COLUSA COUNTY REGIONAL DIRECTORY 2014/2015 ARBUCKLE · COLUSA · GRIMES · MAXWELL PRINCETON · STONYFORD · WILLIAMS INDEX For errors, omissions or changes, email us at: [email protected] Activities, Adventure, Recreation & Sports 3 All phone numbers are area code (530) unless specified. Animals7 Agriculture5 Alcohol, Drug Abuse, & Tobacco Cessation Support Services Child & Family Community Information Counseling, Mental Health & Support Groups 6 7 9 10 Education10 Emergency & Crisis Services 14 Employment14 Environment/Recycling15 Financial Services 15 Government Services 15 Housing16 Medical, Dental & Eye Health Clinics 16 Medical - Hospice 17 Men’s Services 17 Native Americans 18 Senior Resources 18 Service Organizations 19 Transportation20 Utilities20 Veterans & Military 20 Women’s Services 20 Worship21 2 People Services & Community Resources The information contained in this document is not a recommendation of services and is subject to change. For questions, please contact the agency listed. Activities, Adventure, Recreation & Sports 4-H Youth Development Program 458-0570 Arbuckle Golf Club 476-2470 Help youth become responsible, self-directed, and productive individuals. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. E, Colusa Nine-hole course open to the public. 5918 Hillgate Rd., Arbuckle Arbuckle Parks and Recreation 473-2955 City of Williams Swimming Pool 473-2955 Club Live, Maxwell High School 438-2291 Colusa Area Little League 521-9008 Colusa County Arts Council 458-2222 458-5577 Community recreation and healthy activities for all age groups - Aquatics, Art Camp, Zumba, MMA fitness, Williams Karate Club, Lego Camp, Soccer, Youth Basketball, Williams Little League. 810 E St., Williams Community swimming pool. 1100 D St., Williams 476-3007 Volleyball, Open Gym, Swim Lessons, Swim Team, Art, Tennis Camp, Yoga, Pilates, Weight Training, Cardio and Agility Training, Zumba, Basketball, Softball, Water Fitness, Baseball, Football, Soccer. 309 5th St., Arbuckle Arbuckle Swimming Pool City of Williams Parks and Recreation Division 476-2892 Community swimming pool. Water-based programs for all ages and levels. 966 Wildwood Rd., Arbuckle Engage 7th & 8th grade students in opportunities to develop leadership skills and a tobacco, drug, and alcohol-free lifestyle. 515 Oak St., Maxwell Little League baseball and softball. P.O. Box 675, Colusa Body Shop Fitness Membership for free weights, cardio, and spin classes. 201 5th St., Colusa 458-4018 A county-wide arts program which will enrich all members of the community, and art class scholarships for youth in Colusa County. 613 Market St., Colusa Boy Scouts of America 933-6126 Colusa Golf & Country Club City of Colusa Parks and Community Services 458-5622 Colusa Indian Community Wellness Center 458-5787 City of Colusa Swimming Pool 458-2590 Learn about the outdoors, responsibility, citizenship, nature and a whole lot more. T-Ball, basketball, soccer camp, swimming lessons, lifeguard courses, CPR/First Aid courses, city park reservations and softball field rental. 425 Webster St., Colusa Community swimming pool. 933 Parkhill St., Colusa 3 People Services & Community Resources Nine-hole course open to the public. 2224 Hwy 20, Colusa Membership for full gymnasium, volleyball and basketball courts, heated swimming pool, weight room, exercise and aqua classes, massage therapy, salon and spa. Wellness-Center.html 3720 Hwy 45, Colusa Colusa Movie Theater 458-5777 Current movies in historic downtown theater. 513 Market St., Colusa Colusa National Wildlife Refuge 934-7135 Colusa-Sacramento River State Recreation Area 458-4927 Colusa Softball Association 737-3547 East Park Reservoir 458-0466 Friday Night Live Club - Arbuckle 476-2277 Friday Night Live Club - Colusa 458-2156 Managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as part of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex, with auto-tour route and walking trail to view migrating waterfowl and other wildlife. Open year-round. 2801 Hwy 20 & O’Hair Rd., Colusa Picnic sites, boat ramp, tent camping, coinoperated showers, fishing. Accommodation for campers (27 ft.) and trailers (24 ft.). Online reservations at Levee & 10th St., Colusa Men’s, women’s and co-ed softball leagues April-September. Seasonal, primitive camping; swimming and boating facilities. Stonyford-Lodoga Rd., Lodoga Engage junior high and high school students in opportunities to develop leadership skills and a tobacco, drug, and alcohol-free lifestyle. Pierce High School Engage junior high and high school students in opportunities to develop leadership skills and a tobacco, drug, and alcohol-free lifestyle. Colusa High School Junior Golf - Colusa Golf and Country Club 458-5577 We offer an assortment of clinics for boys and girls. 2224 Hwy 20, Colusa Northern California Federation Youth Football and Cheer - Colusa Cowboys A youth football program that provides Colusa County’s youth with an opportunity to learn leadership, sportsmanship and dedication through a competitive youth football and cheer program. P.O. Box 1243, Colusa Our Lady of Lourdes Youth Group Choir 458-4170 Riverside Bowling Lanes 458-8866 Fridays, 4:00-5:30 p.m. 345 Oak St., Colusa Bowling for the family and winter leagues. 420 Main St., Colusa 4 People Services & Community Resources Sacramento Valley Museum 473-2978 Stonyford Museum 963-3141 Open March through mid-November, and by appointment. 1491 E St., Williams Open 2nd and 4th Sundays, March - November; and 2nd Sunday only December - February; or, by appointment. Market St., Stonyford The Stagehands Theater 458-5479 Live theater productions for aspiring actors. P.O. Box 731, Colusa Westside Little League 476-3007 Williams Community Center 501-3029 Arbuckle, Maxwell and Williams Little League. Arbuckle Parks & Recreation Senior programs, bingo, youth activities and facility available to rent for events. 860 C St., Williams Agriculture Arbuckle Certified Farmers’ Market 383-4625 Beginning June. Wednesdays 5:00-7:00 p.m. LaVanche Hursh Community Park, Arbuckle Colusa County Agricultural Commissioner 458-0580 Promote and protect the agricultural industry within the county. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. F, Colusa Colusa County Fair - 44th District Agricultural Association 458-2641 Colusa County Farm Bureau 458-5130 Colusa County Farm Service Agency 458-5131 Second week in June. Home of the Big Wheel. 1303 10th St., Hwy 20, Colusa Providing opportunities to help our communities and farmers excel in promoting agriculture. 520 Market St., Ste. 1, Colusa Equitably serving all farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective and efficient agricultural programs for all Americans. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. B, Colusa 5 People Services & Community Resources Colusa County Grown 458-2931, Ext 3 Promoting and supporting Colusa County grown agricultural commodities ( fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables and more) from local growers throughout Colusa County. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. B, Colusa Colusa County Organic Program 458-0580 Colusa County Resource Conservation District 458-2931 Colusa Farm Show 458-2641 Colusa Certified Farmers’ Market 777-6767 Colusa Western Days 458-2641 Family Water Alliance, Inc. 438-2026 Farm Advisor UC Cooperative Extension 458-0570 Garden Club of Colusa County 458-2227 Glenn-Colusa Cattlemen 865-4427 Organic commodities that are grown in Colusa County commonly include rice, walnuts, almonds and beans. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. F, Colusa Assist local landowners to protect, conserve and restore natural resources through information, education, and access to technical assistance programs. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. B, Colusa First Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday of February, annually. 1303 10th St., Hwy 20, Colusa Beginning June - Thursdays 4:00-7:00 p.m. Memorial Park, Colusa First weekend in April, annually. 1303 10th St., HWY 20, Colusa Educating people regarding issues that affect rural communities; supporting property rights, water rights and agriculture. P.O. Box 365, Maxwell Information on gardening, landscape, money management and food production. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Colusa Meetings 4th Monday each month, 6:30 p.m., St. Stephens Episcopal Church. P.O. Box 606, Colusa Beef producers coming together for representation on social and legislative industry issues; scholarship programs for deserving students. 1308 Railroad Ave., Orland Glenn-Colusa Cattlewomen 473-2830 Livestock and Range Management, UC Cooperative Extension 458-0570 Master Gardeners, Colusa County, UC Cooperative Extension 458-0570 USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service 458-2931 Promoting the Beef Industry, women throughout the state dedicate time, energy and devotion to educate the public about beef. P.O. Box 760, Williams Research and educational support in the areas of marketing, ranch management, feeding, grazing and natural resource management. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. E, Colusa Research-based knowledge and information on home gardening issues. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste.. E, Colusa NRCS works with landowners through conservation planning and assistance designed to benefit the soil, water, air, plants, and animals that result in productive lands and healthy ecosystems. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. D, Colusa Alcohol, Drug Abuse, & Tobacco Cessation Support Services California Smokers’ Helpline 1-800-662-8887 California Smokers’ Helpline in Spanish 1-800-456-6386 Free tobacco and smoking cessation resources and personalized phone counseling. 24 Hrs/Day Free telephone program to help callers quit smoking, resources. 24 Hrs/Day Colusa County Dept. of Behavioral Health Substance Abuse Services 458-0520 Colusa County Tobacco Education and Referrals to Cessation Classes 458-0380 Adult and youth mental health services, counseling, crisis intervention, wellness and recovery groups. 162 E. Carson St., Colusa Tobacco and smoking cessation resources and information. 241 E. Webster St., Colusa 6 People Services & Community Resources Animals Animal Bites/Animal Control, Colusa County458-0229 Rabies control, animal-related laws, county ordinances, licensure and lost or found. 929 Bridge St., Colusa Colusa County SPCA, Inc. 1-916-865-6504 Monthly low-cost spay-neuter clinic for dogs and cats and resource information. Colusa Veterinary Hospital 458-2221 Friends of Colusa County Animal Shelter (FOCCAS) 458-0247 Northpointe Veterinary Hospital - Open 24 Hours 674-8670 Williams Animal Clinic 473-2352 Small animal health care. 1110 Bridge St., Colusa Pet adoptions, education on animal care, spay/neuter program. 929 Bridge St., Colusa 24-Hour veterinary hospital and clinic. 1463 Live Oak Blvd., Yuba City Care for small animals and horses; vaccination clinics and boarding. 245 N. 7th St., Williams Child & Family California Condom Access Program 458-0380 California Children’s Services (CCS) 458-0380 Get free condoms in a teen-friendly environment. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa A program that helps children with certain diseases, physical limitations or chronic health problems. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Child Health & Disability Prevention 458-0380 Program (CHDP) Gateway to Health Coverage Preventive health program that provides free CHDP Health Exams for low to moderate income infants, children, teens, and youth. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Child Protective Services - Child Abuse Reporting 458-0280 Confidential telephone reporting of abuse issues. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa 7 People Services & Community Resources Child Safety Seat Program 458-0380 Classes are held monthly in English and in Spanish, for the proper installation of your car seat. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Childcare Resource and Referral 473-1350 Information on childcare family homes and centers. 101 Marguerite St., Williams Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) 458-0380 Outreach and education about lead poisoning. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Children’s Services Head Start / State Preschool Migrant Child Care 473-1350 Child care and development services to children, parents, and providers. 101 Marguerite St., Williams Colusa County Dept. of Behavioral Health 458-0520 Counseling, crisis intervention, information and referral. Wellness and recovery groups. 162 E. Carson St., Colusa Colusa County Dept. of Child Support Services 1-866-901-3212 Establishment and enforcement of orders for paternity, child support, and medical support; locate non-custodial parent/assets. 217 9th St., Colusa Colusa County Dept. of Health and Human Services 458-0250 Social Services, Environmental Health and Public Health. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Colusa County Local Child Care Planning Council (LPC) 473-1350 Child care needs of all families in the community, for all types of child care, both subsidized and non-subsidized. 101 Marguerite St., Williams Colusa County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 473-1350 Program services in Colusa County to meet the needs of students, birth through age 22, who qualify by federal or state standards as handicapped. 101 Marguerite St., Williams Colusa Support Services Services for adults with developmental disabilities. 753 Main St., Colusa 8 458-8287 People Services & Community Resources Community Advocates for Parents and Children (CAPC) 458-7678 Local child abuse prevention council and information about becoming a foster parent. 149 5th St., Colusa Covered California 1-888-975-1142 Easy-to-use marketplace where you and your family may get sliding scale financial assistance to make insurance coverage more affordable. California Health Benefit Exchange Family Action Center - Arbuckle 476-0822 Family Action Center - Williams 473-5400 Family Soup (aka Parent Network) 751-1925 First 5 Colusa Children and Families Commission 458-5555 Home Health Agency, Colusa Regional Medical Center 458-2075 In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority 458-0250 Children’s activities and education, Healthy Application Assistance, Adult Education, and much more. 812 King St., Arbuckle Children’s activities and education, Healthy Application Assistance, Adult Education, and much more. 602 12th St., Williams For families of children with special needs. 1650 Sierra Ave., #106, Yuba City Provides resources and information for children and families prenatal to age 5. 217 9th. St., Ste. B, Colusa Health care professionals and paraprofessionals provide home health services in the privacy and comfort of your home. 199 E. Webster St., Colusa Assistance to those eligible who are aged, blind or disabled and unable to remain safely in their homes without assistance. 251 E Webster St., Colusa Maternal Child & Adolescent Health 1-800-655-3110 Information regarding the health of Colusa County’s women of child-bearing age, infants, and children. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Network for a Healthy California-Sierra Cascade Region 345-2483 Prevent Blindness Northern California 243-0410 Start Smart Teen Driving Program 473-2821 Story Time, Colusa County Free Library 458-7671 Serving Colusa County, to adopt healthy eating and physical activity patterns as part of a healthy lifestyle. 25 Jan Court, #130, Chico Devoted to the preservation of sight for the people of Northern California. 169 Hartnell Ave., Redding Assists young drivers and their parents to understand responsibilities and laws associated with driving a motor vehicle. California Highway Patrol A library-based family reading program for children of any age. 738 Market St., Colusa Text4Baby Text “BABY” to 511411 Free cell phone text messaging service for pregnant women and new moms. Cell Phone Text Only Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) 458-5503 A federally-funded health and nutrition program for women, infants, and children. 515 Fremont St., Colusa Community Information Colusa County Main Library 458-7671 Colusa County Chamber of Commerce 458-5525 Public Library - Arbuckle 476-2526 Public Library - Grimes 437-2428 Public computers, children’s story time, adult literacy, books, DVD’s, audio books, periodicals. 738 Market St., Colusa Find local businesses and calendar of community events. 2963 Davison Ct., Colusa Live, online tutoring and career center, books, DVD’s, e-books and online audio books. 610 King St., Arbuckle Live, online tutoring and career center, books, DVD’s, e-books and online audio books. 240 Main St., Grimes 9 People Services & Community Resources Public Library - Maxwell 438-2250 Patients’ Rights Advocate - Colusa County 458-0530 Public Library - Princeton 439-2235 Safe Haven Drop-In Center 458-0856 Public Library - Stonyford 963-3722 Victim Witness, Colusa County District Attorney 458-0545 Live, online tutoring and career center, books, DVD’s, e-books and online audio books. 34 Oak St., Maxwell Live, online tutoring and career center, books, DVD’s, e-books and online audio books. 232 Prince St., Princeton Live, online tutoring and career center, books, DVD’s, e-books and online audio books. 5080 Stonyford-Lodoga Rd., Stonyford Public Library - Williams 473-5955 Live, online tutoring and career center, books, DVD’s, e-books and online audio books. 901 E St., Williams Counseling, Mental Health & Support Groups Casa de Esperanza 1-888-874-2040 Shelter for victims of domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault. Colusa Office Celebrate Recovery Mental Health Services Act anonymous or personal complaints contact. 162 E. Carson St., Colusa Information, guidance, and resources for a variety of mental health and social issues. 131 5th St., Colusa Protecting and serving victims and witnesses of violent crime. 346 5th St., Colusa Education Arbuckle Alternative High School 476-2173 Arbuckle Children’s Center 476-2115 Grades 10-12. 966 Wildwood Rd., Arbuckle Early Head Start, Head Start and Infants & Toddlers. 940 Wildwood Rd., Arbuckle Arbuckle Early Care and Education Center 476-2866 458-2802 A Christ-centered recovery program. First Presbyterian Church, Fridays, 6:30-9:00 p.m. 326 Jay St., Colusa Head Start and California State Preschool Programs. 620 Gail Ave., Arbuckle Arbuckle Elementary School 476-2522 Colusa Alternative High School 458-2156 Colusa Alternative Home School 458-7791 Counseling services on Monday and Friday. Most insurances accepted and sliding scale based on ability to pay. Confidential phone. 642 5th St., Colusa Colusa Children’s Center 458-2823 Erik Tootell, PhD. Colusa County Children’s Services 473-1350 Colusa Community Counseling Center 908-3365 Mental health and substance abuse counseling and psychotherapy. Spanish. Bonnie Rose, LCSW 646 Main St., Colusa Colusa County Dept. of Behavioral Health 458-0520 Counseling, crisis intervention, information, and referral. 162 E. Carson St., Colusa Debra Tripp, LMFT Counseling services on Wednesdays by appointment. Sliding scale based on ability to pay. Bilingual. 642 5th St., Colusa 458-7342 848-1544 10People Services & Community Resources Grades K-5. 701 Hall St., Arbuckle Grades 9-12. 901 Colus Ave., Colusa Grades K-12. 745 10th St., Colusa Early Head Start, Head Start and Infants, Toddlers & Preschool. 705 6th St., Colusa Coordinated child care and development services to children, parents, and providers; and to provide resources and collaboration with educational entities, health and human service agencies, and community groups serving children and families in Colusa County. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. C, Williams Colusa County Adult Education/ Inmate Education 473-1350 Course options for adults, based on needs demonstrated by a comprehensive survey. A special schedule of classes serving the Inmate Education program at the Colusa County jail. The Community Based English Tutoring (CBET) provides supplemental instruction for developing language fluency for parents and community members who do not speak English. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. B, Williams Colusa County Adult Transition Program 473-1350 Special Education for individuals 18-22 years of age. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. A, Williams Colusa County Community School Grades 7-12. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. B, Williams 473-1350 George E. Cain Children’s Center 438-2389 George T. Egling Middle School 458-7631 Grand Island Elementary School 437-2416 James M. Burchfield Primary School 458-5853 Lloyd G. Johnson Junior High School 476-3261 Head Start and State Preschool. 185 North St., Maxwell Grades 4-8. 813 Webster St., Colusa Grades K-6. 551 Leven St., Grimes Grades K-3. 400 Fremont St., Colusa Grades 6-8. 938 Wildwood Rd., Arbuckle Colusa County Foster Youth Services 473-1350 Maxwell Elementary School Grades K-6. 148 North St., Maxwell 438-2401 All grades. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. B, Williams Colusa County Homeless Education 473-1350 Maxwell High School Grades 7-12. 515 Oak St., Maxwell 438-2291 All grades. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. B, Williams Colusa County Office of Education 458-0350 Maxwell Unified School District District office. 515 Oak St., Maxwell 438-2291 Colusa County Superintendent of Schools. 146 7th St., Colusa Mid Valley High School 473-1350 Grades 10-12. 1105 D St., Williams 473-5369 Colusa County Regional Occupation Program Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School 458-8208 Pierce High School 476-2277 Pierce Joint Unified School District 476-2892 Pre-Kindergarten/Family Literacy 458-0340 Williams Children’s Center 473-2246 Grades 9-12 and adults. Entry level employment preparation. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. B, Williams Colusa County Special Education Grades K-8. 741 Ware Ave., Colusa 473-1350 Early childhood and K-12 education services for students with special needs. 101 Marguerite St., Ste. A, Williams Colusa Head Start Preschool ages 3-5. 728 5th St., Colusa Colusa High School 458-0340 458-2156 Grades 9-12. 901 Colus Ave., Colusa Colusa Unified School District District office. 745 10th St., Colusa 458-7791 11People Services & Community Resources Grades 9-12. 960 Wildwood Rd., Arbuckle District office. 540-A 6th St., Arbuckle Preschool program. 728 5th St., Colusa Early Head Start, Head Start, Migrant, and Infants, Toddlers & Preschool. 501 Theater Dr., Williams CS233082-F Williams Elementary School 473-2885 Williams Head Start 473-2885 Grades K-3. 1404 E St., Williams Preschool ages 3-5. 1404 E St., Williams Williams Junior/Senior High School Grades 7-12. 260 11th St., Williams Williams Unified School District District office. 260 11th St., Williams 473-5369 473-2550 Williams Upper Elementary School 473-5304 Woodland Community College 668-2500 Grades 4-6. 300 11th St., Williams Core classes to transfer to CSU/UC, Career Technical Education. 99 Ella St., Williams Emergency & Crisis Services A Hand Up 458-4484 Emergency shelter of tents and sleeping bags for men, women and children; three meals per week at First Presbyterian Church. 326 Jay St., Colusa Christian Assistance Fund (Food or Shelter) - Presbyterian Church 458-2802 Provide vouchers for food, fuel and more. 4th & Jay St., Colusa City of Colusa Police 458-7777 City of Williams Police 473-2661 Provides police protection services within the City of Colusa. 260 6th St., Colusa Provides police protection services within the City of Williams. 700 North St., Williams Colusa County Adult Protective Services/Health and Human Services 458-0280 Helps elder adults (65 years and older) and dependent adults (18-64 who are disabled) when they are unable to meet their own needs, or are victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa 14People Services & Community Resources Colusa County Adult Services 458-0520 Colusa County Child Protective Services/Social Services 458-0280 Colusa County Dept. of Behavioral Health 458-0520 Colusa County Sheriff 458-0200 Colusa County Victim Witness Program/District Attorney 458-0545 Colusa Regional Medical Center EMERGENCY ROOM 458-5821 Impact Life in Colusa County Thrift Store 458-5776 Resources and referral for emergency shelter. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa 24-Hour Abuse hotline. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa 24-Hour Crisis line. 162 E. Carson St., Colusa Civil services, emergency services, coroner, investigations, court security, jail. 929 Bridge St., Colusa Social and financial help for victims of violent crime; court assistance. 346 5th St., Colusa Physician on duty, 24 Hours. 199 E. Webster St., Colusa Offers basic human services: food, clothing, household items to residents in need. 541 Fremont St., Colusa Safe Surrender Site 458-5821, Ext. 283 (Safe Haven for Abandoned Newborns) To protect newborns from abandonment, a parent can legally, confidentially and anonymously surrender their baby to the Emergency Room at a local hospital. 199 E. Webster St., Colusa Safe Surrender Site (Safe Haven for Abandoned Newborns) All fire stations in Colusa County where personnel are present - Arbuckle, Colusa, Grimes, Maxwell, Princeton, Williams and Stonyford. Rural and City Fire Stations Employment California Employment Development Department 458-4407 Job listings. Unemployment claims processed on Wednesdays. 146 Market St., Colusa Colusa County One-Stop 458-0326 Business services, assessments, training, job referral, and career guidance for youth and adults. 146 Market St., Colusa Colusa County Regional Occupational Program (ROP) 473-1350 Entry level employment preparation, advanced training or retraining for adults. 101 Marguerite St., Williams Environment/Recycling Ayala Recycling Center Cash paid for recycled bottles and cans. 1112 Main St., Colusa 458-4131 Colusa County Air Pollution Control District 458-0590 Local districts are the primary mechanism for air quality management. 100 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. A, Colusa Colusa County Environmental Health 458-0395 Accepts complaints concerning the environment and public areas. 124 E. Webster St., Colusa Colusa Lion’s Club Recycling Self-service recycling bins in parking lot next to the Scout Cabin. Webster & 10th St., Colusa Colusa Mosquito Abatement District Protects the public from vectorborne diseases and nuisance. www. 731 D St./E. Webster, Colusa Maxwell Transfer Station 458-4966 438-2622 Solid waste and recyclable disposal. www. 3852 Hwy 99, Maxwell Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) 458-0326 Free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally, $49,000 and below) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. Trained, certified volunteers help prepare basic tax returns. 146 Market St., Colusa Government Services Colusa City Council 458-4740 Colusa County Board of Supervisors 458-0508 Colusa County Clerk/Recorder/ Registrar of Voters 458-0500 Colusa County Dept. of Health and Human Services/Vital Statistics 458-0380 Colusa County District Attorney 458-0545 Colusa County Grand Jury 458-0683 City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday evenings. 425 Webster St., Colusa The Board of Supervisors meets bi-monthly. 547 Market St., Colusa Voter registration, marriage license, confidential marriage; vital statistics, military discharge, deeds and all official land transactions; filing for county office and elections. 546 Jay St., Colusa Certified copies of Colusa County birth and death certificates. Fee schedule available on website. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Elder Abuse, Victim Witness Program, Investigators. 348 5th St., Colusa Porter Recycling Center 473-3722 A fact-finding body that has the potential to make constructive changes and suggest meaningful solutions to a wide range of local government problems. 532 Oak St., Colusa Recology Butte Colusa County 473-3282 Colusa County Public Guardian 458-0280 Colusa County Superior Court 458-5149 Williams City Council 473-2955 Cash paid for recycled bottles and cans. 122 7th St., Williams Residential and commercial recycling and garbage collection. Financial Services Colusa County Dept. of Health and Human Services 458-0250 Medi-Cal, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), emergency loans, food stamps, general assistance, and County Medical Services Program. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa 15People Services & Community Resources Trust of personal affairs when no relative is able to do so. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Filing for any legal proceedings, including divorce. 532 Oak St., Colusa City Council meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. 810 E St., Williams Housing Colusa, Glenn, Trinity Community 1-800-287-8711 Action Partnership Weatherization Program Services include insulation, venting, weatherstripping, glass replacement, door replacement, showerheads, and gas appliance replacement. Services are available to owner-occupied and tenant-occupied dwellings throughout Colusa, Glenn and Trinity Counties. 420 E. Laurel St., Willows Eskaton Frank Jaconetti Manor Senior Apartments 934-3535 Mirsona Manor 473-5906 Section 8 Housing 671-0220 Stony Creek Senior Apartments 307-3208 Transitional Housing Program / Colusa County One-Stop 458-0326 Valley West Care Center 473-5321 Independent living for the active older adult at an affordable price. 232 E. Carson St., Colusa Quality residential care for the elderly in a warm family environment. Independent living, assisted living, dementia care, hospice services, respite care. 282 10th St., Williams Section 8 housing in Colusa County by the Consolidated Area Housing Authority of Sutter County. 1455 Butte House Rd., Yuba City Affordable senior apartments (55 and older). Income restrictions apply. 500 Marguerite St., Williams Housing available for homeless families, and single women on a case by case basis. 146 Market St., Colusa A five-star nursing home specializing in secured Alzheimer’s care and short-term, specialized rehabilitation services. 1224 E St., Williams Medical, Dental & Eye Health Clinics AMPLA Health Arbuckle Medical and Dental 476-2200 Comprehensive medical, dental, mental health, and specialty healthcare services. Family PACT. 89 Putnam Way, Arbuckle 16People Services & Community Resources AMPLA Health Colusa Medical and Dental 458-8635 Comprehensive medical, dental, mental health, and specialty healthcare services. Family PACT. 555 Fremont St., Colusa Arbuckle Medical Office - Colusa Regional Medical Center 476-2440 Comprehensive preventative care and illness treatment for all ages. Family PACT. 900 King St., Arbuckle North Valley Family Physicians 473-5255 Outpatient Laboratory Services - Colusa Regional Medical Center 458-5821 Outpatient Laboratory Services - Quest Diagnostics 458-7676 Family medical practice. 501 E St., Williams Walk-in appointments available for lab draws and specimen collections 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday thru Sunday. 199 E. Webster St., Colusa Clay Gidel, DDS 458-2101 Walk-in appointments available. 1025 Bridge St., Colusa Colusa Eye Care Optometry 458-2020 Richard A. Rinzler, D.C. Chiropractic specializing in sports. 412 4th St., Colusa 458-7774 Eye exams, eyeglasses, contact lens and frames. 516 Jay St., Colusa Colusa Health Clinic - Colusa Regional Medical Center 458-5003 Riverside Health Clinic 458-2300 Roger Ashworth, DDS 476-2219 Stonyford Health Clinic - Colusa Regional Medical Center 458-5003 Williams Urgent Care and Medical Center - Colusa Regional Medical Center 473-5641 General dentistry. 3000 Davison Ct., Colusa Comprehensive preventative care and illness treatment for all ages. Family PACT. 151 E. Webster St., Colusa Colusa Indian Community Health Clinic 458-5501 Primary medical care, general dentistry, dialysis, andindividualizededucation and care for the entire Colusa County community. 3710 Hwy 45, Colusa Colusa Indian Community Health Clinic Dialysis 458-5501 Specializing in customized Hemodialysis. 3710 Hwy 45, Colusa Colusa Regional Medical Center 458-5821 A community hospital committed to providing the highest quality of patient care possible in a safe, comfortable and reassuring environment. 199 E. Webster St., Colusa Colusa Specialty Medicine Clinic - Colusa Regional Medical Center 458-3243 Internal Medicine Clinic - Colusa Regional Medical Center 458-3800 Specialty medicine services, pre-employment physicals. 2967 Davison Ct., Colusa Care for complex health needs. 151 E. Webster St., Colusa North Valley Family Physicians Family medical practice. 173 E. Webster St., Colusa Pediatrics and health care for all ages. Family PACT. 717 Bridge St., Colusa General dentistry. 102 5th St., Arbuckle Comprehensive preventative care and illness treatment for all ages. 5080 Stonyford-Lodoga Rd., Stonyford Comprehensive preventative care and illness treatment for all ages. Family PACT. 501 E St., Williams Medical - Hospice Sutter North Hospice 749-3460 For a patient diagnosed with a terminal illness, we offer hospice services that provide assistance at the patient or loved one‚Äôs home, home-like setting, or skilled-nursing facility. Sutter North Hospice services are reimbursed by Medicare, Medi-Cal, VA benefits and most insurance companies 400 Plumas Blvd., #115, Yuba City Men’s Services 458-8050 17People Services & Community Resources CARES Condom Finder 458-0380 Pick up free condoms. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Colusa Regional Medical Center Health Clinics 458-5003 Physical and prostate examinations. See clinics listed under ‘Medical, Dental and Eye Health Clinics’ above. Arbuckle, Colusa, Williams and Stonyford Native Americans California Tribal TANF Partnership 458-2999 Colusa Indian Community 458-8231 Providing educational training, career and employment opportunities toward self-sufficiency. 519 Jay St., Colusa A community united as one family, building a future through education to become healthy, has pride, respect for self and each other, and creates a path for our children. 3710 Hwy 45, Colusa Senior Resources AARP Smart Driving Course 458-2227 Area Agency on Aging/ Senior Citizen Coordinator 458-5030 Colusa County Public Guardian 458-0280 Colusa County Social Services 458-0250 Legal Services for Seniors (LSNC) 458-5030 Low cost refresher course for drivers aged 50+. Rewards insurance discounts. Colusa Providing older adults and caregivers a single information and assistance resource to critical services older adults and caregivers need. P.O. Box 353, Colusa Advocacy and guardianship for individuals found to be unable to properly care for themselves or their finances when no family member is available. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Independent living program, In-home supportive services, Public Guardians. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Free legal services for older adults. Colusa Office Medi-Cal - California Healthcare Services 458-0250 Cash assistance, food and nutrition, apply for Medi-Cal. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa 18People Services & Community Resources Passages Adult Resource Center 458-5030 Senior Nutrition Program 458-0380 Information, health insurance counseling (HICAP), long-term care Ombudsman, legal and caregiver assistance for adults 60+. 901 Parkhill St., Colusa Nutritious lunchtime meals and personal contact to both homebound seniors and those that are interested in dining out at our congregate meal site. 901 Parkhill St., Colusa Service Organizations Beta Sigma Phi - Torchbearer Gamma, Colusa Chapter Meeting 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Honoring top seven juniors and seniors at Colusa High School and other donations to the community. 1104 Oak St., Colusa Catholic Ladies Relief Society 458-4170 Supporting a variety of spiritual works and acts. Meeting first Wednesday each month, 7:00 p.m. 745 Ware Ave., Colusa Colusa Masonic Lodge Meeting second Thursday each month, 7:00 p.m., 311 5th St., Colusa P.O. Box 770, Colusa Colusa Regional Medical Center Auxiliary 458-5821 Knights of Columbus, Colusa 458-4170 A volunteer organization for fundraising through special events and onsite gift shop to purchase medical equipment for the hospital. 199 E. Webster St., Colusa Meetings fourth Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m. 345 Oak St., Colusa Colusa Lions Club Meetings every Tuesday, 6:00 a.m., 10th & Fremont St, Colusa P.O. Box 528, Colusa Omega Nu - Alpha Kappa Chapter Assisting those in need and scholarships to local high school graduates. P.O. Box 747, Colusa Pacific Flyway Quilters Guild Meeting third Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., 311 5th St., Colusa. Providing hand-made quilts and other items to the local community. P.O. Box 1025, Colusa 19People Services & Community Resources Rotary Club of Colusa County The American Legion Women’s Auxiliary 458-0388 Soroptimist International of Colusa County Veterans of Foreign Wars - Colusa County Post 2441 458-4466 Meeting every Tuesday at 12:00 noon, Colusa Golf & Country Club, Colusa P.O. Box 205, Colusa The American Legion Auxiliary is the world‚Äôs largest women‚Äôs patriotic service organization. Meeting first and third Thursdays at 12:00 noon. An international volunteer organization working to improve the lives of men, women, boys and girls, in local communities. P.O. Box 709, Colusa Tri-Counties Blue Star Moms 682-3487 Mothers who now have, or have had children serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, supporting all veterans, past, present, and future. Serving Colusa, Sutter and Yuba counties, meeting first Wednesday each month, 6:30 p.m., Hillcrest Plaza, 229 Clark Ave. #D, Yuba City. 1282 Stabler Lane, #630, Yuba City Transportation Colusa County Road Closures & Conditions 458-0200 Information for Colusa County current road conditions. 1215 Market St., Colusa Colusa County Transit 458-0287 A dial-a-ride service with fixed time routes within Colusa County. We provide curb-to-curb service to the general population and door-todoor service for ADA passengers. 715 D St., Colusa Utilities Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) 458-0326 Gas, electric, wood and propane utility payment assistance to eligible households. www.cgtcap. org/glenn/energy_payment_assistance.aspx 146 Market St., Colusa Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1-800-743-5000 Gas and electric services. 321 5th St., Colusa VFW strives to do good things for deserving people; particularly veterans, their families, and their communities. Meetings the 2nd Wednesday each month. 108 E. Main St., Colusa Veterans Services Office of Colusa County 458-0388 Assistance to veterans, their dependants, and their survivors in obtaining benefits from federal, state, and local agencies. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Women’s Services A Woman’s Friend Pregnancy Resource Clinic 741-0556 Arbuckle Medical Office - Colusa Regional Medical Center 476-2440 CARES Condom Finder 458-0380 Offering pregnancy tests, medical exams, ultrasound, peer counseling and education, and maternity and baby supplies. Alternatives to abortion. 616 E St., Marysville Offering women’s health services, pregnancy testing, family planning services, PAP tests, and breast exams. Family PACT, CHDP, Cancer Detection Program, sliding scale Medicare/MediCal accepted. 900 King St., Arbuckle Pick up free condoms. 251 E. Webster St., Colusa Casa de Esperanza Colusa Health Clinic - Colusa Regional Medical Center Veterans & Military Colusa County One-Stop 458-0326 The American Legion Post 0218 458-0388 Priority of service for job training and placement assistance for Veterans. 146 Market St., Colusa A patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. Meetings first Tuesday each month, 7:00 p.m. 251 Oak St., Maxwell 20People Services & Community Resources 1-888-874-2040 Shelter and counseling for victims of domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault. Colusa office 458-5003 Offering women’s health services, pregnancy testing, family planning services, PAP tests, and breast exams. Family PACT, CHDP, Cancer Detection Program, sliding scale Medicare/ Medi-Cal accepted. 151 E. Webster St., Colusa Planned Parenthood 674-2603 Women & Infant Services at Fremont Medical Center 751-4165 Women’s Resource Clinic 897-6100 Women’s and men’s health care. Birth control, morning after pill (emergency contraception), pregnancy testing, STD screening and treatment, first trimester abortion, PAP tests, AIDS testing, tubal ligation and vasectomy counseling. 430 Palora Ave., #6, Yuba City Parents-to-be are invited to attend free childbirth classes, as part of the Rideout Health Community Education Program, if your physician is part of their group and you plan to have your child at their facility. 970 Plumas St., Yuba City Women’s Resource Clinic is a medically licensed Christian Ministry committed to supporting women who have experienced or are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Free services. 115 W. 2nd Ave., Chico Worship Arbuckle Community Church 476-2777 Arbuckle United Methodist Church 476-2515 Bethlehem Lutheran Church 458-4943 Charity Baptist Church 458-2829 Church of Jesus Christ of LDS 458-2735 Church of the Annunciation 473-2432 Colusa Assembly of God Church 458-2585 Sunday Bible study, 9:00 a.m.; Sunday service, 10:00 a.m.; Thursday Bible study, 7:00 p.m. 700 Hillgate Rd., Arbuckle Sunday Service, 9:00 a.m. 600 Pendleton St., Arbuckle Sunday Bible study, 8:30 a.m.; service 10:00 a.m. 720 Ware Ave., Colusa Sunday Services, 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. 2150 Wescott Rd., Colusa Sacrament Service, Sunday 10:00 a.m.; Sunday school 11:05 a.m.; Relief Society & Priesthood meeting 12:00 noon. 1550 5th St., Colusa Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m. English; Saturday 7:00 p.m., Spanish. 617 8th St., Williams Sunday Bible study ages 2 to adult, 9:30 a.m.; Services 10:30 a.m.1747 State Hwy 20, Colusa 21People Services & Community Resources THANK YOU Divine Mercy Chapel, Our Lady of Lourdes 458-4170 Maxwell United Methodist Church 438-2066 Our Lady of Lourdes Church 458-4170 Parkside United Methodist Church 473-5903 Sacred Heart Parish 473-2432 St. Joseph Mission 458-4170 Sunday School, 9:00 a.m.; Service 10:00 a.m. Main St. and Hwy 45, Grimes St. Mary of the Mountain 473-2432 Holy Cross 473-2432 St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 458-2470 Indian Valley Assembly of God 963-3470 Stonyford Community Church 963-3072 Trinity United Methodist Church 458-4509 Williams Community Church 473-5913 Williams Neighborhood Church 473-2544 Monday English Mass, 7:30 a.m.; Wednesday English Mass, 7:30 a.m.; Thursday English Mass, 7:30 a.m. 745 Ware Ave., Colusa First Baptist Church 473-5672 First Baptist Church 458-2475 Sunday Fellowship, 9:00 a.m.; Worship Service, 9:30 a.m. 251 8th St., Williams Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Worship 11:00 a.m. 630 Lafayette St., Colusa First Christian Church 458-4270 Sunday Service, 5:00 p.m. 725 Jay St., Colusa First Presbyterian Church 458-2802 Sunday Service, 10:00 a.m. 326 Jay St., Colusa Grimes Community Church Sunday Mass 11:30 a.m., English; 1:00 p.m., Spanish. 412 Laurel St., Arbuckle 437-2427 Sunday Service, 11:00 a.m. 4570 Lodoga-Stonyford Rd. Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall Sunday Service, 10:00 a.m., English; 1:00 p.m. Spanish 150 Crawford Rd., Williams 473-3187 Saturday English Mass, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday English Mass, 10:00 a.m.; Spanish Mass, 12:00 noon. 345 Oak St., Colusa Sunday Service, 11:00 a.m.; Bible study, 10:00 a.m. 936 G St., Williams Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m. 45 Elm St., Maxwell Sunday Mass, 8:30 a.m., Bilingual Center St. & 1st Alley, Princeton Mass 9:00 a.m., 2nd and 4th Saturday each month. 385 2nd St., Stonyford Sunday, Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday morning prayer 8:00 a.m. 642 5th St., Colusa Sunday Service, 10:15 a.m. 179 Geary St., Stonyford Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. 511 Oak St., Colusa Lirio De Los Valles 501-0206 Maxwell Baptist Church 438-2634 Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Spanish. Translation available. 1956 Hwy 20, Colusa Sunday School, 10:00 a.m., Service, 11:00 a.m. 169 Olive St., Maxwell All age Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; morning service 11:00 a.m.; evening service 6:00 p.m. 177 N. California St., Maxwell 22People Services & Community Resources Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 11:00 a.m. 315 9th St., Williams Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Service 11:00 a.m.; Wednesday morning prayer 6:30 a.m.; evening prayer 6:00 p.m. 12th and E St., Williams THE PEOPLE SERVICES & COMMUNITY RESOURCES GUIDE IS SPONSORED IN PARTNERSHIP WITH COLUSA COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES AND COLUSA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Photography courtesy of Sue Graue 23People Services & Community Resources FOR A FREE COPY, CONTACT COLUSA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH 251 E. WEBSTER ST., COLUSA, CA 95932 OR VISIT WWW.COUNTYOFCOLUSA.ORG
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