The Grammar Weekly - Bacchus Marsh Grammar
The Grammar Weekly - Bacchus Marsh Grammar
The Grammar Weekly DOCTRINA VITAE Volume 28 Number 11 Wednesday 29 April 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL I would like to congratulate all students who participated in the 2015 Debutante Balls last week. I would also like to congratulate students on the respect and interest they have paid to Anzac Day, in this 100th Anniversary year and thank the students from the Junior and Senior Schools who represented Bacchus Marsh Grammar at the local Bacchus Marsh RSL dawn service. Over the past week we have been considering the question of homework in holiday periods. It is my view that holidays are a period for students to mentally refresh themselves and also a time to be actively involved in those things that are important components of any child’s broader development. That said, there is a place for limited and targeted work that introduces students to new material or work that enables students to hit the ground running when they return to class. One of the best examples of this kind of work is the pre-reading of English texts. If one is serious about text work, then a number of readings of specific texts are required to have any real hope of full understanding. The holiday period provides an ideal time for that preliminary reading that gives a real sense of the questions and issues the text is raising. I would urge parents to continue to work to ensure that all students are pre-reading English texts because of the significant benefits it brings to understanding. Andrew A. Neal Principal CAR PARK SAFETY PATIENCE MEANS NO PATIENTS! We thank parents for their ongoing patience in the Main Car Park dropping off and collecting students each day. YOUR PATIENCE WILL CERTAINLY HELP US PREVENT ANY STUDENT PATIENTS! Please continue to drive with great care and consideration, follow the directions of the crossing supervisor and staff members on duty. Remember the drop off zone along the footpath is a “kiss and go zone’ and absolutely a no parking zone. You may not leave your vehicle parked unattended. Also please note that until the Hospitality Building is completed, the Old Mine Road Entrance at Gate 1 onto South Maddingly Road must not be used as an Exit. After “dropping off”or “picking up students”, all traffic must exit the school via the South East of Old Mine Road (Gate 3). Bacchus Marsh Grammar School Inc. P.O. Box 214 South Maddingley Road Bacchus Marsh, VIC, 3340 Website: IMPORTANT DATES 1 May 15 Beauty and the Beast Full Day Rehearsal 4 May 15 Year 4 Zoo Excursion 4 May 15 VCAL Maddingley Park Excursion 5 May 15 VET Hospitality Excursion Units 1&2 6 May 15 PFA Mother’s Day Stall – Junior School only 6-7 May Baguskan Indonesian Incursion 7 May 15 Beauty and the Beast Dress Rehearsal 7 May 15 ICCES Athletics 8 May 15 PFA Mother’s Day Breakfast 8 May 15 Prep Rec -6 House Cross Country/Fun Run 8 - 9 May Beauty and the Beast Production 11-13 May Year 8A & 8B Eildon Outdoor Ed Camp 11 May 15 DAV Debating 12-14 May NAPLAN 14 May 15 VCAL Federation Uni Excursion 14 May 15 Cyber Safety Information Session – 7.00pm Gym 14-15 May VCE Geography Fieldwork Camp 13-15 May Year 8C Eildon Outdoor Ed Camp 15 May 15 Senior Boys Interschool Basketball 15 May 15 Prep Pizza & Pyjama Day 18 May 15 Years 7, 9 & 8E, 8F & 8G Immunisations 18 May 15 VCE Drama Ensemble Performances 18 May 15 Years 9/10 20th Century History Excursion 18 May 15 VCE Drama Ensemble Performance 21 May 15 Scienceworks Excursion 22 May 15 Careers Expo 22 May 15 Jump Rope for Heart – Jump Off Day 25-27 May Year 8D & 8E Eildon Outdoor Ed Camp 27 May 15 Annual General Meeting 25-27 May Year 8F & 8G Eildon Outdoor Ed Camp 29 May 15 Senior Boys Interschool Basketball 29 May 15 Year 11 Exams Commence FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL SCHOOL COLOURS The following students have been awarded School Colours and were presented with their colours pocket at Senior School Assembly this week. The students were awarded colours for the following areas of Academic Excellence, Services to the school and the wider community, excellence in sport, music and drama: James Krstin 11B Courtney Lamb 11B Sarah Burzacott 11C Kees Fong 11C Bradley Sawyer 11D Eleanor Armstrong 11F Emma Squires 11F Telephone: (03) 5366 4800 Fax: (03) 5366 4850 Website: E-Mail: [email protected] Double School Colours Congratulations to the following students for their continued services to Bacchus Marsh Grammar. They have involved themselves in many school events and activities, including school choir presentations, school productions and involvement in clubs such as the SRC. Cameron Richardson 11D Kieren McKenzie 11F Jacob Micevski 11F Sarah Neville 12D Logan Mc Pherson 12B SENIOR SCHOOL ANZAC SERVICE Last Thursday, the Senior School held an assembly to commemorate the 100th anniversary of ANZAC Day. Thank you to the Senior School students Leyla Chapman, Sarah Neville, Sarah Atze, Shenae Keleher and Andrew Lock of Year 12, Daniel Worrall of Year 9 and Arshnoor Singh of Year 7 for their presentation of the ANZAC Requiem, Speech and the Ode and other readings. Thank you to Mr. Leigh Park for his preparation and presentation of the PowerPoint display throughout the service. Thank you to the Senior School Vocal Ensemble conducted by Ms Jones for their performance of the song “I Will Wait” and also, thank you to Mr Mackenzie, Ben Keller and Owen Pugh for their playing of “The Last Post” and “Reveille.” Thank you to Leyla Chapman and Tyler Huynh, Senior School Prefects for representing Bacchus Marsh Grammar at the local ANZAC Day Dawn Service held at the RSL hall in Bacchus Marsh. PRINCIPAL’S AWARD Congratulations to Connor Poulton of Year 7C for being awarded a Principal’s certificate for outstanding achievements in his chosen sport of cricket. The following is a list of just some of Connor’s achievements throughout the 2014/15 cricket season. Connor was Captain of his U12s club team, and awarded batting and bowling champion. Connor was also selected for the Western Region District Cricket Association U12s and the Melton Junior Cricket Association representative team. Kevin Richardson Deputy Principal – Head of the Senior School FLAG OF THE WEEK Our thoughts are with all who have been touched by the earthquake in Nepal. Page 2 of 7 FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL I would like to thank Zoli Earnshaw, Ella Grahek, Jaz Ward and Nathan Havard the Junior School Captains for representing BMG at the local ANZAC Day Dawn Service held in Bacchus Marsh at the RSL on ANZAC day. NAPLAN Testing Schedule Students in Years 3 and 5 will sit the NAPLAN tests as follows: Tuesday 12th May Language Conventions Tuesday 12th May Writing Wednesday 13th May Reading Thursday 14th May Numeracy Periods 1 and 2 Periods 3 and 4 Periods 1 and 2 Periods 1 and 2 If parents have any questions or concerns about the NAPLAN testing, please speak to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. ICAS 2015 Competitions Science Wednesday 3rd June Spelling Tuesday 16th June English Tuesday 28th July Mathematics Tuesday 11th August Letters were sent to parents last week about participation in these competitions. If you have not already done so, please return your child’s participation form ASAP, if you wish for them to take part in any of these competitions. Junior School Co-curricular Program The Junior School Co-curricular program begins tonight for students who have opted to participate in the after school activities. Please remember to ask your child to register at the administration office, if they are required to use the late bus service. Alternatively, you can contact the office on 5366 4800 before recess, to register your child. Please note on the dates below when the program will not operate. Term 2 Wednesday 29th April Wednesday 6th May Wednesday 13th May Wednesday 20th May Wednesday 27th May Wednesday 3rd June Wednesday 10th June Wednesday 17th June Term 3 Wednesday 15th July Wednesday 22nd July Wednesday 29th July Wednesday 5th August Wednesday 12th August Wednesday 19th August Wednesday 26th August Wednesday 2nd September Wednesday 9th September Wednesday 16th September NO PROGRAM-AGM NO PROGRAM-P/T Interviews NO PROGRAM 5/6 MUSICAL The Grammar Weekly Sports Hub-Term Two Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Dates Monday 4th May Monday 11th May Monday 18th May Monday 25th May Monday 1st June Monday 15th June Tuesday 5th May Tuesday 12th May Tuesday 19th May Tuesday 26th May Tuesday 2nd June Tuesday 9th June Tuesday 16th June Wednesday 29th April Wednesday 6th May Wednesday 13th May Wednesday 20th May Wednesday 27th May Wednesday 3rd June Wednesday 10th June Wednesday 17th June Thursday 30th April Thursday 7th May Thursday 14th May Thursday 21st May Thursday 28th May Thursday 4th June Thursday 11th June Thursday 18th June Activity Yoga Circus Games AFL All Net Games Elizabeth O’Day Deputy Principal - Head of the Junior School BMG HUBS PROGRAMS NEWS The Learning Hub, The Sports Hub and Clubs. For each of these programs it is important and the parent/guardians responsibility to notify the program coordinators if there are any changes to your child/ren's attendance on the day that they are to attend. This may be done by SMS to either related program on the following numbers: The Learning Hub - 0408 548 058 The Sport Hub - 0428 315 081 or Confirmations of absentees may be phoned through the main school number on 5366 4800. or email the Learning Hub via [email protected] *A reminder for all students attending The Learning Hub, The Sports Hub and/or Clubs Program they MUST have a spare hat to wear. Students are expected to keep their spare hat in their school bag so it is available to them after school. The student’s spare hat is not required to be a school branded hat. Students who do not attend with a hat will be excluded form outdoor activities. The Hub team Page 3 of 7 JS SPORTS NEWS Congratulations to Noah O' Donnell from Year 4A. Noah competed and successfully won swimming events from House competitions through to representing BMG in the State finals. Noah participated in the 10 year old Butterfly and won this event. Noah is too young to continue in the State team but will continue to train hard and I am sure will be up in the top rankings again next year. A massive congratulations from everyone here and keep up the fantastic swimming. Congratulations to all our BMG swimmers this year. We have had great success in all levels with 15 students swimming at regional level and Noah continuing onto to the state finals. Well done team! Congratulations to the BMG Karate team made up of Junior and Senior students for placing second in the Australian Schools and University Championships. This is a huge achievement as the students were competing on an international level. Congratulations to the following students: Eliza Wales Amy Thistlethwaite Emilee Attard Philippou Felipe Max Noble Tanai Newman Coverdale Emily Thistlethwaite Jacob Attard These competitions were held over the past few weeks so well done to those students. There are a great deal of other students performing at fantastic levels so please let me know if you have exciting things happening in your own personal sport endeavours. I would also like to congratulate the 70 students that participated in the BMPSSA Athletics event last Friday. Our students performed fantastically and we will have a huge group of students heading off to divisional finals in the last week of Term 3. So good luck to all at the next level. Next Friday 8th May is our Annual Junior School House Cross Country. Please check the parent portal for maps and more information. A map is also attached to the full version of The Grammar Weekly available online. The following schedule the schedule students will participate: Years 5 & 6 during Period 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 during Period 3 & 4 Prep -2 Fun Run during Period 5 & 6. We look forward to a great day, parents, families and friends are invited to run with their children on the day. The BMPSSA Cross Country will be held at BMG on the 15th May starting at 11.00am Thank you to everyone for your patience and for assistance with distributing the information as has been a busy couple of weeks with House and District Athletics. Rachel Peterken The Grammar Weekly SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUB NEWS SS PPRODUCTION NEWS SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB NEWS APRIL 2015 Tickets on Sale Now and Selling Fast ISSUE 3 IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING & ORDERING ONLINE at or BMG website > Community > MyBMG > Scholastic Bookclub > link then click on the icons to open each catalogue click on LOOP to place your order (see online newsletter for order procedure) LOOP WILL CLOSE ON MONDAY 4th MAY (orders placed after this date will incur p&h fee and be delivered to your home) See our online newsletter for some of Book Clubs feature specials! Di Dunn Bookclub Coordinator PARENT INFORMATION NEWS On Thursday May 14th, parents are invited to attend an evening with Brett Lee. Brett is the founder of INESS, a renowned internet safety company that informs parents and students on the safe practices of social media and web browsing. ( Brett is an engaging and knowledgeable presenter, working for many years as an undercover detective investigating and arresting internet predators. His presentation is a must see for parents. Parents of children in Years 5-8 were invited with a letter sent home last week. This letter is attached to this week’s newsletter and an open invitation has been made to parents across the school. If you are interested in attending, please complete the slip and return to your child’s class/ tutor teacher. The evening is for parents only. Please contact Sarah Hunter at the school if you have any questions. Sarah Hunter Year Level Coordinator: Years 7 & 8 Bacchus Marsh Grammar presents the musical classic “Beauty and the Beast”. This timeless production features a huge cast of talented young actors, singers, dancers and musicians. An entertaining and affordable show that appeals to all ages." Dates: Friday 8th May Official Opening Night 7.30pm Saturday 9th May 2.00pm Saturday 9th May 7.30pm Venue: Clocktower Centre, Moonee Ponds 750 Mt Alexander Rd, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 (03) 9243 9191 Tickets: Prices - Adults $8 Students - $5 Family $21(includes 2 Adults & 2 Children) Tickets are available now and may be purchased via the Box Office: ph 92439191 OR online at Limited Seats Still Available Free Friday Matinee Dress Rehearsal Performance The school will be offering a free limited seating matinee performance for the wider community on Friday 8th May at 12.00pm. Tickets for this performance will only be available via the school from Monday 13th April and must be collected in person. To obtain tickets for this performance please send an email to the school email [email protected] with ‘Beauty and the Beast Friday Matinee’ in the subject line or alternatively contact the school on 5366 4800. Tickets will be distributed on a “request received” priority. Tickets for this performance will be available for collection from the school from Monday 13th April 2015. The performance will be held at the Clocktower Centre, 750 Mt Alexander Rd, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 (03) 9243 9191. The Beauty and the Beast Production Team. LOTE NEWS Host Families Required The LOTE department is seeking families to host a Japanese girl/boy from the 21ST – 30th July 2015. If you can assist please complete a Host Family Profile Form which is attached to the full version of the Grammar Weekly online. For further information please contact Mr Love at school or through his email [email protected]. Michael Love Page 4 of 7 The Grammar Weekly SS HOUSE NEWS CAREERS NEWS NEWSLETTER -X- COUNTRY TOP 3 Students and Parents are welcome to read the regular BMG Careers Newsletter for information relating to Tertiary Courses, Expos, Employment Tips and much more. Edition 6 is now available for download at the school website under the ‘News and Events’ tab. A copy is also attached to the full version of The Grammar Weekly online. Alice Wu-Tollis and Li Richardson Career Development Practitioners Congratulations to all involved with the running of the House Cross Country event held on Tuesday April 21st. The overall House results are as follows: PLACE st 1 2nd 3rd 4th HOUSE POINTS Bacchus Pentland Braeside Hilton 911 743 707 681 STUDENT SERVICES NEWS A special mention to Sophie McMinimee (Yr9) and Dogukan Elyazar (Yr10) who were the first girl and boy to cross the finish line and will be awarded the Prout Family award. A fantastic effort by all competitors, the top 3 for each event are as follows: Year 12 Boys 1. Kurtis Sniegowski 2. Liam Henderson 3. Cody Pratt Year 12 Girls 1. Kirsty Neeves 2. Riley Brenchley 3. Anna Vanstan Year 11 Boys 1. Jye Curwood 2. Jai Teal 3. Nathan Chester Year 11 Girls 1. Annabelle Ford 2. Nicole Mellis 3. Emily Woodland Year 10 Boys 1. Dogukan Elyazar 2. Daniel O’Reilly King 3. Aidan Johnson Year 10 Girls 1. Chloe Lutterschmidt 2. Lois Hunter 3. Caitlin Phillips Year 9 Boys 1. Bailey Sharp 2. Daniel Bodilly 3. Jack Watkins Year 9 Girls 1. Sophie McMinimee 2. Chelsea Grech 3. Emilee Jagos To help support our current VCE students, Student Services are organising for a range of sessions to be held to help support students through what can be a rather busy and stressful time. The sessions will generally be held each Friday at 12.55pm. The first of the sessions was held last Wednesday on ‘Study Skills’ by Mr Ian Macdonald and this was followed by a relaxation session held on Friday. This week on Friday there will be a lunch time presentation in the lecture theatre on ‘Time management’. This session will look at practical strategies for students to foster good organisational skills to best use their time. During Term 2 the range of topics will cover Stress Management, Sleep and Sleeping Difficulties and Managing Difficult Emotions. These sessions will be alternated by fortnightly relaxation sessions. All students preparing to sit VCE examinations this year are welcome to attend. These sessions will be advertised through the daily bulletin and in the VCE Study Centre. Students will be asked to register their interest in attending the sessions on signup sheets located in the VCE Study Centre. Further information on these sessions can be obtained by emailing [email protected] Year 8 Boys 1. Dean Henderson 2. Broden Collins 3. Caleb Noonan Year 8 Girls 1. Billie Camilleri 2. Anushka Sadler 3. Brodie Hillier Year 7 Boys 1. Ronan Keleher 2. Ethan McMinimee 3. Jack Bidwell Year 7 Girls 1. Rebecca West 2. Parys Battistella 3. Caelin Currie Evan Long Head of Houses Page 5 of 7 Stefa Jarema Director of student Services HEALTH CENTRE NEWS FLU VACCINATION Bacchus Marsh Grammar engaged Gell Street Medical Centre to vaccinate our staff against the Flu virus. Gell Street Medical Centre is offering FREE flu vaccinations. If you would like a Flu Vaccination you may contact the center on 5367 8000 or their other Medical Centre in Tarneit 8742 3002. The Grammar Weekly CANTEEN NEWS Term 2 Menu Changes With the start of Term 2 comes soup and a bread roll $4.50. Fruit salad is no longer available and will return in Term 4. The Canteen stocks Soothers (Eucalyptus & Blackcurrant), Butter Menthols & Anticol’s for that tickle in the throat for $2.00. Wedges are available on Mondays for Junior students and on Tuesdays for Senior students ONLY. If wedges are ordered on any other day a sweet-chili chicken roll will be substituted in their place. Canteen printed lunch order bags are now available and may be collected from the Canteen or the Administration Office. All lunch orders require the following basic information: Students name Year level and Tutor Group/Class Lunch order Payment *Where possible we ask that you provide the correct money with the order and under no circumstances will frozen foods such as icy poles/zooper doopers be included with lunch orders. *No credit accounts are available at the Canteen. All lunch orders require the following basic information: Students name Year level and Tutor Group/Class Lunch order Payment If any parent/guardian or grandparent would like to volunteer in the canteen they require a current Working With Children Check. All volunteers are required to sign in at the Administration Office each time they assist in the canteen. Due to OH&S and Food Handling regulations all persons working in the canteen are to have closed in footwear ie runners. Thongs, sandals and open toed shoes are not permitted. Senior School Lunch Ordering Procedure 1. A table is placed outside the canteen with a tub that includes lunch order bags and pens for students to utilise if they have not already completed orders at home. 2. Completed orders are to be “posted” through the slot in the canteen door by 9.30AM daily. 3. Senior Students are to collect orders from the canteen. Students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 collect Page 6 of 7 their own lunch off the respective shelf section from the canteen. Students in Years 7 & 8 are to collect their orders from the front counter in the lunch order pick up queue. Junior School Lunch Ordering Procedure. 1. Each Junior School Class has a lunch basket in their classroom in which students place their completed lunch order bags. Junior classes send baskets with canteen monitors to the canteen by 9.30AM daily. 2. Lunch orders are filled and placed back into these baskets for collection by Canteen Monitors from each class prior to lunch. Emergency Lunch Procedure In our busy day-to-day lives the school understands that students and families may forget lunches and an emergency replacement lunch may be required. If this should occur all students are to report to the Main Administration Office for an emergency lunch requisition. Payment for the emergency lunch must be made to the Administration Office the next school day. Teaching staff are not be permitted to send students directly to the canteen for emergency lunches. Parents/guardians of all students will be contacted by Administration staff for permission to give students an emergency lunch requisition and to check if there are any specific dietary requirements and a dollar value to spend. Canteen Volunteers The School and canteen staff would greatly appreciate volunteer support from the school community and your assistance is always welcomed. To any parent who is thinking of assisting in the canteen in 2015, you are required to have a current Working With Children Check. Once you have received your card please present it to the Main Administration Office where a copy of the card will be kept in a confidential file. Kerrie, Leanne and Janine. PFA NEWS PFA upcoming events. Mother's Day Stall Wednesday 6th May $5.00 gifts $2.00 Handmade cards. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) - Please send a bag with your child to ensure gifts make it home safely. The PFA is registered and now part of Amart sports loyalty rewards program. Families shopping at Amart stores across Victoria may choose to nominate Bacchus Marsh Grammar as their community group and the PFA will receive benefits associated with this program. Symone Whiteway PFA President The Grammar Weekly BUS NEWS Private Bus Service Reminder Private bus services including all Werribee, Watergardens, Caroline Springs, Cairnlea and Sunbury/Gisborne buses are private bus services for students who live in the Werribee, Watergardens, Caroline Springs, Sunbury and Gisborne areas. Students who are not allocated a seat on these bus routes are not permitted to travel on these services at any time. Late Bus Service The late bus service is available from Monday to Thursday which departs the school at 4.30pm. Students requiring use of the late bus must put their name on the late bus list in the Main Office by the end of lunch on the required day. The size of the late bus is determined by daily demand. If students fail to put their name on the late bus list they will not be guaranteed a seat. The cost of the Late Bus is $11.00 per trip and the fee will be charged to your next terms fee account. Please note if students place their name on the late bus list and do not inform the office that they no longer need the service by the end of the day the $11.00 fee will be charged to term fees. A copy of the Late Bus timetable is available from the Main Office. A reminder to parents that the School will not accept flower or other deliveries for students for their birthdays or other occasions. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. UNIFORM SHOP NEWS “ON CAMPUS” TRADING HOURS Mon & Fri: 12:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Wed: 8a.m. to 12noon Bacchus Marsh Grammar “On Campus Shop” Phone: 5367 4072 RUSHFORDS TRADING HOURS Mon-Fri: 9a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Sat: 9a.m. to 1p.m. Shop 3-5 Watton Arcade, 28 Watton Street, Werribee Phone: 9741 3211 Fax: 9741 3155 Email: [email protected] Late Bus Service MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY PM: 4.30 4.55 5.10 5.30 5.35 5.45 5.50 5.52 Depart Bacchus Marsh Grammar Coburns Central near Safeway Petrol Station (Coburns Road, Melton) Caroline Springs Boulevard (service rd just after Chisholm Dr roundabout) 514 Derrimut Rd (Service Road between Rebecca Prm and Baden Powell Drive) Werribee Plaza (Corner Derrimut Rd and Baggott Drive) Werribee Railway Station Corner Ballan Road and Whitton Grove Corner Ballan Road and Manor Lakes Blvd (Shopping Centre Bus Interchange) Please NOTE secondhand items are now advertised on the school website COMMUNITY NEWS See attached flyers Disclaimer: please note the school provides this newsletter space to local community activity based businesses and does not have an affiliation or endorse individual businesses. ADMINISTRATION NEWS School Early Leavers A reminder to all students and parents: if a student is required to leave school early for any reason, please ensure that your child has a signed note in their diary. This note must be sighted and counter signed by their Year Level Coordinator or Teacher, Mr Richardson or Mrs O’Day. Parents are required to arrange to meet their child at the Main Office in order to sign out in the Early Leavers Register. Please note students are not permitted to have mobile phones switched on during School hours. Page 7 of 7 The Grammar Weekly Bacchus Marsh Grammar House Cross-Country Course Friday 8th May 2015 11/12 Year Old Start with 10 min intervals between 11 year old Girls and Boys and then 12 Year old Boys and Girls on Sth Maddingley Rd and finish on the oval. Everyone finishes with a lap of the oval and will finish at the end of 100m track. Staff will be at each of the location points as highlighted on the map. 9.00am meet on the oval 9.10am 11/12 year olds walk out to starting line 9.15am 11 Year old Boys START 9.20 am 11 Year old Girls START 9.25 am 12 Year Old Boys START 9.30 am 12 Year Old Girls START The 9/10 year old race will be held during Period 3/4 beginning at 11.00am This race will start & finish on the oval and complete a 2km loop out and back from the oval up old mines road and back 1km out and 1km back.. Main Gates 11 & 12 Start Line 10 yr old start FINISH Location 1 Location 4 South Maddingley Rd VCAL SHED OVAL 10 yr old turn around East Maddingley Rd Location 2 Location 3 Kerrs Rd 10 Year Old Start Line – Oval 11 / 12 Year Old Start Line Location 4 10 Year Old Turn around point Location 2 Location 3 10 Year Old Start Line Oval 11 /12 Year Old Start Line Old Mines Rd Location 4 10 Year Old Turn around point Location 2 Location 3 KUMAMOTO HOMESTAY - BMG HOST FAMILY PROFILE Proposed Date of Visit: 21st – 30th July 2015 ##Japanese Student name: ________________________________________________ Please write clearly. Surname Father’s name Address Suburb Mother’s name Post code Father’s Occupation State VICTORIA Mobile/Work number Mother’s Occupation Mobile/Work number Phone number (Hm) Email address: PARENT/S SIGNATURE: Children living at home Name (Host child’s name first) Age Gender Year level at BMG Interests/Hobbies/Job Other general information. Is there anyone else living with the family. (please circle) YES/NO If YES please specify._______________ Will the student have his or her own room? (please circle) YES/SHARE Is there anyone in the family who smokes?(please circle) YES/NO OUTSIDE or INSIDE Do you have pets? Dogs/cats/birds/fish/rabbits/horses/etc. (please circle relevant pet) Where are they kept? (please circle) OUTSIDE or INSIDE Have you hosted before? (please circle) YES/NO Have you had a recent police check? (please circle) YES/NO Do you have a working with children check? (please circle) YES/NO Number_____________________ How do you get to school? (please circle) BUS If by bus what is the name and/or color? ______________________ Do you have a preference for a male/female host student? (please circle) CAR MALE WALK FEMALE Any further information that may be relevant? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ##To be filled in by the coordinator. Thank you for your efforts. Michael Love Please return form to Main Office. Thank you. BMG Careers News Edition #6 – 28th April 2015 BMG Career Events Date / Week Event Time / Location Target Audience Tuesday 28 April- Week 3 Federation University Lunchtime Lecture Theatre Year 11 & 12s but all levels welcome Tuesday 4 May – Week 4 The Gordon and Deakin Student Panel Discussions # 1 This session includes students studying Psychology, Criminology, Law and Veterinarian nursing, JMC Academy Course information on Lunchtime Lecture Theatre All year levels Lunchtime Lecture Theatre All year levels Monash University Course Information Session – Please note Monash are unable to make it to the BMG Careers Expo, so this would be a perfect opportunity for future Monash students to attend. BMG Careers Expo Lunchtime Lecture Theatre Year 11 & 12s but all levels welcome All day The Gordon and Deakin Student Panel Discussions # 2 (Hear from a variety of student guest speakers discuss their Career choices/paths). Lunchtime Lecture Theatre Years 10, 11, 12s. (Specific periods of attendance will be allocated). All year levels Pathways into Deakin University via Gordon TAFE Lunchtime Lecture Theatre Term 2 Wednesday 6 May- Week 5 Tuesday 12 May – Week 5 Friday 22 May – Week 6 Wednesday 10 June – Week 9 Term 3 Tuesday 1st September – Week 8 Year 12s but all year levels welcome. The VCE & Careers Expo All VCE students are encouraged to attend the upcoming VCE & Careers expo held at the Caulfield Racecourse from 7 May – 10 2015. Students at Bacchus Marsh Grammar will be able to attend on the 9th and 10th of May over the weekend. There will be exhibitors with Information and resources for the VCE Information about university, TAFE and training courses Career advice Study advice International exchange and gap year programs There will also be over a 150 seminars on topics including – VCE subjects including English, Maths, Biology, Business Management, Psychology, Health and Human Development Tertiary courses Careers Gap year options Tickets are $10 per person and are valid for all four days. Visit The VCE and Careers Expo to find out more! The Careers Office have ten free tickets designated for two year 10 students, two year 11 students and 6 Year 12 Students. More details at Assembly on the 4 th of May. From job interview techniques and exam tips, to how to find graduate employment and to help students with difficult accounting topics, the Institute of Chartered Accountants provides vodcasts from the world of study, business and Chartered Accounting. Watch these vodcasts at Institute of Chartered Accountants Vodcasts The International College of Hotel Management (Adelaide) The International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) and Swiss Hotel Association (SHA) degrees are based on the philosophy that a commitment to excellence and the finest education and training are essential for those people seeking the most sought after positions in the highly competitive hospitality industry. International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) students are taught about all aspects of the international hospitality industry – from a basic operational perspective right through to a senior managerial level within broader social, cultural and economic contexts. They are then provided with real industry placements within Australia or overseas that allow them to learn the industry first hand. This real world experience is invaluable in helping them understand the theoretical concepts they have learnt within a working environment; it also allows them to build significant industry networks. ICHM graduates are working globally as supervisors and specialists right through to senior and general managers. A number also work outside the industry is areas such as marketing, IT, human resources and their own business’s. Open to domestic and international students (who completed their last two years of high school in Australia), International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) offers scholarships, valued at $20,000, aimed at supporting, recognising and providing for outstanding students who aim to become professionals in the growing hospitality and tourism industry. More about scholarships and ICHM can be found at ICHM Scholarships 2016 and ICHM Women in Career Firefighting Ever thought about a career as a firefighter? The CFA is always keen to increase the number of women amongst its career firefighter ranks and actively encourages women to apply. An interesting link that addresses a number of frequently asked questions is Women in Firefighting. The CFA is hosting an Information Session whereby female students can learn more about the role; learn from current firefighters, and learn about the recruiting process. Date: Time: Venue: Saturday 9 May 2015 10.00am VEMTC Bangholme, Cnr Thompson and Worsley Roads in Bangholme To register for the Information Session and to reserve a seat, please register at CFA Women Career Firefighting Info Session VICTORIA UNIVERSITY TEAMS UP WITH REAL MADRID Victoria University sports students will gain behind-the-scenes access at Real Madrid Football Club through a new partnership signed this month. The partnership will bring Real Madrid Graduate School Universidad Europea expertise directly to classes in Australia. “Real Madrid Graduate School Universidad Europea has some of the world’s most highly-regarded sports educators, in football especially, and this partnership will see these very people deliver lectures at VU campuses in Australia,” Professor Westerbeek said.“This means students will learn from a strengthened teaching staff throughout the duration of their degree. Careers in the Army The Army is more than just a dynamic place to work. You'll also love our unique culture of adventure, sports and friendships. There is a wide range of jobs in the army including aviation, logistics, trades, engineering and medical, to name but a few! Below are some useful links students might like to browse to learn more! About the Army Army Life Training & Education How to Join the Army Women in the Army Jobs in the Army All other FAQs News from Monash University Prerequisite change - Engineering (Honours)/Pharmaceutical Science From 2016, the prerequisite requirement for the Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science will be: VCE: Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in Maths: Mathematical Methods (CAS); and a study score of at least 25 in Chemistry. Find out more about the course at Engineering/Pharmaceutical Science New Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Music Combine your passion for music with a solid foundation in the sciences: the new Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Music. There is a wonderful synergy between the passion for creating music and a love of scientific knowledge. Choosing between the two can be difficult, so why not consider making the most of your talents and study both science and music in a double degree course. The new Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Music is a 4-year degree and the prerequisites are Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Maths: Mathematical Methods (CAS), Maths: Specialist Mathematics, Physics or Psychology. All applicants must also complete an audition/composition submission. Career as a Speech Pathologist Speech Pathology is offered as an undergraduate course at the following Victorian institutions – INSTITUTION Australian Catholic Uni Speech Pathology VCE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Biology, Chemistry, Health And Human Development, Physical Education or Physics n/a Charles Sturt Uni Speech Pathology La Trobe Uni Speech Pathology M – Melbourne Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 35 in English (EAL) or at least 30 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Biology, Chemistry, any Mathematics, Physical Education or Physics. B – Bendigo AW – Albury-Wodonga Mi – Mildura 2015 ATAR 83.05 75.00 86.35 (M) 80.65 (B) n/a (AW) n/a (Mi) (S) S – Shepparton Speech pathology is offered at a number of interstate universities too. ACT and NSW South Australia Western Australia Queensland The Job Guide indicates that speech pathologists diagnose, treat and provide management services to people with communication disorders, including speech, language, voice, fluency and literacy difficulties, or people who have physical problems with eating or swallowing. Speech pathologists may perform the following tasks: establish the exact nature and severity of each client's communication problems, which may require the use of special equipment and tests plan and carry out treatment and management, taking into account age, past and present social environment, and physical and intellectual abilities treat children who are unable to communicate effectively due to conditions such as cleft palate, hearing loss, delayed speech or language development, cerebral palsy or emotional disturbances treat adults whose language, speech or voice has been affected by surgery, disease or disorders of the nervous system, brain damage or hearing loss help children and adults overcome stuttering assess and treat children and adults who have difficulty chewing and swallowing act as a consultant to education, medical, dental and other health professionals provide ongoing counselling, advice and information to clients and families as a part of overall treatment News from RMIT University Big Picture Experience 2015 RMIT University offers a number of free events designed to give students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to engage in real hands-on workshops, explore life on campus, and get behind the scenes. These events will run during the upcoming Term 2 school holidays. These activities are free but students are encouraged to register early as numbers are limited and these workshops are very popular. The following ‘Experience Days’ include – WORKSHOP YEAR LEVELS Business 10, 11 & 12 Engineering 11 & 12 Health and Medical Sciences 10, 11 & 12 Justice and Legal 10, 11 & 12 Music, Sound & Live Production 10, 11 & 12 Science 10, 11 & 12 Advertising, Marketing and PR 10, 11 & 12 Engineering 11 & 12 Sustainability 10, 11 & 12 Art and Design 10, 11 & 12 Project Management 10, 11 & 12 DATE Monday 29 June Monday 29 June Tuesday 30 June Wednesday 1 July Wednesday 1 July Wednesday 1 July Thursday 2 July Thursday 2 July Thursday 2 July Friday 3 July Friday 3 July LOCATION City Campus City Campus Bundoora Campus City Campus City Campus City Campus City Campus Bundoora Campus City Campus City Campus City Campus To register or to learn more, visit Big Picture Experience Days. Science in the City Lab Tours Students, parents and teachers are invited to visit RMIT’s cutting edge learning laboratories and discover the range of programs on offer including: biology, biotechnology, chemistry, environmental sciences, food science, nanotechnology and physics. Tour dates: Monday 29 June 2015, 11.00 am to 2.00 pm Monday 21 September 2015, 11.00am to 2.00pm Visit Science in the City Lab Tours News from the Australian Catholic University Early Achievers’ Program As a Year 12 student, do you demonstrate leadership in your school or workplace, coordinate a community initiative, volunteer in a local cultural, sporting or religious group or provide care to someone in need? Australian Catholic University's Early Achievers' Program (EAP) recognises a students’ potential to achieve great things. Gaining a place in the desired course is dependent on meeting the University’s minimum entry requirements and subject prerequisites, regardless of success in the program. The program operates at each of the University's six campuses nationally. Applications open on Monday 10 August 2015 and close on Monday 19 October 2015. Offers will be made by the end of November 2015. Students are encouraged to start gathering their required documentation now to submit with along their application. Failure to meet all the requirements for the EAP will result in not being considered for the program. Download the Early Achievers' Brochure New Bachelor of Physiotherapy in 2017 The B. Physiotherapy will be offered at ACU’s Ballarat Campus from Semester 1, 2017. ACU's national School of Physiotherapy was established in 2010 with the launch of the B. Physiotherapy at ACU’s Brisbane Campus. In 2011 the program was launched in North Sydney. ACU runs a national curriculum with ATARs in 2015 being 97.00 in Brisbane and 98.00 in North Sydney. The program incorporates over 1,000 hours of professional practice, giving students plenty of opportunities to practice their emerging skills. Just as in Brisbane and Sydney, Ballarat will have cutting-edge facilities including anatomy wet laboratories and physiotherapy teaching laboratories. The program is fully accredited and graduates of ACU’s B. Physiotherapy are eligible for registration with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia under the auspices of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). For regular updates on the new Bachelor of Physiotherapy in Ballarat, visit the School of Physiotherapy page. Students might like to view a YouTube clip regarding the Physiotherapy Course at YouTube - Physiotherapy University Experience Day University Experience Day is a hands-on, fun, free event, where students will be able to participate in a range of activities related to the course area of their choice. Students will have the opportunity to meet ACU staff and current students, mingle with other prospective students, and get a good feel for the Melbourne or Ballarat campus. The University Experience Day at the Melbourne Campus will take place on Monday 29 June 2015. Students can choose workshops from a range of ACU study areas, including nursing, midwifery, business, paramedicine, education, physiotherapy, psychology, public health, exercise science, theology and lots more! Interested students in years 10 – 12 should register online now as places are limited and fill up fast! Visit and register at University Experience Day Law Week 2015 Law Week is an annual festival of events which makes learning about the law easy. Held in May each year, the seven-day program has something for everyone. This year Law Week will take place from Monday 11 May – Sunday 17 May 2015. Students get to go behind the scenes of the Victorian legal system, and check out what the law is all about. Find legal answers on everyday issues, take a prison ghost tour, enjoy some comedy or live music, or check out courts open day for debates, mock-trials and more. Find out more at Law Week 2015 What does an Archivist do? According to the Herald Sun, 21 March 2015, archivists, curators and records managers develop, maintain and deliver systems for keeping, updating, accessing and preserving records, files, information, historical documents and artefacts. They may even restore old art works, and/or exam their condition and authenticity. Find out more by visiting Job Guide - Archivist Careers in Chartered Accounting Why accounting? Accounting can be regarded as the language of business – the discipline of measuring, interpreting and communicating financial activity. Chartered Accountants hold the highest professional qualifications available to accountants in Australia, and are valued for their commercial know-how, analytical thinking and leadership abilities. A career as a Chartered Accountant is a fantastic choice for those who want to: Earn good money Have the opportunity to travel and work overseas Have job security Enjoy a challenging, interesting and diverse career Some of the potential roles for a Chartered Accountant include – Financial planner Forensic accountant Financial office Management accountant Tax specialist Stockbroker Business analyst Risk analyst Auditor So, how does one become a Chartered Accountant? Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Choose an approved university business or commerce degree Complete the degree with an accounting major Begin the Chartered Accountants Program Complete the Chartered Accountants Program while accumulating three years of work experience with a Chartered Accountant mentor Students wanting to be kept more should browse Chartered Accountants. VCE Information Night at Deakin University Deakin University is offering parents and students an Information Night where they can start to plan their VCE, university and career. Attendees will also have the opportunity to: Date: Time: Venue: courses at Deakin and our partner institutions VCE prerequisites and extra requirements the VTAC application process and key dates the cost of further study, financial assistance and scholarships how to make a successful transition to university life Wednesday 20 May 2015 6.00pm – 7.00pm Course expo 7.00pm – 8.00pm Presentation Deakin University Melbourne Burwood Campus, Building BC – The Point @ Mrs Robinson, 221 Burwood Hwy in Burwood Visit Deakin VCE Info Night to find out more, and to register! Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Science Courses in Victoria What is the difference between pharmacy and pharmaceutical science? According the Monash University website, pharmacists are directly concerned with people's health and wellbeing. They provide advice on the safe and effective use of medicine. They are actively involved in patient care in hospitals and the community. As medicine experts, they often also work in government, industry, research and clinical-trial roles. For those students interested in science and healthcare, and who enjoy communicating with people, then the Bachelor of Pharmacy is for them as this is the degree needed to become a pharmacist. In Victoria, the Bachelor of Pharmacy is offered at La Trobe University - La Trobe Pharmacy, Monash University - Monash - Pharmacy and RMIT University - RMIT Pharmacy Pharmaceutical scientists are experts in the chemistry, biology and biotechnology required to design and develop medicines. They play a key role in improving human health and wellbeing by researching and developing reliable, accessible and effective treatments. They understand the impact of medicines on the body and diseases. They are also experts in bringing safe and effective products to market. Students who enjoy solving problems, love chemistry or biology, and want to improve human health, then a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science could be their calling as it equips students to work in the pharmaceutical science and biomedical fields. The Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science is offered at Monash University - Monash Pharmaceutical Science and RMIT University – RMIT - Pharmaceutical Science Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical courses offered in Victoria include – UNIVERSITY COURSE La Trobe Bachelor of Pharmacy University Monash University Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Scholars Program Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced with Honours Engineering/Pharmaceutical Science VCE PREREQUISITES Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 25 in any Mathematics. Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 35 in English (EAL) or 30 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Maths: Mathematical Methods (CAS) or Maths: Specialist Mathematics. Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 35 in English (EAL) or at least 30 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Maths: Mathematical Methods (CAS) or Maths: Specialist Mathematics. Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Maths: Mathematical Methods (CAS) or Maths: Specialist Mathematics. Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Maths: Mathematical Methods (CAS) or Maths: Specialist Mathematics. Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 25 in Maths: Mathematical Methods ATAR FOR 2015 RC* Supplementary Form 92.15 98.10 84.05 90.05 92.45 RMIT University Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences) *RC – Range of Criteria for selection (CAS); and a study score of at least 25 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 25 in one of Biology, Maths: Specialist Mathematics or Physics. Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 20 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 20 in Maths: Mathematical Methods (CAS). Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL; and a study score of at least 20 in Chemistry; and a study score of at least 20 in one of any Mathematics or Physics. RC* Supplementary Form 78.95 Moorabool Light Orchestra Opening Concert - 2015 Season proudly presents “ A Celebration of Sacred Music” Sunday 3 May 2015 @ 2pm * St Bernard’s Catholic Parish Church (Lerderderg St, Bacchus Marsh) A Pleasant Sunday Afternoon of Selected Inspirational Sacred Music, including community singing of some popular & well loved hymns featuring the 40 Member Moorabool Light Orchestra, with Special Guest Artists, the Melbourne Male Choir and Ballarat Soprano Carolyn Bennett CAROLYN BENNETT (Soprano) JARED KLOPROGGE Conductor GENERAL ADMISSION Just $12 BARRY WILKINS OAM Musical Director/Conductor ROBERT WRZASZCZ (Leader) Proudly Supported by FRANK CLARK (Guest Compere) * Radio Presenter 3BA 102.3 FM Ballarat ADMISSION $15 Tickets available at the Door from 1pm or pre-purchased tickets can be obtained from the Bacchus Marsh Florist & Nursery 185 Main Street Children Under 16 Free Tickets at door on day of performance, or Pre-Sales available at …. Further Bacchus Marsh Florist & Nursery 185 Main Street Combined Churches of Bacchus Marsh Information: Tel: 03 5367 3567 Little Lucky Café Grant Street, Bacchus Marsh email: [email protected] SCHOLASTIC SPECIALS ISSUE 3! If you loved Pig the Pug he is back in Pig the Fibber! $15.00 – Wombat (002) Lucky (302) The Minions have turned bad! – find out what happens! $8.00 Wombat (004) The Avengers are back! Movie Storybook – Wombat (139) Novel – Arrow (411) MINECRAFT BOOKS ALL UPDATED VERSIONS! $13.00 (items 402/404/405/406) OTHER BOOKS NEW TO SCHOLASTIC! NEW! TOM GATES $13.00 Arrow (401) Sofia the First books – Wombat (018 & 020) Geronimo Stilton X 2 – Lucky (317) Arrow (428) Thea Stilton – Arrow (402) Space Mice – Lucky (311) Dork Diaries – Wombat (109) Fly Guy – ‘Space’ (Wombat 153) ‘Insects’ (Lucky 239) Goosebumps – Star (601) Impossible Quest – Lucky (312) Skylanders Universe – Lucky (329) Frozen – Stationery (204), Paint with Water (048), Glitter Doodle Book (223) Spirit Animals – The Evertree (Arrow 418) Ella & Olivia – Lucky (203) Dinosaurs 500 piece jigsaw ‐ Lucky 236 only $8! …AND LOTS MORE! CHECK OUT THE ONLINE CATALOGUES AT AND PLACE YOUR ORDER ONLINE VIA LOOP Bacchus Marsh Grammar South Maddingley Road, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria PO Box 214, Bacchus Marsh 3340 Phone (03) 5366 4800 Fax (03) 5366 4850 [email protected] 15th April 2015 Dear Parents/ Guardians, At Bacchus Marsh Grammar, students explore their personal wellbeing and safety in an ever changing society. This includes a focus upon cyber safety and interacting positively with technology. To coincide with the student program, our school has invited the internationally renowned cyber expert, Brett Lee, to address parents. Brett is the founder of INESS (Internet Education and Safety Services) and has previously worked in law enforcement, dealing with internet predators. Parents have a unique opportunity to attend a presentation by Brett and become more informed and aware of the cyber world inhabited by adolescents. The evening will be held in the school gymnasium on May 14th at 7 p.m. Please return the RSVP slip below to your child’s Class/ Tutor Teacher by May 1st, indicating your attendance. Kind Regards, Mrs Elizabeth O’Day Deputy Principal Head of Junior School Mrs Jenny Jovanovic Assistant PrincipalPastoral Care Mrs Sarah Hunter Year 7&8 Coordinator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cyber Safety Parent Information Evening – 14th May 2015 Name: ___________________________________________________ Student:_______________________ Class:______________________ Number attending:____________ Bacchus Marsh Grammar Inc. An Independent Ecumenical School for Girls and Boys CRICOS No. 02911M Reg. No. 1919 ABN:24 128 531 07 Please return Attendance Slip to your child’s Tutor Teacher by 1st May 2015