Illustrated Parts List 28T700
Illustrated Parts List 28T700
FORM MS–5510–4C–5/2002 REPLACES FORM MS–5510–3C–6/2001 FILE IN SECT. 2 OF SERVICE MANUAL 28T700 Illustrated Parts List Model Series 28T700 TYPE NUMBERS 1113 through 1180. For Use On Engines Built Before Date Code – 02033100 TABLE OF CONTENTS Air Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Blower Housing/Shrouds . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Crankcase Cover/Sump . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Electric Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fuel Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Governor Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Kits/Gaskets–Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Kits/Gaskets–Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Muffler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Piston Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rewind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PRINTED IN U.S.A. COPYRIGHT by BRIGGS & STRATTON CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Briggs & Stratton Corporation. 28T700 847 847A 523 29 523 525 449 525A 842 32A 28 842 40 45 35 31 27 441 45 32 42 40A 34 36 287 33 27 25 524 1 524 2 3 847B 523A 306 26 449 525A 842 6 441 552 14 691 638 349 13 524 7 5 8 871 869 870 307 718 11 9 322A 308 337 383 13A 16A 16 733 16B 111 24 1019 LABEL KIT 1058 OWNER’S MANUAL 733 709 810 741 810 741 357 741 146 146 146 358 ENGINE GASKET KIT 3 11A 43 635 668 322 10 46 668 176 12 758 758 7 758A 759 757 524 691 20 759 757 759 761 761 842 9 51A 4 883 12 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 9 7 176 22 15 51A 883 15A 20 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–2 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 2 4C–5/2002 28T700 125A 141B 105A 133A 131B 104A 108B 634B 231A 130B 95A 987A 975A NIKKI 137A 955A 117 147A 98A 51 276A 118 127A 955 950A 173 125 692 131 141 131A 105 130 133 95 141A 104 634 95 987B 987 93 108A 108 130A 634A 231 93 98 975 137 51 WALBRO 94A 94 143 276 950 142 127 1091 106 186 147 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 104 51 276 105 142 95 93 106 127 137 127A 105A 137A 117 147A 955A 231A 987A 634A 147 987 987B 118 95A WALBRO NIKKI 276 276A 104A 51 634 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET 51 121A CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 231 137 634B 955 977A CARBURETOR GASKET SET 51 137A 276A Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–3 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 3 4C–5/2002 28T700 467 968 167 R 445 967 185 971 875 875A 344 51A 344 176 176 11 50 11A 53 654 54 646 607 607A 300 613B 883 613 676 725 676A 677 676B 677 677 832 613A 237 300A 994 263 836 346 300B 303 298 301 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–4 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 4 4C–5/2002 28T700 183 972 918 707 957 846 179 601A 187 187A 183A 601 601 240 707 846 179 450 674 601 628A 628 186A 958 182A 187B 788 182 387 725A 527 668 480 385 268 209 271 227 616 552 232 202 270 203 269 205 404 742 614 216B 222A 559 505 188 562 559 621 222 216 265 267 687 216A 689 688 261 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–5 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 5 4C–5/2002 28T700 608A 55A 63 592 58A 64 65A 60 57A 59 655 678 56A 608 65 55 58 60 57 59 56 459 689A 456 597 23 1051 930 726 76 66 257 23A 783 363 1051 71 70 68 726 783 67 726A 23B 695 165 1051 783A Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–6 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 6 4C–5/2002 28T700 949 949A 318 986 493A 563A 493 563 668A 74 332 74A 73 73A 73B 1044 455A 73C 75 455 934 1006 1005 1005B 1005A 727 732 304 304A 305A 305 37B 37A 1036 EMISSION LABEL 78 78A 78 37 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–7 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 7 4C–5/2002 28T700 474 TRI CIRCUIT DUAL CIRCUIT DC ONLY 474A 474B 877 877B 877A 578 878 16 AMP 10 AMP 474C 474C 877C 878A 877C 578 578 9AMP 474B 877B 578 526 526A 501 501A NOTE: All Stators Use No. 1119 Mounting Screw. 789A 729C 493 356 832 664 990 507 729 356A 500 334 520 359 373 621 356B 333 851 920 356C 356D 1054 356E 789 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–8 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 8 4C–5/2002 28T700 309 801 510A 510 1051 544 783 1051 783A 783B 513 513 803 729A 1090 697 311 797 310 579 462 503 802 309A NOTE: For Replacement Starter Motor, See Reference 309. 801A 510B 876 896 783A 544A 926 513 803A 729B 697A 802A 1083A 1083 1003 311B 311A 1083 1083A 309B NOTE: For Replacement Starter Motor, See Reference 309. 801A 510B 876 544A 896 783B 513 729B 310 803A 802A 311A 697A Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–9 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 9 4C–5/2002 28T700 REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 496413 Cylinder Assembly 399265 Kit–Bushing/Seal (Magneto Side) 3 391086 Seal–Oil (Magneto Side) 4 494238 Sump–Engine 5 494240 Head–Cylinder 7 ∅271866 Gasket–Cylinder Head 8 495735 Breather Assembly 9 ∅27803 Gasket–Breather 10 691666 Screw (Breather Assembly) 11 692253 Tube–Breather 12 692226 Gasket–Crankcase (.015” Thick, Standard) ––––––– Note ––––– 692406 Gasket– Crankcase (.005” Thick) 692405 Gasket– Crankcase (.009” Thick) 13 690904 Screw (Cylinder Head) 13A 691687 Screw (Cylinder Head) 15 690946 Plug–Oil Drain ––––––– Note ––––– 691680 Plug–Oil Drain Used on Type No(s). 1154. 16 693944 Crankshaft (Used After Code Date 95073100). ––––––– Note ––––– 498971 Crankshaft (Used Before Code Date 95080100). 20 291675 Seal–Oil (PTO Side) 22 692125 Screw (Crankcase Cover/Sump) 23 693557 Flywheel (Steel Ring Gear) 24 222698 Key–Flywheel 25 696397 Piston Assembly (Standard) (Used After Code Date 01060600). 696398 Piston Assembly (.010” Oversize) (Used After Code Date 01060600). REF. NO. 1 2 26 Included in Engine Gasket Set–Ref. No.358. Included in Carburetor Overhaul Kit–Ref. No. 121. PART NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO. 696399 Piston Assembly (.020” Oversize) (Used After Code Date 01060600). 696400 Piston Assembly (.030” Oversize) (Used After Code Date 01060600). ––––––– Note ––––– 499284 Piston Assembly (Standard) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). 499288 Piston Assembly (.010” Oversize) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). 499292 Piston Assembly (.020” Oversize) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). 499296 Piston Assembly (.030” Oversize) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). 696403 Ring Set (Standard) (Used After Code Date 01060600). 696404 Ring Set (.010” Oversize) (Used After Code Date 01060600). 696405 Ring Set (.020” Oversize) (Used After Code Date 01060600). 696406 Ring Set (.030” Oversize) (Used After Code Date 01060600). ––––––– Note ––––– 499996 Ring Set (Standard) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). 392331 Ring Set (Standard Chrome) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). PART NO. 27 28 691299 498319 29 494504 31 32 222299 690356 32A 690348 33 34 35 262246 262247 691605 36 691597 37 40 690456 690650 40A 691939 42 494553 43 691968 45 691811 46 692123 50 691711 51 692284 51A ∅272554 53 690227 54 690953 73 691748 DESCRIPTION 499997 Ring Set (.010” Oversize) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). 498998 Ring Set (.020” Oversize) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). 499999 Ring Set (.030” Oversize) (Used Before Code Date 01060700). Lock–Piston Pin Pin–Piston (Standard) ––––––– Note ––––– 498320 Pin–Piston (.005” Oversize) Rod–Connecting (Standard) ––––––– Note ––––– 495490 Rod– Connecting (.020” Undersize) Lock–Rod Screw Screw (Connecting Rod) (1 7/8” Long) Screw (Connecting Rod) (1 5/8” Long) Valve–Exhaust Valve–Intake Spring–Valve (Intake) Spring–Valve (Exhaust) Guard–Flywheel Retainer–Valve (Intake) Retainer–Valve (Exhaust) Keeper–Valve Slinger–Governor/Oil Tappet–Valve Camshaft Manifold–Intake Gasket–Intake Gasket–Intake Stud (Carburetor) Screw (Intake Manifold) Screen–Rotating Included in Carburetor Gasket Set–Ref. No. 977. ∅ Included in Valve Gasket Set–Ref. No 1095. Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–10 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 10 4C–5/2002 28T700 REF. NO. 74 75 78 93 94 94A 95 95A 98 98A 104 104A 105 105A 106 108 108A 108B 117 118 121 121A 125 125A 127 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 691655 Screw (Rotating Screen) 690582 Washer (Flywheel) 690661 Screw (Flywheel Guard) 690602 Bushing–Throttle Shaft 498030 Kit–Idle Mixture 494383 Kit–Idle Mixture 691636 Screw (Throttle Valve) 690718 Screw (Throttle Valve) 495800 Kit–Idle Speed 694907 Kit–Idle Speed 690525 Pin–Float Hinge 694918 Pin–Float Hinge 231855 Valve–Float Needle 694922 Valve–Float Needle 690577 Seat–Inlet (Gravity Feed) ––––––– Note ––––– 691780 Seat–Inlet (Pump Feed) (LMT 168, 169) 690464 Valve–Choke (Manual Choke) 692344 Valve–Choke (Choke A Matic) 694923 Valve–Choke 690880 Jet–Main (Standard) 694925 Jet–Main (High Altitude) 697884 Kit–Carburetor Overhaul (LMT 696160, 696162, 696164, 696166) ––––––– Note ––––– 499220 Kit–Carburetor Overhaul (LMT 92, 96) 694930 Kit–Carburetor Overhaul (Nikki Carburetor) 697594 Carburetor (LMT 696160, 696162, 696164, 696166) (Gravity Feed) ––––––– Note ––––– 498027 Carburetor (LMT 92, 96) (Gravity Feed) 694941 Carburetor (Nikki Carburetor) 695005 Plug–Welch REF. NO. PART NO. 127A 130 130A 130B 131A 131B 694916 690468 691750 694917 494379 694909 133 494381 133A 694914 137 281165 137A 694920 141 495097 141A 495931 141B 142 694913 691434 142 497737 146 147A 165 691639 694927 693148 167 692297 173 694926 176 ∅691917 185 690958 186 187 692317 691050 188 691693 202 691841 209 690480 216 222 Included in Engine Gasket Set–Ref. No.358. Included in Carburetor Overhaul Kit–Ref. No. 121. 691840 694042 DESCRIPTION Plug–Welch Valve–Throttle Valve–Throttle Valve–Throttle Kit–Throttle Shaft Kit–Throttle Shaft (Nikki Carburetor) Float–Carburetor Float–Carburetor Gasket–Float Bowl Gasket–Float Bowl Kit–Choke Shaft (Manual Choke) Kit–Choke Shaft (Choke A Matic) Kit–Choke Shaft Nozzle–Carburetor (Standard) Nozzle–Carburetor (High Altitude) Key–Timing Jet–Pilot Nut (Ring Gear) Seal–Air Cleaner Nut Valve–Idle Mixture Seal–O Ring (Air Cleaner Base) Nut (Air Cleaner Base) Connector–Hose Line–Fuel (Cut To Required Length) Screw (Control Bracket) Link–Mechanical Governor Spring–Governor ––––––– Note ––––– 690576 Spring– Governor Used on Type No(s). 1180. 691798 Spring– Governor Used on Type No(s). 1113, 1121. Link–Choke Bracket–Control (Used After Code Date 99010700). REF. NO. PART NO. 227 691374 231 691636 231A 690718 232 240 265 267 691842 298090 691024 690804 268 691025 269 691026 270 691027 271 691028 276 692255 276A 690997 287 691002 304 691400 305 692198 305A 692127 306 307 690459 691003 308 491490 DESCRIPTION ––––––– Note ––––– 691644 Bracket– Control (Used Before Code Date 99010800). Lever–Governor Control Screw (Choke Valve) Screw (Choke Valve) Spring–Governor Link Filter–Fuel Clamp–Casing Screw (Casing Clamp) Casing–Control Wire (Cut To Required Length) Wire–Control (Cut To Required Length) Nut (Control Wire Casing) Lever–Control Washer–Sealing Washer–Sealing Screw (Dipstick Tube) Housing–Blower (Red) ––––––– Note ––––– 690846 Housing– Blower (Black) Screw (Blower Housing) Screw (Blower Housing) Shield–Cylinder Screw (Cylinder Shield) Cover–Cylinder Head Included in Carburetor Gasket Set–Ref. No. 977. ∅ Included in Valve Gasket Set–Ref. No 1095. Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–11 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 11 4C–5/2002 28T700 REF. NO. 309 309A 310 311 311A 322 322A 332 333 334 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 693551 Motor–Starter (3 5/8” Housing Length)(For Steel Ring Gear Only) ––––––– Note ––––– 497595 Motor–Starter (3 5/8” Housing Length)(For Plastic Ring Gear Only) 693054 Motor–Starter (3 5/8” Housing Length)(For Aluminum Ring Gear Only) 497401 Motor–Starter (4 3/8” Housing Length)(For Plastic Ring Gear Only) 499521 Motor–Starter (4 3/8” Housing Length)(For Aluminum Ring Gear Only) Motor–Starter (For Replacement Starter Motor, Order Ref 309) 690323 Bolt (Starter Motor) (3 5/8” Housing Length) ––––––– Note ––––– 691263 Bolt (Starter Motor) 4 3/8” Housing Length) 497608 Brush Set 395538 Brush Set (3 5/8” Housing Length) 691687 Screw (Cylinder Head Cover) 692198 Screw (Cylinder Head Cover) 690662 Nut (Flywheel) 492341 Armature–Magneto 691061 Screw (Magneto Armature) REF. NO. 337 344 356 358 363 383 404 445 455 462 467 474A 503 505 510 510A 510B 513 523 524 525 544 544A 552 Included in Engine Gasket Set–Ref. No.358. Included in Carburetor Overhaul Kit–Ref. No. 121. PART NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO. 802592 Plug–Spark 693675 Screw (Cable Clamp) 690799 Wire–Stop 494241 Gasket Set–Engine 19203 Flywheel Puller 89838 Wrench–Spark Plug 691691 Washer (Governor Crank) 496894 Filter–Air Cleaner Cartridge 691173 Cup–Flywheel 691261 Washer (Starter Cable) 691668 Knob–Air Cleaner 691063 Alternator (Dual Circuit) 691532 Strap–Starter 691251 Nut (Governor Control Lever) 693699 Drive–Starter (Used with Steel Ring Gear) 497606 Drive–Starter (Used with Aluminum & Plastic Ring Gears) 495878 Drive–Starter 692024 Clutch–Drive 692014 Dipstick 281370 Seal–Dipstick Tube 691398 Tube–Dipstick 692034 Armature–Starter (3 5/8” Housing Length) 390837 Armature–Starter (3 5/8” Housing Length) ––––––– Note ––––– 490309 Armature– Starter (4 3/8” Housing Length) 491986 Bushing–Governor Crank 562 579 601 607 607A 614 616 634 634A 634B 635 646 668 668A 691 692 695 697 697A 718 726 726A PART NO. DESCRIPTION 691119 Bolt (Governor Control Lever) 691029 Nut (Starter Cable) 95162 Clamp–Hose (Green) 690703 Screw (Air Cleaner Brace) 691693 Screw (Air Cleaner Brace) 691620 Pin–Cotter 692012 Crank–Governor 690801 Spring/Seal Assembly (Manual Choke) 690802 Spring/Seal Assembly (Choke A Matic) 694912 Spring/Seal Assembly 66538 Boot–Spark Plug 690460 Brace–Air Cleaner 690510 Spacer 691323 Spacer 692407 Seal–Governor Shaft 262820 Spring–Detent 693109 Screw (Ring Gear) 690372 Screw (Drive Cap) 691058 Screw (Drive Cap) 690959 Pin–Locating Gear–Ring ((Steel) (Sold In Flywheel Kit, Reference 23, Only) 399676 Gear–Ring (Aluminum) (Services Plastic Ring Gear Only) Included in Carburetor Gasket Set–Ref. No. 977. ∅ Included in Valve Gasket Set–Ref. No 1095. Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–12 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 12 4C–5/2002 28T700 REF. NO. PART NO. 727 729 729A 732 490324 690596 691224 691002 733 691658 741 757 758 759 761 691284 691714 692423 691239 691096 783 693713 783A 693059 783B 693058 801 801A 802 802A 691429 394856 691286 395537 803 693757 803A 398159 REF. NO. DESCRIPTION Cover–Starter Drive Clip–Wire Clip–Wire Screw (Starter Drive Cover) Screw (Crankshaft Extension) Gear–Timing Link–Counterweight Counterweight Pin–Counterweight Screw (Counterweight) Gear–Pinion (For Steel Ring Gear) Gear–Pinion (For Aluminum Ring Gear Only) Gear–Pinion (For Plastic Ring Gear Only) Cap–Drive Cap–Drive Cap–End Cap–End (3 5/8” Housing Length) ––––––– Note ––––– 494988 Cap–End (4 3/8” Housing Length) Housing–Starter (3 5/8” Housing Length) Housing–Starter (3 5/8” Housing Length) ––––––– Note ––––– 494205 Housing– Starter (4 3/8” Housing Length) 810 842 847 851 869 870 871 875 876 877 896 934 950 950A 955 955A 967 968 Included in Engine Gasket Set–Ref. No.358. Included in Carburetor Overhaul Kit–Ref. No. 121. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 691779 Extension–Crankshaft 691870 Seal–O Ring (Dipstick Tube) 496415 Dipstick/Tube Assembly 493880 Terminal–Spark Plug 691802 Seat–Valve (Intake) 691844 Seat–Valve (Exhaust) 261961 Bushing–Valve Guide (Exhaust) ––––––– Note ––––– 231218 Bushing–Valve Guide (Intake) 694942 Base–Air Cleaner (Plastic) (Use With Nikki Carburetors) ––––––– Note ––––– 693676 Base–Air Cleaner (Plastic) (Use With Walbro Carburetors) 696129 Base–Air Cleaner Used on Type No(s). 1180. 495877 Kit–Pinion Spring 393456 Wire/Connector– Alternator (Dual Circuit) 691641 Pin–Drive Retainer 691058 Screw (Fan Retainer) 691657 Screw–Float Bowl 694919 Screw–Float Bowl 694924 Plug–Carburetor 694921 Plug–Carburetor 272403 Filter–Pre Cleaner 691916 Cover–Air Cleaner REF. NO. 971 975 975A 977 977A 987 987A 1005 1006 1036 1051 1054 1058 1090 1091 1095 1119 PART NO. DESCRIPTION 692126 Screw (Air Cleaner Base) 495933 Bowl–Float 694908 Bowl–Float 494385 Gasket Set–Carburetor 694931 Gasket Set–Carburetor 691326 Seal–Throttle Shaft 690998 Seal–Throttle Shaft 691905 Fan–Flywheel 690452 Retainer–Fan 696770 Label–Emissions (Used After Code Date 01093000). ––––––– Note ––––– 695699 Label– Emissions (Used After Code Date 0070200 and Before Code Date 01100100). 695036 Label– Emissions (Used After Code Date 99093000 and Before Code Date 00070300). 694325 Label– Emissions (Used After Code Date 99010300 and Before Code Date 99100100). 499362 Label– Emissions (Used Before Code Date 99010400). 691265 Ring–Retaining 280275 Tie–Cable 274787 Owner’s Manual 691293 Retainer–Brush 691333 Cap–Limiter 498539 Gasket Set–Valve 691183 Screw (Alternator) Included in Carburetor Gasket Set–Ref. No. 977. ∅ Included in Valve Gasket Set–Ref. No 1095. Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5510–13 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames. 13 4C–5/2002
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