第 6 回国際プラスチックリサイクル研究会(ISFR)の概要
第 6 回国際プラスチックリサイクル研究会(ISFR)の概要
第 6 回国際プラスチックリサイクル研究会(ISFR)の概要 産業技術総合研究所 加茂 徹 2011 年 10 月 5 日~7 日の 3 日間、 スペインのマドリードから南に約 70 km離れた旧首都のトレド(写真1) のホテルベアトリスで第 6 回国際プ ラスチックリサイクル研究会(ISFR) が開催され、17 カ国から基調講演 6 件、口頭発表 34 件、ポスター発表 51 件、合計 91 件の研究が報告されまし た。当プラスチックリサイクル研究会 からも中込会長ら多数が参加し、各国 の旧知のプラスチックリサイクル関 連の研究者との交流を深めました。 参 加国の内訳等は表1に示すように、 主 催国であるスペイン(34)が最も多く、次いで日本(29)、中国(3)、韓国(3)、ベルギー(3)、イギリス (3)、ハンガリー(3)の順でした。スペインから非常に多くの研究者が参加したのは、本国際学会の実 行委員長であるセラーノ教授(レイ・フアン・カルロス大学)のご尽力の成果であり、感謝の意を表わし たいと思います。 EU 域内では、2020 年までに廃棄物の埋め立て処理をゼロにすることが目標に掲げられ、廃プラス チックのリサイクルでもマテリアルリサイクルやエネルギー回収に研究の重点が移行しています。 研究分類としては、最も経済性が高い熱分解に関する研究(26 件)が最も多く、従来からのポリ オレフィン系プラスチックの分解や脱塩素・臭素だけでなく、バイオマス系原料との供処理に関する 研究が発表され注目されました。触媒を用いたプラスチックの分解では、主にスペインのバスク大学 表1 第 6 回 ISFR で発表された国別研究数と分野 分類 分野別 スペイン 日本 中国 韓国 ベル ギー 英国 ハンガ ポーラン スロバ パキス オースト オランダ インド ドイツ イラン モロッコ メキシコ リー ド キア タン リア 合計 91 34 29 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 基調講演 6 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 熱分解 26 8 8 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 触媒分解 13 9 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ガス化 7 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 化学分解 10 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 溶媒プロセス 10 2 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 マテリアルリサイクル 9 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 評価 10 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (6 件)とレイ・フアン・カルロス大学(3 件)の 2つの研究グループから発表されました。ガス化 研究に関しては日本からの発表が多く、適用可能 な試料の範囲が広い特徴を生かして廃プラスチ ックだけでなく、使用済み電子機器等の混合系廃 棄物中の有機物処理法としての研究が発表され ました。化学分解は日本とスペインでの研究例が 多く、グリコール分解などを利用して化学原料化 を目指す研究が多く発表されました。超・亜臨界 写真 2 学会の様子 条件などを利用した溶媒プロセスに関する研究 (左から多賀谷教授, セラーノ教授, バスカル博 ポスター賞受賞者 Maite Artetxe: バスク大学(スペイン) Laura Briones: レイ・ジュアン・カルロス大学(スペイン) 熊谷 将吾: 東北大(日本) Jie Liu: 長春応用化学研究所(中国) 張 尚中: 東工大、産総研(日本) では、プラスチックの化学原料化や混合系廃棄物 からの金属回収を目指した研究が多くありました。 マテリアルリサイクルや LCA などに関してはスペ インおよび日本からの発表が多く、再生プラスチ ックの材料評価、廃プラスチックのリサイクルに 対する環境評価や経済性評価が検討されました。 2日半の研究発表会の最終日に、35 歳以下の若 手研究者を対象にしたポスター賞 5 人が表彰され、 日本からは 2 人が受賞しました(写真 3)。また、H22 年度 FSRJ 功労賞をカミンスキー教授に直接授与 しました(写真 4)。 左からセラーノ教授, 熊谷氏 写真 4 FSRJ 功労賞をカミンスキー教授に授与 左からセラーノ教授, 張氏 写真 3 日本からのポスター賞受賞者 2 Program of 6th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials Wednesday 5 October 2011 10:00 – 13:15 Registration 13:15 – 14:30 Lunch 14:30 – 15:00 Opening Session 15:00 – 15:45 Plenary Session 1: Trends and perspectives in feedstock recycling of polymeric materials J.M.N. van Kasteren 15:45 – 16:45 Conference session 1: Thermal Decomposition 15:45 – 16:05 O-1: Valorization of waste tires by pyrolysis in a conical spouted bed reactor G. López, M. Amutio, M. Artetxe, A. Erkiaga, J. Álvarez and M. Olazar 16:05 – 16:25 O-2: Advances in the recycling of plastic wastes for metallurgical coke production M.A. Diez and R. Alvarez 16:25 – 16:45 O-3: Oil production by fast pyrolysis of cellulose/polyethylene mixtures in metal chloride presence A. Solak and P. Rutkowski Prof. J.M.N. van Kasteren 16: 45 – 17:15 Coffee break 17:15 – 18:00 Plenary session 2: Feedstock recycling of nitrogen containing polymers by fluidized bed pyrolysis W. Kaminsky 18:00 – 19:00 Conference session 2: Thermal Decomposition 18:00 – 18:20 O-4: Pyrolysis of halogen containing polymer mixtures. Zs. Czégény, E. Jakab, T. Bhaskar and Y. Sakata 18:20 – 18:40 O-5: Investigation of pyrolysis of brominated flame retardant plastic Z.Z. Hlaing, M. Adachi, J. Ma, H. Nakagome, F. Takeuchi, K. Omote and K. Kimura 18:40 – 19:00 O-6: Alternative fuels, the infinite energy M. Garcia Villan 20:00 Welcome Reception Prof. W. Kaminsky Thursday 6 October 2011 9:00 – 9:45 Plenary session 3: Catalysts for the conversion of waste plastics: challenges for the development of industrial processes T. Bhaskar 9:45 – 10:45 Conference session 3: Catalytic Processes 09:45 – 10:05 O-7: Hydroreforming of LDPE thermal cracking waxes over Ni/h-Beta catalysts with different Ni particle size obtained from different precursors J. Aguado, D.P. Serrano, J.M. Escola and L. Briones 10:05 – 10:25 O-8: Catalytic cracking of waxes from polyolefins under FCC operating conditions J.M. Arandes, I. Torre, M.J. Azkoiti, M. Olazar, J. Ereña and J. Bilbao 10:25 – 10:45 O-9: Polystyrene hydrocracking in solution over bifunctional catalysts E. Fuentes, A. Salbidegoitia, M.P. Gonzalez-Marcos and J.R. Gonzalez-Velasco 10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break 11:15 – 12:55 Conference session 4: Catalytic Processes and Gasification Dr. T. Bhaskar 11:15 – 11:35 O-10: Catalytic decomposition of nitrogen containing polymers mixed with zeolite catalysts J. Bozi and M. Blazso 11:35 – 11:55 O-11: Production of hydrogen and carbon materials from propylene by combined catalysts Z. W. Jiang, J. Gong, H.O. Yu and T. Tang 11:55 – 12:15 O-12: Air gasification of mixed plastic wastes using a two stage gasifier for the production of a producer gas with low tar and high calorific value J.S. Kim, J.W. Kim and T. Y. Mun 12:15 – 12:35 O-13: Gasification: an innovative approach for the thermal treatment of plastic residues V. Wilk and H. Hofbauer 12:35 – 12:55 O-14: Preliminary assessment of plastic waste valorisation via sequential pyrolysis and J. Dufour, D.P. Serrano and D. Iribarren catalytic reforming 13:15 – 14:30 Lunch 14:30 – 15:15 Plenary session 4: Overview of the waste plastic recycling system in Japan and future tasks T. Kamo 15:15 – 16:15 Conference session 5: Advanced Mechanical Recycling and Characterization 15:15 – 15:35 O-15: High performance recycling system for shredded plastics by using Raman identification H. Kawazumi, A. Tsuchida, K. Arikata, Y. Tsuchida, H. Hasuo and T. Oosaki 15:35 – 15: 55 O-16: Development of mechanical recycling technology of waste polyolefin composites based on high speed centrifugal beating technology T. Yamawaki and Y. Ozaki 15:55 – 16:15 O-17: Analytical fractionation techniques application in the polyethylene photodegradation process M.T. Exposito, C. Dominguez, J. Codina and R.A. Garcia 3 Dr. T. Kamo 16:15 – 17:30 Poster session 18:00 Toledo cultural visit with tapas dinner Friday 7 October 2011 9:00 – 9:45 Plenary session 5: Thermal and pyrolytic processes for the valorisation of waste plastics P.T. Williams 9:45 – 10:45 Conference session 6: Thermal Decomposition 09:45 – 10:05 O-18: Pyrolysis reaction of polyurethane foam and effect of metallic compound for thermal decomposition product T. Suzuki, H. Yanase, O. Terakado and M. Hirasawa 10:05 – 10:25 O-19: Auto shredder residue separation and pyrolysis A. Santini, L. Morselli, F. Passarini, I. Vassura, D. Serrano and J. Dufour 10:25 – 10:45 O-20: Evaluation and use of the fractions from cracking of waste plastics on production unit J. Mikulec, L. Svantner and I. Vailing 10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break 11:15 – 13:15 Conference session 7: Chemolysis Prof. P.T. Williams 11:15 – 11:35 O-21: An upgraded chemical recycling of polyamides A. Kamimura, K. Kaiso, S. Suzuki, Y. Oishi, Y. Ohara, T. Sugimoto, K. Kashiwagi and M. Yoshimoto 11:35 – 11:55 O-22: Chemical depolymerisation of PET complex wastes: hydrolysis vs. glycolysis M. Arieta-Araunabeña, S. Arnaiz, A. Asueta, I. Robertson, L. Martinez and A. Aguado 11:55 – 12: 15 O-23: Carbonate catalyzed nucleophilic substitution of poly(vinyl chloride) G. Grause, T. Hosoya, T. Kameda and T. Yoshioka 12:15 – 12:35 O-24: Chemical recycling of electronic devices composed of thermosetting resin and inorganic compounds H. Ebina and H. Tagaya 12:35 – 12:55 O-25: Chemical reaction of phenol resin foam powder and prepolymer in high temperature fluids T. Sugeno and H. Tagaya 12:55 – 13:15 O-26: Kinetic study of the glycolysis of flexible polyurethane wastes using stannous octoate as catalyst D. Simón, M.T. García, A. de Lucas, R. Mazarro and J.F. Rodriguez 13:15 – 14:30 Lunch 14:30 – 15:15 Plenary session 6: European trends to progress towards capturing the full value of used plastics J.E. Johansson 15:15 – 16:15 Conference session 8: Solvent Processes 15:15 – 15:35 O-27: Dehydrochlorination of polyvinylchloride in green solvent Q. Zhou, X.L. He and Y.Z. Wang 15:35 – 15:55 O-28: Recovery of useful resources from WEEE by using recyclable solvent T. Kamo, H. Ito, Z. Zou, M. Adachi, T. Imai, H. Matsui and H. Nakagome 15:55 – 16:15 O-29: Production of clean and high calory powder fuel from mixture of waste plastics and waste biomass using subcritical water T. Sako, I. Okajima, Y. Fujimori, T. Shimizu and I. Kimura 16:15 – 16: 45 Coffee break 16:45 – 18:25 Conference session 9: Integrated Evaluation of Alternatives Dr. J.E. Johansson 16:45 – 17:05 O-30: Study of OLED end of life treatments L. Barruetebeña, M. Arieta-Araunabeña and C. Delgado 17:05 – 17:25 O-31: Feedstock recycling of waste polymers by thermal cracking in molten metal –thermodynamic analysis of the process M. Stelmachowski 17:25 – 17:45 O-32: Environmental evaluation of glycolysis and hydrolysis of PET waste using Life Cycle Assessment M. Calero, J.L. Martí, B. Ferreira, M. Arieta, L. Martinez and A. Aguado 17:45 – 18:05 O-33: Life style assessment (LSA) of plastic engineering prior to LCA A. Oku 18:05 – 18:25 O-34: Vinyl Plus, the new European PVC industry´s voluntary programme towards sustainability A. Sevenster 18:30 – 19: 00 Closing Ceremony 20:00 Gala Dinner Tapas dinner (6,October) Gala Dinner (7,October) 4 Poster 1, Pyrolysis of contaminated, polyolefin reach plastic wastes N. Miskolczi, N. Borsodi, A. Angyal, L. Bartha and J. Kohan 2, Temperature dependent pyrolytic product evolution profile for binary mixtures of poly (ethylene terephthalate) and polypropylene A.K. Ghoshal, U. Hujuri and S. Gumma. 3, Conical spouted beds technology for recycing of polyethylene wastes M.J. San Jose, S. Alvarez, A. Mouriz, L. Ahedo and J. Fernandez de Mendiola 4, De-chlorination process development for the purposes of both material and thermal recycling of municipal vinyl waste S.H. Chung, J.G. Na and J.H. Lee 5, Emission control of brominated compunds by metal oxides in pyrolysis of tetrabromobisphenol A and a printed circuit board T. Suzuki, O. Terakado, R. Ohhashi and M. Hirasawa 6, Influence of contained adhesives on the pyrolysis characteristics of wood biomass Y. Oshima, M.A.S. Suzuki, Z.Z. Hlaing, M. Nagase and H. Nakagome 7, Liquefaction recycling technology of medical treatment system waste plastic K. Nozaki and H. Ibe 8, Modeling of tube reactor for pyrolysis of polyethylene J.M.N. Van Kasteren and Q. Zhou 9, Nylon recovery from carpet wastes through the pyrolysis under the presence of ZnO and the milling by a metallic rolling machine A. Sekiguchi, O. Terakado and M. Hirasawa 10, Production of fuel by low temperature pyrolysis from waste electrical and electronic equipment plastics A. Asueta, I. Robertson, M. Arieta-Araunabena, D. Iribarnegaray, I. Acillona and S. Arnaiz 11, Pyrolysis behavior of ABS with brominated flame retardants F. Takeuchi, K. Omote and K. Kimura . 12, Pyrolysis of a waste fraction of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) containing brominated flame retardants in a fluidized bed reactor: Effect of various Ca-based additives (CaO, Ca(OH)2 and oyster shells) on the pyrolysis oil characteristics S.-H. Jung, M.-H. Cho and J.-S. Kim 13, Pyrolysis of high density polyethylene carried out in continuous mode in a conical spouted bed reactor in the 500-700 °C range G. Elordi, M. Artetxe, G. Lopez, J. Bilbao and M. Olazar . . 14, Recycling of tannery wastes by pyrolysis in a vertical lab-scale reactor A. Marcilla, A.N. Garcia, M. Leon, P. Martinez and E. Banon 15, Recycling of plastic waste by co-pyrolysis with olive residue in autoclave reactor A. Aboulkas, K. El harfi, M. Nadifiyine and M. Benchanaa 16, Temperature dependent pyrolytic product evolution profile for poly (ethylene terephthalate) S. Gumma, U. Hujuri and A.K. Ghoshal. . 17, Effect of catalysts on thermogravimetric analysis of olive stone A. Marcilla, A.N. Garcia, M.V. Pastor, A.J. Sanchez and D.M. Gomez. 18, Composition of products obtained via flash pyrolysis of different lignocellulosic biomass. Effect of pyrolysis temperature A. Marcilla, A.N. Garcia, M.V. Pastor, A.J. Sanchez and D.M. Gomez 19, Catalytic cracking of polyethylene over hierarchical H-ZSM-5 zeolites with different proportion of micro- and mesoporosity J.M. Arandes, I. Torre, M.J. Azkoiti, M. Olazar, J. Erena and J. Bilbao . 20, Catalytic pyrolysis of waste inner rubber tube into fuel oil using alumina and calcium carbonate base catalysts F. Mabood, M.R. Jan, J. Shah, F. Jabeen, Z. Hussain, S. Alam and M. Sadiq 21, Continuous polyolefin cracking on an HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst in a conical spouted bed reactor G. Elordi, M. Olazar, M. Artetxe, G. Lopez and J. Bilbao 22, Dechlorination of PVC in catalytic pyrolysis of packaging plastic wastes A. Lopez, I. de Marco, B.M. Caballero, A. Adrados and M.F. Laresgoiti . . 23, Hydroreforming over Ni/h-beta of the thermal cracking products of LDPE, HDPE and PP for fuel production J. Aguado, D.P. Serrano, J.M. Escola and L. Briones 24, HZSM-5 catalyst deactivation in the cracking of polyolefins in a conical spouted bed reactor P. Castano, G. Elordi, J. Bilbao and M. Olazar 25, Influence of temperature in the catalytic pyrolysis of HDPE in two steps M. Artetxe, G. Lopez, M. Amutio, G. Elordi, J. Bilbao and M. Olazar 26, Performance of a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) riser reactor for the co-processing of vacuum gas oil (VGO) and low density polyethylene (LDPE). Influence of operating parameters on liquid product yields A.O. Odjo, A,N. Garcia and A. Marcilla 27, Fuel production by rapid hydropyrolysis of polymeric materials H. Yasuda, T. Kamo, O. Yamada, M. Kaiho, K. Kawasaki and H. Nakagome 28, Hydrogen production from pyrolysis-gasification of polypropylene using a screw kiln reactor system C. Wu and P.T. Williams 29, Influence on rapid hydropyrolysis of polyethylene by coexistence of coal K. Kawasaki, H. Yasuda, S. Sajima, O. Yamada, M. Kaiho and H. Nakagome 30, Steam gasification of epoxy board with ternary eutectic carbonates S.Z. Zhang, K. Yoshikawa, H. Nakagome and T. Kamo 31, Steam gasification of plastics in a conical spouted bed reactor A. Erkiaga, G. Lopez, M. Artetxe, M. Amutio and M. Olazar 5 32, Effects of additives on the chemical recycling of amina and anhydride cured epoxy resin in subcritical water J. Liu, Y. Liu, Z.W. Jiang and T. Tang 33, Preliminary study of the recycling of polyurethanes by glycolysis to obtain new recycled foams I. Acillona, S. Arnaiz, J.I. Gutierrez-Ortiz, R. Lopez-Fonseca, A. Asueta and I. Duque-Ingunza 34, Simultaneous silver and benzene recovery from X-ray film S. Kumagai, G. Grause, T. Kameda and T. Yoshioka. 35, Synthesis of unsaturated polyester resin from glycolysed postconsumer PET wastes I. Duque-Ingunza, R. Lopez-Fonseca, L. Flores-Giraldo, I. Acillona, B. de Rivas-Martin, J.M. Laza, J.L. Vilas, S. Arnaiz and J.I. Gutierrez-Ortiz 36, A modified Wacker system for the oxidation of heavy 1-olefins J.M. Escola, J.A. Botas, C. Vargas and M. Bravo 37, Chemical recycling of carbon fiber reinforced plastic with supercritical alcohol I. Okajima, K. Watanabe, Y. Shimamura, T. Awaya and T. Sako 38, Debromination of high impact polystyrene containing decabromodiphenyl ethane H. Tanaka, G. Grause, T. Kameda and T. Yoshioka 39, New trends in polyurethane wastes recycling using green solvents under microwave irradiation M.M.A. Nigjeh 40, Recovery of tantalum from capacitor with solvothermal treatment M. Sasaki, S. Ishikawa, K. Nasu, A.T. Quitain and M. Goto 41, Recycling of polystyrene wastes by supercritical CO2 technology C. Gutierrez, M.T. Garcia, I. Gracia, A de Lucas and J.F. Rodriguez 42, Solubilization of the epoxy resin substrate using glycol M. Adachi, K. Kobayashi, Z.Z, Hlaing, K. Omote and H. Nakagome 43, Addition of crushed particles from recycled tire (GTR) to reclaimed rubber (NRR) J.E. Crespo, A. Nadal, M.A. Selles, R. Navarro and S. Sanchez-Caballero 44, Comparative study of mechanical, rheological and morphological properties of different cellulose-reinforced high density polyethylene composites upon mechanical recycling C. Fonseca, A. Ochoa, T. Aguinaco, C. Gonzalez and J. Arranz-Andres. . . 45, Compatibilization of postconsumer PET/HDPE blends R. Navarro, F. Parres, J.E. Crespo, S. Sanchez-Caballero and M.A. Selles 46, Recycling of waste FRP as filler for new FRP products S. Nakai, Y. Tokumou, S. Tsukawaki, T. Okuda, W. Nishijima and M. Okada 47, Rheological modelization of ABS+PC reclycled blends for injection molding M.A. Selles, S. Sanchez-Caballero, F. Parres, J.E. Crespo and R. Navarro 48, Study of the mechanical properties of ABS-HIPS blends with SEBS F. Parres, A. Nadal, R. Navarro, S. Sanchez-Caballero and M.A. Selles 49, Cost reduction of biodegradable composites using artificial intelligence S. Sanchez-Caballero, M.A. Selles, J.E. Crespo, F. Parres and R. Navarro 50, Evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of different wet dehydrochlorination processes J.D. Fonseca, G. Grause, T. Kameda and T. Yoshioka 51, Characterization of iron elution in the method of restoration of seaweed beds with steelmaking slag and humus materials M. Yamamoto and D. Liu. 6
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