INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING A g E n g 2 014 Z u r i c h 6 –10 July WATER QUALITY IN THE SIRIRI RIVER BASIN MODELING Cristyano Ayres Machado¹; Antenor de Oliveira Aguiar Netto1; Marinoé Gonzaga da Silva1*; Anderson Vasco do Nascimento*1; Ariovaldo Antonio Tadeu Lucas 1; Inajá Francisco de Sousa1. 1 Department of Development and environment, Federal University of Sergipe, São Cristovão - Sergipe, Postal code: 49100-000, Brazil. *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Water quality depends on natural conditions and use and occupation of the soil in the basin and their knowledge is essential in water resources management process. The River Siriri is a tributary of Japaratuba River Basin the river is an important source of water for human supply and irrigation, and its main tributaries the Rivers Siriri Vivo and Siriri Morto. Thus, this study aims to analyze through physical-chemical water quality the watershed of River Siriri and its seasonal variation parameters. The monitoring was performed in 7 samples campaigns between February 2010 and November 2011 were evaluated parameters: temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, color, total dissolved solids, hardness, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, total nitrogen phosphate, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a. METODOLOGY Studied area The watershed of the River Siriri (Fig. 1) is part of the watershed of the River Japa-ratuba and is located between the coordinates 10 ° 11 'and 10 ° 49' south latitude and 36 ° 41 'and 37 ° 26' west longitude, presenting a total area of 433.85 km2. Its main tributary is born in the town of Nossa Senhora do Socorro- SE.The River Siriri is formed by the junction of the rivers Siriri Vivo, Siriri Morto and Sangradouro, fully supplying the city of Nossa Senhora do Socorro-SE, which has a population of 24,579 inhabitants. RESULTS AND DISCUTION Data analysis of the parameters can be inferred that the river Siriri Live, SV1 and SV2 stations, presents good quality. Despite the Siriri river throughout its length be classified as Class 3 freshwater, river Siriri Vivo can be classified in Class 2, considering the analyzed parameters. However, one should be concerned with land use, since the primary use is as the monoculture of sugar cane, the carrying of nutrients from fertilizer application which can compromise the quality of this water, since the stations collection located on this river, had the highest concentrations of nitrate. The situation of the river Siriri Morto is worrying, since SM1 station receives domestic effluents from the town of Nossa Senhora do Socorro, thus high levels of dissolved oxygen, which is an important parameter of water quality, and indicative of good conditions sanitary were verified , yet these high values were associated with elevated concentrations of chlorophyll-a, it can be inferred that this oxygen is originated of algal activity. This fact associated with higher concentrations of nutrients, indicates eutrophication of this weir process. Table 1 - Description of the main parameters of water quality SM1 SM2 SV1 SV2 Stations Max Min Avg Max Min Avg Máx Min Avg Max Min Avg pH 8.84 6.91 7.63 7.61 6.36 6.85 6.85 5.15 5.66 7.32 5.26 6.18 EC (µS cm-1) 730.00 312.00 477.60 324.00 136.00 205.77 305.00 109.00 177.07 250.00 114.00 157.24 TDS (mg L-1) 358.00 48.00 186.90 160.00 22.00 74.86 187.00 19.00 81.57 123.00 22.00 70.00 DO (mg L-1) 13.19 4.84 8.00 7.48 4.10 6.32 7.89 5.42 6.84 9.16 4.98 7.11 Ntotal(mg L-1) 44.24 2.68 13.12 7.29 1.22 3.10 11.96 1.98 6.78 8.45 2.12 5.46 Ptotal(mg L-1) 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.29 0.00 0.10 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.02 Chl-a (µg L-1) 110.50 0.90 34.86 22.96 1.22 6.87 9.80 1.78 3.42 6.42 0.00 2.34 CONCLUSIONS Accordingly, for the improvement of water quality of the river Siriri should seek treat-ment of domestic effluents discharged into the River Siriri Morto and achieve sustainable land use in this watershed, in order to minimize impacts on water quality caused by agricultural activities in the region. Figure 1: Localization of the River Siriri watershed in Sergipe, Brazil. Monitoring was conducted in seven quarterly sampling campaigns, from February 2010 to November 2011 in four stations distributed throughout the river basin Siriri (Table 1). The SM1 and SM2 stations are located in the River Siriri Morto and SV1 and SV2 stations are located in the River Siriri Vivo. Support: