eacapon Highlands Property Gunners' Asssciation fleLuber r 1?E? The F*ll neeling af Lhe Cec*pon Highlands Prcpertg 0un*rs Assoeiation uill be held S$ndacr Ncvecber 71 1?83v aL ? Frtrr+ eL i,he Countrc Inn in SerKeleg $Fringsr tdUn There are B nunbEr sf iLerrs ':f intereeL te the uhEle ecnnunils t"a be discuEs*dr including eerllmuniLg deveiEpneRLr ael,ivitiesr seeurilsr lendseapingr End a*cfhing .rou Fight'HenL Lcr bring urn Flease plen le ai,Lend and bring ang iciece and suggestisns sou oight heve" The fello*ing reporls have been Eubr'riLL€d bn *ogrniLL*e *hairneni Al"ehiLeef,.srel Csntral CoErniLLee - SLEve Fiegelr Chairr*En The Archileelue*I Control esmmilt*e has devslnped e "ConstrucLisn Guide" es a servi*e for ej. I prapeFls sr.rnerso The €uids sffe;-=;civice on nininun eonelruelion slEndards and puLE forth sEveral 1i;f= ur esngtnuctign ee*traclsr: *vailable Le rerfgrnr ts variets st' =ervic'es eln lhe msuntein, It should be ncted LhaL iforgsn Csunlg daes not irg.re a building eede far si$gle farsilg residancas. ThiE is hal,h .=n advanLage and a diEedvanlage fsr Lhose r*ha i*LEnd Ls huild, The *Cf, edviees cauLian in buildins t,a "non-Etenrjard" pracli,csc. Copies ef lhe ne!, esngLruetien Guide uili be,iislribuled at Lhe llsverrber 7+*h neeling" If, sou eannsl atLend lhe l{sveftber ffieetinEr :rsu nra:J "rriie fgr e coerc sf the dseum€nt* Flease se*d a lsller and'Sl'0'3 la cc.rsr sailing cssLe to! t'if . SLeven L" Biegslr *IA Chairnrsn ' Arehi *,ecture.l Cen irol 1954 l'lerinen Lane hleodbridEer tdA ??1?E r703 ) 4?4-33?1 Cssrtti L fee * brie? diseussisn on harre buitdins enacliees $rill be held fs1ltuing i.he seei,ilrg" 3f seu are in{,erested in discussiilg adec*uale esneLruel"iEn standErdsr pleese r-*rrain for one hsur r*alleuinE Lire restins" .-- - Tc'rrr Ti-r*nlostrn' 'ih*irrran Bur gunrnrer Eacisl* the teilga'ue pir--nie held on Serlerrber LF, ilas 3 €neaf €!!....ess in three resF€et3l trF€r fqr Lh* r:rsre l"hsn si:.:Ns peori* t*hs =tt,endedi t-wsr fer t"he budeEls si.n*e i; did nal easi i"he eEroeiaf-ian s p*tnlri lhirdr f rr ti:e scli'tilias chairnrsn r uiro of f;=urse wcuiC hE're $snl=C ficlt's parti.*ipal.ian' i:ui i+hs is ELii.l esEietie sveF fh* lurnsul' I ihanlq Bs$ 3Il' ft'xas r l*ael C*lishtfui =unng das on lhe *cunleino Ti'reis brgFe E*rrer Lr.=ilgr gsl'l.bsllEr =nd f*albel]s .rging I'ot' gir' gPet.-e. rl bct* end errcg LIae beinE uEed (diecret*ols) rrasl gf Lhe at'Lerno&rr ai*its wiih L*crsre,g sticl..e -* a change of r*ee ffir sctlre a'f t-he =ilun€er sel. The hilr e+-i,*s*lirrn usg the hareeshces. Ther* u*s ;liirsii. u*6nLinugus sritching fr$sr t en in lhe nern:*g unlil af L+r live Fri-rre I didn'l hear th=f LhEre ses s elendcul ch=mpionr but Lhe ccr*p*tili.on $€s *r*al" Ths eont*sl tchirh sraE l,: be E hiehliehl *f fhis affeir didn'1" ge1 off Lhe goundi hapefult:r ner*t rrgan lherE 'r*iil L'e s r**l contsst. l dc *rsnt t': apnlsgize tn Lhose uho had pr*pared s:*tra speeial ent-rees 1g b* jud*ed, Sne fh=i, I *nr ab.l3rg nf r"r=s Eer:-\ena 3F,i.iir$en"s' f ==r,r her sel*xd lh=l I meant io i:runeh sRr liui I bseenrE invgived end nris-q.ed it" I reri:lnle hepe thal she isiii Lrv .ttein. The T-Ehiri.e r"lerE e greEl Euc:'sgso f r*reived crCers fsr *ppr*:,:irreiel:J :i:li:r =hirls =nd 1 cFdered one i"rundred ' Tire r-srL= e:ttra ehiria r.j6r€ gsld elrrsst i.rrnredi;ieig. If enough FettuesLs r--orir* inr rTrstrB shirlE esn he FrCsred. rllEcr e fe* reaele EEHed Ebaui *6FSr tl*s= *tsn be crdered uilh t,he same arl-,torlt. fer *4 BeieeE" I rserri !a **:r:"neg€ rlie eppreei=Lior: i* lh= BtubEu€hs fsr i,he us* cf l"hE lnti te the Su=ne.,'irhE fsr- th* u*ter'*hieh irrede i-he irerseshse pi f s aJ.nrssi pr*f e="=ion=! r end la lhe tJriEhls f cr allsrcrng 'r,he i.nlru=ic'n *f the hcrs'==haE ei+-9, lversone hr.Es snacisuE i.* .s t-eultfhel i'raulC inel';de Gus Gr-uhn ' 'lhs csui'l nal 6rslr,e i,he picniu- i:uL =nd prnvidEd el1 fhe bsi. lsr hstsr g!c].rssr snd racit,els. Thsniig' Gus The *cn.;er-=ai,i.:n r uhich ,iJBs = niain rses$n t'op Lire *e:ial r Fsn l,he garrui, cf L*pice"-- fandr EFoFLsr eonslr*L*r-isn: $eiis: sepLif esEt*!T;e: srchilEelurE -- even Lhe nunrber af slsrs ln Lhe inounlain EiqH el rriEht." id€rg unet'iE te all*ndr I Fer r*hc=e uhs fsr Bne r€tse*n ai. p.3.ans fer ne:.rl BEtsrr Cn h*:*e sou r,ri.11 i.n*lude thie evenL in=nolh*r 1 TLHeil es er;ersone r.ihs el"r.ended t he pienicr e::tenciE '. tllts 'is*rdr =E r+-s lhenF.s l'--r Tcnr fgr.his Harl., in:"IEnnirrE il and rralr.ing iL * *crrmuniie *ctiviiiec - i .tr crrnnaec \ Ccrn,qunii-s lte'telsemeRf * B,fb Terrin=ur fihsirnan f,e:rrmu*i.ts llEvelcpr'ren| is e bra*d lopic thEl cen coveF ..lusl aboul *n:*Lhi.ng rei.aled io sur trs:TrrrruniL:*. The "r*hels" end "hcbJs't*i.ii be e:-:plsneci end dieeuE';ad Bf, Lhe fls=su-i+tion neeiingu *ii ideas uriil he weleenred. r I lJ=d€ i $eeunitg CslsniLtee - John Heri,in and Pel Alberiesr Cc-Cirerr'ften There i{ere several eabin brealt-ins e}v€F tite =urs*err bul ali iueses 'Lhe aierLriess af ffir€ eepareni,ls minsr, Sur besl rroleelien renains Lha propertlr ouners gnd goncern r,liLh lhe seeurilc or'nal gnlc oun o*rr' Fncperlgr b${ our neighbor'5. The eable gele sn i{ilL REad is i.he eurrenl *eEKesi lir'ii, I'L sitl be replaes bx e bcr gale iuiith Sleve Bi*sel'5 heip) bef':re uin Ler r $isns aer*inE ihe entrences Lc sur ccrri*unil!$ Fiii be erel-i,€,: E66tlr There $ere sone meior selbaclts in lhe srsinEl ellr-rnri.s i-o hs':* the signE *edei Tsn Thompsen vslunteered his servires iit ,s ile,!* lr'* LE heve l,he signs n€deo *****X*********X(:lr**X(*X(*X****Xr*{r****l*X(**********x***:i:tji.*ji*t*.i;h*** Eeeause of cevenel innuiniss absut hunlingr Lhe fslla.rins Eehedule of the hunflns seessns fnr 1?83-1?E3r frsru lire iissf iJirgrnia IlepertsenL sf Naiunal Resourcesr is ine ludedi Gsne $peeies Spen i*g D- I LJd L tg 8i,g 6ame Turltes (FaII selit geasan i { Bsw } Ileer ( Convenf ional FileErnrs Seer { i{u=zleisading ) Ilser { Anllenless ) Bear i 6un i Spning Gsbbler { 1?g? i €ane Ssuipre-l fiuffed Grouse Fsai Greg Faxi Scburhile ffuail faiLontail Rsbbil Red L Esbeat- Nov o F€c. Ee* Nc.J. 13 lltiu. IO itec n.'1 Cl n Itgt. & 0et. 0sl"' .t€ APt. i{ev. Nov ' 1(t .tO ilE*J o I'leu "o 3f JI l{9.: 6 ilpc,' fter - B lee" 1i ffec " i5 ,+ i'lcu 15 Jan" 1 F-L f til.l r Nf, Jen 31 o +Jdl | . '5 ,l'O .).1, Feb, 3A Fei:. :A Feb, :8 & HB'r. 6 ilBv ' 6 Furbearer Trarping S€asons -- See efficiEl fiegulation= Higratorg Sind Seascn *- 5*e Seeeisl Sfale Resu lations U}TLAUFUL T{i I{UHT O$I 5UHSAYS I€ 13 SeL. L5 |{6v, .i ffeL Raceecn Snauehse Hare Ringneelt, Fheasan " Bci. Soar Snall n flec $eer { For* } Eeer Bcl Elosins ilaie Jan. 6 tiV Hun 1 l,ins and ?reppin= Federel i'fiEr'aLsr.s Bir-d Uest Uirsini.a Sepanl"rrent ef llaLural ReEoureesr Bi'risic of For.eslryl There *ill. be l{E BUR}|ISIG dsring Lhe forest fire se*sgn€:- Lhe rrranLhs of ilarehr *prilr i{asr 0eleberr Hove*b€Fr snd Beesmben, ***fxx**x********riit*****x*****ixr**r**t**rh***t******t*****ir**:ii*:is'** Il ie BeeesEat*s for ihe Board af Truele*s end Lhe *onrrrri'Llse eheirnen i"s have aceesg le e gi:rr-enl. list of nait*s end eddreggeg t'cr Llre prsperts anRers {phene numbers Ere helpfulr bui naL Fe€uip*ri}i olherwis€ He have nc uag of inf*r*ing stru abeul fteEtin*sr social give evsnlsr duesr ghalever, 5s pleaser if ssur address has changedv sour n€ihe end addresg Ls ans FrembeF sf the Fcard Er *end il Ls ii*nes Alberieor ?65: Chis*ell Flaeer Herndcnr tJA E3071. Ii' srtu have ssld Hsur Fr$pertgr rle*se stive us dhe gra&e and sddregs sr- li.te nebr ohliterr 'If gau ere plenning on sellins :ieur Pr€P€Pls in eecapsn llishlends tLero or Lhnee pieces cf prcpentg are currenilu for sEie)r nou pidhl uantr [e ecnsider having thel fael placed in Li-lis ner.rleiler' Other FFaF€rLs or.rners esuld easils be seur besi rraFK€|, Hoet of the chaireen of standi.ng esrrmillees i'sve menlisneri sl one Lir*e En engther lhai. the!, csuld uee helru If geu have ene Lirue t"o *cnLeibuler pleese volunt eer o The acti';iLi*s *nd eff ecLi.*enEse af Lhe rrep,ertg clrn€Fs essoeielian are Ii,nited onls bc iirs t.leilinsnEss of the menberE t"o rerli*ipaLe" ******t******t******tt**.*.***.*.*.*-*.**.*.*.*.***s******h****.********8**i*** II'IPOFTAT'|T P}iCi.IE NUHBERS theriff Jasreg } 358*1187 } 358*3L01 { 304 ) t58*112: r 304 ) 987-73i1 F*lt { 304 { 3'34 Iterlr,eleg Spring Slafe Falice FerrscKs Gre*t Ceeapsn Fi.re Itepertnrent Paw Faw Fire ftErarlm*nt ftep*r't*ent af Naturel F:eEcurces /tal \ JV+ { Rielt i"lcGledEr Fat c*sl$'an } I J\,1+ Office af the Eo.+erncr af tdesl Uirginie /(/-nEn r I rlVt Pettrn'ee Hdi=sn Eleetrie \ 3\lt Tusear*r=a Sffices , ?-ti t Jv+ Fer'nie Hnnk l'{er:herg af the Baard sf Truetess / !t aanElean*r { Ee!* } Adclalts { 3CL ) o+-j-,'.J.J/ (;*3 i {x(f'*J-JDt.J Henrs *ibenieo Sleve lrieEel t 7f3 i Eus Gruhn t 3*1 ) rT,n -FfF Terrs Ficitpll t l,i1 ) J-J $eruri Ls CerrrritLee Fat Albpricc '-Iohn l,ler.tin ?i? , ''J ?.n{ 1 / i .a/-i UUV oqj ?F-r{ -nlF JUTJ n-4 .lv-l. ,r oJ:-au+J J- r ,l 1 / \ I /r 1 I 4Fn 44n= iiLJ()-"J Icl/ atrt 4-af\4 J.fo--j'Jtlu ,F\ -Fs *J 4-t.1 **J{f J+\J AIJ{}--J.JJif t'aF-, &-Jtl-4tr:+(f -a i