1978 - University Libraries
1978 - University Libraries
This document was digitized by the staff of University Archives, Department of Special Collection, Washington University Libraries. Unless otherwise noted, this work is the copyright of the original creator. It is digitally reproduced for educational use only, per U.S. copyright law (Title 17, Chapter 1 § 108 U.S. Code) For further information please contact: University Archives, Department of Special Collections Washington University Libraries One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1061 St. Louis, MO 63130 Telephone: (314) 935-5444 or (314) 935-9730 Fax (314) 935-8320 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/archives THE ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH COMMENCEMENT WASH I N G T ON EIGHT-THIRTY MAY THE NINETEENTH , SAINT UNIVERSITY O 'CLOCK FRIDAY NINE TE E N LOUIS , MORNI NG HUNDRED MISSOURI SEVENTY-EIGHT The National Anthem 0, say! Can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, 0'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. 0, say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. The Alma Mater 1 Dear Alma Mater, Thy name is sweet to me. Our hearts are all for thee, Fair Washington. Thy halls shall honored be Throughout this great country For all eternity, Our Washington. 2 Those days of youth which All of us spent with thee ,Form a dear history, Fair Washington. Could they renewed be, We'd live our days with thee For all eternity, Our Washington A Note on the Commencement Ceremony Whether Paris or Bologna is the first university will probably never be known with certainty. Both date to about 1100, and within a century produced different forms of corporate organization. What we can say , however, is that Washington University and other American universities, public and private, follow the pattern developed at the University of Paris after a long period of internal discussion among the authorities there. Paris early attracted thousands of young men in their teens eager for education, but eager too for a good time, most of them being away from home for the first time. Their discipline, and indeed their entire education, fell under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Paris who, like every other bishop, was responsible for local educational matters. In his attempt to perform his office, the Bishop, therefore, attempted to regulate student conduct and claimed supervision of curriculum and degree-granting as well. Here he ran into trouble from the teachers attached to the cathedral school and also to the various monasteries scattered throughout what was becoming the student (or Latin) quarter. The teachers, like other experts, or masters, of the day, claimed to be the proper judges of the qualifications of their students. They demanded the right to approve or disapprove of a student's work, and the right to grant the degree-usually the right to teach anywhere in western Europe. The modern commencement ceremony represents a compromise which was reached between the Bishop who was attempting to retain his traditional rights and honors, and the teaching masters who were demanding normal rights of guild control. We cannot say precisely how the agreement was reached, but by 1200 the masters were judging the merits of the student and then recommending him to the Bishop for the degree. The ceremony you will witness this morning is the successor, some 750 years later, to the medieval compromise. The Faculty sits on the platform in its ancient role as teacher and examiner. Its leaders, the Deans, present qualified candidates to the Board whose members, sitting with its executive officer, the Chancellor, award the degree. Today the Chancellor and Board act, as did the medieval Bishop, as the final voice in local educational matters, admitting the new bachelors to the privileges of their new "estate" or condition. 1 A Note on Academic Dress The academic dress worn by Faculty and candidates indicates the degree held, the subject in which it is held, and the institution granting it. Gowns are of three kinds: the Bachelor's, with full, pointed sleeves, hanging open; the Masters, with flowing sleeves which hang below the opening at the wrist; the Doctors, with very full sleeves gathered at the wrist. The gowns are black, although occasionally trimmed with colored velvet; the hoods, on the other hand , are of many colors. The color of the lining of the hood indicates the institution granting the degree: e.g., the hood of Washington University is lined with red and green. The color of the tassel on the cap and of the velvet edging of the hood, carried forward around the throat, indicates the faculty or major department: White-Arts, Letters, Humanities Orange-Engineering Lilac-Dentistry Drab-Business Dark Blue-Philosophy Brown-Fine Arts, Architecture, Interior Design Golden Yellow-Science Purple-Law Green-Medicine Pink-Music Citron-Social Work Light Blue-Education Gold tassels and black tassels, when worn, indicate degree rather than faculty or maier department. Thus gold indicates the Ph.D. degree and black indicates the Masters degree. Academic dress markedly different from the above description indicates a degree from a foreign university. 2 Order of Procession and Presentation GRAND MARSHAL __.._..._..... HONORARY GRAND MARSHAL ..... ._.. . . . .Rob ert W iber Reinhardt .__..__...__.._.. Carl Tolman FACULTY DIVISIONS I Chancellor, Chairman of the Board of Trustees , Chairman of the Senate Council, Sp eaker , Honorar y D egree Recipients, Memb ers of the University Administration ASSOCIATE GRAND MARSHAL .-.-.-.---------- -------- .----------Joe Freeman Evans II Memb ers of the Board of Trustees . . .._. ..__ . . .Merl Mart in Huntsinger MARSHAL . III Deans and Members of the Faculty MARSHAL .__. Merle Klin g STUDENT MARSHALS Divisional banners are being carried by the student marshals of each division who wear red and green tassels. Red and green denote the colors of Washington University. The seal on the banners is the official seal of the University and th e color denotes the degree. I Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Education MARSHALS . . ._. . . . . Rene Boyer Jame s Stu art Hans II Master of Arts Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Arts in Education Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Master of Music Advanced Graduate Certificate in Education MARSHALS ._. .. .._. .. . . .__ Darwin David Horn Sharon Nell Smith III Doctor of Medicine MARSHALS . ._. ._. . ...__ .. ... ...__.__. ....Robert Wells W arren Francis Xa vier Witkowski IV Master of Health Administration MARSHAL __ __._.._ _ __. .. .. Genyth Smith DeSalvo V Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy MARSHALS ._.__.__. .._ _._. .__._. ._. Sally Barrows Braxton, Jr. Debra Mund inge r Strasburg VI Master of Science in Oral Pathology Ma ster of Science in Orthodontics Doctor of Dental Medicine MARSHAL .. . .._.__..._. .__....__.. ... ._._.. ....Marianne Ruth Spamer 3 VII Master of Laws Doctor of Law MARSHALS -- -_ VIII Master of Social Work MARSHALS '.' John Gerald Jartz Alan Scott Mandel Judith Wish Laurie Frances Kruger Connie Marie Pelch IX Master of Fine Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts MARSHALS _ Mildred E Sellard Norman Robert Simon X Master of Data Processing Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Bachelor of Technology MARSHALS _ XI Master of Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Business Administration MARSHALS .._ _ _ _ __ Gary Russell Dedeke Louise DeHart Don .Reed King _..Edward Mishow Gene Bailey Young XII Master of Architecture and Urban Design Master of Architecture MARSHAL Neil James Rauenhorst XIII Doctor of Science Master of Science Bachelor of Science (Engineering) MARSHALS _.. Linda Jane Beach Margaret Ann Hug Rita Menitoff Carter Pendleton Munson Daniel Patrick Schrage XIV Bachelor of Arts MARSHALS . ._ _ __.. ._ _ Neil Benjamin Caesar Stephen Ralph Eide Gregory Bruce Freeman Carol Anne Grady Sara Louise Johnson Elizabeth Garrett Knoll Daniel Benjamin Kuriloff Marjorie Beth Perlman The asterisk beside a student's name indicates combined degree recipient. The recession will follow the same order as the procession. 4 Order of Exercises Academic Procession MCCLUER NORTH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL BAND Ferguson-Florissant School District Directed by Linton Luetje The National Anthem "M ARGARET GENE BOYER Address JOHN JAY MCCLOY Lawyer, Diplomat, Statesman Conferring of Degrees WILLlA1\l HENRY DANFORTH Chancellor of the University The Alma Mater :M ARGARET GENE BOYER Recession The audience will please remain seated while the academic procession enters the Quadrangle. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, the audience will remain seated until the procession has left the Quadrangle. 5 Emeritus Appointments Each year some members of the Washington University faculty reach the rank of emeritus. Their ability and service, in the classroom and out , has enriched the University and the lives of their students and colleagues. In appreciation for what they have done, we record here the names of those who attain emeritus rank at the end of the academic year 1977-1978. EDMUND BENNETI' ALVIS WERNER HOCHWALD Assistant Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology At Washington University since 1936 Tileston Professor of Political Economy At Washington University since 1941 ARNO CUMMING BECHT Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology At Washington Univ ersity since 1937 A. HERMAN HuTI'O Madill Professor of Law At Washington University since 1940 WILLIA},! BERMAN Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology At Washington University since 1950 WILLIAM EDWARD KOCH, JR. Professor of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology At Washington Uni versity since 1934 WILLIAM THOMAS KIMLIN BRYAN Associate Prof essor of Clinical Otolaryngology At Washington Univ ersity since 1938 M ORRIS D AVID M ARCUS Associate Profes sor of Clinical Medicine ( Dermatology) At Washington University since 1939 NICHOLAS JAY DEMERATH Professor of Sociology At Washington University since 1956 V IH GIN I A MINNICH Professor of Medicine At Washington Uni versity since 1940 JOSEPH CASTRO EDWARDS Assistant Prof essor of Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1938 M AumCE NORMAN ORGEL HYMAN HERSCHEL FINGERT Assistant Prof essor of Clinical. Medicine At Wa shington Univ ersity since 1967 Assistant Prof essor of Clinical Psychiatry At Washington Uni versity since 1939 B ERNARD SCHWARTZMAN Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics At Washington University since 1939 WILLIAM EDWIN GORDON Professor of Research in Social Work At Washington University since 1951 JUDSON TIFFANY SHAPLIN Professor of Education At Washington University since 1963 PAUL OONK HAGEMANN Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine At Washington Uni versity since 1937 CARL AUGUST W ATI'ENBERG Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery (Urology) At Washington University since 1939 LINDSAY HELMHOLZ Professor of Chemistry At Wa shington University since 1946 6 HONORARY DEGREES DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES CHARLES GUGGENHEL"\1, a fihnmaker based in Washington, D.C., has achieved an international reputation in the area of social, political and historical documentary films. Mr. Guggenheim launched his company in Saint Louis after having directed a community-operated educational television station on the Washington University campus. Film critic Hollis Alpert of the Saturday Review has described him as "probably the most accomplished maker of documentary films in this country." Mr. Guggenheim has received five Academy Award nominations and won two Oscars: one for "Nine from Little Rock" and another for "Robert Kennedy Remembered," which has become part of political as well as film history. The recipient of major awards in every important international film competition, Mr. Guggenheim has been guest lecturer and fellow at Harvard and Yale Universities. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1948. DOCTOR OF LAWS ROBERT HALLADAY DEAN, corporate executi ve, civic leader and recipient of numerous honors, has been associated with the Ralston Purina Company in Saint Louis since his graduation from Grinnell College in 1938. Joining Purina as a clerk , he became chairman of the board and chief executive officer thirty years later. In recent years , Mr. Dean's concern with civic and social responsibilities has led him to seek to ameliorate persistent urban problems, including poverty and substandard housing facilities . He also serves on the boards of directors of a variety of companies and groups, including Civic Progress , Inc ., whose members elected him president in 1977. In recognition of his dedicated and devoted service , he received the Saint Louis Argus Distinguished Citizens Award for 1977, and the Urban League's Award of Merit for 1976. Last January, the Saint Louis Chapter of Baseball Writers presented him with the Dr . Robert F. Hyland Award for Meritorius Service to Sports. 7 RALPH FOLLEN FUCHS, lawyer and educator, is university professor emeritus of law at Indiana University. Professor Fuchs earned the Bachelor of Arts degree and the Juris Doctoris degree from Washington University in 1922 . He received the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Brookings Graduate School of Economics and Government in the nation's capital in 1925. Now known as the Brookings Institution, it is named for Robert Brookings, one of Washington University's most generous benefactors. Professor Fuchs taught here from 1927 to 1945. He earned the Doctor of Juridical Science degree from Yale University in 1935. In the early seventies, he was a visiting professor in the School of Law here. Professor Fuchs is one of the seminal members of the American Association of University Professors (AA UP), the major professional association for the faculty in colleges and universities in this country. He earned the sobriquet "Mr. AAUP " for his many contributions to the organization as general secre tary , general counsel and president. JOHN JAY MCCLOY, one of the most distinguished lawy ers and public servants in th e United States, has been a member of the legal profession for more than fifty years. He has frequently left active practice to serve his country, and, on occasion , the world of banking. Assistant Secretary of War from 1941 to 1945 , he has been president of the World Bank (the International Bank for Reconstruction) , United States Military Governor and United States High Commissioner of Germany, chairman of the board of directors of the Chase Manhattan Bank, and chairman of the board of trustees of the Ford Foundation. In January 1961 , Mr. McCloy was named by President John F. Kennedy as his ad visor on disarmament matters, a post he held until October of that year when the permanent United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency was established. He served as chairman of the gen eral advisory committee on disarmament until May 1974. In December 1963, Mr. McCloy was named by President Lyndon B. Johnson to serve on the Presidential Commission to Investigate the Assassination of President Kennedy. A partner in the law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy , he earned the Bachelor of Arts degree from Amherst College and the Juris Doctoris degree from Harvard Law School. MARGARET BUSH WILSON, lawyer and prominent leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) , is a native St. Louisan. She is a practicing attorney with the local firm of Wilson , Smith, Wunderlich & Smith . She is also a member of the Illinois State Bar Association and is admitted to practice law before the United States Supreme Court. Active in the NAACP for many years , she was elected chairman of its national board of directors in January 1975 . Chairman of the Land Reutilization Authority of the City of Saint Louis, she has also served as Assistant Attorney General of Missouri and as United States Attorney, Legal Division, Rural Electrification Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture. Mrs. Wilson graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Talladega College , T alladega, Alabama, in 1940. She earned the Juris Doctoris degree from Lincoln University School of Law in 1943. 8 DOCTOR OF SCIENCE ALTON OCHSNER, physician and educator, is one of the best-known surgeons in the medical profession. His achievements and honors are legion; his accomplishments are legendary. Dr. Ochsner began his medical career as an intern and assistant resident at Barnes Hospital after having earned his medical degree from Washington University's School of Medicine in 1920. Following additional study in Switzerland and Germany, he commenced his surgical practice and teaching career in Chicago. In 1942, he and four colleagues founded the Ochsner Clinic and Ochsner Foundation Hospital in New Orleans, where he served as director of surgery until 1966. He was also president of the Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation from 1944 to 1970. Dr. Ochsner currently holds many professional appointments, including senior consultant in surgery at the Ochsner Clini c and Ochsner Foundation Hospital, president emeritus of the Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, and professor emeritus of surgery, Tulane University in New Orleans. 9 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by RALPH ERNEST MORROW, Ph.D., Dean DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May 19,1978 In Anthropology In Economics Gwendolyn Gertrude Reich Keith Ray Ihlanfeldt Ahmad Jabbari In Art and Archaeology In Education Jon Rawlings Bourassa Mary Ellen Finch Boyd Richard Morros In Biological Chemistry °Randi Yvette Leavitt Esteban Edward Mena Douglas Henry Ohlendorf °Robert Eliot Silverman In English and American Literature James Stuart Hans In Mathematics In Biology Robert Allan Blumenthal °Kenneth Barry Schechtman Lone-Young Yee Peter Coonan Hoch In Chemistry In Microbiology Chin-Hsin Jason Liu Mark Steven Birenbaum 10 In Political Science Michael Warren Combs Thomas William Likens In Music Rhian Samuel Curtis In Pathology In Psychology Laura Pauline Bonneville Donald Dean Kasischke Ronald Monte Klein Roland Douglas Maiuro Elizabeth Jane Nettles Richard Leslie Ogden Russell Conrad Petrella Ruth Loosemore Rosenthal Wayne Russell Smith Murray Franklin Spiegel Faye Adele Eggerding "Hobert Wells Warren Daniel Carl Weaver In Pharmacology Michael David Trus In Philosophy In Social Work Robert Edward Freeman Ronald Bertram Meier Enola Proctor Elizabeth M Smith In Physiology and Biophysics William Frank Gilly Brian Gerard Kennedy In Sociology Charles Bailey Thomas M Shapiro December 23, 1977 In Anthropology In Economics Vicki Rea Holtzapple Albert Otto Jacobson Terry Lee Huskey Claudio Adrian Pardo °Joel Land Prakken Ved Prakash Sharma In Biological Chemistry °George Putnam Stricklin In Education Susan Uchitelle In Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) In Germanic Languages and Literatures Carl Stevens Parker Franke-Erika Holm Schwanke In Biological Sciences (Neural Sciences) In Music Steven Philip Wise Patricia Gray Tipton In Business Administration In Pathology Jack Douglas Becker Ronald Gene Tilton 11 In Pharmacology e Douglas In Psychology Bruce Mayers Deborah Ann Gilden Kathryn Ann Jensen Phegan Mary Fran Lang Porter Michael Gerard Tramontana In Philosophy James Edwin Force J 0 Ellen Jacobs In Social Work In Physics Victor M He sselbrock Philip Richard Popple Jonathan Allen Patrick Lee Love In Sociology In Political Science Mary Jane Budenstein Harold Junior Corzine Gerard Jerome Grzyb Melvin Lee Oliver Peggy Ann Heilig Vicki Elaine Vox Rodney Dean Wright August 19,1977 In Anthropology In Molecular Biology David Graham Gantt Janet Elizabeth Levy Sylvia MacColl Rudy Michael Patrick McGrogan Joe Miller Ross Stanley Francis Wolf In Biological Chemistry In Neurobiology Myra Lou Collins Judith Ann Jaehning James Michael Goldring Jean Graham In Biology In Pharmacology Janice Ann Derr Eugene Harold Rubin Edward William Troyer In Business Administration Maurice Lion el Hirsch, Jr. Walter James Woerheide In Physics Mark Stephen Conradi Pui-Man Lam In Chemistry George Anderson Gettys Paul Arthur Lund Henry Dennis Mollman In Physiology In Earth and Planetary Sciences In Political Science Mary Ann Rafle Rodger Robert Huckfeldt Bruce Arlen Ray Brian Franklyn Mandell In Economics In Psychology Koon-Lam Shea Stuart Larry Adelman Thomas Ethan Ludwig Renato Benedicto Reyes Eric David Wish I n Education Ronald Paul Nickel In French In Social Work Susan Roudebush Rava Virginia Drone Hennelly In History In Sociology Chin- Tai Chiang Micha el Joseph Mendle Claudio Mauricio Stem-Feitler 12 DOCTOR OF EDUCATION May 19, 1978 In Music Education Rene Boyer Donald Louis Gephardt December 23, 1977 In Music Education John Clifford Batchman Charles Lester Wentworth MASTER OF ARTS May 19, 1978 InA nthropology In Comparative Literature Lorraine Hazel Eckstein Darwin David Hom Alan Carl Jacquin Peggy S Ratcheson Heman Torres Gail Elaine Wagner Sherron Clay Dean Martinez In Economics John Lund Conant Herbert George Guempel In Art and Archaeology Linda Leigh Bain Linda Schildkraut In Education Stephen Wayne Crowe In Asian Studies In English and American Literature James Frank Bergoffen Jane Williams Oliver Bettye Dean Dew In Biological Sciences In Germanic Languages and Literatures Maria Helena Roos Richard L Burkhart Monika Brigitte Zuschratter In Biology Anna Frances Werner Richard Trudo Williams In History Suzanne Marie Durand Richard Daniel Goldblatt Peter Joel Michel David Mark Streifford In Chemistry Marc Sheldon Berridge Daniel Joseph Graham Ka Sing Lee Allen Leslie Savage 13 In Mathematics In Psychology Richard Leigh Cogswell William Lloyd Hansen Angela Spesiali Aroeira Roslyn Elizabeth Chenier Jim Lee Dalton William Lee Dotson Kevin Eli Favor Elizabeth Arlene Grant Karen Joyce Windsor In Physical Education Rand Lawrence Rosenthal In Sociology In Physics Kevin Hays Baines Scott Douglas Barthelmy Charles Roger Bradley Charles Edward Burkhardt Paul Koppel Loyd George Perrymore John Douglas Ramberg Robert Weng Scott Goodman Sandra Lynne Zelman Lewis Rodney Dale Nelson In Statistics °Kenneth Barry Schechtman In Technology and Human Affairs In Political Science Jack Earl Huising a Alison M Belkin Barbara Riley Buzard CarolKimb~INewport In Urban Affairs James LeRoy Ramer George Philipos e Kadamp anat December 23, 1977 In Biology In Comparative Literature Mary Elizabeth Enama Barbara Jane Huss Patrick Joseph Skerrett Janet Marie Weder In Economics In Chemistry John Delaney Carr °Joel Land Prakk en Karen Diane McEl vany Ting-Yuan Wu In Chinese In Education Harry William Hughes, Jr. Barbara Ellen Anthony 14 In French In Political Science Annick Maubrey Hughes Servane Charlotte Rogers Luis -Alberto Palma Freida La Verne Wheaton In Germanic Languages and Literatures In Psychology Eva-Charlotte Selzener Gunther Weimann Chang-I Bonnie Chen Danielle Idelle Miller In Literature and Drama In Sociology Ronald Lee Hutson Terry L Dannehold Harriet Susan Darvish Patricia Rosenbaum Linda Jeanne Sussman In Physiology In Technology and Human Affairs Mary Susan Beamer David Murray Staples In Physics August 19, 1977 In Anthropology In Philosophy Diane O'Rourke Benn ett Rebecca Jane Mullennix In Physical Education In Asian Studies John Peter Wilhelm, Jr. Cheng-Chang Chiu In Ph ysics Gary Martin Flood Bernice Joan Franklin David Rapheal Lefton Gregory Harold Paine Harry Israel Ringermacher Thomas Arnold Shoup In Comparative Literature Stephanie Barbe Hammer Jonathan Lawrence Teich er In Education Gail Hamilton Hellan In Political Science In English and American Literature Louis Callen Kevin Reynolds Hlia Jerry David Mitchell Beverly Ceiger Bonnheim Marsha Kay Hayles Marylou Alexis Jamieson Jane Christine Cocalis Millar David Gershom Myers Debra Anne Ratner Jan e Oxenhandler Wayne Nina Smiley Wilkins Elizabeth Rebecca Zimbalist In Psychology Patricia Ann Center Cameron Russell Daniel Priscilla Elaine Grier Randy Alicia Page Lloyd Nelson White Doris Marie Wilkins In Germanic Languages and Literatures In Sociology 'Carmen Burgfeld Henning Hugo Fuelbier Humphrey Gordon Leeming Glass Leon Claron Henderson In German-Scandiruunan Studies Area In Technology and Human Affairs Hirobumi Ito Karl Louis Buschmann In History In Urban Af/airs David Edward Libby Alice Anne Thompson 15 MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING May 19, 1978 In Social Studies Karen Marie Forrester December 23,1977 In Music Jacquelyn Sue Goldstein August 19, 1977 In Earth and Planetary Sciences In Social Studies Fred Russ Haviland III William Muirhead McMillan MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION May 19,1978 In Education Christopher John Loving Denise M Maue Dreyfus Barbara Jean Barrett Mitchell Sharon Roselle Modugno Laverne Morrow Marl Emma Nelson Oduola Edith Obadina "Elizabeth Linda Johnson Okpaleke Sandra Kay Olson Thomas Anthony Parham Rita Ann Parsonage Mary Jill Patrick Leonard Alan Perry Victoria Margaret Peterson ° Nancy Ellen Popkin Leigh Isabel Friedman Pratter Gail Raben Anne Richtman Joyce Ann Schneider Marian Ruth Schneider Katherine Frances Sears Marsha Janet Small Sharon Nell Smith Karen Lea Soltes Janis Grace Strength To Ann Thomas ilene Carol Wasserman Jerry Lee White Linda Rae White Corinne Dawn Widdis David Joseph Alexander Lorene Allhoff Joan Charlene Barth Christopher L Becker Rae Narcisse Bryant Elinor B Burstein Ruth Ellen Cohen Beverly Theresa Dew Melinda Hope Dopkin °William Frederick Eastman Ronnie Ellen Ehrenberg Clementine Elliott Muriel Anne Espenschied Mary Loretto Evans Natalie Feder Dolores Theresa Fendler Joyce Cormack Fick Margaret Joann Folluo Lorene Cecelia Goins e Arthur Goldberg Carolyn Virginia Green Susan Brockett Habermaas George John Henry Marsha Moore Hoeltzel Patrick Chukwu Imoh Suzanne Ruth Kaiser Terrie Liberman Maxine Stone Losee 16 In Physical Education James Michael Brislane Elece Dempsey Daniel Robert Hyre [o Anne Auletta Rodew ald Frank Michael Villa December 23,1977 In Education Terrence Michael Thomure Patricia Lee Toban Onnalee Jennell Willnow Eva Berry Tobie Louise Chapman Stephen Robert Chilton Diane Paula Gnepp Karla Ann Hagan Oliver Johnson Elizabeth Bram Kleban Richard Allen Kreitner Karen Lynn Molitoris John Arthur Martin Sam S Mondello Gay Eyla Russ Patricia Ann Schleifstein In Health Education Sandra Jean Savill In Music Education Denise Ruby Houston In Ph ysical Education Larry Paul Torbeck August 19,1977 I n Education Christine Tresselt Ailts Lynda Bums Bliggenstorfer Frances Starr Braun Margaret Lorelle Caus ey Esther Lincoln Coil Diane Linda Cooper Pamela Dorsey Costa Shlomit Eisner Julie Ann Esrock Albert Lance Fitzgerald Judith Gainer Rosaline Hope Gentle Patricia Gloriod June Ann Johnson Phyllis Joan Hungate Kolb Maxine Brannan Leahy Deborah Mackenzie Lee Patrick John McCoy Carolyn Ann Neal Sharon Beth Pearline Meta Ardell Potts Patricia Valee Primm Laurie Ellen Raskin Frances Farnam Rubin Jane Hoyt Sanders Ruth Beidler Schneider Fran Solow Ingrid Wendland Soraghan John Frederick Thompson, Jr. Claire Aubrey Torrey Ann Marie Vismara In Music Education Susan Bea Deich In Physical Education Doris Jan e Filiatrault Stanle y Anthony Gardner Ira Vincent Price Dennis Dale Robin son John Paul Roqu es 17 MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May 19,1978 Mary Ellen Nevins Judith Ann Rubin Loryn Maude Solomon Beth Ann Sugarman Nancy Elizabeth Thornton Linda Lee Turpin Myra Kathl een Wright Katharine Elizabeth Becker Lisa Ellen Brown Dawn SuEllen Burton June Cheryl Chan Susan Elizabeth Edson Barbara Wynne Hemphill Lois Ellen Isaacs Timothy Michael Patrick Lamb MASTER OF MUSIC May 19,1978 Patricia Poisl Michael W ayne Wall er August 19,1977 William Keith Sullivan, Jr. Virginia Sue Taylor ADVANCED GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION May 19, 1978 In Education Fred Edwin Henrichs December 23, 1977 In Education Andrea Lou Kraushaar August 19, 1977 In Education Russell Joseph Amrein 18 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Candidates Presented by MORRIS KENTON KING, M.D., Dean DOCTOR OF MEDICINE May 19,1978 Meryl Kaye Abensohn-Lee Rollie Sue Ackerman Moses Kadranel Albert Victor Alexander Kweli Johari Amusa Robert John Auffenberg, Jr. John Robert Baird Robert Wilfred Bastian Mark Charles Blaufuss Eyla Glee Boies Keith F Brewer John Anthony Brim Diane Claire Burzlaff Cathy Jo Cantrell Robert James Capps Robert Henry Clayburgh Kim D Colter Nicholas Beemer Couper Nathaniel Lloyd Crump, Jr . Laura Jean David Raymond Pearson Davidson II Andrew C Dickler Jeffrey Edward Doty Joseph Joel Elterman Sister Jeffrey Engelhardt Charles D Ettelson Barry Miller FaIT Richard Sanford Finkel Carol Marvel Foster Mark Edwin Frisse Pamela Frances Gallin Anthony Galloway Harry Steven Geggel Marcy Lynn Gibb Charles Arthur Gluck Carl Samuel Goldstein Daniel David Goran Debra Clark Gunn , Valerie Forbes Hartley-Brewer Ann Katherine Henry Margaret Campbell Hochreiter Vernon Michael Holers Richard Glenn Hoover Mary O'Flaherty Horn Robert Love Huck Ada S Jemison David Richard Jensen Denise Lynn Johnson Andrew Louis Juergens Harold Lee Rush Kent Frances Allene King Scott Harold Kirk Thomas Ralph Kleyman Hermann Michael Koller Carolyn Sue Koppenol Joan Kathryn Kreiss Roger Mark Kurlan Brenda Rosalind Chinn Kurnik Peter Barry Kurnik Kwong Fai Kwong "Handi Yvette Leavitt Mark Allen Levinson Timothy James Ley Michael Allen Lincoln Scott Lynn Malan Joseph Peter Marchetta Thomas D Margulies Charles Edward McQueen Dominic Meldi Larysa Maria Melnyk Charles Robert Merrill Martha Caroline Michalski Jeffrey D Millbrandt Nola Tamayo Mirikitani Margaret Anne Montana Ellen Mooney Stanford Mark Moran Ross Eric Morgan Keith Lee Mullenger Thomas Aquinas Murphy Henry Dutton Mustin David Nasca Carol Jane Nelson Susan Jorden Nelson Felicia V Nowak John James O'Connor John Timothy Oldham Richard Orlowski Katherine Mary Ozanich Ronald Lee Palmer Dennis Louis Parenti Carlton Sherman Pears e Theresa P Poindexter 19 Charles X Stricker Mary H Stuart Carol Grammer Stull John Davis Stull Bruce Jay Thaler Joseph Karol y Toth Donn Martin Turner John Cecil Vander Woude, Jr. Richard Leo Wahl Gaylord Tenold Walker °Robert Wells Warren Da vid L Watkins Paul Michael Webber Rochelle Weber John Robert White Robin Ann Wilkinson Francis Xavier Witkowski Stephen Granville Young Philip Zazove Lee Stuart Portnoff Barbara D Reed Fredric Gary Regenstein William Andrew Renie Kenneth Bernard Rhinehart Andrew Adam Rich Charles Leonard Robin ette William Frederick Roes Eugene Harold Rubin Robert Lowell Schmitz Bruce Schwartz Mary Rebecca Schwartz John B Schw eitzer Allen Jeffry Sedman John Francis Shega o Robert Eliot Silverman Clark Edmund Sisk Sandra Louise Spaulding Carol Denise Spellen December 23,1977 o Douglas Bruce Mayers Margaret L Robinson Donald Ray Spoon °G eorg e Putnam Stricklin Thomas John Wincek August 19, 1977 Marshall Burnice Bischoff Dani el Jay Rhoades, Jr. MASTER OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION May 19,1978 Robert Steven Gordon Paul Eugene Gray Sandra Ann Johnson Holmes Steven Bradley Lampkin Howard Louis Levitan Micha el Joseph Quartier Lindsay Ross Resnick James Herschel Ross Robert Lynn Smith Martin John Strussion Rosalind Frances Thigpen Lloyd John VasQuez, Jr. Mark Allen Wallace Robert Howard Bezanson James Craig Bigogno LaRue E Cook Jeffrey Hunt Dawkins Genyth Smith DeSalvo Sister Mary Edel Dunne John Greg Eisele Thomas Anthony Eurek John Martin Fraser Marc M Friedman Thomas Harold Gee Phillip King Gilmor e Sister Katherine Marie Glosenger Sylvan Lee Goldberg 20 December 23,1977 Keith Robert Kretchmer Chester Hines, Jr . Stephen Michael Jordan August 19, 1977 Rodney Bishop Wolfard, Jr. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY May 19, 1978 Theresa Marie Bates Patrick James Joseph Bloom Sally Barrows Braxton, Jr. Kathleen Auburn Bruns Janis Lynell Carnett Martha Mary Costa Anne Marie Egan Mary Ellen Formby Shirley Inez Imboden Peggy Anne Kleffner Jan Alyse Levit Karen Beth Lidsky Lynn Marie Meier Rebecca Elaine Rapp Amy Beth Shumow Janet Ellen Solomon August 19, 1977 Mary Claire Hatcher Susan Korte Meyers Daniel L Moxey BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY May 19, 1978 Timothy Patrick Millea Nancy Ilene Rosenblum Deborah Rae Sattgast Debra Mundinger Strasburg Debra Lynn Travis Clarence John Verbrugge Patricia Jo Villars Elizabeth Weesner Carolyn Rae Zabel Sandra Kay Biehler Susan Annette Chinworth Frances Beth Cronstein Nancy Jo Davis Linda Lorraine Flentje Solveig Margret johannsdottir Diane Zeta Johnson Valle Michelle Kayhoe Marilyn Dean Kingery Amy Jo McKibbin August 19, 1977 Josephine Mary Sloboda 21 THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Candidates Presented by GEORGE DEVER SELFRIDGE, D.D.S., Dean MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ORAL PATHOLOGY August 19, 1977 Roger J Adams MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ORTHODONTICS June 22, 1977 Jam es LUnger Da vid Langdon Varble John Joseph Du ehr Theodore Lee Moss Robert Shannon Stoughton DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE December 23, 1977 Wa yne Michael Peterson Delbert Wilson Ward Mark Nicholas Williams Kelvin Hisao Kaneshiro Brent Dee Lundberg Orval Harold Nipper, Jr. June 22, 1977 cum laude Nolan Dean Cheney Elbert Lynn Colbert Brian Lee Lundberg Gregory Michael Roos 22 Judith Louise Leighton Robin Goldstein Mandel Mary E McCarthy Ellen Brooke McCloskey Anne Therese Rothstein Beth Staenberg Carol Sue Topolewski Mary Ann Toyne Tziona Rae Wolff BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY May 20, 1977 Abby Fern Auslander Ruth Marie Bowser Leslie Lynne Bryant Louise Anne Chapman Colette Ann Decker Holly Jane Greek Dennis Keith Cyllenhaal jacalyn D Harris Sallie Caton Hughes Deborah Lynn [e vey Jane Joan Labrie Joan Brockman Marentette Barbara Ellen Miller Kimberly Sue Parsons Elaine Louise Perkins Katherine Middleton Sloss Lori Lynn Vogt Brad Richard Weiss Ellen Barbara Willner August 13,1976 Mary Kent Carruth Melba Regina Adkins Hale 23 L. THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Candidates Presented by GEORGE DEVER SELFRIDGE, D.D.S ., Dean MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ORTHODONTICS June 23, 1976 Jose Garza Garza Joseph Patton Goodson Gregory Roland Hoeltzel James Mumford Jolly, Jr. Alan Robert Weber Michael Stewart Wooddell DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE May 20, 1977 Craig Gordon Loveridge Francis Edward MacDonald III Robert Creed Rowan Thomas William Armstrong Creighton Wilbur Baldwin Siileyman Ciilmen Brian Edwin Johnston December 23,1976 Lawrence Michael Hoffman Walter J Kilcher James Boyd Leavitt Mitchell Barry Wilson August 13,1976 William Edward Parker, Jr. Robert Raymond Shaw Andrew Lee Simonton June 23, 1976 cum laude Glenn SParry James Everett Stokes Raymond Laurier Tiffany Da vid Mark Loshin John Wallace Morrison Robert Alan Palmer June 23, 1976 Robert Carl Adler Dennis Lee Andersen Charles Lanoy Anderson Keung Wai Au Paul Robert Baugh Robert Edward Baumann Allen Jackson Cameron Hao Chin Chan William Hok-Nin Chen Eugene Wilford Christensen 24 Richard Arthur Kirchhoefer Michael Jay Kutten Douglas John Langford Miles Jason Merritt Bradley William Mitchell James McKinnon Mixson Arden Orion Pulley Eric G Ratering Richard Carl Rissel David Joseph Romea Linda Kay Linn Winter Stephanie Athanasia Zotos Alan Edward Zweig Dennis Don Clayburn Raymond John Di Giglio Henry Frank Evans III Benjamin Gale Goodier Marion Kermett Greene Blair Raymond Hale Elizabeth Ann Harvath Charles Bernard Hermesch Fon LeRoy Holt Stuart Jerome Horn Karl Raymond Hussey Arnold Scott Jacobson Duane Clay Keller Kevin William Kennedy DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY August 13, 1976 Stephen Takuji Moriguchi June 23, 1976 Ivan Darrell Voorhees Klaus Albert Warme Michael Joseph Watson Barry Melvin Wyman Keith Alan Zinn William Dennis Brennick William Cannon Burns Jerrold Asao Hiura Francoise Message Markus Fuad Ibrahim Markus Roland Wayne Pardun THE SCHOOL OF LAW Candidates Presented by EDWARD THADDEUS FOOTE, LL.B., Dean MASTER OF LAWS May 20, 1977 James Nelson Brickey Denise Ann Dragoo William James Hannah James Robert Hienton Barry Louis Isaacs Joseph John Jankowski, Jr. 25 Emil L Poertner Micha el John Tavlin Bill Thomas Walker Oth ello Williams James Anthony King, Jr. Dean Lawrence Krohn John Bertram Nowlin James Edward Phelps December 23,1976 Robert William Wahl Da vid Lynn Jon es Colleen Hennessy Nemanick August 13, 1976 Steven Michael Ston e DOCTOR OF LAW May 20,1977 Edward C Abderholden Richard Arthur Abrams Howard Keith Adelman Alan Joseph Agathen Thomas Butler Alleman Kenneth Gordon Anspa ch Mark Geoffrey Arnold James Michael Asher Barbara Ellen Atkinson Arthur David Baer Donald Bigelow Balfour Donald M Baron John Coleman Barrett Richard Georg e Barrier Kenneth William Bean Harold Gulbrand Belsheim II Leonard Frank Berg Howard Charles Berger Stephen Gerald Berman Robert Edward Bidstrup Richard Harvey Bierman Karen Phyllis Bind er Mark Alan Black Paul Frederick Black Louis Francis Bonacorsi Mary Catherine Bonacor si Gregory Bruce Brough Gary Albert Brown Ste ven Joseph Bryant ° Stephen Edward Buehl er Stephen Mason Calder Frank James Casey III °Susan Lynn Chapman Lynn Chipperfield Pamela Coffin Gerald Jay Cohen Robert Alan Cohen Barry Alan Comin Robert Angelo Creo Peter Jon Dale Glenn Laque Dalton Larry Leroi Deskin s Jeffrey Lewis Dorfman °Charles Patout Ducey Cynthia Marie Eckelkamp Marilyn Elise Eichler Shirley M Eisenhauer Michael M Elb ein David Robert Evans Michael K Fagan Da vid Lee Fehrman Diane Ellen Felix Dan Girdler Fishburn Steven W Fondulis Clifford Forman Idee C Fox Donna Lee Freireich ° Michael Steven Fri ed Mary Alice Gade Michael Ellis Gans Gary Robert Garretson Jane A Gebhart Julia Ann Gibb Jay Howard Goldstein Richard Jay Gottlieb Susan Deborah Grob Richard David Grossman Steph en Theodore Grossmark °Douglas Eric Haas Jeffress Bunn Hailand Vivien Norborne Hastings Brent Wendell Hathhorn °David Allen Hays ° Mark Randall Heller Eric Charles Hensic Da vid Olin Hesi Ceci Hiramoto 26 John Martin Huetsch Jerry Hunter Earl William Hutton Craig Scott Ingraham Bruce David Jacobs Vicki Lynette Johnson Alex Mark Kanter Howard Nathan Kaplan Harry Stewart Karpen John Edward Keath Paul Cole Kelbaugh William George Kenney William V Killoran, Jr. Gerald Benjamin Kline Kenneth Kobayashi Steven Craig Kohl David Allan Kohles Carl David Kraft Richard Alan Krivitzky David Kroll Lawrence Joseph Kutten Isidore Ireland Lamke David Stephen Lansing Steven Lawrence Larson Terry Jan e Himes Lattanzi Richard Alan Leeb Dennis J Lenard Mark Alan Levy Erwin Wayne Lewis Scott Alan Lifson William Parker Lightfoot Doris Christine Lindbergh Danielle Maria Lombardo Carl Le e Londe Marc Christopher Loro Thomas Arthur Ludwig Terry Richard Lueckenhoff Michele Ceralyn Magner James A Martell David Williamson Martin Newton Glen McCoy Hardy Charles Menees Lyman Russell Mitten II John Joseph Moellering John Dennis Moore Lynn Marie Morgan Mary Caffrey Morrissy Daniel William Morton Charles Herman Mostov Martin Francis Mulhall Sally Hughes Newton Melinda Northrup Sheldon Mark Novick Daniel S Ochstein Stuart Lawrence Oelbaum Mitchell John Olejko Alan Robert Ostrowitz James Walter Ozog Eric Scott Palles Gary Phillip Paul Stuart Ivan Pessin James Michael Phipps Lynne Pepi Pietz Susan Ann Pippa o Franz Lynae Pool Kevin James Prendergast Floyd David Reed Charles Oliver Richardson Steven Craig Roberts David Alan Robinson Jeffrey Blair Rock Robert Damian Rosanelli Janet Claire Rosen Neal Warren Rosenberg Ellyn Sue Roth Richard Allen Rothman Steven Richard Rothman Joseph Flamm Rubin Jonathan Lewis Samen Michael McCormac Sayers George William Schaffer Lloyd Kipp Scheer Marshall Sanford Schiff Gregg David Schneider Ruth Beth Segal Lawrence Kent Sezer James Stewart Sinclair William Jay Slosberg Sandra Snitzer David Alan Sosne Gene Wayne Spitzmiller Robert John Steil Ronald Alan Stein Samuel L Stem Stephen Stem Patricia Feitler Sternberg Syndey Dana Stiebel Gregory Chikara Sugimoto e Steven Mann Sumberg John William Sunnen David Kenneth Swanson Marilyn Joyce Tanaka Robert Samuel Tandler Mark Jerrold Temkin Charles Edward Thomas Byron Clayton Thompson Thomas Kent Vandiver Denise Washington James Burke Watkins 27 Bruce Laurence Weiner Lauren Weisfeld Margaret Jill Whitley Jeffery Melin Wilday Michael Elliot Wilson Herbert Murray Winegard Carolyn Grand Wolff Donna Johnson Wolfson Richard Martin Wolfson Judith Rose Zuege December 23 , 1976 Stephen Rosen Judith Irene Schulte Ronald Garland Sherod Thomas Earl Shulman Judith Beverly Sklar Michael Edward Sweney William Frederick Trapp Alexander Peter Trostorff "Elliott Heiji Uchiyama Arthur Frederick Uhlemeyer Kayla Vaughan Lowell Terrance Williams Barbara Paddock Adams Elaine Carlton Bachman Bruce C Bailey ODaniel Victor Boeckman Jerald Joseph Bonifield Anne Fowler Gwinn Richard Earl Haferkamp Keith Arnold Jensen jarone William Johnson Jonathan Kurasch Larry Moor e Francis Joseph Murphy August 13, 1976 Thomas Edward Roszak Rochelle Susan Spandorf Anita Williams Francis Felix Worley, Jr. Frank Kimberly Carlson Christopher Holthaus Barry Louis Isaacs Susan Louise Robbins THE GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Candidates Presented by SHANTI KUMAR KHINDUKA, Ph.D., Dean MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK May 20,1977 Richard John Avdoian Barbara Esther Bader Rodney Lynn Ball Jacqueline Marie Bell Golda Anne Bender Karen Lyn Berry Susan Mae Betts "Nancy Ruth Blum Jeanette Marie Bondurant Carole Scannell Bragdon Cindy Ann Brody \) Jerome Allen Bronstein Iris Lynne Brown Susie Harriet Caplowe Diane Marie Carter Sharon Anne Cate \) Susan Lynn Chapman Jean Castleman Chase Peggy jo Cohen Debra Ann Cole \) Mary Catherine Comerio Sally Ann Bock Com in Jeanne Costin Maynard Lee Cressman Viola Kathryn Dabbs Eugene Carl De Boise Holly Elizabeth Dodge Lenna Jean Mueller Dwyer Patricia Mary Feeney 28 .. oGail Beth Fribush Helen Fr anc es Fuller oJordan Mark Goldrich Neil Jay Gutterm an Ann e Nolin Hart er Andrew Albert Heldman oMark Randall Heller Dori s Ann Hochmuth Arnold Zan e Horowitz Margaret Jan e Hor stm an Kay Smith Hyman T eresa Lynn Jablonski-Polk Jerr y Alan Judge [ aqu eline Bea Kapl an Mark Ir a Klein Jacqu elin e Adel e Kru eger Kathy Lynn Kuhn Man chan Rich ard Law Beth Lawr en ce Landolph Walker Lee Patri cia Sue Lenobel Kar en Ruth Levin We ndy Mer yl Levin-Shaw Brooke Staffend Maltby Mitchell Joseph Marg olis Pam ela Di an e May na rd Leon Zack McClendon Karen Yvonne McKinney Pam ela Adair Miller Mai Nja Susan Jan Off enbach Naomi Ruth Or say Steven Nelson Paro John William Pros e Reb ecca Susan Rabinowitz Ch arles H enry Reid Linda Lee Rich Bru ce David Rob ert son e Doris S Rob inson Debo rah Ann Ruffm an Larry Sag en oJan Leslie Schwartz Sandra Marie Schwartz John Henry Simmons Ch eryl Wagner Slesnick Donald Fred erick Sloane Leslie Sargent Smith Jan e Sta stny Mer yl jo Susko Patricia Ann Thomas Thomas Leo Thompson Rich ard Eric Thorson Alan Jeffrey T iano Norma Jean Walker Marilyn W estle W ein er Ch arles Edwin W elsh Karen Sue W etmore Dani el W hyma n Jam es Robert Willis oBarb ar a Ann Wilt Abby Elder W inkelm eyer Carol Jean Young Decemb er 23, 1976 Ell en Marcia Abraham Sandra Anne Baker Steven Willi am Barbier Marg ar et Loui se Beard T enolian Rodney Bell Th omas Benn ett Lois Anne Ben son Gail Berkm an Reb ekah Lou ise Berkowit z Mar y Lynn Bitt er Carol Ann Burrows Ophelia Mason Ca rson Jan e Margot Davis James We bb Dean Janne tt Timmons Dogan Sherr y E ckri ch Patricia Lynn Feinman Harri et Lois Finck Sharon F aye Gord on Kenn eth Wil son Gr een , Jr. "Karl Anth ony Grice oSteven Kolker Ha ck Janet Lenore Hadler W ayn e Rob ert Hadler Lilita Zvejni eks Hardes Wayne Leroy Hess Jam es William Hick s Susan Gail Himelho ch Diann e Rita Holloway Victoria Lynn Huff Barb ara Jean Hutton Debra Sue Isroff Cathy Ann Johnson Malina Kaufman Martha Bass Kohn Michae l Dean Levick Elma Li nz-Sach ar Cheryl Gay Litchm an Dan ielle Maria Ann e Lombardo Janet Eill een Lutter Jean ett e Pearl Mann Dan y John Manullan g Larr y Paul Math eis Lita Sue Menkin Lundondo Mumeka Jean Patterson Neal Kath erine Ann Him elho ch Ng Rich ard Henry Overmann 29 Anthony Hsi-San Su Marcia Lamont Sumner Ruth Leslie Susnick Edith Prentiss Tate Rudy Teer, Jr. Jean-Claude Simon Valfer Karen Joy Weitz Cherlyn Denis e White Martha Anne Young Arthur Frank Zeman Thomas Edward Patterson, Jr. Rita Wilson Porter Gary Neal Reiss James Harold Risch Byron David Sachar Catherine Ann Schnarr Carol Levy Schulman Jerline Scott Marilyn Massey Shandy Pearl Lichtenfeld Sherman John Thomas Snook August 13, 1976 Barry Carmen Anechiarico Patricia Brooke Borgel Susan Ellen Cook Christine Domzal Shelly Lucille Feldman Janet Lynn Harris THE Ann Karen Krasn e Kim Alison Long Nancy Merchant Lysen Jan e Ellen Plattner Wolfgang Di eter Volz Da vid Lyon Wright SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Candidates Presented by HYLAlUE McMAHON, B.F.A., M.F.A. , Acting Dean MASTER OF FINE ARTS May 20,1977 Hiram Lewis Allan Reed Nesbit Magaly Perez Dorinda Gayle Snyder Prendergast George Carl Quist III Ann K Rath William Charles Richardson Marc ea Shear Rundquist James Blair Thompson Lesli e Dale Bowman Carolyn Garfield Brown Thomas Butter John Joseph Duford William Otis Dugan Dana Colleen Kane Patrice Irene Kehoe Gary Martin Lang Mark Allen Lazarus Margaret Rosaire Lazzari December 23,1976 Donald Charles Williams 30 BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS May 20, 1977 Douglas Kircher Lydon Hugh Timothy McGowan Louis Donald Miksicek Genell Louise Miller Margaret Mary Moran Nancy Lee Morrow Gifford Beare Noland Jodi Lynn Nonberg Randall Garth Rayon Janet Elaine Reece Randall Owen Richards Beverly Ann Rife Sue Ellen Rohrer Marilyn Rae Rose Jeffrey Nielson Roth John Everette Rozelle Peter Randolph Shepley Steven Ray Shock Gail Andrea Simpson Gordon Lunt Small Jonathan Hay Smith Karen Lee Stahlecker Margaret Bigelow Stewart Karen Lee Stivers John Stephen Toth William Gene Trotter Elisabeth E Voss Nancy Beth Wallace Wendy Anne Walsh Barbara Sue Watson Niki Bellucci Wheeler Johanna Wineberg Maria Anne Wolf janine Lisa Yohai Kathryn Elizabeth Abeln John Richard Atwater Abram Edgar Aub III Curtis Lane Belshe Douglas Blau Bonnie jo Brabec Sara Jo Buscemi Leana Marie Cecchini Terry Kathleen Cronan e Rita Maria Csapo Barbara Heil Dean Karin Therese Dietsch Julie Germaine Fischer Carolyn Dixon Foster Amy Ellen Freeman Jan Rosamond Gadell Karen Jan Glasser Charles Edward Grund Kirk Gordon Hastings Stanley Paul Helfrich Marcy Joy Himmelfarb Charmaine Yvonne Hollman Dianne Fischer Hopkins Madeleine Hies David Martin Jaworski Marjorie Susan Feldman Joffe Mary Anne Jones Bonnie jo Katz Janis Marie Keating Michelle Toby Kramar Judith Diane Leise Judy Ellen Lichtenstein Ellen Lieberman Nancy Marsha Lieberman Constance Kathleen Lueking December 23, 1976 Fredda Sue Purgalin Judith Pikas Bettendorf Jill Christy DiMartino August 13, 1976 Barry James Miller [oni Maya Oye Linda Lee Scott Robert Smith Allen Richard William Brown Judith Del Carmen Guerra Felicia Domenica Annetta Latta 31 THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Candidates Pr esented by JOHN BEHNAHD EHVIN, Ed.D., Dean MASTEH OF DATA PROCESSING May 20,1977 W endy C Smith Patrick Alan Drayton John Michael Kubiak BACHELOR OF SC IE NCE May 20, 1977 Burl Harry McPh ee Piet Rob ert McQuiddy Linda Dee Medlin Lawrenc e Harold Meyr Barbara Jean Barrett Mitchell John Francis Moen ster , Jr. Patrick Glennon Monahan Richard Eugene Moore, Jr. Glennon Thomas Mueller Kathaleen June Mundy Stanley Allen Nelms Johnnie Brenay Ow ens Antonio S Perez Melba Jean Ramsey Dar cy Ann deCo verly Randall Earle Edward Ree ves Kenneth William Risley Claire Nina Rosen Rosenthal Ernest Row e Ronald Cecil Scarborough Konrad John Scheffel Richard Herman Schellhase Gr egor Anton Schmucker, Jr. Gerald Jo seph Schnarr Kim Denise Schnarr Rob ert John Schulz Virginia Lea Seif ert Ronald Louis Sien er William Martin Sloan Da vid Robert Smith Sarah Ann Stephens William Frederick Stubblefield Mary Bankhead Thornton Kenn eth Paul Torretta Lawrenc e Paul Traver s William Edward Tucker Lawr en ce William Van de Riet Will ard Rob ert Volentine Carol Jean Vreeland Marc ella Ann W addell Barbara Walker Lawrenc e Gerhard Weber Eileen Mari e Amptmann Eileen Marie Armbruster Noel Lewis Baker Richard Lewis Baum Anthony Bernard Birk Da vid L Branham Da vid Anthony Braun Kenneth Joseph Colornbini Erle Dean Craig Linda Diane Cunningham Charles Martin Diggs Horatio Clyde Faulkner, Jr. Glen Curtis F een ey Katherine Ann Frank Ruth Simon Gallup Linda Jean Gan John Hanser Gladney Celeste Ann Gleason Nick George Gregory Joan Ell en Gu elbert Gerald Milton Harmon Warren Mason Harold Patricia Hatten Barbara jo-Ann Hofmann W esley Jerome Howard Charles E verett Hubbard Der vin Lee Hudgens Llo yd Lee Hudson Patricia Mey er Huffman Thomas Andrew Hutchings Cecelia Ell en Johnson Frank Vinc ent Karalunas Jeffrey Louis Kenis James Edward King Thomas Patrick Kinney Wilfred Fred erick Klaas Arleen Mar y Kuhn Daniel Joseph Lapinski Danny Tong Lee Randolph Gregory Linder Da vid W ayn e Madden Mark Douglas Mayfield 32 Richard James W einrich Richard Howard W eisman Richard Eugene Williams Russell Albert Williamson Robert Clark Wilson Patricia Ellen Woods Julie Yat es Decemb er 23, 1976 Jacqueline Elaine Adams Thomas Edward Adams James Edward Arconati Kenneth L ee Barry Gerald Le e Beck Varner Lee Bess Karen Ann Chapman Patricia Jean Clos e Laura Mary Cloute William Dale D eason Richard Gerard Define Arthur Edmond Delhougne Laura Handy Dorr Lonnie Lee Drinkard Donald Ray Fi elds William Lawrence Finn Gordon Edward Freese W endell Reuel Gaume Paul Ra ymond Gerth Josephine Curcio Godfrey Ralph Philip Goldsticker Maureen Elizabeth H efflinger William Joseph H efflinger E sth er Miller Hofer Mar vin William Hook, Jr. Conrad Jos eph Hu elsman Milton Brian jacobsmeyer Kenneth Odell Jones Joseph Anthony Komos Gerald Joseph Lammers Dennis L ee Lee Sharon Irene Lock Eligio Luisetti David George Marcus Bernard Eustachius Marion James Byrns McCracken, Sr. John Patrick Orlando Charles Melvin Parsons Finley Poole, Jr. Pamela Stork Rung Kathleen Ida Schmid Ronald Alan Schulze Jane Cl ark Siedhoff Olympia Emily Siegel Garth Richard Smith Carol Ann Snyder William Alfred Sta ck Mar y Ann Watts Rob ert Edward White, Jr. Nancy D ean Willet s Au gust 13 , 1976 Dorothy Marshall Knowles William Henry Kru eger Thomas Lee Matysik Charles Edward Morgan Larry Dale Morgan Pedro Gilberto Oliv eros Alvaria Simpson David John Selima Shirl ey Jean Sto ecker Wayne William Stoltz Doris Marie Wilkins 'W illiam Wadsworth Wilkins Rob ert Allen Wilson Marvin Carnell Arnold Da vid Lewis Beighley Robert Frank Bell Carol Alice Blewitt Shirley Ann Booker Jan e Wexler Brown Norman Eugene Campluin Cranston Darris Paul Anthony E schbacher , Sr. Stephen Joseph H albrook Paul Hammon Barbara Mary Hand Jan Leo Hilln er BACHELOR OF SCIE NCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May 20, 1977 Gw endolyn Ela Matlock Pamela Louise Ridl ey Ell en Lisabeth Erk Sh crulyn Head 33 BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY May 20,1977 Michael Ralph Sipes Dani el Richard Stock Lawrence Mervyn Wilson , Jr. Wayne Gilbert Wolf Dwight Edgar Wyatt James Paul Baum ·Charles Francis Bryant Lyle Edward Forgy Donald Anthony Foushee James Eugene Richmeyer Fred W Robinson December 23,1976 Patrick Joseph MacDonald Gary Don Swinney Oliver Ronald Wever Bruce Darwin Williams Russell Duncan Begley Herbert Allan Campbell Thomas Lee Gardner Jerry Dwight Hawkins Gary Francis Lutman August 13, 1976 Carl Vernon Smith THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Candidates Presented by NICHOLAS BALOFF, Ph.D., Dean MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 20, 1977 Charles DePree Eduardo Diaz David John Dowd Dani el Hurley Doyle "Charles Patout Ducey Thomas Shearer Duncan III Donald Paul Elders Ricardo Amado Estrada Keith Stuart Fenton Warren W Field Charles Michael Fishel Timothy Paul Fitzgerald Stephen Monroe Forbis o Michael Steven Fried Ronald Martin Friedman Kenji Fujikawa Ronald Robert Glusac Noel Scott Goding Rachel Jessica Adler Robert James Beck Joseph Peter Belanger John Dee Beuerlein Felix Adriaan Beukenkamp Cynthia Susan Blanck Daniel Lawrence Blomberg Andrew Boumil III Henry Henderson Bowens Jeffrey Grant Brier Linda Faye Brown Jack Richard Buchmiller o Stephen Edward Buehler o Andrew Morrison Catford Sheung Kan Cheung James Lamont Cobb, Jr. Daniel Gilbert Collins Ralph Allison Davis III 34 Thomas Wilton Goldberg °Paul Stuart Goldstein John Gregory Graas Otto Kurt Gratzol e Karen Lee Gudermuth Pedro Manuel Guilarte ° Douglas Eric Haas Scott Allan Hamann ° David Allen Hays Linda Lou Hays Allyn Paul Hebner Joyce Florence Inman Patrick Stewart Inniss Caroline Marie Janda Robert Michael Krueger Kim Durning Kuehner David Conant Lavoie Kenneth Douglas Lee Steven Forrest Leer Felix Lopez James Michael Lukanich Marianne Berg MacManus Jimmie Carl Mapp Darlene Evelyn Mason Mary Sue McSwain "Dennis Paul Meyer Lynn Marie Mikeshock Alan Douglas Miller Daniel William Miller Samuel Austin Miller Lesley Jan Moffett Annette Beth Moritt Gerald Emmett Murray James John Musca James Hecker Myles ° Laurence Bernard Oeth III Penny LaMore Peffer janejira Pinsukhanchana ° Franz Lynae Pool Alan Stuart Protzel Kathleen Marie Raymond Lawrence Allen Reed Steven Brimley Rees Pamela Ann Rice Joel Lee Richards Sharon Lynn Robinson Richard Michael Sanders Alan Leonard Schwartz Charles Dee Septowski Barry B Silverstein Jean Srenco ° Steven Mann Sumberg Roberta Glennon Toole Francis Lawrence Tracy Charlie Alexander Tucker III Karen Von Der Bruegge James Andrew Watson James Donald Weddle Steven Jay Weidert Howard Alan Wenig Ernest Calvin Williams Herbert Miller Wilson III Bernard Joseph Wurth December 23,1976 James Pandjiris Franklin Preston Rogers Donald Andrew Siller Terrance Michael Smith Marilyn Louise Spieldoch Jay David Straus, Jr . Maurice Lonsway Sullivan °Elliott Heiji Uchiyama John Michael Wion Joseph Gerard Billmeier Terry John Brennan James Thomas Chamness, Jr. Kenneth Wilbur Chaplin Wayne Thomas Clark Arthur Jay Cohen Donald Henry Macleod Currie °James Alexander Jamieson Douglas Arthur Jones Maurice Philip Kennedy August 13, 1976 John Paul Tucci Jerry Lynn Watkins William Iby Webster Robert Peter Wourms Vincent Chu-Hsiung Yeh Maurice Lionel Hirsch, Jr. ° Donald Edward Klamon William Randall McDonnell Charles Robert Putnam Dennis Michael Reardon David Stephen Rubenstein 35 THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Candidat es Pr esented by NICHOLAS BALOFF, Ph .D. , Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 20,1977 Denise Mary Altemu s Hyatt James Bangert Kathy Louise Bauer Thomas William Brankamp Susan Alice Brightfield Jeffrey Vincent Brown Kenneth Allen Brown John Albert Carstens , Jr. Wing Chiu Chan Stephen Wray Darr Thomas Christopher DeCuro Da vid Charles Dorfman Steven Martin Edelman Mary Kathleen Edwards Craig Stephen F eronti Richard Boyd en Freschi Alan David Glass °Paul Stuart Goldstein Richard Gr egor y Golod Steven Ch arles Goodman °Karen Le e Gudermuth Cleveland Joseph Guillot, Jr. John McCoy Hal e Margaret Ann Hall Marc Jay Heller Carolyn Blanche Howard Michael Arthur Karaffa Daniel Katz Gregory William Kleffner Joseph Alb ert Kupk e Da vid Alan Langsam Kevin Michael Lehane Mitchell L ewis Rob ert William Lewis Mary Beth Lowery Richard William Michniok Judy Mary Montgomery Christine Valon Mooradian William Eg er Novick Marjie Ann Orenstein Richard Marc Plutzer Ronald Sheldon Pop e Pet er Bruc e Reiss Rob ert Steven Rudolph Louis Alan Schaftel Ir ving Ja y Shapiro Keith Michael Sherman Mei Fun Shih Matthew Patrick Shockl ee John Ira Silb erman Sheri Hel en e Simon Daniel James Sincl air Barry Howard Spiz er Lawrenc e Earl Thomas T erry Scott Thomas Lexie Anne Walters Da vid Lawrence Whetsell Willi am Louis Yang Decemb er 23 , 1976 Melvin Virgil Kohr Dwight Anthony Santagato Micha el Sear Geni e Jill Howard Judith A Jaffe Garry Kraig Kahalnik Rosemarie Klien Au gust 13, 1976 Gerald Alan Szor Micha el Loui s Weisbrot John Ross Atkin son, Jr. ° Donald Edward Klamon John Daniel MacArthur, Jr. 36 THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Candidates Presented by CONSTANTINE EVANGELOS MICHAELIDES, Diploma of Architecture, M.Arch., Dean MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN May 20,1977 "Vinicius Pietro Castagnola Sin g-Yin Ch an Rob ert Clarke Craycroft Thomas Allen Dutton Yogendra Pal Garg Randall Alan Spurr Decemb er 23, 1976 "J am es Michael Bourey Au gust 13, 1976 Richard Brian Wallace Jose Guadalupe Jim en ez MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE May 20,1977 Eben ezer Akyeumpong Beeko Donald T erren ce Brubeck " Vin icius Pietro Castagnola .,Andrew Morrison Catford Alice Franklin Coh en Pet er Alan Col e .,Mary Catherine Comerio Thomas Scott Co vell Eric Fairbank Di cke Jeffr ey Curtiss E vans T obias Flatow Stephan Richard Frenk el Thomas Mason Hotaling Shi vinder Pal Kaur George Harold Kirschmann W ayne Spen cer Koch Steven Ralph Lewent Rob ert Alan Messel .,Dennis Paul Meyer Wayne Norman Miller Barry Eugen e Moy er Peta Raabe Li sa Selma Roberts Stephen Michael Rose Da vid Selin ger Da vid Calvin Strickland Jeffrey Sterling Swe en ey Dana George T erp William Jo seph Walker Elizabeth Ann e Yost Decemb er 23,1976 Robert Edwin Lurie Andrew Lawrence Metter Allen Fred erick Saunde rs Charles Wolfe Schagrin Shar ad Navnitlal Sheth Patricia Am elia Sonnino Jam es Avery Sterling Herbert L yman Yon Ho ven .,James Michael Bourey Rob ert Pei-Ming Chao Susan Pearl Freeman Randall Mark Gr eenbaum " Karl Anthon y Grice .,Ste ven Kolker Hack Donald George Hunsick er .,James Alexander Jamieson Kenneth Daniels Le vien 37 MASTER OF SCIENCE May 19,1978 In Chemical Engineering °Andrew Mayer Bursky Ahmed Abdulla Elhisnawi Patrick Donald Fisher Perungattur Cidambi Gopalratnam Thomas Roland Grossheim Kevin Richard Hirschbuehler °Jonathan David Miller In Mechanical Engineering Long-Chung Chang Hardip Singh Kharbanda Bao-jing Liu Charles Albert Schneider Christopher Michael Smith Michael Thomas Terry °John Crane Zekind In Civil Engineering In Systems Science and Mathematics Joseph Lee Hutchins, Jr. Cynthia Gail Cook Paley Dirk Aeyels Fahrettin Arslan Winichai Chaemchaeng Cheng-Wu Chen David Ellis Corman Michael Steven McCoy L K Prakash Narayan Ratana Ratanapomsompong In Computer Science Harold Conrad Cunningham °Morris Stuart Kahn Barry Leroy Kalman Timothy Arthur Merriam Marcia Ann Reid °Wayne Howard Tenenbaum In Technology and Human Affairs David Louis Bondor David Wilson Delasanta Thomas R Heaton Leonard Long Rita Menitoff In Electrical Engineering Nian Chang Yaw-Poh Lim Kuok Mee Ling John Alan Ritter Tai Tong Yong 38 December 23,1977 In Chemical Engineering Steven Earl Budenstein Michael Alan Drummond Sang Fung Gopalakrishna Kovelamudi Ronald Ted Kurnik Narumol Luisiri Stanley Marcus Meyer Jeffrey Carl Nathanson Drake London Salem Joel Stewart Schwartz William Steve Tait In Electrical Engineering Henry Piao Chu Ross Kenney Hartz Michael Albert McCourt Mohammad Aslam Siddiqui Marc LeSueur Smith In Mechanical Engineering Long Hoang Nguyen In Systems Science and Mathematics Vincent Joseph Walcek In Civil Engineering Nasrollah Izadpanah August 19, 1977 In Chemical Engineering Tsan-Chung Chen Thomas John Greco Paul Melvin Kanev Stefano Piccarolo Gordon Vincent Sharps, Jr. Randy Steve Woodward Michael Ray Bedford John Gregory Merrell Jeff Stephenson Harry Gustave Woehrle III In Electrical Engineering Kenneth Howard Altshuler In Technology and Human Affairs Gregory Gerard Crnkovich In Mechanical Engineering Nhan Quy Nguyen THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Candidates Presented by JAMES MORGAN McKELVEY, Ph.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE May 19,1978 °Wayne Howard Tenenbaum August 19, 1977 Lloyd Jerome Jordan 39 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING May 19,1978 Douglas Carter Anthony Robyn Dana Bartosch Linda Jane Beach Albert Paul Becker III James Steven Blaha Jeffrey Micha el Brown °Andrew Mayer Bursky Thomas Martin Byrne Jean Louise Cauble Gregory Scott Chrisman John Allen Conner, Jr. John Charles Doscher Terry Francis Frazier Lawrence Alfred Gervasi Abram Russell Glaz er William Joseph Hasek Harry Robert Haury III Edward Joseph Hejlek Laurie Ann Hida Paul Richard Himes Dane Edward Jablonski Lorinzo Jeffries Ramon Eduardo Jimenez Hermoso °Rodney Susumu Kawahara Yung N Lee ° Michael Steven Lombardo Mary Elizabeth Smith Long Clar e Theresa Mantia Robin Ann McComas °Jonathan David Miller Kenneth Duane Noel Kimberly Cotten O'Leary Dan Arie Pankowsky Thomas Charles Pauling Elizabeth Marie Peters Donna Jean Riebold Richard Dehn Riggs ° David Elrie Rodgers Diane Stephanie Scher Lawrence Eric Schlepphorst Gregory Kenneth Scott Steven Donald Tessendorf Sandra Rach elle Townsend Norman Ching-Lung Tseng John Anthony Vessa Donald F Zienty December 23, 1977 Nathaniel Elisha Dickin son August 19, 1977 Mark Antoni Lipowicz BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING May 19,1978 Shabtai Alon Steven Eric Baldini Vincent Joseph Belusko Paul Leslie Crabtree Robert Oresto DiSaia, Jr. Da vid Alan Edwards Elaine Marian Gregory Marc Sanders Grunert Stephen Daniel Hetrick Ellen Eliz ab eth Iron s Amir Par viz Izadpanah William A Koch Jayne Lewis °Glenn Steven Lindsay Arthur James McCluskey, Jr. Jerom e Neil Morst ein Richard Scott Musler Stephen David Shapiro Ronald Anthony Steimel Michael Dominic Valerio August 19, 1977 Glenn Joseph Sahrmann 40 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE May 19,1978 Brian Hideo Arimura Danny Hong Chow Geraldine Cabread Hall Robert Harold Holt a Margaret Ann Hug "Morris Stuart Kahn Basil Karpiak "Rebecca Lynn Kulpa "Lisa Gayle Lefton Ronni Sue Malamud William Mahlon Martin, Jr. Daniel II Meitus Robert Ross Peglar a Robert Ernest Rehder a David Elrie Rodgers Jami Linn Rosenblum Annette Yukiko Sato Sol Mark Shatz Van Eric Thompson a Walter A Wagner Kurt Alan Wilkie August 19, 1977 Debra LaVerne Sanders BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING May 19,1978 Kenneth Andrew Bagley Robert Harold Bergh Kerry Bernstein Michael Christopher Dameron Bradley Wayne Dick Mel Walter Eatherington Oscar Celestino Falcon Robert James Falster a James Michael Farrar Barbara Ann Bimber Finley Gary Russell Fuerst Stephen Marc Cugenheim Akram Morcos Guirguis Jan Fredrick Heide John Jay Herron Thomas Herbert Jagger Tracy Jon Kahl Clifford Bruce Lau a Jeffrey Garrett Lewis a Alan Chun Lum Jeffrey James Lynch Michael David Marks Catharine Marie Merigold Joseph Alois Mica "Carter Pendleton Munson Stephen Edward PfIanze Tadmor Shalon Jack Robertson Smith, Jr. a Ira Charles Spector Charles Thomas Sullivan Daniel Edward Szabo Scott Douglas Taylor James Sorber Thomson December 23, 1977 Ivan Jose Romero Mark Kevin Virkus Christopher Knight Wilson Ali Abdulla Zamil John Michael Charnecki Craig Evan Forman ' Edward Craig Gartside, Jr. Todd Bruce Johnson Charles William Peterson, Jr. August 19, 1977 John Graham Parvis Thomas Gregory Lienhart Anne Miriam Lowich 41 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING May 19,1978 Jerry Steven Dahl Alexander Charles Diaz-Lapham Dante Michael Iacovoni Lauren Hume Ibsen Byung Sun Kim David Wayne Koschoff Ralph Arthur Liebelt "Bradley Edward Mautner Paul Robert Miller Gary Lee Resnick °John William Schierholz Thomas Robert Shores °John Crane Zekind December 23,1977 Ramez Hafiz Karkafi Perry Oswald Lee Timothy James Cunningham Marzell Ernest Dixon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS May 19, 1978 Curtis Alan Provance °Robert Ernest Rehder Tadmor Shalon °Ira Charles Spector Cynthia Lee Grosskreutz Janice Lee Karty Deborah Jean Manton "Carter Pendleton Munson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS May 19,1978 °Rebecca Lynn Kulpa °Jeffrey Garrett Lewis Gerald Wallace Shapiro Henry Rolan Shomber "Walter A Wagner "Kenneth Edward Egan, Jr. Lois Ann Hedg-Peth °Margaret Ann Hug Sheryl Lynn Jaffa Kim Michele Jefferson Mark Alexander Konodi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 19, 1978 Josephine Nancy Malilay Mella Rachel Mincberg John David Price Fran Margo Coopersmith "Kenneth Edward Egan, Jr. Laura Josephine Fochtmann Nancy Susan Lieb 42 THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Candidates Presented by BURTON MAYNARD WHEELER, Ph.D., Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS May 19, 1978 summa cum laude Hugh Gordon Berry II Rebecca Sue Bicker Bruce Howard Cohen Stephen Ralph Eide Arthur Lee Goldner Douglas Andrew Goldstein Daryl Ray Gress Gail Grossman Margaret Lynn Grossman Sara Louise Johnson Thomas Charles King Camille Kittrell C John Koch Daniel Benjamin Kuriloff Rikki Jill Lamatino Katherine Mattison Moore Howard Alan Moritz Kristin Elizabeth Robertson Thomas Gardine Schweitzer John Erik Simonson Mark Alan Tachman Rebecca Jane Jewell Verble Elizabeth Scott Weiler Edward Francis Alexander Woods magna cum laude David Alan Marks Joel Mark Mitnick Charles Nelson Moore David Michael Morrison Debra Sue Orland Jill Petzall Phillury Lancaster Platte Christopher George Raffaele Elliot Jay Roth Gary Wayne Schilling Linda Ann Seiferth Clifford Jay Shapiro Craig Arden Spiegel James Harvey Steg Georgia Ann Stephens Melinda Beth Wolfe Michael Gary Yefsky Joseph Clement Zuercher Avril Jan Adelman Martie Shlomith Adelman Kumar Alagappan Stephen Martin Benz Neil Benjamin Caesar Mary De Vivo Mark Thomas Dollar Mark Theodore Edwards Ronald Evan Fox Anna Lu Ginsburg Carol Anne Grady John Carlson Grove Elizur Kirke Hart Lynne Susan Kaminer Lauren Joy Krivo Claudia Lack Victoria Ann Larimore Irwin Michael Lieb Jack Bruce Lipton cum laude Warren Christopher Day David Scott Edelman Richard Jay Eisen Philip Norman Elbert Jonathan Lee Grant Abigail Greene Kenneth James Grush James Weltin Alverson James William Banks III Alan Bruce Birnkrant Patricia Beth Bloomfield Joan Marie Burg Dennis Howard Caplan Peter Clark Davidow 43 Keith Thomas Pollick Steven Michael Raphaelson Kenneth Justin Rose Pam Ellen Rubinfield Nancy Beth Rubini Perry Joseph Sailor Paul Brian Sander Marianne E Schmidt-Gengenbach Paul Robert Sedovic Bernard Joseph Smith Dean Kevin Stein Deborah Kristine Suess Kathryn Ann Taylor Robert Edward Trautmann Kenneth W Vest Arthur Peter Hofstetter Jane Ellen Howard Michael Thomas Hutchins Stephanie Karen Kaminitsky David Gary Leibowitz Faye Louise Lesht Steven David Lev John Howard Loewy Avram Lothan Michael Edgar McGoey Matthew Richard Moynihan Peter Henry Oostwouder Janice Lee Patrick Melanie K Pierson Mary Elizabeth Podhaisky May 19,1978 Tamar Ellen Abrams Peter Josef Acsay James William Adams, Jr. Randolph Powell Adams, Jr. Marjorie Sue Adis Grant Kevin Ahearn Kathleen Ann Aiken Janet Sara Albrecht Marc Kevin Allen Bruce Elliot Alper Richard Allen Alter Cheryl Laleeta Anderson Christian Browning Anderson Hal Maury Applebaum James Benjamin Arnold Warren Ashworth Muriel Ellen Auerbach Rachel Dian Azrin Matthew Ian Baker Michael Neil Baker Julie Kay Barnes Kyra Darnese Barnes Joyce Viola Battl e Michael Joseph Bauer Randall Barry Bean Henry Bruce Becker John David Becker Mark David Benjamin Joel Alan Berenbeim Renee Eileen Berlin Mitchell David Berman Juan David Bermudez Mitchell Howard Binder William David Birenbaum Kathy A Birk Debra Ann Birkemeier Thomas Mayer Birkenmeier Alan Robert Blank Ruth Bluethenthal Michael Roy Blueweiss Douglas Wayne Blum David Richard Bohm John Arthur Boullier Catherine Sue Bradley James Li vingston Brinkmann David Edward Brinner Robert William Brown Seth Jonathan Brownridge Meryl Linda Brownstein Janet Lynn Buecker Jennifer Dee Bumagin \) Andrew Mayer Bursky Ronald Eric Burt Ramon Edward Cartwright Da vid Jerome Casey Jesse Montez Chancellor Joan Ilene Chassin Steve Philip Chatman Richard Herbert Chibnall Bonnie-Belle K C Chun Linda Jean Clark Denis Thomas Clements Paul Boyd Cleveland Amy Ruth Cohen Ronny Aaron Cohen Ruth Willene Collins Elaine Charlene Coop er Elise Ronni Cooper Bruno Edwin Cortes 44 I \ I Roxanna Sue Cummings Stephen Selim Dayan Alfredo Lopez De Romana Drinot Dianne Ruth Dengler Laura Jo Diamant Scott Smith Diamond Karen Dickson William Doroshow Danny Douglas Brian Hall Doyle Melissa Kay Dunham Shirley Jean Earley Eric Tod Echelman Lawrence Mark Edelman Lawrence Martin Edwards Sheryl Rose Eisenberg Patricia Lynn Eisler William Stephen Ellis Shirley Ruth Emerson Sandra Ellan Epstein Bennett David Fagin Randle Harding Farris II Michael Joseph Fedak Stephen Felder Jeffery Olson Field Bev J Fingerhood Robert Morris Fishel Robert Wayne Fisher Debbie Leesa Fishkin Jordan Barry Fishman Cynthia Louise Fitz-Gerald Michael Fobbs David James Forquer Joyce Irene Fowler Gregory Bruce Freeman Bruce Elliot Friedman Stuart Howard Friedman Abby Louise Frucht Carol Denise Fujita Ellen Robin Futterman Lisa Devon Gerard David Ross Gerber Robert Bruce Giffin Harry Ginsburg Marla Wynn Ginsburg Arthur Joel Gluck Karen Iris Gold Marsha Joy Gold Sheryl Nadine Goldberg Harriet Gordon Lisa Jane Gordon Carol Harriet Goren Catherine Anne Grady Jane Ellen Greenspan Fern Carol Griesbach Karen Joan Groban Martin Irwin Gruder Linda Sue Gusman Judith Lynn Gutglass Bruce William Haffner Joan Shelton Hagedorn Sharon Gale Harris Pamela Lisa Harwood Timothy Neil Harwood Georgeanne Roberta Hauser Sylvia Michele Hayes Katherine Lynn Hazan Susan Letitia Healey Jeffrey Scott Held Jay Andrew Heller Scott C Herman Paul Arthur Herrick Lloyd Hamilton Herring Thomas Joel Hillman Karen Ann Himmelreich Neil Mark Hitzig Jeffrey Alan Hollie Darius John Homayouni Sung-Chi] Hong Bruce David Horowitz "Margaret Ann Hug Minako Iwanaga Earline Abigail Jackson Bonni Sue Jacobs David Robert jampol Karen Hermine jankowsky Donna Marie joenk Michael jokich Betty Josephs Arnold David Kamhi Faith Mindy Katcher Vivian Aline Katz Alan Joel Katzman 45 Douglas Mitchell Max Debra Lynn May Peter John McLaughlin Kenneth Robert Meiselas Ilene Melamed Patricia Lynn Mennicke David Samuel Meyer Alan Stuart Miller Gayle Ellen Miller Jane Michelle Miller David Joseph Mitchell Ellen Beth Mittenthal David Jeffery Murov David Musicant Amy Elizabeth Nadel Michael de Guzman Navato Richard Scott Nelson Stephen Michael Nooner John Deganaweida Nora Christina Ann Northem Nancy Lynn Olson Kumnan Paik Craig Donald Parke Emily Ann Parker Richard A Passo Jane Laura Penziner Marjorie Beth Perlman Michele Elisabeth Petit Penny Pleasance Michael David Podolskv Joseph Daniel Potter Timothy Bernard Powers Lisa Ruth Rasche Susan Edel Rau Richard Anthony Rauschenbach Frances Ryan Reidy Eric Steven Rein Michael Barry Reingold Christopher Jay Reynolds Mark Joseph Ricciardi Fred Douglas Richardson III William Peter Riddick Rhonda Foreman Riepe Kathie Susan Robins Marian Susan Robinson Andrew Matthew Rodnan Robert Christian Kautz °Rodney Susumu Kawahara Henry Cochran Kendall, Jr. Marcia Debra Kimelman Philip Graham King Elizabeth Garrett Knoll Lorraine Suzette Koonce Alison Gail Korman Theodore Ian Kramer Valerie Kay Krause Patricia Lynn Krauss . Cheryl Elise Kuechler Andy A Kultermann Debra Gail Kuntz John David Kuntz Patricia Nanette Kurjan Thomas Keith Lamble Leslie Karen Landrum Shelly Wi or Lavinsky Donald Bruce Leach Robert Charles Leff, Jr. ° Lisa Gayle Lefton Kenneth Adam Leight Kerry Leonard Janet Susan Leong Linda Suzann Levin Meryl Anne Levin Michael Jay Levine Samuel Howard Levine Amy Ann Levy Janice Louise Levy Joel Lewis Levy Udell Barry Levy Nancy Ann Lichtenberg Kenneth Wayne Lindley Jeri Ellen Loeb "Michael Steven Lombardo Margie Ruth Lowenstein Margarita Rhena Macris William Parker Mansfield Gregory Jude Mantych Mario Francisco Maradiaga Richard A Marks Robert Marquez Jeffery Lynn Martin Allen Sebastian Mathew 46 Frank Steven Rosario Elizabeth Gleaves Rose "Vicki Suzanne Rosen Charles David Rosenberg Cynthia Leslie Rosenberg Larry Jay Rosenberg Marc Howell Routman Mark Allan Rubin Jane Ann Rudnick Andrea Dale Rue Jorge Robert Ruiz °Siegfried Theodore Runge III Marc Robin Russell Susan Josephine Ruzich Kathryn Anne Sandacz Frank Sarmiento David Allan Schaefer Kim Elizabeth Schatzel David Joel Schechter Patricia Lee Scheller Richard Vine Schenkel Cheryl Lynn Scherr Amy Diane Schimmel Kathleen Ann Schmidt Ann Elizabeth Schnaible Kenneth Kevin Schneck Carole Lisa Schneider Mark J Schneider Stefanie Ann Schneider Michael Lewis Schoelch Wendy Lea Schoen Matthew Fred Schuster Eric Ian Schwartz Meyer Paul Schwartz Amy Tam Seibel Matthew Ian Seiden Carol Irene Seligman Sarah Beth Seltzer Michael Senter Catherine Wen-Yean Shang Bradley Leonard Shotola Franklyn Alfred Simmonds Harvey Edward Slusky Richard Owen Slutzky Lindy Sue Small Lynne Ruth Smilow Ronald Huestis Smith °Sally Brookings Smith Joan Sosnowitz Gayle Marlene Spear Leslie Beth Spector Seth Raphael Sporn Geoffrey Blake Steiner Ralph Waltman Stell III Julia Lee Stewart Alan Michael Stoll Laura Coleman Strubbe Jane Louise Suskin Carol G Sussman Mary-Morag Sutherland James Matthes Talent Adrienne Jan Thier Andrea Denise Thomas Cheryl Lynn Thurman Catherine Elizabeth Vail Michael Kerry Waldo Theodore David Ward Nancy Maurine Watkins Lauren J Weil Sheryl Denise Weingart Jan Lyn Weinstein Michael Jay Weiss Steven Jay Weiss Ruth Felice Wenger Ann-Maureen Weninger Tina Wertenteil Kathleen Whitaker Gerald Thomas Whitley Ellen Massey Whitt Johanna Wineberg Mark Douglas Winton Elizabeth Wolfe Robert Craig Wolfrum Michael Robert Wollin Ellen Laura Woloshin Paul Ying-St Wong Yunn Chii Wong Stephen Randall Woodley Kan Chan Yao Hory Steven Young Steven Cherner Zamichow Peter Keith Zaret Hollis Debra Zierler 47 December 23,1977 summa cum laude Richard Scott Hoffman Judy Ann Wachtenheim Ann Reed Gaffney Kathy Lee Gudennuth magna cum laude Edna Hayes Harrison Deborah Gail Garfin cum laude Nancy Karen Luria December 23,1977 Robert Lewis Mayer Claretta McDaniel Patricia Ann McGarry Marcia Sue Needle Hoa Duc Nguyen Lee Elizabeth Niceley Sheree Elizabeth Noble Mark Sherman O'Brien Deborah Ann Oates Kevin Thompson Painter Mary Kathleen Peden Janice Cindy Platt Gregory Stuart Porter Laura Posen Ellen Pure Nancy Jean Riehl Walter Francis Sandza Yona Saunders Kay Schechter Mitchel Andrew Senft Kenneth Joel Sigel Janis Elaine Smith Sandra Marie Smith Kevin Francis Supple Karen Lee Swindler Leah Tabacznik Rian Moss Tanenbaum Debra Anne Tchoukaleff Paul Alfred Terna Michael Alan Thomas Deborah Jean Thompson Wendy Lynn Volin Patricia Lynn Waldman Lori Ellyn Warsaw Da vid John Wenzel Leslie Kyle Wimenitz David Scott Wynberg Helen Jamieson Young Margaret Youngquist Elizabeth Manyi Arrey Bruce [ohnathan Artim Samu el Andrew Bastien IV Douglas Blau Jacqueline Cody Michael David Cohen Rebecca Anne Cohen Allen Bisco Cross, Jr. Judith Ann Daniels Debra Beth Dennison Faye Claire Dresner Maurissa Eisenberg Edward Lewisohn Eisenstein Virginia Ann Ernest David Alan Feinberg Taryn Ann Ferber Clark Henry Flint Larry Alan Frimerman Douglas Harry Frohman Michael Joseph Gittins Deborah Jane Goldfarb Celeste Jerri Gooch David Alan Gordon Eric Wolff Haesloop Michelle Yvette Harden Sharon Denise Harvey Leah Bennett Haub Marcia Joy Helfgott Joel Norman Hershey Betsy Sara Hoff Amy Jane Horowitz Mark Allen Jason Dorothy Lynn Kling Paul Kollmar Jill Sheri Kostern Odessa Williams Lester David Alan Levy Andrew Marc Lutzker Sarah Jane Marx 48 Au gust 19,1977 summa cum laude Myrna Sally Greenfield magna cum laude Kandi Mari e Boedeker Jani e Agne s Licari Niet ers cum laude J ill Ann Heppenh eim er Eli zab eth Jacobs Rubenstein August 19, 1977 Maria Loui se Adams Lisa Karen Allen Nan cy Ann Arnold Tomas Francis Baez, Jr. Stephen Paul Beyer Maitrayee Bhattacharyya Cynthia Jean Brown Stephanie Elaine Butl er-C otton Dana Gail Cornblath Charles Nelson Cranmer Isaac Darril Darden William Dekle Day James Gerald Degener Maria Ann Digrispino Brenda Joyce Duckworth Robert Nelson Eichler Mich ael Morris Feinberg Lesli e Ann Flum Margaret Mary Glynn Mark Kepler Gregg Ste ven Allen Gruenebaum Jam es Robert Heafner Adrienne Eli se Hohenberg Robert Sherman Kahn Madeline Faye Kandel Mary Helen Karr Ingrid Brigitte Kinscheck Mary Katherine Kissane Martin Kult erm ann Holly Ann Laird Richard Bruc e Land Steph en Harold Lockhart Cath erine Scott Mallin ckrodt Ed ward Gerard Marca nik Bobb y Merc er Lisa Merians Mary Cath erin e Migas Nemesio Lim Migu el, Jr. Bonni e Suya Morihisa Harold Frank Morris Arthur Paul Nemitoff Dani el Allen Nerenb erg Diane Norwood Norfle et David Michael Pearlin e Rob ert Mayo Pegram, Jr. Da vid James Rasnick Carla Susan Riehl E va Ruchim We ndy Ruiz-M eredith Sylvia Cath erin e Micciche Ryan David Mark Saltz Eli zab eth Mari e Short Tracy Maurice Smith Robin Sue Stevens Arnold Fo ster Ta vel Jan T aylor Mark Donald Taylor T err i Yavitz Tobey Robin Lynn Ud e Lori Hop e Van Kirk Lisa Karyl e Wartels Lisa W einstock Alona W eissberg Mayumi Yada Debra Lee Zah ay 49 PRIZES, AWARDS AND HONORS ETHAN A. H. SHEPLEY AWARD In recognition of leadership, scholarship and service to the University Community, Alan Robert Blank , Andrew Mayer Bursky, Gregory Bruce Freeman , Sara Loui se Johnson, Eileen Joy Liebman, Mark Joseph Ricciardi THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Academy of American Poets Prize in English, Lisa Alison Zeidner Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship: In Music, Thaddeus McCawley Suits In Political Science, Richard Scott Hoffman, Timothy Wayne Luke, Kevin Patrick McCauley, Richard Edward Simpson In Speech and Hearing, Lisa Ellen Brown , Judith Ann Rubin F. Ward Denys Prize in English, Sheri Lyn Steininger Dramatics Club Prize , David Scott Edelman, Abigail Greene, Keith Thomas Pollick, Frank Sarmiento J. Walter Goldstein Prize in History, Rebecca Sue Bicker , Rikki Jill Lamatino Roger Conant Hatch Prize in Engli sh, Mary Catherine Downs John G. jutkowitz Memorial Fund Prize, Rebecca Jane Jewell V erble Margaret Ewing Prize , Scott J Weissman Arnold J. Lien Prize in Political Science, James Matthes Talent Francois Dominique Toussaint L'O verture Service Award , William Parker Mansfield Norma Lowry Memorial Fund Prize, Jonathan Louis Valin The Patrice Lumumba Award, Cheryl Laleeta Anderson, Joyce Viola Battle, Seth Jonathan Brownridge, Jesse Montez Chancellor, Danny Douglas, Shirley Jean Earley, Shirley Ruth Emerson, Virginia Ann Ernest, Michell e Yvette Harden, Sylvia Michele Hayes , Earline Abigail Jackson, Leslie Karen Landrum, William Parker Mansfield , Claretta McDaniel, Stephen Michael Nooner, William Peter Riddick, Franklyn Alfred Simmonds Ernest L. Ohle Award in Earth Sciences , Warr en Christopher Day , Kenneth James Grush John M. Olin Prize for Excellence in Economics, C John Koch Paul Robeson Award, Oscar Charles Donahue III Pi Mu Epsilon and Ross Middlemiss Prize, Charles Nelson Moore John C. Sowden Memorial Prize in Chemistry, Bruce Howard Cohen , Edward Francis Alexander Woods Marian Smith Spector Prize in Biology, Thomas Charles King W. A. Tarr Honorary Award in Earth Sciences , Warren Christoph er Day Shirley McDonald Wallace Prize in History , Marsha Renee Klearman Courtney Werner Memorial Prize in Earth Sciences, Claudia Lack Carter G. Woodson Memorial Prize, Ramon Edward Cartwright Louis G. Zelson Prize, Linda Marie Schmandt 50 THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Dean's Award for Exceptional Academic Achievement, Wayne Howard Tenenbaum Tau Beta Pi National Scholarship, Alexander John Gray Joe B. Butler Memorial Award of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Stephen Arthur Schaller Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship: John Charles Galanis, Karl David Gaus , Susan Marie Manns, Alan Joel Mindlin, Chi Kong Yeung Missouri Society of Professional Engineers Wi ves Scholarship, Henry Frank Erk Society of Black Engineers Most Outstanding Contribution Award, Kim Michele Jefferson Society of Black Engineers Outstanding Freshman Scholar, Albert Earl Wally Society of Black Engineers Outstanding Senior Scholar, Kim Michele Jefferson Department of Chemical Engineering Senior Scholarship Award, Linda Jane Beach Chemical Council of Greater St. Louis Outstanding Junior Chemical Engineering Award, Norma Joan Gladstone St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meritorious Achievement Award, Douglas Carter Anthony St. Louis Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Outstanding Achievement Award , Dane Edward Jablonski American Institute of Ch emical Engineers Sophomore Scholarship Award , Nancy Susan Lieb St. Louis Section, American Society of Civil Engineers Outstanding Civil Engineering Student Award, Elaine Marian Gregory Civil Engineering Departmental Awards : Vincent Joseph Belusko , Robert Oresto DiSaia, [r., Marc Sanders Grunert American Societ y of Civil Engineers Midwest Student Paper Competition: Second Prize, Steven Eric Baldini Third Prize, Deborah Miriam Freund Computer Science Departmental Award for Academic Excellence, Wayne Howard Tenenbaum Computer Science Departmental Award for Professional Excellence, Margaret Ann Hug Student Chapter, Association for Computing Machinery Award, Basil Karpiak Electrical Engineering Department Outstanding Senior Award, Carter Pendleton Munson Electrical Engineering Departmental Outstanding Junior Award, Christopher Neil Carlson St. Louis Electrical Board of Trade Student Award, Alexander John Gray The Patrice Lumumba Award , Kim Michele Jefferson Erwin C. Hoelscher Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Senior Award, Robert Lee Cox Mechanical Engineering Department Joseph P. Razek Prize , Robert Allan Watson St. Louis Chapter, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers Scholarship Award, Robert Lee Cox Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Outstanding Senior Award: Margaret Ann Hug , Jeffrey Garrett Lewis 51 Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement, John Curtis Sommerer The Washington University SIAM Chapter Award in Applied Mathematics, William Raymond Carneal Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Outstanding Junior Award, Jeffrey Dean Jordan Department of Technology and Human Affairs Outstanding Senior, Fran Margo Coopersmith Corporate Simulation Game Competition: First Place: Robert Lee Cox, David William Goldfarb, Suzette Jacques, Henry Rolan Shomber Second Place: Jon Michael Cramer, Stephen Earl [askulek, Joanne Victoria Siteman, Valjean Frances Spear Third Place: Scott Alan Cooper, Robert Harold Holt, Virginia Susan McAllister, Darrell Jay Smith Fourth Place: Anthony Almanzor Cataluna , Norma Joan Gladstone, Robert Harry Leuiis, Kimberly John Meehan Final Honors Douglas Carter Anthony Linda Jane Beach Geraldine Cabread Hall Margaret Ann Hug Dane Edward Jablonski Thomas Herbert Jagger Janice Lee Karty Rebecca Lynn Kulpa Jeffrey Garrett Lewis Nancy Susan Lieb Ralph Arthur Liebelt Clare Theresa Mantia Catharine Marie Merigold Carter Pendleton Munson Wayne Howard Tenenbaum Van Eric Thompson Kurt Alan Wilkie THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE American Institute of Architects Medal, John T Fifield American Institute of Architects Certificate of Achievement, David K Collins Association of Wom en in Architecture and Allied Arts Award, Sally Stuart Johnson, Joan Debra Krevlin , Patricia Lynn Shelby The Picken's Prize , Jonathan Ira Felsman W.E.B. DuBois Award, Lawrence Martin Edwards Frederick Widmann Prize in Architecture, John T Fifield Women's Architectural League of the St. Louis Chapter, American Institute of Architects Award, Mark E Weaver 52 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Advertising Club of St. Louis Award, J Robert Lieber American Marketing Association of St. Louis Award, Lori Ann Hodges American Society of Women Accountants Award, Esther Lee Katz L. J. Buchan Prize, Amy Hing-Ling Lau Financial Executives Institute Award, Ronald John Ortyl, [r., Daniel Wai-Hing Kong Alexander Grant Award , Robert William Lewis Max A. Hayutin Honorary Award, Susan Tartanian William S. Krebs Accounting Award, David Allen Austin, Gary Jay Elkins , Stephen Paul Hack, Jerald Lynn Kent, Michael Perdue Stephenson, L Carr Trovillion, Jr., Mark Elliot WolD John Wayne Latchum Memorial Award, Robert Kendall Eby, Jr. Lindell Trust Company Prize in Banking and Finance, Jay Bennett Borker Isidor Loeb Prize, Jay Bennett Borker Master of Business Administration Scholar Award, Mark Alan Bluhm, Karen Elizabeth [acke, Nancy Jean Mattson, James Alvin Wrightson, Jr. Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants Award, Edward Mishow Wall Street Journal Award, Kenneth Brian Dopuch, Nancy Jean Mattson World Color Press Prize, Sharon Lynn Konig High Honors Miguel Jose Dajdaj Alan Henick Bradley Warren Hill Daniel Wai-Hing Kong Edward Mishow Honors Betsy Ellen Rand Janet Carol Reinhardt Annette Michelle Rubin John Joseph Schaefer Richard Bruce Winters Jeffrey Alan Blueweiss Jay Bennett Borker Edwin Bronislaw Brzezinski, Jr. Jerald Lynn Kent Sharon Lynn Konig Hildy Marcia Kuznof 53 THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Final Honors Ada Farnell Parsons Wayne Allen Schaefer Diana Lu Schramm Charles Floyd Scott Elizabeth Anne Seamands Janis Ervin Sherwood Gary Layne Smith Adna Marie Sparks Patricia Ann Stange Robert Louis Stockhausen Jack Richard Strosnider, Sr. Carol Ann Tacker Raymond Valentine Vogelweid, Jr. Robert John Wasitis Martha Limbert Allman Katherine Louise Bick Nancy Lee Conover Michael Raymond Courtois Gary Russell Dedeke Louise DeHart Ronald Charles Fromm Melvin Oliver Kohler Norman Lambert Georgetta Marie Light Earl William Massey Bennie Lee McGowen Robert Leo Moeller THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Grace M. Bell Award, Belinda Stuart Houk Thomas R. Blow Award, Philip Neil Geiger, Debra Lynne Katz Fred Conway Award, Gail Diane Cadden, Elizabeth Ann Jennings Eliza McMillan Award, Gail Diane Cadden, Jean Elizabeth Campbell, Radine Louise Cool , Elizabeth Ann Jennings, Debra Lynne Katz, Tari Lee Obermiller, Sonia Louise Schroff John T. Milliken Award, Gregory Alan Couch, Philip Neil Geiger, John W Krueger. Eileen Joy Liebman, William Scott Noel , Julia Ann Spencer, Jeffrey Lynn Vaughn, Linda Ray Zimmerman John T. Milliken Foreign Travel Scholarship, Elizabeth Ann Jennings Tanasko Milovich Award, Philip Neil Geiger, Lisa Ann Grotrian, Belinda Stuart Houk Ruth Kelso Renfrow Award, Gail Diane Cadden, Thomas Harry Evola, Bruce Mark Glickman, Elizabeth Ann Jennings Julia Mary and Elizabeth Charlotte Secor Award, Radine Louise Covi, Emily Wadsworth Hartwell, Eileen Joy Liebman, James Mario Olvera, Julia Ann Spencer, Norman Robert Simon Irvine L. Sorger Award, T ari Lee Obermiller Washington University Chancellor's Scholarship, Marilyn Giselle Lurie Lillie Elise Willemsen Prize, Marilyn Giselle Lurie Edmund Henry Wuerpel Award, Gregory Alan Couch, William Scott Noel Friends of the Young Goldsmiths Award, Susan Ann Kessler, Blythe Lynn Kupferberg, Matt Alan Meis, Jill Paskow Gustave F . Goetsch Art Award , Philip Neil Geiger Elleard Heffern Goldsmithing Award, Susan Ann Kessler Kaiser-Mueller Plating Award, Blythe Lynn Kupferberg, Matt Alan Meis Kellwood Foundation Scholarship Award in Fashion Design , Tari Lee Obermiller Ellen Battell Stoeckel Fellowship (Art Division of the Yale Summer School of Music and Art), William Scott Noel 54 THE SCHOOL OF LAW Alumni Association Prize, Ruth Hays De Bartolo Amandus Brackman Moot Court Prize, Alan Scott Mandel Breckinridge Moot Court Prize, Sarah Elizabeth Stegemoeller Breckinridge Scholarship Prizes: First Prize , Ruth Hays De Bartolo Second Prize, Shelly Cynthia Shapiro Wendall Carnahan Prize, Deborah Korenblat Dan Carter-Earl Tedrow Memorial Award, Charles Francis Teschner, Jr. Jack Garden Humanitarian Award, Patricia Nadine Snyder Mary Collier Hitchcock Prize , Judith Barry Wish International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award, Jonathan Mark Ocker The Order of Barristers, Scott Charles Helmholz, Bruce Gregory Kauffmann, Alan Scott Mandel, Jonathan Mark Ocker, Edward Francis Reilly, Charles Wilfred Reynolds, Sarah Elizabeth Stegemoeller The Order of the Coif, Glenn Jay Amster, Jacqueline Noreen Bermak, Pamela Kay Bucu, Kathleen Alice Creanza, Ruth Hays De Bartolo, James Russell Gilson, Eric Lawrence Goldberg, John Gerald Jartz, Susan Ann Weaver Jensen, Georgia Duro Munday, Jill Bishop Rubin, Steven Ray Schulz, Shelly Cynthia Shapiro, Diane Elizabeth Sleek, Stephen Dow Snoke , Mark Daniel Ulmschneider, Charles Thomas Williamson III, Judith Barry Wish 55 THE SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE Dental Alumni Award, Gregory Michael Roos Richard Bengel Awards, Edward Raymond Kuhn, Thomas Patrick Rooney Otto Brandhorst Leadership Award, Thomas King Wilson Anna Bredall Award, Elbert Lynn Colbert, Paul Francis Mitsch III Dentsply International Merit Award, Brian E Johnston Edward R. Hart Award, Jeffery H Lewis Academy of Operative Dentistry Award, Edward Raymond Kuhn American Academy of Anesthesiology Certificate, Dwight Alvin Frerichs American Academy of Dental Radiology Certificate, Diana Joyce Leykam, Michael Clark Spielberger American Academy of General Dentistry Award, Brian Lee Lundberg American Academy of Gold Foil Operators Award, Jeffery H Lewis American Academy of Oral Medicine Award, Marshall Kent Muller American Academy of Oral Pathology Award, Robert M Saunders American Acad emy of Periodontology Award, Gregory Michael Roos American Association of Endodontists Award, Michael Keith Simpson American Association of Orthodontists Award, Clifford Steven Walzer American College of Stomatologic Surgeons Award, Gregory Michael Roos American Society of Dentistry for Children Certificate, Michael Clark Spielb erger, Clifford Steven Walzer International College of Dentists Award, Richard Mel vin Hogg e J. D. White Award, Robert James Beaudry, Jr. Mosby Book Awards, Oral Surgery, Gregory Michael Roos Orthodontics, Dwight Alvin Frerichs Pathology, Gregory Michael Roos Pedodontics, Paul Francis Mitsch III Prosthodontics, Thomas Patrick,Rooney Alpha Omega Award, Gregory Michael Roos Delta Sigma Delta Award, David Charles James, Jr. Delta Sigma Delta Scholarship Award, Tat Wai Hung Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Nolan Dean Cheney, Elbert Lynn Colbert, James Thomas Dunham, John Frederick Laning, Jeffery H Lewis, Brian Lee Lundberg, Donald Hugh MacDonald, Gregory Michael Roos, Thomas King Wilson Xi Psi Phi Anatomy Prize , Glenn James Reside Xi Psi Phi Scholarship Award, Thomas King Wilson 56 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Edward Massie Prize for Excellence in Cardiology, Peter Barry Kurnik Medical Fund Society Prize in Medicine, Dominic M eldi Medical Fund Society Prize in Surgery, Timothy James Ley Sidney I. Schwab Prize in Neurology, Scott Harold Kirk Sidney I. Schwab Prize in Psychiatry, Charles D Ettelson George F. Gill Prize in Pediatrics, Robert Wells Warren St. Louis Pediatric Society Prizes , Susan Jorden Nelson, John Davis Stull Upjohn Achievement Award, Mark Edwin Frisse Mosby Scholarship Awards, Thomas D Margulies, Ross Eric Morgan, Lee Stuart Portnoff, Eugene Harold Rubin, Stephen Granville Young Lange Medical Publications Book Awards , Joan Kathryn Kreiss, Barbara D Reed Alexander Berg Award in Microbiology and Immunology, Daniel David Goran Missouri State Medical Association Award , Th omas Ralph Kleyman The Hugh M. Wilson Award in Radiology, Bruce Jay Thaler The Samuel D. Soule Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Raymond Pearson Davidson II The Jacques J. Bronf enbrenner Award, William Andrew Renie Th e Richard S. Brookings Medical School Award, Francis Xavier Witkowski Th e Robert Carter Medical School Award, Mark Edwin Frisse St. Louis Internist's Club Book Award, Timothy James Ley Th e Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Senior Award in Surgery , Jeffrey Edward Doty The Alfred Goldman Book Prize in Diseases of the Chest, Dominic Meldi The Alpha Omega Alpha Book Prize , Timothy James Ley Th e Dr. John Esben Kirk Annual Award for Scholastic Excellence, Carol Jane Nelson Th e Samson F . Wennerrnan Prize in Surg ery, Charles D Ettelson The Jam es Henry Yalem Prize in Dermatology, George Purnam Stricklin American Medical Women's Association, Inc. , Scholarship Achievement Citations, Margaret Campbell Hbchreiter , Mary Rebecca Schwartz Merck Manual Awards, Kim D Colter , Robert Love Huck, Mary Rebecca Schwart z Alpha Omega Alpha Initiates, Kim D Colter, Jeffrey Edward Doty, Mark Edwin Frisse, Margaret Campbell Hochreiter, Robert Love Huck, Thomas Ralph Kleyman, Joan Kathryn Kreiss, Timothy James Ley, Thomas D. Margulies, Dominic Meldi , Ross Eric Morgan, Carol Jane Nelson , Carlton Sherman Pearse, Lee Stuart Portnoff, William Andrew Renie, Eugene Harold Rubin, Mary Rebecca Schwartz, John B Schweitzer, Robert Eliot Silverman, Richard Leo Wahl, Robert Wells Warren , Francis Xavi er Witkowski, Stephen Granville Young HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION Final Honors Gen yth Smith DeSalvo Sister Katherine Marie Closenger PHYSICAL THERAPY Final Honors Debra Mundinger Strasburg Carolyn Rae Zabel 57 Presentation Receptions Immediately following Commencement, the Deans will hold Presentation-Receptions for members of the graduating classes, their families and friends. These receptions will be held at the following locations: THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Quadrangle near Beaumont Pavilion and the area on the north side of Graham Chapelin the event of rain , Holmes Lounge THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Beaumont Lounge in Mallinckrodt Center THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ApPLIED SCIENCE The Millstone Plaza between Bryan Hall and George F. McMillen Laboratory-in the event of rain , The Millstone Lounge THE SCHOOL OF LAW Graham Chapel and the Seeley G. Mudd Informal Lounge THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Edison Theatre and th e Schoenberg Galleries in Mallinckrodt Center THE GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Brown Lounge THE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION The Olin Library Arcade-in the event of rain, McMillan Dining Room THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Steinberg Auditorium THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Givens Hall THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Stouffers Riverfront Towers ( Ballroom ) 58 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MAP Rest rooms are available in the following buildings: ALUMNI HOUSE GEORGE F. McMILLEN LABORATORY BROWN HALL MONSANTO BUILDING BRYAN HALL STEINBERG HALL MUDD BUILDING WOMEN'S BUILDING
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