, Eden Prairie Clinic Code: 4070 800 Prairie Center Dr, Suite 120 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-401-8300 Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates, Edina Clinic Code: 1001 Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55439 952-914-8100 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Labenski, Mark E Internal Medicine Ayaz, Kathleen L Becker, Joshua Sky Bostrom, Mark O Cummings, Michael K. Desautels, Christine N C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 27 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Divine, Alan S Drevlow, Laurel E Edin, Colt Jeffrey Ekstrom, Brent A Espenson, Suzanne M Flynn, Kelly J Hauth, Thomas Martin Speaks Spanish Holbrook, Amy K Huelster, Joshua S Ingham, David Paul Kaufman, Ronald W Kraus, Edward D. Mellick, Angelene M Miner, Robert J Miskavige, Thomas C Mueller, Joshua Jacob Nelson, Noelle M. Overgaard, Joshua D Phillips, Paul P Pierson, Bryce Andrew Post, Bryan D Speaks Spanish Prebil, Sarah E Rasmusson, Gretchen Ruth Rodel, Donna M Rosborough, Terrill K. Sang, Rachel L Schmidt, Mark Joseph Skiba, Teresa G. Spilseth, Sara Anne Strauss, Leigh Perry Sutter, Paul M Whitley, Nancy K Whitten, Benjamin H Wolke, Carrie F Worner, Tod Jared Allina Health Edina Clinic Clinic Code: 1016 7500 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-835-1311 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Ezzo, Mary Lou Kaplan, Craig A Monteiro, Kavita S. Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Internal Medicine Flaata, Scott M Gad, Dina R. Haflund, Oxana P Hoffman, Neil R Loeding, Nicole Elice Siy, Rosalie F. Varikuti, Sucharita Speaks Bengali Speaks Hindi Speaks Oriya Associates in Women’s Health, Edina Clinic Code: 4001 6517 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-806-0011 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital 28 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Clinic Sofia OB-GYN Clinic Code: 4008 Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 490 Edina, MN 55435 952-922-7600 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Diamond Women’s Center Clinic Code: 4010 Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 540 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-4045 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Edina Family Physicians Clinic Code: 4293 5301 Vernon Ave S Edina, MN 55436 952-925-2200 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Beecher, John T Burns, Sheldon R Dunn, Daniel J Gamradt, Barbara R Johnson, Linda C Kazim, Mumtaz A Meade, Stephen D Peterson, Daniel Rohde, James A. Smith, Anthony Edward Edina Sports Health and Wellness Clinic Code: 4013 Physicians Building 6363 France Ave S, Suite 525 Edina, MN 55435 952-926-6489 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Figueroa, Mary M Haugan, Kristin C Mesick, Michael Gerard Taube, Rochelle R. Fairview Clinics, Edina Clinic Code: 4018 Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-848-5600 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Balgobin, Christopher L Bershow, Barry A Chang, Fawn M Christian, William L Figueroa, Mary M Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Johnson, David S Lee, Donald John Leo, Bensen Y Li, Charles C Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean O’Neil, Jane K Peters, Heidi L Pike, Emily J Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Russell, Peter L Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Simo, Kathleen K Wright, Louise G Internal Medicine Doro, Danielle L Gotlieb, Paul S Hachiya, Harumi L Idelkope, Brian M Johnson, Bradford V Kanth, Praveena M Speaks Hindi Kaur, Bhavjot Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Olson, Emily Jane Soomar, Nasima R White, David C Physician Assistant Eichstadt, Christina A Ley, Lisa Teresa Parkey, Jamen Salzmann, Rachel Marie Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle France Avenue Family Physicians Clinic Code: 4044 7250 France Ave S, Suite 410 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-1551 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Anderson, Stephanie Leigh Berge, John L Canfield, John L Ledder, Charles T. Nelson, David C. Nelson, David Matthew Pane, Michael J. Physician Assistant Runkel, Suzanne K Larson, Paul OB/GYN Clinic Clinic Code: 4052 Drew Professional Building 6525 France Ave S, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-4021 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Minnesota Gynecology and Surgery Clinic Code: 4056 7450 France Ave S, Suite 240 Edina, MN 55435 952-893-9100 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 29 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, Edina Clinic Code: 4060 Fairview Southdale Hospital 6405 France Ave S Suite W400 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-2730 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Obstetrics/Gynecology Specialists, Edina Clinic Code: 4064 Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 600 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-2200 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, Fairview Southdale Hospital Sharpe, Dillon, Cockson & Associates Clinic Code: 4281 7250 France Ave S, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-428-1400 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Internal Medicine Cockson, Nancy Beth Dillon, Ann C Herring, Michele Kelly 30 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Krenik, Karen D Sharpe, Carol Ann Siy, Rosalie F. Toll, Caroline Taintor Wu, Natalie Duan Southdale Internal Medicine Clinic Code: 4075 Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 510 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7079 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Internal Medicine Brown, Merlin Emery Brunkow, Gary Lee Ivins, Gary M Liston, Jacob Charles Walcher, David J Southdale Ob/Gyn Consultants, Edina Clinic Code: 4077 3625 W 65th St, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-7001 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Southdale Pediatric Associates, Edina Clinic Code: 4080 3955 Parklawn Ave S, Suite 120 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-4454 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Miller, David C Internal Medicine Jones, Matthew Steven Wright Medical Care Clinic Code: 4278 7300 Metro Blvd, Suite 140 Edina, MN 55439 952-835-6465 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Excelsior Ridgeview Excelsior Clinic Clinic Code: 2017 675 Water St Excelsior, MN 55331 952-906-7855 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Family Practice Hansberry, Kristen O Jacob, Anne U Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay Kennedy, Elizabeth Lynn Ready, Stephen A Schulenberg, Michael T. Seats, Sheila N Soneral, Steven N. Vaela, Padma Physician Assistant Peschel, Gina O Pfeifle, James A Golden Valley HCMC Golden Valley Clinic Clinic Code: 5005 5653 Duluth Street Minneapolis, MN 55422 612-873-6963 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Chereddy, Subhadra Nelson, Bryan A Ramchandani, Lipi Mohanlal Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Physician Assistant Dauphinais, Sara B Hemmerich, Celia Schmitz-Jacobs, Jennifer A. North Memorial Clinic, Golden Valley Family Physicians Clinic Code: 1168 8301 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-581-5150 Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Bixby, Mark Rollins Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Dumke, Pamela G Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Loew, Patrick D Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Olund, Katherine Marie Pereira, Jayson Robert Peterson, Grace Christiani Renier, Michael A Schulenberg, Michael T. Tran-Stoebe, Doris Ngocdung Speaks Vietnamese Walsh, Cora M Whitcomb, Trent Roger Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Winter, Parin A C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 31 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Physician Assistant Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Clements, Nicole M Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Le, Phong Truong Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie Pham, To Uyen T Richter, Adrienne Jeanette Hopkins Allina Health Hopkins Clinic Clinic Code: 3005 715 2nd Avenue S Hopkins, MN 55343 952-428-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Noreen, James P Syverson, Adam Thomas Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W 32 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Geriatrics Davis, Josaleen Muzquiz Internal Medicine Davis, Josaleen Muzquiz Durst, Meghan Gracce Hoffman, Neil R Miller, Timothy Lee Radmanesh, Kaikhushroo Behram Speaks Gujarati Speaks Hindi Physician Assistant Astrup, Katarina Ruth Loftsgaarden, Shayna Marie Maple Grove Allina Health Maple Grove Clinic Code: 1026 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Hospital Affiliation: Unity Hospital, Buffalo Hospital, Mercy Hospital Family Practice Conley, Harold L Doyle-Bizily, Tara Katherine Feroz, Shabana Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Juhlin, Wendy S. Mccabe, Aaron James McIntyre, Brock J. Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W Zenti, Alberto G Zenti, Jodi A Physician Assistant Mueller, Nicholas P Fairview Clinics, Bass Lake Clinic Code: 4014 6320 Wedgwood Rd N Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-268-0400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Balgobin, Christopher L Bates, Jonathan J Branch-Fleming, Shantel S Chang, Fawn M Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Ho, Nam M Hockett, Stacy M Kolacz, Pamela S Kuppa, Sarulath M Lee, Donald John Lenarz, Lois A Li, Charles C Mielke, Deborah K. Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Tran, Dang D Trowbridge, Joan L Wermerskirchen, Angela Sue Internal Medicine Madlon-Kay, Richard C Putnam, Amy M Physician Assistant Babcock, Jessica Ria Boumann, Christine Elizabeth Grossman, Jennifer Leigh Lundgren, Cindy A O’Connor, Holly G Parkey, Jamen Poska, Christine N Rackliffe, John David Salzmann, Rachel Marie Schmidt, Elizabeth A Sindt, Jessica D Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center Clinic Code: 1160 14500 99th Ave N, Suite100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Bates, Jonathan J Branch-Fleming, Shantel S DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Falaki, Folake V Frankwick, Sara S Ho, Nam M Hockett, Stacy M Kolacz, Pamela S Kuppa, Sarulath M Lee, Donald John Malik, Shaista Mielke, Deborah K. Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Quiram, Darryl Robert Ronneberg, Kevin R Wermerskirchen, Angela Sue Internal Medicine Ayalew, Getinet D Beckwith, Heather Christine Bejanyan, Nelli Boumitri, Mirna Georges Cervenka, Tereza M Cogswell, Rebecca Jane Drawz, Paul Englund Elfering, Sarah Liv Fujioka, Naomi Harindhanavudhi, Tasma Hasan, Syed Zafarul Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Iskos, Demosthenes N Issa, Naim Salaheddine Lazaryan, Aleksandr March, Shamane Kimara Moheet, Amir Alam Omar, Ahmed A Raza, Ahmad Reilkoff, Ronald Alexander Steven Uchitelle, Elizabeth Udayakumar, Prabhu Deepak Kumar Yannopoulos, Demetris Physician Assistant Akkerman, Natalie Ann Allgood, Rachel Marjorie Babcock, Jessica Ria Brogan, Matthew Scott Carrier, Claire S Dieterle, Natalie Anne Engelhart, Chad Michael Fider, Kelly Geisler, Christopher John Gonnion, Shannon L Gronning, Marita C Gruenhagen, Barbara Ann Gruenhagen, Deane B Humphrey, Elizabeth Jimenez, Kristen Rae Konat, Tara J Kopacz, Kristi Lorraine Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Kramer, Angela P Link, Andrew Allan Lunde, Lara Elizabeth Milteer, Leslie Clayton Moody, Katherine M O’Connor, Holly G Polzin, Stephanie Clare Poveda, Sarah N Rackliffe, John David Reichart, Kevin Carl Reinhardt, Lucia G Rick, Tara Jean Schafer, Elizabeth Ann Schmidt, Elizabeth Anne Schumacher, Michelle Marie Shaver, Jamie Ann Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Thornton, Colleen Marie Turnquist, Emma Caroline Vogel, Anna C Whitcomb, Deborah Louise C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 33 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS North Memorial Clinic, Arbor Lakes Clinic Code: 5008 12000 Elm Creek Blvd, Suite 130 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5800 Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Cullinan, Brendon Michael Goodman, David Andrew Kalava, Usha R McDonald, Robert Glenn Schulenberg, Michael T. Walsh, Cora M Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Kalava, Usha R Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Physician Assistant Baker, Elizabeth Faith Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Lentfer, Gay W Niles, Robert J Pham, To Uyen T Rettig, Kurt Lee Tackes, Katherine Grace North Memorial Clinic, Maple Grove Clinic Code: 1171 9855 Hospital Dr, Suite 102B Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5900 34 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Dumke, Pamela G Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Nerheim, Steven Jay Olund, Katherine Marie Walsh, Cora M Wolf, Norman Tracy Geriatrics Kalava, Usha R Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Nerenberg, Lex A Pooler, Pete A Prebonich, Mark Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Physician Assistant Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Le, Phong Truong Ludwig, Dawn Marie Pham, To Uyen T Richter, Adrienne Jeanette South Lake Pediatrics, Maple Grove Clinic Code: 4071 Arbor Lakes Medical Center 12000 Elm Creek Blvd, Suite 250 Maple Grove, MN 55369 952-401-8300 Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Center, Maple Grove Hospital, Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Minneapolis Abbott Northwestern General Medical Associates, Minneapolis Clinic Code: 1191 2800 Chicago Ave S, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4096 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Downey, William Christopher Internal Medicine Adair, Richard F Becker, Joshua Sky Callies, Lisa S Desautels, Christine N Drevlow, Laurel E Edin, Colt Jeffrey Ekstrom, Brent A Erickson-Birkedahl, Sherrie L Espenson, Suzanne M Fox, Dean M Holbrook, Amy K Jamrozy, Anya Lukasewyc Karulf, Matthew R. Kaufman, Ronald W Kieley, John Peter Lund, Peter G Mercuri, Albert J Miner, Robert J Miskavige, Thomas C Odenbach, Paul Jeffrey Ornes, Michael J. Paddock, Amber L. Parker, Benjamin D Pelzel, Jamie Michael Post, Bryan D Speaks Spanish Prebil, Sarah E Prebonich, Mark Rasmusson, Gretchen Ruth Ruppman, Daniel John Sang, Rachel L Simonson, Melissa Marie Strait, Kevin B Thompson, Julie A Walstrom, Kurt Edward Watson, Jean B Worner, Tod Jared Allina Health East Lake Street Clinic Clinic Code: 3003 3024 Snelling Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-775-4900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Abramovith-Feijo, Paula Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Chiu, Christopher S Speaks Chinese Chlebeck, Paul T Chou, Anthony F Farah, Liban Speaks Somali Herrmann, Jane M Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Siddiqi, Asma Speaks Urdu Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W Geriatrics Mageli, John D. Internal Medicine Battles, Dana L Chowdhury, Ataul H Durst, Meghan Gracce Glad, Lou Salet Rischall, Daniel Yauch, David C Physician Assistant Jarvis, Laura Anne Allina Health Isles Clinic Clinic Code: 1024 2800 Hennepin Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-775-4800 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 35 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Family Practice Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Geriatrics Laden, Laurel B. Massie, Cornelia Alysia Ollila, Eugene W Sachdeva, Ramandeep Scott, Robert H. Shabnam, Lubna A Speaks Bengali Speaks Hindi Suurmeyer, Robert Dale Vagneur, David A Internal Medicine Carlson, Danita J Coplin, Heidi Marie Engebretson, Sally H Mague, Deborah Klein McMillan, Mary Susan Myers, Jeffrey G Toll, Caroline Taintor Walker, Judith L Allina Health Uptown Clinic Clinic Code: 1039 1221 W Lake St, Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-824-1772 Physician Assistant Astrup, Katarina Ruth Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Allina Health Nicollet Mall Clinic Clinic Code: 1028 Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-8883 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Doyle-Bizily, Tara Katherine Noreen, James P Internal Medicine Davis, Thomas Edward Gadela, Padma Godfrey, Douglas A 36 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Family Practice Kaplan, Craig A Rosenstein, Hanan J Internal Medicine Coplin, Heidi Marie Gad, Dina R. Johnson, Jan D Longinow, Theodore Anatole Myers, Jeffrey G Nathani, Abdulhussain M. Speaks Gujarati Speaks Swahili Speaks Urdu Toll, Caroline Taintor Physician Assistant Astrup, Katarina Ruth Associates in Women’s Health, Minneapolis Clinic Code: 4002 825 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 853 Minneapolis, MN 55402 952-806-0011 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Axis Medical Center Clinic Code: 4090 1801 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 105 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-823-2947 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Kelly, Martha H Lewis, Juan Ricardo Speaks Spanish Mohamed, Ahmed Roble Speaks Arabic Speaks Somali Internal Medicine Ahmed, Hani Mohamed, Abdirahman D Physician Assistant Street, Kayla M Boynton Health Services, Minneapolis Clinic Code: 1049 410 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-8400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Anderson, Bruce J Ansorge, Michelle I Box, Adam Joseph Caron, Joseph W Coomes, Michael W Erhart, Victoria A Feist, Richard J Gordon, Christopher James G Kim, Charles Kyung-Kwon Speaks Korean Krzmarzick, Jennifer A. Nelson, Carol J. Park, Sue Young Sandberg, Deborah J. Traugh, Cathy Hixenbaugh Ver Steeg, Sue Ann Internal Medicine Risdahl, Jeanette S. Physician Assistant Al Barghouthy, Nabila H DeBus, Dawn M. Fine, Rebecca Ann Grady, Stephanie Norton, Joel D Reinert, Heather L Wasson, Jacob Ashley Wooldridge, Jill M Children’s Primary Clinic, Minneapolis Clinic Code: 1057 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6107 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Family Practice Igwe, Livinston Chukwuemeka Ilko, James A Ingalls, John W Jacobson, Dennis R Jensen, Scott M. Johnson, Melanie M. Physician Assistant Pasquarella, Richard A Perry, Anne-Marie Speaks Spanish Powless, Hadley Jo Community University Health Care Center-CUHCC Clinic Code: 1060 2001 Bloomington Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-301-3433 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Allen, Michele L Speaks Spanish Dwivedi, Roli Speaks Hindi Fruechte, Karen Elizabeth Jewett, Kelly R. Kane, William John Lammie, Molly M Mouachepao, Steven Sao Speaks Hmong Ramer, Timothy J Reif, Christopher J West, Melissa J Geriatrics Ratner, Edward R Internal Medicine AbdulKarim, Ahmad S Bacaner, Nina R Speaks Hebrew Speaks Spanish Benson, Bradley J Brown, Calla R Ryan, Kelly Siy, Jerome C. Song, John Young Wheeler, Dawn Elaine White, Jon-Ano A Physician Assistant Alvear, Alison Cristin Speaks Spanish Crown Medical Center Clinic Code: 1059 1925 1st Ave Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-4354 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 37 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Nguyen, Nha Peter Internal Medicine Onyekaba, Joyce I Fairview Clinics, Bloomington Lake Minneapolis Clinic Code: 4265 1527 E Lake St, Suite 150 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-721-6511 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Bjorklund, John R Flad, Jane E Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Haycraft Jr, Kenneth C Haycraft, Laurel A Hinck, Walter A Li, Charles C Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Rehm, Natalie A Riley, Daniel N Struve, James K Winnett, Mary M Zownirowycz, Roman J Zuckman, Michael R 38 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Internal Medicine Ostlund, Mark L Fairview Clinics, Hiawatha Clinic Code: 4021 3809 42nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-6261 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Alexander, Mark R Balgobin, Christopher L Dhruvan, Angela I Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hazen, Eric J House, Angela K Kalola, Sandeep K Lee, Donald John Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Nolting-Brown, Jane M Ogawa, Lynne S Pattison, Laura J Pike, Emily J Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Sparks, Carolyn D Spatz, Lisa A Speaks Spanish Welsh, Jennifer L Wilkes, Loren M Internal Medicine Berger, Alan K Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese Madlon-Kay, Richard C Physician Assistant Eichstadt, Christina A Gilles, Steven K Hutchens-Wojahn, Andrea Rachelle Maass, Molly A Plosser, Katharine Jones Pollatsek, Mary A Rackliffe, John David Russell, Phyllis H Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle Fairview Clinics, Integrated Primary Care Clinic Code: 4289 Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 602 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-6099 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Baker, Nancy Jean Eliason, Sandra H Emerson-Egginton, Erin Phaedra Larson, Elise C Speaks Spanish Li, Charles C Moody, Gary Alvin Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Trowbridge, Joan L Internal Medicine Ferron, Susan M Logeais, Mary Esther Sandler, Victor Michael Stein, Daniel J Physician Assistant Bastian, Bradley Edward Parkey, Jamen Fairview Clinics, Riverside Clinic Code: 4279 Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-2450 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Amer, Gregory M Baker, Nancy Jean Dolan, Catherine M Kelly, Kevin M Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish Physician Assistant Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Fairview Clinics, University Childrens Clinic Code: 4016 2535 University Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-672-2350 Patients up to age 16 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Noll, Pamela J Nolting-Brown, Jane M Pleasants, Michael E Wilkes, Loren M Internal Medicine Goel, Anjali Physician Assistant Gilles, Steven K Fairview Clinics, Uptown Clinic Code: 4041 3033 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 275 Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-827-4751 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Balgobin, Christopher L Chang, Fawn M Deitz, Ruth E. Frandson, Jared M Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Johnson, Sara H Lee, Donald John Li, Charles C Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Ndyajunwoha, Sarah A Noll, Pamela J Nolting-Brown, Jane M O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Pleasants, Michael E Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Shamsi, Aliya A Speaks Urdu Swenson, Lina K Wesely, Christine L Internal Medicine Joo, Gabor R Speaks Hungarian Kaur, Bhavjot Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Shah, Rajiv R Veum, Erik J Physician Assistant Baker, Brenda J Eichstadt, Christina A Greene, Emily E Maass, Molly A Parkey, Jamen Russell, Phyllis H Salzmann, Rachel Marie Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle HCMC BeWell Clinic Clinic Code: 5007 300 S 6th Street Suite A-119 Minneapolis, MN 55487 612-873-2223 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 39 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Physician Assistant Dauphinais, Sara B Deones, Gloria Elaine Manos, Michelle Marie HCMC Coordinated Care Clinic Clinic Code: 0072 HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-9966 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Physician Assistant Tierney, Bridget M HCMC East Lake Clinic Clinic Code: 4268 2700 E Lake Street Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-873-8100 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Figari, Carlos E Kaefer, Maria Koka, Ndidiamaka Didi Speaks French Speaks Spanish Mojica Martinez, Gillian Sayrd Speaks Spanish Svetaz, Maria V Physician Assistant Kerr, Eileen A 40 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G HCMC Internal Medicine Clinic at Parkside Clinic Code: 4270 Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th St, Suite 206 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-7534 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Geriatrics Sandgren, Peter Edwin Internal Medicine Briese, Nicholas S Esse, Katherine G Galloway-Gilliam, Lesha A Godishala, Laxmana M Grimm Jr., Richard H Hartley, Guilford G Speaks German Hilden, David Richard McCulloch, Mary K Ronnander, Elspeth K Smith, Henry T Stillman, Martin Jeffrey Tandon, Veeti Vrabel-Sonier, Teresa Zekarias, Kidmealem Lulseged Physician Assistant Powell, Jesse G HCMC International Health Clinic Clinic Code: 1092 HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian Primary Care: Monday 1:00PM-4:00PM Somali Primary Care: Monday 1:00PM-3:30PM Tuesday 1:00PM-4:00PM Spanish Primary Care: Monday & Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Internal Medicine Divertie, Carmen N Speaks Spanish Garrett, Craig R Speaks Russian Pereira, Anne G. Speaks Spanish Pryce, Douglas J Speaks Somali Selameab, Tseganesh HCMC Medicine Clinic Clinic Code: 1093 HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Barr, Dana Rae Ely, John Charles Holder, Mark William Ksionski, Sebastian Jongho Robertshaw, Danielle Christine Szajner, Ruth O Geriatrics Anwar, Mariam Speaks Urdu Sandgren, Peter Edwin Internal Medicine Aldrich, Michelle A Bart, Gavin Bryce-Samuel Berger, Alan K Bommakanti, Satya V Bora, Anushree Speaks Hindi Bydash, Jason Richard Coffey, Ellen M Dean, Carl Evans Doyle, Shannon E Erickson, Heidi L Foley, Robert N Fulton, Daniel Paul Galloway-Gilliam, Lesha A Goelz, Elizabeth C Gonzalez, Hernando J Speaks Spanish Grimm Jr., Richard H Hansen, Brita M Hartley, Guilford G Speaks German Hilden, David Richard Hillson, Steven D Hirsi, Awil Warsame Hoody, Daniel George Hung, Eric H Hust, Anne K Inglis, Brett C Isaksen, Ann L Ives, Samuel T Johnson, Paul Edward Jungman, Robert James Kazaglis, Louis Klein, Matthew David Kolb, Adam Geoffrey Lawson, Michael James Malik, Mobin Ahmed Maripuri, Saugar Miller, Wendy J Moscandrew, Maria Eleana Nwaononiwu, Uchemadu Amos Pease, Daniel F Pereira, Anne G. Speaks Spanish Pryce, Douglas J Speaks Somali Pylkas, Anne Marie Ramirez, Gloria Alexandria Rubins, Jeffrey Bennet Sandler, Rachel Selameab, Tseganesh Stansbury-Odonnell, Wendy A. Stillman, Martin Jeffrey Topping, Julie G. Van Schyndel, David Brent Vrabel-Sonier, Teresa Weiss, Erica J Xie, Shirlee Xiaoping Zadroga, Rebecca Jeanne Speaks Spanish Zamorano, Clara Olivia Speaks Spanish Physician Assistant Bjornstad, Brittany E Earl Torniainen, Catherine C Oeding, Michelle Lynn HCMC Obstetrics/ Gynecology Clinic Clinic Code: 1094 HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2530 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center HCMC Pediatric Clinic Clinic Code: 1095 HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P7 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2435 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center, Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Family Practice Hemmati, Masha A HCMC Whittier Clinic Clinic Code: 4272 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-545-9000 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Anderson, Charles R Bracken, Thomas H Brotherson, Allyson R Councilman, David L Councilman, Robin M Erickson, Paul F C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 41 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Evers, Kimberly M Frost, Elizabeth Everett Haddow, Susan S Speaks Spanish Hasti, Susan C Speaks Spanish Hemmati, Masha A Joslyn, Kenneth E Joslyn, Kenneth Everett Karsten, Michelle L. Kerandi, Henry M. Marquez, Byron J Moty, Ayham Newman, Nancy K Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Parker, Kara L Petersen, Kimberly M Pierre, Roxanee Elise Speaks Spanish Potts, Jerome F Ratcliff, Rebecca Lynn Schabert, Michelle Andrea Setness, Peter A. Sierra, Joseph M. Speaks Spanish Sroka, Selma L Tupakula Ramesh, Praveen Internal Medicine Beyendorff, Ulrich F Speaks German Nwaononiwu, Uchemadu Amos Printon, Deanne E Shroff, Gautam R Simegn, Mengistu Alemayehu Speaks Amharic 42 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Physician Assistant Dauphinais, Sara B Kelley, Christine Ann Indian Health Board of Minneapolis, Inc. Clinic Code: 1104 1315 E 24th St Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-721-9898 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center, Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Christianson, Craig R LaCombe, Mitchell J. Rock, Patrick M. Physician Assistant Decorah, Eileen J Life Medical, Minneapolis Clinic Code: 5011 2700 E Lake St, Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-7772 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Native American Community Clinic Clinic Code: 1110 1213 E Franklin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-872-8086 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Banaszak, Lori S Hibbs, Susan M Rabie, Kari Lynn Neighborhood HealthSource Central Clinic Code: 1056 2301 Central Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-781-6816 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Benzie, Emily E Bresette, Robin Jean Kutil Dyer, Scott R Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Jankowski, Ronald J Miedema, Jill Kristin Speaks Spanish Murray, Jane M. Ogawa, Lynne S Peterson, Gloria J Speaks French Price-Isuk, Rahshana D Stolz, Allison M Turbes, Sandra Jeanne Geriatrics Reed, Maureen Internal Medicine Martin, Tina A. Physician Assistant Smith, Eric Andrew Smith, Janelle Neighborhood HealthSource Fremont Clinic Code: 1086 3300 Fremont Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55412 612-588-9411 HCMC certified nurse midwives practice here. Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Benzie, Emily E Bresette, Robin Jean Kutil Dyer, Scott R Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Jankowski, Ronald J Miedema, Jill Kristin Speaks Spanish Murray, Jane M. Ogawa, Lynne S Peterson, Gloria J Speaks French Price-Isuk, Rahshana D Stolz, Allison M Turbes, Sandra Jeanne Physician Assistant Smith, Eric Andrew Smith, Janelle Neighborhood HealthSource, Sheridan Clinic Code: 1130 342 13th Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-362-4111 HCMC certified nurse midwives practice here. Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Benzie, Emily E Bresette, Robin Jean Kutil Price-Isuk, Rahshana D Internal Medicine Martin, Tina A. Physician Assistant Smith, Eric Andrew Smith, Janelle Vint, Amy Christine New Hope Crystal Medical Care, Minneapolis Clinic Code: 4094 2904 Johnson St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-782-0900 Geriatrics Reed, Maureen Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Health Care Internal Medicine Martin, Tina A. Family Practice Henry, Neil Charles Physician Assistant Weeks, Thanh TD North Memorial Clinic, Minneapolis (Camden) Clinic Code: 4098 4209 Webber Parkway, Suite130 Minneapolis, MN 55412 763-581-5750 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Banks, Amy L Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Clouse, Cathleen Renee Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dumke, Pamela G Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Kalava, Usha R Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Nerheim, Steven Jay Nesheim, Mirtha P Oberstar, Jennifer Suzanne Olund, Katherine Marie Saleem, Javaid Schulenberg, Michael T. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 43 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Stenzel-Taynton, Holly Mary Stiegler, Michael B Walsh, Cora M Youmans, William L. Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Kalava, Usha R Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Wolfson, Michael Raanan Physician Assistant Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Havlik, Sarah Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Le, Phong Truong Lentfer, Gay W Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie Pham, To Uyen T Richter, Adrienne Jeanette North Memorial Clinic Downtown Clinic Code: 5023 651 Nicollet Mall, Suite 277 Minneapolis, MN 55402 763-581-8060 Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Center 44 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G North Memorial Clinic, Northeast Family Physicians Clinic Code: 1170 327 Central Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-1119 Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Domingo, Crispin Rabara Dumke, Pamela G Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Hammer, Luke William Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Leighton, John S Loew, Patrick D Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Nerheim, Steven Jay Olund, Katherine Marie Roth, Meghabhuti Schulenberg, Michael T. Thomasson, Robert D Thompson, Michael B Turcotte, William D Walsh, Cora M Whitcomb, Trent Roger Wolf, Norman Tracy Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Physician Assistant Anderson, Sandra K Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Brenda J Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Clements, Nicole M Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Klein, Sunny Sharai Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Laihinen, Bart David Le, Phong Truong Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie Manos, Michelle Marie Palm, Steve J Pfannenstein, Jenna Marie Pham, To Uyen T Podratz, Scott K Roubinek, Michelle Lyn Vuckovic, George G. NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center Clinic Code: 1117 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Anderson, Martha M Carlson, Janna Kirsten Councilman, Robin M Gilliam, Kevin Louis Kerandi, Henry M. Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Schabert, Michelle Andrea Vanselow, Michelle Wahlberg, Ronald B Winbush, Nicole Yvette Xiong, Ncha Speaks Hmong Internal Medicine Lewis, Fredrekia Simegn, Mengistu Alemayehu Speaks Amharic Physician Assistant Weber, Philip Andrew Speaks Norwegian Senior Care Clinic at Augustana, Hennepin County Medical Center Clinic Code: 4271 1425 10th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-337-7410 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Geriatrics McCusker, Martha L Internal Medicine Quadling, Bernadette Kim Southside Medical Clinic Clinic Code: 1133 324 E 35th St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-822-9030 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Larbi-Odam, Robert R. Speaks German Rorem, Bruce A Samudra, Puja Ganesh Vollmer, Lisa Michelle Za, Milan University of Minnesota Physicians, Broadway Family Medicine Clinic Code: 1140 1020 W Broadway Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-302-8200 Mental health services available to clinic’s medical patients only. Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Beggs, James Neil Bergum, Linda Brooks, Kathleen Dwyer Crichlow, Renee Marie Frandson, Jared M Giammar, Lauren E Goodman, David Andrew Haddow, Susan S Speaks Spanish C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 45 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hall, Tricia J Harper, Peter G Herbert, Ryan Thomas Justesen, Kathryn G Keenan, Patrick Aloysius Keyhani, Javad Knowles, Patrick Leighton, John S Levy, Robert Barnett Lor, Tria Speaks Hmong Mann, Morgan E Morrison, Grant C Nissly, Tanner John Okrina-Kibira, LuAnn M. Olowoyo, Oluwakemi Tinuke Pacala, James Theodore Peterson, Kevin Arthur Phillips, William H Prasad, Shailendra Speaks Hindi Ramchandani, Lipi Mohanlal Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Ricco, Jason Alan Runkle, Guy Paul Slattengren, Andrew Heslin Sniffen, Shana L Stenzel-Taynton, Holly Mary Walsh, Cora M Wellington-Miller, Laura May Speaks Spanish Wootten, Michael R Yeazel, Mark William Internal Medicine Herbert, Patricia A 46 N E T W O R K University of Minnesota Physicians, Mill City Clinic Clinic Code: 4095 901 S Second St, Suite A Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-338-1383 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Physician Assistant Angier, Teresa Pat Davis, Marnie Elizabeth Metz, Jodi Marie University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatrics Clinic Code: 1142 Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Gupta, Sameer Speaks Hindi Speaks Russian Speaks Spanish McMahon, Douglas Francis Internal Medicine White, Kevin M Whitney, Courtney W Wichmann, Philip F L I S T I N G Physician Assistant Flesher, Meghan Marie University of Minnesota Physicians, Primary Care Center Clinic Code: 1145 Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-9499 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Brooks, Kathleen Dwyer Feldman, Jamie Lynn Hallberg, Jon Scott Morris, Patrick John Ofstedal, Joseph R Santilli, Jamie D Geriatrics Langland, James Theodore Internal Medicine An, Lawrence C Bearman, Diane L Benson, Bradley J Berryman, Sally H. Bowman, Jill Marie Cuddihy, Maria-Theresa Diem, Susan J Duffy, Briar Leigh Duran, Alisa M Fiscus, Lynne Christine Joseph, Anne Marie Logeais, Mary Esther MaComber, David W Markowitz, Rebecca L Moldow, Charles F Picel, Katherine Clare Pragman, Alexa Anne Sick, Brian Thomas Swan, Paul J Thompson-Buum, Heather A. Watson, Kathleen V Physician Assistant Milteer, Leslie Clayton University of Minnesota Physicians - Smiley’s Family Medicine Clinic Clinic Code: 1147 2020 E 28th St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-333-0770 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Baechler, Benjamin John Baird, Macaran Alexander Speaks Spanish Baker, Nancy Jean Brancel, Mark L Brooks, Kathleen Dwyer Chaisson, Nicole Dirks, Jay A Garry, Joseph P Harper, Peter G Hecht, Suzanne S Speaks Spanish Hinck, Walter A Homan, Mary C Kalola, Sandeep K Link, Carrie Ann Madlon Kay, Diane Jean McCarthy, Teresa C. Millis, Mark Robert Morris, Patrick John Morrison, Grant C Nicholson, William Gene Oberstar, Jennifer Suzanne Okuyemi, Kolawole Stephen Pacala, James Theodore Pacala, Kara Korach Ramer, Timothy J Samudra, Puja Ganesh Satin, David Jonathan Sparks, Carolyn D Spatz, Lisa A Speaks Spanish Stovitz, Steven D Torkelson-Beneke, Carolyn J. Wegener, Joel D Welsh, Jennifer L Wolf, Rita A Yeazel, Mark William Internal Medicine Bacaner, Nina R Speaks Hebrew Speaks Spanish Madlon-Kay, Richard C Toman, Lee Allan University of Minnesota Physicians Health NP Clinic Clinic Code: 5021 814 S 3rd St Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-888-9792 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Minnetonka North Memorial Clinic, Minnetonka Medical Center Clinic Code: 5020 15450 Highway 7, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55346 763-581-8900 Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Center, Maple Grove Hospital Family Practice Cullinan, Brendon Michael Goodman, David Andrew Kalava, Usha R Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese McDonald, Robert Glenn Walsh, Cora M Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Kalava, Usha R Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Physician Assistant Baker, Elizabeth Faith Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Pham, To Uyen T Rettig, Kurt Lee Richter, Adrienne Jeanette North Memorial Clinic, Ridgedale Clinic Code: 1169 2000 Plymouth Road, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55305 763-581-5250 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 47 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cousins, Randall Jon Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Domingo, Crispin Rabara Dumke, Pamela G Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Hammer, Luke William Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran 48 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Kinnan, Kelly Gail Leighton, John S Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Nerheim, Steven Jay Olund, Katherine Marie Thomasson, Robert D Thompson, Michael B Turcotte, William D Walsh, Cora M Wolf, Norman Tracy Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Wolfson, Michael Raanan Physician Assistant Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Brenda J Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Berg, Mollie Jo Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Klein, Sunny Sharai Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Laihinen, Bart David Le, Phong Truong Ludwig, Dawn Marie Manos, Michelle Marie Palm, Steve J Peterson, Katie Rae Pham, To Uyen T Podratz, Scott K Richter, Adrienne Jeanette Roubinek, Michelle Lyn Vuckovic, George G. Ob/Gyn West, Minnetonka Clinic Code: 4059 14001 Ridgedale Dr, Suite 200 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-249-2000 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital, Maple Grove Hospital Odom Sports & Wellness Clinic Code: 4291 10500 Wayzata Blvd Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-224-1919 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital South Lake Pediatrics, Clearwater Drive Clinic Code: 4072 606 Clearwater Dr, Suite 240 Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-401-8300 Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Wayzata Children’s Clinic Minnetonka Clinic Code: 2028 14001 Ridgedale Dr, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-473-0211 Patients under age 20 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Plymouth Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates, Plymouth Clinic Code: 5013 2855 Campus Dr, Suite 325 Plymouth, MN 55441 952-914-8100 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Internal Medicine Edin, Colt Jeffrey Ekstrom, Brent A Miskavige, Thomas C Physician Assistant Olsen, Ryan Anthony Allina Health Plymouth Clinic Clinic Code: 1042 West Health Campus 2855 Campus Dr, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Cure, Robert A Hutchison, Margo H Mccabe, Aaron James Mollner, Susan E. Price, Philip J Stevenson, Mark E Tamboli, Ashlesha Urberg, Martin M Internal Medicine Divine, Alan S Elkadi, Dahlia H Hoversten, Philip C. Jegapragasan, Vaani Kaufman, Ronald W Oster, Harold Robert Schmidt, Mark Joseph Scott, Robert H. Wang, Peiyi Speaks Chinese Physician Assistant Astrup, Katarina Ruth Dang, Vinh Kevin Mansur, Cindi Lynn Olson, April M Sipley, Bradley Joseph North Memorial Clinic, Plymouth (Rockford Road) Clinic Code: 1054 9750 Rockford Rd Plymouth, MN 55442 763-581-5700 Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Clouse, Cathleen Renee Cullinan, Brendon Michael Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Graham, Dawn L Herbert, Ryan Thomas Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian Mohler, Jeanne M Nerheim, Steven Jay Olund, Katherine Marie Pazlar, Heidi M. Internal Medicine Grouws, Michael Arthur Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Wolfson, Michael Raanan Physician Assistant Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Havlik, Sarah Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 49 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Le, Phong Truong Lentfer, Gay W Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie Niles, Robert J North Memorial Clinic, Plymouth City Center Clinic Code: 4295 15535 34th Ave N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-581-0907 Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Care, Maple Grove Hospital Family Practice Cousins, Randall Jon Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dumke, Pamela G Goodman, David Andrew Herbert, Ryan Thomas Kalava, Usha R Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Loew, Patrick D Lor, Tria Speaks Hmong Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Nerheim, Steven Jay Schulenberg, Michael T. Tschida, Mary Marjorie Walsh, Cora M Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur 50 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Physician Assistant Baker, Elizabeth Faith Borer, Shannon Ocean Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Havlik, Sarah Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Le, Phong Truong Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie Pham, To Uyen T Richter, Adrienne Jeanette North Memorial Clinic, Rockford Road Clinic Code: 5009 9750 Rockford Rd Plymouth, MN 55442 763-581-5700 Hospital Affiliation: North Memorial Medical Care, Maple Grove Hospital Family Practice Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dumke, Pamela G Goodman, David Andrew Kalava, Usha R McDonald, Robert Glenn Mohler, Jeanne M Woodland, Jennifer L Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Kalava, Usha R Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Wolfson, Michael Raanan Physician Assistant Baker, Elizabeth Faith Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Pham, To Uyen T South Lake Pediatrics, Plymouth Clinic Code: 4073 WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Dr, Suite 235 Plymouth, MN 55441 952-401-8340 Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Richfield Allina Health Richfield Clinic Clinic Code: 1036 407 W 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-798-8800 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Family Practice Cure, Robert A Flint, Melissa Hamernick, Heather Rebekah Herrmann, Jane M Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Johnson, Steven L. Karimi, Sonia Lynne Patten, Robert M Peterson, Ramsey Evan Phillips, Daniela M Rosenberg, Sagit V Safo, Ann Lynette Speaks Spanish Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Shearer, Teresa Marie Wright, Donald L. Geriatrics Flint, Melissa Internal Medicine Armstrong, Christopher A Beaird, Jack Gray Dahlberg, Rebecca M Gad, Dina R. Martin, Tina A. Meyer, Charles R. Morrison III, George H Praeger, Laura A Spears, Samuel W Toll, Caroline Taintor Valaas-Turner, Anne K Speaks German VandeWater Morrow, Amy HCMC Richfield Clinic Clinic Code: 1097 44 W 66th St Richfield, MN 55423 612-873-8200 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Barr, Dana Rae Bouroncle, Gisele S Speaks Spanish Hayes, Natalie A Speaks Spanish Hemmati, Masha A Lewis, Sandra Ann Marquez, Byron J Nesheim, Mirtha P Petersen, Kimberly M Vollmer, Lisa Michelle Internal Medicine Holley, Abigail P Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Za, Milan Rogers Physician Assistant Dauphinais, Sara B King, Michael J Lipinski, Jennifer Ann Life Medical, Richfield Clinic Code: 5012 7108 Chicago Avenue S Richfield, MN 55423 612-353-5036 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Richfield Medical Group Clinic Code: 4065 6440 Nicollet Ave S Richfield, MN 55423 612-861-1622 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Brockway, David P LaRoy, James Paul Mellema, James P. Nelson, Kevin C Southside Community Health Services Richfield Clinic Code: 5006 1550 East 78th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-827-7181 Fairview Clinics, Rogers Clinic Code: 4040 14040 Northdale Blvd Rogers, MN 55374 763-488-4100 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Anderson, David Scott Frankwick, Sara S Jones, Daniel William Kuppa, Sarulath M Lenarz, Lois A Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Pensinger, Christopher J Trowbridge, Joan L Internal Medicine Larson, Paul D Physician Assistant Boumann, Christine Elizabeth C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 51 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, Ridgeview Medical Center Patients under age 20 O’Connor, Holly G Poska, Christine N Schmidt, Elizabeth A Spring Park Ridgeview Westonka Clinic, Spring Park Clinic Code: 2019 4695 Shoreline Drive Spring Park, MN 55384 952-442-7890 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Family Practice Hansberry, Kristen O Henjum, Brian A Petersen, Jerry R Seats, Sheila N Soneral, Steven N. Terry, Peter J. Internal Medicine Berger, Jo M Nagle, Eric Alliot Rysso, Jennifer H Stocks, Thomas G Vaela, Ravi Physician Assistant Pfeifle, James A Wayzata Children’s Clinic, Spring Park Clinic Code: 2027 4695 Shoreline Drive Spring Park, MN 55384 952-495-8910 52 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Family Practice Cavender, Robert Collins Saint Anthony North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Saint Anthony) Clinic Code: 2022 2600 39th Ave NE St. Anthony, MN 55421 763-520-2980 Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Dumke, Pamela G Dunsworth, Daniel R Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Goodwin, Courtney J Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hillstrom, Verna T Hollenbeck, Stephen L Jensen, Gerald D. Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Loew, Patrick D Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Monson, Paul S. Nerheim, Steven Jay Norton, Leslie G Olund, Katherine Marie Pauly, Suzanne E Rodstein, Sheila Rae Scheller, Amy Louise Stoesz, Michael R Struyk, Marie Angelique Wolf, Norman Tracy Internal Medicine Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Physician Assistant Abernethy, Lindsay Thomson Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Clements, Nicole M Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Haselbauer, Megan Elizabeth Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Le, Phong Truong Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie McClintick, Kari Ann Pham, To Uyen T Podratz, Scott K Richter, Adrienne Jeanette Saint Anthony Village Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center Clinic Code: 4269 2714 Highway 88 St. Anthony, MN 55418 612-873-7200 Hospital Affiliation: Hennepin County Medical Center Family Practice Chereddy, Subhadra Marquez, Byron J Pierre, Roxanee Elise Speaks Spanish Ramchandani, Lipi Mohanlal Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi South Lake Pediatrics, Saint Louis Park Clinic Code: 4074 6600 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 131 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 952-401-8320 Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota Ramsey County Maplewood Physician Assistant Dauphinais, Sara B Kelley, Christine Ann Allina Health Maplewood Clinic Clinic Code: 3006 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Saint Louis Park Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Life Medical, Saint Louis Park Clinic Code: 1159 4201 Excelsior Blvd St. Louis Park, MN 55416 952-933-8900 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Southdale Hospital Internal Medicine Bacaner, Nina R Speaks Hebrew Speaks Spanish Mirman, Jacob Family Practice Ailabouni, Nabeel Bishara Ailabouni, Nader B Anderson, Steven Duane Aslam, Shazia Balasubrahmanyan, Ravi Braun, Joseph P Broeker, Michael L. Carlson, Cynthia A Casey, Robyn M Ceno-England, Julie L Dietz, Victoria L Drevlow, Kris W Dunham, Charles K Dunn, Gregory T C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 53 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Ekong, Stella U Speaks French Speaks Russian Erickson, Paul D Ezzo, Mary Lou Figari, Carlos E Ford-Nathan, Laura Elizabeth Frank, Harvey Jay Goldsmith, Elizabeth J Gordon, Christopher James G Hamernick, Heather Rebekah Hasan, Rabia Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Haycraft-Williams, Kimberly Her, Ron Kham Sou Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Hildebrandt, Michael A Jo, Venancio Tiu Johnson, Steven L. Karimi, Sonia Lynne Krueger, Heather Rose Layeux, Susan Jean Lee, Mina K Lubega, Sawuya N Magnuson, Penny J. Maurer, Lauren K Mcallister, Sumner Todd Mccabe, Aaron James Mccutcheon, Rodney John Meyer, Dain Thomas Mitrione, Stephen M Monteiro, Kavita S. Morgan, James Hardy Moua, Mai S Nelson, Jeffrey Brian Nerothin, Paul W Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali 54 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Niebeling, Thomas A Nolan, James T Noreen, James P O’Brien, Michelle Lynn Olson, Keith J. Oman, Victoria L. Ott, Christopher E. Pastorius, John C. Patten, Robert M Phillips, Daniela M Price, Janet Lynn Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Sandager, Paul N Shearer, Teresa Marie Slings, Laura L Smith, Daniel Clarke Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Syverson, Adam Thomas Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Troup, Traci E Urberg, Martin M Uslinov, Stephen Vang, Chee Varner, Matthew Wayne West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Wilson, Richard Alan Winandy, Marlys R Wright, Donald L. Xiao, Jing Speaks Chinese Young, Bruce W Geriatrics Dickey, William P Hasan, Syed Abutalib Speaks Hindi Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Akram, Javid Speaks Urdu Colville, David S Funk, Linda Marie Gottfried, Andrew William Mickelson, Jayme Leigh Narayana, Kirana Newton, David A Radmanesh, Kaikhushroo Behram Speaks Gujarati Speaks Hindi Raines, John R Ross-Sturz, Susan Renee Shahid, Amjad A Speaks Spanish Swan, Paul J Physician Assistant Dehler, Jessica Johanna Jarvis, Laura Anne Ludwig, Dawn Marie Moore, Cathy Shabaz Riebe, Sandra Jo New Brighton Fairview Clinics, New Brighton Clinic Code: 4030 1151 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 612-706-4500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Balgobin, Christopher L Caires, Lona G DeRoche, Kimberly Knowles Dessie, Hellina T Speaks Arabic Hanson, Jeffrey A Speaks Spanish Hanson, Peter A Kephart, Kenneth N Larbi-Odam, Robert R. Speaks German Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish O’Neil, Jane K Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Schwartz, Carla A Scott, Alan L Vaidya, Anjali Sudhakar Welsh, Jennifer L Internal Medicine Berger, Alan K Bowers, Barbara Jean Ferron, Susan M Hachiya, Harumi L Physician Assistant Eichstadt, Christina A Gerlach, Amy L Gilles, Steven K Greene, Emily E Hutchens-Wojahn, Andrea Rachelle Locken, Lindsey K Maass, Molly A Parkey, Jamen Reinhardt, Lucia G Russell, Phyllis H Stanz, Laura Kay Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle Roseville Richard Schoewe, MD Clinic Code: 2005 2381 Rice St N Roseville, MN 55113 651-482-9722 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Schoewe, Richard W. Shoreview Allina Health Shoreview Clinic Clinic Code: 1284 4194 N Lexington Avenue Shoreview, MN 55126 651-483-5461 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Benson, Scott J Bergeson, Steven C. Bernard, Jose T Broadmoore, Andrew D. Broeker, Michael L. Campbell, Anne W Carlone, Cassandra E. Ceno-England, Julie L Dennison, Edward M Ezzo, Mary Lou Florey, Daniel F Glasow, Richard D. Haik, Nedira E Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Johnson, Steven L. Joyce, Michael James Speaks Spanish Karimi, Sonia Lynne Kingsbury, Robert D Layeux, Susan Jean Lundgren, John Paul Mccabe, Aaron James Nelson, Jeffrey Brian Noreen, James P Peters, Gregory K Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Rupp, Henry J Sandager, Paul N Schwartz, Majken Anne Speaks Spanish Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Stadtherr, Christopher J Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Utter, Brandy Lee Vogel, Seth Aaron Weber, Azra Yasmeen West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Wright, Donald L. Internal Medicine Bryce, Alan H Callanan, Lawrence D Hofbauer, Elizabeth Rose Konda, Satyasree S Physician Assistant Fox, Jaime L Moore, Cathy Shabaz C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 55 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Pickens, Annemarie A Riebe, Sandra Jo Saint Paul Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic Clinic Code: 3001 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Ailabouni, Nabeel Bishara Ailabouni, Nader B Aslam, Shazia Balasubrahmanyan, Ravi Bernard, Matthew E. Bibbs, Charles Spencer Blomquist, Karl L. Breitenbach, Robert A Brod, Patrick J. Broeker, Michael L. Carlson, Cynthia A Casey, Robyn M Ceno-England, Julie L Dunham, Charles K Dunn, Gregory T Ekong, Stella U Speaks French Speaks Russian Engel, Linnea Katharine Erickson, Paul D Ezzo, Mary Lou Figari, Carlos E Ford-Nathan, Laura Elizabeth 56 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Frank, Harvey Jay Golden, Justin D Goldsmith, Elizabeth J Gordon, Christopher James G Hameed, Ayesha Hamernick, Heather Rebekah Hasan, Rabia Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Haycraft-Williams, Kimberly Her, Ron Kham Sou Hildebrandt, Michael A Jo, Venancio Tiu Johnson, Steven L. Karimi, Sonia Lynne Krueger, Heather Rose Lang, David A Layeux, Susan Jean Lee, Mina K Long, Michaela L Lubega, Sawuya N Magnuson, Penny J. Mcallister, Sumner Todd Mccabe, Aaron James Mccutcheon, Rodney John McTeague, Kelly A Meyer, Dain Thomas Mitrione, Stephen M Monteiro, Kavita S. Moua, Mai S Nerothin, Paul W Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Niebeling, Thomas A Noreen, James P O’Brien, Michelle Lynn Oman, Victoria L. Ott, Christopher E. Pastorius, John C. Patten, Robert M Phillips, Daniela M Price, Janet Lynn Pucik, Bryan P Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Sandager, Paul N Shearer, Teresa Marie Slings, Laura L Smith, Daniel Clarke Spilseth, Paul M Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Syverson, Adam Thomas Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Troup, Traci E Turbes, Sandra Jeanne Turcotte, Paul Andrew Umeh, Martin Chizoba Urberg, Martin M Uslinov, Stephen Varner, Matthew Wayne West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Wilson, Richard Alan Winandy, Marlys R Wright, Donald L. Young, Bruce W Geriatrics Cook, Laura A Mageli, John D. Pettus, Thomas Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Boryczka, Christina Ann Durst, Meghan Gracce Funk, Linda Marie Glad, Lou Salet Gottfried, Andrew William Hoffman, Bethany K Kroschel, David Mark Lawal, Taiwo Adebola Speaks Spanish Lawson, Gene Edward Maddali, Seema Speaks Hindi Mickelson, Jayme Leigh Narayana, Kirana Ophoven, Thomas A Radmanesh, Kaikhushroo Behram Speaks Gujarati Speaks Hindi Raines, John R Richardson, Janilyn M Ross-Sturz, Susan Renee Shahid, Amjad A Speaks Spanish Stiehm, Andrew James Suurmeyer, Laura O Swan, Paul J Williams, Derrick Conrad Yauch, David C Zadroga, Rebecca Jeanne Speaks Spanish Physician Assistant Dehler, Jessica Johanna Jarvis, Laura Anne Ludwig, Dawn Marie Moore, Cathy Shabaz Mullin, Kimberley E Nicoloff, Marc Demetre Riebe, Sandra Jo Rivard, Gabrielle V Sackett, Suzanne Helene Allina Health Highland Park Clinic Clinic Code: 3004 2120 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-241-9600 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W Geriatrics Mageli, John D. Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Cullen, Constance L Durst, Meghan Gracce Glad, Lou Salet Nelson, Averial E Richardson, Janilyn M Richie, Anthony J. Schloff, Leonard Dean Sonbol, Yassir A Swan, Paul J Yauch, David C Allina Health United Medical Specialties Clinic Code: 1041 John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Avenue, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Doyle-Bizily, Tara Katherine Young, Bruce W Internal Medicine Anderson, Lisa L Callanan, Lawrence D Goggin, Grace Jiang Mall, Savita Michael, Sultan G. Ogden, William B Trehan, Hemant Speaks Hindi Physician Assistant Jessica, Fedie Allina Health United Women’s Health Clinic Clinic Code: 1031 Gardenview Medical Building 347 Smith Ave N, Suite 203 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-7733 Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Ailabouni, Nader B Allina Medical Clinic, Parkview Medical Clinic OB/GYN Clinic Code: 1286 360 Sherman St Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-292-1939 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 57 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Boynton Health Services, Saint Paul Clinic Code: 1172 1420 Eckles Ave, Room 109 Saint Paul, MN 55108 612-624-7700 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Clinic is open September to May each year. Internal Medicine Elert, Brent A Madlon-Kay, Richard C Family Practice Erhart, Victoria A Physician Assistant Grady, Stephanie Fairview Clinics, Highland Park Clinic Code: 4022 2155 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-5000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Balgobin, Christopher L Borges Ruiz, Lourdes R Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Kaefer, Maria Lee, Donald John 58 N E T W O R K Li, Charles C Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Spatz, Lisa A Speaks Spanish Wegener, Joel D Wilkes, Loren M Xiaaj, Kang L I S T I N G Physician Assistant Aaseby-Aguilera, Ramona Ann Bangs, Elizabeth R Carlson-Amirayan, Julie R Eichstadt, Christina A Greene, Emily E Maass, Molly A Parkey, Jamen Russell, Phyllis H Salzmann, Rachel Marie Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Tutt, Shana Michelle Fairview Virtual Care Clinic Code: 4274 451 Lexington Parkway N Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55104 612-672-1900 Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Devries, Jason M Hockett, Stacy M Meyer, Brendan M Tran, Dang D Waletzko, David A Internal Medicine Yehl, David A Physician Assistant Carlson-Amirayan, Julie R Greene, Emily E O’Connor, Holly G Poska, Christine N Schmidt, Elizabeth A Life Medical, Saint Paul Clinic Code: 5010 1654 Rice St, Suite 202 Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-528-6169 Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Internal Medicine Bacaner, Nina R Speaks Hebrew Speaks Spanish Open Cities Health Center Clinic Code: 1258 409 N Dunlap St Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-290-9200 Mental health services available to clinic’s medical patients only. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Regions Hospital, United Hospital Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital, Regions Hospital Family Practice Jewett, Kelly R. Mark, Merle S. Mielke, Deborah K. Family Practice Xiong, Phua Speaks Hmong Internal Medicine Lewis, Fredrekia United Family Medicine Clinic Code: 1137 1026 W 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-1000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Physician Assistant Peterson, Lauren Open Cities Health Center, Manitoba (North End) Clinic Code: 1118 135 Manitoba Ave Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-489-8021 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital, Regions Hospital Family Practice Hasti, Susan C Speaks Spanish Lewis, James P Saint Paul Family Medical Center Clinic Code: 2024 1239 Payne Ave Saint Paul, MN 55130 763-746-7794 Mental health services available to clinic’s medical patients only. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Ali, Sofia M Balasubrahmanyan, Ravi Benson, Scott J Bershow, Robby Joseph Bethke, Lori Marie Bezek, Katelyn Browning, Jimmie L Bucher, David K Byron, Kathleen A Chadha, Sonia Chestovich, Michelle W Cline, James Michael Dickman, Jonathan Ross Dixon, Andrew W Eisenchenk, Sarah Kate Foley, Daniel D Giffin, Joel S Gonzales, Phillip J Haik, Nedira E Hammes, Sarah M. Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Hearn, Sean Timothy Speaks German Inoue, Sue A Johnson, Katherine L Speaks Spanish Johnson, Micah O Jones, Teresa Wiesa Konkol, Gerald L. Langer, Rose M. Lawler, Steven F. Leonardsmith, Kelsey Letts, James P Mercer, Michael S Meyer, Dain Thomas Mischel, Anne-Marie M Mitrione, Stephen M Montie, Gerald L Orr, Jennie M Speaks Bengali Speaks Spanish Pauly, Suzanne E Peterson, Ramsey Evan Plant, Deanna M Pofahl, Benjamin N Radovsky, Laurie Speaks Spanish Rossmiller, David R. Rumsey, Timothy James Shah, Roopa K. Smith, Jalayna A Stoyke, Philip W Swiglo, Michelle L. Tacheny, Heather C Tofte, Anne E Geriatrics Sharma, Himanshu Shekhar Internal Medicine Toso, Bradford L C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 59 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Geriatrics Sharma, Himanshu Shekhar Physician Assistant Brothers, Dawn M Jandric, Jessica F Peine, Cora L Speaks Spanish Simone, Cara E United Family Medicine, Sibley Plaza Clinic Code: 1138 2423 W 7th St Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-241-1000 Afternoon hours only. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Ali, Sofia M Bershow, Robby Joseph Bucher, David K Dickman, Jonathan Ross Dixon, Andrew W Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Inoue, Sue A Konkol, Gerald L. Leonardsmith, Kelsey Mercer, Michael S Meyer, Dain Thomas Mitrione, Stephen M Montie, Gerald L Orr, Jennie M Speaks Bengali Speaks Spanish Peterson, Ramsey Evan Plant, Deanna M 60 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Physician Assistant Jandric, Jessica F Peine, Cora L Speaks Spanish Simone, Cara E University of Minnesota Physicians, Bethesda Clinic Clinic Code: 1139 580 Rice St Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-227-6551 Mental health services available to clinic’s medical patients only. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Brancel, Mark L Fallert, Christopher J Freeman, Kathryn Jane Gjerdingen, Dwenda K Idrogo, Manuel A Inkumsah, Samuel Ekro La, Nghia Huu Speaks Vietnamese Pacala, James Theodore Power, David V Santilli, Jamie D Velasco, Sara Speaks Spanish Weinmann, Amanda Lucille Wicks, Cherilyn Marie Geriatrics Van Vooren, James S University of Minnesota Physicians, Phalen Village Clinic Clinic Code: 1143 1414 Maryland Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-772-3461 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Andreotti, Dina Marie Bethke, Lori Marie Brown, Kathryn Michelle Clark, Kirby Dwight Feldman, Jamie Lynn Finch, Michael P Gustafson, Thomas P Halvorsen, John Gilbert Harper, Peter G Mattson, Louise A Pacala, James Theodore Peterson, Kevin Arthur Roberts, William O. Smithson, Angela Joan Stovitz, Steven D Svendsen, Craig Alan Zink, Therese M Speaks Spanish Vadnais Heights Allina Health Vadnais Heights Clinic Clinic Code: 3008 1155 E County Road E, Suite 100 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-241-9200 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Casey, Robyn M Clouse, Cathleen Renee Dornack, Patrick Thomas Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Piplani, Kompal Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W Internal Medicine Akram, Javid Speaks Urdu Florence, Robert A Mellick, Angelene M Shayan-Kim, Solmaz Physician Assistant Elsner, Joseph L Rivard, Gabrielle V Scott County This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital, Fairview Southdale Hospital Family Practice Balgobin, Christopher L Bershow, Spencer Andrew Hanson Willis, Samuel V Speaks Spanish Juola, John P Lee, Donald John Lehrer, Robert D Li, Charles C Liang, Jun H Manders, Christina J Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Mulhern, Lawrence G Speaks Spanish O’Neil, Jane K Pike, Emily J Robinson Jr, Stephen W Salazar, Albert A Scott, Alan L Scott, Troy A Vanderscoff, Jessica A Weiler, Karen Marie Wesely, Christine L Wesley, Christine L Prior Lake Internal Medicine Nazarian, Shaban Wahl, Mary E Fairview Clinics, Prior Lake Clinic Code: 4038 4151 Willowwood St SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 952-226-2600 Physician Assistant Bagniefski, Kathryn Lynn Patton, Laura Grace Salzmann, Rachel Marie Tutt, Shana Michelle Whaylen, Michele Marie Savage Allina Health Savage Clinic Clinic Code: 4087 6350 143rd St, Suite 102 Savage, MN 55378 952-728-0200 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Albert, Priya Speaks Hindi Aslam, Shazia Axelrod, Alexander A Speaks Russian Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Hentges, Kristine Siegle Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Johnson-Theobald, Michelle L Mcallister, Sumner Todd Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Urberg, Martin M Young, Bruce W Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Physician Assistant Anderson, Stacy Marie Hartman, Anne L Walkowski, Robert J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 61 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Fairview Clinics, Savage Clinic Code: 4276 5725 Loftus Lane Savage, MN 55378 952-226-9500 Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Ridges Hospital Family Practice Choi, Won S Dar, Bushra S Speaks Urdu Lehrer, Robert D Liang, Jun H Manders, Christina J Moody, Gary Alvin Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Nazir, Asad O’Neil, Jane K Pattison, Laura J Pike, Emily J Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Robinson Jr, Stephen W Salazar, Albert A Scott, Troy A Physician Assistant Bagniefski, Kathryn Lynn Parkey, Jamen Patton, Laura Grace Whaylen, Michele Marie Shakopee Allina Health Dean Lakes Clinic Clinic Code: 1283 4201 Dean Lakes Blvd, Suite 120 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-496-6700 62 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Hospital Affiliation: Saint Francis Regional Medical Center Family Practice Allen, Kerrie V Houts, Barbara Gayle Kandiko, Joseph H Lewis, Jennifer Lynn Markell, Nathan Lee Morris, Sandra K Urberg, Martin M Physician Assistant Dehler, Jessica Johanna Murphy, Jodee Ann Perez, Tamara Kristin Allina Health Shakopee Clinic Clinic Code: 1037 1601 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3535 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Saint Francis Regional Medical Center Family Practice Brezinski, Michele Marie Huynh, Thanh Hieu Speaks Vietnamese Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Nicholson, Robert J Noreen, James P O’Connor, Nancy M Speaks Spanish Prokosch, Brian G Theerthakarai, Paravathi Speaks Hindi Internal Medicine Balke, Jeffrey A Bogonko, Edwin Ndemo Chekerdjiev, Assen N Speaks Russian Crowley, John E Elkaramany, Hany Lofty Hoff, Bryan J Joo, Gabor R Speaks Hungarian Khan, Raza Ali Le, Hung C Speaks Vietnamese Opiela, Jaroslaw Piotr Pelzel, Jamie Michael Samarawardana, Panduka NKH Schroeppel, Jill M. Sidhwani, Sonal Anand Tilton, Laura Ellen Vidu, Mokkala Bala Wilkins, Megan Lenore Winters, Jodi Lynn Wu, Clara Yee-I Zadroga, Rebecca Jeanne Speaks Spanish Zafari, Maliha Speaks Hindi Speaks Spanish Speaks Urdu Physician Assistant Badali, Kari Ann Kennedy Laliberte, Elizabeth Maureen Mantz, Samantha A Sherburne County Elk River Allina Health Elk River Clinic Clinic Code: 1017 14181 Business Center Drive NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-236-0500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Cambridge Medical Center, Mercy Hospital Family Practice Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Conley, Harold L Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Juhlin, Wendy S. Mccabe, Aaron James Pastorius, John C. Simon, Eric M Urberg, Martin M Waters, Scott C Yacoub, Hany N Speaks Arabic Young, Bruce W Fairview Clinics, Elk River Clinic Code: 4031 290 Main Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 For Mental Health Appointments call 763-241-5870 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, Fairview Northland Medical Center Hospital Family Practice Anderson, David Scott Christiaansen, Tori F Edman, Amy J Falaki, Folake V Frankwick, Sara S Gibson, Joshua John Jensen, Peter Michael Jones, Daniel William Lenarz, Lois A Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Pensinger, Christopher J Ronneberg, Kevin R Waletzko, David A Internal Medicine Simbaqueba-Clavijo, Cesar A Physician Assistant Budde, Nathan A Dahlheimer-Lawson, Cassondra L Dieterle, Natalie Anne Kennedy, Melissa Rae Langefeld, Martin L Lundgren, Cindy A Nesser, Tricia Kathryn Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Torkilsen, Lauren E Tutt, Shana Michelle Whitcomb, Deborah Louise Youngner, Lynn M North Memorial Clinic, Elk River Physicians Clinic Code: 1167 800 Freeport Ave NW Suite 100A Elk River, MN 55330 763-581-5200 Hospital Affiliation: Maple Grove Hospital, North Memorial Medical Center Family Practice Antolak, Christopher Milton Applebaum, Steven Gary Barve, Mrunmayee Ashish Speaks Hindi Speaks Marathi Benzie, James Richard Berger, Ericka Lynn Brandeland, Gary P. Brooks, Marvin A Broton, Michael Steven Carlson, Christopher Arne Cowan, Michael Lance Cullinan, Brendon Michael Dirks, Jay A Domingo, Crispin Rabara Dumke, Pamela G Feely, Daniel J Flynn, Jeffery J Speaks Spanish Folger-Latterell, Jasmine Saba Fraley, Karen Ann Fuglestad, David Edwin Gasik, Joseph M Gebhart, Richard M Goodman, David Andrew Graham, Dawn L Guyn, Thomas James Hammer, Luke William C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 63 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Haugan, Kristin C Haugland, Erik Stanley Helvig, Kristen Elizabeth Speaks German Herbert, Ryan Thomas Hollenbeck, Stephen L Johnson, Kent D Kalava, Usha R Keppel, Amy Doran Kinnan, Kelly Gail Kinnan, Michael R Leighton, John S Liu, Diana C Speaks Chinese Lyadova, Natalya Vyacheslavovna Speaks Russian McDonald, Robert Glenn Nerheim, Steven Jay Olund, Katherine Marie Roth, Meghabhuti Schulenberg, Michael T. Thomasson, Robert D Thompson, Michael B Turcotte, William D Walsh, Cora M Whitcomb, Trent Roger Wolf, Norman Tracy Internal Medicine Boryczka, Christina Ann Greiner, Ryan James Grouws, Michael Arthur Harwalkar, Subash Kalava, Usha R Khan, Rabia Bashir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Koenig, Thomas Brian 64 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Lager, Robert E Larson, Paul D Patel, Saurin Girishbhai Pooler, Pete A Rajablou, Maryam Rhude, David John Sander, Paul Robert Physician Assistant Andrews, Wanda Weick Baker, Brenda J Baker, Elizabeth Faith Benedict, Erin Lynn Bertsch, Ronda Steller Borer, Shannon Ocean Champine, Nathan Ashley Clements, Nicole M Hammer, Keri Jo Barnes Harl, Eric J Havlik, Sarah Hollinger, Edward John James, Courtney N Klein, Sunny Sharai Koopman, Roger Keith Koskiniemi, Ashley Ann Laihinen, Bart David Leonard, Michael Gregory Ludwig, Dawn Marie Manos, Michelle Marie Palm, Steve J Pham, To Uyen T Podratz, Scott K Richter, Adrienne Jeanette Roubinek, Michelle Lyn Vuckovic, George G. Zimmerman Fairview Clinics, Zimmerman Clinic Code: 4034 25945 Gateway Drive Zimmerman, MN 55398 763-856-6900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Northland Medical Center Family Practice Ahrenholz, Scott W Anderson, David Scott Bugbee, Samuel A Falaki, Folake V Ferry, Thomas P Frankwick, Sara S Hanson, Peter A Jensen, Peter Michael Jones, Daniel William Lenarz, Lois A Mazhari, Anoshirvan Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Pensinger, Christopher J Udejiofor, Nkiruka J Internal Medicine Katter, James T Simbaqueba-Clavijo, Cesar A Physician Assistant Dieterle, Natalie Anne Lundgren, Cindy A Prosser, Nicole R Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Torkilsen, Lauren E Tutt, Shana Michelle Washington County Cottage Grove Allina Health Cottage Grove Clinic Clinic Code: 1014 8611 W Point Douglas Road S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-458-1884 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Regina Hospital, United Hospital Family Practice Andrews, Richard J August, Sara Badroos, Peter A Speaks Arabic Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Ezzo, Mary Lou Haik, Nedira E Johnsen, Gretchen E. Jones, Cassandra McMillan Kaplan, Craig A Karimi, Sonia Lynne Lee, Mina K Lockwood, Travis W. Mantzaris, James Patrick Mikhail, Walid A Speaks Arabic Miller, Nancy T Oliver, Robyn Colette Olson, David A Peterson, Alison M Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Struthers, Nancy L Tetzlaff, Naomi P Urberg, Martin M Physician Assistant Bjerknes-Rodgers, Ingrid Elizabeth Herron, Ekaterina O Speaks Russian Forest Lake Allina Health Forest Lake Clinic Clinic Code: 1020 1540 Lake St S Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-7100 Hospital Affiliation: Cambridge Medical Center, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Mercy Hospital Family Practice Andrews, Richard J Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Kammer, Christopher Scott Lambertson, Benjamin Dashiell Logan, Jason Michael Mayer, Gary J. Olowoyo, Oluwakemi Tinuke Rose, Janine Elaine Salek, Brett Joseph Semmler, Steven Duane Slings, Laura L Tetzlaff, Naomi P Voss, Steven H. Wegener, Brita Lara Winandy, Marlys R Wireko-Brobby, Vivian L Physician Assistant Berglin, Amy Marie Kimball, Beverly A Hugo Fairview Clinics, Hugo Clinic Code: 4023 14712 Victor Hugo Blvd Hugo, MN 55038 651-466-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Fairview Lakes Medical Center, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Family Practice Barry, Ann M Berg, Christine G Bosacker, Richard C Darling, Nancy K Dummer, Michael M Kampfe, Kevin L Kershisnik, Kellie M Moon, Mary Y Speaks Korean Northwood, John T Whitehouse, Sara Frances Internal Medicine Bejanyan, Nelli Martinson, Terry L Physician Assistant Dieterle, Natalie Anne Pankratz, Rebecca L Pennington, Karen R C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 65 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Sheen, Cecilia Hyo Jin Stoesz, Katherine Schroeder Stillwater Saint Croix Family Medical Clinic Clinic Code: 1134 5640 Memorial Ave N, Suite B Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-1880 Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Bauman, John Charles Johnson, Kent D Nesvacil, Leon J Za, Milan Woodbury Adefris & Toppin Womens Specialists Clinic Code: 4284 1875 Woodwinds Dr, Suite 110 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-686-6400 Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Allina Health Woodbury Clinic Clinic Code: 1044 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview 66 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Family Practice Ailabouni, Nabeel Bishara Ailabouni, Nader B Aslam, Shazia Azar, Baubak Larson Balasubrahmanyan, Ravi Benson, Scott J Bernard, Jose T Broadmoore, Andrew D. Broeker, Michael L. Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Carlone, Cassandra E. Carlson, Cynthia A Ceno-England, Julie L Conley, Harold L Doyle, John E Doyle-Bizily, Tara Katherine Drevlow, Kris W Dunham, Charles K Dunn, Gregory T Ekong, Stella U Speaks French Speaks Russian Engel, Linnea Katharine Erickson, Paul D Ezzo, Mary Lou Ferry, Thomas P Figari, Carlos E Florey, Daniel F Ford-Nathan, Laura Elizabeth Foss, Christopher G Frank, Harvey Jay Gladen, Megan EM Golden, Justin D Goldsmith, Elizabeth J Gonzalez, Kristi Gordon, Christopher James G Hamernick, Heather Rebekah Hasan, Rabia Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Haycraft-Williams, Kimberly Hemmati, Masha A Her, Ron Kham Sou Herrmann, Jane M Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Hildebrandt, Michael A Howell, Jean Gregory Jo, Venancio Tiu Johnson, Steven L. Joyce, Michael James Speaks Spanish Juhl, Christina M. Kaplan, Craig A Karimi, Sonia Lynne Kaufman, Jennifer C Klager, Martha J. Speaks French Konkol, Gerald L. Krueger, Heather Rose Lawson, Gene Edward Lee, Eunice H Speaks Korean Lee, Mina K Lessard, Jennifer A Lockhart, Roxanne E Magnuson, Penny J. Mcallister, Sumner Todd Mccabe, Aaron James Mccutcheon, Rodney John McNamara, Rebecca Gurney Meade-Gladen, Megan Elizabeth Meyer, Dain Thomas Mitrione, Stephen M Montague, Danielle A Speaks Spanish Monteiro, Kavita S. Moua, Mai S Nelson, Jeffrey Brian Nerothin, Paul W Ngodup, Tsewang Speaks Hindi Speaks Nepali Niebeling, Thomas A O’Brien, Michelle Lynn Olson, Keith J. Oman, Victoria L. Ott, Christopher E. Pastorius, John C. Patten, Robert M Peterson, Ramsey Evan Phillips, Daniela M Pierson, Tessa S Price, Janet Lynn Reynolds, Happy Thanksgiving Rose, Janine Elaine Rosenberg, Sagit V Sandager, Paul N Sedivy, Karen Joanne Speaks Spanish Shearer, Teresa Marie Slings, Laura L Smith, Daniel Clarke Spilseth, Paul M Stadtherr, Christopher J Stobbe, Julia Dawn Street, Heidi B Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Syverson, Adam Thomas Thaw, Sunn Sunn Htet Troup, Traci E Turbes, Sandra Jeanne Urberg, Martin M Uslinov, Stephen Varner, Matthew Wayne West, Mylin Concepcion Speaks Tagalog Wilson, Richard Alan Winandy, Marlys R Wolfson, Yanislav B Speaks Russian Wright, Donald L. Young, Bruce W Internal Medicine Adams, Carlos J Alexa, Margelusa Mihaela Bryce, Alan H Bucu, Rodelio M Durst, Meghan Gracce Hugec, Silvia S Speaks Czech Speaks Polish Speaks Russian Speaks Slovak Lim, Ina Adela Speaks Korean Lorbiecki, Lawrence J Mickelson, Jayme Leigh Narayana, Kirana Priebe, Tiffany J Ross-Sturz, Susan Renee Shahid, Amjad A Speaks Spanish Stiehm, Andrew James Physician Assistant Bjerknes-Rodgers, Ingrid Elizabeth Dehler, Jessica Johanna Larsen, Peter Jon Ludwig, Dawn Marie Moore, Cathy Shabaz Riebe, Sandra Jo Ilko Family Medicine Clinic Code: 2011 1687 Woodlane Drive, Suite 102 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-209-6685 Hospital Affiliation: United Hospital Family Practice Ilko, James A Mann, William S. Wright County Albertville Buffalo Clinics, Albertville / Saint Michael Clinic Clinic Code: 1158 11091 Jason Ave NE Albertville, MN 55303 763-684-8300 Hospital Affiliation: Buffalo Hospital, Maple Grove Hospital Family Practice Hoffman, Amanda L LaBounty, Abby R Lesch, Anthony James Martin, Corey Lynn Otis, Megan Tiffany Internal Medicine Fabian, Kari Jean Kolb, Bernice M Physician Assistant Andreotti-Revenig, Melissa Kay Fischer, Hannah Margaret Mcintire, Sheila Kay C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 67 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS P RIM A RY C A R E C LINICS Scott, Emalie A Zeiss, Jennie Marie Annandale Allina Health Annandale Clinic Clinic Code: 1008 440 Elm Street East Annandale, MN 55302 320-682-5225 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Buffalo Hospital Family Practice Carls, Eric P Kaplan, Craig A Maier, Christopher P. Mccabe, Aaron James Oman, Victoria L. Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Internal Medicine Shepard, Warren D Buffalo Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo Clinic Code: 1009 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5225 Hospital Affiliation: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Buffalo Hospital Family Practice Beatty, Cara C Burgdorf, Andrew J Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish 68 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Dorrity, Renae Lea Durakovic, Azra Ehlenz, David E Emokpae, Courage Osifo Speaks Edo Speaks Russian Halvorson, Jason S Hamann, Natasha Ann Hering, John Roland Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Hoffman, Amanda L Huynh, Thanh Hieu Speaks Vietnamese Kaplan, Craig A LaBounty, Abby R Lawrence, Dale Edward Martin, Corey Lynn Masih, Alyas Speaks Urdu Mccabe, Aaron James Mullaney, Robert T Nemec, Glenn Geogre Oman, Victoria L. Peterson, Ramsey Evan Roeser, Natalie Ruth Talijan, Zinaida Speaks Russian Van Opdorp-Ragab, Miriam Speaks Arabic Young, Bruce W Internal Medicine Ahmad, Zeeshan Speaks Urdu Anderson, Kayla Het Baker, Seth B Balke, Jeffrey A El Helou, Odette C Elkaramany, Hany Lofty Ghide, Ephraim Khan, Raza Ali Khokhar, Anwar Saeed Speaks Urdu Kolb, Bernice M Larson, Cynthia J Longinow, Theodore Anatole Scuderi, Joseph Dominic Singh, Saul Samaroo Ugwu, Ositadimma Christian Vidu, Mokkala Bala Physician Assistant Butz, Susan A Desousa, Gilson Cesar Garvey, Shawn E. McFadden, Grant Everett Mueller, Nicholas P Norman, Steven B Buffalo Clinic Clinic Code: 2007 1700 Highway 25 Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-1313 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Buffalo Hospital, Mercy Hospital Family Practice Anderson, Franklin Owen Halvorson, Jason S Hering, John Roland Hoffman, Amanda L Jhanjee, Rajan Speaks Hindi LaBounty, Abby R Martin, Corey Lynn Milligan, Robert G Moussa, Ezzat A Nelson, Laura A Oden, Brett G Otis, Megan Tiffany Sandell, David C. Smith, Michael J Internal Medicine Deutsch, Glen A Fabian, Kari Jean Kolb, Bernice M Larson, Cynthia J Starkey, Theresa Carole Physician Assistant Beatty, Martha L Burns, Matthew J Fischer, Hannah Margaret Grover, Justine April Lesch, Anthony James Mcintire, Sheila Kay Scott, Emalie A Seroshek, Toni S Sobiech, Paul A Zeiss, Jennie Marie Cokato Allina Health Cokato Clinic Clinic Code: 1011 110 Olsen Blvd Cokato, MN 55321 320-286-2123 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Buffalo Hospital Family Practice Aslam, Shazia Beatty, Cara C Emokpae, Courage Osifo Speaks Edo Speaks Russian Hidalgo, Renaldo Arturo Kaplan, Craig A Mccabe, Aaron James Strohschein, Jonathan Carl Styrvoky, Thomas J Van Opdorp-Ragab, Miriam Speaks Arabic Internal Medicine Shepard, Warren D Physician Assistant Garvey, Shawn E. Hegg, Kari A Physician Assistant Pfeifle, James A Szybnski, Matthew Douglas Howard Lake Ridgeview Howard Lake Clinic Clinic Code: 5016 900 6th St Howard Lake, MN 55349 952-442-7805 Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Delano Saint Michael Ridgeview Delano Clinic Clinic Code: 2016 916 St Peter Ave Delano, MN 55328 952-442-7800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Allina Health Saint Michael Clinic Clinic Code: 1038 4300 Edgewood Drive NE St. Michael, MN 55376 763-744-4000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hospital Affiliation: Ridgeview Medical Center Family Practice Hansberry, Kristen O Henke-Le, Tanya K. Mathison, Larry A. Petersen, Jerry R Ready, Stephen A Schulenberg, Michael T. Seats, Sheila N Soberay, Gretchen Ann Soneral, Steven N. Sorensen, Patricia Ann Tandler, Janice D. Speaks Spanish Hospital Affiliation: Buffalo Hospital, Maple Grove Hospital Family Practice Carleen, Connie Marie Speaks Spanish Dorrity, Renae Lea Durakovic, Azra Durakovic, Muhamed Huso Sahlberg, Stewart W Urberg, Martin M Physician Assistant Dornsbach, April Marie C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 69 CLINICS PRIMARY C ARE CLI N I CS H OSp ITA L S You can get updated information about listed providers and information on specialists that are not listed in this booklet by calling Member Services at 1-888-562-8000 (TTY: 1-800-627-3529). Allina Health System Abbott Northwestern Hospital 800 E 28th St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4000 Allina Health System Buffalo Hospital 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-1212 Allina Health System Cambridge Medical Center 701 South Dellwood St Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Allina Health System District One Hospital 200 State Ave Faribault, MN 55021 507-334-6451 Allina Health System Mercy Hospital 4050 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-6000 70 m E m B E R Allina Health System Owatonna Hospital 2250 26th St NW Owatonna, MN 55060 507-451-3850 Allina Health System Regina Hospital 1285 Nininger Rd Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4100 Allina Health System Saint Francis Regional Medical Center 1455 Saint Francis Ave Shakopee, MN 55379 952-403-3000 Allina Health System United Hospital 333 North Smith Ave St. Paul, MN 55102 651-298-1298 Allina Health System Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Rd NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-5000 Allina Health System West Health 2855 Campus Dr Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7160 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Fairview Health Services University of Minnesota Medical Center 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-3000 Fairview Health Services Fairview Southdale Hospital 6401 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-924-5000 Fairview Health Services Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Fairview Health Services Fairview Ridges Hospital 201 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2000 Healtheast Care System Bethesda Hospital 559 Capital Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-232-2000 Hennepin County Medical Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-3000 D I R E C T O R Y — C S HOSPITALS HOS PI TAL S Maple Grove Hospital 9875 Hospital Dr Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-1550 Regions Hospital 640 Jackson St Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-254-3456 Ridgeview Medical Center 500 S Maple St Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2191 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 71 U RGE N T C AR E You can get updated information about listed providers and information on specialists that are not listed in this booklet by calling Member Services at 1-888-562-8000 (TTY: 1-800-627-3529). Anoka County Fairview Urgent Care, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-862-4477 Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Blaine North Memorial Urgency Center 11855 Ulysses St NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-785-8500 Monday-Friday: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Coon Rapids Allina Urgent Care, Coon Rapids 9055 Springbrook Dr NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. m E m B E R Wyoming Fridley Children’s & Teenagers Medical Center 500 NE Osborne Rd, Suite 215 Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-2700 Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday: 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9-10:30 a.m. Fairview Urgent Care, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Monday-Friday: Noon-8 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: Noon-8 p.m. Carver County Andover 72 Fridley Chaska Burnsville Allina Health Burnsville Clinic 14000 Nicollet Ave S Burnsville, MN 55337 952-428-0200 Monday-Friday: 3-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Ridgeview Urgent Care 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd Chaska, MN 55338 952-361-2447 24/7 Emergency Care Eagan Chisago County North Branch Fairview Urgent Care, North Branch 5366 386 St North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-8353 Monday-Friday: 5-8 p.m. H A N D B O O K Dakota County Fairview Urgent Care, Eagan Fairview Eagan Medical 1440 Duckwood Dr Eagan, MN 55123 651-406-8860 Monday-Friday: 6-10 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Hastings Allina Health, Hastings First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 & p R O V I D E R D I R E C T O R Y — C S URGE N T C ARE Inver Grove Heights Champlin Allina Urgent Care, Inver Grove Heights 5565 Blaine Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-241-9400 Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Allina Urgent Care, Champlin 11269 Jefferson Highway N Champlin, MN 55316 763-236-0600 Monday-Friday: 3 p.m.-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Hennepin County Bloomington Fairview Urgent Care, Bloomington 600 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55420 952-885-6060 Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Brooklyn Park Crown Medical Center, Brooklyn Park 7001 78th Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-566-4535 Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. m E m B E R Edina Allina Urgent Care, Centennial Lakes Clinic Centennial Lakes Medical Center 7373 France Ave S, Suite 202 Edina, MN 55435 952-428-0200 Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Maple Grove North Memorial Urgent Care, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Dr, Suite 125 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-981-3600 Monday–Friday: 8 p.m.–8 p.m. Saturday–Sunday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Minneapolis Crown Medical Center 1925 1st Ave Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-4354 Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Edina Urgent Care 7025 France Ave S, Suite 102 Minneapolis, MN 55435 952-927-8725 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. HCMC Urgent Care Clinic 730 S 8th St Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-5555 Monday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Tuesday-Friday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Minnetonka North Memorial Urgency Center, Minnetonka 15450 Highway 7 Minnetonka, MN 55345 763-581-2273 Monday–Friday: 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Saturday–Sunday: 11 a.m.– 11 p.m. D I R E C T O R Y — C S 73 URGENT CARE Fairview Urgent Care, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Monday-Friday: Noon-8 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday: 5-8 p.m. Friday: 5-6 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. After hours care available to current clinic patients only. U RGE N T C AR E Plymouth Roseville West Health Urgent Care West Health Campus 2855 Campus Dr Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7000 Monday-Friday: 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. North Memorial Urgency Center, Roseville 1955 West County Rd B2 Roseville, MN 55113 763-581-9250 Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Saturday–Sunday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Richfield Shoreview Southside Richfield Clinic 1550 East 78th St Richfield, MN 55423 612-827-7181 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Allina Urgent Care Shoreview Clinic 4194 N Lexington Ave Shoreview, MN 55126 651-483-5461 After hours care is available for current clinic patients only. Monday-Friday: 6-9:30 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday: Noon-6 p.m. Ramsey County Maplewood Allina Urgent Care Maplewood Clinic 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 Monday-Friday: 3 p.m.-9 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards. 74 m E m B E R St. Paul Allina Urgent Care Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards. Tuesday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R EZY Urgent Care Clinic 1001 Johnson Pkwy, Suite B23 St. Paul, MN 55106 651-646-0028 Monday-Friday: 4:30-8 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fairview Urgent Care, Highland Park 2155 Ford Parkway, Suite A St. Paul, MN 55116 651-696-5070 Monday-Friday: 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Scott County Shakopee St. Francis Urgent Care, Shakopee St. Francis Regional Medical Center 1455 St. Francis Ave Shakopee, MN 55379 952-403-2111 Monday-Friday: 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 1 p.m.-10 p.m. D I R E C T O R Y — C S Target Clinic, Apple Valley South Super Target 15560 Pilot Knob Road Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-236-3165 Target Clinic, Otsego Target 15800 87th Street NE Ostego, MN 55330 763-252-1315 Target Clinic, Waconia Super Target 875 East Main Street Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-9333 Target Clinic, Knollwood Target 8900 Highway 7 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 952-892-5400 Target Clinic, Richfield Super Target 6445 Richfield Parkway Richfield, MN 55423 612-252-0473 Target Clinic, West Saint Paul Super Target 1750 Robert Street South West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-455-6671 Target Clinic, Lakeville Super Target 18275 Kenrick Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 952-892-5400 Target Clinic, Ridgedale Super Target 13201 Ridgedale Drive Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-542-8250 Target Clinic, Woodbury Super Target 7200 Valley Creek Plaza Woodbury, MN 55125 651-735-7083 Target Clinic, Maple Grove North Super Target 15300 Grove Circle North Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-447-2506 Target Clinic, Roseville Super Target 1515 County Road B West Roseville, MN 55113 651-631-0330 Target Clinic, Woodbury East Super Target 449 Commerce Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 651-239-1874 Target Clinic, Blaine Super Target 1500 109th Ave NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-354-1000 Walk-In Clinic 327 Cedar Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-294-1333 Target Clinic, Minnetonka Super Target 4848 County Rd 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-401-3830 Target Clinic, Nicollet Mall Target 900 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-0085 Target Clinic, North Saint Paul Super Target 2199 Highway 36 East North St Paul, MN 55109 651-779-5986 m E m B E R Target Clinic, Shoreview Super Target 3800 Lexington Ave N Shoreview, MN 55126 651-486-0048 Target Clinic, Saint Paul Midway Super Target 1300 University Ave W St. Paul, MN 55104 651-642-1146 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Target Clinic, Burnsville Super Target 810 County Road 42 West Burnsville, MN 55306 952-236-3003 Target Clinic, Champlin Super Target 11990 Business Park Blvd North Champlin, MN 55316 763-354-1006 D I R E C T O R Y — C S 75 WALK-IN CLINICS WALK-IN CLI N I CS WA L K-I N C L I NI C S Target Clinic, Chaska Super Target 111 Pioneer Trail Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-3043 Target Clinic, Eden Prairie Super Target 8225 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-944-0700 Target Clinic, Edina Super Target 7000 York Ave South Edina, MN 55435 952-925-4610 Target Clinic, Fridley Super Target 755 53rd Ave NE Fridley, MN 55421 763-547-9361 Target Clinic, Inver Grove Heights Super Target 7841 Amana Trail Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 651-234-2949 76 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G EYE C ARE pROV I D E RS A Chance to Grow, Inc. - Vision 1800 2nd St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-789-1236 Allina Health Eagan Eye Service 1110 Yankee Doodle Road Eagan, MN 55121 651-241-0032 Allina Health Faribault Eye Service 100 State Ave Faribault, MN 55021 507-332-5287 Allina Health Farmington Eye Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-241-0870 Allina Health Hastings Eye 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1900 Allina Health Maple Grove Eye 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Allina Health Maplewood Clinic 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 m E m B E R Allina Health Woodbury Eye Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-501-3120 Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 Boynton Health Services, Minneapolis 410 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-8400 Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Fridley Children’s & Teenagers Medical Center 500 NE Osborne Rd, Suite 215 Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-2700 HCMC Specialty Clinics 914 S 8th St, Shapiro 140 Minneapolis, MN 55440 612-873-6800 Hennepin County Medical Center, Eye Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave South Block, 4th Floor (now 7th Floor Red) Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-5577 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Innovative Eyewear 1700 Highway 25 Buffalo, MN 55313 763-684-0025 Marsh Optical 1920 1st Ave S Anoka, MN 55303 763-427-4000 Midtown Eye Care 2955 Chicago Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-345-5120 EYE CARE Eye Exams and Eye Wear On-Site Minnesota Vision Outreach Inc 5955 Golden Valley Rd, Ste 108 Oak Park Heights, MN 55422 763-595-8414 Parkside Ophthalmology Clinic and Optical Shop, Hennepin County Medical Center Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite M16 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-5278 Pearle Vision, Brooklyn Center 5515 Xerxes Ave N Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-560-1636 Allina Health Burnsville Clinic 14000 Nicollet Ave S Burnsville, MN 55337 952-428-0200 Pearle Vision, Edina 3333 Hazelton Rd Edina, MN 55435 952-926-6149 D I R E C T O R Y — C S 77 E YE C A R E pROVI DERS Pearle Vision, Elk River 19576 Holt St NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-2083 Pearle Vision, Lake Street 1 W Lake Street, Suite 105 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-827-3857 River Lake Clinic 4323 E Lake Street Minneapolis, MN 612-722-1003 Select Eyecare, Monticello 527 State Highway 25 Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-4044 Sharp Vision/ Eye Doc 7074 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-316-4193 Southside Vision Clinic 4243 4th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55409 612-821-2003 Saint Paul Eye Clinic, Oak Park Heights 5945 Norwich Ave N Oak Park Heights, MN 55082 651-351-5355 m E m B E R Visionworks, Crystal Crystal Gallery Mall 5546 W Broadway, Suite 135 Crystal, MN 55428 763-537-8896 Total Eye Care, Chisago City 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 651-257-8488 Visionworks, Eden Prairie Eden Prairie Shopping Center 8251 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-829-7812 Allina Health Cambridge Eye 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7857 Select Eyecare, Coon Rapids 460 Northdale Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-755-3683 78 Total Eye Care, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Suite 130 Blaine, MN 55449 763-257-8421 Total Eye Care, North Branch 5366 386 St North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-6844 Total Eye Care, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7720 Visionworks, Blaine 125 Northtown Drive Blaine, MN 55434 763-784-3221 Visionworks, Burnsville Burnsville Center 2036 Burnsville Center Burnsville, MN 55306 952-435-5011 Visionworks, Calhoun Square Calhoun Square 3001 Hennepin Ave N, G-105 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-822-4421 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Visionworks, Edina Southdale Center 1030 Southdale Center Edina, MN 55435 952-926-3900 Visionworks, Elk River Elk Park Center 19166 Freeport St Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-0741 Visionworks, Maple Grove Maple Grove Crossings 8081 Wedgewood Lane N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-416-3795 Allina Health Champlin Eye Services 11269 Jefferson Highway N Champlin, MN 55316 763-236-0601 Visionworks, Maplewood Maplewood Mall 2033 Maplewood Mall Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-0330 D I R E C T O R Y — C S Visionworks, Minnetonka Ridgedale Mall 12701 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 249 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-545-6446 Visionworks, Woodbury City Centre East 1785 Radio Drive, Suite B Woodbury, MN 55125 651-501-0920 Visionworks, Rochester Apache Mall 640 Apache Mall Rochester, MN 55902 507-252-1540 Westonka Vision Center, Bernie V Rottach OD 2204 Commerce Blvd Mound, MN 55364 952-472-3937 Visionworks, Roseville Rosedale Center 501 Rosedale Center Roseville, MN 55113 651-631-8900 Allina Health CoonRapids Eye 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1120 Visionworks, Skyway (Marquette Ave) Investors Building 733 Marquette Ave, Suite 219 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-332-6656 Visionworks, Saint Paul Highland Crossing 2116 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 651-699-1130 Visionworks, Stillwater Stillwater Marketplace 1960 Market Drive Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-3049 EYE CARE E YE C ARE pROVID E RS Allina Health Cottage Grove Eye 8611 W Point Douglas Road S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-241-0455 Eye Exams Only Hennepin County Medical Center, Eye Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave South Block, 4th Floor (now 7th Floor Red) Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-5577 Visionworks, West Saint Paul Signal Hills Mall 16 Signal Hills Center West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-451-7232 m E m B E R H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R D I R E C T O R Y — C S 79 mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Anoka County Andover Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Fairview Counseling Center, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 612-672-6999 Anoka Family Innovations 1833 3rd Ave Anoka, MN 55303 763-421-5535 Blaine North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Blaine) 1420 109th Ave NE, Suite 110 Blaine, MN 55449 763-581-5550 Columbia Heights Fairview Counseling Center, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 612-672-6999 80 m E m B E R Coon Rapids Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Dr Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 Family Life Mental Health Center 1930 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-427-7964 Lutheran Social Service of MN, Coon Rapids 11115 Hanson Blvd NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 612-879-5320 North Suburban Counseling Center 425 Coon Rapids Blvd, Suite 200 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-784-3008 Rise Inc, Family Life Center 1930 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-427-7964 Fridley Allina Health Mental Health Unity Clinic 7590 Lyric Lane NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-3800 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Lino Lakes Fairview Clinics, Lino Lakes 7455 Village Dr Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3400 Ramsey Allina Health Ramsey Clinic 7231 Sunwood Drive NW Ramsey, MN 55303 763-236-0000 Spring Lake Park Rise Inc, Spring Lake Park 8406 Sunset Road Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 763-786-8334 Chisago County Chisago City Fairview Counseling Center, Chisago City 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 612-672-6999 D I R E C T O R Y — C S mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Allina Health North Branch Clinic 38986 14th Avenue N North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-0055 Nystrom and Associates, Apple Valley Hampton Bank Building Merchants Bank Building 7300 W 147th St, Suite 204 Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-997-3020 Fairview Counseling Center Farmington 19685 Pilot Knob Road Farmington, MN 55024 612-672-6999 Wyoming Burnsville Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Fairview Counseling Center, Burnsville 156 Cobblestone Lane Burnsville, MN 55337 612-372-6999 Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 Dakota County Eagan Apple Valley Apple Valley Medical Center (Clinic) Apple Valley Medical Center 14655 Galaxie Ave Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-6161 Associated Clinic of Psychology, Apple Valley 6950 146th St W, Suite 100 Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-1484 Fairview Counseling Center Apple Valley 15650 Cedar Ave S Apple Valley, MN 55124 612-672-6999 m E m B E R Allina Health Eagan Clinic 1110 Yankee Doodle Road Eagan, MN 55121 651-454-3970 Minnesota Mental Health Clinics (Eagan Counseling Center) 3450 O’Leary Lane Eagan, MN 55123 651-454-0114 Farmington Allina Health Farmington Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Hastings Inver Grove Heights Allina Health Inver Grove Heights Clinic 5565 Blaine Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-241-9400 Lakeville mENTAL HEALTH North Branch Fairview Counseling Center, Lakeville 18580 Joplin Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 612-672-6999 Minnesota Mental Health Clinics 18586 Joplin Ave Lakevillle, MN 55044 952-435-8700 Mendota Heights People Inc, Centre Pointe Mental Health Clinic 2060 Centre Pointe Blvd, Suite 3 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 651-635-0095 D I R E C T O R Y — C S 81 mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES South Saint Paul Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Park Guild Incorporated 318 2nd St N South Saint Paul, MN 55075 651-455-6800 Advanced Behavioral Health 3300 Bass Lake Road, Suite 500 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-560-8331 West Saint Paul Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Arubah Emotional Health Services 3300 County Road 10 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 612-284-8115 Allina Health, West Saint Paul Clinic 150 E Emerson Ave West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-241-1800 Guild Incorporated 1740 Livingston Ave West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-457-2248 Hennepin Supportive Living Services 5615 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 651-487-8088 Hennepin County Bloomington Allina Health Bloomington Clinic 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 Carlson Drake House 5414 W Old Shakopee Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 952-888-5611 82 m E m B E R Associated Clinic of Psychology, Brooklyn Center 6200 Shingle Creek Parkway Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-503-8560 Northwest Residence 4408 69th Avenue N Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-277-1020 Supportive Living Services Inc 5615 Brooklyn Blvd, Suite 200 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-537-6612 Vail Place, Brooklyn Center 1412 W 36th St Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 612-824-8061 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Fairview Counseling Center, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 612-672-6999 People Inc, Early Childhood Day Treatment 7600 Boone Ave N, Suite 2 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 763-515-2441 Washburn Center for Children, Brooklyn Park 9100 85th Ave N, Suite 100 Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 612-871-1454 Champlin Allina Health Champlin Clinic 11269 Jefferson Highway N Champlin, MN 55316 763-236-0060 Crystal Saint David’s Child Development & Family Services Crystal 3415 Lousianna Ave N Crystal, MN 55428 952-939-0396 D I R E C T O R Y — C S mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Eden Prairie Fairview Counseling Center, Eden Prairie Fairview Eden Center 830 Prairie Center Dr, Suite 110 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612-672-6999 Family Innovations 7525 Mitchell Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-224-2282 Lutheran Social Service of MN, Eden Prairie 13600 Technology Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612-879-5320 Nystrom and Associates, Eden Prairie 11010 Prairie Lakes Dr, Suite 350 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-746-2522 Edina Affinity Psychological Services, P.C. (Dr. Meridee Wilson) 5275 Edina Industrial Blvd Edina, MN 55439 612-564-5865 m E m B E R Allina Health Edina Clinic 7500 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-835-1311 Drew Professionals (Clapp, William, MD) 6525 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-920-6748 Drew Professionals (Davis, William C. MD) 6525 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-220-6748 Drew Professionals (Petersen, Juliette MD) 6525 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-220-6748 Drew Professionals (Varma, Sujit MD) 6525 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-220-6748 Fairview Counseling Center, Edina 3400 W 66th St, Suite 400 Edina, MN 55435 612-672-6999 Mental Health Systems, Edina 6600 France Ave S, Suite 230 Edina, MN 55435 952-835-2002 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Minnesota Mental Health Clinics 6525 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 612-745-5888 University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Recovery Services, Edina 3400 W 66th St, Suite 400 Edina, MN 55435 952-924-5901 William C Davis, D.O. Drew Professional Building 6525 France Avenue S Edina, MN 55435 952-920-6748 Golden Valley Headway Emotional Health Services 701 Decatur Ave N, Suite 109 Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-746-2400 mENTAL HEALTH University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Recovery Services, Crystal 2960 Winnetka Ave N, Suite 101 Crystal, MN 55427 763-541-4993 Oasis Program 6739 Golden Valley Rd Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-544-1447 Volunteers of America MHC, Golden Valley 5905 Golden Valley Rd, Suite 100 Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-546-3242 D I R E C T O R Y — C S 83 mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Hopkins Allina Health Hopkins Clinic 715 2nd Ave S Hopkins, MN 553437782 952-428-1900 Headway Emotional Health Services Inc, Hopkins 1001 Hwy 7 Hopkins, MN 55305 952-938-7040 Reach for Resources Inc 1001 Hwy 7, Room 235 Hopkins, MN 55305 952-988-4177 Vail Place, Hopkins 15 9th Ave S Hopkins, MN 55343 952-938-9622 Washburn Center for Children, Hopkins 810 First St S, Suite 210 Hopkins, MN 55343 612-871-1454 Maple Grove Allina Health Maple Grove 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Fairview Counseling Center Bass Lake (Wedgewood Rd) 6320 Wedgwood Rd N, Suite 131 Maple Grove, MN 55311 612-672-6999 84 m E m B E R Fairview Counseling Center, Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 1A038 Maple Grove, MN 55369 612-672-6999 Allina Health Mental Health Abbott Northwestern Clinic 800 E 28th St, Suite 600 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-5327 Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Allina Health Nicollet Mall Clinic Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-8883 Lutheran Social Service of MN, Maple Grove 7401 County Road 101 Maple Grove, MN 55311 612-879-5320 Allina Health Uptown Clinic 1221 W Lake St, Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-824-1772 Nystrom and Associates, Maple Grove 13603 80th Circle N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-274-3120 Associated Clinic of Psychology, Minneapolis 3100 W Lake St, Suite 210 Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-925-6033 Minneapolis Bill Kelly House 3104 E 58th SE Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-726-1502 Allina Health East Lake Street Clinic 3024 Snelling Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-775-4900 Allina Health Isles Clinic 2800 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-775-4800 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Bristol Place ARMHS 412 Ridgewood Ave Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-4187 Caring Path Counseling 3507 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408 651-200-8788 D I R E C T O R Y — C S mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Central Avenue Clinic 2610 Central Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-781-6816 Guild Incorporated 5517 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 651-291-0067 Community University Health Care Center, CUHCC 2001 Bloomington Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-638-0740 Hennepin County Mental Health, Chicago Ave 1800 Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-879-3494 Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio 720 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-746-3500 Hennepin County Mental Health Center, Nicollet 1801 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-596-9438 NorthPoint Mental Health 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2566 Fairview Counseling Center, Minneapolis 2450 Riverside Ave S, F140 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6999 J. Taborn Associates 1219 Marquette Ave S, Suite 80 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-338-9012 People Inc, Anchor House 1319 Girard Ave N, Unit 102 Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-529-2040 Lowry Hill Psychotherapy and Assessment Center 1910 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-2544 People Inc, Assertive Community Treatment Homeless 1309 Girard Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-465-0105 Lutheran Social Service of MN, Minneapolis 2400 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-879-5320 People Inc, Deaf Mental Health Services 726 2nd St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-379-1070 Mental Health Counseling Services 615 1st Ave NE, Suite 310 Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-436-0295 People Inc, Stark Mental Health Clinic 2120 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-872-2000 Family Alternatives, Inc. 1089 10th Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-5341 Fraser Child & Family Center 3333 University Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-331-9413 m E m B E R H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Native American Community Clinic 1213 E Franklin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-872-8086 D I R E C T O R Y — C S 85 mENTAL HEALTH Fairview, UMMC, Psych Unit (Psychiatry Clinic) 2450 Riverside Ave S, F-275 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-8700 Minnesota Mental Health Clinics 5346 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-746-5888 mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Peoples Center Health Services 425 20th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-332-4973 ReEntry House Inc, Community Treatment Team(ACT) 5812 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-435-7200 ReEntry House Inc, IRTS 5812 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-869-2411 Rise, Central 2003 Central Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-781-3114 River Lake Clinic 4323 E Lake Street Minneapolis, MN 612-722-1003 Southside Medical Clinic 324 E 35th St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-827-7181 Saint Croix Psychiatric Services 2318 Park Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-251-0074 Saint Joseph’s Home for Children 1121 E 46th St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-204-8250 86 m E m B E R The Family Partnership, Four Directions Family Center 2438 18th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-722-0762 University of Minnesota Physicians, Psychiatry 2450 Riverside Ave S F256/2B West Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-8700 The Family Partnership, Minneapolis (East Lake) 4123 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-729-0340 Vail Place, Minneapolis 1412 W 36 St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-824-8061 The Family Partnership, Minneapolis Downtown 414 S 8th St Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-728-2061 Washburn Center for Children, Minneapolis 2430 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-871-1454 The Family Partnership North Minneapolis 1501 Xerxes Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 763-521-3477 Watercourse Counseling Center 3548 Bryant Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-822-8227 Touchstone Mental Health 1925 Nicollet Ave, Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-874-6409 Wellbeing Psychotherapy Inc 2100 1st Ave S, Suite 204 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-418-5637 Touchstone Mental Health, Residential Treatment 2516 E 24th St Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-722-1892 Minnetonka Transitions Counseling Services 1500 Golden Valley Rd Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-520-9177 Saint David’s Child Development & Family Services 3395 Plymouth Rd Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-939-0396 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Relate Counseling Center 5125 County Rd 101, Suite 300 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-932-7277 D I R E C T O R Y — C S mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES St. Louis Park Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Dr, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Lutheran Social Service of MN, Saint Louis Park 9001 Cedar Lake Rd Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 612-879-5320 Richfield Many Sparrows 3705 Park Center Blvd, Suite 231 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 651-319-3945 Allina Health Richfield Clinic 407 W 66th St Richfield, MN 554232304 612-798-8800 Headway Emotional Health Services Inc, Richfield 6425 Nicollet Ave S Richfield, MN 55423 612-861-1675 Richfield Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center 44 W 66th St Richfield, MN 55423 612-873-8200 The Family Partnership, Richfield 1550 East 78th St, Suite 102 Richfield, MN 55423 612-314-2920 Northern Integrated Health, Inc. 6200 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 204 Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-548-9340 Worawan Turner Psychological Services 4021 Vernon Ave S, Suite 212 Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-222-4491 Isanti County Cambridge Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood St Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 St. Anthony North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Saint Anthony) 2600 39th Ave NE Saint Anthony, MN 55421 763-520-2980 m E m B E R Ramsey County Maplewood Allina Health Maplewood Clinic 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 Family Innovations 2115 County Road D E Maplewood, MN 55109 651-748-5019 Minnesota Mental Health Clinics 2785 White Bear Ave N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-779-0069 New Brighton Nystrom and Associates New Brighton Professional Bldg 1900 Silver Lake Rd, Suite 110 New Brighton, MN 55112 651-628-9566 Saint Paul Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 Allina Health Highland Park Clinic 2120 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-241-9600 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R D I R E C T O R Y — C S 87 mENTAL HEALTH Plymouth mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Allina Health Mental Health United Clinic Ft. Road Medical Building 360 Sherman St, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5958 Hamm Memorial Psychiatric Clinic, Inc 408 Saint Peter St, Suite 429 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-224-0014 Options Family & Behavior Services, Saint Paul 1600 W University Ave, Suite 3 Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-209-6632 Arubah Emotional Health Services 1566 Thomas Ave Saint Paul, MN 55104 612-284-8115 Lutheran Social Service of MN, Saint Paul 700 S Snelling Ave Gloria Dei Lutheran Saint Paul, MN 55116 612-879-5320 People Inc, Maghakian Place 1100 Hancock St Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-793-6333 Associated Clinic of Psychology, Saint Paul 450 N Syndicate Ave, Suite 385 Saint Paul, MN 55104 612-925-6033 Mental Health Resources, Inc: East, Saint Paul (ACT) 762 Transfer Rd, Suite 21 Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-659-2900 Boynton Health Services, Saint Paul 1420 Eckles Ave, Room 109 Saint Paul, MN 55108 612-624-7700 Fairview Counseling Center, Highland Park (Saint Paul) 2155 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 612-672-6999 Family Innovations 2233 University Ave W Saint Paul, MN 55114 763-421-5535 Guild Incorporated 130 S Wabasha Saint Paul, MN 55107 651-291-0067 88 m E m B E R Mental Health Resources, Inc: East, Saint Paul (ARMHS) 762 Transfer Rd, Suite 21 Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-659-2900 Metro Psychology Support Services, Inc. 2550 University Ave W Suite 163-S Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-645-7971 Metro Social Services Inc, Saint Paul 345 University Ave W, Suite A Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-647-0647 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R United Medical Specialties Saint Paul John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Ave, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 University of Minnesota Physicians, Bethesda Clinic 580 Rice St Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-227-6551 University of Minnesota Physicians, Phalen Village Clinic 1414 Maryland Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-772-3461 Vadnais Heights Allina Health Vadnais Heights Clinic 1155 E County Rd E, Suite 100 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-241-9200 D I R E C T O R Y — C S mENTAL AND CHEmICAL HEALTH SERVICES Prior Lake Lutheran Social Service of MN, Prior Lake 3611 Berens Rd NW Prior Lake, MN 55379 612-879-2320 Shakopee Allina Health Shakopee Clinic 1601 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3535 Sherburne County Elk River Allina Health Elk River Clinic 14181 Business Center Dr NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-236-0500 Fairview Counseling Center, Elk River 290 Main St NW, Suite 140 Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5870 Zimmerman Washington County Cottage Grove Allina Health Cottage Grove Clinic 8611 W Point Douglas Rd S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-458-1884 Forest Lake Allina Health Forest Lake Clinic 1540 Lake St S Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-7100 Fairview Counseling Center, Forest Lake 20 N Lake St, Suite 210 Forest Lake, MN 55025 612-672-6999 Stillwater Family Innovations 6303 Osgood Ave N Stillwater, MN 55082 651-383-4800 St. Croix Family Medical Clinic 5640 Memorial Ave N, Suite B Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-1880 Fairview Counseling Center Zimmerman 25945 Gateway Dr Zimmerman, MN 55398 763-241-5870 m E m B E R Woodbury Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Rd Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Minnesota Mental Health Clinics 1000 Radio Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 651-365-8203 Nystrom and Associates, Woodbury 1811 Weir Dr, Suite 270 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-714-9646 Wright County Annandale Allina Health Annandale Clinic 440 Elm St E Annandale, MN 55302 320-682-5225 Buffalo Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5225 Cokato Allina Health Cokato Clinic 110 Olsen Blvd Cokato, MN 55321 320-286-2123 H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R D I R E C T O R Y — C S 89 mENTAL HEALTH Scott County MENTAL AND CHEMICAL HEALTH SERVICES Maple Lake Lutheran Social Service of MN, Maple Grove 7401 County Rd 101 Maple Lake, MN 55311 612-879-5320 Otsego Nystrom and Associates, Otsego 16201 90th Street NE, Suite 200 Otsego, MN 55330 763-746-9492 St. Michael Allina Health St Michael Clinic 4300 Edgewood Dr NE Saint Michael, MN 55376 763-744-4000 90 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G S pECIALT Y pROVID E RS Advancements in Allergy and Asthma Care 12450 Wayzata Blvd Suite 215 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-546-6866 Wexler, Michael R Allergy & Asthma Care, Maple Grove Arbor Lakes Medical Center 12000 Elm Creek Blvd Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-420-1010 Kelkar, Parmod S Helm, Thomas J Kaiser, Harold B. Morris, Richard J Allergy & Asthma Specialists, Minneapolis Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 1149 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-3333 Berman, Gary D Bransford, Richard P Halverson, Philip C Kaiser, Harold B. Mehta, Hemalini Stillerman, Allan M. Allergy & Asthma Specialists, Plymouth WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Dr, Suite 415 Plymouth, MN 55441 612-338-3333 Berman, Gary D Bransford, Richard P Halverson, Philip C Kaiser, Harold B. m E m B E R Mehta, Hemalini Stillerman, Allan M. Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Dahlberg, Paul E Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Dr Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Johns, Kenneth A. Allina Health Maple Grove 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Johns, Kenneth A. Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Helm, Thomas J Eisenstadt Allergy & Asthma, Edina Titus Building 6550 York Ave, Suite 112 Edina, MN 55435 952-746-1854 Eisenstadt, Thomas C Nagarajan, Ramarathinam Speaks Hindi Nicholas, Sydney S H A N D B O O K & p R O V I D E R Eisenstadt Allergy & Asthma, Lakeville 17599 Kenwood Trail, Suite 2 Lakeville, MN 55044 952-898-2212 Eisenstadt, Thomas C Nagarajan, Ramarathinam Speaks Hindi Nicholas, Sydney S Eisenstadt Allergy & Asthma, Minneapolis 825 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 221 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-339-0807 Eisenstadt, Thomas C Nagarajan, Ramarathinam Speaks Hindi Nicholas, Sydney S Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Montejo, Julia L Neuwirth, Gerardo D SpECIALT Y pROVIDERS Allergy/Immunology Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Montejo, Julia L Neuwirth, Gerardo D Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Montejo, Julia L Neuwirth, Gerardo D D I R E C T O R Y — C S 91 SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Allergy/Immunology continued) Fairview Clinics, Chisago City 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 651-257-8499 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Sweet, John B Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Montejo, Julia L Neuwirth, Gerardo D Fairview Clinics, Eden Prairie Fairview Eden Center 830 Prairie Center Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-826-6500 For Mental Health appointments call 612-672-6999 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Manders, Christina J Fairview Clinics, Elk River 290 Main Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 For Mental Health Appointments call 763-241-5870 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Montejo, Julia L Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Montejo, Julia L 92 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Fairview Clinics, Lino Lakes 7455 Village Dr Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Montejo, Julia L Sweet, John B Fairview Clinics, New Brighton 1151 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 612-706-4500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Sweet, John B Fairview Clinics, North Branch 5366 386 St North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-8353 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Sweet, John B Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Helm, Thomas J Morris, Richard J HCMC Internal Medicine Clinic at Parkside Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th St, Suite 206 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-7534 Sweet, John B HCMC International Health Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian Primary Care: Monday 1:00PM-4:00PM Somali Primary Care: Monday 1:00PM-3:30PM Tuesday 1:00PM-4:00PM Spanish Primary Care: Monday & Friday 8:00AM4:30PM Sweet, John B Midwest Ear Nose & Throat Specialists, Woodbury 2080 Woodwinds Dr, Suite 240 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-0750 Zachary, Cherie Y Paparella Ear Head & Neck Institute, Elk River 290 Main Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 Kelkar, Parmod S Paparella Ear Head & Neck Institute, Minneapolis 701 25th Ave S, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55454 866-316-0769 Kelkar, Parmod S Saint Paul Allergy & Asthma Clinic, Saint Paul 565 S Snelling Ave Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-698-0386 S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Southdale Allergy & Asthma Clinic, Edina 7300 France Ave S, Suite 204 Edina, MN 55435 952-926-7630 Brucker, Hannelore A Southdale Allergy & Asthma Clinic, New Prague 2765 Kelley Parkway, Suite 100 Orono, MN 55356 952-926-7630 Brucker, Hannelore A Southdale Pediatric Associates, Edina 3955 Parklawn Ave S, Suite 120 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-4454 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Schroeckenstein, David Charles University of Minnesota Physicians, Audiology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 8-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-5775 Blumenthal, Malcolm Nolan Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates, Edina Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55439 952-914-8100 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Berman, David A. Abbott Northwestern General Medical Associates, Minneapolis 2800 Chicago Ave S, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4096 Dirks, Timothy G Allina Health Abbott Northwestern Hospitalist Service 800 E 28th St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-1899 Dahlberg, Peter Scott Keenan, Lawrence R Skeik, Nedaa Speaks Arabic Speaks French Speaks Spanish Speaks Turkish Allina Health Annandale Clinic 440 Elm St E Annandale, MN 55302 320-682-5225 Olinger, Chad Curtis Allina Health Cokato Clinic 110 Olsen Blvd Cokato, MN 55321 320-286-2123 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Olinger, Chad Curtis Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Rahmatullah, Amin Allina Health East Lake Street Clinic 3024 Snelling Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-775-4900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Berman, David A. Allina Health Farmington Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 Sajady, Nazifa Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bagwe, Suveer Biggs, Thomas A Brody, Richard J. Nobrega, Thomas Patrick Ray, Tarang B Speaks Hindi Tuohy, Elizabeth Jean C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 93 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Aichbhaumik, Niladri Geller, Gary Richard Sikka, Naveen Nishchal Wahlstrom, John Geoffrey SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease continued) Allina Health Forest Lake Clinic 1540 Lake St S Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-7100 Guthrie, Richard B Tschida, Victor H Allina Health Hopkins Clinic 715 2nd Avenue S Hopkins, MN 55343 952-428-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hsu, Anna Y. Speaks Chinese Allina Health Maplewood Clinic 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Pillai, Kamalesh M Ray, Tarang B Speaks Hindi Rusterholz, Peter K Tschida, Victor H Underwood, Raymond D Vatterott, Pierce J Allina Health Nininger Clinic 1285 Nininger Rd Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4200 Biggs, Thomas A Nobrega, Thomas Patrick Syed, Imran S Tuohy, Elizabeth Jean 94 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health United Hospitalist Service 333 N Smith Ave Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8436 Jama, Abdi Ahmad Speaks Somali Allina Health United Medical Specialties John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Avenue, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 Nobrega, Thomas Patrick Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Rd Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Bajpai, Ambareesh Ray, Tarang B Speaks Hindi Rusterholz, Peter K Buffalo Clinic 1700 Highway 25 N Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-1313 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Rahmatullah, Amin Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Braunlin, Elizabeth Ann Center for Diagnostic Imaging, Eden Prairie 775 Prairie Center Dr, Suite 1 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-294-8222 Klodas, Elizabeth Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Braunlin, Elizabeth Ann Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Amado, Luciano Costa Bache, Robert James Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Berger, Alan K Biring, Timinder Singh Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Diamandopoulos, Laura A Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Foster-Smith, Karl William Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Garry, Daniel J Heifetz, Steven Mark Helmer, Gregory A Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Kassahun, Helina Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Manoles, Michael Jon Plucinski, Dominic Anthony Roukoz, Henri Shenoy, Chetan Nagendra Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Valeti Venkota, Uma S Vats, Shashank Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Amado, Luciano Costa Bache, Robert James Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Biring, Timinder Singh Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Dankle, Constance J Diamandopoulos, Laura A Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Foster-Smith, Karl William Francis, Gary Stuart Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Garry, Daniel J Heifetz, Steven Mark Helmer, Gregory A Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Kassahun, Helina Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Manoles, Michael Jon Missov, Emil Dimitrov Plucinski, Dominic Anthony Raveendran, Ganesh Roukoz, Henri Sakaguchi, Scott Shenoy, Chetan Nagendra Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Valeti Venkota, Uma S Vats, Shashank Yannopoulos, Demetris Fairview Clinics, Bloomington 600 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-2651 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Colvin, Monica M Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Amado, Luciano Costa Bache, Robert James Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Biring, Timinder Singh Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Diamandopoulos, Laura A Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Foster-Smith, Karl William Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Garry, Daniel J Heifetz, Steven Mark Helmer, Gregory A Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Kassahun, Helina Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Manoles, Michael Jon Plucinski, Dominic Anthony Roukoz, Henri Shenoy, Chetan Nagendra Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Valeti Venkota, Uma S Vats, Shashank Fairview Clinics, Burnsville 303 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-460-4000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Colvin, Monica M C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 95 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease continued) Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Amado, Luciano Costa Bache, Robert James Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Biring, Timinder Singh Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Diamandopoulos, Laura A Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Foster-Smith, Karl William Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Garry, Daniel J Heifetz, Steven Mark Helmer, Gregory A Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Kassahun, Helina Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Manoles, Michael Jon Plucinski, Dominic Anthony Roukoz, Henri Shenoy, Chetan Nagendra Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Valeti Venkota, Uma S Vats, Shashank 96 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Fairview Clinics, Elk River 290 Main St NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 For Mental Health Appointments call 763-241-5870 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Foster-Smith, Karl William Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Ketroser, Robert Alan Vora, Tushar Ratilal Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Amado, Luciano Costa Bache, Robert James Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Biring, Timinder Singh Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Diamandopoulos, Laura A Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Foster-Smith, Karl William Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Garry, Daniel J Heifetz, Steven Mark Helmer, Gregory A Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Kassahun, Helina Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Manoles, Michael Jon Plucinski, Dominic Anthony Roukoz, Henri Sakaguchi, Scott Shenoy, Chetan Nagendra Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Valeti Venkota, Uma S Vats, Shashank Yannopoulos, Demetris Fairview Clinics, Hiawatha 3809 42nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-6261 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Adkisson, Wayne O Ameduri, Rebecca K Bache, Robert J Diamandopoulos, Laura A Eckman, Peter Matthew Wilson, Robert Foster Fairview Clinics, Highland Park 2155 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-5000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bache, Robert J Berger, Alan K Raveendran, Ganesh Wilson, Robert Foster S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, New Brighton 1151 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 612-706-4500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Francis, Gary S Wilson, Robert Foster Yannopoulos, Demetris Fairview Clinics, Rush City 760 W 4th St Rush City, MN 55069 320-358-4784 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Fairview Clinics, Uptown 3033 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 275 Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-827-4751 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Berger, Alan K Wilson, Robert Foster Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Adatya, Sirtaz Ali, Bilal Shaukat Amado, Luciano Costa Ameduri, Rebecca K Battista, Stephen Charles Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Berger, Alan K Biring, Timinder Singh Chapel, Norman P Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese Colvin, Monica M Cramer, Gary H Dahiya, Ranjan Dankle, Constance J Diamandopoulos, Laura A Dick, Candace D Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Heifetz, Steven Mark Ketroser, Robert Alan Pham, Quan Van Roukoz, Henri Shenoy, Chetan Nagendra Thenappan, Thenappan Vats, Shashank Vora, Tushar Ratilal Fairview Clinics, Zimmerman 25945 Gateway Dr Zimmerman, MN 55398 763-856-6900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Ketroser, Robert Alan Vora, Tushar Ratilal Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Ameduri, Rebecca K Bache, Robert James Battista, Stephen Charles Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Berger, Alan K Chapel, Norman P Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Dankle, Constance J Diamandopoulos, Laura A Dick, Candace D Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Foster-Smith, Karl William Francis, Gary Stuart Heifetz, Steven Mark Helmer, Gregory A Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Jama, Abdi Ahmad Speaks Somali Kassahun, Helina Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Madlon-Kay, Richard C Manoles, Michael Jon Missov, Emil Dimitrov Pritzker, Marc Richard Raveendran, Ganesh Roukoz, Henri Sakaguchi, Scott Shenoy, Chetan Nagendra C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Fairview Clinics, Lino Lakes 7455 Village Dr Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Ip, Brian Hin Chiu 97 SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease continued) Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Tholakanahalli, Venkatakrishna Narasimhamurthy Vats, Shashank HCMC Brooklyn Center Clinic 6601 Shingle Creek Parkway Suite 400 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 612-873-8800 Ayenew, Woubeshet HCMC Golden Valley Clinic 5653 Duluth Street Minneapolis, MN 55422 612-873-6963 Bachour, Fouad Abdulsalam Goldsmith, Steven R HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Asinger, Richard W Ayenew, Woubeshet Baran II, Kenneth W Bart, Bradley Arthur Bertog, Stefan Christian HCMC Pediatric Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P7 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2435 Ameduri, Rebecca K Braunlin, Elizabeth A 98 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G HCMC Surgery Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-8701 King, Robert Michael HCMC Whittier Clinic 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-545-9000 Sandhar, Gurijit Singh Hennepin Heart Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, O5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-4105 Asinger, Richard W Shroff, Gautam R Siddiqui, Rizwan A Sobotka, Paul A. Metropolitan Heart & Vascular Institute, Buffalo (Catlin St) 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-427-9980 Diorio, Ronald M Dulas, Daniel D Metropolitan Heart & Vascular Institute, Coon Rapids Mercy Heart Institute 4040 Coon Rapids Blvd, Suite 120 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-427-9980 Bankwala, Zehyani Speaks Urdu Chambers, Jeffrey W Evans, Mark A Feng, Dali Kraemer, Mark D Lee, John Hans Muellner, Alyssa Nicole Nguyen, Tung T Speaks Vietnamese Olinger, Chad Curtis Path, Gregory J Rahmatullah, Amin Tolins-Mejia, Margo F Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-775-3030 Abdelhadi, Raed Husam Almquist, Adrian K Bae, Richard Youn Baker, Charles M Cabuay, Barry M Campbell, Alex R Chu, Matthew Christopher Eckman, Peter Matthew Flygenring, Bjorn P Gornick, Charles C Grey, Elizabeth Zane Henry, Timothy D Houghland, Mark A Hryniewicz-Czeneszew, Katarzyna Maria Speaks French Speaks Polish Speaks Russian Speaks Spanish Hurrell, David G Jay, Desmond Byron Johnson, Randall K. Knickelbine, Thomas Kolbeck, James T Lesser, John R Lin, David Speaks Chinese Longe, Terrence F Melby, Daniel P Mooney, Michael R S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Minneapolis Heart Institute, Edina Centennial Lakes Medical Center 7373 France Ave S, Suite 300 Edina, MN 55435 952-428-0500 Dummer, Kristen B Hession, William T. Miedema, Michael Dean Newell, Marc Christian Sengupta, Jay Deep Shao, Esther Szu-Chia Speaks Chinese Zimbwa, Peter Minneapolis Heart Institute, Plymouth (WestHealth) WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 125 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7615 Hurrell, David G Minneapolis Heart Institute, Shakopee 1601 St Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-2099 Harris, Kevin M Minneapolis Heart Institute Vascular Specialists Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E 28th Street, Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-6800 Abdelhadi, Raed Husam Bernhardson, John E Campbell, Alex R Longe, Terrence F Miedema, Michael Dean Mooney, Michael R Newell, Marc Christian Nijjar, Prabhjot Singh Speaks Hindi Schultz, Robert J. Shao, Esther Szu-Chia Speaks Chinese Skeik, Nedaa Speaks Arabic Speaks French Speaks Spanish Speaks Turkish Sorajja, Paul Strauss, Craig Edward Wang, Yale Lewis Speaks Chinese Zimbwa, Peter North Memorial Cardiovascular Services, Plymouth West Health Campus 2855 Campus Dr Plymouth, MN 55441 763-520-2000 Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Center 5615 Xerxes Ave N, Suite D Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-581-5630 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Park Family Physicians 8559 Edinbrook Pkwy, Suite 100 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-581-5660 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 99 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Nelson, Richard R Orlandi, Quirino G Speaks Spanish Pagan-Carlo, Luis A Speaks Portuguese Speaks Spanish Poulose, Anil K Schwartz, Robert Stockton Sorajja, Paul Stevenson, James E Strauss, Craig Edward Sutton, Thomas M Tang, Chuen Y Thiessen, Norma L. Traverse, Jay H Wang, Yale Lewis Speaks Chinese SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease continued) Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Clinic, Elk River Physicians 800 Freeport Ave NW, Suite 100A Elk River, MN 55330 763-581-5200 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Clinic, Golden Valley Family Physicians 8301 Golden Valley Rd Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-581-5150 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R 100 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Clinic, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Dr, Suite 102B Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5900 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Clinic, Minnetonka Medical Center 15450 Highway 7, Site 100 Minnetonka, MN 55346 763-581-8900 Esberg, Lucy Brook North Memorial Clinic, Northeast Family Physicians 327 Central Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-1119 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Clinic, Ridgedale 2000 Plymouth Rd, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55305 763-581-5250 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (St. Anthony) 2600 39th Ave NE St. Anthony, MN 55421 763-520-2980 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David North Memorial Urgent Care, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Dr, Suite 125 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-981-3600 DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Ayenew, Woubeshet Bachour, Fouad Abdulsalam Bart, Bradley Arthur Goldsmith, Steven R Shroff, Gautam R Weber, Philip Andrew Speaks Norwegian Saint Francis Health Services, Jordan 265 Creek Ln S Jordan, MN 55352 952-428-1200 Nobrega, Thomas Patrick Saint Francis Regional Medical Center, EKG 1455 St. Francis Ave Shakopee, MN 55379 952-403-3000 Baker, Charles M Burton, David A Hession, William T. United Heart and Vascular Clinic Nasseff Specialty Center 225 N Smith Ave, Suite 400 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-290-0133 Bagwe, Suveer Bajpai, Ambareesh Baran II, Kenneth W Beahrs, Maragret M Biggs, Thomas A Erhard, Mark Wayne Geske, Jeffrey Benjamin Kubo, Spencer H. McKinley, Benjamin James Nijjar, Prabhjot Singh Speaks Hindi Nobrega, Thomas Patrick Peterson, Michael Austin Pillai, Kamalesh M Ray, Tarang B Speaks Hindi Rusterholz, Peter K Sajady, Nazifa Syed, Imran S Tschida, Victor H Tuohy, Elizabeth Jean C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 101 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Blaine) 1420 109th Ave NE, Suite 110 Blaine, MN 55449 763-581-5550 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* DeBoel, Stefan Lucien Speaks French Speaks German Fruechte, Ethan Michael Hodgkin, Douglas D Hoppe, Roberta Lynn Maheshwari, Alok McGinn, Andrew L. McLaurin, Mary D Paulsen, Pamela R Roh, Steven S. Rowland, Alice Jody Saxena, Retu Shear, Wendy S. Tadros, George M. Speaks Arabic Taylor, Richard David SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease continued) Underwood, Raymond D Valles, Alfred Gregory Zack, Chad J United Hospital Service of the AMC 333 North Smith Ave Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8000 Adler, Stuart W Beahrs, Maragret M Benton, Steven L Biggs, Thomas A Brody, Richard J. Cliffe, Charles M Dirks, Timothy G Dunbar, David N Garr, Michael D Granrud, Gregory A Grey, Elizabeth Zane Guthrie, Richard B Hedberg, Priscilla A Johnson, Thomas H. Kane, Maureen A. Speaks Spanish Koller, Patrick T. Melby, Daniel P Pillai, Kamalesh M Pinkerman, Charles L Reisdorf, Franz-Josef E Sobotka, Paul A. Somasundaram, Porur E Tschida, Victor H Underwood, Raymond D Wiberg, Thomas A United Medical Specialties Saint Paul John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Ave, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 Nobrega, Thomas Patrick 102 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G United Vascular Clinic Nasseff Specialty Center 225 N Smith Ave, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-292-0007 Biggs, Thomas A. Mahoney, Brian D. University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Adkisson, Wayne Owen Bache, Robert James Dahiya, Ranjan Kassahun, Helina Nijjar, Prabhjot Singh Speaks Hindi Raveendran, Ganesh Roukoz, Henri University of Minnesota Physicians, Blood and Marrow Transplant Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Suite 5-100 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-262-2663 Braunlin, Elizabeth Ann University of Minnesota Physicians, Cardiology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 3rd Floor 3B Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3600 Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Boyle, Andrew J Chandrashekhar, Soma S Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Garry, Daniel J Laxson, David Douglas Madhusoodanan, K P Miller, Leslie Scott Sakaguchi, Scott Sih, Ronald Thomas Taylor, Anne L. Tomas, Tomas University of Minnesota Physicians, Cardiothoracic Surgery Clinic Fairview Southdale Hospital 6405 France Ave S Suite W 200 Edina, MN 55435 612-626-7681 Iskos, Demosthenes N Pham, Quan Van University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Diamandopoulos, Laura A Garry, Daniel J Wilson, Robert Foster University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview 6401 University Ave NE 2nd Floor Fridley, MN 55432 763-502-6602 Adkisson, Wayne Owen S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Wang, Kyuhyun Speaks Korean Wilson, Robert Foster Yannopoulos, Demetris University of Minnesota Physicians Heart, Edina Fairview Southdale Hospital 6405 France Ave S, Suite W200 Edina, MN 55435 612-365-5000 Braunlin, Elizabeth Ann University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview, Edina Fairview Southdale Hospital 6405 France Ave S W200 and W300 Edina, MN 55435 612-365-5000 All patients must make an appointment to be seen Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Amado, Luciano Costa Battista, Stephen Charles Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Bisinov, Elizabeth A Chan, Rodrigo C Chapel, Norman P Cheng, Thomas F. Cogswell, Rebecca Jane Dahiya, Ranjan Diamandopoulos, Laura A Dick, Candace D Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Heifetz, Steven Mark Heintz, Mary H Helmer, Gregory A Hession, William T. Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Iskos, Demosthenes N Jama, Abdi Ahmad Speaks Somali Kane, Maureen A. Speaks Spanish Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Manoles, Michael Jon Nemec, Jan Plucinski, Dominic Anthony Pritzker, Marc Richard Raveendran, Ganesh Roukoz, Henri Sakaguchi, Scott Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Vats, Shashank Vora, Tushar Ratilal Zhu, Dennis W University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview, Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Clinic 4B Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3600 Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Berger, Alan K Chapel, Norman P Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 103 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview, Burnsville 14101 Fairview Drive, Suite 140 Burnsville, MN 55337 612-365-5000 Adkisson, Wayne Owen Ali, Bilal Shaukat Bache, Robert James Battista, Stephen Charles Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Berger, Alan K Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese Cogswell, Rebecca Jane Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Das, Gladwin S Duprez, Daniel A Eckman, Peter Matthew Garry, Daniel J Hirsch, Alan T Jain, Renuka Jama, Abdi Ahmad Speaks Somali Kassahun, Helina Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Madhusoodanan, K P Martin, Cindy Maliea Missov, Emil Dimitrov Pritzker, Marc Richard Raveendran, Ganesh Roukoz, Henri Sakaguchi, Scott Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Tholakanahalli, Venkatakrishna Narasimhamurthy Valeti Venkota, Uma S Vats, Shashank SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease continued) Cohn, Jay Norman Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Dankle, Constance J Das, Gladwin S Diamandopoulos, Laura A Dick, Candace D Duprez, Daniel A Eckman, Peter Matthew Erdahl, James W Ernst, Eric R Foster-Smith, Karl William Francis, Gary Stuart Garry, Daniel J Heifetz, Steven Mark Helmer, Gregory A Hirsch, Alan T Ip, Brian Hin Chiu Jama, Abdi Ahmad Speaks Somali Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Suma H Kubo, Spencer H. Laxson, David Douglas Lew, Brian Thomas Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Madlon-Kay, Richard C Manoles, Michael Jon Martin, Cindy Maliea Milstein, Simon Missov, Emil Dimitrov Pham, Quan Van Plucinski, Dominic Anthony Pritzker, Marc Richard Raveendran, Ganesh Roukoz, Henri Sakaguchi, Scott Sih, Ronald Thomas Tholakanahalli, Venkatakrishna Narasimhamurthy Valeti Venkota, Uma S 104 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Vora, Tushar Ratilal Wang, Kyuhyun Speaks Korean Yannopoulos, Demetris University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd, 2nd Floor Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7690 Adatya, Sirtaz Adkisson, Wayne O Ali, Bilal Shaukat Bache, Robert J Benditt, David Guay Speaks French Berger, Alan K Chapel, Norman P Chen, Lin Y Speaks Chinese Cogswell, Rebecca Jane Colvin, Monica M Dahiya, Ranjan Dankle, Constance J Diamandopoulos, Laura A Dick, Candace D Francis, Gail Joan Olive Francis, Gary S Garcia, Santiago Andres Speaks Spanish Garry, Daniel J Hirsch, Alan T Jain, Renuka Jama, Abdi Ahmad Speaks Somali Kassahun, Helina Ketroser, Robert Alan Kim, Charles Xavier Konety, Badrinath R Konety, Suma H Li, Huagui Madhusoodanan, K P Madlon-Kay, Richard C Manoles, Michael Jon March, Shamane Kimara Martin, Cindy Maliea Missov, Emil Dimitrov Pham, Quan Van Pritzker, Marc Richard Raveendran, Ganesh Roukoz, Henri Sakaguchi, Scott Sih, Ronald Thomas Thenappan, Thenappan Valeti Venkota, Uma S Vats, Shashank Vora, Tushar Ratilal Wilson, Robert Foster Yannopoulos, Demetris University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Braunlin, Elizabeth Ann University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Braunlin, Elizabeth Ann University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Braunlin, Elizabeth Ann S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Physicians, Primary Care Center Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-9499 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Francis, Gary Stuart Winthrop Area Clinic, New Ulm Medical Clinic 211 E 2nd St Winthrop, MN 55396 507-647-8000 Harris, Kevin M Jay, Desmond Byron Longe, Terrence F Newell, Marc Christian Traverse, Jay H Chiropractic Advacare Clinics, Ltd 5001 American Blvd W, Suite 945 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-835-6653 Lenselink, Dennis John Allina Health Bloomington Clinic 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Amin, Sanober A Farhat, Elizabeth Kim Allina Health Edina Clinic 7500 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-835-1311 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Magnani, Molly J. Pernula, Douglas L Rougier-Maas, Rochelle L Allina Health Farmington Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 Rapp, Curtis J Allina Health Nicollet Mall Clinic Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-8883 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bruns, Dean E Magnani, Molly J. Rougier-Maas, Rochelle L Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Dr, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Dandrea, Steve P Magnani, Molly J. Pernula, Douglas L Rougier-Maas, Rochelle L Buffalo Clinic 1700 Highway 25 Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-1313 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Belde, Daniel W Belde, John D Franks, Douglas A Halvorson, Jolyn S. Smock, Gregory T. HCMC Brooklyn Center Clinic 6601 Shingle Creek Parkway Suite 400 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 612-873-8800 Backus, Benjamin Edward HCMC Brooklyn Park Clinic 7650 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 612-873-8900 Muntean, Natalie M HCMC Golden Valley Clinic 5653 Duluth Street Minneapolis, MN 55422 612-873-6963 Muntean, Natalie M HCMC Integrative Health Clinic 825 S 8th St, Suite 1106 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-873-6963 Printon, Richard HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 105 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS University of Minnesota Physicians, Phalen Village Clinic 1414 Maryland Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-772-3461 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cermak, Peter M. SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Chiropractic continued) Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Backus, Benjamin Edward Hammer, Timothy John Life Medical, Minneapolis 2700 E Lake Street, Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-7772 Bowser, Michael W HCMC Whittier Clinic 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-545-9000 Backus, Benjamin Edward Printon, Richard Life Medical, Saint Louis Park 4201 Excelsior Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-933-8900 Frid, Leon Boris Speaks Russian Harralson, William Carl Holm, Lewis Michael Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Coon Rapids 320 Coon Rapids Blvd, Suite 100 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 952-908-2580 Ginkel, Todd W. Life Medical, Saint Paul 1654 Rice St, Suite 202 St. Paul, MN 55117 651-528-6169 Harralson, William Carl Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Edina 6700 France Ave S, Suite 230 Edina, MN 55435 952-908-2700 Ginkel, Todd W. Institute for Athletic Medicine, Burnsville 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 135 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2650 Deonarain, Sharena Harkness, Kara Jo Institute for Athletic Medicine, Edina Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 450 Edina, MN 55435 952-836-3820 Deonarain, Sharena McCathie, Travis Gene Lake Drive Chiropractic Clinic, Circle Pines 8820 N Hwy Drive Circle Pines, MN 55014 763-786-0670 Murray, Scott John LifeForce Chiropractic 8941 Portland Ave Bloomington, MN 55404 612-822-7509 Lofton, Wade Arnett 106 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Northside Chiropractic Clinic 3107 Penn Ave North Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-522-0440 Olson, Greg T Parkside Alternative Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th St, Suite 1106 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6238 Backus, Benjamin Edward Hammer, Timothy John Printon, Richard Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Burnsville 172 Cobblestone Lane, Suite 114 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-908-2710 Ginkel, Todd W. Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Chanhassan 18912 Lake Dr St E Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-908-2730 Ginkel, Todd W. Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Maplewood 1856 Beam Ave, Suite 100 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-6507 Ginkel, Todd W. Pillsbury House Integrated Health Clinic 3501 Chicago Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-787-3636 McCathie, Travis Gene Osterbauer, Paul John Skaufel, Jodell Marie Williams, Jonathan Charles Wolfe Jr, John Burton Zachman, Zachary J S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Advanced Dermatology Care, Stillwater 14130 60th Street N, Suite 300 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-484-2724 Rustad, Olaf J Advanced Dermatology Care, White Bear Lake 4480 Centerville Road White Bear Lake, MN 55127 651-490-3284 Rustad, Olaf J Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Institute, Chaska Chaska Health Center 3000 Chestnut St N, Suite 110 Chaska, MN 55318 952-915-6000 Briden, Marie E Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Institute, Edina 6525 Barrie Road Edina, MN 55435 952-915-6000 Briden, Marie E Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Amin, Sanober A Farhat, Elizabeth Kim Peterson, Marie E Allina Health Bloomington Clinic 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Amin, Sanober A Farhat, Elizabeth Kim Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Pappas, Anastasios Angelo Allina Health East Lake Street Clinic 3024 Snelling Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-775-4900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cherney, Kenneth J Associated Skin Care Specialists, Coon Rapids 3833 Coon Rapids Blvd, Suite 280 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-576-8927 Mischke, John Daniel Pakzad, Soheil Y Squires, Jeffrey A Associated Skin Care Specialists, Eden Prairie 18315 Cascade Drive, Suite 150 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-934-7336 Fish, Frederick S Hanson, Holly Christine Associated Skin Care Specialists, Fridley 7205 University Ave NE, Suite 200 Fridley, MN 55432 763-571-4000 Fish, Frederick S Freed, Jeffrey Michael Hanson, Holly Christine Kempers, Steven Edward Lindholm, Jane S McGinn, Ann F. H. Mischke, John Daniel Norland, Ann M Pakzad, Soheil Y Prawer, Scott Paul Prawer, Steven Earl Weenig, Roger H Associated Skin Care Specialists, Fridley, Osborne Rd Unity Professional Building 500 Osborne Road NE, Suite 330 Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-9024 Fish, Frederick S Squires, Jeffrey A Associated Skin Care Specialists, Maple Grove 9600 Upland Lane N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-416-2380 Freed, Jeffrey Michael Lee, Bailey Christine Lisko, Jane Hammond Mischke, John Daniel Buffalo Clinic 1700 Highway 25 Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-1313 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Ross, Scott M. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 107 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Dermatology SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Dermatology continued) Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Polcari, Ingrid Christina Center for Dermatology 20520 Keokuk Ave, Suite 104 Lakeville, MN 55044 952-469-5003 Zabel, Robert J Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Polcari, Ingrid Christina Dermatology PA 7300 France Ave S, Suite 1629 Edina, MN 55435 952-374-5995 Ide III, Arthur Wheaton Dermatology Center for Children & Young Adults 2795 Pilot Drive, Suite 300 Eagan, MN 55121 651-321-0626 Bloom, Kenneth E Dermatology Specialists, Eden Prairie 775 Prairie Center Drive, Suite 370 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-920-3808 Bender, Mitchell E Bussmann, Michelle A 108 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Chermak, Cally A Cho, Mimi Healy, Jessica Alexander Lee, Jennifer M. Schultz, Peggy Pietuch Dermatology Specialists, Edina 3316 W 66th St, Suite 200 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-3808 Bayrd, Garrett T Bender, Mitchell E Bhardwaj, Sachin Shankar Bussmann, Michelle A Chermak, Cally A Cho, Mimi Creswell, Caleb H Dick, Jennifer E Healy, Jessica Alexander Lee, Jennifer M. Madhok, Rajneesh Schultz, Peggy Pietuch Fairview Clinics, Bloomington, Oxboro 600 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-2651 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Campoli, Michael R Fairview Clinics, Chisago City 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 651-257-8499 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Campoli, Michael R Fairview Clinics, Dermatology South 600 W 98th St, Suite 315 Bloomington, MN 55420 612-273-6099 Campoli, Michael R Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Campoli, Michael R Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Ahmed-Saucedo, Rehana L Farah, Ronda S Hook, Kristen Paige Hordinsky, Maria K. Lee, Peter Kisuk Schram, Sarah Elizabeth HCMC Dermatology Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P7 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Bart, Bruce J Bhardwaj, Sachin Shankar Fenyk, John Raymond Gannon, Tracy F Glesne, Lynn Ann Benson Holt, Susan M Jaimes, Juan Pablo Norland, Ann M Scheuer, Elyse H Scott, Jack C. Tergin, Helen Filo S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS HCMC Golden Valley Clinic 5653 Duluth Street Minneapolis, MN 55422 612-873-6963 Warshaw, Erin M HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Bart, Bruce J Fenyk, John Raymond Glesne, Lynn Ann Benson Scheuer, Elyse H Vance, James C Speaks German North Memorial Clinic, Camden 4209 Webber Parkway, Suite130 Minneapolis, MN 55412 763-581-5750 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Elk River Physicians 800 Freeport Ave NW, Suite 100A Elk River, MN 55330 763-581-5200 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Golden Valley Family Physicians 8301 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-581-5150 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Center 5615 Xerxes Avenue N, Suite D Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-581-5630 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 102B Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5900 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Park Family Physicians 8559 Edinbrook Parkway, Suite 100 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-581-5660 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Ridgedale 2000 Plymouth Road, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55305 763-581-5250 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Northeast Family Physicians 327 Central Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-1119 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Camden Physicians Maple Grove 12000 Elm Creek Blvd, Suite 130 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5800 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Camden Physicians Plymouth 9750 Rockford Rd Plymouth, MN 55442 763-581-5700 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Clinic, Plymouth City Center 15535 34th Ave N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-581-0907 Roelke, Craig Thomas SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Vance, James C Speaks German Warshaw, Erin M North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Blaine) 1420 109th Ave NE, Suite 110 Blaine, MN 55449 763-581-5550 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Shah, Neil A C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 109 SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Dermatology continued) North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Saint Anthony) 2600 39th Ave NE Saint Anthony, MN 55421 763-520-2980 Roelke, Craig Thomas Shah, Neil A North Memorial Urgent Care, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 125 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-981-3600 Shah, Neil A Parkside Specialty Services Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite M50 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Bart, Bruce J Glesne, Lynn Ann Benson Vance, James C Speaks German Warshaw, Erin M Ridgeview Chaska Clinic 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd, Suite 115N Chaska, MN 55338 952-361-2450 Scott, Riddell W Utz, Maureen P Ridgeview Delano Clinic 916 Saint Peter Ave Delano, MN 55328 952-442-7800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Utz, Maureen P 110 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Ridgeview Excelsior Clinic 675 Water St Excelsior, MN 55331 952-906-7855 Utz, Maureen P Ridgeview Rehab Services, Waconia 501 S Maple St Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2191 Myers, David J Speaks Portuguese Ridgeview Specialty Clinic, Dermatology 560 S Maple St, Suite 120 Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-3188 Utz, Maureen P Skin Care Doctors, Burnsville 14000 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 304 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-898-1600 Ahmed-Saucedo, Rehana L Ebertz, Michael J Farrell, April Lee Gehrig, Kathryn Amelia Hoffman, Allison Anne Lam, Mimi Speaks Chinese Samuelson, Jeffrey Neil Walid-DaJani, Zeina Ahmad Skin Care Doctors, Edina Centennial Lakes Medical Center 7373 France Ave S, Suite 304 Edina, MN 55435 952-898-1600 Ebertz, Michael J Lam, Mimi Speaks Chinese Samuelson, Jeffrey Neil Walid-DaJani, Zeina Ahmad Skin Care Doctors, Orono 2765 Kelley Parkway, Suite 100 Orono, MN 55356 952-898-1600 Ebertz, Michael J Farrell, April Lee Lam, Mimi Speaks Chinese Leitch, Nancy A. Samuelson, Jeffrey Neil Walid-DaJani, Zeina Ahmad Southwest Dermatology Specialists 6425 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 202 Richfield, MN 55423 612-869-2086 Groth, David W Holt, Susan M University of Minnesota Physicians, Blood and Marrow Transplant Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Suite 5-100 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-262-2663 Hordinsky, Maria K. University of Minnesota Physicians, Dermatology Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Fifth Floor Clinic 5A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-4463 Ahmed-Saucedo, Rehana L Bender, Mitchell E Bershow, Andrea L Bohjanen, Kimberly A S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Physicians, Laboratory, Medicine & Pathology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, D242 Mayo Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-9171 Kaye, Valda N Wilke, Mark S University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Polcari, Ingrid Christina University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Bohjanen, Kimberly A Boull, Christina Lee Fenyk, John Raymond Groth, David W Holmes, Hubert Spencer Hook, Kristen Paige Hordinsky, Maria K. Lee, Peter Kisuk Maguiness, Sheilagh M Polcari, Ingrid Christina University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Polcari, Ingrid Christina Uptown Dermatology 1221 W Lake Street, Suite 208 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-455-3200 Ahmed-Saucedo, Rehana L Endocrinology Abbott Northwestern Specialty Clinic Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E 28th Street, Suite 440 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-336-5000 Mulmed, Lawrence N Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bergenstal, Richard M. Schoonover, Christopher Mark Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5225 Lee, Anne-Marie Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Khan, Farha S Speaks Urdu Salama, Samir Naguib Allina Health Cottage Grove Clinic 8611 W Point Douglas Road S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-458-1884 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Swiglo, Brian Alan C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 111 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Boull, Christina Lee Briden, Marie E Cho, Mimi Creswell, Caleb H Farah, Ronda S Fenyk, John Raymond Foman, Neal Alan Glesne, Lynn Ann Benson Groth, David W Holmes, Hubert Spencer Hook, Kristen Paige Hordinsky, Maria K. Kaplan, Daniel H Lee, Peter Kisuk Meekins, Gregg David Miller, Daniel D Polcari, Ingrid Christina Prawer, Scott Paul Prawer, Steven Earl Ray, Theresa Lynn Schram, Sarah Elizabeth Smith, Cindy Firkins Soutor, Carol A. Vehe, Cynthia L Warshaw, Erin M Zelickson, Brian D SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Endocrinology continued) Allina Health Edina Clinic 7500 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-835-1311 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Godsall, Jonathan W. Allina Health Elk River Clinic 14181 Business Center Dr NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-236-0500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Lee, Anne-Marie Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Benedict, Luke E Allina Health Nicollet Mall Clinic Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-8883 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Manickam, Buvana Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Mulmed, Lawrence N 112 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Richfield Clinic 407 W 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-798-8800 Godsall, Jonathan W. Allina Health Shakopee Clinic 1601 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3535 Godsall, Jonathan W. Allina Health Shoreview Clinic 4194 N Lexington Ave Shoreview, MN 55126 651-483-5461 Abid, Munir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Allina Health United Medical Specialties John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Ave, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 Abid, Munir Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Benedict, Luke E Corbett, Victor A. Gandhi, Gunjan Y Speaks Gujarati Speaks Hindi Katz, Harold H Schoonover, Christopher Mark Swiglo, Brian Alan Wiberg, James J Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Swiglo, Brian Alan Axis Medical Center 1801 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 105 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-823-2947 Semakula, Crispin J Speaks French Speaks Swahili Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Moran, Antoinette M Nathan, Brandon Michael Petryk, Anna Sarafoglou, Kyriakie Sunni, Muna Senussi Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Moran, Antoinette M Nathan, Brandon Michael Petryk, Anna Sarafoglou, Kyriakie Children’s Specialty Clinic, Minneapolis 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6000 Abuzzahab, Mary J Endocrinology Clinic of Minneapolis Edina 7701 York Ave S, Suite 180 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7810 Chow, John T Doeden, Bradley M S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, Eagan Fairview Eagan Medical 1440 Duckwood Drive Eagan, MN 55123 651-406-8860 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Ebrahim, Ayesha Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Stiles, Monica C Fairview Clinics, Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Harindhanavudhi, Tasma Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Bantle, John P Burmeister, Lynn A Damario, Mark A Moran, Antoinette M Nathan, Brandon Michael Petryk, Anna Phipps, William Revelle Radulescu, Angela I Sarafoglou, Kyriakie Sibley, Shalamar Dionne HCMC Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology (HCDE) Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 206 Minneapolis, MN 55404 912-873-6800 Fish, Lisa H Speaks Spanish HCMC Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P7 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-4600 Jones, Sidney Amos Kempainen, Sarah Elizabeth HCMC Internal Medicine Clinic at Parkside Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 206 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-7534 Khowaja, Ameer HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Fish, Lisa H Speaks Spanish Khowaja, Ameer HCMC Specialty Clinics 914 S 8th St, Shapiro 140 Minneapolis, MN 55440 612-873-6800 Fish, Lisa H Speaks Spanish Jones, Sidney Amos Semakula, Crispin J Speaks French Speaks Swahili Stuart, David D Wingert, Terence Duane Hennepin Diabetes Center & Endocrinology HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, Mail 860 D-1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-347-6800 Fish, Lisa H Speaks Spanish Jones, Sidney Amos Kempainen, Sarah Elizabeth Semakula, Crispin J Speaks French Speaks Swahili Stuart, David D Tesfaye, Nolawit Speaks Amharic Neighborhood HealthSource 3300 Fremont Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55412 612-588-9411 HCMC certified nurse midwives practice here. Chow, Lisa Senye NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Pyzdrowski, Kathryn L C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 113 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Laedtke, Thomas William Mattison, Rebecca S. Ruegemer, J Jeffrey SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Endocrinology continued) Schuster Clinic For Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Minneapolis 4999 France Ave S, Suite 255 Minneapolis, MN 55410 952-920-8386 Schuster, Lawrence David Schuster Clinic For Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Plymouth WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 215 Plymouth, MN 55441 952-920-8386 Schuster, Lawrence David Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists, Edina Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 225 Edina, MN 55439 952-946-9777 Ternand, Christine L. University of Minnesota Physicians, Delaware Street Clinic 208 13th Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-625-4680 Robertson, Roderick Paul Saeed, Asad Speaks Urdu University of Minnesota Physicians, Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Suite 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-8690 Bantle, John P 114 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Billington, Charles John Burmeister, Lynn A Polgreen, Lynda Elizabeth University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview 6401 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-502-6602 Adkisson, Wayne Owen University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Moran, Antoinette M Nathan, Brandon Michael Petryk, Anna Sarafoglou, Kyriakie University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Suite 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Bantle, John P Beckman, Tiffany R Billington, Charles John Burmeister, Lynn A Caramori, Maria Luiza Avancini Kendall, David M. Matfin, Glenn Radulescu, Angela I Redmon, James B. Robertson, Roderick Paul Saeed, Asad Speaks Urdu Seaquist, Elizabeth R. Sibley, Shalamar D Sibley, Shalamar Dionne University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Burnsville Fairview Ridges Hospital 305 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 372 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2910 Nathan, Brandon Michael Petryk, Anna Sunni, Muna Senussi University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Moran, Antoinette M Nathan, Brandon Michael Petryk, Anna Sarafoglou, Kyriakie University of Minnesota Physicians - Reproductive Medicine Center Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-627-4564 Damario, Mark A University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Moran, Antoinette M Nathan, Brandon Michael Sarafoglou, Kyriakie S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Physicians, Surgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 1st Floor 1E Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6666 Beckman, Tiffany R Billington, Charles John Chow, Lisa Senye Sibley, Shalamar Dionne University of Minnesota Physicians, Urology Clinic Riverside 4201 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 215 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 612-624-9422 Redmon, James B. University of Minnesota Physicians, Women’s Health Center Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE First Floor 1C Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-3444 Damario, Mark A Gastroenterology Allina Health Farmington Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 Gadek, Martin J Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Pieper-Bigelow, Christina M Allina Health Nininger Clinic 1285 Nininger Road Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4200 Pieper-Bigelow, Christina M Allina Health Northfield Clinic 1400 Jefferson Road Northfield, MN 55057 507-663-9000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Gadek, Martin J Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Goldman, Deborah A Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Goldman, Deborah A Fairview Clinics, Edina Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-848-5600 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Tanghe, Jan H Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Abraham, James M Lake, John R Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center-(Physician Billing) Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Abraham, James M Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Abraham, James M Khoruts, Alexander Thompson, Julie A Yakshe, Paul N SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS University of Minnesota Physicians, Specialty Clinic For Children Fairview Ridges Hospital 305 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 372 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2921 Nathan, Brandon Michael HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 115 SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Gastroenterology continued) Albrecht, Jeffrey H Brosam, Aaron F Farah, Khalil Kinney, Timothy P Peine, Craig J HCMC Parkside Multispecialty Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Farah, Khalil Jafri, Irshad H Speaks Bengali Speaks Urdu Lai, Rebecca Wing Speaks Chinese Tiewala, Mustafa Abdulhusain Speaks Gujarati Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Hennepin Comprehensive Cancer Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, B1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6369 Albrecht, Jeffrey H Metropolitan Gastrointestinal Specialists 17322 91st Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55311 612-416-0799 Kromhout, James P. Minnesota Endoscopy Center 2635 University Ave W, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55114 612-871-1145 Vaughn, Byron P 116 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Minnesota Gastroenterology, Coon Rapids 9145 Springbrook Drive NW Suite 300 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 612-871-1145 Chen, Zongyu J Leon, Samuel H Sandozi, Irfan Khan Minnesota Gastroenterology, Saint Paul University Ave 2200 University Ave W, Suite 120 Saint Paul, MN 55114 612-870-5555 Chally, Cecil H Fallon, Elizabeth Joan Mulvahill, Amy S Rank, Jeffrey Rudolph, Stephen J Vargo, Paul Michael Minneapolis Radiology Associates, Plymouth 2800 Campus Drive, Suite 30 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7133 Ketover, Scott R. North Memorial Clinic, Arbor Lakes 12000 Elm Creek Blvd, Suite 130 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5800 Grosser, Sara Louise North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Center 5615 Xerxes Avenue N, Suite D Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-581-5630 Grosser, Sara Louise Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Park Family Physicians 8559 Edinbrook Parkway Suite 100 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-581-5660 Grosser, Sara Louise Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Camden 4209 Webber Parkway, Suite 130 Minneapolis, MN 55412 763-581-5750 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Grosser, Sara Louise Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Camden Physicians Plymouth 9750 Rockford Rd Plymouth, MN 55442 763-581-5700 Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James North Memorial Clinic, Elk River Physicians 800 Freeport Ave NW, Suite 100A Elk River, MN 55330 763-581-5200 Grosser, Sara Louise S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS North Memorial Gastroenterology 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 102B Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5600 Grosser, Sara Louise Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Pooler, Pete A Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Golden Valley Family Physicians 8301 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-581-5150 Grosser, Sara Louise Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Camden Physicians Maple Grove 12000 Elm Creek Blvd, Suite 130 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5800 Nemat, Hashim Bin Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 102B Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5900 Grosser, Sara Louise Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Minnetonka Medical Center 15450 Highway 7, Site 100 Minnetonka, MN 55346 763-581-8900 Grosser, Sara Louise North Memorial Clinic, Northeast Family Physicians 327 Central Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-1119 Grosser, Sara Louise Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Clinic, Plymouth City Center 15535 34th Ave N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-581-0907 Grosser, Sara Louise Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James North Memorial Clinic, Ridgedale 2000 Plymouth Road, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55305 763-581-5250 Grosser, Sara Louise Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James North Memorial Clinic, Rockford Road 9750 Rockford Rd Plymouth, MN 55442 763-581-5700 Grosser, Sara Louise North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Blaine) 1420 109th Ave NE, Suite 110 Blaine, MN 55449 763-581-5550 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Grosser, Sara Louise Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Saint Anthony) 2600 39th Ave NE Saint Anthony, MN 55421 763-520-2980 Grosser, Sara Louise Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin North Memorial Urgent Care, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 125 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-981-3600 Grosser, Sara Louise Sanderson, Steven James Platinum Health 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 105 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-383-7818 Yakshe, Paul N C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 117 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Mevissen, Gregory Gerald Nemat, Hashim Bin Sanderson, Steven James Stempel, Jerrold Martin SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Gastroenterology continued) Ridgeview Chaska Clinic 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd, Suite 115N Chaska, MN 55338 952-361-2450 Khan, Sabina Speaks Urdu Riverside Endoscopy Center Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 800 Minneapolis, MN 55454 651-225-7855 Mallery, James Shawn University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Nemat, Hashim Bin Vaughn, Byron P University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Abraham, James M Attam, Rajeev Speaks Hindi Freeman, Martin Lewis Howard, Justin Reinhardt Khoruts, Alexander Lake, John R Nemat, Hashim Bin Shepela, Christopher Jason Speaks German Smith, Coleman Irving Soltis, Ronald D. 118 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Thompson, Julie A Tiewala, Mustafa Abdulhusain Speaks Gujarati Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Goldman, Deborah A University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Goldman, Deborah A University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Goldman, Deborah A Soltis, Ronald D. University of Minnesota Physicians, Surgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 1st Floor 1E Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6666 Attam, Rajeev Speaks Hindi Freeman, Martin Lewis Goldman, Deborah A Khoruts, Alexander Mallery, James Shawn Shepela, Christopher Jason Speaks German Soltis, Ronald D. Thompson, Julie A Vaughn, Byron P Hematology/Oncology Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Fontelonga, Antonio H Morar, Sanda Maria Nagargoje, Gauri G Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5225 Flynn, Thomas P Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Armstrong, Karin Irene Hurley, Randy Allina Health Nininger Clinic 1285 Nininger Road Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4200 Armstrong, Karin Irene Hurley, Randy S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Blazar, Bruce R Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Blazar, Bruce R Miller, Weston P Children’s Primary Clinic, Minneapolis 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6107 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Slomiany, David J Children’s Specialty Clinic, Minneapolis 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6000 Bendel, Anne E Hibbs, Cynthia J Madsen, Linda B McGeeney, Elizabeth A Messinger, Yoav H Speaks Hebrew Moquist, Kristin L Nelson, Stephen C Speaks French Niess, Dawn R O’Leary, Maura Perkins, Joanna L Speaks French Sencer, Susan F Smith II, Clark M Tetzlaff, David P Tschida-Appert, Kristen M Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Ayalew, Getinet D Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Eckfeldt, Craig E Elimelakh, Milena Fujioka, Naomi Ge, Li L Grammens, Gary L Hammerschmidt, Dale E Holtan, Shernan Grace Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Lassi, Kiran K Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Nwaneri, Matthew O Patel, Manish R Peterson, Bruce A Potter, David A Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sachs, Zohar Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Slungaard, Arne Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Warlick, Erica D Weisdorf, Daniel J Yee, Douglas Fairview Clinics, Bass Lake 6320 Wedgwood Rd N Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-268-0400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Elimelakh, Milena Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Ayalew, Getinet D Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Eckfeldt, Craig E Elimelakh, Milena C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 119 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Allina Health North Branch Clinic 38986 14th Avenue N North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-0055 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Morar, Sanda Maria SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Hematology/Oncology continued) Fujioka, Naomi Ge, Li L Grammens, Gary L Hammerschmidt, Dale E Holtan, Shernan Grace Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Lassi, Kiran K Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Nwaneri, Matthew O Patel, Manish R Peterson, Bruce A Potter, David A Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sachs, Zohar Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Slungaard, Arne Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Warlick, Erica D Weisdorf, Daniel J Yee, Douglas Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Ayalew, Getinet D Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Brunstein, Claudio Garcia 120 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Eckfeldt, Craig E Elimelakh, Milena Fujioka, Naomi Ge, Li L Grammens, Gary L Hammerschmidt, Dale E Holtan, Shernan Grace Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Lassi, Kiran K Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Nwaneri, Matthew O Patel, Manish R Peterson, Bruce A Potter, David A Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sachs, Zohar Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Slungaard, Arne Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Warlick, Erica D Weisdorf, Daniel J Yee, Douglas Fairview Clinics, Chisago City 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 651-257-8499 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bachanova, Veronika Bowers, Barbara Jean Gada, Purvi D Greeno, Edward W Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Ayalew, Getinet D Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Bowers, Barbara Jean Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Eckfeldt, Craig E Elimelakh, Milena Fujioka, Naomi Ge, Li L Grammens, Gary L Hammerschmidt, Dale E Holtan, Shernan Grace Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Lassi, Kiran K Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Nwaneri, Matthew O Peterson, Bruce A Potter, David A S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, Edina Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-848-5600 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Nwaneri, Matthew O Fairview Clinics, Elk River 290 Main Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 For Mental Health Appointments call 763-241-5870 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Potter, David A Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Ayalew, Getinet D Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Eckfeldt, Craig E Elimelakh, Milena Fujioka, Naomi Ge, Li L Grammens, Gary L Hammerschmidt, Dale E Holtan, Shernan Grace Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Lassi, Kiran K Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Nwaneri, Matthew O Patel, Manish R Peterson, Bruce A Potter, David A Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sachs, Zohar Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Slungaard, Arne Thirunavu, Meenakshi Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Warlick, Erica D Weisdorf, Daniel J Yee, Douglas Fairview Clinics, Hiawatha 3809 42nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-6261 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Fairview Clinics, Hugo 14712 Victor Hugo Blvd Hugo, MN 55038 651-466-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bachanova, Veronika Bowers, Barbara Jean Gada, Purvi D Greeno, Edward W Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Fairview Clinics, Lino Lakes 7455 Village Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bachanova, Veronika Bowers, Barbara Jean Gada, Purvi D Greeno, Edward W Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Fairview Clinics, Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Elimelakh, Milena Thirunavu, Meenakshi Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 121 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sachs, Zohar Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Slungaard, Arne Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Warlick, Erica D Weisdorf, Daniel J Yee, Douglas SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Hematology/Oncology continued) Fairview Clinics, New Brighton 1151 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 612-706-4500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Elimelakh, Milena Fairview Clinics, North Branch 5366 386 St North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-8353 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bachanova, Veronika Gada, Purvi D Greeno, Edward W Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Fairview Clinics, Rush City 760 W 4th St Rush City, MN 55069 320-358-4784 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Gada, Purvi D Greeno, Edward W Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Ayalew, Getinet D Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Bowers, Barbara Jean 122 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Eckfeldt, Craig E Elimelakh, Milena Gada, Purvi D Ge, Li L Greeno, Edward W Holtan, Shernan Grace Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Lassi, Kiran K MacRae, Margaret Ann Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Thirunavu, Meenakshi Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center-(Physician Billing) Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Chang, Katherine Wei-Lin Mehta, Rohtesh S Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Bowers, Barbara Jean Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Elimelakh, Milena Gada, Purvi D Ge, Li L Geller, Melissa A Speaks Spanish Ghebre, Rahel G Grammens, Gary L Greeno, Edward W Hammerschmidt, Dale E Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Lassi, Kiran K Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Mullany, Sally Anne Patel, Manish R Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Thomas, Rebecca R Yee, Douglas Fairview Ridges Hospital (Physician Billing) 201 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 612-672-5390 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Thirunavu, Meenakshi Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay Ustun, Celalettin Fairview Southdale Breast Center 6545 France Ave S, Suite 250 Edina, MN 55435 952-836-3600 Ghebre, Rahel G HCMC Emergency & Level 1 Trauma Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, R1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-3131 Wiernik, Andres HCMC Internal Medicine Clinic at Parkside Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 206 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-7534 Wiernik, Andres HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Belzer, Michael B HCMC Pathology Lab HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P4 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-3001 Gorlin, Jed B Medical Advanced Pain Specialists 2104 Northdale Blvd, Suite 220 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-537-6000 King, David M HCMC Radiation Therapy HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, B1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6369 Horns, John Willard Mercy Hospital, Mercy Pediatric Hospitalists 4050 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-6000 Miller, Weston P Hennepin Comprehensive Cancer Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, B1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6369 Flynn, Thomas P Horns, John Willard Koreth, Rachel Mathew, Josy Rausch, Douglas J Wiernik, Andres Zera, Richard T Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Burnsville 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-7190 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Blumenreich, Martin S Boente, Matthew P Dien, Philip Y Gall, Matthew T Khoyratty, Bibi S Nashawaty, Mohammed K Rousey, Steven R Savage, John E Sborov, Mark D Schwerkoske, John F Seng, John E Singh, Avina K Wangsness, John A Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Humphrey Cancer Center 3435 W Broadway Ave Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-520-7887 Agheli, Aref Frenning, Daniel H. Levine, Joseph Isaac Pupkes, Jean Borgerding Stella, Amy L Thirunavu, Meenakshi Speaks Hindi Speaks Malay Wang, Hengbing Speaks Chinese C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 123 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Hematology/Oncology continued) Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Coon Rapids 11850 Blackfoot Street NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-712-2100 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Blumenreich, Martin S Cardamone, Joseph M Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J Gall, Matthew T Garino, Lucia A Hammer, Tiffaney J Larson, Timothy George Laudi, Noel Leach, Joseph W Malisetti, Rajini K Mann, Stephen C Nagargoje, Gauri G Schwerkoske, John F Singh, Avina K Tan, Annie Wangsness, John A Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Edina Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 210 Edina, MN 55435 952-928-2900 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Blumenreich, Martin S Boente, Matthew P 124 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J Gall, Matthew T Gupta, Vinay Hussey, Molly A Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Mann, Stephen C Nashawaty, Mohammed K Rousey, Steven R Savage, John E Sborov, Mark D Schwerkoske, John F Seng, John E Singh, Avina K Thurmes, Paul J Wangsness, John A Weinshel, Eric L Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Fridley 480 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-1620 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Blumenreich, Martin S Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J Gall, Matthew T Gupta, Vinay Jacobs, Nisha Lassi King, David M Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Mann, Stephen C Schwerkoske, John F Singh, Avina K Wangsness, John A Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Maplewood 1580 Beam Ave N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-779-7978 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Blumenreich, Martin S Casey, Ann C Childs, Stephanie K Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J Gall, Matthew T Gupta, Vinay Hugec, Vladimir Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Mann, Stephen C Murphy, Bronagh Patricia Penning, Heather A Petryk, Andrzej Sborov, Mark D Schwerkoske, John F Singh, Avina K Wangsness, John A Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Minneapolis 910 E 26th St, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-884-6300 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Bloom, Stuart H Blumenreich, Martin S Boente, Matthew P Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J Flynn, Thomas P Gall, Matthew T Gesme Jr, Dean H Gupta, Vinay Jacobs, Nisha Lassi Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Mann, Stephen C Nashawaty, Mohammed K Nwaneri, Matthew O Rousey, Steven R Savage, John E Sborov, Mark D Schwartz, Burton S Schwerkoske, John F Seng, John E Singh, Avina K Tan, Annie Wangsness, John A Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Zander, Paul J Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Saint Paul University Ave 2550 University Ave W St. Paul, MN 55114 651-602-5335 Childs, Stephanie K Gesme Jr, Dean H Malisetti, Rajini K Thurmes, Paul J Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Saint Paul 345 Sherman St, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5525 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Armstrong, Karin Irene Blumenreich, Martin S Boente, Matthew P Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Ducker, Thomas P Farniok, Kathryn E Flynn, Patrick J Gall, Matthew T Gupta, Vinay Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Lerner, Irving J Lewis, Bruce F Malisetti, Rajini K Mann, Stephen C Nashawaty, Mohammed K Perez, Domingo Gregorio Petryk, Andrzej Rousey, Steven R Sborov, Mark D Schwerkoske, John F Seng, John E Singh, Avina K Toonen, Timothy R Wangsness, John A Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Regions Radiation Therapy Center 640 Jackson St St. Paul, MN 55101 651-254-2039 Bisignani, Mark A Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Waconia 560 S Maple St, Suite 100 Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-6006 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Boente, Matthew P Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J Gall, Matthew T Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Mann, Stephen C Nashawaty, Mohammed K Rousey, Steven R Savage, John E Sborov, Mark D Schwerkoske, John F Seng, John E Singh, Avina K Wangsness, John A Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Minnesota Oncology Hematology, WestHealth Clinic WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 105 Plymouth, MN 55441 612-884-6300 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Blumenreich, Martin S Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 125 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Hematology/Oncology continued) Gall, Matthew T Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Mann, Stephen C Schwerkoske, John F Singh, Avina K Wangsness, John A Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Woodbury 6025 Lake Rd, Suite 110 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-735-7414 Ali, Uzma Amatruda, Thomas T Anderson, Jade G Bailey, Cheryl L Blumenreich, Martin S Casey, Ann C Delaune, Robert Dien, Philip Y Flynn, Patrick J Gall, Matthew T Larson, Timothy George Leach, Joseph W Mann, Stephen C Schwerkoske, John F Singh, Avina K Wangsness, John A Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Radiation Therapy Center at Fairview Southdale Fairview Southdale 6401 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-292-0847 Diaz, Richard F 126 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Bachanova, Veronika Bender, Gail P Blaes, Anne H Bowers, Barbara Jean Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Elimelakh, Milena Gada, Purvi D Ge, Li L Grammens, Gary L Greeno, Edward W Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Lassi, Kiran K Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Mullany, Sally Anne Nwaneri, Matthew O Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Warlick, Erica D Yee, Douglas University of Minnesota Physicians, Blood and Marrow Transplant Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Suite 5-100 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-262-2663 Arora, Mukta Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Kaufman, Dan S McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Miller, Weston P Sachs, Zohar Slungaard, Arne Tolar, Jakub Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory M Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Warlick, Erica D Weisdorf, Daniel J University of Minnesota Physicians, Hematology/ Oncology Clinic 424 Harvard St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5411 Burns, Linda J Dudek, Arkadiusz Z Greeno, Edward W Reding, Mark T Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Yee, Douglas University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Afrin, Lawrence Brian Arora, Mukta Brunstein, Claudio Garcia Burns, Linda J Cooley, Sarah A Datta, Yvonne H Fujioka, Naomi Grammens, Gary L Greeno, Edward W Jacob, Harry S Jha, Gautam G Kaufman, Dan S Kratzke, Robert A Kumar, Priya Speaks Hindi Lou, Emil McClune, Brian L McGlave, Philip B Miller, Jeffrey S Nwaneri, Matthew O Peterson, Bruce A Potter, David A Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sachs, Zohar Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Shehadeh, Nasfat J Skubitz, Keith M Slungaard, Arne Thomas, Rebecca R Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory M Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Warlick, Erica D Weisdorf, Daniel J Yee, Douglas University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Blazar, Bruce R Miller, Weston P Moertel, Christopher L Tolar, Jakub University of Minnesota Physicians, Women’s Health Center Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE First Floor 1C Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-3444 Geller, Melissa A Speaks Spanish Ghebre, Rahel G University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Blazar, Bruce R Miller, Weston P Moertel, Christopher L Tolar, Jakub University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview - Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Clinic 4B Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3600 Beckwith, Heather Christine Haddad, Tufia Christine Holtan, Shernan Grace Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Jacob, Harry S Patel, Manish R Peterson, Bruce A Potter, David A Reding, Mark T Rudrapatna, Venkatesh Krishnamurthy Sachs, Zohar Sahin, Mustafa Behnan Skubitz, Keith M Slungaard, Arne Thomas, Rebecca R Ustun, Celalettin Vercellotti, Gregory Marion Yee, Douglas University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Blazar, Bruce R Hussein, Mohamed Ragae Mahmoud Lou, Emil Miller, Weston P Moertel, Christopher L University of Minnesota Physicians, Surgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 1st Floor 1E Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6666 Zera, Richard T Virginia Piper Cancer Institute 800 E 28th Street, Suite 404 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4633 Cardamone, Joseph M C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 127 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Hematology/Oncology continued) Flynn, Thomas P Fontelonga, Antonio H Morar, Sanda Maria Schwartz, Burton S Sullivan, Patsa H Wentworth-Hartung, Nicole Lea Virginia Piper Cancer Institute Unity Hospital 480 Osborne Road NE, Suite 200 Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-5600 Fontelonga, Antonio H Nephrology Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Haroldson, Chad A Schad, Alexander Joseph Allina Health North Branch Clinic 38986 14th Avenue N North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-0055 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Schad, Alexander Joseph Allina Health Richfield Clinic 407 W 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-798-8800 Dahlberg, Rebecca M Hunt, Jennifer Lynn Allina Health Shakopee Clinic 1601 St Francis Avenue, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3535 Hunt, Jennifer Lynn 128 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health United Hospitalist Service 333 North Smith Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8436 Eidman, Keith E Harder, Jennifer L Boynton Health Services, Minneapolis 410 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-8400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Gitter, James Peter Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Karachunski, Peter I Katz, Avi Speaks Hebrew Kim, Youngki Najera, Lydia Rheault, Michelle Nicole Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Hanna, Christian Speaks Arabic Speaks Spanish Najera, Lydia Rheault, Michelle Nicole Children’s Specialty Clinic, Minneapolis 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6000 Najera, Lydia Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Weber, Marc L Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Weber, Marc L Fairview Clinics, Bloomington, Oxboro 600 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-2651 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cross, Dennis Weber, Marc L Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Weber, Marc L Fairview Clinics, Burnsville 303 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-460-4000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bowlin, David L O’Bryan, George T S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Weber, Marc L Fairview Clinics, Eagan Fairview Eagan Medical 1440 Duckwood Drive Eagan, MN 55123 651-406-8860 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cross, Dennis Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Weber, Marc L Fairview Clinics, Hiawatha 3809 42nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-6261 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cross, Dennis Fairview Clinics, Lino Lakes 7455 Village Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Bowlin, David L Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Bowlin, David L Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Boumitri, Mirna Georges Daniels, Barbara S Drawz, Paul Englund Elfering, Sarah Liv Ibrahim, Hassan N Junghare, Milind Yashwant Weber, Marc L HCMC Bone and Mineral Metabolism Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 800 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-873-7717 Berkseth, Robert O Eidman, Keith E HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Berkseth, Robert O Collins, Allan J Dahl, David Clayton Eidman, Keith E Foley, Robert N HCMC Transplant Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 800 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-873-7700 Dahl, David Clayton Israni, Ajay K Kasiske, Bertram L. Speaks German Sahadevan, Meena Silkensen, John Richard Wang, Connie Junling Wang, Jeffrey Hsing-Che HCMC Internal Medicine Clinic at Parkside Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 206 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-7534 Smith, Henry T HCMC Parkside Multispecialty Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Wang, Connie Junling HCMC Parkside Specialty Services Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite M50 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Dahl, David Clayton Eidman, Keith E Israni, Ajay K Kasiske, Bertram L. Speaks German Lee, Vanessa O’Shaughnessy, Eileen A C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 129 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Somerville, James H Tolins, Jonathan P SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Nephrology continued) Sahadevan, Meena Wang, Jeffrey Hsing-Che Intermed Consultants, Ltd Physicians Building 6363 France Avenue S, Suite 400 Edina, MN 55435 612-920-2070 Bowlin, David L O’Bryan, George T Phan, Oliver Tan Slack, Thomas K. Somerville, James H Tolins, Jonathan P Saint Francis Regional Medical Center, EKG Saint Francis Regional Medical Center 1455 Saint Francis Ave Shakopee, MN 55379 952-403-3000 Schroeppel, Jill M. University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview, Behavioral Emergency Center - Riverside West Bank Riverside West Building 2312 S 6th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Somerville, James H University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Issa, Naim Salaheddine 130 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G University of Minnesota Physicians, Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-8690 Spong, Richard Steven University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Daniels, Barbara S Drawz, Paul Englund Ibrahim, Hassan N Junghare, Milind Yashwant Kukla, Alekandra Kinga Manske, Connie L. Muster, Heather A Paller, Mark S. Rosenberg, Mark E. Spong, Richard Steven Weber, Marc L Woerner, Katti Lauren University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Hanna, Christian Speaks Arabic Speaks Spanish Najera, Lydia Rheault, Michelle Nicole University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Hanna, Christian Speaks Arabic Speaks Spanish Najera, Lydia Rheault, Michelle Nicole University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Hanna, Christian Speaks Arabic Speaks Spanish Najera, Lydia Rheault, Michelle Nicole Segal, Yoav University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatrics Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Friedman, Aaron Louis S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Neurology Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates, Edina Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55439 952-914-8100 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Dickens, Deanna L Hanna, Julie Estelle MacBain Abbott Northwestern General Medical Associates, Minneapolis 2800 Chicago Ave S, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4096 Dorn, David P Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Achenbach, Jane M Ingenito, Allan P Roohani, Pezhman Speaks Farsi Truitt, Karen Ann Allina Health Champlin Clinic 11269 Jefferson Highway N Champlin, MN 55316 763-236-0060 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Achenbach, Jane M Allina Health Edina Clinic 7500 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-835-1311 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hanna, Julie Estelle MacBain Allina Health Faribault Clinic 100 State Ave Faribault, MN 55021 507-334-3921 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Abols, Ingrid A Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Dahlquist, Neil R Hyser, Craig Lee Allina Health Mental Health Abbott Northwestern Clinic 800 E 28th Street, Suite 600 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-5327 Keul, Thomas J Selmo, Kathryn K Allina Health North Branch Clinic 38986 14th Avenue N North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-0055 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Achenbach, Jane M Ingenito, Allan P Roohani, Pezhman Speaks Farsi Allina Health Palliative Care, United Hospital 333 North Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8000 Orehek, Eleanor Kelley Allina Health Shakopee Clinic 1601 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3535 Irvin, Amy Jo Associated Clinic of Psychology, Saint Louis Park 1155 Ford Rd Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-378-1800 Bixler, Robin Marie Bluestone Physician Services, Stillwater 270 North Main Street, Suite 300 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-342-1039 Gish, David B C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 131 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Clinic 4B Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3600 Farbakhsh, Kambiz Speaks Spanish SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Neurology continued) Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Karachunski, Peter I MacDonald, John T Children’s Specialty Clinic, Diabetes/Endoc, Saint Paul Gardenview Medical Building 347 N Smith Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 612-220-6818 Huszar, Peter Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Edina 7450 France Ave S, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-832-8100 Suri, Muhammad Fareed Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Belgrade, Miles J Howell, Michael Joseph Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Belgrade, Miles J Howell, Michael Joseph Nixdorf, Kathryn E Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Belgrade, Miles J 132 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Howell, Michael Joseph Kapoor, Pushp R Speaks Hindi Fairview Clinics, Burnsville 303 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-460-4000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Belgrade, Miles J Walk, David Fairview Clinics, Chisago City 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 651-257-8499 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Howell, Michael Joseph Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Belgrade, Miles J Howell, Michael Joseph Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Belgrade, Miles J Howell, Michael Joseph Fairview Clinics, Hugo 14712 Victor Hugo Blvd Hugo, MN 55038 651-466-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Ahmed, Ansar H Fairview Clinics, New Brighton 1151 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 612-706-4500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Belgrade, Miles J Clavel Jr, Alfred L Nixdorf, Kathryn E Walk, David Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Ahmed, Ansar H Hoj, Kenneth B Howell, Michael Joseph Patel, Sima Indubhai Fairview Hand Centers 10961 Club W Parkway NE Suite 200 Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2992 Belgrade, Miles J Clavel Jr, Alfred L Nixdorf, Kathryn E Walk, David Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center-(Physician Billing) Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Pain Management Center, Burnsville Ridges Specialty Care Building 14101 Fairview Drive, Suite 300 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2650 Clavel Jr, Alfred L Fairview Pain Management Center, Minneapolis Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 600 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-5400 Belgrade, Miles J Clavel Jr, Alfred L Nixdorf, Kathryn E Walk, David Fairview Ridges Hospital (Physician Billing) 201 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 612-672-5390 Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Fairview Sleep Center, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N, Suite 202 Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 612-273-5000 Howell, Michael Joseph Ucer, Mustafa O Fairview Sleep Centers, Edina Physicians Building 6363 France Avenue S, Suite 103 Edina, MN 55435 952-924-5678 Howell, Michael Joseph Fairview Sleep Center, Minneapolis Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S First Floor Suite 106 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-5000 Howell, Michael Joseph Ucer, Mustafa O Fairview Sports and Orthopedic Care, Burnsville Ridges Specialty Care Building 14101 Fairview Drive, Suite 300 Burnsville, MN 55337 763-852-6439 Belgrade, Miles J Clavel Jr, Alfred L Nixdorf, Kathryn E Walk, David HCMC Adult Psychiatry Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, Suite S110 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-347-2218 Khawaja, Imran S Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu HCMC Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, G8 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6201 Bundlie, Scott R Howell, Michael Joseph Khawaja, Imran S Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Mahowald, Mark W. HCMC Neurology Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2515 Anderson, David Clifford Beaver, Gary W Bundlie, Scott R Cramer-Bornneman, Michel A Droberg, Pamela A Espinosa, Armantina M Ezzeddine, Mustapha Ahmed Speaks Arabic Speaks French Guliani, Gaurav K Henry, Thomas Reid Janousek, Steven T Langendorf, Frederick G Loavenbruck, Adam James Nance, Martha A. Patel, Sima Indubhai C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 133 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Allen, Jeffrey A Beaver, Gary W Belgrade, Miles J Birnbaum, Gary Carpenter, Adam F Cooper, Scott Evan Fiol, Miguel E Floberg, John Warren Hyser, Craig Lee Kapoor, Pushp R Speaks Hindi Manousakis, Georgios Emmanuel Nissen, Rick Lee Raymond, Gerald Vincent Suri, Muhammad Fareed Walk, David SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Neurology continued) Patrick, Barbara K. Rodriguez, Gustavo Jose Speaks Portuguese Speaks Spanish Sha, Zhiyi Speaks Chinese Shams-Moorkani, Minoo Sharif, Ashfaq A Tiryaki, Ezgi Walczak, Thaddeus Stanley Walk, David Wilner, Andrew N Zacharatos, Haralabos HCMC Parkside Multispecialty Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Bundlie, Scott R Guliani, Gaurav K Tiryaki, Ezgi HCMC Pathology Lab HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P4 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-3001 Smith, Stephen A Speaks French Speaks German HCMC Pediatric Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P7 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2435 Espinosa, Armantina M 134 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G HCMC Surgery Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-8701 Rockswold, Gaylan L John Nasseff Neuroscience Specialty Clinic Nasseff Specialty Center 225 N Smith Ave, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-6550 Asaithambi, Ganesh Corry, Jesse James Dunn, Mary E Gregory, Richard S Hanson, Sandra K Patel, Sheetal R Porth, Karen Gottfried Midwest Spine & Brain Institute, Stillwater 1950 Northwestern Ave, Suite 102 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-3800 Miller, Lynn Marie Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, Burnsville 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 100 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-8516 Abols, Ingrid A Aggarwal, Rajiv Kumar Speaks Hindi Altafullah, Irfan M Speaks Hindi Brodsky, Ivan L Chadwick, Donald J Espinosa, Armantina M Francis, Gail Joan Olive Heiring, Jessica O Horowitz, Charles Haugen Hubbard, Jack E. Idelkope, Bruce Ira Ingenito, Allan P MacDonald, John T Masood, Moeen A Patrick, Barbara K. Peterson, Richard Alvin Rogers, Eve Scott, Leland James Somayajula, Suvarchala Stein, Steven David Tang, Junger Trusheim, John E Zubkov, Alexander Yuri Zwiebel, Felix Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, Coon Rapids (Coon Rapids Blvd.) 3833 Coon Rapids Blvd Suite 100 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-427-8320 Abols, Ingrid A Altafullah, Irfan M Speaks Hindi Bazakos, Elias Peter Brodsky, Ivan L Calkwood, Jonathan C Chadwick, Donald J Enduri, Sailaja Espinosa, Armantina M Francis, Gail Joan Olive Ghazali, Masood R Heiring, Jessica O Horowitz, Charles Haugen Hubbard, Jack E. Idelkope, Bruce Ira Ingenito, Allan P MacDonald, John T Masood, Moeen A Peterson, Richard Alvin Randa, Daniel C Rogers, Eve Scott, Leland James Somayajula, Suvarchala Stein, Steven David Tang, Junger Trusheim, John E Veen, Lyla K Webster, David L Zubkov, Alexander Yuri Zwiebel, Felix Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, Edina 3400 W 66th St, Suite 150 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-7200 Abols, Ingrid A Aldinger, Janiece M Altafullah, Irfan M Speaks Hindi Benish, Sarah Margaret Ann Brodsky, Ivan L Chadwick, Donald J Dong, Xiaoming Espinosa, Armantina M Francis, Gail Joan Olive Heiring, Jessica O Horowitz, Charles Haugen Hubbard, Jack E. Idelkope, Bruce Ira Ingenito, Allan P Kelly, Kristen Marie Kathryn MacDonald, John T Masood, Moeen A Parashos, Sotirios A Peterson, Richard Alvin Rogers, Eve Scott, Leland James Somayajula, Suvarchala Stein, Steven David Tang, Junger Trusheim, John E Usmanova, Yelena V Zubkov, Alexander Yuri Zwiebel, Felix Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, Elk River 290 Main Street NW, Suite 100 Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-0373 Abols, Ingrid A Altafullah, Irfan M Speaks Hindi Brodsky, Ivan L Chadwick, Donald J Espinosa, Armantina M Francis, Gail Joan Olive Heiring, Jessica O Horowitz, Charles Haugen Hubbard, Jack E. Idelkope, Bruce Ira Ingenito, Allan P MacDonald, John T Masood, Moeen A Peterson, Richard Alvin Rogers, Eve Scott, Leland James Somayajula, Suvarchala Stein, Steven David Tang, Junger Trusheim, John E Zubkov, Alexander Yuri Zwiebel, Felix Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, Golden Valley 4225 Golden Valley Rd Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-588-0661 Abols, Ingrid A Aggarwal, Rajiv Kumar Speaks Hindi Aldinger, Janiece M Altafullah, Irfan M Speaks Hindi Birnbaum, Gary Brodsky, Ivan L Chadwick, Donald J Cornelius, Jason R Dong, Xiaoming Espinosa, Armantina M Francis, Gail Joan Olive Heiring, Jessica O Horowitz, Charles Haugen Hubbard, Jack E. Idelkope, Bruce Ira Ingenito, Allan P Kelkar, Praful Madhusudan Kelly, Kristen Marie Kathryn MacDonald, John T Masood, Moeen A Norback, Bruce A Parashos, Sotirios A Rogers, Eve Rogin, Joanne B. Scott, Leland James See, Crispin Somayajula, Suvarchala Stein, Steven David Strobl, Frederick T Stulc, Jessica Lauren Thomson, Ruth Marie Trusheim, John E Usmanova, Yelena V Zubkov, Alexander Yuri Zwiebel, Felix Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, Maple Grove 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 103 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-302-4114 Altafullah, Irfan M Speaks Hindi Dong, Xiaoming Horowitz, Charles Haugen C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 135 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Neurology continued) Somayajula, Suvarchala Tang, Junger Zubkov, Alexander Yuri Minnesota Head and Neck Pain Clinic, Minneapolis 701 25th Ave S, Suite 304 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-339-2353 Clavel Jr, Alfred L Minnesota Head and Neck Pain Clinic, Plymouth 3475 Plymouth Blvd, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55447 763-577-2484 Clavel Jr, Alfred L Neuroscience Institute 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-3200 Eich-Friday, Tacjana Krystyna Orehek, Eleanor Kelley Passini, Barry T Roohani, Pezhman Speaks Farsi Shronts, Richard F. Skinner, Stanley A. Tarrel, Ronald M. Speaks Spanish Vaou, Okeanis Eleni Speaks German Speaks Greek Noran Neurological Clinic, Blaine 11091 Ulysses St NE Blaine, MN 55434 612-879-1000 Burstein, Lawrence Dorn, David P 136 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Ebbers-Furmanek, Christine Ann Eich-Friday, Tacjana Krystyna Evans, Chad Douglas Groeschel, Ana P Speaks Spanish Morley, Gerald K Orehek, Eleanor Kelley Staab, Beth Ann Noran Neurological Clinic, Edina Centennial Lakes Medical Center 7373 France Avenue S, Suite 604 Edina, MN 55435 612-879-1000 Evans, Susan L Speaks German Lux, Fred A Speaks Spanish Minette, Susan E Noran, Steven F Ryberg, Soren A. Noran Neurological Clinic, Lakeville 16372 Kenrick Ave, Suite 100 Lakeville, MN 55044 612-879-1000 Exconde, Rupert E Speaks Tagalog Niemi, Vanda R Schriefer, Thomas N. Tarrel, Ronald M. Speaks Spanish Tienor, Ann T Noran Neurological Clinic, Minneapolis 2828 Chicago Ave S, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-879-1000 Burstein, Lawrence Chiasson, Mary J Dorn, David P Dove, Gerald H Ebbers-Furmanek, Christine Ann Eich-Friday, Tacjana Krystyna Evans, Susan L Speaks German Exconde, Rupert E Speaks Tagalog Friday, Tacjana K Golden, Richard E Speaks Hebrew Groeschel, Ana P Speaks Spanish Janousek, Steven T Lux, Fred A Speaks Spanish Minette, Susan E Morley, Gerald K Niemi, Vanda R Orehek, Eleanor Kelley Roohani, Pezhman Speaks Farsi Ryberg, Soren A. Schriefer, Thomas N. Sethna, Michael P. Shahkhan, Syed Mustafa Speaks Hindi Speaks Urdu Shronts, Richard F. Spiegel, Ronald Harter Staab, Beth Ann Tarrel, Ronald M. Speaks Spanish Tienor, Ann T Todd, Adam Joseph Vaou, Okeanis Eleni Speaks German Speaks Greek wexler, Erika L Young, Mark Loyal Noran Neurological Clinic, Plymouth West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 570 Plymouth, MN 55441 612-879-1000 Chiasson, Mary J Dorn, David P Dove, Gerald H Golden, Richard E Speaks Hebrew Jacoby, Robert G Janousek, Steven T Lebow, Steven S. Morley, Gerald K Ryberg, Soren A. Staab, Beth Ann People Inc, Diane Ahrens Crisis Center 1593 Hewitt Ave Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-645-9424 Ekberg, Paul A People Inc, Riverwind & Anoka ARMHS 317 York Ave Saint Paul, MN 55101 763-862-7944 Ekberg, Paul A People Inc, York Ave Mental Health Clinic 317 York Ave Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-635-0095 Ekberg, Paul A Ridgeview Westonka Clinic, Spring Park 4695 Shoreline Drive Spring Park, MN 55384 952-442-7890 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Heiring, Jessica O University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Banton, Kaysie Lynn Belgrade, Miles J Clavel Jr, Alfred L Dahlquist, Neil R Floberg, John Warren Howell, Michael Joseph Nissen, Rick Lee Nixdorf, Kathryn E Ogilvie, James William Raymond, Gerald Vincent Walk, David University of Minnesota Physicians, Blood and Marrow Transplant Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Suite 5-100 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-262-2663 Karachunski, Peter I University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Anderson, David Clifford Manousakis, Georgios Emmanuel Mccarten, John Riley University of Minnesota Physicians, Neurology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Clinic 1a - Phillips Wangensteen building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-3004 Allen, Jeffrey A Anderson, David Clifford Beaver, Gary W Bushara, Khalafalla O Carpenter, Adam F Cooper, Scott Evan Dahlquist, Neil R Ezzeddine, Mustapha Ahmed Speaks Arabic Speaks French Fiol, Miguel E Floberg, John Warren Gumnit, Robert Jerome Henry, Thomas Reid Hormozdi, Bahram Howell, Michael Joseph Hyser, Craig Lee Kelkar, Praful Madhusudan Lakshminarayan, Kamakshi Leppik, Ilo Elmar Mccarten, John Riley Moriarty, Gerald L Orehek, Eleanor Kelley Patel, Sima Indubhai Raymond, Gerald Vincent Rottenberg, David Allan Santiago, Anthony J Schmalstieg, William Frank Scott, Leland James Sha, Zhiyi Speaks Chinese Shams-Moorkani, Minoo Trusheim, John E Tuite, Paul J Tulloch, John W C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 137 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Neurology continued) Vitek, Jerrold Lee Walczak, Thaddeus Stanley Walk, David Zacharatos, Haralabos University of Minnesota Physicians, Neurosurgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 1st Floor 1A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6688 Freese, Andrew Rodriguez, Gustavo Jose Speaks Portuguese Speaks Spanish Sha, Zhiyi Speaks Chinese Trusheim, John E University of Minnesota Physicians, Otolaryngology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 8-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-7400 Nissen, Rick Lee University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Karachunski, Peter I MacDonald, John T 138 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Karachunski, Peter I MacDonald, John T University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Karachunski, Peter I MacDonald, John T University of Minnesota Physicians, Psychiatry 2450 Riverside Ave, F256/2B West Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-8700 Mccarten, John Riley University of Minnesota Physicians, Surgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 1st Floor 1E Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6666 Banton, Kaysie Lynn Ogilvie, James William University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview, Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Clinic 4B Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3600 Manousakis, Georgios Emmanuel Whittier Imaging, Hennepin County Medical Center 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-873-8083 Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Ophthalmology Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hunter, James A. Lang, Thomas A. Allina Health Bloomington Clinic 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Lang, Thomas A. Allina Health Champlin Eye Services 11269 Jefferson Highway N Champlin, MN 55316 763-236-0601 Christensen, Tracy L Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Allina Health Cottage Grove Clinic 8611 W Point Douglas Road S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-458-1884 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Krassin, Jabin Gregory Speaks Spanish Xiong, Se Cecelia Speaks Hmong Allina Health Eagan Clinic 1110 Yankee Doodle Road Eagan, MN 55121 651-454-3970 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Awad, Omar E Allina Health Farmington Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 Carlson, Keith H. Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Krassin, Jabin Gregory Speaks Spanish Smith, Robert W Xiong, Se Cecelia Speaks Hmong Allina Health Maplewood Clinic 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Destro, Maryanna Lang, Thomas A. Allina Health West Saint Paul Clinic 150 E Emerson Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-241-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Awad, Omar E Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Awad, Omar E Hendrickson, David A Community University Health Care Center-CUHCC 2001 Bloomington Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-301-3433 Danforth, Wendell Calvin Stephens, Jeffrey John Edina Eye Clinic 3939 W 50th St Edina, MN 55424 952-920-2020 Gross, Shawn J Meiusi, Rhondi S Ristad, Donald A. Sondreal, Wesley Dale Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Burnsville Ridgepoint Medical Building 14050 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 101 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-4170 Dewan, Mohit A Everson Jr, Marshall H Gullingsrud, Eugene R. Hasan, Saiyid J Nichols, Carter J Schaefer, Scott T Stephens, Jeffrey John Viggiano, Suzanne R Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Chanhassen 7907 Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-906-7826 Burnes, Keith C Dewan, Mohit A Everson Jr, Marshall H Gullingsrud, Eugene R. Hasan, Saiyid J Nichols, Carter J Schaefer, Scott T Viggiano, Suzanne R SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Awad, Omar E Conrad, Daniel S Engman, Jonathan Harold Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Edina 7450 France Ave S, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-832-8100 Burnes, Keith C Dewan, Mohit A Everson Jr, Marshall H Gullingsrud, Eugene R. Hasan, Saiyid J Nichols, Carter J Schaefer, Scott T Stephens, Jeffrey John Viggiano, Suzanne R C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 139 SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Ophthalmology continued) Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Elk River 290 Main Street NW, Suite 100 Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5878 Burnes, Keith C Dewan, Mohit A Everson Jr, Marshall H Gullingsrud, Eugene R. Hasan, Saiyid J Nichols, Carter J Schaefer, Scott T Stephens, Jeffrey John Viggiano, Suzanne R Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, New Prague 314 E Main St, Suite 5 New Prague, MN 56071 952-758-7862 Burnes, Keith C Dewan, Mohit A Everson Jr, Marshall H Gullingsrud, Eugene R. Hasan, Saiyid J Nichols, Carter J Schaefer, Scott T Stephens, Jeffrey John Viggiano, Suzanne R Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Shakopee 4201 Dean Lakes Blvd Shakopee, MN 55379 952-445-5760 Dewan, Mohit A Everson Jr, Marshall H Gullingsrud, Eugene R. Hasan, Saiyid J Nichols, Carter J Schaefer, Scott T Stephens, Jeffrey John Viggiano, Suzanne R 140 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons, Waconia 560 S Maple St, Suite 110 Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-4445 Dewan, Mohit A Everson Jr, Marshall H Gullingsrud, Eugene R. Hasan, Saiyid J Nichols, Carter J Schaefer, Scott T Stephens, Jeffrey John Viggiano, Suzanne R Edina Retina Consultants Drew Professional Building 6525 France Avenue S Edina, MN 55435 952-345-8200 Johnston, Richard H Eye Care Associates, 24th Street 710 E 24th St, Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-871-0237 Durant, Daniel T Goyal, Dinesh K Murali, Shobana Rubenfeld, Marian R Sher, Neal Andrew Stockenstrom, Trond Alvar Towey, Anne Weber Warshawsky, Robert S Weisbrod, Mark A Eye Care Associates, Nicollet Ave 825 Nicollet Ave S, Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-3076 Durant, Daniel T Goyal, Dinesh K Murali, Shobana Rubenfeld, Marian R Sher, Neal Andrew Stockenstrom, Trond Alvar Towey, Anne Weber Warshawsky, Robert S Weisbrod, Mark A Eye Care Associates, Stinson Blvd 4001 Stinson Blvd NE, LL18 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 612-788-1621 Durant, Daniel T Goyal, Dinesh K Murali, Shobana Rubenfeld, Marian R Sher, Neal Andrew Stockenstrom, Trond Alvar Towey, Anne Weber Warshawsky, Robert S Weisbrod, Mark A Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Lins, Michael E Sadowsky, Alan E Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Sadowsky, Alan E Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Sadowsky, Alan E S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Lins, Michael E Sadowsky, Alan E Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Areaux, Jr, Raymond Gerard Bothun, Erick D Mokhtarzadeh, Ali Sanderson, Jeffrey Paul Fairview Southdale Eye Center 6533 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7138 Horns, Dorothy J. HCMC Acute Psychiatric Services HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, R1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-3161 Scholtens, Thomas Wayne HCMC Ophthalmology Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P7 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6085 Abel, Anne Bhavsar, Abdhish Raman Davies, John B Emerson, Geoffrey G Emerson, Michael V Engel, Kevin C Kaplan, Martin B Larsen, Christine Leeann Manka, Richard Lawrence Speaks Polish Nathenson, Aaron L. Quist, Lawrence Henry Samuelson, Thomas W Schwartz, Gary S. Silbert, Seth Cheng Voelker, Pamela Annette HCMC Parkside Ophthalmology Clinic and Optical Shop Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite M16 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-5278 Abel, Anne Engel, Kevin C Larsen, Christine Leeann Manka, Richard Lawrence Speaks Polish Melicher-Larson, Jill S Nathenson, Aaron L. Scholtens, Thomas Wayne Silbert, Seth Cheng Voelker, Pamela Annette Hennepin County Medical Center, Eye Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave South Block, 4th Floor (now 7th Floor Red) Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-5577 Samuelson, Thomas W Midwest Ear Nose & Throat Specialists, Woodbury 2080 Woodwinds Dr, Suite 240 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-0750 Rosario, Inell C. Smith, Robert W Minneapolis Eye, A UM Physicians Clinic 710 E 24th St, Suite 402 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-871-3611 Boysen, Jess L Christensen, Jeffrey V Davis, Alexander S Rodman, William Pringle NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Browde, Janet C Northwest Eye Clinic, Golden Valley 8501 Golden Valley Rd Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-416-7600 Berestka, John S Day, Daniel Kilgore Ehlen, Timothy J Engel, William Keith Ramsey, Matthew Reuling Schmitt, Nicholas J Sinclair, Janice M Walker, Stanley Dwayne C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 141 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Sadowsky, Alan E SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Ophthalmology continued) Northwest Eye Clinic, Maple Grove Arbor Lakes Medical Center 12000 Elm Creek Blvd, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-416-7600 Anderson, Steven O Berestka, John S Bongard, Bonnie F Day, Daniel Kilgore Ehlen, Timothy J Engel, William Keith Freeman, Richard S Johnston, Richard H Loushin, Gerald P Olsen, Timothy W. Ostrov, Charles S Parvataneni, Mrunalini D Ramsey, Matthew Reuling Schmitt, Nicholas J Sinclair, Janice M Walker, Stanley Dwayne Open Cities Health Center 409 N Dunlap St Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-290-9200 Mental health services available to clinic’s medical patients only. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Troup, Elliot Vanbrugh Bhavsar, Abdhish Raman Gilbert, Howard D. Retina Center, Minneapolis 710 E 24th St, Suite 304 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-871-2292 Bhavsar, Abdhish Raman Emerson, Geoffrey G Emerson, Michael V Jones, Jacob M Ridgeview Chanhassen Clinic 7907 Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-934-0570 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Heeter, James E Saint Paul Eye Clinic, Oak Park Heights 5945 Norwich Ave N Oak Park Heights, MN 55082 651-351-5355 Quick, Susan Jackson Select Eyecare, Coon Rapids 460 Northdale Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-755-3683 Christensen, Tracy L Croissant, Raymond C Engman, Jonathan Harold Hilgermann, George O Horns, Dorothy J. Kaplan, Martin B Leverentz, Stephen B Norman, Mark L Reader, Nathan B Rund, Carroll D Southdale Ob/Gyn Consultants, Edina 3625 W 65th St, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-7001 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Rund, Carroll D Total Eye Care, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE, Suite 130 Blaine, MN 55449 763-257-8421 Bhavsar, Abdhish Raman Total Eye Care, Chisago City 11725 Stinson Ave Chisago City, MN 55013 651-257-8488 Bhavsar, Mary Abdhish Phillips Eye Institute 2215 Park Ave, Suite 406 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-775-8800 Christensen, Jeffrey V Select Eyecare, Monticello 527 State Highway 25 Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-4044 Christensen, Tracy L Total Eye Care, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7720 Erickson, Gunnar J Retina Center, Maplewood 2485 Maplewood Dr Maplewood, MN 55109 612-871-2292 Southdale Eye Clinic 6533 Drew Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7138 Twin Cities Eye Specialists 2221 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 651-690-2020 142 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Mojica, Gioconda Jose University of Minnesota Physicians, Delaware Street Clinic 208 13th Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-625-4680 Olson, Joshua Harlen University of Minnesota Physicians, Dermatology Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Fifth Floor Clinic 5A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-4463 Cameron, John Douglas University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Harrison, Andrew Richard University of Minnesota Physicians, Ophthalmology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 9-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-4400 Bothun, Erick D Christiansen, Stephen P Dev, Sundeep Harrison, Andrew Richard Summers, Carole G University of Minnesota Physicians, Otolaryngology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 8-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-7400 Johnston, Richard H University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Clinic-Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Anderson, Jill S Bothun, Erick D University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatrics Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Anderson, Jill S University of Minnesota Physicians, Specialty Clinic For Children Fairview Ridges Hospital 305 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 372 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2921 Bothun, Erick D Visionworks, Crystal Crystal Gallery Mall 5546 W Broadway, Suite 135 Crystal, MN 55428 763-537-8896 Christensen, Tracy L Visionworks, Elk River Elk Park Center 19166 Freeport St Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-0741 Christensen, Tracy L Dagenais, Verne W. Vitreo Retinal Surgery, Edina 7760 France Ave S, Suite 310 Edina, MN 55435 952-929-1131 Almeida, David Bennett, Steven R Davies, John B Dev, Sundeep Johnson, Jill B. Mittra, Robert Ajit Parke, III, David W Speaks Chinese Quiram, Polly A Ramsay, Robert C Williams, David F Vitreo Retinal Surgery, Minneapolis 710 E 24th St, Suite 103 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-746-1515 Almeida, David Bennett, Steven R Cantrill III, Herbert L Davies, John B Dev, Sundeep Johnson, Jill B. Mittra, Robert Ajit Ramsay, Robert C C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 143 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Eilers, David J Speaks Spanish SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Ophthalmology continued) Ryan Jr., Edwin Hurlbut Williams, David F Vitreo Retinal Surgery, Plymouth West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 510 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-550-1002 Almeida, David Bennett, Steven R Cantrill III, Herbert L Dev, Sundeep Johnson, Jill B. Mittra, Robert Ajit Ramsay, Robert C Ryan Jr., Edwin Hurlbut Williams, David F Vitreo Retinal Surgery, University Ave 2550 University Ave W Suite 135N Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-644-8993 Cantrill III, Herbert L Dev, Sundeep Mittra, Robert Ajit Ramsay, Robert C Ryan Jr., Edwin Hurlbut Williams, David F Orthopedics Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5225 Desousa, Gilson Cesar Harms, Dana Jon Murphy, Michael A. 144 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Doohen, Robert Russell Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Sevilla, Margarita Speaks Spanish Children’s Specialty Clinic, Minneapolis 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6000 Manzanares, James Sandoval HCMC Institute for Bone and Joint Care Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 504 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-2233 Bassuener, Scott Robert Geissler, Jacqueline Amy Luger, Nancy Marie Mirick, Gudrun Elizabeth HCMC Orthopaedic Specialty Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, G2 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-4301 Bassuener, Scott Robert Bert, Jack M. De Souza, Leo J Geissler, Jacqueline Amy Haas, Jonathan C Havel, Paul E Kyle, Richard F Luger, Nancy Marie Mirick, Gudrun Elizabeth Reut, Richard C Varecka, Thomas F Wengler, Robert Arthur Yoon, Patrick HCMC Whittier Clinic 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-545-9000 Yoon, Patrick Midwest Spine & Brain Institute, Burnsville 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 245 Burnsville, MN 55337 651-430-3800 Buttermann, Glenn R Midwest Spine & Brain Institute, Maple Grove 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 105 Maple Grove, MN 55369 651-430-3800 Buttermann, Glenn R Midwest Spine & Brain Institute, Stillwater 1950 Northwestern Ave, Suite 102 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-3800 Buttermann, Glenn R Soderberg Physical Therapy 2040 Douglas Drive N, Suite 203 Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-525-9566 Soderberg, Eldon S S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Twin Cities Orthopedics, Eagan 3440 O’Leary Lane, Suite 102 Eagan, MN 55123 651-452-1509 Holte, David C. Twin Cities Orthopedics, Edina 4010 W 65th St, Suite 404 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-4525 Cove, Jos Adrianus Drake, Douglas A. McCarthy, Clare K Moen, Steven A Raih, Thomas J. Strand, Richard C Szalapski, Edward William Teynor, Joseph T Urban, Mark A University of Minnesota Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgery (7th St) 2512 S 7th St, Suite R-102 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-9400 Arendt, Elizabeth A Boyd, Joel Luvonne Dahl, Mark Thomas Freehill, Michael Q Tompkins, Marc Andrew University of Minnesota Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgery (UH) 424 Harvard St SE First Floor, 420 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-0688 Weber, Elizabeth West Otolaryngology/Ear Nose and Throat Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Haberman II, Rex S Manger, Philip M Schneider, Daniel Scott Shefelbine, Sarah Elizabeth Allina Health Bloomington Clinic 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Haberman II, Rex S Manger, Philip M Schneider, Daniel Scott Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Khabie, Nissam Mcdonald, Darren Robert Reddan, Julie C. Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5225 Mcdonald, Darren Robert Murphy, Michael P. Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Carcano, Lisette Giraud Christenson, Thomas E Koutroupas, Steven Speaks Greek Mount, Mark Richard Allina Health Cottage Grove Clinic 8611 W Point Douglas Road S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-458-1884 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Siegel, Leighton G Allina Health Eagan Clinic 1110 Yankee Doodle Road Eagan, MN 55121 651-454-3970 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Johnson, Michael B. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 145 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists, Edina Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 225 Edina, MN 55439 952-946-9777 Sevilla, Margarita Speaks Spanish SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Otolaryngology/Ear Nose and Throat continued) Allina Health East Lake Street Clinic 3024 Snelling Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-775-4900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Schneider, Daniel Scott Allina Health Elk River Clinic 14181 Business Center Drive NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-236-0500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Mount, Mark Richard Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Biel, Merrill Abraham Manlove, Jeffrey C. Vo-Nguyen, Trang T Allina Health Highland Park Clinic 2120 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-241-9600 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cox, Victor S. Schneider, Daniel Scott 146 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Hopkins Clinic 715 2nd Avenue S Hopkins, MN 55343 952-428-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Schneider, Daniel Scott Allina Health Inver Grove Heights Clinic 5565 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-241-9400 Schneider, Daniel Scott Allina Health Maplewood Clinic 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Manger, Philip M Schneider, Daniel Scott Allina Health Nininger Clinic 1285 Nininger Road Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4200 Manlove, Jeffrey C. Allina Health Northfield Clinic 1400 Jefferson Road Northfield, MN 55057 507-663-9000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Haberman II, Rex S Schneider, Daniel Scott Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Vo-Nguyen, Trang T Allina Health Richfield Clinic 407 W 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-798-8800 Vo-Nguyen, Trang T Allina Health Shoreview Clinic 4194 N Lexington Avenue Shoreview, MN 55126 651-483-5461 Schneider, Daniel Scott Shefelbine, Sarah Elizabeth Vo-Nguyen, Trang T Allina Health Vadnais Heights Clinic 1155 E County Road E, Suite 100 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-241-9200 Schneider, Daniel Scott Allina Health West Saint Paul Clinic 150 E Emerson Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-241-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Vo-Nguyen, Trang T Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Johnson, Michael B. S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Correll, Colleen Kelly Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Correll, Colleen Kelly Children’s Specialty Clinic, Diabetes/Endocrinology, Minneapolis 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 651-220-6818 Sidman, James D. Tibesar, Robert James Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic and Hearing Center 7300 France Ave S, Suite 420 Edina, MN 55435 952-832-5252 Getnick, Geoffrey Scott Tedford, Thomas M. Ear Nose & Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota, Burnsville Ridgeview Office Building 303 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 333 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-3050 Biel, Merrill Abraham Brown, Carl A Christiansen, Thomas Allan Evan, Karin E Garvis, Gary E. Garvis, William J Griebie, Matthew S Johnson, Michael B. Khabie, Nissam Levinson, Richard Marc Manlove, Jeffrey C. Murphy, Michael P. Reddan, Julie C. Sigel, Melvin E Soumekh, Benhoor Thomas, Jon V. Ulvestad, Rolf F Zieske, Larry A Ear Nose & Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota, Coon Rapids Mercy Health Care Center 3960 Coon Rapids Blvd, Suite 201 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-421-8443 Biel, Merrill Abraham Brown, Carl A Christiansen, Thomas Allan Evan, Karin E Garvis, Gary E. Garvis, William J Griebie, Matthew S Johnson, Michael B. Khabie, Nissam Levinson, Richard Marc Manlove, Jeffrey C. Murphy, Michael P. Reddan, Julie C. Sigel, Melvin E Soumekh, Benhoor Thomas, Jon V. Ulvestad, Rolf F Zieske, Larry A Ear Nose & Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota, Edina Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 650 Edina, MN 55435 952-925-3905 Biel, Merrill Abraham Brown, Carl A Christiansen, Thomas Allan Evan, Karin E Garvis, Gary E. Garvis, William J Griebie, Matthew S Johnson, Michael B. Khabie, Nissam Levinson, Richard Marc Manlove, Jeffrey C. Murphy, Michael P. Reddan, Julie C. Sigel, Melvin E Soumekh, Benhoor Thomas, Jon V. Ulvestad, Rolf F Zieske, Larry A Ear Nose & Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota, Fridley Unity Professional Building 500 Osborne Road NE, Suite 315 Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-7100 Biel, Merrill Abraham Brown, Carl A Christiansen, Thomas Allan Evan, Karin E Garvis, Gary E. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 147 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Buffalo Clinic 1700 Highway 25 Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-1313 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hanson, Ronald D SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Otolaryngology/Ear Nose and Throat continued) Garvis, William J Griebie, Matthew S Johnson, Michael B. Khabie, Nissam Levinson, Richard Marc Manlove, Jeffrey C. Murphy, Michael P. Reddan, Julie C. Sigel, Melvin E Soumekh, Benhoor Thomas, Jon V. Ulvestad, Rolf F Zieske, Larry A Ear Nose & Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota, Minneapolis 2211 Park Ave S, Suite 205 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-871-1144 Barth, Gregory L Biel, Merrill Abraham Brown, Carl A Christenson, Thomas E Christiansen, Thomas Allan Evan, Karin E Garvis, Gary E. Garvis, William J Griebie, Matthew S Johnson, Michael B. Khabie, Nissam Levinson, Richard Marc Liston, Stephen L. Manlove, Jeffrey C. Mcdonald, Darren Robert Murphy, Michael P. Naylor, Michelle Christine Perepelitsyn, Ilya Reddan, Julie C. Service, Geoffrey John Sigel, Melvin E Soumekh, Benhoor Thomas, Jon V. Ulvestad, Rolf F Zieske, Larry A 148 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Ear Nose & Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota, Plymouth WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 205 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-553-0695 Biel, Merrill Abraham Brown, Carl A Christiansen, Thomas Allan Evan, Karin E Garvis, Gary E. Garvis, William J Griebie, Matthew S Johnson, Michael B. Khabie, Nissam Levinson, Richard Marc Manlove, Jeffrey C. Murphy, Michael P. Reddan, Julie C. Sigel, Melvin E Soumekh, Benhoor Thomas, Jon V. Ulvestad, Rolf F Zieske, Larry A Ear Nose & Throat Specialty Care of Minnesota, Saint Paul Gardenview Medical Building 347 Smith Avenue N, Suite 602 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-227-0821 Biel, Merrill Abraham Brown, Carl A Christiansen, Thomas Allan Evan, Karin E Garvis, Gary E. Garvis, William J Griebie, Matthew S Johnson, Michael B. Khabie, Nissam Levinson, Richard Marc Manlove, Jeffrey C. Murphy, Michael P. Reddan, Julie C. Service, Geoffrey John Sigel, Melvin E Soumekh, Benhoor Thomas, Jon V. Ulvestad, Rolf F Zieske, Larry A Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Skogerboe, Rolf N Speaks Chinese Speaks German Thom, Joshua James Yoon, Daniel W Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Skogerboe, Rolf N Speaks Chinese Speaks German Yoon, Daniel W Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Shafiei, Majid Skogerboe, Rolf N Speaks Chinese Speaks German Thom, Joshua James Yoon, Daniel W S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, Eden Prairie Fairview Eden Center 830 Prairie Center Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-826-6500 For Mental Health appointments call 612-672-6999 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Froymovich, Oleg R Speaks Russian Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Shafiei, Majid Skogerboe, Rolf N Speaks Chinese Speaks German Yoon, Daniel W Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Lindquist, Todd D Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Lindquist, Todd D Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Christensen, Kent Twedt Cureoglu, Sebahattin Goding, Jr., George Shepardson Griebie, Matthew S Hsia, Jennifer Chia Chen Huang, Tina Chung-Ting Meyer, Abby Christine Nissen, Rick Lee Shafiei, Majid Skogerboe, Rolf N Speaks Chinese Speaks German Walsh, William Emmett Yoon, Daniel W Fairview Sleep Center, Minneapolis Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S First Floor Suite 106 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-5000 Froymovich, Oleg R Speaks Russian HCMC Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P7 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-4600 Caicedo-Granados, Emiro E Gapany, Markus Speaks Russian Goding, Jr., George Shepardson Haberman II, Rex S Hamlar, Jr, David D Huang, Tina Chung-Ting Lyford-Pike, Sofia Maisel, Robert H. Odland, Rick M Pierce, Brendan Rimell, Franklin L Rosenberg, Robert H Schnitker, Gary E. Skovlund, Sandra M. Walsh, William Emmett HCMC Parkside Specialty Services Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite M50 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Maisel, Robert H. Odland, Rick M Walsh, William Emmett Midwest Ear Nose & Throat Specialists, Woodbury 2080 Woodwinds Dr, Suite 240 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-0750 Becken, Eric Thomas Flohr, Jamie K Gendron, Kristin Bailey Griffin, Garrett R Karlen, Richard G Malone, Barbara N Okner, Thomas L Tolan, Christopher J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 149 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Skogerboe, Rolf N Speaks Chinese Speaks German Yoon, Daniel W SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Otolaryngology/Ear Nose and Throat continued) Minneapolis Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Bloomington 600 W 98th St, Suite 120 Bloomington, MN 55420 952-885-6150 Ayre III, Thomas H Donham, David W Nystrom, Craig S Rapport, Philip N Minneapolis Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Burnsville Oak Ridge Professional Building 625 E Nicollet Ave, Suite 204 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-0361 Ayre III, Thomas H Nystrom, Craig S Rapport, Philip N Minneapolis Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Chaska Chaska Health Center 3000 Chestnut St N, Suite 110 Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-3990 Ayre III, Thomas H Nystrom, Craig S Minneapolis Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Edina Drew Professional Building 6525 France Avenue S, Suite 325 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-4595 Ayre III, Thomas H Rapport, Philip N 150 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Minneapolis Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Shakopee South Valley Health Campus 1515 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 250 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-403-2600 Ayre III, Thomas H Nystrom, Craig S North Memorial Clinic, Minnetonka Medical Center 15450 Highway 7, Site 100 Minnetonka, MN 55346 763-581-8900 Murphy, Michael P. North Memorial Clinic, MultiSpecialty, Robbinsdale Oakdale Medical Building 3366 Oakdale Ave N, Suite 550 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-581-4480 Murphy, Michael P. North Memorial Professional Services North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-581-0989 Hemme, Troy Sommers Murphy, Michael P. Tansek, Karin Maria Williams, Paul Martin Zurek, John F Paparella Ear Head & Neck Institute, Elk River 290 Main Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 Gapany, Markus Speaks Russian Paparella, Michael M Paparella Ear Head & Neck Institute, Maple Grove 9825 Hospital Drive, Suite 102 Maple Grove, MN 55369 612-339-2836 Telisak, Michael Steven Paparella Ear Head & Neck Institute, Minneapolis 701 25th Ave S, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55454 866-316-0769 Cureoglu, Sebahattin Fina, Manuela Gapany, Markus Speaks Russian Paparella, Michael M Peters, Michael D Telisak, Michael Steven William, Avery H Ridgeview Chaska Clinic 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd, Suite 115N Chaska, MN 55338 952-361-2450 Meccia, John W Rhodes, Virgil Terry Southdale Otolaryngology Centennial Lakes Medical Center 7373 France Avenue S, Suite 302 Edina, MN 55435 952-896-3166 Anderson, Craig B Posey, Lisa A Speaks French Rosenberg, Robert H Silver, Robert Daniel S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Physicians, Bethesda Clinic 580 Rice St Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-227-6551 Mental health services available to clinic’s medical patients only. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Fritz, Michael A University of Minnesota Physicians, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic Centennial Lakes Medical Center 7373 France Avenue S, Suite 410 Edina, MN 55435 612-626-5900 Lyford-Pike, Sofia University of Minnesota Physicians, Ophthalmology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 9-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-4400 Boyer, Holly C University of Minnesota Physicians, Otolaryngology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 8-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-7400 Adams, Meredith Evelyn Biel, Merrill Abraham Caicedo-Granados, Emiro Ejwin Christensen, Kent Twedt Cureoglu, Sebahattin Donatelli-Lassig, Amy Anne Gapany, Markus Speaks Russian Goding, Jr., George Shepardson Hilger, Peter A Hom, David B Hsia, Jennifer Chia Chen Huang, Tina Chung-Ting Janus, Seth Chalmers Khariwala, Samir Suresh Levine, Samuel Charles Lyford-Pike, Sofia Maisel, Robert H. Mcdonald, Darren Robert Meyer, Abby Christine Misono, Stephanie Nicole Odland, Rick M Ondrey, Frank Rimell, Franklin L Schneider, Daniel Scott Walsh, William Emmett Yueh, Bevan University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Correll, Colleen Kelly University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Correll, Colleen Kelly University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatrics Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 4-100 Phillips Wangensteen Building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6777 Levine, Samuel Charles University of Minnesota Physicians, Therapeutic Radiology (Wyoming) 5160 Fairview Blvd, Suite 1100 Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-3520 Levine, Samuel Charles Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Abbott Northwestern Hospital Transitional Care 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4000 Gringauz, Raisa Speaks Russian Allina Chronic Pain Management Services 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4000 Martinson, Edward Erick Monsein, Matthew R C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 151 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Meyer, Abby Christine Shafiei, Majid SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation continued) Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Britton, Kenneth Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Kuku, Olaniyi O. Speaks Hungarian Allina Health Maple Grove 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Rizvi, Shambeel Husain Willey, Sean Thomas Allina Health Palliative Care, Abbott Northwestern 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 651-635-9173 Lock, David T Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Huebner, Jennifer Ann 152 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Ramsey Clinic 7231 Sunwood Drive NW Ramsey, MN 55303 763-236-0000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Rizvi, Shambeel Husain Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Krach, Linda E Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Krach, Linda E Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Associates, Minneapolis 800 E 28th Street, Suite 1750 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4495 Beck, Elizabeth Haule Chappuis, Diane M Charry Rodriguez, Orlando Ekstrom, Erik J Elert, Sarah Elizabeth Goldman, Liat Speaks Hebrew Speaks Spanish Helms, Bradley Abbott Herrera, Jun Manalo Hillman, Leslie J Hutchison, Nancy A Leisz, Marie-Christine Lim, Indra Adi Monsein, Matthew R Nelson, Derek J Owen, Richard R. Popp, Megan Mackie Robitaille, Robert Scott Roehr, Charlotte L Sandin, Karl J Seizert, Barbara P Showalter, Carol J Speier, Jennine L Thompson, Marilyn A. Velez, Kareen Amille Speaks Spanish Warhol, Bonnie L Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Associates, Saint Paul Doctors Professional Building 280 N Smith Ave, Suite 333 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8295 Beck, Elizabeth Haule Chappuis, Diane M Elert, Sarah Elizabeth Goldman, Liat Speaks Hebrew Speaks Spanish Helms, Bradley Abbott Hillman, Leslie J Ikramuddin, Farha I Leisz, Marie-Christine Lim, Indra Adi Nelson, Derek J Peterson, Terri Lynn Robitaille, Robert Scott Showalter, Carol J Spiewak, Kristine K Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Haas, Sherri Ann S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, New Brighton 1151 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 612-706-4500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Huntoon, Elizabeth Ann Fairview Hand Centers 10961 Club W Parkway NE, Suite 200 Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2992 Atli, Aysel Haas, Sherri Ann Marsolek, Isaac Thomas Paidin, Mark Evan Fairview Pain Management Center, Burnsville Ridges Specialty Care Building 14101 Fairview Drive, Suite 300 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2650 Egyhazi, Rachel Colleen Sommers Haas, Sherri Ann Fairview Pain Management Center, Minneapolis Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 600 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-5400 Egyhazi, Rachel Colleen Sommers Haas, Sherri Ann Paidin, Mark Evan Fairview Ridges Hospital 201 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 612-672-5390 Lee, Jason Allen Fairview Sports and Orthopedic Care, Burnsville Ridges Specialty Care Building 14101 Fairview Drive, Suite 300 Burnsville, MN 55337 763-852-6439 Atli, Aysel Frank Wei, M.D., Edina 6600 France Ave S, Suite 615 Edina, MN 55435 952-926-8747 Wei, Frank Y Frank Wei, M.D., New Prague 301 2nd St NE New Prague, MN 56071 952-926-8747 Wei, Frank Y Health Dimensions Rehabilitation, Inc. (HDR) 1994 E Rum River Drive S Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-5385 Danes, Martha Nikwa, Karin Willis, Jane E HealthEast Hospitalists Service Bethesda 559 Capital Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-326-2400 Rizvi, Shambeel Husain HCMC Neurology Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2515 Roehr, Charlotte L HCMC Parkside Multispecialty Clinic, Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Roehr, Charlotte L HCMC Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2515 Bowar, John F Gerckens, Jennifer Lockman, Steven David Mortimer, Diane Park, Min Jeong Rockswold, Sarah Beth Tonkin, Brionn Kemp MAPS Medical Pain Clinic, Edina 7400 France Ave S, Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 763-537-6000 Cohn, Thomas G Mehta, Rohaan Firdosh C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 153 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Fairview Clinics, Burnsville 303 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-460-4000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Huntoon, Elizabeth Ann SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation continued) MAPS Medical Pain Clinic, Fridley 480 Osborne Road NE, Suite 260 Fridley, MN 55432 763-537-6000 Vacca, Brian Domenic Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology, Golden Valley 4225 Golden Valley Rd Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-588-0661 Krishnamurthy, Murali National Dizzy & Balance Center, Saint Paul 360 Sherman St, Suite 390 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-221-0303 Apte-Kakade, Sunanda MAPS Medical Pain Clinic, Maple Grove 9550 Upland Ln N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-537-6000 Cohn, Thomas G Desai, Mehul Jagdish Minnesota Head and Neck Pain Clinic, Saint Paul 2550 University Ave W, 189S Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-332-7474 Kwon, Mary M Neuroscience Institute 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-3200 Rippe, David Matthew Midwest Spine & Brain Institue, Blaine 11855 Ulysses St NE, Suite 240 Blaine, MN 55434 651-430-3800 Knuff, Stephen Thomas Minneapolis Heart Institute Vascular Specialists Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E 28th Street, Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-6800 Kang, Edward Park Midwest Spine & Brain Institute, Burnsville 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 245 Burnsville, MN 55337 651-430-3800 Knuff, Stephen Thomas National Dizzy & Balance Center, Burnsville 162 Cobblestone Lane Burnsville, MN 55337 952-808-9000 Apte-Kakade, Sunanda Midwest Spine & Brain Institute, Fridley 480 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 651-430-3800 Knuff, Stephen Thomas National Dizzy & Balance Center, Coon Rapids 320 Coon Rapids Blvd, Suite 200 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-786-6900 Apte-Kakade, Sunanda Midwest Spine & Brain Institute, Vadnais Heights 3640 Talmage Circle, Suite 110 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-430-3800 Knuff, Stephen Thomas National Dizzy & Balance Center, Edina 3400 W 66th St, Suite 385 Edina, MN 55435 952-345-3000 Apte-Kakade, Sunanda 154 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G North Memorial Rehabilitation Clinic North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-520-5409 Krishnamurthy, Murali Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Burnsville 172 Cobblestone Lane, Suite 114 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-908-2710 Ahlenius, William Sven Speaks Spanish Friedman, Deborah A Kraemer, Thomas Frank Stenehjem-Kelsch, Amy Kathleen Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Chanhassan 18912 Lake Dr St E Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-908-2730 Ahlenius, William Sven Speaks Spanish Friedman, Deborah A Kraemer, Thomas Frank S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Edina 6700 France Ave S, Suite 230 Edina, MN 55435 952-908-2700 Ahlenius, William Sven Speaks Spanish Friedman, Deborah A Kraemer, Thomas Frank Stenehjem-Kelsch, Amy Kathleen Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Maplewood 1856 Beam Ave, Suite 100 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-6507 Ahlenius, William Sven Speaks Spanish Friedman, Deborah A Kraemer, Thomas Frank Stenehjem-Kelsch, Amy Kathleen Saint Francis Professional Services Saint Francis Regional Medical Center 1455 Saint Francis Ave Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3000 Seizert, Barbara P Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, Abbott Northwestern 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4457 Hutchison, Nancy A Ikramuddin, Farha I Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, Minneapolis 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4495 Hutchison, Nancy A Peterson, Terri Lynn Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, Saint Paul 333 North Smith Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8290 Hutchison, Nancy A Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists, Edina Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 225 Edina, MN 55439 952-946-9777 Willey, Sean Thomas Twin Cities Orthopedics, Edina 4010 W 65th St, Suite 404 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-4525 Biewen, Paul Christian Twin Cities Pain Clinic 7601 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-841-2345 Will, Andrew J University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Egyhazi, Rachel Colleen Sommers University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Miranda Comas, Gerardo Enrique University of Minnesota Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgery (7th St) 2512 S 7th St, SuiteR-102 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-9400 Agre, James Courtland Crowe, Scott C Leisz, Marie-Christine Sembrano, Roderick Nubla University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Krach, Linda E C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 155 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Physicians Diagnostic & Rehabilitation, Coon Rapids 320 Coon Rapids Blvd, Suite 100 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 952-908-2580 Ahlenius, William Sven Speaks Spanish Apte-Kakade, Sunanda Friedman, Deborah A Kraemer, Thomas Frank Stenehjem-Kelsch, Amy Kathleen SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation continued) University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Krach, Linda E University of Minnesota Physicians, Radiology 500 Harvard St SE, 1st Floor 1D Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-273-6004 Dykstra, Dennis D University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview, Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Clinic 4B Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3600 Haas, Sherri Ann Paidin, Mark Evan Virginia Piper Cancer Institute 800 E 28th Street, Suite 404 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4633 Goldman, Liat Speaks Hebrew Speaks Spanish Hutchison, Nancy A Sielaff, Timothy D Radiology/Nuclear Medicine Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Diagnostic Imaging Center Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 120 Edina, MN 55439 952-914-8200 Lee, Peter Uang-Yin 156 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Abbott Northwestern WestHealth Imaging West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7133 Arslanlar, Norman Delgado-Almandoz, Josser Eduardo Speaks Spanish Donovan, Charles Barry DuCret, Rene Pierre Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Aizpuru, Richard N Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arsenault, Todd M Austin, Mark John Baldwin, Matthew T Baraga, Joseph John Berens, Bruce M. Binder, Curtis L Bowman Seitz, Tara S Bryan, Erich Nathaniel Bryson, Thomas C Carlson, Annelisa May Carlson, Blake A Carolan, Paul R Caspers, John M Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Doyscher, Mark W Drake, David G Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Frecentese, Dominic F Gilloon, Benjamin A Goddard, James K Grogan, Michael J Hite, Stephen Howard Hommeyer, Steven C Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Jackson, Christopher A Johnson, Adam C Kane, Jon P. Knutzen, Anders M Kovar, Joseph L. Lambert, David P Larson, David Arthur Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Loe, Matthew James Longley, Deborah G Madison, Michael T Magnuson, Jeffrey E Matson, Thomas Cart May, Benjamin J Mulcahy, Paul F Muschenheim, Alexandra L Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Passe, Theodore J Phelan, Jeffrey S Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Rathmann, Gregory A Rhodes, Nicholas G Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tai, Angela W Tran, Huy Quoc Tummala, Anuradha K Veldman, Sara Beth Weinmann, Robert H Weisensee, Anne M Werner, Jeff David Wiese, Don E Wold, Peter Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Blaine Clinic 10705 Town Square Drive NE Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55449 763-236-5400 Abeln, Ellen Luanne Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kosel, Gary R. McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Bloomington Clinic 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Doyscher, Mark W Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Brooklyn Park Clinic 9300 Noble Parkway E Brooklyn Park, MN 55447 763-236-5300 Abeln, Ellen Luanne Asinger, David Alan Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kollitz, Paul Robert McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Plorde, James J Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Burnsville Clinic 14000 Nicollet Ave S Burnsville, MN 55337 952-428-0200 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Asinger, David Alan Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Beggs, Daniel S Binder, Curtis L Edelman, Kevin R Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 157 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Olsen, John Thomas Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Rust, Paul Robert Salmela, Michael B Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Craig, Keith A Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Hollander, David Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Levey, Richard Michael O’Brien, Patrick John Quinones, Eduardo Spilseth, Benjamin Don Tran, Huy Quoc 158 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Champlin Clinic 11269 Jefferson Highway N Champlin, MN 55316 763-236-0060 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Abeln, Ellen Luanne Asinger, David Alan Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kosel, Gary R. McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Chaska Clinic 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd Chaska, MN 55338 952-448-2020 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Abeln, Ellen Luanne Asinger, David Alan Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Close, Bradley James Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Allina Health Cottage Grove Clinic 8611 W Point Douglas Road S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-458-1884 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Dean Lakes Clinic 4201 Dean Lakes Blvd, Suite 120 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-496-6700 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Eagan Clinic 1110 Yankee Doodle Road Eagan, MN 55121 651-454-3970 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 159 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kosel, Gary R. McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley Olsen, John Thomas Parker, Trudi Phelan, Gregory Plorde, James J Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health East Lake Street Clinic 3024 Snelling Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-775-4900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. 160 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Edina Clinic 7500 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-835-1311 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Elk River Clinic 14181 Business Center Drive NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-236-0500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Abeln, Ellen Luanne Asinger, David Alan Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Constantini, Peter Nels Crook, Sue Ann Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kosel, Gary R. McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Farmington Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Allina Health Farmington Eye Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-241-0870 Sidney, Scott D. Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Forest Lake Clinic 1540 Lake St S Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-7100 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Fridley Clinic Unity Professional Building 500 Osborne Road NE, Suite 255 Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-6011 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Abeln, Ellen Luanne Asinger, David Alan Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 161 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kosel, Gary R. McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Highland Park Clinic 2120 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-241-9600 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Aizpuru, Richard N Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Baraga, Joseph John Berens, Bruce M. Berger, Mark W Binder, Curtis L Bowman Seitz, Tara S Bretzke, Carl A Bryan, Erich Nathaniel Bryson, Thomas C Carlson, Annelisa May Carlson, Blake A Carolan, Paul R Caspers, John M Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Drake, David G Edelman, Kevin R 162 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Frecentese, Dominic F Gilloon, Benjamin A Goddard, James K Grogan, Michael J Hartigan, Andrew S Hite, Stephen Howard Hommeyer, Steven C Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Jackson, Christopher A Johnson, Adam C Kane, Jon P. Knutzen, Anders M Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lambert, David P Lassig, Jeffrey P. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Loe, Matthew James Longley, Deborah G Madison, Michael T Magnuson, Jeffrey E Matson, Thomas Cart May, Benjamin J Mulcahy, Paul F Muschenheim, Alexandra L Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Passe, Theodore J Phelan, Jeffrey S Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Rhodes, Nicholas G Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tai, Angela W Tran, Huy Quoc Tummala, Anuradha K Veldman, Sara Beth Weinmann, Robert H Weisensee, Anne M Wiese, Don E Wold, Peter Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Hopkins Clinic 715 2nd Avenue S Hopkins, MN 55343 952-428-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Inver Grove Heights Clinic 5565 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-241-9400 Aizpuru, Richard N Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Baraga, Joseph John Berens, Bruce M. Berger, Mark W Binder, Curtis L Bowman Seitz, Tara S Bretzke, Carl A Bryan, Erich Nathaniel Bryson, Thomas C Carlson, Annelisa May Carlson, Blake A Carolan, Paul R Caspers, John M Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Ditmanson, Philip M Drake, David G Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Frecentese, Dominic F Gilloon, Benjamin A Goddard, James K Grogan, Michael J Hartigan, Andrew S Hite, Stephen Howard Hommeyer, Steven C Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Jackson, Christopher A Johnson, Adam C Kane, Jon P. Knutzen, Anders M Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lambert, David P Lassig, Jeffrey P. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Loe, Matthew James Longley, Deborah G Madison, Michael T Magnuson, Jeffrey E Matson, Thomas Cart May, Benjamin J Mulcahy, Paul F Muschenheim, Alexandra L Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Olson, Frederick R. Oswood, Mark Christian Parker, Trudi Passe, Theodore J Phelan, Jeffrey S Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Rath, Tanya J Rathmann, Gregory A Rhodes, Nicholas G Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Stone, Matthew R Tai, Angela W Tran, Huy Quoc Tummala, Anuradha K Veldman, Sara Beth Weinmann, Robert H Weisensee, Anne M Wiese, Don E Wold, Peter Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Isles Clinic 2800 Hennepin Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-775-4800 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Shah, Nihar Suman Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Maple Grove 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Abeln, Ellen Luanne C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 163 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Althoen, Morgan Christopher Asinger, David Alan Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Binstock, Aaron Joseph Carlson, Annelisa May Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Hunter, David W Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean Kayfes, Mareve Kosel, Gary R. Kovar, Joseph L. Levey, Richard Michael McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley O’Brien, Patrick John Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Quinones, Eduardo Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Tran, Huy Quoc Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl 164 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Maple Grove Eye 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Behrns, Curt Lee Allina Health Maplewood Clinic 1850 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-241-9500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Aizpuru, Richard N Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arsenault, Todd M Asis, Martin Jose Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Baldwin, Matthew T Baraga, Joseph John Barkmeier, Jeffrey M Berens, Bruce M. Berger, Mark W Binder, Curtis L Block, Nathan D Bowman Seitz, Tara S Bretzke, Carl A Bryan, Erich Nathaniel Bryson, Thomas C Carlson, Annelisa May Carlson, Blake A Carolan, Paul R Caspers, John M Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Ditmanson, Philip M Drake, David G Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Frecentese, Dominic F Gilloon, Benjamin A Goddard, James K Grogan, Michael J Hartigan, Andrew S Hite, Stephen Howard Hommeyer, Steven C Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Jackson, Christopher A Johnson, Adam C Kane, Jon P. Knutzen, Anders M Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lambert, David P Lassig, Jeffrey P. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Loe, Matthew James Longley, Deborah G Madison, Michael T Magnuson, Jeffrey E Matson, Thomas Cart May, Benjamin J Mulcahy, Paul F Muschenheim, Alexandra L Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Passe, Theodore J Phelan, Jeffrey S Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Rath, Tanya J Rathmann, Gregory A Rhodes, Nicholas G Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tai, Angela W Tran, Huy Quoc Tummala, Anuradha K Veldman, Sara Beth Weinmann, Robert H Weisensee, Anne M Wiese, Don E Wittenberg, Keith H Wold, Peter Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Mercy Women’s Health Clinic 11850 Blackfoot Street NW Suite 300 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-9236 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Abeln, Ellen Luanne Asinger, David Alan Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kosel, Gary R. McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Minnetonka Clinc 4729 County Road 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-974-3200 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arslanlar, Norman Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Beggs, Daniel S Binder, Curtis L Bodeau, Geoffrey R Edelman, Kevin R Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Nicollet Mall Clinic Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-8883 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Nininger Clinic 1285 Nininger Road Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4200 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 165 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health North Branch Clinic 38986 14th Avenue N North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-0055 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard 166 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Oakdale Clinic 7400 33rd Street N, Suite 100 Oakdale, MN 55128 651-241-9240 Berens, Bruce M. Berger, Mark W Carlson, Blake A Carolan, Paul R Caspers, John M Ditmanson, Philip M Frecentese, Dominic F Gilloon, Benjamin A Goddard, James K Grogan, Michael J Hartigan, Andrew S Hommeyer, Steven C Jackson, Christopher A Johnson, Adam C Knutzen, Anders M Lambert, David P Lassig, Jeffrey P. Loe, Matthew James Longley, Deborah G Madison, Michael T Magnuson, Jeffrey E May, Benjamin J Mulcahy, Paul F Muschenheim, Alexandra L Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Allina Health Ramsey Clinic 7231 Sunwood Drive NW Ramsey, MN 55303 763-236-0000 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Abeln, Ellen Luanne Asinger, David Alan Behrns, Curt Lee Binstock, Aaron Joseph Constantini, Peter Nels Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Crook, Sue Ann Frerichs, Thomas Roger Halcomb, Joel David Hatfield, Gregory Arthur Heaney, Michael David Houston, Lanning William Jeffers, Adam Bredahl Jose, David Kent Juenemann, Patrick Joseph Kosel, Gary R. McMillan, Mark David Moffit, Suzanne Camille Nielsen, Scott Stanley Olsen, John Thomas Phelan, Gregory Reddy, Anne Mosalie Shah, Nihar Suman Sheedy, Shannon Page Sidney, Scott D. Thompson, Daniel John Williams, Jonathan P Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Richfield Clinic 407 W 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-798-8800 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Savage Clinic 6350 143rd St, Suite 102 Savage, MN 55378 952-728-0200 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Beggs, Daniel S Binder, Curtis L Edelman, Kevin R Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kosel, Gary R. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Olsen, John Thomas Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Shakopee Clinic 1601 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3535 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 167 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wilson, Mark E Wymore, Pamela Jean SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Shoreview Clinic 4194 N Lexington Avenue Shoreview, MN 55126 651-483-5461 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart 168 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health United Bariatric & Weight Loss Clinic 18157 Carson Ct NW Elk River, MN 55330 651-241-6600 Ditmanson, Philip M Allina Health United Lung and Sleep Center Nasseff Specialty Center 225 N Smith Ave, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-726-6200 Bryan, Erich Nathaniel Caspers, John M Ditmanson, Philip M Drake, David G Frecentese, Dominic F Hartigan, Andrew S Hommeyer, Steven C Kurisko, Stanley D. Lassig, Jeffrey P. Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Veldman, Mark William Allina Health United Medical Specialties John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Avenue, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 Aizpuru, Richard N Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arsenault, Todd M Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Baldwin, Matthew T Baraga, Joseph John Barkmeier, Jeffrey M Berens, Bruce M. Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Carlson, Blake A Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Ditmanson, Philip M Drake, David G Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Goddard, James K Goertzen, Timothy C Grogan, Michael J Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart May, Benjamin J Meland, Joseph M. Murray, Philip D. Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Parrino, Suzanne Stephanie Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Preimesberger, Kenneth F Quinones, Eduardo Rhodes, Nicholas G Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health United Women’s Health Clinic Gardenview Medical Building 347 Smith Avenue N, Suite 203 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-7733 Austin, Mark John Allina Health Unity Hospitalist Service Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-5400 Jose, David Kent Kollitz, Paul Robert Moffit, Suzanne Camille Olsen, John Thomas Plorde, James J Wilson, Mark E Wood, Jonathon Karl Allina Health Uptown Clinic 1221 W Lake Street, Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-824-1772 Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Vadnais Heights Clinic 1155 E County Road E, Suite 100 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-241-9200 Aizpuru, Richard N Ali, Azhar T Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arsenault, Todd M Asis, Martin Jose Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Baldwin, Matthew T Baraga, Joseph John Barkmeier, Jeffrey M Berens, Bruce M. Berger, Mark W Binder, Curtis L Block, Nathan D Bowman Seitz, Tara S Bretzke, Carl A Bretzman, Peter A Bryan, Erich Nathaniel Bryson, Thomas C Butler, Robert R Carlson, Annelisa May Carlson, Blake A Carolan, Paul R Caspers, John M Castaneda, Wilfrido Ricardo Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Ditmanson, Philip M Drake, David G Edelman, Kevin R Edmonson, George R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Frecentese, Dominic F Gilloon, Benjamin A Goddard, James K Goertzen, Timothy C Grogan, Michael J Hartigan, Andrew S Hite, Stephen Howard Hommeyer, Steven C Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Jackson, Christopher A Johnson, Adam C Kane, Jon P. Kang, Edith H. Knoedler Jr, John P Knutzen, Anders M Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 169 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Lambert, David P Lassig, Jeffrey P. Lee, David A. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Leon, Jorge A. Loe, Matthew James Longley, Deborah G Ludeman, Lucas Brian Madison, Michael T Magnuson, Jeffrey E Maguire, Frank P. Matson, Thomas Cart May, Benjamin J Mulcahy, Paul F Muschenheim, Alexandra L Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. Page, Graydon T Parker, Trudi Parrino, Suzanne Stephanie Passe, Theodore J Phelan, Jeffrey S Pollock, Robert A Prescott, Trisha Renee Quinones, Eduardo Rath, Tanya J Rathmann, Gregory A Rhodes, Nicholas G Rosenberg, Michael S. Ruzek, Kimberly Ann Salmela, Michael B Savcenko, Vladimir Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Sullivan, Patrick P Tai, Angela W Tashjian, Joseph H. Tran, Huy Quoc Truman, Susan M Tummala, Anuradha K Veldman, Mark William Veldman, Sara Beth 170 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Weinmann, Robert H Weisensee, Anne M Wiese, Don E Wittenberg, Keith H Wold, Peter Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health West Saint Paul Clinic 150 E Emerson Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-241-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Kane, Jon P. Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arslanlar, Norman Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Beggs, Daniel S Binder, Curtis L Bodeau, Geoffrey R Bullis, Brent R Carlson, Annelisa May Craig, Keith A Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Delgado-Almandoz, Josser Eduardo Speaks Spanish Donovan, Charles Barry Doyscher, Mark W DuCret, Rene Pierre Edelman, Kevin R Ehrenwald, Eduardo Speaks Spanish Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Fry, Stephen M Gordon, Jeffrey Don Gramith, Frederick C Groebner, Nathan Jeffrey Haines, Gregory A Hassell, Douglass Sterry Hestness, Mary J. Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Hunter, David W S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Center for Children with Cancer and Blood Disease 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Cho, Chinsoo L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Lee, Chung K Reynolds, Margaret A Wang, Xin Yuan, Jiangling Center for Diagnostic Imaging, Burnsville 675 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-898-6627 Bold, Jonathan Wyatt Brick, Steven Howard Broadbent, Lorin P Burkholz, Kimberly Joyce Busselberg, Peter D Caldemeyer, Karen Stark Chilukuri, Ananthakrishna Chopra, Sharad Cooperman, Andrew E Cunningham, Charles T Deguzman, Ramon Ramirez Eklund, John A Fritts, Hollis Gilbert Jr, Thomas J Golden, Marshall J Gundry, Cooper Johnson, Blake A. Mullin, William J Nyarko, Stanley J Pobiel, Ronald S Schellhas, Kurt P Snyder, Kevin Eric Syed, Zeba A Center for Diagnostic Imaging, Eden Prairie 775 Prairie Center Drive, Suite 1 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-294-8222 Ang, Roberto K Cooperman, Andrew E Cumming, Michael J Cunningham, Charles T Eklund, John A Fritts, Hollis Gilbert Jr, Thomas J Golden, Marshall J Gundry, Cooper Johnson, Blake A. Mullin, William J Pobiel, Ronald S Pollei, Steven R Schellhas, Kurt P Spanbauer, Jennifer C Syed, Zeba A Walker, Sidney Patton Center for Diagnostic Imaging, Eden Prairie East 800 Prairie Center Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-738-4422 Ang, Roberto K Bove, Peter Broadbent, Lorin P Chopra, Sharad Cooperman, Andrew E Cunningham, Charles T Eklund, John A Ford, William J Fritts, Hollis Gilbert Jr, Thomas J Golden, Marshall J Gundry, Cooper Hayt, Michael Warren Heithoff, Kenneth B Johns, Christopher M. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 171 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Ibach, Thomas Jerry Inampudi, Subbarao Speaks Hindi Johnson, Brandon R Kane, Jon P. Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean Kayan, Yasha Kayfes, Mareve Kersten, Jennifer Lee Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mehling, Jason Aaron Mills, David John Myhra-Bloom, Karla G Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Oswood, Mark Christian Parker, Robin John Parker, Trudi Perl II, John Peterson, Jeffrey Justin Plunkett, Michael B Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Raile, Geoffrey Daniel Rust, Paul Robert Salmela, Michael B Scheurer, Kurt K. Schmitz, John Joseph Schneider, Lisa J. Schopp, Jennifer G Schularick, Martin W Schumacher, Clark William Shearer, Damon D Sidney, Scott D. Tillotson, Christopher L Tran, Huy Quoc Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Johnson, Blake A. Kallas, Kerry M Kapoor, Vibhu Lechner, Mary Carol Mullin, William J Myers, Mark E Pobiel, Ronald S Schellhas, Kurt P Snyder, Kevin Eric Center for Diagnostic Imaging, Minnetonka 14001 Ridgedale Dr, Suite 300 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-738-4415 Ang, Roberto K Bove, Peter Broadbent, Lorin P Chopra, Sharad Cooperman, Andrew E Cunningham, Charles T Eklund, John A Ford, William J Fritts, Hollis Gilbert Jr, Thomas J Golden, Marshall J Gundry, Cooper Hayt, Michael Warren Heithoff, Kenneth B Johns, Christopher M. Johnson, Blake A. Kallas, Kerry M Kapoor, Vibhu Lechner, Mary Carol Mullin, William J Myers, Mark E Pobiel, Ronald S Schellhas, Kurt P Snyder, Kevin Eric 172 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Center for Diagnostic Imaging, Saint Louis Park 5775 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 190 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-541-1840 Ang, Roberto K Bates, Susan Marie Bownds, Shannon Eloi Broadbent, Lorin P Cavazos, Cristina Margarita Chopra, Sharad Cooperman, Andrew E Cumming, Michael J Cunningham, Charles T Dalle, John Gregory Detlie, Tore Durkee, Nathaniel Jarrod Eklund, John A Elsass, Kelcey Dawn Fitzwater-Dutton, Amanda Kristine Fritts, Hollis Gilbert Jr, Thomas J Goel, Nirmit Golden, Marshall J Goni, Michelle Speaks Spanish Gundry, Cooper Heithoff, Kenneth B Johnson, Blake A. Kim, David Keesu Lechner, Mary Carol Magno, Rebecca Marie McDonnell, Kevin Michael Miller, Leslie Scott Montecalvo, Raymond Michael Mullin, William J Myers, Mark E Novick, Michael Kevin Osborne, Thomas Floyd Pobiel, Ronald S Pollei, Steven R Rule, John Paul Schellhas, Kurt P Schreiner, Virginia Carol Serra, Kenneth L Snyder, Kevin Eric Strong, Benjamin Waite Sullivan, James H Syed, Zeba A Theoharis, Jennifer Anne Toothman, Richard Lee Tuckman, Glenn Andrew Turner, James Haskew Uytana, Vinson Louis Walker, Sidney Patton Center for Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Cho, Chinsoo L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Lee, Chung K Reynolds, Margaret A Wang, Xin Yuan, Jiangling Children’s, Pediatric Radiology, Minneapolis 2525 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6248 Ramos, Yanerys M Children’s, Pediatric Radiology, Minnetonka 6050 Clearwater Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343 612-813-6248 Ramos, Yanerys M S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Consulting Radiologists, Edina Imaging Center 3955 Parklawn Avenue S Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-285-3720 Asis, Martin Jose Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Inampudi, Subbarao Speaks Hindi Miller, Steven J Pollock, Robert A Reddy, Anne Mosalie Walker, Sidney Patton Consulting Radiologists, Plymouth Imaging 15700 37th Ave N, Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55446 763-509-4720 Asis, Martin Jose Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Ehrenwald, Eduardo Speaks Spanish Inampudi, Subbarao Speaks Hindi Miller, Steven J Reddy, Anne Mosalie Walker, Sidney Patton Consulting Radiologists, Southdale Imaging Center Drew Professional Building 6525 France Avenue S, Suite 110 Edina, MN 55435 952-915-4320 Asis, Martin Jose Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Hestness, Mary J. Inampudi, Subbarao Speaks Hindi Miller, Steven J Reddy, Anne Mosalie Walker, Sidney Patton Edina Family Physicians 5301 Vernon Ave S Edina, MN 55436 952-925-2200 Arslanlar, Norman Sidney, Scott D. Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Miller, Gary J Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Golzarian, Jafar Speaks Farsi Speaks French Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Miller, Gary J Misselt, Andrew J Snyder, Gregory B Speaks Spanish Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Miller, Gary J Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Miller, Gary J Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Cayci, Zuzan Dietz Jr, Charles A Dietz, Kelly Renee Ellermann, Jutta Flanagan, Siobhan Moira Golzarian, Jafar Speaks Farsi Speaks French Hoggard, Eric J Holm, Tara L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Kieffer, Stephen A Knoll, Barbara Marette, Shelly A McKinney IV, Alexander M Miller, Gary J Misselt, Andrew J Nascene, David Ross Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Rohr, Sara R Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Snyder, Gregory B Speaks Spanish Taylor, Andrew John Truwit, Charles L Voeltz, Troy Donald C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 173 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Children’s Specialty Clinic, Mental Health, Minneapolis 2525 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-8455 Mitchell, Jason Bryan SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Fairview Clinics, Hiawatha 3809 42nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-6261 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cayci, Zuzan Dietz Jr, Charles A Dietz, Kelly Renee Flanagan, Siobhan Moira Hoggard, Eric J Holm, Tara L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Kieffer, Stephen A Knoll, Barbara Marette, Shelly A McKinney IV, Alexander M Nascene, David Ross Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Rohr, Sara R Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Taylor, Andrew John Truwit, Charles L Voeltz, Troy Donald Fairview Clinics, Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Takahashi, Takashi Fairview Clinics, Uptown 3033 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 275 Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-827-4751 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cayci, Zuzan Dietz Jr, Charles A Dietz, Kelly Renee Ellermann, Jutta Flanagan, Siobhan Moira 174 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Hoggard, Eric J Holm, Tara L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Kieffer, Stephen A Knoll, Barbara Marette, Shelly A McKinney IV, Alexander M Nascene, David Ross Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Rohr, Sara R Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Taylor, Andrew John Truwit, Charles L Voeltz, Troy Donald Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Cayci, Zuzan Dietz Jr, Charles A Dietz, Kelly Renee Ellermann, Jutta Flanagan, Siobhan Moira Holm, Tara L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Kieffer, Stephen A Knoll, Barbara Marette, Shelly A McKinney IV, Alexander M Nascene, David Ross Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Reynolds, Margaret A Rohr, Sara R Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Taylor, Andrew John Truwit, Charles L Voeltz, Troy Donald Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Cayci, Zuzan Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Allen, Tadashi L Ansel, Howard J Benson, Manferd T Brady, Ryan P Cayci, Zuzan Cho, Chinsoo L D’Souza, Donna Louise Dietz Jr, Charles A Dietz, Kelly Renee Dornfeld, Kenneth Jon Duran-Castro, Olga Lucia Speaks Spanish Dusenbery, Kathryn E Ellermann, Jutta Emory, Timothy H Frank, Nicholas Daryl Froelich, Jerry W Golzarian, Jafar Speaks Farsi Speaks French Grabowski, Carol M Grimes, Craig Dalton Hoggard, Eric J Holm, Tara L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Karagulle-Kendi, Ayse T Kieffer, Stephen A Kieley, Kristen Wikholm Kirkham, James A Knoll, Barbara S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Ridges Hospital 201 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 612-672-5390 Cayci, Zuzan HCMC Golden Valley Clinic 5653 Duluth Street Minneapolis, MN 55422 612-873-6963 Chu, Derrick Hua Speaks Chinese Miller, Robert P Sahgal, Prateek Severt, Anthony L HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Cox, Janel Anne Grabowski, Carol M HCMC Radiation Therapy HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, B1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6369 Cohen, Joel Neil McDonald, Mark William Rao, Yashoda T Yoon, Hee Jae HCMC Radiology HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P4 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2039 Brown, Dean J Cameron, Elizabeth H Cayci, Zuzan Chu, Derrick Hua Speaks Chinese Cox, Janel Anne Cumming, Michael J Irfanullah, Asad Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Jones, Herbert W Keifer, Terry J Knoll, Barbara Krenzel, Charles Loegering, Robert John McKinney IV, Alexander M Miller, Robert P Ott, Frederick W Punjabi, Gopal Vasudev Raman, Natarjan Verkata Rao, Yashoda T Sahgal, Prateek Severt, Anthony L Swanson, David C Truwit, Charles L Hennepin Comprehensive Cancer Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, B1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6369 Haley, Michael M Rao, Yashoda T Yoon, Hee Jae Indian Health Board of Minneapolis, Inc. 1315 E 24th St Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-721-9898 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* McMillan, Maren D. Mercy Hospital, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners 4050 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-6000 Nicotra, John J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 175 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Krenzel, Charles Kuehn-Hajder, Jessica E Lee, Chung K Levitt, Seymour Herbert Marette, Shelly A McKinney IV, Alexander M Meyers, Gregory E Misselt, Andrew J Murati, Michael Afton Nascene, David Ross Nelson, Michael T Niendorf, Eric R Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Reynolds, Margaret A Rohr, Sara R Rosenberg, Michael S. Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Shideman, Charles Raymond Snyder, Gregory B Speaks Spanish Spilseth, Benjamin Don Steinberger, Daniel Joshua Tadavarthy, Murthy S Thatcher, Stephen Hasler Truwit, Charles L Voeltz, Troy Donald Wang, Xin Wasserman, Neil F Wong, Jason Thomas Yuan, Jiangling SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Mercy Radiation Therapy Center 4030 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-433-0221 Dickson, Duncan R Kosiak, John A Wilmarth, Linda Kay Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-775-3030 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Edelman, Kevin R Farah, Nazih N Hite, Stephen Howard Kovar, Joseph L. Minneapolis Heart Institute, Edina Centennial Lakes Medical Center 7373 France Avenue S, Suite 300 Edina, MN 55435 952-428-0500 Binder, Curtis L Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Parker, Robin John Minneapolis Heart Institute, Plymouth (WestHealth) WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 125 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7615 Binder, Curtis L Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Parker, Robin John Tyson, Scott E 176 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Minneapolis Heart Institute, Shakopee 1601 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-2099 Binder, Curtis L Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Parker, Robin John Minneapolis Heart Institute Vascular Specialists Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E 28th Street, Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-6800 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Cragg, Andrew H Delgado-Almandoz, Josser Eduardo Speaks Spanish Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Gordon, Jeffrey Don Hollander, David Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Levey, Richard Michael O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Robin John Quinones, Eduardo Schumacher, Clark William Tran, Huy Quoc Minneapolis Radiation Oncology, Edina 6950 France Ave S, Suite 200 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-4915 Diaz, Richard F Doescher, Philip Orville Erickson, Kirsten Ruth Fernandez-Gonzalez, Raul McCollow, Kimberly K Olson, Douglas J Sperduto, Paul Wayne Wilmarth, Linda Kay Minneapolis Radiology, Robbinsdale Oakdale Medical Building 3366 Oakdale Ave N, Suite 604 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-520-7200 Bauer, Nellie H Belkin, Richard Bruer, Patricia E Carlson, Richard W Cram, Kenneth Bruce DeMichaelis, Brian J Edinburgh, Keith J Gambach, Jeffrey Gomes, Maria Groffsky, Jeffrey Larkin, Brian T. Lisberg, William N. Long, Troy D. Maile, Charles W. McMillan, William D Michel, Eduard Niendorf, Eric R Peltola, Thomas W Pilot, Mark A. Pollock, Robert A Reiners, Timothy Schultz, Scott R. Wicklund, David Woolner, Dennis A Minneapolis Radiology Associates, Golden Valley, Open Sided MRI 5500 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 170 Golden Valley, MN 55416 763-797-0077 Bauer, Nellie H Belkin, Richard Bruer, Patricia E Carlson, Richard W Cram, Kenneth Bruce DeMichaelis, Brian J Edinburgh, Keith J Gambach, Jeffrey Gomes, Maria Groffsky, Jeffrey Larkin, Brian T. Lisberg, William N. Maile, Charles W. McMillan, William D Michel, Eduard Peltola, Thomas W Pilot, Mark A. Pollock, Robert A Reiners, Timothy Schultz, Scott R. Wicklund, David Woolner, Dennis A Minneapolis Radiology Associates, Maple Grove 13800 83rd Way N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-398-4400 Bauer, Nellie H Belkin, Richard Bruer, Patricia E Carlson, Richard W Cram, Kenneth Bruce DeMichaelis, Brian J Edinburgh, Keith J Gambach, Jeffrey Gomes, Maria Groffsky, Jeffrey Kenneth, Cram Larkin, Brian T. Lisberg, William N. Maile, Charles W. McMillan, William D Michel, Eduard Peltola, Thomas W Pilot, Mark A. Pollock, Robert A Reiners, Timothy Schultz, Scott R. Wicklund, David Woolner, Dennis A Minneapolis Radiology Associates, North Memorial North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-520-2770 Bauer, Nellie H Belkin, Richard Bruer, Patricia E Carlson, Richard W Cram, Kenneth Bruce DeMichaelis, Brian J Edinburgh, Keith J Gambach, Jeffrey Gomes, Maria Gomes, Maria D Groffsky, Jeffrey Larkin, Brian T. Lisberg, William N. Long, Troy D. Maile, Charles W. McMillan, William D Michel, Eduard Peltola, Thomas W Pilot, Mark A. Pollock, Robert A Reiners, Timothy Schultz, Scott R. Wicklund, David Woolner, Dennis A Minneapolis Radiology Associates, Plymouth 2800 Campus Drive, Suite 30 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7133 Bauer, Nellie H Belkin, Richard Bruer, Patricia E Carlson, Richard W Cram, Kenneth Bruce DeMichaelis, Brian J Edinburgh, Keith J Gambach, Jeffrey Gomes, Maria Groffsky, Jeffrey Lai, Alexander Larkin, Brian T. Lisberg, William N. Long, Troy D. Maile, Charles W. McMillan, William D Michel, Eduard Peltola, Thomas W Pilot, Mark A. Pollock, Robert A Reiners, Timothy Ruppert, Andrew J Schultz, Scott Herbert Schultz, Scott R. Wicklund, David Woolner, Dennis A Minneapolis Radiology Associates, Robbinsdale North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave N, Suite 604 Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-559-2171 Bauer, Nellie H Belkin, Richard Bruer, Patricia E Carlson, Richard W Cram, Kenneth Bruce DeMichaelis, Brian J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 177 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Edinburgh, Keith J Gambach, Jeffrey Gomes, Maria Gomes, Maria De Lourdes Azevedo Rodrigues Speaks French Speaks Portuguese Speaks Spanish Groffsky, Jeffrey Larkin, Brian T. Lisberg, William N. Maile, Charles W. McMillan, William D Michel, Eduard Peltola, Thomas W Pilot, Mark A. Pollock, Robert A Reiners, Timothy Ruppert, Andrew J Schultz, Scott R. Wicklund, David Woolner, Dennis A Minneapolis Radiology, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 150 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-559-2171 Belkin, Richard Bruer, Patricia E Carlson, Richard W Cram, Kenneth Bruce DeMichaelis, Brian J Edinburgh, Keith J Gambach, Jeffrey Gomes, Maria Groffsky, Jeffrey Larkin, Brian T. Lisberg, William N. Long, Troy D. Maile, Charles W. McMillan, William D Michel, Eduard 178 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Niendorf, Eric R Peltola, Thomas W Pilot, Mark A. Pollock, Robert A Reiners, Timothy Schultz, Scott R. Wicklund, David Woolner, Dennis A Minneapolis Vein Center 2800 Campus Drive, Suite 20 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-398-8700 Belkin, Richard Lai, Alexander Long, Troy D. Niendorf, Eric R Ruppert, Andrew J Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Coon Rapids 11850 Blackfoot Street NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-712-2100 Bellairs, Ellen E Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Edina Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 210 Edina, MN 55435 952-928-2900 Bellairs, Ellen E Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Fridley 480 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-1620 Bellairs, Ellen E Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Maplewood 1580 Beam Ave N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-779-7978 Bellairs, Ellen E Childs, Stephanie K Liengswangwong, Vichaivood McGuire, Warren A Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Minneapolis 910 E 26th St, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-884-6300 Bellairs, Ellen E Liengswangwong, Vichaivood Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Saint Paul 345 Sherman St, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5525 Bellairs, Ellen E Palmer, Mark Alan Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Saint Paul University Ave 2550 University Ave W Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-602-5335 Childs, Stephanie K Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Waconia 560 S Maple St, Suite 100 Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-6006 Bellairs, Ellen E S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Woodbury 6025 Lake Rd, Suite 110 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-735-7414 Bellairs, Ellen E Noran Neurological Clinic, Blaine 11091 Ulysses St NE Blaine, MN 55434 612-879-1000 Donovan, Charles Barry Steely, John Wayne Noran Neurological Clinic, Minneapolis 2828 Chicago Ave S, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-879-1000 Arslanlar, Norman Cook, Anthony M. Donovan, Charles Barry Hassell, Douglass Sterry Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Steely, John Wayne Tillotson, Christopher L North Memorial Professional Service North Memorial Medical Center 3300 Oakdale Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55422 763-581-0989 Goddard, James K Groffsky, Jeffrey Larkin, Brian T. Lassig, Jeffrey P. Long, Troy D. Madison, Michael T Schultz, Scott R. NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2500 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Punjabi, Gopal Vasudev North Radiation Therapy Center 3435 W Broadway Ave Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-521-1426 Nisi, Kurt W Wilmarth, Linda Kay Radiation Therapy Center at Fairview Southdale, Inc Fairview Southdale 6401 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-920-8477 Wilmarth, Linda Kay Ridges Radiation Therapy Center 201 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-8668 Bisignani, Mark A Wilmarth, Linda Kay Ridgeview Oncology Clinic and Infusion Center 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd, Suite 410 Chaska, MN 55338 952-442-7825 Binder, Curtis L Gross, David A Raile, Geoffrey Daniel Rust, Paul Robert Schularick, Martin W Shearer, Damon D Ridgeview Regional Radiation Oncology 560 S Maple St, Suite 10 Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-6000 Sperduto, Paul Wayne Wilmarth, Linda Kay Ridgeview Rehab Services, Waconia 501 S Maple St Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2191 Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Saint Francis Health Services, Jordan 265 Creek Ln S Jordan, MN 55352 952-428-1200 Binder, Curtis L Edelman, Kevin R Farah, Nazih N Gordon, Jeffrey Don Hestness, Mary J. Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Kurisko, Stanley D. Matson, Thomas Cart Nobrega, John M. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 179 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Minnesota Oncology Hematology, WestHealth Clinic WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 105 Plymouth, MN 55441 612-884-6300 Bellairs, Ellen E SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Trudi Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Tran, Huy Quoc Wymore, Pamela Jean Saint Francis Radiation Therapy Center, Inc Saint Francis Regional Medical Center 1475 Saint Francis Ave Shakopee, MN 55379 952-425-2663 McCollow, Kimberly K Wilmarth, Linda Kay Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists, Edina Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 225 Edina, MN 55439 952-946-9777 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Baraga, Joseph John Binder, Curtis L Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Delgado-Almandoz, Josser Eduardo Speaks Spanish Edelman, Kevin R Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Gordon, Jeffrey Don Hassell, Douglass Sterry Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean 180 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Levey, Richard Michael Matson, Thomas Cart Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Parker, Robin John Quinones, Eduardo Tran, Huy Quoc Wittenberg, Keith H Suburban Radiologic Consultants, Northwest 11850 Blackfoot Street NW Suite 180 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-795-1600 Abeln, Ellen Luanne Baier, Bernard C Bressler, Eric L Carlson, Richard W Conklin, Peter C Cragg, Andrew H Detlie, Tore Foshager, Mary C Gustafson, Kevin D Hager, Dwight P Kihne, Todd M. Kirkham, James A Korte, Kenneth P. Kranendonk, Bradley H. Laorr, Alan Laroy, Lorraine L. Leach, Kevin R. Link, Steven C Loes, Daniel J. Lukens, Jeffrey A. Lund, Robert S Molde, Kent D Palaskas, Chris L Spaeth Jr, H. Joseph Strand, Kendall Jay Thompson, Richard M. Twin Cities Medical Imaging, Parklawn 3955 Parklawn Avenue S Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-285-3720 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arslanlar, Norman Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Axmacher, Jessica Ann Binder, Curtis L Bullis, Brent R Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Delgado-Almandoz, Josser Eduardo Speaks Spanish Donovan, Charles Barry Doyscher, Mark W Edelman, Kevin R Ehrenwald, Eduardo Speaks Spanish Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Fry, Stephen M Gordon, Jeffrey Don Gramith, Frederick C Groebner, Nathan Jeffrey Haines, Gregory A Hassell, Douglass Sterry Hestness, Mary J. Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Inampudi, Subbarao Speaks Hindi Kane, Jon P. Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean Kayan, Yasha Kayfes, Mareve S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Twin Cities Medical Imaging, West 8100 West 78th Street, Suite 130 Edina, MN 55439 952-285-3720 Althoen, Morgan Christopher Arslanlar, Norman Austin, Mark John Austin, Susan J Binder, Curtis L Bullis, Brent R Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Delgado-Almandoz, Josser Eduardo Speaks Spanish Donovan, Charles Barry Doyscher, Mark W Edelman, Kevin R Ehrenwald, Eduardo Speaks Spanish Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Fry, Stephen M Gordon, Jeffrey Don Gramith, Frederick C Groebner, Nathan Jeffrey Haines, Gregory A Hassell, Douglass Sterry Hestness, Mary J. Hite, Stephen Howard Hollander, David Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Inampudi, Subbarao Speaks Hindi Kane, Jon P. Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean Kayan, Yasha Kayfes, Mareve Kersten, Jennifer Lee Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mehling, Jason Aaron Myhra-Bloom, Karla G Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Oswood, Mark Christian Parker, Trudi Peterson, Jeffrey Justin Plunkett, Michael B Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Raile, Geoffrey Daniel Rust, Paul Robert Scheurer, Kurt K. Schneider, Lisa J. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Steely, John Wayne Tillotson, Christopher L Tyson, Scott E Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Yost, Robert Aaron United OB-GYN Associates 333 North Smith Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8000 Althoen, Morgan Christopher United Pain Center 280 Smith Ave N, Suite 600 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-7246 Berens, Bruce M. Ditmanson, Philip M Goddard, James K Grogan, Michael J Hartigan, Andrew S Johnson, Adam C Knutzen, Anders M Lambert, David P Lassig, Jeffrey P. Loe, Matthew James Longley, Deborah G Madison, Michael T Magnuson, Jeffrey E May, Benjamin J Mulcahy, Paul F Muschenheim, Alexandra L Ruzek, Kimberly Ann C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 181 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Kersten, Jennifer Lee Kovar, Joseph L. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Matson, Thomas Cart Mehling, Jason Aaron Mills, David John Myhra-Bloom, Karla G Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Oswood, Mark Christian Parker, Trudi Peterson, Jeffrey Justin Plunkett, Michael B Pollock, Robert A Quinones, Eduardo Raile, Geoffrey Daniel Rust, Paul Robert Scheurer, Kurt K. Schneider, Lisa J. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Steely, John Wayne Tillotson, Christopher L Tyson, Scott E Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Yost, Robert Aaron SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Unity Hospital, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-5000 Nicotra, John J Unity Radiation Therapy Center, Inc Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-784-1182 Herman, Jeffrey S. Wilmarth, Linda Kay University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Cayci, Zuzan Dietz Jr, Charles A Dusenbery, Kathryn E Ellermann, Jutta Holm, Tara L Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Kieffer, Stephen A Kieley, Kristen Wikholm Knoll, Barbara Lee, Chung K Marette, Shelly A McKinney IV, Alexander M Murati, Michael Afton Nascene, David Ross Niendorf, Eric R Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Rohr, Sara R Rykken, Jeffrey Bruce Takahashi, Takashi Truwit, Charles L 182 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G University of Minnesota Physicians, Blood and Marrow Transplant Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Suite 5-100 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-262-2663 Dusenbery, Kathryn E University of Minnesota Physicians, Center for Clinical Imaging Research 2021 Sixth St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6900 Benson, Manferd T Dietz Jr, Charles A Duran-Castro, Olga Lucia Speaks Spanish Ellermann, Jutta Palmer, Christopher Scott Walker, Sidney Patton University of Minnesota Physicians, Delaware Street Clinic 208 13th Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-625-4680 Kuehn-Hajder, Jessica E Marette, Shelly A Tadavarthy, Murthy S University of Minnesota Physicians Heart at Fairview, Minneapolis Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Clinic 4B Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3600 D’Souza, Donna Louise Prescott, Trisha Renee Siddiqui, Fareed Ahmad University of Minnesota Physicians, Radiation Therapy Center 5160 Fairview Blvd, Suite 1100 Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-3520 Adolfson, Troy Edward University of Minnesota Physicians, Radiology 500 Harvard St SE, 1st Floor 1D Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-273-6004 Allen, Tadashi L Ansel, Howard J Benson, Manferd T Boyum, James H Carlson, Richard A Cayci, Zuzan Cumming, Michael J D’Souza, Donna Louise Dietz Jr, Charles A Dietz, Kelly Renee Duran-Castro, Olga Lucia Speaks Spanish Ellermann, Jutta Emory, Timothy H Farniok, Kathryn E Flanagan, Siobhan Moira Frank, Nicholas Daryl Froelich, Jerry W Golzarian, Jafar Speaks Farsi Speaks French Grabowski, Carol M Hoggard, Eric J Holm, Tara L Hunter, David L. Hunter, David W Irfanullah, Asad Jagadeesan, Bharathi D Kieffer, Stephen A Kirkham, James A S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Physicians, Specialty Clinic For Children Fairview Ridges Hospital 305 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 372 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2921 Mckeon, Meghan Roseann University of Minnesota Physicians, Surgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 1st Floor 1E Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6666 Golzarian, Jafar Speaks Farsi Speaks French Kieffer, Stephen A Kuehn-Hajder, Jessica E Misselt, Andrew J Snyder, Gregory B Speaks Spanish University of Minnesota Physicians, Therapeutic Radiology, Pediatrics 500 Harvard St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-273-6700 Cho, Chinsoo L Dornfeld, Kenneth Jon Dusenbery, Kathryn E Lee, Chung K Levitt, Seymour Herbert Reynolds, Margaret A Thatcher, Stephen Hasler Wang, Xin University of Minnesota Physicians, Therapeutic Radiology (Wyoming) 5160 Fairview Blvd, Suite 1100 Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-3520 Dusenbery, Kathryn E University of Minnesota Physicians, Women’s Health Center Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE First Floor 1C Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-3444 Duran-Castro, Olga Lucia Speaks Spanish Wong, Jason Thomas Virginia Piper Cancer Institute 800 E 28th Street, Suite 404 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4633 Monyak, David Speer, Tod W Willson, Laura Elizabeth Virginia Piper Cancer Institute Unity Hospital 480 Osborne Road NE, Suite 200 Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-5600 Speer, Tod W WestHealth Emergency Professional Services West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7160 Austin, Mark John Kane, Jon P. WestHealth Imaging West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7160 Beggs, Daniel S Bodeau, Geoffrey R Bullis, Brent R Carlson, Annelisa May Crandall, Benjamin Merrick Day, Deborah L Delgado-Almandoz, Josser Eduardo Speaks Spanish Donovan, Charles Barry Doyscher, Mark W Edelman, Kevin R Ehrenwald, Eduardo Speaks Spanish C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 183 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Knoll, Barbara Krenzel, Charles Kuehn-Hajder, Jessica E Marette, Shelly A Mckeon, Meghan Roseann McKinney IV, Alexander M Misselt, Andrew J Murati, Michael Afton Nascene, David Ross Nelson, Michael T Niendorf, Eric R Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Rohr, Sara R Rosenberg, Michael S. Sahgal, Prateek Snyder, Gregory B Speaks Spanish Spilseth, Benjamin Don Steinberger, Daniel Joshua Tadavarthy, Murthy S Takahashi, Takashi Truwit, Charles L Veldman, Mark William Wasserman, Neil F Wong, Jason Thomas Wymore, Pamela Jean SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine continued) Engeler, Christopher Speaks German Engstrom, Bjorn Ingemar Speaks Swedish Farah, Nazih N Gordon, Jeffrey Don Gramith, Frederick C Groebner, Nathan Jeffrey Haines, Gregory A Hassell, Douglass Sterry Hestness, Mary J. Hite, Stephen Howard Hunter, David W Ibach, Thomas Jerry Inampudi, Radha Inampudi, Subbarao Speaks Hindi Jensen, Steven Richard Kane, Jon P. Kang, Eul S. Speaks Korean Kayfes, Mareve Krivach, June D. Kurisko, Stanley D. Lee, Peter Uang-Yin Levey, Richard Michael Matson, Thomas Cart Mehling, Jason Aaron Mills, David John Myhra-Bloom, Karla G Mylrea, James M. Nobrega, John M. O’Brien, Patrick John Olson, Frederick R. Oswood, Mark Christian Parker, Robin John Parker, Trudi Peterson, Jeffrey Justin Plunkett, Michael B Pollock, Robert A Quale, James Leslie Quinones, Eduardo Scheurer, Kurt K. 184 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Schneider, Lisa J. Schumacher, Clark William Sidney, Scott D. Stone, Matthew R Tillotson, Christopher L Trombley, Beverly A Tubman, David E Veldman, Sara Beth Wymore, Pamela Jean Yost, Robert Aaron West Health Urgent Care West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7000 Austin, Mark John Whittier Imaging, Hennepin County Medical Center 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-873-8083 Cayci, Zuzan Chu, Derrick Hua Speaks Chinese Cumming, Michael J Irfanullah, Asad Jones, Herbert W Keifer, Terry J Kieffer, Stephen A Knoll, Barbara Loegering, Robert John McKinney IV, Alexander M Miller, Robert P Nascene, David Ross Oswood, Mark Christian Ott, Frederick W Palmer, Christopher Scott Punjabi, Gopal Vasudev Sahgal, Prateek Severt, Anthony L Swanson, David C Truwit, Charles L Rheumatology Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Flinkenstein, Steve N Jegapragasan, Vaani Khurana, Arti Speaks Spanish Allina Health Edina Clinic 7500 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-835-1311 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Baker, Gary L Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Grandits, Martha E Allina Health Maple Grove 7840 Vinewood Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-236-0200 Jegapragasan, Vaani Allina Health Minnetonka Clinc 4729 County Road 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-974-3200 Vollertsen, Randall S S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Allina Health Plymouth Clinic West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 400 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7400 Rayadurg, Jyosthna Allina Health United Medical Specialties John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Avenue, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 Anderson, Stephanie Rose Baker, Gary L Grandits, Martha E Meagher, Prasanthi Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants 11855 Ulysses St NE, Suite 215 Blaine, MN 55434 952-893-1959 Bajwa, Hammad A Berglund, Vernon W Dahle, Angela M Dorman, Walter H Fontana, Donna R Hargrove, Jody K Leonard, Susan A Skemp, Archibald Ambrose Waytz, Paul Harvey Wilson, Jeffrey L Wolff, Anne Elizabeth Zimmerman, Kurt F Caperton, Erskine, MD 2233 Hamline Ave N, Suite 508 Roseville, MN 55113 651-633-6230 Caperton Jr, Erskine M Fairview Clinics, Bass Lake 6320 Wedgwood Rd N Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-268-0400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hasan, Umbreen Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Hasan, Umbreen Fairview Clinics, Elk River 290 Main Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 For Mental Health Appointments call 763-241-5870 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Hasan, Umbreen Fairview Clinics, Lino Lakes 7455 Village Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3400 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Meryhew, Nancy L Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center, (Physician Billing) Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Hausch, Raymond C Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Bryant, Gary L Fazeli, Parastoo Minenko, Anne G Molitor, Jerry Allen Speaks German Mueller, Daniel L. HCMC Medicine Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave 5th Floor Purple Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2300 Russian, Somali, and Spanish Primary Care offered at 3 North location. Dahle, Angela M Kleiman, Karen Sue Schlesinger, Peter A. Speaks French Segal, Barbara M HCMC Rheumatology Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, B1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-2700 Kleiman, Karen Sue Segal, Barbara M C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 185 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Allina Health Nicollet Mall Clinic Medical Arts Building 825 Nicollet Mall, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-8883 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Baker, Gary L SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Rheumatology continued) HCMC Whittier Clinic 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-545-9000 Kleiman, Karen Sue North Memorial Clinic, Elk River Physicians 800 Freeport Ave NW, Suite 100A Elk River, MN 55330 763-581-5200 Rhude, David John Minnesota Lung Center, Minneapolis Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E 28th Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-3750 Bowen, Robert M North Memorial Clinic, Golden Valley Family Physicians 8301 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-581-5150 Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Center 5615 Xerxes Avenue N, Suite D Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-581-5630 Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 102B Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5900 Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Brooklyn Park Family Physicians 8559 Edinbrook Parkway Suite 100 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-581-5660 Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Northeast Family Physicians 327 Central Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-1119 Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Camden 4209 Webber Parkway, Suite130 Minneapolis, MN 55412 763-581-5750 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Camden Physicians Maple Grove 12000 Elm Creek Blvd, Suite 130 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-5800 Rhude, David John 186 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G North Memorial Clinic, Plymouth City Center 15535 34th Ave N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-581-0907 Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Ridgedale 2000 Plymouth Road, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55305 763-581-5250 Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Blaine) 1420 109th Ave NE, Suite 110 Blaine, MN 55449 763-581-5550 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Rhude, David John North Memorial Clinic, Silver Lake (Saint Anthony) 2600 39th Ave NE Saint Anthony, MN 55421 763-520-2980 Rhude, David John North Memorial Urgent Care, Maple Grove 9855 Hospital Drive, Suite 125 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-981-3600 Rhude, David John Parkside Specialty Services Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite M50 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Abou, Zahr Z Schlesinger, Peter A. Speaks French Segal, Barbara M University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians (Physician Billing) 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Fazeli, Parastoo S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Physicians, Rheumatology Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Sixth Floor, Clinic 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-672-7422 Udayakumar, Prabhu Deepak University of Minnesota Physicians, Medicine Specialties Clinic Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, 6A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5155 Bryant, Gary L Fazeli, Parastoo Minenko, Anne G Molitor, Jerry Allen Speaks German Mueller, Daniel L. Peterson, Erik Jon Winthrop Area Clinic, New Ulm Medical Clinic 211 E 2nd St Winthrop, MN 55396 507-647-8000 Schned, Eric S University of Minnesota Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgery (7th St) 2512 S 7th St, SuiteR-102 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-9400 Minenko, Anne G University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care East 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-626-6777 Hobday, Patricia Marie Surgery Abbott Northwestern Bariatric Center 800 E 28th Street, Suite 401 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-7501 Colsen, Elizabeth Ziemba Dock, Jayson Carl Ikramuddin, Sayeed Leslie, Daniel Brent Abbott Northwestern General Medicine Associates, Plymouth 2855 Campus Drive, Suite 325 Plymouth, MN 55441 952-914-8100 Olsen, Ryan Anthony Abbott Northwestern Hospital Intensivists 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4762 Seatter, Susan Curlette Allina Health Abbott Northwestern Hospitalist Service 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-1899 Aasheim, Tor Christian Bretzke, Margit Lynn Gale, Jonathan Donald Speaks Spanish Gutierrez, Jessica Maria Johnson, Dawn Johnson, Eric M O’Leary, John F Rueth, Natasha M Allina Health Bandana Square Clinic 1021 Bandana Blvd E, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-241-9700 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Liew, Victor Synway Sanan, Omer K Seydel, Anna Sanchez Singh, Ranjit Reggie Speaks Hindi Allina Health Blaine Clinic 10705 Town Square Drive NE Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55449 763-236-5400 Cody, Dale L Allina Health Bloomington Clinic 7920 Old Cedar Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-428-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Carlson, Trent P. C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 187 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS University of Minnesota Physicians, Blood and Marrow Transplant Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE, Suite 5-100 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-262-2663 Peterson, Erik Jon SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Surgery continued) Allina Health Cambridge Clinic 701 South Dellwood Street Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7700 Cody, Dale L Dick, Stanley P Ibrahim, Mohamed Abdi Speaks Somali Speaks Spanish Molano, Thomas R Schuster, Patricia A. Thayer, Mark L Allina Health Coon Rapids Clinic 9055 Springbrook Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-1090 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cantwell, Daniel Keith Kalb, David Christopher Allina Health Cottage Grove Clinic 8611 W Point Douglas Road S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-458-1884 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Carlson, John C Grisard, Judy M Seydel, Anna Sanchez Singh, Ranjit Reggie Speaks Hindi Allina Health Eagan Clinic 1110 Yankee Doodle Road Eagan, MN 55121 651-454-3970 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Grisard, Judy M Liew, Victor Synway 188 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Farmington Clinic 21260 Chippendale Ave W Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-7181 Rainiero, David L. Singh, Ranjit Reggie Speaks Hindi Allina Health First Street Clinic 1210 First St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Carlson, John C Roach, Kevin R Allina Health Forest Lake Clinic 1540 Lake St S Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-7100 Sorensen, Niels H Allina Health Fridley Clinic Unity Professional Building 500 Osborne Road NE, Suite 255 Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-6011 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cody, Dale L Allina Health Hopkins Clinic 715 2nd Avenue S Hopkins, MN 55343 952-428-1900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Danneker, Dale A. Allina Health Inver Grove Heights Clinic 5565 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-241-9400 Liew, Victor Synway Allina Health Mercy General Surgery Clinic 11850 Blackfoot Street NW Suite 300 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-236-9000 Ciagne, Mark Andrew Hamilton, Lisa L Ibrahim, Mohamed Abdi Speaks Somali Speaks Spanish Johnson, Alan S. Kalb, David Christopher Steadland, Kevin M Allina Health Nininger Clinic 1285 Nininger Road Hastings, MN 55033 651-480-4200 Carlson, John C Allina Health North Branch Clinic 38986 14th Avenue N North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-0055 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Cody, Dale L Dick, Stanley P Ibrahim, Mohamed Abdi Speaks Somali Speaks Spanish Molano, Thomas R Schuster, Patricia A. Thayer, Mark L S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Allina Health Shoreview Clinic 4194 N Lexington Avenue Shoreview, MN 55126 651-483-5461 Grisard, Judy M Singh, Ranjit Reggie Speaks Hindi Allina Health United Bariatric & Weight Loss Clinic 18157 Carson Ct NW Elk River, MN 55330 651-241-6600 Blondet-Teixeira, Juan Jose Allina Health United Hospitalist Service 333 North Smith Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8436 Aasheim, Tor Christian Bretzke, Margit Lynn Gale, Jonathan Donald Speaks Spanish Gutierrez, Jessica Maria Johnson, Dawn O’Leary, John F Rueth, Natasha M Allina Health United Medical Specialties John Nasseff Medical Center 255 N Smith Avenue, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5000 Liew, Victor Synway Sneider, Mark Simon Speaks Spanish Sneiders, Ann Elisabeth Allina Health United Women’s Health Clinic Gardenview Medical Building 347 Smith Avenue N, Suite 203 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-7733 Svendsen, Charles A Allina Health Unity Bariatric and Weight Loss Clinic Unity Professional Building 500 Osborne Road NE Suite 200 Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-2045 Baker, Jeffrey D Allina Health Unity Hospitalist Service Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-5400 Aasheim, Tor Christian Bretzke, Margit Lynn Gale, Jonathan Donald Speaks Spanish Gutierrez, Jessica Maria Johnson, Dawn Johnson, Eric M O’Leary, John F Rueth, Natasha M Allina Health Vadnais Heights Clinic 1155 E County Road E, Suite 100 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-241-9200 Liew, Victor Synway Sanan, Omer K Allina Health West Saint Paul Clinic 150 E Emerson Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-241-1800 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Grisard, Judy M Singh, Ranjit Reggie Speaks Hindi Sneider, Mark Simon Speaks Spanish Allina Health Woodbury Clinic 8675 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-241-3000 Bretzke, Margit Lynn Grisard, Judy M Liew, Victor Synway Singh, Ranjit Reggie Speaks Hindi Children’s Specialty Clinic, Minneapolis 2530 Chicago Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-6000 Rich, Robert Hampton Sidman, James D. SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Allina Health Shakopee Clinic 1601 Saint Francis Ave, Suite 100 Shakopee, MN 55379 952-428-3535 Dietrich, Anne Elisabeth Dock, Jayson Carl Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Burnsville Oak Ridge Professional Building 625 E Nicollet Ave, Suite 325 Burnsville, MN 55337 651-312-1700 Alavi, Karmin Grahn, Sarah Wilson Spencer, Michael Paul Trudel, Judith Lucille C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 189 SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Surgery continued) Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Coon Rapids 3738 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 651-312-1717 Grahn, Sarah Wilson Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Edina Physicians Building 6363 France Avenue S, Suite 212 Edina, MN 55435 651-312-1700 Alavi, Karmin Dykes, Sharon L Grahn, Sarah Wilson Spencer, Michael Paul Trudel, Judith Lucille Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Minneapolis (Riverside) Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 800 Minneapolis, MN 55454 651-225-7855 Alavi, Karmin Grahn, Sarah Wilson Spencer, Michael Paul Trudel, Judith Lucille Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Plymouth WestHealth Campus 2805 Campus Drive, Suite 405 Plymouth, MN 55441 651-312-1717 Grahn, Sarah Wilson Spencer, Michael Paul 190 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Riverside Riverside Professional Building 606 24th Ave S, Suite 515 Minneapolis, MN 55454 651-225-7855 Grahn, Sarah Wilson Fairview Clinics, Andover 13819 Hanson Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-392-4001 Halvorson, Peter J Reil, Todd D Schulte, Joshua Dean Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Robbinsdale Robbinsdale Town Center 4080 W Broadway Ave, Suite 310 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 651-312-1717 Grahn, Sarah Wilson Fairview Clinics, Blaine 10961 Club W Parkway NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2987 Halvorson, Peter J Reil, Todd D Tunberg, Thomas Charles Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Saint Paul (Sherman St.) Saint Paul Business Center East 1983 Sloan Place, Suite 7 Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-312-1620 Grahn, Sarah Wilson Trudel, Judith Lucille Fairview Clinics, Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55433 763-528-6999 Halvorson, Peter J Reil, Todd D Schulte, Joshua Dean Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Saint Paul (Westgate) 1055 Westgate Drive, Suite 190 Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-312-1500 Grahn, Sarah Wilson Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Shakopee South Valley Health Campus 1515 St Francis Avenue, Suite 250 Shakopee, MN 55379 651-312-1700 Alavi, Karmin Dykes, Sharon L Grahn, Sarah Wilson Spencer, Michael Paul Trudel, Judith Lucille Fairview Clinics, Columbia Heights 4000 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8183 Halvorson, Peter J Reil, Todd D Fairview Clinics, Elk River 290 Main Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5800 For Mental Health Appointments call 763-241-5870 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Deaconson, Timothy Francis S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Fairview Clinics, Savage 5725 Loftus Lane Savage, MN 55378 952-226-9500 Fleischmann, Jeremy Joseph Fairview Clinics, Uptown 3033 Excelsior Blvd, Suite 275 Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-827-4751 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Fleischmann, Jeremy Joseph Fairview Clinics, Wyoming Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7600 Cain, James M Ewald, Randall G Ocasio-Carle, Maria T Potvin, Mario Jean Raikar, Bao-Lan N Fairview Clinics, Zimmerman 25945 Gateway Drive Zimmerman, MN 55398 763-856-6900 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Kubicka, Richard Fairview Lakes Regional Medical Center Fairview Lakes Medical Center 5200 Fairview Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7000 Ewald, Randall G Loor, Michele Montejo Speaks Spanish Ocasio-Carle, Maria T Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center 14500 99th Ave N, Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1000 Cunningham, Bruce L Speaks French Deaconson, Timothy Francis Evasovich, Maria R Eyberg, Erin Elizabeth Speaks Spanish Gavin, Timothy J Halvorson, Peter J Hoskuldsson, Torfi Thorkell Ikramuddin, Sayeed James, Mollie Marie Leslie, Daniel Brent Levin, Steven Irwin Nicholson, Charles P Ramaswamy, Archana Schulte, Joshua Dean Tawadros, Patrick Tunberg, Thomas Charles Tuttle, Todd M Fairview Ridges Hospital 201 E Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 612-672-5390 Koene, Ryan Joseph Loor, Michele Montejo Speaks Spanish Fairview Southdale Hospital, Weight Loss Clinic Fairview Southdale Hospital 6405 France Ave S, Suite W320 Edina, MN 55435 952-915-8626 Omlie, William R Fairview Surgical Consultants, Breast Care 6545 France Ave S, Suite 250 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7004 Galle, Michael R Gartner, Madeline H HCMC Brooklyn Center Clinic 6601 Shingle Creek Parkway Suite 400 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 612-873-8800 Cumming, John K HCMC Emergency & Level 1 Trauma Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, R1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-3131 Marek, Ashley Pauline HCMC Specialty Clinics 914 S 8th St, Shapiro 140 Minneapolis, MN 55440 612-873-6800 Krook, Jon C. Lederer, Howard M. HCMC Surgery Clinic HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, P5 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-8701 Anderson, Glen F C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 191 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Fairview Clinics, Fridley 6341 University Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5844 Benn, Paul L Galle, Michael R Halvorson, Peter J Laguna, Luis E Reil, Todd D Roland, Christopher F Schulte, Joshua Dean SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Surgery continued) Cumming, John K Fey, Ryan M Gavin, Timothy J Hill, Mark J Johnson, Adam R Johnstone, Jill Kathleen Khodaverdian, Reza Krook, Jon C. Lambert, Anne Louise Lederer, Howard M. Ney, Arthur Leland Nicholson, Charles P Omlie, William R Palmquist-Tess, Monica Speaks Spanish Quickel, Robert Reid Richardson, Chad J Roland, Christopher F Saylor III, Howard L Van Camp, Joan M Zera, Richard T HCMC Transplant Clinic Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 800 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-873-7700 Hill, Mark J Ney, Arthur Leland Odland, Mark D Richardson, Chad J HCMC Vascular Access Clinic HCMC 900 S 8th St Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-5702 Hill, Mark J Ney, Arthur Leland Richardson, Chad J 192 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G HCMC Whittier Clinic 2810 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-545-9000 Krook, Jon C. Van Camp, Joan M Hennepin Bariatric Center Shapiro Building 900 S 8th St, Suite 1.300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-5479 Krook, Jon C. Lederer, Howard M. Metropolitan Heart & Vascular Institute, Coon Rapids Mercy Heart Institute 4040 Coon Rapids Blvd Suite 120 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-427-9980 Irwin, Eric D Minneapolis Heart Institute 800 E 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-775-3030 Mudy, Karol Hennepin Comprehensive Cancer Center HCMC Campus 701 Park Ave, B1 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6369 Van Camp, Joan M Minneapolis Heart Institute Vascular Specialists Minneapolis Heart Institute 920 E 28th Street, Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-6800 Mudy, Karol John Nasseff Neuroscience Specialty Clinic Nasseff Specialty Center 225 N Smith Ave, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-6550 Rupp, William M Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Burnsville 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-7190 Posterick, Alyssa Jean Kola Medical Outreach 1600 E 19th St Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-874-1050 McMillan, Kenneth R Speaks French Speaks Lingala Speaks Swahili Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Coon Rapids 11850 Blackfoot Street NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-712-2100 Posterick, Alyssa Jean Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Edina Southdale Medical Building 6545 France Ave S, Suite 210 Edina, MN 55435 952-928-2900 Posterick, Alyssa Jean S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Maplewood 1580 Beam Ave N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-779-7978 Posterick, Alyssa Jean Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Minneapolis 910 E 26th St, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-884-6300 Posterick, Alyssa Jean Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Saint Paul 345 Sherman St, Suite 100 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-5525 Posterick, Alyssa Jean Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Waconia 560 S Maple St, Suite 100 Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-6006 Posterick, Alyssa Jean Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Woodbury 6025 Lake Rd, Suite 110 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-735-7414 Posterick, Alyssa Jean New Hope Crystal Medical Care, Minneapolis 2904 Johnson St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-782-0900 Lira, Liborio L Speaks Tagalog Open Cities Health Center 409 N Dunlap St Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-290-9200 Mental health services available to clinic’s medical patients only. This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Waisbren, Steven James Speaks Spanish Parkside Multispecialty Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 250 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Lederer, Howard M. Odland, Mark D Richardson, Chad J Parkside Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite 260 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-7777 Gayken, Jon Richard Parkside Specialty Services Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center Parkside Professional Center 825 S 8th Street, Suite M50 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-347-6450 Schuster, Patricia A. Ridgeview Chanhassen Clinic 7907 Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-934-0570 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Fossey, Bruce D Ridgeview Chaska Clinic 212 Medical Center 111 Hundertmark Rd, Suite 115N Chaska, MN 55338 952-361-2450 Drew, Raymond Lester Ridgeview Excelsior Clinic 675 Water St Excelsior, MN 55331 952-906-7855 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Fossey, Bruce D Ridgeview Winsted Clinic 551 4th St N Winsted, MN 55395 952-442-3190 This facility meets our minimum accessibility standards.* Fossey, Bruce D C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 193 SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Minnesota Oncology Hematology, Fridley 480 Osborne Road NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-1620 Posterick, Alyssa Jean SP E C IA LT Y P ROVID E RS (Surgery continued) Specialists in General Surgey, Minnetonka 15450 Highway 7 Minnetonka, MN 55346 763-780-6699 Kemp, Kourtney Lynn Specialists in General Surgery, Plymouth 15535 34th Ave N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-780-6699 Kemp, Kourtney Lynn Kern, Steven John Kissner, Matthew Kenneth Lippert, Sarah Josephine Stennes, Corey John Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists, Edina Abbott Northwestern Center for Outpatient Care 8100 W 78th St, Suite 225 Edina, MN 55439 952-946-9777 Olsen, Ryan Anthony Surgical Consultants, Burnsville Ridgeview Office Building 303 E Nicollet Blvd, Suite 300 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-4140 Bailey, Douglas F Benn, Paul L Gavin, Elizabeth G Guttormson, Nancy L Jacques, Louis F Jensen, Ronald C Joesting, David R. Laguna, Luis E Maurer, David J Nemanich, George J 194 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G O’Donnell, Ryan M Pierce, Bradley R Reil, Todd D Thomas, Lizbeth L Surgical Consultants, Edina Fairview Southdale Hospital 6405 France Ave S, Suite W440 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7004 Bailey, Douglas F Benn, Paul L Galle, Michael R Gartner, Madeline H Gavin, Elizabeth G Guttormson, Nancy L Jacques, Louis F Jensen, Ronald C Joesting, David R. Laguna, Luis E Maurer, David J Nemanich, George J O’Donnell, Ryan M Pierce, Bradley R Thomas, Lizbeth L United Hospital Service of the AMC 333 North Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8000 Johnson, Eric M University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Physicians 2450 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-6000 Andrade, Rafael S Beilman, Gregory J Chipman, Jeffrey Green Colsen, Elizabeth Ziemba Davido, Helen Teresa Eyberg, Erin Elizabeth Speaks Spanish Grande, Andrew Walker Harmon, James Vail Hoskuldsson, Torfi Thorkell James, Mollie Marie Levin, Steven Irwin Loor, Michele Montejo Speaks Spanish University of Minnesota Physicians, Breast Center (University) 424 Harvard St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-273-5700 Zera, Richard T University of Minnesota Physicians, Colon & Rectal Surgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 1st floor 1E Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-273-4007 Melton-Meaux, Genevieve B University of Minnesota Physicians, Neurology Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE Clinic 1a - Phillips Wangensteen building Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-3004 Hames III, Edward G University of Minnesota Physicians, Neurosurgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 1st Floor 1A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6688 Grande, Andrew Walker S PECIALT Y PROVID E RS University of Minnesota Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgery (7th St) 2512 S 7th St, SuiteR-102 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-273-9400 Granja, Jorge Alfredo James, Mollie Marie Polly, David University of Minnesota Physicians, Pediatric Specialty Care 7th St 2512 S 7th St Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-365-6777 Chinnakotla, Srinath Finger, Erik Brian Ikramuddin, Sayeed Kandaswamy, Raja Kirchner, Varvara A Leslie, Daniel Brent Liu, Patty Tzeng Matas, Arthur J Pruett, Timothy Lane University of Minnesota Physicians, Surgery Phillips-Wagensteen Building 516 Delaware St SE 1st Floor 1E Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6666 Andrade, Rafael S Beilman, Gregory J Blanco, Felix Cristobal Buchwald, Henry Speaks German Chinnakotla, Srinath Chipman, Jeffrey Green Colsen, Elizabeth Ziemba Cunningham, Bruce L Speaks French Davido, Helen Teresa Deaconson, Timothy Francis Dunn, Ty B Evasovich, Maria R Finger, Erik Brian Foker, John E Gaertner, Wolfgang Bernd Granja, Jorge Alfredo Harmon, James Vail Hoskuldsson, Torfi Thorkell Hu, Michael Yin-Hu Hunt, Matthew Allan Ikramuddin, Sayeed James, Mollie Marie Jensen, Eric Hans John, Ranjit Kandaswamy, Raja Kirchner, Varvara A Leslie, Daniel Brent Liu, Patty Tzeng Loor, Michele Montejo Speaks Spanish Matas, Arthur J Melton-Meaux, Genevieve B Ottosen, Julie Michelle Pruett, Timothy Lane Ramaswamy, Archana Tuttle, Todd M Vickers, Selwyn Maurice Ward, Herbert B Zahtz, Elliot Joseph Gavin, Timothy J Guttormson, Nancy L Jensen, Ronald C Kubicka, Richard Laguna, Luis E Maurer, David J Nemanich, George J Nicholson, Charles P Omlie, William R Pierce, Bradley R Saylor III, Howard L Thomas, Lizbeth L Virginia Piper Cancer Institute 800 E 28th Street, Suite 404 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-4633 Chun, Yun Shin Hill, Mark J Reddy, Srinevas K West Health Urgent Care West Health Campus 2855 Campus Drive Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7000 Adkins-Finke, Bonnie K SPECIALT Y PROVIDERS Hames III, Edward G Hunt, Matthew Allan VeinSolutions Southdale Medical Center 6525 France Ave S, Suite 275 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-8346 Bailey, Douglas F Benn, Paul L Gavin, Elizabeth G C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 195 P H A RMAC I ES Members with Medicare must use a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan for Part-D covered drugs. Contact your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan if you have questions about how to access Part D drugs. Anoka County Cub Pharmacy 246 57th Ave Ne Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-9150 Fairview Andover Pharmacy 13819 Hanson Blvd Andover, MN 55304 763-862-4445 Cub Pharmacy 4205 Pheasant Ridge Dr Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-0334 Fairview Columbia Heights Pharmacy 4000 Central Ave Ne Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-782-8149 Allina Health Mercy Pharmacy 11850 Blackfoot Street, Nw Coon Rapids, MN 55433 612-262-5989 Cub Pharmacy 585 Northtown Dr Ne Blaine, MN 55434 763-780-7350 Allina Health Unity Pharmacy 550 Osborne Rd Fridley, MN 55432 763-236-4111 CVS Pharmacy 10930 University Ave Nw Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-755-6316 Coborn’s Pharmacy 7900 Sunwood Dr Nw Ramsey, MN 55303 763-323-1004 CVS Pharmacy 2017 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-757-5615 Costco Pharmacy 12547 Riverdale Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-712-7762 CVS Pharmacy 2357 108th Lane Ne Blaine, MN 55449 763-780-0776 Cub Pharmacy 12595 Central Ave Ne Blaine, MN 55434 763-767-4329 CVS Pharmacy 3633 Bunker Lake Blvd Nw Andover, MN 55304 763-421-5011 Cub Pharmacy 12900 Riverdale Dr Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-421-0065 CVS Pharmacy 5696 Univeristy Ave Fridley, MN 55432 763-571-2081 Cub Pharmacy 2050 Northdale Boulevard Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-754-9036 CVS Pharmacy 657 E Main St Anoka, MN 55303 763-427-2287 196 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Fairview Lakes Pharmacy Lino Lakes 7455 Village Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-717-3401 Fairview Pharmacy Blaine 10961 Club West Pkwy Blaine, MN 55449 763-528-2975 Fairview Pharmacy Fridley 6341 University Ave Ne, Ste 101 Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-5981 Genoa Healthcare 1930 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids, MN 55433 651-583-7095 Goodrich Pharmacy 601 Jacob Lane Anoka, MN 55303 763-421-5540 Goodrich Pharmacy Andover 15245 Blue Bird St Nw Andover, MN 55304 763-434-1901 Goodrich Pharmacy Blaine 11855 Ulysses St Ne Blane, MN 55434 763-717-0222 Target Pharmacy 3300 124th Ave Nw Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-323-8402 Walgreens 10686 University Nw Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-755-1259 Goodrich Pharmacy Fridley 480 Osborne Rd Ne Fridley, MN 55432 763-780-0222 Target Pharmacy 749 Apollo Drive Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-784-7618 Walgreens 9273 Lake Drive Lexington, MN 55014 763-783-7005 Goodrich Pharmacy Saint Francis 23122 St Francis Blvd Saint Francis, MN 55070 763-753-0222 Target Pharmacy 755 53rd Ave Ne Fridley, MN 55421 763-571-9766 Walgreens 1911 Ferry St Anoka, MN 55303 763-576-0388 Target Pharmacy 8600 Springbrook Dr Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-785-0720 Walgreens 6525 University Ave Ne Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-0730 Walgreens 2860 Coon Rapids Blvd Nw Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-421-1784 Walgreens 600 Hwy 10 Ne Blaine, MN 55434 763-786-9081 Walgreens 10905 Uylsses St Ne Blaine, MN 55434 763-252-0687 Walgreens 3470 River Rapids Dr Nw Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-427-1156 Walgreens 3605 Round Lake Blvd Nw Anoka, MN 55303 763-252-0751 Walgreens 4880 Central Ave Ne Hilltop, MN 55421 763-571-7195 Walgreens 2134 Bunker Lake Blvd Nw Andover, MN 55304 763-754-6409 Walgreens 12480 Aberdeen St Ne Blaine, MN 55449 763-862-6596 HealthPartners Coon Rapids Pharmacy 11475 Robinson Dr Nw Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-587-9016 Pharmerica 5255 E River Rd Fridley, MN 55421 763-571-2220 Sam’s Pharmacy 8150 University Ave Ne Fridley, MN 55432 763-792-6653 Target Pharmacy 1500 109th Ave Ne Blaine, MN 55449 763-354-1001 Target Pharmacy 2000 Bunker Lake Blvd Nw Andover, MN 55304 763-852-0114 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S PHARMACY PHARMACI E S 197 P H A RMAC I ES Walgreens 4202 Pheasant Ridge Dr Ne Blaine, MN 55449 651-255-1498 Cub Pharmacy 200 Pioneer Trail Chaska, MN 55318 952-368-2849 Target Pharmacy 875 E Main Street Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-9334 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 13020 Riverdale Dr Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-421-5717 Cub Pharmacy 7900 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-934-2865 Waconia Pharmacy 430 Hwy 5 West Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-3274 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 8450 University Ave Ne Fridley, MN 55432 763-780-9500 CVS Pharmacy 7765 Galpin Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-474-6623 Walgreens 121 Depot Dr Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2146 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1851 Bunker Lake Blvd Nw Andover, MN 55304 763-354-5720 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 800 W 78th St Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-380-5970 Walgreens 3110 Chaska Blvd Chaska, MN 55318 952-448-1180 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 4405 Pheasant Ridge Drive N E Blaine, MN 55449 763-784-0862 Marsden Pharmacy 402 Faxon Rd Norwood, MN 55368 952-467-2100 Walgreens 600 79th St W Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-252-1084 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 11505 Ulysses St Ne Blaine, MN 55434 763-354-5402 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Chanhassen 300 Lake Drive East Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-993-4430 Watertown Pharmacy 204 Lewis Ave S Watertown, MN 55388 952-955-2153 Beck Pharmacy 851 Marketplace Dr Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-4407 Target Pharmacy 111 Pioneer Trial Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-3766 Chanhassen Center Drug 111 Hundertmark Rd, Ste 100 Chaska, MN 55318 952-949-1002 Target Pharmacy 851 W 78th St Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-470-1006 Fairview Lakes Pharmacy Rush City 780 West 4th Street Rush City, MN 55069 320-358-4757 Carver County 198 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Chisago County Fairview Lakes Pharmacy Wyoming 5200 Fairview Boulevard Wyoming, MN 55092 651-982-7500 Fairview Pharmacy North Branch 5366 386th St North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-6800 Gordys Pharmacy 320 Summit Ave Center City, MN 55012 651-257-4500 Lindstrom Thrifty White Pharmacy 30699 Lincolnroad Lindstrom, MN 55045 651-257-4074 Shopko Pharmacy 5630 St Croix Trail North Branch, MN 55056 651-674-9956 Wyoming Drug 26710 Forest Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-462-2082 Dakota County Accredo Health Group Inc 2915 Waters Rd Eagan, MN 55121 651-681-0885 Allina Health Apple Valley Pharmacy 14655 Galaxie Ave Apple Valley, MN 55124 651-241-3800 Coborn’s Pharmacy 225 33rd St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-437-6716 Cub Pharmacy 1940 Cliff Lake Rd Eagan, MN 55122 651-454-5150 Costco Wholesale 14050 Burnhaven Dr Burnsville, MN 55337 952-229-6458 Cub Pharmacy 2001 S Robert St West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-451-1113 Cub Pharmacy 1020 Diffley Road Eagan, MN 55123 651-452-5500 Cub Pharmacy 20250 Heritage Dr Lakeville, MN 55044 952-469-8404 Cub Pharmacy 1276 Town Centre Dr Eagan, MN 55123 651-686-0392 Cub Pharmacy 300 E Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 952-894-0712 Cub Pharmacy 15350 Cedar Ave Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-431-2221 Cub Pharmacy 3784 150th St Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-0316 Cub Pharmacy 1729 Market Boulevard Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-2135 Cub Pharmacy 7435 179th St Lakeville, MN 55044 952-891-5050 Cub Pharmacy 1750 W County Rd 42 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-6262 Cub Pharmacy 7850 Cahill Dr Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-450-0676 Cub Pharmacy 17756 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN 55044 952-435-0542 CVS Pharmacy 1471 Robert St West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-552-6029 Allina Health Regina Hospital 1175 Nininger Rd Hastings, MN 55033 651-404-1244 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 199 PHARMACY PHARMACI E S P H A RMAC I ES CVS Pharmacy 15051 Galaxie Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-3535 Erickson Drug Inc 20751 Holyoke Ave W Lakeville, MN 55044 952-469-2964 CVS Pharmacy 15115 Dove Trail Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-423-3200 Fairview Cedar Ridge Pharmacy 15650 Cedar Avenue South Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-997-4155 CVS Pharmacy 17578 Dodd Blvd Lakeville, MN 55044 952-432-8770 Fairview Eagan Pharmacy 1440 Duckwood Drive Eagan, MN 55122 651-406-8980 CVS Pharmacy 17665 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN 55044 952-435-3784 Fairview Pharmacy Burnsville 14101 Fairview Dr, Ste 100 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-405-5630 CVS Pharmacy 19605 Pilot Knob Rd Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-3693 Fairview Pharmacy Rosemount 15075 Cimarron Ave Ste 3 Rosemount, MN 55068 651-322-8855 CVS Pharmacy 4241 Jonny Cake Rd Eagan, MN 55122 651-688-7041 Fairview Ridges Hospital Pharmacy 201 East Nicollet Boulevard Burnsville, MN 55337 612-892-2130 CVS Pharmacy 12751 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337 952-736-8130 Fairview Ridgeview Pharmacy 303 East Nicollet Boulevard Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-2640 CVS Pharmacy 1411 Vermillion St Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-2200 200 N E T W O R K Family Fresh Market Pharmacy 115 Elm Street Farmington, MN 55024 651-460-6160 L I S T I N G HealthPartners Apple Valley Pharmacy 15290 Pennock Ln Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-431-8566 HealthPartners Inver Grove Heights Pharmacy 5625 Cenex Dr Inver Grove Height, MN 55077 651-552-2694 Kmart Pharmacy 50 Signal Hill Mall West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-457-3355 Lunds & Byerly Pharmacy 1299 Promenade Place Eagan, MN 55121 651-209-2974 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 401 East County Rd 42 Burnsville, MN 55306 952-435-8145 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy 750 Main St # 103 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651-455-6873 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Burnsville 14000 Fairview Drive Burnsville, MN 55337 952-993-8524 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Eagan 1885 Plaza Drive Eagan, MN 55122 952-993-4004 PHARMACI E S Target Pharmacy 7841 Amana Trail Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 651-234-2950 Walgreens 1133 S Robert West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-455-5590 Sams Pharmacy 3035 Denmark Avenue Eagan, MN 55121 651-405-3879 Target Pharmacy 810 W County Rd 42 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-8141 Walgreens 15034 Shannon Pkwy Rosemount, MN 55068 651-322-6603 Sterling 1399 S Frontage Rd Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-7960 Walgreens 790 Highway 110 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 651-414-3787 Walgreens 5825 Cahill Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-451-1503 Target Pharmacy 15150 Cedar Ave S Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-891-5515 Walgreens 1274 Towne Centre Dr Eagan, MN 55123 651-452-5320 Walgreens 1017 Vermillion St Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-0433 Target Pharmacy 15560 Pilot Knob Rd Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-236-3166 Walgreens 950 County Road 42 W Burnsville, MN 55306 952-892-7777 Walgreens 4220 Lexington Ave Eagan, MN 55123 651-686-1090 Target Pharmacy 1750 Robert St S West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-455-6626 Walgreens 14700 Lac Lavon Dr Burnsville, MN 55306 952-432-4471 Walgreens 7560 160th St West Lakeville, MN 55044 952-891-1167 Target Pharmacy 18275 Kenrick Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 952-892-5454 Walgreens 15250 Cedar Ave Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-5557 Walgreens 2200 Hwy 13 E Burnsville, MN 55337 952-882-7998 Target Pharmacy 2000 Cliff Lake Rd Eagan, MN 55122 651-688-8947 Walgreens 2010 Cliff Road Eagan, MN 55122 651-686-6940 Walgreens 4560 S Robert Trl Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 651-256-2066 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S PHARMACY Sams Pharmacy 14940 Florence Trail Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-7133 201 P H A RMAC I ES Walgreens 17630 Kenwood Trl Lakeville, MN 55044 952-892-5959 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 20710 Keokuk Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 612-354-5934 Best Aid Pharmacy 4335 Excelcior Bvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-922-4444 Walgreens 14020 Pilot Knob Rd Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-322-1163 Hennepin County Bloomington Drug 509 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55420 952-884-7528 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1752 No. Frontage Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-3030 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1360 Town Centre Drive Eagan, MN 55123 651-686-7431 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 7835 150th St West Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-431-9703 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1644 South Robert Street S West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-453-9671 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 9165 Cahill Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-451-7860 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 12200 River Ridge Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 952-356-3336 202 N E T W O R K Allina Health Heart Hospital Pharmacy 920 E 28th St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-775-3100 Allina Health Midtown Pharmacy 2545 Chicago Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-863-4190 Allina Health Phillips Eye Institute Pharmacy 2215 Park Ave South Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-775-8896 Allina Health Piper Building Pharmacy 913 E 26th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-863-5370 Allina Health Westhealth Pharmacy 2855 Campus Dr Plymouth, MN 55441 763-577-7007 Banadir Pharmacy 405 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-825-1669 L I S T I N G Boynton Health Service Pharmacy 410 Church St Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-7655 Children’s Hosptials and Clinics of MN 2530 Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-813-7290 Community, A Walgreens Pharmacy 2100 Lyndale Av S Minneapolis, MN 55405 612-872-7808 Costco Pharmacy 11330 Fountains Dr N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-494-8059 Costco Pharmacy 12011 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-943-4828 Costco Pharmacy 5801 16th St W Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 763-582-9602 Cub Pharmacy 10520 France Ave S Bloomington, MN 55431 952-888-4310 Cub Pharmacy 3620 Texas Ave S Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-933-3177 Cub Pharmacy 7555 W Broadway Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 763-424-0525 Cub Pharmacy 1104 Lagoon Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-825-1992 Cub Pharmacy 4445 N Nathan Ln Plymouth, MN 55442 763-557-0377 Cub Pharmacy 8015 Den Rd Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-941-6728 Cub Pharmacy 13855 Rogers Dr Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-6080 Cub Pharmacy 4801 Hwy 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-935-1053 Cub Pharmacy 8150 Wedgeastwood Ln Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-494-8355 Cub Pharmacy 1540 New Brighton Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-789-0342 Cub Pharmacy 5301 36th Ave N Crystal, MN 55422 763-287-9797 Cub Pharmacy 8421 Lyndale Ave S Bloomington, MN 55420 952-346-8625 Cub Pharmacy 23800 State Hwy 7 Shorewood, MN 55331 952-401-3990 Cub Pharmacy 5370 16th Ave Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-544-0542 Cub Pharmacy 8600 114th Ave N Champlin, MN 55316 763-422-8700 Cub Pharmacy 2850 26th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-5840 Cub Pharmacy 5937 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-866-9921 Cub Pharmacy 9655 Colorado Ln N Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-315-0737 Cub Pharmacy 3245 County Rd 10 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-503-6810 Cub Pharmacy 6775 York Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-925-3911 CVS Pharmacy 1110 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-338-5867 Cub Pharmacy 3550 Vicksburg Ln N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-553-2627 Cub Pharmacy 701 W Broadway Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-302-8740 CVS Pharmacy 2001 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-872-2656 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S PHARMACY PHARMACI E S 203 P H A RMAC I ES CVS Pharmacy 21455 John Milless Dr Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-2629 CVS Pharmacy 7901 Bass Lake Rd New Hope, MN 55428 763-257-0130 CVS Pharmacy 8936 Lyndale Ave, S. Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-0163 CVS Pharmacy 2426 W Broadway Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-287-0140 CVS Pharmacy 7996 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-488-1624 CVS Pharmacy 949 Portland Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-332-9647 CVS Pharmacy 316 15th Ave Se Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-331-3252 CVS Pharmacy 8251 Columbine Rd Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-941-1266 CVS Pharmacy 7932 27th Ave, North New Hope, MN 55427 763-544-3338 CVS Pharmacy 3655 Central Ave Ne Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-789-2460 CVS Pharmacy 1010 W. Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-822-1297 Degdeg’s Carepoint Pharmacy 2711 East Franklin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-341-2273 CVS Pharmacy 4140 Rd 101 N Plymouth, MN 55446 763-478-4612 CVS Pharmacy 4656 Excelsior Blvd. Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-929-0140 Fairview Eden Prairie Pharmacy 830 Prairie Center Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-826-6680 CVS Pharmacy 4152 Lakeland Ave N Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-535-2459 CVS Pharmacy 6540 Penn Ave S Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-3040 Fairview Edina Pharmacy 6363 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 952-924-1400 CVS Pharmacy 5801 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-537-1237 CVS Pharmacy 6905 York Ave, S. Edina, MN 55435 952-920-0126 Fairview Hiawatha Pharmacy 3908 42nd Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-728-7180 CVS Pharmacy 6300 Wedgewood Rd N Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-551-1215 CVS Pharmacy 880 Washington Ave Se Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-331-4240 Fairview Home Infusion Retail 711b Kasota Avenue South East Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-672-2233 204 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G PHARMACI E S Fairview Pharmacy Brooklyn Park 10000 Zane Ave North Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-569-6281 Fairview Pharmacy Smileys Clinic 2020 28th St East Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-672-4020 Fairview Pharmacy University Village 2545 University Avenue Se Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-672-1430 Fairview Riverside Pharmacy 606 24th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-7507 Fairview Southdale Hospital Pharmacy 6401 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 952-924-5160 Fairview Southdale Medical Pharmacy 6545 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 952-924-1499 Fairview Specialty Services Pharmacy 711 Kasota Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-672-5260 Fairview University Clinic Pharmacy 516 Delaware Sreet South East 2350 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-2828 Fairview University Discharge Pharmacy 500 Harvard Street Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-273-2121 Fairview University Masonic Pharmacy 424 Harvard St Se Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-6429 Fariview Pharmacy Maple Grove 14500 99th Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-898-1800 Fond Du Lac Mashkiki Waakaaigan Pharmacy 1433 East Franklin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-871-1989 Genoa Healthcare 1155 Ford Rd, Ste C Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 612-284-2197 Geritom Med Inc 10501 Florida Ave So Bloomington, MN 55438 952-854-1190 HCMC Bewell Clinic Pharmacy 701 4th Ave S, Ste 100 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-7012 HCMC P 1 Pharmacy 701 Park Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-3220 HealthPartners 8170 Pharmacy 8170 33rd Ave S Bloomington, MN 55425 952-967-6972 HealthPartners Bloomington Pharmacy 8600 Nicollet Ave S Bloomington, MN 55420 952-541-2802 HealthPartners Brooklyn Center Pharmacy 6845 Lee Ave N Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-503-4418 PHARMACY Fairview Oxboro Pharmacy 600 W 98th Street Bloomington, MN 55420 952-885-6166 HealthPartners Mail Order Pharmacy 9700 W 76th St A Eden Prairie, MN 55344 800-591-0011 HealthPartners Riverside Pharmacy 2220 Riverside Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-341-5100 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 205 P H A RMAC I ES HealthPartners West Pharmacy 5100 Gamble Dr, Ste 100 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-541-2644 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 3777 Park Center Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-929-2315 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 3455 Vicksburg Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 763-553-1248 Hhhcc Oncology Pharmacy 3435 W Broadway Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-581-2815 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 13081 Ridgedale Drive Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-417-0322 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 55 University Ave Se Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-548-3835 Hikma Pharmacy Inc 615 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-315-3678 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 12880 Elm Creek Blvd Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-420-3005 Methodist Hospital Pharmacy 6500 Excelsior Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-993-6016 Hopkins Center Drug Inc 913 Hopkins Ctr Hopkins, MN 55343 952-938-2719 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 970 Prairie Center Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-934-5520 North Memorial Pharmacy Maple Grove 9825 Hospital Dr Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-581-9202 Hy-Vee Pharmacy 8200 42nd Ave N New Hope, MN 56073 763-531-7460 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 3945 W 50th St Edina, MN 55424 952-224-9880 Kmart Pharmacy 10 W Lake Street Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-827-5309 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 6228 Penn Ave S Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-8362 Lake Cedar Pharmacy 2423 E Franklin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-353-5532 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 5159 W 98th St Bloomington, MN 55437 952-224-5034 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 7171 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-277-8663 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 1151 Wayzata Blvd Wayzata, MN 55391 952-473-1687 206 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G North Memorial Pharmacy Robbinsdale 3300 Oakdale Ave N Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-581-2100 Northpoint Health & Wellness Center Pharmacy 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2500 Park Nicollet Pharmacy 8100 Northland Dr Bloomington, MN 55431 952-977-0470 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Bloomington 5320 Hyland Greens Drive Bloomington, MN 55437 952-993-2530 PHARMACI E S Park Nicollet Pharmacy Carlson 15111 Twelve Oaks Center Drive Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-993-4643 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Maple Grove 15800 95th Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 952-993-2200 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Meadowbrook 3931 Louisiana Ave S Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-993-5764 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Minneapolis 2001 Blaisdell Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55404 952-993-8004 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Saint Louis Park 3850 Park Nicollet Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-993-3148 Park Nicollet Pharmacy Wayzata 250 North Central Avenue Wayzata, MN 55391 952-993-8200 Polar Pharmacy & Medical Supplies 8561 Edinburgh Center Dr Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-777-5995 Sun Pharmacy 6350 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-561-0722 Target Pharmacy 11990 Business Park Blvd N Champlin, MN 55316 763-354-1007 Rainbow Pharmacy 140 W 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-869-8170 Ross Westbank Pharmacy 327 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-333-6328 Sams Pharmacy 200 West American Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55420 952-888-6079 Sams Pharmacy 16701 94th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-416-5930 Sams Pharmacy 3745 Louisiana Ave South Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-926-0170 Schneider Drug 3400 University Ave Se Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-7232 Spring Park Pharmacy 4689 Shoreline Dr, Ste 100 Spring Park, MN 55384 952-471-3784 Target Pharmacy 13201 Ridgedale Dr Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-542-8266 Target Pharmacy 1329 5th Street Se Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-355-3858 Target Pharmacy 15300 Grove Circle N Osseo, MN 55369 763-447-2507 Target Pharmacy 1650 New Brighton Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-781-7746 Target Pharmacy 21615 S Diamond Lake Road Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-6392 Target Pharmacy 2500 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-1611 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 207 PHARMACY Park Nicollet Pharmacy Brookdale 6000 Earle Brown Drive Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 952-993-4800 P H A RMAC I ES Target Pharmacy 2555 W 79th St Bloomington, MN 55431 952-888-4677 Target Pharmacy 7000 York Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-925-4250 Target Pharmacy 300 Highway 55 Medina, MN 55340 763-852-0007 Target Pharmacy 7535 W Broadway Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 763-425-5300 Target Pharmacy 3601 S Highway 100 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-926-8967 Target Pharmacy 8225 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-944-8720 Target Pharmacy 4175 Vinewood Lane N Plymouth, MN 55441 763-553-1757 Target Pharmacy 8900 Highway 7 Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-935-8407 Target Pharmacy 4848 County Rd 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-401-3814 Target Pharmacy 900 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-338-5215 Target Pharmacy 5537 W Broadway Ave Crystal, MN 55428 763-533-1651 Target Pharmacy HQ Wellness Center 1000 Nicollet Mall, Tps-0272 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-354-5914 Target Pharmacy 6100 Shingle Crk Pky Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-566-0143 Target Pharmacy 6445 Richfield Pkwy Richfield, MN 55423 612-252-0474 208 N E T W O R K UMMC Department of Pharmaceutical Servcies 500 Harvard Street Southeast Room 1550 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-273-3200 UMMC Fairview Riverside Campus Pharmacy 2450 Riverside Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-672-4200 L I S T I N G United Community Pharmacy Corporation 2500 New Brighton Blvd Saint Anthony, MN 55418 612-259-8275 Walgreens 16395 Wagner Way Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-937-2934 Walgreens 2251 Commerce Blvd Mound, MN 55364 952-472-2929 Walgreens 2500 Winnetka Ave N Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-544-1747 Walgreens 2610 Central Ave Ne Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-789-6251 Walgreens 4916 France Ave S Edina, MN 55410 952-927-5548 Walgreens 7700 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-566-8350 Walgreens 3255 Vicksburg Ln N Plymouth, MN 55447 763-253-8917 Walgreens 3913 W Old Skakopee Rd Bloomington, MN 55437 952-252-1062 Walgreens 4950 County Rd 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-938-3566 Walgreens 200 W Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-827-8902 Walgreens 7200 Cedar Lake Rd Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-252-2502 Walgreens 16750 Cty Rd 30 Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-416-1863 Walgreens 13611 Grove Dr Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-420-7788 Walgreens 1221 West Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-824-1036 Walgreens 2238 Commerce Boulevard Mound, MN 55364 952-472-2929 Walgreens 3240 W Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-922-8436 Walgreens 8240 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-252-1112 Walgreens 1055 E Wayzata Blvd Wayzata, MN 55391 952-473-8831 Walgreens 2024 85th Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 763-424-9243 Walgreens 2499 Highway 7 Excelsior, MN 55331 952-252-1070 Walgreens 627 West Broadway Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-522-2383 Walgreens 2426 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55405 612-377-3308 Walgreens 6025 Shenandoah Ln N Plymouth, MN 55446 763-252-1300 Walgreens 5428 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-824-1121 Walgreens 4005 Vinewood Lane Plymouth, MN 55442 763-553-9731 Walgreens 4323 Chicago Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-822-9712 Walgreens 655 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-1056 Walgreens 6975 York Ave S Edina, MN 55435 952-920-3561 Walgreens 4100 W Broadway Ave Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-537-9487 Walgreens 3121 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-2543 Walgreens 4547 Hiawatha Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-722-4249 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S PHARMACY PHARMACI E S 209 P H A RMAC I ES Walgreens 540 Blake Rd N Hopkins, MN 55343 952-938-1168 Walgreens 1511 Highway 7 Hopkins, MN 55305 952-939-1917 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 700 American Blvd E Bloomington, MN 55420 952-854-8850 Walgreens 5695 Duluth St Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-546-5336 Walgreens 21495 141st Ave N Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-5802 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 9451 Dunkirk Lane N Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-416-2300 Walgreens 6390 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-585-9946 Walgreens 12 W 66th St Richfield, MN 55423 612-861-7276 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1200 Shingle Creek Crossing Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-354-1948 Walgreens 9800 Lyndale Ave S Bloomington, MN 55420 952-884-8246 Walgreens 7845 Portland Ave S Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-1253 Isanti County Walgreens 11401 Market Place Rd Champlin, MN 55316 763-427-6389 Walgreens 7940 Penn Ave S Bloomington, MN 55431 952-252-1154 Walgreens 10180 Hennepin Town Rd Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-941-8666 Walgreens 5033 Vernon Ave S Edina, MN 55436 952-929-0034 Walgreens 4200 Winnetka Ave New Hope, MN 55428 763-545-6466 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 12195 Singletree Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-829-9030 Walgreens 6800 Bass Lake Rd Crystal, MN 55428 763-533-5804 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 8000 Lakeland Avenue Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-424-7077 210 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Allina Health Cambridge Pharmacy 701 S Dellwood St Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-7809 Cub Pharmacy 100 Xylite St Ne Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-0185 Target Pharmacy 215 Balsam St N, Ste 100 Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-3687 Walgreens 115 Garfield St N Cambridge, MN 55008 763-552-3103 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 2101 Second Avenue Se Cambridge, MN 55008 763-689-0609 PHARMACI E S Cash Wise Pharmacy 1020 Hwy 15 S Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-8070 Coborn’s Pharmacy 2211 11th St E Glencoe, MN 55336 320-864-5192 Walgreens 945 Highway 15 S Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-234-9499 Como Pharmacy 217 Como Ave, Ste 107 Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-487-0044 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1300 Highway 15 S Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-1023 Costco Pharmacy 1431 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 612-486-1747 Ramsey County Crosstown Drug 8400 Coral Sea Street Ne Mounds View, MN 55112 763-780-0218 Family Pharmacy South 3 Century Ave Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-3638 Allina Health Ritchie Pharmacy 280 Smith Ave Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-6380 Family Rexall Drug 237 Hassan St Se Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-2509 Allina Health United Pharmacy 333 Smith Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8849 Keaveny Drug 105 Main Ave Winsted, MN 55395 320-485-2555 Blomberg Pharmacy 1583 N Hamline Ave Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-646-9645 Shopko Pharmacy 125 Main St N Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-4941 Brightly Pharmacy Care Inc 1239 Payne Ave, Ste 202 Saint Paul, MN 55130 651-776-9976 Shopko Pharmacy 3225 10th St E Glencoe, MN 55336 320-864-5026 Capitol Pharmacy Inc 580 Rice St Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-292-9728 Target Pharmacy 1370 Highway 15 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-9576 Carecenter Pharmacy 3m Center Building 224 2e Saint Paul, MN 55144 651-739-9028 Cub Pharmacy 100 W County Rd B Maplewood, MN 55117 651-489-6271 Cub Pharmacy 1059 Meadowlands Dr White Bear Lake, MN 55127 651-426-5006 Cub Pharmacy 1177 Clarence St Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-774-7772 Cub Pharmacy 1201 Larpenteur Ave W Roseville, MN 55113 651-487-4068 PHARMACY McLeod County Cub Pharmacy 1440 University Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-646-8858 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 211 P H A RMAC I ES Cub Pharmacy 2100 Snelling Ave N Roseville, MN 55113 651-633-9720 CVS Pharmacy 2196 White Bear N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-704-0322 Cub Pharmacy 2197 Hudson Rd Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-501-4934 CVS Pharmacy 2730 Country Road East White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-777-6816 Cub Pharmacy 2390 White Bear Ave N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-3113 CVS Pharmacy 2800 County Rd 10 Mounds View, MN 55112 763-780-1549 Cub Pharmacy 2600 Rice Creek Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 651-631-8202 CVS Pharmacy 4800 Hwy 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-762-3864 Cub Pharmacy 3717 Lexington Ave N Arden Hills, MN 55126 651-483-1504 CVS Pharmacy 810 Maryland Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-774-1005 Cub Pharmacy 3930 Silver Lake Rd Saint Anthony, MN 55421 612-781-6405 CVS Pharmacy 2650 Rice St. Little Canada, MN 55117 651-484-0504 Cub Pharmacy 892 Arcade Street Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-771-5206 CVS Pharmacy 499 Snelling Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-917-2001 CVS Pharmacy 1040 Grand Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-224-2155 East Side Family Clinic Pharmacy 895 E 7th St Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-793-2250 212 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Fairview Highland Park Pharmacy 2155 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-5020 Fairview New Brighton Pharmacy 1151 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 651-746-2580 Genoa Healthcare 144 Wabasha St S Saint Paul, MN 55107 612-254-9505 Genoa Healthcare 1900 Silver Lake Rd Nw Ste 111 New Brighton, MN 55112 651-583-7097 Genoa Healthcare 3101 Old Highway 8 Roseville, MN 55113 952-388-0400 Genoa Healthcare 317 York Ave Saint Paul, MN 55130 651-771-0286 Genoa Healthcare 800 Transfer Rd Ste 35 Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-917-4029 Guertin Pharmacy 21 Century Ave S Maplewood, MN 55119 651-735-8781 PHARMACI E S HealthPartners Arden Hills Pharmacy 3930 Northwoods Dr Arden Hills, MN 55112 651-523-8599 HealthPartners Como Pharmacy 2500 Como Ave Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-641-6292 HealthPartners Maplewood Pharmacy 2165 White Bear Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-523-9820 HealthPartners Midway Pharmacy 451 Dunlap St N Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-647-2210 HealthPartners Specialty Center Pharmacy 401 Phalen Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55130 651-254-8280 HealthPartners St. Paul Pharmacy 205 Wabasha St S Saint Paul, MN 55107 651-293-8301 HealthPartners University Avenue Pharmacy 2635 University Ave, Suite 160 Saint Paul, MN 55114 612-623-4002 HealthPartners White Bear Lake Pharmacy 1430 Hwy 96 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-653-2175 Pro Pharmacy 242 S Cleveland Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-698-0825 Regions Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy 640 Jackson St Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-254-1624 Regions Hospital Pharmacy 640 Jackson St Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-254-1624 Kmart Pharmacy 245 E Maryland Ave Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-488-6781 Rx Hmong Pharmacy 391 Maryland Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55130 651-330-2241 Lloyds Pharmacy 720 Snelling Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-645-8636 Lunds & Byerlys Pharmacy 2128 Ford Pkwy Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-251-3491 Medicine Chest Pharmacy and Camera 2187 4th St White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-429-5356 MN Cancer Care Pharmacy 1580 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 651-255-8480 Phalen Family Pharmacy 1001 Johnson Pkwy, Ste B23 Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-209-9000 Sams Pharmacy 1850 Buerkle Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-779-6710 Setzer Pharmacy 1685 Rice St Roseville, MN 55113 651-488-0251 Saint Paul Corner Drug 240 S Snelling Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-698-8859 PHARMACY HCMC Saint Anthony Clinic Pharmacy 2714 County Rd 88 Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-873-7210 Target Pharmacy 1300 University Ave Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-646-8002 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 213 P H A RMAC I ES Target Pharmacy 1515 County Road B W Roseville, MN 55113 651-631-1450 Walgreens 2099 Ford Pkwy Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-414-3882 Walgreens 2920 White Bear Ave N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-251-9938 Target Pharmacy 1744 Suburban Ave Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-778-0105 Walgreens 3585 Lexington Ave N Arden Hills, MN 55126 651-481-0165 Walgreens 734 Grand Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-227-5422 Target Pharmacy 2199 East Highway 36 Saint Paul, MN 55109 651-779-6341 Walgreens 1700 Rice St Saint Paul, MN 55113 651-251-9811 Walgreens 985 Geneva Ave Oakdale, MN 55128 651-731-8480 Target Pharmacy 3800 N Lexington Ave Shoreview, MN 55126 651-486-0649 Walgreens 1180 Arcade St Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-251-9887 Walgreens 1075 Highway 96 East White Bear Lake, MN 55127 651-426-9225 Target Pharmacy 975 East County Road E Vadnais Hts, MN 55127 651-483-2776 Walgreens 600 Village Center Dr North Oaks, MN 55127 651-251-1014 Walgreens 2387 Highway 10 Mounds View, MN 55112 763-784-8925 United Hospital Pharmacy 333 Smith Ave N, # 1793 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8849 Walgreens 2635 Rice Street Roseville, MN 55113 651-483-3976 Walgreens 3700 Silver Lake Rd Ne Saint Anthony, MN 55421 612-706-1988 Walgreens 1401 E Maryland Ave Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-774-3011 Walgreens 1110 Larpenteur Ave W Saint Paul, MN 55113 651-488-5516 Walgreens 1788 Old Hudson Rd Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-731-9633 Walgreens 1550 University Ave W Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-646-6163 Walgreens 2700 Lincoln Dr Roseville, MN 55113 651-636-9369 Walgreens 1665 White Bear Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-251-1933 214 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G PHARMACI E S Walgreens 1585 Randolph Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-698-6502 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 850 East County Rd E Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 651-486-7005 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1960 Twin Lakes Pkwy Roseville, MN 55113 612-788-1478 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1450 University Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-644-4286 West Seventh Pharmacy 1106 W 7th St Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-228-1493 Westside Community Health Services Pharmacy 153 Cesar Chavez St Saint Paul, MN 55107 651-602-7589 White Bear Health Mart Pharmacy 2008 East County Road E White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-289-4300 Scott County Coborn’s Pharmacy 1010 Enterprise Dr E Belle Plaine, MN 56011 952-873-2605 Cub Pharmacy 1198 Vierling Dr Shakopee, MN 55379 952-445-6344 Target Pharmacy 1685 17th Ave East Shakopee, MN 55379 952-445-1727 Walgreens 4205 Egan Rd Savage, MN 55378 952-746-2202 Walgreens 100 Chalupsky Ave Ne New Prague, MN 56071 952-758-8855 Cub Pharmacy 14075 Hwy 13 Savage, MN 55378 952-447-1611 Walgreens 8100 W County Road 42 Savage, MN 55378 952-226-1283 CVS Pharmacy 4050 Dean Lake Blvd Shakopee, MN 55379 952-402-9039 Fairview Pharmacy Prior Lake 4151 Willowwood St Se Prior Lake, MN 55372 952-447-9570 First Choice Pharmacy 255 Creek Ln S Jordan, MN 55352 952-492-3334 Walgreens 1291 Tasha Drive Shakopee, MN 55379 952-233-3611 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 8101 Old Carriage Court Shakopee, MN 55379 952-445-8058 Sherburne County Sams Pharmacy 8201 Old Carriage Ct Shakopee, MN 55379 952-496-2982 Centracare Pharmacy Becker 12800 Rolling Ridge Rd Becker, MN 55308 763-261-7008 Target Pharmacy 14333 Hwy 13 Savage, MN 55378 952-226-1442 Coborn’s Pharmacy 1100 7th Ave South Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-8421 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 215 PHARMACY Walgreens 425 Wabasha Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-224-6030 P H A RMAC I ES Coborn’s Pharmacy 711 Rose Dr Big Lake, MN 55309 763-263-7030 Shopko Pharmacy 501 Highway 10 Se Saint Cloud, MN 56304 320-253-5373 Cub Pharmacy 7053 10th Street North Oakdale, MN 55128 651-731-7961 Cub Pharmacy 19216 Freeport St Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-8112 Shopko Pharmacy 705 Northland Dr Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-3111 Cub Pharmacy 8432 Tamarack Village Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-1032 Fairview Northland Pharmacy Elk River 290 Main Street Northwest Elk River, MN 55330 763-241-5890 Walgreens 18267 Carson Ct Elk River, MN 55330 763-252-1175 Cub Pharmacy 8690 E Pt Douglas Rd Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-459-7324 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 18185 Zane Street Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-5332 CVS Pharmacy 2150 Eagle Creek Ln Woodbury, MN 55129 651-436-4732 Washington County CVS Pharmacy 8468 Tamarack Bay Woodbury, MN 55125 651-731-5177 Fairview Northland Pharmacy Princeton 919 Northland Drive Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-6622 Fairview Northland Pharmacy Zimmerman 25945 Gateway Drive Zimmerman, MN 55398 763-856-6940 Fairview Northland Regional Hospital Pharmacy 911 Northland Dr Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-6625 Goodrich Pharmacy Elk River 530 3rd St Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-0764 N E T W O R K Allina Health Woodbury Pharmacy 8675 Valley Creek Rd Woodbury, MN 55125 651-501-3140 Cub Pharmacy 1801 Market Dr Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-2362 Cub Pharmacy 2013 Broadway Ave W Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-982-4603 Kemper Drug 323 Jackson Ave Nw Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-1353 216 Allina Health Cottage Grove Pharmacy 8611 W Point Douglas Rd South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-241-0424 L I S T I N G Fairview Pharmacy Hugo 14712 Victor Hugo Blvd N, Ste 10 Hugo, MN 55038 651-466-1970 Genoa Healthcare 1811 Weir Dr, Ste 275 Woodbury, MN 55125 612-594-8178 HealthPartners Woodbury Pharmacy 8450 Seasons Pkwy Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-5308 PHARMACI E S Target Pharmacy 356 12th St Sw Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-1994 Walgreens 7040 Valley Creek Woodbury, MN 55125 651-731-4778 Lake Elmo Pharmacy 11240 Stillwater Blvd N Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-773-0889 Target Pharmacy 449 Commerce Dr Woodbury, MN 55125 651-239-1875 Walgreens 1965 Donegal Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 651-735-0722 Lakeview Community Pharmacy 1500 Curve Crest Blvd Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-4670 Target Pharmacy 7200 Valley Crk Plaza Woodbury, MN 55125 651-735-9517 Walgreens 6061 Osgood Ave N Oak Park Heights, MN 55082 651-689-0046 Lakeview Outpatient Pharmacy 927 W Churchill Street Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-4563 Target Pharmacy 7900 32nd St N Oakdale, MN 55128 651-855-0991 Walgreens 1207 W Broadway Ave Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-255-1887 Newport Drugs Inc 1644 Hastings Ave Newport, MN 55055 651-459-9553 Target Pharmacy 8655 E Pt Douglas Cottage Grv, MN 55016 651-458-8219 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 9300 East Point Douglas Rd S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-846-2834 Rolseth Drug Co 107 Lake St N Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-2114 Thrifty White Pharmacy 808 South Lake Street Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-5518 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 5815 Norell Ave Oak Park Heights, MN 55082 651-439-7630 Sams Pharmacy 9925 Hudson Road Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-7980 Walgreens 7135 E Point Douglas Rd S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-459-7015 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 200 Sw 12th St Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-9742 Target Pharmacy 2021 Market Drive Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-0992 Walgreens 915 Wildwood Rd White Bear Lake, MN 55115 651-426-7333 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 10240 Hudson Road Woodbury, MN 55129 651-735-5190 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S PHARMACY Hy-Vee Pharmacy 7180 10th St N Oakdale, MN 55128 651-714-3162 217 P H A RMAC I ES Wright County Arenson Annandale Pharmacy 43 Oak Ave N Annandale, MN 55302 320-274-5415 Buffalo Hospital Inpatient Pharmacy 303 Catlin St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-684-7676 Centracare Health Monticello 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello, MN 55362 763-271-2251 Coborn’s Pharmacy 1400 Babcock Blvd E Delano, MN 55328 763-972-8385 Coborn’s Pharmacy 19425 Evans St Sw Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-0804 Coborn’s Pharmacy 5698 La Centre Ave Ne Albertville, MN 55301 763-497-1139 CVS Pharmacy 1314 Babcock Blvd Delano, MN 55328 763-972-3266 Walgreens 1004 Highway 25 N Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-6354 CVS Pharmacy # 600 Central Ave. E. St. Michael, MN 55376 763-497-6632 Walgreens 9 Central Ave E Saint Michael, MN 55376 763-497-8503 Howard Lake Drug Company 732 6th St Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-2141 Walgreens 135 E Broadway St Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-5890 Keaveny Drug 700 Norway Dr Annandale, MN 55302 320-274-3062 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1315 Hwy 25 North Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-2963 Sterling Drug 25 E Division St Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-1911 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 9320 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-9813 Target Pharmacy 1447 East 7th St Monticello, MN 55362 763-271-1101 Cub Pharmacy 1008 Hwy 55 E Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5828 N E T W O R K Target Pharmacy 15800 87th St Ne Ostego, MN 55330 763-252-1316 Target Pharmacy 1300 State Hwy 55 E Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-5633 Coborn’s Pharmacy 705 County Road 75 Clearwater, MN 55320 320-558-2454 218 Cub Pharmacy 216 7th St W Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-6159 L I S T I N G D E N TAL M I N N E S O TA Prosthodontist Saldarriaga, Augusto V Anoka County Barnett Dental Inc 7962 Sunwood Dr NW Ste 200 Ramsey, MN 55303 763-712-9715 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Angell, David W Angell, Steven D Apple Tree Dental 8960 Springbrook Dr NW Ste 150 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-784-7570 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Alexander, Akil A Mohebbi, AliAsghar Johnson, Ashley K Berkseth Rojas, Christie J Cha, Dongwuk Guttormson, Erin L Cernohous, Jayne E Anfinsen, Katie M Kennelly, Margie A Asamarai, Muath A Nevile, Rachana Marquard, Stephen C Lu, Thy P General Practitioner Barnett, Terry L General Practitioner Weyrauch, Curtis D Cretzmeyer, John W Laing, Robert L Jagger, Thyra F Baylon & Baylon 11943 Central Ave NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-757-2914 Accepting New Patients Distinctive Dental Services 4716 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-572-9762 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Baylon, Nicholas B Baylon, Richard J General Practitioner Thoennes, Michael J Blaine Dentistry 1384 109th Ave NE Ste 200 Blaine, MN 55434 763-757-6000 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Perpich, Michael J Elmir, Nagham H Smith, Tyler J A Oral Surgeon Nadeau, Robert A Arden Dental Associates 11806 Aberdeen St NE, Ste 150 Blaine, MN 55449 763-786-1545 Accepting New Patients Carepoint Dental 4111 Central Ave NE, Ste 104 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-400-3525 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Campodonico, Carlos E Milnar, Frank J General Practitioner Salad, Mohammad N Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry Ltd 97 85th Ave NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-225-8448 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Tsay, Aaron Andersland, Gina L Klotzbuecher, Kurt A Kinney, Laura M Ho, Le M Shenouda, Nermin G Yaghi, Rawan M Family Dental Care 2407 109th Ave NE, Ste 240 Blaine, MN 55449 763-783-8200 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Liu, Peixin C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Angell Family Dentistry 423 40th Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-788-2215 Not Accepting New Patients Dentistry For The Entire Family 1099 Moore Lake Dr E Fridley, MN 55432 763-586-9988 Accepting New Patients 219 D E N TA L Family Dentistry 500 Osborne Rd NE Ste 325 Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-3800 Accepting New Patients James C Loots Jr, DDS 535 40th Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-781-3321 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Liu, Peixin General Practitioner Loots, James C Family Oral Surgery Specialists 261 County Rd 10 NE Blaine, MN 55434 612-638-1206 Accepting New Patients Lapinski Family Dentistry 201 Mississippi St NE Fridley, MN 55432 763-574-7505 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Gavren, Beth A Barthel, James H Tahara, Martin A Glineburg, Robert W Appugounder, Suganya General Practitioner Lapinski, Thomas J Periodontist Barthel, James H Foley Dental Office 11237 Foley Blvd NW Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-757-1234 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Phillips, David M Hsu, Kuo-Tung Battaglia, Richard G General Practitioner Olowoyo, Oluwakayode A N E T W O R K General Practitioner Erickson, Larry Wayne Lino Lakes Family Dentistry 591 Apollo Dr Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-786-7630 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sulzdorf, Craig A Hyden, Michael G Gracepoint Family Dentistry 9300 Lexington Ave NE Lexington, MN 55014 952-457-1462 Accepting New Patients 220 Larry W Erickson, DDS 4001 NE Stinson Blvd, Ste 414 Saint Anthony, MN 55421 612-789-7888 Accepting New Patients L I S T I N G Metro Dentalcare Blaine 261 County Road 10 NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-786-9644 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hill, Agnes D Curtis, Benjamin D Chantelois, Casey A Metro Dentalcare Blaine Baltimore 10904 Baltimore St NE Ste 100 Blaine, MN 55449 763-203-6100 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Wojtowick, Chad M Metro Dentalcare Blaine Pheasant Ridge 4255 Pheasant Ridge Dr NE Ste 407 Blaine, MN 55449 763-225-6100 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dahlgren, Amy E Competente, Karen D Wildenberg, Travis W Metro Dentalcare Children’s Dentistry Anoka 3507 Round Lake Blvd, Ste 900 Anoka, MN 55303 763-233-3122 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Mani, Archana Metro Dentalcare Coon Rapids 13040 Riverdale Dr NW Ste 600 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-323-3042 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Metro Dentalcare Ramsey 7600 Sunwood Dr NW, Ste 1040 Ramsey, MN 55303 763-203-6040 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Peters, Sally N Orthodontist Liu, Isaac N Kauppi, Mark R Northpark Dental 9120 Baltimore St NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-786-1560 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Sutley, Michael K Orthodontist Saperstein, Elliot L Liu, Isaac N General Practitioner Sullivan, Aliya R E Sundquist, Melinda J Orthodontist Dall Arancio, Delia Metropolitan Pediatric Dental Associates 500 Osborne Rd NE, Ste 345 Fridley, MN 55432 763-786-4260 Not Accepting New Patients Northside Minnesota Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 11441 Osage St NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-862-6442 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Grove, Brian E Nickman, James D Richmond, Joni M Lipschultz, Joshua G Bates, Lyndsay F Cellitti, Michael P Flamenbaum, Michael H Tafoya, Michele Fong, Teresa L Oral Surgeon El Deeb, Mohamed E Northern Orthodontics 1109 E Moore Lake Dr Fridley, MN 55432 651-351-7777 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Browning, Amy M Wolff, Douglas S Petersen, Kristy L Boettner, Patricia F Orthodontic Care Specialists 11806 Aberdeen St NE, Ste 260 Blaine, MN 55449 763-757-2550 Accepting New Patients Northtown Dental Center 676 County Rd 10 NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-780-5007 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Anderson, Brian R Nemetz, Michael J Anderson, Thomas W Orthodontic Care Specialists 200 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Ste 220 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-786-9457 Accepting New Patients Padula Dental 7260 University Ave NE, Ste 115 Fridley, MN 55432 763-571-1070 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Padula, David S Park Dental Blaine 12904 Central Ave NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-755-1330 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kozlowski, Anissa J Knutson, Brett A Fondell, Chris J McLellan, Corine N Kolbjornsen, Edward A Kerr, James A Ruhlmann, Jeffrey M Rinaldi, Joseph F Power, Lisa M Boettner, Patricia F Thompson, Peter J Kozlowski, Robb D Darling, Sally K Adsitt, Sunnie F C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL General Practitioner Sullivan, Aliya R E Hill, Holly J Olson, Matthew A 221 D E N TA L Park Dental Coon Rapids 9145 Springbrook Dr Springbrook Executive Plaza, Ste 100 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-786-4632 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Condon, Daniel J Culver, Jenifer C Schelling, Katie L Severt, Mark D Thoele, Owen J Ostroot, Sara R General Practitioner Nazir, Arif R Richard Capp, DDS 320 E Main St Anoka, MN 55303 763-421-4102 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Capp, R Richard Park Dental Riverdale 3161 Northdale Blvd NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-210-7096 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Knutson, Brett A Ruhlmann, Jeffrey M Park Dental Silver Lake 2600 39th Ave NE, Ste 225 Saint Anthony, MN 55421 763-781-7475 Not Accepting New Patients Ramsey Dental Center 15243 Nowthen Blvd NW Ramsey, MN 55303 763-421-2660 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Phillips, David M Hsu, Kuo-Tung Battaglia, Richard G Riverdale Family Orthodontics 3507 Round Lake Blvd, Ste 900 Anoka, MN 55303 763-323-7677 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hicken, Joseph S General Practitioner Marvin, Daniel T Laidig, Sean P Weis, Timothy P Kieper, William H E Riverside Family Dental 2006 1st Ave Ste 202 Anoka, MN 55303 763-427-7930 Accepting New Patients Pro Dental 10210 Baltimore St NE Ste 100 Blaine, MN 55449 763-231-2050 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fakhreddine, Kamal M 222 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Robert J Donsker, DDS 3844 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-781-6976 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Donsker, Robert J Round Lake Dental 13841 Round Lake Blvd NW Andover, MN 55304 763-427-0285 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Swenson-Bellson, Thomas R Shepard Family Dentistry 3911 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-421-0770 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shepard, Clayton R Summit Dental 10756 Butternut St NW Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-757-4170 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Marksberry, Erik W The Dental Specialists 12904 Central Ave NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-755-1330 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Sullivan, Mark P Royal, Mathew J Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J D E N TAL Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Davis, Stephen M The Dental Specialists, Fridley 1109 E Moore Lake Dr Fridley, MN 55432 763-571-9990 Not Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Periodontist Hoover, Thomas E The Dental Specialists, Riverdale 3161 Northdale Blvd NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-201-6962 Not Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Davis, Stephen M Todd A Johnson, DDS 5207 University Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 763-572-8040 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Simonson, Alexis X Johnson, Todd A V Dental Center 3903 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-422-2000 Accepting New Patients Chaska Town Dental 407 City Hall Plaza Chaska, MN 55318 952-448-3077 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Vy, Muon General Practitioner Johnson, Christopher M Harvieux, David J Carver County Brad Dodds, DDS 7770 Dell Rd, Ste 160 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-944-3411 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dodds, D Bradley Chaska Commons Dental Group 114 Pioneer Trail Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-6855 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Perpich, Michael J Bottin, Michelle R Wilkinson, Mitchell C Jithendranathan, Parvathi Oral Surgeon Partnoy, Bruce E Nadeau, Robert A Chaska Orthodontic Specialists 1475 White Oak Dr Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-5550 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Vayda, Douglas W Holmberg, Mark F Hultgren, Hoxie & Waki Orthodontics 2634 Shadow Ln, Ste 102 Chaska, MN 55318 952-448-3945 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hultgren, Bruce W Hoxie, Michael H Lee, Michael S Waki, Tiffany T Hultgren, Hoxie & Waki Orthodontics 9354 Oak Ave Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-1707 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hultgren, Bruce W Hoxie, Michael H Lee, Michael S Waki, Tiffany T James L Mayerle, DDS 104 W 2nd St Chaska, MN 55318 952-448-2577 Accepting New Patients DENTAL The Dental Specialists 9145 Springbrook Dr NW Ste 100 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-201-6962 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mayerle, James L C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 223 D E N TA L Metro Dental Care Chanhassen 7806 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-303-7003 Accepting New Patients Park Dental Chaska 1150 Hazeltine Blvd Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-0777 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Brasser, Andrew J Morrison, Bradley C Castro, Olga I Beasley, Robert T Barsness, Sara A General Practitioner Powers, Erin A Hagen, Justin L Owen, Thomas H Metro Dentalcare Chanhassen 7806 Market Blvd, Ste 200 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-949-1083 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kaczrowski, Robert S Munoz Latorre, Sonja Metro Dentalcare Chaska 1435 White Oak Dr, Ste 220 Chaska, MN 55318 952-466-2090 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Alvi, Rizwan K Midwest Dental 1405 78th St Victoria, MN 55386 952-443-2994 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Green, Matthew P Prosthodontist Pierce, Lewis H 224 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Richard C Axel, DDS 522 N Faxon Rd Norwood Young America, MN 55368 952-201-2425 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Axel, Richard C Stone Creek Dental 7935 Stone Creek Dr, Ste 150 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-937-2839 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Axel, Richard C Axel Weyandt, Tiffany M TC Orthodontics 470 W 78th St Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-934-0103 Accepting New Patients Not Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Pediatric Dentist Selberg, Tieg B Valley Dental Care 814 Walnut Pl Chaska, MN 55318 952-448-4204 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dunn, John M Waconia Dental 238 W 1st St Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-9773 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sethi, Jasmine Chisago County Wyoming Family Dental 5305 E Viking Blvd Wyoming, MN 55092 651-462-5150 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Peters, Brian R Weingarten, Charyl R Timmons, Scott D Orthodontist Kelly, Chad H Dakota County The Dental Specialists 1150 Hazeltine Blvd Chaska, MN 55318 952-361-0777 AccessPoint Dental 1590 S Robert St West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-300-0949 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Basile Orthodontics 20174 Heritage Dr Lakeville, MN 55044 952-469-6760 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Basile, Joseph S Baylon and Beinlich, DDS 5972 Cahill Ave, Ste 112 Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-450-0487 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Beinlich, Greg S Baylon, Nicholas B Baylon, Richard J Qureshi, Wafa A Ben J Christopherson, DDS 6665 Cahill Ave E Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-455-1247 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Christopherson, Benjamin J Bradley A Gardner, DDS 2009 W Old County Road 34 Pl Burnsville, MN 55337 952-890-0453 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Gardner, Bradley A Brite Dental West Saint Paul 1200 Robert St, Ste C West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-340-9151 Accepting New Patients Burnsville Specialty Center 14344 Burnhaven Dr Burnsville, MN 55306 952-435-6221 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Galarraga, Emilio O Aqel, Fadi M Endodontist Brasser, Andrew J Morrison, Bradley C Castro, Olga I Beasley, Robert T Burnsville Family Dental 14400 W Burnsville Pkwy Burnsville, MN 55306 952-736-1080 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lee, Ignatius K Periodontist Barthel, James H Burnsville Family Orthodontics 14344 Burnhaven Dr Burnsville, MN 55306 952-435-6213 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hicken, Joseph S Everett, Thomas F Burnsville Orthodontic Associates 625 E Nicollet Blvd, Ste 300 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-0350 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Espe, Kelly C Ekim, Lilah S Miller, Robert P Bowlby, Scott R Oral Surgeon Gavren, Beth A Barthel, James H Tahara, Martin A Appugounder, Suganya Cahill Dental Care 6105 Cahill Ave E Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-451-9101 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Swingdorf, Bradley D Singletary, Brian K Yang, Kassyni P Dakota Children’s Dentistry 5955 Carmen Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-450-6111 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Glenn, Daniel H Denmark Dental 3436 Denmark Ave Eagan, MN 55123 651-452-4455 Not Accepting New Patients C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL General Practitioner Yeboah, Nana B K 225 D E N TA L General Practitioner Helgeson, Brandon C Casper, Robert A Dental South 800 Marie Ave South Saint Paul, MN 55075 651-451-1277 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Prueher, Michael J Brong, Nicholas P Napier, Nicole M Dentistry for Children and Adolescents 14050 Nicollet Ave, Ste 100 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-4102 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Fallon, Daniel M Sambasivan, Gayathri Abadeer, Lisa Margaret Greenwood, Mark E Erickson, Pamela R Schuette, Sally W Swanson, Thekla K Dillon Dental Care 1386 Mendota Rd Southridge Center Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 651-451-1884 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dillon, Michael J Distinctive Dental 7631 145th St W Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-8696 Not Accepting New Patients Facial Pain Center Burnsville 40 Nicollet Blvd W Burnsville, MN 55337 952-891-0222 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Miller, Charles N General Practitioner Slepicka, Larry J Dr. Paul E. Ziman 1964 Rahncliff Ct Eagan, MN 55122 612-332-0130 Accepting New Patients Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry 1340 Duckwood Dr Eagan, MN 55123 651-209-9999 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Ziman, Paul E Eagan Children’s Dentistry 4640 Slater Rd, Ste 150 Eagan, MN 55122 651-808-5252 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Pedro-Lim, Judy K Eagan Dental Clinic 4640 Slater Rd, Ste 150 Eagan, MN 55122 651-808-5252 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lim, Toh-Eng Elko New Market Dental Clinic 730 Main St, Ste 2 Elko-New Market, MN 55054 952-461-5113 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Watzl, Henry D Petersen, Steven B 226 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G General Practitioner Sim, Bradley T Yaghi, Rawan M Family Pediatric Dental Specialists 14336 Burnhaven Dr Burnsville, MN 55306 952-435-5715 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Alevizos, Deanna L G2 South 5846 Blackshire Path Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-389-1133 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Patet, G R Koch, Greg K Happy Smiles Dentistry 11995 County Rd 11, Ste 110 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-426-0657 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Hastings Dental Associates 106 6th St W Hastings, MN 55033 651-437-9812 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Humbert, Stephen J Ian C Frykman, DDS 625 E Nicollet Blvd, Ste 201 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-0321 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Frykman, Ian C Immanuel Dental 321 Third St Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-2880 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dungy, Linden K Jennifer L Eisenhuth, DDS, MS 3340 Sherman Ct, Ste 200 Eagan, MN 55121 651-406-8100 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Eisenhuth, Jennifer L Jesse N Veil, DDS, MS 7533 Egan Dr Savage, MN 55378 952-746-3015 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Veil, Jesse N Wild, Justin R Mendota Heights Dental Center 880 Sibley Memorial Hwy Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651-455-4223 Accepting New Patients Metro Dentalcare Eagan 1965 Cliff Lake Rd, Ste 102 Eagan, MN 55122 651-452-4828 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner McNamara, Robert D General Practitioner Boerema, Cole R Haase, Daniela O A V Henry, Molly A Kohlsaat, Peter W Dryer, Rekha M Mendota Heights Orthodontics 750 Main St, Ste 217 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651-293-1308 Accepting New Patients Metro Dentalcare Eagan East 1905 Plaza Dr, Ste 102 Eagan, MN 55122 651-686-6678 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Eng, Robert E General Practitioner Syrbu, Natalie E Metro Dentalcare Apple Valley 14929 Florence Trl Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-7366 Not Accepting New Patients Metro Dentalcare Inver Grove Heights 9042 Cahill Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 651-457-8282 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sangachhe, Elena Abraham, Kareem N Metro Dentalcare Apple Valley Cedar 14990 Glazier Ave Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-431-5114 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Nordblom, Deborrah J Lombardo Jr, Frank M Siskoff, Luke G General Practitioner Knowlton, Darci L Tran, Diana V Nelson, Sandra R Metro Dentalcare Lakeville 17597 Cedar Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 952-431-6600 Not Accepting New Patients DENTAL General Practitioner Sachdeva, Amandeep General Practitioner Hamdan, Hani A Tran, Thomas P C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 227 D E N TA L Metro Dentalcare Lakeville Idealic 20143 Idealic Ave, Ste 105 Lakeville, MN 55044 952-303-7012 Accepting New Patients Metropolitan Pediatric Dental Associates 3444 Denmark Ave Eagan, MN 55123 651-454-0334 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Louie, Jennifer L Pediatric Dentist Grove, Brian E Nickman, James D Richmond, Joni M Lipschultz, Joshua G Bates, Lyndsay F Cellitti, Michael P Flamenbaum, Michael H Tafoya, Michele Fong, Teresa L Metro Dentalcare Ridges 50 Nicollet Blvd W, Ste 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-8525 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sawyer, Stephen M Zimmerman, Timothy J Eaton, Vonnie L Metro Dentalcare Specialty Center 14344 Burnhaven Dr Burnsville, MN 55306 612-243-9357 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Barthel, James H Metro Dentalcare West Saint Paul 2036 S Robert St West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-457-5762 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lalla, Asha Weber, Nadia M N E T W O R K General Practitioner Rydell, Elizabeth Derksen, Jeremy J Becker, Paul C Prosthodontist Pierce, Lewis H Periodontist Barthel, James H Wolff, Ryan E 228 Midwest Dental 1121 Town Centre Dr, Ste 200 Eagan, MN 55123 651-454-4771 Accepting New Patients L I S T I N G Miller Comfort Dental of Lakeville 17746 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN 55044 952-388-1778 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Miller, Robert Bryan Miller Orthodontics 5565 Blaine Ave, Ste 80 Inver Grove Heights, MN 55118 651-457-5401 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Miller, Robert P Minnesota Dental Arts 5565 Blaine Ave E, Ste 290 Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-552-0404 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Been, Clinton S Kamel, Marko M Holm, Rachel K Minnesota Head & Neck Pain Clinic 675 E Nicollet Blvd, Ste 225 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-6222 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rhodus, Nelson L Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Herman, Cory R Schiffman, Eric L Fricton, James R Kehl, Lois J Giri, Subha Minnesota Orthodontics 1004 Diffley Rd Eagan, MN 55123 651-714-4987 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Minnesota Orthodontics 5965 Carmen Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-714-4987 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Dall Arancio, Delia Blevins, Regina L Minnesota Orthodontics 955 Highway 55, Unit D Hastings, MN 55033 651-714-4987 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Dall Arancio, Delia Blevins, Regina L Northwood Dental 1227 Northwood Pkwy Eagan, MN 55121 651-687-0789 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Taple, Loren J Thomas, Todd M Oak Cliff Dental Care 4640 Nicols Rd, Ste 100 Eagan, MN 55122 651-454-1414 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Vossen, Lindsey D Bellmont, Mari M Cafarella, Thomas G Orthodontic Care Specialists 14605 Glazier Ave Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-2682 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Liu, Isaac N Cutcliffe III, James E Kauppi, Mark R Juhlin, Theresa L Montgomery, Timothy J Orthodontic Specialists 4178 Knob Dr Eagan, MN 55123 651-454-6274 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Basile, Joseph S General Practitioner Giuseffi, Aaron K Skala, Mark J Park Dental Farmington 511 Elm St Farmington, MN 55024 952-303-7028 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Tu, Lam S Park Dental Lakeville 17436 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN 55044 952-241-5899 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Tu, Lam S Orthodontics by Hipple 1480 Yankee Doodle Rd Eagan, MN 55121 651-452-3333 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hipple, Gregg G Park Dental Apple Valley 6520 150th St W, Ste 300 Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-241-5888 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Schroeder, Jill C Wolfe, Michael A Park Dental Eagan 1895 Plaza Dr, Ste 130 Eagan, MN 55122 651-454-2700 Not Accepting New Patients Park Dental Ridges 40 Nicollet Blvd W Burnsville, MN 55337 952-898-0990 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ivanescu, Florina Schroeder, Jill C Kohler, Karen A Logan Rundquist, Kathleen Daniels, Katie E Erickson, Lindsey A Nechrebecki, Matthew J Wolfe, Michael A Thai, Paul H DENTAL Orthodontist Dall Arancio, Delia Blevins, Regina L Park Dental Rosemount 14895 S Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 952-423-2288 Not Accepting New Patients C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 229 D E N TA L General Practitioner Barsness, Angie M Ranvek, Brandon J Kilburg, Cristina I C V Park Dental Salem Square 5350 S Robert Trl Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 651-450-9579 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Wolfe, Alison K Lam, Ba T Powers, Erin A Thai, Paul H General Practitioner Wild, Paul W Perri Ann Polman, DDS 17599 Kenwood Trl, Ste 7 Lakeville, MN 55044 952-435-9737 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Polman, Perri A Petersen Dental Clinic 9202 202nd St W, Ste 201 Lakeville, MN 55044 952-469-2818 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Watzl, Henry D Petersen, Steven B N E T W O R K General Practitioner Ryan, Richard J Robert A Bjorkman, DDS 625 E Nicollet Blvd, Ste 202 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-435-0300 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bjorkman, Robert A Paul W Wild, DDS 780 Highway 110 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 651-452-0261 Accepting New Patients 230 Richard J Ryan, DDS 14135 Cedar Ave S, Ste 500 Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-891-4611 Accepting New Patients L I S T I N G Robert M Harper, DDS 5766 Blackshire Path Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651-457-6686 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Miler, Michael J Butkus, Peter C Harper, Robert M Robert P Miller, DDS, MS 925 Hwy 55, Ste 204 Hastings, MN 55033 651-437-2982 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Miller, Robert P Rosemount Family Dentistry 14590 S Robert Trl Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-3993 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bergh, Duane L Scott L Bjerke, DDS 2130 Cliff Rd, Ste 107 Eagan, MN 55122 651-452-3112 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bjerke, Scott L Signal Hill Dental 1200 S Robert St, Ste C St Paul, MN 55118 651-340-9151 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ahmed, Abdirahman Barwu, Boyee Salad, Mohammad N Saint Paul Oral Surgery 750 Main St, Ste 203 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651-451-1873 Not Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Tentinger, Charles J French, Christopher J Hutchinson, Matthew J TC Orthodontics 14050 Nicollet Ave S, Ste 301 Burnsville, MN 55431 952-892-3282 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Kelly, Chad H D E N TAL General Practitioner Burke, Ted W The Dental Health Center, DDS 19645 Pilot Knob Rd Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-2300 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Falkowski, Jon S Falkowski, Jonathan J Wenzel, Stephanie J The Dental Specialists 1895 Plaza Dr, Ste 130 Eagan, MN 55122 952-926-3892 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Law, Alan S Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Pediatric Dentist Allen, Amanda B Periodontist Petersen, Douglas G The Dental Specialists 40 Nicollet Blvd W Burnsville, MN 55337 952-891-0222 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Withrow, John C Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Davis, Stephen M Gerlach, Todd C General Practitioner Johnston, William S Periodontist Petersen, Douglas G Schmalz, Emily M ADT Dental 2232 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55405 612-377-6108 Accepting New Patients Hennepin County Prosthodontist Montes Imeri, Alfredo The Dental Specialists Pediatric Dentistry 40 Nicollet Blvd W, Ste 2 Burnsville, MN 55337 952-926-3892 Not Accepting New Patients Periodontist Molleti, Satya R Thomas E Spray, DDS 112 Seventh Ave S South Saint Paul, MN 55075 651-451-8303 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Spray, Thomas E William R Larson, DDS, MS 17599 Kenwood Trl, Ste 7 Lakeville, MN 55044 952-435-9737 Accepting New Patients Prosthodontist Larson, William R William S Johnston, DDS 1545 Livingston Ave, Ste 101 West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-455-0505 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Della Torre, Adele Ottavi, Alice M Hastings, Angela M Knox, Lesley C Advance Dentistry 5020 Minnetonka Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-285-1677 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lyansky, Rita Affiliated Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 11601 Minnetonka Mills Rd Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-935-8420 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Block, James C Affiliated Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 348 2nd St Excelsior Professional Building Excelsior, MN 55331 952-474-6336 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Block, James C C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 231 DENTAL Teddy W Burke, DDS 23325 Water St Hampton, MN 55031 651-437-8086 Accepting New Patients D E N TA L Alpine Dental 5237 Douglas Dr Crystal, MN 55429 763-536-1118 Accepting New Patients Anthony A Ongaro, DDS 2708 Johnson St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-789-6543 Accepting New Patients Bayport Dental 404 W 65th St Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-8881 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rizkalla Rizk, George S Bar, Isaac Sharpe, Kelsey S Cahow, Kevan T Nordeen, Kyle J General Practitioner Ongaro, Anthony A General Practitioner Thomey, Pierre R Arlan J Winikoff, DDS 7250 France Ave S Ste 303 Edina, MN 55435 952-832-9219 Accepting New Patients Beeman Dental Clinic 2306 W 50th St Minneapolis, MN 55410 612-920-2075 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Winikoff, Arlan J General Practitioner Beeman, Theodore M Artisan Dental 4000 Annapolis Lane, Ste 103 Plymouth, MN 55447 763-519-8880 Accepting New Patients Blue Ridge Dental Center 11601 Minnetonka Mills Rd Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-938-8858 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ahmed, Kamal Uddin General Practitioner Kemmitt, Gregory J Olson, James O Klecker, Janis K McHugh, Justin J Wilkes, Kyle J Al-Shifa Dentistry 12936 63rd Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-559-3400 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Latif, Nasir K Amana Dental 2326 Central Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-789-2928 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ruby, Andrea K Anderson Lake Dental 8775 Columbine Rd Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-942-0823 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Suhrwardy, Ambereen F Asif, Shiraz M Basile Orthodontics 17809 Hutchins Dr, Ste 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-474-3203 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Basile, Joseph S Bates Orthodontics 2701 University Ave SE, Ste 101 Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-379-2424 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Bates, Sean P 232 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Blue Ridge Dental Center 13800 83rd Way N, Ste 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-424-2877 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kemmitt, Gregory J Klecker, Janis K McHugh, Justin J Wilkes, Kyle J D E N TAL General Practitioner Boulos, Samy W Boynton Health Service Dental Clinic 410 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-9998 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Rodriguez Figueroa, Carolina Johnson, Mary Beth E General Practitioner Lebo, Chris A Raykowski, Grant E Moren, Jonathan C Kamdar, Priya D Oral Surgeon Basi, David L Periodontist Molleti, Satya R Brookside Dentistry 4045 Brookside Ave Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-924-0709 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Foster, Luke A Bruce Martinson DDS 317 Wayzata Blvd E Wayzata, MN 55391 952-473-4639 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Martinson, Bruce J Camp Smile 2805 Campus Dr, Ste 245 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-383-1788 Accepting New Patients Cedar Island Dental 7378 Kirkwood Ct Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-391-7600 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dunlap, William J Cedar Lake Dental Clinic 5861 Cedar Lake Rd S Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 763-541-6000 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Augustyn, Bobbi L Maguire, Colin J Raether, Daniel G Camp Smile 675 Water St Excelsior, MN 55331 952-242-9200 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Augustyn, Bobbi L Maguire, Colin J Raether, Daniel G Cataldo Family Dentistry 10100 6th Ave N, Ste 102B Plymouth, MN 55441 763-544-7856 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Cataldo, Brent A Cedar Hills Dental Center 10976 Cedar Lake Rd Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-544-2225 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Wagnild, William W General Practitioner Matha, Avinash Malik, Dimple Zigelman, Marina A Johnson, Michael R Madhok, Neera Spray, Thomas E Centennial Lakes Dental Group 5851 Duluth St, Ste 218 Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-544-0121 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kreuger, Lawrence J Eichmeyer, Lucas A Centennial Lakes Dental Group 7373 France Ave S, Ste 500 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-2800 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shand, Adam G Brettingen, Chad L Freeman, Craig O Baumgartner, Kerry J Eichmeyer, Lucas A C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Boulos Dental Care 470 Hwy 96 W, Ste 200 Shoreview, MN 55126 651-366-6880 Accepting New Patients 233 D E N TA L Champlin Family Dental 12233 Champlin Dr Champlin, MN 55316 763-323-0678 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Stark, Kelly K Bauer, Krista S Charles Fisher, DDS 5749 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-825-0452 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fisher, Charles D Charles L Hirt, DDS 17705 Hutchins Dr, Ste 201 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-474-5239 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Richie, Barbara J Hirt, Charles L Chicago Lake Dental 2900 Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-823-2080 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Johnson, David W Children’s Dental Services 1098 Andersen Ln Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-746-1530 Accepting New Patients 234 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G General Practitioner Alegaonkar, Archana K Hemmaty, Azar Eggebrecht, Emily Ledermann, Kim Stanley, Mark J Koehn, Merideth L Do, Phuong K Kim, Rebekah J Kim, Sarah J Magnuson, Sarah J Pink, Thomas J Spray, Thomas E Children’s Dental Services 4225 3rd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55409 612-746-1530 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Alegaonkar, Archana K Hemmaty, Azar Eggebrecht, Emily Ledermann, Kim Stanley, Mark J Koehn, Merideth L Do, Phuong K Kim, Rebekah J Kim, Sarah J Magnuson, Sarah J Pink, Thomas J Spray, Thomas E Children’s Dental Services 636 Broadway St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-746-1530 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Alegaonkar, Archana K Hemmaty, Azar Eggebrecht, Emily Ledermann, Kim Thao, Kou Stanley, Mark J Koehn, Merideth L Do, Phuong K Kim, Rebekah J Lew, Robert E Kim, Sarah J Magnuson, Sarah J Pink, Thomas J Spray, Thomas E Pediatric Dentist Kinder, Megan M Children’s Dental Services 700 Humboldt Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-746-1530 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Alegaonkar, Archana K Hemmaty, Azar Eggebrecht, Emily Ledermann, Kim Stanley, Mark J Koehn, Merideth L Do, Phuong K Kim, Rebekah J Kim, Sarah J Magnuson, Sarah J Pink, Thomas J Spray, Thomas E Children’s Dental Services 8500 Zane Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 612-746-1530 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Alegaonkar, Archana K Hemmaty, Azar D E N TAL Cities Dental Group 3505 Vicksburg Ln N, Ste 1200 Plymouth, MN 55447 763-694-7500 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lira, Leandro M Cities Dental Studio 1421 Wayzata Blvd E, Ste 303 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-746-7891 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Watkins, Jennifer L Key, Kathleen K Shane, Kelvin L Said, Sherif M I City of lakes 5524 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-823-1816 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Johnson, Christopher M Harvieux, David J Schulte, Herbert W Sharpe, Kacie B Cleft Palate Craniofacial Clinic 515 Delaware St SE 6-320 Moos Hst Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5945 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Anderson, Gary C Comfort Dental 9413 36th Ave N New Hope, MN 55427 763-746-9033 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rizkalla Rizk, George S Bar, Isaac Sharpe, Kelsey S Cahow, Kevan T Nordeen, Kyle J Community Dental Care 3359 W Broadway Ave Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-270-5776 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Siegrist, Alyson D Elbert, Amanda J Mazhary, Aram Vang, Aroone Perkins, Audrey L Tran, Bao Q Sorenson, Brent S Berg, Brianna B Ebert, Carl W Berkseth Rojas, Christie J Ganfield, Christina C Fish, Diane M Galarraga, Emilio O Topley, Erin D Feghahati, Hesam S Mohamed, Hibaq I Grittner, Jadilyn N Watkins, Jennifer L Grabouski, Jessica J Mullins, Kara R Sievert, Katherine A Connell, Kathryn R Stanton, Kellee N Lebens, Kyley M DeKrey, Lee W Gores, Lucy M Sharpe, Luke M Gowey, Mallory J Abu Dayyeh, Muna Weinand, Nicholas M Napier, Nicole M Berge, Noah P Bhosale, Pallavi P Favero, Rosemary A Schafer, Ross J Nagarkar, Sanket R VanDemark, Sara J Stecker, Shelly S Nelson, Shivan E Beinlich, Tyler G Peterson, Vacharee S Pediatric Dentist Stevens, Justin M Prosthodontist Schulte, John K Community-University Health Care Center 2001 Bloomington Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-301-0918 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Srinivasan, Daya Sanchez, Desiree C C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 235 DENTAL Eggebrecht, Emily Ledermann, Kim Stanley, Mark J Koehn, Merideth L Do, Phuong K Kim, Rebekah J Kim, Sarah J Magnuson, Sarah J Pink, Thomas J Spray, Thomas E D E N TA L Mantilla, Edgar F Luke, Jeffrey F Self, Karl D Hsu, Kuo-Tung Olson, Michele M Goulding, Thomas Arley Pediatric Dentist Ertugrul, Havva Z Qureshi, Wafa A Prosthodontist Saldarriaga, Augusto V Delima, Luis F Creekside Dental 3340 Republic Ave, Ste 130 St Louis Park, MN 55426 952-938-2740 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Schuier, Nicholas J Foy, Patrick J Crimson Care Family Dental 9507 Blackoaks Ln Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-416-2006 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Pink, Thomas J Crosstown Dental 2010 W 66th St Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-5014 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mork, Frank E Johnson, Joseph W 236 N E T W O R K Dale C Larson, DDS 7550 France Ave S, Ste 138 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-1332 Accepting New Patients David L McKay, DDS 4800 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-822-2176 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Larson, Dale C General Practitioner McKay, David L Regenold, Tara L Daniel E Smoleroff DDS 5851 Duluth St, Ste 315 Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-544-1626 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Smoleroff, Daniel E Daniel O Odegaard, DDS 825 Nicollet Mall, Ste 1001 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-332-2618 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Odegaard, Daniel O David A Katz, DDS 2934 Texas Ave S Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-935-7707 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Katz, David A David J Howells, DDS, PA 8500 Edinbrook Pkwy Ste D Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-424-3555 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Howells, David J L I S T I N G David W Hertelendy 4221 Minnetonka Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-924-9198 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hertelendy, David W Debra L Amundson, DDS 2775 Winnetka Ave N New Hope, MN 55427 763-545-3010 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Amundson, Debra L Dentistry by Design 17809 Hutchins Dr, Ste 108 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-474-5041 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rizvi, Atif H Schwartz, James R Dentistry for Children and Adolescents 6060 Clearwater Dr, Ste 210 Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-932-0920 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Distinctive Dental Care 8900 Penn Ave S, Ste 202 Bloomington, MN 55431 952-888-1861 Accepting New Patients Dentistry for Children and Adolescents 7373 France Ave S, Ste 402 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-4400 Accepting New Patients Donald F Garon, DDS 6828 Hemlock Ln N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-424-4646 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Fallon, Daniel M Sambasivan, Gayathri Abadeer, Lisa Margaret Greenwood, Mark E Erickson, Pamela R Schuette, Sally W Swanson, Thekla K Dentures ASAP 2738 Winnetka Ave N, Ste 100 New Hope, MN 55427 763-218-5350 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Domaas, David E Diamond Dental 115 Broadway St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-326-1300 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ahmed, Abdirahman Yeboah, Nana B K General Practitioner Syed, Haseen General Practitioner Garon, Donald F Donald J Clausen, DDS 825 Nicollet Mall, Ste 825 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-5420 Accepting New Patients Prosthodontist Clausen, Donald J Downtown Dental Associates, Inc 121 S 8th St, Ste 199 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-339-5808 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Koidahl, Scott R Dr “D” Orthodontics/ Dr Delia Dall Arancio 3475 Plymouth Blvd, Ste 300 Plymouth, MN 55447 763-559-0559 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Dall Arancio, Delia Dr D Orthodontics 7373 France Ave S, Ste 412 Edina, MN 55435 952-893-1015 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Dall Arancio, Delia Dr Donald A Quinn Jr, DDS 207 Lowry Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-787-0545 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Quinn, Donald A Dr Donald V Eckels, DDS 3300 Edinborough Way, Ste 203 Edina, MN 55435 952-893-0400 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Eckels, Donald V Dr Gary M Fine, DDS 825 Nicollet Mall, Ste 1005 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-332-1336 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fine, Gary M DENTAL Pediatric Dentist Fallon, Daniel M Sambasivan, Gayathri Abadeer, Lisa Margaret Greenwood, Mark E Erickson, Pamela R Schuette, Sally W Swanson, Thekla K Dr Gregory D Liska, DDS Dr Darren E Hovland, DDS 1025 Evergreen Ln N Plymouth, MN 55441 763-546-2209 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 237 D E N TA L Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hovland, Darren E Liska, Gregory D Dr L A Otieno 2126 W Broadway Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-521-5443 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Otieno Ayim, Larban A Dr Paul E Ziman 11004 Cedar Lake Rd Cedar Hills Shopping Center Minnetonka, MN 55305 612-332-0130 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Ziman, Paul E Dr Paul E Ziman 825 Nicollet Mall, Ste 531 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-332-0130 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Ziman, Paul E Dr Robert Boyat 1919 Mainstreet Hopkins, MN 55343 952-935-2121 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Boyat, Robert 238 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Drs Johnson & Bruss 4201 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-2833 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bruss, Thomas D Drs Stone, Johnson & Associates 3300 Edinborough Way, Ste 210 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-1112 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Johnson, Keith E Stone, Paul S Dulac Dental Ltd 6550 York Ave S, Ste 202 Edina, MN 55435 952-925-2176 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner DuLac, Jill M Dunkirk Dental 16342 County Road 30 Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-420-9876 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Martin, Ernest E Eden Prairie Orthodontic Associates 11800 Singletree Ln, Ste 406 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-829-0686 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Vayda, Douglas W Ekim, Lilah S Holmberg, Mark F Edina Orthodontic Associates 3939 W 50th St, Ste 207 Edina, MN 55424 952-926-2335 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Holmberg, Mark F Vayda, Patricia M Bowlby, Scott R Edina Orthodontics Centennial Lakes 7373 France Ave S, Ste 400 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-1324 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Wilcox, Leslie L Orthodontist Vayda, Patricia M Bowlby, Scott R E E Martin III, DDS 825 Nicollet Mall 431 Medical Arts Bldg Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-8636 Accepting New Patients Elm Creek Dental 7870 Main St Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-416-0606 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Carter, Richard D D E N TAL Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Keane, Thomas M Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry 4100 Shoreline Dr, Ste 5 Spring Park, MN 55384 952-471-0900 Not Accepting New Patients Excel Dentistry 1421 E Wayzata Blvd, Ste 320 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-475-2907 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shibko, Aleksandr Alassy, Hatem Excel Dentistry 8001 Hwy 7, Ste 100 Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-746-3233 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shibko, Aleksandr Alassy, Hatem Excelsior Family Dental 348 2nd St, Ste 200 Excelsior, MN 55331 952-474-6515 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Stark, Amy E Christensen, Gary W Collier, Laura S Scott, Norman W Excelsior Town Dental 425 2nd St Excelsior, MN 55331 952-474-6133 General Practitioner Johnson, Christopher M Harvieux, David J General Practitioner Drexler, Charles W Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry 5100 Eden Ave, Ste 209 Edina, MN 55436 952-929-0641 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Suhrwardy, Ambereen F Boeckermann, Amy L Lane, Jason D Klotzbuecher, Kurt A Peterson, Natalie A Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry 5401 Chicago Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-827-2801 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Tsay, Aaron Alegaonkar, Archana K Setia, Shveta Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry 7500 42nd Ave N New Hope, MN 55427 763-252-6350 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mokhles, Iman A Klotzbuecher, Kurt A Abou Atme, Youssef S Prosthodontist Kovacs, Alejandro R Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry Ltd 5001 Winnetka Ave N New Hope, MN 55428 763-533-0055 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mokhles, Iman A Klotzbuecher, Kurt A Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry, Ltd 13550 26th Ave N, Ste 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-557-0287 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Peterson, Natalie A Boulos, Samy W Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry, Ltd 1421 Wayzata Blvd E, Ste 320 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-224-9774 Accepting New Patients C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 239 DENTAL Esthesia Oral Surgery Care 8900 Penn Ave S, Ste 211 Bloomington, MN 55431 952-920-3844 Not Accepting New Patients D E N TA L General Practitioner Sim, Bradley T Family Dental Care of South Minneapolis 3152 Minnehaha Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-728-8888 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dawa, Ernestine O Holm, Rachel K Family Endodontic Specialists 6601 Lyndale Ave S, Ste 230 Richfield, MN 55423 612-638-1224 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Brasser, Andrew J Morrison, Bradley C Castro, Olga I Beasley, Robert T Oral Surgeon Gavren, Beth A Barthel, James H Tahara, Martin A Appugounder, Suganya Periodontist Barthel, James H Family Oral Surgery Specialists 6601 Lyndale Ave S, Ste 230 Richfield, MN 55423 612-638-1238 N E T W O R K Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Gavren, Beth A Barthel, James H Tahara, Martin A Glineburg, Robert W Appugounder, Suganya General Practitioner Sukhani, Geeta R Periodontist Barthel, James H Family Orthodontics 5804 Excelsior Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-922-7117 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Ross, Angela V Forestview Dental 7270 Forestview Ln N, Ste 250 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-424-9202 Accepting New Patients Family Oral Surgery Specialists 15785 95th Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-233-4141 Accepting New Patients 240 Accepting New Patients L I S T I N G General Practitioner Shamp, Douglas G Francisco Mesa, DDS 7727 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-944-2052 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mesa, Francisco J Bozoian, Paul E Geeta Sukhani 7300 France Ave S Ste 110 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-0414 Gendler Dental Center 1222 Main St Hopkins, MN 55343 952-836-1113 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Gendler, Joseph E Smilanich, Michael D Goulding, Thomas Arley Giebenhain Dental Associates 5851 Duluth St, Ste 103 Golden Valley, MN 55422 763-545-0330 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Giebenhain, John N Giebenhain, Michael E Glen Lake Dental Associates 14421 Excelsior Blvd Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-935-5212 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Cassidy, Kent E Owen, Mary K Gordon Engstrand Family Dentistry 2000 Plymouth Rd, Ste 357 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-544-1449 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Engstrand, Gordon D D E N TAL General Practitioner Hanson, Gregory B Gregory M Joiner, DDS 30 Central Ave Osseo, MN 55369 763-425-2626 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Joiner, Gregory M Grove Dentist 13649 Grove Dr Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-420-8038 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Madhok, Neera Batthula, Padmanjali Chacko, Reny Grove Health Dental 9907 Maple Grove Pkwy Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-416-0011 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Francis, Ryan T Nelson, Shivan E Hennepin County Medical Center 701 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN 55415 612-873-6963 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Strait, Cale A Spitzmueller, James E General Practitioner Kent, Anne E DiAngelis, Anthony J Strand, Cynthia M Gunselman, Erin L Seieroe, Mary E Markowski, Richard J Oral Surgeon French, Christopher J Chavez, Julie A Svoboda, Lance Sabino, Mary Ann C Hutchinson, Matthew J Farnsworth, William R Pediatric Dentist Leyland, Andrea M Fulling, Elisabeth R Tarren, Patricia C Sabino, Mary Ann C Farnsworth, William R Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Haley, Dennis P Heritage Dental Centers 8500 42nd Ave N New Hope, MN 55427 763-537-6070 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lee, Donna Y Peterson, Eric J Anderson, Ryan J Heritage Dental Centers 9720 Schreiber Terrace N Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-208-8448 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lee, Donna Y Peterson, Eric J Anderson, Ryan J Periodontist Ettel, Roger G Prosthodontist DeWitt, Brandon Lund, Todd W Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Haley, Dennis P Hennepin County Medical Center 825 S 8th St, Ste 260 Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-873-6963 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Svoboda, Lance Christensen, Louis J Hultgren Hoxie & Waki Orthodontics 6060 Clearwater Dr, Ste 230 Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-937-0111 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hultgren, Bruce W Hoxie, Michael H Lee, Michael S Bergsrud, Michelle L Waki, Tiffany T C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Gregory B Hanson, DDS 5270 W 84th St, Ste 360 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-835-0666 Accepting New Patients 241 D E N TA L Hultgren, Hoxie & Waki Orthodontics 5205 Shoreline Dr Mound, MN 55364 952-937-0111 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hultgren, Bruce W Hoxie, Michael H Lee, Michael S Waki, Tiffany T Hultgren, Hoxie & Waki Orthodontics 7825 Terrey Pine Ct, Ste 101 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-937-0111 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hultgren, Bruce W Hoxie, Michael H Lee, Michael S Waki, Tiffany T Ian Park, DDS 17705 Hutchins Dr, Ste 209 Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-474-8114 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Park, Ian A In Harmony Dental Care 5270 W 84th St, Ste 360 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-835-0666 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hanson, Gregory B 242 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G In House Senior Services 6600 Lyndale Ave S, Ste 130 Richfield, MN 55423 612-243-8999 Accepting New Patients Ivory Dental Group 825 Nicollet Mall, Ste 505 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-8636 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Miller, DeAnna L Ohland, Maureen A Ramirez, Patricia M General Practitioner Morse, Bradford J Brenny, Cole P Indian Health Board of Minneapolis Inc 1315 E 24th St Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-721-9800 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Thorn Black, Hattie L Teodoru, Malina Thorstenson, Sheila C Interlachen Dental Associates 5101 Vernon Ave S, Ste 1B Edina, MN 55436 952-920-9579 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Nelson, Casey L Smith, Gina L Gitzen, Michael J Isles Dental Associates 2534 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55405 612-374-4321 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Taghizadeh, Sepideh M J & D Dental, DDS 109 S 7th St, Ste 133 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-332-0592 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner DeChant, Jennifer L Herbert, Jennifer A Jakubas Dental Clinic 4554 Minnehaha Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-3012 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Jakubas, Joan M James A. Nasby, DDS 7373 France Ave S, Ste 412 Edina, MN 55435 612-868-3081 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Nasby, James A Jay Clark, DDS 7104 Chicago Ave Richfield, MN 55423 612-869-3239 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Jeffrey J Jaeger, DDS 7240 Brooklyn Blvd, Ste 250 Brooklyn Park, MN 55429 763-561-1570 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Jaeger, Jeffrey J Jerome E Euteneuer, DDS 6545 France Ave S Ste 270 Southdale Medical Bldg Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7744 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Euteneuer, Jerome E Jesse N Veil, DDS, MS 11800 Singletree Ln, Ste 200 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-903-9484 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Veil, Jesse N Wild, Justin R Jesse N Veil, DDS, MS 600 W 98th St, Ste 300 Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-2269 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Veil, Jesse N Wild, Justin R John F Englund, DDS 100 Central Ave Osseo, MN 55369 763-425-8200 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Englund, John F John H Yaeger, DDS 7490 E Fish Lake Rd Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-420-4235 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Yaeger, John H John R Shand, DDS 4948 34th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-722-4676 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shand, John R Justin T Ostrem, DDS 4600 Lake Rd Ave Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-536-1272 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ostrem, Justin T Kenneth B Weddell, DDS 8900 Penn Ave S, Ste 307 Bloomington, MN 55431 952-884-7706 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Weddell, Kenneth B KingField Family Dental and Associates 17 E 38th St Minneapolis, MN 55409 612-353-5443 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Suhrwardy, Ambereen F Miller, DeAnna L Waynewood, Freeman L Knollwood Dentistry 8454 Highway 7 Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-933-3667 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dyab, Omar Jithendranathan, Parvathi Hillesheim, Ryan M Oral Surgeon Nadeau, Robert A Kochenderfer Family Dentistry 10906 S Shore Dr Plymouth, MN 55441 763-545-1837 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kochenderfer, Nancy L Kochenderfer, Robert L Kris J Kalenda, DDS 4200 W Old Shakopee Rd Ste 221 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-881-0201 Accepting New Patients DENTAL General Practitioner Clark, Jay A General Practitioner Kalenda, Kris J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 243 D E N TA L Kurt E Witte, DDS 1601 Como Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-331-1058 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Witte, Kurt E Lake Minnetonka Orthodontics 11601 Minnetonka Mills Rd Ste F30 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-938-1443 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Carr, Heather M Lake Minnetonka Orthodontics 250 N Central Ave, Ste 302 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-473-1993 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Carr, Heather M Lake Minnetonka Orthodontics 348 2nd St Excelsior, MN 55331 952-474-0288 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Carr, Heather M Larson Dental 1632 Washington St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-789-2853 Accepting New Patients 244 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G General Practitioner Larson, Cory J Halberg, Devon J Lisa K Kruchoski, DDS 7600 Parklawn Ave, Ste 101 Edina, MN 55435 952-835-6000 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kruchoski, Lisa K Luke W Bogdanowicz and Associates 8525 Edinbrook Crossing, Ste 402 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-425-5277 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bogdanowicz, Luke W Maple Brook Dental Center of Minnesota 8421 W Broadway Ave Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-424-5313 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lam, Danh Maple Grove Dental Center 13800 83rd Way N, Ste 106 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-424-2930 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dale, Patrick C Maple Grove Dental Center 13998 Maple Knoll Way Ste LL103 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-425-2072 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dale, Matthew P Maple Grove Smiles Dentistry 12737 Elm Creek Blvd N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-218-7005 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Perpich, Michael J Mark J Johnson, DDS 6600 France Ave S, Ste 310 Edina, MN 55435 952-941-1911 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Johnson, Mark J Metro Dental Care Maple Grove 95th 15785 95th Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-233-4140 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Brasser, Andrew J Morrison, Bradley C Page, Mitchell L Castro, Olga I Beasley, Robert T D E N TAL General Practitioner Vieregge, Brian L Lane, Jason D Schwartzbauer, Megan R Brar, Satbir S Metro Dentalcare Brooklyn Center 512 66th Ave N, Ste 200 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-560-3334 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Seime, Anna G Wittenberg, Bruce R Gamam Forest, Marwa M Metro Dentalcare Downtown Minneapolis 825 Nicollet Ave, Ste 1025 Medical Arts Building Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-333-2879 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Siverson, Jonathan Isak Bottin, Michelle R Metro Dentalcare Eden Prairie 8353 Crystal View Rd, #105 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-252-4000 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Elvecrog, Mark J Huynh, Nina V Lei, Yu Metro Dentalcare Edina 4980 W 77th St, Ste 105 Edina, MN 55435 952-835-3383 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner McCarty, Colin A Walling, Greg T Metro Dentalcare Edina Periodontics 4980 W 77th St Edina, MN 55435 952-835-3383 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Wolff, Larry F Wolff, Ryan E Metro Dentalcare Maple Grove 15785 95th Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-420-5484 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner McCullough, Christina M Rounds, Noah A Biorn, Steven A Haas, Thomas J Orthodontist Hicken, Joseph S Everett, Thomas F Metro Dentalcare Maple Grove 95th Periodontics 15785 95th Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 612-243-9357 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Lee, Connie A Wolff, Ryan E Metro Dentalcare Maple Grove Bass Lake 13340 Bass Lake Rd Maple Grove, MN 55311 763-478-9219 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Vanderpoel, Jennifer M Lang, Kelly A Metro Dentalcare Maple Grove Grove Circle 9630 Grove Circle N, Ste 102 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-420-5484 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Longlet, Chelsea M McCullough, Christina M Rounds, Noah A Haas, Thomas J Metro Dentalcare Osseo 40 Central Ave, Ste 1040 Osseo, MN 55369 763-425-3023 Accepting New Patients DENTAL Metro Dentalcare Bloomington 10611 France Ave S, Ste 200 Bloomington, MN 55431 952-888-4125 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Elimelakh, Marianna C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 245 D E N TA L Metro Dentalcare Richfield Care Center 6601 Lyndale Ave S, Ste 230 Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-1234 Not Accepting New Patients Metro Dentalcare Saint Louis Park 4959 Excelsior Blvd, Ste 200 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-920-8774 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Larson, Benjamin D Milbrath, David E Gomes, Eugene J Diekmann Teegarden, Heidi J Marzella, James D Marker Johnson, Jennifer A Wittenstrom, John C Pearce, Mark M Benson, Rebecca L Colarusso, Sara M Melstrom, Sarah J Dullard, Suanne M General Practitioner Zwers, Andrew J Le, Mai Trinh T Gallagher, Sarah G General Practitioner Nelson, Michael J Michael P Sievert, DDS 12736 Bass Lake Rd Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-559-2082 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sievert, Michael P Metro Dentalcare Wayzata 445 Lake St E, Ste 216 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-473-4124 Not Accepting New Patients Michelle M LaBeau, DDS 7550 France Ave S, Ste 138 Edina, MN 55435 952-703-9957 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bordson, Brent M General Practitioner LaBeau, Michelle M Metro Dentalcare Richfield Periodontics 6601 Lyndale Ave S, Ste 230 Richfield, MN 55423 612-243-9357 Accepting New Patients Michael A Gavino, DDS Northgate Office Park 2500 Highway 88, Ste 115 Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-789-1373 Accepting New Patients Midwest Dental 6320 Minnetonka Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-929-9450 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Lee, Connie A Wolff, Ryan E General Practitioner Gavino, Michael A Metro Dentalcare South Minneapolis 4552 Bryant Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-825-1697 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hoiland, Jaimie N Slingsby, Katie M 246 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Michael Colbert, DDS 10182 Lancaster Ln N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-424-4544 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Colbert, Michael L Michael J Nelson, DDS 8001 Hwy 7, Ste 300 Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-920-4060 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ruby, Andrea K McKinley, Benjamin A Prosthodontist Pierce, Lewis H Jorgenson, Michael W Mill City Dental 2218 Laurel Ave Minneapolis, MN 55405 612-377-3740 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Williams, Jay C D E N TAL General Practitioner Key, Kathleen K Shane, Kelvin L Minneapolis Orthodontics 100 S Fifth St, Ste 410 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-889-7003 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Wahl, Andrew J Minnesota Dental Care 334 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-886-3238 Accepting New Patients Minnesota Dentalcare 718 W 66th St Market Plaza Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-0616 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lervick, Katherine M Johnson, Mark S Leitgen, Stephen R Minnesota Head & Neck Pain Clinic 3475 Plymouth Blvd, Ste 200 Plymouth, MN 55447 763-577-2484 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rhodus, Nelson L General Practitioner Bhatt, Gaurang B Batthula, Padmanjali Mahajan, Shrirang P Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Herman, Cory R Schiffman, Eric L Fricton, James R Kehl, Lois J Giri, Subha Minnesota Dental Care 4820 Minnetonka Bld, Ste 202 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-500-9888 Accepting New Patients Minnesota Lee Dental Clinic 7767 Elm Creek Blvd, Ste 160 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-391-7522 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bhatt, Gaurang B Batthula, Padmanjali Mahajan, Shrirang P General Practitioner Lee, Ho Young Minnesota Oral and Facial Surgery 4125 Lakeland Ave N, Ste 100 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-537-5123 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Kademani, Deepak Minnetonka Dental Care 17909 Delton Ave Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-474-7057 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bar, Isaac Cahow, Kevan T Nordeen, Kyle J Mintalar Dental 3220 Bass Lake Rd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-561-6320 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mintalar, Eric R Mondale Dental 10600 Old County Rd 15 Ste 120 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-512-8500 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mondale, Brian P NACC Dental Services 1213 E Franklin Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-872-8086 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Real, Carmen C D Watkin, Charles O Mills, Eric A Pedersen, Jerome W Strinden Hall, Maren E C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Minneapolis Dental Associates 2221 University Ave SE, Ste 119 Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-378-1909 Accepting New Patients 247 D E N TA L Schulz, Paul D Buck Wischmeier, Susan J Thierer, Todd E Newhouse Family Dental 348 2nd St, Ste 250 Excelsior, MN 55331 952-474-6411 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Newhouse, Eric C Ngoc Waite, DDS 6300 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Ste 355 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 763-560-4081 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Waite, Ngoc M General Practitioner Nelson, Casey L Nicollet Family Dentistry 2120 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-870-4646 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Charles, Tracey R Nicollet Mall Dental Arts 825 Nicollet Mall, Ste 1737 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-332-1164 Accepting New Patients N E T W O R K Nicollet Station Dental 510 Marquette Ave, Ste 100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-5557 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Conroy, Jerry J Determan, Michael J Osborn, Scott Charles Nokomis Dental 4110 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-721-1272 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Warren, Grace A Nicollet Dental 6101 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-866-8550 Accepting New Patients 248 General Practitioner Uppgaard, David A L I S T I N G North Memorial Clinic MultiSpecialty 3300 Oakdale Ave N Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-581-5360 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Newell, Brandon E Basi, David L Patel, Ketan J North Memorial Surgical Services 3300 Oakdale Ave N Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-520-5200 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Newell, Brandon E Basi, David L Patel, Ketan J North Trauma Services 3300 Oakdale Ave N Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-581-3700 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Newell, Brandon E Basi, David L Patel, Ketan J Hughes, Pamela J Northeast Dental Wellness 3201 Johnson St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-781-6568 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Clouse, Ryan S Kwon, Woojin North Memorial Health Care 3300 Oakdale Ave N Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-520-5200 Accepting New Patients Northern Star Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 18258 Minnetonka Blvd, Ste 100 Deephaven, MN 55391 612-276-3676 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Newell, Brandon E Basi, David L Patel, Ketan J Oral Surgeon Newell, Brandon E Basi, David L Chavez, Julie A D E N TAL Northside Minnesota Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 707 East Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-217-2712 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Newell, Brandon E Basi, David L Chavez, Julie A Oral Surgeon El Deeb, Mohamed E NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center 1313 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-543-2500 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Leis, Alexandra N Hemmaty, Azar McCullough, Christina M Gulis, Danielle L Snyder, Eric T Torres, Gina Hamid, Habab K Pound, Heidi J Shimek, Jennifer L Desjardins, Jessica M Shannon Hardrict, June E Confeld, Kent A Brooks, Michael A Markowski, Richard J Avent Hassan, Rochelle R Magnuson, Sarah J Asif, Shiraz M Cuellar, Sylvia M Prosthodontist Clausen, Donald J O Neil Dental Center 6945 Penn Ave S, Ste 101 Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-2233 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner O’Neil, Jeffrey E Beuckens, Megan L Schwartz, William R Oral Radiology Clinic 515 Delaware St SE 7th Floor Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5642 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Theis, Dennis C Gaalaas, Laurence R Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology Ahmad, Mansur Orthodontic Care Specialists 13784 83rd Way N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-494-6612 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Kauppi, Mark R Orthodontic Care Specialists 16570 W 78th St Eden Prairie, MN 55346 952-937-8733 Not Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Montgomery, Timothy J Orthodontic Care Specialists 3401 Wooddale Ave S Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-920-1373 Not Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Cutcliffe III, James E Kauppi, Mark R Bergsrud, Michelle L Orthodontic Care Specialists 3455 Plymouth Blvd, Ste 275 Plymouth, MN 55447 763-551-8911 Not Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Kauppi, Mark R Montgomery, Timothy J Orthodontic Care Specialists 6437 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-535-6010 Not Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Cutcliffe III, James E Kauppi, Mark R Pan Orthodontic Clinics 5101 Vernon Ave S, Ste 502 Edina, MN 55436 952-926-3747 Accepting New Patients C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Northern Star Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 5100 Gamble Dr, Ste 125 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-465-0105 Accepting New Patients 249 D E N TA L Not Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Pan, Yu Pan Orthodontics 7240 Brooklyn Blvd, Ste 100 Brooklyn Park, MN 55429 952-926-3747 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Pan, Yu Park Dental Bloomington 4200 W Old Shakopee Rd, Ste 100 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-831-6126 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lahr, Kevin P Routt, Michael Jennings Brodersen, Tara V Park Dental Brookpark 6437 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 763-531-7177 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Wolfe, Alison K Mikkonen, Amelia A Leong, Anthony Brockman, Brenda A Lund, Heidi A Heckert, John W Reither, Lowell W Eakins, Megan M Marshall, Todd W Park Dental Champlin 12180 Business Park Blvd N Champlin, MN 55316 763-421-5206 250 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G General Practitioner Brockman, Brenda A Bahnemann, Carol A Miller, Krista M Eakins, Megan M Hovda, Stephen C Maroney, Steven T Park Dental Eden Prairie 18315 Cascade Dr, Ste 120 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-949-2536 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Gulon, John E Tu, Lam S Cepek, Lisa J Thai, Paul H Yankovich, Robert B Hermanson, Sarah L Wolken, Stacey K Park Dental Edina 6545 France Ave S, Ste 390 Edina, MN 55435 952-926-3534 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Giuseffi, Aaron K Thiele Burt, Ann M Dunford, Annette G Jensen, Camille M Doerge Nascene, Shannon M Hovda, Stephen C Teske, Walter F Park Dental Edinbrook 8559 Edinbrook Pkwy Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-425-3644 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hermunslie, Clarice I Johnson, Michael Wayne Alley, Monica M Park Dental LaSalle Plaza 800 Lasalle Ave S, Ste 100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-4546 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Riester, Anna S Fondell, Chris J Kerr, James A Wood, Monique G Park Dental Maple Grove 9600 Upland Ln N, Ste 200 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-416-0037 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Pearson, Amber L Pumper, Jeffrey A Rinaldi, Joseph F Rosenthal, Kristine C Kieper, William H E Park Dental Minnetonka 17821 Hwy 7 Ste 2F Minnetonka, MN 55345 952-474-5622 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Merritt, Amy L Newton, Casey L Litterman, Hana D Piermont, Hunter H Divine, Katherine A D E N TAL Parkway Dental Center 4701 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-824-4211 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kouvalis, Elias General Practitioner Constantin, Catalin Shama, Joseph J Determan, Michael J Park Dental Plymouth West 15535 34th Ave N, Ste 250 Plymouth, MN 55447 763-233-3310 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kouvalis, Elias Park Dental Ridgepark 13911 Ridgedale Dr, Ste 395 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-545-8603 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Balfour, Anne B Newton, Casey L Steele, Christopher E Kouvalis, Elias Langguth, Kirsten J D Park Dental St Louis Park 5000 W 36th St, Ste 250 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-920-3700 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fondell, Chris J Rabinowitz, Ira Remakel, Jeffrey R Miller-Rinaldi, Maria E Dale, Patrick C Gingrich, Sarah E Paul Berg, DDS 6519 Nicollet Ave, Ste 205 Richfield, MN 55423 612-861-7141 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Berg, Paul E Peter A Frank, DDS 4614 41 1/2 Ave N Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-533-2437 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Frank, Peter A Peter L Walman, DDS 11601 Minnetonka Mills Rd Ste B30 Minnetonka, MN 55305 952-933-6060 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Walman, Peter L Pioneer Dental 4227 Winnetka Ave N New Hope, MN 55428 763-536-1100 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Malik, Dimple Sukhani, Geeta R Prairie Dental Group 6608 Flying Cloud Dr, Ste 200 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-903-5000 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Sutley, Michael K Quality Dental Care 6901 78th Ave N, Ste 105 Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-205-2595 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lee, Xieng K Quan Family Dentistry 5909 Portland Ave Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-861-1679 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Quan, Toan D Raintree Dental 13551 Balsam Ln N Dayton, MN 55327 763-422-1714 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bhakta, Keta M Aydt, Patrick A C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Park Dental Plymouth East 4410 Nathan Lane Plymouth, MN 55442 763-233-3350 Not Accepting New Patients 251 D E N TA L Reflections Dental Care 8511 Jefferson Ln N Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-205-0526 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Perpich, Michael J Wilkinson, Mitchell C Jithendranathan, Parvathi Hillesheim, Ryan M General Practitioner Gatecha, Anupam M Yang, Kassyni P Oral Surgeon Partnoy, Bruce E Nadeau, Robert A Rhode Island Dental 3645 Rhode Island Ave S Saint Louis Park, MN 55426 952-938-7628 Accepting New Patients Richfield Orthodontic Associates 1537 E 66th St, Ste 100 Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-3333 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Talus, Douglas D O’Halloran, Lawrence W Orthodontist Vayda, Patricia M Bowlby, Scott R Rice Lake Dental 13998 Maple Knoll Way Ste 100 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-420-5599 Accepting New Patients Riverside Dental Care 606 24th Ave S, Ste 806 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-332-3561 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Johnsrud, Darrel H General Practitioner Sukhani, Geeta R Richard W Topel, DDS 12736 Bass Lake Rd Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-559-2082 Not Accepting New Patients Robert K Peterson, DDS 7300 France Ave S, Ste 110 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-0414 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Topel, Richard W General Practitioner Johnson, David W Richfield Dentistry 6411 Richfield Parkway Richfield, MN 55423 612-869-3440 Accepting New Patients Rogers Dental Center 21410 136th Ave N, Ste 109 Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-2217 Accepting New Patients 252 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G General Practitioner Nelson, Gregory W Smith, Jeffrey A Dale, Matthew P McVeigh Heisler, Shana E Russell Dental 2010 27th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-336-8478 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Russell, Alan L Stockton, James W Russell N Frys Jr, DDS 7550 France Ave S, Ste 138 Edina, MN 55435 952-831-1332 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Frys, Russell N Salo Dental 3900 Vinewood Ln N, Ste 13 Plymouth, MN 55441 763-557-6893 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Salo, LeAnn Clarice Sandpiper Dental 5820 74th Ave N, Ste 110 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-561-7000 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Trebisovsky, David J Waite, Thomas W D E N TAL General Practitioner Schramm, Jenny A Senior Mobile Dental Minnesota 5201 Eden Ave, Ste 50 Edina, MN 55436 763-545-7545 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Phillips, David M Zigelman, Marina A Sidky Family Dentistry 557 Prairie Center Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-405-8838 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ruby, Andrea K Sidky, Haydi R Sorenson Dental Clinic 5937 Portland Ave Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-866-1661 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sorenson, John D Southside Community Dental Clinic 4243 4th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55409 612-822-9030 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Weingarten, Charyl R Romana, Cheryl L Turner, Elizabeth R Bhatt, Gaurang B Thao, Long Truchon Crackel, Mary L Ashkan, Nardin Bassas, Saad Mahajan, Shrirang P Pathagamage, Thakshila L Orthodontist Kelly, Chad H Stephen J Tervola, DDS 3624 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-729-2361 Accepting New Patients The Dental Emergency Room 707 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-354-3015 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Tervola, Stephen J General Practitioner Isabella, Bennett E Sween Dental 3548 Noble Ave N Crystal, MN 55422 763-521-2254 Accepting New Patients The Dental Specialist Edinbrook 8559 Edinbrook Pkwy Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 763-425-3644 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sween, Mark D Endodontist Sullivan, Mark P Taylor J Stephens, DDS 250 Central Ave N, Ste 113 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-475-3135 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Stephens, Taylor J TC Orthodontics 10617 France Ave Bloomington, MN 55431 952-884-9161 Accepting New Patients TC Orthodontics 7932 Main St N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-420-1030 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Kelly, Chad H Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J The Dental Specialists 12180 Business Park Blvd N Champlin, MN 55316 763-421-5206 Not Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J DENTAL Schramm Dental 5020 Minnetonka Blvd Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-926-2705 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Selberg, Tieg B C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 253 D E N TA L The Dental Specialists 5000 W 36th St, Ste 250 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-926-3892 Not Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Allen, Amanda B The Dental Specialists 6437 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 952-926-3128 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Rundquist, Brent D Sullivan, Mark P Not Accepting New Patients Accepting New Patients Endodontist Law, Alan S Rundquist, Brent D Withrow, John C Sullivan, Mark P Roach, Samantha H General Practitioner DeWerd, Thomas M Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Davis, Stephen M Gerlach, Todd C Pediatric Dentist Allen, Amanda B Periodontist Petersen, Douglas G Prosthodontist Montes Imeri, Alfredo Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Periodontist Petersen, Douglas G Schmalz, Emily M Zhang, Guizhen The Dental Specialists 6545 France Ave S, Ste 340 Edina, MN 55435 952-926-3892 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Royal, Mathew J The Dental Specialists 9325 Upland Lane N, Ste 330 Maple Grove, MN 55369 651-379-3166 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Rundquist, Brent D Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Periodontist Schmalz, Emily M Zhang, Guizhen Hoover, Thomas E Pediatric Dentist Allen, Amanda B Prosthodontist Hecker, Donna M The Dental Specialists 6545 France Ave S, Ste 366 Edina, MN 55435 952-746-5231 Thomas M DeWerd, DDS 3359 W Broadway Ave Robbinsdale, MN 55422 763-522-4451 254 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G TMJ and Orofacial Pain Clinic 515 Delaware St SE 6th Floor Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-0140 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Moana Filho, Estephan J Anderson, Gary C Kaimal, Shanti Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Herman, Cory R Nixdorf, Donald R Schiffman, Eric L John, Mike T Today’s Dental 7960 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 763-710-9937 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Nwokocha, Bonaventure C Juean, Ernest Yeboah, Nana B K Todd H Hulse, DDS 4001 Stinson Blvd Ste 320 Minneapolis, MN 55421 612-788-3666 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hulse, Todd H D E N TAL General Practitioner Meysman, Tripti A General Practitioner Goldsmith, Andrew M Lam, Bichnga T Eulberg, Daniel P Abramowski, Derek D Fehresti, Majid Tomaides, Milos Kumar, Prem Tung Thien Doan, DDS 2727 Nicollet Ave S, Ste 104 Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-879-0543 Accepting New Patients Twin Cities Dental 3803 Silver Lake Rd Saint Anthony, MN 55421 612-782-7000 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Doan, Tung T General Practitioner Lam, Bichnga T Eulberg, Daniel P Abramowski, Derek D Fehresti, Majid Tomaides, Milos Kumar, Prem Turtle Cove Dental 14000 Northdale Blvd, Ste J Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-2300 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lam, Louis F Twin Cities Dental 11301 Fountains Dr Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-762-7717 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lam, Bichnga T Eulberg, Daniel P Fehresti, Majid Kumar, Prem Twin Cities Dental 12027 Business Park Blvd Champlin, MN 55316 763-421-7900 Accepting New Patients Twin Cities Modern Dentistry 6600 City West Pkwy, Ste 315 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-941-9829 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Dalluge, Cam Tu N Edstrom, Lisa A Henrickson, Mike R U of M Physicians, Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic 516 Delaware St SE Phillips-Wangensteen Bldg, Clinic 8A Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-5900 Accepting New Patients Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Nixdorf, Donald R U of MN Division of Orthodontics Faculty Practice 515 Delaware St SE 6-322 Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-2011 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Gruenheid, Thorsten Orthodontist Beyer, John P U of MN Division of Pediatric Dentistry 515 Delaware Street SE Moos Tower 6-150 Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-7171 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Beiraghi, Soraya M U of MN Faculty Practice 516 Delaware St SE 7-300 Phillips-Wangensteen Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-3233 Accepting New Patients Endodontist McClanahan, Scott B General Practitioner McGill, Debra K Jones, Natalie H Zidan, Omar A Kamdar, Priya D C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Tripti Meysman, DDS 825 Nicollet Mall, Ste 812 Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-338-2835 Accepting New Patients 255 D E N TA L Oral Surgeon Swift, James Q Pediatric Dentist Curran, Ronald A Periodontist Johnson, Deborah K Hinrichs, James E Costalonga, Massimo University of Minnesota Dental Clinic 515 Delaware St SE Moos Hst Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-2495 Accepting New Patients Prosthodontist Conrad, Heather J James, Lisa F Olin, Paul S Adarve, Ranier M Larson, William R Seong, Wook-Jin U of MN Oral Surgery Clinic 515 Delaware St SE 7th Flr Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-8600 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Schmucker, Alan R Larson, Daniel Swift, James Q Chavez, Julie A Assael, Leon A Sandler, Noah A Youssef, Riad E Wilkie, William L Periodontist Branch Mays, Grishondra L General Practitioner Kaimal, Shanti Oral Pathologist Wetzel, Stephanie L N E T W O R K Oral Surgeon Koehn, Christopher E Tu, Harold K Rake, Patricia A Orthodontist Beyer, John P U of MN School of Dentistry 515 Delaware St SE 6th Floor Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-3257 Accepting New Patients 256 General Practitioner Selden, Craig G Lehman Naaman, Hadas Strinden Hall, Maren E Kamdar, Priya D Thierer, Todd E L I S T I N G University of Minnesota Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Clinic 515 Delaware St SE 7th Fl Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-9959 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Nadeau, Robert A Swift, James Q Taleb, Reda Tu, Harold K University of Minnesota Oral Pathology Laboratories 515 Delaware St SE 16-116 Moos Hst Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-5478 Accepting New Patients Oral Pathologist Koutlas, Ioannis G University of Minnesota Oral Pathology Laboratories 515 Delaware St SE 16-116 Moos Hst Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-5478 Accepting New Patients Oral Pathologist Gopalakrishnan, Rajaram University of Minnesota Oral Pathology Laboratories 515 Delaware St SE 16-116 Moos Hst Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-5478 Accepting New Patients Oral Pathologist Wetzel, Stephanie L University of Minnesota Orthodontics 515 Delaware St SE 6-320 Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-2011 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Larson, Brent E D E N TAL General Practitioner Anderson, Gary C Oral Surgeon Assael, Leon A Orthodontist Leon-Salazar, Vladimir Pediatric Dentist Karp, Jeffrey M Collier, John M Pedro-Lim, Judy K Baylon, Richard J Jones, Robert S Curran, Ronald A Beiraghi, Soraya M University of Minnesota Physicians Dental Clinic 606 24th Ave S, Ste 200 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-659-8689 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Stark, Amy E Erickson, Don M Strinden Hall, Maren E Roettger, Mark A Jones, Natalie H Kamdar, Priya D Thierer, Todd E Oral Surgeon Assael, Leon A Taleb, Reda Nadeau, Robert A Periodontist Johnson, Deborah K Branch Mays, Grishondra L Prosthodontist Chong, Jason S Temporomandibular Joint Disorder John, Mike T Uptown Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 3145 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-823-8600 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Goldstein, Michael L Valley Dental Group 7501 Golden Valley Rd Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-544-2213 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Anderson, Gerald C General Practitioner Liu, Andrew M Evensen, Brian T Jordan, Brian D Mills, Eric A Parsons, Janet G Fenske, Sandra S Oral Surgeon Sutley, Michael K Periodontist Klump, David G Venetia Laganis, DDS 7767 Elm Creek Blvd, Ste 110 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-420-2610 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Borodkin, Adena F Laganis, Venetia Walker Dental Clinic 3737 Bryant Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55409 612-827-8310 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shuman, Stephen K Wallace E Lunden III, DDS 1401 E 66th St Richfield, MN 55423 612-866-9622 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lunden, Wallace E Wendy L Engstrom, DDS 4001 Stinson Blvd NE, Ste 310 Minneapolis, MN 55421 612-781-1175 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Engstrom, Wendy L West River Dental Care 4103 E Lake St Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-721-2424 Accepting New Patients DENTAL University of Minnesota Pediatric Dental Clinic 701 25th Ave S, Ste 400 Minneapolis, MN 55454 612-659-4907 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Skadron, Michael P C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 257 D E N TA L White Family Dentistry 4057 Brunswick Ave S Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-929-8474 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner White, Gregory R Willow Grove Family Dental 28 Nathan Lane Plymouth, MN 55441 763-544-5555 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lam, Bichnga T Galarraga, Emilio O Davies, Mark W England, Michael W Grimm, Robert M Ramsey County A L Baumann, DDS 2082 E 11th Ave North Saint Paul, MN 55109 651-770-6260 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Baumann, Alan L Afton Road Dental Associates 2716 Upper Afton Rd E Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-739-5110 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Larson, Gregg A Berven, Peter A Anderson, Susan C Wooddale Dental Center 3401 Wooddale Ave S, Ste 1 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 952-929-3336 Accepting New Patients Apple Tree Dental 2442 County Highway 10 Mounds View, MN 55112 763-316-5400 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Simic, Jelena R General Practitioner Alexander, Akil A Johnson, Ashley K Guttormson, Erin L Smith, Kyle R Gupta, Ravi N DeWolf Felices, Rebecca L Woodlake Family Orthodontics 6601 Lyndale Ave S, Ste 240 Richfield, MN 55423 612-869-8834 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Hicken, Joseph S 258 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Arendal Dental Clinic, Inc 393 N Dunlap St, Ste 308 Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-204-9353 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ballinger, Laureen M Associated Dentists 1371 7th St W Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-222-0351 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Eng, Laura M Austin Dental Associates 1560 Beam Ave, Ste A Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-0788 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Austin, Bradley E Charles A Keller, DDS 919 Maryland Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-776-8355 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Keller, Charles A Arcade Dental Associates 1439 Arcade St Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-776-4766 Accepting New Patients Cherokee Dental 374 Annapolis West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-457-6231 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Blixrud, Chris A General Practitioner Vang, Joshua T D E N TAL General Practitioner Alegaonkar, Archana K Hemmaty, Azar Eggebrecht, Emily Ledermann, Kim Stanley, Mark J Koehn, Merideth L Do, Phuong K Kim, Rebekah J Kim, Sarah J Magnuson, Sarah J Pink, Thomas J Spray, Thomas E Children’s Hospital, Saint Paul 345 N Smith Ave Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-220-6000 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Tentinger, Charles J French, Christopher J Hutchinson, Matthew J Community Dental Care 1670 Beam Ave, Ste 204 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-925-8400 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Siegrist, Alyson D Elbert, Amanda J Mazhary, Aram Vang, Aroone Perkins, Audrey L Tran, Bao Q Sorenson, Brent S Ebert, Carl W Berkseth Rojas, Christie J Ganfield, Christina C Tran, Diana V Fish, Diane M Galarraga, Emilio O Davis, Erik S Topley, Erin D Feghahati, Hesam S Mohamed, Hibaq I Grittner, Jadilyn N Watkins, Jennifer L Grabouski, Jessica J Mullins, Kara R Sievert, Katherine A Connell, Kathryn R Stanton, Kellee N Lebens, Kyley M DeKrey, Lee W Gores, Lucy M Sharpe, Luke M Gowey, Mallory J Abu Dayyeh, Muna Weinand, Nicholas M Napier, Nicole M Berge, Noah P Bhosale, Pallavi P Aggarwal, Ritu Favero, Rosemary A Schafer, Ross J Nagarkar, Sanket R VanDemark, Sara J Stecker, Shelly S Nelson, Shivan E Beinlich, Tyler G Peterson, Vacharee S Pediatric Dentist Stevens, Justin M Prosthodontist Schulte, John K Community Dental Care 828 Hawthorne Ave E, Ste 204 Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-774-2959 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Siegrist, Alyson D Elbert, Amanda J Mazhary, Aram Vang, Aroone Perkins, Audrey L Tran, Bao Q Sorenson, Brent S Ebert, Carl W Berkseth Rojas, Christie J Ganfield, Christina C Tran, Diana V Fish, Diane M Galarraga, Emilio O Topley, Erin D Feghahati, Hesam S Mohamed, Hibaq I Grittner, Jadilyn N Watkins, Jennifer L Grabouski, Jessica J Mullins, Kara R Sievert, Katherine A Connell, Kathryn R Stanton, Kellee N Lebens, Kyley M DeKrey, Lee W Gores, Lucy M Sharpe, Luke M Gowey, Mallory J Abu Dayyeh, Muna Weinand, Nicholas M Berge, Noah P Bhosale, Pallavi P Aggarwal, Ritu Favero, Rosemary A Schafer, Ross J Nagarkar, Sanket R VanDemark, Sara J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Children’s Dental Services 800 Conway St Saint Paul, MN 55106 612-746-1530 Accepting New Patients 259 D E N TA L Stecker, Shelly S Nelson, Shivan E Beinlich, Tyler G Peterson, Vacharee S General Practitioner Rischall, David David Tuck, DDS 101 5th St E, Ste 2206 Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-222-2178 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Stevens, Justin M Prosthodontist Schulte, John K D S Killian & F J Milnar, DDS 120 Snelling Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-645-6111 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Killian, Dennis S Milnar, Frank J Lopez Franco, Gloria E Dakota Family Dentistry 230 E Wentworth Ave West Saint Paul, MN 55118 651-457-8866 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Van Guilder, Christina L David M Nelson, DDS 1439 Arcade St, Ste 200 Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-776-4835 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Nelson, David M David Rischall, DDS 1845 Grand Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-690-5262 Accepting New Patients 260 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G General Practitioner Tuck, David W Dental Associates of Saint Paul 1790 7th St E Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-735-0595 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shetty, Amith K Barsness, Angie M Gatecha, Anupam M Maki, David R Hildebrandt, Gary H Kelley, Gene S Mahapatra, Jigna Grittner, John R Yang, Kassyni P Hussein, Medhat M Nguyen, Peter Luan Arora, Prabhjot K Bassas, Saad Duenes, Sara L Banuru, Vasudha Pediatric Dentist Ridgeway, Adam L Ertugrul, Havva Z Nelson, Stephen R Selberg, Tieg B Chopra, Vijay Douglas G Walesheck, DDS 1346 Payne Ave Saint Paul, MN 55130 651-774-6085 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Walesheck, Douglas G Dr C E Surface 2393 Margaret St N Saint Paul, MN 55109 651-770-2607 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Surface, Charles E Dr David E Crandall DDS 2300 Highway 96 E White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-429-5354 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Gavin, William A General Practitioner Hormuth, Christopher M Smith, Gregory J Beattie, Robert C Dr Terrance J Spahl, DDS 1199 Duluth St Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-774-9000 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Spahl, Emmalee Jean Chmiel, Melanee L D E N TAL General Practitioner Jeske, Duane P East Side Family Clinic Dental 895 E Seventh St Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-602-7500 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Werven, Carley A Okeke, Ifeoma U Pedersen, Jerome W Mrosak, Michael Agrigoroae Bolos, Nicoleta T Degallier, Paul D Schulz, Paul D McDonald, Robert J Awiszus, Simona A Price, Steven C Buck Wischmeier, Susan J Loper, Thomas S Edward F Kishel Jr, DDS 261 Ruth St N Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-739-0711 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Eggert, Elizabeth C Eggert, Jeffrey M Facial Pain Center Roseville 1835 Cty Rd C W, Ste 220 Roseville, MN 55113 651-636-2123 Not Accepting New Patients Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Morarasu, Catalina S Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry 1714 Cope Ave E Maplewood, MN 55109 651-770-0055 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Klotzbuecher, Kurt A Paulson, Peter J Family Oral Surgery Specialists 1375 St Anthony Ave Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-286-8134 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Barthel, James H Tahara, Martin A General Practitioner Kishel, Edward F Periodontist Barthel, James H Eggert Family Dentistry 700 Village Ctr Dr, Ste 160 North Oaks, MN 55127 651-482-8412 Accepting New Patients Family Oral Surgery Specialists 1866 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 763-233-4141 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Gavren, Beth A Barthel, James H Tahara, Martin A Appugounder, Suganya Periodontist Barthel, James H Franklin J Steen, DDS 2301 Como Ave, Ste 201 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-644-2757 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Steen, Franklin J Gillette Children’s Hospital 200 University Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-291-2848 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Tentinger, Charles J French, Christopher J Hutchinson, Matthew J Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare 200 University Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-229-3919 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kinney, Renee Marie Oral Surgeon French, Christopher J DENTAL Duane P Jeske, DDS 555 Wabasha St N, Ste 250 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-292-9331 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Anderson-Cermin, Cheryl K C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 261 D E N TA L Pediatric Dentist Collier, John D Great River Dental 375 Jackson St, Ste 200 Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-222-0983 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rozinka, Jeffrey J Weith, Steven J Groveland Dental 2042 St Clair Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-298-0024 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Colaizy, Matthew T Health Partners 450 Syndicate St N, Ste 300 Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-254-7373 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shuman, Stephen K Health Partners Same Day Surgery Center 435 Phalen Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-254-8080 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Tentinger, Charles J French, Christopher J Hutchinson, Matthew J 262 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Henrickson Dental 1560 Beam Ave, Ste 2 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-8900 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Henrickson, Mike R Bottjen Tandon, Sheryl M Highland Dental 1604 Randolph Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-699-2113 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Brooks, Mark Stanley Highland Dental Professionals 1206 Randolph Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-699-3031 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kreps, Valarie R Hilltop Dental 50 County Rd B East Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-490-1200 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Vu, Duy A Institute of Facial Surgery Saint Paul 1774 Cope Ave E, Ste 140 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-774-9611 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Brunsoman, Jerry K James G Koller, DDS 2534 7th Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55109 651-777-6454 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Koller, James G James M Fercello, DDS 877 White Bear Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-771-3022 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fercello, James M Jensen & Jensen, DDS 2480 White Bear Ave N Maplewood, MN 55109 651-770-3014 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Jensen, Jane M Jensen, Robert L Jerry W Sherwood, DDS 1700 W Hwy 36, Ste 205 Roseville, MN 55113 651-631-3038 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sherwood, Jerry W John W Burnham, DDS 101 5th St E, Ste 1702 Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-224-8382 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Joseph E Schara, DDS 408 Saint Peter St, Ste 412 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-224-2011 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Diekmann Teegarden, Heidi J Schara, Joseph E Kent C Gulden, DDS 4437 Lake Ave S White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-429-5265 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Nasby, James A Gulden, Kent C Lakeshore Family Dentistry 4706 Banning Ave White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-429-3348 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ross, Jason P Kron, Scott A Laura J Wild, DDS 2960 Snelling Ave N Roseville, MN 55113 651-636-5033 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Wild, Laura J Little Canada Dental Office 188 Little Canada Rd E Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-484-7725 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Salmanpour, Ali R Long Lake Family Dentistry 991 9th Ave NW New Brighton, MN 55112 651-633-1311 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Jalali, Hossein A Lor Dental Clinic 491 University Ave W, Ste A Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-489-3681 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lor, Pase Maplewood Dental Associates 1736 Cope Ave E Maplewood, MN 55109 651-770-3831 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Simon, Annika K Splett, Michael J Kajer, Scott W Maplewood Endodontics 2480 White Bear Ave N, Ste 202 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-7744 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Nerness, Andrew Z Maplewood Pediatric Dentistry 1675 Beam Ave, Ste 202 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-779-9002 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Mielke, Claire O Mielke, Peter H Mark D Watson, DDS 1511 Payne Ave Saint Paul, MN 55130 651-776-2701 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Watson, Mark D Mark S Brooks 2355 Ariel St N, Ste A Maplewood, MN 55109 651-770-0428 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Brooks, Mark Stanley Mendes Family Dentistry 550 Snelling Ave S, Ste 204 Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-699-0404 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mendes, Charles H Mendes, Paul M C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL General Practitioner Burnham, John W 263 D E N TA L Metro Dentalcare Children’s Dentistry Vadnais Heights 1155 E Cty Rd E, Ste 220-1234 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-379-8704 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Mani, Archana Metro Dentalcare Lake Phalen 911 E Maryland Ave Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-776-4495 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Vuong, Tuyet Nga D Metro Dentalcare Maplewood 1866 Beam Ave Maplewood, MN 55109 763-233-4140 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Brasser, Andrew J Morrison, Bradley C Castro, Olga I Beasley, Robert T Barsness, Sara A Barsness, Brian D Beasley, Robert T Barsness, Sara A General Practitioner Salihbegovic, Benijala Ziegler Skelton, Charlotte Murrar, Inas K Mahmoodi, Jamshid Petersen, Rebecca J Cuellar, Sylvia M Metro Dentalcare Midway Periodontics 1375 St Anthony Ave Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-645-4671 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Skaar, Daniel D Wolff, Ryan E Metro Dentalcare Roseville 2690 Snelling Ave N, Ste 250 Roseville, MN 55113 651-633-1834 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kent, Anne E Konop, Julie A Johnson, Kenton M Smith, Trevor H General Practitioner Kjolhaug, Nathan D Johnson, William A Metro Dentalcare Midway 1375 St Anthony Ave Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-379-8310 Accepting New Patients Metro Dentalcare Vadnais Heights 1155 E Cty Rd E, Ste 220 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 612-866-0054 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Brasser, Andrew J Morrison, Bradley C General Practitioner Nguyen, Doan T Leano, Katrina Andrado 264 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Metropolitan Pediatric Dental Associates 1021 Bandana Blvd, Ste 121 Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-224-4969 Not Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Grove, Brian E Nickman, James D Richmond, Joni M Lipschultz, Joshua G Bates, Lyndsay F Cellitti, Michael P Flamenbaum, Michael H Tafoya, Michele Fong, Teresa L Metropolitan Pediatric Dental Associates 700 Village Center Dr, Ste 110 North Oaks, MN 55127 651-484-8611 Not Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Grove, Brian E Nickman, James D Richmond, Joni M Lipschultz, Joshua G Bates, Lyndsay F Cellitti, Michael P Flamenbaum, Michael H Tafoya, Michele Fong, Teresa L Michael J Petersen, DDS 3101 Old Highway 8, Ste 303 Roseville, MN 55113 651-636-0840 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Petersen, Michael J D E N TAL Oral Surgeon Midtling, James I Minnesota Craniofacial Center 2550 University Ave W, Ste 143N Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-642-1013 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ledermann, Kim Hakala, Roy V Minnesota Head & Neck Pain Clinic 2550 University Ave W, Ste 189S Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-332-7474 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rhodus, Nelson L Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Herman, Cory R Haley, Dennis P Schiffman, Eric L Fricton, James R Kehl, Lois J Giri, Subha Mounds View Family Dental 5366 Edgewood Dr Mounds View, MN 55112 763-432-3399 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sharara, Sabry Prosthodontist Rodriguez, Andres H Open Cities Health Center 409 Dunlap St N Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-290-9211 Accepting New Patients Myron Henrickson, DDS 1560 Beam Ave, Ste 2 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-777-8900 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Quinlan, Brian J Ezeja, Ejike B Wild, Laura E Nur, Sagal A General Practitioner Danielson, Kyle R Ta, Lauren E Open Cities Health Center Inc 135 Manitoba Ave Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-489-8021 Accepting New Patients Nina D Thai, DDS 450 Syndicate St N, Ste 119 Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-644-8882 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Thai, Nina D O’Kane and Monssen, DDS 2221 Ford Pkwy Ste 201 Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-698-1242 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Quinlan, Brian J Park Dental Como Avenue 2282 Como Ave St Paul, MN 55108 651-646-1143 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Harrison, William H Park Dental Grand Avenue 917 Grand Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-221-1902 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Monssen, Brian C O’Kane, Kristi C Michel, Sara M Olson Dental Associates 393 N Dunlap St, Ste 308 Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-788-7045 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Olson, Kenneth M Johnson, William H General Practitioner Ledman, Angela N Ullman, Peter M Bieganek, Victor R DENTAL Midtling Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 155 Wabasha St S, Ste 111 Saint Paul, MN 55107 651-222-6396 Accepting New Patients Park Dental Mac Groveland 91 Snelling Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-646-3735 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 265 D E N TA L Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ehrmanntraut, Richard C Park Dental Maplewood 1600 Saint Johns Blvd, Ste 100 Maplewood, MN 55109 651-770-7585 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Voss, Jana L Ziemer, Jason B Masciopinto, Jodell F Lindner, Ryan L Park Dental Roseville 1835 County Road C W, Ste 220 Roseville, MN 55113 651-636-2123 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bomberg, Bernard L Pham, Tam B Premier Dental 1514 White Bear Ave N, Ste B Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-340-6666 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lee, Tom Yee General Practitioner Quan, Toan D Paul E Nelson, DDS 2377 Margaret St N Saint Paul, MN 55109 651-777-3009 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Nelson, Paul E Peterson Dental 1579 Hamline Ave N Falcon Heights, MN 55108 651-646-8851 Accepting New Patients N E T W O R K Pham DDS 604 S Snelling Ave St Paul, MN 55116 651-699-5600 Accepting New Patients Quan Family Dentistry 422 University Ave W Ste 201 Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-290-2818 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lund, Alex R Piermont, Hunter H Kaatz, Jennifer T Lutterman, Lee R Tereick, Pamela J 266 General Practitioner Peterson, Donald J L I S T I N G Reynolds J Fischbach II, DDS 483 Brimhall St Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-698-0848 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fischbach, Reynolds J Olson, Susan M Rice Street Family Dental Care 1215 Rice St Saint Paul, MN 55117 651-488-7251 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Sheehan, Gregory M Ritchie Center 310 North Smith St Paul, MN 55102 651-220-7000 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Tentinger, Charles J French, Christopher J Hutchinson, Matthew J Robert E Eng, DDS 261 Ruth St N Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-293-1308 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Eng, Robert E Roger A Ollila, DDS 1762 Iowa Ave E Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-771-6464 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ollila, Roger A Roger C Stoddard, DDS 1524 White Bear Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-776-1597 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Stoddard, Roger C D E N TAL Periodontist Lee, Connie A Zhang, Guizhen Ettel, Roger G Ronald Fletcher, DDS 2189 3rd St White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-429-9221 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fletcher, Ronald D Ronald H Vescio, DDS 2677 Innsbruck Dr, Ste B New Brighton, MN 55112 651-631-3777 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Vescio, Ronald H Roseville Dental Associates 2819 Hamline Ave N, Ste 104 Roseville, MN 55113 651-631-9010 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hoeffel, Thomas J Roseville Family Dental Care 708 County Road B W Roseville, MN 55113 651-489-0161 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Mazhari, Reza Huang, Stephanie M Scott W Kajer, DDS 1480 Snelling Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-428-6324 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kajer, Scott W Sedation & Implant Dentistry 1815 Suburban Ave, Ste 200 Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-735-4661 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hoyland, Barry C Kamel, Marko M Haugen, Russell C Periodontist Anderson, Karl Andrew Signature Orthodontics 2126 5th St White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-426-9986 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Sydlewski, Wendy L Silver Lake Smiles Family Dentistry 1125 Silver Lake Rd New Brighton, MN 55112 651-842-8426 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ong, David Anthony Smisek Family Dentistry 501 Tanglewood Dr Shoreview, MN 55126 651-483-6747 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Smisek, Ronald M Saint Paul Oral Surgery 2550 University Ave, Ste 115N Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-645-6429 Not Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Tentinger, Charles J French, Christopher J Hutchinson, Matthew J Saint Paul Pediatric Dentistry 1514 White Bear Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55106 651-774-0311 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Haman, Julie C Nordeen, Katherine A Steven R Hagerman, DDS 1605 Minnehaha Ave W, Apt 101 Saint Paul, MN 55104 651-646-2392 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hagerman, Steven R The Dental Specialists 1835 County Rd C W, Ste 200 Roseville, MN 55113 651-209-7088 Not Accepting New Patients C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 267 DENTAL Roger G Ettel DDS and Associates 4801 Highway 61 N, Ste 300 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-429-2299 Not Accepting New Patients D E N TA L United Family Medicine 1026 W 7th St Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-1000 Accepting New Patients Endodontist Royal, Mathew J Oral Surgeon Campbell, Bruce D Karban, Matthew J Davis, Stephen M General Practitioner Srinivasan, Daya Pham, Phuong-Giang T Periodontist Zhang, Guizhen Prosthodontist Montes Imeri, Alfredo McNeil, Duane C The Dental Specialists Pediatric Dentistry 1835 County Rd C W, Ste 290 Roseville, MN 55113 651-501-0018 Not Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Ridgeway, Adam L Todd A Grossmann, DDS 2278 Como Ave Saint Paul, MN 55108 651-644-3685 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Cogswell, Nathaniel T Grossmann, Todd A Tom Vukodinovich, DDS 542 Snelling Ave S Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-690-5497 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Vukodinovich, Thomas E N E T W O R K Oral Surgeon Tentinger, Charles J French, Christopher J Hutchinson, Matthew J Vang Dental Clinic Inc 225 University Ave W, Ste 124 Saint Paul, MN 55103 651-222-6738 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J 268 United Hospital 333 N Smith Ave Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-241-8000 Accepting New Patients L I S T I N G General Practitioner Vang, Kou B Village Orthodontics 850 W County Rd D New Brighton, MN 55112 612-788-9666 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Wahl, Andrew J West Side Dental Clinic 478 Robert St S Saint Paul, MN 55107 651-602-7500 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner McDonnell, Bradley J Werven, Carley A Okeke, Ifeoma U Agrigoroae Bolos, Nicoleta T Schulz, Paul D McDonald, Robert J Awiszus, Simona A Price, Steven C Loper, Thomas S Sherburne County Central Minnesota Pediatric Dentists 570 Humboldt Dr Big Lake, MN 55309 320-253-0272 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Dubois-Lebel, Andree M Larson, Gregg S Steil, Michael W Lane, Naomi L Elk Dental Center 822 Main St, Ste A Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-2170 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Sutley, Michael K Elk Plaza Dental 501 Main St, Ste 101 Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-4200 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Zacharias, Christopher L Hunter, Eric R Nijssen, Laura A D E N TAL Elk River Family Dentistry 303 Main St Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-9181 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Cha, Dongwuk Hussein, Medhat M Shrestha, Rakshya Lei, Yu Century Dental 6230 10th St N, Ste 520 Oakdale, MN 55128 651-731-3064 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Sutley, Michael K Amundson Family Dentistry 6939 Pine Arbor Dr S, Ste 104 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-459-3514 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Zaltsgendler, Irina Metro Dentalcare Elk River 18223 Carson Ct, Ste 216 Elk River, MN 55330 763-441-7030 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Nelson, Jennifer E Johnson, Karl G Schneider Orthodontics 570 Humbolt Dr, Ste 102 Big Lake, MN 55309 320-251-0455 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Schneider, Alan F General Practitioner Amundson, Lisa K Baylon and Beinlich, DDS 9950 Valley Creek Rd Ste 150 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-1462 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Beinlich, Greg S Baylon, Nicholas B Baylon, Richard J Qureshi, Wafa A Dentistry By Kretchmer 7430 80th St S, Ste 203 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-459-3145 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kretchmer, Robert Alvin Dignified Dental 13575 58th St N Oak Park Heights, MN 55082 651-342-1598 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Perpich, Rosalie J Drs Mielke Baylon and Beinlich 2850 Curve Crest Blvd W Ste 100 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-5640 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Yapel, Michael J General Practitioner Martin, Brent L Pediatric Dentist Mielke, Claire O Beinlich, Greg S Baylon, Nicholas B Mielke, Peter H Baylon, Richard J Washington County Advancia Dental 1625 Radio Dr, Ste 170 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-340-0772 Accepting New Patients Brian L Bunce, DDS 225 2nd St N Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-4945 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Bunce, Brian L Dunn Orthodontics 650 Commerce Dr, Ste 170 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-738-3866 C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S DENTAL Yapel Orthodontics 570 Humbolt Dr, Ste 102 Big Lake, MN 55309 320-251-7109 Accepting New Patients Brent L Martin, DDS 8380 City Centre Dr Ste 120 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-714-1642 Accepting New Patients 269 D E N TA L Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Dunn, Curtis R Dunn Orthodontics 6936 Pine Arbor Dr S, Ste 107 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-738-3866 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Dunn, Curtis R Family and Cosmetic Gentle Dentistry Ltd 8711 E Pt Douglas Rd S, Ste 110 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-379-9892 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Klotzbuecher, Kurt A Family Oral Surgery Specialists 14727 60th St N Stillwater, MN 55082 651-286-8134 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Barthel, James H Tahara, Martin A Fred W Carpenter, DDS 1077 Helmo Ave N, Ste 150 Oakdale, MN 55128 651-771-7719 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Carpenter, Fred W N E T W O R K Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Wynia, Debra K Patet, G R Harvey, Greg E Koch, Greg K Jensen & Jensen, DDS 179 S Lake St Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-2290 Accepting New Patients Gentle Dental Inc 255 Highway 97, Ste 1B Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-982-6575 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Jensen, Jane M Jensen, Robert L Periodontist Savord, Ervin G Henseler Orthodontics 1000 Radio Dr, Ste 220 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-739-1555 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Henseler, Steven J Integrity Dental Care 7500 80th St S, Ste 200 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-459-3039 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Barthel, James H 270 G2 Dental PA 1068 Lake St S, Ste 209 Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-2248 Not Accepting New Patients L I S T I N G General Practitioner Gulis, Danielle L Kelley, David G Treharne, Richard P Jensen & Jensen DDS 1751 Tower Dr W, Ste 220 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-8032 Periodontist Jensen, Jane M Jensen, Robert L Jensen & Jensen, DDS 1937 Woodlane Dr Woodbury, MN 55125 651-738-9050 Accepting New Patients Periodontist Jensen, Jane M Jensen, Robert L Lakeview Family Dentistry 14475 Forest Blvd N Hugo, MN 55038 651-426-8088 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Carrell, Andrew J Lindahl Family Dental 1811 Weir Dr, Ste 265 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-702-4200 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Lindberg, Bruce A Lindahl, Michael D D E N TAL General Practitioner Watkins, Jennifer L Key, Kathleen K Shane, Kelvin L Paulson, Peter J Said, Sherif M I General Practitioner Stodola, Laurie L Michael J Printon, DDS 6949 Valley Creek Rd, Ste 140 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-730-7345 Accepting New Patients Metro Dentalcare 429 Commerce Dr, Ste 400 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-731-2342 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Walker, Amber J Kofski, Jerome W Metro Dentalcare Cottage Grove 7430 80th St S, Ste 201 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-459-2232 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner McGinn, Kathleen M Llena, Kristine H Metro Dentalcare Lakeland 44 S St. Croix Trl, Ste 100 Lakeland, MN 55043 651-436-5177 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fordahl, Breynne S Sweeney, John E Metropolitan Dental Associates 1099 Helmo Ave N, Ste 200 Oakdale, MN 55128 651-770-9174 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Printon, Michael J Minnesota Head & Neck Pain Clinic 3100 Woodbury Dr Woodbury, MN 55129 651-332-7485 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Rhodus, Nelson L Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Herman, Cory R Schiffman, Eric L Fricton, James R Kehl, Lois J Giri, Subha Minnesota Orthodontics 3100 Woodbury Dr Woodbury, MN 55129 651-714-4987 Accepting New Patients Northern Orthodontics 10150 City Walk Dr, Ste C Woodbury, MN 55129 651-714-5555 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Browning, Amy M Wolff, Douglas S Petersen, Kristy L Boettner, Patricia F Orthodontist Peters, Sally N Northern Orthodontics 13961 60th St N Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-2600 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Browning, Amy M Wolff, Douglas S Petersen, Kristy L Boettner, Patricia F Orthodontist Peters, Sally N Orthodontics by Hipple & Zirbel 7729 79th St Cottage Grove, MN 55016 651-459-6674 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Zirbel, Cassandra L Hipple, Gregg G DENTAL Mahtomedi Dental PC Grace Dental 12425 55th St N Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-430-1020 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Dall Arancio, Delia Blevins, Regina L C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 271 D E N TA L Park Dental High Pointe 8980 Hudson Blvd N Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-735-9057 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Huang, Alice Y Naegeli, David G Lozne, Elena Power, Lisa M Hendrickson, Matthew L Park Dental Hugo 14643 Mercantile Dr, Ste 113 Hugo, MN 55038 651-407-0999 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Browning, Amy M DeYoung, Amy G Voss, Jana L Browning, Christopher G Wolff, Douglas S Eshleman, Kelsey J Huska, Timothy S Park Dental Woodbury 10150 City Walk Dr, Ste C Woodbury, MN 55129 651-714-5555 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Petersen, Kristy L Gmeinder, Lori M Powell Family Dentistry Inc 9900 Valley Creek Rd, Ste 110 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-501-1878 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Knutson, Carissa M Gossai, Krista N Flodin, Philip V Park Dental Lake Elmo 11240 Stillwater Blvd N Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-777-0210 Not Accepting New Patients Ross Orthodontics 2850 Curve Crest Blvd, Ste 230 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-8909 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Browning, Amy M Schute, Heather J Orthodontist Ross, Gregory K General Practitioner Hull, Alaina Barsness, Angie M Stromberg, Barry R 272 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G General Practitioner Diekmann Teegarden, Heidi J Schara, Joseph E Southill Dental Group 2850 Curve Crest Blvd W, Ste 200 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-9400 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Powell, Richard R Park Dental Saint Croix Valley 13961 60th St N Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-2600 Not Accepting New Patients Schara Dental 1033 Helmo Ave Oakdale, MN 55128 651-288-3845 Accepting New Patients Ross Orthodonticsw 1068 S Lake St, Ste 205 Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-6988 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Ross, Gregory K St Paul Pediatric Dentistry 604 Bielenberg Dr, Ste 230 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-797-4266 Accepting New Patients Pediatric Dentist Haman, Julie C Nordeen, Katherine A The Dental Specialists 8650 Hudson Blvd N, Ste 105 Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-636-1818 Not Accepting New Patients Endodontist Law, Alan S Oral Surgeon Campbell, Bruce D Karban, Matthew J Davis, Stephen M D E N TAL Prosthodontist McNeil, Duane C The Dental Specialists, Lake Elmo 11240 Stillwater Blvd N Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-777-0210 Not Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Karban, Matthew J Periodontist Hoover, Thomas E The Dental Specialists, Woodbury 10150 City Walk Dr, Ste C Woodbury, MN 55129 651-714-5555 Not Accepting New Patients Periodontist Hoover, Thomas E Thomas S Turry, DDS 20 Lake St N, Ste 205 Forest Lake, MN 55025 651-464-3052 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Gates, Tad G Turry, Thomas S Valley Creek Family Dentistry 6949 Valley Creek Rd, Ste 100 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-731-1054 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Ash, Jill M General Practitioner Bohnsack, Andrew W Valley Ridge Dental 12425 55th St N Lake Elmo, MN 55042 651-439-0322 Accepting New Patients Bruce R Karg, DDS 18 Oak Ave N Annandale, MN 55302 320-274-5411 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Peters, Brian R Weingarten, Charyl R Timmons, Scott D General Practitioner Karg, Bruce Robert Woodbury Dental Arts 2070 Eagle Creek Lane, Ste 300 Woodbury, MN 55129 651-436-7559 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Kamel, Marko M Woodbury Smiles Dentistry 580 Woodbury Dr, Ste 300 Woodbury, MN 55125 651-731-1010 Accepting New Patients Centrasota Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 9381 Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 320-252-3611 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Primley, Donald M Stine, Eric A Pena Velasco, Gustavo Machesky, Harold Schiff, MIchael J Morris, Ryan D General Practitioner Perpich, Michael J Wilkinson, Mitchell C Crow River Dental 405 Babcock Blvd E, Ste 130 Delano, MN 55328 763-276-1410 Accepting New Patients Oral Surgeon Nadeau, Robert A General Practitioner Glavan, Gregory S Wright County Bohnsack Family Dentistry 100 3rd St W PO Box 669 Cokato, MN 55321 320-286-5333 Not Accepting New Patients Dennis Quinlan, DDS 57 Birch Ave S Maple Lake, MN 55358 320-963-3794 Not Accepting New Patients DENTAL Periodontist Zhang, Guizhen General Practitioner Quinlan, Dennis L C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 273 I-CSS003 D E N TA L Endodontist Beus, Christopher M Tucker, Dennis M Lund, Nathan R Karn, Thomas A Pediatric Dentist Carreras, Dennis Kramer, Mitchell W KOALA Dental Care 20 1st Ave S Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-6441 Accepting New Patients Distinctive Dental Services 612 8th Ave Howard Lake, MN 55349 320-543-2233 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Thoennes, Michael J Excel Dentistry 6563 Laketown Pl, Ste A Albertville, MN 55301 763-515-3615 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Shibko, Aleksandr Alassy, Hatem Fiedler Dentistry 115 Olsen Blvd, Ste 200 Cokato, MN 55321 320-286-2712 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Fiedler, Jack M Fiedler, Paul W Great River Endodontics 750 Central Ave NE Saint Michael, MN 55376 763-497-0082 Accepting New Patients 274 N E T W O R K L I S T I N G Pediatric Dentist Rao, Aruna Collier, John D Collier, John M McLean Family Dental 327 13th St Delano, MN 55328 763-972-2915 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner McLean, Christopher E Magraw, Susan J Metro Dentalcare Albertville 5585 LaCentre Ave, Ste 500 Albertville, MN 55301 763-497-7730 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner McGregor, Cindy E Biorn, Steven A Monticello Family Dentistry 201 W Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-3676 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Block, Christian W Erickson, John A Park Dental Albertville Saint Michael 11091 Jason Ave NE, Ste 3 Albertville, MN 55301 763-497-2822 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Danielson, Kyle R Schneider Orthodontics 201 Sandberg Rd Monticello, MN 55362 320-251-0455 Accepting New Patients Orthodontist Schneider, Alan F Southside Dental Center 201 Sandberg Rd Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-5400 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Erlandson, John C Thomas Hanson, DDS 1100 Highway 25 N, Ste 1 Buffalo, MN 55313 763-682-9796 Not Accepting New Patients General Practitioner Hanson, Thomas M White Smiles Family Dentistry 6563 Laketowne Pl Albertville, MN 55301 763-515-3615 Accepting New Patients General Practitioner White, Dustin C I-CSS003 Dentistry for Children 9381 Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 320-257-3380 Accepting New Patients D E N TAL Yapel Orthodontics 201 Sandberg Rd Monticello, MN 55362 320-251-7109 Accepting New Patients DENTAL Orthodontist Yapel, Michael J C O R N E R S T O N E S O L U T I O N S 275 Minneapolis Grain Exchange Building 400 South Fourth Street, Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Call: 612-596-1507 or 1-888-562-8000 (toll-free) TTY: 1-800-627-3529 or 711 www.cornerstone-solutions.org
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