LL Part 1 - Prestwick Resources Inc.
LL Part 1 - Prestwick Resources Inc.
SUMMER ISSUE JUNE 2014 Check Out... 2014 RFP Conference & Trade Show Wrap Up Inside... ALBERTA RECREATION FACILITY PERSONNEL YOUR LEADER IN RECREATION TRAINING Official Voice for the Alberta Association of Recreation Facility Personnel NEL SON LITY TION REA PER FACI REC Inside This Issue PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE .......................................................................4 Washroom Partitions 101 - Clearing The Air ......................................23 BLAST FROM THE PAST........................................................................4 2014 RFP COURSE SCHEDULE............................................................25 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT..........................................................5 2014 RFP COURSE REGISTRATION .....................................................26 REGISTER NOW - 7th Annual RFP Education Symposium .....................6 2014 RFP SYMPOSIUM ......................................................................27 Build It and They Will Come ................................................................7 PARK’S PESTS: Crossword Puzzle .......................................................28 Providing Clarity - Certified Swimming Pool Operator Course...............8 Tips For Avoiding A Spring Or Summer Cold ......................................29 Honouring Tim Bannister...................................................................11 2014 RFP BOARD OF DIRECTORS.......................................................30 LoveToRecycle.ca + The Community Champions Program .................12 Passing Fad No More.........................................................................13 ALBERTA Skip Hayden 4th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament..........................14 2014 Conference & Trade Show Wrap Up ..........................................16 P U B L I S H I N G Leisure Lines is the official newsletter of the Alberta Association of Recreation Facility Personnel, published four times per year. To contribute articles, contact the Editor, Kim Snell, P.O. Box 100, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A4 Phone: (403) 851-7626 Fax: (403) 851-9181 MISSION STATEMENT Providing education, consulting and advocacy for people involved in facility operations and recreation. RECREATION FACILITY PERSONNEL I N F O R M A T I O N GOALS The following goals support the Mission, Vision, Values and Code of Ethics of the Association: A. Provide diverse, quality educational opportunities related to facility operations and recreation. B. Foster communication between members, agencies and individuals. C. Advocate for the membership. D. Market and promote products, services and opportunities. E. Encourage and facilitate fellowship. F. Provide good Governance G. Identify Provincial and National Policy linkages and related outcomes relevant to AARFP We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance from the lottery funds distributed by the Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation. Postal Registration: Canada Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40037331 - Calgary, Alberta RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: RFP LEISURE LINES, P.O. Box 100, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A4 LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 3 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 PRESIDENT’S SANDI STEWART MESSAGE It was great to see so many familiar faces in Jasper, like Ernie from Barrhead, and be given a chance to meet many new RFP members and welcome you to our Association. I am looking forward to working with our new Board and of course our amazing staff this year. I would like to thank all those who have left the board - you will be missed but not forgotten - Randy Russell to adjourn our meetings, Tom Peters for his hugs, Gerald Curran to buy a round and Suzanne Gaida for her wisdom as past president . Wow! What a Conference! I want to thank Yvonne McNabb & her conference committee (Barb, Angella, Natasha & Jerry) for doing an amazing job for us all. This was the third time Yvonne has hosted the AARFP conference in Jasper and out did herself again. I'm seeing a pattern emerge with Jasper: 2000, 2007 & 2014, so I'm hoping they will have us back in 2021! I found the sessions very informative and timely and am planning to incorporate this new found knowledge into actions. Many of us "know" what we should do, whether that's about our lives in general - eating healthy, exercising regularly, laughing often or if it's things pertaining to work like finishing that project. "Knowing" is an important step and then there is "wanting" to do something about it and of course "doing" it. "Knowing" and not "doing", isn't really much better than not knowing. Think about it. The difference in "knowing" and "doing" is EFFORT. Once I have the knowledge, I decide if I "want" to do something with that knowledge and put the "effort" into developing a strategy to succeed in the "doing", which requires action(s). How bad do I want something & is it worth the effort? How can I make changes to my life to make it easier in terms of the effort I need to put in, to get the results of doing it? A personal example of this is that I know it's important to my health to exercise and getting up to go swimming in the morning takes effort. Exercise provides me with many benefits that I want like more energy, a clearer mind and reducing my stress. I know that if I go to bed earlier at night, it takes less effort for me to get up and go to the pool in the morning. So I try to incorporate changes into my life, so I can exercise regularly without a huge amount of effort. Being organized in the evening and going to bed early, means I don't have to put as much effort into getting out of bed as I do if I'm tired in the morning. This allows me to successfully incorporate exercise into my life more. What did you "learn" at this year's conference? Was there something you "want" to incorporate into your work or home life? What are you going to "do" with this new found knowledge? Shelf the idea or make it happen? Are there small steps you need to do in order to make things happen easier, with less effort? Adjust your compass and start going places! Who is this familiar face? This lady has been with the Association for just shy of 10 consecutive years. She is known for her commitment to aquatics, and she is always smiling! If you are in the Camrose area, you may see her enjoying her new commitment – running! She is also your current Central Zone Rep! Answer on Page 29 LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 4 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S KIM SNELL MESSAGE It was so great to see so many of you in Jasper for the Annual Conference, AGM and Tradeshow! Congratulations to Yvonne McNabb and her wonderful team for organizing and facilitating such a fantastic conference! I hope you all enjoyed your time in Jasper and were able to make some new friends/connections as well as take some new found knowledge back to your workplace. I am already looking forward to next year's conference in Banff and hope to see many of you there as well! At some point soon, I hope, this never ending winter will finally end and we'll soon be into summer, which will bring us closer to our next event – our annual Education Symposium. This will be our 7th year, and once again it will be held at the Red Deer Lodge. This is a great opportunity to absorb as much training as possible in a one week period and is also a great opportunity for networking. We have secured a reduced rate on hotel rooms for anyone attending the symposium, if you are interested, please see the website for further info or call the office. Conference also often brings a change to our Board of Directors. I would like to thank Suzanne Gaida, Randy Russell, Tom Peters and Gerald Curran for their time and commitment to the Board and the Association. At the same time I would like to welcome Renee Fenwick, Stuart Ray and Carol Dunnigan to the Board. Education still continues to be a primary focus this year. As the Strategic Plan shows, upgrades to course materials as well as building service levels within the Instructor cadre are top priorities. Our annual Instructor meeting will be held in the fall and we hope to schedule a Train the Train course later this year and move through the recruitment process. The Annual Skip Hayden Memorial Golf Tournament is just around the corner! September 5th – mark it in your Calendar! Mother Nature always seems to come through for us so I hope to see you in Olds for a great day of golf and a few good laughs! The morning prior to the Golf tournament will offer educational opportunities for all members and remember, you don't have to be a member to participate in the golf tournament so you are welcome to bring family and/or friends to golf with! I know many of you around the Province are working on new projects, events and maybe even working with new technologies or systems. I would like to remind everyone and encourage you to feel free to submit articles (with pictures if possible) to include in the Leisure Lines, so the rest of the membership can learn about what is happening around the Province. It is also a great opportunity to showcase your community or your project/event. Please contact me if you have questions or information to submit, I would love to hear from you! Thank you all for your ongoing dedication and support to the Association. You truly are an amazing group of people! I am fortunate to have met so many people and developed so many friendships through RFP. Enjoy your summer! LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 5 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 REGISTER TODAY! th 7 Annual Education Symposium 2014 Red Deer, Aug 11 – 15 AARFP is excited to see that communities are catching on to the great opportunity to get their staff trained in one week at one location! The Symposium is intended to deliver a number of courses in a cost effective manner, and is also intended to help those who are working towards achieving certification along with their Western Certification. All AARFP courses are designed to encourage Facility Operators and professionals to develop and enhance their skills and abilities in areas that will benefit themselves, their employer, their career, and the facility in which they operate. This year's Symposium format offers 11 courses in the span of one week. Last year, there were over 130 people in total that attended the 2013 Symposium, and we expect a bigger turn out this year! Courses & Dates: Lifecycle & Risk Management Aug 11: Aug 11-12: Arena Operator Level Certified Swimming Pool Operator Level 1 Aug 12-13: Building Maintenance Operator Level 1 Custodial Aug 13: Parks & Sportsfield Operator Level 1 Developing a Policy & Procedure Manual Aug 14: Aug 14-15: Parks & Sportsfield Operator Level 2 Building Maintenance Operator 2 Supervisory Skills Ball Diamond Construction Aug 15: All Courses Located at the Red Deer Lodge! Except the Arena Level 1; which will be located at the Kinex Arena. To book rooms at the Red Deer Lodge, call 403-346-8841 or toll free at 1-800-661-1657, and quote reservation code: RFP Don't miss out on this year's AARFP Symposium! The location will once again be Red Deer. The dates and courses are to the right! Phone:780-451-3800 | TollFree:1-888-200-2644 Email: [email protected] Web: www.canadianarenaproducts.com CALGARY Canadian Arena Products specializes in providing the highest quality arena systems for indoor and outdoor facilities, including private backyard arenas! SPORTS SURFACES & FACILITY EQUIPMENT OUR SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INCLUDE: TENNIS BASKETBALL SPORTS GOLF TRACKS OVER 6500 COURTS – SINCE 1978 www.tomkosports.com Tennis & Basketball Courts Tracks / Artificial Turf Baseball / Hockey / Golf JOHN DAFOE Toll Free: (877) 631-1913 6C, 624 Beaver Dam Road N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2K 4W6 LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 6 • • • • • • • • Galvanized steel-cladded frames Durable puckboard dasher boards Electric lift gates Sills and kickstrips Players’ boxes Soccer boards Bleachers and seating A full range of custom accessories Enjoy a public or private arena constructed from quality products by an experienced and professional staff. Call today to get started on your custom arena project. SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 BROOKS REGIONAL QUAD BALLPARK Build it and They Will Come A new quad softball/baseball complex is being built in the City of Brooks. The Brooks Regional Ballpark Association in partnership with the City of Brooks swung for the fences when they envisioned an outstanding modern facility. This complex fits well into the recreation and leisure needs of the region and will in no doubt welcome many visitors from beyond the region as well. With this complex the community will be able to host high quality events. The social and economic spin-offs are such that the entire community will feel them. Much like the Lakeside Leisure Centre and Centennial Regional Arena, this facility will be nothing short of first class. The support for this project is reflected in the generous community contributions made by and to the Brooks Regional Ballpark Association. Donations currently tally $730,000.00 of the estimated $3,350,000.00 budget. LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 7 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 CERTIFIED SWIMMING POOL OPERATOR COURSE Providing Clarity The article below was included in a previous copy of the Leisure Lines, however, we have had several questions and concerns brought forward by members who have been getting conflicting information from their local Health inspectors. The article below should provide clarity and answer any unresolved questions. Pool Operation - Are you REALLY certified? The Province of Alberta, through the Swimming Pool Regulations is now the official governing body of the Swimming Pool Operator Certification. It is identified in the Regulations that swimming pools MUST have a certified pool operator; however, over the years, it has not been clear on who is an approved provider of the certification course. LEISURE LINES • AARFP After several years of review and input from various stakeholders, the Province of Alberta (Alberta Health Services) laid out the criteria to be an approved provider of the Certified Swimming Pool Operator Program. This meant that any organization or person who wishes to conduct these courses had/has to apply to AHS, meet the criteria, and be approved to be recognized at the Provincial level. PAGE 8 continued on next page... SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 CERTIFIED SWIMMING POOL OPERATOR COURSE... Approval of the application is based on; course delivery, course content and materials, instructor qualifications, examination and recertification processes, quality management of courses, and data management. On September 12, 2012 AARFP received a letter of approval from AHS. As part of our approval process, we are required to submit annual reporting on stats relating to the number of people in courses, course locations, etc. 10+ years of hands on experience with water quality/chemistry, filtrations systems, mechanical systems, and new technologies. Recertification is not currently mandatory, but it is something the Province is looking at making a requirement. At this time we do not know what the recertification will entail, but it is something that you may hear more about in the future. The AARFP swimming pool course has been part of our Education Program for the past 30+ years. Since then, there have been several updates, re-writes, and additions to the content to ensure we continue to offer a quality product with quality delivery. We are fortunate to have a group of highly skilled and knowledgeable instructors, all who have FAQ: 1. If I have a Pool Operator level 1 from a different Province, can I take the AARFP Pool Operator level 2? The swimming pool operator content in other Provinces is very similar to the RFP program and because of that, RFP will allow someone with an out of Province Pool Operator 1 to participate in the RFP Pool Operator 2. However, we do recommend, if you are looking for Provincial recognition, that you at some point participate in the RFP Pool Operator 1 program. In order for the out of Province Pool Operator certifications to be continued on next page... Your ALBERTA Arena Experts with local service locations Startec offers 24 hours field service in Western Canada, and carries a complete line of replacement parts and specialty lubricants. Grande Prairie Contact Us 1-800-555-9439 Edmonton Red Deer Drumheller [email protected] www.startec.ca ARTIFICIAL TURF • HARDWOOD GYMNASIUM FLOORING • SYNTHETIC SPORTS FLOORING • ATHLETIC TRACKS • SPECTATOR SEATING • SCOREBOARD AND VIDEO DISPLAYS • MESSAGE DISPLAYS • GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT • RUBBER FITNESS ROOM FLOORING *Calgary Lethbridge LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 9 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 CERTIFIED SWIMMING POOL OPERATOR COURSE... recognized by AHS, the other Province would have to apply to AHS to be a recognized provider of the program. 3. What if I took my Pool Operators course with AARFP prior to Alberta Health & Wellness approving the course? Am I still certified? 2. Are there other providers of the Certified Swimming Pool Operator program? Yes, you are still certified but as mentioned, there may be a requirement for certification in the future. It is our understanding that there are other providers of the Certified Swimming Pool Operator program, although we do not have confirmation of that. Our recommendation, if you are looking for a course and a provider, is to research and ensure that your provider of the program is approved by AHS and that they are able to provide the quality product and delivery you need. RFP is more than willing to provide a copy of the approval letter from AHS if requested. LEISURE LINES • AARFP The Alberta Association of Recreation Facility Personnel has been approved and recognized as a provider of this program since September of 2012. If you require a copy of our approval letter to provide to your Health Inspector or administration, please contact the office and we will be more than happy to provide you with a copy. For any other questions or concerns regarding the Certified Swimming Pool Operator course, please contact Kim Snell at [email protected] PAGE 10 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 RENAMING LOCAL RINK Honouring Tim Bannister Most municipalities across North America name their streets, roads and buildings after people who have made significant contributions to a community, although these names are usually reserved for geographic locations, or named after business people, or for politicians, developers, and royalty. It is truly heart warming, and befitting, that the Town of Cochrane will officially rename the Cochrane Outdoor Rink to the Tim Bannister Memorial Rink this weekend. 20 years. But his true passion was hockey. He sometimes played five nights a week. Even when he wrecked his knee and couldn't play ball anymore one could still find him at the old Cochrane Arena playing between the pipes two nights a week. Tim Bannister will always be remembered for his charity, for helping people. Many times he would donate appliances to people and outfits like the Cochrane Humane Society before they found their permanent home. Several times a year he would go and “The outdoor arena is appropriate repair whatever needed fixing and because he used to play there all Photo taken by: Town of Cochrane donate appliances to the society the time,” Susan Bannister, Tim's because it was just easier to widow, said softly. “He used to go replace than to repair. He asked for nothing in return. there skating and take the girls sometimes for practice, even though you weren't supposed to do that. There was In 2006 he was employed by the town where he truly only one sheet of ice in Cochrane at the time, and that's found a home. Even though he was hired to do specific what you did if you needed an extra practice.” jobs, the town employees soon discovered his talent and relied on him to fix whatever needed attention. During his Tim and Susan Bannister moved to Cochrane in 1990 time of employment with the town one could find him when their eldest daughter Tanya was just a baby. The manning the firepots during Light Up, or cruising the town couple were soon blessed with another daughter, Kayla, on Spook Patrol on Halloween. and after a brief stint working at IGA he opened up TEB's Appliance Repair. He was one of those guys that could fix But it was his warm smile, his personality that attracted anything. Combined with his talent and a huge heart, he people to him like steel to a magnate. He had the gift of found it hard to say no to people and often received gab when he wanted to, and some people often made the panicked calls of distress from homeowners on numerous error thinking that he was the Mayor of Cochrane because holidays to come and fix whatever needed fixing. He he knew and touched so many people. didn't want to see anyone miss out on family time, and never hesitated to help someone, even though it was him This weekend will be a celebration as the rink is officially who was missing out on his precious family time. named in Tim Bannister's honour. The Bannister family is “Anywhere, anytime that anyone needed him, he was hosting a barbeque for friends and family. there,” daughter Tanya recalled fondly. “Anything community, he was there.” Tim Bannister was you, and he was me. He was one of us, only he just happened to rise above the rest of us, and now As his daughters grew older he became more involved. He he will indelibly stamped in our hearts and minds. coached ringette for over 10 years and was passionate for the game, and when he wasn't coaching he was involved Price, Patrick. (March 13, 2014). Honouring Tim Bannister. somehow in the background. He was a fixture at the ball Cochrane Times. Retrieved from diamonds and played mixed ball and men's league for over http://www.cochranetimes.com/2014/03/13/honouring-tim-bannister LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 11 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 LoveToRecycle.ca + The Community Champions Program = Perfect Match! Taking a page out of the eHarmony or match.com playbook, the new online resource room LoveToRecycle.ca matches organizations that want to recycle their beverage containers with the many compatible recycling resources and services available in Alberta. The site was developed by the Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation (ABCRC), together with input from the Alberta Bottle Depot Association and the Beverage Container Management Board. Following the results of an industry-commissioned landfill audit and extensive barrier research, LoveToRecycle.ca is a resource aimed at the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sectors, and is the first initiative of its kind in Canada. “This website is a key component of our industry's strategy for improving beverage container recycling from ICI and Multi-Family residential settings,” said Alexis MacKenzie, VP of Communications & Marketing for ABCRC. “We know these sectors demand convenience, and we worked hard to ensure that LoveToRecycle.ca offers that in a way that's never been done before.” A key feature of the site allows visitors to search within a list of “Pick-Up” service provider - organizations such as Depots, other businesses or charities - who offer beverage container pick up services. Users can also search from lists of bin/bag suppliers, use an Impact Calculator to learn how recycling beverage containers helps the environment and gain access to information about grant programs like the Community Champions Program. LoveToRecycle.ca includes information about grant programs funded by the beverage container recycling industry of Alberta, including the Community Champions Program (CCP). CCP offers a uniquely positive approach to building participation in beverage container recycling by providing charities, business or and municipalities with coaching and up to $20,000 for new indoor or outdoor recycling bins. The program aims to make “out of home” beverage container recycling more convenient. Interested organizations are encouraged to visit www.abcrc.com/communitychampions/ to apply. For more information about LoveToRecycle.ca and the Community Champions Program contact: Laya Mihalicz, Marketing Coordinator, ABCRC at [email protected] or 403-264-0170 ext. 234 LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 12 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 THE INTERNET Passing Fad No More You may have heard a rumor in the early 1990's that Bill Gates stated, “The Internet is just a passing fad.” Sources to confirm this statement are difficult to find and it's likely the statement was taken out of context and is probably a myth. updates. Your facility users are also important to you and are able to interact with the facility through their own computers or mobile devices. In the 1968 film “2001 - A Space Odyssey”, one might remember the 'Picture Phone', or communicators and touch screens from numerous Star Trek episodes from the same era. Well those things we saw then are no longer science fiction, nor myth, they are now fact! So the reality is, the Internet is here to stay. It is not a fad. And the question to you is, are you ready to embrace it or resist it? Remember, resistance is futile! It is safe to say now, that the Internet is not a passing fad. It will not be going away, and therefore it is likely best for us to embrace it and use its immense power for our own benefit. Future technologies and potential uses will be endless and are impossible to predict. However, we all know that humans are often resistant to change. Historically, the Internet had some issues and instilled a fear of change. And as always, we are resistant to change. Well there is no need to be fearful anymore! Internet uptime is at 99.9% as claimed by most providers, and in reality, when your internet goes down, it is more likely attributed to a power outage down the street rather than the internet connection itself. Combine that with available mobile devices, the Internet likely didn't even go down at all, and a connection is still likely live and working through a mobile network. Mobile network coverage is 100% in metro areas and coverage areas continue to improve. There are some companies that take advantage of these mobile solutions and combine Internet usage with mobile usage. By combining these technologies together, a solution is available that no longer requires you to have a single computer dedicated to scheduling software, and another computer separately dealing with message boards. These solutions are all combined in a cloud environment and are readily accessible by any available computer or mobile device, allowing for quick and easy changes and LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 13 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 Skip Hayden 4th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2014 The purpose of this event is to honour and remember our good friend Skip. The best way to do that is to have a good time! We had a very successful tournament last year, and this year, it will be bigger & better! Visit www.aarfp.com to register. WHY REGISTER? To network with people from Recreation To reduce stress! To win some great prizes To try your luck at golf! All skill levels are welcome as it's a Texas Scramble Format. WHEN IS IT? September 5th, 2014 Shotgun start at 12:00 noon. Be there early! Dinner to follow at 5:00 pm WHERE IS IT? Olds Central Highlands Golf Club 3 km east of Olds on Hwy 27 Fill out the registration form today at www.aarfp.com! WHAT WILL IT COST? $100.00 per person This will include 18 rounds, golf cart, supper, & prizes! LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 14 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 2014 CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW WRAP UP The 37th Annual Conference and Trade Show was another successful event with over 310 delegates from Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and the North West Territories! The weather for the entire conference was beautiful! The Fun Run & Walk participants were very relieved that they didn't have to endure a snow storm. Because of the nice weather, many delegates were able to explore Jasper without hats and mittens; which always makes conference that little bit more pleasurable. The 2nd Annual Welcome BBQ had overwhelming attendance! It was double that of last year, so we apologize to those who didn't receive food. We will be more prepared for all the hungry travelers next year! Just a reminder, that this was added to the program as a simple, easy, grab-and-go BBQ. The association does not charge anything for this meal (the cost for this in not covered in your conference fee), and the AARFP Board has done their best to keep the conference fee as low as possible. Next year, if you are looking for something heartier with a few more food options, you may want to stop somewhere else to eat as well. The delegates also enjoyed 3 days of educational sessions where they chose streams such as Arenas, Aquatics, Building Maintenance, Parks & Sports Fields, Supervisory, Customer Service, and Lifestyle. The Zone Meeting involved 4 elections, some fun activities, and a chance to win some great prizes. For those that aren't aware, the zone meeting serves a few purposes such as meeting your zone representative, meeting other people from your zone, electing a new zone representative (if the term is up), and networking with other members. If you have any questions regarding this meeting or anything else regarding your zone, please contact the office to get in touch with your zone representative. continued on next page... es Adju st Y ou om pass Go ac Pl rC ing The Opening Keynote, Dr. Kenford Nedd, was a great speaker that engaged delegates with the message of happiness in the workplace. 2014 Conference Photos Courtesy of Russ Scullen, Lisa Wong and William McNabb. 2014 CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW WRAP UP... The AGM had 171 people in attendance; which is fantastic! The AARFP Board would like to thank all the delegates for taking the time to attend this very important meeting. Everyone received an Annual Report at the conference, but it is ALWAYS available on our website as well to be viewed along with other important documents like the strategic plan. The AARFP Board and staff listened to your concerns, and will be improving the representation of the Financial Report in the annual report. The AARFP staff will also email the Annual Report to its members prior to the 2015 conference. The elections that took place at the AGM were for the President Elect and the Education Representative Positions. The new Board of Directors is listed at the end of Leisure Lines. LEISURE LINES • AARFP The Trade Show is always an event all on its own. It sold out with over 62 booths, so it had the same amount of exhibitors as last year. The exhibitor's booths were highlighted throughout the evening as names for gift cards were drawn every 15 minutes. Both delegates and exhibitors were able to pass on some knowledge and business opportunities. Thanks to all the Exhibitors for coming to Jasper to connect with new and old clients. PAGE 18 continued on next page... SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 2014 CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW WRAP UP... The activities were graced with nice weather for a change! Yahoo! All activities ran (none cancelled due to weather), and apparently the skiing was beyond awesome. All the delegates enjoyed this nice break away from the classroom! Bruce Fowlow Recipient, Sonia Dodd Don Moore Scholarship Recipient, Heather Blacquiere Parks & Sports Field Operator Level 1 Top Mark Award, Dawn Mercereau Pool Operator Level 2 Top Mark Award, Matthew Mudry Honorary Life Award, Willie Jurcevic Award of Merit, Suzanne Gaida Arena Operator Level 2 Top Mark Award, Devin Harris Awards Banquet - Entertainment, Doug Arden The Awards Banquet is an evening to acknowledge many of the people in the recreation field for their hard work and dedication. The entertainment that night was Doug Arden and he warmed up the crowd with some magic and humor! continued on next page... Building Maintenance Level 2 Top Mark Award, Russ Hutchings LEISURE LINES • AARFP Building Maintenance Level 1 Top Mark Award, Regina Lonneberg PAGE 19 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 2014 CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW WRAP UP... This 37th AARFP Annual Conference & Trade Show was wrapped up by our closing keynote speaker, Jason Labonte, and the draw for the Grand Prize (Weekend in Jasper). This was won by Sharon Klinger from Lacombe. Congratulations Sharon! ADDITIONAL AWARDS Top Mark Award Winners (Not present at Banquet) Arena Operator Level 1 Award: Jennifer McNab Pool Operator Level 1 Award: Heather Cadenhead Parks & Sportsfield Level 2 Award: Shawna James The AARFP Board and Staff would like to extend a huge thank-you to Yvonne McNabb and her conference committee for hosting an amazing conference! Charles Mousseau Associates Award (Award presented at Trade Show) Canadian Leak Detection – Jeff Armstrong THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR ATTENDING AND MAKING THE 37th ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND TRADESHOW SUCH A SUCCESS! Long Service Certificates – 10 Year Kelly Barrett Rene Beaudoin Trish Cerin Grant Cooper Darcy Donahue Dale Gale Kelly Giesbrecht Mike Horseman Neil Leckie Russ Nash Shawn O'Neill Kim Snell Dean Thompson Les Turner Albert Whitford Don Wolfe Long Service Certificates – 15 Years CIMCO Refrigeration Darren Goldthorpe Karl Hill Lee Penner Mark Phillips Schoolhouse Products Western Gym & Recreational Supplies Keith Worrall Long Service Certificates – 20 Years Centaur Products Gateway Mechanical Industrial Machine Inc. White Ice Ltd. Long Service Certificates - 25 Years Big Hill Services Phoenix Fence Long Service Certificate – 30 Years Terry Baumgartner Jet Ice Ltd. Memorial Plaque Dawnine (DJ) Jackson Grant Mark Werstiuk Conference Photos Courtesy of Russ Scullen, Lisa Wong and William McNabb. LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 20 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 2014 CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW WRAP UP... 2013 BRUCE FOWLOW AWARD WINNER On receiving the Bruce Fowlow Award, I would like to say thank you. It was not only a shock for me to be presented with such a huge, I mean HUGE, award by the person who hired me, Chris McKenna, but also by the person who nominated me, Lee Penner. Thanks to our 2014 Conference Sponsors! We appreciate our sponsors! Please consider them when making your purchasing decisions. This award means more to me than “the best facility operator” because I didn't do this on my own by waking up and going to work. I have so many people & organizations to thank from my travels: Chris McKenna for hiring me in the beginning Lee Penner for being my current boss, and for putting up with all my mood swings (I am a little OCD). Gramps (Don Dombrosky) for teaching my Pool Operator Level I course. On the second day of the course, I was totally exhausted because I stayed up all night trying to get the case study 100 % correct! Don told me “I should have picked a hotel that didn't have hourly rates”. I just about peed my pants laughing. John Duiker and Mike Bryson for teaching my Pool Operator Level 2 course, and the awesome instruction I received from them. Willie Jurcevic and Rob Cressman for teaching my Pool Operator Level 3, and yes there was a Pool 3 course. Stuart Ray, Mike Bryso, and Jim McFadden for teaching me the Building Maintenance Courses. Red Cross and The Lifesaving Society – for offering other courses in the water field All my peers, the AARFP Board, and the awesome AARFP staff. Russ, Sharon, the Dawns, Fran, and so many more who believed in me and help me along the way. And finally, a massive thank-you to my dad. He raised me as a farm child. I had every opportunity to help take apart and restore anything that was around; whether it was as easy as a light bulb, or as difficult as a pump replacement. I believe that the award I received belongs to everyone who touched my life in my career. Thank you again, Sonia Dodd 2013 Bruce Fowlow Award recipient LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 21 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 WASHROOM PARTITIONS 101 Clearing The Air Are you looking at upgrading your washrooms but having a difficult time deciding which type of partitions are best suited to your facility? Long gone are the days where powder coated stalls are the only choice and it seems there are always new products emerging. Hopefully this article will provide you with a clearer understanding of the different materials. Powder coated steel (metal) Galvanized sheet steel with a honeycomb core. Economical, light in weight, quick delivery and easily installed for an overall savings in product, freight and installation. In addition to the standard powder coated finishes, most manufacturers now offer anti-graffiti textures to minimize vandalism to the surface as scratches are difficult to cover up. Painting may be required to cover graffiti. A one year warranty is typical. LEISURE LINES • AARFP Plastic Laminate Plastic laminate with a particle board core. Price point is low-medium. They come in a large variety of colors, based upon the laminate company the manufacturer is aligned with. These components are water resistant and will never rust. Graffiti can be removed but it can be gouged with a sharp object. In high humidity environments delamination is a concern. Warranty is usually one year. Phenolic Phenolic partitions are comprised of a melamine sheet with multiple layers of a resin impregnated kraft paper core. The standard is a black core product but color thru phenolic is available through certain manufacturers. Color range variety is vast. Comes with a high price point. PAGE 23 continued on next page ... SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 WASHROOM PARTITIONS 101 . . . Graffiti is removable and the panels are water resistant and will not delaminate as easily as the plastic laminate panels. A 15 year warranty is the industry standard. Stainless Steel Stainless steel sheet with honeycomb core material. They have a more contemporary feel and sleek lines. These are rust and corrosion resistant. Often are available in textures for interest and to deter graffiti. Stainless is a high cost product and comes with a warranty in the 1-5 year range. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) HDPE is comprised of high density polyethylene resin and pigments. It is a solid color through product that is very durable usually coming with a 20+ year warranty. Low maintenance costs are associated with these components as they do not rust or delaminate. Permanent marker can be removed with the proper cleaning pad and gouges can be burnished out. Ideal for high abuse, high traffic, and high humidity areas. High in recyclability. Cost is medium range. LEISURE LINES • AARFP Solid Color Reinforced Composite (SCRC) Solid color reinforced composite (SCRC) is a homogenous composite of cellulose fibers, dyes and resins with a surface coating. Scratch, dent, moisture resistant. Graffiti can be removed with the proper cleaning solutions and deep gouges can be sanded and sealed. High recyclability, high cost range and typically a 10 year warranty. All of the above products have their purpose and place. Understanding your facilities usage and maintenance issues will assist you in choosing the right material. Investigate your options before purchasing and work with a dealer as they know all the options available and can suggest the materials best suited to your application. PAGE 24 Written by Janice Conley, Prestwick Resources Inc. SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 RFP COURSE SCHEDULE ARENA MAINTENANCE - OLYMPIA ADVANCED SWIMMING POOL OPERATOR LEVEL 2 September 10, 2014 ............................................................................Canmore June 23-26, 2014 ....................................................................................Leduc August 12-15, 2014 ........................................Edmonton (MacEwan University) September 2-5, 2014..................................................................Calgary (Trico) October 14-17, 2014...........................................................................Red Deer November 18-21, 2014...........................................................................Brooks ARENA MAINTENANCE - ZAMBONI **JULY 31, 2014 ....................................................................LLOYDMINSTER September 19, 2014 ..........................................................................Blackfalds CUSTODIAL ARENA OPERATOR LEVEL 1 June 25-26, 2014................................................................Red Deer (Collicutt) July 3-4, 2014 ....................................................................Spruce Grove (TLC) **JULY 29-30, 2014...............................................................LLOYDMINSTER **JULY 28-29, 2014..............................................................................LEDUC AUGUST 11-12, 2014 ......................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) August 18-19, 2014............................................................................Cochrane August 20-21, 2014...........................................................................Blackfalds August 27-28, 2014 ...............................................................................Brooks AUGUST 13, 2014 ............................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) September 8, 2014 ..................................................................................Leduc DEVELOPING A POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL AUGUST 14, 2014 ............................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) LIFECYCLE/RISK MANAGEMENT AUGUST 11, 2014 ............................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) ARENA OPERATOR LEVEL 2 PARKS & SPORTSFIELD LEVEL 1 August 12-15, 2014 ......................................................................Lloydminster August 26-29, 2014 ............................................................................Barrhead September 2-5, 2014 ...............................................................................Leduc November 4-7, 2014 ...........................................................Red Deer (Collicutt) June 10, 2014 .............................................................................Rainbow Lake July 11, 2014 ........................................................................................St. Paul AUGUST 13, 2014 ............................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) BUILDING MAINTENANCE LEVEL 1 PARKS & SPORTSFIELD LEVEL 2 June 9-10, 2014 ......................................................................................Leduc AUGUST 12-13, 2014 ......................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) September 11-12, 2014 ..............................................Edmonton (Jasper Place) June 19-20, 2014 ..............................................................................Blackfalds AUGUST 14-15, 2014 ......................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) September 8-9, 2014...........................................................................Barrhead SUPERVISORY SKILLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE LEVEL 2 July 14-15, 2014 .....................................................................................Leduc July 22-23, 2014 ....................................................................................Brooks AUGUST 14-15, 2014 ......................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) October 20-21, 2014.........................................................Edmonton (Kinsmen) November 13-14, 2014 .......................................................................Red Deer July 10-11, 2014 .....................................................................................Leduc AUGUST 14-15, 2014 ......................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) November 13-14, 2014 ..........................................Edmonton (CommonWealth) **PLEASE NOTE COURSE DATE CHANGES: CERTIFIED SWIMMING POOL OPERATOR LEVEL 1 June 12-13, 2014 ..............................................................................Grimshaw June 19-20, 2014 ....................................................................................Leduc July 14-15, 2014.............................................Edmonton (MacEwan University) AUGUST 11-12, 2014 ......................................RED DEER (RFP SYMPOSIUM) October 16-17, 2014 .............................................................................St. Paul November 12-13, 2014...................................................Edmonton (Mill Woods LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 25 Arena Maintenance Lloydminster – Now, July 31 Arena Operator 1, Lloydminster – Now July 29-30 Arena 1, Leduc – Now July 28-29, 2014 If you are NOT a current member, you will need to become one before you can register for a course. Membership is prorated. Everyone has to have a current Membership to attend an RFP course. SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 AARFP - COURSE REGISTRATION INFORMATION CLASS SIZE: Max. 20 COURSE START TIME: 8:30 a.m. FINISH TIME: 5:00 p.m. on the last day REGISTER RECREATION FACILITY PERSONNEL NOTE: ** Level II will be required to do some after class & evening work. ONLINE Arena Level 1 | Certified Swimming Pool Level 1 | Building Mtce. Level 1 Building Mtce. Level 2 | Parks & Sportsfield 2 | Supervisory Skills $412.00 (includes $19.61 GST) Arena Level 2* | Advanced Swimming Pool Level 2* $529.00 (includes $25.19 GST) Parks & Sportsfield Level 1 | Arena Mtce. | Curling Mtce. | Lifecycle/Risk Management Custodial | Developing a Policy & Procedure Facility Manual $266.00 (includes $12.66 GST) *Prices subject to change. IF you are NOT a current member, you will need to become one before you can register for a course. Membership is prorated. Everyone has to have a current Membership to attend an RFP course. This membership provides you with benefits such as access to our quarterly newsletters, and several other online features you can check out at www.aarfp.com! PAYMENT OPTIONS: Payment can be made via money order or cheque made payable to “R.F.P.”. VISA, MasterCard and Purchase Orders also accepted. Payment MUST BE RECEIVED one week prior to the start of the course. Payment will not be accepted at the course. LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 26 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 RFP SYMPOSIUM 2014 ~ Red Deer, Alberta This Symposium is designed to encourage facility operators and professionals to develop and enhance their skills and abilities in areas that will benefit themselves, their employer, their career, and the facility in which they operate. Course Schedule August 11, 2014..................................................................................Lifecycle/Risk Management August 11-12, 2014 ...................................................................................Arena Operator Level 1 August 11-12, 2014......................................................................................Pool Operator Level 1 August 12-13, 2014..........................................................................Building Maintenance Level 1 August 13, 2014 .............................................................................................................Custodial The Symposium is intended to deliver a number of courses in a cost effective manner and is also intended to help those individuals that are working towards achieving certification in recreation along with their Western Certification. August 13, 2014 ..................................................................................Parks & Sportsfield Level 1 August 14, 2014..............................................................Developing a Policy & Procedure Manual August 14-15, 2014..........................................................................Building Maintenance Level 2 August 14-15, 2014.............................................................................Parks & Sportsfield Level 2 August 14-15, 2014...........................................................................................Supervisory Skills August 15, 2014...................................................................................Ball Diamond Construction Registration for any of these courses can be done online at our website, www.aarfp.com by clicking on the 'Courses' tab. Please note that some courses may not run if there are not enough people registered in that particular course. If you are NOT a current member, you will need to become one before you can register for a course. Membership is prorated. Everyone has to have a current Membership to attend an RFP course. EIGHT TIPS TO KEEP YOU SANE THIS CHRISTMAS . . . A2Z Arena Products Ltd. Contact: Hardeep 604-726-7400 Fax: 604-526-7406 Plastic sheets (arena boards, adboard panels, kickstrips) Tempered glass + plexi-glass (glass handling devices) Lacrosse frames + netting NHL Size Hockey frames, netting, pads & pegs Ice paint - paper & cloth line kits Ice skates / cleats Skating bars Sports Flooring: classic, décor tiles, starlight rolls Supply & install netting & glass Dasherboard systems Supplier of CLA approved Lacrosse nets and frames All arena hardware [Tables, chairs & metal (outdoor) garbage bins] Visit our website: www.a2zarenaproducts.com LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 27 Email: [email protected] SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 ACROSS LEISURE LINES • AARFP DOWN PAGE 28 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 TIPS FOR AVOIDING A SPRING OR SUMMER COLD Did you know that the average Canadian suffers two to three colds each year, and children up to six? Reliability is low for studies on the impact of many popular preventive measures such as garlic, Echinacea, probiotics and Vitamin D Although winter and the flu season are behind us, there is no reason to be less vigilant about preventing the spread of the common cold, health professional's caution. As most of us know all too well, you can get a cold any time of year, and often it seems that a spring or summer cold is even worse than a winter one. If you are unlucky enough to come down with a cold, the researchers do have some good news: one of the most effective treatments is honey. Take a half teaspoon to two teaspoons at night for some cough relief (but do not give to children under one year). “The best things to prevent a cold that we know of are still the basics: washing your hands and avoiding contact with sick people,” Michael Allan, a family medicine professor at the University of Alberta, explains in a recent issue of Folio. Here are some other tips from the researchers if you do have a cold: Taking zinc in lozenge or pill form reduces duration by 1.5 days in some but not all adults Combinations of decongestants and antihistamines provide some benefit to adults Both ibuprofen and acetaminophen relieve pain or fever, but ibuprofen is more effective for fever control He led a review that looked at hundreds of studies and ways to prevent the common cold. Here are the review highlights, recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal: Hand-washing and physical precautions such as wearing gloves were identified as the most likely to be effective in reducing the risk of catching a cold or spreading one Two studies showed that zinc reduced the number of colds in children aged five to eight, but the findings have been questioned Vitamin C has been extensively studied and has shown little or no benefits Ginseng, found in Cold F/X, has not been found to produce consistent results in reducing colds A Blast from the Past! LEISURE LINES • AARFP Hand hygiene is one of the simplest ways to stay healthy, Alberta Health concurs. Use soap and warm water and scrub for 15 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Alberta Health Services, U of A Folio (March 26, 2014). AUMA Member Notices. Retrieved from: http://www.auma.ca/live/MuniLink/Communications/Member+Notices?contentI d=18509 Answer – Dawn Mercereau, City of Camrose Aquatic Director PAGE 29 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 2014 ARFP BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Sandi Stewart ([email protected]) ..............................(403) 782-1266 PAST PRESIDENT Aaron Singh ([email protected]) ............................(780) 962-7607 PRESIDENT ELECT Russ Tanner ([email protected]) ...........................(403) 362-0135 (Ext 1) Be prepared! SECRETARY Charlene Jackson ([email protected]) ............(780) 385-3977 Cardiac Arrest can happen to anyone at anytime. Philips AED’s are safe, voice prompted and simple to use. With the world’s fastest “CPR to Shock” sequence, we offer best possible survival. Choose Philips…lives are worth it! TREASURER Neven Wilson ([email protected]) ...........(403) 932-2722 EDUCATION REP. Stuart Ray ([email protected]) ...................................(403) 700-7090 The current survival rate for out of hospital cardiac arrest is between 3–5% with EMS responding. Locations with AED’s (Automatic External Defibrillator) can have survival rates as high as 70%+. ASSOCIATE REP. Willie Jurcevic ([email protected]) ......................(403) 250-2494 Ext. 103 First Edition First Aid Training Jan Kirkpatrick Authorized Philips Distributor EDMONTON ZONE REP. Colleen Sparrow ([email protected]) ............(780) 686-0485 Phone/Fax: (403) 243-2644 Email: [email protected] NORTH WEST ZONE REP. Mitch Carter ([email protected]) ......................(780) 891-3778 www.firsteditionfirstaid.ca SOUTH ZONE REP. Renee Fenwick ([email protected]) ..........................(403) 502-8563 Longbow sales inc. SOUTH CENTRAL ZONE REP. Lloyd Smith ([email protected]) ......................................(403) 938-8959 CALGARY ZONE REP. Elise Shelley ([email protected]) ..................................(403) 440-6702 CENTRAL ZONE REP. Dawn Mercereau ([email protected]) ....................(780) 972-9909 NORTH CENTRAL ZONE REP. Carol Dunnigan ([email protected]) ................(780) 962-7616 NORTH EAST ZONE REP. Scott Walker ([email protected]) .............................(780) 842-3381 GOVERNMENT REP. Chris Szabo ([email protected]) .................................RITE 415-0276 RECREATION FACILITY PERSONNEL OFFICE STAFF Kim Snell, Rhonda Phillips, Shawntel Graybill P.O. BOX 100, COCHRANE, ALBERTA T4C 1A4 (403) 851-7626 | Fax: (403) 851-9181 | 1-888-253-7544 email: [email protected] Longbow Sales Inc. #7, 1435 – 40th Ave NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 8N6 Tel: (403) 291-3166 Fax: (403) 291-4774 [email protected] LEISURE LINES • AARFP PAGE 30 SUMMER ISSUE • JUNE 2014 J O I N T H E W I N N I N G T E A M ! ® THE #1 NAME IN ICE RESURFACING INDUSTRIAL MACHINE INC EXCLUSIVE ® R.P.M. 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