Bear Facts - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1


Bear Facts - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
Alcester-Hudson High School
Box 198 Alcester, SD 57001
Ariy’s Fight
By Courtney McKee and Haley boyer
As many of you know, sophomore Ariyanna Miller has been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid
Leukemia. She recently completed what will hopefully be her last chemo treatment at Sanford Children’s Hospital in Sioux Falls.
Several benefits and fundraisers have been set up. On Sep. 7, a benefit golf tournament was
sponsored by the FFA at the Alcester Golf Course. 14 teams of five golfers each signed up
and played, helping to raise money for the Miller family. A poker run was also sponsored
that afternoon. On Sep. 8, a benefit tractor pull was held at the Union County Fairgrounds.
The weekend of benefits resulted in a donation of over seven thousand dollars to the Miller
On Sep. 21, a hog roast and benefit auction took place at the Hudson Community Center.
The auction itself brought in over twenty thousand dollars. The attendance and number of
volunteers at the auction prove that we have a truly strong and caring community.
There are also t-shirts, athletic bags, and bracelets being sold around town. The AlcesterHudson volleyball and football teams are also wearing orange socks at games in support of
Ariyanna’s fight against leukemia. We need to keep Ariyanna in our thoughts and prayers as
she battles on in her fight against leukemia.
In the fifth
installment of the hit
video game series
Grand Theft Auto, the
action heats up as the
game player plays as
three characters, Michael, Franklin, and
Trevor, who all have
their own problems.
The game takes place in
the fictional city of Los
Santos, which is based
on the city of Los Angeles and the small rural
towns surrounding it.
“I am a proud
member of the group,
‘Berg’s Homies’,”
said Sophomore Brock
Norseen. He’s not the
only student to purchase GTA V, Juniors
By Nick Johannsen
Colin Walth and Ashton
Liston and freshman
Logan McConnell have
all given two thumbs
up when it comes to the
action thrilling game. “I
don’t know where the
time goes when I play,”
said Junior Colin Walth
GTA V has been
flying off the shelves at
all retail stores and is in
very high demand and
with such a huge fan
base there will likely
be a GTA VI. So if you
like high paced, actionthrillers, then pick up a
copy in a store near you
By Chris Klemme
For the past three years words with a word of
on every Wednesday,
the week each week.
Alcester- Hudson
Each session is ended
has had Fellowship
with a prayer and then
of Christian Athletes
the squads head out to
(FCA) where athletes
practice. This year after
and coaches take ten
every home and away
minutes out of practice football game, both
to gather in the gym
teams are invited to
and listen to Pastor
the middle of the field
Scott Connor and Paswhere there is a prayer.
tor Kevin Jenson.
This year in
FCA both speakers
have talked about“RE-”
College Courses
High school students taking time to work
college classes into their
schedule can be a straining
thing, but will benefit you
in the future. Sometimes
though, students are just
way too busy. Students
have their high school
course grades to maintain,
sports and extra-curricular
activities, and jobs already;
throwing college classes on
top of all of that can leave
someone exhausted and
Skylar McConnell knows the exhausted
feeling when she woke up
at 6:56 for her 7:00 A.M.
English course. Students
attending that class with
The sequel to director James Wan’s
supernatural horror film hit theatres on September 13th, and led the box office for its
first two weeks until recently being overtaken
by the psychological thriller Prisoners.
Chapter 2 begins right where the first
film left off, with the Lambert family moving
into Josh Lambert’s (Patrick Wilson) mother’s house, but trouble follows them. Where
the first film focused on the Lamberts’ oldest
son Dalton (Ty Simpkins), Chapter 2 directs
the focus on the father Josh, who just rescued
his son from a dangerous dream-world called
“The Further.” Creepy things begin to happen as soon as the family moves in, the first
of which being the piano seemingly playing
itself, and the strange behavior of the father
Volume 13
Issue 1
Sept/Oct 2013
By Skylar McConnell
her are Shenia Doering,
this class. All courses are
Courtney McKee, and
taught through Mounty
Kassie Van Wyk. The Eng- Marty College, except Selish class is every Monday, nior, Tyler Lewis, is attendWednesday, and Friday
ing a course on Mechanics
from 7:00 A.M. – 7:50
taught through Mitchell
A.M. After the college
English course, an Algebra
All students in a
course is available from
college course agree that it
8:00 – 8:50. This class is
is harder, and does require
scheduled every Monday,
time for homework, but it’s
Wednesday, Thursday, and worth it. Many may think
Friday. The students atthey are exhausted taking
tending this course are Erik one or two college courses
Barnes, Shenia Doering,
while still in high school,
Chris Klemme, Marcus
but attending college will
Ireland, Courtney McKee,
show them the true definiJesse Osterloh, Lindsey
tion of exhaustion.
Terpstra, and Colin Walth.
Another class offered is
dual credit American History; many juniors are in
By Ashton Liston
Josh. The film also follows two partners in
ghost hunting, who appeared in the first film.
These two men provide comic relief to detour
from the many scares throughout the film.
The team investigates rundown hospitals
and abandoned houses; typical locations in
the horror genre. While this film has many
scares, it really doesn’t stand out like director
James Wan’s last hit horror film The Conjuring. Junior Chris Klemme said “It had a better story line, but wasn’t as scary as the first.”
As is the case with most horror films,
Chapter 2 has an abundance of cheesy lines,
most of which come from the ghost hunters.
While comic relief is always appreciated, a
cheesy line can take away from the mood of a
horror film.
All in all, the film is a must-see for
fans of the first film. It provides a satisfying
back story which expands on the first film, all
the while producing multiple scares.
Vending Machine Madness
By Abbey Farley
Terror struck through the veins of
the AHHS students as they walked
in to see the vending machines
gone! It was all cleared up a few
minutes later in the opening assembly of the year.
“During lunch time, the
front hallway was so congested,
that anybody wanting to visit the
main office had to walk through
137 kids,” said Principal Lee Ann
Haisch. The decision was made
that the three vending machines
would be moved to the hall by the
library, so during lunch students
would go out west gym doors and
walk in through the library door to
use vending machines.
For the first few days the
students were having difficulty
to remember to alter their course
after lunch, but everything seems
to be running smoothly. No need
to fear AHHS students, our vending machines are here to stay.
By Shenia Doering
As the new school year has begun,
new and innovative ideas sparked
inside Counselor Shana Doering’s
head. Since teenagers tend to
check their phone on a regular
basis and have turned to social
media as a main source of entertainment, Doering thought activating a Twitter account would be a
creative idea to send out information about college, ACT registration, and for other educational
She has also found a habit in
sending out a daily motivational
tweet every morning for students
to read. “Who needs a good morning text from a girl when you have
a daily inspirational tweet from
Mrs. Doering?” said senior Erik
Barnes. Although Doering is still
attempting to figure out how to
Homecoming 2013
By Colin Walth
maneuver around the social media
website, she believes this will be
an easier and more successful way
to reach students and get out the
information that they need to be
told. Doering encourages students
to find @ShanaBCounselin on
twitter and follow her.
By Cheyenne Sorlie
With the beginning of another school year comes the start
of many extracurricular activities;
one of the most popular being
FFA. The AHHS FFA chapter has
already started off the year by
setting up a benefit, a tractor pull,
and even a golf tournament.
Earlier the FFA set out
to raise money for Ariyanna by
hosting a golf tournament, which
was a huge success. Many of the
members helped out with concessions and even golfed. Prizes were
handed out for the winners and
everyone seemed to have a good
There are many exciting
things coming up on the FFA calendar as well. The FFA National
Convention is at the end of Octo-
By Haley Boyer
FCCLA has begun their year. On Sep. 11, senior Haley Boyer
and adviser Kelsey Randall travelled to Ft. Pierre for a fall executive
planning meeting. At the meeting, Boyer and Randall communicated
with other state officers and their advisers from around South Dakota
to plan the Fall Leadership Training which was held on Oct. 6 -7.
8th graders Rachel Boyer, Zach Hulstein, Cameron Squires, Tatyana
Carlisle, and Hannah Renken were able to attend the leadership training where they learned more about the FCCLA organization and its
Members of FCCLA also sparked up their desire to serve
the community. For the first community service project, a group of
students attended Girls Scout registration and organized a craft for
the girls. They were a great help as they were able to keep the Girl
Scouts occupied while their parents took care of all of the registration
Although it is just the beginning of the year, FCCLA members
are already getting excited about upcoming projects and officer positions. Senior Erik Barnes says, “I close my eyes and sign the papers
whenever Miss Randall asks me too.” As long as we can keep our
treasurer from spending all the money, this should be a great year for
ber and on October 24 the chapter
hosted a pork burger feed. They
also had a fun fall picnic.
“FFA is a great opportunity
for students to look at their future
while still having fun during their
high school years. Anyone can
join and succeed at all events”
says FFA advisor Kelly Dunkelberger. In the upcoming months,
the members with be preparing for
fall CDEs. “It’s a lot of fun going
to these events, and you also get to
miss school”, said senior Landon
Nygaard when asked what he
liked most about FFA.
The chapter is always
looking for new members, just pay
your dues and be ready to have
Sound the trumpets and
roll out the red carpet, because
here comes the Royalty…
Homecoming Royalty that is.
The year had barely begun and
Homecoming Week was upon
us once again. The festivities of
Homecoming Week bring joy
and excitement into the usually
dreary lives of students here at
AHHS, with this year’s theme
being “Superheroes.”
The Royalty this year
was a dapper bunch of young
men and women. The seniors
that were nominated to take the
crown included: Erik Barnes,
Landon Nygard, Austin Schuller,
Haley Boyer, Shenia Doering,
and Jamie Jansen. The junior attendants were Lyle Laframboise
and Bobbi McHugh. The sophomore attendants were Mitchell
Johnson and Brianna Walth.
The freshman attendants were
Samuel L. Jensen and Kassidy
Walth. Homecoming King and
Queen were Erik Barnes and Jamie Jansen. The seniors stole the
show with their skit, “Bye Bye
Bye,” which included Barnes and
Schuller serenading the crowd.
AHHS began the week
with “‘Merica Monday.” Seniors
Erik Barnes and Austin Schuller
arrived to school in short jean
shorts, showing off their hairy,
white legs. Next, the students
dressed up for “Twin Day Tues-
day.” With pairs of students
dressed up as each other, the
teachers had a hard time keeping track of who was who. On
Wednesday, the students wore
their bright apparel for “Neon
Day.” Dressed in flashy yellows, oranges, and hot pinks,
the students colored the school.
As the week drew to an end,
the students put on their class
colors on Thursday. 7th graders
came to school in orange, 8th
grade in blue, freshmen in green,
sophomores in pink, juniors in
red, and the mighty seniors in
black. Finally, on the last day, the
cubs came to school dressed for
“School Spirit Day.”
On Friday the students
strode behind their class floats
through the grand streets of
Alcester showing off their school
spirit. The band marched along
and tooted their horns to the
lovely beat of the school song.
The royalty rode through the
parade in fancy convertibles and
waved at the on looking crowd.
By Erik Barnes
Cubs Football plays of all
10. Gun RIght Drop
Barnes McNasty
9. 4 Cover 2 El
8. Base Cover
3 bloody nose
7. Base Cover 2
6. ‘Merica
5. Senior High
4. 3 Cover 4 Iceberg
3. Burger King
2. Ace Right Gavin
School Laptops
By Colin Walth
Nowadays, if you enter any classroom in
Alcester-Hudson you can find students furiously typing away on their new laptops.
Students 9-12 received their laptops on the
first day of school, and have been in love
with them ever since.
“My laptop is easy to use and accessible; I love it!” said sophomore Nick
Johannsen. The students also received
backpacks to carry their laptops in. With
the new laptops, students can now easily access their homework at home. They
can check their grades and keep up to date
with the latest assignments. Kids no longer
have to worry about forgetting worksheets
at school or forgetting due dates for assignments.
Another advantage of each student
having a laptop is the unlimited number
of resources they can find on the internet.
They can easily use online sources to write
essays and research assignments. Teachers no longer have to herd their rowdy
students down to the computer lab to work
on writing assignments, disturbing other
classes. Also, students don’t have to push
around a laptop cart to various classrooms.
“I no longer have to hunt down the laptops
and make sure they get charged,” said the
computer lab administrator Kathy Johannsen.
All in all, the laptops are a great
improvement for the Alcester-Hudson
School District. It has advanced us to the
superior level of many other schools in the
state. These laptops are going to contribute to the education of the students in the
Fun Fact For Ya:
By Samantha Heiman
A a 19-year-old music student from
Glastonbury, Somerse, has legally
changed his name to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman
Batman Wolverine Hulk And The
Flash Combined.
By Jamie Jansen
While technology is a wonderful thing,
there are many spoofs, problems, and hassles that accompany it. Even though we’re
advancing and joining several schools
around our area on the long list of one-toone education, there are still many aspects
to look at what we’re leaving behind. The
question is, is it really better to leave behind our simple notebook and pencil and
take up the electronics?
The laptops depend crucially on
battery to keep them up and running during
the day. Most students have battery lives
that can last nearly an entire day, but other
students have trouble keeping their laptops on for even an hour. Short battery life
can create issues when it comes to doing
homework, because a student could lose all
of their work due to a dead battery. Chargers are available; however, when students
need to charge their batteries, they have to
move all of their gear to a different spot in
the room just to use a plugin. Senior Jesse
Osterloh said, “The inferior quality of the
laptop batteries is a cause of dismay for
many students. The long class periods and
lack of outlets in classrooms makes for a
great inconvenience.” It’s clear that pencils
and notebooks did not require a battery.
Along with this new learning tool
comes a full-time responsibility. Students
must be careful at all times with the laptops
because they are easy to break. Leaving
the laptop in a car of unbearable heat for
an entire day could cause damage. Forgetting a laptop and having it get stolen is very
possible. Dropping the laptop or spilling
water on it could cause serious problems
for it, too. There are numerous situations
that could happen to the laptop all due to a
careless mistake of a student. If a student
doesn’t have insurance, it will take a good
portion of money to buy a new laptop.
Lastly, a laptop may be misused.
While they are supposed to be solely for
educational purposes, students may find
ways to take advantage of their privileges
at school. When asked to focus on their
homework or lessons, students could find
ways to distract themselves from what they
should be paying attention to. Teachers do
have software that shows what each student is doing, but while teaching, they may
not notice that a student isn’t concentrating. Later, this will lead to confusion and
struggle on homework and tests.
Laptops, indeed, have several
advantages to them that will help AHHS
students gain knowledge. The disadvantages of laptops need to be taken into consideration too, however, because fixing those
will help advance AHHS students even
further in academics.
New season, New Look
By Erik Barnes and Sierra McConnell
It’s that season again; AHHS Football started off to a rapid
4-0 start. This year, football players are trying to keep cool by getting Mohawks. The Mohawk hairstyle has
been a ritual of the football players for 4
years now.
Coach Brian Haak and Assistant Coach
Steven Hale are being assisted by two
volunteer coaches: Kevin Kunz and Dillyn Thompson. Kevin Kunz was the head
coach at Menno High School before he
moved to Alcester last year. This is Dillyn
Thompson’s second year as a volunteer
coach for football and Kevin Kunz’s first.
Another new feature of this season are
the new jerseys that the Cubs are modeling. “We only got them because Lindsey
Terpstra loves Under Armour,” said head
coach Brian Haak. “I love a burly man in
skin tight spandex otherwise known as Under Armour,” said senior
Cross Country
By Ashton Liston and Courtney
Cross country runners have to run several
miles every day to maintain the fitness required to run
and do well at a 5K meet. “They have been working
through a hot spot in the season and building on their
stamina which will hopefully show in the coming
weeks,” said David Broadwell.
Returning to cross country for her senior year,Katie
Hommandberg is the only
female this season and has
placed 14th at the Freeman
meet, 17th at the Dakota
Valley meet, and 18th at
the Alcester-Hudson meet. Other varsity runners
include Marcus Ireland, and Ashton Liston. Junior
varsity runners include Brock Norseen and Brayden
Coach David Broadwell was proud of the runners at the region meet, though they didn’t place.The
runners must place in the top 20 at the region meet in
order to move on to state. The team ended the seaoson
on a good note and with a team dinner hosted at Katie
Hommandberg’s house.
Statistician Lindsey Terpstra.
The high school boys here at AHHS have a tough schedule with
their football season but they aren’t
backing down just yet! The Cubs
record is 7-1, losing to class 9AA, Garretson. The Cubs will face the Chester
Flyers in the first round of the football
playoffs. “Every Friday we kick booty,
take names and pray after. Nothing’s
better,” said senior Erik Barnes.
Many fans come out and cheer on our
AHHS football team as they are heading towards victory! “There’s no better
place to be on a Friday night other than
cheering on the boys under the stadium
lights,” said senior, Shenia Doering. Although the weather may be uninviting
please come out and support the boys
By Jamie Jansen and Sierra McConnell
The lady cubs have been playing
their hardest this season. On Sept. 10, the
girls defeated the Tri-Valley Mustangs in
five matches for
their homecoming week, coming
back from an eight
point deficit in the
fifth match. The
fans showed their
support on Sept.
26 when they
dressed up for the theme “Western Night,”
to cheer on the girls as they defeated Freeman Academy.
The AHHS volleyball team (25-2)
competed in a tournament at Bon Homme
on Saturday, Sept. 21 where they defeated six teams in order to bring home
a championship plaque. The following
weekend, Sept. 28, they traveled to Elkton
and played against Centerville, Iroquois,
Dell Rapids St. Mary and finally scraped
up a close win for the championship game
against Elkton.
On Oct. 3rd, the volleyball team
won against Irene-Wakonda and Baltic
in the Tri-Valley Conference tournament,
advancing them into the championship.
The cubs went onto defend
their Tri- Valley Conference
tournament title in Alcester on Oct. 5th, where they
played five nail-biting matches against the Viborg-Hurley
The AHHS volleyball team
is continuing to work hard
in practice as their season slowly starts to
come to an end. Senior Shenia Doering
said, “Although we’ve come far this season, we need to stay focused for districts
as it is quickly approaching.” The cubs
will compete in their district games on
Nov. 5 and Nov. 7.
By Tashena Osterkamp
It was that time a year again to track down the cheerleading
uniforms. Unlike last year, the football
cheerleaders had much more luck finding
the uniforms, and just in time for the first
game of the season!
This year, Ms. Kelli had a hard time
getting girls to go out for football cheerleading. There are only be three cheerleaders for football and with that it puts them
at restrictions for stunting. “Having only
three cheerleaders, we all had to be 10 times
louder,” said junior Abbey Farley. Farley
cheered alongside junior Emily Myers and Senior Haley Boyer.
Stand up and cheer with them, as they do many
crowd cheers along with the football cheerleading
tradition of touchdown pushups!
Though the cheerleaders weren’t able to stunt
this year, the girls have been cheering loud and proud
at every football game to keep the team positive, as
well as the fans pumped! even in the cold weather
conditions, they cheer on to make sure the school
spirit lasts all throught the games!
Room Summer Styles
By Haley Boyer
By Cheyenne Sorlie
Amid all of the changes that
AHHS is going through this year, the
school has also decided to rid of a
policy that they have held for 2 years.
The administration has decided to
discontinue the use of the after-school
homework room policy.
The original reasoning behind
the homework room was that it would
encourage students to turn in their
assignments on time and keep their
grades up. If they did not, they would
have to stay after school until 3:45.
Unfortunately, the policy did not work
as well as was hoped. From the original adoption of the policy until recently, the number of students ending up
in the homework room did not change
much. The same students continued
to receive failing grades. Because the
policy wasn’t really fixing the problem, it was deemed ineffectual.
The administration hopes that
by asking teachers to mentor and support their students during SRB periods
will be a big step in the right direction. Principal LeeAnn Haisch says,
“We’ll see what kind of progress we
have made after the first grade reports
come out, and that’s when we’ll be
able to decide what needs to be done.”
All that’s left to do is wait to see if the
homework policy makes a reoccurrence, or if a completely new policy
comes into the picture.
Bear Facts
Eden Hemmingson
Kathy Johannsen
Haley Boyer
Shenia Doering
Jamie Jansen
Erik Barnes
Courtney McKee
Skylar McConnell
Abbey Farley
Samantha Heiman
Cheyenne Sorlie
Ashton Liston
Colin Walth
Sierra McConnell
Chris Klemme
Nick Johannsen
Gabby Rodriguez
* We welcome signed
Letters to the Editor.
Letters may be edited.
* Opinions expressed in
The Bear Facts are not
necessarily those of the
entire staff.
* The Bear Facts is published during the school
In the hot heat
of the summer, shorts
and a tank top are the
perfect choice to survive the heat. This
summer also showcased
new styles
that are
very popular in bigger cities.
These styles
sheer button
up shirts,
shorts, and slip on
Many of the
girls at AHHS can be
seen wearing lace or
patterned shirts paired
with their favorite
shorts. Sophomore
student Kinzi DeBriun
says, “This summer I
have noticed that high
wasted shorts are in
style along with button
up shirts with collars”.
For boys, a button up
shirt paired with khaki
shorts and
your favorite
tennis shoes
are a great
choice. These
items of
clothing are
easy to put on
and are comfortable to
move around
Although most
of the student body
wears their favorite
cub gear and basketball
shorts, the styles of the
bigger cities are making
their way into the halls
of AHHS.
Alternative School
By Haley Boyer
With the closing of Aspire
High in Beresford, the Alcester-Hudson school district is
now offering an alternative
school for students who favor
a different learning environment. The program was
accepted through the school
board and holds all the same
policies that Aspire High had
in the past.
There are currently
two students who are utilizing the program. The students
attend school in an upstairs
classroom of the school
What’s your favorite summer activity
By Skylar McConnell
“Fishing and hunting
for squirrels. ‘Merica.”
Senior Austin Schuller
Junior Nick Malmberg
“Going to Minnesota
to visit old friends”
“Fishing and
Sophomore Kevin
“Going to Yellowstone to look at
Kaden Teunissen
where they take their classes
on computers through online
programs. The students only
attend school from 8 a.m. to
noon, but are required to stay
in their classroom the entire
time with scheduled bathroom
and water breaks. While in the
classroom, the students are
placed under the watchful eye
of Pat Bunkoske, their mentor. Bunkoske is there to offer
assistance and to monitor the
students’ progress. Bunkoske says, “ The students are
working hard and trying to get
through their classes.”
The decision to continue with an alternative school
option comes from the best
interest of the students. Because the students have jobs
outside of school and want
to be able to graduate along
with continuing to work, this
alternative school is a workable solution. The students
can work at a self-pace level
so that they can truly absorb
the material and they still get
out of school in time to get in
a day at their jobs.
Happy Birthday!
$5 Lunch!
By Gabby Rodriguez
By Skylar McConnell
Fall has finally arrived, and it
brought birthdays along with it. 8th
graders Rachel Boyer, Karlee Nygard,
and Kaine Pelton will be celebrating
birthdays this month. All will be turning 14 this October, while Rachel will
celebrate hers on the 24th, Karlee on
the 25th, and Kaine the 29th.
Freshman, Dylan Steen, will
be turning 15 on the 27th this month.
Sophomore Nick Johannsen will be
celebrating his sweet 16 on the 6th.
Juniors Ashton Liston and
Danika Taylor-Peterson will be reaching the age of 17 this October. Ashton
hits the number 17 on the 24th, while
Danika will celebrate on the 18th.
Seniors Austin Schuller and
Lindsey Terpstra will hit adulthood
this month on their 18th birthday.
Austin Schuller will turn 18 on the
30th of this month, while Lindsey will
reach her 18th birthday on the 14th of
this month. Lindsey says she won’t
feel any different being 18 rather than
17, except for the fact that she’ll be
able to buy scratch tickets. On the
other side, Austin plans on spending
the summer after his 18th birthday in
Mexico. He also wants to get a tattoo, and like Lindsey, he would spend
money on scratch tickets.
Co�� Fa��i��
By Colin Walth
As the winds start to get colder,
the clothes start to get warmer. Fall is
upon us here at AHHS, and it’s apparent by the way students are dressing.
Although some students are still dressing as if summer is about to begin, their
dressing habits will change very soon.
The summer dressing trends are
nearly over, and the fall trends are about
to begin. Soon students will transition
from the comfort of shorts to the overbearing tightness of jeans. A popular
trend among girls is to switch their flipflops out for the warmth of Ugg boots.
When asked about his fall fashion style,
Sophomore Nick Johannsen said, “I
better get out my fur-lined Uggs.” If the
men in the school feel like getting fancy
they can be found wearing plaid shirts
of various colors. A very popular choice
of dress among the students is sweatshirts to keep them warm. Most Croc
wearing students have been taking trips
to Sioux Falls to buy Crocs that have a
cozy layer of fur on the inside.
Even though the weather is
still warm, it will only be a matter of
time before students start to prepare
themselves for the long fall and winter
They always have an
awesome special at DJ’s
Express for lunch and it
only costs $5. The workers are very kind and
welcoming “Margie is
the highlight of my day”
says Nick Johannsen. The
usual special is a cheeseburger, a drink, chips,
and a cookie. It is a very
satisfying lunch. “This is
quality food” said Mrs.
Delzer. Go pick up some
snacks or the special at
Dj’s! It’s not a far walk
and you can sit down or
take out.
“You walk in
smelling good and walk
out smelling like chicken” said Sierra McConnell. It’s true that when
you go to Dj’s a smell
of food blast you in the
face. This can make you
crazy hungry! Also while
you’re there, drop a little
change in the donation
box for Aryianna Miller.
If you are not a student
and just one of our amazing town people then
go to Dj’s at any time
until 10:00 pm the food
is amazing and you can
get food or snacks at an
amazing price. Go sit for
lunch, dinner, or even
breakfast. Come to Dj’s
for a friendly environment and quality food.
By Sierra McConnell
It’s about time
to start stocking up your
candy bowls and looking for the scariest mask
you can find. That’s right
Halloween is coming
upon us! The night when
kids go door to door,
teenagers watch cheesy
scary movies, and parents drive up and around
the block.
Most common
costumes for kids are
ghosts, princesses, or the
ultimate mummy. sophomore Nicholas Johannsen
said he’s dressing up as
Captain America! Some
say that on Halloween
night the moon turns a
strange color and all the
witches and goblins are
out flying around the
night sky. A few “good
luck” Halloween myths
are if a robin flies inside your house, if you
dream about white cats,
or if you sleep facing the
South the night before
Halloween. “It’s a great
time to egg someone’s
house,” said Junior Samantha Heiman.
On October 31st the
wolves will be howling at the moon, and the
number of cavities will
be increasing! So this
Halloween night are you
going to be tricking or
Oral Interp
By Cheyenne Sorlie
Oral Interp season has started here at AHHS, and all involved
are very excited. Everybody is getting ready to practice their duets and
solo pieces for
the upcoming competitions. “I look
forward to this year’s
oral interp
season and the talent that
I know the students will display in their
said Jeanne Delzer the
oral interp
The first
meeting for Oral interp
was held the
21st of September and
each member of
the group had to fill out a
sheet asking what they wanted to participate in and what their level of
commitment was towards practicing and competing. Some of categorizes oral interp members can be in are poetry, duets, serious prose,
and a favorite readers theater. In each category members will compete
against different students from schools in our district. The first competition is on November 6th.
Many members of Oral Interp are busy getting their duets
picked out and deciding what part of their favorite book they want to
do an excerpt from. “I hope to improve this year and be able to go to
state” says junior Marcus Ireland. This year looks promising for the
members of the AHHS Oral Interp group.
Odds and Ends
Foreign Exchange Student
By Colin Walth
On the afternoon of September 6,
2013, a new face was spotted being given a
tour of the high school. The students were
curious; they had never seen this person before. This person was the foreign exchange
student, Iñaki Moriones!
Iñaki came to Alcester from Spain,
Basque Country, Guernica-Luho. During his
stay in Alcester, Iñaki will be staying with
Patty and Dale Jurrens. In Spain he enjoyed
playing soccer. The team he played for was
Gernika S.D. Iñaki’s favorite professional
soccer team is the Athletic Club de Bilbao.
He joined the football team here at AHHS,
and is currently the starting kicker. Iñaki’s
goal for the season is to be able to kick the
football into the endzone. He also plans on
playing basketball and running track later on
in the year. Iñaki can speak three languages,
including: Basque, Spanish, and English.
Although he has only been here a
short while, Iñaki has enjoyed his time in
America. We all hope his American experience is a good one!
Class of 2014 Senior
Erik Arlyn Barnes
By Shenia Doering
Erik Arlyn Barnes was born
on April 28th, 1996 to proud parents
Kenny and Sandy. Erik has two older
sisters Rie and Sonjia, and 4 nieces and
Throughout high school, he
has been involved in football, basketball, track, and FCCLA. In his spare
time, Erik enjoys playing Call of Duty
with his fellow xbox live groupies, the
BOATS. Erik’s favorite class throughout high school was any class with
his favorite teacher Mr. Rhead. Erik’s
Kassie VanWyk
Kassie Van Wyk was born on
April 1st, 1996 to Stan and Lynette.
Kassie has two older sisters Kelby
and Kati, and plans on attending
USD next year to study Human
Resources. Throughout high school,
Kassie was involved in volleyball,
basketball, golf and FCCLA. Her
favorite class was Serving Families
and Communities with Ms. Randall.
Something people don’t know about
Kassie is that she does not have a
middle name.
If she won the lottery, Kassie
would buy a whole new wardrobe
of designer clothes and go on a date
By Shenia Doering
with Josh Duhamel. In her spare
time, Kassie can be found jamming
out to her favorite song “A Drop in
the Ocean” by Ron Pope and wishing she was a genius so she could
be rich. Kassie’s advice to younger
classman, “Be yourself, not who
your friends are.”
favorite memories in high school were
during the homecoming football games,
as he has never lost one.
If Erik won the lottery, he would
buy Carrie Underwood so he could look
at her and admire her all day. Erik’s
advice to underclassman, “Aspire to be
like Mrs. Saugsted.”