Fall 11 - Cultured Naturals


Fall 11 - Cultured Naturals
360 Cultured Naturals is an Herbal Hair and skin Care System of products. What does that mean? When you buy
your shampoos and conditioning products at the supermarket and beauty supply stores you are using materials that
are full of chemically altered ingredients made so that the
products will last longer than they naturally should. One of
the reasons those products are
not good for your hair is that your
hair is slightly acidic with a PH
level of about 5 and the synthetic
products are strongly alkaline. If
you are not about to throw out all
your favorite lotions and potions
then you may at least want to try a
herbal rinse that can clean, condition and restore your hair’s natural PH level.
If you are interested in doing more
than that you will be happy to hear
that hair responds beautifully to
herbs and there are herbs for all
types of hair. The herbs known to
be good for different types of hair
we use are:
Dry hair and/or scalp: acacia,
chamomile, clover, comfrey root,
elder, oat straw.
Oily hair and/or scalp: bergamot, cassia/cinnamon chip,
lemongrass, lemon peel, nettle, peppermint, rosebuds,
white willow bark, witch hazel bark.
Dandruff: aloe, bergamot, birch bark, burdock, cassia/cinnamon chip, cloves, juniper leaves, lemongrass, nettle leaf
and root, orange peel, peppermint, rosemary
To prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth herbs used in
our products are:
Catnip Traditionally believed to promote hair growth
Chamomile Can help to keep the scalp and hair follicles
healthy so that new hair grows well
Comfrey Can soothe and heal scalp irritations
Elderberries Have traditionally been used to add color tones
to graying hair
Lemon Balm Leaves a fresh citrus fragrance on the hair
Lemongrass Has astringent properties and can be effective
in toning the scalp
Lemon Verbena Leaves a fresh citrus fragrance on the hair
Nettle An astringent herb that is beneficial in
the treatment of skin irritations and itching
Parsley This common plant can be helpful in
relieving skin irritations
Rosemary Is said to enhance the color of
dark hair and to help control dandruff
Sage An astringent for oily hair. Can also be
beneficial for damaged or fragile hair
Thyme Has antiseptic, tonic and astringent
Yarrow Acts as a tonic for the hair
Our skin care products are created with
herbal oils like almond oil, primrose oil, and
neem oil, shea butter base that give skin the greatest form
of natural moisture.
In today’s commercial world many men and women are
constantly buying different chemically enhanced products
to make their hair fuller or shinier. They also use commercial sun blocks and colognes that are baked into the skin.
By taking the route towards herbal treatments for your hair
and you are allowing nature to keep you healthy at the end
of the day. The herbal route is a natural healthy alternative
method that has been used for hundreds of years all over
the world.
If you are taking medication, be sure to use a clarifying
shampoo as medications are excreted through the hair,
leaving a fine, thin film, which can dull your hair.
ahar Ben Ya’aqob is the founder of BenYaaqob Promotions which is a promotional and marketing
company that promotes righteous music, poetry, films, comedy, concerts and shows. Bahar is also
an entrepreneur that has a goal and vision to bring economic strength to the Yisraelite nation, his
company also deals with network and internet marketing. He is also the co-founder of Akod Music
which is a record label for righteous artist, and he is also a DJ that plans to release unheard Yisraelite
music to the world.
He has been in the music business for 15 years. He writes and composes music for others, and currently has
formed a group with the well-known Eliyahu Ben Yisrael and himself, which consists of production (beat making)
and truth music (rap), together they are known as “Set-Apart.” Bahar currently manages Obadyahu Benyamin
of Florida, Shamar Alef of Michigan, Eliyahu Ben Yisrael of Utah, and works with countless other like Amar the
Nazarene, King Dawid, Tha Shadoz, just to name a few.
Bahar is looking to assist other artist in Yisrael who have understanding of the music business, marketing, promotions and
general business. He is currently working with other Yisraelite
brothers; Yehoshua D. Yisrael, Malaki ben Yisrael, Dooweed
Yisrael, and Obadyahu Binyamin to develop an Yisraelite version of ITunes for global distribution of digital and traditional
music for Yisraelite artist only. They realize one of the major
voids within the Yisrael is marketing, distribution, manufacturing when it comes to business affairs and doing things with a
spirit of excellence. The main goal of this endeavor is to get the
message of the true and living creator, hwhy, to the world and
wake up the lost sheep of the House of Yisrael.
For more info about Bahar Ben Ya’aqob and his services, you
can contact him at [email protected] or
badyahu Binyamin, known by many as “OB”, born July 8 1987 in Miami FL, Richard Lee to two Jamaican Parents, spent most his childhood in Broward County, and
some in Atlanta Ga. He’s been writing music and drawing since as early as he could
remember. Introduced to Hip-hop in elementary school where he wrote his first
rhyme, which did not really rhyme, but he has always been inspired by the science of Hip-hop.
Some of his early inspirations include KRS ONE, Busta Rhymes, Tupac Shakur, and early Master
P and No Limit Records; Artist that really had a significant impact on the south before southern
artist got the recognition they do today. Moving to Atlanta at the age of 12, Decatur to be exact, Obadyahu was strongly influenced by the Dungeon Family Artist, Outkast, and later Pastor
Troy and Young Bloods.
In middle school he had
a passion for music, and
was in the center of freestyles - making beats on
tables in the cafeteria.
OB, however, was never
recognized as a true emcee until age fourteen.
“Cat’s thought that I was
aight, cuz I was just goin
off the dome - then I
started letting them hear
my writtens”, says OB.
OB’s grades, however,
suffered because of his
lack of interest in school
and infatuation with hiphop music. The talent,
along with the music,
encouraged a rebellious
mentality in him, which
did not help neither. He
always felt that the corporate world didn’t really have much to offer
the Black man, and many
men had to deny things
associated with the Black
cept, which many of us cling to as a type identity.” “When you have
been robbed of culture and essential survival mechanisms, you tend
to grasp onto whatever you can, whatever seems real.”
At the age of fourteen he began smoking and selling Marijuana and
skipping school. Not long after he was sent, by his parent’s to an eighteen month program to reform, he had time to seriously focus on his
musical ability. A month after his release, at 16, he was arrested and
charged as an adult for armed robbery. “It was crazy, this is the same
county they gave a twelve year old black kid life (Lionell Tate), and
it was only my first offence!” Facing 10 years minimum mandatory,
OB turned to the Most High, began attending religious services, while
incarcerated. He ended up being sentenced to 90 day Bootcamp, two
years of house arrest, and two years of probation. “The Most High really looked out for me in that situation, I was facing ten years”.
During his incarceration is when he learned to structure his song, and
completed his first conventional 48 bar song. “I had a partner in there
who actually showed me how to structure my verses into 16 bars...
before I was writing 32 bar verses”. Along with that he utilized his artistic ability, drawing portraits and cards, during his incarceration in exchange for his daily necessities and commissary. Soon after he was released he pursued another realm of art, airbrushing t-shirts and other
clothing. Living with His Father in Miramar FL, did not work very well,
being on house arrest. With his relationship declining with his dad, he
soon abandoned airbrushing, quit attending church and moved to Ft
Lauderdale, with his Grandmother, where he began to associate with
past friends.
After difficulty finding a job, OB went right back to his old ways - selling Marijuana and soon after that, Crack cocaine. “I ain’t gon’ lie, that
Jeezy had me gone man... before I took the bomb outside, I stayed
on some Jeezy!” At the same time he continued writing rhymes every
chance he got. Soon he ended up back in legal troubles getting set up
by the police, beaten, falsely charged and locked up. “My pop told me
a few days before I got locked up, ‘You don’t want to spend the holidays with us again?’ He could see it coming. “I was the only one who
was blind”. He turned back to his spirituality, briefly, but soon abandoned it for big dreams. “Man... I felt like I had already tried it before
and failed, so what was the point?” Immediately he began conspiring
again to get big cash once he was released.
Facing many years for violating his probation, getting caught in a
school zone with dope, and losing his motion to dismiss the charges
for illegal search and procedure, he was at a state of depression. “I
made my mind up to prepare to go to prison for a long time, I cut my
locks off and everything”. His cellmate, who was heavy in the Bible
gave him hope however, saying “I have a feeling you are going to get
out this time, but next time it won’t be good.” “I didn’t even believe it,
I was like... man whateva”. “Then, out of nowhere, I got the deal of a
life time.” The state attorney offered him 15 months in
prison with 2 years’ probation - a sharp decrease from
the minimum 14 years. “I don’t even know where that
deal came from, straight up, except for the Most High,
I ain’t tell on nobody or nothin’ “.
100% - sending it to Slip and Slide A & R’s, while planning to promote the music he made. His first mix tape,
straight drop, he dropped under the name One Drop,
was released in 2007. “I feel like it represented the typical ‘dope boy’ rap music of that day, only I could rap”.
In the mist of working on his second mix tape curiosAfter his release, at 19, he got his first job at Publix. He ity led him into different research of the music indussoon quit to bootleg cds at the flea market in sunrise. try. “It’s crazy, I ran across cats like Todd Smith, Wil“It was easy, I ain’t have no boss, and I made at least liam Cooper, Professor Griff and other cats who spent a
$100 per day, that was better than Publix for sure”. A great deal of time discussing the phycology and spirituclose encounter with the Police lead him to leaving that ality of music and how big industries used this music to
soon as well. “Man... them white folks jumped out like influence the public, that was crazy, but deep down it
4 cars that day and arrested a bunch of people, here I all made sense”. “I just put two and two together, and
am thinking that because it ain’t drugs I’ll be alright, I it made sense”. He discovered that music was a primaactually spoke about that whole situation in my free- ry tool, along with other things, to dumb down society
style to Blood of a Slave.” Soon, he capitalized on his ar- - to keep them in an altered state of reality.” “Accord
“Accordtistic ability doing tattoos at 163rd flea market, in Carol ing to Rupert Murdock, the Ex LA police officer, the
City Miami. “I ain’t know what I was doing when
CIA imported tons of Kilos of cocaine into
I started, I messed so many
our ghettos in LA, now rappers promote
people up, working
dope sellin’ like it wasn’t used by
for my Boss. But
the system to destabilize Blacks!
one thing about it
How could I continue to promote
though, he gave me
those type lyrics”.
a shot. I made my first
$1,000 in a week with
After time, OB began to turn
him”. In the meantime,
back to his spirituality, view
viewhe was still writing music
ing artist who he had once
and recording in the booth
looked up to as “unclewith his first producer Tuck.
toms”. He continued mak
making music, but the message
slowly changed. “I felt
like, how could I push the
same thing that the gov
government pushed to de
destroy Black people. That’s
some straight house-nigga type... I
mean how could somebody do that, and call
His rapping ability immediately was recognized
themselves real?” He began smoking Marijuana heavby people at the flea market. Soon, however, he lost ily, feeling burdened by the knowledge he had gained.
his job with at the flea market, with just enough money “Deep down inside I just wanted to forget it, cause I
to pay a lawyer to get his probation terminated, which wanted to live normal, but it just didn’t work”. Soon
he had already done a year of. After another court ap- he began having nightmares about getting locked up
pearance his probation was reduced to administrative again. Soon he would find himself behind bars again for
probation, meaning he no longer had to appear before a possession of Marijuana. “Man...It happened exactly
his probation officer monthly. “I was like, I’ma smoke the way I dreamed it, that was a vision from the Most
me a joint, I don’t have to get piss tested no’ mo’ “. He High, I knew it even while it was happening, something
had enrolled in Florida Career College where he con- about it was just different, I knew I was facing over 14
tinued attending, while focusing on his music simulta- years but I wasn’t afraid”.
Through the duration of this time OB gave his music While being locked up he had the chance to get away
from the Marijuana and clear his head up. “Really, that’s
what I needed to get my mind right, some time away
from that weed, I got my
head right, I started back
praying, I didn’t really
have no true understanding of the creator, but He
saw me though, aint no
doubt about that, I had
some real time to think”.
There, he studied the Bible, the Quran and spent much
time meditating. “I was at a state in my life where I had
never been, I felt like I finally understood my purpose”.
From that point he aspired to wake people up with his
music - to reach them with a conscious message. “This
was the purpose of the Most High YAH placing me in
that situation, so that I could put my life in perspective,
and know what my duty was”.
hiphoppers of all kind. “It’s the lyrics, straight up, some
cats don’t’ even know what I’m talking about, but they
just like how I rhyme it, and then that
cats that do know what I’m talking
about can’t get enough”. He dropped
his second mix tape 144,000 in 2009,
and the current Divine Inspiration in
2011, each of which have gotten significant attention on the internet.
“My Brother Bahar listened to my tracks and opted to
become my manager, I was honored, it kind of hit me
how people are so taken to the conscious music, which
tends to get ignored in these times”. “After Bahar began to promote my tracks things just took off - he is
truly a genius”. OB has worked with Adoniyah, Sam
Carlyle, and is currently working on projects with Amar
the Nazarene, has been played on Israelite Music Mix
show. He is currently working on his first debut album,
After 30 days the court dropped the charges and OB which is to be titled Divine Inspiration, to be released
was out on the streets again, with a cleared and fo- at the end of 2011. “Thanks to the Almighty, we gettin
cused mind. “Yo... The police report was messed up and ready to do something big things - what we doin has
all, normally they lie and make it sound good enough neva been done, the newest old thing viewable under
to stick, but not only did the officer not lie, he didn’t the sun”
even properly write the report, I knew that this
was the work of the Most High, because the police never pass up the chance to lie on a Black
man, ha ha...”. His probation was reinstated,
which he successfully completed in 2009. “It’s
like I wasn’t even on probation, I forgot about it,
when I stopped smoking and got my mind right,
I wasn’t worried about nothin”. He returned
to Florida Career College and completed his
certificate program, while spending extensive
hours studying the Torah. “Yeah, I put away
the Quran, but I’m still in my Tanakh, learning
the ways of Yah, the almighty, and the Messiah, Yeshua.” By doing so he also became acquainted with his the African Hebrew roots.
“I’ve read books like From Babylon to Timbuktu, and the Valley of Dry Bones, by Rudolph R. Windsor, and many other enlightening books.
Now I know that we as a people have a
divine purpose in this world!” His music
strongly reflects his spiritual growth, at a
level where hiphoppers can identify, dropping Babylon beware and deceptive consciousness in 2009, he generated a decent buzz from
With temperatures heating up and summer in full
swing, the one thing most people forget to consider is
their skin. Whether you’re hitting the beaches, tending
your garden, or simply driving with your windows down,
your skin is constantly being pummeled with harsh UV
rays. Rather than buying expensive, name-brand products full of artificial and synthetic chemicals to help restore your skin, why not go straight to the source and
treat your skin right, the natural way? There are five
herbs that will do wonders for maintaining your healthy
skin this summer, without using the gooey mess you
buy over the
Calendula has
revered for
its antibacterial, anti-viral
and antioxidant properties and has
been used to
treat everything from indigestion to cuts and burns
since the 12th Century. Tinctures, teas and poultices
can be made from this wonder herb’s marigold-like
flower petals, which contain extremely high amounts
of beneficial A and C vitamins, carotenoids and natural
flavonoids. Flavonoids are naturally occurring antioxidants found in plants that help repair cell damage from
UV rays. Because the beneficial properties in calendula
plants increase blood flow to affected areas and aides
in the production of collagen proteins, researchers believe this is why the plant can help heal cuts, minor infections, burns and bruises so quickly. Recently proved
to prevent dermatitis caused by radiation in patients
suffering from breast cancer, calendula proves to be a
very valuable herb for repairing and restoring skin.
Super easy to grow in your own yard or garden, give
this annual a try for a soothing summer salve. To make
your own calendula treatment for after sun care, just
harvest one to two cups of fresh calendula flowers and
steep them in three cups of boiling water until the water has cooled. Strain the flowers from the infused water by pouring it through a coffee filter or cheesecloth
and discard the used flowers. Place the calendula water in the refrigerator to cool for an hour. Once cooled,
you can apply it to affected areas with a soft towel.
Another skin rejuvenating herb that you can easily
grow at home is lavender. Long loved for its soothing
fragrance, lavender oil can quickly help heal sunburned
skin, as well as reduce scarring. An important medicinal
herb since the Ancient Greeks coined the name “lavender” after the Latin word meaning “to wash,” lavender
plants have been used to help heal and clean wounds
and burns for centuries..This is also because lavender
contains collagen regenerating
properties that
help skin regrow
quickly, aided by
and antibacterial
properties that
thwart infection
at the site of the
burn. The best
variety of lavender for medicinal use is any one of the Lavandula
angustifolia varieties, which include ‘Munstead’ and
‘Hidcote’. One of the safest oils you can use directly
on the burned area, lavender oil is extracted from the
flowers of this aromatic herb and will not only help
cure but also help clean and prevent stress, scarring
and pain. You can buy the essential oil, which can be
found at health stores, or you may steep the flowers in
hot water and make an infused tea. This can be added
to lukewarm baths or dabbed on the burned area with
a clean towel to help heal the skin and reduce painful
Roman Chamomile
Not only used to soothe your mind after a stressful day,
chamomile can also soothe your skin after a bad burn.
Used traditionally to treat cramps, digestion issues and
stress, chamomile is
one of the most popular herbal remedies
for relaxing, so it is
not surprising that
this sweetly-scented
herb is beneficial to
our skin as well. Easily grown and made
into tea form, you
can either drink this
to help you sleep (as
we all know, pain from a sunburn can keep you awake
all night, making it feel that much more uncomfortable) or a cooled version of this same stress reducing
tea can be added to your bath to heal sunburned skin.
Similar to calendula, chamomile contains regenerating flavonoids, and anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties that will have you forgetting about your
sunburn and recovering in no time!
spike-like flowers
contain anti-inflammatory properties and tons
of flavonoids to
help repair sunburnt skin after
a long day spent
outside. When
steeped into an
infused tea and
cooled, or by
applying the extracted essential oils to the burn itself, hyssop can help
your body repair the burned skin cells by instigating
new growth. This herb’s astringent and expectorant
properties have long been used to treat respiratory infections, digestion issues and minor cuts, and its sweet
perfume helps soothe frayed nerves, much like lavender oil. Easy to grow if given full sun and well-drained
soil, this shrubby perennial will also attract useful pol-
linators that will benefit your other plants, making a
terrific addition to any butterfly or medicinal garden.
great plant to
have in your garden for its use as a
compost activator
and natural fertilizer, as well as a
potent medicinal
herb, this plant is a
self-seeding, high
yielding herb that
can save your skin
from the summer heat. Among other great properties,
comfrey contains allantoin, which naturally moisturizes, promotes cell regeneration, and increases water
content in the damaged skin layers, which promotes
smoother skin and quicker wound healing. Allantoin
also acts as an anti-irritant and is commonly synthesized
for over-the-counter sun-care products and cosmetics.
By extracting the juice from fresh comfrey leaves and
stems, you can produce a concentrated liquid to apply
to burns that will reduce pain and swelling.
There are lots of other herbs that can be lifesavers
when you’ve had too much sun, like aloe vera and St.
John’s wort. Your best bet to fighting sunburn is to preempt it with a plant based or natural sunscreen applied
generously and often to avoid burning at all. Remember to drink lots of water to stay hydrated, and try to
limit your time spent outside to early morning or late
afternoon, when the sun isn’t as intense. Growing your
own summer herb garden with these medicinal herbs
in mind will keep you prepared for the summer heat.
You certainly won’t regret it if you love the sun, and
they’ll be close at hand if you do get a little too crispy
hen planning a weight loss program we recommend a whole
body approach with this in mind
you need to look at more than
just cutting out the chips and
pizza. You need to work out why your body is overweight and unwell in the first place.
Sure, it may indeed be that you overindulge in chips
and pizza, but apart from nutrition it may also have
something to do with hydration, physical activity,
bone structure, body type, genetic makeup and
body composition.
When thinking about adjusting your diet for weight
loss and wellness you have to involve the liver. Your
liver produces and excretes bile, essential for the digestive process. The liver is responsible for breaking
down the myriad of potentially harmful substances our bodies are exposed to on a daily basis, like
drugs, pollutants, artificial food additives. Modern
life keeps the liver busy even without the added
stress of an inadequate diet.
Some basic liver functions involve
* Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins
* maintenance of blood sugar levels,
* the breakdown of amino acids
* activation of hormones such as oestrogen
Basically a happy liver is important for maintaining
healthy blood, well functioning digestive system and
metabolism in general. Liver dysfunction can manifest itself in symptoms in other parts of the body,
especially skin disorders. To keep your liver happy
ease its load by looking at what you eat and expose
your body to.
There are many herbs known as hepatics which
have been used to strengthen tone and stimulate
bile flow. Balmony, Barberry, Dandelion, Golden
Seal, Vervain, Wild Yam & Yellow Dock are some of
the more useful hepatics. The simplest, easily available and widely applicable herb to treat the liver to
an overhaul is Dandelion.
Drinking an infusion made from Dandelion leaves
or root after each meal, it will help strengthen the
liver, clean the body via the kidneys and if you add
Meadowsweet it will also aid the stomach.
There are many herbal ways that can help you on
your journey to weight loss:
• Alfalfa is a diuretic which aids digestion. Its active components make fats more soluble.
• Burdock improves fat metabolism and acts as
a diuretic. A very useful herb it detoxifies the
blood and lymphatic system and is an excellent
overall blood purifier. Burdock root can help to
reduce cravings and hunger – to assist in weight
loss make a standard decoction and drink between meals.
• Cayenne improves circulation and digestion. It
increases the body’s core temperature which in
turn increases its metabolism
• Chickweed has been shown to break down fat
molecules. It is often recommended in combination with burdock root which helps balance
oils and fats in the body; the chickweed breaks
down the fat and the burdock helps transport it
out of the body. As a tea, it is an effective way
to curb cravings, assist digestion, and help lose
• Cinnamon is another heating herb it reduces
cholesterol levels (the bad, not the good) and
its effect on blood sugar makes it very useful
against obesity, insulin resistance.
• Fennel is a diuretic that is said to reduce hunger and improve energy. Fennel seeds are often
combined with Nettles to make a useful tea for
weight loss.
• Flaxseed is a bulk laxative that helps curb hunger. Loaded with vitamins it is a great source of
protein and fiber and it stabilizes sugar levels.
Flaxseed expands five times in bulk when ingested,
thus if taken half an hour before meals will help
you eat less. This may help you lose weight while
strengthening your immune system.
Green tea has a mild thermogenic effect and the
catechin polyphenols in green tea extract are believed to increase the rate of calorie burning. Thus
green tea may be a mild and pleasant way to boost
Hawthorn berries reduce blood fat and improve
circulation. They are said to be extremely useful
with stagnant, undigested food accumulated in the
stomach and improve thyroid function.
Kelp is believed to be beneficial for people with
thyroid problems for whom it is said to increase the
basal metabolic rate. It’s important that you follow
manufacturer’s directions.
Nettles (one of my favorites) are high in nutrition
and helps clears toxins. Nettle tea is used to curb
appetite and cravings and assist in weight loss.
Parsley is a great diuretic and nutritional aid. Combine Parsley juice with Carrot juice and drink to reduce hunger cravings. The
same juice combination
is also useful to maintain
proper blood sugar levels
and reducing the blood
sugar swings often associated with weight loss programs.
special diet supplement. You will find that there are almost no calories in most herbs. Eating and living with
herbs can start a lifestyle which is one step closer to
permanent weight loss and wellness.
Herbs can be used to assist in the weight loss process.
They may not be enough to bring on weight loss on
their own but when used in combination with dietary
changes and mild exercise can make most weight loss
attempts very successful.
Weight loss programs are not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. If you are pregnant and/or
lactating please consult a qualified herbalist before
taking any herbs.
Stay herbal
When incorporating herbs
and herbal products into your
health regime try to include
fresh herbs, instead of just using dried and otherwise processed herbal products. Of
course it isn’t always possible
to get the above herbs in fresh
form, but if you can get your
hands on them it would be a
great idea to eat them every
day, as fresh as possible. Instead of taking a capsule, eat
a handful of fresh parsley. Experiment with tasting each
of your favorite culinary herbs made up as “diet” tea.
Grow your own dandelion leaves, plantain, mints, lettuce, whatever, and whip it up in your blender as your
or you are a people holy to
Yahowah your God, Yahowah your God has chosen
you to be a people for Himself, a
special treasure above all other
peoples on the face of the earth.
Deuteronomy 7:6
Ezekiel 37:1-2, The hand of Yahowah was upon me, and He carried me out, in the Spirit of Yahowah, and set me down in the
midst of the valley which was full
of bones. And caused me to pass
by them all around. And behold, there were very many in
the open valley; and, lo they were very dry.
Later on in the book of Ezekiel 37:3-10, Yahowah explained
that these dry bones are the whole House of Israel—YOU.
And he asked whether or not these dry bones can live—
CAN WE? This article will provoke you to think, ponder,
and see that those dry bones that the Prophet Ezekiel is
BIBLICAL HEBREW ISRAELITES. We will do this by using
those curses and signs that Yahowah placed upon our ancestors because of their disobedience in not keeping His
When Yahowah brought the children of Israel out of the
land of Egypt, He gave them statues and precepts to govern themselves. Yahowah said that if they kept His commandments that the blessing mentioned in Deuteronomy
28:1-14 would overtake them. Yahowah also said that if
they did not keep His commandments, that the curses
mentioned in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 would fall upon
them. Our present existence in America bears witness to
the fact that OUR ANCESTORS DID NOT keep Yahowah’s
It was mentioned earlier that Yahowah placed curses upon
Israel (you) his chosen people. One of those major curs-
es that He placed upon Israel (you) is SLAVERY. It is the
one thing that sets us apart from all other people in this
country. Our ancestors didn’t have the luxury of coming
into this country by way of ELLIS ISLAND N.Y. as most immigrants did. They were brought into America packed like
sardines chained to one another on slave ships!
And that is exactly what Yahowah said he would do to
Israel in Deuteronomy 28:68. It says that Yahowah shall
bring you back to into Egypt (slavery) again with ships…
and there you would be sold to your enemies as bondsman (slave men) and bondswoman (slave women)… YOU
CANNOT DENY THIS FACT! We are the only people to have
ever gone into another country by way of slave ships. For
over 400 years we have been slaves; and you still are slaves
today. Some of you may say that Lincoln freed the slaves.
That is so very wrong. Lincoln didn’t put this curse on us
and he didn’t take it off of US! ISRAEL.
Another curse that ties directly into our early enslavement in America is Deuteronomy 28:32. It says “Your sons
and daughters are given to another people, and your eyes
look and fail for them all day long, and you hand powerless. If you hadn’t seen
the movie ROOTS I
would suggest you
rent it and watch it.
They did exactly that
to our ancestors.
Professor Rudolph R.
Windsor in the “Valley of Dry Bones”
wrote that some of
our ancestors went
into deep depression
and that some even
killed themselves.
Another curse Deuteronomy 28:49, says
that Yahowah shall
bring a nation against
you from a far, from the ends of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies. A nation whose tongue you shall not understand.
Tell me this, who’s national symbol is an eagle? Weren’t we
brought from half way around the world in slave ships and
could our ancestors understand the KING’S ENGLISH when
they were taken off the slave ships?
Answer to these questions: America’s national symbol is an eagle.
Yes, we were brought from half
way around the world and no, they
didn’t understand the KING’S ENGLISH! AND WE AS A PEOPLE STILL
Not satisfied with these curses;
how about these, Deuteronomy
28:44 says that he shall lend to you
and you shall not lend to him: he
shall be the head and you shall be
Deuteronomy 28:44 says the
stranger that is within thee shall
get above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very
low. Let’s examine this. We have been in America for more
than four hundred years. Our ancestors fought and died
in every major way this country has been in. They fought
against Germans in World War I and II, against the Koreans
in the Korean War, against the Vietnamese in the Vietnam
War even in the most recent wars in the Middle East. And
yet, these same people have managed to come to America
and achieve a social status much higher than yours in the
fraction of time you have been in this country.
Those are just a few of the curses which can be found in the
scriptures. YAH also gave signs that would identify His people—YOU. A few of these signs can be found in the book of
Isaiah and they describe NOBODY BUT YOU!
Isaiah 3:5 says that “And the people shall exert pressure,
man on man, man on his neighbor; the young rise up against
the older, and the lightly esteemed against the highly esteemed.” Isn’t this happening amongst us and do our young
people respect our elders?
scorn and a mockery to those round about us. You make us
a proverb among the nations, a shaking of the head among
the peoples.
No one wants to live around YOU (ISRAEL) and not only do
they shake their heads but some of our own people do the
same thing as to how we act and treat one another.
Jeremiah 12:9 My heritage is unto me as a
speckled bird… If you have seen a speckled
bird, you would know that it is a bird of many
different colors. We are the only people that
are a people of different colors. Our shades
run from white to blue black.
Jeremiah 16:14-15 Therefore behold, the days
come, says Yahowah: that it will no more be
said; As surely as Yahowah lives Who brought
up the children of Israel from the land of
Egypt! But, it will be said; As surely as Yahowah lives Who brought up the children of Israel
from the protected place and from the lands
where He had driven them! … What continent is this? NORTH WHAT? NORTH WHAT?
Let me help you, NORTH AMERICA.
We hope that after reading this Article that you will at least
begin to open your eyes to the fact that YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. YES YOU! And that whenever you read
scriptures, you are reading about YOUR ANCESTORS. As Ezekiel 20:30-32 says, Repent and turn yourselves from all your
transgression so that iniquity shall not be your ruin. (31)
Cast away from you all your transgression, whereby you
have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new
spirit; for why ye die O’ House of Israel? (32) For I have no
pleasure in the death of him that dies, says YAH your Elohim; wherefore turn yourselves, and live.
That brings us to another scripture, Ecclesiastes 12:13 says…
Shalom, Shalom unto you our brothers and sisters!
Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors,
and women rule over them… I don’t need to say any more
about this sign.
Psalms 44:13-14 You make us a reproach to our neighbors, a