Using FEFLOW 6 (if you already know 5.x)


Using FEFLOW 6 (if you already know 5.x)
Using FEFLOW 6
if you already know 5.x …
This document refers to FEFLOW 6 beta 1
Table of Contents
Preface ............................................................................................................... 5
Welcome to FEFLOW 6 .................................................................................... 5
Conventions and symbols in this reference ......................................................... 6
The new workspace ............................................................................................ 7
Menu commands ............................................................................................... 7
Panels and toolbars ........................................................................................... 7
Diagrams ......................................................................................................... 7
Views .............................................................................................................. 7
Supermesh view ............................................................................................ 8
Slice view...................................................................................................... 8
3D view ........................................................................................................ 8
Cross-section view ......................................................................................... 9
A word on the philosophy of the new software ....................................................... 9
Creating a new FEFLOW model ......................................................................... 11
Maps ................................................................................................................. 11
Using maps as a spatial reference ...................................................................... 11
Using maps to import model properties .............................................................. 12
Designing a supermesh .................................................................................... 13
Navigation in the supermesh view ..................................................................... 13
Manual supermesh design (digitizing maps) ........................................................ 13
Snapping .................................................................................................... 13
Polygon auto-completion ............................................................................... 14
Importing lines, points and polygons from vector files .......................................... 14
Splitting and joining polygons ........................................................................... 14
Generating the finite-element mesh ................................................................. 15
Choosing a mesh generator .............................................................................. 15
Choosing the properties of a mesh generator ...................................................... 15
Refinement .................................................................................................... 15
Proposing element numbers .............................................................................. 16
Generate automatically ................................................................................. 16
Generate areally .......................................................................................... 16
Generate gradually ....................................................................................... 16
Problem settings .............................................................................................. 17
Problem class and specific option settings ........................................................... 17
Temporal and control data ................................................................................ 17
Time-varying functions (time series) .................................................................. 17
Global settings ................................................................................................ 17
Setting up a 3D model ...................................................................................... 18
Viewing and modifying model properties ......................................................... 19
Overview: the new workflow to edit model properties ........................................... 19
Choosing model properties for visualization and data assignment ........................... 20
Displaying model properties in the active view .................................................. 20
Selecting a model property for data assignment ............................................... 20
Restricting the visualization to a part of the model only ..................................... 20
Initial conditions vs. process variables ............................................................. 20
Creating selections of nodes or elements ............................................................ 21
The different selection tools ........................................................................... 21
Setting the snap distance for map selections .................................................... 22
Copying selections to other slices or layers ...................................................... 22
Storing and loading selections ........................................................................ 22
Assigning data to a model property at a selection ................................................ 23
Assigning constant values.............................................................................. 23
Assigning time series .................................................................................... 23
Importing constant values from maps ............................................................. 24
Importing time series from maps .................................................................... 26
The mesh inspector .......................................................................................... 28
Data operations ................................................................................................ 29
Deleting boundary conditions and constraints ...................................................... 29
Copying data .................................................................................................. 29
…to other properties ..................................................................................... 29
…to other slices or layers ............................................................................... 29
Import and export ........................................................................................... 30
Importing boundary conditions and constraints ................................................. 30
Exporting data as nodal or elemental values..................................................... 30
Exporting data plots ..................................................................................... 30
Reference data ................................................................................................. 31
Observation points .......................................................................................... 31
Observation point groups ................................................................................. 31
Cross sections (fences, segments, line sections) .................................................. 31
Reference distributions..................................................................................... 33
Running the simulation .................................................................................... 34
Saving DAC files.............................................................................................. 34
Postprocessing ................................................................................................. 35
Navigation in a .dac-file ................................................................................... 35
Budgeting ...................................................................................................... 35
Evaluating mass fluxes.................................................................................. 35
Relating mass fluxes to nodes ........................................................................ 36
Pathlines (particle tracking) .............................................................................. 37
Outlook: FEFLOW functions not yet implemented ............................................. 41
Features that will be available in a future release of FEFLOW 6 .............................. 41
Time varying material parameters .................................................................. 41
IFM modules ................................................................................................ 41
Discrete feature elements .............................................................................. 41
Multi-layer wells ........................................................................................... 41
Borehole heat exchanger ............................................................................... 42
Fluid flux analyzer ........................................................................................ 42
Debug tool .................................................................................................. 42
Parameter zones (FEFLOW Explorer) ............................................................... 42
Converting data (conversion tool) ................................................................... 42
Content analyzer .......................................................................................... 42
Special operations ........................................................................................ 42
Features that have been removed from FEFLOW .................................................. 42
Mesh generator T-Mesh ................................................................................. 42
Welcome to FEFLOW 6
With the release of FEFLOW 6, we have undertaken a complete refurbishment of
the FEFLOW appearance. After using a UNIX-style Motif GUI for almost 20 years,
the time has come to create a friendlier, modern and most of all more productive
type of user interface. The usage of hardware-accelerated 3D views, persistent
links to data sources and many more features brings a lot of benefits to you, but
also requires new workflows and ways to think when working with the new
The first time you start FEFLOW 6 you might feel a bit uncomfortable. The green
wallpapers have disappeared, being exchanged by grey parchment background;
the blue menu buttons are gone and have been substituted by data trees.
But you will soon see that working with the new FEFLOW is quick, intuitive, more
transparent and fun! Some work steps are still very similar; and the ones that
have been changed will be much easier to handle now.
To remove the biggest obstacles on your way to become a FEFLOW 6 expert, we
have created this reference. It compares the important work steps in the old and
the new FEFLOW interfaces and shows you how get your work done efficiently. If
you want to know the new features of the supermesh editor or how you can live
without having a Join-operation, just go on with the next pages.
All the best, your FEFLOW team of DHI-WASY!
Conventions and symbols in this reference
In addition to the verbal description of the required screen actions we make use
of some icons. They are intended to assist in relating the written description to
the graphical information provided by FEFLOW. The icons refer to the kind of
setting to be done:
menu commands
commands in the context menu
(to be opened with the right mouse button)
buttons in a dialog
entries of trees
input fields for text or numbers
switch toggles
radio buttons
The new workspace
When you open FEFLOW 6 for the first time, you will notice that the developers
have done more than just a transition of the old menu structure to a Windowsstyle platform.
In FEFLOW 5.x a static menu structure has been used, where you have been able
to view and edit exactly one model property at a time at a fixed position in the
program. FEFLOW 6 gives you more freedom: You are now able to display any
combination of model properties at the same time, even while you are editing
The tools to show and modify model properties are not hidden in menus
anymore, but are accessible in toolbars and panels which are accessible at any
The workspace (the FEFLOW window) is not static anymore, but can be changed
and customized by the user. Panels and toolbars can be switched on and off, you
may also change their position in the workspace. They may even be placed
outside the FEFLOW window, which is a handy feature if using more than one
To restore the original screen layout, choose
View > Reset Toolbar and
Dock-window Layout from the menu. The next time FEFLOW 6 is started, the
toolbars and panels will be re-arranged to their original state and position.
Menu commands
The menu is always visible and provides access the most important functions of
Panels and toolbars
In contrast to the menu, panels and toolbars can be shown or hidden by using
the menu command
View > Panels and
View > Toolbars, respectively.
In this way, you can customize your workspace the way you like it. You can also
place panels and toolbars outside the FEFLOW window and on another screen.
Diagrams are special panels that usually display the development of a model
property over space or time. They can be accessed using the menu entry
View > Diagrams.
Views are the primary windows where your model is displayed and its properties
can be modified. There are four different types of views (Supermesh-, Slice-,
3D- and Cross-section view), each providing a particular style to show the
model and providing different tools depending on its particular purpose.
View > Toolbars from the menu and choose the particular view from
the list to create a new view.
To navigate in the view, several tools are accessible in the View toolbar,
whereas the behavior slightly changes with the type of view that is currently
focused. Please see the description below.
For more information on the various tools please refer to the respective parts of
the help system.
Supermesh view
The Supermesh view will open when you start a new FEFLOW model. It is used
to design the supermesh.
Having focused this view, the necessary tools become available in the
Supermesh menu and in the Supermesh toolbar.
The recommended Navigation tool in the Supermesh view is the
tool (hold down left mouse button to pan, hold down right mouse button to
Slice view
The Slice view is the direct FELOW 6 analog to the old working window in
FEFLOW 5.x. It provides a plan view of a single model slice of the finite element
The recommended Navigation tool in the Slice view is the
pan tool (hold
down left mouse button to pan, hold down right mouse button to zoom)
In a 3D model, you can browse the slices up and down using the <PAGE UP> and
<PAGE DOWN> keys. Alternatively, you can directly choose a layer/slice from the
Spatial Units panel.
3D view
The 3D view is available in 3D models only. If you are familiar with the FEFLOW
Explorer, you already know the principle of the navigation in this kind of window.
Having the Rotate tool
activated, you rotate the model around its centre of
gravity by holding down the left mouse button; the location you catch with the
mouse cursor will stick to the mouse cursors position. You cannot only grab parts
of the model, but also other objects shown in the view like the handles.
A small but useful new element is the auto-spinning behavior. Just rotate the
model and release the left mouse button during the movement, the model will
continue spinning around the last axis of rotation until you grab it again or hit
To pan the view to the left or the right, hold down the mouse wheel (center
mouse button) and move the model in the chosen direction. Holding down the
right mouse button activates zooming.
In many cases, a model will have a rather small vertical extent compared to its
horizontal dimensions. The (vertical) z-axis should be exaggerated in this case.
This can be done in the Navigation panel. This panel contains all necessary
functions to change the current view on the model. Click on the Distortion tab
and shift the slider bar up until you have achieved a convenient view on the 3D
Cross-section view
Material properties and process variables can also be visualized in cross-section
The area of a cross-section is defined as a line in the Slice view (called a 2D
Surface line). Focus the Slice view and open its context menu (with the right
mouse button). Choose Tools > Draw a 2D surface line.
This line will be added to the Surface Locations section of the Spatial Units
panel (The default name is 2D Polyline #...). Open the context menu of this line
and choose Cross-Section view.
A new Cross-Section view will open.
A word on the philosophy of the new software
As mentioned before, FEFLOW 6 gives the user a lot more freedom to choose
your own favorite workflow.
In FEFLOW 5.x, you worked yourself through the menus in a given order - from
top to bottom.
Within these menus, you followed a strict sequence of work steps again when
assigning the model properties – first selecting the quantity, then inputing the
value, and finally selecting the place where to apply it.
In FEFLOW 6, the order of these steps is arbitrary. You may create a selection of
nodes first, and then apply specific values to different properties (e.g. a flow
boundary condition and its respective constraint) afterwards. You can even store
the selection for later use (for example to add a mass transport boundary
condition when you extend the model at a later stage of your project).
Another aspect is the unification of tools in FEFLOW 6. For example, you have to
learn and use only one single, powerful set of tools to create selections (instead
of a slightly different tool for every single model property).
This will allow the user to learn and use the software more efficiently, and will
also be the basis for the development of more powerful features in the coming
However, besides the changes during model property assignment, the overall
workflow stays the same.
You start with the design of a supermesh, usually based on background maps,
that acts as the basis for the finite-elements mesh generation.
Afterwards, you choose a model type in the problem settings and configure the
3D layer setup.
Next, the physical properties (initial condition, boundary conditions and material
properties) are assigned to the model.
Finally, you start the simulation, possibly storing the results in a DAC-file, which
can be loaded for later post processing.
The next chapters will guide you through these steps. If you need any help, do
not hesitate to visit our web page or contact our support staff.
Creating a new FEFLOW model
By default, FEFLOW will already open an empty Supermesh when starting.
If you have to start with a new model at a later stage, choose
create a new model.
File > New to
(Background-) Maps have two functions in a FEFLOW 6 model.
Using maps as a spatial reference
The first function is to provide the spatial reference
to provide the geometry of the supermesh (either by manual digitizing or
by direct import of polygons, lines and points).
to create selections of nodes or elements (the former joining operation).
to give the modeler a better orientation in general.
Using background maps for these purposes is described in this chapter.
All map-related operations are performed in the Maps panel,
which carries over the functionality of the former MapManager.
Initially, the list of registered maps is blank, except for a
command Add Maps.... To add one or multiple maps to your
model, double click on this command or choose Add Map
from the context menu in the Maps panel. A file selector will
open that lets you choose one or multiple map files you want to load.
Maps that have been registered to the fem-file in this way can be made visible in
the current view window (for example the supermesh view). Perform a double
click on the respective map in the Maps panel. In the case of vector data files
(like ESRI shape files), a map contains one or more map layers. Map layers are
used to define different views on the data of the same map. When a vector file is
registered, a map layer Default is created automatically. Double click on the
map layer instead of the map itself to make it visible in the active view.
A general idea in FEFLOW 6 is the separation of the
source of the data and the view on the data. The maps
are an excellent example to explain this principle:
The maps panel is a collection of all map data. It
stores the location of the files and also the meaning of
its data (physical unit, associated model property, etc).
See section Importing constant values from maps for
more information.
On the contrary, the view on the data is controlled separately in the View
Components panel.
This panel contains a list of all visible items of the active view. The double click
you performed on a map or map layer in the Maps panel before did nothing else
then adding the map to the View Components panel.
Note that the contents of the View Components panel always relate to the
current active view window and changes when you activate another view.
The maps, which are located in the Maps branch, can be switched on and off by
activating or deactivating the checkbox in front of it. When you uncheck the
checkbox of a complete branch, all of its contents become invisible at the same
time. The layering order of the maps can be changed in a drag-and-drop
manner as well.
In case of vector maps, you may want to change the appearance of the enclosed
point-, line- and polygon features. In the View Components panel, open the
context menu of a map layer with the right mouse button and choose Edit
Properties to open the Map Properties panel. Please refer to the help-system
for detailed information.
Using maps to import model properties
A second aspect – and this is a new concept in FEFLOW 6 – is that all database
files that are used for data import are handled as maps as well. Using Maps for
this purpose will be described later in the section Importing constant values from
Designing a supermesh
The Supermesh is an integral part of your FEFLOW model now, which means that
it will be saved in the .fem-file and will always be accessible even if you do not
save it as a separate .smh-file (Even though this is still possible).
The new supermesh editor gives you more than just better
state-of-the-art graphics. The developers added a list of handy
features to make the supermesh design more convenient and
efficient. While creating polygons, lines and points, the new
editor will make sure at any time that the supermesh geometry
is valid to avoid time-consuming mistakes like overlapping
polygons or gaps in the supermesh. If you need to change your
mesh later, you can split or merge existing polygons instead of
having to delete and re-digitize the old ones.
These tools (and of course the common tools you already know
from the FEFLOW 5.x Mesh Editor) can be found in the
Supermesh menu and in the Supermesh toolbar.
Navigation in the supermesh view
To pan the view (up/down/left/right), hold down the center Figure 1: Entries
mouse button (mouse wheel) and move the mouse in the of the Supermesh
respective direction. To change the zoom level (in/out), hold Menu
down the right mouse button and move the mouse up or
Note that these navigation functions stay availble at any time, even while you
are currently drawing a line or polygon.
Manual supermesh design (digitizing maps)
Figure 2: The Supermesh toolbar
You can draw polygons, lines and points the way you are familiar with. If you
create a hole in the mesh (either accidently or by intention) it will be highlighted
by a different color.
All necessary tools can be found in the supermesh toolbar. Here, you also find
the snapping functions. The handling is very similar to the 5.x mesh editor:
Choose a map (that has been added in the Maps panel before) from the drop
down list and activate the
Snap to point and/or
Snap to line option.
Polygon auto-completion
The new auto-completion feature - that replaces the
old <F5> key function from the 5.x Mesh Editor makes the creation of adjacent elements more
convenient. When drawing along the boundary of an
existing polygon, you do not have to click on every
single node along the way anymore. Move the mouse
cursor to a node on the border. The respective path
with all its nodes will be highlighted and can be
Figure 3: Auto-completion
of super elements
applied with a single click.
Importing lines, points and polygons from vector files
Alternatively, you can import points, lines and polygons directly from respective
vector files. Register these files as maps in the Maps panel first. Afterwards, use
the option Convert to... from the context menu of the map to create one or
several supermesh features from the file.
Note that the import of polygons is only possible if these polygons do not
intersect with already existing polygons. Intersecting polygons are not imported.
Splitting and joining polygons
Completely new features in FEFLOW 6 are the
Polygon and
Join Polygons Tools. It is now possible
to subdivide or join existing polygons without deleting them
first. This makes the supermesh creation more intuitive, for
you can digitize the outline of the model as one polygon at
first, and split it up into sub-domains later.
Figure 4: Subdividing
a polygon with the
Generating the finite-element mesh
Again, the workflow stays the same compared to FEFLOW 5.x. After you have
finished the supermesh, you create the finite element mesh using one of the
available mesh generators directly from the Supermesh view by hitting the
button of the toolbar.
The Mesh Generator toolbar provides all necessary tools to control the mesh
generation process.
Figure 5: Mesh Generator toolbar
Choosing a mesh generator
For triangular meshes, the available mesh generators are Advancing Front,
Gridbuilder and Triangle (TMesh has been removed as its application yields no
additional benefits in almost every case nowadays). Choose the appropriate
generator from the dropdown of the Mesh Generator toolbar.
For quadrilateral meshes, Transport Mapping is available as an additional mesh
generator. You can switch to a quadrilateral mesh by choosing
> Quadrilateral Mode from the menu. This should be done already when
designing the supermesh (In this mode, the supermesh editor will make sure
that only polygons with four edges are created).
Choosing the properties of a mesh generator
The generator properties can be accessed by hitting the
button in the Mesh
Generator toolbar. No significant changes have been done in these dialogs since
the 5.x version.
Refinement along polygon borders, lines or at points can be enabled in the
Generator Properties. If you have chosen to refine only Selected lines or
polygon borders, you need to specify these lines/borders in the supermesh
Push the
Edge Selector button in the Mesh Generator toolbar. Select or
deselect polygon borders or line sections by clicking directly on a line section or
by drawing a rectangle around several line sections.
Proposing element numbers
Generate automatically
In the easiest case, you just specify a target number of elements in the input
field of the generator toolbar and hit the
Generate Mesh button to start the
When the mesh generation is finished, a Slice view showing the generated mesh
Generate areally
Very often it is required to propose a different number of elements per
supermesh polygon. Hit the
Edit Proposed Elements button in the
Generator toolbar and click on the polygon for which you want to change the
number of proposed elements.
Alternatively, you can open the drop-down to choose a polygon from the list.
Type the new value in the input field and press enter. The number is shown in
red color to indicate that a custom value has been chosen.
Continue with other polygons for which the number of elements should be
proposed and hit the
these settings.
Generate Mesh button to generate the mesh with
If you want to switch back to a globally proposed number, hit the
Proposed Elements button again. A warning message asks you if you want to
reset the number of proposed elements. Confirm with Yes.
Generate gradually
This function has not been implemented, yet. It is planned for a future release of
Problem settings
Problem class and specific option settings
As you know, FEFLOW includes a number of different
numerical options to simulate flow and transport
processes for different spatial dimensions (2D or 3D),
temporal domains (steady-state or transient), projections
(horizontal, vertical, axisymmetric), transport processes
(single and multi-species, heat) and coupling processes
(e.g. density dependency).
Problem Settings
In earlier FEFLOW versions, these properties had to be
set at different locations (Problem Class, Temporal &
Control Data and Specific Options Settings). Now, all
problem-related settings are consolidated in the
Problem Settings dialog of the
Edit Menu.
The settings are sorted in a tree. The particular sections
are thoroughly explained in the help system.
Settings data tree.
Temporal and control data
The settings of the former Temporal & Control data menu have been moved to
the Temporal Properties and Numerical Settings section of the Problem
Settings dialog.
Time-varying functions (time series)
The former Time-varying functions Editor can be accessed from the menu
Edit > Time Series.
Global settings
Global Settings not related to an actual model like the number of threads used in
parallel computing can be found in the
Tools > Global Settings dialog.
Setting up a 3D model
If you know the 3D Layer Configurator from FEFLOW 5.x,
you will find the new dialog immediately familiar. It can be
accessed from the menu
Edit > 3D Layer
The design and the workflow of the 3D Layer configurator
have been preserved.
Figure 8: Accessing
Figure 9: The 3D Layer Configurator
Viewing and modifying model properties
Overview: the new workflow to edit model properties
Back in FEFLOW 5.x, the workflow to modify a model property included the
following steps in the following order:
1. Select a model property (from the respective FEFLOW menu).
2. Enter a constant value, time function or select a database file.
3. Select the nodes or elements where the constant value, time series or file
data is to be applied to the model property.
Basically, you will meet these exact steps in FEFLOW 6 again. But now, the
workflow is more flexible as the order of these three working steps is arbitrary.
The model properties - these are process
parameters and reference data - are accessible in
a central place (the Data Panel). In this way, it
is not necessary any more to navigate through
lots of menus before a certain property can be
displayed and edited.
Values or time functions are chosen in the Editor
toolbar, which is the new command central to
select from the different types and sources.
Manual input (Assign Values) is always
available. If maps have been registered to the
model or time series are defined, these options
become available as well. A left click on the
leading symbol in the dropdown lets you change
the input method.
Figure 10: Data Panel
Figure 11: Editor Toolbar
Selections are the third requirement to assign
data to a model property as any assignment is
performed (only) on the current selection.
The necessary tools to create a selection are
available in the Selection toolbar. You will
recognize some of the old tools from the 5.x
version, but also new tools are available now.
The former Joining method is integrated in this
panel as well (except for the actual data
Figure 12: Selection toolbar
The following sections describe these steps in
Choosing model properties for visualization and data assignment
To make the available data more transparent and to allow the simultaneous
visualization of different model properties, all properties have been consolidated
in a single tree in the Data panel.
Displaying model properties in the active view
To plot a model property in the currently active View, perform a double click on
that model property in the Data panel.
To plot multiple data sources at the same time, hold down the <CTRL>-key while
double clicking.
The currently displayed data-sources are listed in the View Components panel.
Selecting a model property for data assignment
If only one model property is active, or – in the case of a multiple selection – the
active properties are similar (like Kxx/Kyy/Kzz or In-Transfer Rate/Out-Transfer
Rate), they are also open to data assignment.
Be careful with multiple selections: If model properties are not similar,
no assignment is possible.
Restricting the visualization to a part of the model only
In a 3D view, you can selectively plot data to a part of the model (e.g., a
particular slice or layer). The available parts of the model are called spatial units
and can be selected in the Spatial Units panel.
By default, the data are displayed on the spatial unit Domain, the complete
model. If you select another spatial unit here, a model property will be plotted to
this unit exclusively when being activated in the Data Panel.
For details on both View Components and Spatial Units panel, please refer to the
FEFLOW Help System.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When changing to a spatial unit other than Domain,
make sure to switch back as soon as possible. It is very easy to forget
that plotting is done only on a part of the model; and as a result you
might wonder why the data are not plotted even though you are double
clicking on the correct entry in the data panel.
Initial conditions vs. process variables
The term “initial conditions” has been renamed to the more precise expression
“process variables” (as the process variables only represent the initial conditions
during the preprocessing; during the simulation run and postprocessing, these
parameters represent modeling results instead).
Creating selections of nodes or elements
The Selection toolbar is the central place where all necessary tools to create a
nodal or elemental selection can be found.
Figure 13: The Selection toolbar
A selection defines where a certain operation – including the assignment of data
to a model property – is performed.
Note: There are nodal and elemental selections. Wether a nodal or elemental
selection is created depends on the model property that is currently active in the
Data panel.
A selection will not be cleared after the data assignment (as it was the case in
FEFLOW 5.x). In this way, you can use the same selection for the assignment of
several related model properties (e.g., for a flow boundary condition and its
related constraints) without the need to recreate it every time.
However, it is recommended to
clear a selection if it is not needed any more
(otherwise it might accidently become part of a new selection created at a later
point in time if you forget that it is still active).
You can even store a selection permanently and re-use it at a later point in time.
We encourage you to make use of this feature as often as possible, as it makes
the work with FEFLOW much more productive, especially if you have to change
model properties often, e.g. during calibration.
The different selection tools
All tools for manual and map-related selection of elements and nodes are
available in the Selection toolbar. Open the dropdown list to choose from the
available tools.
When working in a Slice view, these are
Select Individual Nodes/Elements (the former nodal/elemental
Select in Rectangular Region (the former rubberbox selection)
Select using a Lasso (a new method to select in a free-hand region)
Select in Polygonal Region (a new method to select in a polygon area to
be drawn)
Select in Polygonal Map Region (the former Joining Tool, only available
if maps have been added to the model)
Select Nodes Along a Border (the former border selection)
When working in a 3D view, you can use the tool
Select Complete Layer/Slice
Please refer to the help system for more information.
Setting the snap distance for map selections
To change the snap distance, open
Edit > Problem Settings. The Snap
distance can be set in the Editor Properties section of this dialog.
Copying selections to other slices or layers
When working in a Slice view, the
Copy Selection to Slices/Layers can
be used to copy a selection from the current slice or layer to a number of other
slices or layers. Note that nodes/elements on the target slice that are already
parts of the selection will not be removed from the selection.
Storing and loading selections
To store a selection for later use, open the Spatial Units panel and choose
Store Current Selection from the context menu. This option is also available in
the context menu of the Slice view and 3D view.
To load a stored selection, choose Set as Current Selection from the context
Figure 14: Storing and loading selections in the Spatial Units panel
Assigning data to a model property at a selection
The assignment of data to any model property is usually performed on the
current selection.
There are four basic methods how model properties can be assigned:
as constant values (Assign Values)
as time series
from a map (as constant values or as a time series)
from a lookup table (as constant values)
The input method is chosen in the Editor Toolbar. Here, you will also enter the
respective value, or select a map or time function depending on the chosen
The Editor toolbar is also the place where the data is finally applied by hitting
Put Value button.
In the Editor toolbar, you find a text input field. A symbol on the left indicates
the currently selected assignment method:
To change the input method, open the context menu of the symbol and choose
another method from the list. Alternatively, you can cycle through the available
methods clicking on the symbol with the left mouse button.
Assigning constant values
This approach relates to the former Assign tool (except for the database option)
or Join tool (with constant option) in the 5.x interface.
Just enter a value in the text input field of the Editor toolbar (which replaces the
Keyboard Request Box of the classic FEFLOW).
The value is finally assigned to the selected model property at the current
selection by hitting the
Put Value button.
Note: In FEFLOW 6 you can enter the value in any unit that is known to FEFLOW
and part of the appropriate unit set. If you enter „1 ft“ to the Editor toolbar,
FEFLOW will automatically convert the value to 0.3048 [m]. You can register
your own units or completely switch to another system of units (e.g. Imperial
system) in the unit conversion dialog. See the help system for more
Assigning time series
When having defined at least one time series in the Time Series Editor, this
method becomes available in the Editor toolbar.
The Time Series Editor can be opened from the menu
Edit > Time Series.
Open the dropdown and choose the time series to be assigned.
you apply this time series to the active property on the active selected
nodes or elements.
The usage of time series is possible for boundary conditions at the moment. The
values of time series must be based on the FEFLOW default as defined in Tools
> Units….
Importing constant values from maps
Prerequisites to apply map data
As the usage of GIS Data is the standard way to handle data for the major part
of groundwater models, the import interfaces of FEFLOW have been further
enhanced. The new features are more convenient to use, and also more
powerful. The position of the GIS data files and its relation to the model’s data is
maintained; this allows an easier update of the imported GIS data if the linked
GIS files have become changed outside FEFLOW. With FEFLOW 6, you can
therefore use a GIS system to completely control the data modification,
especially during the elaborate work of model calibration.
These advances allow and require a better concept for the handling of the data
than the one used in FEFLOW 5.x. To guarantee consistency between different
data sources, it is now obligatory to register the vector files by adding them as a
background maps. For more information on how to load background maps, see
chapter Using maps as a spatial reference.
Vector and database files
A data source usually consists of a vector file (.shp, .dxf or ASCII formats .pnt,
.lin, .ply, etc) and a database file (.dbf, .dat, .trp). In some cases - e.g., .trp –
the vector data is already part of the database file.
The Maps panel is the command center where the association of data sources
(including regionalization settings) to FEFLOW parameters is controlled. The work
steps to assign Process Variables (initial conditions), boundary conditions and
material properties have been unified.
After a file with modeling data has been registered in the maps panel, only the
position of the data files on the file system is known to FEFLOW, but the meaning
of the data is yet to be declared.
To be able to import these values to the FEFLOW model, the contents of the
fields must be associated with the corresponding model parameters. As the unit
of the GIS data can be different from the FEFLOW units, a unit conversion might
be necessary as well.
In order to do this, open the context menu of the database file with a right click
and choose Link to Parameter…. This will open the Parameter Association
This dialog is mostly the one as you already know from FEFLOW 5.x. From the
list on the left (which contains the available fields of the database file) choose
the field that contains the data to be imported. On the right, select the respective
FEFLOW parameter and click on Add Link. Finally, choose the unit used in the
data file from the dropdown list (the link turns red if a conversion is set).
Figure 15: Selecting a database for the vector file
Now, a link has been created and the data have been prepared for the final
Regionalization of point data (formerly Assign  Database)
As you already know from FEFLOW 5.x, point data is applied to the model
through an appropriate regionalization method. In FEFLOW 6, the Regionalization
method with all its settings has become a property of the data link.
When working with point data soruces, the Parameter Association dialog provides
an additional option Data regionalization method. It contains the options that
you already know from the 5.x Data regionalization menu. The new
regionalization method Neighbourhood Relationship is a special option used to
import solitary points data like the position of wells.
Figure 16: Setting the properties of the data regionalization method
Assignment of the data
After you have prepared the data files and set the necessary units and
regionalization settings, the actual assignment is only a very small step:
Choose the Maps method in the editor toolbar and select the respective map
from the dropdown.
Alternatively, you can double click on any entry of the Linked attributes branch
of any map (e.g. Value -> Elevation). This is a short cut to both select the
correct map in the dropdown list of the Data panel and to activate the associated
model property for data assignment.
With a single click on the
the data are imported from the map, eventually
converted and interpolated, and finally assigned to the chosen model property at
the current selection.
Importing time series from maps
To import time series IDs out of a map file, register this file as a map first. In the
Parameter Association dialog, create a link to the respective model property
and select the option Time-varying-power function ID.
All other work steps are identical with the ones for importing constant values
from a database file.
The values from the database field are now interpreted as the IDs of time series
as defined in the Time Series editor (choose from the menu
Edit > Time
The usage of time series is possible for boundary conditions at the moment. The
values of time series must be based on the FEFLOW default as defined in Tools
> Units….
The mesh inspector
The good old mesh Inspector has survived this new major release.
You can activate the Inspector using the
Inspection toolbar.
Inspector button in the
Point the center of the Inspector’s magnifying glass to an element or node to
display the model properties currently visible in the active view window in the
Inspector panel.
Figure 17: Inspector panel
Use the mouse wheel to change the zoom level (in/out) of the magnifying glass
(hold down the <CTRL>-key for a finer interval). You can adjust the size by
holding down the <SHIFT>-key while turning the mouse wheel.
Data operations
Deleting boundary conditions and constraints
Deleting boundary conditions is quick and easy. Select the particular type of
boundary condition or constraint for editing in the Data panel (double click) first.
Press the
Clear Value button of the Editor toolbar. All boundary conditions
or constraints of the chosen type are deleted at the current selection.
Copying data
…to other properties
In many cases, data must be transferred from one model property to another
model property (e.g. from Conductivity [Kxx] to Conductivity [Kyy] and [Kzz]). In
FEFLOW 6, this operation is done in a Copy & Paste manner.
In order to transfer data from one model property to another,
Create a selection in which the copying operation should be performed,
e.g., all elements of a layer.
Go to the Data panel.
Double click on the source model property.
Open the context menu of the source model property and choose Copy.
Double click on the target model property.
Open the context menu of the target model property and choose Paste.
Within the current selection, the data are copied from the source model property
to the target model property.
…to other slices or layers
To copy data of the same model property from a source slice/layer to a target
slice/layer, the steps are slightly different. This option is only available in a Slice
Open a Slice view.
In the Data panel, double click on the source model property.
In the Slice view, browse to the slice/layer from where you want to copy
the data (source slice/layer) and create a selection.
Open the context menu of the quantity you want to copy and choose
Browse to the slice/layer where the data should be applied.
In the Data panel, open the context menu of the model property you want
to copy and choose Paste to Slice/Layer.
Within the selection, the model property is now copied from the selection on the
source slice/layer and transferred to a projection of the selection on the target
Import and export
Importing boundary conditions and constraints
In FEFLOW 5.x, the Assign-tool with Database option could be used import
boundary conditions at solitary locations. In FEFLOW 6, this is done using the
Neighborhood relationship regionalization method. This regionalization
method reads point data from a file and applies it exclusively to the nearest node
in the finite element mesh. This function allows a quick import of sparse data like
boundary conditions.
Add the file containing the boundary conditions coordinates and values (e.g., well
coordinates and pumping rates) as a map in the Maps panel. Choose Link to
Parameter from its context menu.
In the Parameter Association dialog, link the value to the boundary condition
and choose Neighborhood Relationship as a regionalization method.
Assign the data using the Maps method of the Editor toolbar afterwards.
Exporting data as nodal or elemental values
In the Data panel, open the context menu of the model property you want to
export. Choose Export Data … to write the nodal or elemental values to a file.
Exporting data plots
In the View Components panel, open the context menu of the model property
you want to export. Choose Export Data … to write the nodal or elemental
values to a file. You can choose from several styles that defining the way the
data are exported. Please refer to the help system for further information.
Reference data
Observation points
Observation Point Editor toolbar.
Use the
button to create observation points. If you place the mouse cursor
near a node and create an observation point, it will automatically snap to this
node. You can suppress snapping by holding down the <SHIFT> key.
button creates a set of observation points from the current selection.
button deletes all observation points.
To import observation points from a map, go to the map panel and choose
Convert to > Observation Points from the maps context menu.
Observation point groups
This feature has not been implemented yet, but is planned for a future release of
Cross sections (fences, segments, line sections)
The functions to plot material properties, layer geometry and process variables
have already been available in FEFLOW 5.x; but have been distributed around a
number of different menus of the Reference Data and Postprocessor. In FEFLOW
6, the options and styles have been unified and two ways of displaying crosssections are available. Cross-sections can be plotted
As a view component in a 3D view or
As a cross-section view with the length of the fence as the x-axis and the
geodetic elevation on the y-axis
Figure 18: Cross-sections shown as view components in the 3D view (left) and in the
cross-section view (right)
Cross-sections can be created in the Slice view by using the Draw a Surface
(2D) Line tool from the Tools section of the context menu (See Figure 19).
Activate this tool and draw a line; a single click with the left mouse button sets a
new point of the line, a double click sets the last point and finishes the line
afterwards. You can cancel and line drawing by pressing the <ESC>-button on
your keyboard.
Figure 19: Creating a surface line in the 2D view
Figure 20: Creating a
Cross-section view from a
2D Polyline
The surface line is now available in the Surface Locations section of the Spatial
Units panel. To display the cross-section as a vertical area in a 3D view, double
click on the entry in the Spatial units (while the 3D view is the active window).
A Cross-section view (see Figure 18) can be created by selecting Crosssection view from the 2D polylines context menu in the Spatial Units panel.
Reference distributions
Nodal and elemental reference distributions can be created directly in Reference
data section of the Data panel.
Open the context menu entry of the Reference Data branch and choose Add
Nodal Reference Distribution or Add Elemental Reference Distribution.
The reference distributions can be displayed and edited in the same way as any
other data source.
Running the simulation
The sharp border between pre-processing, simulation and post processing has
been overcome in FEFLOW 6. The simulator functions can now be accessed
directly and at any time using the Simulatior toolbar.
Figure 21: Simulation toolbar
With a single click on the
Run button the simulation is started. The
Pause button will interrupt the simulation, while the
Stop button
terminates it. In case of transient simulations, the Simulator tool bar also
displays the actual simulation time.
Saving DAC files
As in FEFLOW 5.x, in order to save the intermediate results of the simulation,
you need to select a results file where FEFLOW saves the data of particular time
steps before starting the simulation. This can be done using the
button of the simulator toolbar.
Activate the checkmark before Save complete results (DAC file) and choose a
file name. Exit the dialog with OK.
Figure 22: Specifying a results file
Navigation in a .dac-file
Load a previously recorded dac-file from the
File > Open.
Within the Simulator tool bar, you can browse
or backward
in time or
directly select a time step from the drop-down menu.
The evaluation of water and mass fluxes at boundary conditions is a very
important task during the Postprocessing. In our case, we are interested in the
amount of contamination that is being infiltrated into the model area.
Evaluation of mass fluxes
Open the Budget panel from View > Panels > Budget Panel.
There are separate budget analyses for the flow and for the transport model.
Click on the Mass tab and check the Active checkbox to activate the budgeting
(the budgeting is turned off by default as it can cause significant computational
After a short computation time, the currently inflowing and outflowing mass is
shown in the unit g/d, and is visualized as blue bars (in) and red bars (out).
Initially, the budget is evaluated for the complete domain. To evaluate fluxes in a
certain part of the model, a selection can be used to specify the respective nodes
Create an arbitrary nodal selection (e.g., select all nodes along the southern
boundary) and hit the Set Button. The budget result now shows mass flux in all
selected nodes.
Relating mass fluxes to nodes
Choose Process Variables > Mass > Budget from the Data panel and activate
it with a double click.
At each node that is part of the current budget-selection, a colored sphere will
appear in the 3D view. The color and size of the spheres indicate the amount of
mass that is exchanged at this node.
Pathlines (particle tracking)
In FEFLOW 5.x, the calculation of particle tracks in 2D and 3D has been done
with different tools, each with a set of options for different purposes. In FEFLOW
6, these tools have been consolidated in one single workflow.
Showing the trajectories of particles is done in the following steps:
Define the starting location(s) of the pathlines
Calculate the pathlines
Set the properties of the trajectories
Let us explain the whole procedure based on an example case, where the
catchment area of a well gallery is to be delineated.
At first, the locations (nodes) of the wells are selected.
Afterwards, store the selection in the Spatial Units panel.
Activate the selection in the Spatial Units panel (with a single left click) and
switch to the Data panel. With a double Click on Process Variables > Flow >
Pathlines (either backward or forward) you start the pathlines computation. The
pathlines will be shown in the View Components panel and will be depicted in
the active 2D or 3D view window.
Figure 23: Plotting single pathlines for the Location Set
You will see a single pathline evolving from each well. The seeds (starting points)
of the pathlines are located directly on the wells. However, to delineate the
catchment zones of the wells, we shall create a number of seeds on a circle
around these wells. Since it would mean a much effort to create a location set for
each of these circles manually, this functionality has now become a property of
the pathlines themself. Choose Properties from the context menu of the
Pathlines in the View Components panel. This opens the pathlines properties
in the Properties panel.
Figure 24: Delineation of the catchment of a well gallery by using pathlines swarms
By choosing a Radius greater than zero, you invoke to create a pathlines swarm
starting on a radius around the wells. The result is immediately shown in the
currently active ciew (Figure 24 shows a 2D view). You can choose to create
more or less seeds on the radius in the Seeds per Node tab.
Note: If working with a 3D model, the pathline computation will always be done
in three dimensions, even if working in the slice view (in this case, a projection
to the slice is shown).
Figure 25: Pathlines are plotted in a 3D view (red color). A group of 3rd kind boundary
conditions representing a river is shown (green color).
Besides creating seeds from a nodal selection (as described above), you also can
also create them on arbitrary points in space, along lines or along polygons. The
procedure is very similar. First you create a line or arbitrary point group as a
Domain Location. In the 2D or 3D view, choose Tools from the context menu
and select Draw a 3D Line or Draw a 3D point group, respectively. Create the
line, polygon or point group by clicking on the fixed points on any surface. This
can be a slice in the 2D view or any other surface on the 3D view, including
cutting planes and cross-sections.
Figure 26: Creating a 3D line
Figure 27: Creating Pathlines from a 3D line
Outlook: FEFLOW functions not yet implemented
A few functions have not been implemented in the new Qt graphical user
interface (GUI) of FEFLOW 6, yet. However, we are working hard to make them
work in the near future. In some cases, you need to get back to the classic Motif
GUI that is still available. If an alternative workaround is possible, you will find it
Still, parameters that are assigned in the classic Motif GUI will be fully regarded
if a simulation runs in the FEFLOW 6 Qt GUI. If you plot the respective material
parameters, you can even see the effects of these settings (for example timechanging material properties).
Features that will be available in a future release of FEFLOW 6
Time varying material parameters
At the moment, the assignment of time-varying material parameters has to be
done in the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW. Use the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW to
define time-dependent materials.
IFM modules
The control panel of IFM modules has not been implemented in FEFLOW, yet, but
is planned for a release in the near future. Use the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW
to add IFM modules to your model.
Discrete feature elements
Discrete Feature Elements (DFE) are not implemented in FEFLOW 6, yet, but are
planned for a release in the near future. Please use the classic GUI of FEFLOW to
create DFE in your model.
FEFLOW 6 supports 3D-ESRI shape and 3D-DXF files as maps in the 3D view.
You can use this functionality to visualize the position of fractures if this data is
Multi-layer wells
The Multi-layer well menu has not been implemented yet, but the functionality of
the multi-layer well (well bore condition) is still regarded during the simulation.
If you apply 4th kind boundary conditions to the same node on adjacent slices,
FEFLOW will connect these nodes by a high conductive element. Apply 4th kind
boundary conditions with a pumping rate of 0 m³/d to all nodes of the well
screen, except for the bottommost node. Here you apply the total pumping rate
of the screen.
Alternatively, you can use the classic Motif GUI to create the multi-layer wells.
Borehole heat exchanger
Borehole Heat Exchanger (BHE) have not been implemented in FEFLOW 6, yet,
but are planned for a release in the near future. Please use the classic Motif GUI
of FEFLOW to assign BHE.
Fluid flux analyzer
The Fluid Flux analyzer has not been implemented in FEFLOW 6, yet. Please use
the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW.
Debug tool
This feature has not been implemented yet, but is planned for a future release of
FEFLOW. Please use the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW.
Parameter zones (FEFLOW Explorer)
This feature has not been implemented yet, but is planned for a future release of
FEFLOW. Please use the FEFLOW Explorer instead.
Converting data (conversion tool)
This feature has not been implemented yet, but is planned for a future release of
FEFLOW. Please use the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW.
Content analyzer
This feature has not been implemented, yet, but is planned for a future release
of FEFLOW. Please use the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW.
Special operations
This feature has not been implemented, yet, but is planned for a future release
of FEFLOW. Please use the classic Motif GUI of FEFLOW.
Features that have been removed from FEFLOW
Mesh generator T-Mesh
T-Mesh has been removed from FEFLOW, as Gridbuilder and Triangle are much
more powerful alternatives for complex geometries with Add-Ins.
A re-implementation is not planned.