File - Discover Lansdale
File - Discover Lansdale
B USI NESS DI RE CTORY 2016 Edition Cover Check out some of the best that Lansdale has to offer! INTEREST FREE FINANCING AVAILABLE State Inspection Exhaust Wheel Alignment Air Conditioning Tires Battery Brakes Oil Change Tune Up Suspension Remote Starters Check Engine Light 750 N. Cannon Avenue Lansdale, PA 19446 215-368-2343 10 19 P7 P6 H P8 P9 MADISON ST P4 E MAIN ST RA H1 IL AD AV B1 S LINE ST SUSQUEHANNA AVE B2 JENKINS AVE RO E VINE ST B3 P10 30 S2 4 Welcome from the Editor 52 What’s Happening 6 Businesses that Built Lansdale 54 Directory Submission Form E HANCOCK ST W HANCOCK ST 10 Toasts of the Town Today P11 S1 19 Business Directory 28 Borough Map and Areas of Interest 30 Business Directory Continues P5 52 Promoting Lansdale by connecting business, people and fun. S BROAD ST N WOOD ST NO RT N BROAD ST 28 N LINE ST 6 S WOOD ST ST Discover What’s in This Issue Discover Lansdale Magazine is published four times a year. For contributions or comments please send all emails to [email protected] Discover Lansdale, a non-profit 501(c)3, will help support Life in Motion through community growth by creating opportunities for a vibrant and evolving destination for businesses and families to ensure a healthy way of life. We will provide a safe venue for signature events, entertainment, nightlife, shopping and work. Cover by: Ryan McKenna 3 µ Welcome from the Editor I am extremely proud to welcome you to this issue of Discover Lansdale magazine. This business directory, a project this organization has talked about undertaking for a while, has finally come to fruition! It’s been a labor of love toward Lansdale and her businesses and is the result of the labor of several hardworking Discover Lansdale members, some of whom literally walked around town with directory forms. We share this listing with our Borough residents as well as our neighbors in other communities as a service to Lansdale Borough’s business community. Discover’s mission is to promote the town by connecting business, people, and fun and we believe this publication is a piece to succeeding in our mission. Please know that this directory is a “living document” and we will continue to update it year round. It will be available online, so visit to keep up with any changes or new businesses that have been added. The 2016 directory will be available alongside our regular Discover Lansdale issues at all our events, and at businesses around town, until the next directory is printed in Spring 2017. While we made a valiant effort to include as many businesses as possible, we are realistic enough to know not every business owner received a form or heard about this directory. If your business or a business you know of was not included, please complete or share the form on Page 54 of this directory so we can include you moving forward. Keep this 2016 Business Directory at your fingertips so you can easily support our town and the businesses who keep us thriving. Shopping/buying local is always a win-win! Until next issue, Mary Fuller Editor P.S. Don’t forget First Friday season is here! Join us downtown from MayDecember. See info on page 52 for the event details May-July or check out our new website at 4 DISCOVER Businesses that Built Lansdale By Dick Shearer Vice President, Lansdale Historical Society “Thousands of units were shipped out of the Lansdale freight station to foreign ports as far as Australia and New Zealand.” 6 Heebner Agricultural Works, 22 S. Broad Street T he coming of the North Penn Railroad in 1856 is credited with creating the village of Lansdale. But the industries that followed fueled the development of the tiny crossroads into a bustling town in only a few years. Among the notable names that put the young borough on the world’s manufacturing map: Heebner’s horsepower The major business, the Heebner and Sons Agricultural Works, was established adjacent to the railroad on South Broad Street in the mid-1860s. Company founder David Heebner recognized that if his company was going to succeed, it had to be located close to the most up-to-date transportation available at the time – the train. David Heebner and his family developed an advanced type of horse-powered agricultural equipment. It literally depended on horses walking C on an inclined treadmill to generate the power needed to operate threshers, reapers and other implements. This was a tremendous advancement for farmers who lived in rural areas, where gas for internal combustion engines (tractors) was yet not available in the second half of the 19th century. Demand was so high for Heebner equipment that the company became the John Deere of its era. Thousands of units were shipped out of the Lansdale freight station to foreign ports as far as Australia and New Zealand. Heebner’s equipment remained popular into the early 1900s, but as tractor use overspread the country, orders for horse-powered implements waned. The business closed during the 1920s. Godshall’s grain Another major industry in early Lansdale was the A.C. Godshall mill, where the Madison Parking Lot is today. Like David Heebner and his sons, Godshall was a founding father of the town. His mill, renamed Centennial Mills for the nation’s 100th anniversary in 1876, was a leading distributor of feed, grain and flour in the Delaware Valley. Godshall owned the first electric generator in Lansdale and supplied power to the town’s first street lights. Later, that generator was sold to the borough to start its own electric company. Godshall’s mill was sold to F.D. Hartzel and Sons during the 1930s. The buildings were torn down in 1951 to make way for the much-needed parking lot. Continued on next page > Farm with Heebner Horsepower, early 1900s (below) Abram Cox Stove Works employees, 1915 Abram Cox’s stoves The Abram Cox Stove Works came to town in the 1880s when it relocated its production facilities from Philadelphia to Lansdale, opening the door to many more jobs. Cox stoves were sold across the country. Many were small and compact but generated considerable heat. They were a major improvement over the oldstyle fireplaces of earlier eras. The company survived two major fires – one in the 1890s, another in 1944 – but progress in the form of central heating eventually decreased demand for Cox stoves, leading to the firm’s demise. A reminder of Cox’s heyday is the faded sign that still can be seen on the side of one of its buildings when you cross the Cannon Avenue railroad tracks heading south. Trendy textiles Numerous clothing factories popped up one at a time, but collectively they became an important source of employment from the 1890s through the end of World War II. Pool and Sons was the largest of the clothing manufacturers, operating out of a number of sites in Lansdale, including the Godshall Building. Clothing may have made the man, but stockings made the women during the pre-World War II era. More than two dozen hosiery mills were operating in Lansdale during the 1920s and ‘30s. The largest, Dexdale and Interstate Hosiery – now Turbo Lofts and Silk Factory Apartments respectively – supplied the major department stores chains across the country. At one point, Lansdale produced 5% of all the silk stockings in the world. But at the end of World War II, nylon, used for parachutes by the military, became 8 available on the civilian market. The silk stocking industry died, and in time many clothing companies headed south or overseas. Olean‘s tile Brothers Malcolm and Roy Schweiker founded Franklin Tile Co. in 1923. It later became American Olean Tile, a leading manufacturer of ceramic tile, which grew to be Lansdale’s biggest employer during the mid-20th century. AO Tile was marketed worldwide for use in kitchens and bathrooms, retail businesses, commercial plants and even underwater tunnels. The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, for example, is lined with tiles made by American Olean. In 1987, AO employed 1,200 workers at its Lansdale facility with sales of $207 million. A year later, National Gypsum, owner of American Olean, sold the firm to Armstrong Industries. The sale began a downward spiral that ended when its last owner, Dal-Tile, closed the plant in March 1996. Despite the comings and goings over 144 years, industrial diversification has been a primary reason for Lansdale’s success. At any one time, dozens of varied businesses have helped ward off recessions and depressions. From farm equipment to pretzels, silk stockings to ceramic tile, the list of products with roots in Lansdale is almost endless. advertising branding business cards DESIGN direct mail email marketing graphic design logo design political campaigns 267-645-9430 postcards print [email protected] web design DISCOVER Entrepreneurial Spirits in Lansdale Entrepreneurial Spirits in Lansdale T here’s a revolution brewing in town. Lansdale is the home of a gleaming new distillery and a highly regarded local brewery, Discover and in late spring another well-known brewery Lansdale will relocate from North Wales to Hillcrest Plaza. And Boardroom Spirits’ vodka, Round Guys’ lager and Prism’s IPA all come together on the menu at the newest dining hotspot, Stove & Tap. By Bruce Schwartz “I think the trend nationwide is for restaurants to source local and be local,” says Justin Weathers, managing partner of Stove & Tap, which opened on Main Street in early March to crowds and raves. “What I found here, without trying, is that right at the fingertips of Lansdale we have a distillery almost across the street, and two breweries within a couple miles.” The area’s rich resources actually helped shape the concept of Stove & Tap. “Where we were going to go for rustic American pub, we found ourselves pushing toward more of a Pennsylvania homegrown pub,” Weathers says. With Cardinal Hollow after-dinner drinks, Illg’s sausage, Backyard Beans coffee and Merry Mead ice cream already on the menu, he’s looking forward to tapping local farms for spring and summer offerings. “It’s always going to be better,” says Weathers. “You’re going to get it at a better price and freshness, because you’re getting it right from the source.” And, he adds, “When people come in, and they see the local support – great products, all top notch – I think it improves our product.” In fact, the boom in new eateries and drinkeries creates a kind of sustaining ecosystem – they buy local, sell local, do business with one another, and strengthen the economic fabric of the whole town. 10 At Boardroom, spirits run high The convenience of local farms is not lost on the owners of Boardroom Spirits. With unique items such as beet, celery and carrot vodka – yes, carrot vodka – planned, they look forward to discovering the freshest they can find. “Our specialty products will be distilled from 100% vegetables,” says Zsuzsa Palotas, who with husband Marat Mamedov set up stills in the shadow of North Penn’s water tower, a nondescript warehouse location with the feel of a hidden speakeasy. “We’re already looking at our suppliers, who we can buy the highest sugarcontent carrots from,” she says. “These will be very aromatic spirits, so the primary market will be vegetable-based cocktails or chefs looking to make a special sauce.” When embarking on their new careers, the 30-something professional business consultants first had to decide what that career would be. Distilling Continued on next page > 11 proved to be a fertile growth industry. And their cultural backgrounds (his Russian, hers Hungarian) made the choice simple. “We both love the social aspects of alcohol,” says Marat. “You have food, you have family, you have drinks, you make toasts, you celebrate.” The next choice was where to settle. The convenience of the location, the area’s agricultural resources, infrastructure and population, all argued in favor of Lansdale. And, while they met with several municipalities, the borough’s business-friendly attitude – a great landlord, cooperative zoning, supportive borough officials – sealed the deal. “There were zero red flags,” he says. “On top of all that,” says Marat, “we feel that, in the next few years, Lansdale is going to be one of those thriving communities with a Main Street, with all the restaurants and bars, and we want to be a part of that. Not to just step into a community, but be a part of that growth.” Zsuzsa Palotas & Marat Mamedov In the meantime, they’ll offer tastings and package sales at the bar in the front of their distillery, as well as distributing through local shops and restaurants. And they’ll have fun playing with their new neighbors. In wooden barrels in the back is Boardroom’s first batch of whiskey, a single malt made with the help of the mash tun (grain cooker) at Round Guys brewery down the street. “It was done in partnership with Scott (Rudich),” says Marat. “We filled it up Christmas day.” 12 Round Guys rallies ‘round Says Round Guys’ founder Scott Rudich, “We’re trying to do as many projects with them as we can fit in. Whenever we’re not doing something for us, we try to do something with them.” For Rudich, whose brewery celebrated its fourth anniversary in April, it’s more than just a way of welcoming the new guys to town. It’s an investment in the town’s future. “I think Lansdale is a good place for a business like theirs,” says Rudich. “People respond to locally produced things, they get behind people, so I thought that was a good setup for them. And what’s great, it’s another tourism spot.” Rudich, 41, spent 11 years working for Merck before deciding it was time to move on. “I had a friend text me that we should start a band or open a brewery,” he says. “My response was, I don’t know how to play any instruments.” Not that he knew much about brewing. “My feeling was, this was something I wanted to do, not something I knew how to do.” But craft brewing is a beneficial Scott Rudich business for all involved – breweries are often as generous with their processes as they are with their pours, and the community is a supportive one. “I’m always learning,” Rudich says, “always trying to absorb new technologies. I like going to other breweries, find out how they do things. It’s one of those things to constantly think about.” For Rudich, the experimental nature of the business was a major draw. “Adjusting recipes, improving the food menu,” he says. “When something’s running I like to go in and tweak it, modify it, I like continuous improvement. I never finish projects, ever.” That creativity has won prizes, including three Continued on next page > 13 awards at the Philadelphia Inquirer’s annual Brew-vitational and a Rising Stars Brewer Award from StarChefs, a culinary insiders magazine. Round Guys now distributes into the Lehigh Valley and New Jersey. But the point of being in Lansdale is bringing people into Lansdale. “People come from outside Lansdale to visit us, because we’re a brewery, and gotten good press. And (with Boardroom) there’s now another reason to come to Lansdale. And when Prism moves to town, that’ll be a third reason for people to come.” Through Prism, brightly Making his new Lansdale brewery and restaurant a destination is exactly what Rob DeMaria has in mind. He’s moving Prism Brewery from a North Wales hideaway to a site six times as large – a 25,000-square-foot-former gym and spa – in the Hillcrest Shopping Center. “Primarily, we’re trying to expand our production capacity,” say DeMaria, 41, a North Penn grad who came back to town, first for a corporate IT strategy gig with Merck, and then, six years ago, to fire up the stills. He built Prism into a brand sold through the Philly metro area, central and south Jersey, and in Wegman’s markets. But the size of the former La Crest Spa opened up acres of opportunity. “There’s great visibility (for the brewhaus), room to grow the production facility, to put a restaurant in, it’s perfect,” he says. There’ll be upwards of 200 seats with a mezzanine dining area, a private dining room, a large U-shaped 14 Rob DeMaria bar, a game area (pool, darts, pinball), and even an intimate back room to recreate the homey feel of the original for regulars. And, on the third floor, where the running track was, in the center is a court for a game called Stones, “a combination of Bocce and Mini Golf,” he explains. “You don’t have holes, but you have a mark, and an undulating surface – we’re even putting in a water feature down the center. You toss the mark, then toss the bocce balls, and whoever gets closest gets the point.” For DeMaria, the whole point is to give people a reason to travel. “We’re going to be great for the local community, but we’re also going to bring people in from around the region. And when they’re here, we want to give them something to do, beyond great beer.” He’s even exploring co-marketing possibilities with his new neighbor, the indoor trampoline arena Rebounderz, to give parents their own recreational time while the kids bounce. Ultimately, cooperation is the whole point. “The more business we can get in the area like this, the more we become like towns like Ambler and Doylestown,” he says. “We all rise together. (Prism) isn’t walking distance to downtown per se, but the more businesses come to Lansdale as a whole, how great is it?” Discover Your Lansdale Gathering Place 600 S. Broad St. 1758 Allentown Rd. Lansdale, PA This will be your only serum. Concentrated and loaded with so many healthy and healing ingredients, you will truly be amazed and love your skin. With new ingredient Gatuline (Walnut Extract), see results in three days! Stunning Healing Day & Night Serum for Anti-Aging, Acne Scarring, Discoloration GSL Organics has been featured on FYI Philly and Good Day PA! Heal & Improve your skin with our Exclusive Natural, Organic, Paraben-, SLS- & Gluten-FREE Products ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, ACNE, ROSACEA & ANTI-AGING Bite No More 267-879-1554 617 W. Main St. • Lansdale Available for purchase in our Store and Online The natural ingredients and essential oils in our special blend were specifically chosen for their benefits and properties in fighting bacteria, odor and wetness. And it really works! Herbal Deodorant Repair sun damage and age spots with our excellent transdermal carrier, bringing ingredients through several layers of skin. This natural emollient contains an anti-inflammatory, and heals and avoids hyper-pigmentation. EmuC Repair Our all-natural, DEET- and chemical-free spray contains organic and natural essential oils that repel mosquitoes and bugs, including ticks! Safe for both kids and dogs. W Celebrating 10 Years as Lansdale’s Favorite Local Printer! We Do Everything... 427 West Main Street | Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 855-4003 Fax (215) 855-4011 [email protected] • Announcements • Banners • Booklets • Brochures • Business Cards • Catalogues • Canvas Prints • Computer Forms • Copying • Custom Print Projects • Design • Digital Printing • Direct Mail • Door Hangers • EDDM • Envelopes • Fax Services • Invitations • Labels • Letterheads • Mailing Services • Memo Pads • Menus • NCR Forms • Newsletters • Posters • Rubber Stamps • Signs • Stationery • Tickets • Vehicle Magnets • Web Services • Much Much More! DISCOVER Lansdale’s Businesses O n the following pages you will find a large number of businesses offering products and services to the borough. Many may be familiar to you, and some might surprise you. But they’re all local, and all seek your consideration. You may not see all the businesses you patronize. Some may not have known about the project; others knew but didn’t respond in a timely manner. Help them, and us: Have them fill out the form in the back of this book, and when they return it we will add them to the online version (available soon after publication at, and we’ll have their information for the next issue in Spring 2017. Featured Businesses with an extended description are listed in bold type. Some businesses listed here are beyond Lansdale’s borders and are denoted with an asterisk (*). They expressed a desire to reach the borough audience and have paid to be included in this directory. Happy shopping! 18 Advertising/Marketing/ Printing/Design Digital Namers Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 606-0555 Melissa Cafaro [email protected] Minuteman Press of Lansdale 427 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-4003 Doug DiPasquale [email protected] Please see ad page 17 North Penn Under Ten, LLC 650 N. Cannon Ave., Ste. 100 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 284-6396 Aimee Heavener [email protected] -- Your family’s guide to local fun! Since 2010, North Penn area parents have relied on NPUT for our local events calendar, parents’ resources, business directories and more. We offer high ROI advertising as well as marketing and social media consulting services for local businesses. Sarcelle Design (267) 645-9430 [email protected] Please see ad page 9 * Business is Outside Borough Limits Name in Bold - Featured Business Signarama of Lansdale 200 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 412-2500 Donna Crosson [email protected] Please see ad page 36 Automotive Services/Supplies Colket Technical Services, LLC 635 W. 3rd St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-5970 Ross Colket [email protected] Please see ad on back cover Lansdale Car Wash 8th St. and Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-2343 Keith Heilveil Please see ad page 45 M&D Automotive Inc. 306 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-0600 [email protected] Please see ad page 48 19 ® Voted Leading Aesthetic Physician SMARTLIPO™ ∙ CELLULAZE™ BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT NATURAL BREAST AUGMENTATION COOLSCULPTING® ∙ PRP PAIN FREE LASER HAIR REMOVAL VELASHAPE™ ∙ YOUNG HCG DIET BOTOX® ∙ DYSPORT® ∙ DERMAL FILLERS MICROPEN™ ∙ KYBELLA™ FRACTIONAL LASER RESURFACING THERMIVA™ FEMININE REJUVENATION & MUCH MORE! SCHEDULE YOUR COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION 215.DOC.SKIN (362.7546) 635 N. Broad Street Lansdale, PA Murray’s Tire and Auto Service 26 S. Richardson Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-7699 Mike Murray [email protected] -- Murray’s Tire and Auto Service on the corner of Derstine and Richardson Avenue is your neighborhood tire dealer. We perform PA state inspection and emissions, specializing in all-wheel computerized alignments, tune-ups, transmission flush and many more services. 20 Village Tire and Auto Repair 8th St. and Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-2343 Keith Heilveil [email protected] Please see ad on inside front cover Beauty/Spa Services Green Street Luxuries 617 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 879-1554 Candy St. Martine-Pack C.A. [email protected] Please see ad page 16 -- Eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, anti-aging, natural, organic and healing skin care and spa services. Soleil Luna Hair Salon 22 Green St. Suite A Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-2701 Suzanne Case [email protected] -- Your first choice for current trends in cut and color provided in a relaxed and fun salon. Wave Reviews Salon and Spa 425 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-2188 Robin Dennis [email protected] Young Medical Spa 635 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-7546 Nasima [email protected] Please see ad page 20 Books - Used and Antique The Archive 725 W. Second St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 361-7910 Dale Mechalas [email protected] Breweries/Distilleries Boardroom Spirits 575 W. 3rd St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 642-9961 [email protected] Prism Brewing Co. Hillcrest Shopping Center (spring) Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 613-8572 Rob DeMaria [email protected] * Business is Outside Borough Limits Name in Bold - Featured Business Round Guys Brewing Co. 324 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-2640 Bill McGeeney [email protected] Consignment/Thrift Stores West Main Consignment 15 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-8533 Janice Tindall [email protected] -- The local look for less since 1985! Ladies and gents seasonal clothing and accessories. Free parking behind the store; we are open Monday-Friday 10 am to 6 pm, Saturday 10 am to 5 pm. Dry Cleaning/ Laundromats/Tailors Sudz Laundry 124 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-3444 Andrew Fallon [email protected] Educational Services/Schools Archdiocese of Philadelphia: -- Lansdale Catholic High School 700 Lansdale Ave. (215) 362-6160 -- Mater Dei Catholic School 493 E. Main St. (215) 368-0995 Bright Beginnings Nursery School 300 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-1373 Liz Bonner [email protected] Lansdale Branch 640 E. Main Street Lansdale, PA Harleysville • Hatfield • Lansdale • Souderton Sumneytown • Upper Providence • West Norriton CMR CPR, LLC 650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (484) 265-1792 Rodney Millspaugh [email protected] -- CMR CPR, LLC, is an American Heart Association Training Site that specializes in a fun and stress-free environment. North Penn School District: -- Knapp Elementary School 698 Knapp Rd. (215) 368-2054 -- North Penn School District Educational Services Center 401 E. Hancock St. (215) 368-0400 Alan Apt, CCIM, ALC, GRI President & Broker of Record 414 West Main Street Lansdale, PA 19446 O: 215-855-9600 F:215-855-3469 -- Penndale Middle School 400 Penn St. (215) 368-2700 -- York Avenue Elementary 700 York Ave. (215) 368-6002 Entertainment/Recreation North Penn Under Ten, LLC 650 N. Cannon Ave., Ste. 100 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 284-6396 Aimee Heavener [email protected] -- Your family’s guide to local fun! Since 2010, North Penn area parents have relied on NPUT for our local events calendar, parents’ resources, business directories and more. We offer high ROI advertising as well as marketing and social media consulting services for local businesses. Rebounderz Indoor Trampoline Arena 616 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 263-4961 Jeff Polansky [email protected] Please see ad page 25 [email protected] 23 Financial Services/Insurance Harleysville Savings Bank 640 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 256-8828 Cammy Gallagher [email protected] Please see ad page 22 Joseph M. Wade Agency 917 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-5300 J.B. Bowes [email protected] Please see ad page 34 QNB Bank (*) 127 Bethlehem Pike Colmar, PA 18915 (215) 538-5600 April Donahue ext. 5540 [email protected] Please see ad page 39 Fire and Water Remediation Rainbow International of Abington/ Warrington 605 W. Third St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 627-2022 Jennifer Roberts [email protected] Please see ad page 5 Florists Chantilly Floral Boutique 29 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-9258 Charles H. Booz [email protected] MLeads LEAD & EVENT MANAGEMENT AUTOMATION PLATFORM 30-Days Free Trial ! 24 Funeral Homes and Services Huff and Lakjer Funeral Home, Inc. 701 Derstine Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3311 Warren F. Miller, III [email protected] Shelly Dinan Funeral Home, Inc. 24 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3622 Timothy Dinan, Jr. [email protected] Please see ad page 42 Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home, Inc. 532 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3434 J. Boyd McIlvaine, Jr. www.simcoxmcilvainefuneralhome. com Groceries/Markets Corner Masala 539 W. Fifth St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-2026 [email protected] 26 Friendly Food Mart 801 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-1430 Jitendra Patel Lansdale Farmers’ Market Hillcrest Shopping Center Saturdays 9AM to 1PM from May 21 through November 5, 2016 (267) 312-8339 Charisse R. McGill, mkt. mgr. [email protected] -- Serving Lansdale and surrounding communities since 2009. Supporting local producers of healthy, nourishing foods and quality, artisan goods. Building community while providing educational programs that promote local, sustainable living. Hardware Wilsons Hardware and Locksmiths 217 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-6876 Charles Venezia [email protected] Please see ad page 51 Health and Healthcare Ancestral Approach, Inc. PO Box 1393 Lansdale, PA 19446 (201) 317-3533 Carolyn Marotta [email protected] CMR CPR, LLC 650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (484) 265-1792 Rodney Millspaugh [email protected] -- CMR CPR, LLC, is an American Heart Association Training Site that specializes in a fun and stress-free environment. Dr, Joseph Lipa, Jr., LTD, Orthodontics 1021 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-3070 Dr. Walter J. Drill, Optometry 920 N. Broad St. Suite 7 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-4549 Dr. Walter Drill [email protected] -- Eye examinations, contact lenses, a large selection of frames. Elm Terrace Gardens 660 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 361-5600 David Nicholson [email protected] Please see ad page 30 * Business is Outside Borough Limits Name in Bold - Featured Business Green and Seidner Family Practice Associates, PC 826 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-1054 [email protected] Healthy Balance 14 Lincoln Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-6154 Aaron Oberst [email protected] Independence Foot and Ankle 233 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 257-6315 Warner Siegle [email protected] Lansdale Massage Therapy and Wellness LLC 203 N. Broad St. (as of May 1) Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 263-2697 Pascale A. Dingenen-Johnson [email protected] Please see ad page 33 27 Shopping Areas Borough Buildings S1 The Pavilion S2 Hillcrest Shopping Center B1 Borough Hall B2 Lansdale Public Lubrary B3 Lansdale Post Office Historic Areas First Friday Area H1 Jenkins Homestead N LINE ST MADISON ST P4 RA H1 IL AV B1 S LINE ST B2 JENKINS AVE RO AD SUSQUEHANNA AVE S CANNON AVE S VALLEY FORGE RD N WOOD ST S1 W MAIN ST S WOOD ST GE RD N CANNON AVE EY FOR N VALL N BROAD ST P2 E VINE ST B3 S BROAD ST P1 MOYERS RD P3 E HANCOC W HANCOCK ST WHITES RD S1 P5 28 P P11 Parks and Recreation Wedgewood Park Moyer’s Road Park Schweiker Park Railroad Plaza White’s Road Park N LINE ST P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 4th Street Park P7 Parks and Rec Office P8 Hidden Valley Park P9 Wissahickon Park P10 Memorial Park P11 Stony Creek Park P6 AL ES RD P7 NO RT HW P8 P9 E MAIN ST H1 S LINE ST JENKINS AVE P10 E HANCOCK ST P11 S2 µ 29 North Penn Physical Therapy 611 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 872-7822 Dianne Wright [email protected] -- Personalized, one-on-one treatment in a private setting. Full-scale fitness facility, including pool for aquatic therapy. Most insurance plans accepted. Young Medical Spa 635 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-7546 Nasima [email protected] Please see ad page 20 Hobbies Henning’s Trains 128 S. Line St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 365-2442 Bill Henning Home Repairs and Installation Allen Door & Service Corp. 900 Walnut St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-4200 Bill Allen [email protected] Choose Quality – Discover Value • Residential Living • Skilled Nursing • Personal Care • Respite Care Come see why so many of your friends and neighbors are moving to Elm Terrace Gardens Call David Nicholson today to schedule a tour of our community Continuing Care Retirement Community 660 N. Broad Street Lansdale, PA 215.361.5674 Clyde S. Walton 400 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-6893 Caitlyn Monaghan [email protected] Please see ad page 33 Homesite Remodeling Inc. 201 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (888) 407-4136 Jim Brown [email protected] Saldutti and Son LLC Concrete Construction 520 Green St. A Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 688-8060 Fred Saldutti [email protected] Wes Carver Electric 101 S. Broad St. Suite 220 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3340 Zefie Katehis [email protected] 32 Jewelers Bette Conway Fine Jewelry PO Box 1668 Lansdale, PA 19446 (812) 322-6833 Bette Conway [email protected] -- Featuring custom hand-made jewelry of contemporary/modern celtic design in silver and gold with semiprecious /precious gemstones, fossils and found objects. Please see Bette Conway Fine Jewelry on Facebook or website www.betteconway. com Koehler’s Jewelers 11 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3627 Georgette Koehler [email protected] Landscaping Charlie’s Lawncare LLC P.O. Box 304/650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 353-1256 Charlie Harris [email protected] J.S. Contracting – Remodeling and Landscaping 446 E. 4th St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 783-9604 John Sasso [email protected] Lansdale Borough Borough Hall 1 Vine St. Lansdale, PA 19446 Departments: Police: 215-368-1801 Customer Service: 215-368-1691 Code Enforcement: 215-361-8333 Community and Economic Development: 215-368-1691 Electric Services: 215-361-8371 Parks and Recreation: 215-361-8352 Wastewater Treatment: 215-361-8372 Public Works: 215-361-8372 Lansdale Post Office 20 Vine St. Lansdale, PA 19446 Lansdale Public Library 301 Vine St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3228 Tom Meyer [email protected] 400 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 215-855-6893 We’ll take care of it! We keep your house feeling like home. Fuel Oil Propane Emergency Service Service Agreements Heat Pumps Air Conditioning Furnaces Boilers Geothermal Plumbing Indoor Air Quality Duct Cleaning Reviews perfected. 9 0 0 r e vi e w s and countin g! Proudly serving Montgomery and Bucks Counties since 1921. Lansdale Massage Therapy and Wellness 267-263-2697 203 N Broad Street | Rear Entrance Listen to the serene music and trickling water fountains, smell the hint of aromatherapy in the air. Take a deep breath, it's time to relax. Warm up your muscles and mind by entering our beautiful treatment room where you will enjoy the sauna, Jacuzzi, eucalyptus steam shower and massage. After your wellness time, relax in the beautiful green area with a nice cup of fresh herbal tea. We offer many more services for your relaxation and comfort. First time customers $10 off Locksmiths Wilsons Hardware and Locksmiths 217 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-6876 Charles Venezia [email protected] Please see ad page 51 Media The Reporter Digital First Media 307 Derstine Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-8440 Ann Cornell, Editor [email protected] Your protection is personal. Get a quote today from: Gerald J Bowes Jr JOSEPH M WADE AGENCY (215)855-5300 [email protected] Auto. Home. Life. Business. Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Company underwriting guidelines, review and approval. Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. © 2016 Nationwide NPO-0194M1.2 (01/16) Mystical/Metaphysical Eagle Skyfire (*) PO Box 128 Hatfield, PA 19440-0128 (215) 361-9882 Eagle Skyfire [email protected] Please see ad page 41 -- Traditional Native American seer, shaman, ceremonial leader, spiritual teacher. Traditional Native American readings, private mentoring for developing spiritual and psychic gifts, cultural presentations, understanding past lives. Cats Meow Mystical Shop 105 Walnut St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 228-9539 Randi Stinson [email protected] -- Psychic Readings, Reiki Crystal Healings, Intention Candles to Solve Problems, Crystals, Candles, Charms & Chimes, Oils and Incense, Tarot Decks, Witch Balls, Sage Sticks, Jewelry, Journals, Gifts plus More! Fun Workshops! We’re here to help! McQuillin Studio Main and Broad streets, Lansdale, Pa 215-855-1020 Specializing in Portraits and Special Events High School and College Seniors Children Weddings Families Pets Business Restorations Your Hometown Photographer for 43+ Years Voted BEST year after year. Web: Like Us on Facebook email: [email protected] EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY CUSTOMIZATION Three Forces above the Competition Offering innovative solutions to Government and Corporates Experts in building Customized Software Applications Business Intelligence Big Data Cloud Computing Mobile Apps Data Warehouse Java Cyber Security PHP .NET IT Staffing “Got Ideas or Projects?” Let us help. Nutrition Counseling Ancestral Approach, Inc. PO Box 1393 Lansdale, PA 19446 (201) 317-3533 Carolyn Marotta [email protected] Office and Commercial Space/ Real Estate Leasing Lansdale Business Center 650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-6700 Ellen W. Foulke [email protected] -- Leasing: One-site Office and Commercial Space. A dynamic and successful business community with customer access 24/7 and full-time, onsite management and full front desk support. Nearly 30 years of outstanding and continuous service to North Penn, Gwynedd, and Bucks County regions. It’s your business; we are here to help you -- right here! * Business is Outside Borough Limits Name in Bold - Featured Business Organic/Natural and Healing Green Street Luxuries 617 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 879-1554 Candy St. Martine-Pack C.A. [email protected] Please see ad page 16 -- Eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, anti-aging, natural, organic and healing skin care and spa services. Pawn Shop Lansdale Pawn Shop/Cash for Gold 209 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-0255 Yanni Lambros [email protected] Pet Care and Supplies Pet Care USA 555 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 361-8721 Terri [email protected] -- Veterinary care, surgeries and dental care. Affordable pricing for your pet’s care! 37 Pets Plus Natural 555 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-3178 Nikki Hawaiian Reef LLC 319 W. Main St., Ste. 5 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 570-3452 Photography Studios McQuillin Studio 1 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-1020 Joe and Pat McQuillin [email protected] Please see ad page 35 Picture Framing The Mitre Box 25 Susquehanna Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-1010 Joe Kicinski Sr. [email protected] 38 Private Investigations Harris Investigations LLC P.O. Box 304/650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-1760 Michele Harris [email protected] Professional Services Dr. Walter J. Drill, Optometry 920 N. Broad St. Suite 7 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-4549 Dr. Walter Drill [email protected] -- Eye examinations, contact lenses, a large selection of frames. Help You Buy a Franchise (*) 1758 Allentown Rd. #144 Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 210-4559 Rob Eberle [email protected] Please see ad page 43 -- We have 18+ years in franchising and work with people who possess an entrepreneurial spirit and help them find the right franchise that fits their business goals and personal objectives. Our service is complimentary and we match people with the franchise that fits them and then coach them thru the entire process of investigating the franchise. We represent about 450 franchise concepts across all industries. Achieving Your Goals Business Legal Matters Contract Negotiations Human Resource Matters Buy/Sell/Lease Real Estate Buying/Selling/Start Up Family Business Management Succession Planning Trade Association Counsel Industry Specific Expertise | Practical Advice | Individual Attention Business Strategies | Real Life Solutions 623 North Broad Street Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone - 215-896-3846 | E-mail - [email protected] | Web - Richard C. Kelly, Esq. RC Kelly Law Associates is an innovative law firm, working with clients in all stages of business development. We are committed to finding practical solutions for our clients, so they can stay focused on their core business. We work to anticipate our clients' business and industry challenges and provide proactive solutions. Call: 800-491-9070 Click: Visit: Our Colmar Office at Route 309 & Walnut Street Tri-Force Consulting Services LLC 650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-2611 Manish Gorawala [email protected] Please see ad page 36 -- Tri-Force is an established IT software consulting firm offering innovative solutions to government and commercial sectors. We specialize in customized software development, migrating business applications to cloud, and software integrating. We offer on-site and/or office project execution delivery models. Professional Services – Employment ACCU Staffing Services 308 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 642-9966 Jackie Michael [email protected] Express Employment Professionals 19 Jenkins Ave. Suite 200 Lansdale, PA 19446 (610) 489-4191 Jessica Marbot [email protected] 40 Professional Services – Legal Law Office of Marcia Binder Ibrahim 222 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-2478 Marcia Binder Ibrahim [email protected] RC Kelly Law Associates 623 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 896-3846 Richard Kelly, Esq. [email protected] Please see ad page 39 Real Estate Agents Aptcor Commercial, Realtors 414 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-9600 Alan Apt [email protected] Please see ad page 23 RE/MAX Realty Group (*) 1592 Sumneytown Pike Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 256-1200 ext. 223 [email protected] Please see ad page 48 Religious Organizations/ Places of Worship First Baptist Church of Lansdale 700 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3457 Grace Mennonite Church 630 York Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-7718 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 407 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-4431 First Generation Church Ray Medlin 501 N. Broad St. [email protected] Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-5454 Grace Christian Church 30 W. Mt. Vernon St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-1381 Native American Readings Private Mentoring Spiritual Teacher 215-361-9882 Find me on facebook! Traditional Native American seer, shaman, ceremonial leader, private mentoring for developing spiritual and psychic gifts, cultural presentations, understanding past lives. Helping Families and Friends Honor Their Loved One The staff members of Shelly-Dinan Funeral Homes will guide your family in creating a meaningful ceremony to honor the life and memory of a loved one. A ceremony can be anything you wish it to be: simple or elaborate, traditional or unique. No matter how it's tailored, such a ceremony is an important step in recovering from loss. Experience the difference, serving the community since 1914. -Traditional Funerals - Cremation Services - Prearrangement Services 24 East Main Street | Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3622 | Kyung Hyang Presbyterian Church 601 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-1452 Lansdale Mennonite Church 520 York Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-2659 Lansdale United Methodist Church 300 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-8364 Rev. Dr. Max Jaouen [email protected] Montco Bible Fellowship 160 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-0899 [email protected] North Penn Mosque 600 Maple Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 361-2229 Open Bible Evangelical Church 37 Jenkins Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3306 * Business is Outside Borough Limits Name in Bold - Featured Business St. John’s United Church of Christ 500 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-5489 St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church 51 Lansdale Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-3133 [email protected] Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 1000 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-1710 There are over 3000 franchises in the US. With over 18 years of franchise experience we have the knowledge and understanding of how to find you the franchise that best fits your goals and objectives. Call us for a free consultation 267-210-4559 Restaurants/Food Service Cake Designs by Patty 628 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 272-2182 Patty DiFondi [email protected] Koffee Korner Café 201 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-2165 Troy Hwang [email protected] Lansdale Tavern 839 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-0460 David Decker [email protected] Please see ad page 52 Ristorante Toscano 213 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-8002 John Bruno [email protected] 44 Round Guys Brewing Co. 324 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-2640 Bill McGeeney [email protected] Saxbys Coffee 401 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 436-3140 Ron Snyder [email protected] Stove & Tap 329 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 393-8277 a full service computer company Sales • Service • Installation Authorized Premier Dell Reseller Bryan J. Cook Operations Manager & Technology Systems Specialist Lansdale Business Center 650 N. Cannon Avenue Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone: 215-353-2108 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Uncle Greg’s Smokin BBQ 650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 718-8247 Greg Matczak [email protected] Wendy’s (*) 600 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-7019 Patricia Dougherty [email protected] Please see ad page 15 -- Contemporary, new concept Wendy’s restaurant featuring an open kitchen, inviting seating options, free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TV, LED fireplace and more. Friendly, courteous service and Deliciously Different ™ menu choices priced to fit every budget. Perfect for family dining, community groups, sports teams, coffee groups, book clubs and people on the go! Yanni’s Gyro 213 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-9100 Chris [email protected] -- Greek food. 46 Salons and Barbershops Broad Hair-izons 154 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-6093 Patricia Heintz Soleil Luna Hair Salon 22 Green St. Suite A Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-2701 Suzanne Case [email protected] -- Your first choice for current trends in cut and color provided in a relaxed and fun salon. Senior Citizen Services Elm Terrace Gardens 660 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 361-5600 David Nicholson [email protected] Please see ad page 30 Service Organizations Lansdale Borough Hometown Heroes 225 S. Line St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-1743 Anne Henning Scheuring [email protected] Lansdale Historical Society 137 Jenkins Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-1872 [email protected] Lansdale Lions Club PO Box 573 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-1760 Charles Harris [email protected] Please see ad page 21 Lansdale VFW Post #32 805 West 2nd St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-9849 William Blackburn Please see ad page 31 * Business is Outside Borough Limits Name in Bold - Featured Business PennSuburban Chamber of Greater Montgomery County 34 Susquehanna Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-9200 [email protected] Shoe Repair The Towne Cobbler 427 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-4275 John Ambolino Social and Human Services Hedwig House, Inc. 109 Jenkins Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 284-1145 Emma Buschmann [email protected] -- Hedwig House, Inc., offers Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services to adults living with severe mental illness in their pursuit of independence and personal fulfillment. We have three programs in Montgomery County: PREP, HOPE Academy, and Special Housing. For more information, please visit our website! Lansdale Area Family YMCA 608 E. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-1601 47 Family Owned & Operated General Automotive Repairs State Inspections & Emissions Motorcycle Inspections & Repairs 306 S. Broad Street Lansdale, PA 19446 CALL US TODAY AT 215.855.0600 Manna on Main Street 713 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-5454 [email protected] North Penn Valley Boys & Girls Club 16 Susquehanna Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-7791 Northwestern Human Services 400 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-2022 WIC 607 N. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 368-9826 Specialty Shops and Boutiques Balock Woodturning 712 E. Hancock St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 412-0105 George Balock [email protected] * Business is Outside Borough Limits Name in Bold - Featured Business Sleepy’s Mattresses 451 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 412-2372 Timeless Styles 109 Walnut St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 631-1119 Janice Spillane [email protected] -- Timeless Styles is a boutique that sells women’s clothing, jewelry, and accessories in sizes X-Small to 3X. Our apparel is comfortable and affordable and not found in department stores. Here you will find the latest styles not found elsewhere. Tattoo Studio Red Lotus Tattoo Co. 211 W. Main St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 263-2615 Robert Fiore [email protected] Please see ad page 36 49 Technology Services Cook’s Computers, Inc. 650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 353-2108 Bryan Cook [email protected] Please see ad page 44 Informant Technologies 19 Jenkins Ave. Suite 200 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 412-9165 Craig Gabbadon [email protected] MLeads 650 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 (267) 263-3481 Manish Gorawala [email protected] Please see ad page 24 -- MLeads is the most powerful one-stop mobile platform for leads and events management-processes automation. Manage your sales, marketing and organize events from any device, anywhere, and increase productivity and opportunities. 30-day free trial. Download on Apple. Google, or signup @ 50 Sitecats Web Development 200 W. Main St. #104 Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 345-9050 John Ralston [email protected] Trade Associations MACS Worldwide 225 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 631-7020 Maria Whitworth [email protected] Transportation Homestead Taxi LLC 150 S. Broad St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 855-9006 Nick Chermela [email protected] Veterans Organizations Lansdale VFW Post #32 805 West 2nd St. Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-9849 William Blackburn Please see ad page 31 215-855-6876 217 West Main Street Lansdale, PA 19446 Our customers come first! We prove it every day with personalized service and competitive prices. TrueValue means just that - thousands of products from major manufacturers priced right. We've built our reputation on locks and locksmithing - it's been our specialty for over 30 years. Continuous training and years of experience means that you can count on our locksmiths for a solution for any problem. We welcome your questions and requests for quotes. References are gladly provided upon request. Wilsons is locally owned and has been doing business in downtown Lansdale since 1984. We are proponents of the growing initiative to "Shop Small, Shop Local" to build a strong and vibrant community. Come see us. Hardware | Plumbing | Electrical | Paint | Lawn & Gardens Cleaning Supplies | Power Tools | Screen and window repair Sharpening | Small engine repair | High tech car keys Commercial and residential locksmith Locks and Deadbolts | Keys | Door Hardware Sales | Installation | Repair | Rekeying Events in Lansdale 2016 May 6 First Friday September 2 First Friday May 30 Memorial Day Parade September 17 Lansdale Cruise Night May 28 PA Hero Walk June 3 First Friday June 4 Lansdale Day September 10 Lansdale Bike Night October 7 First Friday October 15 Oktoberfest October 15 Variety Club and Penn Suburban Chamber’s June 25 Lansdale Beer Tasting Festival Firkin 5k Event July 1 First Friday November 4 First Friday June 18 Under the Lights Car Show July 16 L ansdale Library’s Clean & Green Event August 5 First Friday August 27 F ounders Day AND Festival of the Arts in the Park November 12 Library Trivia Night November 19 Mardi Gras Parade December 2 First Friday and Tree Lighting December 4 Tuba Christmas Dates at time of publication, subject to change 7 DAYS A WEEK Happy Hour 4 pm - 6 pm WEDNESDAY Trivia Night 8 pm - 10 pm SATURDAY DJ & Karaoke 9:30 pm - 1:30 am Did we miss you? We hope readers and consumers enjoy our first Lansdale Business Directory, and use it as a resource all year long. Discover Lansdale’s mission is to help the Borough grow as a vibrant business and leisure destination. And to serve that goal, we tried to reflect as many businesses as we could in this Directory — not those with just a Lansdale ZIP code, but those physically located in the Borough. If your business is listed in this issue, we thank you for your support and encouragement, and wish you continued success. If you are in the Borough, but you are not in this issue, we really want you to participate going forward. On the next page you will find a form that you can fill out and return to us in any of the ways listed. Once we receive your information, we will add it to the online version of this listing on our Website,, which we intend to update on a regular basis. And we will have your information on hand when we start to publish our next Business Directory, in Spring 2017. And if you are a reader who has favorite places to shop in town, and you don’t see them in this book, do them a favor. Show them a copy of this book, and urge them to respond. Our ultimate goal is to reflect every business in town. We can’t possibly do that without your help and continued support. Thanks, Bruce Schwartz For Discover Lansdale [email protected] PO Box 1112 | Lansdale, PA 19446 267-498-5060 on Facebook: DiscoverLansdalePA Business Directory Listing Information Company Name Contact Name Address Email Address Company Phone # Website What can I get? Basic website listing on no charge for borough businesses (Includes Company Name, Contact Name, Address, Phone #, Email and Website in chosen category) Cross-filing under multiple categories: $10 charge for each additional category Expanded description of 1-3 lines and name in boldface type: $25 additional charge I am interested in advertising in future issues of Discover Lansdale Magazine and Business Directory (Please contact us for details) Available ad sizes: ¼ page ad (2.375” wide x 3.875” high) | ½ page ad (5” wide x 3.875” high) Full page ad, not cover position (5” wide x 8” high) Full page ad, cover postion (5.5” wide x 8.5” high, must include bleeds) For current rates please visit us online at or see the contact information below! Categories to File Under Please see business listing for current categories and let us know which one(s) you would like to be listed under. If your business does not fit any current categories please let us know what we are missing below! Expanded Business Description for Directory (Extra charges will apply, see above) For more information or to submit your completed form: [email protected] | 267-498-5060 | P.O. Box 1112, Lansdale, PA 19446 y n ry w! r. COLKET AUTOMOTIVE & TECHNICAL SERVICES For all your automotive Service & Repair needs! 635 West 3rd Street Lansdale, PA 19446 215.393.5970
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