Reading and literacy promotion through ICT COMENIUS - READING AND LITERACY PROMOTION THROUGH ICT With this Project we intend to promote the Reading habit on the different school subjects through the cooperation among teachers by using the ICT (Information, Communication and Technology). Farnce MALCHANCE Ce fut un samedi, plus précisément le jour qui marqua le début de mes vacances. J'avais donc 13 ans et j'étais parti visiter la France avec ma famille pour passer l'été. Ce jour là j'étais devant mon ordinateur en train de naviguer sur des sites de jeux en ligne, c'est là qu'une fenêtre internet s'ouvre à part et que je tombe sur un site de rencontres. Moi qui n'avais aucun ami, c'était le site idéal pour moi ! J'ai donc engagé une conversation avec un inconnu qui voulait être mon ami, ce dernier me posait énormément de questions dont l'âge que j'avais, mon adresse, mon nom de famille ainsi que mon prénom, mon lieu de résidence etc... J'ai donc répondu à toutes ces questions en disant la vérité, mais en ce moment, je me rends compte que ce que je venais de faire était la pire erreur de ma vie. Puis je lui posais des questions à mon tour, mais celles-ci étaient différentes des siennes, car elle étaient moins personnelles. Peu après, au bout d'une heure environ mon interlocuteur termina la conversation avec un : « Merci pour cette discussion, mais je dois y aller, au revoir. ». Mais je remarquais pendant une semaine que la personne qui etait censée être mon ami, ne m'avait plus parlé pendant une semaine entière. Jusqu'à ce qu'un dimanche soir, une étrange personne frappa à la porte de chez moi, ce jour -là, j'étais tout seul chez moi, car ma famille était allée à une fête chez des amis, j'avais décidé de rester chez moi, car je détestais aller chez des gens 5 France 6 que je ne connaissais pas, j'ai donc ouvert la porte et là, un homme me prit par la gorge et m'assomma d'un coup de batte de baseball, je me rendais à peine compte de ce qui était en train de m'arriver, puis, après une fraction de seconde je compris l'erreur la plus grave que j'ai commise de toute ma vie ,qui était d'avoir voulu connaître une personne dont je ne savais rien. A mon réveil, je fus dépouillé de mon argent et des objets que je portais sur moi. J'étais terrifié par ce qui s'était passé. Au retour de ma famille, j'ai raconté tout ce qui s'était passé à mes parents, y compris la cause de ces problèmes. Notre maison a été cambriolée à cause de ce voleur et mes parents m'ont passé un savon. Ces derniers ont contacté la police juste après que je leur eus raconté ce qui s'était passé et ce qui en était la cause. Les policiers arrivèrent chez moi et prélevèrent les empreintes de doigts du cambrioleur sur la poignée de la porte et questionnèrent ma famille sur l'incident qui s'était produit. Le voleur fut arrêté quelques jours plus tard et nous étions soulagés, et j'ai appris une bonne lecçn par la suite : ne jamais faire confiance à une personne dont on ne sait rien. Fairly 7 Farnce 8 France Farnce THE SEARCH FOR THE MAGIC PARCHMENTS Once upon a time, there was Alice in Wonderland. Alice was a little bored, she thought her wonderland was too perfect, that her friends were nice, as it was all too perfect. So she decided to go on an adventure to find something else fun to do. On her way, she found a door, where it was written "DANGER, DO NOT OPEN WORLD 2009". As she couldn't resist to her curiosity, she opened the door and was sucked into a garbage can that was in a small alley and in the World 2009 ... Meanwhile in Snow White: Snow White had become a great fashion designer. That evening there was a big parade, where she was presenting her new dress. But her rivals had destroyed her dress. And it took more than two hours to remake her dress and she had no money to buy the fabric she needed to remake the dress. So she decided to make a green dress by recycling waste paper, plastic bottles ... When she had finished collecting everything, she needed an envelope; she found a piece of parchment that she had kept, because it was very beautiful. During this time with Alice ... Alice tried to find the door through which she had returned, 9 France but it was gone. She wanted to get out of the trash, but could not. When she managed to get out of the trash, she slipped on a banana peel and fell into a mud puddle. When she managed to get up, she found in her shoe a piece of parchment, which she kept. Cinderella in parallel: Cinderella became the mother of four children. She had a large house with an elevator, a marble staircase, chandeliers and golden mirrors... When she came back from school, she found her children in, whith an invitation that was another piece of parchment, which she kept in her purse. She was invited to the fashion show which Snow White was involved in at 9.30pm. When she left home to go to the parade, she passed the alley where Alice was when she passed her, splashed into the stock on a puddle of water with her 4X4. Meanwhile in the Mediterranean SEA Ariel was playing with her sisters when a tanker sank and caused an oil spill. Many fish died and sirens could not swim because their scales were coated with oil. So, in order to save all the sirens Ariel decided to go to the witche's, so that she gives her legs. But when she arrived, the witch had gone, she had gone, leaving all her potions. But Ariel served herself and could find legs and then swim up to the Egyptian coasts where she fainted, as she was exhausted. Cleopatra was thinking about a way to stop the draining of the Nile and saw Ariel lying on the sand, half naked with a piece of parchment stuck in her belt. 10 Farnce When she brought Ariel she found in her pyramid on her throne a piece of parchment, she put it in a glass near her throne, because it was particularly nice. When Ariel awoke, she found that Ariel and Cleopatra sang beautifully and she asked if she could sing for her. Ariel agreed. Cleopatra then sent an email to Cinderella, because they were very friendly to invite her to the Ariel'show. In parallel with Cinderella, Snow White and Alice : Snow White had a great success with her recycled dress and Cinderella wanted to see Snow White to congratulate her on her new creation. Cinderella, when she received the invitation email proposed to accompany Snow White. Snow White gladly accepted. On their way with her private jet Snow White saw Alice, who was desperate. Snow White and Cinderella offered to take her with them. Cinderella accepted. Cinderella called Alice and asked her if she would come with them. Alice said « yes ». When she got into the car they departed to the airport. When they arrived, they took the jet and they arrived in Egypt two hours later. When they landed, Cleopatra gave them a magnificent host. During Ariel's performance, Cinderella noticed the piece of parchment at the window near the throne. She called Snow White to show her the piece of parchment. She was surprised to see the parchment. She called Ariel and Cleopatra to ask them where they had found it. They replied that they had found it on her throne (Cleopatra ) and in Alice's belt, then Alice, Ariel, Snow White and Cinderella took out their piece of parchment. Alice saw that it could fit with Ariel's parchment. 11 France 12 And the four other girls noticed that each piece of parchment formed a single scroll. When they met, a ray of golden light appeared above the pieces of parchment and also a magic formula. They shouted aloud together and then the ray expanded and enveloped the earth. All human problems went away like magic. But a message appeared in the sky saying : « All those who are to pollute or damage the earth will be punished. » The Nile was dried up and more oil from the Mediterranean Sea disappeared. Alice, Snow White, Cinderella and Ariel went home and they saw that the earth was no more polluted. The passion of the sea A poem by Ivelina Todorova 9th grade Bulgaria Страстта на морето Страстта на морето е най-голяма и най-гореща. Страст на циганско сърце. Морето-страстното море. The passion of the sea The passion of the sea is the greatest and hottest one. It’s like the passion of a gipsy heart. Ah- the passion of the sea. 14 15 Bulgaria I don’t love A poem by Viktor Kondov 13th grade Bulgaria Не обичам Не обичам да обичам. Не обичам да желая. Не обичам да искам. Не обичам да рисувам, Дори и да мечтая. Не обичам да проклинам Дългите дни и самотни нощи. Не обичам от очите ми Сълзи да текат нощем. Не обичам Самотата Не обичам Тъгата Не обичам Щастието, Гордостта и Лъжата. Не обичам Вятъра и от него Те ревнувам,мила. Не обичам Бог да те гледа даже. Моля се само да не ме накаже. Като ми вземе най-скъпото. А това си ти. 16 I don’t love I don’t love to love. I don’t love to wish for. I don’t love to want for. I don’t love to paint, even I don’t love to have some dreams. Bulgaria I don’t love to swear My long and lonely nights. I don’t love being in tears during my nights. I don’t love the loneliness I don’t love the sadness I don’t love the happiness, proudness and the lie. I don’t love the wind and I’m jealous of it, my love. Even I don’t love God looks at you. I hope God won’t punish me by taking the most dearly in my life. That’s YOU! 17 18 Bulgaria Life Poems by Alexandara Iordanova 12th grade Животът-чернобял, животът-красив и грозен, животът- страст и любов, животът- болка и неволя, животътдо последно се, живей. Bulgaria PЖивот Life Life-black and white, Life-beautiful and ugly, Life- passion and love, Life- a pain and trouble, Life- live it to the end . 19 20 Bulgaria A choice A poem by Viktor Kondov 13th grade За първи път се скитам през тези Дюни, Където животните човешки глас не са чули. То глас ли е или зов за помощ? Нито някой ще го чуе, нито пък някой ще помогне. Скочи с мен в пропастта Макар и дълбока и въображаема да е тя. Bulgaria ИЗБОР Choice I’m wandering through these dunes. Where the animals haven’t been heard a man’s voice ever. Is it a voice or a call for help? Neither someone will hear it or helps for it. So, jump with me into the precipice No matter how deep and imaginary it is. 21 Germany A Christmas Ghost Story by Merle Müller, 9g Charlie Adams is a 50-years-old man who lives in Bournemouth, England. It was already midnight when he fell asleep in his big red armchair. He had worked hard that day and… He suddenly woke up because there was a noise in front of his house. Charlie hatet to be woke up, so he got very angry. Admittedly Mr Adams hates everything, he thinks that it won’t be good for him. He is a so-called misanthrope. Charlie got up and wondered why he felt so strange. His eyes were looking tiredly and dully, his arms were hanging down like spaghetti and his legs felt like he was using them for the first time. He just wondered but was still thinking that this night wasn’t as good as all the others before. He wanted to walk to his balcony only to look what was going on in the streets. Drowsy Charlie went on and ran straight to the wall next to the door. He fell down and landed on the street. He looked around fast and felt ashamed that he was just wearing his pyjama. He couldn’t believe it and then he felt it – felt how a car went through him. He thought that he would lose his mind. Could he be invisible? Suddenly a wild storm came up and blew him away. He wasn’t able to go against the wind and was taken away. Suddenly he 22 When he woke up again Charlie was standing in a living room. He rubbed his eyes and calmly looked around. He knew this house – how could he forget it, but nevertheless it was strange. Everything was the same: the smell, the floor, the table, really Germany got a really hard blow on his head and fainted. everything, as if nothing had changed. He sat down on a chair when he heard a noise. Two girls – his daughters! – came in and sat down at a big Christmas tree. They started singing songs while Charlie Adams was watching them. “They don’t notice me!” he thought. He saw how they were opening their Christmas presents and being happy with their mum. She was really looking younger and more beautiful than the last ten years. There was no sign of stress or anger on Sarah Miller’s face. She seemed to be quite happy. It was a crazy situation! How often had Mr. Adams had a Christmas Eve like that but he had never noticed how lovely Sarah looked in the shining of the lights and how nice his kids Sally and Becky were. It was the first time he could see what he had missed. He had destroyed everything. His kids had needed him but he hadn’t recognize it. How often had Sarah cried and shouted at him, but he had only ignored her. He had never been a good father. He was shocked when he looked out of the window. “Why?” he asked himself. “How could I do those things? What was wrong with me? I’ve lost my love and my own children. They should be everything for me. And I treated them like trash! What happened with me? How could I be so blind?” 23 Germany Charlie Adams stayed the whole night in the house of his past. He thought he knew his family but as he found out on that day as much he’d never found out before. Although nobody could see him he was a member of the Miller family. Tonight he could feel how it felt like to live in such a great family. He was full of emptiness. He rose up and slowly walked out. He went on faster and faster and finally started running. He cried, fell down on the floor and didn’t care about the snow. He was wet. He ran and ran. Then he opened the front door of his house and went to a little cupboard in his living room. He took out a little pill and thought about what the dealer said: “That isn’t only a pill. You should think carefully about everything before you will take it. It will kill you in a few seconds! Don’t take it without a reason, only if your life won’t make any sense at all for you!” And now Charlie was sure! He won’t take it that night because now he had something to fight for. He put the pill into his jacket and fell asleep again. When he woke up in his big red armchair he had a bad headache. Slowly he remembered what had happened. It must have been a dream but he was sure he had to do the right things now. He went to his family’s house as fast as he could and rang the bell. Sarah, his ex-wife, opened the door and looked very disappointedly at him: “What do you want?” “Sarah, I have to talk to you! In know you won’t believe me. I know – but I can’t live on like that and so …” “What’s up? I don’t want to see you.” 24 talk to me but you never had time! It is too late to apologize.” “Why don’t you see that you belong to me?” “Oh, you are totally crazy. I’m going to call the police!” “Sarah! Sarah? Sarah?” “Go away!” “I love you, Sarah Miller forever and ever. I can’t Germany “Sarah Miller, please listen …” “No, you’ve got the chance to live without you, because you’re amazing just the way you are!” “Please leave my house and my whole life! There is no place for you. You’ve been an *** for a lot of years and I was broken by you. Now you say “I love you” and I should forget everything? Charlie, a person could change in a few ways but his character will ever be the same.” “Sarah Miller, please…!” “Well, I say it the last time: You should leave me and my family and please never come back!” She cried a little bit while she was pushing him out of the house. He didn’t want to go but he did. On his way out of the garden he saw Sally behind the window reading a book. He shouted: “Hey little Sally, Merry Christmas, how are you?” “Dad, I’m really 17 years old”, she answered, “we are fine. Well, mum has been really happy since you’ve been gone! And – er – Becky an me too! Please watch out and don’t do dangerous things. Goodbye, well, Dad!” “But…” But Sally was just going away. He left his family. “They destroy everything”, Charlie angrily thought. He drove on and on – until he had no petrol left in the car. He stopped beside the street and looked one more time into the mirror. He had made his decision. He put his hand into his jacket’s pocket and touched the pill… 25 Germany Another Christmas Carol Hannah Sprungk, 9g “And again, that stupid Christmas! Everyone is happy and they all spend their money on senseless presents. I would never spend my hard earned money on this shit!”, shouted Amanda and closed her window. Amanda is thirty-two years old, she has got her own factory and sells marmalade. She got the recipe from her mother. As her mother was still alive she always cooked it for her. She died as Amanda was five years old. She inherited the marmalade recipe and built a big factory. Now she is a rich person. Amanda lived with her father in a little house nearby London in a small town. Amanda never got presents. Her father didn´t have got enough money to buy her anything, but he also didn´t really care about it and about her. He was a drinker. His only worry was how to get enough alcohol for the week. They never celebrated Christmas. Her father was always drunk. Often she went outside, so she didn´t have to stay with him. Amanda was just a little young girl who needed someone to love her. After a while she began to hate Christmas. Just one week ago she was a Scrooge. Other people didn´t like her, because Amanda didn´t treat them well. Above all on Christmas she was especially rude. 26 On the 25th December Amanda was lying in her bed. ”Tomorrow they will all get their presents. It´s annoying!”, she thought. Then slowly, she fell asleep. At eleven o´clock she woke up. A bright shining woman stood infront of her bed. Germany But this Christmas changed her completely. Amanda screamed. The woman said: “ Don´t be scared! I am the spirit of your mother.” “Mum?”, Amanda asked scaredly. The ghost answered: “Yes, I am your mum! I came to tell you that you weren´t a good girl, Amanda.” “Mum, I hate Christmas! You died there. That was the worst day of my life. And dad never celebrated Christmas with me. He was just drinking! He never cared about me. I just need somebody to love”, Amanda cried. “ Oh my dear, you were hurt so much. I´m sorry. I loved you and I will always do. But now you´re a grown-up. You can find your big love. You just have to become a better person. Search friends. Friends are wonderful to have. They help you if you´re down and when you got problems. Be nice to people, tomorrow is Christmas, the celebration of love.” “Yes mum, I will try! I swear. I love you too.” Then her mother disappeared. The next morning Amanda was so happy that she bought presents for all kids who lived in the street. Now she does just good things. Six months after the spirit of her mum met her, she met a man who is her boyfriend now. Next year they will both marry. 27 Germany A Supernatural Christmas Once upon a time there was a boy who had a lot of dreads. His name was Stephen Cared. By then he used to hate Christmas because his mother died on Christmas Eve four years ago. That's the main reason why Stephen wasn't really speaking to a lot of people and always wanted to be alone. His dad decided to move from inner city to a farm trying to give him and Steühen a new beginning. The farm was two miles away from town and sorrounded by an old green forest. Usually Stephen was taken to school by bus but in winter time, when there was a lot of snow he had to go on foot because driving would have been too dangerous. One evening, two days before Christmas, he was walking beyond that forest as he suddenly heard a deep spooky noise. It kind of sounded like a whining grawl. S.Cared shortly stopped and the sound disappeared. His whole body was shaking and he stared into the darkness. As the noise appeared again getting louder and louder seeming to come nearer, he directly started rushing home as fast as he could. When he got home, he went upstairs in his bedroom. The boy didn't want to tell his father what had just happened because 28 insane he was... again. So Stephen went to bed, trying to think that id had been just an imagination. Which changed soon... The next day while he was on his way to school everything Germany John would't believe him anyway. He would only tell him how seemed normal. After school he spent time at the library searching for that forest. He didn't find anything supernatural. As he walked home in the afternoon he got a goose flesh by crossing that forest again. But there was no noise. Suddenly he saw a red shiny light coming out of the forest. Stephen was confused and wanted to know what that thing could be. There was this noise again but even louder and more painful than the last time. He couldn't move for a little while. The noise was continuing and knowing his father wouldn't believe him anyway, as nobody would believe him, he put all his braveness together which was more than a miracle and walked right into that shiny red light and the awful sound. The whole wood looked like hell because of the red bright light that shined on the old, scary trees. The snow was covered with drops of blood . Then he finally saw it. He could never have imagined such a thing to be there if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. A creature with hairy brown and creepy antlers. The most unexpected thing was his red nose. It was rudolph the reindeer trapped in a bear trap. 29 Germany It was still yowling as hell and Stephen helped him out. The reindeer was separated from Santa because of the snow storm the day before. Rudolp was finally rescued. They both went to Stephen's house to get some first aid stuff for Rudolph's leg. After S.Cared took care of the reindeer, it had to hurry because it had to be right in time at Santa's. As soon as Rudolph flew away, Stephen heard a voice saying '' I'm so proud of you, boy.'' He knew he had heard this voice before but he couldn't match it. Stephen thought at that moment he was going totally crazy. He went into the living room and noticed it was Christmas Eve. His father was worrying as hell but happy to see his son healthy. The boy decided to tell his father the whole story. His dad listened carefully but he just answered: ,,Yeah, I know." Stephen was totally shocked: ,, How did you know that?!" John got glassy eyes, smiled at him and said: ,,Mommy told me. Please don't ask question I can't explain either. Let's just be happy together for one more time." Stephen was more confused as ever before and he already thought he went through the craziest thing of his life an hour ago: ,,Wh-What are you talking about Dad? You are scaring the crap out of me!" Suddenly Mary appeared in front of him and said: ,,Hey Ste- 30 She smiled at him and he lost a tear running down his cheek: ,,Mom? That's impossible! I got to be dreaming or smething." ,,Oh don't cry darling. You aren't dreaming. God allowed me to visit you one Christmas. I chose this one. Germany phen, you are a big boy now.'' I just want to tell you that I want you to be happy. You don't have to hate Christmas. It's a time of happiness, peace and love. I want you to remember Christmas as a wonderful time. Remember us being such a happy family. So do me the favour and think about that. I will always love you both more than anything else. You will always be my boys. And don't forget angels are watching over you the whole time. " ,,Mom?!" Before Stephen could say a word, Mary was gone. Father and son started to cry for a little while. But after a time they stopped crying because that's exactly what Mary didn't want them to do. Well, actually they weren't sad. Those were lucky tears. They were happy they had one more evening with Mary. They were happy realizing what a wonderful time Christmas was. They were happy having each other and finally showing emotions again. The end 31 Germany My Christmas ghost story Last year, when it was Christmas Eve, Susan, Joe, Lara and Jenny Spancen sat in their living room, eating Christmas pudding and watching TV, like during the last three years. They had nothing to say or to do. They just wanted to watch a movie and ignore the others. When Lara’s and Jenny’s grandparents were still alive they always went to church, sang songs and had fun together, but it was three years ago when they had last celebrated Christmas traditionally. Granddad Peter’s and grandma Maria’s death changed everything. Every Christmas the Spancens remembered them and became sad. It was different for them to be alone at Christmas Eve; they didn’t like the silence in their house. They wanted to hear Peter and Maria sing and laugh, but they knew that they would never be there again. Many of their neighbours couldn’t understand the Spancens’ behaviour. That’s why some of them knocked on their door a lot of times for asking them to come with them. But they didn’t want to take part in any of the Christmas events. That’s why they were much disliked. But this year, Christmas Eve should be different from what they expected… It was 4 o’clock in the afternoon, when Jenny and Susan came back from their shopping tour. Joe sat in the kitchen and read the newspaper. Everything was like in the last three years. They had no Christmas tree or any decoration in their house. When it became dark outside the two children went into their 32 Germany bedrooms to play computer games and Susan and Joe watched TV. Suddenly the screen began to shake. Not only the TV-screen, also the computer-screens. They didn’t know what was going on and tried to switch off the sets, but the switches weren’t working. The two girls became scared, when abruptly the screen glow white and grandma Maria appeared. Lara screamed and wanted to run to her parents, but the door was locked. Maria’s ghost said: “Don’t be afraid of me. I’m here to talk to all of you. I saw how you celebrated Christmas and I wasn’t satisfied. What’s wrong with you? We always had so much fun at Christmas Eve together. Enjoy that wonderful evening. Each of you know that I love Christmas, so why do you do that to me? I want you to laugh and sing together! Don’t be sad because of Peter’s and my death. Remember that I can still see you. Oh and I want to say one last thing…Merry Christmas!” Then she was away. Nobody believed in what had just happened and nobody could move for a while, but after some minutes everybody ran into the living room. They embraced and kissed each other. Susan cried and said:”I’m sorry my girls. I was so blind and didn’t notice that we destroyed your Christmas Eve. I love you so much.” “It’s okay mum, it was also our fault. We were so sad about grandma’s and granddad’s death, but Maria is right. We have to enjoy that we have each other and we have to celebrate Christmas as before.” Quickly they left the house and went to the church. Since this evening the Spancens celebrated their Christmas as they did in the past. Grandma Maria and granddad Peter saw them from heaven and were very contented. 33 My environmental poem As far as we can see There are seas over me Filling empty earth holes Where I walk using my toes Poland That`s what I see – it`s a destructive way When people do what they may They pollute our sacred water That is priceless and better than the best hotel 34 Our habits make us dirty Later we will see – when we`ll be all thirsty We must rescue our lakes and sees And do not provide any risk 35 Poland „Kartka z Pamiętnika” Katarzyna Kopcik Liceum Akademickie 21. lipiec 2013 r. Drogi pamiętniczku uświadomiłam sobie, że powinnam zmienić swoje życie. Muszę przestać zachowywać się jak pusta dziewczyna, którą obchodzą tylko imprezy, ciuchy, kosmetyki, telewizja i komputer. Powinnam zacząć normalnie chodzić do szkoły i się uczyć a nie ciągle wagarować. Przecież ja nie mam żadnych zainteresowań. Nie mogę się dłużej tak zachowywać, bo może mieć to fatalne skutki w przyszłości. Zrozumiałam to wszystko dzięki temu, co mi się śniło dzisiejszej nocy. Znalazłam się w świecie, który różnił się od teraźniejszości. Mimo, iż byłam w tym samym mieście w moim domu wszystko wydawało się inne, obce - nawet rodzice zachowywali się inaczej. Spojrzałam Poland na elektryczny kalendarz wiszący na ścianie, byłam bardzo zaskoczona, znalazłam się w roku 2850. Poszłam do swojego pokoju, zobaczyłam, że nie wygląda on tak jak przedtem. Wszędzie były przyciski jakieś urządzenia elektryczne, których nazw nawet nie znałam. Na ścianie wisiał wielki monitor zajmujący całą jej powierzchnie. Poczułam się zagubiona i bezradna, usiadłam na ziemi, schowałam twarz w dłoniach i zaczęłam płakać. Byłam przerażona, nie wiedziałam, co się dzieje, wszystko mnie przytłaczało. Poczułam, że ktoś dotyka mnie po ramieniu. Spojrzałam w górę i dostrzegłam młodą 36 kobietę w białej sukni - miała długie do pasa blond włosy i błękitne szczere oczy. - Kim jesteś? – zapytałam wycierając łzy -Mam na imię Anastazja, jestem aniołem. Od tysięcy lat obserwuje jak świat się zmienia. Dzisiaj chce pokazać tobie jak będzie wyglądała przyszłość.- wzięła mnie za rękę i poprowadziła do monitora. - W tych czasach dzieci uczą się tak – anielica nacisnęła guzik i na ekranie pojawił się mężczyzna. Wyglądał na około 30 lat. - Witaj Karolino – przemówił do mnie. Skąd on znał moje imię? – dzisiaj zajmiemy się językiem polskim masz spore zaległości. – gdy to powiedział od razu miałam ochotę z stamtąd wybiec. - Nawet nie myśl żeby stąd wyjść – jeju, co to ma być !On wie, o czym myślę. Anastazja wyłączyła ekran. - To był twój opiekun. Wie o każdym twoim ruchu, zna każdą twoją myśl. Naucza się i wymierza ci kary za nieposłuszeństwo. nawet dorośli. Byłam zaskoczona i przerażona. Jak to wszystko jest możliwe? Przecież to prawie jak scena z kiepskiego horroru. Anastazja wzięła mnie za rękę i wyszłyśmy przed dom. Na dworze nie było żywej duszy. Nawet psy nie siedziały na tarasach, jak to Poland W tych czasach nie ma wolności, każdy jest kontrolowany, miały w zwyczaju. - Dlaczego nikogo nie ma?- zapytałam. Anastazja odpowiedziała nie patrząc mi w oczy. - Ludzie mogą wychodzić z domu od godziny 18 do 22 przez resztę czasu mają zorganizowane zajęcia przez swoich 37 opiekunów. - A co ze zwierzętami? - Dla nich nie ma miejsca w tym świecie- odpowiedziała spokojnym głosem . Zrobiło mi się smutno. Nie wyobrażam sobie życia bez zwierząt bez mojego ukochanego pieska Kluska. Anastazja nacisnęła guzik na lampie a przed nami pojawiła się latająca kula, która miała być samochodem. Gdy wsiadłyśmy zauważyłam, że nie ma kierownicy, ani pedałów. Anielica kazała maszynie jechać do centrum. Czułam ze kula porusza się bardzo szybko. Dotarcie do celu zajęło nam najwyżej minutę. Anastazja zaczęła oprowadzać mnie po centrum. Pokazywała różne miejsca i mówiła do czego służą. -… A tu mamy restaurację, ale nie taką jak kiedyś. W dzisiejszych czasach się nie je, tylko wstrzykuje odpowiednie suplementy, aby nasz organizm dobrze się rozwijał. Poszłyśmy dalej. Anielica wskazała na kolejny budynek - Tu natomiast jest salon rozrywki, można w nim podłączyć Poland do skroni kabelki, które sprawiają, że zamiast oglądać film możemy w nim po prostu zagrać. Dzięki temu można również w szybkim tempie przeczytać książkę. Ale tak naprawdę tego nie da się nazwać czytaniem. Maszyna tylko przekazuje do mózgu informacje, o czym jest książka. Następnie Anastazja zaprowadziła mnie do jakiegoś budynku - Jest to muzeum XIX wieku- powiedziała Zauważyłam rzeczy których używam np. szczotki do włosów, kosmetyki, garnki, zeszyty oraz kilka książek w gablocie. Przyglądałam się jej przez chwile. Anielica zauważyła to. 38 - Na całym świecie zostało tylko 50 książek reszta została spalona. Zlikwidowano biblioteki i drukarnie. Dla ludzi i tak było to bez różnicy, bo tylko niektórzy je czytali. Organizacje państwowe zastąpiły książki filmami, audiobookami i przekazywaniem informacji o nich wprost do mózgu za pomocą kabli. - Jak to możliwe ? I dlaczego wszystko się tak zmieniło? – zapytałam dziwnym głosem Anastazje ze zmartwioną miną powiedziała -To wszystko przez ludzi. Nie obchodziło ich nic, zachowywali się jak banda zwierząt: ciągłe wojny, strajki, bunty itp. A młodzież nie uczyła się, nie czytała książek, lubiła jedynie telewizje i komputer. Organizacje państwowe postanowiły coś z tym zrobić. Wprowadziły zmiany, które ci pokazałam. Może i jest lepie - ludzie są mądrzejsi, ale stracili wolną wolę, wyobraźnęe i zachowują się jak roboty. -A dlaczego mi to wszystko pokazałaś ? Nie zdążyłam usłyszeć odpowiedzi bo się obudziłam. Tym razdążyła powiedzieć mi, po co był ten sen widziałam, że ktoś chciał uświadomić mi, że czas się zmienić. Obiecałam sobie, że zacznę więcej czytać i uczyć się. Będę chodziła do szkoły, zdam maturę i pójdę na studia. Na telewizję i komputer też znajdę czas, ale nie będą one już dla mnie najważniejsze. W końcu nie Poland zem już w swoim łóżku w moim pokoju. Mimo że Anastazja nie samą rozrywką człowiek żyje. Mam nadzieje, że więcej ludzi uświadomi sobie, że ich zachowanie jest złe i nie dopuszczą, aby nasz świat aż tak się zmienił. 39 Najlepszy Przyjaciel Leon Poland Katarzyna Kopcik, klasa 1 Liceum Akademickie w Częstochowie 40 W pewnej nadmorskiej miejscowości mieszkała dziewczyna o imieniu Marta. Była szczupłą blondynką o delikatnych rysach. Mimo swoich 17 lat nie lubiła się malować ani stroić - wolała zakładać niemodne kwieciste sukienki. Była nieśmiała i bardzo skryta. Uwielbiała rysować, wszędzie chodziła ze swoim szkicownikiem. Mieszkała z ojcem pisarzem, w pięknym dużym domu. Marta nie chodziła do szkoły, miała prywatną nauczycielkę. Dziewczyna czuła się samotna, nie miała przyjaciół, ludzie uważali ją za dziwaczkę. Jej tata zamykał się na całe dnie w swoim gabinecie. Często chodziła na plaże, na które nikt inny nie zaglądał. Tam właśnie oddawała się marzeniom i tworzyła najwspanialsze rysunki. Pewnego sobotniego poranka jak codziennie poszła nad morze. Zbliżając się do swojej samotni zauważyła dużą czarną plamę na tle wydm. Gdy podeszła bliżej okazało się ze jest to pies. Marta uklękła przy nim. - A co ty tu robisz maleńki- pogłaskała go i wtedy zauważyła, że zwierzę jest całe we krwi, ma rany na całym ciele a prawa łapka jest złamana. Piesek zaskamlał. - Nie martw się już biegnę po pomoc – szepnęła do niego dziewczynka. Zerwała się na równe nogi i pobiegła w kierunku domu. Przy krzewach róży zauważyła ogrodnika: - Panie Janku musi mi Pan pomóc – krzyczała już z daleka. - Co się stało, dziecko? - Na plaży leży zraniony pies, musimy go zawieść do weterynarza. Poland Pan Janek był silnym mężczyzną - bez problemu podniósł psa i przyniósł go do domu. Położył go na łóżku Marty. Dziewczyna zadzwoniła do weterynarza. Ten przyjechał po 15 minutach. Dokładnie obejrzał i zbadał zwierzę. - Ma sporo złamań i stracił dużo krwi. Nie sadzę, żeby przeżył – powiedział lekarz. - Panie doktorze, nie ma już żadnej szany?- zapytała Marta ze łzami w oczach. - Zawsze jest nadzieja. Dam mu zastrzyk i opatrzę go. Możesz się nim opiekować. Weterynarz wręczył jej leki na dalszą kurację i odjechał. Marta nazwała psa Leon od imienia swojego ulubionego malarza Leonarda da Vinci. Opiekowała się zwierzęciem w dzień i w nocy, była z nim cały czas. Po tygodniu z psem było znacznie lepiej i nawet weterynarz był pełen podziwu dla niesamowitych umiejętności dziewczynki. A ona z wrodzoną skromnością mówiła, że dała mu tylko odrobinę miłości. Tata Marty zgodził się, aby Leon został z nimi na zawsze. Dziewczyna już nie czuła się samotna, znalazła przyjaciela, który nie uważał ją za dziwadło tylko dlatego, że jest inna. Marta już teraz wie na pewno, że prawdziwej i bezgranicznej przyjaźni możemy spodziewać się tylko od zwierząt, ponieważ one patrzą na wnętrze, a nie na wygląd. A pies jest jedyną na świecie istotą, która bardziej kocha Ciebie niż samego siebie. Od pojawienia się w domu Leona wszystko się zmieniło, Marta jest uśmiechnięta i radosna, a nawet jej tata częściej opuszcza swój gabinet i razem chodzą na długie spacery z psem. Jest twoim przyjacielem, partnerem, obrońcą - twoim Psem. Jesteś jego życiem, miłością, przewodnikiem. Będzie twój wierny i oddany do ostatniego uderzenia serca. Winien mu jesteś zasłużyć na to oddanie. M. Siegal 41 Legenda o Janku który środowisko naturalne ocalił Benita Ociepa, uczennica klasy 3 Liceum Akademickie w Częstochowie Powiadają, że cała degradacja środowiska spadła 500 lat temu na barki małego chłopca o imieniu Janek. Jeśli wierzyć legendzie ta mała istota przyczyniła się do tego, że dziś jesteśmy w stanie oddychać czystym powietrzem, żyć w zgodzie z matką naturą i nie obawiać się o los naszej planety. Ale czy naprawdę 500 lat temu, w jednej z wielkich aglomeracji miejskich żył chłopiec, który ocalił świat ? Był rok 2010 - świat pędził naprzód, naukowcy prześcigali się w coraz to nowszych odkryciach, w Internecie znaleźć można było coraz większą ilość stron na temat zanieczyszczenia środowiska, reklamy, apele - organizacje ekologiczne nawołujące hasłami „Ratuj Ziemię!”, „Zadbaj Poland o swoje środowisko”, „Ziemia umiera , tylko Ty możesz jej pomóc!” - zdawały się być puste i bezcelowe, nie przynosiły żadnych efektów. Segregowanie śmieci, budowa oczyszczalni ścieków, recykling czy torby ekologiczne były jedynie nieudolna próbą wielkich koncernów handlowych jak i przemysłowych – odwrócenia skutków błędów tworzonych lata wcześniej. Bohater naszej legendy Janek temat ochrony środowiska traktował tak jak wszyscy dookoła, nie przewiązując szczególnej uwagi do zbliżającego się 42 zagrożenia. Co prawda segregował śmieci, na zakupy zabierał zieloną ekologiczną torbę, jednak robił to nie z przekonania o słuszności lecz z polecenia ojca, który jako ceniony naukowiec w dziedzinie biologii ubolewał nad lekceważącym stosunkiem ludzi do ochrony środowiska. Pod koniec roku 2010 w kraju zaczęły pojawiać się przypadki niewyjaśnionych zachorowań. Początkowe objawy niczym nie różniły się od tradycyjnej grypy, jednak po pewnym czasie doszły groźniejsze niepokojące coraz bardziej bezradnych lekarzy. Ludzie zaczęli tracić włosy, na ich ciele pojawiały się ciemne plamy. W kraju wprowadzono zagrożenie epidemiologiczne, chorych objęto kwarantanną. Panujący w kraju chaos wzrastał wraz z rosnącą z dnia na dzień liczba chorych. Media prześcigały się w spekulacjach dotyczących powodu epidemii. Najlepsi naukowcy podjęli badania zmierzające do wykrycia przyczyn i znalezienia skutecznych środków na leczenie. Wśród grupy badaczy znalazł się również ojciec Janka. Wyniki badań stały się jedzatrucia środowiska. Jedynym wyjściem w ocenie naukowców było natychmiastowe zamknięcie fabryk i zakładów produkcyjnych które od wielu lat zatruwały środowisko, zlikwidowanie wysypisk śmieci, ograniczenie emisji spalin, co Poland noznaczne, przyczyną zachorowań i śmierci ludzi były skutki wiązało się z wyeliminowaniem większości samochodów. Władze obawiając się braku zysków po zamknięciu dochodowych koncernów przemysłowych oraz ogólnego załamania się rynku, a co za tym idzie ogólnej paniki – zabroniły ujawnienia prawdy ludzkości. Oficjalnie ogłoszono, 43 iż przyczyną choroby jest wirus przenoszony przez dzikie zwierzęta. O prawdziwych wynikach badań i zagrożeniu które wciąż narastało Janek dowiedział się od ojca tuz przed jego śmiercią. Załamany chłopiec długo rozważał fakt najskuteczniejszego przekazania prawdy społeczeństwu. W tamtych czasach najbardziej sprawdzoną formą komunikacji był Internet. I tak zdeterminowany chłopiec rozpoczął na własna rękę rozpowszechnianie szokującej prawdy. Po wielkich trudach strona dotycząca badań naukowych ojca ujrzała światło dzienne, oszukani ludzie domagali się wyjaśnień od rządu. Do tej pory milczący, zastraszeni naukowcy przyznali się do zatajenia prawdziwych faktów. W całym kraju rozpoczęły się protesty i pikiety ludzie domagali się natychmiastowego zamknięcia fabryk, usuwania stosów śmieci, każdy oferował pomoc w usuwaniu skutków Poland zanieczyszczeń. Chłopiec nie ustawał w apelach wszystkich do ekologicznego stylu życia, zaprzestania jazdy samochodem, ograniczenia zbędnych opakowań, oszczędzania energii. I to, co kiedyś było tylko hasłami ekologów stało się teraz nawoływaniem do ratowania życia. Wierzcie lub nie, ale ten mały chłopiec stał się bohaterem i może to tylko dzięki jego zaangażowaniu możecie oddychać teraz czystym powietrzem, słuchając śpiewu ptaków i czytając tę legendę. 44 A TERRIFYING NIGHT Inma Ros It was a dark night and it was raining heavily. The wind was blowing loudly. My friends and I were in a camp in Granada, in a beautiful valley that at night turns into a gloomy and terrifying place. We couldn’t sleep and it was very cold, our group leaders had decided to get into the forest for firewood to set fire to a bonfire and to try to relax a little until we were very tired and we were sleepy. We managed to rise to the high of the trees to be protected from what it could happen. Meanwhile, we were speaking about diverse topics, but we were bored very much, therefore we decided to tell terror stories. My friend Fran started telling a really terrifying story, the environment of the night helped him to increase the fear in all of us, while he was telling the most terrifying part of the story we heard a noise close to our tents, we were very frightened, some of them got into the tents and others climbed to the high of the trees to protect ourselves from what could happen. Suddenly the group leaders appeared, they were the cause of that Spain noise, and they told us that zone was monitored every day and 46 that we didn’t have to worry about anything. Later we lit the bonfire and we played to very entertaining games, ultimately the night was unforgettable for everybody. 47 Spain HALLOWEEN NIGHT Beatriz Calín and Inma Ros. Each year on the night of 31th October all the roads in half of the world turn darker and the silence seems bigger. It’s Halloween night. On this night a lot of children are disguised with terrifying clothes to celebrate the night of the dead. They go to their neighbours’ houses and ask them for sweets, if they don’t give them any sweets they can have a scaring surprise. All the places are full of pumpkins to decorate for this especial occasion. Some people go to the cemetery in the middle of the night searching for feeling something paranormal. You can see a lot of private parties in bars with typical drinks and food for this especial day. Other people prefer to stay at home watching horror movies. Spain Anyway everybody celebrates this day with a lot of illusion. 48 This year my friends and I organized a party. The weather was cold, cloudy and windy, so it was a fantastic night for Halloween. We were in Paula’s house to prepare Halloween night. All of us did something to prepare the party; Patricia decorated the room with spider web, black clothes, plastic spi- Spain ders, skeletons, pumpkins, witches…, Alfonso, Fran and María swept and scrubbed the floor, cleaned the windows, chairs, table…, Laura and Antonio looked for the music, they chose danced music for the party, and Paula, Jessica and I prepared sandwiches, a chocolate cake, biscuits… When we finished all the preparations for the best of the parties everybody went to their house to put on their Halloween disguise. Later, we returned to Paula’s house, my friends wore terrifying disguises, Alfonso was a ghost, Fran a vampire, Laura a zombie, Antonio a man of the hell and I was a devil. Many people came to the party and we ate all the food and danced all the night. We took many photos and we put these in Tuenti and Facebook. I returned to my house at 1:00 am. We enjoyed very much, it was an unforgettable night I want to repeat it next year. 49 HISTORIA MATEMÁTICA Beatriz Domingues López. Matías era un chico muy inteligente de unos 15 años aproximadamente de edad. Vivía en Madrid con sus padres y uno de sus tíos. Adoraba las matemáticas y desde siempre se interesó por ellas. Todos los profesores que tuvo a lo largo de sus cursos académicos alucinaban con él, no sabían que se podía reunir tanta inteligencia matemática en una persona en plena fase de adolescencia. Él apenas veía la televisión, y cuando lo hacía, ponía canales en los que se emitían concursos matemáticos. Se acercaba la Navidad y él no sabía qué regalo pedir, hasta que un día descubrió que lo único que le faltaba era viajar a una ciudad donde hubiese una academia matemática privada, y se lo dijo a su madre, que no resultó muy convencida. Aún así, la madre de Matías removió cielo y tierra para ponerse en contacto con el director de alguna academia de este tipo y dio con una situada en Estados Unidos, el director se llamaba Richard y era bastante amable. Una mañana, Matías y su madre iban al colegio en el coche Spain como de costumbre y de pronto un coche golpeó contra el de 50 ellos a una velocidad impresionante. Matías, desgraciadamente, no llevaba el cinturón de seguridad puesto, por lo que chocó contra el cristal de su coche y lo rompió con la cabeza. Fue un caso muy grave aunque su madre solamente recibió algunos rasguños no muy graves. Tras pasar un tiempo en el hospital, Matías no recordaba nada de lo ocurrido y decidieron hacerle unas pruebas para comprobar si aún sabía cómo resolver problemas matemáticos y no logró hacer ninguno, ni los más sencillos. La madre de Matías se desanimó muchísimo al igual que todos sus conocidos, pues sabían que el mayor sueño de Matías era tener un buen futuro relacionado con las matemáticas. de lo rápido que Matías iba recordando las cosas pero más se sorprendieron cuando le vieron haciendo sudokus porque se aburría. Entonces, los médicos y enfermeros comprendieron que ya se había recuperado lo suficiente como para volver a Spain Al cabo de dos días aproximadamente todos se sorprendieron 51 casa y reposar allí. Como era muy inquieto, en cuanto podía hacía cualquier cosa que tuviera relación con las matemáticas. Quedaban solo dos días para que llegase la noche de los regalos y la madre de Matías estaba muy desesperada, pues no sabía si admitirían a su hijo en la academia de Estados Unidos; aun así, no perdía la fe. Pasaron esos dos días y aún no había recibido la llamada telefónica que tanto esperaba. Como no aguantaba más, decidió ir al instituto y preguntó si sabían alguna noticia sobre la academia de Matías y le dieron la magnífica noticia de que el día 7 de Enero tenía una entrevista con el director de la mejor academia del mundo. Matías al enterarse de la gran noticia lloraba y todo de la grandísima oportunidad que le estaban ofreciendo. Un tiempo después les informaron de que Matías había sido Spain admitido. Matías pudo sentirse el niño más feliz del mundo. 52 MULTICULTURALISM AND STUDENTS' EXCHANGES Inma Ros At present the society of all the countries is very diverse culturally, that is to say that, in the same country there are people of different origins, with different ways of seeing the world, with different religions, different ways of thinking, of speaking, with different customs … This cultural diversity is fantastic for people because this way we know other forms of living the life and it helps us to open our mind to other perspectives, to improve as a person. The students' exchanges are a way of stimulating a more multicultural society because we, the students, see these cultural differences that we differ to people of different areas. Another advantage of the cultural exchanges is that it helps us to speak English better because if we want to communicate we have to use this language because it is the common language of the world. The students' exchanges make us more independent, that we are able of taking decisions assuming the responsibility; therefore this helps us to mature, to be more responsible, independent, self-confident… only and unforgettable experience for the student because I will meet new people, and I will change the daily routine to travel to a country to live for one week in the house of someone unknown to me, and I have to speak to this unknown Spain Besides all the advantages that have the exchanges it is an 53 person in English to be able to communicate with him or her, therefore it is something unusual in anyone’s life. From this trip to Italy I expect it to be unforgettable; I hope to make many friends. I expect to learn diverse customs and ways of seeing the life different from mine that help me to mature and to enrich my knowledge about people. I expect to enjoy the trip very much, to laugh, to see spectacular things (as the most emblematic monuments of Italy …). I would also like this trip not to finish here but I would like to continue in touch with all the students that I will meet in the trip. I am very satisfied to have been chosen to form a part of this project and sincerely I am going to try to enjoy it to the maximum so that the memories of my experience as an exchange Spain student are unforgettable in all of my life. 54 Nightingale Fati kın 10-TC One day when he was young, Ahmet climbed a fig tree and started eating the figs. Soon he was caught by the owner of the land. The man asked, "Hey! Who are you? What are you doing up there in my tree?" "I'm a nightingale," Ahmet answered. "If you are a nightingale, let's hear you sing," the man replied. Ahmet made strange sounds trying to imitate a nightingale. "What kind of a nightingale are you? Nightingales don't sing like this!" said the man. "Well," said Ahmet, "this is how inexperienced Turkey nightingales sing." 56 Recipe Enes Kıran 10 AND The man bought a big piece of liver. And on his way home he met a friend.His friend gave him a new recipe for a delicious liver dish.The man was so impressed by the recipe that he asked his friend to write it down on a piece of paper.So he would not forget it.As he was walking home.And than a crow grabbed the piece if liver off his hands and flew away.The man looked after the bird for a while and than said: ‘’ Your dinner isn’t going to be as delicious as the one. I was Turkey going to have because I have the recipe… 57 DENİZYILDIZI Gamze Pehlivan 11-TE Yazı yazmak için okyanus sahillerine giden bir yazar, sabaha karşı kumsalda dans eder gibi hareketler yapan birini görür. Biraz yaklaşınca, bu kişinin sahile vuran denizyıldızlarını, okyanusa atan genç bir adam olduğunu fark eder. Genç adama yaklaşır: —Neden denizyıldızlarını okyanusa atıyorsun? Genç adam yanıtlar: —Birazdan güneş yükselip sular çekilecek. Onları suya atmazsam ölecekler. Yazar sorar: —Kilometrelerce sahil, binlerce denizyıldızı var. Ne fark eder ki? Genç adam eğilir, yerden bir denizyıldızı daha alır, okyanusa fırlatır ve ekler: —Onun için fark etti ama! KİBRİT ÇÖPLERİ Kibrit çöplerini insanların yaşantılarına benzetirler. Kibrit kutusu ise insanın yaşadığı toplumu ifade eder bir bakıma. Bazı kibrit çöpleri vardır bir amaç için yanarlar, kimi bir sigara yakar, kimi bir ocak… Kimi boş yere yanıp tükenir hiçbir işe yaramadan. Turkey Kimi ise bir ormanı, bir evi, büyük bir alanı yakar kül eder, 58 kendisiyle birlikte. Kibrit kutusunu açıp baktığınızda hepsi aynı gibi gözükse de birbirinden farklı kibrit çöpleri vardır. Bazıları yanamayacak kadar incedir. Yakarken kırılır zannedersiniz ama bilir misiniz en iyi onlar yanar. Bazıları da epeyce kalındır, zannedersiniz ki yanınca yeri göğü yakacak ama yakınca bir bakarsınız foss diye bir ses çıkarır kendisini bile yakamaz. Sadece ucundaki kimyasal madde alev bile almadan kararır gider. Kimileri eğri büğrüdür ama yine de bir kibrit çöpünden beklenen fonksiyonları eksiksiz yerine getirirler. Her zaman en üstteki kibrit çöpleri ilk önce yanar. Bir büyüğümüzün çok sevdiğim bir lafı vardır? Bir ağaçtan binlerce kibrit çöpü çıkar, bir kibrit çöpü bir ormanı yakar? Yanıp bitme hayatın bitmesi gibidir, ucundan başlar yavaş yavaş dibine doğru, sonunda kapkara bir şey kalır. İşte insan yaşamı da bu kibrit çöplerine benzer. Kimi insanlar vardır kötü işler yaparlar, orman yakma misali, Kimi insanlar vardır kendinden beklenileni asla yerine getiremezler, Kalın kibrit çöpü gibi kendi kendilerini yok eder giderler, Kimi insanlar vardır bir lambanın fitilini yakarlar kendileri yok olup gitse de ışığı kalır. Eğri ve kırık kibrit çöpleri gibi sakat insanlar vardır aramızda yaşayan, Onları şekilleriyle değil; işlevleriyle değerlendirmeliyiz neyi yaktığına bakmalıyız. Islak bir kutudaki kibriti istediğin kadar uğraş yakamazsın, Turkey Kibrit kutularını içinde yaşanılan topluma benzetmiştik; 59 Por algo eu espero Cristiana Bento Todos os dias, Por algo eu espero. Ou por um sorriso Ou por alguma calma Por um raio de sol Que me aqueça a alma. Portugal Por um telefonema Por uma companhia Por alguma sensação Que não a melancolia. Por uma dúvida Ou por uma certeza. Por algo, só algo Que me tire desta tristeza. Por mais um doce sábado Mil noites desejado. Que os dias, as horas passem, Até isto ter acabado. Por acordar E ver que não passou de um pesadelo. Por saber Que hoje é o dia em que vou vê-lo. Todos os dias, Por algo eu espero. 60 Portugal Photo by André Ramos 61 Pico de Neve Francisco Rita Impera a calma controlada, A raiva apagada na luz da neve. Ergue-se o palácio misterioso, belo. Que por entre as pedras frias, Mostra a beleza do lugar ideal. Tranquilo, isolado, retiro do bem que esconde o mal, Do sítio tal, que é bonito, E que por trás é maldito. Portugal Esconde alguém. Quem puxa as cordas à marioneta, Que puxa as cordas ao resto. O tirano controlador não passa do seu grande mistério. O palácio é lugar de bem, Cantinho do salvamento, Onde aquele que é correcto se abriga. Mas difícil de encontrar, Caminho escondido por entre os bosques, Que cobertos por neve, cobrem as montanhas. Paisagem linda. Realidade aparente, copo quase a transbordar. Não se passa nada até uma gota se derramar. 62 Photo by Daniela, Mariana, Filipa Portugal Photo by Liliana, Joana, Pedro e Sara 63 Essay on How to Survive Technology Portugal Life Without Commas (Or An Essay on How to Survive Technology) Portugal Sofia Galego Silva 64 I sat down to write_ this is rather an unnecessary observation to make given the utter difficulty of writing standing up. Either way_ I sat down to write. A million thoughts ran through my mind like tourists on their little green trains. My fingertips began to cruise the keyboard uncomfortably_ it is rather pathetic if I think about it: a teenager in the twenty-first century who cannot figure out how to properly use a laptop or a cell phone, a sixteen year-old who would rather use a pen than a pen-drive. Moving on: I sat down to write. I knew exactly what to say (I always do when it will serve no specific purpose) and the words in dark ink (which is actually not ink) began to devour the whiteness of the page (which is not a page at all). I had written about a sentence when the world came crushing down: I hit the comma and nothing happened. I hit it again_ nothing at all. It was the first punctuation mark of the entire “page I tried the others. Some worked such as the… period. I eventually found_ ”… the underscore hiding behind the question mark. And where was the question mark? one would wonder. I found it trying to pass as a hyphen. How on earth this happened I cannot say. One Portugal thing I can assure is that it was my fault_ it always is when it comes to technology and its complex gadgets (and by complex I mean things such as being able to comprehend the functions and keys and buttons that are actually there to help me). What puzzled me the most was that the new arrangement of my punctuation marks seemed absolutely random and followed no logical pattern whatsoever. Slightly amused (and utterly appalled by my own incapacity to figure it out) I tried to come up with anything I could use. I am not one to give up easily_ you might call that stubbornness but I call it the ability to adjust. I hit every key I could think of and some that I had never noticed at all. When that did not work, I began to touch every key systematically. This process eventually led to me violently punching the keyboard. I found (scattered across the upper row) the parenthesis_ yet, to my horror, the apostrophe and the comma were nowhere to be found! I needed a moment to regroup. I removed my hands from the keyboard bluntly (as if it had burned me). I nibbled distractedly on a lacquered fingernail_ what on earth was I to do? At that moment my self-disappointment turned to rage. What kind of an idiot would dream up such a function?! How terribly sadistic would one have to be to come up with something like this?! Who had the brilliant idea that upon hitting a specific set of keys one would summon the gift of scrambled punctuation marks?! And who on earth would want such a thing to happen?! Who uses this?! Well I do not have a pause key and my print screen key either does not work properly or is meant to do something completely different from what I thought it did (a function which 65 Portugal must be invisible). I do not have an iPod or an iPhone or any type of electrical appliances beginning with the letter ii. But eat your heart out_ my laptop can screw up the order of its keys. And in the end I end up a subordinate of it instead of it being subsidiary to me. But I am here_ writing without commas and apostrophes and colons. In the end that is all there is to it_ we have to adjust to the way things work. They are not going to adjust to the way we all function because we are all different. Some of us use pen-drives and other write things down. The stubbornness_ that is… ability to adjust_ will come in time. And even if we have to live like this (in a fast and unruly pace)_ even if we have to live without commas_ I trust that we will be able to adjust. That we will always be just humans. Photo by Jessica Conceição 66 Poem...- Portugal Her eyes wonder, lost around the corners of a room in a blind yet all-seeing gaze. She has very dark hair which she parts in the middle, almost black, long down to her waist. It is naturally curly, but she straightens it slightly, leaving it wavy and longer. Her almond eyes are brown, her eyebrows thick and black. She has white skin, stained by several dozens of freckles beneath her eyes and her nose, which is straight and strict looking, ending in a round point. Her lips are full and heart shaped, her face structure is thin, her chin split in the middle. She’s a literature student, books and writing are her passion. She is quite intelligent, and also outgoing and communicative, although she would most likely describe herself as God’s precious gift to humanity. She is loyal, the type of person that becomes a constant in your life and that you can always rely on to keep a secret or to simply be there. She has her own way of doing things and of making life work for her, which, along with her biting sarcasm, often causes her to be viewed as rude. Portugal Sofia Galego Silva, 11º G Photo by Nuno, Miguel e Pedro 67 FRIENDSHIP Italy SANTOLI MARILENA IIIA ITC GESUALDO 68 Last summer I went on holiday with my family for two weeks in Rimini, a beautiful sea resort place. I went on the beach every day and I played beachvolley. The first weekend, in the afternoon, I decided to go walking in my neibourhood. While I was peacely walking along the road, suddenly I saw a girl crying, with some torn photos in the hand. I closed immediately to help her, I asked her what had happened, and she told me that some girls had pushed her and her glasses had fallen but fortunately they were not broken; those awful girls had tore up some photos very important to her. I cleaned her glasses with a handkerchief and I invited her to come to my house to recover a bit and try to glue the pieces of the photos.She agreed smiling and told me her name : Giusy and she told me lots of things about her. So I came to know she didn't have good friends and they often did bad jokes to her. At home we managed to glue the pieces of the photos, than we watched TV, we listened to music together and talked of many things. She was a very good girl. She told me that her grandparents lived in my country, and she often came to visit them in the weekends. That evening we went out together to have an ice cream and to have a good time together. The following days we spent all the time together, in fact she lived in a house close to that my family had rented; we went Italy to the beach every day and we had a real good fun. She also gave me a present, It was a beautiful bracelet. But sorry, the holiday came to the end and I was really sad, I’m not ashamed to admit I have cried a bit, and we parted with the promise that every time she had come to visit her grandparents, she would come to visit me, too. So from that day on she has come to visit me twice a month, and every time we do lots of funny things together. I never get tired of being with her. This summer will be very special because she’s going to visit her grandparents and stay for a month. I look forward to this summer, I hope it will come soon, to spend the most time possible with my friend Giusy, who for the first time let me realize what a real "friendship" is. I love her very much. 69 Il valore della vita Gabriele Troisi IV D Uno dei luoghi che esprime la diversità tra giovani e adulti è senz’altro la discoteca, tappa obbligatoria dei week-end, seg- Italy nati da incidenti i più delle volte mortali. Le vittime solitamente sono giovani, per cui si è cominciato a parlare di “stragi del sabato sera”. Vorrei raccontarvi la mia prima esperienza in discoteca. Avevo 15 anni: la prima cosa che ricordo di quella serata fu che passai ore, prima di uscire, davanti allo specchio, perché non sapevo cosa indossare per fare colpo sulle ragazze. La discoteca dai ragazzi viene vista come il luogo dove si può incontrare l’anima gemella. Una volta arrivato davanti alla discoteca con i miei amici, incominciai a vedere un flusso di giovani inspiegabile! Quando finalmente riuscii ad entrare, la prima cosa che vidi fu una fitta nebbia di fumo di sigarette, non vedevo niente inciampavo addosso ai ragazzi che erano già ubriachi prima che iniziasse la serata. Il deejay una volta salito in consolle iniziò a mixare la musica, tutti si lanciarono in pista per ballare, una musica assordante, continua, praticamente la tecno house che martella nel cervello. Le uscite di sicurezza erano aperte per fa cambiare l’aria ed era in pieno inverno. Naturalmente vidi scorrere fiumi di alcool anche tra i minorenni e coppiette ai tavolini che si sbaciucchiavano. Quando la serata stava per terminare, i ragazzi incominciarono ad andarsene. La cosa più buffa che ricordo di quella serata è che quando ero 70 fuori dalla discoteca, anche senza aver bevuto, la testa girava come se lo avessi fatto. La colpa sicuramente era l’alto volume della musica. Fino a qui la serata era trascorsa abbastanza bene ma ecco che iniziò il brutto. I ragazzi che stavano fuori vennero a conoscenza che alcuni loro amici usciti di lì, avevamosca volare. A risollevarli fu la notizia che l’incidente non era stato grave e che nessuno era rimasto ferito. La cosa più brutta però di quella serata, che ancora ricordo come se fosse Italy no avuto un incidente. Tutti erano turbati, non si sentiva una appena accaduta, è che tornando a casa trovammo un altro incidente. Ad essere coinvolta era l’auto di un nostro amico: con lui c’erano altri ragazzi e, purtroppo, uno di loro perse la vita in quel maledetto sabato sera! 71 SALLY Grella Victoria. IIIA ISIS Gesualdo In un piccolo paesino della California, viveva Sally. Sally era una ragazza di 17 anni, con tutti i sogni e le paure di quell’età. Italy Sally viveva una situazione familiare complicata: i suoi genitori lavoravano tutto il giorno e lei doveva badare ai suoi due fratellini. Sua madre e suo padre litigavano continuamente, anche per motivi futili. Sally faceva il possibile per aiutare in casa e a differenza delle sue amiche, lei raramente usciva; inoltre non poteva contare su una famiglia armoniosa in cui trovare conforto. A Sally questa situazione iniziava a pesare ma faceva il possibile per resistere. Una sola cosa riusciva a farle ritornare il sorriso: il canto. Sally amava cantare ma non aveva mai potuto studiare . Tra una faccenda di casa e l’altra riusciva, però, a trovare sempre un po’ di tempo per canticchiare. Aveva una voce incantevole tanto che spesso anche i vicini di casa si soffermavano ad ascoltarla. Un bel giorno, arrivò da Londra il figlio di un lontano parente del padre di Sally: Jimmy, un diciannovenne di bel aspetto. Sally si soffermò un attimo a guardarlo e le sembrò di perdersi nei suoi occhi blu mare. Il giovane frequentava spesso la casa di Sally. Sentendola un giorno cantare, le propose di seguire un corso allo “Shame College”. A Sally l’idea piaceva ma non osava neppure 72 Italy pensare di venir meno alle sue mansioni quotidiane. In- tanto la loro amicizia cresceva giorno per giorno. A lei piaceva molto parlare con Jimmy perché lo trovava un ragazzo molto intelligente ed onesto. Per questo gli confidò anche la sua situazione familiare, di quanto le piaceva cantare e di quanto avrebbe voluto essere, come tutte le ragazze della sua età, più spensierata. Jimmy andava a trovarla quasi ogni giorno e riusciva anche a farle staccare un po’ la spina. Dopo vari discorsi fatti al padre di Sally, lo convinse che lei aveva buone capacità di frequentare quel corso. Quando Sally sembrava ad un passo dalla realizzazione del suo sogno, successe qualcosa che nessuno si aspettava. Uscendo da lavoro la madre di Sally fu investita da un auto. L’impatto fu fatale. Sally e Jimmy si 73 precipitarono immediatamente da lei ma ormai non c’era più niente da fare. Sally era distrutta. Le giornate per lei erano ancora più lunghe, monotone e tristi. Terminate le abituali faccende domestiche, si rinchiudeva in camera sua e una serie interminabile di pensieri e ricordi l’assalivano. Aveva stampato Italy in mente l’immagine di una madre fredda, autoritaria ma anche molto giusta e dedita alla famiglia. Quello che però non riusciva proprio a ricordare, e che perciò la tormentava, era una parola d’affetto detta a sua madre. L’unico che sembrava capirla era Jimmy. Il legame tra i due era sempre più forte. A due mesi dalla morte della madre di Sally, Jimmy decise di prendere l’iniziativa e di portarla allo “Shame College” per farle frequentare quel corso. Sally cantò un brano e le furono dati da tutti voti positivi, grazie ai quali poteva seguire per un mese le lezioni gratuitamente. La gioia era tanta anche per Jimmy che, preso dall’entusiasmo, baciò Sally. Lei allora gli confessò il suo amore per lui, che da tanto si portava dentro. Da quel momento i due divennero inseparabili: una cosa sola. Jimmy accompagnava Sally alle lezioni e lei vedeva il suo sogno sempre più vicino. Per la prima volta, Sally si sentiva amata davvero ed era felice. Era riuscita a realizzare il suo sogno e aveva anche trovato una persona, forse la prima, che le dimostrava davvero di volerle bene e che sapeva capirla. 74 SHARON & ESTER Ester Cenca; Sharon Settembrino classe III D Once upon a time, in a very far wood, there was a small house where lived two sisters. The elder ‘s name was Ester and the day to pick up wild fruits. One day, while they were in the wood ,the two sisters felt observed as someone was spying them .They looked around Italy other ‘s one was Sharon. They used to go into the wood every ,but they saw no one. The girls were so terrified that rushed home. The next day they went again in the wood and while Sharon was picking some fruits she saw a shadow. Frightened she ran straight to her sister and told her everything. However, they continued to pick up fruits and suddenly they heard some footsteps, but they didn’t see anyone. They were continuing picking when they heard noises coming from behind a bush from which emerged two clumsy and cute elves. The two elves introduced themselves to the sisters and told them that an ugly and evil witch was spying on them because she wanted to carry off them. The sisters confirmed that they had noticed someone was spying them without seeing anyone. After a long conversation, the two sisters invited the elves in their home; they accepted their invitation kindly. The next day all together went into the wood ,while they were picking up some fruits, a bully and clumsy old woman appeared from behind a tree. The elves recognized her, the witch and screaming said to the sisters to run away. 75 Unfortunately, there was nothing to do. During their desperate running away, the two sisters were captured and took to the witch by bad elves set free by her. The good elves escaped from all that, went and told their friend Fairy what happened. She immediately sent two elves to the witch’s dark cave, where they found the two girls reduced into slavery the Fairy was in- Italy formed that they were seriously in a danger. So she decided to get that awful – place while the elves were setting the poor girls free, the Fairy diverted the ugly witch also to facilitate their escape. Once distant enough from that awful cave, they realized that the Fairy was still there and, a bit warried about, they stood waiting for her. Finally, the good woman could reach their friends while a strong wind risen all around, marked the and of the witch. The two sisters could go back home and lived happily with their new good friends. 76 INDEX 5 9 Malchance The search for the magic parchments 14 The passion of the sea 16 I don’t love 19 Life 21 A choice 24 A Christmas Ghost Story 26 Another Christmas Carol 28 A Supernatural Christmas 32 My Christmas ghost story 34 My environmental poem 36 „Kartka z Pamiętnika” 40 Najlepszy Przyjaciel Leon 46 A terrifying night 48 Halloween night 50 Historia matemática 53 Multiculturalism and student´s exchanges 56 Nightingale 57 Recipe 58 DENİZYILDIZI 60 Por algo eu espero 62 Pico de Neve Essay on How to Survive Technology Portugal Life Without Commas (Or An Essay on How to Survive Technology) 64 67 Poem...- Portugal 68 FRIENDSHIP 70 Il valore della vita 72 SALLY 75 SHARON & ESTER