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DMVCTt CBSTtDBCBSFUtMJGF N o 1110 15 J u n e 2 016 WE STAND WITH YOU RYNBHB[JOFDPNtRYHBZMPOEPO 18 Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over QX_1110_Cover.indd 1 14/06/2016 19:27 Community: Our t Photos by Nicolas Chinardet IF YOU WERE AT THE VIGIL for Orlando on Old Compton Street, you’ll understand us when we say it was one of the most moving experiences of our lives. Thousands of people descended on Soho on Monday night, in the biggest tribute so far to the atrocities against the LGBT community in Orlando. Fittingly, crowds centred around The Admiral Duncan, the scene of a homophobic bombing in 1999. Scores of gay men, lesbians, transgender people, genderqueer people, drag queens and straight people were out in force to show solidarity with the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. People were hugging, crying and holding rainbow flags and banners saying “Love will always win against LGBT hate” and “London stands united with Orlando against terrorism.” Mayor of London Sadiq Khan was in attendence, as well as Jeremy Corbyn, activist Peter Tatchell and face of Channel 4 Jon Snow. There were also scores of familiar faces from the London gay scene, including the beautiful Son Of A Tutu who acted as the event’s unofficial usher, conducting the crowds with modesty and grace. At 7.05pm, a wave of silence spread through the streets for over two minutes as the dead were remembered. It culminated with a heartwarming gesture of love when balloons were released and the crowd let out a roar of hope and freedom, and the London Gay Men’s Choir burst into song. Well done London! We’ve done ourselves, and hopefully Orlando, proud. 2 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Vigil.indd 2 14/06/2016 19:00 tribute to Orlando Brighton 3 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Vigil.indd 3 14/06/2016 19:00 EDITOR’S LETTER By Dylan Jones W hat happened in Orlando over the weekend marks a grisly point in LGBT history. It is a physical, merciless attack on our way of life and the values and freedoms we treasure most. When America’s biggest terror attack since 9/11 is targeted at such a close-knit, comparatively small group of people, it carries unignorable significance. The fact that it was during the Pride season hurts all the more, making us feel scared and powerless at a point when we should be feeling our strongest and proudest. It is important to note that the UK mainstream press has been hugely incompetent on its coverage of the events. On Sunday night, writer Owen Jones quite rightly walked out of a Sky News interview when a fellow guest and one of the presenters interviewing him implied that the attack was not homophobic. He pointed out that if the attack had been on a synagogue, it would unquestionably have been treated as antiSemitic. Sky News and the presenter involved have come under fire from gay rights groups and the general public. The BBC have also been vastly criticised for their failure to cover the events, showing hours of footage of the Queen’s birthday celebrations, rather than covering one of the biggest terrorist attacks of the century. It emerged this morning too that The Daily Mail failed to report it at all, instead advertising a pair of pearl earrings and a picture pull-out of the Queen’s birthday, with not a word about the attacks. Obviously questions have been raised as to the motives and reasoning behind this lack of reporting. Many are saying that such apathetic responses show that, despite appearances to the contrary, a lot of people in high places still don’t care what happens to our community. As well as remembering the events in Orlando, we need to remember this, and consider what it implies. The horror that unfolded on Sunday morning at Pulse in Orlando shows that homophobia is still very real, and it’s right on our doorstep. Acrid, senseless hatred still exists, and it can slither directly into the heart of our community and sink its poisonous fangs into our necks. It would be easy to feel beaten, hopeless or defeated. To just keep our heads down and stay safe. It would also be easy to ignore it. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could just turn up the volume on our Ab Fab boxsets, pour another gin and tonic, and pretend none of it had happened. But that’s just not good enough. We can no longer sit in our living rooms and do nothing. Patsy certainly wouldn’t stand for it, that’s for sure. She’d be storming down Old Compton Street, shouting “PISS OFF!” and brandishing a bottle of Bollinger. That said, we should also try not to react with anger. Anger will hurt no-one but ourselves. The way to respond is not with aggression, or hatred towards other minorities, but with love. The aim of attacks like this is to make us blind with rage, and to divide us in our views. We need to resist that and stick together, with each other and with our allies of all backgrounds, sexualities and religions. We need to stay grounded, stay logical and above all, stay proud. Wear what we want, go where we want, hold hands with who we want. This summer, our Pride celebrations here in London and across the world should be more euphoric, glittering and defiant than ever. Extremists like the Orlando attacker Omar Mateen are lonely, lost people. Let’s show them how great it is to be colourful, joyful and free. 4 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Vigil.indd 4 14/06/2016 19:00 Jeremy Joseph Owner, G-A-Y Gary Henshaw Owner, KU Bar The atmosphere at the vigil on Monday was one of pure and organic unity. Soho, and all that joined, felt every emotion possible; from the heartbreak of the Orlando attack, to respect for the victims, and yet a wave of absolute pride and solidarity for standing as one, as an LGBT community and showing Pride. There were tears, cheers, and pure love. In light of the attack at Orlando’s Pulse club, it was critical to show a community that will not stand down to terror or hate, that we will continue to fight for equal rights, continue to stand for what we believe, continue to be proud of who we are, and who we love. This vigil showed the London LGBT community at its best; united as one against hate. More than ever, recent events highlight the need for legal and social equality. The need for education and the need for events like Pride. From 6pm onwards on Monday night you could feel a sense of coming together. As Old Compton Street got busier & busier, the atmosphere became more and more emotional. Seeing thousands coming together became the true definition of community. The vigil was important for several reasons. The attack on Pulse wasn’t just an attack on Orlando, it was an attack on every LGBT venue in the world. We needed to show solidarity with the LGBT community in Orlando. It was important for people to have somewhere to come together. I think what has happened humanises us. Some religious leaders have spoken against this attack, who before may not have been supporters of the LGBT community. We are seen now as a community, especially in the way we’ve all come together. This attack has strengthened our place in the world. Much of the news coverage has been so positive, and it shows how important events like Pride are. This year’s London pride will hopefully be a day where we come together as a community. Let’s not make it a day of just partying but also a day of solidarity. Bisi Alimi Activist The vigil was really moving for me. I felt so overwhelmed and empowered. I saw the huge crowd and felt so proud to be part of such an amazing community. It is important to remember that the Soho nail bombing happened on Old Compton Street in 1999. So to be back there to stand in solidarity with LGBT people, not just in Orlando, but across the world, was just awesome. I think we sent a very strong message out yesterday that hate crime will not define us and we will not be scared by it. Any LGBT person who has been afraid, in the closet or in doubt, would have seen yesterday and felt really proud. Chris Godfrey Assistant Editor of Attitude Magazine There’s been a lot of in-fighting within the UK’s LGBT community over the last few years, a mark of complacency perhaps. People forget that actually there’s still a very real threat to us – even in countries with relatively progressively attitudes. There are factions in society that will never accept us, there are people who quite literally want us dead. Monday night was a bittersweet reminder that we are much, much stronger when we stand together, that we’re united in our differences. Munroe Bergdorf Model & DJ The atmosphere was incredible, thick with love and solidarity. It’s unfortunate that it sometimes takes situations like this for our community to really pull together and realise we’re all in it together. The Orlando shooting shows us why Pride is important. We have rights and laws to protect us, but homphobia, transphobia and biphobia still exist in the world on a grand scale. We need pride to show the world that even in the face of such adversity and hate, we have love and each other. Our community is powerful, colourful and built on love. Vanity Von Glow Performer The atmosphere began as one of solemn contemplation but once the silence had been observed and London Gay Men’s Chorus began to sing, it became one of reassurance and ultimately of hope, pride and confidence that against any odds, love wins. It is vitally important for our community to show solidarity when under attack. Not just as a show of strength but to send a message to those less well protected that we are aware, that we are listening, that we do care, and that we want to help. Love must be expressed. The LGBT community is a nation without borders. Social media now allows us to be closer than ever to our community, not just locally but globally. Because of this we see up close how much still needs to be done. Across the world we must change not only laws to protect gay people, but also the hearts and minds of the people who despise us. What Monday night’s vigil has proven is that we’re as prepared as ever to undertake this important work. 5 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Vigil.indd 5 14/06/2016 19:15 Unmissable Pride Stuff (Or, THE QX GUIDE) As the title suggests, here’s our guide to UNMISSABLE PRIDE STUFF! It’s what we’ll be doing so, obviously, it’s what you SHOULD be doing. Because if we’re there, everyone will be there! Because we’re super cool and famous! The paparazzi followed us last time we went to get a Sainsburys Meal Deal (not true). We’re being dicks, obviously. All of the stuff going on at Pride is amazing, but this is just the stuff that happened to catch our eye. Don’t be mistaken in thinking Pride is over one weekend. This year, seemingly more than ever, it’s an entire production, with a good couple of weeks’ worth of stuff going on at a host of venues across the city. So yeah, here’s our pick! Pride In Soho Saturday 25th June Midday – late Free This Much Daily until Saturday 2nd July 7:15pm Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, W1D 3NE Tickets from £10 Fresh from a critically-acclaimed run at Edinburgh Fringe, This Much (Or An Act Of Violence Towards the Institution of Marriage) questions the heteronormative concept of marriage, and reexamines how we define ourselves through relationships. The plot details have all been kept quite clandestine, because apparently knowing any more spoils it, but anything critically-acclaimed that involves boys in wedding dresses has to be good, right?! Now, we don’t know about you, but for us, THIS is what Pride’s all about! Stumbling through sun-scorched Soho Square, a bottle of Smirnoff Ice in one hand and a rainbow flag in the other, avoiding ex boyfriends and scouting out new ones. Drag queens hang out of third-floor windows, hot boys in denim pants twerk to Britney, horrified straight Italian tourists get jostled into the McDonalds toilets and it’s generally just a wonderful, free, outrageous hive of debauchery. If you do nothing else during pride, battle your way into Soho and drink in the vibes (and the Smirnoff Ice). Natural History Museum Lates Friday 24th June 6pm – 10pm Free This year for the first time ever, the Natural History Museum is opening its doors to pride! As venues go, the Natural History Museum is, unarguably, one of the best in the world. It’s got a bloody buggery diplodocus skeleton for god’s sake! Yes, for Pride they’ll be hosting a special edition of their popular Museum Lates nights, where they open until ten and serve a selection of wines and beers for people to saunter with down their hallowed halls. There’ll be some other stuff too, including special exhibitons and performances from the London Gay Men’s Chorus and appearances from drag queens Gina Gee, Courtney Dix and Vanity Von Glow. Where else could you sip a glass of prosecco next to a dinosaur skeleton whilst chatting to a drag queen?! Fabulous. A Night At The Musicals Monday 20th June 8pm – 11pm Pizza Express, The Pheasantry, 152 Kings Road, SW3 4UT £18 Another brain-tingingly unique experience! Watching two drag queens sing hits from musicals at a Pizza Express in Chelsea! Again, what other city on earth would facilitate this?! This is why we love London. We’ve been to this night before actually, when they did it last Christmas and it is, as you might imagine, absurd and hilarious, but also has moments of breathtaking emotion and real, premier league talent. Jonny Woo and Le Gateau Chocolat are both award-winning performers at the top of their game and it certainly shows. Unmissable, and the perfect way to kick off a week of campations! So that’s it for now! Check back next week for Part 2 of our Pride Guide. 6 qxmagazine.com QX_1110 PRIDE GUIDE.indd 6 14/06/2016 17:27 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 7 14/06/2016 16:38 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 8 14/06/2016 16:40 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 9 14/06/2016 16:40 C L U B N E W S For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 52-56 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Thursday 16th June Funny Peculiar at The Glory The Glory, 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. From 8pm. £6 adv, £8 on the door. Diane Chorley The Royal Vauxhall’s Tavern’s beefiest, meatiest night is back this week! Yes, it’s BEEFMINCE. A steaming hot slab of sexiness from the South London party boys. With DJs Silverhook and Cactushead spinning popular and eclectic tunes to a buff, jolly crowd of gorgeous guys. They’ve also got Gordon John for their closing set, who made a name for himself producing tracks for labels like PP Music, Nervous and Hedonistic. So rush down to the RVT! Have a voddy! Take your top off! Have fun! That’s what Beefmince is all about! Friday 17th June A:M Ever pioneers of the sublime and ridiculous, The Glory are doing a new night of stand up comedy and performance, inviting revolutionary, inventive and hilarious performers to tread their hallowed, glitter-strewn boards. This time around it’s hosted by Queen of the Estuary, Diane Chorley, who wouldn’t look out of place thoughtfully popping an olive in her mouth in a production of Abigail’s Party. Then there’s headliner John Kearns, and newcomers Catherine Bohart and Haydn Haynes, with a turn from Jonny Woo of course. Pioneers in comedy! Pioneers in poofs! Pioneers in pouffes! It’s The Glory! Friday 17th June Beefmince The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 10pm – 4am. £5 before 11pm, £7 after. Protocol, South Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP. 11pm – 11am. £8 adv tickets, £13 OTD. Untz, untz, untz! Fast becoming famous as one of the city’s most notorious after-hours parties, A:M hits London again this week with yet another night of debauchery! They’ve got state-of-the-art soundsystems, some of the scene’s best DJs and, most importantly, lots of hot men with their tops off! It’s a winning formula for a gay club. Tried and tested! And we should know. But we’re the ones who tried and tested it. So, if you’ve got brunch plans on Saturday, cancel them immediately. That smashed avocado on rye bread WILL HAVE TO WAIT! You’ve got club nights to go to! 10 qxmagazine.com _QX 1110_Club News 2.indd 10 14/06/2016 18:11 For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 52-56 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Le Cock is now a regular installation at glittering-spewing dance basement East Bloc, and it’s all the better for it! Pop to the Bloc for some Cock! Or you can just have a dance, if you’re not in the mood for cock. It does get a bit much sometimes doesn’t it, the endless cock. Sometimes you just think “oh god not this again.” So yes, have a dance, have a drink, and listen to some of the city’s best DJs, like Attack Attack Attack or Ben Jamin, or Martyn Fitzgerald, spinning house, disco, pop, Italo mash up! Yes! If you haven’t been to East Bloc yet, you’ll love it. Friendly debauchery of the best kind. C L U B N E W S Friday 17th June Le Cock East Bloc, 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN. 11pm – 6am. £5 before 12:30am, £10 after. Saturday 18th June Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank, SE1 9UF, 10pm – 7am. £15 guests, £8 members. XXL It’s XXL! Love a bit of XXL. If you go down to XXL today, you’re in for a big surprise. It’s a bear’s paradise of bootcut jeans, burly shoulders and BIG FAT BASS. It’s become one of the most iconic gay nights in London, famous for its friendly but cruisey vibes, cavernous two room dancefloors, and breathtaking air cannons. They’ve got one of the scene’s bestknown DJs Wayne G in residence, as well as more hot bears than you can shake a stick at. 11 qxmagazine.com _QX 1110_Club News 2.indd 11 14/06/2016 18:11 C L U B N E W S Saturday 18th June Discosodoma For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 52-56 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Outrageous queer party sensation Discosodoma is a celebration of our two favourite things – disco and sodomy! In fact, we wish we’d called ourselves Discosodoma. Discosodoma Magazine. It’s got a ring to it. Maybe it hasn’t actually. It’s an extra special Discosodoma this month, because they’ve got sexy surly artist Man Power launching his EP, Planet Cock! Of course it’s called Planet Cock. What else would it be called. As well as that, they’ve got floral bondage shenanigans from special guests like Nic Fisher, Panos Z and Diet Clinic. Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 9pm – 4am. Free before 10pm, £7 after. Saturday 18th June Papa Loko: In the Beginning was Sound Othon Apiary Studios, 458 Hackney Road, E2 9, 11pm – 5am. £10 advance, £13 OTD. After an explosive debut, Papa Loko returns to it’s new home in Apiary Studios for its one and only summer techno dance. Damin Hansford, DJ Candi Bianca and Loko founder Othon will be supplying the soal-coasting songs to lift you up. There will also be a specially-curated bar with a small but carefully chosen selection of organic and locally produced drinks as well mind and taste-expansive cocktails. 12 qxmagazine.com _QX 1110_Club News 2.indd 12 14/06/2016 18:13 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 13 14/06/2016 17:30 C L U B What do you get when you fill a gorgey gay venue with some absolute sensational huns, and play the best songs ever made, by the best artists in the universe (Britney, Selena Gomez)? You get BABEZ! It’s a new concept, destination… actually no we won’t start with that nonsense again, it’s not a fucking concept, it’s a GAY CLUB NIGHT CALLED BABEZ! YES! With some of our faves, including Smiley Vyrus, Lewis G Burton, and our very own Dom Top. See ya down there babez! _QX 1110_Club News 2.indd 14 N E W S For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 52-56 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Saturday 18th June Babez Summertime Madness Bloc Bar, 18 Kentish Town Road, NW1 9NX. 9pm – 3am. £5. Lewis G Burton 14/06/2016 18:47 For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 52-56 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. C L U B N E W S Sunday 19th June Orange Instead of going home to bed on Sunday night, put on your best clubbing gear and pour yourself a cool, refreshing, tall glass of ORANGE. The best Sunday night experience in the city, Orange has REVOLUTIONISED the weekend. Gone are the days of things winding down on Sunday afternoons. That’s when things are just winding up! They’ve got a new sound, a new look and a new vibe. So dive into an Uber, and dive in. Fire, South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT, 11pm – 7am. £1 entry before 1am with a flyer/AD. 15 qxmagazine.com _QX 1110_Club News 2.indd 15 14/06/2016 18:47 PAGANO’S GOT PRIDE IN XXL 1. As a producer, Pagano produced tracks for labels worldwide such as MARK KNIGHT’s label TOOLROOM Records (UK), Cr2 (UK), UMEK’s label 1605, Stefano Noferini’s DEEPERFECT (Italy), My Digital Enemy’s ZULU (UK), DJ Chus’ label STEREO PRODUCTIONS (Spain), HOTFINGERS (Italy), TWISTED AMERICA (USA), NERVOUS (USA), The Cube Guys’ CUBE Recordings (Italy) TOMMY BOY (USA), KULT (USA), S2G (Germany), PACHA Recordings, MINISTRY OF SOUND & more 2. Pagano productions have been supported by a variety of DJs such as: Carl Cox, Umek, Danny Tenaglia, Nicole Moudaber, Mark Knight, Chus & Ceballos, Roger Sanchez, Cristian Varela, Stefano Noferini, Route94, Skream, Format:B, Tiesto, Chuckie, Wally Lopez, Paul Van Dyk, Fergie, Cevin Fisher, Bob Sinclar, Quentin Harris, Danny Rampling, Abel, Ralphi Rosario, Dj Vibe, Dubfire, Sister Bliss, Prok & Fitch, Alex Kenji, Hoxton Whores Originally from Italy but now a proud Londoner, sexy bear Pagano is one of the most successful DJs and producers to come out of the London gay scene He was even described by DJ Mag as “mind-blowing”. I know! He was! So guess what…. XXL has GOT HIM for Pride! So while you gird your loins and groom your fur, ready for his sure-to-be sensational set on Saturday June 25th, familiarize yourself with this Pagano fact-file! We love a fact file, makes us feel so educated. If you don’t care for facts though, just have a gander at his photos. CRUMPET. 3. Pagano’s original productions and remixes have reached the Top Ten of the official dance charts in: UK USA Germany Italy Including the Billboard, DMC and Buzz charts and have been played in the dance music programmes of radio stations like BBC Radio 1. 4. Most of Pagano’s single and compilation releases have stormed the sales charts in all the major digital music stores worldwide including a #4 in the iTunes Dance Album Chart in Europe and two #1 in the Beatport House and Beatport Techno releases TOP 100 sales charts. CHART TOPPER! 5. Pagano has his own independent record label: KISM Recordings. The KISM Recordings style is a mixture of House, Tech House and Techno. KISM featured artists Filterheadz Jason Chance Twofalls Kostas Maskalides Angel Heredia Obi Baby …and obviously Pagano himself! 6. Finally, Pagano’s years of DJ gigs at the most important straight venues and gay events in the world, have helped bridge the gap between the scenes! Don’t miss Pagano’s set, between 2am-6am, on Saturday 25th June for XXL London Pride at Pulse (1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank, SE1 9UF), 9pm-9am. £9 members, £16 guests. 16 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Pagano.indd 16 14/06/2016 18:25 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 17 14/06/2016 16:41 XXL 11/06/2016 Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, SE1 9UF Words by Rupert Johnson Photos by Joel Ryder As always, London’s biggest, beariest nightclub did not disappoint on Saturday! It wins points just for sheer spectacle. Its vaulting ceilings and majorly huge dancefloor make for an amazing setting for a big camp night out. And as if that wasn’t enough, their massive smoke cannons will blow your shirt off and take your breath away. Another great thing about XXL is the crowd. No judgy little twinks or posey muscle marys here! It’s all about having a dance, having a chat and having a good time. If you’re a bear, you’ll LOVE XXL because it’s full of ‘em! Loads of lovely hairy broad-shouldered men. And if you’re not a bear, you’ll be in the minority but that’s fine because everyone’s really welcoming and friendly. All in all, a super-fun, supergay, super-sized Saturday night out! Thanks guys x “It’s all about having a dance, having a chat and having a good time.” 18 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Club Reviews.indd 18 14/06/2016 18:28 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 19 14/06/2016 16:41 Beyond 12/06/16 Fire, 39 Parry Street, SW8 1RT Words and Photos by ChrisJepson.com Continuing to dominate the afterhours club scene, Beyond was once again rocking Fire last Sunday morning. In the main room the legendary Fat Tony was joined on the decks by Tony English and Nik Denton while doing the business in the back room were HiFi Sean and MisWhite. The crowd were an eclectic mix from across the capital, some from other clubs the night before but many who had been to bed and got up just for Beyond such is the pull of it’s cutting edge music. As the sun came up and we were leaving the club the news from the shooting at Pulse in Orlando came through and we realised that even in the safest of spaces tragedy can strike. But rather than divide us and scare us in to hiding, on the contrary, a direct attack such as this only strengthens our resolve to stand shoulder to shoulder with LGBT communities across the globe. We will continue to dance and continue to be visible until we have equality for all. “We will continue to dance and continue to be visible until we have equality for all.” 20 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Club Reviews.indd 20 14/06/2016 18:29 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 21 14/06/2016 17:00 Sink the Pink: Freakshow 11/06/16 Troxy, 490 Commercial Road, E1 0HX Words by Nicolas Chinardet Photos by zefrographica What a difference a few hours make. On Saturday night hundreds of the queerest freaks in London gathered at the venerable Troxy in Limehouse for a new decadent edition of Sink the Pink. Bearded drag queens, musclemen and all kinds of weird and wonderful gender-bending creatures came together in exulting celebration, filling the place with a vibrant, joyful energy, helped by a large group of dragged-up performers. The costume competition, judged by a panel including Sophie Ellis Bextor, was easily won by The Twins, a faux pair of elder Siamese twins who quickly revealed their lithe bodies to an exulting audience. The fabulous vibe reached a paroxysm when Ultra Naté took to the stage, concluding her set with a belted rendition of her 1996 anthemic paean to freedom, which set the house on fire. The next morning, we all woke up in a daze to the news of the worst mass shooting in a modern US history, perpetrated against another group of LGBT people; people also gathered to have fun and enjoy life. A stark reminder that beyond the delicious frivolity, attending alternative events like this one is still a highly political act of subversion. 22 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Club Reviews.indd 22 14/06/2016 18:29 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 23 14/06/2016 17:42 Homo Superior 10/06/16 Moustache Bar, 58 Stoke Newington Rd, London N16 7XB Words by Nicolas Chinardet Photos by Zefrographica “Home away from home for disco queens, rock chicks and indie gays.” Once you make it past the (that night rather dishy) bouncer and the friendly welcome of Zia, in charge of the door, Homo Superior, at the Moustache Bar in Stoke Newington/Dalston is probably not quite what its name would let you expect. Rather than a roomful of topless sweaty musclemen or supercilious beardy hipsters, the intimate basement bar is actually a relaxed little den, perfect for a drink and a boogie with friends, a selfstyled “home away from home for disco queens, rock chicks and indie gays.” A party was there celebrating someone’s birthday while others were on a date. At the decks were Panos Z and guest DJ Laurence del Rey who played a selection of works by artists either queer themselves or favoured by our community, in a wide range of genres, from punk to indie or even disco. The order of the night was definitely low key alternative, a perfect way to relax. 24 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Club Reviews.indd 24 14/06/2016 18:30 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 25 14/06/2016 18:04 Blocheads 11/06/2016 East Bloc, 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN Words by John Reuta Photos by Mark Storey Blocheads was BANGIN on Saturday! East London hive of debauchery East Bloc is one of the best nights in the city, gay or straight. It’s got a brilliant sense of abandon about it that sets it apart from more conservative, straight-laced affairs. We got ourselves a Red Stripe and had a chat in the smoking area with an awesome guy from Nairobi who designed his own fascinators. One of which he was wearing at the time. Then we stumbled down and had a major dance to a refreshingly unpretentious pop playlist in the bar dance floor! All good vibez all night! “All good vibez all night! ” 26 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Club Reviews.indd 26 14/06/2016 18:30 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 27 14/06/2016 16:44 BABEZ “Oh hey babez , Summertime Madness it is babez, issit babez, yes babez, where babez? Camden babez - Gonna be AMAZE babez!!!” The above is a direct quote from the BABEZ - Summertime Madness event page, which gives you an idea of quite how mental this night is. The fact that it was started by Beary Carey this year, with a team consisting of origiBABEZ: the Un-Lucky Bitches, Dom Top and binbag goddess Lady Lloyd, should also give you a good idea of this how, well, mental it is. Babez brings pop to Bloc Bar on Sat June 18th. They want to throw you the ultimate pop party, so if you’re sick of those lifeless beats and dreary drumbeats - this is the place, kids. This coming instalment features some familiar scene faces, so here’s a quick Who’s Who (or should it be Who’s THAT?) of BABEZ Summertime Madness: BEARY CAREY As the name suggests, this hairy masc mary is a devoted follower of Mimi. Expect all manner of past and present pop treats from the big boss of BABEZ. And at least 13 Ariana Grande tracks. DOM TOP Apparently a writer of some kind. Also part of an alleged “comedy group”. Loves pop, dance pop, Latin pop and R’N’B ANTHEMS. So listen out for Spanish language versions of Fifth Harmony singles on heavy rotation. LEWIS G BURTON Oh here she is. Gay London’s answer to Ursula the Sea Witch by way of Leigh Bowery, rocking up to the Bloc Bar with his makeup gun set to “WHORE” and a purse full of pop gems. Expect Hilary Duff and big looks. CAIN JENNINGS (left) Super cute host Cain can be seen twirling around dancefloors across the city, and now he’s one of the BABEZ! SMILEY VYRUS (right) London nightlife’s enfant terrible will be heading to Camden to unleash her brand of advanced slutticism on the dancefloor. BABEZ: Summertime Madness is on Saturday 18th June at Bloc Bar (18 Kentish Town Rd, London NW1 9NX), 9pm-3am. £5 QX_1110_Babez.indd 28 14/06/2016 18:43 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 29 14/06/2016 16:47 New Bloomsbury Set 11/06/2016 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG Words by Elliot Rose Photos by Joel Ryder “A great choice for when you want a reliable kick-off to your Saturday night” On a back street near Russell Square, tucked away snugger than Lady Lloyd’s cooch, is New Bloomsbury Set. Enjoy an evening of mainstream pop hits and their cocktail counterparts: Can’t Get You Out of My Head and Cosmos all round please. This is the place to spot sexy but sassy bar staff, and swanky interior design delights. Last Saturday night we headed down to find wall-to-wall twinks and a happy hour that lasted from 4-8. NBS is the perfect place for getting tanked up with your squad before ploughing on elsewhere to cause Sauvignon Blanc fuelled carnage. Don’t let the highbrow name fool you, this place is a barrel of laughs the size of an actual barrel. The youthful, twinky boys look to scale in this petit basement space: if NBS were a person it would wear a Topman XS and never eat bread. Overall, a great choice for when you want a reliable kick-off to your Saturday night. 30 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Bar Reviews.indd 30 14/06/2016 18:26 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 31 14/06/2016 16:42 Old Ship 12/06/16 17 Barnes Street, E14 7NW Words and Photos by Mark Storey “A great show from two seasoned performers.” The show must go on: it’s easy to say but very hard to do sometimes, but it did. Albeit with a subdued atmosphere throughout the house, with so many still reeling from the tragic events that had taken place in Orlando. Most simply seemed happy to sit and be transported away for a brief time whilst listening to Dave Lynn belting out a few numbers with his sidekick for the night Chamonix Aspen. We shared a few bevvies with some of the regulars and let the night drift on, with a great show from two seasoned performers two as always and all in all a nice relaxed evening. Always good to spend some time onboard the Ship, we’ll be back soon. 32 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Bar Reviews.indd 32 14/06/2016 18:26 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 33 14/06/2016 17:59 MEET THE CAST AND CHARACTERS OF Superficial! Sam (Paul Duncan) “TOTAL TOP, NSA, LOOKING FOR A JOB.” My name’s Paul Duncan. I’m an actor from London. I’m so excited to be playing Sam in Superficial. The character goes through a journey of self-discovery, which I think every young gay guy can relate to. It’s about opening your eyes, seeing different as ok and wearing your identity like a badge of honour. I can’t wait to tell Sam’s story and begin this electrifying ride and take you into the world that is $UPER£ICIAL. Ibiza Chilltape (James Ferguson) “OKAY, 6 ¾ INCHES BUT IT CAN PASS FOR 8 FROM THE RIGHT ANGLE” Ibiza is a raunchy and playful drag artist who runs a regular ‘Gayeoke’ night at $UPER£ICIAL. She finds power in paying homage to her favourite pop icons and celebrating their strengths. I admire her for her dignity and strength. She is consistently a shoulder to lean on and tends to put other needs first rather than her own. Playing Ibiza has been a fantastic challenge and unlike anything I’ve ever tackled before. I can’t wait. JJ (Rich Watkins) “THE POWER OF KYLIE COMMANDS YOU!” JJ is a Kylie fanatic and jobbing actor who now works at Superficial as a bar manager. When he gets camp-shamed he begins forming another identity for himself of ‘masc’, and suddenly he’s getting messages on Grindr. Only this means leaving Kylie behind… Benjamin (Arkem Walton) “ON MY EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY I DRANK A MAGNUM OF Superficial is the new play about the London gay scene coming to The Glory. It covers pop music, drag, the rise of masc4masc, camp-shaming and the closure of queer spaces. With pop songs performed by a drag diva within the play, and set in a fictional gay club, ‘Superficial’ asks what it means to be a proud gay man in 2016, with a lot of fun, dance and humour. We chatted to some of the cast about their characters and what the play means. CHAMPAGNE AND PASSED OUT ON THE BAR, DRESSED ONLY IN A CONESHAPED BRA, WITH MADONNA BOOMING ON LOOP” Benjamin is a great story-teller. I think that’s what most drew me to him. It’s hard to tell which bits of his story are true and which are fantasy, but Benjamin believes in it all. He claims to have created the success of “$uper£icial” by himself, but now the crowds are dwindling he must recognise the talents of the young men around him, if he and the club are to survive. I am also looking forward to getting into Benjamin’s closet, as I am aware that our very talented costumier, Charlie Tuesday Gates, is preparing many poptastic outfits to help me bring him sensationally to (larger than) life! Archie/Dad (Matthew Hodson) Moira/Mum (Charly Flyte) “I’M NOT HOMOPHOBIC, AS LONG AS A BLOKE’S A BLOKE, ENJOYS A GOOD GAME OF CRICKET AND A PINT OF REAL ALE, I DON’T MIND WHERE HE’S STICKING IT” “I LEAD A COUPLE OF BOYS UP THE GARDEN PATH WITH A FLASH OF THE KNICKERBOCKERS. I’M NOT PROUD OF IT, BUT I DID.” Archie, Sam’s dad, is an oldfashioned man. Working in construction, he’s used to a very masculine environment and has recreated this in his own home. He doesn’t consider himself to be homophobic, but just thinks of gay men as some exotic species, that you might occasionally see when wandering through Soho, or on the telly. He’s oblivious to the fact that his strictly enforced perception of gender roles is stifling and harming his own son. Many of us gay men grew up feeling challenged by our parents expectations’ of us. Moira is of a generation of women who have been sold happiness as having 2.4 children and a four bedroom house in Chiswick. She is trapped between the two men in her life. Her husband who she desperately loves despite his old fashioned views and her son who she desperately loves and supports despite his rejection of her efforts. Ultimately Moira wants her son to feel loved and accepted in his struggles of sexuality but there are some circumstances that are beyond her power to change. ‘Superficial’ runs at The Glory, 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS from 20th June - 1st July, 7.30pm. £15. £10 previews on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st using the code DIVA. Booking: www.dragonfliestheatre.co.uk/superficial 34 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Superficial.indd 34 14/06/2016 18:41 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 35 14/06/2016 16:48 R A I S I N G T H E B A R KU Bar 30 Lisle Street, Soho, WC2H 7BA Slap bang in the middle of Central London, on the bustling, brimming border between Chinatown and Soho, is Ku Bar! Ice cubes tinkle in tall, slim glasses as edibly muscular bar staff upend frosty bottles of Tanqueray, Smirnoff and Moet. It’s frequented by everyone from urban A-gays to ambitious young students, and is the perfect place for a mid-week drink or a raucous Saturday night. Don’t miss Colour Your Life at their Klub downstairs, every day except Tuesday and Sunday, 10pm – 3am. Their legendary, scorching hot DJ team play the dirtiest, hottest pop tracks. Comptons of Soho 51 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN The staff at Comptons are SEXY. A wall of bulging-bicepped, hairy-forearmed, twinkle-eyed gorgeousness. We want them to take us home and do things that’d make JOHNNY RAPID blush. Yes! But for now, they’re pouring drinks at Comptons. Comptons is one of those rare venues that has the balance between friendliness and cruisiness. You can hang out for a drink with friends. Or you can cruise sexy dads. It’s a perfect world! We like their upstairs, there’s some lovely chairs and things up there. Comfy chairs that you can really sink into. Halfway To Heaven 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF Halfway is an INSTITUTION on the scene, a bustling gay watering holethat harkens back to days of old with its wood paneling, amiable bar staff and glitzily ostentatious cabaret acts. And as the weather heats up you can spill out onto their floral-strewn smoking terrace and enjoy a word famous view of Trafalgar Square. Don’t miss WHATEVER WEDNESDAY every Wednesday (as the name suggests) from 8pm. Featuring Miss Penny, the best thing to come out of Birmingham since…well…ever. 36 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Raising The Bar.indd 36 14/06/2016 18:33 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 37 14/06/2016 16:49 R A I S I N G T H E B A R The Old Ship 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW Miss Penny It’s the Old Ship in Limehouse! Limehouse is home a cockney rhyming slang cash machine, did you know that? It’s true! Right across the street from The Ship, go check it out. It says things like “Balance on Charlie Sheen” instead of “Balance on Screen”. And “Horn of plenty” instead of “£20”. Hilar! Anyway yes, Old Ship is a dusky, lovely little pub, that’s withstood East London’s gentrification infection and stayed true to its roots. An honest, grass roots boozer. This Sunday 19th from 8pm they’ve got Miss Penny. We hear she’s got the best slot in town! Ho Ho Ho! BJ’s White Swan 556 Commercial Road, Limehouse, E14 7JD The White Swan is one of Limehouse’s most well-established gay venues, playing host to some of the scene’s best-known faces and most beloved cabaret acts. It’s great for either a pint and a gossip, or a madcap weekend dance! This Friday they’re having a fundraiser in support of the victims of the Orlando attacks, with comedy from radio presenter Rosie Wilby, as well as Marian Pashley and DJ Jason Prince. Free entry before 9:30pm. Counter Arch 50, South Lambeth Place, Vauxhall. SW8 1SP Slick, sleek and sophisticated, Counter is Vauxhall’s hottest new dining destination. It’s brasserie vibes with a chic urban queer edge, just the thing for us worldly urban gays! This Sunday 19th at noon it’s their official Pride In London Bottomless Brunch, for £25 including 2 courses. A bottomless brunch eh? We feel like there might be some bottoms there. Whatever next? A TOPLESS brunch? 38 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Raising The Bar.indd 38 14/06/2016 18:33 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 39 14/06/2016 16:45 A R When the first episode of a series opens with a guy unsuccessfully trying to enter his boyfriend’s anus (first with his penis and then with three fingers) before giving up and demanding to know why he can smell shit, you know this is not your typical viewing fare. T S Review: OUTINGS Outings, a new series from TLA Releasing, certainly isn’t pulling any punches when it comes to frank depictions of sex and relationships. Billing itself as “Queer As Folk meets Skins”, from writers Rob Ward (co-writer of critically acclaimed play Away from Home) and Lloyd Eyre-Morgan (Iris Prize winner for Closets), the new three-part British drama focuses on a group of gay twentysomethings trying to work it all out. Been there! The show is equally honest in it’s portrayal of the clubbing scene, as well as the pressures of making your way in the working world whilst staying true to your passions. Who hasn’t had to settle for a shitty internship whilst moving back in with mum? Too real!. To whet your appetite, he’s a brief synopsis of what to expect from each episode, plus a whole load of gorgey pics. Episode 1 - Entrances and Exits Kane is dumped by Tom (again) during an intimate moment and moves back in with his mum (yet again). Will he ever find his place in the world or in the bedroom? Elsewhere, Kiegan is asked a question and Tim tells it as it is. Episode 2 - Best Man Kiegan continues to escape the pressure of his breakup and family the only way he knows how, but will he further alienate himself at his niece’s christening? Kane starts dating and a blast from Tim’s past makes Lucy doubt their future. Episode 3 - Happy Returns Tim throws a surprise 80s pop star fancy dress birthday party for Lucy, convincing her that recent difficulties are behind them. But is Tim really ready to get serious with her? Old friends and foes collide in the explosive season finale. Outings is perfect movie night viewing with a few mates, guaranteed to make you gasp or shout “That’s happened to me!” at least twelve times. It’s out now on VOD and DVD, so call the boys/girls/nonbinaries grab a few bottles of wine, settle in and have a watch. Outings is available at www.tlareleasing.co.uk/ 40 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Outings.indd 40 14/06/2016 18:31 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 41 14/06/2016 17:41 LIFE OUTSIDE LONDON ATHENS BEN JAMU is a well-known face on the East London scene, flinging his dreadlocks around, cracking open cans of Strongbow by the canal, and DJing everywhere from East Bloc and Dalston Superstore to someone’s bedroom in Hackney Wick. Last year, he upped sticks and jetted over to Athens. He’s been dancing with sexy Grecian men, living it up on islands, and singing “I Should Be Souvlaki” ever since. Dylan Jones pulled him away from his busy schedule of boys, beaches and baklava to ask him all about it. Ben Jamu city’s university spaces, parks, hills, mountains and beaches, which can be truly breathtaking locations to be dancing as the sun comes up. They’re less categorised than the parties in London. There’s a sense of controlled anarchy which just wouldn’t work in the UK. I’ve DJ’d a couple which was awesome. You can find your specialist bars too though, if you look and have accounts to the rights sex websites I guess haha. In answer to your question…I don’t have a favourite venue, because it all depends on the night. Where’s best for a cheeky 4am snack? They’re good at fast food and it’s super cheap so take your pick, the burgers are great and of course souvlakia (Greek kebab type things) are everywhere. I personally usually get a big fat slice of pizza from Platia Exarchia at these times of the morning. Where’s best for a cheeky 4am man? They’re app mad here. I guess for the discreet and emotionless element of it all…but you’re just as likely to randomly hook up at one of the queer friendly mixed bars or alternative parties. Like I said there are cruisey Hey Ben Jamu! What made you jet over to Athens? I was here in 2012/2013 for my third year of uni. After I finished my degree places, and if you have 10 euros spare you can pick up 20 year old Albanian and Middle Eastern immigrant boys at the bordellos around I spent a year fucking around in London until it was time to do something Victoria Square. It all depends what you’re into and how far you’re willing more concrete. That was the aim anyway. The life here is pleasant and to stretch that moral compass, if you have one at all that is. fairly easy. I know that’s counterintuitive, given everything we know about Do you live in a Grecian palace with houseboys? the various crises going on, but my rent is €200 a month and the sun Not even close. shines constantly, what more can I say. What’s your house like? What are your fave things about it? I live in a top floor studio apartment with sea and mountain views from the Being outside ALL THE TIME! I never have to worry about which clothes will be appropriate for whatever the weather will throw at you. In general the rule balcony and terrace. It’s small but perfect for me and my dog and one or two more casual guests as and when I decide. I go by (as a ‘Brit abroad’) is the less the better, which I’m perfectly happy Tell us about the work you do there. Are you ever coming back to with. I barely even wear pants these days. Besides that, the scenery and London? We miss you! landscapes are amazing, especially if you have time to travel. One thing I Right now I’m working with a local Human Rights organisation trying love is that you don’t actually need money to leave the house as you do in London. If you really need something, you can find it, steal it or have it given to improve the lives of LGBTQI+ immigrants and refugees as well as promoting better bonds between the various minority communities. It’s to you and you won’t risk your life doing so. a dynamic and varied job which is quite extreme and we’re constantly Is there a gay scene? adapting to the situation, which changes daily. I’ve also been DJing here There are gays EVERYWHERE, whether they say so or not and cruising and there, one of the best being a sunrise set in an ancient amphitheatre. parks a-plenty (not that I know anything about that). And then there’s the Wow amaze! Well come back and see us soon Ben. We’ll have island element. Beyond Mykonos, which everyone knows about, in my experience the nature hippy islands are also SUPER GAY. I’ve heard people a Strongbow by the canal. Not quite sunrise at an Athenian amphitheatre, but you can’t win ‘em all. say Athens in the new Berlin, but I guess they’ve never been to Berlin. In any case the city’s in a state of such flux and chaos that there are Mariah moments of true creative madness emerging from the rubble. Totes superficial question...what are the guys like?! There is a LOT of eye candy here, but eye candy comes to nothing when they’re either married, in the closet or have deeply damaged machomasculine psychologies. Still, with fascist neo-nazis on the prowl and the threat of mother cutting off your weekly supply of Pastichio and Moussaka, it’s in some way understandable that they generally want to be on the DL. I’ve met some nice ones though and they are generally hot. If you’re into casual conversationless sex, then it’s the place for you! Talk us through your typical weekend in Athens. What’s your favourite venue there? My favourite parties are the self organised free raves that make use of the 42 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Athens.indd 42 14/06/2016 18:39 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 43 14/06/2016 16:43 A Review: The Pride in London Festival is a wonderfully varied, challenging and stimulating amalgmation of LGBT events leading up to the main pride celebrations on Saturday 25th. Festival curator Duncan Day, along with a dedicated group of other volunteers, has organised a host of film screenings, performances, panel discussions and everything in between, across the city for anyone to enjoy. Last week we went to a screening of Oriented at the intimidatingly urban-chic Ham Yard Hotel nestled down a Soho side street. London’s gay media glitterati were in attendance, from award-winning film producer Hanan Kattan, to muslim drag superstar Asifa Lahore. 44 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Oriented.indd 44 R T S b y D yl a n J o n e s ORIENTED Oriented is a documentary following the lives of three young gay Palestinian men living in Tel Aviv. It explores their relationship with religion, sexuality, and culture, and the tension between Jews and Muslims that is still a major part of everyday life in Israel. Director Jake Witzenfeld has created a warm-hearted and accessible window into Israeli/Palestinian culture. Filmed in an unthreatening style, it never feels contrived or preachy. He achieves a goal that is surely the holy grail for all documentary film makers – he captures seemingly totally natural behaviour and conversation from his subjects, as if the camera weren’t there. We followed Khader, Fadi and Naim as they agonized over trysts and romances, debated the pros and cons of living in politically volatile Tel Aviv and discussed their sexuality with their families. It’s also refreshingly free of the clichés that are rife among other portrayals of Palestinian culture. It’s mostly just about three friends having fun, getting drunk and talking about life. A running theme is of them leaving their oppressively rural upbringings and finding joy and freedom in the urban metropolis of a thriving city, something a lot of gay men can identify with. Oriented is an important movie. It puts across aspects of life for young gay people in the Middle East that many of us are totally unfamiliar with. It shows a group of people who know what they want, unafraid and unapologetic in the face of a challenging and changing sociopolitical environment. For more Pride in London events, go to prideinlondon.org 14/06/2016 18:37 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 45 14/06/2016 16:58 Artsbitching By Fraulein Sasha Selavie Extreme Queens Supreme! E ver snorted raw shit? Or lovingly peeled a poxy, ulcerated penis from diarrhoea-disaster Y-fronts? Really, how extreme is too extreme? Should there be any limits whatsoever to the scatological surrealism of fabulously provocative gay art? Yes, better strap yourselves in, boys, there’s a vile road ahead! So, join me in a filthily intimate kiss to Samuel R. Delaney, indisputably the fiercest gay, black, no-holds-barred sex and science-fiction writer on planet earth. Never heard of the guy? OMG, where have you poor saps been living? At the butt-end of happy, sappy clowns like Armistead Maupin masquerading as worthwhile, fag fiction? No, instead, let’s retract the raw, diseased foreskin of Delaney’s novel The Madman, an unflinching, sexual odyssey even clap clinic junkies would puke at! It’s the 1980s, and gay, black student John Marr’s researching Korean philosopher Timothy Hasler’s murder near an NYC gay bar in 1973. In increasingly depraved scenes reminiscent of Hannibal Lecter’s infatuated, mental fuck-buddy identification with Clarice Starling, Marr starts retracing, and finally re-enacting, Hasler’s every sexual outrage. You think bare-backing and eating multiple sticks of mixed, frozen cum – spunk lollies – is risky? Try Delaney’s beyond-queasy recreations of infamous NYC gay bar The Mineshaft’s ‘Wet Nights’ – Marr’s drenched, drinks and lubricates himself with gallons of combined, STD piss! That’s just for starters. Ever encountered the dry-heave delights of Mysophilia, instant sexual arousal from vomit, runny turds, rank body hygiene and putrid clothes? Repeatedly, Marr indulges in reckless sex with the foulest, least attractive homeless men possible, manically feasting on dicks he sees as strangely beautified by Kaposi’s sarcomas. Appalling? Who to, maiden aunts or brain-dead Kardashian clones? Delaney, quite rightly, is totally unrepentant in the face of any disapproval – straight or gay – and defiantly advocates personal excess whatever the risk. Admirably, The Madman makes that clear from page one. ‘I do not have AIDS’ Delaney writes, ‘I am surprised that I don’t. I have actively had sex with other men weekly, sometimes daily – without condoms – for the last decade and a half...’ Bravo. Don’t we all, as LGBT frontliners, have a sacred duty to step beyond the bigoted guilt, shame and disdain of anti-gay contempt? Understand, to fully appreciate extreme, gay artistry, it’s essential to overcome bourgeois squeamishness, so initially, I furiously beat off to Human Centipede and Saw torture-porn flicks. Well, who wouldn’t – it’s a sublime alternative to Eastenders. Even so, internalising Delaney’s relentless, immersive sleaze is tough, hardly some dreamdate orgy with Rylan and Sam Smith! Still, respect to the man – Delaney’s hardcore, transgressive depravity is easily on par with Mapplethorpe’s iconic bullwhip jammed in an eager butthole. Certainly, along with Larry Kramer’s Faggots, Delaney’s written an essential, gay survivor’s Bible, but - like rancid, foul-tasting spunk - one that’s still truly hard to swallow! Phew! On the fluffier side of obscenity, treat yourself to Spanish comic-book artist Nazario’s stunningly crass she-male sadist, Anarcoma. Imagine Iggy Pop with shocking, Dolly Parton boobs, or Conchita Wurst on ‘roid-rage, as perpetually horny, private detective Anarcoma demands to fuck or be fucked! Believe me, s/he’s Superman’s worst possible nightmare, the throbbing, insatiable cock inside his tight red panties! Got any surgically-urgent theatre news, views or comments? Email [email protected] 46 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Artsbitching.indd 46 14/06/2016 18:41 A Relaxing Space To Unwind O L R I A S S Sunday - Thursday 11am to 11pm Friday and Saturday 11am to 8am next day Entry: £17 Brand NEW Roof Terrace NOW OPEN 570-574 COMMERCIAL ROAD, LONDON, E14 7JD U info: 020 7791 2808 www.sailorssauna.com QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 47 14/06/2016 16:51 #J U L I A S AY S ... by Princess Julia You know if there’s such a thing as an ‘underground’ scene going on then this guy Max Allen is a leading light! So much so that a magazine’s been made centered around his genius attitude... Max Allen Loves Experimenting with Different Clothes - A portrait of a modern man by Reba Maybury on Wet Satin Press is launching on Thursday 16th June at Donlon Books, 75-77 Broadway Market, E2 from 7pm ‘til 9pm. The scene is thriving down at The Glory also on Thursday 16th from 8pm onwards. Funny Peculiar with Diane Chorley and John Kearns introduces a new night of stand up comedy with special guests including Jonny Woo. So Tete Bang that’s your Thursday sorted then if you fancy following me around East London! Good old Virgin Xtravanzah! This is one hell of a busy performer who this week gives us Virgin’s Pink and Black Xtravaganzah on Friday 17th at the Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club. It’s a variety show starring an array of underground beyondness, including Rodent Decay, Bourgeousie, Shakonda and Joe Black. Show time 9.30pm, goes on until 2am with music DJ Miss Tete Bang! Over at Bloc Bar it’s time for Babez Summertime Madness Disco, Blisters & A Comedown Dylan Jones’ roundup of new music for people who listens to music! on Saturday 18th June. It’s the ‘ultimate pop party’ with DJs Beary Carey, Dom Top and Lewis G Burton and hosted by Cain Jennings. 9pm-3am. If you’re into an indie vibe then check out monthly night Queer at the Mascara Bar up at 72 Stamford Hill. Sam Fenn & Michael Bowden play all the best bits from a playlist of DIY queercore, stuff like brit pop, riot grrl, synth pop and everything in between from 9-3am. Oh! Before I leave you I must mention Q Factor, the weekly Monday night talent competition hosted by Silver Summers at the Bloc Bar on until the final on 8th August. On the 20th I’ll be coming down to join the prestigious panel of judges headed by resident Vanity Von Glow...7pm – late, and free to get in! Then my dears on Tuesday 21st June I’ll be joining Classical Album Sundays London presents Grace Jones ‘Warm Leathrette’ with Luke Howard and Princess Julia for a panel talk celebrating the re-issue of box set deluxe edition of Warm Leatherette. We’ll be discussing all things Grace from 7pm onwards at the Eagle in Vauxhall. classicalbumsundays.com Thank Me Daddy Just in time for father’s day! If a song has “daddy” anywhere in the title or lyrics, I will automatically love it. Do I have daddy issues? Maybe. I haven’t really thought about it. Although Sigmund Freud would probably have a field day analyzing my bookmarked porn (how you doin’ Rocco Steele?). I don’t know whether any of Girls Aloud have daddy issues. Let’s not go into it. It’s a good song anyway. Tongue-incheek lyrics, guitary backing track. Proper good oldfashioned cheeky pop! You can almost hear the sound of Sarah Harding’s mum’s jaw dropping in horror. So, this edition of Disco, Blisters & A Comedown is about…the best Girls Aloud B-sides. I know. Like, I’m really scraping the barrel now aren’t I. Oh well. THIS IS MY JOB, OK?! I tried to be a waiter and I kept getting fired! It’s not my fault I could only carry one plate at a time, and that I didn’t give a shit whether table 23 got their pumpkin ravioli. I decided to become a fucking writer, so sit down, shut up, and read about the three best Girls Aloud B-sides. Hoxton Heroes Now THIS used to be my anthem! I first discovered it when I lived in a squat in Camden with a bunch of straight boys who had long shaggy hair and guitars and bad tattoos. It could NOT have been more timely. It’s got sassy lyrics in it like “You bought a trilby and a cheap guitar/You thought you’d be a star/Didn’t get you that far.” My friend Ainé and I used to play it gleefully and swig rosé, cackling at the kitchen table while the boys passed a joint around and scowled at us. THOSE WERE THE DAYS. Aren’t the B-sides always the best?! ALWAYS. “B-side” is a bit of an invalid phrase these days, because it referred to when you actually physically turned the CD over to play what was on the other side. CDs were round shiny things that you used to put into a sort of slot and they’d play music. Anyway. These songs can now all be found on “Girls Aloud: The Collection (Studio Albums/B Sides)” which is on Spotify. On The Metro This so should have been a single! A proper brooding, dangerous, urban pop statement! It’s high-octane, with some great old-fashioned RHYMING! There’s never rhyming in pop songs these days. At one point Nicola croons “His moves were so ridiculous/but he looked so meticulous/I could tell that he meant business/gettin’ all up in mah face!” It’s probably the closest a ginger person has ever come to actually rapping, and it’s major! 48 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Review Section.indd 48 14/06/2016 18:40 QX 1110 MASTER 1.indd 49 14/06/2016 16:57 FETiSH IDENTIFICATION GUIDE With Fetish Week London kicking off on Sunday 10th July, we thought it might be wise to help any newbies discern what their fetish actually is, before you throwing themselves headlong into their massive program of pervy parties. There’s something for every one, so crack open the poppers, polish your boots, tighten your cockring and get reading! Have you ever tied your belt a little bit too tight and though “this is quite horny”? Or maybe someone’s playful slap has sent blood rushing to your crotch? If either of them are the case for you, you just might be a bit of Bondage and BDSM. Which is just fine, since Fetish Week have a Bondage Masterclass, where you can hone your knot-tying, as well as a bondage room where you can keep yourself tied up. Football, rugby, boxing, swimming, wrestling, cycling, lycra, spandex, trackies, trainers, jockstraps, muddy fields, sweaty pits, group showers. Wet yet? Because if that’s the case, then you might be quite the sports fan. We’re not talking about some bloated twat sitting at home watching the match and tucking into a TV dinner, we mean that watching the match makes you wanna get your fuck on. Good news, there’s a great place to score and it’s FWL’s Sports Cruise party. GOAL! Puppy Play BDSM & Bondage Sports Woof woof, cock your leg for me. Good boy! Daddy’s got a meaty bone for you. Right, did any of that give you that lovely low-down tickle? Puppy Play is one of the fastest growing fetishes, so don’t be surprised if you wanna get fucked like Fido too! Best in Show is the Fetish Week event you need to be at. A party dedicated to pups and their handlers! Plus Full Fetish will have a pup area with turf and toys for them to frolic in. Down boy! 50 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Fetishes.indd 50 14/06/2016 18:35 Leather Does the scent of freshly polished cowhide get your motor running? The feel of bare skin against leather? The groans of it as you move make you let out a little groan yourself? Fetish Week has more events for your taste in material than you can shake a stick at! From Full Fetish to Deconstruction, to FWL2016-approved party BLUF at Backstreet, so get into it. We mean your leather. Get into and go to the parties. You’ll love it. Boots and skins Rubber & Latex Ever rubbed out your pencil work a little too sensually? Ever snapped your marigolds a little too vigorously? Does the sight of a rubber plant rub you up the right way? Has blowing up a balloon ever given you a boner? Well rubber and latex is probably for you! Give it a whirl, you get to wear fun outfits, and it’s all wipeclean! For if you spill some…erm… water on it? Or, y’know. CUM. Or if you’re into watersports, piss! We’re not beating around the bush. Unlike you will be. Have you ever walked past a rough skinhead in a pair of bovver boots and thought “Spit in your mouth and fuck me ‘til I cry?” You’re not alone. It’s actually quite a popular fetish. Where better to find yourself a shaved slut than at SKINHEAD? It’s like Ronseal, does what it says on the tin. Then does you right up the arse. Watersports Is taking a peek at the urinal a sexy situation to you? Does a steaming cup of hot piss whet your appetite? Well, you may well be into watersports. These guys are totally into what urine to. Sorry, that pun was just laying there begging for us to piss all over it. Full Fetish has a lovely piss room. It’s full to the brim of bathtubs and a man-made pool, so stop by for a dirty dip. So if any of these have tickled your pickle (or your fancy), then check out Fetish Week London starting on Sunday July 10th until Sunday 17th July. Full listings and tickets can be found at www.fetishweek.com. 51 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Fetishes.indd 51 14/06/2016 18:36 Yo ur gui d e t o t h e w e e k ’s b e s t B A R , C L UB & C A B A R E T e v e n t s in L o n d o n 15 June 21 June M U S T S WEDNESDAY 15TH JUNE CLUBS & EVENTS XXL at Pulse: 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF. 9pm-3am. £15 guests, £8 members. Midweek grizzly fun for bears and their admirers. Uncontrollable Urge at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm-2:30am. Free. Superstore’s late-night midweek dose of sleaze! Eccentric electronica and weirdo-disco! Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. BARS & CABARET Myra DuBois’ Bingo Balls Up at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm1am, Free. £2 a game, drinks, cash and crap prizes to be won. Plus a show by the old tart herself. Eyes down 8pm! MAN UP: The Grand Final at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. 8pm – 1am. The final heat of The Glory’s groundbreaking drag king contest! Showtime 8pm. Nitrate Cinema at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall SE11 5QY. 9pm – 2am. £5 entry, members free. Weekly cinema night showing some of the most interesting and provocative works of LGBT cinema. Wednesday Naughties at Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. Amateur Strip Competition at BJs White Swan: 556 Commercial Road, E14 7JD. Strip contest with £100 prize. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town I Still Know What You Did Donna Summer at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. Show from 8pm. £5 OTD. Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the closet, Pop Horror is BACK, with London’s best mix of classic pop and iconic horror. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-11.30pm. Super social pub downstairs, chilled club lounge upstairs with guest pianist tinkling the ivories. BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall. Sing-A-Long-A-Sound of Martha at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. Sing-A-Long with Martha D’Arthur and Justin Swift. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Quiz from 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/ club spot. The Voice of The Village at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 9pm-2am. Have you got the voice? Sing to win £50! Karaoke hosted by the outrageous Robyn Banks. Happy hour 5pm – 9pm. West 5: Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. & M A Y B E S THURSDAY 16TH JUNE CLUBS & EVENTS Goldsnap at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 9pm – 2:30am. Free. All-new girls’ night with good vibes and good beats. Hard-Up Thursdays at Sweatbox: 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Start the weekend early and relieve the pressure with this discounted day for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Room Service at Club 49: 49 Greek Street, Soho, W1D. 10pm-3am. Don’t you dare miss this fiercely social, sexy club spot, playing edgy and upfront house. Expect hot gogo eye candy and hosted by fab scene faces. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Eagle Sessions at Eagle London at 349 Kennington Lane SE11 5QY. 9pm – 3am. Free entry. Weekly DJ sessions to get your weekend started. G-A-Y Porn Idol at G-A-Y Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 10pm – 5am. Amateur strip night with £100 prize money! To enter email [email protected] BARS & CABARET New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm – 11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of Central London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. Funky Voodoo at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 9pm-2am, Free. Old school hip hop to get down to. Funny Peculiar at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. 8pm – 1am. £6 adv tickets. New top-drawer monthly East London comedy night, hosted by Diane Chorley. Butch Please #4 at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. From 8pm, £5 OTD. A night for lesbians and their friends of all genders, with live performances and dancing ‘til late! Counter: Arch 50, 7-11 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Looking for a bargain lunch? COUNTER’s Snappy Lunch is £10 for a main and a glass of wine or beer. NEW Spring menu available now. Sports Lounge at BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Vauxhall’s best place to view Euro 2016. Catch England vs Wales and Germany vs Poland on their large screen. Plus Happy Hour 5pm – 8pm. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 4pm-4am. Thursdays are the new Fridays at Soho’s intimate bar/ club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF, 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Tasty Tim’s Thursday Takeover at Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm2am. The grand dame of Soho. Tasty Tim’s Takeover from 8:30pm - big House classics all night!. G-A-Y Bar: 30 Old Compton Street. 12pm-2am. Free entry. Popular pop music bar with non-stop hits on the screens and a fun, flirty atmosphere. Candy at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 9pm-2am. A night full of all things sweet and tasty! With Heidi Liscious on the decks, joined by gorgeous gogos. 52 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Musts & Maybes.indd 52 14/06/2016 17:52 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Popular central London karaoke fun with Kevin Walsh. Showtime at 8pm. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 6pm2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/ club spot. Candy at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-2am. Snap cackling pop & chart with Heidi Liscious and the gorgeous gogo boys. West 5: Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. FRIDAY 17TH JUNE CLUBS & EVENTS Le Cock at East Bloc: 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 11pm-6am. £5 b4 1am, £8 after. House, disco, pop and Italo mash-up with Martyn Fitzgerald & friends A:M at Protocol: Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place SW8 1SP, 11pm – 11am. £8.80. £4 with flyer/ad London’s most notorious after hours party! Record Playerz x In Flagranti at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 9pm-3am. Free before 11pm, £5 after. Another collab our fave tastemakers! With Hifi Sean, Panos Z and more. Beefmince at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY.10pm – 4am. £5 b4 11pm, £7 after. Beefy beats with DJs Silverhook and Cactushead, and special guest Gordon John. Men Inc. Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm - 4am. £5, members free before 11pm. The one of the coolest, friendliest gay crowds South of the river. With a free buffet, drinks offers and guest DJs. Savage at Metropolis: Strip Club, 235 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9NN. 11pm-5am. £5. Your late night homo disco now every Friday as well as Saturday. Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 8pm-3am. FREE b4 10:30pm, £5 after. Pop perfection and hot floor fillers as Ku’s hot 3 spin the tunes in its downstairs basement club spot. BARS & CABARET BFF at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, NW1 9NX. 9pm – 3am. £5. The Family Fierce takes over Fridays at Bloc with special guests and the amazing DJ skills of Slim Chance & Tete Bang. FunkyFriday at BJs White Swan: 556 Commercial Road, E14 7JD. 8pm – 5am. Free entry before 10pm. The best club music all night, with a show by Miss Penny at 12:15am. New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. FEMSESH at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, Haggerston, E2 8AS. 10pm2am. Free b4 10pm, £5 after. John Sizzle’s drag attack and disco. Friday Night Fever at BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 5pm – 1am. Happy hour from 5-8pm. Vauxhall’s popular Friday Night Fever at BackCOUNTER – a live set with DJ Chillz 8pm-1am. Free entrance. Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Lime- house, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Karaoke at Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open from 6pm til 3am or later... FREE The super-friendly Kings Cross bar. DJs ‘til late. Hosted by DJ Chris Reardon Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf and friends werq the floor! Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 9pm-2am. The grand dame of Soho welcomes blokes and boys to her bosom for a Friday night of socialising. TONIGHT: DJ Miswhite City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. George and Dragon: 2 Blackheath Hill, SE10. 8pm-4am. The friendly Greenwich local. TONIGHT: Lola Lasagne Friday Night Live at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. Tickets from 53 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Musts & Maybes.indd 53 14/06/2016 17:53 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M £10. With DJ Little John & Sandra. Ku Bar Soho: 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. Open till 5am. Ku Bar’s little brother stretches across two floors for that perfect Soho warm-up drinking session and a little dance with downstairs DJs. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-12am. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Fadoodle at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-2am, Free. Into the Deep in the basement and Funhouse upstairs with Heidi Liscious and the Go Go’s. West 5: South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm, FREE. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot. The Yard: 57 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 7PL. Open till 1am. FREE. Renowned as one of Soho’s most unique and popular destination venues, with terrific outdoor space. SATURDAY 18TH JUNE CLUBS & EVENTS BABEZ at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 9pm-3am. £5. Bringing pop back to the Bloc with DJs Dom Top, Beary Carey and Lewis G Burton. Papa Loko at Apiary Studios: 458 Hackney Road, E2. 11pm – 5am. £13 OTD. Papa Loko returns to Apiary Studios for its one and only summer techno dance party. With DJs Othon, Candi Bianca and Damin Hansford. XXL at Pulse: 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF. 10pm-7am. £15 guests, £8 members. A super-furry, super-charged club night for bears and their friends. Blocheads at East Bloc: 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10pm – 6am. £5 before 12am, £10 after. East Bloc’s weekly Saturday with Martyn Fitzgerald, Raf Daddy and Tafkanik, plus Beary Carey in the back room! Discosodoma at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm - 4am. Free b4 10pm, £7 after. Notorious gay partystarters Discosodoma are back with another party and the launch of Man Power’s EP ‘Planet Cock’ DEBBIE at The Shacklewell Arms: 71 Shacklewell Lane, E8 2EB. 11pm – 3am. £5. Super fun, super queer female-fronted dance night! Eagle Saturdays at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 4am. Free before 10pm, £6 after. With DJs Lil John and Andy Garbi. SaturGay at BJs White Swan: 556 Commercial Road, E14 7JD. 8pm – 5am. Free entry before 10pm. Saturday madness with Dave Lynn, plus tunes from DJ Stevie Tee. Duckie at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 9pm-2am. £6. Duckie’s flag ship rock ‘n’ roll honky tonk. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-5am, FREE b4 10:30pm, £5 after. The party continues in Ku’s basement club with hot pop and floor fillers from the DJs. Savage at Metropolis: Strip Club, 235 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9NN. 11pm-5am. £5. Weekly Saturday club night from the Sink The Pink crew. Glitter Bomb at The Shadow Lounge: Brewer Street, Soho, W1G 0RF. 10pm-3am. Let disco do its dance with live entertainment, dancers and DJs. G-A-Y at Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 10pm – 5am. £5 entry wristbands available from GA-Y Bar, Free entry with wristband. Hefty hits and huge acts at the palace of pop. Sweatbox: Foam Party at 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. 24hr pass £17, 48hr pass £19. Unwind and release some tension after a stressy week with the all the fun of the foam at Sweatbox’s original weekly party. BARS & CABARET Ku Bar Lisle Street: Chinatown, WC2H 7BA. 6pm-3am. One of London’s hottest gay bars and clubs. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 5pm-2am. The grand dame of Soho pulling in a more blokey crowd. Sassy Saturdays at BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Open ‘til 1:30am. Vauxhall’s best kept secret for fun, decadence and cocktails. TONIGHT: Celebrate the Queen’s birthday in style with Ivy Paige and Dusty Limits! Counter: Arch 50, 7-11 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Vauxhall’s fabulous ALL DAY weekend bottomless brunch. For just £25, select two plates from a tempting three-course menu of delicious and creative dishes and let the prosecco and Bellinis flow freely for 90 minutes. New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of Central London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. TONIGHT: Lola Lasagne Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf and friends werq the floor! City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Rose Garden’s Swap Shop/Lipsync Saturday at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon St, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til 3am. Rose Garden and DJ Little John from 4pm. Showtime at 5pm. Followed by Xanadu from 8pm, the Camp Disco. Ku Bar Soho: 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. Open till 12am (3am last Friday of the month). Perfect for that Soho warm-up drinking session and cheeky dance with downstairs DJs. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 10pm-4am. Free b4 10, £8 after. Cabaret and clubbing ‘til late at the famous venue. West 5: South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. The Yard: 57 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 7PL. Midday ‘til Late. FREE. Renowned as one of Soho’s most unique and popular destination venues, with terrific outdoor space. SUNDAY 19TH JUNE CLUBS & EVENTS Beyond at Fire: South Lambeth Road SW8 1RT, 4am – afternoon (afterhours) £13 with flyer/ad Don’t let your Saturday night stop! Head to Beyond for the likes of Fat Tony, HiFi Sean and Miswhite! Hosted by Chrissy Darling and JJ Clark. Horse Meat Disco at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 8pm – 3am. £6. Unbridled Sunday night fun! Disco delights and handsome stallions abound. With special guest Carry Nation. Last Resort at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 9pm – 2:30am. Sunday fun and campery to take the edge off the end of the weekend. Sunday Social at The Vauxhall Tavern: Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 3pm – 12am. £4 members/£5. Weekly Sunday fun at The Vauxhall Tavern, with cabaret and DJs on rotation. 54 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Musts & Maybes.indd 54 14/06/2016 17:53 A place of light for the Bereaved Grief is not black and white, Isle Of Bute is a world of difference Have you lost a friend to bereavement and need a place a take time and relax? Book a space by calling Anthony 07974 454 856 or visiting www.johnpaulretreats.org John Paul Retreats is self-funding, small donations can be made by going onto the justgiving page of the website. Please consider John Paul Retreats in any future fund raising events which will help bereaved people attend the lovely surroundings on the Isle Of Bute for a week stay after losing their beloved child or friend to death from any age. It is an opportunity to bring comfort and hope. John Paul Retreat greatly thanks The Royal Vauxhall Tavern for sponsoring our advert campaign www.vauxhalltavern.com GAY HOME IMPROVEMENTS LTD www.gayhomeimprovements.co.uk We aim to please the gay community + Patios Tiling + 24 hr +Gardens Pointing + All areas Service Plumbing + +Fascias covered in Available +Flat roofs Pathways + and outside Plastering + +New Roofs London +Guttering Brickwork + +Driveways Rendering + DISCOUNT +Sash Windows Bathrooms + ON ALL NEW +Brick Restoration Kitchens + KITCHENS +UPVC Windows & Doors Damp Proofing + +All types of Roof repairs Refurbishment + +Painting & Decorating Int 'Ext' Basement Conversions + Plumbing + +Loft Conversions & Extensions Wind, Storm, Fire & Flood Damage Victorian Tiling Footpaths 20% +FREE ESTIMATES +FREE ADVICE CALL NOW ON: FREE PHONE 0800 474 8357 DIRECT LINE: 07440 698 556 All areas covered - We can save you money £££sss 275 NEW NORTH ROAD, LONDON N1 7AA QX 1110 MASTER 2.indd 55 14/06/2016 17:10 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M Orange at Fire: South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. 11pm -7am. £1 entry before 1am. £8 til 4am. £13. Orange gives you 100% fresh house. Rotation of superhot DJs every week, including Fat Tony, Zach Burns, D’johnny, Chris Barker, and hosted by Glendora! BARS & CABARET Sunday Mass at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Virgin Xtravaganazah soothes away your weekend sins. Rejoice! Brunch by Carey Browne’s Grill all day. 3 Of A Kind at BJs White Swan: 556 Commercial Road, E14 7JD. 3pm – 12:30am. Free entry. New Sunday cabaret fun at The Swan, with Cosmic, Ms Moore and Cookie Monstar. New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm – 11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of central London. Happy hour 4pm – 8pm daily. Counter: Arch 50, 7-11 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Brunch, lunch, dinner or cocktails – the weekend continues. Bottomless Brunch at BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. Vauxhall’s new playground. The Official Pride In London Bottomless Brunch. Includes 2 course brunch, bottomless bellinis and wine, plus a show by the Vox Vixens and Paul Cosmic. Tickets www.prideinlondon.org. Big Gay Songbook at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. From 3pm – 1am. Free entry. Keyboard covers of your fave hits with Rudi Douglas and friends. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. Brunch off Broadway at Counter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. The funniest brunch this side of Bleecker Street, piano bar delights. New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11.30pm. Open all week for the more social gays around the Kings Cross/Bloomsbury area. Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Cabaret: 8pm. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. TONIGHT: Miss Penny West 5 South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. From 8pm The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. £5 b4 1am, £8 after, Last admission 3:30am. FREE with wristbands from G-A-Y Bar b4 1 am. Massive mixed mash-up with four rooms of top sounds, from upfront, progressive house to chart hits, via R&B tuneage. Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 2am. Free entry. All new Eagle lounge bar! With dancing and drinks offers. Hard-Up Mondays at Sweatbox: 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Finding Mondays hard to handle? Relieve the pressure with this discounted day for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 6pm-3am. FREE. DJs play the weekend out on a wave of hot pop. The Big Bingo Show at Vauxhall Tavern: Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 7pm – 12am. Free. Mad bingo with TImberlina! BARS & CABARET Q Factor at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Showtime 8pm. Come down to Camden’s brightest queer jewel for a queer little talent contest, hosted by Silver Summers and Head Judge Vanity Von Glow! Superficial at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. 7:30pm. £15 (£12 concessions). Pat Cash’s new play starts its 12 day run at The Glory! A ridiculous carnival through pop music, masculinity and drag. Counter: Arch 50, 7-11 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Brunch in Vauxhall gets even better! This Bank Holiday Monday get 2 brunch courses and bottom- less bellinis for £25. Served from 11am-5pm. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-11.30pm. The real queen of Soho. Bar Alex Eugenio from 8:30pm- ‘Soulful House with a Disco Twist’ plus Happy Hour from 5 ‘til close! The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. TUESDAY 21ST JUNE CLUBS & EVENTS Bar Wotever at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. From 7pm, show at 8:30pm. £5. Genderbending cabaret, live music and performance at the monumental Vauxhall Tavern. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 2am. Free entry. All new Eagle lounge bar! With dancing and drinks offers. BARS & CABARET Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. Quiz Night at The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Karaoke at Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm-2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/club spot. MONDAY 20TH JUNE CLUBS & EVENTS Popcorn at G-A-Y Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm-5.30am. 56 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Musts & Maybes.indd 56 14/06/2016 17:53 QX 1110 MASTER 2.indd 57 14/06/2016 17:10 Get Your Rocks Off LONDON SAUNA GUIDE CENTRAL SWEATBOX 1 – 2 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LN. Soho’s only sauna attracts a young hot crowd with its ambient lighting and under 25 discounts. There’s even a mirrored room! Scintillating. www.sweatboxsoho.com 24 hours all week. £17 entry 24hr pass, £19 - 48hr pass. £10 for under 25’s. Cum in Your Pants @ ME1 Saturday 18th June CIYP’s monthly underwear night in Kent is hot, horny and steamy! Bathed in UV lighting the sauna will show off your assets to the full. You can sit back and enjoy watching other guys in their underwear, or have fun cruising under the lights. The sauna complex includes play areas and porn, an 8-man hot tub, sauna, steam room and relaxation cabins. Facilities include personal lockers, showers, refreshments, free internet access and wi-fi. Wear jocks, briefs, boxers, thongs or just plain naked! ME1 Sauna, Foundry Wharf, High Street, Rochester, Kent ME1 1TH, 7pm – late. £15. WEDNESDAY 15TH JUNE The Backstreet: Buff at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 7pm-11pm, £9 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). Horny, naked cruise party. The Hoist: Office & NBN at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. OFFICE 5pm-1am Relax, chill, score after work. After work dress or underwear. NBN 9pm-1am, boots or trainers with jocks, shorts or underwear. The Underground Club: Hard Cruz at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. 10pm-1am, free. Men only, hard, up cruise night where you can get it on. Vault: Cruise/ Underwear at 139b143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1pm-7pm, £8. Followed by Underwear, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get down to your underwear. THURSDAY 16TH JUNE SM Gays at The Hoist at Arches 47b & 47c, 58 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Get Your Rocks Off.indd 58 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. 8pm – 12am. No dress code. Meet up with guys like you into S&M. Teds Place: TV/TS Party Night at 305a North End Road, W14 9NS. 7pm-2am. £5. A horny night in the cruisey basement club in West London. The Underground Club: Pants/Spankz/ Come To Daddy at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, underwear fun. Spankz, 6pm-10pm, £25 b4 7pm & £7 after, CP night for rougher, tougher play. Come To Daddy, 10pm-2am, £5, for bears, daddies, big boys, chubs and chasers. Vault: Cruise/ Stripped at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £8. Followed by Stripped, 7pm-1am, £8. Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get nude and rude. Strictly naked, except footwear. FRIDAY 17TH JUNE Sweat VS Oi M8 at The Hoist Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. 10pm - 3am. Leather, rubber, nasty pig, sports, industrial, uniform or boots and socks. Free entry in skin or sports gear before 11pm. The Underground Club: Pants/XXX Members Club at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, underwear fun. XXX Members Club, 6:30pm-11:00am, £15. Private members club (free membership available) where a bunch of guys get together to be filmed having sex. Vault: Cruise at 139b143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am, £8. Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Horny cruise spot minutes from the West End. SATURDAY 18TH JUNE Cum in Your Pants at ME1 [SEE BOX OUT] The Backstreet: Buff at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 6pm-10pm, £9 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). Horny, naked cruise party. ´ STABLE 29 Endell St, WC2H 9BA. Sexy steamy fun tucked away in the heart of London’s classiest shopping district. Who’d have thought it! For opening times and pricing see website, www. thestable.london SOUTH CHARIOTS Situated in two prime locations around the capital, Chariots is the undisputed emperor of London’s sauna empire! More steam, towels and muscles than you can shake a locker key at! www.chariots.co.uk Vauxhall: Rail Arches 63-64, Albert Embankment SE1 7TP 12pm–8am Monday to Thursday, then 12pm-8am Monday. £19 entry. Waterloo: 101 Lower Marsh, SE1 7AB. 24 hours all week. £14 entry. PLEASUREDROME 124 Cornwall Road, SE1 8XE. Widely regarded as the city’s most famous sauna, providing fun in a clean and classy environment! www.pleasuredrome.com 24 hours all week. £17 entry, £12 under 25’s with proof of age. £12 with QX advert. LOCKER ROOM 8 Cleaver St, SE11 4DP. Cosy sauna in a convenient corner of Kennington. Lock yourself into the Locker Room for fun and frolics. www.lockerroomsauna.com 11am-12am Monday to Thursday, 24 hours Friday – Sunday (closes midnight Sunday). £13 entry, £20 weekend pass. EAST SAILORS SAUNA Limehouse’s Sailors Sauna is a cosy, sexy, salubrious port in the choppy waters of London’s gay scene. www.sailorssauna.com 570-574 Commercial Rd, E14 7JD. Sunday to Thursday 11am–11pm, Friday & Saturday 11am – 8am. £15 Entry. Wanna get down and dirty? Download the ‘QX Gay London’ iPhone app from the app store now and get yerself sorted! 14/06/2016 18:27 The Hoist: Boys & Sirs/SBN Afterdark/ Harder (Bar Berlin)/ GUMMI at South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Boys & Sirs at Arches 47b & 47c, 2pm-7pm, for those into spanking. SBN Afterdark at Arch 2, 10pm-4am, naked fun and live sex show. Harder 10pm – 4am. Dressy, macho, strict! GUMMI 10pm – 4am. Monthly Rubber gear theme night. The Underground Club: Pants/Collared at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants,12pm6pm, £4, underwear fun. Collared, 7pm-midnight. Members £5, non-members £10. Kink experience with equipment, video screens and resident DJs. Vault: Cruise at 139b143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am. £8. Free drink, cloakroom, re-entry. Dark corners, catch a dirty movie, indulge your carnal side. SUNDAY 19TH JUNE The Hoist: SBN/ NBN/S.E.X at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Party for guys who like wearing boots or trainers with jocks, shorts, underwear or naked if you dare. Both arches open for SBN Open House! 10pm-1am S.E.X. Any fetish welcome, finish the weekend with a mighty bang! The Big Buff Birthday Party at The Backstreet, Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 4pm-10pm, £7 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). See boxout Teds Place: Chill Out at 305a North End Road. 7pm-2am, £3 b4 10pm, £5 after, mixed/ gay crowd of cruisey guys. The Underground Club: Streams Of Pleasure at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. 1pm-11pm. £7. Yellow fun for waterworks fans. Vault: Underwear/ Cruise at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Underwear, 1-7pm, £8. Cruise, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry, just pants b4 7pm, then cruise ‘til late. b4 2pm. Butt Naked, 6pm-10pm, £5, strip down and get off with like-minded guys. Hard Cruz, 10pm-1am, free entry, hard cruzing for horny guyz. Vault: Cruise/ Stripped at Vault, 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £8. Stripped, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry, horny cruise session first before naked time (except footwear). MONDAY 20TH JUNE Teds Place: TV/TS Admirers & Gay at 305a North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight, £3. Night for lovers of trans, drag and gay beauties. Something for everyone! The Underground Club: Pants/Butt Naked/Hard Cruz at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 TUESDAY 21ST JUNE Bunker Bar: CP Saturday at 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN. 6pm – 10pm. £6 or free in any uniform. Punishment night for naughty boys. Video room, CP rooms, smaller areas for 1-2-1’s, full bar, lots of seating and other equipment to bend over! They have equipment for you to use but you are welcome to bring your own. Teds Place: Underwear/Naked at 305s North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight, £4, strictly underwear only. The Underground Club: Pants/S.O.P. at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, the attitude-free afternoon cruise club. Streams Of Pleasure, 6pm-1am, £8, yellow fun for waterworks fans. Vault: Frat Party! at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am. £8 after. Cruising session at this horny hot spot. Student Tuesdays; free entry before 7pm with student card. Locker Room: Cum In Your Pants at 8 Cleaver Street, Kennington, SE11 4DP. 6pm – midnight. Underwear-themed party night! Cum in your pants or in nothing at all. 59 qxmagazine.com QX_1110_Get Your Rocks Off.indd 59 14/06/2016 18:27 GENERAL SERVICES & MASSEURS NAKED HOTEL FOR MEN Bournemouth, Dorset www.hamiltonhall.info [email protected] 01202 399 227 20% OFF IF YOU MENTION THIS ADVERT PORTSEA SAUNA MARBLE ARCH, LONDON 3 Massage therapists available daily 2 Portsea Place W2 2BL KAMAGRA 100MG (ERECTION PILLS) HAND DELIVERED TO YOUR DOORSTEP ANYWHERE IN LONDON (DISCRETION ASSURED) COLLECTION ALSO AVAILABLE IN CENTRAL LONDON. 52 TABLETS FOR £50 100 TABLETS FOR £85 ALSO AVAILABLE ORAL JELLY SACHET AND CIALIS. CONDOM, LUBE AND POPPERS DELIVERY TIME - MONDAY TO SATURDAY - 10AM TO 8PM: SUNDAY - 10AM TO 4PM NO NEED TO RISK YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS ONLINE: PAY CASH ON DELIVERY. Call: 07532 290 033 H A N D D E L I V E R E D MEN WITH XXL LUTON VAN. DOMESTIC REMOVAL. RELIABLE & FRIENDLY SERVICE. 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Customer Service Number 0344 900 0028 _QXTRA 1110.indd 62 14/06/2016 17:14 CHAT.com CHAT & DATE Flirt with 100s of genuine gay guys on the phone right now! LIVE 1-2-1 0844 calls cost 7p per minute 0844 999 6667 18+. Calls to 0844 cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Information provided by Firststar Limited T/A QX Magazine, 28 Denmark Street, London, WC2H 8NJ. Customer Service Helpdesk: 020 7966 0018 You can now enjoy our service by dialing a special 5 digit shortcode from your mobile 84466 25p per minute 18+. Calls to 84466 cost 25p per minute from any UK mobile. No other charges apply. Live calls recorded. Information provided by Firststar Limited T/A QX Magazine, 28 Denmark Street, London, WC2H 8NJ. Customer Service Helpdesk: 020 7966 0018 QX 1110 MASTER 2.indd 63 14/06/2016 17:04 m cher. Valid t o vou 31 is .0 th QX 1110 MASTER 2.indd 64 very day pm e wit -2 h de: QX111 0. . Co 16 . E 8 £12 betwe en just rt y 7a n 14/06/2016 17:01