' dlclq.1r{.l+ cilrP Pu'l's- qil{Jri t3,i qil 4jJr rfjr*jS f o'r! t+:tli*ttilu 4,riIl$rlll irr o.l 4sj Lu 43 .lJ+-llf.6 *rtdl uJl s3ltjl isd \11\A *.:-- - q4*-- i-,attijir I il! I I Foh <,t Y, r o lKtlc*r'$l 4!tS egir- ^rt /Ot ,,sl$ fi$!/,J! d is,.lt Jlbs &L4tl- OSll/rlr! r',a [ih I I "? Li.1.r:r.ull '& I Clr$t .r*4jll'6.s31 fu+*Jt l\l\lh ','Lll 4i;ro Sjlr Clopidogrel 6rtl fp 4$ .+}JJ *L,,!JI 4Ll-l 4-+b^ d4,:3"11 Y. t o/l rll g;Q (IPt AJ.J ) tsJ"ry "!-t'lb elrijl a-lx" -.'l'' ! d.xLl E:l irtJ! a'-lJl J _pr r t ) ull &-* clopidogrel and aspirin .,3ltfrll rlris*,Yl dri ell^:!t Y ( j6i Jdi aL,) .-lr" qJS,l" A;+,!t ,i t^ul i,,+$l,.ll ult -u'-l flrii-Yl *o ai;ti^ ''UJl Jtli^ -'ei:J . OlL!1, U#L^-^! "!-rrl! 4$Lc, crll c,S-l &-r.r- a"'rfS^l d lJ.,i 'r'..lr Y dllS r ' ( cll jl ril^yt e . . il 4j.o 6rl-iL)l 4FJl psil'+o; qr;t 4i.iLll Jr!-6ll c'* r e)l)L &:$u i qJiSIXl ir^llg& 1S" -;lrs)l /Al.)'" d!'ll 5!l ,o-*rtt erCb aEAt ,*!t irlls 6ljrll '' %( o:b -Gd grJni irusc Utt '+';#, :J,6Ta""*t' ptdl .,,rrlJlig v.\o/\r/rV :,i l.i-,i v/ t/ c' elji=.lt 6. liii g"ayjt u"iil u,.lJl eU=Yl ellijb rt.U. !t ,ri1 ,r.r.'u g)J.Y! cJ"bt:X / rl+!l l.ili!- e}-vr*e)!yqdi^:i3llY'\o/1Y/\'qFi'11'v:':'ll,rl*lls/+r.;t';,!iot+ltteJ . rli-Yl e.6 , 'l 'i' g)L)U i.t*+ /4*J'Jl pi cJ-'b$! I crr*elJr 6^'{,ilst 61yilVr idl ,r! 4*ll -,ll'r'-)l -F -r t)l)! Email :'iqphvg@;aboo.co{n Tet:07807820490 2212016 DrugsafetyandAvailability>FDADrugsafetycommunication:FDAreviewfindsrong-term,r"",r""*nn""*,n"".,nrr"0",*rn",-,* U.S,. Food and Drug Administration rrotectins and prom6ting yo;iij;iii, FDA Dqlg gafety Gommunication: review finos long-teirn'ti.eatment FDA bfood-thinning dedicine pravix with (cfopidogrel) do; n'ot change risk of death rhis is an update to- the I5:XtJr ffnlruo safetv communicati.,?:IDt R."views ,-;;r_r;r; nntiprateret Non-cardiovascurar Death :f 9r Safetv Announcement [11'06'2011.]-4 U's' Food un: Aotinirtr"'ort of the blood-thinning orug review has determined Pl"ux ?jYs that r"roiio"gt"fi not increas" o,. d".r"ase overarr risk of "nnr"r,,,' orthe ouaiAntiplatelet rherapy death in qrov s'e loner;j I or death iJq{i:,',.[l.,',il;:1,?[,$ntJ;;ffiiuation 'JtJtttt rlol suggest that clopidogref incre"r", from cancer. in"-iisk of cancer Patients should not stop taking clopidogrel or other antiprateret medicines in an increased.risk because doing so may of rt""tt resuft orooo .li"t, have any questions or witn "["trc "ni care pror"rriJnaf if you ,ra!t benefits and risks or"'.ilrlr"'""nilp1","t"t "on"LtnJ"ooutclopJJJgrel. H.""rtn .rrJJ^lr"rrionars shourd consider the i""Ji"ir"s before starting treatment. clopidogref is an antipfatelet medicine used to orevelf_brood cfots in patients who attack' stroke' or probfems have had a heart with the and regs. ri works by hefping the blood to keep the ins tosethe, crots ::ffiji:,nin o".r, with cerrain medical "nJro'i.ins : ,r] l^, ;"", t{"*li : I' ' yoffirth t'"tliiti .irJ"tioiiI'il."*: in;i;;; : ' Resufts from the DAPT trialwere pubfished 2014' The DAPT-trial comfareiireatment in the New Engrand Journaf of Medicine in November witn iuaiantipraiefet tn"ilfv prasusret [EffientJ ptus aspiri;t i"; 12 reither cropidogref [pfavix] or months placement of a orug-etuting who had ,ni"rson" ;;;"ry.stent. compareo to patients ;patientswhoweretreateo'witn.iopioog,"rro,io-,ionin,["jl"**i"il,",heartattacksandstent ,!lmg cfopidogrer for montns, i"rr* qg;il; ^i*ijro il heaiattacks-e I thrombosisbuthigherr"t""oioJ"rn, ' : fn order to investigate the increased risk of death and-cancer-rerated death in the DAPT trial' we reported with cropidogref resurts of the onFr clopidogref with data avaifail;;;'rates """tit-"oli" rong-term crinicartriars of oeath, 0""*, rrom ."n""r,'lr'i"n."r reported as an adverse : httn.//www frfa nrrvlDrr ns/Drr rr.Safe.fu/r r:m4712l{i htm piir"rity;;;;.*rortrauma. rsof tri"r";;i#;;rge, , of , : : l