2013 Spring - Crossroad Bible Institute
2013 Spring - Crossroad Bible Institute
Crossroad SPRING 2013 NETWORK NEWS INSIDE Office Volunteers Honored CBI India Launched See What God's Doing Through You! by H. David Schuringa V iolent crime has been in decline for the last twenty years, a trend unpredicted by experts. Nobody knows why for sure, but according to the Washington Post, there are several prominent theories. The tough-on-crime theory links declining crime rates to tougher policing and higher incarceration rates. However, in light of staggering recidivism rates and the negative social effects of warehousing young men, most are hesitant to confirm this link with any certainty. An abortion link is posited based on the premise that unwanted children experience a higher risk of becoming criminals. The correlation accounts for the decline in crime during what would have been the crime-committing years, i.e., about twenty years after abortion. Of course, measuring what people who were not born would have done is difficult. Then there is the controversial theory based on the elimination of lead in gasoline and paint, since lead has been found to stimulate criminal conduct in those exposed to the substance as children. However, this is likewise considered non-disprovable, a scientific non-starter. The Post also names other theories, such as changing neighborhood demographics and a rise in gun-toting citizens. continued on page 2 continued from page 1 But the experts may have overlooked a possible link. Over the last twenty years, prison ministry has finally gotten back on the church’s agenda. There are not only large, national ministries dedicated to helping inmates but also thousands of smaller groups and churches going into prisons and jails to bring the Good News. A suggestion of a correlation can be discovered by comparing the relentless, twenty-year growth of Crossroad Bible Institute’s imprisoned student body and the decline of crime during the same time period. Crossroad’s program could be seen as a reflection of the entire church’s stepped-up efforts to remember those in prison (Hebrews 13:3). The link is certainly as plausible as abortion, lead or increased incarceration rates, if not more so, considering Dr. Byron Johnson’s compelling studies indicating reduced recidivism rates among discipled prisoners. Surely there is no one reason crime rates are dropping, but let’s give credit where credit is due. What you are doing as volunteer Instructors, office volunteers, donors and staff is making a lasting difference. Dr. Schuringa serves as the president of Crossroad Bible Institute. A version of this article appeared on www.thinkchristian.net. Ask your church to take an offering for CBI! 2 CBI.TV Have you seen CBI’s new web TV program yet? CROSSROAD CONNECTION is now available for viewing at any time. Spring 2013 Newsletter C r Faithful Service Behind the Scenes: CBI’s Office Volunteers by Erin Zoutendam “ ” I want to make a difference! —Ann, Office Volunteer I f you drop by CBI’s Grand Rapids headquarters or any of the satellite offices, you’re certain to encounter a number of smiling faces, all toiling away. These are the office volunteers, the often unsung heroes of CBI. While Instructors are grading lessons from their homes and churches across the world, office volunteers live near one of the ministry’s distribution centers and serve there, ensuring that operations run smoothly, day after day. CBI’s volunteers serve in a variety of ways: some address envelopes and prepare mailings, while others review lessons and record scores. Indeed, every lesson that arrives safely at its destination does so because of an office volunteer’s generous service. These selfless gifts of time and labor have proven invaluable to CBI. Because of the 456 volunteers who gave 32,794 hours of service last year, CBI was able to operate on a lean budget, providing lessons to prisoners at no cost and directing available funds to areas of need. Jan VanderVeen, CBI’s office manager, comments, “We are exceedingly grateful for our volunteers. Their faithful service ensures that people in prison around the world can study God’s Word.” Crossroad Bible Institute • www.CBI.fm The office volunteers in the United States are joined by brothers and sisters who are working away in the satellite offices across the globe. Overseas, volunteers process lessons, answer phones, serve as bookkeepers and even deliver lessons to the prisons by hand. CBI New Zealand director Peggy Landkroon comments, “Without our office volunteers, CBI New Zealand would not be able to run efficiently, nor would it be able to grow.” CBI’s volunteers are also seeing the fruit of their labor. They know that their time is making a difference, and they love being part of the Holy Spirit’s work. “As a volunteer, I have read thousands of comments and letters from students,” says Neil, a faithful office volunteer. “The CBI lessons have changed the lives of so many. I am thankful to be a part of this effective ministry.” And Crossroad Bible Institute is thankful for you, volunteers. Your tireless service is humbling, and we are blessed by your partnership. Thank you. Erin Zoutendam serves as the associate editor in the Center for Advanced Studies. 3 Thank You, 16 YEARS Ethel Brunger Glenn Hartger Gert Rotman 15 YEARS Lillian DeBoer Joel Mulder Marian VanderKuyl Terry VerHage Lois Walburg 14 YEARS Alvin Dykhuizen Fran Huisman Elsie Schafer Pearl VanderHart 13 YEARS Alma Beltman Harold Beltman Dorothy Bonnema Betty Haun Maxine Hiemstra Ron Hillegonds Tom Jansma Mary Kimber Terry Nyenhuis Connie Prince Charlotte Veenstra 12 YEARS Marjorie Alberda Carolyn Brandsen Roger Brandsen Kathryn Bronsink Jane Buiten Anita Collins Ida DeJong Marge DeYoung Gert Dykema Anne Faber Barb Francoys Dot Hager Millie Harkema Eunice Jonkman Jake Jonkman Dan Koetsier Doris Koetsier Elinor Koetsier Dorothy Koop Grace Lankheet Howard Lankheet Millie Lankheet Muriel Norden Ruth Post Mary Schultze Marilyn Talsma Les VandenHoek Merle Vis Neil Vogel Chris Wielenga —Esthe 4 11 YEARS Kay Sikkema Dorothy Tamminga Marion Tiemeyer Anna Mae Top Chet Top Betty VanderMeer Marge Woltjer Anne Bruinsma (Australia) Marie Doornbos Janet Katsma Don Kuipers Esther Kunzi Mae Mulder Karla Randle Ann Slager Thelma Walcott 9 YEARS 10 YEARS Hermie Besselsen Barb Boersma Martin Boersma Delores DeKok Ray Hoekzema (Australia) Cecile Istacy (Australia) Howard Johnson Marian Johnson Betty Kooman Jim Kooman Esther Nawyn Pauline Peterson or unteer f l o v a n ee I have b to orward f k o o l rs and ten yea el I am e f I . e m y ti giving m hwhile! t r o w g omethin Volunteer doing s r, Office “ Office Volunteers, For Your Service! ” Jo DeJonge Anna DeYoung Nelson DeYoung Jen Dykstra John Fischer Barb Houck Bart Huisman Ev Mohr Robert Otte Betty VanderWoude Vicki VanLiere Lois Veldkamp Carol VerWoert Mae Visser 8 YEARS Jo Brink Bob Bulten Jo Duyst Barbara Engels Ronald Engels Jaltina Kehr Ruth Kooiker Linda Morris Kathy Oosse Barbara Penning Stu Penning Roger VanDuinen Laurie VanDyke Joanne VanDyken 7 YEARS Alma DeKock Alie Glas Gordon Groenink Barbara Grooters Lorraine Johnson Peggy Landkroon (New Zealand) Norma Lotterman Muriel Moelker Lois Morren Antonio Luis Prieto Surmay (Colombia) Bob Theule Bev Thompson Kathryn Veldheer Verla Walters 6 YEARS Bill Docter Esther Dykstra Arlene Egedy Janet Fischer Gloria Houtsma Lois Kunz Anne Robinson (New Zealand) Gary Roskam Alf Smit Helen Smit Emerson Wilson (Nicaragua) Martina Wilson (Nicaragua) Laura Zandstra Spring 2013 Newsletter C r “ ” I love to give back to God for all His blessings in the past and present. 5 YEARS Arlene Cook Mae DeBoer Dave Hager Anne Penning Anne Pudney (New Zealand) Sunny Roberts (Nigeria) Sharon VanderKamp Bill Vermaas Joan Walcott Judy Zwiers Jim Zylstra Marty Zylstra 4 YEARS Angel Aguirre (Ecuador) Elaine Aukeman Janet Bakelaar Bruce Bond (Australia) Marlene Bonilla (Ecuador) Mandy Boone Diane DeBoer Carol DeKorte Nellie denDulk Chet Feyen Myrna Feyen Arlyn Holstege Lois Holstege Samira Istacy (Australia) Carla Kaijser (New Zealand) Irma Koetje Arlene Kooiker Betty Kunzi —Gloria, Office Volunteer Millie Lanser Mary Nabozny Hudson Nyenhuis David Ofosuhene (Ghana) Marge Ortman Sherman Ortman Butch Penning Jerry Swanson Paul Tan (Singapore) Chad Tubergen Mary VanDerWiele Herm VanLaar Ida VanWingerden Diana Wellwood (New Zealand) John Wittigen 3 YEARS Hennie Albers Betty Bennink Missy Boone Samuel Chege (Kenya) Laurene Currie (Australia) Anne Dykema Lurene Evoy Jefferson Gathu (Kenya) Marilyn Jones Allan Jongsma Joyce Jongsma Kathy Kamps Lois Kooistra Diane Kramer (New Zealand) Libby Lopez (Nicaragua) Marian Mulder Roger Mulder Yvonne Mulder Gilbert Mwamba (Zambia) Faith Ndambi (Kenya) Matthew Savage (United Kingdom) Jean Schutte Amelia Simpson (Australia) Jack Simpson (Australia) Arlene VanderMeer Keneth Wahinja (Kenya) 2 YEARS Cora Bezuidenhout (South Africa) Doug Bonnema Bethany DeRuiter Heather DeRuiter Karen DeRuiter June Germeraad Doris Gritter Tami Groenink Kim Hekman Moran (Guatemala) Kathy King (New Zealand) Mary Lakeland (Australia) Philomena Loh (Singapore) Larry Nienhuis Dawn Palma Ethel Schierbeek Eylene Schmidt Crossroad Bible Institute • www.CBI.fm “ me Cade Schumaker Vera Treacher (New Zealand) June Van Farowe Winnie VanHill Nancy Westrate Christina Zandstra 1 YEAR Laurie Bos Bob Carigon Greta Carigon Hessel DeJong Norma DeJong Beth Finkbiner (Canada) Joyce Hafer Chongkholun Haokip (India) Alica Jacobs (Canada) Bonita Lubberts Karen Lubberts Carol Mark (Canada) Jane Manion (Canada) Barbara Nysse Taylor Nysse Fran Percival (Canada) Ken Percival (Canada) Alice Robinson (New Zealand) It is to b a bl e ab essi ng f or s d he erv —F e re a ran t CB , Offi ce V I. ol the Lor le to unt ” eer Honthing Siro (India) Teke Swartzel Ramung Vashi (India) Helen VanderBaan Brandon VanderMeer (Canada) Chelsea VanderMeer (Canada) Hildegard VanNiekerk (Canada) GROUPS Freedom Christian High School Holland Heights CRC Messiah CRC Youth Group South Christian High School TASC Youth from the URC Unity Christian High School IN MEMORY Neal DeYoung (9 years) Ethel VandenHoek (12 years) 5 NEWS IN THE CBI Launches Newest Campus: CBI India MANIPUR, India—CBI proudly announces the launch of its newest satellite campus, CBI India. The satellite is directed by Mathotmi Vasha, a national missionary with the Manipur Baptist Convention in Northeast India. Currently, twenty volunteer Instructors correct lessons completed by twenty-nine active students, all of whom are grateful recipients of Bibles provided by CBI’s Bibles for Prisoners Program. Director Vasha reports that several students have been baptized and that nine have already completed Great Truths of the Bible. CBI India also has plans to expand into the Imphal women’s jail and two halfway and rehabilitation houses. First Student Graduates from CBI Mandarin Course SINGAPORE—CBI is celebrating the first graduate of the new Mandarin Bible study courses. Song Hwee is a resident at the Breakthrough Missions halfway house in Singapore and is grateful to be a part of the CBI program. “With God’s help, not only was I able to finish the course,” Song Hwee said, “but I was the first to receive a diploma!” The CBI Mandarin translation project for Tier 1 was completed and launched in 2012, and work continues on the Tier 2 courses. The new translation also has potential for use in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Cambodia. Seminar Focuses on Child Prisoners in Sierra Leone GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—At a recent seminar for continuing education, deputy director for international development Cynthia Williams reported on the life-threatening conditions faced by child prisoners in Sierra Leone. These children face starvation and abuse while in prison and are often released back onto the streets without so much as the clothes on their backs. Williams also reported on the success of CBI Sierra Leone and its director, Lahai Kargbo, who was instrumental in reducing the number of beatings administered to child prisoners. Currently, Kargbo is working with rehabilitative programs to prevent released children from returning to crime. 6 Spring 2013 Newsletter C r Over Half of CBI Nicaragua Students Receive Diplomas ESTELÌ, Nicaragua—Almost seventy percent of CBI Nicaragua students received diplomas last year, resulting in a total of fifty-one graduates. Campus directors Emerson and Martina Wilson hosted graduation ceremonies attended by students, family and friends, and the ministry provided a light meal for all guests. Although Nicaraguan prisoners suffer overcrowding and poor living conditions, they are rejoicing in their newfound status as children of God. “During this past year, I have learned many things about the great truths God has for me,” said recent graduate Eude. “Now I am a person filled with joy.” Traveling Art Gallery Booked Several Months in Advance GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—CBI’s inmate art is full of stories and talent, and viewers are learning more about prisoners’ gifts, lives and testimonies. CBI’s traveling exhibit is increasing the reach of the artwork by allowing churches, schools and businesses to display up to thirty pieces. The exhibit has proven very popular and has been booked nonstop for several months. “The artwork is a way for the inmates to express how they feel when they have been forgiven,” said a church member. “Thank you for allowing us to show, in such a powerful way, redemption’s story.” For more information on hosting the exhibit, go to www.cbi.fm. GIVE THE LARGEST GIFT OF YOUR LIFE! Hebrews 13:3 CROSSROAD REENTRY PROGRAM Instructors, remind your students that CBI will help them with reentry! The Crossroad Reentry Program helps returning citizens: • locate housing • gain employment • find a church home Contact CBI to learn more. www.CBI.fm Remember Crossroad Bible Institute in your estate planning. Contact CBI to learn more. www.CBI.fm Crossroad Bible Institute • www.CBI.fm 7 Memorial Gifts IN HONOR OF: DEAN & GRACE BOS The Weeks PAUL & JEN EEKHOFF Dean & Grace Bos DAVE & KAREN VAN VUREN 50th Wedding Anniversary Morry & Rose Blankespoor KIM & TERRI WEEKS Dean & Grace Bos IN MEMORY OF: LARRY BEIMERS Esther DeBoer Jean DeJong Janice Kuiper JOHN BOS Larry & Sylvia Zevenbergen JEANETTE BRINK John & Myra VanStempvoort BILL CARLSON Lois Johnson Crossroad INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 900 Grand Rapids, MI 49509-0900 ph616-530-1300 fx616-530-1351 www.cbi.fm [email protected] as of March 15, 2013 LOREEN DAMHOF Curtis & Patricia Ahrenholz DERALD SCHNEIDER Carl & Lavonne Meyer DERRELL STREMLER Anonymous AGNES DE GROOT Char Veenstra FRED SHOLDER Jo Sholder Blasco LAURENCE TIMMER Sylvia Timmer THEODORE DE JONG Robert & Mary Hooyer Robert & Ann Payne SW Chicago Christian School – Tinley Park Campus Stewart & Carolyn VanderWoude GLADYS STREELMAN Ruth Brown Etta Dahlquist Maxine Doornbos Rog & Judy Faber Holland Special Delivery Wilma Knoll Beth Koster Herm & Hennie Krommendyk Mike & Linda Philo Bertus Pyle Pamela Ribbens Alvin & Helen Smit Ike & Jeanne Spriensma Jeanne Stockmeyer Evelyn Stursma Roger & Marcia Tubergen Linda VanderKolk Si & Lois VanDyken Elmer & Henrietta Visser Don & Carol Wiersma Ladies of SIL Volunteers RIENA TIMMER Edward & Jeannette Timmer STANLEY ELLENS Joanne Ellens THERESA FRIKKE Esther Hillers HENRY HEYS Donald & Marilyn Bouwer ALICE KOOLSTRA Willie Koolstra Kathleen Koolstra DALORIS RENSINK Robert & Lois Falk First RCA—Hospers AUSTRALIA Ray Hoekzema Anne Bruinsma CANADA Martie VanNiekerk COLOMBIA Antonio Luis Prieto Surmay ECUADOR Angel Aguirre Villamar INDIA Mathotmi Vasha SIERRA LEONE Lahai Kargbo KENYA Jefferson Kabiro Gathu SINGAPORE Paul Tan MALAWI Olawale Kehinde Junaid SOUTH AFRICA MEXICO UNITED KINGDOM Matthew Savage NEW ZEALAND Peggy Landkroon ZAMBIA Gilbert Mutale Mwamba GHANA David Kwadwo Ofosuhene NICARAGUA Emerson and Martina Wilson GUATEMALA Kim Hekman Morán NIGERIA Sunny N. Roberts GILBERT VANDER WAL Lisa Groenendyk Gladys Nieuwsma TERRY VAN KOEVERING Phil & Chris Rottman JACK WALBURG LuAnn Kruis LOREN WALCOTT Thelma Walcott SPECIAL GIFTS: CBI GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES GENEROUS GIFTS FROM . . . The Estate of Alla Kraayenbrink The Estate of Marian Oppenhuizen The Estate of Grace Streich Senior Editor H. David Schuringa Associate Editor Erin Zoutendam Graphic Designer Laura C. Williams Project Coordinators Eunice Schippers and Jan Vander Veen Copyright © 2013, CBI Publishing Center. CNN is a quarterly publication. All rights reserved.
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