July 2015 - PressFriends


July 2015 - PressFriends
A Program of PressFriends with the Boys & Girls Club of Los Angeles Harbor
Bulldog Says
Volume 3, Issue 2
Inside this issue:
Spring/Summer 2015
Going Home
By Brian L.
Silly puƩy fun
Pennies and boats
Sound and quacks
HOME reviews
he reporters for Bulldog
Says went to Fox Studios in Century City to see
Dreamworks’ new movie,
HOME is an excellent
movie because the main
character “Oh” was so funny. Oh is a Boov alien.
One of the funniest parts
was when Oh was dancing
and he said “My hands are
in the air like I just do not
care.” It was also funny—
and disgusting—when he
said “I am going to do the
number three!”
Another thing that was
funny was when all of the
Dave Mirra
Ross Powers
Mike Metzger
Layne Beachley
Shaun White
Tori Allen
Tara Dakides
By Grace J.
PressFriends note
PressFriends is an allvolunteer, student-run
501(c)(3) public charity.
ara Dakides’s sport is
snowboarding and no
one has been better at it
than her. Tara practiced
many years to achieve her
success. She was also the
first woman to successfully
do a backflip. When she
tried to do it the first time,
she broke her vertebrae.
After that, she practiced
twice as hard and then
Boov aliens were dancing
and shaking their behinds;
everybody in the theater
watching it was laughing so
hard that they were crying.
This movie was also
kind of sad. When the human girl Tip was watching
a video of her and her mom
in the snow skating. That
was sad as the aliens had
taken her mom away. And
on Christmas, Tip was going to give a gift to her
mom but that was the day
the aliens moved them to
the new location. Only Tip
was not taken to the new
location. Tip was alone.
The only companion she
had was Pig, the cat. That
was really sad. That was a
good movie.™
she succeeded. After that,
she never looked back.
She won six X Games
medals. And she took
home the gold medal of
slopestyle at the 2002
Winter X Games in Aspen,
Colorado. ™
SportsFriends students read
the book, Xtreme Sports—
Cutting Edge, by E.J. Maxwell
this summer.
Bulldog Says
Page 2
Alex R.
Angel P.
Bella D.
Brian L.
Chelsea B.
Daniela P.
Elizabeth S.
Ethan L.
Humberto S.
Isaac C.
Isabella S.
Jalyssa D.
Julieta B.
Leslie B.
Lilliana R.
Marcos A.
Natalia B.
Priscilla C.
Richard M.
Ruben M.
Sebastian P.
Sophia R.
Steven M.
Vanessa D.
Yahaira Z.
Not pictured: Aidan D., Alon B., Angela M., Ava, Daisy G., Diamond, Diego D., Fernando C., Grace J., Isabella A., Isabella P., James R.,
Jayden, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua F., Juanita S., Ka”Chion C., Katie R., Luka M., Melanie C., Melissa H., Michelle R., Nicole M., Simon
Volume 3, Issue 2
Page 3
Silly Putty and Learning about Polymers
During the STEMFriends program this summer, students made their own silly putty to learn about how the ratio of elements that can make a mixture both a liquid and solid.
I think that silly putty will have both characteristics because it might look
like a solid and react like a liquid. My hypothesis was correct, because it
was both a solid and liquid. Priscilla C.
I think the silly putty is a mixture of a solid and liquid. My hypothesis was
correct. Silly putty was a solid and liquid mix. Luka M.
I think silly putty will have the characteristics of a solid and liquid, because
it can fill up a cup. My hypothesis was correct. Ethan L.
I think silly putty will have the characteristics of a solid and liquid. My hypothesis was correct, because when you take it out of the cup, it becomes a
solid, but when you put it back in the cup, it becomes a liquid. Angel P.
I think silly putty will have the characteristics of a liquid and solid, because
you can hold it in your hand and it doesn’t take the shape of a container.
The results showed the silly putty is first liquid, then after mixing it turns into gooey, sticky stuff, then after
more mixing, it turns into goo. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct. Nicole M.
I think that silly putty will have the characteristics of a liquid because it is not hard. My hypothesis was incorrect, because it is both a liquid and solid. Aidan D.
I think my silly putty will be liquid, because it flows and moves. The purpose of the experiment was to see if
silly putty could be both solid and liquid. Melissa H.
I think that silly putting can be both solid and liquid. I think that silly putty can take on the form of a solid but
also of a liquid. My hypothesis was correct. Grace J.
The silly putty experiment was great and interesting. Diego D.
My hypothesis is that silly putty will be a solid, because it looks like a solid. The result of the experiment is
that silly putty is both a solid and a liquid. Sebastian P.
I think silly putty will have both characteristics of a liquid and solid. My hypothesis was correct, because silly
putty was both a liquid and solid. Sophia R.
I think that silly putting will characteristics of both a solid and liquid, because it may look like a solid, but it
spreads like a liquid. I also think this, because it’s made with liquids but it may become a solid, so it then will
have both characteristics. My hypothesis was correct, because it both a solid and liquid. Yahaira Z.
I think silly putty will have the characteristics of a solid and liquid, because it is not hard or wiggly. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct. Isabella S.
I think silly putty will have the characteristics of a solid and aa liquid because silly putty can be formed and
reformed. The result was that some were very sticky and some stayed liquid. In the end, everything had
properties of both liquids and solids. James R.
I think silly putty will have the characteristics of a solid and liquid because it is not hard and not wiggly. My
hypothesis was correct. Daisy G.
I think silly putty will have the characteristics of a solid and liquid because it is not hard or not wiggly. In conclusion, my hypothesis was right, because it was solid and liquid form. Chelsea B.
I think that silly putty will be a liquid, because it will move in different directions. My hypothesis was incorrect,
because it turned out to be both a solid and liquid. Katie R.
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Bulldog Says
Learning about Density
Students in STEMFriends built boats out of foil and loaded them with pennies. They discovered that the size of the boat
influences the number of pennies it could hold.
I think my boat, the “Titanic 1”, will float if I find a way. I think
it will be able to hold about 18 pennies before sinking. One
method I would use is putting the pennies in an even layer.
The result was that the boat held 72 pennies, and sank when
73 pennies were put in the boat. Priscilla C.
It took 30 pennies before the boat sank. Aidan D.
My hypothesis was wrong, because I thought the boat could
hold more pennies. It sank with 33 pennies. Melissa H.
I think the boat will hold 50 pennies. My hypothesis was incorrect, because it sank with 18 pennies. Humberto S.
I think my boat will sink, because I can’t make a boat. My
boat floated until I put in 19 pennies. Ethan L.
I think my boat, the USS Embassy, will not sink, because it will be able to distribute the weight of 10 pennies.
My boat held 164 pennies before it sank. Isaac C.
My hypothesis was that the boat could hold 30 pennies before sinking. My boat didn’t sink until I put in 84
pennies. Grace J.
My boat’s name is Diamond Gabriel and me. I thought that my boat would hold 10 pennies before sinking,
but my boat held 20 pennies instead of 10 pennies. Diego D.
My hypothesis was that my boat would hold 6 pennies, but it held 23 pennies. Sebastian P.
I think my boat will not sink, because it’s a light object. I think it will hold 4 pennies. The result is that it didn’t
sink until I put in 86 pennies. My hypothesis was incorrect, because my boat held more than four pennies.
Nicole M.
I think that my boat, the Queen Mary, will sink after holding 20 pennies, because they are small and light.
My boat held 110 pennies, so my hypothesis was wrong, because my boat was very big. Sophia R.
I think my boat, called Disney Cruise, will sink at about 31 pennies, and I think this is because they are thin
and the boat will hold them without sinking. My boat sunk at 102 pennies. It lasted longer than I thought it
would. Yahaira Z.
I think my boat, Perfection, will float because it has a pretty high density. My hypothesis is correct, because it
floated, but I thought it would only hold 6 pennies, and it held 24 pennies. Luka M.
I think my boat of girls will sink with 100 pennies. In conclusion, the boat sank with 56 pennies. Chelsea B.
I think my boat of boys and girls will sink with 30 pennies. My ship sank with 77 pennies, because it was too
big. Daisy G.
I think the boat, named Golden Freddy, will float and will hold 32 coins. My hypothesis was correct, because
it floated, but it took 62 pennies to sink our boat. James, Steven, Humberto and Ruben
I think my boat, Isabella’s Boat, will hold 60 pennies. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct because my
boat sank when 60 pennies were added. Isabella S.
Volume 3, Issue 2
Page 5
Sound Vibrations and Making Noises Like a Duck
STEMFriends students learned that sound is a type of energy made by vibrations and that vibrations are the movement
of air particles. Students took a straw, flattened one end, then used a scissor to cut a point, and then blew into the straw.
I think using a straw will make a duck sound, because the air around it vibrates when you blow into it. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct because it made a duck sound with vibrations. Sophia R.
I think that the vibrations in the straw won’t make a sound. In conclusion, my hypothesis was incorrect, because when I followed the instructions and blew in the straw, it made a duck sound. Luka M.
I think that the straw will make a duck noise, because you can cut it and blow in it. My hypothesis was correct, because blowing through the straw makes a noise. Yahaira Z.
I think using a straw will make duck sounds, because blowing through one end will make vibrations. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct, and blowing through the straw made a duck-like noise. Isaac C.
I think using a straw will make duck sounds. Blowing through the straw did make a sound like a duck. My
hypothesis was correct. Grace J.
I think using a straw will make duck sounds, because the straw can cause vibrations. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct because the straw did make sounds because of vibrations. Diego D.
I think that using a straw will make duck sounds. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct, because blowing
through the straw made a duck sound. Sebastian P.
I think using a straw will make duck sounds because the straw can cause a vibration. My hypothesis was
correct, because it make a duck sound. Isabella S.
I think using a straw will make duck sounds because of high frequency vibrations. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct, because the straw made a high frequency vibration when we cut it. Katie R.
I think it is too think to make a sound, and there isn’t enough space for the air to go through the flattened
end. But it did make a high pitched sound. Angel P.
I think that you cannot make a duck sound by blowing through a straw. My hypothesis was incorrect, because blowing through the straw made a duck sound. Natalia B.
I think that using a straw will not make a sound, because it does not move or make sounds. My hypothesis
was incorrect, because it did make a sound because the straw was cut and made high vibrations. Julieta B.
I think that when you blow in the straw, it will make high frequency notes come out. My hypothesis was correct, because when we cut the straw, it made a higher frequency. Daisy G.
I think that using a straw will make a wind sound and not a duck sound. I was incorrect,
because it made a duck sound because of the vibration. Chelsea B.
I think the straw will make a duck sound. My hypothesis was correct, because when you
cut it, it made another vibration. Michelle R..
I think the straw will make a duck sound I was correct, because it did make a duck
sound. Juanita S.
I think a straw will not make a duck sound, because straws don’t make noise. My straw
did make a sound, and it sounded like a duck, so my hypothesis was wrong. Ethan L.
I think that using a straw will make duck sounds, because if you blow in it, the air will go
through the straw. It worked. My hypothesis was correct. Humberto S.
I think using a straw will make duck sounds, because sound vibrations will pass through the straw. My hypothesis was correct, because the straw made the sound like a duck. James R.
My straw made buzzy sounds, because the straw was cut at an angle. Priscilla C.
When you closed your mouth on the straw and blew, it made a sound like a duck. Aidan D.
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Bulldog Says
STEMFriends—Summer 2015
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Volume 3, Issue 2
DanceFriends—Summer 2015
My favorite dances are the Nae Nae,
freeze dance, and dancing to the Katy Perry song. The heel-toe was fun but boring.
Chelsea B.
My favorite dance is the Electric Slide, because you have to spin around a lot. My
favorite moves are the Whip and Nae Nae.
I didn’t like the Dark Horse by Katy Perry,
because there were a lot of hand moves.
Sophia R.
My favorite move was the Nae Nae. My
favorite was Katy Perry Dark Horse dance.
Isabella A.
The first day, my favorite thing to do was
stretching. The second day it was to
dance to the Electric Slide. The third day it
was the Nae Nae.
My favorite dance move is the Nae Nae.
Jalyssa D.
My favorite dance was the Nae Nae, because it was
really fun. And it was fun to dance with my BFF. I also
liked the dance we learned to Katy Perry’s song.
Juanita S.
My favorite part of DanceFriends was Victoria
teaching us to do the moves. I was nervous when
we were going to do the performance.
Vanessa D.
My favorite moves are the electric slide and the Nae
I loved the Nae Nae.
My fav is the Nae Nae and the Katy Perry song, Dark
Isabella S.
We learned two dances! It was the Electric Slide and
the Nae Nae. It was so fun and cool. The Nae Nae
was my favorite and the Electric Slide was easy.
Nicole M.
Alon B.
My favorite part was the 5 minute break.
Aidan D.
My favorite was the Nae Nae.
My favorite thing is when we dance.
I liked the Katy Perry song more than the other stuff!
Fernando C.
My favorite dances were the Nae Nae and the
Katy Perry dance.
My favorite thing in the dance was doing the Electric
Slide. I like the dance to the song Dark Horse.
Daisy G.
My favorite move was the Nae Nae, and I liked the
Katy Perry song.
My favorite was the Nae Nae.
My favorite thing was the Nae Nae.
Melanie C.
Isabella P.
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Bulldog Says
Reviews of HOME
Bulldog Says went to Fox Studios with 8 other PressFriends programs in March for a
screening of the movie, HOME, and then to UCLA for the PressFriends Annual Conference.
he movie HOME was
a good movie. The
best part was when Oh,
an alien, went back and
helped the girl Tip. And
the saddest part was
when Oh was crushed by
the mothership and
saved the shusher. The
funniest part was when
Oh said “My hands are in
the air like I just do not
care.” Also it was funny
when Oh thought he was
going to explode when he
vibrated on his head.
By Angel P.
his movie HOME was
so funny. The best
part was when Tip puts
on music, and the alien
Oh is dancing all crazy in
Tip’s flying car and falls
out of the door. Tip
thought Oh fell out and
was dead, but then Oh
pops up.
This is a fun movie for
everyone in the family to
By Joshua F.
he movie HOME was
cool because the little
alien thought his name
was Oh since every time
he walked into a room,
the other aliens would
say “Oh, Oh, Oh, and
The funniest part of
the movie is when the
music plays and Oh’s
body starts to move and
he puts his hands up and
says “my hands are in
the air like I just do not
The second funniest
part is when Oh fixed
Tip’s car with the slushie
By Lilliana R.
he movie HOME was
funny. The Boov aliens would turn colors
when they were feeling
different emotions. The
color blue means sad,
red means mad, green
means the alien is lying,
purple is normal, yellow
means scared and dancing.
The funny part was
when the Boov alien
named “Oh” was yellow
and he danced and said
“My hand is in the air like
I just don’t care.”
The sad part was
when the Boov aliens
were mad at Oh for mistakenly inviting the universe to his housewarming party, including the
Gorg, and the Boov
wanted to erase Oh.
By Angela M.
he movie HOME was
fantastic because it
was very funny and hilarious when the alien
named Oh started dancing to the girl Tip’s music.
It was also great when it
all worked out perfectly
and Tip and Oh became
best friends. It was also
funny when Tip’s cat,
named Pig, vibrated,
and when the alien Oh
went crazy dancing.
By Ka’Chion C.
OME is from
Dreamworks. The
movie is a journey to
find Tip’s mom so the
girl Tip and the alien
Oh went to Paris to the
Boov headquarters to
see where the Boov put
the humans. Then they
went to Australia and
found Tip’s mom.
People would like
Oh because he is funny
and they would enjoy
Oh’s personality.
We went to UCLA
after we saw the movie
HOME at Fox Studio.
UCLA is a fun place to
go. When I go to college, I want to go there.
By Ruben M.
eople should watch
the movie HOME
because it is hilarious
and sad. The movie
start with a Boov alien
named Oh. He was
always happy in the
beginning. The other
Boovs didn’t like him.
Oh invited all the Boovs
to this party but they
didn’t want to go to his
Later there is a character named Gratuity
Tucci, but she has a
nickname, “Tip,” and
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Volume 3, Issue 2
More Reviews of HOME
Continued from page 6
she has a cat named Pig.
Oh and Tip try to save the
world from a monster
called Gorg, who ends up
being something unexpected.
The captain of the
Boovs aliens stole something from the Gorg, and it
made the Gorg very
cranky. This movie was
After the movie, we
went to UCLA. UCLA is a
cool college because it is
very big and has a lot of
neat things, like its mascot
the bear, ad the student
By Richard M.
eople should watch
the movie HOME, because it is really funny. .
There is an alien
named Oh and with a girl
whose nickname was Tip.
They travel to Paris and
Australia to find Tip’s
mom.”. There also is a cat
named Pig. Kids may
think, but the cat’s tail was
curly like a pig’s tail and
that’s why the cat is
named Pig.
It looks like it is boring,
but it’s actually funny
Once people watch it a
little longer you will get
used to it.
The funniest part is
when people can see and
Oh says “My hands are in
the air like I just do not
Kids and adults can
see it in 3D or 2D. So
stop being there all lazy
and watch the movie
HOME. Even adults
laugh in the movie so
watch the movie please.
We went to UCLA
after watching the movie,
HOME. UCLA is awesome. I might come to
University here.
By Daniela P.
eople should watch
the movie HOME
because it is a very funny
movie to watch and there
are four characters. They
are Tip, Pig, Oh, and
Tip’s mom. Tip’s mom is
in the movie too but she
isn’t in the movie till the
The aliens are called
Boovs and they change
color, because of their
emotions. They journey
to different places.
Tip had a car that did
not work anymore because she crashed it. Oh
helped her fix the car,
and made it into a flying
Our trip to UCLA after
the movie was fun. UCLA
is the best college ever
because it has so much
stuff to do.
By Leslie B.
he movie HOME is
amazing because
when Oh said “Oh no my
hands are in the air like I
just do not care” was
very funny. Another funny
part is when Oh thought
that the cat named Pig
was going to pop.
The reason why I like
the movie is because it
has friendship and sadness.
By Alex R.
he movie HOME was
interesting because I
got to really see their
emotions because the
Boov aliens changed colors whenever they felt a
different emotion.
The part that was funny is the part when Oh
said “My hands are in the
air like I just do not care.”
I couldn’t find anything that was not good
about the movie. I loved
the part when Tip found
her mother. All the characters where Tip, Oh,
What happened in the
movie is that Oh sent an
invite to the bad guys to
his party—by mistake.
If you add slushies to
your car then maybe it
will work like Tip’s did—
but don’t try this on your
parents’ car.
By Sophia R.
he alien species called
the Boovs were taking
the planet Earth, so they
took all humans and put
them in a place where they
Continued on page 8
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Bulldog Says
More HOME reviews
Continued from page 7
thought they would be
happy. When the humans
leave, the Boovs took all
of their homes.
Oh was the Boov who
made 62 mistakes and
when he held a party and
told his neighbors, no
one showed up. So he
decided to have another
party and emailed it to all
the Boov. But he made a
mistake and mailed it to
the bad guys who were
trying to find the Boov.
He got in trouble and
tried to run away.
In the meantime a girl
named Tip was trying to
wait for her mom. Tip was
the only human who was
not taken away, because
she was holding her cat,
named Pig, and the Boov
missed her. But then a
Boov busts in and she
Tip goes to her mom’s
car, but then she crashes
into a car at a market.
She goes inside to get
food, and she meets the
alien Oh who is doing the
same thing. The finally
work together to help
save the Boov and find
Tip’s mom.
By Elizabeth S.
he movie HOME is a
comedy movie the
alien Oh said “I almost
did one number 3.”
Another reason why
it is a comedy movie is
because he said “Don’t
drink the lemonade” in
the bathroom.
By Steven M.
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Volume 3, Issue 2
PressFriends and the Bulldog Says thank
20th Century Fox
for hosting PressFriends at the screening of
the movie “HOME” and
Supervisor Don Knabe
for providing the bus transportation to
PressFriends 6th Annual Conference
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Bulldog Says
ArtFriends—Summer 2015
The Adventures of Extreme Man
By Humberto S.
He battled the greatest
villains of all time
There was a super hero
named Extreme Man
Juan’s Burrito Problem
By Isaac C.
He battled and won
against the villains with
his super abilities
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Volume 3, Issue 2
ArtFriends—Summer 2015
Growing, growing, grown
By Chelsea B.
The Scientist and the Zombie
By Ethan L. and Aidan D.
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Bulldog Says
ArtFriends—Summer 2015
By Melissa H.
Minion Mayhem Madness
By Ruben M.
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Volume 3, Issue 2
ArtFriends—Summer 2015
Watermelon Melodrama
By Daisy G.
The Slug and the Cheetah
By Angel P.
Once upon a time, there
was a slug
And there was a cheetah
And they met
The cheetah asked the
slug if he wanted to race
And so they raced
And they lived happily
ever after
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Bulldog Says
ArtFriends—Summer 2015
Keep Your Mind in the Game!
By Juanita S.
Three Cats and a Fire
By Grace J.
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Volume 3, Issue 2
ArtFriends—Summer 2015
By Nicole M.
There was a girl named Taylor. She lived with her mom and dad, and her sister. Her sister’s name is Allison.
Taylor is 12 years old, and her sister is 6 years old.
Taylor (dancing and singing): Oh
Baby, why did you run away…
Allison: What are you doing?
Mom: Why can’t I have a day when
my children aren’t fighting!
Taylor: It’s your fault for having babies.
Taylor: Uh, nothing. Why?
Allison: I’m just asking.
Taylor: Go away, or I’ll tell mom.
Allison: When she finds out what
you’re doing, she’s going to laugh!
Taylor: Mom! Allison is bothering me!
Mom: What did you say, young lady?
Taylor: Nothing. Love you.
Mom: Uh huh.
Taylor: Want to dance, sis?
Allison: Sure!
Both: La, la, la, la, la ….
The suitcase is about to
explode! The Flash arrives just in time.
The toolbox is saved!
The Fabulous Flash
By Natalia B.
The Flash returns to
save everyone and
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Bulldog Says
SportsFriends—Summer 2015
Dave Mirra
Dave Mirra is a BMX athlete and a race car driver.
He was won more medals
in the X Games than any
other athlete. When he
was 17 years old, he was
hit by a drunk driver when
walking across the street,
and now feels strongly
about drunk drivers. He
was born and raised in
Chittenango, New York.
By Angel P.
Dave Mirra was an extreme biker. They called
him Miracle Boy, because
he could do things on a
bicycle that no one else
could. Dave was in lots of
sports. He grew up in the
Northeast. The biker was
one of the best bikers in
the world. He is an extreme biker and an Olympic athlete and a baseball
star. He loved biking. He
loved being in the X
Games. He likes all kinds
of extreme sports.
By Ethan L.
Dave loved to ride his
bicycle. But he was hit by
a drunk driver and was
badly injured. He had to
undergo surgery. The
doctors did not know if he
could ride his bike again,
but he couldn’t see going
through life without his
bike. Never say never
again, because he
trained when his body got
better, and went on the
win a lot of medals in the
X-games. That’s what
By Ruben M.
Don’t drink and drive.
Dave Mirra was hit by a
driver when he was 19,
but he came back to be a
famous BMX competitor
in the X-games. He likes
basketball and tennis. He
was born in Chittenango,
New York. He is a now a
business owner.
By Chelsea B.
Dave Mirra was born and
raised in Chittenango,
New York. He won 12
gold medals in the X
Games and Gravity
Games. They call him
Miracle Boy, because of
his stunt riding.
When he was young,
he competed in both
street and vert competitions. He is glad to be
where he is at how,
which all was a result of
his being a stunt rider.
By Yahaira Z
SportsFriends read the book
X-Treme Sports—Cutting
Edge by E.J. Maxwell
(Scholastic 2003)
Ross Powers
Ross Powers competed for
fifteen years. He completed
in snowboarding and won
two Olympic medals. One
medal is gold. He also has
a backpack full of trophies
in other international
events like X games and
Gravity games. He runs
his own snowboarding
camp and has a long list of
lucrative endorsement
contracts. Ross Powers is
one of the most successful
athletes ever to strap on a
Ever since Ross Powers was a kid, he wanted
to be on snow. Ross
skied early, because he
spent a lot of time around
a winter resort. Ross became proficient at a very
young age. Most of his
friends and family thought
he might be a serious
competitor. Ross says
you can take your time
and learn how to do it, if
you have good equipment, it can be safe.
By Natalie B.
Ross Powers is a snowboarding pro. He was
born on February 10,
1979. Ever since he was
young, he wanted to be
one the snow. He thinks
that Olympics have
changed people’s minds
about snowboarding. He
now runs his own snowboarding camp in Okemo,
By Yahaira Z.
See X-Treme Sports by E.J.
Maxwell (Scholastic 2003)
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Volume 3, Issue 2
SportsFriends—Summer 2015
Mike Metzger
Mike Metzger never gave
up. He did a trick that
many people did not complete without falling off.
He tried many times before he could do it, but he
did not give up like other
people who tried; and
finally he was able to do it
in a big way.
By Michelle R.
Mike Metzger never backed
out from a challenge. When
he joined the summer X
games in 2002, he was a
legend at 26 years old but
hadn’t won a medal at the
X Games. In the 2002 X
Games, he won the Big Air
and Freestyle competing
against teens. He would be
sure during the X games to
see his family.
When Mike was in the
X Games, he left the
games for the hospital on
a stretcher not once but
twice. He got better at the
X games but always
spends time with his family. He enjoys jumping
stunts more than practicing races.
By Aidan D.
Mike Metzger is known
as the Godfather of
Freestyle Motorcross. He
was the first to do a
backflip with his 210pound motorcycle in midair. He has suffered
many injuries, such as
20 broken bones, broken
fingers and toes, fracturing his vertebra and two
shattered heels. He encourages kids to follow
their dreams.
Isaac C.
Mike Metzger’s goal is to
live a happy, healthy and
successful life.
Mike Metzger can’t
resist a challenge, and
on July 2, 2002, roaring
around his private
course, he did the impossible - a backflip. He
had been practicing on
his BMX bike before doing it with his dirt bike.
He did the backflip five
times on his private
course. A lot of people
have tried it and have
been injured by Mike
like’s to try new stunts.
By Chelsea B.
Mike Metzger is a motorcross rider. He can’t resist a challenge. He rode
his bike over a gap that
stretched nearly fifty feet,
and landed safely. Other
riders tried the stunt and
were injured, but he wasn’t worried.
Mike’s father raced
dirt bikes before a back
injury ended his career.
But when Mike was a
teenager, he graduated
from dirt bikes to motorcycles.
In the book, Extreme
Sports, he says, “My
words of wisdom for
kids? If you have a goal
in life, set your mind on it
and get it done.” That’s
great advice.
By Nicole M.
Layne Beachley
Layne Beachley was born
on May 24, 1972, and is
from New South Wales in
Australia. She was a
competitive surfer, and is
considered the greatest
woman surfer in history.
She is confident about
herself and likes the
adrenaline she gets from
When she was
young, she played soccer
and tennis, but then surfing caught her attention.
Layne is a gifted athlete.
By Priscilla C.
I want to surf, because I
read about Layne Beachley. It made me see that
surfing is fun and can be
peaceful. The water
looks so awesome when
surfing, and it seems so
cool to do.
By Juanita S.
Layne Beachley is profiled in
the book X-Treme Sports—
Cutting Edge by E.J. Maxwell (Scholastic 2003).
Page 20
Bulldog Says
SportsFriends—Summer 2015
Shaun White
Shaun White was born on
September 4, 1986. He
started to practice snowboarding at the age of six.
Shaun was watching his
older brother snowboard
and Shaun became interested in learning how to
snowboard too. Since he
skateboarded as a kid,
balancing on a snowboard
was easy. He won his first
snowboarding contest at
the age of 8. Shaun became a professional in
By Katie R.
Shaun White has the
genes of extreme sports
superstars. His grandparents raced in the professional Roller Derby circuit.
About everyone in his
family seems to have a
passion for skiing and
Since Shaun had experience skateboarding, it
helped with his balance in
snowboarding. Shaun
was only 8 when in 1994
he won the United States
of America Snowboard
Association amateur title.
In 2002, Shaun got a
call from skateboarding
legend, multimillionaire,
the one and only Tony
Hawk. Hawk said he admired White’s skating and
invited him to join Hawk’s
Boom Boom Huckjam
Tour with a lot of other
extreme athletes in the
summer of 2002. White
says Hawk has been a
huge influence in his life,
but skating is not White’s
best sport. It is actually
Shaun White is a pretty cool guy.
By Isaac C.
Shaun White was 15
years old when he got the
call of a lifetime from Tony Hawk. Hawk told Shaun
that he was putting together a team and that he admired Shaun’s skateboarding. Shaun was invited to
join the team.
Skateboarding isn’t
even Shaun’s best sport.
His best sport is snowboarding. His grandparents raced on the professional Roller Derby Circuit. Shaun could also be
the best skater. Shaun
was only eight when he
entered his first content.
He won a gold medal in
snowboarding at the
Olympics. He was born
on January 4, 1986.
By James R.
Shaun White was born
on September 4, 1986.
He is famous, and his
favorite country is Japan.
He is a good skateboarder and snowboarder.
When was only six years
old, he started snowboarding. Shaun White
was professional in 1998.
By Melissa H.
SportsFriends read the book
X-Treme Sports—Cutting
Edge by E.J. Maxwell
(Scholastic 2003)
Page 21
Volume 3, Issue 2
SportsFriends—Summer 2015
Tori Allen
Tori Allen was born on
July 30, 1988. Tori Allen
was a champion Rock
When Tori was little,
she traveled a lot. When
she went to Africa, there
was a man who gave her
a baby monkey named
Georgie. Every day,
Georgie and Tori climbed
trees. That is why Tori
Allen is a very good rock
climber. Georgie was bit
by a snake and died.
They went back to the
United States and Tori’s
dad bought her a stuffed
monkey that she took
climbing with her.
When she came back
to the United States, she
tried out different sports.
She saw a climbing wall
in her hometown shopping mall. She asked her
dad to try it, and her dad
said okay and she did
very good. And she
trained at a local gym and
later would compete.
By Katie R.
Tori Allen was born on
July 30, 1988. Her full
name is Victoria Allen.
Victoria is a strong, adventurous, and confident
When she was four,
her family moved to
West Africa. She was the
only white kid in Africa.
Everyone would always
stare at her. She was
friends with a baby monkey name Georgie.
Georgie and Tori would
climb trees together. She
thought that this helped
her a lot. Georgie was
Tori’s partner, but
George died, because
he got bitten by a snake.
Tori was so sad when
her monkey died, that
her dad got her a stuffed
monkey. She would go
rock climbing with the
stuffed monkey attached
to her harness. Now she
loves to collect stuffed
When Tori was 12 in
2001, she became the
American Bouldering Series women’s national
champion. In 2002, she
won the speed-climbing
competition at the X
This is an inspirational girl because she was
always confident in herself.
By Priscilla C.
Tori Allen was a champion climber, but she also
used to be a ballerina
and played the electric
bass in her church.
One way Tori Allen
she tried to stay fresh
was by varying her training routine. In addition to
rock climbing, Tori also
competed in the pole
vault. When she was 17,
she went to Florida State
University on a pole
vaulting scholarship.
Now she climbs for fun.
By Daisy G.
Tori Allen is in the book XTreme Sports—Cutting Edge
by E.J. Maxwell (2003).
Page 22
Bulldog Says
SportsFriends—Summer 2015
Volume 3, Issue 2
Page 23
Page 24
Bulldog Says
ArtFriends—My Favorite Summer Place
Chelsea B.
Daisy G.
Aidan D.
Melissa H.
Yahaira Z.
Angel P.
Page 25
Volume 3, Issue 2
ArtFriends—My Favorite Summer Place
Grace J.
Ruben M.
Isaac C.
Natalia B.
Nicole M.
Priscilla C.
Page 26
Bulldog Says
ArtFriends—My Favorite Summer Place
Katie R.
Juanita S.
James R.
Humberto S.
Michelle R.
Page 27
Volume 3, Issue 2
ArtFriends—Summer 2015
Page 28
Bulldog Says
MusicFriends—Summer 2015
Page 29
Volume 3, Issue 2
MusicFriends—Song Lyrics
At the time of printing, MusicFriends had only held two sessions. These are the beginnings of the song lyrics
that students were starting to write.
I like puppies…
I like mango…
I love my family
I love my Daddy…
he is an artist…
My Daddy is funny and fun.
Bella D.
Jalyssa D.
Hobo a hobo went by my nice house…
I’m afraid he’s gonna eat me and he had a mouse
Aidan D.
I like swimming…
I like puppies…
I like rainbows…
I love my sister and brothers.
Vanessa D.
I put my feet up feeling lazy…
My friends are outside playing.
He is fast… he is strong…
Nobody knew where he belongs
Batman never gave up,
So Batman is amazing…
Joshua F.
When minions see bananas… they go ba-nanas.
Minions are yellow
like ba-na-nas.
Sophia R.
Summer is the best thing ever…
because you can play
and have fun…
Isabella S.
I got Ethan’s back
He’s got my back…
I got Aidan’s back
He’s got my back too
Yahaira Z.
L.A., L.A., I go there everyday.
The buildings are tall,
I wouldn’t like to fall.
I go to school…
Some people look pretty cool.
Humberto S.
You see the banana…
You grab the banana…
You eat the banana…
Go bananas! Go bananas!
Julieta B.
Summer is the best thing ever…
Because you can go to the beach and have fun.
Summer is the best thing ever…
Because you can’t ever stop having fun,
Because you have every day free,
and can play a lot of things.
Chelsea B.
All I want to do is something? All I want to do is
All I want to do today is something?
All I want to do today is something!
That’s what I want to do today! Hay!
Angel P.
Page 30
Bulldog Says
EcoFriends—Summer 2015
coFriends wants to raise awareness of the current drought and teach kids how to conserve and reduce
water usage. In EcoFriends sessions, students learn about the current conditions of the drought and the
benefits of drought tolerant plants.
We had a wonderful guest speaker, Mrs. Grace Farwell-Granger, who introduced different water sources in
California and water conservation tips for indoors and outdoors.
EcoFriends kids get hands-on experience with planting drought
tolerant plants, and they will be working on creating BE WATER
WISE posters.
Thanks to Mrs. Grace Farwell-Granger from
the South Bay Environmental Services Center
for speaking to EcoFriends about water conservation
Page 31
Volume 3, Issue 2
EcoFriends—Summer 2015
Page 32
Bulldog Says
Note from PressFriends
ressFriends had a
great summer at Harry Bridges, and we appreciate the support of
our program by the Boys
& Girls Club of LA Harbor. A special thanks to
Ms. Rudi for helping us
put together all the different programs.
We had a fun time at
Harry Bridges with ArtFriends, STEMFriends,
SportsFriends, DanceFriends, EcoFriends, and
We also would like to
thank the PressFriends
parents who oversee our
programs at Harry Bridges—Mrs. Fuh, Mrs. Perez, Mrs. Marquez, Mrs.
Jung, Mrs. Berry, and
Mrs. Southwell.
And a huge thanks to
all of our great mentors,
especially our Lead Mentors Kevin, Janet, Tori,
Nick, Alec, and Elizabeth.
We had a fun year
with the Bulldog Says
newspaper club, and our
annual conference for
Elementary Students at
Fox Studios to see the
screening of the animated feature, HOME. After
the movie, we went to
UCLA for lunch, games,
a scavenger hunt around
UCLA, and little bit of
We hope you all have
a great summer and
keep on writing!
Tessa Southwell
PressFriends Student Board
PressFriends and the Bulldog Says thank
ABC Summer of Service
for their grant to PressFriends
and Supervisor Don Knabe
for his support of PressFriends programs
in LA County’s Fourth District