." • Application of Residue Curve Mapping TO EPICHLOROHYDRIN-BASED QUATERNARY SYSTEM S eparationof azeotropic mixtures is a topic of great practical and ,'.. industrial interest. Oxygenated v--t organic compounds like alcohols, ketones, ",.... .::}thers and organic acids, unlike ··::jydrocarbon/petroleum fractions make thedistillative separation complex d~e to the non-ideal behaviour, particularly formation of azeotropes. Knowledge of topological structures of VLEdiagrams is crucial for process design and analysis of distillation systems. It is now common ,.... knowlt'dJ;" Ihill ilZt'olrupie mixtures exhibit distillation boundaries and existence of multiple azeotropes indicate r : existence of multiple distillation regions. An often-quoted example of this is the , binary azeotrope-of ethanol-water and i the techniques developed to obtain ! absolute alcohol from rectified spirit. ! These distillation boundaries limit the ~ reachable product purity or its /> composition by any simple or sequential " operation of distillation columns. " "\ddition of an extractive agent or an i entrainer to the azeotropic mixtures i enables one to cross the distillation boundaries. Application of pressure or vacuum is also an acceptable alternative. ' Residue curves and distillation lines are /, described in literature with reference to : ternary or quaternary mixturest':", An analysis of ternary mixture, ideal or nonideal, azeotropic or non-azeotropic is ! ideally based on the residue curve maps • (RCMs) and distillation region diagrams (DRDs).They provide a crucial insight into various aspects of distillative separation in the form of practical and graphical , visualization. They provide the designer with a visualization of the physical and ,.... thermodynamic limits of the system ! making it easier .Ior the designer to I r: rationalize synthesis of distillation I systems. Applications and utility of ReM r I have been recorded in the recent edition i " I I I I I Heterogeneous distillution involving cpichlorohydrin. water and methanol is quite sensitive to process conditions and compositions. The residue curve mapping approach not only helps in delineating the appropriate ternary and quaternary compositions but also selects feasible terminal compositions and assign tasks/do column St.'(llIl'ncing. thereby. meeting the sepuration ohjl'Clives.ln a novel catalytic process for epichlorohydrin (ECH), a highly non-ideal. four-component mixture consisting of allyl chloride, methanol, epichlorohydrln and water is encountered. The system consists three hina.)· clzl'ulmpt'S. two of them hdug hl'll'rugl'IIl'OtlS. Distillation-based separation scheme and flow sheet development of this liquid mixture is reported using the residue curve mapping (ReM) technique, which helps in identifyinj; feasible solution" and - -theRb~,-cil"(:wnvcllting-han:icrsand-unstablc-process conditions. The ReM analysis is reported based on experimentally determined residue curves for the ternary system ECH-water-methanol and LLE data of the system. For the first time, applicability of ReM to systems other than esters and ethers and to an industrially important system is reported. Mrudula M Joshi. Kavita SKulkam~ J 0 Bapat A RJoshi. RVNaik or . . Sr. No. System BP'C . Azeotropic Data BpoC Composition (mole %) Upper Layer Lower Layer (wt%) (wt%) 99.92 0.08 at 200C 0.36 99.64 at 200c 1 Allyl Chloride Water 44.9 100:0 43.2 2 Allyl Chloride Methanol EpichIorohydrin Water 44.9 64.1 116 100 39.0 74.30 - - 88.5 74 26 6.6 93.4 at 200C 98.1 1.9 at 20°C 3 91.3 8.7 I· Table 1: Reported binary azeotropes of the syste,"" •."I. of Perry's Handbook!", Several engineering software tools have been developed by Aspen, Hypro and other developers around RCMs and DRDs as process design tools. Strategies and policies of carrying out . separation of non-ideal, multi-component mixtures, circumventing the distillation boundaries have been the central themes of a large! number of publicationsl6-'O), I J I' 'I \ • . CIIemicalbgiaeering Wodd+FEBRUARY 2005+49 Uquid . ;Temperatttre 'C 1~';.:;-~' ,?~At~ 3 4 540· 6 7 . ,8;.; 9 10 .11 ,<;- :12 13 14 15 .,' -.:+: .',~'~'.. (ll· 2.52. '.' vapor aJmpo.ltlOh . :.~ .. (2) .. .' .: 17.4 . '.' 27,1; .. 70.1·~:·:;.;~..;: .~~9. "<':: " .,46.S:};'-;· ·~i3.71·;·. '65.79 6.9~ .0.85:': ..:.. '.68.42;':': 3.23 58.85 2.18 58.84 91.98 0.85 68.9 6.3 51.2 15.8 90.55 0.82 60.0 9.5' 9.51 24.25 Table3: Experimental data of VLE for temary systl!m:Allyi'Chloride 'r I· I I i - i i I ! - I I r I The ALC-wakr-methanol system has two distillation regions; Region I, marked b-e-f is very small compared to Region II, enclosed by e-a-c-f. Region J contains ALC vertex as.a-s~ablc-node, azeotropic point 'e' as an unstable node and the heteroazeotropic point 'f as a saddle point. In Region II, there is a large portion of the homogeneous liquid mixture, where the residue curves originating from point 'e' distinctly move closer to methanol apex, 1', and turn back to 'c', Finally these residue curves terminate at the water apex, which has the highest boiling point and hence called as a stable node. This indicates that at total reflux or high reflux, it is possible to obtain either 'e' as distillate (direct split) or 'c' as bottoms (indirect split), Due to the self-entraining property of methanol, we intend to get neither 'e' ~--~~~2~5~~O~'5~0~~O~'7~5~~1~ Water (b) 101 ,.,::~~,<:" ~ol~~.;.X~~, ~ '.~1.26:~ ,"f'! :<;90.95":':<' ·j:l.36 44 39.5 38.5 11.5 61.5 64.5 38 38 41 38 41 60.5 '. Liquld ~mposltion . :"mole %:: /JG<(2) . : 287'.. .' ;'49.19 88.871 ·286 38.79:" !,;.!J14:!~r 89.95 ';'."~ :/1-ili . 75.76"" ". 4..96': 91.38 ..; ~+·~i.43:, 27'i'i:. 50.0 10.29. 20.89 9J3;·· 19;89 90.38 0.73 88.32' 3.32 96.21 1.57 88.14 2.Sj·. 91.25 0.08 22.59 11.21 .. ' ..(1), • -f .••••• (1) -Water (2)-Methanol (3~ nor 'c' as products, We intend to collect a mixture of methanol-water with boiling point below 410Cand collect ECH-watermethanol, free (rom ALC, as heavies; this can ha ve a mild heterogeneity, The nature of the binodal curve and orientation of the tie lines are favorable to do so, F.ell-water-methanol system also exhibits two distillation regions; one bound by 'a-dog' and another, 'a-c-g', The distillation boundary is not firmly delineated by VLE/ RCM data, It is influenced by the reflux and other operating parameters, For both the regions, apex of methanol is an unstable node and a hetero-azeotrope of ECHwater, 'g', is a saddle point. ECH is a stable node in Region I and water is a stable node in Region II. The residue curve and distillation lines generated experimentally l'OO<=__ ~ o 0-25 ALe ,--__ -,-__ -::>O O'!SO 0,75 1-0 , Water (0) , \. \ . ••·-~-·0ietfII_/eft~ ·--..w... .,.•...--.. .... _·_- •••••••• ew ••• c ••••.•• .~ ••• "' ••• 0.4 ••••• ALe I.' •••••••• "'Alc!"w..., Ct. Figure 4: ReM for ternary mixture ALe-water- MeOH. clearly indicate existence of the separatrix and the distinct tendency of the residue curves to diverge towards the respective stable nodes, Methanol, which i~ a solvent, works as an 'anti' entrainer in this case; as one proceeds towards the nodal points of the residue curve, the stripping section exhibits liquid phase immiscibility. The phase split is quite' pronounced and not amenable to side stream tapping. Rationale of Design in Multicomponent Systems Residue curves are nicknamed as McCabe-Thiele diagrams of ternary and azeotropic systems. The theory and applications of residue curves are nicely explained by Doherty and Maloner'J. Triangular diagrams used for presenting residue curves of ternary mixtures are also suited to express material balance lines. The relative stream quantities are found by the well-known 'lever arm' rule. All classes of material balance lines, namely, stream mixing, stream splitting and phase splitting can be represented along with the RCMs. This is explained in several texts and articles listed earlier'< •..4 and 161. Some of the quotable facts are: 1. Liquid trajectories of a plate column lie on the same residue curve. 2, For satisfying mass and component balance, the stream split in a distillation column should be collinear with feed composition point and R F· .B'· D, 0.2, HL-l i~ D TIbIt 5: iIasi, com'ponentbalance ~Option 'A'. '.-::. The topology I RCM of ALC-watermethanol system indicate two note-. worthy features, which influence feasible terminal conditions of Column, C-l. 1) It is easy to get ALC-methanol mixture as distillate from the four-component mixture; the distillate can be of various compositions ranging from the binary azeotrope to methanol-rich mixture, We choose to operate the column-with- tray composition, represented by an RCM, close to the binary mixture compositions. This will ensure distillate free from water or ECH. We do not wish to reach the azeotropic composition of ALC-methanol in the distillate. . 2) When we try to make the reboiler liquid of column C-l free from methanol and 'A~C, we go through liquid compositions on plates, which experience severe phase split due to ECH-water immiscibility. It is impractical to try and persist with two liquid phases because the two ends of the line, on the ternary diagram, fall --into1wo-dlfterent distillation regions, generating distinctly different distillation lines. This makes the column unstable. Logic suggests that we should not make the heavies of the column, C-1 depleted of methanol; instead, we allow right 'amount of methanol to be present in the ternary mixture, which can make it marginally heterogeneous. This situation is beneficial to process design because the phase split is riot severe and pressure or ?P across .the column, in this eventuality, are in control. The reboiler liquid is passed on to a decanter and separated into two liquid phases. The light liquid is predominantly an aqueous layer, while the heavy liquid is an organic one. Under certain selected operating conditions, the two layers belong to two different distillation regions. The heavy organic layer is fed to one column, C-2 and the aqueous· layer, to another column, C-3. Both the streams are fed to the top tray, making t!.e columns operate as strippers. This arrangement recognizes the fact that the-two ends of a tie line, representing the liquid in the decanter, belong to two different distillation regions and the respective RCMs move in different dlrections. Fortunately in this system, the distillates •... e-, .., . , I I' I ! ! I I ; ! ! : II , " .7 -; ;1; i-.iT ---- -----_._----- 'tn_~'~~~~1::':>·.:::.::...:~_'_--- __ ·'v.: -""""""-"r- -~~"-':"'_~C'"-'":'-''';''' f. ._---_.-----------,----.s (biEr'''' ALe V (f) (e),Cf) !IO'lC. w.,., \(c) FIg&n 11: Distillation boundaries & column mass balance for column, ..•.. 'AI .~ ,.--1 - handbook of Chemical Engineers, 7th Ed.McGraw-HilI pubL,1996. 6. Sticklmair J., Fair J.R. and Bravo J.L. CEP,1989,55,63. 71 Urdanetra R.Y., Bausa J., Bruggemann S. and Marquardt W. I & B C Res. 2002,41, 3849. 8. Pham H.N. and Doherty M.L. Chem. Bng.Sc., 1990,45, 1845. 9. KnightJ.R. and Doherty M.L. I & EC Res 1989, 28, 564. 10. Manan Z.A. and Rene B-A., I &EC Res, 2001,40, 5795. 11. Westerberg A.W. and Wahnschaff C.M. 'Advances in Chemical V ·C·;' .,:;...... (9)!IO'lI. 1\(c) W;;~ ••. (9) 8,n." Gte.trope<_"hon tt"'Oty Ul,ulroptc Compol.l'lotIl c-1:0ptI0n 'B'. ••,';. Figure 12: Distillation boundaries & column massbalance for columns, C·2 and c-3: Option 'B'. Engineering, Academic Press PubL 1996, Volume 23, p.99. 12. Ryan P.J. and Doherty M.F. AIChE J. 1989,35, 1592. 13. Vaidya P.S. and Naik R.V. J.Chem.Eng.Data, 2003,48, 1015. 14. Joshi Mrudula M. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of M.E. Degree, BVDU, Pune, 2004. 15. Kulkarni Kavita S. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of M.E. Degree, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 2004. 16. Fien Gart-Jan A.F. and LiuY.A., I & EC Res ;I.994,33, 2505. 17. WahnschafftO.M., Koehler J.W., Blass F. and Westerberg A.W., 1& BC Res 1992,31,2345. 18. Jurgen Gmehling, jochen Menke, Jotg, Krafczyk and Kaifischer, •.Azeotropic data", VCH publication, Part I, 134, (1970). 19. Jurgen Gmehling, Jochen Menke, Iorg, Krafczyk and Kaifischer, "Azeotropic data", VCH publication, Part II, 169, (1970). • . . . · ·_· ·H·_. · •. MrARJoshi and Mr RVlaik ani associated with a & PO Division. National ChemicallaboralDfy. Puna. MrJ DBapat Ms MnnWa MJoshi & Ms IMa SKulbmi ani associated with the CoIege of Ef9neeIirg. BharaIi'lldyapeeth. Pune. - - -.- ...---~--_ .. -- - - ..... FOSTER WHEELER WINS HYDROTREATER PROJECT : 1]oster Wheeler has announced that its subsidiary Foster Wheeler Iberia, has been awarded a contract for the supply and ! construction of a new fluid catalytic cracker . gasoline selective hydrotreater unit (Axens •. license) at AB Mazeikiu Nafta's Mazeikiai refinery in northwest Lithuania. The contract value is approximately $43 million and the project will be included in Foster Wheeler's fourth-quarter 2004 bookings. Foster ,Wm.-cler will be responsible for detaile~ ~ngineering, equipment and Ir I ".... r rr: r- II .i . material supply, and construction, up to mechanical completion, which is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2006. The new facility comprises two. units, viz., a 32,000 barrels per stream day (BPSD) sulphur hydrogenation unit and a 22,000 BPSD hydrodesulphurization unit. This is a strategic project for the refinery, the only refinery in the Baltic States, and will enable it to meet the European Union's Auto-Oils V specifications for the sulphur content of gasoline which will come into force in 2009. Foster Wheeler Iberia is a subsidiary of Foster Wheeler Continental Europe, wholly-owned by Foster Wheeler. Foster Wheeler is a global company offering, through its subsidiaries, a broad 'range of design, engineering, construction, manufacturing, project development and management, research and plant operation services. Foster Wheeler serves the refining, oil and gas, petrochemical, chemicals, power, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and healthcare industries. • i