directory (pb) - [[Organization]] | [[City, State]]
directory (pb) - [[Organization]] | [[City, State]]
Booth: N19 First Bank and Trust 806-331-3142 N10 N9 N35 N8 N7 N6 N36 N61 N62 N34 N37 N60 N63 N13 N33 N38 N59 N64 N14 N32 N39 N58 N65 N31 N40 N57 N66 N30 N41 N56 N67 N15 N29 N42 N55 N68 N16 N28 N43 N54 N69 N17 N27 N44 N53 N70 N18 N26 N45 N52 N71 N19 N25 N46 N51 N72 N20 N24 N47 N50 N73 N21 N23 N48 N49 N74 N11 Booth: N20 Catmandu (806) 350-8324 Booth: N9-N10 Verizon Wireless 806-322-0898 N12 N22 Booth: N25 The Courts of Amarillo 806-322-1111 Booth: N71 Coyote Flight Centers 806-335-9763 Booth: N60 Edible Arrangements 806-322-2266 Booth: N73-N74 Amarillo National Bank 806-378-8000 Glazer’s Booth: N99 Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 806-379-8800 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N135 N134 N87 N88 N113 N114 N86 N89 N112 N115 N133 N85 N90 N111 N116 N132 N84 N91 N110 N117 N131 N83 N92 N109 N118 N82 N93 N108 N119 N81 N94 N107 N120 N80 N95 N106 N121 N79 N96 N105 N122 N78 N97 N104 N123 N77 N98 N103 N124 N76 N99 N102 N125 N130 N75 N100 N101 N126 N129 Booth: N103-N104 KVII-TV Channel 7 806-373-1787 DOOR Booth: N102 La Fiesta Grande 806-352-1330 N128 N127 Booth: N1 Amarillo Economic Development Corporation 806-379-6411 Booth: N118-N120 B&W Pantex 806-477-6035 Booth: S11 Aardvark Automotive 806-356-0020 S8 DOOR S7 S6 S10 S38 S39 S68 S69 S11 S37 S40 S67 S70 S12 S36 S41 S66 S71 S13 S35 S42 S65 S72 S14 S34 S43 S64 S73 S33 S44 S63 S74 S32 S45 S62 S75 S15 S31 S46 S61 S76 S16 S30 S47 S60 S77 S17 S29 S48 S59 S78 S28 S49 S58 S79 S27 S50 S57 S80 S5 S9 Booth: S15-S16-S17 Amarillo CVC 806-374-1497 Door Prize Ticket Drop Locati on for a chance to w in 2 Round-Tri p Airline Tick ets 4 Booth: S31 Lyons Home Comfort Store 806-353-7994 TRADESHOW LOUNGE AREA Booth: S30 Acapulco 806-373-8889 Booth: S71 Remington Case LTD Partnership 806-358-6190 Booth: S39 Allstate Security Industries, Inc 806-354-3200 Booth: S72 G A I Surveying & Mapping / Gresham & Associates Inc. 806-359-9648 Booth: S2 Liquid Siding of Amarillo 806-322-2042 S4 S2 S1 S98 S99 S128 S129 S97 S100 S127 S130 S155 S96 S101 S126 S131 S154 S95 S102 S125 S132 S153 S94 S103 S124 S133 S152 S93 S104 S123 S134 S92 S105 S122 S135 S151 S91 S106 S121 S136 S150 S90 S107 Agribusiness is Your Business S149 S89 S108 S88 S109 S87 S110 Booth: S154 Big State Remodeling 806-358-7419 S148 Ag Appreciation Area TRADESHOW LOUNGE AREA Booth: S97 SWS Financial Services 806-350-6790 S147 Take a few minutes to visit the Ag Appreciation Area in the South Exhibit Hall and learn about the importance of Agriculture in the panhandle. For information on the Chamber’s Ag Council, contact Jason Harrison at 806-373-7800. Booth: S90 CCS Systems 806-372-8585 Auction items are displayed in the hallway between the North & South Exhibit Halls. Obtain a bidders card from the auction desk. Booth: H3 Sam's Club Amarillo 806-374-6651 H7 H8 H9 H10 H6 Booth: H23 West Texas A&M University Foundation 806-651-2070 H5 H4 H3 Booth: H32 The Photo Store & Portrait Studio 806-358-9616 H15 H32 H33 H50 H51 H16 H31 H34 H49 H52 H17 H30 H35 H48 H53 H18 H29 H36 H47 H54 H19 H28 H37 H46 H55 H20 H27 H38 H45 H56 H21 H26 H39 H44 H57 H22 H25 H40 H43 H58 H23 H24 H41 H42 H59 H2 H1 Booth: H7 Xerox / Digital-on-Demand, Inc. 806-652-1367 Booth: H8 The Education Credit Union 806-358-7777 Booth: H38 Yellow Book USA 806-353-5175 Booth: H13 Entrepreneur Alliance 806-322-0032 H11 H12 H13 H14 H105 H68 H69 H86 H87 H104 H106 H67 H70 H85 H88 H103 H107 H66 H71 H84 H89 H102 H108 H65 H72 H83 H90 H101 H109 H64 H73 H82 H91 H100 H110 H63 H74 H81 H92 H99 H111 H62 H75 H80 H93 H98 H112 H61 H76 H79 H94 H97 H113 H60 H77 H78 H95 H96 Booth: H73 Leal's Mexican Restaurant 806-359-5959 Booth: H74 All About Music 806-372-1903 H114 Booth: H63 Worth The Wait 806-326-1070 Booth: H97-H98 Amarillo Globe News 806-376-4488 Booth: H109 Bell Helicopter 806-341-3400 Auction items are displayed in the hallway between the North & South Exhibit Halls. Obtain a bidders card from the auction desk. 887 Media N13 A To Z Tire & Battery S62 AAA Signs of Amarillo S131 AAA Texas, LLC/Travel N77 Aardvark Automotive S11 Featured Booth Acapulco Mexican Restaurant S30 2009 Top Small Business Access Community Credit Union H56 Acute & Chronic Pain and Spine Center H4 Affordable Rock Creations S32 Affordable Rock Creations S33 Ag Appreciation Area S118-S120 Featured Booth Ag Appreciation Area S137-S139 Featured Booth Air Oasis - Dr. Jeff Bennert S101 Alarm Link Security N96 All About Music H74 2009 Top Small Business Allstate Security Industries, Inc S39 Featured Booth AMA TechTel Communications N85 AMA TechTel Communications N86 AMA TechTel Communications N89 AMA TechTel Communications N90 Amarillo Athletic & Trophy Warehouse Inc H95 Amarillo Business Concepts H59 Amarillo Business Concepts S79 Amarillo Club H78 Amarillo College N15 Amarillo College Continuing Education Division H25 Amarillo Community Federal Credit Union N34 Amarillo Community Federal Credit Union N35 Amarillo Convention & Visitor Council S15 Amarillo Convention & Visitor Council S16 Amarillo Convention & Visitor Council S17 Amarillo Dillas Baseball Club, LLC S76 Amarillo Downtown Lions Club N30 Amarillo Economic Development Corporation N1 Gold Sponsor Amarillo Embroidery S133 Amarillo Globe News H97 Gold Sponsor Amarillo Globe News H98 Amarillo Habitat for Humanity S136 Amarillo Media Systems H36 Amarillo National Bank N73 Gold Sponsor Amarillo National Bank N74 Amarillo On-Site Massage S149 Amarillo Outdoor Power Equipment S47 Amarillo Pathology Group LLP S74 Amarillo Public Library N58 Amarillo Residence Inn by Marriott N105 Amarillo South Chiropractic H40 Amarillo Town Club N127 Amarillo Tri-State Exposition H67 Amarillo VA Health Care System N112 Amarillo Women's Network N42 Amarillo YP N2 S100 Ambassador Hotel H22 America Supports You - Texas N111 American Classifieds H61 American Laser Centers N79 American Red Cross - Texas Panhandle Chapter N6 America's Promise - AISD H83 Amtech Security S28 Angelic Candles of Amarillo S49 Angels of Care Pediatric Home Health N133 Another Attic Self-Storage S129 AquaOne H92 Armstrong County Museum & Gem Theatre H14 Ashmore Inn & Suites II, Inc. H29 AT & T H21 AT & T The Real Yellow Pages H19 AT & T Wireless H20 Atmos Energy H18 Avon for You S98 B&W Pantex N119 Gold Sponsor B&W Pantex N118 B&W Pantex N120 Baptist Community Services / Park Central Retirement Community N16 Baptist St. Anthony's Health System N47 Bates-Wells Promotional Products H5 Bates-Wells Promotional Products H6 Battery Joe H10 Bell Helicopter H109 Silver Sponsor Better Business Bureau H39 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of the TX Panhandle N84 Big State Remodeling, Ltd. S154 2009 Top Small Business Bishop DeFalco Retreat Center N36 Blackburn-Shaw Funeral Home/Memory Gardens S88 Blackmon Mooring S128 Bridge Children's Advocacy Center, The N50 BritKare Home Medical H49 Budweiser Distributing Company H52 Budweiser Distributing Company H53 Bullard Foot and Ankle Institute S29 Burkett Outdoor Advertising N69 Business Music, Inc Muzak/AVTEL H47 C & B Printing H57 Canyon News N132 Canyonview Estates Retirement/Assisted Living S105 Carpet Tech S77 Carpet Tech S78 CASA for Women by Harmony Ministries S9 Casters of Amarillo Inc. N92 H=Heritage Ballroom, N= North Exhibit Hall, S=South Exhibit Hall Catholic Family Service, Inc. N114 Catmandu N20 Fifth Season Inn & Suites H45 First Bank and Trust N19 CCS Systems S90 First Bank of Texas H43 First United Bank N48 Firstbank Southwest H37 FirstCare Health Plans-Amarillo N64 Four Seasons Sunrooms S103 Frenzel Computer Services S60 Future Lawns of The High Plains, Inc. S153 GAI Surveying & Mapping/Gresham & Assoc. Inc. S72 2009 Jim Henson Top Small Business of the Year Featured Booth Center City of Amarillo Inc S99 Ceta Canyon Camp & Retreat Center N95 Chick-Fil-A S4 Childers Brothers Inc S13 Childers Brothers Inc S14 Childress Chamber of Commerce N106 Choice Media N131 Church at Quail Creek, The H26 Cintas Corporation N109 Clarendon Chamber of Commerce N18 Cleartalk N117 ClearWire S89 ComData Solutions H70 ComData Solutions H71 Community Options S12 ComPassion Home Care H105 Concentra Medical Centers N121 Country Barn Steakhouse S37 Courts of Amarillo, The N25 Featured Booth Cox-LaGrone Funeral Home N129 Cox-LaGrone Funeral Home N130 Coyote Flight Centers N71 Featured Booth Craig Methodist Retirement Community N91 Crossroads Technologies S69 Culligan of Amarillo N22 Custom Gardens, LLC N62 Cypress Creek @ Jason Ave. Apartment Homes S64 Diamond Business Services S7 Document Shredding & Storage, Ltd. N124 Don Harrington Discovery Center S1 Double J Siding & Windows H82 Downtown Athletic Club H42 Downtown Women's Center S40 Dreamview LLC S59 D’Vine Wine S58 Eastridge Lanes N26 Edible Arrangements N60 Featured Booth Education Credit Union, The H8 Featured Booth Edward Jones S41 Elite MMA & Fitness N17 Endurance Auto Parts N98 Entrepreneur Alliance H13 Gold Sponsor Executive Office Suites of Amarillo H85 Express Employment Professionals H54 Eye Care Plus, L. L. P. H89 EZMoney Loan Services S34 Featured Booth Featured Booth Gatti's Pizza N123 General Office Supply H27 General Office Supply H28 Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains N41 GlassDoctor N56 Glazer's Wholesale Distributors Glazers Golden Spread Farmers Market N32 Graham Data Supplies, Ltd. N67 Graphic Equipment & Supply Company N28 Great Western Distributing Company S36 Happy State Bank N23 Happy State Bank N24 Harris Financial Group, Inc. N66 Hi Plains Canvas Products, Inc S132 High Plains Public Radio S48 Hill's Sport Shop H91 Hispanic Chamber of Commerce N99 Featured Booth Hoffbrau Steaks N75 Holiday Inn of Amarillo N8 House Call MD H48 Humana Market Point, Inc. N51 IDEACOM of Amarillo S5 IDEACOM of Amarillo S6 Insurance Management Services H55 Interstate Bank, ssb H75 S102 J C Penney Inc H58 Jason's Deli S155 Johnson & Sheldon, P.C. H2 KACV TV/FM N29 KAMR - TV S91 KAMR - TV S92 KAMR - TV S93 KAMR - TV S94 Kelly Services Inc N135 KFDA NewsChannel 10 CBS N5 KFDA NewsChannel 10 CBS N87 KFDA NewsChannel 10 CBS N88 KGNC AM/FM N12 Kids, Incorporated N21 Kolache Cafe & Baking Company N38 KVII-TV Channel 7 N103 Silver Sponsor H=Heritage Ballroom, N= North Exhibit Hall, S=South Exhibit Hall KVII-TV Channel 7 N104 Silver Sponsor La Fiesta Grande N102 Silver Sponsor Le Chateau Pet Resort, Spa & Boutique H99 Leadership Amarillo & Canyon H79 Leal's Mexican Restaurant H73 Featured Booth Liquid Siding of Amarillo S2 Featured Booth Local Emergency Planning Committee S126 Logical Technologies Inc / Technical Solutions S134 Lone Star Ballet Inc H100 Lone Star Windows & Siding H64 Lyons Home Comfort Store S31 2009 Top Small Business Mager Chiropractic S109 Managed Care Center, Inc. H110 Martin/Tipton Pharmacy LLC N72 Mary Kay Cosmetics/Cathy Welch N65 Mass Mutual Financial Group N93 Max Waste Management N37 Maxor National Pharmacy Services Corp. H76 Mayfield Paper Company, Inc. N78 McGavock Nissan of Amarillo East Hallway Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith N116 Milan Institute S75 Miller Paper & Packaging Company H15 Millers Cleaners S123 MMM Plumbing Heating and Air N31 Mr. Electric N55 Mr. Rooter of Amarillo N54 Narrell Family Chiropractic H11 National Home Health H77 National Weather Service H66 New Day Productions H93 New Day Productions H94 Norris Audio Video Systems, L.P. N100 Northwest Texas Healthcare System N3 Northwest Texas Healthcare System N4 Northwest Texas Rehabilitation Hospital N59 NTS Communications, Inc. H62 Nurses By Prescription S130 Odyssey Healthcare N115 Off and Running LLC dba Get Fit S65 Office Depot N128 Office Max S122 Open Air MRI of Amarillo H31 Outreach Health Services S151 P.R.I.M.E. Services Inc N57 Panhandle Presort Services Ltd. N61 Panhandle Regional Planning Commission N49 Panhandle Restaurant Group H112 Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum N94 Peacock Trading Inc. H33 People's Federal Credit Union, The H80 Perkins Family Chiropractic S150 Photo Store & Portrait Studio, The H32 Silver Sponsor Plains Builders Inc N110 Plum Creek Specialty Hospital & Healthcare Cntr S44 Pop-A-Lock S38 Potter House, Assisted Living Concepts, Inc. S35 Precision Resource Company H34 Pride Home Center N53 Professional Counseling & Biofeedback Center H81 Progressive Step Rehabilitation of Amarillo S95 Prudential Ada, REALTORS H44 R S V P S70 Rabern Rentals Center H104 Radio by Grace-K R B G 99.5 FM H106 Red Carpet Charters S10 Remington Case LTD Partnership S71 Silver Sponsor Renaissance Office Park, Event Center, & Condos S73 Results, Results, Results, x2, Inc. S107 Rhynehart Roofing, Inc. H113 Ricoh Business Solutions H51 River Breaks Ranch N39 Roadrunner Express Courier Service S45 Royal Limousine Service North Hallway Saladmaster H65 Sam's Club Amarillo H3 Silver Sponsor San Jacinto Christian Academy S148 Santa Fe Courtyard by Marriott N97 Scarborough Specialties, Inc. H107 Scarborough Specialties, Inc. H108 Schakolad Chocolate Factory S42 Schooler Funeral Home H103 Scottco Service Company N76 Shoppa's Material Handling N81 Shoppa's Material Handling N82 Shreiner Plumbing, Inc S46 Sir Speedy N126 Small Business Development Center -WTAMU H12 Smith and Hawkins S152 Smith Chiropractic and Wellness H86 Sonic Drive-In H46 SOS Staffing Services H16 Southwest Sales Promotion N113 Spellmann & Associates H9 SportClips N63 Sprint Nurses Staffing, LLC N27 Sprouse Shrader Smith P.C. S124 State Farm/Roy Hunter N70 State National Bank of Groom N125 Steve Sypert Insurance N11 Stork Vision S96 Style Wise Image Consultants, LLC H84 Suddenlink Communications N43 H=Heritage Ballroom, N= North Exhibit Hall, S=South Exhibit Hall Suddenlink Communications N44 Support Hose Plus Store N45 Support Hose Plus Store N46 Susan G. Komen for the Cure Greater Amarillo Affiliate H90 SWS Financial Services S97 Silver Sponsor Talon/LPE H17 Tascosa Brick and Fireplace N14 Tascosa Office Machines H87 Tascosa Office Machines H88 Tascosa Road Fellowship H24 Taxequences H68 TEDCO Buildings and Things N33 Tejas Broadcasting S66 Texas Oncology S121 Texas Panhandle Family Planning / Health Cntr N80 Texas Plains Bell Federal Credit Union S8 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center S67 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center S68 ThreeLeaf N107 ThreeLeaf N108 Toot'N Totum Car Care Center H114 Triumph Health Care N7 TRW Credit Group H101 TRW Credit Group H102 U S Postal Service H96 UNA-COPY S127 UniFirst Corp. N83 United Way of Amarillo & Canyon H35 User-Friendly Phone Book, LLC., The East Hallway Verizon Wireless N9 Verizon Wireless N10 Featured Booth Waddell & Reed Inc. S63 Wal-Mart Supercenter East H1 Wayland Baptist University - Amarillo H69 Welcome Pardner! N134 Wellborn Sign, Inc. H41 West Texas A&M University H30 West Texas A&M University Foundation H23 Gold Sponsor Western Chiropractic Clinic N101 Western Equipment S108 WesTex Document, Inc. N40 Westlake Retirement Community S43 Willow Creek Kennels N122 Wirt Insurance H50 Wise Hearing Solutions S104 Witt Flooring Center N52 Wood Financial S125 Workers Compensation Orthopedics Stephen J Ringel MD S106 Workforce Solutions H60 Working Ranch Cowboys Association S135 Worth The Wait H63 Featured Booth WTAMU Amarillo Center S61 WTAMU Dept of Engineering & Computer Science N68 Xerox/Digital-on-Demand Inc. H7 Featured Booth Y M C A of Amarillo Texas H72 Yellow Book USA H38 Gold Sponsor Featured Booth The Amarillo Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 18th Annual BusinessConnection with over 360 exhibitors. Those involved with the Chamber; the staff, membership and volunteers, often refer to this event as the “premier” business-to-business networking opportunity. BusinessConnection is just one of the many ways the Chamber helps to promote the local business owner. For more information about BusinessConnection or other business networking events contact Jason Harrison at (806) 342-2018. The majority of our 1,700 Chamber memberships consist of small business owners rather than large corporations. Many times the family owned business is tirelessly running the shop and has limited time to go out and visit their competitors or thank their business customers in the community. The annual tradeshow gives them the perfect opportunity to make multiple contacts in a short time frame under one roof. They can visit old acquaintances and develop new relationships. H=Heritage Ballroom, N= North Exhibit Hall, S=South Exhibit Hall Auction items are displayed in the hallway between the North & South Exhibit Halls. Obtain a bidders card from the auction desk. Adaberry Inn - Gift certificate for (1) night stay in Royal Suite at Adaberry Inn. Great Western Distributing Company - Booth S36 Coors' cooler, which includes (4) 30 packs. Must be 21 or older. Amarillo Chamber of Commerce - (6) Summer Fiesta Tickets, (6) Tickets to Good Time Barbecue Cook Off, aprons, tumblers, and thermometers. Le Chateau Pet Resort, Spa & Boutique - Booth H99 Doggy bag of goodies, which includes (3) days and (2) nights in premium chateau suite and day spa service on day of departure. Amarillo Convention & Visitor Council - Booths S15-S17 Flip Ultra HD Camcorder Amarillo Residence Inn by Marriott - Booth N105 (2) Gift certificates for (1) night stay in (1) bedroom suite at Amarillo Residence Inn by Marriott, which includes a hot breakfast buffet, a basket with a bottle of wine, chocolates, and a trio of Speaking Roses. Amarillo Symphony - (2) Guest Vouchers for the 2010-2011 Amarillo Symphony and Harrington String Quartet Season Ambassador Hotel - Booth H22 (1) Skyscraper Package, (2) Amarillo Little Theater Tickets, and Dinner for (2) at Macaroni Joe's. Arts in Amarillo - (2) Tickets to Grease Performed at Amarillo Little Theatre, (1) Family Membership to Panhandle PlainsHistorical Museum, and (1) Family Membership to Amarillo Museum of Art Lone Star Ballet - Booth H100 (2) Platinum Star Level Season Tickets March of Dimes - (2) Tickets to the Signature Chefs Event Narrell Family Chiropractic - Booth H11 (1) Gift certificate for initial consultation, examination, x-rays, first adjustment, nutrition book, and extreme makeover book. Ralph Duke Photographer - 11x14 Black & White Fine Art Photograph Randall County Facilities Department - 3 Foot Steel Smoker Cooker - 20 Inch Casing, 18x18 Firebox, and Oak Cutting Board Renew Media Group, Inc. - (1) 90.5" x 90.5" Pop Up Tradeshow Display, (1) 24" x 60" Banner Stand, and (1) $75 Renew Media Group, Inc. Gift Certificate Ashley Furniture - Oakley Leather Upholstery Chair Santa Fe Courtyard by Marriott - Booth N97 (1) Gift certificate for (2) night stay at Santa Fe Courtyard by Marriott and breakfast for (2). Ashmore Inn - Booth H29 Romantic package for (2) nights stay at Ashmore Inn, which includes flower arrangement, chocolates, bath products, sparkling cider, and keepsake flutes. Southwest Airlines - (2) Roundtrip Tickets Bishop DeFalco Retreat & Conference Center - Booth N36 Gift basket, which includes Bishop DeFalco Retreat & Conference Center's products. Wal-Mart Super Center - Booth H1 47" LG HDTV 1080p Carpet Tech - Booths S77-78 Whole House Carpet Cleaning Catmandu– Booth N20 Gift certificate for Advanced One-Rate, includes in-depth repair service for any one severe software issue. Does not include the cost of any hardware. Texas Musical Drama - (2) Family Packs for (4) Guests Willow Creek - Booth N122 (1) Goodies basket, which includes training package. WRCA— Booth S135 2) Tickets to WRCA 15th World Championship Ranch Rodeo on Nov. 11-14th, (2) VIP Passes to Kick Off Party Nov. 10th, and (2) 2009 World Championship Ranch Rodeo Commemorative Levi Jackets. Country Barn Steak - Booth S37 (2) Dinners for (6) Coyote Flight Centers - Booth N71 Gift basket, which includes sight seeing tour. Custom Gardens—Booth N62 Red Oak Tree Planted in Amarillo (30 gallon) General Office Supply - Booths H27-H28 Steelcase High Back Executive Black Leather Chair Items listed were donated as of 4/12/10.
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