ffla s fornbfes p erflryoresr* Perftuofbd/asfornsrs "t'#"t 'l . , l l rF I l*.-T l rt:-T I ynalast@ FFKM is one of the latest developments in the field of perfluoroelastomers. Dynalast@FFKM combines the elasticit5r of fluoroelastomers (FKM) with the chemica-l resistance of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), providing real solutions to the most demanding sealing problems. The basJmonomers of Dynalast@ FFKM are very expensive and the manufacturing processes very complex, meaning very high production costs, beyond comparison with other elastomers. wtrr efrroos# nnYAl.asf srBn oflafFR PMRft f" TtrONSMLASlrCITfSRS F i Because of the different grades of materials offering optimal performance for a range of applications: . Specific formulations, . Variable curing processes, . Wide range of colours (upon request), . Hardness range: 60 - 90 Shore A. I Because of the wide range of possible shapes and sizes: . O-Rings, . Plates, . Balls, . Membranes, . Specific seals, . Rubber/ metal composites. i Because of quick delivery. I Because of its excellent value for money. APVATNrAGBS SF NtrffAT-AStr FPKffi As well as having similar elasticity to other elastomers, Dynalast@ offers the following advantages : . More or less identical chemical resistance to PTFE, ie: far higher than that of fluoroelastomers (FKM), . Maximum temperature : 290'C for continuous operation with a peak temperature of 3100c, (The table on the third page compares the temperature resistances of the different materials.) . Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents, and ozotte, . Optimal seal with vacuum and high vacuum, even in the presence of high temperatures. These advantages guarantee the Dynalast@ FFKM user reduced maintenance costs and minimise operating losses. APP&fq.{ffOtrS I Chemistry: Dynalast@ resists almost all chemical reagents, solvents, ethers, ketones, amines, oxidatives, carburants, acids, bases, etc... Dynalast@ FFKM resists high-temperature steam containing corrosion inhibitors (eg : amines). I Petrochemicals, oil and gas production : aniline, sulphuric acid, sodium hydroxide, diethanolamine, diethyl formamide, octane, etc... I Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics : amines. acetic acid, nitric acid, aniline, toluene, etc... I Dyes and paints : ethyl acetate, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, diethylene dioxide, etc... t The semiconductor industry : Only Dynalast'FFKM can meet the critical tightness requirements of this industrial sector : high temperatures, high pressures, chemical corrosion, efficient operation where gases are used, contamination prevention : plasma, acids, bases, solvents, ultrapure deionized water, etc... I Phytosanitary products industry : ><ylene, aniline, acetic acid, sulphuric acid, ammonium hydroxide, etc... acid, nitric i Photographic industry : amyl acetate, acetic acid, etc... O Detergent industry : benzene, ethyl benzene, sodium hydroxide, etc... I Plastic industry : amines, aniline, ethyl acetate, ammonium hydroxide, benzene, methylene chloride, st5rrene, dimethylformamide, etc... Materiaux Dynalast' Ref. Dynalast@ Couleur Dynalast'Ref. Coknr Dgnalast" material Duret6 Caract6ristiques principales Hardness Mrfin characfenstfcs T('C) d'utilisation Using T{"C} Niveau de prix Price leuel Noir Black gO Sh.A Le plus courant des D5atalast@ conseill6 pour sa resistance chimique globale dans une large plage de temperatures. Optimurn uniuersal ma.terial. recommended for chemical. applicatiorn with high teffiperatures. Noir Black 70 Sh.A Version modifi6e du 8904 pour une plus grande souplesse et un meilleur compression set. 89O4 madified ta get more Jteibilitg and a better compresslan s;et. -2O+27o"C Rouge Red 70 sh.A Caracteristiques identiques au grade 89O5, mais identifiable par sa couleur. The onlg dilference tuith our B9OS Dynnlas{ is the calor. -2O+27O"C Noir Btrack gO Sh.A R6sistance chimique optimale. Aptirntil chemical re sistsnce. -15 +25O'C 1,2 Noir Black gO Sh.A Grade sp6cial pour lavapeur. Recomnrcnded far applications with steam. -15 +266'6 1,1 Noir Btack 80 Sh.A Grade sp6cial pour l'industrie des peintures. Recammended far the paint indtlstru. -15 +269'9 1,15 8910 Noir Blctck gO Sh.A R6sistance optimale aux trds hautes temp€ratures et A la vapeur. () and uerg high for stearn opplicztions temperansre *pplicalians. -15 +320'C r,25 8912 Noir Black 90 Sh.A 89r3 Noir BIack gO Sh.A Grade 6conomique. Economical material. -15 +250'C 0,85 "propres" pour Grade les applications dans I'industrie pharmaceutique, conforme aux recommandations FDA. Suitable far applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Approued under FDA standards. -15 +26O'C r,2 Grade sp6cial pour applications dynamiques. Recommendetl for dgnamical appticatians. -20 +270"C 1,3 -15 +3lO"C 1,5 8908 89 14 Blanc White gO Sh.A 8 91 5 Noir Black gO Sh.A Blanc White 8916 / u sn.A Grade sp6cial pour les applications suivantes : vides, d6compressions explosives, hautes pressions. Particularg suitable for uacuum, high. pressures appliccLtions and applicatians uitlt explasiue decomoressions. Grade "extr€me puret€" r6sistant aux hautes temperatures pour I'industrie des semiconducteurs. ParticularA recommended for applicrsti<sns in the s emiconduct o r industru. Resistance a la temperature 300"c 275'C 250'C 200'c 175'C 150'C 125'C 100'c 75"C 50"c 25'C 0"c -25'C -50'c r A fd- > la 1 C -15 +26O'C Temp eratu r e r es istance Mat€riaux o - -2O +27o"C oE standards Standard mateiak Mat6riaux modifi6s applications sp6cifi ques Modified. materials applications pour for des specific ' -^*'^"V0, dedureteet devolume,, Variation chfinq€s lumearldhardness Conditions Conditions Materiat lrsti:gpjv gjevi4 - Acide acetiqrre glacial -- 49-:9-- -:-\ 16,-B-t- Acide acetiqrre glacial Acetic acid glacial 1 6 8h - 5 0 ' c Acide ac6tique 1.07o Acetic aad 1A% 4O'C hl',y9.ld: g:9tig:,: Acetie anhyctride 168 h 168 h - Ac6tone Acetone 168 h - 23"C Hta;t;; - so;);i;;iiii-nai'iiii-ito;r, A;;;;;;d:i 3oo/o Arn.monia hgd.roxide 3O% Hydro><yde d'ammoniaque Btctckliquor Liqueur noire Ca";l;iti;;9;; _Butg!.acetate : A"ei"t" de butyl Ciat"t;;;;;;;,- Dimethglform.amide DMF Dim6thylformamide DMF 23"C 8 -1 168 h - 23"C -1 163 h - EthlJleftetli&mine 168 h - Ethgl acetate Frersn 134 A 168 h - 23"C 70h- 23"C 1 6 8h - 1 5 ' C 168 h - 23"C Frean 134 A h , 1-0_9:c ,1_6_9 Freani 1 Fr6on 1 I Fr6on 134 A Fr6on 134 A Hexane X{exttne ? !o'1: 1c$e9!l9rly!_rieu ac,j!lpa! Yy-919"il:-rig !9_l_8h a9lc Eau oxygenee 3O7o Hgdragenperaxide 3O% 168 h - !!p _rn{!9_t_!tvI IRM 9A3 oil MEK Mdthylethylcetone M6thylisobutylc6tone MIBK {9!_hrorgg_ Acide nitrique -':': L +1 23"C r_98h ?3::,9 *ftw;lliy,9lu_t9ltyjory,e-wpx 23"C +1 23"C 70 h - 220"c -1 i68i:-4o;C -3 +6 -11 +26 +32 +2 168 h - 80'C i;r'na ya-y 2s:c 23"C -!1 -3 Pyridine Pyidine 168 h - 23"C -1 Skydrol 500 skg-lllts_9-? 1_99}] _ \?\:c 3 Soude 5O%o Sodium tzgclroxide 5O% Soude 5O% Sodium hgdroxide 5Ao/, 1 6 8h - 1 6 0 ' C 168 h - 232"C -2 -7 oryf 9 a9,9_J9_nv_191"liqyl9: Steam Vapeur Vapeur Acide sulfurique Steam 98%o Acide sulturique 98% rglgny{19rqanlg-tHF TlF .f 9_t1ah-y{ofg9n1e Toludne T;ft;; 168 h - 23"C 168 h - 150'C StArene ioa:',-:-%;C Suifuric acid 98% Sulfuric acid 98% 168 h - 23"C 672h - r20"C - ; 0a 0 +10 *4i- 2 i I -6 +? ;; Toluene Tri6thanolamine TEA Tn ethanol amine TEA Tri6thanolamine TEA Tn ethanol cLmine TEA 168 h 168 h - 40'C 168 h 168 h - 40"C -2 +1 +1 -3 -4 +10 +12 -1 23"C P3- Water Xyldne Xgl.ene i68; - x;c Wcgner 21 brake fluid Water +1 23"C 168 h - 23"C 1 6 8h - i 6 0 ' C 168h - 232"C E"; 1 +2 ! 1 I'oluene tiq"ie; a;i;;il wecnnnzr +1 ( 168h- PTBA +I | Propglene oxide liquid Perfluorotributhylamine +1 +3 23"C i;;i;i;;;;iitji{;;;; +25 +1 -l 168 h - Nitric aeid 65% 65% +14 -13 70 h - 230"c Methyl ethgl ketone MEK as;i +8 -9 +26 Methanol iit'ii iii os;/" -9 -4 168 h - Mobil 254 oil Huile MOBIL 254 -4 7"C ,YTB_PMethgl tertit:try butlSl etlzer M'I'BE 168 h \4elhJ-l!9rti9ryt_r1ty-!9!!_"f 168 h Methylene chlonde g9_thy1919 {"iiiiiiiqii 23"C 6O%o M6thanol -2 23"C 168 h - Acide fluorhydrique : - --O Ethyldne-Diamine Ethglene oxide / geseous - flc 25;C- 168 h - 23"C / gazetsx 1 168 h - 1O_0_'C 168 h - 150'C Ethnnalamine O>ryde d'6thylene O +1 +2 +7 +2 ioa h - 23"c Ethanolamine Ac6tate d'Cthyle -2