BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS CHRONOBIOLOGY The imperceptible movement of plants The bird navigation The vigil-sleep cycle At the basis of the life. A multidisciplinary argument What is a BIOLOGICAL CLOCK A molecular / physiological device which synchronizes activities in the living organisms Oscillation CLOCKS hourglass time chain of events BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS OSCILLATING CLOCKS With an autochthonous pacemaker able to measure time, to generate and check automatically the endogenous rhythms (infradiane, circadiane, ultradiane) also in absence of environmental messages. BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS HOURGLASSES they measure time intervals, they do not ascillate autonomously, they need environmental signals which periodically switch they on BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS Oscilla0ng Clocks ‐ they define a point in the .me Many Biological Clocks are known with different oscillatory frequencies. They can be classified on the basis of the living organisms where they stay on the basis of • Environmental .me scale (temperature compensated) • Biological .me scale (not temperature compensated) Hourglasses – they define a .me span (e.g. embryo development, pregnancy, etc.) Mul0ple clocks • Mixed [some cellular func.ons] • Mixed periodicity (endogenous/exogenous) INFRADIAN RHYTHMS ANNUAL, SEASONAL, LUNAR, WEEK CYCLES germination 1 year (plants) Lethargy : in Citellus lateralis of 324-329 days Migrations : in Silvidae (Passeriformes) Menstruation 29.57 days (moon cycle 29.59 days) CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS About 24 h Independent from external stimuli Free runners, when independent from environmental regulators Vigil-sleep cycle Body temperature cycle ULTRADIAN RHYTHMS From unicellular organisms to mammalians, from physiological to cognitive processes Rhythmic phenomenons independent from the circadian, with which they probaly interact Periods of 1.5 – 3 hours are very common It reflects an economic principle which avoids to spend energy continuously, with a rest – recharge cycle. The spontaneous locomotory activity is a parameter useful for chronobiology studies. Each biological clock should have the following features: • Rhythm persistence • Period temperature – compensated • A mechanism conservative among species Usual techniques used for the study of the circadian rhythm are not useful, and a spectral analysis is required (for ex. the Fourier Analysis) MATHEMATIC – STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TO STUDY BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS The Fourier analysis derives from the researches of Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (beginning of the XIX century), who demonstrated that each continuous function can be the result of a sum of infinite opportune sinusoidal functions. The series of simple functions which result from the decomposition of a complex function is called the Fourier Series FOURIER S ANALYSIS 100 90 80 Period 20-24 h 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10 1 Day = 24 h = 1440 min 400 min = 6,5 h 200 min = 3,3 h 100 300 480 1000 10000 100 90 80 70 Spectrum power 60 24 h 50 40 12 h 30 8h 20 4h 10 0 1 10 100 300 480 1000 10000 Monitoring of the mouse’s locomotory activity 12 mice were monitored by radar in their single cages 50 45 LD 40 CIRCADIAN 35 30 25 ULTRADIAN 20 15 DD 10 5 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 ___________________________________ A JUMP INTO THE DARK WHY CAVE ANIMALS Within the true caves the light cycle is absent Dolichopoda geniculata A trogloxenic species #A2 - D.g.geniculata (N), Pastena Cave PRIMI DATI SU MISIDACEI CAVERNICOLI Spaeleomysis bo8azzii A troglobiont (stygobiont) species Each animal interrupts a infrared beam when it moves into its aquatic environment Problems: - Animal habitat - Water - Warming of the apparatus - De-sinchronization (acclimatation) RESULTS Spelaeomysis bottazzii #1 Spectral power #1 10 9 8 7 Power 6 5 4 3 2 1 circadian 0 1 10 100 1000 Time in min (log) Spelaeomysis bottazzii shows a pattern of activities (the ACTOGRAM) very similar to that of insects and mammalians 10000 Spelaeomysis bottazzii #1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Dolichopoda baccettii #10 - Punta degli Stretti 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 CONCLUSIONS • The circadian is not the only rhythm for the mobility ac.vity of animals • These ultradian components do not depend from the circadian, • They are not regulated by photoperiod, but when they show higher amplitudes when the circadian is nega.vely affected by photoperiod • They are temperature compensated • Tehy stay even in troglobionts as the mysidaceans What about Mysidacea migrating in-out a marine cave? the Ciolo cave: Hemimysis margalefi & Siriella jaltensis 29-30 / 12 / 2006 12.00 00.30 220 specimens H. margalefi In lab at 19.5 °C, L 24 h, yeast 20-30 specimens 1 litre aquarium the aquarium the light spot Black room Uninterrupted recording for 5 days the rec. apparatus the videocam Every 30 min the recorded image was analyzed. Each square (of 24) was characterized with the specimen number it contained. The sequence (of 30 min intervals) obtained was passed through the Fourier analyses Hemimysis margalefi, 38 specimens, 5 days, L 24 h RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS Hemimysis margalefi shows an activity cycle of 23 h It never exits the cave It is not disturbed by light (24 h) Siriella jaltensis is absent from the cave during winter. It arrives in spring It exits the cave during night It did not show any acivity during behavioral experiments (it is disturbed by light)
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