Weatherford REGULAR MEETING WEATHERFORD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD and WEATHERFORD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS E DB Weatherford Economic Development Board Economic Development Dept. City of Weatherford, TX Thursday, September 15, 2016; 9:00 AM; 303 Palo Pinto St., City Hall, City Council Chambers, Weatherford, TX AGENDA 1. Call Regular Meeting to Order: the city Weatherford Economic Development Board (City EDB) and the Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. (WEDA, Inc.) Board of Directors. 2. Approval of the minutes from Regular Meeting held Thursday, August 18, 2016. 3. Update on downtown SEQ marketing campaign. 4. Monthly Economic Development Report – August 2016. a. Review Key Economic Indicators. 5. Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items. Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the agenda. Residents MUST complete a registration card and provide their name and address. The Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. The Texas Open Meetings Act provides the following: If, at a meeting of a governmental body, a member of the public or of the governmental body inquiries about a subject for which notice has not been given as required by this subchapter, the notice provisions of this subchapter do not apply to: A statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry; or A recitation of existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting. 6. Executive Session – Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, VTCS, (Open Meetings Law): A. In accordance with the authority contained in Section 551.087 – Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations: a) Downtown Weatherford Development, LLC. 7. Review and consider action on items from Executive Session. 8. Announcement of future meeting date - Thursday, October 20, 2016; 9:00 AM, City Hall. 9. (3rd Thursday), Adjourn. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Weatherford, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the following September __, 2016, at ________ A.M. /P.M., and remained so posted at least 2 hours after said meeting was convened. _______________________________ Malinda Nowell, City Secretary WEATHERFORD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – City of Weatherford (817) 594-9429 Fax (817) 594-4786 E-mail: [email protected] p 1 Page 1 of 1 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 1. 1. Call Regular Meeting to Order: the city Weatherford Economic Development Board (City EDB) and the Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. (WEDA, Inc.) Board of Directors. p. 2 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 2. p. 3 MINUTES OF THE WEATHERFORD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD (CITY WEDB) and WEATHERFORD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (WEDA, Inc.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS, REGULAR MEETING. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2016; 9:00 AM IN THE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 303 PALO PINTO STREET, WEATHERFORD, TEXAS. 1. Call Regular Meeting to Order: the city Weatherford Economic Development Board (City EDB) and the Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. (WEDA, Inc.) Board of Directors. President Randall Young called the Regular meeting to order of the city Weatherford Economic Development Board (city WEDB) and the Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. (WEDA, Inc.) Board of Directors at 9:04 A.M. Present were: President Randall Young, Vice President Ken Davis, Secretary Tammy Gazzola, Kevin Eaton, Jeffery Hanks, Dale Fleeger, Kevin Cleveland, Sharon Hayes, Ed Zellers, WEDD Staff present: Dennis Clayton, Christina Brown. Absent: James Hotopp. 2. Approval of the minutes from Regular Meeting held Thursday, July 21, 2016. President Randall Young called for a motion to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting held Thursday, July 21, 2016. Motion to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting held Thursday, July 21, 2016 was made by Ken Davis; seconded by Dale Fleeger. Motion carried 7 - 0. 3. Review 3Q CC/CMO “9 MONTH YTD Economic Development Report: Oct. 2015 thru June 2016”. Mr. Clayton presented the 9 – month report and briefed that the City Manager initiated this quarterly report to the City Council and that this current report was submitted to the City Council on August 9th.. He highlighted the 7 new business locations to – date and the 3 major businesses in the 3rd quarter, including the Academy Sports and Hobby Lobby announcements and News Releases (jointly with the PR Dept.) on these major projects. He highlighted the June “Top 25” Weatherford recognitions by the Dallas Business Journal. Some discussion followed. No Action Required or Taken. 4. Monthly Economic Development Report – July 2016. Mr. Clayton presented the July report with 7 new prospects for the month with a total 78 year-todate, and 4 prospect site visits for a total of 58 year-to-date, both good metrics for the YTD. He highlighted the 2 new business locations completed in July – the Hobby Lobby store and the construction start of the Slim Chickens franchise on South Main Street. He also noted that the TIRZ Board met and approved their project plans for the zone. Some discussion followed. No Action Required or Taken. 4a. Review Key Economic Indicators. Mr. Clayton presented the July/August Key Economic Indicators and highlighted the very – strong increase in sales tax in the August (June sales) report, the good number of new housing permits- equal to last year, the very good increase in commercial permits- again due to the new WISD projects, but noted the balance of commercial permits is also an increase over last year, and the continued strength in existing home sales. He presented Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting photos on the three new downtown projects – Flying Tire Bicycles, the Vintage Museum and Event Center, and the Jordan Taylor & Co home décor in the Carter – Ivy building. He noted that the new QT Travel Center should open in late September and presented the developers site plan for the new Academy Sports and Hobby Lobby stores expected to start construction in WEDB_08.18.16 Page 1 of 2 p 4 about 60 days. Finally he presented the web – site image of Southern Living’s announcement of the “Best Places to Retire in the South” by the Chamber of Commerce with Weatherford as No. 2 of 15. Some discussion followed. No Action Required or Taken. 5. Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items. Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the agenda. Residents MUST complete a registration card and provide their name and address. The Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. The Texas Open Meetings Act provides the following: If, at a meeting of a governmental body, a member of the public or of the governmental body inquires about a subject for which notice has not been given as required by this subchapter, the notice provisions of this subchapter do not apply to: A statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry; or A recitation of existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting: None 6. Executive Session – Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, VTCS, (Open Meetings Law): A. In accordance with the authority contained in Section 551.087 – Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations: a) Downtown Weatherford Development, LLC. President Young called the Executive Session to order at 9:22 A.M. The regular meeting went in to recess. President Young closed the Executive Session at 10:00 A.M. 7. Review and consider action on items from Executive Session. Motion to recommend that the City Council consider an increase over the established metrics for the tax incentives for the Downtown Weatherford Development, LLC project was made by Ken Davis; seconded by Dr. Kevin Eaton. Motion carried 7-0 a. Non Agenda Item Discussion- Dale Fleeger asked if the City Council should or could consider expanding the boundary of the Historic Downtown NEZ as discussed in the Flying Tire Negotiation. Some discussion followed. The staff will review the question. No Action Required or Taken. 9. Adjourn. Motion to Adjourn was made by Ken Davis and seconded by Kevin Eaton. Motion carried 7 - 0. Meeting adjourned at 10:04 A.M. ATTEST: _____________________________ President Randall Young _______________________________ Dennis Clayton, Assistant Secretary WEDB_08.18.16 Page 2 of 2 p 5 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 3. p. 6 Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. p 7 215 N. Main St. 506 N. Main St. Twisted Snifter PC Annex N. Main Tabaco lane Antiques on the Sq Weatherford Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Jordan Taylor & Co- Carter-Ivey Compass Bank EDA Davis City Rx V,C & S Law Fire Oak Grill Business Offices 1 Austin Ave. Ft. Worth Hwy (US 180) Palo Pinto St. (US 180) E&K Law Quick Print Justice Burger Vintage Grill & Car Museum – PH 2 Vintage Grill & Car Museum College Ave. PCToday Bullard’s CBR W Law S. Main Wfrd Dwntwn Café’ Tx Butane Bennett’s Church St. p 8 “Historic Downtown” Weatherford Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. p 9 Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Existing Conditions – SEQ Downtown 103, 107, 109 & 111 College Ave. #107 #109 #111 #103(GroundFloor only) College Ave. 2009 4p 10 Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. p 11 Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. p 12 Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. p 13 Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. 8 p 14 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 4. p. 15 EDB Weatherford MONTHLY Economic Development Report – AUGUST 2016 Weatherford Economic Development Board Weatherford Economic Development, Dennis W. Clayton, CEcD, AIA – Director of Economic Dev Economic Development Dept. City of Weatherford, TX 10 Prospects: 228 jobs; est. $52.5 MM CI; 5 Local; 6 DFW; YTD: 88! 7 Retail: 3 Commercial: 25 acre/200K SF Cutters Crossing[at QT] dev. 30 acre/250 unit (PH1) class A apartment dev; 20K/ 15K SF shop-space centers for lease; mobile “Guided Tour” services; 2K SF Q-Lube and car service; 10K SF/2 acre self - storage. 10-20 acre retail dev. [TIRZ?] 4K SF downtown property sale; 107 120 96 2K SF NEZ coffee shop and roastery; 88 88 100 10-20 acre/20-50K SF retail tenants [TIRZ?] 60 50 40 80 47 41 39 42 38 38 21 30 21 20 20 14 35 17 2013 YE 40 2014 YE 20 2015 YE 2016 YTD 55 48 60 64 45 0 Prospects Site Visits 10 0 Retail Industrial Commercial 6 Site Visits: 69 jobs; est. $4.55 MM CI; 45K SF; 3 Local, 3 DFW; YTD: 64. 4 Retail: 5K SF NEZ (SEQ) restaurant; 120 2K SF NEZ “brick oven” and music patio; 100 15K SF franchise youth – sports training center; 80 2K SF NEZ coffee shop and roastery. 60 2 Commercial: 40 6K SF event center for sale; 15K SF NEZ office redevelopment. 20 114 118 83 82 73 0 7 Requests for Information (RFI’s): 6 Local, 1 DFW; YTD: 83. RFI's 1 SBA-SBDC (Tarleton St. U.) business consults at WEDD: 1 Retail – 1 Local; 13 YTD. Development Activities: A. Retail: 1. 6K SF C-Store and Travel Center: a) scheduled open date, b) Notice and P.R. for Job Fair. 2. 1.5 K SF existing building (w/ drive – thru) for sale and agent contact. 3. 3K SF retail jewelry store: a) Corp CFO/Tax department questions, b) business license requirements, c) P&D C.O. application and issue. 4. 4K SF existing FF franchise parking expansion: a) contacts, b) issues and considerations, c) codes and zoning. 5. 15K SF franchise youth-sports training tenant: a) parking requirements, b) CMO/ P&D meeting with owner/developer. p 16 B. Industrial: 1. 70K – 100K distribution center site and existing building 20 acres search- none available. 2. 10K SF/ 3 acre self-storage development- WPCEDC Industrial Corp land for sale: 1) 3.25 acres corner 2) 3 acre frontage parcel(s). 3. 10 acre merger and acquisition of heavy equipment consolidation: a) location options, b) tax abatement options. 4. 5 - 10 acre (West County) land sale and annexation schedule/possibility. C. Commercial: 1. 72K SF Film Alley construction progress tour: a) CMO b) P&D Director, c) WEDD. 2. 15K SF downtown office redevelopment: a) draft NEZ economic development agreement, b) CC 08.23 executive session. 3. 6K SF event venue for sale: a) real estate flyer, b) property briefing. D. Annual Eco Development Agreement Compliance Review 1. 33K SF Imperial Construction office building; a) year-1 review, b) $5.0MM CI, 50 (35) jobs. 2. 85K SF Weatherford Ridge SC – Phase III; a) year-4 review, b) 79KSF $18.06 M [$12.5M] CI, 154/50 FT (170/15FT) jobs). Community & Existing business visits/resources: 1) Weatherford Chamber of Commerce: a) 08.04 Vintage Car Museum and Event Center ribbon cutting; 2) SBA DFW district office site visit: a) new SBA “Resource Guide”, b) area Economic Development specialist Linda Williams; 3) United Way of PC a) Board Meeting, b) executive committee meeting - Chamber Peach Pedal Re-cap; 4) WISD Education Foundation Board meeting; 6) Weatherford Chamber Board meeting (ex – office) – WEDD Monthly Report and Key EI. a. BLC MEETING, Wednesday, August 3, 2016;12; 1) Economic Development Report – July 2016, a) Key Economic Indicators, b) 3Q CC/CMO Eco Dev Department report; 2) New Business Developments: Hobby Lobby News Release and development site plan, b) Update on City “General Plan” progress and Advisory Committee, c) Update on TIRZ No. 1 Board and Project/Finance Plan; 3) Local state of the economy – Your business sector outlook. 8 members, 1 staff. Program Development: 1. 08.02 East Loop/ IH20 interchange Public Hearing – WISD HS Cafeteria 1) Parker County 2) TXDOT/Design Engineer. 2. City “Citizens University” Program, 08.11: a) Weatherford Economic Board and program, b) Strategic goals and industry targets, c) Economic Development tools and Resources, d) Program accomplishments and new businesses. 3. Workforce Resources and Partners lunch: a) TX WF Solutions office – Weatherford resident liaison office and DFW/Arlington Area Manager. 4. City Parking Study RFP – Dir CIP/T&PW: a) SEQ marketing rendering, real estate flyer and existing condition photos. 5. SBA - DFW “Certified Dev Company” (CDC’s) – Plano – North Texas CDC a) site visit, b) 504 loan resources. 6. SBA – DFW district office site visit: a) New SBA “Resource Guide”, b) area Economic Development specialist. 7. Weatherford Star-Telegram- interview comments on Weatherford Chamber marketing – Southern Living 08.2016 Top 25 “South’s Best Places to Retire” – Weatherford #2/15. 8. “Texas Real Estate Business”, October edition - Dallas, TX ICSC Tradeshow/conference, 1/3 page ad. 9. “Trade and Industry” website display/listing: a) Retail tag lines, b) population and retail trade area, c) newest openings. p 17 Weatherford Key Economic Indicators “On-the-Watch!” EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. September 2016 City - Annual Sales & Use Tax Trends 2013 FYE: +3.33% 2014 FYE: +6.29% 2015 FYE: +6.18% 2005 – Weatherford MarketPlace Shopping Center – Lowe’s, Target & Kohl’s $11,301 $10,838 2016 FYTD: +4.86% $10,000 $8,000 Jan. (Nov.) – +1.73%) Feb.(Dec.) - +0.86% Mar.(Jan.) - +5.05% Apr.(Feb.) - +19.99% May(Mar.) - -2.30% Jun.(Apr.) - +0.89% Jul.(May) - +10.96% August(June) - +8.38% $8,162 $7,307 $6,669 $5,689 $5,145 $5,191 $4,897 $5,042 Sept. (July) - + 4.08% $2,699 $3,742 $3,377 $3,151 $2,920 $6,000 $4,000 $9,648 $9,970 $8,641 $8,832 $9,166 $9,456 $9,110 $12,000 $8,236 +8.60% 2011 FYE +9.24% 2012 FYE $4,141 +3.33% 2013 FYE +6.29% 2014 FYE +6.18% 2015 FYE $2,000 $1,356 Weatherford Source: State Comptroller’s Office 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1990 $0 2016… +4.86% - 2016 FYTD 2016YTDvs.2015YTD Weatherford Key Economic Indicators “On-the-Watch!” EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. September 2016 FY2016 $844.7 $844.2 $911.7 $859.4 $875.9 $1,108.3 $914.8 $937.2 $946.4 $1,022.5 2015 $912.5 $894.1 $817.9 $822.3 $1,046.6 2014 $844.4 $886.2 $926.5 $1,071.3 $843.5 $810.3 $1212.8 $748.0 $702.9 $800.0 $878.0 $900.0 $787.8 $863.0 $1,000.0 838.64 $1,100.0 $770.0 $891.5 $1,200.0 $719.3 $771.4 $1,300.0 $1,008.0 $1,202.4 City 2015 vs. FY 2016 Sales & Use Tax Trends $700.0 $600.0 +4.08% - Sept.2016 $500.0 (July); +4.86%YTD $400.0 +8.38% - Aug. 2016 (June); +4.95%YTD $300.0 +10.96% - Jul. 2016 (May); +4.40%YTD $200.0 +0.89% - Jun. 2016 (Apr.); +3.42%YTD $100.0 $0.0 (-2.30%) - May 2016 (Mar.); +3.91%YTD Source: State Comptroller’s Office Dec. (Oct.) Jan. (Nov.) Feb. (Dec.) Mar. (Jan.) Apr. (Feb.) May (Mar.) June (Apr) July (May) Aug (June) Sept (July) Oct (Aug) Nov (Sept) p 18 Weatherford Weatherford & All Parker County EDA (PC)(estimated) Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. New Residential Building Permits August 2016 Weatherford 550 ParkerCtyͲAll6Cities (1) Source: Ci tyofWeatherfordPl anning&DevelopmentDept. 2016 YTD “Value” = $32,163,288; (0.0%) (vs. $30,750,557)-2015 514 500 2015 YE “Value” UP! = $41,584,913; +15.1% 2014 YE “Value” UP! = $36,139,813; +16.0%! (vs. $31,044,303)12-2013 465 2016 “Avg” YTD: $201,020(2016)/$205,004(2015) 450 400 Column1 All PC – “Estimate” 2015 “Avg” YE: $205,004(2015)/$183,450(2014) 2014 “Avg” YE: $183,450(2014)/$190,456(2013) 400 370 350 300 Est. Est. 280 314 283 327 241 250 200 269 264 262 225 220 216 213 163 175 193 185 197 205 163 139 159 120 150 134 160 150 140 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 This information is deemed to be from a reliable source, but is not warranted in any way by the Weatherford Economic Development 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015ͲYTD 2016Ͳ7 mo Weatherford EDA City of Weatherford; New Commercial Building Permits August 2016 130 110 90 WfrdͲCommONLY Aug. 2016: 9 - $1,651,213 vs 8 - $1,455,785 (2015 ) Jul. 2016: 7 - $811,463 vs. 6 - $1,106,114(2015 ) Jun. 2016: 9 - $1,574,832 vs. 7 - $140,472(2015 ) May 2016: 9 - $758,657 vs. 7 - $7,881,604(2015 ) Apr. 2016: 6 - $1,400,564 vs. 7 - $6,223,989(2015 ) 2015 YE: 86-$33,336,396 vs. 57-$23,679,916(2014) 2014 YE: 57- $23,679,396 +107%; vs. 2013 - $11,431,861(2013) 2013 YE: 61-$11,431,861 (-58.2%); vs. 2012 - $27,301,648 (2012) (1) Source:CityofWeatherford Planning&DevelopmentDept 64 52 64 50 38 30 Parker Co. – All 6 Cities (1): Prior to 2011 – Since, data not avail. ParkerCtyͲAll6Cities(1) 2016 YTD Value “UP!” 2016 YTD: 83- $48,785,144 vs. 57- $19,448,626(2015) 2016: Feb. - 13 WISD Bond Program - $15, 173,000 March: 1 – WISD New Hall Jr Hi - $18,655,000 Total: 14 - WISD Bond Program - $33,828,000 37 43 28 4032 29 29 22 28 32 55 54 86 84 76 73 70 Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. 62 83 80 66 64 61 57 57 37 21 23 10 2000 Ͳ10 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015Ͳ 2016Ͳ8 YTD mo. p 19 Weatherford EDA WeatherfordEDA Key Economic Indicators “On-the-Watch!” September 2016 Weatherford Economic Weatherford Development Economic Authority, Development Inc. Authority, Inc. MLS–SOLD (Existing home sales) Listings: Source: NTREIS, Greater Metro West Association of Realtors, Weatherford A. Aug 2016-229 vs. 204 = +12.25% MoM Avg. DAYS on Market: 54(62 YTD); 2015 = 66(78 YTD) 300 241 250 225 189 200 222 188 182 174 229 220 209 213 195 181 178 156 150 114 116 2013 169 2014 132 122 2015 2016 100 50 0 J F b M A M J J l A S O N D Weatherford Key Economic Indicators “On-the-Watch!” September 2016 EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. MLS (Existing home sales) - Sold #Units: B. Source: NTREIS, Greater Metro West Association of Realtors, Weatherford YTD(Aug) 2016 – 1,610 vs. YTD 2015 – 1,450; +11.03%; SoldUnits 2500 2000 1500 1,913 1,937 2,159 1,313 1,275 1,371 1,501 1,450 1000 1,610 500 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 YTD 2016(8) p 20 Weatherford Key Economic Indicators “On-the-Watch!” September 2016 MLS (Existing home sales) - Volume Sold!: EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Source: NTREIS, Greater Metro West Association of Realtors, Weatherford B.a) Aug 2016 Vol. SOLD: $58,816,061 vs. $52,820,735=+11.35% B.b) 2016 YTD (Aug) Vol. SOLD: $408,339,852 vs. $357,029,331 = +14.37% Weatherford Key Economic Indicators “On-the-Watch!” September 2016 EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. MLS (Existing home sales) - Avg. Sell $: Source: NTREIS, Greater Metro West Association of Realtors, Weatherford AVG. Aug :$256,838 ($258,9252015); (-0.80%) AVG. YTD(Aug) Sell Price: $253,627($246,2272015): +3.00% YTD p 21 Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Opening ~ Late August 2016!! Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Under Construction!! 74K SF Film Alley Weatherford A Schulman Theatre – 4Q 2016 p 22 50K SF /11 acres – Roger Williams AutoMall : Chrysler-Jeep-Ram-Dodge Weatherford ¾ Showroom and Service Center;; Pre-Owned Center;; Make-Ready y Shop p EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Under Construction!! Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Adams Dr. Under construction … ! Weatherford Ridge Shopping Center Out-Lot #3 - Texas Dr. & Adams Dr. p 23 TIRZ Road Weatherford EDA Weatherford Economic Development Authority, Inc. Weatherford Towne Center p 24 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 5. 5. Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items. Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the agenda. Residents MUST complete a registration card and provide their name and address. The Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. The Texas Open Meetings Act provides the following: If, at a meeting of a governmental body, a member of the public or of the governmental body inquires about a subject for which notice has not been given as required by this subchapter, the notice provisions of this subchapter do not apply to: A statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry; or A recitation of existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting. p. 25 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 6. ‘6. Executive Session - Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, VTCS, (Open Meetings Law): A. In accordance with the authority contained in Section 551.087- Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations: a) Downtown Weatherford Development, LLC. p. 26 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 7. 7. Review and Consider Action on items from Executive Session. ’ p. 27 Weatherford Economic Development Board Board Meeting Agenda Item 8. 8. Announcement of future meeting date - Thursday, October 20, 2016 – (3rd Thursday), 9:00 AM, City Council Chambers 9. Adjourn. p. 28