July, 2006 - Los Angeles Fathomiers
July, 2006 - Los Angeles Fathomiers
FATHOMIERS NEWSLETTER FREEDIVING – SPEARFISHING – COMPETITION SINCE 1957 38th ANNUAL FATHOMIERS SCRAMBLE MEET July2006 Vol.?? No. 7 Inside this issue: Los Angeles Fathomiers 37th Annual Scramble Meet Open August 12, 2006 Scrambles Meet, 1 Minutes, calendar 2 Competition, pts. 3 The Los Angeles Fathomiers present the World Famous 37th annual Scramble Meet Open on Saturday August 12, 2006. This spearfishing meet is OPEN TO New logo, shooting the breeze. EVERYONE. FREEDIVING ONLY. Rules are below. Currents, Rory 1. All divers must pre register before Thursday August 10th. Send your Lentz update application with $30 fee to the treasurer Mike Petrusko at 13911 Judah Ave. Pics of the month. Hawthorne, CA 90250. Scrambles meet 2. Divers must begin at dawn, diving is permitted anywhere in California ocean waters. Meet ends at 3:00 p.m. and all fish must be inside catch circle by Scrambles meet 3:00 p.m. sharp. Fish must be personally presented by the diver - NO LINKS, and HellEXCEPTIONS. divers Rodeo 3. Scoring is based on total aggregate weight of no more than three (3) fish per diver using muscle loaded speargun, Hawaiian sling, or pole spear. No Powerheads. ONLY ONE fish per species allowed. All fish must be taken In compliance with California Fish and Game regulations. Sharks, rays, eels, and mola molas are not permitted. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Special points of interest: 4. Special Limitations: Calico Bass and Sand Bass must be a minimum of 14 inches. Sheephead minimum size is 18 inches. • The Scrambles meet is coming fast!! Plan for a dive spot NOW!! 5. Fish may only be taken while freediving. Scuba, hooka, or any other kind of breathing aid is not allowed. • LINKS. A bunch of good ones for us divers! 6. The Fathomiers Recorder may disqualify any participant that did not follow the rules. The Recorder’s decision is final. • Lots of WSB!!! Kent Hill places 3rd in Neptunes Bluewater meet!! 7. Competitors must possess a valid CA fishing license. The Fathomiers Newsletter is the official monthly publication of the Los Angeles Fathomiers The Fathomiers is a Southern California club dedicated to Freediving and Competitive Spearfishing. Membership is open to the public. To become an Active member, you must fulfill obligations and conditions. You can also become an Associate Member for $20. Contact the Fathomiers for further information. PRESIDENT CONTACT NUMBERS Eric Banados 714-726-8409 Email: [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Randy Weston Email : [email protected] SECRETARY Stathis Kostopoulos 310-458-9313 Email: [email protected] TREASURER Mike Petrusko Email:[email protected] RECORDER Mark Navas 805-306-0732 Email: [email protected] CONSERVATION Gary Thompson 909-674-4918 ROSTER Bob Sellers. Email:bsellers @yahoo.com NEWSLETTER Paul Romanowski 714-847-1930 Email: [email protected] Editor’s adress:17212 Ash st. Huntington Bch. Ca. 92647 Editor’s note: Since this position is voluntary, I will edit, and delete crap as I see necessary. Any and all complaints can either be kept to yourself, or you can take the job, freeing up miles of my time for my diving exploits. Please send pics in the form of jpeg, or on disk. All stories are welcome. What Turtle bay is famous for!!! Big yellowtail!! Average weight, 32lb GUTTED&GILLED Langoste es no legal por usted!! But catch and release was fun. I found 5 lobster OVER 10 lb. in daylight in 2 days, without trying. This brute weighed 13lb. The pangero had never seen one over 7lb. He was thrilled we released it unharmed. We got a little video!! Page 2 June 2006Minutes Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by president Erik Banados. Visitors introduced themselves. Officers gave their reports. A volunteering list for the Scramble Meet was circulated to club members. The club shared some fish stories, we welcomed in a couple new members, and Eric was dressed in pink and purple for the night, with red clown shoes. Not really, I was just wondering if anyone even reads the minutes!!!. UPDATED CALENDAR– 2005 AS OF JULY 2006 7/9 Club Dive. La Jolla. Right in front of Lifeguard station by the children’s pool. 7/12 PEACE boat freedive trip. Santa Cruz island. 805650-DIVE 7/13Club meeting, 7pm. Round Table Pizza. 7/19 National Championsips. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. AUG: 8/10 Club meeting. 7pm. Round table pizza. 8/12 Scrambles meet. 8/20 GLACD meet. Trancas, Malibu. 8/21-23 Peace dive boat 2 day. 805-650-DIVE 8/26 San Diego Freedivers Blue water meet. SEPT: 9/5-6 Peace boat trip. CORTEZ BANK. 9/9 Randy Fry memorial spearfishing tournament. 9/14 Club meeting. Round Table Pizza. 9/16 Tri Club meet. Leo Carrillo, Malibu. 9/23 PCC meet. Cambria. OCT: 10/6 At around 10pm, the DFG will be start issuing tickets for taking lobster early!!! 10/7 Lobster season opens at midnight. 10/8 Sturgill Polespear meet. 10/12 Club meeting. Round Table pizza. 10/15 GLACD meet, White’s point, PV. 10/17 World meet, Portugal. NOV: 11/9 club meeting. Round Table Pizza. 11/12 GLACD/ Fathomiers club dive.Thousand steps, Laguna. DEC: 12/8 Club meeting. Round table Pizza. 12/10 Larry Staat polespear meet./ club dive. Inside Stor y Headlin e May2005 Fathomiers Competitive Results Al Shuck points are up for grabs!!! Brandon Wahlers,3. Fil Labastida,1. John Hanson2, Clint 2, Richard 3. I have 1. This looks to be a separate contest for the next few months all by itself! Richard has 3, Brandon is gone to the nationals. So it is up to Clint to steal a point or 2 to keep himself on the hunt for this trophy!! Good luck with that; Richard wants this one pretty bad!!! Al Schuck Memorial June club dive, 2006 Richard won the meet with a sheephead and a lingcod to his credit. Clint held on for 2nd place, and is keeping his points lead secure. Tentative Dennis May gave a good showing, as did Petros. Water quality is much improved from last year, and everyone agrees this summer holds some promise for good coastal diving conditions. FINALLY!!!! DIVER Jan Feb Mar April Clint Koberstein 90.96 Richard Balta 81.76 100 Fil Labastida 100 100 97.24 100 John Hanson 33.21 79.39 68.71 83.42 Petros Y. 56.11 36.40 33.51 Mark Navas 66.43 74.47 13.43 31.15 June 83.83 Aug Seprt Oct Nov Dec Totals Margin, points back 472.03 50.85 317.58 154.45 264.73 207.30 27.46 75.54 229.02 243.01 14.45 199.93 272.10 20.38 28.72 76.53 125.63 346.40 83.81 83.81 388.22 Mike Thomas 37.92 43.38 81.30 390.73 Eric Banados 51.52 64.14 407.89 Carlos Serret 39.75 12.54 52.29 419.74 Ryan Moore 44.35 44.35 427.68 33.50 438.53 88.98 26.08 23.03 43.56 35.93 Dennis May (T) Gary Thompson 39.42 100 July 421.18 Dave Galich 100 May 33.50 12.62 Ernie Shultz 16.35 16.35 442.20 Zoilo Velasquez 25.45 25.45 446.58 Randy Weston 14.21 22.79 449.24 Craig Dockendorf 14.82 14.82 457.21 Vol.?? No. 7 8.58 Page 3 So, did you miss me??!!!?? Just what has our editor been up to??? Lazy bastard… Well, I have been unrealistically busy. And, my computer choked to death on that virus, Malware. Once system 32 is corrupt, you are TOAST!!! After the Feb. newsletter, I lost ability to get into files. Files would lock up the computer once you open them. My computer sent out 5 emails every 30 seconds for??? A day and a half before I realized what had happened. So, I would not directly email ANYONE. And, funny as it is, I am the 2nd worst on a computer on the planet. Great choice for an editor!!!! As it were, everyone who I know that IS good on a computer was super busy too. So, let’s hope my antivirus is good enough to save me!!! As a club, YOU need to say thanks to 3 guys: Eric Banados, Skip Hellen, and David Galich. These guys helped me rebuild my computer, so I can continue the newsletter for you. Potential for a new OFFICIAL club logo…. Well, it has to be posted in the newsletter before the club can vote on it, so everyone can get their opinions voiced. Consider this my throwing the idea up to the club for discussion, and a vote in August. (Somebody will have to 2nd my motion…) Every year, we beg for someone to design a t-shirt for us, so that it can be almost late as usual for our Scrambles meet. And we get a variety of prints forwarded. Some better than others. The best fish art was Ken Pitcher’s YT in kelp shirt. The late Steve Redding made a very popular WSB draft we have used often. It is a favorite of many. Well, this year, Randy Weston took the bull by the horns, and produced the BEST version of our Fathomier logo I have ever seen. On the front page, it is there next to the original. In my eyes, the old dog should be dragged behind the barn, and shot. Clubs, companies, sports teams all change their logos from time to time, so this idea is not earth shattering. It is 2006, and I feel a new logo would keep up with the times, as the rest of the club has. I mean, LOOK at us: I joined in 1995, became a member in 1996. In that span, we went from a hand typed newsletter, to Cisco’s computer generated newsletter, to Tyler’s total building of a newsletter system, to my 3 steps backwards off a cliff...ok… bad example! Look to our scale– from a big inaccurate spring scale to a fully digital certified scale, and cross checking to be sure that regular scales will weigh accurate to the ounce. Our presidents now have full blown programs to help them maintain the club, we have a vice pres. He wasn’t here in 1996. My point??? The old logo LOOKS 1966, not 2006. I feel it is time to change. Randy’s logo incorporates the original points, no doubt that is still a FATOMIER logo! And, it is modern, using modern techniques to create it. I feel it should be incorporated into our ”stock” shirt, as well as the Scramble’s meet shirt. And he has some updated logo pics with fish. We need to consider replacing the old logo where the fish looks like a Chinese goldfish morphed into a yellowtail. Well, now we have something to argue about at the July meeting!!!!! Good to be back…. Congratulations, Dave!! After several years of diving and trying very hard, Dave put a bullet in his first WSB. The fish was 25lb, and was taken on the backside of Catalina, Fri. before the Neptunes Blue water meet. If you look closely in the right, I am wrestling with my seabass. Several fish had been seen, including (Dare I say it)… the 60lb fish that won the meet. It was sleeping, and I told Dave to go find it and hit it. He ran into this fish a few seconds later, and could not pass on the good shot the fish gave him. A wise choice!!! Hell, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn or 2!!! Page 4 CURRENTS Well, not too much going on as of late. Ocean has cleaned up well, divers have LOTS of opportunity for nice fish all over the place. I had been working so much the last 4 months, it was downright depressing. I made my first dives in OVER 6 MONTHS finally in June. So, my safety tips for the month from my observations: After taking any amount of time off, watch your depth more than your bottom time. To an experienced diver, the down time limits itself with heart rate, level of comfort/ relaxation. I felt instantly comfortable when I hit the cool waters of Catalina on Fri. Within 1/2 hr, I had shot a giant calico, seen several black seabass, and stalked a few WSB. Down times went right to a comfortable 2 minutes. But one thing was really missing; the depth. I could NOT bring myself to dive more than 25-30 ft. Nerves, ears, sinuses all said NO!!! Plus, my chest didn’t like the crushing of the water on me. Day 2, I was able to go straight to 50ft. Without issue. My body needed to catch up a bit. I was very glad I didn’t shoot any fish that wrapped up deep on me. 2 weeks later, in Baja, I had no issues with 65’ of diving. But I made 2 dives into the 70ft range, and that little bit stopped me cold again like my first day back in the water. I have warned you time and again about this, and I kind of finally tested my own theory: TRAIN for the diving you expect to do!! And DO NOT do any diving you are not trained for. Nice to know deep down that I had the common sense to take it easy, and wait for my time to come. I will now begin my exercise regimen a bit to get my sorry ass back in shape, as I WANT to be able to dive as well as I have in the past, but I am not capable at this time for any of my prior nonsense!!! ‘Cause if you think I was slow to get this newsletter out, imagine how long it would take if I was DEAD….. UPDATE on Rory Lentz: As many of you remember, Rory has been going through some tough living with brain cancer. What many don’t realize is that the strain of the situation caused his marriage to go south., which is very sad, as he has some wonderful kids, and I am sure he didn’t need that B.S. on top of his cancer. Well, they have given him some different therapies, stuff not in the norm. And it seems as though Rory is having a bit of a renaissance, as his cancer went into submission as best they can tell. Last I heard, they were having a hard time detecting the cancer at all, and what was once a sure death sentence has become proof of what a never quit attitude and a willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed mindset can do. As always, we the Fathomiers wish Rory the best of luck, and hope that he has many more healthy years to spend with his children, in what surely must seem like a new life to him!!! STUPID WIDE OPEN WHITE SEABASS!!! When they are breeding, and unpressured, they just swim around lazy as can be!! I don’t know where, but dang, that’s a beautiful picture of a school of whites!! Vol.?? No. 7 Ryan Moore, 10lb calico. Actually, his 2nd calico in 2 years over 10lb. Screw being like Mike!! I want to be like Ryan!! Page 5 PICS of the MONTH!! Duelling seabass!!!! Randy got this 57lb. Redding fish last month, and Anthony funicello got his 50+ lb seabass while scouting the Neptunes Blue water meet. Our board members not only serve their club, they serve up the fish on skewers!!! Congratulations to both divers for taking their first fish over 50lb. Next Club Meetings July 9, La Jolla club dive.3 fish meet. July 13(thurs.) club meeting, 7pm ish… Round Table pizza. August 10. Club meeting. Deadline for sign in. August 12, Scrambles meet!! Anyone caught trying to sabotage Richards’ or my boat for the meet will be shot. Fair enough. Last year in July, Ryan Moore made the pictures page with a truck jack to the face. This year, he decided to stick to diving instead. I am not sure where this big grouper came from, but it is a very impressive fish to be sure!! The PIC OF THE MONTH!!!!! Don’t believe Ryan when he tells you this is one of his big calicos... 38th annual Los Angeles Fathomiers Scrambles Meet!! Special notes about the meet this year. So read up!!!! There is NO SIGN IN ON THE BEACH THIS YEAR. You MUST pre-register by Aug. 10th, our last club meeting before the meet. Everyone MUST fill out the waiver to pre-register for the Scrambles meet. If you do not, your fish will count toward the club dive, but you will be eliminated from the meet itself. No sign in, no trophy. Members do not have to pay to enter. ASSOCIATES DO!! There is no official start time for diving, nor any start location this year. You had better be at the weigh in site with your fish on time!! We have some awesome prizes that have been donated to us this year. Notable goodies are listed here in the sidebars, plus other stuff that is not listed and will be sent off with lucky divers in the raffle! This is the first year we have awarded prizes directly for the winners. Start planning NOW on how to win!! 1st place: Bluewater gun by Speardiverguns. Raffle items: Daryl Wong speargun!! Hammerhead Muzzle speargun(s)?? Fins by Hammerhead. Gear from Riffe. Gear from Custom Buoyancy. And much more!!!! 2nd place:Yazbeck wetsuit. 3rd place:Rail gun by Sumora. 4th place: Picasso Black team fins. 5th place:125ft. Floatline by Underwaterhunters. Raffle: Held on site after weigh-in. Prizes GALORE! PREVIOUS RAFFLE PRIZES DONATED BY: Riffe: Speargun.com Wongspearguns.com Spear-diverguns.com Picassoamerica.com Aimritehawaii.com Custombuoyancy.com Underwaterhunters.com Freediveshop.com Hammerheadmuzzles.com Sumora M&B Wetsuits Sport Chalet Wellington Signs PHR (Me, the editor!) Page 7 Mail in Registration deadline is August 10, 2005. TO REGISTER, FILL OUT THIS FORM AND MAIL WITH $30 FEE TO THE LOS ANGELES FATHOMIERS (Pre-payment and Registration is required, T-shirt is included) The Los Angeles Fathomiers present the World Famous 38th annual Scramble Meet Open on Saturday August 12, 2006. This spearfishing meet is OPEN TO EVERYONE. FREEDIVING ONLY. Rules are below. 1. All divers must register before Thursday August 10th. Send your application with $30 fee to the treasurer Mike Petrusko at 13911 Judah Ave. Hawthorne, CA 90250. T-shirt is included with registration. 2. Divers must begin at dawn, diving is permitted anywhere in California ocean waters. Meet ends at 3:00 p.m. and all fish must be inside catch circle by 3:00 p.m. sharp. Fish must be person-ally presented by the diver - NO EXCEPTIONS. 3. Scoring is based on total aggregate weight of no more than three (3) fish per diver using muscle loaded speargun, Hawaiian sling, or pole spear. No Powerheads. ONLY ONE fish per species allowed. All fish must be taken in compliance with California Fish and Game regulations. Sharks, rays, eels, and mola molas are not permitted. 4. Special Limitations: Calico Bass and Sand Bass must be a minimum of 14 inches. Sheephead minimum size is 18 inches. Competitors must possess a valid CA fishing license. 5. Fish may only be taken while freediving. Scuba, hooka, or any other kind of breathing aid is not allowed. 6. The Fathomier’s Recorder may disqualify any participant that did not follow the rules. The Re-corder’s decision is final. Trophies will be presented for first through fifth places and for the largest fish taken. The first place winner’s name will be inscribed on the prestigious Fathomiers Perpetual Trophy. Raffle, soft drinks, green salad, potato salad and chowder will be available after weigh-in at 3:00 p.m. BY VIRTUE OF MY SIGNATURE BELOW I ASSERT THAT I AM IN EXCELLENT PHYSICAL CONDITION AND THAT I AM PARTICIPATING AND DIVING ENTIRELY OF MY OWN VOLITION. I HERE WITH FORFEIT ALL CLAIMS AGAINST AND HOLD HARMLESS THE LOS ANGELES FATHOMIERS AND/OR ANY INDIVIDUALS REPRESENTING OR ASSOCIATED WITH THAT ORGANIZATION FOR ANY ILLNESS, INJURY, DAMAGES, LIABILITY, LEGAL FEES, OR RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY KIND THAT COULD ARISE AS A RESULT OF MY PARTICIPATION IN THIS CONTEST OR EVENT. NAME _________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE_____________________________ For further information, contact: Bob Sellers (310) 320-7153 Erik Banados (714) 726-8409 Mark Navas (805) 217-7761 Fathomiers Website: Vol.?? No. 7 PHONE __________________________ DATE ____________________ Randy Weston (562) 712-5374 Larry Carter (909) 506-6253 http://www.fathomiers.net Page 8 Links: Fathomiers related sites . This list is in NO WAY complete!!! I have been asked to compile some of the better locations, and throw you some info. So, HERE it is. You missed something you wanted to see here, well, send me an update. If you send me an update link, do the following: Make sure it is FATHOMIER RELATED. DO NOT just send me an adress. I WILL AUTO DELETE IT! Send me an adress, who you are, and a brief write up of what the website or magazine or tv show is about. If there is no GOOD info… ie phone number, website adress, mailing adress, don’t bother. A tv show from last month does me no good...do NOT send me that. If you send a skipper/ boat in, include berth, size, accommodations. NO PORN. NO RELIGION. I REPEAT!!! NO PORN, NAKED THING LINKS. Things we want/ need: MAPS., GPS#’s, Safety info, travel info, Boat info. Dive/camp operations. Gear sites. Weather sites. Fishing sites, state DFG/conservation links. Truck/ car links. Magazine/ club links. Links will not be posted every month….They will be more like a 2-3 times a year thing. They might wind up on our website, some of the better ones. HERE GOES!! http://www.underwaterhunters.com/ Skip Hellen’s website. Dedicated to US… spearfishermen of Southern California. http://www.bajagps.com/ GPS Numbers for over 1,000 locations in Baja. Info to many locations, links. Got GPS?? You got Baja!!! http://cdip.ucsd.edu/? SoCal Swell model/ forecast. Want to see how big the waves might be in your area? Here you go! http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/index.shtml Swell models for 1/2 the world. All of the US, and so much more. http://www.fathomiers.net/ I’ll give you 3 guesses what this one is…. Our home website….. Dummy! http://www.intellicast.com/ Worldwide satellite weather and swell models. Got to search, but what incredible info!! http://www.allcoastsportfishing.com/index.html Allcoast sportfishing. A website dedicated to informing fishermen… a MUST!!! http://bloodydecks.com/ Another website dedicated to fishing!! Tons of current info on the bite, and locations. http://www.oceanhunters.com/index.html The Long Beach Neptunes website. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mrd/mapregs5.html The California DFG web page with the size limits and closures of fish. http://campolorenzo.com A campsite on the south side of San Quintin bay. The SINDICATURA LINK!!!! http://campgecko.com/ This is Dr Abraham’s place, in the south of Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja. Very affordable, and fun!! http://tacomaterritory.com/ The premier website dealing with Toyota trucks. Repair info, upgrades, contacts. http://chevytruckworld.tenmagazines.com/ Kind of complicated to get through the sign up for this site. But Dave Galich uses it. All you ever wanted to know about Chevy trucks. Helldiver’s Rodeo. 1st & 2nd Place!!!! Richard finally agreed to go dive a competition outside of his back yard. And like I told him almost 10 years ago…. The ONLY reason you and I aren’t winning those meets, or shooting big fish like tuna or ulua, is because we are not there!!!” So Brandon convinced Richard to go. To say thanks to Brandon, Richard took 1st. Place from Brandon. HAHAHA!!! That’s what friends are for!! The guys shot jack cravelle, amberjack, great barracuda, Spanish mackerel, snappers, hogfish, grouper, and porgy. Lesson learned….don’t invite Fathomiers unless you want to see them holding your trophies!!!