telephone directory - Yukon Archives Digital Library
telephone directory - Yukon Archives Digital Library
W HITEHORSE YUKON TERRITORY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY * JANUARY 1955 EMERGENCY CALLS (See Page 81 Fire 2001 Police 4151 Telephone 211 0 Hospital 2231 LET THE YEllOW PAGEI 910.25 Wh 1955 YA TELL YOU "WH ERE TO BUY IT" Copyright Canada 1955 by UKON TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD. SALES AND SERVICE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES EVINRUDE MOTORS NORTHERN COMMERCIAL co. LTD. GARAGE DEPT. Parts 2481 Sales 3851 Service 2483 WHITEHORSE, Y.T. CATERPILLAR TRACTORS ENGINES ELECTRIC SETS MOTOR GRADERS - EARTH MOVING MACHINERY SALES AND SERVICE NORTHERN COMMERCIAL co. LTD. MACHINERY DEPT. PHONE 4121 WHITEHORSE, Y.T. 910.25 Wh 1955 YA 1 WHITEHORSE INN ''YOUR HOME IN THE YUKON" HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS - HUNTERS - FISHERMEN PHONE 2151 COCKTAIL BAR IN CONNECTION RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER FULL COURSE MEALS - SHORT ORDERS PHONE 2781 ~ Open 24 Hours A Day ~ WHITEHORSE, Y.T. 2 Yukon Telephone Company Ltd. Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Office: Main Street, Telephone 2111 Office Hours: Weekdays, 9.00 a.m.· 5.00 p.m. Saturday, 9.00 a.m.. 1.00 p.m. BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WITH THE COMPANY PUBLIC NOTICE-The Company's tariffs are open to public inspection and may be seen on application at any of iu business offices. GENERAL-All matters relating to new telephone service, moves, termination of service, directory linings, adjustment of accounts, or any transaction other than payment of bills, must be handled by our business office representatives. MOVING AND DISCONNECTING OF TELEPHONES-For moving telephones we request subscribers to give us at least ten days' notice in writing. When sufficient notice is given we will endeavor to fill the order on a specified date. If no particular date is stated, the order will be completed as soon as possible. Service will be promptly discontinued upon receipt of proper notice. EMPLOYEES' CREDENTIALS-All employees of this Company authorized to enter buildings for any telephonic purpose are provided with an identification card, and the public is warned that parties desiring entry should exhibit their identification card upon request or be refused entrance. HOW TO PLACE A CALL When you wish to place a call take the receiver off and keep it off while diallng. Listen for the "dial tone", a steady humming sound, and when you hear it, dial the number you are calling. After you have dialed, you will hear either the "ringing signal", which is an interrupted "burr-rr-inS'" sound indicating that the called telephone is ringing, or the "busy signal", which is an intermittent ubuzz-buzz-buzz" sound indicating that the caUed line is busy. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALLS There are two classes of long-distance telephone caUs: 1. STATION-TO-STATION-when you will talk with anyone who answelS at the telephone called. 2. PERSON-TO-PERSON-when you want to talk to a particular person at the telephone called. PLACING LONG-DISTANCE CALLSTo place a long-distance call from an automatic (dial) telephone In Whitehorse, dial "0." Then, if you wish a station-to-station call, give the long-dinance operator who answers, the name of the city you want, the telephone number, if you have it, or the name and address under which it is listed. If you wish a person-to-person caU, give the long-distance operator the name of the city you want, the telephone number, if you have it, or the name and address under which it is listed, and the name of the person you want. COLLECT CALLSUpon request of the calling party, the charges on a call will be! coUected at the called telephone, provided that such charges are accepted by the call~ telephone. Request to have the charges coUected in this way should be made at the time the c.U is given to the long-distance operator. Simply say: " Please reverse the charge." TIME OF DAYThe time of day when conTCrsation actuaUy starts, determined in accordance with the time system in use at the point where the call originates, decides whether day or night rates apply. This rule applies irrespective of whether the call is sent paid or collect. 3 EXCERPT FROM GENERAL REGULATIONS Yukon Telephone Company Ltd. - Whitehorse, Y.T. GENERAL Tdepbone senice is furnished .ubject to the following Icocral regulation. wbich .ball apply in addition to tbe specinc: regulatioDs coo tained i n the tariff applicable to tbe type of len-ice involved. These regulation. shall apply to all contracts for ulephone senice and to all senice. rendered UDder such Contracts , aDd cannot be .ari.ed or waivtd by any canvasser or other person. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE APPLICATION Application for telephone uniee .ball be made on tbe Company', standard form. wbicb become contracts upon the establishment of tbe service. All the regulations contained in the tariff shall be part of suc.h contracts lor service and all facilities and service rendered thereunder are subject to the Company's tariffs, and the eules and regulati ons as filed by the Company with The Controller of the Yukon Terri tory. Requesu frora subscribers for additional service or equipment shall be made in writing. Upon approyal oe installation thereof. such service or equipmeot is deemed to be covered by the original contract . except that such item of additional suyice or equipment so installed is subject to the appropriate minimum contnct term in accordance with the Company's regulations governing initial contract periods, and to the tariff charges. ADVANCE PAYMENTS At the time of application for service. t he applicant will be required to pay the proper service connection charges. together with an ad vance payment equal to onc month', cbar,u for exchange service. equipment. mileage, list· ings, etc. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs. and in addition to the advance payment therein proyided. an applicant or subscriber, ... hose credit standing is not established to the Company', satisfaction, may be required to make a further advance payment of an amou.nt which the Company considers sufficient to cover not more than six months' charges for exchange sU'f'ice, toll .ervice. equipment. mileage, listings. and all other services and charges for which the Company i. entitled to r«ein payment. Charges fo r senice rendered arc applied against such adunce payment. If, in the opinion of the Company, the subscriber's net credi t balance is at any time insuf6cient to cover the estimated service charges referred to, the Company may require a further adyance payment or suspend and terminate . eryice in accordance with the regulations contained in the tariff. INSTALLATION OF WIRING Except where otherwise proyided in the Company's tariffs or by special agreement, ,11 wor k. of insuBation of wirin, and ~q uipment on t he applicant'. premises i. done by the Company, Ind tbe Company attlch~s iu instrumenu, equip. ment or lin~s only to wiring installed by it. Own employees. TELEPHONE NUMBERS The lubscriber shan han no property ri,ht iD the t~lephone number usign~d to him or any right to continuance of service through Iny par· tiew.r central office. and the Company may change the telephone number oc ccotral office pre6x.. or both. at iu OWD discretion. ALTERATIONS The subscriber shall be required to notify th~ Company promptly in writing whenever alterations or new construction on premises occupied by h im necessitate cbanges in the Company'. wiring or equipment. The Company', regular charges apply to sucb changes. PAYMENT FOR SERVICE Cbarges for telephone service, equipment and facilities shall be rendered monthly and are due on the dare sp«i6ed by the Company. Charge, due in connection with toll, messenger or coinbox se r vice shall be payable monthly or upon request . Advance payments, const r uction, instal luion and service connection charges ,hall be payable in accordance with the reluluions here or elsewhere conuined in the Company 's tariffs. In all accou.nts excepting for net rate con· tracu, the sum of one d ollar will be added to the monthly charge, but such sum shall be rebued by the Company provided the Iccount is paid on or before the due due. If for Iny reason charges are not plid by th~ due dare, but are paid within one month of the dat e of issue of the account, the one dollar added to the monthly charge shall be rebated provided the subscriber pa ys the charRe for an additional month ' s exchange service in advance. Notwithsunding anything contained in these General Regulations, the Company may render an interim accou.nt at any time after the estab. lishment of rclephone service with I subsc riber for any charges that have accrued. Ind may demand payment within a period of not le" than three days. and failing compliance with such demand for payment, the provisions herein conuined relat ing to "Violation of Company Regulations" shall apply. All charges incurred b y the .ubscriber are payable at the Company's b usiness offices or at any agencies duly authorized to receive such payments. Failure to receive a bill showing the amOU.Dt owed by the subscriber to the Company shall not relieve the subscriber from the responsibility of making prompt payment of .uch amount t o the Company. The su bscriber shaH be liable to the Company for all tolls and charges for all calls oriRinaring on his telephone regardless of who may originate such calls, and also for all ca ll s received at hi. telephone the charges fo r which are accepted by any person receiving such ca lh regaed le" of who may accept .uch charges. The Company, however. reserves the right t o collec t .ucll charges from the person placing the call or who may otherwise be responsible for the charges incurred. Messengers maT be used. if lVailable, at the request of the person placing a toll cIIl , in trying to locate the called person where he cannot be reached by telephone, provided the callins person agrees to pay the cost of such .enice. If objection in writing is not received by the Company within thirty days Ifter a .tatement of account is rendered, such statement .hlll be deemed to be correct and bind in, UPOD the .ubscriber. GENERAL REGULATlONS-ICont'd) MAINTF.NANCE AND REPAIRS All ordinary expen.e of maintenance and repain , unless otherwi.e speci£ed in the svb. .criber'. application or in the Company'. tariff., i. borne by the Company. Upon termination of .ervice any equipment furnished by tbe Com· pany ahall be required to be ia load conditioll.. reasonable wear and tear exccpttd. la the caM of damage to or dcstruction of any .uch equi~ ment, not due to ordinary wear aDd tear , the aub.criber, OD demand. ahall pa y to the Compaay tbe cost of replacinl the equipment or rClloria, i t to iu original condition. The subscriber shall Dot rnrrange, di .coDnoc t or remO'Te, or permit othetl to rearrange. disconnect or remO'Te. or otherwise interfere witb any appan tu. or wit· in, installed by the Company, except with tbe written consent of the CompanJ. The Company the r i,bt to entu into a,reemenu witb railroad companies or other parties. whereby they may be req ui red to instal and maintain telephonel and telephone apparatw (urnished by the Company, when .uch teJepbonll aDd appuatUJ are located OD tbe railroad premise. or in other placu in'Tolviol unUJual hazard., or when it i. coovenient to botb pan..iu to do 10. EXCHANGE AND MILEAGE AREAS The CompaDY may, at any time, chanle or modify exchange arn boundaries or radii ~yond which maeage charlu apply . Subscriben affected by auch change. may t at their option. terminate tbeir contracu for telepboM .ervice forthwitb upon pa yi ng all cbar,e. due up to the due of terminuion. Where, howe'Ter, the .ub.cribcr elecu to retaiD the .enice, it i. furnished only in conformity ..-ith the new conditions, rate. and relulation.l prelcribed in tbe Company'. uriffa . VIOLATION OF COMPANY REGULATIONS u. ID the eve.nt of default on the pan of subscriber in makin, paymeDt of any .u.m due tbe CompaDY. includinl conncctin& compuUH' charges, or in compiy inc with tbe rule. lAd regulat ions of t he Company wbicb lonro tbe .ervices rendered, the Company may, without notice, suapend the aervices which it under Iny or all nrvice contract. witb tb. • ubscriber without terrninatinl ,ucb ,e"ice COntract., until III sums due han beeD paid and an 'Tioluions have cealed or been remedied; or may terminate Iny or III service contncu with tbe .ub.criber either without or (ollowinK .u.pension of .ervice. Such IctioD by the Complny ah,ll not affect the aubscriber'a liability for the payment of an cb,r,es o"iDI to tbe Company. INITIAL CONTRACT PERIODS GENERAL The i nitial c.ontract period for all ""icII a.4 facilitie. furnished by the Company .ball .,. one month, nccpt a. auted hereinafter and a. ma, be speci£cal1y provided in other .ection. of u.. tariff. PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SYSTEMS The initial cootract peri04 for mUlual cord I.... dial cordleu and manual cord non-multiple ltraltoch nchanle "neou, u:c1udia. trunk. aad nations • • hall be one ,eu. Tb. initial contract period for man ..II cord multiple and dial cord Don-Dn.hipl. aDd multi pi. pri.a" branch tIchan,. IJ'ltftll. other cha. I.otel 'y"em'. uclud inl truAk. aAd Itations. .Iull .. from three to £n yun at the d'scutioD. of the Company. WheD. additional switchboard position, are installed in (onnectioD with multiple private braDch exchaDles, or wheD additioul equipment . such as switcbes, .witch frama or power apparatUJ. which entail IUle inttallatioD co.u, an installed iD cODnectioD with dial pri. .ate branch exchanles, .uch additional eqa.ipmCllt is installed .ubject to an initial CODtnCt perioci of from three to £ve ytln. The initial contract period for hotel brancb excblnles .ban be determined by th. Company in e2ch case. hninl relnd to the equipment pro'Tided. SPECIAL NON-STANDARD EQUIPMENT An initial contract period of 10nJ(er than ODe month may be required when s~cial nODatandard equipment and .pecial aSKmbliu of equipment are furni.hed or when equipment i. .pecially in.tall ed for a subscriber. DIRECTORY LISTINGS AND JOINT USER SERVICE The initial contract period for directory tilt· inga and joint uler service, where tbe liltin. actually appears in tbe directory • • ball be tb. directory period. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF EQUIPMENT Equipmcnt and wirio& on the .ubscri.ber'. premise., furni.bed by the Company, aha.11 rema in the property of the Company. The a&tnu and employees of the Company .h.1I ha'Te the right to ente.r the .ubscriber'. premisea at anJ reasonable hou r for the purpose of inltatlinl, inspecting, repairinl or rcmovinc .ucb equipment and wiring, or for the purpose of makin& collections from coin-boxe.. Such equipment .batl not be used for periorminl any part of the work. of transmininl, deliverinl or collectia. any telephone messa,e where aoy toll or con.ideratioD has been or is to be paid to altoy party other than the Company. without the writtea conse.nt of the Company. USE OF SUBSCRIBER SERVICE Subscriber telephone senice, aa diltinpi.hcct from public, .emi-public and hotel telepho.. unice, .ball be furniahed only for CODUDwUCItion. .. follow. ~ In the case of bUline.. "",ice, by the .ub. scri ber, tbe alenu aod repreMQUun. of tbe .ubscriber and permancnt IUtlll or teAaaU residin, in a club or lodlinl houH. In the Clle of residence .enice, by tll. sub.criber and members of hi. domestic nublishment. Tbe use of the aer'Tict may. with tll. ColD· pany'. permission, be t:ltended to joint UMl" and to perlOn. temporarily •• bleuioK cbe .ub.criber's res~dential premise•• At location. where. iD accordaace with: elM Company', definition. of buaine.. aad raid... ce .ervice, .. rates .hould apply but tt.ideac. rate. are bein& charled, tbe CompaAY ma, thenceforth charle the busine.. rne applicabl. without the uecutioD of a new application, upoa Dotice ,inn t o the aublcriber to thac .IKt. The CompaDJ may refwe to furniab .ub"r'''senice on premi.n of a public or 1ICID.i-P'lblic character wbeA the telephone i. or would be located 10 that the public miabt .... Il. we of cb. .enice. The UM of the Compan,'. '"'Tic. for all.Doyi. . . other pcnoaJ or impenonatin& any iadi 5 GENERAL REGULATIONS-IConl'd) aDd tbe liS' of oB'cosin language wbile UJiDI or cOD:n:niol onr the Company', facilitics .hall Dot be permitted. The Company may terminate the lCu'ice of any subscriber who commin any breach of this teguluion or who permlu ,DT person to use the telephoac or sen'ice furni.hed • uth nlbscribcr contrary to this regulation. TERMINATION OF SERVICE USE OF PARTY-LINE SERVICE Service mav be terminated prior to the npira· tion of the i"nitial contract period upon ten days' notice in writing being given to the CompaDY, and upon payment of tbe termination char,e• Itated below in addition to all charle. due for service which has been furnished. The Company may limit CODVetUlion. on party line. to 6ve minutes wben longer (oonflation. iDterlere with the use of the seniee by other ]n the cue of .ervice for which the initi.1 contract per iod is one month, the chara-e. dUI for the balance of tbe month shall be paid. "sbscribers on tbe lame linc. It i. • condition of party-line .en'ice tbat the lubscriber .hall nOt keep tbe receinr remond from tbe instrument when another .ub.criber to the uid partT-line un'ice i. using tbe .. mc. When the use of the seniee by any puty-lin. .ubscciber i. sufficieotly ereu to prennt a fair and proportionate use by other .ub.cribers on the line. or where a sub.criber commil:t a .jola· t ion of the cODdition abon mentioned. tbe Com· p.ny m.y require the .ubscriber to conuact for • nother grade of scnice or terminate the acnic. of .uch .ub.criber. NON-APPROVED DEVICES The .ubscriber .b.1I not ule or permit to b. used aoy electrical or mechanical app.,atu. or device in connection with the equipment or facilitie. furnished by the Company without the written consent of tbe Company. or permit the attachment of .dnrtisinl devices thereto. If aDY . pparatus or dnices of any kind other thaD thon furnished or approved by the Company Ire atuched to or connected with any part of tbe Company's property. the Comp.ny m.y remo•• .uch apparatus or device. or terminate the .en'ice. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES OWNERSHIP AND USE The Company shall be under no obliltation to iuue directorie., but if the Company does issue to iu subscribert telephone directories con· uinin, the linin,. of subscribera within I tpecified area, such directories shall remain tile property of the Compaoy and. if requeued, .baH be .urrendered to the Company upon termination of .ervice or upon issuance of new directories iD I. ,ood condition u when received, reasonable wear and tear ucepted . Directorie. furni.hed by the Company arc not to be defaced in any wly and no labels or namps are to be affiud thereto, Dor any changes made therein not .uthorized by the Company. No binder. bolder or auxiliary conr, ncept u may be .upplied by the Company, is to be used in connection with Iny dir. ector,. furni.hed by the Company. The contenu of telephone directories .h.1l not be published or reproduced in any form whit· .oner, without the consent of the Company_ In the clle of any breach of the,e condition., the Company may resume pouession of the dir4 " ector,.. DISTRIBUTION Directories .hall be furni.hed to lub.criber. without charge in ,uch numbers .. the Company may consider necessary for thc eticient UN of the service. The Company may make a char,. for directories furni.hed to .ub.cribeu in nce.. of rcaJonable requirementl or in replacemeat 01 directories lolt, denroyed or mutilated by .ub. .crihen. In cases of paid directory lining. .nd joint user service. where the linin, ha. .ppeared ia. the directory, the charges due to the end of thl directory period shall be paid, except that undcr the following conditions the termination chars.. shall be tbe charges due to the time notice of cancellation is received by the Company, subject to a mInimum charge equal to the charge for one month: When tbe contract for the main .ervicI h terminated . When the liated party or joint user becomet • .ubscriber to exchangc .ervice. Wben the listed party 0: joint user mons to another 10cHlon, and becomu , lincd party or joint u"u at that location. ]n the case of private branch exchana-c .enice for which the initial contract period for ,enic. i. one year or more, the termination chlt"c ,b.1I be the charges due for the balance of the contract period. In the cue of .pecial equipment and facilitica for which the initial Contract period for uniee is in excelS of one month. the termination charle .hall be the charges due for the balance of the contract period . Service m.y be terminated prior to the expir •• tion of the initial contract period on payment of all charges due for service which hat been furni.h· e:d, under the following conditions : In the: cue of condemnation. dcatruction Of dam.,. of property by 6re or othcr causa .,.... yund the control of the .ubscriber, neceniutiDI abandonment of the effecti.... from the date that the Company .hall be .d ... iacd therrof. In the cue of death of the .ubscriber. deatla of a lined party in connection with the cbarge. for the related paid directory Iininl, or death of a joint user in connection with .ervice and f:acilitie. furnished for the joint only, effective from the date the Company shall be advised thereof. In the cue of .ervice. for which the initi.1 contract period is one month, where .. the .ub. ,criber·. service i, .uperseded by another .ervice on the same or different premises, effecti .... from the date of the terminatioa of the old .ervice, except that termination chultes ,han apply to .ervice and facilitie. not retained. When there is a transfer of .ervice by which facilities of the d iscoDtinuing subscriber .,. contracted for by a new subscriber at the .ame location. effective from the date of terminuioD of the original .ervice, e:lcept that termination . chargas shall apply to service and facilitiea a.ot tf:uined by the new .ubscriber. Service may be terminated by either p.n, .n. tfUt the expiration of the initial contract period upon receipt of ten day.' notice iD writiDI upon payment of all chare" due for ..nice furni.hed. 6 GENERAL REGULATIONS-(Cont'd) OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS Thc company doe. not obligate itlelf to tUD'· mil mcnagcs but offerJ the use of iu facititi. for communication between patties .ithiD aa exchange area or between e x chan~e area., eacb of whom i. present at a telephone, or from .ucb panics to the toll .witchboard or nvitchboard •. The Company will ass ume no cclpon,ibility, in the evcnt of messages being tun.mited by iu employees orally, by telcphone or by messensetl. The Company does not guarantee uninterrupted working of iu lioes and equipment and .h.&11 Dot be liable for any lOll or damaK"e that ma., occur in the event that .enice is interrupted by any cau se whatsoeve r. DIRECTORY LISTINGS In any d irecto ry which tbe Company m.y iuuc it shall only be required to list I .ub.criber's telephone under the ,ubscriber '. own Dame; and if, at the request of a .ubscriber, it iDscrts any additional Dame or advertisement in iu d irectories or el sewhere, the Company .hall have thc right 1.t any dme, and from time tl) time, to altcr such additional nlme or advertisement to the of tbe subscriber. not_jtb· .unding an ything cODtaincd in any contract wir"h tbe Company. The Company shall not be li able for dama,es atisin, from erron in or omis.sioD' of free directory lininl'; and in tbe clle of paid directory liniEl,' iu liability .hall be limited to makin, a rdund or cancellation of tbe char,es computed at tbe monthly rate charled ~ r eacb lucb linin, for the period duciDI whicb dle error or oOlinion continues. No liability . hall attach to the Com pany by ruson of the continuation of tbe ,ub.criber', directory lininl' after the term ination of tbe subscribcc', contract. In accepting listing. the Company .hall Dot be respon.ible for the relulu of tbeir public.tioD in iu di rectories. not . hall it be a party to controvcnie" arising between .ublcethers or others as • result of listings published in iu directories. DEFACEMENT OF PREMISES lA, The Company .hall not be liable for defacement or dam:lge to the lubscriMr'. premiJel resultin~ from the existence of the CompaD,', equipment and wiring on luch premises or by the insullation. maintenance. or thereof. 10 cues where the subscriber is Dot the owner of such premlsu. the subscriber .hall indemnify and Jave the Company harmless from all lucb liability. USE OF OTHER COMPANIES' LINES Whcn tbe facilities of other telcpbooe companies are used in establisbin, connection. to points nOt reached by the Company'. lines. tbe Company . hall nOt be liable for any act or omission of anT other Company. TO CALL ANOTHER PARTY ON YOUR LINE If you are on a party line you ~an recognize the telephone number of the other party on your line by the fact that it commences with the same three figures as your own . For example, if your number is " 3456", the number of the other party on your line will commence with " 345 " . Ta call a party an your own line do not dial the directory number, but instead dial "9", followed by the last figure of your number, and the last figure of the number you wish to call. Then hang up your receiver, and the bell an your telephone as well as the bell on the telephone of the party you are calling will ring intermittently until your call is answered. When your bell stops ringing, it indicates that the party called has answered . Remove the receiver and proceed with your conversation. For example, if your number is "4366 " and you want to talk to "4367", dial " 9 ", then the last figure of your number-" 6" and the last figure of the number you want to call-''7''. If your bell does not slop ringing after a reasonable period, it indicates that there is no one to answer at the called telephone. Remove your receiver for a few seconds and then replace it. This will stop your bell from ringing and disconnect you from the called telephone. 7 A Solution to Your Communication Problem The special services department of Yukon Telephone Company Ltd. will install extensions, PBX switchboards, loud ringing gongs, private communications systems. Yukon Telephone Company Ltd. also offers a new service. As exclusive distributors for Spilsbury & Tindall Radio Telephone equipment, fixed and mobile stations, a system is available to suit your problem. Ask for a survey without obligation. YUKON TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD. "Pioneers 01 Communication in the North" 8 WHITEHORSE, Yukon Territory TELEPHONE DIRECTORY "@> ~ -.. ~ Co L .... For numbers not listed in this directory _______________ Dial 2112 To report telephone out of order ____________________________ Dial 2113 Telephone Office _______________________________________________ Dial 2111 To call Telephone Company's business office __________ Dial 3911 Telephone engineer's residence ________________________________ Dial 2115 For emergency night calls only _________________________________ Dial 2110 Telephone Lineman residence ___________________________________ Dial 3916 To place long distance calls ___________________________________ Dial 0 EMERGENCY CALLS FIRE ALARMS OR INHALATOR ________________________ Dial 2001 FIRE DEPARTMENT (NOT EMERGENCY) __________ Dial 2792 POLICE _____________________________________________________________ Dial 4151 HOSPITAL ______________________________________________________________ Dial 2231 TELEPHONE (EMERGENCY) __________________________________ Dial 2110 Royal Canadian Air Force _________________ Dial 2421, 2921, 4941 Northwest Communication System ______ Dial 0 The above list has been prepared from the best Information obtalnable_ The Company, however, does not assume responsibility for omissions, or for errors or subsequent changes In these numbers. 9 INN CABS-Dial-3333 TERRITORIAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. - INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIERS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS - AUTOLITE BATTERIES ca.a.W'%.BB ~C~OBS - Jarvis & Second .O~OB ~BUCKB DUNLOP TIRES BBA&l:lfGB - BB:rBIGBa.a.~OBS Whiteborse, Y.T. Pbone 3191 A Adams, A. C. L. _______________________________ 3rd & Hanson ________________________ Allaby, P. _____________________________________ Moccasin Flats ____________________________ Alexander, Chris __________________ 201 Elliott St. __________________________ Amor, J. B. ________________________ 408 Hawkins St. _______________________ Anderson, Rev. R. K. _____________________ 209 Strickland _______________________ Anderson, R. Ted __________________.North of Shipyards _________ .________ Andison, J. G. ______________407 Black St. ___________________________ Andre, A. _________ 509 Hanson ________________________________ ARENS' MENSWEAR _________ 210 Main St. ___________________________ Arens, J. E. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 608 Black St. _____________________________ Armstrong, H. G. _____________ A06 Wood st. ________________________________ Armstrong, James _________ .. _____________611 Jarvis St. ___________________________ ARMSTRONG FLOOR COVERINGS ___________________________ (See Dee's Upholstery Service) Ashe, C. --___________________________ Wise Apts., Whiskey Flats ________ ATLANTIC CAFE (S. & A.L _______ 2nd & Jarvis _____________________________ Aylwin, Geo. _____________________________ 1102 5th Ave. ______________________________ B BAHA'I Group of Whitehorse ____________________________________________________________ Bailey, Ralph ____________________505 Alexander St. ____________________ Balmforth, G. J. ___ ._________________A06A Ogilvie St. ______________________ BANK OF MONTREAL ________________ Main St. ________________________________________ Manager's Office __________________________________________________________________________ Barnett, Nick ________________________________ 612 Ogilvie St. ____________________________ Baron, S. G. ___________________________________ 407 Hanson St. ___________________________ Barrett, L. G. ________ . ________________________ .506 Strickland St. _____________________ Bath, Len _________________________________Whiskey Flats ___________________________ Beatty, Harry _______________________________ 203 Roge'rs St. ____________________________ Becker, F. ____________________________________ 601 Alexander _____________________________ Bergstrom, Peter ---- _____________________ 210 Lambert St. ____________________ BETHANY TABERNACLE __________ Ath & Black (See Churches in Yellow pages) Bidlake, G. R. ____________ .604 Wood St. ________________________________ Bjorkman, Mrs. R. E. ________ --.201 Rogers St. __________________________ Black, George ----________________ lst & Jarvis ______________________________ Blackmer, J. A. ---_________________________407 Hawkins St. ________________________ 4391 3004 3096 3827 3582 3000 4271 3828 3712 4111 2591 3350 2646 3817 4521 3987 3000 4236 3837 3366 3362 3116 4411 2807 4686 3150 2806 3893 2287 4006 3131 3890 The steady hum of the dial tone means the equipment is ready to handle your call. Please wait for it, then begin dialing. 10 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Blaker, F. ____________________________508 Jarvis _________________________ 4828 Boles, A. L. _____________________________404 Strickland St. ________________ 2647 Borland, Andrew ___________________________ Shipyard area __________________________ 3001 Bosma, N. _______________________________ 602 Ogilvie __________________________________ 2828 Boutilier, B. _________________________________ 610 Alexander __________________________ 2802 Bouvier, Irene _________________________4th & Strickland _____________________ 3464 Bowers, W. - __________________________ 603 Ogilvie St. ________________________ 3031 Bowman, J. _______________________________________ 403A Black St. _______________________ 3797 Boyd, H. E. ______________________________________ 3rd & Steele ________________________________ 4541 Boyle, H. D. ____________________305 Wood St. ______________________________ 2302 BPO Elks Lodge ______________________________ 203 Main St. ________________________________ 3212 BRAD EN & PORTER ____________________ Roberta Block, Main _______________ 3391 Brame, A. L. ________________________________ Nth. of Strickland, Btn. 1st & 2nd 3576 BRAMMER, K., CHIMNEY SERVICE ________ ._______ 210 Hawkins ______________________________ 3531 Brikon Explorations Ltd. _____________ lst Ave., Old Shipyard Mess ____ 3091 BRITISH YUKON NAVIGATION CO. (See White Pass and Yukon Route) BRITISH YUKON RAILWAY _____ (See White Pass & Yukon Route) Brooks, Earl G. ________________ .. _ _ 607 Jarvis St. ______________________________ 2431 Brooks, Earl, Garage _____________________607 Jaxvis St ____________________________ 2432 Brown, Allan -.------_______________________ Ath & Steele St. ___ . ______________________ 3202 Brown, F. --------------________________-.203A Hawkins St. ______________________ 3151 Brown, Matt. -----------_______________________601 Strickland ________________________ 2741 Bruce, A. -----------------______________________ 610 Cook ______________________________________ 3082 Brydon, Karl --------__________________________1)10 Jarvis ________________________________ 3627 Buckway, F. R. ------______ ._________________ 602 Black ____________________________________ 3832 Budd, Gail ----------------_____ _______________ 302 Wood _____________________________________ 3011 Burke, Mrs. A. L. ____________________________ 508 Strickland _________________________ 3182 BURNIE'S APPAREL _______________ .Main St. ____________ ._. ____________ .. ___________ 3147 Residence ________ -------____________ . _______ 410 Jarvis ____________________________________ 3146 BURNS & CO. LIMITED ____________ 106-108 Main __________________________ 2311 Manager's Res. _ __________ _Main St. ________________________________________ 4611 c Cameron, G. R. _________________________ .208 Elliott ____________________________________ Campbell, Robert __________________________504 Wood ______________________________________ CAMPBELL'S LIMITED ______________ Cor. 4th & Alexander ________________ CANADA PACKERS _________________ .__ Cor. 2nd & Black _____________________ CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ___________________________ .202 Main ______________________________________ Staff House - Ladies _________________________________________________________________ Gents _____ .______________________________________________________________________ Canadian Immigration __________________ Federal Bldg. ______________________________ CANADIAN LEGION ____________________ Strickland _______________ .______________________ Canadian National Telegraphs _____ Federal Building _______________________ CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES Domestic, South Pacific, South American and Orient Reservations and Information ___ l07 Main _________________________________ 2203 2632 2631 2551 2091 3019 4751 2531 3431 4933 2211 11 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Express & Cargo _________________________ .107 Main __________________________________ 2213 Maintenance stores __________________ Airport ____________________________ ____________ 2322 Staff House ______________________ 4th Ave ______________________________________ 2326 Canus Services Ltd. ____________________Main ___________________________________________ 2782 CAPITAL DRY CLEANERS _________ 206 Jarvis ___________________________________ 2644 CAPITAL HOTEL ________________________ 103 Main _______________________________________ 3406 Owner _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3409 CAPITOL THEATRE ___________________ 303 Main ____________________________________ 2021 Carlyle, S. __________________________________ Bth & Jarvis _______________________________ 2396 Carter, L. H. _________________________________605 Strickland ____________________________ 4116 CASSIAR ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED _______ Jarvis & 2nd ________________________________ 3381 (See listing under United Keno Hill Mines Ltd.) CATHOLIC RECTORY ______________________________________________________________________ 3311 Sacred Heart CathedraL __________ 406 Steele St. Most Reverend Bishop J. L. Coudert, O.M.I., D.D. Reverend Father J. Lynch, O.M.I., Rector Reverend Father A. Monnet, O.M.I., D.C.L. Reverend Father F_ Triggs, O.M.I. Cemp, J __________________ ----.211A Lambert (Rear) ____________ 3842 Chadwick, J. ________________________________ ..201A Hawkins ______________________________ 4681 Challand, Mrs. R. __________ ---1>04 Jarvis ____________________________________ 3422 Chapman, V_ A. ___________________________402 Hawkins _______________________________ 2936 CHECKAR TAXI __________________________ Main St ____________________________ 3456, 3999 Chiasson, J. W. ___________________________ .303 Hawkins _______________________________ 4141 Choquette, E. J ___________________---507 Alexander ______________________________ 3901 Choquette, P _______________________________205 Jarvis ~__________________________________ 4341 CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL (ANGLICAN) ______________________________3rd & Elliott ____________________________ 3591 Rt. Rev. T. Greenwood, Bishop of Yukon ___________________________________ 2262 Rev. John T. Hesketh, Rector _______________________________________________________ 3591 Capt. John Thornton, C.A. _________ 410 Hawkins ________________________________ 3012 St. Agnes Hostel ___________________ 4th & Lambert ___________________________ 2261 City Clerk's Office __________________________ N.C. Bldg., 1st Ave. ___________________ 3041 City of Whitehorse-Works Dept . .503 Steele ___________________________________ 3042 Civic Centre ________________________________4th Ave. _____________________________________ 4431 Clarke, A. H. _______________________________Above Yukon Motors ________________ 2103 CI8'rke, G_ E ____________________________________Top of Wood _____________________________ 3355 Clark, W. A_ C. ______________________________ .307 Lambert ______________________________ 3493 Clement, J. J. _________________________________4th Ave. ______________________________________ 4691 Collett, F. E ________________________________609 Wheeler ________________________________ 3624 Collins, P. _______________________________________Bldg. A.6, Apt. 1 _________________________ 2358 TERRITORIAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. - INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIERS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS - AUTOLITE BATTERIES .0'l'O. ~VCK8 DUNLOP TIRES CBoAWLB. or.A.CTO.8 - BB.&JUlfGB - .Br~GBB.A'l'OU Jarvis & Second Whitehorse, Y.T. Phone 3191 12 INN CABS· Dial. 3333 CONWEST EXPLORATION COMPANY LIMITED __________ Main St. _______________________ Cousins, Robert B., Res. ______________ A09 Ogilvie __ _____ OFFICE ___________________________________ Rear 409 Ogilvie ____________ Craig, Robert K. ____________504 Hawkins _________ Craig, T. R. _____________________ 405 Steele _____________________ 4191 3806 380'7 4336 35'71 CREDIT BUREAU OF WHITEHORSE __________________ Ath & Main __________________________ 3161 Crow, G. _____________________ -406 Strickland _______________________ 4096 CUMMINS DIESEL SALES LTD. OF B.C. ______________ 703B Main ____________________________ Cunningham, D. M. 304 Hawkins _______________ Customs and Excise ____ Federal Bldg. ________________ Customs & Excise Office ____ ~deral Bldg. _____________ Cyr, L. A. 6th Ave. & Steele ________ Cyr, P. ___ 503 Strickland m ______ m ______ 4361 3686 2011 2012 2501 3552 D Dahlgren, Emil __ 210 Low'£! DAVE'S WINDOW CLEANING & FLOOR POLISHING SERVICE 507 Jarvis St. __________________________ Davis, D. _______________406 Hawkins ____________________ Daws, A. E. ___________________ 7th & Elliott _______________________ Day, E. H. _____ .______________ lst Ave. Btn. Main & Elliott ___ DEE'S UPHOLSTERY SERVICE _Main St. ___________________ D-ennison, L. H. _________ --.305 Main _____________________________________ Dentists (See Whitehorse Medical & Dental Bldg.) Dickson, C. E. 703 Wheeler __________________________ Dickson, G. F. _ 1601 6th Ave. ___________________________ Docherty, M. ------__________________ --.505 Main ____________ . _____________________ Dominion Government--See Government of Canada Drebit, E. W. __________ .. --.207 Elliott _________________________ Drury, W. L. ________________ ---2nd & Hanson __ .___________________ Drury, W. S. ---____________ ._402 Main _________________________ ._______ Dubois, P. F. Dr. _____________________ 407 Main _____________ .________________________ Dunnett, Mrs. S. ______-----207 Strickland ____________________ Dupuis, W. G. ____ 703 Jarvis ___________________________ _ m ______ m m ___ m "BE SURE - INSURE" - ________ m ___ with T. A. FIRTH & SON GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 3171 - REAL ESTATE COVERING All BRANCHES (Formerly Wise Agencies Ltd., 208 A Main SI. P.O. BOI( 370 Whllehone, Y.T. 3159 4321 258'7 3'7'72 3825 2646 2961 3620 3'721 2'722 3489 2081 25'71 22'71 3586 3352 13 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 TERRITORIAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIERS _ INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS AUTO LITE BATTERIES .O!rOB !rBlJCKB DUNLOP TIRES CB&Wr.BB !rB.&C!rOBB - BB.AlUBGB - BBE'BJ:GBBA!rOBS Juvis & Second Wbitehorse, Y.T. Phone 3191 E EATON, T. CO., CANADA LTD. _The Meikle Bldg., 405 Main ______ 4481 Ellik, E. _________________________________ 410 Cook _______________________ 3034 EXTING U1SBER SALES AND SERVICE ______________________ .3rd & Main ________________________ 2162 F Faulkner, Miss V. ___________________________ Pan American No. 4 ________ FEDERAL GROCERY ________________4th & Steele _______________________ Finlayson, D. E. ________________ 412 Hawkins ________________ FmE ______________________________________________________------Fire Dept. (Business Calls) ___________ Steele st. _______________________ FIRTH, T. A. & SON (formerly Wise Agencies) ______208A Main ___________________ Firth, Howard W., Res. ______ 208A Main ___________________ Fisher, C. E. ___________.509 Main ____________________ Forrest, P. W., Sample Room, Tourist Services, 4th Ave. _____________ Forrest, Thomas 304 Strickland _________________ Fraser, A. C. _________________ 301 Hawkins _________________ Fraser, D. W. _____________1502 6th Ave. ______________ FrizeU, G. _______________________ Can. Bank of Comm. Bldg. ___ Fromme, H. C. ______________ .302 Strickland _____________ Furber, Mrs. H. 708 Strickland _______________________ G Gaensbauer, R. D. ________________ ._________ 502 Cook ____________________________ GARVlCE, KEN, Res. 609 Black ____________ Warehouse 2nd & Black ______________ Gawne, A. D. _______________- . 5 0 4 Steele ____________ Geddes, W. D. _______________________ .611 Jarvis ______________________________ GENERAL ENTERPRISES LTD . .4th Ave. ____________ 3081, Gentleman, J. _____________ 7th & Strickland _ _ _ _ _ _ Gentleman, Murray ______________ 110 Jarvis ____________ Giauque, O. E. ________________________ .Campbell Apts., 4th Ave. ____ Gibben, Judge J. E. Office _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~Federal Building ________ ._ _ _ _ _....:l510 Wood __________________ Res. ___ _ 2351 3202 3636 2001 2792 3171 3171 3976 2461 2552 3891 3836 4631 3084 3460 3831 3250 3256 3030 3353 3082 2876 3583 3748 4844 2561 14 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Gibson, A. H. __ Pan Am. Bldg. No_ 5 _______ 3371 Goode, F. _______ 408 Hanson ___________ 3823 Goodwin, William 105 Elliott ___________ 2601 Gordon, W. D. ______ 103 Elliott ____________ 2602 Gorham, W. H. ___________ 501 Ogilvie ______ 3900 GORHAM & NEVEROSKI _ _ _501 Ogilvie _______________ 3900 Gosselin, P. R. ______________ --.2nd & Lowe _____________________________ 3482 GOVERNMENT OF CANADA (Federal Building): Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration: Canadian Immigration _________________________________________________________________ 2531 Officer in Charge-res. _______________________________________________ NW.1938-R2 Indian Affairs Branch ____________________________________________________________ 4161 Indian Agent & Superintendent ________________________________________________ 4162 h _______ h _ _ _ Dept. of Justice: Mr. Justice J. E. Gibben-Office _______________________________________________ 4844 -res. ____________________________________________ 2561 Magistrate A. H. Gibson, Q.C.-Office ______________________________________ 4888 -res. __________________________________________ 3371 Clerk of the Court (R. J. Friend)-Office _________________________________ 4877 -res. ____________________ NW.1968-Rl Deputy Clerk of the Court (Miss E. G. Thompson)-Office ______ 4877 -res. _______ 3880 Sheriff Yukon Territory (R. J. Friend)-Office _____________________ 4877 -res. _____________ NW.1968-Rl Deputy Sheriff Yukon Territory (C. W. Mosier)-Office ______ 4877 Court Reporte'r (Miss W. E. Clark)-Office _______________________ 4988 Barristers' Robing Room ______________________________________________________ 4855 Yukon Law Library _____________________________________________________________________ 4988 Dept. of Labour National Employment Service ____________________________________________________ Dept of Mines and Technical Surveys Geological Survey of Canada, Res. Geologist-R. Campbell ___ Dept. of National Health & Welfare Indian Health Nurse ___________________________________________________________________ Dept. of National Revenue Customs & Excise Division _______________________________________________________ Collector of Customs ______________________________________________________ -------Income Tax Division ______________________________________________________________ 4491 4911 2721 2011 4800 4451 Dept of Northern Affairs and National Resources Agent of Territorial Lands & Timber (W. M. Emery) _____ 2361 Commissioner, W. G. Brown __________________________________________ 2991 Deputy Registrar of Land Titles _____________________________________ 4922 Emery, W. M.-res. ______________________________________________________________ NW.234 Forestry Engineer __________________________________________________________________ 2981 Fire W ardens __________________________________________________________________________ NW.119F Mining Inspector (M. E. Alstrom) ____________________________________ 2361 Mining Recorder (W. M. Emery) __________________________________________ 2361 Pipeline Commissioner (A. C. L. Adams) ________________________ 4511 Resident Engineer (L. G. McQuarrie) _______________________________________ Z981 15 INN CABS-Dial-3333 Geologist (See Dept. of Mines & Technical Survey) Water Resources Division (R. J. White) __________ .________________ ._____ Dept. of Transport Meteorological Division ___ .________________________________________________ --___________ (For other D.O.T. numbers see NW Section) General Post Office Post Office (J. Wood-Postmaste'r) _________________________________________ R.C.M.P.-see separate listing. See also Territorial Government. Yukon Territorial Government-See listing under Territorial Govt. Offices. Graff, Mrs. K. _______________________________ 204 Lambert ________________________________ Graham, J. F. __________________________ 210 Elliott ____________________________________ Graham, Roy, ___________________________________ 207B Steele _________________________________ Grant, M. C. ___________________________________207 Hanson _______________________________ Grasser, J. E. __________________________________ 207 Hawkins _____________________________ Greenwood, Bishop T. __________________ 3l"d & Lambert ____________________________ Greer, I. L. _____________________807 Black _____________________________________ GRILL CAFE ___________________White Pass Hotel Block, Main st. Gritzuk, N. __________________________________ 503 Hawkins _______________________________ Gunton, Dr. G. A. C. ________________________ 3rd Ave. & Elliott ______________________ H Hall, A. _________________________________________ 606 Black ___________________________________ Hamilton, Howard __________________________ 602 Wheeletr ________________________________ Hamilton, Wm. G. __________________________606 Wood __________________________________ Hamm, M. E. _______________________________ Pan. Am. Bldg. No. 3 ________________ Hammond, F. G. ____________________Whiskey Flats ___________________________ BANCOCK, WM. A. ___________________ 1301 5th Ave. ______________________________ Hankins, C. E. _______________________108 Strickland ______________________________ BANNA, JAS. A., L.S.C.O., OPTOMETRIST __________________________ 3rd Ave. & Elliott ___________________ Residence ___________________________________ 304 Steele __________________________________ Hansen, G. _______________________________________ 5th Ave. & Strickland ________________ Harbottle, F. E. _______________________________ 308 Elliott _________________________________ Hardie, C. W. ______________________________ 603 Stl"ickland _________________________ Harris, G. S., Dr. _________________________ .211 Lambert ______________________________ Harris, W. L. ___________________________________609 Jarvis ____________________________________ Hayden, E. ____________________________________808 Black ___________________________________ Healy, E. J. ____________________________________ 410 Ogilvie ________________________________ Healy, G. ___________________________________ .202 Ogilvie ________________________________ TERRITORIAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. - INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIERS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS - AUTOLITE BATTERIES .Oft. '.raVOJl:B DUNLOP TIRES C....WLB. TB.&.C'l'O" - BBAAmGB - .BPB.lGB....'I'O. . Jarvis & Second Whitehorse, Y.T. Phone 3191 4955 2241 2401 3897 3471 3436 3481 3656 2267 3629 3886 3951 2471 2742 3701 3760 3495 3812 4791 4281 3021 3022 3982 2846 2371 4891 3354 2803 3767 3838 16 INN CABS - Dial - 3333 Hendricks, Fred ____________________ ~1O Hawkins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2357 Hendrickson, C. _________________ 7th Ave. & WoOd _______ 3755 Hesketh, John T. Rev. _________ -3rd & Elliott ____ 3591 Hewitt, P. ______________________1304 2nd Ave. _____________ 4226 Hiebert, H. ___________ _ _504 Cook ______________ 3226 Hine, H. _______________ 602 Wood ______________ 4386 Hoggan, Mrs. J. W. _______________.505 Jarvis _____________ 3768 HOLLYWOOD CAFE ______ lst Ave. ___________ 3231 Holomis, John __________________ 506 Strickland ___ 3457 Hood, W. C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------202 Hoge ____ 3541 Hotel '98 ___________ 2nd Ave. & Wood ____ 3241, 3242 HOUGEN'S LIMITED __________ Main St. _____________________ 4861, 2861 Children's Wear Dept. Photographic Dept. Radio Electric Dept. Sports Lodge Dept. Stationery & Office Equipment Hougen, B., res. ___________ --Main ______________________________ 2863 Hougen, M. B., res. _________ ~in ___________________________ 4863 Hovdebo, S. ______________________---206 Hawkins ______________________ 3651 HOWATT, J1M _______________________ .506 Hawkins ____________________ 4291 HUDSON BAY EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. ____ I06 Strickland ______________ 3781, 3782 McKenzie, H. A., res _________________ 308 Hawkins _____________________ 4651 McLeish, W., res. ______________704 Black ____________________ 3786 Hugo, John V. ________________________101 Jarvis ________________ 3476 Hulland, R. (Jack) ____________704 Wood ____________ 3351 HUMME INSURANCE LIMlTEILMain St., Next Inn Cafe _____ 4400 Humme, J. P. ___________________.307 Hoge __________________________ 3153 Hunter, Mrs. C. F. ____ 8th & Strickland ______________ 4761 I Indian Affairs Branch _______ -Federal Bldg. __________________ Agent and Superintendent ______________________ Health Services & Nurse ____________________________________ INDIAN BAPTIST MISSION SCHOOL ___________________4th & Hawkins ________ Roev. L_ S. Lee-President _____ 4th & Hawkins ____ INN CABS ___________________________ Main St. ___________ INTER-CITY EXPRESS 2nd & Elliott IRENE'S HAND LAUNDRY _~iver Flats ______________ Irvine, J. C. ________ 1st & Hawkins ___________________ J 4161 4162 2721 2731 2732 3333 21n 4422 3562 JACOBS, ED., MOTORS _ _ ----.209 Hawkins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2751 Jacobs, Ed., res. __________ 609 Strickland 1752 JACOBS SERVICE STATION _____ Cor. 4th & Strickland _____ 2753 17 TERRITORIAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. - INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIERS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS - AUTO LITE BATTERIES IIO'.rOB TBUCES DUNLOP TIRES CRAWLBB TBACTOBS - BBAlIDrGS - BBPaGBBATOBS Juvis & Second Whitehorse, Y.T. James, V. ______________________411 JAMIESON ELECTRIC _______.311 JAMIESON GROCERY _________-.-311 Jamieson, J. R., res. ___________________311 Jansen, T. C. ________________________ 509 Janzen, H. _______________________________ 7th J-ensen, H. C. ___________________________ 505 Johnson, Nels ____________________________ 210 Johnston, K. E. __________________________ .807 Johnston, T. _________________________________310 Jones, D. R. _______________________________606 Jordan, M. R. ___________________________ 305 Jorde, K. G. _______________________ 5th Jorde, M. ____________________________306 Jorgenson, G. _____________________707 Joseph, S. A. __________________________________601 Phone 3191 Alexander ________________ Alexand-er _______________ Alexander ______________________ Alexander _________________________ Strickland _____________________________ Ave. & Wheeler _____________ Black ________________________ Hoge _______________________________ Black __________________________________ Steele _____________________________ Alexander _______________________ Strickland _______________________ & Strickland ______________________ Strickland _____________________________ Jarvis ________________________________ Jarvis _______________________________ 2346 3441 3441 3441 342'7 3628 2611 3485 3623 344'7 3033 3'742 4346 3282 3'756 4621 Kasch, Mrs. C. ______________ ---510 Strickland ______________________________ KAY'S STUDIO ___________________________ Repath Bldg., 4th Ave. ______________ Ke-enan, J. _____________________________402 Ogilvie ________________________________ Keobke, D. A. _______________________________ 611 Cook ____________________________________ K-eobke, N. ___________________________________ 4th Ave. & Lowe __________________ Keobke, N. B. ______________________________ Sth Ave. & Wheeler _________________ Kerry, E. _______________________.50S Main ________________________________ Kincaid, A. _____________________________7th Ave. & Cook _________________ King, Jas. L. ________________________________ P.O. Box 1033 ____________________________ King, N. W. ______________________________ --410 Strickland ______________________ Knutson, P. J. ________________________ 512 Jarvis _____________________________________ KoUman, H. ___________________________ 4th & Black ________________________________ Krautschneider, Mrs. E. ________________ 2nd & Strickland _____________________ Kreuzpainter, Mrs. J. ___________________ Bldg. A.35, 5th Ave. ________________ Kulan, Alan _______________________705 Wheeler ______________________________ Kunze, Ron ________________________________109 Hawkins ________________________________ 4266 2341 3662 3'7'73 3546 2809 39'71 3'7'7'7 49'7'7 3420 332'7 2'701 3581 2'730 45'71 40'71 K L Lapushinsky, E. ____________________ 309 Strickland ___________________________ Landry, R. ------------------------___ 2nd Ave. ________________________________ LAURA'S BEAUTY SALON _______ 3rd & Main ____________________________ Law, H. K. S09 2nd Av-e. __________________________ Lee, Charles M. _ .. _____________Whiskey Flats ________ .______________ LEE, R. GORDON ___________________ 203 Main __________________________________ Light, Stephen _______________________________ -"07 Alexander ________________________ 3466 301'7 2'7'71 3846 3813 2691 34Z1 18 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Locke, Fred D. _________________ 6th Ave. & Black __________ LOG CABIN FUR SHOP _____-----.Main St. LOISELLE TRANSPORT LTD. --3rd & Black ___________ Lortie, A. L. _______________________ --.309 Hawkins _____________________ Lortie, E. ___________________________________407 Jarvis _______________ Lucier, P. ______________________________________ 5th Ave. & Ogilvie ______ LUNDE METALS LTD. _________________ Cor. 6th & Cook _____________ 37Z6 Z881 3641 389Z 437Z 3794 3801 MAC MacBride, W. D. _______________________ -------309 Lambert ___________________________ ZUZ McClimon, S. J. _______________________ ...307 Wood _______________ ZOZZ McCowan, Stan., office _____________4th Ave. & Main _______________ 316Z McCullough, Bob _______________________..:._5th Ave. & Black ___________________ un MacDonald, J. A. ________________ 1203 5th Ave. ______________ 3751 MacDONALD, DR. KAT _____________ Redpath Bldg., 4th Ave. _ _ _ 3Z06 McDougall, R. J. A. _______________________ 207 Wood _________________________ 3010 McIntyre, G. ___________________________602 Cook __________________________________ 3798 MacIsaac, Dan __________________________ .203 Lambert ___________________________ 3896 MacISAAC, JOHN A. CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. _______________ Dial "0" then ask for NW. Z06 MacIsaac, J., res. ______________---210 Steele __________________________ Z043 MacKechnie, S. W. ________________--.307 Alexander ____________________ 3Z85 MacKenzie, A. __________________________607 Strickland ____________________ 3771 McKenzie, H. _______________________ -308 Hawkins ___________________________ 4651 McKenzie, J. A. C. ___________________________ 303 Hanson -r------------------- 38ZZ McLeish, W. _________________________________704 Black ________________________________ 3786 McLeod, G. B. ____________________________402 Hanson ___________________________ 3490 McLeod, Mary ______________________________406 Alexander ____________________ 4091 McNeil, A. _____________________ ---1504 Ogilvie _____________________________ 4Z86 Macphail, D. R. _________________________ -River Flats _________________________________ 3156 MACPHERSON, C. S. Drug Store ____________________________ lst Ave. & Main _________________ 2901 Residence ___________________________3rd Ave. & Elliott ______________ 290Z McQuarrie, L. G. _________________ ~an. Am. Bldg., 6 Hanson ____ 4599 McTaggart, A. E. _______________________406 Hanson __________________________ 2811 Mac's Newstand ____________________________ Main __________________________________________ 3536 M Macken, V. G _________________________________609 Ogilvie __________________________ Madley, W. G. --__________________________ ....205 Hanson _________________________ MALKIN, W. H. CO. LTD. WHOLESALE GROCERS _________409 Ogilvie __________________________ Mann, D_ G. _____________________________________407 Steele ____________________________ MAR-BECK FLOWER & GIFT SHOP _________________________________________ 4th & Main ____________________________ Marshall, J., Mrs. ____________________________ Main St. __________________________________ Martin, F. --------________________________________706 Alexander __________________________ Marvin, D_ E. ________________________________ 408 Cook _________________________ 4366 3567 3807 4767 2046 3492 2618 3792 19 INN CABS-Dial-3333 MARWELL CONSTRUCTION 3rd & Black COMPANY LIMITED ___________________ Dial "0" then ask for NW. 051 ___________________________________________ NW.050F R. Warner, Resident Mgr. __________________________________ NW.050B Mary House _______________ 6th Ave & Cook _______________________ 3316 Matheson, D. M. ______________________ 7th Ave. & Ray _________________ 3118 Mazurkewich, M. G. _____________412 Cook ____________________________ 3280 Medical & Dental Bldg.-See Whitehorse Medical & Dental Bldg. Mennie, L. J. ________________________404 Hanson __________________________ 2672 Merrigan, W. F. ______________________________ 604 Cook _______________________________ 2801 Metcalfe, J. L. ________________________--..'303 Main ___________________________________ 2857 Miller, Carl __________________________________ 212 Wood ___________________________________ 3015 Miller, R. (Cal.) ____________________________ 609 Cook ____________________________________ 4471 Mitchell, D. _______________________605 Ogilvie _____________________________ 3036 Mones, A. ______________ 409 Alexander ___________________________ 3423 Mones, A. H., Sr. ______________________ 1303 2nd Ave. ______________________________ 3587 Moore, C. J. _____________________________ 8th & Alexander _____________________ 4326 MOORE'S ELECTRIC COMPANY LTD. _________________ 5th & Alexander ________________________ 3071 Morrison, T. 509 Wood __ 3752 Morrison, W. S. _____________710 Jarvis _______________________________ 4076 Moss, Ronald _____________________ 1409 7th Ave. _______________________ 3357 Mott, W. H. ------------_________ -206 Wood ___________________________________ 4221 Moulton, A. L. ---____________________608 Ogilvie _________________________________ 3356 Munro, N. __________________________ -409 Jarvis __________________________________ 3281 Murray, D. S. _________________ ..:. ________ ..505 Wood ___________________________________ 3757 Myles, Ted ____________________________________606 Cook ___________________________________ 2662 o o _ m m m m o o _ _ _ m o o_ _ _ _ _ N National Employment Service ______ .Federal Bldg. _______________________________ Needham, John _____________________________406 Jarvis ____________________________________ NELSON'S LIMITED Hardware __________________________________1st Ave. _______________________________________ Plumbing _________________________________ -1st Ave. _____________________________________ Tinsmith ______________________________________ 211A Elliott __________________________ Manager's Res. ____________________________ Steele ________________________________________ Neveroski, H. __________________________________409 Black _________________________________ Nevett, J. W. ____________________________________ 6th Ave. & Strickland _____________ Newton, Roy _________________________________ 1108 6th Ave. ______________________ Nielsen, Erik ______________________________408 Main ________________________________ '98 Hotel _____ 2nd & Wood __ 3241, '98 TAXI --------------------------________.2nd Ave. & Wood _____________________ Nishio, Dr. N., res. ----_____________________ 6th & Elliott ________________________________ Noel, G. A. ------------------____________________ Ath & Alexander _______________________ Norrington, J. _____________________________ 501 Main _____________________________________ NORmERN COMMERCIAL CO. LTD. GARAGE ----_____________________________ 3rd at Main Office ---________________________________________________________________________________________ Parts ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 00 ______ u OO _ _ u m _ _ _ _ _ _ 4491 3741 2971 2972 2973 2972 4276 3032 4626 3266 3242 4666 4216 4677 2583 3851 2481 20 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Shop __ .. _____________ _________ .. __ 2483 Manager's Res. __________________ 4541 CATERPILLAR DEPT. _______ 3rd at Main Parts _________ ______________________ 4Ul Service _______________________________ .. _____________________ 2U2 Manager's Res. ________________ ______________ 2416 STORE _____________________________ 1st at Main Office _______________________ 3691 Groceries __________________________________ .. __________ _ n n Hardware ________________________________________ _ n22 Dry Goods _____________________________________ _ n26 Manager's Roes. _____________________________________ .. __ 3696 NORTHERN COMMUNICATION SERVICES ________________________________ Ath & Alexander ___________________ 3441 NORTHLAND BEVERAGES LTD. ________________________________________ Ath & Black ________________________ 2702 NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM _______________________ -..Federal Building ______________ Dial "0" Telegraph Office ______________________ __________ 4933 Telephone Switchboard _____________ .See Page 30 _____________________ Dial "0" NORTHWESTERN EXPLORATION LIMITED _____4th & Alexander _____________________ 4677 o Oerlemans, P. _____________________ -304A Strickland ______________________ 2032 Oriold, Betty __________________________________Whiskey Flats _________________________ 3816 p Pacific Northwest Builders' Supply ________________________________________ . 214 Steel~ ___________________________________ PALM ER & FORBES AUTO BODY SHOP ___________________ .1st & Jarvis ___________________ Palmer, J. S. _________________________________ 109 Rogers ____________________________ PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS Reservations & Travel Information Arrival & Departure Information Clipper Cargo Information City Ticket & Sales Offire _________ Room 1, N.C. Bldg. _______________ Airport Traffic Office __ .. __________ Airport _______________________________ Operations Manager ------------_______ AiIllort _________________________________ Chief Mechanic _. __________________________ Airport _____________ .___________________________ Parent, J. M. _____________________________ 1601 4th Ave. ________________________ Parkin, James A. _____________________________ 605 Black ____________________________ Parnum, J. --_________________________________ 205A Jarvis __________________________ Parsons, H. ------------.. ______________________ 130 6th Ave. _______________________________ Paterson, J. -----------------__________________ .5th Ave. & Strickland _________ Pearson's Water Service _____________ .303 Hawkins ______________ Peel, J. -------------------------_________________ Bth Ave. & Alexander ________________ 4526 3616 3483 n91 n92 2192 n93 3747 2615 3013 303'9 2582 4141 3469 21 INN CABS - Dial - 3333 Perchi'e, Howard ___ 210 Wood ___________ Peterson, R. E. 602 Alexander Petiot, Laura _-211A 3rd Ave. _ __ PETITE SHOP, The 4th near Main Pettifor, G. E. ____________312 Alexander _ _ _ _ _ Pettipas, A. ___________________.101 Hawkins ________ Phelps, John L. ________________ 302 Elliott __________ Phelps, Mrs. W. ________---207 Main ___________ Phillips, G. N. __________ 60S Strickland ______________ Physicians & Surgeons-See Whi tehorse Medical & Dental Bldg. Pinchin, E. F. __ _Main ____ Poole, W. G. ___________401 2nd Ave. ____________ Porter, D. L. G. (Braden & Porter)512 Strickland _____________ Porter, J. ______ 1st Ave. & Elliott ________ Post Office ____________________ Federal Bldg. __________________ PRESBYTERIAN MANSE Rev. R. K. Anderson .209 Strickland _______________ Price, D. C. 612 Cook _________________ Prince, A. E. _______________ Sth Ave. betn. Black & Wheeler PROCTOR & HARPER CO. LTD.__210 Jarvis ______________ PROSPECTORS AIRWAYS COMPANY LIMITED ___________4th & Alexander ______________ PUBLIC PRINTING & STATIONERY OFFICE __________ First Ave. ______________________________________ 3288 3'716 4581 4'700 3'791 3845 3291 3296 3038 20'71 3488 4531 2821 2401 3582 3083 2800 2451 2051 4'781 Q Quebec Metallurgical Industrial Ltd. _________________________3rd Ave. & Hanson ______________ 2041 R Raven, W. T. _____________ 702 Strickland ____________________ R.C.A.F. Station _________ ______________________ 2421, 2921, Redrnond, J. W. _______________301 Wood ____________________ Regal Ladies Wear ____________ 4th & Main _______ REGINA HOTEL _____ Cor. 1st & Wood ________ Cocktail Bar ______________ Wood _____________________________________ REGINA HOTEL TAXI _____________________ RICHARD'S MOTORS _ 2nd at Main __________ Richardson, H. S. ________- 2 0 9 Hanson ______________ 402 Cook _____________ Rirnling, Rev. ________ Robertson, D. C. ________ 610 Wheeler TERRITORIAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. - INDUSTRIAL AND AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIERS INTERNATIONAL HARVEmR DEALERS - AUTOLITE BATTERIES .0'1'0. oraVOZB DUNLOP TIRES OB.AWLBa TIU.O'l'oaa - BB.&Smaa - :BlP'BIGBB.A'l'Oaa Jarvis & Second Whitehorse, Y.T. Phone 3191 nu 4941 3'766 2500 2831 2832 4'7'7'7 21'71 3861 3112 3866 22 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Roberts, J. ________ Rowan Apts. Jarvis _____ Rochon, Mrs. A. G. _____ 309 Jarvis __________________ Rogers, C. J., Jr. ____________________401 Steele _________________________ Rogers, John _____________________ 301 Alexander ___________________ Rogers, R. G. _________________________ 411 Black _____________________ Ross, Archibald, A. ____________ --1)01 Black _______________________ Rowan, R. J., res. __________________ 507 Wood _______________________ Office _________________________ lst Ave. N.C. Bldg. ______________ Rowden, K. A. ______________ ---Bldg. A-35, Apt. 1 5th Ave. ____ Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Town Detachment ________ Ath Ave. ____________________________________ Officer Commanding ___ -Federal Bldg. ___________________________ Gen. Sub Div. Office _ _ _--Federal Bldg. _________________ Guard Room and Night Calls ____Ath Ave. ________________________________ ROYAL CANADIAN CORPS OF SIGNALS ____________--.2nd & Wood __________________________ Russell & LePage __________________________ Steele St. ______________________ Russell, Ray _______________________________ 208 Jarvis ___________________________ Russell, Robt. A. _________________________ 204 Hawkins _______________________ RUST, DAVID (Watchmaker & Repairs) __________ lst & Elliott ______________ Ryder, G. N. __________________ .402 Wood __________________________ RYDER'S FUEL SERVICE __________ 1202 4th Ave. ________________________ Lloyd G. Ryder-Proprietor 3833 4201 36Z1 3284 2617 2616 2871 26Z1 2359 2221 3412 3411 4151 2251 4251 4250 3566 2036 2941 2942 s SAANlCB PLUMBING AND BEATING ____________ lst & Jarvis ______________________________ Knutson, P. J. ___________________.512 Jarvis ________________________________ Sawyer, Angus ______________________________404 Alexander _______________________ Schaeffer, R. A. _________ .____________________405 Black ____________________________ Schindel, H. ______________________________________ 5th Ave. & Jarvis ______________________ Schneider, Albert ________________________ 1407 4th Ave. ____________________________ Schools: Indian Baptist Mission SchooL__ 4th Ave. ____________________________________ Sisters of Providence Convent __ 4th Ave. ___________________ Whitehorse High ____ 4th Ave. & Black ___________________ SCBRAM, C. M. 8th Ave. & Black ___________________ Scott, John ___ 5th Ave. & Main ________________ Scott, L. H. __ ----304A Hawkins _______________ Seaholm, Hugo 310 Hawkins _______ Seeley, A. - 503 2nd Ave. __ Seeley, Lawrence 612 Black ___________ Seely, Alex Jr. Whiskey Flats ____________ Shabala, F. 309 Black __ Sheardown, R. 403 Hanson _____________ Sheffield, C. A. 6th Ave. & Lambert ______ Sheriff's Office Federal Bldg. ___ SIMPSONS-SEARS LTD. _ _ _4th & Main ___ Parcel Enquiry ______________________________ m ____ m _ _ _ _ _ m____ 3326 3327 3796 3790 3271 4562 2731 3301 2711 3626 2291 4056 3561 3068 3062 3818 3743 2816 3779 4877 13st 3121 23 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Sinclair, A. C. ________ ~12 Hawkins ________________ Sisters of Providence Convent ___Ath Ave. _____________________ .. _ Sladden, D. H. _______________503 Main _______________________ Smith, J. A. J. _____________604 Wheeler _____ .. ___________ Smith, E. L. _____________________ 7th Ave. _____________________ Smith, F. D. ________ __~04 Hanson _______________ Smith, Geo. F. __________ .____________ 306 Hanson _____________________ Smith, Nora _________________ 4th & Main _______ ._________ Smith, R. J. _______ .Moccasin Flats ______________ SNAP-ON TOOLS ______ ----Rear Apt. Yukon Drug Co. ___ Spandit!r, A. C. __________410 Hanson __________________ Sparks, P. S. ______________ -Fish Lake Rd. __ .__ ._______ .______________ Speakman, J. S. ___________.313 Black _________ ._________________ Speer, F. J. ____________________ .508 Wood ________________________________ SPILSBURY & TINDALL, DEALERS ___________________________Yukon Telephone Co. ____________ Squirechuk, A. J. ___________________410 Wood _______________________________ St. Agnes Hostel _________________ .4th Ave. & Lambert ________________ Staley, J. O. _____ .. ________________________ Whiskey Flats ____________________ Stans, WaIter ____________________________.708 2nd Ave. ________ ._____________ Steeves, P. A. ___ . _______________707 Alexander _____________________ Stein bach, R. ___________________Shipyard Area ____ .__________ . ____________ Stephens, C. G. ________________ 603 6th Ave. ________ . ___________________ Stephens, O. _________________ 205 Rogers _____________________________ Stewart, H. B. ____________506 Main __________________________________ Stout, J. M. ___ 308 Steele ____________________________ St. Piene, R. A. _________ .5th & Ogilvie _____________________ Style Shop, The _______________ 210 Main __ . _______________________ SUNNY'S DELICATESSEN _. __ ~ain ___________________________ . _________ Sunrise Grocery ________________________ 206 Lowe ___________________________________ Surgeons-See Whitehorse Medical & Dental Bldg. Swanson, G. S. ____ 1303 3rd Ave. ________________________ Swanson, H. L. ___________ 310 Strickland _______________________ Sy,lvestre, A. R. _________________________603 Alexander __________________________ 3486 3301 32'76 3'770 311'7 3491 4331 3898 3003 3681 2541 36'76 2911 4231 3911 4261 2261 315'7 3849 3462 3009 3111 3155 3'706 4206 3'795 3'712 3881 4001 3286 3'793 346'7 T TAKBINI BOT SPRINGS _________ Highway, Turn at Mile 925 ______ Tanner, Dr. A. C., res. ____________ A04 Hawkins __________________________ TAYLOR & DRURY LTD. ____ Cor. 1st & Main Accounts & Cashier's Office ____ ____________ Branch Stores _______________________ Dry Goods __ ____________________________ Furniture ____ ____________________________________ General Office _____________________________________________ ~ocery ___________________________________________ Hardware _____ ____________________________________ Menswear & Shoes ______________________________________________________ ._______ 40'71 3601 2141 2656 2148 2143 3512 3051 214'7 2149 24 INN CABS - Dial - 3333 VVarehouse 2146 C. D. Taylor's Office _________ 2652 VV. D. Taylor's Office __ 3511 Taylor, C. D. ___________________ 1st & Main ______________ ._______ 2651 TAYLOR & DRURY MOTORS LTD. ___________________ 1st & Lambert Parts Dept. _________________________________________________________________________ 2851 Service __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2852 Body Shop ________________________________________________________________________________ 2853 Car Sales __________________________________________________________________________ 4300 Manager's Office __________________________________________________________ 4306 Taylor, Fred ___________________106 Rogers _______________ 3821 Taylor,1. _______________ 2nd & Hanson ______________________________ 2682 Taylor, J. B. _________________501 Steele ___________________ 2441 Taylor, VV. D. _____________________412 Main ________________ 3341 Teachers' Residence Annex ______ 5th Ave. & Wood ___________ 3985 Teachers' Residence ___________ 3rd Ave. & Steele ________ 3761 TELEPHONE OFFICE _______Main St. ________________ 2111 EMERGENCY ________ ___________ 2110 INFORMATION _______ __________________ 2112 TROUBLE _________________________ 2113 RESIDENCE-MAINTENANCE ENGINEER 2115 Telephone Co. Business Office --.Main ______________________ 3911 Territorial Govt. Departments: Commissioner-VV. G. Brown Federal Bldg. __________________ 2991 Education Department _________ Federal Bldg. 2712 Forestry Division _______________ Federal Bldg. ___________ 2981 Game Dept. __________ Federal Bldg. ____________ 2281 Health & Sanitation __________ Federal Bldg. __ 2281 Liquor Vendor ___________~nd & Steele ______________ 2182 Public Health Nurse _ _ _ _ 3rd & Lambert _____________________ 2511 Superintendent of Liquor Control 2nd & Steele _ 2181 Territorial Engineer ______________ Federal Bldg. 2981 Territorial Govt. Agent ________ Federal Bldg. __ 2281 Territorial Secretary -____________ Federal Bldg. 4511 Territorial Treasurer _______________ Federal Bldg. __________ 4181 TERRITORIAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. ----_____________ 204 Jarvis ___________ 3191 General Office & Accounting _______ 3381 Gritzuk, N., Manager ____ 3381 Parts & Desk Sales _________ 3191 Theed, E. ------------------_________ ._____112 Jarvis 4086 Thibault, H. ------------_____________ 503 Jarvis 2642 Thompson, Miss E. G. _______ 209 Elliott _ 3480 Thompson, Cpl. W. W. __ 308 Wood _ 4156 Thornton, Capt. J. ____________410 Hawkins __ 3012 Tourist Services Ltd. ____________ Ath Ave. Auto Court and Office __________________________________ 2465 Cafe --______________________________________________________ __ 4311 n 25 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Garage _______ Grocery Order Desk ____________________________________ 2468, Tourist Bar ____ ___________________ Tobacco Dept. (Wholesale) ____________________________ Manager's Office ________ _______________ TOWN TOGGERY __________________ Main ___________________ Tubman, G. D. _____Rear Apt. Yukon Drug Co. _ Turnquist, J. E. _________ 1408 7th Ave. _________ Tweedale, C. R. ________________706 Wood ________________________________ 2462 4100 4477 2469 2466 3181 3681 3622 4416 u UNITED ELECTRIC ____________ 5th Ave. & Black __________________ 4444 UNITED KENO BILL MINES LTD. Jarvis & 2nd CASSIAR ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED TRANSPORT DIVISION Gritzuk, N. _______________________________________________ 3381 Finlayson, D. E. _________________________________________ 3941 Accounting & General Office __________________________________ 3381 Garage _____ ___________________ 3101 Garage Parts Room _____________________ 4721 Guest House 208 Wood ____ 4501 Paymaster ___________________________________________ 3941 Warehouse (PE-I0) ______________________________________________ 3961 Warehouse (Utah Camp) _______________________________________________ NW. 216 m ____m ____________ v Vallance, Donald ______________________ 507 Jarvis ________________________________ Van Roggen, George, Res. _ _ _ 404 Main Street _______________________ Van Roggen, Nielsen & Hine Barristers & Solicitors ________ 404 Main St. _______________ 3261, Vars, A. D. ___________________ Bldg. A19 Lowe st. ______ Veinott, A. L. _________________________ 609 Ogilvie St. ________________ VETERAN TAXI _______________________ lst at Main _____________________________ w Waddington, C. E. __________________________ 1406 3rd Ave. ______________________________ Wahl, H. E. __________________________5th & WoOd St. ________________________ Wallace, D. M. _____________________Whiskey Flats ________________________ Walsh, Stan _____________________________ 7th & Wheeler St. _________________ WANN, CLYDE, CAFE ___________ Ath & Ogilvie St. _________________ WANN, CLYDE, MOTORS LTD. _4th & Ogilvie St. _________________ WANN, CLYDE (Residence) ___ 1st & Hawkins _______________________ Warbow, E. D. -----_____________________ 7th & Alexander St. _______________ Ward, W. R. --------------------------__ Suite 4 N.C.C. Bldg. ______________ Waterous, W. __________________________203 Hawkins St. ___________________ WatsoD, M. R. - - - -_______________ -409 Jarvis St. ________________________________ WEBBER-BUSBY AGENCIES _____ ,3rd & Main _____________________________ 4321 4356 4351 4591 4766 4555 3588 3468 3810 3076 3731 2136 2137 2612 2416 2546 3736 2161 26 INN CABS - Dial- 3333 Webber, G. E. __ Dial "0" then ask for _ _ NW.198 Weise, Mrs. T. ___ .210A Elliott _____________________ 2841 WELLS, V. _____ -Refinery Area Dial "0" then ask for ___ NW.011 WHALEN INSURANCE LTD. __ 1st & Main 2621 White, Mrs. Sidney _____ . __ . ___ .______ 2nd & Cook ____________ 3007 Whitehorse Beverages _. ______ . _____ 5th & Cook _____________ 3061 Whitehorse Curling Club . _____ -A.rena 4th Ave. __________ 4900 Whitehorse Dairy __ . ________________-.-Main Street _______________ 4050 WHITEHORSE ELECTRIC & UTILITIES CO. LTD. ________ . ____ Main _________________________________ 3500 WHITEHORSE FLYING SERVICES LTD. __________Whitehorse Airport _________ Pilots' Residence ____ . __________ ----308 Elliott ______________________ Mechanics' Residence ________.208 Elliott _________ .. _____ Flying School _________________ . ____ .____ .Ail'port ____________________ WHITEHORSE FROZEN FOODS _604 Fort Street _____________________ WHITEHORSE GENERAL HOSPITAL _______________________________ 2nd & Hawkins Generral Office ________________ .__ .____ .__________________________________ Nurses' Residence ____________________ ._____________ Superintendent's Office _________ ._______________ WHITEHORSE HOTELS LTD. ___ 2nd at Main ______________ Bakery ___ ._____________ Boiler Room ______ Cafe _._____________ Desk _____________________ Rainbow Room (Cocktail Bar) Tavern _______ .. ______ ._ Taxi Desk ________________ . Manager's Office ____________ Proprietor's Office __________ WBITEHORSE INN CABS 2nd at Main _______________ WHITEHORSE MEDICAL & DENTAL BLDG. 405 Main Physicians & Surgeons: Dr. F. W. Morrow & Dr. P. F. Dubois Office ______ ______ Residence --__________________407 Main _____ Dr. G. S. Harris Office ___________ .. _____________________ Residence ___________ ......211 Lambert __________ Dr. A. G. Tanner Office ____________ .. ______________________________ Residence .-----___________ 404 Hawkins _____________________ Dentists: Dr. S. Dumenco Office ----Dr. N. Nishio Office - - _ . Residence -----------____ 6th & Elliott 2202 2846 2203 2204 2801 2231 2491 3521 2151 2156 2153 2'781 2151 43'71 4131 3333 2951 2952 3333 22'77 2271 4896 4891 3606 3601 4211 4211 4216 27 INN CABS-Dial-3333 Dispensary: MacPhersonlBowman Dispensary ________ -Medical-Dental Bldg. ____ ._____________ 2903 I WBITEHORSE PHARMACY ______ lst at Main ___________ 2901 I WHITEHORSE PLUMBING CO._602 Ogilvie ________________ 2828 Bosma, Nick (Residence) ___ 602 Ogilvie ___________ 2828 Whitehorse Sanitation Service _____ 206A Wood _______________________________ 4671 Whitehorse Star _______ -----...Main st. ___________________ 2301 WHITEHORSETYPEWRITER SERVICE __ 209 Hanson St. ____________ 3861 Whitehouse, W. G. 502 Strickland ___________ 2446 WBITEPASS HOTEL 1st & Main _______________ 4061 Owner ________ 1st & Main ____________________ 4062 WHITE PASS & YUKON ROUTE 1st Ave. Freight Claim Agent __________________________________________________________ 4741 Freight Warehouse ____________________________________________________________ 4171 STAFFHOUSE ____________________________________________________________________ 3986 All other departments _______________________________________ 4011, 4021, 4031, 4041 NIGHTS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Highway Division ----------------------------- ---------------------------------{ NW~:;; Freight Office River Division _________________________________________________________________________ 4021 General Agent Tourist Information ______________________________________________________ 4031 General Accounting Dept. _______________________________________ 4041 Yukon Petroleum Distributors ___________________________________ NW.213 Whitney, Mrs. J. _________ 507 Jarvis ___________ 3763 Williams, Owen ________ N.C.C. Bldg. _________ 3696 Williamson, I. _________________ lst Ave. & Wood ______________ 4466 Wilson, Wm. O. ______________________ 1601A 4th __________________________ 3740 Wood, James _________ 1st Ave. ____________ 2297 Wood, J. C. ___________________________Jederal Bldg. ______________ 2402 Woolley, L. A. _________________603 Cook ____ 4611 Wylie, N. V. K. ___________________________ -Bank of Commerce Bldg. ___ 3871 y YELLOW CABS __________________________ 206 Main St. __ ~------------- 2391, Yeulet, Colin _____________________604 Ogilvie ________________ YUKON DRUG CO. __________ ..-Main st. ___________ Yukon Dry Cleane"rs ____________ Main St. _____________ Yukon Electrical Co. ____________ Main St. _____ _________________ 2292, YUKON ENGINEERING LTD. _____508 Main St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yukon Hydro Co. Plant ______Fish Lake Road _ _ _ _ _ _ YUKON INDIAN AGENCY _________4th Ave. _________________ YUKON IVORY SHOP 109 Main St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YUKON JEWELLERY AND NOVELTY SHOP __________ ..203 Main st. ________________________ Lee R. Gordon (Res.) 2666 3359 4836 2881 2296 3221 3676 2731 2891 2691 2691 28 INN CABS - Dial - 3333 YUKON LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Store _____ Main St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2881 Plant ________________1st & Strickland 2526 YUKON MOTORS LTD. 4th & Jarvis U02 (Parts & Service) __________ 3931 CAR SALES DEPT. ______ 2102 YUKON PETROLEUM DISTRIBUTORS ____________ (See White Pass & Yukon Route) YUKON PROPANE SERVICE _Ath & Wood 4561 Residence ___ .______________ 1407 5th Ave. 4562 YUKON RADIATOR & BATI'ERY SHOP _______4th & Ogilvie ___________ 3661 Yukon Sheet Metal Works ____Whiskey Flats _________ 4686 Yukon Steam Laundry-Plant _______1st & Strickland _ _ _ _ _ 2526 YUKON TELEPHONE CO. LTD._Main St. ____ 2111 YUKON THEATRE _ 304 Wood st. ___________________ 4921 Yukon Tire Shop 4th & Jarvis 2101 Yukon Truck R~ntal Service _706 Wood St. 4416, 4411 YUKON WHEEL ALIGNMENT __4th & Alexander 4711 z Zeh. E. ______________ 709 Strickland St. Zierk. F. S. Shipyard Area 3358 300Z You can carry your firm's name and advertising Into the homes and business places of your best prospects by being represented In the Classifl.ed section of the Telephone Directory. INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES IMPORTANT I. "I!MOVl! UCI!IV!.I. from ......k bdon opera.ia. diol. 2. BUNG THI! FlNGI!I. oqunl,. 10 .... b .....op. J. DO NOT fo", ..... diol b•• k, rftIIon rour b ......d I.. it ..... back iuolf. 4. ALYAYS HANG UP IlI!CEIV1!1l• • _oad .011. ,. HANG "I!CEIVl!1l ON Hoolt (SMALL END UP) ... h.... hroa.h .00kiq. 0tMnri. _ _ _ .a11 roa. (Tbi •• ppli.... Deak .ad y.1I Telephoaa Mo....._ _ ). •• DO NOT JIGGLE THE UCEIVE.. Hooll:. 7. BUSY BUZZ ao... d ia , . r lial ,..... called for ia b_. •• EXTENSION PHONES. ia. 01 ....,.. Ii.. ca .ad nor. tb•• liaa i. .Inod,. la _. _D..... BO' nOlO .. DO' If connection is accidentally broken it should be restored by, calling party. COLLlNS & COLLINS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 470 Gramille Street, Vaneoaver, B.C. Phone: 2041 29 TO TELEPHONE LONG DISTANCE DIAL "0" Rates to points directly served by the NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM and ALASKA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. NIGHT & SUNDAY DAY Initial Additional Mini. 3 miDI. Aishihlk Aerodrome ..... Anchorage .......•..••.•. Beatton River Aerodrome .. Big Delta ••.•••••.••..... Blueberry •..••....••••..• Brooks Brook ...... : ..... Canyon Creek ..••...•.... Cathedral Blutfs •....•.•.. Coal River .•..•.••....... Dawson Creek ..•.•.••••.. Destruction Bay •......•.. Edmonton ....•...•....... Falrbanks .••............• Fort Nelson ••.••..•...... Fort St. John .•••••....•. Grande Prairie .......... . Haines .................. . Juneau .......•.••...••.. Koldern ...•........••.... Uttle Smoky ....•.••.•... Marsh Lodge ......•..•.•. Muncho Lake •..•..•..•.. Northway ..••............ Seward ................ .. Skagway .............. .. Smith River Aerodrome .. . Snag Aerodrome •••••.•.. Summit Lake .......•.... S~t FUver ......•..•.... Teslln Aerodrome ..•.•... Trutch •.•.•....•....•••.. Wagner ••......••.....•.. Watson Lake .•••...•..•.. WhIttler .•••..•.•••..•••. $1.80 4.60 3.85 4.30 3.80 1.40 1.40 3.70 2.80 4.00 2.00 4.80 4.60 3.40 3.80 4.20 2.10 2.40 2.40 4.40 .55 3.00 3.40 5.20 1.90 2.75 2.45 3.20 2.00 1.65 3.60 4040 2.60 4.60 $ .60 1.30 1.25 1.25 1.25 .45 .45 1.15 .90 1.30 .65 1.60 1.30 1.10 1.25 1.40 .40 .40 .80 1.45 .15 1.00 1.05 1.40 .35 .90 .80 1.05 .65 .55 1.20 1.45 .85 1.30 Initial 3 mini. $1.35 3.40 2.90 3.25 2.85 1.05 1.05 2.80 2.10 3.00 1.50 3.60 3.40 2.55 2.85 3.15 1.80 2.10 1.80 3.30 .45 2.25 2.65 3.70 1.45 2.10 1.85 2.40 1.50 1.25 2.70 3.30 1.95 3.40 Additional Mini. $ .45 1.00 .95 .95 .95 .35 .35 .85 .70 1.00 .50 1.20 1.00 .85 .95 1.05 .30 .30 .60 1.10 ..15 .75 .ss 1.00 .25 .70 .60 .80 .50 .40 .90 1.10 .6!5 1.00 Rates to points not Hated above may be obtained by call1n, Long Distance. Reduced rates are In effect from 6:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. and all day Sunday. 30 NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Operated by Canadian National Telegraphs, for Department of Transport. A. Caldwell, Superintendent, P.O. Box 265, Edmonton, Alberta. TO SEND A TELEGRAM Telephone 177 or Dial 4933 TO TELEPHONE LONG DISTANCE Dial "0" Operators of Telegraph-Telephone and leased wire services on the Alaska Highway. Direct connections with Domestic telegraph and cable Companies furnishing fast telegraphic communication. Also direct connection with all Domestic long distance Telephone Companies furnishing complete long distance telephone service_ 31 NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SERVING: MILITARY, SEMESTA, STANDARD OIL and 2 MILE HILL AREAS To reach any subscriber listed hereunder, dial 0 and ask Operator for the local number desired. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY SYSTEM COMMANDER NWHS Brig. H. W. LOVE-__________________________________________________ - 128 HIGHWAY OPERATIONS Senior Highway Engineer (Lt. Col. M. C. Sutherland Brown) _________ 163 Assistant Highway Engineer (Road EngineerL _______________________ 126R2 Bridge Engineer____________________________________________________________________ 126Rl Assistant Bridge Engineer _____________________________________________________________ 126Rl Draughtsman _____________________________________________________________________________________ 126Rl Surveyor __________________________________________________________________________________________ 126Rl Soils Engineer _________________________________________________________________________________ 235R2 Accountant _____________________________________________________________________________________ .. 235 HEADQUARTERS STAFF DAA & QMG (Major J. H. GRAy) __________________________________________________ G Branch GSO 3 ________ . ___________________________________________________________________________ Clerks ____________________________ . _____ .________________________________________________________________ A Branch SC "A" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Clerks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q Branch SC "Q" ___________________________________________________________________________________ Clerks ___________________ ________ __ _______________________________________________________________ Central Registry (Chief Clerk) _______________________________________________________ NWHS Accounts _____________________________________________________________________________________ 124 133 133 120 120 142 142 134 137 WHITEHORSE GARRISON Commandant ___________________________________________________________________________ Sgt. Maj. ________________________________________________________________________________ Orderly Room_________________________________________________________________________ QM Stores _______ ._____________________________________________________________________ 175 135 135 199 Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison ROYAL CANADIAN SIGNALS Whitehorse Detachment Western Command Signal Regiment Officer in charge _________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 176 Army Message Centre_. ___ . __________________________________________________________ .______________ 176 Receiver Si te______________________________ _________________________________________________________ 012Rl Transmitter Site _____________________________________________________________________________________ 183 ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY PAY CORPS Chief Paymaster __________ .____________________________________________________________________________ Paymaster NWHS (Northern Area) __________________________________________________ Military Pay Office __________________________________________________________________________________ Claims and Civil Pay ___________________________________________________________________________ Institute Accounts Officer __________________________________________________________________ Institute Accounts Office _________________________________________________________________________ 131 129 129 132 153 153 32 CANADIAN PROVOST CORPS NCO in charge _____________ _ CHAPLAIN SERVICE Protestant Chaplain _____________ _ CIvn.IAN PERSONNEL Civilian Personnel Officer _____________ General Office ______________________ _ 140 _ _ _ 233B 144 154 MESSES, CANTEENS AND QUARTERS NWHS Officers Mess _______________________________________ 123 Officers Quarters B-I07 _._________ 230 Officers Quarters B-I08 _____________________________ 073 VIP Suite ________________________________________ 133 Nurses Quarters ___________________________________________ 275 NWHS Sgts. Mess ______________________________________________ 125 Sgts. Quarters _______________________________________________________ 125 NWHS Mens Canteen __________________________________________ 188 NWHS Consolidated Mess (Lower Whitehorse) ______ 273 NWHS Consolidated Mess (Upper Whitehorse) _____________________________ 005 Matron Womens Quarters _________________________________________ 269 Womens Quarters (lst Floor) _____________________________________________ 270&2 Womens Quarters (2nd Floor) ____________________________________ 272&3 Military Barracks ____________________ 224B Orderly Cpls. Room (Military Barracks) ___________________________ 224F Radio Station CFWH ___________________________________________________ lI6F NWHS Grocery Store ________________________________________________ 093F NWHS Library ___________________________________________________ 233B HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE ESTABLISHMENT NWHS ROYAL CANADIAN ENGINEERS Senior Highway Supt. (Major D. F. Aitken) __________________ 127 Assistant Highway Supt. _______________________________________ 127 Orderly Room _________________________ .___________________________________ 130 Chief Clerk _____________________________________________ 130 Civilian Personnel Section _________________________________ 130R2 QM Section ____________________________________________________________ 139 Spare Parts Section ________________________________________________________ 139R2 Transport __________________________________________________________________________ -- 220 NWHS PARK Officer Commanding ___________________________________________ 106 Orderly Room _________________________________________________________________________________________ 196 NO. 1 ROAD MAINTENANCE COY RCE Officer Commanding (Major J. Burgoin) ____________________________________ 136 Second-in-command _____________________________ 136 Administrative Officer ______________________________________________ 138 Orderly Room ______________________________________________________ 138&2 QM & Transport Office __________________________________________ 238 Company Sgt. Major _______________________________ ________ 238R2 QM Stores (Refinery Area) __________________________________________ 274 17 WORKS COY RCE Officer Commanding (Major G. Coulombe) _ _ _ . _________ _ 109 Second-in-command ______________ 109 CMDpany Headqoarters Administrative Offker __ .... ________________________________ c __________________ _ 170 Senior Engineer Accountant _______________________________________ 170 Finance Section _____ ______________ 170 Orderly Room __________________________________________________________ ]70 Civilian Pay ____ .. ______________________________________ .____________________________ _____________ 170 QM Stores __________________________________________ 170 MT Section ___________________________________ __ _ 147 Engineers Stores & Purchasing _______________________________ 049 Planning & Property Records Technical Officer (Works) ___________________________________________________________ Senior MFW (WO 1) _.____________________________________ Property Record ____________________________________________________________ Draughting Room _________________________________ ____ Estimator _____________________________________ ___________ 143 143 143 143 143 Works Office Works Officer __ 173 MFW (W02) __________________________ 173 Maintenance Office (Trouble calls) __________________________________ 110 (After working hours) ______________________________________________ 151 Works Supervisors (MFW's) ________________________________________ 110R2 Clerk of Works (Upper Whitehorse) ____________________________________ 174 Utilities Superintendent _________________________________________________ 202 Power Plant No. 1 ______________________ __________ 202 Power Plant No. 2 ___ ______________________________ 257 McIntyre Creek Pump House ___________________________ 007B Hospital Heating Plant ___________________________________________ 268 Refinery Area Heating Plant ________________________ 204B Heating Plant (Upper Whitehol"se) ___________________________________________ 172 Fire Prevention Fire Chief _________________________________________________________ 151 Fire Station _____________________________________________________________________ 151 FOR FIRE ONLY _______ ___________ 290 ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY SERVICE CORPS 19 COY RCASC Headqoarters Officer Commanding (Major J. V. Cook) __________________________________________ Supply & Transport Officer __________________________________________________________ Administrative Officer ---------__________________________________________________ Superintending Clerk ------------_________________________________________________________ Kitchen Organizer ______________________________________________________________ Company Sgt. Major __________________________________________________ POL Sgt. ------------------. ___________________________________________________ Fuel & Utilities Sgt. _____________________________________________________________ Supplies Sgt. ___________________________________________________________________________ Supply Depot Officer in char·ge __ 149 247 249 251 239 239 239 239 239 _______ 201 MT Section Officer in charge ______________ __ MT Repair & Maintenance Section ___ Despatcher _______________ ______________ MT POL Clerk _________________________________________ Freight Section _____________________________________________ 02. 020 oOt 2S1 251 ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS WHITERORSE MILITARY HOSPITAL Officer Commanding & SMO __________________________ 260 Administrative Officer _______________ ________ 262 Orderly Room _________________________________________ 261 Medical Inspection Room _________________________ 251 Surgeon _____________________________________________ 265 Matron ____________________________________________________ 259 Operating Room __________________________________ 263 Ward 1 (Children Ward) ___________________ 2U Maternity. Ward _________________________ 171&1 Ward 3 ________________________ 267 Ward 4 _________________________ 266 QM Stores __________________________________ 171U Dental Clinic Senior Dental Officer _______________________ _ 148 _ __ 248 Appointments ________________ _ ROYAL CANADIAN ORDNANCE CORPS 19 COY RCOC Officer Commanding & SOO (Major J. C. Mumford) _________________ Second-in-command & OSO _____________ Stock Control Officer ________________ Superintending Clerk __________________________________________ Indents & Stock Records ________ Provision and R & I __________________________ Orderly Room & CR _________ _______________ __ Warehouse Foreman _______ Traffic Office __________________________ McRae Stores Section _____________________ 146 UI 111 171 150 197 205 150 U9 104 ROYAL CANADIAN ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 16 COY RCEME Officer Commanding & Sr. EME (Major E. R. Ambrose>-_______________ 209 Orderly Room _________________________________ ______________ 109 219 WORKSHOP Officer in charge ______________________________________ 119 Control Officer _____ ________________________ 108 Technical Stores _____________________________ ___ IlIa Spare Parts _______________________________________ 121 SECURITY GUARDS Refinery Guard Gate _____________ _ Camp McRae Guard Room ____ _ IOU' __ 104 _ _________ .Sf Z COY CANADIAN RANGERS Officer Commanding _________ _ 3S EMERGENCY SERVICES FIRE _________________________________________________________________ Orderly Officer _____ _____________________ ____________________________________ Orderly Sgt_ _____________________________________________________________________ Whitehorse Military Hospital (Ord. Sgt.) _________________________________________ Ambulance ______________________________________________________________________________ Provost _________________________________________________________________________________________ 290 120 120 266 266 140 NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SERVING: MILITARY, SEMESTA, STANDARD OIL and 2 MILE HILL AREAS To reach any subscriber listed hereunder, dial 0 and ask Operator for the local nomber desired. TO TELEPHONE LONG DISTANCE: DIAL "0" and the Northwest Communication System Operator will assist yoo. TO SEND A TELEGRAM: Telephone 177 or Dial 4933 TO HAVE TELEPHONE INSTALLED OR DISCONNECTED IN ABOVE AREAS Telephone 181 NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RESIDENCE TELEPHONES A Aitken, D. F. W. Major ____ 215FRl Al!ord, M. E. __________________ 278FRl Algar, F. I. ____________________ 194BRl Almstrom, N. E. _____________ 190BRl Anderson, E. A. _________________ 207B Anderson, R. R. ________________ 014F Armstrong, R. G. Lt. ________ 009BR2 ARMY RETAIL STORE _____ 093F B Baldwin, C. J. F/O _________ 029F Bancroft, S. M. Capt. _______ 056B Batchelder, W. ________________ 096BRI Batchelor, J. LAC _____ __ 039BRl Bauer, V. D. _____________ 100BR2 Baxter, R. M. Capt. ______ 222F Baynes, E. R. LAC ______ 054FR2 Bechta, B. C. F /Sgt. ________ 037BRI Bennett, L. A. SjSgt. _______ 082BRl Bethune, R. G. _________ 189F Bills, F. _____________________________ 121BR2 Blizzard, L. A. _______________ 121FRl Bolger, C. M. ________________ 190FR2 Bourassa, A. D. ___________________ 244B Brassard, J. P. Sgt. ________ 040FRl Bridge, S. R. __________________ 089BRl BRITISH YUKON NAVIGATION Fuel Division ________________ 021 Garage (Bus & FreightL_ 022 Gasoline & Oil _________________ 213 Brown, D. J. F/O ___________ 025BRl Brown, M. C. 5., Col. ___________ 009F Brown, W. G. Commissioner ______________ 191BRl Burgoin, J. Major ____________ 056F Burr, C_, F ISgt. ______________ 038BR2 Burr, S. ____________________________ 071FR2 C CameroD, H. W., F/O _____ 030FRl Campbell, J. H., Capt. ____ 067BRl Campbell, R. B. ______________ 196FRl le CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS SEE NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TO SEND A TELEGRAM __ 177 CASSIAR ASBESTOS CORP. 216 Carswell, M. R., __________ 193FRl Cavanaugh, R. G., Cpl. ____ 095BR2 Chew, C. __________________________ 187B Chollock, V. G. ___________________ 160F Christian, W. G., F/Sgt . .. 042BRl Christiansen, E. C., Cpl. __ 026BR2 Christianson, A., Capt. ____ 057F Clark, G. V., Lt. _________ 001FRl Coady, J. M., Lt. ____________ 077FR2 Code, W. E., W02 __________ OUFRl Col well, L. J., Cpl, ________ 036BRl Cook, J. V., Major _________ 059B Cooley, G. S., Major ____________ 282F Cooper, H. G. ______________ 278FR2 Cooper, J. D. ____________________ 187F Cosgrove, C. Sgt. ____________ 055F Costanzo, A., Sgt. ___________ 223BRl Coulombe, Major ______________ 222B Coutts, W. D. ____________ 194FR2 Cox, K. R. _______________ 223FRl Craigie, B. G., Major ________ 200B Crosby, E. L., LAC _______ 040FR2 Crouch, J. S., F/L _______ . 029BRl Cullen, F. R., Major _______ 159BRl D Davidson, A. M., Major _. __ 009B DEPARTMENT OF NORTHERN AFFAIRS AND NATIONAL RESOURCES. Forestry- (D. J. Learmonth) 119 Water ResoU'rces (M. E. Alford) _________ 019 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Barracks ___ .______________ 018 Civil Aviation _____________ 016 Forecaster __________________ 017 Meteorological oUice _______ 101 Radio Range __________________ 010 Radio Sound . ________________ 012R2 Receiver Site _______ .. ___ 012Rl Recreation Club _________ 013 Dierk, G. _________ 1008Rl Douglas, D. C., Capt. __ . __ 059FRl Downey, W. S., Cpl. ____ 0848Rl DrummoDd, J. E., Sgt. __ 075B81 Dunlop, R. _______ ' 081BK2 D'Ziggle, A., Miss _ _ _ 105881 E Eacrett, R. M. Lt. _____ . _____ 077F81 Emery, W. _____ .. _. ____________ 234F Erlam, R. L. ____________________ 094B82 Everson, G. D. _._. _____ ._______ .___ 186B F Ferguson, L. LAC .. __________ Ferguson, P. A. ________________ Finster, V. _._. ________ ._. ___ Fisher, E. G. F/O ___________ Ford, T. Cpl. ____ .____________ Fossum, H. ____________________ . ___ Foster, R. L. __ .__________ .____ Frechette, H. . __________________ Friend, R. J. ___________ ._______ Fulton, R. J. Sgt. _. ________ . 0308Rl 196BR2 054B82 031FRl 103FRl 098FR2 083FRl 094FRl 196BRl 0878R2 G Gates, G. A. Sgt. ____ .______ 032FRl Gay, A. E. ____ . ___________ . _. 008FR2 Gay, E. L. ____ . ________ . ___ ._________ 240F Gervais, A. Cpl. _____ .____ ___ 035BR2 Gibbs, L. A. Cpl. _____ ... ___ 1958Rl Gibson, C. Lt. _______ .. __________ . ___ 0018 Gillies ____________ .. ______ .. _.c_ •• 0918Rl Goodbrand, C. G. ______ .. _______ 227F Graham, A. ____ . ___ .... __ . __ ... ___ 1128 Grant, C.. __ .. ________________ 192FR2 Grant, D. C. SISgt. _. _______ 076FRl Grant, H. C. M. ____ . _________ 1948R2 Gray, H. Major _________ .058F Green, A. C. LAC' ___________ 098BRZ Gregory, L. Cpl. ____________ OU8Rl C ____ " ____ B Hadley, S. G. Cpl. ____________ 095BRl Haise, J. H. ____ . ___ .. ______ .___ 003B Hames, E. A. Lt. ____ .. _____ 0788&2 Hamilton, R. _____ . ____ . _______ 119B81 Harper, T. C. _______________________ 113F Harris, D. N. Sgt. _____ .__ 028FR2 Harris, W. S/L ______________ 0328Rl Harrison, B. E. Sgt. _.______ 195FR2 Hatch, F. J. F/O ________ 036BR2 HendersoD, D. A. Lt. _______ 077B82 Herbert, T. E. Cpl. __________ 035F81 Hicks, G. H. F/L ___________ 0318Rl Hobbs, W. E. Capt. ________ 1528 Horner, S. _____________ . _______ 090FR2 Hughes, R. ______________ .____ 240B Hunter, J. O. _________ OS5FRl J Jamioeson, A. E. _ .. __ . 087FR2 Jamieson, J. A. sgt. ____.__ U6BR2 Jamieson, J. F. ___________ 098FRI Jarvis, S. M. Cpl. ___________ 028BR2 Johnson, G. _________________________ 112F Jones, E. T. W02 ____________ 146FRI Jones, G. P. Cpl. ___________ 195BR2 Jones, R. H. LAC __________ 026FR2 It Kennedy, T. W. ________________ 119BR2 Kerr, J. _________________________ 089FR2 Kinder, B. Lt. _____________________ . 118B Kingham, L. W. W02 ____ 083BRI Kingston, L. D. Cpl. ______ 096FRI Kowalchuk, M. Cpl. _____ 033FRI L LaFreniere, H. ______________ 068FR2 Lane ________________________________ 091BR2 Lang, A. ________________________ 094BRI Langford, G. L. _____________ 089FRI Laughton, L. ____________________ 113B Lavery, R. W. Cpl. __________ U6FR2 Lawson, T. W. Lt. __________ 077BRI Learmonth, D. J. __________ 190FRI Lelievre, C. J. ________________ 105BR2 Loewis,R. v. Lt. _____________ 076BR2 Libbey, R. W. Capt. ________ 067FRI Lidstone, W. D. Sgt. _______ OUFRI Lines, G. _____________________________ 015F Love, H. Brig. _______________________ 155 Lynn, R. W. ______________________ 068BRI MAC MacDonald, H. J. ____________ 278BRI Macdonald, A. Miss _____________ 298 MACISAAC CONSTRUCTION CO. JOHN A. _______ 206 MC McBlane, G. A. S/Sgt. ____ 103FR2 McCabe, G. ______________________ 194FRI McCraw, E. F. _______________ 027BR2 McGee, J. F/O ______________ 036FR2 McGuire, J. T. Sgt. __________ 085FR2 McLean, D. L. ___________________ 160B McLeod, D. F/Sgt. __________ 037BR2 McLeod, P. E. LAC _________ 037FR2 McPhail, N. Cpl. ______________ 040BRI McPherson, G. __________________ OUB M Maddocks, E. M. __ . _________ O'71FRI Mallett, F. L. LAC _. ____ 043FRI Marklew, B. Sgt. _______ 079FRI Marr, J. A. _ _ _ _ _ _ Z07F Martin, W. F. LAC ___ 039BR2 MAR WELL CONSTRUCTION CO. ________________ 051 MARWELL CONSTRUCTION CO. _______________________ 050F R. Warner (res. mgr.L ____ 050B Mather, E. E. __________________ 193BR2 Mathioeson, J. R. __________________ 064B Menchions, R. G. _____________ 192BRI Middlebrook ____________________ 090BR2 Molloy, B. Cpl. ______________ 026BRI Morris, H. A. S/Sgt. _______ 223FR2 Mudiman, A. W. _________________ 162F Mumford, P. Major ______________ 058B N Nelson, T. _______________________________ 214 Nesbitt, F. Capt. ___________ 041BRI Newby, T. A. L/Cpl. ________ IUBRI NORTHWEST COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TO SEND A TELEGRAM __ 177 Cable Splicer & Lineman __ 061 Chief Telephone Operator __ 040 Garage ______________________________ 217 Inside Plant Inspector ______ 203 McCrae Toelephone Booth__ 203 NCS Guest Suite ________________ 180 Outside Plant Inspector __ 122 Stores Warehouse _______________ 218 Telegraph Office ________________ 1'77 Manager __________________________ 181 Telephone & Teletype Maintenanee ___________________ 060 Telephone Operators Barracks _________________________ 255 Wire Chief-McCrae __________ zoa Works & Buildings Dept. __ 141 o Oades, A. F/O ___________________ 025F Olynyk, J. M. ______________________ 100F O'Connor, J. P. F/O __________ 030FR2 P Pallister __________________________ Parizoeau, R. ____________________ Peake, R. F. Sgt. ___ . _______ Penney, W. F. LAC ____ . _____ Perron, J. S. Sgt. ______ . __ . ____ Peterson, F. _________ .. _______ Philllps, D. N. Cpl. . ___ -____ 090BRI 081FR2 038BRI 038FR2 094FRI 003FRI 008BRI 38 Pisch, A. F. _______________________ 092BRI Poole, A. D. LAC ___________ 042FRI Potter, Ralph Lt. _________ 076FR2 Prouty, A. ________________________ 161B Pugh, C. R. Capt. __ ..... ___ 078BRI Q Quong, J. Y. C ...___________ .. _ 081BRI R Ramsden, J. R. __ ... __________ 074BRI Ranger, J. C. ______ . ___________ 026FRI Raven, J. LAC ______________ 054FRI Reber, R. A. ____________________ 002FR2 Rennick, N. M. W 10 _______ 071BRI Roach, F. L. Cpl. ________ 095FR2 Roberts, A. L. Capt. ___________ 200F Robson, C. B. __________________ 074FRI Rodger, R. K. W02 _______ 097BRI Rosie, J. __________________________ 002BRI Royds, W. E. Lt. _________________ 159F Runolfson, P. S. ____________________ 186F Ryland, J. H. Cpl. __________ 039FRI S Saigeon, K. E. Cpl. _______ 027FRI Sawatski, P. R. Capt. _________ 152B Seredynski, A. ___________________ 107F Schmuck R. J. Cpl. _____ 033BRI Schreck, A. J. Capt. _______ 034BRI Shields, T. R. Sgt. ____________ 084FR2 Smalbeck, J. W. W02 ____ 146BRI Smith, D. ____________________________ 253F Smith, F. G. _______________ 191FR2 Smith, J. A. _______________________ 107B Smith, N. ____________________________ 162B Smoler, W. J. _____________ 053BRI Snieder, K. __ _______ _ __ 161F Soriero, M. A. ____________ 068FRI Steeves, E. W. __________________ 212FRI Steinhauer, J. R. Inspector ____ 102 Stewart, A. G. LAC ________ 040BR2 Stewart, E. ____________________ 090FRI Stewart, W. R. Lt. _________ _ 159FR2 Stone, F. ______________________ 121FR2 Stott, W. F. Capt. ___________ 076BRI Strandlund, N. E. _________ 054BRI Strath, D. LAC _______ ._____ 033FR2 Strong, M. J. ______________________ 065F Stuckey, A. W. S. _____________ _ Swiddle, J. __________ ____ _____ ._ 189B T Thomas, A. B. Sgt. ___ ______ 037FRl Thomas, G. W. Capt. _______ 078F Thompson, A. D. Capt. ______ 282B Thomson, S. Capt. ___________ 152F Thorn, R. WOI ___________ !23BR2 Thorne, N. R. Cpl. ____________ 035FR2 Tingle, O. N. ________________ 192FRl Toth, R. __________________ 062FR2 TOURIST'S SERVICES ________ 145 Tromans, F. D. _________________ 198B Trottier, P. _____________________ 091FRI Truman, Eric Sgt. ___________ 080FR2 Truman, K. W. CpI. _______ 212BRI Tuke, R. A. Sgt. ____ _______ 027BRI U Underwood, G. _______________ 085BR2 V Vallelly, J. Cpl. ____________ 043BR2 W Waddell, R. M. ____________ 065BRI Walker, K. M. ________________ 243F Walker, M. M. _____________ 089BR2 WaIters, G. H. Sgt. ________ 002BR2 Warner, R. _______________________ 050B Warren, J. F. ____________________ 062FRI Watkinson, A. ______________ 082FRI Watson, J. G. Cpl. __________ 096BR2 Watson, R. C. ______________________ 105F Webber, G. E. ____________________ 198F Weigand, W. J. ________ 098BRI Weisgram, P. E. M/Sgt. __ 030BR2 Wells, V. W. ______________________ 011 White, R. J. _____________________ 279FR2 Whitcher, J. H. LAC ________ 036FRI Whyard, J. H. _______________ 196FR2 Williams, F. G. S/Sgt. ____ 080FRI Williams, C. N. ____________ 192BR2 Williamson, J. C. B. ________ 190BR! Wilson, D. C. Sgt. ________ 083BR2 WiIson, H. _________________________ 064F WiIson, H. C. _________________ 191FRI Wojcik, P. Cpl. ________________ 074BR2 Woods, L. R. LAC ________ 033BR2 Wrigglesworth, L. J. Cpl. 002FRI Wright, J. ________________________ 006F Wyatt, F. G. S/Sgt. ________ 088F1n Wylie, W. J. ______ ._______________ . 015B Z Zaba, A. F. ________________ . ____ 096FRZ a9 FEWER CALLS SHORTER CALLS /or HARMONY ON PARTY LINES * By giving up the line promptly in case of emergency. * By hanging up quietly if the line is in use. * By spacing your calls. * By keeping your calls to a reasonable length. All these add up to being A GOOD TELEPHONE NEIGHBOR. COD5uillhe YELLOW PACES Call the Merchants listed in the Y-ellow Pages. They can tell you immediately if the product is available. SAVING YOUR TIME AND SUPPLYING YOUR NEEDS Advertisers use the Telephone Directory as an adV'ertising medium because:1. LARGE CIRCULATION among potential buyers. 2. COVERS their market. 3. ADVERTISEMENTS alive 24 hours a day. 4. ECONOMICAL-With an eV'er increasing circulation. 5. ALWAYS CONVENIENT-Their advertisement in the Phone Book is always at the buyers' elbow. 6. TIMELY-It reaches the buyer when he wants what they sell. 7. EASY TO PAY-Divided into monthly equal payments added to their phone bill. 100"10 • • • ''s What We Aim for in Publishing the Telephone Directory . . . to Have It 100% Correct BUT-with the large numb-er of subscribers to be listed, street numbers and new numb-ers, it is easy to see why it Is possible for an error to creep in here and there. Your name and telephone number in this directory are most likely correct. But, if by any chance th-ey are not, you'll do us a favor by telephoning or writing to our Business Office. Classified Business Direclory and Buyer's Guide WHITEHORSE YUKON TERRITORY YEllOW PAfJlS JANUARY, 1955 For Rates and Information in regard to these YELLOW PAGES ... call BUSINESS OFFICE Whitehorse 3911 YUKON TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD. 42 Your "Where To Buy It" Section FLY GIANT Pressurized Whitehorse Classified Directory Super· 6 Cl-Ippers Pan American's swift new Super-6 Clippers· speed along at 300 miles per hour ... get you to Seattle faster than ever before. Pressurized for your comfort. Giant Super-6 Clippers fly you at sea-level comfort more than 3 miles up! The big air-conditioned cabin is sound-proofed for extra comfort. Finest service! Foam - rubber reclining lounge chair seats ... delicious complimentary hot meals. Super-6 Clippers are the newest, most modern airliners in Pan American's world-wide fleet. For reservations FASTEST to SEATTLE and key Alaska cities Dial 2191 I'SKK 17"'-6r A',Ic-nrr"'-6r CL"IL'"I.. r/ ·Trade·Malk, Pun American World NORTHERN COMMERCIAL BLDG. World'sMost Experienced Airline Airway~.lne. WHITEHORSE FLYING SERVICES Approved Government Flying School MODERN AIRCRAFT I Experienced Pilots Prospecting - Charter Flying Fishing and Hunting Trips arranged AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE DIAL 2202 Airport Whitehorse, Y.T. 43 Accountants - Auto Courts "Where To Buy It" ACCOUNTANTS SlrAN McCOWAN,-----l I Accredited Public Accountant I Specialist in Bookkeeping Services Income Tax Returns ! Phon~ 3162 P.D. Box 425 Whitehorse 14th & Main MOORE'S ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED * II I I ADVERTISING I YELLOW PAGES There is no other Adver· tising Medium just like the Telephone Directory. It is always on duty, day or night, ready to guide the potential buyer to your product or service. "WHERE TO BUY IT" Yukon Telephone Company Ltd. Phone 3911 Auto-Lite - Wholesale Magneto Sales & Service Specialized Automotive Electric Service Electric Motor Repairs * Phone 3071 I 5th & Alexander Whitehorse, Y.T. AIRLINE COMPANIES Canadian Pacific Airlines __ 2211 101 Main RICHARD'S MOTORS PAN AMERICAN WORLDAIRWAYS City Sales & Reservations Office \ SALES AND SERVICE I Room 1, N.C. Bldg..... 2191 I (See advt. opposite page) Prospectors Airways Company Limited __________ 2051 4th & Alexander (See Advertisement Page 61) WHITEHORSE FLYING SERVICES LTD. ________ 2202 Airport (See Advt. Opposite Pag~) CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH and FARGO TRUCKS General Repair and Overhauling * Chryco Motor Accessories Whitehorse, Y.T. AUTO COURTS Tourist Services Ltd. ______ 2465 4th Ave. PHONE 2171 Your "Where To Buy It" Section 44 Whitehorse Classified Directory Chevrolet Oldsmobile TAYLOR & DRURY MOTORS LTD. Corner First and Lambert Phones: Phones: Parts DeDt. 2851 Car Sales - 4300 Service Dept. - 2852 Manager's Office - 4306 Body Shop 2853 BODY & PAINT SHOP SERVICE Reliable Courteous Efficient PARTS Largest stock of General Motors parts in the Yukon. Chevrolet Trucks Buick Pontiac YUKON MOTORS LTD. Cor. 4th & Jarvis Complete Automotive Service Wholesale and Retail G.M. PARTS & ACCESSORIES PHONE 2102 G.M.C. (TRUCKS) VAUXHALL 45 Auto Electric - Automobile Dealers "Where To Buy It" AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE MOORE'S ELECTRIC COMPANY LTD. __________ 3071 5th & Al~ander (See Advertisement Page 43) AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and Used E. JACOBS MOTORS Hudson Cars - Reo Trucks Machine Shop Work RE-BORINGMOTOR REBUILDING JACOBS, ED., MOTORS __ 2751 209 Hawkins St. (See Adv. This Page) RICHARD'S MOTORS ____ 2171 2nd at Main (See Advertisement Page 43) EXCHANGE MOTOR ASSEMBLIES Crankshaft RegrindingRebabbiting Service • TAYLOR & DRURY MOTORS LTD. ________ 4300 1st & Lambert (See Advt. Opposite Page) ALL TYPES OF WELDING PHONE 2751 CLYDE WANN MOTORS LTD. __________________________ 2136 4th & Ogilvie (See Advt. This Page) 209 Hawkins Whitehorse, Y.T. CLYDE WANN MOTORS LTD. Cor. 4th & Ogilvie Sales & Service DODGE DESOTO CARS DODGE TRUCKS Authorized Dealer for THE GENERAL TIRE PHONE 2136 Clyde Wann Cafe PHONE 3731 Open 24 hrs. Daily Whitehorse, Y.T. 46 Automobile Dealers - Beauty Parlors AUTOMOBILE DEALERSNew and Used (Continued) YUKON MOTORS LTD. __ Zl02 4th & Jarvis (See Advertisement Page 44) "Where To Buy It" BANKS BANK OF MONTREAL __ 3366 Main CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ..... _____. 2091 202 Main AUTOMOBILE TIRES Also see Tire Distributors BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS TERRITORIAL SUPPLY--COMPANY LIMITED Dunlop Distributors I 1 for 1 Yukon Territory . 1 Auto, Truck and Industrial Black, George _____________ .... _ UU 1st & Jarvis 'i .1 1 ~res Phone 3191 2nd & Jarvis Whitehorse fUKON TIRE SHOP---,I .I 1 : I Goodyear Distributors for Yukon Territory Passenger - Trucks Industrial King, Jas. L. _______ ______ 4977 P.O. Box 1033 Van Roggen, Nielsen & Hine __________________ 3261, 4351 404 Main Wylie, N. V. K. ________________ ._ 38'71 Bank of Commerce Bldg. I Phone 2101 Whitehorse \ 4th & Ja'rvis BATTERIES AUTOMOTIVE TERRITORIAL SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED __ 3191 (See advts. white & yellow pages) TERRITORIAL SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED ____ 3191 (International Harvester Dealers) (S~ advts. white & yellow pages) AUTO REPAIR PALMER & FORBES BODY S H O P _ 3616 1st & Jarvis TAYLOR & DRURY MOTORS LTD. Body & Paint Shop 2853 1st & Lambert (See Advt. Page 44) BEARINGS TERRITORIAL SUPPLy---1 1 COMPANY LIMITED Automotive - Industrial Distributors For S-K-F (Ball & Roll'E!r Bearings) I "TIMKEN" I (Tapered. Roller Bearings) 1 Phone 3191 I 2nd & Jarvis Whitehorse I I BEAUTY PARLORS BAKERS Whitehorse Inn Main Yukon Radiator & Batt'E!ry Shop __________________________ 3661 4th & Ogilvie .____ ... _ 2156 Laura's Beauty Salon ______ 2771 3rd & Main 47 Builders' Supplies - Cafes "Where To Buy It" HOLLYWOOD CAFE Snacks Sandwiches Full Course Meals "SEAFOOD" Chinese Dishes Fish & Chips We make up your orders - Fried Chicken To Take Out • PHONE 3231 1st near Main Whitehorse, Y.T. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES CAFES CAMPBELL'S LIMITED 2631 Cor. 4th & Alexander (See Advt. Back Cover) ATLANTIC CAFE (S & A)-- PACIFIC NORTHWEST'--I BUILDERS SUPPLY Short ~rders Chinese Style Dishes I, * Building Contractors ! 111II • 2nd & Jarvis - Whitehorse Phone 4521 I Builders Supplies I Cartage & Crating * I, Phone 4526 I Prop.: R. S. Dawson , , •• Full Course Meals GRILL CAFE White Pass Hotel Block * * Steele I 3886 214 Whitehorse, Y.T. HOLLYWOOD CAFE ____ .. 3231 1st near Main (See Advt. This Page) BUTCHER SHOPS Tourist Services Ltd. ....... 4311 4th Ave. BURNS & CO. LIMITED---j The Home of Shamrock I Brand I FRESH and CURED I MEATS WANN, CLYDE, CAFE. 3731 4th & Ogilvie (See Advt. Page 45) I I I Main St. 1 I, Whitehorse, y.T.,1 Phone 2311 Mgrs Res. 4611 Whiteho'rse Inn ............ _ 2781 Main St. (See Advt. Page 1) 48 Cartage & Crating - Churches "Where To Buy It" CARTAGE & CRATING CHIROPRACTOR PACIFIC NORTHWEST BUILDERS' SUPPLY ____ 4526 214 Steele DB. KAY MacDONALD-----, 1 Chiropractor 14th Avenue and Steele Street Palmer Graduate 1947 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Office Hours: 10 - 12; 2 - 5 By Appt. 7-8 Closed Wednesday Aiternoon BRAD EN & PORTER ______ 3391 Main St. NEUROCALOMETER X-RAY Phone 3206 CoIlins & CoIlins ____________ 2041 CHIMNEY CLEANERS CHURCHES BRAMMER, K . - - - - - - I CHIMNEY SERVICE Chimneys - Flues - Furnaces Pipes and Brick Chimneys Stoves-Wood, Coal, Gas, Oil Oil Heaters I Phone 3531 I 1 210 Hawkins Whitehorse 1 BETBANY TABERNACL 1 Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 1 4th & Black 1 1 1 1 Co-Pastors: Rev. G. B. Richmond Rev. D. E. Dunn NORTHERN COMMUNICAliON SERVICES DID YOU KNOW THAT WE? • Sell, Service and Rent all Types of Electronics equipment e.g.-2-Way Radio, Intercomms., Public Address Systems, House and Hi-Fidelity Radio, Transcription Equipment, Geiger Counters, etc. • Carry the largest stock of spare parts in the Yukon. • Operate a pick-up and delivery service. • Specialize in quick, certified, radio repairs, and the elimination of radio interference in the home! • Are agents for Marconi, Motorola, Link, RCE, E.R.D.C., GE, Crosley, Westinghouse, Spilsbury & Tindall, Hallicrafter, etc. • Have engineering services available, free consultation and are always pleased to meet you and discuss your communication and reception problems. PHONE 3441 4th & Alexander NEED ANYTHING? Box ns, Whitehorse, Y.T. Consult The "YELLOW PAGES" 49 "Where To Buy It" Churches - Communication Equip. CHURCHES-(Continued) CAmOLlC CATHEDRAL--I I OF mE SACRED HEART I Cor. 4th & Steele I SUNDAY MASSES 7.00, 8.30 & 10 A.M. Weekday Masses, 7 A.M. 1 1 I 1 1 Confessions, Sat. 7.00 - 9 P.M. Devotions, 7.30 P.M., Fri., Sat., Sun. 11 Cleaning 1 I II Holy Commun~on 9.00 A.M. 2nd Sunday, Each Month 11.00 A.M. Morning Prayer 11.00 A.M. r Sunday School 11.00 A.M. I Evening Prayer 7.30 P.M. 1 Pressing 1\ CHRIST CHURCH I CAmEDRAL (Anglican) Cor. 3rd & Elliot ! CAPITAL CLEANERS Repairing Alterations Waterproofing Rug Shampooing Upholstery Cleaning PHONE 2644 • Holy Communion on Saints' Days and Holy Days (as announced) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN-CHURCH Cor. 6th & Cook Sunday School - 10 A.M. Morning VVorship (Sunday 11 A.M.) Evening Service (Sunday 7.30 P.M.) Other activities will be announced from Pulpit Bible Class, every Monday 6 P.M. CIVIL ENGINEERS YUKON ENGINEERING LTD __________________________________ 32Zl 508 Main St. (See Advt. Page 53) CLEANERS Capital Dry Cleaners ______ 2644 206 Jarvis St. (See Advt. This Page) YUKON LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Main St.-Store ____________ 2881 1st & Strickland-Plant 2526 (See Advt. Page 60) 206 Jarvis St. Whitehorse, Y.T. CLOTHING Also See Tailors AREN'S MENSWEAR ______ 3712 Main St. Residence-Main St. ____ 4111 (See Advt. Page 66) CLUBS Whitehorse Curling Club __ 4900 Arena - 4th Ave. COMMUNICATIONS YUKON TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD. _________ 3911 Main See Telephone-Telegraph Companies (See Advt. Page 7) ... 11 ......... ,11111 ... 111111, .... ,11111,.1111111, ..... " ......... , ••••• Make It Easier For Your Customers To Find You, Advertise In The YELLOVV PAGES 50 Communication Equipment - Dentists COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT NORTHERN COMMUNICATION SERVICES .......... 3441 4th & Alexander (See Advt. Page 48) v. WELLS GENERAL CONTRACTOR • CONTRACTORS CAMPBELL'S LIMITED 2631 Cor. 4th & Alexander (See Advt. Back Cover) GENERAL ENTERPRISES LTD .. ___ .____________. 3081, 3082 4th & Ogilvie JIM HOWATT 4291 506 Hawkins (See Advt. Page 63) JOHN A. MacISAAC CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. Dial "0" then ask for NW.206 MAR WELL CONSTRUCTION COMP ANY LIMITED 3rd & Black Dial "0" then ask for NW.OSOF NW.OSl R. Warner, Res. Mgr. NW.050B Proctor & Harper Co. Ltd. 2451 210 Jarvis SCHRAM & GAENSBAUER 8th & Black "Where To Buy It" . 3626 V. WELLS Dial "0" then ask for NW.On Refinery area (See Advt. This Page) Cement Work of 011 kinds Concrete Blocks Sash and Doors Phone NW 011 P.O. BOX 544 Refinery Area Whitehorse, Y.T. DAIRIES Whitehorse Dairy Ltd. Pinchins Building 4050 DELICATESSENS Sunny's Delicatessen Main Street 3881 Dentists See Medical & Dental Building ....... ,1111, .... ,1111111 ....... ,111, ........ ,111 ...... , ..........' "... CREDIT REPORTS CREDIT BUREAU----1 of Whitehorse 11 CREDIT RATINGS, COLLECTIONS Phone 3161 4th & Main Whitehorse YOUR AD IN THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY REACHES MORE PEOPLE FOR LESS MONEY THAN ANY OTHER MEDIUM. 1111 ...... ,111, ...... ,111111111111111111 •••••••• " ........... , ...... 1111 51 Department Stores "Where To Buy It" DEPARTMENT STORES BOUGEN'S TAYLOR & DRURY LTD. LIMITED--- * Radio - Electric Sports Lodge Photographic Supplies • * Children's * Phone 2861 Phone 4861 Grocery 3051 Hardware 2147 Dry Goods 2148 Accounts & Cashier 2141 Fumiture 2143 Men's Wear & Shoes 2149 Wear Radio Repairs Stationery and Office Equipment NORTHERN COMMERCIALCOMPANY LTD. STORE Omce 3691 Groceries 2121 Hardware 2122 Drygoods 2126 Manager's Res. 3696 C. D. Taylor, Office - 2652 Yukon's Pioneer Merchants Branch Stores - - 2656 Warehouse - - GENERAL OFFICE 3512 CONSULT THE "YELLOW PAGES" - 2146 NORTHERN COMMERCIAL COMPANY LTD. Yukon's Pioneer Merchants * GENERAL MERCHANTS Whitehorse Dawson City Mayo, Y.T. DRYGOODS 2126 HARDWARE 2122 GROCERIES 2121 OFFICE 3691 Branches DAWSON CITY MAYO, Y.T. Headquarters - Whitehorse, Y.T. 52 Diesel Engines - Engineers "Where To Buy It" DIESEL ENGINES CUMMINS DIESEL SALES LTD. OF B.C. ____ 4361 703B Main St. (See Advt_ This Page) CUMMINS DIESEL SALES LTD. OF B. C. NORTHERN COMMERCIAL COMPANY LTD. __________ 3851 1st at Main (See Advt. Inside Front Cover) Sales & Service Doctors-See Medical & Dental Building Automotive - Locomotive Marine & Generator Sets etc. Also . . . Dominion Government See Government of Canada Petter (Diesel) Light Plants DRESSES BURNIE'S APPAREL ______ 3147 Main St_ PETITE SHOP I LADIES' READY -TO-WEAR Full Range of Models and Sizes Whitehorse Alterations Repairs - Remodelling Phone 4700 4th Ave. near Main Whitehorse, Y.T. PHONE 4361 I Regal Ladies' Wear 4th & Main 2500 Style Shop, The 210 Main 3'712 Whitehorse, Y.T. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS JAMIESON ELECTRIC:--I iI 1 I DRUGGISTS WHITEHORSE PHARMACY _________________ 2901 210 Main YUKON DRUG CO. __________ 4836 Main St. DRYGOODS I, Domestic & Industrial Wiring, Etc. * Phone 3441 311 Alexander Whitehorse, Y.T. United Electric __________________ 4444 5th & Black (See Advt. Opposite Page) Whitehorse Electric & Utilities Co. Ltd. _________ 3500 Main (See Advt. Opposite Page) Yukon Electrical Co. 2292, 2296 Main St. See Dept. Stores ENGINEERS NORTHERN COMMERCIAL COMPANY LTD. __________ 2126 1st at Main (See Advt. Page 51) YUKON ENGINEERING LTD. _______ .______________________ 3221 508 Main St. (See Advt. Opposite Page) 53 "Where To Buy It" UNITED ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Whitehorse Classified Directory ~~.~, • WHITEHORSE ELECTRIC & UTILITIES CO. LTD . Wiring a Specialty Electrical Engineers SALES INSTALLATIONS MAINTENANCE SERVICE and Industrial - Contractors Domestic Refrigeration Service Motor Sales & Service PHONE 4444 5th & Black PHONE 3500 Whitehorse, Y.T. YUKON ENGINEERING LTD. MINING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Mining and Milling Plant Design and I nsta lIation Municipal Engineering Land Surveyors (D.L.S. - B.C.L.S. - A.L.S.) Home and Building Designs PHONE 3221 508 Main St. Whitehorse, Y.T. 54 Express - Garages "Where To Buy It" EXPRESS and TRANSFER GARAGES INTER-CITY EXPRESS __ 2171 2nd & Elliott NORTHERN COMMERCIAL COMPANY LTD. ___ 3851 1st at Main (See Advt. Pages 54, 55 & Inside Front Cover) Snap-On Tools ________________ 3681 Rear Apt. Yukon Drug Co. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE EXTINGUISHER SALES AND SERVICE ____________ 2162 3rd & Main FLORISTS MAR . B E C K - - - - - - I FLOWER and GIFT SHOP I 1 I I I 1 Serving the Yukon Floral Designs For All 204~ccasions Phone 4th Ave., 51 Box Whitehorse, Y.T. YUKON WHEEL ALIGNMENT ________________ 4711 4th & Alexander You'll Find What You Want In The Yellow Pages FROZEN FOODS WHITEHORSE FROZEN FOODS ________________ _______ RAY THOMPSON'S BODY SHOP __________________________ 4686 Whiskey Flats (See Advt. Page 55) Tourist Services Ltd. ________ 2462 4th Ave. 2801 FUEL DIRECTORY ADVERTISING PAYS RYDER'S FUEL SERVICE-- ,I I I See Us First For Prompt Service For Your Stove Oil - Wood, etc. * 2942 Ave. Whitehorse I 1202 4thPhone Yukon Propane Service __ 4561 4th & Wood St. NORTHERN COMMERCIAL co. LTD. GARAGE FURNITURE Office 3851 DEE'S UPHOLSTERY--SERVICE Parts 2481 • Service 2483 • FORD and MONARCH CARS Interior Furnishings Floor Coverings New & Rebuilt Furniture Phone 2646 EVINRUDE MOTORS FURS Machinery Dept. 4121 LOG CABIN FUR SHOP __ 2881 Main (See Advt. Page 59) CATERPILLAR PRODUCTS 55 "Where To Buy It" Government Of Canada NORTHERN COMMERCIAL CO. LTD. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Canadian Immigration ______ 2531 Customs & Excise ___ __ 2011 Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration _ 2531 Indian Affairs Branch _ 4161 CATERPILLAR DEPT. Indian AffairsSuperintendent * Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys: Parts Service Mgrs. Res. 4121 2432 2416 CATERPILLAR PARTS SALES & SERVICE Whitehorse, Y.T. RAY THOMPSON'S BODY SHOP AUTO BODY & FENDER REPAIRS 4162 Geological Survey of Canada Resident GeologistR. Campbell ____________ 4911 Dept. of National Revenue Income Tax Division ___ 4451 Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources: CommissionerW. G. Brown 2991 Agent of Territorial Lands and Timber 2361 Deputy Registrar of Land Titles 4922 Mining Recorder 2361 Yukon Forestry Division 2981 • Gene'ral Post Office: Postmaster J. Wood _ 2401 Indian Health Nurse 2721 BODY BUILDING AUTO - BUS - TRUCK National Employment Service 4491 Panels any shape and size up to 18 Gauge Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Town Detachment 2221 Officer Commanding 3412 Gen. Sub Div. Office _ 3411 • PHONE 4686 South End 2nd Ave. Whitehorse, Y.T. Guard Room and Night Calls 4151 See also Territorial Government listing 56 Grocers - Hotels "Where To Buy It" GROCERS-Retail HOSPITALS FEDERAL GROCERY ______ 3202 4th & Steele WHITEHORSE GENERAL HOSPITAL _____________________ 2231 2nd at Hawkins JAN.UESON GROCERY------ ( GROCERIES - PRODUCE MAGAZINES, ETC. I Phone 3441 311 Alexander White horse, Y.T. 11 • NORTHERN COMMERCIAL COMP ANY LTD. ______ 2121 1st at Main (See Advt. Page 51) Sunrise Grocery _______________ 4001 206 Lowe Tourist Services Ltd. 2468, 4100 4th Ave. HOTELS Capital Hotel ___________ 3406, 3409 103 Main St. (See Advt. This Page) HOTEL '98 ______________ 3241, 324Z 2nd & Wood (See Advt. Opposite Page) Prince George Hotel Prince George 660 P.O. Box 430 (See Advt. Opposite Page) REGINA HOTEL _____________ 2831 Cor. 1st & Wood (See Advt. Opposite Page) GROCERS-Wholesale CANADA PACKERS ______ 2551 Cor. 2nd & Black MALKIN, W. H. CO. LTD. 3807 409 Ogilvie CAPITAL HOTEL Proprietors:Mr. & Mrs. Richard White HARDWARE NELSON'S LIMITED ______ 2971 1st Ave. HEARING AIDS COMPLETELY MODERN QUIET! • NORTHERN COMMUNICATION SERVICES _________ 3441 4th & Alexander (See Advt. Page 48) For Reservations HEATING & VENTILATING 103 Main St. LUNDE METALS LTD. ____ 3801 Cor. 6th & Cook (See Advt. Page 67) Whitehorse, Y.T. YUKON SHEET METAL WORKS ___________________________ 4686 South End 2nd Ave. (See Advt. Page 65) PHONE 3406 1 ..... 11111111 ...... ,1111111, .... ,1111 .... ,1, ......................... .. PHONE FOR ADVERTISING RATES .11.,11, ...... 11111111 ..................... ,1 ........................... "Where To Buy It" "98" HOTEL ROOMS ALL FULLY MODERN Licensed Cocktail Bar 57 Hotels (COntlllued) "REMEMBER" PRINCE GEORGE HOTEL is in the CENTRE OF CITY "Where The Sourdoughs Meetl" PHONE 3242 2nd & Wood St. Whitehorse, Y.T. REGINA HOTEL "Where Comfort and Service Await You" • Rates • Reasonable $2.50 & up Rooms • Din,ing Banquet Rooms • Sample • Cabaret Rooms • c.P. Airlines • PHONE 660 487 George St. Prince George, B.C. FULLY MODERN LICENSED COCKTAIL BAR DINING ROOM HOTELS (Continued) LICENSED PREMISES J. o. • Erickson-Prop. w,BITER::::::Hotel and Restaurant "Your Home in the Yukon" PHONE 2831 Cor. 1st & Wood Whitehorse, Y.T. Phone ...............• Zl51 I (See Advertisement Page I) WHITE PASS HOTEL _______________ 4061, 4062 Cor_ 1st & Main 58 Bot SpriDp - Insurance HOT SPRINGS "Where To Buy It" As INSURANCE BROKERS TAKHINI HOT SPRINGSSWimming - Coffee Shop Tourist Cabins Trailer Space OPEN YEAR ROUND 2.30 P.M. to 4.30 A.M. I I I Turn at 1 Mile 925 WE ACT EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE ASSURED • Phone 4071 1 Whitehorse, Y.T. I All Lines INSURANCE WHALEN INSURANCE Ltd. T. A. FIRTH & SON _______ 3171 (formerly Wise Agencies) 208A Main st. (See Advt. Opposite Pa~) PHONE 2621 HUMME INSURANCE LIMITED _____________________ 4400 Main St. next Inn Cafe (See Advt. This Page) Mgrs. Residence-2871 WEBBER-BUSBY AGENCIES __________________ 2161 3rd at Main Whitehorse, Y.T. 1st & Main -IF IT'S A CHANCE - DON'T TAKE IT- INSURE IN "SURE" INSURANCE with HUMME INSURANCE LIMITED (Formerly Kennedy Agencies) PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS Phone 4400 Main St. Next Door to Inn Cafe Jack Humme-Mgr. Box 1028 Y.T. Whitehorse~ "Where To Buy It" 59 Insurance - Locksmith" INSURANCE (Continued) T. A. FIRTH & SON Est. 1906 Whalen Insurance Ltd. ____ 2621 1st & Main (See Advt. Dpp. Page) GENERAL INSURANCE with full protection Workmen's Compensation JEWELLERY David Rust ________________ ____ 2036 1st & Elliott YUKON IVORY SHOP'--- Fire, theft Automobiles Casualty, Burglary Guarantee Bonds ' \ I Ivory and Alaska Black Diamond Jewellery, English Bone China II Est. 1928 109 Main St. Phone 2891 Whitehorse I' Indemnity Bonds PHONE 3171 208A Main St. Whitehorse, Y.T. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SEE "DRESSES" LOG CABIN FUR SHOP __ 2881. Main (See Advt. This Page) Petite Shop ________________ 4700 4th near Main LOG CABIN FUR SHOP Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Dresses - Suits - Coats Sportswear Skirts, Slacks Blouses, Hosiery Lingerie Agents for:- LAUNDRIES IRENE'S HAND LAUNDRY River Flats .. _ 4422 YUKON LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Store-Main St. ____________ 2881 Plant-1st & Strickland 2526: (See Advt. Page 60) Lawyers-See Barristers & Solicitors Yukon Laundry LOCKSMITHS & BILL HANCOCK----- Dry Cleaners ' PHONE 2881 ) Main St., Whitehorse, Y.T. I' Your Local LOCK AND. KEY MAN Phone 4791 Box 41 1301 5th Ave. Whitehorse, Y.T. 60 "Where To Buy It" Laundries - Medical-Dental YUKON LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS (Contractors for H.M.C. GOYt.) PRESSING CLEANING REPAIRING RUG SHAMPOOING UPHOLSTERY:- DOMESTIC and AUTO ROUGH DRY & WET WASH STORE-MAIN ST. PHONE 2881 PLANT-1st & STRICKLAND PHONE 2526 Whitehorse, Y.T. MACHINE SHOPS MEAT PACKERS E. JACOB'S MOTORS ____ 2751 209 Hawkins St. (See Advt. Page 45) BURNS & CO. LIMITED'----I 1 , PIONEER MEAT PACKERS I OF CANADA ,I MAIL ORDER HOUSES T. EATON co. CANADA LIMITED _____ 4481 4th & Main Phone 2311 I Mgrs. Res. 4611 I Main St. Whitehorse, Y.T. SnKPSONS.SEARS________ , LIMITED Satisfaction or Money Refunded Phone 2551 Cor. 2nd & Black Whitehorse, Y.T. You will Enjoy Shopping The Easy Thrifty Catalogue Way MEDICAL & DENTAL BLOG. I Phone 2331 , Parcel Enquiry 3121 14th & Main - Whitehorse I " .................. 11111, ..... ,111, ........ ,111 .... 1111, ....... 1...... . MAKE BUYING EASIER USE YOUR TELEPHONE Physicians & Surgeons: Dr. F. W. Morrow & Dr. P. F. Dubois Office ________________________ !Z77 Residence ___________________ ZUl 61 "Where To Buy It" MEDICAL " DENTAL BUn.DING (Continued) Dr. G. S. Harris Office ____________________ 4196 Residence ___________________ U9l Dr. A. G. Tanner Office __________________ 3606 Residence ____________________ 3601 Dentists: Dr. S. Dumenco-Office 4211 Dr. N. Nishio Office ______________________ 4211 Residence ________________ 4216 Medical-Dental - Music MINING COMPANIES (Coutlnued) PROSPECTORS AIRWAYS-CO. LTD. Mining, exploration & Development Phone 2051 Quebec Metallurgical Industrial Ltd. ___________ ZOU 3rd & Hanson UNITED KENO HILL MINES LIMITED ______ 3381 (Transpo'rt Division) Jarvis & 2nd Dispensary: MacPhersonlBowman Dispensary _______________ 2903 MIN,ING - ENGINEERS Also See Engineers MINING COMPANIES Brikon Explorations Ltd. 3091 1st Ave. Old Shipyard Mess CASSIAR ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED _______________________ 3381 2nd & Jarvis (Transportation Division) CONWEST EXPLORATION COMPANY LIMITED __ 4191 Main St. HUDSON BAY EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. ____________ 3781, 3782 106 Strickland NORTHWESTERN EXPLORATIONS LIMITED ________________________ 4677 Noel, G. A., Mgr. __________ 4677 4th & Alexander YUKON ENGINEERING LTD. _______________________ 3221 508 Main St. (See Advt. Page 53) MUNICIPAL City of Whitehorse __________ 3041 NC Bldg., 1st Ave. .... 1111111.111111111111 ...... 111 ...... 11111111 ... 1111 ... 11 ........... . . THE ADDRESS REMEMBERED BUT NAME FORGOTTEN If the principal business of the firm is known it is then easy to locate the name and telephone number in the CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 62 News Dealers - Painters & Decorators "Where To Buy It" OFFICE SUPPUES NEWS DEALERS MAC'S NEWST·Al."HJ-----. ~TEHOBSE YUKON SOUVENIRS Magazines Books Cigarettes Watches, Jewellery & Novelties I F. J. & M. A. SPEER PropS. Next Door to Grill Cafe Phone 3536 I I Newspapers---S~ OIL DEALER Ryder's Fuel Service _ _ 2942 Also See Fuels, Petroleum Publications NOVELTIES YUKON JEWELLEBY'----, AND NOVELTY SHOP The Arctic Store South of the Arctic Home of the Famous "KEE BIRD" Phone 2691 Whitehorse PUT THE CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ON YOUR SELLING STAFF. ADVERTISE IN THE "YELLOW PAGES" Gorham & Neveroski Interior Painting & Decorating Flok - WHITEHORSE STAR ____ 2301 Main st. Crafting Carpets Chesterfields (Shampoo Cleaned) Floor Sanding & Finishing Exterior Paintwork Spray - Painting Rugs • PHONE 3900 501 Ogilvie Whitehorse, Y.T. OPTOMETRISTS JAMES A. HANNA, L.S.C.O.- I Optometrist - Optician I Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs Phone 3021 P.O. Box 878 Whitehorse, Y.T. \ 221 Elliott ORGANIZATIONS BPO Elks Lodge _____________ ._. 3212 203 Main Canadian Legion .......... _____ 3431 Strickland PACKING and CRATING CAMPBELL'S LIMITED __ 2631 Cor. 4th & Alexander (See Advt. Back Cover) PAINTERS & DECORATORS GORMAN & NEVEROSKl 3900 501 Ogilvie (See Advt. This Page) JIM HO WATT ___________ 4291 506 Hawkins (See Advt. Opposite Page) 1111 .......... III ......... III ..... II ......... UIlIlU.......HIIII .... r ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY SECURE RESULTS .63 "Where To Buy It'' Petroleum - Plumbers JIM HOWATT QUALITY PAINTWORK (Brush or Spray) FURNITURE BLONDING (Mahogany & Birch Finish) Reasonable Rates • FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 4291 506 Hawkins PETROLEUM YUKON PETROLEUM.-------I DISTRIBUTORS We supply all your PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS Phone 4011, 4021, 4031, 4041 N.W.213 ! "WHOLESALE ONLY" Main & 1st, Whitehorse, Y.T. \ Whitehorse, Y.T. PHOTOGRAPHERS (Continued) KAY'S STUDIO------I 4th & Steele I I Portraits, Passports Home Photos Commercial Photography I I Phone 2341 I Box 999 Physicians & SurgeonsS~ Medical & Dental Building PHOTOGRAPHERS HOUGEN'S LIMITED--I I 24-hour Developing Servicoe / Commercial PhotographY' Passports I I Phones - 2861, 4861 Buy Quickly, Comfortably, BY TELEPHONE PLUMBERS NELSON'S LIMITED 2972 1st Ave. Saanich Plumbing and Heating ____ _____________________ 3326 1st & Jarvis WHITEHORSE PLUMBING CO. ___________ 2828 602 Ogilvie "Where To Buy It" 64 Whitehorse Classified Directory leading companies use Yours, like the problems of others in the field of radio communications can be solved with satisfaction. Acknowledged leaders in this field, Spilsbury fT Tindall are suppliers to Canada's largest industrial projects as well as the many users that form the radio life line of this country. Whether your requirements call for a 2 watt portable or 1000 watt base station there is a model to service your particular needs. For complete details or information contact the Spilsbury fT Tindall dealer serving your area or write direct to the Vancouver office. Spilsbury & Tindall radio telephones Pro,en performance is your guarantee of satisfaction. SPILSBURY & TINDALL LTD. ~t'-44 WATER ST VANCOUVER 4. B. C. Quality at a price you can afford "Where To Buy It" 65 PublicatloDS· SOUDd " TraDscriptlon Equipment PUBLICATIONS YUKON SHEET METAL WORKS "Whitehorse Star" __________ 2301 Main St. RADIO & ELECTRONICS NORTHERN COMMUNICA. TlON SERVICES _____ 3441 4th & Alexander (See Advt. Page 48) South End - 2nd Ave. Complete Sheet Metal Service RADIO TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT Bonded Roofing Applicators SPll..SBURY & TlNDALL LTD. __________________ 3911 (See Advt. Page 64) Agents for Pacific Furnaces SCHOOLS PHONE 4686 Indian Baptist Mission School, 4th Ave. ___________ 2731 Whitehorse, Y.T. Sisters of Providence Con'rent, 4th Ave. _________ 3301 Whitehorse High ______________ 2711 4th & Bla<:k SHEET METAL SERVICE STATIONS I E. JACOBS SERVICE---Corner 4th & Strickland I Phone 2753 \ ATLAS TIRES, BATI'ERIES, Accessories Washing and Greasing A MODERN RELIABLE Service Station at your Service I Whitehorse Beverages Ltd. 3061 Behind Tourist Services SEWING MACHINES II I I I I I CENTRE-~ 4th & Steele I' I I Whitehorse, Y.T. I Phone 3202 Ca'reful Buyers Use The "YELLOW PAGES" SOFT DRINKS NORTHLAND BEVERAGES LTD. _______________________________ 2702 4th & Black I ELNA SEWING YUKON SHEET METAL WORKS ________________________ 4686 South End 2nd Ave. (See Advt. This Page) I I Solicitors-See Barristers & Solicitors SOUND & TRANSCRIPTION EQUIPMENT NORTHERN COMMUNICATION SERVICES _________ 3441 4th & Alexander (See Advt. Page 48) 66 Storage - Taxi Cabs "Where To Buy It" STORAGE TAXI CABS 'KEN GARVICE ____________ 3250 2nd & Black 3256 (See Advt. Page 68) Phones: 2 4 SurgeonsSee Medical & Dental Building !3456 H V o ~39991 U SURVEYORS YUKON ENGINEERING LTD. ____________________________ 3221 508 Main St. (See Advt. Page 53) R Inn Cabs ___________________________ 3333 Main St. "98" T A X I - - - - - - - - - , I 24-HR. TAILORS ARENS' 4666 "When you've got to go I Let us know" 'I REGINA HOTEL T A X I - - - ( I 11 I ( , PORKY'S MENSWEAR;---I 1st & Wood Phone 4777 ALWAYS AT HAND! VETERAN TAXI---------1 I AT I' YOUR Work and Dress Clothes Phone 1:=4555 Boots and Shoes 11,: Phone SERVICE MENSWEAR:---- Menswear Specialists Featuring, Warren K. Cook Clothes Recognized as Canada's Leader in Made-To-M-easure and Ready-To-Wear. Sportswear, Furnishings, etc. Phone 3712 Prop . .lack Arens Res. un I Main St. Whitehorse, Y.T. I T~---------, CBECKAB Made-To-Measure Clothing I I Main St. I Whitehorse Inn Cabs ....•• S33S Main Whitehorse, Y.T. YELLOW TOWN TOGGERY-----I Exclusive Ag-ents for Firth Bros. Made-To-Measure Clothes for Ladies & Gents Ready-To-Wear, Sportswear, Furnishings, etc. Phone 3181 I I CAl!~-----------o CENTRAL and MAIN 24 HOUR SERVICE Phones: 2 3 91 2666 If you have goods or services "For Sale," The "YELLOW PAGES" pro- vide purchasers with a Quick Way To Find You. You are invited to-day to call our business office for detailed information on advertising in The Classified Telephon-e Directory. 67 '~Where Telephone - Tires To Buy It" TELEPHONE & TElEGRAPH COMPANIES Northwest Communication System _____________________ Dial "0" Royal Canadian Corps of Signals _____________________ 2nd at Wood 2251 YUKON TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD. ________ 2111 Main St. (See Advt_ Page 7) LUNDE METALS LTD. All Types of Sheet Metal Work Complete Oil Burner Installation Agents for Airco Products TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS * ComrnissionerW_ G_ Brown __________________ 2991 Education Dept ________________ 2712 Game Dept ______________________ 2281 Health & Sanitation ________ 2281 Liquor Vendor ______ _______ 2182 Public Health Nurse ________ 2511 Supt. Liquor Control _______ 2181 Territorial Engineer __________ 2981 Territorial Government Agent ______________________________ 2281 Territorial Secretary _______ 4511 Territorial Treasure'r ________ 4181 (Also see Government of Canada) PHONE 3801 Cor. 6th & Cook Whitehorse, Y.T. CHAPPIE'S TRANSFER AND EXPRESS THEATRES CAPITOL THEATRE ______ 2021 303 Main YUKON THEATRE __________ 4921 304 Wood TINSMITHS LUNDE METALS LTD. ____ 3801 Cor. 6th & Cook (See Advt. Page 67) NELSON'S LIMITED ______ 2973 211A Elliott Tir~ee Automobile Tires Day 2331 Night 2936 402 Hawkins Whitehorse, Y.T. 68 Tire Distributors - TruckiDr "Where to B1J3'I It" TIRE DISTRIBUTORS Yukon Tire Shop ____________ 2101 4th & Jarvis (See Advt. This Page) TOBACCO - WHOLESALE Tourist Servi~s Ltd. _____ 2469 4th Ave_ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS INTER-CITY EXPRESS _ 2171 2nd & Elliott Lee's Transport Ltd. (See Advt. Opposite Page) TRUCKING Chappie's Transfer ______ 2936 402 Hawkins (See Advt. Page 67) KEN I General Trucking I I Connecting with Loiselle Transport and Lee's Transport I I Truckers Central Depot Phone 3256 I TRANSPORTAliON GARVICE----------~ I 2nd WHITE PASS & YUKON---I I ROUTE Freight - Passenger - Express To all Points Phone I 4011, 4021, 4031, 4041 NW.213 (S~ Alphabetical Listing White Pages) Railway-Steamship Truck-Bus I i Main & 1st, Whitehorse, Y.T. I I I & Black Whitehorse I LOISELLE TRANSPORT LTD. _______________________ 3641 3rd & Black (See Advt. Opposite Page) 111.11111111111111.1 ........ 1111111.111.111111 ...... 111 •• 1 .. Ill ........ . When a specific product or service is needed, see it in your "Yellow Pages." YUKON TIRE SHOP GOODIiuR - AUTHORIZED DEALER-- VULCANIZING - A SPECIALTY- We Carry the Largest Stock of New and Used Tires in the Yukon PHONE 2101 4th & Jarvis I Whitehorse, Y.T. 69 "Where To Buy It" Whitehorse Telphone Directory LOISELLE TRANSPORT LIMITED Light & Heavy Hauling from Edmonton & All Eastern Points via Dawson Creek to Whitehorse EXPRESS SERVICE AT FREIGHT RATES - connecting with - LEE'S TRANSPORT LTD. Dawson Creek, B.C., Head Office PHONE 400 Edmonton Depot-10582 - 115th St. PHONE 45093 Whitehorse Depot-3rd & Black PHONE 3641 For: EXPRESS SERVICE At: ship via FREIGHT RATES! LEE'S TRANSPORT Daily Service VANCOUVER TO PRINCE GEORGE (24 hrsJ VANCOUVER TO DAWSON CREEK (48 hrsJ With daily service to all points north, connecting with Loiselle Transport from Dawson Creek. All points along Alaska Highway to Whitehorse. Teletype communications for your convenience. Agents: Bill Young-Dawson Creek H. Hadden-Prince George LEE'S TRANSPORT LTD. 1214 E. Pender St. (Toll ChgJ HAstings 6740 and 6698 VANCOUVER, B.C. · 70 Trucks--Automobile-Renting - Window Cleaning "Where To Buy It" Burroughs Adding Machines WHITEHORSE TYPEWRITER SERVICE New & Used Sales Service BICYCLE Accessories Rentals ACCESSORIES TRICYCLES New, Used and Rentals. F. & E. Cheque Protectors Royal Typewriter Agen.ts Phone 3861 Cor. 3rd & Hanson (Box 248) TRUCKS-AUTOMOBILERENTING Yukon Truck Rental Service __________________ U11, 4416 706 Wood Whitehorse, Y.T. YUKON TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD. _________ 2111 Main WATCHMAKERS DAVID RUST'-------I 11 TYPEWRITERS-Repairing Whitehorse Typewriter Service _ ________________________ 3861 209 Hawkins St. (See Advt. This Page) 1 I Diamonds - Silve'rware Watches - Jewellery Specializing in Watch Repairs 1 1 1 Phone 2036 1st & Elliott Whitehorse I WATER SERVICES UPHOLSTERY Pearson's Water Service __ 4141 303 Hawkins Dee's Upholstery Service 2646 Main (See Advt. Page 54) UTILITY COMPANIES Yukon Electrical Co. Ltd. _________ ____ 2292, 2296 Main WINDOW CLEANING Dave's Window Cleaning & Floor Polishing Service 4321 507 Jarvis PHONE FOR ADVERTISING RATES 71 Whitehorse Telephone Directory "Where To Buy It" Section THE MORE 'PHONES IN A COMMUNITY THE GREATER THE VALUE OF YOUR 'PHONE * The more telephones added to an exchange the more valuable YOUR telephone becomes to you. You can call more people; more people can call you. This is particularly true in business. More telephone subscribers mean more potential customers. And, of course, from a customer's standpoint, the more business or professional people with telephones, the wider the range to choose from. This company is doing its utmost to increase the local and long distance connections of the Whitehorse Exchange. YUKON TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD. 72 NUMBERS FREQUENTLY CALLEDALTERATIONS OR ADDITIONS SINCE ISSUE OF TIllS DIRECTORY: Name Number Branches: MAYO - CARMACKS - TESLlN TAYLOR & DRURY LTD. Corner 1st Ave. & Main St. DEPARTMENTS Dry Goods 2148 2143 Furniture Hardware 2147 Grocery 3051 Men's Wear & Shoes 2149 GENERAL OFFICE 3512 ACCOUNTS & CASHIER 2141 C. D. Taylor 2652 Branch Stores Office 2656 W . D. Taylor 3511 Warehouse 2146 ONLY 100/0 DOWN ON HOME APPLIANCES B U Y Moffat Electric Ranges Crosley "Shelvador" Refrigerators Bendix Automatic Washers Deepfreeze Freezers T Q U A L I T Y also featured: Thor Washing Machines Fleetwood Radios Necchi Sewing Machines Electrohome Hi-Fi HOUGEN'S LIMITED P A Y S Phones - 2861 - 4861 Whitehorse, Yukon Territory CAMPBELL'S LIMITED P.O. Box 280 Phone 2631 - 2632 Cor. 4th Ave. & Alexander St. Whitehorse, Y. T. YUKON'S LARGEST BUILDING SUPPLY HOUSE Packing & Crating General Contractors Agents for: Chris Craft Boats Universal Ught Plants, Marine Engines Mall Tools Sherwin Williams Paints - Kemtones - Kem Glo