medieval construction


medieval construction
medieval construction
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the medieval mason
masons replacing a
column drum,
from a medieval
John Fitchen, The Construction of
Gothic Cathedrals (Oxford 1961),
pl 1
construction of a
from a C15th ms of
the life of Girart de
Roussillon & Berthe
Christine Flon [ed], The World
Atlas of Archaeology (London
1985), p 129
tower of Laon
Cathedral, c
1190, from the
sketchbook of
Villard de
Erlande-Brandenberg, The
Cathedral Builders, p 84
modern view
Fine Arts, Melbourne University
Tower of Laon Cathedral, c 1190, from
the sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt
Erlande-Brandenberg, The Cathedral
Builders, p 84
Strasbourg Cathedral, 1179 (choir & transepts), 1230-1365 (nave and west front)
project for the façade, c 1260 & detail drawing of west front, c 1360-5
Erlande-Brandenberg, The Cathedral Builders, pp 76, 70
engraving of building
elements, on the south
terrace floor above the
choir, late C13th
Robert Mark, Architectural
Technology (Cambridge
[Massachusetts] 1993), p 3
J H Acland, Medieval Structure:
the Gothic Vault (Toronto
1972), p 159
scaffolding, in
construction of
a tower, C13th
ErlandeBrandenberg, The
Cathedral Builders,
p 28
putlog scaffolding
John Fitchen, Building Construction before Mechanization (Cambridge [Massachusetts] 1986), p 86
MUAS 2,759
visit of King Offa of Mercia to the works at St Albans, from Matthew Paris,
Life of St Alban, c 1250
Thierry Hatot, Batisseurs au Moyen Age (Clermont-Ferrand 1999), p 56
rotating hoist
plumb bob & level
platform on putlocks
drawing by G Binding,
from a bible, beginning
of the 13th century.
John Rylands Library,
Manchester, Ms. Fr5,
fol 6.
Rolf Toman [ed], Romanesque
Architecture Sculpture Painting
(H.F. Ullmann, Potsdam 2010
[2004]), p 16
foundation of an abbey
Alain Erlande-Brandenberg, The Cathedral Builders of the Middle Ages (London 1995 [1993]), p 11
of the Tower
of Babel,
from Rudolf
von Ems,
The Cathedral
Builders, p 100
a great wheel,
from the
sarcophagus of
the Haterii family.
Rome, late AD
Durm, Baukunst der
Römer, p 365; in
Fitchen, Building
Construction, p 96
scene from
'The Bern
showing a
stone on a
The Cathedral
Builders, p 111
treadmill, reconstruction drawing
Hatot, Batisseurs au Moyen Age, p 70
Erlande-Brandenberg, The Cathedral Builders, p 123
surviving treadmill, from the base
of the spire of Salisbury Cathedral
reconstruction of Troy, from a C15th manuscript by
Jean de Colombe; building under construction, C15th
Erlande-Brandenberg, The Cathedral Builders, p 123; René Alleau,
History of the Great Building Constructions, p 65.
Romanesque vaulting
St.-Savin-surGartempe, France,
1075 onwards
MUAS 9894
scaffolding [centering] for a barrel vault
John Fitchen, The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals (Oxford 1961), p 3
stone-weighted rope device
Fitchen, Construction of Gothic Cathedrals, p 182
system of groin vault centering where the
formwork is continuous longitudinally
Fitchen, Construction of Gothic Cathedrals, p 52
Qasr Amra, Jordan, c AD 711: hall roof with three parallel barrel vaults
Henri Stierlin, Islam Volume I: Early Achitecture from Baghdad to Cordoba (Taschen, Köln 1996), p 72
plan & section
Gustav Künstler,
Romanesque Art in
Europe (London 1969),
p 25
François Souchal, Art of the
Early Middle Ages (New York
1968), pl 74
St-Philibert, Tournus:
Conant, Carolingian and
Romanesque Architecture, p 81
St-Philibert, Tournus: vaulting diagram
Cecil Stewart, Early Christian, Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture (London 1954), p 146
Speyer Cathedral: reconstruction of the original nave of c 1030-1061, and modern view
Lehmann, Der Fruhe Deutsche Kirchenbau, pl 17, fig 37
Souchal, Art of the Early Middle Ages (New York 1968), p 101
Intersecting & domical vaults
Stewart, Early Christian &c Architecture, p 143
St-Étienne, Abbaye-auxHommes, 1067-81 and
sexpartite vaulting diagram
Pugin & Le Keux, Architectural Antiquities
of Normandy, p,l iv;
Stewart, Early Christian, &c, p 145
sexpartite vault apparently from the Tour de la Garde Robe, Palais des
Papes, Avignon, now in the Cité de l'Architecture, Paris
Miles Lewis
pseudo-sexpartite and sexpartite vaulting
Stewart, Early Christian, &c, p 145
wall arch
Ste-Trinité, Abbaye-aux-Dames, Caen, begun 1062: nave
Sacred Destinations, © Allie Caulfield
Ste-Trinité, Abbaye-auxDames, Caen, begun 1062
nave interior & detail
Conant, Carolingian and Romanesque
Architecture, pl 165
Gustav Künstler, Romanesque Art in Europe
(London 1969) pl 70
intersecting, domed-up & stilted vaults
Stewart, Early Christian &c Architecture, pp 143, 144
vaulting over square and oblong bays, using stilted arches
Cecil Stewart, Early Christian, Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture (London 1954), p 144
Gothic vaulting
Durham Cathedral,
1093-1138 &c, north
choir aisle vaulting
Miles Lewis
using the pointed form
three arches (the wall,
the transverse and the
diagonal) can start
from the same base
and reach the same
height without stilting
pointed vault &
Acland, The Gothic Vault, p 82
Durham Cathedral
Scala 8426, © 1972
Durham, detail of nave vault
MUAS 15,215
quadripartite and sexpartite vaults
Cichy, Great Ages of Architecture, p 429
intersecting pointed vaults
Diapofilm 5433 JH-1
Chartres: detail of nave vaulting, C13th
Éditions Houvet, 59
transverse rib
diagonal rib
wall rib
Chartres: detail of nave vaulting, C13th
Éditions Houvet, 59
no ridge rib
Chartres: detail of nave vaulting, C13th
Éditions Houvet, 59
pointed ribbed vaults: French and English methods
Stewart, Gothic Architecture, p 37
Salamanca old
1120-78: nave
Rolf Toman [ed],
Sculpture Painting
(H.F. Ullmann,
Potsdam 2010
[2004]), p 204
English vaulting
the ridge rib
the tierceron
the lierne
the stellar vault
the fan vault
quadripartite vaults with ridge
ribs: left, on a square bay;
right, on an oblong bay
Stewart, Gothic Architecture, p 38
reflected plans of the nave vaults of Chartres
Cathedral, begun c 1194, and Lincoln
Cathedral, begun 1192
Pevsner, Outline of European Architecture, p 105
tierceron vault
Stewart, Gothic Architecture, p 40
Exeter nave vault: detail
Rickitt Encyclopedia 18,035
Salisbury, Chapter House, interior view & engraving by Buckler
Whittingham, Salisbury Chapter House, fig 1
Salisbury Chapter House: vault
two lierne vaults: Tewkesbury Abbey, c 1120, nave vault
after 1321; Bristol Cathedral choir, rebuilt 1311-1340
MUAS 15,226; Elfincolor 338A1
a lierne vault
Stewart, Gothic Architecture, p 42
Cathedral, 11758 with C15th
view of nave
Miles Lewis
Norwich: view of vault, C15th
Miles Lewis
Norwich: detail of vault, C15th
MUAS 5,021
Winchester Cathedral,
view of Norman nave &
choir, 1079-93: nave
vault by William
Wynford, c 1450
Walton Colour, Winchester no 15
stellar vault
Acland, The Gothic Vault, p
King's College Chapel,
Cambridge, 1446-1515:
begun by Reginald Ely,
fan vault by John Wastell
a fan vault
Cichy, Great Ages of Architecture, p 429
fan vault on a square bay
Stewart, Gothic Architecture, p 44
fan vault on a rectangular bay
Stewart, Gothic Architecture, p 45
Sherborne Abbey,
Dorset, choir
vault, after 1446
diagram showing
use of carved
stones plus rib
and panel,
forming fan
conoids with
lierne ribs
Acland, The Gothic Vault,
p 159
Chapel Royal,
Hampton Court
ceiling of 1535-6
J H Plumb, Royal Heritage (London
1977), p 67
Continental late Gothic
Salamanca nave vault, by Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón,
J C Palacios, 'The Gothic Ribbed Vault in Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón', in Malcolm Dunkeld et
al [eds], Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Construction History (3 vols,
Cambridge 2006), III, p 2418
Segovia Cathedral
sacristy vault, by
Rodrigo Gil de
Hontañón, late 16th
century, reconstruction
Salamanca Cathedral,
ambulatory of the
chapel of Santo Cristo
de las Batalhas, vault,
by Juan de Ribero
Rada, 1525-1600
Palacios, 'The Gothic Ribbed
Vault’, pp 2425, 2423
St Vitus, Prague
Miles Lewis
St Vitus, vault of the south portal, c 1367
MUAS 15,251
St Barbara, Kutna Hora,
Bohemia [Czech Republic],
nave vault
History of Western Art, 15/4
Vladislav Hall or Hall of
Homage in the Royal
Palace (Kralovsily Palac),
Hradcany Castle, Prague,
by Benedikt Ried, 14931503
unbranded commercial slide
'Prazsky hrad Vladislavsky sal'
cellular or folded vaulting
Albrechtsburg Castle, Meissen,
view; vault by Arnold of
Westphalia, c 1475-80
Acland, The Gothic Vault, p 202
Bishop's Castle at Meissen, Germany, ribless cellular
vault with stellar pattern
Acland, The Gothic Vault, p 227
Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, Franciscan Monastery,
Bechynĕ,Czech Republic; St Catherine’s, Gdańsk, Poland
Zoë Opačić, Diamond Vaults: Innovation and Geometry in Medieval Architecture
(Architectural Association, London 2005), pls 1, 25
cellular vaults c
1475-1500, at
Greinberg &
Acland, The Gothic
Vault, p 229
Hammam of
the Bazar-e
Khan , Yazd,
Porter & Thévenart,
Palaces and
Gardens of Persia,
p 53
construction of a diamond vault
M & O Rada, Kniha o Sklípkových Klenbách (Prague 1998)
unspecified dome,
diamond vault in
Communications: Islamic
Architecture in Persia, 4; M &
O Rada, Kniha o Sklípkových
Klenbách (Prague 1998)
the flying buttress
forces in a
a flying
buttress at
F E Kidder & Thomas
Nolan, The Architects'
and Builders' Handbook
(17th ed, Wiley, New
York 1921 [1884]), p 303
MUAS 15,127
thrust of nave vaulting
History of Western Art [slide series], 14/3
wall above
the aisles
Cichy, Great Ages of
Architecture, p 401
the concealed buttress: Durham Cathedral choir, late C11th, & diagram
History of Western Art [slide series], 14/3
Cluny III
reconstruction model
by Conant
Pevsner, Outline of European
Architecture, p 74
flying buttresses: diagram
History of Western Art [slide series], 15/1
St-Germain-des-Prés, Paris: view of the choir, altered 1163
Miles Lewis
Nôtre-Dame-deParis, 1163 - c 1250
buttresses of the
Miles Lewis
flying buttresses
left: Nôtre Dame,
Dijon: diagram of
the masonry after
right: Malmesbury
Abbey Church,
England, c 114050
Acland, The Gothic
Vault, p 96
Stewart, Gothic
Architecture, p 47
Chartres Cathedral,
rebuilt 1194-1250
west front
MUAS 11,424
half section &
view of
MUAS 15,127
Houvet, LA 72
Chartres, details of buttresses
Éditions Houvet, LA 92A, 73
Amiens Cathedral: the chevet, 1220-1288: view & diagram
MUAS 2,969; from Viollet-le-Duc
Beauvais, 1247-1568: from the south
La Goélette
Beauvais: choir, half section
La Goélette ; Stewart, Gothic Architecture, p 91
exterior of
the chevet
La Goélette.
Islamic influence
cross ribbed vault, Qasr Harane [Kharana], Jordan, c 710
Ignacio Arce, 'Umayyad Arches’, p 197
ribbed vaults of the Bab al Mardun Mosque, Toledo, Spain, late C11th
Arce, ‘Diaphragm Arches’, p 232
begun 785,
continued 83348, 961-76 &c:
dome of the
'Cordoba La Mezquita
no 9 Cupola del Mihrab
Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, Torres
del Rio (Navarre),
Spain, late C12th –
early C13th, dome
from below
Rolf Toman [ed],
Architecture Sculpture
Painting (H.F. Ullmann,
Potsdam 2010 [2004]),
p 211
the rib & web dome
Cathedral, Zamorra, Spain
Cathedral, Tarragona, Spain
San Antonio, Padua, Italy
Cathedral, Zamora, Spain, 1151-74,
dome from the west
Miles Lewis
Cathedral, Zamora, Spain,1151-74: dome from below
Miles Lewis
Cathedral, Tarragona begun c 1171, choir consecrated 1204:[1]
view of nave; view under the dome
Scala 8,499, 8500 (1967)
San Antonio, Padua, 1232-1307
Heinrich Klotz, Filippo Brunelleschi: the Early Works and the Medieval Tradition (London 1990), p 138

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