June 2015 - GWRRA IL Chapter "O"


June 2015 - GWRRA IL Chapter "O"
Monthly Meetings
3rd Thursday
6:00 pm eat
7:00 pm meeting
Golden Corral
3360 Green Mount
Crossing, Shiloh
“Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge”
June 2015
Chapter “O” Staff
Chapter Directors
As I sit and type I glance at the calendar
and see Spring has ended and Summer
has officially begun. And begun it has, with
Dan & Martha Ribbing
[email protected]
Assistant Director
a vengeance. No more spring showers. Now
it's summer thunderstorms, complete with
high winds and lightning. As you ride to
your favorite location for dinner or out to
points unknown and yet to be explored, use
caution and remember the safety advice for thunder and lightning.
If you can hear the thunder you are already in danger. An acquaintance
of mine said he wasn't concerned because the storms move at thirty
miles per hour and he rides at 55 or 60. There are only a few problems
with that theory. Well, probably more than a few but a couple of
glaring ones. First of all, the storm may move at only thirty miles
an hour but it doesn't need to follow the road. It travels “as the
Mike & Karen Morgan
[email protected]
Member Enhancement
Carol Evans
[email protected]
Roy Miller
[email protected]
MAD Coordinator
Larrie Wiggand
Couple Of the Year
Jim & Vicki Dillard
Webmaster & Newsletter
crow flies” and can cover the distance from point a to point b faster
Roy & Cheryl Miller
[email protected]
than we can when we have to make all the turns. The second major
Chapter Host
flaw is assuming just because you're not in the rain you must be
okay. The pros tell us lightning can strike up to thirty miles and
sometimes farther in advance of the rain and without any warning.
Ride safe, look for shelter when you see the clouds building. The
wait time for a summer storm is lots shorter than the recovery time
from a lightning strike. It's time to change the subject, I'm stepping
into my Educators' territory.
Inside this issue:
Officer’s Articles
MAD Article
Member ‘s Articles
Member’s Corner
We've had a good month go by since the last gathering. We managed
to get in our annual May Windshield Wash and continue our
Continue page 2
Visit our website @ www.gwrrail-o.org
Carol & Dan Evans
National, Region & District
For Sale & Sponsors
fifteen year tradition. We took a pleasant ride down to Chester and toured Pierre Menards'
home. The caretaker was a wealth of information and we will need to go back when we can
allocate more time for her history lessons. The ride to Kentucky went well with some
returning home and some continuing on to Maggie Valley. It sounds like everyone had a
good time. We have a couple that went to the GWRRA Reno Rendezvous and we'll get
comments on that venue when, or if, they return. They left Reno for parts west and we
haven't heard from them since. Maybe the buffalo got them?
Two well-known eateries suffered fires in the last month. Mel's Riverdock in Hardin was
heavily damaged by fire and, from the last reports we heard, will be rebuilding but it may
be a while until they get things straightened out. We heard six to eight months but you
know how that goes. No one knows for sure but the owners and the contractors. The other
restaurant, LotaWata Creek, is said to have had the fire contained to not only the kitchen
but primarily to the vent hood area. It is rumored they will be up and running in 4 to 6
weeks. We'll just have to schedule chapter dinners at both of these fine establishments to
see how they look after the renovations. As it has been said before, there's no such thing as
a bad reason to ride!
Ride safe. Stay cool.
Dan & Martha
Chapter Directors
Roy Miller
Lightning Awareness Week June 21-27
Information from National Weather Association
Lightning strikes the United States about 25 million times a year. Although most
lightning occurs in the summer, people can be struck at any time of year. Lightning
kills an average of 49 people in the United States each year, and hundreds more
are severely injured.
What You Might Not Know About Lightning
All thunderstorms produce lightning and are dangerous. In the United States, in an average
year, lightning kills about the same number of people as tornadoes and more people than
Lightning often strikes outside the area of heavy rain and may strike as far as 10 miles from
any rainfall. Many lightning deaths occur ahead of storms or after storms have seemingly
If you can hear thunder, you are in danger. Don’t be fooled by blue skies. If you hear
thunder, lightning is close enough to pose an immediate threat
Lightning: What You Need to Know
NO PLACE outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the area!!
 If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you.
 When you hear thunder, immediately move to safe shelter: a substantial building with
electricity or plumbing or an enclosed, metal-topped vehicle. Roll up the windows, lean away
from the door, put your hands in your lap, and don’t touch the steering wheel, ignition, gear
shifter, or radio.
Stay in safe shelter at least 30 minutes after you hear the last sound of thunder .
Indoor Lightning Safety
Stay off corded phones, computers and other electrical equipment that put you in
direct contact with electricity.
 Avoid plumbing, including sinks, baths and faucets.
 Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches.
Do not lie on concrete floors, and do not lean against concrete walls.
Last Resort Outdoor Risk Reduction Tips
If you are caught outside with no safe shelter anywhere nearby the following
actions may reduce your risk:
Continue from page 2
 Immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, mountain ridges or peaks.
 If you are in a forest, stay near a lower stand of trees
 If you are with a group of people, spread out.
 Never lie flat on the ground
 Never shelter under an isolated tree
 Never use a cliff or rocky overhang for shelter
 Immediately get out and away from ponds, lakes and other bodies of water. Stay away from
objects that conduct electricity (wire fences, poles, power lines, etc)
If you feel your skin tingle or your hair stand on end, and/or hear “crackling noises” – you are
in lightning’s electric field. Immediately remove metal objects (including hats and helmets),
Motorcyclists should move at least 50 feet away from their bike. Find a low spot place your feet
together, duck your head, and crouch down low in a baseball catcher’s stance with hands on knees.
Act Fast If Someone Is Struck by Lightning!
Lightning victims do not carry an electrical charge, are safe to touch, and need
urgent medical attention. Cardiac arrest is the immediate cause of death for those who
die. Some deaths can be prevented if the victim receives the proper first aid immediately.
Call for help. Call 9-1-1 or your local ambulance service.
Give first aid. Do not delay CPR if the person is unresponsive or not breathing. Use an
Automatic External Defibrillator if one is available.
Roy Miller
Rider Educator
Remember, When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!
Member Enhancement Coordinator
Carol Evans
GWRRA 2015 Missouri District Convention
Bright and early Thursday morning, four couples from our area
headed toward Branson to the Missouri District Convention. They were Walter and Jean
Potwora, Ed and Sue Roberts, Wayne and Shirley Schmitt, and Dan and Carol Evans.
We left at 7:00 AM hoping to breeze through rush hour traffic but it didn’t work that way. We had several
miles of heavy traffic and a few rain drops. That didn’t discourage us though because we knew that we were
on our way to a FUN filled week-end.
We arrived at our hotel and relaxed a few minutes before we went to
register. The Missouri District Convention is packed with things for
everyone to do but it is also more laid back so you can add shows and
activities to your schedule so it seems like a fun filed vacation.
At opening ceremonies we were advised that there had been some
problems with the fire marshall and the convention could have been
cancelled. The individuals involved worked very hard to make it happen
and it wasn’t until 3:00 PM on Thursday that they got the go ahead.
There were many activities that were available. We had ticket numbers
to check at the mall, food vouchers to turn in, restaurants to visit,
shows to see, guided tour rides to go on, training classes to attend, a bike parade to the landing, the Kansas
Twisters Exhibition to see, vendors to visit,
games, and much more. There was always
something to do. If fact on some days we had
to schedule our time so we could do all we
wanted to. Sue Roberts matched one of her
tickets at the mall and won a necklace. Jean
Potwora, Ed & Sue Roberts, and Shirley
Schmitt won prizes at bingo.
The week-end passed rapidly and before we
knew it was closing ceremony time. IMAX Theatre allowed us to use their facility again this year to have our
closing ceremony. We were advised that they had 434 attending and that we would be having it at the same
location next year. Vendors gave prizes to individuals and the Missouri District gave $500.00 in money to
individuals. This year they had one
$250.00 prize, one $100.00 prize,
and three $50.00 prizes. Jean
Potwora won one of the $50.00
prizes. The ceremony ended and
individuals left with thoughts of
returning next year for another FUN
filled convention.
Carol Evans
By: Carol Evans
Sixteen people attended our ride. They were Dan and Martha Ribbing, Walter and Jean Potwora, Ray
and Mary Ruder, Ed and Sue Roberts, Bob and Jill Moore, Bernie Lavezza and Julie Doolin, Jim and
Gail Caminiti, and Dan and Carol Evans. We had 3 bikes and 5 trikes. Dan Ribbing had bike problems so
Walter Potwora let the ride and did an excellent job.
We left the Cracker Barrel at 9:00 AM and headed toward Fort Kaskaskia State Park. I was surprised when we
arrived to see that the pavilion had burned down. Pictures were taken and we continued on to Pierre Menard’s
home. The attendant informed us about the different flowers and herbs that were by the side walk. When we
walked in the house it was like taking a step back in time. The old furniture, dishes, and other items made me
appreciate that I live today and don’t have all the hardships that the women did back then.
We then proceeded toward the Popeye statue at the bridge. On our way to the statue one of the bridges were
out so we had to detour and take a different route. Everyone enjoyed the unplanned route. When we arrived at
the statue it was breathtaking to look out over the
bridge. The group decided to ride around to see
the various statues of Popeye and the characters
connected to him before we headed to lunch. As
we were going from one location to the other, I
heard on the CB that to the right is Olive Oyl or to
the left was Bruto. Everyone was trying to look so
we could see as many as possible.
We arrived at Reids and didn’t have to wait long
before we were seated. I heard the comment and
made it myself that I couldn’t believe I ate so
much. Everything looked so good and I found
myself trying a little of this and a little of that and
before I knew it my plate was overflowing.
After lunch we proceeded to Mary’s
Covered Bridge. It was another great
location for a group shot. The day had
somehow gotten away from us and we
started heading toward home.
Everyone enjoyed the ride and is
looking forward to our next one.
Kimmswick/Mastadon State Park
July 12th
Motorist Awareness
By Larrie Wiggand
M.A.D Bike Show & Fundraiser
On June 8 we had a fund raising dinner at Ravenelli’s
Restaurant for the chapter. The purpose being that if we were to have a certain
amount of people to come eat at the restaurant that particular day, we would, as a chapter, get a
percentage of their receipts from the whole day. While we didn’t get the required amount, the manager
Cindy was generous and still allowed us the proceeds benefit. While the time period for the fund raising
event was from 4-9, we also sponsored a bike show, which also would be
a charity benefit for whatever charity Ravenelli’s would choose. As it
turns out, the charity that they chose was a little girl named Janet, who
is a six year old girl that has been battling a rare one of a kind high
grade polyphenotypic malignant brain tumor. She was first diagnosed
with this disease in April 2013. Her tumor and entire case has been
reviewed and has been determined that the tumor had an unknown
hystogenesis and started with an unknown cell of origin. She underwent
daily radiation treatments in January 2014, by February 2014 showed
no evidence of the disease. But then in May of 2014, they did find some
spots on her spine. She is a resilient little girl who has an eternal smile
on her face. We had a good turnout and participation for the bike show,
which included about 15 bikes from a number of different chapters. The bike show portion ran from 6-8.
The idea was that we had coffee cans in front of each
bike and people would vote for their favorite bike by
placing a quarter for a vote in the can. All the
money collected would go for the charity. We
were able to raise $226 for this event, with Jim Dillard
collecting the most money! Way to go Jim! That side
car always attracts attention. As it turns out, Cindy
called the girls’ mother and she and Janet did come up
after the bike show. They wanted to thank us for our
generous donation and to get to meet her. Of course while
we were doing the bike show, we hosted a M A D event
where we handed out materials and goodies to anyone
who was interested. We did have quite a few people
checking out our bikes and getting information. All in all
it was a great event, a lot of fun and fellowship, and also
to help a great cause. After the bike show, quite a few went
to Culvers for ice cream. What is a GWRRA event without
ice cream!
Patti's 1880's Settlement
Chapter 'O' Ride
Saturday June 13 and Sunday June 14, 2015
By Vicki Dillard
It was a Great morning for a Chapter 'O' Ride! We all met up at the Gateway Rest Area
off of Hwy 64 at 8:00am. Roy and Cheryl Miller, Jim and Vicki Dillard, Bill and Cheryl
Cook, Bernie Lavezza and Julie Doolin. We were headed for Grand Rivers KY to Patti's
1880's Settlement.
But...first things first, it was time for breakfast, so we stopped at the “Little Nashville Restaurant”. They always
serve up a good breakfast and plenty of coffee. We finished up and headed out to our bikes. Roy and Cheryl
was leading the pack and Jim & I were the tail gunners. We rode secondary roads, they're more fun and you
never know what you might see!
After a few leisurely stops along the way, we were crossing the bridge into Paducah KY. Cheryl Miller had
found us a hotel to spend the night, called “Patti's Inn & Suites. What a Wonderful place to stay! Newly
renovated, with Beautiful Large Suites, Living area and Kitchenette with all the bells & whistles. And, what a
Great price...a Suite and a $50.00 gift certificate to Patti's Restaurant for dinner, for only $110.00 and that
included tax! That price also included a Great Breakfast with scrabbled eggs, sausage links, fried potatoes,
biscuits & gravy, waffles, pancakes, fruit, cereals, muffins and on and on. There were really nice outdoor patios
to bar-b-que and a swimming pool. If you're ever in the area...it is a Must Stay Place! Thank You Cheryl!
We then headed over to Patti's Settlement, it was only 3 miles away from the hotel. When we arrived, we went
to the Badgett Playhouse to get our Show tickets. We were seeing “The Super 60's Show” at 7:00pm. Bernie
and Julie had never been to Patti's Settlement, so we headed up
to look around through all the shops, before having dinner.
How Time Flies when you're having fun...It was time for dinner!
So, after having a Group picture taken by a very nice lady, we
headed over to Patti's 1880's Restaurant. They seated us within
minutes and we were ready for some good food. We hadn't
eaten since breakfast, at the “Little Nashville Restaurant” and we
were all hungry!
A few other couples joined us for dinner, Ed & Sue Roberts and
Dan & Carol Evans, along with Wayne & Shirley Schmidt and
Dave Roberson from Chapter “E”. Drinks, Flower pot bread and
Salads were served. The Hot Bacon salad dressing 'is to die for',
it's the Best Ever! Some had the Famous 2” Pork Chop, while
others had the Seafood Pasta with Shrimp, Scallops and Crab;
the Chicken Oscar topped with jumbo grilled shrimp; and I had the Prime Rib (medium/rare of course) that was
simply yummy! With no room left for dessert, a few people couldn't
resist.....so they ordered dessert to-go!
We were headed for a little more shopping and then the “Super 60's Show”
at the Badgett Playhouse. Ed and Sue Roberts joined us to see the Show!
The Music was Great, and it brought back a lot of High School
memories. There were parts of the Show that were Hilarious...LMAO!
Check out the Chapter 'O': “Patti's Settlement” photo page.
Cheryl Miller has videos of the Show! So Funny.....
After the Show Roy & Bill had their pictures taken with some of the cast
members, then we walked down the street to
“Craig's Dairy Dream” and got ice-cream.
Some people had Twist-cones and they
were Hugh! Cheryl & Bill had a Chocolate
Sundae and I had an Old-Fashion Cherry
Malt...Yummy! Earlier at dinner, we noticed
that Roy really slowed down eating his 2”
Pork Chop. A big guy like Roy, shouldn't
have any problem putting that Pork Chop
away! One thing lead to another and the
Look at that smile!
truth finally surfaced...Roy had been down
at that Ice-cream Shop before dinner!!! Roy
had a look on his face, like a little boy getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar...Ha...Ha!
It was almost 10:30 and time to head back to the hotel. We had planned on playing a card game called, “Pass
the Trash”, but we were all so tired, that we headed to our rooms...Good Night!
The next morning we had that Great breakfast that the hotel serves, packed up and headed out. We had a couple
of stops to make. First stop was at “The Apple Valley Hillbilly Garden and Toyland Museum.” Fox News
called it, “Hillbilly art that is so Awesomely tacky.”
Catch the article that Cheryl Miller wrote on this stop!
Our Second stop was at the Maplewood Cemetery in Mayfield KY, to see “The Wooldridge Monuments.”
Colonel Henry G. Wooldridge, a horse trader who moved to Mayfield around 1840 chose to commemorate his
family, pets and himself with life-sized statues grouped around his tomb. It's a series of 18 historical
monuments/figures that were built for Colonel Henry G. Wooldridge. Colonel Wooldridge is the only one
buried at the site. The lot has been
called “The Strange Procession Which
Never Moves.”
Some us poised along the fence-line,
frozen like being part of the
“Procession Which Never Moves” and
Cheryl snapped a picture. But, this part
of the Procession was Movin'...we
mounted our bikes and headed North
on Highway 45!!!
Jumbo Char & Grill in Vienna IL was
our next destination. First time eating
here, for all of us. They have a menu
to order from or on Sunday they have a
buffet. The food was good, so if you
are ever around Vienna and you're hungry...stop on in.
Heading West on 146 passing through Anna IL and then North on 127 to Pinckneyville, Rt.13 to Rt.4 into
Mascoutah...we're almost home. Saying our good-byes, Jim and I split off towards Belleville. Roy & Cheryl,
Bill & Cheryl and Bernie & Julie continued North on Rt. 4.
Cheryl & Roy...Thank You for putting together and leading this Chapter 'O' ride!
We had a Great Time, with A Lot of Laughs.....with Good Friends!
Vicki Dillard
Apple Valley Hillbilly Gardens
By: Cheryl Miller
On our trip back from Patti's Settlement I was trying to find some places to visit. My
favorite website to find unique attractions is www.roadsideamerica.com they
recommended Hillbilly Gardens & trip advisor gave it 4 stars so it was added to our
stops. This place is definitely different!
As we were taking our walk down memory lane the
owner's wife gave us the history of the place, her
husband's grandfather, Oral Wallace purchased the 6
acres in 1928 He operated a variety of businesses
4-seat restaurant, cider house, general store, barbershop
and from 1939-1964 it was a Gulf Station. Now it’s a
museum, filled floor to ceiling with antiques and
memorabilia. Jim & Vicki and Bill & Cheryl elected to
skip the second half, all they could see was junk.
Bernie & Julie along with Roy & myself continued the tour
given by Keith Holt the "artist" he inherited the property
and moved from California in 2006 his initial vision was to
open a toy fantasyland.
But the neighbors in this conservative community didn’t
care for his host of peculiar displays in the yard or his
shoulder length hair. He told us he was shot at, had his
phone tapped and was investigated by a host of government
agencies including undercover agents trying to buy drugs, (he finally showed them his pot garden). He
said it was spurred on, by vindictive neighbors.
The chilly welcome back to
Kentucky inspired him to
antagonize his neighbors with
hand painted signs along the
road and a converted gas
pump that is facing the
neighbors and displaying a
3 finger salute.
After a protracted court
battle with local authorities, he agreed to buy an entertainment license to
legitimize his unusual tourist attraction. Admission is free, but donations
are appreciated.
Keith showed us around Hillbilly Gardens, stopping to explain the puns behind each of his displays,
There was a bizarre, mad genius charm to the displays which changed it from junk to Awesomely
Tacky Hillbilly Folk Art. The last stop on the tour was a semi full of toys & trains, It brought back a
lot of memories of shows I used to watch growing up & toys I enjoyed.
Continue pg 11
Hillbilly version of Patti’s Settlement
version of
Hillbilly Deer
Hillbilly workout bench
Hillbilly version
of Las Vegas
Chicken Ranch
Your not in Kansas any more
Holly Rollers Church
May Meeting Highlights
22 regular members
6 Guest – Bob & Vicki DePew IL-U, Lou & Jan Bartoloni - MO-W2, David & Danielle
Webster IL-D2
Dash for Cash - Chapter “O” is in 1st place with 301 points
50/50 winners - $20.00 - Roy Miller, $13.00 - Lorraine Kolling, $6.00 - Lou Bartoloni
Sponsor donations:
Texas Roadhouse - Walter Potwora, Culver’s Edwardsville - Larrie Wiggand
Ravanelli’s – Lorraine Kolling, Uncle Linny’s – Ron Hahn,
LotaWata Creek - Carol Evans, Golden Corral - Roy Miller, Ron Hahn
Niehaus – Vicki DePew (2), Belleville Honda - Carol Evans
19th - Jim Stout
23rd - Bill Sugg
26th - Barb Jett
24th - David & Judy Roberson
28th - Ed Haggerty
1st– Karen Gurley
3rd - Jean Potwora
6th - Vina Haggerty
28th - Dave & Betty Story
30th - Henry & Sharon Ludwig
Bob & Jill Moore - 21 years
Jim & Jean Stout - 11 years
EJ Sporleder - 5 years
Speedy Recovery to
Linda Acup
Kimi Wiggand
Jim Dillard
Sponsor Dinner 5:00 pm Lotawata Creek 311 Salem Place, Fairview Heights
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Freeburg, DQ 804 N State St, Freeburg
Chapter O Picnic 12:00pm Conoco Phillips Park, Kendall Hill, Woodriver.
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Maryville, Bobby's 2525 N Center St, Maryville
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Glen Carbon, DQ 3905 S IL-159, Glen Carbon
Dinner at Fire N Smoke 5:00pm 914 Edwardsville Rd Troy, IL
Chapter Ride Kimmswick & Mastadon State Park
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - O'Fallon, Culver's 1702 W Hwy 50, O'Fallon
Illinois District Summer Rally Days Inn Rock Falls, IL
Chapter Ride - Mel's Riverdock & River Road CANCELED
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Troy, DQ 810 Edwardsville Rd, Troy
Chapter Ride Mt Vernon Airport Museum & Lunch Meet at McDonald's 721
N. Jefferson St, Mascoutah at 10:00 am
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Highland, DQ 12613 IL-143, Highland
Region E Rally Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Pontoon Beach, Grab N Go 3901 Pontoon Rd,
Sponsor Dinner Ravanelli's O'Fallon 5:00pm 1214 Central Park Dr, O'Fallon, IL
St Louis Ride for Kids
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Maryville, Bobby's 2525 N Center St, Maryville
Chapter Ride to Casey Popcorn Festival
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - O'Fallon, Culver's 1702 E U.S. 50, O'Fallon
Wing Ding 37 Rocket City Road Trip - Huntsville, Alabama
Chapter Ride to Kaskaskia Church Tour Kaskaskia Island
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Glen Carbon, DQ 3905 Rte 159, Glen Carbon
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Southern Illinois Ride-In DuQuion,Fair Grounds
Chapter Ride - Creole House Tour Praire Du Rocher
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Bethalto, DQ 444 W Bethalto Dr, Bethalto
Sponsor Dinner Uncle Linny's 5:00pm 4112 Pontoon Rd, Pontoon Beach
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Highland, DQ 12613 IL-143 Highland
Chapter Ride to Daniel Boone Home
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Pontoon Beach, Grab N Go 3901 Pontoon Rd Pontoon Beach
Sponsor Dinner 5:00 pm Lotawata Creek 311 Salem Place, Fairview Heights
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Chapter Ride to Chapter U 30th Anniversary & Chili Dump
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Troy, DQ 810 Edwardsville Rd, Troy
Fall Overnight Ride to Eureka Springs, AR Hotel: The Lodge 479-363-9700 $78.92
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Edwardsville, DQ 400 S Buchanan St, Edwardsville
Dinner at Fire N Smoke 5:00pm 914 Edwardsville Rd Troy, IL
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Collinsville, Culver's 100 United Dr, Collinsville
Chapter "O" Meeting 6:00pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - O'Fallon, Culver's 1702 E U.S. 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269, USA
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Collinsville, Culver's 100 United Dr, Collinsville
Christmas Party 4pm - 8pm Conoco Phillips Park, Kendall Hill, Woodriver.
St Charles Christmas Walk 12:00pm Dinner at Lewis & Clark Restaurant 4:30pm St Charles,
Ice Cream Social 7:00pm - Edwardsville, Culver's 6724 Old Troy Rd, Edwardsville
6th - Kaskaskia Church Tour Kaskaskia Island
20th - Creole House Tour Prairie Du Rocher
12th - Kimmswick & Mastadon State Park
4th - Daniel Boone Home, Defiance, Mo
2nd -
MT Vernon Airport Museum & lunch
18th - Chapter U Chili Dump
30th - Casey, Popcorn Festival
23rd-26th Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Hotel: The Lodge 479-363-9700 $78.92
48 hour cancelation policy
If your planning a ride post it on the Message Board I’m sure some chapter members
would love to join you. Check the message board for impromptu rides & updates
1st place 2014
Dash for Cash - Other Chapter Meetings
Let’s do it again!
Eat 6 pm Meeting 7 pm
July 1st - “Q” Bandana’s BBQ 309 E Main St, Carbondale
July 6th - Mo–Z Ponderosa 3601 Jeffco Blvd Arnold, Mo
July 7th - ”F” - Ryan’s Steak House, 4615 Broadway, Mt Vernon
July 9th - “E” Miners Family Rest. 304 S Macoupin St., Gillespie
July 20th - “U” Ponderosa, 2727 Veternas Pkwy, Vandalia, IL
301 points
National, Region & District Information
Mark your calendars
June 18th - 20th
Rally Registration forms
on Chapter Calendar
& website under
Event Flyers
September 3 - 6, 2015
Huntsville, Alabama
Nebraska/ South Dakota
June 25th - 27th
Sioux Falls, SD
Minnesota Rally
July 10th - 11th
Grand Rapids, MN
Illinois District Rally
July 23rd - 24th
Days Inn
Rock Falls, IL
Region E Rally
Aug 6th - 8th
Radisson Hotel & Convention Center
Green Bay, WI
Wisconsin Rally
Sep 18th - 19th
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Iowa District Rally
Sep 25th - 26th
Reinig Center
Toledo, Iowa
Article from GWRRA National E-Newsletter
The talk of the Association Today in GWRRA, any
conversation you have with any Officer or, for that
matter, any Member will sooner or later gravitate to
recruitment of new Members. From the Chapter level
all the way up to National level and the Home Office
it’s on our minds. I have heard all the reason why we
can’t get Members to join, like the bikes are too
expensive, we’re an old peoples’ club, we have too many
National Officers
rules and on and on and on. Let me ask you some
questions; how many Honda dealers are there in this
good old USA? Would it be safe to say that most of
Ray & Sandi Garris
them, if not all, are selling Gold Wings? Would it also be safe to say that they
are selling these bikes to some people that are under the age of 60 or maybe 50
[email protected]
or even 40’ish? I also wonder if it would be safe to say those same dealers are
selling other Honda motorcycles to people that could also join, right? How many
Directors of
Divisions/Programs of you are grandparents or parents and how proud are you of it? I bet you show
those pictures to everyone, even if that person doesn’t have a clue who that child
Dave & Gwen Carter
is, but you don’t care you know and you want to share that pride off to everyone
— I get it. It’s that same pride, that same willingness to share that thing you
Rider Education
are so passionate about. People tell me, ‘I can’t just walk up to people and start
to share with them about GWRRA’ and my question is ‘why not?’ Take a real
Tony Van Schaick
look at all GWRRA has to offer, besides the rides and camaraderie of the
Members — if that alone wasn’t enough. Let me help you; if you find it hard to
Leadership Training share the benefits that you receive as a member of this Association try this:
Carry some old Wing Worlds on your bike and hand them out when you run
Paul & Cheryl Brosher
across another Winger
Have your Director get some tri-folds from the Home Office, I use them all
Member Enhancement 
the time and it does all the talking for you
Bob & Karla Greer
Wing World Editor
Kevin Whipps
Global Affairs
Dan Sanderovich
Deputy Directors
Central (Regions B & E)
Bruce & Barb Beeman
Have your Chapter make up some business cards with the contact information
of the Chapter on it, that way you’re just hand them a card and you know what,
they might start the conversation So, you see there are ways that anyone
can be a recruiter, it just boils down to how passionate you are about your
Chapter/Association. I have watched Chapters close, how sad and I have
watched new Chapters open, how much fun, I’ve also seen struggling Chapter
come back to life; it start with you and then your Chapter Members. It’s really
only an attitude and we choose what Insight that is going to be and what
direction we choose to go. I sincerely hope you choose to share this awesome
Association that we call GWRRA with ALL those that enjoy our sport, I do.
Thank You & Ride Safe
Bruce & Barb Beeman
GWRRA Deputy Directors, B & E
Article from Region E Newsletter
A Little “BS” … That’s Bruce’s Sidecar
Lead Like You Ride…
Bruce Watkins
[email protected]
Assistant Directors
Bob & Nicki Fowkes
Assistant Directors
Lance & Diane Brozek
Assistant Directors
Lonnie & Diane Borseth
Rider Educator
Jerry & Sue Allhands
[email protected]
Membership Enhancement
Steve & Diane Gottschalk
[email protected]
Leadership Trainers
Bill & Nancy James
Medic First Aid
Mike & Jan Buzick
Glenn & Carol White
Don & Cheri Walloch
[email protected]
[email protected]
Motorist Awareness Division
Michael Olson
Patch Shop
Wally & Jan Wallace
[email protected]
Event Coordinator
Jan Bacon
Vendor Coordinators
Recently, I contacted District Directors
asking for a list of Chapters without
Assistant Chapter Directors. I am
encouraging all District Directors and
Chapter Directors to appoint an
Assistant Director to provide for
succession planning. Without an Assistant
in place and ready to assume Director duties if needed, a Chapter or
District might find itself in trouble if a Director steps down.
Additionally, if an emergency should occur, who would easily step
in to cover the Director's responsibilities to the Chapter or District?
What does this have to do with the article title? The concepts for
leading a Chapter are similar to those for leading a ride. You prepare
for a Chapter ride by deciding your destination, determining
departure time, mapping your route, identifying stops along the
way, publicizing the ride to your Chapter, doing your T-CLOCS
and filling your tank before departure. In other words, you
make and execute a plan. Being prepared for a ride is the key to
a successful and fun ride. Being prepared to lead is the key to a
successful and fun Chapter/District. Selecting and appointing a
qualified Assistant should be part of your preparation and plan in
leading your Chapter/District just like the steps you take for
preparing for a ride. When all the parts are working properly the
Director has done all he can to ensure the success of the Chapter/
District. If you are a Director and don’t yet have an Assistant you
are not giving the members a safe path to follow if something
unforeseen happens to you. So please Lead Like You Ride….be
prepared and appoint an Assistant to help ensure the success and
fun of your members. With the Rally season in full swing, Jan and
I hope to see you at one of the District Rallies. At this time I plan
to attend all of them. In fact the Region Team will be cooking and
serving hot dogs at the Missouri District Rally in Branson the first
weekend in June. This offer to cook and serve hot dogs by the
Region Team applies to all District Rallies in Region E.
“It’s the journey …. not the destination.”
Bruc e Wat k in s
Region E Director
Mike & Jane Hultine
NEWS from Illinois District
District Director
Mary Adams
hondagirl711@ yahoo.com
Asst. District Director
Steve & Diane Gottschalk
[email protected]
Rider Educator
Dan & Linda Davis
District Treasurer
Sue Allhands
MEC Coordinator
Charles & Nancy Mallett
COY & IOY Coordinator
Dave & Sandy Ginger
MAD Coordinator
Dale & Donna Andrews
MFA Coordinator
Mike & Jan Buzick
District Treasurer
Sue Allhands
Couple of the Year
Bob & Nicki Fowkes
Individual of the Year
Joan Stemke
Newsletter Editor
Dennis & Jean Bose
Roy & Cheryl Miller
Terre & Nancy Buffington
Greetings from Southern Illinois Friendships
and GWRRA Illinois District are two things
that go together like pie and ice cream. When
they are together you are content and feel
they naturally belong together. The thing we
value most belonging to GWRRA Illinois
District are the friendships we’ve made over
the past few years. We have met some
wonderful, interesting, and very generous
Steve & Diane
people who not only have a deep passion for
motorcycles but love to share their passion
Assistant Illinois Directors
with others. These people take pleasure in
sharing their love and passion for bikes and
riding with people and if they can pass on
just a little bit of enthusiasm and appreciation to someone else, then
that puts a smile on their face. I know we’ve seen it firsthand many
times; to us that’s one of the things that’s makes GWRRA Illinois District
so special! Take the time to meet and visit with your fellow Chapter
members, District members, and bikers you meet at rally’s this summer.
Facebook and e-mail help keep everyone connected and when you have a
birthday or experience an illness your friends, from near and far, are
there to provide wishes or prayers to brighten your day.
Ride safe and have fun!
Steve & Diane Gottschalk
The summer rally is only 5 weeks away and we have everything lined up
and ready to go. We do have 3 locations for the events.
Registration, raffles, games, etc will be at the Days Inn on Friday and
Saturday. Hospitality, a few games and dinner will be at the Community
Center on Friday. Kansas Drill team will be at the Sterling Hospital, the
same place that Rider Education has their ARC/TRC courses. Everything
will be clearly marked so you will have no problem finding the locations.
There will be guided rides to everywhere in the area. We will have sign up
sheets for all the rides. All the rides will be on Friday and back by dinner
time. We have several things lined up for those who are not interested in
riding on Friday. On Saturday we have a whole list of wonderful things to
see and do, it will be a very busy day!
Check out the agenda for the list of activities planned for this year. Make
your registration before the deadlines to get the special rates!
Don't forget to buy your tickets for the $1000 drawing!! You can't win if
your not in!!
Mary Adams - Illinois District Director
A nice, calm and respectable lady went into
the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist,
looked straight into his eyes and said,
“I’d like to buy some cyanide.”
The pharmacist asked, “Why in the world do
you need cyanide?” The lady replied, “I need
to poison my husband.” The pharmacist’s eyes
got big and he explained, “Lord have mercy! I
can’t give you cyanide to kill your husband,
that’s against the law! I’ll lose my license!
They’ll throw both of us in jail! All kinds
of bad things will happen. Absolutely not!
You CAN NOT have any cyanide!”
The lady reached into her purse and pulled
out a picture of her husband in bed with the
pharmacist’s wife. The pharmacist looked at
the picture and said, “You didn’t tell me you
had a prescription..”
2009 1800 Goldwing Trike with
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