The Guild Horn May-June 2016


The Guild Horn May-June 2016
The Guild Horn
Volume 51, Issue 8
Guild contributions at new high
page 4
Coming next
Feast & Follies
Cocktails, Seated Dinner,
Performing Arts Showcase
at Cultural Arts Center &
LeBauer Park (see page 3)
Swaying to the Music
Light Fare, Cocktails, Dance
Performance and more at
Fred Astaire Dance Studios,
with Honorary Chair
Carolyn Woodruff
Wine Tasting
& Silent Auction
at Roy & Vanessa Carroll’s
Center Point Gold Ballroom
Saint Patrick’s Day Event
Food, Green Beer, Irish
Tunes, Bagpipers, Surprise
Vocalists & Surprise
Love & Music Tennis
Lunch and fashion show at
Starmount Forest Country
Financial support for music education hit a new high this year, totaling $104,271. The announcement was made by outgoing President Andrea Knupp at our annual luncheon on May 18th. Donations included: Annual Gift to Greensboro Symphony Orchestra, in support of Music Education,
$62,000; GSO Endowment, $1050; and a reserve for new High School Partnerships, $8000.
The program also included
presentation of the Golden Note
Award to Frances Vinoski and induction of 2016-2017 officers.
Shown here are the new officers:
(l-r) VP Marketing Ann Mueller, VP
Education Olivia Gillespie, VP Fund
Raising Kim Jones, President-Elect
Dorry Tooke, President Sharon
Kasica, VP Operations Laura Green,
Secretary Vanessa Skenes, Treasurer
Pam Stearns, Past President Andrea
Frances Vinoski receives Golden Note Award
Frances Vinoski was presented the Guild's Golden Note
Award at the annual membership luncheon on May 18 at Starmount Forest Country Club.
Established in 1979, the Golden Note Award is presented to
those Guild members who have made an outstanding service contribution to the Guild and to the community. Our 2016 recipient,
Frances Vinoski, is the epitome of dedication and enthusiasm. She
exhibits the traits of a servant-leader: sharing power and responsibility, placing the mission of the Guild first, and helping fellow
members develop in meaningful ways. The Guild would not be
where it is today, nor be positioned as strongly as it is for the fuChuck & Frances Vinoski
ture, were it not for Frances.
The list of her major committee involvements is extensive
and encompasses every area of Guild leadership including Operations, Fundraising, Marketing,
Education, and Membership. She redefined the Guild’s approach to developing corporate sponsorships and established invaluable community relations in the process. Additionally, she strengthened
the Guild’s relationship with the GSO Board. After a term as our President in 2007-2008, she continued her service, co-chairing the 50th Anniversary Gala, chairing Nominations, participating in
several Long Range Committees and co-chairing the inaugural Annual Education Campaign.
Her visible leadership in the Guild is impressive, but her behind the scenes support is invaluable. Frances rarely misses a meeting and constantly seeks out ways to serve. From selling raffle
tickets, to serving coffee, to greeting guests, to nurturing members, to making well thought out suggestions, she is available and reliable. She mentored those who followed her as President and is an
indispensable resource in all Guild-related matters.
(Continued on page 2)
Note from the President...
It’s hard to believe that our 51st Guild year is coming to a
close! It has been a pleasure to serve as this year’s Guild
President and I am grateful to all of you for helping to make
this 2015-2016 year such a success.
In particular, I would like to extend a special thank you to
retiring Executive Assistant Susan Mackey for her many
years of service to the Guild and her invaluable help to the
role of many Presidents. We also welcome Katherine Davey,
who will carry on in this role and I know will add her own
style and abilities as we move forward.
Many thanks to this year’s Executive and Full Board
Without their dedication and commitment to the
Andrea Knupp
Guild, we would not be able to accomplish our many goals
and to support our mission in the community.
A huge congratulations to Chairs Elizabeth Craft, Nancy Beaver, Karen
Hundgen and Vanessa Skenes on an amazing Super Sale! Their leadership made it
possible for us to exceed our budgeted goals and to have a great time at both the Preview Party and the Sale on Saturday. Brenda Macfadden ensured that we had great
food to eat at the Friday night festivities and Kim Jones kept lists of our attendees in
order. Karen Hundgen and Laura Smith were wonderful with our 50/50 raffle sales
and Ashley Nosek set up a wonderful Silent Auction which contributed to our totals.
Frances Vinoski oversaw all of our treasurer duties and check-out personnel with
great ease! And many thanks to Pam Smith who coordinated all of our publicity for
the sale. It was an incredible event and my gratitude to all in the Guild for your participation in any way and for your willingness to make this a successful community venture.
May 5th brought our annual Tennis Tournament. Sherri Hill, Olivia Gillespie
and Brenda Macfadden did a spectacular job organizing all of the players, running
the event and hosting a wonderful luncheon at its conclusion. Everyone involved had a
great time with some competitive tennis, great food, a lovely fashion show and fun for
all! Many thanks to each of you.
Special thanks to our VP of Education, Nancy Bogard for her attendance at many
of our Music at Midday performances as well as her support of our High School Partnership program. Nancy was instrumental in being our presence at these events which
the Guild supports. Thanks, Nancy, for all you have done this year to support our Education initiatives.
We are so appreciative of Carol Bohrer for hosting our April General Meeting at
her lovely home. Over 40 members attended and were treated to a wonderful performance by the GSYO Honors Quartet.
Our General Luncheon Meeting on May 18 was a delightful culmination of a
great year. Hospitality Chairs Karen Claypool, Sandra Ennever, April Parker and
Renay Pugh once again provided the needed assistance to produce a great event! The
Golden Note award was presented to Frances Vinoski, we had the installation of new
officers and a check was presented to the GSO. Wally West of Wally West Music Resource provided an upbeat program and we were treated to a preview of next year’s
gala, “Feast & Follies”.
It was a fitting end to our 51st year supporting music education and a wonderful
introduction to another great year planned by next year’s President, Sharon Kasica.
With gratitude,
Andrea Knupp, 2015-2016 President
Page 2
(Vinoski continued from page 1)
Frances brings fun and positivity to all
her endeavors. She is an excellent goodwill ambassador who speaks tirelessly
about the wonderful opportunities for fellowship in the Guild. After serving as
President of the Newcomers, she brought
members from that organization into the
Guild. As a member of the Family Service
Guild, she co-chaired that organization’s
first Big Hair Ball, a now annual event that
has become that organization’s most successful fundraiser. Then she brought many
of that organization’s outstanding young
professionals to the Symphony Guild.
A native of Lenoir, NC, Frances has
been married to husband Chuck for 42
years, is the proud mother of daughter
Lauren, and the even prouder grandmother
of Charlie, Agatha, and Cormac. The
Guild is grateful that for the past 13 years,
Frances chose to devote her time, talents
and resources to our city and the Symphony Guild. Her energy, enthusiasm and vision are unmatched and continue to inspire
women of all ages, and her legacy will
impact the Guild for many years to come.
Thank you and
best wishes to
Susan Mackey
It is with sadness and great
thanks that we say goodbye
to our long time Executive
Assistant, Susan Mackey. Susan has been a
valuable asset to the Guild for more than
six years, assisting six different Presidents,
supporting the leadership of our organization, and maintaining the “face” of the
Guild for our community. She has served
our organization with grace and style and
with a strong ability to complete the many
tasks of her position. We are deeply indebted to Susan for her service and friendship
these last several years.
While we are thrilled that Susan will
be able to spend more time with her family
and grandchildren, she will be sorely
missed as she retires.
We thank Susan for all she has done to
promote our organization and administer
all of the duties of our Guild. We wish Susan a happy retirement and the deep appreciation from all of us!
—Andrea Knupp, 2015-2016 President
Super Sale is over,
well kind of...
We are just waiting
to pay off some expenses
and receive some
outstanding money from
EBay. Otherwise, after
weeks of hanging
Nancy Beaver
clothes (just like
Filene’s Basement on Wedding
Week), arranging furniture into
appealing vignettes and multiple pickups of “just a few things in my attic,
nothing heavy”, we can say that Super
Sale 2016 was an amazing success.
We grossed north of 36K, a new high.
People could hardly wait for the
sale to open as evidenced by constant
heads popping into the Bill Black
showroom to see if they could get a
quick look.
We got lots of donations (the
good stuff), lots of tireless help and
tables, racks, space, loaned or given,
when we most needed it. Some
highlights were a closet's worth of
Stewart Weitzman shoes, all wool
Persian rugs, and enough couches for
the O. Henry Hotel lobby. Most of it
went to happy homes. The preview
party, a much sought after ticket, got
us started with great food and drink
and a silent auction that was highly
Yes, the Super Sale took
enormous effort and focus, but we
really made quite a bit to finance the
Guild’s good works. Something that
seemed to be an unintended bonus,
was that many people count on the
sale and look forward to it, to clothe
their families and furnish their homes.
We all benefit.
Many people (too many to name,
but you know who you are) in the
Guild gave their time endlessly, gave
clothes, furniture and housewares and
gave their effort to advertise and
support the Sale. We thank you all!
The Super Sale leadership team
included Co-Chairs Elizabeth Craft
and Nancy Beaver; Vice Chairs
Vanessa Skenes and Karen
Hundgen; Advisor Sandy Weston;
and Honorary Chair Becky Brown.
Katherine Davey is new Executive Assistant
After interviewing several highly qualified applicants for the
Guild Executive Assistant position, the Executive Committee is
pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Katherine Robison
Davey to the position. She assumed the job on May 1, 2016.
Katherine is a Greensboro native, daughter of Guild Past
President, Kitty Robison and a former Symphony Debutante. She
returned to Greensboro more than a year ago and is currently
rejuvenating a 100 year old house in Fisher Park. Katherine has
worked in the arts throughout her career in galleries, museums and
schools. She also spent time as Assistant to the Coordinator of
Psychiatry Residents at Emory University Medical School.
Katherine has three grown children and a black lab named Gracie.
Please extend a warm welcome to Katherine. We are
confident she brings a wealth of professional skills and experience to this position.
In spite of the weather, tournament was a winner
Rain showers didn’t dampen our Love 'n
Music Tennis Tournament on Thursday, May 5th.
We had 32 tennis players and a total of 60 attendees
for a “sold out” luncheon and fashion show. The
event featured a round robin format, proper tennis
stretching techniques, Ping-Pong, and tennis trivia.
In spite of the weather, everyone had fun and we
raised approximately $7000 for our Guild.
Chairs of the event were Sherri Hill, Olivia
Gillespie and Brenda Macfadden.
Mark Your Calendars for Our Fall Fundraiser!
The Greensboro Symphony Guild presents
Feast & Follies on September 24, 2016 at the
NEW Lebauer Park!
The evening will begin at 7 p.m. with an incredible auction, decadent hors d'oeuvres and open
bar at the Cultural Arts Center. At 8 p.m., guests
will meander into the hottest new outdoor venue—
Lebauer Park—for a seated dinner catered by
Southern Roots and an incredible night of collaborative performances showcasing Greensboro Ballet,
performing a Mid Summer's Night Dream; The
Greensboro Opera, performing Carmen with Diva,
Mezzo-soprano Sandra Piques Eddy from the NYC Metropolitan Opera; and a duet and
ensemble performance by our beloved Greensboro Symphony!
Pre-sale ticket packages were offered at the General Membership Luncheon on May
18th. The presale packages are:
Host Package includes 2 event tickets and 1 raffle ticket, valued at $250 for a discounted price of $240.
Host Table Package includes 8 event tickets, 1 raffle ticket per couple and guaranteed best available seating for the performance with your friends for $1000.
All Hosts will be recognized in the invitation and program. Pre-sale Host packages will
be on sale through July 1, 2016. Corporate Sponsor tables are also available, so spread the
word. Chairs of Feast and Follies are Betsy Craft and Linda Hiatt.
Page 3
Greensboro Symphony Guild
Names Debutantes
The Greensboro Symphony Guild has announced the
MARION AYLIFFE MACPHAIL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
names of the 20 young women who will make their debuts at the Cameron Campbell Macphail of Greensboro, a student at High
39th annual Symphony Presentation Ball to be held December 28. Point University;
SARAH NICOLE MCGEE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
The Symphony Presentation Ball honors young women, with Gerald Wayne McGee of Greensboro, a student at North Carolina
connections to the Greensboro area, who have made significant
State University;
contributions to the communities in which they live. Mrs. Gary
Robert Wolf (Laura) will serve as chair; Mrs. Richard Lawrence Elizabeth Gail Buchanan of Greensboro, and Mr. James Michael
Vanore, senior (Sylvia) will serve as honorary chair; and Mr.
McGroarty of Bandera, TX, a student at the University of
Richard Weisner Gabriel will serve as master of ceremonies.
MARY KATHRYN MIDGETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Guild sponsored activities include a Spring Mothers’ Wine
Robert Parker Midgett, II, of Greensboro, a student at the
and Cheese, Mother-Daughter Luncheon, Deb Informal,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
Marshals’ Tuxedo Fitting Evening, Family Picnic, Fall Tea,
MCKENZIE DIANE NALLEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dads’ Barbecue, Holiday Tea, and Waltz Evening. The
Robert Hanly Nalley, II, of Summerfield, a student at North
debutantes and their families will also enjoy “A Night at the
Carolina State University;
Symphony” on November 5. In addition, the parents of the debs
SARA MARGARET PHILLIPS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
will host several parties in honor of their daughters.
William Bryan Phillips of Greensboro, a student at East Carolina
The debutantes are:
KATHERINE LANE BAYLESS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Franklin Lamar Schaede of Greensboro, a student at the
Bobby Len Norris, junior, of Greensboro, a student at the
University of Georgia;
University of Alabama;
ISABEL VICTORIA SEIFERT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
BRENNAN GREY BOUDREAU, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Richard Seifert of Greensboro, a student at the
Robert Joseph Boudreau, junior, of Greensboro, a student at
University of Mississippi;
Appalachian State University;
LAUREN ELIZABETH SKENES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
REBECCA EVELYN BRENNAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyette Skenes, junior, of Greensboro, a student at North
Matthew Gary Brennan of Greensboro, a student at the
Carolina State University;
University of South Carolina;
LAUREN MARIE SMALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lycurgus Jerome Small, III, of Greensboro, a student at
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dunham, a student at Villanova
Appalachian State University;
ALLISON LINZEY TICE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
KATHERINE RUTH KANE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Earl Tice of Greensboro, a student at North Carolina
Gary Paul Kane, a student at Guilford College;
State University;
KAITLYN ROSE LINGARD, daughter of Mr. Timothy
NATALIE GRACE WILLIAMS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Lingard and Dr. Lisa Jo Adornetto of Greensboro, a student David Bryan Williams of Greensboro, a student at North
at Western Carolina University;
Carolina State University;
MEGAN BROOKE LUCAS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
ISABEL MARIE WOOD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
James Stewart Lucas, junior, of Greensboro, a student at East
Thomas Wood, III, of Greensboro, a student at North Carolina
Carolina University;
State University.
Music Education Programs
Have a Successful Year
The Guild has much to celebrate this year—our music
the direction of two Presidents (Rebecca Schlosser and Andrea
education programs have exceeded our expectations. This was
Knupp) who made music education a top priority for the Guild,
made possible by generous financial donations and volunteer
and we have continued to grow and fulfill the Guild's mission of
hours given by each of you.
supporting music education throughout the triad community. I
With the newly formed Annual Education Campaign, we
hope this year's monthly education articles helped each of you
were able to support a third High School Partnership Program
understand the programs a little better, and I encourage you to
(one more than in past years), additional GSYO needs based
become involved in these Guild programs as an event chair or a
tuitions and new scholarships were awarded to deserving GSYO dedicated education volunteer when needed.
students. Additional funds were given to the Youth Orchestra for
—Nancy Bogard, VP of Education 2014-2016
this year's performance at UNCW in Wilmington, assuring all
students would be able to participate in this
regional trip and final concert.
Participating Schools for 2015/2016:
Northern Guilford HS, Sandra Rathbone, Director
We have just wrapped up the High
Grimsley HS, Brittany Green Stimpson, Director
School Partnership Programs with Northern
Walter Williams HS (Burlington), Veronica Allen, Director
Guilford High School, Grimsley High
School and Walter Williams High School
(Burlington). Five GSO musicians (Scott
Rawls, Wendy Rawls, Andrew Emmett,
Alex Ezerman & John Spuller) work with
Annual Budgeted Education Programs
GSYO Productions
$ 1,800
these students one-on-one in preparation
GSYO Sectionals
$ 1,500
for their final concerts at UNCG
GSYO Needs Based Tuition
$ 1,000
Auditorium (prior to the Masterworks and
Chamber concerts in May). What a special
2 High School Partnership Programs
$ 4,000
evening for both student and their parents
$ 400
to have been part of this wonderful
Music at Midday
$ 600
program, which is totally funded by the
Guild at a cost of $2,000 per high school.
Annual Budgeted Scholarships/Awards
$ 2,650
Reaching out to these schools allows high
Sam Wilson Scholarship
$ 1,000
school orchestra students to experience
(Given to the GSYO Concerto 1st place winner)
mentoring by a professional. A special
Armfield/Eichhorn Scholarship
$ 750
Jean Sullivan Scholarship
$ 500
thank you to Peter Zlotnick, GSO
Conductors Award
$ 400
Education Manager, who has handled all
the education programs and helped develop
2015/16 Annual Education Campaign
$ 6,821
and guide the Guild and our allocation of
$ 1,800
funds to best serve the GSYO and the
$ 1,500
GSYO Regional Tour to UNCW (cost $150/student)
$ 1,521
It has been my pleasure to serve as VP
High School Partnership Program (3rd program for this year)
$ 2,000
of Education for the last two years under
TOTAL Education Programs/Scholarships for 2015/16:
GSYO closes the
year with concerts
and awards
The final concert for younger students in the
Greensboro Symphony Youth Orchestra took
place at Dana Auditorium on May 15. At this
time, $500 Guild-sponsored scholarships were
presented by Andrea Knupp to each of these talented Bass students: Serenity Morgan, Nicolas
Ortiz and Touré Moore.
The concerts were split into two groups this
year in order to more fully showcase each level and be mindful of concert length.
The Youth Orchestra and senior sections performed their final concert on Sunday May 22 at
Dana Auditorium. This concert began with three
Andrea Knupp presented Guild sponsored awards at the GSYO's end-of-year
selections: Brahms, Hungarian Dance #1; Wiren,
concerts on May 15 and 22. Here, she congratulates co-concert master Matthew
Serenade for String Orchestra and BRAVE by
Patrick Doyle and Alexander Mandel, beautifully Lamb on receiving the Sullivan Award. Also shown are Nate Beversluis (second
played by the Youth Philharmonic and led by Ka- from right) and Peter Zlotnick.
ren Collins. The Conductor's Award for this group
was given to Margot Cunningham, principal viola.
The next two pieces were performed by the Youth Orchestra principal horn, and the Sullivan Award was given to Matthew
and Repertory Strings: Beethoven Overture by Egmont, and Elgar Lamb, co-concertmaster of the Youth Orchestra. These two covVariations on an Original Theme, Op.36 (Enigma). The Reperto- eted awards were announced and presented by Conductor Nate
ry Strings group are students who hope to move up to the Youth
Beversluis, amid great excitement.
Orchestra next season. They were ably conducted by Nate BeverThe concert concluded with two more selections, played with
wonderful style by the Youth Orchestra: Mahler, Blumine and
Andrea Knupp presented Guild-sponsored awards to several Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, IV. Adante Maestoso,
talented young musicians. She presented the Sam Wilson Award also beautifully conducted by Nate Beversluis.
to Katie Bracewell, viola; the Armfield Eichorn Award to Taylor
(Continued on page 8)
Pool, violin; and to Michael Bracewell, viola.
The prestigious Conductor's Award went to Kate Wenger,
—Elementary School Concerts—
(GSYO continued from page 7)
On May 29 the Youth Orchestra heads to UNC Wilmington for a year-end event, which
includes a concert, an overnight
stay and a trip the following day
to the beach. Funds provided by
the Guild have ensured that all
students qualifying for this opportunity are able to participate.
Dorry Tooke
GSYO Liaison 2015-2016
Jeannie Sparrow
M/M Steve Sparrow
Connie Shorter
Contemporaries &
Guild leaders enjoy
getting acquainted
The Contemporaries enjoyed a successful event on April 19 at the home of
Betsy Craft. In attendance were several
of our leadership members, enthusiastic
Contemporary members, past debutante
Emily Byerly, and GSYO violinist Matt
Matt shared with guests a couple of
phenomenal pieces, as well as his exciting opportunities for college and scholarship!
Emily shared her experience with
the Guild and its debutante program.
The new members were very interested
to hear about this significant role that
the Guild plays in the lives of these
young ladies and their families.
Everyone had a fun time. We found
that mixing Guild leadership with Contemporary members is an effective way
to encourage engagement.
Betsy and Mojgan Jordan are CoChairs of Contemporaries.
Violinist Matt Lamb captured attention of guests at
a Contemporaries gathering in April, at the home
of Betsy Craft.
Contemporaries Co-Chairs Betsy Craft and
Mojgan Jordan pose with Guild leaders at April
event. L-r are Betsy, Dorry Tooke, Andrea Knupp,
Sharon Kasica and Mojgan.
—Musicale Sunday—
Hosts Mila & David Weavil
with Andrea Knupp (ctr)
Hodgman Law Firm
in memory of
Marilyn Ranzenhofer Eddy
Many thanks to our
Corporate Sponsors
Your support made a
huge difference!
Happy Rentz, Inc.
Fink’s Jewelers
Pig Pounder Brewery and
Marshall Free House
Kriegsman—The Luxury
Outerwear Store
Woodruff Family Law Group
Edmonds, Hunt and Associates
First Citizens Bank
N2 Publishing, Inc.
Southern Roots Restaurant and
Stearns Financial Services Group
Wally West Music Resource
Well-Spring Retirement Community
Botanica Flowers and Gifts
Carriage House Antiques &
Home Decor
Contemporary Lady
DLM Builders, Inc.
Home Instead Senior Care
Landmark Builders
Southern Engraving Co.
Spring Garden Storage
Wolfe Homes
Ad Press Printing
Agnes Brame/Metamorphosis
Interior Design
Alicia Irvin Photography
Classic Construction of NC
Custom Business Printing
Heaven Hill Distillery
Pennyburn at Maryfield
French Horn notecards
will still be available
French Horn fold over note cards can be purchased through the summer months while the
Guild is on break. These cards come in choices of red, blue, aqua, lime green or Presentation Ball Peach. They are $20 per box or
three boxes for $50. To purchase cards, Contact: Carol Bohrer.
Bravo Award nominations are open until June 1
The Nominations Committee is now accepting nominations for the Guild’s Bravo
Award. This award was established in 2004. The Bravo Award recognizes a member in
good standing who has been in the Guild five years or less and has given extensive
volunteer service.
The award will be presented at our September 2016 luncheon at Greensboro
Country Club. The deadline for submitting nominations for this award is June 1,
2016. You may make nominations by contacting Melissa Tankersley (Nominations
Speakers Bureau outlines Guild history & more
The Guild’s Community Relations Co-Chairs have a revised Speakers Bureau
presentation outlining the history and accomplishments of the Greensboro Symphony
Guild. If you have suggestions for presentation opportunities or would like to preview the
production, contact: Josie Gibboney or Andrea Alemanni.
got it all
Tips from the Guild’s Website guru Peggy Hamilton—
We have spent the entire Guild year giving you
glimpses into your website. We hope you have enjoyed
learning as we have strived to reach, extend and increase awareness of our organization. As we continue
to educate, teach, connect, and motive, we hope you
have learned a little along the way!
Closing out another successful year and waving
goodbye for the summer months, we want you to read a
little more “About Us.”
This is a place to learn more about our history – the
programs we have created, funded and staffed and the countless creative hours that have
formed today’s Guild – the most amazing organization in Greensboro! We hope you feel
the living history as you look back to what we have accomplished and share our vision to
touch future generations.
Our history and legacy are in “About Us.” As we fondly remember and cherish the
memories of those who put us where we are today, we celebrate those who work so hard
Enjoy your summer months, and please keep following us through our website, as
well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Page 9
Music Matters!
PO Box 10408
Greensboro, NC 27404
The Guild Horn is published eight
times a year
Editor: Fray Metcalfe
Proofreader: Lucia DeRatmiroff
Contributors: Andrea Alemanni,
Nancy Beaver, Nancy Bogard,
Carol Bohrer, Betsy Craft,
Debbie Faircloth, Josie Gibboney,
Linda Hiatt, Mojgan Jordan,
Sharon Kasica, Peggy Hamilton,
Sherri Hill, Andrea Knupp,
Ann Mueller, Pam Smith,
Melissa Tankersley,
Dorry Tooke, Frances Vinoski,
Laura Wolf
2016-2017 Annual Education Campaign
The success of last year's newly formed 2015 Annual Education Campaign
surpassed all our expectations. Your generous donations of $6,832 helped fund:
A 3rd High School Partnership Program
Allowed all Youth Orchestra students to be part of their trip to
Wilmington to perform their final concert at UNCW
Paid need-based GSYO tuitions
Provided Private Lesson Scholarships
Frances Vinoski & Nancy Bogard
2016-2017 Annual Education
Campaign Chairs
Through the additional funds raised by the Annual Education Campaign, we have had the opportunity to
increase the emphasis on education needs and make a greater difference in the lives of many children throughout the
Triad community. Our love for music education and appreciation is why we volunteer for the Symphony Guild.
However, rising costs and increased demand have created pressure on our ability to fund all the education needs
identified by the GSO. Activities funded through the Annual Education Campaign will be selected by Guild
leadership, with all monies raised going directly to meet those specified areas of need.
This year's campaign will run from May - December, 2016. When you receive your membership renewal this
spring, you will have the opportunity to make a donation to this fund. The Guild Membership Renewal Form has
a special section where you may indicate your desired contribution and, if you desire, designate your donation
as either an honorarium or memorial gift.
Thank you again to all those who participated in last year's campaign. Please consider helping us make a
difference in these programs and help even more children realize their love for music by donating to this year's
campaign. Together we can accomplish many things. Should you have any questions, please contact Frances
Vinoski or Nancy Bogard. Thank you for your participation.