D1.1 Trends of urban logistics in Europe 27


D1.1 Trends of urban logistics in Europe 27
Grant Agreement number: 232756
Funding Scheme: Small or medium-scale focused research project
Start date of the contract: 01/01/2010
Project website address: www.city-log.eu
D1.1 Trends of urban logistics
in Europe 27
Main author
Lina Konstantinopoulou
[email protected]
Date of issue: 30.03.2010
Status: Final
Project coordinator
Saverio Zuccotti
Strada Torino, 50
10043 Orbassano (TO) – Italia
Tel.: +39.011.9083.948
Fax: +39.011.9083.083
[email protected]
Lina Konstantinopoulou
Sébastien Mure
Hans Quak
Jean-Baptiste Thebaud
Interface Transport
Mauro Dell’Amico
Marie-Claude Nicolas-Bauer
Gran Lyon
Margherita Banzi
Massimo Raso
Regione Piemonte
Wim Deloof
Saverio Zuccotti
Date of issue
Pre-final version
Final version
Applicable documents
I would like to thank all the WP1 partners for their contribution to this deliverable.
Sustainability and efficiency of city logistics
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Table of contents
Executive summary ..............................................................................................6
Introduction .......................................................................................................8
Concept and rationale of urban logistics ..............................................................8
Defining urban logistics...................................................................................8
Urban freight Actors ......................................................................................9
Express Courier operators..........................................................................9
Freight villages..................................................................................... 10
Energy use .......................................................................................... 11
Emissions ............................................................................................ 11
Noise ................................................................................................. 12
Social aspects of urban freight ........................................................................ 12
Safety and accidents issues ...................................................................... 12
Contribution of freight transport to urban congestion ..................................... 12
Policy and legal developments affecting city logistics .................................................. 13
Urban freight logistics from a Legal framework perspective .................................... 13
Interregional co-operation programme INTERREG IVC ...................................... 13
Urban transport in FP7 ........................................................................... 13
LIFE+ ................................................................................................. 14
URBAN II Programme .............................................................................. 14
Intelligent Transport System action plan ..................................................... 15
Freight Transport Logistics action plan........................................................ 15
CIVITAS Initiative .................................................................................. 16
Road Pricing for Heavy goods Vehicles ........................................................ 16
BESTUFS ............................................................................................. 16
Environmental issues .................................................................................... 11
Urban logistics from a policy framework perspective ............................................ 17
Potential urban policy measures and instruments........................................... 17
Vehicle time, weight and size regulations .................................................... 18
Environmental zones .............................................................................. 19
Night deliveries .................................................................................... 19
Lorry lanes .......................................................................................... 19
Impacts of urban transport ...................................................................... 19
Role of government/policy-makers ............................................................ 23
ITS and urban logistics ........................................................................................ 25
Urban logistics - city best practices .................................................................. 26
London............................................................................................... 26
Lyon .................................................................................................. 27
Berlin ................................................................................................ 29
Regione Piemonte ................................................................................. 30
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Environmental loading point for inner city delivery - Bremen (Germany) .............. 33
New goods distribution scheme - Krakow (Poland) .......................................... 33
Urban transhipment centre - Norwich (United Kingdom) .................................. 34
Satellite based traffic management for SME’s – Malmö (Sweden) ........................ 34
Priority access for clean goods vehicles - Norwich (United Kingdom) ................... 35
4.1.10. Development of Strategic Freight Holders Club in Urban Areas - Norwich (United
Kingdom) 36
Goods delivery to Park & Ride Sites - Norwich (United Kingdom) ........................ 36
Clean urban logistics – Toulouse (France) ..................................................... 37
New goods distribution scheme – Burgos (Spain) ............................................ 38
Freight Partnership - Preston (United Kingdom) ............................................. 39
Clean Urban logistics – Venice (Italy) .......................................................... 40
City Centre Distribution - Groningen (The Netherlands) ................................... 41
Cargo by electro bicycle transporter – Berlin (Germany) .................................. 42
Distribution Plan for the City Centre - Utrecht (The Netherlands) ....................... 42
Efficiency and cleaner air through freight pilot - Bremen (Germany) ................... 43
Enlarged goods distribution scheme – Genoa (Italy) ........................................ 44
4.1.21. Goods delivery by cargo tram: efficient, clean and safe - Amsterdam (The
Netherlands) .................................................................................................... 45
4.1.22. Incentives for improving the load rate in inner-city freight distribution - Gothenburg
(Sweden) 45
New concepts for the Distribution of Goods – Barcelona (Spain) ......................... 46
INVENT/VTML (Germany) ........................................................................ 47
Urban Distribution Area « Espace de Livraison de Proximité » - Bordeaux (France) .. 47
Marking routes for smooth freight and city logistics – Tallinn (Estonia) ................. 48
Widening the environmental zone for vehicles over 6 tons – Prag (Czech Republic) .. 48
Efficient Goods distributin - Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic) ........................... 49
Efficient Goods Distribution - Iasi (Romania) ................................................. 49
City Logistics Strategic Plan – Ploiesti (Romania)............................................ 49
Freight delivery restrictions – Zagreb (Croatia) .............................................. 49
Integrated freight policy development - Ljubjana (Slovenia) ............................. 49
Sustainable Freight Logistics -Ljubjana (Slovenia) .......................................... 50
Potential urban freight solutions ............................................................................ 51
Introduction .............................................................................................. 51
Logistical solutions ...................................................................................... 51
Cooperation between companies ............................................................... 51
Routing improvements............................................................................ 52
Consolidation centre .............................................................................. 52
Load units ........................................................................................... 53
Intermodal / modes of transport / underground systems .................................. 54
Policy solutions .......................................................................................... 54
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Technological solutions ................................................................................. 55
Vehicle technology solutions .................................................................... 55
IT solutions ......................................................................................... 56
Vision of future city freight transport and Conclusion .................................................. 57
References ...................................................................................................... 59
Urban logistics research (annex) ............................................................................ 61
State of the Art from European (EC) Projects ................................................ 61
List of figures
Figure 1 - City Logistics (source: Transman Consulting) ........................................................8
Figure 2 - Cross-comparison of reported impacts of single measures (source: NEA) .................... 21
Figure 3 - Impact of Policy Measures ............................................................................. 22
Figure 4 - Typologies vs. Supply side vs. demand side ........................................................ 23
Figure 5 - Berlin urban road Situation ........................................................................... 29
Figure 6 - Three solution directions in urban freight transport (Quak, 2010) ............................ 51
Figure 7 - Impression of transfer of stadboxes at the city border from large to small vehicle ........ 54
Figure 8 - NOx and OM10 emission standards for diesel cars (Euro-standards) ........................... 55
List of tables
Table 1 - State of the Art of European Projects ............................................................... 70
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1. Executive summary
The CITYLOG concept aims at making a significant breakthrough in urban freight transport. The
objective of this deliverable is to provide an analysis of the trends of urban logistics in Europe,
taking into account several EU city best practices.
Urban Logistics is the part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the
efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin
to the point of consumption in order to meet customer’s requirements. This supply and collection
processes are crucial for the economic well being of a city while on the other hand, related
environmental problems like exhaust and noise emissions and the issue of the safety for pedestrians
reduce the quality of life. Recently urban freight transport has become an important social issue in
terms of the increasing level of traffic congestion, negative impacts on the environment, traffic safety
and accidents as well energy consumption. The situation is getting worse by currents trends in supply
chain organisation (e.g. just in time delivery, fragmentation of loads) which have led to an exponential
increase in the number of freight emissions, especially for small parcels that are often carried by
empty transport vehicles.
On one hand, the EU policy and legislation relevant to urban mobility has been developed with
significant funding provided through the Structural and Cohesion Funds. On the other hand, city
authorities and municipalities try to solve the problems by managing urban freight delivery
operations by different measures. The concepts of city access restrictions have gained importance
regarding prevention of city centres against the negative effects of urban freight transport. Many
cities have introduced various different types of access control schemes. Well known ones, the
London Congestion charge or the environmental Zone schemes in Scandinavia. Access control
schemes aim to restrict certain types of traffic from entering predefined areas during specific time
periods (time restrictions / time delivery windows, weight and size regulations, environmental
zones, night deliveries and Lorry lanes).
In Lyon, two administrative levels (Ville de Lyon and Grand Lyon) are working together to improve air
quality and management of traffic, especially targeting heavy duty vehicles, by means of: The Plan
Climat (Climate Plan), on Grand Lyon and The Plan Bruit (Noise Plan), on Grand Lyon. Other cities
include Berlin (cargo by electro bicycle transporter), Regione Piemonte, Bremen (with the
environmental loading point for inner city delivery and efficiency and cleaner air through freight pilot),
Krakow (with the New Goods Distribution Scheme), Norwich (with the Urban Transhipment Centre,
the priority access for clean goods vehicles, the development of Strategic Freight Holders Club in
urban areas and the goods delivery to park and ride sites), Malmö (satellite based traffic
management for SME’s), Toulouse (clean urban logistics), Burgos (New Goods Distribution
Scheme), Preston (freight partnership), Venice (Clean Urban Logistics), Groningen (city centre
distribution), Utrecht (Distribution Plan for the City Centre, Genoa (enlarged goods distribution
scheme), Amsterdam (goods delivery by cargo tram), Gothenburg (incentives for improving the
load rate in inner-city freight distribution), Barcelona (new concepts for the distribution of goods),
the VMTL project in Germany and finally Bordeaux (urban distribution area) and Eastern European
However, in many countries, urban freight logistics are dealt at a local or regional level, resulting in a
lack of consistency among local or regional measures. The EU can stimulate authorities at local,
regional and national level to adopt the long-term integrated policies that are very much needed in
complex environments. Agreement among all stakeholders especially support from the private sector,
is necessary in developing a feasible a practical policy vision.
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It is obvious that all of these key stakeholders (Shippers, Freight carriers, Residents, Administrators)
follow different goals and have therefore different user needs and requirements, too. By and large
local authorities and residents share some of their problem views regarding externalities like
accidents, congestion, noise, air pollution, vibrations, etc caused by Lorries and small delivery
vehicles. These impacts of road (freight) transport are felt to reduce the quality of life and the urban
environment substantially. Shippers and Freight carriers have a completely different point of view. By
definition members of these two groups have the goal to deliver/receive goods as cheap as possible to
maximize their own profits within a given regulatory framework and a given transport infrastructure.
Their priorities are therefore to remove costly obstacles, which hinder them to deliver faster and
cheaper without taking into consideration externalities. The congestions caused by trucks, vans and
hindrances by loading goods vehicles, are often substantially negatively contributing to air pollution,
noise and vibrations in sensitive living areas. The accidents of trucks and vans have often serious
consequences on human life and damage to goods.
By consequence a policy measure has a positive (or negative) effect for one part of the transport
chain, but also a negative (or positive) one for the other part. The general effect (positive or negative)
is not always clear. Policy makers should by consequence consider the influence of a policy measure
on both transport flows. A Cost Benefit Analysis could clarify the general effect of a policy measure.
Eventually, there is a lot at stake concerning the organization of urban transport. One should think of
structural decisions which avoid jeopardizing the economic future of cities. The economic and financial
aspects of urban freight transport especially concern carriers, since the carriers make money in urban
freight transport. Other stakeholders are also involved, but due to lack of transparency in transport
cost, receivers (e.g. shop owners, retailers) and shippers do usually not notice the economic and
financial aspects of urban freight transport. Because most impacts of urban freight transport are not
(explicitly) expressed in monetary values (e.g. internalizing external costs for pollution, or other
nuisance) the economic and financial aspects for governments are limited to cost for establishing and
enforcing policy restrictions, such as vehicle restrictions, low emission zones and time-windows. Next
cost for damaged (historical) buildings and infrastructure can also be mentioned as economic and
financial aspects of urban freight transport for (local) authorities.
This document is also looking at the results and know how produced in a number of past and present
national and EU projects related to CITYLOG and takes the next step towards an optimised urban
freight transport. Moreover, it finally addresses three potential urban freight solutions which if they
are combined in a right way can improve the sustainability and efficiency of city logistics: i.e.
logistical solutions, policy solutions and technological solutions. This document closes with a vision
of future city freight transport.
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2. Introduction
2.1. Concept and rationale of urban logistics
In Europe about 80% of the population is living in urban areas and the economy and industrial
production is also concentrated on urban areas. This leads to a high potential for urban freight
transport. Due to the high density of settlement within urban areas and the limited space and
infrastructural resources, and existing environmental restraints urban freight transport has to cope
with many difficulties. Urban freight transport and logistics operations are concerned with the
activities of delivering and collecting goods in town and city centres. These activities are often
referred to as ‘city logistics’ as they entail the processes of transportation, handling and storage of
goods, the management of inventory, waste and returns as well as home delivery services.
2.2. Defining urban logistics
City Logistics is an integrated approach for urban goods distribution based on the systems approach.
It promotes innovative schemes that reduce the total cost (including economic, social and
environmental) of goods movement within cities. By definition logistics is that part of the supply
chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of
goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in
order to meet customers’ requirements” With this, transport is a part of logistics, with respect to
logistical processes of acquisition and distribution of goods. City logistics incorporates a row of
activities – resulting in complicated relationships – between different actors, from production,
commerce and supply of different clients and inhabitants, who appear in form of inner urban goods
transport, or distribution of interurban freights, fulfilling a substantial contribution to economy, city
life and operation (see Figure). The frame for city logistics is given by local and regional economy,
the transport infrastructure, the surrounding environment, legal and regulatory conditions.
Figure 1 - City Logistics (source: Transman Consulting)
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2.3. Urban freight Actors
Depending on the source used different sets of key actors in the freight transport system are
involved. In (Taniguchi et al. 2001) four groups of key actors are identified:
Shippers (manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers);
Freight carriers (transporters, warehouse companies);
Residents (consumers);
Administrators (national, state and city level).
It is obvious that all of these key actors follow different goals and have therefore different problem
views, too. By and large local authorities and residents share some of their problem views regarding
externalities like accidents, congestion, noise, air pollution, vibrations, etc caused by lorries and
small delivery vehicles. These impacts of road (freight) transport are felt to reduce the quality of
life and the urban environment substantially. Shippers and Freight carriers have a completely
different point of view. By definition members of these two groups have the goal to deliver/receive
goods as cheap as possible to maximize their own profits within a given regulatory framework and a
given transport infrastructure. Their priorities are therefore to remove costly obstacles, which
hinder them to deliver faster and cheaper without taking into consideration externalities. The
congestions caused by trucks, vans and hindrances by loading goods vehicles, are often substantially
negatively contributing to air pollution, noise and vibrations in sensitive living areas. The accidents
of trucks and vans have often serious consequences on human life and damage to goods.
Express Courier operators
The express delivery service (time definite and next day) is undoubtedly the one which has the
highest added value. It differentiates express courier efficiency from other transport sector and
logistic service operators. These services can only be supplied with precise, standardised
procedures and respect for times in each stage. Thus express couriers need to collect and deliver in
the same time bracket and at the same time in all the linked cities. It should be possible for them
to move freely around the area at all times.
However, this need clashes with the ever-increasing tendency of regulating the access to certain
geographical areas, typically town centres or the historical centres of medium-large sized cities.
These restrictions are justified by public administrations, which in order to satisfy citizens’ needs,
strive to reduce traffic congestion by making these areas more liveable and lowering the
environmental impact generated by circulating vehicles.
It is obvious that these restrictions hamper network scheduling and optimisation process carried out
continuously by each single express courier: they are a critical element in their value chain.
We also need to highlight how the lack of European and national legislation regulating Limited
Traffic Areas causes a deformed scenario all over Europe and even within each country, thus making
it difficult to standardise the network and somewhat deforming free market competition.
Starting with the consideration that limits are justified by reasons put forward by local authorities
and considering the legitimate needs of citizens and those living in historical centres to live in a less
congested, polluted environment, the obvious problem is the rigidity of certain regulations which,
in some cases, ban traffic altogether.
However, we can show that citizen protection objectives can be pursued without necessarily
imposing limits to express courier operations; limits which lead to a loss of affluence for all their
company clients.
It is well-known that urban mobility is the main cause for town congestion: between 2002 and 2008
this registered a 48.2% increase in the overall number of passengers with a 64% incidence on use of
own vehicle (car). On the other hand, goods transport in town centres is carried out directly 53% of
the time, thus inefficient as it tends to increase the number of vehicles circulating, and only 47%
through third parties, a way that could optimise vehicle loads thus reducing the circulating fleet.
Overall, limiting express courier circulation, just a small part of those operating for others, has a
limited impact on congestion but, on the contrary, generates heavy losses in the well-being of all
company clients relying on speed and high added value services offered.
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Therefore it is possible to identify some policy measures which enable local authorities to pursue
their citizen protection goals without affecting express courier operations. In this direction, the
first obstacle to be removed is the total difference in regulations in force from town to town with a
negative impact on the operating practice and procedures of transport operators, like express
couriers, operating all over the country at the same time.
Without decreasing the powers of local authorities, it would be desirable to identify the basic
principles that each single town council should adhere:
guarantee access to express delivery services at certain times (usually 8-12 and 14-18),
needed to be able to carry out their high added value delivery services efficiently in the
next day segment, acknowledging the public service function that express couriers rightly
carry out;
by restricting the windows of operations too much (e.g. only from 9-11), the local
and/or central economy will be weakened, because delivering in the city centres
will become more expensive (and less efficient, resulting in even more vehicles in
the same time window) and these extra costs will in the end be recharged to the
final customer. This means that it becomes more interesting for the customer to go
to places outside of the city centre and leading to shops and companies moving
away from the city centres.
guarantee minimum ecological standards needed to circulate with no blockage;
many town council regulations already go in this direction, but with different
standards (euro5, hybrid cars, electric cars, etc.), thus causing, yet again, a highly
fragmented regulation context of no support to those, like express couriers who,
operating all over the country, could lever on the high scale to make new
one needs to consider sustaining transport operator vehicle fleet renewal through
incentives similar to those in force for normal citizens. This measure, in a car sector
crisis moment like this, could have a positive impact on re-launching the sector.
increase collaboration with logistics operators to implement innovative concepts
by working together on new innovative concepts public entities and logistics
operators can more easily reach their targets of sustainability for the coming years
(e.g. TNT like other express couriers has set target to reduce emissions with 45% by
using stimulating measures like:
formalise and reduce number of city distribution centres (CDC), making use
of existing ones already used by Courier Express companies
management of transhipment areas close to city centres
street managers
Define minimum number of stops/volumes for logistic operators to enter
city centres.
Alternatively, a compromise based on congestion charge (see the London experiment and the recent
Milan city-pass) could be considered. However, without forgetting difficulties implicit in a system of
that kind, from both a management point of view and social well-being goals (reduction in
congestion and pollution) which local authorities mean to promote. A congestion charge could work
correctly from a social point of view if configured as a Pigovian tax, i.e. where revenue is fully reinvested in activities and infrastructures needed to meet congestion and pollution reduction targets
causing said tax to be applied (for example increasing the public transport service, new interchange
car parks, infrastructures facilitating circulation of electric vehicles).
Freight villages
In recent years, an enormous concentration process in retail stores has led to the formation of large
chain stores. The rational profit of these enterprises is, among other things, the optimised logistical
processes. The use of goods distribution centres, with reference to these large chain stores, is quite
modest, currently comprising approximately three-fourths of receivers in European cities. The
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distribution centres of these enterprises, whose assignment is the concentration, as well as the
deconsolidation and warehousing of shipments, correspond to the function of goods distribution
centres. In this respect, the large chain stores do away with the basic problem of freight transport
in downtown areas by integrating these logistical processes into their own system.
The issue of freight transport in downtown areas cannot be reduced to the distribution problem in
city centres by itself. Goods distribution centres fail directly because they only offer the start of a
solution to this problem. Other difficulties, such as deconsolidation, warehousing, mid length and
long-distance transport, or transhipment, are not addressed. For this reason, a comprehensive
solution for freight transport problems is sought by providing freight transport centres. Freight
villages (freight transport centres) are industry zones with the best connections to the transport
network, where freight transport intensive enterprises, such as distribution companies and logistics
service providers, are established. Ideally, they have the equipment for the transhipment between
different transport modes. The idea of freight transport centres is based on the use of synergies
between established transport services. Through this, the infrastructure organisation can be
optimally exploited and different general services can be offered cost-effectively. The potential for
savings presents itself consequently through cost-saving transhipment at small terminals and
through the direct delivery of goods within freight transport centres, whereby the expensive road
sections of the route are no longer necessary.
2.4. Environmental issues
In the twenty seven member states of the European Union (EU-27), the commitment to the Kyoto
treaty drives Energy and Transport policy and practice. Kyoto gave prime motivation to the
European Commission (EC), the executive arm of the EU. This is combined with the ‘Gulliver’
effect, a scenario of an EU giant held down by its reliance on imported energy; 49% in 1998,
forecasted to rise to 71% by 2030 without intervention. These two key arms of energy policy lead to
derived transport policies that affect cities and freight.
Energy use
Energy use is an important indicator to determine the effects on the environment. This can be
measured by the fuel consumption by each vehicle type in general and for urban freight and the
opportunities for alternative fuel types. Fuel consumption varies considerably depending in the type
of traffic, roads, driving behaviour, etc.
The EU is committed to reducing emissions of six greenhouse gases to the 1990 base level, less 8%
by 2008-2012. Without intervention the EU will fail to meet its Kyoto obligations, especially in the
area of CO2 emissions where the same sources show emissions by 2030 at +22% higher than the 1990
base. Various policies are either in place, being discussed or being reviewed. Primarily for transport
these are the promotion of renewable energy from 6% to 12% of total energy sources used,
particularly to 20% of fuel sources for transport, and decoupling transport growth and economic
In order to reduce environmental impacts of emissions from diesel powered distribution vehicles,
vehicles running on alternative fuels have been developed. These alternatives include hybrids
(diesel and electric), CNG (compressed natural gas) and fuel cells. One of the major problems in
cities caused by urban freight transport is the pollution from exhaust emissions. The result of the
combustion of diesel fuel in an internal combustion engine of a vehicle is the production of gaseous
emissions which include among others, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen
Oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM). Carbon Monoxide is a toxic gas which results from an
incomplete combustion of diesel. High concentrations can be lethal, small concentrations can result
in cardiovascular disorders and the corrosion of the respiratory tract. Carbon Dioxide is one of the
gaseous pollutants that is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. Nitrogen Oxides can be
divided into two principal compounds: Nitrogen Monoxide (NO) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). The NOx
emissions of vehicles are emitted at a rate of about 95% as NO. The atmospheric reaction with
oxidants like Ozone (O3) during the dispersion and transportation process produces significant NO2
concentrations. NO2 is of major interest in terms of health effects; the corrosion of the respiratory
tract, while the NO shows no significant effects on human beings in the concentration levels
normally observed in road transportation. However, the exhaust of NOx emissions will result in the
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souring which affects historic buildings in cities. Particulate Matter (PM) or particulates originate
mainly from diesel and consist of a solid core of elementary carbon onto which a wide variety of
organic compounds and oxides such as sulphates adhere. In order to reduce heavy goods vehicle
emissions, the European Union designed emission standards for all vehicles called the EURO norms.
These standards indicate the legal limit of CO, NOx and PM emissions. In addition to these norms
some countries have additional requirements. For instance, Sweden has made a mixture of 5% clean
bio fuels in all the fuels obligatory. The Euro-norm, which can be expected by 2010, will include a
5, 75 percentage of bio-fuels in all fuels.
Urban freight deliveries produce a significant amount of noise in a city; not only from the engine
and tyre noise, but also the sound of (un)loading of goods can be very obtrusive. Depending on
different traffic conditions and type of roads, on average the emissions of LGV and HGV are 2-10
times higher than passenger cars (a weight of 2 indicates +3 dB on average levels).
2.5. Social aspects of urban freight
Safety and accidents issues
Safety is a very important topic in urban freight transport. Goods vehicles are seen as hazardous
entities in the urban environment. With increasing freight transport activity the problem of safety
and accidents could be expected to become more important than it is in the existing literature. The
issues seem to be especially significant in urban areas where pedestrians might be thought to be
particularly at risk from freight vehicles. However on the other hand, Lorries have the lowest
involvement in pedestrian casualty accidents and far more people are killed and injured in car
accidents than those involving a lorry. Closely related to the problem of safety in freight transport
is the economic cost of accidents.
It is considerable and consists of (Ogden, 1992):
delay cost;
Accident cost including fatality costs and those related to injury and property damage;
Increased vehicle operating costs associated with more congested traffic flow conditions
caused by the accident;
clean-up costs incurred by public agencies and private organisations.
Contribution of freight transport to urban congestion
Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and Commercial Vehicles (CVs) engaged in logistics work (including
services, utilities and waste) are usually assumed to have a different rate of flow; HGVs are
typically less manoeuvrable and may be limited to a lower speed (e.g. as in the UK) and CVs make
frequent stops to load and unload, often on-street in main thoroughfares where private car parking
would not typically be allowed. Changes in urban congestion resulting from movements of such
vehicles are, according to recent data from a 2003 study for OECD, predominantly related to an
increase in the operation of lighter vehicles rather than to an increase in the operation of HGVs.
Interestingly, techniques directed at reducing urban congestion have often tended to focus on goods
vehicles and therefore work to try and homogenise the flow of traffic, whether by removing slow
moving vehicles from cities or by adapting their operational characteristics.
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3. Policy and legal developments
affecting city logistics
3.1. Urban freight logistics from a Legal framework perspective
Urban transport systems are integral elements of the European transport system and as such an
integral part of the Common Transport Policy under Articles 70 to 80 EC Treaty. In addition, other
EU policies (cohesion policy, environment policy, health policy, etc.) cannot achieve their
objectives without taking into account urban specificities, including urban mobility. In recent years,
EU policy and legislation relevant to urban mobility has been developed. Significant funding has
been provided through the Structural and Cohesion Funds. EU-funded initiatives, often supported by
the Framework Programmes for research and technological development, have helped to develop a
wealth of innovative approaches. EU-wide dissemination and replication of these approaches can
enable public authorities to achieve more, better and at lower cost.
Interregional co-operation programme INTERREG IVC
The Interregional co-operation programme covers all EU-Member States, Norway and Switzerland,
under the European Territorial Co-operation objective, co-funded by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF). The European Commission approved an EU-wide co-operation programme
on 11 September 2007 for the period 2007-2013. The official name of the programme is:
"Interregional co-operation programme INTERREG IVC". This programme involves Community
support for all EU Member States under the European Territorial Co-operation objective. The total
budget is around EUR 400 million, of which the ERDF provides EUR 320 million. Many regions in
Europe are facing similar challenges related to e.g. globalisation, demographic change, energy
supply and climate change. With the "Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC", the EU
provides regions with a framework for the exchange of experiences between regional and local
institutions from different countries in the EU27, Norway and Switzerland on these issues. This takes
the form of projects in which partners build on their respective experience to develop approaches
and instruments that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of regional development policies and
contribute to economic modernisation. The programme is structured around two thematic priorities
contributing to the Union's strategy for growth, jobs and sustainable development. Priority 1
addresses innovation and the knowledge economy, focusing mainly on innovation, research and
technology development, entrepreneurship and Small and medium enterprises (SME), the
information society, employment, human capital and education. Priority 2 targets environment and
risk prevention, such as natural and technological risks, water management, Waste prevention and
management, biodiversity and preservation of natural heritage, energy and sustainable transport,
cultural heritage and landscape.
Urban transport in FP7
Framework Programme 7 is the new main financial tool through which the European Union supports
research and development activities covering almost all scientific disciplines. The FP is proposed by
the European Commission and adopted by Council and the European Parliament following a codecision procedure. It has been proposed for FP7, however, to run for seven years. It will be fully
operational as of 1 January 2007 and will expire in 2013. It is designed to build on the achievements
of its predecessor towards the creation of the European Research Area, and carry it further towards
the development of the knowledge economy and society in Europe. The proposed Seventh
Framework Programme will be organised in four programmes corresponding to four basic
components of European research:
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Support will be given to the whole range of research activities carried out in trans-national
cooperation, from collaborative projects and networks to the coordination of national research
programmes. International cooperation between the EU and third countries is an integral part of
this action.
This programme will enhance the dynamism, creativity and excellence of European research at the
frontier of knowledge in all scientific and technological fields, including engineering, socioeconomic sciences and the humanities. This action will be overseen by a European Research
This programme focuses on a quantitative and qualitative strengthening of human resources in
research and technology in Europe by putting in place a coherent set of Marie Curie actions.
The objective of this action is to support research infrastructures, research for the benefit of SMEs
and the research potential of European regions (Regions of Knowledge) as well as to stimulate the
realisation of the full research potential (Convergence Regions) of the enlarged Union and build an
effective and democratic European Knowledge society.
FP7 presents strong elements of continuity with its predecessor, mainly as regards the themes which
are covered in the Cooperation Programme. The themes identified for this programme correspond
to major fields in the progress of knowledge and technology, where research must be supported and
strengthened to address European social, economic, environmental and industrial challenges. The
overarching aim is to contribute to sustainable development. The nine high level themes proposed
for EU action are the following:
Environment (including climate change)
Transport (including aeronautics)
Socio-economic sciences and the humanities
Security and Space (according to the Council's agreement of July 2006, the area of \'security
and space\' would be split into two separate themes)
Since the current LIFE III programme finished at the end of 2006, the Commission adopted in
September 2004 a proposal for a future programme, LIFE+, which runs from 2007-2013. The LIFE+
(LIFE Plus) programme will replace the LIFE III programme. Under LIFE+ the current environment
and nature components will be continued and a new strand focusing on information and
communication will be added. LIFE+ will focus on combating climate change and the decline in
Europe's biodiversity, promoting health and quality of life, and the sustainable management of
waste and natural resources.
URBAN II Programme
Urban II programmes are based on the Guidelines drawn up by the European Commission. The
programme supports innovative development models for the economic and social regeneration of
urban areas, by financing projects in a series of fields - including the development of
environmentally friendly public transport. The measures set out in each programme are selected
and implemented through a broad partnership involving all the parties concerned. The European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) may finance up to 75% of the total cost of a programme if the
urban area is a region whose development is lagging behind (Objective 1), and up to 50% elsewhere.
In cash terms, the European contribution ranges between EUR 3.5 million and EUR 15 million. One of
the most exciting features of URBAN II is the provision for exchange of good practices across Europe.
This is the subject of a specific programme: the "European Network for Exchange of Experience", or
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Intelligent Transport System action plan
In its Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Action Plan, the EC is trying to accelerate and coordinate
the deployment and use of ITS applications and services for road transport and their connections
with other modes of transport, to ensure seamless access and continuity of services throughout the
The proposed action plan includes specific measures in six areas:
Optimal use of road and traffic data
Traffic and freight management
Road safety and security
Integrating ITS applications in the vehicle
Data protection and liability
European ITS co-ordination
The second item is especially relevant for urban freight transport, since it is clearly targeting the
continuity of traffic and freight management ITS services on European transport corridors and in co
urbanisations. The actions resulting from these objectives are described as follows:
Definition of a set of common procedures and specifications to ensure the continuity of ITS
services for passengers and freight in transport corridors and in urban/interurban regions.
Identification of ITS services to be deployed in support of freight transport (eFreight) and
development of appropriate measures to progress from concept to realisation
Support for the wider deployment of an updated multi-modal European ITS Framework
architecture for intelligent transport systems, and definition of an ITS framework
architecture for urban transport mobility, including an integrated approach for travel
planning, transport demand, traffic management, emergency management, road pricing,
and the use of parking and public transport facilities
Implementation of the interoperability of electronic road toll systems
The Commission envisages offering assistance on ITS applications for urban mobility to complement
the ITS Action Plan. It will look at, for example, electronic ticketing and payment, traffic
management, travel information, access regulation and demand management, and address the
opportunities opened up by the European Galileo GNSS system. As a start; the Commission will
launch a study on improving the interoperability of ticketing and payment systems across services
and transport modes, including the use of smart cards in urban transport with a focus on major
European destinations (airport, rail stations).
In 2012, the Commission will conduct a review of the implementation of this Action Plan and will
assess the need for further action.
The directive for the deployment of ITS currently under discussion, will foster the deployment of ITS
in Europe by defining priority areas and common actions for the Member States to carry out. Whilst
it is not directly addressing the domain of Urban Logistics, the ITS directive will support the
availability of real-time traffic information services and logistics ITS services. It is aiming at
enabling a more efficient and safer goods transport, among other objectives.
Freight Transport Logistics action plan
A freight transport logistics action plan has been developed by the Commission to foster the efforts
on the logistics sector in Europe, described as strategically important for the European economy,
whilst it is responsible for some of its major societal and environmental problems, such as pollution,
congestion and oil dependence. This Action Plan is constructed around a number of core
applications, namely innovation, simplification, quality, green corridors and the update of the
regulatory frameworks. To achieve these overall objectives, a set of actions with dead-lines has
been chosen.
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The first action have been dedicated to e-Freight and ITS, an high-level effort that will have
obviously a general positive effects for Urban Logistics, even if it is not targeted at it. This action is
clearly linked to the ITS Action Plan.
The fourth action will be dedicated to vehicle dimensions and loading standards, especially to
identify and study the impacts of new options, e.g. with an update of the Directive 96/53/EC.
The sixth action is of special interest for CityLog project since it is focusing on urban freight
transport logistics, and expresses three precise actions to be carried out:
The Commission will encourage the exchange of experiences of representatives of urban
areas to help establish a set of recommendations, best practice, indicators or standards for
urban transport logistics, including freight deliveries and delivery vehicles. Dead-line: 2008.
It will make recommendations of commonly agreed benchmarks or performance indicators
to measure efficiency and sustainability of delivery and terminals and, more generally, in
urban transport logistics and planning. Deadline:2011
Reinforce the freight part of CIVITAS towards better co-ordination, or integration, between
passenger and freight transport, between interurban (long-distance) and urban transport
logistics. This can lead to an integrated “CIVITAS Freight”. Deadline: 2010.
CIVITAS Initiative
Under the CIVITAS Initiative, the Commission co-funds projects which address energy and transport
issues in a coherent manner. The initiative is co-financed 50%-50% by the transport and energy
themes of the Framework Programmes. The initiative helps cities to achieve more sustainable,
clean and energy efficient urban transport systems by implementing, demonstrating and evaluating
an ambitious integrated mix of technology and policy-based measures. CIVITAS supports
demonstration projects of integrated packages of technology and policy measures in the field of
clean and energy efficient urban transport. Each city-led project should combine, in an integrated
way, tools and measures from as many as possible of the following categories: increased use of
(short/medium term) alternative fuels and clean, energy-efficient vehicles and their integration
into the transport system; stimulation of high quality and innovative, energy-efficient collective
transport and its integration with other modes; demand management strategies; mobility
management; marketing, information and education; safe and secure road infrastructure and means
of travel for all users; new mobility services for more energy efficient vehicle use or ownership; less
car-dependent lifestyles; energy-efficient urban freight logistics; new concepts for goods
distribution; innovative telematics systems for traffic management and traveller services (Galileo
applications). City-led consortia, including public and private partners such as transport operators,
research institutes and universities, industry, consultants, NGOs, etc. may respond to CIVITAS plus
annual calls for proposals. For the previous period the EC contribution to CIVITAS (CIVITAS I, CIVITAS
II and CIVITAS Plus) amounted to a total of EUR 180 million. At this moment no further CIVITAS
demonstration calls are foreseen during FP7. However, funding opportunities might become
available for dissemination and take up actions, including staff exchanges.
Road Pricing for Heavy goods Vehicles
Road pricing for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) over 3.5 tons is legally possible, but not compulsory in
the EU Member-states on all roads since the revision of the so called “Eurovignette directive”
(1999/62/EC and revision 2006/38/EC). Before 2006 road pricing was only legally possible for
motorways, bridges, tunnels and mountain passes. The adjusted directive also allows tolls for the
specific goal of fighting congestion and environmental issues in urban areas. All charges have to
fulfil the principle of being non-discriminating. The charge is to be graduated according to emission
class (EURO 1-5), which has to be implemented by the member states until 2010. The calculation of
the tax must be based on infrastructure based full costs and exclude external cost. Cross-financing
is only possible in sensitive areas such as the alpine region.
Best Urban Freight Solutions (BESTUFS) is a Thematic Network funded by DG TREN under the Fifth
Framework Programme. It is co-ordinated by PTV, with core partners ARRC, NEA, Rapp Trans, and
more recently, CDV and Transman. It is not a research action, but a network through which
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practitioners, experts, academics and policy makers can share best practice in the arena of urban
These interest groups include:
Commercial interest groups (shippers, receivers and transport service providers).
City administrations and policy enforcement agencies.
Civic interest groups, individuals, user groups.
On-going projects including demonstrations already involved directly or indirectly at
national and European levels.
Relevant national and European level directorates for city planning, transport facilities and
Relevant systems and technology providers.
It started with the year 2000 and ended with the year 2003. In 2003 it was extended to cover the
new states that joined on 1st May 2004. BESTUFS II followed in 2004, extending through to 2008.
Although not a research activity in EC terms, it performs a secondary research role. It hosts
workshops on urban freight themes, publishes the presentations, writes best practice handbooks,
makes recommendations and has compiled clustering reports of EU research and demonstration into
this area at local, national and EU level. BESTUFS has hosted 20 workshops, 8 conferences,
published 24 newsletters, 4 best practice guides, 3 research clustering guides and maintains a
website of all this material at: www.bestufs.net.
3.2. Urban logistics from a policy framework perspective
Usually the countries do not have a national policy framework to support the cities in establishing
urban logistics plan. The cities are trying to implement ideas on their own, but they normally
concentrate their few available capacities on planning public transport and cars.
Potential urban policy measures and instruments
Cities can implement a set of measures and take different policy initiatives on Urban Logistics to
tackle the whole issue of city centre traffic and pollution. As mentioned before, it is clear that the
current trend is for cities to analyse the local situation, and to act and take measure accordingly.
The measures are therefore highly “city-dependant”, and are also sensible to potential changes in
the local politics.
However, the BESTUFSUFS Good practices guide on Urban Logistics has identified five main
objectives that cities are targeting and the set of measures available to achieve it.
Gaining freight industry support for freight strategies and initiatives
→ Develop and support fright transport partnerships
Improving journey time reliability of goods vehicles
→ Support R&D and deployment of telematics for urban goods transport
→ Enhance signing
→ Enhance and make available Urban Freight information and maps
→ Implement road pricing
→ Operate and manage night deliveries
→ Deploy lorry lanes or no car lanes
Assisting the journey of goods vehicle drivers and reducing goods vehicle trips and
→ Support R&D and deployment of telematics for urban goods transport
→ Enhance signing
→ Develop and implement lorry routes
→ Simplification & harmonization of vehicles weight, size and construction regulations
→ Enhance and make available Urban freight Information and maps
→ Develop and operate Urban consolidation centres
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Assisting freight transport companies at the point of delivering and collection
→ Provide on-street loading bays
→ Define and operate Nearby Delivery Area (Environmental Loading Points)
→ Develop and operate Urban Consolidation Centres
Reducing environmental impacts and the risk of accidents involving goods vehicles
→ Regulate weight, size and emissions standards
→ Regulate time for goods vehicle access and loading
→ Operate and manage night deliveries
→ Define environmental zones
→ Deploy lorry lanes
→ Improve the infrastructure
→ Encourage the use of environmentally friendly vehicles
→ Enforcement
One other measure that is supported by the cities would be to ease the intermodal logistics, e.g. by
tackling the issue of bottlenecks at intermodal hubs or by promoting the modal shift.
Vehicle time, weight and size regulations
Regulations are frequently put in place by urban authorities to prevent vehicles above a certain
weight, size (length or width), or number of axles from using either a particular road or entering a
particular area (i.e. several connected roads). Such a restriction is imposed on a particular road
because certain sizes or weights of goods vehicles are deemed unsuitable to operate on it. Reasons
for introducing this type of regulation include:
Narrow road widths
Weak bridges
Sharp bends
Buildings overhanging the road or
Low bridges
Weight/size regulations are imposed on a part or the whole of the urban area usually to improve the
quality of life of residents such as reducing the impact like noise, vibration, visual intrusion and risk
of accidents. This kind of regulation is imposed to goods vehicles to limit the access to roads when
making a delivery. Restriction based on dimensions and/or the surface area of vehicles (such as
Paris) are intended to limit the physical hindrance of freight traffic.
Time regulations can be another measure which is imposed on goods vehicle:
Time regulations on vehicle access, and
Access time regulations can be used to prevent vehicles from entering a road or area at particular
time of day. These regulations are usually imposed to sensitive areas or roads like, shopping areas
for pedestrians, residential streets or entire urban areas during weekend.
Time regulations on vehicle loading
Loading and unloading time regulations can be applied to kerbside locations used by goods vehicles
when they are delivering or collecting goods from a building. Good kerbside management developed
by urban planners, with local authorities and freight transport companies can help to make better
use of the limited kerbside space and prevent goods vehicle form double parking or causing
congestion when looking for stopping spaces.
Example of this measure can be found in the Barcelona city: a project on analysing the effects of
urban commercial transport. One of these measures is the installation of the so called multi-use
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Environmental zones
Emission restrictions are aimed at improving air quality which in urban areas is already under threat
because of the concentration of activities. Emission with local effects such as carbon particles
(aerosols), volatile hydrocarbons (PAK, including benzene) and smog causing substances (such as Nox
and SO2) play role. Noise restrictions are also aimed at local living environment in the city. Traffic
is often the main noise pollution and freight traffic also plays a significant role. A low emissions
Zone (LEZ) is an area that can only be entered by vehicles meeting certain emissions criteria. It is
also sometimes called an ‘’Environmental Zone’’. LEZ schemes can take may forms based on
geographical area that they cover, the times that LEZ is in force, the vehicles emissions standards
required for vehicles to enter the types of vehicles that need to comply with the LEZ. An LEZ
scheme can lead to major air quality improvements because it capitalises on recent EU legislation
for road vehicles.
Night deliveries
Night time restrictions are also quite popular on goods vehicles. There are two types of restrictions
that urban planners can introduce:
Regulations on the time that deliveries and collections can take place at a particular
building (e.g. at the retail outlet or factory), and or
Regulations on goods vehicle movements in the whole of or part of an urban area.
Time restrictions can have complicated impacts and can result in an increase in total costs within
the supply chain. By being allowed to make night time deliveries, some transport companies can
improve the efficiency of their operations and improve sales, and faster and more reliable journey
times. However night deliveries can result in noise disturbance for people living close to the point
of delivery both in terms of vehicle engine noise and the noise associated with unloading activities.
One could argue on the longer term benefits of such restriction, which will lead to overall reducing
congestion and pollution ensuring better fuel management.
Lorry lanes
Allocating lanes to bus use in urban areas is quite common for urban planners. There are few
options with this scheme:
Dedicated lorry lanes – lanes only for goods vehicles
Bus and lorry lanes (no car lanes)
High occupancy vehicle lanes, lanes for buses, goods vehicles and cars with specified
number of occupants.
This measure will help reduce traffic delays and improve journey reliability for goods vehicles on
sections of congested urban roads. Examples of night time restrictions are the PIEK programme in
the Netherlands, the UK initiative joint industry/government working group to review potential
alternatives to delivery time restrictions and the London lorry control scheme.
Impacts of urban transport
Cross-comparison of Single Measures by the project (BESTUFS II) was carried out in order to compare
the different measures. Figure 2 presents the results.
Economic impacts: city attractiveness, transport costs reduction, reduction of congestion
and efficiency/productivity;
Environmental impacts: reduction of pollution, noise and truck-km;
Social impacts: quality of life, reduction of accidents and working conditions.
In general, it can be concluded that all the measures contribute to one or more of the main
objectives stated in the previous sections: “improve accessibility of activity places, sustainability of
environment, efficiency of transport and conditions of social life”. Depending of the specific
objectives of the city and/or the company, certain measures stand out more than others.
The following points stand out from the cross-comparison:
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Almost all the measures have a positive impact on the reduction of pollution and the
improvement of the quality of life. This also improves the environmental image of the city
and companies.
The use of distribution centres reduces the transport costs, increases the productivity and
makes the city more attractive. By using fewer (and less polluting) vehicles and decreasing
the amount of (unnecessary) trips, the pollution levels also decrease.
The techniques of delivering of night appear to be very efficient. There are, on the one
hand, additional costs for adapting the vehicles (around €10.000/vehicle) and more labour
costs (working at night). On the other hand, there is a reduction of transport costs (delivery
time savings and better coverage of fixed costs). By using larger trucks, the quantity of
(smaller) trucks decreases, which also decreases the total travelled kilometres and
pollution. It is important to invest not only in the techniques, but also in the training of the
drivers to reduce noise when delivering at night.
Trip or route planning software, increase the delivery efficiency and reduce transport costs.
In general, they have a relatively fast return on investment. They reduce the quantity of
(unnecessary) travelled kilometres and pollution. However, in general, it does not reduce
congestion by itself or make the city more attractive.
The social benefits (including external benefits) of the congestion charging zones (for all
vehicles) are larger than the costs. Although they increase the transport costs, they improve
the quality of life and the city attractiveness.
Environmental zones decrease pollution and noise in and around the zone. However, the
quantity of travelled kilometres does not necessarily decrease, because the less
environmental friendly trucks are replaced by either cleaner trucks or a larger quantity of
smaller vehicles (e.g. delivery vans). According to the evaluation of the schemes presented
in this report, the social benefits (including external benefits) of the environmental zones
(only for trucks) are also larger than the costs. However, this is not true for all the
environmental zones when the costs to the vehicle operators of replacing vehicles sooner
than they would have otherwise done are taken into account.
Time windows and vehicle restrictions increase the quality of life in the city and reduce
accidents. However, they do not only increase the distribution costs, but also congestion
and pollution. Some time-windows are exactly during peak hours. Also, in order to deliver
all the shops in a short amount of time, more vehicles are needed. The harmonisation of the
time windows and the use of new quiet techniques for delivering at night could solve this
Organising the transportation and organisation in a more effective way, does not only
increase the productivity, decreases transport costs and time loss. It also gives the
opportunity of further business development and networking. There are almost no
investments needed by public authorities. The decrease in the quantity of (unnecessary)
travelled kilometres also reduces pollution and improves the quality of life.
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Figure 2 - Cross-comparison of reported impacts of single measures (source: NEA)
If an impact is not explicitly mention in the presented measures, the impacts of other related
measures can be used as an indication of the expected impact. This will be given between
parenthesis: (─), (≈) or (+). An empty cell indicates that a clear and obvious impact could not be
Moreover, last mile solutions can result in reductions in total vehicle trips and vehicle kilometres
(taking both goods vehicle and customer trips into account). For example, in a study of food
shopping in the UK, it was calculated that if 10-20% of total food shoppers were to use home
The switch from car journeys to multidrop van deliveries could lead to a 7-16% reduction in
the numbers of vehicle trips.
There could be a substantial reduction in vehicle kilometres for goods flows to customers
using the home shopping services.
However, any reduction in vehicle activity is dependent on:
The efficiency of the distribution systems.
Whether customers make other non shopping vehicle trips instead.
Whilst food shopping often involves a dedicated car journey and these may be reduced by greater
use of new shopping channels and home delivery, many other shopping trips combine visiting a
number of stores and other activities such as dining out or visiting friends. In these circumstances
the reduction in car trips resulting from home deliveries may be reduced. Time saved by shoppers
using home delivery services may free up their time to make more leisure trips. Home delivery can
increase goods vehicle activity in residential streets and may have negative environmental impacts.
Many different companies may service the same delivery location/customer using their own
vehicles. Heavy items – delivered on heavier vehicles, needing to get closer to the final delivery
point may exacerbate this problem. The use of locker banks and collection platforms may also
increase the number of car journeys required if they are poorly sited relative to the consumer
On the other hand, policy makers should be aware of both transport flows and consider by
consequence the influence of a policy measure on both transport flows (supply and demand side).
Following graph indicates that policy measures can have positive and negative effects on both
flows. The global effect is not known without a better insight of the on-field situation.
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Figure 3 - Impact of Policy Measures
In zones with urban congestion (e.g. infrastructure that is not adequate to let heavy goods vehicles
pass), one may opt to reduce the number of goods vehicles by enforcing a congestion tax on
transport. When the involved goods vehicles are fully loaded, these taxes would not change the
situation (urban congestion remains) and would be bad for the global welfare. Restrictions for heavy
goods vehicles to enter the city can in this case be more costly (modelling showed that replacing a
heavy goods vehicle through different small goods vehicles can be more costly, both from the
viewpoint of external costs as logistic costs). The instalment of time windows can e.g. be a more
successful alternative to limit certain goods vehicles during peak hours in certain zones. On the
other hand, when there are a lot of goods vehicles with a small load factor, the restriction of not
fully loaded heavy goods vehicles and an application of taxes would be good to reduce the number
of heavy goods vehicles in these zones.
Subsidies and regulations are very close to each other. Instead of limiting modes of dealing with a
negative effect, more favourable methods can be subsidised, for example, vehicles with low
emissions or lorries with a high loading rate. Subsidies in this context do not only mean a direct
payment for special efforts, it can also mean, for example, better access to the infrastructure like
high occupancy lanes. The risk of subsidies persists in the promotion of undesired side effects.
Subsidising lorries with high loading rates could lead to unnecessary movements and flows. Subsidies
in urban freight transport can also mean the promotion of desired logistic structures like intermodal
transport, freight villages or goods distributions centres. Therefore it is useful to provide the
necessary infrastructure, like transhipment terminals for intermodal transport or branch lines.
However, with the implementation of measures, care should be taken that, through these, no
unwanted side effects arise. It is difficult to determine the best measures to achieve the right aims.
This example demonstrates that information about the load factor may help policy makers to
choose the best, most adequate policy measure to improve local mobility. By consequence a policy
measure has a positive (or negative) effect for one part of the transport chain, but also a negative
(or positive) one for the other part. The general effect (positive or negative) is not always clear.
Policy makers should by consequence consider the influence of a policy measure on both transport
flows. A Cost Benefit Analysis could clarify the general effect of a policy measure. Eventually, there
is a lot at stake concerning the organization of urban transport. One should think of structural
decisions which avoid jeopardizing the economic future of cities.
The economic and financial aspects of urban freight transport especially concern carriers, since the
carriers make money in urban freight transport. Other stakeholders are also involved, but due to
lack of transparency in transport cost, receivers (e.g. shop owners, retailers) and shippers do
usually not notice the economic and financial aspects of urban freight transport. Because most
impacts of urban freight transport are not (explicitly) expressed in monetary values (e.g.
internalizing external costs for pollution, or other nuisance) the economic and financial aspects for
governments are limited to cost for establishing and enforcing policy restrictions, such as vehicle
restrictions, low emission zones and time-windows. Next cost for damaged (historical) buildings and
infrastructure can also be mentioned as economic and financial aspects of urban freight transport
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for (local) authorities. Infrastructure for urban freight transport in itself is obviously also a financial
aspect of urban freight transport for governments. Infrastructure investments are really high, which
results in serious costs in case infrastructure has to be redeveloped and maintained.
The most important economical and financial (for carriers) aspects are:
inefficiency (due to policy restrictions, such as time-window restrictions and pedestrian
areas), resulting in waste of resources;
decrease in journey reliability and delivery punctuality, with the potential risk of providing
lower service and as a result losing market;
decrease in economic development;
congestion and decreasing city accessibility (loss in time);
investment costs in special equipment to fit the city characteristics (e.g. small vehicles for
narrow streets in medieval cities) or the environmental policy requirements (e.g. Euro 5
trucks to enter low emission zones); and
unloading spaces are scarce in city centres, resulting in extra time-losses to find a suitable
(and free) unloading space.
Generally, these additional costs of meeting these policy restrictions will be passed on to the
customer of the transport operator, frequently retailers. They in turn will pass on the costs to
the final customer. TNO-INRO (2003) estimated for the Netherlands that time windows and
vehicle restrictions lead to 425 million euro increase of the distribution costs in the retail sector
on a yearly basis. The INFACT project has also constructed a comprehensive cost model for the
upstream logistic chain, illustrating how various policies can affect the distribution costs for
goods (from production to shops).
Figure 4 - Typologies vs. Supply side vs. demand side
As there is a big diversity of stores (size, clients, delivery mechanisms, shop locations and layouts),
initial surveys could aim at detecting “synthetic stores” (stores that are representative for a certain
region or for a certain set of conditions). Coupling this with suitable typologies for the supply and
demand sides, as well as for surroundings provides some insight to policy makers in their efforts to
understand the effects of policy measures on urban freight transport (see above graph).
Role of government/policy-makers
In many countries, urban freight logistics are dealt at a local or regional level, resulting in a lack of
consistency among local or regional measures. Public authorities have an essential role in providing
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the planning, the funding and the regulatory framework. The EU can stimulate authorities at local,
regional and national level to adopt the long-term integrated policies that are very much needed in
complex environments.
The EU can also help authorities to find solutions that are interoperable and facilitate smoother
functioning of the Single Market. Compatible rules, schemes and technologies facilitate
implementation and enforcement. Agreeing standards for the whole of the Single Market enables
larger volume production, lowering the cost for the customer. Urban areas are becoming
laboratories for technological and organisational innovation, changing patterns of mobility and new
funding solutions. The EU has an interest in sharing innovative solutions of local policies for the
benefit of transport operators and citizens alike and to ensure the efficiency of the European
transport system through effective integration, interoperability and interconnection. In this
context, industry has a key contribution to make to the solution of the future challenges.
Finally, sustainable urban mobility is of growing importance for the relationships with our
neighbours and for the global society, which is becoming increasingly concentrated in urban
The BESTUFS project has clearly confirmed the notion that in most European cities very limited
knowledge and expertise is available regarding urban freight transport, in contrast to passenger
transport. It is widely recognized that part of the reason for this limited attention is the fact that
“goods don’t vote” – municipal governments tend to listen more to voters than to transport
operators and goods receivers in their cities.
On the other hand, increasing problems force cities to take action: congestion, noise and emissions
increased. Several cities in Europe have installed low-traffic or low-emission zones, loading and
access regulations etc. Most of these initiatives are not harmonized however, causing inefficiencies
in delivery logistics - expect in some cases, such as the harmonization of environmental zones in the
Netherlands. These positive cases have typically been achieved because of the involvement of the
national government.
The European Commission has indicated a number of policy objectives in its White Paper, which
were realigned in the Mid-Term Review. Currently, the EC objective is the encouragement of best
practice methods, which include:
The use of more environmentally-friendly alternatives to current urban freight transport
practices through improved fuel efficiency and the use of alternative fuel vehicles;
The use of information and communication technologies (such as RFID and vehicle routing
The possibility to improve deliveries to urban areas through the use of urban distribution
networks and consolidation depots.
Full benefits are unlikely to be achieved, however, when such proposals are put in practice in
isolation, and it may well be more sensible to consider them as a wider package of measures. This
topic has therefore been explored in the light of the need for integrated solutions, which pull the
above-mentioned policy measures together and help eliminate the obstacles to achieving more
effective and sustainable urban freight transport and logistics practices. Roles and responsibilities
of the various actors and stakeholders have also been considered as an additional element of
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4. ITS and urban logistics
Technological innovation is one of the most exciting aspects of urban freight movement. All the
modes have had significant changes to their technologies. Intelligent transportation systems (ITSs)
will play an increasingly important role in improving traffic flow and managing the logistics of urban
goods movement. Improvements may be made by rerouting traffic during peak times and managing
random incidents on the highway system. The use of global positioning systems for tracking and
communication will expand in the future. Trucking firms and package delivery companies already
use global positioning systems (GPS) to track vehicles and parcel flow. GPS use will flourish,
providing information during accidents and helping reroute vehicles more efficiently. In addition,
automated vehicle location, automated bills of lading, and electronic vehicle tagging will enhance
freight transport in and through cities.
The next sections will describe the city best practices of urban logistics in Europe. In Lyon, two
administrative levels (Ville de Lyon and Grand Lyon) are working together to improve air quality and
management of traffic, especially targeting heavy duty vehicles, by means of: The Plan Climat
(Climate Plan), on Grand Lyon and The Plan Bruit (Noise Plan), on Grand Lyon. Other cities include
Berlin (cargo by electro bicycle transporter), Regione Piemonte, Bremen (with the environmental
loading point for inner city delivery and efficiency and cleaner air through freight pilot), Krakow
(with the New Goods Distribution Scheme), Norwich (with the Urban Transhipment Centre, the
priority access for clean goods vehicles, the development of Strategic Freight Holders Club in urban
areas and the goods delivery to park and ride sites), Malmö (satellite based traffic management for
SME’s), Toulouse (clean urban logistics), Burgos (New Goods Distribution Scheme), Preston (freight
partnership), Venice (Clean Urban Logistics), Groningen (city centre distribution), Utrecht
(Distribution Plan for the City Centre, Genoa (enlarged goods distribution scheme), Amsterdam
(goods delivery by cargo tram), Gothenburg (incentives for improving the load rate in inner-city
freight distribution), Barcelona (new concepts for the distribution of goods), the VMTL project in
Germany and finally Bordeaux (urban distribution area) and Eastern European cities.
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4.1. Urban logistics - city best practices
The Mayor’s London Plan is predicting a rise in population of some 1.2 million people by 2026, with
a net creation of some 800,000 jobs. Over the same period, demand for goods and services is
expected to rise by 12-15%. Road congestion is the biggest cost to the movement of freight in
London. Currently 82% of freight in London is moved by road, while congestion is estimated to cost
the freight industry £800m per year in London (Figure provided by the Freight Transport Association
(FTA)). For all modes of freight transport, a further challenge is to reduce emissions of local air
pollutants, CO2 and noise caused by freight movements. In 2002 38% of NOx, 24% PM10 and 17% of
CO2 emissions in the Greater London Area were generated by Heavy Goods Vehicles, despite
forming less than 5% of traffic. Similarly the number of deaths, injuries and cases of ill health
caused by Heavy Goods Vehicles is disproportionate to their numbers on the road.
Therefore, one of the main objectives of the transport policy is to identify and begin to address the
challenge of delivering freight sustainably in London, now and during its planned growth over the
next 20 years. The London Freight Plan pursues the safe, reliable, and efficient movement of freight
and servicing trips to, from, within and, where appropriate, through London to support London’s
economy, in balance with the needs of other transport users, London’s environment and Londoner’s
quality of life.
To do it, it is developed the Transport for London Freight Unit, which has the following
To develop and help deliver the London Freight Plan
To manage the development of the new London Sustainable Distribution Partnership
To identify and address freight issues in London by engaging in dialogue with business and
operators, based on experience and understanding
The Freight Plan is the first detailed plan for London that sets out how freight transport issues will
be addressed. The document provides a focus for freight transport issues and related policy in
London and contains proposals to deliver both real changes on the ground and also to improve
understanding of the issues around freight to contribute to the longer term process of addressing
London’s transport needs. It has eight proposals:
Encouraging Best Practice:
LFP1: Support the development of sub-regional Freight Quality Partnerships and improved
means of communication
LFP 2: Produce an annual Freight Data Report
LFP 3: Develop and roll out a programme of Freight training in London
LFP 4: Develop and roll out a Freight Operator Recognition Scheme in London
Improving Reliability:
LFP 5: Improve reliability of London deliveries and freight movement through regulations,
design and best practice
Promoting Sustainable Distribution:
LFP 6: Promote modal shift through supply chain reconfiguration and planning changes
where economically and environmentally practicable
LFP 7: Promote consolidation through supply chain reconfiguration and planning changes
where economically and environmentally practicable – projects include the London
Construction Consolidation Centre
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LFP 8: Promote changes to freight transport specification/fuel though supply chain
reconfiguration where economically and environmentally practicable – Projects include Low
Emission Zone
The Plan and subsequent documents will also feed into any update of the Mayor’s London Plan or
future revisions of the Mayor’s Strategies and Supplementary Planning Guidance documents.
Initial needs analysis was undertaken by a steering group of stakeholders representing and reporting
back to over 30 bodies. This helped to set the freight Vision and objectives.
However freight operator involvement was minimal. The 12 strong Freight Unit was then established
to create a broad range of focus groups covering some 120 separate organisations and companies
under the umbrella of the London Sustainable Distribution
Partnership which includes:
Key freight industry sectors (retail; waste; construction; courier and parcel; oil & chemical;
Strategic freight quality partnerships (5 sub-regional partnerships for London plus a number
of borough council initiatives)
Modal knowledge groups (road; rail; water; air)
Special knowledge groups (environment,; planning; business; vehicle, technology & fuel,
safety & security)
Business Plan co-ordination Group (British Waterways. Port of London Authority;
Environment Agency; Transport for London; Department of Trade and Industry; Association
of London Government; Greater London Authority; Department for Industry; London
Development Agency Government Office for London). Input to the draft Freight Plan was
sought from all groups and a document produced which underwent a 12 week consultation.
The Freight Unit
Transport for London (TfL) has established a dedicated team of 12 including industry experts to look
at and address the freight challenges facing London. This new Freight Unit will address this by:
Building relationships
Creating a dialogue with the London Boroughs, business and Freight Operators
Identifying pilot projects and studies to:
Increase access to data
Identify opportunities and benefits of widespread use
Achieve quick wins
Demonstrate TfL’ s commitment to boroughs, business and freight operators
Identify how clearer understanding of freight’s role, impact and operation in London will be
Help build consensus on how to develop solutions to address London’s freight challenges
Start to enable freight to respond to London’s growth in a more sustainable way
Today in Lyon, the public authority is in charge of the management of traffic and the air quality as
well. Two administrative levels are in charge: Ville de Lyon, and Grand Lyon, and they work
together to improve air quality and management of traffic, especially targeting heavy duty vehicles.
The most remarkable actions today are the following:
Decision has been taken in 2007 to test a new regulation for delivery vehicles in the peninsula area
(Presqu'île) of Lyon. The perimeter is delimited on east and west sides by the rivers (Saône, Rhône),
on the north side by Place des Terreaux and on the south side by Perrache Station.
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The restriction consists in:
In term of circulation:
Creation in 2007 of a Low emission zone: forbidden access to vehicles that do not
comply with EURO norms with a progressive planning defined (target 2010: no
vehicles older than EURO 3). the current applying norm is Euro II,
Forbidden access (day-time period) for vehicles with a surface over 29m2
In terms of delivery zones:
Access limited to 30 minutes
Obligatory use of a delivery disk
Delivery zones access allowed only for professional vehicles (carriage for hire and
transport for own account)
The short-term objective is to extend (and adapt) such a regulation over Lyon left side of the Rhône
in 2011 and the mid-term objective to the whole city of Lyon and possibly other urban cities.
The Plan de Protection de l'Atmosphère (PPA: Atmosphere Protection Plan), on the whole urban
The French government, through its local direction (Direction Départementale des Territoires du
Rhône DDT69), built up the PPA with strong objectives on air quality. Important studies have been
led to determine precise levels of pollution and gas concentrations in the air (particles, fumes, NOX
…) on the perimeter of the urban area. Several actions are planned, divided in different fields. One
of the fields is dedicated to road transports, the related actions should lead, on the short term, to
an overall regulation that includes Euro norms for freight vehicles operating inside the urban area
perimeter, and to new speed limitations on the road network. These actions are to be defined by
the end of the year 2010, and should be realised soon afterwards.
The perimeter for this Plan and its actions is the urban area, wider than Grand Lyon, counting 105
The Plan Climat (Climate Plan), on Grand Lyon
Following implementation of the Kyoto protocol, the Grand Lyon urban community placed the fight
against greenhouse gases as a second aim of its Agenda 21 in 2005. As part of its Climate Plan, it
undertook in 2007 to reduce Co2 emissions by 20% for 2020 and by 75% for 2050. The goal is also to
reduce energy consumption by 20% and to consume 20% of sustainable forms of energy by 2020.
This commitment serves three major ambitions:
To preserve the environment and to adapt to climate change.
To improve the quality of life and to preserve access to basic rights.
To contribute to economic development by keeping with climate issues.
Greater Lyon counts environmental protection as a major feature of its internal organization,
central to its public policies and at the heart the relations it has with the people in its region. It
operates transversally, using all the levers for action that it has available as the owner of industrial
facilities and land, on housing, transport, and urban planning, and using its ability to federate those
who are active in the region, especially for economic development.
The Plan Bruit (Noise Plan), on Grand Lyon
With respect to the European Environmental Noise Directive, the Grand Lyon has initiated a process
of permanent improvement of the noise levels, together with its partners and infrastructures
managers. A diagnostic was made, showing noise maps for road, railroad, and air transport, and also
for industries. The Grand Lyon is now leading an action plan aiming at reducing main causes of
noise, and at protecting quiet areas. Optimising mobility and transports is one of the key factors for
reducing noise levels in the Grand Lyon perimeter.
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Initial situation
40 percent of the total tonnage stays within the borders of Berlin and just less than 60 percent of
the road based exchange of goods (in tonnage) is carried out with Brandenburg (KBA: Federal Motor
Transport Authority, BGA: Federation of German Wholesale and Foreign Trade). The trend is
This development was supported by the suburbanization of transportation in the 1990's. Three
quarters of all commercial vehicles in Berlin are passenger cars. With a share of 62 percent in
traffic volume and 70 percent in kilometres travelled, their contribution to total commercial
mileage is above-average. More than 70 percent of commercial passenger vehicles in Berlin are
allotted to the three economic sectors “supply of other public or private services” (just under 40
percent), “trade, maintenance of vehicles and durable goods” and “real estate, commercial
services, tenancy of movable property”. In 2004 local road traffic amounted to 18m metric tons
(KBA, BAG 2003). The commercially licensed vehicles covered approximately 495'000 trips (+/- 20
percent) and nearly 11.5m vehicle kilometres (+/- 20 percent) on weekdays. The large error margin
of these estimations derives from the tolerance range of the employed data base, especially the
The commercially licensed motor trucks with a cargo of up to 3.5 metric tons covered on weekdays
in 2004 approximately 167'000 trips (+/- 20 percent) and motor trucks with a cargo above 3.5 metric
tons about 20'000 trips (+/- 20 percent). In Berlin heavy traffic accordingly accounts for only 4
percent of traffic volume of commercially licensed vehicles, yet it has a share of 11 percent in
traffic performance. The latter is primarily caused by the high traffic performance of tractor
trailers. Evidence suggests that 50 percent of trips with passenger vehicles and small motor trucks
are shorter than 10 kilometres and 70 percent are shorter than 20 kilometres. Thus the lion's share
of traffic performance is generated on the urban road system of Berlin.
Figure 5 - Berlin urban road Situation
Sectors with a high fraction of heavy traffic are manufacturing, trade and logistics.
Approximately 1/3 of Berlin's 1.53m wage earners were employed in the business sectors “industry”,
“trade, maintenance of vehicles and durable goods” and “transportation and telecommunication”.
Furthermore there are notably self-employed drivers. These three sectors account for just below 50
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percent of the total traffic performance with commercially licensed vehicles with a cargo above 3.5
metric tons. Start ups in the processing industry are usually SME's. The fraction of businesses with 1
to 4 employees increased from 21.4 percent to 49.5 percent between 1991 and 2001. In 2001 more
than 90 percent of all businesses in the processing industry had less than 100 employees. Nearly 50
percent of all jobholders are allotted to these companies.
Research suggests that along this new industry structure, freight transport volume will also be
increasingly divided into small pieces and accordingly opportunities for rail-based transportation are
Demanded goods at a certain point in time have decreased for several reasons. In addition to the
depletion of assets that tie up capital, the post individualization of products on demand of
costumers has to be mentioned. The bulk of just-in-time demand is accordingly decreasing. These
smaller deliveries are in favour of motor trucks and the fast networks of logistics services.
For the same reason vertical as well as horizontal integration takes place in Berlin. The forwarding
agency ReiCo in Nunsdorf for example bundles goods for Drospa and Kaiser's. The two forwarding
agencies Konz and Kunzendorf are shareholder of the conveyance network 24plus Systemverkehre.
Especially companies with a strong customer base in the metropolitan area or a special focus on the
optimization of delivery times, like express mail services and forwarder of consolidated cargo,
favour intra-urban locations. As the structural change of Berlin's economy continues, a weakened
decline of gross value added and employment in the traffic-intensive building and construction
industry and the processing industry is expected. On the contrary a further increase in provision of
services and commerce is likely to occur. It is anticipated that carriage of goods will further decline
whilst passenger transportation will keep growing.
The expected demographic development also does not suggest an increase in economic
transportation. However the increase of senior citizen indicates an ascending demand for household
services, like delivery services or home care, which leads to an increase in commercial passenger
transport and a substitution of private trips by deliveries.
Additionally modified business conditions, like the rise in cost for motor truck transportation
increases the demand for logistics locations close to the distribution area.
At large the social and economic indicators accordingly suggest a further decline of freight
transportation (tonnage) as well as an increase in imbalance and a steady decline of bulk goods.
Rail transportation and domestic shipping do not seem to become more important.
In the medium term this trend is likely to persist, as the amount of companies having settled or
expanded in Berlin is limited and fundamental shifts are not supposable.
Regione Piemonte
Urban logistic is one of the issues of Regione Piemonte strategy for sustainable mobility.
It’s common knowledge that a local Administration can significantly affect the distribution of goods
in urban environments by the means of two measures, which should be taken with balance:
Limiting access to a particular area of the city in defined time slot to vehicles of defined
size and polluting characteristics;
Promoting initiatives to optimize the distribution process.
The first measure has legislative nature and must be implemented by Municipalities, in accordance
with the “Regione Piemonte Mobility Plan - excerpt of the Environmental Plan”.
The second is an organizational measure and should prompt logistic operators to maximize loads and
minimize travel and paths of the vehicles (analysis of saturation).
A recent survey sponsored by Confcommercio (Italian Trade Association) has put in evidence signs
that seem to be relevant from the transportation planner point of view.
The analysis of the saturation of vehicles highlights as constraints mass, volume, and time needed
to complete the journey. Often the three constraints, depending on the goods transported and the
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distances travelled, are not active simultaneously. If mean saturation on each vehicle is 58% of the
volume, 60% for weight and 74% for the time, the overall saturation is 84%.
Analysis put in evidence some considerations:
the main problem in urban distribution is the "saturation time": Therefore the interventions
potentially more effective and of immediate applicability are those aimed at reducing
traffic congestion, increasing the speed of travel, limiting mileage and decreasing the time
of delivery/collection;
given the mix of products carried by each carrier it is difficult to load any further the
vehicles. Therefore, most promising interventions are those aimed to redefine the product
mix transported by each carrier in a logistically compatible way taking advantage of
transport consolidation centres;
most popular measures are those which affect the loading/unloading areas and those that
provide an easier mobility in town with environmental certification;
The development of the transport of goods is confirmed to be strongly fluctuating.
The transformation of the carriers in centres of logistics services may certainly open some
interesting possibilities, if these operators will ensure the effort on Saturday or during the middle of
the day after checking, of course, the compatibility of this solution with the organizational needs of
receivers. Furthermore, the data reported from organized distribution shows that the management
of schedules of the centres of accumulation is a variable to be managed carefully, in the event of
an opening of one or more Urban Delivering Centres (UDC). Indeed, it is necessary to avoid for these
facilities to concentrate the traffic in specific time slots.
Analysis of freight traffic shows that the flow of goods between two points in the city itself plays a
decisive role, especially in major cities like Turin. In the largest realities, this issue complicates in a
decisive manner the management of the Urban Delivering Centres (UDC).
Really, it is not enough to locate a UDC outside the city, but it is necessary to think of an integrated
system capable of ensuring efficient flow of goods, both from outside to inside the city and between
two points of the city itself. Of course the situation is simplified in a decisive way concerning small
towns, since in this situations the flows from outside to inside the city prevails and the small size
makes it possible to limit the number of Urban Delivering Centres;
From an economic standpoint, an operator of logistics services provides a larger number of
deliveries per day than those who make deliveries directly from the supplier: This means that from
an increased outsourcing of activities of these traders we should expect a greater intensity of
deliveries per day. This parameter is particularly important because two thirds of the day are spent
in transport activities and a third of the day in goods delivering or withdrawal. It would be
interesting to both community and carriers to create conditions for reverse this relationship by
increasing the speed of travel and reducing the number of kilometres travelled;
Information Technology equipment on vehicles is still marginal: this poses major challenges
regarding support services for operators.
The organization of urban logistics will therefore focus on:
the whole product sector or a single type of goods (for instance clothing, food, etc.);
the entire urban area (in the case of small-medium-sized cities), or distinctive parts of the
same town (in the case of Turin or of the Urban surrounding Area).
For the reasons above illustrated, two types of projects could be promoted from Regione Piemonte:
one for the middle size cities where in determined hours the entire delivering will be
managed and organized only by the Urban Delivering Centre (UDC);
the other one for the city of Turin where the project could be articulated in two different
ways: by choosing a product category (for instance the "fresh food") and some urban zones
(for instance street markets, via Po, ...); and by organizing one ore more UDC (for instance
Pescarito, Moncalieri, Sito)
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Necessary condition for the starting up of the projects is the constitution of one or more UDC with
the issue of collecting and organizing the freight. They should have at their disposal platforms,
stores, and, if needed, a fleet of compatible vehicles. These UDC should handle an informative
operation centre about traffic and access to the different zones.
In consideration of the all above, collaboration network among the different projects endorsement
subjects is needed. This network should facilitate the integration as well as the dialogue among
different sectors: transports, urban planning, environment, goods trading and mobility. These are
local government sectors often low linked and rarely aimed to promote a common policy and an
integrated system for sustainable urban mobility.
Since urban realities can be very different form one to the other, every single municipality, or lobby
of municipalities, has to be able to organize autonomously a goods delivering urban system.
This will be done complying with shared regional common rules as well as making use of regional
start up financial grants and regional common facilities to ease economies of scale. The public
funding contribution will be only provided for the starting up period: the financed projects will have
to find an economical balance within three years.
Regarding the common rules, Regione Piemonte could support a Memorandum of Understanding
about urban logistic. It should be shared with UPP (Province Association of Piemonte), ANCI
(National Municipality Association), Traders associations, Transport Associations and, if needed,
Consumers associations.
The agreement should set an array of base definitions and minimum standards, shared with all the
stakeholders. Every urban logistic project on the regional area should then submit to these common
rules in order to be financed by public grants. The main common features should specify:
pertinence area (ZTL - Restricted Traffic Zones, peculiar commercial areas);
incoming hours timetable, with eventual dispensations for vehicle not included in the
enforcement system;
Minimum vehicle features (dimensions, polluting characteristics, engineering, etc.)
corporate membership of the urban logistic management company (every stakeholders,
local ones included, must be represented);
location and sizing of the Urban Delivering Centres and of the uploading/downloading
vehicles and back-office technological equipment;
Dead line for the level of self sustaining system.
The shared minimums standards should constitute the "tender" for a funds grant application call
addressed to the municipalities to propose urban logistic projects. In this call the improvement of
the minimum standards required should constitute an evaluation parameter.
Regione Piemonte could offer some "system facilities" with the aim of making easier economies of
scale, for example:
developing a regional software platform for vehicles mission scheduling;
developing a regional software platform for control and access management for the
Restricted Traffic Zones (ZTL);
centralizing procurement concerning the hardware devices for the Urban Delivering Centers,
for the vehicles, and for the ZTL access management;
Providing real-time traffic data for dynamic routing programming provided by the Regional
Traffic Operation Centre.
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Environmental loading point for inner city delivery - Bremen (Germany)
In Bremen an Environmental Loading Point was established in cooperation of local authorities and
economy. It is accessible exclusively for EURO5/EEV delivery vehicles to promote their use in inner
city delivery. This measure is implemented for 2 years and will be assessed at the end of 2009.
Since heavy duty vehicles (HDV, <10% of traffic) emit a disproportionately large amount of air
pollutants (approx. 50% of the NOx in Bremen) it is necessary to reduce emissions in particular of
HDV. To promote environmental friendly delivery vehicles in Bremen’s inner city, an Environmental
Loading Point (ELP) was established for 2 years in November 2007.
The ELP was proposed by logistic enterprises as a benefit to use environmental friendly vehicles. It
was planned in cooperation of local authorities, logistics operators and the chamber of commerce.
The pilot project is supported by the PARFUM-Project within the EU environmental programme LIFE.
The ELP is a denoted area at Jacobikirchhof, near the pedestrian area with its shops. It is
exclusively reserved for vehicles with emission standard EURO5 or EEV (enhanced environmental
vehicle) and suitable for vehicles up to 7,5t resp. a length of 8,5m. Users need a permission to
access the loading point. Vehicles are earmarked with a label and a transponder so that their
authorisation can be checked automatically (a traffic light showing “red” if access is not allowed).
Currently the loading times are unrestricted; to meet higher demand, a temporal restriction can be
imposed. In contradiction to the regulations for the pedestrian area the loading point can be used
after 11:00 am. This gives more flexibility to its users as an additional benefit. The Environmental
Loading Point is established temporarily. After an assessment (starting at the end of 2009) it is
decided whether this loading point is maintained or even extended. In the beginning of the project
run the amount of vehicles up to 16t that fulfil EURO5 or EEV was very limited. Since this standard
becomes mandatory after autumn 2009, a better choice of products is to be expected.
New goods distribution scheme - Krakow (Poland)
The City of Krakow developed a new scheme of goods distribution with usage of clean and more
environment friendly vehicles. Initial implementation will be made within the city centre on the
main square area. With the goods distribution system, the private delivery service in the old
city centre shall be reduced by about 50%.
The measure concerns the developing of an access control system for goods vehicles to protected
zones, the establishing of a efficient goods distribution, the achieving of a wide social consensus on
access restrictions and the implementing of a system operated by clean vehicles. Innovative are the
integrated implementation of an enlarged freight distribution system, the extended set of goods
distributed and services offered to the customers and the access control technology and clean
vehicles. The City of Krakow will develop a new scheme of goods distribution with usage of clean
and more environment friendly vehicles. A feasibility study concerning the system for the
distribution of goods in the city centre of Krakow, using clean and energy efficient vehicles will be
taken. Initial implementation will be made within the city centre on the main square area. With the
goods distribution system, the private delivery service in the old city centre shall be reduced by
about 50%. Within the urban goods distribution system, the particular objectives shall be achieved
which are the improving of the regulation on access control of private commercial vehicles in the
inner city area in order to decrease the amount of private goods deliveries and the building up the
concept design of the goods delivery system. Research and technological development activities are
conducted concerning the design of the scheme of the goods delivery concept in Krakow, the
planning layout and the operations of the logistic centre, linking with this activity also the
involvement of present couriers, operators, and of all potential stakeholders in the decision-making
process Scheme design of the goods delivery concept in Krakow was created. The document was
based on the experience of the meetings with all potential stakeholders of the project. As a result
of stakeholders’ meetings, a Mobility Forum was organised, where all the stakeholders could
exchange their opinions and suggestions. The stakeholders consist of carriers, shopkeepers, Market
Square area managers and city logistics experts. Krakow decided to discard the HUB-based solution
and started to work on new concepts, mainly mobility credits system. Creating an internal report “New concept of distribution scheme in Krakow”, covering theoretical and practical aspects of
mobility credit system in Krakow. Launch and test operation of the system, during 2 initial 2-weeks
periods (winter and spring). System proposed in the measure is possible to be implemented,
nevertheless, strong political support and wider consensus among stakeholders is needed. The credit
points-based solution was checked in the field and seems to be very effective and innovative.
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Electronic system of collecting and calculating the data was checked and the PDA-based solution
seems to be much more cost-effective than the camera recognition. It seems that ‘noise’ is not the
main problem for people in the city centre and the biggest problem for inhabitants and tourists is
the system of car parking’s, the system which allows people to park their car in the pavement.
Urban transhipment centre - Norwich (United Kingdom)
This measure sought to demonstrate the potential for a transhipment centre for freight
deliveries and collections within the city centre to contribute towards clean urban transport
objectives by optimising urban goods delivery journeys with clean and energy efficient vehicles.
The expected benefits included reduced congestion, emissions and noise.
The objective of the measure is to achieve an overall reduction in the number of freight vehicle
movements within the Norwich urban area, and the city centre in particular, by consolidating loads
and to ensure that the final delivery is made by vehicles with low emission engines (initially Euro III
or better emissions standard). The measure is innovative in its focus on developing a commercially
sustainable operation that will not require ongoing revenue funding from the public sector. The
intention was to implement the measure by building upon an existing privately operated
transhipment centre. The fallback option was to investigate the feasibility of creating a new
publicly controlled and operated facility within the context of a Freight Quality Partnership.
Implementation of the measure involved:
Selecting a commercial partner to develop and operate the transhipment;
Identifying a suitable location for the transhipment centre with sufficient storage
warehousing and fast and direct transport links to central Norwich
Establishing and promoting the transhipment centre to attract customers
The key principles on which the measure has been based are:
To use the funding for the measure to enable the employment of a logistics professional to
engage with businesses and recruit customers by providing services tailored to their needs
To charge for deliveries from the transhipment centre, offering only modest and time
limited financial incentives for users, with a view to the sustainability of the measure
beyond the life of the CIVITAS project
No changes to access and loading restrictions in the city centre were planned as part of the
measure. The measure has been implemented though a partnership between Norfolk County Council
and logistics company Foulger Transport. The partnership was established in May 2007 following a
competitive procurement process. Foulger are operating a transhipment centre at their Snetterton
site. Freight operators making deliveries to Norwich via the A11 can deliver to the transhipment
centre warehouse, saving time and mileage. Where possible, Foulger combine loads to make the
final deliveries, using vehicles already making deliveries to customers in Norwich
Foulger have employed a development manager to promote the transhipment centre and engage
with businesses to recruit customers. This position is funded by CIVITAS. The first delivery from the
transhipment centre was made in October 2007. At December 2008, almost 200 initial customer
contacts had generated 29 requests for quotations, leading to the recruitment of four customers
(three retailers and one industrial customer). Although the measure has achieved limited success in
terms of customer recruitment, there is high level of satisfaction with the service amongst existing
customers. The measure has yet to achieve significant consolidation of loads, but has had some
success in switching urban deliveries to smaller goods vehicles. Permitting vehicles making
deliveries from the transhipment centre to use the Newmarket Road bus lane has delivered an
average AM peak journey time saving of 1.8 minutes, with small beneficial impacts on fuel
consumption and emissions.
Satellite based traffic management for SME’s – Malmö (Sweden)
By using the GPS (satellite) and GPRS (mobile phones) techniques a small delivery firm have
been able to optimise transports and reduce unnecessary trips. The control centre does get
updated positions of the vehicles twice a minute, enabling them to deal with fast unplanned
city distribution.
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The objectives are not only to install a satellite based system in the delivering cars and vans, but
also to reduce pollution, fuel and other unfriendly chemicals. The measure will also lead to change
in the environment for the traffic-dispatch in form of less stress and more control. Developments of
new technique that easy and quickly can report the environmental benefit of co-ordinating the
freights. The measure has a high demonstration value for SME’s dealing with fast “unplanned” city
distribution. A satellite based system has been installed in delivering cars and vans. This was
followed by installation of handhelds, for a more efficient two-way communication between the
traffic-dispatch and vehicles. Developments of new technique that easy and quickly can report the
environmental benefit of co-ordinating the freights. GPS-positioning system has been purchased and
installed in 20 vehicles; during this process the traffic dispatch was educated. Three parts are
included in the satellite-based system: Positioning, Communication and Registration By combining
GPS technique with existing programme for logistic and new software, the frequency for coordination of goods has increased. It is also possible to report the environmental benefit for each of
the costumer that will be made by the co-ordination. The GPS system was installed in November
2005 and has been a huge success. The average driven distances have been lowered and the
coordination on the delivery cars has improved radically. The staff is very satisfied with the new
tools. The measure is now completed and closed. The installation of a satellite based system in
delivering cars and vans led to a more efficient courier service. On average, the total number of
tasks per day for all four drivers were 40.3 in 2004 and 41.5 in 2005, a small increase of around 3%
overall. On the margin this means that less cars and distance is needed for the same number of
tasks which reduces pollution, fuel and other unfriendly chemicals; and changes the environment
for the traffic-dispatch in form of less stress and more control.
Priority access for clean goods vehicles - Norwich (United Kingdom)
Goods vehicles which meet pre-determined clean vehicle standards would be allowed to use
priority bus lanes in Norwich. This work package was a means to demonstrate the effectiveness
of opening up facilities to assist goods operators who respect cleaner urban transport principles.
Allow sharing of priority collective transport priority lanes to freight operators who respect
cleaner urban transport principles
Increase the proportion of urban goods vehicle transport, which meets pre-determined
emission control standards
Work in partnership with goods operators who respect clean urban transport principles in
order to facilitate their journeys in the Norwich area and mitigate the negative effects of
urban freight transport on other network users
Goods vehicles which meet pre-determined clean vehicle standards would be allowed to use
transport priority lanes. One demonstration project was implemented covering a proportion of the
priority lanes in the urban area, with the aim of demonstrating their effectiveness in assisting
operators who respect clean urban transport principles.
A study of existing bus lanes in Norwich was undertaken to determine the most suitable lanes for
HGVs to use. Methods for enforcing the proposals and stakeholder views were examined. As a result
of this study the proposals were amended to allow only HGVs associated with the Norwich Freight
Consolidation Centre to use the most appropriate bus lanes for its operation. This allowed greater
control over the number and behaviour of HGVs using the bus lanes and made the measure easier to
enforce. Consolidation centre vehicle drivers were given training on how to drive when in the bus
lane. The vehicles had specific liveries to identify that they could use the bus lanes.
The scheme has been implemented for a one year experimental period with monitoring being
undertaken during this period.
The key results were as follows:
The width of existing bus lanes was a barrier to implementing the measure, and revised
objectives were developed so that only consolidation centre vehicles could use the bus
Number of HGVs using the bus lanes is about one per day, and is due to the number of
customers currently using the consolidation centre. The number is expected to increase as
the consolidation centre gains more customers
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There was some stakeholder opposition to the measure
Monitoring shows a peak hour journey saving of 2 to 4 minutes per trip in an overall average
journey of 25 minutes. This equates to small savings in emissions and fuel consumption.
There was little benefit from using the bus lane at off-peak times
4.1.10. Development of Strategic Freight Holders Club in Urban Areas - Norwich (United
Dialogue, co-operation and willingness to work towards common aims has traditionally been lacking
in urban freight transport planning. This work package aims to demonstrate whether better results
could be achieved. The measure will demonstrate the extent to which the establishment of a
stakeholder group can help to meet urban freight objectives.
The measure aimed to enhance the dialogue between urban freight providers, users and local
authorities. A demonstration site in a retail area would allow promotion of enhanced access for
clean and energy efficient goods vehicles. The measure aimed to demonstrate the extent to which
the establishment of a stakeholder group could help to meet urban freight objectives.
Aimed to establish a freight stakeholder group that could work together to develop strategic freight
initiatives in the Norwich urban area and demonstrate projects based on clean goods vehicles. It
would involve key private sector haulage, logistics and freight distributors, together with freight
shippers and receivers to establish delivery and collection needs and the means by which this
activity could be made more efficient with reduced vehicle emissions and fuel consumption.
For the first half of the project, it proceeded with the aim of determining the operators interested
in any of the freight measures. This involved:
Setting up a web based virtual exhibition
Adverts of logistics magazines for the web site
Writing to 700 operators (locally and nationally) asking them to view the site
A downloadable reply form for operators to express an interest
There was only limited interest from operators in forming a stakeholders group.
Of those who did express an interest in forming a stakeholders club, there was also difficultly trying
to encourage them to attend any regular working group meetings. Instead the interested operators
would be used to contribute to strategies and consultation work as and when required.
The key results were as follows:
Only limited interest from operators in contributing to stakeholder group
Established contact with operators interested in transport issues
Contacts made can be used for future transportation strategies/consultation work and
promotion of freight initiatives
4.1.11. Goods delivery to Park & Ride Sites - Norwich (United Kingdom)
The aim of this measure is to provide for timely delivery of goods by clean urban delivery
vehicle from a city centre retail complex to a suburban Park&Ride terminal, where the retail
goods purchased earlier in the day can be collected by the consumer.
Implement demonstration project to provide for timely delivery of goods by clean urban delivery
vehicle from a city centre retail complex to a suburban Park and Ride terminal. It will reduce the
number of car journeys into the centre by shoppers wishing to store and transport purchased goods.
Also; To increase the use of collective transport To improve air quality To reduce congestion
A scheme will be established to deliver purchases from a City Centre shopping complex to a
suburban Park and Ride terminal. Discussions are taking place with a number of potentially
interested retailers in the Norwich city centre, including the developers of the Chapelfield shopping
mall which opened in September2005. This element of the work package will be used to determine
the effectiveness of a goods delivery service in promoting the use of Park&Ride, thus encouraging
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use of collective transport, reducing urban congestion and improving air quality. Elements included
in the measure are: identifying a suitable retail site within the area served by the Norwich
Park&Ride sites or within a 5 mile radius of Norwich, identifying a suitable Park&Ride site,
developing process for deliveries, completing a marketing plan and publicity development,
implementation of the scheme. In May 2007, CIVITAS funded a new service to the Airport Park&Ride
(north of Norwich), operating Monday to Friday. There were 3 city centre collection points - 2 in
major independent stores (Jarrolds and Marks & Spencer) and a shopping centre (The Mall).
Following involvement in the Airport Shop & Go service, Jarrolds (independent retailer) funded a
van and driver for a Monday to Friday service to the Thickthorn site from October 2007. A Christmas
only service was launched from 25 November - 24 December 2008. One van and driver was used to
deliver to both sites. There were 3 city centre collection points - 2 in major independent stores
(Jarrolds and John Lewis) and a shopping centre (Chapelfield). The original intention was to operate
an all year around Shop & Go service. This was not possible for financial reasons as the cost of a
part time van and driver was too high. The trial at the Airport park & ride site throughout 2007
proved that there is only really demand for the service during the Christmas and new year period.
What next? Approach retailers in Norwich city centre to include delivery to the park & ride sites as
part of any individual store direct delivery service.
4.1.12. Clean urban logistics – Toulouse (France)
Definition of a new freight delivering regulation is considered as an important component in our
attempts to overcome the present congestion problems in Toulouse
Improve the transport and freight delivery in the Toulouse city centre by:
Defining and implementing the basis for the management of freight traffic into the overall
policy of the city of Toulouse.
Defining a new organisation of freight delivering based on the experiences of a developing
co-operation with Chronopost.
At the local level, this measure will permit to organise the freight transport and delivering and redefine the local regulation while reducing the access to the city centre and improving the
management of spaces for delivery. All of these developments will permit to concretely treat the
crucial problem of freight delivering and transport within the Urban Mobility Plan. The solution
implemented will be evaluated including the environmental criteria. At the national level, due to
the lack of such kind of experience, the Toulouse demonstration will permit to demonstrate and
propose example in the field of freight delivering and transport.
At the European level, the exchange with other sites, especially Venice, will permit to highlight
best practices in this quite difficult domain of research. The project of realization on an Urban
Distribution Centre (UDC) was abandoned at the beginning of 2007. Nevertheless, several actions
were implemented in order to improve the goods distribution policy of Toulouse and to prepare the
framework for a new UDC to be envisaged in the coming years.
The main outstanding actions were:
the development and implementation of a new freight delivery charter / new freight
delivery regulation in the city centre (May 2006) and,
The realization of experimentation with the Chronopost Company (express mail service)
where a small UDC using clean vehicles (CNG) was developed.
Thanks to all the works which were performed together with all the local stakeholders, MOBILIS
enabled the implementation of the new freight delivery regulation which provides a new frame for
the organization of goods delivery at the level of the city centre. Besides the failure of creation of a
UDC, the experimentation which was carried out in association with the Chronopost Company
showed the potential to achieving the creation of an organization such as the UDC. The
development of an UDC can only be the result of a long process of problem assessment, recognition
by the stakeholders, public awareness and willingness to cooperate and improve the situation.
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4.1.13. New goods distribution scheme – Burgos (Spain)
The goods distribution as an essential service for the cities vitality requires new regulations to
get adapted to the progressive “pedestrianization” in the city centre. Vehicle transit was
reduced in the “clean zone” although goods delivery must continue. Cleaner vehicles have
been introduced for goods distribution in the “clean zone”.
The general objectives of this measure are as follows:
Reduced vehicle transit in the “clean zone”.
Introduction of cleaner vehicles for goods delivery in the “clean zone”.
Regulation of the distribution areas.
Innovative aspects
Optimisation of delivery and distribution schedules.
Use of cleaner delivery vehicles in restricted-access zones.
New concepts for the management of deliveries.
Use of information technology to support the process.
Goods distribution and delivery patterns to urban centres are very similar. In Burgos, numerous
central warehouses outside the city distribute merchandise on a daily basis in small vans that
circulate around the city dropping off their orders. Some of the problems related to this type of
distribution are:
Numerous vehicles of various sizes depending on the goods they carry.
Circulation throughout the entire city and entry into unique, sensitive zones in the historic
centre that aggravates traffic problems.
Double parking during loading and unloading due to unauthorised occupancy of parking bays
reserved for loading and unloading.
Delivery vehicle access to pedestrianized zones of the city, disrupting the ‘pedestrianized’
The activities to be developed are linked to demonstration area number one ”Historical city area”
in the City of Burgos.
Research and Technical Development (RTD) and Innovation Activities
The design and development of all aspects of the integrated regulation scheme is underway. The
political debate with all stakeholders involved in the adoption of these measures also needs to be
moderated. A parallel innovative action is focused on the social and economic impact on
stakeholders. Particular attention will be devoted to eventual structural changes in the urban
freight distribution sector. A feasibility study will then be developed to design the new criteria for
goods distribution mechanisms. Moreover, software applications will be designed to organise goods
transport between distributors and commercial outlets. Delivery vehicles circulating in the “clean
zone” will be cleaner vehicles. An active policy will be followed with all the delivery companies so
that they gradually replace their vehicles and delivery within the “clean zone” following the
measures related to the “Integrated Access-Restriction Strategy in Burgos” . Access to the “clean
zone” will eventually be limited to cleaner vehicles (Euro IV Standard).
The activities to be developed are as follows:
Optimisation of the goods distribution logistic in the “clean zone”.
Designation of specific parking zones around the “clean zone” for loading and unloading.
Development of models for residential access to the “clean zone”.
Design of a new concept for distribution in the “clean zone”.
Analysis of the situation and involvement of distributors, logistics services, industries.
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Analysis of social and economic feasibility and satisfactory layout of the new goods
distribution system.
Analysis of the conditions and involvement of distribution companies, logistics services and
Designation of the affected zones and identification of the stakeholders involved.
Specification of management criteria for goods distribution in the city.
Design of routes, schedules, products and areas for the distribution of goods.
Introduction of cleaner vehicles for goods delivery in the “clean zone”.
Innovation and Dissemination Activities
Public information campaigns to promote the goods distribution strategies to be
implemented and to achieve a high degree of social acceptance.
Training activities
Training workshops for police officers and others.
Operational training for system operators.
Evaluation will be measured by qualitative and quantitative data gathered throughout the
life of the project.
The measure is related to the new access restriction system also and it consists in the development
of the plan fro the future (future freight distribution of goods centre). The distribution of goods
system is completely interrelated with the measures concerning the access restriction system or the
traffic management centre (controlling the area). What Caravel has been doing is the development
of the plan, and in the future the freight distribution centre (with electric, sustainable vehicles) will
be launched (out of the caravel time framework). This is the key result. The evaluation result is the
good awareness and view of the citizens concerning the access restriction and the idea about the
new freight distribution centre.
- Less than 200 vans or lorries not crossing the sensitive area
Support of more than the 88% of the citizens of the measure implemented, more than 90%
of the good distribution companies supporting the system and expecting the new freight
distribution centre.
Good transference of results from Genoa and other cities.
Involvement of the stakeholders is the most important point (since the very begging and
through all the implementation process).
4.1.14. Freight Partnership - Preston (United Kingdom)
A strategic plan for city logistics based on the experience of La Rochelle will be implemented in
The objectives of this measure will be to:
Develop and implement a strategic plan for city logistics, based on the experience of La
Rochelle and other best practice
The main action will be to develop the strategic planning for city logistics, based on the experience
of La Rochelle. This will also lead to the definition and mapping of freight zones
This will be accompanied by the establishment of a Freight Forum for Preston and South Ribble, to
share best practice and the elaboration of Freight Quality Partnership for central Preston.
- Establishment of a strategic plan for city logistics in Preston.
Establishment of Freight Forum
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Establishment of Freight Quality Partnership - COMPLETE
Freight zones defined and mapped. This section fell out of the recommendations of the TTR
report produced January 2007
Freight Strategy has been written and is to be accompanied by a Preston specific annex a
similar annex will be developed for South Ribble in due course
Improvement to freight signage is due for completion 2009
Work on the freight map is complete and paper copies have been distributed, an electronic
copy has been posted on the new transport portal
A freight specific page holds an up-to-date version of the freight map along with providing
access to the freight strategy
There is also a freight forum facility on the website to allow people to comment on the map
and the freight strategy and to allow discussion of freight issues with a wider audience than
the current membership of the Preston FQP.
- The FQP is forging strong links between freight users and policy implementers within local
Strong links with outcome from the Preston Clear Zone and access control.
Agreeing freight zones and routing with members of the FQP and preparing draft zonal map.
Publication of freight map
Production of the freight strategy for Preston and South Ribble, which will incorporate a
strategic plan for city logistics and the other measures to be implemented through CIVITAS.
4.1.15. Clean Urban logistics – Venice (Italy)
This measure focuses on the creation of a web-enabled information system for the management
of temporary and permanent parking spaces along the inner canals in Venice.
To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of the permanent and temporary
boat parking spaces along the inner canals in Venice, through the creation of a web-enabled
information system that integrates day-to-day administrative acts (requests, authorizations, etc.)
and provides support to decision-makers and regulators for the integrated management of boat
traffic and circulation, during ordinary and extraordinary situations. In this way, parking will be
managed in a planned and controllable manner having a positive impact on the entity of traffic
flows in Venice’s channels. The innovative aspect is the involvement of economic operators in the
construction of the logistic scheme. This will be made with the development of an innovative model
that will consider how all the deliveries are made. The attractiveness will be improved by the
standards met by the vehicles used, which will be able to access everywhere at any time instead of
being restricted by the limited access zone and by bus lanes. The entire scheme will be innovative,
combining managing technologies and technical solutions with low impact vehicles and a modern
terminal. The integration of the management of different activities would permit a rationalization
of the use of docks, reducing traffic congestion as well as wake and noise pollution in the city. The
work consists of: 1. analysis of the actual use of docks; 2. recalibration of the permitted use of
docks by different boat types at different times of the day and night; 3. identification of boat docks
to be reserved for the delivery of cargo at set times; 4. identification of docks that could be used
temporarily; 5. management of permits for the temporary use of docks during
construction/restoration work, 6. management of the signage that will regulate the dock use based
on the aforementioned analyses; 7. development of parking management system; 8. system testing
and personnel training; 9. integration with other information systems. This measure has been
managed by the City of Venice and Forma Urbis. A survey was carried out in order to identify the
actual use of docks in order to classify the docks according to their prevailing uses. There were
meetings with local authorities and transport trade associations for identify the target delivery
locations to be monitored. The “Handbook for field data collector” and the “Handbook for data
collection locations” were made in order to realize the survey and to standardize the dock use
collecting data. Forma Urbis produced an in-depth study about the local delivery cargo system,
using the information collected during the dock use surveys in September 2005. This study gave
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guidelines for a decision making model about the permitted dock use and gave the general
standards for the revision of the permitted use of docks by different boat types at different times of
the day and night, the identification of boat docks to be reserved for the delivery of cargo at set
times and the identification of docks that could be used temporarily. The subcontract to
Associazione Centro Progetti Venezia was signed. The temporary and permanent parking permitting
system was designed using the information collected during the dock use surveys and the analysis,
the pre-existing information about parking concessions and the in-depth survey of stakeholders.The
study of administrative procedures and requested official documents for applying for the temporary
use of docks during the construction/restoration work, the water parking space and the transit in
the canals were carried out. The study of the use of inner canal parking spaces and the areas
experiencing traffic flow issues was realised. In particular the interactions between parking and
traffic were accurately studied. The gathered information was used to develop the Electronic
Parking Management System based on a web GIS system. The network of the parking management
system, the links between the different offices and the data and information exchange were
designed. The new electronic system was designed for the request of the transit and stop permit
and also to accept complaints from its users. Forma Urbis tested the parking management system
with the Water Mobility Office staff in order to collect opinions on the final work and in order to
study how this new system works with the stakeholders. The mock-up of the designed parking
management system was developed. In January 2008, the final “mocks-up” of the system was
realised and tested with all the measure partners. The interfaces and the functionalities of the
designed system obtained positive comments by the end user of the system, the water mobility
office staff. The Evaluation of system was carried out in January 2008.A complete information
system for the management of permanent and temporary parking along canals will: 1. reduce the
possibility of boats competing for the use of the same dock, by reserving docks for certain key
activities at certain times of the day; 2. reduce the waiting time to obtain concessions for parking
spaces (both permanent and temporary);3. eliminate the possibility that temporary docking permits
may negatively affect important services (such as deliveries or emergency services) and create
traffic obstructions;4. allow Venetians to use their personal boats to conduct personal business and
use docks for extended periods of time (up to 2 hrs); 5. provide constant information to decision
makers for the planning of measures aimed at controlling boat traffic and reducing wake and noise
4.1.16. City Centre Distribution - Groningen (The Netherlands)
To find a solution for the heavy traffic and environmental problems the City of Groningen
decided to control the freight deliveries into the city centre with the help of several measures,
e.g. special time-windows for distribution.
Being the largest city in the north of the Netherlands, Groningen is a regional economic centre with
175,000 inhabitants. A lot of inner-city problems like traffic problems and connected with this
environmental problems lead to a decrease of quality of life. One reason is the commuting situation
in the greater area of Groningen. Half of the people who work in Groningen live in the outskirts or
in the regional area. About that deliveries into the city centre have caused an additionally traffic
volume with the consequence of a high noise level and air pollution. Results from a former Traffic
Circulation Plan from 1977 weren’t very satisfactorily because the relevant economic key-players
were not involved and therefore especially shop owners in the centre were very unsatisfied with
this new policy. After a reestablishment of conversation between the official authorities and
transport companies, a new approach called “City Centre Better” was tried in 1994. In this project
all the main players have been involved from the beginning on, so that the project process could be
influenced by as many parties as possible who are involved in this problem. It should guarantee an
efficient and economical solution especially for the transport companies and a satisfactorily answer
regarding the environmental problems and the quality of life from the view of the cities’
The Municipality of Groningen initiated the project in close co-operation with representatives of the
local business and several market parties. An experiment for a better accessibility of the city centre
for transport services was introduced. For two distribution companies delivering goods from the
outskirts into the city centre it was allowed to make their deliveries outside the time window all
the day. Therefore, the companies gained a better efficiency and the local authorities a better
living and environmental situation. In consequence of this experiment an “Advisory Commission for
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distribution issues” has been set up by the City Council to supervise the test. This was the basis for
a successful PPP. In 1998, the project became a new direction towards more structural policy.The
new additionally measurements have been the permission for 3.5 tonnes trucks to use the bus lanes
and cross sections during the defined time windows. Nowadays the foreseen transport companies for
the delivery of the city centre rises up to three distributors whereas even three more are under
discussion. The partners committed themselves to bring input and way of solution into the pilot
project. But there is no financial commitment between the involved partners. The philosophy has
been that both partners benefit from this partnership. The following measures have been the result
of the contractual PPP:Enlargement of the pedestrian area
Time-windows for distribution in the car-free areas between 5-11 a.m. and 6-8 p.m.
The research activity in Groningen has shown the positive reaction from all parties and positive
results (i.e. no problems with flow public transport, less transport time in the inner city area). On
the one hand, the deliveries became more efficient and more economical for the transport
operators. On the other hand, the environmental situation and the quality of life have been
improved. In the future a further improvement of the policy of co-operation will be continued. It
should be aimed to support this policy and project by additional technical applications like the
usage of more environmental vehicles or maybe a concept of underground logistics.
4.1.17. Cargo by electro bicycle transporter – Berlin (Germany)
As the transportation of cargo is increasing especially in cities and thus hinders traffic and
harms the environment, the city Berlin/Germany came up with new innovations to solve this
problem. The Cargo-Cruiser, a three wheeler with a width of approx. 1.2 meters, that operates
as a heavy good transporter- was tested and introduced by a messenger company in the city.
"Messenger" a courier company aspires to provide services with low ecological impact. The CargoCruiser seems to be a good option to create less-polluted areas and provides a economical more
profitable traffic concepts. The cruiser is the first zero-emission cargo vehicle in daily use in the
Low Emission Zone in Berlin. Although it can load up to 250 kilograms, the Electro-Cruiser is seen as
a legal bicycle offering the possibility to drive round traffic jams on the cycle path, a big advantage
compared to cars.
The Cargo-Cruiser was introduced in Berlin after a test stage of 10.000 kilometres by a messenger
company in November 2007. The company operates bicycles and cars in various German cities. The
Cruiser can carry euro pallets with a weight of up to 250 kilograms widening the range of goods
possible to carry by bike significantly. The driver and the cargo are fully encased and thus
weatherproof. Due to an electric motor the Cargo-Cruiser reduces the physical effort of the driver
at a speed of 24 km/h by about fifty percent. The cruiser is equipped with an electric motor
providing a maximum torque of 90 Nm and Lithium-Ion accumulators with 1150 W nominal capacity.
One of this accumulator facilitates a range of coverage of about 40 kilometres on almost flat
topography like in Berlin. Total cost of the cruiser designed or the requirements of the company
amount to 11 000 Euro (including second Lithium-Ion accumulator). Manufacturers release for the
accumulator cover 1200 charging cycles corresponding with a durability of tree years. Exchange of
one accumulator costs 1000 Euro. As the Electro-Cruiser has an energy consumption that equals 0,5
litres of gasoline per 100 kilometre it is, if charged with regenerative energy, not only free of CO2,
but since the cruiser is nearly free of maintenance requirements also economically more valuable
than conventional vehicles. Daily average range of operation in the Low Emission Zone of Berlin is
80 kilometres requiring two regenerative energy driven accumulators. The operator (messenger) is
confident that in the next fife years about 20 percent or 200 vehicles of common transporters can
be substituted by Cargo- Cruisers. The manufacturer of the product (a company from Berlin,
Germany) states that they already have an order from the Netherlands and even requests from New
York. As there are many problems concerning particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and noise related
to transport and light duty commercial vehicles in cities in particular the Cargo-Cruiser can
significantly support mitigation of these problems.
4.1.18. Distribution Plan for the City Centre - Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Because of several sensitive features within the historic city centre of Utrecht, an urban
distribution plan is needed how to supply the inner-city shops.
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The current main programme is the “Bevoorradingsplan Binnenstadt Utrecht“ (distribution plan for
the city centre of Utrecht). In addition several smaller programmes are active, such as the
exemption regulation for vehicles from commercial urban distribution centres. The city centre of
Utrecht has some peculiarities that ask for careful consideration of the measures to be taken. The
historic centre of Utrecht has several sensitive features, e.g. some large old canals and bridges.
Because of these and other delicate structures, large heavy vehicles are banned from these parts of
the city centre. The combination of these factors significantly affects the efficiency of the
The main purposes of the PPP-project are to:
analyse the current practise and the type and size of problems in urban distribution in
development of an urban distribution plan as a short term solution for the supply of the city
centre of Utrecht
The City Council was advised by “CABU: the Advisory Commission for Distribution Issues in Utrecht”
to develop a distribution plan and adopted this advice, but under the condition that private parties
within the CABU would contribute to the development of the plan, either financially or by human
effort. The private parties that are now co-producing the plan selected themselves by applying to
this demand. The collaboration is officially signed by all parties in a declaration of intent in which
the responsibilities, legal context and basic conditions are laid down.
The solutions in this project are:
routing of distribution traffic to, from and inside the city centre
loading and unloading locations
delivery time windows
urban distribution centres
The main responsibility lies within the municipality (project leader) while the other parties have the
role of a project member. The work is divided based on the specific knowledge of each member
which are the Chamber of Commerce and interest groups of shippers, transporters and
entrepreneurs in the city centre. The city councillor wished to involve these parties to the planning
process in order to provide input of ideas, streamlining of the process, partial financing and
information about the way the distribution is organised from the point of view of the delivering and
receiving parties. During the process, the local police will be consulted on the feasibility of
enforcement of the regulations. The residents have already been consulted through an enquiry, but
will have the opportunity to comment again through the neighbourhood council. The costs are
shared between the partners: the municipality delivers 80% of the project maximum of 500 hours;
the other parties together deliver 20%. All other costs are paid by the municipality.
As the project is still in the planning phase no definitive conclusions can be drawn. Up till now the
experiences have been positive: there is relevant input from all parties, there is a true
collaboration and no conflicts avoided have been encountered. The main benefits for the private
partners are to be directly involved in the planning process. For the public partner the benefits lay
in the constructive input from interest groups, are more streamlined process and some financial
benefits. There are plans to perform a zero state measurement and an after-implementation
measurement. No decision has been made, though. A more comprehensive strategy can only be
developed after the analysis made in this project.
4.1.19. Efficiency and cleaner air through freight pilot - Bremen (Germany)
In Bremen, a delivery company contacted the city how to do an environmental friendly loading
point for the pedestrian area. The city supported the initiative since clean delivery vehicles
reduce the NO2 emission levels in the city centre.
Loading activities at the pedestrian area are allowed until 11 am. The fleet of delivery vehicles is
relatively old and polluting. “There has been an increasing demand for delivering and picking up
parcels and goods at other times, as well”, says Michael Glotz-Richter, Project Manager for
Sustainable Mobility in the City of Bremen. As a result, the city started to organise the planning and
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coordination with the different organisations. “By the time we started, the German Traffic
Regulation wasn’t familiar with environmental loading zones. We needed to create a special
solution for this pilot action.” The Chamber of Commerce has been supportive and actively involved
in this public-private partnership cooperation. “We expect this to accelerate the renewal of the
delivery vehicle fleet. It may also optimize the route management for delivery services to the city
centre”, says Glotz-Richter. The environmental loading point is now located nearby the Bremen
pedestrian area. It allows Courier-, Express and Parcel services to have an access to city centre
during day time for delivery and pick-up services. However, the access is exclusive if the service is
operated with cleaner Euro V/EEV vehicles. High emission standard is the requirement to get to this
loading point. This puts pressure on the companies to improve their vehicle fleet. Cleaner vehicles
are also an advantage in competition between delivery companies.
4.1.20. Enlarged goods distribution scheme – Genoa (Italy)
The aim of the measure is to create an alternative concept of goods distribution, less invasive
for citizens’ life and with a low environmental impact.
The objectives are: to reduce traffic congestion and pollution generated by traffic flows for goods
urban deliveries; to optimise the collection and delivery process through the direct involvement of
the directly interested stakeholders. The innovative aspects are directly connected with the new
concept: to set up an integrated system to regulate freight distribution, using different techniques
to support the regulations for access of commercial vehicles, also using software ad hardware
developed for the project and tested during the experimental phase. The measure is implemented
through a “tool box”: a series of instruments to be used in a coordinate way and to be customized
on the characteristics and the needs of the single target area. The initiatives listed in the following
are part of this “tool box”.
To set up a “Mobility Credits System”, which consists in binding the freight vehicles’ access
in the target area to the payment of a predetermined mobility credits amount, preliminarily
distributed by the public administration to all the economic activities in this area.
To set up one or more small “proximity warehouses” (little-sized premises where small
goods may be temporarily stored) to discourage the traders to use their own cars to
transport goods to the shops.
To rationalize the vehicles’ use, by the traders who transport goods to the shops with their
own cars, through the introduction of a Van-Sharing service (car-sharing service dedicated
to goods transport).
To elaborate a unitary and coherent regulation for the access of commercial vehicles in the
target areas.
In particular, the mobility credits scheme will be developed between measures 07.01 and 10.01 as it
involves some common aspects between the two measures. The collection and elaboration of the
data about the detailed classifications of commercial activities by typology inside of the historical
centre have been carried out. A “participated design” approach with the main stakeholders
(shopkeepers, artisans and transporters’ associations), has been adopted to develop the logical
scheme and to perform the most important phases of the design process (acquisition of information,
tuning of the parameters, etc.). A specific agreement has been signed between the Municipality and
the Associations of Shopkeepers and Artisans. The regulation scheme is being designed, and the
application of Mobility Credits methodology for the reduction of traffic congestion and
environmental impact will be directly connected to the historical centre access system and it will
be checked through the electronic gates. In the next months, the gates to the historical centre will
be equipped with electronic gates (TVCC (Close Circuit Tele Vision) and OCR (Optical Character
Recognition)) system, in order to identify the commercial vehicles crossing the gates.
- Estimated reduction of 15 - 20% of the traffic of commercial vehicles in the target area,
Improvement of the road congestion levels
Reduction of the emissions;
Involvement of traders that now use their own cars to transport goods;
Possible economic returns deriving from the regulation of access to the zones controlled.
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4.1.21. Goods delivery by cargo tram: efficient, clean and safe - Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
From 7-31 March 2007, CityCargo Amsterdam held a pilot project using two cargo trams to
distribute goods in the city centre of Amsterdam using the existing tram network. The pilot
project wanted to demonstrate that the use of trams to deliver goods in the inner city is viable.
The scheme is based on cargo trams, which Volkswagen use at their factory in Dresden, where a
five-part tram has been transferring goods between the logistics centre and the production
locations in the Dresden area since 2001.
Inner city goods transport is responsible for air pollution, congestion and noise annoyances.
Amsterdam strikes a new path in using cargo trams to deliver goods.
The objective is a more accessible and safer city centre. This will be seen in an increase in liability;
better through-flow of traffic in the inner city due to fewer trucks on the streets; improved security
for the city because of better through-flow from the periphery; a reduction in the number of traffic
accidents caused by trucks; and lower costs of road maintenance because fewer heavy trucks are
using the roads. City Cargo has been running two cargo trams on the existing tram rail network
between 7 March and 3 April. The cargo trams are part of a pilot project to establish that the use of
trams to deliver goods in the inner city is viable. Trucks supplied the trams during the pilot at de
Aker, the end stop of tram 1 in Osdorp. The trams run along a specially selected route through the
city between 7am and 11pm. Two transfer points have been located on the route between Plantage
Parklaan and Frederiksplein, where the goods were unloaded onto small electrically powered
vehicles (E cars) which enabled the delivery of the goods to their final delivery address. During the
project, two specially adapted GVB trams operated between Osdorp and the city centre. For the
first two weeks the trams travelled empty, to assess the traffic situation along the route. During the
second phase the trams transported actual goods. Since the pilot was successful, City Cargo
Amsterdam is allowed to use the Amsterdam tram network to transport goods. From 2008, around
50 special cargo trams and around 400 E cars will be able to supply shops, supermarkets and the
catering industry in the centre of Amsterdam. In the longer term, cargo trams will replace delivery
by 2,500 trucks per day. Due to the size or nature of some goods, CargoTram won't transport all
types of goods. Certain goods will not be transported, one example being construction materials.
Following a successful pilot, the City Cargo Amsterdam starts operating in 2008. It received a 10
years concession for operating. What is very important: Passenger tram schedules are not affected
by the cargo trams because the cargo trams don't stop at passenger stops. The cargo tram is also
less dependent on specific routes, only needing to get from the distribution centre on the edge of
town to the transfer hub in the city. The concerns regarding enough capacity on the existing tram
system could have been mitigated as most routes have capacity for more passenger trams than they
currently carry. The estimation of the health and environmental aspects will bring less inner city air
pollution (a reduction of up to 16% in particulate matter, carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides
(NOx)); more efficient loading, meaning less energy used (one tram can hold the same as four 7.5
ton trucks); and less noise pollution in the city because noisy trucks will be replaced by quieter
trams. The system is very cost efficient as just one City Cargo Amsterdam cargo tram can transport
the same amount as 4 (7.5 ton) trucks.
4.1.22. Incentives for improving the load rate in inner-city freight distribution - Gothenburg
Looking back to the history of Gothenburg, it was always hard to load and unload heavy
transports as there was no space for it. Now a pilot project was created involving eight vehicles
with an integrated GPS for registration and control of the routes aiming to increase load rates in
the city centre.
This project aims at designing and introducing incentives for increased load rates in the inner city of
Gothenburg. These incentives will be implemented as a pilot in the most central part of the already
existing Environmental Zone. In the inner city of Gothenburg, dating back to the 1700’s, there is a
congestion of heavy transports not able to find a place to load and unload. In some areas trucks are
forced to keep driving around to find appropriate spaces to load/unload. The criteria for entering
the inner city zone for distribution vehicles should be a combination of a 65 % load factor and the
time comparison between stop time and running time. This is a complement to the demands on
emission levels in the existing environmental zone (TELLUS project 5.7). In the pilot project there
will be eight vehicles involved for testing the system. However, all vehicles with a weight above 2.2
tonnes and more have the opportunity to join the project. The geographical borders are defined to
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include an area about 2 km2 inside “Vallgraven and Nordstaden”, which is a part of the present
environmental zone. Each vehicle will have a GPS installed for registration and control of the
routes. A digital pen with Anoto functionality is used to register the load rate of the vehicles.
The most important and interesting part of this project is that the actors are given positive
incentives to encourage them to respect the criteria for improving the load factor. The scheme
started in December 2003 with 8 distribution vehicles in the inner city area. The vehicles are in
different sizes (weight and volume capacity), with different customers and truckers to get a broad
picture of the situation. During the first period of the scheme, there were no demands on load rate.
During this time measurements were made on current load rate, distribution routes, number of
stops, etc. The second step of the scheme started in April 2004, with demands on load rate and
measurements of this. Incentives (loading and unloading zones, using public transport lanes) were
initiated for the second part of the scheme. The long term results of the project are expected to be
a reduction of vehicles operating in the area and a reduction of NOx, SOx and PM emissions from the
distribution vehicles in the area.
4.1.23. New concepts for the Distribution of Goods – Barcelona (Spain)
The multi-use lane implementation in Barcelona extends the total length of lanes and converts
on-street parking spaces into unloading spaces during the prescribed hours. During the peak
hours, the lane is used as a priority bus lane. The web-based information service “Active
Guide” gives bus priority regulations as a variable message sign.
Barcelona Municipality’s Mobility Pact (initially signed in 1998) includes the following objective for
goods management: “Achieve an agile, orderly distribution of goods and products throughout the
city” (Goal Num.10, Pacte per la Mobilitat). The aims for MIRACLES included the extension of the
multi-use lane implementation, further innovation of roadside delivery management and the pilot of
a web-based information service, called “Active Guide”. Goods traffic continues to grow in
Barcelona, and the Municipality has been active in finding solutions to manage on street deliveries
(the majority of premises have only limited stock-holding capability, and no off-street loading
facilities, etc.) in ways that minimise congestion. MIRACLES surveys and GIS-based (Geographic
Information Systems) data analyses were carried out in collaboration with more than ten leading
operators and AECOC, showing that whilst the overall number of delivery places matches the goods
demand, the time and location of space availability does not meet operators’ individual, detailed
needs. A number of solutions involving flexibility in the times and locations where delivery is given
priority (and enforced) have been trialled with active participation of the Municipality and the
enforcement agencies. The Trav. De Gracia Multi-use lane installation extends the total length of
lanes in the city to 3.3 km, and converts the equivalent of 44 on-street parking spaces into
unloading spaces during the prescribed (between peak) hours. During the peak hours, the lane is
used as a priority bus lane with a frequency of 25 buses per hour. The measure is the first of its kind
to incorporate bus priority regulations as a variable message sign. In Valencia Street, operator
Mercadona demonstrated that quiet night-time deliveries could be made using adapted trucks and
unloading methods (less than 3dB(A) increase measured). From the Municipality’s point of view, the
efficiency is the replacement of 7 deliveries during day-time congestion by 2 deliveries using larger,
quieter vehicles outside peak hours. As a result of that successful trial, night-time deliveries were
extended to another 4 locations in the city, and up to 15 across Metropolitan Barcelona. Some 18
months after the first trial, the operator has extended this system to 137 outlets throughout Spain.
The “L/U Active Guide” web, provides information on the location and occupancy level of the L/U
zones in the pilot area, and includes the Incidences Service, a system to receive and store
registrations from the participant operators. Almost 1800 records were generated during the 16
week trial and these were analysed to detect the main delivery “hot spots” (locations and times of
day) which were then subjected to targeted enforcement. The ‘L/U Active Guide’ tool confirmed
the utility of an on-line communication channel between operators and Municipality. It formed a
key focus for participant’s active collaboration over the 15 months of the project duration. During
the 4 month trial it was used to prioritise enforcement, and a 20 per cent reduction in problems was
reported as a result. In parallel with the activities of the Active Guide, and within the same limits
of the pilot area, the test of a new measure was developed, the PICT (Spanish acronym for
Individual Space for Temporary Un/loading), an innovative tool to solve those situations where
conventional L/U zones are not present. The measure consists of a reserved roadside space for
goods delivery, in front of the shop’s entrance and for a limited period of time (two hours)
according to location-customised signing; access is limited to the holder of the concession, and
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monitoring tasks are made by the local surveillance agency. Different typologies of road were
trialled using customised “PICT” regulations to facilitate deliveries to three different outlets. The
tests achieved better results than expected, receiving favourable reports from the police as well as
showing reduced delivery times. The Municipality observed improved circulation speeds following
the multi-use lane installation, and continues to extend this type of measure along primary roads.
With an investment return of 3 years, Mercadona’s night-time delivery scheme is now a validated
approach for more flexible delivery to larger outlets. Barcelona Municipality is looking to extend
this initiative to a wider number of locations and operators. The Active Guide generated almost
1800 records, and showed that problems for operators could be reduced as a result of targeted
enforcement; extending the service to a larger number of participants would significantly increase
the utility of this tool. Operators expressed interest in further trials of PICTs and the Municipality is
considering the extension of the tests to a greater number and diversity of locations in conjunction
with a new citywide scheme for controlled on-street parking.
4.1.24. INVENT/VTML (Germany)
The goal of the project Traffic Management in Transport and Logistics (VMTL) is to investigate
how existing and emerging information and communication technologies can be used to manage
the flow of transported goods more efficiently and thus to reduce traffic demand.
Core of the VMTL demonstration is the integration of a dynamic trip planning application
considering traffic information on the one side and individual customer information related to the
delivery process such as time windows or alternative delivery locations on the other side. The
project aims especially at investigating how existing and emerging information and communication
technologies can be used to manage the flow of transported goods more efficiently and thus to
reduce traffic demand. The partners involved are a transport software developing company (PTV),
an IT integrator (IBM), a telecommunication technology provider (Ericson), a car manufacturer
(Daimler Chrysler), and Hermes Versand Service as the demonstration partner. Within traditional
static delivery route planning three key factors (customer, vehicle, and roadway network) are taken
into account. The vehicles execute their delivery route plan without the slightest feedback, and the
only available attributes of the traffic network are heuristics based on experience and historical
data. The scenario of alternative delivery locations was based on using fuel stations as alternative
delivery and pick-up points on which real data from a B2C operator were used. The new planning
module showed that a reduction in km driven of about 12% could be achieved compared to a
doorstep delivery. Overall, a saving in driving time of about 5% could be observed. As the delivery to
a delivery point is more convenient for the customer, also an improved service quality could be
realised. Although the scenario was using delivery data from a transport operator, the overall
impact depends on the layout of the alternative delivery locations. Within a further survey, the
impact of using dynamic networks for trip planning was analysed. It allows a more accurate planning
of delivery tours and hence of the use of resources. However, the quality of traffic information is of
high relevance for the process. Support to the driver on the trip by improved trip planning
applications, including traffic information, constituted the third part of the survey. This approach
provides the advantage that the tour can be monitored by the depot and allows on-time reactions
when orders should be integrated into a running tour, delays occur or the traffic situation changes.
More accurate delivery times can be given to the customers. The demonstration showed that
standard maps are usually sufficient. In practice, maps presently do not provide information on
parking possibilities for goods transport. Furthermore, for doing the delivery there can be a
difference between the delivery address indicated on the transport order and the actual delivery
location (e.g. ramp at the back door, access from a different street).
4.1.25. Urban Distribution Area « Espace de Livraison de Proximité » - Bordeaux (France)
The urban distribution platform in Bordeaux is part of a new strategy in France to promote
urban logistic spaces aiming: • For a decrease of environmental damages caused by freight
transport; • To provide tools coping with the growing demand on urban freight logistics services
The approach “Espace de Livraison de Proximité” comprises the installation of an urban
transhipment platform on which dedicated personnel provides assistance for the dispatching of
consignments for the last mile (inner city). From incoming trucks, goods will be unloaded onto
carts, bicycles, and boxes for the final distribution leg. For carrying out the final leg different
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transport modes (electric vehicles, tram, and bicycles) will be used. Moreover, the approach
foresees to provide additional services (home delivery, short time storage, pick up of consignments
etc.). The incoming trucks unload at dedicated loading zones. For this reason a specific site close
to the Bordeaux city centre (Centre Commercial des Grands Hommes) is dedicated to goods
transhipment. An employee provides support to the transport operators at the site, which provides
sufficient space for the manoeuvring of the trucks. The incoming consignments will be regrouped
and put on vehicles for the final distribution leg. A storage area is linked to the transhipment point
for short term storage. The municipality is providing funds for the operation of the platform. The
approach was initiated by the chamber of Commerce, the Municipality of Bordeaux and about 15
transport operators (Liotard, TR Express, Joyau, CSE, UPS, Pains D´Alfredo, Ducros, Danzas, TFE, La
Poste, 33 Express, Properté de Bx, Chronopost, Jet Service, TCS) at the occasion of a long-term
construction site in the city centre of Bordeaux. The approach received positive feed back from the
transport operators as well as the retailers and shop keepers since the start of the trial in 2003. The
platform is still running with no plans to stop it. Similar examples exist in La Rochelle and Monaco.
In both cities an urban distribution centre is installed providing similar services. The urban
distribution centres are operated by the city and regroup and dispatch the incoming consignment in
order to do the final distribution leg by electric vehicles. In Berlin, a comprehensive goods
transport strategy was developed of which loading zones are an important part. Within several city
districts loading zones are now installed. However, to assign the loading space exclusively to
commercial transport remains still a problem as German law does not provide specific instruments
to this issue. In Berlin a specific sign for loading zones was developed and installed at specific
streets allowing to reserve space for commercial transport as well as enforcement measures. A
more detailed description on the Berlin Ladezonen approach is given in the fact sheets.
4.1.26. Marking routes for smooth freight and city logistics – Tallinn (Estonia)
The overall objective of this measure is to improve the flow of traffic in Tallinn city centre
(diminution of freight traffic, hence diminution of congestion and pollution) through a better
organisation of freight traffic in relation to city traffic. The innovative aspects involved are the
definition of freight traffic corridors in the city centre, new marking and traffic signs
installation on these corridors to guide freight transport and raise of truck drivers’ awareness.
The largest terminals for passengers and freight traffic in Tallinn city centre are located in the Old
City Harbour and Northern Tallinn harbours. Freight traffic from the harbours goes mainly to the
directions of Narva, Tartu and Pärnu. For all directions, Põhjaväil is used for getting out of the
harbour area to the main roads. Dependent on the timetables of the ferries and peak hours in city
traffic, goods traffic causes congestion and high volumes of exhaust gas emissions. For Tallinn city,
is important to review and manage the level of air pollution especially at these times. The new
implementation of measures will therefore consist of the definition of the route where the signs will
be installed, the installation of these signs at the critical positions along the traffic corridors and
the collection of datas for the evaluation. It is expected with this measure that the traffic jams
initiated by the harbour will decrease in volume, thus decreasing the level of pollution in the city
centre at peak hours.
4.1.27. Widening the environmental zone for vehicles over 6 tons – Prag (Czech Republic)
This measure will try to limit the heavy haulage vehicles transiting in selected densely
populated areas of the city centre.
The purpose of the measure is to limit the heavy haulage vehicles transiting in selected densely
populated areas of the city centre. In this way, the negative impact of heavy haulage vehicles on
the flow of traffic is reduced, and so are the collateral effects (emissions, noise). Together with this
measure, an effort will be put to increase the acceptance of clean vehicles and create a more
attractive city centre. Increasing volumes and densities of urban car traffic have indeed negative
impacts on the environment, especially due to hazardous emissions and noise. This condition is
influenced significantly by heavy haulage which, additionally, affects adversely both the flow of
traffic and its security. For these reasons, city governments adopt regulatory measures in order to
limit the heavy haulage volumes, at least in some neighbourhoods. The solution proposed has been
to create environmental zones with restricted access of heavy traffic. A portion of traffic that used
to transit the zone, is expected to move over, after the measures are implemented, outside of the
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zone to other roads that are of greater capacities and more capable of reducing the adverse effects
of traffic. Additionally, implementing such measures encourage transporters to gradually renew
their fleet for modern, light and medium goods vehicles that produce less hazardous emissions, less
noise and affect less the other urban traffic. The steps of the implementation consist of an urban
traffic condition analysis, conduction of traffic surveys, a discussion with the local authorities and
the general public over the proposed extension zones and a final approval by a administrative
decision. The measure has achieved a reduction of emissions, a reduction of energy consumption, a
shift towards less energy-demanding and cleaner vehicles and a increased attractiveness of the city
4.1.28. Efficient Goods distributin - Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic)
The city has an advantageous position at a railway junction, near the main motorway connecting
Prague with Dresden, and at the important Elbe waterway. It is a significant industrial centre carrying a
high degree of freight transport, which contributes to the increasing noise level.
The objective of this project is to reduce by 2012 the number of areas where the noise level due to
busy roads exceeds 65dB, through the realisation of studies aiming at a better understanding of the
impacts of noise and of the possible measures for its reduction. This study will recommend actions
to reduce noise in the most affected areas of the Civitas Plus corridor, mainly due to freight
4.1.29. Efficient Goods Distribution - Iasi (Romania)
Iasi wishes to stimulate the development of a Freight Quality Partnership in order to enable economic
growth without compromising environmental targets.
The city aims to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and improve the effectiveness of goods distribution by
evaluation the emissions standards of city distribution vehicles, drivers attitudes and behaviour and weight/volume
capacity ratio of packing vehicles. Part of this measure will be to form a Freight Quality Partnership with the key
stakeholders while developing a strategic Goods Distribution Plan. The forecasted outcome of the project is an
increased efficiency in goods distribution traffic, an optimised flow of Heavy Goods Vehicle in narrow business
streets by improving loading and unloading behaviour and facilities, increased usage of clean vehicles in goods
distribution traffic in order to build a strong partnership with stakeholders and a reduced total fuel consumption.
City Logistics Strategic Plan – Ploiesti (Romania)
The City Logistics Strategic Paln is the first step towards restriction of heavy transport and setting up of
alternative routes for goods delivery.
This plan is aiming at a reduction of the traffic congestion inside the city by creating some unloading crossing
stations and enables a co-operative approach between the stakeholders from all modes of transport, e.g. by
creating Public Private Partnerships. Besides, freight routes and freight signing will be defined, and a Freight
Forum will be established to encourage best practice. The outcome of this project will be a less noisy and polluted
city centre.
4.1.31. Freight delivery restrictions – Zagreb (Croatia)
A new freight regulation for the city centre will be introduced, including restricted delivering times and
specified delivery zones. Furthermore, the city traffic department will create adequate signposts. The new
regulation will be enforced trough frequent controls by the traffic police.
The freight delivery in Zagreb is currently controlled by different regulatory systems. However, this regulation is
not well enforced, and goods delivery worsens daytime traffic. Furthermore, the strong presence of lorries is
clearly discouraging soft mobility modes and has a negative impact on the quality of the urban space. That is why
the local stakeholders are now endeavouring to achieve a more liveable and enjoyable city centre for all the
citizens, with less congestion and pollution in the historical centre and an improved situation for the pedestrians
and cyclists. The partners of the project have therefore performed an analysis of the available measures and have
developed a working plan and collaboration plan with the relevant city bodies.
Integrated freight policy development - Ljubjana (Slovenia)
The objective is to establish local freight networks in each partner city and to increase the number of
local network stakeholders where networks already exist. This will help to create a more cooperative
approach towards urban freight including all stakeholders concerned.
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The city of Ljubljana established its first local freight network in 2006. Potential stakeholders have shown interest
in public - private cooperation and in joining a local freight network in Ljubljana. So far Ljubljana has a network of
ten stakeholders from different interest groups from city administration to road hauliers and logistics companies,
retailers, manufacturing, service providers - couriers, access restriction manager and research organisations.
With the implementation of this measure, Ljubljana will foster its freight network. The main objectives are to
enhance understanding between local authorities and freight sector, to increase the knowledge and awareness of
freight issues, to stimulate the use of best practice through exchange of information and ideas and to increase the
efficiency and the level of cooperation.
4.1.33. Sustainable Freight Logistics -Ljubjana (Slovenia)
Through the set up of an efficient goods distribution pilot and the creation of a new logistics model, the
city of Lubjana expects to reduce the current number of deliveries, thus the intensity of CO2, NOx and
PM10 pollution in the city centre.
This pilot project will start with a research on freight traffic in the city centre of Lubjana, and will include the test of
a combination of measures aimed at improving urban goods delivery. The pilot testing area will be in specified
corridors where the mains roads connecting the city centre and logistics areas are situated, i.e. where the creation
of a consolidation centre would be meaningful. As part of the pilot project, the new traffic circulation and delivery
consolidation system will be tested in the pilot area. In the testing consolidation centre the goods will be collected
and then distributed to target demo area on the corridor and to other streets in the city centre. This will result in
the reduction of the number of trips and in the improvement of the load factor (occupancy of loading space or
loading capacity) of cargo vehicles. A public tender for the selection of the consolidation centre operator will also
be performed.
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5. Potential urban freight solutions
5.1. Introduction
There are several problems in urban freight transport, which results in a range of urban freight
transport solutions. In spite of the many different stakes we distinguish three different solution
directions that, if they are combined in a right way can improve the sustainability and efficiency of
city logistics: i.e. logistical solutions, policy solutions and technological solutions. It is important
that all three solution directions are combined in order to make the solution work in practice. The
past shows many examples of potential solutions that were not combined with other solutions, and
as a result failed. For example, a technological solution, for example a specified urban freight
transport vehicle, only works if it fits the logistical operations (think about being able to carry roll
containers) and if it fits policy restrictions (think about vehicle restrictions, some trucks were able
to make shorter turns due to turning back-asses than smaller trucks, however local authorities did
not allow these better manoeuvrable trucks in cities due to vehicle length restrictions). IN the next
sections we discuss the three solution directions separately, but it is important to remember that to
really organise city logistics more sustainable and more efficient it takes more than one solution
and more than one solution direction. This fourth section is based on Quak (2008), unless stated
for sustainable
and efficient
urban freight
Figure 6 - Three solution directions in urban freight transport (Quak, 2010)
5.2. Logistical solutions
It is important to realize that there are different logistical operations in city centres; some urban
freight transport solutions might work for one type of operations and not for another. We distinguish
LTL (less-than-truckload) deliveries and FTL (full-truckload) deliveries. In LTL deliveries we discern
between parcel deliveries (usually over 30 deliveries per city centre) and part-load deliveries
(usually about five deliveries per truck, think about store deliveries).
Cooperation between companies
The first form of cooperation is cooperation between carriers (horizontal cooperation). In literature
we see several (theoretical) initiatives that aim at improving efficiency (in order to improve cityaccessibility, reduce congestion, and reduce pollution) by requiring cooperation between different
(usually) competitive companies. As secondary objectives for carrier cooperation we find improving
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city accessibility, reducing city congestion, and reducing pollutant emissions. However, the main
focus for private companies is to increase the efficiency of their operations. Carriers can cooperate
in different ways, e.g. by consolidating goods at one’s premises or by using a neutral carrier (for
example by shared participation) in order to prevent two half-filled vehicles to visit one street. The
majority carrier cooperation initiatives were not fully implemented in practice, and the ones that
were often suffer from a lack of participants or solidarity between the partners (e.g. carriers only
offer the loss-making cargo to partners). A real incentive for carriers, except for the company’s
social and environmental reputation, seems to be lacking. Sustainability is becoming more and more
a real incentive for companies, though. In The Netherlands we see some examples of carrier
cooperation that work fine, usually these carriers cooperate by offering non FTL amounts that are
not to be delivered in their home-region to their network partners that have a higher drop density
in that region (see for example Transmission, www.trans-mission.nl).
Carrier cooperation initiatives in last-mile deliveries theoretically prove to be successful (i.e.
positive impacts on the city accessibility, the environment and the transport efficiency), but in
practice there are usually major barriers for it to succeed, such as the (real) willingness to
cooperate with a competitor and share valuable information is lacking and the driver and the truck
are the salesman or the signboard of the company. To make it more likely for carrier cooperation
initiatives to be successfully implemented, potential success factors are: making sure a company
does not loose its identity, include social costs in the initiative, support from the public sector,
make all gains clearly visible and be as transparent as possible, and appeal to an organisation’s
social and environmental reputation.
Vertical cooperation is also a possible logistical solution. Various forms of vertical cooperation can
be thought of. For example, in case retail organisations have difficulties with obtaining a high
vehicle utilisation in time due to for example time-windows (which requires carriers to visit stores
especially early during the morning, resulting in low vehicle utilisation during the day) can organise
backhaul operations with suppliers. This would result in the vehicle fleet to be used all day, and not
only during the morning in cities. Other collaboration is possible as well, think about collaboration
of shippers; for example fashion shippers could reorganise their transport so that in stead of the
individual planning from their own depot to deliver goods to several stores in several cities per
roundtrip, by collaboration it could be possible to not bundle at the source (depot), but at the enc
(per street, for several fashion shippers). Some experiments with suchlike collaboration show
positive results for shippers and for cities.
Routing improvements
Most vehicle roundtrips in cities are planned in advanced by planners at transporting companies.
Improving these vehicle roundtrip planning results in fewer kilometres travelled in cities, and
therefore reduces local and global pollutants emissions. The improvements in vehicle routing can be
made in several areas;
better planning (using (advanced) VRP-software to better load vehicles and plan roundtrips
that require fewer kilometres to make a similar amount of deliveries).
better reflect reality (including historical data on congestion or other city specific
circumstances, e.g. policy restrictions, make a planning better fit reality, so that the trucks
arrive better on time and prevent congested areas where possible; this would result in an
decrease of logistical costs (e.g. lower penalty costs or waiting costs), better service, and
fewer kilometres).
Better adapt to events occurring (real time adaptations to planning; in case real time traffic
information is available re-plan the roundtrip planning in such a way that, given the traffic,
the delivering vehicle makes as little kilometres as possible).
These logistical solutions are examined in CityLog as well, in the form of the ‘optimized pre-trip
planner’ and the ‘logistic-oriented dynamic navigation services’.
Consolidation centre
Over the last decades many different cities have experimented with (forms of) consolidation centres
outside the city centre. The idea is that in such a consolidation centre the goods flows from outside
the city are consolidated with the objective to bundle inner-city transportation activities. This
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solution is related to carrier cooperation, with this difference that for a consolidation centre
solution the (shared) facility an important role has. The idea to split the transport activities outside
and inside the city is that in such a way it is possible to benefit from the advantages of large
vehicles outside the city and use specific vehicles that fit the city circumstances that are (due to
the bundling) also fully loaded.
Although many consolidation centre initiatives failed in the past, this does not automatically mean
that it is no longer a potential urban freight transport solution. The circumstances in cities change,
for example not so long ago local air quality problems were not recognized by many cities, whereas
nowadays this is an issue for many local authorities. In the Netherlands, for example,
Binnenstadservice (see Van Rooijen and Quak, 2009) is a new type of consolidation centre (in
several Dutch cities), that receives goods on the mandate of local shop owners, then bundles
several deliveries at the Binnenstadservice city consolidation centre and then deliver the goods at a
time that is specified by the receiver. A consolidation centre solution adds costs for FTL deliveries,
both for the carrier as for the environment: there are usually more vehicles needed to transport the
cargo from a fully loaded truck into the city centre, which results in for example two vehicles in
stead of one, and the emissions of two smaller trucks are usually higher than those of one large
truck. Many consolidation centres initiatives were not able to become financial viable; first of all
consolidation centres should not be an objective in itself. So this can be a solution, but experience
learns that huge amounts of subsidies are usually necessary to operate these centres. This implies
that there have to be advantages; a new advantage of a city consolidation centre is that from this
centre electric vehicles could distribute goods to outlets in the city. Electric vehicles usually have a
short action radius, but do not emit pollutants nor make noise hindrance, which makes them very
suitable for urban logistics. A starting point nearby the city with enough cargo is a prerequisite
then; this starting point could very well be a city consolidation centre. Many consolidation centres
have failed, for several reasons; e.g. not enough participants and cargo (and as a result high prices
for services and no scale-advantages), but also “some urban consolidation centre trials have been
based on intuition rather than a quantified assessment and as a consequence are never likely to be
viable” (Browne et al., 2005). Some failure factors consolidation centres are:
Reluctance in the transport industry to use the consolidation centre; e.g. already thin
margins on transport (carriers loose money on the use of a consolidation centre), for
complex goods using the consolidation centre was legally not allowed and insurance
companies did not allow valuable goods to be transhipped through the consolidation centre.
The consolidation centre was located too far away from the highway and / or the city
The supporting policy measures, i.e. time-windows and vehicle restrictions. Resulting in
opposition against the consolidation centre. These measures were considered unfair ways to
keep the municipality’s unprofitable consolidation alive, instead of making the city more
Electric cars slowed down all other traffic.
More city distribution centres were started; companies could start their own consolidation
centre if they fulfilled some regulations and as a result received the same advantages as the
municipality’s consolidation centre.
Financially not feasible due to lacking volume.
Potential success factors for a city consolidation centre are restricted traffic conditions in the
cities, enforcement of regulations by local authorities, early involvement of all actors, collection of
waste to utilise vehicles better by including the loads for the return trips to the freight centre.
Load units
To make consolidation easier a potential urban freight transport solution is the use of standardized
load units. Standardized load units are an enabler for the success of solutions that depend on a form
of transhipment (e.g. consolidation centres, intermodal transport, etc.). The idea is to make a city
container, so that the advantages of standardized load units can be used; similar to the advantages
of the sea container. This applies to FTL deliveries as well as LTL deliveries, but these load units
can be tailored for the transport. For example an idea from the Netherlands, the Stadsbox (see
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Duinkerken et al., 2003), is a standard city container that can easily be transferred from a large
vehicle to a small vehicle. Since it is a relative small container, both FTL and part loads can be
transported with it (see figure here below).
Figure 7 - Impression of transfer of stadboxes at the city border from large to small vehicle
For parcel deliveries such a standard load unit could be made specific fitted as well, an example is
the BentoBox (a removable Pack station that is part of the CityLog-project).
Intermodal / modes of transport / underground systems
Potential solutions that appeal to people’s imagination usually deal with specific systems for goods
transport in cities, such as underground logistics systems or to the use of other than road
modalities. In this section we discuss these solution directions briefly.
Underground logistics systems are not used on large scale; however research has been done to this
type of urban freight transport systems, since it would reduce (or even cancel) all negative impacts
of urban freight transport, making it disappear from the city (surface). Underground unloading and
loading areas are used for newly build city centres (or shopping malls), with the result that urban
freight transport is for newer shopping centres usually not an issue.
Non-road modes are usually not the most obvious ways to transport goods in cities. The rail or water
network is not fit for the deliveries to stores. In some cities we see examples of very specific flows
that can be transported by other than road modes. There are a few examples of the use of a tram
for urban transport, see e.g. the dedicated tram route between the logistics centre of Volkswagen
and the Volkswagen factory in Dresden and the waste collection (for bulky waste) in Zürich and
internal transport for the public transport company in Vienna. There are also some examples of
cargo boats in cities; however the amount of cargo that is delivered via these non-road modes is
very small in comparison to the road. We find some examples of urban freight transport by boat in
Amsterdam (DHL parcel boat), Utrecht (Beer boot, which supplies pubs and restaurants that are
located at the canals’ quays), Venice and Paris. The drop density of road capacity transport is
immense, much higher than that of non-road modes, and therefore road transport will be the main
transport mode for urban freight transport in the near future.
5.3. Policy solutions
Policy solutions aim at reducing nuisance caused by or experienced by urban freight transport.
Urban freight policy measures and instruments are already discussed in paragraph 2.2.2. To prevent
overlap we limit the policy solutions in this section.
On the one hand policy solutions solve (or at least lessen) nuisance caused by urban freight
transport; think about vehicle restrictions (improve traffic safety, reduce risk on damaged
infrastructure and buildings), time-windows and vehicle bans (reduce nuisance at times residents or
shopping public notices large delivering vehicles), low emission zones / environmental zones
(reduces the local emitted pollutants, such as PM10 and NOx), vehicle load factor controls (very
difficult to enforce, but should reduce the number of vehicles in a city centre), dedicated urban
freight vehicle routes (reduce the impact of large vehicles on all other streets that are not included
in the urban freight network and reduces the maintenance cost for local authorities).
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On the other there are policy solutions that aim at making urban freight transport more efficient
(which differs from the discussed measure that aim at reducing the nuisance only). These policy
initiatives are related to spatial (and town) planning. Solutions that fit in this group of policy
solutions include: the use of bus lanes for urban freight transport vehicles (large vehicles can make
the deliveries faster, resulting in less time-spent in the cities, less accelerating and decelerating
and thus in fewer emissions), good and a sufficient amount of unloading areas in city centres (which
are also available for urban freight transport vehicles and not used by illegal parked passenger
vehicles, so enforcement is important), enough space allocated for urban freight transport activities
(also in the (re)development of city centres) and spatial planning – make land available for activities
that demand lots of urban freight transport at areas that are good accessible.
5.4. Technological solutions
Technological solutions can be divided in two sections: i.e. vehicle technology solutions that mainly
focus on making the urban freight transport vehicle fit the urban environment and IT solutions that
mainly focus on improving the efficiency of logistics operations through the use of information
technology (see for example the routing improvements in section 4.2.2, but also ITS concepts).
Vehicle technology solutions
There are several different vehicle technology solutions: (1) improving vehicles so that the nuisance
caused by the vehicles reduces, (2) developing vehicles that fit better in the specific urban area it is
active in, and (3) developing environmentally friendly vehicles by using other than diesel as fuel.
Vehicle technological solutions to reduce the nuisance can apply to the noise of urban freight
transport, the traffic safety, the (local) pollutants emitted in urban areas. The (local) emissions of
large vehicles (i.e. vehicles heavier than 3.5 tonnes) have been decreasing since the Euro-standards
were introduced. In the Euro-standards (see Europa1) the following local pollutants are regulated:
carbon monoxide, particulates (i.e. PM10), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and combined emissions of
hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Since the introduction of the Euro-norms (with Euro 1 in 1992)
the legislative standards forced manufactures to develop engines that are much cleaner (see Figure
8). These Euro standards have been tightened over the last two decades, resulting in an enormous
reduction of local emissions. These reductions do not occur for the global pollutant CO2, but this
pollutant is usually not considered for urban freight transport, since the urban air quality (and the
effects of it on human health) is determined by local emissions.
Figure 8 - NOx and OM10 emission standards for diesel cars (Euro-standards)
For noise related to urban freight transport there are also technological solutions developed over
the years. A good example can be found from the ‘piek-project’ in the Netherlands. In this project
all components that cause noise in urban freight transport were examined and the noise levels were
reduced to less than 60 dB; this applies to the trailer’s tail lift, floor, wall, warning system (the
reverse beep), cargo storage (i.e. roll containers), and refrigeration. This project did not stop at
the development of the quiet material, but it is also used by the large supermarkets in the
Netherlands. Many local governments widen their time-windows so that early morning deliveries are
possible. Experiments learned that the noise nuisance for residents was low due to the use of the
quiet trucks. This is an example of where a technological solution direction also needs logistical
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changes (i.e. earlier start of deliveries and receiving in stores in the late night) and policy changes
(in case time-windows do not change, night or early morning deliveries are not possible). As a result
of the quiet vehicles, deliveries (especially FTL deliveries) are now made outside congested periods.
Technological solutions also added to a better traffic safety, think about better views for drivers
(better mirrors, cameras at the rear of the vehicle), but also better brakes and better
maneuverable trucks.
Manufactures also developed several urban freight transport vehicles that perform better in cities
than the common delivering vehicles. Most of the times these innovations did not outgrew the local
areas or the pilot phase. This is a solution direction that is also further explored in the Citylog
project (i.e. the freight bus and the delivery van). Examples of technological innovations that would
fit in this group of solutions are vehicles with lower floors to speed up unloading, or cabins with
better sights to improve traffic safety. The problem in developing an ‘optimal’ vehicle for urban
freight transport is that different operations ask for different vehicles and that different cities (and
regulations) ask for different vehicles as well. Therefore, most developed city distribution vehicles
never became more than a niche product for very specific situations. The size of the ideal city
distribution vehicle in itself is already a question; many local authorities asked for small vehicles
(due to vehicle restrictions), but sometimes large vehicles can manoeuvre as goods as smaller ones
(i.e. computer-steered turning axes in the large vehicles). From an environmental perspective, a
small vehicle might reduce fewer pollutants than a large vehicle, but in case two small vehicles are
needed to replace on larger vehicle, this adds to the congestion and also results in an increase in
emitted pollutants. So which vehicle would fit best in the urban area is not always clear.
Finally, another technological solution is the development of vehicles that use another fuel than
diesel. Electric vehicles seem to be extremely suitable for urban deliveries (especially for LTL and
parcel deliveries, since the engine does not allow for too heavy vehicles yet), since the limited
action radius is no problem for urban deliveries and the fact that it is quiet is especially interesting
for the city centres. Experiments with electric delivery vans (or small trucks) can be found in
several European cities. In case (local) governments stimulate the purchase of these trucks by
(partly) subsidizing the difference between the price for a normal (diesel) truck and an electric
truck there is no doubt that the amount of electric trucks will increase significantly over the next
years. Other options are the use of tractors on CNG (compressed natural gas), which makes it
possible to drive large vehicles in urban areas based on more environmental friendly fuel as well.
Biofuels are also named in this section, although it is not clear whether large scale use of biofuels
will result in better environmental performance of urban freight transport.
IT solutions
Technological solutions in this group are either ITS solutions or IT solutions. ITS solutions can apply
to improving the flow of urban freight transport, e.g. better tuning of traffic lights so that
delivering vehicles do not have to accelerate and decelerate as much as they do now. ITS and real
time traffic information will in the future also improve urban freight transport efficiency. IT
solutions can apply to carriers only i.e. improve the vehicle routing), but also better information on
specific city circumstances (e.g. regulations). Another IT application might also be useful in
improving other solutions in which different actors have to cooperate. Also in the communication
between the carrier and the receiver IT solutions might increase the logistical performance, for
example many parcel deliveries have to be made several times since the receiver is not at home to
receive their parcel. By better communication this number might reduce significantly.
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6. Vision of future city freight
transport and Conclusion
With more than 80% of the EU population living in cities, it is obvious that sustainable urban
mobility must be a vital strategic objective for the EU. City governments have a key role to play in
achieving policy objectives at local, national and EU level not only on transport, but also on
economic growth, environment (particularly air quality), climate change, health and quality of life.
The conference on the Future of Transport organized by the European Commission in March 2009
rightly identified the urban context as one of the main challenges to transport policies in terms of
both sustainability (CO2, air pollution) and competitiveness (congestion). This will have an impact
on the design of the transport system as a whole, and the urban context will increasingly serve as a
“laboratory” for the transport sector in the years to come; a testing ground for the development of
new technological and financial solutions. While close cooperation at all levels is needed to ensure
a coherent integrated strategy, it is important that the principle of subsidiarity prevails and that
action at EU level does not restrict the flexibility of cities to design and implement the most
appropriate transport solutions for their local situation. Freight is a particular problem for cities,
especially in terms of the last mile delivery of goods. As the backbone of the “real” economy of
cities and Europe in general, both passenger and freight transport planning must be considered in a
strategic way. An efficient freight transport sector makes an important contribution to the
competitiveness of industry in regions. The EU should play a coordinating role to ensure that time
and space management of freight is optimised in all Member States. Setting standards for safer
vehicles and developing Europe-wide education campaigns on road safety are some of the many
tools to meet the targets of a 50% reduction of fatal road accidents by 2020. The EU should not
forget to address problems like blind spots for lorry drivers and cross-border enforcement of traffic
offences. Electric vehicles and new tools such as ITS will be created and tested in the urban context
and in cooperation with different stakeholders, therefore creating a need for further promotion of
PPPs and the development of innovative financing models. The integrated package of measures that
cities will need to implement in order to achieve sustainable mobility solutions in the future will
require financial support from various sources, whether local, regional, national or European. This
support will need to be integrated into a broader policy context, for the functional urban area,
through which cities will set their targets and design their tools. Facing challenges such as climate
change and congestion, European cities will need to be further involved in pilot research projects
and must be the pioneers for deployment of ITS technologies and applications. By 2030 vehicles will
be smart enough to ‘sense’ their surroundings and navigate through traffic safely and efficiently,
while providing their occupants personalised comfort and convenience. The vehicle will be a ‘node
on the internet’, and will be ‘online’ with other vehicles (V2V), with the transport infrastructure
(V2I), and with homes, businesses and other sources (V2X). Support systems will assist the driver by
offering automated responses to developing traffic situations, by coaching the driver to operate the
vehicle in the most energy efficient way etc.
By 2030, urban mobility will have changed due to socio-demographic evolution (ageing and
immigration) urbanisation, the increase of energy costs, the implementation of environmental
regulations, and the further diffusion of sophisticated Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) application in virtually all aspects of life. The results will be a complex, integrated mobility
system, managed with greater efficiency to answer the challenges of reducing environment impact
and minimising urban congestion, while providing comfortable mobility to the traveller. Urban
development and environment policies, land use and sustainable urban mobility planning will
become increasingly integrated. Pan European efforts to generalise approaches for sustainable
urban mobility plans will further support this trend. This will only partly contain urban sprawl and it
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will encourage an evolution towards polycentric urban areas. Public transport systems (bus and rail)
will contribute to shape the future urban environment. The urban vehicle fleet (both passenger and
goods delivery) will undergo a transition towards energy efficiency, electrification and
diversification in design (e.g. modular), that ensures that vehicles are more suited to the urban
environment and the diversified mobility demand.
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7. References
1. European Commission COM(2000) 769 Final Green Paper: Towards a European strategy for
the security of energy supply.
2. European Commission (2003) Civitas Initiative Website.
3. European Commission COM(2001) 370 Final White Paper: European transport policy for 2010:
time to decide.
4. European Commission COM(97) 197 Final: Towards an urban agenda in the European Union.
5. European Commission COM(2008) 886 Final: Action Plan for the Deployment of Intelligent
Transport Systems in Europe
6. European Commission COM(2007) 607 Final: Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan
7. Ruesch, M. and C. Gluecker (2001) City Inquiry: European Survey on Transport and Delivery
of Goods in Urban Areas. RAPP AG: Zurich.
8. Whiteing, A. E. (1996) Freight in Urban Areas: A European Comparative Study of the
Potential for Urban Freight Trans-Shipment Facilities. University of Huddersfield.
9. Browne, M., M. Sweet, A. Woodburn and J. Allen (2005) urban freight consolidation centres
– final report. Transport Studies Group, university of Westminster, London.
10. Duinkerken, M. B., K. F. Drenth, I. L. L. Jaspers, A. J. Klein Breteler, J. C. Rijsenbrij, H. J.
L. Schilperoort, and M. J. Willekes (2003). Stedelijke distributie in de retailketen;
Hoofdrapportage. Connekt, Delft. Europa1 (internet, visited at 03-15-2010), url:
11. Quak, H.J. (2010) Stedelijke distributie: kansrijk maar onder voorwaarden, Logistiek
februari 2010
12. Quak, H.J. (2008) Sustainability of Urban Freight Transport, PhD thesis, ERIM, Rotterdam.
13. Van Rooijen, T and H.J. Quak (2009). Local impacts of a new urban urban consolidation
centre – the case of Binnenstadservice.nl, in E. Taniguchi and R. G. Thompson (eds.), City
Logistics VI, 101 – 116, Institute for City Logistics, Kyoto.
14. TNO (2003) De invloed van venstertijden en voertuigbeperkingen op de distributiekosten in
de Nederlandse detailhandel, TNO Inro, Delft.
15. Deliverables, www.bestufs.net
16. Eiichi Tanigushi, Russell G Thompson, Innovations in City Logistics, 2008
17. ERTRAC Road Transport Scenario 2030 “Road to Implementation”, October 2009
18. EUROCITIES Position on the Future of Transport, ‘’The Urban Dimension of the EU Transport
19. Prof. Michael Browne , Marzena Piotrowska , Dr Allan Woodburn, Julian Allen Green Logistics
Project, Transport Studies Group , University of Westminster, January 2007
20. The Alliance for European Logistics (AEL), ‘’Comments to the communication from the
Commission on the future of the European transport policy’’, 30 September 2009
21. Thomas H. Zunder1, J. Nicolas Ibanez, Urban freight logistics in the European Union, 2004
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22. PLUME (Planning and Urban Mobility in Europe), Synthesis Report: Urban Freight Transport
measures, 2001
23. THE ROLE OF TRANSPORTATION IN LOGISTICS CHAIN, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society
for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 1657 - 1672, 2005
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8. Urban logistics research (annex)
State of the Art from European (EC) Projects
In the field of urban mobility research, an extensive range of research, applied research and
demonstration activities have been financed by the European Commission over recent years.
Civitas initiative - The Civitas initiative helps cities across Europe to implement and test
innovative and integrated strategies which address energy, transport and environmental
objectives. So far, projects in 59 cities have been or are being supported. The annual
Civitas Forum brings together practitioners and politicians from the Civitas cities. Dedicated
actions help the wider take up of the civitas results. http://www.civitasinitiative.eu/main.phtml?lan=en
RTD Framework Programme Projects
Intelligent Energy Europe programme (STEER)
The urban dimension in European Union policies 2010
*there was a web
site of the project
but it’s no longer
Funding body
The project was
partly financed
by the EC under
the FP5 (Key
Action 4 – City
and Sustainable
and co-financed
Authorities and
Jan ‘02 –
Feb ‘04
Main objectives
Connection to
The project aimed at
producing an analysis
of selected freight
already functioning in
Europe and evaluating
impacts in a urban
context with a common
Freight focused on
schemes in the seven
countries represented
consortium (Belgium,
Finland, France, UK,
Netherland, Italy and
The objectives of the
City Freight project
• To identify and
The starting point of
City Freight project
is the same of
Citylog: the analysis
needs in order to
In particular, City
freight WP1
“Comparative survey
of urban freight,
logistics and land
use planning systems
in Europe”, whose
main objectives are:
• To conduct
the major
part of the
state-of-theart that is
needed in
order to
form an
overview of
the current
Deliverable D1.1
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working of
innovative and
schemes as
well as the
urban policies
which could
n in order to
promote a
To set up a list
of criteria and
a common
method for
those logistic
schemes and
the related
policies (legal
land use
planning, road
To analyse
their internal
technical and
To design, for
one city or one
urban region in
each country,
one or more
n scenarios of
these schemes
and related
To assess and
optimize the
according to
the criteria of
a sustainable
of the city;
To present
guidelines for
situation of
the city
in each
country and
choose case
city , in
order to
the role of
actors and
forces which
have an
impact on
of the
To form an
overview of
the major
needs (both
which are
relevant to
city freight
in each
country and
case city;
To identify
d and
solutions at
country and
city level
aiming to
improve city
the similar
Deliverable D1.1
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Enabled, Demand
Responsive Urban
Project funded
by the
European IST
under the
Action line 1-52: Integrated
From Apr
2002 to
Sept 2004
strategies that
could be
as “Best
To disseminate
and exploit the
Best Practice
with the Local
Authorities for
the design of
n plans of
strategies in
each on the
case study
The overall objective
of the project is to
and validate innovative
solutions of eLogistics
taking as a reference
locations: Siena (Italy),
Aalborg (Denmark) and
the Kenniswijk area
Strongly based on
integration with eCommerce/e-Business
architectures and
concepts, the
developed solutions
will enable:
• Communication
and team
working among
the various
actors involved
in the freight
through a set
of innovative
networked eBusiness
• Optimal use
and improved
features of
the case
cities and
their city
chains and
to gain
insights on
how these
suitability of
The workshops
organized during the
length of the project
aimed at involving
and opening
discussions among
Service Operators,
Trade Associations,
Collective Transport,
etc.) that have
responsibilities in
taking decisions on
logistic services,
good distribution
schemes, urban
mobility services,
city support
services, etc.
In particular, the
focus was on:
• State of the
art of
adopted in
cities on
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Project funded:
50% by
the EC –
50% by
rts and
3 to
among the
consumers and
the logistics
retail system,
through a
number of eCommerce
Management of
resources of
the logistics
system (fleets
and available
collection and
unload areas,
routes, etc.) in
a way to
realise flexible
and demanddriven freight
within the ITS
urban scenario.
City Ports aims at
interventions of urban
logistics within some
order to reorganize the
urban systems. With
that purpose several
pilot projects of city
logistics were tested in
the cities of the
The methodology was
based on three key
intervention of
has to consider
peculiarities of
urban context;
logistics and
from three
l and
and national
The involvement of
stakeholders in the
definition of the
The analysis of the
best practices in the
identification of the
solutions of city
The support given to
the development of
solutions for the
access to urban
centers and for the
realization of
logistic platforms
(transit points,
distribution centers,
Deliverable D1.1
64 | 70
intervention do
not have to
focus only on
A good solution
has to face
costs problem,
has to deal
with them, in
order to be
sustainable in
the medium –
long period.
The overall objective
of the project was to
develop urban logistics
order to reengineer
their urban systems,
making some important
infrastructural network
able to operate in
economical sustainable
and stable manner.
objectives are:
test and spread
a methodology
feasibility and
n of integrated
and optimized
To support the
access to towns
CADSES area,
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To implement a
structured and
assessment and
The involvement level
of the urban systems is
different on the ground
of their different level
policies, strategies and
engagement in urban
sponsored and
project funded
European Union
Fund). It was a
European prize
innovative and
public policies
and measures in
city logistics.
of the
2010 took
place at
of EmiliaRomagna
Region in
(Italy) on
the 25th
2010. The
winners of
award are
for the
an areas
and large
cities and
Parma for
Small and
one of the several
project to establish a
freight with external
exchange channel is
the SUGAR Enlarged
(ETP). This programme
aims at encouraging
the uptake of SUGAR
specific services to the
participating European
authorities. Selected at
the end of 2009, the
ETP SUGAR members
(Belgium), Hampshire
County Council (UK),
Glasgow City Council
(UK) and the cities of
dissemination event is
foreseen in November
The award had two
areas and large
Deliverable D1.1
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The award commission
technical experts from
assessed according to
analytical background
of the city logistic
business needs and
protection, and their
capacity to encourage
The Municipality of
selected as winner
category, thanks to the
development of its
Rotterdam) and the
PIEK concept, which
companies using silent
deliveries early in the
morning or late at
The Municipality of
Parma was awarded
under the 'small and
medium sized cities
implementation of the
aiming to rationalize
diverse goods including
'fresh products', which
are often excluded
The award ceremony
also hosted technical
Deliverable D1.1
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experts and logistics
operators and a high
debate in which all the
main municipalities of
discussed the future of
public policies for city
(Sustainable Urban
Goods logistics
Achieved by
Regional and local
SMILE (Sustainable
Mobility Initiatives
2008 2012
SUGAR focuses on
addressing the problem
of inefficient and
management of urban
freight distribution, a
critical component of
the overall urban
transport system and a
primary source of
vehicle pollutant
emissions. To
accomplish this, SUGAR
promotes the
exchange, discussion
and transfer of policy
experience, knowledge
and good practices in
the field of urban
freight management,
with regards to policy
and planning levers
between and among
advanced and less
experienced sites.
SUGAR bases its
approach on the study
of EU good practices
for the development of
tools to support policy
discussion, and
transfer of policy
knowlwdge and good
Guidelines for the
implementation of
delivery areas.
Determine the
number of loading
and unloading to be
implemented in a
particular area.
management of
loading and
unloading areas by
local authorities
Malmö Lastbilscentral,
Malmö Lorry Centre,
established vehicle and
driver support as a new
concept to get a more
planning. Within the
measure Malmö LBC
have installed vehicle
computers in a few
continuously develop
the vehicle computers
before a large scale
vehicle computers in
heavy lorries that
provide data for
planning, as well as
loading of goods on
Fiel operational test
(suppliers of vehicle
Deliverable D1.1
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CEDM (Center for
Eco-Friendly city
2005 2008
CEDM project is to
implement and pilot an
integrated innovative
approach to city
logistics strongly
oriented to
cooperation among the
different actors
involved in the logistics
chains – long-/midrange freight transport
operators, city
distribution fleets,
Local Authorities,
shops and retail
system, hotels, citizens
and travellers, etc. –
and to the adoption of
several innovative city
distribution schemes
and integrated
measures which will
contribute reducing
the negative effects of
current logistics
Centre for EcoFriendly City Freight
operations (Centro
Ecologico per la
Distribuzione delle
Merci, CEDM)
outside the
historical and
economical urban
area of Lucca,
working as a freight
transhipment and
goods collection
A distributed,
internet based eServices system,
hosted in the CEDM
and linking all main
actors within the
city logistics chain.
This multi-service
operates as a City
Logistics Virtual
Agency providing
(B2B), business-toconsumer (B2C) and
business-toadministration (B2A)
services to enable
between the
different involved
actors and improve
the operation of city
logistics schemes.
The use of ecocompatible freight
vehicles and clean
fuels for deliveries
in the inner
historical centre.
City logistics in
No direct
Manpower BMW
Deficit in
stage covered
by first freight
university of
Regensburg data collection
1996 2005
The project helped to
significantly alleviate
the use conflict as the
improvement in the
traffic situation
ultimately and directly
improved the
residential quality and
general quality of life
in Regensburg’s inner
city. A main emphasis
was placed on the
objective of relieving
RegLog® becomes an
optimized allinclusive package.
Decisive support is
provided by the
willingness of the
project partners to
cooperate and the
use of a modern
telematics system.
This telematics
system was
developed and
Deliverable D1.1
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/ analysis
within practical
City of
Regensburg inexpensively
license for
driving in inner
the inner city area of
traffic via effective
and targeted goods
roll-out during
deliveries, waste
disposal and goods
transports. Several
carrying companies
from the Regensburg
region cooperate to
achieve this.
introduced as part of
a model project
es. Use of two trucks
or city logistic tours
delivering the same
number and volume
of consignments in a
bundled process.
Instead of eight
trucks or tours
operated by seven
companies handling
their own deliveries
Table 1 - State of the Art of European Projects
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