Comprehensive Package


Comprehensive Package
Comprehensive Package
For children 14-18 years of age.
Through the Sonlight Core 10 program you
will be ushered into the inner corridors of
American civil government as it is today. You
will discover not only how the government
works but why it operates as it does. You will
begin your exploration with a survey of the
cultural and historical background that led
to the U.S. Constitution as written. You will
examine the Constitution itself. But then
you will observe how the historical events
and social currents of the past two centuries
have altered Americans’ understanding of the
You will learn what every standard
American Civil Government course provides,
but you will also unearth fascinating issues,
events and people like these:
• The first president who approved unquestionably unconstitutional conduct to achieve
Level 10 Comprehensive includes what you see in these pictures.* While these
photos represent what you can expect to receive in a Comprehensive 10 package, as
a result of changes in product availability, we reserve the right to make substitutions.
*Not shown: Elective and Math programs (to be purchased separately); Binders, Tabs, and Free Backpack.
< All Inclusive Core Instructor’s Guide ready for your binder.
a goal he believed was best for the country.
How this precedent affects us today.
• The president who, if he were alive today,
would almost certainly be tried as a war criminal for the military tactics he approved. What
legacy has his administration left us?
• The fundamental Constitutional questions
challenge you with their unique view of civil
uses a similar literary technique to that which
government examined through a biblical lens.
we study, and one that asks you to interact with
They note that Massachusetts’ civil law once
the content of the works you are reading.
referenced Scripture for almost every penalty it
In science, you’ll have the opportunity
defined. It doesn’t today. Should it? Why or why
to delve into chemistry with the helping hand
not? What should civil government look like?
of Dr. Wile. You’ll learn about both the theo-
Besides its historical and Biblical em-
retical and mathematical bases of chemistry,
phases, Core 10 also includes a complete, ad-
plus you’ll perform a number of fascinating
The practical implications of that war.
vanced-level American Literature component.
We’ve interspersed relatively light, but still
For maximum benefit, you should plan
• Which president made mere protest against
meaningful stories like Belle Prater’s Boy and
to engage in open discussion and journaling
government policy illegal and punishable by
Crazy Lady! between such standards as The Scar-
during your expedition.
lengthy prison sentences.
let Letter and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
(other than slavery!) that loomed large behind
the Civl War/War for Southern Independence.
Core 10 includes a full component of
• And more!
Literary Analysis and Creative Writing. The
Comprehensive 10 Prerequisite Skills:
Be ready to study American Government and
While engaged in this kind of straight
Instructor’s Guide helps you to evaluate your
historical research, two of your guides, Rush-
literary works’ messages, draws your attention
doony’s Institutes of Biblical Law and North’s
to some of the techniques the authors use, and
Daily Time Requirements:
Tools of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus, will
offers two writing exercises each week: one that
Child: 6-8 hrs; Parent: 11⁄2 -2 hrs
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
The Level 10 Comprehensive Package includes the following components:
Details concerning all components of this Comprehensive Program may be found on the next 5 pages.
Civics and American Government. Takes a look at American
government and the foundation it was built upon—the
Constitution. Includes an advanced-level American Literature
program. See page 4 for overall description of a Core program.
Although not included in the Comprehensive Level 10 Package, we
highly recommend Driver Ed in a Box® and/or the Secrets of Great
Communicators public speaking programs. In preparation for college,
you should also continue your foreign language studies. Please turn
to page 111 to select those Elective courses and programs that interest
you. Enter your selections on Worksheet 1 (page 26B) as Additional
1 All-Inclusive Instructor’s Guide
2 Bible books
5 History books
22 Readers/Literature
8 Biographies and Historical Fiction
1 book on interpersonal relationships
1 Binder with tabs
The language arts schedule and creative writing and research
paper assignments are incorporated into the Core 10 Instructor’s
Guide. It also includes a literary analysis component. Workbook
included in Language Arts 10 teaches vocabulary. Includes:
To complete your comprehensive package you will need to select
a Math Program. At this time your child is ready for Advanced
Math. We recommend Saxon’s Advanced Math program, however,
Singapore’s New Elementary Math 4 is also available, as are
several other selections. Please turn to pp. 102-108 to find detailed
information on the wide variety of programs available through
Sonlight. Select the program that best fits your family’s needs and
follow the instructions on Worksheet 1 (page 26B, Step 2).
• 1 vocabulary book
The B family of Hoschton, Georgia
has homeschooled their son Tyler for
five years, three with Sonlight. Writes
mom Donna, “While studying space in
Sonlight’s Science 4, we took a trip to
Huntsville, Alabama to visit the U.S.
Space and Rocket Center. Our son was
amazed at the little amount of space the
early astronauts had.” In this picture,
Tyler’s 3-year-old sister Mikah sits next
to him. Adds Donna, “Even our daughter
knew so much before we ever visited
Huntsville because of listening to her
brother and ‘doing school’ along with him.
Sonlight is whole family learning!”
High School Chemistry. Addresses the theoretical and
mathematical bases of chemistry and includes a chemistry
supplies kit for hands-on experiments. Includes:
1 schedule
1 student text
1 solutions and tests booklet
1 supplementary multimedia CD
1 chemistry supplies kit
AGES 14-18
“My almost 10-year-old
walked past the table where
the Sonlight catalog was lying
face down. ‘That’s so true!’ he
exclaimed.‘What is?’ I asked
wonderingly. ‘Sonlight gives us
the freedom to enjoy learning
AND living!’ he answered,
quoting one of the photo
When you purchase a “Core” program, (which is included in this Comprehensive package), you will receive:
• A 10% Core Discount off your order total
• FREE Standard Shipping and Handling (a $35-$45 value)
• Free gift with an approximate value of $30
• Sonlight’s 8-week risk free trial
NOTE: Use worksheets on pages 26A-D to ensure you order all you need.
Remember to purchase these extra CONSUMABLE items for additional children
using this same Comprehensive package.
– LISA B, 2 OCTOBER 2003
 Wordly Wise 3000 Book 7 workbook
Check on-line for latest prices.
10 Civics/American Government
CORE 10 with Literature and Creative Writing
Complete one-year program for High School. You may use this program, with no modification, as the basis for
teaching one or more students from 14-18 years old. We do not recommend this program for use with students
below 9th grade.
 Core 10
Retail $574.77
Includes Bible, History/Civics, Literature,
Biographies & Historical Fiction, Practical Life
Skills, and a Core Instructor’s Guide ATB. No
4-day alternative. This is a full program!
• Add Necessary Resources (see page 26A)
All-Inclusive Core 10
Instructor’s Guide
ATB $74.97
Includes the following resources for teaching all
Core 10 subjects: full Schedule; Teaching Helps;
Geography and Time-Line Activities; student Study
Guides for Bible, History/Civics, American Literature,
and Language Arts (including extensive Commentary,
Discovery Questions and Vocabulary Development); full
Answers and Definitions; and much more. Ready for your
binder. See pp. 6-10 for thorough description. See sample
Vinyl Binder (3”)
VB30 $9.97
Index Tabs
IN01 $5.97
As evangelical Christians, we should
be willing to stand alone on Scripture when
it comes to law, the appropriate rules and
regulations by which society ought to be run.
Many Christians decide the Bible is
the last place they would look for legislative
guidance. In that sense, they are no different
from their non-Christian neighbors.
RJ Rushdoony and Gary North seek
to challenge this reigning, non-biblical
paradigm. You may love what they have
to say; you may hate it. But if you have
any desire to claim that you seek to obey
the Scriptures in all things, then you have
an obligation to interact with the biblical
meditations contained in the following
two books.
Please note: these are fat books. We will
not be studying either one in its entirety!
We will focus on the most fundamental
arguments and most pressing issues that each
addresses. If you find them fascinating—as I
expect you will—you may finish the books on
your own.
 Bible 10
AB00 $64.94
Includes both titles listed below.
The Institutes of Biblical Law +
The B family has used Sonlight for four of their 10
homeschooling years. “Sonlight has contributed greatly
to the literature-rich environment that has developed
such a passion for reading in each of our four children,”
writes mom Sherri B. Here, her son Garrett, age 14,
spends some time with Sonlight’s Ultra microscope.
 History/Civics 10
AH00 $124.90
Includes the five AH titles listed below.
Basic American Government +
AH01 $36.00
Emancipating Slaves,
Enslaving Free Men +
AH05 $24.95
Carson. We looked at dozens of texts before settling
with delight on this volume. It provides exactly the
kind of basic outline we need for a high school civics
class. Mr. Carson offers a broad perspective on the entire
range of cultural and historical sources that lay behind
America’s constitutional government as it was being born.
He also provides a thorough view of the historical events
that have permitted our national government to become
the Leviathan it is today. For a work that covers so much
difficult and complex material, this book is astonishingly
thorough, well-organized, and easy to read. Hb. R: 9-A
AB01 $34.99
Rushdoony. When it came to civil government, John
Calvin and virtually all of the Protestant Reformers
followed their Roman Catholic forebears in preferring “the
common law of nations” or, as Aquinas called it, “natural
law,” to Biblical law. Rushdoony seeks to establish that
civil law today really can—and ought—to be based on the
civil law established by God over the nation of Israel more
than 3000 years ago. Challenging! X Hb. R: 10-A
Tools of Dominion:
The Case Laws of Exodus +
In attempting to prepare for our 10th year
curriculum, one of the most daunting
challenges we faced had to do with finding
a group of books that would cover the full
sweep of historical roots without breaking
your budget—let alone taking up too many
feet of shelf space! We feel very fortunate to
be able to offer the five history texts listed
AB02 $29.95
North. The author seeks to grapple with how, specifically, the detailed laws of the Old Testament
could be applied in modern society. He pulls no punches
and expects his opponents to pull no punches, either:
He attempts to apply the case laws of Exodus to that
not-long-past institution called slavery, as well as to such
modern and difficult topics as abortion, drunk driving,
pollution, banking and credit, victims’ rights, and much
more. Another thought provoking book. X Hb. R: 10-A
Hummel. Most Americans are taught that, despite
its horrors, the American Civil War was necessary
in order to produce a wonderful result—the emancipation
of black slaves. According to Hummel such an interpretation tramples on too many uncomfortable historical truths.
Of particular importance to our Constitutional studies,
Hummel discusses how Lincoln and the Republicans
ushered in the era of Big Government through a wholesale
trampling upon the Constitution. Deeply thought-provoking. Includes invaluable bibliographical essays. Pb. R: 9-A
The Godless Constitution: The Case
Against Religious Correctness + AH04 $13.95
Kramnick & Moore. The authors of this work ask
whether America’s Constitution was a truly Christian
document, as many conservative Christians claim. Or was
it a deliberately non-theistic (i.e., therefore, non-Christian)
document. Beyond that, they ask whether having a religiously “neutral” Constitution is helpful or harmful to
religious belief and practice. Their conclusions—and the
grounds for their conclusions—will surprise many, both
atheist and Christian. If you wish to maintain the idea of
a uniquely Christian Constitution or a uniquely Christian
America, you must interact with this book. It is the best
of its genre on the market today. Pb. R: 9-A
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
Lies My Teacher Told Me  +
AH06 $15.00
Loewen. The author evaluates the content of 12 of
the most popular high school-level American history
textbooks of the 1980s, and, in the process, provides an
astonishing introduction to all the things our history texts
and teachers “got wrong.” This is the history book that
those of us who want to reach across cultural barriers need
to read. Shocking, eye-opening, and the kind of book that
will motivate you to do a lot more study! Pb. R: 9-A
Never Before in History:
America’s Inspired Birth +
AH02 $35.00
Amos & Gardiner. The authors seek to demonstrate
the religious roots of America’s War for Independence
and its Constitution. They touch on the Papal Revolution
of AD 1075 and the Magna Carta of 1215, but then quickly
move to Luther’s Protestant Revolution and forward in time
to the present. At each step of the way, they note what they
see as uniquely Christian influences exerted upon modern
American political philosophy. If one wishes to pursue
the goal of discovering Christian and Biblical roots for
the American system, this, too, is one of the best-argued
presentations available on the market today written at a
non-doctoral level. Hb, illus. R: 9-A
“I am so impressed with John
Holzmann’s literature notes for
Core 10. I have read many of
my daughter’s books, and then
rushed to the Instructor’s Guide
to read John’s perspective. I find it
always insightful and thoughtful,
like having a literature teacher
have been a tremendous help in
homeschooling our high schooler.”
“I usually place my order early, and
the usual problem came again
today when we received the order.
My daughter now wants to hurry
through the rest of this year so she
can get started on ‘the new stuff.’
I have to hide the books so she
won’t read them all now!”
Sonlight seeks to introduce students to
the greatest and best-loved literature of all
time. We also want to help students interact
with that literature—great and joyful or
great and dismal—which has had the most
significant impact within our culture.
Often it is the emotionally heavy
literature that has impacted our culture most
deeply. And many parents recoil in horror.
Why the dark side? they ask. Why not stick
with those books that are uplifting and
I have attempted to answer this question
elsewhere (see, for example, the articles on
Why to and Why NOT to purchase Sonlight
Curriculum). But the themes from those
essays bear repeating.
Let it be understood up front: our
purpose in studying books that are dark
or brooding is not simply to permit us to
say that our students are culturally literate.
Though there is some value in such a goal, we
have higher purposes in mind.
No, our purpose in reading the literature
we do is to interact with the themes these
books contain in hopes of analyzing how best
to understand and respond to them from a
Christian—and, especially, an evangelistic
(“Good News”) perspective.
For, while the authors of these works
may have expressed best what was in their
own hearts, the reason their works have
endured is because they express so poignantly
what is in many millions of other people’s
hearts as well. We who claim the knowledge
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ must figure out
how to speak to our audience’s felt needs. If
we are to understand their needs, we may be
best prepared by learning to understand their
If one of your primary goals in
homeschooling is to protect your children
from the evils and difficulties of worldly
people, the Sonlight Curriculum 10th Year
Literature program is most definitely not for
you. If you want to prepare them to confront
their culture and to offer hope in the midst of
despair, we have worked and prayed toward
the end that this year’s program will provide
your children an excellent bootcamp training
for the spiritual warfare of liberation to which
God has called them.
 Literature
AR00 $208.25
Includes the AR titles listed below.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn + AR15 $14.95
Twain. “Notice. Persons attempting to find a
motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons
attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons
attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. —By order
of the Author.” Thus does Mark Twain try to preserve
unwilling students from being forced to read his famous
book for anything but the sheer joy of it. We will attempt
to maintain the joy, but plumb the deeper meaning and
symbolism as well. A classic of American literature. Ernest
Hemingway wrote, “All modern American literature comes
from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.”
Beautiful edition printed on acid-free paper with all the
original illustrations. Pb. R: 8-A; RA: 6-A
Belle Prater’s Boy 
AR11 $5.50
White. Newbery Honor. When Belle Prater disappears, her son Woodrow moves in with his grandparents, right next door to his cousin Gypsy. Over the
course of their sixth grade school year, the two children
discover they have a whole lot more in common than
they could have ever imagined. A deep book about love,
abandonment, and family relations. Moving and thoughtprovoking. Pb. RA: 5-A; R: 5-A
The Best Short Stories
of O. Henry 
AR09 $22.95
Henry. This collection offers for readers’ delight the
thirty-eight O. Henry stories honored almost unanimously by anthologists and that represent, in variety and
balance, the best work of America’s favorite storyteller.
They give the full range and flavor of the man born William
Sydney Porter but known throughout the world as O. Henry,
one of the great masters of the short story. As with several
other major texts we will be studying this year, we will sample the author’s work, but leave much of the fun for students
to discover on their own at a later date. Hb. R: 9-A
Bud, Not Buddy 
AR18 $5.99
Curtis. Newbery Medal. It’s 1936 in Flint, Michigan.
Times may be hard, and ten-year-old Bud may be a
motherless boy who never knew his father, but Bud’s got
a few things going for him. One is a collection of flyers
for Herman E. Callowy and his famous band, the Dusky
Devastators of the Depression. Bud’s got an idea those flyers
will lead him to his father, and once he hits the road to find
this mystery man, nothing can stop him. Bud, Not Buddy is
full of laugh-out-loud humor and wonderful characters, hitting the high notes of jazz and sounding the deeper tones of
the Great Depression. Pb. RA: 2-A; R: 4-A
The Chosen 
AR25 $14.00
Potok. In 1940s Brooklyn, an accident throws
Reuven Malther and Danny Saunders together.
Despite their differences (Reuven is a secular Jew with an
intellectual, Zionist father; Danny is the brilliant son and
rightful heir to a Hasidic rebbe), the young men form a
deep friendship. Together they negotiate adolescence, family conflicts, crises of faith, loss, love, and the journey to
adulthood. The intellectual and spiritual clashes between
fathers, between each son and his own father, and between
the two young men, provide a unique backdrop for this
exploration of fathers, sons, faith, loyalty, and, ultimately,
the power of love. A deep and thought-provoking work.
Pb. RA: 6-A; R: 8-A
– AMY S, 30 APRIL 2003
10% DISCOUNT on everything you buy when you purchase a Core or Comprehensive package.
Listings continue on the next page 
AGES 14-18
right there with me! John’s notes
Level 10 Core Listings – CONTINUED
Crazy Lady! 
AR13 $5.99
Conly. Newbery Honor. As he tries to come to terms
with his mother’s death, Vernon finds solace in his
growing relationship with the neighborhood outcasts, a
“crazy” lady named Maxine and her retarded son Ronald.
When social services tries to put Ronald into a special
home, Vernon discovers what true love is all about.
A heartfelt, inspiring story. Pb. RA: 4-A; R: 5-A
The Crucible 
AR24 $10.00
Miller. Though it refers to historical people and real
events, this classic play about the witch hunts and
trials in 17th century Salem, Massachusetts, is really an
a-historical study of the debilitating power of community
hysteria. Written in 1953, The Crucible was Miller’s attempt
to caution Americans about Senator Joseph McCarthy’s
anti-Communist “witch-hunts” of that period in U.S. history. Americans say they treasure their freedoms; but do
they really? To what extent? Another thought-provoking
literary masterpiece. Pb. R: 8-A
The Day They Came to
Arrest the Book 
AR16 $5.50
Hentoff. Who would have believed that The
Adventure of Huckleberry Finn could cause the
worst crisis in the history of George Mason High School?
Certainly not Barney Roth, editor of the school paper. But
when a vocal group of students and parents decide that
the book is racist, sexist, and immoral, and should be
removed from reading lists and the school library, Barney
takes matters into his own hands. When the Huck Finn
issue comes up for a hearing, Barney decides to print his
story about previous censorship efforts at school. He’s
sure that investigative reporting and publicity can help
the cause. But is he too late to turn the tide? A book that
is particularly important to consider from a Christian perspective. What is an appropriate approach to censorship
both from a legal and moral perspective? Pb.
The Giver 
AR27 $6.50
Lowry. Newbery Award. In a nameless utopian community in a future time, everything is under control.
There is no war or fear of pain. There are no choices. Every
person is assigned a role in the community. When Jonas
turns 12 he is singled out as Receiver. He is to receive
special training from The Giver. The Giver alone holds
the memories of the true pains and pleasures of life—all
the realities that can cause passions and upset within the
community. And so the Giver teaches Jonas about color,
the sun, snow, mountains, love, war, death. . . . And the
revelations overwhelm Jonas. Horrified, he plots escape
to “Elsewhere,” a step he hopes will return these and
other, more important memories to all the people. Can
he succeed? A fascinating, thoughtful, and disturbing science-fiction novel. Pb. RA: 6-A; R: 8-A
The Grapes of Wrath +
AR23 $14.00
Steinbeck. Nobel Prize. “One of the greatest and
most socially significant novels of the twentieth
century.” Indelibly captures America during the Great
Depression through the story of the Joads, an Oklahoma
farm family forced to migrate to the land of promise,
California. Out of their trials and repeated collisions with
the hard realities of an America divided into Haves and
Have-Nots, Steinbeck creates a landmark novel that is, at
once, intense, tragic, and stirring. Pb. R: 9-A
Jacob Have I Loved 
AR21 $6.50
Paterson. Newbery Medal. Louise knows that she
should be proud of her beautiful twin Caroline. But
she is convinced that, ever since they were born, Caroline
has done nothing but take from her: their parents’ love,
Louise’s hopes for an education, even her best and only
friend. That is the way things appear to Louise. But is it
the truth? A book that will challenge many teenagers who
perceive themselves as unloved. Pb. RA: 8-A; R: 8-A
Julie of the Wolves 
AR14 $5.99
George. Newbery Award. To her small Eskimo village, she is Miyax. To her pen pal in San Francisco,
she is Julie. At 13, Miyax is an orphan and unhappily married. She runs away from her husband’s parents’ home in
hopes of getting to her pen pal in San Francisco. On the
way, however, she becomes lost in the Alaskan tundra.
With no food, no shelter, and no idea of which way to go,
she begins to look hard at who she really is. Is she Miyax,
Eskimo girl of the old ways, or is she Julie, a modern, whiteAmerican-style teenager? When a pack of wolves begins
to accept her into their community, she realizes she must
learn to think like a wolf as well. This is the compelling
story of a girl searching for answers in a bleak landscape
that at first glance would seem to hold nothing. Powerful!
Pb. illus. RA: 3-A; R: 4-A
Moby-Dick +
AR12 $12.00
Melville. Called “the Greatest American Novel”
by Atlantic Monthly, Moby-Dick is the story of a
deranged whaling ship’s captain Ahab as he pursues
the white whale Moby-Dick. On that level, the work is
an intense, superbly authentic narrative. Its theme and
central figure, however, are reminiscent of Job and of
Oedipus. The novel’s richly symbolic language and tragic
hero are indicative of Melville’s deeper concerns: the
defeats and triumphs of the human spirit and its fusion
of creative and murderous urges. Pb. R: 9-A
My Ántonia 
AR17 $5.95
100 Best-Loved Poems +
AR28 $1.50
Our Town 
AR20 $9.95
The Outsiders  
AR26 $6.99
The Portable Poe +
AR07 $17.00
The Scarlet Letter 
AR06 $6.00
Cather. H.L. Mencken once wrote, “No romantic
novel ever written in America, by man or woman,
is one half so beautiful as My Ántonia.” I believe he is
correct. The space I am allowed here to describe this book
cannot do it justice. I cannot read a few paragraphs without tears leaping to my eyes, the words are too beautiful.
Summary: the fond remembrance of an astonishing, but
believably real, immigrant woman from Bohemia living in
1880s Nebraska. A literary feast. Pb. RA: 8-A; R: 9-A
Smith, ed. Includes some of the best-loved English
and American verse of all time—Rudyard Kipling’s
“If,” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The Village
Blacksmith,” John Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” and
many other classics that ensure hours of enjoyment
whether read to oneself or shared aloud with one’s family.
Includes authors’ pictures. Pb. RA: 4-A; R: 4-A
Wilder. Pulitzer Prize. One of the most popular
American dramas of all time, Our Town recalls three
time periods in the life of residents of a small Connecticut
town. It calls us to focus on the “little things” of life. We
don’t know our time; therefore, as Solomon exhorts us: “A
man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find
satisfaction in his work. This . . . is from the hand of God”
(Eccles. 2:24). Poignant. Pb. R: 9-A
Hinton. An astonishing look at cross-cultural communication and conflict in modern, white America.
The author wrote this, her first novel, when she was
sixteen. Ponyboy can count on his brothers and on his
friends, but not on much else besides trouble with the
Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good
time is to beat up “greasers” like Ponyboy. A raw and
powerful look at what it means to be a friend . . . and to
belong. Violence. Pb. RA: 7-A; R: 9-A
Poe. Poe was perhaps the most melancholy and
deeply brooding author in American history. This
book compiles Poe’s most famous works: tales of fantasy,
terror, death, revenge, murder, and mystery including
“The Murders on the Rue Morgue,” the world’s first detective story, “The Pit and the Pendulum,” “The Fall of the
House of Usher,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” and “The Cask of
Amontillado” among dozens of others. Poe’s poetry also
appears here, including his famous “The Raven.” We
will read a few significant selections from this collection.
Pb. R: 9-A
“This year is my last year, after 15 straight years of homeschooling…. I’ve
always wanted to tell you that our oldest daughter was salutatorian of her
class. A friend of ours was salutatorian the year after that, and our second
daughter was third in her class. All three girls were educated with Sonlight
Curriculum! Thank you for taking us to a level of excellence that paved the
way for my girls in college. You started just when I needed you and it’s been
an adventure every year. God was in your efforts.”
– LINDA M, 20 MARCH 2003
Hawthorne. A study of the tension between public
and private morality, The Scarlet Letter carved new
paths in American literary technique and substance.
Hester Prynne, the first and arguably still greatest heroine in American literature, struggles to turn a badge that
her community is determined should shame and destroy
her into a badge of moral triumph. An embroidered “A”
intended to stigmatize her as an Adulteress becomes a
symbol for Able, Admirable, Angel—exactly opposite that
which the social leaders have determined it should mean.
In Hester’s struggle with the community that tries to condemn and ignore her, The Scarlet Letter has a conflict of
great thematic significance. Pb. plus notes. R: 9-A
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn +
AR22 $13.00
Smith. Francie Nolan has much to ponder in colorful, turn-of-the-century Brooklyn. She grows up with
a sweet but tragic father and a severely realistic mother.
Francie learns early the meaning of hunger and the value
of a penny. Like the tree in a city that grows through
cement or through a cellar grating, she struggles against all
odds to survive and thrive in the hard world that surrounds
her. Betty Smith’s frank writing about life’s squalor and the
book’s humor and pathos ensured its place in the realm of
classics. The New York Public Library has rated it “one of
the books of the century.” Language. Sex. Pb. R: 9-A
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
The View from Saturday 
AR08 $5.99
Konigsburg. Newbery Award. Four friends from a
class of social outcasts attempt to win an Academic
Bowl with the help of their encouraging teacher. Sarita
says, “As a two-time Newbery Medal winner, you know
she has a good writing style. But this book has a wonderful story-line as well. It has the best of all worlds mixed
into one.” Pb. RA: 3-A; R: 5-A
Walden and Civil Disobedience 
AR10 $12.00
Thoreau. In March, 1845, Henry David Thoreau
built himself a wooden hut on the edge of Walden
Pond, near Concord, Massachusetts, where he lived until
September 1847. Walden, Thoreau’s autobiographical
account of what happened there, is also his written meditation on the wonders of nature and the ways of man. Civil
Disobedience is the classic protest against government’s
interference with individual liberty, and is considered one
of the most famous essays ever written. Pb. R: 9-A
Biographies & Historical
 Fiction
10 AA00 $70.78
AA05 $6.99
AA04 $11.95
AA01 $14.99
Richardson. The year is 1795, and deep in the
jungles of Burma hundreds of tribesmen rush out to
a clearing to greet a white-skinned stranger. Could he be
the one to bring the book their forefathers lost so many
centuries ago—the book that tells the secrets of Y’Wa,
the Supreme God? Astonishingly, Yes! Former missionary to the Sawi people of Irian Jaya, Don Richardson
believes that God has not only prepared the Gospel
for all peoples, but He has prepared all peoples for the
Gospel. This book examines dozens of examples of
peoples around the world whose cultural background
prepared them to receive the Gospel long before missionaries ever appeared. Richardson suggests that all
peoples have a sense of God’s existence. The title of the
book comes from Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He [God] has . . . set
eternity in the hearts of men” so that they will seek Him.
X Pb. R: 8-A
The Jungle +
AA03 $9.95
AA07 $9.95
Sinclair. Jurgis Rudkus, a young Lithuanian immigrant who arrives in America filled with dreams of
wealth, freedom, and opportunity, discovers the astonishing truth about “packingtown,” the busy, flourishing,
filthy Chicago stockyards, where New World visions per-
Washington. Booker T. Washington was a devoutly
Christian man who, as a former slave, treaded a
dangerous middle ground in a time of racial backlash and
disfranchisement. As he publicly acquiesced to whites on
issues of social equality, he fiercely exhorted blacks to
unite and improve their lot. This classic black biography
recounts Washington’s life from childhood as a slave,
through his struggle for education, his founding and presidency of Tuskegee Institute and his rise to national prominence. This simply written, anecdotal life story bears the
mark of a man of real courage, talent, and dedication.
Pb. R: 7-A
Where the Broken Heart
Still Beats 
“What a cool day! We got the
Sonlight box today, and the
children were just so excited. We
opened the box and out into the
living room poured 88 books! My
children’s little faces lit up and my
5-year-old daughter said, ‘Mama!
The reason we like school is
because it’s Sonlight!’ Then my
8-year-old son said, ‘Oh boy!
Sonlight is that fun school where
we actually DO stuff!’ I am just
tickled to death. Thanks,
AA02 $7.00
Meyer. Little is known about Cynthia Ann Parker
beyond the fact that she was taken as a nine-yearold girl and raised by Comanche Indians. Twenty-five
years later, she was captured by Texas Rangers and forcibly returned to her white relatives. There she remained
until her death a few years later. This is a fictionalized
account of her life. A riveting and moving examination of
the conflicts between Native Americans and white settlers
in the mid-19th century. Pb. RA: 6-A; R: 9-A
AGES 14-18
Moody. Ralph is thrown off a freight train in western
Nebraska with only a dime in his pocket. Within
hours, however, his entrepreneurial spirit, his sharp judgment of character, his strong convictions about right and
wrong, and his commitment to treat animals and people
with kindness, bring a large and motley group of people
to trust him as their leader and to save them from a man
who is cruel and abusive. If you want to learn about business, banking, and negotiations, this book can teach you!
Filled with deep insight into the human condition, hope,
kindness, amazing business acumen . . . and great joy. Pb.
illus. RA: 3-A; R: 4-A
Eternity in Their Hearts + 
Elliot. Primarily made up of letters and journal
entries Jim Elliot wrote while at college and while
preparing for and then serving on the mission field, this
inspirational classic of modern evangelicalism provides
an intimate portrait of man who wanted to live his life
fully for Christ, no matter what the cost. The main message is that to know Christ is to obey him, and that it is
worth laying down anything and everything for Christ. It
is out of this foundation that Jim wrote his famous words:
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain
what he cannot lose.” X Pb. R: 8-A
Griffin. A white man darkens his skin to experience the black man’s world in 1959. He trudged
southern streets searching for a place where he could eat
or rest, looking vainly for a job other than menial labor,
feeling the “hate stare.” John Griffin crossed the line into
a country of hate, fear, and hopelessness—the country
of the American Black man. A true and disturbing story.
Violence. Pb. R: 9-A
The Dry Divide +
Shadow of the Almighty: The Life &
Testament of Jim Elliot + 
AA06 $9.95
Up from Slavery +
Includes the AA titles listed below.
Black Like Me + 
ish in a jungle of human suffering. Upton Sinclair, master
of the “muckraking” novel, explores the workingman’s
lot at the turn of the century: the backbreaking labor,
the injustices of “wage-slavery,” the bewildering chaos
of urban life. The Jungle, a story so shocking that it
launched a government investigation, recreates this startling chapter of our nation’s history in unflinching detail.
Always a vigorous champion of political reform, Sinclair
is also a gripping storyteller, and his 1906 novel stands as
one of the most important works in the literature of social
change. Pb. R: 9-A
Dating with Integrity 
RR11 $14.99
Holzmann. 2003 Edition. Offers a practical biblical
model of male-female relationships based on our
status as sons and daughters of God. “We must treat each
other as brothers and sisters right up to the point of our
becoming engaged,” says the author. Raises basic questions too often overlooked. Challenging! Highly recommended for parents of children beginning to show interest
in members of the opposite sex and for mature sixth graders and older. X Pb.
Listings continue on the next page 
The S family of Fairfax, Virginia has been using
Sonlight for four years. “I love Sonlight because we
get to read great books together,” writes Gina Jo. “I
learn as much if not more than my children. And I can
homeschool them anywhere.” She adds, “My children
like to listen to me read and seem to learn well using
this approach. Many days they don’t want me to stop
reading.” Pictured are Matthew, Caleb, and Gina Jo on
a field trip to Orlando, Florida.
FREE BACKPACK when you purchase a Core or Comprehensive package.
Level 10 Core Listings – CONTINUED
Chemistry Supplies Kit
Language Arts 10
The Level 10 Language Arts program is incorporated
into the Level 10 Core Instructor’s Guide. We do not
include formal grammar at this level, but if you would
like to continue your grammar studies, we recommend
(continued) use of Winston Grammar-Advanced
(7L04) and/or the study of The Latin Road to English
Grammar (RL57, see p. 115).
“Wordly Wise workbooks 7 through 9 incorporate
interesting literary pieces and fascinating historical
tales to build students’ vocabulary. Each workbook
introduces approximately 300 words.”
• Add Necessary Resources (see page 26A)
The Tenth Year Exploring Creation With
Chemistry program addresses the theoretical
and mathematical bases of chemistry.
(Students are urged to complete Algebra 1
prior to taking the course.) If you do the
experiments that go with this program you
will have a true, upper-level high school
science experience.
 Science 10 Complete
ASK $61.47
Includes 1 mass scale (0-500 grams); blue and red
Litmus paper; 1 thermometer (-10° to 110° C); 6 test
tubes; 1 test tube brush; 1 funnel; 1 alcohol burner and
stand; 1 250 mL beaker; 1 100 mL beaker; 1 watch glass;
2 eyedroppers; 1 stirring rod; 1 50 mL graduated cylinder;
round pieces of filter paper. Note: The mass scale, Litmus
paper and thermometer are necessary in order to complete
all of the experiments in the course. If you already have
items that meet these specifications, or if you do not wish
to do every experiment, you need not order anything. The
remaining items make it easier for you to do the experiments, but common household substitutes are detailed in
the curriculum.
AS $170.44
Includes items ATSA, AS10, ASC2, and ASK.
• Add Necessary Resources (see page 26A)
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 7 +
AL05 $13.30
“10th Grade.” See page 110 for description.
Workbook only (Consumable)
Teacher’s Key only
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 8 +
AL051 $9.65
AL052 $3.65
BL05 $13.30
“11th Grade.” See page 110 for description.
Workbook only (Consumable)
Teacher’s Key only
Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9 +
BL051 $9.65
BL052 $3.65
CL05 $13.30
“12th Grade.” See page 110 for description.
Workbook only (Consumable)
Teacher’s Key only
CL051 $9.65
CL052 $3.65
“We’ve just started Sonlight’s Pre-K
program. I was a little daunted at
first because I wasn’t sure if it
would keep my 4-year-old son’s
interest. I’ve found just the opposite, however. What has happened
is that my son is devouring the
books! We read out of them
constantly it seems. He has
actually turned off Sesame Street to
bring me a book to read. I’m
stunned, but very, very happy.”
Chemistry Schedule Plus
ATSA $14.97
This schedule organizes all of the wonderful material in the Apologia series “Sonlight style” complete
with manageable daily reading assignments, vocabulary
exercises with answers, supplies and planning lists, and
detailed suggestions for how to write up experiments for
record keeping. S
Apologia Educational Ministries’
Exploring Creation with Chemistry AS10 $79.00
Wile. Second edition. We agree with the homeschooling mom who said “this is the most ‘user friendly’
chemistry course I am aware of on the homeschool market.”
It is a winner. The author’s knowledge of and love for his
subject clearly shines through.
Topics include measurement (including a discussion of
units of measure); energy, heat, and temperature; matter
(including discussions of atoms and molecules, elements,
compounds, etc.); stoichiometry (ratios of substances in
chemical reactions and equations); atomic and molecular structures; molecular geometry; acid/base chemistry;
chemistry of solutions; the unique characteristics of
gases; thermodynamics and kinetics; chemical equilibrium; and reduction/oxidation reactions.
I wish I had been able to study chemistry under a
teacher like Dr. Wile! He’s very thorough and very easy
to understand.
The author says students should have completed
Algebra I prior to doing this course. If your student has
not completed Algebra I, plan to spend significant time
explaining and helping solve for unknown ratios.
Text is accompanied by diagrams, charts, graphs, and
illustrations, some in color, but most in black-and-white.
Price includes free curricular support from the author. A
sample lesson may be viewed at www.highschoolscience
Comes in two volumes: a “student text” printed on
quality, glossy paper, and a “solutions and tests” manual.
Main text is oversize hb.
Exploring Creation with Chemistry
Multimedia CD +
ASC2 $15.00
Second edition. Includes about 290 audio pronunciations of the unique vocabulary words in the
textbook plus 48 video clips and graphic demonstrations.
Dr. Wile explains out loud, for example, how to calculate
mass when you know the density and volume of a gas.
His explanation is accompanied by graphics. Perhaps
most pleasurable (because intriguing and exciting), he
shows chemical reactions you would never be able (let
alone willing) to do at home: certain explosive and combustible experiments, for example, that are fascinating
to watch, but dangerous to do. My opinion: I would not
want to do without the videos and many of the graphic
animations and demonstrations.
The G family of Springfield, Tennessee have been
homeschooling for three years, all of them with Sonlight.
Here, Emily, 14, and Ethan, 11, watch the numbers on
the scale as they measure the mass of a graduated
cylinder for a chemistry experiment. “Our son loves his
older sister’s experiments in high school chemistry,”
writes mom Lisa. “Whenever she reaches an experiment,
he drops what he’s doing to participate. This gives our
daughter an opportunity to teach—solidifying her own
learning as she does so—while our son gets early handson experience with the topics he’ll study later in high
school science.” Emily is using Core 7 and Apologia
chemistry and Ethan is studying Core 4.
“This was the first year my children
had to take standardized tests
and they aced the language arts
sections after studying Sonlight’s
Language Arts 2. I couldn’t believe
how well Sonlight’s Language Arts
worked for us. My 3rd and 4th
grader were doing high school
level work!
– TERRI, 7 AUGUST 2003
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
The Eleventh Year physics program provides
a wonderful, advanced high school level
science experience, well-suited for college
 Science 11
BS $99.97
Includes items BS10, BSC2 and BSK.
• Add Necessary Resources (see page 26A)
Apologia Educational Ministries’ Exploring
Creation with Physics (2nd Edition)
Includes textbook, answer key, Exploration 3
Chemistry Kit, and Advanced Chemistry supplies
pack. Prerequisite: successful completion of firstyear Chemistry (AS). In addition to a first year of
chemistry, the student needs to have completed
Algebra 2. The course covers detailed descriptions of
limiting-reagent stoichiometry, atomic and molecular
orbitals, intermolecular forces, solutions, equilibria,
acids and bases, redox reactions, nuclear chemistry,
and organic chemistry. Combined with Chemistry
AS, this program gives the student the equivalent of a
university chemistry course. In other words, these two
courses together cover the entire Advanced Placement
(AP) Chemistry curriculum. Please see www.sonlight
.com/apchemistry.html for full description.
 Saxon Physics
BS02 $154.00
Includes items BS021, BS022, and BS023.
Saxon Physics
Home Study Kit (1st Edition)
BS021 $69.50
Published by, and following much the same
teaching style followed by the Saxon Math programs, the Saxon Physics Home Study Kit consists
of a textbook, answer key, and tests. Put together
with the DIVE CD and you’ve got a winning physics
program on your hands.
Saxon Physics Solutions Manual BS022 $34.50
The Saxon Physics Solutions Manual works out
 all the problems in the textbook.
DIVE CD Physics (1st Edition)
BS023 $50.00
Teaches the Saxon Physics course. Please
use the keyword search at
for further information. See pp. 102-103 for a general
description of DIVE CDs.
 AP Biology
Includes textbook, answer key, two books, slide set,
and dissection animals and dissection trays. The
program covers both the anatomy and the physiology
of the human body’s 11 organ systems (including the
reproductive system) in detail. Prerequisite: successful completion of first-year Biology program (9S)
and first-year Chemistry (AS). Combined with Biology
9S, this program gives the student the equivalent of a
university biology course. Put another way: these two
courses together cover the entire Advanced Placement
(AP) curriculum. Please see
apbiology.html for full description.
did several years of Sonlight and
graduated with Core 9 and Core
10. The material was so rich and
well-rounded, and there was a
lot of work! I told my daughter it
would be easier in college and it
was! She has an amazing work
ethic in her school work and a
true love for learning that SHE
attributes to having done Sonlight.
a college student, she told me
that she finally understood what I
was talking about all those years
when I said I wanted her to be
‘well-rounded.’ She found herself
in classes where she might be one
of a very small group that could
BSK $5.97
CS $209.95
To round out your child’s educational adventure, add appropriate electives. Choose from
the wide variety of materials on pages 111-120.
Last year, when she was officially
BSC2 $15.00
Includes Foil, toothpick, compass, 3 balloons, ruber
band, AA battery, protractor, construction paper.
“I have a junior in college. She
Includes audio pronunciations for unique vocabulary
words found in the companion textbook, plus video
clips and graphic demonstrations. Dr. Wile shows you,
with video examples, what you should be looking for and
how you will look for it; he explains out loud—with animated graphics—some of the more difficult concepts and
processes; and he presents live footage of what you are
studying. Speaking as a former honors high school student:
I would not want to do without the videos and many of the
graphic animations and demonstrations.
Physics Supplies Kit
To complete your curriculum, please select a
Math Program from pages 102-108.
AGES 14-18
DS $124.97
BS10 $79.00
Wile. A solid mathematically-oriented introduction
to physics. Excellent preparation for mathematicallyinclined students who have an interest in possibly pursuing
a technical or engineering degree in college. Though the
math is related to the physical world, its practical application are primarily by means of thought experiments that
have to do with such things as moving cars and shooting
bullets. The book is filled with mathematical formulas and
includes a few black-and-white line drawings to illustrate
some of the applications.
In order to be able to understand the text, a student
needs to be comfortable with the sine, cosine, and tangent
functions along with their inverses. As always, Dr. Wile’s
explanations are extremely thorough and easy to understand (for those who have the proper math background).
One student commented, “On my very first test in
college physics, I got the highest score in the class. My
professor said that I must have had an excellent high
school physics course. He was right!”
As with the other courses in the Apologia series, this
one comes in two volumes: a “student text” and a “solutions and tests” manual. The student text includes all of
the reading, laboratory exercises, and student exercises.
The solutions and test manual includes solutions to all
student exercises, tests, and test solutions. A sample
lesson may be viewed at
Exploring Creation with Physics
Multimedia CD [NEW!]
 AP Chemistry
The M family of Blantyre, Malawi has been using
Sonlight for the past 10 years. They are currently using
Core K, 5, and 10 to educate six of their seven children.
In this picture, Camilla, age 10, colors in part of the
Markable Map. “The Markable Map has been a vital
part of Core 5,” writes Ann, “although we have bought
the Uncle Josh’s Outline Maps CD-ROM (RR98) and
now print out extra maps that Camilla enjoys filling in
in more detail to keep in a book for herself.” Sonlight
books have been instrumental in Camilla’s life. Ann
says, “This time last year Camilla took three months to
read ONE of her Core 4 readers, but now she is flying
through the Readers, Read-alouds, History books, and
extra books, keeping pace easily! If the books she had
read had been any less inspiring, I do not think she
would have persevered. THANK YOU, Sonlight!!!”
converse intelligently with the
professor because of her experience
with being exposed to so many
good books. She thanked me three
times the first semester for having
done Sonlight... and that is the
Get a MASSIVE DISCOUNT on your Instructor’s Guide when you purchase a Core package.
BL Survey of British Literature
High School Course
Complete one-year literature program for High School. You may use this program, with no modification, as the basis
for teaching one or more students 16-18 years old. We do not recommend this program for use with students below high
school. Though a literature program only, this package qualifies for the 10% Core discount.
 Survey of British
Retail $341.35
Includes all the great books below and the
Instructor’s Guide BLT. No 4-day alternative.
British Literature
Instructor’s Guide
BLT $64.97
Vinyl Binder (3”)
VB30 $9.97
Index Tabs
IN01 $5.97
Includes schedule for all subjects and books covered
within the British Literature program including creative
writing and literary analysis assignments, plus lots of notes,
comments, and questions for study and discussion. Predrilled loose leaf pages. See page 6 for thorough description.
See sample at
Sound and Sense +
C5125 $55.95
Perrine. 10th Edition. Unlocks the depth and delight
of poetry. Chapters such as “Imagery” and “Figurative
Language” use classic poetry to demonstrate the concepts.
Provides both a solid foundation in the mechanics of poetry as well as a broad selection of some of the great poems
of the ages. Yes, it’s expensive. But sometimes you have to
pay what the publisher charges for the best resource in a
particular field of study. Pb. R: 10-A; RA: 9-A
Sound and Sense Answer Key
C51251 $9.95
Word Power Made Easy +
C5126 $6.99
With every poem come several thought-provoking,
unanswered questions. Use our answers as a starting point for discussion, or as a help when stumped.
Lewis. Vocabulary study at its finest. Descriptive
definitions with Latin and Greek roots make word
lists easy to memorize and incorporate in daily speech.
True/False questions and matching exercises make the
lessons enjoyable. Pb. Consumable. R: 9-A RA: 7-A
Join us on an expedition through some of the
finest literature ever written! Selections include comedy, tragedy, epic poetry, detective stories, romance
novels, historical fiction, satire, adventure, Arthurian
(King Arthur) narratives, fantasy, travelogue, autobiography, Gothic horror, and Christian allegory.
We start with an Old English text, Beowulf,
an epic poem written when the Christian gospel
first came to the pagan Anglos. We then meet Sir
Gawain, a knight of the Round Table who struggles
with temptation and the superficiality of King
Arthur’s court. We enjoy Chaucer’s wit and wisdom
as he regales us with some of his most popular tales,
then ponder the human condition as it is expressed
in Shakespeare’s incredible tragedy, Hamlet. Later,
we read several novels and short stories.
Interspersed among and between our forays into
famous “Great Conversation” texts like these, we get
to relax in the presence of more popular characters
and stories about Sherlock Holmes, Peter Pan, and
P. G. Wodehouse’s famous butler, Jeeves.
You will discover several thought-provoking,
insightful, and influential Christian works along the
path: works like Milton’s Paradise Lost and C. S.
Lewis’ Great Divorce.
And then, coming from “the other side,” experience the horror of life without laws or God in works
like Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Forster’s Passage to
India, and Shelley’s Frankenstein.
One of our goals in this program is to prepare
students for the Advanced Placement (AP) exam.
If you take and pass the exam, you receive college
credit. But better than that, you prepare yourself for
a lifetime of scholarly exploits.
To help you prepare for the exam, we provide
definitions and examples of literary terms, as well
as questions about individual texts.
Poetry plays a major role in the AP exam, and
so, with this in mind, we offer Sound and Sense, an
incredible introduction to the meaning and structure
of poetry in general, as well as to many wonderful
To help you prepare not only for the AP exam,
but for the SAT and ACT tests as well, we highlight—as we do in other Sonlight™ Instructor’s
Guides—the difficult words you’ll find in your texts.
We also offer Word Power Made Easy, an intensive
vocabulary study that pays special attention to
Greek and Latin roots.
Besides the benefits we’ve already mentioned,
your Instructor’s Guide will help you by providing
short biographical sketches about each author,
study notes, comprehension questions, and composition guidelines.
The Adventures & The Memoirs of
Sherlock Holmes 
C5104 $13.00
Doyle. The ash of his cigar and the length of his
stride give the criminal away. Who looks for clues
like these? Sherlock Holmes, “the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen.”
These stories show Holmes’ successes, his mistakes, his
biographer, and, finally, his nemesis. Delightful. Pb. R:
6-A; RA: 5-A
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland &
Through the Looking-Glass 
C5117 $8.95
Carroll. As a critic says, the worlds of childhood,
dreams, nonsense, and logic meet in this delightful
and unexpected story. Much of this text is part of our collective consciousness: the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter,
the Cheshire Cat’s grin, “The Walrus and the Carpenter,”
and “Jabberwocky.” Includes the classic illustrations.
Charming. Pb. R: 5-A; RA: 2-A
Beowulf 
C5101 $13.95
Canterbury Quintet 
C5103 $12.95
Heaney, trans. The first major English epic
poem, translated by a Nobel-Prize winning poet.
Combination Old English text and modern day translation.
The original Anglo superhero story. In a culture with a strong
revenge ethic, Beowulf battles three monsters. Gripping. Pb.
R: 10-A; RA: 9-A
Chaucer. Subtitled “The General Prologue & Four
Tales: A Reader-Friendly Edition,” this text uses
Chaucer’s original language, but updates the spelling and
offers definitions and occasional translations as needed.
Also includes helpful commentary. A delightful gallery of
verbal portraits. Pb. R: 11-A; RA: 10-A
Dubliners 
C5118 $2.00
Emma +
C5113 $6.95
Frankenstein 
C5109 $8.00
The Great Divorce 
C5120 $9.95
Gulliver’s Travels 
C5110 $5.95
Joyce. Fifteen short stories by arguably the most
influential writer of the 20th Century show snapshots of life in Dublin. None have surprise endings (Joyce
is not O. Henry); none have strong moral conclusions
(Joyce is no Aesop); but all are beautifully written. A wonderful introduction to this difficult but significant author.
Pb. R: 11-A RA: 10-A
Austen. Clever Emma is clueless about matchmaking. She thwarts good relationships and tries
to create romance where none could exist. Finally, to
her chagrin, she realizes how little she knows. Pb. R:
10-A; RA: 8-A
Shelley. The original Gothic horror story.
Frankenstein creates a monster that yearns for
companionship. Universally spurned, the monster turns
to crime. Thought-provoking. Pb. R: 9-A RA: 8-A
Lewis. The speaker tours hell and heaven and offers
insight into man’s sinful nature and God’s grace.
Challenging. X Pb. R: 9-A; RA: 7-A
Swift. Do rebellions really start over something so trivial as which end of a hard-boiled egg to break? Swift’s
satire lampoons his society. Witty. Pb. R: 10-A; RA: 8-A
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
Hamlet 
C5105 $6.95
The Importance of
Being Earnest 
C5106 $1.00
Lord of the Flies 
C5123 $7.95
Shakespeare. There’s something rotten in the state
of Denmark. Prince Hamlet learns that the King
murdered his father—but is revenge the answer? Our text
combines the original Elizabethan text with facing-page
translation. Gorgeous language, glorious plot. Pb. R: 9-A;
RA: 7-A
Wilde. A bored lord invents a relative as a useful
excuse for avoiding unpleasant social engagements.
Unfortunately, however, this “relative” visits his house
and falls in love with his ward. A lesson in the importance of honesty—or, shall we say, of being earnest. Fun.
Pb. R: 9-A; RA: 7-A
Golding. A plane crash strands schoolboys on a
tropical island. Their attempt to self-govern reveals
the awful depths of human depravity. Pb. R: 9-A; RA:
Paradise Lost 
C5107 $10.00
A Passage to India 
C5122 $13.00
Milton. The story of Adam and Eve: their creation,
bliss, temptation, fall, and subsequent misery.
Throughout, he alludes to the future redemption by the
second Adam. A masterpiece. X Pb. R: 11-A RA: 10-A
Forster. One of the most lyric writers of the 20th
Century, Forster highlights the cultural differences
between British colonials and their Indian counterparts.
Can an Indian and a Brit be friends? Haunting. Pb. R:
11-A; RA: 9-A
Peter Pan 
C5108 $4.95
Pygmalion 
C5121 $1.50
Shaw. Linguist Henry Higgins teaches a guttersnipe
to speak properly and passes her off on high society.
Are people more than mere appearances? This play was the
basis for the musical My Fair Lady. Pb. R: 8-A RA: 6-A
Right Ho, Jeeves 
C5124 $7.95
Wodehouse. Two people are in love. Marriage
doesn’t seem far away. But when Bertie Wooster
wishes to help, the expected happy ending proves ever
more elusive. Hysterically funny. Pb. R: 6-A RA: 5-A
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner  C5111 $1.50
Coleridge. A sailor kills an albatross and finds himself
punished horribly as a result. Can there be forgiveness?
A haunting epic ballad. Pb. R: 10-A; RA: 9-A
The Secret Sharer
& Other Stories 
C5119 $2.00
A Severe Mercy 
C5115 $9.95
Conrad. Powerful short stories about sailing
and the sea. The title story is about a captain
who shields a stowaway, almost at the expense of his
command, his boat, and his sanity. Masterful. Pb.
R: 9-A RA: 8-A
Vanauken. The autobiography of two pagans, deeply
in love, who come to Christ. One follows wholeheartedly, the other holds back. The former must die before the
latter follows God without reservation. Moving, thoughtprovoking, beautiful. X Pb. R: 10-A RA: 8-A
Sir Gawain and
the Green Knight 
C5102 $9.95
Winny, trans. One of the earliest and finest accounts
of King Arthur’s court. Combination Middle English
text and modern day translation. His honor challenged,
Sir Gawain confronts his foe, and along the way overcomes temptations. Charming. Pb. R: 10-A RA: 7-A
“Survey of British Literature has wooed
my daughter into spending her last
A Tale of Two Cities 
Dickens. The French Revolution, also known as
the best of times and the worst of times, backdrops
this historical fiction. A vivid picture of class struggles
shown through the lens of two families on two continents.
Compelling. Pb. R: 10-A; RA: 8-A
C5116 $10.00
year of school at home. Oh, how the
influence of great Sonlight books has
taken root in her heart and mind.
Thanks, Sonlight, for re-lighting the
learning fire in my daughter!”
Three Men in a Boat 
C5112 $9.95
– JILL IN KY, 29 APRIL 2003
Wuthering Heights 
C5114 $9.20
Jerome. Three friends decide to spend a week relaxing in a boat on the Thames. Forget the relaxation!
The author’s dry humor and insightful commentary—compared favorably to Mark Twain’s!—will keep you in
stitches. One of those books you don’t want to put down.
Pb. R: 8-A; RA: 6-A
Brontë. The civilized Linton children meet wild
Catherine Earnshaw and her savage adopted brother
Heathcliff. The families intermarry, and passion, betrayal,
hatred and death follow. Intense. Pb. R: 10-A; RA: 9-A
FREE BINDER & TABS when you purchase a Core package.
AGES 14-18
Barrie. The original, unabridged story of the boy
who never grew up . . . and the girl who tried to
be his mother. Join Wendy, John, and Michael as they
follow Peter to Neverland. For those who only know the
abridged versions, this one will surprise you. “Peter Pan
has a suppleness, lightness, and intelligence that are
‘literary’ in the best sense.” Pb. R: 7-A; RA: K-A
“We began Core 5 right after our move to Hawaii, and started off with a bang learning about the Pacific Islanders,”
writes Lynn G of Ewa Beach. “My girls, Erin and Laura, could not wait to go to the Pacific Cultural Center here on
Oahu to show their dad all they had learned after just a few weeks with Core 5. Here they are standing in front of a
half-sized replica of a Rapa Nui (Easter Island) statue. They had done a mini-report on Easter Island using their new
World Book program, and were able to impress their dad by teaching him that the official name for these statues are
moai.” The G family has homeschooled their daughters for two years, both with Sonlight.
An Overview by Subject (continued)
MATH (continued from page 26)
prepared for the 4th, and sometimes even the
5th year books in competing programs. In the
meantime, however, students gain a profound
understanding of basic math concepts.
Miquon is probably the only math
program on the market that uses all four
arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division) beginning in
“first year” (Orange and Red books). It also
introduces algebraic notation, geometry, and
diagram-reading in the first book.
Because of its unique approach, Miquon
Math can be used effectively by advanced and
gifted learners as well as those with learning
“I have been solely using Sonlight
Curriculum for the past five
years. Each year I have gone
ahead and ordered the ‘full’ Core
package because I love having all
of the books on hand and I enjoy
building my library. This year, due
to employment changes for my
husband, I decided getting ALL of
the books might not be the best
use of my money. With a little bit
of a negative attitude, I removed
the Core 8 from my online cart
and added back in only the items I
could not find at the library. To my
delight and surprise, I found that
it was actually cheaper for me to
buy the Core package with the 10%
– NANCY M, 22 AUGUST 2003
Learners vary in the amount of time they
need to spend 1) practicing a task or concept
using manipulatives; 2) talking about what
they are doing and what they understand;
3) receiving assistance to remember the possibilities for solving a set of problems; and, 4)
reviewing different topic areas.
But the strength of discovery-oriented
learning can also be the Miquon program’s
greatest weakness. Some students and parents
believe that math education means memorizing certain data or mastering certain formulae. Miquon Math seeks, as a fundamental
commitment, to train your child to look for
alternative solutions, to “think outside the
box,” and discover what is not immediately
If you or your child are inherently predisposed against such a discovery-oriented
approach to learning; i.e., if either one or
both of you prefer a “just the facts”/“tell me
what I need to know so I can get on with it”
approach to math instruction, this series will
drive you crazy. It requires curiosity, flexibility
and an attitude of openness to inquiry and
Miquon Math’s approach can help some
children to truly understand math in a way
that they wouldn’t otherwise, but, as noted,
it has its limitations. Miquon does not work
as well with students who do not care to
understand the subject, and usually requires
more time from the parent than competitive
programs. The publisher recommends that
parents and children work together as a team
to share ideas and discoveries.
One teacher’s manual (the Annotated
Lab Notes) covers all six workbooks from first
through third grade. Though one can usually
figure out how to do something with most of
the pages in the workbooks, the Lab Notes
contain specific, helpful instructions, suggestions, and anecdotes for using each and every
page in the workbooks. The Lab Notes’ contributions go way beyond the obvious.
Overall, Miquon Math is an inspiring and
inexpensive—but very profitable—program.
Due to the difficulty of starting Miquon
Math in midstream, the publishers—and
we—urge you, if you are just beginning the
program and have a child in second or third
grade, to start with the books from the grade
before (see their item numbers; books beginning with “1” are generally for first grade; “2”
for second grade; etc.).
Workbooks are consumable.
See scope and sequence, sample pages, and
more at
We believe math should be both fun and
challenging at the same time. That’s why we
always include manipulative activities on
Wednesdays when we schedule math. They
provide a pleasant break from the routine, plus
they give students concrete reinforcement in
what can otherwise be wholly abstract ideas.
Sometimes a certain concept or area of
math study just doesn’t “stick” or needs more
review. Other times you want to introduce
an advanced student to more difficult topics.
That’s what the Key to...® series is all about: inexpensive, sequentially-oriented and straightforward help on specialized topics.
Vocabulary and reading level are simple;
instructions are clear and direct; and only one
concept is presented per page so students have
time to understand new ideas without being
These are consumable workbooks we
found very helpful with our own students.
See sample pages and more at www.
Video Tutor for Saxon Math!
Finally! Whether you’re confident all the
way up to Trigonometry, or wish someone
were there to help you teach your 4th grader,
you’ve got a friend.
Dr. David Shormann’s DIVE Into Math
(DIVE stands for Digital Interactive Video Education) programs are designed to supplement
each of the Saxon Math books, from Math 5/4
to AP Calculus. As if s/he were attending a live
classroom lecture, your student will hear Shormann’s voice and watch him make graphic
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
This is the best algebra program we’ve
seen. If you can afford it, you should get it.
Why? Because it does what an algebra
course ought to do. It teaches you to think
mathematically. It doesn’t just teach you how
to manipulate algebraic formulas to get correct
answers on standardized tests. It teaches you
why algebra works. You learn how to analyze
and solve virtually any problem susceptible to
algebraic solution. And you’re supported every
step of the way by tireless video instructors
and toll-free telephone support.
I was a math whiz in high school. I loved
algebra. But even as I watched the first few
lessons of Module A in VideoText, I gained a
firmer grasp than I’d ever had before on some
basic algebraic principles. This is the way to
learn algebra!
VideoText helps students not only understand algebraic concepts, but appreciate how
and why the concepts are important. Students
learn how to use the factual knowledge the
program presents.
The 6-module series covers Algebra 1 and
2 plus all algebraic concepts found in pre-algebra. (If your child has mastered Saxon 7/6, he
or she should be ready for VideoText.) Note,
however: its 176 concise lessons are integrated
on a different plan than the standard Algebra
1 and 2 programs. If you’ve done Algebra 1
elsewhere, you still need to begin with Module
A in VideoText.
Besides three videotapes (two for Module
F), each module includes an average of 60
pages of course notes (printed summary notes
of the lessons: students can concentrate on
understanding rather than documenting what
they hear), 100 worktext pages (“homework”
problems), detailed solutions for every problem, two one- or two-page quizzes (with solution keys) for almost every lesson, plus two
comprehensive exams for each module. Why
two tests for each segment? To encourage mastery of the material. (The program explains
how to use the tests toward that end.)
The videotape production quality is topnotch. Lecturers speak exceptionally clearly.
Colored and animated graphics catalyze your
understanding. The graphics enabled me to
understand concepts in seconds that would
have taken me 15 minutes or more to understand if an instructor had simply explained
them with words and static black-and-white
chalkboard-style drawings.
Videos come in VHS only. Worktexts
and tests are designed for students to answer
on separate sheets, though you receive full
reprint rights to all tests and worksheets for all
members of your immediate family. Purchase
price also includes lifetime toll-free telephone
support for every member of the purchasing
Purchase video A, or package A-C or A-F,
and you have 30 days to try Module A. If you
don’t like it, return it, along with the unused
FREE SHIPPING when you order $100 or more.
remaining tapes and get all your money back
on Module A. (Other modules subject to handling fee, if returned.)
Save the most by purchasing Package
A-F or A-C. Or try Module A. If you like it
(and we’re sure you will), then save money
by purchasing Packages B-C or B-F. With the
money-back guarantee any way you purchase,
plus Sonlight’s free shipping, and the 10%
discount if purchased with a Core program,
these videos are worth a try. See more at 
The C family of Bellevue, Nebraska has enjoyed
Sonlight for the past two years. Writes mom Terry,
“Sonlight may not be a ‘hands-on curriculum’, but
it doesn’t need to be! Sonlight puts ideas into my
kids’ heads and they carry out the ideas. We learned
a lot about whales, so in this picture, Ben and Jeff
are making binoculars to ‘watch whales.’ I feel so
blessed to have found Sonlight from the beginning
of our homeschool adventure!”
“The Sonlight Science Kits are live or
die around here! Last year I borrowed
a bunch of books from a friend for
science, thinking that I would save
money (which I didn’t have) and
instead use time (which I thought
I had) to amass my own tools and
scheduling, etc. Well.... Needless to
say, I got overwhelmed and science
fell through the cracks! It’s Sonlight
Science all the way this year!”
– MEGAN K, 2 JULY 2003
presentations of similar problems on a digitized whiteboard screen on your computer.
This software offers one additional benefit you won’t find with live or video teachers:
at the touch of a button, and virtually instantaneously, you can pause, rewind, and replay
any portion of any lecture.
Dr. Shormann’s smooth, steady voice and
on-screen illustrations, combined with students’ writing the problems themselves mean
you’ve got the aural, visual and kinesthetic
paths to learning! All of these together create
an outstanding learning environment.
As an experienced math and science
teacher to homeschoolers, Dr. Shormann
seems to have a good grasp on what students
need to hear in order to understand the
concepts. Though he usually uses the same
methods that Saxon does to solve problems,
sometimes he teaches alternative approaches,
and he often offers tips to make things easier.
On the Math 5/4 to 8/7 programs, Shormann provides his own practice problems so
that, if students need extra practice, they can
do the practice problems in the book as well.
What a deal! $50 a year for a personal
math tutor! (Or buy a Core program and get
these CDs at a 10% discount, or $45 each.)
Requires a computer with sound. Available
in both Windows and Mac versions (see detailed
listings). You’ll need Windows 95 or higher
with Windows Media Player (a free download)
or Macintosh with Virtual PC software.
Math Programs
See Overview by Subject article starting on page 24 for detailed discussion.
See pp. 24-26 for complete descriptions.
Suggested Singapore Math Kits
The prepackaged one-year programs we suggest here
include those items we have found that maximize
the pleasure and benefit of the Singapore Math
experience. You need not purchase all of the items in
any of these kits. They are suggestions only. But we
thought you should know what we believe make the
best combinations.
If you think you’d like to use Singapore Math
at the junior or senior high level, simply order the
appropriate New Elementary Math or College Math
kits from p. 105. Other than needing a protractor and
compass, we do not know what additional resources
to suggest at those levels.
KMUS $67.42
Includes Earlybird workbooks KM1US & KM2US,
 and Pattern Blocks Kit KM10 (see p. 108).
Earlybird 2/Primary Math 1A
1M1US $39.88
Includes Earlybird workbooks KM2US, Primary
Math 1A text- and workbook set 1MAUS (p. 104),
and Clock Face RM05, Hundreds Chart RM06, and
Addition & Subtraction Flash Cards RM07 (see pp. 107108). Recommended one-time purchase: Rainbow Rock
CD-ROM RM167 (p. 105).
Primary Math 1A/1B
1M2US $40.48
Includes Primary Math 1A and 1B text- and workbook sets 1MAUS and 1MBUS (pp. 104), and
Clock Face RM05, Hundreds Chart RM06, and Addition
& Subtraction Flash Cards RM07 (see pp. 107-108).
Recommended one-time purchase: Rainbow Rock
CD-ROM RM167 (p. 105).
Primary Math 1B/2A
2M1US $62.14
Includes Primary Math 1B and 2A text- and work-
 book sets 1MBUS and 2MAUS (p. 104), the 2A
Home Instructor’s Guide 2M14 (see p. 104), and Gram/cm
Cubes Kit RM04 (see p. 108). Recommended one-time
purchase: Rainbow Rock CD-ROM RM167 (p. 105).
“We did a six-month crash course using
Core K and Science K with my 1st, 3rd
and 4th graders. This was my first
experience with Sonlight, and I am
SOLD! We have been in private school
before, and I can tell you they were
NOT learning all of this!”
Primary Math 2A/2B
2M2US $77.08
Includes Primary Math 2A and 2B text- and workbook sets 2MAUS and 2MBUS (p. 104), the 2A
& 2B Home Instructor’s Guides 2M14 and 2M24 (see
p. 104), and Gram/cm Cubes Kit RM04 (see p. 108).
Recommended one-time purchase: Rainbow Rock CDROM RM167 (p. 105).
Primary Math 2B/3A
3M1US $71.60
Includes Primary Math 2B & 3A text- and workbook
sets 2MBUS & 3MAUS (p. 104), the 2B & 3A Home
Instructor’s Guides 2M24 & 3M14 (see p. 104), and
Multiplication & Division Flash Cards RM08 (see p. 108).
Recommended one-time purchase: Vroot & Vroom CDROM RM168 (p. 105).
Primary Math 3A/3B
4M1US $78.55
Includes Primary Math 3B & 4A text- and workbook
 sets 3MBUS & 4MAUS (p. 105), the 3B & 4A Home
Instructor’s Guides 3M24 & 4M14 (see p. 105), and Keys to
Fractions RM300 (see p. 107). Recommended one-time
purchase: Vroot & Vroom CD-ROM RM168 (p. 105).
Necessary one-time purchase: Protractor, Compass,
Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Primary Math 4A/4B
4M2US $78.55
Includes Primary Math 4A & 4B text- and workbook
sets 4MAUS & 4MBUS (p. 105), the 4A & 4B Home
Instructor’s Guides 4M14 and 4M24 (see p. 105), and Keys
to Fractions RM300 (see p. 107). Recommended one-time
purchase: Vroot & Vroom CD-ROM RM168 (p. 105).
Necessary one-time purchase: Protractor, Compass,
Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Primary Math 4B/5A
5M1US $77.55
Includes Primary Math 4B & 5A text- and workbook
sets 4MBUS & 5MAUS (p. 105), the 4B Home
Instructor’s Guide 4M24 (see p. 105), 5A Home Instructor’s
Guide 5M14 (p. 105), and Key to Decimals RM400 (see p.
107). Recommended one-time purchase: Wiggle Woods
CD-ROM RM169 (p. 105). Necessary one-time purchase: Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Primary Math 5A/5B
5M2US $76.55
Includes Primary Math 5A & 5B text- and workbook
sets 5MAUS & 5MBUS and the 5A & 5B Home
Instructor’s Guides 5M14 & 5M24 (p. 105), and Key to
Decimals RM400 (see p. 107). Recommended one-time
purchase: Wiggle Woods CD-ROM RM169 (p. 105).
Necessary one-time purchase: Protractor, Compass,
Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Primary Math 5B/6A
Primary Math 6A/6B
6M2US $43.40
Includes Primary Math 6A & 6B text- and workbook
sets 6MAUS & 6MBUS, and Key to Percents RM500
(see p. 107). You may choose to order the 6A and 6B
solutions manuals, 6MA3 and 6MB3, or the 6A Home
Instructor’s Guide, 6M14, $14.95, available in June and
the 6B Home Instructor’s Guide, 6M24, $14.95, available
in August (p. 105). Recommended one-time purchase:
Wiggle Woods CD-ROM RM169 (p. 105). Necessary
one-time purchase: Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set
RM68 (p. 108).
3M2US $71.59
Includes Primary Math 3A & 3B text- and workbook
sets 3MAUS & 3MBUS (p. 104), the 3A & 3B Home
Instructor’s Guides 3M14 and 3M24 (see p. 104-105), and
Multiplication & Division Flash Cards RM08 (see p. 108).
Recommended one-time purchase: Vroot & Vroom CDROM RM168 (p. 105).
Primary Math 3B/4A
Instructor’s Guide, 6M14, for $14.95 (p. 105), Recommended one-time purchase: Wiggle Woods CD-ROM RM169
(p. 105). Necessary one-time purchase: Protractor,
Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
6M1US $58.35
Includes Primary Math 5B & 6A text- and workbook
 sets 5MBUS & 6MAUS and the 5B Home Instructor’s
Guide 5M24 (p. 105), and Key to Percents RM500 (see p.
107). You may choose to order the 6A solutions manual,
6MA3, or wait until June and purchase the new 6A Home
Singapore Workbooks & Coursebooks
Earlybird 1A & 1B
KM1US $15.00
Earlybird 2A & 2B
KM2US $15.00
 Two full-color consumable pb workbooks.
 Two full-color consumable pb workbooks.
Primary Math 1A
1MAUS $15.61
One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; answer key.
1A Textbook only
1MUS11 $7.80
1A Workbook only (consumable)
1MUS12 $7.80
Primary Math 1B
1MBUS $15.61
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; answer key.
1B Textbook only
1MUS21 $7.80
1B Workbook only (consumable)
1MUS22 $7.80
Primary Math 2A
2MAUS $30.56
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
2A Textbook only
2MUS11 $7.80
2A Workbook only (consumable)
2MUS12 $7.80
2A Home Instructor’s Guide only
2M14 $14.95
Primary Math 2B
2MBUS $30.56
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
2B Textbook only
2MUS21 $7.80
2B Workbook only (consumable)
2MUS22 $7.80
2B Home Instructor’s Guide only
2M24 $14.95
Primary Math 3A
3MAUS $30.55
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
3A Textbook only
3MUS11 $7.80
3A Workbook only (consumable)
3MUS12 $7.80
3A Home Instructor’s Guide only
3M14 $14.95
Primary Math 3B
3MBUS $30.55
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
3B Textbook only
3MUS21 $7.80
3B Workbook only (consumable)
3MUS22 $7.80
3B Home Instructor’s Guide only
3M24 $14.95
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
Primary Math 4A
4MAUS $30.55
New Elementary Math 3
9M $55.00
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,  Two Textbooks, two Teacher’s Guides (with answers
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
4A Textbook only
4MUS11 $7.80
4A Workbook only (consumable)
4MUS12 $7.80
4A Home Instructor’s Guide only
4M14 $14.95
Primary Math 4B
4MBUS $30.55
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
4B Textbook only
4MUS21 $7.80
4B Workbook only (consumable)
4MUS22 $7.80
4B Home Instructor’s Guide only
4M24 $14.95
Primary Math 5A
5MAUS $29.55
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
5A Textbook only
5MUS11 $7.80
5A Workbook only (consumable)
5MUS12 $6.80
5A Home Instructor’s Guide only
5M14 $14.95
Primary Math 5B
and commentary), one consumable Workbook (including
extra practice problems and answers).
New Elem 3A Textbook
9M11 $11.00
New Elem 3B Textbook
9M21 $11.00
New Elem 3A Teacher’s Guide
9M12 $12.50
New Elem 3B Teacher’s Guide
9M22 $12.50
New Elem 3 Workbook only (consumable) 9MW $8.00
New Elementary Math 4
and commentary), one consumable Workbook (including extra practice problems and answers). Note: second Textbook consists of a Review for the entire New
Elementary Math series.
New Elem 4A Textbook
AM11 $11.00
New Elem 4B Textbook
AM1B $11.00
New Elem 4 Teacher’s Guide
AM12 $13.00
New Elem 4 Workbook only (consumable) AMW $8.00
5MBUS $29.55
Mathematics 1
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,  College
One Textbook.
non-consumable pb textbook; Home Instructor’s Guide.
5B Textbook only
5B Workbook only (consumable)
5B Home Instructor’s Guide only
Primary Math 6A
5MUS21 $7.80
5MUS22 $6.80
5M24 $14.95
6MAUS $14.60
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
6MUS11 $7.80
6MUS12 $6.80
Purchase separately:
6A Home Instructor’s Guide only (avail: June) 6M14 $14.95
6A Solutions Manual only
6MA3 $11.95
Primary Math 6B
6MBUS $29.55
 One b&w consumable pb workbook; one full-color,
non-consumable pb textbook.
6B Textbook only
6B Workbook only (consumable)
6MUS21 $7.80
6MUS22 $6.80
Purchase separately:
6B Home Instructor’s Guide only (avail: August) 6M24 $14.95
6B Solutions Manual only
6MB3 $11.95
New Elementary Math 1
7M $74.00
 Textbook, Teacher’s Guide (with answers and commentary), consumable workbook, and Solutions Manual.
New Elem 1 Textbook
7M11 $19.00
New Elem 1 Workbook only (consumable) 7MW $8.00
New Elem 1 Teacher’s Guide
7M12 $22.00
New Elem 1 Solutions Manual only
7M2 $25.00
New Elementary Math 2
8M $74.00
 Textbook, Teacher’s Guide (with answers and commentary), consumable workbook, and Solutions Manual.
New Elem 2 Textbook
8M11 $19.00
New Elem 2 Workbook only (consumable) 8MW $8.00
New Elem 2 Teacher’s Guide
8M12 $22.00
New Elem 2 Solutions Manual only
8M2 $25.00
College Mathematics 2
 One Textbook.
BM $19.00
CM $19.00
These interactive CDs provide interesting, challenging,
and fun-filled activities to reinforce students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and to help develop
mathematical skills. Guided explorations, word problems,
clear explanations and immediate feedback all combine
to maximize the learning opportunity. Windows 95 or
later. To maximize the experience, your computer should
have a Windows-compatible sound card. CDs cannot be
returned for a refund if they have been opened.
Rainbow Rock
RM167 $31.50
Bronze medal-winner in the Educational and Computer Science category of an international interactive
multimedia competition. Covers the subject matter of Primary Math 1A through 2B in exciting activities and two
fast-paced games. Covers counting; mental calculation;
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; using fractions; shape and pattern recognition; spatial visualization;
and solving word problems.
Singapore Math Supplements
Singaporean students succeed in math not only
because of the great curriculum they have to work
with, but because of the practice problems they do
outside the base curriculum.
We have decided to carry the following materials to permit you to acquire the same “extra” practice from which your children may benefit.
Word Problems (US Edition)
 Challenging
(Note: Not available till June 2004)
Vroot and Vroom
Mathematics Intensive Practice
 Primary
(US Edition) (Note: Not available till June 2004)
These exercises provide a wide variety of questions to
enhance the concepts covered in Singapore Primary
Math. The problems are generally presented in an interesting format that do not repeat the course material but
rather extend the student’s understanding of the concepts.
“Take the Challenge” sections contain “thinking-skill” or
non-routine problems designed to enhance the students
problem solving abilities.
Check on-line for latest prices.
RM168 $31.50
Covers the subject matter of Primary Math 3A
through 4B in exciting activities and two fast-paced
games. Covers angles; area and perimeter; fractions;
graphs; problem solving; solid figures; symmetry.
Wiggle Woods
“Extra” word problems—and only word problems—to help
your child master the concepts or to provide him with
more challenge than is contained in the same-numbered
Singapore Primary Math book. Problems are arranged
by topic, though not always in the same order as found
in the Primary Math Series. Answers are provided at the
end of each book. These texts are challenging, especially
by the time you get to the Primary 4 level. Oversize pb,
Challenging Word Problems 1
Challenging Word Problems 2
Challenging Word Problems 3
Challenging Word Problems 4
Challenging Word Problems 5
Challenging Word Problems 6
RM169 $31.50
Terrible name, I know, but this CD does cover the subject matter of Primary Math 5A through 6B by means of
exciting activities and two fast-paced games. Covers ratios;
area of a triangle; percentages; speed; circles.
Handbook for Singapore
Math Teachers
RM170 $28.00
Want to learn the “method behind the madness,”
the “secrets” to how and why Singapore Math is
taught as it is? This is your book. Written by math
teachers from Singapore, it is a general handbook
for all elementary (i.e., “Primary”) levels. Filled with
teaching tips, relevant examples, lesson plans, ideas
for enrichment activities; heuristics (methods or
processes) for problem-solving. Discusses assessing
students’progress and the use of information technology in math education. Oversize spiral bound. Please
see www.son for further information and samples.
 Singapore Math Answer Keys for levels 1-6
SM Answer Key Only, Levels 1-3
SM Answer Key Only, Levels 4-6
RM180 $6.80
RM181 $6.80
Math Listings continues on the next page 
math programs
non-consumable pb textbook.
6A Textbook only
6A Workbook only (consumable)
AM $43.00
 Two Textbooks, one Teacher’s Guide (with answers
Primary Math Intensive Practice 1A
Primary Math Intensive Practice 1B
Primary Math Intensive Practice 2A
Primary Math Intensive Practice 2B
Primary Math Intensive Practice 3A
Primary Math Intensive Practice 3B
Primary Math Intensive Practice 4A
Primary Math Intensive Practice 4B
Primary Math Intensive Practice 5A
Primary Math Intensive Practice 5B
Primary Math Intensive Practice 6A
Primary Math Intensive Practice 6B
Math Listings (continued)
The items below include only what is published by
Saxon Publishers. Please see p. 26 for a thorough
overview description.
See p. 26 for complete description.
Suggested Saxon Math Kits
The prepackaged programs we suggest here include
those items we have found that maximize the pleasure
and benefit of the Saxon Math experience. You need
not purchase all of the items in any of these kits. They
are suggestions only. But we thought you should know
what we believe would be the best combinations.
Math 5/4
4MS $129.45
4MSM (Mac) $129.45
Includes Saxon 5/4 Homeschool Kit 4M04 (p. 106),
DIVE Math 5/4 CD 4M043 (p. 106), and Everything’s
Coming Up Fractions 4M02 (p. 108). Requires Cuisenaire
Rods 4M05 (p. 108).
Math 6/5
5MS $134.45
5MSM (Mac) $134.45
Includes Saxon 6/5 Homeschool Kit 5M04 (p. 106),
DIVE Math 6/5 CD 5M043 (p. 106), and From Here
to There 5M02 (p. 108). Requires the 8-Piece Protractor,
Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108), and Cuisenaire
Rods 4M05 (p. 108).
Math 7/6
6MS $138.45
6MSM (Mac) $138.45
Includes Saxon 7/6 Homeschool Kit 6M04 (p. 106),
DIVE Math 7/6 CD 6M043 (p. 106), and Spatial
Problems with Cuisenaire Rods 6M02 (p. 108). Requires
the 8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p.
108), and Cuisenaire Rods 4M05 (p. 108).
Math 8/7
7MS $150.95
7MSM (Mac) $150.95
Includes Saxon 8/7 Homeschool Kit 7M05 (p. 106),
DIVE Math 8/7 CD 7M053 (p. 106), Key to Fractions
RM300 (p. 107). Requires the 8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Algebra 1/2
Algebra 1 Homeschool Kit +
Saxon Math Individual Items
7MSA (Windows) $145
7MSAM (Mac) $145
Math K Homeschool Kit +
time the course is taught, not per student). First edition.
Requires Manipulatives Set S, KM07 (see p. 108 for
Math K Meeting Book (Consumable)
KM09 $13.50
Math 1 Homeschool Kit +
1M02 $93.50
Kit includes teacher’s manual, student workbooks,
and meeting book and math facts cards (flash cards).
First edition. Workbooks and meeting book are consumable (meeting book is consumed each time the course is
taught; not per student). Requires Manipulatives Set S
or S1, KM07 or 1M08 (see p. 108 for description).
Math 1 Workbook & Fact Cards (Consumable)1M0SW $38.50
Math 1 Meeting Book (Consumable)
1M09 $13.50
Math 2 Homeschool Kit +
2M06 $96.50
Kit includes teacher’s manual, student workbooks,
and meeting book and math facts cards (flash cards).
First edition. Workbooks and meeting book are consumable (meeting book is consumed each time the course is
taught; not per student). Requires Manipulatives Set S
or S2, KM07 or 2M05 (see p. 108 for description).
Math 2 Workbook & Fact Cards (Consumable) 2M0SW $38.50
Math 2 Meeting Book (Consumable)
2M07 $13.50
Math 3 Homeschool Kit +
3M09 $99.50
Kit includes teacher’s manual, student workbooks,
and meeting book and math facts cards (flash cards).
First edition. Workbooks and meeting book are consumable (meeting book is consumed each time the course is
taught; not per student). Requires Manipulatives Set S
or S3, KM07 or 3M07 (see p. 108 for description).
Math 3 Workbook & Fact Cards (Consumable) 3M0SW $39.50
Math 3 Meeting Book (Consumable)
3M10 $13.50
Math 5/4 Homeschool Kit +
Algebra 1
Math 6/5 Homeschool Kit +
8MS (Windows) $146
8MSM (Mac) $146
4M04 $68.50
Softbound student edition, Tests/Worksheets, Solu-
 tions Manual. Third edition.
Math 5/4 Tests/Worksheets (Consumable)
4M041 $19.50
5M04 $73.50
Softbound student edition, Tests/Worksheets, Solutions Manual. Third edition.
Math 6/5 Tests/Worksheets (Consumable)
5M041 $19.50
Includes Saxon Algebra 1 Homeschool Kit 8M01 and
 Solutions Manual 8M02 (p. 106), and DIVE Algebra 
1 CD 8M013 or 8M013M (p. 106). Requires the 8-Piece
Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Algebra 2
9MS (Windows) $146
9MSM (Mac) $146
Includes Saxon Algebra 2 Homeschool Kit 9M01 and
 Solutions Manual 9M02 (p. 106), and DIVE Algebra
2 CD 9M012 or 9M012M (p. 106). Requires the 8-Piece
Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Advanced Math
AMS $149
AMSM (Mac) $149
Includes Saxon Advanced Math Homeschool Kit
 AM01 and Solutions Manual AM02 (p. 106), and
DIVE Advanced Math CD AM012 (p. 106). Requires the
8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Calculus Kit
BMS $158
Includes Saxon Calculus Homeschool Kit BM01
and Solutions Manual BM02 (p. 106), and DIVE AP
Calculus CD BM012 (p. 106). Requires the 8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
Algebra 1 Solutions Manual +
Kit includes teacher’s manual (with complete sched ule) and consumable meeting book (consumed each 
Includes Saxon Algebra 1/2 Homeschool Kit 7M01
and Solutions Manual 7M02 (p. 106), and DIVE Algebra 1/2 CD 7M013 or 7M013M (p. 106). Requires the
8-Piece Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set RM68 (p. 108).
KM08 $63.50
Math 7/6 Homeschool Kit +
6M04 $78.50
Softbound student edition, Tests/Worksheets, Solutions Manual. Fourth edition.
Math 7/6 Tests/Worksheets (Consumable)
6M041 $24.50
Math 8/7 Homeschool Kit +
7M05 $83.50
Softbound student edition, Tests/Worksheets, Solu-
 tions Manual. Third edition.
Math 8/7 Tests/Worksheets (Consumable)
7M051 $24.50
Algebra 1/2 Homeschool Kit +
7M01 $63.50
Hardbound student text, pb answer key (with final
answers only—no documentation or explanations),
and test packet. Third edition.
Algebra 1/2 Test Packet (Consumable)
7M0111 $12.50
Algebra 1/2 Solutions Manual +
8M01 $64.50
Hardbound student text, pb answer key (with final
answers only—no documentation or explanations),
and test packet. Third edition.
Algebra 1 Test Packet (Consumable)
8M0111 $12.50
8M02 $31.50
Detailed solutions to the problems in Saxon Algebra
Algebra 2 Homeschool Kit +
9M01 $64.50
Includes hardbound student text, pb answer key
(with final answers only—no documentation or
explanations), and test packet. Second edition.
Algebra 2 Test Packet (Consumable)
9M0111 $12.50
Algebra 2 Solutions Manual +
9M02 $31.50
Detailed solutions to the problems in Saxon Algebra
Advanced Math Homeschool Kit +
AM01 $67.50
Includes hardbound student text, pb answer key
(with final answers only—no documentation or
explanations), and test packet. Second edition.
Advanced Math Test Packet (Consumable) AM0111 $12.50
Advanced Math Solutions Manual + AM02 $31.50
Detailed solutions to the problems in Saxon Ad-
 vanced Math.
Calculus Homeschool Kit +
BM01 $73.50
Includes hardbound student text, pb answer key
(with final answers only—no documentation or
explanations), and test packet. First edition.
Calculus Test Packet (Consumable)
BM0111 $12.50
Calculus Solutions Manual +
BM02 $34.50
Detailed solutions to the problems in Saxon
See pp. 102 for complete description.
DIVE CD Math 5/4 (Windows; 3rd Edition)
DIVE CD Math 5/4 (Mac; 3rd Edition)
DIVE CD Math 6/5 (Windows; 3rd Edition)
DIVE CD Math 6/5 (Mac; 3rd Edition)
DIVE CD Math 7/6 (Windows; 4th Edition)
DIVE CD Math 7/6 (Mac; 4th Edition)
DIVE CD Math 8/7 (Windows; 3rd Edition)
DIVE CD Math 8/7 (Mac; 3rd Edition)
4M043 $50.00
4M043M $50.00
5M043 $50.00
5M043M $50.00
6M043 $50.00
6M043M $50.00
7M053 $50.00
7M053M $50.00
NOTE: The above new editions will be available June 2004.
DIVE CD Algebra 1/2 (Windows; 3rd Edition) 7M013
DIVE CD Algebra 1/2 (Mac; 3rd Edition ) 7M013M
DIVE CD Algebra 1 (Windows; 3rd Edition)
DIVE CD Algebra 1 (Mac; 3rd Edition)
DIVE CD Algebra 2 (Windows; 2nd Edition) 9M012
DIVE CD Algebra 2 (Mac; 2nd Edition) 9M012M
DIVE CD Adv Math (Windows; 2nd Edition) AM012
DIVE CD Adv Math (Mac; 2nd Edition) AM012M
DIVE CD AP Calculus (Windows; 1st Edition) BM012
7M02 $31.50
Detailed solutions to the problems in Saxon Algebra
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
See p. 26 for complete description.
Annotated Lab Notes
 (Teacher’s Guide)
RM02 $15.25
Though you can get significant value from the workbooks
on their own, the Lab Notes will expand your vision
immeasurably. A great value. Provides helps for all the
Miquon workbooks.
First Year Program
 (First/Second Grade)
1MM $28.25
Includes the Orange and Red Workbooks 1M03 and
1M04, plus the Annotated Lab Notes RM02. Requires
Cuisenaire Rods 4M05 (p. 108).
Orange Level Workbook (Consumable)
1M03 $6.50
Red Level Workbook (Consumable)
1M04 $6.50
Second Year Program
 (Second/Third Grade)
2MM $13.00
Includes the Blue and Green Workbooks. Normal
prerequisite to using 2MM: 1MM. (If you need item
1MM, please purchase the entire program, including
the Annotated Lab Notes.) Requires Cuisenaire Rods
4M05 (p. 108).
Blue Level Workbook (Consumable)
2M02 $6.50
Green Level Workbook (Consumable)
2M03 $6.50
Third Year Program
 (Third/Fourth Grade)
3MM $13.00
Includes the Yellow and Purple Workbooks. Normal prerequisite to using 3MM: 2MM. You need not do 1MM,
but you should do 2MM. Make sure you purchase the
Annotated Lab Notes. Requires Cuisenaire Rods 4M05
(p. 108).
Yellow Level Workbook (Consumable)
3M03 $6.50
Purple Level Workbook (Consumable)
3M04 $6.50
In addition to the programs below, go online to find
the complete Key To Geometry® series.
Key to Algebra®
 (Grades 5-12)
RM100 $45.85
Includes all ten consumable workbooks in the series
(listed below), plus the three non-consumable Answers
and Notes volumes.
1: Operations on Integers (Consumable)
RM101 $3.25
2: Variables, Terms, and
Expressions (Consumable)
RM102 $3.25
3: Equations (Consumable)
RM103 $3.25
4: Polynomials (Consumable)
RM104 $3.25
5: Rational Numbers (Consumable)
RM105 $3.25
6: Multiplying and Dividing
Rational Expressions (Consumable)
RM106 $3.25
7: Adding and Subtracting
Rational Expressions (Consumable)
RM107 $3.25
8: Graphs (Consumable)
RM108 $3.25
9: Systems of Equations (Consumable)
RM109 $3.25
10: Square Roots and
Quadratic Equations (Consumable)
RM110 $3.25
Answers and Notes for Books 1-4
RM111 $4.45
Answers and Notes for Books 5-7
RM112 $4.45
Answers and Notes for Books 8-10
RM113 $4.45
All consumable workbooks only
RM10X $32.50
Key to Fractions®
 (Grades 4-12)
RM300 $17.45
Includes all four consumable workbooks in the series
(listed below), plus the non-consumable Answers and
Notes volume.
1: Fraction Concepts (Consumable)
RM301 $3.25
2: Multiplying and Dividing (Consumable) RM302 $3.25
(Grades 5-12)
For the English/imperial system of measurement.
Students learn how the measuring systems work and
do engaging activities related to the various measurements. Includes all four consumable workbooks in
the series (listed below), plus the non-consumable
Answers and Notes volume.
1: English Units of Length (Consumable) RM601 $3.25
2: Measuring Length and
Perimeter (Consumable)
RM602 $3.25
3: Finding Area and Volume (Consumable) RM603 $3.25
4: English Units for Weight, Capacity,
Temperature, and Time (Consumable) RM604 $3.25
Answers and Notes for Books 1-4
RM605 $4.45
All consumable workbooks only
RM60X $13.00
Audio Memory® Materials
If your child is struggling with his or her math facts,
you can hardly ask for a more “patient” teacher. Easy
sing-along echo songs drill what you need to know.
Vocalists’ diction is extremely clear.
Addition Songs
(CD) RM65 $12.95
Learn counting 1 to 20 and all the addition
facts from 1+1 to 9+9. Includes a reproducible
Subtraction Songs
(CD) RM66 $12.95
RM303 $3.25
4: Mixed Numbers (Consumable)
RM304 $3.25
RM305 $4.45
Multiplication Songs
All consumable workooks only
Key to Decimals®
 (Grades 4-12)
RM30X $13.00
Key to Percents®
(CD) RM67 $12.95
Learn the multiplication tables from 2x2 through
12x12. Includes a 25” x 36” poster.
RM400 $17.45
Includes all four consumable workbooks in the series
(listed below), plus the non-consumable Answers and
Notes volume.
1: Decimal Concepts (Consumable)
RM401 $3.25
2: Adding, Subtracting,
and Multiplying (Consumable)
RM402 $3.25
3: Dividing (Consumable)
RM403 $3.25
4: Using Decimals (Consumable)
RM404 $3.25
Answers and Notes for Books 1-4
RM405 $4.45
All consumable workbooks only
RM40X $13.00
 (Grades 4-12)
RM500 $14.20
Includes all three consumable workbooks in the series
(listed below), plus the non-consumable Answers and
Notes volume.
1: Percent Concepts (Consumable)
RM501 $3.25
2: Percents and Fractions (Consumable)
RM502 $3.25
3: Percents and Decimals (Consumable)
RM503 $3.25
Answers and Notes for Books 1-3
RM505 $4.45
All consumable workbooks only
RM50X $9.75
Concept – Base 10
Popsicle Sticks +
RM03 $2.47
Package of about 220 wooden sticks. Useful for
making bean sticks—a wonderful math manipulative for learning base 10 (instructions included with
the sticks).
Hundreds Chart +
RM06 $1.45
Extremely useful for explaining base-10 system,
place values and for playing “Bingo” number
games (i.e., learning numbers and place values).
Includes laminated card stock square with 10- by
10-unit grids labeled 1 to 100, plus instructions for 34
carefully-sequenced activities.
Concept - Time
Clock Face +
RM05 $0.85
4” laminated card stock clock face (with
hands!)— useful for teaching how to tell time.
Math Listings continues on the next page 
10% DISCOUNT on everything you buy when you purchase a Core or Comprehensive package.
math programs
3: Adding and Subtracting (Consumable)
Learn all the subtraction facts from 1-1=0 to
20-12=8. Easy sing-along echo songs plus a
reproducible songbook/workbook.
Answers and Notes for Books 1-4
Carrie and David C of Spring, Texas act as newscasters
as their brothers, James and Dallin (not pictured), play
camera man and director at the Houston Children’s
Museum. Mom Julie writes, “I love Sonlight because
it gives me structure without limits. I’m not buried in
preparing lesson plans like I was before Sonlight, but
I’m able to take the Core material and adapt it for
my family so everyone can participate! All my friends
are ‘converting’ to Sonlight.” The C family has used
Sonlight for three of their seven homeschooling years.
They are currently using Core 4 and Science 2.
Key to Measurements®
 RM600 $17.45
Math Listings (continued)
Cuisenaire® Materials
Cuisenaire Rods
4M05 $9.95
Seventy-four rectangular plastic rods that vary
from one unit (a cube) to ten units in length.
Each length comes in a specific color (the one-unit
length is always white; the two-unit length, red; etc.).
By manipulating the Rods, children are able to “see,”
in a neutral, physical form, what happens on the
theoretical level when they add, subtract, multiply
and divide. Useful to teach place value and general
numerics—or just playing around! We use ours a lot
. . . especially with the books listed below.
Coming Up Fractions +
4M02 $10.95
Bradford. For use with Cuisenaire rods. Riddles,
puzzles, and lots of rod pictures help introduce
ratios, fractions, and addition and subtraction of fractions. Pb. Consumable. Reproducible.
From Here to There
5M02 $10.95
A fascinating series of lessons for introducing
 and reinforcing the concepts of area, perimeter,
and volume using Cuisenaire rods. Pb. Consumable.
Spatial Problems with
Cuisenaire Rods
6M02 $9.95
Manipulatives for Saxon Math
Pattern Blocks Kit
Manipulatives Set S +
 Includes all three items listed below.
Complete set of manipulatives for use with the
Saxon Math program in grades K through 3.
Includes a plastic balance (used K-2); two student
clocks (K-3); a set of ten two-colored plastic counters
(K-3); 48 one-inch plastic Teddy Bear counters (K);
one set of dominoes (K); two geoboards with rubber
bands (K-2); one laminated hundreds chart (K-3);
100 three-quarter-inch multicolor multilink cubes (K1); set of 100 solid plastic pattern blocks (K-3); two
flexible, clear plastic angle rulers that measure inches,
centimeters and degrees of angle (K-3+); four sets of
plastic tangrams, one tangram in each of four different
colors (K-2); 100 one-inch multicolor tiles (K-3). Plus
a translucent plastic bucket to store everything! S
Manipulatives Set S1 +
Manipulatives Set S2 +
8-Piece Protractor,
Compass, Triangle Set
Sturdy sets of 50 large, double-sided problem
 cards plus four “game” cards explaining games
that increase interest in memorizing math facts.
Addition Cards only
RM071 $3.50
Subtraction Cards only
RM072 $3.50
Multiplication & Division
RM08 $10.49
Sturdy sets of 50 large, double-sided problem
 cards plus four “game” cards explaining games
that increase interest in memorizing math facts (multiplication), 90 cards plus one “game” card (division).
Multiplication Cards only
RM081 $3.50
Division Cards only
RM082 $6.99
Gram/Centimeter Cubes
Gram/cm Cubes Kit
RM04 $15.97
Approximately 400 plastic cubes that measure 1
cm3, have a mass of one gram, and displace one
milliliter of water. There is an assortment of 10 colors.
Packaged in a zip-lock baggie. Cubes can attach on
several sides to form larger cubes or other objects.
Ideally suited for demonstrating mathematical concepts, weighing, measuring, doing volume/density
experiments, etc. Kids also love to build structures
with them and use them for color pattern puzzles.
Includes instructions for over two dozen carefullysequenced activities.
KM10 $37.42
RM09 $23.97
Addison-Wesley. Two hundred fifty brightly
colored, heavy duty plastic geometric shapes
that make wonderful “mosaic” designs and lend
themselves to great “hands on” learning of math concepts from counting to geometry. Kids love them! Set
includes two 4x6” mirrors (help with seeing symetry).
Pattern Block Cards
RM12 $3.50
20 mosaic puzzles of varying difficulty to work
out with pattern blocks. Non-consumable, 81⁄2
x 11” cards.
Pattern Animals
RM13 $9.95
Mogensen & Magarizn. Fun activities and animal
shape “puzzles” to work out with your pattern
blocks. More difficult than Pattern Block Cards. Nonconsumable, Pb.
2M05 $49.97
Flash Cards
RM07 $7.00
Pattern Blocks
Complete set of manipulatives for use with the
Saxon Math program in grades 2 through 3 only.
Includes everything in Kit 1M08, above, except it does
not include multicolor multilink cubes.
Manipulatives Set S3 +
Addition & Subtraction
1M08 $57.97
Complete set of manipulatives for use with the
Saxon Math program in grades 1 through 3 only.
Includes everything in Kit KM07, above, except it does
not include plastic Teddy Bear counters and dominoes.
Written with the intention of developing “right
brain” skills, this book includes three major types
of spatial problems: space-filling activities (similar to
Tangram puzzles); rotation and reflection problems;
and two- dimensional drawings of three-dimensional rod designs. Great fun . . . and worthwhile,
too! Requires Cuisenaire Rods. Pb. Consumable.
KM07 $62.97
3M07 $25.97
Complete set of manipulatives for use with the
Saxon Math program in grade 3 only. Includes
everything in Kit 2M05, above, except it does not
include plastic balance, geoboards, and tangrams.
Protractor, Compass, Triangle Set
RM68 $2.99
Tools you’ll find useful in all upper-level math
programs. Includes protractor, compass, two
triangles, straight-edge, pencil, eraser, and sharpener
all in a convenient plastic case.
Sonlight Activities & Games
Sonlight Math Manipulative Activities
and Games K-3
RMAG Retail: $74.94 $69.97
Dozens of carefully sequenced, creative ideas
 and directions for practical, hands-on learn-
ing activities for K-3 math; everything from basic
arithmetic functions to sorting, counting, weighing,
measuring, graphing, charting, estimating and lots
more! Includes a set of instructions (pre-drilled looseleaf pages), plus all the supplies necessary to do
the activities: Popsicle Sticks RM03; 2 Clock Faces
RM05; Addition & Subtraction Flash Cards RM07;
Multiplication & Division Flash Cards RM08; Gram/
Centimeter Cubes RM04; Pattern Blocks RM09. Plus
a translucent plastic bucket to store everything!
Instructions only
RM10 $9.97
Supplies only
RM30 $64.97
10 Real SATs, 3rd Edition
CM111 $19.95
Published by The College Board, the people who
create the SATs. Includes all of the questions for all
of the subjects for 10 of the most recent SATS, answers
to all the questions, plus a multitude of study tips,
test-taking strategies, specific strategies to use when
approaching each of the different varieties of question,
and a whole lot more! Oversize pb.
DIVE CD SAT Preparation
CM112 $50.00
Teaches the math portion of 10 Real SATs. Includes
complete, step-by-step solutions to every one of the
600 problems contained in the 10 tests. Also includes
study tips for the math questions. See p. 106 for description of DIVE CDs. To benefit from this CD, you will
need the 1o Real SATs book, above.
 Package A-F (Algebra I & II Complete) RM7AF $519.00
 Package A-C (First Year Package) RM7AC $269.00
Module A
Module B
Module C
 Package D-F (Second Year Package)
Module D
Module E
Module F
RM701 $99.95
RM702 $99.95
RM703 $99.95
RM7DF $269.00
RM704 $99.95
RM705 $99.95
RM706 $99.95
 Package B-F (Completer Pkg Alg I & II)RM7BF $429.00
RM7BC $179.00
 Package B-C (Completer Pkg)
Manipulatives for Singapore Math
Complete descriptions available on line.
Mini Plastic Balance K-2
Base 10 Starter Set K-3
Gram Scale 2-6
Angle Ruler 2-6
Hundreds Board Set K-5
Multi-link Cubes K-3
Bingo Markers K-5
MM10 $8.95
MM12 $27.95
SS591 $7.00
MM05 $1.95
RM06 $1.45
MM04 $11.95
KL085 $1.47
orders: • help: • telephone: 303.730.6292 • fax: 303.795.8668
Handwriting Programs
See Overview by Subject article on pages 21-22 for detailed discussion.
Handwriting Without Tears (HWT)
Necessary Resource: Teacher’s Guide
KL171 $7.00
Provides an overview of the Handwriting Without Tears cur
riculum, explains the philosophy and gives the developmental
rationale for its approach. Includes specific instructions for all
readiness (pre-writing) activities. Activities help children with fine
motor skills, pencil grip and letter recognition.
Letters & Numbers for Me Wkbk (approx. K)
pencil!). Consumable.
KL173 $5.97
4 x 6” slate is pre-marked with a smiley face in the top left corner. This gives the child a “frame of reference” for the top and
for correctly printing capital letters and numbers. Children love using
the “Wet-Dry-Try” slate method explained in the books above.
Optional Manipulatives—Particularly helpful for children
with developmental challenges.
Capital Letter Wood Pieces
KL175 $34.00
Three-dimensional shapes are integral to the Readiness
Program. Purchase this set or make your own from wood, styro,
cardboard. . . . (Manufacturing instructions are contained in Teacher’s
Guide KL171.) Set contains 26 pieces.
Foam Mat for Wood Pieces
KL176 $3.25
Foam mat, similar to a mousepad, for laying out 3-D pieces
above. Easily replaced by a sheet of paper on which you draw
a smiley face.
1L171 $5.75
Includes specific, multi-sensory instructions for the My Printing
Book and the Printing Power student workbooks, below.
My Printing Book (approx. 1st)
1L172 $5.75
Designed to eliminate problems with reversals, spacing, place
ment, and letter and numeral formation. Letters are used in simple words and sentences to assure continuous review. Consumable.
Printing Power (approx. 2nd)
2L172 $5.75
A Reason for Handwriting (RFH)
Necessary Resource: Instruction Guidebook KL10 $14.99
A great help to teach your children how to form their letters—
both manuscript and cursive. To be used every year through sixth
grade. X Pb, 108 pp.
Workbook K (approx. K)
KL12 $11.99
Manuscript A (approx. 1st)
1L11 $11.99
Manuscript A continues with manuscript handwriting lessons
and practice, focusing on verses from Psalms and Proverbs. X
Color illus. Consumable.
Transition (approx. 2nd)
Cursive F (approx. 6th)
KL14 $6.75
Introduces the twenty-six upper- and lowercase letters one
letter per page. Letters are arranged according to the simplicity and similarity of strokes in lowercase letters. Progresses from
simple to more complex forms. Consumable.
Basic Italic B (approx. 1st)
1L12 $6.75
Re-introduces the twenty-six upper- and lowercase letters one
letter per page. Letters are arranged alphabetically. Introduces
words and sentences. Consumable.
Basic and Cursive C (approx. 2nd)
2L09 $6.75
Reviews basic italic and introduces the first five joins of cursive italic. Consumable.
Basic and Cursive D (approx. 3rd)
3L10 $6.75
haikus, etc.), letter-writing, and more. Consumable.
Basic and Cursive E (approx. 4th)
Handwriting Supplies
KL16 $4.00
Three extra-thick pencils and a thick-pencil sharpener. Pencils
are perfect for beginning writers to hold.
1L174 $1.00
4L08 $6.75
Reviews basic and cursive writing. Practice includes pho
nograms, prefixes, suffixes, and other letter combinations.
Subject matter of practice: the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms; vegetation zones/biomes; solar system, galaxies, and more.
Basic and Cursive F (approx. 5th)
5L08 $6.75
More practice. Subject matter includes word origins, word
groups and word entertainment; names of Native American
tribes, nations, and communities; spiral writing, pop-up card
design, and envelope making. Fun! Consumable.
Basic and Cursive G (approx. 6th)
6L08 $6.75
Continued practice follows a central theme—the history of our
alphabet. Consumable.
6L04 $11.99
Cursive F continues to refine students’ cursive hand. Focuses
on passages from Proverbs. X Color illus. Consumable.
Print Alphabet Desk Strips
Basic Italic A (approx. K)
K Handwriting Supplies Kit +
Show the capital and lowercase printed versions of all the let
ters on fourteen 8 ⁄ x 11” card stock pages. Make a 13-ft long
2L08 $11.99
Transition continues instruction and practice in manuscript, then
moves, in mid-year, to cursive handwriting. Practice focuses on
passages from the Gospels. X Color illus. Consumable.
Cursive C (approx. 3rd)
3L06 $11.99
Cursive C completes the transition to cursive handwriting.
Practice drills focus on verses from the New Testament
epistles. X Color illus. Consumable.
Cursive D (approx. 4th)
4L04 $11.99
Cursive D continues cursive practice. Focuses on verses from
the Gospels. X Color illus. Consumable.
Cursive E (approx. 5th)
5L04 $11.99
Cursive E continues to refine students’ cursive hand. Focuses
on passages from the Psalms. Consumable.
1L173 $5.75
KL13 $6.75
helpful hints for teaching Books A-G, below. Covers
 Contains
assessment, implementation, activities and supplements.
Teaches students how to write manuscript forms—both upperReviews basic, then presents the cursive joins in sequence.
and lower-case—of all 26 letters in the English alphabet.
Concludes with capitals. Practice includes phonograms, preBegins with basic hand motions. X Color illus. Consumable.
fixes, suffixes, homophones, homographs, poetic forms (couplets,
A complete review of numbers, capitals and lowercase letters.
Students write words, sentences, and simple paragraphs.
Emphasizes fluency rather than repetitive copying. Consumable.
Optional Resources for Teaching Printing
Print Display Cards
3L194 $1.00
A sheet of four 101⁄2 x 2” adhesive strips. Stick strips to desk to
give students visual clues for letter formation.
Necessary Resource: Instruction Manual
For Handwriting Without Tears
* 100 Sheets 2-line ⁄8”-ruled paper (K-1)
⁄8”-ruled paper (2-3)
* 100 Sheets 2-line ⁄8”-ruled paper (4+)
KL174 $3.25
2L174 $3.25
4L174 $3.25
For A Reason for Handwriting and Getty-Dubay Italic
KL184 $1.50
* 50 Sheets 3-line 1”-ruled paper (K)
* 50 Sheets 3-line ⁄8” -ruled paper (early 1) 1L184 $1.50
* 50 Sheets 3-line ⁄2” -ruled paper (late 1-2) 2L184 $1.50
3L184 $1.50
* 50 Sheets 3-line ⁄8” -ruled paper (3-4)
A sheet of four 101⁄2 x 2” adhesive strips. Stick strips to desk to
give students visual clues for letter formation.
“You know what’s so awful about using Sonlight for so many years? It’s
Necessary Resource: Teacher’s Guide
3L191 $5.75
Cursive Handwriting (approx. 3rd)
3L192 $5.75
Includes specific, multi-sensory instructions for Cursive
Handwriting and Cursive Success student workbooks. “Review
and Mastery” strategies make students fluent writers.
Children learn to write neatly, with speed and confidence.
Lowercase letters are taught first. Teaching pages feature large
step-by-step illustrations and child-friendly language. Teaches easy
techniques for connections and capitals. Consumable.
Cursive Success (approx. 4th)
4L172 $5.75
Advanced cursive student workbook can be used as a basic
workbook for older students or as part of the development process after completing Cursive Handwriting. Uses smaller size letters,
larger words and more advanced sentences. Consumable.
knowing that now that you have another child coming up, you don’t really
have to buy a new curriculum since you already bought it years ago for your
first child, and you swore you would simply use it again and save money.
Sigh. I still manage to buy several things from the catalog, but I never get
that thrill of typing in the code for a whole Core program. Big, deep sigh!”
FREE BACKPACK when you purchase a Core or Comprehensive package.
Necessary Resource: Teacher’s Guide
KL172 $5.75
Uses multisensory approach to teach correct capital and
lowercase letter placement and formation, correct number
formation, consistent printing habits (including how to hold the
Slate Chalkboard w/Chalk & Sponge
Cursive Alphabet Desk Strips
Getty-Dubay Italic (GDI)
3L193 $5.75
Show the capital and lowercase printed versions of all the letters on fourteen 81⁄2 x 11” card stock pages. Make a 13-ft long
Optional Resources for Teaching Cursive
Cursive Display Cards