Drugs, Users and Society Risk Analysis and Risk Management
Drugs, Users and Society Risk Analysis and Risk Management
O HO OH Drugs, Users and Society Risk Analysis and Risk Management Drogok, fogyasztók és a társadalom: kockázatelemzés és kockázatkezelés Ujv áry Istv án Ujváry István Chemical Research Centre Hungarian Academy of Sciences [email protected] [email protected] 100 0 A Nemzeti Kábí Kábítószer Adatgyűjtő és Kapcsolattartó Központ „A Korai Jelzőrendszer szerepe és működése Magyarországon” Magyarországon” (The Early Warning System in Hungary) Hungary) című rendezvényén elhangzott előadás Budapest, 2005. március 3. Medicines, Medicines, licit licit and and illicit illicit drugs drugs MEDICINE: MEDICINE: to prevent, alleviate or cure diseases or unwanted health conditions - maintain health & improve quality of life! DRUG: DRUG: psychoactive chemical substance influencing behavior, mood, perception and cognition ILLICIT (narcotic) DRUG*: psychoactive DRUGs regulated by (inter)national (inter)national treaties (UN Conventions 1961, 1971 & 1988) 1 „„Sors Sors bona, ”? bona, nihil nihil aliud aliud” Alea iacta est. RISK: HAZARD AZARD, we want to avoid. The possibility of hazard, harm, injury, loss, or inconvenience caused by an action or undertaking. The degree of probability of such a peril or loss. Kockázat, Kockázat, rizikó, risk risicare to dare merészelni RISK is a choice rather than a fate. The actions we dare to take depend on how free we are to make choices. choices. Health Health consequences consequences of of drug drug use use Biological / psychological effects DESIRED ←→ UNDESIRED UNDESIRED to SELF ←→ to OTHERS Acute Acute ←→ ←→ Chronic Chronic Direct ←→ Indirect 2 Risk and Harm of Drug Use by Individuals H A R M = Harmfulness x Intensity of use x Frequency of use toxicity dose prevalence, popularity drug toxicity, intensity exposition, ug_toxicity y, intens sity_exposition sition,, exposition RiskI = f (dru dr toxicit inten expo exposition_frequency) RISK RISK IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION RISK ASSESSMENT ((1) 1) RISK RISK MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT © 1994 by Sydney Harris 3 Risk Risk analysis analysis of of drug drug use use Risk identification Risk characterization Risk management „„hazard” hazard” hazard” „„use” use” use” „„action” action” action” Risk assessment „„decision” decision” decision” Ujváry I: Hazards and side effects: A risk analysis model of drugs of abuse. abuse. Magyar Tudomány 110(4), 4404) 440-452 (200 (2004) Risk Risk analysis analysis of of drug drug use use -- The The details details Hazard identification toxic colo toxi ology data toxicology pharma armac colo ata ph ology d ata pharmacology data dependence liability huma uman studies* studies* occurrence / availability economic economic costs costs Risk characterization Risk management dose - response relationship frequency / prevalence of use “collateral damage” “unknown” factors demand reduction supply reduction education international treaties regulation Risk assessment political political values values ccultural ultura ultural values values legal legal issues issues 4 Ranking cute** toxicit y Ranking of of drugs drugs according according to to their their aacute toxicity (typical (typical administration) administration) metamphetamine metamphetamine heroin alcohol marijuana GHB phenobarbit enobarbital al ph phenobarbital >100 g LSD nicotin ine e nicot nicotine flunitrazepam flunitrazepam cocain ine e coca cocaine codeine MDMA ((THC) THC) THC) >10 g methadone >1 g >100 mg moderate moderate toxicity toxicity low toxicity Typical fatal dose >10 mg high high toxicity toxicity *single substance, single dose Based on Gable, RS: Comparison of acute lethal toxicity of common abused psychoactive substances. Addiction 99:686 99:686--696 (2004) ““Safety Safety M argin” of Margin” of some some drugs drugs “Safety” Margin: argin: Therapeutic Index For example, “Fatal” atal” dose Dose to elicit desired effect (always (always >1!) >1!) Route of ““SM” SM” SM” administration 6 heroin alcohol 10 10 GHB metamphetamine metamphetamine 10 15 cocain ine e coca cocaine 16 MDMA LSD 11000 000 >>1000 1000 marijuana intravenous oral oral oral Tolerance e! Toleranc Tolerance! intranasal / smoked oral oral Sensitization! Sensitization Sensitization!! smoked Gable, RS: Comparison of acute lethal toxicity of common abused psychoactive substances. Addiction 99:686 99:686--896 (2004) 5 Ranking use / addictive potential Ranking according according to to ab abuse/addictive potential** amph phetamin etamine e ccocaine am amphetamine ocaine LSD solvents caffeine MDMA?? ?? marij juana alc cohol mari marijuana al alcohol heroin nic cotine ni otine nicotine meth hadone met adone methadone temazepa am temazep temazepam moderately ddictive moderately aaddictive lightly addictive highly dictive ad highly addictive addictive *based on animal experiments, as well as on human withdrawal symptoms, tolerance and epidemiological studies Goldstein, A & Kalant, H: Drug policy: striking the right balance. Science 249:1513 249:1513--1521 (1990) Henningfield, J.E. & Benowitz, N.L.: personal communication for The New York Times (1994) The Royal College of Psychiatrists: Psychiatrists: Drugs: Dilemmas and Choices (2000) Dependence potential and acute toxic effect of drugs Severe risk of fatality opium alcohol heroin morphine MDMA amphetamines mescaline N2O secobarbital ketamine cocaine PCP nicotine caffeine Very low dependence potential LSD methaqualone methaqualone Very high dependence potential Chronic Chronic adverse adverse effects effects ?? diazepam marijuana psilocybin injected oral inhaled Neglibile risk of fatality Based on: on: Gable, RS: Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 19: 19:263263-281 (1993) 6 3D 3D surface surface SPECT SPECT image image of of the the brain brain of of abstinent and m ari j u ana smoker (chronic effect) abstinent and marijuana smoker (chronic effect) normal brain underside surface view brain of 18 y/o, 4 x week for 3 years underside surface view Gutta cavat lapidem. Amen DG, http://www.brainplace.com http://www.brainplace.com Risk and Harm of Drug Use by Individuals in Society H A R M = Harmfulness x Intensity of use x Prevalence toxicity dose, frequency frequency, popularity drug toxicity, intensity exposition, ug_toxicity y, intens sity_exposition sition,, exposition RiskI = f (dru dr toxicit inten expo exposition_frequency) ((1) 1) Total HarmS = f (user’ ’s_harm, user harm, exposition exposition_frequency, frequency, number_of_users) (2) user’s 7 Life time prevalence Lifetime prevalence of of drug drug use use in in Hungary Hungary**,,## 91.1 Alcohol 73.3 Smoking Marijuana 14.1 5.7 4.2 2.0 3.5 1.6 4.3 1.6 1.1 0.8 3.2 0.7 4.7 0.6 3.4 0.5 Ecstasy Amphetamine LSD Cocaine Opiates Inhalants Other drugs 0 9-10. grade students* Adults (18-65)# % of respondents 10 20 30 40 50 60 * Elekes Zs. & Paksi B.: Drogok és fiatalok (2002); 2002); 70 80 90 100 # Paksi Paksi B.: Drogok és felnőttek (2003) 2003) Drug * Drug users users receiving receiving treatment treatment in in the the USA USA 2002 2002* ((>12 >12 year old year old) old)) Alcohol 2,222 Marijuana 974 Cocaine 796 Analgesics 360 Heroin 277 Hallucinogens 275 Stimulants 268 Tranquilisers 197 Sedatives 163 Solvents thousand 139 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 * Overview of Findings from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use & Health. SAMSHASAMSHA-DHHS, Sept 2003. 2003. 8 Social risk/harm and prevalence of some drugs Severe risk of fatality heroin MDMA alcohol amphetamines nicotine caffeine Very low dependence potential Very high dependence potential LSD marijuana Neglibile risk of fatality Based on: on: Gable, RS: RS: Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 19: 19:263263-281 (1993) „„We We can can risk risk everything everything for for our our health, health, but ” but must must not not risk risk our our health health for for anything. anything.” 9