June 2015 - Woodrun


June 2015 - Woodrun
Volume 7
Issue 6
June 2015
Woodrun Community News
And Now It’s the Summer Schedule…
Welcome Summer (as
of June 21)! It was a cold
winter and a cool spring;
we’re all ready for some
sunny weather and summer outdoor activities!
The best news is that
you can participate in a
few of them right here in
Woodrun. The Woodrun Hiking Club will
get together a little earlier
for the summer due to
the warmer temperatures
we all know are coming.
Meet at 8 a.m. every
Monday at the mailbox
area; from there, hikers
will head for the day’s
destination. Men and
women are encouraged to
come for the exercise and
the camaraderie of hiking
in our beautiful Uwharrie
Mountains. Don’t worry
if you’re a beginner, you’ll
still have a great time!
On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at
10:15 a.m., jump into the
Pool for Water Aerobics,
weather permitting. You
don’t have to know how
to swim, you’ll get some
exercise, and water exercises are fun!
If organized activities
don’t appeal to you, gather friends or family and
swim in the pool (10 a.m.
to 10 p.m.), play tennis, or
join the many walkers
who conquer the hills of
Woodrun every day.
The May event calendar
was packed this year.
Although not quite as
many tables were rented
for the Yard Sale as last
year, the customers at the
BP made the sale a success. Thanks to owners
Gary and Jay for giving us
access to their parking lot.
The Italian Pot Luck
Dinner offered lots of
delicious dishes to members – after all, you can’t
go wrong with Italian
food! And finally, the
Memorial Day Picnic
celebrated the holiday as
well as the opening of the
pool and the symbolic
start of summer. Somehow, grilled hot dogs taste
so much better than regular hot dogs!
The Board will sponsor
a Kid’s Movie Night on
Saturday, June 27, at 8
p.m. Weather permitting,
the movie will be set up
behind the Clubhouse (on
the lake side). Bring blankets or lawn chairs for
sitting. Snacks provided.
The 4th of July Fireworks will be set up on
the end of the old Clubhouse dock on Friday,
July 3. The display will
start between 9 and 9:30
p.m. Boat Slip renters:
You must have your boats
out of your slips by Friday
Memorial Day Picnic Signals Start of Summer!
Inside This Issue
Community News
June Calendar
Office Notes
Services to Share
2, 4
Association Info
Golf Safety Meeting 5-6
Board Notes
Activities Calendar
June 2015
 Cup & Saucer Planning Meeting: Tuesday, June 2, 7 p.m.,
Adult Deck at the Pool
 Board Meeting:
Thursday, June 4, 7 p.m.,
Lower level, Clubhouse
 Men’s Bible Study:
Tuesday, June 9, 10:00
a.m., Call Bob at 9753081 for details.
 Game Day: Tuesday,
June 9, 1 – 3 p.m, Lower
level, Clubhouse
 Woodrun Neighbors:
Wednesday, June 10,
1:00 p.m.,. Lower level,
 Men’s Bible Study:
Tuesday, June 23, 10:00
a.m., Call Bob at 9753081 for details.
 Game Day: Tuesday,
June 23, 1 – 3 p.m, Lower level, Clubhouse
Saturday, June 27, 9
a.m. – 4 p.m.
 Kids’ Movie Night:
Saturday, June 27, 8
p.m., Lake side of the
 Hiking Club: Every
Monday at 8:00 a.m. at
the mailboxes
July 2015
 No Board meeting
 Fireworks: Friday,
July 3, approx. 9 p.m.,
Clubhouse Dock
Notes from the Office
Administrative Manager
Kathy Tucker
Office phone
Office email: [email protected]
 To receive up-to-date notices
from the Office by email, please
give Kathy your email address.
Your email address will be added to
the Woodrun group email list.
 The Woodrun Board of Directors publishes a monthly Notes
from the Board as an email, on the
Woodrun website, and as a handout
at the mailbox area. If you would
like to receive the Board Notes as an
email, please contact Kathy.
 The Board has taken no “Actions Without Meetings” since
the April Board meeting.
 The Campground is open; encourage your family and friends to
visit you and stay there! Call the
Office for details.
 Homeowners’ dues are payable by June 30, 2015. For the
convenience of our members, the
Office will be open on Saturday,
June 27, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to
enable payment.
 Please note the change in
bar code policy. Starting this
STICKERS are available from the
Office. Members MUST have a
BAR CODE attached to the back
right side window of each vehicle.
The bar codes already on cars are
still active, as long as dues are
paid; members do NOT need a
new bar code, unless a new car is
 July 4 Fireworks will be Friday, July 3, at 9 – 9:30 p.m. For
best views, come to the pool for
seats, sit on the grass, or if you
have the option, head out on the
water in your boat. The back-up
Attention Woodrun members:
Do you know of any Woodrun resident who would
benefit from receiving Home-Delivered Meals
from the Montgomery County Council on Aging?
Can you donate at least one hour each month to
deliver Home-Delivered Meals from the Montgomery County Council on Aging to
Woodrun’s Homebound Seniors?
day is July 5.
 Members with boat slips at
the two docks by the Clubhouse: The same rule pertaining
to the 4th of July fireworks applies
this year as in the past few years.
Boats MUST be removed from the
slips at both docks at the Clubhouse before the fireworks, by order of Homeland Security. When you
signed the rental agreement for the
slip, you agreed to move your boat
for this event.
 Director Jan Deen has resigned from the Woodrun Board
for personal reasons.
 Everyone in Woodrun knows
and has probably been helped at
least once by Joe Morris, on our
Maintenance staff. This is his 20th
year and the Board is taking a collection for a great gift (like a vacation?) for him and his family. If
you choose to contribute, mail it or
drop it off in the box at the Office.
Services to Share / Items For Sale
Need a new Dentist?
Call Dr. Johnny McKinnon, D.D.S.
for your General Dentistry needs.
For more information, call the Council office (910572-3757) or send an email to [email protected].
407 North Main Street
Mount Gilead
We take new patients!
Newsletter Contact Information
It’s as important as ever to keep up with what’s going on in our community and to voice your opinions.
If you want to be on the Independent E-mail list; if you have questions or comments about Woodrun issues;
if you have something to sell or announce; if you have a service to offer to the members of our community,
contact Barbara Griffith and the Woodrun Independent: by calling 910-439-4206; by mailing a letter to 5335
Woodrun on Tillery, Mount Gilead, NC, 27306 (Be sure to identify yourself!); or by sending an E-mail to
bgrifwoodrun @gmail.com.
The Editorial Policy of the Woodrun Independent: Letters to the Editor must be signed. Author’s name will NOT be
printed in the Newsletter unless specifically requested. Opinion letters that negatively mention a specific person in Woodrun will
NOT be printed. Additionally, the Woodrun Independent is exactly that: INDEPENDENT from the Woodrun Board.
Association Information
Woodrun Office
Kathy Tucker, Administrative Manager
Woodrun Gate
Woodrun Maintenance
Woodrun Pool
Director of Clubhouse / Social; Assistant Director of
Maintenance, Security
[email protected]
Jack Christopher
Director of Security; Assistant Director of the Clubhouse
[email protected]
Jerry Ginger
Woodrun Board of Directors
To contact a Board member:
1. Call the Woodrun Office and leave a message.
2. Call the Woodrun Office to get a Director’s phone
number and call him/her directly.
3. E-mail the Board member using one of the following
e-mail addresses.
Greg Mecomber
Steve Gladden
Director of Maintenance (including Campground, Roads,
Buildings, New Construction); Assistant Director of Administration & Finance
[email protected]
Director of Administration & Finance; Assistant Director
of Boat Slips, Storage, and Marketing
[email protected]
Michael Clark
Director of Boat Storage, Boat Slips, and Marketing
[email protected]
Jean Thompson
Director of Pool, Health & Welfare; Assistant Director of
[email protected]
Woodrun Association Webpage: woodrun.homestead.com
Woodrun Association E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Woodrun services to members:
 NOTARY PUBLIC: Visit the Woodrun Office during regular office hours to have your legal papers notarized (or call the Office for more information). There is no fee for this service.
 LOST & FOUND: Contact the Office to post a notice for a lost or found item on the Woodrun
webpage for 30 days. There is no fee for this service.
 EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS: Receive pertinent invoices, statements, meetings, information and
minutes, updated Directories, the quarterly newsletter, etc. through e-mail by sending your email your address to the Office.
Maintenance Services
Mulch, Fill dirt, Crush & run gravel, delivered to your lot
Contact the Office and make your order! Note: All orders must be by the load.
Mulch $85 / load -- Crush & Run $100 / load -- Fill dirt $50 / load
Chipping of yard waste (brush) / no cost
Contact the Office to be on the list for the monthly chipping service. There’s no cost!
1) No leaves or grass clippings 2) No lumber of any kind 3) Place the butts of the limbs in the same direction. Thanks!
--------------- Services to Share / Items For Sale ---------------
Time to Refinance and Save!
Rates as low as 3.8% (30 year
fixed), 3.1% (15 year fixed)
Woodrun Resident
Woodrun Resident
We also do land and construction loans.
Specialty Gift Foods
Personal Chef Services
A “DINE IN” Gourmet Experience
Wendy 910-439-5008
Ad policy for the Woodrun Independent
This newsletter offers information for Woodrun members. Only ads that are from members or referred by
members will be accepted for publication. Publication of an ad does not imply Independent endorsement.
Vitamins & Supplements
Everything from a top-of-the-line daily vitamin to
chloresterol reduction, glucose regulation complex, to
joint and heart health supplements. The Shaklee Supplements Catalogues are available as well.
Please contact Jean Thompson at 910-439-4248
Certified Motorcycle Technician
Services and Repairs for
Call or e-mail Jordan Lassiter
[email protected]
Built Locally
Assembled on your property
Sizes from 3 foot to 12 foot
Many designs and features to choose from
To discuss Design and Costs, call:
Gordon Knowles Phone: 910-439-5711 Cell: 704-363-3297
[email protected]
From the Editor: Golf Cart Safety Meeting
Board members Greg Mecomber, Jack Christopher, and Jean
Thompson led an informational
meeting for Woodrun members
concerning the ever-worrisome
debate about golf cart safety on
our roads.
A little history: Anyone who
has lived in our community for a
few years is aware of the number
of times the various Boards have
received complaints and discussed
this controversy – especially the
use of golf carts by underage drivers – and have been unable to find
a definitive solution. When the
By-Laws were enacted in 2013,
Board members, working with the
Association lawyer, added the following section in an attempt to
protect the Association AND the
people of Woodrun.
“Article V Section 9: No allterrain vehicle (ATV), golf cart, or
utility vehicles may be operated on
the roads of Woodrun except by licensed drivers 16 and older. Dirt
bikes, scooters and go-carts may be
operated on the roads of Woodrun
Subdivision provided that they are
“street legal” and are only operated
by legally licensed drivers aged 16
and older.”
The issue is enforcement. In
2013 a Grievance Committee was
established to deal with flagrant
violations of the By-Laws – but to
be effective, members must participate in the process by volunteering to be on the Committee. This
hasn’t happened.
The meeting: After a number
of golf cart accidents, near-misses,
and more complaints from residents, the present Board tried
again to resolve the issue by inviting State Trooper Barker to speak
at a member’s meeting on Thursday, May 21. Trooper Barker, besides working as a State Trooper,
is a part-time security guard at
Uwharrie Point. Also present was
a representative of Safe Kids of Stanly County, Jennifer Layton. The
downstairs of the Clubhouse was
almost full, but compared to the
number of men and women who
live in Woodrun, turnout was
small. The format was very informal; Board Chairman Greg
Mecomber opened the meeting by
explaining its purpose, to talk
about how NC state laws apply to
Woodrun. He said that at the next
Board meeting, Board members
would discuss the registration of
golf carts, so that if a member saw
reckless behavior, etc., he or she
could jot down the cart number
and call the office or the guard.
Because the remainder of the
meeting was more of a conversation between members, or between Trooper Barker or Ms. Layton and members, or between the
Board and members, it would be
difficult and confusing to relay the
ideas presented in the order they
were heard. The clearest way for
non-attending members to understand what happened is to use bulleted comments and group the
same topics together (in other
words, the following is not necessarily chronological in order) although the comments made are as
true to the event as possible.
 (from Trooper Barker) State troopers respond to all calls in gated
 (from Trooper Barker) Woodrun
roads are considered PVA’s: Public Vehicular Areas (Statute 204.01(32), “…a road used by vehicular traffic within or leading to a
gated or non-gated subdivision or
community…”). In plain words,
the trooper explained that under
the law, Woodrun roads are treated like a Wal-Mart parking lot.
There is a list with the Statute
of over 30 motor vehicle violations that may be charged on a
PVA. (from a member) What
does the law say about underage drivers on a PVA? (from
Trooper Barker) There is no
law. BUT parents are held accountable for underage golf
cart drivers. In a worst case
scenario, a juvenile petition
can be filed and the parents
can be taken to court. Furthermore, an HOA is allowed
by state law to make its own
rules. (from a member) The issue of the Woodrun By-Laws
is what we need to address.
There are By-laws covering
underage drivers in place. If
they are enforced and the
Board is consistent, it will
 (from Trooper Barker) The
Uwharrie Point HOA has levels of violation. For instance,
if a member sees a driver (not
a golf cart) breaking the speed
limit, he/she turns it in. There
are levels of fines for first-time
offender, second-time offender, etc. (from a Board member)
Their HOA is different from
ours; they are able to pay an
extra guard to patrol.
 (from Ms. Layton) Safe Kids of
Stanly County advocates for and
educates children about safety.
Since many injuries from golf
cart accidents are head injuries, underage driving of motorized vehicles is discouraged.
 (from a member) Can any law
enforcement officer pull over
an underage kid on a golf cart?
(from Trooper Barker) An officer
cannot make a lawful stop.
The officer can make a ‘contact’ stop to talk to the child.
(continued on page 6)
Board Notes (continued from page 5)
 (a discussion among many) Can a
resident stop an underage child
who is driving a cart? (from Trooper
Barker) This is a civil case instead
of a criminal case. If an adult
threatens a child, it’s a whole new
problem. If an adult just talks to
the child, it’s OK. (comment from the
Board) Adults shouldn’t confront
an underage driver. The child
could accuse the adult of threats or
worse. If a reckless young person
is sighted and is identifiable, it’s
best to call 911. A trooper will
 (from a member) What happens if
a driver hits a golf cart driven by
an underage child? (from Trooper
Barker) There would be an accident investigation. If the adult
driver was being reckless, he’s accountable; if someone in the golf
cart dies due to reckless behavior,
the adult could be charged with
involuntary manslaughter. If the
adult is drunk, it’s really bad. If
the investigation proves that the
adult was not reckless, the owner
of the golf cart is liable.
 (from a member) It’s beyond comprehension for a parent to let their
young children drive a golf cart.
(from Ms. Layton) From the Safe
Kids standpoint, kids just don’t
have the skills and experience that
an adult has. (from a different member
talking about his own child) The
speaker’s child is 14, and not only
has been taught how to drive a
golf cart, has been driving one for
a couple of years. The child is also
responsible; the speaker sees no
reason to prevent her from driving
on Woodrun roads. (from a Board
member) The bottom line is protecting our children. If the parents
won’t do it, Woodrun has to.
 (from a Board member) The Board
has to be concerned with 1) the
safety of Woodrun children and
adults; 2) the safety of the Association (in other words, protecting
the HOA from lawsuits to the best
of the Board’s ability). Registration of golf carts is a first step.
(from a member) The Board should
register all golf carts, ATV’s,
scooters, everything! (from a Board
member) The safety of the child is
paramount. If he or she is doing
something unsafe, the registration
number will identify the cart and
the Office will be able to talk to
the parent. (from a Board member)
Enforcement of the By-Laws is the
To sum up a very complicated
meeting, Woodrun roads are considered PVA’s and as such are not
governed by the same laws as state
roads. There is no rule specifically
aimed at underage drivers of golf
carts, ATV’s, scooters, mopeds,
etc. HOWEVER, it is legal for the
Woodrun Homeowners’ Association to write its own rule, which
was done in the 2013 By-Laws. By
those By-Laws, no one under the
age of 16 may drive one of the
above motorized vehicles on
Woodrun roads. The driver must
also be licensed.
The Board will continue discussion of this emotional issue at the
next Board meeting.
Extra Items of Interest
 Lakeside Worship Services Are Open to All!
Once again it’s possible to attend Lakeside Worship
Services on the grass at the Woodrun Clubhouse. The
services are held at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.
Benches are provided, but feel free to bring your own
lawn chair if you prefer more comfort. We hope everyone will take advantage of these opportunities to
worship looking out at beautiful Lake Tillery. Come
early to sing and to ask for a favorite hymn.
If you are musically talented and would like to sing
or play an instrument to enhance the worship experience, or, if you have any questions, please contact Jim
or Jodi Kiser at 439-6567, 704-792-7695 (Jim’s cell), or
910-975-7472 (Jodi’s cell).
 Peggy Zako’s Bequeath Aids Humane Society!
Woodrun member and animal lover Peggy Zakos’
generous bequeath to the Montgomery County Humane Society contributed to the construction of a new
building on Landfill Road for adoptable animals in the
county. The grand opening on May 16, 2015, celebrated the completion of a long building process as
well as the Society’s dedicated volunteers, without
whom the Society could not exist. Thanks to Peggy for
her donation - and her husband Jim for letting the Independent know about it! If you can donate your time
or money, please contact a member of the Society.
 Council on Aging: So Many Services!
If you’ve never paid attention to the Montgomery
County Council on Aging, you’ve missed some valuable
services in our county, especially if you know someone
who is elderly and needs a little help staying independent. The services in general are available to adults 60
and over; there is no mandatory fee for services, although the Agency will accept contributions.
A few of the services available are: home-delivered
meals; nutritional supplements; in-home aide and
transportation services; summer fan relief, family caregiver support, and senior adult food assistance programs. Please call 910-572-3757 for information.
In Short: The Woodrun Board Meeting June 4, 2015
Please note: These are NOT the approved minutes of the Board.
Members present:
Greg Mecomber,
Steve Gladden, Jack Christopher, Jerry
Ginger, Jean Thompson
Member absent: Michael Clark
Also present: Kathy Tucker, Administrative Manager, Woodrun Association
Chairman Greg Mecomber called
the meeting to order by welcoming
the members, saying he was glad
there was such a good turnout. He
immediately asked for a motion to
approve the April minutes. The
motion was made, seconded, and
Board Member Statements
 Greg Mecomber, Chairman
(Director of Maintenance (including
Campground, Roads, Buildings, New
Construction); Assistant Director of
Administration & Finance): Administratively, Director Michael Clark
had surgery on his wrist, the reason for his absence. Jan Deen has
resigned from the Board for personal reasons. According to the
By-Laws, the Board may or may
not appoint someone to fill Jan’s
seat. However, the Board feels
that it’s the Association members
who should choose Board members rather than the Board itself.
Director Steve Gladden will take
over the position of Clubhouse
The Board has reorganized and
consolidated Board positions,
eliminating all but seven directorships. The Directors of Maintenance and Clubhouse will have
other duties included in their job
The pool is up and running.
Maintenance patched six leaks, put
in a pump motor, and poured concrete in time for the Health Department inspection.
Maintenance has hired a parttimer, Sam Lemons, for the sum-
mer. Sam has 30 years of experience with the Department of
Transportation and has already offered some new ideas. He suggested that a weed killer used by the
State Department be sprayed on
the median of Woodrun Drive.
This will be done, but please note
that for awhile, members will see a
lot of brown. Don’t worry, it will
eventually improve the looks of the
Delivery of mulch, etc. has gone
The Board is trying to give Joe a
nice 20th anniversary gift. There is a
box in the Office for community
donations. Comment from the floor:
Get a card and put it next to the
donation box. That way, when
members drop cash into the box,
they can also sign the card. The
Board will wait for July 4th to give
Joe the gift, so all members have
time to contribute if they choose.
 Steve Gladden, Vice-Chairman
(Director of Clubhouse, Social; Assistant
Director of Maintenance, Security): The
position is new to him, so he’s still
learning about it, but there are three
Clubhouse rentals in June. The
previously announced Hawaiian
Luau on June 20 will be delayed,
since there is a wedding on the
same evening; the Luau might conflict with the rental.
There will be a Children’s Disney Movie Night on June 27.
The Fireworks will be on July 3.
Members with boats in the Clubhouse slips (both docks) must
move them.
There is an unofficial social
committee, but more volunteers are
needed. If anyone has an idea for
an event he/she would like to see,
talk to a Board member. Get
friends and help organize it, or be
in charge of it. Previous participation on the committee is not necessary.
Besides the Luau, there may be
other social events at the pool.
 Jerry Ginger, Secretary (Director
of Administration & Finance; Assistant Director of Boat Slips, Storage, and
Marketing): This is also his first
run-through with Woodrun financials; the update on collection of
2015-2016 dues is at 43% (already
He has three goals: 1) to ensure
the safety of all (which includes
ensuring that Maintenance has the
latest equipment possible); 2) to
hold down dues; 3) to set aside
funds for ‘surprise’ costs. Also,
Kathy has compiled six years of
data on Board expenditures. Director Ginger has put this information into graphs to make it
clearer to members. For example,
the trend for dues collection is
The second graph shows the
amount of money spent on social
events for the last six years. $9,000
used to be allotted for Social.
Now, much less.
(continued on page 8)
Board Notes (continued from page 7)
 Jack Christopher, Treasurer
(Director of Security; Assistant Director
of the Clubhouse): If members have
any complaints with Security, let
him know. Cassie is handling it
One problem that has come up
is that people have taken cars
down the gravel path adjacent to
the Clubhouse docks by removing
the green bar that blocks the path
entrance from the parking lot.
The path is just for golf carts and
Another problem is that cars
with trailers attempt to drive
through the bar code gate. There
is not enough time for the trailer
to get through before the bar
comes down, which can be expensive for the member. If the bar
hits the car or the trailer and
breaks, it costs over $200 to replace (let alone possible damage to
the vehicles). Please, if you’re
pulling a trailer, go through the
other gate. This also goes for cars
trying to piggy back on another car
to get through the bar code gate.
Don’t do it!
If you’re having a party, especially a large party like a wedding,
please drop off the list of guests at
least one day before your event.
For a wedding, give the guards a
week’s notice. It is very timeconsuming for the guards to write
out individual passes; give them
the time to do it.
The parking spot next to
Kathy’s car in the Office parking
lot will be designated “Handicapped
Parking Only” and a sign will be put
 Jean Thompson (Director of
Pool, Health & Welfare; Assistant
Director of Marketing): Director
Thompson welcomed Steve and
Jerry to the Board and thanked
Greg for all of the flags on Memorial Day that he purchased himself.
The Beautification committee
can use all of the volunteers it can
get for yard work.
All pool attendants have been
hired; if members don’t know yet,
Jennifer Kimrey is the manager. If
you haven’t seen the pool area yet,
there is fresh brightly colored paint
all over. New umbrellas are still in
the process of being purchased.
Director Thompson wants to publicly thank the Kimreys for all of
the time they spent painting and
scrubbing the pool area before
opening day. They are also trying
to be conservative with pool expenses because of the repairs made
The new birch tree planted near
the shoreline may make it.
Maintenance is helping with the
Beautification committee.
A Hiking Club has been
formed; the meeting time has been
changed for the summer to 8 a.m.
due to the heat of the season. Hikers will still gather at the mailboxes.
The Ladies Cup & Saucer met
on June 4 on the Adult Deck by
the pool and had about 30 women
attend. It’s held the first Tuesday
of every month at 7 p.m.
We now have water aerobics at
the pool (for men and women) at
10:15 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. On cool
days, the group may walk. Question
from the floor: When we turn in a
guest list to the guards, do we need
to write the names of everyone in
the car or just the driver? Answer:
Just the driver.
 (Director Mecomber) Please don’t
move the bar at the parking lot for
the boat docks. It partially blocks
the entrance to the gravel path for
a reason. There will eventually be a
lock on it.
A porta potty will be placed at
the boat ramp / Maintenance area.
The Board is taking bids on replacing the boards on the old dock.
The Maintenance staff has just
been too busy to complete the project. Fees from the boat slip rentals
will be used to pay for the work.
Materials were purchased last fall;
the Board has three bids for ripping
up the old boards and putting
down new ones.
There will also be bids taken to
cut down a tree that is leaning toward the boats. Approval has already been given by Duke Power.
As soon as the bidding is complete,
the tree will come down.
A motion was made, seconded,
and passed to accept the new
member applications.
There is no new “Old Business.”
New Business
 (Director Mecomber) The Board is
still doing research and talking to
other Associations; it appears that
Woodrun is the only one that does
not register golf carts, ATV’s, etc.
The Board gets complaints all the
time but without identification,
there’s no way to know who is driving the cart. By registering carts
and putting numbered stickers on
the carts, the problem driver can be
identified. One plus to registration
is that Woodrun will be relieved of
responsibility. The Board wants to
identify unsafe acts and remove the
Association’s liability. The State
Trooper at the meeting on Golf
Cart Safety was also a part-time security guard at Uwharrie Point.
The Board needs to develop a proposal; the cost of the stickers will
have to be charged to members,
but the stickers will not be replaced
yearly like the car bar codes, so it
will be a low-cost event. Registration will probably start next year at
dues time. It may answer some of
our problems. Question from the floor:
Peach Tree City has a good plan.
Response: The Board will call them.
(continued on page 9)
Board Notes (continued from page 8)
The Board just wants a userfriendly system. Comment from the
floor: The number on the sticker
needs to be easily visible do that
members can see it. Response:
Agreed. The member can report a
problem, a letter can be sent to the
responsible party. Question from the
floor: If the Board is doing this for
liability purposes, how about registering bikes? Comment from the floor:
Bikes aren’t as dangerous as motorized vehicles. Comment from the
floor: By NC law, bikes have the
same privileges as cars, but cars
must yield to bikes, which have
the right-of-way. Response: Woodrun roads are considered PVA’s.
The good thing about this plan is
that it puts the liability on the
owner, not the driver of the vehicle. Comment from the floor: Yes,
but you should do bikes too.
ATM’s, golf carts, and bikes.
Comment from the Board: The process has just begun. After the registration plan is complete, problems can be sent to the Grievance
Committee for resolution. Comment from the floor: This is a touchy
situation. Speaker feels that his
kids are responsible; his daughter
is 14 and has been driving ATV’s
and golf carts for years. The
Board shouldn’t punish all because
of a few unsafe drivers. Anyway,
this is family community; if a kid is
16, he/she is driving a car, not a
golf cart around Woodrun. Comment from the Board: We’re just trying to spot bad behavior. This
argument can go on for years.
Some will follow the rule, some
won’t. Comment from the floor: If
the Board registers vehicles and
makes the owners responsible,
that’s what we want. Comment from
the floor: But we are not responsible for enforcing the laws. If an
underage driver is caught, could
the owner get a ticket for allowing
an underage driver in a PVA?
Question from the floor: Speaker understands that window stickers will
not be used anymore. How many
bar codes is a member allowed?
Answer: Four. Question from same
speaker: How about multiple lot
owners? Answer: If an owner has
six lots, he or she is still considered
a member just one time. Comment
from same speaker: Speaker would
like that rule reviewed. Members
pay dues, extra bar codes are costly.
Response: Extra bar codes are only
$15 each. Question from same speaker:
How much do they cost the Board?
Answer: Probably $8 to $10 per bar
code. Comment from same speaker:
Others agree. If a member owns
multiple lots, please review the rule.
Question from the Board: How many
bar codes does (Speaker) want?
Five lots times four bar codes each
lot = twenty bar codes! Does
(Speaker) want 20 bar codes? Answer from speaker: Members paying
dues on multiple lots should have
more bar codes. Question from the
floor: How many votes does a multiple lot owner have? Answer: If
the lots are consolidated, the owner
is allowed only one vote. If a
member pays the reduced price for
dues, there is no extra vote allowed. Comment from the floor: Several years ago, multiple lot owners
were allowed more than one vote.
Response: That was voted out long
ago, because of conflict of interest.
Question from the floor: How about a
compromise of no more than two
votes for multiple lot owners?
Comment from the floor: Getting back
to the registration of golf carts,
speaker and neighbors have
watched golf carts come into
Woodrun on paths through the
With registration and
stickers, neighbors would know if
the carts are from Woodrun or not.
 (Director Mecomber) There have
been no Actions Without Meetings
since the last Board meeting.
Public Comments
 There used to be a 55 gallontrash container at the boat ramp
near the Maintenance building, but
it’s gone. It should be replaced; the
can was used by people coming off
the boats and fishermen, etc.
 Are the cameras working? Answer: Yes, a year or so ago there
was lots of trouble. They are now
hard-wired. One camera is down,
and is being worked on.
 Woodrun used to have a firing
range at the Campground. Is it still
there? Answer: It wasn’t a legal,
sanctioned range; people just used
to shoot there. Question from same
speaker: Can we shoot there? Answer: No. Comment from the floor: If
Woodrun allows people to shoot
on Association property, and a bullet hits someone… Comment from
the Board: The By-Laws state that
no one can shoot in a common use
area, which includes hunters. The
Campground is a common use area.
 Will Maintenance take care of
the downed tree in the parking lot
by the docks? It’s in the way, and
as the summer goes on, parking will
be more and more crowded.
 (Director Thompson) The Board
had complaints last year when
members wanted to book private
parties at the pool. It’s impossible
to do that. Question from the floor: Is
it possible to have small parties of
six guests? Answer: Yes, that’s always been the rule.
 Can the Board have someone
patrol the boat ramp area on July 4?
Some boats park at the docks and
block movement, some trailers are
parked in the way of others. Answer: There will be three guards on
duty for the Fireworks on the 3rd.
 (Director Mecomber) The next
Board meeting is on August 6.
A motion was made, seconded, and
passed to adjourn.