Meeting Documents111015 - Board of Education
Meeting Documents111015 - Board of Education
MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13, 2015 STUDY SESSION Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a study session on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 4:00 P.M. The study session took place at the District Office. Board members present: President John C. Burton, Vice President JoDee C. Sundberg, S. Scott Carlson, Wendy K. Hart, Paula H. Hill, Deborah C. Taylor and Brian E. Halladay. Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman, Business Administrator Robert W. Smith, along with additional members of the administrative staff. There were 13 others in attendance. The following took place during the study session: Central and Greenwood Elementary schools were named Title I Reward Schools by the Utah State Office of Education and were recognized by Alpine School District’s Board of Education. This award is given to Title I schools that achieve high levels of student proficiency and student growth. Julie Vandijk, Natalie Nuttall, and Arline Johnson, teachers from Central Elementary, presented to the Board the successful strategies and programs that have helped Central Elementary be a high performing Title I School. They gave credit to Principal Vicki Carter for the trust, respect and positive culture she has helped to develop at the school. Principal Matt Killpack and former Greenwood Principal, Jason Benson, presented to the Board the collaborative effort and successful programs that transformed Greenwood from being a low to a high performing, award winning Title I school. Their first focus was on the culture of the school with an emphasis of helping children feel safe. Another focus was on professional development for teachers and administrators. Principals Benson and Killpack expressed appreciation to the District’s Curriculum department for the coaching and resources they brought to Greenwood Elementary. Business Administrator Rob Smith and the Administrator of Physical Facilities, Frank Pulley Jr., presented to the Board a report on Clear Creek and suggested improvements necessary to keep the facility safe and operational for students. Assistant Superintendent John Patten followed-up with Board members about the boundary discussion from the September 22 study session. Five areas were discussed: • Forbes/Shelley: The boundary change would affect three homes and one student currently in the Shelley boundary. John Patten said the plan is to move forward with this boundary change. • Legacy/Highland: John Patten has been in communication with the principals of both elementary schools. A letter and email will be sent to the families affected by a boundary change and an input meeting will be scheduled. • Orem Jr./Lakeridge Jr.: The students who will be affected by a boundary change have been identified. A letter will be sent to the families and an input meeting will be scheduled. John will share the information gathered at the input meetings with the Board. • • Eaglecrest/Fox Hollow: After following-up with developers in the area, the proposed boundary change is no longer logical. To move the boundary would not be effective because many of the students living in the Fox Hollow boundary are already attending Eaglecrest. This boundary will need to be re-addressed at a later time as more developments move into the area. Vineyard Elementary: A charter school has been approved in the Vineyard area. This could change the need to re-boundary this area. John Patten’s recommendation to the Board is to wait and see what impact the charter school has on the projected growth. Board members recommend being diligent on a weekly basis to follow what is happening in the Vineyard area. Kimberly Bird shared with the Board the schedule for the Fall Community Meetings. The purposes of the meetings are to: • Be accountable to the community for the 2011 bond and how the money was used. • To look at current growth and projections. • To gather feedback from the community. The study session concluded at approximately 5:30 P.M. MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13, 2015 BOARD MEETING Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a regularly scheduled Board meeting on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting took place at the Alpine School District Office. Board members present: President John C. Burton, Vice President JoDee C. Sundberg, S. Scott Carlson, Brian E. Halladay, Wendy K. Hart, Paula H. Hill and Deborah C. Taylor. Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman, Business Administrator Robert W. Smith, and members of the administrative staff. There were approximately 50 others in attendance. Board President John C. Burton conducted the meeting. Board member Debbie Taylor made a motion to amend the agenda by moving the student clubs to the next meeting agenda as an action item. She also requested the Lehi High School China excursion be separated from the other excursion requests and be added as an action item on the next Board meeting agenda. There was some discussion among the Board members regarding the information that needs to be gathered about the China excursion. On motion by Debbie Taylor and seconded by JoDee Sundberg, the motion passed unanimously. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cabinet member Shane Farnsworth led the Pledge of Allegiance. REVERENCE Region PTA member Aaron Campbell offered the reverence. RECOGNITION The following teachers were recognized: • Karen Feld from Pleasant Grove Jr. High received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math. • Tom Erekson from Lone Peak High received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science. • Vicky Lyons from Lone Peak High received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math. • Melody Apezteguia, a teacher from American Fork High, was recognized for earning the 2016 Teacher of the Year award for the State of Utah. COMMUNITY COMMENTS Emily Campbell commented about the ALL program at Cherry Hill. She has two children who have gone through the ALL program, two children in the Dual Immersion program and one in regular education. She voiced her support for a transparent evaluation of the three programs at Cherry Hill by holding meetings that would include the community and parents. Cole Cooper commented about school choice for students living in the Skyridge High boundaries. He said the majority of students residing within the Skyridge boundaries want to attend the new school and he would like the minority to be given the option of choosing to stay at Lehi High. Mr. Cooper lives within the Skyridge boundaries, but his children are engrained in LHS programs. Aaron Parker is a resident of Lehi and his 15-year-old son is in the AP History class. As a parent he was upset by the disrespectful comments his son made about the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers based on what he was learning in class. Mr. Parker spoke with the teacher and was surprised that the teacher confirmed he was teaching the things reported by his son. Mr. Parker asked the Board to take a serious look at the AP History curriculum. Board members asked the Administrator of 10-12 Schools, Jess Christen, to meet with Mr. Parker. Aaron Campbell commented about the importance of the evaluation process of the ALL program at Cherry Hill Elementary. He is a resident of south Orem and has pride in the program. Mr. Campbell asked Cabinet members to respect the 25-year history the ALL program has at Cherry Hill when making their decision. He believes that the right decision would be to allow the school to have three strong programs. Tara Galloway also commented about the AP History curriculum at Lehi High School. Her daughter is a sophomore at the school and has been making disrespectful comments about the Revolutionary War and the Colonists. Ms. Galloway said the curriculum being taught is belittling our founding principles and taking away what is important for our children to learn. Jill Freestone asked the Board to allow more time for community and parent involvement before a decision is made to move ALL from Cherry Hill to Orem Elementary. She asked that the decision be put on hold until more information can be gathered. She feels there are too many assumptions being made about moving the program to Orem Elementary. Erin Zimmerman commented about the ALL program at Cherry Hill. She has a sixth grade student in the program and a daughter in ALL at Lakeridge. Mrs. Zimmerman homeschooled her children, but after learning about ALL, moved them to Cherry Hill. She expressed concern that if the ALL program is moved, a portion of the parent support and volunteers will leave also. She feels that by trying to resolve one problem, another will be created. Kari Rutheford commented about the Dual Immersion and ALL programs at Cherry Hill. She attended the school in the 80’s and feels that the two programs have always done well together. Mrs. Rutheford said that the gifted children at Cherry Hill are not bullied like they are in other schools. She asked the Board to give Cherry Hill a chance to make it work. Meredith Ohran expressed her appreciation for the opportunities her six children enjoy in Alpine School District. She now has her fourth child in the ALL program at Cherry Hill and has two more that plan to do the same. Even though Cherry Hill is their home school, if the program moves, they will follow it. Mrs. Ohran expressed her concern about the data being used to make the decision regarding the regular education classes. She said the parents just found out yesterday and this Board meeting is their first opportunity to have a voice. Her proposal is to make it a two-year trial program to see if there really is a problem. Jesse Chapman commented about school choice for students living within the Skyridge High boundaries. He recommended that there be flexibility in allowing siblings of seniors to choose to attend Lehi High. Mr. Chapman has two sons; one will be a senior next year and the other a junior. He would like them to be able to ride to school and play football together next year. Wyatt Taylor commented about the ALL program at Cherry Hill. He said a decision made now would not be acceptable because there has not been enough parent involvement or input from the community. Mr. Taylor said he was bullied as a gifted child and is amazed that this doesn’t take place at Cherry Hill. He urged that any possible way to keep the program at Cherry Hill be explored with more public involvement. Dawn Bunker lives within the Skyridge boundaries and has a sophomore who currently attends Lehi High. She asked the Board to consider allowing students who will be juniors and seniors next year the choice to attend Lehi High. Barry Beckstrand, Supervisor of the South Elementary Schools, excused himself from the Board meeting so he could meet with the individuals who commented about the ALL program at Cherry Hill. MINUTES Scott Carlson made the motion to approve the minutes for the September Board meetings. Debbie Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. CLAIMS Check numbers 00030689 through and including 00033511, totaling $17,375.657.66 were presented for the Board’s approval. Superintendent Jarman recommended the Board’s acceptance of the claims for September. JoDee Sundberg made the motion to accept the Claims as presented. Paula Hill seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. ROUTINE BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Monthly Budget Report The latest budget report was included for the Board’s review. 2. Personnel Reports Personnel Actions– Certified Employment – New Teachers Employee Walters, Kimberly Lindstrom, Melissa Payne, Jaylynn Jorgensen, Misty Washington, Lara Keele, Nichole Davies, Karalyn Hollan, Tara Hathaway, Lindsay Gibby, Madeline Porter, Jessica Jenkins, Shannon Newton, Jessica Matheson, Lilian Calderwood, Mikenna Stanford, Amy Jo Wu, Kun Cui, Shuang Willis, Andrew Flake, Haleigh Zhai, Longzhu Bjorn, Kristin Prestes, Priscila Soares, Ana Cristina Assignment Speech Technician Grade 3/4 split Grade 2 Grade 2 Computer Specialist Art Specialist Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 3 Art Specialist Grade 4 Portuguese Immersion SPED-Speech Technician CTE–FACS Grade 1 Chinese Immersion Grade 1 Chinese Immersion Grade 6 Grade 2 Grade 2 Chinese Immersion Grade 3 Grade 1 Portuguese Immersion Grade 3 Portuguese Immersion Location E- Saratoga Shores E- Manila E- Aspen E- Freedom E- Aspen E- Traverse Mountain E- Northridge E- Sage Hills E- Hillcrest E- Forbes E- Greenwood E- Hidden Hollow E- Suncrest E- Rocky Mountain E- Dan Peterson SH- Mountain View E - Blackridge E - Riverview E - Harvest E - Manila E - Cascade E - Legacy E - Rocky Mountain E - Rocky Mountain Date 8/17/15 8/31/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/31/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 9/14/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 Helm, Alta Litchford, Kenna Chapman, Julie Wong, Louis Lindsey, Marilyn Wright, Teddy Chiesa, Carly Nelson, Tamara Instructional Coach Grade 2 SPED SMH Study Skills Grade 1 Grade 4 Kindergarten Grade 4 Curriculum E - Rocky Mountain E - Horizon SH- Mountain View E- Lindon E- Alpine E - Vineyard E - Highland 8/17/15 9/8/15 9/24/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/17/15 8/25/15 9/21/15 JH - Pleasant Grove E - Manila JH - Timberline SH - Summit JH - Oak Canyon E - Eagle Valley E - Horizon E - Sego Lily 9/11/15 9/11/15 5/29/15 5/29/15 5/29/15 9/25/15 10/23/15 9/30/15 Certified Employees – Resignations Hudson, Jessica Ostrum, Renee Holland, Holly Price, Alexandra Sorenson, Emily Lister, Tyke Ssejinja, Julie Hullinger, David Health Grade 2 Special Education Physics Art Grade 3 - Intern Special Education Grade 5 Personnel Actions- Classified Employment Employee Assignment Location Date Stacy Cattelain Nikelle Hadlock Office Assistant Contract Lead Custodian Jr. High SH-Orem JH-American Fork 8/17/15 10/7/15 Transfers – Change of Status Employee Assignment Location From/To Date Freddy Cordova Greg Wilson Suzanne Miller Daniel Castaneda Kate Chavez Brenda Roundy Lead Custodian Head Custodian Admin. Secretary Painter Media Specialist-Trained Media Specialist-Trained JH-Frontier JH-AF/E-Barratt E-Cedar Valley Physical Facilities E-Forbes E-Cascade 8/13/15 10/1/15 10/1/15 9/1/15 10/1/15 10/1/15 Assignment Bus Driver Bus Driver Head Custodian Admin. Secretary Mechanic Specialist Mail Delivery Driver Location Transportation Transportation E-Barratt E-Mountain Trails Transportation Purchasing/Warehouse Date 9/14/15 9/4/15 9/30/15 10/1/15 11/9/15 10/5/15 Resignations Employee Stephanie Evans Reed Hansen Scott Bigler Debbie Cullimore Brian Nilson Kristine McDaniel 3. Alpine Foundation Report The latest Alpine Foundation report was included for the Board’s review. 4. Student Releases - (WC, NC, SC, HG, SG, BK, GM, LM, MN, JO, AS, IS) The Board received background information relative to the release of these students. Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the routine business. Brian Halladay made the motion and Wendy Hart seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS 1. Reappointment of Business Administrator Robert W. Smith According to Utah Code 53A-3-301, “ A local school board shall appoint a business administrator whose term of office is for two years and until a successor is appointed and qualified.” Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the reappointment of Robert W. Smith as the Business Administrator of Alpine School District. John Burton made the motion to approve the reappointment and Wendy Hart seconded it. Board members expressed appreciation to Rob for his dedication to Alpine School District and for his ability to financially manage the largest district in the State of Utah. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Resolutions 2015-15, 2015-16, 2015-17 – Purchase of Property for the CTE Youth Home Building Program Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the resolutions to purchase property for the CTE Youth Home Building program. Debbie Taylor made the motion and JoDee Sundberg seconded the motion. A Board member clarified that these homes are built through the CTE Youth Home Building program and are then sold. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Student Excursion Requests (without the Lehi High China trip) Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the Student Excursion Requests without the Lehi High School China trip. Wendy Hart made the motion and JoDee Sundberg seconded the motion. The Board clarified that more information is necessary before the LHS China trip can be approved. There was also discussion about the purpose of student excursions. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Student Choice to Attend Lehi High School Superintendent Jarman clarified that under the current recommendation, a hard boundary would be established and students living within Skyridge High boundaries would attend the new high school. Seniors living within the Skyridge boundaries would have the choice to continue to attend Lehi High School for the 2016-17 school year. Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of this decision allowing senior students living within Skyridge High School boundaries the choice to attend Lehi High School. Scott Carlson made the motion with the following amendments: • Students living within Skyridge High School boundaries but are attending other high schools outside of Lehi, will remain at those schools for Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) eligibility. To attend Skyridge High, a hardship waiver would be required. • There may be limited exceptions or special circumstances to meet individual student needs. • December 1, 2015 will be established as the deadline for eligible students living within Skyridge High boundaries to choose to attend Lehi High School. Wendy Hart seconded the amended motion. Board members discussed the need to establish hard boundaries for the protection of school programs. Brian Halladay proposed a friendly amendment to Scott Carlson’s motion with the following: • Special Education students, grades 10-12, currently living within Skyridge High boundaries, may choose to stay at Lehi High. • Consecutive year siblings living within Skyridge High boundaries can choose to attend Lehi High. (Junior and sophomore siblings who attend Lehi High in 2015-16 and live within Skyridge High boundaries may attend LHS together for the 2016-17 school year.) • Requests for exceptions need to be approved by the District Office Administrators and not the individual school principals. Scott Carlson and Wendy Hart accepted the friendly amendment made by Brian Halladay. Board members voted on the amended motion and it passed unanimously. 5. Skyridge High - Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) Application Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the UHSAA application for Skyridge High School. Scott Carlson made the motion and Debbie Taylor seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Board Meeting Schedule for 2016 Board members discussed changes to the proposed 2016 Board Meeting Schedule. The following recommendations were made: • The second Board meeting in March will be on the 29th to avoid conflict with Caucus meetings. • The April Board meeting will be on the 19th. • The June Board meeting will be on the 21st. • The November Board meeting will be on the 29th. • Add a school in the Westlake Cluster to the Board Meeting Schedule BOARD MEMBERS’ AND SUPERINTENDENT’S INFORMATION ITEMS John Burton reminded Board members of the upcoming Master Boards Recognition training. Board members are not required to participate but are required to complete the training on the open meeting laws. It is available online on the USBA Master Board site. John has to verify that all Board members have completed the training. Debbie Taylor said that next year the School Land Trust training is required for all Board members. USBA requested that each district provide five pieces of student art (K-12) to display in the hallways and ballroom at the January USBA Conference. The new USBA position will have responsibilities over communications and professional development. USBA is also developing a Board and Superintendent evaluation that will be available online. Debbie and JoDee clarified there is only one full time employee at USBA. The funding for salaries is provided through the insurance pool network involved with USBA. Membership dues are used to pay for items such as professional development, training, and conferences. Brian Halladay said he was disturbed by the information that was shared tonight about the AP US History curriculum at Lehi High. John Burton said that Jess Christen had already emailed him and is meeting with the principal and teacher tomorrow. Brian wants to make sure the curriculum is not being taught in any other district high schools. Wendy Hart stressed that parents need to be made aware of the changes in the AP History curriculum. ADJOURNED TO PUBLIC MEETING Wendy Hart made the motion to move into a closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, property, litigation and collective bargaining issues. Debbie Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously at 7:38 P.M. MINUTES OF CLOSED SESSION – October 13, 2015 The Board of Education of the Alpine School District met in a closed session on Tuesday. October 13, 2015 in the Superintendent’s Conference Room. Board members present: President John C. Burton, Vice President JoDee C. Sundberg, S. Scott Carlson, Wendy K. Hart, Paula H. Hill, Deborah C. Taylor and Brian E. Halladay. The purpose of the closed session was to discuss personnel, property, litigation and collective bargaining issues. Alpine School District’s legal counsel, Patrick Tanner from Burbidge and White, was also in attendance. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Scott Carlson and seconded by JoDee Sundberg, the meeting adjourned at 9:42 P.M. MINUTES OF STUDY SESSION October 27, 2015 Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a study session on Tuesday, October 27, 2015, at 4:00 P.M. in the Media Center at Deerfield Elementary. Board members present: President John C. Burton, Deborah C. Taylor, S. Scott Carlson, Brian E. Halladay, Wendy K. Hart, and Paula H. Hill. Excused: Vice President JoDee C. Sundberg. Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman, Business Administrator Robert W. Smith, and members of the administrative staff. There were 17 others in attendance. The following took place during the study session: 1. Fall Community Meeting Presentation Kimberly Bird, Assistant to the Superintendent and David Stephenson, Public Relations Administrator, reviewed the presentation to be shared at the community meetings during the month of November. Board members asked questions and offered suggestions to help clarify the information. Business Administrator Rob Smith reviewed the maps identifying the high growth areas in the district. 2. Attendance Intervention and Policy Judge Suchada P. Bazelle from the Fourth District Court shared information and answered questions from Board members regarding excessive absenteeism and truancy. She estimated that currently Alpine School District has 68 students in the court system for truancy. Chip Koop, Administrator of Student Services, reported that approximately ten percent of the District’s students struggle with attendance. The study session concluded at approximately 5:12 P.M. MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING – October 27, 2015 Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a regularly scheduled Board meeting on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the gymnasium at Deerfield Elementary. Board members present: President John C. Burton, Deborah C. Taylor, S. Scott Carlson, Brian E. Halladay, Wendy K. Hart and Paula H. Hill. Excused: Vice President JoDee C. Sundberg. Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman, Business Administrator Robert W. Smith and members of the administrative staff. There were approximately 53 others in attendance. Board member Wendy K. Hart conducted the meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cub Scout Troop 1260 led the Pledge of Allegiance. REVERENCE Lisa Steppi offered the reverence. STUDENT RECOGNITIONS The following Deerfield Elementary students were recognized for their excellence: • Liam Johnson • Natalie Buchanan • Tiare Soliari • Madeline Kidd • Carter Hawley • Jed Dahl • Jalen Austin ALPINE FOUNDATION RECOGNITIONS Shelly Butterfield, Foundation Board member, presented the “You Make A Difference” award to the following individuals at Deerfield Elementary: • Monica Chamberlain, Certified Employee • Diane Kitchen, Certified Employee • Becky Jo Bryant, Volunteer • Sherrie Hanna, Volunteer • Bob Nilsson, Support Professional • Ann Jacklin, Support Professional PRINCIPAL, PTA, AND SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL REPORTS Principal Caroline Knadler reported that Deerfield Elementary currently has an enrollment totaling 845 students. The school’s successful extracurricular activities include ballroom dance, band, Knowledge Bowl and student council. In an effort to increase student-reading success, Deerfield offers highly effective intervention programs such as Starr Reading and Double Dosing. Principal Knadler concluded by expressing her gratitude for Deerfield’s amazing students, supportive parents and a talented, dedicated staff. PTA President Allison Shippen reported that Deerfield Elementary PTA offers 19 different programs and activities. One such activity is The Gold Mile Marathon where participants run a 26-mile marathon over the course of the school year. Students enjoy increase physical activity and the sense of belonging to a club, while socializing with others. Other PTA sponsored activities include Parents and Pastries, Red Ribbon Week, Reflections, school plays, reading contests and read-at-home programs. The PTA finds at least two room moms for every teacher and sponsors activities to show teacher appreciation. The PTA runs the book fair twice a year. Proceeds provide books for the library and classrooms. After the last book fair, the library received a $1,000 and $200 went to every grade level for books. SCC Chair Kristin Howard reported on the SCC goals in language arts, math and science. • Kindergarten students not meeting DRA winter benchmark will grow at least two levels by spring. • Students in first through third grade not meeting DRA benchmark will make one year’s worth of growth by spring. • In 2016, all Tier 2 students will increase their 2015 SAGE math test scores by at least two percentage points. • To close the gender gap by five percentage points in the SAGE science test scores of 2016 over 2015’s results. School Land Trust money has been used in the following ways to achieve the goals: 1. Hiring an upper and lower grade Literacy Coordinator. 2. Using Trust Land funds to match the money the district gives the school to strengthen programs like Double Dosing and other reading programs. 3. Purchasing chrome books for fifth grade classrooms. Students will benefit by accessing online resources that increase fluency, reading and writing comprehension. Students can also access Go Math and other online math resources. 4. Teachers applying for web-based summer grants for collaboration. 5. Hiring aides in the classroom, or funding stipends used to provide after school math programs for students needing additional help. 6. Purchasing science materials to make sixth grade science more engaging. The school will host a science assembly. The upper grade girls will be invited to stay after the assembly to discuss women in the science fields. COMMUNITY COMMENTS Christel Swasey attended the study session and voiced concerns about Judge Bazelle’s comments regarding attendance. She appreciated the word “care” from the judge, but feels that it shouldn’t trump a parental authority. Mrs. Swasey was of the opinion that Judge Bazelle was implying the district should change the existing attendance policy, which allows a parent to excuse any absence within ten days. She said it is a God-given authority for a parent to guide the education of their children. Mrs. Swasey urged the Board to listen to the parents of the majority and not the recommendations of the Judge. Melanie Allen thanked the Board for the current attendance policy, which grants parents the right to excuse their children from school. She is a mother to eight children and knows what is right for them. Mrs. Allen personally feels that children are in school too long each day and for too many days in the year. Lani Stott is the mother of five children and would like to keep the attendance policy as it is, because parents know what is best for their children. She feels that if a different policy is implemented it will hurt the parents who are really trying to help their children. Mrs. Stott has a daughter with diabetes who has missed a lot of school, but has stayed current with all of her schoolwork. She feels that the minority should not dictate to the majority who are doing it right. Meredith Ohran agreed with everything that has been said about the attendance policy. She said her purpose for being at the meeting was to talk about the ALL program at Cherry Hill Elementary. She spoke at the last Board meeting about the same topic and was at this meeting representing a group of parents who could not be in attendance. Mrs. Ohran reiterated her position that moving the ALL program away from Cherry Hill would not allow the underserved to have a gifted program. She proposed allowing the ALL program to remain at Cherry Hill for a two-year trial to see if the ALL, Dual Immersion and regular education classes could all work together. Tami Hirsch is a former teacher in the district and the mother to five children. She appreciates the current Alpine School District attendance policy allowing parents to excuse absences for their children. Mrs. Hirsch shared that in her studies she found that President Obama’s education plan has a clause that would take parental rights away from attendance. As a teacher she has seen parents who don’t care about their child’s attendance in school, but she does not want her rights taken away because of their choices. She said that as a parent it is her prerogative to take her children out of school and is an advocate to keep the current policy. Michelle Stallings is grateful for the current attendance policy because it gives flexibility and allows parents to take advantage of other opportunities. She understands attendance in school is important and hopes that parents don’t take advantage of the policy currently in place. Mrs. Stallings appreciates Judge Bazelle’s position and the concern she has for the students with truancy issues. However, Mrs. Stalling is concerned about using words like “prosecution” because she doesn’t feel that is a direction we should go. She had a child with a truancy issue and they did all that they could do, but to get a letter stating they were going to be charged with a misdemeanor did not help the situation. Mrs. Stalling hopes that the Board will keep the current attendance policy and work with parents, not against them. Rachelle Glines is supportive of the current attendance policy. She moved here from another district in Utah and feels that to change the current policy teaches children that government, doctors, lawyers, etc., have authority over them. Mrs. Glines said the cost of freedom is high and not everyone will be saved. She said it is a God-given right for parents to have authority over their children. The more schools get involved with these issues, the more parents allow schools to take away their responsibilities, and then parents will become less responsible. She asked the Board to keep the responsibility on the parents. Mrs. Glines thanked them for the current policy and to please continue it. Karen Smith voiced her support for the current attendance policy. Her daughter has had health issues and missed a lot of school. The existing policy allowed them as parents to deal with it in a positive way and keep their daughter current in school. Mrs. Smith also addressed the Board about the ALL program at Cherry Hill. She said that many parents feel that they have been left out of the loop and have not had a say in the plan to move the ALL program. She gave her support to the PTA president who spoke about giving all three programs a two-year trial. Mrs. Smith said the ALL program is a life-changer for so many families. She and her husband bought their home in the Cherry Hill boundaries for the ALL program. She voiced her opinion that she doesn’t think moving the program will solve the problem. Jared Carmen lives in Highland and has two children. He thanked the Board for the time they spend in their positions on behalf of students. He said that he hoped the spirit of truth was felt in the room as parents spoke about the attendance policy. Mr. Carmen quoted the state statute about attendance and then proposed the question, “Which is more important, agency or compassion?” He then gave three examples of compassion vs. agency and then asked the Board to do the right thing. Mr. Carmen said that if there are children falling between the cracks, encourage administrators to help them, but do not take away the right of parents. He said that recently we have been encouraged to support the family and then asked the Board to not change with current policy. ACTION ITEMS 2016 Board Meeting Schedule Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the 2016 Board Meeting Schedule. He said that the adjustments to the schedule requested by Board members in the October 13 meeting had been made. Debbie Taylor made the motion to approve the 2016 Board Meeting Schedule. Scott Carlson seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Wendy Hart asked about the timeline for the Cherry Hill ALL decision. Barry Beckstrand, Supervisor of the South Elementary Schools, said November 1, 2015 is the deadline to notify parents of the ALL options. He said the decision would be made in the Cabinet meeting tomorrow, October 28. Paula Hill attended the DCC meeting, an early out collaboration visit and the ATEC open house. She said she experienced the best of Alpine School District. She also reported on the MATC meeting she attended. The students from UVU who were in attendance were recognized. Wendy Hart seconded the opinion of the parents who spoke about parental rights regarding the attendance policy. She has seen the detrimental impact that removing those rights can have. ADJOURNMENT Debbie Taylor made the motion to adjourn and John Burton seconded the motion. It passed unanimously at approximately 7:00 P.M. Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00030358 51 00031406 51 Amount Date Vendor -15.00 10/08/15 999737 LOVELL, MORGAN J -66.21 10/30/15 33548 PATRICK FOSSAT CV 00031614 -330.19 10/07/15 87456 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC CV 51 00031677 -635.46 10/06/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #1810 CV 51 00032587 -2,138.45 10/05/15 76889 SIGNS NOW CV 51 00032609 -70.00 10/06/15 733 UTAH WOOL GROWERS CV 51 00032927 -900.00 10/21/15 2059 J CRAIG PREISENDORF CV 51 00033103 -117.00 10/13/15 94314 CHELL WARNER CV 51 00033114 -117.00 10/13/15 25749 SANDY DENBOER CV 51 00033137 -117.00 10/13/15 999998 KRYSTAL BURCH CV 51 00033512 1,076.45 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033513 35.99 10/01/15 56729 MOUNT OLYMPUS WATER INC C 51 00033514 570.16 10/01/15 180 PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION C 51 00033515 95.10 10/01/15 279 SHRED-IT USA, LLC / CINTAS CORP C 51 00033516 47.00 10/01/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00033517 321.39 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033518 1,548.14 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033519 555.24 10/01/15 48970 LOGO IT ON C 51 00033520 62.50 10/01/15 509 RYAN METCALF C 51 00033521 85.00 10/01/15 90042 UASSP C 51 00033522 65.00 10/01/15 272 UTAH DANCE & DRILL ASSOCIATION C 51 00033523 1,530.00 10/01/15 98770 WORLD'S FINEST CHOCOLATE, INC C 51 00033524 660.29 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033525 149.37 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033526 100.41 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033527 234.21 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033528 210.72 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033529 101.90 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033530 41.66 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033531 89.84 10/01/15 74025 SAM'S CLUB C 51 00033532 18.55 10/01/15 68520 CAROLINE PRUETT C 51 00033533 114.40 10/01/15 1473 ERIKA RALPH C 51 00033534 32.88 10/01/15 54462 JASON MILLER C 51 00033535 53.94 10/01/15 15072 MARY CANDLAND C 51 00033536 260.00 10/01/15 80533 ROBERT STEELE C 51 00033537 118.10 10/01/15 999998 CLAUDIA E DORSEY C 51 00033538 47.76 10/01/15 999998 JENNIFER THOMAS C 51 00033539 79.93 10/01/15 999998 LORI CHADWICK C 51 00033540 60.00 10/01/15 999998 MELISSA STEINBERG C 51 00033541 18.31 10/01/15 999998 NATALIE WILSON C 51 00033542 36.42 10/01/15 999998 TACEE LARSON C 51 00033543 39.99 10/01/15 999998 VALERIE OGBORN C 51 00033544 1,296.57 10/01/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00033545 27,900.00 10/01/15 70850 RESILITE SPORTS PRODUCTS INC C 51 00033546 225.00 10/01/15 202 BYU C 51 00033547 750.00 10/01/15 2067 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY C 51 00033548 225.00 10/01/15 91894 UTAH VALLEY UNIVESITY C 51 00033549 2,531.25 10/01/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00033550 6,931.42 10/01/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00033551 450.00 10/01/15 5101 AMERICAN LIVES HISTORY C 51 00033552 75.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033553 470.00 10/01/15 81642 SUCCEED PLANNERS & SPECIALTY ITEMS C 51 00033554 340.00 10/01/15 34324 AIMIE FURSE C 51 00033555 21.00 10/01/15 41246 HUMPHRIES INC C 51 00033556 490.00 10/01/15 90036 UAESP-STUDENT COUNCIL CONF C CV 1 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00033556 51 00033557 -490.00 10/09/15 90036 UAESP-STUDENT COUNCIL CONF CV 360.00 10/01/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID 51 C 00033558 75.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033559 525.00 10/01/15 90036 UAESP-STUDENT COUNCIL CONF C 51 00033560 2,740.00 10/01/15 2112 ASPEN MEDIA WORKS C 51 00033561 1,144.00 10/01/15 34 BACKSTAGE DANCEWEAR, INC C 51 00033562 793.50 10/01/15 464 COOPER'S RUGGED DESIGN C 51 00033563 400.00 10/01/15 2130 GALAXY86 SOUND & ENTERTAINMENT C 51 00033564 60.00 10/01/15 2113 JESSE SYKES C 51 00033565 50.00 10/01/15 1279 OLYMPUS HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00033566 815.00 10/01/15 369 UTAH DECA C 51 00033567 350.00 10/01/15 32 UTAH FBLA C 51 00033568 75.00 10/01/15 3248 ALLRED'S ACE HARDWARE HIGHLAND BRANCH C 51 00033569 477.53 10/01/15 11135 BIO CORPORATION C 51 00033570 27.65 10/01/15 1486 FLINN SCIENTIFIC, INC C 51 00033571 329.24 10/01/15 85288 JOHNSON BROTHERS AKA TIMBERLINE C 51 00033572 574.99 10/01/15 64245 JW PEPPER C 51 00033573 439.56 10/01/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00033574 185.80 10/01/15 74977 SCHOOL SPECIALTY C 51 00033575 42.75 10/01/15 25528 DEEP SEVEN ARCHIVE & SHRED C 51 00033576 875.00 10/01/15 34168 AMERICA'S FREEDOM FESTIVAL C 51 00033577 2,595.74 10/01/15 51593 MARVELLOUS CATERING LLC C 51 00033578 1,542.00 10/01/15 47621 LEGO EDUCATION C 51 00033579 225.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033580 100.00 10/01/15 87469 USPRA C 51 00033581 9,801.00 10/01/15 54247 MIDWEST TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS C 51 00033582 687.20 10/01/15 8530 AUTOMATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS C 51 00033583 969.00 10/01/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00033584 42.00 10/01/15 48371 LIGHTSPEED TECHNOLOGIES C 51 00033585 75.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033586 315.00 10/01/15 90036 UAESP-STUDENT COUNCIL CONF C 51 00033587 3,912.69 10/01/15 10150 BELL PRINTING & DESIGN BELL PHOTOGRAPHER C 51 00033588 399.00 10/01/15 173 CLASSIC MONOGRAMS C 51 00033589 458.35 10/01/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00033590 4,606.31 10/01/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00033591 400.00 10/01/15 79343 SPECTRUM PUBLISHING C 51 00033592 254.00 10/01/15 15093 CANYON CREEK SOFTWARE, LLC C 51 00033593 275.00 10/01/15 91894 UTAH VALLEY UNIVESITY C 51 00033594 608.10 10/01/15 276 FRED OLSEN C 51 00033595 142.72 10/01/15 85357 TIME FOR KIDS C 51 00033596 170.90 10/01/15 50 BIRRELL - PEPSI C 51 00033597 56.50 10/01/15 2124 HOPPY TAW ENTERPRISES LLC C 51 00033598 1,460.00 10/01/15 50929 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00033599 472.75 10/01/15 74960 SCHOOL MATE C 51 00033600 60.15 10/01/15 50 BIRRELL - PEPSI C 51 00033601 15.00 10/01/15 1176 DAVID M. BARKER C 51 00033602 16.71 10/01/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00033603 8,348.75 10/01/15 2122 BASKETBALL TRAVELERS, INC C 51 00033604 1,000.00 10/01/15 189 BILLIEJO CLOTHING CO C 51 00033605 1,373.40 10/01/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00033606 1,200.00 10/01/15 86 RONALD ERIC NIX C 51 00033607 192.76 10/01/15 265 HERRIMAN HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00033608 700.00 10/01/15 369 UTAH DECA C 51 00033609 200.00 10/01/15 693 UTAH PHOTOBOOTH GUYS C 51 00033610 2,004.00 10/01/15 290 PTSA - LEHI JR HIGH C 2 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00033611 150.00 10/01/15 2126 ALEXANDERS PRINT ADVANTAGE C 51 00033612 61.98 10/01/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00033613 275.00 10/01/15 87481 UTAH SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL C 51 00033614 3,986.63 10/01/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00033615 735.00 10/01/15 90036 UAESP-STUDENT COUNCIL CONF C 51 00033616 32.00 10/01/15 17261 CERTIFIED SHRED INC C 51 00033617 500.00 10/01/15 741 SIERA OLSON C 51 00033618 71.97 10/01/15 2133 TED YORK PHOTOGRAPHY C 51 00033619 9,592.20 10/01/15 87327 TV SPECIALISTS INC C 51 00033620 80.00 10/01/15 272 UTAH DANCE & DRILL ASSOCIATION C 51 00033621 35.00 10/01/15 455 UTAH DEBATE COACHES ASSOCIATION (UDCA) C 51 00033622 3,060.00 10/01/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00033623 343.41 10/01/15 255 ONE ON ONE PROMOTIONALS C 51 00033624 574.75 10/01/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00033625 120.00 10/01/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00033626 200.02 10/01/15 8530 AUTOMATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS C 51 00033627 100.00 10/01/15 80113 JONATHAN A STANDING C 51 00033628 130.00 10/01/15 77390 SKILLS USA UTAH C 51 00033629 75.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033630 28,919.09 10/01/15 45460 KELLY SERVICES INC. C 51 00033631 57.25 10/01/15 82849 TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIB INC C 51 00033632 649.87 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033633 490.43 10/01/15 8895 BADGER SCREEN PRINTING CO C 51 00033634 213.57 10/01/15 49521 MPLC INC MOTION PICTURE LICENSING C 51 00033635 9,540.00 10/01/15 81795 SUMMERHAYS MUSIC CENTER C 51 00033636 700.00 10/01/15 291 LISA BEST C 51 00033637 150.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033638 40.00 10/01/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00033639 6,400.00 10/01/15 44976 JTM PROVISIONS CO. INC. C 51 00033640 20.00 10/01/15 999704 ALLEN, MICHAEL L C 51 00033641 20.00 10/01/15 999704 ALLEN, PRESTON G C 51 00033642 2.00 10/01/15 999704 GARIBAY, ANGELO S C 51 00033643 17.50 10/01/15 999704 HEGEWALD, HILLARY I C 51 00033644 10.00 10/01/15 999704 HENRIE, ANJANETTE C 51 00033645 50.00 10/01/15 999704 HOBBS, SAMUEL J C 51 00033646 20.00 10/01/15 999704 INGRAM, TAYLOR R C 51 00033647 167.00 10/01/15 999704 ROBERTS, CHASE C 51 00033648 37.50 10/01/15 999704 SMART, SPENCER T C 51 00033649 25.00 10/01/15 999704 THORPE, STEVEN K C 51 00033650 4.00 10/01/15 999704 WILLIAMSON, EMMA C 51 00033651 82.07 10/01/15 999405 MEIER, ANNA L C 51 00033652 20.00 10/01/15 999737 MINEER, KATIE M C 51 00033653 250.00 10/01/15 999737 PAULSON, ALISON L C 51 00033654 242.82 10/01/15 999737 SCHOLES, CAROLINE P C 51 00033655 145.00 10/01/15 999737 STAKER, HANNAH E C 51 00033656 152.70 10/01/15 999441 STOKES, SPENCER M C 51 00033657 12.50 10/01/15 999754 ELLIS, MARY C 51 00033658 55.00 10/01/15 999754 MONTIEL, KARLA L C 51 00033659 35.00 10/01/15 999779 HILL, EMMA K C 51 00033660 50.00 10/01/15 999779 LESUEUR, DYLAN C C 51 00033661 232.94 10/01/15 999779 ROBINSON, JAMES L C 51 00033662 40.00 10/01/15 999779 VEENKER, HAYDEN L C 51 00033663 141.09 10/01/15 999789 ANDERSON, SKYLER T C 51 00033664 135.00 10/01/15 999789 BLAIR, AUBRIELA C C 51 00033665 60.00 10/01/15 999789 WOFFINDEN, DEEJG C C 3 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00033666 51 00033667 51 Amount Date Vendor 30.00 10/01/15 999789 WOOD, TANNER M C 35.00 10/01/15 999490 BEAL, REBEKAH E C 00033668 35.00 10/01/15 999490 BEESLEY, EVAN K C 51 00033669 35.00 10/01/15 999490 BURNETT, AMELIA F C 51 00033670 35.00 10/01/15 999490 CHRISTENSEN, ALEECE N C 51 00033671 35.00 10/01/15 999490 CLUFF, JILLIAN G C 51 00033672 92.50 10/01/15 999490 COCHRAN, JACKSON C C 51 00033673 35.00 10/01/15 999490 COLEMAN, KAYLEE A C 51 00033674 35.00 10/01/15 999490 EAMES, BRAXTON C C 51 00033675 35.00 10/01/15 999490 FUSSELMAN, KAELYN L C 51 00033676 35.00 10/01/15 999490 GATHERUM, AURIE M C 51 00033677 35.00 10/01/15 999490 GREGORY, SUSANNA M C 51 00033678 35.00 10/01/15 999490 JOHNSON, EDEN A C 51 00033679 35.00 10/01/15 999490 LAMBSON, MADALYN M C 51 00033680 35.00 10/01/15 999490 LITTLE, MEGAN B C 51 00033681 35.00 10/01/15 999490 MCKEE, KAYCIE C 51 00033682 69.08 10/01/15 999490 PACK, JACOB C C 51 00033683 97.00 10/01/15 999490 PONTIUS, BRILEE A C 51 00033684 5.00 10/01/15 999490 PRESTWICH, JENNA M C 51 00033685 35.00 10/01/15 999490 PRINS, DIA H C 51 00033686 35.00 10/01/15 999490 SKARSTEDT, BONNY M C 51 00033687 35.00 10/01/15 999490 WAGNON, ISABELLA E C 51 00033688 35.00 10/01/15 999490 WALKER, BRIANNA L C 51 00033689 35.00 10/01/15 999490 WARD, MADELINE S C 51 00033690 59.00 10/01/15 999494 ADAMS, FAITH Y C 51 00033691 118.00 10/01/15 999494 ALAND, AUSTIN M C 51 00033692 15.00 10/01/15 999494 ALLEN, HEATHER R C 51 00033693 37.00 10/01/15 999494 ALLRED, AVERY R C 51 00033694 1.00 10/01/15 999494 ANDREW, ASHLEY M C 51 00033695 79.50 10/01/15 999494 ARBON, JOSHUA A C 51 00033696 10.00 10/01/15 999494 ARNOLD, DREW S C 51 00033697 100.00 10/01/15 999494 ATKINSON, MADISON M C 51 00033698 2.50 10/01/15 999494 BAILEY, ELLA E C 51 00033699 70.00 10/01/15 999494 BALL, NATHANAEL O C 51 00033700 5.00 10/01/15 999494 BARRETT, ALEXIS L C 51 00033701 5.00 10/01/15 999494 BERG, MAILE K C 51 00033702 13.00 10/01/15 999494 BRADY, SABRIA J C 51 00033703 3.00 10/01/15 999494 BRIMLEY, ANNA E C 51 00033704 4.00 10/01/15 999494 BRUCKER, ABIGAIL E C 51 00033705 10.00 10/01/15 999494 BULLOCK, WILLIAM D C 51 00033706 10.00 10/01/15 999494 BURGESS, JACOB C 51 00033707 10.00 10/01/15 999494 BURNSIDE, ZACHARY M C 51 00033708 10.00 10/01/15 999494 BURR, MELISSA C 51 00033709 23.00 10/01/15 999494 BYBEE, JOCELYN M C 51 00033710 1.00 10/01/15 999494 CARMAN, AVERY A C 51 00033711 5.00 10/01/15 999494 CHRISTIANSEN, LUCY M C 51 00033712 10.00 10/01/15 999494 CLOSE, RYLAND C C 51 00033713 10.00 10/01/15 999494 CURTIN, ALLYSON B C 51 00033714 7.00 10/01/15 999494 CURTIS, RACHEL B C 51 00033715 96.00 10/01/15 999494 DAVIS, ALEXANDER B C 51 00033716 3.00 10/01/15 999494 DAYTON, BAILEY C 51 00033717 30.00 10/01/15 999494 DENGLER, JAN N C 51 00033718 15.00 10/01/15 999494 DOUGLASS, STERLING S C 51 00033719 10.00 10/01/15 999494 EAGAR, JOSEPH L C 51 00033720 1.00 10/01/15 999494 EAGAR, PACKER W C 4 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00033721 51 00033722 51 Amount Date Vendor 6.00 10/01/15 999494 EARNSHAW, EMERSON B C 2.50 10/01/15 999494 ECCLES, COLIN S C 00033723 10.00 10/01/15 999494 EMMETT, WYATT J C 51 00033724 10.00 10/01/15 999494 FIETKAU, DANIEL J C 51 00033725 2.50 10/01/15 999494 FLAMM, MICHAEL J C 51 00033726 1.00 10/01/15 999494 FORSHEE, MAKAYLA M C 51 00033727 15.00 10/01/15 999494 FRY, ASHLEY N C 51 00033728 4.00 10/01/15 999494 GARVIN, OLIVIA K C 51 00033729 3.00 10/01/15 999494 GATES, LONDON H C 51 00033730 14.00 10/01/15 999494 GLASSFORD, BENJAMIN G C 51 00033731 9.00 10/01/15 999494 GRAF, KALEB M C 51 00033732 48.00 10/01/15 999494 GRANT, MCKAY N C 51 00033733 5.00 10/01/15 999494 GREER, UKIAH-MICHAE D C 51 00033734 33.00 10/01/15 999494 GUNNARSON, SYDNEE A C 51 00033735 6.00 10/01/15 999494 GUNTHER, TALMAGE C C 51 00033736 23.00 10/01/15 999494 GUZMAN, JADE R C 51 00033737 15.00 10/01/15 999494 HANNA, JACKSON C C 51 00033738 2.50 10/01/15 999494 HANSEN, ALYCE E C 51 00033739 15.00 10/01/15 999494 HEIMULI, JONAH C C 51 00033740 10.00 10/01/15 999494 HESS, NATHAN S C 51 00033741 1.00 10/01/15 999494 HODGSON, RYAN J C 51 00033742 1.00 10/01/15 999494 HODSON, PIPER D C 51 00033743 10.00 10/01/15 999494 HUNT, MAILE H C 51 00033744 18.00 10/01/15 999494 HUNT, SAMUEL C 51 00033745 13.00 10/01/15 999494 JACKSON, CLINTON L C 51 00033746 2.50 10/01/15 999494 JONES, ALISSA R C 51 00033747 6.00 10/01/15 999494 JONES, DYLAN Z C 51 00033748 20.00 10/01/15 999494 JONES, LAUREN R C 51 00033749 10.00 10/01/15 999494 JONES, ZACHARY C C 51 00033750 18.00 10/01/15 999494 KEATE, CONNER S C 51 00033751 5.00 10/01/15 999494 KEETCH, KADEN M C 51 00033752 25.00 10/01/15 999494 KELLEY, BRENNAN S C 51 00033753 3.00 10/01/15 999494 KENNEDY, BETHANY R C 51 00033754 13.00 10/01/15 999494 KILLPACK, JESSALYN C 51 00033755 4.00 10/01/15 999494 KING, JULIA M C 51 00033756 1.00 10/01/15 999494 KUJANPAA, ADAM S C 51 00033757 100.00 10/01/15 999494 NIELSEN, EMILY C 51 00033758 15.00 10/01/15 999494 PARRISH, EMILY A C 51 00033759 128.92 10/01/15 999494 PELLEGRINI, KLOIE L C 51 00033760 87.00 10/01/15 999494 PURSER, GARRETT E C 51 00033761 82.00 10/01/15 999496 ALLRED, NIKELL C 51 00033762 154.21 10/01/15 999496 JENKINS, NOAH K C 51 00033763 24,101.74 10/01/15 82500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERV C 51 00033764 27.60 10/01/15 20440 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN SUPPLY, INC C 51 00033765 20,571.25 10/01/15 1924 MUIR COPPER CANYON C 51 00033766 4,681.25 10/01/15 1924 MUIR COPPER CANYON C 51 00033767 24,106.00 10/01/15 2127 AMPLIFY EDUCATION INC C 51 00033768 7,867.52 10/01/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00033769 24,480.00 10/01/15 97209 REX W WILLIAMS & SONS INC C 51 00033770 228,310.53 10/01/15 95083 WEIDENHAMMER C 51 00033771 278.02 10/01/15 11282 BISCO C 51 00033772 60.00 10/01/15 38287 BRIAN HALLADAY C 51 00033773 60.00 10/01/15 83222 DEBBIE TAYLOR C 51 00033774 15.63 10/01/15 30601 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY C 51 00033775 9,500.00 10/01/15 501 HOPE4UTAH C 5 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00033776 51 00033777 51 Amount Date Vendor 60.00 10/01/15 82053 JODEE SUNDBERG C 60.00 10/01/15 14297 JOHN C BURTON C 00033778 15.35 10/01/15 56723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY C 51 00033779 20,267.80 10/01/15 61697 OREM CITY CORPORATION C 51 00033780 150.00 10/01/15 999754 JACKSON, HEATHER N C 51 00033781 60.00 10/01/15 40229 PAULA HILL C 51 00033782 381.62 10/01/15 69324 QUESTAR GAS C 51 00033783 185.00 10/01/15 78175 ROBERT W SMITH C 51 00033784 185.00 10/01/15 43991 SAM JARMAN C 51 00033785 60.00 10/01/15 15412 SCOTT CARLSON C 51 00033786 224.14 10/01/15 82084 SUNROC BUILDING MATERIALS C 51 00033787 12.50 10/01/15 999998 PATRICK PAUL 51 00033788 38,250.00 10/01/15 87385 UACTE UT ASSOC FOR CAREER & TECH ED C 51 00033789 4.14 10/01/15 96705 WHITE CAP CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY C 51 00033790 70.00 10/01/15 66757 POSTMASTER - OREM C 51 00033791 1,300.00 10/01/15 2410 AARON'S STRIPING C 51 00033792 75.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033793 291.27 10/01/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00033794 1,436.38 10/01/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00033795 180.00 10/01/15 46748 LABOR COMMISSION C 51 00033796 85.02 10/01/15 64867 PROFESSIONAL CABLE, LLC C 51 00033797 261.00 10/01/15 90343 UTAH/YAMAS CONTROLS INC C 51 00033798 1,045.00 10/01/15 94087 WALSH CONCRETE CUTTING C 51 00033799 574.66 10/01/15 9556 AARON BARTH C 51 00033800 325.45 10/01/15 2148 CHAS DEWITT C 51 00033801 95.45 10/01/15 51665 CLAUDIA MCAVOY C 51 00033802 647.73 10/01/15 11140 DAN BIOLO C 51 00033803 47.27 10/01/15 97086 DAVID WILLSON C 51 00033804 45.43 10/01/15 28405 DYLAN EASTMAN C 51 00033805 155.83 10/01/15 8909 GLEN BAILEY C 51 00033806 136.28 10/01/15 81462 ILENE STRONG C 51 00033807 143.58 10/01/15 2149 JESSIE CANNON C 51 00033808 263.35 10/01/15 63375 JOHN PATTEN C 51 00033809 134.55 10/01/15 32508 KAREN FENDT C 51 00033810 193.20 10/01/15 61230 LAURA OLSEN C 51 00033811 99.13 10/01/15 769 MARIE CUMMINGS C 51 00033812 100.63 10/01/15 11803 MICHAEL BOHNE C 51 00033813 575.58 10/01/15 13247 REX BRIMHALL C 51 00033814 28.46 10/01/15 865 SHARON KYZER C 51 00033815 726.23 10/01/15 84877 TIM THOMPSON C 51 00033816 228.85 10/01/15 71757 TRACIE RILEY C 51 00033817 104.54 10/01/15 28224 ZACHARY EAGAR C 51 00033818 28,520.35 10/01/15 61689 OREM CITY CORP UTILITIES C 51 00033819 10,101.26 10/01/15 69322 QUESTAR GAS C 51 00033820 356,907.39 10/01/15 91081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER C 51 00033821 92.58 10/01/15 82520 T MOBILE OFFICE C 51 00033822 2,377.00 10/01/15 87481 UTAH SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL C 51 00033823 93.69 10/01/15 55847 ANDREA MORLEY C 51 00033824 53.94 10/01/15 2092 ANGELA PEDERSEN C 51 00033825 5.32 10/01/15 98405 BETTY WOODRUFF C 51 00033826 100.43 10/01/15 57253 DAVID MYERS C 51 00033827 53.70 10/01/15 13563 HAYLEY BROWN C 51 00033828 310.50 10/01/15 50565 JEAN MANUELA C 51 00033829 200.00 10/01/15 9905 REX BECKER C 51 00033830 35.95 10/01/15 999998 ADRIENNE GARCIA C C 6 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00033831 51 00033832 51 Amount Date Vendor 29.50 10/01/15 999998 AMY HERRON C 20.00 10/01/15 999998 ANDREA ARAYA C 00033833 7.75 10/01/15 999998 ANGELA BASS C 51 00033834 62.30 10/01/15 999998 CHERYL NIELSEN C 51 00033835 60.00 10/01/15 999998 CHRIS & MEKEL VEST C 51 00033836 99.95 10/01/15 999998 COREY JOHNSON C 51 00033837 22.39 10/01/15 999998 DOROTHY SCHUBERT C 51 00033838 139.83 10/01/15 999998 JESSICA MCCOY C 51 00033839 112.96 10/01/15 999998 JESSICA PALU C 51 00033840 23.50 10/01/15 999998 KATIE SAVIO C 51 00033841 13.00 10/01/15 999998 KELLI SHEEN C 51 00033842 75.00 10/01/15 999998 KELLY JEFFERY C 51 00033843 13.00 10/01/15 999998 KIM ROBERTS C 51 00033844 103.95 10/01/15 999998 MARY HULET C 51 00033845 8.75 10/01/15 999998 MICHELLE HOPE C 51 00033846 19.25 10/01/15 999998 MISSY JURGENS C 51 00033847 8.91 10/01/15 999998 PEGGY STONE C 51 00033848 7.54 10/01/15 999998 RACHEL HILL C 51 00033849 14.24 10/01/15 999998 ROBERT ADAMSON C 51 00033850 13.34 10/01/15 999998 ROSA BRUSH C 51 00033851 83.98 10/01/15 999998 RYAN RADEBAUGH C 51 00033852 25.00 10/01/15 999998 TERRI HATCH C 51 00033853 91.50 10/01/15 999998 TIFFANY FINCH C 51 00033854 219.44 10/01/15 13117 BYU TEACHER ED OFFICE C 51 00033855 35.84 10/01/15 18640 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY C 51 00033856 45.00 10/01/15 20095 COLONIAL FLAG C 51 00033857 23.82 10/01/15 279 SHRED-IT USA, LLC / CINTAS CORP C 51 00033858 4,243.50 10/01/15 81796 SUMMERHAYS MUSIC C 51 00033859 510.00 10/01/15 90042 UASSP C 51 00033860 150.00 10/01/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00033861 975.00 10/01/15 7762 ASPEN INSTALLATIONS C 51 00033862 478.90 10/01/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00033863 356.74 10/01/15 22209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY C 51 00033864 138.98 10/01/15 27921 DCD TRANSFER C 51 00033865 1,659.50 10/01/15 67 DONE RITE LINES, LLC C 51 00033866 2,554.97 10/01/15 28675 EC POWER SYSTEMS C 51 00033867 87.90 10/01/15 30601 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY C 51 00033868 6,692.45 10/01/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00033869 34.65 10/01/15 35560 GENEVA PIPE C 51 00033870 47.44 10/01/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00033871 85.00 10/01/15 46748 LABOR COMMISSION C 51 00033872 348.75 10/01/15 50929 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00033873 3,105.00 10/01/15 53945 MH TECHNICAL SERVICES INC C 51 00033874 800.92 10/01/15 54194 MIDGLEY HUBER INC C 51 00033875 2,540.55 10/01/15 56723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY C 51 00033876 3,460.00 10/01/15 59342 NELSON FIRE SYSTEMS C 51 00033877 246.97 10/01/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00033878 682.59 10/01/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST C 51 00033879 97.30 10/01/15 76654 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS C 51 00033880 9.90 10/01/15 79675 STAKER & PARSON CO C 51 00033881 1,130.36 10/01/15 83995 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE C 51 00033882 6.00 10/01/15 85406 TIMPANOGOS SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT C 51 00033883 300.00 10/01/15 94087 WALSH CONCRETE CUTTING C 51 00033884 1,303.73 10/01/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00033885 820.49 10/01/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 7 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00033886 51 00033887 29,452.55 10/01/15 14473 CCG HOWELLS C 1,317.00 10/01/15 42450 IN-SITE DESIGN GROUP 51 C 00033888 2,430.75 10/01/15 43249 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK& SECURITY SUPPLY C 51 00033889 43,500.00 10/01/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00033890 2,500.00 10/01/15 59342 NELSON FIRE SYSTEMS C 51 00033891 21,677.82 10/01/15 74116 SANDSTROM ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTURE PC C 51 00033892 3,519.30 10/01/15 76870 SIERRA FOREST PRODUCTS C 51 00033893 1,499.76 10/01/15 470 ADP LEMCO INC C 51 00033894 1,618.10 10/01/15 12601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00033895 80.16 10/01/15 15084 CANNON SPORTS, INC C 51 00033896 132.48 10/01/15 15644 CARPENTER PAPER CO C 51 00033897 5,957.80 10/01/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00033898 91.80 10/01/15 24599 DAINES COTTON SHOP C 51 00033899 1,296.00 10/01/15 37150 GREAT BASIN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CORP C 51 00033900 27,642.15 10/01/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00033901 6,601.20 10/01/15 57680 NATIONAL ART & SCHOOL SUPPLIES C 51 00033902 1,089.60 10/01/15 74977 SCHOOL SPECIALTY C 51 00033903 3,480.00 10/01/15 79081 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY C 51 00033904 1,230.00 10/01/15 87649 UNITED HEALTH SUPPLIES DBA EVERYTHING ME C 51 00033905 13,727.20 10/01/15 94680 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY C 51 00033906 3,062.38 10/01/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00033907 500.00 10/01/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00033908 14.94 10/01/15 60941 OFFICE DEPOT C 51 00033909 4,360.35 10/01/15 32971 5 BUCK OREM PARKWAY C 51 00033910 5,461.20 10/01/15 32970 5 BUCK PIZZA C 51 00033911 2,718.30 10/01/15 11508 BLACK JACK PIZZA C 51 00033912 7,681.35 10/01/15 84000 TENNEY'S PIZZA C 51 00033913 1,009.95 10/01/15 73202 S & S WORLDWIDE INC C 51 00033914 22,050.00 10/01/15 71756 RIGHT RESPONSE, LLC C 51 00033915 12,848.91 10/01/15 20440 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN SUPPLY, INC C 51 00033916 111,844.71 10/01/15 87467 UTAH SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOC-FLEX C 51 00033917 60,123.68 10/01/15 87468 UTAH SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOC-FLEX HSA ACCOUN C 51 00033918 241.34 10/01/15 9390 BARNES FINANCIAL SERVICES C 51 00033919 745.98 10/01/15 2152 BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES, PC C 51 00033920 461.59 10/01/15 11909 BONNEVILLE BILLING & COLLECTIN C 51 00033921 363.98 10/01/15 25802 DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES C/O GABE HOOL C 51 00033922 25.02 10/01/15 35590 GENTRY FINANCE C 51 00033923 490.15 10/01/15 1978 HARDMAN RENTALS, LLC C 51 00033924 510.92 10/01/15 43332 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE C 51 00033925 413.15 10/01/15 46491 KNIGHT ADJUSTMENT BUREAU C 51 00033926 55.37 10/01/15 54196 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC C 51 00033927 1,531.37 10/01/15 56374 MOUNTAIN LAND COLLECTIONS INC C 51 00033928 64.57 10/01/15 56721 MOUNTAINLAND LOAN CENTER INC BARTHOLOMEW C 51 00033929 1,222.45 10/01/15 65050 PHEAA C 51 00033930 449.22 10/01/15 2153 RAUSCH, STURM, ISRAEL, ENERSON & HORNIK C 51 00033931 1,154.17 10/01/15 999998 LISA GOVERS C 51 00033931 -1,154.17 10/05/15 999998 LISA GOVERS CV 51 00033932 654.17 10/01/15 82525 TG C 51 00033933 1,070.76 10/01/15 90719 UHEAA C 51 00033934 946.70 10/01/15 89719 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH C 51 00033935 351.82 10/01/15 87462 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL PAYM C 51 00033936 1,008.87 10/01/15 91603 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION C 51 00033937 60,723.93 10/01/15 3554 ALPINE BON UNISERV UTAH EDUCATION ASSOC C 51 00033938 224,544.61 10/01/15 3671 ALPINE CREDIT UNION C 51 00033939 172.27 10/01/15 3870 ALPINE FEDERATION OF TEACHERS C 8 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 51 00033940 450.00 10/01/15 3920 ALPINE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS C 00033941 7,631.49 10/01/15 3760 ALPINE UNISERV C 51 00033942 5,704.07 10/01/15 17893 CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES OFFICE OF RECOVER C 51 00033943 59.00 10/01/15 20960 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES-UT C 51 00033944 26.00 10/01/15 20971 COMMUNITY SHARES/UTAH C 51 00033945 4,926.95 10/01/15 30185 EDUCATORS MUTUAL FLEXIBLE SPENDING C 51 00033946 83,408.16 10/01/15 30165 EDUCATORS MUTUAL INS - DENTAL C 51 00033947 24,084.15 10/01/15 30163 EMI HEALTH C 51 00033948 177.00 10/01/15 33152 FLORIDA STATE DISBRSEMENT UNIT C 51 00033949 1,800.00 10/01/15 24687 HAROLD DANCE INVESTMENTS C 51 00033950 25,438.81 10/01/15 40811 HORACE MANN INSURANCE CO C 51 00033951 335.00 10/01/15 50421 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT C 51 00033952 159,145.09 10/01/15 57687 NATIONAL BENEFIT SERVICE TSA - 403(B) C 51 00033953 350.00 10/01/15 82144 SUNSHINE FUND C 51 00033954 95.00 10/01/15 83927 TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT C 51 00033955 52,051.07 10/01/15 85996 TOTAL DENTAL ADMINISTRATORS C 51 00033956 786.08 10/01/15 90040 UAESP C 51 00033957 1,112.50 10/01/15 90042 UASSP C 51 00033958 616.55 10/01/15 88950 UNITED WAY C 51 00033959 4,019.36 10/01/15 88090 USEA DENTAL CARE C 51 00033960 2,177.39 10/01/15 90880 UTAH INTERLOCAL EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS TRU C 51 00033961 15,730.51 10/01/15 90290 UTAH SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION C 51 00033962 12,398.64 10/01/15 94597 WASHINGTON NATIONAL INS CO C 51 00033963 262.31 10/01/15 94683 WAYNE COUNTY CSEA C 51 00033964 2,166.91 10/01/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033965 50.00 10/01/15 1683 JANIE HOLLIDAY C 51 00033966 5,985.00 10/01/15 2157 READY MADE TRUSSES, INC C 51 00033967 2,849.89 10/05/15 3565 ALPINE CITY C 51 00033968 14,514.92 10/05/15 4804 AMERICAN FORK CITY C 51 00033969 480.54 10/05/15 18695 CITY SANITATION C 51 00033970 135.06 10/05/15 16250 TOWN OF CEDAR FORT C 51 00033971 1,228.82 10/05/15 4804 AMERICAN FORK CITY C 51 00033972 47,502.02 10/06/15 87468 UTAH SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOC-FLEX HSA ACCOUN C 51 00033973 1,549.43 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033974 473.53 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033975 131.49 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033976 2,085.70 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033977 54.48 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033978 75.00 10/08/15 1564 BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00033979 162.00 10/08/15 211 COLEMAN KNITTING MILLS C 51 00033980 660.32 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033981 72.35 10/08/15 25528 DEEP SEVEN ARCHIVE & SHRED C 51 00033982 2,193.90 10/08/15 322 DS PORTRAITS C 51 00033983 2,054.00 10/08/15 29458 EDUCATIONAL TOURS AND TRAVEL CORPORATION C 51 00033984 175.00 10/08/15 2144 IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY C 51 00033985 450.00 10/08/15 602 JILLYN EGAN C 51 00033986 600.00 10/08/15 1921 KEITH DUNTON C 51 00033987 200.00 10/08/15 2145 MARCO VEGA C 51 00033988 400.00 10/08/15 164 MICHAEL BINGHAM C 51 00033989 75.00 10/08/15 468 PARK CITY HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00033990 262.50 10/08/15 195 RUSSELL ANDERSON C 51 00033991 334.64 10/08/15 74025 SAM'S CLUB C 51 00033992 150.00 10/08/15 2146 SAVANAH SMITH C 51 00033993 207.03 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00033994 1,312.59 10/08/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 9 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00033995 51 00033996 51 Amount Date Vendor 65.99 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 11.49 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 00033997 165.00 10/08/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00033998 77.74 10/08/15 74025 SAM'S CLUB C 51 00033999 94.42 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034000 54.45 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034001 294.68 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034002 2,779.97 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034003 303.36 10/08/15 74025 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT C 51 00034004 107.31 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034005 142.86 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034006 352.94 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034007 140.08 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034008 38.58 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034009 44.46 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034010 419.56 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034011 1,381.13 10/08/15 74025 SAM'S CLUB C 51 00034012 21.78 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034013 615.41 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034014 160.11 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034015 145.87 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034016 808.32 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034017 213.63 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034018 176.30 10/08/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00034019 97.82 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034020 21,850.00 10/08/15 78963 SONNTAG RECREATION, LLC C 51 00034021 167.20 10/08/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00034022 2,216.00 10/08/15 370 PTSA - MOUNTAIN RIDGE JR HIGH C 51 00034023 400.00 10/08/15 2112 ASPEN MEDIA WORKS C 51 00034024 1,071.00 10/08/15 67 DONE RITE LINES, LLC C 51 00034025 340.00 10/08/15 1845 JUAN DIEGO CATHOLIC SCHOOL C 51 00034026 5,000.00 10/08/15 69102 KEITH PULHAM PAINTING INC C 51 00034027 1,500.00 10/08/15 245 LANTIS FIREWORKS & LASERS C 51 00034028 2,730.00 10/08/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00034029 757.55 10/08/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00034030 150.00 10/08/15 468 PARK CITY HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034031 1,036.12 10/08/15 711 RIVER MEADOWS SENIOR LIVING CENTER LLC C 51 00034032 34.54 10/08/15 279 SHRED-IT USA, LLC / CINTAS CORP C 51 00034033 168.00 10/08/15 428 SNOW COLLEGE C 51 00034034 4,259.00 10/08/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034035 765.44 10/08/15 521 UWI / UNIFORMS WEST C 51 00034036 50.00 10/08/15 2134 WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY C 51 00034037 700.00 10/08/15 2135 WILL PAGE C 51 00034038 65.00 10/08/15 583 IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK C 51 00034039 411.00 10/08/15 56 SPIRIT MONKEY, LLC C 51 00034040 328.00 10/08/15 470 ADP LEMCO INC C 51 00034041 300.00 10/08/15 76450 MORGAN SHAMY C 51 00034042 165.00 10/08/15 41246 HUMPHRIES INC C 51 00034043 225.00 10/08/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00034044 280.00 10/08/15 15408 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO C 51 00034045 190.97 10/08/15 85288 JOHNSON BROTHERS AKA TIMBERLINE C 51 00034046 223.67 10/08/15 64245 JW PEPPER C 51 00034047 192.00 10/08/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00034048 38.51 10/08/15 60941 OFFICE DEPOT C 51 00034049 2,687.57 10/08/15 99488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. C 10 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034050 51 00034051 1,792.00 10/08/15 429 PTSA - CANYON VIEW JR HIGH C 420.00 10/08/15 26900 DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY 51 C 00034052 50.00 10/08/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034053 2,320.00 10/08/15 88 UTAH'S PERFECT GAME C 51 00034054 150.00 10/08/15 51 WASATCH HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034055 176.30 10/08/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00034056 135.00 10/08/15 4388 AMERICA'S BATTLE OF BOOKS C 51 00034057 115.82 10/08/15 18640 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY C 51 00034058 9,916.50 10/08/15 1464 DEHAAN ENTERPRISES, INC C 51 00034059 105.00 10/08/15 248 LISA'S EMBROIDERY C 51 00034060 250.00 10/08/15 395 MARCHANT DESIGNS C 51 00034061 318.00 10/08/15 247 NORTH LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY C 51 00034062 60.00 10/08/15 2143 ROBERT TYLER BURKETT C 51 00034063 761.46 10/08/15 76654 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS C 51 00034064 100.00 10/08/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034065 800.00 10/08/15 88 UTAH'S PERFECT GAME C 51 00034066 1,435.00 10/08/15 19 UTNGMWR C 51 00034067 859.21 10/08/15 762 WASATCH SCHOLASTIC SERVICES C 51 00034068 5,665.00 10/08/15 25801 DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES OFFICE OF FIN C 51 00034069 7,237.50 10/08/15 40685 HORIZON HOME HEALTH/KIDS C 51 00034070 1,680.00 10/08/15 33040 KAREN F BURNINGHAM FKB ENTERPRISES C 51 00034071 600.00 10/08/15 958 LOYDENE H BERG C 51 00034072 173.26 10/08/15 60941 OFFICE DEPOT C 51 00034073 90.00 10/08/15 9750 AMERICA'S BATTLE OF THE BOOKS C 51 00034074 1,350.00 10/08/15 79679 ST MARY'S COLLEGE OF CA C 51 00034075 73.72 10/08/15 47187 LAMONICA'S REST EQUIP C 51 00034075 -73.72 10/19/15 47187 LAMONICA'S REST EQUIP CV 51 00034076 250.00 10/08/15 32970 5 BUCK PIZZA - OREM C 51 00034077 2,221.05 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034078 4,590.00 10/08/15 81642 SUCCEED PLANNERS & SPECIALTY ITEMS C 51 00034079 1,800.00 10/08/15 91886 UTAH TRAILWAYS C 51 00034080 375.00 10/08/15 1969 COURTNEY LITTLEDIKE C 51 00034081 150.00 10/08/15 1995 JARED EMERICK C 51 00034082 75.00 10/08/15 2137 KAMMON HIATT C 51 00034083 235.00 10/08/15 2096 LYNN HONE C 51 00034084 75.00 10/08/15 2000 MATTHEW MESSERLY C 51 00034085 60.00 10/08/15 2095 WARREN PIERPONT C 51 00034086 200.00 10/08/15 91896 UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY UVU CULTURAL ENVO C 51 00034087 170.00 10/08/15 90042 UASSP C 51 00034088 8,968.00 10/08/15 83019 TASTY BRANDS, LLC C 51 00034089 75.00 10/08/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00034090 864.38 10/08/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00034091 2,439.51 10/08/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00034092 1,542.50 10/08/15 65492 PIONEER MFG. COMPANY C 51 00034093 110.00 10/08/15 67501 PRESS MEDIA C 51 00034094 1,150.00 10/08/15 2150 RICCI PHILLIPS GALVAN C 51 00034095 1,345.50 10/08/15 71734 RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN C 51 00034096 1,695.00 10/08/15 25 SCHOONOVER LANDSCAPING C 51 00034097 125.00 10/08/15 2158 TAYLOR LAMONT C 51 00034098 2,094.65 10/08/15 97 THE INK SPOT C 51 00034099 362.00 10/08/15 87912 UNITED SITE SERVICES C 51 00034100 1,526.00 10/08/15 90558 UTAH FFA ASSOCIATION C 51 00034101 50.00 10/08/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034102 1,440.00 10/08/15 930 VICTORY FUNDRAISING C 51 00034103 445.50 10/08/15 99565 YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN COMPANY C 11 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034104 912.21 10/08/15 45 A.W. MARSHALL COMPANY C 51 00034105 465.73 10/08/15 469 CHRIS MYLER C 51 00034106 45.00 10/08/15 265 HERRIMAN HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034107 378.00 10/08/15 14615 KRIS CALDWELL C 51 00034108 121.70 10/08/15 193 PROVO HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034109 50.00 10/08/15 77390 SKILLS USA UTAH C 51 00034110 35.00 10/08/15 369 UTAH DECA C 51 00034111 55.00 10/08/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00034112 814.74 10/08/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00034113 1,325.75 10/08/15 988 CRAFTWISE C 51 00034114 250.00 10/08/15 2162 OLIVER HERRING C 51 00034115 1,555.00 10/08/15 348 PTSA - MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034116 3,344.38 10/08/15 152 REFPAY TRUST ACCT- BANK OF UTAH C 51 00034117 49.90 10/08/15 82257 SUPERIOR WATER & AIR INC C 51 00034118 60.00 10/08/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00034119 75.00 10/08/15 242 WASATCH THREADS C 51 00034120 3,392.32 10/08/15 152 REFPAY TRUST ACCT- BANK OF UTAH C 51 00034121 3,036.00 10/08/15 367 PTSA - OAK CANYON JR HIGH C 51 00034122 150.00 10/08/15 9811 BEE SHARP COMMUNICATION LLC MIKE COTTOM C 51 00034123 2,018.77 10/08/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00034124 200.00 10/08/15 1418 BRADY STEVENSON C 51 00034125 570.00 10/08/15 352 CHARLES L. COX C 51 00034126 350.00 10/08/15 344 ELAINE GRENKO C 51 00034127 350.00 10/08/15 379 KARSON B. DENNEY C 51 00034128 200.00 10/08/15 2160 NATALIE SHULZ C 51 00034129 200.00 10/08/15 378 RYAN DILELLO C 51 00034130 200.00 10/08/15 343 SEAN MOE C 51 00034131 39.99 10/08/15 82517 T MOBILE - PURCHASING C 51 00034132 450.00 10/08/15 345 TODD WAKEFIELD C 51 00034133 150.00 10/08/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034134 265.00 10/08/15 475 EMILY PAXMAN C 51 00034135 566.28 10/08/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00034136 250.00 10/08/15 682 4G LIMOUSINE SERVICE LLC C 51 00034137 48.69 10/08/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00034138 1,443.02 10/08/15 152 REFPAY TRUST ACCT- BANK OF UTAH C 51 00034139 3,399.45 10/08/15 80050 STANDARD RESTAURANT EQUIP CO C 51 00034140 1,294.89 10/08/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00034141 300.00 10/08/15 688 MINER MUSIC, D.J. C 51 00034142 75.00 10/08/15 2161 ROB HAMBLIN C 51 00034143 156.00 10/08/15 596 DECA, INC C 51 00034144 1,031.16 10/08/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00034145 217.40 10/08/15 33292 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS C 51 00034146 193.00 10/08/15 470 ADP LEMCO INC C 51 00034147 235.46 10/08/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00034148 7,499.00 10/08/15 1479 TALONS COVE GOLF C 51 00034149 12,496.55 10/08/15 47931 LEMON DROP LANE FUNDRAISING C 51 00034150 1,325.00 10/08/15 527 COOKS FARM & GREENHOUSE C 51 00034150 -1,325.00 10/20/15 527 COOKS FARM & GREENHOUSE CV 51 00034151 2,312.08 10/08/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00034151 -2,312.08 10/20/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS CV 51 00034152 69.41 10/08/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00034152 -69.41 10/20/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA CV 51 00034153 15.00 10/08/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034153 -15.00 10/20/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID CV 51 00034154 42.35 10/08/15 25528 DEEP SEVEN ARCHIVE & SHRED C 12 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034155 497.00 10/08/15 470 ADP LEMCO INC C 51 00034156 864.38 10/08/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00034157 225.00 10/08/15 91894 UTAH VALLEY UNIVESITY C 51 00034158 200.00 10/08/15 821 ADVANCED - UTAH C 51 00034159 50.00 10/08/15 472 BYU DAVID M. KENNEDY CENTER C 51 00034160 2,784.70 10/08/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00034161 150.00 10/08/15 468 PARK CITY HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034162 215.79 10/08/15 87912 UNITED SITE SERVICES C 51 00034163 100.00 10/08/15 972 UT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS ADMIN ASSOC C 51 00034164 6,160.00 10/08/15 38891 HARMONY HOME HEALTH SERVICES, LLC C 51 00034165 24.95 10/08/15 82257 SUPERIOR WATER & AIR INC C 51 00034166 70.00 10/08/15 2131 MARTHANNE ARGYLE C 51 00034167 6,438.80 10/08/15 76685 SHI C 51 00034168 4,083.50 10/08/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034169 490.67 10/08/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034170 77.38 10/08/15 47610 LAURA LEFLER C 51 00034171 14.93 10/08/15 60033 MICHELLE NIELSON C 51 00034172 7.00 10/08/15 11116 STEPHANIE BILLIINGS C 51 00034173 70.30 10/08/15 999998 DOUGLAS JOLLEY C 51 00034174 34.00 10/08/15 999998 KARALYN DAVIES C 51 00034175 17.96 10/08/15 999998 MISHA BACA C 51 00034176 38.97 10/08/15 999998 TROY VANKOMEN C 51 00034177 23,653.44 10/08/15 76685 SHI C 51 00034178 3,422.00 10/08/15 80050 STANDARD RESTAURANT EQUIP CO C 51 00034179 231.73 10/08/15 2089 AARON ERICSON C 51 00034180 204.36 10/08/15 44560 ADAM JOHNSON C 51 00034181 99.48 10/08/15 2172 ALLISON LIVENGOOD C 51 00034182 9.04 10/08/15 2165 AMY KING C 51 00034183 460.58 10/08/15 55838 AMY MORRIS C 51 00034184 102.06 10/08/15 2092 ANGELA PEDERSEN C 51 00034185 235.75 10/08/15 863 CALLIE JOHNSON C 51 00034186 198.28 10/08/15 2182 CAROLINE KNADLER C 51 00034187 84.53 10/08/15 83218 CELESTE TAYLOR C 51 00034188 56.35 10/08/15 2091 CHRIS ANTHONY C 51 00034189 25.30 10/08/15 990 COLBY OLIVERSON C 51 00034190 128.29 10/08/15 44622 DAWN JOHNSON C 51 00034191 83.95 10/08/15 6573 DIANE ANDERSON C 51 00034192 273.13 10/08/15 2088 EMMA WORLTON C 51 00034193 294.40 10/08/15 35049 FRANK GARRETT C 51 00034194 91.20 10/08/15 32792 GREG HALL C 51 00034195 20.99 10/08/15 876 JAMES BALDEN C 51 00034196 526.70 10/08/15 99595 JAMES YOUNG C 51 00034197 211.60 10/08/15 45286 JEANETTE KEATE C 51 00034198 124.20 10/08/15 39219 JULIE HART C 51 00034199 68.71 10/08/15 2087 KAYLA ADAIR C 51 00034200 112.21 10/08/15 97067 KAYLA WILKINS C 51 00034201 155.83 10/08/15 563 KELLY BIRD C 51 00034202 139.73 10/08/15 67573 KELLY PRICE C 51 00034203 192.51 10/08/15 40075 KEN HIGGINS C 51 00034204 463.45 10/08/15 46568 KEN KOOP C 51 00034205 174.80 10/08/15 37404 KERRY GRIGUHN C 51 00034206 43.13 10/08/15 31210 KIM ERKKILA C 51 00034207 406.53 10/08/15 62542 KRISTIN PACKER C 51 00034208 198.69 10/08/15 1146 LANI SITAKI C 51 00034209 124.43 10/08/15 56106 LESLIE MOSS C 13 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034210 101.83 10/08/15 2164 LISA WAKEFIELD C 51 00034211 566.46 10/08/15 84980 LORI THORN C 51 00034212 37.95 10/08/15 37972 LYNELLE HAAS C 51 00034213 100.57 10/08/15 2086 MALLORY ROBERTS C 51 00034214 96.03 10/08/15 44031 MARY JACOB C 51 00034215 399.47 10/08/15 886 MELISSA HARRINGTON C 51 00034216 87.40 10/08/15 992 MICHAEL EWELL C 51 00034217 11.79 10/08/15 39218 MICHAEL HART C 51 00034218 89.76 10/08/15 2080 NATALIE RHEA C 51 00034219 144.16 10/08/15 71380 PEGGY RHOADES C 51 00034220 153.24 10/08/15 11177 RAYMOND BIRD C 51 00034221 133.98 10/08/15 40437 REED HODSON C 51 00034222 221.38 10/08/15 9905 REX BECKER C 51 00034223 135.70 10/08/15 78175 ROBERT W SMITH C 51 00034224 255.30 10/08/15 38579 ROBIN HANSEN C 51 00034225 166.75 10/08/15 39784 RYAN HEMMING C 51 00034226 141.45 10/08/15 73574 SALLY SALMANS C 51 00034227 221.95 10/08/15 81814 SCOTT SUMNER C 51 00034228 66.41 10/08/15 865 SHARON KYZER C 51 00034229 114.79 10/08/15 2171 SHAUNA PARKS C 51 00034230 82.86 10/08/15 2181 SPENCER ROUTSON C 51 00034231 168.19 10/08/15 1043 STACI ADAMS C 51 00034232 143.18 10/08/15 73573 STACY SALMANS C 51 00034233 298.43 10/08/15 40620 STARLENE HOLM C 51 00034234 474.03 10/08/15 39393 SUE HAYES C 51 00034235 355.39 10/08/15 44511 SYLVIA JENSON C 51 00034236 267.61 10/08/15 1090 TYLER TRYON C 51 00034237 55.50 10/08/15 37290 BRAD GREENWOOD C 51 00034238 33.98 10/08/15 62929 CHERICE PARK C 51 00034239 138.00 10/08/15 45636 JACKIE KETCHERSID C 51 00034240 13.68 10/08/15 54463 JUDY MILLER C 51 00034241 4.86 10/08/15 36819 LEANN GOWANS C 51 00034242 21.50 10/08/15 18242 LORI CHRISTENSEN C 51 00034243 88.09 10/08/15 12594 MICHELLE BRADY C 51 00034244 103.64 10/08/15 1712 NALENE HILTON C 51 00034245 395.95 10/08/15 52041 PENNY MCCORD C 51 00034246 46.00 10/08/15 2013 RANDY UPTON C 51 00034247 618.86 10/08/15 1857 SANDRA AKAGI C 51 00034248 92.00 10/08/15 861 STEVEN REESE C 51 00034249 75.00 10/08/15 999998 ANDREW MCGARY C 51 00034250 65.00 10/08/15 999998 APRIL JACOBSEN C 51 00034251 111.74 10/08/15 999998 BETHANY JONES C 51 00034252 75.00 10/08/15 999998 CAMI MONK C 51 00034253 76.05 10/08/15 999998 CRYSTAL CLARK C 51 00034254 75.00 10/08/15 999998 DUSTY BOREN C 51 00034255 50.00 10/08/15 999998 HEIDI BIRD C 51 00034256 55.00 10/08/15 999998 HEIDI JOHNSON C 51 00034257 123.96 10/08/15 999998 JAMES PORTER C 51 00034258 75.00 10/08/15 999998 JAMES WHEELER C 51 00034259 170.27 10/08/15 999998 KATHERINE MCCAMAN C 51 00034260 150.00 10/08/15 999998 KELLEY BRANT C 51 00034261 47.00 10/08/15 999998 KIM ROBERTS C 51 00034262 40.88 10/08/15 999998 LANCE PYPER C 51 00034263 47.33 10/08/15 999998 LAUREN MORTENSON C 51 00034264 3.05 10/08/15 999998 LISA GIGUERE C 14 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00034265 51 00034266 51 00034267 51 Amount Date Vendor 6.00 10/08/15 999998 LORELEI SIUFANUA C 91.63 10/08/15 999998 LORI MARTIN C 32.00 10/08/15 999998 LOURDES ARIAS C 00034268 75.00 10/08/15 999998 MARINDA WHITE C 51 00034269 27.82 10/08/15 999998 MICHELLE BURNETT C 51 00034270 148.06 10/08/15 999998 NATALIE WADE C 51 00034271 20.96 10/08/15 999998 PATRICK MOSBACKER C 51 00034272 34.46 10/08/15 999998 STACY COLEY C 51 00034273 175.00 10/08/15 999998 TALESE BAXTER C 51 00034274 15.95 10/08/15 999998 TIKA BONIFACIO C 51 00034275 310.26 10/08/15 999998 WENDY WELLS C 51 00034276 84.00 10/08/15 84877 TIM THOMPSON C 51 00034277 534.75 10/08/15 3080 REPUBLIC SERVICES C 51 00034278 2,880.61 10/08/15 16230 CITY OF CEDAR HILLS C 51 00034279 6,887.79 10/08/15 40193 HIGHLAND CITY C 51 00034280 5,515.76 10/08/15 48445 LINDON CITY C 51 00034281 11,419.78 10/08/15 66168 PLEASANT GROVE CITY UTILITIES C 51 00034282 96,471.13 10/08/15 91081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER C 51 00034283 16,667.06 10/08/15 74225 SARATOGA SPRINGS UTILITIES C 51 00034284 4,563.30 10/08/15 32971 5 BUCK OREM PARKWAY C 51 00034285 5,590.35 10/08/15 32970 5 BUCK PIZZA C 51 00034286 2,779.80 10/08/15 11508 BLACK JACK PIZZA C 51 00034287 7,644.45 10/08/15 84000 TENNEY'S PIZZA C 51 00034288 1,342.00 10/08/15 2490 ALDER SALES CORPORATION C 51 00034289 38.50 10/08/15 649 ANVIL INC C 51 00034290 273.18 10/08/15 11282 BISCO C 51 00034291 4,438.95 10/08/15 14473 CCG HOWELLS C 51 00034292 718.81 10/08/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00034293 285.00 10/08/15 20066 COLLEDGE MACHINE C 51 00034294 157.15 10/08/15 22209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY C 51 00034295 795.08 10/08/15 27921 DCD TRANSFER C 51 00034296 2,439.00 10/08/15 67 DONE RITE LINES, LLC C 51 00034297 7.60 10/08/15 27268 DOUBLE D BOLT C 51 00034298 263,794.40 10/08/15 31340 EVANS GRADER & PAVING INC C 51 00034299 34.18 10/08/15 32257 FASTENAL C 51 00034300 2,448.92 10/08/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00034301 58,753.82 10/08/15 32704 FIELDTURF C 51 00034302 13,031.08 10/08/15 34304 FUELMAN STATE OF UTAH GASCARD C 51 00034303 4,957.25 10/08/15 37151 GREAT BASIN ENGINEERING, INC C 51 00034304 2,092,599.81 10/08/15 40442 HOGAN & ASSOCIATES CONSTRUCTION, INC C 51 00034305 69.13 10/08/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00034306 422.56 10/08/15 43249 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK& SECURITY SUPPLY C 51 00034307 375.51 10/08/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00034308 750,607.56 10/08/15 45565 KENDRICK BROS ROOFING INC C 51 00034309 187.10 10/08/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00034310 1,217.49 10/08/15 50929 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00034311 1,080.50 10/08/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00034312 2,594.35 10/08/15 56723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY C 51 00034313 234.78 10/08/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00034314 68.00 10/08/15 64880 PROFESSIONAL HEATING & AIR INC C 51 00034315 558.68 10/08/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST C 51 00034316 32,250.17 10/08/15 74116 SANDSTROM ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTURE PC C 51 00034317 610.36 10/08/15 76462 SHAW INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00034318 378.15 10/08/15 79620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC C 51 00034319 262.45 10/08/15 80289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE C 15 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 51 00034320 813.05 10/08/15 84948 THOMAS PETROLEUM C 00034321 3,800.00 10/08/15 84875 THOMPSON LOGGING INC C 51 00034322 12.00 10/08/15 85406 TIMPANOGOS SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT C 51 00034323 738,485.00 10/08/15 88112 US MODULAR GROUP, INC C 51 00034324 1,452.61 10/08/15 92160 UTILITY COST MGT CONSULTANTS C 51 00034325 2,135.40 10/08/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00034326 11,487.86 10/08/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00034327 4,900.29 10/08/15 79081 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY C 51 00034328 579.00 10/08/15 470 ADP LEMCO INC C 51 00034329 2,073.30 10/08/15 12601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00034330 2,956.20 10/08/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00034331 1,689.40 10/08/15 34304 FUELMAN STATE OF UTAH GASCARD C 51 00034332 1,224.00 10/08/15 37150 GREAT BASIN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CORP C 51 00034333 3,704.13 10/08/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00034334 1,110.72 10/08/15 48189 LIBERTY FLAGS C 51 00034335 5,886.64 10/08/15 69150 PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS C 51 00034336 3,694.97 10/08/15 69370 QUILL CORP C 51 00034337 12,724.60 10/08/15 79081 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY C 51 00034338 177.12 10/08/15 87649 UNITED HEALTH SUPPLIES DBA EVERYTHING ME C 51 00034339 2,290.00 10/08/15 94680 WAXIE C 51 00034340 1,315.52 10/08/15 4805 AMERICAN FORK CITY C 51 00034341 7,128.43 10/08/15 13609 BRYSON SALES & SERVICE INC C 51 00034342 863.59 10/08/15 23910 CRUS OIL C 51 00034343 97.14 10/08/15 24010 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN LLC C 51 00034344 574.22 10/08/15 34304 FUELMAN STATE OF UTAH GASCARD C 51 00034345 2,377.56 10/08/15 36020 GILLETT DIESEL SERV INC C 51 00034346 24,666.81 10/08/15 43708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC C 51 00034347 1,736.98 10/08/15 43950 JACK'S TIRE & OIL C 51 00034348 548.34 10/08/15 26 JACKSON GROUP PETERBILT C 51 00034349 16,439.49 10/08/15 54467 LARRY H MILLER FORD C 51 00034350 530.00 10/08/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00034351 186.00 10/08/15 1223 NORTHWEST CASCADE, INC C 51 00034352 1,012.00 10/08/15 314 NUSET INDUSTRIES, INC C 51 00034353 359.90 10/08/15 72645 ROMAINE ELECTRIC INC C 51 00034354 1,112.51 10/08/15 81641 SUBURBAN PROPANE -1243 C 51 00034355 65,884.34 10/08/15 84948 THOMAS PETROLEUM C 51 00034356 3.00 10/08/15 1267 UTAH VALLEY PETERBILT C 51 00034357 250.00 10/08/15 93272 VISUAL & WIRELESS SOLUTION LLC C 51 00034358 32.16 10/08/15 96594 WHEELER MACHINERY COMPANY C 51 00034359 991.00 10/08/15 1209 WORKFORCE QA CSS HOLDINGS, LLC C 51 00034360 108,626.21 10/08/15 82500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERV C 51 00034361 147,028.03 10/08/15 82500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERV C 51 00034362 20,980.21 10/08/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00034363 6,500.00 10/08/15 78940 SOLUTION TREE INC C 51 00034364 5,075.29 10/08/15 80050 STANDARD RESTAURANT EQUIP CO C 51 00034365 1,069.91 10/08/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00034366 197.00 10/08/15 66730 A COMPANY INC C 51 00034367 607.34 10/08/15 4961 AMERICAN FORK IRRIGATION CO C 51 00034368 2,296.73 10/08/15 22776 COSTCO 3844/BUS OFFICE C 51 00034369 995.00 10/08/15 30905 EMPLOYER ADVOCATES LLC C 51 00034370 2,337.40 10/08/15 34304 FUELMAN STATE OF UTAH GASCARD C 51 00034371 3,226.10 10/08/15 40675 HOME DEPOT C 51 00034372 2,148.76 10/08/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00034373 5,560.00 10/08/15 2163 JSX, LLC C 51 00034374 486.87 10/08/15 49244 LOWE'S C 16 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034375 463.86 10/08/15 60902 OAKGROVE SCHOOL C 51 00034376 35.00 10/08/15 2175 PECK ROCK WASTE SERVICES C 51 00034377 2,138.45 10/08/15 76889 SIGNS NOW C 51 00034378 13,000.00 10/08/15 73708 SLCC/CROSSROAD AHEC C 51 00034379 27,750.00 10/08/15 79670 SQUIRE & CO PC C 51 00034380 269.82 10/08/15 87310 STILLWATER ACADEMY, LLC C 51 00034381 7,447.81 10/08/15 82084 SUNROC BUILDING MATERIALS C 51 00034382 105.00 10/08/15 999998 LACEY JACKSON - FPO PETTY CASH 51 00034383 2,032.34 10/08/15 90552 UTAH DEPT WORKFORCE SERVICES C 51 00034384 7,773.64 10/08/15 87466 UTAH SCHOOL BOARDS ASSO. C 51 00034385 836,355.21 10/08/15 91600 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION C 51 00034386 61.80 10/08/15 999496 MAUGHAN, ELLIE M C 51 00034387 159.95 10/08/15 999496 PRICE, ASHLEY E C 51 00034388 135.00 10/08/15 999786 BERLIN, SETH H C 51 00034389 45.00 10/08/15 999786 CORDOVA-ARROYO, SAIRA S C 51 00034390 60.00 10/08/15 999786 GONZALEZ, DEREK C 51 00034391 100.00 10/08/15 999786 HAMBY, DANIEL C 51 00034392 210.00 10/08/15 999786 HUNSAKER, STOCKTON W C 51 00034393 20.00 10/08/15 999786 JOHNSON, BEN C C 51 00034394 83.00 10/08/15 999786 NELSON, ALYSSA N C 51 00034395 37.50 10/08/15 999786 RENO, BRIDGETTE C 51 00034396 180.00 10/08/15 999786 RIVEST, JUSTIN N C 51 00034397 25.00 10/08/15 999786 SCHRAMM, ETHAN E C 51 00034398 70.00 10/08/15 999786 SUDI, GRACE M C 51 00034399 7.50 10/08/15 999786 TATE, JUSTIN C 51 00034400 35.00 10/08/15 999786 WEENIG, HAYDEN K C 51 00034401 50.00 10/08/15 999786 WIERSEMA, ANGELICA N C 51 00034402 118.00 10/08/15 999459 RODILES, JORDAN C 51 00034403 15.00 10/08/15 999754 CISNEROS RAMIREZ, YAQUELIN G C 51 00034404 148.00 10/08/15 999754 GREER, SARAH S C 51 00034405 66.20 10/08/15 999417 BUTLER, ISAAC L C 51 00034406 63.76 10/08/15 999417 FETUAO, SIOSIFA D C 51 00034407 17.50 10/08/15 999417 GUYANT, ARIC M C 51 00034408 43.00 10/08/15 999417 KINYON, MCKELL C C 51 00034409 38.73 10/08/15 999417 TURNER, BROOKLYN K C 51 00034410 70.00 10/08/15 999441 PARKER, TADEN A C 51 00034411 146.72 10/08/15 999737 DOAKE, ZOEL S C 51 00034412 91.50 10/08/15 999411 THOMPSON, ALYSSA M C 51 00034413 117.62 10/08/15 22778 COSTCO 3530/TRANS C 51 00034414 75.00 10/09/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00034415 4,608.00 10/09/15 97209 REX W WILLIAMS & SONS INC C 51 00034416 90.00 10/09/15 9750 AMERICA'S BATTLE OF THE BOOKS C 51 00034417 482.68 10/09/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034418 472.12 10/09/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034419 6,624.00 10/09/15 1169 FONDELL WOODWORK, INC C 51 00034420 2,591.03 10/09/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034421 523.70 10/09/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034422 167.20 10/09/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00034423 701.00 10/09/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034424 76,910.40 10/09/15 22775 *COSTCO C 51 00034425 626.93 10/09/15 22767 COSTCO 2416/PURCH C 51 00034426 2,609.28 10/09/15 82155 SUNSTONE POTTERY C 51 00034427 48,069.13 10/09/15 45460 KELLY SERVICES INC. C 51 00034428 19,772.25 10/09/15 12601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00034429 2,060.10 10/09/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C C 17 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034430 51 00034431 17,719.03 10/09/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 2,590.00 10/09/15 97209 REX W WILLIAMS & SONS INC 51 C 00034432 125,411.50 10/09/15 483 A & Z PRODUCE C 51 00034433 25.00 10/09/15 999704 BASS, KATELYN R C 51 00034434 5.00 10/09/15 999704 DOBSON, AUBRIANNE R C 51 00034435 52.50 10/09/15 999704 KIMBALL, RACHAEL C 51 00034436 5.00 10/09/15 999704 LAMB, REEGAN H C 51 00034437 15.00 10/09/15 999704 MCBRIDE, ASHLEE B C 51 00034438 25.00 10/09/15 999704 MEACHAM, SYDNEE L C 51 00034439 22.50 10/09/15 999704 MIXAYBOUA, DAHLA L C 51 00034440 20.00 10/09/15 999704 NEBEKER, MCKENZIE C 51 00034441 2.50 10/09/15 999704 NELSON, ELIZA C 51 00034442 47.50 10/09/15 999735 AGBAMEY, DEREK E C 51 00034443 15.00 10/09/15 999735 FIX, SPENCER G C 51 00034444 5.00 10/09/15 999735 FJELLSTROM, BRIANNA R C 51 00034445 5.00 10/09/15 999735 FLEGAL, JAEDEN S C 51 00034446 10.00 10/09/15 999735 FORSTER, ASPEN M C 51 00034447 5.00 10/09/15 999735 FOWLER, GAVIN D C 51 00034448 2.50 10/09/15 999735 FRAMPTON, MCKINZIE H C 51 00034449 35.00 10/09/15 999735 FRAUGHTON, TANNER W C 51 00034450 30.00 10/09/15 999735 GRAMSE, BRYAN L C 51 00034451 25.00 10/09/15 999735 GRAY, MADYSON B C 51 00034452 50.00 10/09/15 999735 GRAY, RHIANNON T C 51 00034453 5.00 10/09/15 999735 GRAY, ZANE T C 51 00034454 5.00 10/09/15 999735 GREENFIELD, DANIEL M C 51 00034455 17.50 10/09/15 999735 GREENWOOD, AUBRIE C 51 00034456 15.00 10/09/15 999735 GREER, JOSHUA A C 51 00034457 47.50 10/09/15 999735 GROVER, MAYA S C 51 00034458 10.00 10/09/15 999735 GUERCIO, NOAH C 51 00034459 5.00 10/09/15 999735 GUNN, TAYLAR D C 51 00034460 12.50 10/09/15 999735 GUYMON, JUSTIN D C 51 00034461 20.00 10/09/15 999735 HACKING, HAILEY L C 51 00034462 5.00 10/09/15 999735 HADFIELD, DEREK R C 51 00034463 50.00 10/09/15 999735 HAIR, JOE L C 51 00034464 2.50 10/09/15 999735 HALES, EMILY C 51 00034465 17.50 10/09/15 999735 HALL, DAWSON B C 51 00034466 5.00 10/09/15 999735 HALL, TRENTON C C 51 00034467 10.00 10/09/15 999735 HALLIDAY, EASTON B C 51 00034468 30.00 10/09/15 999735 HANKES, DEVYN D C 51 00034469 5.00 10/09/15 999735 HANSEN, ALEXIS C 51 00034470 20.00 10/09/15 999735 HANSMANN, JEREMY T C 51 00034471 20.00 10/09/15 999735 HANYON, BAILEY C C 51 00034472 5.00 10/09/15 999735 HARDY, CODY S C 51 00034473 20.00 10/09/15 999735 HARISAY, ALLYSON C 51 00034474 15.00 10/09/15 999735 HARMON, ALEXANDER R C 51 00034475 20.00 10/09/15 999735 HARRIS, KAELEN D C 51 00034476 45.00 10/09/15 999735 HARTVIGSEN, SUMMER R C 51 00034477 10.00 10/09/15 999735 HAWS, MACKENZIE C 51 00034478 27.50 10/09/15 999735 HAYS, DYLAN M C 51 00034479 15.00 10/09/15 999735 HERD, MCKAYLIE A C 51 00034480 10.00 10/09/15 999735 HILL, BRODY M C 51 00034481 5.00 10/09/15 999735 HOGGAN, MCKENZIE C 51 00034482 25.00 10/09/15 999735 HOLT, MATTHEW E C 51 00034483 20.00 10/09/15 999735 HORTON, BROOKLYNN R C 51 00034484 30.00 10/09/15 999735 HOWARD, JACI K C 18 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00034485 51 00034486 51 Amount Date Vendor 55.00 10/09/15 999735 ISAACSON, SHAUSTIA M C 7.50 10/09/15 999735 ISHII, KANA C 00034487 10.00 10/09/15 999735 JACKLIN, KYLIE A C 51 00034488 10.00 10/09/15 999735 JACOB, JARED M C 51 00034489 25.00 10/09/15 999735 JAN, MIAH R C 51 00034490 25.00 10/09/15 999735 JARMAN, EMMA R C 51 00034491 5.00 10/09/15 999735 JENKINS, CHLOE M C 51 00034492 6.00 10/09/15 999735 JENKINS, JENNICA L C 51 00034493 10.00 10/09/15 999735 JENSEN, JORDON L C 51 00034494 20.00 10/09/15 999735 JENSEN, PAYTEN C C 51 00034495 5.00 10/09/15 999735 JENSEN, SHANTEL M C 51 00034496 20.00 10/09/15 999735 JENSON, MAKAYLA A C 51 00034497 110.00 10/09/15 999735 JOHNSON, BRYSON T C 51 00034498 5.00 10/09/15 999735 JOHNSON, HALEY B C 51 00034499 10.00 10/09/15 999735 JOHNSON, JESSIE S C 51 00034500 5.00 10/09/15 999735 JOHNSON, SAMANTHA J C 51 00034501 57.50 10/09/15 999735 JOHNSTON, MARLIESE C 51 00034502 10.00 10/09/15 999735 JONES, ANDREW M C 51 00034503 25.00 10/09/15 999735 JONES, BIANCA S C 51 00034504 85.00 10/09/15 999735 JONES, BRAKER D C 51 00034505 70.00 10/09/15 999735 JONSON, KENYA C 51 00034506 10.00 10/09/15 999735 JUDD, KATIE A C 51 00034507 22.50 10/09/15 999735 KARR, BRITTANY C 51 00034508 10.00 10/09/15 999735 KELLEY, ETHAN T C 51 00034509 20.00 10/09/15 999735 KETTENRING, CALEB J C 51 00034510 5.00 10/09/15 999735 KILLPACK, SAFIRE C 51 00034511 10.00 10/09/15 999735 KLEINSMITH, JACK B C 51 00034512 2.50 10/09/15 999735 KRAMER, ANTHONY R C 51 00034513 60.00 10/09/15 999735 KUNZ, MADYLEE A C 51 00034514 5.00 10/09/15 999735 LABRUM, KYLIE L C 51 00034515 10.00 10/09/15 999735 LANG, MORITZ C 51 00034516 20.00 10/09/15 999735 LARE, ARIANA C 51 00034517 25.00 10/09/15 999735 LARSEN, CADE S C 51 00034518 164.00 10/09/15 999735 LEMON, MATTHEW T C 51 00034519 95.00 10/09/15 999735 LEWIS, MCKINSIE J C 51 00034520 50.00 10/09/15 999735 LIVINGSTON, JACKSON E C 51 00034521 30.00 10/09/15 999735 LIVINGSTON, RILEY C C 51 00034522 67.50 10/09/15 999735 LOPER, STEFAN C C 51 00034523 5.00 10/09/15 999735 LOTT, MITCHELL D C 51 00034524 90.00 10/09/15 999735 MACARTHUR, NOAH M C 51 00034525 42.50 10/09/15 999735 MADDEN, ADRIANA L C 51 00034526 55.00 10/09/15 999735 MARTIN, DALLIN T C 51 00034527 5.00 10/09/15 999735 MARTIN, GARISON J C 51 00034528 35.00 10/09/15 999735 MARTINEZ, CANELA C C 51 00034529 5.00 10/09/15 999735 MARTINEZ, SAVANNAH C 51 00034530 25.00 10/09/15 999735 MARZ, WILLIAM A C 51 00034531 15.00 10/09/15 999735 MATHIS, MCKENNA C 51 00034532 15.00 10/09/15 999735 MATUTE, DAVID E C 51 00034533 5.00 10/09/15 999735 MAY, KATHERINE M C 51 00034534 5.00 10/09/15 999735 MCADAMS, BRYSON M C 51 00034535 12.50 10/09/15 999735 MCCANN, ADISON K C 51 00034536 15.00 10/09/15 999735 MEDINGER, RILEY G C 51 00034537 15.00 10/09/15 999735 MELEEN, HUNTER A C 51 00034538 5.00 10/09/15 999735 MELLOR, JOSHUA C C 51 00034539 7.50 10/09/15 999735 MENDEZ, DIANA A C 19 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00034540 51 00034541 51 Amount Date Vendor 67.50 10/09/15 999735 MICHALEK, KELSI A C 7.50 10/09/15 999735 MILLER, HOPE J C 00034542 10.00 10/09/15 999735 MITCHELL, GREGORY M C 51 00034543 10.00 10/09/15 999735 MONSON, SAMUEL A C 51 00034544 12.50 10/09/15 999735 MOORE, SAVANNAH R C 51 00034545 5.00 10/09/15 999735 MORRILL, BRANDON B C 51 00034546 60.00 10/09/15 999735 MORRIS, CONLEY M C 51 00034547 20.00 10/09/15 999735 MULHOLLAND, DESSAMOND E C 51 00034548 20.00 10/09/15 999735 MUNSON, PEYTON C 51 00034549 5.00 10/09/15 999735 MURDOCK, MARISSA R C 51 00034550 10.00 10/09/15 999735 MURIE, KAMI C 51 00034551 15.00 10/09/15 999735 NELSON, MADELINE J C 51 00034552 20.00 10/09/15 999735 NEWBOLD, ASHTYN M C 51 00034553 75.00 10/09/15 999735 NIELSON, NOAH J C 51 00034554 10.00 10/09/15 999735 NOFCHISSEY, JACOB D C 51 00034555 15.00 10/09/15 999735 NOLAND, JOSIE M C 51 00034556 35.00 10/09/15 999735 NOORDA, MADISON M C 51 00034557 15.00 10/09/15 999735 NORMAN, MEGAN M C 51 00034558 85.00 10/09/15 999735 NORTON, CALORA L C 51 00034559 90.00 10/09/15 999735 NORTON, GARRISON L C 51 00034560 60.00 10/09/15 999735 OLSEN, AUDREY N C 51 00034561 10.00 10/09/15 999735 OLSEN, PARKER D C 51 00034562 10.00 10/09/15 999735 ORDUNA, ASHLEY C 51 00034563 5.00 10/09/15 999735 OSBORNE, DAKOTA C 51 00034564 95.00 10/09/15 999735 OWEN, MAQUEL L C 51 00034565 75.00 10/09/15 999735 OWENS, JOSHUA A C 51 00034566 10.00 10/09/15 999735 PAAS, BRAXTON M C 51 00034567 7.50 10/09/15 999735 PAGE, COLBY W C 51 00034568 22.50 10/09/15 999735 PARASHAR, SUKRAT C 51 00034569 5.00 10/09/15 999735 PARRY, SHAE L C 51 00034570 15.00 10/09/15 999735 PARTRIDGE, KATIE C 51 00034571 15.00 10/09/15 999735 PAYNE, SARAH E C 51 00034572 7.50 10/09/15 999735 PENDLETON, TARA N C 51 00034573 65.00 10/09/15 999735 PENDREY, ADDISSYN C 51 00034574 15.00 10/09/15 999735 PENROD, TYLLER L C 51 00034575 22.50 10/09/15 999735 PETERSEN, EMILY E C 51 00034576 40.00 10/09/15 999735 PETERSEN, JOHN T C 51 00034577 12.50 10/09/15 999735 PETERSON, JERIKA L C 51 00034578 5.00 10/09/15 999735 PETERSON, RILEY S C 51 00034579 25.00 10/09/15 999735 PETERSON, SKYLAR N C 51 00034580 7.50 10/09/15 999735 PHILLIPS, CHELSEA C C 51 00034581 15.00 10/09/15 999735 PIA, PAIZLEE C 51 00034582 5.00 10/09/15 999735 PITTARD, BRADEN K C 51 00034583 5.00 10/09/15 999735 PLATT, KRISTOPHER R C 51 00034584 10.00 10/09/15 999735 POPE, MICHAEL M C 51 00034585 7.50 10/09/15 999735 PRICE, BENJAMIN C C 51 00034586 25.00 10/09/15 999735 PULLEY, TADAN L C 51 00034587 30.00 10/09/15 999735 PURTSCHERT, BRAYDEN D C 51 00034588 50.00 10/09/15 999735 RANDALL, RYLIE A C 51 00034589 130.00 10/09/15 999735 RAWLE, SAVANNAH E C 51 00034590 10.00 10/09/15 999735 RAY, DOMINIK A C 51 00034591 12.50 10/09/15 999735 REECE, HALEY E C 51 00034592 20.00 10/09/15 999735 REEVES, JESSICA J C 51 00034593 25.00 10/09/15 999735 RENCHER, DANIEL C 51 00034594 5.00 10/09/15 999735 RENCHER, JOSHUA C 20 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00034595 51 00034596 51 Amount Date Vendor 90.00 10/09/15 999735 RIASCOS, NATHALIA F C 10.00 10/09/15 999735 RICHARDS, JORDAN B C 00034597 60.00 10/09/15 999735 RICHARDSON, JESSICA B C 51 00034598 95.00 10/09/15 999735 RICHARDSON, TANNER B C 51 00034599 7.50 10/09/15 999735 RICHINS, HANNAH L C 51 00034600 20.00 10/09/15 999735 RICHINS, NICOLE K C 51 00034601 7.50 10/09/15 999735 RIVERA, KATHERINE N C 51 00034602 5.00 10/09/15 999735 ROBERTS, JACOB C C 51 00034603 10.00 10/09/15 999735 ROBERTSON, COLIN B C 51 00034604 15.00 10/09/15 999735 ROBINSON, MACKENZIE N C 51 00034605 10.00 10/09/15 999735 ROMRELL, KAYLEE C 51 00034606 45.00 10/09/15 999735 ROWLAND, ELIZABETH A C 51 00034607 10.00 10/09/15 999735 RUSSELL, JAMES G C 51 00034608 15.00 10/09/15 999735 RUSSO, DAMIAN S C 51 00034609 10.00 10/09/15 999735 RUSSON, MATTHEW J C 51 00034610 80.00 10/09/15 999735 SABIN, ASHLEIGH T C 51 00034611 45.00 10/09/15 999735 SABIN, SAMUEL H C 51 00034612 5.00 10/09/15 999735 SAMPSON, NIKAYLA N C 51 00034613 45.00 10/09/15 999735 SANCHEZ, DANIEL C 51 00034614 25.00 10/09/15 999735 SANDERS, RILEY C 51 00034615 15.00 10/09/15 999735 SATIOGLU, JAMES A C 51 00034616 25.00 10/09/15 999735 SAWYER, SHEA N C 51 00034617 35.00 10/09/15 999735 SCHAEFERMEYER, NAKAI N C 51 00034618 40.00 10/09/15 999735 SCHENK, CAMERON G C 51 00034619 125.00 10/09/15 999735 SCHLAPPI, SARAH M C 51 00034620 75.00 10/09/15 999735 SCHMIDT, MARCUS C 51 00034621 5.00 10/09/15 999735 SCHOLES, JADON C C 51 00034622 12.50 10/09/15 999735 SCHOONOVER, SAVANNAH L C 51 00034623 15.00 10/09/15 999735 SEARLE, MELISSA S C 51 00034624 15.00 10/09/15 999735 SENGPASEUTH, NINA C 51 00034625 10.00 10/09/15 999735 SENNINGER, TREVER D C 51 00034626 12.50 10/09/15 999735 SHANKS, DYLAN J C 51 00034627 20.00 10/09/15 999735 SHARP, MARLI D C 51 00034628 32.00 10/09/15 999735 SHAVER-HOLDBROOK, TRAE A C 51 00034629 5.00 10/09/15 999735 SHUPE, MCKINLEY C C 51 00034630 20.00 10/09/15 999735 SIBERT, TANNER R C 51 00034631 5.00 10/09/15 999735 SMITH, ALLISON A C 51 00034632 32.50 10/09/15 999735 SMITH, EASTON M C 51 00034633 5.00 10/09/15 999735 SMITH, JAXON T C 51 00034634 10.00 10/09/15 999735 SMITH, KAITLYN N C 51 00034635 15.00 10/09/15 999735 SMITH, SAMANTHA PEG C 51 00034636 10.00 10/09/15 999735 SMITH, STEPHANIE A C 51 00034637 10.00 10/09/15 999735 SOLOMON, SAMUEL G C 51 00034638 45.00 10/09/15 999735 SORENSEN, JAXON L C 51 00034639 25.00 10/09/15 999735 SOSA, ROXANA N C 51 00034640 25.00 10/09/15 999735 SOUTHARD, BRENTON J C 51 00034641 5.00 10/09/15 999735 SQUIRE, SADIE A C 51 00034642 10.00 10/09/15 999735 STAMBAUGH, ZACHARY K C 51 00034643 12.50 10/09/15 999735 STEADMAN, BRANDON M C 51 00034644 7.50 10/09/15 999735 STOUT, AMY E C 51 00034645 10.00 10/09/15 999735 STRICKLING, JAYDEN C C 51 00034646 30.00 10/09/15 999735 SUNDERLAND, SAMUEL R C 51 00034647 10.00 10/09/15 999735 SUNDQUIST, TAYLOR C 51 00034648 5.00 10/09/15 999735 SWENSON, SHAYLEE C 51 00034649 5.00 10/09/15 999735 TEW, HEIDI R C 21 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00034650 51 00034651 51 00034652 51 Amount Date Vendor 40.00 10/09/15 999735 WATTS, EMMA M 3,180.00 10/13/15 87476 USOE C 57,660.28 10/13/15 1810 VALIC C 00034653 324.03 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034654 760.93 10/14/15 74683 SCHOLASTIC INC C 51 00034655 2,505.22 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034656 328.69 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034657 771.67 10/14/15 22777 COSTCO 5231/ED SER C 51 00034658 33.37 10/14/15 22782 COSTCO 3652/SE C 51 00034659 34,767.52 10/14/15 38441 HAND 2 HEART INC C 51 00034660 1,650.00 10/14/15 2174 NEUROLOGY LEARNING & BEHAVIOR CENTER C 51 00034661 2,939.00 10/14/15 62110 OTICON C 51 00034662 157.39 10/14/15 65120 PHONAK C 51 00034663 1,188.63 10/14/15 82518 T MOBILE SP ED C 51 00034664 108,523.00 10/14/15 90409 UTAH COUNTY AUDITOR C 51 00034665 3,433.98 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034666 110.00 10/14/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00034667 463.93 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034668 60.00 10/14/15 954 DARILYN ZABRISKIE C 51 00034669 65.33 10/14/15 2159 GLASSDOCTOR C 51 00034670 360.00 10/14/15 641 HOSA - FUTURE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS C 51 00034671 156.00 10/14/15 56715 MOUNTAINLAND APPLIED C 51 00034672 1,680.00 10/14/15 490 QUICKSTOVE, LLC C 51 00034673 4,700.00 10/14/15 2167 URBAN TENT MEDIA LLC C 51 00034674 15.00 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034675 385.00 10/14/15 91455 UTAH STATE HOSA C 51 00034676 30.76 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034677 188.88 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034678 48.28 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034679 1,150.58 10/14/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00034680 333.99 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034681 84.93 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034682 176.14 10/14/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00034683 156.24 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034684 176.14 10/14/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00034685 232.59 10/14/15 37409 ANNIKA GRIMES C 51 00034686 758.68 10/14/15 69111 BRITTANY PULLEY C 51 00034687 14.55 10/14/15 6432 CHELSEA M ANDERSON C 51 00034688 44.85 10/14/15 55676 CHERY MORGAN C 51 00034689 207.00 10/14/15 78117 DAVID H SMITH C 51 00034690 43.41 10/14/15 44578 DEBRA JOHANSSON C 51 00034691 264.90 10/14/15 2190 DENISE LUND C 51 00034692 34.62 10/14/15 32214 DEREK FARNES C 51 00034693 384.68 10/14/15 36509 DOUG GOLDING C 51 00034694 76.88 10/14/15 85002 E J THORNTON C 51 00034695 396.46 10/14/15 41184 ELAINE HULBERT C 51 00034696 162.15 10/14/15 48079 JASON JESSE LEWIS C 51 00034697 79.93 10/14/15 2193 JILL ALLEN C 51 00034698 124.78 10/14/15 32508 KAREN FENDT C 51 00034699 345.58 10/14/15 13590 KENLEY BROWN C 51 00034700 68.14 10/14/15 96719 LARRY WHITE C 51 00034701 264.50 10/14/15 35739 LYNN GERRATT C 51 00034702 162.38 10/14/15 2200 MARTIN LANGWORTHY C 51 00034703 86.71 10/14/15 38565 MIKE HANSEN C 51 00034704 148.93 10/14/15 38190 NANCY HALE C C TECHNOLOGY CENTER 22 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034705 435.28 10/14/15 2047 RACHEL LUNT C 51 00034706 313.41 10/14/15 1706 SCOTT RIPPLE C 51 00034707 116.15 10/14/15 2201 TODD DAWSON C 51 00034708 245.53 10/14/15 85145 TOM TILLMAN C 51 00034709 56.06 10/14/15 77781 VICKI SKINNER C 51 00034710 1,584.59 10/14/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00034711 320.00 10/14/15 53882 METAL ARTS FOUNDARY INC C 51 00034712 46.00 10/14/15 41312 BILL HUNTER C 51 00034713 312.00 10/14/15 26658 CAMERON DICKSON C 51 00034714 96.00 10/14/15 1532 CYNDI HARDMAN C 51 00034715 217.80 10/14/15 45315 JUSTIN KEETCH C 51 00034716 52.00 10/14/15 999998 AGNES BROBERG C 51 00034717 17.65 10/14/15 999998 BENJAMIN WOOD C 51 00034718 11.00 10/14/15 999998 BRYNN LOSEE C 51 00034719 71.11 10/14/15 999998 CATHY GATENBY C 51 00034720 26.60 10/14/15 999998 CHAD FAUSETT C 51 00034721 52.34 10/14/15 999998 DAVID FAIRES C 51 00034722 12.99 10/14/15 999998 DEBBIE ELDREDGE C 51 00034723 25.00 10/14/15 999998 DOMINIQUE CHRISTOFFERSEN C 51 00034724 50.00 10/14/15 999998 FRANCYNE DEGRAW C 51 00034725 14.00 10/14/15 999998 HEIDI ROWLEY C 51 00034726 321.10 10/14/15 999998 JAMES CLARK C 51 00034727 10.00 10/14/15 999998 JAMIE ISAACSON C 51 00034728 79.93 10/14/15 999998 JAMIE MADSEN C 51 00034729 56.34 10/14/15 999998 JENNA FLOOD C 51 00034730 130.00 10/14/15 999998 JOSHUA CORNIA C 51 00034731 18.25 10/14/15 999998 KAREN GINGRAS C 51 00034732 100.00 10/14/15 999998 KYLIE ROTH C 51 00034733 45.86 10/14/15 999998 LIZ SWALBERG C 51 00034734 11.75 10/14/15 999998 MARY HACKETT C 51 00034735 150.00 10/14/15 999998 MICHAEL MALOUF C 51 00034736 22.11 10/14/15 999998 SARAH KATOA C 51 00034737 53.99 10/14/15 999998 SCOTT GLENN C 51 00034738 58.00 10/14/15 84877 TIM THOMPSON C 51 00034739 12.00 10/14/15 63895 TRENT PEHRSON C 51 00034740 37,366.10 10/14/15 3080 REPUBLIC SERVICES C 51 00034741 840.00 10/14/15 36629 BRET GOODWIN C 51 00034742 54.80 10/14/15 87456 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC C 51 00034743 5,887.09 10/14/15 28238 EAGLE MOUNTAIN CITY UTILITIES C 51 00034744 129,510.64 10/14/15 47686 LEHI CITY CORP C 51 00034745 22,434.80 10/14/15 61689 OREM CITY CORP UTILITIES C 51 00034746 6,781.29 10/14/15 69322 QUESTAR GAS C 51 00034747 151,006.93 10/14/15 91081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER C 51 00034748 1,953.52 10/14/15 93253 VINEYARD TOWN OF C 51 00034749 4,606.35 10/14/15 32971 5 BUCK OREM PARKWAY C 51 00034750 5,916.30 10/14/15 32970 5 BUCK PIZZA C 51 00034751 2,792.10 10/14/15 11508 BLACK JACK PIZZA C 51 00034752 8,062.65 10/14/15 84000 TENNEY'S PIZZA C 51 00034753 120.00 10/14/15 8530 AUTOMATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS C 51 00034754 1,383.80 10/14/15 239 MAD SCREEN PRINTING C 51 00034755 1,619.49 10/14/15 276 FRED OLSEN C 51 00034756 24.80 10/14/15 3248 ALLRED'S ACE HARDWARE HIGHLAND BRANCH C 51 00034757 307.87 10/14/15 23029 CRAFT SUPPLIES USA C 51 00034758 55.00 10/14/15 40675 HOME DEPOT C 51 00034759 65.83 10/14/15 64245 JW PEPPER C 23 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034760 192.00 10/14/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00034761 6.69 10/14/15 60941 OFFICE DEPOT C 51 00034762 131.12 10/14/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00034763 930.00 10/14/15 81637 SUB ZERO ICE CREAM INC C 51 00034764 603.90 10/14/15 84402 TEXTILE TEAM OUTLET & DESIGN C 51 00034765 111.00 10/14/15 86590 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFTS INC C 51 00034766 1,377.00 10/14/15 744 ALTAVIEW CONCRETE / KILGORE CO C 51 00034767 437.68 10/14/15 649 ANVIL INC C 51 00034768 206.43 10/14/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00034769 601.81 10/14/15 30601 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY C 51 00034770 50.25 10/14/15 32257 FASTENAL C 51 00034771 71.13 10/14/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00034772 590.40 10/14/15 35564 GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS C 51 00034773 5,241.33 10/14/15 37221 GREAT WESTERN SUPPLY, INC C 51 00034774 33.95 10/14/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00034775 839.33 10/14/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00034776 99.00 10/14/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00034777 63.30 10/14/15 56723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY C 51 00034778 430.00 10/14/15 60920 OASIS STAGE WERKS C 51 00034779 230.00 10/14/15 61118 OLSEN CRANE C 51 00034780 46.23 10/14/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00034781 140.97 10/14/15 64867 PROFESSIONAL CABLE, LLC C 51 00034782 227.96 10/14/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST C 51 00034783 484.50 10/14/15 85097 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR C 51 00034784 3,565.80 10/14/15 554 ABBEY INN C 51 00034785 1,225.00 10/14/15 419 ANDERSOUND, LLC C 51 00034786 158.00 10/14/15 55 ANYTIME SERVICES C 51 00034787 1,505.00 10/14/15 34 BACKSTAGE DANCEWEAR, INC C 51 00034788 975.00 10/14/15 1931 CFS WEST LLC C 51 00034789 1,200.00 10/14/15 2166 CHARLEY JENKINS BAND C 51 00034790 776.00 10/14/15 211 COLEMAN KNITTING MILLS C 51 00034790 -776.00 10/23/15 211 COLEMAN KNITTING MILLS CV 51 00034791 3,387.24 10/14/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00034792 132.86 10/14/15 53886 METALMART INC C 51 00034793 1,786.00 10/14/15 1963 PHILM GEAR, INC C 51 00034794 2,842.00 10/14/15 431 PTSA - LEHI HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034795 30.00 10/14/15 428 SNOW COLLEGE C 51 00034796 370.00 10/14/15 89083 UNIVERSAL ATHLETICS C 51 00034797 50.00 10/14/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034798 30.00 10/14/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00034799 412.00 10/14/15 521 UWI / UNIFORMS WEST C 51 00034800 587.50 10/14/15 51 WASATCH HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034801 19,998.75 10/14/15 39859 HERFF JONES C 51 00034802 71.91 10/14/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00034803 398.99 10/14/15 64245 JW PEPPER C 51 00034804 150.00 10/14/15 167 KELSIE BARNES C 51 00034805 795.00 10/14/15 81795 SUMMERHAYS MUSIC CENTER C 51 00034806 218.00 10/14/15 505 THE RANCHES GOLF CLUB C 51 00034807 3,500.00 10/14/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00034808 1,375.00 10/14/15 34168 AMERICA'S FREEDOM FESTIVAL C 51 00034809 825.37 10/14/15 28671 ECOLAB INC C 51 00034810 244.68 10/14/15 43402 I STITCH C 51 00034811 2,370.00 10/14/15 65359 PIERRE FOODS INC C 51 00034812 282.50 10/14/15 2124 HOPPY TAW ENTERPRISES LLC C 51 00034813 246.05 10/14/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 24 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 51 00034814 738.15 10/14/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 00034815 2,197.44 10/14/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00034816 1,950.00 10/14/15 33715 FOWLER SERVICE C 51 00034817 60.00 10/14/15 2185 JASMINE QUINTON C 51 00034818 750.00 10/14/15 185 SPRINGVILLE HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00034819 144.00 10/14/15 79665 SRC UTAH LLC C 51 00034820 195.00 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034821 15.00 10/14/15 14095 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL IDENT C 51 00034822 199.00 10/14/15 686 REVEL MEDIA GROUP, INC C 51 00034823 45.00 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034824 40.00 10/14/15 672 UWBCA - UT WOMENS BASKETBALL COACHES C 51 00034825 69,667.00 10/14/15 39861 HERFF JONES YEARBOOK C 51 00034826 2,996.00 10/14/15 603 PLEASANT GROVE RECREATION C 51 00034827 3,648.78 10/14/15 152 REFPAY TRUST ACCT- BANK OF UTAH C 51 00034828 150.00 10/14/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00034829 118.12 10/14/15 99281 XEROX CORPORATION C 51 00034830 15.00 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034831 225.00 10/14/15 97140 SUSAN WILSON C 51 00034832 245.00 10/14/15 1058 MATTHEW J MARSHALL C 51 00034833 150.00 10/14/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00034834 2,347.07 10/14/15 2169 51 00034835 32.00 10/14/15 17261 CERTIFIED SHRED INC C 51 00034836 5,232.00 10/14/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00034837 1,162.90 10/14/15 710 IMAGE WEAR INC C 51 00034838 249.00 10/14/15 52293 MCNEIL PRINTING C 51 00034839 539.55 10/14/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00034840 1,600.00 10/14/15 71090 REEL CUT LAWN CARE C 51 00034841 5,600.00 10/14/15 1273 SCOREBOARD SPORTS C 51 00034842 455.00 10/14/15 496 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH DEPT OF COMMUNICATION C 51 00034843 60.00 10/14/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00034844 4,398.07 10/14/15 92560 VALLEY BUSINESS MACHINES C 51 00034845 52.42 10/14/15 279 SHRED-IT USA, LLC / CINTAS CORP C 51 00034846 180.00 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034847 1,600.00 10/14/15 538 GREAT ARTIST PROGRAM C 51 00034848 15.00 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034849 50.00 10/14/15 2176 UTAH ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THEATRE TEACHER C 51 00034850 150.00 10/14/15 310 TREASURE TOWER REWARDS C 51 00034851 7,200.00 10/14/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00034852 110.00 10/14/15 959 INTERWEST INTERPRETING C 51 00034853 162.62 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034854 1,200.00 10/14/15 503 PTSA - FRONTIER MIDDLE SCHOOL C 51 00034855 5,000.00 10/14/15 7765 ASPEN REAL ESTATE TRUST ACCT C 51 00034856 7,061.51 10/14/15 14089 BURBIDGE & WHITE LLC C 51 00034857 46.00 10/14/15 94314 CHELL WARNER C 51 00034858 1,364.00 10/14/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00034859 4,200.00 10/14/15 2186 HALES ENGINEERING C 51 00034860 166.00 10/14/15 2192 PTA - RIVER ROCK ELEMENTARY C 51 00034861 46.00 10/14/15 25749 SANDY DENBOER C 51 00034862 712.10 10/14/15 82084 SUNROC BUILDING MATERIALS C 51 00034863 46.00 10/14/15 999998 KRYSTAL BURCH 51 00034864 150.00 10/14/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00034865 302.50 10/14/15 218 CHARISSA LITTLE C 51 00034866 167.79 10/14/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00034867 501.11 10/14/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00034868 250.00 10/14/15 970 ACT C TUTT'S INC C C 25 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 51 00034869 834.00 10/14/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 00034870 4,635.37 10/14/15 63721 PEARSON EDUCATION INC C 51 00034871 1,200.00 10/14/15 69469 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE C 51 00034872 1,971.12 10/14/15 76685 SHI C 51 00034873 75.00 10/14/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00034874 10,772.25 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034875 584.10 10/14/15 60359 NORTH EASTERN SERVICES C 51 00034876 1,325.00 10/14/15 527 COOKS FARM & GREENHOUSE C 51 00034877 2,312.08 10/14/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00034878 69.41 10/14/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00034879 15.00 10/14/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00034880 59,281.45 10/14/15 45460 KELLY SERVICES INC. C 51 00034881 59.98 10/14/15 2187 COSTCO 2548/MAINT C 51 00034882 480.00 10/14/15 966 ACE RENTS C 51 00034883 103.05 10/14/15 6886 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH INC C 51 00034884 36.24 10/14/15 11282 BISCO C 51 00034885 6,441.47 10/14/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00034886 537.50 10/14/15 22209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY C 51 00034887 25.00 10/14/15 27921 DCD TRANSFER C 51 00034888 367.77 10/14/15 30601 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY C 51 00034889 56.24 10/14/15 32257 FASTENAL C 51 00034890 5,106.41 10/14/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00034891 2,124.00 10/14/15 41303 HUNT PEST CONTROL/PRO LAWN C 51 00034892 10.31 10/14/15 42005 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO C 51 00034893 475.56 10/14/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00034894 51.00 10/14/15 49247 LOWRY OVERHEAD DOORS C 51 00034895 171.25 10/14/15 50929 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00034896 1,121.50 10/14/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00034897 1,052.93 10/14/15 56723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY C 51 00034898 122.20 10/14/15 60500 NORTH POINTE SOLID WASTE SPEC SERVICE DI C 51 00034899 38.13 10/14/15 63856 PECK ROCK & PRODUCTS C 51 00034900 375.97 10/14/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00034901 20.90 10/14/15 64867 PROFESSIONAL CABLE, LLC C 51 00034902 990.50 10/14/15 69428 R & R ENVIRONMENTAL INC C 51 00034903 1,373.77 10/14/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR C 51 00034904 772.87 10/14/15 76462 SHAW INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00034905 13.47 10/14/15 79620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC C 51 00034906 431.00 10/14/15 80289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE C 51 00034907 548.27 10/14/15 85760 TMS INC. MFCP INC. C 51 00034908 2,111.68 10/14/15 90343 UTAH/YAMAS CONTROLS INC C 51 00034909 318.00 10/14/15 92678 VALLEY TURF C 51 00034910 6,895.79 10/14/15 13609 BRYSON SALES & SERVICE INC C 51 00034911 885.50 10/14/15 17591 CHEMSTATION OF UTAH C 51 00034912 15.95 10/14/15 35152 GEARHEAD OIL ANALYSIS, LLC C 51 00034913 1,044.75 10/14/15 40872 HOSE & RUBBER SUPPLY C 51 00034914 8,776.32 10/14/15 43708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC C 51 00034915 4,327.00 10/14/15 43950 JACK'S TIRE & OIL C 51 00034916 259.36 10/14/15 45601 KENWORTH SALE CO C 51 00034917 173.77 10/14/15 54482 LARRY H MILLER CHEVROLET C 51 00034917 -173.77 10/23/15 54482 LARRY H MILLER CHEVROLET CV 51 00034918 380.00 10/14/15 69469 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE C 51 00034919 249.41 10/14/15 72645 ROMAINE ELECTRIC INC C 51 00034920 2,589.94 10/14/15 78121 SMITH POWER PRODUCTS INC C 51 00034921 500.00 10/14/15 78977 SORENSEN MARINE & AUTO BODY C 51 00034922 835.22 10/14/15 81641 SUBURBAN PROPANE -1243 C 26 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00034923 51 00034924 61,903.06 10/14/15 84948 THOMAS PETROLEUM C 2,823.44 10/14/15 1267 UTAH VALLEY PETERBILT 51 C 00034925 11,898.38 10/14/15 16600 CENTRA COM C 51 00034926 23,464.00 10/14/15 1389 CIBER, INC C 51 00034927 482.11 10/14/15 25803 DTS DEPT OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICES C 51 00034928 481.47 10/14/15 35068 GASCARD-STATE OF UTAH C 51 00034929 10,440.00 10/14/15 2180 OPTIV SECURITY INC C 51 00034930 18,000.00 10/14/15 77300 SIRIUS COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC C 51 00034931 3,067.65 10/14/15 82523 T-MOBILE TECH C 51 00034932 25,039.78 10/14/15 93020 VERACITY NETWORKS C 51 00034933 101,099.44 10/14/15 82500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERV C 51 00034934 20.00 10/14/15 999704 CORNELL, KATHRYN J C 51 00034935 95.00 10/14/15 999704 JOHNSON, SARAH K C 51 00034936 10.00 10/14/15 999704 OWEN, BRYSON C 51 00034937 10.00 10/14/15 999704 PARKER, PATRICK A C 51 00034938 37.50 10/14/15 999704 RIDDLE, DELANEY J C 51 00034939 5.00 10/14/15 999735 ACEVEDO, ALEJANDRO C 51 00034940 20.00 10/14/15 999735 ADAMS, JOSHUA R C 51 00034941 10.00 10/14/15 999735 ALLEN, ADDISON P C 51 00034942 10.00 10/14/15 999735 ANDEREGG, JOSHUA L C 51 00034943 5.00 10/14/15 999735 BARTON, KENNETH G C 51 00034944 10.00 10/14/15 999735 BENCOSME, MELYNA S C 51 00034945 5.00 10/14/15 999735 BRERETON, ALEXANDRIA L C 51 00034946 40.00 10/14/15 999735 BROADHEAD, DAVID J C 51 00034947 5.00 10/14/15 999735 CALL, JUSTIN C 51 00034948 5.00 10/14/15 999735 CAMARGO, ALESSANDRA D C 51 00034949 20.00 10/14/15 999735 CANNON, BRYN C 51 00034950 10.00 10/14/15 999735 CARTER, COLTON J C 51 00034951 5.00 10/14/15 999735 CLUFF, RYAN S C 51 00034952 17.50 10/14/15 999735 COLLIER, ETHAN G C 51 00034953 7.50 10/14/15 999735 EDWARDS, REBECCA J C 51 00034954 5.00 10/14/15 999735 FORSTER, ASPEN M C 51 00034955 5.00 10/14/15 999735 FYFFE, DENNIS A C 51 00034956 7.50 10/14/15 999735 GALLEGO, ROMAN C 51 00034957 42.50 10/14/15 999735 GARNER, TYLER W C 51 00034958 5.00 10/14/15 999735 GERBER, LOGAN M C 51 00034959 5.00 10/14/15 999735 GROOMS, NATHANIEL D C 51 00034960 10.00 10/14/15 999735 HOLLAND, MEGAN M C 51 00034961 5.00 10/14/15 999735 JIMENEZ, AMANDA V C 51 00034962 10.00 10/14/15 999735 KIRKPATRICK, TYLER L C 51 00034963 17.50 10/14/15 999735 LYDE, ETHAN K C 51 00034964 5.00 10/14/15 999735 MADRUGA, AARON J C 51 00034965 2.50 10/14/15 999735 MARTINEZ, CANELA C C 51 00034966 5.00 10/14/15 999735 MECHAM, JASON M C 51 00034967 35.00 10/14/15 999735 MERRILL, WILLIAM C C 51 00034968 20.00 10/14/15 999735 MORRILL, BRANDON B C 51 00034969 22.50 10/14/15 999735 MOSTELLER, JACOB G C 51 00034970 10.00 10/14/15 999735 NEUBERT, BLAKE R C 51 00034971 146.82 10/14/15 999735 NOFCHISSEY, JACOB D C 51 00034972 25.00 10/14/15 999735 OLSON, MICHAEL P C 51 00034973 15.00 10/14/15 999735 PARRY, SHAE L C 51 00034974 66.00 10/14/15 999735 PEW, SARAH K C 51 00034975 5.00 10/14/15 999735 PINCKNEY, ETHAN C C 51 00034976 5.00 10/14/15 999735 PRIME, WESLEY S C 51 00034977 10.00 10/14/15 999735 RASMUSSEN, ANNA M C 27 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00034978 51 00034979 51 Amount Date Vendor 10.00 10/14/15 999735 SMITH, COLETTE A C 10.00 10/14/15 999735 SMITH, DANIELLE N C 00034980 15.00 10/14/15 999735 SUNDQUIST, KADEN L C 51 00034981 35.00 10/14/15 999735 TAFOYA, BRANDON W C 51 00034982 20.00 10/14/15 999735 TATE, KEATON R C 51 00034983 15.00 10/14/15 999735 TAYLOR, AUBREY C C 51 00034984 100.00 10/14/15 999735 TAYLOR, JACOB S C 51 00034985 15.00 10/14/15 999735 TAYLOR, ZACHARY R C 51 00034986 20.00 10/14/15 999735 TEDROW, JACK B C 51 00034987 110.00 10/14/15 999735 TERRY, MCKENSIE L C 51 00034988 5.00 10/14/15 999735 TERRY, SKYLER J C 51 00034989 5.00 10/14/15 999735 THAYN, HANNAH C 51 00034990 10.00 10/14/15 999735 THOMAS, GARRETT W C 51 00034991 10.00 10/14/15 999735 THOMPSON, BAYLEY M C 51 00034992 35.00 10/14/15 999735 TIAN, WEI YU SHI C 51 00034993 10.00 10/14/15 999735 TODD, AUSTIN L C 51 00034994 7.50 10/14/15 999735 TUCKER, KRISTINA N C 51 00034995 5.00 10/14/15 999735 URRY, TREVOR B C 51 00034996 10.00 10/14/15 999735 VARGAS, DEBBIE C C 51 00034997 10.00 10/14/15 999735 VONWALD, TANNER J C 51 00034998 10.00 10/14/15 999735 WADDELL, EMMA L C 51 00034999 25.00 10/14/15 999735 WAGSTAFF, BAILEY M C 51 00035000 20.00 10/14/15 999735 WALKER, HAYDEN B C 51 00035001 15.00 10/14/15 999735 WALKER, MCKAYLA C 51 00035002 20.00 10/14/15 999735 WALSH, JOSHUA M C 51 00035003 15.00 10/14/15 999735 WALTON, KENNEDY C 51 00035004 7.50 10/14/15 999735 WANG, ANDREW E C 51 00035005 40.00 10/14/15 999735 WATKINS, MADELINE R C 51 00035006 10.00 10/14/15 999735 WEBB, MORGAN K C 51 00035007 15.00 10/14/15 999735 WELCH, RYANNE E C 51 00035008 10.00 10/14/15 999735 WELKER, ASHTON V C 51 00035009 25.00 10/14/15 999735 WESTWOOD, DALTON P C 51 00035010 5.00 10/14/15 999735 WESTWOOD, SAMANTHA W C 51 00035011 10.00 10/14/15 999735 WHEADON, COLE J C 51 00035012 45.00 10/14/15 999735 WHETZEL, MARKUS W C 51 00035013 15.00 10/14/15 999735 WHITE, JACKSON F C 51 00035014 5.00 10/14/15 999735 WHITE, WALKER C 51 00035015 15.00 10/14/15 999735 WILDER, ASHLEY E C 51 00035016 5.00 10/14/15 999735 WILLIAMS, CHRISTIAN R C 51 00035017 5.00 10/14/15 999735 WILSON, MCKENZIE L C 51 00035018 105.00 10/14/15 999735 WINWARD, GIDGET K C 51 00035019 100.00 10/14/15 999735 WINWARD, NIKOLAS C 51 00035020 5.00 10/14/15 999735 WITHERS, MELANIE J C 51 00035021 20.00 10/14/15 999735 WOLKINS, DYLAN J C 51 00035022 10.00 10/14/15 999735 WOOLSTON, TATE N C 51 00035023 15.00 10/14/15 999735 WRIGHT, KATELYN A C 51 00035024 10.00 10/14/15 999735 YATES, WALKER J C 51 00035025 15.00 10/14/15 999735 YERGENSEN, ELLIE C C 51 00035026 25.00 10/14/15 999735 YORGASON, COLTEN D C 51 00035027 15.00 10/14/15 999735 ZAUGG, EMILY C C 51 00035028 80.00 10/14/15 999735 ZELLER, JAXON A C 51 00035029 10.00 10/14/15 999735 ZHOU, CAIWEI C 51 00035030 600.00 10/14/15 999737 BALLARD, LOGAN R C 51 00035031 10.00 10/14/15 999737 BIRCHALL, BRITTA L C 51 00035032 10.63 10/14/15 999737 CAMERON, ALESSIA K C 28 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035033 51 00035034 51 00035035 51 Amount Date Vendor 35.00 10/14/15 999737 FITISEMANU, SALAMASINA M C 600.00 10/14/15 999737 HATCH, DANIEL B C 45.00 10/14/15 999737 JARMAN, SCOUT C C 00035036 50.00 10/14/15 999737 NEVES, JACOB H C 51 00035037 40.00 10/14/15 999737 RYDALCH, TORI A C 51 00035038 107.50 10/14/15 999737 STEWART, BRIGHAM J C 51 00035039 15.00 10/14/15 999739 ABEGG, CLANCY R C 51 00035040 40.00 10/14/15 999739 AGUADO, MELENIE J C 51 00035041 15.00 10/14/15 999739 ANDERSON, COLLIN A C 51 00035042 15.00 10/14/15 999739 CHAVEZ, EDUARDO A C 51 00035043 10.00 10/14/15 999739 CLARK, MICHAEL J C 51 00035044 7.50 10/14/15 999739 CULP, MATTHEW C C 51 00035045 35.00 10/14/15 999739 CURTIS, MORGAN T C 51 00035046 7.50 10/14/15 999739 HENDERSON, SAMUEL A C 51 00035047 10.00 10/14/15 999739 HERNANDEZ, SANDRA M C 51 00035048 100.00 10/14/15 999739 JENSEN, NOAH D C 51 00035049 50.00 10/14/15 999739 JUDKINS, REBECCA C 51 00035050 40.00 10/14/15 999739 KENNEDY, STEFANO C 51 00035051 100.00 10/14/15 999739 LEAVITT, TARIN J C 51 00035052 91.00 10/14/15 999739 LEKIC, LAUREN C 51 00035053 55.00 10/14/15 999739 MAUGHAN, CHASE C 51 00035054 45.00 10/14/15 999739 MCARTHUR, BRAYDON M C 51 00035055 7.50 10/14/15 999739 MCBRIDE, JACKSON M C 51 00035056 13.00 10/14/15 999739 PARKER, KENNEDY M C 51 00035057 100.00 10/14/15 999739 ABBOTT, DAVIS G C 51 00035058 300.00 10/14/15 999739 CP BROWN ENTERPRISES LLC C 51 00035059 32.50 10/14/15 999739 SORENSEN, CAITLIN A C 51 00035060 91.10 10/14/15 999441 FRALICK, CALEB J C 51 00035061 52.21 10/14/15 999441 FRALICK, HANNAH R C 51 00035062 12.70 10/14/15 999754 BERRY, NATHAN H C 51 00035063 20.00 10/14/15 999754 HAGAN, JAMILYNNE R C 51 00035064 93.00 10/14/15 999754 HART, CHRISTOPHER J C 51 00035065 25.00 10/14/15 999754 LEE, CAMERON M C 51 00035066 274.00 10/14/15 999754 MARTIN, URIAH K C 51 00035067 7.50 10/14/15 999779 COOPER, RACHEL M C 51 00035068 53.00 10/14/15 999779 DECKER, TAD R C 51 00035069 47.50 10/14/15 999779 EVANS, CHRISTIAN W C 51 00035070 40.50 10/14/15 999779 GUBLER, COLIN T C 51 00035071 39.00 10/14/15 999779 MADDOX, BRAXTON M C 51 00035072 218.98 10/14/15 999779 HESS, ASHLEY R C 51 00035073 35.00 10/14/15 999789 AKINS, CHAZ F C 51 00035074 15.00 10/14/15 999789 ALLRED, BRADEN D C 51 00035075 25.00 10/14/15 999789 ALVIAR, KRISTINA E C 51 00035076 50.00 10/14/15 999789 ANDERSON, AUSTIN M C 51 00035077 20.00 10/14/15 999789 ANDERSON, DAMON C C 51 00035078 25.00 10/14/15 999789 ANDERSON, DENTON K C 51 00035079 10.00 10/14/15 999789 ANDERSON, MEKENZIE S C 51 00035080 15.00 10/14/15 999789 ANDERSON, ZACHARY A C 51 00035081 55.00 10/14/15 999789 ASAY, BODEN S C 51 00035082 45.00 10/14/15 999789 BASSETT, HOGAN V C 51 00035083 25.00 10/14/15 999789 BEARNSON, JACOB W C 51 00035084 15.00 10/14/15 999789 BLACKBURN, JOSHUA K C 51 00035085 50.00 10/14/15 999789 BLANCO, ISABEL C 51 00035086 15.00 10/14/15 999789 BOCANEGRA, MELANIE A C 51 00035087 40.00 10/14/15 999789 BOS, CARSON D C 29 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035088 100.00 10/14/15 999789 BOTELHO, TIANNA C 51 00035089 15.00 10/14/15 999789 BOWERS, BRITANY E C 51 00035090 40.00 10/14/15 999789 BRUCIA, MICHAEL J C 51 00035091 15.00 10/14/15 999789 CABLE, CASSIDY L C 51 00035092 20.00 10/14/15 999789 CAMERENA, MONTSERRAT C 51 00035093 20.00 10/14/15 999789 CARPENTER, JEREK T C 51 00035094 20.00 10/14/15 999789 CARTER, JAYDEN M C 51 00035095 15.00 10/14/15 999789 CASTLETON, CAROLINE C 51 00035096 15.00 10/14/15 999789 CHAPPELL, BOSTON K C 51 00035097 50.00 10/14/15 999789 CHILD, JACK C 51 00035098 20.00 10/14/15 999789 CLAY, KRISTA A C 51 00035099 62.50 10/14/15 999789 COLBURN, KYLE B C 51 00035100 15.00 10/14/15 999789 COLLEDGE, ZACHARY S C 51 00035101 15.00 10/14/15 999789 COOMBS, LANDON A C 51 00035102 55.00 10/14/15 999789 CRANFORD, MALLORY P C 51 00035103 15.00 10/14/15 999789 DAVIS, KACEY J C 51 00035104 20.00 10/14/15 999789 DEGN, ALEXANDRA C 51 00035105 15.00 10/14/15 999789 DENISON, PRESTON B C 51 00035106 70.00 10/14/15 999789 DIEL, KELVIN S C 51 00035107 15.00 10/14/15 999789 DOCK, JAMES R C 51 00035108 40.00 10/14/15 999789 DODSON, AMBER M C 51 00035109 15.00 10/14/15 999789 DODSON, BRITTNEY R C 51 00035110 25.00 10/14/15 999789 DONALDSON, CLARK J C 51 00035111 15.00 10/14/15 999789 EDMUNDS, ANDREW S C 51 00035112 15.00 10/14/15 999789 ELMER, ALYSON C C 51 00035113 20.00 10/14/15 999789 ERSKINE, CADEN M C 51 00035114 5.00 10/14/15 999789 ERWIN, DEVON T C 51 00035115 15.00 10/14/15 999789 FISHER, AUSTYN T C 51 00035116 15.00 10/14/15 999789 FLEMING, HANNAH L C 51 00035117 15.00 10/14/15 999789 FONG, SOFIA K C 51 00035118 30.00 10/14/15 999789 FRANCOM, JACKSON A C 51 00035119 15.00 10/14/15 999789 FREDRICKSON, COURTNEY M C 51 00035120 25.00 10/14/15 999789 FUNK, MCCALL C C 51 00035121 15.00 10/14/15 999789 GAMMELL, BAILEY M C 51 00035122 12.50 10/14/15 999789 GARDINER, TREVIN D C 51 00035123 35.00 10/14/15 999789 GARDNER, ALEXIA J C 51 00035124 27.50 10/14/15 999789 GARRETT, BRAYDEN W C 51 00035125 15.00 10/14/15 999789 GILSON, MARQUS C 51 00035126 65.00 10/14/15 999789 GOODWIN, SPENCER G C 51 00035127 25.00 10/14/15 999789 GUTHRIE, JOSEPH B C 51 00035128 65.00 10/14/15 999789 HAFEN, LYDIA M C 51 00035129 25.00 10/14/15 999789 HAMBLIN, MARISA A C 51 00035130 32.50 10/14/15 999789 HANSEN, BAILEY A C 51 00035131 20.00 10/14/15 999789 HANSEN, JACOB R C 51 00035132 35.00 10/14/15 999789 HARRISON, NATALIA A C 51 00035133 40.00 10/14/15 999789 HARRISON, ZOIE J C 51 00035134 15.00 10/14/15 999789 HATCHER, BAILEY G C 51 00035135 30.00 10/14/15 999789 HEENDENIYA, MIKELL J C 51 00035136 42.50 10/14/15 999789 HENINGER, HAYDEN M C 51 00035137 12.50 10/14/15 999789 HENSELER, JASON D C 51 00035138 30.00 10/14/15 999789 HERTZ, ALEXI M C 51 00035139 25.00 10/14/15 999789 HILL, GAVIN T C 51 00035140 15.00 10/14/15 999789 HOALDRIDGE, MORGAN B C 51 00035141 35.00 10/14/15 999789 JAMES, BRIDGER A C 51 00035142 25.00 10/14/15 999789 JAMES, HANNAH E C 30 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035143 51 00035144 51 Amount Date Vendor 30.00 10/14/15 999789 JENSEN, STOCKTON B C 22.50 10/14/15 999789 JEPPSON, C J C 00035145 20.00 10/14/15 999789 JEPPSON, JUSTIN R C 51 00035146 15.00 10/14/15 999789 JOHNSON, JAMES HADLAN H C 51 00035147 57.50 10/14/15 999789 JOHNSON, MITCHELL A C 51 00035148 40.00 10/14/15 999789 JOHNSON, SHANDON C 51 00035149 15.00 10/14/15 999789 KEFFER, SAMANTHA S C 51 00035150 25.00 10/14/15 999789 KING, DESTINI J C 51 00035151 15.00 10/14/15 999789 KITCHEN, SHAMBRAY L C 51 00035152 50.00 10/14/15 999789 KLINGONSMITH, BRYCE O C 51 00035153 40.00 10/14/15 999789 LASSEN, JAYSON J C 51 00035154 20.00 10/14/15 999789 LEFORS, KARISSA M C 51 00035155 15.00 10/14/15 999789 LINCOLN, DANIELLE J C 51 00035156 55.00 10/14/15 999789 LOPEZ, ALEXIS A C 51 00035157 35.00 10/14/15 999789 LOVE, ALESSA J C 51 00035158 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MACKAY, ADILYN I C 51 00035159 20.00 10/14/15 999789 MANDER, TRENT G C 51 00035160 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MARSH, JACKSON K C 51 00035161 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MCCARTHY, KANDRA A C 51 00035162 75.00 10/14/15 999789 MCCORD, BENJAMIN A C 51 00035163 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MCCORRISTIN, JAMES I C 51 00035164 77.50 10/14/15 999789 MCLAUGHLAN, JASON R C 51 00035165 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MECHAM, BRIGHAM T C 51 00035166 35.00 10/14/15 999789 MEJIA, DAVID I C 51 00035167 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MERRILL, KARLI S C 51 00035168 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MILLER, CHRISTOPHER S C 51 00035169 25.00 10/14/15 999789 MILLER, GAVIN M C 51 00035170 55.00 10/14/15 999789 MITCHELL, JEREMY A C 51 00035171 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MOORE, KYLEIGH B C 51 00035172 20.00 10/14/15 999789 MORRIS, G N C 51 00035173 30.00 10/14/15 999789 MURRAY, MARANDA L C 51 00035174 15.00 10/14/15 999789 MURRAY, MARISSA A C 51 00035175 25.00 10/14/15 999789 MYRUP, AVERY C C 51 00035176 55.00 10/14/15 999789 NABHAN, KENNETH C 51 00035177 30.00 10/14/15 999789 NABHAN, KIMBERLY E C 51 00035178 43.00 10/14/15 999789 NANCE, SAMANTHA K C 51 00035179 50.00 10/14/15 999789 O'CONNOR, ERIN K C 51 00035180 15.00 10/14/15 999789 ODOM, EMBER D C 51 00035181 25.00 10/14/15 999789 OLSON, ALEXIS R C 51 00035182 25.00 10/14/15 999789 ORR, KYLE G C 51 00035183 15.00 10/14/15 999789 PARKER, MCKAYLA N C 51 00035184 40.00 10/14/15 999789 PETERSEN, ABBEY J C 51 00035185 15.00 10/14/15 999789 PHILLIPS, SHANE C 51 00035186 65.00 10/14/15 999789 PICKETT, AVA C 51 00035187 40.00 10/14/15 999789 PILI, LAURYN K C 51 00035188 15.00 10/14/15 999789 PIVONKA, PAYTENE C 51 00035189 20.00 10/14/15 999789 PRINS, PAYNE S C 51 00035190 25.00 10/14/15 999789 PURZIANI, JOHN S C 51 00035191 25.00 10/14/15 999789 RALEIGH, SPENCER W C 51 00035192 20.00 10/14/15 999789 REAVES, JONTAY B C 51 00035193 35.00 10/14/15 999789 RICHINS, JOSEY A C 51 00035194 20.00 10/14/15 999789 RIDING, TROY G C 51 00035195 12.50 10/14/15 999789 ROCQUE, AMBERLEIGH D C 51 00035196 40.00 10/14/15 999789 RODRIGUEZ, ALEINA C 51 00035197 15.00 10/14/15 999789 SAMPSON, MADILYN C 31 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035198 51 00035199 51 Amount Date Vendor 15.00 10/14/15 999789 SAN FELIPE, BRYAN A C 50.00 10/14/15 999789 SATER, DAWSON M C 00035200 20.00 10/14/15 999789 SCHMALZ, GRAYSON K C 51 00035201 15.00 10/14/15 999789 SHEPARD, TANNER J C 51 00035202 15.00 10/14/15 999789 SHIPLEY, SHELBY L C 51 00035203 50.00 10/14/15 999789 SHUMWAY, RACHELLE C 51 00035204 20.00 10/14/15 999789 SMITH, ALEDA M C 51 00035205 100.00 10/14/15 999789 SORENSEN, BAILEE T C 51 00035206 15.00 10/14/15 999789 SPANGLER, TREVOR L C 51 00035207 15.00 10/14/15 999789 STEINER, AUTUMN M C 51 00035208 55.00 10/14/15 999789 STEPHENS, CHADEN D C 51 00035209 15.00 10/14/15 999789 STEPHENSON, DAMIANA D C 51 00035210 30.00 10/14/15 999789 STERRETT, SADIE A C 51 00035211 15.00 10/14/15 999789 STOCKMAN, ABIGAIL B C 51 00035212 20.00 10/14/15 999789 STOTT, SAMUEL G C 51 00035213 15.00 10/14/15 999789 STRICKLAND, JACE T C 51 00035214 55.00 10/14/15 999789 TAUFATOFUA, SAIA C C 51 00035215 50.00 10/14/15 999789 TRAINOR, JACOB C C 51 00035216 75.00 10/14/15 999789 VALDEZ, HUNTER J C 51 00035217 25.00 10/14/15 999789 VANLANINGHAM, HANNAH M C 51 00035218 20.00 10/14/15 999789 WALL, BRAXTON D C 51 00035219 20.00 10/14/15 999789 WALLACE, OLIVIA A C 51 00035220 35.00 10/14/15 999789 WARNECKE, GRAYCE D C 51 00035221 20.00 10/14/15 999789 WARNER, JONATHAN G C 51 00035222 60.00 10/14/15 999789 WESTON, KARLY E C 51 00035223 15.00 10/14/15 999789 WHITING, STASIA M C 51 00035224 75.00 10/14/15 999789 WILCOX, MCKELLE C 51 00035225 35.00 10/14/15 999789 WILLIAMS, EMILY D C 51 00035226 5.00 10/14/15 999789 WOODHOUSE, KOBE P C 51 00035227 15.00 10/14/15 999789 YATES, TRISTEN N C 51 00035228 25.00 10/14/15 999789 YOSTRUM, RACHEL J C 51 00035229 15.00 10/14/15 999789 YOUNG, SHOSHANA K C 51 00035230 30.00 10/14/15 999490 COCHRAN, JACKSON C C 51 00035231 162.51 10/14/15 999496 BRADY, SUMMER C 51 00035232 238.34 10/14/15 999496 BROKAW, BRYNN K C 51 00035233 35.00 10/14/15 999496 HAWKINS, JAXSON D C 51 00035234 64.67 10/14/15 999496 OLSON, KAYDEN B C 51 00035235 3.00 10/14/15 999496 WILBUR, MARIA J C 51 00035236 13.00 10/14/15 999496 BUSWELL, JOSHUA R C 51 00035237 5.00 10/14/15 999496 GARDNER, CHASE M C 51 00035238 103.94 10/14/15 999496 HANKES, AMBER K C 51 00035239 69.93 10/14/15 999496 MALARET, BROOKLYN L C 51 00035240 93.44 10/14/15 999496 SCHMIDT, AURORA J C 51 00035241 15,379.00 10/20/15 1924 MUIR COPPER CANYON C 51 00035242 8,912.72 10/20/15 20440 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN SUPPLY, INC C 51 00035243 18,064.41 10/20/15 1929 JENNIE-O TURKEY STORE C 51 00035244 35,539.80 10/20/15 48655 LING'S C 51 00035245 7,847.00 10/20/15 83019 TASTY BRANDS, LLC C 51 00035246 30,588.60 10/21/15 99560 YOUNG CHEVROLET C 51 00035247 731.70 10/22/15 58335 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING C 51 00035248 240.00 10/22/15 61697 OREM CITY CORPORATION C 51 00035249 6,030.00 10/22/15 98770 WORLD'S FINEST CHOCOLATE, INC C 51 00035250 5,082.24 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035251 396.86 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035252 335.50 10/22/15 242 WASATCH THREADS C 32 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035253 646.04 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035254 620.81 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035255 1,112.00 10/22/15 84402 TEXTILE TEAM OUTLET & DESIGN C 51 00035256 64.92 10/22/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00035257 77.74 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035258 486.87 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035259 213.66 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035260 364.50 10/22/15 58335 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING C 51 00035261 150.00 10/22/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00035262 20.00 10/22/15 108 CHRISTOPHER WETTSTEIN C 51 00035263 2,142.96 10/22/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00035264 9,200.00 10/22/15 44965 JOSTENS, INC (YEARBOOK) C 51 00035265 160.99 10/22/15 81795 SUMMERHAYS MUSIC CENTER C 51 00035266 618.75 10/22/15 57047 BERT MURDOCK MUSIC C 51 00035267 2,132.87 10/22/15 19873 BSN SPORTS COLLEGIATE PACIFIC C 51 00035268 943.07 10/22/15 178 DAY MURRAY MUSIC C 51 00035269 1,680.00 10/22/15 33715 FOWLER SERVICE C 51 00035270 106.31 10/22/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00035271 40.24 10/22/15 60941 OFFICE DEPOT C 51 00035272 493.07 10/22/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035273 405.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035274 65.20 10/22/15 100 ZURCHERS PARTY & WEDDING C 51 00035275 397.00 10/22/15 218 CHARISSA LITTLE C 51 00035276 500.00 10/22/15 201 STAR CONNECT LLC C 51 00035277 3,371.77 10/22/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035278 4,000.00 10/22/15 71926 RIVERTON MUSIC C 51 00035279 8,551.53 10/22/15 12648 BRAND MAKERS PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS, LLC C 51 00035280 1,481.90 10/22/15 1766 COPIER CARE EXPERTS C 51 00035281 362.96 10/22/15 710 IMAGE WEAR INC C 51 00035282 330.00 10/22/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00035283 310.00 10/22/15 2173 MARK E JOHNSON C 51 00035284 250.00 10/22/15 2162 OLIVER HERRING C 51 00035285 2,362.00 10/22/15 515 PTSA - TIMPANOGOS HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00035286 30.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035287 70.00 10/22/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00035288 1,600.00 10/22/15 88 UTAH'S PERFECT GAME C 51 00035289 200.00 10/22/15 19 UTNGMWR C 51 00035290 3,069.09 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035291 916.25 10/22/15 33715 FOWLER SERVICE C 51 00035292 476.55 10/22/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035293 15.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035294 75.00 10/22/15 90039 UAESP - SECRETARIES CONFERENCE C 51 00035295 1,216.23 10/22/15 74683 SCHOLASTIC INC C 51 00035296 46.46 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035297 46.95 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035298 73.55 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035299 114.50 10/22/15 50 BIRRELL - PEPSI C 51 00035300 67.61 10/22/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00035301 32.45 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035302 80.43 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035303 80.00 10/22/15 2198 DENISE LYONS C 51 00035304 80.00 10/22/15 2196 KORY STONE C 51 00035305 40.00 10/22/15 2197 LOURDES ROBINSON C 51 00035306 40.00 10/22/15 2195 NOEMI SALAZAR C 51 00035307 50.00 10/22/15 1034 TUCKER BUSH C 33 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035308 175.92 10/22/15 3524 ALPHAGRAPHICS C 51 00035309 50.00 10/22/15 16319 CENGAGE LEARNING, INC C 51 00035310 2,463.49 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035311 32.00 10/22/15 32480 FEDEX SHIPPING C 51 00035312 480.00 10/22/15 2191 LIFE PENDANTS LLC C 51 00035313 444.00 10/22/15 248 LISA'S EMBROIDERY C 51 00035314 150.00 10/22/15 77390 SKILLS USA UTAH C 51 00035315 30.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035316 1,295.00 10/22/15 90558 UTAH FFA ASSOCIATION C 51 00035317 25.00 10/22/15 2178 UTAH VOLLEYBALL COACHES ASSOC C 51 00035318 216.12 10/22/15 33292 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS C 51 00035319 3,762.00 10/22/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00035320 2,275.00 10/22/15 48076 LEWIS STAGES INC C 51 00035321 90.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035322 2,729.00 10/22/15 99281 XEROX CORPORATION C 51 00035323 695.00 10/22/15 34168 AMERICA'S FREEDOM FESTIVAL C 51 00035324 104.00 10/22/15 34314 FUN SUPPLIES INC C 51 00035325 614.47 10/22/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035326 180.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035327 68.94 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035328 142,853.29 10/22/15 52474 MEADOW GOLD DAIRIES C 51 00035329 16,969.90 10/22/15 6860 APPLE COMPUTER INC C 51 00035330 509.95 10/22/15 7455 ARNOLD MACHINERY CO C 51 00035331 835.62 10/22/15 19766 COBALT REFRIGERATION, INC. C 51 00035332 125.60 10/22/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00035333 774.39 10/22/15 57363 NASCO MODESTO C 51 00035334 4,222.44 10/22/15 88100 U S GAMES INC C/O SPORT SUPPLY GROUP INC C 51 00035335 212.00 10/22/15 61697 OREM CITY CORPORATION C 51 00035336 282.15 10/22/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00035337 269.55 10/22/15 82257 SUPERIOR WATER & AIR INC C 51 00035338 32.91 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035339 1,133.25 10/22/15 276 FRED OLSEN C 51 00035340 217.39 10/22/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035341 1,000.00 10/22/15 91894 UTAH VALLEY UNIVESITY C 51 00035342 6,540.00 10/22/15 37146 GREAT AMERICAN OPPORTUNITIES C 51 00035343 4,664.00 10/22/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00035344 8,620.00 10/22/15 58680 NATIONAL SCHOOL BOARDS ASSN C 51 00035345 20,675.00 10/22/15 44976 JTM PROVISIONS CO. INC. C 51 00035346 938.40 10/22/15 76685 SHI C 51 00035347 172.58 10/22/15 710 IMAGE WEAR INC C 51 00035348 2,646.56 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035349 160.00 10/22/15 2213 DAVID HERNANDEZ C 51 00035350 334.65 10/22/15 710 IMAGE WEAR INC C 51 00035351 320.00 10/22/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00035352 465.00 10/22/15 50942 MICHAEL MARTIN C 51 00035353 1,102.00 10/22/15 964 MIRACLE BOWL C 51 00035354 6,750.00 10/22/15 67513 PRESTIGE COLLEGE SERVICES C 51 00035355 49.00 10/22/15 82257 SUPERIOR WATER & AIR INC C 51 00035356 15.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035357 25.00 10/22/15 746 UTAH SWIMMING COACHES ASSOCIATION C 51 00035358 18.00 10/22/15 91894 UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY C 51 00035359 2,131.00 10/22/15 242 WASATCH THREADS C 51 00035360 855.27 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035361 1,152.00 10/22/15 446 CONCERT BLACK CLOTHING, LLC C 51 00035362 1,189.70 10/22/15 84402 TEXTILE TEAM OUTLET & DESIGN C 34 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035363 450.00 10/22/15 594 TOMMY WELLS C 51 00035364 60.00 10/22/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00035365 55.00 10/22/15 22783 COSTCO 3638/MEDIA C 51 00035366 85.00 10/22/15 55 ANYTIME SERVICES C 51 00035367 1,175.24 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035368 100.00 10/22/15 2120 GREG CARTER C 51 00035369 750.00 10/22/15 2184 KELLI AUSTIN C 51 00035370 3,632.67 10/22/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00035371 347.80 10/22/15 815 MOUNTAIN STATES CONCESSIONS C 51 00035372 382.50 10/22/15 817 MT. WEST BASEBALL ACADEMY C 51 00035373 75.00 10/22/15 509 RYAN METCALF C 51 00035374 30.00 10/22/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00035375 237.15 10/22/15 50 BIRRELL - PEPSI C 51 00035376 95.88 10/22/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00035377 195.00 10/22/15 641 HOSA - FUTURE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS C 51 00035378 2,093.03 10/22/15 710 IMAGE WEAR INC C 51 00035379 210.00 10/22/15 91455 UTAH STATE HOSA C 51 00035380 370.00 10/22/15 41487 INTERMOUNTAIN WORKMED - OREM C 51 00035381 200.00 10/22/15 78957 SCOTT SORENSEN C 51 00035382 293.83 10/22/15 1637 ALICIA POULTON C 51 00035383 96.60 10/22/15 20117 ALISA COLTON C 51 00035384 112.70 10/22/15 15832 CLIFTON CARRON-CAMPBELL C 51 00035385 433.49 10/22/15 79455 CODY SPENDLOVE C 51 00035386 302.45 10/22/15 44503 CRAIG JENSEN C 51 00035387 179.69 10/22/15 37408 DAN GRIFFEY C 51 00035388 432.98 10/22/15 15843 DAVID CARTER C 51 00035389 53.59 10/22/15 25309 DAVID DAYMONT C 51 00035390 166.03 10/22/15 943 ELAINE BILLINGS C 51 00035391 225.40 10/22/15 868 GARRETT LARSEN C 51 00035392 353.63 10/22/15 38438 JOHN HANKS C 51 00035393 309.73 10/22/15 76596 JOHN SHELTON C 51 00035394 144.19 10/22/15 59290 LAURALEE NEBEKER C 51 00035395 746.93 10/22/15 909 MATT ROWE C 51 00035396 326.03 10/22/15 80798 STEVEN K STEWART C 51 00035397 589.38 10/22/15 12910 TIMOTHY BRANTLEY C 51 00035398 60.38 10/22/15 24624 TODD DALLEY C 51 00035399 23.00 10/22/15 18965 TRUDY CLARK C 51 00035400 271.98 10/22/15 15857 VICKI CARTER C 51 00035401 1,187.24 10/22/15 47329 WEIXIN LE C 51 00035402 12.89 10/22/15 32268 CONNIE FAUX C 51 00035403 132.04 10/22/15 775 DARREN HODGES C 51 00035404 85.50 10/22/15 54461 JOHN MILLER C 51 00035405 375.75 10/22/15 23911 KATELYN CRUMP C 51 00035406 1,848.15 10/22/15 61222 LAURIE PETERSEN C 51 00035407 69.87 10/22/15 36830 MARTHA GOURLEY C 51 00035408 55.00 10/22/15 909 MATT ROWE C 51 00035409 220.00 10/22/15 38411 RICK HAMILTON C 51 00035410 5.00 10/22/15 999998 ADRIENNE RIOS C 51 00035411 23.30 10/22/15 999998 DARCELLE BROMLEY C 51 00035412 7.16 10/22/15 999998 DIANA RIDDICK C 51 00035413 121.31 10/22/15 999998 DIANE BLACK C 51 00035414 35.06 10/22/15 999998 EMILY THOMAS C 51 00035415 18.00 10/22/15 999998 GUADALUPE SABRINO C 51 00035416 16.25 10/22/15 999998 HEATHER SMITH C 51 00035417 1,461.64 10/22/15 999998 JEFF MEYERS C 35 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035418 51 00035419 51 Amount Date Vendor 59.93 10/22/15 999998 JESSICA ROSE C 25.00 10/22/15 999998 KARI PITTS C 00035420 70.67 10/22/15 999998 KELLY JEFFERY C 51 00035421 252.55 10/22/15 999998 KYLENE PACE C 51 00035422 36.86 10/22/15 999998 MICHAEL MALOUF C 51 00035423 74.04 10/22/15 999998 MICHELLE KLVACEK C 51 00035424 35.97 10/22/15 999998 MYKIN CASTLE C 51 00035425 50.00 10/22/15 999998 ROSE NIELSEN C 51 00035426 75.00 10/22/15 999998 SARA AYLETT C 51 00035427 42.93 10/22/15 999998 TALESE BAXTER C 51 00035428 21,861.61 10/22/15 69322 QUESTAR GAS C 51 00035429 160,755.39 10/22/15 91081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER C 51 00035430 2,441.00 10/22/15 470 ADP LEMCO INC C 51 00035431 2,377.00 10/22/15 2111 BENNETT POTTERY SUPPLY C 51 00035432 22,546.50 10/22/15 78963 SONNTAG RECREATION, LLC C 51 00035433 6,400.00 10/22/15 2061 TRAVEL QUEST INTERNATIONAL, LLC C 51 00035434 3,630.00 10/22/15 90558 UTAH FFA ASSOCIATION C 51 00035435 243.66 10/22/15 6886 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH INC C 51 00035436 60.85 10/22/15 94837 BATTERIES PLUS BLUBS C 51 00035437 1,690.92 10/22/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00035438 277.37 10/22/15 22209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY C 51 00035439 300.00 10/22/15 67 DONE RITE LINES, LLC C 51 00035440 3.45 10/22/15 30601 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY C 51 00035441 250.00 10/22/15 30711 ELITE GROUNDS LC C 51 00035442 19.15 10/22/15 32257 FASTENAL C 51 00035443 6,328.31 10/22/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00035444 1,482.00 10/22/15 32916 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE C 51 00035445 129.80 10/22/15 37073 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC C 51 00035446 2,817.36 10/22/15 37221 GREAT WESTERN SUPPLY, INC C 51 00035447 1,626.32 10/22/15 2210 JAMES MARSDEN C 51 00035448 898.34 10/22/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00035449 120.00 10/22/15 46748 LABOR COMMISSION C 51 00035450 1,032.13 10/22/15 50929 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00035451 214.00 10/22/15 52658 MECHANICAL PRODUCTS INTERMTN C 51 00035452 952.50 10/22/15 53949 MHI SERVICE INC C 51 00035453 105.46 10/22/15 54194 MIDGLEY HUBER INC C 51 00035454 4,429.50 10/22/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00035455 2,275.64 10/22/15 56723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY C 51 00035456 10,659.50 10/22/15 59342 NELSON FIRE SYSTEMS C 51 00035457 1,475.00 10/22/15 60530 NORTHWEST FENCE & SUPPLY C 51 00035458 210.39 10/22/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00035459 3.96 10/22/15 64867 PROFESSIONAL CABLE, LLC C 51 00035460 43.00 10/22/15 64880 PROFESSIONAL HEATING & AIR INC C 51 00035461 1,394.41 10/22/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST C 51 00035462 479.46 10/22/15 79620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC C 51 00035463 2.00 10/22/15 85406 TIMPANOGOS SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT C 51 00035464 75.00 10/22/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035465 386.00 10/22/15 470 ADP LEMCO INC C 51 00035466 6,734.09 10/22/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00035467 8,546.77 10/22/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00035468 1,041.00 10/22/15 69469 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE C 51 00035469 300.00 10/22/15 25381 DEBORAH DEAN C 51 00035470 607,326.02 10/22/15 26796 DIVISION OF RISK MANAGEMENT C 51 00035471 100.00 10/22/15 31961 FAMILY PSYCH SERVICES JON SKIDMORE C 51 00035472 900.00 10/22/15 2059 J CRAIG PREISENDORF C 36 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035473 300.00 10/22/15 2212 MICHAEL DORFF C 51 00035474 100.00 10/22/15 2104 NATALIE DESCH C 51 00035475 6,391.15 10/22/15 74224 SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY C 51 00035476 100.00 10/22/15 2218 STEVEN BRANDE C 51 00035477 949.36 10/22/15 82084 SUNROC BUILDING MATERIALS C 51 00035478 205.65 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035479 1,954.33 10/22/15 74596 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS C 51 00035480 131.67 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035481 979.30 10/22/15 82848 TALES OF WONDER BARBARA SAYLOR C 51 00035482 60.00 10/22/15 413 UTAH TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION C 51 00035483 713.47 10/22/15 2207 END ZONE SPORTS LLC C 51 00035484 4,827.00 10/22/15 2765 ALL PHASE ELECTRICAL, INC C 51 00035485 16,449.04 10/22/15 10632 BEST AWNING AND SIDING CO C 51 00035486 5,750.00 10/22/15 11905 BONNEVILLE ASPHALT AND REPAIR C 51 00035487 14,050.00 10/22/15 31540 EZARC WELDING, INC C 51 00035488 10,482.59 10/22/15 43249 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK& SECURITY SUPPLY C 51 00035489 48,941.66 10/22/15 45565 KENDRICK BROS ROOFING INC C 51 00035490 191.82 10/22/15 1281 MHTN ARCHITECTS C 51 00035491 8,500.00 10/22/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00035492 1,493.12 10/22/15 1923 TANDUS CENTIVA US, LLC C 51 00035493 706,110.28 10/22/15 96243 WESTLAND CONSTRUCTION C 51 00035494 100.00 10/22/15 41487 INTERMOUNTAIN WORKMED - OREM C 51 00035495 24.95 10/22/15 82257 SUPERIOR WATER & AIR INC C 51 00035496 419.61 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035497 300.00 10/22/15 48 AP EXAMINATIONS C 51 00035498 75.00 10/22/15 66757 POSTMASTER - OREM C 51 00035499 240.00 10/22/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00035500 230.32 10/22/15 7455 ARNOLD MACHINERY CO C 51 00035501 723.00 10/22/15 12601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00035502 1,703.40 10/22/15 17276 CHAMPION BALL COMPANY C 51 00035503 3,683.00 10/22/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00035504 4,608.64 10/22/15 14470 ECO-SYSTEMS, INC C 51 00035505 1,728.00 10/22/15 2209 EQUITY BY LA CROSSE C 51 00035506 12,353.74 10/22/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00035507 1,899.73 10/22/15 52657 MEDCO COMPANY C 51 00035508 1,198.47 10/22/15 69370 QUILL CORP C 51 00035509 3,472.92 10/22/15 79081 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY C 51 00035510 725.00 10/22/15 88100 U S GAMES INC C/O SPORT SUPPLY GROUP INC C 51 00035511 3,080.00 10/22/15 87649 UNITED HEALTH SUPPLIES DBA EVERYTHING ME C 51 00035512 481.14 10/22/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00035513 344.40 10/22/15 60359 NORTH EASTERN SERVICES C 51 00035514 26,225.00 10/22/15 46676 K12 INC C 51 00035515 1,662.22 10/22/15 37085 PAMELA GRAYSON C 51 00035516 998.16 10/22/15 8530 AUTOMATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS C 51 00035517 35.00 10/22/15 85358 TIMEPAYMENT CORP C 51 00035518 66,640.65 10/22/15 45460 KELLY SERVICES INC. C 51 00035519 15.00 10/22/15 999704 RODHAM, KEVIN C 51 00035520 25.00 10/22/15 999704 RUSSON, SIERRA E C 51 00035521 15.00 10/22/15 999704 SHELTON, SPENCER C C 51 00035522 17.50 10/22/15 999735 BROWN, MEGAN A C 51 00035523 17.50 10/22/15 999735 FJELLSTROM, BRIANNA R C 51 00035524 17.50 10/22/15 999735 FRANCOM, BRAXTON L C 51 00035525 82.50 10/22/15 999735 MARATH, ALEXIS A C 51 00035526 17.50 10/22/15 999735 NELSON, MADELINE J C 51 00035527 17.00 10/22/15 999735 OVIATT, BRIDGER J C 37 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035528 222.13 10/22/15 999735 PRICE, CONNOR D C 51 00035529 22.50 10/22/15 999735 TAYLOR, ZACHARY R C 51 00035530 60.00 10/22/15 999754 DRAZIN, COOPER S C 51 00035531 235.00 10/22/15 999754 DUNN, ABIGAIL K C 51 00035532 102.00 10/22/15 999754 GILCHRIST, ASHLEY N C 51 00035533 32.50 10/22/15 999754 GURR, ZACHARY D C 51 00035534 15.00 10/22/15 999754 KELSON, KATE L C 51 00035535 60.00 10/22/15 999754 OLIVER, MAX J C 51 00035536 7.50 10/22/15 999754 STRONG, SARAH M C 51 00035537 226.11 10/22/15 999786 BULLARD, GABRIEL J C 51 00035538 114.00 10/22/15 999786 HIATT, NICHOLAS C 51 00035539 140.00 10/22/15 999786 LONG, KADEN M C 51 00035540 22.00 10/22/15 999786 ROJAS, EMANUEL J C 51 00035541 85.00 10/22/15 999789 BENNETT, DAYTON C 51 00035542 95.00 10/22/15 999789 BROCKETT, BRYNN M C 51 00035543 95.00 10/22/15 999789 CASE, MICHAELA A C 51 00035544 129.87 10/22/15 999490 CHAPPLE, CHASE R C 51 00035545 10.00 10/22/15 999490 CHRISTENSEN, DYLAN K C 51 00035546 6.81 10/22/15 999490 HERRERA, JACKLYN F C 51 00035547 12.81 10/22/15 999490 HERRERA, SAMANTHA G C 51 00035548 114.62 10/22/15 999490 NEDEAU, MATT T C 51 00035549 27.65 10/22/15 999490 RINDLISBACHER, AVERY Y C 51 00035550 25.00 10/22/15 999494 BEAL, JOSEPH P C 51 00035551 6.00 10/22/15 999494 DYER, MCKENZIE G C 51 00035552 7.50 10/22/15 999494 LOUGH, BRIA C 51 00035553 10.50 10/22/15 999494 LOWDER, JAYCE D C 51 00035554 23.00 10/22/15 999494 LYONS, NATALIE N C 51 00035555 5.00 10/22/15 999494 MAGILL, MERCEDES L C 51 00035556 10.00 10/22/15 999494 MCALLISTER, ASHLYN L C 51 00035557 8.50 10/22/15 999494 MCCALEB, CATE E C 51 00035558 5.00 10/22/15 999494 MCDONALD, ABIGAIL S C 51 00035559 10.00 10/22/15 999494 METCALF, CALEB N C 51 00035560 32.50 10/22/15 999494 MEYERS, NICOLE A C 51 00035561 33.00 10/22/15 999494 MONTROSE, RACHEL C C 51 00035562 1.00 10/22/15 999494 MOODY, AUBREY I C 51 00035563 4.50 10/22/15 999494 MORGAN, LIZA R C 51 00035564 4.00 10/22/15 999494 MORRIS, JACOB D C 51 00035565 2.50 10/22/15 999494 MURDOCK, DYLAN S C 51 00035566 3.00 10/22/15 999494 NATIVIDAD, MATHEW C 51 00035567 15.00 10/22/15 999494 NIXON, HUNTER K C 51 00035568 6.00 10/22/15 999494 O'NEAL, BROOKLYN T C 51 00035569 41.00 10/22/15 999494 PEARCE, GRANT W C 51 00035570 3.00 10/22/15 999494 PULSIPHER, TYSON A C 51 00035571 1.00 10/22/15 999494 RASMUSSEN, ERIC C 51 00035572 3.00 10/22/15 999494 REESE, ASHLYN M C 51 00035573 116.27 10/22/15 999494 RISHER, WALKER J C 51 00035574 10.00 10/22/15 999494 ROBINSON, ADAM S C 51 00035575 6.00 10/22/15 999494 RUBERT, JANE A C 51 00035576 1.00 10/22/15 999494 SCIVALLY, COLETTE C 51 00035577 10.00 10/22/15 999494 SCOVILLE, ABIGAIL C 51 00035578 10.00 10/22/15 999494 SHELLEY, EVELYN L C 51 00035579 7.00 10/22/15 999494 SLATER, RYLEE J C 51 00035580 5.21 10/22/15 999494 STEVENSON, ISABELLE A C 51 00035581 4.00 10/22/15 999494 TANNER, LILLIAN K C 51 00035582 1.00 10/22/15 999494 THOMPSON, JAVIN K C 38 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035583 51 00035584 51 00035585 51 Amount Date Vendor 1.00 10/22/15 999494 TUCKER, LUKE C C 23.00 10/22/15 999494 VAIL, ALEXA M C 23.00 10/22/15 999494 VAN WAGONER, KARLI C 00035586 15.00 10/22/15 999494 VANAUSDAL, COLE J C 51 00035587 10.00 10/22/15 999494 WALLIS, HOGAN B C 51 00035588 23.00 10/22/15 999494 WILLIS, BROOKE M C 51 00035589 6.00 10/22/15 999494 WILSON, RYAN D C 51 00035590 14.00 10/22/15 999494 WRAY, LUKE H C 51 00035591 13.00 10/22/15 999494 YOUNG, COLTYN J C 51 00035592 12.00 10/22/15 999494 ZENGER, MICHAEL Z C 51 00035593 427.74 10/22/15 22766 COSTCO 1954/ATEC C 51 00035594 70.00 10/22/15 2194 KAT-DEN ORCHARD LC C 51 00035595 1,100.00 10/22/15 2151 RICHARD GARY WARBURTON C 51 00035596 1,079.10 10/22/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00035597 106,245.09 10/22/15 14593 CACHE VALLEY ELECTRIC C 51 00035598 6,776.65 10/22/15 26708 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS C 51 00035599 49,999.00 10/22/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00035600 2,624.42 10/22/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035601 2,112.00 10/22/15 401 PTSA - OREM HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00035602 3,038.10 10/22/15 32971 5 BUCK OREM PARKWAY C 51 00035603 3,579.30 10/22/15 32970 5 BUCK PIZZA C 51 00035604 1,039.35 10/22/15 11508 BLACK JACK PIZZA C 51 00035605 4,163.55 10/22/15 84000 TENNEY'S PIZZA C 51 00035606 461.34 10/22/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00035607 2,890.85 10/22/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00035608 2,026,849.74 10/22/15 88096 U S BANK C 51 00035609 425.00 10/23/15 8201 ATKINSON FITNESS SERVICE C 51 00035610 159.40 10/23/15 56729 MOUNT OLYMPUS WATER INC C 51 00035611 54,401.89 10/23/15 91598 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION C 51 00035612 200.00 10/23/15 999735 BLACK, BRODY C 51 00035613 68.00 10/23/15 999735 EASTMOND, DEVIN M C 51 00035614 5.00 10/23/15 999735 JACOBS, CHELSEA B C 51 00035615 15.00 10/23/15 999735 KRANWINKLE, NATALIE C 51 00035616 127.00 10/23/15 999735 KUNZ, MADYLEE A C 51 00035617 264.50 10/23/15 999735 MARATH, ALEXIS A C 51 00035618 95.00 10/23/15 999735 MULHOLLAND, DESSAMOND E C 51 00035619 137.00 10/23/15 999735 NEILSON, SAVANNAH J C 51 00035620 5.00 10/23/15 999735 TAYLOR, AUBREY C C 51 00035621 120.00 10/29/15 8530 AUTOMATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS C 51 00035622 180.41 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035623 90.00 10/29/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035624 120.00 10/29/15 2227 ALISHA PETERS C 51 00035625 1,906.14 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035626 62.50 10/29/15 929 IVAN R BIRD C 51 00035627 4,500.00 10/29/15 313 JKS MUSIC C 51 00035628 1,958.42 10/29/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00035629 275.00 10/29/15 151 MBX-TREME DJ'S, LLC C 51 00035630 4,312.00 10/29/15 49505 MK SOLUTIONS, INC C 51 00035631 62.50 10/29/15 712 ROSS PRANTER C 51 00035632 125.00 10/29/15 195 RUSSELL ANDERSON C 51 00035633 100.00 10/29/15 2214 TERRY BALSER C 51 00035634 140.00 10/29/15 971 THE FINAL SWEEP, LLC C 51 00035635 45.87 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035636 176.30 10/29/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00035637 51.86 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 39 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035638 51 00035639 51 Amount Date Vendor 9.05 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 8.99 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 00035640 227.73 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035641 290.66 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035642 176.30 10/29/15 22774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP C 51 00035643 124.60 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035644 139.64 10/29/15 3265 ALLRED'S INC C 51 00035645 56.35 10/29/15 15408 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO C 51 00035646 700.00 10/29/15 267 EL MEXIQUENSE GRILL C 51 00035647 2,036.92 10/29/15 33715 FOWLER SERVICE C 51 00035648 805.22 10/29/15 35495 GENESIS SCIENTIFIC C 51 00035649 1,096.05 10/29/15 61203 LES OLSON CO C 51 00035650 590.66 10/29/15 99488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. C 51 00035651 76.00 10/29/15 2215 INSYNC INTERPRETERS, LLC C 51 00035652 1,404.00 10/29/15 2224 51 00035653 125.00 10/29/15 2219 AMY SPERRY C 51 00035654 125.00 10/29/15 54730 ASHLEY MITCHELL C 51 00035655 320.00 10/29/15 472 BYU DAVID M. KENNEDY CENTER C 51 00035656 125.00 10/29/15 543 EMILY MATHESON C 51 00035657 50.00 10/29/15 2225 FOUNDATIONS INSURANCE C 51 00035658 1,440.00 10/29/15 613 GUIDED DISCOVERIES, INC C 51 00035659 2,100.00 10/29/15 241 JERRY PREISENDORF C 51 00035660 1,500.00 10/29/15 69102 KEITH PULHAM PAINTING INC C 51 00035661 5,125.00 10/29/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00035662 185.00 10/29/15 2220 MARLIN BARNES C 51 00035663 500.00 10/29/15 2206 MCKAYLA HOUGHTON C 51 00035664 241.32 10/29/15 52673 MEDIA ONE OF UTAH C 51 00035665 500.00 10/29/15 2128 MOHAVE HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00035666 125.00 10/29/15 579 RENAE HARDY C 51 00035667 24.95 10/29/15 82257 SUPERIOR WATER & AIR INC C 51 00035668 1,290.00 10/29/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00035669 1,390.50 10/29/15 91603 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION C 51 00035670 169.00 10/29/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00035671 150.00 10/29/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035672 5,518.75 10/29/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035673 8,400.00 10/29/15 2770 ALL POINTS TRAVEL C 51 00035674 200.00 10/29/15 2222 CHARLY NORTHRUP C 51 00035675 147.00 10/29/15 248 LISA'S EMBROIDERY C 51 00035676 250.00 10/29/15 2202 MJW CHOREOGRAPHY C 51 00035677 2,540.42 10/29/15 2204 SALT CITY DRUMS C 51 00035678 460.50 10/29/15 76654 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS C 51 00035679 1,055.00 10/29/15 977 SNUGZ USA, INC C 51 00035680 866.00 10/29/15 505 THE RANCHES GOLF CLUB C 51 00035681 227.01 10/29/15 87912 UNITED SITE SERVICES C 51 00035682 30.00 10/29/15 90167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID C 51 00035683 690.00 10/29/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00035684 3,081.57 10/29/15 2223 XTREME GRAPHIX C 51 00035685 4,927.16 10/29/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035686 1,086.38 10/29/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00035687 150.00 10/29/15 93226 JESSE VINCENT C 51 00035688 200.00 10/29/15 78962 SCOTT SORENSEN C 51 00035689 461.34 10/29/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00035690 200.00 10/29/15 91894 UTAH VALLEY UNIVESITY C 51 00035691 305.00 10/29/15 669 CEDAR HIGH SCHOOL C 51 00035692 195.00 10/29/15 641 HOSA - FUTURE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS C ASPEN HEIGHTS LLC C 40 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035693 51 00035694 2,037.15 10/29/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 486.00 10/29/15 722 ROCKY MTN RUNNERCARD 51 C 00035695 25.00 10/29/15 746 UTAH SWIMMING COACHES ASSOCIATION C 51 00035696 3,838.80 10/29/15 92560 VALLEY BUSINESS MACHINES C 51 00035697 367.50 10/29/15 520 ALPINE MARINE IMPORTS, LLC C 51 00035698 1,824.58 10/29/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035699 61.98 10/29/15 82491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA C 51 00035700 2,654.94 10/29/15 2203 SKATEBOARD WAREHOUSE, INC C 51 00035701 100.00 10/29/15 93226 JESSE VINCENT C 51 00035702 120.00 10/29/15 472 BYU DAVID M. KENNEDY CENTER C 51 00035703 2,547.00 10/29/15 211 COLEMAN KNITTING MILLS C 51 00035704 96.00 10/29/15 212 SANDRA M JONES C 51 00035705 200.00 10/29/15 505 THE RANCHES GOLF CLUB C 51 00035706 200.00 10/29/15 187 JOHN LARSON C 51 00035707 1,240.31 10/29/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00035708 465.00 10/29/15 641 HOSA - FUTURE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS C 51 00035709 750.00 10/29/15 980 JERRA STOUT C 51 00035710 5,096.00 10/29/15 781 JOHNSON FARMS C 51 00035711 150.00 10/29/15 2229 KOLBY LARSEN C 51 00035712 1,000.00 10/29/15 245 LANTIS FIREWORKS & LASERS C 51 00035713 129.00 10/29/15 52293 MCNEIL PRINTING C 51 00035714 1,232.00 10/29/15 67501 PRESS MEDIA C 51 00035715 7,200.00 10/29/15 2117 SOPHIE ANNA DESIGNS C 51 00035716 1,136.72 10/29/15 465 STYLIZED APPAREL, LLC C 51 00035717 1,145.00 10/29/15 87912 UNITED SITE SERVICES C 51 00035718 660.00 10/29/15 90726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES C 51 00035719 504.00 10/29/15 91455 UTAH STATE HOSA C 51 00035720 1,264.00 10/29/15 930 VICTORY FUNDRAISING C 51 00035721 1,393.00 10/29/15 1962 WOODGATE SALES C 51 00035722 320.00 10/29/15 1218 WEST PRO, INC C 51 00035723 2,221.87 10/29/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00035724 8,550.00 10/29/15 98770 WORLD'S FINEST CHOCOLATE, INC C 51 00035725 75.00 10/29/15 1539 BYU - PHYSICS DEPT C 51 00035726 23,272.53 10/29/15 39859 HERFF JONES C 51 00035727 87.45 10/29/15 74597 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES C 51 00035728 144.54 10/29/15 12601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00035729 821.90 10/29/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00035730 19,944.17 10/29/15 41441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC C 51 00035731 3,087.00 10/29/15 1946 ON SITE STORAGE C 51 00035732 13,761.55 10/29/15 69150 PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS C 51 00035733 2,450.00 10/29/15 76115 SERVICE PRESS INC C 51 00035734 11,539.34 10/29/15 94680 WAXIE C 51 00035735 5,760.00 10/29/15 18909 THE RON CLARK ACADEMY C 51 00035736 824.55 10/29/15 2228 REILLY SR LLC C 51 00035737 72,444.47 10/29/15 45460 KELLY SERVICES INC. C 51 00035738 55.00 10/29/15 12977 DEREK BUNKER C 51 00035739 71.55 10/29/15 999998 DAVID GILLIS C 51 00035740 17.99 10/29/15 999998 ERIKA CLEMENT C 51 00035741 99.00 10/29/15 999998 JOSEPH CARPENTER C 51 00035742 59.87 10/29/15 999998 LORI CHADWICK C 51 00035743 44.31 10/29/15 999998 MARK HUNT C 51 00035744 15.02 10/29/15 999998 MATT STROCK C 51 00035745 9.44 10/29/15 999998 PAIGE OLSON C 51 00035746 5,400.00 10/29/15 44976 JTM PROVISIONS CO. INC. C 51 00035747 1,505.61 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 41 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 00035748 138.75 10/29/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00035749 72.51 10/29/15 30601 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY C 51 00035750 3,057.84 10/29/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00035751 106.57 10/29/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00035752 198.00 10/29/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00035753 10.09 10/29/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00035754 6.27 10/29/15 64867 PROFESSIONAL CABLE, LLC C 51 00035755 1,032.96 10/29/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST C 51 00035756 2,599.68 10/29/15 90343 UTAH/YAMAS CONTROLS INC C 51 00035757 13,248.50 10/29/15 65359 PIERRE FOODS INC C 51 00035758 40.00 10/29/15 659 DAYMAKER LLC C 51 00035759 1,548.20 10/29/15 48364 LIFETOUCH PUBLISHING, INC. C 51 00035760 309.60 10/29/15 84402 TEXTILE TEAM OUTLET & DESIGN C 51 00035761 199.00 10/29/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00035762 100.00 10/29/15 577 AUTISM RESOURCES OF UTAH COUNTY C 51 00035763 6,485.00 10/29/15 38891 HARMONY HOME HEALTH SERVICES, LLC C 51 00035764 4,679.20 10/29/15 40685 HORIZON HOME HEALTH/KIDS C 51 00035765 320.00 10/29/15 49238 LOW VISION REHABILITATION C 51 00035766 26.16 10/29/15 56729 MOUNT OLYMPUS WATER INC C 51 00035767 13,801.17 10/29/15 56715 MOUNTAINLAND APPLIED C 51 00035768 173.26 10/29/15 60941 OFFICE DEPOT C 51 00035769 1,581.23 10/29/15 87473 UTAH PARENT CENTER C 51 00035770 149.00 10/29/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00035771 89.20 10/29/15 96260 WESTONE LABORATORIES C 51 00035772 265.46 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035773 1,214.16 10/29/15 435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS C 51 00035774 15,153.00 10/29/15 48357 LIFE TOUCH YEARBOOK NSS ACCTS RECEIVABLE C 51 00035775 237.15 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035776 24.95 10/29/15 82257 SUPERIOR WATER & AIR INC C 51 00035777 560.97 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035778 115.00 10/29/15 215 GLENNA PADFIELD C 51 00035779 275.00 10/29/15 151 MBX-TREME DJ'S, LLC C 51 00035780 258.75 10/29/15 102 NOTEWORTHY RECORDING AND SOUND C 51 00035781 1,000.00 10/29/15 270 PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES PLUS C 51 00035782 2,000.00 10/29/15 686 REVEL MEDIA GROUP, INC C 51 00035783 60.00 10/29/15 2208 TONYA IRENE LEMONE C 51 00035784 25.00 10/29/15 746 UTAH SWIMMING COACHES ASSOCIATION C 51 00035785 580.00 10/29/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00035786 245.00 10/29/15 94593 WASATCH TRANSPORTATION 4 C 51 00035787 8,361.45 10/29/15 92560 VALLEY BUSINESS MACHINES C 51 00035788 136,062.21 10/29/15 82500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERV C 51 00035789 3,300.00 10/29/15 1108 SMITH COACHES C 51 00035790 740.93 10/29/15 14473 CCG HOWELLS C 51 00035791 5,642.16 10/29/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00035792 770.05 10/29/15 67 DONE RITE LINES, LLC C 51 00035793 125.64 10/29/15 32257 FASTENAL C 51 00035794 28.92 10/29/15 37073 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC C 51 00035795 280.63 10/29/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00035796 205.36 10/29/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00035797 71.74 10/29/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST C 51 00035798 2,799.08 10/29/15 90343 UTAH/YAMAS CONTROLS INC C 51 00035799 2,719.63 10/29/15 44 CPM EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM C 51 00035800 10,282.94 10/29/15 1461 DEERE & COMPANY C 51 00035801 6,567.54 10/29/15 30280 EDUTEK CORPORATION C 51 00035802 18,280.00 10/29/15 35010 GARRETT & COMPANY C TECHNOLOGY CENTER 42 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No Amount Date Vendor 51 51 00035803 998.00 10/29/15 48371 LIGHTSPEED TECHNOLOGIES C 00035804 3,000.00 10/29/15 678 QUALTRICS, LLC C 51 00035805 511.91 10/29/15 92170 VALCOM C 51 00035806 224.20 10/29/15 569 ALI HAMMER C 51 00035807 204.13 10/29/15 2233 ALICIA HYATT C 51 00035808 107.13 10/29/15 575 ALYSSA MARTINEZ C 51 00035809 61.96 10/29/15 2248 AMIE SISAM C 51 00035810 59.69 10/29/15 7737 ANDREW E ASAY C 51 00035811 129.95 10/29/15 2256 ANNA MOORE C 51 00035812 686.55 10/29/15 1041 ASHLEY RUSSON C 51 00035813 140.30 10/29/15 39970 BARBARA HESS C 51 00035814 222.53 10/29/15 2246 BRADY FARR C 51 00035815 995.79 10/29/15 78168 CHRISTIAN SMITH C 51 00035816 91.02 10/29/15 766 CHRISTOPHER GONZALEZ C 51 00035817 94.30 10/29/15 51665 CLAUDIA MCAVOY C 51 00035818 566.95 10/29/15 71287 DEREK REYNOLDS C 51 00035819 179.98 10/29/15 53298 DONNA NEIBAUR C 51 00035820 50.60 10/29/15 59286 DONNA NELSON C 51 00035821 114.02 10/29/15 2076 EMILY GOURLEY C 51 00035822 129.95 10/29/15 2258 FUNG (ANNIE) BURR C 51 00035823 129.95 10/29/15 48706 HUNG-PEI LISTON C 51 00035824 152.95 10/29/15 60921 JANAE OBERHANSLEY C 51 00035825 102.58 10/29/15 78119 JENNIFER SMITH C 51 00035826 124.78 10/29/15 67562 JULIE PRICE C 51 00035827 72.45 10/29/15 1751 KATHERINE PARKER C 51 00035828 313.95 10/29/15 560 KORINE CARDONA C 51 00035829 70.44 10/29/15 96719 LARRY WHITE C 51 00035830 79.10 10/29/15 2249 LAURA GILES C 51 00035831 113.11 10/29/15 61230 LAURA OLSEN C 51 00035832 210.45 10/29/15 94181 LINDA WARD C 51 00035833 68.71 10/29/15 70135 MARTI READ C 51 00035834 125.93 10/29/15 34750 PENNY GARDNER C 51 00035835 263.41 10/29/15 82494 PETE SWIDERSKI C 51 00035836 129.95 10/29/15 2257 PETRA CHOU C 51 00035837 75.33 10/29/15 2247 RAEANN HURST C 51 00035838 139.73 10/29/15 38411 RICK HAMILTON C 51 00035839 112.70 10/29/15 79673 RICK STAFFORD C 51 00035840 316.25 10/29/15 8519 RYAN AVERY C 51 00035841 258.18 10/29/15 73573 STACY SALMANS C 51 00035842 129.95 10/29/15 11123 TAWNI OTERO C 51 00035843 530.15 10/29/15 84877 TIM THOMPSON C 51 00035844 199.53 10/29/15 872 VILAYPHONE CUELLAR C 51 00035845 37,012.64 10/29/15 50157 LUCKYDOG RECREATION C 51 00035846 3,840.00 10/29/15 8870 BMC WEST CORP C 51 00035847 35.00 10/29/15 17261 CERTIFIED SHRED INC C 51 00035848 850.00 10/29/15 27850 DUDLEY & ASSOCIATES, INC C 51 00035849 950.00 10/29/15 37771 GURNEY & ASSOCIATES C 51 00035850 100.00 10/29/15 2251 LINDA KIMBALL WEEKS C 51 00035851 300.00 10/29/15 2250 NAMON BILLS C 51 00035852 1,624.13 10/29/15 82084 SUNROC BUILDING MATERIALS C 51 00035853 4,471.94 10/29/15 44967 JOSTENS, INC (GRADUATION SUPPLIES) C 51 00035854 66.00 10/29/15 62320 AMREN PATTERSON C 51 00035855 40.00 10/29/15 926 ASHLEY ASAY C 51 00035856 25.00 10/29/15 94314 CHELL WARNER C 51 00035857 66.00 10/29/15 19911 CHRISTY COLLARD C 43 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035858 51 00035859 51 00035860 51 Amount Date Vendor 4.07 10/29/15 87325 DENEE TYLER C 116.00 10/29/15 92790 ERIDEE VANCE C 82.33 10/29/15 45636 JACKIE KETCHERSID C 00035861 66.00 10/29/15 35705 KATELYNN GEORGE C 51 00035862 40.00 10/29/15 1716 KAYLEE SANDSTROM C 51 00035863 66.00 10/29/15 5840 KRISTIN AMUNDSEN C 51 00035864 50.00 10/29/15 25749 SANDY DENBOER C 51 00035865 127.00 10/29/15 33784 SHARON FRANZ C 51 00035866 45.00 10/29/15 999998 ABRA HIATT C 51 00035867 98.20 10/29/15 999998 ALLYCE JONES C 51 00035868 80.80 10/29/15 999998 AMELIA CASARES C 51 00035869 81.50 10/29/15 999998 ARIONNA DAY C 51 00035870 49.41 10/29/15 999998 BOB CAPEL C 51 00035871 20.05 10/29/15 999998 BRAD BURR C 51 00035872 28.05 10/29/15 999998 BRIANNA NICHOLS C 51 00035873 66.00 10/29/15 999998 CAMI CLAWSON C 51 00035874 14.40 10/29/15 999998 CAMILLE MECHAM C 51 00035875 35.00 10/29/15 999998 COLBY BRYDSON C 51 00035876 21.00 10/29/15 999998 DONNA DECISTO C 51 00035877 15.00 10/29/15 999998 EMILY MATTINSON C 51 00035878 78.15 10/29/15 999998 GRACE HUNT C 51 00035879 25.00 10/29/15 999998 HAILEY EVANS C 51 00035880 66.00 10/29/15 999998 HOLLY HANSEN C 51 00035881 7.80 10/29/15 999998 JULIANNE TATE C 51 00035882 30.00 10/29/15 999998 KAREN BLACKBURN C 51 00035883 30.62 10/29/15 999998 KATHY THOMPSON C 51 00035884 191.53 10/29/15 999998 KELLY TIPTON C 51 00035885 127.00 10/29/15 999998 KRISTINE THOMPSON C 51 00035886 66.00 10/29/15 999998 LACEY BEAN C 51 00035887 7.25 10/29/15 999998 LAITE MILLER C 51 00035888 66.00 10/29/15 999998 MACKENZIE SMITH C 51 00035889 10.00 10/29/15 999998 MARIA FANO C 51 00035890 66.00 10/29/15 999998 MATTHEW KILLPACK C 51 00035891 22.00 10/29/15 999998 MEGHAN BISHOP C 51 00035892 10.00 10/29/15 999998 MICHAE JENSEN C 51 00035893 47.99 10/29/15 999998 MICHELLE MCMANUS C 51 00035894 90.84 10/29/15 999998 PETER LASSEN C 51 00035895 66.00 10/29/15 999998 RACHELLE ALVEY C 51 00035896 127.00 10/29/15 999998 SHELBY FORSYTH C 51 00035897 127.00 10/29/15 999998 VICKIE HOVIK C 51 00035898 144.59 10/29/15 49206 TERESA LOUW C 51 00035899 31.98 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00035900 3,214.11 10/29/15 3962 ALTEC NUECO C 51 00035901 2,136.02 10/29/15 19768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC C 51 00035902 859.65 10/29/15 22209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY C 51 00035903 628.68 10/29/15 27921 DCD TRANSFER C 51 00035904 235.62 10/29/15 30601 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY C 51 00035905 16.58 10/29/15 32257 FASTENAL C 51 00035906 3,074.93 10/29/15 33209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #3205 C 51 00035907 29.59 10/29/15 35564 GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS C 51 00035908 135.43 10/29/15 37073 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC C 51 00035909 107.04 10/29/15 44725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY C 51 00035910 12,265.16 10/29/15 50929 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES INC C 51 00035911 728.00 10/29/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00035912 609.37 10/29/15 56723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY C 44 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035913 51 00035914 51 Amount Date Vendor 40.42 10/29/15 65803 PDM STEEL C 76.46 10/29/15 63856 PECK ROCK & PRODUCTS C 00035915 313.32 10/29/15 62382 PPG PORTER PAINT C 51 00035916 275.00 10/29/15 67504 PRESSURE WORKS INC C 51 00035917 8.62 10/29/15 71093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST C 51 00035918 133.44 10/29/15 79620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC C 51 00035919 1,648.60 10/29/15 80289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE C 51 00035920 68.00 10/29/15 85406 TIMPANOGOS SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT C 51 00035921 410.94 10/29/15 78169 UTAH LANDSCAPING ROCK, LLC C 51 00035922 315.00 10/29/15 472 BYU DAVID M. KENNEDY CENTER C 51 00035923 28.63 10/29/15 2217 WELLS FARGO BANK C 51 00035924 7,614.05 10/29/15 1924 MUIR COPPER CANYON C 51 00035925 5,037.50 10/29/15 47325 LE BUS C 51 00035926 3,366.00 10/29/15 7762 ASPEN INSTALLATIONS C 51 00035927 23,536.75 10/29/15 1074 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS & SERVICE C 51 00035928 999.20 10/29/15 28234 EARTHTEC ENGINEERING C 51 00035929 4,800.00 10/29/15 31540 EZARC WELDING, INC C 51 00035930 556.20 10/29/15 43249 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK& SECURITY SUPPLY C 51 00035931 27,095.18 10/29/15 45565 KENDRICK BROS ROOFING INC C 51 00035932 5,000.00 10/29/15 68689 MERIDIAN ENGINEERING, INC C 51 00035933 7,395.00 10/29/15 53949 MHI SERVICE INC C 51 00035934 12,000.00 10/29/15 56610 MOUNTAIN VALLEY TEMP CONTROL C 51 00035935 1,492.34 10/29/15 2123 PLAY & PARK STRUCTURES C 51 00035936 1,169.58 10/29/15 76870 SIERRA FOREST PRODUCTS C 51 00035937 5,700.00 10/29/15 84875 THOMPSON LOGGING INC C 51 00035938 3,837.60 10/29/15 32971 5 BUCK OREM PARKWAY C 51 00035939 4,384.95 10/29/15 32970 5 BUCK PIZZA C 51 00035940 2,626.05 10/29/15 11508 BLACK JACK PIZZA C 51 00035941 6,672.75 10/29/15 84000 TENNEY'S PIZZA C 51 00035942 25,298.90 10/29/15 61689 OREM CITY CORP UTILITIES C 51 00035943 18,873.72 10/29/15 69322 QUESTAR GAS C 51 00035944 233,594.52 10/29/15 91081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER C 51 00035945 113,680.18 10/29/15 82500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERV C 51 00035946 695.00 10/29/15 18967 CLARK WHOLESALE C 51 00035947 5,111.41 10/29/15 56415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY C 51 00035948 15,442.00 10/29/15 97209 REX W WILLIAMS & SONS INC C 51 00035949 5,994.00 10/29/15 18967 CLARK WHOLESALE C 51 00035950 2,520.00 10/29/15 56 SPIRIT MONKEY, LLC C 51 00035951 74.75 10/29/15 999704 BUTLER, JACOB C 51 00035952 55.00 10/29/15 999704 BYINGTON, DAKOTA Q C 51 00035953 32.50 10/29/15 999704 COX, JANAE J C 51 00035954 137.00 10/29/15 999704 HICKS, KEATON C 51 00035955 8.35 10/29/15 999704 RAFAJKO, RUSSELL R C 51 00035956 10.00 10/29/15 999704 TAYLOR, AUSTIN J C 51 00035957 11.25 10/29/15 999704 TAYLOR, EMILY N C 51 00035958 6.25 10/29/15 999704 WALDRON, EMMA L C 51 00035959 90.29 10/29/15 999405 CERVANTES, NATHALIE B C 51 00035960 60.00 10/29/15 999405 COREY, ADDISON C 51 00035961 134.76 10/29/15 999405 HANSEN, SHAELYNN C 51 00035962 31.00 10/29/15 999405 JENKINS, JULIANA C 51 00035963 33.21 10/29/15 999405 SIMMONS, CADEN J C 51 00035964 61.22 10/29/15 999405 SIMMONS, COLTON S C 51 00035965 161.75 10/29/15 999411 STRACHAN, WILLIAM H C 51 00035966 7.50 10/29/15 999735 ANDERTON, LEILANI C 51 00035967 2.50 10/29/15 999735 BROWN, TAYLOR R C 45 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00035968 51 00035969 51 Amount Date Vendor 75.00 10/29/15 999735 GRACE, KAITLYN D C 15.00 10/29/15 999735 HONE, TREVIN M C 00035970 60.00 10/29/15 999735 KUNZ, MADYLEE A C 51 00035971 52.50 10/29/15 999735 MERRILL, WILLIAM C C 51 00035972 12.50 10/29/15 999735 MURPHY, CHASE A C 51 00035973 42.50 10/29/15 999735 NELSON, JAREN K C 51 00035974 117.79 10/29/15 999735 SPENCER, MAKAYLA L C 51 00035975 133.00 10/29/15 999737 ANDREW, BENJAMIN Y C 51 00035976 200.00 10/29/15 999737 BUCKNER, TYLER E C 51 00035977 10.00 10/29/15 999737 QUINTANA, ROLANDO N C 51 00035978 117.27 10/29/15 999737 ROBERTS, LOGAN B C 51 00035979 20.00 10/29/15 999737 ROETTGER, ISABELLE C C 51 00035980 10.00 10/29/15 999737 SARDONI, ELIZABETH N C 51 00035981 45.92 10/29/15 999737 SLACK, DANIEL T C 51 00035982 56.25 10/29/15 999737 STRATFORD, MAKENZIE K C 51 00035983 214.25 10/29/15 999737 TAYLOR, JARED C C 51 00035984 85.50 10/29/15 999737 TIMBOE, TAYLOR B C 51 00035985 12.50 10/29/15 999737 TROWBRIDGE, MCRAE M C 51 00035986 121.83 10/29/15 999441 ADAM, PRESTON G C 51 00035987 10.00 10/29/15 999441 LAWSON, AIDEN M C 51 00035988 142.75 10/29/15 999754 BOOTH, KIA B C 51 00035989 11.25 10/29/15 999754 BUSTOS, GEMMA A C 51 00035990 130.25 10/29/15 999754 DENT, DEREK C C 51 00035991 40.00 10/29/15 999754 HALE, JARETT M C 51 00035992 45.00 10/29/15 999754 MONSON, ELAINE M C 51 00035993 15.00 10/29/15 999754 URIBE, DANIEL C 51 00035994 140.25 10/29/15 999754 VALDEZ, KODY B C 51 00035995 165.75 10/29/15 999754 WENDEL, CARTER J C 51 00035996 106.59 10/29/15 999478 BLOCKER, JONAH E C 51 00035997 81.50 10/29/15 999478 MACIEL PEREZ, BRIZA C 51 00035998 134.00 10/29/15 999478 MACIEL, LUZ MARIA C 51 00035999 169.54 10/29/15 999779 BLACK, AUSTIN C 51 00036000 32.00 10/29/15 999779 CLARKE, ROSE C 51 00036001 211.29 10/29/15 999779 GUTKE, LOUISA F C 51 00036002 159.71 10/29/15 999779 RILEY, SAMUEL S C 51 00036003 109.91 10/29/15 999779 THOMPSON, HAILEY L C 51 00036004 140.12 10/29/15 999786 CHABOT, CLARISSA L C 51 00036005 35.00 10/29/15 999786 HACKING, HANNAH L C 51 00036006 42.50 10/29/15 999786 LESSER, NATHAN P C 51 00036007 50.00 10/29/15 999786 PETERSON, ASHLEY N C 51 00036008 17.50 10/29/15 999786 SHIELDS, SAVANNAH L C 51 00036009 33.00 10/29/15 999488 BANAS, GABRIELLA N C 51 00036010 37.17 10/29/15 999488 BRITTLE, CAITLYN A C 51 00036011 78.00 10/29/15 999488 CHRISTENSEN, RYDER P C 51 00036012 3.00 10/29/15 999488 ELLISON, MEGAN C 51 00036013 70.00 10/29/15 999488 JOHNSON, DAVID A C 51 00036014 23.00 10/29/15 999488 PROVOST, ROBERT T C 51 00036015 63.00 10/29/15 999488 RHOTON, MEILAN N C 51 00036016 63.00 10/29/15 999488 WHITE, ZACHARY M C 51 00036017 107.31 10/29/15 999490 CHRISTENSEN, NOAH J C 51 00036018 99.00 10/29/15 999490 HARPE, NOAK H C 51 00036019 68.58 10/29/15 999490 JENSEN, SETH C C 51 00036020 20.00 10/29/15 999490 OTTOSEN, CHANDRA L C 51 00036021 85.50 10/29/15 999490 ROSE, ABIGAIL L C 51 00036022 99.02 10/29/15 999490 SMITH, KARISSA J C 46 Report Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type 10/30/15 05:41 PM Bank Check No 51 00036023 51 00036024 51 Date Vendor 97.25 10/29/15 999490 SNYDER, KATE L C 69.25 10/29/15 999490 WILCOX, SARAH V C 00036025 30.00 10/29/15 999496 EVERETT, KENDALL C 51 00036026 5.00 10/29/15 999496 FRANCIS, HALLEE C 51 00036027 25.00 10/29/15 999496 HUNT, SYDNEY S C 51 00036028 15.00 10/29/15 999496 LEE, AURORA D C 51 00036029 8.00 10/29/15 999496 PRETTYMAN, JACKSON K C 51 00036030 45.50 10/29/15 999485 FRYER, ABIGAIL C 51 00036031 81.50 10/29/15 999485 FRYER, JAKE C C 51 00036032 52.50 10/29/15 999485 MAXFIELD, IAN L C 51 00036033 12.00 10/29/15 999485 MORLEY, DAVIS H C 51 00036034 71.00 10/29/15 999485 RASMUSSEN, ELLIE C 51 00036035 112.00 10/29/15 999485 RENTERIA, FERNANDO E C 51 00036036 72.50 10/29/15 999485 WHITTLE, MADELEINE K C 51 00036037 87.50 10/29/15 999485 WILLARD, ELIZABETH L C 51 00036038 1,818.05 10/29/15 22784 COSTCO/SCHOOLS C 51 00036039 14,937.71 10/29/15 43708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC C 51 00036040 372.92 10/29/15 23910 CRUS OIL C 51 00036041 4,596.97 10/29/15 34304 FUELMAN STATE OF UTAH GASCARD C 51 00036042 6,260.33 10/29/15 43708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC C 51 00036043 1,870.05 10/29/15 54467 LARRY H MILLER FORD C 51 00036044 1,244.50 10/29/15 69469 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE C 51 00036045 3,630.84 10/29/15 78121 SMITH POWER PRODUCTS INC C 51 00036046 26,112.36 10/29/15 84948 THOMAS PETROLEUM C 51 00036047 271.93 10/29/15 88889 UNITED STATES WELDING C 51 00036048 2,314.66 10/29/15 1267 UTAH VALLEY PETERBILT C 51 00036049 253.32 10/29/15 96594 WHEELER MACHINERY COMPANY C 51 00036050 5,109.18 10/29/15 99992 ZONAR SYSTEMS INC C 51 00036051 169.22 10/29/15 5432 ALSCO C 51 00036052 1,853.00 10/29/15 17591 CHEMSTATION OF UTAH C 51 00036053 393.11 10/29/15 23910 CRUS OIL C 51 00036054 106.61 10/29/15 40872 HOSE & RUBBER SUPPLY C 51 00036055 3,473.95 10/29/15 43708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC C 51 00036056 2,109.37 10/29/15 43950 JACK'S TIRE & OIL C 51 00036057 145.43 10/29/15 45601 KENWORTH SALE CO C 51 00036058 1,355.00 10/29/15 47188 LARRY'S TOWING C 51 00036059 183.37 10/29/15 48090 LEWIS BUS GROUP C 51 00036060 72.36 10/29/15 53886 METALMART INC C 51 00036061 380.00 10/29/15 69469 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE C 51 00036062 1,040.90 10/29/15 78121 SMITH POWER PRODUCTS INC C 51 00036063 804.24 10/29/15 81641 SUBURBAN PROPANE -1243 C 51 00036064 23,608.38 10/29/15 84948 THOMAS PETROLEUM C 51 00036065 617.98 10/29/15 1267 UTAH VALLEY PETERBILT C Total Bank No 51 Amount 15,378,897.22 47 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type .00 Date Vendor Total Hand Checks Total Computer Checks 15,389,792.68 Total ACH Checks .00 Total Other Checks .00 Total Electronic Checks Total Computer Voids .00 -10,895.46 Total Hand Voids .00 Total ACH Voids .00 Total Other Voids .00 Total Electronic Voids .00 Grand Total: 15,378,897.22 Batch Yr 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Batch No 000549 001363 001668 001709 001843 001865 001926 001973 002069 002186 002195 002271 002300 002429 002447 002473 002546 002548 002599 002600 002653 002685 002702 002707 002728 002749 002777 002793 002805 002808 002817 002824 002845 002846 002860 002869 002894 002896 002900 002906 002909 002914 002929 002934 002937 002938 002940 Amount -15.00 -66.21 -635.46 -330.19 1,824.70 -2,138.45 1,549.43 31,727.82 167.20 -900.00 -70.00 75.00 321.39 123,086.47 1,200.00 6,931.42 450.00 172.58 7,001.70 75.00 470.00 2,216.00 -117.00 340.00 473.53 381.00 50.00 600.00 18,961.65 6,352.50 2,109.77 42.75 65.00 875.00 70.00 1,300.00 2,595.74 1,542.00 325.00 9,801.00 1,656.20 42.00 75.00 390.00 3,912.69 399.00 5,464.66 48 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 002943 002944 002948 002952 002957 002960 002962 002963 002965 002966 002969 002970 002971 002972 002974 002977 002979 002988 002990 003001 003012 003015 003019 003020 003025 003027 003029 003042 003043 003046 003047 003050 003052 003055 003056 003060 003062 003065 003071 003075 003079 003082 003084 003085 003087 003089 003092 003095 003097 003098 003099 003100 003101 003102 003105 003117 003130 003141 003143 003146 003153 003158 003160 254.00 3,845.88 660.29 275.00 3,298.67 750.82 4,626.20 395,621.58 2,160.15 91.86 13,014.91 149.37 2,377.00 100.41 2,004.00 131.49 150.00 234.21 210.72 1,909.17 61.98 275.00 3,986.63 24,101.74 735.00 411.00 219.44 13,371.17 918.16 328.00 2,085.70 300.00 120.00 4,858.16 150.00 200.02 101.90 100.00 130.00 75.00 25,839.87 91,485.74 584.40 41.66 89.84 390.00 28,919.09 3,612.72 57.25 649.87 6,400.00 704.00 12,876.51 9,540.00 700.00 54.48 150.00 1,792.00 2,940.00 176.30 20,571.25 69,829.20 40.00 49 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 003167 003168 003173 003174 003175 003176 003178 003179 003181 003184 003185 003188 003194 003198 003204 003211 003215 003216 003217 003218 003220 003221 003224 003225 003230 003232 003233 003234 003245 003253 003254 003255 003256 003257 003258 003259 003260 003266 003270 003281 003282 003283 003285 003287 003290 003292 003303 003304 003309 003310 003311 003312 003329 003330 003331 003332 003334 003337 003338 003339 003340 003343 003345 2,166.91 2,124.22 284,764.05 135.00 104,397.42 65,456.20 3,062.38 4,608.00 22,050.00 7,864.71 14,720.99 171,968.39 1,519.62 65.99 500.00 4,681.25 10,607.43 14.94 880.28 108,626.21 11.49 15,355.76 90.00 1,350.00 8,968.00 8,861.05 20,221.20 18,523.55 970.00 90.00 200.00 170.00 688,225.94 75.00 864.38 14,325.66 2,062.64 7,474.77 242.74 94.42 3,392.32 1,084.96 3,036.00 150.00 1,503.80 5,985.00 915,226.33 33,625.41 303.36 2,018.77 2,709.99 3,873.48 831.28 250.00 54.45 48.69 294.68 2,779.97 107.31 142.86 761.00 117.62 1,443.02 50 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 003350 003354 003358 003363 003364 003368 003372 003374 003376 003377 003381 003384 003387 003389 003390 003391 003392 003395 003396 003397 003398 003403 003404 003405 003409 003410 003415 003416 003417 003419 003424 003425 003426 003427 003428 003430 003431 003436 003437 003439 003441 003443 003451 003455 003465 003469 003475 003476 003485 003486 003488 003489 003490 003491 003492 003499 003500 003502 003505 003506 003508 003519 003527 352.94 140.08 38.58 44.46 10,578.00 3,399.45 1,669.89 482.68 156.00 7,096.12 19,209.23 419.56 1,381.13 1,619.49 2,428.21 1,248.56 11,171.27 428.46 1,818.05 21.78 7,499.00 2,591.03 12,496.55 615.41 690.90 2,261.52 .00 42.35 18,256.40 160.11 1,361.38 19,998.75 145.87 808.32 140,376.88 225.00 47,502.02 41,792.66 213.63 176.30 21,850.00 97.82 3,500.49 2,505.22 635.46 6,160.00 24.95 110.00 70.00 71.91 147,028.03 6,438.80 328.69 1,561.99 771.67 149,258.91 4,083.50 2,646.56 3,939,166.06 3,500.00 38,110.08 1,375.00 3,433.98 51 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 003534 003544 003546 003549 003551 003552 003556 003558 003559 003563 003564 003572 003576 003580 003582 003592 003593 003594 003599 003605 003608 003618 003620 003625 003627 003655 003656 003657 003658 003666 003669 003670 003671 003673 003685 003687 003694 003717 003721 003722 003724 003733 003736 003739 003756 003758 003759 003762 003764 003770 003773 003777 003781 003783 003786 003788 003790 003794 003795 003798 003799 003805 003811 5,082.24 701.00 3,440.05 490.67 110.00 3,464.14 1,950.00 260.54 80,146.61 125,411.50 7,885.26 30.76 27,075.44 954.00 11,369.65 188.88 195.00 20,577.90 59.98 1,198.86 333.99 15.00 14,937.71 427.74 84.93 732.36 92,873.39 48,069.13 284.00 1,505.61 42,141.38 162.62 76,579.90 1,200.00 15.00 18,791.61 5,068.15 332.38 9,751.34 225.00 470.29 646.04 855.27 2,341.70 61,451.21 1,170.00 245.00 501.11 150.00 15,525.65 28,875.59 450.00 52.42 180.00 52,037.06 1,584.59 60.00 620.81 55.00 320.00 1,112.00 64.92 77.74 52 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 003812 003813 003817 003819 003821 003824 003826 003829 003836 003837 003842 003845 003852 003858 003872 003877 003880 003883 003884 003886 003892 003897 003898 003899 003900 003904 003905 003907 003908 003909 003910 003911 003914 003916 003920 003923 003925 003930 003932 003933 003938 003940 003943 003945 003951 003955 003957 003962 003967 003979 003987 003996 004006 004007 004008 004010 004011 004014 004015 004021 004022 004023 004028 6,578.21 60,840.28 486.87 1,600.00 578.16 101,099.44 2,073.82 150.00 11,523.95 5,521.24 493.07 8,965.49 15.00 50.00 470.20 897.00 10,772.25 3,371.77 176.14 4,000.00 15,548.39 3,069.09 1,407.80 75.00 1,216.23 150.00 355,835.17 46.46 46.95 73.55 182.11 32.45 80.43 333.03 2,498.03 290.00 5,145.41 21,377.40 216.12 8,856.00 584.10 1,593.47 68.94 3,721.49 59,281.45 142,853.29 23,437.90 763.70 32.91 370.00 1,350.64 200.00 390.41 8,912.72 3,969.95 15,379.00 20,675.00 6,309.25 5,209.87 182,617.00 1,000.00 27,364.50 10,030.00 53 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 004029 004031 004032 004037 004038 004046 004047 004048 004049 004052 004055 004060 004064 004069 004071 004075 004076 004081 004083 004084 004085 004091 004092 004093 004097 004099 004103 004108 004109 004111 004115 004116 004122 004132 004143 004144 004148 004150 004152 004153 004155 004162 004164 004165 004166 004169 004172 004173 004186 004187 004194 004195 004197 004199 004204 004205 004207 004208 004211 004213 004218 004223 004231 11,204.00 7,222.67 39,599.48 21,534.86 616,466.53 13,248.50 163,020.74 205.65 8,620.00 1,954.33 131.67 938.40 979.30 40.00 713.47 5,424.84 60.00 811,968.51 124.95 419.61 13,561.56 615.00 76.00 30,588.60 35,406.22 481.14 2,624.42 16,739.77 344.40 1,857.80 26,225.00 1,662.22 2,112.00 150.00 199.00 5,518.75 245.00 1,033.16 66,640.65 36,312.92 27,404.22 17,947.50 1,479.62 11,820.30 461.34 15,153.00 237.15 24.95 560.97 4,313.75 6,013.54 45.87 350.00 8,361.45 136,062.21 37,012.64 2,026,849.74 461.34 200.00 176.30 3,300.00 10,664.51 69.90 54 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 004233 004241 004249 004252 004254 004260 004261 004262 004269 004274 004276 004279 004282 004285 004286 004288 004292 004293 004295 004311 004324 004332 004341 004353 004357 004363 004377 004387 004394 004420 004421 004428 004431 004432 004435 004452 004484 004488 004517 704033 704036 704041 704043 704046 705035 705051 711043 711054 717039 735007 735009 735010 735013 735017 737019 737020 737023 737028 739020 739022 741039 741044 741046 6,886.95 227.73 2,192.08 290.66 61.98 54,401.89 2,654.94 100.00 176.30 42,360.02 7,778.63 7,699.13 2,963.00 200.00 320.00 1,240.31 4,471.94 22,124.72 2,221.87 2,709.58 8,550.00 23,434.98 31.98 51,748.50 27,014.98 5,760.00 824.55 343.63 7,614.05 5,037.50 113,680.18 93,110.25 124.60 72,444.47 17,521.35 5,400.00 29,762.41 372.18 277,767.14 373.00 172.50 172.50 55.00 335.10 82.07 410.48 91.50 161.75 229.19 916.50 5,177.00 414.13 1,845.32 385.29 657.82 146.72 1,498.13 904.69 656.50 432.50 152.70 70.00 143.31 55 Report Date Bank 10/30/15 05:41 PM Check No Amount Date ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Page No A/P Summary Check Register FPREG01A Type Vendor 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 741054 754037 754041 754045 754048 754053 759036 778043 779034 779043 779047 779051 785025 786020 786028 786034 788035 789034 789044 789048 790017 790028 790032 790033 794019 794024 796036 796038 796041 796042 796044 131.83 67.50 163.00 424.70 512.00 690.25 118.00 322.09 357.94 187.50 218.98 682.45 534.50 1,058.00 502.11 285.12 370.17 366.09 4,553.00 275.00 928.58 30.00 645.91 301.76 1,488.92 570.48 236.21 221.75 503.52 285.31 83.00 56 Summary of Budget Adjustments October 2015 FY 2016 Period 4 Month October October October October October October Fiscal Period 04 04 04 4 04 04 October 04 Program Fund Number 10 5881 10 5881 10 5333 10 5610 10 0000 10 5332 10 Total 66 66 Total Grand Total 9014 Funding Type State State State State Local State Transaction Typ Program Description Increase State Revenue USTAR Increase State Revenue USTAR Increase State Revenue Concurrent Enroll Increase State Revenue Drivers Education Allocate EMI Refund Above Budgeted General Program Recognize Deferred from FY 15 Advanced Placement Local Inc Expense Budget Net Amount Transaction Inc (Dec) Number $ 146,569 484/1753 &58 $ 218,000 3503/1761 $ 141,098 2571/1710 $ 470,906 3294/1747 $ 1,434,194 4351/1795 $ 105,349 3912/1775 $ 2,516,116 Warehouse/Purchasing $ 4,340 $ 4,340 Description of Transaction Carryover FY15 Grant (July to Sept Expenses) Extended HS and Sept PR Increase FY16 budget initial $400K sb $618K Carryover FY15 Grant ‐school locations Increase Drivers Ed budget to recognize state award for Sky Ridge HS driving range cost Add EMI Refund Over Budget ‐ $400,800 to Retiree Med, $1,033,394 Assigned to OPEB Recognize Deferred Revenue from FY 15 4001/1778 Set up Copier Budget per request ‐ Change Inc/Dec Fund Balance to Expense for tracking $ 2,520,456 **Note ‐ The budget change in the Capital Projects Fund was not an increase or decrease to the overall Capital Projects budget. It was simply a change between programs/functions. ORIGINAL BUDGET ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report General Fund October 30, 2015 PRIOR CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue State Revenue Federal Revenue Total Revenue $ 85,527,741 340,689,863 25,987,497 $ 199,778 118,701 28,406 $ 1,434,194 1,081,922 - $ 87,161,713 341,890,486 26,015,903 $ 452,205,101 $ 346,885 $ 2,516,116 $ 455,068,102 $ 329,521,173 $ (151,903) $ 1,482,722 $ 330,851,992 $ 11,178,914 136,204,936 110,264 $ 75,982,799 205,685,549 25,905,639 12.83% 39.84% 0.42% $ 147,494,114 $ 307,573,988 32.41% $ $ 273,835,200 219,714 8,361,752 762,697 155,897 1,970,465 1,032,787 8,862,716 5,771,645 101,718 34,740 78,800 115,654 261,343 196,311 21,691,455 282,625 735,654 565,686 464,772 156,255 231,906 1,044,684 4,158,154 27,853,047 11,766,697 17.23% Expenditures Instruction Support Services Social Work Services Guidance Services Health Services Physical Therapist Services Psychological Services Occupational Therapist K-12/Instr. Support Programs Media/Library Services Board of Education Auditor Services Legal Services Insurance Services Superintendent Office Asst Supt Instructional School Administration Business Administrator Accounting Department Budget Department Purchasing Department Warehouse Services Public Information Services Personnel (HR) Services Technology Services Maintenance Services Transportation Services Fund Transfers & Balances Total Expenditures 221,400 9,865,466 1,161,685 226,258 2,297,038 1,242,621 12,529,384 6,980,539 232,908 70,000 90,000 702,152 444,443 294,729 30,060,352 414,051 1,191,280 746,350 652,976 197,328 347,328 1,498,198 5,688,171 38,922,809 15,211,548 33,795 7,037 23,950 (697) - (8,605,086) $ 452,205,101 - 434,703 $ 346,885 1,033,394 $ 2,516,116 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 57,016,792 221,400 9,865,466 1,161,685 226,258 2,297,038 1,242,621 12,563,179 6,987,576 232,908 70,000 90,000 702,152 444,443 294,729 30,084,302 414,051 1,191,280 746,350 652,976 197,328 347,328 1,497,501 5,688,171 38,922,809 15,211,548 1,686 1,503,714 398,988 70,361 326,573 209,834 3,700,463 1,215,931 91,800 35,260 11,200 586,498 183,100 98,418 8,392,847 131,426 455,626 180,664 188,204 41,073 115,422 452,817 1,530,017 11,069,762 3,444,851 (7,136,989) 1,033,394 $ 455,068,102 $ 92,486,721 (8,170,383) $ 362,581,381 0.76% 15.24% 34.35% 31.10% 14.22% 16.89% 29.45% 17.40% 39.41% 50.37% 12.44% 83.53% 41.20% 33.39% 27.90% 31.74% 38.25% 24.21% 28.82% 20.81% 33.23% 30.24% 26.90% 28.44% 22.65% -14.48% 20.32% ORIGINAL BUDGET ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report Student Activity Fund October 30, 2015 PRIOR CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue $ 18,100,000 $ - $ - $ 18,100,000 $ 8,359,901 $ 9,740,099 46.19% $ 16,979,124 $ - $ - $ 16,979,124 $ 4,075,386 $ 12,903,738 24.00% $ $ $ $ $ 107,368 175,192 267,955 68,552 253,594 17.34% 20.71% 44.06% 62.83% 17.28% (200,000) 0.00% Expenditures Instruction K-12/Instru Support/Prof Dev Media/Library Services School Leadership (Faculty) Fiscal Services Maintenance of Schools Fund Transfers & Reserves Total Expenditures $ 129,887 220,964 479,005 184,435 306,585 - - (200,000) - - 18,100,000 $ - $ - 129,887 220,964 479,005 184,435 306,585 22,519 45,772 211,050 115,883 52,991 (200,000) $ 18,100,000 $ 4,523,601 $ 13,576,399 24.99% ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report Non K-12 Programs October 30, 2015 PRIOR CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET ORIGINAL BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue State Revenue Federal Revenue Total Revenue $ 2,737,497 4,958,942 353,939 $ (264,538) $ 2,100 - $ 2,472,959 4,958,942 356,039 $ 538,867 3,154,451 - $ 1,934,092 1,804,491 356,039 21.79% 63.61% 0.00% $ 8,050,378 $ (262,438) $ - $ 7,787,940 $ 3,693,319 $ 4,094,621 47.42% $ 2,162,866 368,754 5,518,758 $ (264,538) $ 2,043 - - $ 1,898,328 370,797 5,518,758 $ 335,170 75,346 994,425 $ 1,563,158 295,451 4,524,333 17.66% 20.32% 18.02% 57 0.00% 6,382,999 18.04% Expenditures Community Recreation Service Adult Education Pre-School Instruction Fund Transfers & Balances Total Expenditures $ 8,050,378 57 $ (262,438) $ - 57 $ 7,787,940 $ 1,404,941 $ ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report Tax Increment Fund October 30, 2015 PRIOR CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS ORIGINAL BUDGET FINAL BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue $ 13,008,893 $ - $ - $ 13,008,893 $ - $ 13,008,893 0.00% $ 13,008,893 $ - $ - $ 13,008,893 $ - $ 13,008,893 0.00% - - - $ 13,008,893 Expenditures Other Community Services Fund Transfers & Balances TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 13,008,893 $ - $ $ - $ 13,008,893 0.00% 0.00% ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report Debt Service Fund October 30, 2015 PRIOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS CURRENT BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS $ 58,944,580 $ - $ - $ 58,944,580 $ 3,426,391 $ 55,518,189 5.81% $ 59,394,580 $ - $ - $ 59,394,580 $ 8,650,367 $ 50,744,213 14.56% ORIGINAL BUDGET FINAL BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue Expenditures Debt Service Fund Transfers & Balances Total Expenditures (450,000) $ 58,944,580 $ - $ - (450,000) $ 58,944,580 $ 8,650,367 (450,000) $ 50,294,213 0.00% 14.68% ORIGINAL BUDGET ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report Capital Projects Fund October 30, 2015 PRIOR CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET FINAL ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue State Revenue Federal Revenue Total Revenue $ 14,883,555 14,053,000 - $ - $ - $ 14,883,555 $ 14,053,000 - $ 831,762 4,032,062 - $ 14,051,793 10,020,938 - 5.59% 28.69% 0.00% $ 28,936,555 $ - $ - $ 28,936,555 $ 4,863,824 $ 24,072,731 16.81% $ $ $ $ 541,048 856,146 151,541 359,167 11,000 1,851,917 117,754 12,869,881 2,826,469 1,898,321 - $ $ 1,011,952 86,350 1,592,380 487,709 3,703,836 1,989,000 1,724,263 926,632 38,732,113 5,343,000 4,845,194 - 34.84% 0.00% 34.97% 23.71% 8.84% 0.55% 51.78% 11.27% 24.94% 34.60% 28.15% 0.00% (52,950,358) 0.07% 7,492,071 74.11% Expenditures Instruction Warehouse Services Technology Services Maintenance of Schools Transportation Services Site Acquisition Site Improvements Professional Services Building Acq & Construction Building Improvements Equipment Services Bond Selling Expense Fund Transfers & Balances Total Expenditures $ $ 1,518,000 2,414,400 357,000 3,750,000 2,000,000 3,580,000 1,259,767 53,974,485 9,168,600 5,284,127 - 35,000 86,350 34,126 263,650 313,003 14,780 (215,381) (2,372,491) (999,131) 1,459,388 - (54,369,824) 1,380,706 $ 28,936,555 $ - 18,600 (18,600) $ - 1,553,000 86,350 2,448,526 639,250 4,063,003 2,000,000 3,576,180 1,044,386 51,601,994 8,169,469 6,743,515 (52,989,118) $ 28,936,555 (38,760) $ 21,444,484 $ ORIGINAL BUDGET ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report Nutrition Services October 30, 2015 PRIOR CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS FINAL BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue State Revenue Federal Revenue Total Revenue $ 7,441,000 3,650,000 10,953,000 $ - $ - $ 7,441,000 3,650,000 10,953,000 $ 937,223 404,426 1,793,594 $ 6,503,777 3,245,574 9,159,406 12.60% 11.08% 16.38% $ 22,044,000 $ - $ - $ 22,044,000 $ 3,135,243 $ 18,908,757 14.22% $ 23,691,421 $ - $ - $ 23,691,421 $ 4,666,360 $ 19,025,061 19.70% Expenditures Food Services Fund Transfers & Balances Total Expenditures (1,647,421) $ 22,044,000 $ - $ - (1,647,421) $ 22,044,000 $ 4,666,360 (1,647,421) $ 17,377,640 0.00% 21.17% ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report Industrial Insurance Fund October 30, 2015 ORIGINAL BUDGET PRIOR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS CURRENT BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS $ 884,200 $ - $ - $ $ 920,061 $ - $ - $ FINAL BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED 884,200 $ 189,609 $ 694,591 21.44% 920,061 $ 275,212 $ 644,849 29.91% (35,861) 0.00% 608,988 31.13% Revenue Local Revenue Expenditures Industrial Insurance Services Fund Transfers & Balances Total Expenditures (35,861) $ 884,200 $ - $ - (35,861) $ 884,200 $ 275,212 $ ORIGINAL BUDGET ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Expenditure Report School Services Fund October 30, 2015 PRIOR CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS FINAL BUDGET RECEIPTS/ EXPENDED REMAINING BUDGET % BUDGET EXPENDED Revenue Local Revenue $ 1,067,500 $ - $ $ 614,926 329,905 108,260 14,409 $ - $ 1,067,500 $ - $ - $ 1,067,500 $ 303,529 $ 763,971 28.43% 619,266 329,905 108,260 10,069 $ 154,878 125,789 8,922 - $ 464,388 204,116 99,338 10,069 25.01% 38.13% $ 1,067,500 $ 289,589 $ 777,911 27.13% Expenditures Warehouse Services Printing Services Maintenance of Schools Fund Transfers & Balances TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,340 $ (4,340) - 0.00% 2014-15 NEW TEACHERS BOARD REPORT Position School One Year Effective Date Lane Step SEPTEMBER 2014 Yrs. Exp. Yr Exp Allow Degree University Degree Date Major Minor Replacing Warr, Allison Grade 4 E - Greenwood x 8/17/15 I 1 0 0 BS BYU Idaho Apr-15 Elementary Ed Jennifer Boren Ledingham, Haylee Grade 2 E - Eagle Valley x 10/12/15 I 1 0 0 BS UVU Dec-10 Elementary Ed Aimee Brunson Symmes, Amy Dance JH - Timberline x 8/17/15 I 2 1 1 BS BYU Aug-13 Dance Ed Crossley, Jared Grade 4 E - Sego Lily x 10/6/15 I 3 2 2 BS BYU Apr-14 Elementary Ed David Hullinger Bailey, Brittinee Grade 3 E - Eagle Valley x 10/1/15 I 2 1 1 BS UVU May-08 Elementary Ed Tyke Lister Shields, Amy SPED - SLP E - Deerfield x 10/21/15 I 1 0 0 BS USU May-14 Communication Disorders Jennifer Johnson Schow, Amelia Drama JH - Pleasant Grove x 10/20/15 I 1 0 0 BA BYU Dec-12 Theatre Arts Studies E - Dry Creek x 8/17/15 I 7 10 10 MS California State University Jun-91 Art/Music Specialty Mummert, Jacqueline Art/Music Specialty .5 Ammy Symmes .5 Alyssa Grant Jessica Zurcher/Growth FTE Savings RESIGNATIONS Allan, Laura Reason P.E. Specialist Burwell, Courtney Grade 5 NEW TEACHERS Position E - Hidden Hollow E - Hidden Hollow School x 5/29/15 I 1 I 1 x 5/29/15 One Year Effective Date x 8/17/15 I Lane Step One Year Contract One Year Contract Yrs. Exp. Yr Exp Allow University Degree Date Major BS BYU Idaho Apr-15 Elementary Ed Minor Replacing Warr, Allison Peterson, Katherine Grade 0 E - Greenwood Social Studies JH - Timberline 1/12/16 I 3 Personal Reasons Guinn, Derek Counselor JH -Pleasant Grove 1/25/16 VIII 19 Military Leave Davis, Naomi Grade 1 E - Northridge 5/29/15 I 3 One Year Contract 11/4/15 2.294 5.286 5.28571 Degree 1 Jennifer Boren 10:26 PM 2014-15 BOARD REPORT SEPTEMBER 2014 Snelgrove, Laura 5th/6th split E - Dry Creek 5/29/15 I 2 One Year Contract Eriksson, Leigh E - Lindon 11/6/15 I 1 Personal Reasons Loveridge, Annett Special Education E - Valley View 11/25/15 I 12 Moving out of area Sorenson, Cori E - Highland 9/18/15 I 13 Moving out of area Topham, Chelsey TSA E - Westmore 12/18/15 I 4 Moving out of area Green, Shawn SPED - Resource E - Mountain Trails x 5/29/15 VIII 2 One Year Contract Torres, Kristy Grade 3 E - Hidden Hollow x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Carter, John Science JH - Vista Heights x 5/29/15 I 2 One Year Contract Spellman, Daniel Science JH - Willowcreek x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Jensen, Kylee OEK Kindergarten E - Orchard x 5/29/15 I 3 One Year Contract Hatton, Nathan SPED - Resource SH - Mountain View x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Cannon, Danielle School Psychologist E - Hillcrest x 5/29/15 IV 2 One Year Contract Brown, Madison JH - Oak Canyon x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Raymond, Cherie Counselor JH - Frontier x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Riggs, Jennae Resource E - Eagle Valley x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Gray, Alexandra Social Studies SH - Lehi x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Blain, Luke Computer Specialist E - Orchard x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Richmond, Kayla PE/Health JH - Oak Canyon x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Graf, James SPED - Resource SH - Westlake x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Down, Lindsey Grade 4 E - Westfield x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Clinger, Edith Grade 4 E - Foothill x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Arce, Nataly CTE - FACS JH - Timberline x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Brocious, Ashley English SH - Orem x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract Judd, Camille SPED - SLP E - Geneva x 5/29/15 I 1 One Year Contract 11/4/15 Kindergarten Grade 4 English 2 10:26 PM CLASSIFIED BOARD REPORT November 2015 NEW EMPLOYEES SCHOOL/ DEPARTMENT POSITION NEW EMPLOYEE EFFECTIVE DATE REPLACING WAGES DAYS PER YEAR Purchasing/Warehouse Dpt. Mail Delivery Boyd Fenton 10/26/15 Kristin McDaniel (trf) $12.23 138/188 $7,594.83 Y Mountain Trails Elementary Admin. Secretary/Elementary Maura Smith 10/20/15 Debbie Cullimore (res) $17.09 150/202 $20,508.00 Y Bus Specialist Robert Greaves 10/20/15 Brian Nilson (military leave) $18.85 174/250 $26,239.20 Y Architect Ln H stp 1 Scott Johnson 11/9/15 Hana Wright (res) $29.73 160/250 $38,054.40 Y PREVIOUS POSITION EMPLOYEE EFFECTIVE DATE REPLACING NEW POSITION NEW DEPARTMENT Interpreter Novice Heather Harmon 10/1/15 N/A Interpeter EIPA 3.6 same POSITION EMPLOYEE EFFECTIVE DATE Vista Heights Middle School Lead Custodian Jr. High Lec Holmes 10/30/15 other employment Technology Dpt. 250 Day Onsite Technician Brad Dixon 10/28/15 other employment Transportation Dpt. Physical Facilities Dpt. CHANGE OF STATUS PREVIOUS DEPARTMENT Special Education Dpt. RESIGNATIONS/TERMS DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL REASON SALARY signed to contract Alpine School District Foundation Board Report October 2015 Donation Summary Employees participating in payroll deduction: 1686 Amount of payroll deduction donations: $23,347.50 Total number of patron donors for the month: 337 Total amount of patron donations for the month: $67,107.88 Estimated Value of In-Kind Donations: $8,810.00 In-Kind Donation Summary 10/20/15 10/20/15 Debbie Zeidner Gerald Lund Painting by Steven Lee Adams (18) Books The Work and The Glory LRJH Peterson $8,650.00 161.82 New Club Applications 2015-‐16 School Club Name Objective Hip Hop Loose Sticks Music Club Unicycling The Order of the Phoenix The Gathering Lehi Earthbenders (Ceramics) Pioneer Movement LHS United Nations Lehikers Civics Club Rubik’s Cubing Club Photography Club Mountain Biking Appreciation To help students learn how to Hip Hop dance. Improve musicians & bands at the school. Further musicians & band careers. Teach goal setting, develop skills and have fun. To improve appreciation for the Harry Potter Society Support, improve and promote: people, strategy, critical thinking, risk-‐taking, skills and social relationships. To learn new techniques, practice, share ideas, build friendships. To form a group that will support other members in studying parkour freerunning techniques in a positive, bully-‐free environment and in a manner that is constructive to both the members and the school/community. Students will not practice parkour on school grounds or as a club activity. To increase the knowledge of native students and others about different American Indian cultures. We also hope to create a group where natives and other ethnicities feel like they fit in and are free from judgment. To enjoy and come to appreciate our surroundings through hiking. To help members get wholesome exercise and build friendships To bring awareness to current events and teach how history affects the students lives. To help them understand the world they live in. To teach the students of LHS how to solve the Rubik’s Cube and inform them of the intellectual fun experience that comes with solving the Rubik’s Cube To promote unity and school spirit through ongoing collaborative photography projects involving students, faculty, and the community of Lehi. To increase student awareness of photography as an art form, a hobby and a career. To develop the love and appreciation for mountain biking; teach maintenance of bicycles; lean safe cycling technique on roads and trails. Although we will not be racing or riding as a club, this is an environment to socialize and learn about cycling with like-‐minded students. American Fork Lone Peak VL Club Hip Hop / Breakdance Days for Girls Parkour and Freerunning Club Scooter> Life Street Hockey Club Mickey Mouse Club Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Disney Club Yu-‐Gi-‐Oh Club Youth for Social Activism Anime Club Boys Volleyball Appreciation Camp Half-‐Blood – Mythology Club Classical Literature Club Competitive Gaming Disco Skate Fanny Packers Fight the New Drug Hammocking 101 Harry Potter Club Helping Hands: Humanitarian Club In-‐and-‐ Out Burger Club International Youth Relief Program Magic: The Gathering To get out of the club. Learn and practice clean hip hop/breakin’ culture & perform. To create awareness of and sew kits for Days for Girls. To increase member’s Parkour & Freerunning ability in a safe manner. Improve scooter skills and become one. Create team building and long lasting friendships by playing the great sport of hockey. To share and enjoy the “magic” of the Walt Disney company and its affiliates. Stress free zone, fun. Become one through love of Disney, analyze Disney movies. To bring dueling to another level. To inform students on local and global social issues and provide an environment for the analyzation and discussion of both the causes and possible solutions to those ongoing issues as well as allow youth to work together in opposition of social injustice. Geek over Anime while meeting people who share the interest. Allow boys an opportunity to participate in volleyball. Learn to survive from monsters. Teamwork. Discuss Percy Jackson books, training, advancement in mythology understanding and friendship building. Read and discuss classic works of literature. Have a gaming community as friends. Unity and making new friends while having fun and being groovy on wheels. To promote fanny pack awareness. To realize how efficient and convenient fanny packs are. Raise awareness, fundraise and have fun. To teach the youths of America proper hammocking techniques and un60. Study and learn about the story/journal of Harry Potter. To help with humanitarian projects. To educate young folks about the importance of good burgers and fries. To fundraise and donate money to humanitarian organizations globally. To learn and practice skills needed for competitive trading card games, promote social Club Military Club Mock Trial Club Munch and Mingle Club Neature Kids Ninja Club Pokeman/Minecraft Reach Your Peak/Hiking Appreciation Club Singing With the Angels activities and teamwork for non-‐physical people interested in friendly competition. To promote and inform students about military requirements, service and lifestyle. Learn how to be a lawyer and learn the responsibilities of a lawyer. A social club where you can meet new people and socialize. Help students appreciate nature. Do secret acts of service for people while also playing games to get to know each other. Creativity, friendships and problem solving skills To have fun and bond with new people as we discover some of the most beautiful places to hike around us. Use musical abilities such as singing, piano or other forms of music instruments to serve in the community. STOMP Club Entertaining performances including dance and percussion. To show people percussion isn’t only for drummers. Street Music Club To improve the local music culture and bring musicians together. Vinyl Club To educate about the classics in music and to meet new friends. League of League of Have fun, promote teamwork, communication, encouraging competition and strategic Legends thinking. Bouldering Appreciation Physical well being through bouldering. Mountain View NO NEW CLUBS Orem Robotics/Skills USA Make vex robots and compete in state championship. Become learned about robots. Snowboard Club To learn about ski and snowboard techniques and safety. Model UN Prepare for and compete in Model UN competitions. Computer Science and Promote, support and involve students in works of software development, system Technology administration, hardware development and communication skills. Explore different career opportunities in the computer science field. Pleasant Grove Viking Fishing Education of different fishing techniques. To meet other fishy people. Confidence building. Learn water safety and how to safely handle fish. Lean about conservation of natural resources. Gay-‐Straight Alliance To be an advocate and provide support to everyone regardless of sexual orientations Sandwich Club Food for Change 3-‐D Animation Game Design Ground Pong Club Anime and Gunpia Animation Club Mountain Biking Club Timpanogos Debate Team T-‐Wolf Cycling Timpanogos Snowboarding Autism Club SK801 Club (appreciation) Super Smash Brothers Club League of Legends Union Movie and Relax Chess Club Ultimate Frisbee and gender. To provide a safe place for everyone to openly be themselves. To educate others who may not understand or have questions about different issues pertaining to the club. To unite students through sandwiches. Unite through making sandwiches and swapping recipes and techniques and experiment with different styles. Possibly engage in sandwich competition. Fundraise and collect food for the less fortunate. Plan fun activities and ask for a can of food for an entrance fee. To help people become a 3-‐D game designer. To promote a love of sports, creativity, build friendship, teach good sportsmanship show school spirit and have fun. To watch anime and build gunpia. Have a good time Give students with or without animation experience the opportunity to explore and find out more about it. To bring together kids of similar interest and help them learn more abut the activity they love: Mountain Biking To learn to debate and express opinions professionally. To enable every T-‐Wolf student to strengthen body, mind and character through the lifelong sport of cycling. Give them the knowledge to maintain and care for their bicycles. To talk about and support snowboarding. We will not be going snowboarding. Autism social life. Develop the confidence and physical abilities of the students Students will learn how to skateboard individually but supporting each other as a group. To help people come out of their comfort zones and have fun so that their high school experience can be the best here at THS. Have fun playing League and work on unity. Unite students through wholesome entertainment. Provide unique ways for all of THS students to enjoy one another’s company. To teach and improve chess skills. Unify students by providing them with teambuilding experiences and exercises to grow as individuals and in a group. Humanitarian Club Ginger Pride Wolves Live in Concert Spanish Club Film Club Timpanogos Debate Empowered Youth Official Avatar Club Westlake Rugby Warriors Club Mindfulness Club Island Teens Against Tobacco Gay Straight Alliance Film Club Chess Club Anime Club Duel Club Become aware of the world around us and help to improve difficult global situations through humanitarian efforts. Serve inside and outside of our community. Unite fellow students to become aware of the ginger nation and culture at THS. Invite peers to come play or listen to others play music in a chill environment in hopes to unite a group of students to get involved. Experience authentic culture events. Raise awareness of the Latino Community. Have fun. Build student unity through studying the film medium and produce a film. To compete in the various debate competitions around the state. To provide service opportunities and promote a sense of unity and friendship. Promote the vision for a brighter future for those in need. Have a constant food drive all year. Help THS students get outside of themselves and grow as individuals in a positive environment that will help build the strength of the individual as well as the overall group. To promote the Saratoga Springs Rugby Club. To provide a way for students to deal with negative emotions in a way that is positive and constructive. It is an unfortunate reality that each year has had it’s suicides. This club will help prevent that tragedy. To promote tobacco awareness and educate about the dangers of tobacco. Empower teens to advocate for tobacco prevention and cessation programs. Provide opportunities to educate state legislators in regards to tobacco regulations and policies. Acceptance of the LGBT+T community Have fun and be creative. Learn about lighting, camera, script writing, make-‐up and other aspects of film acting and directing. Chess skills, friendship, experience in chess tournaments. Give anime fans a place to meet and discuss things. Make new friends. Improve mental strategies ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Pre-Kdg K lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Total SC Total includingTitle I Alpine Aspen Barratt Black Ridge Bonneville Cascade Cedar Ridge Cedar Valley Central Cherry Hill Deerfield Dry Creek Eaglecrest Eagle Valley Foothill Forbes Fox Hollow Freedom Geneva Greenwood Grovecrest Harvest Hidden Hollow Highland Hillcrest Legacy Lehi Lindon Manila Meadow Mount Mahogany Mountain Trails North Point Northridge Orchard Orem Pony Express Ridgeline River Rock Riverview Rocky Mountain Sage Hills Saratoga Shores Scera Park Sego Lily Sharon Shelley Snow Springs Suncrest Thunder Ridge Traverse Mtn. 55 31 35 27 27 60 29 33 46 39 54 36 27 18 28 74 29 26 28 36 58 36 54 26 23 51 30 59 20 54 12 58 72 73 77 155 92 78 130 12 101 101 75 165 134 109 72 68 158 121 55 87 91 132 125 97 40 83 93 70 89 108 146 95 123 82 101 81 120 102 106 125 67 194 134 62 107 75 102 116 64 191 182 103 82 80 167 78 102 115 19 79 137 100 153 109 108 79 68 156 157 62 95 108 139 122 95 49 102 102 94 86 124 137 78 113 99 109 84 128 125 95 106 83 194 130 64 114 72 131 121 55 177 157 99 88 83 181 93 111 118 17 96 119 110 146 132 98 88 74 181 148 63 84 104 147 113 109 47 102 97 95 105 105 110 93 135 110 111 75 133 132 98 132 88 183 142 58 121 58 119 113 59 174 166 111 56 83 160 85 119 138 15 99 107 102 118 138 99 100 68 159 158 64 73 94 150 131 140 56 116 104 102 120 96 131 94 103 100 104 88 125 149 87 130 94 188 163 69 126 76 136 116 78 169 152 111 69 82 130 90 95 162 17 81 98 137 114 146 94 99 66 157 162 61 83 114 119 128 110 38 124 71 95 117 110 122 77 100 98 81 91 104 145 86 119 78 175 165 57 122 62 124 117 53 149 137 88 66 70 112 101 107 158 19 77 98 117 124 161 80 92 63 144 186 67 85 99 125 127 129 43 133 96 108 150 91 101 76 108 84 89 92 104 157 85 77 77 178 131 51 124 47 132 116 53 143 150 69 69 87 141 82 92 144 19 71 98 140 78 146 87 100 86 132 173 72 81 107 118 132 132 50 127 92 119 122 78 119 89 87 87 89 77 109 116 83 88 68 169 177 58 147 59 143 103 62 148 122 653 503 562 1,046 621 704 965 118 604 758 781 898 966 675 630 493 1,087 1,105 444 588 717 930 878 812 323 787 655 683 789 712 866 602 769 660 684 588 823 926 640 777 555 1,281 1,042 419 861 449 887 802 424 1,151 1,066 3 12 1 2 6 18 1 11 1 1 25 25 22 29 11 12 10 17 16 10 7 29 36 4 2 12 2 18 34 12 2 24 14 8 20 3 16 30 38 8 4 14 4 5 2 41 4 34 3 656 515 563 1,048 627 704 983 118 605 769 782 899 991 700 652 522 1,098 1,117 454 605 733 940 885 841 359 791 657 695 791 730 900 614 771 684 698 596 843 929 656 807 593 1,289 1,046 433 865 454 889 843 428 1,185 1,069 Valley View Vineyard Westfield Westmore Windsor On-line School Elementary School Total JUNIOR HIGHS American Fork Canyon View Frontier Lakeridge Lehi Mountain Ridge Oak Canyon Orem Pleasant Grove Timberline Vista Heights Willowcreek On-line School Junior High Total SENIOR HIGHS American Fork Lehi Lone Peak Mountain View Orem Pleasant Grove Polaris Timpanogos High Westlake East Shore/On-line 9-12 Summit (At Risk) Senior High Total 12 30 28 33 51 1,373 62 181 65 68 72 51 148 80 58 45 63 159 90 57 85 62 133 105 67 61 57 137 133 42 71 GRAND TOTAL 66 120 152 46 58 12 15 27 23 27 27 30 5,698 5,839 7th 8th 9th 633 388 550 379 489 458 452 275 478 582 399 514 392 494 490 414 292 414 641 397 466 393 475 443 446 296 468 430 451 493 6,044 6,090 5,809 5,708 5,716 1,856 1,184 1,530 1,164 1,458 1,391 1,312 863 1,360 1,374 1,668 1,697 37 16,894 582 562 524 632 550 515 19 18 5,765 7th 419 982 743 388 452 161 40,904 Total 5,572 5,557 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 5 6 5 3 2 9 -‐ 3 7 -‐ 1 830 949 827 430 374 684 1 449 921 -‐ 1 797 852 857 416 376 695 82 496 871 1 2 645 712 763 416 390 632 156 444 652 17 13 41 5,466 5,445 4,840 Regular Program Total Summit (YIC) 7-12 Dan Peterson Horizon Served by Appt(Sp Ed) PK-3 Special Total 58 104 118 50 60 Total - - 12 9 4 10 15 713 SC 26 34 17 37 17 7 26 15 12 15 15 28 2 251 SC 431 991 747 398 467 161 41,617 Total 1,882 1,218 1,547 1,201 1,475 1,398 1,338 878 1,372 1,389 1,683 1,725 39 17,145 Total 2,277 2,519 2,452 1,265 1,142 2,020 239 1,392 2,451 18 17 15,792 21 41 15 20 10 25 -‐ 28 16 -‐ -‐ 176 2,298 2,560 2,467 1,285 1,152 2,045 239 1,420 2,467 18 17 15,968 73,590 1,140 74,730 54 213 102 25 394 75,124 4 8 10 31 53 - 4 8 10 31 53 1 213 102 25 341 73,643 1,481
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