November 5 - Rehoboth Beach Film Society


November 5 - Rehoboth Beach Film Society
$5.00 val
Beach Film
Film Guidance
Film Guidance
A Word from the Governor 6
A Word from the Film Society President 8
A Word from the Executive Director 9
world. Many of these films have not been rated by
A Word from the Festival Program Director
the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
and may contain material not suitable for minors.
Sponsor Appreciation
About the Film Society
Step-by-Step Guide to the Festival
Film Schedule
The Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
screens films of artistic merit from around the
In an effort to provide as much information as
possible for viewers, the RBFS has created a
guidance system that can be used as part of the
film selection process. Codes were assigned to
Film Index
Film Planner 23
Society’s ability. Film viewers and parents of
About the Cover
minors are strongly encouraged to read the movie
Regional Showcase
Tribute to Matt Haley
Country Spotlight - Mexico
Live in the Lounge
More Film Society Programs
Membership & Festival Pass
Guidance Codes:
= may contain some offensive language
= may contain lesbian/gay orientation
= may contain some nudity
Our Thanks
Comment Form 97
discretion when selecting films for viewing.
Guide to Advertisers descriptions and codes, and to use individual
Fierberg Award
Film Society Members and Contributors films, when applicable, to the best of the Film
= may contain some sexual content
= may contain some violence
Film Selection
It is the practice of the Rehoboth Beach Film
Society, as the producer of the Rehoboth
Beach Independent Film Festival, to program
a selection of films that represents a
moderate balance of diversity, genre, focal
issues, and demographics.
Table of Contents
G over nor ’s L e t t er
November 5, 2014
Dear Film Enthusiasts,
Welcome to the 2014 Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival! Delaware’s oldest and largest film festival
is celebrating its 17th anniversary this year. I would like to congratulate the Rehoboth Beach Film Society on
this accomplishment, and I am proud that the Department of State, Delaware Division of the Arts is once again
supporting this exceptional mid-Atlantic film event.
This festival has become a grand celebration of film culture in Rehoboth with impressive ticket sales of over
19,000 in 2013. The great combination of American and International documentaries, full length and short films
joined with educational seminars, opportunities to converse with celebrities, and family friendly entertainment is
what makes this event so special.
Once again this year, a particularly worthy student film director will be the recipient of the Morris and Roslyn
Fierberg Student Film Award, which will be announced along with the audience favorite winning films. Additionally,
this year’s Country Spotlight will feature Mexico in order to facilitate learning about the Mexican film industry, as
well as, the culture and traditions of its people. An outstanding sidebar is the Regional Showcase which features
emerging filmmakers from Delaware and surrounding states.
Whether you are a Delaware native or a visitor with us, I know you will be entertained and enriched by this
outstanding cultural event!
Jack A. Markell
Welc ome L e t t er
Dear Friends & Supporters of the Festival
Welcome to the seventeenth
As with every successful organization we continue
anniversary of the Rehoboth
to face new challenges. The loss of the use of four
Beach Independent Film
theaters for the Festival in 2014 has forced us to look
Festival, produced by the
beyond the Movies at Midway for appropriate venues to
Rehoboth Beach Film Society.
present films at the Festival. The Cape Henlopen High
The Board of Directors hope
School auditorium, with its 800+ seat capacity, will
you fully enjoy this event that
provide ample seating to meet our needs for this year.
brings outstanding films
Additional venues and a revised format for the Festival
from around the world to this
are among the options we are considering for next year
wonderful community on the
when the Midway Theaters may no longer be available.
shores of the Atlantic Ocean.
In any event we remain committed to presenting a Film
We know that many of you have come from distant locations to
Festival in 2015 and beyond of the same quality and
participate in this event and we hope that, as in the past, the
scope as our supporters have come to expect.
Darrel Grinstead
President, Board of Directors
Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Festival is well worth your travel.
Finally, we have already shared with you our vision
We still marvel at the foresight and energy of those visionaries
of creating, in partnership with other area arts and
who founded this institution back in the latter part of the
performing organizations, a multi-cultural arts center
Twentieth Century. And we appreciate the dedicated staff and
that will include multiple theaters for the showing of
hundreds of volunteers who grew this Festival into what it is
independent films year round and at the Festival. We
today. I hope that as you have the chance you will express
urge you to think with us as to how and where this
your thanks to them as they continue their labors to make this
vision can become a reality. It is long overdue.
event as smooth and meaningful as ever.
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society thanks you for your
Remember that the Rehoboth Beach Film Society is much
continuing support. We can all be proud of what has
more that just this Film Festival. Your membership and
been accomplished up to this point and look forward
contributions enable RBFS to bring independent and other
to what we can do in the future. Thanks for coming and
films to Southern Delaware throughout the year in the form
enjoy the shows.
of monthly screenings, series such as “What Makes Us Tick”,
the Read a Film program at the Rehoboth Library, Delmarva
Roots in Milton, and summer outdoor family films at the
Bandstand in Rehoboth and Canalfront Park in Lewes. This
past year we initiated the Metropolitan Opera Live in HD
simulcast series which presented ten performances at the
beautiful Cape Henlopen High School auditorium. This event,
which will continue for the 2014-15 season, was well received
and brought in audiences as high as 300 people.
Darrel Grinstead
President, Board of Directors
Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Always moving forward…. is what can be said about the Rehoboth Beach Film Society. As a
developing organization, the Board and staff are continually looking ahead, working to expand
programming to reach more audiences, improve operations to increase efficiency, and bring
the best independent films to local communities throughout the year.
Those efforts reap benefits. The Film Society has been recognized by the Standards for
Excellence® Institute as having met all the requirements for the Standards for Excellence®
Tier One: Essentials-Adherence to Basic Legal, Regulatory, and Governance Practices. This means
the Film Society is committed to upholding basic principles and practices of strong nonprofit
management and governance. This effort was led by Governance Chair Julie Davis and John
Metz, assisted by President Darrel Grinstead, and included full participation of the Board of
Directors. This group work resulted in the Film Society being the first arts organization in the
State of Delaware and the first non-profit in Sussex County to achieve this recognition. The Film
Society’s application for Tiers 2 and 3 is currently being reviewed.
Sue Early
Executive Director
Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Recognizing the challenges of the future, the organization participated in the development of a three-year Strategic
Plan guided by a professional consultant and financially supported by the Delaware Division of the Arts. At the time of
the printing of this program, the plan was in the final stages of preparation.
Growth and change present challenges. Understandably this year’s change of producing the Festival at two locations
is an adjustment for all. The Film Society greatly appreciates the support and commitment of its members, sponsors,
and volunteers to continue the trend of making the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival one of the best cultural
events in Sussex County and the mid-Atlantic region.
Please remember the Film Society hosts screenings of wonderful independent films throughout the year at various
venues (see back cover). Visit for information about locations, dates, and film descriptions.
Thank you for moving forward with us.
Sue Early, Executive Director, Rehoboth Beach Film Society
As Joe Sees It
The Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival strives to provide a blend of the best of American
independent and international films. While staying true to providing the audience with the best
in international films, this year the quality of the American independent films is phenomenal.
A-list actors and directors, probable Oscar® candidates and many dark horse contenders
compose this year’s programming. If the world famous Sundance Film Festival is the gold
standard for film, we have struck it rich as we will be screening over a dozen films from that
Festival. Some of the highlights include Little Accidents, Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter, Listen Up Philip,
Land Ho! and 52 Tuesdays. All of this year’s films offer a unique perspective on independent film.
As usual the seminars and Country Spotlight: Mexico provides insight into the film world beyond
Joe Bilancio
Festival Program Director
the films themselves. Festival favorite and long-time supporter Andrew Fierberg returns to the
Festival with his directorial debut El Cielo des Azul. In addition, we will get to know him better
Rehoboth Beach
Independent Film Festival
through Sunday morning’s A Conversation With Andrew Fierberg. Fenwick Island’s Matthew
Van Dyke is the subject of the film Point and Shoot dealing with his time “finding himself” and
then finding himself in the rebel army in Libya fighting for freedom. Learn about the Mexican
film industry with two distinguished experts in the field. Do you know what a Film Commission is and what they do to
support Independent Film? No? Well find out by attending the seminar discussing Film Commissions.
I normally end this preview with the same advice on taking a chance, going outside your comfort zone and see some
films that might challenge you or take you to a place you may not want to go. Spend time at the seminars, engage in the
Q&A sessions and let yourself be transported through all the experiences. Well I guess I did end the preview as I always
do, but it is a fitting end!
Joe Bilancio, Festival Program Director, Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
Welcome Letter from Sue and Joe
As Sue Sees It
Sponsor A ppr ecia tion
Production of the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival is made possible through the
support of many businesses, and individuals. The Rehoboth Beach Film Society thanks the
following sponsors for their generous support which collectively helps make this Festival a
wonderful, cultural event that is enjoyed by several thousand film buffs:
Media Sponsor
Presenting Sponsor
Corporate Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors
Arena’s (6 locations)
Morris James LLP
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices –
Gallo Realty
Metro Technical Services
Delmarva Public Radio
Tanger Outlet Center
Atlantic Horizons, LLC
Councilmember George Cole
[Sussex County Council]
Councilmember Joan Deaver
[Sussex County Council]
Nicola Pizza
Summer House Restaurant
The SEA BOVA Associates
United Distributors of Delaware
Hole By Hole
Jack Lingo Realtor
Jakes Seafood House Restaurant
Saul Ewing LLP
Boardwalk Builders
Community Bank Delaware
Curtis J. Leciejewski, DDS MAGD
Delaware Electric Cooperative
Fulton Bank
Accommodations Sponsor
The Breakers Hotel & Suites
Audience Award Sponsors
The Best Short Award: Sponsored by
The Bresler Foundation, Inc.
The Best Documentary Award:
Sponsored by Johannah Barry.
The Friebert-Hanuschock Best Debut
Feature Award: Sponsored by
Sarah Friebert & Rita Hanuschock.
Atlantic Theaters/The Movies at Midway
Special Recognition Film Award:
Sponsored by Rehoboth Beach Film Society
The Brant-Estes Best Feature Award:
Sponsored by David J. Brant & Greg Estes.
Volunteer T-shirts Donor
Sponsor A ppr ecia tion
Contributing Sponsors
A bou t the F ilm Socie t y
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society is an arts organization with an active membership of over 1,400 individuals from Delaware and surrounding states. In
addition to seeing great films, many members enjoy volunteering throughout
the year with film events and other projects.
Great Films Year-Round
In addition to hosting the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival, the
Film Society offers something for all ages, all year long! If you are a film
enthusiast, and especially enjoy independent films, please visit the RBFS
website ( and learn about the quality film programs
that are available throughout the year for adults, students, and youth. You
are sure to find a film event that suits your interest.
Learn about intriguing programs online
Mission Statement
The mission of the RBFS is promoting
cinematic arts and providing education
and cultural enrichment for our
Board Members
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society is governed
by the following group of dedicated and talented
volunteer Board members:
Darrel Grinstead, President
• Another Take
Allen Stafford, Vice-President
• Around the World
Gene Dvornick, Treasurer
• Children’s Cinema Corner
Teri Dunbar, Secretary
• Cinema & Art
Julie Davis
• Delmarva Roots
Beth Hochholzer (ex officio)
• Festival Film Reviews
Terry Kistler
• The Metropolitan Opera, Live in HD
Paul Kuhns (ex officio)
• Monthly Screenings
Ed Livingston
• Outdoor–Cinema by the Canal
Outdoor–Cinema by the Surf
• Read a Movie
• Special Film Screenings
• Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award
• What Makes Us Tick?
Tricia Ratner
Bob Rosenberg
Midge Yearley
Sue Early, Executive Director
For current information and a calendar of upcoming screenings and
events, please visit the website, where you can also discover the benefits of
membership, sign up for a weekly email of upcoming events, and connect
with a dedicated community of film enthusiasts.
Dave Ruffner, Administrative Coordinator
Susan Hartman, Director of Marketing
Denise Hoban, Education/Outreach Coordinator
Arlene Hannon, Membership Coordinator
Karen Mitchell, Office Associate
Chuck Patalive, Website Administrator
Joe Bilancio, Festival Program Director
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization, and as such, donations made to it are tax-deductible to
the full extent permitted by law.
Step-by-step Guide to the Festival
Step-by-Step Guide to the Film Festival
1 Read the program
3 Make a schedule
The program contains film descriptions, screening times,
locations, details on seminars and events, and all the
additional information you need.
Choose films and make a plan. Allow at least 20 minutes
between the end of a film and the start of the next, as the Fire
Marshal requires that everyone exit to the outside and re-enter
through the lobby at the Movies at Midway.
Festival Pass buyers will receive a Festival Program and ticket
ordering materials by US Mail in early October.
Beginning in mid-October, the program is posted online
at and distributed at various local
Programs can be purchased at the Festival’s Information
Booth for $1.00 each.
Please take note of the Festival’s sponsors and advertisers.
Their ads provide useful information about restaurants,
lodging, shopping, and services in the area.
2 Membership / Festival Pass
In order to purchase tickets to Festival screenings you must
have a Festival Pass. There are five levels, each with a different
set of benefits. A one-day Festival Pass is available for those
making a short visit.
Film Society membership is optional, but members do receive
a discount on the price of the Festival Pass and on film tickets.
Both Membership and Pass costs are 100% tax deductible to
the full extent of the law.
Include seminars, socializing, and special events.
Have alternate film choices in case of a sell-out. You
may find that the film you enjoy most is one you didn’t originally
intend to see. Keep an open mind and consider films outside your
comfort zone! Please list alternate films separately, not on your
order form. The RBFS website lists sell-outs that occur during prefestival ticket sales. Audience Favorites that screen on Saturday
and Sunday provide a second chance to see popular films.
The Festival Pass level determines when you may buy tickets. See
Purchase tickets for more information.
4 Go to the Festival
Festival films are screened at two locations:
Movies at Midway
Midway Center, Rte 1, Rehoboth Beach DE and
Cape Henlopen High School Theater
1250 Kings Highway, Lewes DE
Check film descriptions for location of each screening.
Tickets to all films will be sold in the Big Tent.
At the High School, 45 minutes before starting time, tickets will be
sold for the next film screening there. No other tickets will be sold
at the High School.
For more information go to
Melson Road
Parking. Free parking is available at both locations. Please
observe handicap parking and no parking zones.
The Big Tent. Located behind the Midway Center shops, it
houses the Box Office, information, membership, merchandise,
food & beverages, as well as special events. If you park in front of
the shops, use the pass-thru next to the paint store.
Movies at
(bump out)
The Big
Sponsor Info
INfo, Will Call,
Festival Box Office Tables
and Tables
Fitness Ctr
Mini Golf
Route 1 / Coastal Highway
A Festival Pass may only be used by the person named on the
Pass. Festival Pass holders may purchase one ticket per film
title. Exit requirements and possible transportation time allow
scheduling only one film screening per two-hour period.
Purchase a separate ticket for each film.
General admission ticket: $10
Member ticket: $9 for the member only
Get a number. Numbers are frequently distributed in the Big
Tent to eliminate the need to stand in a long line to buy tickets.
Look for the “Get a Number” sign near the Box Office.
Order forms must be completed for multi-ticket purchases before
entering a ticket line in the Big Tent.
Change your mind? In the Big Tent, you may swap tickets for a
$1 fee (per ticket) up to one hour before the start time on the ticket
being exchanged.
Sell-outs are posted. Check the day’s film schedule posted in
several places in the Big Tent for films that are sold out. BUT, be
sure to check back for tickets that may be turned in.
6 See films!
A Festival Pass must be shown with the film ticket for
admission to each screening.
Lining up. Lines form approximately 30 minutes before the
film starts. Lines are marked for each film and volunteers will
guide you.
Priority seating. As a benefit to some levels of Festival
Passes and sponsorship, priority seating badge holders may
enter the theater early and save one seat.
Saving seats. One seat only may be saved.
Leaving the theater. At the end of each film, everyone is
required to exit the theater (to the outside at Movies at Midway).
Audience Award Winners. All audience members are
encouraged to rate every film they see. Ballots are distributed
on the way into each screening. Deposit your ballot as you exit
the theater. Votes are tallied throughout the Festival and prizes
are announced at Sunday’s Closing Celebration.
Box Office Hours
Additional Information
The Big Tent, Movies at Midway
1:00 pm until 7:00 pm
Wed – Sunday 9:00 am until the last film begins
(8:00 am for RBFS members)
Become a Film Society Member. You may easily join the
Rehoboth Beach Film Society by registering online, by mail, inperson at the Film Society office, or at the membership booth in
the Big Tent.
Cape Henlopen High School, Lewes
Thur – Sunday45 minutes before start time, tickets will be sold
for the next film screening at the High School.
No other tickets will be sold at this location.
Pre-Festival Ticket Sales (Oct 20 – 31) RBFS Office 107 Truitt Ave. Rehoboth Beach
M–F, 9:30 am–4:30 pm
• Director and Producer Passes may buy tickets for the
entire Festival. Two Director or Producer Pass holders
residing at the same address may submit a combined ticket
order during Pre-Festival Sales.
Only one order may be submitted .
Orders may be submitted in person, by email
([email protected]), or by US mail.
Note: Director and Producer Pass holders who do not
participate in Pre-Festival Sales may purchase tickets at the
Festival starting Tuesday at 1:00 pm (see below).
At the Festival
Big Tent Box Office behind the stores
Midway Center, Route 1
• • Screenwriter Passes may buy tickets for all 5 days of
the Festival on Tuesday (Nov 4) beginning at 1:00 pm. Two
Screenwriter Pass holders residing at the same address may
submit a combined ticket order on Tuesday.
tudent and Film Buff Passes may buy tickets starting
at 4:00 pm Tuesday for Wednesday films. Tickets for Thursday
films are sold starting at 9:00 am on Thursday. Tickets for Friday
films are sold starting at 9:00 am Friday. After 7:00 pm Friday,
tickets may be purchased for Saturday and Sunday films.
Starting Wednesday, Box Office hours for members are 8:00 am
until the last film begins.
Payment options. Only cash, Visa, or MasterCard are
accepted as payment for tickets, membership, Festival Passes,
and merchandise. Cash payment only at the Beverage Booth,
Parking. Cars parked in non-defined spaces may be towed by
the theater management at the car owner’s expense.
Food. Enjoy food, beverages, and good conversation as you
relax in the Big Tent. Alcoholic beverages may not leave the
tent. Food will also be available at the High School Theater.
Recycling. Help us make this a Go Green Festival by
disposing of recyclables in the appropriate recycling containers.
Merchandise. Inventory is limited, so buy your Festival
souvenirs early. Quality gifts are available at reasonable prices.
Pets are not permitted in the Big Tent or theaters. A PATcertified service dog may accompany its owner.
Lost & found is located at the Info Booth in the Big Tent.
Movies at Midway management does not allow backpacks,
large bags, or outside food or beverages of any kind in the
Theater lights are programmed to partially illuminate at the
start of credits and fully illuminate when credits are over. For
your safety, remain seated until the lights are on full strength.
No cameras or other recording devices may be used during
film screenings. Please turn off all electronic devices (cell
phones, beepers, etc.).
Theater accessibility. An elevator is available to the
upstairs screening room. Ask any theater employee for help.
Theater temperatures. Temperatures in each theater will
fluctuate due to audience size and location of fans.
Theater trash removal. Please take your trash with you as
you exit the theater and deposit in a trash receptacle.
Step-by-step Guide to the Festival
5 Purchase tickets
F ilm Schedule
Movie Site Key:
Movies at Midway = MAM
Cape Henlopen High School = CHHS
Screening Room = SCR
Film Schedule
Wed [Nov 5]
The Dark Valley
MAM 5:15 PM
7:10 PM
The Liberator
CHHS 6:15 PM
8:15 PM
The Zig Zag Kid
MAM 6:35 PM
8:10 PM
We Are the Nobles
MAM 10:00 AM 11:50 AM
A Thousand Times Good Night 31
MAM 6:45 PM
8:40 PM
The Overnighters
MAM 10:00 AM 11:40 AM
Zero Motivation
MAM 7:00 PM
8:45 PM
Human Capital
MAM 10:15 AM 12:10 PM
Third Person
MAM 7:40 PM
10:00 PM
Zero Motivation
MAM 10:20 AM 12:00 PM
Mood Indigo
MAM 8:40 PM
10:15 PM
Mood Indigo
MAM 12:10 PM 1:45 PM
The Last of Robin Hood
CHHS 9:00 PM
10:35 PM
Variety Shorts
70-71 MAM 12:20 PM 2:10 PM
The Way He Looks
MAM 9:10 PM
10:50 PM
The Dark Valley
MAM 12:30 PM 2:25 PM
Everything We Loved
MAM 9:15 PM
10:55 PM
Third Person
MAM 12:40 PM 3:00 PM
MAM 2:15 PM
3:45 PM
Fri [Nov 7]
Little Accidents
MAM 2:30 PM
4:15 PM
MAM 3:00 PM
4:50 PM
Wild Canaries
MAM 3:30 PM
5:10 PM
Real to Reel Doc Shorts
10:00 AM 11:45 AM
The Zig Zag Kid
MAM 4:15 PM
5:50 PM
10:00 AM 11:30 AM
Tru Love
MAM 4:45 PM
6:20 PM
Wild Canaries
10:15 AM 11:55 AM
The Notebook
MAM 5:20 PM
7:10 PM
Life Feels Good
MAM 5:30 PM
7:20 PM
Land Ho!
10:20 AM 12:00 PM
Living is Easy with Eyes Closed 46
MAM 6:20 PM
8:10 PM
Code Black
12:00 PM 1:25 PM
Real to Reel Doc Shorts
MAM 6:50 PM
8:35 PM
Tru Love
12:15 PM 1:50 PM
Elsa and Fred
MAM 7:40 PM
9:25 PM
Living is Easy with Eyes Closed 46
12:25 PM 2:15 PM
Everything We Loved
MAM 7:50 PM
9:30 PM
Land Ho!
MAM 8:40 PM
10:20 PM
Third Person
12:30 PM 2:50 PM
Still Life
MAM 9:05 PM
10:35 PM
1:55 PM
3:45 PM
Mexican Shorts
72-73 MAM
2:20 PM
4:05 PM
2:45 PM
4:10 PM
The Notebook
3:20 PM
5:10 PM
Stations of the Cross
4:15 PM
6:05 PM
Thur [Nov 6]
Mexican Shorts
72-73 MAM 10:00 AM 11:45 AM
We are the Nobles
4:35 PM
6:25 PM
Love is Strange
MAM 10:00 AM 11:40 AM
Human Capital
4:40 PM
6:35 PM
Watchers of the Sky
MAM 10:15 AM 12:15 PM
Run Boy Run
MAM 10:20 AM 12:10 PM
The Overnighters
5:40 PM
7:20 PM
Stations of the Cross
MAM 12:10 PM 2:00 PM
Listen Up Philip
CHHS 6:15 PM
8:05 PM
Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter 41
MAM 12:20 PM 2:05 PM
Elsa and Fred
6:35 PM
8:20 PM
The Dog
MAM 12:40 PM 2:25 PM
Little Accidents
7:00 PM
8:45 PM
52 Tuesdays
MAM 12:45 PM 2:35 PM
Love is Strange
7:05 PM
8:45 PM
Take Me to the River
MAM 2:30 PM
4:05 PM
10% Shorts
68-69 MAM 2:35 PM
4:20 PM
Life Feels Good
7:50 PM
9:40 PM
The Golden Dream
MAM 2:55 PM
4:45 PM
Run Boy Run
8:50 PM
10:40 PM
The Empty Hours
MAM 3:05 PM
4:45 PM
Tribute to Matt Haley
CHHS 9:00 PM
10:30 PM
MAM 4:35 PM
6:05 PM
Still Life
9:15 PM
10:45 PM
Appropriate Behavior
MAM 4:50 PM
6:15 PM
Variety Shorts
70-71 MAM
9:15 PM
11:05 PM
Alive Inside
MAM 5:15 PM
6:30 PM
Sat [Nov 8]
Sun [Nov 9]
Life Partners
10:00 AM 11:35 AM
Belle & Sebastian
CHHS 10:00 AM 11:40 AM
10:00 AM 11:50 AM
We Are the Nobles
MAM 10:00 AM 11:50 AM
CHHS 10:00 AM 11:45 AM
Watchers of the Sky
MAM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
The Dog
10:15 AM 12:00 PM
MAM 10:15 AM 11:45 AM
10:20 AM 11:50 AM
Living is Easy with Eyes Closed 46
MAM 10:30 AM 12:20 PM
10% Shorts
68-69 MAM
12:05 PM 1:50 PM
52 Tuesdays
MAM 11:45 AM 1:35 PM
The Golden Dream
12:20 PM 2:10 PM
El Cielo es Azul
MAM 12:20 PM 2:10 PM
Still Life
12:20 PM 1:50 PM
CHHS 12:30 PM 2:00 PM
Land Ho!
12:30 PM 2:10 PM
Audience Favorite #3
MAM 12:35 PM 2:25 PM
The Trip to Italy
CHHS 12:30 PM 2:20 PM
Point and Shoot
MAM 1:00 PM
2:40 PM
Regional Shorts
1:00 PM
2:35 PM
Life Partners
MAM 2:05 PM
3:40 PM
Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter
2:20 PM
4:05 PM
Human Capital
MAM 2:40 PM
4:35 PM
The Way He Looks
2:20 PM
4:00 PM
Life’s a Breeze
CHHS 3:00 PM
4:30 PM
Life Feels Good
2:40 PM
4:30 PM
Elsa and Fred
MAM 3:05 PM
4:50 PM
Point and Shoot
2:45 PM
4:25 PM
Alive Inside
MAM 3:20 PM
4:35 PM
A Bridge Apart / Rudy + Neal 77
3:00 PM
4:40 PM
A Thousand Times Good Night
CHHS 3:00 PM
4:55 PM
Audience Favorite #1
4:30 PM
6:20 PM
El Cielo es Azul
4:35 PM
6:25 PM
Appropriate Behavior
4:55 PM
6:20 PM
Wild Canaries
5:00 PM
6:40 PM
Red Right Return
5:15 PM
6:50 PM
My Old Lady
CHHS 6:00 PM
7:50 PM
Everything We Loved
6:50 PM
8:30 PM
Take Me to the River
6:50 PM
8:25 PM
Audience Favorite #2
7:00 PM
8:50 PM
Love is Strange
7:10 PM
8:50 PM
The Two Faces of January
CHHS 8:45 PM
10:25 PM
Code Black
9:00 PM
10:25 PM
Zero Motivation
9:00 PM
10:45 PM
Little Accidents
9:20 PM
11:05 PM
9:30 PM
10:55 PM
Events Schedule: [Nov 5-9]
Day Event
Start Location
Seminar: Cinema
South of the Border
9:00 AM
Big Tent
(bump out)
Seminar: Film Commissions
9:00 AM Big Tent
(bump out)
A Conversation with
Andrew Fierberg
9:00 pm
Big Tent
(bump out]
Sat Tequila Tasting
7:00 pm Big Tent
(bump out]
Sat Dogfish Head Beer Tasting
8:00 pm
Big Tent
(bump out]
Sat Mexican Folk Dancing
9:00 Pm​
Big Tent
Mexican Fiesta
11:00 am Sun
Closing Night Celebration
5:00 pm Big Tent
Mexican Hat Dance
5:00 PM
Big Tent
Big Tent
[bump out]
Film Schedule
Movie Site Key:
Movies at Midway = MAM
Cape Henlopen High School = CHHS
Screening Room = SCR
F ilm Index
Film Index
52 Tuesdays
A Bridge Apart
Regional Documentary
Little Accidents
Living is Easy With Eyes Closed Feature
A Thousand Times Good Night Feature
Love Is Strange
Alive Inside
Mood Indigo
Alone With People
10% Shorts
Mr. Invisible
Variety Shorts
Appropriate Behavior
My Old Lady
Audience Favorites
Not It
Mexican Shorts
Belle & Sebastian
The Notebook
Big Plans
Regional Shorts
Of Many
Doc Shorts
Bug Killer
Mexican Shorts
The Overnighters
Variety Shorts
Pickman’s Model
Mexican Shorts
Cherry Pop
Doc Shorts
Point and Shoot
El Cielo es Azul
Pony Place
Variety Shorts
Code Black
Red Right Return
Regional Feature
Cruising Electric 1980
10% Shorts
Regional Shorts
Rhino Full Throttle
Variety Shorts
The Dark Valley
Riding Solo to the Top of the World
Dinner at 40
10% Shorts
Rudy + Neal Go Fishing
Regional Documentary
Run Boy Run
The Dog
Safe Word
10% Shorts
Elsa and Fred
The Secret World of Foley
Doc Shorts
The Empty Hours
Secrets & Toys
10% Shorts
Everything We Loved
Sorta’ Horny
Regional Shorts
Regional Shorts
Stations of the Cross
Fool’s Day
Variety Shorts
Mexican Shorts
Still Life
The Gallant Captain
Variety Shorts
The Tailor’s Heart
Mexican Shorts
Take Me To The River
The Golden Dream
Talk To Strangers
Regional Shorts
The Gunfighter
Variety Shorts
The Teacher and The Flower Mexican Shorts
Human Capital
Third Person
Interview, 7 P.M.
Regional Shorts
Tom In America
10% Shorts
10% Shorts
The Trip To Italy
Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter Feature
Trouble and the Shadowy Death Blow Variety Shorts
Land Ho!
Tru Love
The Last of Robin Hood
The Two Faces of January
The Last Veil
Mexican Shorts
Under the Last Roof
Mexican Shorts
The Liberator
The Vampire Returns
Mexican Shorts
Life Feels Good
The War Photographers
Doc Shorts
Life Partners
Watchers of the Sky
Life’s A Breeze
The Way He Looks
We Are the Nobles
The Lion’s Mouth Opens
Doc Shorts
Wild Canaries
Listen Up Philip
Zero Motivation
The Zig Zag Kid
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Film Planner
Film Planner
A bou t the C over
About the Cover
The theme for the seventeenth anniversary of the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
was inspired by Claudia Ratner’s mixed digital media submission titled “Towering Infilmo”.
An iconic and beloved part of the coastal Delaware landscape, the towers provide a unique
and beautifully serene backdrop for beachgoers. As a local, Claudia grew up swimming
and surfing at Herring Point and Gordon’s Pond with the towers looming overhead.
Originally built as look-out towers during World War II, Claudia saw the towers’ artistic
Claudia Ratner
characteristics and used her original photograph as a starting point for her mixed digital
media artwork.
Claudia Ratner graduated from Cape Henlopen High School in June of this year. As
well as studying piano, Claudia’s extracurricular activities included 3 varsity sports,
National Honor Society and Leo’s Club. Her resume is very impressive for a recent high
school graduate with a variety of awards, recognitions, philanthropic experience, and
employment history. Claudia is currently in her freshman year at the University of South
Carolina majoring in Visual Communications. For many years Claudia attended the Film
Festival, but this year college studies will be a priority! Perhaps she can see some of the
films next summer from the Film Society’s Film Library.
Thank you Claudia for bringing a well-known historical landmark to life for this year’s Festival.
~ Rehoboth Beach Film Society
Original Cover Art
A special thanks to Geri DiBiase, Susanna Eisenman, Gilberto Rodriguez, and Nina Stamus for submitting wonderfully creative
art for consideration.
If you are interested in submitting artwork for the 2015 Festival, visit for
guidelines and due date.
The original artwork “Towering Infilmo”” will be available for purchase via a silent auction to be conducted
throughout the Festival. Bids may be placed at the Information Booth in the Big Tent until 5:00 pm, Sun (Nov 9). The
winning bid will be announced during the Closing Celebration.
Fe a tur e F ilms
A total of 3 screening slots on Saturday and Sunday have
been designated for encore screenings of films that
are popular and/or highly rated by audiences. Tickets
for Audience Favorite screenings cannot be purchased
Audience Favorites
Audience Favorite #1
SatNOV 8
4:30 PM-6:20 PM
Audience Favorite #2
SatNOV 8
7:00 PM-8:50 PM
Audience Favorite #3
SunNOV 9
12:35 PM-2:25 PM
Movie Location: Movies at Midway
until they are announced. The Audience Favorites for Saturday will be
announced around 7:00 PM on Friday and the Audience Favorites for
Sunday will be announced around 7:00 PM on Saturday.
52 Tuesdays
Best Directing, Sundance Film Festival.
Best First Feature, InsideOut (Toronto Gay and Lesbian Film Festival).
Best Film, Generation 14plus, and Reader Jury
of the “Siegessäule, Berlinale.”
12:45 PM-2:35 PM
11:45 AM-1:35 PM
Movie Location: Movies at Midway
Sixteen-year-old Billie is blindsided by the news that
her mother is planning to transition from female to
male and that, during this time, Billie will live at her
father’s house. Billie and her mother have always been
extremely close, so the two make an agreement to meet
every Tuesday during their year apart. As her mother
transitions and becomes less emotionally available,
Billie covertly explores her own identity and sexuality
with two older schoolmates, testing the limits of her
own power, desire, and independence. Director Sophie
Hyde’s methodical, but organic, approach to filmmaking
results in a deeply authentic, bittersweet, and textured experience.
The fictional 52 Tuesdays was shot on a regimen of chronological
Tuesdays, allowing the characters to develop and evolve visually and
emotionally, their natural highs and lows unfolding before us. The role
of technology becomes central as both parent and child use modern
tools to document and alter their lives, compelling themselves, and
everyone around them, to arrive at a place of naked honesty.
[Dir. Sophie Hyde, 2014, Australia, DCP, 109 mins.]
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury -
Special Mention and Special Grand Prize of the Jury,
Montreal World Film Festival
Hosted by:
thursNOV 6
6:45 PM-8:40 PM
Bob & Val Cloutier
3:00 PM-4:55 PM
Rehoboth Art League
Thursday: Movies at Midway
Saturday: Cape Henlopen High School
Rebecca (Juliette Binoche, absolutely superb as a
highly-conflicted, work-obsessed photojournalist)
is one of world’s top war photojournalists, capturing
dangerous and chilling images in the most dire
landscapes, all in an effort to shed light on the real
cost of modern war. But she’s also a wife and mother,
leaving behind a husband and two young daughters
every time she travels to a new combat zone. After
a near-death experience chronicling the ritual of
a female suicide bomber, husband Marcus (Nikolaj
Coster-Waldau, Game of Thrones) levels an ultimatum:
give up the dangerous profession or lose the family
she counts on being there when she returns from each assignment.
Yet the conviction that her photos can make a difference keeps
pulling at Rebecca’s resolve, making it difficult for her to walk away
entirely. With an offer to photograph a refugee camp in Kenya, a
place allegedly so safe that daughter Steph is allowed to join her,
Rebecca comes face to face with just how much she risks each time
she steps back into the fray.
[Dir. Erik Poppe, 2014, Norway, Blu-ray, 111 mins. In English]
4:50 PM-6:15 PM
4:55 PM-6:20 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
For Shirin, being part of a perfect Persian family isn’t
easy. Acceptance eludes her from all sides: her family
doesn’t know she’s bisexual, and her ex-girlfriend,
Maxine, can’t understand why she doesn’t tell them.
Even the six-year-old boys in her moviemaking class
are too ADD to focus on her for more than a second.
Following a family announcement of her brother’s
betrothal to a parentally-approved Iranian prize catch,
Shirin embarks on a private rebellion involving a series
of pansexual escapades, while trying to decipher
what went wrong with Maxine. Written and directed
by Desiree Akhavan (who also stars), Appropriate
Behavior introduces a gray area to the LGBT coming-out
narrative; in an Iranian-American family, sharing information about
one’s sexuality isn’t always the right approach to liberation. With her
priceless deadpan delivery, Akhavan’s portrayal of Shirin is the film’s
true revelation. She is a woman caught between self-doubt and selfpossession, trapped in a web of family mores and societal expectations
with all their accompanying, and often-hilarious complexities.
[Dir. Desiree Akhavan, 2014, USA/UK, DCP, 82 mins. In English and
Farsi with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
A Thousand Times
Good night
Fe a tur e F ilms
Belle and Sebastian
(Belle et Sebastien)
Hosted by:
Clive F. Getty
10:00 AM-11:40 AM
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
There is perhaps no cinematic bond stronger than
that of the friendship between a boy and his dog. In
this film adaptation by Nicolas Vanier of the popular
novel, the setting has been shifted to World War II
on the French/Swiss border. Sébastien lives with his
grizzled grandfather, César, in a vertiginous mountain
village and crosses paths with a giant, filthy Pyrenean
Mountain Dog who the locals have dubbed “the Beast”
for allegedly killing livestock. Sébastien, however,
sees something good in the misunderstood canine and
eventually befriends the animal, naming her “Belle.”
Their budding friendship is put to the test when Nazi
occupiers march into town looking for members of the
French Resistance, who are guiding Jewish refugees to neighboring
Switzerland. With their intimate knowledge of the nooks and crannies
of the alpine valleys, Belle and Sébastien help point the way to safety,
with the merciless SS officer, Lieutenant Peter, tracking them every
step of the way. Using 35mm film and jaw-dropping scenery, Belle
and Sébastien is a charming homage to the beloved live-action nature
films of Disney, but with a pulse-pounding World War II subplot that
will thrill audiences of all ages.
[Dir. Nicolas Vanier, 2013, France, Blu-ray, 99 mins. In French with
English subtitles.]
El Cielo es AzuL
(The Sky is Blue)
Hosted by:
satNOV 8
4:35 PM-6:25 PM
Barry Worthington
12:20 PM-2:10 PM
Movie Location: Movies at Midway
Festival favorite Andrew Fierberg, producer of over
30 award winning films, makes his directorial debut
with a light, masterful touch in the wild romp, El Cielo
es Azul. Arturo (Osvaldo Benevides) and Oscar (Miguel
Rodarte) are a couple of wealthy man-children from
Mexico who come to New York City to party. Before
long they are joyriding in stolen cars, getting high,
seducing women and being chased by Immigration
Officials who suspect them of being terrorists. Fleeing
Manhattan, they find themselves in the Hamptons
where their shenanigans almost cost them their
freedom. Along the journey, the men meet up with an
assortment of beautiful, troubled and poetic characters that could
only inhabit an Indie film. Among the crazy cast of characters are
those played by ultra talented Stephanie Stigman ( Miss Bala) and
Barbara Sukowa (RBIFF 13 Hannah Arendt). Mistaken identities and
sexual promiscuity abound in this rambunctious comedy full of life,
love and hope, a true riot from start to finish.
[Dir. Andrew Fierberg, 2014, USA, Blu-ray, 91 mins.
In English and Spanish with English subtitles.]
Both screenings include a Q&A with the director.
Hosted by:
Super Snooper LLC
12:30 PM-2:00 PM
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
In order to forget the stress of their daily lives, a group
of friends in a Tel Aviv suburb get together to watch
Universong, a Eurovision-like television song contest.
Yael is a former beauty queen unfulfilled by her job;
Dana is a stressed-out aide to a cabinet minister trying
to please her traditional father; Anat , has a successful
bakery but an unsuccessful marriage; Keren is a shy
blogger; Efrat is a frustrated singer- songwriter; and
Ofer is a nursery-school teacher who is upset that
his boyfriend is still in the closet and won’t publicly
acknowledge their romance. When the Universong
finale rolls around, they gather to watch and are
depressed by the lackluster Israeli entry, a parody of
many recent offerings, a flashy, grating song about “amour.” After
they realize that Anat is distraught over the crisis in her marriage,
they compose a song to cheer her up. As a lark, Ofer enters their
cellphone video of it in next year’s contest, and it becomes Israel’s
entry. Cupcakes is infectious and glorious escapism with light and
catchy music. It is like taking an extravagant 90-minute vacation
from reality, and who couldn’t use a vacation these days?
[Dir. Eytan Fox, 2013, Israel/France, Blu-ray, 90 mins.
In Hebrew, French and English with English subtitles.]
The Dark Valley
(Das finstere Tal)
Best Actor and Best Director, Bavarian Film Awards.
Best Supporting Actor, Best Director, Best Cinematographer and Silver Award
Best Feature Film, German Film Awards
Austria’s Oscar® submission for Best Foreign Language Film
12:30 PM-2:25 PM
5:15 PM-7:10 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Somewhere high in the Alps, Greider, a lone rider,
makes his way along a hidden path and reaches a
small remote village. Nobody knows where he’s from
and, met with blatant distrust, nobody wants him in the
village. The sons of old Brenner, the village patriarch
who holds the entire community under his threatening,
violent ways, would have chased him away if Greider
hadn’t given them a fistful of gold coins. Greider
finds accommodations with the widow Gader and her
young daughter, Luzi. Soon to be married, Luzi is full
of trepidation because in this valley a wedding comes
with a terrible tradition. In the depths of winter, the
village is cut off by snowfall, barely a ray of sunlight reaches the
valley, and a tragic accident leads to the death of one of Brenner’s
beloved sons. When another son is mysteriously killed, it’s clear
this is not a coincidence: the time has come for Brenner’s family to
pay. The Dark Valley is a stylish and compelling revenge drama that
utilizes the motifs from the Western to depict the silent battle of a
community with its own laws.
[Dir. Andreas Prochaska, 2014, Austria/Germany, DCP, 114 mins.
In German with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Fe a tur e F ilms
WEDNov 5
2:15 PM-3:45 PM
4:35 PM-6:05 PM
10:20 AM-11:50 AM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
As the Allies march toward Paris in the summer of 1944,
Hitler gives orders that the French capital should not
fall into enemy hands, or if it does, then ‘only as a field of
rubble’. The person assigned to carry out this barbaric
act is Wehrmacht commander of Greater Paris, General
Dietrich von Choltitz, who already has mines planted on
the Eiffel Tower, in the Louvre and Notre Dame, and on
the bridges over the Seine. Nothing should be left as a
reminder of the city’s former glory. However, at dawn
on August 25, Swedish Consul General Raoul Nordling
steals into German headquarters and there starts a
tension-filled game of cat and mouse as Nordling tries to
persuade Choltitz to abandon his plan. In this passionate
and emotional film, the great Volker Schlöndorff (Academy Award
winner The Tin Drum) has created a psychologically elaborate game of
political manners between two highly-contrasting characters. While
Choltitz entrenches himself behind his duty to obey unquestioningly all
military orders, Nordling tries everything he can to appeal to reason
and humanity and prevent the senseless destruction of the beloved
‘City of Lights’.
[Dir. Volker Schlöndorff, 2014, France/Germany, DCP, 88 mins.
In French and German with English subtitles.]
Elsa and Fred
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Hosted by:
nov 5
7:40 PM-9:25 PM
Michael & Pinky King
6:35 PM-8:20 PM
Tanger Outlets
3:05 PM-4:50 PM
D. Grinstead & D. Pirkey
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
If you saw Elsa and Fred, Best Feature at the 2006
RBIFF, this is not the same film. A new stellar cast, new
location, and no sub-titles make this version a must see!
Elsa (Shirley MacLaine) is a feisty widow with a thing for
Fellini, and a tendency to stretch the truth a few extra
notches. Fred (Christopher Plummer) is a dyed-in-thewool curmudgeon, seemingly content to grumble at
anything within the proximity of his spacious New Orleans
apartment. When a housewares-related mishap brings
these next-door neighbors together, the sparks that fly are
far from the love-at-first-sight variety. As the two come into
increased contact with each other’s considerable quirks,
however, some exhilarating new possibilities begin to enter
the picture. Remaking the celebrated Spanish-Argentine
original, director Michael Radford’s film works as a refreshingly nonsaccharine look at the struggles, and rewards, of forging a relationship
in the twilight years, as well as a justified victory lap for its two stars,
who play off each beautifully. Bolstered by an exceptional supporting
cast (including Marcia Gay Harden, Scott Bakula, George Segal, and Chris
Noth), MacLaine and Plummer bring a lifetime of collective experience
to their scenes together, with a give-and-take energy that’s a wonder to
behold. Their unique chemistry results in a movie that feels both light and
deep, and which comes by its considerable emotions honestly.
[Dir. Michael Radford, 2014, USA, DCP, 104 mins.]
Fe a tur e F ilms
The Empty Hours
(Las horas muertas)
Best Artistic Contribution, Tokyo International Film Festival
nov 6
3:05 PM-4:45 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
When Uncle Gerry becomes ill, he puts his 17-year-old
nephew Sebastian in charge of the seedy motel he runs.
It’s certainly not the classiest joint as customers rent by
the hour, and curtains are pulled over the carports so
no one can see their cars from the street. With his uncle
away in the city for treatment, Sebastian is left alone to
take care of the daily operations. It’s a boring existence
that is void of any real interactions since the customers
are usually in a hurry. He’s also forced to clean up after
them, as the motel still doesn’t have a competent maid.
or doesn’t show. The loneliness between Miranda and Sebastian leads
them to small talk, forming a friendship that teeters on the brink of sex.
She’s drawn to his innocence, while his hormones are enamored by the
guidance of an older, more experienced woman. But, as The Empty Hours
skillfully demonstrates, sex isn’t everything.
Miranda, a real estate agent, comes to the motel frequently
to hook up with her married boyfriend, who’s often late
[Dir. Aarón Fernández, 2013, Mexico, DCP, 100 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
This film is part of the Country Spotlight: Mexico
Everything We Loved
nov 5
7:50 PM-9:30 PM
9:15 PM-10:55 PM
6:50 PM-8:30 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Charlie once made a living as a traveling magician. His
picture-perfect marriage and family, though, has been
torn asunder by a crippling loss. What will Charlie do to
reclaim the family he loves? In this arresting drama, the
ideal of marriage and parenthood is tested by Charlie’s
grief-driven deviance, his overwhelming desire to raise
a child, and his ability to create the grandest illusion of
them all: happiness. With a young boy named Tommy
as a prop, Charlie’s wife Angela eventually becomes
complicit in the couple’s charade. Will Tommy fall under
their spell too, or will the grand illusion come unraveled? Writer/director
Max Currie’s debut feature is a stunning, even-handed depiction of the
lengths we’ll go to create and maintain the appearance of happiness.
But don’t be fooled; there is more here than meets the eye. Everything
We Loved is a fragile, meditative critique of the damage that arises from
emotional sleight-of-hand.
[Dir. Max Currie, 2013, New Zealand, DCP, 100 mins.]
MPAA Rating: PG-13
10:00 AM-11:45 AM
Feature Films
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
Set along the tumultuous border area of Arizona and
Mexico, Michael Berry’s drama examines the chain of
events that play out when a former Arizona Sheriff’s
wife is killed while riding on their Ranch property.
It would appear a Mexican man crossing into the US
illegally is at fault. As the former Sheriff and current
Sheriff search for answers, lives are changed forever
and the facts as to who is really at fault in this tragedy
are nearly as tenuous and complex as the issues and
tensions between the people who live in this region on
either side of the line. Frontera’s all-star cast including
Ed Harris, Eva Longoria, Amy Madigan and Michael Pena
confront the difficult issues through a multi-layered, and emotionally
powerful story. The film takes a neutral stance on illegal immigration
and human trafficking by examining both sides of the complex issues
that deeply affects the U.S. and Mexico. It shows that a border might
divide two countries, but can’t divide humanity, for good or bad, we are
all part of the problem and the solution.
[Dir. Michael Berry, 2014, USA, Blu-ray, 103 mins. In English and
Spanish with English subtitles.]
2:45 PM-4:10 PM
9:30 PM-10:55 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
A nurturer by nature, cute, 18-year-old Lake is in what
seems to be a successful relationship with impassioned,
feminist girlfriend Desiree. But underneath the placid
surface, Lake has a particular fetish; he is attracted to
much older men, possessing a penchant for pensioners,
if you will. When his boozy mother, Marie, secures him a
gap-year job as an orderly at the Coup de Coeur nursing
home, Lake strikes up a romance with octogenarian
Melvyn Peabody, who springs to life when his young
lover begins replacing his meds with martinis. As people
discover their secret, the sexual outlaws head out on a
fugitive road trip, and before long, their relationship no longer seems
as unusual as it first appears. Don’t be frightened by the presence
of Canadian trash-art provocateur and director Bruce LaBruce.
Gerontophilia is as sweet and pleasing as his earlier works were
hardcore and confrontational. Wiser than he used to be, LaBruce rolls
out a beautiful and charming tale of love beyond prejudice. Gerontophilia
is an unapologetically queer update of Harold and Maude, sure to get a
rise…and tears…from generations new and old.
[Dir. Bruce LaBruce, 2013, Canada, DCP, 81 mins.]
Fe a tur e F ilms
The Golden Dream
(La Jaula De oro)
Best International Feature, Zurich Film Festival, Best Film Audience Award,
Best Director and Human Values Award, Thessaloniki Film Festival.
Critics Award Best Film and International Jury Award,
Sao Paulo International Film Festival. Best Film, Mar del Plata Film Festival.
Best Ensemble Cast, Cannes Film Festival
nov 6
2:55 PM-4:45 PM
12:20 PM-2:10 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Sara, a Guatemalan teenager, chops her hair off and
disguises herself as a boy. She’s joined by her friends
Juan and Samuel on a thrilling and brutal journey
north, hopping freight trains headed for Los Angeles.
A blossoming attraction to a Tzotzil Indian boy named
Chauk she meets on the way leads to anger and
bitterness. However, as the group faces life-and-death
challenges from bandits and corrupt law enforcement
they learn crucial life lessons about friendship and
loyalty. In his ambitious debut feature, director Diego
Quemada-Diez brings a gritty, near-documentary realism
and social conscience to a story about the excitement and horror young
Central American migrants regularly face. Quemada-Diez captures his
characters’ youthful sense of adventure as they pursue a dream that
may not be all that it seems. The remarkable cast of untrained actors
won a special prize in the Un Certain Regard section of the Cannes Film
[Dir. Diego Quemada-Diez, 2013, Mexico, DCP, 108 mins. In Spanish
with English subtitles.]
This film is part of the Country Spotlight: Mexico
Human Capital
(Il capitale umano)
Best Actress, Valerie Bruni Tedeschi, Tribeca Film Festival WED
nov 5
Hosted by:
10:15 AM-12:10 PM
4:40 PM-6:35 PM
SunNOV 9
2:40 PM-4:35 PM
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Human Capital begins at the end, as a cyclist is run
off the road by a careening SUV the night before
Christmas Eve. As details emerge of the events leading
up to the accident, the lives of the well-to-do Bernaschi
family, privileged and detached, will intertwine with
the Rovellis, struggling to keep their comfortable
middle-class life, in ways neither could have expected.
Dino Rovelli, in dire financial straits, anticipates
the birth of twins with his second wife. Meanwhile,
Dino’s teenage daughter’s relationship with hedge
fund manager Giovanni Bernaschi’s playboy son
complicates an already tricky social dance of status,
money and ambition. Paolo Virzi’s taut character study
deconstructs the typical linear narrative, observing transformative
events from each character’s perspective. The result is a nuanced
account of desire, greed and the value of human life in an age of
rampant capitalism and financial manipulation. Valeria Golina and
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, two of Italy’s leading actresses, star in a story
based on Stephen Amidon’s best-selling book of the same name that
twists love, class, and ambition into a singular, true-life story.
[Dir. Paolo Virzi, 2014, Italy, DCP, 111 mins. In Italian with
English subtitles.]
Best Film and Best Director, Las Palmas Film Festival
Best Film, Little Rock Film Festival
Special Jury Mention for Music, Sundance Film Festival
Hosted by:
12:20 PM-2:05 PM
The Cristy-Stafford’s
2:20 PM-4:05 PM
Lois Cortese & Jill Stokes
nov 6
SatNOV 8
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Kumiko lives in a cluttered, cramped apartment in
Tokyo with her pet rabbit, Bunzo. She works as an
office lady, robotically preparing tea and fetching dry
cleaning for her nitpicky boss. But on her own time,
she obsessively watches the well-known American
film Fargo on a weathered VHS tape. Rewinding and
fast-forwarding repeatedly, she meticulously maps
out where a briefcase of castaway loot is buried within
the fictional film. After hours of intense research—
convinced that her destiny depends on finding the
money—Kumiko heads to the United States and into
the harsh Minnesota winter to search for it. Inspired by
an urban legend about a Japanese woman who took a
similar journey, filmmaker brothers David and Nathan
Zellner tackle their most ambitious project to date. The Zellners’
love for lonely eccentrics remains intact, and Rinko Kikuchi gives
a fascinating performance as the introspective, withdrawn Kumiko,
whose increasing discomfort in the world leads her to retreat ever
further into isolation. Shot with breathtaking precision, offbeat,
funny, and lyrically beautiful, Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter soars to
transcendence as it reveals the beauty in the quest for reality, even
if that reality is just your own.
[Dir. David Zellner, 2014, USA/Japan, Blu-ray, 104 mins. In English
and Japanese with English subtitles.]
Best Film, Palm Springs International Film Festival Hosted by:
nov 5
3:00 PM-4:50 PM
1:55 PM-3:45 PM
AAUW Delaware
10:00 AM-11:50 AM
Karen Wexler
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Nearly 44,000 children are abducted in India every year,
a quarter of whom are never traced. Most probably
wind up in the sex trade. That’s the background for this
powerful social protest film, inspired by a true story.
Thirteen-year-old Lakshmi is abducted along with
several other girls. Taken to a brothel, she learns from
a more experienced roommate how to survive. But
Lakshmi is not ready to accept her fate. Her repeated
attempts to escape only serve to remind her of the
futility of her situation, until one day the appearance
of a social worker offers a ray of hope. Against all
odds, the terrorized, degraded and scarred child is
more determined than ever to fight back. Resisting threats, coercion
and bribes, she shows rare courage and determination to stand up
in court in what becomes a landmark case. While an intense film,
Lakshmi is the true story of a remarkable child whose spirit could
not be broken.
[Dir. Nagesh Kukunoor, 2013, India, DCP, 109 mins. In Hindi
with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
the Treasure Hunter
Fe a tur e F ilms
Land Ho!
MPAA Rating: R
Best Director – Karlovy Vary International
Hosted by:
8:40 PM-10:20 PM
In Memory of Eve Kovalchick
10:20 AM-12:00 PM
12:30 PM-2:10 PM
Summer House Restaurant
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Feeling disenchanted with life after retirement,
Mitch, a brassy former surgeon, convinces mildmannered Colin, his ex-brother-in-law, to holiday
with him in Iceland. The pair set off through Reykjavik
ice bars, trendy spas, and adventurous restaurants
in an attempt to reclaim their youth, but they quickly
discover that you can’t escape yourself, no matter how
far you travel. Land Ho! is a bawdy road-trip comedy as
well as a candid exploration of aging, loneliness, and
friendship. Iceland’s vast and haunting landscapes
with its moss-coated cliffs, fog-shrouded mountains,
geothermal pools, and otherworldly Northern Lights,
form a perfect backdrop for Mitch and Colin’s adventures. Cowriters/directors Martha Stephens and Aaron Katz present seniors
as we rarely see them in film: multidimensional characters full of
life. Paul Eenhoorn displays remarkable comedic chemistry with Earl
Lynn Nelson, who delivers an extraordinary breakout performance
as a man refusing to go gentle into that good night
[Dirs. Martha Stephens and Aaron Katz, 2014, USA/Iceland, DCP,
96 mins. In English]
The Last of
Robin Hood
MPAA Rating: R
Hosted by:
Teller Wines
9:00 PM-10:35 PM
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
Kevin Kline stars as swashbuckling Hollywood star and
notorious ladies’ man Errol Flynn in this stylish biopic
about the actor’s final years and romance with underage
starlet Beverly Aadland (Dakota Fanning). When Flynn
first pursues Aadland, she is hesitant; it is her ambitious
mother Florence (Susan Sarandon), her own dreams of
stardom shattered, who encourages the relationship.
Despite their May-December age difference, Flynn
and Aadland find themselves to be kindred spirits. He
provides her with excitement and freedom from the
tyranny of pursuing a career only her mother wants; she offers him
true affection as his popularity fades. Fanning is sweetly genuine as
the mature nymphet, and Sarandon paints a sharp yet sympathetic
portrait of misdirected ambition. Kline is superb as Errol Flynn,
charming, immature, generous, and ultimately afraid; a man shielding
himself with youth against the looming specter of death.
[Dirs. Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland, 2013, USA, Blu-ray,
94 mins.]
Venezuela’s Oscar® submission
Best Foreign Language Film
Hosted by:
The Breakers
nov 6
6:15 PM-8:15 PM
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
There is arguably no single figure as important to the
story of independence and democracy in the Americas
as Simón Bolívar (1783-1830). The Venezuelan military
and political leader played a critical role in ushering
Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Peru, and Ecuador toward
autonomy in the wake of Spanish domination. History
has long cemented Bolívar’s status as a visionary, but
even during his lifetime he was commonly known by his
people as “The Liberator.” Alberto Arvelo’s ambitious,
gorgeously-produced epic traces his transformation
from a dashing 19th century aristocrat, who wooed
and won a great Spanish beauty as his wife, into a fiery
and embattled revolutionary with a powerful army at his command.
Charismatic Venezuelan star Édgar Ramírez imbues Bolívar with a
complex humanity. Despondent after the premature death of his wife,
Bolívar spent years in exile in Europe, reveling in decadence, before
rediscovering his social conscience and returning to his native land.
There, taking up the sword, he began his amazing series of military
triumphs, captured in all their chaotic fury by Arvelo’s camera.
[Dir. Alberto Avelo, 2013, Venezuela/Spain, Blu-ray, 119 mins. In
Spanish, English and French with English subtitles.]
Life Feels Good
(Chce sie zyc)
Audience Award Best Film, Best Actor,
Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Screenplay, Polish Film Awards. Jury Prize for Best Film,
Cleveland International Film Festival.
Golden Space Needle Best Actor,
Seattle International Film Festival. Audience Award,
Grand Prix des Americas and Ecumenical Prize,
Montreal World Film Festival. Audience Award for Best Film,
Chicago International Film Festival WED
Heartbreaking and humorous, Life Feels Good has
thrilled international audiences and swept the
Polish Film Awards with virtuosic acting from Dawid
Ogrodnik as Mateusz, a romantic, good-natured man
with cerebral palsy who yearns to be understood
by his family and friends. As he’s grown up, doctors
and experts have considered Mateusz a ‘vegetable’
with little capacity for communication, and in doing
so, disregarded his rich personality and emotional
life. Based on a true story, Life Feels Good is a
winning testament to the endurance of the human
spirit. Ogrodnik plays Mateusz with astute brilliance
as he grows into a man in 1980’s Poland, a cultural
climate rife with discrimination. As Mateusz meets
his challenges head-on (like devising an ingenious,
agile way to move around his home), his family tries to
nov 5
5:30 PM-7:20 PM
7:50 PM-9:40 PM
2:40 PM-4:30 PM Hosted by:
Arthur & Sallie Melvin
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
overcome their frustrations with naysaying clinical and institutional
specialists. Mateusz has a breakthrough after meeting a teacher
of Bliss language, a popular method to help engender nonverbal
communication, and their collaboration revolutionizes Mateusz’s
life. This award-winning film miraculously underscores the vital
importance of being heard and understood.
[Dir. Maciej Pieprzyca, 2013, Poland, DCP, 107 mins, In Polish with
English subtitles.]
Feature Films
The Liberator
Fe a tur e F ilms
Life Partners
MPAA Rating: R
satNOV 8
10:00 AM-11:35 AM
sunNOV 9
2:05 PM-3:40 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Straight Paige (Gillian Jacobs) and lesbian Sasha
(Leighton Meester) are codependent best friends in
their late 20s who have spent the last ten years acting
more like wives than friends: they talk to each other
on the toilet; they drive each other to the doctor. And
as with any good marriage, they’re a perfect yin and
yang. Until the night Paige meets Tim (Adam Brody).
Despite some superficial drawbacks, he’s the kind of
guy you marry. As Paige and Tim’s relationship grows,
the bond between Paige and Sasha inevitably shifts.
Suddenly without a “partner,” Sasha is left to examine
her own shortcomings and panic about her impending
30th birthday. Passive-aggressive conflict brews in their friendship
until the girls must finally confront the question they’ve been
avoiding: can their friendship survive growing up? With a hilarious
supporting cast including Gabourey Sidibe, this riotous look at love
and courtship in L.A. reminds us that, gay or straight, we’re all in the
same leaky, love boat together! Susanna Fogel directs this femaledriven comedy, filtered through the indescribable complexities of
female friendship.
[Dir. Susanna Fogel, 2014, USA, DCP, 95 mins.]
Life’s A Breeze
MPAA Rating: R
nov 9
3:00 PM-4:30 PM
Hosted by:
Marge LaFond
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
Thirteen-year-old Dubliner Emma isn’t too thrilled
about being assigned the task of paying daily visits
to her grandmother Nan (Fionnula Flanagan), who
is fiercely independent and politely described by her
offspring as “argumentative.” With economic woes
battering Ireland and everyday life delivering the
occasional sucker punch, tensions percolate within
Emma’s clan. What this family needs is a major
windfall, and they might just get one. It’s revealed that
Nan has been squirrelling away cash in her mattress
for decades. Unfortunately, when her children surprised their mother
with a home makeover, they tossed the mattress into the trash. A
scouring of local landfills is undertaken, and soon the entire country
joins in the hunt. Great humor springs from unwise expenditures,
but even while purse strings get tighter, resources such as familial
solidarity and resilience are found in great abundance.
[Dir. Lance Daly, 2013, Ireland/Sweden, Blu-ray, 83 mins.
In English]
Cinematography Award, World Dramatic Competition, Sundance Film Festival
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
The sudden death of a young London man named Kai
leaves his headstrong Chinese-Cambodian mother,
Junn, and his boyfriend, Richard, each in a personal
and profound state of grief. Feeling a strong sense of
responsibility toward Kai’s only family member, Richard
reaches out to Junn, who has been biding time in an
assisted-living home. Though Junn speaks little English,
her dislike of Richard is plain, and she meets him with
stony resistance. Since they share no common language,
Richard hires a translator to facilitate communication,
and the two improbable relatives attempt to reach across
a chasm of misunderstanding through their memories of
Kai. Writer/Director Hong Khaou’s intimate debut feature
film dances between the real and imaginary to express the unspeakable
loss that both characters experience. Quiet and spare, Lilting boasts
delicate performances by Ben Whishaw and legendary Chinese actress
Pei-Pei Cheng, who sustain a palpable sense of discomfort when in each
other’s presence onscreen. Lilting is a perceptive meditation on the path
to connection between two human souls and reveals that what separates
us can also bind us together.
[Dir. Hong Khaou, 2013, UK, DCP, 86 mins. In English and Mandarin
with English subtitles.]
Listen Up Philip
Hosted by:
John Metz
nov 7
6:15 PM-8:05 PM
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
Anger rages in Philip as he awaits the publication of his
sure-to-succeed second novel. He feels pushed out of
his adopted home city by the constant crowds and noise,
a deteriorating relationship with his photographer
girlfriend Ashley, and his own indifference to promoting
the novel. When Philip’s idol, Ike Zimmerman, offers
his isolated summer home as a refuge, he finally gets
the peace and quiet to focus on his favorite subject—
himself. Director Alex Ross Perry scripts a complex,
intimate, and highly idiosyncratic comedy filled with
New Yorkers living their lives somewhere between individuality and
isolation. Jason Schwartzman leads an impressive cast, including
Elisabeth Moss, Krysten Ritter, and Jonathan Pryce, balancing Perry’s
quick-witted dialogue and their characters’ painful, personal truths.
With narration by Eric Bogosian, we switch perspectives as seasons
and attitudes change, offering a literary look into the lives of these
individuals and the triumph of reality over the human spirit.
[Dir. Alex Ross Perry, 2014, USA, Blu-ray, 108 mins.]
Feature Films
Fe a tur e F ilms
Little Accidents
WEDNov 5
2:30 PM-4:15 PM
7:00 PM-8:45 PM
9:20 PM-11:05 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
When a mining disaster tears at the fabric of an
Appalachian coal-mining town, the lives of three very
different inhabitants become inexplicably tangled in
a web of secrets. Amos Jenkins, the sole survivor of
the tragedy, unwillingly becomes a focal point of the
resulting investigation. As tensions rise over who is to
blame for the deadly mishap, the teenage son of a top
executive at the coal mine goes missing. Diane, the boy’s
mother, grows emotionally estranged from her husband,
Bill, as they search in vain for their child. Turning to
the local church for support, Diane not only finds a comforting friend
in Amos but also meets one of her son’s classmates, Owen Briggs,
whom she learns was present at the time of his disappearance. In
this Sundance Film Festival favorite, Little Accidents utilizes gorgeous
photography while exploring the intricacies of small-town social order
to startling effect. Director Sarah Colangelo illustrates how, in times
of tragedy, we find solace in the unlikeliest of places.
[Dir. Sara Colangelo, 2014, USA, Blu-ray, 105 mins.]
Living is Easy with Eyes Closed
(Vivir es fácil con los ojos cerrados)
Best Film, Best Actor, Best Director and Best New Actress, Hosted
Goya Awards (Spainsh Oscars). Best Cine-Latino Film,
Palm Springs International Film Festival. Best Director,
Feroz Awards, Best Actor, Fotogramas de Plata WED
nov 5
6:20 PM-8:10 PM
12:25 PM-2:15 PM
Morris James LLP
10:30 AM-12:20 PM
Tanger Outlets
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Spain, 1966: Antonio (Javier Cámara, I’m So Excited!)
is a teacher and a Beatles fan, passions he combines
by getting his pupils to recite the lyrics from “Help!”
in English class. When he learns that his idol John
Lennon is making a film in Almería he resolves to meet
him. On the journey he picks up two young runaways:
Bethlehem, a pregnant girl fleeing a convent, and
Juanjo, a boy escaping his dictatorial father. Taking
its title from Lennon’s “Strawberry Fields Forever,”
the film evokes the spirit and mood of the ’60s in its
lively review of a time in Spanish history when dreams
seemed impossible. In Antonio’s madcap road trip, new
opportunity seems on the horizon. David Trueba (Madrid, 1987) has
transformed this historical footnote, a true story, into an endearing
and hopeful dramedy. Living is Easy With Eyes Closed is a small gem
that offers a lovely evocation of Spain as well as a touching tribute to
an unforgettable moment in time when the Beatles seemed to offer
brand new possibilities, the idea that strawberry fields might indeed
go on forever.
[Dir. David Trueba, 2013, Spain, DCP, 108 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
10:00 AM-11:40 AM
7:05 PM-8:45 PM
SatNOV 8
7:10 PM-8:50 PM
MPAA Rating: R
Hosted by:
PFLAG - Rehoboth Beach
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
After 39 years together, Ben and George finally tie
the knot in an idyllic wedding ceremony in lower
Manhattan. But when news of their marriage reaches
the Catholic school where George works, he is fired
from his longtime job, and the couple can no longer
afford their New York City apartment. As a temporary
solution, George moves in with the two gay cops next
door, while Ben moves to Brooklyn to live with his
nephew Eliot, Eliot’s wife, Kate, and their teenage son.
As Ben and George struggle to secure a new apartment,
the pain of living apart and their presence in two foreign households
test the resilience and relationships of all involved. Propelled by
exquisite performances from John Lithgow as Ben and Alfred Molina
as George, with robust support from Marisa Tomei, this subtle, yet
profound, drama is suffused with gentle humor and will shake audience
members to their cores.
[Dir. Ira Sachs, 2014, USA, DCP, 98 mins.]
Mood Indigo
(L’écume des jours)
12:10 PM-1:45 PM
8:40 PM-10:15 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Mood Indigo is a true return to form for filmmaker
Michel Gondry ( The Science of Sleep, Eternal Sunshine
of the Spotless Mind), exploring the vast landscape of
human emotion and imagination. Set in a charmingly
surreal Paris, this tragicomic, visionary and romantic
love story stars Romain Duris (Populaire, The Beat
That My Heart Skipped) as wealthy bachelor Colin,
whose hobbies include developing his pianocktail (a
cocktail-making piano) and devouring otherworldly
dishes prepared by his trusty chef Nicolas (Omar
Sy, The Intouchables). When Colin learns that his best
friend Chick (Gad Elmaleh, The Valet), a fellow acolyte
of the philosopher Jean-Sol Partre, has a new American girlfriend,
our lonely hero attends a friend’s party in hopes of falling in love
himself. He soon meets Chloé (Audrey Tautou, Amélie, Coco Before
Chanel) and, before they know it, they’re dancing to Duke Ellington
and plunging headfirst into a romance that Gondry rapturously
depicts as only he can. But their whirlwind courtship is tested when
an unusual illness plagues Chloe and a flower begins to grow in her
lungs. A true feast for the eyes as this is one of the most stylish and
inventive films of the year.
[Dir. Michael Gondry, 2013, France, DCP, 94 mins. In French with
English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Love is Strange
Fe a tur e F ilms
My Old Lady
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Hosted by:
6:00 PM-7:50 PM
Julie Davis
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
Mathias (Kevin Kline), a down-and-out New Yorker,
travels to Paris to liquidate a huge, valuable apartment
he has inherited from his estranged father. Once
there, and motivated to sell, he discovers a refined old
woman Mathilde (Maggie Smith) living in the apartment
with her very protective daughter Chloé (Kristin Scott
Thomas). Mathias quickly learns that the apartment
is a viager - an ancient French system for buying and
selling apartments - and that he will not actually get
possession of the apartment until Mathilde dies and
while she might be an “old lady,” she does not seem to be near the end
of her days on earth. While working with a Parisian real-estate dealer
(Dominique Pinon) to sell his contract for the apartment, Mathias
discovers that Mathilde and his father were more to each other than
mere tenant and landlord. With its unique blend of comedy, drama
and, ultimately, romance, My Old Lady marks the directorial debut of
internationally celebrated playwright-screenwriter Israel Horovitz.
[Dir. Israel Horovitz, 2014, USA/UK, Blu-ray, 107 mins.]
The Notebook
(A nagy füzet)
MPAA Rating: R
Hungary’s Oscar Submission and Finalist, Best Foreign Film.
Best Film, Karlovy Vary Film Festival
nov 5
5:20 PM 7:10 PM
3:20 PM-5:10 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Based on the award-winning novel by Agota Kristof,
this distinctively photographed, chillingly atmospheric
drama follows inseparable teen twins dispatched by
their parents to live with their vicious grandmother
during W WII. They survive by assiduously exterminating
all human sentiment within themselves. Opening in
1944 amid quiet, civilized surroundings that are never
seen again, the action unfolds in short, increasingly
nightmarish vignettes. Everything is filtered through
the eyes of the 13-year-old brothers who narrate in
precise and objective-sounding tones. Left with their
cruel grandmother who starves, beats and otherwise
abuses them, the formerly pampered boys at first find
it difficult to adjust to their new surroundings. But as they inscribe
their thoughts and experiences in the notebook given to them by their
father, they realize the only way to cope with the inhumane world
of adults and war into which they have been thrust is to become
completely unfeeling. Thus, they devise a plan to train their bodies
and minds so that they can free themselves from hunger, pain and
emotion in order to endure future hardships.
[Dir. Janos Szasz, 2013, Hungary/Germany/Austria/France, DCP,
110 mins. In Hungarian with English subtitles.]
Fe a tur e F ilms
Run Boy Run
(Lauf Junge lauf)
10:20 AM-12:10 PM
8:50 PM-10:40 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
A superlative saga of courage and compassion, Run Boy
Run tells the extraordinary true story of a Polish boy
who seeks the kindness of others in his solitary struggle
to outlast the Nazi occupation and keep alive his Jewish
faith. Escaping the Warsaw ghetto at the behest of his
father, nine-year old Srulik flees to the woods. There, he
learns to hide from SS patrols and scour for food, until
loneliness and the harsh onset of winter drive him back
to civilization. Taken in by a kindhearted farmer’s wife, he
is given shelter and a new identity. Passing himself off as
Jurek, a Christian war orphan, the intrepid boy traverses
the countryside from village to village, working as a
farmhand under an ever-present threat of persecution.
Some will help him survive and others will betray him.
Just when it seems his childhood memories and identity could be
lost forever, Jurek’s harrowing journey culminates in a powerhouse
conclusion and postscript. An unforgettable cinematic experience featuring exceptional performances, arresting cinematography and transcendent musical score,
Run Boy Run is directed by Oscar-winner Pepe Danquart and based on
the bestselling Holocaust novel by Israeli author Uri Orlev.
[Dir. Pepe Danquart, 2014, Germany/France, DCP, 107 mins. In Polish,
German, Russian, Hebrew and Yiddish with English subtitles.]
Stations of the Cross
Prize of the Ecumenical Jury and Best Script, Berlinale
12:10 PM-2:00 PM
4:15 PM-6:05 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Stations of the Cross is both an indic tment of fundamentalist faith and the articulation of an impressionable teen’s struggle to find her own path in life.
Maria lives in the modern world, yet her family and
her heart are faithful to a Catholic radicalism that
teaches and encourages sacrifice and devotion at every turn. As she struggles to balance her own desires
with the dictates of her family’s faith, she makes
ever more perilous sacrifices. Her attempts are to
please a God she worships unquestioningly, with the
pious hopes of curing the autistic younger brother she
adores. Desperate to please everyone, particularly a
critical and rigid mother, Maria soon finds herself trapped in the crossfire. It’s a story of vulnerability, faith, devotion, and radical religion, and
the filmmaking style is just as radical as the subject matter, telling the
story in only 14 fixed-angle long shots based on the Stations of the Cross,
thus allowing the viewer to contemplate the interactions on screen in an
entirely different way than in a traditional film.
[Dietrich Brüggemann, 2014, Germany, DCP, 107 mins. In German
with English subtitles.]
Hosted by:
Golden Puffin (Best Film), Reykjavik International Film Festival.
Best Film, Best Director and Best Cinematograhy
Venice International Film Festival
9:05 PM-10:35 PM
9:15 PM-10:45 PM
Tammy & Stan Chincheck
12:20 PM-1:50 PM
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Picture a Greek Orthodox funeral in South London with
proper music, a moving speech and a single mourner:
John May. Employed by the burial office, his job is to
notify the next of kin when someone passes away alone.
Only when all leads have been checked and all doors shut
will May (Eddie Marsan) close the case and organize the
funeral himself. This poignant tale about love, life, and
the afterlife is at times gently humorous, with deadpan
drama and a stark reminder that sometimes the best
we can hope for in life is having someone care when it
ends. May takes pride in choosing appropriate music
and writing special eulogies so that his dead clients can
rest in dignity. When budget cuts hit his department, he gets word that
he’ll be laid off. In the meantime, he works more assiduously than ever
on what will be his final case, an alcoholic man named Billy Stoke. The
search for Stoke’s friends takes him on a liberating journey through
England that allows him to start living his own life fully at last. Full of
lovingly rendered details and knowing character moments, Still Life is
a modern fable that will resonate for all.
[Dir. Uberto Pasolini, Italy/UK, 2013, DCP, 87 mins. In English]
Third Person
MPAA Rating: R
nov 5
12:40 PM-3:00 PM
7:40 PM-10:00 PM
12:30 PM-2:50 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Paul Haggis (Crash) brings to the screen a calculated
vision of the drama of love. Three stories set in cities
known for romance take raw and personal twists
as the characters grapple with the difficulties of
modern relationships. Paris: Michael (Liam Neeson),
a writer who recently left his wife Theresa (Maria
Bello), receives a visit from his lover Anna (Olivia
Wilde). The story explores their complicated on/off
relationship, as a terrible secret makes her unable to
commit. New York: Julia (Mila Kunis) is charged with
attempting to kill her son, resulting in his being put in
the custody of his father Rick (James Franco), who is
trying desperately to take the boy away from her. Rome: Sean (Adrien
Brody), an American businessman on a trip to Italy, falls in love with
Monica, an Italian woman, and is drawn into a plot to free Monica’s
daughter who has been kidnapped by an Italian gangster. With a
heavyweight cast, Haggis once again weaves an intricate narrative
out of seemingly separate worlds.
[Dir. Paul Haggis, 2014, Uk/USA/Italy/Belgium, 137 mins. In English
and Italian with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Still Life
Fe a tur e F ilms
The Trip to Italy
12:30 PM-2:20 PM by:
Touch of Italy
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
Michael Winterbottom’s 2010 film, The Trip, took
comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon—or semi
fictionalized versions thereof—on a restaurant tour
around northern England. In this witty and incisive followup, Winterbottom reunites the pair for a new culinary road
trip, retracing the steps of the Romantic poets’ grand
tour of Italy and indulging in some sparkling banter and
spot-on impersonations. Re-wetting our palates from the
earlier film, the characters enjoy mouthwatering meals
in gorgeous settings from Liguria to Capri while riffing
on subjects as varied as Batman’s vocal register, the
artistic merits of “Jagged Little Pill,” and, of course, the
virtue of sequels. Winterbottom trains his camera to capture the idyllic
Italian landscape and the gastronomic treasures being prepared and
consumed while keeping the film centered on the crackling chemistry
between the two leads. The Trip to Italy effortlessly melds the brilliant
comic interplay between Coogan and Brydon into quieter moments of
self-reflection, letting audiences into their insightful ruminations on the
nuances of friendship and the juggling of family and career. The result is
a biting portrait of modern-day masculinity.
[Dir. Michael Winterbottom, 2014, USA, Blu-ray, 108 mins.]
Tru Love
Best Feature, InsideOut
(The Toronto International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)
nov 5
4:45 PM-6:20 PM
12:15 PM-1:50 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Tru, 37, is a serial bed-hopping lesbian who cannot
commit to a relationship too long. Restless by nature
and wounded by the past, she seems to live from
mattress to mattress, with no anchor to ground her. She
gets by on her wits, her good looks and charm, but at
her age, it is starting to wear thin. Then she meets Alice,
60, a beautiful widow, who has come to town to visit
her daughter Suzanne, 35, a too-busy corporate lawyer
who is a friend of Tru’s. Tru agrees to meet Alice and
let her into Suzanne’s house, for which she mysteriously
has a key. Sparks fly and Alice and Tru begin forging
an unlikely friendship…and more. Suzanne, who has a
deeply conflicted relationship with her mother and a complicated and
a secret past with Tru, becomes increasingly alarmed at the growing
bond between Tru and her mother. After Suzanne witnesses an intimate
moment between them, feeling jealous and threatened, she tries to
sabotage the budding romance. But it backfires, as true love is hard
to contain.
[Dirs. Kate Johnston and Shauna MacDonald, 2013, Canada,
Blu-ray, 94 mins.]
MPAA Rating: PG-13
8:45 PM-10:25 PM
Hosted by:
Envision Eye Care
Movie Location: Cape Henlopen High School
It’s 1962 in Athens, and Chester and Collette
MacFarland (Viggo Mor tensen and Kirsten Dunst)
are not your usual American tourists. This eyecatching and charismatic couple has cr yptic motives.
Unexpectedly, they cross paths with an American
expat named Rydal (Oscar Isaac). A Greek-speaking
and scamming tour guide, Rydal is transfixed by
the wealthy Chester and sensual Collette. After
the couple becomes entangled in criminal and
violent intrigue, Rydal agrees to help them out, but
discovers that the two hide dark and dangerous
secrets. A s Rydal’s attraction to Collette—and
Chester’s jealousy—increase, so does the tension
and drama of the trio’s treacherous situation. Based
on Patricia Highsmith’s intense page-turner, The Two Faces of
January is a psychological myster y-thriller with nail-biting turns
and plenty of heat. Lush European settings and lively visuals lend
the adaptation a pure cinematic flavor and an exotic sensuality,
while the actors create a palpable chemistr y that keeps alive with
energy, urgency, and enigma. Hossein Amini’s directorial debut,
The Two Faces of January is a sun-stained, exciting, and seductive
thriller with three dynamic actors working at the peak of their
[Dir. Hossein Amini, UK/USA/France, 2014, DCP, 96 mins. In English,
Greek and Turkish with English subtitles.]
The Way He Looks
(Hoje eu quero voltar sozinho)
Teddy Award for Best GLBT Film and FIPRESCI Prize, Berlinale.
Audience Award Best Feature, Torino Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.
Audience Award Best Feature Ibero-American Competition, Guadalajara Film Festival
9:10 PM-10:50 PM
2:20 PM-4:00 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Set to the bouncy beats of pop sensation Belle and
Sebastian, this euphoric, sun-kissed, coming-of-age
fable dances entirely to its own tune. Stuck fending
off bullies and over-protective parents, Leonardo
spends his days allowing his best friend Giovana
to drag him around town. Being blind has always
been an inconvenience for Leonardo, but his angsty
adolescence gets a lift when the handsome and
smooth-talking Gabriel turns down numerous offers
from ogling girls to hang with Leonardo after school.
The longer they spend together, the more apparent
their shared attraction becomes, not just to them but
to a spurned Giovana as well. As social pressure mounts on both to
fit within their confined social boxes, the two must decide whether
to ignore their feelings or throw caution to the wind and admit they
might actually be falling in love. Whether you have seen Daniel
Ribeiro’s short film I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone or are just meeting
this charming trio of teenage friends at the heart of his featurelength adaptation, it will be hard to resist The Way He Looks.
[Dir. Daniel Ribeiro, 2014, Brazil, DCP, 96 mins. In Portuguese with
English subtitles.]
Feature Films
The Two Faces
of January
Fe a tur e F ilms
We Are The Nobles
(Nosotros los Nobles)
Hosted by:
10:00 AM-11:50 AM
Accent on Travel
FRINov 7
4:35 PM-6:25 PM
Nancy Leggoe
10:00 AM-11:50 AM
Dos Locos
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Mexico’s version of a “popcorn flick,” this smashhit, culture-clash comedy from 35-year-old Mexican
director Gary Alazraki earned more than $26 million
at the domestic box office last year making it the
highest-grossing local film ever. “Wealth shall not
pass three generations,” goes the old adage, but that’s
cold comfort to widower and workaholic businessman
German Noble, who realizes the fortune he’s inherited
and continued to build, would soon be squandered
by his three spoiled-rotten kids if left to their own
devices. Eldest son Javi is a party animal with crazy
business schemes, daughter Barbie clings to her trust fund and her
boyfriend, and chick magnet Cha takes life as it comes. The answer?
A fake bankruptcy, of course, after which Noble forces the family to
move to the other side of the tracks and even worse his kids must all
get jobs with the little skills they have. This inventive satire about
the economic gulf in modern Mexico is shrewd and very funny. Stay
through the closing credits for a final surprise.
[Dir. Gaz Alazraki, 2013, Mexico, Blu-ray, 108 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
This film is part of the Country Spotlight: Mexico.
Wild Canaries
nov 5
Hosted by:
3:30 PM-5:10 PM
10:15 AM-11:55 AM
Arena’s Deli
5:00 PM-6:40 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Barri (played with great aplomb by Indie darling Sophia
Takal) and Noah (a hilarious and adept performance
from director Lawrence Michael Levine), a newlyengaged Brooklyn couple, are disheartened by the
death of their elderly downstairs neighbor, Sylvia.
Though Noah sees nothing unusual about the old
woman’s death, Barri suspects foul play and sets out to
investigate, enlisting her roommate Jean to join her on
a reconnaissance mission to trail a possible suspect.
Tensions mount, however, when the investigation
uncovers unsettling secrets throughout the building,
including in their own apartment, and suddenly
everyone seems like a reasonable suspect. As if the
pressures of big city living and an impending marriage weren’t
enough, there just might be a killer loose! A highly entertaining and
carefully crafted film that gleefully and smartly references the likes
of Woody Allen’s Manhattan Murder Mystery and Peter Bogdanovich’s
What’s Up Doc? and their genre-classic forbearers, while maintaining
a thoroughly modern sense of life in the 21st century, Wild Canaries
is a freshly comedic take on classic film noir and brings a unique
sensibility to a high-stakes murder mystery.
[Dir. Lawrence Michael Levine, 2014, USA, DCP, 98 Mins.]
Best Narrative Feature and the Nora Ephron Prize,
Hosted by:
TriBeCa Film Festival
nov 5
10:20 AM-12:00 PM
7:00 PM-8:45 PM
In Memory of Jeff Cohen
9:00 PM-10:45 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
In her debut feature, filmmaker Talya Lavie steps into
the spotlight with a zany, dark comedic portrait of
everyday life for a unit of young, female Israeli soldiers.
The human resources office at a remote desert base
ser ves as the setting for this cast of characters
who bide their time pushing paper and battling in
computer games, counting down the minutes until
they can return to civilian life. Amidst their boredom
and clashing personalities, issues of commitment (to
friendship, love, and country) are handled with humor
and sharp-edged wit. Reminiscent of Robert Altman’s classic MASH,
it’s a softly humorous and sad story about the frustrations of young
women thrust into the military complex who air their grievances with
a snark. Lavie combats the status quo by flipping genre on its head
and bending gender roles to a delight.
[Dir. Talya Lavie, 2014, Israel, DCP, 101 mins. In Hebrew with
English subtitles.]
The Zig Zag Kid
(Nono, Het Zigzag Kind)
4:15 PM-5:50 PM
6:35 PM 8:10 PM
Hosted by:
Noura Bush
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
A witty, spirited and action packed adventure about Nono,
an almost thirteen year old boy, his world of confusions,
fears and fantasies. Nono longs to be a good detective
like his father, a famous police inspector, but his wild
nature constantly gets him into trouble. Gaby, his father’s
secretary, cherishes Nono and recognizes his anguish,
which comes from his lack of knowledge about his mother,
who died when he was very little. Two days before his bar
mitzvah, he is sent off to his uncle’s to be disciplined yet
again. Once on the train, the over-imaginative boy discovers
one last chance to prove himself. Together with charming
international thief Felix Glick, an old acquaintance of his
father’s, he travels to the French Rivera and enters a world of disguises
and crazy pursuits, crossing paths with the famous singer Lola Ciperola
(played by Isabella Rossellini) and Zohara, a mysterious woman whose
secrets will forever change Nono’s life. Based on the beloved novel by
David Grossman, The Zig Zag Kid uses wit and humor to explore the most
fundamental questions of good and evil and to speak directly to adults
and the child in all of us.
[Dir. Vincent Bal, Netherlands/Belgium, 2013, DCP, 95 mins. In Dutch,
French and English with English subtitles.]
Feature Films
Zero Motivation
D ocumen t ar ie s
Alive Inside:
A Story of Music and Memory
Audience Award Best Documentary, Sundance Film Festival,
Milan International Film Festival, Ft. Myers Film Festival,
and Sedona Film Festival
Hosted by:
5:15 PM-6:30 PM
Clear Space Theatre
3:20 PM-4:35 PM
Edward & Patricia Chase
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory is a joyous
exploration of our relationship with music and how it
can re-awaken our souls to discover the deepest parts
of our humanity. This stirring documentary follows
social worker Dan Cohen as he fights against a broken
health care system to demonstrate music’s ability to
combat memory loss and restore a deep sense of self
in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Through illuminating conversations with experts, such
as renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks and musician
Bobby McFerrin, and visits with family members of
patients around the country who were revitalized by listening to
personalized music, filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett has crafted
an uplifting, feel-good cinematic experience that sweeps audiences up
in its inspirational and moving story. Winner of the Audience Award
for Best Documentary at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, Alive Inside:
A Story of Music and Memory leaves viewers humming, clapping and
[Dir. Michael Rossato-Bennett, 2014, USA, DCP, 74 mins.]
Code Black
Best Documentary, Hamptons International Film Festival Hosted by:
and Los Angles Film Festival; Audience Award,
Aspen Film Festival and Denver Starz Film Festival
12:00 PM-1:25 PM
9:00 PM-10:25 PM
Salisbury University
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
In his vivid and thought-provoking filmmaking debut,
physician Ryan McGarry gives us unprecedented access
to America’s busiest Emergency Department. Amidst
real life-and-death situations, McGarry follows a
dedicated team of charismatic young doctors-in-training
as they wrestle openly with both their ideals and the
realities of saving lives in a complex and overburdened
system. Their training ground and source of inspiration
is “C-Booth,” Los Angeles County Hospital’s legendary
trauma bay, and the birthplace of Emergency Medicine,
where “more people have died and more people have
been saved than in any other square footage in the United
States.” Code Black offers a tense, doctor’s-eye view, right into the
heart of the healthcare debate, bringing us face to face with America’s
only 24/7 safety net. The adrenalin-rush of a documentary could not be
timelier. The camera plunges you right into the bloody chaos with these
doctors, sparing nothing of the horrors that are their reality, and reveals
their passion, their heroism, and their anger at a world that is pulling
them from patient care into a pit of bureaucracy. While Code Black takes
no position, it also takes no prisoners.
[Dir. Ryan McGarry, 2013, USA, DCP, 81 mins.]
The Dog
12:40 PM-2:25 PM
10:15 AM-12:00 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
In 1972, John Wojtowicz attempted to rob a Brooklyn
bank to pay for his lover’s sex change operation. The
story was the basis for the film Dog Day Afternoon. The
Dog captures John, for the first time, telling his story in
his own unique, offensive, hilarious and heartbreaking
way. Drawing upon extraordinary archival footage, the
film shuffles between the 1970s and the 2000s. We gain
a historic perspective on New York’s gay liberation
movement, in which Wojtowicz played an active role. In
later footage, he remains a subversive force, backed by
the unconditional love of his mother, Terry, whose wit and charm infuse
the film. How and why the bank robbery took place is recounted in
gripping detail by Wojtowicz and various eyewitnesses. Filming began
in 2002 and the long-term dedication pays off in this unforgettable
portrait capturing all of the subject’s complexity: he is, by turns,
lovable, maniacal, heroic, and self-destructive. To call him larger than
life feels like an understatement.
[Dirs. Allison Berg and François Keraudren, 2013, USA, DCP, 101 mins.]
The Overnighters
Best Documentary Film, San Francisco International
and Miami International Film Festivals. Special Jury Award,
Sundance Film Festival
Hosted by:
10:00 AM-11:40 AM
Cape Gazette
5:40 PM-7:20 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
When hydraulic fracturing unlocks a vast oil field in
North Dakota’s Bakken shale region, tens of thousands
of unemployed men descend on the state with dreams
of six-figure salaries. In the tiny town of Williston,
busloads of newcomers step into the sad reality of
slim work prospects and nowhere to sleep. Over at
Concordia Lutheran Church, Pastor Jay Reinke is hellbent on delivering the migrants some dignity. Night
after night he converts his church into a makeshift
dorm and counseling center. But as broken men arrive
in droves, the congregants sling criticism, neighbors
get suspicious, and the town threatens an ordinance
to shut Reinke down. When the Williston Herald gets wind that sex
offenders are among Reinke’s “overnighters,” even the pastor’s
supernatural determination cannot stop things from spinning out of
control. How much will he sacrifice for his crusade of compassion?
With unfettered access to electrifying and poignant moments,
it’s impossible not to be riveted by the pastor’s dogged battle in a
treacherous world where no man is immune to losing everything.
[Dir. Jess Moss, 2013, USA, DCP, 100 mins.]
Best Documentary Film, Tribeca Film Festival
Hosted by:
2:45 PM-4:25 PM
Cape Gazette
1:00 PM-2:40 PM
Delmarva Public Radio
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
At first glance, Fenwick Island’s Matthew VanDyke (Not
Anymore, A Story of Revolution in RBIFF 2013), a shy kid
who grew up in Baltimore with a sheltered upbringing
and a tormenting OCD diagnosis, is the last person you’d
imagine on the front lines of the 2011 Libyan revolution.
But after finishing grad school and escaping the U.S.
for “a crash course in manhood,” that’s exactly where a
winding path leads him. Motorcycling across North Africa
and the Middle East and spending time as an embedded
journalist in Iraq, Matthew lands in Libya, forming an
unexpected kinship with a group of young men who
transform his life. Matthew joins his friends in the rebel
army against Gaddafi, taking up arms (and a camera). Along the way, he
is captured and held in solitary confinement for six terrifying months.
Using much of VanDyke’s own footage, two-time Academy Award
nominated documentary filmmaker Marshall Curry (If a Tree Falls) tells
this harrowing and sometimes humorous story of a young man’s struggle
for political revolution and personal transformation.
[Dir. Marshall Curry, 2014, USA, DCP, 83 mins.]
Both screenings include a Q&A with film subject.
Take Me To The River
Audience Award, Best Documentary, 24 Beats Per Second, SXSW Film Festival
Hosted by:
nov 6
2:30 PM-4:05 PM
Cape Henlopen Ed. Foundation
6:50 PM-8:25 PM
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
On the heels of Twenty Feet from Stardom and Muscle
Shoals comes a reverent and exuberant love letter
to talent past and present. With the backdrop of an
incredible soundtrack, the royalty of blues and their
heirs celebrate the inter-generational and inter-racial
musical influence that Memphis had despite pervasive
segregation and discrimination. The film brings
multiple generations of award-winning Memphis
and Mississippi Delta musicians together, following
them through the creative process of recording an
historic new album, to re-imagine the utopia of racial,
gender, and generational collaboration of Memphis
in its heyday. Allowing what comes naturally to the
hardworking session musicians and few remaining stars, director
and record producer Martin Shore gathers an effusion of great
rhythms and great stories, including those by seventy something
firecracker Mavis Staples or scratchy-voiced scene stealer Charles
“Skip” Pitts. The bigger the personality, the more entertaining the
tales are. In what would be the last creative endeavor of too many an
artist, the spirit and soul of the blues, printed on wax by Stax and Hi
Records, is evoked once more. And it’s sweet to the ears.
[Dir. Martin Shore, 2013, USA, DCP, 95 mins.]
Point and Shoot
D ocumen t ar ie s
Watchers of the Sky
Special Jury Prize and Editing Award,
Sundance Film Festival
Hosted by:
nov 6
10:15 AM 12:15 PM
Morris James LLP
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Cape Gazette
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
In the 1920s, Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish
lawyer, tried to convince the international legal
system to create a legal classification for the horrific
crimes in Armenia. After escaping Nazi Germany and
coming to the United States, Lemkin coined the term
“genocide” and dedicated his life to building a system
of international law that would prevent such atrocities
from happening again. The film follows Lemkin’s story
and goes on to focus on four protagonists who carry on
his work to this day. These people are fighting to bring
to justice those who are responsible for the crimes
committed in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Darfur, and Syria,
while the international political system does not offer
much action other than official reprimands. Director
Edet Belzberg pulls out her complete documentary arsenal utilizing
interviews, on location shooting, and chilling archival footage and
merges the elements eloquently together along with gorgeous
animated segments and readings from Lemkin’s actual diary. The
result, which earned two awards at Sundance, is very disturbing,
but also plants a seed of hope that the efforts of Lemkin and his
successors will bear fruit, if not in this generation, then in the future.
[Dir. Edet Belzberg, 2014, USA/Netherlands/France/Chad/Rwanda,
DCP, 120 mins. In English, Zaghawan, Spanish and French with
English subtitles.]
Just like their feature length counterparts, these documentary
shorts educate, inform, entertain and prove the old adage that
good things really do come in small packages.
Hosted by:
Wed NOV 5 6:50 PM-8:35 PM
FRI NOV 7 10:00 AM-11:45 AM
Delmarva Public Radio
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Cherry Pop:
The Story of the World’s Fanciest Cat
Cherry Pop was no ordinary cat. Beloved by her wealthy socialite owners,
she lived life in the lap of luxury. Her taste for filet mignon and the comfort
of Rolls-Royces made Cherry Pop a celebrity before her death in 1995.
This delightful story will tickle your funny bone and touch your heart.
[Dir. Kareem Tabsch, 2014, USA, Digital, 12 mins.]
The Lion’s Mouth Opens
With the support of her friends and family, a young woman waits to find
out if she carries the gene for Huntington’s disease, an inherited disorder
that causes the progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. This
emotional and deeply personal film from Academy Award®-nominated
filmmaker Lucy Walker resonates with warmth and sensitivity.
[Dir. Lucy Walker, 2014, USA, Digital, 16 mins.]
Of Many
Set against the backdrop of the Arab-Israeli conflict and tensions between
Jewish and Muslim college students, Of Many tells the story of the
relationship between an Orthodox Rabbi and Imam. Topical and humorous,
this documentary offers an inspiring narrative of friendship, uniting a
community around multi-faith dialogue.
[Dir. Linda G. Mills, 2014, USA, Digital, 34 mins.]
The Secret World of Foley
Behind every movie lies the soundtrack. Foley artists bring that soundtrack
to life, recording sound effects in time with the picture. Go backstage as
two highly skilled Foley artists re-create life in a small fishing village for
the big screen. You will never listen to movies the same way again.
[Dir. Daniel Jewel, 2014, UK, Digital, 13 mins.]
The War Photographers
Recounting the personal experiences of award-winning photojournalists
who risk their lives covering conflict in the world’s most dangerous
war zones, this film uses intimate interviews and gripping images to
reveal stories of sacrifice, courage and the emotional toll endured by
photographers and their subjects.
[Dir. Steve Kochones, 2013, USA, DCP, 28 mins.]
Real-To-Reel Documentary Shorts
Real-To -Reel Documen t ar y Shor t s
Shor t F ilms
10% Shor t s
We are pleased to offer another delightful combination of shorts
for this always popular series!
2:35 PM-4:20 PM
satNOV 8
12:05 PM-1:50 PM
Hosted by:
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Alone With People
Cruising Electric (1980)
Growing up gay in the South, a high school girl seeks
the help of a therapist to come out to her family and
friends. A poignant coming-of-age story told with
humor and compassion.
The marketing department green-lights a red-light tiein to the Al Pacino starrer Cruising. Sixty lost seconds
of modern movie merchandising is the best ever!
[Dir. Drew Van Steenbergen, 2014, USA, Digital, 29 mins.]
[Dir. Brumby Boylston, 2014, USA, Digital, 2 mins.]
Dinner at 40
A gay man turning 40, brings out all the emotions: the
panic, the doubt, and the supposed loss of his youth.
The only celebration he wanted was a quiet evening at
a restaurant with a small group of his closest friends.
What he got was unexpected dinner guests, crazy
friends, a hot ex, cocktails and a drag queen.
Danica, a fourteen year-old fisher and family breadwinner,
tastes first love with Riya, a mysterious transgender
woman who arrives in the village one day. However,
Danica’s desire becomes complicated when she soon
discovers that it is her father who Riya really wants.
[Dir. Carl Byrd, 2014, USA, Digital, 14mins.]
[Dir. Rosie Haber, 2014, USA/Singapore/Malaysia/
Indonesia, Digital, 12 mins. In Filipino with English
Short Films
10% Shor t s
Safe Word
Secrets & Toys
Safe Word is a short gay comedic thriller in which a
young gay couple decides to spice up their relationship
and find themselves in peril when fantasy and reality
start to blur.
In this sexy, fun and whimsical romp about the balance
of familial expectations and sexual liberation, secrets
are exposed and identities are revealed in the last
places you would ever expect.
[Dir. Todd Lillethun, 2014, USA, Digital, 16 mins.]
[Dir. Quentin Lee, 2013, USA, Digital, 12 mins.]
Tom In America
For 50 years, Michael and Betty have been united
by one guiding principle: no secrets. But when a
provocative Tom of Finland doll triggers Michael’s
long-buried desires, Betty discovers that secrets have
been part of their life all along. Starring Sally Kirkland
and Burt Young.
[Dir. Flavio Alves, 2014, USA, Digital, 17 mins.]
Shor t F ilms
Variety Shorts
These shorts present a VARIETY of styles, VARIETY of themes,
VARIETY of lengths, and VARIETY of genres…you know where I
am headed? The one thing they have in common is they are not
the run of the mill VARIETY…they are great!
Hosted by:
Beth H. & Alan B.
12:20 PM-2:10 PM
9:15 PM-11:05 PM
L. Mariner, Merrill Lynch
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
Fool’s Day
In this sweet and poignant film, an eight year old boy
will go to extreme measures to get what he really
wants: time with his father. Who knew that a simple
desire could be so complicated?
Fool’s Day is a deliciously dark comedy about a fourth
grade class that pulls an innocent April Fool’s prank
on their teacher... with disastrous results. Panicked
and fearing jail time, they set out to cover up their
crime before their D.A.R.E. officer shows up to teach
his weekly lesson.
[Dir, David Henrie, 2013, USA/Mexico, Digital, 11 mins.]
[Dir. Cody Blue Snider, 2013, USA, Digital, 20 mins.]
The Gallant Captain
The Gunfighter
Inspired by characters and settings from the picture book
“The Legend of the Golden Snail” written and illustrated
by Graeme Base, this animated film tells the story of a boy
and his cat who journey into unknown waters with a bottle,
a boat and a vivid imagination.
A gunfighter in the old West starts off a chain reaction
when the voiceover announcing his entrance to a saloon
proceeds to give a laundry list of the town’s deepest
secrets. The Gunfighter is a little raw, a little raunchy
(it is the old west after all) and whole lot of fun.
[Dirs. Katrina Mathers, Graeme Base and Patrick
Sarell, 2013, Australia, Digital, 8 mins.]
[Dir. Eric Kissack, 2014, USA, Digital, 9 mins.]
Short Films
Variety Shorts
Mr. Invisible
Pony Place
A lonely old man, kept company only by his cat and
the memories of his wife, seems invisible to the world
around him. But, when he journeys to the heart of
London, being invisible proves to be his greatest asset.
When young Emma is prohibited from taking her iPad
on holiday, she asks her grandma Koba to look after
her digital horse farm. A simple sounding task proves
much more than Koba expected.
[Dir. Gregory Ash, 2013, UK, Digital, 14 mins.]
[Dir. Joost Reijmers, 2013, Netherlands, Digital,
10 mins. In Dutch with English subtitles.]
Rhino Full Throttle
(Nashorn Im Galopp)
Trouble and the
Shadowy Death Blow
Bruno roams the streets of Berlin, gazing behind the many
facades and surfaces as he seeks the soul of the city.
Unexpectedly, he meets an ally in his quest and immediately
falls in love. But she is also on a quest, and it’s one that has
her leaving Bruno and Berlin very soon.
While in Baltimore at a food science conference with
hopes of landing a job and escaping his joke of a life,
Jim Funkle (Tony Hale, Arrested Development) learns
a simple hand gesture that can give him permanent
revenge against his enemies.
[Dir. Erick Schmitt, 2013, Germany, Digital, 15 mins.
In German with English subtitles.
[Dir. Stephanie Laing, 2014, USA, Digital, 22 mins.]
Shor t F ilms
Short Takes: Mexico
Hosted by:
In honor of our Country Spotlight: Mexico we bring these award
winning shorts from our neighbor to the south. Poignant, powerful,
stylish, and imaginative are all words to describe this compilation.
Fritz Schranck
Movie Location: Movies at MidwaY
10:00 AM-11:45 AM
2:20 PM-4:05 PM
Bug Killer (Matabichos)
The Last Veil (El ultimo velo)
Andres is a 12-year-old-lonely boy who is bullied at school
and tries to do his best to handle it. When he can’t take it
anymore, Andrés takes matters in his own hands without
thinking of the consequences. To survive in school, Andres
ends up becoming the most violent aggressor.
Citiali is a lonely, marginalized woman, who struggles
with a difficult life, which seems to be full of obstacles.
Her hard life is made even more unbearable due to her
premature blindness making every task a little more
[Dir. Gabriela Palacios, 2014, Mexico, Digital, 15 mins.
In Spanish with English subtitles.]
[Dir. Luis Palomino Benítez, 2013, Mexico, Digital,
15 mins. In Spanish with English subtitles.]
Not It (Zafo)
Pickman’s Model
A gang of young boys draw straws to see who will go
down the hill, a task that none of them is looking forward
to. The youngest of the group draws the short straw but
is reluctant to go. His friend feels sorry and decides
to go instead and upon descending down the hill, he
rethinks his decision.
[Dir. Pablo Orta, 2013, Mexico, Digital, 5 mins.
No dialogue]
(El modelo de Pickman)
Collector Thurber Phillips is determined to obtain a
picture by his favorite macabre art painter, Richard
Pickman. His quest reveals the secret behind the
artist´s work.
[Dir. Pablo Ángeles, 2014, Mexico, Digital, 11 mins.
In English]
Statues (Estatuas)
The inauguration of a statue, brings young Carlitos and his mother from the
country to the city, to give a commemorative speech. Because this journey
is not often taken, the villagers besiege them with pleas for favors. Can
they possibly fulfill all the requests?
[Dir. Roberto Fiesco, 2013, Mexico, Digital, 17 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
The Tailor’s Heart
(El Corazon del Sastre)
In this beautiful animated fable, we follow the adventures of an old
tailor who travels around the world in search the meaning of life and of
heartbreak. The animation, composed of creatively designed fabric, is as
gorgeous as the story.
[Dir. Sofia Carrillo, 2014, Mexico, Digital, 12 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
The Teacher and the Flower
(El maestro y la flor)
The teacher leads a grey life, keeping his spirits up thanks to his friend, the
Flower. But when love arrives, he must decide whether to risk everything
or play it safe.
[Dir. Daniel Irabién Peniche, 2014, Mexico, Digital, 9 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
Under The Last Roof
(Bajo el último techo)
His grandparents overprotect nine-year old Beto. When Stephany, a
transsexual, moves into the building, a friendship takes seed which
challenges the child’s general perception of the world.
[Dir. Edgar Romero, 2013, Mexico, Digital, 12 mins. In Spanish with
English subtitles.]
The Vampire Returns
(El regreso del vampire)
Sleeping in the graveyard in Bethlehem, a vampire wakes up to find that
he is in an unfamiliar future where everything seems hostile and he is no
longer a threat.
[Dir. Christian Alain Vázquez Carrasco, 2013, Mexico, Digital, 7 mins.
No dialogue]
Short Films
Short Takes: Mexico
Regional Showc ase
Region al showcase
Changes to this year’s Festival almost meant the elimination of a favorite program, the Regional Showcase, which features
the works of emerging filmmakers. We felt that the Festival would be missing one of the connections to the community and
the audience, so we decided to utilize the Upstairs Screening Room in order to continue this wonderful series.
As has been the case in the past, the number of films we received that would fit into the Regional Showcase was overwhelming
and sadly we could not screen all of the films, but we do feel we have provided a great overview of the incredible work being
completed by individuals with a tie to the region. So enjoy the Regional Showcase!
Regional Shorts
The name says it all; join us as we present a variety of shorts
from around the region. Genres, styles and themes may
differ, but they each tell a great story in just a little bit of time.
1:00 PM-2:35 PM
Upstairs Screening Room, Movies at Midway
Big Plans An adult driver must deal with the consequences of a tragic accident that involves texting, children, and the other driver.
[Dir. Johnny St. Ours, 2013, USA, 19 mins.]
Fall A boy goes to the woods to reflect back on earlier in the afternoon when suddenly, without understanding why, everything went wrong.
[Dir. Hunter Nesbit, 2014, USA, 7 mins.]
Interview, 7 P.M.
After his father dies, Tommy and his mother are barely making ends meet. But an unsettling interview with his father’s old
acquaintance may hold the key to their future security.
[Dir. Rob Waters, 2014, USA, 12 mins.]
A soldier preparing for his fourth deployment deals with doubt and a momentous relationship decision.
[Dir. Joseph Hall, 2014, USA, 10 mins.]
When Sheldon Daffner, a timid and irresolute twenty-two-year-old, wakes up to find himself just like the film title says, he prepares for the
worst as he enters into an anxiety-filled workday. His pessimistic predictions take a slow U-turn when he meets Jessica, an intriguing new
hostess at work.
[Dir. Don Cherel, 2013, USA, 21 mins.]
Talk To Strangers
A man brings home a strange woman with an even stranger condition, she says she’s emotionless. As the man tries to understand her, his
less-than-normal girlfriend tries to undermine her, and life in his apartment gets a bit weird.
[Dir. Brett Boshco, 2014, USA, 12 mins.]
All of the Directors are scheduled to appear for a post-screening Q&A
Two amazing documentaries from regional filmmakers each delve into an issue that,
while known to most, illuminate the struggles that are often left out the discussion.
SAT NOV 8 3:00 PM-4:40 PM
[Total Running Time: 82 mins.]
A Bridge Apart
Rudy + Neal Go Fishing
The film looks at the epic migration of immigrants from Central
America and Mexico to the United States from the point of view
of the migrants themselves. Haunting photography, dramatic
narration by Edward James Olmos and first hand interviews give
witness to their harrowing journey. A Bridge Apart - so near yet
so far.
This is a film about two guys fishing in South Florida’s beautiful
waters. Meet Rudy a U.S. Army veteran suffering from Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Neal, a tournament
angler with an unusual professional background. Fishing is part
of Rudy’s therapy. Watch how the simplicity and tranquility of
fishing allows this vet to reconnect with nature and start to heal.
[Dir. Frank Maniglia Jr., 2013, USA, 56 mins.]
[Dir. Abigail Tannebaum Sharon, 2014, USA, 2014, 26 mins.]
Includes a Q&A with Writer/Producer Virginia Wolfe ( A Bridge Apart ) and Director Abigail Tannebaum Sharon
(Rudy + Neal Go Fishing)
Red Right Return
SAT NOV 8 5:15 PM-6:50 PM
(Sneak Preview)
Shot entirely in Rehoboth Beach and the surrounding communities Red Right Return tells the story of Ian, a newly recovering
addict, who accepts an invitation from his older brother, Cullen, for a small weekend trip to the family beach house. Regaining
closeness of old, Cullen asks Ian to be his best man. Ian accepts and in return invites down all of his brother’s old friends, giving
him the bachelor party he deserves. But when the party grows, so does temptation for Ian, and ultimately their brotherly bond.
[Dir. George Manatos, 2014, USA, 79 mins.]
Director of the film is scheduled to appear for a post-screening Q&A
Tribute to Matt Haley
FRI NOV 7 9:00 pM-11:00 PM
(Special Screenings)
Cape Henlopen High School Theater
Renowned restaurateur, creative chef, James Beard award recipient, and humanitarian Matt Haley passed away on August 19,
2014 from a fatal motorcycle accident in the mountains of India while on what was supposed to be a six-week humanitarian
expedition in northern India and Nepal.
In February of 2014, it was announced that Matt was named the recipient of the 2014 James Beard Foundation Humanitarian of
the Year Award for“interweaving his culinary work with philanthropic initiatives. His efforts, both on a local and global scale, are
helping to educate disadvantaged children and improve the agricultural conditions of countries around the world.”
It seems fitting to screen both films, Interview, 7 P.M. and Riding Solo to the Top of the World as a tribute to Matt Haley. Interview, 7
P.M. is a short film in which Matt has a major role. Riding Solo to the Top of the World gives a glimpse of the type of travel that Matt
would have experienced during his travels.
Sussex County was fortunate in so many ways to be in the path of Matt’s life journey. And so we pay tribute to Matt with a film that
reveals the challenges and pleasures of riding through a country that experiences challenges and pleasures.
Interview, 7 P.M.
After his father dies, Tommy and his mother are barely making ends meet. But an unsettling interview with his father’s old
acquaintance may hold the key to their future security. [Dir. Rob Waters, 2014, USA, 12 mins.]
Riding Solo to the Top of the World
Join filmmaker Gaurav Jani’s solo motorcycle journey from Mumbai to one of the remotest places in the world, the Changthang
Plateau in Ladakh, bordering China. As a one-man film unit with equipment weighing over 600 lbs, he astonishes you, filming
the landscape he passes by and the people he interacts with, capturing moments of beauty, pain, love, hardship, self-doubt and
spiritual triumphs. It is more than just a travelogue it is an epic adventure of man versus nature, man finding nature and man
understanding his fellow man.
[Dir. Gaurav Jani, 2006, India, Blu-ray, 94 mins. In English.]
Regional Showcase
A Bridge Apart / Rudy + Neal Go Fishing
Mex ic anSeminar
Cinema South of the Border:
The Many Faces of Mexican Film
9:00 am – 10:30 AM, Friday, November 7
Location: Big Tent (bump-out)
Admission: Free (Advance registration is not required)
With Edison’s Kinetoscope and Lumiere’s Cinematographe, at the dawning of the “new social media” in the late
1800’s, Mexico, as other countries, fell in love with cinema
and plunged, head first, into filmmaking. Recognized as
Mexico’s first filmmaker, Salvador Toscan Barragagan,
used his camera to document battles of the Mexican Revolution. In 1906, Mexico City hosted 16 movie salons with 14
more springing up by 1914. The 1920’s brought both political and economic strife to Mexico. Funding for the arts
was cut, and thusly filmmaking plummeted. Many film
stars migrated to the film capital of the world: Hollywood
1931-1960: GOLDEN AGE: In 1931, Mexico welcomed their
first “talkie”, Antonio Moreno’s Santa. During the 1940’s
and ‘50’s, production flourished. Mexico became the leader in Latin American cinema with a film industry so prosperous that famed Spanish director Luis Bunuel moved
from Europe and Hollywood to Mexico where he made seventeen films. From 1942 to 1957 Mexican film artists were
awarded five Oscar® awards and in 1952 Anthony Quinn was
the first Mexican actor to win the Oscar ® for his leading role
in Viva in Zapata.
NUEVO cine MEXICANO 1990-PRESENT: After a 30-year
lull, in 1990, government sponsorship and state support
of filmmaking helped create Nuevo cine Mexicano, or The
New Mexican Cinema. Once again, Mexican cinema began
to flourish. Today, the work of Mexican Directors such as
Alfonso Cuaron ( Y tu mama tambien, 2001,Gravity, 2013)
and Alejandro Gonzalez Imarritu (21 Grams, 2003, Babel,
2006), has earned multiple international nominations and
awards. Overall, Mexican film artists have earned 37 nominations and won 17 Oscars ®. Mexico has six film schools
and hosts twelve film festivals throughout the Country.
Join our distinguished panelists Mónica López-González
and Dr. David Wilt for an entertaining and informative
look at some of the historical and current issues in
Mexican Cinema.
Mónica López-González
co-founder and Artistic Director of La Petite Noiseuse Productions, is a cineaste, cognitive scientist, dramatist, and educator with a PhD
in Cognitive Science from Johns Hopkins University. Mónica’s artistic and scientific work aims to understand our creative capacities as
humans. She made her first documentary in 2010 on musical creativity and premiered her film “Moments” at ARTSCAPE 2013. In June 2014
she debuted the world premiere of her Spanish-language theatrical production, “Última Partida” (“The Final Draw”), in Baltimore, MD and
Washington, D.C. Mónica is Visiting Professor at Maryland Institute College of Art, Peabody Institute, and Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. David Wilt
is a Professorial Lecturer in Film Studies at The George Washington University and a Systems Librarian at the University of Maryland,
College Park. He has written or contributed to more than a dozen books on popular culture, including The Mexican Filmography, 1916-2001,
in addition to numerous articles, reviews, and DVD liner notes. He is a frequent speaker at conferences, film festivals and other events,
such as the Hirshhorn Museum’s “Summer Camp Film Festival,” which he hosted for 8 years. Dr. Wilt is particularly interested in the sociopolitical content of popular culture.
9:00 am – 10:30 AM, Saturday, November 8
Location: Big Tent (bump-out)
Admission: Free (Advance registration is not required)
Film commissions are usually quasi-governmental, nonprofit, public organizations with a goal of getting media
production companies to film in their respective localities
by offering economic incentives. On-site production work
(film, television, and commercials) can favorably impact
an area’s economy as production crews tend to hire local,
skilled workers, rent equipment, purchase lodging and
many other supplies and amenities needed on location.
wood, but by becoming the hub and thrust of all film related activity within a jurisdiction. The role of this new
generation of Commissions often includes encouraging
the development and distribution of local productions,
increasing audiences for film product particularly via
film festivals, promoting the study of film and the acquisition of film related skills, and supporting a climate of
Commissions may also provide support services to help
production work flow smoothly. In response to the growth
of on-location filming, such services have expanded dramatically and may range from scouting locations within
their area to trouble-shooting with local officials and
helping to cut through bureaucratic red tape.
While there are not many film commissions near
Rehoboth, we are excited to have three professionals talk
about how their particular organizations serve the needs
of their clients and respective locations. Jack Gerbes
from the long-established Maryland Film Commission,
Erin Jackson Wagner of another long-established
organization, the Philadelphia Film Commission and
finally, from the newly established Delaware Film
Commission is TJ Healy.
More recently, more progressive Film Commissions
around the world have begun developing an even broader
scope for their activities – not merely addressing Holly-
Jack Gerbes
joined the Maryland Film Office as its location and project manager in 1992 and became its Director in 2002. During the course of his
career, the Maryland Film Office has assisted over 150 films or television series in Maryland including: House of Cards, VEEP, and The
Wire. He is on the advisory board of the Maryland Film Festival, Annapolis Film Festival and the Maryland chapter of Women in Film
and Video. He was a member of the jury of the Kratkofil International Film Festival in Bosnia in 2007. Awards include: Guardian Angel
Award from the DC Chapter of Women in Film and Video, Baltimorean of the Year by Baltimore Magazine, and in 2014 an Influential
Marylander Award from The Daily Record Newspaper.
Erin Jackson Wagner
is the Production Coordinator at the Greater Philadelphia Film Office. Her main duties include being the point of contact for productions,
securing locations for these projects and being the link between production and the City of Philadelphia during filming. Ten days after
graduating from Penn State in 2001 with a BA in Media Studies she began interning at the Greater Philadelphia Film Office and never
looked back. Her evolution at the “Film Office” was a natural one by blending film and her beloved City that she loves to market to
incoming productions. She enjoys speaking to film and media classes and is a Mentor to Drexel University Entertainment and Arts
Management students.
Film Commissions Seminar
Film Commissions:
What Are They? What Do They Do?
How do they Impact Independent Film?
Seminar s
9:00 am – 10:30 AM, Sunday, November 9
Location: Big Tent (bump-out)
Admission: Free (Advance registration is not required)
We are so pleased to welcome back a great friend of the Festival, Andrew Fierberg.
Andrew is a well respected and award winning producer, but his presence is in support
of his directorial debut El Cielo es Azul (See page 32)
A CONVERSATION WITH was designed to give an inside look into
the life of an actor, director or working professional in the Film
industry. The audience gets to enjoy a conversation between a
guest and interviewer in an friendly dialogue that informs and
entertains. A mix of firsthand accounts of the who, what, where,
when and how of the industry with personal anecdotes thrown
in. Ever wonder what motivates a person to become a Producer
or Director, or in Andrew’s case, both? What steps were taken
to fulfill the dream and what were the struggles along the way?
Join this year’s guest Director Fierberg to uncover answers to
these questions and many, many more. In addition plenty of time
will be available for questions and answers in A CONVERSATION
WITH: Andrew Fierberg. Moderator for the event will be Paul
Weagraff, the Division Director for the Delaware Division of
the Arts.
Andrew Fierberg
Mr. Fierberg has produced over 30 provocative award winning independent films. His feature films include Steven Shainberg’s Secretary and
Fur: An Imaginary Portarit Of Diane Arbus, Lodge Kerrigan’s Keane, Sally Potter’s Yes and Rage, Michael Almereyda’s Hamlet, Jill Sprecher’s 13
Conversations About One Thing, Jonathan Nossiter’s Sunday, Gina Kim’s Never Forever, and Zoe Cassavette’s Broken English.
He has championed the early acting careers of Maggie Gyllenhaal, Abigail Breslin, Julia Stiles, Amy Ryan and Vera Farmiga, and worked
with other such notable actors as Bill Murray, Nicole Kidman, Robert Downey Jr., Judi Dench, Jude Law, Joan Allen, Ethan Hawke, Davis
Suchet, Sam Shepard and Alan Arkin. He has produced with Steven Soderbergh, David Lynch, Martin Scorsese, Spike Lee and Woody Allen.
Mr. Fierberg has created pioneering work on the cross over between the cinema and the art gallery, having produced Isaac Julien’s
Baltimore, Sharon Lockhart’s Lunchbreak and Mika Rottenberg’s Squeeze. His latest international producing venture is the upcoming Mexican
film, Las Paredes Hablan, based on the novel by the award-winning author Carmen Boullosa. Andrew sits on the Finance Committee of the
Film Forum, is on the Board of Advisors of Bomb Magazine and is an Associate at Harvard University’s Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts.
He lives and works in New York City.
Paul Weagraff
Paul Weagraff first came to the Division of the Arts in 1997 as the Arts in Education Coordinator, serving in that capacity until 2001, when
he was appointed to be Deputy Director. In October 2006, Paul was appointed by Governor Ruth Ann Minner to serve as Division Director, a
position he currently holds under Governor Jack Markell.
Prior to 1997, Paul taught history for 14 years in the Delaware Valley and served as Dean of Students for three years at a private school in
Philadelphia. Mr. Weagraff has been an active actor and musician in the greater Philadelphia region for the past 35 years. He received a
Bachelor of Science (Education) degree from The Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Liberal Arts from Temple University.
Mexico, our southern neighbor, is the Country Spotlight for this year’s festival. Mexico
overflows with colors, tastes, traditions, history and culture. Its landscape boasts majestic, forest-covered mountains, vast golden deserts, quaint rural villages, and busy
progressive cities. Tourism, agriculture and mining are three of the major industries.
Its coastal beaches, bathed by the Pacific on the west and the Atlantic on the east, are popular vacation spots. Its equatorial closeness provides constant warm weather, allowing for a
thriving agricultural industry which exports fruits and vegetables year-round. From within
the deep centers of the Mexican mountains comes a vast portion of the world’s supply of precious metals, mainly silver and gold.
While Mexico is known for many wonderful things, food is the best known export: tacos, enchiladas, burritos, quesadillas, tortillas, refried beans and rice dishes are loved the world over. And you may not know that Mexico introduced
chocolate to the world.
Mexican cinema boasts a rich history spanning 120 years. As in other Countries, its filmmaking has been shaped by
changes in the political, economical and cultural climate. As the millennium turned, Mexican filmmakers were winning
recognition and awards at the world’s largest festivals.
For the Country Spotlight movies, we chose a variety of Mexico’s finest narrative feature length and short films showcasing some of the country’s established filmmakers as well as the up and coming talent. Harsh political realities, rich
cultural heritage and the country’s gorgeous landscapes are all highlights of the films in the spotlight.
La Jaula De Oro (The Golden Dream) is an intense drama following four teens as they travel from Guatemala across Mexico
to find their dream in the City of Angels. (See page 40)
Las Horas Muertas (The Empty Hours) is a light-hearted drama about a young man who learns about life while managing
his uncle’s seaside motel. (See page 36)
Nosotros Los Nobles (We Are the Nobles) is an uplifting comedy looking at the family dynamics of a millionaire widower
and his three spoiled adult children. (See page 54)
Short Takes: Mexico contains a variety of styles, subject matter and genres in 9 unique and creative films.
(See pages 72-73)
Country Spotlight: Mexico
L i ve In T he L ounge
Live in the Lounge
In addition to planning your schedule of great films, don’t miss what’s happening in the
Big Tent. As part of the Country Spotlight, we are pleased to bring Mexico to the Rehoboth
Beach Independent Film Festival by showcasing some traditions of the Mexican culture.
Read below to see other activities you may include as part of your Festival experience.
Tequila Tasting
Sat (Nov 8), 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Big Tent (in the bump-out)
(Sponsored by Outlet Liquors)
Some say to taste tequila is to taste a bit of Mexico. Tequila is deeply rooted in Mexico’s history and culture. Made
from the blue agave plant tequila dates back to the ancient Aztecs and Spanish Conquistadors. Current production
is strictly regulated by Mexican law. There are basically three types of tequila: Tequila Blanco, Tequila Reposado,
and Tequila Añejo. Outlet Liquors will present samples from various distilleries to show similar characteristics
and unique differences. Taste and discover that not all tequila is created equal!
302-227-7700 / 19724 Coastal Highway, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Dogfish Head Beer Tasting
Sat (Nov 8)
Beginning at 8:00 PM
Location: Big Tent (in the bump-out)
(Sponsored by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)
A Festival favorite! Dogfish Head Craft Brewery is recognized for brewing some of the most innovative
beers and extraordinary spirits. Enjoy samplings of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery’s off-centered ales known
for their non-traditional ingredients. / 302-684-1000
Mexican Folk Dancing with Fortunato Perez
Sat (Nov 8), 9:00 PM
Location: Big Tent
Come feel the rhythm of Mexico by watching the eye dazzling performance of Fortunato Perez
and his traditional folk dancing group. Outfitted in authentic costumes, you’ll journey through the
different regions of Mexico without ever leaving the Big Tent!
Ballet Folklorico Mexicano de Fortunato Perez
50/50 Drawing
As part of the Film Society’s fundraising efforts, a 50/50 drawing will be held during the Film Festival. The winning ticket will be
picked and announced at the Closing Night Celebration. Tickets are tax deductible and help support Festival production expenses.
Cost: $1.00 per ticket.
Tickets will be available at the Information Booth in the Big Tent. Drawing: approx. 6:00 PM, Sun (Nov 9)
Mexican Fiesta
Sun (Nov 9), 11:00 AM
Location: Big Tent (in the bump-out)
(Sponsored by Mariachi and Cilantro restaurants)
Join us for a sampling of Chef Yolanda’s homemade chips, salsa, and her famous guacamole. Mariachi’s specializes in genuine
Spanish, Mexican, and Latin American cuisine.
Also experience some of grandma Matilde’s secret recipes as you travel south of the border to sample Cilantro’s fresh and authentic
Mexican cuisine. Salud! / 302-227-0115 / 302-226-1000
Art Auction
The original artwork “Towering Infilmo”, created by Claudia Ratner, was the inspiration for the theme of this year’s Festival
design. This artwork will be available for purchase via a silent auction to be conducted throughout the Festival. Bids may
be placed at the Information Booth in the Big Tent until 5:00 pm, Sun (Nov 9). The winning bid will be announced during the
Closing Night Celebration.
Mexican Hat Dance
Sun (Nov 9), 5:00 PM
Location: Big Tent
Watch dancing cousins Emily Serna and Elian Villalobos-Rodriguez perform one of Mexico’s most popular
folk dances, the Jarabe Tapatio or as its better known internationally, The Mexican Hat Dance. Put on
your dancing shoes as they teach you the basic steps of this whimsical routine.
Closing Night Celebration!
Sun (Nov 9), 5:00 PM
Location: Big Tent
Join the casual closing of the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival’s seventeenth year.
Highlights include selecting the 50/50 winner, announcing the Art Auction’s winning
bid, presenting the Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award, and, revealing
the much anticipated Audience Award winners. No ticket is needed for this
gathering. Beverages and food can be purchased from on-site vendors. So
relax, reflect, and rejoice at the completion of another great Festival.
Live In The Lounge
L i ve in the L ounge
F ier ber g Awar d
Morris & Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award (2014)
Both Morris and Roz were actively involved in the development of the Rehoboth Beach Film Society and its
award-winning Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival. In the Festival’s early years, their retail skills were
instrumental in starting a Merchandise Booth. They also assisted with reviewing films, recruiting additional
volunteers, and encouraging others to attend the Festival. Being quite resourceful, Roz and Morris persuaded
two of their sons, producer/director Andrew (Andy) Fierberg and Director of Photography Stephen Fierberg ,
to participate by allowing their films to be exhibited, facilitating seminars, and conducting post screening Q&A
sessions. The involvement of the Fierberg family will always be greatly appreciated.
The Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award Endowment Fund was established in 2004 in memory of
Morris Fierberg. The fund’s name was expanded to include Roslyn just prior to her passing in 2010. The purpose of
this award program is to encourage student film production by acknowledging the outstanding work of a student
film director. Full-time high school or undergraduate students from the United States are eligible to participate.
Each year a review panel screens and rates each submission on originality, execution and overall quality. This
year the Committee reviewed eighteen submissions (15 features and three documentaries) from students of nine
states. The first place award is a $1,000 cash prize and the Honorable Mention award is a $250 Staples gift card.
First Place: Lizz Astor
Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, Lizz is currently a student at the School of Visual Arts in New York City where
she majors in Film with a concentration in Directing. Currently Lizz is working with established filmmakers in
Baltimore and New York on the post-production side of several documentaries. She is also writing a few scripts
that she hopes to shoot this fall. Her film, Tank, is a narrative whose central focus is divorce. She wanted to
emphasize the damage that occurs when a child witnesses a parent in a place of weakness and how when one
relationship deteriorates, another can become stronger.
[2014, USA, Runtime: 7 min, Not Rated]
Honorable Mention: Jessica Crowell
Jessica is a life-long resident of Baltimore, Maryland. Her urge to create and tell stories led her to the Maryland
Institute College of Art where she majored in Video and Film Arts, graduating in 2014. She is eager to further
her career in writing, cinematography, and videography and hopes to someday develop her own production
company. Her film, Life Tracks, is a documentary about a classmate, Dave, whose life was tragically ended when
he was hit by a train. She made her film to both honor his life and to bring him along on her college journey.
[2014, USA, Runtime: 28 min, Not Rated]
Review Panel
The Film Society thanks the following individuals for participating in the selection process. Nancy Tankelson (independent
filmmaker), Kay Loysen (Fierberg family representative), and Denise Hoban (RBFS Education/Outreach Coordinator).
The Film Society invites film enthusiasts, supporters of the Film Society, as well as friends and relatives of the
Fierberg family to make donations to the Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award. Donor generosity will
help the Film Society continue the Fierbergs’ commitment to youth and the art of filmmaking. If you are interested
in making a donation to the Morris and Roslyn Fierberg Student Film Award, please send a check made payable to
RBFS, 107 Truitt Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
More Film Society Programs
The Metropolitan Opera LIVE IN HD
Screenings are held at the Cape Henlopen High School Theater in Lewes.
What Makes
Us Tick?
Save the Date:
January 16–18, 2015
November 22, 2014 at 12:55 pm
Die Meistersinger
von Nürnberg
December 13, 2014 at 12 noon
More Film Society Programs
The Merry Les Contes
Widow d’Hoffmann
January 17, 2015 at 12:55 pm
January 31, 2015 at 12:55 pm
What Makes Us Tick? is a
three-part analytical film
series that explores aspects
of the human experience.
Each film includes a postscreening discussion led by a
mental health professional.
The theme for the upcoming
2015 series is “Our Cultural
Narratives: exploring the
influences of our cultural
traditions.” Three films,
Bardsongs, Departures, and
High Noon will be used to
explore how our cultural
traditions, as told through
stories, music, and history,
influence our relations with
others and how these cultural
stories shape our behavior.
Film descriptions, event
times, ticket sales, and
location will soon be posted
Iolanta and
February 14, 2015 at 12:30 pm
March 14, 2015 at 12:55 pm
La Donna
del Lago
April 25, 2015 at 12:30 pm
Festival Pass
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society provides
engaging, thought-provoking, and diverse film
events throughout the year. Membership fees
support outreach activities and screenings offered
by the Film Society, a non-profit organization
dedicated to promoting the art of film. Benefits to
members are listed below, and include discounts
on admission, access to the film library, and the
knowledge that membership supports enriching
cultural experiences in the community.
A Festival Pass is required each year to purchase tickets for the
Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival. Six levels of Festival
Passes are available (see below), each offering a different set of
benefits. Membership in RBFS is not required to buy a Festival Pass,
but members receive additional benefits.
$15 $10
Non-Member Price $260 $125
$25 $20
RBFS Member Discount Price
Plus $1 discount on tickets $200
for Pass-holder only
• Reel News newsletter with complete schedule
and descriptions of upcoming events (3 per year,
via email or USMail)
Priority seating for badge
holder only (holder may save
one seat)
• Complimentary access to RBFS film library—no
charge to borrow films
Complimentary beverages in
Big Tent Lounge
• Advance notice of Film Society events via weekly
$3 discount on the purchase
of one short- or long-sleeve
Festival T-shirt
• Membership is tax-deductible to the full extent
allowed by law
• New subscribers to Delaware Beach Life
magazine receive the special rate of $12 (a
$6 savings)
Festival-Related Benefits
• Discounted price for Festival Pass (household
membership eligible to purchase 2 discounted
Festival Passes). See chart of Festival Pass
• $1 discount on each Film Festival ticket (for
member only) • Big Tent Box Office opens at 8:00 am for
members only (Wed–Sun)
Membership is based on quarterly expiration dates:
March 31, June 30, September 30 or December 31.
Individual Membership
Annual Dues
Household* Membership
Annual Dues
Film Buff
• Reduced admission to The Metropolitan Opera,
Live in HD (RBFS screenings)
• Reduced admission to What Makes Us Tick?
3-film series
• Reduced admission to summertime Festival Film
Reviews in Rehoboth
• Festival Passes are not transferable or refundable and must be
shown with the film ticket for admission to each screening.
• Reduced admission to Monthly Screenings ($2
discount per screening, 8 screenings per year =
$16 savings)
• Only one ticket may be purchased for a film screening during a
2-hour period. You may not purchase tickets for two films that
overlap at any point and there must be 15 minutes between
screenings to allow for exiting and re-entering the theater.
Year-Round Benefits
• A Festival Pass is valid for one individual, at a single Festival, and
allows the purchase of one ticket per film title.
Complimentary Festival
souvenir poster
Pre-Festival ticket purchasing
during 2 weeks prior to
Festival; may submit one order
only (one ticket per film title in
a 2-hour period)
Advance ticket purchasing at
the Big Tent beginning Tuesday
of Festival, for entire Festival
(one ticket per film title in a
2-hour period)
Advance ticket purchasing at
the Big Tent beginning 7 pm on
Friday of Festival, for Saturday
and Sunday films (one ticket
per film title in a 2-hour
Purchase Festival tickets to
same-day screenings; one
ticket per film title in a 2-hour
Souvenir Film Festival program
mailed in early October
*A household membership is 2 individuals
currently residing at the same address.
Visit to become a member or purchase a Festival Pass.
Membership & Festival Pass
Annual Membership
Members and Contributors
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society thanks the following individuals (as of 9/5/14) whose
membership dues and/or contributions support the organization’s year-round operations:
Emily Abbott
Rich Abel
Becky Abel
Guy Abernathey
Robert Ackerman
Kathleen Ackerman
Thomas Adams
Ken Adams
Anita Adams
Adelyn Aker
Ray Aker
Ramona Albert
Marc Albert
Cindy Albright
Roxana Alfaro
Ron Allen
Denise Allen
Stephanie Allman
Michael Alushin
Barbara Alushin
Evelyn Amaral
Laura Ambler
Cary Ambler
Marge Amodei
Lisa Andersen
Stanton Anderson
Leroy Anderson
Andrea Andrus
Barbara Antlitz
Peggy Antonisse
Jim Antonisse
Robert Appleby
Joan Appleby
Brian Armstrong
Janine Armstrong
Matthew Ash
Carole Ash
Allen Ashbey
Donna Atsidis
Kathleen Aufschneider
Nancyfaye Autenzio
Gail Bacal
Steven Baker
Dean Baker
Michelle Baker
Kathleen Baker
Pamela Baker
Susan Baker
Elizabeth Baker
Kim Bakhtiar
Andrea Balbo
Susan Ball
Dianne Bane
Tim Bane
Patricia Bangs
Harry Banks
Maud Banks
Johanna Barbati
Sue Bardsley
Karen Barker
Jeff Barker
Sarah Barnett
Maria Barrera
Jenn Barrows
Brian Barrows
Curtiss Barrows
Johannah Barry
Colleen Barry
John Barry, Jr.
Victoria Barstow
Pat Bartels
Alan Barthelman
Sally Bawcombe
Dick Bawcombe
Mary Baxter
Michael Baxter
Suzanne Baxter
Noreen Bayly
Gregory Beal
David Beck
George Beckerman
David Bedingfield
Diana Beebe
Richard Belanger
Cheryl Beller
Larry Belt
Walter Bender
Agnes Bender
Carole Benjamin
Nancy Benner
Harry Benner
Rod Beresford
Barry Bergen
David Bergman
Peter Berkery, Jr.
Judith Berkman
Peter Berkman
Sharon Bernstein
Christine Besche
Shakuntla Bhaya
Deb Bialecki
Bruce Bigelow
Carolyn Billinghurst
Beverly Billingsley
John Bisch
Cathin Bishop
Henry Black
Joan Bleakly
Donna Blomquist
Karen Blood
Donna Blum-Kemelor
Diane Boc
Rick Bochner
Burma Bochner
George Bockius
Tiffany Bodis
Karen Bogen
Jean Bohner
Kenneth Bokar
Sharon Bolasny
Bruce Bolasny
Constance Bond
John Boros
Carol Boros
Jim Bounds
Joy Bounds
Elinor Boyce
David Boyce
Janet Bradley
Antoinette Bradley
Paul Bradley
Ellen Brady
Robert Brady
David Brant
Carol Bresler
Robert Brewer, Jr.
Carol Brice
Don Brill
Susan Britcher
Kathie Bronson
Ronald Bronson
DeBora Brook
Marcia Brooks
Christopher Brown
Leslie Brown
Cathy Brown
Janet Brown
Diane Brown
James Brown
Sandy Browning
Carolyn Bruce
Tom Bruce
Megan Bruno
Bruce Bryen
Marjorie Buchanan
Lucille Buchanan
Albert Buchanan
Emory Buck
Jane Buckley
Debbie Burg
Linda Burgwin
Colly Burgwin
Teddy Burke
Linda Burleson
Mary Burns
Tony Burns
Joann Burstein
Philip Burstein
Mala Burt
Carla Burton
Scott Bush
Lina Khouri Bush
Robert Butchko
Ronald Butt
Barbara Butta
John Byra
Kathryn Byrne
Dick Byrne
Josephine Cabezas
Nancy Cabrera-Santos
Kelly Caine
Tiffany Caldwell
Cynthia Campbell
Tim Campbell
James Campbell
Francesca Cantarini
Cape Henolopen Education
Laurel Capodanno
Thomas Carlson
Robin Carney
Mary Carpenter
Peter Carson
Dorothy Cartagena
Ken Casazza
Jane Casazza
Cathleen Casey
Denis Casey
Kathy Casey
Judy Catterton
Ken Catterton
Sara Cavendish
William Cavness
Cary Cavness
Rose Cebular
Robert Chambers
Edward Chase
Patricia Chase
Deborah Chase
Brad Chatellier
Marisa Chaves
Teresa Cheek
Thomas Childers
Dorothy Chimienti
Stan Chincheck
Tammy Chincheck
Lynn Choquette
Curt Christensen
Linda Christenson
Jacquie Christman
Larry Christman
Charles Churilla
Sharon Cilento
Sharon Clark
Terrance Clark
Arlette Clayton
Eugene Clayton
Robert Cloutier
Valerie Cloutier
Chris Coburn
Kathy Cochran
Dan Cochran
Shannon Cohalan
Rochelle Cohen
Jane Cohen
Martine Coiquaud
Gary Colangelo
Carolyn Cole
Carmela Coleman
John Coleman
Steven Cole-Schwartz
Michael Cole-Schwartz
Laura Colker
Pat Coluzzi
Patricia Comer
Community Bank
Community Bank of DE
Diane Comolli
Gail Cooper
Frank Cooper
Geri Cooperman
Richard Cooperman
Pauline Copans
Jackson Coppley
Ellen Coppley
Audrey Cordrey
Salvatore Corrallo
Marjorie Corrallo
Robert Corsette
Christine Corsette
Lois Cortese
Pellegrino Coruzzolo
Constance Costigan
Michael Cotsell
Carolyn Cotter
John Cotter
Donna Coughey
Keith Coughey
Brian Cox
Ginny Craig
Wendy Cramer
Pamela Cranston
Patricia A. Crew
David Cristy
Christine Cronenwett
Sharon Culley
Carole Culp
Richard Culver
Mace Cutler
Kathleen D’Agostino
Michael D’Agostino
Ellen D’Alelio
Helen Daley
Virginia Daly
Susan Dammeyer
Eric Dammeyer
Amiram Daniel
Diane Daniel
Veronica Dannerhoj
Diane Daum
Russell Davies
Harriet Davies
Jackson Davis
Marsha Davis
Nadinia Davis
Douglas Davis
Julie Davis
Robert Davison
Susan Davison
Hoyte Decker
Michael Decker
John DeCore
Linda Defeo
Susan Delaney
George Dellinger
Jay Delozier
George Demko
Joan Demko
Jim Denvir
Martha D’Erasmo
Karen DeSantis
Geri Dibiase
Max Dick
Robert Dickey
Deborah Dickey
Patricia Dickinson
Marie Digennaro
Mary DiPietro
Claire DiStefano
Clifford Diver
Diane Dixson
Carol Dobson
Marylou Dodge
Dogfish Head Craft
Jane Dolkart
Diane Dombach
Pat Dorfmann
Joan Dorfmann
Jean Dormer
Laura Dotterer
Eric Drumgoole
Arlyce Dubbin
Mary Dubois
Reid Dudley
Kate Dudley
Clark Dudley
Patricia Dukes
Teresa Dunbar
Eugene Dvornick
Sue Early
Carol Eason
Barbara Edson
Stephen Edson
Mary Edwards
Steve Eichel
Susanna Eisenman
Stu Eisenman
Arie Eisner
Fern Eisner
Jeffrey Elkner
Walt Ellenberger
Valerie Ellenberger
Mary Ann Elliott
Donna Emory
Liz Engh
Thomas England
Rosemary Engle
Richard Engle
Susan English
Joan Epstein
Janice Erich
Kate Esah
Sherry Eshbach
Octavio Espinal
Jim Esposito
Gregory Estes
Candice Evans
John Ewald
Alice Fagans
Lorraine Fallon
Barbara Fallon-Walsh
Steve Fanto
Kelly Fanto
Susan Farnandis
Jim Favret
Joseph Feichtl
Nancy Feichtl
Amy Feinberg
Andy Feinberg
Ellen Feinberg
Elissa Feldman
Irwin Feldman
Bill Fellner
Anne Ferber
Margaret Ferguson
Jose Fernandez
Donna Ferragut
Susan Fewell
Gerard Fiala
Irene Fick
Ed Fick
Carolyn Fidgeon
Kevin Fidgeon
Karen Finn
Bill Fintel
Sally Fintel
Todd Fishburn
Gary Fisher
Cheryl C. Fisher
Wayne A. Fisher
Nick Fisher
Debra Fisher
Jim Fitzgerald
Geri Fitzgerald
Jean Fleishman
Don Flood
Helen Flood
David Fogle
Mary Folan
Mark Ford
Bill Forster
Ann Forster
Richard Franco
Anna Frankle
Holland Franks
Beebe Frazer
R. Kelly Frazer
Denise Frazier
Diane P. Freeland
Mark S. Freeland
Philip Fretz
Sarah Friebert
Friebert & Hanuschock
Jeffrey Fried
Rosalyn Fried
Stephen Friedman
Sharon Friedman
Jessica Fritzges
Joseph Frock
Jo Frock
Allyn Fruman
Harvey Fruman
Larry Fry
Jean Fry
Kathryn Fuller
Laurie Fulton
Anita Galdieri
Nina Galerstein
Gallo Touch of Italy
Denise Gamache
Rhoda Ganz
Joel Ganz, M.D.
Kathleen Garde
Martha Garrett
Richard Garrett
Joanne Gartenman
Helen Garton
Lou Garty
Linda Gaskill
Jim Gaskill
Mindy Gasthalter
Helen Gates
Yvonne Gatling
Murry Gatling
Daniel Gaughan
Chiqui Gavilan
Debra Gayda
Marjorie Geldon
Gilbert Geldon
Susan Geller
Marion Gentul
Dennis Geraghty
Mark Getis
Clive Getty
Antonio Ghigi
Norissa Giangola
Pat Gibson
Peter Gilbert
Robin Gilbert
Natalie Gilbert
Carlyle Gill
Linda Gillard
Lois Gillespie
Maureen Gilligan
Jackson Gingrich
Viara Giraffe
Ellen Girardeau
Sue Glick
Ed Gmoch
Judi Godbey
Jackie Goff
Allan Gold
Irwin Gold
Fay Gold
Sadye Goldbloom
Michael Golder
Sharon Goldsmith
Jerry Goldsmith
Patricia Goldstein
Audrey Goldstein
Maxine Golub
Mary Good
Nelson Goodman
Lisa Gordon
Michele Gordon
Mary Gosselink
Patrick Gossett
Susan Goudy
Jane Govatos
Amy Grace
Jane Graham
Diane Grainer
Marc Grainer
Janine Gray Ashbey
Nettie Green
Sterling Green
Ken Green
David Greene
Jane Greene
Rich Gregg
Rick Grier-Reynolds
Rachel Grier-Reynolds
Simona Griffith
Delores Grigsby
Darrel Grinstead
Alan Gropman
Jackie Gropman
Suzanne Gross
Gary Grunder
Betty Grunder
Tim Gualdoni
Warren Gump
Frank Gunion
Joann Gusdanovic
Bernard Guyer
Jane Guyer
Steven Haber
Roberta Hagen
Josh Hahn
Suzanne Hain
Henry Hain, III
George Haldeman
Christopher Hall
Cindy Hall
John Hall
Barbara Halleck
Chet Halleck
Lana Halpern
Tommy Halpin
Jerrold Hames
Barbara Hames
Catherine Hamill
John Hammett
James Hammond
Catherine Hammond
Dorothy Hand
Valerie Hanlon
Arlene Hannon
Pat Hansen
Sharon Hansen
Liane Hansen
Rita Hanuschock
Rebecca Hardin
Barbara Harmeyer
Alan Harmon
Edward Harner
Sue Harper
Alan Harris
Niki Harris
Leslie Harris
Mary Harris
Susan Hartman
Marcy Hartman
Joan Hartogs
Matthew Hastings
Howard Hauptman
Pat Hauptman
Janece Hausch
Steve Hayes
Kathleen Heacock
Donald Hecht
Katie Heintz
Albert Helmeczi
Joann Helmeczi
Mary Helms
Alice Hendry
Margaret Hennesey
Stephanie Herman
Jack Herman
James Herrell
Marianne Herriott
Linda Hersey
Richard Herzog
Barbara Herzog
James Hickey
Michael J. Higgins
Janet Higgins
Ann Hilaman
Robert Hill
Bill Hillegeist
Barbara Hindin
Elizabeth Hochholzer
Robert Hoffer
Joan Hofheimer
Elizabeth Hofstad
Mary Hogan
Janet Holec
John Holl
Rebecca Hollinger
Cindy Holt
Nicholas Hoogs
Mark Hornberger
Sylvia Horowitz
Herb Horowitz
Robert Hotes
Butch Hovis
Lesa Howard
Mary Howard
Sheila Howe
Joanne Howes
John Hoyt
Donna Hoyt
Kristen Huber
Claudia Hughes
Karen Hugues
John Hulse
Karen Hunter
Michael Hunter
Nan Hunter
Robert Huntington
Phil Hutchison
Barbara Hutson
Larry Hutson
Linda Hutter
Kathy Idziak
John Inglesby
Jill Ipnar
Chris Israel
Gary Jackoway
Kathleen Jackson
Marti Jacobs
Karen Jacoby
Leah Jaffee
Valorie Jarrell
Joan Jennings
Louise Johnson
William Johnson
Marty Johnson
Bridget Johnson
Walter Jones
Judith Jones
Bethany Jones
Carol Jones
Connie Jones
Ann Jornlin
Frank Jornlin
Gail Jutkowitz
Eric Kafka
Gaye Kahigian
Darleen Kahl
Nancy Kaiser
Sonya Kalian
Fred Kaltreider
Mary Kaltreider
Janet Kane
James Kane
Anita Kaplan
Jocelyn Kaplan
Elaine Kaplan
Kellee Kaplan
Samuel Kaplan
Leslie Kaplan
Barbara Kaplan
Arnold Kaplin
Marcia Kaplin
Kevin Kaporch
Denise Karas
Michael Karbeling
Julian Karpoff
Paula Kasper
Nancy Kassner
Barbara Katz
Teresa Kauffman
Jon Kauffman
Maryanne Kauffman
Lisa Kaufman
Anne Kazak
Joe Kearney
Barbara Keate
Joyce Keating
Jean P. Keats
Philip K. Keats
Margaret Keefe
Maureen Keenan
Linda Keesling
Kae Keister
Robert Keller
Linda Keller
James Kelley
Barbara Kelly
Michael Loizzi
Dana Long
Myrna Longenecker
Kay Loysen
Rich Lucier
Wayne Lunstead
Karen Lunstead
Joyce Lussier
Doris Lustine
Anne Lyons
Daniel Lyons
Noela Lyons
Rita Lysik
Donna Mabry
Clare MacDonald
Angus MacLennan
Penny MacLennan
Henry Madeksza
Joan Madeksza
Jim Madgey
Christopher Magaha
Mimi Mager
Rosalind Mailander
William Mailander
Marcia Maldeis
Tina Manatos
Tom Mandel
Jonnetta Mann
Gordon Mann
Maryanne Manzi
Ted Marchese
Teresa Marchese
Harold Marmon
Debra Maron
Guy Martin
Norma Martin
Phyllis Martin
Herb Martin
Betty Martin
Joan Martin-Brown
Kathryn Matassa
Ruth Ann Mattingly
Don Matzkin
Claire McCabe
Marlene McCauley
John McCooey
Kricks McDermott
Mary McElhone
William McGee
Timothy McGlynn
Jan McKenzie
Jodi McLaughlin
Steve McLerran
Linda McMahon
Dian McMahon
William McManus
Ann McNeil
Betty Ann McNeil
Stephanie MCQuaid
Phil McQuaid
Jim McVey-Back
Bruce McVey-Back
Paul McVinney
Carol Meadows
J.O. Meadows
James Mease
Cindy Medlock
Richard Medlock
Michael Meehan
April Meehan
Valerie Meisel
Arnold Meltz
Monte Meltzer
Cornelia Melvin
Arthur Melvin
Sallie Melvin
Holly Melzer
Howard Menaker
Rosalyn Merrell
John Metz
Elizabeth Metzler
Mark Metzman
Eric Meyer
Jane Meyer
Nancy Micciulla
Joyce Michalek
Warren Michelson
Ray Michener
Nina Mickelsen
Donald Mickelsen
Mary Miele
Sharon Miken
Dolores Milford
Timothy Miller
Ingrid Miller
Carl Mills
Lee Wayne Mills
Laurie Mills
Marsha Mills
Stan Mills
Rose Minetti
Neal Minietta
Frank Miranda
Rene Guy Mongeau
Marilyn B. Montgomery
John H. Montgomery
Judy Moore
Margaret Moore
Margaret Moore
Paula Morris
Gregg Morris
Dennis Morris
Sandy Morris
Mary Morrison
Rodolph Morrison
Jody Morrison
Barton Morrison
Rebecca Moscoso
Natalie Moss
Margaret Moss
Robert Moyer
Keith Moynihan
Chris Mueller
Janelle Mulholland
Mark Mulholland
Greg Mullen
Barbara Mullin
Renee Murch
Mary Murdoch
Michael Murnin
Drew Murphy
Suzanne Murphy
Robbin Murray
Lee Mussoff
Paula Nadig
Robert Nadig
Maygail Nagle
Gilbert Navarro
Judy Nazarewycz
Michael Nazarewycz
Bee Neild, III
David Nelson
Kim Nelson
Dawn Nelson
Paul Nemirovsky
Jerry Newberry
Beth Newman
Susan Newman
Konrad Noebel
Teri Noel
Ann Nolan
Jeffrey Nolt
Colin Norman
Anne Norman
Bob Norris
Robert Nowak
Kara Nuzback
Margaret O’Connell
John O’Connor
Diane O’Connor
Ivy Oidick
Austin F. Okie
Georgeann K. Okie
Alan O’Leary
Margaret Oliver
Richard Oliver
Judy Olsen
Peggy O’Neill
Joan O’Neill
Nancy Oppenheim
Janet Orlando
Sandra Oropel
Isabell Ortiz
Mary Jane Ostinato
Lowell Owens
Marjorie Owens
Sandra Pace
Rosanne Pack
Larry Pack
Dolores Pack
Sally Packard
Linda Pagnotta
Rubetta Palan
Perry Palan
Richard Palmer
Linda Palmer
Marilyn Panagopoulos
Tom Panetta
E.J. (Elvira) Panico
Fred Panico
Carol Papazian
Stephanie Partridge
Marcy Parykaza
Barbara Passikoff
Mary Patterson
Peggy Paul
Daniel Payne
Carol Pearson
Christopher Pellegrino
Beverly Peltz
Melanie Perkins
Jane Perkins
Thomas Perkins
Pat Perry
Barbara Perry
Daniel Person
Mimi Peters
Don Peterson
Connie Peterson
Marianne Petillo
Bruce Pfeffer
Susan Pfeffer
John Phillips
Gary Phillips
Arlene Pietranton
Anne Pikolas
Beth Pile
Evelyn Pilgrim
Kit Pilgrim
Janet Pillsbury
Lynde Pillsbury
Janice Pinto
Diane Pirkey
John Pitchford
Guido Pittaccio
Peter Pizzolongo
Mari Plowman
Barry Pokrass
Nancy Poole
Robert Porta
Patricia Porta
Susan Poteet
Gloria Pound
Joseph Poux
Teri Poux
Jim Powell
Kay Powell
Pat Powell
Garrett Power
Penelope Power
Chris Powers
Debra Price
Kelly Price
Catherine Priest
Joan Procaccio
Sandra Proctor
Sam Profeta
Tina Proveaux
Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Gallo
Carlos Prugue
Ann Pulsch
Dean Pusey
Stephanie Pusey
Michael Quattrociocchi
Bethany Quattrociocchi
Patty Quercetti
Anita Quinn
Phyllis Quinn
Matthew Quirk
Fran Rachles
Perrin Radley
Laurel Radley
Ryan Rainey
Margo Ramage
Julie Lynn Ramsey
Patricia Rayne
Jay Reamer
Betsy Reamer
Valerie Reber
Martha Redmond
Claire Reed
Dan Reed
James Reed
Margene Reeder
Ralph Reeder
Elizabeth Reichert
Jim Reichert
Patty Reichert
Ken Reilly
Rita Reimer
Susan Reinagel
Jodi Renbaum
Patricia Renninger
Michael Resnick
Lee Rice
Bruce Richards
Cindy Richards
Helen Richards
Jeff Richman
Elizabeth Riegel
E. Anne Riley
Salvatore Rinaudo
Marjorie Ripalda
Joseph Rivero
Carole Robbins
Randy Roberts
Sandra Roberts
Jane Roberts
Brenda Robertson
Mark Robinson
Joyce Rocko
David Rockwell
Fred Rodger
Gina Rodger
Elgene Roe
Lesley Rogan
Diane Rogers
Dan Rogers
John Roman
Richard Ronan
Josephine Ronan
Jay Rooney
Robert Rosenberg
Robert Rosenblatt
Joan Rosenthal
Barry Rosenthal
Nadyne Rosin
Allen S. Rosin
Alvin Ross
Terry Roth
Jennifer Rothgeb
Nancy Rothner
Martha Ruane
Richard Rubin
Lynn Rubin
Joan Rudick
Rudi Rudolph
John Rue
Constance Rue
Michelle Rumble
Carole Ruppel
Joshua Rushey
Gail Russell
Janet Russo
Tom Ryan
John Sabo
Diane Sahakian
Nancy Salamon
Margaret Salamon
Sue Saliba
Susan Salkin
Mike Saltzman
Fran Saltzman
Michele Salvaneschi
Ida Samet
Katherine Sams
Christina Samson
Susan Sands
Michael Sanow
Lynn Sawlivich
Richard Scalenghe
Robert Scannell
Charlene Scharf
Felicia Schembri
Ronald Schiff
Peggy Schiff
Tom Schoeninger
Lynda Schoeninger
Peter Schott
Susan Schranck
Frederick Schranck
Elliot Schreiber
Phyllis Schreiber
Sharon Schreter
Robert Schreter
Robert Schrock
Mary Schrock
Jane Schubert
Peter Schultz
Deb Schultz
Mona Schwartz
George Schwelling
Susan Schwelling
Joan Sciorra
Shawn Scott
Glen Sea
Seashore Scrabblers
Tom Seeley
Vera Seleznow
Craig Sencindiver
Gwyneth Sharp
Jonathan Sharp
Margaret Shaw
Jean Shaw
Everett Shawen
Mary Shea
Ellen Sher
Lenora Sherard
James Sherard
Kelly Sheridan
Susan Sherman
Diann Sherwin
Michael Sherwin
Sharon Sherwood
Van Sherwood
Nancy Shobe
David Shotwell
Greg Shupe
Cathy Sieber
Brenda Sigall
Harold Sigall
Everett Sillers
Betsy Silver
Barney Silver
Cynthia Silverblatt
Jean Simmonds
Lori Simmons
Laura Simon
Bud Simon
Brenda Sims
Joanne Sinsheimer
Karen Skarlatos
Beverly Sklover
Alan Skvirsky
Mary Slattery
Joan Slettvet
Renee Slobasky
John Smeallie
Gail Smith
Rosanne Smith
Charlotte Smith
Julie Smith
Jeanne Smith
Mary Smith
Perrin Smith
Jamee Smith
Susan Soderberg
Patty Soffronoff
Ernie Soffronoff
Enrico Sorrentino
Philip Soucy
Joyce Souk
Lisa Soule
Sandra Spence
Darlene St. Peter
Dave Stabile
Allen Stafford
Stone Stafford
Diane Stalker
Erik Stancofski
Hiba Stancofski
A. Leslie Stanford
Luanne Stanley
Marc Stanley
Steven Stanzione
Catherine Stanzione
Douglas Stark
Peggy Stark
Wave Starnes
John Stassi
Phyllis Stearman
Sydney Stearman
Betty Stevens
Neil Stevenson
Jill Stokes
David Storms
Judy Stout
John Stovall
Ellen Stovall
Scott Strickler
Catherine Strodel
Mary Stuart
Lenny Stumpf
Sandra Sullivan
Stephen Sumption
Ariane Sumption
Mary Sunday
Kate Supplee
Sherry Surratt
Sussex County Council
Stephen Svatik
Adam Swaim
Patricia Swed
Lori Swift
Nancy Tankelson
Joseph Tarantolo
Neal Tash
Michele Tashman
Ron Tate
Michael Taylor
Elaine Taylor
Dina Teeven
Guy Terrell
Aram Terzian
Isabelle Thabault
The Bresler Foundation, Inc
Dorothy Thibault
Aleta Thompson
Blake Thompson
Carol Thompson
Clint Thornberg
Diane Thornberg
Suzanne Thurman
Joy Tomer
Avrim Topel
Vicki Topel
David Torok
Helen Torosian
Thomas Toth
Cecelia Toth
David Towey
Joanne Tramposch
John Travis
Susan Trone
Rosalind Troupin
Stephen Tschida
Ralph Tullie
Michael Tupman
Ed Turner, Jr.
Joe Turney
Judy Twell
Eleanor Tyler
James Tyler
Michael Tyler
Brad Ulery
Dana Ulery
Frieda Ulman
Marcel Unger
Elaine Vander-Clute
Bruce Vander-Clute
Steven Vandevander
Jeffrey VanSiclen
Barbara Vaughan
Philip Vehslage
Nancy Veret
Barton Veret
Verizon Matching
Monica Viana
Leslie Vincent
Michel Vitiello
Pete Voth
Don Voth
Don Wainwright
Bonnie Walker
Ty Walker
Sherry Walker
Rangeley Wallace
Robert Wallace
Gloria Walls
K. Ryan Walsh
Coleman Walsh
Carolyn Walter
Susan Walter
Craig Walter
Thomas Ward
Margaret Ward
Richard Ward
Richard Warden
Barbara Warden
Patricia Warden
Barbara Warnell
Bob Wasserbach
Cleora Waters
Ellen Watkins
Davidson Watts
Dawn Waymire
Gary Waymire
Jeannette Webber
Linda Weidman
Doug Weidman
Jose Weidner-Ahorrio
Guy Weidner-Ahorrio
Bernice Weinacht
Denise Weiner
Shirley Weiner
Elva Weininger
Ann Weir
Bobbie Wendel
Ed Wendel
Sharon Werner
Marie Westhaver
Gary Wetmiller
Cathy Wetmiller
Karen Wexler
Mary Jo Whelan
Robert Wheland
Jerry Whiddon
Jean Whiddon
Mildred White
S. A. White
Patricia Whiteside
Gail Whitman
David Whitman
Linda K. Whitney
John L. Whitney
F.R. Wiedemann
Alice Wiedemann
Aimee Wiest
Jane Wilgis
Herb Wilgis
Terry Wilkerson
Margaret Wilkins
Cahanta Howard
Robert Williams
Christine Williams
James Williams
Chris Willis
Jan Willis
Robert Wilson
Eugene Wilson
Genevieve Wilson
Greg Wimsatt
Arthur Windreich
Gail Winkler
Paul Winkler
Chris Wolf
Linda Wolf
Thomas Wontorek
LaVonne Wontorek
Pat Wood
Jan Woodman
Jon Worthington
Barry Worthington
Richard Wray
Karen Wray
Holly Wright
Barbara Wright
Sherri Wright
Ellie Wyatt
Carol Wzorek
Deborah Yanoff
Alexander Yearley
Midge Yearley
Tim Young
Sheila Young
Winifred Young
Sheila Young
Dick Young
Eileen Young
Robert Young
Richard Youngflesh
Kay Youngflesh
George Yu
Robert Yuan
Lin Yuan
Kit Zak
Bill Zak
Carol Zelenkowski
Debbie Zimmer
Bill Zimmer
Carol Zimmerman
Dawn Zimmerman
Bud Zimmerman
John Zinsmeister
Virginia Zrake
Vincent Zucal
Judith Zucker
Gary Zupco
Members and Contributors
Kathleen Kelly
Linda Kemp
Joanne Kempton
Frances Kendall
Sandra Kennedy
Janet Kennedy
Deborah Kennedy
Esther Kernosh
Mary Kerr
Alan Kerxton
Cookie Kerxton
Leslie Kerxton
Wendy Kessler
Nadim Khouri
Hoda Khouri
Margot Kia
Barbara Kiker
John Kiker
Debra Killeen
Vincent Killeen
Lori Killian
Paul Kilmer
Pinky King
Terri King
Michael King
William Kinser
Jennifer Kirkman
Michael Kirwin
Jean Kissane
Martin Klauber
Goldie Klein
Iris Klein
Charles Klem
Frances Kling
Jennifer Knighton
George Knott
Marjorie Kobrin
Joyce Koeneman
Marcia Kolko
Joel Kolko
Carol Kolmerten
Jan Konesey
Charma Konnor
Eric Korpon
Robin Kost
Roger Kramer
Charlene Kramer
Myra Kramer
Steven Krasnow
Brenda Kriegel
Kathleen Kross
Paula Kuebler
Paul Kuhns
Anne Michele Kuhns
Joan Kuriansky
Carol LaBruno
Ronald Ladue
Margaret LaFond
Christine Lally
Stanford Lamberg
Ruth Lamothe
Debbie Lange
Diane LaPenna
Jacob Lapides
Jane Larson
Mathilda Laschenski
Carole Laspino-Franks
Marty Last
Norman Last
Teresa Latimer
Thomas Latimer
Mary LaTorre
Andree Lavu
Patricia Layton
Elizabeth Layton
Emily Leader
Amy Lear
Curt Leciejewski
Tom Ledbetter
Donna LedbetterStrachan
Leah Lederman
Mary Ledva
Nancy Leggoe
Polly Lehtonen
Alfred Lehtonen
Carol Lent
Karen Lent
Sally Lentz
Anita Lenz
John Lenz
Linda Leonard
Larry Levine
Marsha Levine
Paul Levine
Suzanne Levin-Lapides
Pat Lewis
Kris Lier
Alexander Lincoln
David Lindeman
Amy Linthicum
Estie Lipsit
Ed Lipsit
Robert Litman
Ginger Livingston
Ed Livingston
Boynton Livingston
James Lockard
Constance Lohse
Our T hank s
Our Thanks…
There are many people who help put the pieces together to make this Festival such a
wonderful event. In appreciation of their support and hard work we say…
Thank you…
Thank you…
filmmakers and distributors who create or provide films
that entertain, educate, inspire, and/or emotionally touch
thousands of film viewers.
Movies at Midway staff and Cape Henlopen High school
staff for your hard work during the Festival.
Thank you...
Thank you…
Derricksons for renting four Movies at Midway theaters
to the RBFS which allows the audience to enjoy the
convenience of seeing many films at one location.
summer Festival Film Reviewers who assist with
critiquing numerous film submissions. Your feedback is
helpful with the film selection process.
Thank you…
Thank you…
each and every SPONSOR (see pages 12-13). Your
generosity and commitment are what make this event
every Festival attendee for supporting this event. Your
appreciation of the cinematic arts challenges staff to
program a broad slate of films from throughout the world.
Thank you…
Thank you…
Delaware Division of the Arts and the Delaware State
Arts Council for providing financial and technical support
to awarding RBFS.
Thank you…
ad purchasers and film hosts for helping to support
production expenses.
Thank you…
Claudia Ratner for providing the original artwork that was
the inspiration for this year’s Festival design.
Thank you…
Rita Hanuschock for reviewing films, writing descriptions,
and helping with other writing tasks throughout the
summer. Joe loved having an “Assistant”!
RBFS staff of Susan Hartman, Arlene Hannon, Denise
Hoban, Karen Mitchell, Dave Ruffner, and Chuck Patalive
for working through the changes and challenges that help
improve RBFS operations.
Thank you…
Rehoboth Beach Film Society Board of Directors for
your commitment to governing this organization to
high standards. President Darrel Grinstead for leading
this organization through this year’s challenges and
Thank you…
every volunteer for donating your time and talents
throughout the year. Collectively your efforts help this
organization strive to reach its full potential.
Our thanks to all of you!
Thank you…
Beth Hochholzer and Karen Wray for editing all the film
descriptions. Your expertise was tremendously helpful.
Thank you…
Jeff Hughes (Hughes Design) for creatively designing this
program and other collateral materials.
Sue Early
Executive Director
Joe Bilancio
Festival Program Director
Film Festival Comments
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society strives to
improve the Film Festival each year. As an
attendee, your comments can help enrich and
improve this event. Thank you for taking a few
moments to complete this section.
Member Mailings
Emails Print Media Ads
TV Ads
other (please specify)
Radio Ads
Please circle one rating in each category below:
2) Film Selection (quality, variety, etc.)
Good Average
3) Festival Catalog (ease of use, content, organization)
4) Website (ease of use, content, etc.)
B. At Festival Ticket Sales
6) Merchandise (variety, quality, pricing, etc.)
7) Big Tent (services, convenience, etc.)
8) Theatre Audience Management (crowd control, seating
process, etc.)
9) Seminars/Events (topic selection, scheduling, etc.)
10) Comments/Suggestions:
1) Zip code for primary residence:
3) How many Film Society events do you typically
attend in a given year? (circle one for each category)
Festival: 1–3 4 –6
Year-Round Events: 1–3 7–9
4) Other arts/entertainment enjoyed on a regular basis
(Circle all that apply)
Popular Movies Museums
Art Exhibits
Sport Events
5) How do you most frequently view films?
(Rank 1 most frequent to 3 least frequent)
Commercial Movie Theater
6) Types of films you would like the Film Society to screen year round (Circle all that apply)
Adventure Comedy
Documentary Drama
5) Ticket Purchasing (ordering, payment, etc.)
A. Pre-Festival Ticket Sales
Please assist the Film Society’s year-round
programming, advertising and grant writing
endeavors by completing the following section.
2. Age (Circle one)
1) How did you hear about the Film Festival?
(Circle all that apply):
Year-Round Programming Survey
Other Genre (specify)
7) Please rank how you would most like to receive
RBFS event info. (1 preferred to 9 least preferred)
Emails Mail
Radio Ads
Print Media Ads
TV Ads
8) Regarding year-round RBFS offerings, what is most
important to you? (Please rank 1 most important to 5
least important)
Access to films not normally available locally
Scheduling Cost
Thank you!
Visit our website at
for information on upcoming events!
Comment Form
Comment Form
Guide t o Our A d ver tiser s
10 0
A Guide To Our Advertisers
Arena’s 7
Atlantic Horizons / Atlantic Transportation Services
Baywood Clubhouse Restaurant
Berkshire Hathaway HomesServices Gallo Realty
Bethany Blues
Boardwalk Builders
Café Azafrán
The Breakers Hotel & Suites
Cellar Door
Delaware Distilling Company
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
CAMP Rehoboth Cape Gazette
Community Bank Delaware
Inside Front Cover
Dos Locos
GreenMan Juice Bar & Bistro
Delaware Division of the Arts
Delaware Electric Cooperative
Jakes Seafood House Restaurant
Delmarva Public Radio
Kindle - Half Full - Striper Bites
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Mariachi Restaurant
Eddie Bauer
Fulton Bank
Nicola Pizza
Hole By Hole
Pete’s Steak Shop
Jack Lingo REALTOR
The Pickled Pig Pub
Jakes Seafood House Restaurant
Root Gourmet
Metro Technical Services
Summer House Restaurant
Morris James LLP
Surf Bagel
Nicola Pizza
Touch of Italy
Saul Ewing LLP
The Sea Bova Associates
Summer House Restaurant
Berkshire Hathaway HomesServices Gallo Realty
Bryton Homes
Tanger Outlet Center
United Distributors of Delaware
Harold Marmon, Realtor
Insight Homes
Jack Lingo REALTOR
Maggio Shields Real Estate Brokerage
The SEA BOVA Associates
Entertainment/The Arts
Cape Gazette
Coastal Concerts
Delaware Division of the Arts
Inside Font Cover
Delmarva Public Radio
Southern Delaware Chorale
Sussex County Association of REALTORS
Inside Back Cover
Andrew G. Feinberg, M.D.
Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center
Atlantic Horizons / Atlantic Transportation Services
Bewitched and Bedazzled B& B
Bayada Pediatrics
The Breakers Hotel & Suites
Beach Tans & Hair Designs
The INN at Canal Square
Beebe Healthcare
Royal Rose Inn
Boardwalk Builders
CAMP Rehoboth 4
Community Bank Delaware
Candy Kitchen Shoppes, Inc.
Community Pride Financial Advisors
Eddie Bauer
Delaware Electric Cooperative
J. Conn Scott, Inc.
Fulton Bank
Josephine’s Daughter, LLC
Hole By Hole
Just Looking Upscale Resale
Jeanine O’Donnell, State Farm, Lewes
Lewes Mercantile Antique Gallery
Lank, Johnson & Tull
Proud Bookstore
Lauren Fritz-Mariner, Merrill Lynch
R & L Liquors
Lewes Chamber of Commerce
South Moon Under
The Lewes Historical Society
Tanger Outlet Center
Lokken Investment Group, LLC
Teller Wines
Metro Technical Services
Town of Berlin
Milton Chamber of Commerce
Morris James LLP
Natalie Wolf, Esq.
Cape Gazette
Inside Front Cover
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Delaware 49
Delaware Beach Life
Rehoboth Beach Animal Hospital
Delmarva Public Radio
Saul Ewing LLP
Town of Berlin
United Distributors of Delaware 25
Guide to Our Advertisers
A Guide To Our Advertisers
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10 2