LAUNCESTON' S INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE: a survey PART TWO Miranda Morris-Nunn and C.B. Tassell jointly funded by the Australian Heritage Commission and the Queen Victoria Museum of the Launceston City Council 1983 INTRODUCTION This volume forms the second part of the publication Launceston's Industrial Heritage : a survey. As noted in the first volume the survey has been pre sented in two parts. The first involved the establishment of an historical perspective or framework in which the existing buildings and sites could be viewed. The second has involved the preparation of an inventory of existing in dustrial buildings and s i t es within Launceston. The second part of the survey has been subdiv i ded in to two sections. Secti on A i ncludes buil dings of architectural, environmental or histor i cal importance . Excellent examples of such build i ngs include Thyne Brothers Kn i t ting Mi l l, the Duck Reach Power Stati on , Tasmanian Tyre Service, Waverley Woollen Mill s , Crown Mill , Patons and Ba l dw i ns Sp inn ing Mil l, the Gas Wor ks, Telegraph Pr in t ery and the tram term i nus at the corner of Well ington and Howi ck Streets. Some of these bu il dings co nti nue in the ir original function, such as the Tasmanian Tyre Service, Waverley Woollen Mil l s, or near orig inal funct ion such as the tram term i nus now being used as the bus depot. A few have been successfully recyc l ed for completely di ff erent f un ctions such as the Crown Mi ll, Thyne Brothers Kn i tt i ng Mi ll and the Telegraph Pr in tery, while others rema in unused and derelict such as the Duck Reach Power Statio n. Section B contains those bu i ld i ngs which whi le generally having some histo ri cal significance have less architectural mer it . The i r inclusion prov i des a more complete record of Launceston's in dustrial history. Each bu i ld ing is en t ered by street name and then by street number. Wherev er pos s ible deta il s of dat e of constructi on, or altera tio n, arc hitect, bu i l ders an d ea rl y use ar e gi ven. Where appropri ate page references to the historic al contex t given in part one of th e study are indica t ed as wel l as t he locati on of arc hitect ura l dr aw ings. Pr evious eva l uat i ons of t he bu i ld in gs such as entry in t he Regi ster of the National Esta te, National Trust clas si f icati ons or the Launceston Nat i onal Estate Cons ervat ion St udy are also gi ven. - 412 The foll owing ab brev iat i ons hav e been used : L.C. C. L. N. E.C .S. N. T. C. N.T. R. Q.V .M. R. N. E. La unce ston City Co uncil Launces ton Na tional Estate Con serv ation Study National Trust - Class ified Nat ional Tr ust - Re corded Qu ee n Vi ctoria Mu seum Re gi ster of th e Nati onal Estate - 413 146 ABBOTT STREET Name: Alexander Racket Co. Da t e: 1934 Style: Vernacular Art Deco and Sawtooth Material: brick Archi tect: Frank Heyward Bu il der: Refs: Use: racket factory Drawi ngs: L. C.C. Condition: good Other l is t in gs: no l i st in g 33 BATHURST STREET Name: J.W. Boa twrigh t Date: 1905, add iti on 1922 Style: Ve rnacu l ar Materia l : brick Arch itect: Builder : C. Adams 1905 Arthur B. Taylor 1922 Use: add itional f l oor - cl othing fa ctory Drawin gs: L.C .C. Co ndit i on: f ai r Other li st ings: no listin g Re f s: 166 BATHU RST STREET Name: Rus sens 188 7, 1902, 19 12 , Harper Bros 1933, A.T . Atkin s 1948 Date: c1897, al terat i ons 1936 Style: Fede ra tio n Material: bri ck an d st ucco Archi tect: Builder: J.T. Farmilo 1897 E. Suter 1936 Use: biscuit manufactory Refs: p.35 Conditio n: neglected - due for demolition Other l istings : no li st in g Drawi ngs: L.C.C. - 4I4 - 415 BENDERS LANE (98 ELIZABETH STREET) Name: Benders Date: c1889, 1918 Style: Vernacular 1889, Neoclassical 1918 Material: brick (sawdust insulation) Architect: Harold Masters 1918 Builder: Refs: r.40 Use: cool store Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: fair-poor Other listings: no listing BOURKE STREET (CORNER OF CANNING STREET) Name: Distributing Station Date: 1894 Style: Federation Material: brick on concrete foundations - slate roof Architect: C. St John David Builder: J. &T. Gunn Refs: pp.360, 367 Use: electricity distributioQ station Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - original tower has been removed Other listings: no listing 50 BRISBANE STREET Name: J. & T. Gunn Date: 1890s originally - gutted by fire and rebuilt in 1931 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick and stucco Architect: Builder: J. &T. Gunn Refs: pp.l0l, 102 Use: business premises Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - unsympathetic awning Other listings: no listing - 4I6 - 417 62-66 BRISBANE STREET (CORNER OF GEORGE STREET) Name: Joseph's Corner Date: c1880 Style: Victorian Material: brick and stucco Architect: Peter Mills Bu il der: Refs: p.202 Use: drapers Drawi ngs: L. C. C. Condition: good Other l istings : L. N. E. C.S., R.N . E., N. T. C. 63 BRISBANE STREET Name: T. Sim King Date: 1920 Styl e: Material: brick Architect : Bu i l der: Hinman, Wri ght & Manser 1920 J. & T. Gunn 1921 Use: bike sho p, motor garage Refs: pp.260, 267, 26 8 Condi tio n: f air - fac ade covered, ground fl oor altered Other l i st ings: no list ing Drawi ngs: L. C.C. 82 BRISBANE STREET Name: Thos Bourke (pre 1887), George Hi l ls (1887-1912) Date: c1880 Style: Simpl e Vi cto ri an Ma t eria l: brick an d stucco Architect: Bui lder : Refs: Use: furni t ure ma nufa ctory, tailor, mercer Drawings: L.C .C. hatter Cond i t i on: fair - ground floor completely Other list ings: no l is t i ng altered - 4I 8 - 419 92 BRISBANE STREET Name: Perrins Date: 1898 Style: Victorian (drawings show extra storey) Material: brick and stucco Archi tect: Builder: J. & T. Gunn Refs: Use: outfitters Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - ground floor facade altered Other listings: no listing 135 BRISBANE STREET 'THE BLOCK' Name: W. Gardi ner & Co. Da te: 1898 Style: Neoclas si cal Material: brick Arc hitect: Bu il der: Refs: p.214 Use: manufacturing jewellers Dra\'Ji ngs: . Other listings: no listing Cond it i on: good 149- 157 BRI SBANE STREET (CORNE R OF KIN GSWAY ) Name: Jo hn Kin g Date: 1920 Sty l e: Ne oc la ss i cal Mate ri al : brick and stucco Arc hitect: North , Ri ca rds & Heyward Buil der : Hinman, Wri ght & Manser Refs : pp.262, 264 Use: bicycle and motor cycle facto ry Drawin gs: L.C. C. Cond i ti on: go od - unsympathetic hoardin g hidin g ori ginal f acade Othe r l ist in gs: no lis t in g - 420 - 421 165-171 BRISBANE STREET Name: Motors Pty. Ltd. Date: cl926 Style: Art Deco Materia l : brick and stucco Architect: Builder: Refs: p.268 Use: motor garage Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing 177 BRISBANE STREET (CORNER OF WE LLI NG TON STREET) Name: R.T. Scarborough Date: 1928 Styl e: Art Deco Material: re i nforced concrete A rc~ itect: } John McDowel l ~ Anderson Englneer: Builder: W.H. Co x & Associates Refs: Use: garage Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listi ng 182 BRISBANE STREET (CORNER OF WE LLINGTON STREET) Name: Tasmanian Tyre Service Date: 1929 Styl e: Art Deco Material: brick and concrete walls Architect: C.J. Anderson Engineer: John McDowell Bu-j 1der: W. H. Cox Refs: p.268 Use: garage Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: excellent Other listi'ngs: no listing - 422 - 423 BROUGHAM STREET (JUNCTION OF BASIN ROAD) Name: Pumping House Date: 1940 Styl e: Art Deco Material: brick Architect: C.L. Clennett Bui 1der: Refs: Use: pumping house Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing 22 CAMERON STREET Name: Crown Mills Date: 1897 Style: Neoclassical/Victorian Industrial Material: brick Architect: Walter Conway Builder: J. & T. Gunn Refs: prL 29, 32 Use: flour mills Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - intact Other listings: R.N.E., N.T.C., L. N.E.C.S. 41 CAMERON STREET (CORNER OF GEORGE STREET) Name: Mill's Corner Date: 1880s Style: Victorian Italianate Material: brick and stucco Architect: Peter Mills .Builder: Refs: Use: furniture factory and shop Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - first floor and above Other listings: R.N.E . , N.T.C., L.N.E.C.S. - 424 - 425 Date: el881 Style: High Vi an Material: brick and ceo; foundations Arehi teet: Builder: : pp.162, 167 Use: leather goods manufa ings: L.C.C. Other listings: no listing Condition: good - intact 108 CAMERON STRE Name: Jackson1s Lockworks Date: 1927 e: al: concrete, wood and iron Architect: Eric G. Lowe Buil : H. Knight pp. Use: factory Condi , 390, 396, s: L.C.C. on: good lis : no listing CANAL Name: Scott & Griffithsl Tamar Brewery te: e Style: Ma te Georgian ial: brick Refs: pp. i1 Drawings: Use: on: ir Other listings: no listing - 426 - 427 31 CHARLES STREET Name: Salisbury Engineering Date: 1876, 1888, 1896 Style: Victorian Industrial 1888, 1896 Materia l : corrugated iron, brick Architect: Builder: J. & T. Gunn 1896 Refs: pp.384, 389-391 Use: engineering factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: derelict (old building) good (new building) Other listings: no listing 44 CHARLES STREE T Name: Bennell Bros Date: 1840s Style: Neoclassical Material: brick Architect: J. Bennell or R. de Little Builder: J. Bennell Refs: p.129 Use: painters and decorators Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: fair Other listings: R.N.E., N.T.C., L.N.E.C.S. 63 CHARLES STREET Name: Telegraph Printery Date: 1831, upper storeys c1880 Style: Victorian 1880 Material: brick Architect: Bui 1der: Refs: Use: pr i ntery Drawings: Condition: excellent Other listings: N.T.R. - 4 28 - - 429 72 CHARL ES STREET Name: Frederi ck Hal l pre 1903, Federal Bakery after 1903 Date: 1888 Style: Victorian Materia l: brick and stucco Architect: Bu i ld er: Char les Adams & Sons 1908 Hi nman , Wri ght & Manser 1919 Use: bakery Ref s: pp.35, 39 Drawin gs: L. C. C. Condition: excellent - f irst f loor f acade Other listings: N.T.C. in good condi t i on; centra l balcony has been sens i tively fille d in 100 CHARLES STREET Name: F. &W. Stewart Date: 1870s Styl e : Simple Victorian Material: bri ck and s tu cco Arch itect: Builder: Re fs: pp.211, 214 Use: manuf acturi ng j eweller Dra\'li ng s: L.C. C. Condi t i on: ex cell en t Other listings: R.N. E., N.T.C., L.N.Le.S. 118 CHAR LES STREET Name: Fotheringhams (owner F. J. Gunn ) Date: 1911 Styl e: Neoclassical / Federat ion Ma te rial: brick (tiled facade) and stu cco Archi tect : Builder: J. & T. Gunn Refs: p. 254 Use: saddl ery Drawin gs: L. C.C. Con dition: good - f irst floor f acade Other l i st ings: no listing - 43 0 - 4 31 123-125 CHARLES STREET Name: King's Chambers Date: large scale alterations c1912 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick and stucco Architect: T. Tandy 1912 Builder: Refs: p.262 Use: bicycle factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - top facade Other lis t i ngs: no 1i tin 136 CHARLES STREET Name: Beaumonts 1887-1902, Copes' Paris Cafe 1912, 1924, Fletchers 1933 Date: c1860 Style: Simple Vi ctor i an Mate ri al: brick and stucco Archi tect: Bui 1der: Refs: pp.37, 43 Use: bakery Drawi ngs: L.C.C. Cond i tio n: good - particul arl y rear Other l i st i ngs: no l isting 145 CHARLES STREET Name : T.S. Sharman c1890, Geo. Wh i tfeld 1904 Date: cl890 Style: Victorian Ital i anate Material: brick and stucco Architect: Builder: Refs : pp.2 12, 214 Use: watchmakers and jewellers Dralt/ings: L.C.C. Condition: good - first floor facade exce ll ent Other listings: no l i st i ng - 432 - 433 147a CHARLES STREET Name: Samuel Twiss 1902-1924 Date: 1890s Style: Victorian Materi al : brick and stucco Architec t: Builde r: Refs: Use: confectioners Drawin gs: Co ndi ti on: f ai r - f irst floor fa cade preserved Other l istings: no li sting 191 CHARLES STREET (ENTRANCE OFF ST JOHN AND EL IZABETH STREETS) Name: Tattersall's Livery Stables Date: 1896 Styl e: Vernac ula r Material: br i ck and corrugated iron Ar chitect : Bui l de r: J. & T. Gunn Refs: pp . 258-259 Use: 1 ive ry stable Drawi ngs : Co nd iti on: fa ir Other li stin gs : no li sting 197 CHARLES STREET Date: c1 860 Styl e: Georgian Victor i an Trans iti onal Materi al : brick and stucco Architec t: Bui 1der: Refs: pp.259, 263 Use: bicycle factory Drawi ngs: Condition: good - first and second floor facade good Other listings: R.N.E., N. T. C., - 4 34 L.I~ . E.C.S - 435 199 CHARLES STREET Name: Earley's 1902-1924 , H.J. Fulton 1933 Date: Style: Simple Victorian Materia l: brick and stucco Architect: bu i l der: Refs: Use: joinery and cabinet factory Drawings: L.C.C. Conditi on : fair - first floor facade good Other listings: no list i ng 242 CHARLES STREET Name: F. Crosby 1902-1924, Mrs H. Crosby 1912, J .T . Harper 1924 and 1933 Date: 1890s St yl e: Ita l i anate Mate r i al : brick and stucco, bluestone foundations Architect: Bu i 1der: Refs: Use: bak ery Drawings : L.C.C. Condi tion: neg l ected - in urgent need of res t ora t ion Other li s t ings: no l is tin g 126- 128 CIMI TIERE STREET (CORNER OF TAMAR STREET) Name : A. Harrap & Son s Date : 1931 Style: Neoc l ass i cal Mate ri al : bri ck Arch i tect : Co lin E. Ph il p Buil de r : Re f s : Use : woolstore Drawings : L. C.C. Condi t i on: exce ll ent Other li st ings: no l i sti ng - 4 36 - 437 130 CIM IT IERE STREET Name : Wilson Bros 1908, Rosevear & Burn 1946 Date: 1908 Styl e: Vi ct orian Cla ss i cal Ma terial: bri ck Archi te ct: Bui l der: Hinman &Wrigh t Refs: Use: pl umb ing factory Drawings: L. C. C. Co nditio n: fa ir Ot her l i stings: no li s tin g 136 CIMI TIERE STREE T Name: Jo hn Ikin 1887, Foster 1902 , C.T . Stephen son Bond 1924+ Date: 1899 1912, Ra nkin & Style : Victor i an Ita l i anate, Sawtooth addition 1923 Ma terial: brick and stucco Architect: L.W. ? Builder: J . & T. Gu nn 1899 Hinma n, Wri ght & Manser 1923 Use : brass foundry Refs : pp . 396, 399 Cond i t i on: good Othe r lis t ings: no li st in g Drawin gs : L.C.C. CIMITI ERE STREET Name: Mete r House Date: Styl e: Vi ctor ian Vernacu lar Mate r i al: corrugated iron Ar chi tect: Builde r: Refs: Use: La un ceston Gas Company Drawings: Conditio n: good Other listings: L.N.E.C.S. - 438 - - 4 39 CIMITIERE STREET Name: Gasometers (3) Da te: cl900 (2), c1940 (1) Style: Industrial Material: steel Archi tect: Builder: Refs: Use: Launceston Gas Company Drawings: Con di tion: good Other listings: L.N.E.C.S. 2-10 CaRIN STREET Name : Employees cottages Da te: 1896 Style: Victorian Materia l: bluestone Arch i tect: C. St John David Buil der: J . T. Farmilo and Messrs Chaplain &Malcolm Use: power station employees' dwellings Refs: Condition: good Other listings: N.T.C . t L.N.E.C.S. Drawings: L.C.C. DUCK REACH POWER STATION Name: Power House Date: 1930 Style: Neoclassical Material: reinforced concrete Architect: C.P. Wood (designer) Builder: J. & T. Gunn Refs: pp.355-367 Use: hydro-electric power station Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: neglected Other listings: L.N.E.C.S. - 440 - - 441 DUCK REACH Name: Suspension Bridge Pylons Date: 1896 and 1930 Style: Neoclassical Material: bluestone and reinforced concrete Architect: C. St John David Builder: Wm Gurr, J. & T. Gunn Refs: pp. 355-367 Use: power station Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: L.N.E.C.S. 70 ELIZABETH STREET Name: Webb &Sons 1902, F.J. Sidebottom 1912, Stenhouse & Co. 1948, Regal Press Da te: c1880 Style: Victorian Material: brick Architect: Builder: Refs: Use: produce store, printery Draw-ings: Condition: good Other listings: no listing 104 ELIZABETH STREET Name: J.F. Deane pre 1902 Date: cl880 Style: Victorian Material: brick and stucco Archi tect: Buil der: Refs: p.129 Use: signwriter, gilder and glass embosser Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - in a row of eight terraces all with first floor intact Other listings: L.N.E.C.S. - 442 - 443 ELPHIN ROAD Name: Tram Terminus Convenience and Shelter Date: 1942 Style: Art Deco Material: brick Architect: W. Potts Bui lder: Refs: Use: she 1 te r Drawi ngs: L. C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no l i s t i ng 37 ESPLANADE Name: Launceston Gas Company Date: 1859 Style: Rus tic Italianate Mater i al: brick and s to ne Arch i t ec t : W.R. Falconer Bui l der: Francis &'Mil ler Refs: pp.347-349 Use: hori zonta l retor t and pur i fyi ng house Draw ings: L.C .C . Con dition : fair Other listings: R. N. E., N. T.C., L. N. E.C.S. 65-67 ESPLANAD E Name: Esk Brewery Date: 1907 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick/iron roof Arc hi tect: A.W. Jones Builder: Hinman & Wright Refs : Use: cellar and store Drawings: L. C.C. Condition: good facade Other listings: no listing - 444 - - 445 77 ESPLANADE Name: Monds and Affleck Date: 1850s+ Style: Victorian Georgian Transitional Material: brick Architect: Builder: Refs: p.29 Use: flo ur mi 11 Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing 97 ESPLANADE Name: Holyman & Sons 1924-1933, Fish Canneries of Tasmania Cannery 1948, Hardman's Marine Chandlery 1952 Date: 1912-1924 Style: Neoclassical Materia l: br i ck and concrete Architect: Harold Masters Builder: Jones Refs: Use : cannery Drawings: L.C.C. Con di t i on: good Other listings: no listing ESP LANADE Na me: La un ceston Gas Company Date: 1859, new facade c1880 Style : Vi ctori an Vernacular 1859, facade Victorian Neoclassical c1 880 Materi a l: bri ck and stucco Archi tect: Sui lder: Refs: pp.347, 349, 350 Use: off i ce Drawin gs: Condi t i on: good - recently restored Other list i ngs : no listing - 446 - 447 ESPLANADE Name: Launceston Gas Company Date: c1860 Style: Victorian Italianate Material: brick Architect: Builder: Refs: p.347 Use: cottage Drav/ings: Condition: good Other listings: no listing ESPLANADE Name: Launceston Gas Company Date: 1932 Style: Neoclassical Ma te ria 1: br i ck and stee 1 Architect: Builder: Refs: pp.350-354 Use: vertica l retort house Drawings: Condition: good Other listings: no listing FORSTER STREET Name: Pumping Station Date: 1933/1934 Style: Neoclassical Material: concrete Architect: F. Rowland Builder: Refs: pp.338, 341 Use: pumping station Drawings: Condition: good Other listings: no listing - 448 - - 449 RICK turing and Importi Co., . (Sandsoap cturers) h & ., Kempa e: Neoclassical i a 1: br i ck Archi : 19 rles & Sons 1899 Hinman, Wright &Manser 1919 tory and nery il Use: Cond; rd & Rica North~ Refs: pp.1 159 Drawings: L.C.C. Other 1; on: good R.N.E., N.T.C.~ L.N.E.C.S. 3 & Dent, Name: liance Worsted Mills Date: c1900 Style: assical Ma ck and stucco Arch; Builder: J. &T. Gunn : pp. , 1 Use: woollen mill Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: Other listings: no listing 60 GEO ET Name: R. ons 1 1 Style: Vi an Material: brick Architect: il der: J. &T. Gunn : umbrell a ry Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - shop interior intact 450 listings: R.N.E .• N.T.C .• L.N.E.C.S. - 451 63-65 GEORGE STREET Name: Steam Cordial Works/Aerated Water Manufactory Date: Style: Victorian Italianate Material: brick Architect: Builder: Refs: pp.58-59 Use: cordial factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: fair - upper facade intact Other listings: no listing 88 GEORGE STREET Name: A.E. Jacques Date: alterations 1921 Style: Victorian Material: brick, galvanised iron, wood Architect: E. Stanley Churcher Builder: Refs: Use: refreshment room, dance hall, confectionery factory Condition: good Drawings: L.C.C. Other listings: no listing 110 GEORGE STREET Name: Hall and Jackson's Tasmanian Motor Garage Date: 1909 Style: Federation Material: brick Architect: Bui l der: J. &T. Gunn Refs: Use: motor garage and factory Drawings: L.C.C. Co ndition: good - upper facade intact Other listings: no listing - 452 - 453 III Name: Charles Stuart Date: Styl e: Vi an Materi bri Arch; : Wa 1ter Conway Buil Humphrey : pp.11 ding factory an blind and Use: ition: substantially iraltered 1 Drawings: L.C.C. at listings: no listing STREET 112 Name: G.M. Jackson's 11 on e: Neoclassical Mate Arch; Buil al: brick t: Harold Ma rs James French Refs: Drawi Condition: good : L. C.C. Other listi s: no listing 112 GLEADOW pson Co .• L. W. ith Co. te: 1927 Style: Neoclassical ial: s ick and conc rd k il Walter E. Cooper Pty. ices Use: factory. Condition: : L.C .C. at ir - 454 listings: no li - 455 20 HE RBERT STREET Name: Johnstone Bros La undry, Cl eanquick Laundry Dat e: St yle: Vernacul ar Material: bri ck Ar chi tect : Sui 1der : Refs: p. 180 Use: l aundry Drawin gs: L. C.C. Condi t ion: good Other lis t ings: no l is t i ng HI GH STREE T (N EAR MARY STREET) Name: Tram Shelter Date: Style: Mate ri al: ti mber Architect : Bu i lder: Refs : Us e: bus shel t er Draw; ngs : L. C. C. Co ndit ; on: good Other list ings: no li sti ng HIGH ST REET Name: Bus Stop 4/ Tram She l t er Date: Style: Federa t ion /Ca li fo rnian Bu ngalow Materi al : t imber Arc hitec t: Bu ilder: Re fs: Use: bu s shelter Ora."J; ngs : Cond iti on: goo d Other l i sti ngs : no li st ing - 4 56 - 457 HaWICK STREET Name: Electricity Sub-station, M.T.T. Tramwasher Date: 1938 Style: Art Deco Material: brick Architect: W. Potts Builder: Refs: Use: washer, sub-station Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing 298 INVERMAY ROAD Name: James Nelson Date : 1949 St yl e: International Materi al: br i ck walls, concrete foundations, asbestos covered, stee l - fra med r oof Arc hi tect: D. Graeme Lumsden (Melb.) Builder: H.J. Martin Refs: Use : textile factory Drawings: L. C.C. Con diti on: good Other list i ngs: no l i st i ng 316-320 INVERMAY ROAD Name: Modern Transport and Metal Industries Ltd. Date: 1948 Styl e: In ternational Materi al: concrete/steel framed Architect: D. Graeme Lumsden (Melb.) Builder: E.A. Watt Refs: Us e: factory Drawings: L.C.C. Con di tion: good Other listings: no l i stin g - 458 - 4 59 318 INVERMAY ROAD Name: Replacement Parts (Melb.) Pty. Ltd. (Repco) Date: 1947 Style: International Material: brick Architect: A.W. Purnell & Lumsden (Melb.) Builder: Hinman, Wright & Manser Refs: Use: factory Drawin gs : L.C.C. Con di ti on: good Ot her list i ng s : no li sti ng INVERMAY ROAD Name: Tramsheds - car bar n/workshops/pain tin g, erect in g, storage. Fit t er s and mac hine shop , smiths, carpenters, engine house, boiler hous e Date: 1911 Styl e: Ve r nac ul ar Federat i on Mater i al: ti mber and corruga ted iron and concrete Arc hitect: Bu i l der: Refs: pp.304, 308 Use: tramsheds Drawings: L.C.C. Cond iti on: good Ot her l isti ngs: no li st i ng 17 - 33 LINDSAY STRE ET Name : Tasmanian Produce and Coolstorage Co. Date: 1903 Style: Neoclassical Mate ri al : bri ck Architect: Walter Panton Bu ilder: Charles Adams & Sons Refs: pp.40-41, 44-45 Us e: freez ing wo r ks Draw-j ngs: L. C. C. Cond i tion: dere li ct - unstable Other listings: no l i sting - 460 - 461 LI NDSAY STREET Name: British Imperia l Oil Co. Da t e: 1916 an d 1927 Styl e: Neoclas sic al Ma teria l: concr ete and brick Architect : Walker and Johns t on, Hoba rt Eng inee r: A.J. Dean Buil der: Hinman, Wrig ht & Manser Refs : Use : oil store and off ice, ga r age Drawi ngs : L. C.C. Cond it ion: good Other l i s tings: no l i st ing LINDSA Y STREET Name: Vacuum Oil Co. Pty. Date: 191 2 and 1921 Style: Vernacular Material: concrete, iron roof Architect: Sydney Smith, Ogg & Serpel l (Melb.) 19 21 Builder: J. & T. Gunn Refs: Use: store, office and workshop Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing MAYNE STREET Name: Kelsal l and Kemp Date: 1921- 23 Style: concrete Material: International Arch i t ect: Engi neer: E.G. Smith - adapted from English plans Builder: Refs: pp.187, 188 Use: woollen mills Drawings: L.C.C. Conditio n: neglected Other listings: no listing - 462 - 463 56-58 PATERSON STREET Name: Daily Telegraph Printers 1887-1924, Loone's, Annears 1933, 1948 Date : additions 1899 Style: Material: brick and concrete Architect: A. & S. Luttrell 1899 T. Tandy Builder: C. Adams 1899 Refs: p.268 Use: printery, later garage Drawings: L. C. C. Condition: good Other l i stings: no l i sting 66 PATERSON STRE ET Name: Frederi ck Paine Date: c1900, additions 1902, 1903 Style: Late Victorian, Neoclassical Material: brick and stucco Architect: Bui l der: George Paton 1902 Russell & Sons 1903 Us e: carr i age builders Refs: pp.247, 248 Condition: good - ground f l oor altered, paintwork unsympathetic Other l is ti ngs: no listing Drawings: L.C.C. 71 PATERSON STREET Name: Examiner Date: 1980 Style: Late Modern Materi a 1: bri ck Architect: Ale xr. Kostromin Builder: Hinman, Wright & Manser Refs: Use: printers Drawings: Condition: excellent Other listings: no listing - 464 - - 465 73-75 PATERSON STREET Name: Exami ne r Date: 19 11, extension 1924 Style: Federat i on Blood and Bandage Materi al: concrete, exterior brick Arch i t ec t: Harold Masters Bu il der: J . &T. Gu nn 1911 Hi nman, Wr i ght & Manser 1924 Use: pr i nt i ng works and offices Refs: Conditi on: good Other listing s : no lis t in g Drawi ngs: L.C.C. PATERSON STREET/BRIDGE STREET Name: Cataract Mi ll Date: 1834, 1845, 1882, 1910 Style: Georgian, Dutch Farmhouse, Functi onal Federa ti on Material: brick, corrugated iron, concrete, weatherboard Architect: A. North 1910 Builder: Hinman, Wright & Manser 1910 Refs: pp . 26, 27, 31 Use: flour mi 11 Dravli ngs: L. C. C. Condition: good Oth er listings: R.N.E ., N.T.C., L.N. E. C.S. 173 RAVENSWOOD ROAD Name: Caledo ni an Distillery Date: c1824 Style: Georgian Vernacular Material: brick, stone and timber Archi tect: Builder: Refs: pp.46, 47, 54 Use: distillery Drawings: Condition: fair Other listings: no listing - 466 - - 467 27 ST JOHN STREET Name: Ritchi es Mill Date: 1870, new facade 1896, 1899 Style: Italianate Materia l: brick and stucco Architect: Builder: J. & T. Gunn 1896 C. Adams 1899 Use: fl our mi 11 Refs: pp.27, 28 Condition: good Other listings: no listing Drawings: L.C.C. 82 ST JOHN STREET Name: Richards & Sons 1867-1896, H. Poll i ngton 1898-1924 Date: 18605 Style: Simple Victorian Material: brick Architect: Builder: J. & T. Gunn Refs: p. 115 Use: cabinet makers, Jubilee Bl i nd Drawings: L.C.C. Manufactory Condition: good - f ir st floor facade intact Other listi ngs: no listing 90 ST JOHN STREET Name: Launceston Gas Co. Oa te: 1929 Styl e: Art Deco Material: concrete and brick Architect: East, Roy Smith & Willing Builder: Hinman, Wright &Manser Refs: Use: Gas Co. offices Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other 1istings: no 1isting - 468 - 469 93 ST JOHN STREET Name: City Blind Factory at City Hotel Date: c1880 Style: Victorian Material : br i ck and stucco Architect: Builder: Refs: p.1l5 Use: blind factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other 1 istings: R.N.E., N.T.C. 101 ST JOHN STREET (CORNER OF THE QUADRANT MALL) Name: Shepherds Date: 1923 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick and stucco Architect: Builder: J. & T. Gunn Refs: p.3? Use: bakery Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: excellent Other listings: N.T.C. 122 ST JOHN STREET Name: Milsom's Cordial Manufactory 1902, Launceston Aerated Water Co. 1912 , Tetlow Cordial Manufactory 1924, Caswell and Whybrow Motorcycle Manu facturers 1948 Date: 1901, additi on 1911 Style: Victorian Italianate Material: brick and stucco Architect: L. W. Builder: J. &T. Gunn 1901 Hinman, Wright & Manser 1911 Use: cordial factory Refs: pp.58, 59 Condition: good Other 1istings: no 1isting - 470 Drawings: L.C.C. - 471 131 - 133 ST JOH N STR EET Name: Phoeni x Bakery, Tas mani an Steam Bakery Date: 1840 Style : Georgi an Victorian Transitional Ma te ri al: brick Architect: Bui 1der: Refs: pJ1. 32, 36 Use: ba kery Drawings: Cond ition: good Ot her listings: no lis t in g 137 ST JO HN STR EET Name: Chinese To bacco Man ufac t ory Da t e: pre 1860, 1920s Style: Georgi an wi th 1920s shopfront Mat er ia l : brick Archi tect: Buil der: Refs: Use: to bacco fa ctory Drawi ng s : L.C.C. Cond it i on: good Ot her l istings: no li sting SHI ELD STREET Name : Alfred Harr ap Date: pre 1860 Style: Georg ian Mater ial: bri ck Archi tect: Bu ilder: Refs : Use: store Drawi ngs: Condit i on: fa ; r Other li stin gs: no listing - 472 - 4 73 37 TAMAR STRE ET Name : J .R. Wa l dron Date: 1907 Styl e: Vernacular Materia l: wood and iron Architect: Frank Tyson Builder: Hinman and Wright Refs: Use : of fice and foundry Drawings: L.C.C. Conditi on: good Other listings: no listi ng THISTLE STREET Name: Patons and Bal dwi ns Date : 1922 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick Architect: Frank Heywood Builder: Hinman, Wright & Manser J. & T. Gunn - water tower Use: spinning mills Drawings: L.C.C. Conditi on: good Other listings: no listing Refs: pp.190-1 94 WELLINGTON STREET (CORNER OF HOWICK STREET) Name: Launceston Municipal Council Tramway Depot Date: 1930 Style: Art Deco/Neoclassical Material: brick Architect: F. Rowland Bu il der: Refs: Use: tramway/bus depot and offices Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing - - 474 - 475 WEST TAMAR HIGHWAY Name: Power Station H.E.C. Date: 1955 Style: International Material: Architect: Builder: Refs: pp.367, 368 Use: power station Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing 60 WILLIAM STREET Name: Glasgow Engineering Date: c1890, addition 1896 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick Architect: Builder: J. &T. Gunn 1896 Refs: pp.380, 383-388 Use: foundry Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing WI LLIAM STREET Name: Esk Brewery Date: 1881, additions 1903 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick Archi tect: Builder: J. &T. Gunn 1903 Refs: p.57 Use: brewery Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing - 476 - - 477 156 - 184 YORK STREET Name: Humphreys Ltd. and Websters 1933 Date: 1920s Style: Neoclassical Mate ri al : br i ck and stucco Arc hi t ect: Fra nk Heyward Builder: Hi nman, Wr i ght & Manser Refs: Use: store, farm machinery Drawings: L.C.C. Conditi on : good - l ead li ght i ng removed f rom top panel s of gro und floor windows Other li stings: no listing 188 YORK STRE ET Name : Mitchel l Motors Date: 1926 Style: Neoc l ass i cal Material: brick, stucco a~d pebbledash Architect: Frank Heyward Builder: Refs : Use: garage Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other l i stings: no list i ng 192 YORK STREET Name: Southerwoods Livery Stables Date: 1904 Style: Federation Material: brick Archi tect: Bui 1der: Refs: Use: stabl es Drawings: L. C.C. Conditi on: good Other listings: no listing - 4 78 - 479 216-218 YORK STREET Name: Tasma ni an Co-operative Brewery, Thyne Bros, Fysh & Co. Date: 1909 Style: Neoclassical Material: brick, iron roof Architect: T. Tandy Bu il der: J. & T. Gunn Refs: pp.192, 197 Use: brewery and woollen mill Drawings: Q.V.M., L.C.C. Conditi on: good Other listings: R.N.E., N.T.C., L.N.E.C.S. 270 YORK STREET (CORNER OF MARGARET STREET) Name: Jubilee Bakery Date: additions and new oven 1909 Style: Georgian Victorian Transitional Materi a1: bri ck Architect: Builder: J. & T. Gunn 1909 Refs: pp.35, 42 Use: bakery Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good - ground floor altered Other listings: no listing - 480 - 481 SECTIO B 125 BRISBANE STREET (REAR OF) Name: Maples Date: c1906 Style: Indust r i al Materia l : brick and corrugated iron Archi tect: Builder: Refs: Use: upholstery factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: fair Other listings: no listing 99 CHARLES STREET Name: Anderson & Lahey, H. Crocker & Son, Foot & Playsted Date: 1881, alterations 1920s Styl e: Inte r national 1920 Mate r i al: brick Architect: Builder: Refs: Use: coachbu i 11ders, pri ntery Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: fair - side wa ll only extant of Other listings: no listing original coa chbui lding estab l i sh ment, altered i n 1920s by Foot & Playsted 69 CIMITIERE STREET Name: Hinman and Wright Date: 1908 Style: Industrial Federation Material: brick - iron roof Architect: Builder: Hinman and Wright Refs: Use: store and sawmill Drawings: L.C.C. Conditi on: good Other listings: no listing - 482 - 483 18 EARL STREET Name: Hewi tt and Ing l i s Da te: 1929 Style: Moderne Materia l : brick and stucco Architect: Builder: M'Lean Refs: p .119 Use: furn i ture factory Drawings: L.C.C. Conditi on: good Other listings: no listing 67 ELIZABETH STREET Name: K. Ritchie 1938, Magnet Bedding Co. 1948 Date: 1938 Style: Dutch Farmhouse Material: concrete and brick Archi tect: Builder: P. Fuller Refs: Use: workshop Drawi ngs: L. C. C. Condition : good Other listings: no listing FORSTER STREET Name: Messrs W. &G. Genders Date: 1923 Style: Vernacular/California Bungalow Material: ferro concrete, wood and iron Architect: A. North, Ricards & Heyward Builder: W. & G. Genders Refs: Use: Drawings: L.C.C. 0i1 s to re Other listings: no listing Condition: fair - 484 - 485 FORS TE R STREET Name : Tasma ni an Soa p and Candl e Factory, Au s tral Confe ctionary Works , Ande rson Mi tchel & Co. Date : 1899 Styl e: Ve rnacul ar Mate ria l : corrugated i ron Architect: L. W. Builder: J. & T. Gu nn Refs : pp.134, 135 Use: soap works/confecti onary works Dr aw i ngs : L.C . C. Co ndi t ion: neglected Ot her lis t i ngs: no list in g GORGE ROAD Name: Tram Shel t er Da te: 1945 Styl e: Materi al : t imber Architect: W. Clennett Bu i l der: Refs: Use: bus shelter Drawings: L.C.C. Condi t i on: f air - roof line has been changed Other listings: no listing GO RGE ROAD Name: Bus Shelter Date: 1951 Styl e : Mate ri al: timber Architect: W. Clennett Bu i l de r : Refs: Use: bus shelter Drawings: L.C.C. Conditio n: fair - glass missing from sides Other listings: no listing - 486 - - 487 4 HERBERT STREET Name: Alexr. Evan Soap Factory, Tasmanian Soap and Candle Works 1902, Coogans Furniture Factory 1912-1948 Date: Style: Vernacular Material: corrugated iron Architect: T. Tandy Buil der: Refs: pp.118-120, 130, 133-135 Us e: soap factory, furniture factory Draw-ings: L.C.C. Con di ti on : dere li ct Other listings: no listi ng HOBART ROAD Name: Tram Shelter Date: 1929 Styl e : Federati on/Californian Bungalow Materi al: t i mber Architect: Bu il der: Refs: Use: bus she lter Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: goo d Other li stings: no listing 25 HOLBROOK STREET [GUNN STREET] (CORNER OF DRY STREET) Name: S. Cowap Date: 1911 Style: Vernacular Material: wood, iron roof, cement floor Architect: Builder: Cowap Refs: Use: sauce factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing ~ 488 - 489 403 INVERMAY ROAD Name: H. Dean Date: 1938 Styl e: Mate rial : weatherboard Arc hitect: Bu i 1der: P. J. De 11 Refs: Use: bakehouse, shop and house Drawings: L.C.C. Condition : good Other listings: no listin g KILLAFA DDY Name: Messrs Kitchen & Sons Date: 1925 Style: Material: concrete, timber, corrugated iron Architect: Frank Heyward Builder : Hinman, Wright & Manser Refs: Use: soap factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: derelict Other listings: no listing PENQUITE ROAD Name: Bus Shelter Da te: Style: Material: metal sheeting Architect: Bui 1der: Refs: Use: bus shelter Drawings: Condition: good Other listings: no listing - 490 - - 491 253 WELLINGTON STREET (CORNER OF HOWICK STREET) Name: W. Harris Da te: 1921 Style: Material: brick and weatherboard walls Archi tect: Builder: Featherstone Refs: Use: meat factory Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other listings: no listing 287 WELLINGTON STREET (CORNER OF GARFIELD STREET) Name: Wm Geo. Innocent Date: 1946 Style: Vernacular Material: br i ck Architect: East, Roy Smith &Willing Builde r : H. Martin Refs: Use: shop, dwelling and bakehouse Drawings: L.C.C. Condition: good Other 1 istings: no 1 isting - 49 2 493 I NDE X Annear, 268, 464 • , Arthur, 208, 210 , Francis, 210 , M.E., 59 ,A., 208, 210 Beaton, Apthorpe, -, , W., 208 , W.H., 59 of Music, 376 Edward, 236 , 237 rles, and Sons, 41, , 103, 107, 167, 414, , , 468 , William, 258 • 118 and Lemona tory, 49, 58 ter Manufactory, 49, John, , 384 see Arc he r, J. K., 2 , Archer, Thomas, kson, 55, 373, 374, Archibald and 380, 383 Arnold, George, 2 Arnold and Co., , 46, , Lt Governor Sir 51,229,272, , 333 Atkins, A.T., 414 Atkinson, Edward, 2 , 300 Austral Confectionary Wor , 486 Austral Works, 136 Australian Knitting Mills. 1 Australian Mutual Provi Building, 102 Australian Natives sociation, 92, l Monds 1 Auto I , 85, 103, 118, 1 Al Albion , 16. 25 bion , 25, 28 A1 on " Al , William, 206 Aldred, William Jr, 206 Alexander, , 383 Alexander Co., 414 A 1 , A1va re z, J., Anchor ne, Anderson, C.J., , 251, 482 Anderson and ., 125, Anderson, Mi 135, 136, Andrews and Seddon, 1 Angel Inn, 346 • 229 , -, 29 lliam, 21, 23, 49, 51, Allen, A., 2 Allen, M., 210 A11 en, W. H. , , 210 AZ ectric Service, 1 tries Pty. Ltd., ington, George, 334 iles, Thomas, 33, 1 n, James, 191 11 ard, G., 132 llard, Ivan, 132 11 , James, 125, 131, 132 11 a ,L., 125, 132 nk tralasia, 102, i st Chapel, 110 , AngZo Svea, 237 Ann, 235 2, 454 Aravna, 291 Arba Mine, 389 • 129, 131 , 40, 58, 250, 344, 355 Barwe 11. -, Ba tc he lor, W. E. , Batelllan, J.R., 2 Bathurst, , 229 Beaconsfi Beaconsfi es, 256, 258 Beasl , Beaumont, Beaumont • 43, 432 - 494 Becket t , Denny, 88, 92 Bedgg oo d, -, see Boyd and Bed ggood Bell, -, 251 Bell, Robert, 247 Bell, W. T., 179 Be l 1i on, James, 225, 236 Bender, Leon ard, 33, 40, 416 Bendigo Pot tery, 87, 88 Benne1 l, James , I l l , 124, 129,428 Bennet, Col H. B. , 298 Ben ton , Donal d, 236 Best, George, 110 Bewglas s Motors , 268 Bieth, Sc hies s and Co., 159 Bigge, Comm is si oner John , ll, 23, 73. 22 9, 323 , 328 Bi l ls, Henry, 113, 119, 122 Bi rnie, M., 286 Birnie, R.C., 227, 234 , 235 Bischof f , James, 151 , 172 Bi sho p, -, 152, 165 Bitter Beer, 230 Black Hor se Hote l, 152, 159 Black Swan Hote l, 53 Blades, Al f r ed, 383 Bl ock , The, 208, 214 Boag, James, 52, 53, 57 Boags, 296 Boatwright, J. W., 414 Bog le, E., 239, 383, 388 Bogle and Cl ar k, 375, 383, 384, 385, 386, 38 7; see als o Gl asgow Eng i neering Bogle, Kerr and Co., 383 Bourke, Thomas, 418 Boyd, Thomas, 152, 157 Brabyn, Capt. , 20 ,6 7, 239 Braddon, Si r Edwa r d, 40, 355 Bran d, Rob er t, 242 Bran dwood, Jo seph, 260, 267 Brennan, - , 22 Breone, 23 7, 238 Bridge Mill, 18 , 23 , 28, 30 Bris bane , Sir Thomas, 25, 46 Bris bane Ho te l , 67 , 210, 268, 284 Briti sh and Tasman i an Charcoal Iron Co. , 37 3 Br iti sh Imper i al Oil Co., 462 Bri t i s h Mi ne, 389 Brookes , -, 283 Broo ks, George , 188 Broomby an d Dent, 192, 450 Brown, Ed is, 262 Brown , John , 109 Brown, Jo hn, see Dunning and Brown Brown, Wil l iam A., 240, 251 Brown , Willi am J r, 55 Browne , Arc hdeacon , 87 Brumby, J., 23 Brunswick Pottery, 87 Buc hana n, R. , 250 Buckland, Thoma s, 234 Bu l man n ~e Hoga rth , 175 Bu l ma n, Pet er, 175, 179, 180 Burn, s ee Rosev ear and Burn Burns, -, 231 Bur ns, -, see Mil l er and Bu r ns Burten Br ewery, 55 Bu r t on, -, 244 Butt on, -, 99; s ee a lso Di tc ham and Button Button, Charl es Stammers, 57 Bu t t on, Freder i ck , 152, 156, 159 But to n, Henry , 40, 160, 340 Bu t to n, Thomas, 29, 151, 154, 155, 160, 330, 333 , 337 Bu tto n, Wi l li am Stamme r s , 275 Button1 s Tannery , 134, 135 Cal edon i an Dis ti l l ery, 46, 47, 54, 466 Camb ri a Mine, 383 Cameron, John, 349 Campbe ll, C.N. , 235 Camp bell, Colin , 91 Campbe l l , Jo hn, 74, 81, 85, 87 , 88, 89, 90, 91, 92; see a lso Jory Campbe ll Campbel l Town Ho sp i ta l, 39 7 Carey, -, 78, 80 Carri ck Mill , 25 Ca r t l edge, John, 25, 26 Cascade Di st i l le ry , 51 Casey , Dr , 275 Caswel l and Whybrow, 470 Cataract Brewery, 49 , 52 , 53 , 54 Catarac t Gorge Refreshment Rooms, 35, 42 Cataract Mi ll, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 , 31, 54, 334, 355, 466 Cata ra ct Tannery, 151, 152 Cawston, Wi l l iam, 111, 124 Central Fam i ly Hotel, 206, 258, 259; s ee al so Fami ly Hotel Central Garage, 260, 268 Ceylon Rai lway, 276 Champion Cycle and Motor Wo rk~ , 259, 262, 263, 264 Chandler, John, 256, 259 Chandler, Richard, 255 Chantry and Thompson, 205 - 495 Chaplain, -, 440 Crabtree, James, 94 Crabtree, William, 94 Craig, James , 349 Criter i on Hotel, 206 Croc ker, A. D., 245 Cro cker , Al fred, 240 Crocker, Annie , 24 Crocker, Henry, 244, 247, 482 Crocke r, Joshu a, 247 Crookes , Joh n, 235 Crosby, F. , 35, 42, 436 Crosby , H. , 436 Crown Mill, 18,29,36,102,424 Crystal Pal ace Exh i bition, 25, 32 Cuncli ffe, -, 288 Cu s toms Hous e, 102, 376 Charle s Arthur , 236 Chi nese Tobacco Factory, 472 Christensen, John, 44 Church of t he Apostles, 131 Chu rche r, E. Stan l ey, 452 Ci ty Bli nd Manu fac t ory, 111, 115, 470 City Hotel, 470 Clar k, Beve rl y G., 152, 155, 157, 159, 166 Cl ark, Joh n, 383; s ee also Bogle and Cl ark Cl ay ton, W.H ., 99, 336 Cl eanqu i ck Laundry, 456 Clear, W. O. , 124 Clennett, C. L., 424 Clennett, W.L . , 486 Daily Te l egraph, see Telegra ph Clerke, Alexander, 275 Dally, -, 103 Cleveland , W., 275 Darktown Fire Brigade, 298 Coats Patons, see Paton s and Baldwins Daun tl ess , 231 Co hen, Al derman, 275 Davey, W.H ., 208, 21 0 Cohen , Joseph, 134, 156 Davi es , Edward, 25 5 Co l eman, C.B. , 240 Dav i s , Charl es, 258 Col es, -, 203 Dawe, Is aac, 25 Colquhoun, John, 25 Dawn , 237 Commo nweal t h Carri age Wo rks , 246, De Begue, C., 284 248, 249, 251 De Croz an d Co., 156 Compagnie Industri elle de Travaux, De La Hunt, J.H., 205 368, De Little, Robert, 235, 333, 428 Conningsby , A., 191 Dean, A.J., 462 Co nway, Wa l te r , 424, 454 De an , H., 490 Coogan, William, 111, 113, 116, 117, Dea n, Thomas B., 32, 35 118, 119, 120, 488 Dean, W.B. J r ., 35 Coope r , Walter E., 454 Dean, Wi lli am Boswell , 25, 32 Cope, -, 432 Dea n, W.M., 235 Corbett , Thomas, 234 Dea ne, ,L F. , Ill, 124, 129,442 Cornwall Brewery, 30, 49, 53, 55, Dee, Thomas, 81 57 Del l , Edward, 254 Cornwa ll Foundry, 380 Dell, John James, 374, 396 Cornwall Hote l, 244, 349 Dell, P.J ., 183,490 Cornwall Insurance Co., 334, 380 Denison, Sir William, 269, 324, 334, Cornwall Livery Stables, 255, 256 339, 340 Cornwell, Alfred, 74,84, 87, 341 Denn i s , Al f red R., 152, 159, 160 Corrick, - , 260, 268 Dent, see Broomby and Dent Cosgrove, A., 74, 81, 83 Denton, Arthur, 251 Cosgrove, J., 74,81,83 Denton, James, 240, 246, 249, 251 Cotton, Major, 326, 333, 334 Derwent Hotel, 244 Courtenay, James, 207 Derwent Valley Ra i lway, 379 Courthouse, 275 Derwent Wool l en Mi lls, 180 Coutts, George, 152, 164 Devon Hospital, 397 Coutts, George and Orpwood, 170 Diligence Coaches, 244 Cowap, S., 488 Direct Importing Co., 214 Cox, -, 229 Di tcham, -, 284 Cox, James, 328 Ditcham, E., 97, 99, 137 Cox, W. H., 422 Ditcham, Lewis, 99 Cox Brothers, 203 - 496 - Ditcham Bros, 119 Ditcham, Button and Co., 113, 119, 124, 236 Dodgshun and Sons, 170, 198, 201 Doiron, J . C., 207 Do n, Da vi d, 291 Don River Trading Co., 91 Doo l an, T. J., 124 Dorset, 389 Dougherty, William, 258 Douglas, Adye, 160, 235, 272, 274 Douglas, R.H., 244, 275 Dover Castle Inn, 254 Dowli ng, Henry, 73, 349 Downes, -, 202 Doyne, Wil l iam Thomas, 276 Dra i nage Un i on Company, 384 Drury, A., lll, ll5 Dry, Richard, 229 Dry, Richard Jr, 160 Drysdale, John, 97, 103 Du Cane, Governor, 291 Duck Reach Power Stat i on, 91, 191, 344, 357, 358, 360, 363, 364, 381 . Dudley, -, see Adams, Cha rl es and Sons Dudley, Thomas, 53 Duff, Frank G., 91 Dugan, P.B., 160 Dun Mountain Railway, 276 Du nk, -, 357 Dunn i ng, - , 202, 203 Dunning and Brown, 170, 201, 203, 204 Earl ey, Thomas, lll, 122, 124, 436 Earl y Cl osing Association, 35 East, Roy Smith and Wi lling, 468, 492 Eastby, -, 26, 28 Easther, -, 240, 248, 250 Eddie, John, 235 Edgell, Henry, 40 Edinburgh, Prince Alfred Duke of, 12, 273, 276 Elephant and Castle, 299, 300 Eliza , 235 Elizabeth , 234 Ellis, John, 97, 103 Ell is, W.C., 159 Elphin Brickworks, 74, 81 Emu Bay Railway Co., 389 English and American Fancy Goods and Novelty Store, 214 Esk Brewery, 49, 56, 57, 440, 476 Eureka Motor and Baby Carriage Works, 267 Evans, -, see Smith and Evans Evans, Alexander, 125, 130, 134, 156 237, 488 Evans, George, 229 Examiner Bu i l ding, 102, 464, 466 Experiment , 236, 237 Fairy , 230 Falconer, W.R ., 336, 349, 444 Fam il y Hote l, 255; see also Centra l Fami 1y Hote 1 Fa rm il o. J 0 hn, 97, 103, 107, 361, 414, 440 Farquharson, D., 369 Farre l l , Jo hn, 134 Farrell y, B.P., 170,202 Farrelly, W. J., 170, 202 Farrel l y and Stewart, 204 Fau 1, J. W., 367 Favori te , 235 Fawns, J. J . S.. 52 Fawn s, Jo hn, 52, 55, 57, 154 Fea t he r stone, -, 492 Federa l Bakery, 33, 35, 39, 430 Federal Book Store, 152 Ferguson, A., 23 Ferguson, J.C., 40 Ferguson, R., 247 Ferguson, Thomas, 25, 26 Feutrill, Samuel, 240, 242 Finlayson Bros, 259 Fi rt h, Joe, 1 52, 167 Fi sh Canneries of Tasmania, 446 Fletcher, -, 113, 119, 432 Florance, -, 328, 329 Fogg, Sarah Ann, 232 Foot and Playsted, 482 Forth Swing Bridge, 379 Foster, W., 374, 396, 399,438 Fotheringham, James, 240, 254, 430 Fowler Bros, 260, 266, 268 Francis, B., 242 Fra ncis and Miller, 349, 444 Frankl in, Sir John, 330 Freeston, -, 38 French, Edward, 53 French, James, Ill, 123, 124, 129, 454 Fry, -, 268 Fuller, P., 484 Fuller, Thomas, 154 Fulton, H.J., 436 - 497 Fyrmwear, 198 Fysh, P.O. and Co., 152, 159, 166, 170, 198, 200, 450, 480 Gunn, Alexander, 99 Gunn, F.J., 430 Gunn, J. and T., 74,81,82,97,99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 167, 191,237,258,260,304,361,367, Gardiner, E., 41 383, 416, 418, 420, 424, 428, 430, Gard i ne r, Robert, 152, 159, 166, 401 434, 438, 440, 442, 450, 452, 462, Gard i ner, W., 208, 213, 214, 420 466 , 468, 470, 474, 476, 480, 486 Gardner, Robert, 237, 238 Gunn, Wil liam, 26 Gaunt, Dr Matt hi as , 25, 235 Gurr , Wil l i am, 442 Geard and Co., 267; see also Wearne Guthri e, George, 87 and Geard Gy psey, 231, 234, 236 Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Trust, 90 Ge nders, C., 167 H. and S. ligh t in g Company, 188 Genders, W. and G., 102, 152, 162, Halcyon , 234 Hales, Robert, 46 426, 484 Gerrard, -, 52 Hall, Frederick, 430 Gibbons, -, 231 Hall, The, 208, 210 Gibbons, R.G., 227, 231, 233 Hall and Jackson, 265, 267 Gillbrook Pottery Works, 87, 341 Hambleton, -, 131 Hamden, Viscount, 214 Gilmore, George, 349 Glasgow Engineering Co., 238, 374, Hamilton, E., 376 384, 388, 476 Hamilton, James, 299 Gleadow, R.S., 255 Hardman's Marine Chandlery, 446 Glennie, J., 183 Harper, J.T., 436 Glenwright, John, 53 Harper Bros, 414 Golden Boot, 160 Haypley , 109, 233, 234 Golden Fleece, 170, 202, 203 Harpur, Edward, 28, 29 Harrap, A., 436, 470 Golden Gate Mine, 389 Goodall, Thomas, 247 Harrap, George, 237 Gordon, G., 357 Harriet Alice, 236 Gormanston, Viscount, 214 Harris, W., 492 Gould, -, 38 Harris, Walter, 59 Gould, Thomas, 38, 248, 250 Harrison and Whiffen, 357 Gould, William Buelow. 239 Hart, William, 28, 80, 397 Goudl ing, -, 58 Haslam and Maclean, 396 Government Cottage, 18 , 20, 21 Hawthan and larter, 162 Government Mil l, 18, 21 Hay\vard, G., 37 Gra ham, -, 88 Head, John, 25 Heathorn, H.C., 260, 262, 263 Grant, T., 278 Heihachiro, Vice Admiral Count Tojo, Grasme re ~ 288 Great la ke Power Scheme, 187 238 Green, -, see Nevin, Green and Hemlock, Matthia s, 81 Howard Henderso n, A., 349 Green, J.V., 132, 134 Henry , 229 Green, Richard, 349 Henry, Samuel, 275 Grey, lord, 268 Henty, -, 349 Henty, James, 74, 78 Grice, -, 110 Griffiths, John, 28, 55, 102, 229, Henty, Wi l liam, 235 230, 237 Hewitt and Inglis, 111, 119, 484 Griffiths, Jonathan, 225, 229 Heyward, Frank, 91, 191, 414, 454, Griffiths, Sydney, 230 474, 478, 490; s ee also North, Grubb, William, 80,94,95,100,376 Ricards and Heyward Guillan, John, 23, 25, 28 Hill, -, 67 Hills, George, 418 Gulf of Carpentaria, 115 - 498 Henry, 199 nman, Wright and Manser, 1 , 1, ,420, 430, , 460, 462, 464, 466, 468, 470, 478, 482, 490 Hinton, -, 134 Hi hins, J., 207, Hobart, -, 207 Hobart Gas Company, 7 Hoba General Ho ital, Hodges, J., 247 Hogarth, -, 247 Hogarth, Robert, 25, Hogarth, Thomas, 175 Holder, F., 124 Holder, Luther, 124 Ho 1t, J. B., 188 Trinity Church, 67, Hills~ Jack, Edward, 225, 237 c k, Edw in, 237 Jackson, -, see Archi ld a Jackson Jackson, F.B .• 401 Jackson, Francis, 374, 390, , 398, 426 Jackson, G.M., 260, 265, 7, 4 Jackson, James, Jacques, A.E., James Nelson, 4 Jane, 235 Janet StewaY't, Jenkins, R.A., Jenkins, W.L., 401 Jennings, J.G., Jetter, -, Johanson, .. , 237 Johnson, Jos , ,161 Johnston, -, see 1 r and Johnston 1 Johnstone, Archibald, 175, 176, 180 s, Holyman Johnstone, Daniel, 175, 180 Hopkins, E. and Murphy, 1 , 199, Johnstone, David, 175, 177, 180 202 Johnstone. William, Horne, Arthur, 74, Jo tone Bros, ,456 Howard, see Nevin and Hubbard, .. , • -, see les and nes Jones, A.W., Hudson, J.S., Humphrey, .. , Jones, , 113 Jones, T., 1 Hunter, -, Jones and ., Hunter, -, 283 Jordan, VI.L •• Hunter, Governor, Jory, William, Hunter, John, 1 insula Steamship Jory 1 S ck Company, 74, Huon Channel 79, 81, Co., 238 Joscelyne, C.W., 113 Huttley, -, 1 Jos yne, S • 111, 113, 418 334, 380 Huttley, William, Joseph, Harry, 170 Hutton, , Lee Hutton, , 80, , 33, 35, 42, 480 • 191 Jub ee Hutton, nufactory, 111, 115, 468 Jubil ee Bl in Hutton, , 237 Huxtab 1e, , Hyde. Will i am • Hydro El c Commission, 367, 476 Hyrons, 244, Kane's 346 Ikin, John W., 374, 396, 438 , Indian, Inglis, see Hewi and Inglis Innocent, s, 74, 78, 83 Innocent, William George, 492 Irvine and chern, 192, 379, 380 ,1 Kempo Manufa Co., 450 Kenworthy, Dr, Kenyon, H., 130 Kenyon, W.• rr, Alexander and Co., 383 499 Ke r r, Bog l e and Co., 383 Kil lymoo n, 245 Kil tie Hosiery , 192 Kimberly, Edward, 256, 259 King, John, 259, 260, 262, 263, 420, 432, 434 King, Governor Philip, 22, 67, 224, 239 King, Sim, 260, 267, 268, 418 King, W.H., 262, 264 Kings Bridge, 284, 390, 392 Ki rby, Edward, 258 Ki rk, -, 20 Kirson, William, 242 Kitchen and Sons, 128, 135, 490 Knight, E.L., 38 Knight, H., 426 Knight, John, 78 Knight, William H., 57, 94, 175, 180, 284, 357, 374, 376, 379, 380,381,382 Knopwood, Reverend R., 20 Koonookarra , 393 Kostromin, Alexander, 464 Lady Flinde r s , 237 Lahey, see Anderson and Lahey Lahloo, 237 Launceston Gas Company, 55, 342, 347-354, 396, 438, 440, 444, 446, 448, 468 Launceston Genera 1 Hospital, 59, 376, 397, 402 Launceston Hotel, 102 , 160, 210, 268 Launceston Leather and Grindery Empo ri urn, 156 Launceston Motor 'Bus Co., 299 Launceston Munici pal Tramways, 303, 310 Launceston Omnibus and Tramway Co., 248, 258, 299, 305 Launceston Roof Til e Factory, 81 Launceston Shipping Company, 235 Launceston Soap and Candle Works, 134 Launceston Steam Brick, Pipe, Ti l e and Pottery Works, 74, 87 Launceston Steam Mill, 28 Launceston Steam Turnery, 111, 11 9, 124 Launceston Water Company, 334 Law, Reverend W., 78 Laycock, Lt, 20 Leach, G., 254 Lee, Benjamin, 156 Lee, Herbert William, 157 Legge, Sheriff, 328 Leisure Ho ur', 250 Leslie, -, 113, 119 Lamont, James, 22 Lamont, John, 22, 334 Landfa 11, 29 Lane, -, 262 Langham, -, 206 Langland Foundry, 287 Lansdell, -, 125, 129, 131; Larter, Henry, 162 Latrobe, -, 333 Latta, G.J., 401 Lauder, Thomas, 349 Launceston Aerated Water Co., 470 Launceston and Glen Dhu Brickfields, 78 Launceston and Western Railway, 110, 273-292, 295, 376 Launceston Bank for Savings, 210 Launceston Benevolent Society, 35 Launceston Carriage and Buggy Factory, 248 Launceston Carriage Works, 240, 247, 251 Launceston Clothing Factory, 198 Launceston Electric Light and Motive Power Co., 355, 396 Levi athan, 236 Leviathan Clothing Factory, 202 Lewis, -, 152, 164 Lewi s, E., 199 Lewis, Edward, 81 Liberator Mine, 383 Liquid Paste and Dubbing Manufactory, 137 Locket, John, 245 Lockie, -, see Waugh and Lockie London and Southwestern Railway, 276 London Tavern, 108 Longford Railway Bridge, 274, 284 Longhurst, William, 38 Loone, F.W., 260, 26 8 , 464 Lord, J.H., 187 Lowe, Eric G., 426 Lowes, -, 51 Lucas, -, 328 Lucas, J., 229 Lucas, Na thani a 1, 22, 25, 229 Lucas, William, 22 Lukin, George, 49, 55 Lukin, Mary Ann, 55 Lumsden, D. Graeme, 458, 460 - 500 Luttre l l, A. and S., 464 Lyons, -, 20 Lyttl eton, W., 21 McAdam , G., 277 MacArt hur, John, 172 MacCall, Jo hn, 184 Ma cCau ghan, E.L., 237 Mc Di arm id, John, 49, 52 Mc Do nal d, -, 383, 389 McDowel l , John , 422 McEachern , see I rv i ne and McEachern McGregor, John, 237 Machen, Alf., 80 Machen, George, 80 Machen, John , 74, 76, 78, 80 Ma chen, Robe rt, 80 Machen, Will i am, 80 McHugh, Hug h, 74, 78, 92, 93 McHug h, James , 74, 78, 92, 93 McHu gh, John, 74 , 78, 92, 93 McI ntyr e, Do nal d, 154 McI ntyre , John, 154 McKenzie, Ric har d, 383, 389, 407 Mc Kenz i e , Robert, 58, 152, 166 Mackri 11 , Chri s, 124 Mclean, Al ex., 484 Macl ean , George, 374, 396, 402 Macl ean, J., 236 Maclea n, T., 236 Ma cNa ughto n, Alexa nder, 349 Macquarie, Governor Lac hlan, 11, 67, 73, 323 Macq uari e Di stil lery, 51 Macrobi e, -, 175 Ma gnetiC Bedding Co., 484 Ma j est i c Theatre, 81 Mal col m, -, 440 Mann, Wi ll iam, 92 Mans er, see Hinman, Wright and Manse r Mansfield, M., 254 Ma nsfi eld, Richard, 129 Manua 1, - , 284 Maples, Ill, 124, 482 Margaret Street Mill, see Government Mi 11 Market House Tavern, 291 Ma rk s, C. , 84, 341 Ma rsha i l , Thomas, 25 Martin, H., 492 Martin, H.J., 458 Marti n, Will iam, 350 Mason, Wi l l iam Mummery, 242 Masters, Harold, 416, 446, 454, 466 Maul t, Al fred, 341 Mecha nic' s Institute, 78, 284, 350 Melbourne Flint Glass Works, 129 Metropolitan Transport Trust (M . T.T .), 458 Mi lbourne, -, 199, 206 Mi 1es, S., 242 Mil l er, - , see Francis and Miller Mi lle r , Phi lip, 81 Mi ller, Richard, 154 Mi ller and Burns, 125, 134, 135 Mi lls, Al derman Peter, 84, 341, 396, 418, 424 Milsom , G. P., 58, 470 Mi nera l Arch, 83, 85 Mi tchel l, Jo hn H., 135; see also Anderson, Mitchell and Co. Mi t chell Motors, 256, 258, 268, 478 Mode rn Tr ansport and Metal Indust ri es, 458 Monds, T.W. , 25, 28, 29 Monds an d Affleck, 18, 29, 384, 446 Monster Cl othing Establishment, 170, 202 Montague, E., 255 Mo ntan a Mine , 389 Mo onah, 389 Moon l i ght-Cum-Wonder, 389 Moo re, -, 337 Moore, Frederick, 225, 237, 238 Moore, John, 237 Moore and Quiggan, 279 Morgan , David, 124 Mo rri s, Isaiah, 255 Mortimer, W. H., 235 Moto r s Pty. ltd., 260, 267, 422 Mt Bi schoff Tin Mining Co., 28, 374, 375, 389, 397, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405 Mount Black Pty. Co., 389 Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Co., 389, 392 Mount Rex, 389 Mountgarrett, 224, 397 Munro, John, 227, 234, 235, 236 Murphy, -, 51 Murphy, John, see Hopkins and Murphy Murray, K.l., 304, 357 National Bank of Tasmania, 102, 396 National Theatre, 81, 396 Nautilus, 233 Neate, -, 131 - 501 Nellie , 236 Nevin and Howard, 240, 251, 252 Nevin, Green and Howard, 252 New Golden Gate, 389 New Soap and Candle Factory, 125, l34 New South Wales Government Railways, 383 Ni choll s , ~~., 237 Ni eko 11 s, H. B., 279 96th Regiment, 231 Nixon, Bishop, 234 Nokes, James, 134 Nola n, Luke, 87 No rman, J . , 111 , 11 9, 124 North , Alexander, 466; see also North, Ricards and Heyward North Esk Mill, 16,23 North Esk Rowing Club, 237 North, Ricards and Heyward, 420, 450, 484 Northern Motors Pty. Ltd., 298 Noyes Bros, 188 Oakden, -, 236 O'Brien, Henry , 132 Oceana Mine, 389 O'Connor, Roderic, 25 09 9, -, see Sm i th, Ogg and Serpell Ol d London Ti mber Yard, 97, 108 Ol dham, - , 309 Ol dham, Alderman, 309 Olivia , 229 O'Neill Bros and Rodgers, 357 Onkapar i nga, 188 O' Rei ll y and Co., 202 Orpwood, -, see Coutts and Orpwood Overe 11, -, 279 Overend and Robb, 279, 397 Owen, Thomas and Henry Spearman, 255, 299, 300, 305 Oxley, -, 237 Oxley, J., 13, 172 Parker, John, Ill, 115 Paterson, -, 238 Paterson, Lt Governor William, 11, 15,20,22,38,67,68, 151,224, 239, 323 Paton, George, 464 Paton, John, 191 Paton s and Ba l dwins, 81, 170, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 474 Patterson, Wi ll iam, 225, 227, 230, 231. 235 Paxman. - . 20 Peacock, E. • Ill. 124 Pec k. -, 22 Peddl e. Ca roline nee Hearne, 118 Peddle. George, 115, 118 Pennyston, J.W., 258 Perrins, 420 Pescodd, Ri chard, 32, 36 Peter, -, liS Peter, James, 349, 373, 376 , 377, 378, 380 Peter, Wil liam, 373, 374, 376, 377, 379, 380 Phan tom , 237 Philip Oakden, 236 Phi l p, Co l in E. , 436 Phoeni x Aerated Water and Cordial Facto ry, 49, 59 Phoenix Bake ry, 32, 33, 472 Phoenix Brewery, 59 Phoenix Carriage Works, 252 Phoenix Fo un dry, 376, 379, 380 , 381, 382 Phyllis , 237 Pi pers River Sawmil l, 94, 100, 376 Pl ough Inn, 156 Plummer, George , 227, 230 Plunkett, -, 207, 208 Pollard, John , 207 Po lli ngton, H., 111, 115,468 Poole, -, see Smith and Poole Post Offi ce, 102, 108 Potts, W., 444, 458 Presentation Convent, 131 Pri ce, R., 254 Paine, Frederick, 246, 299, 305, 464 Princess Theatre, 81 Paine, George, 240, 243, 247, 248, Psyche , 234 251 Pugh, Dr, 342, 346 Palm Grove Dance Hall, 268 Purnell, A.W., 460 Palmer, -, 22 Palmer, Henry, 239, 242 Panton, Walter, 40, 460 Queen's Jubilee Celebrations, 35 Paris Cafe, 432 Quiggan, -, see Moore and Quiggan Parker, -, 235 - 502 Railway Band, Railway Drivers' remans' Association, Railway Station, 274, 278, 284, 287, 292 Railway Timber Yard, 97, 103 Ra il way Worksho ,187, 281-298 Randall, Cha es, 1 ,154 Rankin, John, 5 Rankin and ,438 Rapson .,454 RaVen, Raven, -, Raven, James, 109, 230, 231 Rawlin , , Reading, J., 1, , John, 115 Sons, Ill, , l34 Meat Mart, 115 , 323 David, 26,29 ie, K., 484 Ritchie, William, 397 Ritchie's Mill, 18, 26, 468; see Cataract Mill , see Overend and , 231 , 244 227, , 284 , F. T., l34 Ro , -, 26, 28 Robertson, J., 275 Rochdale, Lord, 187 Rock, -, 167 ers, Will iam, es and Jones, 0, 1 .. , 438 Standard, 284 Royal Tasman Hotel, 255, 256 Ruby, 230 Rugby and Leamington Railway, 276 Russell, H.T., 94. 97,99, lO3, 464 Russen, Charles. 33, 35. 414 • -. 88 ler, James, 110, III Sage, Robert, Helens Hospi 1,397 St Ita's Convent, 1 St John David, C., 304, 357,416, 442 John Street Li Stables, 255, St John's Church, ,255, 334 St Margarets ital, 397 St Mary's , 397 St Patrick's Scheme, 1, 332, 334, Salisbury, I E.E., 384 Salisbury, g and Co., Salisbury undry, 191, 298, 367, 383, 389, 2, 393, 394, 395, 428 Sal isbury S and Co .• 390, 391 Salmon Gold cate, 389 , 210 Sanderson, -, Sanderson. G., Saul, -, , Saul, Charles , 373, 374, Saunders, T.H., Scarboro h, R.T., 422 Schramm, ld, 80, 83 Scott, ,see Tankard and S Scott, James, 25 Scott, , 380, 383 Scott, • 334 Scott, " 55, 102, • 426 . Richard, s, 52 • 's Shi pbuil di ng ishment, 225, 230 S le Hospital, rle, -, 131 n Motor Service, n, Wi 11 i am, 13 7 1, see Smith. Ogg and rpe 11 Rebecca, Reed, Henry, Reeks. Wal Regal Rei d, - Rei d, Reid, Reid, J., , Reliance Wors Mills, 170, 195, , 450 Repco. 460 Repl Parts Pty. Ltd., 460 229 Ricards • 22 , A., 275 lliam,152, and Burn , Richard, 99 Rowland, F., 448, Hotel, , 134, 1 - 503 Sharman, T.S., 208, 212, 214, 432 Stephenson, C.T., 399, 438 Sharp, -, 199 Stewart, F., 208 , 211,214,430 Shepherd, -, 37, 470; see al so Stewart, G.M., 202, 204 Beaumont and Shepherd Stewart, R., 244, 245 Shepherd, Harold, 37 Stewart, W., 208, 211, 214,430 Sherwin, Isaac, 349 Stieglitz, F.W.L., 245 Shield, Geo., 55 Stone, E.G., 187 Ship Inn, 242 Storrer, David, Ill, 118, 121, 124 Shott, R., 450 Storrer, Mayor, 40 Sibbald, Andrew, 25, 26, 329 Stowell Hospital, 397 Sidebottom, -, 152, 166, 167 Strange, Frederick, 27, 30, 79, 100, Sidebottom, F.J., 442 232 Siemens Bros, 342, 357, 361, 362 Strike, -,309 Sim, F.B., 32 Stuart, Charles, Ill, 115, 116, 454 Simmons, J.W., 284 Stubbs, -, 253, 254 Simpson, Thos C., 324, 328 Sturgess, -, 167 Smail, James, 184 Sull ivan, -, 268 Smith, -, 205 Surma n, -, 151 Smith, -, 206 Sute r, E., 414 Smith, C.H., 40, 152, 160 Suter and Co., 119 Smith, E.G., 462 Sutton's Temperance Hotel, 210 Smith, G.W., 206 Swan, -, 210 Smith, James, 154, 156 Swan, 225, 230, 231 Smith, James 'Philosopher', 28, 397 Sydney 'Bus Company, 299 Smith, John, 21, 23 Sydney Gri f fi t hs , 230 Smith, John Wilson, 258, 260 Smith, Roy, 468 Smith and Evans, 152 Talca , 284 Smith and Poole, 170, 199 Talmanger, - 279 Sydney Smith, Ogg and Serpell, 462 Tamar, 231 Soap, Candle and Soda Crystal Tamar Brewery, 49, 52, 55, 56, 57, Factory, 125, 130, 134 102, 230, 426 Socrat es , 242 Tamar Foundry, 383, 384, 385, 386 Somerville, Mungo, 26, 329 Tamar Rowing Club Sheds, 214, 237 Southerwood, William Joseph, 256, Tandy, T., 464, 480 258, 299, 478 Tankard and Scott, 33, 38 Souve nir, 231 Tasmania , 280 Sparrow, J., 208, 210, 211 Spearman, Harry, 299; s ee also Owen and Spearman Spencer Hospital, 397 Spiers, D. , 349 Sprent, James, 275 Standard Saw and Moulding Mills, 94, '97 Stanfield, F., 170, 199, 202 Star Bakery, 32, 33 Star Hotel, 124 Steam Cordial Works, 49, 58, 452 Steam Packet Tavern, 231 Steam Saw and Moulding Mills, Sash and Door Factory, 97, 103 Stebbings, C., 255 Steele, James, 22 Stenhouse and Co., 442 Tasmania Gold Mine, 80, 379, 389 Tasmanian Battery Service, 268 Tasmanian Boot Company, 153, 163 Tasmanian Brewery, 53 Tasmanian Brickworks, 81 Tasmanian Carriage Works, 251 Tasmanian Coach Manufactory, 245 Tasmanian Co-operative Brewery, 192, 197, 480 Tasmanian Foundry, 384 Tasmanian Government Railways, 192, 390, 394, 396 Tasmanian Jam and Preserved Fruit Company, 40 Tasmanian Livery Stables, 255, 256 Tasmanian Manufacturing and Importing Co., 158, 159, 161,450 Tasmanian Motor Garage, 260, 265, 452, 454 - 504 Tasmani an Nat ives ' Assoc iation, 399 Tasma ni an Produ ce and Coo l Storage Co ., 33, 40, 41, 44 , 45, 460 Tasmani an Soap and Candl e Fac to ry, 125, 133, 135, 383, 486, 488 Tasmanian Steam Bakery, 32, 33, 36, Troll ope, Anthony, 38 Turner, -, 234 Tu r ner, Alf. , 255 Turner, W.S. , 52, 53 Turner, William, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159 472 Tuti ng, Samuel , 187, 188 Tasmanian St eam Pi pe and Pottery Twinni ng, Thomas , 78 Works, 92 Twiss, Samuel, 434 Ta smania n Steam Saw and Mo ul din g Tyson, Frank, 474 Mi 11 s , 97 , 99 Tyson, William, 94, 95, 97, 100, 349, Tasmanian Ti n Smel t ing Co., 374,401 376 Ta smanian Tyre Servi ce, 260, 268 Tattersalls Live ry and Ba i t Stables , 256, 258, 259, 434 Umbr ella Depot, 396 Tayl or, Art hu r B., 414 Union Bank, 113, 206 Taylor. J .• 205 Unio n Mills, 25 Tayl or, J ., 258 Union Steamshi p Company, 389 Taylor, Ro bert, 25 Up t on, William, 134 Tel egraph Pr intery, 42 8, 464 Urquhart , Capt ., 40 Temple, Dav id, 184 Templ e, John, 184 Tetl ow Cordial Manufa ctory, 470 Vacuum Oil Co ., 460 Tevel ein, James, 25 3 Van Di emens Land Company, 172 Teve lein, John, 240, 253, 254 Vandermeul en, C.J., 167, 229 Tharsis Mine, 389 Vaughan, -, 250 Tho mas, F.J., 159 Venetian and Hol land Bl ind and Bedding Thomas, Joce l yn, 46 Manuf actory, Il l , 115 , 116 Thomas, J. B., 275 Victori a Bridge , 383 Tbomas, T.W., 40 Victori an and Tasman ian Steam Pottery, Thompson, -, 134 86, 87, 89 Thompson, -, see Chanty and Thompson Vulcan Foundry. 376 Thompson, Henry, 170 Thompson, Jo hn, 28, 279 Thompson, R., 202, 236 Thrower, W.I., 58 Wa ddell, W.S., 339 Thyne, J. E., 192 Wade, W., 33, 37, 43 Thyne Bros, 170, 188, 192, 197, 198, Wadham, -, 247, 250 480 Wadl ey, - , 83 Tilley , -, 160 Wag staff, -, 329 Titley, William, 25, 28 Wakefi el d, Felix. 324 , 330 Titmu s , W. , 97, 108 Walbourn, E., 24 7 Toan, John, 26 Waldron, John, 124, 474 Togo , 23 8. 239 , 388 Walker, -, 193 Towers, -, 109 Walker, Charles. 19 1 Towers. James, 25, 46, 51, 324, 334 Walker, John, 26 Towers, J.G., 58 Walker, Thomas, 20, 22, 229 Towers, Robert, 25, 46, 52 Walker and Johnston, 462 Tread Mi ll, 18, 29, 99 Wa lZace . 154 Trevallyn Power Station, 344, 367, Wallis, Ri chard Bat ley, 53 368 Wa l sh. -, 328 Trevena, - , 88 fvaratah , 237 Trevena, Henry, 92 Ward, Richard, 256, 259 Tri al, 235 Watt, E.A., 458 Trist, J.C., 214 Waugh and Lo ckie, 284. 288 - 505 Waverley Woollen Mil l s , 12, 13, 25 168, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177 , 178, 179,180, 181,182,183,184, 188 Wearne and Geard, 260, 266, 267 Weav er and Co., 58 Webb and Sons, 442 Webster, -, 478 Wedge, John Helder , 328 Westcombe, Donald, 49, 55 Western Silver Mine, 389 Weston, Edward, 27 Wha rf Timber Yard and Steam Saw Mills, 97, 103 Wheelwrights Arms, 242 Whitchurch, -, 52 Wh i tcomb, George, 268, 269 White, -, 254 Whi te Hart Inn, 205 White Horse Livery Stables, 254 Whitfeld, Ernest, 40, 67, 230 Whitfeld, George, 430 Whybrow, see Caswell and Whybrow Widdowson, Henry, 337 Wi l kins, Isaac, 38 Wilks, Wi l liam, 74, 81 Wi llett, J., 237 William , 229, 230 Wil l i ams, George, 254 Wi ll iams, John, 373 Willing, -, 468 Wilmot, Governor Sir Eardley, 172, 330, 333 Wilson, Dr J.T., 252 Wilson, W., 110 Wilson Bros, 438 Yo ul , Reverend John, 207 Young, S., 256, 259 Zeehan Mine, 389 Winche ster, 236 Wi ndermere Mi 11, 16 Windmill Hill Mill, 18, 21, 25 Winter, -,160 Wood, C.P., 440 Woodhouse, B., 256, 259 Woolcock, -, 260, 267 Worbey, Alexander, 88 Wright, -, 191 Wright, -, see Hinman, Wright and Manser Yambacoomba , 237 Yates, Adam, 23 Yates, George, 23, 26, 330 Yates, Jane, 23 York Wine Vaults, 207 - 506